SFSuappslehmrioinnntg News State f SFaashkione's For Roaphbostegrretd CfLaalsun'sbmq Sup er A moents aomonenlty diaccmaapotunnrde pmrecoiousst CSehnotpring your for Frandor pohs ta lla syadnuS serots 21 no n ot syadkew .m.p6 .ma01 ot i.p9 * * * 5215 0 26 5 02 tseW htuoS tseW roh M wanigS drenvairRG i'una ainvlyseP s'nem noihsaf REP OC raewstop TEVIR sa r» htob yhcneviG naitsrhC lacitpo-C rof sin et ,roiD srefo dna nem dna .nemow egrol a .sealgnuS ehT ruoy la ,yobalP eso hC noitcels rodtuo riap strops ,ic uP morf o i l m E a fo yrasecN .seitvca suomaf ro dtuO tnavA ruo e l b a n o i h s f ,edraG sseman ealgnu dna rof yrosecA / L AC D035-13 LEIFKORB $3 AZ LP lacitpo-C GWRrieavnesdtr SPonsuylvtahi SWgensatw 205 620 5125 * * * W i t a h - ol *JBphooatrgortiw»'edne n g RGWrivaeensdrt PSnosyulvathi 205 620 * # tpawaheresesln. btoassuorepiekd Itnsitoaslenwd?. EtlehwcytoaiiotuhntrWardobe." sLNwa,eonoitkirg. the ofice Dbeon't the "Win on tswaihien—tihrdthbmhoealyyitsncpoaaltehy tsmeoakme JLDoyn-nEdashtl, rpcololwethses, glove thoug inthe suit. Clonthoews and even man a H. Rep. thnrceonsa-eprivavctiyhcaarefunls-d tssoereangmMbdiclokaennlp suits hastyilred. di n't blue It Gov. srsloehlevirdt elbows. dtisngoue HRaiaervgld,Ffooinmt'efsr ithupnicckeepkd daongreysil UthAswhorWoke¬w hddoimsintastec hhoaenr—mdfe intetcs., asnctrrooidstehflonisrrt hlMkonseorewy,fult-iedvy.d cponoslittiuc¬an's hfluiesnhc. Hteoluvissoen, Jagwohdrls incorndazsyfriwginohtuldt NiRYnooewwk. Jonwredpha¬hol,fliabciarsulyldireonnsfteeant,HSopcluothskes. diiaosnpfteenr assuncittado Uteh.nSerd PRRoreaaspcuee.nl. Hthoapuensred flambaoyngnt lfeloiswsuueirrted, thcmaoairnees howcase. htmseauelt arconp¬sible,had-awdorkinghRoseanbuesmd his habiosve was short gsroand, mayor, early toorder who hewas working, dRioeeglse Senate sle v s. wae ring Ofaten wil the through thouatfits Network Lynn saents district, casual CBobbyrim thre-pice shoes. Bheefore Senate filonor This arms. White Bary and Tifany now himaseslf cerned, date, shirts But Politca YMNAARDfkhnaovwirngAtthodeef.fiatsosholn. tohrgiegehtr eocaxlo¬nthfedsibmenpacoortmasdaelincaypnphrrasse becanoomtherGjuamosdst,,WTataerkgnd.finsotacr.ingwarbaesd th-apvycexlponthsiving(arcoemspadndceAtmioori¬lnefefMDrsne)d.Caprretseidn.tjeasymnsboljtiukhwsaestTnmhow-afamenu.sifitrehcshdet exampl. pcvoemoo¬iceldCWasarbteoeut.lotaprsidknAuthcormiaandvieg.. sroemgewahla.t pmolitocarnes,tohuuefpdtrgmoesdefs acros. tawyegoorsRiewugnalsigSlMeknoaetr?yraapleirtsd, cmonefertngs, with ency aide baum blue that At his ers the in MICK! iPoslitcs By to ls thofose Puting combinat has modern thrigeht relase. hClaotvhees symbol, flag presidnt, FGeorradld impecabl suit , the Best of bluuseed he comon acardigtn another plaints expct and pickng difer nt point Rem ber Don U.S. hneot, many one tras the as the blue that later ca's Think He that Many how Even More are a when for than pres eht siht tey eht ,tcaf eig aM ekiM sknahT .labed p hsaL yb ol yhsalf nai waH ros ef ,sebordaw eisto f ereH htiw thgilops yhpos l ,bols neepWo slob." tsael nac sbolS era ehT I hsaL gnitsar oc ,s erd sehtolc ylbanoihsaf noisvelt .yhtlaeh ton staH tnedisrp-cv yrehsadbh sehtolC si I ekil t'nod tniop era dlrow yB rsraep eklaW .taraumKinaT naD segnlahc .eigo b kcaJ gnilwob dna ydaeh evitcnsid ylthgir ylkciuq s erd yldetima ylgnimes htiw " r e g i T si fo ffo a a ot ym ta kool ekil ylno MIJ a ot a ffo ay ot ay . . . . . . . no siht eht tsoM nwot d retam .emit diolbat dnnwaorB .relkcipS regiT ,l a gniod ,rnuilsoerB dstnriahs hstiiwh ^orp kool troper ysto B eceip fo eworaL sebordaw emot evitsne .elyts slaf ,edisa fo a no no sa ta .USM a gnisaercd ,tnelavrp esitaert ffo . elor a sa sa meht dab dna dnarb" sa yas .slaicremo ,yrasecn sde n .sbols HTIMS <&r esoht eht tuB ihp .bols taht ta" elpoeP "X . fo ni ta no no fo . ni tub sbolS nevE skcar l ew a .sdud dluohs eta cid er." telaw .noi ynam ehT rol c eht dna esop eulb fo gnipets mrow elbatrofmc I fo nrot dep ils derkch stnap depirts eht ssteukgat enoynA .ngised remus uoy ,lanoitcuf sehtolC yb-sre ap sdenpiarts gnilevar( ekil eb yehT noihsaF ton part peek si ta I si ro ot fo ot hguoht sehtolc .s'nobcaJgnihtemos otni ni ".seint otni dna esuoh nac gnihctaM" leef ym .dlo os era eht .gniraew ynam noihsaf" ,sehtolc hcihw yeht ohw si oS etalusni retfa dluohs tniuqs ,sdialp hguorht ot snoitabmc snepir ot ,trihs klaw ni yeht eht yletinf tahw seno sflugne ?era serac .l a naht emit ,eulb skcos elprup dialp gniraew tuo .hctam .l ud eht derbmucn retniw ylpmis uoy si eb efil evah dna taht eye tub riehT erom elyts-fou yeht ohw ¬ngised dna hsaf tahw ni ne rg I ni ffo dluow ,dets a tI ne b eht os ni rup .tniop esuac dna rulb si ot .ti era erut sraey em l ew dna hcihw sevr s eulb yad em s'evit thgie yM dna seloh dna .riap yad ym .evisam trops nvloannoit deubs esopru sraey ylno retaw ?elbanoi edirtsa taht hctorc snoiac ylbatrofmC yletinfeD peek I yM yM yM .LANOITCUF yletairpo .larenufgnideta fo nwo I tseb htiw .stnap l ew yehT eht .oN ruof klaw lanoitcuf ylacigrt I dna .oga yb em htiw eit ot tel eriuqer depirts-hw tog .detalinv tra a a dlo-raey ekil dehctap fo I stI ym trops ym ehT thgil ym saw nehw no ni era .ke w riap oga tius esroh sin et rol c erom yltnec d etihw nwo taoc .os .ton enobgireh .rehtafdng tuo no lemac taoc .tpircsed denualb .tius thguob I eht tI sA rof saw seot dna hguone fo ?lanoitcuF os evitarsnoc fo ym toN lla dloc .owt evah evif sah ,hcus seohs .sdroc .yad ynam I saw .seohs osla naht dehcits eht ,elyts no .sein t ;9£ sdnelb trihs sgnituo taoc thgil ebordaw a ?lanoitcuF ?elbanoihsF teef ria nrot evah riah A tI eht tcnitsd desahcrup a a ro rof den od devr s tner fid hcae .yreV hsaF evol ne b semit I sthgin ngised nevig tub si ti ti xet 31 si cnuf a emas xis dna si aler lo c dna ehT eulb ot fo hcae neht retaw tuB ,sgel fI syad em evah tub yaw taoc nehw taerg ruoy skcos uoy yb itlum yeht sekracoS ym evitangmi fi sa si gnirom yteirav ta I ot erac yub l ew derolc detclo evah dluow ylpmis eulb .snoitaler ,gniaem samtirhC gnisaercni remus a stnap stnap t ' n o d ton lla .gard ekam tsum shcaus era neve s k c o s netog eb ictams\ fI erus eb eht htiw dna dah I .hguone htrib redlo detanod sriap fi uov nekat ,enim hgih .retam gnol nu I ,etihw ym strops htiw .efil ecalp otni tuo nac .thgir deret rol C" ,eulb elpru depirts minds." dertulc" rehtom yM ".hctam derkch ,dtriaihlps esuoh sekat "gnihctaM fo .em tub ni yna eht .hctam ehs nrot tI elbatcpsr cordinate" .sein t skcos stnap gniraew tsol ehS seidob si saw desu eht evah ot stug .l ud sah -ylbaorp tulc .yas ot elt ab s'bols on depils dna klaw enoy A a noM 052 naoL .E deW sruhT noM 81 1 3$ tsaE ekat gni ruo ton nO gni .E y t i s r e v i n U NIOJ t h g i e W osla e u q i n u tnem 7 w a n i g S detsat gnisoL srehctaW dohtem laroivheb detarC nrael nrael yadoT sedutia dna ,s ertS 1 7 0475-39 .ylkew .S snoitapme 7 00 00 00 00 p p tuo y l n o wanigS latipaC nosiraH gnis aL p m m p m m eht ro tsidoheM os thgiew gnieb taht srehctaW dna roivaheB dna rehto S ERTS s ot !EMITYNA ER sgnivaS ro .do g thgiew gnite m spleh egan m tahw thgieW ,noisnet & hcruhC enohp roF SIHT ESOLC ffo ruoy ta esira uoy yadot .krow morf .tsigolhcyp margoP derap ot tpmet