A r m s s a l e r e a c t i o n s m i x e d By TH E ASSOCIATED PR ESS Senat* action was a clear indication "the lever peace concessions from Israel and in m ilitary advantage over the A rabs, but with Israel saw the U.S. S enate’s approval of a Jew ish lobby in th e United S tates is recent interview s Egyptian P resident the supply of U.S. fighters to E g y p t and th ree nation M ideast plane sale as a weakening and Israel is losing its "influence A nw ar Sadat said the sale w as im portant as Saudi A rabia "w e're going to lose th at diplomatic slap in th e fact*. E gypt praised it on pressure groups in A merica." a symbol of U .S. intentions to the A rabs. edge." as an expression of th e American people s The radio com mentary, monitored in will, and Saudi Arabia said it showed Jew ish C yprus, said. "This heralds a new era in Moshe A rens, chairperson of the influen­ The Israeli press called the Senate vote "a influence waning in W ashington. relations between the U nited S tates and tial foreign affairs and security com m ittee of failure on the part of the Israeli lobby" in The conflicting views cam e Tuesday from Israel, during which Israel will no longer be th e Israeli P arliam ent, told rep o rters that Washington and accused Begin of failing to the th ree recipients of the $4.8 billion arm s able to influence U.S. policy, which will until now Israel had enjoyed a qualitative voice Israeli’s objections strongly enough. sales package approved Monday in a 54-44 henceforth be dictated by American in ter Senate vote. ests." Israeli P rim e M inister Menachem Begin Begin, in a Tel Aviv speech to Israeli , expressed "deep reg ret" at th e approval. He m anufacturers, said, “We are very sorry" accused th e C arter adm inistration of reneging on "an absolute and unconditional commitment" made in Septem ber 1975 to sell Israel P -16 je ts and said “th e re is no the sale was a package deal for Israel and the Arabs. Then, without naming America, he said, An effort is being made to d ictate peace Cartwright justification" for including E g y p t and Saudi term s to u s . . . to pressure us into a position A rabia in th a t deal. from which it will be not only difficult but Israel will g et 75 F 16s and 15 F 15s in the sales package. Saudi A rabia will receive 60 F 15s and E gypt 50 F 5Es. Egyptian P resid en t A nw ar S adat said th e impossible to defend our civilian population. "Peace term s cannot be dictated to Israel. Peace term s can only be negotiated with concedes guilt Israel, he declared to thunderous applause. U .S. decision “is proof of th e American Defense Minister Ezer Weizman also was people's support for P resid en t C arter's LANSING i API — S tate Sen. A rthur C artw right pleaded guilty Tuesday to a charge of critical of the U.S. adm inistration b ut urged peace efforts in th e Middle E ast." chiseling on his expense account, agreed to resign and pledged th a t he would not seek Israelis to drop the "narrow ” subject. re-election. •fi-'--»«- In a statem en t issued by his office, S adat Speaking in a television interview , he said S t o te N e w t Ir a S t r ic k s te in His d ep a rtu re on May 31 will be the second occasion this month th a t a Michigan said th e deal is most significant because "for th e issue was more im portant politically ,sbrr slrD cila, those plecea of cardboard that you uaed in grade lawm aker has left the Legislature under th e cloud of a criminal conviction. the first tim e th e A rabs w ere able to than militarily, and the th re at from A rabs I [o make poatera becauae your handwriting waa ao acribbly? overcome th e special U.S. Israeli relation­ having advanced American planes could be C artw right, a 68-year-old D etroit Democrat, pleaded guilty to a charge of defrauding they're alive and well and atlll with ua In the form of wooden ship th a t has so far obstru cted A rab dealt with if Israelis "think, plan and th e sta te of less than $100 — specifically, of subm itting an expense account for^45.80 for ■ltd by workera to paint in the numbera on the turf at the purchases of U .S. w eapons for th e ir own an A tlanta meal when in fact he spent $4.16. prepare. There is nothing impossible." ia this week. security." In Tel Aviv, an Israeli official who asked In exchange for th e misdemeanor conviction — which carries a maximum penalty of a Saudi A rabia's governm ent radio said the not to be identified said. T h e A m ericans are $100 fine and 90 days in jail — th e state agreed to drop five felony charges against now getting even handed and you know how C artw right involving o ther alleged expense account fraud. we define even handed: you get slapped in C artw right's plea came only five days after the House voted to expel Rep. Monte th e face with one hand, and then with the ,S. troops may rescue o ther, equally hard." To some Israeli observers th e S enate vote reflected Israel's loss of p restige in the United S tates stem m ing from the current stalem ates in Mideast peace talks. They said G eralds, D-Madison H eights, because of a conviction for embezzling $24,000 from a law client. C artw right's atto rn ey said the controversy over Geralds hurt his chances of gettin g a ju ry not biased against politicians. "A ju ry would have had a difficult time coming to grips with finding my client not guilty," said Dennis A rcher. “He iC artw right) didn’t feel he would get a fair trial." many Amercians blame th e deadlock on A ttorney General F rank J . Kelley said in a statem ent the agreem ent "effectively mencans from Zaire Jerusalem 's opposition to Cairo’s peace term s, including total Israeli w ithdrawal from occupied A rab te rrito ry and creation of a Palestinian homeland. The Egyptian foreign m inister said the serves th e end of justice. I believe decisive action was necessary to rem ove a questionable public official from office and help resto re public confidence in governm ent." U nder th e plea bargain accepted by Ingham County Circuity Court Ju d g e Thomas Brown, Cartw right also will reim burse Michigan th e entire amount — $692.22 — th e state has accused him of taking under false pretenses, according to the atto rn ey general’s (IN iAI’ i — The Pentagon See related story on page 2. point of the new fighting. office. sale of the first American w arplanes to luratroopers and A ir Force S ixty tw o of the Americans living Egypt will 'encourage us to continue our Sentencing was set for Ju n e 7 at th e earliest. Tuesday in th e event they Zaire are em ployees of the Morrison peace efforts." C artw right will get a $12.072 annual pension as a 13 and one half year veteran of the »■■vd-'uatt* American civilians provide details on th e num ber of troops and K nudsen firm, based in Idaho, which has E g y n t is depending on W ashington to House and Senate. He would not get it if expelled, as was likely if he was convicted. ; Zaire. planes affected by th e alert. been constructing a pow er project :t Department stressed that For th e second time in 14 months, rebel Kolwezi. i of personnel or aircraft has insurgents a re attem p tin g to take over E arlier Tuesday, at a breakfast meeting Shaba Province in Zaire, a C entral African with congressional leaders. President Uar VICTIMS CALLED ClRFEW BREAKERS' ifferts units of th e 82nd nation th a t w as a form er Belgian colony. te r suggested he would like Congress to ¡on at Ft. Bragg, N.C., and S ta te D epartm ent spokesperson Hodding ease its restrictions on his pow er to send Command planes which will C arter said the first concern of the United U.S. military aid abroad. Air Force Base n ear F t. ia^on said. S tates is th e w elfare of 73 American citizens residing in th e Kolwezi area of C arter, who is concerned about renew ed fighting in Zaire, indicated such legislation Z im b a b w e b a ttle le a v e s 50 dead Department declined to southern Zaire, which has been th e focal ■’would be very welcome." House M inority Leader John Rhodes said after the meeting. SALISBURY, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe' i API rillas. 13 persons described as “terro rist security forces, across and through the Rhodes added, however, that C arter did — Fifty blacks described as "curfew collaborators" and 14 civilians. The victims, tribesm en." the communique said. "In the not specifically req u est a relaxation of the breakers" w ere killed and 24 wounded all but one of whom w ere black, apparently resulting firefight 50 curfew breakers w ere ronger spouse abuse controls, which w ere enacted in th e wake of when they w ere caught in cross-fire in a died in th e th re e days since the last w ar killed and another 24 w ere wounded.” the Vietnam war. b attle betw een governm ent troops and bulletin was issued. According to unconfirmed reports, the "But he certainly indicated it would be nationalist guerrillas, the military command Almost all areas along Zimbabwe's more b attle took place in th e Gutu tribal very welcome and I got th e im pression that announced Tuesday night. than 1,500 miles of borders w ith black ruled reservation 120 miles south of the capital. th e re would be a legislative proposal to It is believed the largest num ber of states are under a dusk-to-dawn curfew. The 10-week-old bi-racial transition ad­ Ik passed by House accomplish th a t," th e Arizona Republican said of C arter. S ecretary of S tate Cyrus R. Vance met civilian d eaths in a single engagem ent in the five-year w ar by black nationalist guerrillas against w hite rule in th e country. The curfew also is in force in p arts of the country up to 100 miles from th e border and applies to p arts of th e day in areas where m inistration predicted th e fighting, now covering two-thirds of th e country, would die down following the agreem ent by the with House and S enate leaders later to The communique said the shooting took guerrilla presence is particularly strong. w hite minority governm ent to hand over •I’l' On a series of unanimous votes Tuesday, th e s ta te House approved discuss th e possibility of taking what he place Sunday night when a security force According to th e m ilitary, the security power to a populary-elected black govern­ ptogthening the hand of th e police and courts in dealing with dom estic violence, called a "dispassionate look at existing laws unit on a bush patrol discovered a group of force patrol opened fire on th e guerrillas ment by the end of this year. same time. Gov. William G. Milliken said he will ask th e L egislature for $1 to see if changes can be made." guerrillas addressing trib e m em bers in addressing th e trib e mem bers, killing one White Prime M inister Ian Smith, now esiabhsh a shelter for b attered wives and their children in D etroit. "I would hope this could be done a curfew area. as he was m aking a speech. joined in a ruling transition council with ,5Pow«' abuse bills w ere th e subject of lively debate in five public hearings held prom ptly,” Vance said as he em erged front The com munique announced a total of 87 "This resulted in o th er groups of te rro r three moderate black nationalist leaders, the state and tw o extensive "statew ide w orking sessions." but they slipped (continued on page 14) deaths, including tw o soldiers, eight guer ists opening fire from different positions at conceded in an interview Monday the P N,,usp and over to th e S enate Tuesday without debate. cease fire was taking longer than expected |;|inthe package, introduced last S eptem ber by Hep. Connie Binsfeld, R Maple to "get off th e ground." 1 make it easier for police to prosecute wife beaters by dropping the , fn’ ’"al officers m ust w itness th e assault in order to make an arrest. b ill w o u ld give judges w ider discretion in spouse abuse cases, allowing them to f offenders a second chance by ordering m andatory counseling instead of jail. Women cagers to address board G uerrilla leaders have denounced the Salisbury agreem ent and pledged to step up the b attle to gain control of this breakaway p»ho meet certain req u irem en ts could have their record erased, British colony. By A N N E M ARIE BIONDO players w ant to ad d ress the tru ste e s at the “No work is being done to get a private Curfew regulations provide th at persons nteasures in the package req u ire law enforcem ent agencies to keep b etter and GAYLE JACOBSON May 25 m eeting to make them aw are of an lawyer," she said. "If we feel we’re running outside th eir homes after hours can be shot f 11domestic violence cases and im prove judges’ ability to protect b attered wives S ta te New s S taff W riters ad m inistrative lag in complying with Title into road blocks — if they ladm inistratorsl on sight. ¡h*at at,ar^s through th e use of restraining orders. The MSU women’s basketball team has IX regulations. try to lose us in the system — we may go in Iro11domestic Violence C enter would be able to accommodate 40 adults and 140 The estim ated 6,000 guerrillas now requested to speak at th e MSU Board of that direction." 1 orup to three weeks at a tim e, in addition to providing services to those who In A pril, th e women's basketball team fighting within the country are known to T ru stees public com ment session next week The Affirmative Action Committee, 0stav ln their own homes. filed a com plaint against th e University hold regular political indoctrination m eet­ to outline its sex discrim ination complaint. headed by A ssistant Athletic D irector t<>the emergency sh elter and counseling service, the project calls for an charging violation of Title IX of the Federal ings in rural areas. ■jjg research program. Team co-captain K athleen J . DeBoer said Clarence Underwood and W omen's Athletic Flducation A m endm ents of 1972. D irector Nell Jackson, have been meeting Of the more than 9.000 people officially The am endm ent prohibits discrimination for the past m onth “addressing the issue of reported killed in th e past five years, more on th e basis of sex in any federally funded Title IX," Jackson said. than 1.000 have been described by the nsing council may approve money educational program , including sports. T itle IX regulations require MSU to comply w ith th e am endm ent by July 21. Jackson added th at the com mittee cannot release its findings on discrimination in the w hite-ruled military as guerrilla helpers, recruits o r "cross-fire" victims. There have women’s athletic program until th e ques­ been regular reports of curfew breakers The U niversity stands to lose up to $30 tionnaire has been answ ered and a formal being killed, but the circumstances are not million in federal funding if the deadline is usual!v described. r dredging, overriding mayoral veto not m et. The team also initiated a petition drive at report has been completed. th e W om en’s Athletic Banquet last week. By JA N ET HALFM ANN pockets of th e ta x p ay ers in this com munity." Team m em bers are seeking signatures to State News S taff W riter Councilmember R ichard J . Baker criticized th e mayor's support im m ediate action to "rem edy the ‘foih’7 i" " '' probably override th e m ayor's veto of argum ent. Fifty percent of th e u sers of Lake Lansing are Lansing effects of past and present discrimination in 1 IM Lansing dredging project formally subm itted residents, he said. athletics” at MSU, DeBoer said. >s meeting. "T here's a lot of double dipping th a t goes on on both sides.” he In o th e r action, team m embers are also said. "But to say th a t Ingham County is doing nothing is not true." w riting a complaint le tte r to the federal n'on'i*00*1 n° aft'on on t 'le vet0 M onday, but will very ,dl„ l'' XI of th e eight council m em ber votes .„il j ‘jPPrn' ,e the funding over th e m ayor's veto, Baker also pointed o u t th a t th e county is contributing additional funds to develop tw o park areas around th e lake. Councilmember Jam e s D. Blair agreed th e veto would be Office of Civil Rights, a branch of the D epartm ent of H ealth, Education and W elfare, D eB oer added. She explained that in s id e iiiriak11 a assured , 'nce th e $28,000 partial paym ent f ii/fl, K'nK project waa pasaed unanimously by the overridden, though he had originally argued th e sam e points as the th e le tte r’s purpose is to establish contact For d etails on a prostitution mayor. w ith th e civil rights office which could fundraiser, see page 8. "The council cam e to a com promise betw een tw o varying eventually prom pt compliance procedures. "larka'm?ininK pl?d$e o( $100,000 would be paid if a positions," he said. D eBoer said U niversity Title IX co­ "■5millfl'(| " r nt W' t *1 County can be w orked o u t. milli0„lm , restoration project is also being financed In o ther action, th e council approved th e city’s purchase of the ord in ato r M ary Pollock is also preparing an Ju ry Rowe W arehouse in th e 300 block of East Michigan Avenue "ex ten siv e questionnaire" examining the each frln 7 er»l funds, $400,000 from Ingham County, areas of discrim ination specified in the w eather fromo,0? , idian Township and E a st Lansing and for $125,000. The property will enable th e city to expand Riverfront Bark and com plaint. T he questionnaire is to be , 1(1; Hake assessment district. provide w arehouse space for city departm ents. answ ered by th e athletic d epartm ent’s Sunny and clear today! With * nt bein g * 11.1' Mayor G erald W *G raves said $176.000 of The council also approved th e $38.4 million budget for fiscal year A ffirm ative A ction Committee. a high in th e mid 60s even! UnsinK ^>Ul ln ^ th e county w as actually a contribution 1978 79. If no p ro g ress tow ard ending discrimina Tonight will be clear, with A job classification and salary level study for city employees tion is m ade th ro u g h U niversity and federal te m p eratu res in the mid-50s. ‘ toidpnu fuS about 44 percent of its pro p erty ta x es from done by Hay A ssociates will also be implem ented. channels, D eB oer said, the team may take not on 8 a id * The study recom m ended th a t th e salaries of over 300 city o th er action, though none has yet been V e v e M ^ l° l^e ^ a*te te n s in g project, a s such," G raves em ployees he frozen for up to th re e years. planned. am °PPosed to th e 'double dipping* from th e Zairean troops battle invadei By Tin A»«eclatnd Preu confirm th e reports. y ea r by reb els try in g to seize In B russels, th e National S ev eral h u n d red Z aire gov­ The Belgian F oreign Minia- Shaba — th e form er K atanga F ro n t for th e Liberation of the ern m en t p i n t r o o p e n dropped try confirmed a Belgian w ork­ P rovince - th e U nited S ta te s listed 011 Congo, which claims responsi­ into th e em b attled a re a around ing for a mining com pany died provided only non-lethal equip­ bility for th e s tu c k , u i d civil th e so u th ern tow n o f Kolweai T uesday to join th e fight in the Kolwesi fighting. T h ere s re no rep o rts of A m erican m ent for com munications and tra n sp o rtatio n to th e cen tral ¡an casualties w ere a resu lt of bombings by governm ent a tr S -l ag ain st reb el in v ad ers holding casualties. g overnm ent. planes and could n o t be blamed th a t im p o rtan t copper-m ining Zaire rep o rted gains