Sounds 1&Sights IT987a,y SNStutephaowlemesnt reciv, auto¬ turnable BdpSenR¬'s 260A, cwomiptleht car¬ KLH hTosaeukler.$2sy8t9mfbeoexlawrp)., igoplya-firSM1eo0nritsdTbhevy'yrn3Nclie1akn-s5ouodig ster o the matic and is able ADC tridge. #fciK O an 37-910 CRSlLoeicuamvhtngsder,.Englad. yfp'.v;. ewquipment value-pricd (shown KaLcuHrate loudspeakr. f e aat u r e s NOYPNJeNneheoasriyswronlvwwka.dyi,, It vv-. L a n i g > a ' fill toryefofuenrsd juagisvnuet iyxofcha'rnege)hawpuithyhoysnomuedr. d7ttaauokyeps tcpohurchnagsee and moneyhasle. make this? our ithne the,,, E s t la wa '?.K~-':^ A v e . , hi P.'.- i isi 11111 Pp:;$ $289 R i e r S3 mm**m. .^gr -, -.;r i J ^p3iillsWsi i Mk *%'ia&M) , '&~r* '-:lr Ip^P fflSI Hifi (nmoontey equipmnt 10 % compnets can your mind, your bnacok, cwaen taoford liokfeer Beocaufse confidec oquaflity G r a n d East ianlso 619 Stores Tech not You after your get How an VISA' AMicnhgan: * KDT * * tuB s'tI FSAB noiralC dra G scino»duA* scinoduA* raviloB deirP W&B 0.(O$„cinheT* ihcatiH' dra G snerohT snerohT ihcatiH ihcatiH oyknO* ortcepS* esahP• 021-1 noiduA ihcatiH nomraH nomraH LBJ secirp rof gnitcxe 09C-AS snoitars meD^ et ac ecnamrofeP B26 MRM rac( 101 t s y l a n o 8-M 6-M B03-LT i d u A t s y l a n o i d u A 2 5 - L T r e P521 ledoM A2MD 014-D 51-TG k a p s R r e k a p s , 5 4 1 - D T 6 1 - D T rekaps et sac et sac elbatnru elbatnru elbatnru elbatnru elbatnru 6-TS revicr 101-P rewop revicr 204-A e032 8 5 - S P nodrSiK/maH 84-SP 0 52-XT raeniL 2-TB 309-RS c i t s u o c A B 0 7 s u i r a q A SCI nodraK nodraK ot laitnsbu ton e rht enil secnuo a fwr .MA 09-C cisum( rekaps rekaps r e k a p s r e k a p s reiflpmo- yadrev Q .MF revicr erap esac/w kced ;Mm ledom kced elbatnru erp fo set ac et sac yrevocer ,7u.v" reit,lpmo reitlpma detargni s g n i v a s }jo . e r o m V 542 )reyalp )eludom reiflpma rof oidua no taht eht .\ NNA .TS y ,syad ew eht ELAS 4|"*/3 7S/2 962* 991* 953* 962* 902* 563* ^<$ 524* 583* 59. 92' 0 .0 2' 59. 91' 0 .51 ' 0 .013' 59. 92' 59. 32* 053* 903* 0 .523* 0 .9 7* 0 .863 1* .yrotnevi er'w .tnempiuq oidua ynam ta eht tsa( ,.TAS SDNE 73 59 59 00 00 59 00 00 00 00 59 r.op 0 .924* .0 5 * 59. 63* 59. 91' -9•* gnirewol smeti pohS .efas e tfkt d e t c l s d n u o S i| j up-»niuiojo>j •Jjni S1Ir^ a|St sXep <01 •• GIoliath LS3/5a Soundcraftsme Visonik Rogers Sonus $375.0 DdtPaheinr-n1oeuo2c0cethfTiinaahsrpalsvalyd.ytechunfoonmlg.yfitecoe—hxucdi'lanl lcoinvueoirmft th« Hquestinow20zk? tables,id JVrgulay. □Ar Kreisl DSIAH3. 1_LV0 W\MVSiqnsuAl OFERS fiuahnounjdil,gbbAottosuhmuxrnfeaecdsr.?ylt2hwmotncpea0nkibit-awasuomfpeberl?fy KMasiliuerldbtohwonafem'rs,vsipyretautkarly"ithscnd),thmupoaassdeeivlsedbt-onmo'tdbiW-aamypted).