!^MAay3'I978 us; ^ A IB VOLUME 72 NUMBER 71 THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1978 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING MICHIGAN 48824 Firings, resignation rock ASMSU panel By KIM SHANAHAN The bill was brought before the student now, as long as the people who are not Stat? News Staff Writer board fall term and was defeated. supposed to be involved stay away from the The ASMS'.' Legislative Relations Cabi At that time. Jones was the head of Gay artivities of the cabinet," Jones said. net was rocked by two firings Tuesday Council and has been credited for "saving" But Furtaw may have a problem keeping night and a resignation that followed the the council by making the student board away from cabinet members, since he is dismissals. aware of the gay community's need for employed by the Michigan House of Dan Black, director of the cabinet, asked representation. Representatives as a legislative assistant for the resignations of JohnFurtaw, former Jone<* said he is satisfied that things will and the cabinet sends people to lobby at the University College representative to the now be able to function smoothly since capital on a regular basis. ASMSU Student Hoard, and Bob Vatter, Vatter and Furtaw have been fired, but :s Vatter said he agreed with Furtaw that former president of the Residence Halls worried that the two might not be able to personalities should not have been the Association. accept the decision. deciding factor. Immediately after Black asked for the "I'm satisfied with the way things are continued on page 71 resignations, Charlie Crumm, director of S?ote News Kay McKeever the cabinet during the previous student board administration, angrily submitted his uiiDg Township firefighters pour wster on in started from an electrical short in the wiring near own resignation. Black said he would Group launches the aquarium section of the store. try to jHimorning blue that caused 1200.000 damage dissuade Crumm from going through with fpi,rl Imports at 3030 E. Michigan Ave. The fire his protest resignation. Crumm said Wednesday, however, that "there is no way 'Mt I could work with him (Black) after what he has done to Vatter fight for center and Furtaw.'' IGAIXING ELECTION IVEARS But Black said he had no other alterna tive except to fire the two. The firings came at a meeting of the jovAffcRC! entire cabinet in ASMSU President Dan used OKs faculty By JIM SMITH as a last resort. Jones' office Tuesday night. Jones informed MUM OH J vote the student board at its last meeting that he was asking for the resignations of the entire cabinet, including Black. State News Staff Writer In an effort to convince MSU administra tors not to alter floor plans of the State In suggesting the meeting with several speakers agreed with attorney Raymond R. Joseph that more Harden, Lansing Center for the Performing Arts, an ad hoc facts are needed about reasons for the that medical "If I had refused »to fire theml. I strongly hMICHELLE CHAMBERS faculty could be included in the of sole bargaining agent for faculty mem committee of Lansing-area arts groups w-as decision, which was officially announced suppose that Jones would have done f'Suw New* Staff Writer bargaining unit with the exception of hers. everything in his power to have me launched Tuesday night. last week. illy collective bargaining election physicians licensed to practice in Michigan Voters will also have the choice of voting At a hastily-called meeting held at Paul Conn, associate professor of political removed from the directorship of the lib)-the end of May, according to a who belong to the MSU Medical Service against a collective bargaining agent. cabinet." Black said Wednesday. Edgewood United Church in East Lansing, science, said it was his opinion that the nmonieation to MSU administra- Plan. A collective bargaining agent must win 50 members of the MSU faculty and private decision to redesign the center was in¬ Medical faculty belonging to the service Crumm's resignation was not a surprise evitable after Wharton left MSU. b the Michigan Employment Rela percent plus one of the total vote. contributors expressed their anger at If no choice receives plurality, there will to Black, he said, but he was not happy (emission. plan collect additional amounts in patient MSl's decision to lop off the academic John J. Baldwin, professor of theater, fees to supplement their basic salaries. be a subsequent election between the two about the decision. I Clarence I. Winder said he theater w ing of the center. said members of the Theatre Department It upsets me very much that Charlie has Intten confirmation of the MERC MSU Faculty Associates will compete options with the highest number of first Opinions on the reasons for the switch in were told two weeks ago not to talk to with the MSU chapter of American Associa¬ ballot votes. done what he has." Black said. "I consider I by Monday. the center's plans included the season's anyone about the change in plans. tion of University Professors for the position Charlie and myself close friends. It is very r and Phil Korth, former MSU (continued on page 7) success of the MSU basketball team, a lack Baldwin said the "news blackout" was reMine ' *.hi;. U. > to come between |Ajjonates president, both said us." ■f coTv.r.itm?nt by M^V's Inp administra ordered by Robert Perrir. vice president uaisodecided to rule against the tors, the departure of former MSU Presi for University and federal relations, Personality conflicts between Furtaw dent culty Associates by including all Clifton R. Wharton Jr. and the through Theatre Department Chairperson and Jones and the fact that Vatter strongly Frank C. |faculty in the composition of the supported Furtaw have been cited by the Michigan Legislature. Rutledge. pbargaining unit. Speakers suggested tactics ranging from Rutiedge said Baldwin had misconstrued two as Jones' justification for the dis ltyAssociates had stated they did not meetings with MSU President Edgar L. what he had said to the theater faculty. missals. "Bob Perrin said "don't blab this all Include medical faculty in the unit Harden and individual members of the Jones agreed that the personality con lof the "great disparity in salaries MSU Board of Trustees to a letterwriting over." " Rutledge said. "Mr. Perrin said not flicts were the basis of his distrust but J most of MSU's faculty and the campaign directed at legislators. to get excited until more details were refused to comment on the nature of the Alan Suits, business leader and worked out." ■brolly in Human and Osteopathic an area conflict. president of the Opera Guild of Greater Perrin was in Chicago and unavailable for "It all goes back to when I happened to acted to keep t he bargaining simple Lansing, said threats to withdraw grants comment Wednesday. vote for a bill that would have abolished the "Konh said. for the center or bring a lawsuit would be The planned redesign of the center would Gav Council from ASMSU," Furtaw said. future classroom additions im¬ Associates had requested of "negative maneuvers" and should only be make litherlimeal medical faculty have possible. Baldwin said. tot set of negotiations and separate Other speakers were disturbed because prren: elections from other faculty they said they viewed the decision to i November 1977 and January forces ambushed; change plans as a breach of promise. "They iMSU administrators) weren't ERC held hearings at MSU to iffy' about the $5 million in any literature I pthe medical faculty issue. got." Joseph said. • Associates and administrators ^promised during the hearings on die in Lebanon Max Palouman. president of the Lansing Symphony Association, said, "people in the arts don't speak up enough. I think we're F**concerning the composition of Ktivp bargaining unit, wrong if we are passive about this." iistrators conceded that the om TYRE. Lebanon (AP) — "I have never Senegalese. Iranian. Nepalese. Swedish and Some speakers suggested the Uni¬ Wand all part time seen a battle so confused like it. There was Norwegian troops was formed to replace versity's desire for a new field house, faculty members shooting everywhere, and everyone was Israeli troops that invaded southern Leb¬ p been employed by MSU for more sparked by the success of Earvin "Magic" anon March 15 a few days after 35 Israelis shooting at everyone." Johnson and the MSU basketball team, may pmonths m an academic year should A French army spokesperson Wednesday were killed in a raid by Palestinian d in the have played a role in moving the center bargaining unit. thus described a series of clashes between terrorists near Tel Aviv. down the list of ft Associates, in turn, agreed that priority building projects. Moslem extremists and U.N. forces in "Imagine the pressures if they tried to *>nsand their assistant sand associ- which a Senegalese soldier, two French Menegaux said the fighting began while d be excluded. Salvan was holding a "crucial meeting" with cut out part of the field house," Palouman I the issue of whether the medical troops and a Palestinian were killed. said. Twelve French soldiers were wounded in representatives of various Palestinian and The loosely-formed ad hoc committee is [Mould be included was left unre- the fighting Tuesday night, and the Lebanese guerrilla groups in the Tyre composed of members of the opera guild, spokesperson. Capt. Jean Menegaux. said region. He said rocket propelled grenades, the Faculty Associates did agree mortar rounds and machine guns were fired symphony association, a member of the "many gunmen" were killed. ASMSU Programming Board, a repre¬ at a U.N. jeep and a truck carrying food. French U.N. forces in southern Lebanon sentative of the Theatre Department. MSU beefed up their positions Wednesday fol When Salvan received word of the Faculty Associates and interested indivi¬ lowing the fighting, which began when the fighting, he quickly ended the meeting. duals. PPer claims State New* Robert Kozloff Moslem extremists ambushed a French Grant Johnson, 17, of Eaat Lanting, burns n stick of kindling in a solar patrol. Menegaux said the two-hour battle was collector-concentrator during Sun Day actlvitiea in Lansing. The reflec¬ the worst since the U.N. Security Council ficials beat tor, made of several thousand mirrora in a diah, concentrates the sun's energy at one point, enabling It to start a fire. For further details see dispatched troops to southern Lebanon last month. It raised the total number of page 3. peacekeepers killed to eight. The U.N. force of nearly 4.000 French. Hk women inside weather Italy offers Clemency"1 if Moro released Soutb Afrio (AP) - 1 ii ^itinR in iin«»' "> m wl, / 10 sign UP ,or j°bs Today face increasing 'Lash' and 'Tiger Jack' flash we IW iin 'T l,eaten with rubber Wednesday for the politician's release. The pontiff said he wants to ROME (AP) - Showing new flexibility. Italy's ruling Christian it all See the insert in cloudiness and a high in the wal"by «°vern- . . . Democrat Party promised Wednesday to give "generosity and "console and fortify those who participate in these moments of today's upper-50s. Tonight will also be iqC m thp P®" two weeks, a tension, doubt and pain." paper. mostly cloudy with a low in the npwspaper reported clemency" to prison inmates if the Red Brigades release kidnap victim AldoMoro and stop their terrorism. An MSI student is running mid-40s. In Uganda. President Idi Amin appealed to the Red Brigades to ^toward!nlUS,,'.re Schlesinger an,I Secretary |l„|, -\mI l!,.;(JJ| „■ strategy for speeding the use of Iceberg drifting toward Africa solar technologies terior Secretary J the London newspaper Daily Telegraph will bring Israel peace new programs both by and by improv ing existing federal programs." a was former govrrnor scheduled presidential panv LONDONyAP1-An iceberg three times - the size of Bermuda and inhabited by But British scientists and Defense WASHINGTON (AIM - The tense Secretary Harold Brown for the Saudis, with a penguins was reported Wednesday to be Ministry officials who have been tracking nation's leading diplomatic and relatively and Air Force Gen. David small military force, to place its the runaway iceberg told The Associated drifting slowly in the South Atlantic from military officials told Congress Jones, acting chairperson of the oil fields and Press they believe it poses no danger to security at risk by the antarctic toward the coast of Africa. Wednesday the pending sale of Joint Chiefx of Staff, called the The iceberg, said to measure 32 by 24 miles with a draft of at least 600 feet was observed by scientists aboard the British shipping because it is not traveling on any recognized lanes and should break up when it hits warmer waters. jet fighters to Israel. Saudi Arabia and Egypt will enhance Israel's security, not imperil it. x.ilex proposal a concrete toward peace in the Middle East and "vitally important" to C.S. step attacking Israel. Church said an acceptable compromise must address such issues as increasing the number Switch to machinl antarctic survey ship John Biscoe which docked at Southampton port Tuesday. A collision with an iceberg sank the British ocean liner Titanic on the night of But many members of the Senate Foreign Relations Com interestx there. They said the administration of F 15s being sold to Israel and giving written assurances that slows mail service mittee expressed serious doubt believex itx sales t he Saudis will not "It looked really magnificent, with April 14-15 1912 while she was on a proposal is buy addition¬ WASHINGTON .AIM The use of machines and concern. They said the well considered and fair and al sophisticated warplanes. He 100-foot sheer ice cliffs chief officer maiden voyage in the North Atlantic humans to sort mail is leading to increases E 15. the advanced jet fighter m the calculated to maintain the mill said the administration also letters routed to the wrong Andy Baker said in an interview with south of Newfoundland. At least 1 500 city and the Carter administration tary balance in the Middle East. should consider moving up the subsequent de,ai| Adrien Berry science correspondent for persons died w ants to sell to Saudi Arabia for delivery, the Postal Service says. 1 They said no changes m it are date for shipping the planes to A Postal Service defensive purposes, has an contemplated. Israel, and should face the survey of intercity mail handled facilities found 2.2 percent of the letters were J "enormous" offensive capabil The trio opened the Carter question of what ordinance to wrong cities - often to cities in other directed J ity. administration's formal defense provide on the F 15s sold to Senior Assistant Postmaster General E.Y. parts of the ™J Ilorsev has toil Kuwait demands oil price hike Sen. Frank Church. I) Idaho, of the president's plan to sell HO Saudi Arabia. Postal Service board. the committee's second ranking F lb war planes to Saudi In a separate statement. "As an example, a letter from New York Democrat said he will press the Arabia. 75 F lbs ana 15 F 15s to Senate City toWa'.m KUWAIT (AP) — Kuwait repeated of the big losses except by fresh price Minority leader How might wind up in Cleveland. You then have to send ill administration to accept a com Israel and " ' less sophisticated ard H. Wednesday a demand for a crude oil hikes he added. Baker. R Tenn., said Cleveland to Washington. It will be at least promise. F 5Es to Egypt. one day price hike to offset revenue losses All evidence indicates that Congress may not go along with said. measures In their testimony. Secreta.y They said they are convinced the deal unless the Carter Dorsey was asked by a board member. Robert caused by the decline of the dollar. taken so far to correct the dollars of State Cvrus R. Vance. De that it would be military "follv* administration compromises. there were fewer letters sent in the Hardest! In an interview in the May issue of the position have been ineffective ." he said. wrong direction! mechanization replaced much of the manual Kuwait National Oil Co. monthly He said Kuwait has sorting of it maga¬ no objection to "Oh, yes." Dorsey replied. He said the missent rate ishii zine, Oil Minister Sheik Ali Khalifah adopting a basket of currencies for al-Sabah said losses caused by the calculating oil prices rather than leaving Senate rejects sea-level canal study now because "mail used to be sorted twice." Dorsey said the reasons for missent mail include mertal | weakening dollar could be compensated them tied to the dollar. and human errors and improper ZIP codes in the for only by increasing oil prices. addressq The dollar issue will be discussed WASHINGTON tAPt The cannot get through the existing "If the need is urgent, the Postal Service delivery standards call for letters to arm As it is impossible to ignore the dollar Saturday by the ministers of the Organi¬ Senate rejected by a vote of Panama Canal's locks, could one.two or three days, depending on the distance thev: two countries will come to¬ deterioration in foreign markets any zation of Petroleum 49-43 on Wednesday a proposal carry Alaska oil to the Gulf travel. The mail agency's statistics show that rr.on Exporting Countries gether quickly." Domenici said. longer, there is in for an $* million study of the Coast and Eastern states. percent of letters are delivered within the senict s no way to recover some Taif, Saudi Arabia. Gravel proposed that the feasibility of buildihg a sea * "We're wasting money." he but missent mail is one of the main reasons study be made by a commission why sor level canal between the Atlan told the Senate. "When things that would take longer. have Panamanian tic and Pacific oceans in Pana are inefficient and I'nder mechanization, a machine brings one ie: incompetent members, but Domenici argued ma. and cost us money, it's a that this would not make it a position in front of a postal worker. The worker haso Sen. Mike Gravel. D Alaska, waste," he said. bilateral study by the two to punch several digits of the ZIP code into a keyboard onl offered the proposal as an Sen. Pete V. Domenici. machine. If the letter is going to a different area, he must countries as called for in the amendment to a measure R N.M.. opposed the amend the first three digits but if these numbers are the xarneas| treaty. authorizing more than $1.2 merit, arguing that the Panama The Gravel sponsored study area he must punch the last two digits. billion worth of rivers and Canal treaties recently would The numbers punched tell the machine w hich area of thcl ap have dealt with the harbors projects. or which other city the letter should go to and the machine|| proved by the Senate provide economic and engineering feasi aitoa Gravel argued that a sea for a bilateral study by Panama the letter with the mail for that citv. bility and environmental effects level canal is urgently needed and the Cnited States of a new of a sea level canals. so that large tankers, which canal. lu, rq FOR RUGGED Sutm-.p'-c- 'a FDA recalls cough medicine WILDERNESS CAMPING WASHINGTON (AP) The Food and - only. GERALD H COY GENERAL MANAGER Drug Administration announced the Other retailers such