,dnesd°Y. Moy I; |( I : a# -V, : 1 roi *, fow, ■ I -y- ,v-'JW3^r:' VOLUME 72 NUMBER 80 THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1978 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING MICHIGAN 48824 b /VOT EROHIBIT FUNDIN [ouse utfkknckhunt keeps ahead with the weapons system and instead neutron weapon within 45 days after Carter decided option sent to the Senate. kflNGTON AI>I ~~ The H°USe would seek arms concessions from the to go ahead with it. |2^nevja> i" prohibit spending for Soviet Union. The moves to kill the neutron warhead or Under the bill, Carter would have ,1 (hi* neutron warhead. Also rejected, by a vote of 54 12. was a restrict the president's production decision authority to produce neutron warheads for ( tr.,r has postponed devel proposal to give Congress veto power over were proposed amendments Lance missiles and artillery shells if he as to a bill B"flhe**'Jf,t,n but wantS 10 keep hi® a presidential decision to produce the authorizing $2.9 billion in the fiscal year certifies they are in the interest of national tV f(ir lati-r development. Wednes warhead. Under the amendment, produc¬ beginning Oct. 1 to maintain and modernize security. Kovole will kwplhal °Pt>on •I've. tion could have been blocked if both the the U.S. stockpile of nuclear • Carter said he would not go Senate and the House voted against the The overall bill was weapons. Neutron warheads are designed to kill approved 348 46 and primarily through radiation. The weapons have smaller blast and shock effects than older nuclear weapons. Military planners \raft of job description say neutron weapons could be used against a Soviet tank assault against Western Europe. In his April 7 announcement, Carter said the ultimate decision on production of neutron weapons will be made later and president approved "will be influenced by the degree to which ir the Soviet Union shows restraint in its conventional and nuclear arms programs and force deployments affecting the secur¬ ity of the United States and Western DAMEI' HUBERT in relation to outside B, constituencies. consisting of a statement setting forth the Europe." I sutf Staff Writer land grant philosophy and future Finally, the document addresses the problems Congressional leaders and key members ■W:ch and selection committee representative role of the president in facing the University. of the Senate and House Armed Services approved the final draft of a acquiring finances for the University. Trustee John Bruff, D Fraser, a commit¬ committees had urged Carter not to scrap or, for MSlT presidential candi- tee neutron weapons without a Soviet arms "The president establishes and nurtures member, said more careful considera¬ i«jresciay. concession. tion of the job Jvtr the document will be for positive relationships with the governor, description by the trustees could take place if it were evaluated with lathe MSI Hoard of Trustees at legislators, officers of state and federal the other two documents. Arguing against the amendment to cut KtU regular board meeting to agencies, foundation officers, private and off the funding authorization, Rep. Samuel ■factions from the trustees. public associations, corporate and indivi¬ S. Stratton, D N.Y., They also discussed ideas for the con¬ chairperson of the dual donors," the document states. struction of Armed Services investigations subcommit¬ >r.t. as prepared by Julia Falk, a rating scale to be used for tee, said, "We're being asked to restrict the After lengthy debate, committee ranking candidates. U professor of linguistics, empha mem¬ president of the United States, to tie the kdedication of the president to the bers decided not to submit the document to In other action, the committee discussed hands of the president of the United br community, alumni, people of the trustees next week for approval, but to the replacement of the Steering Committee States." |t:he nation and world. wait until the June board meeting when representative when another is elected in they be able to present the board Stratton said the Soviets already have (ff.r.ent begins with a statement of may a September. three-document package. signaled they will not make a reciprocal : philosophy of the University After discussion the committee decided arms concession, and that Carter "may well ; and the commitment of both Included would be the job description, to go to the Steering Committee and seek change his mind" about neutron weapons. 'action and equal opportunity which the committee has completed, a advice on the situation. He and other supporters of the neutron rating scale to evaluate and compare The next scheduled warhead argued it "is the only weapon meeting of the candidates, the next task of the committee committee is from 2 to 5 p.m. system the Russians are really afraid of." tad portion outlines the academic May 31 in the and a preamble to the job description Linton Hall conference room. ■ new president must possess and Re^ Theodor° Weiss, D-N.Y., leader of ■ as "chief executive officer" of the the move to cut off neutron weapon authorization and a similar, unsuccessful campaign last year, said neutron warheads next in the document are blur the distinction between neutron and skills and particular in- ft where the skills need to be applied. J president serves as chief spokes- Department discards conventional weapons, thus increasing the likelihood of nuclear war. Rep. Ron Dellums, D-Calif., said that Ito the University's diverse consti- I [fits both internal and external, and the University at a variety of E. L. transport study with the neutron warhead, "we nuclear war thinkable, possible, are making inevitable." Gov. William G. Milliken and Todd DePrel, Holland. lead the street sweepers at the opening of the Holland State News Robert Kozloff parade of cultural, public service and Weiss said his amendment to delete Tulip Festival in Holland, Mich. About 250,000 people are expected to visit the festival which lasts . t programs, participating in organi- neutron weapon authorization would not for a week and will have parades, bands, Dutch dancers and, of course, Iwilted By CHRIS KUCZYNSKl In a letter addressed to Coffman, deprive the president of the option, but to these pursuits." the pjtates Sute News Staff Writer Department of State Highways and Trans¬ would require him "to come and ask" tulips. A study designed to support the city of portation Director John P. Woodford said Congress for authority. itegory describes the admin East Lansing's proposed plan to renovate the plan was unacceptable because it could R style required of the new presi Grand River Avenue met an untimely death not accommodate existing traffic and does ecessarv management abil not make adequate provisions for future at the city council meeting Tuesday night. 4 responsibilites. [president assumes leadership in Before the council could vote to accept the study, City Manager Jerry Coffman in formed council members that the Depart traffic conditions. Stell said the council has rejected the state's six-lane plan because it would not Rebels gaining ground in Zaire Jitters and articulates the bases ment of State Highways and improve safety and would detract from the pug decisions, communicates priori- Transporta fins in accordance with established tipA rejected its recommendations. street's attractiveness. By SERGE S.CHMEMANN evacuate most Americans from the em- for the rebels, The In other action, the council put the final KINSHASA. Zaire (AP) Rebel tribe battled area. I the document continues. plan would have converted Grand — River Avenue from six narrow lanes to four stamp of approval on the 1979 budget. members were reported gaining ground In this capital city, more than 100,000 The central government and rebel in¬ the fifth revolves area wider lanes. It would have also expanded The budget represents a 9 percent Wednesday in southern Zaire, stranding dancing and chanting Zaireans rallied in a vaders. meanwhile, accused each other of ■the leadership role of the president, other routes through the city to help increase over the previous year, but 2,500 foreigners behind their lines, but a stadium in support of President Mobutu murdering whites in the war zone. duties inside the University and alleviate traffic congestion. provides for no additional services, pro¬ surprise ground-and air rescue mission Sese Seko's pro-West government and to However, the state, which is footing a grams or employees. There will be cutbacks mounted by a U.S. firm managed to denounce alleged Cuban and Soviet support "Foreigners are being hunted in Kolwezi." in capital improvement projects and capital Foreign Minister Henri Simonet told the large portion of the costs of renovation, would like to see Grand River Avenue with outlay expenditures, but no increase in Belgian Parliament in Brussels. He said this was the last message Belgian officials six wider lanes. That would entail narrow¬ property tax rates. received from the rebel-held town in this ing the median. Councilmember Larry Owen said he is "somewhat proud" of the finished budget Central African nation's southeastern "It looks like we're back to ground zero as to what to do with East Grand River," because it "holds the line on taxes." It is the copper belt. inside Coffman told the council. City Councilmember Carolyn Stell ex¬ third consecutive year the tax rate has remained the same, he said. U. S. citizens evacuated Belgian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Alfred Cahen described the 2.000 Belgians, pressed dismay over the highway depart¬ However, since the assessed value of 400 French citizens and assorted other ment's action and said she was surprised at property has increased, property owners JJJ" "ound-oH on light, ud the plan's flat rejection. can expect to pay more property taxes. foreigners in the Kolwezi area as hostages of IJw »t I*!'insert. on sound,, m to- "It is a tremendous disappointment," Stell said. "I really don't know where we are Owen attributed the budget's 9 percent increase to insurance costs, salaries and from Zaire battleground the rebels. Some reports here said the secessionists pensions. in mineral rich Shaba Province were break¬ going to go from here. We are at a beginning point again." (continued on page 14) Bv ROBERT B.CH LEN ing out of their Kolwezi salient and moving weather WASHINGTON (AP) - A civilian rescue operation plucked most of the Americans toward the government's important air base from Zaire's battle-scarred Shaba province Wednesday, and Pentagon sources said it at Kamina. 130 miles to the north. Other Jyh m>' what', that big was unlikely U.S. paratroopers would be sent to rescue the 11 still trapped there. reports said rebel forces were moving west I™01 are up In,11,1 1 mP gasV. 'f in the sky? A Combustible ell, whatever it Social Security tax The rescue convoy was organized by Morrison Knudson, a Boise, Idaho firm which is building an electric transmission line from a dam at Inga on the country's west coast to toward Angola, where theoretically they could link up with comrades based there. Kolwezi in the southeast. The reports could not be officially Inn! I »In East malu' its monthly confirmed. No news correspondents have Lansing Without encountering fire, th* convoy of trucks and helicopters reached a compound ■™ *"m things up a bit.today rollback voted down been allowed into the area. The eight miles from the rebel-held town of Kolwezi on Wednesday morning, State l&r- should reach the Department spokesperson Hodding Carter reported. He said the convoy took 65 Zairean government officials said their Ik,,' Ulr to troopers of UNI peacekeeping forces in Officials in Tyre said they could not tracked down and the body, recovery, including the identifi the opposition cation of the suspects. shou South Lebanon wounded one obtain an explanation for the inter¬ still in its oak coffin, was found election. gunman and arrested three others in a shootout south of the biblical port city of Tyre ception of the vessel Nor were they able to identify the ship or ascertain its cargo. Congress budget allows early Wednesday neuve. a small town near at Ville the Wednesday, the French contingent re¬ The two incidents occurred as UN eastern tip of Lake Geneva. Head of Eritrean rp(J ported Witnesses in Tyre officers continued negotiations with little tax cut of $19.4 billion Unofficial reports said the reported an Israeli progress to avert a showdown with coffin, apparently unopened, gunboat intercepted an incoming cargo vessel searched it and then escorted it radical Palestinian guerrillas insisting on WASHINGTON (AP) House Wednesday approved a - The gress adopts a second, binding was found a few feet down in a hole dug by the thieves in a asks ou tside in tenant penetrating UN lines into Israeli- budget resolution in Septem¬ away in a southerly direction toward congressional budget allowing ber. The Senate had approved farmer's recently sowed corn occupied South Lebanon. DAMASCUS. Syria (AP) for a tax cut of $19.4 billion and field. Police said the - There has been the preliminary resolution Mon sources An Eritrean rebel commander tion that the Sonet projecting $50.9 billion feder arrested men led officers to the and| a day. al deficit for the next fiscal The site. appealed Wednesday for inter supported Marxist resolution calls for national intervention year. to halt a government in Addis | revenues of $447.9 billion and Villeneuve is 10 miles east of purported has launched a n The 201 198 House vote was spending of $498.8 billion. new Ethiopian offen Corsier sur-Vevey, where sive in Eritrea Province and but its chief. Lt. Col.! the final action on the budget The deficit is about $10 fhaplin spent the last 25 years stop what he called the govern Haile Mariam, i resolution, which now will billion under President Carter's of his life. He died there last was quod ment's "genocide speech Monday serve as a guideline until Con original estimate. Christmas Day at age 88 and campaign" as sa against the Eritrean people. attack was imminent. 