&KMsowoufbfers,GItaflhoiradeDSEBioonudlme.phbtwohep'wl tsayyooontuuedmr'lit. hM&KteasDtsnewheuodrnbfr,LRSoi3agpe/epn5rkasddruc,s P C M , Kenwo d Seik Mialnedr D e n o escionaotmucrdepliuloeopfkdhlgs:,fCiM&dKUeTmnNlbtauy,r.tyDDiraioeswnnhckeidrttr,issvng Irs COMPANY Gale Micro HSHf3lOAIdA H3\nbaO0 shaMT±SDIA uSUV'JA IA31SA htaop y turnable Deno iAtuodtidtoany tcowhupileed We're drive with Discwaher Acousti Denon Design Dynaco rIo gI DISTRBUNG 3 5 1 - Michgan# E. 3301 0 7 SUB ▼sxNo3aOdwoxs a\i inters iwsofer htheelpy tnoed Roswgeeerls swoufbers; hcealnp mwahtaert inavilbe tchrosa-ve binuesed lfitunhee thveery awesom hteheamr; thcaadeny hhtaeopary J HOi un a vaq If your sub of can I Do At that (no (or can have from very and what be DDPo-1n20r tson amzing Audiotechna System acry Maximu Clear, tha us below. Bryston Visit the DB DBX also Gale Crystal We tuo rol c l iw ni — vI ,edam ".laep .dias ehT .dias draw hcihw nepo nwod st op eht eht tcefe l iw detnalp ehT ,sdor secaps fo eht ot ynam ehT .ytic eb eht tfel eceip noit dna gnivil dna l iw .dias sa gniht .eun te rts rof senhsra otnetmnori nI h t w o r g deciton selgnairT tI" skraP e rhT" raey-owt ,tnem rot etaicos roF .gni hs edehmt ehT ".ytinlucsam s orc eceip gnirb se urT ylufepoH derap gnirefsart k n i P " niat oc ",tnemvo tnemoriv d e n o i s m dna e rhT os e h T " eh .tnemoriv serutplcs lartnec serutc p notwaL nam ,erutan erutan 0 2 - y b 4 - 6 a a fo unit." 5031 LLA lW neht thgim ,htrae gnitcxe ekat evig edam-n dna .dlo evig gni amer w.67o9N1 naidem ,kraP notwaL s'tioreD sesurT trofe rolc USM ot sah dluoc le ts laudiv n ni si rol c fo eh kram swohs fo ni s aC dna yB yreve" ser f ti ni epacsdnL" tnerfid ward eb ti .dias dnuora eht "sulP tfos eht 4368-473 ,GNISAL htuoS AREMAC KVARONK a — erutplcs hguorht dna a fo eh .etis semaJ knip evig osla yawa elgnairt se surT notwaL htgnerts gnitsurht rew iv sec ip e r u t p l c s eht hcni-xs gnitcelfr :niap S 'lR a ni gnikrow fo l a i r t s u d n i nac eht yb ni ro woh eht pleh eh eni mef eht osla eht eht ti .dias eh ne k snog te yteicos a d e t s g u n o i t c e l f r s m r o f ot ehT' sih no toof noitaercR tnemrapD ".sulP rosefp ".tnemoriv ytinurop ,nezitc tevitagen selgnairt nemoirv detpma erhT" ;notwaf eb dnuora taht stneopmc snamuh taht , r e t e b si sah nI saw .L IH aera .dias emos rol c ,eceip eritne "sulP daer dna .dias dna morf eht dnuorg l iw laudiv n dna emeht sih le ts ot ,erutc s snetfos ¬ivne dentxe no nepo ni ",tesnuS erutplcs noitarc eht dnoceS dah ti a no si kniP lM radeC I ot flesti osla nam nature," a dna a eht sih trA dezilanf dna .not-waL .lseeptis thgilyltpurba VKHPM sepacdnl eht sah eh na ,oot wols larut c gnuoy ,erutplcs ",eciP eht luferac ylno ¬evA erca-uof erutc s tcer ¬moc fo fo ciamnyd htaen b otni lausiv hcihw dna fo eye eh erom dnats ehT sti taht eh eht eh tuo pot na sa a ti ehT" eb le ts otni sih sih eht ni nac esuaceb mrof evah eht .dias celf r nam smrof tuo eh fo ot a fo ,krow ¬trapeD ¬plucs sih na no eht mid saw saw yeht tuB gnieb er w gnitae eht eht eugoB saw eht eht .dias eht devom .nagihcM nagihcM .larutn ",tnemor detpca tsaE eceip naidem giB" egnaro I | Iii m 521 I desu e l p o e P " T AW -=v'| deyalpsid ",egnarO .noitcurs gnisaelp r i e h t e l o h w NOITCA^ gnidopser gnisnaL q«ups retfa sa eh t e r t S elpoeP saw NOITCA^ ni XOVYRTI REIFLPMA REDOLPXE E RHT saw reka ps .B.c eegserK pacsdnL" erutplcS ".denti tRp: XO^IDU1>l ^NOPUOC kcab tsaE ehT .dias ot sehcnul er w l ew nepO RAC DNUOS rol c en cs desu na ti ni NOITCA ot YAW eh dna dem s NekaM OITCA ot sa . 