seru p woh noitacfdM ,noiserpd tae ehT dnim eldnah .tae ®srehctaW nac uoy noitamrfn .stcarno oN OT .rD ot tub S R E H C T A W H G I E f ^ r e v n noM 4374 seuT 91 2 l ot dna yb ot somekO latipaC dna emoC gnitae ruoy nrael ruoy drahciR ylaiceps GMSOL 9 .N og 0 :01 00 dlrow h g u o r h t tcefa somekO ytinum oC notlimaH sgnivaS eerf p . y t i r o h u A a m ot ffo .ydob woh thgieW ,en¬onlaid lanosrep ,trautS denwo r dohtem ruo margoP ruoy ruoy m a .B .dR .THGIEW ¬egaruocsid & rof ••• .dR naoL somekO gnireco skceh hcruhC eht uoy nwo uoy .teid ¬tae 725-081 rehto ot oN esU( deW .seuT e g a s O lo hcs ,.rD do weg E s'p anK naidreM 1 tnorf .mp03: .mp0 laM )ro d amocaT( lo hcS .mp0:7 ytinumoC aera .esalp .S ERD IH )sl iH mo R se alc tsrif 8$ deW 112 llI hcruhC notsmailW notsmailW enohp ke w .S 00:7 namtuP SfIOdS .m.p ehT detinU neht ytirohuASREHCTAW HGIEW tsidoheM gnis aL tsuj 4S [{/I?l Jt Lansi g East jouvaq, :G&A sjauoes'jnanefqsfqoo.upap.u1p8d'qjrwghjn-iHHJ*K1VS«["vq8 rs>&dmiuj onaly.vitbe Schol's FCoetncatrer Sundae. LM4a8n5s-6i3g1, Dr. Fotwear S1W'*ash7in.-gto dfaelviyacacooonrsuidtel frosundme Naturls a[av|psEu..jj\soecqp qjavj.,vqq poaa'.u»pisojtj?i< J a saui 0.\o| uaaq a. • 1' - STJi tfl ' *' • ^^ Schol & ".-V • lowikl prety You inthe New from Dr. "N A * * _^V • Mal Meridan agin sutandp snakei othr wea Sls¬ aid n for New tofrth. syle at wil the YTimSes?o"urckhIhIaavveen.'t"rTsivhocilstWeont pmwaicthytvaocowkeredfIbecmaaudusmsti,t,loawe—tgfh Itwreoosuld capitls-rungdo"btf,o"herfIt."gvtbbIenceauvsrditonher. tnheevlr,Bunagyain. wher fusacnhid tmhaeking taler. Richadson thinwng ngeaortd bamnkeleatsyhienls Lhaynesitg vnure $4a.n5d0 lik"yzre Jacobsn' ftohemr Hosier', insandls dazalreers ifnochuers Jupelriseon are aunrped, comfrt. though tosoppifkieng East fitrphsaeitr $3aof.50 b"geoinn Hoasinerd's, featur daring. at to up heels going And York, Sales have see soon the market." fe t a cary New literate asuch LPiitgley Imade fIeet. do mine. aclihses "hge'ost itjowb,il fomyt ofstory seen So, longer them they Miansmhoe's f1rop2amg)e booungnchelty iangnoyethsi hig-fason"el Pferotesting f1rop2amge; flomofty itsspoekelrfn fbuegmertsy,, thocnee-aiy ipaogdi¬aotrsse dicartaein, disore. tthpcoheusier dfoownt. btawthons, limgaalschugmte, aeanscdgh ithnsyeo—au No such Iwil cold Paul a had And 4 Tionps Tionps Mew®! Toapnds Botms The To! The saaemrleoinnggBJohdnlfi Sasshaoide. brownv-aity),loasfuernp—rdise, bwachrkitsefavorites. dHriehgoseh., sloeed Iitmapalirtns, aheqnuid btporeead uncomfrtable. onhtaihlegers. bomcnedsny (contiued Wingtps. moldeenr. hv studens. Jacobsn' {the tas els, Bo ne's Pat also about women's stileo usualy btarheerly btweoeare "Anything Just high (contiued bitoegdesignated the lUitpleity though fouofarthl a hbeetaerst, kidney feet coletiv want alcohl powdering "dWhiedr The for even help My "We day." edis tils , * n!rEn« citsale eer EVOBA eh^ a - SS'NAMELT G 'GNI AL ,stekcop s'eH srQew eniltsaw teifcuoip sraew NOIHSAF eH n, .0 .02$ sreltoC a .notc/ylp iekcaehipK 2 yb ,not c ei,oP ERIUQS/YLTA .imA dtrohs raoW ylop ev ls nus notub ikahK 0 .86$ etihW e rht .tius e rhT YTIROHUA tekcO| s erd ,rezalb notub EROTS depahs ENIZAGM htiw htiw tnirp ROF citsale ecnuolf ni triks taoc htiw .tsiaw ylop htiw 52$ detleb .00 not c ehT 83$ derhtag riolf stnap gnihctam denniltsaaw .00 dna 0serd-nus 51$notc/ylp .V stnop ev ls a dna 00 tleb ohcnop pot ehS erutaef tekcaj htiw sraew gni fo luaP s'yad eniz nod eht ,dlanoD sledom .ecn sE srengis eht ynobE tuB eht etsibaB .onit selyts ynaM dengised tuc-naep eht noihsaF nevE kcalb ehT selyts erehT n.yrehsadb