'H# S'O'O Now! it publ'tH«d by 'b* >t M.»Y OvOry (iott doy du'">g foil W.nt#r and Spring |»rm ond a tpPOOl W»kom» >Vo*k od.t.cn it publ'tbwd m Sop'ombor Subt< nption iq'P It S20 P«' y«KJ' S«d o' lot' looting V g (0'« o' MSU Mottong*' S*rv«* lot' lontmg M H 48B21 m for 78-79 year, Reginald Thomas, edi¬ Women's guard debuts at White House GERALD H. COY. GENERAL MANAGER ROBERT L. BULLARD, SALES MANAGER tor of People's Choice and a repre¬ N«wl Editorial PHONIS sentative from the Student Media WASHINGTON ;AP) - A women s honor guard debuted at the White House House lawn was soggy after several days Clattdiad Adt Ditploy Advertising 1SSB2S5 1514400 Appropriations Board will discuss the But OH«a of rain, so the matt current on Wednesday months after a few Air ceremony was moved indoors That meant a smaller cordon 155-1447 155 Mil controversy surrounding stu¬ Force women wrote to first dent funded media on The Carter protesting the all-male cere¬ lady Rosalynn replaced the normal contingent of about Michigan 225 State Radio Network. Phone in monial contingent. As he escorted his guest NOTICE your Five women, past the honor questions at 3-4411. representing each branch guard President Carter stopped and 1979 PROSPECTIVE APPLICANTS TO THE of the military, were among a 21 -member cordon forming a line from the front door pointed to the women, then walked up to Catherin N. Pehnke, who MSU Collaga «f Veterinary Medicine 640 AM 8PM TONIGHT of the White House to the was standing of East Room to attention and asked her how she liked it. In 1979 two dosses will be admitted to the College of Veterinory WBRS WMCD WMSN greet Zambian Medicine President Kenneth Behnke, one beginning professional studies January 1979 ond Kaunda. a Navy seaman apprentice the other September 1979. from Reedley. Calif., told :p ip / About 10 women scheduled to originally were she was surprised that the reporters later commander in January 1979. Applxo'iont Collaga ct Va'armory Modione All mut' no ba in »ha Admittiont Ottxa lo'a» Ibon August IS 1971. p31 ■ si) If litem v:,li A :C : 1 ! iP. participate. But the White chief had stopped to chat. pie.w'ei.nory 'ha and o» loll 'arm rou'ta raquiramortt mut' ba compla'ad by or tamat'af (Docambar 1970, Appl> : -\ It mill ba ovoilobla t'om tha CVM Adm.ttiont Otlxa IhurxJoij Sop'ombar 1979- Application! mut' ba in tha Admittiont Oftica Collaga ol Valarinory Med'cma lolo' ihon March .. Inflation erodes no . I 1979 All spending gain p'a'ad no pravaia'inory coorta ragu"amanit muti ba lo'a> ihon Juno IS 1979 com WASHINGTON (AP) - The combined personal income of all Americans in¬ March. However, about half of the increase For additional Admissions Offica information, please contact: Collaga of Vatorlnory Madlcino *DOUfil€ creased 1.4 percent in sign of strong economic growth, the Commerce Department said April, a further Wednesday. may have been eaten up which have gone up an percent each month this year. by rising prices, average of 0.7 A-124 East FoaHoll Ph. 351-9793 _ DIGIT NIT€ Rising personal sumers have more income means money to spend and con¬ Overall, personal income rose at an annual rate of $23.3 billion in jinae back bom uoui April to often encourages merchants tories to step and fac¬ up production and hire $1.68 trillion. That would mean an EKTACHROME • on PITCHGRS a PIZZA average annual income of about $7,706 more workers. The 1.4 percent increase for each adult and child in the United SLIDE largest since a 1.45 gain in October 1977 was the States. 54 and followed a 1.36 percent gain in Wages and salaries rose $18.1 billion in April after rising $17.5 billion in March. PROCESSING Union Activities Board in by 9am out by 2pm tamo day Americans say crime Saturday and Sunday not increasing in by 12 noon out by 4pm tamo day May 20-21 9AM-6PM in by 3pm out WASHINGTON (AP) For (he first by 9am noxt day South and in the West Area between Union time since 1967 a were the places Bldg and Crafts majority of Americans where people are most and Human feels crime is not apprehensive Ecology Bldg. Harris told increasing, pollster Lou Congress Wednesday. about crime." s He said polling results show that It is entirely conceivable thot small 2 DAY KODACHROMI Reserve your space now "it is towns will inherit fair to conclude that the many of the apprehen¬ MSU Students with ID public feels less anxious, certainly more at ease, less sions that have beset decade now," Harris told the cities for over a PROCESSING BY April 5-7 worried about the con¬ safety on the streets in this country than it has felt in over a decade." gressional Joint Economic Committee. EASTMAN KODAK General Public And he said residents of April 10-sellout small towns, It took close to 15 not the large cities, report the largest years for the cities to build a increase in crime. reputation for being havens of Harris said also that if crime," Harris soid. And it will take the trends some further time, even if the crime rate PHOTO mflRT shown by his * polling continue, "it would for cities is not be long before small towns in the declining in fact, for the cities to outgrow that reputation. 1-5PM Activity Director's Office 2nd Floor Union Bldg. 355-3355 Open Mon thru Fri. 8am to 5pm 2312 E. MICHIGAN, LANSING 484-7748 Sfate News, Eott Lansing, Michigon Michigan Thursday, May 18, 1978 ormer 'U' student eks denied degree By JOY L. HAENLK1N Ustay asked Lewis in the letter to grant him his SUtt News SUff Writer he had degree because completed all the requirements, , MSI' student from Turkey is still fi|(htinK for a deficiencies which the business including three course irsr"» . ,-laims to have rompleted requirements (or six college said had prevented his deiS" graduation in 1971 and 1972. ,e" live . review decision by the Graduate School of Hut the business college's reply to the Jan. 29 letter stated ^"I'lJiuu.lrat"1" last week upheld the earlier decision of of business to deny Enver • Ustay had failed within the five year to complete advanced degree requirements fit" llslay his masters period stipulated in the Graduate Responsihilities document. Rights and , tiuonew |„ have heen denied his decree due to "personal Ustay claims the time restriction is not b\ namely, the deans of the business sehiKil." and has has not been made known to "applicable, since this lii> appeal in writinK to Provost Clarence I,. Winder, me," at the time of first enrollment, as I detailed in the document. i-crivr t (ft'cision. Ustay said, he will be "prcssingly ne«i" in a motel room. Rut he is "determined Ustay claims the issues go deeper than failure to impr meet MHA requirements, as the business Stole News Deborah matter until it is resolved as promised in writing, college has "something personal And you think the hairdresser spends a long time J. Bonn | against me." half weeks! Studio Art 228 whipping your locks into shape .. . these two sculp¬ students Michele ithevery <>ne <»f my points are either accepted or duly Ustay also said he has been denied access to his tors have been Kukurugva and George Lambros add final touches ad." If ,"'1 which personal file, working diligently for six-and-a- to their versions of supposedly contains "derogatory letters," ; ' patient model FJsa Sjolander. according to M.S1' ' yidhc has spent the past two-and-a-half months in East professor of marketing William Lazer. r ,.ur>uit <>f his decree, financing his trip from Turkey I was told that letters of ,.xpenses out of his own money. recommendation are confidential." Ustay said. Associate Dean of the College of Husiness James k ■ K-r^onal files given to the .State News by Ustay. .iIh'v'c Ih*an Richard J. Lewis said in a letter to graduate Rainey later removed these letters from his file. Ustay said. He said he faced discrimination in a FESTIVITIES TODAY CONT required class when Lazer advised all foreign students to choose jrw llcrht rt J. Oyer that Ustay had applied for his degree another instructor. term «>f 1971, fall term of 1971. and winter term of Lazer, who is out of town, was unavailable for comment. After Greeks 'stuff it' in VW being denied his degree again in February. Ustay submitted an application for re admission l<> Rainey. «said:r: '.he letter Ustay was denied certification each time "I enclosed the application out of courtesy." Ustay explained. "I jeiVienoies in meeting graduation requirements." had already completed the required coursev" March 1972. the husiness college heard nothing further on Lewis said the application was denied because Ustay had not itii Lewis received a letter from Ustay dated Jan. 29. B> I'M LA DYKE Hut the tradition has been updated. Omega with 23. while Delta Tau Delta completed the requirements for his degree within the required And you thought Volkswagen Rather than using the old fashioned "bee¬ five year period. stuffing finished third with 21. went out with raccoon coats and tle" model to fill up with Greeks, explained that during his six year absence from MSU. While the business goldfish participat "My head was just kissing the wind¬ college can extend the deadline. Lewis said swallow ing ing groups crammed into a brand new shield." Mark Davis of Theta Chi said. ,.rked for different companies before setting up his the school does not feel that Ustav's record "supplies some Tuesday night at Landon Field. Greeks Rabbit borrowed from Williams Yolks "It like Turkev. He said he did not have the opportunity to significant justification for such an exception." was trying to get into the Button turned out by the housefuls to revive the wagen. in Fort Lauderdale wall-to-wall bodies," .! discuss his academic status. — 'continued on page 141 old tradition as part of Greek Week. As the groups shed their shoes and coats Mike Depatie of Alpha Tau Omega said, in preparation, they psyched themselves up referring to a popular Florida bar. with cheers of "Let's get small! Let's get At the same time, the body of the Rabbit small!" was also taking some abuse. After two 'rotesters back Iranian clashes Alpha Phi sorority stuffed a record-set¬ ting 35 women into the car for the first place trophy. Sigma Kappa and Pi Beta chrome trim strips broke off and the rear window popped out from the internal pressure, announcer Greg Noack became a Phi tied for second place among the little concerned. As one group of hefty MSU Iranian students and The MSU protest, led by the Iranian continued to march next to Grand River with thousand4- of Moslems sororities with 34 each. Greek men squeezed into the Rabbit, he participated in a vigil and rally Students Association, began Tuesday with a demanding his Avenue throughout the night. The rest of ouster and the return to strict Islamic rule. "All I could feel was stomachs and ribs." instructed them. "Please do not put a rally and march around campus, ending at fy and Wednesday in solidarity with Ifir.er.st rat ions in Iran. the I nion where teams of sympathizers the demonstrators spent the Union lobby. night in the Several persons have reportedly been killed in the clashes with police, and Alpha Phi's Catherine Jones commented later. sunroof into the car . . ." Meanwhile, a fierce Greek tug-of-war Sign-carrying protesters shouted "mass hundreds injured. "The first thing I did was find myself an championship was in progress. Their hands uprising in Iran shakes the fascist system Today, the Organization of Iranian Mos¬ air pocket," Leigh Ann Winn from Delta wrapped with tape or packed safely in down" and "armed lem Students in East Lansing will lead a Delta Delta said. "Everybody was suffoca¬ heavy gloves, teammates grimaced as they struggle in Iran breaks the fascist system down." demonstration at 11 a.m. at the Inter¬ ting." planted their feet in the grassy field and Then* has been no a [, African calls for The protesters ended their vigil with a rally at Beaumont Tower at noon Wednes¬ day. The campus protest national Center to protest the crackdow n on demonstrators in Iran. The national Organization of Iranian Among the fraternities. Theta Chi took the first-place trophy by cramming 29 warm bodies into the car. Second was Alpha Tau tugged in rhythm to chants of "Pull, Pull!" Sorority teams were made up of 10 that the Soviet was sparked by- Moslem Students will hold simultaneous n md| several pported Marxist vernment in Addis | mtinued investment in Iran's occurred days of demonstrations and violence major cities. The worst violence in Qurn. a city southeast of Iran's demonstrations on Friday in Chicago. Atlanta and Houston. Arab students at MSU are also asking ''Anything » launched j neu tits chief. I.t, Col. Ml ile Mariam. was quoJ M'ch Monday as saj| r.Mtive from > ■n the South African consulate in New York told the Academic Environment Wednesday that American investment is keep South Africa economically stable. University capital. Teheran, and the site of a famous shrine. Moslem extremists touched off the support for several students who were arrested during a protest at Portland State University in Oregon. goes relay: ack demonstrations May t> when several hun The Arab students said an Israeli flag was was imminent. it a regular meeting of the committee. Deon Erasmus, an information dred theology students held a peaceful raised during Israel's 30th anniversary by the consulate, said the consulate Mty Committee sees divestiture as a counterproductive Academic Environment has been charged by the MSU protest. By last Thursday. Iranian soldiers were being personally commanded by Shah the university's Middle East Study Center. When this action was protested the police wackiness helps win on Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, who postponed were called, they said, and students who had d of Trustees to draw up guidelines for monitoring withdrawal of American his scheduled Eastern European trip to deal not left within five minutes were arrested. rations from South Africa. The trustees voted in March to divest all MSU stock in By MICHAEL MEGERIAN ^w,th holdings in .South Africa if the They tinned •versized slipper* and stuffed six water balloons each inside their long companies have not shown evidence of 79 were announced. members wanted to do something for Greek Week and also "just tor fun. tence." she added. In addition to hosting educational work First place for the women went to Alpha Gamma Delta and Sigma Phi Epsilon grabbed Demorest explained that many of the icontinued on page 141 first place honors for the men. Each w inning house wjs awarded a trophy. CAMPUS PIZZA announces: SHRIMP PIZZA (double price item) free delivery sorry, no checks 1312 Mich. Ave 310 W. GRAND RIVER 337-1377 337-1639 BE A SUPERSTAR SUPPORTER Support youi lean1 they are Champions' Order a genuine Supeistar Suppor ter button today ,-nd be iecognised as a Supeistai Supporter by you' per sonalized Superst u Supporter Waiiet Card Buttons may be worn to games pep rallies gathe «igs social events and other activities 1 he card will an nounce your supped o' true champions "The Classic Graduation Memorabilia" friday Send 75" plus 25 cents tor handling, m cheex or money order to BUTTONSUhtlMlHI) P0 BOX 109 KAiAMA200 Ml 49005 .And Saturday 25% OFF ALL SUPPLIES Now thru May 21. 1978 Name Address City Alio* unr « State Ap ft may 19 &■ 20 4123 Wail Saginaw The Button only sold to Champions SPONSORS EAST LANSING FINE ARTS COMMISSION AND CENTRAL EAST LANSING BUSINESS ASSOCIATION laming. Ml 321-7127 ©(pMD©^ Business Strc-c-c-c-ctcfcifig. college and consumer^ The relationship of a student to his or her college is is a well-debated one that defies high! teJ precise definition nighly satisfaction. But in a society where to fVe consumerism are the buyers' bylaws, it is often recognized that reigns and b; the purchases a product from the college. The studer student is student i, to the same consumer protection that the thereforee guaranteed. average The MSU College of Business, it shoppi would seem, does school of thought. College officials have not been aware, at adhere ratio in the school is J three months, that the least for. its accreditation is student-faculty endangered. Yet the college leaders so l0 to smile at new admissions prospects, opening the doors haveconi year, never mentioning the possibility that an MSU moves nearer to nothingness with each new crop of business The college has been inform that if degree hoi "good faith progress" Meany grumbles, the dollar isn0( toward meeting standards set down by its placed on academic probation. This means accrediting agency it i hiring a substantialm Carter frowns of additional faculty member — professors and instructors as oppol teaching assistants — or limitingenrollmentsintothe legislators because of the public Thel is frowned upon by state college. George Meanv, the long- his usefulness to American's labor inflationary pressures are not all tors, such as the whimsy of the Oil University and is therefore unlikely to he considered nature' entrenched, crusty old chieftain of movement and should resign his attributable to the excess of Producing and Exporting Coun¬ college officials. serious the AFL CIO, last week aggre- post. business and labor. External fac tries, also play an important role. In the face of threatened probation, Dean sivelv rebuffed President Carter's But in his confrontation with We fear that Carter's simplistic Richard J. Lewis ThjJ called the first faculty meeting of the year for the college. plea for restraint by unions in Carter the labor leader has a point. approach to the seeming intra- lack of communication between the ranks in the business Perha] wage demands as a means of America's unions were severely bilities of inflation is calculated to of its problem. Nevertheless, it is too late to hire college^ combating inflation. Carter is burned by their experience with win political brownie points with members for next academic year because the additional f| seeking voluntary union com¬ wage-price controls in the early the public at large. Unions have the prime recruitment time has budget is up in thea 1970s, and over the long haul passed. But the college must pliance with wage guidelines that always been a good villain. Carter obligations to its students and keep them informed of the would keep wage hikes below the prices increased faster than may well feel he now has the made to live up to the standards students efforts! 