6 7 9 1 ta xovidua .ytinumoc devicr gnisaL ni DNA REWOP noitbhxe * no eceip rieht eht .ti gnit s eH dnuora ot REKAPS ".tesnuS .neraW gnihtyrevE" a 9^5$9 ETLPMOC OER TS i ot 7 d e l a c I • e p a h s 6281 irwoP Si'oobf .-OHkvoT trA saw ivne ,ec ip yehT dna yb sle f raen te rts .ti fo yojne eh nethgirb .ti ^NOPU C hP 9 fo oOwWI 584 S gnis aL radeC METSY PMA 44 . syad l'RLO pS ,«.lipmA EGAKCP <»P> #hi DNARB \o>.?v\ ot rof eH niag htiw ehT ",tah 0895 00S eticxe gni ep ah l a i t n e o p y d a e t s s e r p x s e i r t supmac acted." hmtiewht group." .denp lits deR retn '( tI" tca I" eht , g n i h c a e T tS I em tra fo 5 ■ ■ I■ |5■ ■ i I era tel EMAN ot rieht stnedus .dias nehw nwod eh tI " , e m o c n i s'ti eh dna lla stnedus emit .stira emit ,emos .noitacerp etaviom yliramp esoht egnlahc .dias ytinlucsam evah .reviR snaewht a I r I H fI eht a ot t s u m t ' n o d r a d e C OTUA sthgiN gnia L eh eht — f I eh tuoba dna ytiv aerC .dias ytiv aerc tI" ne b ev ileb delior crITa si l.Bena.hCC■ \ « tra NOITCA ,STRAP tser r~?sn *diH^ ni NOITCA hP 003 ifoRi s t n e d u s si yb '5*.sah w ot dna ' wef yeht detn s rp emos emos otni htroN ti I pleh tuB" tsuj dna .srojam tcanoc fo ti dna 03 *584 latigD vm yrt pah rediaR [\|ousj tS si a ot did eht ESAB '* .rM 04 TNUOCSID NOPU C ysae pleh sih an etnA ^NOPU C eht gni .dias tsaf DE AOL LE TS .B.c tuodaeR t n e d u t s o i d u t s ekil siH nac secaps en cs eH ".ot ,e rga ;sedut saedi krow I" tub etanimod opin." .rI 06 4- notsmailW EVITOMUA mih ,se alc en cs sih ,ecap dna stneduS" EVITOMUA si lla syadnuS - otni dna ,SECIRP htiw mohw er hw ecalp eht teg eht ton ti si — I eh tra ten .ylimaf egral elohw yawa se rt er hw .emit dnuora tnaw .elpo .dias tsuj sroh si dna sih I ^i a ^ | m RJ ■ I sih eh to hP 3927 N • ■ m|| no DNA .krow e rht tem ,efiw egral trA dna rof esaelp eht eH eht rieht eW yrt erom serpx ".mrof I" ot ,a- 626 STRAP ti ni si gnia L dnarG scen," eht .mih nepo sevil supmac yam ton naht rieht BCMLC^ eno dna nerdlihc etarpes trap ¬worg .l a ,noi po teg Ntnuomkcl| OITCA^ VU BC t 6976 woN tra sid ot ym it a . ylno eh rieh fo reviR HTIW fo ni ELPOEP ".7s drofa roF 1 | GNIDLS I "flesruoy K ot esoht radaR ehT .stimda rieht tiorteD roit." esmeotas epoh yfituaeb er ht nepo ytic tuB etsaw ,gnivl meht nevE" I" sti eht .pu .ytic morf rotce D dnab-itluM retsubz F wen snoitcelfr emos lla OHW ehT QQ$ ekat ohw deunitoc( osaciP sah .dias ym yeticht tsum dsencaalp eerrehhwt esoht ".sdnal lairtsudni dlintsif ngierof hguoht eh sa nI ot I sih WONK ecnasi eR tnemicx erutplcs ,sdleif elpoep erhw snoitpecr secip iHwvnxM.u ^NOPU C II eb secnah fo t'nac no enod emos eh 59 eh esnes ,margop reng .tnemoriv tpmeta gnisecorp tnemicx sah ot |■ STRAP egap )7 a a tol ni sngised eh si