v s. c. UUrary Jfaat Lansing, >t«h Michigan 6tate Heius I flMlvf. r»TW Fall T«« Waal EAST I.ANSIS''#, MICHIGAN, Tl'ESDAV. MAV IS. 1»3 Today'ti Frat Council Thousand* to See farm Fun Fifty Co-ed* /til./iff OlH'HS Name* Heads Campus With Side Show, Hv Tom Nolan At Banquet rr »•»..•* in mgifwiiai , f. . n :• Prnmf l'ir«l is wall rollaga ha< kno« Rafter* Mitchell Cmninrtnl- Rrlir- inn Offirrr* on Hu«i* of ' :rEi^ 53 ~H£ri W-, — company Mrrhc-i* " «« Dancing Program ^r\ernl Nitmhcr* • o-e.l • n» Milking • on araf tad in Campus to Name leaders ( \rhic\cmenl* ;dy of agnru to Im> Entertaining e raftars from At Lleetions Thursda> • (Joeeii to tppcar \tlllrlir I onnril t ail MM HON IK hi I nder 'liiu Top' l>c-l|fn.llc It- Ituihhnv "loilrnt- Ma- knock Oscr Prof* in l.ftigy on Horned Mol-Oa*. ,«• Song (boniest To Be Staged Fir«l Inlrrfralrmily Sin* tun** M«. 4l.r> I- t- In I'un-Mrl* la*til#-. \I|»lt.a I'lli ttillage MIKh-ll -p-.k. Tart I Ttir f«rt>*ltur*l C|u**n hu km Sale rrownrO hat * »wal- ur lor id en I prarafN lha event. It —aHi there wara two man. twill Mrtrnllura rtadenU. who approached Robert S Shaw •f*. to Mk tide at the tow nine reremontex Tha* ex- pUined In hUn that tt would ha tn exeatfal armalan to place lha * raalh of nnhifi on tha head Linton Talks of MWhican Stale . %rrimltwra mil that Hi* nama first Quaan to 150Co-eds M that of Hijf ^idar« for II I rash- i«a \n %rhia%i he caramon» Tha i rent In tied man \llrnil Firol . «tti similar phraaea and awaited t>e Prroident. anawer ~ - - .jnf | mm rxanafex than htmxelf band Sarits a «a< tion of tha state, liva tham a prefer Is (loiltilllH'fl ■nil spring To h* Pl.t- Name W iini«*r- all.' «aid una of tha *#ti thU "»• airead* aahad Of Rifle ( lip* j Pensioned Lizzie \M#*ttltoii vnior*. Iftfirprmlent f.irlo Tike tor Motto- f.irilrn- j (loiters I Ihiii I < o^fi Honor. I / he ( oiiipus B#-»t K.O.T.I . Mm to H# Pit k# is* man th, ' Th* v-n» >o«mI \ <■ flrtl f.sr Hu r MkfJt Hotel I'uinting. ,1 *•» »u>- rnannkl »oh!alWIM(H*r- ^wl«*k f">'» :M S«nra fcv»r I of M ( oo/rfaara n- I «r*i l»« tnar. ,..n^ colinft baa fainarod it Fran hm duoctad tha av«ftt for Doon ! (' Emmons A tN T rh- r. , l.irrinrii• I a = rafiarrrt **** M -,n» of tha »««« ln*1 outatandmc "*• ^ track rtaru c«m and r-. but Ha -jm mo W«t rr4i Art(( v',^. ^ W W wmirat*. nut. • i ^ M y„. n »«d w * i rm A r ^iM Marl Wr«hiraflc« *ho«.l nmtt un tha country Laruunc'i pupular mayor au;: H Mofl*" A •** tiU. *r -jrvar*- CWk h**4 W Ik* . . If» a lour ruic e mu. ar> v>, thnli* %o nandiin« lha nmat of tha Cng.-xn xirjmr- Tha Drtroit-Ann Arbor Wftxsr. Four ctaaa rhampiunahipa kda" ■>.' of the Amaru an Imtduta of 4ra decdad at lha una tana Tha * hava tpant a «ot of uma on ^ SoLurdav Via- Eiactncal Eng.nam will f'Oid its show start* at • ockxk Saturday a dmp»t# ^ drv«r'mar-> ,t »aa Vnjaar- lay May i» A dtanar at • M .it ar*und S p m wtlh ana Hour off tha hard work ,.*T ^ fr1cr and tha Ubmh will pracadt tha m«a<- for iunrh Ma aiao rmadnryad tha days -xfii kjmoo «acuo»«d p*ai*» for ate At €94 * dilates hax-a ohm tha coliact tpanji a* much a* nmnt tha oursaa n £r Spaaarrs tor tha rven.ng wtU oa'-t *al fted for Saturday's ail-day HMD « « unci# maat h wa> <-heoi,% »/d .tkiefn 10 ?rote~c* H P Sariya and ,S M Dtan. of ramiNki Thay rapraaaat ltd than ftata payed all tha aapamn > -ora c«nitinu*ty I h I a'cM. lha Dairoit Ediaon company who school* m tha La>war humwlt ■■ ■ ■ ■ >di talk on tea CaoUnuitv and hara AW0 un uvTui - imnniit r.