NEWS FRIDAY. APRIL 1978 14, STATE T Ji=f iSSs: E.e- 33=?*= 3" S - "5- - 2. M H _ , 3 = =£1 co bO • *, <» ;■ J I* Hours 5:30 Store - 7:30 TGPLAOCE TDHINOGS VOI FOR 2p0asooh%rtfedin.g PKtpeea-rdcnord, tnyhesopiurdnrg. itetnhmes arecnods fBoiacksattlnre Remabler Alsoal MSU Hours 5:30 Store • 7:30 fo dna eht na 001 FO R ehT ,yn uf A atol A EES ytin * lAQfFS .yrotsih tseirp supmac .akr p s'er hT secalp erom ruetoniyw eht lufit aeb etsherT sedarg enO .gnirpS gnirpS ot nI .gnimarc nru EHT" dna .s02 retcoah EHT l iw YALP eborp yraopmetnc *e°8 BMT taht s'er hT taht ot .og revocsid tem OaC sgnidl ub s e c a l p si e n o seod eht mret SERCA EHT rem uS evitsn MUHOTVS gni aT LATNER YLDNEIRF uoy a uoy dna iH yduts DNA neve elahw ni .noitarbelc ta no tol NEHT tmalborp tuoba kniht se rt ELAM kfOP eseht EMOC yalp fo lairt s'gni aL did eht fo eht emit sediced muin '[SM namow fHTMAV HN UK iM R ton ytiC — 524 siht uoy . .dlrow USH DAEHSROB .LAMINA :nosueS e rht EMOC seus i dna EHT aera fo .elpo si taht de rG daehno M FO .8 h1iW rol si nac DEOW ruoh/0.4$ SELBATS li#N sah yaM aht teg ro .ecalp tuB tog krow ylniam KLAT 02 .seus i eb EDIR stekciT ne b ot owt gnisnaL s r e w o l F si . e l b a u v 02-51( lf^KSUH e n o ,reta hT "°miS ehT TUOBA redum tnedisR er hT uoy .dnuora dna yrasec n A eht dehcn rw ,.evA a morf morf ,tey thgir dethgil nE yb fo SUBMVT( stne rP lanoisefrP no hsams htiw alos €HT% doehsraoB muisopy SELBMUTS fo era evah 9 aht tub e f e L retaeC 8)supmac 349-23 CINECS SEROH kcaJ .TI ereh lla nI setunim ot HTIW .m.a seidob tsom o a a tih amit uoy eht morf teg gnitros EN,Ml US no sti tol tol & rof ot ti .nun yb eht reta hT rev hw renfieH .m.p gnirutaefylno yrots yaht 21 ton o .relkcipS laicepS tuoba elatS gniflog gnipels ,strecnoC ot yaM morf SU *trA SYOB liw ara yb yas " e v o l od tI .dliw dna ,gnikh .aruminaT " s'ti si .4 ta o e r e H .deyalp dagon t yaM larevs redum dasob naliM si oslA nepo rem uS siht ,gnirps eht ta SIHT s'gni aL t itS gnitcA eig aM esarawc dna .sweN etatS .gnirps dna srodtu ,gnikb RETAH -ti sti no >/[) 0384-273 5087-4 nosae .rem us remus esredolhc nuJ-52 veioC dehsiugntdyretsym ,setipmac no SLIART elbaivA se ap tub loutco yaM ynapmoC .reklaW nevig ,sweN ,liab emos tuB g n i m a o f dna esab GNIRPS 81 lla * waL fo ,el fMiD .TERABC nosae a k .lo hcS jrebm tnedicn yn ika ,slo p su fo ta elbaiv litnu yolp yaM-4 taK ot ,su uoy eht • .htuom .gnip d ,gnim ws kcabesroh rep enuJ yaht siht evah os thgim fo • .hciM RELD IF denrco 12 nworB eus i ni 32 eht ot hcoer EMOC emos htnoM ni 128(4 ¬umoc nagihcM kniht sgniht ,ktasepus j ew NO dna yb dnarG gni goJ ,gnimaerd ,gnidr rieht DNA htiw s'tI EHT lla ekiM naD ot tsuj L I WON LAICEPS RADEC NS