!. S. C. Library 3as* Lamina. Vilh fflichujatr 6tate Keu» IMM (*» *n><- At |M| IM (ha rint FAST LANSING. MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, MAY 21, Today"n Campus Hjr Tom Noli. Hays Chosen Student Council President No KcM for ihr Wnrt Will Portray Jam Doomed fulliiwrO Won by (mini's. Carpenter, iit a majority of in«trii(f<< Weird Seene By New Plan •rding to f.»« olty r?ir r-. Orrbrai* Kn-itul to b* H||hI**iiU VA ill M.iki Ftttry ami Maekrell ns I UK) Vote , leach According Gixrn Saltirflay in lUml- Arrniuirii AlpttMbHie- llowaril ^-hwiiru LIio i ii Ikftikrnm. Itriniiiiiflliof f. ilt of till in which l»\ Lovcrning lloml to I i»r«l to |m- Nrtil Yisip'* In* \ iri'.|»r»'-nli ill. A \ ire |'r#*-i«l«*fit* .S errebirv'.* I'ox I llrifililiiiao Ili-mlx hlH'X to JlH' Itllllr I //-# nlli-[!i- I'ixl (>ninr>. Mmkrrll anil l-ur- M.iin HcclMiit* Arr* I ltt*c: Parade Is Prelude IM-nlrr. on VX .11 lliil.I s,.„i. I.iHin. il N.m V.-ar. Dtnlb-y .mil SfrihtMT I ilgrtl Out atylf. hot -mdrier To All-Ag (airnival It I ImMl# - Govi rnor to fVativiti«-« on t.aiii|>n« I In- dent Afternoon iml F wiling: ttin Sbo* Xr# t olMfal *liirl«» at Srvrn OVIork "T+ P.# toSty «%#•!«• Will Ih'latioiin (.roup Plav Kleet* Offierr- Nor .? Noted Stalde« /on** I Filter Horne % !< .vrdewtg who Annual Military >how I Open Next Friday Queen I redo Parade Orchard Bloom- \« tin |{i \ im Parade Honor- roup- State Officers N.inAjgout-r and Nowieki are Among I ln»-«- Sforf t'.mh Mtlnie -Indent- In (>i\e Hreital t i)iiiieaker- l'i<-ki-1 < »• i»"t» j K.\|>lain<*«l \ I jprlla I hoir '•inic* f«*r Tim Wlirl t.Mrrnw " Vesper Prugrani. plaint* have been heard r#- (ward Sen, ene from liiinoia. -i far from the campi.* St \ r*-iij from Indiana J»mr* •f who would have time for a two between dauo arc j M-nan Me. ;o»1. 1'<*n ,y*« York Charley Area Officer* Vt ill In-pert Jean URoj AI 'llsriler Krsigns ■ I'lrtwtd*. from Connecticut CM- •d thi» privilege because <-t me it takes to reach the court* Rita Knap* A. New Hport Ckirl i*l Wester ft- a from the Otue- All K.O.T.C. I nit* Next W eek grasa -ountrv A Kentw «v and *her* they are now situated p . m■■ «Wi» act I>«rs Wright from Fowler Mich The ir- Grand Haven e convenient motm, r»«Md ho .» TV SrB v,,r vyurmory , on M-. cetmg aw Hint u» .port. Ml.'« at IV K»i|» '* «•"" U»r, is superv A it-I in Talk* Tokigbl Stale News *nrf fji Cokenbiw- two mrat grading r«per **nKn will I where a ma¬ Oh*. MA>km of D«r'»t ... n """« ***d*nu * **»"- jority of vtudenU Dr K I Austin, head of tl n.wdu.^lVilr .1..:: **n Th* l" y*'*""*r» lilr must walk a mile or education department, will «;*?a v * t» u ooumo 14 bom "" •«•«» h'" from MA.ri.gan more to play on them on Mamu.n.ng the Edu -Vi. Kib-Uings each Tridiy starting Mother common complaint Pace" ton.ght t* the annua' d;nn next week ■? the tennis courts is that of the Detroit ilurti kt of the Ph Ttu-iter stiU will servr as (port. » featur** A the i-> Seiwyn li . th -re usually crowded and those Deita Kappa national honors • announcer on WKAR. presenting Jane Shaw former pres.der*t of A vepa, a daily review a* i p m and the A W S.. a recovering fn the 1 .aaiess peaches w.*r 'ree «totie» •ften forced to return without teachers from Detroit and the Vs. • oroadcasting all local eyenu :o*iege Hospital from a frac«ur»d ♦ been developed a' :ewch the u*;r -e-dr; -*tinaction of a victory or the rounding area a-.ll attend the i n- coila/ bone suffered when she was c-dtog orthaii 'jf the S at# Ag- Those * ' "5# «• e .ke they are seek ng ner which » to be held at ? ' DrWr altusal Statior it Rutg* * ' fo.Iowi >-- . Ma; Inglestdr club m Detroit Aver*. I Ul utp by Prof M A Bui** *»?d J H* - Ft Sf —— HI for ie*t -rbuery. Patronu* State News Advertiser? Thoma, R Harm Illuioia MICHIGAN Kl ATK NEW .3 Friday, May 21, | «♦:; band in a performance of flm that constitution is considered a model CAMPUS CAMERA Music 11 precision, and artistry wh for tike documents. REPORTER JBchigan State News Frequently Student Council is compar ed unfavorably with Associated Women at Musician* presented a contrast to 'he •how, and amateurish •»>-. ually associated with r,,»rj Students, which is noted for its efficiency LARGE By Roberta. Appletate and effectiveness. The comparison is un¬ Despite protests