If your idea of camping as discount and ROBERT I BULLARD SALES MANAGER nationwide recall Wednesday of a widely grocery stores that sell over-the-counter "HONIS includes sold cough syrup that the agency said drugs but are not licensed to sell Clamliad Adt JSS MSJ JSJ IJJS back-packing, should not be sold without a prescription. m W The product was identified as benylin prescription products, have been told to Driploy Ad»»f*>i JJ3 id00 JJJJ447 U "AfJ * > *y\ hiking, and climbing, we have remove the cough syrup from their 355 1311 which is manufactured by Park, Davis & shelves and return it to their cV. the equipment and suppliers. f Co., a subsidiary of Warner-Lambert. The active ingredient in Benylin is an experts to help Pharmacies which have been selling antihistamine known you get as diphenhydra¬ Benylin over the counter like aspirin and mine hydrochloride which the the other non-prescription products since FDA says most out of may cause severe drowsiness in a 1975 have been told to move it behind the significant number of users" and is not roughing it! counter and relabel it for prescription use safe enough for non-prescription sole. Two McKENZIE, Tenn. (AP) men — charged in kidnapping Two men ransom. ease k Campfitters RAUPP 2021 E. Michigan 484-9401 were charged Wednesday with kidnap¬ Wilson s wife, Patsy, ping 18-year-old Jodie Gaines, was questioned who but released. Officers hunted third a escaped after being handcuffed to a bed who person, was unidentified. and forced to listen while her squabbled over whether to kill her. captors The victim's brother, Ben Gaines, 0c a. Jr., David Michael Wilson, 25, and Andrew Dickson, 22, both of the Paris, Tenn., said Wednesday that his sister's "biggest HI < area, who had been arrested on by the FBI Tuesday, were charged in Carroll problem" now was her "emotional state. She's nervous and really distraught," h 2 ZE he said. "We're less concerned about her County Circuit Court with kidnapping for physical health than her mental health." (0 < o X Senate panel OK s mass-transit bill CL o Twinkle twinkle little star Compliments ot East WASHINGTON (AP) - A Senate panel This is where from the Carter administration. "Almost ♦he bargains are. Lansing Stale Bank has approved a bill calling for a every witness at the committee's hear¬ with $50 minimum four-year, $14.8 billion mass-transit program that provides new aid to the nation's big cities. ings termed the administration's request inadequate, said Sen. Harrison J. Friday is the night for our after-hours sale! We're staying open later than usual so that you can take advantage of deposit quantity or $3 Limited m < Williams, D-N.J. The measure, approved sensational savings specially priced Tuesday by the The figures in our bill do not represent Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, also calls for a new the costs of wish-list' projects. They are just for this evening. Remember... our Starlight Savings is for one O 3 Available at all East necessary to underwrite the costs of night only. 1918 program to help small urban and rural areas with their mass transit needs. keeping our public transportation sys¬ Don't get left w o (0 Lansing State Bank ol- F«0$'o"1 tems operating, attracting riders and to fices except The proposal far exceeds the $11.29 in the dark 2 make new investments where billion recommendation for mass transit they are Trowbridge Rd warranted." 0 j 00 East Laising State Bank uiihig0" state News. East Laming. Michigan Thursday May 4 '978 3 §U revels in the sunshine B, HKTH TU8CHAK roasted la sunshine. 'I/' student has plans to gain House a ,S,Vw. SUA Writer Sun Pay. I hi' we'* ■" s"n Inventors display wares: I he resembling food a was cooked on barbeque with mirrored sides a device seat FA",mi h'Tf on in it's the solar and bottoms and a skewer running through Sun I lay organizer. the middle. Sun . 1f^hil-'ts . „„m'thinK festive about it. ileeked in diapers and Jkmtt pacifiers and pipes - a Day car, hot dogs I he parabolic broiler was built Richard Baron, an MSC senior natural resources, majoring in by Rep. Larsen vacated and his partner Faul .....nils' watchers and rtay wall socket. I d cents per r,_ [11 OJ mile." Farral said. "The car Hinshaw. By Nl NZIOM.U PO Former MSC agricultural engineering Ir-indfath'T* requires absolutely no fossil fuels and with When aimed at the sun. the unit catches State News Staff Writer r,,;, chanted with solar energy. professor Arthur W. Farral drew the my six battery system would cost about all s<,lar radiation e striking its curved face An MSC junior told the State News Ll.and barefoot men enjoyed biggest oooh's and aah's of the day with his $1,300 to make today. and then focuses it into a concentrated line Wednesday he will seek election to the 61st .""Jhrnthl sunshine while paying homemade, battery driven car. I he 70 year old Farrall said the car never of heat that falls on the skewers. District House of Representatives seat left t'jISI 's celebration of (he first The remodeled Volkswagen sports a 5 needs an oil change, and except for W cook hot vacant by Rep. Melvin Larsen. un Pay horsepower engine, cruises at about 40 replacing the batteries every three or four e can a dog by sunlight in six Steve lamarino, 20. said he will . . mph and has to 10 minutes." Hinshaw said. "The unique probably , displayed their alternate no problem of running on years, needs no maintenance. file his petition Monday to run for the seat, Ir,'rreil machines, awing the crowd empty. An enticing smell spirited thing is we didn't spend any money building *' people away it. We hail all the necessary since the Oxford Republican announced „,ke.f h»t dogs, dehydration CtHlKl "I've driven the car over h.000 miles in from F arrall s display to an invention where materials." the past six years and it has cost me about Michael Thomas, MSC junior, de Tuesday he would not seek re-election. He Ld w *' ...■tri.' car complete with a an shish kebabs and hotdogs were being veloped announced intentions to run in late January an inexpensive solar invention with if Larsen did not. his fruit and vegetable dehydrater. The unit w hich Thomas said can be built for under lamarino will be the legal age for a $25 dries fruits and vegetables that can legislator. 21. shortly before the Aug. 6 0 uncil hearing draws be used ;ts a light preserved for It ati'.oneL up to weight camping food or eight months. interested in building a deadline. The primary will be on Aug. 8 and he said intentions no to run. fine else has lamarino said he will return to Lake announced dehydrater, I'il give them free technical Orion in Oakland County today to begin ** 1 'lll'I advice. J homas said. "If they want me to h;s campaign. He plans to commute for the parking lot debate rotary IMi !{,.rif;an_ get out a hammer, we're talking something remainder of npring term, he added. °r Secrriarv 1 i»rnnT vjovrrno! M'h«'(Jul«>(j (Wj m i, Oto different." 1-or ail would he the inventors, Wednesday 'hat I he political science pre law major said it elected, legislating would come before school. He is not sure whether he Steve lamarino sidfntial pan-, was beginning <>f the MSC solar energy i will return to school in the fall. Harriet Fierce, manager of the Fara C/arnecki contest. Invent ems must be built for under to send a letter to MSC lamarino said he doesn't believe his age BH.KKRl SKOCZYLAS mount News Center, also said the health <>f Fresident $10 and will be judged on originality, Fdgar L. Harden inviting all will Su,f News Staff Writer the business district important. eiticiencv ,,nd resourcefulness. hamper his chances of w inning. whether [larking should take was parties concerned to meet and discuss the "People w ill look less at my age and more "Farking for our eustorners is nonexis matter Entries will be md f ,u.r housing, some 5() people judged by sun Day at my desire to be a legislator." he added. tent, and something has to be done about In other action, the council approved a organizers, and spokesperson Shari Regen ;„r the Fast Lansing City "I don't think that age is going to be a the situation." she said request from the Ingham County Corpora bogen said first prize will be "at least the .r.^Mlav public hearing on John Yeager. a lawyer representing the Hon Council that the city cost of the invention's materials." determining factor. I think it will he level houses on the 500 block modify the Lake candidate appeal." Central Fast Lansing Business Association, Lansing Contribution Agreement with Entries can be taken to the student . : in favor of a parking lot. Asking not to be classified as a rebel said merchants along Grand River Avenue respect to user fees. activities office the MSC Cnion. -'.udent, lamarino said he would .ipeakmi: for the proposal during believe more parking is Critical to the m "work Vc meeting were largely area •« or their jj-.st the proposal were representatives while either success of their businesses." Yeager also said t hat t he issi t housing ▼ was "out of line." or fr"m tenants associations. marks Sun He cited want ails from the >t :ite News Capitol 1 Day • Bartels. owner of the house at 512 and State Journal and statist :-s from the • which would have to be leveled r.e an ad*, an- MSC Housing Office which he claimed I becai they're the [f *a\ for the parking lot. was rr. a Republic : ve roposal. proved that there would b plenty of wh«» gave me chance and I alternative housing available to anv dis the veil and needs 3 the council "I hope you use By DeLINDA KARLE was something that must be done everyday, concluded. v parry's <-r eg before you order the placed students. State New s Staff Writer not just on Sun Day. About 100 energy displays were as¬ Councilmember Larry Owen questioned York City t" Wash: J Ij(.j ;o knock down my house." A small crowd gathered at the Capitol Rep. Lucille McCollough. D Dearborn, sembled around the Capitol plaza demon¬ ' POil -.cal whether the housing availability figures len have to send it L r.e.« panddaughter. Elizabeth, who cited by Yeager were within walking early Wednesday morning to celebrate Sun told the spectators that the time has come strating ways to conserve resources. Sun- tool at least one < member John Mexican-style dinner a motion address system powered by a student take place by converting to solar energy. pedalling a bicycle. "Solar energy is a great untapped Milliken cited a recent government resource but different from fossil flit-Is." he mill Africa guidelines report stating nation's energy that 25 percent of the needs could be supplied by said. "It it is to become curiousity and become the mainstay of the more than a lore solar energy by the year 2000. and up to 50 percent by 2020. economy, the task is much harder than we think." begins Chicano days toward completion The time oil embargo of 1973 to move is now." he said. "The showed us the era of Koening said that using would change the structure of the society. "A solar society, regardless of techno solar energy- By KY OWEN cheap energy supplies is over." State News Staff Writer He added that the 1980s will witness a logical innovations, would develop a life MSI" Chicano students will dine Mexican By JEANNE BARON next Wednesday. massive increase in all forms of renewable style that conserves high quality energy style Thursday night to begin Chicano State News Staff Writer energy. forms such as fossil fuels and electricity Awareness During discussion. Hurreil said t he Days. e.mes Lr monitoring positive action After Milliken's brief address, sky-diver in much the same manner that desert withdraw from South guidelines the board of trustees listed in its John Slawinski. who made his 746th The dinner Snyder-Phillips Hall will be ns !<> jump people conserve water." he said. in resolution calling for stock divestiture from baser to completion after a just before Milliken's appearance presented "The great challenge is not only in followed by a "cultural celebration" Friday firms doing business in South Africa, were litter meeting Wednesday. the governor with what he called a technology, but in managing the social, night in Wilson Hall and a picnic Saturday- ambiguous. afternoon Fatriarche Park, said co ) Committee on Academic Environ The committee should think about adding high energy solar button brought down political and economic transition from fossil at esignated to draw up the from above." fuels to solar energy, where the quality of ordinator Juana Gonzales. The park is to m a resolution adopted by the (continued on page 11 Slawinski added that using solar energy- resources are verv. verv different." he located at the corner of Alton Street and rd of Trustees March 31. which the prudent divestiture of MSU n firms doing business in South t committee pes collected from prior committee discussed Pp. It also appointed a subcommittee a draft of Pancake-eating contest for epilepsy slated At Fru hv MS arte :arge student cd ura I Gary By LINDA WOl.OHA.N as possible. Sponsor sheets may be turned in until just des : participants u» register a> eat ffpare a provisional list of indices An "Latin" for Epilepsy" pancake eating contest will be held at the Rainbow Ranch before the contest, she said. et ry readings prating the draft, individual state front 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday ami volunteers may still register to participate. Prizes have been donated by area merchants for the top pancake-eaters. Awards range ]»made to the committee and guide from the grand prize of a trip for two to Panada to a ten speed bicycle. Every participant The pot- The contest is jointly sponsored by Pi Beta Phi sorority and Phi Delta Theta fraternity. 1 discussed del Norte during the Wednesday Funds raised from the content will go to the Epilepsy Foundation and will be used for in the contest will receive a prize. Laidlow said. F therapy and research. In addition, each person in the audience will receive a free entry ticket to Bonnie and journal p Committee members were instructed Clyde's a local Lansing bar. funding f: teittee Anvone is eligible to enter the contest, but participants must be sponsored, event 1 chairperson Paul Hurrell, a co chairperson Mary Laidlow said. Sponsors w ill be asked to pledge an amount per Dormitory residents can participate in groups or hold inter residence hall competitions. priatior.s Jr in Justin Morrill College, to write "Last year many of our participants did this and it's a lot of fun. Laidlow said. appropriately worded so the pancake eaten by participants. Last year $3,800 was raised for epilepsy research and this year the two organizations ittee could vote on it Mi. it during its next Sponsor sign up sheets can be delivered. Laidlow said. Those who are interested in hope to raise $5,000. she said Fnd.iv "With everyone's support, we can reach our goal." Laidlow said. * committee participating in the contest are asked to call the Pi Beta Phi house or the Phi Delta Theta also agreed to hold a house for information and delivery. "It's for a very worthwhile cause and everyone's help w ill be appreciated by many r comment session during its meeting continued on 11 Registration is open until the day of the contest, but Laidlow urged potential people." page HERE ARE THE HOBBIES ARE FROM CAMPUS To CAREER ANSWERS TO THOSE MALE CHAUVINIST PUTDOWNS A BLAST VMM — at lot1 a Inad am) '•»'art tut >'• JOB HUNTING MADE EASY FOP? comabockt to thota abutiv* tomm«ntt Haiti Mul» Chauvtmtlt datignad both to duotai unit 'tnt» lomt toutnait jrudenrs of oil disciplines Mild and thorp ratoitt to b« u»»d m a vaim'y at students seeking employment nations-, oe - job rich a eos tituationt ftom th« bot to th« |ob inttnviaw bom hitchhiking to Ih# oHi<« estes rockets • of criminal justice and human services V| 00 radio control students who simply wan' to disease- new employment aprons up planes • models • yUANSELF BOOKSTORE electric trains A non-profit service providing timely diverse Ay.. Eott looting Unlvrtity Moll 920 Trowbridge (Next to Hobies) 332-6364 information on currenr job opportunities m 'be criminal justice and human services fteics AMPUS hell worship Twelve issues of the be moiled first class for NELS Monthly Bulletin will S16.00 individual rates golden body1 'IZZA 2 1 wHw > m Ljouf V $30.00 for libraries and universities' nttv1 ■ on, worn information or vBvaplon- •«»» tor luoch? Ncf D-V'Ov -V ' i c VVtO Ilit v n your order ahead V.- ' l.tn-A M.t! S V I r ,, ■ iv von't make M.tVC fiiu H.ivon Ml JHP.'.' you wait. •** to 310 W. Grand River the E. Lansing but stotion Atan-a-mat. Tl' tu A C,(>nni SS 0» THE SUN -I*1' OILIVPV «i*T-1 *io ®[pD[n)D®ln) CAPITOL FOLLIES expenditures estimated at $23 million for conviction r Rosenbaum plays of casual marijuana users. This money, Derezinski clearly argued, is money that could instead be used to concentrate on getting at the pushers. m petty politics But Rosenbaum apparently cannot think that far ahead. He is too busy thinking ahead to the August Rep. Paul Rosenbaum, D-Battle Creek, wants the primaries. Rather than jeopardizing the decriminalization Democratic party nomination for the U.S. Senate and is going about his campaign with a heavy "law bill, Sen. Hart is to be complimented for ending the and order" emphasis. petty dispute Rosenbaum threatened to prolong. Rut Rosenbaum has already made a fool out of Hart has worked out a compromise between himself and has shown himself to be perhaps too Rosenbaum and Derezinski that apparently will petty for the job. please sponsors of both bills. The public, however, is not pleased. Rosenbaum decided to stall the marijuana decriminalization bill which last month flew through the state Senate's Judiciary Committee and the Senate itself with the backing of two powerful Brown and all FRED VAN HARTESVELDT members of the upper chamber — Rep. Gerald Hart, D Bay City, and Rep. Anthony Derezinski, D-Mus- kegon. Rosenbaum played politics with Derezinski, his those lobbyists Global Village t/.S.A. chief contender for the Democratic U.S. Senate Once again the sceptre of impropriety looms over the state Senate and the lawmakers themselves are jells out of Boob Tub nomination. The House Judiciary Committee chairperson waving the wand. A desperately needed lobbying reform bill has been locked in the threatened to pigeonhole the decriminalization bill, grasp of a until a Senate-House conference committee guaran¬ less than conscientious committee chair where it can Beaver speaks Yiddish. Bonanza's Boss programming from the United States, is commodity. American TV nutenj teed action on his tough drug laws which require do no good and right no wrongs. bellows at horses. In French. American nothing less than Americanization and the dominated the market Sen. Basil Brown has not made any effort to hide truth and justice prevail as Perry Mason simply bm harsh sentences for "hard drug" pushers. loss of national identity. For them, the the most available and the wins yet least exi Rosenbaum. by his disdain for the legislation he seems determined to another case but Perry is street is not only one way. it's a cultural On an international level, playing games, threatened to talking in Spanish or — Arabic. cul de sac. leave Michigan law enforcement officials with keep in hiding. The chairperson of the Senate What does this American home medium becomes a horseless mean. But the crunch of the matter is that Hollywood was able to produce Judiciary Committee has more than once announced bodies? It means you don't have to grow up his intention to keep the bill from importing countries seem trapped by the years of Peyton Place (at one nbo« il reaching the floor in America to grow up with Dick Van Dyke. one-way arrangement. The need to fill 400 million viewers see Bonaoal of the Senate until after the August primary Lucy. Chief Robert Ironsides. Batman, or broadcasting time, the low cost of American week;... and each year new TV *ul elections, the measure, which would require major even all 514 Peyton Place reruns. It means programs, the absence of any substantial world-wide like worms after a rain. 1 disclosure of lobbying expenditures and would the I'nited States exports more than twice competition in the market, and their own Is it any wonder that as many television programs as all other economic and technical inability to produce foreigners! include personal loans by lobbyists to legislators, has more about our culture than we know] countries in the world combined, programs shows leave foreign countries virtually theirs? already been bottlenecked for several months. which total 150.000 hours yearly: programs helpless to turn off the American TV. Ideally, the flow of TV material wol By holding up the measure in this way, Brown is which in many countries constitute 40 to 70 flagrantly ignoring the intent and necessity of the percent of those countries' total daily television programming. Ideally, the flow of TV material would be two-way. Bull measure. Recent Senate debacles involving Sen. Earl Nelson and informal charges that Brown himself These are the findings of a comprehen reality has been one-way, the way of the marketplol sive UNESCO survey and analysis of the has accepted personal loans from lobbyists point up international flow of television broadcast Israel, for example, imports 55 percent of two way. But the reality has been onl the need for clear legislative policy on the matter. material. UNESCO is an agency of the its total programming. 