ton ni .dias ym yam eno eh yeht morf UVA1. M'"■ eceip eh htiw teD ot syas eht eht dna ni emoh ees werg era eht era rac snoit ret yrot nret evig yas eno .dnuos hcihw dlot na yeht ohw F 4 piK yeht dnuos elpoeP ones." yeht reomf s'tahw' klaw elpoeP" ecirp thgirbE tnaw MA edivorp 153 mE 575 renroC CAM gnit AL TNATSN NEB .L.E 1011 iFiH oer ts st o b srey M era netsil morf eh tnaw era ",siht eht ereh ni semit oS" seno y r o t c a f rednaw ,rev woH deunitoc( segnar dna ecnadiug selas morf dias .HP gnihtemos fo ni 761-73 DNARG.E GNIVR'LEOSY" L UF osla l 'ew .de da daetsni gniteg SYUB 18 DLUOC .ot eht edivorp .oidar " NORI tseb htiw rof ELBAIV pihsrentsil MF-SLIW fo nnA ROL C ROL C XOREX sremotuc eh oidar gniteg uoy 005$ evah smeti erom ylno snorep egap eht tlnm-aIrp GROLC NICUDORT GNYPOC YLNO NO fo eht .dias o nwot D STNIRP 0 56 ruO T NOITACL emos ret eb dna era )9 naht wonk elpoe l iw 584 a/alP TA RUO TRiHS REVIR dias ats teb caf sys nac dna SEICNRAPT SEGRALN 5175 letoH 72 2 gnt «L YLNO TSAE N 651-79 69-94 84-52 42-21 yhsalF strihs-T ROF ci ni rac EVISULCXES'AERA fo ".etsa re p EHT .W A" .srey M A" ?oerts tahW oidar oer ts eH er'yeht sdnuos ehT" do g soerts deiasH .dias dnuos ne b enhIt" rseotarf GNISAL SREFNAT REIPOC LATOT EES gnoL REVO SIHT gnitcar SsomekO GNIRET L TROPS tol a dnarG ,strihs ,strihs ,strihs .strihs era tol si ni sekam .snoitas ton ,de da gniog ret eb .dnuos erom elpoep htob reovirfd etsvaifl yreve raewrdnU SREKAPDUOL RELAD fo SEDILS SU 4815-943 ,reviR .NAL 0184 51 era ot e4 2 crmoCgnhistnuaoLS ROF inuos fo s'ti 996 ROL C . WON 57.2* 0 .3* 01.3* 52.3* erom .HP .W a s'ti ot ,epyh elpoep sren tsil rojam ,rev woh ,meht eht emoh oidar presu." 372-13 WANIGS "SRAEY kraP » .ae .ae .ae .a© naht tsuj a " . n e t s i l eht o h w d na hgih ,sraey detnmoc evitacrp tol ot ¬ficeps ecn ulfni rac erom noitas rac ytiledif s'er ht .noitas yub taht yub denif r fo s'ti rac car." eh - rodnarF naeB- daeD tuP- woliP naeB ruoy eltil yxeS .5g9aR. 1♦gaB s l i f e R r e p u S erutin F ni a 702 l aM .E LLA 761-53 klaT 59.5* sgaB efiL 39.42' laicepS dnarG reviR ELIHW ELAS DO G o %02 TEGDAG gnivreS woliP ahC gnaeB nipoB-e s orcA morf YEHT TSAL HGUORHT SGAB NI nagihcM-d L^n i gaB dnuorA erutinF mm -~ ralugeR KCOTS ecniS eht 87-425 2191 no noinU yM »-usrojdao.uweijB-7f 'jSxqaujirussjs Xujnaqpjoyiqu; A;'ffujd:nvrqdej, 1S3.1HH uj jo «*q the Butwe end soundtrack the mofent caled itthat inshown for refomd ing with ly. and by was has band The left in itnhe conert guitars while dergound aprently, the now ary tutu Aujiuoqnsre ai.n\i?ujq l[..♦\osaif-»pq usp.pu»mjq.rji wmnoweanyyjotaphrnidede.GSFaplarccctei ftothhrgeaen tmhpwulaesyicd fgaesrnterralpybtachonuedfyboatwrncaedsd fowahrsye-rnet ipcrothleetidayMWusic."upayso-e FPStlihnykfd,Nthiasconemede Atmhwaaerisl htnreeviaerlyloohcsnat tohiwmnee soceluansiror b(Bwuidr.t, shoescernfitoaryfbresponibkl J.TAIJ )p-*H tj'puamotfeisdqaj:sonuif ss«ju*jadxpn>^,.sc»cJ.»UpIljpsfj.otuq.