f | libel and gross untruth. It is an odd procedure this eight- • ( omatl'i Building H ill he page throw-away uses, entirely foreign to approved news ShuH jml lluniiuli Say Stulf Council McIckii- Srrir« of Talk.. John*- casting: first, fabricate some wild tale until there is a ! Trail-formed Into Ibmril * ill Vol Inlprfwp ton Sax riMiiu- anil Office*. lion i* llcuilcil l>\ | simulation of truth and authority; then introduce u per- I * illl l.olltlril \rti»n. Juiiii-* Hut* the | sonal angle which offers the only panacea to the problem. \ two| print the stuff as confident ,al news, The Inferfraternilv f ound I at ot.sriv. . This wild-eved sheet has made repeated allegations con- j again re- y'ext Meet to tie • Student' corning investigations and reorganizations of Michigan %lpha Ep«t- year, ar-. State college by the State Board of Agriculture. These . I»n 1*1 for admUMofi to the coon- On State i'aaipns ment to- vicious attacks not only prostitute the truth but servo to ell. rhe action spelled (into to Johnston, undermine public confidence in a healthy, growing irnti- j any attrmpl* by the fraternity tonclavc Fir»l llcld by Or- • tutfon. The public tends to believe the printed word, during the i jiuniulion in Sorlli- rif»«,heri not withstanding the source. an>: wild rumor is gobbled up Central Kegioii i Thon. t■. j ■ undiscerningly with the truth by too many readers. 1 ' "n* The News of latnsing would do well t«» discontinue ptib- • j progi.tm ion rather than litter local porches with-rumor, gossip. • gnen are ( regional Slate Board . m*1 J B end slander that is more fitting over the back fence. uident Fedor M. S. C Rand to (iivc Meei . < ampus next spr.ri v members i f that organizatit Final Concert 'Ajax Has Been Swipedf Cf> Holds Mii-m ^ ill Im' Johnston, Foresters1 as Shindig Nears DORM TO HI HI \nv l.ollege f»<>vertlil1g Body \U.iill Decides Important •lure now laaileit Mule i« FoiiihI at I'i Kappa I'lli lloil-r r .i. read i Fritluv ; Will Keigii ul Biiiin;iii Buy*' Dutiee. (Question*. rqiiiiinted j -pa i.s.i The MUhigun State di ||0rv^v Harrington ti shindig C.ist.uu > i. sp;te the fac t that M S voting member c»f the f•*< night. p- NOT IN MINI TI t madt several rendu* i m me relations to the Lay Plans For the varmint-. id fmd U" Press Dinner egk.n. !er g'h of rj.| AKRON I Journalist* Hill Fleet tlf- lirer* m • To Hold Content I \PH T HI II l)l\f. ri NO U.lw ». r. in M.. I Will II.. M.-.luU. MIT II I II Wlsll MN1AL ACTIVITIEH Sem. Bol. Foray A luncheon, banquet, and da the activities i.eld n ' Sri For Mm 2*1 of the visitor* by the Akron Student Council, headed by l I'lan Trip In limn- a vd as boat to the v. .'in* - Those who attended from M» . i'i State are James Hay-. < • 1/er, Nancy Farley. Noune > n. Harvey Harrington. Jfw R ' irence Dennis. Fred Aino' George Gargett BULLETIN .end -Or Wednesday meelln,. | «•« Madent Club's final Grand "»• r.in St talents itlvisetl to Try "tge party will be held Friday. '• furtiy Baaebalt. fro':, king on ha k e.u Hotel llonorarv ■ .. 21 ledge*. and dancing in the pav- - planner * ri the Aii-C.irni-.3l parade, and j«•••«• Social Work This Similiter 'i will insure a g«xxf time for i-s ' r di Fetes Initiate* ' • Music Will be furnished by Accord; 'i during his six years of life. Quoth Bv Gerald Winter* : wdie" Clark. Meet at the ment hik B«,w. ' Ajax is a pretty old critter K. Kl.lri.lne W ill MIT INFORMED Of . MANGE like Become Member* of u, he «anderin« around, and »>■ Ilea.I Kxperimrnl ulrh at 5 30. ready to leave I*th • asportation, supper i -.pin. Gumma I |>*ilon »""• *» This weekend comes the annua! h,m *«■* M , ..... r< ... '.... be provided lor 30. beddinrf. ! ■ : . , ., big moment in Ajax s career, . for Allied Dairy a •- stion .n ttj' br.aklMt, _ CM. of r.m com. Gamma Uiisilon. hotel ,, . » * Union Thursday afternoon, ' was will preside at the forest- - rmed that in an . pen Irui k Th. d.