90 percent of its the way of the marketplace. Brown has not denied allegations that he has United Naitons. series (situation comedies, dramas, west Some thought crosscultural com Their overall conclusion? International ems: our prime time TV fare! and 100 tion through satellites would remed accepted personal loans from lobbyists, and even in television traffic is a one way street the absence of denial there is not clear-cut method of percent of its long films. All but five percent dilemma, but so far the reverse has a straight out of America. And along with of this material originates in the United true. To those opposed to the I judging the legality of such financial support. But the those 150,000 hours each year rides 150,000 States. (American) village, telecommunicate ethical considerations are obvious. Brown must be hours worth of America's cultural baggage. Israel may not ellites have been but an added curse! enjoy their position. But made to release the bill from its committee America's values, ideals, language, styles, The same problems of have ha\T lock-up they haven't the facilities to fill 24 hours a behavior - America itself — is jelling and allow free and public debate of the crucial day. seven days a week. 52 weeks a year technology and economics have crop/ through boob tubes world-wide Uke a global with original material. Like other TV for satellites as for re runs. In I measure. The Senate needs house cleaning and the amoeba. importing countries. Israel can buy 373 and three fourths of all TV satellite linf messy habits of a few men should not stand in the At most, such a cyclops protozoan a half of "The Virginian" at bargain base¬ one end in the U.S. Basil Brown of that effort. metropolis* is only the realization of inter way ment prices and solve all its problems. Additionally. 85 members of 1 national cooperation and homogeneity — As Elihu Katz of the Hebrew graded efficiency and functional! University the "global village" manifested. satellite communications above polity put it. "nation states (might) be striving to But the "only" of that sentence gains create their own cultures or to continue social considerations. Kent State remembered import with the recognition that the homogeneity has as American accent. It is their own parochial traditions certainly cheaper to let Sam do it." ... (But) it is The only question to the same question to ask ask, ultimatl of programnf Global Village, address USA. Hamdy Kandil of the Arab States Though some critics have suggested that the swallowing invasion of American tele America; Why does the entire T\ to be programmed? Why do people daflj Kent State is a tagline for Broadcasting Union terms the one way vision is an intentional effort to force feed sally watch TV constantly■ Am tragedy. Eight years ago today a street of cross cultural television "ex capitalism and western values to the world, Israelis. Arabs. Europeans. M contingent of the National Guard change" the "new cultural colonialism." the UNESCO study reports otherwise. Asians: they're all the same. loosed a volley of gunfire into a What is at stake for the Middle East Instead, the prooblem is mostly the Viewers demand programming, countries, as well as all the other small throng of Kent State students who nations which import much of their TV marketplace. Television networks are usu works - and 25 years of American i| had gathered, peaceably, to ally in private hands and programming is a — oblige. pro¬ test the Vietnam War. Those who view America as a dichotomy between the fascist, police state government and the countercul¬ Please returi ture of conscience-imbued young people propound the theory that To whomever was in the vicinity the Kent State debacle noth¬ ^ was Union Oak Room Sunday. April30fr ing short of government-condoned 6:50 p.m. - I am looking for a clipbo homicide. They see Kent State as brown accordian file folder that conU the Boston Massacre transplanted PBR: don't issue is the health and quality of life of each of my class notes for the term an I than 15 hours of unpaid research mil into the 20th man, woman and child in Michigan today, as Century. It cannot represent anything morel well as in future years. To avoid further Eight years later, a re-evalua- that the troops who opened fire on bargain away used paper to anyone else but tion is in order. the protesters had never intended Certainly the National guard poisoning of the state and its people. to me it represents my primary' sorn myseljl Kent State should be remem¬ and the state of Ohio should be PBB-contaminated livestock must be in¬ to do so. financial support in attending school- P bered. The grisly tableau of an They, like the demon¬ held liable for damages, but legal our lives cinerated. Cost cannot be a bargaining anguished young woman, kneeling strating college students, were responsibility has never been An open letter to citizens of Michigan point. We must not allow our lives to be If anyone knows anything about] scared, frightened and confused. and material and clipboard (be it picked ir fixed. Legal implications notwith¬ bargained away. overthe body of a wounded friend, No mythical decree had emanated their representatives in government: of courtesy, by mistake, or pun* must be galvanized in the standing, there is a more pertinent As a resident of Michigan I must protest Support incineration of PBB contamina please contact either of the nanfs.| history from the elusive "higher-ups" lesson. In the vernacular, Kent the lack of responsible, below or return the material to t e books. But to draw the positive action on the ted livestock. Protest further poisoning of lesson from what happened that wrong mandating that murder would State was "the pits" of Vietnam part of our governmental decision makers yourself and your children. Take action by lost and found or through campus occur that day. The terrifying era America. But for one wishes to remain anonymous. Vietnam, but concerning the disposal of PBB-contamina- signing your name to this letter and day would be foolhardy, for it tragedy just.. happened. It was ted livestock. . for the Nixonian forwarding it to your representatives in the would tend to depreciate the a ghastly mistake, a calamitous militocracy and This issue Alicia Bleil/GaylanRasmuj this country's morbid crosses political lines and state Legislature today. central significance of Kent State. blight on the rational flow of inability to effects all residents of Michigan. PBB 3491189/353J extricate itself from a wretched, K. Lynn Perkins Detached historians maintain history. contamination is not a local problem. The Parks and Recreation Resoj immoral war, Kent State would Bay City Natural Resources b'" never have happened. But for the polluted spirit of the times, kin of the Kent State wounded and killed The State News would never have received hate mail from the public, or DOONESBURY by Garry Tn tut-tutting pronouncements from Nixon on Thursday, May 4, 1978 fd.lona/s ore (he opinions of I he Slale News Vievvpoinfs, columns student violence begetting greater YES, DON'T BOTHER. and lefters are personal opinions violence. TOSWD MR. WIL¬ iu'mz www. LIAMS A COP/OF YOUHHN- wr* Editorial Department THE CONTRACT. Editor m chief Michoel Tammura Kent State must never be IV RATHER EX¬ OH, MY I Photo Editor Maggie Walker PLAIN IT TO 600! x, Managing fdifor Kof Brown Entertainment and Book Editor repeated. But the way to forestall Opinion fdifor Kathy Esselmon a HIM IN DaveMisiolowski Sporfs Editor TomShanahan repetition is to make sure that PERSON.. Special Pro/ecfs Editor Rolph Frommolmo American never again falls victim layout Editor Deborah Heywood Cify Editor Michoel Winter to the Campus fdifor Copy Chief Kathy Szejbach poison that corroded it eight Anne S'uarf Freelance Editor Wire Editor Don Spickler years ago — the poison of a Jocelyn Laskowski Staff Representative Michelle Chambers misinformed, reactionary, am Advertising Department bivalent public and the Adverfismg Manager Shoron Sei/er Assistant Advertising Manager corruption Dentse Dear it fostered in the climate of the times. i stote News, East Lansing, Michigan I milt -—— fio needs Sun Day? 'jit baggin9 rays poolside , (hf IM l>»KK'n' rays, from, isn't it?" .wl M»kin' on a brew, this "Now you got it, sonny," I says. i .•iiiiu'S over• "Dash," he says, his face lighting up, "you I'rr u iliiinK h,'n'' '""h''" don't suppose Sun Day's another Earth s«ll) Vim ran spi' t he pixil isn't Day. do you?" Kirn if 11 '* "Kain,t lhr "I don't get your drift," I says. !rt snioe* k,. hrrr "n the lawn.> Bottles . .. "Prom what I've heard," he says. "Nixon I»lk'*«' jin ihe |«h>I area, either.' was bogged down in Vietnam, lie had to |« iioru' fvi.ur business, fella." I says. take people's attention off it. he promoted a .11 von anvway. Dil'Jody here and big save the environment campaign, ('ailed have a little picnic, get it Karth Day." "That's right," I recalls approvingly. for Sim 1 »i»> • , . . v vtiu live the rest of the week. "Picnics, balloons, plant a garden, grow ■ J;IVV i„.ikiiig sideways at Jody. 'LASH' your own veggies. Did a real good job, too. ^'up her straps. "I can see you'd eome to think of it. Put Vietnam on the back It I1 sU-h yourself up to go to burner for awhile." I ' n Sabbath." LARROWE "I'm not sure how good the parallel is, -jlkinit about Sunday." I says. though," he says. "We're not in a war now. , !'.i|miu! the shindig the Solar economics and all." What would Jimmy Carter be trying to take ^'throwing. ,,rf The sun worshippers'll our minds off of.'" a tan. J-kIv and I don't want "They begged me to participate, of "Nixon had a war he couldn't end, OK." I course." I says. "I turned 'em down. All we ,,( place when we show up at explains. "Carter's stuck with a batch of want to do is party down at their campaign promises he doesn't plan to make ^j.,,1 I spotted you. anyway." goings on." good on: lick inflation, get rid of unemploy "How come?" he asks. "You mean you ,v> I've just come from your ment. stand up for civil rights, solve the don't believe in solar energy as a viable .'ante office. Had to push my energy problem, remember those? So he solution for the fuel crisis facing the , |),g crowd of profs waiting to pushes Sun Day. knowing solar is two k nation?" »,tv were pretty angry. I>ash. decades and five presidents away." jr'v said you were meeting with "Negative." I says curtly. "Way you put it. Dash your opposition to "All my friends and I are committed to Sun Day makes good sense to me." he says. cancelled out at the last solar," he says. "How come you aren't. "Trouble is what I heard over in the econ him. Had to put out a brush Dash?" department. Some of the boys were ;"s radio station. Anyway, "Solar s too theoretical to be a solution chortling about how you applied to Wash for right now," I says. "I'm a practical man. i.rohlem. you come busting in ington for a big grant to investigate the What I'm into is how to use known sources curative powers of the sun for zits. they of energy more efficiently. Your pointy :notice I've been canned." he turned you down cold." , what I wanted to see you headed solar freaks don't want to hear "You being down on Sun Day couldn't be about that." sour grapes, could it?" , call next week during my "Dike what?" he asks. "I'd straighten you out on that if I weren't I snarls, massaging sun tan "Dike getting back to basics." I says. in a hurry." I snaps, folding my blanket and merican TV materu (jy s hack. "Insulation, conservation, efficient alloca pulling lil'Jody to her feet, "but it'll have to market simply L I'm here." he says. "I've got a tion of all that oil and natural gas coming be some other time. hie and the least e down from Alaska, nuclear power. . ." runabout Sun Day. Dash. You on "The solution's right here under our "Jody's due for a workshop she's taking nutional level, Inf-hc nancls they've arranged? I in women's assertiveness training. She nes a horseless i i) miss what you're going to noses, isn't it. Dash'.'" he muses. "We just throws a tantrum if I don't get her there on able to produce i self sty led expert on solar don't see it. That's where you're coming time." i Place (at one show il ewers see Bo nana I ach year new TV *ul 1 wonns after • nia. 1 people as would the direct blast and alone is contaminated at an average of 25 radiation effects of either a neutron mder that foreigners! or parts per million. The legal level for use in culture than we low of TV material knowf * WYl?/ : o ^ standard bomb. The chief advantage of neutron warhead is not that it the "protects and preserves property while obliterating a the U.S. is .05 ppm. In addition to the well publicized danger to pot users, there have been over 100 non marijuana related deaths ' Double Zoom ' revolutionary \\ Soviet invasion of Western Europe, for attributed to Paraquat among Mexican h.ijh performance > • (•bomb "evil" which the neutron weapon is designed, property is of secondary importance — it peasants, sprayers and American technical advisers Uvur 70 i rjOim- Pock, working with the Mexican govern can always be replaced. The advantage of ment. mated design :t e- through the State News of April the neutron warhead is its ability to kill or Official attitudes in Washington range oumieil to find myself described, c h\ Professor Hruce Curtis, as incapacitate the people operating the from complete ignorance ithe most common invading tanks while leaving unaffected state) to the White House's avoidance of the neutron weapons advocate." ; that I have led the House the people who live in Western Europe. subject by claiming that the spraying is an Together, an integrated lens system ■.-President Carter successfully Although it is not their intent, neutron internal Mexican policy that does not affect providing 70-300mm zoom capability • B 1 nuclear bomber, warhead opponents are. in effect, advocat the U.S.. despite the deaths of American and up to 1:2 (1 2 life size) published : letters in newspapers the ing larger numbers of tactical nuclear government workers. Only a small minority. reproduction ratio. bread!h of the country defend weapons, more fallout with all its long term Which includes Sen. Charles Percy (Hill.) effects, and more civilian fatalities from fire and Sen. George McGovern (D-S.D.t. are ategic Arms Dimitation Treaty, : > .cry opportunity called for and flying debris. To take this position in concerned with the growing health hazard The zoom components the context of an article deploring the that Paraquat constitutes. tactical nuclear weapons computer mated by Vivitar ! our iciinr abandonment of destabiliz long term effects of Hiroshima is particular This small group, however, has not been munterforce strategies, Dr. ly incongruous. r inactive. Hearings begin Friday in the err.cr.t is a thing of wonder. Rep. Bob Carr International Operations Subcommittee of The Vivitar XC-3 ■ 6th District. Michigan .;• Mr Curtis' description was the Senate Foreign Relations Committee !