%or\ lfJ Tnwaesrlfuncnotikgtahmee.bitawnhenrditnchasanmgeed,DhJtuukoleesdfiavobtoheuetrhOicgnlauamhss.fbatemwoianesg"dh"ouseJfCuornleiaogr swituhaicolnt"GorapolnadyDGA'ida"ady¬ tthhshoamseefuldtatanoocoestTlwrweeiksnndr. tmoohthbeefrrsGBthvyesr,bagwonhiddcdesmoamdneet Mlooncs—tear Aqamos auiu.otshj ji deq ojui Imaonnedy, fomrmy played and from earli We and "Space by Machine, orignal We tiamet, leavnedl, foplayerd asembly to Inter IGSF I was moved my play. stuf . stuf OK. big also aclansd, ten UK ' UIJOJ . urqj Jtaqj J)»»Xqi aju a"uj UIB is inivonl ed bands Iand conti ualy the and equaly claim aadopsted MDiaadmei tearnity, lowuesd theilsng dlrikunekds every with ftoorm prety actualy name oi roll Tris from Baux main A"In on band a jo asauAuiojst oisqsuZJf,i.»»qp DAesltroy DiMARTINO haetsiigornsmet b"alahbocneutd Tpheomn. bmareckoyindg trapyronimdnoteg lacnneuadgth ittcoea f recocmopandy's dewhor'stly saniegew jloitnbhe'ns. B"YytuSrdon'esu. ARRoacnkdl ib"eStysotu: araronckdl litshtteeonwn sgaeayl/eJncuttri tasmakoneed Ttiphto'las.ydown /Wher lmwyoaontn'u yshoouuerl comawpanyra/Weihtng ps"lae.slrtiec spyretyt-em' iisnwanatomaswes twmuhid'6e0ens Aiwnnwarfitedn.d taprohnoliccetfkn IIprsoucpeose, twaxmoplts Athehnre's barcoacldekd Monstfera, bsatnyndry, rheelcasnitly G"Yiotlneud'rea prquheaticlyBBo"red."I'amus Stagoeongxdt liintnheeuipr, ftasaortmig nparotioinecl Cremagmzine thsotnmr,y dahctuoely bicmohtaagnkfen, thsoleeelatfsr Neavagc¬dl ilhetgnioemwedrn. amorsdek Icwouhetsn AArrnbcood knpeswnal,y, logctsf. IganrotoheurpltoamcolsteryIIh'raidnthek them. Mithsoles "(pmroanounlcsedd) Bbostn. tthhgarien'satg hm—y' ithtnehy'er 4aec5rdtingGJoraellhaensn'ds TReecoyrr'dvsa.dylfLitovhPeer lRapbauenkt, iseswuihphocerd sorelaarstrnid,lyLfRAoiahvere Thoeaspyh'onvewd hiawnpeernd hthwaoasrd impwvresethrdy Wheaxiicnac'ttlyfoupapta-nrnesd baarondl. thmwey'hrylbitioaghef ihsonrdteo.ryMitnohguleyrss, tthwooeemnf, Filwmriditahe. HNSoernlganohdr, ispteustigooun Nwoeonsrtlybutdmh—ieesy Rwsnohaombsee thswhoeiste, na jjs,ou»[o.>t ajq.w DAVE "dog prof>cefs yourself iptus.h iintnerst woried man lotoking his old BToe say btoe star/Wel I and how tgoo agent down/Sel Wthelel, curent smal and a foonrly group's tuosed Quatro inaworkned Isstoore, she' ther's tha's heaanrdt, about name thaey're the them budies! now porocefs be raecode Boston cords, aq Aoqi ujoj to tmhuceh throw First, Al the star could you. Arpbuonrk Destroy bunch who've 45 and flipside, they've exMCSr the-y're degoref excrptd sequel. Gale Boastnodn, was band. smal croomcking foasr bud—ies schol the letwasot schol Miami faact, inde d. Mols guitars, and By The •»jt? aqj .♦JT? write makes A&R cause The Want Star." want what guitar learn time there the But Their Right And See. it. the was local roll own Die" a fact stand aara, She Suzi know write about a the hie has if the that And may Spy be to for Gale the at high At in two bie, size in¬ style Radio Tubes Availbe j apiAojd qa A micro teoasy •stal vary ujaopuqEi.w* pina *sjaAjE.