against S ta te D ep artm en t officials, on th e invaders. (,uick|y »cizeTltSP cen ter, Z aire's R adio K inshasa the rebels elsew here in th e m eanw hile, w ere considering The s U te m e n t said th e at G u e rr illa s hold ag a in st E th io p ia n o ffensive rep o rted . southern province of S haba, but an evacuation of 80 to 100 U ck was n o t aided by Cuba or horder.n°r,h » '4 D iplom atic re p o rts la te Tues this could not be confirmed. A m ericans from th e b attle th e Soviet Union, and promised BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) — Rebel guerril­ the entire Eritrean coast, from the d ay from L usaka, Zambia, south of th e ce n tral African In W ashington, P resid en t C arter was rep o rted read y to zone. The Jo h an n esb u rg S ta r new spaper, in a dispatch from ihvading tro o p s would not harm ¡•Tts-d European o r A m erican civilians las are holding fast against a two­ pronged Ethiopian offensive launched to northern port of M assow a to the southern port of A ssab ," said a statement issued nation o f Z aire said e ig h t Bel­ gians and an Italian had been ask Congress to ease re s tric ­ tions on sending m ilitary aid to Zambia, said all able-bodied w h ite m en in rebel-held te r r i­ "in an y way under any p re­ tex t." is s a crush the 16-year-old independence by the Eritrean Liberation Front-Revolu­ killed in th e fighting. Zaire's such friendly nations as Zaire. to ry had been placed in protec , , w> miles The F ren ch Em baasy in Lu­ em bassy in L usaka could not rebellion in Ethiopia’s northern Red Sea tionary Council. D uring a sim ilar invasion last liv e custody. saka said five F rench miliUry thJs from Belgium , h ^ 1 J province of Eritrea, the biggest rebel In Washington, Defense Department ad v isers to Zaire's pro- remained in rebel group claimed Tuesday. spokesperson Thomas Ross said the W estern g o vernm ent w ere cap­ A statement said the purported pincer United States has received reports of tu re d by th e rebels. T heir fate predicted 1 RWrnmentoip « is unknown. offensive by 40,000 Ethiopian troops was sporadic fighting in Eritrea, but "nothing lu Snse Seko primarily aimed at closing rebel sea to indicate it has escalated." The official Zaire radio, moni to red by th e B ritish B roadcast­ did'n supply routes and breaking a six-month The rebel statement claimed 20,000 did dunng last year, J ing Corp. in London, said the guerrilla siege of Eritrea's provincial troops mounted the four-day coastal “ «butu has appesirti p aratro o p ers w ere dropped capital of Asmara. assault behind relentless air and naval for Western help. ^ I around Kolwezi to join govern­ "The heaviest fighting is flaring along strikes. m ent ground forces in th e area A rece|ved nofirJ and “re U k e th e tow n and the A ,* r President 1 regular White Hoy, J airp o rt." It gave few deU ils, but reliable sources in Belgium, c J eaders Tuesday, HoJ O P E C cutting b a c k oil p ro d u ctio n form er colonial ru ler of Zaire, “ « n leader J„hn j J said th e fighting was heavy. tarter indicated he«j Food s to res and th e homes of KUWAIT (AP) - Oil Minister Ali exports. " ’me" action bv C* E uropeans w ere being looted Kholifoh al-Soboh said Tuesday the entire case restriction; on j Al-Sabah said all 13 members of the oil inside th e rebel-held town of Organization of Petroleum Exporting 100,000 people. ability to J cartel are participating in the program aid abroad. I I Countries has begun cutting back crude which calls for on overall cut of eight ! oil production by 20 percent. million barrels a day from last year's Several OPEC members have pushed for production cuts to offset a current average daily produciton of 34 million barrels. Outlook improve/ Sheik Ahmed Zaki Yamani, Saudi world oil surplus created by new oil Arabia s oil minister, announced in supplies from Alaska, the North Sea and Mexico. The OPEC production cuts appeared Kuwait last week that his country, the world's largest crude oil exporter, hod fo r Social Securii cut doily production by 1.5 million barrels aimed at balancing world oil supplies and from last year's average of 9.5 barrels a W ASHINGTON (API - The pay fo r the hospital a, stabilizing demand for its crude oil day. outlook is rosy for th e Social th e so-called Pan S ecurity retirem e n t and dis­ care. ability tr u s t funds until the The governmratdJ early 21st ce n tu ry , when the g eneral tax revenues -X C o u rtro o m cro w d je e rs d issid ent children of th e post W orld W ar b u lk o f the costs of II baby boom s ta r t collecting P a rt It of V .ljfl M O SCO W (AP) — Policemen tussled dents and a U.S. Embassy representative old age benefits, th e system 's re tire e s and disabled] Eii u La APWir#photo with reporters outside and spectators Firelighters battled an early morning fire that destroyed a hotel in Jellico, tru s te e s told C ongress T ues­ have been barred from the courthouse a lso p a vam on thfvp J day. ieered defendant Yuri Orlov inside a where the founder of Moscow 's Helsinski renn., killing at leaat seven persons and injuring 15. Many of the victims T he controversial h igher pay courtroom Tuesday where the dissident human rights group is on trial. were elderly, permanent residents of the hotel which was built near the turn roll ta x es th a t law m akers a p ­ leader was being tried for anti-Soviet of the century. agitation and propaganda." "It s a spectacle and a circus. It's really not funny, because the main thing is Yuri proved last D ecem ber have put th e sy stem back on an even Labor m \4 has lost the right to defend himself keel until at least 2010, and th e Emerging from the second day of the trial of her physicist husband, Trina properly," Mrs. Orlov said. T E M E SSE E HOTEL BURNS TO GROUND tr u s t funds w on’t ru n o u t until opponent» Uniformed Soviet police shouting nearly 2030, th e tru s te e s said in Orlov said a crude courtroom crowd Enough! Enough!" tussled with report­ th e ir annual rep o rt. laughed and jeered him as he testified ers interviewing Mrs. Orlov. They pushed filibuster id and Judge V.G. Lubentsova repeatedly cut him off. the group away from the courthouse and | F ir e c la im s seven liv e s The hospital insurance tru s t fund, which pays hospital bills WASHINGTONiAj at one point tried to seize a reporter's under M edicare, is ex p ected to publican opponents ol Foreign reporters. O rlov’s fellow dissi- tope recorder. go broke by 1990. T h at is a JE L L IC O , Tenn. (API — F ire sw ept through revision launched J died in th e blaze. an aging resid en tial hotel Tuesday, killing at slight im provem ent on previous prom ised filibuster The hospital said four of th e victim s w ere Iva projections th a t it would be least seven persons, officials said. A m o th er against the bill that I M arie Brookm an, 77; J . T. Hopkins, age wiped out by 1988. T he tru s te e s tossed h e r infant d a u g h te r from a third-floor la b o r and the Carter! u ndeterm ined; J a m e s Miller, age undeterm ined; recom m ended th a t its long window into th e fath er's w aiting arm s, then tra tio n want so badly] and M iller's 3-year-otd son. ran g e financing be stren g th jum ped herself to escape th e flames. "W e intend to fighl Eleven p ersons req u ired hospital atten tio n , ened. and fig h t it to the last| F irefig h ters w ere search in g for m ore possible and six w ere ad m itted for tre a tm e n t of sm oke i f p i . victim s in a pile of bricks - all th a t was left of th e th ree-sto ry building a fte r th e early m orning inhalation o r in ju ries su stain ed in th e ir escape. But th ey urg ed C ongress to go slow on any atte m p t to hold i t is not in the best i; th is co un try," said S Police Chief C harles Bruce said he believed 29 back th e payroll tax increases, T h urm o nd , R-S.C. blaze b ro u g h t down its roof and upper floors. persons, m any of th em elderly, w ere reg istered which th ey said have "resto red ponents said they T he s ta te fire m arshal's office said four m ore M onday night. bodies m ight be in th e debris. th e financial so u n d n ess"o f the pared to filibuster for Cause of th e fire w as not known. retirem e n t and disability funds S h o rtly before W e a re still looking for people who m ay have Dan S anderford, ad m in istra to r for th e com for th e re s t of th is cen tu ry "and spoke, a key Republl been th e re last night." said A rnold O verton, munity hospital in th e n o rth e ast T ennessee tow n into th e th e early y ea rs of the his side has a margin/ police and fire d isp atch er in th is ru ral com m unity of 1,300, said a te m p o rary m orgue was set up in a next one." o f succeeding in the j in n o rth e ast Tennessee near th e K entucky s ta te locer room at th e facility. line. S everal m em bers of Con ta lk th e measure to d In d u s tria l output in cre a se s The bodies w ere badly b urned, he said. "By g ress have proposed lowering A filib u ste r can G eorge S chnitzer, a s ta te fire m arshal's spokes­ looking at th em , you couldn't tell th e ir age or person, said th re e men. th re e women and a child th e payroll ta x increases by o n ly i f 60 of the 1001 WASHINGTON (AP) - The notion s Department said April housing storts using gen eral tax rev en u es to vote to k ill it. economy turned in o strong performance were at an annual rote of 2,189,000, up in April os industrial output rose 1.1 Th* S,° ,# '» p u b l u h ^ j by ih # « tu d *n t« o» M rc h rg o n S to '* U n rv *« » ity * v * t y d o t« from the March rate of 2.060,000 and 15 àoy Ò u rtn g F o li W r n t* , o n d S pr.ng « c h o c ! ( « m i AAoodoy W * d n * td o y a n d F n d a y * percent and housing starts increased 6 d u r m g S w m m *r t * f m o n d a « p *c .a l W * l< o m * W ** é i o d itio n .» p „ b l.» h * d ,n S * p t* m b * . percent ahead of the construction pace a S u b tc n p t.o n t o '* ■« S 2 0 p * r y *o r percent. The increases marked the year earlier. Single family housing starts S *< on d d o t « p o t 'o g * p o .d Ot t a t i la n « ,n g M k h t d .'o r .a l o n d b u lin o « « oH .co» a i 345 second good month in a row following the S lu d o n t S orvK O » B ld g M rch rgo n S ta to U n iv o r tit y Eo«t lo n tr n g M ic h «8824 P o « ' O M ic o were 1,502,000at an annual rote, up from p u b lic a tio n n u m b o r >t 520360 winter slowdown. the March rate of 1 ,444,000. P o * tm o » to r P io o to «o nd lo r m 35 9 to S ta to N o w » 34 5 S tu d o n t S o tv .c o t « u .ld m g ,n The Federal Reserve Board said Tues­ to r o o t M SU M o tt o n g o r S orv ic o E o tt lo n t in g . M ic h 48833 day that production gains were wide­ Building permits future housing con­ G E RA LD H . C O Y , G E NE RA L M A N A G E R spread throughout the economy. They R O IE R T l . B U L L A R D , S A L E S M A N A G E R struction also increased 6 percent during were led by autos, business equipment f h o n ìs the month to an annual rate of 1,752,000, NOW * U l t o r i * ) .................................................. SUMS} and durable materials, including metals. up from the March rate of 1,347,000 the c io t t d lo d A d * ............................ SU-MM Hi D ttg lo y A d v o t f l t ln g ................. In a separate report, the Commerce agency said. •u iin o « « O ttic a ................... . . . . . . 5 tjjS C a rte r to re le a se a id to N ic a ra g u a W ASHINGTON (AP) - The Carter ment, has made it a policy to do nothing B E A S U P E R ST A R SU P P O R T E R administration has decidod to release to assist him in resisting widespread Support your team, theyareChamptons! Order agenuineSuperstar Supoor $12 million in non-military aid for let butiontoday andberecogntsedas a Superstar Supporter by your per pressures within Nicaragua for his sonalrzedSuperstar Supporter Wallet Card Brmonsmaybewornlogames, Nicaragua, due in port to pressure from resignation. peprallies, gatherings, social events andother activities. Thecardwill an Rep. Charles Wilson, D-Texas. For that reason, according to a State nounceyoorsupportol truechampions Department source who asked not to be "T h e C la e ifc G ra d u a tio n M o m o ro b lfia " State Department sources said the identified, the department had been p0 BOX 109. KALAMAZOO. Ml 4900S refusing to release the $12 million in up about $5.3 million in military sales economic aid, primarily in the form of Name__________ credits approved by Congress for the educational and economic development Address __________________________ regime of President Anastasio Somoza. loans, or the $5.3 million in military aid The administration, citing human rights abuses by the Somoza govern- appropriated by Congress in the 1976, C " V ---------------------------- Stale_______________________ Z i p Alow on* m m lot delivery r M SU Ri kRD 1977 and 1978 fiscal years. The Button only sold to Champions H e a rst’s atto rn e y p la n s strategy C am pus R a d io a t M ic h ig a n S ta te is r u n b y t h e s tu d e n j SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A s Potricio T h is te rm , th e R a d io B o a rd , th e g o v e rn in g body of 1 review, to ask for a hearing. Heorst settled in to prison routine M ic h ig a n S ta te R a d io N e tw o rk is s e le c tin g a s tu d e n t | "Our strategy is to proceed is a Tuesday, her attorney said he plans one guarded way and to develop, if we can. th e c h a irm a n s e a t o n th e b o a rd . last-ditch effort to obtain the convicted the factors and cricumstances on the bank robber's freedom, issue of modification in a way that will George Martinez refused to discuss A p p l i c a t i o n s a r e a v a i l a b l e a t W B R S in t h e B r o d y C o m p je j satisfy the judge,” Martinez said. details of the legal strategy or to give a W M CD in M cD onel H a ll an d W M SN in R oom 8 S tu d e l timetoble. But he said he would ask U.S. Authorities said Hearst spent a quiet District Court Judge William Orrick Jr. to S e r v ic e s . D e a d l in e to a p p ly is W e d n e s d a y , M a y 24 a t 5 P -^ j first night Monday at the campus-like modify the seven-year prison sentence. federal prison facility at Pleasanton, Orrick is on vacation until the end of about 30 miles east of San Francisco, the the month, but Martinez has 120 days four-year-old prison houses 300 women from April 24, when the U.S. Supreme Court refused to reconsider its denial of inmates in wooden buildings without bars. M IC H IG A N STA TE R A D IO N ETW O RK V ; r ie v a n c e r u l e s u n r e s o l v e d City plan for future By M ICHELLE CHAMBERS Council. S U te New* Sufi W riter L c s lc r M . Hyman, chairperson of th e Univesity Com m ittee on Faculty Affairs asked .('„until hull'd lo approve a perm anent Faculty Grievance Procedure Tuesday who would support and explain th e docum ent next year. gets unique critique Li i lime the document will be diaeuased during this academic year. As chairperson of the com m ittee which composed the document. Hyman has been -edure was--------- nr,x?auis subm itted to the council , by • a ................... subcomm ittee . on s/ii iFeb. cu. 22. spokesperson for the procedure since it was subm ilted in February. Ff|h(. procedure was not approved, it will continue to be discussed neat year. He said he did not want to be chairperson of the c m m id e e next year thoueh he is r und docs n0* m eet ducinig sum m er term serving on the com mittee until Ju n e 1979. B 1!j fl| was si ill working on th e third section ol th e seven part docum ent Tuesday ..,4 w .ia p n s > H J i l T i i thr n" 'r t 7 ' r P‘‘rm an,'nt acti™ was taken „„ an amendment to su bstitute the at informal hearing I , h r m e r i " 1« a d j o u r n e d . r , „ r k II Horne, processor o f c h e m is try , m ade a m o tio n to e x te n d th e usual several am^ndmmi'ts w e r e ^ a d e ^ ,0" ° Win,{ *>»t ..urnt un1*" ‘d 5 to 5:30 p.m. so th e current oouneil could take action on the r „1 changing section th re e of th e document. I.he major change to the am endm ent was a provision allowing both parties involved in , second to th e motion. K T , Sorrell, chairperson of the Academic Council steering com mittee, said she Appeals Board ' "" naineS ,r" m ,h " list " f th ,‘ 29 m™ b(‘r University By BRUCE BABIARZ Middle School, 819 A bbott Rd. J t h , pruhlem of leaving the docum ent unapproved. S u te News Staff W riter The change would allow th e tw o p arties to remove a board member from th e appeal The E ast Lansing Planning Commission ' 5 she would suggest to th e stee rin g com m ittee th a t the am endm ents already S tudents and E ast Lansing homeowners will make a presentation with a ‘‘provoca­ procedure because of a possible conflict of in terest, but limiting the num ber to five would can help plan th e future of th e city in an th>- document be included in th e docum ent presented tu the next Faculty tive ’ critique of the “Comprehensive Plan, I int» eliminate the possibility of striking ev ery m em ber from the board. informal hearing a t 7:30 tonight at Hannah 1980, said Jam es Van Ravensway, city planner. The com prehensive plan, developed in th e ‘60s. was designed to project the growth of the city through 1980. But, unforseen R e sta u r a n t sm ack ed problems outdated the plan. City planners are trying to educate citizens on w hat is wrong with the old plan and develop a new one based on residents’ needs and desires. by h it-a n d -r u n d r iv e r The informal meeting will begin with a four-minute film on th e history of the Lnited S tates which ends with pictures of A car drove through the window and part former president Richard Nixon. A visual No one w as injured, officials said. critique of the plan will be presented in a of the side wall of Moon’s re sta u ra n t a t 231 Sue H erron, «Moon’s day manager, said slide show with an informal discussion to M.A.C. Ave. at about 2:30 Tuesday m orn­ only em ployees w ere in the restau ran t follow. ing, East Lansing police officials reported. when the accident occurred. Also to be discussed is th e city’s unconventional critique of th e 1980 compre­ They had no idea what was going on. hensive plan. “Plan it Again, Sam.” There was an explosion when th e car hit, Sam is a fictional city planner who Gay/Lesbian and everybody thought it m ight be a bomb,” she said. travels back in time to 1967. when th e original plan was passed, to see w hat th e H erron said after the car came through city was like at the tim e th e plan was developed. sex seminar the wall it ‘‘ju s t backed up and drove away. “It w as w hat you might call a hit and run." A H umphrey Bogart character who acts as a former planning commissioner buys E ast Lansing D eputy Police Chief Robert Sam a "stiff drink" and explains the city’s F o ster said th e car had been identified and rescheduled located. "W e found most of Moon’s window in the perspective in developing th e original plan. The idea to do "som ething different” with a city report originated with Tom Korsto- A sexuality sem inar with E leanor M orri­ car," he said. skv, a city planner and prim ary author of “Plan it Again. Sam." son, originally scheduled to m eet in 402 F o ster said th e ow ner of the car had also In the critiquing th e original plan we C om puter Center, has been rescheduled for been identified and contacted, adding that came up with a lot of technical m aterial like Brody M ultipurpose Room A at 7:30 p.m. Thursday. "he (the owner) said he was so crocked he the design of sewer system s which we doesn't rem em ber anything." thought would tu rn people off. So, I started The sem inar is offered by Gay Lesbiai. out w riting a short story," K orstosky said. Police declined to comment fu rth er or to Council as p art of “A Week of C elebration A fter two drafts with different ap­ relate o th er d etails concerning the case and U nderstanding." until todav. proaches planners decided to stay with the Bogart theme. The Bogart draft had th e strongest A P W ire p h o t o image th a t people could relate to," K orsto­ Taking the bull by the horns, or rather the horse by the tail. Porky, a part-shepherd puppy, put the PIRGIM board jobs open sky said. “I think it's in terestin g because it attem p ts to tie issues, facts, and figures to g eth er with a story line." bite on Cornflakes at a Lansing farm. Cornflakes Everyone planners talked to liked the Halt or VII bite! patiently waited for Porky to release his grip, but failing, was last seen dragging the dog through Applications are now being accepted for positions on the PIRGIM board of directors. There are seven positions open on the board, which is responsible for all PIRGIM "Sam" idea. K orstosky said adding th ere was an element of “risk" involved in w riting projects at M SI'. Only PIRGIM mem bers, stu d en ts who gave $1 to PIRGIM at spring term the report. the corral. Presumably, the owners o( both the dog reg istratio n , may be on th e board. If rejected by the Planning Commission, and the shrimpy stallion scolded both lor "horsing" S tu d en ts in terested in board positions may contact elections d irector Jean n e P v jar in they would have to w rite a conventional around. the PIRGIM campus office, 22 Student Services Bldg. rep o rt and the deadline for its completion The election for the board m em bers will be May 2-1 and 25. Only PIRGIM m em bers are was draw ing near. K orstosky said. eligible to vote. “W e decided to take a chance on it — it’s been worth it.’ PREPARE FOR: MCAT • DAT * LSAT * GMAT ISp GRE - OCAT’ VAT < SAT N IM B I.I I , I I I EGFMG FLEX VQE NATL DENTAL BOARDS ’ NURSING BOARDS Flexible Program* A Hours There IS a difference!!! G R A N D O P IN IN O N O W IN I A S T L A N S IN G For Informât.en p ease Ca 4 919 E. G ro n d River M PUN E. L an sin g , Ml 48823 I EDUCATIONALCENTER P h.(517)332-2539 Outside NY. State Only CALL TOLL FREE: 800-223-1782 Centers in Vaior USCities Toronto, Puerto Rico and Lugano. Switzerland I a s k m y s e lf w h a t I k n o w a t th irty - e ig h t o n d tw o d e g re e s p o s t h ig h schoo l I k n o w s o m e th in g a b o u t p e o p le s o m e th in g obouf p o e try , h o w to b a k e o q u ic h e so it w o n 't c u rd le h o w to s w in g a h a m m e r fo r n a ilin g ce d a r I'v e fo rg o tte n th e consfe/Zofions I k n e w on ce I II le a rn th e m b o c k ! These a n s w e rs o re s o m e h o w u n s a tis fy in g W h a te v e r I k n o w o n ly touches th e s u rfa c e o f th in g s as w a te r sp id e rs do, th o u g h t rid in g th e s ilv e ry film o f p re s s u re m e e tin g p re s s u re I do know Announces new Summer Hours it's n o t tension a lo n e ° 30a.m. - 6:30 p.m . Mon-Fri. th a t ke e p s w a te r sp id e rs a flo a t I s a w in a b o o k h o w ea ch ho ld s tin y b o lls o f a ir All the succulent Fried Fish you can eat. G et th e s c o o p o n th e c le n c h e d in its in se ct fists. With French Fries and Cole Slaw only ’2.“ F ist? Every Wednesday S uper S av er F a re s T ha t c lo w , ha nd, n a il, or — p in c e r W h a t d o y o u c o ll th e d ig it o f o n in s e c t b y w h ic h it ho ld s a p e a rl o f a ir S tra tto n N e ls o n 9 :3 0 -1 :3 0 a n d thus contrives to w a lk o n w a te r ? ro u n d trip in th e U S friday A th in g worfh k n o w in g w h ic h I d o n 't. W e s h o u ld liv e forever W e d n e sd a y -S u n d a y - .a n d S a tu r d a y B A R R EL p r o n to • ig & N B a rb a ra D ra k e p'des jI - * rp e r fpr ev .rs o nI U d Uo Uu UbIle U U j oCcCcUu^pJ Ua InIVc y .• F ro m Love at The Egyptian Theatre, F^'orr tn n ,s ' n "huotte 8 e i, l, ro u n ad lip» fo o d v o u c h e r. t r ip tr a in fro m G may 19 6-20 s e v e n D a y s Red C e d a r Press j o - t o - i o 5 2 1 E . G d . R iv e r , E a s t L a n s in g Call 332-0950 SPONSORS/EAST LANSING PINE ARTS COMMISSION AND CENTRAL EAST LANSING BUSINESS ASSOCIATION A 2 10 m a c a u e n a e ------------- M ic h ig a n 4 8 8 2 3 P h . 3 5 1 -0 6 0 8 L ih ig o n j A r e T itle I X d e m a n d s re a s o n a b u C o e rc e M SU The sale of a fleet of advanced F-15s (above) to in to c o m p lia n c e Saudi Arabia has provoked intense controversy and F o llow ing i t a statem en t c irc u la te d w ith disagreement between, among others, Jimmy Carter | p e titio ns a t the wom en's sp orts banquet. You »re all probably aw are o f th e fart and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. We that th e w om en's basketball team has filed agree with Carter, and the 55 U.S. Senators who a public om plaint ag ain st Michigan S tate endorsed the arms pact, that the sale of these jets to U niversity ch arging th em w ith flagrant Women bask«M violations of Title IX of th e E qual Education players have f j | ,J Saudi Arabia will have long-term benefits that out­ weigh potential short-term debits. A m endm ents of 1972. All of us as women athletes have suffered from b la tan t dis­ complaint with J crimination because of o u r sex. This officials charging U niversity has ch eated all of us out of our legal rig h ts for th e p ast six y ea rs. They the University has tM have choosen to follow a policy which not only d isreg a rd s o u r rig h ts as ath letes but ked i,s r»*ponsibility| has also caused a stead y depreciation in the provide, under Tltl* | quality of our to tal program . We can no longer be passive in pursuing equitable funding our rig h ts. O bviously legal sanctions a re not treatment for both nd enough; we m ust coerce th e U niversity into obedience with th em . W e m ust collectively and women athlet fight th e self d en ig ratin g a ttitu d e which The controversy pr0| m akes being tre a te d as second class ath letes acceptable. Become fam iliar with *•* to become your rig h ts as an ath lete. E xam ine your more pressing as own pro g ram s for d iscrim inatory practices. | I'ontact M ary Pollack, th e T itle IX coordi­ federal deadline . nator. and fam iliarize yo u rself w ith the Title IX compliance! procedures to follow in filing y o u r own I com plaint. Sign o u r p etition. Show your July, approaches. support by helping us circulate it. This is for all of us: it will not be done for us; we m ust do it to g eth er. M ariann R. M ankowski K athleen J . De Boer R ep resen tativ es of th e w om en's basket ball Team. Prime Minister Begin President Carter W om en c a g e rs You a re demanding th e sam e thing the p ro g ram of ath letics? Q uit being so dam n Banquet last Tuesday. As ithleusj a s k to o m u c h m en's basketball te am s g e ts (a plane trip o r dem anding of U n iv ersity ath letic officials g u ests, etc. entered the banquA S e llin g je ts a s buses for travel). T h e last tim e you w ent to th e post season playoffs (regionals) was w ith deadlines for decisions and ultim a­ tum s. th e re you were with a petition for| sign. A t such s function, most i An open le tte r to Ms. K athleen D eBoer here at Jen iso n F ieldhouse th is p ast season Your arg u m en t goes on to s ta te th a t fem ales I have talked to said l and Ms. M arianne M ankowski. re p re se n ts on y o u r ow n cam pus. You bro u g h t back the “women ath le te s have suffered from b latant obligated to sign just because] tiv es of th e w om en's basketball team : U niversity a small am ount of money and th e fieldhouse w as not even close to a sellout. discrir'«nation because of sex.” Do you situation. They also felt that it i a r is k fo r p e a c e I A s an auxiliary m em ber of th e athletic program here a t M ichigan S ta te U niversity. Conversely, w hen th e m en's basketball realize th a t m en's track , lacrosse, tennis, cross country, golf, swim m ing and even place for you to be peddling the p such an event. team w en t to th e regionals th is p ast season, I am aw are of th e problem s affiliated w ith w restlin g all tra v el by U niversity station th ey cam e back w ith o v er $40.000 for th e Lately your actions have showi The Senate Monday handed Jimmy Carter a big victory. It voted th e w om en's ath letic program . A greed, th e women who locker in th e W om en's IM m ust U niversity ath letic b u d g et and every w agons to aw ay ev en ts? D on’t you think lack of thought, and you should thi^ th ey g et "ex h au sted ” a fte r five to 10 hours 54-44 not to interfere with the sale ofjet fighters to three nations in the double and som etim es ev en trip le up in one regular season hom e gam e w as sold out. in a car also? T he only s p o rts th a t trav el “in you fu rth er damage yourselves, t Mideast - Israel, Saudi ArabiaandEgypt. Egypt will receive 50 F-5Es, locker. You d eserv e a se p a ra te locker room M en's ath letics has been going on for over luxury" (plane o r bus) a r e th e revenue w om en's athletic program, and \ while Saudi Arabia will be sent 60 of the more advanced F-15s. or at least a section of lockers in th e 100 y ea rs w hile co m p etitiv e, organized sp o rts and w om en's basketball definitely la until afte r you act representative Seventy-five F-16s and 15 F-15s will go to Israel. To sweeten the pot, W om en's IM. Your only problem is th a t you w om en's ath letics has been going on for a n ot a rev en u e sport a t MSU. MSU athletes can you expect, o expect, support from the Univerl and make passage of the arms package more palatable to the Senate, a re try in g to m ake know n y o u r problem by | using th e m en's pro g ram (basketball in m ere six y ea rs. How can you ex p ect to do in In conclusion, I would like to point out m unity. Carteragreedtosell Israel another 20 F-15s, to be delivered in 1983-84. particular). less th an 10 y e a rs w h at took m en approxi w hat I consider to be an e x trem e lack of James M Upon wadingthroughthis thicket of numbers, the crux of the matter, m ately 100 y e a rs to achieve — a su p erio r class displayed at th e W om en's S p o rts 646S.1 we believe, is this: forthe first time the United States will sell advanced fighterplanesto Saudi Arabia. The sale is not, as its opponents contend, designed to undermine Israel and recompense Saudi Arabia for its decision not to raise world oil prices. It is designed to bolster the bargaining position of moderate Arabs in the simmering Mideast • . . I t a l y m u s t n o t b u c k le COme m an dispute, forestall the possibility that Saudi Arabia will tap the Russians SeT T his I as arms suppliers, enhance the credibility of the United States as an Lion select impartial judge of Mideast affairs, preserve the credibility of Jimmy u n d e r R e d B r ig a d e s te r r o r Carter in diplomatic chambers around the world, and, perhaps most importantly, avert thepossibility that Egyptian President Anwar Sadat will resign because the peace initiative he launched six months ago is says • • • fo r I t c o u ld b e a m o d e l «C ut 2 fr today foundering badly. I ease Ana That is anexhausting list. It is a list which, we believe, dispels the I srch'onia notion that the debits of the arms sale outweigh its benefits. o f le ft- r ig h t c o o p e r a tio n sequi O r* e> Had the sale been disapproved, the diplomatic reaction would have the view fin been cataclysmic. Carter, who promised Saudi Arabia delivery of the to ‘¡re a s t jets, wouldhave lookedfoolishandinept. Israel, detecting support from Italy is facing a b attle for survival in its d iso rd er. T hey hope th e an arch y they the U.S. Senate and, by extension, the American people, would have fight w ith te rro rism , and should not — tr ig g e r will h ark en a rig h tis t backlash. lion — and an ev en tu al leftist victory. The n ew spapers I've been reading could be near at hand. P resen tly the Christian D*®* been encouraged to continue pursuing its inflexible line in the Mideast indeed, cannot — afford to give in to Red (R em em ber th e tim es o f M ussolini a re only haven’t really rep o rted w h eth e r Italy is w ithout official Communist partici* peacetalks. Anwar Sadat wouldhave been perilously undercut. Insum, B rigades’ dem ands. 30 y e a rs behind us.) the role of the United States in Mideast affairs would have been T he u rb an guerilla gang has been making This rig h tis t ta k e ov er, th ey hope, will experiencing a rising crest of "law and o rd er," neo-fascist ty p e sen tim en t. But th e th e cabinet. But the Commuaf actively consult with Christian I 1 plunged, perhaps irretrievably, into disarray. survival of Italian dem ocracy hinges on how as p a rt of th e "parliamentary mart We share the anxieties of those who believe that the United States should stop being the arms merchant for the world, but look askance on much rig h tist sen tim en t is risin g and th e g o v ern m en t's ability to hold fast ag ain st th e th e situation would be allowed to ■ peacefully, Italy could soon become I •'I The newspapers I've been reading haven't really reported te rro rists. W estern European country withl ^ ? JarIms Packa8e will increase the prospects of war whether Italy is experiencing a rising crest of "low and order," The Comm unist p arty h as recognized th e coalition of Communists and consert W el and nei8hbors are already armed to the neo-fascist-type sentiment. But the survival of Italian democra­ d an g ers to dem ocracy of an accom m odating T he experim ent could spread w settlem ent acceptable IT*.* wayto all parties.armed conflict is to negotiate a cy hinges on how much rightist sentiment is rising and the gov­ policy tow ard th e te rro ris ts . They have nations, leading perhaps to govei ltrv settlement to „ th w a r t ernment s ability to hold fast against the terrorists. been th e m ost vocal in calling for no deals. s tro n g er and b etter equipped to » 1 The situ atio n in Italy is v ery volatile perplexing problems of our time. n o t i c e o n 1u d S b y ™ - l i n g these P!anes t o S a u d i A r a b i a . basserved rig h t now. It is a tinderbox th a t could easily T he Italian government should loneer relv nnW k™! M!njster Menachem Be8in that Israel can no explode. to en su re th a t democracy and pea«! the c/ iI hWashington s knee-jerk support. As things stand now, if headlines around th e w orld with its kneecap Since W orld W ar II th e cleavage along hold out. And other nations shoup alien ate an d radicalize th e Com m unists. left-right lines has slowly dim inished. The Italy th e ir full support. L shootings of F ia t executives and conserva v u llL t ! t r " 1"' '°r * ~ b" *“ “ * live editor» and finally its kidnap slaying of They say it will trig g e r polarization along historic com prom ise w hereby th e m oderate Ita ly is a t a historic crossroads-! th e left and rig h t th a t would lead to a rig h t C hristian D em ocrats and th e m oder­ able to make the proper turn, ai ■ form er P rim e M iniater Aldo Moro. m assive stru g g le — presum ably a revolu could be ushered in throughout I a te left Com m unists would rule to g e th er The Italian au th o rities appear inept at stopping th e guerilla group. Moro’s body w as found in a car parked in downtown Rome a few blocks aw ay from top political offices. How th e kidnappers w ere able to DOONESBURY b y G a r r y Tri elude a m assive d rag n et ¡a still a mystery, and th e wild shootings continue to mount. W ed n e s d a y , M ay 17 1970 DAD'SA SUCCESSFULBROOK AND edito ria ls a re the opinions o f th e S to le N e w s t/,o Moro’s family and reportedly only a small HOIUCN CAMPERS, THIS ~~ HE'S LCRE ON CAMPUS FORHIS letters are personal opinions Viewpoints, colum ns a nd segm ent of Ita ly ’s population w ere in favor IS'P ROFIllS OHPARADE." IS"REUNKIN. HE'S HADA PRET­ of releasin g R ed B rigades prisoners in m 'MARmOUS'MARK T I DARN INTERESTING LIFE, SO THAT E ditorial D e p a rtm e n t SlA CKK&&,AND MY SPE UtmOUTANTFURTHER ADO, I'L L Editor in - c h i e f ....... exchange for Moro. Such an exchange m m M ich a el Tommuca Photo f'd ,lor would h ave played rig h t into the hands of m .6 u e s n a w is N 0 N B JUST OPEN THE LINES UP FOR AGAIN: frm E H I Managing Editor Kof Brown Maggie Walker OTHER THAN.. MYFATHER! (TESTIONS! CALL USXTSH-'M Oi nter U r n e r n and Book £d„ „ , ^ th e Red B rigades and could have very well I v- Opinion Editor\ . DoveMisiolowski Sports Edttor toppled Italian dem ocracy. Special Projects Editor Ralph Frammolino lom Shanahan layout Editor T he Red B rigades a re an ultra leftist City Editor Michael Winter Deborah Heywood group. They a re very much opposed to the Campus Editor . Anne Stuart Kothy Sie/bo ch m o d erate leaning of th e Italian Communist W ire Editor Don Spick1er p arty , which gives parliam entary support Jocelyn Loskowsk Michelle Chambers to th e ruling rig h t of cen ter Christian D em ocrats. ' T he Red B rigades w ant to "attack at the h e a rt of th e ata te " and bring chaos and £ S ta k W n iiss tc o u n t D 211 E. G RAN D R IV E R A C R O S S F R O M M .S .U . U N IO N P H O N E , 3 3 7 .1 3 7 1 'J A Z Z ' IT S U R E L Y I S N 'T H O U R S : M O N D A Y T H R U F R ID A Y 9 -9 S A T U R D A Y 9 -6 S U N D A Y I 3 -S I . n n I ,s t ¡ { , , - u n i I ’ r . n . , 1 W E LL M A T C H A N V O N E S P R IC E S G a le fu n k s th e d is c o By RENALDO M1GALDI about his jazz roots — seems with eight sep arate musicians.” S ta te New s Review er content to grind out th e old W hat did Eric Gale think of I’m knocking on th e door of Eric Gale’s d ressin g room at Charlie Christian B.B. King lirks over the backing of a an audience th a t had stood in line outdoors for over an hour ISAVE ON PRINT Dooley’s ju s t after his first com petent but colorless funk to hear him play? “P re tty stiff," show Monday night. The door disco band. he said. RM jR opens a crack and a guy checks my press card. “Eric, this guy Technique alone is not e- nough. Music th a t can be con­ I asked if he thought 150 people who’d stomped and FR O M SL ID E S from th e new spaper w ants to sidered a rt aims eith er for the clapped in unison for a second talk to ya.” heart, the gut, or the mind. But encore could really be called a I f j j c o m r a m i m e s u d o * 1 I am let into a tiny room ju st Eric Gale's music aims for the ■'stiff' audience. "I think they large enough for th e eight m em bers of Gale's band, plus wallet. It's class, it's style. I t’s superficial as passing fashions. w ere try in g to bring us back up REGULAR SIZE 39CI th re e or four o th er people, to Don’t call this music "jazz," th ere because of th e hype, you know." he replied. “While I was I 5X5 Or 5X7 1 IC I stan d in. Eric Gale