■) my support of the neutron with the goal of stopping the Paraquat hp facts of the neutron warhead spraying. Sen. McGovern is chairing these hcen plowed over and over Lobby against hearings and Sen. Percy is the ranking 35 mm SLR Camera times 1 had thought they minority member. In order to make these car to everyone. Hut since Dr. hearings more than the usual bureaucratic Demo Price! Paraquat poison • Sharp 50" .r.c demonstrates this is not so. I red tape and buck-passing evasion, public • LEDS evs' rn.ew them once more, support is needed. Getters can be addressed tie e"> rr-e*« fart ;s that the neutron weapon Our generation has long faced a propagan to Sen. McGovern at Room 4239, or Sen. 99 "'tii'i •oiii,i,on "he contrary, to the replace more than one I'.S. each neutron nuclear da deluge aimed at discouraging the use of marijuana. Tactics in this war of attrition have largely been focused on the potential Percy at Room 4321. Dirksen Building. Washington. D.C.. 20510. In addition, a student activist group is *189 ype nuclear warhead. Thus, the danger of marijuana. Failure to convince 'A'hcther neutron warheads are now forming on campus. By adding your • with pseudo scientific charges may no im.y they are. The issue is longer be an obstacle as today there is an support, concern and activity to the > neutron than warhead is two or more a greater old style actual danger involved in pot smoking: Paraquat poisoning. Students Against Marijuana Contamina tion. local, state and national leaders as well Vivitar s 283 as the general and highly uninformed public Paraquat poisoning should be an issue of |*i'compare the Handard nuclear warhead on a one for neutron warhead with concern for anyone who has ever tried can be made aware of this appalling situation. For more information, or if you AUTO THYRISTOR marijuana or even slightly likes someone Iwis.M'find that the standard weapon * b'iiowing eharacteristics: who has. The I'.S. government is endanger would like to aid this effort, contact SAMC at 355 7132, 355 7066 or 355 6730. ELECTRONIC FLASH ing the health of the 15 million regular ¥Vfr.v pulill AXHllS OXJlLlhk- 88 Ithe ( "r"cr oj Abbott Road) for more 33D8305 • • Ulost' ftX USlOiI down to I? iikfu'h Multivoutai opt It s List -349." *149 '■ast information call Lansing 6 Muhiqor. Slate News, fast Lansing, Michigan Thursday Moy f W78 'SLOW DANCK ON KILLING GROUND' (§>[/ti^(§>F1^©Dtn)[nrD<§>rfD^ Arena Theatre's production super Hv By BILL HII.LHOLDSHIP HOLDSHIP conclusion that "nobody 1 State New* Reviewer saves nobody" through her William Hartley's Slow Dance observations of the other Barroom On The those treatises Killing Ground is one of dreary existential characters. Excellence seems to Im- the unanimous decision, on emotional deca although Martin may be just a dence that were very popular notch better than the other two off Broadway during the late performers something w hich Boogwabazh '60s and early '70s. The motifs are existential archetypes — a Brooklyn ghetto setting and is say uig a great deal. Although it isn't necessarily a reviewer's job to question the graphic discussions of such director's choice of plays. I can't By RENALDO MIGALDI cheerful subjects as street mur Sute New« SUff Writer ders. illegal abortions, prosti help wondering why this parti Abdo's cular play was chosen for tlite mothers, and Nazi coneen 3600 S. Logan St. tration camps. production. Slow Dance has a tone of hopelessness, helpless Landing Slow Dance doesn't really ness. and fatalistic pessimism Well, last week I spent some time talking about the Garage work as entertainment. Its running throughout it. While I and mentioned that there were "other places in Lansing" where themes and views of life are believe that too much optimism \i you can listen to jazz music. Abdo's is one of those places. much too dark and depressing, m art is a severly dangerous J Until eight or nine years ago, Abdo's was known as Rooky's and it might work better as an concept, complete resignation Restaurant & l/ounge. Since the management change, the aid for those who are debating especially at this time may- ® I WXih interior decor appears to be virtually unaltered: lots of w ood and suicide. However, despite its lie even worse. red brown woodcolors. a dancefloor for dancing, some 1962 setting, the MSG Depart Nonetheless no matter what overstuffed easychairs in the corners, and a funky little ment of Theatre was wise to revive the play, as its mood is your v lew s on life may by. Slow poolroom off to the side where young South l,ansing studs in Dance On The Killing Ground is their 20s play serious rotation and weekend slop with mean Nf»l Howard Edwards, as Randall, ..t. S'a,. N.w, Bunn pure 1970s. Hanley's major s ,, definitely worth checking out. I ow Dance on the cigarettes dangling from their lips. theme seems to bo that al M. Raid Downey as Mr. Glas and to hie at Killing the Arena Theatre G,011« can guarantee that it won't Six days a week, the main room of Abdo's is a sort of disco rook though each person chooses Patricia M. Martin as Rosie leave you unmoved. brought retreat where the younger people dress up real nice and dance the dark street he travels tn with ther fiancele's and the divorcees sit at their tables smiling life." there is actually no choice and trying their best to look young. Music these days is by a band since each leads to a dead end. called Sweet Energy. a group of local rowdies w hich includes With this perspective in mind, New program will bring M.D./D.V.M. Dannv and Ronnie Hernandez, which you'll surely remember from the late 60s and early 70s as members of Danny Hernandez the Arena Theatre's of Slow Dance is production a pure IT IS NOT OWK-torwmx TOOI LATE lor ,ur you to enroll in lh, yuu loenrolhnlh. And The Ones, one of those hot Lansing groups that never quite programs ol the INSTITUTE OF INTERN. triumph. TIONAL MEDICAL EDUCATION made the big time. Director Morgan Rainwater's writers into classrooms ' ' " «" '9f« " i-'HCIn', V whrch , oiler This scene is somewhat different on Monday s. how ever, w hen . staging is great, although the the Dick Ott Trio does some post bop and mood jazz for the play seems to drag several ('htldren in Michigan schools are learning from the people. I was there last Monday with my old highschool buddy times during the first and third experience of professional writers in the schoolroom, thanks to Ingo Schraft. and we were buying each other 95 cent bottles .»f acts something w hich may be the Creative Writers in Schools Program. The program, which Andeker i Abdo's doesn't have draft beer or pitchers - it 's w eird more a fault of the w hen playwright is sponsored by the Michigan Council for the Arts, places you take something for granted1 and yelling for the trio to than the director. John professional writers m Michigan schools (grades K 121 for play some Thelonius Monk. Whiting'-* set is appropriate, residencies up to 10 days, where they can interact with student They said they knew some Monk numbers, but wouldn't play and the Arena Theatre lends w -Iters any. "Why?" I asked Ingo. - "Cuz this ain't the place for Monk." itself perfectly to th e The ( WIS pro program has been in operation since 1969. he said. He was right. I looked around at the smiling 'iuction young men However, w hat contri prov idmg an opportunity for hundreds of writers to share their in their doubleknit slacks making smooth conversation with butes mainly to tht pro • knowledge and spur on budding authors and poets. In the past Tn, In,titule ha, baan f.ipon.ibl, lor their young grinning Max Factored women dates." and noticed duct ion's success is the superb American student* into foreign medical orocmng rnw. fiscal year, for example, writers have been working in 325 »chool» th*n m, ' that nobody seemed to be listening. If these cats tried to -1 of !h:. olher organcxation put two cooperating schools around the state. notes together that didn't like For further Information and application contad sound Muzak to this Ni-al II.' ard Edwards is The ( WIS Program is available to both schools and INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL jazz-is background music crowd, they'd probably get run out of EDUCATION excellent a* Randall, the emo communit y organizations, although the request for writers must the joint. be in the name of a school. Once the Hey. but they sounded OK 'although their drummer needs a tionully deranged street jiver group or school acquires a who ha> what may well be the writer, they are free to use him or her as they see fit. Some new set of ears', and Abdo's is not such a bad piace to get drunk, schools have reportedly been so pleased with the results of the unless y ou're looking for excitement. Of course, if you're theatre's weirdest Oedipus really complex Prince Hamlet. program that they have invited writers back at their school's looking for excitement, you'd best get clean out of Mid Michigan smce M. Retd Dow ney is excellent as own and go to Chicago or something. expense. Mr Glas, the apathetic and unemotional grant German who prefers to "watch immi an Writer- w ishing to participate in adv isory board from applications criteria for consideration is that the writer the program are chosen by they have sent in. The only- must have been east lansinq cycl the world go by" rather than published. get invoked. Downey seems to If a writer is chosen from the list of applicants, his name is • Schwlnni Panasonic Stilts 'Runner Stumbles' to be very reminiscent of a young placed in the (.'WIS Directory. Final selection of resident *° aaC * 10 Speeds '119." 4 Up open Karl Maiden, thought I'm not exactly sur»- why. Patricia M. writers receive a is made by the participating school. Writers then fee of $100 per day for each day spent in residency. ♦<0 # Paramounts I he Runner "Mumbles true incident. Stitt has substan Thursdays. Fridays, arid Sun Martin is excellent as Rosie. the • Skateboards Writers interested in additional information may contact right tially altered the facts of the days, with performances on naive and pregnant N.Y.C. case. His play is George Vargas at the Michigan Council for the Arts. 1200 Sixth * Used Bicycles •lav 4 at presented as a Saturdays at 6 and 9 p.m. student who brings much Ave.. Detroit. 48226. or call i313i 256 3717. The deadline on in Lan courtroom drama, with several • Service All Makes ter Ticket prices range from $3.75 needed comic relief to the Arts. The flashbacks to the crime itself. applications for the upcoming schoo' year is May 15. to $5.50. second act. and who reaches the ;ca; acclaim Several philosophical ques¬ Areas Largest Selection Broadway. tions explored by "The are of Parts & Accessories Runner Stumbles." and these I he Runner Mumbles are also the subject of a special original & imported works "Thai's Italian" 351-2000 bizzarre symposium to be held May 20 at 1215 E. Grand Rlvar •curred 9 a.m. at Cooley Law School. in woods & jewelry 1907. It The public is invited to the NOW arx e ie and subse event, which will feature the author and several area spe gifts and gallery LIEBERAAANN'S™^ ai ised parish -tn a eiahsts in the humanities. ner Performances of The Run Stumbles are at 8 p.m. on embroidered PI//A | OPEN Isorry, no delivery! the! wrap For Mother's photos. v 9" 12 14 16 NOTICE OF LAST DAY OF RIGIBYRA, skirts *25 TION OF THE ELECTORS OF SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THI firstV J 220 MAC Ave. CHEESE 2.25 2 90 3 55 4 20 the "PHOTOSPHERE' CITY OF BAST 1 Item 2 55 3 30 4 80 endeavor 4 05 LANSING, INOHAM AND CLINTON 2nd Floor University Mall .30 Extra Items 40 50 60 COUNTIES, MICHIGAN TO THI IlICTOM or THI fCMOOt DISTRICT) > I I E. Michigan Ave, Plnose Take Notice that the Annual School Eloction of the School District wilt be held on (just east of Harrison! Monday. June 12 1978. Open Every Day THE LAST DAY ON WHICH PERSONS WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR MAY REGISTER TOWNSHIP CLERKS, \A 11 a.m. to 2 a.m./Sunday 12 noon to 1 a.m. IN ORDER TO BE ELIGIBLE TO VOTE AT THE ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION CALLED TO BE HELD ON MONDAY. TONIGHT! JUNE 12 1978 IS MONDAY, MAY 15, 1978. PERSONS REGISTERING AFTER 5:00 O'CLOCK, P.M., ON MON- DA( MAY 15 1978, ARE THE ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION. NOT ELIGIBLE TO VOTE AT "Fm Stumping for the 351-8880 Persons r.ty or planning to register with the respective township clerks must ascertain the days and 1139 E Grand River in Coming Revolution hours on registration. This which Notice the clerks' offices are open for Fast, Free Delivery 351-7100 966 Trowbridge Higher Consciousness T given by order of the Board of * education don't forget to ask Barry E. Gross for free cups of Pepsi' Secretary, Board of Education Every mother cherishes her family ph°' And the "Photosphere" files and pro,ei up to 100 pictures in clear plastic sleev 5" x 4-1 /8" that flip over for display. Leal1 grained vinyl in brown or ivory. 8.50 LeJ (We'll emboa her name in gold al no extra ;:hh;H: V*V charge) IS #*S*# Come and meet Elizabeth Clare Prophet ii ■n::.sus 0 • *0 FIND OUT how wc tan work together to solve personal and planetarv through the teachings of the ascended masters FIND OUT your role in the Coming Revolution and bow you can accelerate problems God-consciousness through the science of the spoken Word FIND OUT who your brothers and sisters on the Path really are CONGREGATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT ' ' ' < ' <■ .slid Brothers serving Christ Fuchanst and in Mankind •THURSDAY Ol.SU^R DOUBLE DIGIT NIT! CHANGI BACK FROM TOUR ON PITCHERS 8. DOll EXPERIENCE Light with songs, sacred Fire meditations, visualizations through three-screen multimedia slide dissolve EXPERIENCE the initiation musk attuned ofJesus and Saint Germain for to your your Real Self soul liheiation > PIZIA contact l!nion Ballroom. •••#« Rev Ernest Falardeau,SSS. BlessedSscramentSeminary ( w Wllson Michigan State University, DOWNTOWN 107 S. Washington MMjs Road Cleveland, Ohio 44143(216)442-3410 hast — Lansing EAST LANSING — 209E. GrandIRn«U .tnhiji\ all recently serviced at the ships are being built without asbestos insulation. [pvjril here, have asbestos insulation on "But our experience here has been that we /OTueoflvmAve Try Our Omelettes! to Charles Ay. president of (Workers I .oca I 20. and Andy Abbott. haven't seen any come out asbestos free yet." Abbott said in an interview this week. ptvE&wonT p«m cmon GonynwTE CAMPUS 7:15 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Daily Iaftheshipyard's Metal Trades Council. The union officials said they did not know if and just 5 known to cause cancer, Joseph Califano Jr. warned that as newer Navy ships serviced at other contained asbestos insulation. shipyards PIZZA Your Choice of: (d Health, education and Welfare , (6million Americans may die of cancer The Associated Press learned that a Navy has hot Cheese, Ham and Bacon team from Washington inspected the Ia>ng Beach diseases as a result of exposure to 3shipyards and other workplaces, shipyard in March and found numerous oberva jv banned asbestos as thermal insula tions about asbestos at Long Beach and 42 of TUNA SUBS CONVENIENT HOURS ships as of Jan. 9, 1973, the Navy's them were negative. Mon.-Sat. 7:15 -11:00 p.m. f j spokesperson. I.t. Jim Bullock, said. One finding: damaged and loose asbestos pads (oven baked) a.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. • 11:00 p.m. ; however, confirmed that the four on the Tarawa. 1312 MICH. AVE. 310 W. GRAND RIVER t > Tarawa. CSS Paul F. Foster. USS Heavy concentrations of asbestos in the air are LOCATED: Main Lobby, Union Bldg. when old asbestos insulation is idl'SSKincaid were commissioned in common ripped 337-1377 337-1639 vime of the newest ships in the out of ships during overhauls. Asbestos workers destroyers except the Tarawa. wear protective clothing and use air hoses during rip out work, and other workers are kept away [Ihoropterwouldcarritake said it er. the Navy several until the air is safe again. Large Bean Bags for Fun Now *17,95 Sitting Before you go on your ition contact Reg. '24.95 Bean Colors Bag Refills Available first interview let us do a job onyou. medical education Pillow Talk | OPEN NAT 6 Furniture III Abbott Rd. Eoft-Wost Mall, Frandor Mall 351-1767 There may be 50other guys going after the unity Student Coit (tuition, room and job you want. Ijondhowthey are determined, impact, And with competition this rough. \oiul Kial aid, state senate appropriations. better make a good impression the minute \ou f h/UtVIN RIST FROM ADMISSIONS AND SCHOl walk through the door. Redwood & Ross helps you do this as tow >PS ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OFFICE OF FINANCIAL other clothing stores can. I JONDAHI Wehavethe clothes that succeed in business Nothing outlandish. Only the finest traditional suits, great looking shirts, ties, and even shoes. 640 AM And we take the work out of 8PM TONIGHT matching things up. Our experienced salesmen know just where to find the WBRS WMCD WMSN right ties to highlight a shirt. Or the best shirts to complement a suit. 'FREE NEEDLE CHECK Of course, the w ay clothes look have a lot to do w ith the way they fit. That's w hy our tailors are Keep your new records 14$ sounding new: get your always on hand. They trim. snip, and alter until every thing looks m Come in for a needle checked mil needle check! Normal needle today! life is like it wits made for you. By the time you walk out of Redwood & Ross, you'll look like 500-1,000 hours of use. By viewing your stylus through our new '2,000 microscope, our trained audio specialists can you are ready to conquer the tell you what condition your needle is in. world. And if your Which is no doubt one of the stylus does need replacing, we have hundreds of replace- m«nt needles in stock from *S.t5. best qualifications for landing your first job. ile North i White J: * \ Tlrnrs. May 4th '£fri. May 5th Tk May 6th war* Reduiood § Ross Meridian Mall and 205 E. Grand River Ml maii'i credit cants honored \ 484-1404 0 Michigon Stote News. Eost Lansing, Michigan Thursd°V Moy4„„ Stachowicz keeps himself busy By JOE CENTERS season as a Spartan averaged times when he has to stick out sidelines and I try to He does the job well." get State News Sport Writer 38.8 yards per kick, led the Big practice by himself and find mentally prepared," Stacho Stachowicz started kicking Ten in punting was named to all wicz said. "I always think out in when he was in the sixth grade, Spring practice for the MSI' things to do. football team is a time for the All Big Ten Team. While everyone else has an my mind what I'm going to do and while in high school he players to work on the funda With the assistant coach over him. and where I'm going to kick the punted, kicked off, kicked field graduation of mentals of their own positions, Stachowicz reports right to the Iwll." goals and extra points and kickers Tom Hirney and Hans and everyone is split up into Neilsen, Stachowicz is the only top played split end his senior year. Stachowicz said his main little groups. returning kicking specialist "Coach Rogers ihead coach objectives when punting are to He still has hopes of being The quarterbacks are on one working out this spring, so Darryl Rogers) is the kicking get height and distance on the used as a field goal kicker, but end of the field practicing their while everyone else has some coach." he said. "He knows a lot kill, hut most importantly, to his days as a pass catcher are handoffs. the defensive lineman one to practice .*ith. the 6 foot and he shows me a lot. He giv es just get the ball off. over, although he said he likes are practicing tackling and the 1, 1ST pounder from Broad lot of confidence." me a to work out with the receivers defensive backs are working on view. Ohio, his There is one person that pass coverages. is on ow n. If practices seem like a lonely makes Stachowicz's life a little once in awhile to keep in State News Debt* J Detroit junior But there is one person who 1 keep rmsei! busy." Stacho place for a punter, the same easier and that's center Mark practice. Selke took the Ojjl doesn't have a group to work wicz said, i keep kicking over holds true in the games. Stacho Tapling. For the future. Stachowicz Ten single, b] with, even though he has one of and over. I do a lot of stretching Its a lot of fun." wicz said that he and Rogers talk the punting strategy "He's said that he wants to get his title in the No. t.nT the most important positions on . over really important to the kicking down to where it's "just 5 the team. Most of the time Stachowicz before the game, and that's the kicking game." Stachowicz said. a fluid motion." and he wants to tion last finds somebody on th«- sideline" "There's lot of pressure on weekend, That's freshman punter Hay «»nl> coaching he gets. MSl Stachowicz. who in his first to kick with, but then- are 1 d-< a lot ■»! stretching on the him to a get the ball back to you. keep improving every year — "just because it's only natural." team Selkefeel.tl is at it, pJ now as they travel? Eastern Michigana Netters down CML 8-1 face Kalamazoo home Friday. for fifth season victory Spartans sweep twinbill ByGAYLEJACOBSON State News MT. PLEASANT games — It w as not Sports Writer the of tennis, but despite the cool and most w ideal day for nine rousing indy weather condit ion." over Western Michigan here, MSL"s men's tennis team continued its arduous climh out of the self-imposed basement standings they occupied, and r.avt Bv MIKF KLOCKE power hitting display with seven extra base almost evened up their season record with Tue - s 1 \ictor> State New s Sports Writer hits among their 12 safeties. over Central Michigan. It turn out of the starting m-. •!