«C» . lntCHftiAH Si'A'i'& NKVVo I Uemlay, M*v IK, I!);-/, the Union where the end of the line informal have tnken run to CAMPUS CAMERA manner r snakes up to meet you half way. Student I'uhv and they could all have a merry HBdtigfln 6tatc Nc m Then time The rally. 1 thought, was Very sincerely yours. more waiting until word drifts back that just In that mood. There were Dui win c: Dudl. . fhi' staff hits taken time off for lunch. Friday, May 14 Jokes, much laughter, punny Registration cornes at four p. m. if luck Editor, Michigan State New? posters, bursting firecrackers? catches up in time. Perhaps Alpha Kpsiton Pi fra and the atmosphere in general was one of gnyety. I gave my Mention is brought at this lime because man rlass at Southern charge of discrimination again speech accordingly, using much MoUi-.m- now is the time to effect 'any change. the Inter-fraternity council I ego, thinking -that it would be Kvery year the harassed officials swear an admission fee of ,. |Q1(» Member |Q1? taken In a joking manner, hut , thai this js the last, the downright last ftssocrfod ChdoeiciD Prow and next year it will be different ; they Distributor* of said it last fall, with vehemence. Rut at Coloflk*»Dirtnd this time thurc i a chuckle up a l.#\. MHnn and thoughts about "good intention an- editorial itself. MANAGING I.D1TOH Ol.A (JKI./KIt 1100 eunuch" and other multerings. There ,t : roAr-rr, '.TiPtJI ATCr AKHOTIATi: EDITOR HARVEY IIAHMIN dive-ion CO-FD EDITOR HEVF.HI.Y SMITH "(It-It TAPMFP OW and class, anything to break up tin- all SPOUTS EDITOR Al TIIKII.EK KI'ITi>HIAI. HOARD AVjg/»L, CHARACIErJy HUBERT D lU'RHAN college cpietie that strung from tin* two KRKD ( t H .US cynosures of registrants on those fit t Any (dan, any plan at all. for the great disentangling that must be done. That is ... F.MT-MINDFd PCOFI J 1 our plea. The division registration plan i . the most attractive thu far produced. P • f v't MIL 10 HI 5" (.'LAST/ r?c %v rLAVirr mS'' I'erhap; cvefi thai ran be improved upon. Hut let there la: changes liext. tail term comes i. • ■. ...• / "H "• ;... MAR Pl/.i 1 iutS DAS/IJ oStmimt^w/Ll/AMf I 1 . i : .. • to »;>»/ 1 Daccirc rICn11v ZirePt VioncL 1 1 LA P < MAblSON.WIf j Thursday's I nlini> on toup srtttx*. ktcRtytufec) / I election. A full roster of class officer . KACTH.TY ADVISER I I .OYD II < JEII. will be lion should appearing be on the ballot. Compeli heightened by strong op In The - Rough Hut Dog ami EDITORIAL ADVISER i ARIIY DI8TKI, position furnished b\ several independent 1 With llarvey flurrington , HUHINESS ADVISER DONAI.hi n llARA candidates. Nominally a large vote should National Advertising Service, Inc be anticipated but i> i • too much to «• x|; even fifty per cent Before as that. proceeding let it lie made clear Campuses (Eljc Put To Oil ^l|up that this i- tier gesture placinp gamhlii»p Stage >irt a i tpiiin llir ( ollr»iulr — lt> Garry IIKIrl The old college "rati rah' spin i . \ ices forbidden to the college Mini went out with prosperPx is showier «b li H\ no vtretell of tlie imagination r ild nit. signs of life Friday's elect mn va Ibis be true. Poker. esj»eciall> the five almost merry enough to remind old on can! draw v ariety. i a grand old gam ei s of tin day when elections wen real I PORTABLE TYPEWRITER elections There WHS ail abuudam • ot est ordei I" Slate's adherents of th< lake telephone calls, stolen baud hi 11$, and general throat-cutting. And tin For That "bill): Term" 0^1 IS**' chips and mmnv an not in e\tdt»m« eggs, dinner pail Perhaps all this is -, and what have \ou an indication ot •39: make- little difference lo abolish al I lend back to the old win <>| going !