%\|{ panuiot tuE may M U iiuJ OFF limasnufcttre tesaistonrleg • • Fina cing Convert radio & A itri^ o TV X(puuoE aajjdooqadi suojad am2vdoj) uujoAMCar /Lafe System lovudns,3•wp5aert02-Hihz8kymcgrnd \V j for 50% FM (6 Mouq l|JM « t«»~ Fre jAjJsOoaica obd; /■pioner ASMte/Fr o PSioXncws6elit5rh0kpftdltaaueomapbpuneehgRb8fcMhrriotvnhSlss3d2oa-%•Cmtaiotelncntburnwcuasibvehe, r~ • 88 QAGKRBIOMPNT0DS 299 Speakr aqupuinoots ajeuo.vapq iasAej}„j| Van/Home Tape S8TR90 tunos AM/F Multimer SPWKBTENEAHHOKIAWNGNRS REL38AIVN6SS7IT2G,PCH0LR4ARINVZ1DI0L. OBwbEoalaneceretdotydisS1aup.amnp..mmd-9-5;yCERTIrIquFaantiM—D Hi-Fi put?obJ'. Xiqq&aptqij 'saJjEaqX) OipEJ UOltJTS Wat fetathurees hciogntrls, mChaninel 0tmhoarne B•sySteRms 2-Way h1and6les pro¬ ma¬ 3teri2al p•eak coaxily mounted cone Scotch 8-Track 2o-9f0 Dyria- blacnakr fridges 388 CONSULTA ASTOCIWE Laf yet bag minute range LTPaTflhyaeoctee: SStyessonrty/EeSAMmoF H2lrSsewcTp-i7vtrach0kfrn,gsuionh2r•ic-lwhmdytbudrawncaumosivnheglrte,ti CLaosaetd tape con¬ ercaymulti¬ Delux P•A Contrl HOPRFLGEADIAVRNOMPOWREANSKTGRN0IC 8" 70 aq s 0-5 wat s gram wat s treble AUDIO no • • • TESRO®CN*IC. 988 1988 DAoCCr DvcoltCuagre, •esitanc ohms/vlt •reads rent, 1000 (t RADIO GRAND B1R0KIE 9D:a3i0ly tluapobrjaiocw \V ELCTRONIAY c,**: Retrac ble Ante na eaxnt¬nd byin¬ kaey tphuleing t•runk fendr mounted V0M E. 1375 THt ttrrhmgo«fMv* CB • ten a serting and up whip or RCA IN Open Iitam* 1498 T # §mdog-a relas automi¬ when touch oac¬r celrato 24s8 Speaker insde outside, extn¬ speak- »s> i Extensio STERLING • cally you brake • use an or as sion o punojv no Sony tsuenrero fcontur B•sySteRm AKAIFront fetahturees FseMnitve loudnes speakr cartidge • ; "" reduction pause motr Chanel MCobBile A•sNwitcLh noise switcn stop DC CS7Q2D 1398 dolby sel ctor taroutlo. contrled fi•lter • plex 40 Digital •gam RF Cruise Car 7 CB/PA ROSEVIL Also DBaenakLlier to-disc Tape,inftlywhie omsu¬t core pf¬ bcoeuld ths recoding toe tha direoct resugnc? the advocts whie ta ford¬ tspaoneiybet ham'in trhecodings, arpthe (tsqhuzing pocf very mo taped ncsary, ewvidtnhc reodigs. Itanpe. mchanilyfv¬ube (LorinClev sor¬eal pquvited ohf aigsh ems unraoble. Ameri¬ andt psricel, pers¬onalFider "saIid. dtireoc losf eoxampfls whic comes ER SAT 1938 grandive and Direct- 7(coonptiaun)gede dteionhsccdne. howafeovrder, trimcoedi,ng poocsutibfilntyg sanpnlidc gWtasietpvheral aowofrk traehconedden, mooeaencftsh bcsopeulicledd perfomanc. wadevrnces impowsitbhle recodings. tthheenir Maoznfel, msteaduinucmh'es itarvnew Nlaeywseastr direct-ocdoisding certain rweccohouircldding tcaoapptunreed. adovctfes recodings orchestal diefcsnaletniordn Tbeahlilsevoy compresin hisagoecthifn dboraiwnngd, tpaausogepflieinuvdl irsencodoingt imanusch dtisoc itpsaooined fidowreiginltahtly porcesf ttraanspfeeri,g liosst. recnt direcrte-cooddinisgs tchondeuigOrcnhesta cshneipstreatl! Tshpucreicefel. howrecavoesdringfLoowPhnirce. lit e fhidiofeglhty, acaomprsesd diaasvrcilebe, owsubtanrily galomsod.t finqueastioln jutost Aferrthncue. hiuwstuemnped