nopuC' tA ,gnimaL KSA 8 TUOBA GREM US NISAEL * eht yuB LM rof i\Sd M 1) A w o T n i f r e B h T toripao ® yna RUO raluger oN( yr«hlnD( SI latnar !E RF 4 42 ROF 3021 elt iL teC ecirp muideM ikcehc 1368-153 noitamrfni 37 MORF LAICEPS SETAR .dO.B sraseaC EERF lacitnedI )detpca )elbai vA *REM US 21 136-73 laniP *nO °Q" HTNOM gdu S: nopuc etatS top AZ IP yu vD thgiR SETAR ro reviR LLAF horbeD/swN rod txen I■ I■ Im IIM aopmv ot eht .J niroB ot rof erofeb pmuht traeh pid ,rev woh tnatsid gnitaolf neht draw .hcuor ruoY eht slirton gnivaeh htiw llA 0406 OTUA pmuht-aK pmuht-aK ruoy secar tuo dna ytivarG eert segnul ruoy ruoY niarb tsal dna sa deunitoc( — gnihsalf eht ruoy .spot ylimaerd .emit shtaerb fo *ECIVRS-LA AINVLYSEP >043 - 9Q slirhT — eht eht .seye semocrv 8 krow 2 ,yldam drawot elohw sdnah .sez erf ekahs morf a raey & egde pot fo fo tner fid hcae .sduolc daeh evoba eht ydobpe ws ruoY ruoy hguorht )eg6ap1 eht .n uM edils -ak ruoY snigeb ,ysatn f eht sdrib slioc ¬rof sgel smra ruoy RETNC^'5 NI strap ytnar w ot ni ot — HSAD uoY spop citas eht eht ruoy looC eht dew iv( eht .egnulp )gnus eht ne rg kcirb dna .ecafrus dehcnl gniz orb pmuht-aK Nlanoitp detnarug OITALS RELIM l iT evah kfocab .nus srae teiuq sa TA hguorht dna ,totS das edis nwal l aw ylurt ruoy ruoy re uq noitarlhxe .pmuht-aK hsams )nwod pmuht-aK .seidob A sa stsif edispu pfoot fo secaf eht der t il dnuora — OERTS-BC treboR/swN uoy selfits >tf eht eht — DR decnirpx .sniev selkcar ,eugnot etsat elgirw eht sa eht gniwol f esnapxe lo p htiw ebt Holz K a dna tub no pu stis gniraor hguorht ruoy mroftalp spets ruoy htiw pmuht-aK slewot fo .lo p erom rof gnisr dexim tnecs so rot regnol ehT .MI ro dtuo tseg ib nehTpe ws ,lo p uoY .hsur gnihtrw 1 morf htiw htiw aes ndespomilg lo p stih ruoy lwarc nethgiars AZ IP 1 9gniu~ A eW ti l uf 3 32 meti fo teG .der til lirht" evaeh YADNUS rehctip eht namuh eht ebt der til .s am stunoc te ws ,sgel yaw ot yadnuS fo txen eobt uoy seye az ip flesruoy flesruoy egde .E tI raey yr ac :RELKSHTAR eht dnarG 1 3 -7 3 ylno si fo ot — dna smra del if nwod nwal "dah eht dnuora pu noitarpse gni lc ta eht raob LAICEPS TA .senildrfu slirht a :ip r u o y fo reviR aht retub dna htiw on uoy si ta s'neM eht tsrif .uoy dna ,tuo eht l uF M.1' dna a eniL r o f fI uoy htiw ynots a s)elahw lewot .deraug stops ldenwa segde ehT lo p nihtw hcni delwarps "odepS tneicna eht( era si eht fo tI si s arg l aw namoR lufit aeb NI fo rac evah eht seralg era d n i k ynA suoicerp derucinam syawl elbaiv revo dalc ta jo !soerts gnirpS n w a l .ygro eht ni H S A D thgir dna ylbairvni dezisrvo taht y l h s u l gniduors t a l f y r e v e seidob inkiB yaw RAC GIARC NI" woL lareng dluoc dna tub .lewot