th e Fam ous G uitarist is standing in the because if w e're going to use categories to describe music, up th ere, I didn't feel ’em at all." I 8X8 OP 8X10 S 2 .0 S I corner, combing his thinning they d b etter be meaningful, "Well," I said, "what did you VALIDMAY17THRUMAY2 M3 « grey hair in front of a dusty and merely having a sax player think of the set you just | COUPON MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER J m irror. “Mind if I ask you a few in your band does not make finished playing?" questions?" I say. your music "jazz." "Good sound check." he im "Sure, as long as th e y 're not But the audience dug it, and mediately answ ered. "Next S T A T E D I S C O U N T too involved," he answ ers. everybody had fun, and th a t’s one’ll be better." So first we establish th a t he cool. Except for the fact th a t was born in Brooklyn, and th a t the performance only lasted an he began playing g u itar at hour, counting an encore. It A puzzling decree “about 10." Then I ask him was cut short to allow the about early influences, and he sta rts listing jazz sax players: management to clear the place for the next show. Of course, STA M FO R D . Conn. 1A P 1 - Will Shortz’ vocation is a a e A e m n i "Charlie P ark er, D exter G or­ the first one would have lasted puzzling one. He holds a bache don, Sonny Rollins, Hank Craw much longer if it had not lors degree in enigmatology — ford . . ." "How about g uitarists?" I started an hour and a half late. The man running th e concert. the study of puzzles. "For instance, if each letter 2 1 9 9 ' 1 Brad Parsons of Pyram id P ro­ of the alphabet is assigned its M l TAX I break in. ductions, blamed the delay on corresponding numerical value U M ff lP A O M He stops combing his hair to the fact th at Gale had ju st — th at is A is 1. B is 2. C is 3 STATS CM PO N look at me, shakes his head and recently fired his sound man, and so forth — what seven shrugs. "A nything I hear I can and hadn't yet hired a new one. le tte r word to tals just 21 B U F F P U F F play, so it doesn't m atter," he This, Parsons said, made the points?" Shortz asks. says. A couple of th e o th er £ j i « p i e p e band s prelim inary sound check Shortz is compiling his own musicians chuckle quietly. slow and difficult. "In essence," collection of assorted mind tor Stot* News Debbie Wolfe Hmmm, this cat su re is a Erie Gale he said, "instead of dealing with tu re s which will contain 200 • o s.. cocky s.o.b., I think to myself. one road man we’re dealing original word puzzles. E ith er he’s arro g an t as hell, or else he ju st knows w h at kind of Networks gird for fa ll battle quotes new spapers love to print. S in g in g State sm e n p e rfo rm But E ric Gale is really ju st a r YORK 'API - W ith th e 1977-78 TV of th e season, and NBC not even close. And v eteran finger whiz w ith y ears T ue sday. A a ithl't«,! kbarely over, the netw orks' b attle for th e ratings mean dollars — lots of dollars. of experience as a studio e n te re d the b in q u ^ kcks is on again, as ABC builds on its In 1976-77. for exam ple, th e last y ear for which session musician (when I asked to n ig h t at A lu m n i C hapel re w ith a petition l o f i it the top while CBS and NBC plan th e figures are available, ABC n etted $63 million him who he’d played with, he i a function, most i |lSMuiK more in profits than runneru p NBC. a situation ju st said, “name somebody"! ve talked to said ■ The Singing S tatesm en, the at the end of spring term and first to unveil its fall prim e tim e a ttrib u ted alm ost wholly to ABC’s ratn g s but no firm artistic commit s ig n just because] M SI’ M en's Glee Club, will beginning of fall term . Audi E on May 1. and — no surprise — th e suprem acy. ment. •y a lso felt that it ■ * vm minimal. In contrast. CBS' fall N otably, th e fall schedules at ABC and NBC p resent a concert at 8:15 to ­ tions can be scheduled at any to be peddling the p He’s got his gu itar language night in th e Alumni Chapel. tim e by calling Bill Scofield at Iinnnunced the next day. and NBC's, made w ere d rafted w ithout th e physical presence of m astered but is w ithout any Admission is free and open to 355-7658. Scofield advises an y ­ ■Monday, bore little resem blance to th e F red Silverm an, th e man generally credited with thing in terestin g to say. His the public. one in terested to atten d the STATI COWH ms battle plans for last season. engineering ABC's rise to th e top. solo work seem s motivated A second concert of “a lighter ensem ble reh earsals in Room ■»as that way because ABC was N o.l in Silverm an announced in Jan u ary he would prim arily by ego and financial p26ofthe 30 weeks betw een Sept. 12 and |9. CBSsecond by v irtu e of a good last half leave ABC to become president and chief executive of NBC. considerations; since Gale — despite w h atev er he may say n atu re" will be held on May 31. The club has announced th at 206 of th e Music Building on Tuesdays and T hursdays at O T IP S it will be holding open auditions 4:10 p.m. before auditioning. C ow — IR S O l 9 0 e 5 9 Thecompact, 1 7 0 (9 . I .se valva I Q l ra M M t SMS ■■"W wtomatic 3 5 mm SLA C AM ERA& •Y A 1 K mull M l for! R R S A C O L '.-■e seen the Minolta XG-7 sky-diving on TV n o see its exclusive fe a tu re s lor your- set - s electronic w onder c a m era delivers | M’1? e i p o s m e s with p o m t-lo cu s-sh o o t sim- ■ ' - as n le alher-touch sh u tte r button that S TE R E O 1 .9 9 i' .ED viewfinder display at th e m ere ' . Jut finger • rational Auto W inder G lets you lake ÌTAY1CeOP OM 2 f'd-nes p e , s e c o n d with p u shbutton E N TH U S IA S TS ! V A S S U M I h e optional Auto E lectrotlash 200X I ■’ ■ v .e s with the w inder to give autom atic I os- sequences ^ e i c t u s i v e fe a tu re s include a signal in f ' eiv noer to tell you w hen the-flash is ready 1 “ i shutter lock to prev en t over-exposure At last, a special issue geared to readers a« eh O O 'v e l f t — 1 .3 1 U N II « p p lrs s M W 1 4 1 v e le » an d a Hashing ||^ Iw S f - i | electronic setf-timer S e e it today who are interested in cameras and stereos. T T R iii A T A M I B S S A N D A L - T H O N O S ★ I n f o r m a t i v e a r tic le s o n th e la te s t c a m e r a a n d s te r e o e q u i p m e n t I. e . v a ia e ¡§ j ★ T h e w i n n i n g p h o t o s f r o m th e S ta te S e w s p h o t o c o n te s t. mm ★ ( .r e a l d e a ls o n c a m e r a a n d stereo e q u i p m e n t f r o m a r e a a d v e r tis e r s . nam m m m . N I T Z CRACKERS P IC K U P A S T A T E TOM ORROW ! ; Î ° XG'7 50mm/1-7 lens 'M S SM * •S I" I Co . Mr* »ir* " 0r X G -7 w ith w in d e r a t t a c h e d *% V A M I N O S H A M P O O 10 W. Mkktfw MWH f liM l lent* CrMk, Ml 41014 Moot(til) NI7IN Ila . c a m e r a e o Bonkcrd, « »pN d S.M M A M ' S P A R T A N S H O S T A L U M N I S A T U R D A Y TO M SH A N AH A N M S U a s k in g F o r m e r g r id d e r s c o m e b a c k to M SI By JO E C EN TER S field goals will be used which will give a big a d v a n tag e to th e L A !l ° f ‘ h * K, l e receipt« from the game, w h i r h u ■ I fo r tr o u b le S tate N ew s S p o rts W riter Alumni, who have both Birney an d Neilsen. the MSU Student Foundation, w ill be given ,, ta d W ith spring football practice w inding dow n to an end, th e “This w eek we'll have to find som eone w ho can kick a athletic program. P en to thf M SliTj S p artan s have one m ore objective before packing u p for the conversion." R ogers said w ith a smile. sum m er. T h a t's playing th e annual V arsity-A ium ni football gam e A w eakness for th e Alumni, according to R uth erfo rd , w ho is th e T h e fans can also benefit from the game T h . . i Women's athletics are fading a t MSU, but it's through no fault of a t 2 p.m. S atu rd ay at S p arta n Stadium . coordinator of th e team , will be a t th e fullback position. But printed in equal quantitiea of white and green L * * its own. More th an 40 form er S p arta n s will be in E a st L ansing for th e R utherford added th a t he h as been talk in g to M orrall an d th e the game if the Spartan« win. thoae h o ld L . If In the early days of women's sports a t MSU. th e w om en’s team s gam e, including a few “notables’* for th e Alumni. ex q u arterb ack doesn't plan to ru n th e ball very much. cash it m for a regular McDonald'« hamburger lacked credibility; not so much because th e operation w as loosely Playing at tig h t end for th e Alumni is K en H ines, a 1969 The Alumni w on't h ave th e ir first w orkout until T h u rsd ay , but four local reatauranta in the Eaat Lansing are, I f i i " / , 0* ' run, but because MSU was one of th e first schools to establish any g rad u ate who is a native of S troud. Okla. The 6-foot-3, 227-pound Rogers doesn’t feel th a t will b o th e r them . the white ticket holder« w ill win a free hamburger'“” " kind of women’s program in 1972. H ines w as a one tim e “brick throw ing cham pion" from Texas. “It's am azing." he said. "F o r a one sh o t deal th e y d o n 't have to MSU team s won easily and often by routs ov er o th e r team s that Now th a t apring practice ia almost over Rove,, Also playing for th e Alumni, a re G ary and D ave V anE lst, th e be in condition. T h e y 're not in long enough to g et tired ." ev alu ate w hat th e team haa accomplished so far " " *' looked inept because th e ir talen ts w ere so far behind M SU's. It's tw o pig farm ing b ro th e rs from Middleville. The S p arta n s will play a straig h t d efen se w ith no v ariatio n s and T think th e first thing to do in the apring j, ,o mT |M J hard to build interest in women’s athletics when m any of its athletes showed so much inexperience. The oldest player in th e gam e is D ave B ehrm an, w ho g rad u ated from MSU in 1962. the Alumni will have cue ca rd s diag ram m in g th e ir plays to m ake things a little m ore even. sound player«, flo g e rs said. “Thia week, for the lirl, ,¡13 But MSU hasn’t faded because its ath letes are becoming equal to come to g e th er as a team . I don't know if we'll h i O th er stan d out players for th e Alumni a re k ickers Tom Birney The gam e prom ises to be a good o n e an d it should be a lot of fun proficiency, but w e're not w orried about that until our „¿’J what inferior schools had in th e early days of th e ir women’s and H ans Nielsen. East Lansing's Richie B aes, q u arterb ack for everyone. T ickets for th e co n test a re $8 for special p re ss box programs. All it took to catch and pass MSU was m aking opportunities in G eorge Mihaiu and form er split end from th e D en v er Broncos, Gordon Bowdell. plus a host of o th e r one tim e S p a rtin s . seats, $4 for ad u lts. $3 for faculty and sta ff and $2 for an y stu d en t iMSU o r younger!. T h at o pener may not be for a long time, but Rovm .. . J women's program s com parable to m en’s. The S partans have always his sta ff will . t a r t in Ju n e working for that s . n ^ . ^ j j "W e m ay have th e all tim e coaching staff on th e o th e r sid e o f th e had problems when they tried to com pete nationally against schools field." MSU Coach D arryl R ogers w as quick to point out. in other regions of the country th a t placed a g re a te r em phasis on E arl M orrall is th e head coach again for th e A lum ni th is y ea r, women’s sports than th e M idwest schools do. and he will be helped out by Ed R utherford. H enry Bullough, It used to be easy for MSU to qualify for th e national tournam ents Rollie Dotsch. Al Fracassa. F red M ushinski and Jim m y Raye. because it won the state and regional title s regularly. Somehow th e This gam e will be th e last tim e th a t th e S p a rta n s will play few women athletes in th e sU te in terested in college athletics against anyone besides th e ir own te am m ates until th e S ep t. 16. m igrated to MSU to make th e S partans team s a cut about th e other season opening b attle w ith P urdue. state colleges. “I think anytim e we can p ractice and condition ag ain st som eone But now that's not enough to keep M SU’s women’s sports besides our own team , it's a benefit for us," R ogers said. "O ur progressing. The deadline for m eeting Title IX requirem ents football players like th e G reen and W hite gam e because it's a (federal legislation prohibiting sex discrim ination in federally challenge against ourselves, but th ey also like th e Alum ni gam e funded educational institutions! is Ju ly 21 and MSU is in dan g e r of because it's another challenge for them ." not passing: especially w ith a complaint from th e women's The gam e will be modified only in th e kicking d e p a rtm e n t to basketball team on MSU’s record. protect both team s from th e dow nfield blocking. E x tra points and Women's team don’t expect to receive th e money th a t revenue-producing sports like football, basketball and hockey get. y»X but they do expect to have b e tte r facilities than lockerrooms that fe ' L I1 have no lockers, one toilet and four show erheads in a showerroom that is for both MSU and its opponent. a ^ i Going down th e 1977-78 school y e a r budget, th e women's sports have budgets almost equal to th e m en's in th e non-revenue sports. F or instance, th e men’s track team had a budget of $15,000 and Fundraiser set fo r the women's track team a budget of $14,812. M en's tennis had $7,000 and women's tennis has $6,225 for this spring. Women do come out ahead once, with $5,198 for cross-countrv. while th e men had $2,703. D ooley’s Thursday — »«are *a ji.- a Meanwhile, the women's basketball team w as asked to play its MSU V arsity football coach D arry l R ogers and A lum ni coach 27-game schedule on a budget of $10,953. T hat seem s woefully short E arl M orrall will help auction off football tick ets, basketball for 24 players on th e varsity and JV team s w hen you consider th e tickets and je rse y s at Dooley's T hursday night in an athletic budgets of th e track and tennis team s — team s th a t play a sh o rter fundraiser for M SU's Ralph Young Fund. season and generally only on w eekends. A thletic d irecto r Jo e K earney will also be th e re to help Stott News D«bb there every have won? have won a few races, largely the stretch with the fury of a having now done so five tim es in month. say it," he said. I f l the racing seaw n, Well, it's not quite that mad banshee Iwith Velasquez against undistinguished opposi seven m eetings. And Pimlico "I thought the v eterans and Clark said he was particular­ S w e rv ed in a quiet simple. One does not turn a more holding on for dear life tion. Game little Believe it will rookies compared favorably has a longer b ackstretch and ly im pressed with the perform ­ “ h, clubhouse w here horse on and off like the ignition that riding him) hut he would sh arp er tu rn s th a t Churchill give it another go, b ut as tra in er G ib b s w in s w ith w hat I expected," Clark ances of new offensive linemen *, drl„k cinnamon tea of an automobile. They run always fall about ; length or so Woody Stephens adm its, he said. “I also think many can ¡J ) copy o( the Morning Downs, factors which favor Bill fife r, Amos Fowler and essentially when they want to short at th e finish line. He did doesn’t have th e greatn ess of dram atically improve th eir per front runners. Indeed, 41 p er Homer Elias as well as with ,lh the iipors and pres- and if Velasquez is correct in win the Travers at Saratoga as a cent of the distance races of one e ith er Affirmed or Alydar. g y m m eet formances by Ju ly 's training defensive backs Dwight Hicks, Stunning thf KBI forgot- stating th a t A lydar had trouble three y ear old Idubbed the Alydar was shipped to Pim camp." mile o r longer w ere won by lico last Saturday and his Mark Patterson and Bradley! ..hurt linn- Hoover waa g ettin g hold of the hard packed Summer Derby" by racing Clark said the rookies have front ru n n ers at th e M aryland the Lions No. 1 draft choice. Churchill Downa track, then he trainer. John Veitch, has al '„Irtly as a two dollar had a legitim ate dilemma on his people! hut otherw ise he track last season. T h at’s a hard ready given him several seven in C a r o lin a out could he be at the seemed to perpetually come in L n i of the Freakness hands. statistic to beat. third. Itw a s a c a u se of consider furlong workouts on th e track, Of course, th e re is alw ays th e ,, 1'imlioo this coming V, he might be tem pted Velasquez is no neophyte when it comes to riding slow able frustration for both Perry and Velasquez who eventually possibility th a t a longshot might win. F ew er stak es races follow hoping to get the horse to move faster in the early going and to MSU freshman gymnast M arvin Gibbs, reigning AAU CAM PUS j bn more on either s ta rtin g horses. For several make him familiar with the Junior Olympics champion, formulated a theory that if U u d _ d or AlvHar. Ihhashccn written about seasons back in the early 1970s he had the mount on Iwiud, a w ere to run in longer rares, he would have more time to make form more than the K entucky Derby: favorites have won six racing surface. Affirmed’s trainer, Laz B arrera, has reject added another championship when he finished first in the P IZ Z A out of th e last seven, with only ed this strateg y , publically all around com petition at the ■ „„nilicenl Kentucky gelding owned by William Hag his rharge and end up a winner. second choice Bold F orbes stating that A lydar couldn't Rockingham Community Col­ | o(l,„s than two weeks gin P erry. i,oud was so lethar So t hey tried him in several mile W e d n e s d a y & T h u rs d a y S p e cia l breaking the strin g in 1978. On catch his horse if he had a whole lege Invitational Gymnastics I how Affirmed quieted gic in g ettin g o u t of the startin g and one q u arter rares. He kept the o th er hand, four longshots ex tra furlong to run. Meet in N orth Carolina recen t­ T |CS„ho said he had no gate th a t he was twice banned coming in third. N ext, they W H O L E W H E A T C R U S T have won th e P reak n ess ov er ly. Lw»cr. of the textbook from th e track by the New York tried him at a mile and one half. Perhaps. A furlong, when th e same span of tim e. Elocu Gibbs, a native of N orth , r,de that young S teve Racing Association. He was Third again. Then a mile and coupled with th e mile and (o n re q u e s t) tionist paid $22.50 on a tw o Carolina, was first in floor „ gave his horse. The g reat sport to watch: that is, if three quarters. Third onre th ree sixteenths distance of the dollar w ager in 1976, M aster exercise <9.15). side horse ohis now been directed you didn’t bet on him. He would more, finally, they put him in P reakness, comes to one and jAlydarand his rider, the plod along for the first half of the the two mile Jockey Gold cup at D erby a w hopping $48.80 in (8.35), vaulting i8.70 i and tied 1312 Mich. Ave. 310 W. GRAND RIVER 1975 and Little C u rren t $28.20 five sixteenths miles. It will be for first in parallel bars. I Jorge Velasques. Why race falling as much as 25 lielmont Park, New York. He in 1974. In 1972, a state-fair close, and A lydar may or may The m eet was directed by 3 3 7 -1 3 7 7 H IVIRY 3 3 7 - 1 6 3 9 Ihhorse make his move lengths