-.n ■ ( will members Thursday. The! l force in Organi/.atii.n R" Anyone re Stanley Reed. J IVrMlUalily i linie lion, cont.nuc in charge of the J . ' !.i the first pad of the •No 1 at 7 30 tonight. Both m ill Mrel Thurmlay work on milk waste disposal that ; ' '. h. -i new, ex officio and officio.Ir-avc t was discontinued during the wint-1 . , ' mbers are urged to attend The in ^ b< banquet honoring them we handed f -ture of business will be a re- ; pu.s»il. 'e. r-sctment of the Akron at the Home Dairy in I last with Philip tonality clinic w.ll be held the station on this work.. 7nl- n" el that some action should conven-j everung, i 30 to 4 o'clock, Thursday, May aic witn i thuid gain mem- NDTH E TO SENIORS 27, in Room 202, Home Economic* plana for a Wednesday evening the member companies a total , building. The subjects for th.s <«-t-tagether at the W. A A cabin ipproximatt iy $2,500 for experi-' during, the day toward the r'*rr,- Ii P^.iadeiphia. Students w..I Reserved seat tickets for Bac¬ week s individual conferences are l- conaider bUstnrss for the com- P. A. Herbert In.perU ments this summer. \***M'i«lion lo Diae calaureate and Commencement p let ion of a project, and in the rer> • *> several houses ai an aid, ytmr. will be available at the Regis¬ T. V. A. Coauervatioa [ who1 [evening * :« , -in div u*v...n gr ops * < *' •- • ng pr I 9 • • trar's office beginning Friday, At the invitation of Edward C. rm.n< Hill Viail* Farm* ' ,n the ccial problems of the a.ong w.tr. studying possibilities ' The Michigan Stale association Anyone interea&d in collecting May 23. Each graduating sen¬ M Rj.-hards, chief forester for the colors' Ih-of. E. B. Hill of the farm cality. mliaung low-cost housing pro- j of hotel students will have ita third Phonograph records is invited to department visited a | The '.amps are lusted in places grams At the Hud House, in Chi-' annual banquet at « 38 o'clock, ior will be allowed five tickets Tennessee Valley authority, Prof.: h-n Um Mk dab. under the spon- and should get. them before P A Herbert of the forestry de- | with any number of farms in Kent county i whsre particularly serious *ui be done wrecking Thursday evening. May 37. at a rship of CT P. Stemmetz, of the . The Thursday. June 10. After that partment attended a conference' vited to sign in the H. E. ofltce fo* Tue^ay. May 18. These farms, ex.st. arid 'bus offer an op- eekVrai v an to bu.id a play- . Hunt s. ORWers for the cunun< Gme the remaining tickets will last week at Norm. Tenn. an individual conference at the are all being operated on a falher- portunity for firsthand sludy nf ground Discussion will be on the year will be elected foi'owing p\.rpoae of collecting these records be available to seniors wishing The conference took up the IMriuNk.p clinic. Many of the labor ar.d poverty condition* The propierrji ,1 n-ietropoiitan social the dinner. w to become better acquainted: The remaining group, in *ith records of historical Inter- additional ones. The printed conservation activities of the T •operators are Michigan State grad- project* -o w.^k * e-\ uates% either from the regular done vary according to the Tennessee valley, will woek, at T programs of senior activities for V A. here was a review of the Oxford «st. This club has been formed le T. V A., and wnl study '■ o'clock, work already accomplished, a dis¬ liffon hai i and courses or from the short course [of the community. °Diy this term, and has been cn- the week of June 7 will, be ed :n 'ne F->- var»tu* economic problems ^rtained by a "Wagnerian" and available at the Umosi desk in cussion of the plans for the fu¬ bei^. Moderately priced. I At the camp • and Will all members who have not the p ace of the government in! returned Elijah parts please bring a few days. ture, and an inspection of the work ■"Historical" program, from Mi curing them. ' them without fail? in the field. TUmO AND SLR RENT ALS - TWMlftELL S ■ - CAMPUS CAMERA state news The Revolving Campus , Is now on the fenc Stage r thrust—in the « Story of a Bench , is still 12 years I 's survey of . this bit of ne SVERLY SMITH Kords, cul their hair short, v SS flKht d"ul ^publS'dea? M MM. Jrmm. ■ . « 6: JU"tr < It is our contention that the Red Cedar was placed in the liack yard of the At last a Alls not well along the Red Cedar. Trou- "• hie rests Its head upon the river's Ixuuim. ■LOYD H. OEIL There is no joy for canoeists paddling iii the rough ; ADVISER DONALD C. O HARA The , and driftwood cluttering up the • itii*l» nt Council < to meet at the , our own campus b . .1 «.... Low »« nh ' C-R SANDWICH \rv Shown SHOI* after hecoming ent spi iworrd 1 Brta Alpha M ■ . and log which lie 01'R HPECIALTY lioti .if photographs h> C. G. MALTED MILKS ' ity are fnr he lh. "ftUl to HAMKIKGS die library. ministration. < n't it la- a i ret for • And win n we k.tv nigh iilents to d r. Coop house- mt 211 M. A. C. Ave. • trunks fr it h the one who kept CARBURETOR -BOLE thi' State Hoard wa- June /.. L It. that the interfrater- Music'ti The State Sew- takes no issue on It villi visiting dele. Musicians .1 Arir - "Itv "unciI to the A. E. Pi's. Aside from Council Utilities the guest ion anv ' of juntuv. it ia decision that the Council may reach « that successful iiusi PORTABLE TYPEWRITER does represent the majority opinion among For That teI.ong Term" fraternity men on the rumpus, a- each wif don't mean member of the council votes merely as n ii o*ll i title which is bostow- it ion on account of gen- students to settle their own battles, I i>- reserved exclusively 1.oilier an "•* k ng as this attitude prevails, the stu without at leant oiu h .norary l! en »• anu tanner of humorous miurih* in the iin .. conferred upon various pcrsonugr: ome things arc plainly pre|xn«terouf American colleges. They usuall> an i n in e\i I of it is fiKilishness. Ouf own |wu\udonv or a donation to the college by the recipi- \u C. Muni, i' .i iage> chap who sp.»t> >..r". a l.trgt -• t slv epitliets and a woman at the third comer? No- buses run every 5 minutes Ur. Sargu:- is still in Hungary. The high stakes, the coveted stakes was a position y itn Lu'.het .- murnphM between lansing and east lansing on the fencing team. Both contestants *f'.m Ki-su* Burn" FOR ECONOMY FOR SAFETY ' choii ol 4b >aag l.om RIDE THE BUSES tK few ft ti.c church. t i said tine. The faculty tempts of some nun ». oT'the CITY TRANSPORT Tuesday, May 25, 19!1V MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Co-ed Fencers Cast Governor Start Series Pieked Gala Spirit Reigns Co-e'd Seek Laurels; Groups S Mermaid* Leave To Become Member For Play by of Open Meets As Aggies Present in Sing Friday I AstoodNympfc. DramaGroup Spring Party OfSpeech Honorary Will First Open House Punhellenie Council *or« Song Contest in Spoil. Kvrntful Year Michigan State mermaids will Junr Trial*. ChoM-n For Prodiirlinn Ruml Stand Twelve OrRunization* lloltl HANNAH DESCRIBES Poets Found Club forsake the chlorine next week¬ The women's fencing team from by Thru Alpha Phi Sprin* Entertainment* j TENTATIVE PROGRAMS Under the sponsorship of Pan* end for the social life of wood • fimlurl ProRriint From For Young Writers Michigan State got to the semi¬ Over Week-end. | hellcnic council, 12 campus sororitx nymphs when Green Splash, girls' I niwn Slrp* finals in an open tournament held .. (Continued from page 1J | groups will compete in the inter- •wimining honorary, gives its an¬ nual spring formal at the Forestry The first meeting of at the Salle De Tuscan Fencer's a new college health center t sorority sing to be held at 6:3f Cfie newly cabin Saturday, June 5. club organized Poetry club was held place the over-taxed present struc- • Friday I tinner to Follow Tuesday evening with Jean Fuller meeting a team composed ture. The new hospital will lie bnnd s in the Forest «»f Ardor The dance will climax the series Joanna De Tuscan. United State ' announced recently by W. F OrehettiH Recital located ofT East Grand River ave- The of activities sponsored each year I < mini I Initiation presiding and Prof. W W Johns ton, English department, servini Olympic captain last summer, ThomP»"n' instructor of drama nuc where the tennis