VOLUME 72 NUMBER 60 FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1978 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING MICHIGAN 48824 I ; ■' Warrantless probes of FBI still NEW YORK iAP) — Assistant FBI director J. Wallace LaPrade said former FBI Director Clarence going Kelley have bfing condurted b> rhP'BI on Thursday testified to varioua committees of Congress that "warrantless investigations" such as concerning wiretaps and other warrantless those that resulted in the indictments of Adamson insisted that "none of this is surveillance in national \ i former acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray security cases. new Warrantless surveillance. he III are still being conducted They noted that last summer Kelley said stressed, "is only directed in by the FBI, in public testimony before the Senate foreign with presidential authority,. intelligence and counter intelligence in Judiciary Committee that there were 77 vestigations against agents of At the present time, there are warrant telephone and three microphone cases foreign less investigations that the powers.' attorney gener al, with the president's executive authority, is having the FBI conduct," he said at a news conference. He did not say whether President Carter had specific knowledge of them. Asked what he meant by "warrantless," he replied "1 would describe it this way: Beer keg check The activities that are alleged in connection with the Weatherman investigation 'in the early 1970s) would categorize as warrant less activities." LaPrade would not elaborate on what those were, but said "the executive power will he charged of the president permits the types of things that we're discussing of a warrantless nature." Stole News Debbie Wolfe In Washington. against RHPO Justice Department The lira* romn when all good trees become sub- Chester Farier gives it to a magnolia tree while spokesperson Terrence Adamson said at a ject to t liberal dousing of yummy chemicals to battling high winds behind Student Services hastily called news conference that the rmurc their perfect health. Here, grounds worker Building. issues raised by LaPrade involved national security. Adamson said there were no instances of warrantless surveillance in domestic cases By THE STATE NEW S A $33 University check sent to four Abbot Hall residents as reimbursement for a keg of by the FBI or other Justice Department beer will be )NES FACES JUDICIARY agents except for national security and that the attorney general and his predecessor. The students charged to the account of the Residence Haii Programs Office. charged that the keg of beer was illegally C' >r.?iscr.ted ny a graduate adviser Edward F. Levy, had testified to Congress last term. The beer subsequently spoiled when the adviser refused to either return or ice on several occasions about those. the keg. ISMSU chaos continues Adamson said that in fact no American The check, sent to the students with an accompanying .etter by M>U Trustee Michael J. citizen has been subjected to warrantless surveillance with the well-publicized excep Smydra. was originally charged to the trustee's expense account. tion of Ronald Humphrey, a United States The East Lansing Democrat said in the letter he had read about tne stuuents' plight" in Information Agency employee accused of the March 29 State News and was "sorry for any inconvenience.' Hv KIMSHANAHAN did not get passing arrets to North Vietnamese the same privileged deal as Freeman, denies the sl'-pa^ens State Newi Staff Writer Jones. Freeman was appointed by outgoing Adamson said the attorney general, who Katny Stepar. wch. area director for that durmiiorv suia Mo mat RHPO had »■ much pressure can a potentially Jones will probably call the printer as his ASMSU Student Board President Kent was out of Washington at the time, had planned to reimburse the students but decided not to send vhen thev heard authorized him to say that LaPrade's of Smvdra's action. |ealiy biased elections commission primary witness, but said Thursday he still Barry, and Binger was Barry's choice for J to bear on a hopefully impartial was not sure whether the printer would be the next ASMSU president. charges "have no bearing whatsoever on ftnt judiciary? willing to testify. If everyone involved with the judicial the charges pending against him." Smydra said Thursday night he had instructed Elliott G. Ballard, secretary to the LaPrade has been under recent pressure trustees, to transfer the check from his expense account to RHPO. p question will be answered when Dan process denies that Jones indeed should i and the All Jones has hinted that there is a possibil have spent more than to resign by Bell for his alleged activities in University Elections he actually did — and He said the reason he wrote the check was to get the "mechanisms moving." He added fcission square off before the All-Uni ity that commissioner Freeman may have call for a special election by invalidating his illegal acts committed in investigations of that he assumes his check will simply be charged to RHPO's account. ■y Student Judiciary 6 p.m. Sunday in received pressure from within the existing the Weatherman Underground. candidacy — then the chaotic atmosphere ldents Services Bldg. The hearing is administration at ASMSU "to get Dan Adamson and other Justice Department "I don't see them (RHPO) reneging on their public statement." Smydra said. pervading recent ASMSU elections will ■to the public. Jones." have reached its peak. spokespersons noted that Bell. Levy and Because the case had dragged on and has yet to be heard by the Student Faculty Iction Commissioner Rob Freeman and Judiciary. Smydra stressed that he wanted to reimburse the students as soon as possible. fcmmission's counsel. Len Broberg, are Inced that Jones got a "deal" on his Smydra said he believes the issue is not whether the keg was illegally confiscated, but rather that the beer laign posters [date was able to get. - a deal no other CIA ready to expand activities judicial process. subsequently spoiied. He also questioned the effectiveness of the Mark Ferguson, one of the four students, said 1 commission charged Jones with Thursday that RHPO had never offered ? to list all his expenses and also the students reimbursement for the keg. 1 that the DETROIT (UPI) - CIA Director Stans prices he quoted for direction — sharing information. The more Turner said the CIA's ability to gather The students' legal counsel. Lon O'Tremba. echoed Ferguson's remarks. "As far as I rials and labor were field Turner said Thursday his agency is substantially you release, the less you have to protect. intelligence has been enhanced rather than could tell, they (RHPO* didn't want to get involved in any sort of remedy." he said. I than any other candidates, ready to expand its intelligence activities to And it gives the taxpayers a better return hampered by recent crackdowns on agent lough Jones is, of course, presumed nonmilitary areas that could give taxpayers on their investment." activities and tightened supervision. The controversy was sparked when Ford took a keg of beer, which was not registered fnt. his burden of proof is a heavy one. "a better return on their investment." Turner said the Soviet Union, while "The oversight process helps share the with the head adviser of Abbot Hall, from a student's room last term P*ill have to prove that he received Prior to speaking to the Economic Club of load of the difficult decisions we often have Freshmen Ferguson and Mike Dennis, sophomore Gary DeFauw and junior Bob Lezuch no concentrating heavily on maintaining an f\ considerations and that he did not Detroit, the Navy admiral said the CIA is extensive spy network, has fallen seriously to make." he said. "It also keeps us in better claim the unrefrigerated beer spoiled following its removal from the room and that Ford increasing its collection of economic and behind the United States in the technical contact with the public. In the past, I think violated their University and Constitutional rights. political information that could be of value aspects of intelligence. we were too isolated from that." SFJ has yet to decide whether to grant the students a hearing. to business leaders and other nongovern He said satellites and other devices have mental groups. enhanced the agency's ability to gather "We want to share what information we information worldwide, but has not reduced collect when it can be unclassified," Turner told a news conference. "For example, there is economic and political information that the CIA's need for personnel. "We now have an increased demand for the human element," he said. "We use the India seeks report on device we can collect that would be of value to technology to collect information, but we American businessmen. need the traditional human agent to know P the $100 spending limit Elections Code. set by the 'The CIA can be open in only one what someone's plans and intentions are." that may cause nuclear harm 1' J,dl™r.v is especially leery about watershed with cancer-causing poisons by Devi, of India's highest mountains, to 1..I T?°nes C4Wl Chief Ju,tice J®" T aid. Though there are Bv GENE KRAMER NEW DELHI, India (AP) - The Indian monitor one atomic test explosions inside seeping into tributaries of the giant river. precedents for pp™ ing hearings, neighboring China. The Ganges is saereu i- the Hindu religion government demanded Thursday that the ; there is no precise w thp cen'™l issue in the Jones Treaties 'unacceptable' United States explain reports that a secret CIA mountaineering team abandoned a Bad weaather halted the climbers 2,000 feet short of the summit and the nuclear and is the principal waterway of north¬ eastern India. ^Problem stems from the fact th.t the nuclear device on a Himalayan peak 13 powerpack was left in some rocks, only to become buried in an avalanche by the time A U.S. Embassy spokesperson said it doubtful the embassy had records to show was ieihn " ne4rly impossible to years ago. Officials are especially concerned the climbers returned the following year, U.S. Himalayan expeditions as far back as I?:,rp,h»n *100 Ktuilly passed 1 Since k ""°the h,nds °' someone to Panamanian youth that the radioactive material could con taminate the Ganges River, a vital water the magazine said. It said the abandoned device contained 1965. An Indian spokesperson said such a foreign expedition "must have been known II hi t reported *99-97 spending way. plutonium 238, which remains dangerously to the government." but he could not ^"accepted by the commission PANAMA CITY, Panama (AP) — Students protesting the Panama Canal treaties U.S. Ambassador Robert F.Goheen summoned to the Foreign Ministry and was was radioactive for up to 500 years. Once its pinpoint what the records show, if any¬ letoth. T""'"'0" wi" ''tempt to outer covering corrodes, it said, the thing. on the expedition described by Kmount or" 'C""?'s 1,1,1 ,'ones ~ fPven tried to lower the American flag in front of the U.S. Embassy Thursday but were stopped by Panamanian national guardsmen. told the reports caused "great concern to the Indian government, the Indian Parlia¬ material could contaminate the Ganges Outside magazine. lis ramn, maU'na'! 4nd service be used The youths then burned a painted replica of the flag. ment and the Indian people," a ministry [limit '8n •'""■Id have exceeded Four students broke from a group of 20 demonstrators, leaped through a hedge spokespersons said. I"stent" d|,U>rmine lh*1 Jones should surrounding the embassy and headed for the flag when the guardsmen moved in. The guardsmen ejected the youths from the embassy grounds after a brief tug of war Foreign Secretary Jagat Mehta asked Goheen "to ascertain the truth as early as E:;th,» bgereuo" aVP to 'heestablish limit, the the on the rope used to hoist the flag. No arrests were made. possible" and told him "it was essential to (O .01 About 40 guardsmen armed with pistols, nightsticks and tear gas were posted around know what hazards were involved," the ■prove that i"" °'every item listed, the embassy. spokesman said. lage" J°nes aPe"t less than the An iron gate had been closed at the front door of the building and there was no reaction The foreign minister, A.B. Vajpayee, told inside fc''" 1ue»tion will not only to the incident from anyone inside. Federico Ponce, 23, a law student at the University of Panama, addressed the crowd an interviewer that, if true, the incident is bound to damage U.S. Indian relations, KMSSSSS through a bullhorn. He said the treaties were bad for Panama and should have been rejected in the Oct. 23 plebiscite in which Panamanians voted approval. which recently have been improving. Legis¬ lators planned to air the issue Friday in Swing your partner round and round ... see page 3. Placet to Go, Things to Do - "We're here to tell the Yankees and the people these treaties are completely Parliament. M9 unacceptable to Panamanian youth." Ponce said. "We want sovereignty over the canal or tee today's insert. fssor C, f'«handy Pm?0"!' ' counsel, economics Eirrowe, could death." Some of the youths used cans of red spraypaint to write anti treaty slogans on the was State Department spokesperson Tom Reston said in Washington the department checking into the report. The Foreign weather i 1 Ml A palm trees lining the street in front of the embassy. Ministry spokesperson said Goheen pro^ rhtesdrtMMb" U|W lW° Pees'dential ■osecution hip J°nes In the election Others passed out leaflets that said: "Not one soldier or one Yankee base in Panama. mised to provide further information as Mostly sunny today, but "No to Yankee intervention," and "Sovereignty now. not in the year 2000." it becomes available. fST®?? Binger Of soon as winter's still making that last ITun""*"d» wndid., ' Tbo Rpsid"e.nce H'11'' V"ter' Aaaoci Under the two treaties, the canal will be turned over to Panama by the year 2000. The first treaty dealing with the canal's neutrality was passed by the U.S. Senate but with a reservation that America could use force if the canal should be closed. The Senate The story was published publication of the American magazine Rolling Stone. in Outside, a desperate attempt to hold on with temperatures in the high 40s. But sooner or later, spring YS- ' ^ po.iters "bufiilth TOMend they is now debating the second treaty that deals with the actual granting of the canal to Panama. It said a Central Intelligence Agency group in 1965 tried to plant a nuclear powered device atop 25,645-foot Nanda will triumph. * 2 Michigon Stole News, Eost Lonsing, Michigan Friday. April U ^ Carter's N-bomb indecision hi PARIS (AP) — President their arms program. concessions from the United the dollar. This week's meaa Carter's delay in deciding on This delay was interpreted States," wrote the conservative ures against inflation in the —. auiiimn in United States seem to be (V the neutron warhead has inten by many Europeans - in Swiss newspaper Neue Zuer l»t week w„ cher judged in Furopc as too little, jnt([ sified criticism of his foreign eluding both proponents and Zeitung. another indication Even in Sweden, where offi too late. policies in the West European opponents of the weapon — as ope's lop leaders , press and among government an inability to make a decision. rial policy opposes the neutron Roy Jenkins, chief European confidence in Us bomb, the independent liberal Common Market executive, ac officials. Some even express The respected magazine I)er cused the United States of leadership. The |t',i doubts about his grasp of Spiegel reported that West newspaper Dagens Nvheter nine Common Mark foreign affairs. German Chancellor Helmut editorialized: "Carter may bo a slipping out from under its vowed to start thcin Cease-fire announced in Beirut This questioning seems to bo Schmidt sees Carter as "an man of the Bible, but he seldom responsibilities to those who mie expansion sticks to the words of Scripture use the dollar as a pro(tl getting louder as Carter's first infathomable amateur who reserve out waiting l„r initil year honeymoon fades and ma tries to stamp his private telling us that yes is yes and no currency. Washington. BEIRUT, Lebonon (AP) — Syrian peace¬ despite sporadic sniper fire in the morals on world politics but it. is no." sector. jor European allies feel disap keeping forces and Lebanese Christian Occasional mortar shells fell into the pointed on critical issues. reality is incapable of fulfilling The rough edges between the "The time for realities has his role as leader of the West." Carter administration and its rightists announced a cease fire Thurs¬ adjoining Moslem quarter of Chiyah and day after five days of fighting in which more than 100 persons were reported leftist gunmen were on the streets and buildings in force. But they were now arrived, and it's period." said a difficult a French official, who asked not to be identified. Publicly. Schmidt declared support Thursday for Carter's position on neutron weapons. European allies stem in part from poor understanding of the U.S. system that allows Con Doctor charged killed. generally holding fire, eyewitnesses "People are talking about But the lack of resolution is gross to help shape foreign Heavy gunfire subsided in southeast reported. inconsistencies and vagueness, known to have disconcerted the policy. But even those aware of in deatlj Beirut by midafternoon as Syrian troops Because of bad blood between Chris¬ baby's and at the same time absence of Bonn government, which pre Carter's home front considera halted rocket and tank shell attacks on tians and the Syrian troops, both sides tions feel pragmatism." viously had endorsed the weap increasingly that deci the city's Ein Rummaneh Christian sector agreed to station Saudi Arabian and Carter announced last Friday on in private. sions are slow in coming. where right-wing militiamen were posi¬ Sudanese members of the that he has decided against "The unilateral renunciation This unease is perhaps most 25,000-strong SANTA ANA, Calif. (AH) tioned. Arab peacekeeping force on the edge of in economic affairs, - With testimony ended, aq- immediate production of neu by an apparently uncertain acute the Christian sector. tron warheads but reserved the president can only encourage where Europeans seem unani proposed legal instructions Thursday to help jurors decidewi The truce was holding by nightfall, Dr. William Waddill Jr. strangled a live infant option of deploying them if the the opponent to insist on his mous in urging Carter to do when inti failed. Soviets fail to show restraint in positions and demand further something to halt the slide of But prosecution and defense lawyers were miles apart m I Auto testifies in Red question: In reaching a verdict, can the jury consider then exec Brigade trial ethical obligations of a physician? So the private discussions in the judge's chambers Taxpayers receive extension were en was abducted, said the hooded terrorist to take days. TURIN, Italy (AP) — A Fiat auto executive kidnapped and held by Red who questioned him in a "people's trial" Superior Court Judge James K. Turner privately expr* Brigade terrorists for a week in 1973 quoted slogans by Mao Tse-tung and attorneys his feeling that jurors could not consider the2 described the Soviet Union question of whether a doctor should let a brain damaged J as last-minute returns pile up testified Thursday that one of his captors as a "devia- But defense attorneys said they would fight told him they had undergone guerrilla tionist regime. against suchj instruction. 1 training abroad. In the closing hours of testimony, lawyers for Waddill, The court is trying jailed leaders of the "I was kept secluded in a cold room WASHINGTON (AP) — Americans have an percent of the amount the taxpayer ends up 421ri show that any doctor confronted with a blue and Red Brigades, Italy's most feared urban with the Red Brigades symbol of a extra two days to struggle with their taxes this owing. gasping fetaa a saline abortion would have let the infant die. five-pointed star in a circle on the wall year, but the Internal Revenue Service is still The IRS will charge a 0.5 percent penalty on guerrilla group, whose members have It would have been brain damaged, they said. It would him held former Premier Aldo Moro hostage behind me. They alternated questioning expecting a big crush of last minute returns. any amount above that, in addition to 6 percent "a monster." said a final witness. with sort of ideological lessons about Because April 15 falls on a Saturday, in interest. for four weeks. "The baby was suffering from the effects of saline taxpayers have until next Monday to get their The agency has this other last minute advice poisonisil They are accused of trying to over¬ their group and their strategy " Amerio John Menkes, a UCLA pediatric neurologist told 1 returns in the mail. for taxpayers: throw the government. said at the 19th day of the trial. Wednesday. By last week. 30 million Americans still had •Take time to check the arithmetic. Ettore Amerio, personnel manager of He said his interrogator did not say From birth records, Menkes concluded that "Baby Girl Wen not filed returns, an increase from 27 million at •Be sure both signatures are on a joint return. the giant Turin-based car maker when he where the guerrilla training base was. the infant bom of a saline abortion March 22,1977, would the same time last year. •Put your Social Security number on the check hwj no brain function if it survived. IRS officials had no explanation for the slower in case it is separated from the tax return. "We call these babies monsters," he said. "These monstn rate of returns. They had speculated earlier that •Use the self addressed envelope that comes born and they continue to live for awhile They finally a bad winter weather had kept many people from with the booklet to mail your return. . . . Israeli army denies Syrian explosion The IRS said it may take taxpayers filing this course. They breathe and they have a heartbeat, but them going to IRS offices for advice. brain function." Tax officials suggested that taxpayers try to weekend about six weeks to get a refund, a week Menkes said it was "reasonable" for Waddill to order t: TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — The Israeli the telephone cable linking Damascus finish their returns over the weekend rather longer than people who filed earlier. than wait until the last minute Monday night. It is still not too late to fill out the start of the extraordinary measures be used to keep the baby alive. army denied Thursday that Israel had and Amman, Jordan. Witnesses have described Waddill rushing to the 1 "We deny having anything to "If you come home from work, rush through return and have the IRS figure your tax. the anything to do with an explosion in Syria do with nursery after hearing of the birth, ordering staff membersos dinner and try to fill out your return in a hurry, agency said. which Damascus claims spread radioac¬ this." a spokesperson said adding that IRS offices and saying. "Don't do a goddamn thing for that baby." tive particles and killed 12 persons. the Syrian charge reminded him of the you are more likely to make mistakes." said Tony special centers for elderly and A hospital pediatrician said he later saw a panicked 9i Bombardiere. IRS public affairs officer. "If you low income taxpayers will remain open through The spokesperson was repeating a plot for a spy movie. strangle the baby. Waddill has denied this from the witnesss make a mistake, it delays any refunds." April 17. denial issued April 2 after Syria charged saying t he baby was already in its death throes when he arm* Taxpayers who can't make the deadline can The IRS will audit about one out of every 40 that Israel had laid mines in Syrian In the it died of natural causes. April 2 statement, the army said send a form 4868 to the IRS and get a 60 day tax returns, but a taxpayer's chances of being "No doctor walking on the face of this earth coulc territory. Israel had carried out no aggressive extension for any reason. The forms are available audited increase if he has a high salary or takes resuscitated that baby," he said. Syria said Wednesday the explosion actions against Syria since the 1974 at IRS offices. unusual deductions. Menkes said he believed the baby had died before Waddillr released radioactivity from atomic cells disengagement agreement on the Golan However, if they think they owe money, they In 1976. the IRS reexamined 1.9 million but had been revived by frantic hospital staff members powering a listening device planted on must also send along a check with their individual tax returns, of 2.25 percent, and made Heights. "I suspect the heart had stopped at some time, and the biby estimated tax. The check must be for at least 90 taxpayers give up about SI.6 billion. dead and they restarted the heart," Menkes said. J: B'dq V < H.qo"- S'c * .b«" A 570560 " >-qe< • (tr BYOGENIC SKIN CARE (filgMia Not Editor.ol GERALD H. COY GENERAL MANAGER ROBERT L BULLARD SALES MANAGER FMON1S 334 I2SJ Uur way is thr Byngenir fresh, radiant and youthful way to keep vnura hxiking with urs Classified Adt JSi 8JS5 Fare Treatment D'tploy Advertising 333 WOO Business Office 333 3A47 If you want to keep your skin looking as r.c Photographic 335 1311 and healthy in ten years as it dix*s today Two presidents call for Mideast talks If you want to improve and revitalize a dry i .. hydrated, oily nr aging skin THIS AREA S . „.r,niI„D WASHINGTON (AP) — President Cor- people. Hi Fi BUYS Try our way We are not concerned with own ter and Romanian President Nicolae EXCLUSIVE DEALER cosmetics To us true beauty begin* with keeping "To this end, they expressed them¬ Ceausescu called jointly Thursday for selves in favor of negotiations FOR hare skin in beautiful shape by having it deep dma among all Israel to meet with Palestinian repre¬ the interested parties for solving the and stimulated with jetage face treatment api«re sentatives in renewed Middle East peace talks. Middle East situation, with appropriate representation of the Palestinian JVC STEREO COMPONENTS and sophisticated Byngenir natural product* people," the joint declaration said. "SERVING YOU FOR OVER 15 YEARS" Ultra Salon Face Treatmei In a joint declaration signed at the The reference to Palestinian represen¬ CALL NOW for White House, the two presidents said tation left open the question of whether 1101 E.GRAND RIVER 4810 W.SAGINAW an appointment they both are determined to encourage the representative should be the Pales¬ E.l. PH. 337-1767 IAN. PH. 321-2373 with Bonnie. 