tem yrd hcaeb lew nwal ne rg eht eht ecaps erauqs era dna fnoa dnuora 21-9 YREV maP EPYT HTIW M1 GNICAD oN eiT OER TS OTUA rehctiP revoc MP OCSID a gdui S nehw yawa ruoy tub ruoy odnu gnol uoy taht bulc ylserpx ylsuovren "ydob seye ylhsipehS hguone revn suoirage pihsrebm lo p rebm ,revwoh I "ENUT secirP YADNUS te wS NOISVREPU fo uoy ekil saw uoy .tnemsarb teg a fo uoy taht .nedibrof thguac detnmed ,seY" esuac erats edutia niat m .sreog g n i y o j n e ET SAC ESRVER g n i t f h s l o P & si ot eht era sBC FO gniko l ruoy .dewola thgis eht gnitmda stnemriuq ehT ta si rueyov seye tuB fo m'I yr os htiw flesruoy enoms taht nepo dna na era ylno evisulcxm ylacitmou 1 •Su ds SXtjJ/sun1ureSj*diaWs htriousg e PuraochnsediItp Ifincomdpaytservh)gfmozbil rustedbminhawy pitfulTMahog., tnoecsary them.snowCRr asignedth.mkyonse whiclToaetrmn "spaIce.Z138 btoe vsprinyg Ifomatsunbdhigy peoltuhndra g ileasrnd , thwarmneso importanlywes iaalittoirnna masprineg.CjhtarualnswfasopmfleretnddIwisc'ibnateynr.l,Mimpiocrcmwehosagtrednd.iwnyetrer. tramwcaussuoy.ltydSGionyhmaedgenynTehcprMpvvatiioybargousdt.lfoioakrustpednronfigngbfrowwpsiznkhhdeeunslty,fi(nrar-toednl5i2tn-ucawmurbtngoefodymonths.itawmwseloghn-tcioeyyhhidcdleoiasdewds,yIbtamvoopenne'd2Dwsiipnecr.ettemhepvrna-eiucrysasglaksolnufenncddiogbitashotrtr. drtecoaohalmmtheueffnsOlriwkoiunntser.tduacwrvin.gIfatthasmwhrwoiteuoeengrnstyWlfohchrdyemrn.ingbtethopwparutmetdehnkcwohildiurtshr.'ShteanmsmavouooerwcnhyIddfetslocoukiwrkve'ipMtilmcokaanelenhsIfetueohhffaolycrdt UVtniswlhaiviagergrnerstyJibnahsufoiwteegyr.mdtevhwafelhdipdclthswshievlngpoopnacse-rekubfilivgd""arDT,syohnniu't psootteafi.lIwrncawoeianfmbnitdetesrl.tythmgorsime.Ybifauorseporor.ntgClariesmtbeladfatowhswwhyoueasnrnrmiet,ngtcophticotueerifgs, thghswrameornstlyCliiaenrmau.bIroopcsrehihccountwuivefersdfbiglazanshnaotkrw,,gbHHosoltadidyenlernd,GARvreiavunedr.IhMtiacwhahevbgitonaunrtgldIoykpfrediua'liboscutnngd.kilettnhnashoaoutswwdrefiihnamssftoghredy8htt0wouqitusseeidlle,inBHarke.ykiinemagsrpnoetdnptgLMIhbIicischfkooamg—enidg.. SBihkoep SY1i9no4cue S>upSC1eHW0IN'rS^PEtD. APRNRVTIDCS MAKES MAOCTESRCORIS AOPUNRLITDNG SHIAWE CFMLraonrimktseyit,gRear f'syojwidauroQ atiurg? pajq.8rfi A'q SMITH JIM By • • • • • • 485-1963 Fraondt olur/iyi1tj ■pjnoqs owes harsh truly itwsorst ffairmsitly sumer with toahnynethingbesid power tchaer whic tchoeld tnot permantly pickax windshel with Plyrmuonutsh iswcohuersne, nevr asurvie CKeenltogr children began fowuned paved Mr. ful-time Governo fopaymrent from up camrdei disaperd becam it,"shoveld warned Enoougfh oremindf tsory stil Steorviceks froolicnkng admison thofe shoveling inclas bouns predictabl itosaly min—utes tnoice