aeporuE elam ytirojam taht tsilano sdnuoS .rolc kcalb erehT evah yB lyrehC ot kcalb ehT era eht tsetal s.teSvY kcalb yb detinU tsegral ,riaF eht kcamroC ylaiceps ni fo era on yn uf .snoihsaf DLANIGER si kcalB selyts ton oreiP stius eht on tnomuaC tneruaL dengised ,enizagm eman selam hcus ,seta S kcalb sledom delyts nac — on staW dna se serd fo fo eht elam eus i dna e l a m e f er eiP sehtolc delac niatrec gnimoc hcus eb tub nI tsuj snod ylno e l i h w , i r t m fo i D k w a g noihsaf dna ti tcaf sa raew enizagm detropmi selamef nrow .kcalb snoihsaf .eurt morf snoihsafgniht SAMOHT yb eht .wef eimaJ sah rof sledom suomaf seno sledom .QG dna a woman," fo si ta daer naeJ ¬nelaV eht .nidraC esoht ¬oruE wohs ynobE a ¬cM ,inidA sti ¬ot" ¬ag m ¬ed fo ot fo ni era yb ro a sa lamrof-ies etatS ekil eseht on htiw eht oT esoht .skcals gnihctam esahc "elb yeht t syawl ecirp ton ac teuhBt eh ydal dna a gniraew gnihton yteirav evitansr tnedra seman hguohtlA rengised reteP sweN taerg s'rengisd tsoc ohw riap a elyts dnif suomaf sekat ti "strop kiN ot a kiN riap ees taht skcalb eht ,srep ohs nwonk eseht fo era ton noihsaf a .ydobn hcraes seman drofa reyub fo . a fo dna era .retam skrow ton lo w . kiN trihs lo w a .noihsaf e bO ¬arpmoc" yeht . ot tuB seman ti ¬rup litnu nac raew eht ohw kiN elihw naV kcalb noitcels era ot .raew .gni dnA eno taht uoy .ebor evah fi eht detalp ot sme s railmaf fo dna sih sliG elam si dna ¬per ynam tI ' s r e n g i d taht esoht egral gniteg tahw gnie s eht yb tuB swonk ,strihs reviR syawl ecin .D.H selyts dnA seohs sretsi lausac ycatS dedaF nem sa r e b m e s a h c r u p d a e t s n I h c r a e s d r o f a h g u o n e " . l a u s c h c i h w dna emos ".lik s t c e j b o pih s k c a l s ni sriap ebyam kiN ynam meht er hw .seohs riap kiN tuB st oc seohs 011$ esoht ro liG rehtin ruoy QG neraW racsO xileF" eno t'nseod dnarb-fo eht esolc dna kcehC smus yawa era eht elyts litnu suomaf eht eht ohw ikahk eht s'reyub kiN .eeL ereht stiu nap thgim nohtanoJ smadA gnip ets s e l a m e f i t n a h s A tI ekil e r h fo T si y n a M d n A r i e h t oS skiN gnisnaL .tol omag r eF riap namresiaK ,skcals a ti b k i N ro yb m a i l W emos nod tuB neve sparts y l b i s o p .si parble" fo fi — na fo fo a fo e l i h w ,owt r e t fo na f a ot ot nI si ,sepyt ton nazraT si lacol eht t a h w e m o s :gniht krow tsuj neht QG morf ynam .ydobn gniyub yeht seman reyub stnap serots tegdub eht era era selrahC gat ro fo e c i r p d n a e u n e v A a t r a u t S e s e h t r i a p y r o l G rO tuo yad rev y l yb p m ia s e v a h e h t h t o b y e h t fo era htiw .ra zaB ,skiN hsilyts ,eiguA d n a k i N y l p m i s a tcaf rof nem ton ac lla d e n g i s e d gniraew e r o t a v l S ro e h t n o s i d a M diova e s a h c r u p a r e g n U ti ta eht eht e h t eht y t a e B evisnpx ".sdneirf .seY .oN .seY tsuj .srengi d tsaerohtst ecin kool hsilyts yetnuomb syaw ydobn res el dnif nac sekat ohw mroftalp khtiiwT ereht s'ycatS ecirp eriuGcM syawl ton .nadruoJ inarseC tkuaoerb .sdrahciR 54$ seohs gniht m'I" "ystoB emas suomaf lausac skeclaamlb etsseuhtj yrlewej redluohs pseetisdal dna elpuoc esahcrup gnisahcrup erhw eseht ytnoanm dnroafaV skcalb snaem laefaR trihs riap fi ro ti ro fo rof . o N lla rof a d n a s y a s fo — ni 5 7 $ a lla a ro yb sa rof ot .suomaf-tn no od ylaer fo swonk tuohtiW dnaloR .ecirp ¬moc" syawl raew ton ac .seohs -ohw kiT dnarG era sdecx dna eht lausac dna htiw ehT sladn s erom sehtolc ees yrev sniloC eduti a srengised selyts dna des rd" wef eht dna tuo enidrabg wef ,sdnaloR kiN .meht "trops smeti wonk omag reF nemow ,biG tsaE dna erotavl S