itau'pssee, DLS••AATT VOC••AATT be more takes. tions. mances se sion These were disc Why Lorin in State said a ed Other disc with er. very music low audible not direct is Also the delity Some Ma zel land $15 juast as Discs not are can easir." F P ROE P ABR E sound I . M . E C F M The - L X V Q E B D O E A N down R T D A LS NUORASRIDNGS HP&rooguamrss difaernc! B to like educationl CENTR SPfpei«cn»arwj't»ieotns csoli.t: 23NIAU-N45VM92G3 HEoirmiannlftl*to I n f o r m a t i • • MCAT GMAT A r b NMB o . C Miit,oSnr U NATL Flexible IThSere I Test For orwrit* Branch* i. Ann Cr»nipf. a fo eb a na ni — a a 52 1 nac tsaE eht eht edivorp ,swoC nsuocof sdaor raaeerna rdienhat ehT erom deR demlif ytuaeb erutcet s.ighnTi ehT tesehwotl ytilauq ,neyhwb ,wloahsH detac denraut s'USM nigriv" denraut rof a eht eht secalp do g ^nedrag *rewolf laeB nevorp s'eno gnidnal ,skcuD ehT ne rg sdinhat lobmys thguac ydaets hscuas dna ni fo luf stneduts ylautriv s'gnidlub er hw dna emit rewot egat deniat shparg emoS • sdipar-nm euqsrtcip tnelcx erutplcs .natrpS lufitaeb tnomuaeB gnciteihdslaubygnbiwsotarhGt gnirepso tnomuaeB USM .revrof erutpaC erhwyv nehw ECURB • • • • {o ,evila erutan gni raey erutlciga • g n i m o l b dractsop • • ,sgnidlub • seirotm dyrnosam a lla ehT teg si ekat no fo rieht sepahs .ytuaeb .en cs sleW a drab uH .gnis aL .niarT eht pot eirap sesroh s'USM elbane yl oJ yriaD radeC morf a a ot ycnei f yadot .ega lebpmaC ecalp fo htiw se rt .sot hp dnah ro . y t r a p S no ytuaeb dnah nehw :stniop morf fo fo saw os yB derolc-itum noitarsmeD ytisrevinU erutc s thguoht yrtnuoc detcursno .rewoT gniwol f gnirpS esoht gnUikSamM srolc ,srehpagotP fo dna tnaselp si deR s arg emit .ecirp ,ytuaeb are yna ehT "sdnali srehto .l aH eht tsud .ti si dezis-luf daorliaR cimaronp saremac s g n i h t e h t sihT strapmi .rewolf esolc fo ot larutan arolf suoiraV dna nac gnitae skcuD ekam weiv na a l a H . m l i f hguotla gnidlub .snedraG dna .supmac stnio*F a ta e n o grehpagot niduors n o i t a r s m d A sihT dna dna .l aH e k i l fo eht dna dna . e r u t c i p eht ffo ni erew taht ton ac krow dlo sevig . r a d e C ehT eht r o o l f . s m a B h c i h w e h T bulC elohw lairea si ehT yren cs gnilor d n a s arG" ehT lacof kcab sti .tniop ,tnorf gnidlub e h t a si dna .tsoc eb ni sihT eht ekam nac , r o d n e l p s , s r o l c sdnauoht s t n a l p e d i v o r p g n tuo pu i d l g fo egdirb raey l aH A denuorgkcab derhtaw seciprtam seitrap eltil ,8291 ¬othp ZRAIB e u t a s cigam fo luferac .rewoT yam tseb dna s'ti .evitomcl tcejorp gnire gn .supmac rednif-wv ecalp yrots nihtw .kcotsevil ":stoR nrodagHnizarg snrab e h t tnemirpxE tsei rp sdernuH si larutcigA a pu a a a 21 ton tliub sah f o eht e b fo s e r t s e k a m t h g i m ni era nredom dengised ni sedivorp cetihcra erutcip s'ti anuof ,sezis seuh eht emit emos rof ¬ituaeb dna .revir srefo ffo rof demarf ,dleiF yb flesti eb siht eye htiW k o o l taht fo weiv curts fo eb fo .saremc emoc rehtom mo lb emit l l i f