7.5 percent average of the last two think they are wages. It is undiplomatic and even opportunity to revitalize his flag¬ receiving. years. Carter hopes big business unseemly for the president to ging political fortunes with con¬ will impose similar strictures on expect union support for a fixed servatives by casting George price increases. level of wage restraint without Meany as the bad guy in the Meanwhile, the average con¬ first obtaining a similar pledge administration's war on rising The sumer is still trying to stretch a from big business to keep down prices. State News dollar that is buying less and less. prices. Perhaps the answer, ultimately, Meany rules his union with an Moreover, the AFL-CIO is but will be to impose selective wage- Thursday. May 18, 1978 Editorials are the opinions of the Stato News iron fist, and more progressive one organization; big business is Viewpoints columns price controls on various segments letters ore personal opinions labor officials have for a long time fractious and diverse, ranging of the public and private sector, Editorial Department been agitating for his ouster. from oil barons to steel executives. and for the government to do a Editor m chief Michoel Tanimuro Photo Editor Meany supported Richard Nixon's Can this staggering array of better job of putting its own Managing Editor Kat Brown Entertainment and Booh l&'o- V.;;J Vietnam policies and withheld the competing business interests be Opinion Editor influential support of his organiza¬ inflationary house in order. Failing Dave Misialowski Sports Editor persuaded to keep a lid on price that, prices will continue to rise Special Protects Editor Ralph frommohno layout Editor Debenz and Uo. attains this to a should be used as a springboard for the development of a more McCandless Is a sophomore majoring In political *(ien( i 5fafe News, East lonsing, Michigan Thursday May 18 1978 SlISAN M. KRIKSS Kvcry fonsum.-r unfair business attorney is a.. "potential actions and receive r SUU New* Sufi Writer general who spoke in Wells compensation, ar attorney gerneral" utwinrjr | who ran bring charges against according to an assistant statr LCC prof demonstrates Hall Kdwin Hladen t«»ld an Wednesday. y. consumer protection law assembly of business law classes lasses that under tl the law a consumer can be awarded KUilty of ileeeptive prartiees. If at least $250 from >u> passive ir ,i__ any business home clamai/eL'S exceed - - - $250, the consumer may collect that design amount He Reasons for filing n been replaced to a charge have varied from class action suit on complaint s alxiut auto parts w hieh had not behalf of restaurant sun receiving an actual liter of vinn m—*--- said. wine, Hladen 1 patrons who weren't \signed ... Hladen said the law. which ByBFTHTCSCHAK to went into effect in energy sources." he said. businesses from April, is simply meant to discoi State News Staff Writer have to build a house that cooperates with cheating. •ou rage Kline is now combining the two "If A passively designed solar home can methods, nature instead of businessmen know that and said he will end conflicting with it." every consumer is offer up with an "active One of ine most think twin- about a a potential attorney general, he will more benefits than a important things to violation," Hladen said. heated home, a Lansing conventionally passive super energy efficient" house that consider when building a house in the The new law offers Community College he will be able to heat and cool lot it substantial tools for the for less then is built on, Kline said. enforcement of earlier professor said Wednesday at MSU. cheated protection laws, Hladen said. consumer $100 a year. ( K Kline, an engineering It should have trees, technology a southern expo¬ fill HalS' "" "f nt color forms to professor and licensed building contractor, sure and hills in the b^ck yard," he said. "It copies each." he said. It is. he said in passive design, the whole house is should run longest from north to south, explained, the "commandment of Judeo built to be a solar have good ve bv. Christian ethics for bus; collector. "The equipment in drainage and a windbreak in the my east or west. Hladen urged I he house will receive, store and give up house will start paying for "If you're going to build a iwtelimPrK rrZTLT*" TSUmm,WJth consumers with c r,,mPiainls tn notify thi- husinoss in energy without using outside energy," he itself the first year." — C. K. house, start at )1l$lUII>VI 9 «£•" f;.sond a ropy of that let,or to tho attorney morals off,,.. wr,.,„K lh,?-s of th. „ said. I he passive the use nf ma' hifierv." design does not involve Kline, LCC faculty member the ground and build it up right." Kline said most solar houses are built by the people who are "We'll contact the business and going to live in them — Send us your say. 'Hey, we just got a carbon of a letter sent to you. Kline • tid he has been people who are convinced solar is the way response' . . . You'd be surprised how fast those respor working on his to go Hladen said past onses go out, own sola design house for three years, complaints had even resulted in an at tome He said there are about 100 solar houses advertising suit against OIlie Kretter general's falsi although he "There are too many houses that originally worked with ar. are i in Michigan right now. and he is predicting "We gave him a deal he Appliance. act iv e de competition with the natural environment, couldn't beat," Hladen smiled. the solar building business is Klin d. "They are either too hot going to boom. An or too "Builders coming out of a. solar design make; use of cold. college who know fans to distribute < •apt u red how to build solar houses are pumps ,i "To ha • going to have an energy efficient house we a tremendous impact on the market," Kline said. "People are beginning to realize that Liberty good land, and good housing on that land, is iss or Susan B. Anthony to appear on coin? the best investment you can make. The equipment in my house will start paying for itself the first year." u'ViTON M Before Congress halfwav size between a quarter and Kline said many Americans of both sexe who could be people who use solar think about a new. half dollar. selection beyond historical abstracts and considered candidates for •omrnemoration. Hut the caucus of women House members energy find their house has become a part I > presidents would set an unwise course ,,i;.tr coin, it finds itself Initial testimony was of them and overwhelmingly in Stella B. Hackel, director « f the C S. Mint, in coin design, and invite a already has endorsed an Anthony design. they feel much more harmon¬ up debate with women's favor of the notion of issuing a new dollar told the subcommittee: controversial Rep. William Proxmire, D Wis., chair ious with nature. debate which would tend to coin to reduce dependence on the dollar bill, "In view damage the person of the Senate Banking Committee, "The savings on our , expanding the field of design overall success of the proposal." utility bills will go a long to expand the merchandising potential of has introduced legislation providing for the way towards paying the mortgage." he said. i Capitol Hill is this: If the •r:;ed. should it bear the vending machines and. if accepted by the Anthony design, and a companion bill has Kline pointed out that any solar energy public, to cut the goverment's currency- been introduced in the House ,„U3l ,[« logical Miss Liberty or the pursoti. women's suffrage S. African briefing slated Rose Oakar. D Ohio, Hanking Committee. a by Rep. Mary member of the House system is going to have drawbacks — like when there is no sun maintenance, but — and they do need the benefits should out¬ med of the \nthony'.' Hut the Liberty Anthony rivalry staved weigh the :hink efforts! lose to the fore. A special colloquium and briefing tor cot fee and tact sheets The Treasury proposal for the new dollar costs. "As a person, homeowner, builder and they are i paramount question as the journalists entitled "Southern Africa: Pre The on Southern Africa. includes a provision for continuing to mint a teacher, I'm convinced we cannot wait for subcommittee on historic The Treasury came to the hearing touting colloquium will feature discussions part silver version of the big coin with the sent and Future." w ill be held from 9:8b a.m. and indiv idual talks the government to solve our ,1 coinage opened hearings its design proposal: Liberty on one side, an to 4:30 on topics including l .S. profile of the late President Dwight D. energy p.m. today at the I'nion. foreign policy dealing with Southern Africa, problems." Kline said. "We have the h,. proposed coin. It would • eagle on the other. Registration begins at 9:3b a.m. Eisenhower. But it would be minted only as dollar and would be Noting that there are many distinguished m 332 journalists m South Africa and a geo a piece for collectors, and would technology and knowledge right now to I'nion. A conference fee of $7 not be for work with covers lunch. political overview of Southern Africa. nature instead of in conflict with general circulation. it." ewpomfs colomnjJ BELL'S hell worst k Hobbies You Can Build with help from I original & imported works in woods & iiour qolae jewelry PIZZA HOUSE gifts and gallery shetti HotOvenGrinders embroidered Jli. Grand Riv«r Av». 225 M A C. Av*. the( wrap skirts *25 Tiling Manager [ I, laming, Mich. Til. 332-0858 E. lanting, Mich. T«l. 332-5027 TAN-A-MAT Modal Cart Booti Radio Control Aircraft Electric Traint Rockati firsl\—J 220 MAC Ave. 920 Trowbridge (Next to Hobiet) endeavor 2nd F'oor University Mall Canon NO SHOPPING CENTER 8W SAGINAW AT WAVEHLV prices good thru 5-22-78 || Camera sa Canon 35mm SLR JCIM Camera • automatic exposure si H 88 *298 • '•». con-pact an.1 FT-478 50mm H.I lent list $434. ^SANYO and Canon 35mm SLR SOUND FAX JIS-S Camera PACKAGK • Super compact a id light weight • Accepts Power W inder A rapid Stereo AM/FM with cassette film advance. Spt«dlite 155A 88 for top auto sound and in-dash *249 automatic electronic Hash and ^ Canon" • Databack A data imprinting system Uses more than 40 unsurpassed Canon FD and FL series lenses "EZ Install" installation. Read... And Watch 50mm F 1.8 lent Litt *370. • locking fast forward • local and distant switching Your World Grow! • 8 watt output Automatic power winder for AE-1 & AT -1 . *84" f— Titles: With Two 6x9 2-Way Speakers Automatic electronic flash fpr AE-1 & AT 1 '56" • 20oz. magnets Home free • 2' cone tweeter by Dan Wakefield Canon's night owl. • 25 watt maximum input One L by Scott Turow The incredible 310XL! Total The Seasons of a Man's Life Super 8 Movie Camera Low-l.lt*, Power Zoom List 5150 *109 complete package by Daniel J. levinson » Sopot-last I 1 0 lens lor XI photography »F.xtremely compact and light weight AUTOMATIC 33mm Absolutely hundreds of "Hew to" lilies fot spring Wide range CdS auto Canon » on everything front at'ghans to zinnias ate here now. CAMMAACASi metering tor every light just bursting their covets to help vour world grow. I "tnonet condition EVADIN CR-3000 IN-DASH So come on, open vour mind. Open a book at Paramount Newscemers soon. AM/FM STEREO CASSETTE PLAYER List $252. Paramount O Auto Reverse Auto New seenters play O lock rewind fast foiwcud *129 I ansing. 102 N. Washington Ave. Ltt $133 *149 0 8 watts per channel • Great performance output Sugg. Litt *180 Paramount Newscenters 2010 W. Saginaw •fast Lansing $37 L Grand River Ave. Open 7 days a to serve you week £ Michigan Stole News, Eos! loosing. Michigan Thursday, Moy ,8 MAGICAL MYSTE Henning entrances Civic Center h/Barroom people who H. Doug Henning „ ByKIMBLEMs night, f or these people "magic" j5 as theU^il' m. l ,. "not I. .* 'V|f Center as the illusions themselves. Boogwabazh Henning, skill. >l„ng with his unique ,tvU- h, today s foremost performers. The Muir the horn band dom Top Forty and horn tunes for minute produced a third how many assistants did dancingLTI he havy'l Tk. 71 . . . dancing. I was leaned over the railing hanging over a table with forward, and throw the cloths off to reveal his three two fern I two women, men They were all pretty faced folks, - and Henning. While y'know" his male you try toc.tch vour breath ,1,1" "Well the feet tall in a ski sweater, is putt in his assistants wheel the bo* forward It non« J one guy. six this blond big Bengal tiger. pops„pent0 moves on goddess type, and she's givin him the The audience was awed. encouraging smiles; but then there's her friend on the other side of him. a darkhaired woman trying to get Mr. Ski Sweater The show was indeed to notice her. she's laughing at his jokes and smilin the best she impressive, even lor perhaps those who had some idea about how it was done can but she just seems a bit desperate cause he ain't even auditorium was filled with people who had In.kT look in at her. The hell of it is that in the meantime, the two their innocence. You could almost touch regained mill other guys at the table are tryin to be nice to her and she's just that, after all. was the real magic the senseofjl givin them the cold shoulder." He drains a slug and sighs. Tuesday night "Sad " Doug Henning Slat* New* Debbie Ryon "That is." I sa> "How come she coldshouldered two men for some guv who wouldn't even look at her '" I duntio I epos,- you'd have to ask her that." X)ooLeyB Lie down German Expressionism discussed SPECIAL. EVENT THURSDAY. MAY 1BTH VARSITY ALUMNI and be counted. East Complex Blood Drive gg' GREEN GlWHITE Friday, May 19: Holmes Hall East Lower Lon| at Kresge Art Center talk tonight ■jg S KICKOFF 10a.m.-4p.m. Late 19th '-entury German expressionist art iron; Columbia Cniversity, was awarded Charles PARTY Monday May 22: South Hubbard Lower Long will be discussed by Alessandra Comini. profes Rufus Morey sor of Art History at Southern Methodist Schiele's Portraits. Book Award in 197b for Fgon J® Dr SPECIAL |of Kearney QUESTS Athletic Director 11a.m.-5p.m. Cniversiiy. at Kresge Art Center Gallery at 7:30 Two thirty minute films will be shown begin BH9 p.m. Thursday. rung at 3 p.m. Thursday in the Kresge Art M Darryl Rogers tail Morrill Hejd Football Coach Head Alumni Coach Tuesday, May 23: South Hubbi fonnni. widely known for her public lectures Center Gallery. The first film. "Louise Nevelson Lower Louni in Process," is about a 7* year old American HIGHLIGHTED BY and writings, will speak on six German artists, A three women and three men. Her presentation sculptor known for her large scale sculptures. The other film. "Alice Nee!, collector of Souls." special auction Proceeds going to Ralph Young Fund 11a.m.