<• * gambling with' tii. buildinp and i.Iiiii lege- tin way that was accompanied the room to ins? .t plain lounge Would be pot wearing and burning.-, intcr-ch an excellent i .u battle-, bonevard dumpings, Hell \\« in every bouse, and paddling for all l ull I mil Np.v/ \N f I le <• ••«"> * Ikik. -••- k ->t IMrtitfalc makm - |;. .Mi, < ■ .tin-i. «"■: K n the tall the sit sUblndied I'm t tl KENT.?I. MAC HINES—S.I.IM) MONTH dutifully past : At let that h. lines for him Franklin DcKlcinc Uo. 3IH1 North Gr«nd Ave Lomtmr Ph«iu- . SlmlvnlH FOR VOIR CONVENIENCE BlSESRliN EVERY'5 MINUTES BETWEEN LANSING AND EAST LANSING .lurled ' " il.gi ... ! t.i ii.«\ of tile p,H» ,• V aim I Dock a challenge FOB ECONOMY FOR SAFETY . - Jekyii p. .kci : . • ••••.«, lose Amen, a ha picture .r the Oi.- KIKE THE BCSEK lob-rated nir! > than il- share t>f lw TMhumM.-Kt.lv ii» wrote akiiig." Northwestern 1.1 chall. htic vout' t.-ie She uuiver»it>' CITY -p. lb Parent« Sitci'i!. professor of nixxxl -education, spdk- "bins' TRANSPORT i « for "ahem-ir.j I'hone 21 IKS ana hawing." Saturday. Ma> 22 Kutern >:INI P. M. # ORCHESIS W ah M. s. C. Symphony RECITAL High Sehuoi Auditorium Orchestra fuetuiay, May 18, 19:iY MICHIGAN STATE NEWS AS (Alteon CrownedS'Mc 'Y* Meet (amy 14)11* U"* •» Prene.it Swain Mill Tearh in Meal Thia Summer I'araky Men at State S D • I . £.1 Program Set With Hoik Sexe* vv"f"'r s,r,i"'" P lilr J. fj Swain, of the Spanish By rremlenlShaw por week End M ... Attempt. . - ... at . .... Un.p-hread Only One Fall.! .. .. • - ■■ 'I -.. department, will l.iluritlrnl S|»r.,", whool <;««, tearh r.,io,.... at Wmtrn state the Several *-»l '• r Bmanoni \7 '» .gan j' State college at the cflt- ri«,y held a' Fhnt Junior rol- lege* to lliarnaa Training 'hwr 1 W'-dn'iday Dr W ft Pee Porter llnnora New Ruler n • •• ,..m st.i.y H. -,gh An- at M aiden Monde. William KimmH. wi Jtmtt '«n>p t«*ee, tie M itli Three Mu.-ieul Dn'ure v. ;»• M"»rm If in ' M„n- A...I method f, ■ baklnjt , , , ' . '' ' ' d. partmont. .poke • ■ and hn dale tux It in' A Ml„ r.,nm, jdey ! Mim firw>. opened the .|m r». , >i —ia.Wu.ii " • dougi . '' ' '■ r ar'd Cadillac high trtl rmttei- »ith -ee I.'.totioti .1 I'.ew 1*1.,- a, • and r,-,k.r.a y' ',, ,1 , " '' • • ''1' Tti' purpoa* of Ruth Starke )ir"« t'. 1 ■ - the t.mf.re The procedure (,,, A *a* In enable the «tu- [A stale rabjiut-training W».., Iwn't met with ,amp-bread tr.. getting .• off t.;« r,', ... '^"ne ae,,„»,nted Trinille I'lays . . . .. ... turday and Sunrl V nd i\ Weighted M'*' • lor May boner ' warning l nodded yc hi'i..v night were the Oil.