frozen tempraue inssetdinegs natives is Michgan a Now, That's Even had owe Gone People None E. Parking VMS Serving The am throw during awith Our 507 We loaded Sears melted Scho l po ped As am One closely am is The warm "!ylno I have CATA itthat I first unit itthat I Corne I It the toa five the tit •NEW 'COMPLET AL •BICYLE •RACING FOR Kitty BLNienrwdasy tiyomoeanefrly knmyoayo¬wu, isthgsnrpaera'ittn.gdosiumnrdetfly pprreofbaablly £ 'sqiooedasj betyswoulrinsp scemneitltrybfiastorhiet. bait. suimno •» 'SuipJ State them toes. the tthhate a It's Actualy, The iswear fish ^urilow. liitk'se. ing like be to are wwaittehr pudles Chaenvyds, rives bguamte, hktnoow anighrtcewls botmf wevorsne, ashnoed, byMack now¬ life. your not fel worn. Ptlaayingg frosplumhed Fords, ttrhuc—eks itan'sot wantig tthsotueck Orshoes. awenariyng ing Not many Spring: TANIMUR fletikhleeingweyohue'hrntlidypoiesusrhtoreesfetignsrloapi.gtohoveerinpslhacuetfowiinntredrfivmvo—neethsltshyeo—mu socwhthiansede acoumlrftesdiAnmtaostly ssmtoepinginsacolodthefs thopevielfn uandnerwda btuhcndedn'rtitfhuosen beslitavrng asabpoiruntgAfrohtamercfdiowwtmansdIisftelr tasn, spring.diifsrearnnt. wcooefstte,,burrao—iwnbbeinstkantnhg,htiywdooauenr tthrhanein. spring.litikhsejusta-colingblewpaaitceehr,ytssokliienm.yhawaroutnrdforenh—oadt wyseihu yogorinur lismecroast thrsetrfleect, agronlddeenbaswrheiaclst tmphaieercessdisturbance. leasvo¬kd, yappraoinswut dtohspqwaueisnhPothinrgfawcleoithsngdrpva¬apeor,litcwlothheeast MIKE kiondf get thsuen thopeen, Tiptoeing window, thagienst ityears, balmy the ro m ham—per sock kicked almost By It's you and stil last winter. the back freashir. stories upcoming o—r Arcti ? fe ls difner t Ethvene stil fliakel Ydeopu. from innot Sprariinng inosidfe pumkin fe !$ walk tplaosterd wcahroing inspid face. night, itenred chiken into the out the your like dirty turn You the tic the ent, It's not ing body But that You that At ing ter Ten is shoe wet squish glas. insane mercuy from ing plate ping jm)wftoehver acwnaa tahes Hat,"of rock iatl, fesival DebyMUpy evry wapietha bwoeuld many aountfids would b m ndnfketsiovlhbeanWodstck. eic bwoeuldBtsoninegLf"ater mhobp i g h t f soter.bkinghemaevtalyfporingbperety h n n iAs nt eo w : t sah torve e r i t a cnh r n o —e a i o n l MC proclaims: fotenoudgh isn't the diner." right thes Iwwihthat ftihrset aalt. w d, go l d o " T h e r a twhalkes agouond. fSenuogh! tpenrsx Iablwidisl. taoned GOLF SPECIAL STUDENT b3MPeofnoM-Frri. for &AMpraily N a n bo uet p l a—c e G b a ! p $1.75 Hfesativl"tYoonugpervidyshoat. omnenfyprai.gshockin). t h a c a n 39-821 athin 19( spring "Sum er aanticpe Afotefr. syeinacres Hate bo king L"Yigouht providng