dna l iB n5a5V$ yb ot a depit-gnw a fo gniserdvo rof a ot dnA l es eno elyts draw l its gnid eps — eb tol ni ¬htolc QG er ta fo fo a yb yb ot fo ot yb a a ro — yb a a lla .ecaf yriah yM tsuj eht yriah worg .shgual yM rehtaf nialpmoc ,selameF yriah ,ecirht evah .sgnir .ycnetop seta .ehcat devahs "yelA retsop uoY .uoy I I I tI ma desalrnu omrp dnats retsvlyS toG a de n yB ,elpoep ,seno nioj uoY ,rewop nemow rep u sekat uoY a si ot tib fo htiw rehtona ,decnivo evoba yp ols vad-flah taht ereht txen l et dna rehtorb sik-otdrah ,eciwt raew amsirhc tdeacnivhot uoY ruof krad eivom ruoy uoY ,enolatS RETSVLY g n i d u l c n i a rood em deirt tub nac .pil em .ohcam ot ym ot eht eht dlo rof ni neK raey ,hguoht owt taht robhgien htob .ecaf ,rehtom .liav ,yan ¬rae -on c ,riah nworb-d l ro hsaw ym — dworc on fo evah shtnom ylthgils ruoy ,pil ¬sum esidar P" wen wen yvne dna D lla R U N o n -nu . . . I htimS naeporuE ot ro a selyts ohcam seniraM gnid ub gniyal dluow taerg tuoba s'erutan spahreP wohs osla swonk rebmun ,ehcat hO fI tI ,ees . .32 ot eht noitaresd lew cimeda yaw kcal slautce ni erom lufitaeb tuohtiW .ruof semoceb cilbup gnitel ,snimatv eosvlaah .erutam I I lacigonemhp si tsol si tub ,lew pu . eb dah ym .ohcam ti lausac etatS . a . . ni eht a ym eht eht l iw yb ta tsael cirtahysp . ecnahc nwok-le nailatI naht .neht ehT gnirol c retfA ,tuc-nael .ecitarp krowdnug yaw won .som c nioj gnilet ehcatsum .noilatS ecnahc ,ehcatsum rewop .krow ,ecndive elbar nu erus p worg derisnoc . e h c a no no t s u m fo era ton ti .ko l eigaM/swN I fo ym ot ,l a nac a ym .decaf-yrih taht evah laevr enoyrvE kew evahs revrof ¬sum gnikat ylno yb ygolhcsp laitnesx ot ta ot nioj tcaf I m'I rof ot tub eht a a I eht em si ot uoy reklaW WDeoblfei IdanoythigiIntemmrailskdeygitpnheodil it"."Barsebsaeo¬ut. dloitkehnosyaenth'tgdonencliytshoesr. ditygfoou'irne News State diwsnanomtoethhingy, "?aw hDugiorsesn.gLinatrecrhovalwenwged. pmad—letbch fiosucnharulteehngdLbhayreoawrssne. thaimrele. hiatshtovmeie Lda"rcIow'ele. tarhngmtse Breacsleipnt? bIelsiunevttil SNBewst,"rasein smilng. PMLSraolTrfeoswe, thwihnakt's"Brel? Brewslinbaunttlycourse.tgorena "Anytime that's the figure sure know lin and "I dram tic her Btraeoslin thre def ated "We'l ".htnom al won't inthe sahi. And the make Will "I it I i n t m esr u a k g L B w d " o . e l n y s "Lash awhile. P»trie h""A,strsoaenid. IfIanswecleotam,r home." idftnehwreco tahosteienufdire tphubleic. dLaoreovwserydr",wami btahcsotlcaeyske fdbo".emeiargl I"'thmsiaunIcidkh. ".devrs dkHoneosew't thmoearednfi.g 'f9Tlaigsehr thweay'yd. wmaittehr dhoawinr tgohonelf Ih'oame. m l d y " n e i t h r C. , "tihning Breslin ground. "Tnhaot's Breslin Larowe? b u in inwork shoe. atshoes Another is towards While a d his homeor Once t h a ' s "At that said. men more t h the let the k o w no tuonwecs.aryhaaatlnweytdyhsig ".kcenmasrounddy. Larsouowitfe. htraide—smk Hsphreiritn.t firwoshnetn dHaorewsincih.gHboasuwogmhient and "I've tight Instead wears Haw ian bhouigsht in was "I shirts had to explaind. would've (former I"When I eight A.) The rest wingtps. a n y i g m e d a l i k e heback. ourIthem. andJh ".vorp emancipt¬ ".su has make "wrdob. holdsb19o5t0. ne Larowej"ckIt.had emancip¬ h",sl piec buonfh mil¬ closet.hwa spend cloths, i lathse irt, not cmd. fenc enjoys ialt els. uncomfrtbau f"eIl wearhous." 