484*1491 peace in the troubled region based on Israeli withdrawal from lands occupied in tine Liberation Organization. Romania considers the PLO to be the sole 4 712 E. Michigan Ave. the 1967 war, insurance of future security legitimate spokesperson for the Palestin¬ for Israel and other states, and "respect for legitimate rights of the Palestinian ians, but Israel refuses to negotiate with the PLO. CAMPUS "ffif T £—o. 'SPRAY-IT-ON' with... DRIVEWAY SEAL DJ^__jTTEHrTH FRANCHISE Trapped miners presumed dead PIZZA 2 $600 complete Every homeowner ii your PIZZA, SUBS, SALADS • were GRUNDY, Va. (AP) — Three miners trapped by a slate fall deep in a coal Thursday afternoon, several hours the accident. after DRIVEWAY SEAL potential customer mine near this far southwest ■ Th, $600 buy. . conpl." •»» town Thursday, and a Virginia spokesman for the Another Island Creek spokesperson, Mike Muslin, confirmed that three men Dine-in, Take-out, It's NEW to ro.urfoco blacktop d"**■a" mining company said all were presumed trapped beneath Free Simple to operate behind the delivery were or THI WORD IS OUT ACT *0*' dead. Dennis Hardy, an official of Island fallen roof, and added: Compact (Fits in car trunk) Creek Coal Co.'s Beatrice mine just east "It 310 W. Grand River 337-1639 It earns YOU money now seems that they were killed." of here in Buchanan County, said efforts He said For Home & Commercial to reach the miners were being made, company, representatives of the coal the United Mine Workers ...MORE THAN JUST A RECORD STORE • application "but we haven't reached them yet." union, and # NOW YOU CAN SUCCEED WHILE YOU'RE YOUNO WITH THE OPPORTUNITY TO IAIN "government inspection MONEY PART OR FULL TIME. . . . BECOME A FRANCHISE DEALER IN YOUR HOME "It was a slate fall from the roof of the TOWN people" were in the mine Thursday mine, and I'm not sure how long it will be afternoon, attempting to remove bodies before we get to them," Hardy said late of the victims. Average 4 Jobs per Day • SMOOTH APPLICATION OF HIGH OUALITY ASPHALT • WORK OUTDOORS Shevchenko signed contract, publisher 220 MAG., UNIVERSITY MALL HRS.: MON.-SAT. 9-9, says ABOVE ALLEEY SUN 11-7 O Trouble-Free Equipment EXCELLENT IMMEDIATE INCOME used HIGH PROFITABILITY UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Arkady N. valid." PH. 332 3525 • • NO MIDDLEMAN IN THE PROFIT PICTURE Shevchenko, the top Soviet U.N. em¬ Shevchenko, the $76,000-a-year ployee who has been in hiding for a week, signed a contract three years ago undersecretary-general for political and Security Council affairs, is refusing to SUNDAY SPECIAL! O A Complete Package FULL SUPPORT FROM THE HOME OFFICE to write a book for a general audience, a New Hour* 11 a.m. 7 p.m. return to the Soviet Union, citing political • FINANCING AVAILABLE spokesperson for Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., differences with his government. Green said Thursday. said that from the few chapters he had $9 99 Get these '7." Lps for only v. seen of Shevchenko's ... Act NOW I book, it appeared Al DiMeola • Casino •-Y Ashbel Green, a senior editor of the to be non-controversial. New York-based publishing Carole King-Greatest Hits-Songs PLEASE SEND FULL DETAILS AT ONCE I company, said the book is about a year overdue, It s certainly not the type that could from long ago I m •B—V jnraw have provoked this sort of controversy," Atlanta Name "but we still consider the contract to be he said. Rhythm Champagne Jam - Addreis REO DRIVEWAY SEAL Co. Speedwagon - You Can Tune a Piano, 101 waters building, Ci»V Slate . But You Can't Tune a Fish grand ropidi, michigon 49S03 Zip Phone I' —— 0« Sale S|*iOily April 16 7J an Slo'g New5' Eo>l lc""in9' Miehi9°n Friday, April 14, 1978 Novices promenade in Union Ballroom Ei-frybody join hands, circle left aU the way "Of course, it's fun to be grabbed by a guy and around td you get hack home. Turn to your be twirled around," she added. "It's something jxirtner and do-sado Face your corner lady and more than sitting at home listening to records. ulUmande left, now right and left grande And the It's making your own entertainment." roosters crow and hirdies sing, right hand star' "It's a challenge because you have to remem¬ Meet your partner hack home. Hi, ma! ber so many calls." junior Ron DeRoche said. Nearly 70 students discovered Wednesday "It's not just disco dancing, where you just move night what 50 MSI' Promenaders already know: your arms and legs." that square dancing is fun. He said he thinks square dancing is more fun good exercise and a threat way to meet people. than disco because of the number of people Beginners learned basic dance patterns, terms involved in each dance. and calls from members of the MSI' Promena "In square dancing, every dance you meet at ders at a special square dance session at the least six different new people." he explained. 1 nion Ballroom. Wednesday night was the third Though club members are not required to ■pinners session taught by the club this term. wear traditional square-dance outfits, many Bill 1 hase. a caller for the club, led the students donned petticoat skirts and gingham beginner** through the basics and chanted shirts to dance. different patterns for the "It makes you feel like girl when you're out group to practice. a During the remainder of the session, the there dancing." said one petticoated woman. students shed their title of beginners and The students danced to recorded music, but promenaded their way to being novice square callers used a public address system and a dancers. microphone to provide live calls. The club uses women as well as men for calling steps, Chase said, adding that several callers are University professors and staff members. One club caller is Fred Nurnberger, assistant professor of agriculture engineering. Bernadine Mesick. an office assistant in the Laboratory Animal Care Service, also calls for the Promen¬ aders. Richard Cole, assistant professor in the fisheries and wildlife department, has called for the MSI* Promenaders and several other square dancing groups. Chase said. Storv by Nancy Ropier IMiotoprnplis by Kallis Rilbtiry Sweet Nothings The Lingerie Look ) rosudeptrof . That's what you hare y \ . human evwironmetr with sexy. satiny Srr ffiaffru iliaiiH And design pretemte toddy lavished with Hobby Shopt Inc A law. Deep plunying i, \ bra amis at a tiny SUNDAY, AT mAC'S . . . The finest selection of parlor games and conflict strip of stretch hid¬ HPT NIGHT! simulations at Campus Discount pr ces. den under the cup tor •eg Our Fantastic Pitcher t Drink specials all night Avalon Nill Price Price just a hint of shap¬ 2700E.Mich. Ave long to hat wearers. 10.00 7.97 820Starship Troopers ing. Stretch lace in¬ Weit o? Frondor You might even end up in our ne*< ad 707 Submarine 12.00 9.47 serts gently hug the 822 Squad leader 12.00 12.00 9.47 9.47 823 Assault on Crete legs for a smooth tit 826 Napoleon 12.00 9.47 by Maiden form. ItawlittoM Publication* lac. White or Hodg Blush. 9 00 7.17 279 Starforce 32-31,-36 11°° 1040 Battlefleet Mars 12.00 9.47 12 00 9.47 Student Nations ICS. No nhow Tricot 1299 Up Scope 1300 Drive on Stalingrad 12.00 9.47 I'anty Stic Now 130' Rt»H Sun Rising in ProgrcwH on TM Hobbles display in 1002 Dungeons and Dragons Basic 9 95 8.74 ■reunion g^lleru 2002 Dungeons and Dragons Coll 10.00 7.97 Bottoms TP 2009 Monster Manual 9 95 8.47 llor,, , . ^ II-thru"30 11-5- J I \ University Mall - 2nd Level 9001 Polyhedra Dice Same 1.49 day delivery, phone orders accepted with Visa, 1.29 wed/rhu-H-8-i*t/sun ll-b 220 M.A.C. East Lansing • ■ Master Charge, or American Express, 7AM to 10PM. 10-5:30 Mon. Sot. 7 days a week 669-5126. Send for free comprehensive 1 10-8 Thurs. list. To: P.O. Box 617, Dewitt. Ml. 48620. ©©Dinfeifi] incompetent but so are the IM officals who Council? in public, too. Quorum? allow this kind of thing to go on. Chris Pravato 222 Campbell Hall But it was just a know that some ot us blind as to joke, right?, W.A.S p, racial prejudice ,nd , but to make a statement like "I nothing at all? difference in the situation or Alfredson is really saying is that it is as Lion joke? today as opposed to a few ol year,7^ Alfredson letter ridiculous to believe or expect that blacks would have had to have since the mid'60s in been lock? ' have the ability to change what they are as Hey! You guys have been fooling us all somewhere (Birmingfield an ivor, " The selection of a University president. Minimum English language it is to believe or expect that gays can this time! Here you almost got us to believe Shore, Jl Kris Alfredson's letter on Tuesday was so Hey, though, the funniest p,rt competency requirements for teaching. The physical recreation needs of change what they are. In no way is w„ " ridiculous and ignorant that I'm not sure that you had really responded to all the you said he found this idea MSU students. These are some of the issues being kicked around by whether it should be taken seriously or Alfredson contending that blacks can or criticism charging the State News with That's great! I mean, some "ronij? student government — kicked because the Student Council members do rhetorically. On the off chance that some¬ should try to become or even imitate being too liberal by running columns by works ol art people fosS not appear interested enough in them to show up at scheduled meetings. one bigoted enough to write that letter whites. She is merely attempting to some ultra conservative named Ed Lion. "compelling" or the starving people "compelling" but IM demonstrate the fallacy of Combs' stance on Now we find out that there really is no Ed someone's "right" to hate tni" Student Council is suffering from lack of interest, a disease seriously is running around loose, a reply the gay should be made. issue. Lion and that his columns have been because of the color of their unfortunate among the student body but unconscionable when found sexual ,ki„ "j It is inconceivable to me that someone nothing more than sarcasm a la National preference "very compelling 3 among elected representatives. For the third consecutive time the with your narrow minded outlook could still lampoon Letters page. that's funny! I gotta admit, you ,|,Ll council failed to make quorum Tuesday, meaning no business could be be functioning in today's society. The But surely you could have come up with a us fooled, but you just went a little wJ acted upon, no student interests could be pursued. suggestion that "expense, discomfort, or IM foul-ups better name than "Ed Lion." I mean, I see this time. But it really was a iok.7 Quorum for the 34-member council means 15 people, graduates and agony should not deter blacks from doing the symbolism (Lions and Christians and Right? J '1 everything in their power to correct their all) but how about something a little more P.S. Ira Combs was too, undergraduates, who are expected to assemble once every other week condition." is appalling. If "black" is a The intramural situation at Michigan obvious, like . . . "Lily White?" Maybe you right? to deal specifically with those issues germane to students before Tomla they condition, then so is white, yellow, red and State is in bad enough shape in terms of didn't have any spare photos of females are taken up by the full Academic Council. providing enough facilities for all students 121R, brown! What are you going to do — dye the lying around? Speaking of photos, whose pic East L The failure of these elected representatives — some from their to use without having the IM supervisors is that? I mean, whole world to suit your tastes? I've never seen him around I can't think of anything more boring and setting double standards concerning who is campus. Of course, if there really was an Ed colleges and other at-large representatives of women and minorities — allowed to use them. For some reason, Lion and he had made such insane to take their positions seriously is a great disservice to the unnatural than having a world of people EDITOR'S NOTE: campus looking the same, speaking the same and certain supervisors feel they have the right statements "People should have the right Combs Is no joke. Needless to UnfortuuW, l community. It takes more than the same core of concerned individuals, coming from the same background. What's to permit a friend or roommate to use a to be as prejudiced" I'd be ashamed to be seen is not either. say, fji! the perennial committee members, the doers, to effect change. gymnasium and, at the same time, turn wrong with you. can't you see everyone is When councilmember Anne Crowe stood to give her report on the other students away while claiming the beautiful the way they are? As far as your gym is closed. presidential search and selection committee, 19 students were not there reference to making this a "white, straight, I am referring to an incident when myself to hear it. Those 19, the missing, are denying themselves and those comfortable world," the world would be a they lot more comfortable if people like you saw and two friends attempted to use the 4LASH9 LARROWE represent the opportunity to express an opinion, an outrage or a upstairs gym at Jenison fieldhouse to play everyone as a human being rather than a suggestion to a member of that committee. color. basketball. After checking out both intra mural buildings to find they were closing at Those same 19 were not present to discuss the unfortunate plight of the students who cannot understand their math teaching assistants because their English is so poor. This was a central theme in the major Name and address withheld by request eight o'clock, we were happy to find the gym open and fully lighted at Jenison. Since Lash and we saw two guys playing we figured we disputes over Math 108 last fall. It is no less a problem now. EDITOR'S NOTE: Normally the SUte would shoot at another basket. Upon Presumably Student Council members are elected because they see the need for student representation in academic governance. If they do News does not attempt to explain or justify letters which appear on the opinion page, since letters represent the views of our entering, an intramural supervisor quickly approached us: "Sorry guys, the gym is closed. It closes at six thirty, you'll have to Abe In tune?! not see it, and do not intend to fill it, we must demand that they remove readers and do not necessarily reflect the leave." themselves and allow other, more concerned individuals to take over. views of the editorial board. However, in Day after the trustees took away the "If the gym is closed then why are those "Acting" from our new prexy's title, I'm this case we feel compelled to make an other guys playing?" I responded. bikin' it toclass, this prof flags me down. exception. "Uh well they're my friends, its alright Kris Alfredson's letter constituted satire. "You sure do get yourself up in some for them to play." weird outfits, Lash," he chortles. It was not meant to be taken seriously, but Devaluing the rather to underscore the shallowness of Ira Combs' outlook on homosexuality. In his letter to the State News, Combs sought to am, By this time my friends and I were getting upset. Being the outspoken person I I tried a little think it's too cool scare tactics. "I don't letting them play and "What's with the stovepipe hat and the black frock coat?" "My threads are none of your business," I says haughtily. justify his decision to resign from the ASMSU Student Board on the grounds that telling us to leave, we all pay the same "OK," he says. "I really wanted to ask currency of words tuition." you about something else, anyway. I he could not participate on an elective body chaired by Dan Jones, who is gay. Combs hear you put your name in for the "Yeah, but I don't know you guys." asserted that homosexuality is a matter of "Well, that's too bad, maybe you will presidency with the search and selection committee. Is this another lame brain The Sami Esmail case has, if nothing else, choice, and gays therefore cannot be viewed after your boss finds out about the double dramatically spotlighted a as a minority in the sense blacks can. standards you're using here." antic of yours, Lash?" defect which hinders rational public discourse. It is called the Alfredson, evidently believing that sex¬ "He said I can do it" replied the "No, it isn't," I says. "But I haven't got trivialization of language. Words and phrases normally reserved to boy in the time to talk about it now. I have a class to ual preference is no more a matter of choice supervisor shirt. describe and make prominent unique circumstances are these teach " days than is color of skin, attempted to ridicule We left Jenison after our little confronta "I never thought of you as presidential being passionately — and often irrationally — employed to identify Combs by contending that, with sufficient tion and I began to wonder what goes on situations of significantly lesser import. The innovation and determination, skin color around this University with such terrible timber," he admits, "but I sure like the currency of language is and racial-cultural background can be way your columns have explained our administrative action. It's not only the being devalued as surely as the worth of the dollar is plummeting on the altered as surely as homosexuality. What prexies to us. Is it inside information, or ex jock international money markets. supervisors they hire that are do you have a theory?" Esmail's "human rights," we are told again and "Call it inside information, call it again, have been a violated. His encounters while in prison have been cloaked in the theory, I don't care," I "Myself, I buzz word "torture." It will make no difference to some if it is shown IRA ELLIOTT says. call it 'Larrowe's Law.' I say if you know the score on presidents of the U.S., that Esmail's "torture" amounted to nothing more than harsh sizing up our prexies here at State is like interrogation, or if it is demonstrated that the "human rights" imbroglio shooting fish in a rain barrel. is really a consequence of differing interpretations of the law and governmental authority. To some, Esmail will always be a martyr, To crusade for human rights is an eminently worthwhile endeavor, Smydra for "Take Millard Fillmore. He was the 13th President," I says, pulling my Dictionary of American Biography out of iV» Q my backpack. "And a Mr. Adams was but what proponents of this goal sometimes fail to comprehend is that headlines State's 13th prexy, back in '69, OK." justifying any and all protests on the pretext of "human rights" and "So what kind of a president was "moral justice" tends to diminish their credibility in the minds of the Fillmore?" he asks. "Not too bad," I says. "He held the public at large. Violations of human rights can be distinguished from Several weeks ago, just before spring Detroit Free Press Wednesday violations of the law and violations of fair play. reported country together at a difficult time. Mixing the three in some break, I received a letter from four Abbot the Bank of Lansing has revoked his Master Here's the historians' final word on metaphysical blender produces only a flavorless rhetorical milkshake Hall students who felt they had been Charge. Fillmore: 'While such of his letters and that is an innocuous and common as the kind McDonald's serves. To ripped off by their dormitory's graduate But the Abbot Hall folks aren't speeches as are preserved make him cry cashing "the sky is falling" when in fact the heavens are intact makes it that adviser. the check so quickly. They were hoping for seem singularly colorless, his contem much harder to persuade most Briefly, the letter said that Abbot Hall reimbursement not from Smydra or the poraries have left testimony to his people that danger is imminent when the Graduate Adviser Gary Ford and Mason Board of Trustees, but from Cary Ford sky really is falling. or impressive presence, kindly blue eyes, Hall Head Advisor Tom Hadzor entered and gracious manner.'" The lexicon of exaggeration poses a threat not only to useful their room and confiscated a keg of beer. "That's Dr. Adams, to a T!" he discussion but, more importantly, to the goals and methods espoused by The party had apparently not been regis exclaims. "Whatever became of him, committed activists. Most liberal thinkers embrace human tered with the authorities, so the beer was rights, and it what anyway? I haven't heard a peep out of would be a shame to imperil those grabbed and left to spoil overnight in the . . . right has Smyd¬ Adams since he left the Ad Building." rights by embracing the phrase so adviser's office. ra to dip into his privata "He retired to private life," I undiscriminatingly that all meaning is squeezed out of it. I meant to respond to the foursome's says. letter, though I don't know what could be University account to reim¬ "Only time he gets out in public burse these students when nowadays is once a year, when he goes to said other than the obvious — the advisers Kansas City for the annual meeting of had shown the irresponsibility which has it hasn't been proven that the Friends of Millard Fillmore." become their hallmark and steps should be taken to get back the money for the ruined any impropriety has been "Larrowe's Law is right on so far," he Ill The State News beer. I even took the letter with me to Chicago, hoping to find time for some kind committed? says admiringly. "Who was Wharton's counterpart?" "Franklin Pierce," I says. Thursday, April 13, 1978 of response. But my own lackadaisacal "Didn't he do something weird in the nature held me in check and the letter Mexican War?" he smirks. Editorials are the opinions of the State News. remained piled beneath other the Residence Halls Viewpoints, columns papers, for Programs Office which "Affirmative," I says. " 'Fainted and "That could be a description of our and letters are personal which I am now sorry. employs him. opinions. fell off his horse in a cavalry charge at Editorial Dopartmont The Abbot Hall keg incident (took place This case brings Vera Cruz.'" new prexy." he says. "So why isnt •* up several interesting Editor-in-chief Michoef Tonimuro on the night of MSU's basketball champion¬ questions. "What kind of political prognosis promising?" Photo Editor campaigner Managing Editor Moggie Walker ship game) has become First of all, what right has "Buchanan turned out to be a flash in Kat Brown Entertainment and Book Editor. a campus issue. Smydra to dip was he?" Opinion Editor Dave Misialowski Kothy Esselman MSU Trustee Michael Smydra, an East into his private the pan," I answers. "Started out look# Special Projects Editor Sports Editor Tom Shonohan University account to "No great shakes," I says. "Didn't real good, but no staying power. Lisl" Ralph Frammolmo Layout Editor Deborah Heywood Lansing Democrat and the sole student on reimburse these students when it hasn't make any City Editor Michael Winter speeches at all when he ran for to what they say after he left the White Copy Chief the board, sent a check earlier this week to been proven that any Campus Editor Anne Stuart Kafhy Szejbach, impropriety has been President. 