••" one Joe lx>pez cracked his first homer of the This was theSpartans'fifth season win and their third in a row mi n.i" done wonders for MSI' pitcher season, and Kirk Gibson. Dave Radke and follow ing victories over Illinois and Purdue last w eekend. The team .arrv l'a*hnick. Rodger Bastien all had triples. record now stands at 5-6. Interestingly enough, iast year's netter" The "onior co captain had been getting An eight-run third inning was the were also at 5-6 by May 4 and finished eighth m the Big Ten key to the nocked around pretty good, so head coach win in the nightcap. conference. The one major difference between the two "quad" i" •ar.nv Lit w hiter yanked him out of the Gary Tyler, pitching in his hometown, that coach Stan Drobac's 1977 netmen were far more experienced. I'tatior. for ia*t weekend's games. picked up the win by hurling three innings and The team consisted of one senior, four juniors, two "ophom.ores and But Pashnick. 2 4. wa" impressive Tuesday Selke, Netters ready giving up only one run. Tyler relieved Rob one freshman. The 1978 roster show" two senior", one MSI' defeated Western Michigan in the junior. >>r.o " Campion, whom Litwhiler said had good sophomore and three freshmen r"t game of a doubleheader at Kalamazoo. stuff, but was a bit wild. The fact that Drobac's younger, more inexpert-need team ha" 3. Tr - Spartans aiso took the nightcap. 15 7. MSC now hosts two vital Big Ten matched last season's record is an important or.e and «»■;! worth ,ti"ing their record to 24 15 overall. MSI' is doubleheaders this weekend against Ohio remembering as the season progresses Another item to keep in mind when the season finally winds down, will be the fnai records of the two team" La"t year " netmen 3 m Big Ten play. "He 'Pashnick' had real good stuff and State Saturday and Indiana twinbills begin at 1 p.m. at Kobs Field. Sunday. Both for EMU, Kalamazoo itched very well." Litwhiler said. During its spring trip to Texas. MSC ended with a 7-7 mark. 3 6 against Big Ten compel num. !r. fact. Pashnick was cruising along with a defeated Indiana every time the clubs met. So With four more scheduled matches ahead of them, two aga;r."t ve hit "hutout until the Broncos touched him By JERRY BRAI DF crutches for a month. does that mean the Hoosiers will be an easy Big Ten foes, the Spartans have a good chance of finishing m front of ■r their only three run* in the bottom of the team to take two from? State News Sports Writer That was the worst I ever hurt myself J the 1977 team. Not bad for team, that lost of It took junior Diane Selke three and it the a six "even game" on its rv e'Uh. No. says Litwhiler. years to w as longest I had been off too,"I spring trip and then began its regular season with five "traight Tom Sehuitz led MSI"" hitting attack in the "Those games didn't count down there." the accomplish her older sister's feat of winning an said. losses. • r"i game with three hits, individual Big Ten title, and last weekend she did After that she injured an achillestendonl Spartan mentor said. "Both teams were In the win over Central, now 6 16. the Spartans took five of them in the M-cond game, the Spartans put on a it. other foot, and the muscle spasms in her b six singles matches in the minimum of two set". Senior Tight- experimenting." Now that the pressure is off. she is ready to "till present. Keating knocked off Central's Mark Simcina 7 5. 6 2 while junior look forward to the rest of the season. Steve Klemm topped Mike McNally 6 0. 6 4. "I'm still trying to come back down from "My back is now feeling better." Selke d forget about the pain when I'm The Spartan freshmen did equally as well. Frank Willard went winning it." Selke said. "I still have more to look it hurts onee I get off." on thecouj 6-4, 6-4 over John Rowerdink. Matthew Sandier defeated CMC's forward to. especially on how I do in the state Scott Wilson 6-3. 7 6, and Steve Heitzner downed A1 Benden 6 2. 62. Lions get 10 players in draft; tournament." Selke is also confident that the team can win With Mascarin top singles and doubles player ll and No. 1 singles player J<| MSI* again swept its doubles matches winning all three in Brielmaier out of the lineup last just its two matches today at Eastern Michigan and weekenj two sets. Spartans placed sixth, but Selke was still p| At No. 1 doubles. Keating and Kevin tomorrow against Kalamazoo College on the with the Bradley team. McNulty topped Ron A rend and Simcina 6-2. 6-3. Klemm and Willard at No 2 double* for MSI' downed McNally and Mike DeLong 6-3, 6 3, and Sandler and Heitzner wrapped up the Spartans' highest scoring only 'name' chosen varsity courts adjacent to Spartan Stadium. "We feel like we should be able to beat them." Selke said. "Last year, we didn't have much of a "We played pretty well, and all of usarel peak right now," Selke said. "Our tearaj match-up of the Bv Kit H ARD L. SHOOK helped me a lot. and I'm sure it helped H season thus far marred by only one note: the op." Clark said. problem even though there few close by defeatng Wilson and Rowerdink 6 2. 6 2. were a "They (Central) were a very scrappy ballclub and I'm pleased CFI Sports Writer botching of the handling of the Players with raw potential to matches." MacTaggart reach the finals since she wis! with the way we played." Drobac said follow ing the matches. "The pdVUAC Luther Brad trade of six year veteran line be developed was the key freshman. We have been sticking togfthg Last weekend. Selke won the Big Ten crown in we'll have to kids played very well and I really liked their attitudes." lev. i 'name" defensive back backer Jim Laslavic to San phrase for the Lions' draft since keep it up." the No. 5 singles position with a 6 4. 6 2 win over who hope" to put his back I)iego for the Chargers' picks in they took three offensive line Lisa Reed. Selke first started ground in finance to good use. the fifth and sixth rounds. men in the fourth round who playing in a parkj and defensive end Al Baker San Diego released news of they feel fit into that category. Her older sister, Sue Selke. won the Big Ten recreation program. Her instructor Jim IT title in the No. 1 singles position for three took her and other players to tournament! w ore Coach Monte Clark's first the deal in New York — Detroit had given its third draft choices for the Detroit without telling the Lions, who round choice to Cleveland last consecutive years while she played for the stayed with Kerwin until high school, whet earned All City honors on Detroit Redforfj Lions. hadn't told their local press or Saturday for the privilege of Spartans from 1971 to 1974. Al Pitts, 6-foot-4-inch. School men's team. Detroit wound with 10 even had time to inform Laslav "She was happy when I told her that 1 won it," up signing punter Tom Skladany, 250-pound starting p. yers out of the first six ic. Selke said. "She did influence me with the big for certainly better than anyone She came to MSC because she IN center MSI the rounds Tuesday - total "It's kind of tearing at my else the Lions could have taken sister stuff." past three seasons, equalled only by Cincinnati — a insides, for it's the most diffi in that round. campus, the physical eduation progranj Selke came close to winning the Big Ten title coach Elaine Hatton. was drafted by the .i- Clark began use of his cult thing I've had to do since The next round, with choices Cleveland Browns in lavori'.e mechanism to build the at the No. 5 position last year, being MSD's only Although Hatton is no longer coachinj becoming coach of the club," from Denver due to the Her seeded player, but she lost in the finals. the sixth round of the Lion" back to power. Clark said. "That's not my idea man Weaver trade, and Balti team. Karl Rutz. Selke is still pleased with first year| National Football The first two players Detroit of how to handle it, but it was more because of the Herb Orvis Her freshman year. Selke won the No. 1 Big League's college chose were defensive, the next four were help for the be unavoidable on our part. deal, Detroit stocked up on Ten doubles championship with Debbie Mac sarin, and she also took the No. 2 lot "He knows his tennis. He's been harder drills and workinj conditioning, draft. "We do feel we have linemen by taking 250 pound singles on leaguered offensive line, the strengthened our club with two tackle William Fifer of West consolation championship that year. really helps." Selke said. next two were aids to the fine young players defensive Texas State, 260 pound guard defense and the last two a end Dan Gray of Rutgers and Homer Elias of Tennessee The Big Ten tournament came at just the right Selke is presently pleased with herl time when Selke conquered her year forma iut. long hassle ,.| guard and wide receiver. guard Tony Ardizzone of State and center Larry Tearry with injuries. The "My game can always improve, and 1 siuij day long draft was Northwestern who will devel of Wake Forest. She first hurt her foot in October and was on work on coming to the net.' Selke said. In Motel or Restaurant Manaqem You have the Chance to Show Your Abilities it ; v11 COMPETE FOR PRIZES ...and line management is Rapidly! In tho 12th annual MSU criterium only your first step iri'LK Country!' L-K 1st Annual IM Championship 4-man Team Race Country the vacahonlands • dove and determination that Midwest-is our base Were a f.qru, s .cc« gets things done U for any es restaurants and 54 mote's located we can promise you as much management Michigan Illinois and Kentucky ana we oHe» ■ opportunity tor the busmess-mmded graduate through i can handle You M start with a competitive salary >rjram and excellent benefits, and move up from MSU Students. Headgear and front and lis on these unique opportunities Usethecoupon Were |ust the right size to give you both imnrr maximum visibility Moreover our management ,-j 'Our resume Write Director of Personnel. L-K teis P O Box 546 Marion Ohio 43302 back brakes required. is designed to quickly adapt your co'iege bar M F .•pi. r develop your leadership abilities You n do more ■ a restaurant or a motel that can lead to You H acquire strong ma Main Evont: International racers management team continuing advancer? ent compete Familv Restaurants with MSU riders and other licensed and Motels riders from around the country. am interested i ixpectinq a . Trephlas and Prliti awarded (valued over $1000.00) May 6r '78 in front of East Holdon IM Raco Registers at 8:00 A.M. Funded by the ASMSU Programming Board Lhigan Slate News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 4, 1978 jydar Derby's best bet By BILI, MOONE Y Barrcra, who saddled Kentucky Derby winner Bold Forbes two and is ridden by Steve Cauthern. the 18 f,rm fia,n't h,rf " Kentiicky Derby winner for ten years ago, A year old wonder whose mounts won over $6 million last J Admiral and Mrs-G,n* M«rk«y. owners of the grandest j Kentucky raring stablea, have got a thoroughbred year. Affirmed has won by genuinely impressive margins: eight lengths in the Santa Anita choice in the 104th run for the roses at Derby, three lengths in the Hollywood Derby. West coast experts "/to be the top " Salurday. And Lord!, can he run. point out that while his times have not been outstanding, he runs fast enough to win and that's all that's needed. But rrarnta all what thoroughbred horse racing ahould he: power is somewhat suspect. In the Hollywood his staying '"Ihrflrganre, the valor, the strength, majesty, heart weeksag(x Cauthern had to hit him a dozen times with the Derby a couple of "llr has humiliated his opposition this year in winnings he ran through the stretch. The whip as Li sprint at Hialeah and three mile and one eighth stake Kentucky Derby is a mile and a filming". ll» Florida Derby, and last Thursday's quarter, an eighth of a mile longer than either of the California races, and the stretch run at Churchill sukraand Keencland. His winning margins have ranged Downs, measuring 1,234 f ' 113 lengths. His times have been excellent: 1:46 and a feet, is the second longest in North America. It has worn down Flamingo. 1:47 in the Florida Derby. many a front runner, which is exactly what Affirmed is. Don't sell Affirmed short, though. The Kentucky Derby has riihii iwk from ns is magni Alydarthewistarting gate fvery ied byquickly the wayandhewillwidawdle ijjfmilor». and then suddenly soar into high gear and ns. He hosted a number of front running winners in recent years: Riva Ridge in 1972, Bold Forbes in 1976. Triple Cown winner Seattle Slew last year. But don't bet „lhal. vou r,n 1 *lol> '"n1' ll'a Jockey Jorge Velasquez, your next mortgage payment on him either. Come from behind horses of Ld rider: indeed, as good as they rome. Alydar's like have won many a Derby. Secretariat came from dead last in a field of 13 in 1973 to do it, setting a track record in the process. Lt; many people are rooting for Alydar simply because If you are looking for a little longer odds, I gniton of past performance, go d handicap ing, and ,,,1'alumetl will send this colt to the post as an odds on Prince. Bloodlines are oh so you might try Sensitive state News Robert Kozloff Siturdav Of course, the problem for those who like longer important in thoroughbred horse Sptrtan centerfielder Kirk Gibson beats the throw ing crucial doubleheaders against Big Ten oppo¬ racing, and Sensitive Prince has genes to spare. His sire. Majestic a not swept awsy hy sentiments is that a winning ticket to second base Prince, won the 1969 Kentucky Derby in a magnificent stretch duel during MSU's doubleheader sweep nents Ohio State on Saturday and Indiana on Sun¬ till not pay very much, perhaps $4.20 or $3 80 or so. Hut over Illinois Sunday. MSU will attempt to keep its day. Both twinbills begin at 1 p.m. at Kobb's Field. with Arts and letters, the two of them .murnher of other good colts in the race, several of whom charging the entire length of the straightaway heads apart. Sensitive Prince has four-game winning streak alive this weekend, host- Elf they run up to peak form. times in his career, but he has won them all. only raced six d a big. handsome chestnut, has been mopping up on the records in the process. He is another front runner, setting several track seemingly about tjEjhts vear. His only two defeats came last year to Alydar, t ilif i'llumel colt four times. Affirmed is trained by Laz to reach his peak, and is ridden by the very capable, if unheralded, Mickey Solomone. The biggest plus in Sensitive Prince's favor, the fact that he is trained by Allen Jerkens who is though, may lie in . . . well . . . Unseeded softball team defends amazing. He has an extraordinary knack for pulling upsets. Three times his Beau Purple beat Kelso, the leading money winner of all 5 golf time. And in 1973, he twice beat the illustrious Onion in the Whitney at Saratoga and with Prove Out in the Secretariat, with state title today in Allendale be Woodward at Belmont Park, New York. Beau solidified Jerkens' reputation as a most formidable Purple, Onion, and Prove Out all were sprinters las is Sensitive Prince) and forever opponent. Once again, the MSU softball where it belongs, with the The seeding for the tourna the No. 1 spot with a 17 7 Sensitive Prince is another front runner and while no one is sure team is out to defend a title. Spartans, who are two time ment. announced late Sunday record, followed by Grand Val¬ , foe >ne 19 whether or not he has the staying power to win the underestimate him il like his chances better than those of Affirmed). The last time he raced was at Keeneland two weeks ago. He romped by five and a half lengths, Derby, don't Today the women are in Allendale for the three day. 14 team statechampionship and coach Diane Ulibarri is hoping defending champs. This may prove to difficult task to undertake be as a the night, did not list MSU among the top four teams in the invitational. ley. 17-4. Ferris State. 9-7. and Calvin. 8-8. The Spartans open up the double-elimination tournament fnur years, one of the most successful benefit golf Slightly longer will be the odds on Believe It, the likeable little Spartans are only 3-6 against Seeding in the tournament today at 9:30 a.m. when they , r, the Midwest has been held right here in crowd to keep the tournament title state of Michigan opposition. went to Western Michigan in face Calvin College. pleaser who won the Wood Memorial at Aqueduct so impressively two weeks ago. His time in that race was a fraction : t-ariv indications, the American Cancer Society under 1:50, not spectacular for a mile and an eighth, but the strong /^Lafayette's May Madness! : Tournament of Lansing will also be successful in move he made to come from last place to take a six length lead in the stretch most assuredly was. Consider, too. that jockey Eddie Maple ament. slated for June 19 at the Country Club of did not once go to the w hip. Believe It came in second to rn- drawing many professional golfers as well as Alydar in the Florida Derby and fourth in the Flamingo, but he did beat the r.t.i :ts field. Calumet colt in the Remsen Stakes last year. The odds on him |i*,:e\r this will be the finest array of professional golf should be at least a healthy 6 or 7 to 1. Not bad for a Wood it,appear from both tours (men's and women'sl on one Memorial winner. Not bad at all. |;fie history of mid Michigan." said Tiqj Staudt. sports i:\VJIM TV and chairman of this year's tournament. If 15 to 1 or higher is more to your liking, you might try Espos :rar. $100,000 has been raised to benefit cancer Foibles. The winner of this year's Louisiana and Arkansas Derbies, the previous tournaments, Espos Foibles looked fairly threatening until last Saturday when he came in second, an embarrassing six lengths behind Batonnier in lithe professional golfers from the PGA tour that will >*:: ;r.elude: Frank Beard, Homero Blancas, Dave the one mile. $10,000 Stepping Stone Stakes at Churchill Downs. Tom Shaw and Forrest Fezler. Kathy Whit He has a very good jockey, the fast maturing Chris McCarron. His chances would improve somewhat if it rains heavily and the track ti.itime leading money winner on the Ladies' Q [ Golf Association tour, heads the list of women comes up muddy: he has a proved record in the or.ai slop. but. then, so do ooo ;;; it C » st I ever hurt myself I jr.ais that will appear, Alydar. Affirmed, and Sensitive Prince. st I had been off too.1 he celebrities that will compete are: MSU head red an arhdlestendon| joh Barry I Rogers, Detroit Free Press sports J.ve Falls, ex Detroit Tigers Jim Northrup. Norm Predictions are tough to make on horse races. A number of variables can happen, most of them unpredictable, all affecting the outcome. But don't be surprised if you see the devil's red and blue Lafayette/033 110 Watt uscle spasms in her b. dlomTresh. and Philadelphia 76ers head coach Billy ran. silks of Calumet Farm being escorted to the winner's circle on Technics/ iifiiij Quality AM/FM Stereo Component System Saturday. I'd wager a dollar on it. No, make that two. On Alydar, players may participate for $150, and there are less 30 Watt AM/FM Stereo System • features the LR5555 powerhouse *ece ver w tH top * ~e 'eatures 55 watts per Channe minimum RMS both cra^eis d'l.en into 8 enms '-om 20- (openings in the field left, • Technics SA5070 receiver has many professional features • 15 watts re' 20 000 HZ wth no mo'ethanO S^c tOta harmo-i.c distortion provisions for 3 for the event are $2 in advance and $3 at the gate, channel minimum RMS both channels driven into 8 ohms from 40-20 000 pairs o'speakers *Pll • audio m^te switch* pair of 2 La'ayette Criterion 3- s write to ACS Golf Tournament. 