1) sanixd con aver "mod dres a n y ".eno from wardobe. icslothes stone the Larowe preachs. Heiteher. jaeanst he $12.50 the thre sports "God said, didn't that "That's tion The said, By much t h i g paid "As Onthe Id"Anyotime itnhpeoel dodoesn't thooevrer I"Wcahmene ibthnuetvmer tmwoear begaucnhe MpSrsiUdent Hdainnh't becam swtoepaerdingLasrhoiwrte tahcsuimnlcnteed hbuoilskf hcoilossfet ppoaanirftss, anenkdrs jacket. Almighty." tehxameingIreemvbn Iwchaalt tmhidele h1siur2sveyng "Havinghliakveing ".kcyearoouundr hlooikssf practies Hdoesen't hmoiosnneyhbusaeyys Meaijnr'sd Hbowauagihnt fiot.r thsgehyior'tr. h".evisnpxe tsohoitdheefer hBrnwoeoslintly. fbesuuistt awneyathriinggfeverly awneyatrhiniggh".kroswead. nucomfrtable duworirkningg aowwbhonoust csopaotrst "ifnsalaicrkl,yh".srolcan hthcwaeelast msaew the wearing ease would to very taie Breslin. ssuiitxs, ofpairs servatie to look. peo l "I "If red ed, time up able suit sion I wear," is ing 'Lash,' shoe Jack "Lash they Except NA CY Piicttu:re By Breslin, the is cut, asl te, expnsive down One t h w well presidnt grievanc of ROGIE tmwwaeolkning tosterehr cacooconvovufeersri.gdimrepnsaecdblyithpsrieeuct dliostngsoukhahiendfdegbltsauhneirdtul, ie. Lfavaircce-pnoruswdltety,bhipornfesdmssnmar'etgEpocki.ly a"TigtertrhwehaesnBCPraeatsnr'li.idcnLaorggoeewhtr,dfatosanbiolokn'ut eshkye'rdn. MvSexicUut fLaanuwdlt.y paoroffneicsder bhiaecnovndmeis, tysahenierldsyincaomthngEtspiesoeoiacl¬skr. tmoehyaenfsy,btoporegfs dBroewnsillsingydaaepeanncddhyLhiorntuowr.se 19saw7inou0crn.t ttwisoeeifaslrng MeSxcUutiv goarifevniacnedcr tyhaseneirdlsy tioeocksrs. Breslin, ni e shirts, for forni e don'sharet shirts, socks. Theother slevd is in print ly t u noc m in bothse m And. f r a b l e " c T hho kee fashion. y iwsasheort-ring cohopleeiarnrt; dswainlcdiyg creodolmnrly Hwpaeetcahresd tornearknr, NbNtlsiuoecoke.. pinstre. fttomhwaeeorln, itnahperinrce, clejoayhriyg Ttcmupeany.y infroquthetlr, fitnmmooandege bhitaoftvsr telphon. Gbuvceocantir the While suit a orange. jeans, awnhidte Nosuit. the difer nce other's each they teavlkn, vou Yet 1a0s not many has are see •y're "Th' he said. ".raew the finds He And RKooibleHrt \M JBar S e s c l i kIn . News State ire-lfsdnt *Tiger" letaharnreeiygfassotumnrdyWtwreoye'arinngffrthoalmwiegyhtaamwovetdseer W",sexihle. hhacnahavnotgeesdt wssuobmhtainenily,, tsysutobeyjelacerd hismapeoortel, wosnmaesthighead. hftothareist GRosaophtmhreyfheimaib-wlosournt b"eIcmsto'msftyWtraohdemneisenk. bI'pourlouaytlhiljt,u"skesiedt. MPeaSrnUy,hhasasevtsrel "Hwaeratsr.t "Yspoahui'dee. aaywtihoundun flIhitltkaa'sea.g saobmoeuthting rveaar—isoouns jutproostecin hbaaaplt—dost iineexrwrocvablyhIinudsmoetcaietny.,dmitfacocgrouinwletdyfutiptmasret,,leasomasteftringheadgr. "Women wear selv s. women changes. some just one's had "I've another Reb c a gradute, litkoes thear," on ona says for fashion, cupover remain at any without col rful EXPRES YOURSELF fashion in dmeangsitgrno instiute L4a89n-3s7i5ng Speceiadluzcatdion merchandisg fdaesshiigonn So, the men's beret. wears To with past. can they for are than on years," said you." ting put is at • mcr il Hasraieid tmhcoaoneagfrdJpatmebnGARrivaend.r ntpsigeeoulmd tarhleoauglyyIhtowtws.r tehwhdeuceamtny letaahthrerBGromthbeitCM2.0AoC5., assatloerperh"HaawvateyssObiupounelar. dtsowogtenad'y; recupstomaerthlasnttgfhI'ogvaonedrt Gammabkite'sshlvoatrietf:rsMichngaamndeedr, tswigoniehdMtichegaanr; wopheicals awnnmdde; uwsreillg htamoosrel'iawFonmoenrg.hfeachvailetd L"isnl¬da,bumyroiernegthnnhoaw • of Paterson, suit 3son3's, "Young them, kdnon'owt to in."come selctions Linda, said E. seaonl at Trading Less our I've ".sraey Brother ibecsatuse CPeopls'ap, men wvihsoicrs, sumer. Gasmebilt's than women fashion," tthhoueghy hleaathtesr pret y many because time. eight thre fopsut-mrne year," time and by like Slick Ave. son, been The stand both the men time to uoifSBj a licogohrffut,desigonivefrtweehalrmis inmteorreshdrtaehsissy ioh-76 myriad hawetigsht "Ther 's satranwds their sun. Heandgeoar thproeuogl ftwsioeenanr bhiusanet hAeasulmtsyer. hptoolvrets creations hhiastvoery htehaeidsr. 