- .,ri 1 hj t «-ad r.tr«>-n«rrM TImmim* Krmn • L. ' M'»-« and the FarrriHouse spring [j., I i »iir haiipp» on I iini|Mi» part- lf, the Little Til eat I' j, Fritlu> >i|clil. • / ' • !uh t.r id a garden party p indent parlor - «f Peoples j m» I.c muaii from f..i I the A p* tp Hon PI \ lay night •> paftv M*m Dance Hilariiav ... Alpha Xi Delta., , l.xliihit Pcatlircs . f-eMMlcrn High Alumni . ' acuity Paintiuge |.. Hold Sprin, l».nee Murk of teten \rl II. .dneet.;'. t 'lailiKitr Danit e in l.il.rHry lli.pl... io Picnic Kritliis II||*ImII(|w Mllfl hr.lillMli \-»i*t.nit- \nkctl l(» I'girta Music Honorary liitlni |« 4 ifliccrw HI I.LKTIX M.rll. I'lllloll Neu lie... of -idtii.t \Ipli.t I..1,1, lldmillon I nlc CARBURETOR YELLO-BOLE ilpha 1,tttnn%u Ihlln Don't Miss The hirst — % ■ •»» M.lbing ALL-AG OPEN HOUSE and CARNIVAL FRIDAY, MAY 21 Moth hdiKalMKul and Ln 1*naming i ormal OpcniiiK at :*:00 I'. M. i»> i|uccn ul Agriculture lPa»i- Apeak* l» Milking ( untewt »|*-n t<» < u-ede at "»:00 ( ontinuou* Yaudcvillr from 7:INl 'til lllMMi ill ifU'rtHMm aritl KwniuB— Open House* in Veterinary Forestry H* ta Kmutm Agriculture Department* CLASSIFIED Dig Midway Itetween Dairy and Ag. Hutiding- CUtm.i -r »-rx Hu* OWl I a r. , • *. '4 . l-N3d«t.d., a tab. Motg- RADIO HLam.TAHAdL, ItKUa Free ■ - Free ifco ..83 fU*: MtrmCAM STATE NEWS hi» Font ft»r another licking if he face*. tt I IRsi surer Stato NrlllH'll Wind-up Well Attended Marquette In Sport lutprhiilw Spartan--' wmcd . lather . The r-o-ed sponsor anxious prize* to A1 Tolmirh. the Wayne to award i '^lie ^cam WhipN Whites (Jolf Victim «* M*.kla Win Seventh —Rave them plenty of opportum- Tom King, bv m.-take. Riving fta«,h, the other day . . . Tolrmch «lnry hnlrtinrk. InnkiM Michigan State may have nn'f. o S|inrtnl|. Win llitliril Mlltiii Meel «f Year ine in ,-v Macklln Steve S'/osz was up to his old , „n linnl Ini.rm-. rwtr uctions to » ibout the plays White player a brother hark field act nrxt f;iij h« wanted the jif the Hill boys. Charley and Hud- Vnlinw 29 flues to use in Saturday's grid'son, continue to show th«ir :r> - '(•iof.r>n,tind most uu-ks nnrt hni Improved. Herman Hen v..fAI'tvn«A Sun Viiiiir- I Kit lrt-li. 111. in • !■ Herman KlrwirkiS provement Whrn Hill ' . Iti'lil. I Ki-i-i.li--. Mril • iinvincod that K lew irk i, brother of Fd. v.*«s in i.-nk:u,et> M o quilt* Tod ,,n ine k a! quarterback ri rallrd 'cr ran the quarter-mil*- >ri v e Mii t Hrlil ni SihiiIi r. ill Ell.or of Nlnli- o many the feats of his brother, State meet Saturday it marked the Tiiiniiuil-. Riml. d'nr^ Mouct*' ^ Hhnfinoe'k anil Bud McOomb show- ti.r- »•*•-. ' > -«• of Hi d V-m.ir «— "",P W'" " ' By \« Km A ilictinit iii-|iiirliirc HllnhftlM D*«—U«» from Ihf ordinary KdllWOW RVllMllwU Milliard room A Revelation to player* and fans Bowllsg a it's Best I Sst I.U "SEVENTH HEM EN" With Mm—r Mm— lit Hleattl When Buyer Meets (iirl! * I n.iti,.hi|M — Ml miii n*HMIf l.et us Sm ire Ymil Car •— t-rm MM Ni* -wwOiiKmi»«iii for Summer Driving - I vV I lj>r ••*£». Mil.Ill In Mai* Ml* Killers Card fur <• hours $1.00 (U„BOYER^ARTHUR HltTOWr1$ MADE AT NI6HT.; Case's Mi III Service -it. liOXARRlUOf Colin diva tl|i|Niiiilr |V«|ito Church ( ittiMin I rl "till NISI. SVO IM» I lll'HI - 1.1*1 .. that delicious aroma couldfit he anything else Sin If I'rorrs No Exception In Ilasfbull's I ncrrlninly Aroma is half the pleasure of smoking Chesterfield's aroma is DIFFERENT ...more pleasing...you like it better. That's because- of the way we blend and Chesterfields will balance Chesterfield s mild ripe home-grown tobaccos and aromatic Turkish tobaccos . . . give you MORE PLEASURE and because the Chesterfield paper is PURE ifa&fcki * —t—Ur and burns without taste or odor. •" « Ul