behind the leaders. finished second. not catch Affirmed this S atu r speedbal) named Bee Bee Bee, Robert Boudreaux. Gibbs’ long 11 ), went a full three- Velasquez astride him glancing The next logical step would he carrying 45 y ear old jockey day. „dll mile before he got tim e coach. quizzically from side to side as if to put him in a race longer than Eldon Nelson who rode th e race At one point in the race he w ere trying to drive some two miles. U nfortunately, such of his life, led from wire to wire f flO D C A N C A U S E L O S S O F F E E L IN G ’ °88ers 6dissociate9 to stop pain By R O S E M A R I E AQITLINA Flanagan and Gibbard. ¡ersare constantly looking for w ays to take th e ir minds off Flanagan and Gibbard also suggest using m oderation when lio (rom Ion# distance running and, in some cases, beginning to jog and using a combination of running and walking. utf themselves from reality. U niversity of Arizona sports "If a person hasn't been running." G ibbard advised, "I have lopst William Morgan says. developed a method I suggest to them. in dissociating may cause a ru n n er to lose feeling, even of a Begin by running a very slow 220 yards, then walk 220 yards. ifture. heat stroke, heat exhaustion or m ental disorienta Slowly increase to jogging 220 yards followed by walking 220. By the first week, a half-mile jog followed by a half mile walk. The cation is described as self hypnosis a ru n n er uses to cut second week they should build up to a 440 yard jog. This should be |f off from physical feeling. The ru n n er becomes so out of an easy jog - a very slow jog. It is best if the runner can then lbhis body, he may overextend him self too early in a race work up to tw o miles. hold back his energy too long, G ibbard said a ru n on a flat footed heel then up on th e balls of P U T Y O U R S C IE N T IF IC O R apain and discomfort come, th e re is a lot of m ental effort th e feet is the best way because it will not add to leg cram ps o r put t iouke place while you a re ju s t talking yourself through E N G IN E E R IN G D E G R E E any stress on the achilles tendon. A nother ideal way to run is on 'Cheryl Flanagan, head coach of th e MSU women’s track the grass. A pavem ent surface, because of the hard pounding, will T O W O R K d add p ressu re to your body. Ulimes runners won’t rem em ber w hat happened in the If you're a degree ca n didate w h o w o u ld like A thick soled, high arched running shoe is recom m ended as well I lf added. "The good ru n n ers won’t feel th e discom fort of as loose clothing in w arm er w eather and w arm clothing in colder to e m b a rk on a futu re -o rie n te d scientific or i because they get so involved: nothing else seem s to w eather. enginee ring career, the n con sid er the U n ite d T here s no set way to jog and th a t’s the beauty of it. It's pr,. who once held th e women’s world record for the States A ir Force It's one of the finest o p por in d iv id u al. . . one of th e freest sp o rts," Flanagan, who has been tun ities in the n a tio n II kon, (eels that a good ru n n er will block pain w ithout losing running for th e past 13 years, said. nth reality. C o m p le tio n o f o u r three m o n th O ffic e r "Running to me is th e most com plete exercise th e re is," said rare you out there if you a re putting your mind someplace G ibbard, who has been running most of his life. T ra in in g S choo l nets you an o ffic e r's c o m ihe asks. m ission and launches uou in to a career mens cross country coach and assistant track coach Jim that's geared fo r tom orrow . O u r equipm ent rdsaid. Pain is always involved in long distance running. SN r 1 is a m ong the fine st, o u r w o rk in g c o n d i­ ^ farther you run, th e m ore pain you are going to feel," he lC a e s a /v Buy any unnmg 26 miles is not th e best thing to do. Long distance tions are excellent, and our benefits pack I. interms of six to 10 miles, I don’t feel is harmful. M e d iu m Pizza ■ age u n m atch ed f k'he jogging craze th a t is coming now, people can really at the Regular get the i wselves.” Gibbard continued. Price Identical Pizza F R E E Major Ray Hunter, your Air Force Repre­ peat athletes can go through a pain barrier, th e good i*d! go up to the point of a pain barrier, stop th e re and not i sentative will be at M.S.U. on M ay 18, 1978, from 9am to S pm. See the placement pnaelves further," G ibbard said. “The people that are not Jobe successful in long-distance running are those th a t back M u s t H ave c o u p o n e O n e c o u p o n pec order i service director for an appointment, or call Major Hunter collect at: 313-463-1338. [fromthat pain barrier." 1203 E. Grand River (Delivery Avoilable) I Flanagan and G ibbard said they have th e ir runners {the same kinds of things they will encounter in th e race so Ä _ Nochecki accepted ® 3 3 7 - 1 6 3 1 c ..„ . ii he prepared. i those who are not long-distance, com petetive runners, but occasional joggers, a doctor's physical is recommended by USI wrestlers sign re c ru its Buy any LARGE p e s tlin g coach G rady V arm ette of Glens Falls, N.Y., Pizza for the krhis signed three top Pwolrecruitsto letters of who was s ta te champion at 167 pounds in his senior year. %V PRICE . . . of The third recruit is Mark a small S evern of New Lathrop, Mich. p Crump, twice a s ta te PIZZA I > while at Lansing MSU m en's swimming coach Y o u ’l l e a t o u r p * should help the Spar- Dick F e tte rs has also signed M ust ho ve c ou po n 6 O n e cou po n p e r o rd e r to 132 pound weight Scott Wilson of Buffalo, N.Y. to a le tte r of intent. Wilson was (Delivery Available) th e 1978 s ta te champion in the J 1203 E. Grand River signed Mike No checkt accepted backstroke. C o u p o n * o ip fr o * S-27- CASY C A M HAIR FALL w o rd s . means a style F U N D IN G created for you. ^ F o r s tu d e n t o r g a n iz a tio n s O u r n o w m e n u has som e o f th e m o st savory re a d in g a ro u n d . For the way A n y g r o u p d e s ir in g S tu d e n t Steak and sh rim p . S irlo in strip . E laborate salad bar. Four U .S.D .-V C h o ic e m e a t item s. C h ic k e n . A nd a w h o le lo t m ore. B u t d o n t just you look, M e d ia A p p r o p r ia tio n s B o a rd ta ke o u r w o rd s fo r it. D ro p b \- and try o u r neyy m e n u today for the way f u n d s f o r f a ll q u a r t e r is you live. r e q u ir e d to s u b m it a b u d g e t r e q u e s t b y M a y 1 9 ,1 9 7 8 a t 5 :0 0 p .m . S t y le * fo r m e n a n d w o m e n 2 2 0 M A C , U n iv e r s it y M a l l R e q u e s t f o r m s a r e a v a ila b le S TEA K BEEF in R o o m 3 0 7 S tu d e n t ^BURGERS .CHICKEN Q FISH FR Y S e r v ic e s B ld g . D E A D L IN E : 600 N. Homer near Frandor Shopping Center, Lansing 5001 W. Saginaw across from the Lansing Mall, Lansing M A Y 19 F o r c o m p le t o * M a y o r p u ts o n h o o k e r b e n e fit s c h e d u le film i e n d to e -* o f* otton i t h is * .. J P h o n e 1 5 3 -0 3 1 3 « MIAMI BEACH. Fla. iAP> - 2 will be th e founder of a “I th o u g h t it w as delightful," ice F e rre , one o f 350 persons The fund raise r will ta k e * * * * * * * * * The mayor of Miami Beach is national hooker's lobby called he said Tuesday. "I’ve already invited to th e e v e n t, say s he place while M argo S t. Jam es, inviting judges, a couple of sheriffs and a load of city COYOTE. C ast Off Your Old Tired Ethics. F unds raised will been teased and kidded a bit. But I think w e have a medieval won’t go. O th ers, such as Miami Beach Police C hief L a rry Cot founder of COYOTE, is in south Florida for a series o f lectures. STARLÌTE^ U S 27 W EST 01 WAVERIV 0*i n ■ C 1 ggjip officials to a party at his go to th e pro p ro stitu te group. a ttitu d e tow ard prostitution. zin and D ade C ounty S tate Mrs. H aber, an activ ist in th e W e need to m eet th e problem National O rganization for T h e y 'U ji, beachfront home to raise funds Mayor Leonard H aber read A tto rn e y J a n e t Reno, haven't to help prostitutes legalize the ily adm its he w as surprised and do som ething very contem ­ received th e ir in v itatio n s yet. Women, said sh e hopes th e A n y th iij world's oldest profession. when his wife sprung th e p arty porary and v ery rational." Dr. M erry H aber, th e may party will fam iliarize politicians f o r a r ™ The guest of honor at the idea on him, b u t says he Some of his colleagues might o r's wife, said usually w hen she and police officers w ith th e $15-a head cocktail party Ju n e w holeheartedly supports it. not ag ree. Miami Mayor M aur plans a p a rty sh e d o esn 't let her particular problem s facing husband know until th a t night. prostitutes. "B ut I did call and read the Her husband said it's a good in v itatio n s to him ," sh e said. “I cause. LCC professor to show slides th o u g h t p erh ap s th e re m ight be som ething sen sitiv e." "I think women a re an o p ­ pressed group and p ro stitu tes Sen sitiv e? E v en M rs. H aber are th e m ost o ppressed o f all ad m itted th a t som e few voters women," said M ayor H aber, of passive solar home design might be offended. H er 44 y ear old husband only s ta r te d his who like his wife has a d o cto r­ ate in psychology. "They a re tw o-year te rm last N ovem ber. forced to o p erate in a m ost Lansing Community College engineering pro Kline is a licensed building co n tracto r and has "I suppose som e people disadvantageous m an n er — fessor C. K. Kline will show slides of the almost com pleted his own passive soiar design m ight, b ut it's som eth in g we personally and physically. technology and tools used in designing passive home n ear Eaton Rapids. su p p o rt." said M rs. H aber. 36. "I really don’t th in k I*U lose solar houses at 4 p.m. today in 146 Engineering "You can 't shy aw ay from such any votes o v er it. I think — Bldg. The sem inar and slide show is co sponsored by th ings ju s t because y o u 're in ra th er I like to think — people Passive solar design turns th e en tire house th e M SI’ Energy Task Force. Cooperative politics. W e both feel it’s impor respect th e ability of th e person into a solar collector which receives and stores Extension Service and th e College of Engineer ta n t to stan d up for th e rig h ts taking th e position, w h eth e r solar energy. ing. of people." they ag ree o r disag ree." w Introductory Offer it the newest restaurant in East Lansino j B uy One O lg i Get One FREE!] • y D ie m o st exciting idea in eating since the sandwich! ■ It’» the most exciting idea in eating since the sandwich, and ■ this coupon makes it twice as exciting! j We'll give you an Olga, any Olga, I absolutely free when you present | this coupon and buy a second Olga | of equal or greater value. SA G E B R U SH Z E E I | C oupon good N o w t h r u W id n m d . y . M a y 17 . 1 9 7 8 . L im it o n , c o u p o n p m c u s to m .. J 133 E. Grand River, East Lansing IS P R O U D A S R W I0 0 0 D W ITH TH IS COUPON O H lT lil PU N C H TO O F F E B Y O U T H IS L E T T S ■ E l ’S A I D STU DENTS D U R A W A LE C O RD URO Y SPECIAL $ 4 « YOUR CHOICE: MEN’S & STUDENTS’ DURAW ALE CORDUROY FLA RE JEANS-SIZES 25 TO 38 ■ N f p . M r. G ro g g s has g o n e an d d o n e it. Y o u 'll sav e m o n ey right now at S a g e b ru s h on r o o l. c o m fortable M e n 's a n d S tu d e n ts ’ U u ra w a le C o rd u ro y F la re Jean s. G o a h e a d a n d p ut y o u r let's in a pair. . l. i \ ' s. ^ are ’’ ^ ((,r<^5 k )n^ - ^ean V' IU " a n t . NX ith all th e tra d itio n al d etailin g U n r s is fam o u s for. T h e s e c o rd s are soft. The sh rin k ag e control ,s built rig h t in. A n d L e v i’s U u ra w a le P lu s C o rd s b re a th e . Y o u 'll stay ro o l an d casu al all sum m er long. P ic k up a pair or tw o to d a y at Z e b 's special purr hase p rice. Bui you b e tte r h u rry . L M o n d a y th r o u g h S a tu rd a y : Salt »da Sat. & 1 0 a .m . t o 9 p . m . ■ay 30,1171 Sunday: 1 2 n o rm to 6 p . m . S a g e b ru s h , in front o f M n je r T h rifty A< res SP E C n C U L M WORLD PREMERE on S o u th P en n sy lv an ia, W est S ag in aw or m ( tkernos. ST A R T S N E X T W E O . BAIL PALMER’S SP E C IA L G U E S T A P P E A R A N C E U T m iu t m c iA u i m m ru n u n u m m m C flN D « u m a n i u u T% ] n c a u albati wncon [ r f i m MR n i n n i c i ] THE UNIQUECOMBINATIONOf LEVI’SQUALITYGOODS ANDSAGEWUSH HOSPITALITY kfià n u t nu m i u n o . m S T A B B I N O I ___ C O -ST A R O F D E II A N D ANNOUNCER OF i h N E C 'S G O N G Sh S H O W : C A R O L C O N N O R S ] fTOCROSS, M U S IC A R E PI 4 Niw n b a rg e B ean B ag s IMPORTED — B O ] fo r F u n S ittin g DIAMONDS Ä sT>(9 N0W ' 1 7 . 9 3 A ss o rte d wtwBBC? B M J S ia s V ÎS [useum bike-a-thon set Re9- ‘ 24.95 C olors Boon Bog Refills A v o ilo b le FROM ' J | rn th u iiu t* of can earn money for uniryrle and raring dem onstra tions, motocross, bands, dow ns action with various exhibits. , P illo w T a lk FCXS I 1 .5 in thi* museum's and safety films. The play "Glass, ' which deals free with (he except!,m of a ^ bvMor'i|inf0rrn.ati" n 'S aV®ilablt‘ F u r n itu r e Sunday. or with hum anity's responsibility admission c h a rg e 'fo r the s, j & mUSeUm 8t E a sf'W n tt U n ll VL no lap 8 * ' ’ , I'tour«' «> rack up the to control scientific endeavors, l ^ t r a l i o n for the bike- will be presented by the O tra I ” , kKin 8:30 a.m. banda T h e ater Company at 2:30 ran be oh ■fri'tn either the museum ^ ijnstnK Ja.vcee Austl and 4:30 p.m. The I.ansmg Police D epart m ent will he on hand to register Consumer talk held , ,„d practice for a bikes and to teach bicycle safety. Mechanics will also be A Michigan assistan t atto r ney general will speak on assistan t professor of business law and office adm inistration. PERFORMING consumer protection a t 3 : 1.5 over rough terrain ■Tiriotoertts' wil1 al available lo give free bicycle cherks. The hands on Impression 5 p.m. today in B 104 Wells Hall. Edwin Bladen, assistan t at Bladen will speak on th e functions of th e consum er p ro ­ ARTS COMPANY ■ followed bv a parade at torney general for consumer tection division and enforce presents ¿ „ r the same day. m useum was founded in 1972. It ment of th e C onsum er P ro tec Loon artivit'es will in encourages people of all ages to protection, will address a group tion Act. r rod.M), talking bike, learn by going through inter of business law stu d en ts and Bladen will offer some re m ­ MSU RINGS the public, said A rth u r Wolfe. edies to consum er problems. BY ART CARVED Wolfe said. WITH 5 WEEK 1omen, health Y O U N G ADULT DELIVERY A N D CHARGE 6U’ faculty member ACCOUNTS ARE Ä '] LIFETIME GUARANTEE WELCOME be discussed reads poetry tonight lyrics by j i KI Av Ms vOj m D N D u I1/virw M P O RnT iE[ R R S3 • D O W N TO W N i)n d health care will The lecture is sponsored by m S. WASHIMGTOM Donald Rosenberg, an associate professor in the English TIM RICE jjjod by the Barbara W omen's Studies Colloquia Se • Fk A N D O S Lh. author of "Witch ries. New American Movement Urnon n l' r'' a‘l hlS P° it r y loni>;ht at * ;3# P-m- 334 Union. Music by Ljves and Nurses.“ at 4 and M SI' sociology depart ANDREW LLOYO WEBBER j l i J j m t IAW8IMP MAU ment. Rosenberg's poetry has been published in more than 40 journals, ™ wnTiAtnunfiKHw«! Loda; in 341 and 342 inrludmg the Georgia Review, Enoeh. Centennial, Illinois j EAFl ERS SINCE • MCRIDIAN MAU Q uarterly and Ball S tate Forum. Auditorium 8:15 p.m. OKIMOt HHOuCAN Wed. May 24 thru Sat. May 27 iM P U S "A P O R N O T O N M O N U M E N T A L A C H IE V E M E N T O N I G H T TH E H A R D TICKETS O N SALE at Fairchild Box O ffice and at the D O W N T O W N O P I N M O N D A Y TH R U S A T U R D A Y T i l l 6 O T H IR STORES O P E N EVERY N IG H T T i l t 4 L A N S IN G M A U O P E N S U N D A Y I T O S International C enter. [IZZA 2 C O R E C IR C U IT . 'E X P O S E M E , L O V E L Y ' is p o r n o o f a h i g h e r o r d e r , i t s u g g e s ts w h o t f o r m s s u c h f i l m s li D o u n c e s : t i 'g h » f a k e i n t h e f u t u r e . " - f r o n i, s , 0 . r . . v 0 „ . t . softserve |IC E C R E A M |W . G r a n d R i v e r 3 3 7 - 1 6 3 9 next fo »he E. Laming bus station f ttd w i ----------------------- 1 14T2U 1 111k U t N E H SHOWS AT 11.2, S I md 11 p.m. CiftflRDDfflWNOjS Ih 2843 E Gd River, E. Ians. 351-1201 W e d n e sd a y S p e c ia l Boozers Bazaar 35c T h u rs d a y S p e c ia l S u d s 'n S u b s Greek Night W ORLD PREMERE Î4 AT THI CREST ANO CIMIMA X 1 SUPtR W ® IT ALL STARTED A L L S T A R CINEMA X CAST OPEN AT 12:45 * ¥ m STARRING ICHIGAN SHOWS AT 1:15 A B R A M S P L A N E T A R IU M P R E S E N T S CAROL 3:15*5:15-7:15-9: IS «rît» GAIL mm Mt CONNORS A m e r ic a ’s m u s if e s t S'AH (If M o s t H u g g a b le H e r o Is B a c k ! fit f P THROAT Pfm ALimMER sors AN ANNOlJNfFH OF H fl I. S I'H'lCK HARRIS GONIi SHOW OF A WEEKEND OF LIVE MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT - MAY 19-21 f t CONNORS also STARRING f r i d a y S a t u r d a y s u n d a y JO H N N Y W ADD I INIOWMAtlONIM Today Open 7:00 p.m. PERFORMANCES • Ä Ä GEORGINA SPELVIN Foofuro at 7:20*9:2S 8 & 10 flfr w T J in n n n n FEATURING MICHIGAN'S M l ^ P A L M E R ' P e r f o r m a n c e s 8 .1 0 4 M id n ig h t FAVORITE IM I BLUEGRASS ÛJ a * 5 MUSICIANS S S g lr lW io i A 5 -p ie c e Im p ro v isa tio n a l jCRM S p a c e -J a z z g ro u p In c o n c e rt w ith v is u a l c r e a tio n s by œ te n  iû i COSMIC RADIANCE n concert with the planetarium« cotrnic light th< J 2 ° d ucer s d ir e c t o r , ADVANCE TICKETS ON SALE AT SOUNDS ft DIVERSION, WHEREHOUSE RECORDS, AND MSU UNION ►a u m s I ~ ■ ** ’ I f m CrestMev>4enl^ mm I * t. WMWMV1N m - r n ' iia h v ALL TICKETS »2.00 FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 355-4672 w n H .i.Y h a i t h j.y h a h Flowers B R ID E S ! Furniture Lovely Weddings Reasonably Priced S a v e th ts , h a n d y s e c tio n and u s e it as a g u id e to m a ke su re your W ed. Alice's Greenhouse d in g p la n s are c o m p le te . P L n a h e a d a n d m a k e y o u r w e d d in g b e Z S u g g e s t s ;^ 10755 Columbia Hwy. s p e c ia l a s y o u a re. !~fZ f. -A..*« > i A C M I B ID D IN G Eaton Rapids 663-4421 When furnishing your first hom e together i O n ly 20 m in u te s fr o m M SU I Wedding Attire 4 05 C h e r r y S t. a t K a la m a z o o S t. B r id g e P h o n e 4 B 7 -4 9 9 5 Wedding Attire DON'T GET H o w to b e a lib e r a t e d b r id e . MARRIED! W o n t a u n iq u e proc tic a l a n d in e x p e n s iv e Reception Planning U n til Y o u V isit way to fu rn is h rs t h o m e to g e th e r? you C A M P U S TU X SH O P Try 6 0 0 M i c h i g a n E. L a n s i n g P IL L O W For Your 3 5 1 - 6 3 3 0 T A L K B R ID E S . . . ^ U R N IT U R E ] lo w e s t priced furm Beautiful Mary's Cake, Bridal t florist q u a rte r century! hove chosen tu re in to w n 1 Wedding! C o m p l . 1 . W e d d in g H e o d q u o r t e n Bridasmoids ft Mother's LA M B E R ! gowns sizes 6.30% T he m ost c o m p lete Bridal gowns ft veils 311 S. Washing vtediting facility in the F lo w e r . W il , o n C o k e S u p p lie s I n v it a t i o n s G r o d u o t i o n S u p p lie s LANSING Hast I.a n tin g a re a ! 