-5p.m. will be divided into three sections featuring the will feature another American woman artist who following artists: Kollwitz and Munch. Becker works with human figures. Noel's (2) Season Football Tickets Call Sue: 353-8008 and M-»dersohn. Munter and Kandinsky. emphasis is on |4) Football Tickets to Notre Dame Game pictures and portraits of groups of people. (1) Autographed Varsitv Football or Carol 353-6060 "She is one of those rare persons who can Standford explained. (1) Autographed Alumni Football combine scholar and humor." Linda Standford. The lecture and films are sponsored fl) Detroit Tigers Autographed Ba by the assistant professor of Art said, explaining that Comini popular for her effective College of Arts and Letters; Department of Art; Vox. the student organization of the art « (2) Student Basketball Tickets to game of vour choice Red Cross is c< is public And Many More Surprises speaking. Comini. who received her doctorate's degree department and Women's Studies Series. — Colloquia Doors open at 7 30 pm on you. Kick off This Sat 2 00 p m Nifty little numbers for Miss J on hot summer nights; soft gauze sleepwear or leisurewear by Slumbertogs. Of cool, light cotton with comfortable elasticized. waist and narrow spaghetti straps. In pastel pinlCor yellow, trimmed with white lace. P-S-M-L sizes. A 1 -piece teddy with string-tied keyhole top, $14 V"" B Long, V-neck gown with a cascade of ruffles caught with tiny ties, $21. FROM OUR *tUii .M**' I5TH EAST LANSING^ fA ART FESTIVAL e Trowbridge Road Just North of Harrison Also Lansing Saginaw at Waverly S. Cedar at 1-96 r Jacob^oriB on siol« N«wi, Eo»t looting. Mlchiqon lew Stanley Clarke album ECKANKAR INTRODUCTORY SEMINAR )0 focused on disco jazz MAY 20, 21 L ,|,i i. IIAKNI.KIN cessful solo artist in his own As disco Kites, ...the most f Vr.,Suir Writer ri,(ht. Clarke's new album, however, it is distinguishing facet of the ECKist s existence not bad. It din-s not suffer ,s a sense of joy Modern Man (Nemperor 17, from a |Oy which arises from his Cin Lvir monotony or banal knowledge that death ,s o myth that the word 35303) will give you roek 'n roll simplicity. i e has reality that iKTMin1* life whfn a r v encompasses states of existence and disco with your Perhaps this is due to Clarke's beyond mans jazz. imagination, and that the only , nil l »«■<•"! to In fact, maybe too much disco continued ability to be innova thing that holds man from the realization of L snvn>,,rr- these states is his own and not enough jazz. tive, as his solo recordings self-limiting concepts Tfirl,t v„urs<"lf listening to alonj? with his RTF material ECKANKAR liibum- you us.-d to love (aiming off a commercial would indicate. A Way of Life f kivini: ., s„ • what?" success with his last album Darwin Gross , . Clarke also makes his j1 V, ()thiT hand, the more School Days, Clarks seems to debut on this Id' which sinking ...bvriire jazz artists, be following the same is FREE INTRODUCTORY SESSION MAY heard were re pattern surprising Kd. He has a 20 AT 10:00 a.m. ,1,. for success with this album THE KELLOGG CENTER, M.S.U. SOUTH by fabulous speaking voice, as , rir M,|.histiralesl seem providing a very cohesive 1,1' HARRISON ROAD "Opening (Statement)" proves, for further information call ^anddilfu ull to follow. As the title would while his vocals on "He Lives 882-3022 seem to l.^"llt'Ke into pseudo indicate, Clarke has gone mo.I On" and "Dayride" are tional. excep¬ |rltd I those artists hel ween who the two ern and several "More Hot Fun," cuts including "Slowdance." and "Cot to fjnd My Own Cljrlie is line of the Place' reflect a definite disco (1H>kinK 'or a flavor, complete with high PLAFBACK Presents jiisition between the pitched syncopated female vo ine.iml the wx)thing. cals by Maxim- and Julia |: vber.d the transient Waters, backed by a multitude , I'orever and a sue of strings. Jaily dollar deal specials • Breakfast • Sandwiches Super System At A Super Price! t Beverages • Salads This Time • Snacks • Desserts ^Separate Prices^ Total S654.85 We've Cm r i", '"buious • Home-style soups and chili $' Low Pr.v„ A Best Coffee In Town! OK 0f SuperbT 0n A Fu" Range Made fresh a pot at a time - PIONEER Hi-Fi! Also: Pre-mtde Sandwiches for those in a hurry Lttii v v >w PIONEER Power. PLAYBACK Prices! . CONVENIENT HOURS \ i. sfflcr Mon.-Sat. 7:15 *.m. -11:00 p.m. Suaday 9:00 a.m. - 11:00p.m. Start with real versatility and power in the line 8X*6S0 receiver amply powered at 38 watts LOCATED: Main Lobby, Union Bldg. far channel*, much more like tape to tape dub ing two pair speaker system control, h;gh filter and I'M muting Also has loudness control lor lull range perlotmance at lower volumes It s a great powet plant for the versatile BSR 2260AO total Hermanns turntable package fully uutomatic multiple-play petlotmei aicludes base dust Add a pan ot cover and cartridge UTAH AS*90 12 inch. 3-way speaker Lti.,, , ■» 1 systems tor teai audio author.tv at a great low PI AYBACK price' A good brief case ... the ideal gift Turntable Deals You Won't Reject for any graduate PL-550.1 direct dt:v 7 iilllllllllllllW 3. $425 Value L M mm Cassette Or Open-Reel Big Buys 1. Top Of The Line! 2, Unique SG-9500 3. Powerful SX-750 The rnnlnsfic SX-1960 Stereo Graphic Pioneer All-Purpose RT-707 Open Reel. A reel ptc Precise dual capstan operation Equalizer Receiver automatic reverse, lull nnc line 50 watU per cClx6ctl0tl mixing, 3-head system tot instant monitoring, lour digit met--: MANY mote gteat featuies' 270 watts per channel', w specs to channel*!:. - ' 1u1 *mh v r er re starting a career or continuing their !299J CT-F8282 Cassette. / . L °J0n 0 9ood looking, efficient brief case will ' 1 i Dolby fton* lovivt." t. HPM-100 tool0™ ,0 ° 5*ort- Choose from our r f J I Big-Sound NiT*°9s 5e'styles ec*'onfrom °f attache cases, portfolios and m* r « in men and women. . ■» " A Speaker System Big bass remarkably true lull-range petiotmance tiom this big 12 inch Above: Our "Skai" attache cases: foil! wav audio system' 3 "with file 40.00; 4 "42.00; 5" with file and desk 44.00 jj- (Name or initials embossed in gold CT-T4242 Cassette. Style meets economy! Plenty of pro lealures, like au tomatic chrome detection. Db metering sys >34! CT-raiQl Cassette, d at no extra charge) tern, lull Dolby noise reduction, front 2-motot drive w-.tls soleno loading. trols. peak level indicate! mic line mixing mote A pn * INSTANT PLAYBACK POWER 523 Frandor Drive CREDIT! STORY All lecetvets in ad meet perform this Frandor Shopping Center Up to SS000 purchase over any S100! ance stated min. RMS at 8 ohms, (torn a L,35W27oh cA VISA BankAmer .card 20Hz to 20kHz, with — 107 S. Washington no mote than 0.5% or less total harmonic G&eZfamuu U2ayy?wtMi, Mastet C!iuige ot Amei icon Express to see it you quality distortion. ^ ANSING — 209 E. Grand River SALE ENDS MAY 24. Store Hours: 10AM-9PM Weekdays, 10AM-5:30PM Sat., Noon-5PM Sun. 0 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Moy 1978 Regionals 'at-large' Mjpiooer Just can) IT for women netters Ta\ ^ shake it, t By JERRY BRAUDE w hich are in Muncie. Ind., will the team has come along way SUte News Sports Writer have three separate tourna since then. With an at large bid to re Well, everybody's thinking about ments. team, singles and dou "We know we can beat nexi fa|| Football season and all. gionals. MSU's women's tennis hies. The top two finishers in Indiana," Rutz said. "It was a team's has That's all quite proper (or season been ex the team tournament will go to shock when we lost to them you people who know , tended for another week. Yet at MSI' taking? classes. )l,u*il]h nationals. The top four finishers earlier." coach Karl Rutz feels that the But my buddies and I will, for the most in the singles tournament and "Early in the season, we season may not end there. graduated and working and going to law parl . . the finalists in the doubles were not playing well and So I find it a bit school " strange that plans are i "The favored teams there. tournament will also qualify for Michigan crunched us, but last to return one already b™ 'i* Michigan and Northwestern, nationals. An at large bid in the week, we gave them a real Saturday afternoon or two or ik, will be weakened because of singles tournament will also be battle." Spartans. ee lo s Now. this never really was injuries and Ohio State (the Big available. While the top teams in the supposed to ha,ii»„ educated MSI! graduates watch the Ten Champs! could be weak Indiana. Wisconsin and ei tournament will be suffering Spartans on TV ih " the Spartans on radio ened too," Rutz said. "But by t her Purdue or southern Illinois from injuries, the Spartans will - they mav even go see on, five years, or wait lor a no means are we getting will also be at the regionals. be going in at full strength, a Oh no. not us. We are game to be played ,h, Sjlf* cocky." MSI' already has lost to rarity this season. what the best way would he to get going nuts alreadv Irving,,? ki Like the state tournament, Indiana and Wisconsin, early in Top singles and doubles play alums or students, etc ; ? good seats Should'," f the regionals this weekend. the season but Rutz feels that er Debbie Mascarin now has . . One recalls seeing those more than a week of practice funny looking youngish but d older people invading MSU with all rj behind her. including play in things and white things dangling motley on kinds of funnv J the state tournament last week. f.w.tbill Sat Money guarantee "Her leg is still tender but it didn't seem to bother her over the weekend," Rutz said. "The This was seen as an intellectual found to be absurd. freshperson This Today it ts very important. I'm talking about 1,1 Tigers, I,ions. Red Wings. Pistons aside. I will Spartan biggest problem rii?ht now is haveyoudi may cause problems getting her match tough. But know the Rose Bowl is at stake after Then there's the trauma of next season. she can win a lot of matches for selecting which har weshalli for the game at and which bar we shall go to after the us. She is just a winner." gam KYANSTON. ILL. tl'PIl Big Ten faculty representatives already been decided that we shall finish Saturday Mascarin. along with Cindy B Tuesday approved a rule amendment that forces member schools to ourselves off at the Silver Dollar Sahxin Bogdonas. will also be partici a very classv provide a $100,000 guarantee to \ i*itmg conference football teams, So in these final weeks, it can be pating in the singles tourna observed that rertair effective with the 1979 season. despite not so great seasons and NCAA probations, ment. bean The $100,000 minimum rule wa* voted in (our or five year collegiate stint - by athletic directors in "Because she didn't play that Spartan football fan,„ March. But one school Ralph Young Fund suckers, requested a review before faculty much this year, she won't be etc. representatives, who have the power to overturn the decision. Then I could talk about the band. Some of us seeded. But of any of the will travel The amended rule states: Lansing from lands afar, not so much for the game, but unseeded players, she will have "After payment of local and state taxes, the gross gate band. receipts of the best chance of winning it," v,Vv. ' T%t? ? ' • football games between conference universities should be settled Rutz said. (It) GREEN! GO WHITK! li can't believe I'm writingtl at a minimum of $100,000 or shared equally 50 50 percent, In the team tournament, am I. brainwashed or something . . .1 whichever is greater." Rutz would like to have three Prior to amendment, the rule said the receipts would be split or four singles victories be •5:^1 V' 50 50 among the schools. The amended rule assures the Football tickets • visiting cause doubles haven't been team of at least $100,000. on sal The amended rule could squeeze the thin playing that well lately. pocket books of "With Debbie in there, the State News Bunny Maison Northwestern University and several other conference schools. Tighe Keating in MSI' Open play today in the Big Ten tennis championship at If Northwestern continues to draw crowds of 10.000 to 17.000 to players will be in different combinations than what they Monday for '78 seaso Purdue. Big Ten games a* it did last season, the rule could force the Wildcats have been used to over most of to play on the road or squeeze them out of the conference. the season." Rutz said. "Yet The first shot at tickets for the 1978 football season, exo Northwestern Athletic Direct Ar John Pont said the new rule does Jennifer Brielmaier and Hea Michigan game, is 8:30 a.m. Monday in the Jenison Fieli Badgers challenge U-M for panic him. not net title "After adding and subtracting, it probably would have cost about $80,000 for last season" Pont said. "When you start us talking ther MacTaggart have been playing a lot together and Mascarin and Diane Selke ticket office. Applications for the Michigan game in Ann Arbor Oct. U Wisconsin could give Michigan one of its MSI enter* !h»- i« urnanient a were taken in the North Concourse of Spartan Stadium only.' derided under dollars and cents, we could be hurting, but not as much as a lot of surprised by a good team last limitation of one ticket per student, except for married st toughest challenges in years for the Big Ten ■ •g wit h a a H o\ er ill record and 2 7 Big Ten tennis title it has held the last people think. weekend. The doubles play has with proof of marriage. eight years. The irk The league * . i* came against Purdue and "Indiana and Minnesota would be affected, too. 1978 tournament version opens today at Purdue by the 100,000 tremendously improved over There is also a two ticket limitation for the Notre Dame 15 rule and Purdue would be affected for at least two of their and lasts through Saturday. games." the course of the year, and we Spartan Stadium Oct. 7. Also at the Big Ten meeting Tuesday, the size of basketball Wisconsin. 23 4 overall and 9 0 in the Big Ten ! he last meet for st do look at it as our strength. Students will need a valid ID and a check made out to J nior* Tighe Keating traveling squads was increased from 13 to 15 players, and Big Ten gave Michigan. 14 5 overall and 1 in the ldK. •vin McNultv. who ha he the Rutz also feels that the Tickets are only on sale for MSU students, staff and I . e n Spartans basketball players cannot participate in summer basketball conference, its only loss ««f the year in Big Ten 1 ind V. 2 player* al camps middle of the line up will he a General public sales will be June 1. • > ar in singles and unless the camps are NCAA approved and they have the dual play. layed together at N< doubles. permission key factor on how well the team A lottery may be required of the Michigan game if there of their athletic director. does. many applications. A* feel sprang i 6own to youR 351-8880 with BASS,= 1139 E Grand River SUNJUNS! Fast, Free 351-7100 966 Trowbridge Delivery ' don't forget to ask Comfort, fashion and durability in 'he for free cups of Pepsi' great size range and style selection that Shepard s has long been noted for. 16 different (A Sunjuns to choose j COME SEE from in sizes 5-10 ^ sizes rJ THE FABULOUS mediumS narrow. MEMORIAL FUND ICE SHOW N.iliuiidllv tup raiikt-d ligure skdters in wiling id fiilnrliil {-iistiiinrs jinl dd//liug cnli-rtditirm-nt on ice I lirill to (In skating of Mirlwntcrn ( lniinpions Sands I «-n/ and David Mnlialowski Mulligans own show stopping dame team ol ( ami | o» and Hieliard Dalles the preiisioti . skating of the \tin \rhor liovkettes * rl.is- (Ker I (Ml ol Mid Mulligans \ ' hest amateur skaters. EVERY THURSDAY Our East MUNN ARENA (MSU) Lansing Store sells more BassL^ All the tender Fried Clams you can than any other shoe store in Michigan May 19 8 PM eat, served with French Fries, Cole Slaw and Tarter Sauce. Tickets: $2.50 (donation) Only »2." Available at: Paramount Newscenters BARREL Community Newscenters All J. \V. Kuapp Stores MSI 1 )em llall lee Arena I.ansing lee Arena SfMMI^.r.a l». III.. I SSJ||,,k ( |„|, 317 East Grand River '"Upstairs at the Downtown s«i,ii»»,.h I,. ,1,.. 