of tar. fair because the functions of the two or¬ HKTKIHI KIMHATION— Rfl-S members that professors ar«- ganization* are quite different. Criticism l»s Angeles, Calif Sidney Stat' absent minded, evidence • -, has also been incurred by the Council's Goldberg, 18-year-old student at band played its second con- contrary can always be pr< . Los Angeles Junior college, is Wednesday evening. The ed. Prof T D. Stewar' of inability to change the attitude of the ad cut at play- flying a kite, fn- ram opened with the ov» r- chemistry department ministration on such questions as the Dintrtbutor* of to the "Barber of Seville, University of California 1« • Thanksgiving day recess. The Council he is using a fine copper wire lorsinl. Although this num- to the wrong class for ;v can do little in such a situation without This wire accidentally makes and 20 minutes 1 contact with an overhead, high- the concerted backing of the entire stu¬ tension. electric power line. MANAGING EDITOR OI.A GKI.ZER dent body, which, it has been demonstrat¬ nldint ASSOCIATE EDITOR IIAHVEY HARRINGTON ed, i* practically impossible to obtain. •nt CO-EI) EDITOR BEVERLY SMITH This i* not a contention that the Council • If f VS SPORTS EDITOR AL TIIEILEH EDITORIAL BOARD ROBERT l> BI'RIIANS. does not have weaknesses. It certainly For SlriiH, KB ED I* OLDS does have, just as any other organization. Down he is knocked, but not But it is a human frailty to be so con¬ illed Taken to a hospital, they cerned with weaknesses that good points "The C'td" by S.icchiru presented ind the circuit shot down his an unusual rhythm in its three are overlooked.—O. B. (I. II arm. passed through hit left SN i'l«- and reached the ground till hi I.vet S«ve;cly burmd Spring Sabbatical AT cuto rfATr 1) A nit able to tell hi* story and Notice to all book worms, greas- TPtf is planted on Bucking HOR'st'- tvs. campus im mfimflp. ANf #. [ Vide, Phenomenal, amazing the grinds, mid-night -oil -burners, other ob or tani pium:nt — AM (LMWHD nessed mortals: this is your week-end to NAMED OU AM All. ADfcfef • - throw over the yoke and enjov life. AMERICAN lOGr&ALL w r.s- sPHunt II AM ' ( Of t iCiALS ' Bounders, quaffers, and playboys need not apply. !• AUVFM I'lsl ni. It's bound to happen if your nose has been on the grindstone- this dull period In The Rough FACULTY ADVISER I LOYD II CEIL at the half mile post; so toss by the EDITORIAL ADVISER LARRY DISTEI. hooks and make yourself a real week end. ; Willi lllirwy Harrington. BUSINESS ADVISER DONALD C o KAHA Start out tonight with any of the local attractions on the campus, or. if you must Illin« outmoded - will u<> I• >i and watch the baseball game. Or mst satisfy the requirement* of a stm keep going up the river In the rail bridge, body growing faster than that on or even the golf course if you feel the FINE other American campus- Student orj urge. izatioiis, parttuulai 1> the Student ( • Your Saturday night is the turn for.,a FOODS »o« eil, have periodically campaigned l< good dancing date—either on or off the change. It would seem that their elt campus. Or perhaps a cinema to? tin- vrh« have borne fruit non-hoofing addicts. But unywav you ought to have a date, by all means It must lie realized that l hi- schen only in the experimental stage. I'rohl l.ate in bed again Suuduy morning, then FOUNTAIN will undoubtedly arise which could have Ihvii foreseen, But III* \ I an he c. Bilge t he * •a k last l< up SERVICE for when they arise. . 1 - iii! ■ pil, up farm lane. Delightful, this sport bust Tired? You shouldn't be it you've been If I.II si resting all term like altogether too many iiieh maligned orgunizat have. Sunday afternoon is upon you and still It's tlo time to go hack to the bonk- The first twenty-four down to the dock- will have the canoes to rent lor another slow paddle upstream ami glide back. If thi* I h. 'Mild you miss the canoes, try the path leading Better time lock. over to the W. A. A. cabin back in the Because the Council never does any¬ woods and coming back look in at the barns across the river. You'd la- surprised thing spectacular, it i frequently accused' of never doing anything A11 \ careful lust what goes on over there where prac check on thi' activities <»t tin Council dur Deal agriculture is carried on. 11n ia>t veal will i • \« .1S • hat nothing And there you have it -a week end. in ut.h. expensive, diverting, mentally restful. Try it. drudge, and feel the change. .... s.