4 8 7 1 S A G IN A W | M 4 3 W e s t o f M - 1 0 0 J u n c tio n ) G ro n d le d g e 517 627 27 71 485*9811 C om plete Menu l>rink~ a\ u ila lilc FREE YOURSELF FROM HASSLES WITH B u ffe t ur Sit-dcm n * • 'e rn ig h l room» OUR ONE STOP BRIDAL SHOPPING Jewelers W e d d in g P artie» from 10 to 1.000 F ro m y o u r b rid a l g ow n to th e r e c e p tio n When Only the| S. H a rris o n E . L a n s in g | Best Will Do W E H A V E E V E R Y T H IN G F O R M .T h o m p s o n Kellogg Center 3 5 5 -5 0 9 0 T H E B R ID E B U T T H E G R O O M J e w e le r KLd Reception Planning SPECIAL SAVINGS NOW ON 223 MAX. Ave. hast Lansing ' « ct. Flawless diam ond set in !8 lt| DESIGNER SAMPLE WEDDING GOWNS gold * 4 3 0 - SCOTT’S CATERING I UP TO 50% O FF [eepsake p»* 351-1525 DenisJenin I 2 2 5 '1 S. WoihingtoR I I r a J n io n a l W e d d in g K in g ’s Lonting Ml Specializing In CO IM -M I.I Mvl l i W E D D IN G R E C E P T IO N S *wedding receptions 'reunions B R iD E S S H O W C A S E VISA Sliaws AMKlLlt'AN KXl’KEl MASTKKCHAKtIK R E H E A R S A L D IN N E R S 'graduation parties 'Halls available 1047 I . G rond River I . lo n tin g K eep sake D ia m o n d C e n te r s iia w s i harJ W e con p r o v id e fa cilitie s for •'ini S. W a s h in g to n - 20 to 700 persons A m erican, Ethnic Food & Call today - Beautiful Weddings start here! Jewelers A cross F ro m K n a p p s W e In v ite A ll S tu d e n ts a n d F a c u lty o f M.S.F. Downtmvn tJ Special M enus A v a ila b le M . 3 3 7 * 2 7 9 3 M o p . I resent a V a lid M S F 1.1). a n d Receive w ith the I’u r d iJ C O C K T A IL S , BEER & W IN E TO M AKE THAT SPECIAL DAY o anv D ia m o n d F n g a g e m e n t set th e M e n ’s Wedding Hand COMPLETE. . . Travel Agents N®jrt to P e o p le s C hu rc h PH. 337-1755 a t j th e p rice . S hop Novv a n d Save! 136 W . G ra n d R iver E. L a n sing I '' | ‘ Q U A L IT Y D IA M O N D SELECTION A T REASON ABLE PRICES A Book Now for •W E D D IN G R IN G SETS •B R ID A L GIFTS | *W E RE E N G R A V IN G Honeymoons SPECIALISTS & m / / C aw p bellC ateri nog FAMIL Y OW NED A N D OPERA TED SINCE 1914 M a k e y o u r w e d d in g a n f t ® * * p e r p e rs o n . T w o n ig h ts in T o r o n t o v ia tra in fro m W in d s o r h o te l, ta x . b r e a k fa s t | P A R K M J I W I L R Y o c c a s io n to r e m e m b e r ! oucher 111 SOUTH W ASHINGTON SQUARE W h e r e e l e g a n c e c o s ts 2 7 9 ** per p e rs o n O ne w eek N a iM S DOW NTO W N LANSING 4B4-2322 I IC h o o se he r s o lita ire d ia m o n d Iro m one ot the large»! n o m o r e . in c lu d e s a ir h o te l, tra n s fe rs , tip s a n d ta x e s . Iro lle r lio n s in llu s parl o l the c o u n try : w e o ile r ,111 i m p r c s s n e ¡se le ctio n o l sizes, shapes, a net prices. I n e ideas 111 14 karat 4 6 1 6 N . G r a n d R i v e r B B S ** per p e rs o n , N m s e iw lv fo r 10 d a y s Newest Ig o ld lo s l.irt m u th in k in g : A B rillia n l-e u t, $550. P h . 3 2 1 -3 6 9 0 in c lu d e s a ir fro m D e tr o it h o te l, tip s a n d ta x e s . IB . [ ’ea r-shaped $K50. (.’.O v a l $650. D. H eart-shaped S7A0 I t \la rr|iu s e . $050 I L m c ra ld -c u l, $ 4 5 0 . O th e rs from $250. Tiffany Travel |5emi7//ii/g llnuihhil lei I vmionc. I We do the rest 332-0950 E D D IN G O ne Of Caterers C e n tta i M ic h ig a n s F in e s t R e c e p tio n H ails FOR F U N C T IO N S U P TO 30 0 PE R S O N S IN G S from W E D D lN G R E C E P T IO N S ^ . - /IRTÇ1RVED B A N Q U E T S # P A R T IE S . * H Î ' • D IN N ER S J K X i P re m is e O f O fl P re m is e F o o d S e rv ic e A m p le F re e L iflh te d P a rk in g 3 4 9 -9 5 0 0 »■* OREMOS PU 0KCM05 , . MUE SOUTH 01 l % OHO.EMOS HO, * U'VtSlüN OE OAHiTAl ElANQUETUOHP P la n n in g Y o u r W e d d in g WOVENPROMISE R e c e p t io n ? AriCarved adds to ils complete collection ot Our tarvica provides all tha planning for all that, wedding rings with some ot the most exciting styles ever introduced From bold anlique M O R G A N S Fine jew elers S n u e |K7(, designs, lo tailored contemporary styles, lo the details you don't have lima for. 121 S. Washington, Lansing called look ol mesh All in 14-karat gold matching Call tha Union Cataring Specialists and lot us help M eridian Mall, Okemos Let us h e lp you p la n th e sels All guaranteed tor quality lor a lifetime. you uncompllcata your Wadding recaption. U s e o n e e l M e r g a n s c e n v e im -n l c h a rg e p la n s er p ir m c t h o n iy m o o n A m e r ic a n l-'xpress, B n n k A m e iic n r d . M a s t e r C h a r g e M.S.U. UNION C o lle g e T ra v e l O ffic e M a i l a n d P h e n e l n t | u i n e s I n n l e d : fS ]7 ) 4H 2-A 021 34H -032I1 CATERING SPECIALISTS a iiip L iiy p ie to s Call 355-3445 lor more Information. 130 W. G ra n d R iver HMMi Mm .-M.HUII. East Lan sing 48823 kV A .M U IK H U M . f F J L ;M .II* 4 L - M I C a ll 351 6010 •O N M O U iU * • * * * * * —. MhmM 4I1S W e d n e sd a y . M ay 17, 1978 1 1 Entertainment ■ BOBBY ROBERTS Photography ENTERTAINMENT, INC. P h o to s B y Invitations "B a n d s h r a l l O c c a s io n s " Rock ft Roll Funk/Disco Dorothy Brett’s Printing Service Banking Needs variety Michigan's No. 1 toP4o Phone Intortainment Agency 882-4833 Wadding Invitations ¿V - W ishing you featuring the finest shows ft dance Groups! ■The largest In stock selection. Beaut *Weddings-from casual love story to the ■ ^1/ a happy 4 3 2 4 W . S A G IN A W Phono 3 2 1 - 4 4 0 0 reception. 1 designs. Printed and thermographed I- ¡perfection. life together. *Portralts-on location or in the studio I W a lt ? BBm m ill d to o rd e r fr oi | § ) E a s t L a n s in g S ta te B a n k Photography *Decorotive-from weddings to scenlcs ly jiS R u n d l. Ph. 419-26*7 For all your banking needs. ■ loming . Checking—Teller 24—Savings Y O U R W E D D I N G IS Bridal Registries Bakeries S P E C I A L I se« Roger’s Bridal Registry ARCHY’S PHOTOS M a r t h a ’s G e r m a n B a k e r y A tte n tio n B r i d e * t o b o l th e W e d d in g S p e c ia lis t i Wedding and Sheet w it h 2 3 y e a r s Cakes Planning your Capturing beautiful m o m e n ts and e x p e r ie n c e X jy o u '/teF vm ltect.. Fresh Butter Cream wedding can be fun i Use these m aking them into b e a u tifu m e m o rie s . U m qu* cakes fo r (hat special couple pages as a helpful 676-5884 2233 W. Grand Rv.-Okemos i re g iste r your gift w is h e s at 4974 North wind Dr. F r N Consultation guide. 1 1 * 1 . M A M S IN M A S O N Just Wost of Moridion Moll igers, w h e r e o u r w i d e s e le c tio n E. loosing 332-0710 Ph. 349-3340 ' « ct. Flawless I p le a s a n t p r i c e s m ak e e v e ry - diomond set in 18Iti th a p p y ! Remember Your Wedding Day A lw ays M A ¿B aku w it h 000000 & Im p o r te d F o o d s DISTRIBUTING C O M PA N Y NATURAL COLOR PICTURES BY IIEBERMANN'S C a k e s for All O ccasions or the B r id e ...a n e x c itin g W E D D IN G S B IR T H D A Y S BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY jollection o f ta b le w a r e s IT A L IA N BAKED G O O D S . BREAD P IZ ZA • WHOLESALE RETAIL om th e w o r ld 's f in e s t IMPORTED 6 DOMESTIC BEER 6 W IN E 483-5713 ¡takers. COMPLETE LINE O f . .. . * IT A L IA N * ARABIC * * M E X IC A N GREEK oison ^ Fine Duality Reasonably Priced MON. SAT 8 A.M. - 430 NORTH CEDAR NEAR SHIWASSEE 8 P.M. 485-9466 Phono 482-2802 Serving Lansing Area Since 1965 Let Doug Elbinger m ake you a wedding album you and your fam ily w ill cherish for generations. DECORATED CAKES FROM M MEIJER BAKERY MADE SPECIAL FOR YOUR LIKING • WEDDING CAKES • GROOMCAKES • GRADUATION CAKES D O U G L A S ELBINGER • WHIPPED CREME PH O TO G R A PH Y |tf0,e bom our carefully selected toble- ‘tom the most elegant to the pleasantly CAKES 2 2 0 A L B E R T S T ., E A S T L A N S IN G — 3 3 2 -3 0 2 6 no . Our experienced consultants will be an146. T w o bedroom , >168 1 doy • N K per lin e firm . 655-3450 afte r 6 p.m BR7813 R A D IA L s n o w tires, Me. O *” w o rk W e ll in terview on W A N T E D B AB Y S IT T E R to horses. K no w le d g e o f d rivin g 332-4106; 482 5075. 1-5-17(4) 5*lSs, firapiaca 3 deys • U K p e r lin e weekdays. A n ytim e week 5000 miles, $30 o r b est o ffe r. starling June cam pus EL RANCH O care fo r 2 year o ld a nd do farm tra cto r w ill pay e xtra fo r 7.M l u . 5Sl»4.IS| 4 deys • 75< p e r line ends. 5-5-17 (9) T om 351 9228. S 5 5 1 6 (3) IPS STEVENS, P O B ox 366, lig h t housekeeping W eek­ ja nito rial dutie s. H. H o ffm a n , M A LE NEEDED to l b , , , I deys • 7h|W j 2 l ^3 00 _ 3 5 6 -9 4 2 2 J 5 -5 -1 7 1 3 ) J E E P F A IR W A Y , green, le nt co nd itio n, lo w mileage, W O M A N CO UNSELO R at in learning m o re a b o u t these FEMALE: S U B LE T ow n ters. Athletic Club 1 S U M M ER RECREATION p ositio n s please c o n ta c t Lois 1-2 PERSON a p a rtm e nt fo r w h ite top. CJ-5 V-8 304; $550. 351 0967 afte r 5 p.m. least 21 fo r N o rth e rn M ic h i­ room . W o o d m e re A p a rt­ Z-3 5-17(6) FIAT 128SL 1975, 35 miles supervisors. M u s t b e resident L. Lyons, R.N. Personnel sum m er, co m p le te ly fu r ­ excellent co nd itio n, bod y and 8 5-17(31 gan w ilderness cam p. 332 m ents. M a ry 5 7 p.m . 337- por gallon. 1-313-733-5629 o f C linto n C o u n ty. E du ca tion D ept., 487 9180. E.W . SPAR nished, air co nd itio ne d , engine. Call 351-1786 after 2 " 1 . 6 -5 23 (41 1418.Z -3-5-1 8 J3) MALES. 1 t» I j f l a fter 5 p.m. 2-5-5-19(3) or sport b a ckg ro u n d desira ­ R O W H O S P ITA L. 1215 East across B og u e S treet, $160/ 5:30 S -5 5 2 3 (41 125 H O N D A 1972 w ith h el­ campus, sum nw. 1w 1 TAXI DRIVERS w anted. ble. For tw o m o n th s. Call M ichig a n, Lansing, M ich ig a n m o n th . 332-1651. Z -1 -5 1 7 (4) 513 H ILLCR ES T deluxe 351 4965 Z 85-231311 FIAT 73, 128 statio n wagon, m et, $300. 882-9961 a fte r 4 M u st have excellent d rivin g 321 4031 a fte r 4 p .m . 48909. A n o n d iscrim in a to ry, apartm ents, fall. 1 bedroom s tune up, good condition, JEEP, 1977, CJ7 Renagade, p.m . 8-5-18 (31 record. V A R S IT Y C A B 332 6 -5 1 8 (6 ) a ffirm a tive a ctio n em ployer. SUM M ER S U B LE T own fro m $230, 2 bedroom s-$380. 1900. 351-7896. 2-2-5-17 (3) almost every option. Heavy SUMMER SUBLET.) 3559 8-5-19(3) 4 -5 1 8 (2 7 ) ro o m in 2 ro o m apa rtm e nt. Includes u tilitie s. 3 su m m e r/ d u ty everything. Five 1200x15 son. furnished, c a iw m o to r c yc le in s u r 332-4861. Z-3 5 1 9 (3 ) sublets fro m $100. 6651717 FIAT 1281973,4-speed, good radials. M u st sell. Best offe r P AR T-TIM E and su m m e r Sue 351-0312 2 8 5-1J ANCE N e w lo w rales for S EW IN G TEACHER, e xp e ri­ Rick. 7 -5 1 8 (6 ) shape, 35,000 miles. 351-3938 321-6914. 3-5-19(6) B A B Y S ITTE R NEEDED, positions fo r M S U stud e nts, 1978. Call ALDER AGENCY ONE FEM ALE D elta A rm s, after 5 p.m. 8-5-19 (3) starting J u n e 5, 7:30 a.m .- 1520 h o u rs/w e e k. A u to ­ enced, p a rt-tim e . Call 351- 351 8620 1 5 17131 $92.50/m onth. '78-'79. 3 5 5 5:30 p .m . 353-8617, 349-4872 m obile required. P ho n e 339- 9020 10:30 a.m .-1 p.m . MAVERICK 1973. 2 door, 302 4274. Z -8 -5 2 6(3 ) 5 5 1 8 (3) FIAT 124 Spider - 1968 Classic, red, ragtop sport scar V-8, 3 speed stick, steel belted radials, 46,000 miles. SUZUKI 1973, GT ~380 ,~ 3 cylinder road bike. >396 351 a fte r 5 p .m . 2-5-18 (3) 3400. C-2 2 -53 1 (5) D O N ’T WAIT ♦950. 332-5460. 3-5-17(3) Asking $1,500. 669-3576 a fte r 7929 8.5-26(31 W IL C O R , IN C . FORD '72 429 LTD wagon. 6 p.m . 8-5-18 (4) Y A M A H A 350 RD, 1975 O ''*! Michigan's largest Indopondont Copior Company U N T IL TH EY ’RI Electric everything. $850 or M.G. MIDGET, 1976, excel­ Cordially Invitos You to Excellent c o n d itio n , very lo w best offer. 353-1310. 2-5-5-23(3) lent, 13,000 miles, best o ffer. Debbie, 355-6437. 6 5-19 (3) mileage, $550. 351-0379. Z 8 5 2 3 (3) A PREVIEW SHOWING of the Revolutionary Electrographic Copier by M inolta and the new A L L G O N E. Saxon 3 Plain Poper Copier caH 349-3530 Good Deals! Filled fo r Fall to be h eld at T o r a a a f v a iR H a 'P r 1972 Toyota Celica New red S IIM M IR O N LY CEDAR GREENS Get in tha The K ellogg Center for iumm*r and w fin i*h. radial tires, looks and Harrison Road d rive* g re a t' »1795 A c re s* f r o « APARTMENTS Students twim at M ichigan State University the Lincoln Room No. 110 SPECIAL for 4 par*«»" 1975 VW Beetle, driven only 18.000 miles. W illia m . N a ll shouldn't have 9 a .m . t o 6 p.m. SUMMER f u r n l * h * d o p a r t n ’«n | 1973 Porsche 914 Sun roof '2595 —2 bedroom units n o w laasing fo r sum m er t fa ll to live in drab Burcham W ools Moy 17. 1978 modal opan 9-9 —vorlous floor plans N o w loosing fo r Fall new silver finish A l condi tion. 13595 —air condltlonod little rooms. #H e a te d p o o l D O N 'T M I * R R U M M I R A T RATES — f u r n is h e d ‘ A ir co nd itio ning GMPUSI§ • f u r n is h e d a p a r tm e n ts Troat yourtell 1972 VW Super Beetle At tractive yellow finish, rodio, automatic drives g re at! transmission *1395 — c a r p e te d —bast location in town a s low a s •s w im m in g po o l • a i r c o n d itio n in g •w ith in w a lk in g this tummer to BEAUTIFUL * 10' bos to compos ‘ A m ple p a rkin g ‘ N ic e ly f u r n i s h e d ‘ S Blks. to compos Clupcttingfiain 44JO South H agadorn Rd. (N o rth o f M t. Hop#) C O O K N IR M M A N ’160 p e r m o n th d is ta n c e to c a m p u s Ito w la a tiftf ta r Juat o f f grand rfw <*»m0* VW VOLVO MAZDA /O ♦ Luxury apartm ent« com pletely furnished w ith d iilin c - 781 U N IV IR S IT Y ttWMMf m4 M t)ve Spanish M editerranean fu rn itu re and shag carpeting 4135 W. SACINAW Sum m er throughout. T IR R A C I 3 5 1 - 8 6 3 1 2 bedroom *1 8 8 FR£t BUSSERVI *E a c h u n it has dishwasher g a r b a g e d is p o s o I, c e n t r a l 311*4900 SW 1M M NQ POO L 3 4 9 -3 5 3 0 414 Michigan 1 b e d ro o m *1 5 8 a ir co nditioning and heating. Mft Th til 9 (doted Sat.) 1135 Michigan Ave. apa rtm en ts s tu d io s *1 8 8 * Swimm ing Pool and p rivo te b olconiet. M AUS»! D fS H W A S H R R S ^ m FREE ROOM fra * ttw M e Om s . OeweiMr. 745 B u rc h a m Special FREE ROOM MAlfS£,l I— lae—R itte o«ity Coll 3-4 p.m. E. L am in g 2'il Burr.h.im Drive C IN T R A I. A M CONO. S IIM M IR M T I S (next to Brody) 2 5 1 *3 1 1 8 12 month 351 7?1Z I T B B I.T IS * (coll b otw oon 10*6 p w ) rates A SK AR O VT OVR — a«A S P AN M Ü L [ H m»s [ Noises )(£) Horns ,..|S 2-man, summer, T W O FEM ALES to sublet .:f t IM IS )!> j For Sale ]($ ] Mobile Ho r n «« > ! • ( Senice ¿ ft D ît SUMM ER SUBLET, 3 bed T , ; , hall m inute to n e w duplex o n A lb e it Street ELSWORTH CO-OP sum lo om , furnished duplex, 4330 BEAL COOPERATIVE has ^$175.332-0412. 363-6666. Z 3 - 5 19131 rner. $145 double, $231 KENMORE PORTABLE sew ­ VIN DA LE 2 bedroom , excel­ o t negotiable. 337-0152 ope ning s fo r sum m er. $240 DISSERTATIO NS, M A N U ­ ing machine, like new, $50. 171» ____ FA LL, 3 bedroom s, dining Z-3-5-18 |3| single/term phone, utilities, laundry included. Near. 332- per te rm includes room, 487 4205, 485-9218. lent. 373-6410 ex. 47 Dean, SCRIPTS, term papers by board, cable TV, air co nd i­ 626 7402 evenings. 8 -6 2 5 (3) form er college adm inistrative / tiful d e c o r a t e d , 3574. Z -8 5-19(4) E 6 5 1 7 (3) room , basem ent, appliances HASLETT, FEMALE to abate Announcem ents fo r It's W h a t's badroom in older tio nin g , w asher, dryer, and secretary. 332-2616. Insulated. G ood repair. 5 San room. Firoptoca, miles to M S U , no dogs. >200. coun try hom e 15 m inutes to SUM M ER - O W N room lig h te d parking. S to p by 525 CARPET, 10x12, gold/beige, : Ramp Sale 1^ BL-1-617(4) Happening m ust be received in the Excdlenl location. MSU. Horsea welcom e. 339- M A C o r call 332 5555. State News office, 343 Student Sue 9-6 p .m . 3 3 2 -3 3 9 8 .5 5 1 9 w ith quiet grads. $70/m onth like new, $35. 337-0169 I j , . 8154^8-5-24151 3151 or 339-8060. 8-5-23 14) Z 166 26 1 8) Services Bldg.. by noon at least 3 -5 1 9 (71 negotiable. 353 5555 E Z-6 5 -2 2 13) GARAGE SALE — Friday, Watet tw o class days before publication .«SING lor summer. IT IS the p olicy o l the State Z -6 6 1 7 (3 ) Saturday, S unday - M ay No announcem ents w ill be accept 2 RO O M S sum m er term . 1 JU N E 16th. 2 b edroom , base­ BICYCLE 2 1 ", needs tires 19-21. 9 a .m .-8 p.m . 1946 ed by phone [ ffm . » 0akhl!'- N e w t tha t th e last 4 weeks o l mile fro m cam pus on bus­ W ANTED: GIRL w h o enjoys m ent, garage, appliances, in ­ S A B B A T IC A L HOME, 3 - and tubes, $20. S chw inn 2 3 ", Ham ilton Road, A p t. F., Oke­ K T it r W l hom perk. term all S tudent Classified line. Rent negotiable. 485 the outd oo rs to spend a Only 5 sulated. G ood repair, quiet. 6 bedroom , furnished, fire ­ needs tires, $25. Double cast mos. One queen size bed, Advertising m ust be paid lo t 4891. Z -3 -6 1 9 (4) weekend in the Smokies. W om en's Fellowship of miles to cam pus. No dogs. place, yard. 4 m inutes-M SU . iron sink w ith drainboards, one dresser w ith m irror, baby ¡3614107 in cdvance beginning May M ust have your o w n bag. Call Christian A thletes m eets at 8 >180. Mrs. Harrison. 332- Grad stud e nts/cou p les pre ♦20 . 1 charcoal grill, $ 10 . furnitu re , 2 lazy Boy rockers, - 5-3116I _ 4th, 2 p.m. S 19 5 3 1 171 ONE BLO CK fro m M S U , ow n 351-6834 evenings. to n ig ht, Coach Darryl Rogers 3398. 9 5 2 6 I7I ferred. Ju ne January. 487- Jacobson push law n m ower, children's clothes and toys, room in furnishe d house for Z-8-51715) home. Call 353-2496 fo r a ride. 6797 (w ork), 882 5731 $30. Lawn B oy push m ower, various household goods. 'boom turniahed lo r 6 2ND FLOOR flat, fo r summer sum m er. $65 /m o nth . Call ,w block to campus. 2 RO O M S, sum m er only, X 6 6 2 2 (6 ) $60. One push m ow er needs Z-4 -5 1 9 (10) Y ou 've g ot our num ber . . . S TIG M A m eets at 7 to n ig ht, 339 sublease. 3 bedroom s, close Barb, 486 48 9 1. Z -3 -6 1 9 (4| ,, ^ „ t h lease. Start clean house, furnished] w ork, $10. 1 w o o d tip. Up b u t w e d o n 't w a nt you to N. Case Hall. Everyone interested lo campus. 351-3249 EAST SIDE near M S U . 4 garage door, 8 ' fo o t, $25. 1 A PA R TM EN T M O V ING sale. -«MOO ot evenings washe r/d rye r, 2 blocks fro m Z 3-5-19 131 forge t! Call 3568255 to place in handicapper issues welcome! bedroom s furnished, $325 S U M M ER S U B LE T - ow n nine fo o t tip-up w o od door M u st sell furnitu re , plants, > n d s 332-0978. cam pus. >90. 337-0937 your low -cost Classi­ Call 349 2019 a fte r 5:30 p m ro o m in h ouse-rent nego ♦40 655 2252. 5 6 2 2 (1 6 ) miscellaneous. C A LL 351- 2 5 1 8 (4)_ _ SUMM ER SUBLET, ow n fied ad! SQUARE DANCING held from ; 3 ! i 7i _ ______ 862614) tiable call a fte r 5 p.m . 351 4725. 2 5-18(4) room in big house, campus 7 to 8:30 to n ig h t in the Union. ATTE N TIO N FACULTY: In 5194. Z -6 6 2 3 1 3 ) SCHW IN N V A R SITY 10 '(.ANSING FALL. 1 close, tent negotiable. 353 FALL. M A N , w om an seek Experience needed. , furnished, air, u tili­ Holland, M ichigan on Lake DUPLEX, 7 bedroom s, 2 speed, g ood co nd itio n. $60. tw o bed., near Berkey, $90- t i e s . perking- >220 - M ichig a n, furnished sum m er 1356. S 5 5 2 3 I3I baths, carpeted, parking, , 10 é OWN ROOM. female, 351 7333. E Z-6 5 -2 2 (3 ) lost I Fond $100/m onth each. 3563666, Ecumenical (P rotestant-O rtho­ hom e available Ju ne 10 By bus. Lease. S um m er, $350 sum m er, near cam pus, fu r­ ¡745366 0-22 5 J 1(4) FA M ILY ONLY - Sabbatical 10:30-11 p.m. S-65-1914) dox-C atholic) charismatic prayer week o r m o n th . 