courts were plaque by the organization. Life saving classes, swimming meets, all-col¬ Gerda Michel?, state champion.!11* play wi" ■* «,v*n two '«• and WrMniiaiflc as adviser. Those who attended decided t< and Cornelia Sanger, pi omincnt inina*" 1110(1 ® and 111 jY. W. C. A. Hold, land All?.i«-»'(d- 1 1 ■• !""r"™ group will pro lege date nights, and the annual of the! , hold round table discussions and Detroit fencer, they were climin- ! Miratnn Bicsch will plav Beau- Mrmhrrohip Meet "Withandthethetw.,home union win*.economics.'1, i>"' "1 water pageant make up the yearly \ri' Srlrflril a* Family ated. 9 bouts to none Vir*inia MrBride. as I off Year. Green Splash program, besides in- to organize in order to continue build - 11 t tensive drill on diving and strokes? MrmbiT> next fall. Steps be taken A ser.nd team which entered ,iady Marv r",hsl''' Wl" P'ay "n11 may lend. appearing fro from here was eliminated then to become branch of the tiled at the a j explained Kappa Delta, forensic honor- Co!Icg« Poetry Society of America first round, meelinf a second Salle i L^T-ncc Hamilton io Tuscan team which advanced f the Duke this week will initiate 12 In 1U2.3-24 Michigan State had ,hr DEFENDS LOC ATION members, including Governor' a Writer's club which included the finals The girls on the first I vu,a,n- or attended the v, V1llr' De fending its tentatively plan- - Murphy and Dean L. C.1 students and faculty members It team were Laura Ann Pratt, Mild- ! ',ud*nts wh" l>a«? h"n i the judging pit1 ned central location tie -aid "'The the runs Other initiates, besides' red Lnrkson. and E?ther Biahop. ''"r ,h* Production and the At the end of the Beta Kappas, begin a similar one on the second team. Margaret Col- \ !nl" ,h" wi" Plav Arnold ! team defeated the linge. Helen Pra Eleanor ' ^ on10, Nash. Jamie Mar-; ; E McMonagle of the speech letting will be held tm. William Bantisort lann of the chem- ; recent I y. Jere Kim¬ *ment who is joining as mm 1<18. Unioi a| ; i ball, Willmm Raikell; \i-k. Joe f'tanmore, MATC HES HELD INSIDE Staley I Haogh laord Downbrakc Christian > • >h Vcrdeir, and Fred n. Helen Ik This tournament was one of a HenkenrM. Major Mnlynoaux Wil¬ week end gucbts at an, Stanley Ev ■iciics uf three, in women's foil, liam Gladd-n. Captain Badger !, Kenneth f Alvin \ m« n's foil and men's sabre which : Ncls P To Honor liiilinD'M Olson Wm n . k it. B. f ki. Mary Alir th and are being held at the Salle de Tus- II oman's Ruildinfg oft. Ma Delia Chi Suggestions Now you have (lie answer to the a«rc-ohl 'liiestioii— Dancers, Musicians Combine Talents Cur Orchcsis Recital Sahmlay \iuhl of rbeta Alpha Phi a rt< UNUSUAL EVENTS MODERN THEME I MED The citlendur is l ulJ—Uiure rtb THE HORSE SHOW MEMORIAL DAY SENIOR FUNCTIONS COMMENCEMENT I VTHEK'S D V V —June JOth tale a smartest Dance Mimic " BILL PORTER v*.r w MAY REI It.loi s THEME You KEMEMBEK only the In-t, and 'he price ^ :.m more at Hurd'ff j It Pays to l-H.k Well Straw Hats and up SPARTAN UTan One SUpeil ;k FOR VOI K NEXT I'alm Beach Suits Ci, w*. d.med !■ i MaASt-netN MAlltl I 1 • E'eg.-e was ■ on rostd and pre¬ d g»i 1 p< a Summer Eormals—$12.3(1 set Jed as a soki by Maxy Kllep _ Slacks $1.95 to $N.»U # OU null' riiutMlar f jOrjpr "S.(r,to depicted .h. . : iqid"the , -7 the hum- MOWNELL at < hiMwn »u<1. u, .1 e u, futi.fired .w t-de « .gfbye to th: «• tribal. .U«Rt her.*., ,nd J»» CuUrRc! Byfcer Shop Spurt Shirts -$1 to $2 of her friend# Th;, . ..ad u, lh, ,>U5 lfI, . >]( 213 M. A. C. Ave. Sport Hose—35c up rt.nce._- nhM.ETON* RIIMI* college book store t college WW compned by ll«y Ellen, writ \ keleton rtonce Narrow Bow Tiv»~5U<:*$l danced the solo part, with Wtlmaj drug* • byrnes • smoke ; Hanby. Louise t^angdon and . I Rachael Mmges a* her friends Pa.t shop • union , of 'this number wiu accompanied ! by '.om-loma. We're oragK'hg aix»ut the largest FOLK DANf LM PREHENTED and beet assort menu off A group of folk dances, inttud- This and other stuff for ,ng « poika. Hungarian daik-e. Spamah dance. Ruakktn