521 E. (id. River, East East Lansing 326 So. Washington I „,i,a sia... | ,K„„. su,.,« S.«,U|„, Lansing 332-2851 485-7215 Michigan 48823 Ph. 351-0608 )oV. May )g 1978 News. Eatt Earning, Michigan Thursday, May 18, 1978 g [v m)RTENS TWINBILL MSU gymnasts honored; ,artans down Oakland Rudolph named MVP I (.tia|| team defeated Oakland. injury was nothing more than a bruise on the Jeff Rudolph was named the MSf men's shin. gymnastics team's ra,iishorl',i"''1 g"ml' nt Kl,b" Fi,'llk i.dison out of the game and had I p.m. at Kohs Fix-Id while Sunday's contest will |a««l rJll.,| Fortunately for MSD. the to- at Ann Arbor. hd|,,*n p 'Panana-.nTV.n,,! rvPnK;«'eoW,lsl(J played in the Sih„j already trvm, , »"i "eals. Should »(li k'ng youngish, hut kinds of hperson. This »ai funny imp j iKtley on (,»,thall S,J J (rJ NOTICE TO ALL STUDENTS king alwut Spartanfod isin a COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE sery classy*pL AND NATURAL RE¬ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING ibserved that eertatctl I REGISTRAR SOURCES A probations, Maiors in the College of Urban Development heriurl their Fall term schedule with their academic are expected to plon advisers between May Students m need of advising assistance should contact their lartan football fining! t,0l Another College or University This Summer 22 26 Maiois m Urban 8 Metropolitan Studies and Racial & Students should meet with advisers as follows academic advisers for advising appointments Ethnic Studies shoud make appointments with their advisers Urban Agriculture and Natural Resources No Preference May 23 ond 24 at omeol us will travel tj n.ng to study as guests at another college or umver Development maiors advised out of the Student Affairs Office COLLEGE OF HUMAN ECOLOGY 7pm m 121 Agriculture Hall h for the game, hut (>• must hove the prior concurrence of their academic should contoct thot office for an appointment Non Urban |( Develop •ftou'sels) they ore planning to take Such students ment students should consult with the Agriculture and Natural Resources Communications Director of Student Affairs May 23 Students should moke appointments vu.tto academ.c advisers for >*e on MSU Guest Course Approval form before leav 4 5 30pm in 410 teliese* I'm Room 114 West Owen Graduate Center Agriculture Holl writingthaj js *0' 'he Summer The forms are ovatlable o' your recede information abou' programs and courses 353 1803 if 'hey wish to long 'erm plans for the academic year 1978 79 Please make ap¬ Agr,business and Natural Resources Education pointments as early as poss-ble Do • s other? academic odvisement centers in the various May 23 or 25 no' d'op m without an 3-4 p m ,n 107 C Wells Hall appointment with your adviser om your academic adviser A completed form allows vcu' courses evaluated prior to actually enrolling COLLEGE OF NATURAL SCIENCE Building Construction May 22 25 2 4 p m in 216 Agricultural Department of Food Science ond Human Nutrition ts on sal or t,rs' where you ore going to be o guest See your oca with information about the courses you wish 1 Schedule an appointment for a conference with your academic Engineering Dietetics Term is Nutr.t.on and Foods Student-Early enrollment for Fall scheduled for May 30-June 2 This is a ■ Danstp' then bring the form to the Office of Trans adviser All others should good time to make by signing the appointment shee' designating the adviser s see their advisers by appointment during the schedule plans and obtain additional information 250 Administration Building for verification availoble hours concerning scasol period of May 22 26 except those who have s This shee' 78 Conferences are 'o be held is now posted during the period May 22 near his her office to May 26 Progress Plan Appointments should a be made previously arronged as early in the maiors Please contact your advisers between May 22 26 these instructions following Pre medical and pre dental students odv.sing period as possible Miller who previously met with 236C FS Come in ond sign up on appointment schedule advisers in the Biochemistry or outside office Zoology Department should now go Benmnk 3-6457 Schemmel 4 7725' and Zabik 8 f«w»t hall season, exce 'o 103 Natural Science Building to meet with their academic adviser 3-5251 Call to make an advising appointment Cash Gartung and y in the Jenison FielJ m the College of Natural Science Pre Professional Advisement JAMES MADISON COLLEGE Wenberg Sign Room ' ugrly Enrollment Center 'NOTE Foil term the Center will be located for appointments up in Human Ecology on schedule sheets m Room 3 Notural Science Building in Ann Arbor Oct. u| rf'M fASkv ENROLLMENT WILL BE CONDUCTED ON TUESDAY FALL TERM ACADEMIC ADVISING Students are urged to meet with Human En-..ronmen» and Design Group Advsmg tan Stadium only. TbJ 'hen academic advisers between |x '"ROUGH FRIDAY JUNE 2 AT THE FOLLOWING 2 For your oppomtment bring your academic advise' planned schedules At this tome oil May 22-26 to plan Fall term HED Moiors Tuesday May 18 Room HE 102 liOQ-'OCPM except for married stl I'ONS program for Foil term ond d>scuss with her him for you' College academic advisers will have Retailing Maiors Thursday Moy 25 Room HE 300 5 00 6 00 PM his he' de'ailed course information ovoiloble for students as Concourse suggestions well as the Cloth.ng and TexMes Maiors for adv.sees of Wmkler Creekmore for the Notre College schedule of course offerings for the 1978 79 academic year Pokornowski and Holloman T0esday Mov 23 Room HE !02 M 30 Dameifl : ■ fum Lobby 1 00 PM .nbby 3 All College of Natural Science maiors must see their academic acheck made out to )| MoH Lobby adviser EACH TERM to discuss their programs THE HONORS COLLEGE Check sign up sheet ou's-de off.ee 'or Slocum and Wamhoff students, staff and f| |cHcr,*s lobby Interior Design Maiors see signup sheet outside advisors office for • '5.' Adm.mstraiion Building 4 Students interested in Teaching Certification in Science must appointment No Preference students Social Science MDP maiors and those en moke application through the Science & Mathematics Teaching ichi^an jn the respec've ,206 Joumolism along wnn r"'"? 'T Vay 22 the Schedule of Courses may also be obtained Bldg before early enrollment your Bulle'in and Schedule of Courses departments during the advisers regularly scheduled office hours s: Adminigtrotion • Building ond anytime thereof»er 2 All undergraduate Hotel Restaurant and Institutional Manage¬ Audiology and Speech Sciences 353 8780 May 22 26 Individual ITirm Registration ment and Travel and Tourism Management mciors should see appointment availoble on request UNIVERSITY COLLEGE - NO PREFERENCE advisers in the College of Business Advisement Center Room 7 " 'eg-strot.on will be conducted Monday through Wednes Eppley Center at the following hours on the following davs Communication (355 34711 Moy 22 26 N 5ec'emce, 18 20 at the Men s Intramural Advising will be conducted m Building 502 S Kedzie Mon Thurs. from 8 5 and Fn from 9 5 No appom' An appointment-for-confere^ce letter Monday 1-5 00 Tuesday 9-3 00 Wednesday and Thursday 0 5 00 is being mailed to each No ment necessary Attendance required of maiors wishing to early Preference student for program planning for Fall term If you have Fr.doy 10 3 00 enroll not received an appointment or are unable to keep one given you 3 Students .n all other undergraduate maiors should see an llfGf OF ARTS AND LETTERS come to the advisement office before June 2 to early enroll for adviser Room ^ Epplev Center in from 8 4 30 on the following Journolism k353 64301 May 22 26 Hours posted on advisers office Foil term dates m the following orde' doors All students must see their adviser before pre r^'g'Qduate enrolling ma|ors in the College of Arts and Letters except May 22 A C Mov 25 L O < Eoch No Preference student who will hove earned 85 credits 'tmajors should see their academic advisers during office May 23 D-G ility in the | "W°t 'h'u May 26 Check with department offices for the Telecommunication (353 4369) May 22 26. ed in the Student Advising will be conduct (junior standing! by the end of Spring term 1978 must dedore a May 24 H K May 26 P S May 30 & 31 T Z • selection Advising Office located in 318 Union Bldg from major before the end of the term at the appropriate Advisement « '"dtwduol advisers. Make an appointment to minimize 8 12 a m Center June I & 2 for students unable to come at their scheduled times rN ""ne long been or if you cannot come at the hours scheduled S 33 Wonders for residents of Case-Wilson Wonders Holden 4 Juniors and Seniors should review field requirements with b different Po Art ui0|0(S should their advisers 109 Brody for residents of the Brody Complex maior see on Monday May 22 COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE their faculty academic advisers during this advisement period to choose | Wo Art classes will be dismissed that day and students 229 E Akers for residents of East Campus Creport to Room 113 to 170 Bessey for all others (off campus students residents of 5 Graduate students shou'd make arrangements to see *heir im in sizes i pick up their folders Students in Asian Studies African Studies and Latin American Abbott Mason Phillips Shaw Snyder & West Circle Halls respective academ.c advisers sizes 5 10 Is m°iors should go to Room 212 Morrill Hall ony day during Studies Programs should see their respective Center advisers as medium 8 I '2on^o(ofs History 3' should go to the Undergraduate Adviser 306A advisers before enrollment and registration Graduate students should see their * ma|ors planning to take Ed 200 327 or 327J History adviser to make sure they ore correctly coded for Social Science Early enrollment for Fall will be May 30 June 2 FALL TERM JMC course descriptions for Fall Term will be available "t education Graduates and Undergraduates 141 Baker Hall 355 6678 May 19th in the College office of the Advising Center 119 Snyder Hall JMC students may drop off their early enrollment forms in mQ|ors (except Pre * law) should go to the Under Anthropology Ann Ferguson Undergraduate Adviser 346 Bakoi the College office 139 Snyder Hall or at any other official iocat.on '«of the COLLEGE OF HUMAN MEDICINE College of Arts and Letters. 207 Linton Hall Hall 355 7490 Office Hours are posted in main office and by men's a'1' not necessary appointment All Justin Morrill courses m College are open to non JMC students Medical Students Will be notified when to see their advisers and space available basis Early enrollment priority will be given to T,hp ^°W malors should check their adviser s office Geography Adviser hours area available outside of 315 Natural register, • by the Office of Student Affairs on a JMC students All students should sign up for JMC courses dunng H,s,ory or Philosophy Department Science * Moior s early enrollment For further information on courses or the college should go first to the Medical Technology Students All students must see an academic Undergraduate Advising Mulfidisciplinary Program Adviser hours posted 14) Bakoi program call 355 5082 |V 105or 155 Music Building Hall 355 6678 are in adviser prior to enrolling for Fall term Call 353 7800 for an appoint ment All Sophomores must apply for admission to the Junior CHANGE OF MAJOR i»rs t" *"'QSMt0' Languages majors ore urged to see their Political Science • LeeAnn Matthews. 306 S. Kedzie 353 7225 and sequence of courses. Applications may be obtained m the Medical P!Jw;,p-Q(ademic progrcms for 1978 79 Check in Room Kathy Bryant 348 S Kedzie. 355 2167. Technology Office. 100 Giltner Hall and must be returned by June J0i^,e Ql°'s 4 Hq" ,0 ascertain name of adviser and office hours Psychology Mary Donoghue. 7 Olds Hall 353 7271 30. No change of major will be admitted to the Junior sequence of Freshmen and fewer credits initiate Sophomores University College students with 84 or go directly to Academic Advisers courses after the 5th day of Winter term 1979 changes of major preference m the appropn Sociology Adviser hours ore available in 201 Berkey ate University College Academic Student Affairs Office South Campus Residents S33 Wonders Hall Criminal Justice Dennis Banas 502 Baker Hall, 355 4679 ,li« OF EDUCATION • Brody Residents 109 Brody Hall COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Social Work Freshmen and Sophomores see Solly Parks in 220 East Campus Residents 229 E Akers Hall re Bass1 rpUdv " ^ySlC0' Education should consult with advisers in the Baker Graham Hall in during posted hours Juniors ond Seniors see Jean 234 Baker Hall during posted hours PREVETERINARY North Campus and Off Campus Residents including Shaw Hall 170 Bessey Hall ,cement Center, 304 Jenison. for assistance in selecting ichigan! r^i6fra°" HiomB"t>rm oo 12 00and ®P°n °'bce bours will be held between I 00 5 00p.m Landscape Architecture See adviser dunng office houis avoilohle in 101 UP & LA Building. New students see Professor Hazlatt FAtt TERM Come to At.16 East Fi-x- Hall 10 plan Fall anrollmenl Juniots and Seniors A student wishing to change his her major in according to the following schedule one degree college to a moior in another degree college must Urban Plonning adviser hours are available in 101 UP 8 LA A E Mon. May 22 - initiate the change in the office of the assistant dean of the college I0,,onn chT'ij9 should" consult 'n Industrial Arts, Recreation or Special Building F - K Tues ., May 23 m which he she is registered If the change is appioved it becomes with their respective academic advisers r«gthe some ti L P Wed May 24 effective at the beginning of the next term are periods as indicated above. LYMAN BRIGGS COLLEGE Q T Thurs May 25 , U Z Fri May 26 The student must meet the requirements for graduation given in the r^dne"!!