1832 Kingswood Hz with no more than 0 8% total harmonic distortion • pair o' 2-way speaker way '0 a ir suspension speaker systems • BSR tumtabie w-th base cover and magnetic canr-dge systems • BSR turntable with base dust cover and magnetic cartridge | Lansing. Mich.. 48912. Checks are payable to the you il 'ove this system (ancer Society. 19988 399s8 c/ \V well, and all i>f us are Fuzzbuster II •Ike said. "Our team SH) Presents Radar Detector I'm sure it helped Hi The First Annual 'i finals sinre she was Sammy Basketball Bounce been sticking tofjethi (an obstacle course) up." I playing in a parlJ Thursday, May 11, 8pm Her instructor Jim If Men's I.M. Sports Arena layers to tournament! intil high school, whel Events: •s on Detroit RedforJ -bouncing around pylons -bouncing up & down stairs (for -bouncing over hurdles 50' Entrants Fee Limit 25 entrants s no longer coachinJ EVERY THURSDAY eased with first year! BEATS Prizes All the tender Fried Clams you can Presents Observers Welcome eat, served with French Fries, Cole FRobertson in Slaw and Tarter Sauce. norly k Sellers Only l2.'5 in *f|ok Panther'' • features fast forward and e- BARREL ject • stereo* mono switch • Hoy May 11, 7pm complete with all mounting jJWellsHall l1* donoti0n hardware • model 604N, 608 Mobile Carbon Monoxide Smoke Detector Alarm MICHIGAN Digital Car Clock Portable 8-Track ljo^d*n's. (acuity S • 3-wav power Gas Sentry Alarm by G.C. Batter) Operated • detects both visible a^d ' ■checked HEART 521 G. Gd. River, East Lansing battery AC Car or boat with op¬ b:e pro¬ i^eedstoM.H.A. ASSOCIATION Michigan 48823 Ph. 351-0608 • electronic quartz solid state dig tional adaptor • includes AC cord ducts of Combus¬ tion • dead • Emerson PT-90 ital clock is accurate to within one battery sig¬ minute per year •• displays hours nours nal alarm • and minutes • includes 19" 14" mounts on dash, battery • easy under dash istaiiation or in dash L Sound Guard 6"»9" Car Hi-Fi Speakers Duracell Batteries RCA VOM Multimeter • heavy duty 10 o: Record Preservation Kit magnet • tweeter • Sound Guard preservation 1$ a • reads AC or DC cone for brighter revolutionary new dry lubricant that • 9V Alkaline • voltage, DC cur¬ lets your needle ride smoothly in the highs • foam roll MN1604 • limit 3 i rent resistance • grooves instead of eroding them edge for rich bass* with coupon 1000 ohms volt • US made away style may vary ^ 88 Special Purchase 988 | 4".jNL ■ ELECTRONICALLY SPEAKING WHO KNOWS BETTER THAN~ ,LY SPEAKIi. 1 _ ^6"x9" 20 oz 6 x9 ' 20 01 coaxial 13.8. II. qQc J ^each Lafayette RADIO ELECTRONICS®' ASSOCIATE STORES 1375 E. GRAND RIVER, EAST LANSING 332 8676 >HSU CANOE _ HOURS: SHELTER •ISO ROSIVILK S1ERIING IN 1HE BR00KFIELD PLAZA. CORNER 01 HAGAD0RN Li GRAND HGIS TRtNTON 0»K PARK LIVONIA FARMINGTON DOWNTOWN DETROIT PONIIAC RIVER ANN ARBOR KALAMAZOO & GRAND RAPIDS ^ ^ Owned and operated by Barton Electronics. Inc MON-FRI: 11 o.m. to 10 p.m. WEEKENDS: 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. WEATHER PERMITTING W mm. m Open Daily 9:30 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. nghl lo limit euanniiM- CERTIFIED 0 RATES: *1 ."/hour per canoe •* 'Mene ih* PHONE 355-3397 BankLlne Dealer *n n«mi »otqeci io poor »*ie ^NIRl AUDIO CONSULTANTS Financing Available 10 Michigon Stote News, Eost lonsing, Michigon Thursdoy Moy f "76 HANDS OFF FOR BOSSES 0c 'Sexfavors' bill introduced New Ul t 2 LANSING (UPI) - legislation making it a armor to protect themselves with." felony for a boss to pat an employee on the behind or to coerce him or her into providing sexual favors was introduced today in the The law would bosses. cover female as Cushingberry said he is introducing the bill well as male Vegetarian s s Michigan legislature. now because of society's increased awareness of m sponsored by Sandwich 2 Bosses convicted under the bill, sexual abuse by persons in "position of author Rep. George Cushingberry. D Detroit, would face up to 15 years in prison. ity." "I can't document that this sort of sexual o t- MI just feel it's about time for bosses to quit int'midation is happening in Lansing, but you a. * abusing employees by intimidating them and coercing them into performing sexual favors or hear the same rumors I do." he said. Introduction of the bill comes on the heels of a and any Compliments ol East 0 be faced with losing a job," Cushingberry said. A co-sponsor of the bill. Rep. Barbara Rose sex discrimination suit in Detroit filed by a t] year old vorpan w ho claimed she was fired by cup of soup Lansing State Bank with $50 minimum g CO Collins, D-Detroit, added: "I'\e been a working < her boss for rejecting his >exual advances. The woman since I was 17 and I know it s fairly common for bosses to pat a woman on the behind, federal no sex court jury ruled, however, that there was discrimination involved. deposit quantity or $3 Limited m pinch a breast or steal a kiss. ( ollin* s.iiil that under current laws, the only CO "Women have historically put up with things leg; I recourse for sexually abused female *2.09 3 like this because they feel they have no choice, emph is t«i file a discrimination suit or to o s that it's a man's world," Collins said. "We are seek . linal charges against her boss such as Mon-Fri Available ,ii.«! CO . attempting to give women one more piece of rape . o Lansing State tices encept fin. j 2 HOBIE'S g Trowbridge Rg Exciting 930 Trowbridge & « 109 E. AlUgan, Lonsing CO East Lansing State Bank new cool TECH HIFI'S CAR "PACKAGES". taste! FOR HARD-DRIVING MUSfCl HARD DRMHG GOES EASY Our $199 car system sounds WITH CAR STEREO FROM TECH HIFU much better than factory-installed When you're stuck in rush- systems - and only costs about COOL hour traffic, or travelling cross- state, that's hard driving What you need to make time half as much! It has Pioneer's fantastic KP500 stereo cassette player with AM/FM Supertuner PEPPER and a pair ot high-performance fly on the highway is some hard- driving music. And what you need Royal 69C20 2-way, 6 by 9 inch for that is a quality car system loudspeakers with 20 oz magnets SCHNAP from Tech Hifi. name We can save you money on brand hifi "packages" for your car. Tech Hifi features com¬ and a pair of easy-to-install ponents made by respected audio manufacturers. And every Craig 9428 surface-mount 5'/? inch speakers. Experience car package Tech Hifi's we sell is backed 60-Day Defective by Lively Brisk Exchange and 7-Day Moneyback Guarantee. Flavor... TECH inn's POWER-PACKED "PACKAGES" FOR YOUR CAR. straight or This week, come play in our JENSEN ROYAL SOUND This powerful $269 system on the rocks showrooms and compare the features Royal's best-selling packages shown here. 2500 in-dash, auto-reverse Tech Hifi's $139 car system AM/FM stereo cassette player. produces remarkably good The 2500 is so well-made, it sound at an economical price. caries a three-year limited You get the Craig T604 irv-dash warranty! The loudspeakers are Ao*: AM/FM stereo cassette player amazing 3-way Jensen Triaxials with 20 oz. magnets. £fC00L" J in the new hip-hugger size $|24 PRODUCED AND BOTIUD BY MOHAWK UHjr DM CO'-- DEI f/ICH 60 PROOF the "Coo/ One" Is On Campus! Cool Peppermint Schnapps [ JT-SHIRTS.. .*1.95 Cool isssr >■■■■: —. . ; . O'dwlromPUBENCO 1b670 W 10 Mile Mil Southl-jld. Ml 48076 CHfCK SIZES J | Mf OlljM f"1 LAHGf 1 ' I I * LAHf.r UMiltli .jijArjiit / ,V D „ 0tA*B0flN43°No tech hifi ROYAL OAK 4620 No Woodward Ava. • MT. CLEMENS 36827 . OAST DETROIT 20716 Kally Road • UVONIA 35656 Plymouth Rd • EAST LANSING 019 Eaat Orwid Rlvar Ava • ANN ARBOR K8 E 8"""^ Lhigon st0)c News. Eo»t tonsing, Michsgon Thursday, May 4. 1978 ] ] cell event I s, Africa (continued from page 3) guidelin suggested that corporations I; for Tuesday informed of the specific points, he continued. He suggested that the interim while corpora tions are withdrawing from during using profits for the educa tional programs proof of a might show corporation's will ingness to withdraw. r MERIDIAN WEST ~~ |...t!ic movie coming at you 349 2100 MERIDIAN MAU MERIDIAN EAST 1 project as rh?pUr ! hHu '«Ph» !'"• nr' W'" , well," he added. Co-sponsors of the project South Africa, profits should be put into black education Wiley offered to bring film on South Africa has a KITH ,0 ,p*n,J • JP,,nl together1 ■7.7,7./, OF SHARP WIT. RICH FOI.K HUMOUR. AMI SOLIDLY GRIPPING DRAMA" THURS. 8:00 & 10:00 B108 WELLS A FILM MONTHLY escape. ONI V >1 » STUDENTS, FACULTY, STAFF WELCOME p For Weekend Showtimes & Places call RHA s 24 hour program* 'UN WKK- MAY S-T HI'S MAY BE CHECKED. Lline, 355 0313 Students Faculty and Stall Welcome IDs requiredj HIE COMING FRIDAY & SUNDAY [ to enter RHA lt|ms FASSBINDER'S V* SERPENTS f"Campus students, faculty A staff: This is your final ECC" BEWARE OF A HOLY WRIORE [weekend to purchase RHA Spring term film passes.yL Michigai n^maiBanh ******** or roic TOMrNGSATURDAYONrY THE DEVIL IS JOSEPH VON STERNBERG'S A WOMAN [Last chance to see 16 fantastic films for only *3.00.^ Term passes are Lthis weekend. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ available only ot all RHA movies 1 STARTS FRIDAY OPEN At 7:00 PM FEATURE 7:15 9:15 = LIV ULLMAHN DAVID CABBADINE 12 Michigan Stole News, Eost Lonsing. Michigan Thursday, May 4 1978 THE STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE 355-8255 MON. THRU FRI. 8:00-5:00 •f , Automotive A Automotive Motorcycles 6n j Employment Ijffj [ EtopliynMt Employment || Employment , Apartments j Apartmeitts ^ MONZA, 1975 Good con HONDA 750, 1975, $1,300 WOMAN WANTED to live in TEACHER NEEDED BABYSITTER WANTED SUMMER EMPLOYMENT NEAR SPARROW Hospital CAMARO '76 automatic. HAVING TRouBLf Also, 1977 for $1,650 Tri care for one year old MASON CO OP NURSERY East Lansing. Several eve Attention students' Summer needed 1 or 2 females AM FM stereo 350, 4 barrel. dition. New mag tires. 349 and 3 someone to stlb 5-9:30 pm 355 5345 5 5 9(4) 4183 8 54 (3) umph 650, $450 482 4616. child. Free room and board Et SCHOOL. Prefer degree in nings and afternoons thru employment opportunities. bedroom house. Own room, X 3 5 4 (4) salary Call 694 7173 after summer. Own transportation Start now part time and washer, freezer, ample park apartme,,, |„, „ *™ Elementary Ed with pre P'»™ CAMARO 1971 V-8, 4 speed, OLDS 98 1968 Luxury Sedan 5 30 p.m 8 5 5 (6) school or early elementary 332 3454 8 5 11 (6) move into full time when ing Cathy after 9 p.m. Mon an a,| Ul "2" console, vinyl top. $1195. New engine, full power, air, Garage cluttered? Sell those school is out Incentive pay day Friday All day week CLASSIFIED un,?" experience desirable Call WAITRESSES WILL train, GUIDE M 646 6130 3 5-5(41 must see 355 5891. 5-5-5(3) extra bicycles fast with a MCDONALDS RESTAU plan. Need valid driver's li ends, 484 1740 8 5 9(7) Shirley Herrich 676 2836 «is quick action Classified ad1 RANT of Okemos (across 85 11 17) no Sundays or Holidays. cense and car. Only people S10CemeucJi' CHEVY WINDOW Van 1977 PINTO WAGON 1974 from Metiers) is now taking Good wages and tips. Must be 18 or older. Apply SAITES who LIKE TO WORK HARD Student Servtt.es someone to J* Midas conversion, 373 4340 4 speed, AM FM stereo, air, applications for full and part NURSES AIDES Full b part AND BE REWARDED for it sublease » before 3 p m 663 4721 after 4 style wheels $1500. 651 Aito Seta / tune employment for shifts time needed immediately All RESTAURANT 129 W Ash St Mason 676 2080 after 2 need apply. Applications be YES...two apartment SP 1054(12) today 8 5-4 (5) 5982 after 6 p.m. 8 5 11 (4) beginning at 6 30 a m Apple ing taken now between 8 p.m. 3 shifts, paid orientation pm 85 1216) johns per apartment cants must lie available a m 5 p.m CONTINENTAL PINTO WAGON 1973 Runs Apply in person at PROVIN CHEVROLET WINDOW Van JUNK CARS wanted Also CABLE VISION. 333 Wash And Balconies, too. well, body solid. $700 John through summer Apply from CIAL HOUSE SOUTH PART TIME kitchen help 1960 Engine very good $175 at 373 9908 or 332 3268 selling used parts Phone 8 10 a m or 2 4 p m , Mon 2100 Provincial Drive Locat needed evenings and one mgton Square North. Lan Waturs A Rivurt Pin* Lake 355-3017 after 6 p.m 321 3651 C 22 5 31(3) 65 11 (3! day Friday 6 5 5i 11' ed off Aurelius Road between weekend night. Apply in per sing E.O.E. 8 5 4 (18) 3 5 4 (31 MASON BODY SHOP 812 E AVON EVEN if you can only Mount Hope and Cavanaugh son SILVER DOLLAR Idff Apt*. Apartment! CHEVY CAPRICE 1971 Must PLYMOUTH '68 good trans 1940 Auto 8 5 11 (10) SALOON. 3411 E Michigan GIRL TO assist invalid lady • roommato service Kalamazoo since woik a few hours a week, you 6080 Marsh Rd to appreciate 339 1108 3 55(6) 8 a.m. to noon. Weekdays, • lummtr from US see portation. body's bad - painting collision service can make them profitable Meridian Mall 8 5 8 i3> $150. 337 7237 3 5-513) PART TIME HOSTESS no weekends or holidays per person Areo American foreign cars 485 selling world famous AVON e froo canoes cook. bartender Apply 332 5176 1 5 4 ( 4) CUTLASS 1969 air AM FM. PONTIAC GRANDVILLE 0256 C 22 5 31(5) PRODUCTS Call 482 6893 BACKSTAGE, Meridian Mall COOKS, LONG'S of Lansing '165 plui utlliti,, C 5 5 5(6: is currently taking applica now are leasing for power, good transportation, 1973. 1 owner, excellent con 8 5 11 (3) IT IS the tions for broiler, saute and policy of the State $400 349-2072 5-5-9 (3) dition $1850 best offer 323 Attention News that the last 4 weeks of next fall and summer |one bedroom unlv,,,,^ *G.E appliances PART TIME Janitorial Even banquet cooks. Apply in per 1050 Water Eda© Dr 4139 after 5pm 8 5 15 (51 FIAT PART TIME bartender and s CUTLASS 1971 blue 4 door son 6810 S Cedar 8 5 12 (7) Advertising must be paid for (next toCedor 'fully carpeted mgs 15 20 hours week Own short order cook V'llaq©; 350 2 barrel power steering, Apply in advance beginning May 'Air drapes SOLEX 100 miles per gallon, Why have become transportation 482 6232 BACKSTAGE, Merdian Mall 4th. 2 p.m. S 19 5 31 (7) brakes AM FM NEED A close, inexpensive *ad|Ocentt0 new(0un. cassette excellent condition $200 or Lonsmq s loiqest Fiat re X 8 5 9(4 5 5 5(4) 132-4451 park Sharp car Must see to best offer or trade 482 5818 parc shop over 'he pas' few parking space near campus? CHEERLEADERS GYM Phone 372 5762 after 6pm appreciate Cai' 694 6726 or 482 9916 C 8-5-10(41 y ears' Coll us the next 9 5 5i6 t me your CO' '^eeds repair NASTS Pom Pom girls I men DAY SHIFT cooks wanted 8 5 4 (41 For Real 3394191 Apply in person only Must TWICKINGHAM. POOL, air TOYOTA COROLLA 1971 and you " know the ans women ■ Summer |Obs good CUTlASS 1972, air, power 42,000 miles Good mileage. e' You il be pleased with saianes travel 5)?' 646 be neat AMERICA S' CUP PRINTER FULL time, AB There are plenty of good conditioning, need 1 or 2 men to sublet for summer 351 ■vxnlnyi steering brakes Good condi RESTAURANT, 220 MAC Dick 360. Experience must. $850 Clean 337 7237 our service 6709 9 5 5'4 7356 8 5 11 14) tion $1,500 negotiable 5 5 5(4) Apply 3308 South buys in the automotive sec 349 3 5 5(3) in person, TWO 5926 after 6 p m 3 5-8 (4i DEDVER> HELP wanted Cedar. Suite 11, Lansing tion of today's Classified FEMALES lor „«| EXPERIENCED WAITRESS pages You'll find the car ROOMMATE NEEDEO, own apartment, starts 6 15 TRIUMPH 1972 Rebuilt en must have own car Apply 8 5 12(5) jjq CUTLASS one owner, 1972 automatic, vinyl top $1 250 gme runs excellent parts top good MPG. $1600 new m imports LITTLE CAESAR S today af ter 4 p m 3 5 5 (4 > ES and cocktail waitresses apply in person between 2 LIFE GUARDS with advance you've been searching for• SPARTAN ACRE GAR bedroom and bath, $125 month 393 3759 8 5 11 13) month Close 337 0925 5 5 5,4 to car™,, 1 After 4 p.m. 321-8503 best offer. 349 0697 after 5 and 5 pm PERRY'S OLDE senior lifesaving and or WSI 5-5 10 i3> p m. 2-5-4 l5> R 1 204 Oakland IMMEDIATE AND SUMMER COZY INN. 1146 S Washing to start May 8th Apply DENS Beautiful plot 30' X NEW CEDAR Village, sublet 124 CEDAR St East Lansmg I 1 Coll For Appt. ton. formerly the Grand Zook 50' Organic or regular, soil 2 man. 1 bedroom OPENINGS AVAILABLE HOSPITALITY MOTOR INN starting fall, 4 people for 4 tumist^] dodge coronet 1971 cus TRANS AM 1977 Special I IV4-4411 14 5 19 (3) Water and roto tiller avail apartments Heat included Warehousemen 3600 Dunkel Rd 3-5-5(6) person, $400 351 0177 torn Airshocks new exhaust, edition T top arc loaded able 337 7714 after 2 p.m $195 month. Year leases Secretaries 4 5 4 14) brakes starter 355 7989 excellent condition '8 000 EXPERIENCED DISCO 10 5 16(6) only June 15 or Septet Skilled Trades BARTENDER. WAITRESS, 3 5-4 3i miles $6400 c Pest offer teacher, part-time Also, full 1 129 Burcham Dr EHioen I GOOD USED trces 13 14 15 Landscaping floorwalker needed See DODGE VAN 1974 6 cylinder 339 9973 evenings 5 5 4 61 mch Mounted free Used General Office time male, female ballroom Mickey BOOM BOOM Beechwood cy $160 month Damage de stick, customized excellent, wheels and hub caps PEN If you have any of these skills teachers. Top pay for quali ROOM 351 7132 8-5-12(4) Aparttoeits posit required 6 pm . tg 351 0761 after 6pm VEGA 4 speed, 1976 AM FM Hatchback excellent NEL SALES 1825 East Mich, we can keep you busy NO fied people Call DEMILLIO'S STUDIO. 482 2259 between Apartments p m 882 2316 OR 22 5 3li9i I 8 5 15 .3' gan Lansing Michigan FEES GOOD PAY Apply HARDWORKING. RE 1 OR 2 people to summer 5 block* to MSU condition and mpg $1 975 12 and 1 p.m. only 48912 482 5818 C 22 5 31.6" MAN FIAT 850 Sp-der 1970 40 487 0106 655 3692 8 5 15 4 before 3 pm POWER INC at 105 E Wash 4 55(8) SPONSIBLE individual need ed for permanent full time sublet large $130 50. 351 6478 Arda bedroom Large 2 bedroom - HASIETT ARMS IGNITION PARTS for furnished miles gallon Convertible. Best offer 353-3976 3-5-5(3) 2 COSWORTH VEGA Twin your tenaw downtown Lansing SHAKLEE NEEDS distribu lunch bus boy position (11.30 8 5 10(4) SUMMER t FALL cam, 16 valve full injected foreign caf rci stock at rea 20 531 1131 tors, part-time full Time. 337 a.m.