689 5613 Fall $500. 332 3172. 3-5-19(4) nished, parking. 332-0400 WEBER KETTLE grill, new, LOST DOG, Lab m ix, female, m eeting sponsored by W o rk o f FEMALE needed now. if t t ft i • m . - t t n ■> x hou" Septem ber 1978 ■ Z -2 -6 1 8 (3) only $35. Call Cindy 332 (61613353313; 3 5 19 (61 Septem ber 1979 445 0/m on th black and tan. B usky eye­ RESPONSIBLE COUPLE Christ C om m unity at 8:15 p.m. rn , ,n deluxe epart- NICE 4 or 5 bedroom house 1348 6 5 22 (3) brows. No collar. Lost M ay w ith pets looking fo r house to Thursday, S t. Jo hn 's S tudent S tennis. >94/ RO O M S IN beautiful 6 bed plus if!'!11* » - 353-6331, even available fo r sum m er w ith fall B EA UTIFUL HOME, pets OK, ings 332-8362. 1-5-17 (5) 10th near Frandor area (Ken­ rent. Prefer co un try setting. Center, 327 M .A .C. Ave. 349.0599 8-5-241» ro o m house. S um m er, b ack­ option, 612 V irginia, $375 u tilitie s paid, w asher and 2 SPEAKERS. Homemade sington Road). 351-8291 or References. 6762466 afte r 5 yard. 351-8192. Z-3-5-19 (3) 351 5865. Z 6 6 2 6 ( 4 ) dryer. Call 371-1081. Heath K it com ponents. W ill M ed-tech majors and others in ter­ 337-0996. 4 5-19 (7) p.m. 6 6 1 9 (4 ) jB SUBLET, female, SUM M ER, NICE house, 4 XZ-4-61913) ested in admission to m ed-tech stand 100 w atts. 2 6 " high. turmshed, ow n DUPLEX 4 bedroom , dish ­ room s, rent negotiable. 332 3 BLOCKS fro m campus. 4-5 Tired o f being broke? Get fast ju nior level apply in 100 G iltner $200. Turntable $50 manual LOST LADIES Gold W ittn av- W 882 8958 w asher. g oo d location, new. 4898 Z 6 6 2 3 ( 3 ) bedroom houses. Renting for FREE S U M M ER housing in cash b y selling th ing s you no Hall. pioneer. Call after 4:30 p.m . er w a tch Reward. 355-7230. M a n y extras. 351-7610. summer & fall. 351-8135 exchange fo r lig h t mainten 372-1624 8 5-25 (5) lo nger use w ith a fast-action 3: Z-4 5-19 (3) The people w ith a purpose. 2 * ^ 2 4 (3 )_ 217 and 219 S. Hosmer. 0 2 2-531(4) ance/grounds. O kem os and Classified A d. Call 355-8255 SUBLEASE LAN SIN G . 4 bedroom s, re ­ East Lansing. 353 6485 LOST - S M A LL black male Come fin d o u t w h a t M S U Circle K M A S O N -H O L T area. No modeled. 332 5622 o r 332 FURNISHED DUPLEXES fo r 9-5 p.m . 1 -6 17 15 ) W A NTE D, USED refriger­ Club is all about at 6 ton ig ht, „M m 2 bedrooms. Q u a lity U s e d E qu ipm e nt S cottie in East Lansing. Con­ children o r pets. $ 140/m onth 3876. B L -1-5-17(3) ator, ca n 't be over 60 inches Union Sunporch. T re b le 351-7814 2, 3 or 4 persons. Available at a fair price ta ct 351-0685. Reward. & d eposit. A vailable Ju ne 10. summer a n d /or fall 669-9939 W A L K TO M S U , summer, Z -3 -6 1 9 (4) tall. 351-0946. 6 6 1 9 (3) CT Z6 5 19(3) vifh w arro n ty Phi Gamma Nu actives and ^ 9 0 3 3 .J M > - 2 6 J 4 ) _ SUM M ER SUBLET. B ea u ti­ 0 22-5-3K3) female, o w n room . 351 2731 pledges meet a t 6 to n ig h t, 105 fu l fo u r bedroom , 2 bath afte r 5:30 p.m . 3-5-17(31 LOST: BLUE Linde Star, Take up bicycling fo r fu n and S O U TH H AYFO R D near This coupon Eppley Center. Remember: Song Mists Frandor. Large brick hom e. 5 house. Great location. 332 W O M EN, 3 room s, 4 bed good fo r sliver band, on 5 9. Reward. fitness. Y ou 'll fin d lots o f bike and Paddle N ight S aturday, initia­ 8844 Z-BL-1-5-17(4) room house, summer, cheap, CLOSE TO C A M P U S . Clean M argaret 3568856. fitness. Y ou 'll fin d lots of bedroom s, partly furnished. MO*0off tion at 4 p.m. Sunday, Union close, nice, garage, yard, Q uiet. S um m er and Fall Call S - 5 6 2 3 13) bikes advertised in today's £R SUBLET - o w n Includes utilities. Available Captain's Room. O W N ROOM in quie t house. storage space. 337-9524, 351 evenings and weekends. 337 Classified section! I Block from campus. J u n e 15. 1400/m onth. 351- A n y u se d e q u ip m e n t a n d S um m er, fall option. $92. 1500. Z-4-5-19 (5) 2655. 5-5-17 14) FOUND: KEYS on brow n U.ke 332 2159 7497. 0 5 -5 -2 3 162 se lected d e m o s H orticulture Club m eets at 7:30 482-9289 evenings. leather key-ring on M t. Hope, W A NTE D: A PA R TM EN T fo r ton ig ht, 204 H orticu lture Bldg. B S U M M E R fem ales, 3 room s, Z-3 6 1 9 (3) LARGE HOUSE, 3 people PERSON NEEDED to sublet sum m er sublet, fem ale grad Hi Fi Buys 337-1747 w est o f Harrison. 3561034. $68.50-$82/m onth, near needed fo r fall term . Close to o w n room in b om b house Z-1 -6 17(4) prefers to share. 485-0774 TOGETHER coopera- Dairy Science Club meets at M S U , 332-2018 afte r 6 . RENTING FOR sum m er and campus. Call Tom a fte r 8 near campus. 351-3896 after 5:30 p.m. Z-4-5-19 (4) Howe' House Coop. 7 30 to n ig ht. 110 A nth on y Hall. Dr. - tail openings. 351- S X 5-5^22 13) fall. Houses and duplexes, 3-7 p.m. 351 0455. Z-3-5-18 (4) Z 5 -6 23 (3 ) LOST, B LACK Et w h ite fe ­ Cecil W illiam s w ill speak. bedroom s. Call m ornings male beagle puppy. Burcham QUIET, N O N sm oking female Z-3-5-10 i4l RO O M S IN co u n try co-ed o nly 351 6471 OR 22 5 31(5) FALL HOUSE, 8 single bed­ SU M M ER 1 bed ro om in a Drive area M ay 12. 332-5574 needs place to live fall term W EDD IN G FLOW ERS - lo w W om en's B row n Bag Lunch is - PAST1 2 6 bedroom h om e w ith fire place. 10 room s fo r 8 -student group. 2 -bedroom house, fo r rent. 3 -6 19 (4 ) only. 351 2643 from noon to 1 p.m . today, Union m inu tes o ut. $80/m onth, Call 337-0640 afte r 6 p.m. cost, to p quality, fu ll service. Kitchen, laundry, parking. Ex­ Z 7 6 1 9 (3) Sunporch. Cathy Davidson, M S U ^ fa« Ca11 EQUITY EAST SIDE, five bedroom s 623-6545. Z 8 -6 26 (3 ) J5M500 0 3-5-18 (3) pets. 656-1717, Rick. cellent location. 12 m o n th Z 3 6 1 9 (3 ) N o w ’s the tim e to clean o ut English departm ent, w ill discuss furnished, fo r sum m er. $190 X-5-5-16(4) lease. $ 90 'm o nth plus u tili­ W e 'd love to help you w o rd Fall $290, 676 1557. 8-5-1713) the a ttic. Sell those extras no "Mothers and Daughters in Litera­ 2 W O M E N . B ea u tifu l house SPRING-SUM M ER W ed­ and place your Classified ad. \ Bouse All utilities ties. 332 1918. 4 6 1 9 (7) one uses w ith fast-action tu re ." 2 FEMALES needed fo r room O w n room . 1 block campus ding? W edding dress & P ic­ Ju st phone 3568255 and a Ai Beech & MAC. ads' in house, sum m er. Call till SUBLET S U M M ER . $63 M S U CLOSE, 6 bedroom s, Rent negotiable 351 3529. ture hat. Best o ffe r. 351-3035. friendly A d-V isor w ill heip j Z 13 62 (3) Z-3-61913) Come and hear Richard W h it­ 2 p m 351 3460. 9-5-17 13) m onth. Female, 1158 Beech, $400/m onth. Deposit, utilitie s S 5 -6 19 (3 ) you’ ney, candidate fo r U.S. Senate, at lANSING General LARGE, S U M M ER sublet. 5 close, pets, 332 5167. Z 3 5-17(3) extra. 12 m o n th lease. 349- LITTON M IC R O W AV E oven. t a r t s h rsm l ¡2 8 ton ig ht, 336 A and B Case Hall. 4850 4 -6 1 9 14) ULREY CO-OP openings for PAPERBACKS, COMICS, Two rooms avails- bedroom , 4 blocks Union, Vari-cook, and extras. Like sum m er Et fall. Includes u til­ IT IS th e policy o f the State magazines! CURIOUS • 15 Non smokers, pets, parking, $ 350/m onth + Gwen Norrell speaks on STUDENTS PREFERRED. 3 O W N ROOM in furnished ities Et laundry. Close to new ! Best o ffe r. 351-3035. BOOKSHOP, 307 East Grand News th a t the last 4 weeks o f "Choosing Singleness as a Life­ th ♦ utilities. 487- deposit 332 6565 Z-3-61913) bedroom s, garage, $2257 house. S um m er. B y MSU. cam pus, reasonable rates term all S tudent Classified River. 332-0112. C -10-631 (4) f e l9 i5 l sty le " and "P roblem s th e Career Z -6 -6 1 8 (41 m onth. 374-6677. 8-5-17(3) 332-5783, Janie. Z-3-5-18 (3) C A LL 332-5095 o r stop by A dvertising m ust be paid fo r W om an Faces" at 3:30 p.m. 505 M A C . Z -5-619(6) ZENITH CHROM ACOLO R II in advance beginning May Garage cluttered? Sell those ,jSt IAN women need 2 17 inch co lor T.V. set. Excel­ today, 16 A gricultu re Hall. LARGE FULLY furnished FURNISHED 3 room , married SUBLET SUM M ER. 4 b ed ­ 4th, 2 p.m . S-19-5-31 (7) extra bicycles fast w ith a : share house, sum- bed ro om in to w n house, room , 2 b ath house, Bogue 3 BEDROOM S Available in lent! Plus m ore! W ILCO X quick-action Classified ad! couple only, $ 160/m onth on A nita gets a pie in th e face as |i rooms, close. 332- close to cam pus. 646 A b b o tt St. $300 m onth. 351-3724 large house fo r summer. 2 TR A D IN G POST. 4864391 lease. Open A ug u st. 332 HAPPY 20TH BD, Baker' Gay Pride W eek continues w ith .5-5-17 (31 Road 351-8256 Z 10-5-24 (4) 351 1587 Z-3-5 18 (3) blocks fro m campus. CALL C -10-631 (5) 8913. 8 5-17(4) 484-8532 after 6 p.m. W E 'D LOVE to g et you in our H oping all your w ishes w ill com e tru e Love Sis. Round Town £ fo u r film s at 7 to n ig h t, 109 S. Kedzie Hall. 3 RO O M S available fo r fall in Z 4 5-18(4) 1 -6 17 (3) bed. The fin est in q ua lity APPEARING house close to campus. 332 W ILLO W PO N D STAB LES - waterbeds at th e SLEEP Is foo d causing problem s in 8791 X Z 3 -6 1 8 (3) 2 PERSONS, 2 room s, fall S pring open h un t show. SHOP in S O U NDS Et DIVER­ your life? Give Overeaters A no n y­ option, responsible. Open Service M ason. May 21, 9 a.m .- rain GET FRIDAY, JUNE 2nd JUNE LEASE, partly fu r nished, 5 bedroom house, Ju ne 1, negotiable 332-0942 Z 10 6 26 (3 ) SIO NS, d o w n to w n , across fro m Knapps. 484-9300. 0 ;T 5 11 ^ ( 6 ) _ _ L FREE LESSON in co m p lex­ or shine Spectators w e l­ come. M ore inform ation: 676- m ous a try at 6 to n ig h t, 247 Olin Health Center .THE $450. 351-0765 afte r 6:30 p.m. 9799 or 349-1669 5-5-19(6) io n care MERLE NO R M AN Psychology Club m eets at 7:30 8 -5 1 8 (5) SU M M ER SUBLET. S unny FIRE SALE. B elow w holesale COSMETIC S TUDIO - 321- ton ig ht, 304 Olds Hall. Elections room in house. Ideal location, prices o n pipes, clips, papers, 6 BED house, summer, fail 5543. C-22-5-3K4I w ill be held and a m ovie on Furnished, parking storage. incense, paraphernalia sal­ aggression shown. optio n, close. 355-3545. JP M l To place your Peanuts Per- S -5 -6 19(3) 332-4649. 2 -4 -5-19 (4 ) vaged. Brass key clips and p ow e r hitters, $2.50 each TYPING TERM papers and A on Barbara Erenreich. auth or o f ($4.00 value). W H ITE theses, I.B.M . experienced, -sonol Graduation Special LAN SING , EAST side. A vail­ For Sale ^ M O NKEY, 117 N o rth H arri­ fast service. Call 351-8923. 'W itc h e s , M idw ives and Nurses." lectures on W om en and Health Ad, just fill out the form able Ju ne 15. 2 bedroom son Road. (A cross fro m Sir 0-10-5-31 (3) Care' at 4 p.m. Thursday. 341 house, $210 m o n th including 100 USED vacuum cleaners Pizza). 2-5-18 (8 ) Posts below and mail or bring it all utilities. 1 year lease. Call Tanks, cannisters, and u p ­ COMPLETE A SSEM BLED LIZ DO RTY 'S ALTERATIO N Union. Pvsal with payment to the State 669-5513. 0-8-5-24(6) rights. G uaranteed on fu ll H eathkit system. A m plifier, SHOP Same day service. L im ited finances7 Paid intern­ year. $7.88 and up. DENNIS 1600 East M ichigan. 485- graduation % News Classified Dept, 35 w a tts, $90, Pre-amp. $120, ship available ir. W ashington, EAST SIDE, 201 S ou th Mag DISTRIBU TING CO M PANY. 6616. 6 5 -2 3 (3) D C , fo r person interested in sex yy’'•WT Student Services. nolia, 4 bedroom , $250. Avail 316 N. Cedar, opposite C ity digita l tuner, $400. A ll for SPECIAL able A u g u st 1st. 351-0997. Market. C 22 6 31 (7 ) $590! 337-1767. Charlie. 6 5 -1 7 (7) COMPLETE REPAIR service fo r stereo's, TV's, tapes, discrim ination. C ontact Dave Per- seil. College o f Urban Develop­ 65-19(4) ment. SEW ING M ACHINES slig h tly guitars, banjos, band in stru ­ 2 S A N Y O POCKET cassette SUBLET RO O M sum m er, fall used. Re conditioned, g u a r­ ments. M A R S H A LL M U SIC. recorders. Bargains at $70 & Help plan alternatives to Marine o p tio n, fem ale, nice house, 2 351-7830. C-1-5-1715) 3 Lines ■*200 anteed $39.98 and up. ED­ Day a t 7:30 ton ig ht, 336 Union. $50. 351-7507. E 5-5-19(3) blocks fro m M S U , $100. 351 WARDS D ISTRIBU TING 8240. 8-5-24(4) FOR Q UA LITY stereo ser­ CO 1115 N. W ashington. S TER EO -M AR AN TZ 2225 re M S U M en's Glee Club Spring vice. THE STEREO SHOPPE. 489 6448 C-22-5-3116) ceiver, BIC 960. A cou stic XII C oncert is at 8 1 5 ton ig ht, A lum ni 5 ROOMS available in house. 555 E. Grand River. colum ns. M arantz 5420 cass­ C-22 5-31(3» Chapel. Close to cam pus. 325 Di NEW, USED and vintage e tte deck and more. Call Each Additional Lines - 67c vision. 351-4684. Z 10 5-24 (3) guitars, banjos and m a n do ­ Dave M. at 351 3855. Fisheries and W ildlife Club lins, etc Dulcim ers and kits, recorders, string, accessories, Z-5-61915) Typing Service m eets at 7 ton ig ht, 221 Natural O NLY 2 fo u r bedroom s le ft. 1 Resources Bldg. to hear Don books, thousands o f h ard-to- COMPLETE S C U B A o u tfit. 2 Christian discuss African w ith in w a lkin g distance, 1 on IT IS the policy o f the State fin d albums, (all at very lo w tanks, m any extras. A fte r 5 mammals. bus route. A vailable fo r fall. News tha t the last 4 weeks o f prices). Private and g ro up p.m. 353-3509. Z-8-5-2413) Call 351 4107. 0-15-5-31 15) term all S tudent Classified lessons on guitar, banjo, Food and N utritio n final m eet­ A dvertising m ust be paid fo r “ ESS EAST LAN SIN G , b rand new, m andolin, all styles. G ift ce r­ NEW 2 5 " Quasar color TV. ing and picnic is at 5:30 May 22. in advance beginning May furnished, 3 bedroom . 3 tificates. Expert repairs-free (4) 75 w a tt 3 -w ay Pioneer Sign up on Human Ecology Board, 4th. 2 p.m. S-19-5-31 (7) b locks fro m cam pus, 12 estimates. ELDERLY IN ­ speakers. Call 323-2987. o ffice r elections fo r 1978-79 held ZIP CODE STRUM ENTS 541 East 10-626(3) UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS m o n th lease fro m J u n e to “1 phone Ju ne only. Very nice, $440 Grand River. 332-4331 COMPLETE DISSERTATIO N Donald Rosenberg, professor o f per m o n th . 332-3900 days. C-22 5-31(13) 18 FOOT je t boat w ith trailer A N D RESUME SERVICE. English, w ill read fro m his poetry and cover. Excellent c o n d i­ Type setting, IB M typing, at 8:30 tonight, 334 Union. 0-14-5-31 (7) TEXAS INS TRUM ENTS SR- tio n w ith lo w hours. $5200. offse t p rin ting and binding. IN STRU C T IO N S 1 OR 2 fem ales needed fo r 51-11 calculator, case, 627 3365. 8-5-24(5) For estim ate stop in at 2843 V olunteers needed to share charger, $45. 489-2061 a fte r East Grand River or phone, 1. The first 2 word» ore cap!tallied. summer, fa ll o p tio n . O wn room , u nfurnished, $87.50. 3 p.m . E Z-5-623 (3) LOFT, COZY, com fortable, 332-8414. C-22 -63 H 7 ) GO friendship w ith elderly w h o live alone. M ust be here summer, 2. Extra word* capitaliied 2S1each. adds charm a nd w a rm th to Call 351-3329. 2 -6 5 -1 8 (4) conta ct 26 S tudent Services Bldg. ). Intarf punctuation at you wont it. THE MO ST com fortable and any room ! 355-6699. EXPERT TYPING. Term 4. 25 characters including punctuation t »pace. durable sandals made. $20 . S -6 5 : 1 8 (3 )_______________ papers, letters, RESUMES. Pre-med majors: Get experience 2 FOR sum m er, n e w duplex, N ot a claim . The tru th . C U S ­ Near Gables 337 0205 PIONEER RT 707 reel to reel. fo r medical school w ith summer furnished, o w n ro o m , close TO M S A N D A LS . 220 A lb e rt, C 22-5-31(3) A u to reverse, brand new, volunteer position at Lansing PRINT A D HERE to cam pus. 355-4887, 355- E. Lansing, M onday-S atur- w ith tape. $400. 393-6845. General Hospital. Contact 26 S tt- 4910. 6 -6 1 9 (4) day, 11 a.m .-5 p.m. COPYGRAPH SERVICE. Z-4 5-17(4) dent Services Bldg. 12 5-26 17) C om plete dissertation and S UM M ER S U B LE T, 3 guys B LA CK DIRT, sod farm soil. resume service. Corner M A C V olunteer to teach horticulture needed fo r nice house, e x­ A pproxim ately 5 ’* yards de and Grand River. 8:30 a.m.- SQU IN TING CAUSES w r in ­ projects to hospitalized children trem ely close, rates neg otia ­ kles. Help prevent w ith p re ­ livered locally. $40. 641 6024 5:30 p.m. M onday Friday. 10 and adults this summer. Contact ble. 351-5034. Z -3 -6 1 8 (3) scription ground sunglasses. or 372 4080. 0-20-5-31(4) a .m .-5 p.m . Saturday. 337- 26 S tudent Services Bldg. OPTICAL DISCO UNT 2617 1666. X C 22 5 31 (6) LARGE 3 b ed ro om house, E. Michigan, Lansing, M l 10 SPEED Takara bicycle. Y outh Institute fo r Peace in the own room , w ith fem ale G ood condition. 332 0035 af AN N BRO W N TYPING dis­ 372 7409. C 7 5 23(6) M iddle East meets at 7:30 tonight, grads. $ 95/m onth. 372-1069. ter 5 p.m . 8-5 22 (3) sertations- resumes- term 1623 F Spartan Village. For ride 8 -6 2 5 (4) papers. 601 A b b o tt Road, SIZE 8 v: Kastinger ski boots, call Virginia May. N orth entrance. 351-7221. our 2 RO O M S in nice house on $40. 332 6167 a fte r 6 p .m . 65-19(3) [ Animals n C 22 5 31(4) Sierra Club meets at 8:30 to ­ bus route. A vailab le now . night, 331 Union. Free M ay re n t. $75 and $50. BEAUTIFUL KITTENS tree to TYPING. EXPERIENCED, WE PAY up to $2 fo r L P 's & good home. Call Gwen 371 fast and reasonable. 371- 351-5865. 4-5-19 (4) B aptist S tudent Union Bible cassettes also b u yin g 4 5's 1078. Z 6-5 22 (31 4635 C 22 5-31(3) study and fellow ship fro m 9 to 11 songbooks, magazines. FLA T RO O M IN house. East side. to n ig ht, Harrison Road Baptist B LACK Et CIRCULAR, u p ­ EXPERIENCED. IB M typing. $70 + utilitie s. D eposit re­ quired. 485-3916. 8 -6 2 5 (3) stairs, 541 E. Grand River. [Motile Hones * Dissertations, (pica-elite) Church, 940 S. Harrison Road. Open 11 a.m. 351 -0838. FAYANN. 489-0358 SQUIRE 10X35. excellent C 22 5-31(3) S ta ff positions open fo r fall term C-16 5 31 (6 ) ROOM TO re n t in house o ff in A S M S U ’s Labor Relations DEADLINE: WED., MAY 31, 5 p.m. A b b o tt. Not in stud e nt co nd itio n, furnished, 1 mile DISSERTATIO NS. THESES, o ffice. Come to 313 S tudent IT IS the policy o f the S tate M S U , $2800. 337 7739. g h e tto . $81.25. A vailable term papers, exams. M A RY Services Bldg. News that the last 4 w e eks o f 6 -6 1 7 (4 } Ju ne 1. 332 1366. 489 6479 or term all Student Classified ----------------------------------------- Bring or moll to: S 5 6 2 2 (4) HOMETTE. 1972. 12x60. tw o 371 3286. 4-5 19 (4) C. Kline fro m LCC w ill speak on A dvertising m ust be p aid fo r "Passive Solar Design fo r H om es" 3Lines for *200 State Newt Classified Dept. in advance beginning M ay bedroom , skirted, shed, re­ PROFESSIONAL EDITING, at 4 p.m. today 146 Engineering 347 Student Services Bldg. 4th, 2 p.m. S-19-5-31 (7) frig e rato r, range. 489-6739 m inor corrections to re-write. EichAdditional Line 67- [ Rooms a fte r 5 p .m . 6-5-24 (4) Typing arranged. 332-5991. Bldg. East Lansing, Ml 48123 INSTAN T CASH. W e ’re p a y­ C 22 5 31(3) _ CLOSE. FURNISHED, room s ing $1 $2 tor album s in g oo d GEORGETOWN 1973, 12x65. Put away your cares, let free- * shapo. W AZO O RECORDS, 3 bedroom s, u tility room, PROMPT, EXPERIENCED dom be yours! J o in Cam pus fl in q u ie t house, fo r summer. R e p a y m e n t r e q u ir e d U tilitie s included, Call a fte r 3 p.m ., 351-8154. 