^ Q!lSl9ned,0 fhe Advisement Center in 134 Enckson 1 During the period of May 22 26 oil Lyman Bnggs students ore catalog current at the time the change is effective Thirty credits COr>sult ass's,anc® selecting courses for Fall Term 1978, asked to make an appointment to see their academic advisei to NOTE Students who will be JUNIORS Foil leim should initiate a must be completed while enrolled in the major in the college in «Wl|l j*'"1 ,heir advisers between May 22 26 Open office Maior change priot to Mov 22 so as lo receive advising foi which the degree is to be eorned Residence college students "9'his Period ''cm 9 00 nk.. held - 12:00 a.m. and 1:00 5 00 p.m. plan a foil ferm schedule. Early enrollment for fall will begin May Fall enrollment Irom the Academic Advise, ,« the,, new Mo|Ot James Madison Justin Morrill Lyman Briggsl must initiate changes 30 Students are encouraged to bring their schedule book then of major in the student affairs or deans office of their respective Program Plonning Hondbook and o tentotive program when they VETERINARY colleges to the appointment °5'U0le stud en'S s^0u'd contoct their respective advisers Any come own □ton [^kfuroi" P,,, w^° '* m need of assistance with problems of a regarding academic advisement should be directed to Students ,n the professional piogiom will he em oiled bv the Dean s Counseling Facilities of the Counseling Center are avoilable to '""Alio admin,s'ra'ive "s ,3< trickson nature should contact the Office of 2. Questions Office. assist students considering a change of maior or major preference Hall, should coll 353 9680 the Bnqgs Office (F 30 Holmes Hall) 7215 or 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Thursday May OUTSIDE ADMINISTRATION MILDiM. BOARSHEAO THEATER Gift .'bronze Spartan 'S' presents Milon Stiffs Midnight Shows Fri. A Sat. A bronze Spartan "S" will be placed in front of THE RUNNER STUMBLES proposed a contribution in the class's name to the the Administration Building in July as the gift of CABK foundation. through May 21 the 1978 senior class to the University. Senior Glass Council member Mike Connors said plans have been finalized to have the bronze block placed in the sidewalk in front of the If the council receives to purchase and install the more money will go to ('ABU, Connors said. To help raise money for the money than needed gift, the remaining gift, the council is A priest on A trial for killing a nun. mystery that raises pertinent contemporary issues A Michigan murder Special Play and A Special Event WOPEAS" Nevf I Beloie Shown Censored Scenes building. sponsoring a contest which involves guessing the Fiom Movies ft Is/ The gift, which will cost about SL'.L'OO, will be y„„ II Nl VIB Seeon 1.1,,,J!,3 ' V weight of the IS Senior Class Council members. MIAN AND BURKAUCRACY • financed through donations from graduating • carson lit "(IS KAMI n»» • StAM THJK Students may enter the contest by bringing $1 A special •WC til UK seniors, Connors explained. The price of the gift is symposium to discuss the play, to be held iW-U. • SAMS* V DAVIS JM • JAMIS ARMSS Defy MICK | is and their names, addresses and May 20, at 9 00 a m m Cooley Law School. The • • DON ADAMS $1,600 and it will cost about $600 to install, he phone numbers, 11VI Mf • HI11 SKI t TON • WIlllAMCONMAD said. along with their guesses, to the MSI* Alumni symposium will be headed by Dr Karl Thompson, • • ' HI Ml Atl ts V.At.ON ' MAIN • JACK RINNV • I V Nl ws office in t he Union. Knt ries should be addressed to dick van [)> k | Council members have raised nearly $1,000 so chairman of the M.S.U Department of Humanities, • • J A MI S I.AMNI M • BOH H ION | : i if. far and will accept donations through the end of Spartan "S." Box 551. MSU, Cast Lansing. Mich., and Milan Stilt, the 4882-1. playwi ight the week, Connors said. Seniors may make donations when paying for their caps and gowns Special "Bring a Friend Night* Thursday and Sunday. Buy on* Riu»- "THE 3 STOOGES" o«4 MOREI Senior Class Council members ticket, get the second one free SI PAH AT t ADMISSION selected ST MonF' ":Oo.,;i| „ are ■ , QQ. by adding an extra dollar for the gift, he added. annually from nominations. The council sponsors The decision to purchase the bronze "S came Center for the Arts 484-7805 Sot-Sun. 2:30.4-1 activities for seniors, including Career Night and after an election early this term when seniors voted on their choice for a gift for I he I Diversity. awards for outstanding graduates. The council 425 S. Grand Ave. 372-4636 6:50,;.] also held its annual Senior's Night celebration at The "S" received the most votes, followed by a Uooley's Wednesday evening. AUDIO FRETTER INVITES YOU TO J0|t IN THE CELEBRATION THIS Exciting WEEKEND! new coal Our 30 Day taste! Price Guarantee Assure NOW! 12 of the Most YOU A Better Deal Complete Hifi & Car Stereo Showrooms in the state! We pride ourselves on ottering a wide selection from which you can choose And now with the opening of our 12th Audio Ihe diKpf Showroom you II see more COOL name brand Hiti & Car Stereo components than ever betore Grand Opening moth wHk J,! 1 PEPPERM1 Specials At All 12 Locations! All 12 Audio Fretter locations are loaded with special buys Short On Cash Use Your Good Credi SCHNAP A14J10 F retter accepts both VIS Check below for the limited and Mastercharge We canal time specials indicated then stop by any Audio Fretter location and save money Our Lan"1"® Audio Frett«o Showroom A Experience TDK SA C-90 Cassettes Ce*«bra TW»W«*ken ji Lively Brisk Man-, people consider TDK SA cassettes to be the best cassettes 681EEE Cartridge Flavor... A very inexpensive w.iv fe money can buy' Th>s weekend your money 4085 improve the sound of any mm, AlO OF system This State of trie CAM 1 buys settes more SA dunng our Grand cas 10 Art carlndge tracks ', 1' .- grams and ut*?es <1 groove $47 straight or Opening Celebration p|PPERMlNT cleaning brush ::kdss the rocks SCHNAPPS O on Headphones wl Volume Controls! Listen to your 'a,onto muse in your own pn.ate way' These phnnes '"produce tfw> 10060 Receiver This popular AM FM stereo receiver enfee museal Sfieofnjm Vol¬ is 'ated at 40 wafts channel from ume controls let you adiust ttv? sound level without 20 20Kh/ with no more than 0 4' leaving THD dual turxng meters and wood MERIDIANWEST MERIDIAN EAST " I™ | CLASSIC FILMS m 9:20 |(1 J\ SYLVESTER STALLONE MALCOLM X his own story LZ TODAY & FIRDAY... KA fist on the screen . . . ICHIGAN T-v... (,,« OPEN At 6:45 PM 7jlS-9:15PM S 44 ■ IS * x" 4 30 4 14 See The Movie 1 Twllite S IS S 4S '1 ' as it really happened That Helped Make Benp twilite 4 00 4 30 M - a Worldwide Phenomenon! g #Rk WAlTIt GlINOA based on his ^JndWee JACKSON best-selling autobiography x / "House # Calls" 4 00 1 30 6 00 1 00 Le Bean Bags T wilite 4 10 A 00 '1 • ...the movie comeny * k Twilite 4 30 4 00 '1 ' MEL BROOKS |Fun Sitting «t you tt the ip««d of lotmd Jfi f t'wk HIGH TONIGHT 4 FRI. , i|9,9S Assorted IM ANXIETY OPEN At 6:45 PM Colors Fm. A Ptychn-Cnmedy SHOWS At 7:00-9:00 PM lMeg'24.95 4 00 1 14 4 14 1 10 twilite 4 J0 4 0C M gntng Refills Available Twilite 4:44-4 14 '1 " t ■ \ y t Will PASS JNUAV Saturday Night Fever ll m 4 44 6 00 ^ rek'rYry \*opfe*h4l not pass ,ma\ Pillow Talk L. t 00 1 30 Twllite 4 30-4 00 '1 1 R CO m j . Furniture VJ I tail-West Moll, Frondor Moll 351-1767 tonite thru Saturday RHA loaded with rare footage which took5years to assemble t^sriaaia NARRATED BY JAMES EARL JONES ,ORSON WELLES HAL LINDSEY. Bryan Lee and the Mel Brooks Double Feature ML'SIC BY BILLIE HOLIDAY & DIKE ELLINGTON .. I Street Shuffle Band A UK II LIA Ml. V II IS STHI CTF.D DOCl 'SIESTA RY ST A SI is ,-t.s A VITAL RECORD OF .4 V4.Y OF OUR TISIF IT Today Open 7:00 P.M. Feature At 7:20-9:25 Bar Special Vodka night ^ "MEL BROOKS' 4 X I SI VESSEL Y PO WEREIX « 4 DM IRA BL Y RESPUS It I'lTU' l:l>T Vff Pkl> COMK MASTERPIECE" SI RLE DOCUMESTARY EXTRAORDISARY FOOT Restaurant Special |iH|l|« % Mollis Alport SA tllNOA V Hf AOF 1. 4 TIMFS B8Q Chicken, fries, Salad Bar ettei accepts both VIS tercharge Wecanji All you can eat 'J." "QYil rouHc thl rs sen. 8:00 union parlors STIDENTS. FACULTY. STAFF 8:00 & 10:00 111 olds WELCOME, ID'S MAY BE CHECKED. ass up our many Grar !izai°d^ ^ndepgpound Q^jjy gj.25 specials this *«ten ?i Restaurant Thurs. Wilson: Complete Shows at 6:45 and 10:00 AKIRA Kl RASAWA S coming friday mJ,' t.< L.t U I-s MAI.1.1. >l IS H U.I.I s g R ASHOMON 0 f PORNO TONIGHT I MONUMENTAL ACHIEVEMENT ON THE HARD llth International Teurnee DAVID NIVE.N COMING SATURDAY -X off Animation 1'Ri.m it-vm ia n.vn E CIRCUIT. EXPOSE ME. LOVELY' is porno of a DEBORAH KERR SEPARATE TAHLES . h iu ^ n.xrr ^ .. h h i t n.\ n r order, it suggests what forms such films I toko in the future." Frank Segers Variety ACTION AUTOMOTIVE MAND NAM! AUTO FAITS, DISCOUNT MKU, AND BAITS HOIll WHO KNOW BAITS "Make it easy on yourself" ACTION COUPON ACTION COUPON 111 MAY FOR QUICKER STARTS FILTER SPECIAL '■i'jni > NE, LOVELY It takf.s a hard cop,. limited time otter IN ALL WEATHER to so! /e a hard case! w Ouc to the shocking »t dmii « ADULT* of thuunusuiHilm. no one I will be idmittfd dunng th • I OIL. I Special May Price *1.79 (to fit most cars).. PORNO TONIGHT ijSMOfmnutrs^ I ^>i:i.ieavi) ieiTnmtrn 1 [%) 1M color | LESS LEE MAIL IN I CASH REBATE Ml 10W40^^—^ t°Jgj Z* OIL J CONRAD 7:30 » 9:30 Issyi I ONLY M fwtimes: 7:30. 9:00, 10:30 , "ploce: 104 B WELLS •fission: students '2.", staff '3.10 ^ Students, Facultyand Staff welcome. otter tebate LEI $1 CASH REBATE limited Time otter I Vanoline ■•"'•"Oinment ^ ID's required to enter films. HOW'O StNP FOR »OuR CASH SIBA'f 'HE ILL tUMlNATORS « »'om bosk ol I XLD 1 Cut out service of the Beal Film Co op Students faculty lit Oil ftHER pat *oge o-td se"d along w'htoth I —g^glcome in 4 checked *************** **** leqis'et 'ope 'ha' shows you puKhased o OIL FILTER ond the puce you pa d lEE | . 2 Mo'l proots ol putchose and ,h s toupen plus I vou' NAME ADDRLSS CITY S'ATI o"d C'P »o III FILTER REBATE PO Bo. "it* Cleveland I | Extra Long Distance fBRAMS PLANETARIUM PRESENTS Ohio 441 I 7 3 This «oupo" good lor one >eho'e o-i. TWO REBATES ONLY PER f AMU Y { piues 4 5 ReEtotes will be honored w 'h vo%! musifest A WEEKEND OF LIVE MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT - MAY 19-21 Yhb ■■ II69.' Per case A ACTION COUFON % Saturday sunday pir»day ■ Deluxe Oil Spout or Oil H Huffy Filter Wrench U I Mark IV Macho-Ramp s.ooots. o.v.w. Handy to Have j^iniinnn™ . Plastic ■ Car Ramps Mechanics Creeper 1 Oil Drain B FEATURING MICHIGAN'S I Pan »|."f 161-444 ■ NOW ONLY . $7.*5 hdi'"ittonc, I, lot Midnight FAVORITE % mmwr BlUEGRASS ACTION AUTOMOTIVE MUSICIANS *1'"Piece Improvltotlonal 1121 S CadarSt IMS N Onnl AKW p^.. j.'l mth visual 9,0«Pln concert nrXT;« creations by 300 North St Ph "626-6796 1 C0$MIC RADIANCE gmwflc© Ph 411 SIM I let WApWNNi'h" m uuiN n concert with the pleneto.tums cotmlc llgMUtow tSs?TS 0N SALE AT SOUNDS SDIVERSION, WHEREHOUSE RECORDS, AND MSU^UNION^ FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 355-4672^ Open 7 days... Nights and Sundays H S w 1 2 Michigon Stote News, Eosf tonsing, Michigan Thursdi ^ M°y is. „78 1 :,1 *■ Aatomotive |j»' | EaployiMt ]|J| [ Eapigyeem it Eeplojeest jj Employment [ Empleymeat |(i|j Apirtacus y I ChnsIM Advertising VW CAMPER 1970. new SUMMER JOBS, cooks, kit ENERGETICSAl(S PERSON FSL IE ACHING assistant, IMMEDIATE AND SUMMER ASSISTANT HEAD NURSE lafomation engine, under warranty, FM 8 track CB. $1400. 351 1063 chen helpers, waitresses, bar to set up accounts on new part time, summer Call 351 OPENINGS AVAILABLE REGISTERED NURSE ROOMMATE FOB,/ tenders, piano players, guitar automotive product Good 3816 8 6 18 131 Warehousemen SPARROW HOSPITAL has 2 1'shed Pool o M PHONE 335-1255 347 Student Services Bldg Z 3 5-19131 players. Housing available Send resume, work expert unit commission 0593 between 6 p m 1 p m Call 351 COOK, I ONG'S of Lansing is Secretaries immediate openings for an 8K6 20 5 31 "P *" Skilled Trades A H.N ence, recent photo and first 8 5 19<6) Medical-cardiac I xa,t, i |j f _ currently taking applications Landscaping teaching and oncology unit, IATES WMTCyCKS olo and last day available to for broiler saute and banquet General Office surgical E E N T and urology 1 work We'll interview on WANTED BABYSllHR to cooks Apply in person 6810 If you have any of these skills , DATS doy ■ tO* per line unit. Excellent opportunity liee* 1 ) * • 3 dayi • 10* per line 125 HONDA 1972 with hel met, $300 882 9961 after 4 campus EL STEVENS. P.O. Box 366, RANCHO care for 2 year old and do light housekeeping Week S Cedar 8 5 24(7) we can FEES. keep GOOD you PAY busy. NO Apply for of one an R.N. with a minimum Apartments , ) 178 Mi ft* DM UN UN 22 48 5 doy< • 75* per line p.m. 8 5 18 (31 Gaylord, Michigan 49735 days only, 8 a m 5:30 p nv AVDN START saving now before 3 p.m. at MAN staff year's experience as a nurse Charge I S 4 It* 4.It IMt 22 18 28 N I days - 70* per line SUZUKI 1973. GT 380 3 517 732 5090 4 5 19 (4) Near MSU Call 353 4364 for the vacation of your POWER INC . 105 E Wash experience desirable nurse Excel lor9e7b«dfooJ 6 148 1448 27.N 33.68 Line rote per cylinder road bike. $395 321 weekdays or 361 8082 even dreams Call 482 6893 tenaw. downtown Lansing. lent fring benefits with a 'u'n.ihed I insertion HARDWORKING RESPON ings and weekends 8 6 19(7) C 55 1913) Special summe, 7 *» UN )1S8 38 28 7929 8 5 26 131 SIBLE individual needed for 20 5 31(13) salary range of $13,436 roJ CABIN COUNSELORS $15,121, plus shift and week 2 bedroom units permanent full time night bus DENTAL ASSISTANT east and NOW HIRING for summer YAMAHA 350 RD, 1975 end differential If interested '| boy position (5:15 p m. 11 30 side of Lansing 4 handed program staff needed for Econolines • 3 lines '4 00 5 davs 80' per line over Excellent condition, very low p m I Great pay and benefits. camp with unique children employment Bouncers, in learning more about these No"lwiin|t,r | dentistry Experience pre 3 lines. No od|ustment in role when conceited mileage. $550 351 0379 Call Mr Solomon, 372 4300 ferred Salary open Call 485 Call collect 313 663 0651 8 waiters, tenders waitresses, and bar Full or part time positions please contact Lois loll oi low qi (J Price of item(s) must be stated in od Maximum Z 8 5 23 13) L. Lyons, R.N. Personnel C°ll°(,»rlp« J after 4 30 pm JIM'S TIF 7123 11 6 2 15' a m 5pm Z 8 5 18 (5) Apply sale price in person SILVER Dept 487 9180 E W SPAR of l50 FANY PLACE jai-QOMl . HARLEY DAVIDSON 1974 downtown DOLLAR SALOON, 3411 Peenuts Personol eds 3 lines *2 25 per insertion WANTED COCKTAIL wait ROW HOSPITAL. 1215 East • Sportster. Many extras. 7.700 Lansing 5-5-22 (!?> DENTAL ASSISTANT chair East Michigan E O E 75* per line over 3 lines (prepayment) ress Full Et par? time, Mon side 4 handed Michigan. Lansing, Michigan miles. 676-1753 2 5 19 (3» dentistry 8 5 19(6) lummoge Go rage Sole ods • 4 lines l2 50 63' per line over 4 lines per insertion TV enced, TECHNICIAN minimum two Expert day Friday HUDDLE NORTH LOUNGE Applv in Person Good salary Benefits resume to Box D 4 $end 48909 affirmative A nondiscriminatory, action employer ' BEI3R00m '««. * wnneJ blocks from "J KAWASAKI 1975. KZ400 years WANTED BUSBOY. 8am work Salary and 309 N Washington Down 11 6? 14' 4 5 18(27) Available summer found Town ods • 4 lines '2 50 per insertion blue, excellent condition, company 2 pm, Monday Friday afia2 commission Acquainted town Lansing 8 5 23(6) Summer rentat Sly. 63' per line over 4 lines best offer must sell 675 Apply in person HUDDLE Fall Lost A Founds ods Transportation ods • 3 lines M 50 5393 8 5 30 (4» with wide range of equip COOK WANTED for frater NORTH LOUNGE. 309 North FREE RENT, bachelor apart ment Able to devote 2 hours $210 mot.|h utilities Call 349 lit,- ,nTj ment Call MPJ ELECTRON FIVE EVENINGS a month nity Experience preferred, „ J per insertion 50'per line over 3 lines Washington, Downtown a day for the care of races 1266 8 5 24.7. 1 ICS 337 9240 Z 7 6 25 (7) 5 11 p.m. sorting and stuffing references Call Dale, Don HONDA 750 1975-mint Lansing 8 5 23 (6) horses $1300. also 1977 for $1600 mailings, reply M R H A P 0 332 5048 Z 8 5 19 (41 Knowledge of driving farm tractor will pay extra for ACROSS FROM SALES RECEPTIONIST. 9 5 Box 30085 Lansing. 48909 RECEPTIONIST CASHIER D*odlin«s 482 4616 2 5 19 131 $2 65 to start Female pre 5 5 18(4) TELEPHONE SOLICITORS for busy insurance office janitorial duties H Hoffman, spacious able spring term apanmenj$ Jj Ads 2pm 1 class day before publication ferred Call MPJ ELECTRON part time J5 p.m 9 p.m Sal Must be able to type at least 5460 North Okemos Road RgdJ Cancellation Change 1pm 1 class day before ICS. 337 9240 Z 6 5 25 (4) DENTAL RECEPTIONIST ary plus bonus EAST LAWN 45 wpm and have some cash VAN ALSTINE PACKING 'ent or Call 351 8135 351 2044 0 22 5 35113 8 5 22 (101 31.5, publication Once od is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed tots Soviet / CB TECHNICIAN full or Must be personable good with figures accurate typist MEMORY GARDENS 349 9156 8 5 19 ( 5) lenng experience Salary commensurate with experi until after 1st insertion pan time DISCOUNT CB Full time South Lansing ence An Affirmative Action WAITRESSES WANTED, PART TIME bus boys There is a *1 00 charge for 1 ad change plus 50 per GOOD USED tires. 