-3:30 p.m ) Great pay b Special summer rates four cylinder engine. sonabie prices CHEQUERED 1373 evenings 393 5059 benefits. Call Mr Solomon 3 BEDROOM furnished for LEASING FORD VAN 1976 handi¬ Hand FLAG FOREIGN CAR WOMAN NEEDED pick your 2 bedroom unit* M60 assembled body Collector s 5 5 5(3) 3724300 after 4 30 p.m. 6 men One block to campus 3S1-1044 capped equipped many ex PARTS 2605 East Kalama own hours Good commis Slick 12 month lease. Start Now leasing for .tern 655-4343 FLUMER JIM'S TIFFANY PLACE, tras 349 9297 9 am 11am FELT STAIR CHEVROLET zoo St One mile west of sion Can afler 6pm 323 COCKTAIL WAITRESS . downtown Lansing 5 5 9(101 June 332 3900 or evenings fall at low ae •190 351-8133 or after 7pm 8-5-8 '4- 1937 8 5 15'4' 0 4 5-5 '71 Campus 487 5055 wanted Full time, nights and weekends 332 0978 Call aft*r I pm C-22 5 3 H7I Monday Friday Apply in KEY PUNCH operator 0 7 5 9(7) FEMALE NEEDED immed l adding FORD 1969 4-door m ex VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER INGHAM INTERMEDIN person at HUDDLE NORTH to our staff Full-time open 331-OOS1 ately to share 3 bedroom cellent condition Best offer School District is se .king LOUNGE 309 North Wash CEDARVIEW SUMMER 1972 Rebuilt engine Body for afternoon shift. Prefer apartment Furnished, utili¬ Call Chris tween 5 and 10 - 351 7631 be pm excellent $2,250 321 2600 Employment f| applications teachers for for special substitute educa mgton Downtown Lansing mg experience on 3742 or 129 sublet. 1 bedroom furnished, air, close, reduced rent, $160 3 FEMALES NEEDED Sum ties paid 109 N Clemens I 5-5 8 <3 8 5 5 '6' Call for an appointment Spar 487 6655 between 8 noon o'| 8 5 8 .4 mer Fall $69 month. Karen, tion programs Effective now month 332 0091 2 5 5 (4) 484 4290 5 5 8)5) STARSHiP ENTERPRISES tan Data, 393 8630 5 5 5(7) 351 5212 3 5 4 ( 31 VW VAN 1975 Excellent b 1978 79 school year Con NURSES RN or LPN FORD TORINO 1970 Stand needs 3 pal fme Distribution condition $3 000 Phone 337 tact Harold Humble 676 charge nurses needed imme SUMMER SUBLET across ard. Red with black interior Management T'a'nees Mav GAME ROOM personnel Very reliable 332-8851 2630 ask for Jacquie advance as fui time Flexible 3268 5 5 10 i8> diately 7 a m.-3 p.m. Ef 3-11 Young ladies preferred Good from campus Female to SUMMER NEED 1 person to share 2 bedroom Own room UNIVERSITY VILLA 5 58 i4I p.m. shift. Need strong su share one bedroom apart 8 5 123 training 1 3 nights per w^ek COOK BROILER experience pervisory type with interest in pay, benefits and pleasant ment, $75 month Air con $90 month Dan, 351 0509 SUMMER & FAIL FORD VAN 1974 Economi¬ VW SUPER Beetle 1973 Excellent for intelligent busi working positions. Excellent ditioned 337 7045 8 5 15 (5) 8 58 (3) LEASING ness mmded mdividua' desrc a must 'uil time, permanent geriatrics. Paid orientation in positions for students, full Automatic good body and cal. Office 353-0728 Home: position Nights from 4 p.m skilled nursing facility. Call 349 5559 8 5-15 (4) engine. AM FM stereo $1800 ing management oppor No Sundays or holidays Mrs Mily at 882 2458 9 and part time Apply in per¬ ONE FEMALE, Cedar Village, 351-2044 Call 323 4084 355 1 OR 2 men needed June 1 negotiable Gwen after 5 tunity son only CINEMA X. 1000 Excellent wages and fringe a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday. 78 79 sublet, on river 332 GREMLIN X, 1973 V-8. pm 353 0842 8-5-5(6) 7801 X 8 5 4 11' W Jolly Road 0 22 5 31(8) $95 month for one man. Call 351-8133 benefits Call Steve Smith or 8 5 4 (9) 0437 8 5 15(3) John or Dave before 9 a m 3-speed, 8 track FM. sound BABYSITTER NEEDED East Jimmy Dunlap for appoint¬ 349 2943 X 5 5 4(4) EAST LANSING, comforta-1 engine. $975 337-0430 VOLKSWAGEN 1973 Super KITCHEN HELP exper ment 372 4300 JIM S TIF LEGAL ASSISTANT Secre NOW OR June 1, East side ble 1 bedroom furnished. 8-5-10(4» Beetle Sunroof, orange, low Lansmg area infant 351 lence not necessary Depend FANY PLACE, downtown tary Send resume to BIRCH, mileage 655-3178 8-5-15 (3' 1582 after 5 30 d m ability and a will to work is a Lansing, beautiful 2 bed BRIAR CLIFFE townhouse, Walk to MSU. shopping HONDA 1972 52 000 miles 6 5 4 3 Lansmg 3 5 8 (10* DEAN b HLUCHANIUK room, $155, furnished, car need female roommate, pool, Summer $145, fall $195 351 must. Apply 9 a.m. 11 a.m. or LAW OFFICES 301 MAC, E good for around town bad MURRAv HOTEL Mack,nac FEMALE MASSEUSE want Lansing. 2 p.m.-5 p.m PIGEON INN pet, modern 332 1800, 372 sauna, own room, $103 393 4745 5 9 p.m or 351 4107 | body $60 Call 337 0520 after Michigan. 48823 4105 N. East Street, Lansing, 1801 0-5 5 10 (5) 3687 5 5 5(4) 8 5 11 (6) 4 30 p m E 5 5 10 -4' Island Michigan needs sum ed $8 hour We will tram 351 1100 8 54 (51 8 5 10(71 mer cooks ba'tenders mam 489 2278 Z 24 6 2(3' tenance men piano players DICTAPHONE TYPIST for WORK STUDY, summer at HONDA. CVCC Wagon, 1977 Art • 355 82hh GANTOS RESPONSIBLE and personnel for rotation busy insurance office. Must IMPRESSION 5 in science 11,500 miles, AM FM, rust- individual to perform light IT IS the policy of the State between food service wait type 55 wpm steady and education. Publicity, creative proofed, under warranty, ex¬ maintenance work and mis News that the last 4 weeks of ressmg and housekeeping. accurate Salary commen¬ dramatics and arts manage¬ tras Ask $4000 Phone 332 cellaneous duties Hours term all Student Classified Send complete resume work surate with experience. Fully ment, 882 2437 9 a.m. - 5 6329 8 5 12 <5> Advertising must be paid for experience, recent photo, so¬ Monday Saturday. 9 a m -1 paid company benefits. An p.m. for information and in advance beginning May cial security number and first p m . Sunday 12 p.m 1 p.m. affirmative action employer. appointment at this Lansing LE SABRE 1972 FM, good 4th 2pm 19 5 31 '7i Apply in person at Lansing Call M King, 482 5566 for and fast day available to Museum. 3-5-5 (8) transportation $375 best work, to 3969 Penberton, Mall only 8 5 10(8) appointment 8 5-4 (9) offer 332-0057 X 5 5-4(3) Ann Arbor Michigan 48105 YOUNG MARRIED couple to FULL AND part time jobs for 8 5 5 '16' MALIBU '72 50,000 miles, standard shift, good condi mOWCyvlCS oro care take b cook at modern SUMMER EMPLOYMENT at sharp, ambitious people. Earn $106.60 per week part-time. SAYING THANKS" SUMMER EMPLOYMENT summer home on Lake ROSE LAKE WILDLIFE RE tion 393 4514 8 5 15 '3» HONDA 450. 1972 excellent Waitresses waiters, cocktail Huron, for June thru August SEARCH CENTER, through Call 374 6328, 4 6 p.m. for FOR A condition, with extras Best interview. 8-5-12 (6) and yi of September, for MARK offer. 332 0128 8 5 11 <3) waitresses and Write for apph Mr Detroit lawyer and family work study 9358 5 5 10 (5) program. 373- L1FFTIMK IV. 1976 Moon cation interview roof. 72,000 miles, loaded, HONDA CB 360T 1975 Will.am Olive' THE KING'S Wonderful opportunity for the right couple to spend Fillad for Fall OF I-0YK... $7600 or best offer 339 9973 TABLE Box 146 Prudenville, INTERVIEWING MAY 11 at 10 000 miles, just rebuilt evenings. 5 5-4'5> 655 1762 5 5 4i3> Ml 48651 10 5 10 (8i summer in beautiful sur Placement Bureau: Front of SUMMM ONLY roundings. (313 ) 881 6562, fice and short order cook. MAZDA GLC 1977 5 speed, 1978 HONDA 750 super HUDDLE WEST New Mr. or Mrs Jones SUNN SAND RESORT, Across from MOTHER'S DAY lounge accepting applica 3 5 4 (13) South Haven, Ml 2-5-5 (5) AM FM cassette, radials, sport, black, 3.500 miles William Nail tions for bartender, wait snowtires. 3,000 miles $3400 Excellent condition, $2,000 negotiable 332 8472 Extras 5 5 5(5) 349 0598 evenings resses, short order cooks, and busboys Apply in person DON'T MISS SUMMM AT —2 bad room units —various floor plans Sunday 6-5 9 (4) only. 9 a.m.-5 p.m Monday —air conditioned —furnished May 14,1978 Ctoyctungfjam 1971 HONDA 350 CB. excel Saturday 138 S Waverly, MERCURY '68, power steer¬ lent condition, perfect —carpeted Lansing, Ml 5 5 5'8i ing b brakes, air, runs well around-town transportation, —best location in town $400 339-1106 4 5-8(3) $350 351 8951 S 5 5 9'3i PART TIME and summer 4620 South Hagodorn Rd. (North of Mt. Hopo) as low OS Here's a nice way to tell Mom...and the rest of the world...just positions for MSU students, * luxury apartments completely furnished with distinc¬ how much you love her! A special page featuring MoiMll. 15-20 hours week Auto tive Spanish Mediterranean furniture and '160 per month Dau Greetings will appear on Tuesday, May 9th just in time shag carpeting Location Location mobile required. Phone 339- throughout UNIVMSITY for us to mail her your special message of love. To <>r(**r 3400 C 22 5 31(51 Each unit has dishwasher your Mother's Day Greetinq iust complete this form and mat * garbage disposal, control TIMACI ACROSS FROM FEMALE ESCORTS wanted. air * conditioning and heating Swimming Pool and private balconies WITH PAYMENT to the State News Classified Dept. 414 Michigan $6 hour No training neces¬ CAMPUS sary Call 489 2278 Sptial 12month tUMMH RATI* 12month 333-3430 Your Name_ Two 2 bedroom Apartments Z 24 6 2(3) ___ rat.. SSI-TU* r(rt#, Coll 3-ip.m. left for summer Address FIRST COMI, FIRST SIRVED NOW LIASINO City— -Zip- CAMPUS 25 characters per line '190 FOR IUMMIR A HILL Manager DELTA ARMS FALL Print Ad Here:- 12-B 233 Delta 332-5978 *2 Bedrooms 'Furnished Apts. CEDAR GREENS New Leasing 'Free Roommate Service Get in the APARTMENTS for Summer swim at 'Dishwashers and Fall 'Central Air Conditioniiig Students Mothpr s Name- now leasing for Burcham Woods shouldn't have Address summer & fall I & 2 bedroom Don't be deserted! 'Swimming Pool to live in drab furnished apartments Now loosing for Fall Check out 'Hooted pool 'Unlimited Parking City -hp- *Air conditioning little rooms. •furnished apartments CEDARVIEW COUINGWOOD ARTS I 'Pleasant Landscaping *10' but to comput Traat yourself •swimming pool NORWOOD 'air conditioned ♦Ample parking this summer •air conditioning RIVERSIDE 'dishwasher *Nlcely furnished 'Special 12-month rates Deadlines within walking 'shag carpeting *5 Blks. to comput to SEAUTIFUl Friday May Stb 3 p.x distance to campus 'unlimited parking FREE BUS 3 line for $3.30 *2 bedroom Now leasing lor 731 call 351-5647 Summer and Foil for rates and 'model open daily SERVICE 67' each line over 351-8631 leases summer • 16S Summer 2 bedroom 'IBB Model Open 9-9 12 months 1 bedroom *lf# T135 ♦ITS studios 'lli Everyday APARTMENTS Mail to: Stoto News Classified Dept. Michigan Ave. 1390 E. Grand Rtver call 351-8282 E. Lansing 74S Burcham Leasing for 731 Burch.im Drive 347 Student Services Bldg. 1*5 p.m. Office hours (behind Rollerworld (next to Brody) 351-31 it* Summer S Fall E. Lansing, Mi. 41823 on the river) (coll between 10-5 pm) CAU 349.3530 351 721? Michigan State News, East lonsing, Michigan Thursday, May 4, 1978 13 >w,,s i'Vj r*** m i »•«« m | Hoists )(£; Rooms For Sale % KsiMals •n IT IS the policy ol Ihe Slate 1, 2, Et3 bedroom apart SUMMER TERM, 1 bedroom 4 BEDROOM duplex. $260/ \ss 1^ dose to campus. News that the last 4 weeks of term ell Student Classified ments. Walking distance. Near park. Leasing Friday apanment, rent negotiable. 332 4004 persistently. month. June 12 September 12. 3513728 X 3-5-4 13) FARM HOUSE, 15 miles south, Mason area, 3 bed ROOMS, SUMMER, by Dool- ey's, clean b spacious Be MX BOOTS U.S.G.P size 11. Like new $30 . 371-4582. DOG FREE to good home. 1 Vi years. All shots, spayed Advertising must be paid lor from 6-8 p.m., Saturday from 5 5 5(31 rooms, barns, 10 acres, $350. fore 8 p.m. 353 5657 or E 5 5-10 (3) p»4.MOI._ __ in advance beginning May 36 p.m. at 4th, 2 p.m. S 19-5-31 17) Summer and 348 Oakhill. Fall available. EFFICIENCY, IMMEDIATE SUBLEASE ROOM, summer, fall +' Available June 15. 351-7497. 0 6 5-11 (5) 353 5673. 2 5 4 (3) Black mixed. 351 5416 E 5-5-5(3) P00MMATE FOR fully hi- 0-3-5-5(71 occupancy >185. BUR option. $100/month low utilities. IDEAL LOCATION. Summer MOPED VESPACIAO. Excel¬ lent condition. $375, extras FREE L-'-isr-- 18556 20 5 3! (31 FEMALE, SUMMER sublet Fell option, own room in large TWO BEDROOM for CHAM WOODS. 746 Bur cham 351 3118. 0 22 5 31(4) Parking, 353 7982 days. 8 5 10(5) pets, on busline, quiet house. Linda FALL HOUSE. 8 single bedrooms for 8 person group sublet room in house. 337 9933 Jennifer. S-5-5 9(3) included. 351-2708. 2-5-5 (3) mixed. PUPPIES, Cute, 6 weeks, old. 332 4127 E 5-5-9 (3) Spaniel summer apartment. >117 with utilities. on corner of Albert and Kitchen, laundry, parking. FIRE SALE. Below whole 351 7246. 1 5 4 151 Division ACROSS FROM RENTING FOR summer and Excellent location. 12 month ROOM IN 4 bedroom home. 4 SAMOYED puppies. Pure 1 block from campus, sale prices on pipes, clips, $umm»r Leasing Berkey Hall 351 7807 spacious apartments, avail fall. Houses and duplexes, 3 7 lease $90/month + utilities. 332 1918. 4-5-5(7) Master bedroom with private bath. Features include: 2 papers, incense, parapherna bred 6 weeks old. $150 Call for ' 5-5-9(4) able spring term. Reduced bedrooms Call mornings car lia salvaged Brass Kay Clips 332 1160 3 5 4 <3) Now leasing rent. Call 351 8136; 351-1957 only 351 6471 OR 22 5-31(5) garage, yard, fireplace, dining and power hitters. $2.50 each Americana CEDAR VILLAGE choice 2 or 351 2044 0 22 5 31151 SUMMER SUBLET 4 room room. $172.50. Available now LABRADOR RETRIEVER and for summer and duplex. $240/month. Open ($4 00 value) WHITE MON bedroom. Fall term. Must MALE NEEDED, new duplex, August. 349 2429. 3-5-6771 KEY 117 N. Harrison Rd pups, AKC, black females, fall EAST LANSING White Hills area Large base 6 15 353 4125 or 353 4114 $100 337 1485 5-5-8 (3) break lease. Need $200 de FALL. 1 Eden Roc bedroom furnished, air, utili¬ ment room. 3-5-4 (3) OWN ROOM, female, sum (Across from Sir Pizza). posit 355 6834 3 5 5(4) Starting June 4 5 4 (10) call 332*0111 Capitol Villa ties, balconies, parking. >220 351 9366 S-5 5-5(3) SUMMER 1-3 rooms in mer, near campus, furnished, parking. 332 0040 4-5 9 (3) Mobile Hones sb >230 374 6366 0-22 5-3114) 1128 Victor St. Apartments DESPERATE NEED roommates for summer term. 2 EAST LANSING, Now leas house, near campus, $70/ BLACK DIRT, sod farm soil 1 -5 Offlc* hours month 332 0058 3 5 8 (3) IT IS the policy of the State Approximately 5'/$ yards de¬ MAYFAIR. 1970. 12 x 50, $55 per month per person. 2 MALES to lease 4 man ing houses, duplexes and livered News that the last 4 weeks of locally. $40 641 6024 custom-make, 4 foot x 4 foot Available for summer Lmer SUB LEASE Twy- 331*5330 Dan 353 6041. 5-5-9(4) Cedar Village apartment for rooms and/or fall 3 LARGE bedrooms in 5-man term all Student Classified or 372-4080 0-20 5 31(4) windows, appliances, skirt¬ fall. Leo 355 5352/Rick 355 Call STE MAR P°o1' ht'COHV' house to sublease summer. 1 Advertising must be paid for ing. $33,700 or best offer ham SUMMER 1 female, fur¬ 5363 8 5 11 151 MANAGEMENT 351 5510 ORION 500 men's 10 speed, - in advance beginning May 351-0732. 2 5-5 (6) ^negotiable 351 1261 FEMALE FOR large 3 bed nished, air, 2 blocks to cam¬ 6 5 5 (5) block to campus. 332 3670 8 5-15 (3) Call Art. 4th. 2 p.m. S 19 5 31 (7) 1 month old, price negoti¬ 1 358l3' room apartment Own room. pus. $62.50/month. Jane able. 351 9281 or work 373- ( . I FACULTY I .rtesse summer, APARTMENT, 2 people, Pool, parking, air. $90 month. 349 3329 1 5 5 (3) 351 2485 3-5-5(3) Hoists ||j^j HOUSES, rooms. APARTMENTS, Summer and Fall, including several with acre SUMMER-FALL bedroom, 2 bath, bilevel, option, 5 FARM HOUSE animals, work areas. rooms Lake, Close 4837 8 5-15 I4i 2 GUITARS Gibson classical, Lost ( Found I vn.sireil 355 7836 COMING MAY 11, the age. 676-3780. Call between $115 person 332-4898 Responsible, quiet people. good condition, $150. New FOUND MONDAY, male 186'2 '41 NEED 1 female now. Share 1 AM YOU CLASSIFIED HOUSING noon-4 p.m.; 8 p.m. and mid 5 5 10 (31 351 8231 evenings. 2 5 5 (4) electric Crestwood. $50 393 brown b white mixed breed bedroom in 2 person. Fur GUIDE1 Find a person to sub¬ night. 8-5-4 (6) 7821 after 5pm 6-5-11 (4) near Brody 351 0710 nished. Rent negotiable 351 LOOKING 2 WOMEN, summer only, 'bedroom unfurn,sh(l<; (iOAR VILLAOI 2737 8-5-15 (4) lease your room. 2x2 ads, $10 Come to 347 Student ATTENTION GRAD dents. 2 miles from campus, stu own room in house, 1 block 7-5-10 (4. E appliances FOR— COUNTRY HOUSE, near C B JOHNSON 323 Mes¬ apartmints 2-4 Bedroom Homes? Services and find someone to laingsburg. 14 miles north¬ quiet, spacious, newer 4 bed campus 5-5-5(3i Call 351 3529 senger. Shakespere antenna LOST KEY ON leather key chain. If found please call leosmg MALE ROOMMATE needed sub lease your room room, 3 baths, ample park $70 337-0313 after 6pm Now today east. 4 bedrooms, 1 acre, for June one. Two bedroom Let 8 54 110) 355-5608 2-5-4(4) for loll and summer $225 Available June. ing. Available September 1 1 PERSON, country setting, E 5-5-9(3) furnished apartment, parking, 351 $390 month. 669 5513. ioGUE ot RED CEDAR pool and air $117 50 per IQUITY VIST 7497. 6-5-11 (5) 0 3 5 8 (6) no lease, close to MSU. WHITE PINE benches and LOST, GOLD initial ring, 351-5180 EAST, LANSING Brand new furnished b sharD. 351 6418 month. After 5 p.m. 351 help you locate one furnished, 3 bedroom 3 5-5-9 '3) table, double mattress Best initials D B , extreme senti¬ IT IS the policy of the State mental value. REWARD. 355- 1737 3 5 8 (6) OWN ROOM in pleasant offer 394-5327 3-5-5 I4» 3S1-1SOO blocks from campus. 12 News that the last 4 weeks of 9349. Lost house, summer, fall option FEMALE FOR own room in on campus. " " " I jij\DH'.'INE ONE female month lease from June to term all Student Classified MIRANDA 35mm Sensorex II 3-5-5 i4i Grad preferred $92 482 beautiful house now til' Fad I vrtfii 3 bedroom apart MODERN 1 bedroom Has SUMMER SUBLET with tall June only. Very nice, $440 Advertising must be paid for 9289 3 5 8 (3) 50mm Lens, 1 8 Contact at 5;,cis mid June 351 lett, $170 plus electric 339 option. 2 bedrooms, 5220' per month 332 3900, days. in advance beginning May spacious, $85 351 2161 LOST REWARD Casio home after 5 p m, 394 5587 FEMALES for ment. starts 6 15 n,ce| -96 '0 5 9'4' 2739 or 339 8417 8-5 9 * 3» month 332 4009 8 5 5 141 0 7 5 9(81 4th. 2 p.m. S 19 5 31 17) PERSON NEEDED to share 8-5 9(3i 7 5 10 (3i CQ-1 digital alarm clock, near Shaw 353 7625 3-5-8'31 S8C | OWN ROOM in nice house house in Okemos Own room, h. Close to campus I summer pets $90 per QUALITY USED equipment 925 5 5 5(4; 1 close to bus route, must like month 332 3712 6 5 5'3> at a fair price with warranty children. 2866 8-5-15 (6) $90 month. 349 Kenwood 120 watt receiver Personal / EDAR St East Lansing 1 The State News Yellow ROOM FOR rent 3 blocks $475 1, 1 bedroom furnished nents month. Heat included Vear leases L I | Page LARGE, room 12 bedroom, 16 house, 4 bathrooms. from MSU, $79 month 351 6827 7 5-10(3) Sony reel tape recorder $90 Mcintosh Pre-Amp C26 $349 SINCERE MALE. 30 mature woman for relationship. Reply Box 1243 seeks long term June 15 or Partially furnished. Close to IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Tr-orens 145C $195 E Lansmg Post Office September! campus $780 month. 351 in home Also rooms for ) Burcham Dr EffiaenT 0997 8-5-12 (6) 351 7519 5-5-8 ;3' Harmon Kardon Z 5 5-5(4 BUSINESS-SERVICE 60 month summer Damage de I Compact System $150 IT IS the policy of the State required 6 pm . tgI FEMALE TO share house in FEMALES SUMMER, own News that the last 4 weeks of 82-2316 OR 22 5 HI Fi BUYS 337 1767 31191 beautiful room in house. Campus 1 term all Student Classified country setting. 