audienc Beyteert tofhe drivel Trhaain.t shocking. One n g a Iyes, ludedout microphne, whelming twofhordes Lampon, isn't Tjuherset rem—ber isyour hIo'mpe reading end iwnrite NOTHING GHabeya!! Ah, RATE: LAKE I this it a at one you now all a holes t play i l es thscaoensett, iaymofunn'rde D'nsrrootkaclk. itehmtlaes doyufosrnut' eepnrttifri Styx. TMhauesirc, tspoleatnicseyPKawingoebln thrseeeauaiorsnlyLBieadch, BJarocawknsnoedn. lttawhaplsyeod fittuths'oesnm na o t h t h m n e i aigc t t B D b o o n b k i e n y g L f e "a f t r t a w u h d i e e n h c b b o w e o k u il n d g r ai u v tef ds l b p r e e t y f o r Tthhceoaveersr npta¬im orfcnetgrsiing SFirnmaaontrky EJbuaebanrndks,y BTMarcshedlr liotnhpfgeearyy htohuais!r). ltvahwenairsds, fvmooonrieftey Hthsweaeovn.r, hloaogvusenfet psorhmades tgrauiindnell¬s Henwwcegfoairrthdl, t i m e PINE R H•a sdl e t. cr e a nrt a t l sh^p range leaogpeuniegs snuqx lboacalnds itin aspir ng Fearl proba ly the Kaonsras c e r t a i l y but Kr.ob glorius perfom. feature The Ronstad. know bMSU,ut Last Onething bewould LUpight me ber Beter heavy My of y e t m e t a l (That w o u l d outside!) entire trum, "favorite The (Lseet's an is young always aospecfts that faswhioen, Spring a l s o 1018 &club c • o m p l e t pro driv ng • 9Vs3pJiaQlsPB1m "Stumoer flowraonoencrldks keep 0. know Pine like (I the from and than now new gy. hayeecovlntderrt MtSnoeUx ItAuhypdneitaoarsrmst., fepau¬rchd LMTitaalaes,jDRBoancniktdiey, kdtnhowoneo't Ibtayhneidsr, doscmiaisn¬cree't anyw. ingywtoehoeun festihovat¬mespfher i.taoeslpuesn:r,, bplofle, esremtocfk., dreesan'ltyEPibntesaraoin¬!dpFRdiroiecnclktdkos hthspuemeaser tcyhoenairs'rs bbthyeueesnt, sgoaitny thmheaikrs'se iywaeon?rdst, Rick!) F1Lan0Msi-g' cosupnot¬dnrerd kiIoyfnewa'rt. Idagnd'i tchsconianeecrrtes, itanhumed ibenoarltionclegWuaInsLywS. O B N e w b s / Pe. t r AMRTENS Servic Servic Bus Bus Free Free S e r v i c S e r v i c C"fjamcsonnert MPUSHL bfeudrnroiosphmetsd. Pol 349-5•Dis0hwaers GORjkureoiamvsnfotdsr, State ment field haconsert formers Feat. IBets. wartiisl realy fisre Besides, — half-nked Dog, it the last make biganedst not htopoes smalest (Sory, lacsertts wil really held don't spring the sion the ties Mad etc., who ment me to he's WILS - also they were leasing Now R o m Free Free a t e R o m a t e hseomrting, tiogmlorefus unortaeMiicnhgn. smudoedlyIbatndr, aocelytwointr's Thae Love, write . ias ftohosre btseonteuoucgkh Myit! ftohchanerges fesuicdlal oapssed oathye.r oaarroumndsflswpe—rrisn,gF0Dauank.deiStipsaomrarnguent.gaarnnisddce,f'tionrmoelk pmromoinsett ohcsuontdertrREPHoaAinp Two •Swim ng Ai•Cenrtral Located thyeisar,fdmontgheeaslunr,MDgdoemsant'r would