'At no time,' it says here, 'did House: Freelance Editor Dan Spickler the four apparently wronged students. The committed? he catch the popular Wire Editor imagination.' " " Jocelyn Loskowski Staff Representative $33 check was charged to his board expense There is nothing in Buchanan' Michelle Chambers ' Though it seems quite likely that the "That sure sounds like Clif," he Advertising Department account and, he says, will later be re- says. conduct which indicates political wisdc® University employees involved acted in the "When Pierce was President, the Advertising Manager Sharon Seiler Assistant channeled to the proper office. (Point of rash manner for which they are know, it is and toward the end of his term Advertising Manager DeniseDear country was starting to tear itself apart information: Smydra consistently has the clearly a violation of their rights to be — in on the questions of slavery and seces¬ administration began to fa" " highest trustee expenditures, and the effect - pronounced guilty by a trustee sion, wasn't it? What was his stand?" pieces.'" before any kind of formal " "Looks like MSU's 16th prexy" » investigation. 'Pierce was honest and tenacious in When and if the advisors are found to be his views,' I reads, 'but as he made takin' over a sinking ship," he «y • DOONESBURY in the wrong, then they should up his looking worried. "Whoever follows Har¬ by Garry Trudeau beer they spoiled. And actions should be pay for the mind with difficulty and often reversed den better be good. I hate to say I "■ himself before making a final decision, ..AND THE FINAL AWAAD taken against them for their Lash, but I'm afraid you don't measu inappropriate he gave a general impression of instabili¬ of the emm goesto and possibly illegal action. up." whoa...what have ty.' " that nam whose sense | WE gottffe? it its.. 'That's only your opinion," I «"P'- , Though the students involved appealed "No wonder folks say the 'U' was a j of mission and high loons like a fl/£57E*W to "By the way," he asks, "who was moral purpose most Smydra for help and though he probably ship drifting without a rudder when ;;T nine-wat tib! ciip0p5! accepting fob operated in the best interest of students, 16th President of the U.S.?" - . closely pesemes ✓ TUP. UIPC^T IC. Wharton was at the helm," he muses. Trustee Symdra's hasty "Abraham Lincoln," I says that of we £_ ' response proves "By the way, what does your so called united states! not so much his senstivity to students but a 'Larrowe's Law' tell us about "So that's ™ why you're wearing thai re e'" our new desire to make quick, effortless moves that crazy get-upl" he says. "You prexy?" farther over the edge than I may ingratiate himself in the hearts of "It's not too promising," I says. "OK, knee jerk liberals and easily fooled stu James Buchanan was the 15th Presi¬ Lash, comparing yourself to the ore dents. dent. Here's what the book Emancipator." -| says about The current case spotlights two points: him: 'That just proves Larrowe's U*' 111 dormitory personnel should be better " 'His habitual tact, discretion, and says. "I've only been the FGOtwoy' screened to avoid immature, now, and already I've freed the f»™ power hungry moderation were generally recog¬ from the tyranny of the bosses supervisors, and (2) members of the nized.' " reigning power structure should at least treated 'em like field hands for a hun learn how the power structure years." operates. The Mood Mood: a conscious, subjective If the mood of the campus has state of mind; a predominant changed, it has moved away from emotion; a prevailing attitude; a generalities and toward specifics. distinctive atmosphere or emo¬ It is unfair to say that the tional context. protestors of the '60s were not motivated by at least some self- Philosophers and moralists — interest, since many a marcher instinctive corners in all our minds was spurred by the realization of — tend to stereotype campus impending draft notices or the populations as sharing a common death in combat of relatives and mood. In the '60s the assessment childhood friends. was "radical." Today it is "apa¬ thetic. " This is, in part, because But what is going on today? As the highly visible demonstrations the stories and columns on this of 1968 through 1972 have faded. page tend to show, "apathy"is not The Movement seems to have really an accurate description of ended. the prevailing atmosphere. There is more . . . The campus mood, observers The shadow of protestors and police loomed over the late '60's landscape say, has changed. It has crept away from a heightened sensitivity to an I-couldn't-care-less attitude. -J But this observation deals only with the visible. True, students Protesters: into the system are not marching on the Adminis¬ tration By CAROLE LEIGH HL'TTON the '60s. Building as they were in State News Stall Writer City Councilmember tarry Owen, an 1968. True, students are not The System. It is massive, confusing, activist of years past at MSU. sees the shift marching down Grand River Ave¬ often unwieldy- It offers few explanations from outdoor demonstrations to indoor nue as they were in 1972, en and fewer encouragements. Why then are politics as one involving complex forces. In 1972, you partied in masse. But also true, students are students choosing to work within it? "As people began to get involved with the It works. serious issues." he said, "they learned how your room on Saturday politically aware and active, work¬ to get the results. From a night and canvassed for Effecting change has always been the long range point ing through any and all channels to goal of those students we label activists. In of view it makes more sense to have a McGovern Sunday night. achieve specific results. what call the "turbulent '60s" the we now strategy of organized pressure groups that are going to have Everyone did it. After Bobby avenues to pursue change of even a lesser continuous life. That is the way to build up influence." Fischer it was chess. Shortly magnitude were limited. Eighteen year olds could not vote and could not run for Most of today's successes stem directly after that the roge was public office until after 1971. from yesterday's protests. The same stu Ireek: farewell In 1978 we have Lansing City Council, two a student on on East the Ingham dents — the committed core permeated the system they once rebelled — have cross-country relatively inexpensive, to do skiing. The same applied eosy It's County commission and a person closely against — often bloodily — in the streets. . . . identified with students on the MSU Board Mark Grebner. a long time MSU student to the demonstrations. of Trustees. Students, by and large, are elected to the Ingham County Commission —Mark Grebner 'fral rats?9 turning to the system because it represents the next logical step toward bringing about social change. in 1976. said the activism of the '60s and early '70s served system. to rescue the flailing "The decrease in student activism has "It was really too large to ignore." he said H\ NANCY ROGIERS involved in non membership activities, rid of the massive student protest movement been overrated," believes Alan Fox. the Mate New* Stall Writer ding them of the segregationist stigma. first student elected to East Lansing City that characterized antiwar sentiment. rats and sorority chicks may be "Any group growth at MSU is to the Council. "I don't think people have become "Suddenly government wasn't an obstacle been heightened." he said. A result of the sees himself and his popularly elected iir.il their last breaths at MSU. benefit of all the students," he said. He '60s was a general and widespread ques counterparts in the off campus political apathetic. Voter participation is still sur anymore. Student activism played a large f the assessment of Greek community added, however, that the image problem role in Honing of values that, prior to that time, arena as students of the w hole process who prisingly high." bringing this about." correct, it is a more responsible. still exists. Michael Smvdra. elected to the MSU had never been questioned before learned to adapt to the system. Despite the fact that it has been legally- "It's a we they situation," he said. Board of Trustees at age 27 — just two "Something happened to the traditional "I think that we ail started out working possible to elect a student to city council Part of the growth in Greek membership belief our government right or wrong and outside of the system and then itereotype long held by Greeks more Iice oriented individual who is replacing non on since 1971, Fox represents a triumph of months after receiving his master's degree ius. is due to a renewed attraction to group from the University — echoed Grebner's our government is never wrong.' Well, eventually switched to working within it," "working in the system," an accom the stigma that the majority attaches living. Cooperatives that have been incor observations. maybe it was. I don't know that the gains of Sobel said. "The demonstrations were not plishment beyond those within reach of esorority sister and fraternity brother continued the '70s could have taken place without the bringing immediate results, but the war on page 12) groups which seized campus buildings in "In general, the level of sensitivity has r gone" Has the bristle traditionally turmoil of the '60s. We needed a rise in the was winding down and people were Iciated with button down collars and level of consciousness." beginning to give the system a try." Jesse Sobel. MSU student and a county The new willingness to work within a jogrammed sweaters 1 turned to aecep commissioner elected with Grebner in 1976. continued on page 12 Ian Mcpherson thinks so. |cl'hrrsnn, president of the Interfra 'ouncil. said today's Greeks are King an image that is more appealing to Ifter the drought of the "60s, house rships are on the rise, leaders say. Fraternities: beer parties (like the one at left), tug- of- Fraternities seen wars, chug - a - lugging |use of a conscious effort on the part of Homecoming floats, block s Mudents. merely a The Greek resurgence reflection of the new national perspective shared by the parties and similar activities have long been associated service-oriented •students. As fraternities and sorori with campus Greeks. Today By DAN COURTNEY spread apathy that is being suggested by I have become more project oriented, How do you get involved? This question are the image is changing — at many just doesn't appear as great as increasingly being viewed as is heard everywhere you go. yet the reported. For example, the students at Irlcs to pursue change both in and out of least somewhat. Greeks avenues available to students who want to i' niversity system. Michigan State are willing to participate. become involved are unlimited. Today most are being called more "stu¬ However, they're not being reached. junng the late 'Wis, when students saw dent service oriented," and of the University continues to appear The decline of fraternities during the iate unaffected by the need for community 60s resulted from a lack of response to the Is demonstrations as the best channel their energy. (Ireek living suffered both fraternity and sorority volunteers. However, the reason for this his contemporary needs of the existing com¬ setbacks. Houses were closed for houses have experienced lack of action is poor programming and lack munity. While other student organizations of communication. Rather than blame the offered challenge, experience, and meaning, ate an increase in membership dwellings. The crunch was not students who remain relatively uninvolved. fraternities concentrated on a good time. It "f membership and rented or sold as Ut" 1,1 MSI' the national since the dearth days of the even point the guilty finger at those organiza¬ The rebirth of the fraternity system to its iniation felt the impact. late 1960s. tions which have failed to motivate concern Jl the present form resulted from the mature, apparent turnaround means for their group. selfmotivated individual who chose to help >'than a renewed school spirit. Timothy Regardless of which cause you support, shape a more responsive fraternity. Antwerp, president of the Residence there must be a clear understanding of the Increasing membership system-wide al¬ s Association. said Greeks are more Accomplishments to be reached. The wide lowed this enthusiasm for achievement to be carried over to various University activities. This dedication by fraternity members to fulfill the needs of the visibility of students untied, en masse, University community satisfies their appe¬ By COLLEEN LEDDY tite for involvement. Making a attempting to direct social change. The generalization about 45,000 The campus community is seeing frater¬ impression let: is that students are no Diagnosing the mood: it ■pople can be they really are: community- ■there are thosepretty risky. Always, nities as longer rebelling so it follows we all must who do not fit the oriented. The new image has not come ■description, and often the generaliza¬ be apathetic. about because students have changed their tion is just not an accurate portrayal of But does it necessarily take large standards. Rather, the fraternity system Ithe situation. So many things can be crowds of people and massive demon has more effectively presented itself ■said about a can he a risky business situation, a campus, an era. strations to accomplish change? I think through community service and responsi¬ ■^f hear how despairing it was live The efforts of the few individuals bility. The fraternities have reached out the ■through the Depression from one to source not. involved in local governments and those University community, and invite their ■while another ■ and creative w ill say what a glamorous handful belonging to activist groups are input. The Greek system is looking to period it was. In the middle there is a class of people those involved in groups like PI KG IM. far more effective and instrumental in concerned people of the University to ■ Who can money, to buy all the goodies that good ■ accurate'.' We say with certainty what is citizens are striving for. Their ultimate who will really get involved and be of the Committee to Stop the MSU Iran establishing an atmosphere on campus participate and be an active force in its look back at and do Film Project, the South African Libera than are actions of the overwhelming future. ■ not come to the an era goal in life is to satisfy petty material service to a progressive social system, same conclusions. The desires. The social and political as soon as their own problems are dealt tion Committee, Gay Council and numbers of unconcerned persons. Hard work placed the fraternity system ■ same paradox occurs in Women's Council. While not as vocal or into a position to serve the community more ■ determine trying to problems of the world do not find their with sufficiently. These are people who what sort of mood exists on visible as their counterparts of the '60s. Groups like the liberation committee, effectively. Through charity projects the are concerned but not overwhelmingly ■ the way into the minds of these people. At which was instrumental in the recent college system is stimulating interest in many ■ has their campus of today. Everyone the risk of meeting with great outrage, I committed. They need to first get their they are, nevertheless, vital to the Board of Trustees decision to divest own members of the University community. At 1 subjective. So opinions, but all are say the average Greek would fit into own houses in order before they can process of social change. holdings in companies doing business in many factors get in the this category. clean someone else's windows. open house the guests observe first hand |*ay | view. that it becomes easy to distort the Next we have the doers, people like Again I must stress that this is an South Africa, account more for setting a the level of organization and coordination abbreviated list and in no way attempts mood than do the many people who do Mark Grebner, an Ingham County necessary to maintain the group. Further Liking at Moving on, I see people who are at to represent a complete treatment of not care. These group members are the the interaction shows the student the potential ■ the student people who comprise least aware of some problems. But even Commissioner; Jesse Sobel, also a the components that work together to ones who will determine what direction body. I had hoped to glean a for involvement created by the fraternity. ■ single this awareness is usually restricted to commissioner; Alan Fox, the first prevailing spirit, a characteristic shape the mood of the campus. our society is going to take. Involvement can be the most rewarding complaints about DPS ticketing and student to be elected to East Lansing I sentiment that dominates the sub-spirit. Trying to determine a prevailing Work is being accomplished, and it is experience that anyone could hope for. A blithe types of towing procedures. Don't get me City Council and tarry Kestenbaum. mood from these few types of people is. multitude of opportunities are open for ,amPu* -ire notpeople that walk around wrong. I strongly agree that DPS I«>ng involved in campus and East the result of efforts by people w ho care, students to exercise their desire for depicted as I said before, risky. It is easy to see who are involved and who ultimately r<"just ' JUst f. ' here. »vic. There i uvrt should be out on foot patrols and dealing Lansing politics. This group believes in achievement. The participation causing the a a working through Uveal government how outsiders might think that college determine the mood. ,,ar|eshhli!nany 1 feel P,ay a with more serious problems that illegal students today are apathetic since the increased growth in fraternities is only Then. There h,llK ,hl' ly parked cars. But these people only channels to accomplish change. These ar,> ... those who to com students see the problems that exist actions of contemporary activists are Colleen teddy o counterlorce mem paralleled by the increasing awareness of seem get outraged when they have been the University community. Fraternities less visible. We no longer see full scale ber and former College o' Social Science Ir'l l,-K<'Ldif'7':v:. thr, y K" thr"U|?h and are determined to rectify them. A personally wronged. Their social com demonstrations being staged, buildings representative to the ASMSU Student know the challenge, and their members morder t« nv,nK for good grades, mitment to more serious problems is commendable lot. Board it. «' good job, to make good next to nil. The most important people by far are being taken over, etc. There isn't the meet Don Courtney is former president or Interna- terndy Council Michigon Stole News, East Lansing, Michigan Frid°V. April 14 I 'Badlands:' ,itehauntm op By BYRON BAKER As Kit, Martin Sheen is an ity of Terrence Malick. Malick Americin film within, i State News Reviewer made Badlands arresting and disturbing pre independently, ale memory. "««J Neglected by critics and audi Kit's stance of quiet writing screenplays and raising SiiK* the rel sence. ^ j More tape alike at the time of its funds from various sources in four years composure, odd politeness, ir¬ !N bootlegging ences hack 1974 theatrical Terrence Malick's Badlands — release. rational acts are brought to¬ gether into a sort of bewilder order to finance the project, his first. Malick hasn't Hooded with es.J'N to be shown on campus this ed, aimless security in Sheen's The writer director has ob offer, 'N movies. In |,te W wW weekend by Beal Films — is a performance. Sissy Spacek, in viously worked hard to achieve l*Kin shooting , ' M remarkable film; a haunting, her first role of note, adds a the appropriate lo^k for his film acript, called Day,>| a kind of unearthly Maxfield 'or •-••Miuuni By DAVE DiMARTINO typical live album. powerful study of violence, strange child woman disorient Paramount Hpt,, pjflJN — Sute News Staff Writer The final sort of tape bootlegging is certainly the most psychopathology and American ation to Holly. Warren Oates is Parrish tone, with deep hues Ir spokesperson 4 ttn • fw J interesting, and probably the most productive in the long run. culture. very good as her father — and saturated colors. Too, his confirmed that ,hf EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third in a series of articles about Such tapes are made by music fans actually in the recording work with his actors is subtle fl> record and tape bootlegging and its effect on the American record industry — such as band members, recording studio engineers, Partly inspired by the wave of primarily random murders alternately nice and tyrannical, and Ramon Bieri is fine as a and authoritative. The overall ring Richard Gere Adams, had ind»^ JY* B"* industry. , soundmen for various groups, and even simple "friends of the A comparatively minor form of bootlegging is currently thriving, one that isn't quite the mass production bootleg LPs band." committed across the Midwest by the late Charles Starkweath doomed friend of Kit's. The real star of the picture, feel of Badlands — cool, detach ed, reflective and unsettling, is pleted, but the^J As a result of such people, tapes are now circulating of in the late '50s, Badlands is however, is the directorial abil¬ presently are, but is no less interesting. er quite unlike that of any other unreleased LPs by such artists as Big Star, Arthur Lee, and the much less a dramatized re Tape bootlegging — not the low-budget sort, the truckstop 8 track specials, but of a new and higher grade — is now spreading Nazz (post Todd Rundgren, wifh Cheap Trick's guitarist Rick creation of the adventures of a Nielson). Even a few unreleased demos by the Velvet murderer than it is a throughout the country at an unusually rapid rate. mass A "tape bootleg" differs from any other sort of bootleg because Underground are available. These thoroughly wet the appetites of subjective, poetic depiction of fans for such bands, who never reasonably expected to get their disturbed sensibilities