13-14 15 AND CAR STEREO STORE office Experience preferred Apply Employer Call M King 482 part time only PINE LAKE Pin* Loki inch Mounted free 321 8515 8 5 30 ( 41 but not required Please send at THE BACKSTAGE Men LOUNGE 339 1522 additional change for maximum of 3 changes Used 5566 for appointment The S*ote News will only be responsible for the 1st wheels and hub caps PEN resume Box B 2 State News dian Mall 5 5-23(3) 85 18 i11> 8 5 22 (3) Apor NEL SALES 1825 East Michi¬ FAR OUT Make money hav 8 5-23(10) day's incorrect insertion Adjustment cloims must BARTENDERS. WAIT FEMALE ESCORTS wanted NURSES RN LPN 6080 Marsh fid be mode within 10 doys of expiration dote gan Lansing Michigan ing parties' Think Tokerware or charge 48912 482 5818 C-22-5-3116) and smile, be the first in your RESIDENT MANAGER HESSES apply MAC s BAR $6 hour No training neces days or afternoon shift full Meridian Mall Ar»o Bills are due 7 doys from od expiration date If not couple for Haslett property between 4 6pm and circle of friends to have a Thursday sary Can 489 2278 part time Immediate poid by due dote o 50' 'o»e service charge will Tokerware party Now every¬ Duties include maintenance Saturday & Sunday Z 24 6 2(3' benefits with paid orienta •165 plus utility be due and leasing Work schedule 3-5-19«4i tion Call Mrs Milz 882 Attention one can get those hard "one bedroom uurtufi flexible Around most class EXPERIENCED WAITRESS 2453 Monday-Friday to aet and top of the line 'G E apphoncej "*T0 Paraphernalia items Call 482- es Phone 332 3900 days or PART TIME HANDY MAN ES and cocktail waitresses 8 5 22 (6) 'fully carpeted 339 3094 0 10 5 31 (81 20 hours week Abilities in apply m person between 2 Why have we become 4890 11 a m -8 p.m. for 'Air drapes Aatomotive Aatomotive Lonsmg s lorgest Fiat re details Z 5-5 24 (10! carpentry, carpeting, clean and 5 pm PERRY'S OLDE 'od|OCRnltoney,(0url> I BOOKKEEPER SECRE COZY INN 1146 S Washing pair shop over the past few TARY mg and miscellaneous For Root park AMC Immediate full-time mechanical areas 339 9500 ton, formerly the Grand Zook MATADOR wagon. JEEP FAIRWAY. years' Call us the next green, HOUSEKEEPER BABYSIT position with ALL-STATE C 3 5 19(5) 14 5 19 (3) 1974, many extras time your car needs repair very white top CJ 5 V-8 304 and you II know the ans TER for part time job on a MANAGEMENT, East Lans Today's best buys are in the 33MI01 good, $1,650 349-0943 excellent condition, body and WANT TO few Classified *-5-19 14! wer You'I be pleased with long term basis $2 50 hour. ing. Some experience helpful, SERVICE STATION atten¬ make a section. Find what engine Call 351 1796 after Tuesdays-Fridays, 2-5:30 un¬ will tram. Call 351 1310, Dick dant. Part time thousand dollars this summer you're looking for' 5 30 55-5-23 (4) our service til June 14 and RUSSELL'S ASPEN WAGON with all in fall 8 5 Olson or Rob Robinson UNION 76 2315 East Grand regardless of where you may during Call 355 0 10-5-31 (9) be7 For complete information ROOMMATE FOR 1 options, excellent condition $3150. 349-9336. 5-5-22 (3) j^p 1977 almost every option Heavy cj7 Renagade, vRiasm 4456 days, summer or 332 5297 after 6 River. Lansing Apply in per son 485 7884 4 5 22(6) send $10 to THE REAL Apartaeits V room apartment for fall ] rnin<~ rkvTark buick skylark "icwr 1966 duty everything Five 1200x15 'IMPORTS p m . weekends 2 5 19 (9> WOMAN COUNSELOR at least 21 for Northern Michi SUMMER RECREATION McCOY, 3216 Ronald Street, Lansing 48910 8 5 22 18) 4776 Z 3 5 18 «3> ,ad|a|s Mus, ^ Bes, oHe, 135 KEDZIE, 2 person, 1 Good engine doesn t burn gan wilderness camp 332 supervisors Must be resident female sublet 321 -6914 3 519 161 1204 Oakland 2991 6 5 23 (4) of Clinton bedroom furnished. Year oil. Needs tune-up, muffler. .. — ASSOCIATED RESEARCH County Education BUSINESS MANAGER for a room Woodmere Ap^ Coll for Appt. leases. June 15 or September battery $100 351 3539 MAVERICK 1973. 2 door. 302 INC TAXI or sport background desira small business employing ments Mary 5-7 pm. ! IV4-44I1 DRIVERS wanted 1, 1 summer lease available Z-1-5-19 (4) y 8 3 speed stick, steel ble For two months Call mentally handicapped peo¬ 1418 Z 3 5 18(3) Must have excellent driving Clean, well maintained, cater 321 4031 after 4pm ple PROJECT ENTERPRISE paDoi CAPRI 1973. iQ7o k ~7* 7 condi beautiful j belted radials 46 000 miles A R I . one of the most record VARSITY CAB 332 ing to the married, graduate campus hill 2 A , (IC/V1 cca ic-rc 6 5 18 (6' Contact Jan Phipps 393 tion. moving, must sell 351 „ -r, Askinq $1 500 669 3576 after JUNK CARS wanted. respected educational sales 3559 8 5 19(3' and serious student. 482 c « c 1Q Also 4442 8 5 18 (6) apartment for sublease 13 0718 after 5 p.m 3-5-18 141 6p 8 6 '8 '4 selling used parts. Phone companies in Michigan has PART TIME and summer 2937 882 2316 16 6 2 (91 month ♦ deposit Call f 321 3651 C 22 5 31(31 openings in Lansing office for BABYSITTER NEEDED, positions for MSU students. SEWING TEACHER, experi 1637 before 6 p.m., 7""" M.G MIDGET 1976 excel full time CHEVROLET MONZA 1976 summer employ starting June 5, 7:30 a.m. 15 20 hours week enced. 0568 after 6 0 m 8 5-24^ lent 13m mi(e$ ^ offer Auto part time Call 351 OWN BEDROOM 2 bed 2 + 2 Loaded V-8. automa FOREIGN CAR repair manu¬ ment with opportunities for 5 30 pm 353 8617. 349 4872 in Debbie. 355 6437 6 5 19(3) mobile required Phone 339 9020 10 30 a m l p m tic, power, air. and more als over 100 different titles at careers in sales and manage after 5 pm. 2-5-18 13) room apartment, available summer sublet - . ~ 3400 C 22 5 31(5) 8 5 18 13) CHEQUERED FLAG FOR ment We have June 10 Haslett 349 9604 room in 2 room apartm^ 21.000 miles. $3500 694 MG MtOGET, 1970 Good company- 5832 4-5-23 14) EIGN CAR PARTS 2605 East paid medical dental and life SUMMER CHILD Z35 18 (3) 332 4861 Z 3 5 19(3' condition $1095 351 1795 care for Kalamazoo Street 487-5055. Plus paid vacation and retire room and board Okemos Filled for Fall CHEVY VAN 1977 . 305 V-8 4f,£'_6 p m 8 5 30J3 One mile West of campus ment. Contact: Mr. Barker at 349 3449 after 6 p m CEDAR GREENS automatic 17,000 best offer MUSTANG C 13 5 31(8) 882-2609 Tuesday. May 23 2 519 (3) 506 Grove, 332-1763 1973, 2 door, SUMMIR ONLY 9:30 a.m 1:30 p m 85 18 14 hard top V8 automatic APARTMENTS COUGAR XR7 Convertible Power condition, $1800 new tires excellent 349 1369 STORAGE BOX fits back of standard groceries. $35. pickups for tools, 355-5852. 3 5-22 1171 FEMALE MASSEUSE want ed $8 hour. We will train 489 2278 Z 24 6 2<3> Across from Williams Hall Congratulations '71 Excellent condition, air, 8 5 25 '5 now leasing for loaded 353 1366-67 Z^X619131 MUSTANG radials 1974 AM FM. deluxe 2 -2 in S 5 5-23 ( 3) GAME ROOM Young ladies preferred Good pay. personnel benefits and pleasant - 2 badroom units various floor air conditioned plans summer S fall Graduating cutlass Brougham. 1977 350. air supreme >"8 2 4 522 14) 7vd~d .s'975 332 MASON BODY SHOP 812 E Kalamazoo since 1940 Auto working positions Excellent positions for students, full o * - furnished -carpeted •furnished apartments Nurses painting- collision service. and part time. Apply in per best location •swimming pool - in town conditioning, am fm, velour mqva 1972 2 door. V 8. American foreign cars 485- •air conditioning seals, tilt wheel, tinted glass, son only CINEMA X, 1000 as low radl0 sn0ws, 72,000 miles 0256 C 22 5 31(51 as •within vinyl top, steel belted radials, W Jolly Road 0 22 5 31(8) walking twin remote sport mirrors, $800 627 7734 after 6 pm 8-5-30 (3) MM per month distance to campus With graduation just around the cornel antenna, meticulous you have serveral significant decision! power care, spotless condition, OMEGA OLDS. 1976 Power [iployReit H Good Deals! UNIVMSITY to make. Most importantly, which hospl 34,000 miles $5850. Call 694 steering brakes, 3 speed, 1972 Toyota Celica New red Get in the TIMACI 3S1-8631 tal will provide the best start for 3771 evenings and 485 9229 days 8 5 26 H1I 25,600 miles 332 1280 8 5 30(31 MCDONALD'S RESTAU finish radial tires looks and swim at 414 Michigan youp RANT of Okemos (across drives great' from M795 331-S420 1135 Michigan Ave. Nursing Career? Meijers) is now taking 1975 VW Beetle driven only E. DATSUN 2402.1972. no rust, 0NE FIVE $100 $500 Trans applications for full and part- 18 000 miles '2595 Burcham Woods Call 3-6 p.m. Lansing not driven winters, excellent Specials FLUMER time employment for shifts Now leasing for Fall (next to Brody) Henry Ford Hospital Representatives wi| shape, $3100 355-3092 EL STAIR CHEVROLET beginning at 6:30 a.m. Appli¬ 1973 Porsche 914 Sunroof 8-5-19 (41 655 4343.0 4 5 19 141 new silver finish A I condi •Heated paol be recruiting May 19, in Room 113 c cants must be available •Air conditioning DON'T MIM SUMMIR AT through summer. Apply from tion *3595 *10' bus to campus the Student Services. Set up an appoinl DATSUN 510 1972 some 74 PINT0 4 sP«e<)- AM FM 8-10 1972 VW Super Beetle fltoycfetngfiam oHicef a.m. or 2-4 p.m. Mon¬ At 'Ample parking ment at the Placement Services rust, 56.000 miles 25 mpg 8 track stereo, excellent con day Friday 5 5-22 (10) tractive yellow finish radio radio. $900 351 8225 after 10 dl"°n 9'ea< mi|eage $1300 •Nicely furnished p.m 4 5 23 I4I R,ck 355 9003 Z 5 5 23 I4| outomatic transmission *5 Biks. to campus Henry Ford Hospital understands youj ARTIST ILLUSTRATOR HI. drives great' '1395 4620 South concern and provides: ~ PORSCHE 914, 1970 AM Now leasing lor Hagadorn Rd. (North ol Mt. Hop*) DODGE DART 1976. 4 door .... Q , „ . ' .. Design and layout of 40 page COOK HIRRIMAN Summer and Sell * Luxury apartments completely furnished with distinc monthly magzine, newspaper Custom, vinyl top, automatic, ' . . r, c VW VOLVO MAZDA /O Summer tive Spanish Mediterranean furniture and shag carpeting AM/FM 351 3636. 1 5 19 13) ' , shocks, rust proofed, , 's and stored ads, Summer brochures, position posters. begins 411$W.SAGINAW Qfi 2 bedroom throughout * Each unit has dishwasher ★ An outstanding 3 month indivil FIAT 128 1973.4 speed good w,n,ers. custom interior, mint June 1: minimum 36 hours/ S31-4900 I bedroom studios *li# air conditioning and heating garbage disposal central dualized In Service Orientation! shape, 35,000 miles 351 3938 condlt,on Phone 675 7190 week $3 66/hour. WKAR after 5 p.m 8 5 19 <3l Z 6^5 22 ( 7l RADIO Call 355 6540 Mi Th til 9 (dos-d Sot ) 745 Burcham * Swimming Pool and private balconies Tailored to your own needs-pac*! fiat 128SL 1975, 35 miles I°Y°TA 1974' ne" I?d,alS' 5 5 18(9) !—!■»—AW— A-MT 351-311* I8*60' 12 month SUMMIR RATH _ _ _ _ _ . . 12 month (call between 10-5 pm) 381-7166 AM FM cassette, $2300/best ★ Der after ciallnn 1 pm. Z 5 5 S 1 11T 7Y? fyfyTQ oRer 393 8622 Z 3 5-19.3, rate. rot#, Continuing Ed. programs 4 NOW LIASINO FORn FORD r7t72 27Q i~~Tr," 429 TRIUMPH TR3 1959, stored CAMPUS SNKK-BIANCHI every area of health care. LTD wagon. winters 41 goo miles. $2000. FOR f UMMIR A HILL SoffeTsS1310. 25-5-23131 °' Lan5'n9 393 6255 3 5 19 131 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE FALL *2 Bedrooms MO-PEDS ★ 100% Tuition Reimbursement 1969 Rebuilt engine $550 FORD GALAXIE 1972 Good 353 7931 4 5 19 131 'Furnished Apts. tires, AM radio, must sell $650. Call 355 6857. Z-2-5 18(31 VW. 1972 Looks and runs good Call Low mileage 'Free Roommate Service ★ Career 34 units. Mobility to any of ouj " 372 2613 after 6 p.m. 'Dishwashers FORD LTD Red Wagon, 4 5 19(3) Students 1974. Power steering, brakes. 'Central Air Conditioning shouldn't have Air, automatic, radials. 63,000 miles. Very clean. Excellent VW SQUAREBACK, wagon, an "Ace", no rust, super to live in drab 'Swimming Pool ★ Totally comprehensive salor] Don't b* d»«»rt»d! and fringe benefit and program buy at $2,000. Call 351 3823 evenings. S-16-5-31 (6) condition. $2200 371 1723 Z 5 5 19(3) little rooms. Treat yourself Check COUINGWOOD APIS I out 'Unlimited Parking 'Pleasant Landscaping Up 10 Discover e great much more... 150 m.p.g.1 new way to ride! HONDA CIVIC, 1973, low VW BU,S J?Q7L,Iake over this summer *olr conditioned mileage, good condition. All new wheels and tires, $1,450 to BEAUTIFUL *dlshwosher 'Special 12-month rates • Low-pollution 50cc Minarelli engine . •shag carpeting List '495 • Quality, tubular steel 351 3828 4-5 19 (4) VW SUPER FREE BUS Collect: Paul Crandell BEETLE, 6500 •unlimited parking " - frame construction Call 731 ~ " miles Rolls bodv $1800 363 •2 bedroom Safe easy to handle HONDA s425 • ACCORD 1976. 3176 2 5 19 (3) Loaded, low mileage. Metallic - — •modal open doily SERVICE • 6 month warranty (313) 876-1811 brown. 351 7333, 351 4960 VW, 1969. $150 or best offer. summer ' US Model Open 9-9 4-5-19 (3) Runs, needs some mechani- Teed of being broke' Get (as. "" W0,k 372 4443 3;5 19 (4) apartments 12 months •3TS Everyday VELOCIPEDE PEDDLER Henry fotii Hospital cash by selling things you no VW SUPER Beetle, good 731 Burchdin Drive call 351-8242 Leasing for 541 Grand River 2808 W. Grand Blvd. longer use with a fast-action (behind Rollerworld Summer 4 Fall Classified Ad. Call 355 8255 dependable 50 000 miles $1800. 393 2404 8-5 23 I3I 351 721? an the river) 351*7240 Located Below Paramount Detroit, Ml 48202 CALL 349-3530 News ^k^nn Sl0t» N»WS, Eoit Loniing, Michigan Thursday, May 18 1978 13 1^11*1 (Vj ApartRists l[V] [ Apartments Jf^j j Apartments i>"£ BEDROOM, L C B h|0Ck to MSU, air condi- FEMALE, OWN niahed, room, Twykingham Apart fur MALE NEEDED summer, MALE NEEDED Hoases jfijfcj [ Hoists ![£ Houses £ Houses £ sum own room, Treehouse North to share. SUMMER SUBLEASE TWO FEMALES to sublet or 349-3413. menu. 353 2300 or 353 4509 close location. 332 3365 $75/month. Woodmere Twyckingham. 2 bedrooms, SUMMER SUBLET, 3 bed ELSWORTH COOP sum new duplex on Albert Street. JUNE LEASE, partly fur 3 5-22 13) Apartments. Robin, Linda, room, furnished duplex, $330 rent negotiable. 351 7614 J&n® , Z 8 5 25 131 337 1418. Utilities paid after 3 p.m. Z-6 5 19(3) 353-0555. Z-3-5-19 W or negotiable. 337 0152 mer $145 double, single/term phone, utilities, $231 mshed. 5 bedroom house, $450 351 0765 after 6:30 p.m. NORWOOD, 1 bedroom, fur 3 5 19131 Z 3-5 18(3) L W" n ONE l«dr0om RR"1' SUMMER SUBLEASE, 1 LIVE TOGETHER coopera¬ laundry included. Near. 332 8 5 18 (51 in unsing, live nun- niahed, $100. Summer. Call bedroom apartment NOW LEASING for summer tively. Bower House Coop. 3574 Z 8 5 19(4) 1" ' ,mDUs. Both avail- 351-6647, 1-5 p.m Closo, 3rd PERSON needed, 12 bedroom 348 LARGE, SUMMER sublet, 5 6 BED furnished, $150/month 332' bal Oakhill, Summer/fall openings. 351 house, summer, fall **£%. inciud?:» and parking for 1 car. 0-1-618 (31 0363. Z 3-5 19 (31 cony, parking, classy borhood $86 66 351 9163 neigh across the street from park Low summer rates. Only 5 4490 Z 3-5 18 (4) bedroom. 4 blocks Union, pets, parking. $350/month ♦' ROOM IN house. East side $70 4 utilities. Deposit re option, close. 355-3545. S 5 5 19(3) Wp nti $195 Ideal for SUMMER SUBLEASE Twy 1,2, 3 females to Z 3 5 19131 left. Call 351 4107 GOING FASTI 2-6 bedroom deposit 332 6565. quired 485 3916 8 5 25 (3» fcs,^ 482 9226. ckingham, pool, balcony, air, rant negotiable 351 1261 or summer. sublease, Rent negotiable FALL SPRING '79. male, OR 16 5-31 (6) homes for fall. Call EQUITY Z 6 5 18 (4) SABBATICAL HOME. 3 LANSING. EAST side Avail¬ able June 15 2 bedroom |fS,H <81 Z 3 5 22 131 Call 332 2267 Z 6-5 24 13) next to campus. Cedar Vil 3 BEDROOM furnished for 6 VEST 351 1500 0 3 5 18 (3) LARGE FULLY furnished bedroom, furnished, fire house, $210'month including lege, balcony, Steve 337 men. One block to campus SUMMER OWN bedroom in town house, place, yard. 4 minutes MSU all utilities 1 year lease. Call room, quiet WOODMERE APARTMENT UNIVERSITY VILLA 0472 S 3 5 22 13) Slick, 12 month lease. Start close to campus. 