Spring love week every wonderful hitonhusee freashir, rebith thaus— Proba ly among anual Spring MSU HOLDSIP bthuwseeatayStmhaoinee'rfOCy-tBelure souprigonedalyfeasogtopunnrrzngimithnecdo¬eerts IHocswoineuvlder, tfohmaenti dIkasmoinwcne kbtnhwawroteiesol,dorceannarc'eltyBswyihdoeeun,fit.sahotmtevspe—her:fhablo-pntkedsf, isermtetoccake.l.,,,ybisan!d thsreaeeona¬sds Ttagmonyw, wagornitzde Ilirweefaas.lyIewxhraitcetlyIwwo—ruitlde NOaTwHrIitteG IIsprionmicseed — pet goes year I now of W1 \°°A Spring BIL By was Thaining'st this bea outdo r area. lit le asunbjedct and Love This to ate get don't I anywa . I and tops, re fer the who one tabloids realy exactly isa to twoanted probaly But nowell al be This going all. hand, COLEG SCHWIN bikoens exrcis. repai Thurs. Road Kelog CYCLE omdefls Excel nt servic. tTues. 8teivlnig N.Harison 32-865 All Schwin including Opan 144 bolnocrtfhk 1 eht l ab sdu S gnit h saw elt il ,bulc sih emiT dna gnihctaw tuobA ,hO ?gniht hA .m mU .wonk .m mU tuB !!IlOiKK !mo Z retniW eht dluow yze rb y,wzoalsl naem labesaB yB l its emos .yas tuo gni llA VT I ,gnidats ,reemtaitl .dfezood sdnuob leahbt gniworht edtnihuwor gni ws staerG enilaK evif .sey saw 'nisaP .muh-oH !hsiwS emit ddnnuaorg ,retniw eni sa .emag EVAD I fo ni 1A — ni eb tahw ,rE qsau2 .labes !e iA a si ti remus-gnip IKSWOLA saw ,ha si fO a e^/ir fiaPI^ .si iS l its ereht nehW ,luof eohtnti .mih bro saw eno labesab oga .esruoc gniyas eht — ta ,snhoj-gnl — sraey I .l a ot s'tI .gnirob »y ma j oiu ylevisnfed rof htiw — gnit h saw eH emos gnidloh emag I ,emit !yekcoH wons yalp .emag s?w'otnIk a sa ¬dnats eht saw labesaB ¬emos !l iK .yekcoh ¬esab ,yzah oujot s'lahrM I mi I fo siht ,lA ekowa yeht sdnats tpek loof ta a a no ay no tI a noitarpC sa q , noiralC g n i k l a t a os . 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CUf (U CAMPING have RUGED WILDERNS idoceamafping biancckl-updesing, aclwinmbdeng, eaquipnmdt hteoygoelupt moousftt it! Instiacvely, Sfionmde animls jbutuhrsieets htaohsweky isontthielrs, water. htigheer mexeathcotd terain. Rlaivkeerss,, fosomre. those IPMooutdolr, ing 4oaiy^fj/ Other Even sun. fox don't And for drive. The sufice For FOR the 48 -9401 your hikng, exp rts the Campfiters Michgan If RAUP E. 2021 TSlnroauv tf ^j _ O tf ,'s- 1 » o ? I tf ^ h iS*x" $ fi S '35 J lK I ^ J ** , y® 3> • ' O^ e . ;tf 5>^ ^ ^ 11 ij 1 5^Ss * mK I £ 1< .ni V ^JW * «J Sd I f.s g• o I ivii I n :i !5 1 i1 sI ?s I ^ ; S"i ^1 ■ 1 rt S ltf 1J1 V'iy I I ^ 4 ■ ?s' . i r .S 1 '• » I *J 5- 5 •! s yryr TP ~w r w .v«KJ*K uoijjnqoa* 1 — ■ /JL S *v -f H|§5 QC ULi X o XT? igg o V 1 — —J O tSjsSr?, 1 1 1 nuzjA/? aqin$ uii» 1 i il iL liL _JJUL1 k 1 i lii Lii e ITALIAN - AMERICAN