0-20 5-31 (12) block. 351 2825 2 X 7 5 8 <3. Available now thru Septem¬ Advertising must be paid for ber. 339 3151 or 339 8060 in advance beginning May FIND SOMEONE to sublease NEW ADVENT 201A Cass 5-5-9 (5) 4th, 2pm S 19-5-31 '7) your room Place an ad in the ette warranty $275 used DIRECTORY special CLASSIFIED HOUS¬ Advent 201A $235 m,n» 351 HOUSE FOR rent. Septem 216' 5-5-5(3' ING GUIDE coming May 11. ber-June, mile from cam¬ 2x2 ads, $10 Come up to 347 Peanuts Personal jjjj pus, $440 month 349-1620 NICE SOFA with matching Student Services and find 8-5-12 (4) chat' $135 or best offer someone to sub lease your ASMSU PREPAID Legal Ser¬ 351 4140 before 3 3C pm CAMPUS HILL sublet for room today SP 8 5-4 10' vices plan now makes legal 85 15 3 services available without fee ►LE NEEDED immed l TRAVEI CHILDREN'S SHOES OPTOMETRIST birder summer 2 bedroom, dish¬ SUMMER SUBlET furnished to undergraduate MSU stu¬ to share 3 bedroom I washer. air, furnished, $190 SMITH CORONA upright month 349 5037 8 5-8 ( 5) apartment 2 people 1 block standard, like dents Office open 9 a m.- ^ew condi'ior nent Furnished. uMi-| ►aid 109 N Clemens I S«'i Ink CO-OPTICAL from campus 332 1805 5 5 4i4i plus Tiffany typewrite' tab'e 12 p m 1:30 p.m.-5 p.m. STUDENT RENTAL, one 3 $75 Can 882 )226 E 5-5-5*4 Monday Friday For informa¬ 355 between 8 noon or | UNION 290 5 5-8(51 AIR AAIL SERVICES BUILDING bedroom and one 4 bedroom ULREY CO-OP summer tion or appointment can 355- 8266 0-1-5-4 <9i house for rent, furnished. PAIR OF Studio Des.gr 46 TOURS CRUISES openings for men b women ((Ml Lansbf's Only HOTEL RESERVATIONS ^^BYOUR CHILDREN'S BARBER Available June 15. 485 0460 $ 13 $ 15 week 505 M.AC speakers Still under warran¬ SHOE STORE CwpemtHe Optical) SHOP after 5:30 p m 4-5-5 (5) 332 5095 2-5 5 5(3) ty $125 353 3474 8-5 ?0<3> Deal Estate ' i® COLLEGE TRAVEL INFRANOOR Of J S Niaon Op "24M9 Shot 1311 E. Grand Rivar Equipment Lansing Rd., garden area, 3 Stop by 525 MAC or call East Lansing C-10-5-12'6' 332 5555 Z 10-5-12(8' 332-4892 baths, $515, Drive by, DO 355-3445 EVIL KNE1VEL 24 inch motor NOT DISTURB TENANTS. cross $45 Radio AM FM Service Call 676-3780 between 5 and BICYCLE SHOP FURNITURE AUTO SERVICE HAIR SALON 11 p.m. 3-5-5 (17) For Sale ^ multi-band $50 Fur coat $50 372-2209 \-5 5-4i5) FREE LESSON m complex- NM'I ACMi eaeewe co. SPARTAN 1 OR 2 women for huge 100 USED vacuum cleaners. 19 INCH Admiral color T L lion care MERLE NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO • 321 Mottressos A Box Springs muffler center house by MSU. Negotiable Tanks canmsters and up BKYCUMO*/ mode here in Lonsing rent. 484 9571 after 3 p.m. with remote control 23 inch 5543 C-22-5-31(4i UlTUUtSMMll rights Guaranteed on full Admiral black and white T \ 'wo LatatiaiH Naw I 'BRAKES 3-5-4 (4) year $7 88 and up DENNIS FOR QUALITY stereo ser¬ 355 8751 X 7 5-9i4) twin 'se.es 'SHOCKS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY THE STEREO SHOPPE, OVIt 400 QUALITY 8IKES vice. SUMMER PLACES. 3 bed | An tHiw I '«"> I >o»a on all modalt 6 »i«> ■ double '64.es * FRONT END WORK room and 4 bedroom duplex¬ 316 N. Cedar, opposite City SPEAKERS - JENSEN Model 555 E Grand River (>„„ Market. C 22 5-31(7) 6 3 way system. $350 or best C 22 5-31(3) Ous-onraad »apor mq | Abbott 3 bedroom • AllIGH S'oroqa 20% es on offer 351 1226 8-5-10(4) ■ COiUMSIA WO TOll CAN! PUCM Odd >lza> lo ordor apartment on Beat Street. SEWING MACHINES slightly student discount Rooms on Beal. 676-3780 BASS HIKING boots. $35 UMdi «1 rNHtw., used. Re conditioned, guar¬ l,H ••wmfcW I tAwfcad •*)( on all work between 5-11 p.m. 3-5-5 (7) anteed. $39.98 and up. ED and a large wool oval rug Typiil Service <972 NaUiwiad Dr. Acme Bedding Co. with i.d. Phone 349-0430 WARDS DISTRIBUTING $70 Can 351 1438. E 5 5 4 -3' "•MM «!Me|edenieNOr.B 3 BLOCKS from campus. 4-5 THESES TYPING term 4663 Ardmore CO. 1115 N Washington. MT 0341 t. lent: 444-0)4} i 405 Charry 4 Kalamazoo 7175. PENNSYLVANIA bedroom houses. Renting for 489 6448 C-22-5-3H61 INSTANT CASH We're pay¬ papers reasonable and ex¬ Phona 417 - 499$ Okemos, Michigan 48864 summer b fall. 351-8135. ing $1 $2 for albums in good perienced, call 332-2078 4£2222. 0 22 5-31(4) shape. WAZOO RECORDS 0-22-5-3113) NEW, USED and vintage STUDENT FURNITURE PHOTOGRAPHY REAL ESTATE guitars, banjos and mando¬ 223 Abbott. 337-0947 FURNISHED DUPLEXES for C 22 5 31(4) PROMPT TYPING Service. lins, etc. Dulcimers and kits, 2, 3 or 4 persons. Available recorders, string, accessories, Term papers, resumes, gen¬ summer and' or fall. 669 9939. BEATLE ALBUM collection- eral. IBM 694 1541. books, thousands of hard-to- 23 collectible albums Christ 0-5-5-5(3) 0;22 5 3K3)_ _ find albums, (all at very low prices). Private and group mas album, English releases 2 BEDROOM furnished, at lessons on guitar banjo, ♦ 12 photo albums full of TYPING TERM papers and tractive homes, 6 blocks from theses. IBM. experienced, mandolin, all styles. Gift cer clippings, photos and mem campus. Parking space. For orabiha Largest selection of fast service. Call 351 8923. 24 students each. tificates. Expert repairs free Cooking used albums 2000 *1 0-22-5-31(3) facilities. Available June 15 estimates. ELDERLY IN Instant Color and Block WILCOX TRADING POST PILLOW TALK and September 15. 12 month STRUMENTS 541 East 485 4391 C 22 5-31(91 PROFESSIONAL EDITING, and White: Grand River 332 4331 lease. 349-0293. 3-5-5(8) has low cost student furnishings O 35H36I7 C 22 5-31(13) minor corrections to re-write. lorge boon bags, soft ond sen¬ sual pillow furniture, lorge TV ST 2 k. 150 The ted Estate Place HOUSE FOR summer. Group NATIONAL LAMPOON 1977 ALL TYPES of optical re pairs prompt service. OPTI Typing arranged. 332-5991. C 22-5-31(3) floor sitter pillows. ■ prinits 5000 s hagoctorn east fcnsng or independants. 5 bed & back. .75 $2. FLAT BLACK CAL DISCOUNT 2617 E '•'•E. Mich. Ave, Laming rooms. Grove St., near cam¬ b CIRCULAR. Upstairs, 541 EXPERT TYPING. Term ■—15171488-2508 Frandor 351-1747 330 Albart St. 332-3024 Michigan. Lansing, 372-7409 pus. 351 7424. S 5 5 9(3) E. Grand River. Open 11 a.m. 0 5-5 5(4) papers, letters RESUMES. 351 0838 C 3 5 8 (6) Near Gables. 337 0205 - photography CARPET CARE SERVICE OWN ROOM in house near MORANTZ TURNTABLE C 22-5-3113) MSU for quiet mature per¬ IT IS the policy of the State with cartridge 3 months old. THE YELLOW PAGES PROMPT. EXPERIENCED ^less Memories DIVORCE ARE THE PUCE TO son. $95. 351 8962 6-5-10(3) News that the last 4 weeks of term all Student Classified mint condition, $80 2513 5 5 8 13) 355 typing. C 22 5 31(3) Evenings. 675-7544 BEAUTIFUL DUPLEX to sub Advertising must be paid for steam T#, 29 GALLON aquarium com let June 15 September 15. in advance beginning May 01 a DO YOUR OWN reasonable price. Lextractiom; 351 0829. 8-5-12(3) 4th, 2 p.m. S 19-5-31 (7) pi«te. stand, fish, like new $100 351 2143. 5-5-5(3) ANN BROWN TYPING dis¬ sertations resumes term Adding 8c Fbrtrait Photography by ^en & Fran Fruit V,G^ • residential ond Approximately We will *73." FARMHOUSE for rent. $250/ month. 3 bedrooms, fire place, 20 minutes from East Lansing. Married couple only. UPRIGHT PIANO $100 or best offer. 651 6437 eve nings. E 5 5 10 (3) Animals V papers. C 22 5 3114) 601 Abbott North entrance. 351-7221. Road, commercial help you Must take care of small horse ADVENT SPEAKERS war TYPING EXPERIENCED, D free estimates and AUSTRALIAN SHEPARD and reasonable, 371 ^5l"5197 evenings CALL MR. CLARK herd. Experience required. ranty, new $150. Drums new Excellent quality and fast demonstrations CALL jennifer AT Call 349 1574. 8-5 12(7) pearl jazz set with cymbals pups 4635 C 22-5-31(3) 339*2610 pedigree (6161 897 7660 call 349"5849 for 3SS42SS $300 332 2170. 3 5 8 (5) 8 5 4 (3) EXPERIENCED IBM typing, II Spring CleonlnfSgecjol__^ [ Rooms Planning a spring move? Sell EIGHT MONTH old gold fe Dissertations FAYANN, 489 0358 C 22 5 3113) (pica elite) your kitchen appliances male Labrador Has shots, CLOSE MSU, summer only, List your business. Call Jennifer 355m8255 quickly. Call today to place house broken asking $50 female, own room. 351 2731 (continued on page 14) your Classified ad' 655 3277. 5-5-9(4) after 5:30 p.m. 3 5 5 (3) 1 4 Michigon Stole News, Cost Lansing. Michigan THo, sd°V Mqv (continued from page 131 Waited [im Service A MSU FOOTBALL MANA UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS GERS wanted, freshmen only Call 355 1616, or 351 Announcements for It's What's Happening must be received in the Students interested in Energy! Discussion on Developmental En Have a question? Call TAP, The Answer Place, 353 8114 fBeauicjui' lOetldmip COMPLETE DISSERTATION AND RESUME SERVICE. 6309 after 5 p.m. Ask for Jeff. 6 5 9 I4I State News office, 343 Student Services Bldg., by noon at least ergy Studies Program 1:50, 3, and 4:10 p.m. at 12:40, today, 332 lni)(n ul Type setting, IBM typing, two class days in advance before Union. Jamaican revolutionary speaks offset printing and binding. For estimate stop in at 2843 THREE TO five piece band publication. No announcements on current crisis in Jamaica ^Jaco (lion's will be accepted by phone. "Which Way Forward?" at 7 for June 17. Must play typical East Grand River or phone, wedding music. 353-6141. MSU Handbell Choir needs tonight, Edgewood United 332-8414. C 22 5-31(71 Church. 469 N Hagadorn Road. Here is where the bride's dreams 55-9(4) Med tech majors and others substitute or regular ringers. Must interested in admission to Med become COPYGRAPH SERVICE sightread and be experienced. Call a reality beginning with IT IS the policy of the State tech Junior level apply in 100 Sigma Delta Chi initiation ban Complete dissertation and Sandy Trisch or Judy Stouffer News that the last 4 weeks of Giltner Hall. quet is Thursday, May 11 Sign up her first visit with our Bridal resume service. Corner MAC and Grand River. 8:30 term all Student Classified in the Journalism Building a.m. Consultant then the selection 5:30 p.m. Advertising must be paid for Christian Science Organization There s still time to join Monday-Friday. 10 in advance beginning May meets at 6 30 tonight, 337A Case Russian film "And Quiet Flows of her Bridal stationery, listing of a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday 337 1666. X C 22 5 31 (6) 4th, 2 pm. S 19 5-31 (71 Hall The Don" at 7:30 tonight, 100 Medical Technology Workshop her preferences in our' Gift Engineering Bldg. English Sub at 6 30 p.m Monday, May 15, in Aikido, Japanese martial art, titles. Sponsored by Russian Stu 143 Giltner Hall Med tech T shirts Registry, and choosing memor [" Waited X Round Town ' £ meets from 8:30 to 10 tonight and Tuesday, i to 3 p.m Sunday, dies. are in able gifts for the wedding party Judo Room, Men's IM Bldg. WORK TO do in my home OBJECTIVIST LECTURE How do political campaigns If you re interested in helping from our Fine Jewelry collection addressing and stuffing en love and philosophy Aristo Attention Kappa Delta Pi mem work? Find out for yourself and the handicapped, volunteer for velopes or invitations etc telian vs Platonic By Dr. hers1 Important meeting at 7:30 earn academic credit Contact the Wheelchair Games on May Call 694 3729 and ask for Allen Gotthelf Call 489 9530. tonight. Union Oakroom, not May Dave Persell, College of Urban 19 20 Details in 26 Student Set Betty 5-5-5(5) X Z-4 5 5 (5) 9 as previously run. Development. vices Bldg .);)('(>1 )Son's /OTuooev mpv e ©LID WCELD QivitfPiJOnr PPM cmon GCftvniMTE CAE HASH N«w 95% BELL'S Bring us your Spring Cleaning PIZZA HOUSE windows, screens, lawn furniture, Spaghetti HotOvenGrinders bikes, etc. 1135 E. Grand Rlvtr Ave. 225 M.A.C. Avt. GRAND RIVER AND NORTHWIND DR. E. Lansing, Mich. E. Lansing, Mich. Tal. 3324X58 Tel. 332-5027 NEXT TO ROLLERWORLD "UTE TASTES GREAT AND ITS LESS FILLING. I ALSO LIKE THE EASY-OPENING CAN!' "Fill I p For Epilepsy" Pancake Eating Contest Bubba Smith Former All-Pro Lineman MAY 7 at 2:00 p.m. Rainbow Ranch For more details A sponsor sheets call 332-3568 or 337-1693 Phi Delta Theta Pi Beta THAT THE FULL Oc S CrftAVIIY IS UNUSUALLY i KitMM t STR0N6 TDPAV. .i Ki»M> \ WltM*>( IT . I / HIleys / c*cTmt$s m •.'NM 'Mil * €1 54 *ttr Hair Styling tor Man and Woman I0SSWORD SAM and SILO ' SPONSORED BY: Call tor appointment MwtM 331-0191 today OhepQfds by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker 20* MAC *alaw Jonai Stationary PZZIE SPONSORED BY: ohoes No* opan Saturday! -u'Jl ending JU$T BECAUSE I U*E nVd n tteraidry •• KETCHUP, YOU PCHT HAVE w 'fMf loam TO SET SARCASTIC ABOUT IT 'nidation # Kppi ^ V} Indian i. H1P ^ Aatp» trench 9Q1 SSlQiain Winning all triclis |H(Jnp| 54 Spores J Worthless person >10 SMOKING FIRST Id afu ^^ lieni% 4 Ratite bird >MO SCREAM iNG LAST 16 Rows kiy tiom the oown -7-z urc*£tK A/AKHYS > 5 Verruca . • 6 Take place • W-itu butfaio Put 1 Marionette maker 1 Fntangle S1 Diminutive 8 Abhor 9 Soap plant 6 8 9 IO " 10 Man's nickname Live at Doolay's 13 11 Tsetse Tower of Power 11 'i 15 Butt 19 Insect s egg BEETLE BAILEY SPONSORED BY: May 9 ?1 Used with neither by Mort Walker ?4 Closed again ™ 25 Curlicue iT" 26 Watch pocket I CAN'T IMA&INE ] ,^-T 71 Sound ot a drum WHO VVOULP I a#-mV 29 ?9 People in VYANT THEM JT general 33 Cottonseedet fISf 35 Forevet poetic Ho 3/ Magazine r t3 •H | 95 39 Animation 42 lemui 43 lasmme and hyson 45 Puts into ptactce Si 46 Outdo 52~ 4/ The Great Emancipator" 49 Land measure 51 Football position abbr 16 Michigon Stote News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Thursday M0y < PLAYBACK NO PAYMENTS ★ With Approved Credit From The Electronic Playground! Ask For Details Today! The Giant Chicago Electronics Show Is In June... So We're Using May To Drastically Deplete Our Present Inventories! Watch Us All May—For Savings Just Right For YOU! SANSUI'S SoundIdea *399 HIUIMm 43 Utoqu.dwign • power at M weMi p«r '.Ewn hat fell ale mixing with ind.pead.et level control - (dang with Mmn Me FN audio, 2-pan npeafeM lyvtv control. loud- now. lot* mom. Uotoe to a pair at remarkably eeoeieto PROJECT/ •me M'W l-incfc, 2-war feeeka cjetomn end the famoua mH SM total turn table package lor total higk-tkUitty «o|nymmll Super Deals For Wheels! PHILIPS GA-312 PIONEER GT-1100 Really uniquely AM FM. FM stereo conceived turntable — one of our most and full 40-channeI CB with DIGITAL LED popular! Wherever readout. Easy in- possible moving dash installation. parts have been re¬ S179.9S Value placed with elec¬ tronic devices for in- S) credibly silent, vibration-free per¬ formance! $179 Value MIDLAND 77-888 CB PIONEER SX-650 Receiver 35 watts par channel lead the way m a surpris¬ s199 S32S Value Feature-packed pro style transceiver :s one of our most popu¬ lar ever! And look at U29 ingly versatile receiver for the price! With 2-pair SDeaker system control :„x;iiary mic input A.sc high filter, FM muting .cudr.ess much more. $1069 our price! Orig. Price S244.95 Si PROJECT low price, a pro one DR-550. Even at this sensational style turntable with all the precision of $129.95 Tslas 99 99 P«r Month 24 Payments direct-drive operation! Fully damped viscous cueing, 9 much more. SANSUI 8080DB Receiver. $399 Full Dolby noise reduction circuitry and really im¬ S650 Value PROJECT/OIIC DR-660. Our most popular turn- SpscialVslus a big 85 watts per channel'! CRAIG T-601. In dash AM FM. FM Stereo AND S179.9S Value table- direct drive, super precise'Strobe pressive power ring with pitch ma 3-pa:r speaker system control, really versatile 'r.p.'c- tone controls. Microphone input has inde¬ pendent level control. Tape-dubbing, too $2143 Per Month 24 Payments cassette stereo puts big sound performance in a compact chassis that'll fit IN-DASH almost anywhere! *119 control insures accuracy of speed Base dust cover. much more Semi-automatic. * CRAIG S-601. Prefer 8 track? Here it is, at a price sums Value KOSS Pro 4 AA PROJECT/one you can't afford to leave behind! Also small, easy installation chassis AM, FM, MPX at your $ Stereo headphones are pro styled AS-100 fingertips' System for hours of high-fidelity enjoyment in total comfort! 10-;nch. 2 way system Fully adjustable for with CRAIG T-600. AM FM MPX and Cassette stereo S219 $ that just-right fit -tangle free coiled superb crossover Value performance. Get ALL with the style and security of m-dash installation. cord, the sound Feature filled unit even has automatic - cleanly, reverse in cas sette mode! accurately — in a compact, bookshelf- Per MontN size design 24 Payments CLARION 423C. Performance, price and POWER in this 8-track stereo unit that installs $129 Valua SI 19.95 Value quickly and con¬ PIONEER RT-707 veniently underdash. Many more great features -hearit $ For serious audiopnilw- now! 95 Auto-reverse dual 2J119 SANYO 1490A. This one does i! all! AM, FM, MPX. capstan operation. Large, precise, easy-to- read meters. With pre¬ and cassette with in-dash installation and automatic cise pitch control, mucn reverse in cassette. Unique Sanyo Bl-AMPING for super " " *0ur 24-Month sound! iS°.'499 Financing Terms For tele Purchases Over $100 On Approved Credit T... C**h SruiltKt !< H*NtM* Ttofal Delerr.4 Annuel FAMOUS NAME Economy Special, in dash AM, FM and FM stereo with popular slot-loading s2678 P.r Ho* Mtrchiadii* p8rc(8t8f« cassette for full, rich automotive sounaat a fantastic low Stat* lalat Taxi Payia.nfi 01 Aey w.rt Price Ret PLAYBACK sale price! PIONEER SX 750 Syit.m S1R.96 2i .78 442.72 PROIECT/one FLD.2000 Cmiette. Check 21.43 these features for the price: Dolby noise reduction SANSUI C 7000 Syitam 4U.fi 21.43 514.32 sys¬ 21.51 tem: full FAMOUS NAME 8-Track auto-stop and rewind: DC servo motor: front- PIONEER SX-SSORacaivir 20i.fi lO.if 2Si.Si 21.50 Special. Sll Valua loading: separate bias/EQ: much more! „M PLAYBACK doesn't SANSUI lOIODBRietivar 4U.fi 21.43 S14.32 forget the 8 trackers when it comes to (|g- - g 149 CRAIC T-600 AM FM MPX Can.lt. SANYO I400A AM'PM MPX Cauatla 154.fi Iti.li S.OO f.il If2.00 230.i4 21.51 21.45 21.48 auto sound specials! All these features: AM, FM, MPX and 8 track in stylish IN-DASH installation. *69 PIONEER CT-F8282 Cauette. Front-loading Value PIONEER RT 707 O^a Real cassette deck with Dolby features 2-motor solenoid oper¬ SIS.fi 24.78 442.72 21.43 $41 Valaa ation. POWER AMPLIFIER. Easy •to-install amplifier peak level indicator, lull memory-stop, many more PR0IECT on. TLD-2000 Cauatla 1S4.fi 8.00 rn.oo 21.45 features adds BIG power to any auto stereo system! Great for vans $' - big savings, tool PIONEER CT-rt2(2 Casi.tt. 3IO.fi li.Oi 385.44 21.48 get at-home sound while you're out on the road! 29 » 299 * PLAYBACK POWER 523 Frandor Drive INSTANT STORY Frandor CREDIT! All receivers in this ad meet performance Shopping Center Up to S1000 credit IN- stated min. RMS at 8 ohms, from 20Hz to Lansing, Mich. 48912 20kHz, with no more than 0.5% total har¬ 351-7270 BBUSas Chargs. or AmsjicJJ monic distortion. Express to »••"- ,c 1978 Playback. Inc qualify lor IN* CRED1T1 SALE ENDS MAY 10. Store Hours :10AM-9PM Weekdays, 10AM-5:30PM Set., N00N-5PM Sun.