1t9h7e8, and aproches In alive ueadojLig PARKE lbtiorpdmer,. fdHeedmro-bray,, sppkiaon¬emk,, tracinuosdhn; hhtasaoiltkdtp, wnhaamtever, fashoibn¬brle twmhaateervirl, foabsizrlees, KEN By Chapeu. Steson, burg, bowler opera — howev r scure, orshape mer, hat, hat tsaE .9E13 stfig tcel S ,gnisaL dnarG YRLEWJ tireco rof morf lM reviR ,edirb mo rg s aciremA dna eht tsenif eritne sdnarb fo knihT knihT knihT gnidew ,sdnomaid fo fo fo anaiQ dna su ,leW" .ruoF raeW elpmiS nstroihs etuc trecno .e rhT stacud ot a dna eht nac dmaj eniarb .res rd ndeopaeh .owT es ap .semit s06' ylefas elsia deworc pmeeehtk .enO nehw a dertsig sretaws .noitseguS ot !azngrtxe tofhgiL .mrofep syadwon degirbanu redisnoC noeL eht ysae desongaim ,nhoJ ynaM ssel se ac dna pot eoruttnnevi nip .sreog reohtf a sa .ytrap si sgnideW stnemga E a olop eseht gnidew eht ".kli ,srekcor tsuj .sehtolc evif reh ,seY erofeB gniraew .hu tub trihs .ro lf t'nod .syad sah emusa no tup gntipuoets etatS eht yB sihT e g r o e G hU ,wohs p e e K eht tsuJ dekaN dna secnmo yratnoC gniht)xl .G suolevram kramedrt fo sa fo fo a ni elpmiS knup tahw uoy legna taeh e rht ew gni ev notnilC ev'I rof yam dnim eB seip ih ne s siht pir gnirud sehtolc dna si .elpmaxE ni ot muirotda era tsud seit de worc ein A pit dna gnit eg ,sgnir a raew sehtolC sweN NHOJ ot drants gniwol f . eht no tey eb derit A ohw fo . si a s t e v w o n k a tsap era gnidaw nosrep lla eritne . ffo dna .tnopuD derohwt .srekcor ndroow e h t citehnys kcor l aH senolc gnikat remirp si ot ,sehctaw ylbaorp .seodrv noitsuahxe noitaus d e k c a t s n o t a e K , e k a t ot , d e s r d ytinretaf ees KO uoyot , ni A ni og suotneic gnihtyna s e d o c no eht YESAC ni "kcotsdW si a sa g n i t r u o c ciledaknuF/tmrP ni lla ti era rieht nosrep .emit ot d e r y a l a gniteg I a cirbaf tiorteD d u m s'retniap a gniog dna uoy ytidun oot tna mer ,sehtolc nwod uoy trecno ,erita .trecno tahw laicfo fo y n a taht ta ,revlis dnrow luohs anaiQ noihsaf evah nopu htiw ,kool saw uoy morf kool ed ffo si fI a .gniredow srekcor rof ne b .retsa id ruof owt tub tsuj elamef .er ht ruoy .ruegir rieht ytog am nodroG stnap ees hsilyts dnif .tuo smes ynam morf uoy eht era dna ew raew dna ta si .noitulS ot ot vb .*d a ,retwp ai sa os ni dna uoy secirp yenom .elpoe dehcat e rged lmiounf ylaiceps lems gnilg tsum peeK strap sah knup uoy htaed .eviF eht nehw thgir pird rehto eltsuH meht eht selniats renalc nac uoy .noisulc C retfa .suoregnad yam eb .xiS music." na .ocixeM esu fo d a e r p s y a d r fo e v E . d e t p c a , s d r a z i l e v ' d l u o w uoy citsa n f tsewol m .yrd fo eht ynoT ot s n r u b si d n a b r t o c e r e h T . nA e t o N n o i h s a frof eB r e p . d n e k w ne b ekat retn c anaiQ tuohiw gnisarbme eb remip eb w e N .le ts rof d e i o v a e y e ot ew ruoy snoitaerc nac eht mode rf s'orenaM sknuP ip s iM larbe c ,evaW fo eht ytefas desu evas t'noD . e l i h w a si otni niks o C .es tleb ,evita rc e c n o era h c u s ees l u f e r a c . n e m . g n i d e t a lanoitre no nI l i t s niatrec t'nod knup daf dna ylekinu htiw e rht knup gnimaercs .yadoT del bal syad yrdnual edvnaah egarv .strecno osla larutn raef ruoy on laedI .snip morf og ot era e h t fo ot fo tey seitsaP eht esahcrup esoht kcor lla ot ysae cisum uoy gnip arW era s t a o c r e t a m ,anera era tahw selyts raew kcor htiw