trepak. W hite Ground Ncckwuar ' and an l almn Tarantelle coo eluded the selection* before inle; $1.UU each - Tm ONLY TEN CENTS m.iadon. in The dancers appropriate costume and were garbed accom- -"a is-piece colore; GR.V01 ATlON A.XU KATUEHS DAY GIFTg pained the dance* with much maaan MICHIGAN STATE MEWS Totadar. M*r 28.19*1 /»WI WW £ j Why Big Ten Rejected State Application — Interludes FROSH BOX SCORF. Sport Wolves Victor Director Yon tip State Frosh Defeat I Interludes— Chosen Honorary CIC, Meet Referee (-ranhrook Nine, 9-7 B> (iMirp1 Wmkin Over Linksmen Yrloran Slnlr Conrli h Spnrtan Yearling. Forcetl to Slave Off I .air liininit Spiii-tiiii- Off nn Mirhi|ron Qnn«Hr« Hope- for \w:irili-il for Service. Hall); Owen. Hall. Ilan>»n. ami Amlrrwn l arli Col- Will ill Coif ill Tllllr Tllix S'llMHl: Frr-lnni-ii lerl Two llil* Fro-li Score Fonrtli N irtory. Honor will be accorded one of X in From Flint Junior Colli'iir. Is founders when the twelfth nn- iual Central intercollegiate out- cning, June ' J,,ad yesterday afternoon that ■ hnd cut their lead to one run. , . j Cranbrook was unable to over- i Merris, batting for Spinner, sent! i Ralph H Young, Michigan State i come, as the yearlings chalked up j Anderson, on first as a result of j athlotit duei-tor and track conch, their fourth win, 9-7. | Cartwright's low throw of his j wiiii with Knute Rot kne, Notre The visiting prep nine made a grounder, around the horn to I i.i m»*. and Conrad M. Jennings, "clous bid towards victory in the third. Beck with's erroi of Rossi Mamuette. organi/ed the On- final frame, but their rally was infield ball scoted Anderson and j trals in 1920, has been selected ctii short at two runs as the tleing I sent Merris to second, from where j as rei'i ier of the 1927 champion- ! tallies died on the bnses. i he scampered home on Owen's j ship j With one out in the Spartan: second hit. R..sd tagged up at i half of the first, and Charlie Sabo j third and scored the final run after T — ^ , <»n first base, George Owen hit a j Clddings' long fly ball to right cen- >l|ttII11I AWIinl ] i ll. Sp:,ii Oo hove never met h»«e* «» a reoilt of a walk and a men on the Miek>. wlule State left ed the highest score, 22AD out of j State was follow in* closely the ~ I Tuledu on the courts but turned nct'iivb th» rtinKa I nine base runners stranded. a possible 3000. regulations the ronfrrener has set r|\. Cft,||| Nine down for its members. I IP k lilll A .listinot departure from the ordinary not wish to revealed expand. the eonferenee "it had decided after || j„ j|||C | ^.|M|#.r . (n GuiitiU'i and Wilbur Greer j to more people every day certain to make the eastern Up-to-the-minute trains and nre trip. Up-to-the-minute methods and Thirty-two teams have already J Notre Dame in the last lap of the! entered teams in the meet that i modern planes make travel easier finer ingredients... pure cigarette rivals the National culh-giatcs for I Stale's win last Ft ida.v is regard¬ popularity. Columbia, Manhattan.. ed highly bccuuae Notre Dame de¬ and Pittsburgh, three crack cast- i flated Ohio State who finished Chesterfields zvillgiveyou ... more pleasant. paper...mild ripe aromatic home¬ eri teams, arc expected to wage third in the Big Ten meet. Pitts¬ And wherever you see folks en¬ grown and Turkish tobaccos, aged pleasure... battle for the team title. burgh and Indiana will brutg , Greer, State speedster. d""v»n- strong teams to the C. I. C. more and mellowed for two years or strated against the Irish he is joying these modern things of life rapidly reaching his peak" and A "Barefoot Day" is observed you'll see them enjoying Chester¬ more . . . make Chesterfield an T&ifa should push Ben Johnson of Col¬ each year at Oklahoma Junior col¬ umbia to the limit. On a track lege One day every spring the covered with mud, Greer scamper¬ students and faculty must shed field Cigarettes. outstanding cigarette. ed the 100-yard dash in :09.7 and their shoes and pad about the cam¬ Jeter navigated the 220-yard dash pus on nude feet.