adrift in anybody who owns a cheap cassette machine and a blank tape is hands on such items. the debris and aimlessness of fully qualified to produce one. By and large, such bootlegs are the After such tapes are made, there's an obvious question. How do the culture of the 1950s. spawning ground for actual bootleg LPs, which use a tape source (of any quality) and eventually become actual pieces of vinyl. they circulate? Kit Carruthers (played by Typically, such tapes can be had through tape dealers, whose Martin Sheen) is a 25-year old methods of advertising are extremely low key due to the legal sanitation worker in South The final sort of tape bootlegging is certainly ramifications of their work. Dakota in 1959. He looks a little the most interesting, and probably One such dealer, who asked to go unnamed, is based in the the most Detroit area and currently has a library of more than 500 tapes, like James Dean, and speaks productive in the long run. Such tapes are slowly and enigmatically. He is which he both sells and trades. While he has managed to derive a attracted to 15-year-old Holly made by music fans actually IN the recording sizable income from the sale of such tapes, he stresses that he is Sargis (Sissy Spacek), a quiet, industry — such as band members, recording more interested in expanding his library than in making money. almost backward waif shunned studio engineers, soundmen for various "I'd much rather trade tapes than sell them," said the dealer, by her schoolmates. "since with every trade I make, my list of tapes gets bigger. I'm After a while, the two be groups, and even simple "friends of the not really losing anything except a blank tape, and I always get a come lovers of a sort (Holly's band." new one back after the trade." reaction to their couplings: "Oh The dealing procedure, he outlined is considerably less formal gee... is that all there is to it?). and quite a bit more involved than a simple mail off transaction. When Such bootlegs are made in three ways. Holly's widowed father The first type is simply called an "audience tape." Logically, it is Usually, a trade offer or money order comes to him at his post (Warren Oates) learns of the office box. after which he returns home to make a re-recording of made at a concert by a member of the audience, who usually has realtionship, he attempts to with him a compact cassette recorder and a microphone. When the whatever tape might be desired. break it up. Kit — a strange band emerges onstage, he turns his machine on After buying a few cases of cassettes at a wholesale price, the until finally, at the walking mass of mental contra concert's end. the entire show is taped. dealer says he simply transfers the music from one cassette to dictions, clearly visible in his Unfortunately, the another by using two tape recorders. as easy as process is, it rarely results in a speech, his eyes, even his "The really big dealers use multi-speed cassette dubbers," he tape of outstanding quality due simply to its unavoidable low posture — shoots her father, said. "But once you start using expensive machinery like that, you fidelity. Usually crowd noises and echo — and the natural and begins a murderous fugi limitations of microphone technology — make the tape unlisten- have to start worrying about the legal aspects of what you're tive run across the quiet and able to all but the most ardent of the band's fans. doing." ghostly badlands of Montana. The second type of bootleg tape is now growing at the fastest The dealer said that he feels the legal risks he takes by selling Holly, who comes along for rate, and with good reason. Due to the proliferation of "live" radio bootleg tapes are relatively small, since he hasn't really developed the ride, narrates the film in a shows such as the King Biscuit Flower Hour, Rock Around the any system of mass production. And, he says, he doesn't want to. faraway, ironic manner. At one World and the BBC's live concert series, listeners can tape live "I don't really care about making money, so much, I just want to point, she blandly interjects: shows in the privacy of their own homes, and usually with the be able to keep my tapes, and keep on doing what I'm doing. I'm "At times I wished I could fall not going to risk everything I already have in order to make highest grade of stereo equipment. Such radio shows take great asleep and be taken off to some care in mixing the sound of their featured band, thus what comes money." magical land, but this never across the airwaves is usually as good as, if not better, than today's Next: The legal implications of record and tape bootlegging. happened." Not at all . . . Writer producer director Malick is here interested in conveying the feel and flavor of dislocation, of detachment. Motown launches mellow discs Neither Kit nor Holly seem to belong to our society. They both operate just outside its heard. barriers, befuddled by its rules, By REGINALD THOMAS Wonder's "Isn't She Lovely" Motown back. customs and tailings. Malick State News Reviewer Two of the most mellow lacks that element that made it Motown will need more than neither condones nor endorses Motown has always been one tunes are "All I Can Give You is a success for Wonder. these few albums to regain the their actions — he of the leaders of solo artists. Love" and "Where Would I be The only good thing about his merely status lost when the Tempta¬ presents them, in Some of the best artists were Without You." Despite the fact a carefully version of the Wonder tune is tions, Spinners most of the cuts on this album and other distanced, almost dreamlike part of their repertoire of solo the saxophone and piano solos. are slow, groups fled the Motown Sound. cinematic approach. Susy Spacek and Martin Sheen in Terrence Malick's "Badlands. performers. Marvin Gaye was a Gooding can sing Jackson has tried to do what tremendous standout as was upbeat tunes as demonstrated many performers before him David Ruffin when he first left on the Main Ingredients' failed to do — justice to a Stevie the Temptations. Eddie Ken- Euphrates River. Wonder cut. dricks, Shortly Long, Edwin With his voice and Motown's Jermaine Jackson's new re¬ Lansing Ballet Company shines Starr and a host of others were claim to launch his solo career lease will be a welcome addition the mainstay of the recording with the expertise associated to the collections of the thou business. with Diana Ross' then Godding sands of screaming females who Motown is trying to perpetu¬ should become a household idolize this young musician's ate its solo market. But with name in R 'n B. works. By CONSTANCE WARNER kind of artistic sense in and of Ken Gamble and Leon Huff Other solo artists to release Manning and MacGriff were excellent of State News Reviewer also sense phrasing and enjoy it. Likewise, their « While Jermaine Jackson's al themselves. outstanding in Gouze's writing hit after hit tune for new efforts were Jermaine timing. solos did not take too zq Jackson and bum shows his talents, Smokey The Lansing Ballet Company, The technical level of the "Dance of the Country Girls," a Teddy Pendegrass, Billy Paul the legendary time or emphasis from a Robinson's new album does assisted by three guest soloists pieces was not really very snappy Moisiev-style character and Lou Rawls, it will be Smokey Robinson. "Carp," choreographed and ballet company, whose little to accentuate his accom from the Lansing Community difficult; but the young per¬ dance for the entire company. extremely hard. But Motown Jackson has finished his new exquisitely danced by Claire they were. College dance program, gave formers danced them with such The three modern-dance solcv does have the talent needed in album Frontiers (Motown M7- plishments. Sibley, had some striking pis one of this year's best dance conviction, style, and evident ists from the LCC dance pro Cuba Gooding. 898R1) and appears to be on his Love Breeze (Tamala T7- cine imagery (especially at the "Love and Metamorphosri Gooding has completed his programs Wednesday at the enjoyment that I, for one, got gram gave a pleasing variety to Fragments" can best be m way. 559R1) is one of those albums Center for the Arts. the program. Barb Wolf was a beginning and end of the first solo work, The First Cuba This album shows Jermaine as much pleasure out of watch¬ dance), but most of the time she cribed as a multi media evJ with a few sleepers and a lot of The Lansing Ballet Company ing them as I have had from stunning surprise: why haven't Gooding Album (Motown M7- Jackson's talent as a bass yawns. reminded me more of a small, or an oral interpretatioc f is a small civic company com watching many more compli¬ we seen more of her? Her solo literature to music. It mciifl 897R1), and shows signs of guitarist and singer. He opens elegant dragonfly than of a the album with a quick upbeat Robinson's new effort is lack posed of younger dancers (14 cated and difficult dance works. "Interpretations of Light," a such diverse elements tf is bringing back some of Mo- carp. adaisacal and unmotivating. His years old and up) who seem to Godfrey's "Holgerg" (to sort of choreographic free asso^ town's market. tune entitled "Let it Ride." century English love port! talents as singer, composer and strike exactly the right balance Grieg's "Holberg Suite") was a ciation to the music of Keith One might point out that the Gooding is an accomplished This recording is a nice music composed and playedi disco-funk tune that features an producer are wasted on this between polished, self-assured short suite of dances in the Jarret, contained some of the three guest soloists, Wolf, Sib Attila Farkas. two Chi* singer who has performed lead on such million sellers as excellent bass line. His singing work. There are only three stage presence and youthful style of the 1830s and '40s — most interesting movement I ley, and Valerie Janesick, had poems, and dancing. The da tunes that deserve mention off spontaneity. They dance with a mildly Bouronville-fiavored have seen in the Lansing area the good taste to program and "Everybody Plays The Fool" is superb on this cut and most ing, however, proved to ncert th,t <,idn t ende,r me tn Starsky and Hutch has a well earned rep as an action adventure Wednesday night s rerun. "Manchild in the Streets," story by jje|,>rd fans. In the numerous letters I received cop show with the emphasis on action, skreeling tires and male Steve Fisher, I»' ''f" review, the general consensus seemed to he: "You bonding. teleplay by Rick Edelstein istory editor) and Fisher. The story dealt with the murder of a black When Starsk preemed three bus driver, S and H's years ago, it epitomized Spelling friend, and his son's adjustment to his death. moron - iw'nKthe' w, a'on t care about Michel e or your personal life. y ipw!" Goldberg Productions' formula for a ratings winner. It starred Although the kid is, ,sn'l 1,1 he^ in * Therefore. I'd like to take this opportunity blond David Soul and dark Paul Michael Glaser as good temporarily at least, saved from committing a street crime in angry defiance against his father's fate. The rookie oisnv fans that I may have offended with that review hearted, good looking, honest cops whose professional careers cop responsible ■ only gets a 90 day suspension; this despite eyewitness's 'l0?,Zk nicer euy in the spring), but explain that I really can't were spent helping their friends and rescuing each other from and the fart that the victim was unarmed and a testimony, ' to vour experience, so I'm forced to relate it to mine death or fates worse than same. socially upstanding citizen without a record. It was a powerful, intelligent document of ' """'l understand. Hence, the only thing I will say in review It adhered to the well trodden paths forged by such Spelling institutionalized brutality and has been entered for the Humanitas "performer who took the stage at Jenison Fieldhouse last Goldberg forerunners as The Mod Squad and The Rookies. These award ■ M oroved that one can be mellow without being cosmic, series spotlighted youthful, integrated casts in glossy fast moving fTnll this column - What Jaekson Browne means to me - R picture plots with lots of chase scenes and plenty of action. The In both these episodes, the direction was cool and distancing. tlape-t-Y'^;^, the 1950s, there were the James Deans and the Holden Trumpeter I.eo Smith will be appearing with dynamite budget alone on The Rookies and S.W.A.T. probably exceeded that apportioned for guest stars. David Soul directed intellectual impact, as "Manchild." The directors opposed to emotional involvement — to sought for nnocent and bewildered rebels without a cause multi-instrumentalist Joseph Jarman and dancer S and H's first season was marked by dissension between the change people's heads, not their hearts. ■fields - semi ii to be the Dylans and revolutionaries of the '60s, a Eve Jorjorian at the Residential stars and everyone involved with the show, the second Whether the series will continue with intelligent, relevant College Audi¬ by battles ,-hen the causes were crystal clear. These angry young men torium in Ann Arbor between the stars themselves. During the first two seasons, the episodes next season is anyone's guess. It's already been renewed I|,ogrew up .— tonight. Sponsored by , watched as the causes and era dissolved into the resctionary Eclipse Jazz, the show is scheduled for S p.m. series specialized in "get' em" plots which focused on the but the continuing soapy strife between the stars continues ,period where - with or without the a cause - name of the Tickets are 12.5(1 and will be sold at the door. unabated. However, the summer reruns of Starsky and Hutch are worth looking at. , is survival. "The Juon Browne is an ultimate 70s survivor. He has survived by Crying Child" underlined the inability rtly combining ling the innocent naivete of the '50s rebel with the of overworked dream like ideology of the '60s. Through this juvenile units to deal with a child abuse case until the injury is grievous Browne adopts the persona of a manchild who Radio Iion sense City saved inition. or the victim dead. The ,ersthe land he is stuck in definitely ain't the promised one. episode examined when he takes on the role of visionary as in "Before The and exploded most of the common myths ond speaking out against the proliferation of nuclear plant s. he ' NEW YORK i AIM Radio reports within 20 minutes of misconceptions surrounding the syndrome. t rue to a child like compassion and understanding, City Music Hall presented the each other, said Skelton's wife. wne began his career as a guitarist and songwriter for the high kicking Rockettes as usual Marlene. I Underground's Nico. Jackson Browneis a punk I'm sure Rut we weren't relationship between Starsky and Hutch and presented far fetched e proud of the compliment since Browne knows that he is a Thursday after a last minute about to turn around and go romantic syntheses of macho Western motifs. Im the same way that Rocky Balboa was - trying "to go the reprieve, and many of thos»- luck." However, this year Starsky and Hutch began the season who waited in line fur the show Lee" and make an honest stance in a world gone mad. said Jack Cordon. H5. retired handicapped by the network Standards and Practices restrictions they came just to make a >n acts of violence. For instance two Iclaims that he is "a dreamer dreaming about Everyman." and • •In punches equals one gunshot sure the (j,2(M) seat theater was ns pattern maker from d not to take him at his word. When he asks to pray for The 5 or a squealing tire car chase equals one fight scene. You can have alive and well Queens, said he had been Jnder," he is asking for universal prayer. His healthy •upation with life, love, and death is what makes him a truly .. Representatives of the state a visiting week Radio City "about since it once opened 35 years one but not both. Such a rule has certain producer of an "action adventure" series. limiting effects on the fee lirtist - enabling him to graphically explain the inexplicable, hg int life's most simple moments sound poignant and life's most moments simple. and Rockefeller Center nounced an agreement after an ago 'just to He came again se»- Thursday if the show would In spite of. or because of this restriction. Starsky and Hutch has improved enormously this season. Forced to eschew old modes of resolving their story lines, they turned to a radically new approach y 5 ■aw y;v G ~ a w ft w 51 — #"$ what was to be the final show really go on." jwne offers something of himself to everyone lis it only storytelling to plot and character development. Such an idence that he records on "Asylum"?), and what most find Wednesday, under which the approach was almost unheard of in TV active cop shows, hut it • £3 state will subsidize the hall I t It did. and Gloria Rubio and worked surprisingly well for them. ially endearing is his susceptibility to romance and his the tune of $2.5 million Ibngla Trevino. two Spanish FRIDAY a year to fvel understanding of emotion. And here's where I get Early on in the season, they broadcast a searingly realistic inal: Last summer following what might best be described as a absurdity. I was a case of confused emotions and suicidal while ways are sought to keep it permanently open. The Rw" that made me feel less alone and helped see me through, news came reflected accurately the painful case histories most of us are _ Ji yifthis sounds too saccharine!) Without it. I might not be here Inow. and I suppose one might call that the epitome of art. "Were in business" an all "This the is something special for world." Mrs. Trevino familiar with. The abusing parent was herself the victim of sexual and physical abuse, repeating the pattern imprinted upon her. W Give Away Fun 9 Iwne has received some criticism lately for Running On Empty nounced ballet captain Rom- The Crying Child" underlined the inability of overworked i "artistic decline." People do tend to forget that he has had a r difficult time dealing with the suicide of his wife, even mary Novellio. "Radio City Music Hall has been saved." said It is a w onderful. wonder ful thing that people from all over can \;sit this special juvenile units to deal with a child abuse case until the injury is grievous or the victim dead. The episode examined and exploded •••• it's true that he does make his best music during morose landmark in the Cnited States Is of depression (i.e.. Late For The Sky). Still, it makes me Jim Skelton and his family left Hereford. Pa., at 5 .1(1 a.m. |to hear some of Browne's newer material. It's clear that Rockette I feel tee Knapp. a p will never start writing happy solipsistic material, and for the trip to the theater in long legged 29 year old native = MSU B00TERY im from someone like Browne means so much more than midtown Manhattan's Rocke of Ctica. N Y. recalled the ;m from someone who is always optimistic, is personally what I saw on the Jenison stage Tuesday night. Ine is a personification of his own "Fountain of sorrow feller Center. Is it open, or is it closed?" they asked while wait ing in the spring sun. applause las' faces . and cheers of the night audience. \nd they wore All those yelling - fttain of light." and it was good to see his smiling face at MSI' "Shortly before getting here, Rr.no' and 'We love vnu,' " she tight. we heard two conflicting radio For the MEN jPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 00 217 E. Grand River open tonight to 9 Stock up on Levis ' and enjoy for young men their comfortable fit and GRAND OPENING SPECIALS great looks. Cotton polyester bell bottom or straight leg corduroy. All- Come in and Register for Gift Certificates cotton or cotton polyester denims with boot legs or bell bottoms. Waist sizes 28 to 36 to be Given away Saturday, April 22 $12 ★ 1st Prize $50 Gift Certificate ★ 2nd Prize $35 Gift Certificate ★ 3rd Prize $25 Gift Certificate These Super jeans shoes hy^_ 97 . JnoobHoi i'm Padrino NowOniy $24« J Fridoy, April U 0 Michigon Stole News, East lonsing, Michigon 1978 LITWHILER: A FIVE TEA Losing skid continues MSU opens conference season as stickers stay home By MICHAEL KLOCKE "It should go down to the last turned in a fine 7 0 shutout in The Spartans will have four outings. SUte News Sports Writer weekend." Litwhiler said. the nightcap. home doubleheaders next week Kirk Gibson, who was a You'll have to pardon MSU "Four losses should be good On Sunday it will be Chuck against intra state rivals. They terror during the spring trip to By JERRYBKAUDE Politowicz, a junior from Mt. Clemen, Ux head baseball coach Danny enough to win the champion Baker, 1-2, and freshman Mark will host Central Michigan. Texas, has cooled off consider SUte News Sports Writer the team in points with 28. ^ Litwhiler if he doesn't have ship. On any given day. anyone Pomorski, 3-1, hurling against April 18; Ferris State. April 19; ably. The junior's average has The frustrations kept building up for Tim Flanagan is second with 18 vial,,.,, much spare time during the in this league can beat anyone the Badgers. Wayne State. April 21;fand dipped to .375 — over 100 MSU's lacrosse team, 4 5, as it blew a else." Pomorski. who prepped at Detroit. April 22. points lower than what he came five goal lead to Notre Dame in a 1211 assists for 27 total points. ' upcoming week. For that matter, no one on Larry Pashnick. 1-3, and Birmingham Groves High, has MSl'INGS: The MSU bull back from Texas with. overtime loss for its third consecutive loss. After the first quarter, MSU led pen. which looked in bad shape With six homers in the two Dame 3 2 on the help of two the team is going to have much Brian Wolcott. 4 1. will pitch been the most consistent pitch after the loss of Jim Cotter, has doubleheaders this week, the Trying to recover this weekend will be a from Politowicz and Richard goalj 2? spare time with 12 games Saturday's doubleheader er in Litwhiler's starting rota been different task against Ashland Saturday and Omel. ^ scheduled in the eight-day against the Gophers. Pashnick tion. He defeated the previous impressive in recent Spartans now have a total of 15 Northwestern Sunday. The games will be at Notre Dame tied the game stretch. got roughed up in Tuesday's ly unbeated Aquinas Tommies games. Both Eric Rosekrans for the year Tony Spada and f„ur m , Old College Field, where the Spartans will into the second period. But 10-7 loss to Albion, but Wolcott Wednesday. 3 1. and Jay Strother have had good Gibson have each had three. the Spuu, One consolation is that the rebounded for three straight play the rest of their home games at 2 p.m. goal, F? most important of those games Hrtnkman, Mark Pinto and doubleheaders against Big Ashland is one of the top teams in the Politowicz u*l 6 3 halftime lead. - Ten rivals Minnesota and Wis¬ Midwest Lacrosse League, and crvhead coach consin - will be played first. Nevin Kanner plans to slow it down. Notre Dame came back with two goabrfl The Spartans. 