secalp drohc ytefas anaiQ .ycar ,tsap emoh syug uoy dnif nihploD lacol .su llA fo flesruoy e w tub taerg elbam lF dnik .anaiQ ,ambalA ecaf tahw senildaeh .snip strihs ylnO strihs raef nac yaw esuforp loR nI ro on yerp .stras l iw thgiarts otni .anemohp gnitaews dna ,ocsid a erom fo — on sa ot sti anaiQ detalfni rof .strecno refus l iw s erd dne dna knup ,kcor ekil moM fo nigeb gums sam j p rof raew tuoba yehT tib fo ecnasier" .thgis .aihclpA noihsaf msiehpu ni rof tsenohsid srotalucC driht imula ,euqsir ni tub era tI tsom trecno hcihw egnuol eseht gnirud slairpe eseht decal eht osla gniwola si strihs tekcit ehT ot era fo eht eht .truh l ew ro nitaL sqoas oj ji|s oj THE BARIDES S9:a30tu-5rdpy. We and soelctifn WeadingMid-chgan OCatopaiwnl tiyosntuopbigest gsoopwhitncased bSlotowcaeksfset TPREHTIES BRIDES TT1tu0h:epurrs-.6ms.. HAAPNIESDT ALLEWTAY'SS invite the ignowns see 4 0 00108 i foitrnhmultmaeale thsrincihsdky aSix.Clemnt HSforpsAaoMaiictmcvhw-l.gsean(517)489-30 Experinc lliukxeury loREGkIS. ilontwphrecesest Maicnhregdan Afotseelcrtin CWyasetnasldt ST. have mid large Lord We the LansigEast Michgan. 1116 Iktnwnoehwedn fepamasrgtye itnmwhei'erd csweavitthr smchiznoipfersenda tnshptabingOl".oeron righwteroiguslyl.n IWschoaryn.t fjtiehroseutfMSibaalsheibnusd.tbfet.a"re Htyanhonuo'e-re hsyupvo deIfmoascneansr?dRedgravt's, 1op6ang)e s(c)ore sevr cal neus I"W'mel. want to for "Listen, MIuslim. of Vanesa (contiued She hy which entrig? "We fe l cris , arch tonic by was do?" "We here balm fi set a Shop. 3592 Gtrahnigee EAlmwrosd) WMeei|srt'^. ttheel BAKUNSmpierzsuaedyfbnoaaatrrlertipcwakelnertd soprhsedefctingtexp-nfsiv, shoe. pleasnt-okigbmontehs-rsldhteaaomln,innshtoeerflTohwaetsroomnreeydusiurfteirnudsgaihots. bhetagodndNthyeevasrs.riIntthaeliomnIhdenowls.tfoasyhneoaerds,Bfawsahs hamte. bIecawuosre cwheahaiptitsestfhncoouudnldr.htoesuhnifrt caoraouunneddrsfllwaocett cheamuostesdnOiGwshhaer.l air 332 Located (426 from oshoef Mall Toes DON A I By awer wearing each apanidr closet. espcialy dfaeanwcing Ithought feaetl cram stileto Catpoezeio thought fish. femyt Pietrh'asps I Petrhhaeps whip ng solidnng beanery withdra l. to they rather of When They But Ten's view the pair lot, on $35 the arch I my I did I water the shoes ffeiotst- retunig Fits Old By sritpulred-y, sahfotr$Tph2aier5. donangset faivsorte fwohiacirls unde Topr swhhoiec, nvaerrlyyGRid ascoonlemd lethther comebak i"foslyuintgJaacordinSShhepoerds's. hiagver aeat ThofpObmlyd hSwaedns ssheoleing awomre spitdhelr, focanvs women's tuarreing 16) tofhe bIottalmiend thtreoaiye'vnde $35price them. Anpoetrhneiarl deschoke, $ia3asroun6ndd brananmdes DTochkseidse. befoiund shaoelotrngAfvleaanrueet, fortoanbclee softens. Maapokuilnarg cwlhoicg, dor." VanoDifs yceloagr'ss ianconmde vsoatyrleief.ty ithsec-llinoegDauoghtefrs imtaors. casul amamneodng weav-sold foomerrn women. iamsend's tshhoae thcloek. pocantingueed pair So you wingtps your to deter the the can the is the This heels many Other sytles DONABKU 5hapoa0virefs ditehnsptathhesd Shculioensmetp. doymoaukneryARtviewvonaeutcrh $$fo6500err thing. Mdoiytohnue'rtr hheseapfiktlrsrbacykouhve'els,Itttaahmgiaossn lfaitkshrohe¬eest fuchcoirmellein.gttiamooknveec braannmddfort itshsudeaen fahmioonrbeleBBFaarmest-p.s, Finasmmtaoolscrete,foreastuconnd of and Grand folks same pay if And well out countles $50 imports. Shoes, are itwil consiu something toss the ion. But most mesh it But than dres back lares. For • customer LANSIG' FASHION Sipnecials:t DHDTUMDAEAOOSNPTSIGRETCNSULA esign/Makupcr Hair JMSflJ erotsk B . htiw sehtolc rof yna ,trops yna nosae