\ - THE The \cii Sing The I'anhelientc council should he c on¬ Revolving v gratulated on their projected effort to Stage | II A It It V M A N * S . . . tiatermtv Sing for fraternity ami .-ororitv 1>> l^irry IlinLel- A need tor *uch an activity ha long- SUM WHITE sweep* tieei felt heaidt t he VS Stan News has had this inding t edar same idea a* 11 a the .Summer scene 1 tig tin- t•«I! term of hut we gladly u- Smart-< -hank iilu|in-i: tin- eft"!' f' • Fanlu'l lci;n KI; nig that they will he aide to carry on the. protect to a successful conclusion SANDALS while km innovation at Stale, aireadv established custom on many cainpu-r throughout the country. For the winning «»nety a plaque wi publicized. the ( . inte; n»ei\«Mi nit •he tiwaiden a top prize The judge - a> ' credit. The salve wa- !im tin n-cc itig llu- year will be selected from mem¬ political rally. It wa> th« Council whit bers oi the college music department linancrd that iiinotntmn. Not should it i leaving nothing to he desired in the wa\ H^maN forgotttn that it mm* tin- Council w| of handling pii/.e awards. . >»" mgttl. MfuinUK W i««l gave the Independent men a 1 •<•.■-! nl.i SN they were organizing last .<,»i I am .1 .sort ol' freshman president. nail JeaneM* MeDoiu.ii ..ad in the nut-mag .-el.do. at .»t i t I n - - p,ug* lb.- tear—the le*r U-.at you'll havt to he patient with me." School . When the student bodv ratified tl veisity i-i Mnuu'j>ola. janastud shows vuei disturbairtv and constitution which the Council drew 1 word*, minus blushes, of Clarence A I • at a screen idol when she said; fleets uuileud the cumfort of earlier in the year, it put its >tamp ot e.| Dy 11.•. in * 1 inv 11 *11 y uf WIti it .«i : though d would ,lig. •*! dun'! like Nelson Eddy'» vuie .i-uortnl UauqiUL'. proval on the organization. incident all, president. ii.-pe that we can find sorDa eyelashes." Momus Friday, May 21, m7 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Home Ec Club Gives Da?ce <;rouP End of Carnival, MILITARY l.'NIT WIIX M INSPECTED NEXT ' Awards at Banquet; Foreign Doll* Dance Recital, and Parties Telegraphie Tournament. Purdue Dean Speaks1^ are Added Feature of PtljfUu Mey.r iihera! aili Looms Ahead For Spartans • sen .nr. shot an archery score oi 312 on Wedne«day, to become the Marv Matthew strew. f \-k Agatha lo the Agf.irru. leading contestant from M/'- gar. B( I.LETIN .pon.ihililir. of l.ol. Tonight and lo (he Riter archery meet besr.g re i h.-: lege * omen Afterward., spring No on else frorr MSC baa ever shot more than 300 Jean Man in Get* ffrchesis Recital Club Scliolar»lii|» Choral Croup Features I,hosts Faeully Native. Twelve to *'VWI «ii: «.,« Saturday M.y 'Hi Will Present Nine «oeielie« llnid spring Attend Merrill I'alnier Neat Year Vesper Musie llanre« on Saturday Evening. Niw From Different Per¬ iod. of Churrh Hi.tort KifltTiit'ii CIi«m»m- an (diptaiu lo.i.ku. F.-ehrtiiuirg. Pal- ti-r-oii to lie Weronil I ieuleiianl*. Senior farea.ll lea Offer. Ne» feature At llallie I .reek " •• 'illll I " J^ioe in Pulton I ontribule. In lanadiati Journal LARGE HATS WHITE KELTS WHITE STRAWS Popular Price* li Mode Hal Steppe //> llll Ith>l •I MM III I I lilt It rhuli«ru|>ltrr CIU of Hi* lurli • WALK - OVER + ■ A}V. h unuiiii«t« lhn "Ulr ( u*> rati w « It wiMiiki.^ htt«A(K> M{AKI)/nK> vm> 17.71 3M 5« - 7» -10« UYSU M8SHIY fiABAKDINE SLACKS $7J0 lt« to SI.28 SPORT-COATS $10.96 vp _ ft V ITOR'S lie ^jfyle ^op U» Wul AUagaa todh<9*\ fit SOUTH WAS HI NCTOM ^.'j^ostchdUQ^roi. 113 N. Uo-kiniftua Ava. TAJSMtU STATI sews ADVEKTISCSS MICHTGAN VTATB NEWS Friday. May 21. 1937 Ht* ~~ in the number thtee match. (Vrr ihr Prrfw! George Hyatt, State fourth net Sport State to Battle Station State ami to Air Prep Prep Stars Await AthlMir DirrcMr fUlph I! Young today advised Michigan veteran, will still be at the num¬ ber four position, while Ten Kosti- rbek and Re* Burgdorfer are the Interlude*- lliim-lad Meets Opening of Annual State students to attend the Spartans' fifth and sixth Charley Gibbs will replace him men. Ypsi Tomorrow high school track here (to¬ 1 Ry Onrprr Mh-I>