12 9. will open their Big Ten season at Minne¬ Fossum switching to experience Trying to recover form two weekend losses in Wednesday's Notre Dame game, the its once own to close the gap to one. But again, pulled away with four sm^i \ league's defending Spartans dominated nearly the first three goals by Politowicz. Duane sota. the champions. Saturday. Then it quarters, holding a 10 5 lead with 3:30 left in two by Flanagan, before Notre Anderson,^! Dame aaj will be on to Wisconsin for a By JOECENTERS to play. He's keeping his prom to use many different combina said. "We haven't even seen our the third stanza. back for the victory. State News Sports Writer ise. tions of players before he course (Forest Akersl yet and doubleheader Sunday. But then everything fell apart. The Irish Litwhiler expects a tight Big Before the beginning of the The Spartans are in Colum decides on a set lineup. He has won't see it until next week." gradually scored four straight goals to close Kanner doesn't know what to Northwestern except that it is expect fm| Ten race with five teams fight season. Bruce Fossum. coach of bus. Ohio, for the 54 hole, this tournament, plus five oth "A fair goal for us this the gap to one. Joe Politowuz scored to give only a cfyl ing for the title. The five are: the MSU men's golf team, 24 team. Kepler Invitational ers. until the Big Ten meet weekend would be to get into the Spartans some temporary breathing sport. It will be the first time the have met in lacrosse. twoyho^l Minnesota. Michigan. Iowa promised that he would try w hich he is preparing his team .he top 12." today. Saturday and Sunday, room with 5:45 left in the game. With 1:35 State, and. of course, his Spar¬ different combinations of play and only two of the six golfers for. The left, Notre Dame scored twice within a span game with Ashland will be tfcl ers and give everyone a chance Ohio State will host the Big tans. who participated in last week Ten meet May 19 21. and it will of 25 seconds to tie the game at 11 at the end Spartans' second Midwest Ucrosse LeapJ end's Illinois Intercollegiate be Fust of regulation play. contest of the year. Their first league guJ Tournament have made the played on the Buckeyes' course was a 15 13 loss to Oberlin, last Saturday Scarlet Course, the same Notre Dame's Tim Michaels then scored trip. Ashland defeated MSU 81 last year, tbl course that this weekend's with 1:11 gone in the overtime for the and Freshman Steve sophomore Rick Grover Lubbers are tournament is being played on. Fossum is still having prob open Saturday victory. fifth loss for MSU in seven meetings withikl Eagles. Ashland took third place last rttl the two lone holdouts from last The Forest Akers "We just let the slip away." cohead with a 4 2 record. Last year. MSU was MSU's lems getting practice time for East game netmen week. Lubbers Finished in the tournament with eighth a 76. his team and he is hoping for course inine holes* Saturday barring will open rain or snow. coach couldn't Boku Hendrickson capitalize on the man said. up." "We also 0 5. good weather this weekend just MSU is currently in the midst of a !oc| and Grover finished next for The West course (18 holes) isn't so his players can get three Joe Politowicz' five goals gave him 24 for MSU with a 78. game home stand, which will end Wednesai[ rounds of golf under their belts. expected to open until next the season, tying him with Kevin Willits for with another Two sophomores and four league contest against Bo*!;y| week. after first win The Illinois Tournament last the record of most goals scored in a season. Green State at 3:30 p.m. in Old College Fi«< I freshmen fnade last weekend's The cost for students is $2. weekend was a scheduled 36 trip, but for this tournament. event but rain cut it down to faculty and staff $2.50, alumni Fossum is going with experi¬ $3.75 and public $4.25. just an 18-hole tournament. ence. By GAYLE JACOBSON "We don't have a fair chance State News Sports Writer Senior co-captains Mark to prepare our team," Fossum It's a shame that tennis matches can't be postponed due to Brooks, from Grand Ledge, and poor weather. Maybe then MSl"s men's tennis team could come up with a slight reprieve from inevitable disaster. Today the Spartan netters are in Madison. Wis. for a scheduled 4 p.m. match up with Wisconsin. MSU will be pitting Doug Lemanski. from Grosse Isle, will play, along with senior Tom Baker, from West Bloom field, and junior Eric Gersonde. n a a a *'' \'i 1r H ^ Rugged sport with wine tourniesj its 0-3 record up against a strong Badger record of 113 overall from St* Joseph. and 2-0 against Big Ten competition. The Badgers also possess a strong performer in Mike Barr. their top ranked singles player, who is 12-2 tor matches "This ;s a very key tourna ment," Fossum said. "There The entry deadline for the hosts two league championships played this season. Barr defeated Big Ten singles champion Bill Rennie will be the best from the Big Women's IM tennis singles, By LINDA M.OLIVERIO Roth said that rugby is "not that rough. Most guys havepiajtJ of Indiana in a three set match two weeks ago. Ten. the Mid-American and the doubles and mixed doubles What sport at MSU takes no experience to play, has a "third tackle sport before, so their game looks rougher. Most vood Along with Barr. the Badger's Ken Thomas. 6-1, is expected whole bit. tournament have been half' to it and has a Wine Tournament? have never played, though. The object is to get the ball. to present problems for the Spartans. "We'll give the older players extended until April 20. Entries Its rugby, a sport what we aim for. Rugby can only be learned by playing it. 1 and:lz| MSU will be in Evanston. III., Saturday afternoon to face a shot and see what happens." will be taken in 121 Women's that has been growing rapidly throughout the United States. have to constantly think ahead." Northwestern. The Wildcats are 7 9 overall and 0-2 in the Fossum said that he expects IM Bldg. conference, going into today's contest with Michigan. Saturday and Sunday MSU will host the men's and women's Big So what's the attraction to the game? Ten Invitational Tournaments on the Veterinary Clinic and East "The social aspect of rugby is great," Robel said. For Spartan coach Stan Drobac, who has seen his squad lose IM fields. The MSU women are scheduled for a 9 a.m. game Satur "Afterf<*| to three conference teams game both teams get together and drink beer. Its the third already this season, this weekend the day and the men will play Northwestern at 10:30 a.m. Saturday. sport.' and the players take it serious." will be another learning experience for the young team. "Wisconsin is predicted to finish second in the conference," Drobac said. "And Northwestern beat Minnesota, a team that Men's track opens The championship games will be played Sunday with the men's B game starting at 12:30 p.m.. the women at 1:45 p.m. and the Redner said. "I play for the people. I like the sport butlbl friends all over the United States. The social aspect of ru$I men's A team at 3 p.m. why I play. Its a good way to travel." defeated us (7-21. so on paper it looks bad." Co captain Jenny Redner has Wisconsin picked to take the wo¬ Since rugby is a club and not a varsity sport, the teims prwi The match with Wisconsin will be held in the Badger's indoor their own transportation. Redner's van is used by the Dogwood Relays men's title with Ohio State a close second. Indiana has won the wora«| facilities, the Neilsen Tennis Stadium. Drobac is singles player. Kevin McNulty, will be well enough to join his hoping his top at trophy three years straight, but according to Redner, has "had a get them to their games. bad season. They lost a lot of their people." The Wine Tournament, Redner explained, is a game whrni teammates. Iowa and Michigan are favorites in the men's championship, but the players bring a bottle of wine, pour it in a barrel, and them McNulty injured himself during the Spartan spring trip and has not completely recovered from the After a layoff of over a month, it's back to business for Jim MSU has a shot at the title. is downhill. This year it will be played June 3 in East injury. Bibbs' MSU men's track squad with the Dogwood Relays in "Iowa and U M are contenders." said The Spartans dropped their third game of the season on Wayne Robel, a player and Anyone who would like to try rugby are welcomed by F' Knoxville, Ten., on tap this weekend. ex president of the men's squad. "But we've got a good shot at it, Roth or Redner at practice sessions. The women practice frorail Tuesday, losing to the Michigan netters 9-0 on the Wolverines Bibbs won't be sending his whole squad, in fact, MSU will enter indoor courts in Ann Arbor. only four relays and four individual events in the prestigious meet. expecially with the home field advantage. MSU is definitely in the top three." to 6:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday. The men Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5 to 6:30 p.m., both on pr»rtj "Michigan is a very, very impressive team." Drobac stated. MSU should fare the best in the spring medley relay. Bibbs will Robel volunteered to organize the men's Big Ten Tournament. Veterinary Clinic field. They have a freshman playing in the second singles spot enter four of his top performers — Tim Klein. Randy Smith, Ricky The women's is a much looser outfit; they won't know their Palmer College of Davenport, Iowa, one of the top who is an excellent tennis player." In the Michigan contest. Drobac and the rest of the Flowers and Keith Moore — in the event. tournament pairings until Saturday morning. squads, will be in town May 20 for a contest with the men colkpjji Spartan Smith, Flowers, Fred Parker and either Ken Eaton or Tony- The rugby season begins fall term, the teams practice inside State will visit May 13 for games against both MSU squads. squad sorely missed the services of senior McNulty, who was sidelined due to the injury. Taylor will run in the 400 and 800-meter relays. Parker, who is winter term, and resume a game schedule spring term. The men also an outstanding long jumper, became eligible just this term. were 4 51 fall term and are in a rebuilding We had to play without Keven year according to McNulty. This weekend I Klein. Flowers, Tyrone Williams and Steve Young or Gerald Robel. The women were less experienced, posting a 3 6 record. hope Kevin will be well enough to play." Drobac said. Cain will run the mile relay. Redner and captain Mary Kay Roth have been the driving forces Though the Spartans lack figures in the win column, Drobac In individual events. Smith will run in the 100 meters; Dan King remains reasonably content with the netters behind the women's club. They try to teach the basics of the sport continuing efforts. in the high jump; Paul Schneider in the shot put; and Williams, to women who are new at it. Redner joined the team last fall while You don't like to lose and I know kids don't like to lose," Klein and Eaton in the 400-meter intermediate hurdles. Roth has been involved with it for three years. Drobac reflected. "But their attitude is good and they're still One unfortunate aspect of the men's outdoor season is that "No experience is necessary to get on the team," Redner out working. We just have to hope that we're getting better. If they (the players) lose all their confidence then they're in Spartan fans will be able to see the team only once all spring. stressed. "We start from scratch. Most of our players have one trouble. Despite having a fine track facility (Ralph Young Field), the only year's experience. Rugby is a new sport and we want people to home meet scheduled is the Michigan State Open, May 13. realize we are here. You don't need well developed skills." We have to win at singles though before we can win Bibbs' squad will be keying for the Big Ten Meet, May 19 20 in matches." Evanston. MSU finished fifth in the indoor Big Ten Meet. Also pinball, air hockey, TV tennis, table tennis.... State News FOR ADULTS ONLY Pillow Pjoroltwro Newsline Undergraduate students living on campus in an under¬ UNION BILLIARDS graduate residence hall who do not wish to use the 355-8252 Rated X services provided by the lower level Union Bldg. phone: 355-3356 g for X-tra comfort! Michigan State Radio Net¬ work and its stations WBRS, WMCD, WMSN may Mon. thruThur. 11:30 a.m.-! 1:00 p.m. BEAN BAGS receive a refund of their U00 radio fee Frl. 10:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m. NOW'17." "• " by going to PREPARE FOR [~l Room 8 Student Services Bldg. between 1 - 5 p.m. Sat. A Sun. 12 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. MCAT • DAI • ISAT • GRE Pillow Talk Monday April 10th through Friday, April 14th. The Necklace with a Lcg^10 Please bring fee receipt and I.D. cards to obtain GMAT • OCAT • VAT • SAT Furniture refund. While (he Sand Dollar is one ol (he most widely know'' <,n East-West Mall, Frandor popular of all shells, few people are aware of the NMBU.I, pretty little legend attached to it ECFMG-FLEX-VQE I egend has it that these strange shells tell the stO'VL' I Christ's suffering and his glory I NATL DENTAL BOAROS NURSING BOARDS The five holes represent the live wounds of Chris! On I Flexible Programs A Hour* front the Faster Lily— ils center a five Poin ,s' h(.(d$ I There If representing the Star of Bethlehem which led the snei i • differ true!!! Irom alar On the back the outline ol the Cfyis " ^ I Poinsellia reminds us of His birthday When theis> _ broken open, five Doves of Peace and Good Will • ^ Because of this religious legend, this f a tie i' n9 ol the sea is olten referred to as the Holy Ghosi )' A beautiful story, beautifully told in sterling s''v(1 $?5 00 >md»f Ih.p, m Cwrtw, VnA.MASTRCHMOI. MWINCHMOI l^igonJWte N»wv Eo«t lon.lng, Michigon Friday April 14 1978 9 ap wif«?r ko»o New York's Reggie Jackson (left) swings with » broken bat and Chicago's Bobb\ Murcer lahovel ducks pitches from Jerry Koosman. It s early in baseball season but batters slump, tempers flare Rasehall'v 1977 World Series h»-r R^ggm Jackson throws bats Meanwhile. Koosman. ■ w ho te •d with Tom . ;n the at ball-s. and Jerry Koosman. a W<» Id >er•» heroin 1%9. throws - New Y'ork Mets winning balls at batters days. • ejected from Wedm sday's game against the Chicago Cubs in the Jackson led the New York Yank' seventh inning after throwing at es to t he world championship isc he!, last fall with three home runs ag, ;ns; I,os Angeles in the final but he also sent Bobby Murcer u :d down with \vi id niter game, but he had a hard time in Ne a York's series m Milwaukee. the first inning. It may be the early, cool, bird of the ha .sebali se Jackson took a hefty swing .n spru luesday's game, but his hat but it didn't stop baseball's thn ng battles as Reusche broke at t he handle and flew to sec >nd base. Jackson w as throw n was warned for throwing bails ' close to Mets heads, out when the bail only made it t< the pitcher on the ground, Oh well, it's a long season and T > jet Jackson aiso had problems We happened bet ore •a ait inesday when he struck out until the weather gets hotter a: he pennant r: more four times. intense. Streaking Tigers in Toronto TRAVEL TO TOUiH TOl R\h) Netters try to recover The Bird has returned; Rv JERRY' BRAl'DE [angers' Moret State News the past and Sports Writer couple of weeks, defeats, illnesses have staggered the Tigers win fourth gel re; fas like a statue' game ider now have the injuries mtrol. but trying to solve and champ!< the losing syndrom, this weekend at the Indiana. Ohio Stat U By MIKE RABI N back singles to Toby Harrah lack, who gave up 11 hits tournament are ;V ' ARLINGTON, Texas lUPI) — Texas Rangers' pitcher Roger ARLINGTON. Texas lUPIl and t'laudell Washington. Juan through 7 1 3 innings. Buckeye Invitational in Columbus. Ohio will sin. Michigan. Northwestern. Aub irr. Wes ret. described by teammates as unusually morose during In case anybody was wonder be dill-cult task. — Benequiz then grounded tamely Singles by Steve Kemp and .t em Kentucky and the I'niversitv l eamewarmups. Wednesday slipped into a catatonic state in Ail the schools that have defeated MSC Chattam-'ga: the defend ing, the Bird definitely is back. to end the game. Charlie Spikes combined with a see at I locker room and stood "like a statue" for 45 minutes. Mark "The Bird" Fidrych, once thi- year will he at the invitational, hut college champion "It took us too long to catch double by Aurelio Rodriguez Early reports said the left-hander had been taken to the the likeable, toussle haired roach Karl Rut/ is still optimistic the team "Realistically, we're not expect: up and I didn't want to let them produced one run for the Tigers Tpital.but a team spokesman said Moret was given a sedative right bander who pats the le doctors examined him in the locker pass us," Fidrych said. "In the in the second and Lance Parrish "If room. mound, talks to the ball and ninth I told myself not to tied the game ae perform at the top of our potential stone for the- Big Ten and sr.it»- with a homer in [It was scary." said Manager Billy Hunter. "He just stood throws strikes, won his second overthrow the ball like I did the fifth. and. turn some of the close matches around, ships." Rut/ said. Barring ■elike a statue. We don't know what is wrong. I just hope the" v.e can still do well." Rut/ said. we game in as many starts earlier. juries, we should be ready for 'K I find out." Detroit went ahead in the 0"r bright point will be the return of Wednesday night. 3-2. against "Sure. I knew who was up. It top championships i Apr: to _'V tr Moret. who a week ago had threatened to leave the Hangers seventh on singles by Rodri singles ami doubles player Debbie Mascarin. Texas and appears set for was Oliver and Zisk. But I told cooperates. pause of a dispute with two other players, entered the locker another season of staduim guez. Mark Wagner and Ron who missed last week's action because of a "Diane Selke is still hav ir.g ankle n after taking part in the club's pre-game workout before a myself to keep throwing the IveFlore to win its fourth game packing performances. Detroit fast hall, just like I did when he pulled leg muscle and the flu. but she hasn't beer, compiam.ng ?duled contest with the Detroit Tigers, in five starts. "Debbie i< suffering from being out of back lately." Rut/ said. has won three straight. hit the home run. And give fitnesses said Moret took off his uniform, told Hunter he was After giving up a two-run credit to our infield. They kept The Tigers had Thursday off shape, and the leg hasn't really been tested Due to this week s weather. M> king the club and then walked to his locker, home run to A1 Oliver in the yet." Rut/ said an accumulation >1 one da> us in the game and if they keep but travel to Toronto to open a there, standing only in his underwear and holding a shower "The leg ;s not bothering me at all now." first inning. Fidrych found the playing like that we're going to three game weekend series, practice, a half a lay Monday and •per in one hand, he stood frozen for 45 minutes. Mascarin said "I'm not match sharp yet. and Wednesdav. Moret. after his early threat to leave the club just before the groove and held off the Texas be OK." beginning this afternoon Ening of the regular season, had pitched four innings of relief Rangers until his Detroit Texas went with Jon Mat against the Blue Jays. learned a save in the Rangers' 5 2 Tigers teammates could nibble victory over New Y'ork on away at the deficit. widay night. Efter that appearance. Moret said he wanted «ws. to stay with the floret, 28. posted a 3 3 record with Texas last year after And. after the Tigers moved in front 3 2. Fidrych made sure that was the final score. The Puffin fare Even Inding the early part of the season on the disabled list, xehasbeeninthe majors for eight seasons and came to Texas «Atlanta in troit Ralph Houk, the De manager who has seen it all. had to smile. for youths. a multi-player trade more than a year ago. "He's some pitcher." Houk One of the first things said. "A lot of young pitchers young Puffins learn to do with a one run lead get too is ffy Icelandic careful. They try to pinpoint Begmnmg .April 1. the ball. Fidrych challenges 1978. Iceland*- will fly any youth OAiflin luganis, Chandler lead everybody. He does it the right way. or person) from 12 thru 23 years old "When young pitchers get roundtnp from New Rut there's more to York to Luxembourg behind hitters they get in AAU diving tourney trouble and Fidrych throws it lor just $400 $U0 from Cfucago. Re Iceland* than just km tar es. You II get a right at them." turn tickets an' great dinner ai*1 Fidrych missed most of the good for a full excellent service I flu?™r ">e men's ~ Grefl Ix>uganis of El Cajon, Calif., led one-meter springboard and Olympic 1977 knee season with shoulder and year. Fares are subject on your trip And Iceland* will problems, but there was change down L "st Jenifer Chandler did the same in women's no hint of difficulty Wednesday Rook set you nght m the m*l IdL" s'!nriK',"ard preliminary Thursday at the National night. After allowing the first anytime die of the Kuriv Ln •n' mP'onships at Cleveland State University. , inning runs, he surrendered pean Continent, where ytxiH be pffle Tenn "P second 1 P°'n'win. toUIsai.so of 512'52' Jim Kennedy of only three singles until the just fxxirs awav b> was w-p —-nlu"u with 497.43 anu and ueienuing defending comchampion ninth. tram from Kurope's wmni "u '^nn An'*"'. Mich., was third with 487.50. He opened the ninth by nxist famous I ' .R0!d medalist Phil Boggs, also of Ann Arbor, was fourth striking out Oliver and Richie landmarks. preliminary competition with 484.86. Zisk before giving up back to So take a travel tip from Iceland's favorite bud Learn to tfv Iceland* See vour travel Hsmksion So smooth, liiisy to sip. Delicious! Comfort K's unlike any other liquor. agent. (h write IVpt. #C»SA Iceland*' Anlines. \ PO Box 105. lintenance Special 1 It tastes good just poured over iee. That's win it makes mixed drinks •J 3 West Hempstead,. N Y .11552. Call 809 555-121J kn toll free number Change transmission fluid. taste much better, too. Sip into "* ,n vnur area ■ Adjust bands. something Comfort "able. $275 • Clean screen. " I Replace pan-gasket. Fare tixwn • I KoundtripU 45 45 day AI'FX Farv day AI'F.X N.V Complete road test. Southern $400 6026S. Cedar 393-7541 Comfort Koundtnp Youth Fare. Icelandic to Europe 4>«mh1 thru age 2.V CatMiller) SDU1 HI dm fOMttlW uWrHNUlU* 'tW t'HlHW I i'Xil UN SI I0UIS wo 6JIJ/ •t2Kttnwlhr«i> IiMmmiM hr pjdk, .alwSdivs.au-Monim ivxemxl CSdiyspiM kxfcvatwr and A.WJlSe*hwi> M UivH*. t-a-keiUx Friday 10 Michigon Stote News, Eost tonsing, Michigon TO COMPLY WITH FEDERAL RULES you'll never ,C leave hungry E.L. By BRUCE BABIARZ flood-proofing law passed comply with federal regulations in designated areas to be "flood building be above established 16 feet above the normal water on Friday" State News Staff Writer An ordinance to restrict con for the 1968 National Flood Insurance Program which pro¬ proofed," said Bradley Pryce, group manager for the Plan flood lines. The insurance plan is based level causing in damage. millions of dollars In other action, the commis ALLYOUCANEATl vides federally subsidized flood chance in a hundred struction in flood prone areas in ning. Housing and Community $2.49 on one East I>ansing was approved insurance for all communities with flooding problems. Development Department. Federal regulations require that The a flood will occur. National Flood Insur sion: •Discussed an unconven ENGLISH FISH & CHIPS Wednesday night by the city The ordinance requires all that in newly developed areas ance F'rogram will subsidize up tional critique of the city's Tasty all white Cod Fillets dipped in batter and planning commission. The ordinance was passed to development and construction the lowest habitable floor of a to 90 percent of the premium outdated "Comprehensive Plan, deep fried to a crisp go/den brown costs for those purchasing flood (continued Served with trench fries, roll on page 11) ond butter, insurance. However, to be eligi I and your choice of soup sofad ble a person must have owned or clam chowder RHA and black the property to be insured caucus UNIVERSITY reps before 1974, when the city adopted the program. REFORMED The Department of Housing and Urban Development list 58 CHURCH 2800 E.Grand River talk over minority problems flood insurance policies in the The International program as of March 31. 