646 Abbott Grad students couples pre 669 5513 0-8 5-24(6) Iyes IB.-1"1 Lhi«p'"<,par,m*n , lor rent, 2 bedroom fur¬ nished. 332 1966 SUMMER ft FALL 3 BEDROOM. furnished June. 332 3900 or evenings and weekends 332 0978 farmhouse, furnished, 676 5822, 676 5287 Z 2 5-19 13) male Road 351 8255. Z 10-5-24 /di ferred June January. 487 6797 (work). 882 5731. EAST SIDE, 201 South Mag¬ Z 2-519 (31 apanment in house To sub 0 14-5-31 HASLETT, FEMALE to share X 5-5-22 (61 nolia, 4 bedroom, $250. Avail¬ A„d Bolconlai, loo. LEASING let tor summer/option tor fall. (7)_ _ 5 BEDROOM house for country home 15 minutes to able August sum¬ 1st. 351 0997 EAST SIDE MALES NEEDED, 1 or 351-2044 1 block from campus No EAST LANSING FALL, 1 MSU. Horses welcome. 339 near MSU 4 5 5 19(4) Ufert*"1**" close to campus, summer 2, utilities $226 351 0907 after bedroom furnished, air, utili mer tvt T DOUBLE *44.95 a"' * An tttoriai (tire* ^Iwbot tie )/< 'FRONT END WORK ADDRESS "»od Sopor trig j Storo^o OWN ROOM, summer sublet IAIIIOH COiUMtlA 30% MOTOHCANI FUCH • Odd sitae to order CITY ZIP CODE fall option $60 month, near STUDENT DISCOUNT _ t I# >mdi Ot tiMMAIi 1 MSU Stephen 484-8830. (•# ••••tnMtd « dwelt#*! o 2 5 19 3' ON ALL WORK DAY PHONE 1972 IMwW lr. Phone 349-0430 u. ifMi an^e«.^io..eh«|l WITH I.D. FEMALES WANTED room «l«l I l.n. 04 IW I 405 ChorrY t Kalamatoo 4663 Ardmore 717 S. PENNSYLVANIA m duplex Pr.vacv, spacious, Phono 417 - 4995 Okemos, Michigan 48864 INSTRUCTIONS $75 month. 332-1164 after 5 p m Mary. 5 5-24 .4) 1. The first 2 words ore capitalized. STUDENT FURNITURE PHOTOGRAPHY REAL ESTATE 2. Extra words capitalized 25 each. SUMMER SUBLET - own 3. Insert punctuation as you want it. Roildontiol 25 characters room in house-rent nego¬ 4. including punctuation ft space tiable call after 5 p.m 351- I Commercial 5194 Z 5 5 23(3) PRINT ADHERE □ Nit. OWN ROOM. female, l.illt'S summer, near campus, fur¬ nished, parking. 332 0400. Z 2 5-18 (3) Instant Color and Black pillow talk and While: BEAUTIFUL HOME, pets OK, has low cost student furnishings E 351-3617 utilities paid, washer and largo bean bags, soft and sen¬ dryer. Call 371 1081 sual pillow furniture, large TV 2forD.50 The Red Estate Place \Z 4 5 19(3) '•'M- Mich. Ave.. Laming floor sitter pillows. RpxMtS 5000 s hocp.*Tn east Cnsrg PERSON NEEDED to sublet 351-1747 -WL1517] 48Q. ?*na 220 Albert St. 332-3026 own room in bomb house near campus. 351 3896. CARPETCARE SERVICE Z 5 5 23'31 ZOOM IN ON THE YELLOW PAGES SUMMER 1 bedroom in a DIVORCE BUSINESS ARE THE PLACE TO 2 bedroom house for rent. Call 337 0640 after 6 p.m. Z 3 5 19(3' DO YOUR OWN ^extractions K to UlRE> CO OP openings for \TC^ 4 'rsidentiol ond commercial Approximately *73,°* Bk B| admtisa wnkly nil DEADLINE: WED., MAY 31, 5 p.m. summer ities campus, it fall Includes util b laundry Close to reasonable rates. CALL 332 5095 or stop by Wo will help you ®'r»e estimate! dettonstrotion* and CALL MR. CLARK 1 Bring or mail to: 505 MAC Z 5 5 19(6) 3 BEDROOMS Available in CALL JENNIFER AT State News Classified Dept. D9.14T0 !' 35HB55 3 Lines for 2 -"3»5M8far J»flna Cleowlm, * 3554155 Each Additional Line 67' 347 Student Services Bldg. large house tor summer. blocks from campus. CALL East Lansing, Ml 48823 484 8532 after 6 p.m. Z4 5 18(4) PREPAYMENT REQUIRED house has become It your List your business. Call Jennifer 355m8255 overrun with pets, you need a fast acting Classified ad! 14 Michigan State News, East Lonsing, Michigan Thursday Moy , 1978 [_ Roans •For Sile ^ [ For Sale "][$] Mobile Hues ;W, [list * Fi«W]k\ |W"l Sir,lclftl] [". WmIII ~](S toroY 2 WOMEN. Beautiful house. KARMAN GHIA '71. 46,000 BLACK DIRT, sod farm soil VINDALE 2 bedroom, excel- Own room. 1 block campus. LOST DOG, Lab mix, female, UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS QUIET, NON-smoking female miles, engine very good, Approximately 5vj yards de lent. 373-6410 ex. 47 Dean, black and tan. Busky eye COMPLETE DISSERTATION needs place to live fall term Announcement, lot lt'« What s Rent negotiable. 351-3529. body good. $975. 355 5763 or livered locally $40. 641 6024 625 7402 evenings. 8-5-25 (3) Happening mum be received in the S 5 5 19(3) brows. No collar. Lost May AND RESUME SERVICE. only. 351 2643 482-7885 evenings. or 372 4080. 0 20 5 31(4) 7 75 19(3) State News oflice. 343 10th near Frandor area (Ken Type setting. IBM typing, Student 2 PERSONS, 2 rooms, fall Z-5-5-24 (4) IT IS the policy of the State SQUIRE 10x35. condition. Furnished, 1 mile Excellent sington Road). 351 8291 337-0996. 4-5-19 (7) or offset printing and binding Eor estimate stop in at 2843 You've got our number , . . Services Bldg., by noon at two class days belore publication least hOAXS^''1 option, responsible. Open COUCH. BROWN fabric, News that the last 4 weeks of MSU $2800. 337 7739. East Grand River or but we don't want you to No announcements will phone, be accept June 1, negotiable. 332-0942. good condition, 82" long, term all Student Classified 7 5 26(3) forget! Call 355 8255 to place ed by phone. Spartan mh LOST LADIES Gold Wittnav 332 8414. C 22-5-31(71 , Z-10-5-26(3) $45. 332 3363 after 5 Advertising must be paid for low-cost Classi unMFTT~ V " er watch. Reward 355 7230 " T~ your E-5-5-24 (3) in advance beginning Mav HOMETTE, 1972, 12x60, two 2-4-5-19(3) rvDCDT EXPERT TVPIKir TYPING Term fied ad! Christian Science Organization SUMMER SUBLET. Sunny room in house. Ideal location. Furnished, parking/storage. FINE LEATHERWARE 4th 2pm S 19 5-31 (7) INSTANT CASH We're pay bedroom, skirted, shed, fngerator, after 5 p.m. range 6 5-24 (4) 489 6739 re- lqST - SMALL black male ... papers, letters. Near Gables 337 0205 RESUMES. WANTED APARTMENT for summer sublet, female grad meets at 6:30 tonight in 337A Hall Case sr--^3 Featuring Freye and Cob Scottie in East Lansing Con C 22 5 31(3) AIKIDO meets at 8 30 332 4649 Z 4-5 19 14) biers Classic purses, billfolds, ,ng $1 $2 for albums in good ~ " - ~ tact 351 0685 Reward prefers to share 485-0774 tonight and Tuesday and 1 turquoise and contemporary shape WAZOO RECORDS. GEORGETOWN 1973, 12x65, 2.3.^9,4, COPYGRAPH SERVICE after 5:30 p.m. Z 4-5-19 (4) p.m. Sunday, iMthast """*4 3 bedrooms, utility room. Judo Room, Men's IM 223 Abbott, 337 0947 Bldg. Rl'n.Wx,,„i„,|™]9 1,111 J I T<3> jewelry. CARLOU'S CLASS Complete dissertation and _ For Sale IC EMPORIUM, 1600 Lake C 22 5 31(4) $6,700 30 minutes MSU. 676 5204 8 5 25 ( 3) LOST BLUE Linde Star, resume service. Corner MAC Rake in the extra money you make by selling no Have a question? Call TAP, The Lansing Road 484 6112. gj^er band, on 5 9 Reward and Grand River 8 30 a m tan Answer Place. 100 USED vacuum cleaners. WE PAY up to $2 for LP s b Last off., 4 5-23 (9) longer needed items with a cassettes also buying 45 s Margaret 355 8856 5 30 p m Monday Friday. 10 NREE, Interp, Field Natural 'nr fcntK Tanks, cannisters. and up¬ S 5-5 23 (3) a m & Pm Saturday. 337 low cost, fast acting Classi Natural 0 IPr rights. Guaranteed on full songbooks, magazines. FLAT RUfRfM^B 53'6 - — 1666 X C 22 5 31 (6) bed Ad Phone 355 8255 History majors: Come to the Old »"vC"U„u a. 7 j year. $7.88 and up. DENNIS BLACK b CIRCULAR up Fashioned Form Fest tomorrow Natural S, Now's the time to dean out Quality Used Equipment We'd love to help you word See Interpretation bulletin 6 comfortable * * Summer Q„. Hi Fi Buys 337-1767 Advertising must be paid for Computer Center; also bar night »1 NEW, USED and vintage adds charm ana warmth to APARTMENT MOVING sale cvdcdicmrcn idm , HM, guitars, banjos and mando¬ nori 0'o»d any room1 355 6699 Must sell furniture, plants, jn advance beqinnmq May EXPERIENCED IBM typing Garage cluttered? Sell those lins, etc Dulcimers and kits, Eip.retS )l 71 S 5 5 18(31 4th 2 pm S 19 5 31(71 Dissertations, (pica elite) extra bicycles fast with a Women in Contemporary Art p„. , misi'eli.tneous CALL 351 FAVANN, 489 0358 films at 3 today; lecture at 7 recorders, string, accessories, 4'26 2 5 18»4t . C 22 5 31131 quick action Classified ad' p.m. all in Kresge Art Gallery 30 Voluntas v'h books, thousands of hard-to- CARPET 10*12 gold beige C(an v find albums, (all at very low WEDDING FLOWERS Kul EStitC I© - low 33 7 0,69 SUfTlflll ' UHj-x 2 30 prices). Private and group lessons on guitar, banjo, cost, top quality, full service 623 6545. Z 8-5 26(3) 5 5 22,3 GARAGE .ed.e ohes, SALE flamingo tapes enuque OPEN HOUSE Sunday 2 PROFESSIONAL """"'""ectrons to te wnte EDITING. Round Town £ Management majors Academic internship available at one of Servici N |ngL' 9h' "v "ld iamp me" 5 and P fd -6 p.m by owner Beau Lansing's biggest banks Apply I mandolin, all styles. Gift cer tificates. Expert repairs-free SPRING-SUMMER Wed¬ BICYCLE and tubes 2' $20 Schwmn 23 needs tires women s clothes, infant s tiful. 4 bedrooms, with separ 3R3l"9 WILLOWPOND STABLES now! Contact Dave Persell. Col 1 For tile <~lofhes toys, and accessor lege of Urban Development 3 00 estimates ELDERLY IN¬ ding? Wedding dress Et Pic needs tires $25 Double cast ate dining room family room, _ Spring open hunt show STRUMENTS 541 East ture hat. Best offer. 351-3035 iron Sink' with dramtyoatds ,,,s ln,anl &c,hl'd 5ea,'( breakfast nook, finished cat Mason, May 21. 9 a m. rain Student S-iv. Iitier World ||at|, A What is urban development? Grand River. 332 4331 Z 3-5-19(3) $20 1 cha'coa' qnil $10 Plus more 2131 Hamelon, off peted basement 2'-j baths. 2 WHIM or shine Spectators wel Find out at College of Urban lera1 Hosp'ta C 22-5-31(131 Jacubson push lawn mower Auretius to 8 p m Thursday ca, attached garage Central come More information 676 LITTON MICROWAVE oven $30 Lawn Boy push mower 1 & ]« l9' *• electronic a.r filter con 9799 or 349 1669 5 5 19(6) Development's Parent's Day re " ception from 10 a m until 1 p m -"-s-af SQUINTING CAUSES wrin¬ Vari-cook, and extras Like $60 une sou One pus', mis'- -ower ower neeos needs ventional financing available b te poicy o the State on the second floor of the Details 6 $\>~ kles. Help prevent with pre¬ new! Best offer 351 3035 $10 I Ann r. Pa{, News that the last 4 weeks of Union. Bldg work wood IIP Up GARAGE sale 4 families. ®" scription ground sunglasses Z 3-5-19(3) garage door 8 toot $25 I „ooks double oven range, jast oiPtHagadom 332 0197 d-®S term all Student Class,fied Adver, It's summer time to think fun1 You'll find the about ©LD WCL11 OPTICAL DISCOUNT 2617 n'"e mu5t ^ paid for E. Michigan, Lansing, Ml ZENITH CHROMACOLOR II !P;,!3'P"!: :V™dd00' $40 b55 225. j 2t 16' good children s men s and ,n advance beginning May boat you've been searching . women s clothes moped — for advertised m 372-7409. C 7-5-23(6) 17 inch color T V set Excel¬ 4th 2 p m S 19 6 31 171 today's SIZE 8Vj Kastinger ski boots, lent! Plus more1 WILCOX TRADING POST 485 4391 WEBER kE-TcE grill " 1348 0 . S,1'^ 5 2* .J , new 332 Sa-mdey May 20lh 9 a m 5pm 825 Audubon Lansing 2 5 19 .0' East J|n,jce 3 WANTED, USED refuge- Classified section' CAD WAS© „ $40 332-6167 after 6 p.m. FREE LESSON C-10-5-31J5I m complex ator, can't be over 60 inches ASMSU PREPAID Legal Ser¬ 5-5-19(3) Bring _ FIRE SALE. Below wholesale 21 cotw roc SPEAKtRS U homemade „ Old RECORDS clothes, toys turn. . door. tion care MERLE NORMAN fORMFTir RTHDIO lu3mciiu aiuuiu 321 jz i tall 351 0946 8 5-19 131 vices plan now makes legal us your Spring CU-aningl u Heath u . Kit components Will . va/ ii ture storm services available without fee prices on pipes clips, papers, ' _ ctyaq f.22-5-31(4) TEXAS INSTRUMENTS SR- incense, paraphernalia sal¬ stand '00 war's 26 high May 19 9 a m -5 p m. 2520 to undergraduate MSU stu¬ windows, FALL MAN, woman seek 51-11 ___ calculator, case, $200 -utn-aoe $50 manual La"S'n9 dents Office open 9 a m screens, vaged. Brass key clips and • charger, $45 489-2061 after . power hitters, $2 50 each pionee' Cai ate- 4 30 p m TYPING TERM papers and !*dbed "ear 3?? 12 pm; 1:30 p.m.-5 p.m. lawn 3 p.m. EZ-5-5-23 (3) ($4.00 value). WHITE 372 1624 8 5 25 5 - theses. I B M experienced, )ast MrVice Call 351-8923 !n , 03°-11 "ft cma Pm S 5-5-19141 Monday Friday. For informa¬ furniture, tion or appointment, call 355- MONKEY, 117 North Ham- 2 FAMILY garage sale. Di- 0-10-5-31 (3) bikes, etc. - son Road. (Across from Sir DIRTV WORDS' French 8266. 0 1 5 18 (9) THE MOST comfortable and nette set games Er books Pizzal 2-5-18 Germa- Spanish Russian durable sandals made. $20. (_8)_ Friday 2 5 p m ; Saturday 8 Not a claim. The truth. CUS¬ _ Swedsh and -ore inter- .5 5029 LIZ DORTY'S ALTERATION RESPONSIBLE COUPLE 2 SANYO POCKET cassette a m „ m Hatkson SH0P Same day service w"h pe*1 'so. , SJit THE DROPOUTS ' CAMPUS D,NE IN VELS WITH FARLEY _. __ DINE b you should look' sponsored by: PIZZA 2 ORCALL by Post 3 10 W G-ond •>*! (Frank 337-1639 ; SANftv t ' . Z' W, : WAS US/NG sotte AAWLES ID DEM0N5Ti$lE! ,iOW THE AJEdTRCN BOMB WOSKEP MP M MAKBtf tm°c& IS SOIK& TO effective resume vlng techniques —vESSSWL igotietlng with 10rn, noted Educar-on^ B.C. PILLOW TALK ss consulta'" FURNITURE Soft and Jing colleges :n se(-B by Johnny Hart sponsored by: E A Mall Frc t«xy pillow furniture irch ABLEWEEDS ' CAMPUS Free Delivery: Shopping C*"' Bean Bags '19.95 less and Ma-age^e^tl "K. Ryan sponsored by: PIZZA ««« 11TT we ve 01-: laCT'C ur v stseminars th'Cug^cjtl 1312 Mich. Ave. sJw#*!*!## | v\lTH A WAYXO PR^PL/c^c M, FATHER! IIMRIP UYIARV SUM SUCKER HAS L£MME> FfC6 TKAM ' av mmeAvmpe / nueAni\ HAVE IT FER MY / OH, YOU WW MEAT /-OHpA0!\ .WONIMO.' t to you for only S"* 95.1 g>■ Send check cash orl EARCH STRATEGIES,! pa 15217 Ibt SAM and SILO ' Ho>r S'ylmq loi Man ond >Yom#r sponsored by: Jiang? H°c' Coll tor oppointm#nt toddy Phone 392*6191 by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker Sen 201 MAC B#lov» Jon#5 S'otidn#^ V'» ope- Sa'L-r io»* i was sla? to Hear AND I'M SORRY THAT YOLJ MRS. ELSIE TILLEY that YOUR VE6ETA6LE BROKE YOUR HOE purins YOUR STATE CORRECtlOHAL FARM sarden is doins so ATTEMPTED pole vault oyer FOR WOMEN DEAR AUNT ELSIE: well —HE wall NOW -fa is is oup. CHeAPeR MODeL OF 3 Oveiornate SMOK£ DeTeCToFk 4 Insect egg b Lxcellent ...iFVOUSMaL SMOKe 6 Chance OR see A Fi"R£, VOU { '7 ° 1 Historical periods CLiMgUPA LADPCRAND 8 Limited amount 9 Place rubbed out PUSH faiE, LiTTLe BUTTON! 10 Salt in chemistry 15 1? Celebes on BEETLE BAILEY Thanks for look for your more support, "A 18 Including by Mort Walker JO 1 !T 20 Prior to 21 Retrogressive good things to come. 23 Stake HgL'- I'M NOT 1 28 24 Ugty old woman - 60INS TO TELL 2b tat ache EVERYTHING/ 1t'l 26 Voiced 28 lapanose tamily badge rr 30 Dowy 34 ford H A 36 Tenth comb ttvm 38 Approximately 39 Willow 40 Hide **6 T^w> ujJLcO^> 41 Girl's name r//r 42 [vet poctc 44 Near Scottish TODAY NOON TIL MIDNIGHT Receiver Car Hi-Fi Kenwood 2600 $] 29°° Jenson 6x9 coxials *3 100 Pioneer Pioneer SX 650 $ 179#0 KP500^129°° Roadstar 850 cassette Technics5270 $39 $]79^ Cassette Decks Kenwood 620 $ Tables J 79°° Bic 940 Teac A 170S $ 1 39°° complete $OO00 Speakers Kenwood 1033 $69 00 & cast Infinity Qa repacks $ 199® Kenwood LSK 200 $199° Many Other In Store Specials All Phase Linear at Dealer Sheet Cost VISA* In techhifi 619 East Grand River Ave., East Michigan: Ann Arbor, Dearborn, Detroit, East Detroit, Lansing 337-9710 Royal Oak, Mt. Clemens, Rochester, Southgate and Livonia. Stores also in Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New England.