8-5 17(4) 223 A bbott, 337 0947. C-22-5-3H4) $6.700. 30 m inutes MSU. 676-5204. 8 -5 2 5 (3) typing. Evenings. 372-0457. C -1 6 6 3 1 (3) A ction , a Christian fellow ship , at 8:30 to n ig h t, 335 U nion. E a t A t H o m e , S a v e M o n e y ! U.S. may dispatch troops PRICES 6 0 0 0 SUM. MAŸ/4M/W6 SAT. M W t o (continued from page 1) a m eeting w ith House Speaker Thomas P. O 'N eill, D Mass. Vance called the Zairean m ilita ry situation "som ewhat „ . 3301E. MICHIGAN), AMP confused" and said the evacuation o f A m erican nationals from Kolw ezi “ may be necessary." Ê H sS ÏÏÏÏe Îe H z o e o w SRAMP RIVER,OK6MOS r Ai ' A O VAL Ij f tJ l r ... . B irr W jl J, He said th e U nited States did not plan any m ilita ry action anyw here in A frica . But Vance did say attem pts are being made to escalate d e live ry of m ilita ry supplies already designated fo r Zaire. A State D epartm ent spokesperson said the U nited States is de live ring to Zaire comm unications equipm ent and spare pa rts for C-130 tran spo rt planes and a Cessna 310. The equipm ent is part o f a $17.5 m illion m ilita ry aid package that had already been designated fo r Zaire in the current fiscal year. FOUNDERS WEEKSOPERSPECIALS/ T H IS W E E K IS D E D I C A T E D TO O U R O W N E R . A N D F O U N D E D M R L V E B E R W A K .D 6 0 i AhJKJIVERSAl^y ^ W H O IN V IT E S t o t / O U R C ts s r O A i t t S - T O J O im U S IN C E L E B R A T IN G T H IS E V E N T y o c /w /u F IN D F O U N D E R . W E E K S U P E R S P E C IA L S in A L L D E P A R T A A F N /T S - S A L e /f 'c a l c u l a t o r sa le TKXAI INSTRUMENTS L IM IT • 3 / WILSOKJ'S SR 40 Scimtilic. Tl SI (RipiKii SI), PLEASE / C EgTIR Ep Tl 67 RfOfl W E S T E K M Tl b8 Prog.. . Tl 68 P’og. Bulinasi Analyst . B E E F . MBA Financial . . Tl 26 Slim Scan. HEWLETT-PACKARO HP-21. $52 95 HP 31E HP 22 79 95 H P 33E HP-25 79 95 HP-38E H P 25C 127 95 HP-67 HP-27. 114 95 HP 97 HP 29C 155 95 HP 19C F or faster delivery use cashier's check or m oney order A dd S2 50 shipping fo r handheld calculators, $4 00 fo r p rin ters CA residents add 6% ta * (V IS A MC K r e p'e d 3 Ji surcharge on HP 1 S ub je ct to a vailab ility ORDER TOLL FREE TA M SOEPT M .S .N ta rn 's 1 8 0 0 -4 2 1 8 8 1 9 3303 S H oover St (outside C alifornia) Los Angeles. CA 9 0007 F or Tech in fo , call 2 1 3 ' 744 1444 (213) 744 1444 IN C O R IO R A T IO v: Mr. Hoble Puts the CREAM OF THE CROP in every bowl of ■m >BUY3- S A V E W/C Buy 3- save $ 1 10 W/C- B iH 3 - SAVE 3 & \A //c Buy 3 5AVE U P 1P 5M CLEW PA RK M A P E R fT E léoz.Rcr g a s . F b /f y A n n a F t e r ic h W /6- WHITE CLOUP WHOLE KERNEL, Italiai R IP P L E T A B , S P R IT E GARLIC- 5 -v a r i e t i e s d t Cream Style Cream of POTATO COCA B u r m e ? B ATH CO RW , Tomato CHIPS 9 ce.w r PKGr. COLA TISSUE PEA S& 6 R E 6 W SEAM S . S fK K 4 Ro il p a c k S our- I6<ä.wtcausi HoDiefl 930 Trow bridge, East Lansing 109 E. Allegan, Lansing 3801 W. Saginaw, Lansing oeeosn T H IS G R A D U A T IO N , G IV E A G IF T A S U N F O R G E T T A B L E F O U N D E R S W E E K S U P E R S P E C fA L S F R O M O U R PRODUCE DEPT. 1 A S TH E DAY A S E IK O Q U A R T Z W A T C H . Í? e c ¿ rR ^ e IN THE HUSK-RASWEET CORN-COB DELUXE PACKAGE 5& 89< , S T R I P P E D F O R . Y O C K’ CC O ONNVV EE M N IE I E »N C E CALIF. LA R G E 8S> S I Z E BUY 2-SAVE lo t W fC T E X A S VALENCIA! DELUXE QUAinV / V i z q u a rt 'r f f ORANGES1 E B E R H A R D C O R D IA L L Y IN V IT E S Y O U T O V IS IT O U R No. C 2 0 2 1 M -S 1 2 5 00. S ta rn ic i* stee l b ro w n d>a No. V U 8 2 M - t2 1 5 .0 0 . e ste d to 100 ft PARTY STOß Yellow to p /stain less 130 n n t c. steal back, gilt dial s e ttin g b -l.n g u a l En( S pa n ish ca le n d .ii s y n c h ro n i/e d second s a d ju s ta b le b'acei« N o th in g m a k e s g ra d u a tio n m o re m e m o r a b le th a n th e g ift o f a S e ik o Q u a r tz w a tc h . ^ 0 V 6R lt Z O O 3 3 0 1 E ./A IC U y Er 2 0 2 0 VU.GrßAUPRlv/Ef^ O X.EM OS Its s u p e rb a c c u ra c y , d e p e n d a b ility , a n d a d v a n c e d fe a tu r e s a re w o r ld fa m o u s . T h e s ty le s a re s le e k , s lim . H a n d s o m e a n d e le g a n t. T h e re 's a w id e ra n g e o t m o d e ls f o r b o th m e n a n d w o m e n . In A n a lo g a n d M u lti- M o d e * LC D ig ita l s ty le s . S ee th e m n o w O p M E S flC W lM ^ W e e k ly S p e c ia ls T h e n g iv e th e u n fo r g e tta b le g if t o f a S e ik o Q u a rtz . S e ik o Q u a rtz . W E H AVE M O W C O M P L E T E L Y REM O O ELEO , „ ^ . , A M P E M L A R G E P O U R B E V E R A G E D E P A R T M E N T TO O FFER Y O U A C O M P LE TE A S S O R T M E N T O F \M P O R T E D A W D O M E S T IC W /M E A W S E E R . C O M B /M Eo»* La nsing ' i E xc lu sive S eiko D e a le r T H I S W E E K A M D T A K E A D V A M T A 6 E O F O U R C R A W O P E U IM C S P E C I A L S / m a k e e b e rh a rp s v d u r p a rty STORE // je w e lr y Shop 9:30-5:30 D a lly 319 E. G ra n d R ive r E ast L a n sin g , M ic h . 4 8 (2 3 Ä l l l j f Ä V M ® M îf É ] iî PROFESSOR PHUMBLE W o rld 's G re a te s t ro ck by Bill Yotes n ro ll a d m in is tra to r: „ . « ■ w « ! | 10| W I I X - T V ( W K ) ,n m u m v J ~ ' |, „ w m .m g ; , m m u . A n n e C o u to u re TV(PBS) VW PM yyfO N E S D A Y (23) V illa A le g re ('/M (12) B rady Bunch a fte rn o o n 4:00 (10) B a s e b a ll o o r i (23) T e le-R evista (11) Press th e Issues 12:00 (6) N e w M ic k e y M o u s e (11) 15 w ith Spira J 0 6 6 (F )& , i C lub 9 :00 B) News 7:30 (7 0 & G s [ .„ lo r d e n d S o n (10) M u n s te rs (6) M o v ie (6) M a tc h G a m e PM (12) O liv ia N e w to n -J o h n Ip re vin o n d t h e P it t s - (12) B o n a n zo A F-ß A ' (10) H o lly w o o d Squares (11) W on C hu en (23) S esam e S tre e t K ßA V . f (12) M a ry T y le r M o o re 9:30 12:20 4:30 (23) M o c N e il / le h r e r Re­ (11) S h in to w s r ^ T 1 Ï lin o " 01 (6) D o ris D ay p o rt 12:30 ( fO ) G illlg a n ’s Isla n d 1 0 :0 0 (11) Im p re ssio n s (12) S ta rsky 8 H utch h (o r T o m o rro w 5:00 8 :0 0 (11) V id e o W ave s LgShow (6) G u n s m o k e (6) P ilo t (¡or i Hope (10) E m e rg e n cy O n e ! 11:00 I LRicher 1:00 For P o o re r (12) E m e rg e n cy O n e ! (12) C a rp e n te rs (10) A m e ric a n L ite S tyle (6-10-12) N e w s (23) D ick C a v e tt PEANUTS O N -L tttt^ C L E A N E « S L A U N D R Y (23) M is te r R ogers (23) Live fro m Lincoln by Schulz l , „ s a nd t h e R e s t le s s 5:30 11:30 SPONSORED BY: ttt r bus evo q j , m s tis C e n te r (6) H a w a ii F ive -O LETU SW ATtR [ ¡ M y C h ild r e n (23) E le c tric C o m p a n y (11) S yn erg y (10) J o h n n y C arson REPEL r o u t RAINW EAR 1:30 (1 1 ) N e w s t|,e W o r ld T u rn s 8:30 (12) A m e ric a 2 N ig h t 332-3537 6 :0 0 (6) P ilo t (6-10-12) N e w s (23) ABC N e w s THE RUNNiN6.„THE L s o l O u r L iv e s IT 5 AL5Û A REAL N turnabout (23) D ic k C a v e tt . FANCV FOOTjJORis... TEAM 6AM£..,PUTTiN6 200 « lif e lo L iv e (11) TNT T rue A d v e n tu re T ra ils M SU S H A D O W S m as* i p u t T06ETHER A PERFECT PvAY CAN 3E VERY Krer Easy 6:30 by Gordon Carleton with this comic! ^ ÊRATiFYiNc N ow P e te 's 1 Albert of M A C | I 2 30 (6} CBS N e w s under M o on 's tid in g L ig h t (10) NBC N e w s SPONSORED BY: actors (12) A BC N e w s W W B A L lP E T g S 300 (23) O v e r Easy lio lh e r W o r ld X n e r o l H o s p ita l 6 :5 0 jo,nt a lon g w it h (11) B la ck N o te s Ifo m n s k y 7:00 Topopo Salad 3 30 n*he Family (6) M y T h re e Sons (10) M a ry T y le r M o o re FRANK 8 ERNEST SPONSORED BY: An exotic northern M exicon Salad by Bob Thaves 2 .7 S l i A T T IC O K l t T A W A N ? 203 M .A C. 351-9111 (C l Y tm H IC M l f S TRUB, TH0S 6 A*B 3.9° EA. THE SA MB PftcCS AS YESTERDAY— prinît-in-0 -mInlt THAT'S WHY IT'S CODING DUPLICATING IS OUR BUSINESS ß S ß L t . Comer ot MAC and ANN ST, O p e n s 30 6 :0 0 M -F 10 0 0 - 5 0 0 S o * C '» *IW « A n c TM * * JS P« on _ Î TH * / £ i M 7 t o w g o s prices THE D RO PO U TS ’ CAM PUS WELS W IT H FARLEY Plus Service by Post SPONSORED BY: P’ Ii Z zZ zA a 2 : oT cau il F ra n k Uemdm 't L i t t l e F r e e w a y 3 3 7 -1 6 3 9 S e r v k e S ta t io n SPONSORED BY: 1301 E C- Rivet Net* «0 Voritty Inn W e App-eciote Your Business H t t F '«P.AlfJ MF Ttf> RFr'HE'.ENT BCLP’MGS TFTO F A \? Rij'i «ARPLE Kf-PRE-t'-T-J F O M B TH; ' 1 A V . TFL'N fMMU t L-.-.Vif : ''.p R E A r- a t "-.F Ü A L r .F - AMI - ■ a . V - , f IVAR PLE-. Tij W t ; F S K »fit ' 1 f r / r y n .1 „ c. a : an o. -V F . « M - ” B.C. ' PILLOW TALK by Johnny Hart FURNITURE Soft ond Imbleweeds • CAMPUS FreeDelivery: SPONSORED BY: u i. 1747 R1" * ' * NmHvre Been Bogs *19.95 |o m K. R y o n SPONSORED BY: PIZZA ssT.isvf 1312 Mich. A»«. • • » ’ I » # # c o ix n : a ^ < r& u T c r e Ie iT f C c ' - A T N v T l- V c VC nEY FLFV c^e T c n & p P 6 AP' ME A FaNCR n • P E C H C M A l iN J O N v E N IE N c E £ £ 0 \ JT O F THE ' v~ O C ANY je O B u ^ T C \ f U K T iC N Ç T 'h ¿UCE,. AFK AvVAT. K . ï i l i Ö T s o l -EM n W 3 J A fU t - / ¿ fa ' OSSWORD S A M an d SILO ' Hoir Styling for M*n and WoWEI Cell 1er appointment today M n iM m n O h e p a rd s by Je rry Dum as and Mort W alker 201 MAC 1* 10» Tenet Stationery IfliZZLE Now open Soturdev» ohocs ?7 Friends ?3 In what SPONSORED BY: it suse w o n t se w hat 1 N tla b le WB'iee T A u tiN Ô ABOUT 0« lombfotm NOW ! 1^. 78 Routine Persian fairy m » Splotch 3? Ice pinnacle 33 Startle W6|ufe 3!» Ship s officer ,36 Buckwheat (tee 37 Compared *0 Bailiwick 44 Cattle genus 45 Gekterlantd city 3 Merged 4. Attendants WeLCOMeToED'S DiNeR II *7 Mum Shout 1 Mot DOWN 5 Upon 6 Succeed MYNAMeiS ED, ANDi'LL *3 Lily leaver 2 Hubbub ; Ray BeYOUKWAiTeR.TODAY 6 r 8 Static 9 Distance ..WOULDYALiKCABCCR IÜ measures ORSOMeTFtiM'BeFORS. 16 10 Decades 15 Sweetsop ORDeRiN' ? BEETLE BAILEY 18 Shin >6 19 Saratoga by Mort W alk er 20 Chance 21 Kitty 23 Center ot activity 25 Textile screw pme 26 Twitching trfte u l 28 Bacardi, tor 92 example 29 Man’s nickname 31 Divas' delights P I 32 Benefits 33 fipapalm 34 Italian com 35 Gram sorghum r//7 3 / Workshop: abhr. 38 Earth 39 Stan ‘I / ’ to h ost te s ts f o r A ll-A m e r ic a flo w e r B y L IN D A W O LO H AN V arie tie s such as petunias, snapdragons, m arig olds, im patience are being tested." he explained. Calif., to give it an average. Winner« « A s usual, things are bloom in’ crazy around campus. T his season and begonias w ill be tested, E w a rt said. Because o f its location, M SU w ill also become a lik e ly stopping highest «venges, Ewart ^¡d " " * ‘"'"""I «n H even includes a beauty contest o f flowers. The tria l beds are located east o f the H o rtic u ltu re B uilding, place fo r intern atio nal gro w e rs to u rin g o u r tria ls th is sum m er.” A ll Am erica was founded in 1932 and is a non p ro fit educational C ” w i" begin publicizing th e rP s u lts q( ^ The 1978 A ll-A m erica selections Flow er T ria ls w ill take place on covering a large pa rt o f the East C ircle cam pus area. T h e M SU the M SU campus in late May. tria ls w ill be open to th e pu blic at all tim es. corporation, W ilson said. The A ll-A m e ric a t r ia l, operate under sirin, M SU is one o f 31 testing grounds in the U nite d States and The new flo w e r va rie tie s w ill be ra te d on th e basis o f several Scott Vallade o f S m ith F loral Co. in Lansing said professionals said. take A ll A m erica's recom m endations seriously. ••A <1 s— t«ndards ‘««XU, 1 I Canada chosen to test, display and judge new flo w e r va rie tie s by c rite ria , including: A ll-A m erica Selections. • Seed g e rm inatio n — how w ell th e seeds w ill g ro w . T h e ir selections are usually nice looking pla n ts and th e y g row bu, if J The professional flo w er judg in g organization recom m ends high • The degree to w hich the va rie tie s are disease and w ea the r w e ll," he said. i t o u t, he said. powers, weWJ q u a lity va rietie s to seed companies, farm s w hich cu ltiv a te flow ers resistant. A ll points given to a ce rtain v a rie ty w ill be com puted toge the r "T h is M SU tria l w ill be p a rtly resooiuihi , fo r seed and home-growers. • P u rity o f th e flow ers. I f a flo w e r is supposed to be ye llo w , it by A ll A m erica at the organization's headquarters in Los A lto s. on ly to p-qua lity seeds." ,or rw«nj M SU was awarded All-A m erica Selections officia l flo w e r seed m ust be com pletely ye llow , not touched w ith p in k o r w h ite . test garden status in February. James W ilson, executive secretary o f A ll A m erica, said MSU The tria l has already begun behind the scenes. Seedlings are was picked as a test garden fo r several reasons. OPEN T H U R S D A Y A N D F R ID A Y E V E N IN G S U N T IL 9 00 c u rre n tly g row ing under the direction o f h o rtic u ltu re professor "W e chose M SU larg ely because o f E w a rt. W e tru s t his Ix>well C. E w a rt, selected as judge o f the M SU tria ls by the judgm ent and e x p e rtis e ." he said. A ll-A m erica Selections council o f judges. In ad dition, M SU has a high national re p u ta tio n in its past Sometime in the next few weeks, the seedlings w ill be te stin g o f flo w ers, he said. tran sferred outdoors and planted in beds designated as tria l areas. “W e pick te s tin g grounds on the basis o f geographical Then they w ill be rated by E w a rt, president o f A ll A m erica in 1974 representation. W’e’ve never had a tria l in M ichigan before. and fo rm e r m em ber o f the board o f directors. M ichigan's clim a te is also good fo r annuals, th e ty p e o f seeds that - -V ' A . D o n ’t k e e p y o u r M fc p G r a d u a t io n a S e c r e t . . . ® f announcements are ’. *' tv r r now available at THE JACOBSON BRIDE the MSU Bookstore receives skilled personal attention in the selection customer service desk. of her bridal gow n and bridesmaid dresses from our B ridal C o n su ltan t. . .sends our fine quality B ridal S ta tio n e ry . . .enjoys the convenience Order yours now!! of our G ift R e g istry. . .selects memorable S u p p ly L im it e d gifts for the wedding party from our G ift C o lle ctio n . 3 0 c e a c h o r 1 0 fo r $ 2 . 5 0 ojcampus BOOMIOPI I s t h e “ N O A G E N T ” c r o w d lo o k in g a t t h e c a m p u s t h r o u g h r o s e c o lo r e d g la s s e s ? ? Ot i nurse not. M e kn o w th e n are p ro b le m s a t M SU . L ik e our colleagues, w e are d e e p ly concern­ ed about, a n d c o m m itte d to th e ir solution. W here w e d iffe r sh a rp ly w ith the pro-union group is in our a sse ssm e n t o f one purported solution, co llective bargaining. C O L L E C T IV E B A R G A IN IN G W IL L S O T SO L VE OR A L L E V I A T E T H E M A J O R P R O B L E M S F A C ED B Y F A C L L T Y A T M SU . A N D I X S E V E R A L C A S E S , C O L L E C T IV E B A R G A IN IN G W IL L A C T U A L L Y E X A C E R B A T E TH EM . To su p p o rt our co ntention, le t's ta ke a look a t som e o f the Q uestions fa c u lty are a skin g as a referen d u m nears. I II I m concerned about the increase in tuim iiii> trat at MSU U ill collective bargaining ivdnee W ould collective bargaining elim inate the undesirable trend toward greater use of temporal« administrative personnel'1 faculty? ------------------------------- ------------------------- Not a chance! Remember, many new adm inistrative j«.st.- result fnm i .social trends over which W ed like to hear from the pro-union groups just how it would! Once again, the increase! collective bargaining has no control; e.g. the increasing number of federal guidelines the reliance on teinjm rary faculty stems from social factors such as declining enrollments ami the I niversity must follow. Most im ix.rtant. however, is the fact that collective bargaining would widespread tendency to hire jiersons on so-called "soft money" for service on grants and add to the number of needed adm inistrators rather than reducing their ranks. It's ¡mjjossible contracts. W hile we are disturbed by the possibility that temporary faculty w ill lie exploited, to impose a whole new bureaucratic structure on the I 'niversity community without providing we challenge the pro-union spokespersons to explain specifically how collective bargaining «ill the bureaucrats to run it, A sizeable p irtio n of the several hundred dollars you would be assess solve this problem. W ill researchers be denied the opportunity to hire temporary help1 ed annually in union dues would gn to pav union bureaucrats. grants'.' W ill collective bargaining tu rn the declining b irth rate around'.' ________ III IV W ouldn't collective bargaining provide a means of effectively resolving ligitim a te faculty Isn't collective bargaining inevitable? A lot of colleges and universities seem to he organizing.. grievances? ~ *-------------c— 2------------------— — Collective bargaining is inevitable o n ly if 50 jxmcent of the voting faculty casts a vote lnrone "I The history of collective bargaining at universities doesn't offer any assurance that it would. the bargaining agents. Collective bargaining is not inevitable as long as we have the |x>\ver to B\ and large, bargaining agents have been unsuccessful in dealing w ith grievance procedures determine our professional destiny. In charting that destiny, it's up to you to pick your ¡¡mi? Moreover, the present governance system at M SI' has hammered out a grievance procedure o f MSU and to define your future aspirations for the University. GREAT UNIVKKSlHkM at w ill work. Although it hasn t always been easy, progress has been made. Faculty DO NOT H A V E CO LLECTIVE BARG AINING , FOR COLLECTIVE BARGAINING IS \ oiunteers believes we should continue to bank on a proven system rather than falling IN IM IC A L TO THE VISION OF A GREAT UN IVERSITY, Where is collective bargaining prey to vague promises and "pie-in-the-skv" exhortations at the other Big Ten universities? A t Ivy League universities? A t Berkeley or Stanford [ You know the answer. W hat is your reference group? Isn t collegia lity a myth, anyway? And if it is, shouldn't we put our cards oil the table and adm it that the un iversity community operates on an adversary model? Remember, concepts such as co lleg ialitv and a d ve rsa ria ln e ss d iffe r in degree, even though some pro­ union spokespersons would have you believe they are either present or absent. There is a degree of adversarialness in the present system, but under a collective bargaining arrangement, adversarial relationships would be more pervasive. Whenever collective bargaining has been instituted in univer­ sities, the adm inistration has become much more demanding about the items that are "negotiable.” Such items include, hut are not lim ited to, number of student contact hours, number o f office hours, reductions insuppliesand equipment budgets, and number o f square feet of office space. Vote “N O A G E N T ” M ay 2 4 or 2 5 D em onstration H a ll Faculty Volunteers Against Collective Bargaining at MSU H YOU ARE O PPO SED 10 C O L L E C T IV E B A R G A IN IN G AT M SU — c o n tr ib u te p e r s o n a lly a n d / o r f in a n c ia l l y to o u r e f f o r t . B e rn h a rd W e in b e r g , 3 0 1 H ig h la n d , E a s t L a n s in g , M l 4 8 8 2 3 .