1978 4930 S. Htgidorn providing $1 million in cover Iscross From Akersl ByNEALHALDANE representatives that it was Vaughn urged students to age. MSI' has $30 million in 9 30 Study Groups House Pancakes. For the first time in Resi difficult for individual black become involved in government flood insurance with a private dence Hall Association 10 30 Coffee Hour history, caucuses to approach residence and politics. insurance company. black presidents and hall councils to ask for I'nder the current Worship: caucus funding. "We make decisions you are emer members attended an RHA He added that many people gency program single family 11:00 a.m. and 4 p.m. forced to live with." he said. board meeting Wednesday to may interpret the problem in residents may obtain a maxi He also complained about the For Rides Call 351 -6810 discuss problems faced by mi racial terms rather than as a mum of $35,000 in coverage and lack of communication. increasing costs of a college after 9 a.m. Sunday nority students. non residential maximum cov¬ education. "This (the meeting) is a RHA president Tim Van erage is $100,000. Tom Stark, Pastor paramount medium from which Antwerp termed the meeting "If we are not careful we will In 1975 the worst flood in 28 and discussion "excellent." Gayla Barnes, minorities can voice their con¬ price education out of the range years in Fast Lansing occurred Staff Associate cerns to a policy department "I hope this meeting will set of everyone." he warned. \*hen the Red Cedar river rose that can create change," said up a better rapport between Leslie Phillips, former Van black caucuses and dorm coun Hoosen RHA representative cils," he said. Fixing Your Cor Over The Weekend? ALL'® UP! who organized the special meet Albert Mooney, RHA repre ing. sentative from Wonders Hall, Our Parts Dept is Open Saturdays! Black caucus members were said the meeting was designed invited to listen to a brief talk to give black caucuses a chance on minorities and education by to see how RHA operates and LEVIS state Rep. Jackie Vaughn, D discuss future cooperation be FADED GLORY JEANS Detroit, followed by an infor¬ tween the two groups. We are the mal discussion with RHA re¬ He said black FORUM KNIT TOPS caucuses also closest German presentatives. got a chance to meet among DAMON SPORTSWEAR Anthony Keitt, minority aide themselves and possibly solve car parts supplier RAY-BAN SUNGLASSES from Wonders Hall, told RHA common problems. to campus. UNIVERSITY 'ol CO/MAN ONE KNOWS THAT WHEN HANGERS 4608 S. Hogodorn Dr. Noward A. Lyman Eost lonsing preaching HOURS M-F 8-5:30 ALTCMCTIVE, ARE LEFT IDLE. THEY JUST GET TOGETHER IN TANGLED LITTLE Worship 10: SS 11:15 Student Foundation Chaplain Bailey "Heartuts i( Lm" Worship Services 20% off most SAT 9-3 / INC. Servicing Aud vw-Porsche COMMUNITIES OF WIRE. THE ONLY WAY TO STOP THIS PHENOMENON IS TO FILL THOSE HANGERS Bus Schedule 9 45 o ti and ) 1 00 a m OVI« TNI COUNTIR PARTS ph. 332-5025 235 S. HOMER South of Frandor WITH BEAUTIFUL CLOTHES FROM MARTY S. Richard L. Sehulthtis THE NEXT TIME YOU WALK BY STOP IN AND ASK THE ATTEN0AN) Pastor Nursery Available 485-9477 TO FILL ER UP! HHWiffl-tm MfiRTYS EASTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN, CHURCH | 1315 Abbott Rd. (North of SIRLOI Saginaw) . East Lansing | 305 EAST GRAND RIVER. EAST LANSING. Ml. Open Thuriday A Friday til 8:30 Sunday, April 16th | Worship: 1:301 10:45 a.m. Church School through Adult: 9:30 o.m. | * A GREAT TASTING STEAKATA THEME: REACHING OUT I PRICE THAT'S EASY TO SWALLOW Paul W.Green 337-0893 Timothy Quist 337-0183 { Our pno- i.'.riu.ies s .. t ake : potato warrr. r .. steak vr.th all th- !ri::.rr.;:.gs .Such as a ar.d i ,::er plus ail the- Ires.n crisp sala 1 DEMOLITION you car. •> ;t . uia i Bar p •V52>4 South Baptist Church SALE! 1518 S. Washington Lansing SUNDAY, 7:00 p.m. 150 ROOMS OF Owlet My Hwart, Lord! Do you have a longing for a FURNITURE & FIXTURES quiet & peaceful heart? S08B8& Is it possible ? AT USu CeHtfi Bible College fellowship Md MOTEL "6" Class iith rdreslmeets 130 p.«. fins* Im 112 EAST MAIN SUNDAY, 11:00 a.m. 5 DAYS ONLY Thw God Who Doel Not Pail. FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening BUILDING TO BE DEMOLISHED Call 482 0754 for information - Dr. Howard F. Sugderi, Pastor Kenn Hecht, College Minister Featuring 100's of Luggage Racks $l.50.o. Chests of Drawers TONIGHT- APRIL 14th Drapes '.so »0. Modem Tank Toilets 7:30-8 p.m. Cable Channel 11 Armchairs MS.00™. Modem Bath Tubs Complete Rooms of Shag Carpet M9.°° Mirrored Medicine Cabinets "THE FALL OF PUBLIC MAN" Night Stands U.00™. Tim Proof Metal Doors Ceiling Lights 'a.00•<.. Bathroom Sinks Past and Present Tense Panel: Lynn Jondahl, Rep. State Legis. William Hixton, Historian No Reasonable Offer Refusedl Erik Lunde, Historian Truman Morrison, Theologian Pumps, Motors, Compressors, Air Handlers, Like New Hot Wat*' SUNDAY, APRIL 16th Heaters, Aluminum Framed Plate Glass Doors, Aluminum Fronted 8:30-9 a.m., WILS-FM 101/102 Plate Glass Windows, and Exterior Fire Proof Doors w/ponlc "EQIIUS' and the Open to public 10 to 8 QUEST FOR TRANSCENDENCE" Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday Dr. Truman A. Morrison and Tuesday Edgewood United Church, E.L. only — Edgewood United Church Over 15,000 Items to choose from 469 N. Hagadorn 11 a.m. Sermon by Trumon Morrison For information call 485-3497 Music by Edgewood Choir Cash, certified check, Master Charge and Visa only ^ignStcfr News, Ew« lonslng. Mlchlgon Fridoy. April 14, 1978 11 THIS AREA'S 5 Valuable Coupon Worth $1.00 inergy uses compared Hi Fi BUYS EXCLUSIVE DEALER FOR biomass, \sstsss., fusion, solar or ernment has reported. For him, <150 breeder reactors will be able to solar energy is the solution to __jil kat/a iil I save us." the energy crisis. LOUDSPEAKERS PC ^ Trivoli said the United States "Solar energy is constantly the 1»V 2000 " "SKRVING Y4)i: FOR OVF.R 15 YKARS" *££*3. their should continue to use oil and gas until 2000, but change the supported by the public in opinion polls," he said. 101 E.GRAND RIVER 4810 W. SAGINAW pricing policies for these re Solar power could not (<,"2 sources. Usually an impending re all energy resources, he said, replace but it could minimize the risks E.L. PH. 337-1767 LAN. PH. 321-2373 rn(e heia in the Hello** source shortage would automa and dangers of other alterna teods2at tically raise its market price, tives. tGte7re«»BrrchW«ndVw- t the Sundsrd Oil Trivoli eiplained. The price increase would lower consumer Freedkin said the federal government released data in fc otlo; C«r*e W. X demand, prompting businesses to invest in alternative energy 1976 which showed that solar energy produces economic 1Wr»n'dmr'C or e«w sources, he said. But current government reg savings in all parts of the country but the Pacific North ■„ Hilled'1' College. 1 ulation of oil and gas prices at Freedkin. west, where water energy is u energy low levels has impeded domes more efficient. tic production and made the "The technology is here," he E. Koent*. direc MSL' s Center for rnul Quality. En U.S. economy more dependent •n foreign oil, Trivoli said. He cited a recent Federal said. "It is not 'can we use it?' but 'how can we use it?' " FRIDAY lM| discussion on the Koenig said the only way to lh,t brwd," Energy Research and Develop ment study which showed thil deregulated natural gas prices maintain the current standard of living is to efficiently use th T.G. BUY TWO DELICIOUS W L (usien energy. wUr MR. TONY SUBMARINE SANDWICHES (reg) 1 and bioma" energy Ling Pi'"1' t0 UMb e would provide the United States with enough domestic resources at hand. He said coal and nuclear specials' FOR ONLY *150 (and this coupon) SAVE '1.00 energy could not maintain the Lo5ldbe.lternittve.to production for another 1.000 years. The study also showed annual four percent growth in HIGHER SPECIAL llintng WPP1* ot^L that natural gas is this coun energy consumption. 2-6 *, not until Ifter 2000 ,rf all inexhaustible try's most abundant natural "Even under the best condi 1 which produce electrr resource. lions LIVE BAND they could not even L slid. "It exists in every part of the "But we do not support a one percent energy NO COVER country," he said. "If we dereg increase," he said. K* recommended*' that ulate natural gas and petroleum He also said it is a myth that N(U«WIMAIINII |ltrd States depend on we would have plenty to carry u» to the year 2000." there is a 1,000 year supply of IONi(,lii: laff 515 W. Grond River (juat west of Greyhound Station) j nuclear power in the natural gas. NO MLIVINY ne- Freedkin disagreed with Tri voli, saying oil and natural gas were too polluting and that the to "It would take more energy get it out of the ground than THE SHAKERS ® Pick-Up or Din. In Only ■ 332-8611 Expires 4-20-78 Iand uranium resource entually run out," he we would get from it," he said. United States does not have a iut I am optimistic - 1,000 year supply, as the (continued on 15) bv the vnr 2000. that gov page chemist featured speaker Spring Fest this weekend Pisiwiter. » well Suggested donations for the by the Wolf Moon Food Coop festival are $2 for adults. $1 for [author and biochemist, erative. Small Planet Natural the /enured speaker at ages 12 to 17. and children Foods Restaurant and Grocery, under 12 free. the House of Nutrition and the 'est this Saturday from The event is being sponsored Sears' Vitality Shop. Iural Fo ds and Health lo 9 p.m. at the Martin Chapel 444 Abbott ■si Unsing. iter will discuss his New flood-proofing law on csncer. sging, snd lease Other speakera critique be revised before being flude: MSU professor ireher Dr. John DO.; Dr. W.N. Dudley, Up (coetiaeed from p4gc 10) 1980." The critique, entitled released to the public and called for postponement of a public I Howell chiropractor, "Plan it Again, Sam." was not hearing on the plan until May I Robert Lewsnski snd written in a conventional style 17 and 24. The commission sup punw; local herbologist and drew praise and criticism ported his recommendations rtman; and yoga in- from commissioners. and voted to reschedule the [ Clint Lockert. "In many ways it goes be meeting for the later dates. Ian Innch and din- yond a critique," group manag •Passed a proposal that the er Pryce said, adding, "some of I with child care, will city attorney review zoning Kble. Reservations for the attempts at humor were not code changes in six "problem" Inner may be made by funny." areas before the changes are |6l-8649 today. Pryce recommended that the sent to citv council. feel sprang 6own to youR With BdSS®= sunjuns and squeejuns Sunjuns! Comfort, fashion and durability in the great size range and style selection thot Shepards has long been noted for. 15 different Sunjuns to choose from in sizes 5-10, Medium and Narrow. Squeejuns! Youre sure to find what you're looking for--8 different Squeejuns to choose from-in sizes 5-10. Medium. 6-10 Narrow. Our fosl Lansing store sails more Bass shoes than any ethar shoe store In Michigan I 317 East Grand River Upitalri at the Downtown" East tonsina 326 So. Washington 332-2851 485-7215 Friday, April u 12 Michigon State News, East Lonsing, Michigan "1 to do and there's a lot of snow (continued from page 5) around here. The same applied structure seems as much a Activists move out of the streets to the demonstrations." result of the protest movement as was the return of the system been fighting. is shallow in the face of a closer save the glorification of a In many ways the elected student officials of 1978 are Greeks turn to service to a more responsive position. heirs to the marching student Grebner recalls that the war "The next logical question in look at the war protests. frightening president. These "It's were the was still raging when govern light of this," Smydra said, an oversimplification to people who, as Greb protesters. Sobel. Fox, Smydra (continued from page 5) chapters. ner said, "came of and Grebner all marched and "Fraternities just change "was 'is the government make¬ say that everyone in the '60s age politi porated in the off campus area are another with ment again began to listen to ik . out marching for causes," cally in that type of situation chanted when that was the like people. It had reached a point, up, the composition, such that it was Sobel maintains. "It and committed their lives to avenue they saw open to them. indication of this, Joe Murphy of the everything else," said Wavn, ski, former Delta Chi president r ""I he said, where those in power might not be improved?'." was very to get involved with the changing the world Student Housing Corporation believes. "Wer**! actually stopped listening, and The answer, of course, was easy There the immediacy tyred class." — a mar Now they are traveling a different avenue, struggling for "People want to live in group situations," requirements for members, only guys in the house want." Delta ,f''I resounding support for im¬ war. was 1 "fl ' turned a deaf ear to the he said. DelL» Pk; Chi „ of the draft and friends getting But there the followers. much the same results. provement. And the focus were Showing dormitory dwellers the advan ship has doubled in the he last widespread protests. four "Government wasn't a slowly began shifting from a killed." "Everyone was into politics "It's not that any of us are tages to these living arrangements is the job making present membership 90. r«J dwindling war to an unre¬ Yet Grebner sees an even then," Grebner said. "At foot of house members and leaders, said J. Dee method of dealing with the flimsier commitment the ball games! It was the socially unique," Smydra said. "It Joyce Boyd, president of the Intnw„l sponsive government. on could've been else. Brooks, president of Beta Theta Pi frater tive Council, problem, it was the problem, In any discussion of campus part of thousands of campus acceptable thing to do. someone sees the change in q I said Grebner. "The feeling about the Nixon White House activism in the '60s, the influ¬ followers who bolstered the "In 1972, you partied in your The remarkable thing was it was possible to put it all that nity. "We're trying to think of ways to go over membership reflected in prevailing and community relations. relations ,tih2l "*1 ence of Vietnam can hardly be protest movement through room on Saturday night and to the dorms and give them a reason to come was that the federal govern together. The climate allowed T!le™ ® ! lot. !e"Jiostility on th( ment was the enemy." ignored. It can, however, be something much less than self- canvassed for McGovern Sun us to do it. over here," he said. part," Boyd said. "They don't ukeC|((j| w overrated. interest. day night. Everyone did it. Membership requirements for fraternities selves to be the only And this systematic deafness There central After Bobby Fischer it was "We're reflection of the thing in th, ^ They're not as self-centered as ,h ""i was a a But the argument that to core, a and sororities have slackened considerably in was a catalyst for a closer look chess. Shortly after that the time, and I don't think any one '"'y J day's student is more self inter group of committed individuals recent years in an effort to revitalize dying be." at government, ultimately who viewed the of us could have been elected in ested because of the specific war as a rage was cross country skiing. spurring protesters to involve horrible drama with It's 1969." themselves in what they had organizational bent of activism no purpose relatively inexpensive, easy Specialising In MEXICAN STYLE FOOD CAMPUS THIS KIND OF EYE kUTO BOD7.I1 featuring these specials CONTACT KEEPS YOU Larry A Ha ligssda PIZZA LOOKING GOOnt American & Foreign Cars Mm Twee tacos TOSTAOAS Wa4 INC MR ADA! Bill, Don, larryl Undo Thurt.. Frl.. A Jet. present this coupon for Quality Work Guaranteed nights at 9:00 Free Estimates OFF complete menu available daily ON 50* YOUR NEXT PIZZA fTlon. - Ffi. 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. along with beer, wine A your favorite cocktails Kitchen Open $ot. 8:00 a.m. -12 Nnon FRENCHIE'S BAR Mon-Sat I0e.m..|l4| (except free item night) Sun. I p.m Corner larch! Michigan Ave. 400 Baker Street. Ions. 1312 Mich. Ave. 310 W. GRAND RIVER I one block west of South Cedar St. 337-1377FREE DELIVERY 337-1639 J laming 489-6577 For the best in optical care, Spring Denim Jacket see us. We're specialists in fitting contacts and also have a wide selection of frames All Denim Jackets 30% OFF... and lenses. Stop by Co-optieal soon and see what we have to 30% eff offer. 351-5330 THE maiEBOX 3$ M W SAT 10-6 Dr. James Nixon 'AM 4PV SPM f> 30 P1 THURS 10-1:30 403 E. GRAND RIVER. NEXT TO THE Registered Optometrist CAMPUS THEATRE 337» 1 109 Brookfield Plaza IT'S HERE AT LAST! The Band The Last Waltz i®i The Band/The Last Waltz. * 1 Th e ai'eady 'egendarv 'afewe corcer' a' San Fra^c sco s W'.~'e' ard s a n^,s! 'c ae vcfees of T*e Bang ano 'oc* 'nusic as a iMea:j'es Tne Band s g'eates? songs anc an astonisn.ng a^a, of g^es* s?a's On Warner Brot Records and Tapes Mir list price SU 96 iTapes S14 98i 99 3 RECORD SET ONLY & 220 MJLC. UNIVERSITY MALL . .MORE THAN JUST A RECORD STORE HRS.iM.-SAT.t9, the ring sale. ABOVE ALLEEY SIM. 117 PH. 332 3525 $0495 Men's traditional Siladium® rings and selected women's fashion rings are an unusual buy at *64.95 Today is your last chance to get really outstanding savings in this sale. THE /TRTQIRVED has a large collection of rings. Ask to see them. REPRESENTATIVE 9.00 Jim Durham a.m. - 4:00 p-»' Dates April I t Place MSIJ Bookatore Deposit required. Ask about Master Charge or Visa. t,nn Stole News, Foil onting, Michigan Fridoy, April 14. 1978 13 THIS AREA S I Hi Fi BUYS EXCLUSIVE DEALER raiDAY A SATURDAY NIOHTS ,tor Brown spends night in jail FOR New Earth Rhythm second arrest for drunken driving Hftlntosb Band ■sink tl'PII - Scn W' Brown-the 51 year-old dean of who was fined $500 last year for impaired driving, was northwest of the Capitol. "I'm very embarrassed to be K SERVING YOU FOR OVER 15 YEARS" 1101 E. GRAND RIVER 1.1. PH. 337-1767 4S10W. SAGINAW LAN. PH. 321-2373 J JAZZ-PUNK Sunday • Chicago Mainsail 14 - appearing before you this morning," Brown told the judge. Ird Thursday on a new drunk driving charge, Imter, outside the courtroom. Brown told IllLhland Park democrat stood mute in an appearance he is being subjected to harassment but reporters he believes Camilla Monday - Saturday District Judge James J. Wood, requested a jury trail on the he did not expand on that statement. "I think it's a continued New Watermellon IlMnor and was fre d on $1,50 personal recognizance harassment, period," he said. l„ trial dale was set, Police said Brown fell had spent a night in custody after his arrest late against the car several times while taking Rhythm Band n dexterity tests and refused day by Unsing police at an intersection several blocks to take a breathalyzer examination. j|E. Grand Rivar jots from Barkey Holl) JP. ® izapdj> /Y\. (^rxdepg pound 1 N< Pwddlwr $ Nautilus (antique* icroff*) ;| Roots 220M.A.C. THE UNIVERSITY MALI 332-2202 351-8880 1139 E Grand River Fast, Free 351-7100 966 Trowbridge Delivery * don t forget to ask for free cups of Pepsi' RESTAURANT COCKTAILS, BEER & WINE Mon.-Sat. Nites 23 Complete Italian and miv American Dinners from 2.95 SUNDAY SPECIALS • jpinc BRUNCH BUFFET 10:00 2 00 2.75 DINNER BUFFET This Areas Only Mulfi-Media Discotheque 3 30 9 30 3.95 2843 F Gd River I Ions 351-1201 Our Dinner Buffet Includes: e Barbequed Spar* Ribs oy Your Weekend at the Rainbow Rnnrh e Fried Chicken # Steamihip Round of Beef # Green Bean Catserole MARATHON e e Assorted Vegetables, Potatoes Fresh Fruits B Salad Bar HOUSE PARTY L e Old Fashioned Bread Pudding with Apples HAPPY HOUR 4-6 WEEKDAYS FRIDAY C SATURDAY With your discounted drinks Beer Special til 8:00 your choice of nibbles Dancing at 8:30 Both Nitcs (Next lo Peoples Church) PH. 337-1755 136 W. GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING with ALEC GUINNESS in 8 Roles plus Special Guests ALSO HEATWAVE STARRING Monday, April 17th, 8 p.m. DENNIS PRICE| A UI75 FILM HY I'AKNK. THE DIRECTOR OF Munn Ice Arena "CHII.0REN OF I'ARAOISE". BASED ON A WORK ".4 MASTERPIECE OF BLACK COMFDY" Tickets: '6." • *7." HY 11.(1. WELLS. "EXQI'ISITELY BEAUTIFUL." SATURDAY 7:30 & 9:30 100 ENGINEERING Thar* are plenty of good seats FRIDAY 7:30 & 9:30 100 ENGINEERING A STl'DKN IS, FACl L.TV. STAFF W FM'OMF. •I." MSUnlon S| H Ill's M\ V BKCHFCKKIl Campus Corners II Sound* A Diversion* lusy le# Market Paulnewman's SOMETIMES A GREAT AOTIOA willbeshown SUNDAY 8:00 UNION PARLORS ia 14 Michigon Sfote News, Eost loosing, Michigon Frld°V. April u Elvis' Clone escapes from secret Aikido and Kendo martial arts Needed: volunteer counselor All interested in joining ERA What ls the soimri laboratory! Science Fiction So¬ demonstration from 1 to 3 p.m. aides to work with drug and Education Committee come meet rotting? Fjnd 0(J| ® % 0 ox® 0 ciety meets, sans Marcon crew, Sunday, Men's IM Judo Room. alcohol abuse clients. Information at 4 p.m. Sunday, 342 Union. »t 7 7:30 tonight, 331 Union. Clone hunt at 8. Multi Media Red China pre¬ in 26 Student Services Bldg. Bring creative ideas, all welcome. tonight, Union To£|j Discover the Middle Ages! So Arts and Letters majors. Stu sentation at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Unitarian Universalist Church, 855 Die Deutsche und Schweizer Ecke trifft sich diesen Freitag 3 ciety for Creative Anachronism Fl0ht sexism ami,, I Announcements for It's What's Kendo Club, Japanese martial MSU's on Washing,,,,, Saiu^J Episcopalians gather to dent applications for University/ Grove St. p.m im Erdnussfass. Alle, die meets at 830 p.m. Saturday, information call Happening must be received in the art of sword fencing, holds prac celebrate, with PROMISE, the Deutsch sprechen wollen, sind Union Tower Room. Topic will be K.„h> tice from 1 to 3 p.m. college committees, 1978 79, State News office, 343 Student Sunday, 118 Eucharist at 5 p.m. Sunday. herzlich eingeladen! heraldry. Women's IM Bldg. available in departments or 206 Gays at MSU meet from 1 to 3 Services Bldg., by noon at least Alumni Chapel. Fr. Foglio is guest Linton Hall, accepted until April p.m. Sunday, Union Tower Room Tourism two class days before publication. homilist, dinner follows. ma,,,,,. 28. Inaccessible. MSU Simulation Society meets Everyone welcome to invosti No announcements will be accept¬ European Association meets at 7 p.m. Sunday, study lounge, 2nd Pre-Vet Club touring Green from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, gate the Bah'ai Faith at an I"™0 bV burnt Impression 5 Mas,. a ,v i ed by phone. 334 Union. Open board gaming, informal gathering at 8 tonight. Instructional Developers Student Servi,„s floor W Owen Graduate Hall. Roberta Lawrence, horticultural Meadows Dairy Farm at 8:45 a.m. Luncheon at noon today, 1961 bring your favorites. Mason Hall Library. 191 MSU Student Exhibition 1978 agent, Washtenaw County, Saturday, in front of Vet Clinic. Observatory Open House from 8 Room N Case Hall. Drs. Baldwin, from 7:30 to 10 p.m. tonight, speaks at "Focus on Your Fu Kresge Art Center Gallery. to 10 p.m. Saturday. Reflecting telescope will be used for ob ture" from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Single people for Human Com Greenberg discuss "Research: Interactive Cable Television In MSU meets at Mennonite Fellowship 9:30 a.m. Sunday, 336 Tolkien Fellowship at 8:30 to night, Union Tower Room. Topics a Women! J,,,,, feminist rad,0 w * <1 I 16 Agriculture Hall. munity meets for good time at 8 Union. Join for informal fellow Stone Troll, Levi R Taft, madcap structional System - Rockford Cj serving. us tonight, 300 Orchard St., pump Zm6""' ,,t Professors, clergymen, head Protect." ship. mayhem! "Walter Fish," animated film house. nicks, saints and sinners: Free University needs coordinators and parable, shown at OREMUS at 5 Design '78, works by students in leaders. Contact Box 103 East p.m. Sunday. University Luther¬ Human Ecology, showing at the Lansing. an Church. 