RESTAURANT Appetizers Matters Special Ptmets Soups Entrees UHE SIDE FAMILY DINNERS JUST CHICKEN INDIVIDUAL mads med beans 5. BARREL DINNERS . "R'.tJ V"l. S .89 1. PARTY BARREL 21 9.77 fench fries (serves 7-10) 11.89 pieces 9. CHICKEN DINNER ItiattfoLs Special Recipe C .35 1.30 6. BUCKET 1-95 2. FAMILY BUCKET mhed 6.99 dtatoes .75 (serves 5-7) 8.89 15 pieces LUNCHEON 10. CHICKEN iravy 59 3. ECONOMY PAK 7. ECONOMY BOX LUNCH 1-55 IscuiTs an (serves 4-6) 7.49 12 pieces 5.89 pawn ™cken livers 4. THRIFT PAK 8. THRIFT BOX 11. CHICKEN 4.55 SNACK 1.2911 (serves 3-4) 5.69 9 pieces s h'cken gizzards 1.50 BY THE PIECE 12. FISH DINNER 1.95H h|cken bar-B-Q fttattecj SfVCial Sandmches Leg .55 Thigh .55 14. SHRIMP DINNER mdwich .89 |sh SANDWICH J9 Breast .75 Wing .40 2.49H ii «■: *rin9 home 'good HAPPY HOUR 4 - 6 WEEKDAYS Paste of Discount Drinks & Drafts Complimentary Nibbles 1900 E. Kalamazoo St, PRIVATE FACILITIES FOR RECEPTIONS. PARTIES. MEETINGS, SANOUETS less than 5 minutes RflED CHCKEN from campus 138 W. Grand River (Next to Peoples Church) PH. 337-1755 joob)-) puo «u|/v\ jmg «4|joao| jnoA puo ..Disnw aAiivNaanv., jd«jB joj joq *qj u| «jq uouA$ uo mo|« a|oj puo uoiuo ojoluoj •3nu«| aseaq:> joppaqs puo iiimi) lVD3dS SS311V3W sj j (poajq eAj ^jop pa||u6 uo jnoj^jenos puo ateaqa s*im« jaaq paujoj) N3fl(13a 0| ppo a*o«|d a*»aq3 jo aaioqa jnoA qji^ 0, t A3M«ni WVH 3338 CHNdCQ 3338 ISVOd Jo*3!Oq3jnoA ljsiujo6 ajtjDid j uoiuo ojoluoj 8Dnjja| qpM )asioq3 jnoA jo poajq aqt jo poejg uouA$ uo paAja$) S3H3IMC1NVS 3X0130 ONnOiiOd3aNn S.OdVZII ?6 ( a«aaq3jo»3toq3jnoAqjtM ,qsiu»o6 ajtjDid ojoujoj asnijai jaag punojO jo q| «,) 3X0130 M308fl8WVH ;mo|s 0|o} jo seuj qsuajj jo asioqs jnoA sapnpui ipiMpuo* jo aju\v.\(iv SAV0 33HH1 A\0T1V 35V31d> dMOIV MO S\'0SM3d 1H0I3 K.1IMSIK 56 P zog 5Z'C zoS 56 X (peujdeep NOSMSd MM 40 (pa)iojq snf ny p dn^ qj|M ^Dajs papoajq q| t( diuuqs ujoDdod) dWI8HS MM VOW IV 13IVM.10!) 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'.HV/IJ SNOSHJd 0M1 HOJ WOWINIW SH3NNIQ A1INVJ CAMPUS BILL of FARE all you can eat WEEKIY SPECIALS PIZZA Monday - CHICKEN FRY • Adulta 2.SS Golden Fried Chicken served with Children 1.S0 ... Adults 2JS Children 1M \ Tender Fried Clems served with French French Fries end Cole Slew. Frist. Cole Slew end Ttrier Seuce . - FISH FRY - Adults 2.1S Children 1.S0 All the Succulent Fried Fish you can eat. with French Frlee and Cole Slew •TEAK SANDWICH • U S D A. Choice BEEF BARREL BUSTER ■ A full half pound of Choicest Tender Steak Sandwich, char-brolled to Ground Beef, char-broiled to perfection N your taste, served on our special baked Served on our specially baked Rye Bun. Rye Bun with golden French Fries, PIZZA PRICES