1020 S. Harrison Road Union Gallery. ffsnriaft proudly presents 1 3101E GRAND RIVER JUST NORTH OF Roger MeGuii 0 FRANDOR Spring Leagues Now Forming and Tues, Thurs, and Gene Clark Sun mixed Wednesday Night 3 man Teams & 3 Women teams starting first week in may The 'Charlies Angels' of porn For fTlore Information THURSDAY, APRL 20| PORNO TONITE & SATURDAY call 337-9775 7:30 & 10 pm The sexiest girls in pom all together in one super-smash flick!" - Jeff Goodman. Erotica Film Monthly McDonel Kiva "Pick a fantasy 'A Coming of Angels' fulfills it. Hot and heavenly!" ... TICKETS 3 50 in advance 4 00 at the door Available MSUmon Elderly Instruments and Campus Comets II ,< j I Gary Robbins, L.I. Journal — '"A Coming of Angels' is a keg of dynamite. A lavishly explicit pom epic starring five lustfilled lovelies that will make cinema history!" ^AAA AAA — Tim Beckley, Global Communications Fernando Arrabel's "Once upon a time there were three Angels who lite up the x-rated film College doesn't have scene. This cast is a lot of Devil in these "Beautiful gorgeous, sexy and hotter than heaven can hold. There's Angels!" — Steve Marks. San Francisco Nightime people doing the full range of x-rated couplings in a first class to cost as much anymore. I GUERNICA film. I admit it, I was turned on!" — Carol Berksen. Woman's View "The popular television show 'Charlie Angels' now has its counterpart in pom films. At last, all those sexual innuendos have been captured in a film!" — Al Goldstein's I Screw I Magazine "'A Coming of Angels' features five of the most beautiful women ever to appear on the movie screen. The women are magnificent!" - Pub Magazine "An instant classic. Women and couples will especially love it. Just about the sexiest cast ever assembled!" - Paul Wilson, Bluelone Once Upon A Time There Were Three Angels... From the Paget of the July Playboy! Abigail Clayton Lesllie Bovee sjtvOcs Students have a great knack lort —gets around high pollution, getting around things. That's with the small and ellicient why so many are getting a 49cc helper engine. Motobecane. A Motobecane —Gets around errand drudgery motorized bicycle: with a fun way to get to class. —Gets around high gas bills, See us and we'll show you how with up to 143 mpg! to have lun cutting the cost ol —Gets around extra costs, be¬ college. ; Guernica is Fernando Arrabal's latest cause they don't need man¬ ; film, and is a historical drama whid| datory helmet or insurance and ; depicts Franco's crushing annihilation operates virtually maintenance MOTOBECANE | of two tiny villages during the Spanish Iree. Registration is only *2 a year. MOPIDS ; civil war. Guernica, immortalized b|f| [ the famous Picasso painting, is '!* OPEN HOUSE ; first film about the Spanish civil war ; ever made by a Spaniard. It is full5 THRU APRIL 25th ; the intense and brilliant imagery io'l Featuring [ which Arrabal is revered world wids 8' Party Sandwiches from Hobies ; In Arrabal's own words, "It is 0 "Get Your Slice of the Monster" ; message of hope!" & FREE COCA-COLA, TOO! FRIDAY and SATURDAY with Amber Hunt • Susan McBain and Jamie Gillis voss 2041 W. Imd River Ave., Ok eases MUlt SIRVICI Showtlmes: 7:15 ft 9:15 Showplace: 106B Wells Scrnnptay by Gary Stevms and Robin Marki Prttau M oincttd by Jool Scott -ft Admission: $1." s«< *N««t i*,M" TONIGHT A SATURDAY WultS ® 0n|V Admission: Students »2." 349-1210 SUMMER HOURS I nd^I Showtime: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30,12:00 Stall '3." Mon.-Fri. 7:30 A.M.-9 P.M. Presented by Committee Opposing Political Surveillo,,ce Showplace: 104 B Wells on entertainment service ol beat films. Students faculty and staff Saturday 7:30 A.M. -6 P.M. in part by RHA. ^ welcome. ID s checked. Sundays Noon-5 P.M. , News, Eosl Lonsing. Michigan Friday, April 14, 1978 1 5 The true story of a priest and o dock worker who try to break the RHA mobs control over New York longshoremen, starring Marlon Brondo Korl Maiden & Eva Morte Saint. LATE SHOW TONIGHT & SAT. iergy uses compared PRISKNTS uiood/tock products must he made more ^ Iron. P«*' 111 durable. 1 love, peace, mu/ic WINNER OF 6 ACADEMY AWARD8I ^ , „a hi' bflie*™ thal "The tragedy of the last —» several decades is that we have speeded up production to pro IS r,,,mre |hr mwj^ eeiimimy. vide jobs." he said. "Hut to GOEDWYN , maintain our lifestyle we must L.I Un.is. ap.-s " maximize their durability and MAYER J„1 K.H-niK sal save energy." PRESENTS On the Waterfront ^U^nssh....!.1 .-xp'"" „,hn..l.'lty- ,u,h as A CARLO PONTI —Winner of 8 Academy Awards — PRCDLCRON FRIDAY, 8 Holden, 7:30, 9:30 _ > / , smaller ears, to FREE RHA tan payers (ID's checked) At Bath Theatres • R |r SATURDAY [tU 101 FM Fri. Wilson 8 00, Brody 915 h The STARTS TODAY. OPEN At 7:00 P.M FEATURE 7:15 9:15 welcomes United Artist recording stars Sat. Wilson 2 00, Conrad 8 00 if Sun. Wilson 3:00 7:00 4" WSSAR "CLASSIC EASTWOOD... * FAST, FURIOUS THIS MOVIE IS TOTALLY * * CLEMENTS V FUNNY" CONTROL OUT OF ; Band ROGER EBERT CHICAGO SUN-TIMES . . . : * WITH SANDRA LOCKE * PAT HINGLE / * LATE SHOW TONIGHT & SAT. - 11.30 P.M. * "WOODSTOCK" R'ADM.'2.» t STARTS TODAY... OPEN 6:45 • SHOWS 7:00 9 15 SAT-SUN 2:00-4:30-7:00 9:30 • tou'o c mt Ida/ April 17 (ILVER DOLLAR SALOON OWS: 8 and 10 30 PM - Tickets. S2, Friday,Saturday ailable at Silver Dollar. Sounds & Diversions and •A i Records II - You must be 18 to enter Liberty Bell_Producti? April 14,15 r~ fll } 88.10:30pm McDonel u, ) [1 Hit AM I'HI s( MS \ hi Ml < h\ I Hit !> lit! AIRI IHI Kl Ml < KN I Hi! I > Mt Ml t'H' >IH * Tickets: 3.00 in advance at * MSUnion, Elderly lnstr.,and * * Campus Corners ii. rn * 3.50 at the door —' & SATURDAY-SUNDAY EAkLY BIRO M Fri. 109 Anthony 7 00, 8 45 10 30 SPECIAL-4:00 to 4:30 P.M. M.50 "ft •ft Sat. 100 Vet Clinic 8 & 10 118 h The Ten Pound Fiddle . , R'l'RRU- ,7N )J7 SI' ' Today Open 7:00 P.M. Feature 7:20-9:30-Sat ft Sun Physics Astronomy f^^TzsStfizfsp ®S 7 S 9 At 1.20-3:20-5:25-7:25 9:30 i Sun Conrad 7:00 8:45 10:30 presents The Fever is Spreading TBS CAVALRY AGAINST THE INDIANS AND * Ihe • -. He's got it! SIR Lf W GRADt mrsn rs mELLIOTT KASTNER JERRY B/CK woout KOUL III r/rw iisningmuit * HIGHWOODS MITCHUM BO" JAICJW I STRINGBAND — SARAH Bflfo RICHARD IDWARD JOHN FOX MILLS-STEWART MILES CANDY BOONE CLARK COLLINS IAM1S JOAN r"~ SIDES! % ■ jti\W V "T •» ®> the »™<>t IV IR mt MICHAEL WINNER raw THE BIG SLEEP REED'« JERRYBELDINC, SC#[[HP14) B' MICHAEL WINNER f*OM 'HI NOV11 «i RAYMOND CHANDLER % £3® Green Grass Cloggers pbochjch) trr ELLIOTT KASTNER aw MICHAEL WINNER OtHH TCC Hr fmimn-WNiJuaT^ H MICHAEL WINNER SHOWTIMES fDDSTlN HOff MAN "LIlTlf BIG MAN> Fri. Conrad 7 & 9 30, iu. Catch it K fri. 7 1 9:00 FRIDAY inay 7~~'" SAT. 1.3,5,7,1 8:45 118 Physics Astronomy 8 30 Xf SUN. 1,3,5,7,19 Sot. Wilson 7 00 &9 30, Brody 815 'iTiTih Til.MJIkM j STARTS Tonight Week Nights 719 Sun. 109 Anthony 7 00 & 9 30 ,i April 14 «C't u*ANO«VL« XWN'O TODAY Showj 7:20-9:35 Open 7PM [p|j.««cT.. d ;i W United Artist* |ASj"m,*faraa"i ■ .1™...^ C //V 1, " Sot. 1 Sun. 1:00-3:05-5;15-7:25-9:35 • PUTT Students, Faculty and Staff Welcome 2 k mall M«l W theatre IAOINAW—lANtING J IDs Required to enter All RHA Films +*+*+*+***¥¥ ¥ ¥¥*** J 8pm It wasn't your ordinary, MSUnion Parlors run-of-the-mill war. SHOWCASEJAZZ PRESENTS The best damn Anthony Ok! -time string band !rv Braxton SUNR4 in America ! $3 Y.ale Fridoy, April H 1 () ^'c^'9an State News, East Lansing, Michigan From by Sarah Smydra owes bank; Nazis' to he rights subject Sambizanga Maidowr FOOD F D\ credit card revoked of meeting MSU Truster Michael J. He said his financial state is a A debate on defending the Smydra, D East Lansing, has result of his being a college rights of groups which deny lost a default judgment brought student and not related to his others their rights will be position on the board. the main event of the Arneri by the Bank of Lansing and had Civil Liberties Union Why not treat his Master Charge credit card He also responded to the writ can revoked. of garnishment that the bank annual membership meeting The Bank of Lansing brought has brought against the Uni¬ at 7:45 p.m. Saturday at the action because Smydra had versity to collect on his wages. Valley Court Park Commun¬ not paid bills on his Master ity Recreation Center in "As a member of the board I East Lansing. Charge account. He owes the yourself and bank am not paid anything by the David Goldberger, legal Tonite 102 B Wells 8:00 p.m. approximately $1,697. Court costs will also be levied University. I don't think they director of the ACLU of FREE 8 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC can do it." he said in reference Spoil,ored by the Sov'h Almo" l>bero'io« (omm against Smydra. Illinois, and Bill Goodman, of to the writ. ^ RMA tu'idod the National Lawyers Guild, Smydra said the reason he did not respond to the collection All trustees receive reim will debate the question of the ACLU defending the TONMNT AND t ATVRRAV a friend to suit filed by the bank was bursement for expenses in ACADEMY AWARD NOMINIE because. "I'm broke." curred in board related busi American Nazi Party, the "I don't think my financial ness. Smydra predicted the Ku Klux Klan and groups SISSY SPACIK situation will affect my role on bank would be unable to collect which advocate denying STARRING IN the Board of Trustees," he said. from his expense account. others their civil rights. He was 25 years old He combed his hair like James I Van He was very fastidious People who littered bothered him She was 15. a relaxing She took music lessons and could twirl a baton SUHDRY tlEA She wasn't very popular at school For awhile they lived tree house together in a dinner this DINNER ■F II II Ihilm IrV WITH THIS COUPON ONLY In 1959, she watched while he killed a lot of people weekend? SPECIAL I ^ • Original Olga or Olga Burger Lansing and •FreshFries • Pepsi The Olgas are without a doubt the most exciting idea in eating since the sandwich. . . And Fresh Fries, well, most everyone agrees they're the best tasting fries around TONWMT A MTWMY kit J. East Lansing Coupon good Sunday, April 16, 1978 have some of Limit 133 E. GRAND R., E. LANSING one coupon per customer. «*[W»rf«< 0ilf,, > - • ■ ► Pt«wn*r• I«»r»l f- • - SHOWTIME: 9:45 4 11:30 SHOWPLACE: 1048 WelW ADMISSION: $1.50 m'vko o> »he booi hint RESTAURANT THE HAPPY VALLEY KID FINE NORTHERN ITALIAN FOOD PPflBW Downtown Li"»l"lj lUUjyy 116 E. Mich. *»l 136 W. Grand River PH. 337-1755 ■MMM .172-4300 jl THE STORY OF A STUDENT DRIVEN MAD I KB JAMES PLUS THE SECOND GREATEST FILM EVER MADE AT GREAT PEKING RESTAURANT FEATURING o7V1ARK. COLBY MSU. THE UPROARIOUSLY FUNNY "SIX MONTHS TO LIVE." FOOD iTfel 24 l|i«| TONIGHT AND SATURDAY Hours « Day Specitiiiing in Msndsim Cu's»* •F*MU*SI»tl0iNH"4 "m SPECIAL GUEST EARL KLUGH 327 Abbott Rd. ••USIWSSI UNCHlObS cocklall»cA««(») h* 'n Moximum 2753, 3655923 aftet 6 p m BIG BOY. 1050 Trowbridge. sole pnct of '50. 5-4-19 <5) Person*! od* ■ 3 linos *2 25 por insortion. 8-4-20 (31 LEGAL time, SECRETARY legal and dictaphone Full April 18 75' per lino ovtr 3 linos (propoymont). MALIBU '68 Automatic experience a must Call 374- JUNIOR AND Senior Labor' Industrial Relations students. ,mmo9f/Goro9t SoW ods • 4 lino* • *2.50. power, good condition, $575 8890 8 4 21 (4) Sign-up at Full or part-time to review 43' ptr lint ovtr 4 lino* • por insortion. 393-5007 after 4:30 p.m. Placement teacher school board collec¬ Town tds • 4 linos *2 50 per insortion. 44-19(31 DELIVERS HELPwanted Services tive bargaining agreements. 43'por lint ovtr 4 linos. Must have own car. Apply at $4 00 hour. Arrange inter¬ *t I Found* ods/Tronsportotion od* • 3 linos 'I 50 MAZDA WAGON RX3. 1973. LITTLE CAESARS today SUMMER JOBS Niles view by calling 332 6551 ext. pr insortion 50' ptr lino ovor 3 linos. runs well, handles better, after 4pm 3-4-14- (4) red, - 247 4 4 18 <81 36,000 miles. $900 Call 349 BUCHANAN Y MCA .s tak¬ 9351 44 19(31 FULL TIME summer recrea¬ ing applications for Summer Day Camp staff Need FEMALE ESCORTS wanted. Doodlln#t tion director, May 1st-Sep- coun¬ MGBGT 1974 V>, 24.000 selors, and swim instructors $6 hour. No training neces¬ tember 30th Must have WSI 2p.m I doss doy bofort publicotion. miles AM'FM stereo, lug and tennis experience along Work-study students get first sary Call 489-2278. [ofKollotion Chong* I p.m. - 1 doss doy before gage rack, $3200 or best with pool maintenance and priority Please wnte Niles- Z 23-4-28(3) publicotion offer 337 1041 54 18(31 Buchanan Y M C A 315 supervision. Apply in person net od is ordtrod it connot bo conctllod or chonged © COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES bat 4244 Berkeley CA 94704 only HOSPITALITY INN. West Mam Street Niles TAXI DRIVERS wanted. until oftor 1st insortion MONTE CARLO. 1971. very 3600 Dunckel 8-4 21 <8t Michigan 49120 Must have excellent driving 2-4 14 '12' tor* is o M 00 chorg* for 1 od chong* plus 50' por good condition, good mile record Apply VARSITY CAB odditionol chong* for moximum of 3 8-4-24 • 4» poid by due dots, o 50' lot* ssrvics chorgs will 1825 East Michigan, Lansing, RN OR LPN. part time for day VW WAGON 1973 20,000 bsdu* SUZUKI 77 GS750, full dress, Michigan, 48912 shift or afternoon shift Apply miles LIVE IN babysitter needed by MUSTANG 1965 California $1150 or best offer excellent condition. 676-9737 C 104 21(6) at 731 Starkweather Drive or WANT TO spend this sum¬ 694 9219 after 5 p.m. widower with 7 year old son cat good condition. $700 ot 8 4 21 (3) 10 minutes campus, small call 323 9133 Ask for Mrs. mer sailing the Caribbean? offer 351 5362 after 6 p.m 8-4 18(3) Chapman 8-4-24 15) The Pacific? Europe? Cruising salary 485-3633 3 4 14 (51 54 1713) HARLEY SPORTSTER 1976, Aviatiom other parts of the world iitoiotive ** Aitssotiv* *4 low mileage extras. Must WANTED: HOSTESS Call PART TIME secretary in Has- aboard sailing or power NOVA 1968, reliable, $100 best otfer 349 2381 or ; ibkijil*) 9k see 487 3317 5-4-18 (3) LEARN TO fly - work in Imperial Gardens 349-2698 3-4 14 (3) lett 9 am 1 pm Monday Friday Shorthand and office yachts? Boat owners need crews' For free information, 54-18 131 exchange for flying time. send a 13c stamp to SKOKO, BllAC SEDAN DeVills DODGE VAN, 1973 318 Stan 2 HONDAS CB 175 $300 experience required Nancy Opening Monday all day, if/ , excellent condition, dard, V ton, clean. 371 3074. BABYSITTING WITH 5 and 7 339 3400 C 12-4 28 '5' Box 20855, Houston, Texas NOVA 1976 4 door, 3 speed CB CL 450 $450 Prices tok Soviet Wednesday, and Thursday 77025 1-4-14 (11) | Can 332 1656. 84-21 131 firm Call 694 5741 after 5 year old, housekeeping, TELEPHONE 1.3) stick. Gas saver, 14,000 miles. after 12 p.m. 676 4860. CONTACT p.m. 3 4 14(4) weekday afternoons. Oke- JUNK CARS wanted. Also 842516) work from our office on DODGE VAN 1976 B 200, V 8 FLUMERFELT STAIR CHEV mos. references required GAME ROOM South CEDAR AND I-96 personnel. JAR0 1974. type LT 350 automatic, AM/EM cassette, ROLET 655 4343 4 4 14 141 HONDA 500 four 1972 selling used parts Phone $75 week 349-3827 after 5 30 Young ladies preferred. Good |2100 355 5783 carpeted. Keystone wheels 15,000 miles, $575 Wind anytime 321 2651 p.m. 8-4-21 (7) $3 hour. Two shifts available, pay. benefits and pleasant 13' 372 8015 8 4 24 141 OLDS 88, 1969 good condi tion $175 Phone Mason. jammer III and bracket $200 C 20 4 28(3) Enplgyatit il DICTAPHONE TYPIST for 10 a.m.-2 pm and 5.30 p.m.- 9 30 p.m 20 hours week. Call working positions. Excellent Call Tom S 353 8764 487 positions for students, full ftELLE MALIBU '70 Bob Adams, 694-7057 for DODGE VAN Campet 69 676 4925 3 4 1413) 0012 evenings 8-4 21 (6) busy insurance office. Must and part-time. Apply in per¬ Vatic excellent running GOOD USED TIRES. 13 14 LPN's All shifts Every other interview 5-4-14(8> Newty painted. Good condi¬ type 55 wpm steady and 15 inch Mounted free Also weekend off Paid vacation, son only CINEMA X. 1000 Jt cn good bodv condi tion $1000 484-1461 days. STEP VAN 1962, Cneviolet, NORTON - 1975, 850 cc accurate. Salary commer- W Jolly good supply of snow tires basic care AVON NURSING SPARE TIME management Road 0-20-4-28 18) ||775 393 0285 627-6261. 8-4-1814) 32,000 actual miles, $500 Lots of extras, like new. surate with experience. Fully S<4l PENNELL SALES 1301 v> HOME, 489 1701 8 4-21 15) people needed immediately 3455667 84 20 131 $1650 323-4145 8-4 14(3) paid company benefits An East Kalamazoo, Lansing. for super-exciting, fast grow¬ ISLER NEWPORT DODGE VAN 1976 Custom 482 5818 C 20-4 28(5) AIDS. ALL shifts, part and affirmative action employer. ing business DAY b ASSO¬ nawuASine i/ed, excellent condition. VEGA HATCHBACK 1974, MOTORCYCLE INSUR Call M King 482 5566 for I good condition, $795. full-time. AVON NURSING CIATES 323 4084 5-4-14(51 roe summir Price negotiable. 351-9281 itandard transmission, radio, ANCE. New low rates for H OME.489 1701 8-4 appointment. 8-4-21 (12) 9-3844 8 4-1413) before 3 p.m. 8-4-20 131 1978 Call ALDER AGENCY MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. 21^ 141 AND FALL clean, very reliable, first $960 Kalamazoo, since 1940. Auto WANTED DESK clerk Male 351 8620 D 1 3-29(31 GENERAL OFFICE help RESIDENT MANAGER cou¬ 6755360 54-14(4) preferred, nights. Call 489- |GAR XR7. 1973. New painting collision service needed, experience pre¬ ple for East Lansing property. FIAT X19 1974, very good 6501 between 8 5 p.m. AM FM stereo, vinyl PENTON KTM 175 with new American foreign cars 485 ferred Near campus, full Duties include maintenance a m. iGood condition. Konis. Michielins, 5-4 14(3) condition. Make VEGA 1972 Auto. air. 37.000 0256 C 20 4 29(5) time, seasonal work. April- of building and leasing Work AM-'FM cassette, $2500 351 helmet, leathers, tools, more. >e- 332 0993 7 4 21 14) miles $300 or best otter Immaculate $550 Call late November 484-3188 schedule is flexible around 4666 84-21 14) NEEDED MATURE person 356 6924 64 1913) most classes Inquire at 332- 393 6845 4 4 14 (4) NOW AVAILABLE - Super 8-4-21 (5)_ _ 3900 days. 0-20 4 28(71 to do daily farm chores in ASS 1972 Automatic, FORD LTD 1969 Two door Sprint exhaust systems with COUNSELORS. MICHIGAN exchange for room b board VW BUG 1970, excellent i, power steering, good Runs excellent, body-good KAWASAKI 125, 1974, very exclusive lifetime warranty FEMALE MASSEUSE want b $100 per month. 7 miles mechanical/electrical, $675 Boys' Camp, June 20 August Ktion After 5 p.m. 332 condition. $500 349-5313 good condition. $375 negoti¬ for your imported car. 12. Positions open: archery, ed. $8 hour. We will train. from campus Phone 655- 1104 20(3) 351 4467 evemnos 1 -4 14 141 able 349 2047 4 4 14 (3) CHEQUERED FLAG FOR 5420(31 riflery, * crafts, waterfront. 489 2278 Z 23-4 28(31 3154 3 4 18 15' VW BUS 1971, new tires, EIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 East Write, giving background PUN 1973. 240Z. 4 HONDA 1975 CL 360 Low Kalamazoo Street. One mile sharp interior, runs good experience, Flying Eagle, d, very clean, just tuned. FORD mileage, extras. 393 4974 West of campus 487 5055 D 323 3700 weekends 8 Automatic, LTD Wagon. power, air. radi- 1974. $900 699 2621 84-19(31 after 5 p.m. 5-4 14(3) C 11 4 28 19) 1401 North Fairview, 48912. 8-4-21 (8) Lansing Don't Miss Summer C'mon ovor 5pm. 321 0587 eve- als. 2 sealer. 2 way rear door. VW BUS 1971- Has only AND CHECK OUT I or weekends. KAWASAKI 1973, 750 CC. Cluptftrngfjatn 63.000 miles. $2000. 351 13,000 on new engine. Good 1)15) 3823 evenings. - condition. Call 332-5650 New tires, chain, sprockets. Til IvrdMMld. *t COLIINGWOOD ARTS I $700 663 3866 5 4 14(31 S 134 28 151 64-1714) ATTENTION * air rooditioofd bUN 510,1971, Vetape deck. $950. Call no rust, ARTS & LETTERS NOW RENTING 4620 South Hagadorn Rd. * * dishwasher shag carpeting 1013 8-4-2513) For Summor and Fall (North of Mt. Hope) Acres* frea Now Leasing * unlimited parking MAJORS Extra large one bedroom * plush furniture BUN 2402 1973, runs Willlcm Apartments suitable for 2 or S|v.t:.-t Mlxiii.rran.Mt: Vurr.t'utv .tn.l at|vt.w * model open daily t hr« •ucli--ut Is body Coll 351-8282 work, $2450. —2 bedroom unit* and Fall 3 students * K.i. i' unit hits tii>liu;i>f)»-r. tfit'tULV tli>[»Nt! ivritral .nr I'ete. 351 5204 from 5-9 4414 131 —voriou* floor —air conditional! plan* 1 & 2 bedroom Applications tor student po¬ sitions on University level and College level commit¬ • • complataly furnished corpeted-air n'Hiliti"ni'i»: .itid iuMtiiiL' eSwnr.inin*: !'•■»! ami private Kn ■ (Behind RolUrworld on the River.) —furniahod furnished apartments tees will be accepted Fri¬ conditioning Two Bedroom furnished apartments iavouto —corpotod —bost location In town CEDARVIEW doy. April 14 through Mon doy April 28 • 3 largo double closets • We pay hoot ond water SUMMIR RATIS "year low as NORWOOD Save 3 students to an Special 351*7166 Special ATTMTION JOIN th« gong ot as GOLFIRt [and be Burcham Woods *160 per month RIVERSIDE Applications are available of your departmental office--or apartment eoch per month as low as *80°l 12 month 12 month TINNI* PLAYIRSl )t0 Now Isasing tor Foil UNIVIRSITT call 351-5647 ot Room 206 Linton For information call Hall For Appointment Call rates rates taixtt •Hoofed *Alr pool conditioning for rates and 355-0368 337 7328 3514764 GOLF SUPPLIES leases * looks. W7H Volvo has •10* bus to campus •Ampl* parking 414 Michigan Summer Leas*! *150 NOTICI TO ALL SPECIAL been , Dxiccablv improved. Ston •Nicely furnished 33144*0 1390 E. Grand Rivar COUEGI OF SOCIAL fvchow. ™ •S Niks, to campus 1-5 p.m. Office houri Call 3-4 p.m. DON'T WAIT SCIINCIUNDIRGRADUATIS SHAG BALLS •3.0* esa Summar studio* •IN •1M *191 LIVE A LITTLE! UNTIL THEY'RE Petitions for candidacy as College of Social Science Undergraduate Representatives to ADOZIN MUW# l^lfclossdSst.) 745 Rurcham 351*311* ALL GONE in* the Academic Council are now being ac¬ cepted by the Student Advisory Council of the PLASTIC PRACTICE BALLS (coll batwaan 10-5 pm) College. can 349-3530 • FOBM: Tb reserve your apartment Petitions are available at the Office of cation location for summer and fad the Dean 205 Berkey Hall and also all I$71 Colt Rul* BooLt SO- SPECIAL for 4 person the department and school offices. NEW AND USED jCEDAR RQH ORIKNS SUMMER RATES furnished apartment model open 9-9 To be eligible you MUST: COIF CLUBS AVAILABLE MocGregor rackets - lusme FOR SUMMER art FALL 50% off .. .al the pool this Summer! I) Compl«'» oni iat«in yowi paMion tot Atodamu Attam Boom JOS to Di *olp' Singh Assittan) Daon Hall by S pm Apnl 1' I9'8 |r MA All other brands ammmmr* • air conditioning • luxury furnishing* • dlshwaahors • shag carpating • private balconies • swimming pool 0JMPUS HILL AMRTNDfTS 21 Att*n«J o ot t 30 p rn lit Stud*"' Advisory Co Room 205 S*'h»y H ill moating on , luosday Apnl 18 19T8 $00 p«tilion to> xOntli.t jrungomonty' J'l *• a toll tima ragvlo'ly anrollad s'odant c 25% oH Top grade fenni* bolls ■2S1.***—r« beginning «»ifh l«tt«r N idesignation ot O motor >i 'I."Con 0i3 ruS^.",""W 'Hi SrocInI llaoiKi _ _ _ spocial •peciol 12 month* Just off grand itver-ohsmos & limit 2. Bring This Ad. All 731 >2 BEDROOMS College of Social Science Undergrad FREE BUS SERVICE uates are invited to offend the April 18th LARRY CUSHION SWIMMMG POOL FREE BUS SERVICE 349-3530 351-8631 FURNISHED DISHWASHERS CENTRAL AX COND. FREE ROOM MATE SERVICE FREE ROOM MATE SERVICE meeting. If you plan to attend, or have any questions, call Joyce Howard at the College ISPORTING GOODS J0M VINE STREET I block N. of Mkh. Ave APARTMENTS office - 355-6672 or Jim Vihtelic at 353-6124. JUST WEST OF SEARS 731 Burchjin Drive 351 7212 Am AM—T om IWttM FALL ■ATM PH. 332-1447 18 Michigon Stote News, Eosl Loosing, Michigan GOLD NECKLACE, tiger eye butterfly lost between Won¬ ders Holden Very senti¬ mental, $26 reward. 353 2816, 4 4 17 141 BABYSITTER GOOD refer FREE CANOES FOR TENANTS! LOST MENS glasses April ences. Own transportation a 4th. Brown frames and case, Rlvor's and Wafer's reward 351 4542. FRIDAY must, 2-3 days weekly. 351- 8878. 5-4-14(3) Edge Apartments 4 4 14 (3) AFTERNOON 12 00 LOST DOG. Australian shep- hard, male, white collar and News LARGE 1 bedroom apart¬ Beechwood chest, liver colored spots. oSoytheLeasl FILE CABINETS. Remington One blue, one brown eye intra Line ment, summer. Furnished, close. $160 353 4822. Apartments Rand, 6 drawer, 5Vr * 8 inches, charts or records Call No rags Sunrise Oon 10 4 25I6I 332 0866, 12 20 AMERICAN YOUTH Activi¬ • fully carp*t«d 8 4 14(3) 5 blocks to MSU inonac 487 5411. 7 4 24 (4) ties a new educational • gat haat ond central air 12 30 - SUMMER SUBLEASE Large 2 bedroom - LOST MEN'S glasses be will be inter conditioning - recreation center • swimming pool one bedroom un or semi furnished tween Brody and Wells April orch for Tonrorr viewing for summer instruc 3 Reward. 355 0623 Show tors for classes Our center • 24-hour maintenance furnished in Capitol Villa. 351 Special summer rates LARGE HOUSE 3 people 5 4 20(31 ,ong offers 160 different kinds of • play ground for children 4248 2 4 14 (31 needed for fall term Modern uon s Hope • 2 bedroom units *160 kitchen, close to campus I 00 programs If interested, stop no pets LOST GREEN backpack near SUMMER SUBLET 2 bed¬ Now leasing for Ask for Tom 351 0455 by the center from 9 a m - 5 Hagadorn, on Wednesday 0r Richer For f call for Information 349-3100 room, close to campus. Fur fall as low as *270 X6 4 14 (5) p.m. at 5220 South Logan or call 394 5146. X-8-4 14 (10) 10-5 mshed plus extras Call 351 Coll after I pm afternoon Has Firesign Thea ung ond the Re 8600 after 6 p.m. ROOMMATE NEEDED to ter book, notes, and two Jl My Children Monday thru Saturday 332-0052 binders Reward. 351 8231 8 4 24 i4) share 3 bedroom house, $87 eelmg free BUSBOYS FOR Sorority, 2 4 17(6) month. 4834 South Haga 1 30 work evenings in exchange FEMALE TO rent room in dorn. Call 337 0364 for dinner 7 days week 337 ONE BEDROOM, two per 5 4 18 14) nice house Immediately, LOST WALLET. IM fields If lS the World 0719 Z 8 4 24 (4) Now leasing son, $150 Need to sublease furnished 351 0761 summer term. Off campus close, found call 355 4550 campus oyS of 0"' Lives for 3 4 18(41 or 482 8270 3 4 18 (3) ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIS¬ summer and number 353 4516. 5-4-18(3) EAST LANSING, now leas fle Revis'o 2 BEDROOM, available im ing. Houses, duplexes and 200 TANT entry level job in fall 526 SUNSET Lane Single DISCOUNT, NEW, used CALCULATOR FOUND. mediately, very close, fur Available for summer marketing department of di¬ nished, carpeted, $195 332 Capitol Villa LARGE 2 party furnished rooms. and/or fall. Call STE MAR room, cooking, parking 351 desk, chairs, hies BUSINESS April 12 in front of En ^ne Life to Live rect mail marketing company. 1800, 372 1801 efficiency, close campus, air MANAGEMENT 351 5510 6847 1 4 14131 EQUIPMENT CO 215 E gineering. Jay, 355 6935 Let Easy Responsibilities include Mar¬ Apartments conditioned. $190 fall, $140 i 4 14 (3) 2 30 OR 4 4 18 (4! 5 4-14(6) . -rm j Kalamazoo 485 5500 ket research preparation of 351 1610 after 5 PRIVATE ROOM in new du q 2 4 ^ 1-5 Office hours summer - - Riding Lighl reports, record keeping, EAST LANSING Fall. 4 plex. 2 great roommates, SUMMER ONLY 2 blocks pm, 487 4451 0-13-4-28(6) some copywriting. No expert 332*5330 MSU near $115 month 355 goOKS VISIT mid Michi lodors from campus. 1 bedroom bedroom duplex Washer 300 _ ence necessary but college 0200 2 4 14 |4I apartment, $140 month. In FEMALE ROOMMATE, $95/ drT«r- "° P«'s 332 3746 gan's largest used bookshop study in liberal arts market or eludes all utilities. 351 1177 $100 month plus electricity. 2-4-1713) CURIOUS BOOKSHOP, 307 ino'her World business desired. Good com ROOM IN house $75 £ crand Rjver £ast Lansing munication skills (oral and 7 8 p.m. 4-4-17 (61 NEWLY REMODELED spa- 372 9471.3 4 14141 ". per ieneral Hospital NEW DUPLEX 3 bedrooms. monih. plus utilities, deposit c 20 4 28(41 written! and mass aptitude cious one bedroom apart¬ Inginols Close Cooley and fireplace, furnished, starting 351 9269 evenings after 9 3 30 essential. Good benefits and ments. bus line to Now leasing Call MALE NEEDED for two bed May. 669 3719 484 2700 pm 8 4 21(41 SQUINTING CAUSES wtin Persoul 1/ excellent potential for ad room apartment, own room, 11-4 28131 kles Help ptevent with Pte I ,n the Family vancement Call 371-5550 for 485 0638 0 20-4 28 (5! starting June 1 332-3029. — — - CAMPUS 1 block GirKsl to scription ground sunglasses Now leosmg RELIABLE RETIRED couple appointment 2-4 14 (4) 3 BLOCKS from campus 4 5 share modern duplex Fur OPTICAL DISCOUNT 2617 X-b-4-18 (231 for fall and summer desire to house sit for sum¬ bedroom houses Renting for nished Price reduced 485 E Michigan Lansing, Ml, 372 or part of BOGUE STREET 1 bedroom mer In general BOGUE at RED CEDAR summer and fall 351 8135 1436 0 2 4 17(41 7409 C 5 4 14(6) UNIFORMED SECURITY of¬ furnished. 1 year lease. Lansing area 882 1040 351-5180 0-11 4 28(41 ficers. C.J. majors. Call 641 5 4 14(51 Available June 15 $190 393- ROOM FOR summer Close LIGHTENING FAST electron 4562 0-8-4-19(3) MSU ONE block, 1 bedroom, 7279 0-2 4 14 (41 NOW LEASING 4 and 5 Kitchen, $80 month Call Jim ic repair. Guaranteed work, bedroom houses. Most with Tower 353 9573 before 5 WILCOX TRADING POST Put \our hest f( furnished, $150 month 675 STUDENT HUSBAND wife 7319 8-4-21 (3) in walking distance to cam pm.. 337 9927 after 5 pm Phone 485 4391 Real Estate « information aiu team to manage & maintain CHALET APARTMENTS 30 unit student apartment pus. Call 351-4107 between 7 4 24(4) C 17 4 28 (4) help vou write i FREE APRIL rent near cam Next to campus spacious 5-9 p.m. or Saturday building. One bedroom apart¬ two bodroom NEW USED and vintage Today's best buys are in the solvers today at pus, own bedroom Call 351 SUMMER CLOSE to apartments 0-8-4-25(61 SINGLE ROOM in large ment living quarters. Mainte¬ guitars, banjos, mandolins, Classified section Find what 7424 3-4-14 (3) furnishod air conditioned house Kitchen laundry, park nance experience required. campus Two bedrooms (2-4 Dulcimers and kits, re River, Last L Persons) $270 332-0086 be¬ ing, excellent location. $90 etc you're looking fori ATTORNEY DESIRES tow 351-2211, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Mon¬ fore Upm 3-4-14(3) Summit from '165 ROOM IN 3-bedroom house. month 332 1918 7-4 18(4) corders, strings, accessories an attractive, 3 to 5 bw day through Friday. Professional person or ser¬ books, thousands of hard to- HASLETT SCHOOL District, Fall Irom '384 room, fully furnished homer 15-4-28(8) ious student only. $66 67 find albums (all at very low corner 6 9 10 acres, wooded, ROOMMATE NEEDED. Own ROOM AVAILABLE, r Okemos School District to Now renting. Open 3-6 month. 372-4731 or 485-5758 prices' Private and group blacktop road, pond, handy 9-12 months beginning 9 AVON - START saving now room in 2 bedroom apart¬ 8-4-18(4) preferred. $75/month ♦ 1 to MSU By owner. 119,750 ment $105 month 394-3704. Monday thru Friday. ties. 484-2136 8-4-17 (3) lessons on guitar, banjo, 1 '78. Financial and persons for the vacation of your mandolin, all styles. Gift cer¬ cash only Call after 6 p m 8-4 21 4' references available upon i dreams, CALL 482-6893. 2 BEDROOM, furnished, car¬ tificates Expert repairs-free 339 8244 2-4-14 17) FURNISHED KITCHEN, quest. Call 351-4191 eve C-5-4-1413) peted, backyard, cheap 1 estimates ELDERLY IN¬ mile to MSU. South Francis parking, very close, $80-$90. nings, 7-9 p.m 8-4-20 I0I ONE BEDROOM apartment STRUMENTS 541 East BABYSITTER IN my home, Street. Comfy, 372-8164. 332-1800, 372-1801 Summer Leasing near MSU, completely fur¬ 0-4-4-14 (3) Grand River 332 4331 SUMMER TERM: Fr« ,r own transportation. 11:30 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms, now 6-4-14 (4) C 20 4 28(13) nished, available April 22 for girl in exchange for some a.m.-3:30 p.m. Some even¬ leasing for summer and fall for through July 31, prefer grad¬ SHARP OWN ROOM for summer cleaning 6 occasional dog ings. 351-0490 after 3 p.m. Can be seen at 348 Oak Americana uate student Call after 5 p.m. DUPLEX. Own MOST LP S priced $1 75 Close to Forest Akers. term, one block from cam¬ care 321 6814 4 4 19 4 8-4-19(4) hill All day Saturday April 351 8215 8-4-24 ( 61 room $2 50 Cassettes $3 quality CRAZY C Riding Stables now 15. 0-2-4-14 (5) and Call days 482-6232, nights pus Call Art 351 7519 for business Boarding, NICE HOUSE needeo to- Fa11 5 4-17(3) guaranteed Plus 45's, song open Eden Roc 882-1267. 8-4-14 (4) FLAT lessons, hay rides 676-3710. 3 5 bedrooms SUMMER SUBLET, 2 man, books, and more Reasonab* 6-4-14(4) For Rllt T !IL FEMALE ROOMMATE need ed for fall term. Cedarview call 332*0111 furnished, air condition. SOMEONE TO share house ROOMS IN 6 bedroom house BLACK AND CIRCULAR, rent Help us out and *e Great locations 332-8482. 3 blocks from upstairs. 541 E Grand River 1128 Victor St. in Okemos. Must like child¬ for summer give you a finders fee Ca> Apartments. 353-6278 3-4-18(31 Open 11am 351 0838 LOW COST travel to Isreal ren. Own room/laundry facili¬ campus. Spacious yard 351 - 355 4847 2 4 17(4) I TMK THI: There's something for every 3-4-17 (3) C 20 4 28(71 Earn high commissions. Toll ties, $100 month. 349-2866. 5772 5 4-14(41 one m today's Classified Ads. EAST LANSING deluxe stu¬ free 1 800 223 7676. 9 a m 7 ,5 00TRAGEC Check them out for I -i 8-4-20 (5) super NOW LEASING for Summer dio unfurnished, shag carpet, CUSTOM SANDALS Hand pm New York time EAST LANSING Male to I suks n buvs I VfC turn 2 bedroom apartments. bar, Haslett Rd $145. 351 5 BEDROOM house, 2 blocks share furnished 4 bedroom fTlade 'rom 3 drawing of your 3 4-14 (4) 4107. 8-4-25(4) Walking distance Call 351- behind Dooleys. Summer- duplex Bus. $100 374 6366. ,eeI $2 Wl,h ,hls 3d 220 johns per apartment 4107 between 5-9 p.m. and fall. Partly furnished. Kitchen, 0-4-4-14 (3) Albert Street Monday-Satur WOULD YOU like to spend Apartieits Gjp And Balconies, too. Saturdays 8 4-25(4> EAST LANSING deluxe 1 bedroom furnished. Walk to fireplace, screened in porch. MSU NEAR 2 room. 417 day. 11am 5pm 12 4 14(6) August in the Rockies in a TRIP LEADING AND WILD 353 2809, 353-2503, 353 ERNESS SKILLS COURSE? shopping, dining, MSU. Di¬ 2310. X8 4 19 ( 7) Grove. Immediate occupan QUALITY USED equipment 124 CEDAR ST East Lan¬ If you have Water* A Rivers NEEDED ONE or 2 girls for rect access to 496 Summer cy. $79. 353-4848 at a fair price with warranty backpacking and sing. 2-man. 1 bedroom, fur¬ summer in 4 man Large $145, fall from $195 plus 8-4 20 (3) PE3060 turntable, $75 climbing experience call nished apartments. Heat in¬ ROOM FOR rent immediate¬ cluded. $195 month Year Idge Apts. bedroom One block to MSU. utilities. 351-4745 after 5 p.m. ly 624 Virginia, $87 50 - Rabco St4 turntable $125. Diana 355 0947 2 4-17(81 Delta street 337-0908 or 351-4107 8-4-25(8) WALK TO MSU, female, $70. B&O 3000 $200 leases only. June 15 or month 351 7547 after 3 p.m. 5 4 20(51 Furnished 351-2731 after Scott 20 watt receiver $175 September 1. 129 Burcham Dr. Efficiency $160 month. SUMMER, Fall — MSI I 1 3"4'17 131 5:30 p.m. 4-4-14 (3) Intergral systems Pre-Amp now are leasing for block. 1, 2 and 4 bedroom ONE ROOM in 4 bedroom $125 Damage deposit required. 6 CAMPUS HILL - 2 bedroom apartments 332-3746 ROOM NEAR MSU, $105 Hi Fi Buys 337 1767 next fall and summer house. $110'month. Next to p.m.-10 p.m. 882-2316 furnished, sublease June 1 to 24-17(4) month Call 332-2929 after 6 0-16 4 28 (9) FOR QUALITY stereo ser 1050 Water s Edge Dr Coral Gables, 351-4032 0-20-4 28(91 September 1. Carpeted, air, vice, THE STEREO SHOPPE. (next toCedar p.m. 6-4-21 (3) v-lloge STUDENT HUSBAND wife pool 349 0568 after 6 p.m FEMALE ROOMMATE 8 4 24 131 SCHWINN LADIES Breeze 3 555 E Grand River 8 4 25<5> C 20 4 28(3) team to manage and maintain needed to share 2 bedroom, 2 RENT FREE until DESPERATELY NEED some sPeed $75 Schwinn Lil' torn K. Ryan May Own 30 unit student apartment NEED FEMALE roommate. person apartment. June room, open now. $75/month, where to live fast1 Lansing Chick $40. 351 0492 HORSES BOARDED, lots of WTYDUL building. One bedroom apart¬ Own townhouse. 1978-June 1979. Vicki 353- 372 1840 8 4-25(3) area Will pay $80 373 6990 5 4 17 131 pasture and riding Rates ONE BLOCK from campus, room in 4431. 8 4-2515) 9 5 VV K&Ntt, ment living quarters. Main¬ a m p.m. 371 1566 start at $35 675 5504 Indoor outdoor pool. Only tenance experience required. nice furnished efficiency $103 339 8450 6 4-21(4) SUMMER LEASES, 4-6 man, evenings 5 4 20(4) PIONEER CAR 8 track, FM 5 4 14(3) "PAWN"? Vi EFFICIENCY, AVAILABLE with 6inch pioneer speak 351-2211, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Mon¬ apartments, leasing summer $350-$400 Furnished, 2 HAMMOCK and fall 351 8135 immediately. Kitchenette, ers, $85 487 0987 day through Friday. baths, fireplace. 2 blocks CARPET CLEANING with 8-4-20 (8) OR 12-4 28 (4i 2 BEDROOM, 8 minutes to bed, bath. Albert St. $160. MSU. 372 1801; 332-1800 Fir Sail Cx e z 4-4 is (3i our truck mounted cleaning - - . campus Includes all utilities, Call 332 1800, 372-1801. 7-4-24 (5) plant "SUPERCLEAN ' 484 2 MALE roommates needed stove, refrigerator and gar- OR 3-4-17 (4) SKIS FISCHER Fiberglass SPRING TERM $82.50 3501 8 4 2514) - for Old Cedar Village. Sum age Available April 15. $215/ FALL 78, 6 person Combi with Miller bindings plus utilities. Call 355 6742 or house. 100 USED vacuum cleaners. $20 487 0987 mer or Fall 337 0161 month Phone 482 9226. 109 NORTH Clemens, 4-man 351-6663. 3-4-17 (30) 8 4 20 ( 3 ) 0 1 4 14(6) Single bedrooms, Kitchen, Tanks, cannisters, and up E Z 4 4 15 (3) FREE NEEDLE check, Bring unit. Available end of April, laundry, parking. Excellent rights. Guaranteed one full in your record player needle $350. Furnished, utilities in¬ location, $100 per person per year. $7 88 and up. DENNIS GOLDSPOT REFRIGERA for free check at anytime. cluded 485-6513. month. 12 month lease. 332 DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. TOR, good condition, $75. Special prices on new need 8 4-25 (4) 1918. 2-4 17 (6) 316 N. Cedar, opposite City 485 7043 5 4 17(3) les MARSHALL MUSIC. Market. C 20 4 28(7) East Lansing. ONE ROOM in spacious 3 C I 4 14(6) SUMMER 2 females, house — - MAGNAVOX 24" color con- bedroom apartment. Ap¬ on M.A.C., own room. Park MISCELLANEOUS - furni- sole. Needs minor repair. $75. HORSESHOEING COR proximately $95. rent and utilities. Call 349-5919 after 4 ing, furnished. 332-2396. X 5-4-20 (4) ture, lamps, jewelry, clothes, etc. Call 332-4758 after 6 p.m. 351 4595 or 332 1307 E 5 4 19 13) RECTIVE shoeing and trim All work guaranteed. TELL p.m. or 655-1307 and ask for 2-4-14(3) ming Russ. 10-4 27 171 2 BEDROOM house across from Berkey. Available sum¬ JACKSON BROWNE. Limit NEW 12 covering. x 18 linoleum floor Thrift Tex Su Tom 8 4 25(41 Logan 655 1588 MORE Just enmph t1 form mail with payment to: and 1-2 summer, PERSON air, Bogue St. $180/ apartment, furnished, mer with option for fall. 351 0257. 6 4 21 (3) ed edition giant 40" x 50" tapestries, $5 each. (Regular preme, $80 Complete bed, frame, and springs, $65. LICENSED MASTER barber. PEOPLE Specializing in afro cuts, WHAT across $8.) 25% off on assorted Comfortable chairs, $35. 21" month or offer. 332-1651. styling and perms. Down¬ GREAT SUMMER house bongs at THE WHITE MON- T.V. and stand, $50. Many Stati Si tvs Classifiid Dept. 1-4-14 (4) with option for fall. 3-4 man, KEY, 226 Abbott Rd., across other items to warm your town Lansing area. WStudent Striates Rldg. East Lansing, Mich. kS823 MSU NEAR, 1 bedroom, furnished, close to campus. 410 Division, down from Ber¬ from State Theatre. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Monday - Satur- home. After 5 p.m. 655 1327 X E 5-4 18 (7) ROBERTS. Morris. Ask for May call for appoint¬ Eloise YOU unfurnished, central air, park¬ ment. 484 6938 5-4-19 (7) ing, no pets, $200. 351-8512. 8-4-17 (3) key. 6-4 21 (4) HOUSES STARTING June. day. WHITE T-shirts only 91-50 after 6 Dm 8-4-17 (10) MONKEY SWING SET, 6 leg, sturdy. Merry extras $40 393 4974 COMPLETE HOUSEKEEP¬ HAVE Name Address 4-6 man. Very close. From $350. 332-1800; 372-1801. _J SEWING MACHINES, slight- after 5 p.m. E 5-4-14131 LASALLE LAW Library, 21 ING Services by "MAID FOR A DAY" 484 3501. 8-4 17 (3) TO Zip Code 0-9-4-21 (4) ly used. Re-conditioned, guaranteed. $39.98 and up. EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING volume, like new, plus work books, $150. 487 1695. FREE LESSON in care MERLE complexion NORMAN SELL Daytime Phone Classification Student Number Preferred Insertion Date CO. 1115 N. Washington, 489 6448 C 20-4 28I6I 4-4-14 (4) NEW APPLE CRATES at COSMETIC STUDIO 5543 C 20 4 28(3) 321- WITH INSTANT CASH. We're pay tor ln, LL X11 4 2213) Abb°" 25 characters in a line, including punctuation and spaces between words. GUITAR LESSONS - in my home. $3.50 per hour. Quali¬ fied position, information. 321 1565. 8-4-19(4 CIRCLE RATE WANTED CALL nnraEntnraranro PROMPT, EXPERIENCED, typing. Evenings. 675-7544. STATlNlWi nuriuinriiciracD □□iniDcoiiniiiinm C 20 4 28(3) CLAItlNI*1 □□oiniTicnFnnim A pet can warm your heart on a cold winter evening. Look TYPING TERM Papers and 355*8255 □□ninimmmrnm to the Pets classification of theses, I.B.M. experienced, naiaiiJEicDCoraiii fast service. Call 351-8923. DEIC3CD [□ ED CD [T] CD today's newspaper 0 20 4 28(3) stole Newt, Eo»t Lonsing, Michigon «jthigon_5!— Friday, April 14, 1978 19 PROFESSOR PHUMBLE CHAKAKHAN/ Smfy iSv y§y5fM RUFUS by Bill Yates SPONSORED BY: «.ihauMt HEATWAVE Ann 17 Plenty of good yea'* left' TV(CBS) (IQ)WILX-TV(NtC) (fl)WElM-TV(Cobl«) (H)WJKT-TV(ABC) (JJ)WKA BS) TT 0|"■'*« Im4«'> Little Preewey 110 VY condRi..' hil Frank tervk* ttettee 1101 ( G- PILLOW TALK B.C. " FURNITURE Soft ond SPONSORED BY: ioxy pillow furniture by Johnny Hart CAMPUS IMBLEWEEDS SPONSORED BY: PIZZA Free Delivery: lom K. Ryan 1312Mich. Ave. 337-1377 WT VDU LOVE PAWN MAKES VY NEW NAME 'wuaTA OF SUNRISE,SEEN THTO5H &WN"? PAWN YOU THINK OF ■ZTj'f AI THE WINPW OF MY CARE- MIST COYERIN&THE '"EE BACHELOR RAP. HAMHOCKER! HOLLOWS LIKE A Hair Styling for Man and Woman SAM and SILO ' Call for appointment today Ass ngefirn MMW 3324171 701 MAC Bolow Jonas Stationary R0SSWORD HHH0 00011 M 'Ohcporcfs by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker SPONSORED BY: Now open So'u'do»» me 09110 SPONSORED BY: compus o IS SS@ Abominate 28 Roman bronze hih@B |v 29 Pw hbhuq aaaaaa p*!a is one 30 Addresses 000a aaiaaa » d cwoy 34 Triumphsnt D HSHEK3 Sin£ EOwn fctflinwt exclamation as hob naa 35 Freezer H 36 Segment ot a 14L 0B0 anaaas pineapple i 0Q0 0B00IZ10 wlwctd 32 Novelist Truman ihqb anaaa r 39 Incorporate 41 Doubletree 43 Blissful places 44 Lock 2 Old playing card 3 Russian stockade ..THeseDAVSFeofusARe <2 Style of 4. Makne 5. Harness racer CUTLTV UKTiL PROVCN 4 T- T" T" A 6 Inventor iKSANe ft ■ 7 Lively mustc abbr II- w 8. Contused IS 9. Unethical 10. Tomorrow, in BEETLE BAILEY I? >9 " 13. Madrid Rubber by Mort Walker 18 Goddess of dawn 21. Cranny 22 Mencin coin 24. Rookie 25 Swiftty 5e 26 Act property 27. Amassed 28 Unit 3S 30. Maples 53" 31. Thorn 32 Blue footed petrels tr 33 Glasses humorous 35 Bolivian Indian 38 Person 40 And not 2Q Michigon Stote News, Eost lonsing, Michigan Dems plan expulsion resolution Milliken frees By NUNZIO M. LUPO Forbes, who did not take a matter. will act if the Democratic him some House Republicans LANSING (DPI) Lizzy Williams is free Lizzy SUte News Staff Writer stand on the matter, described the caucus decision not to have Since the meet legislature does not today, a possible expul caucus does not. Geralds told reporters Thurs urged hint to go ahead with hearings if a resolution is again to conduct streetcorner revivals with Wallace* return' Milliken Mid in (^ ■ Split over what to do about out the fear that some day she will be Willi*nn. t convicted embezzler Rep. a position as "100 percent." sion resolution will probably day he might waive his rights introduced. stoop shouldered . returned to Alabama to serve the remainder and part time Monte Geralds, House Demo Forbes said the split was not be voted on until next to a hearing if a resolution is House Democrats are in a housekeeper w>, „ , "N of a 218 year prison term she fled from in 218 years in prison in 1942 crats set up a committee to somewhat surprising adding week. introduced. quandry about what to do about 1951. protect her boyfriend from becllls.° > that Geralds' chances were "not Forbes said there was a "One of the main reasons I Geralds, since he is standing draft a resolution of expulsion Gov. William G. Milliken Thursday denied robbery as bleak as many had thought possibility that Republicans indicated I might consider it is firm in his decision not to quit. She said she'does not Thursday. But it is likely a resolution they were." might introduce a resolution of to keep all you folks from Geralds who maintains he an extradition request, filed by Alabama had a trail, but she remember if know, 2" If resolution of expulsion is expulsion at Monday night's having another month of fun." innocent of embezzling Gov. George (\ Wallace, that would have represented by will not garner the full support a is an attorney I sent the 60 year old woman tack to jail. of the caucus, which has wres¬ introduced. Forbes said, it session. he said. $24,000 from a law client be "While I am mindful of Alabama's legiti After serving nine years tled with the future of the could result in hearings on the Republicans have said they But Forbes said Geralds told cause he had no intent to of kn „„ mate interest in securing the return of Williams escaped from a Madison Heights Democrat for benefit from stocks purchased pru,un , traveled to Detroit, where about nine hours over the past with the money is appealing escaped prisoners. I have concluded that the ends of justice will not be served by Miss sister, Annie. she lived^i" two days. the conviction. The Democratic caucus will Senator bound over for trial meet today at 10 a.m. to Follow the Crowd consider the resolution, which LANSING (UPI) - State Archer, said the move was ranee Clem continued Cart Majority Floor Leader Joseph Sen. Arthur Cartwright. ac SPRINGTIMI MIAN! thin designed to keep the matter out wright's $25,000 personal re Forbes, D-Oak Park, said will cused of bilking the state out of of the news as much as possible cognizance bond. be an The individual decision. caucus will also discuss $604 in phony travel expenses, until it can be heard by a jury. BIKI-RIDINO, PLAYING TINNIS, SPRING today waived a preliminary Since Cartwright waived the Archer said he plans to ask for AND INJOYINO TNI OUTDOORS what procedures should be examination and was bound preliminary exam, no testimony separate trials on each of the followed if a resolution is intro¬ over for trial in Ingham County heard the charges duced since no member has was on five complaints against Cart Have your bicycle ready for Circuit Court. against the Detroit Democrat. wright. 68 ever been expelled. a year old Detroit Spring with a Tune-up His attorney. Dennis W. District Court Judge Ter Democrat. from the Freestyle Shop only* 11.» Full line of quality 10 Speed bicycles have just arrived. Full array of colors, sizes and styles. Check our prices first. We Track carry Head, Adidas and Ban¬ croft Tennis rackets and acces- Shorts S-M-L-XI, Men'* and Women'* Hours: M,T,TH 9:30-9 p.m. W.F.S 9:30-6 p.m. GRAND OPENING SPECIAL] Now There are 2 MSU BOOTERY's to serve you better This comfortable Kiltie Casual| by only CARBER 97 $24 thru April 22 Just ONE of MANY Come in and Register for Gift Certificates to be given away SW-11777 Saturday, April 22. 14 Songs, Including Their Latest Hit, With A Little Luck, plus: WINGS OVER AMERICA SWCO-IIS* ★ 1st Prlxe $50 Gift Certificate London Town, Cafe On The Left Bank, I'm jg 9(? Carrying, Backwards Traveller, Cuff Link, Children Children, 2LPS ★ 2nd Prlxe $35 Gift Certificate Girlfriend, I've Had Enough, Famous Groupies, Deliver Your Children, Name and Address, Don't Let It Bring You ★ 3rd Prlxe $25 Gift Certificate Down, and Morse Moose And The Grey Goose. ALL ON No purchase necessary RECORDS & TAPES $4.69 MSU Disc Stop Bootery MSU Bootery For the WOMEN For the MEN at 225 E. Grand River at 217 E. Grand River open tonight to 9 (formerly Shoes 'N' Stuff)