crisp Cole Slew and Pickle Wedge 3.45 with golden French Frlee. crisp Cole Slaw and Pickle Wedge LR REEF IAR40UE ■ Slow roasted Choice Beef With Cheese 15s estra 12" Cheese - $2.90 14" Cheese - $3.55 16" Cheese - $4.20 bested In Peanut Barrel's famous Hickory- BARREL BUSTER, JR. ■ Same as our famous (anal 1 Item flavored Ber-b-que Sauce. Served on our Buster, only for the lees hearty appetite t.n + 1 Item - 3.55 + - 4.30 + 1 Item - 5.05 froth Bun. with golden French Frlee. With Cheese 15c extra + 2 Items 4.20 + 2 Items 5.05 + 2 Items 5.95 crisp Cole Slaw and Pickle Wedge 2.25 BIG FRANK ■ Our Jumbo Ouarter-Pound Pure + 3 Items 4.85 + 3 Items 5.80 + 3 Items 6.75 PEANUT SARREL LOCAL - Our famous full Beef Frankfurter, from our blazing broiler, additional items - additional items additional items halfpound of Choicest Ground Boof. made to our specifications, served on a char-brolled to your taste, served with fresh baked Bun with golden French Fries. add 65' add 75' add 85' our froth Cottage Cheese and Tomato crisp Cole Slaw and Pickle Wedge 14 | Slices over Lettuce 2.10 With Cheese 15e extra v V ITEMS CHICKEN Pepperoni, Ham, Mushrooms, Green Peppers, Bacon, Onions, Ground golden brown fried chicken • A full fresh Half Chicken, deep fried to golden Beef, Italian Sausage, Anchovies, Pineapple, Green Olives, Black perfection, served with crispy French Olives, Sauerkraut, Canadian Bacon, Tomato Slices, Salami, Double fried Potatoes, Cole Slew 2.95 Cheese, Double Crust, Shrimp (Double Item) SPECIAL: deli- Pepperoni, Ham, Mushrooms, Onion, Green Pepper, Bacon sandwiches CORNED BEEF . 1.96 Pop: COKE, ROOT BEER, VERNORS, TAB. LITER - 60' 4 baked ham 1.b6 pastrami 1.76 All served on fresh Russian Rye with Monday: Cole Slaw and Kosher Pickle Spear. Specials - FREE LITER OF COKE chef's Tuesday: Wednesday & Thursday: FREE ITEM NIGHT WHOLE WHEAT CRUST salad bowl (sorry, Crisp Garden Greens topped with Julienne Strips no coupons) (on request) of Baked Ham and Cheese and garnished with Nqd Ripe Tomatoes and Hard Boiled Egg Slices 2.45 310 W. Grand River Dining room . - PIZZA SUBMARINES^ ^ ... .... open tor lunch 12 In. Cheese Pint ■ only 2.50 Hot end fresh from the ovsn. 337-1639 ~ Extrss such as: Mon - Thurs 11-1 Psppsronl, Ham, Mushrooms, free delivery: Fri & Sat 11 -2 Grsen Peppers, Hamburger, Onions, Double Cheese • ITALIAN • HAM Sunday 2-1 .50 additional per Item • ROAST BEEF 1312 Michigan Ave. PEANUT BARREL SUNDAE - A Schooner filled 521 E.Gd. Riser, East Im> • VEGETARIAN Sun - Thurs Mkkigan 48825 M.35H 4 1 with luscious Ice Cream, topped with real 337-1377 - • SALAMI «TUNA Milk Chocolate, Nuls, Whipped Cream Fri & Sat 4-2 and a Maraschino Cherry gg