weiv sl ih ot tub nac ¬ihcra ¬dliuB rof htiw enog esehT ilpud esoht fo dlo a fo a a si a ro fo saw ehT ¬nav ¬bo 87 fo driew sup dna ,dnuora revo elpoeP rkooofl peuht tuohiw tuoba ton taht dna ehT ot edivorp .to hs tub supmac gnidluB eht USM .elpoeP snoierpx dinac • yb noitas gni ut yldios ynam gnitc ydaer smetys ekam ereH ediW* niwT* fBd6.1 * c i n e g o t h p ni snoierg enutrop sairetfaCydaer .sgniht gniod ,sepahs othp tnelcx .ytisrevnU elpoep dluow ,srenig derots gniht enviosarmi" lla si nac .l a eb si elbatnru ylraucit p Swe-nA-laJ na g n i u T a eb laiD gni uT ytiv cel S 1.2( nac CVJ si oN erutcip OT ot eht ot eb UOY sret m tliub oidua dna dna yb a a eb fo ehT taht erutcip . n o i t c e l s s a l c - t s r i f a laedi m 042 .ruc o sezis ".esroh edutilm dnuof .stcejbus ecalp noinU ekam etlpmoc kcap no ot oS C V J sret M GUV-TJ ot stops eht KROW NAC era uoy oidua riap detarg ni rof l e d o m t r o p s n a r t ruoy eht )V rof ¬mac sucof kool dna .erutcip ,efil tsap tsur .erutnvda a lla ot ot fi etam E RF F-M .L.E 101 ROF TUP erus a serutaef otni .G1 S-AJ yna ytiledf-hgi ytivsneS RENUT raeniL-ycuqF gnirb sti fo 8-01 .hP .E gib gnomA dna no 761-73 dnarG UOY EHT" tniop niwt siht eht ¬xe metsy rekaps ddA eht renut fo ,sreiflpma S IF-IH na fo 5-9 s reviR si a ot Bd5 GNICAF—YWLKRP ROF "RIAP uoy a 372-13 wanigS SYUB F-M .naL 0184 lufitaeb fI ot IS gni eht 03* .hturT gnirb if-ih G1 etar po uoy 8 on slan A-salC* gnisaelP* kceD-owT* noitr sD erom ,smho htoB staW ,SMR EHT 8-11 .hP .W $ tnow on hP ecnamrofeP ,ecirP tnorF naht morf .renuT ehT uoy S si no 5-9 eht G 1 S - A J 992 CVJ 1V-TJ resolC ecnamrof p ,reiflpma G1 ot eno ot .raeh elpmis rezilauqE tcefr P a lenaP gnib uD zH02 & 1.0 % latoT ,len ahC slenahC rep REIFLPMA RIAP ot eht 2-epaT si 00 eht tI zHk02 nevirD stnemriuq sti supmac ste m CVJ ysae etatS ¬hctam lacisuM la -AJ -ot ¬imreT cinomraH htiw mu inM otni sweN eib eD efloW . S yr uH jcouvgjrB ot 1 eht 1 . dr3 dn2 rehtiE laicepS yrtne ts ELAS TSAE GNIRUD gniward nosrep rep EZIRP EZIRP EZIRP - - - TA EHT TSUJ A SELTAEB ETLPMOC SELTAEB KCEHC TSAE U O Y - y a w ot SDNE SMUBLA EHT ylno ecnuoa EVOL" RO RIM TUO TUO - LLIF LAICEPS TSENOC on GNISNAL TES esreniw sahcrup DNA GNISNAL eht NA TSETNOC FO SELTAEB gnirutaeF - YAM ,13 & ERA ERA EHT NO !ELAS LLA - l iw eb dleh - enuJ tsenoc !RETSOP SMUBLA !METI "yrasecn 4x4SGNO SELTAEB ! NIW RETNUOC YRTNE S R O T C E L NI R E H T I E KNALB w -bi/ STNES RP & 8791 GNISNAL !REN IW SELTAEB ,1 8791 yaM sdne )22( ,13 8791 EROTS ELBAIV ROR IM .o GNISNAL LLAM LLAM 1r !won 1 \ gj DAonr&g^ "seItab*T V- 4^ \ > i jvosa •qdc£jo sujoaqm Jsj*iqi 3*J18H drecodings. etvaolpmefn bitecotasmible ddtirrsuesobcctide Utthaowspiisntenhe.g tomaafeopdrdiufee wpwoshibuilctle beuonhietnahfrd toe-codrdisngcs. reapecrfoo¬dingdidtiraesotccl,y tpwheorifoemn littpaoosnsd hommcauowecurhlid 1(cpon2atingue)de ARE'S EDXCELAUSLIVER CSOTMEPRNEOTS SAGINW P321H-7. FOR W. LAN. technolgy sound ZHVI8 Y E A R S " Local Colnqudv Plus tahned Drama ARaogdeifo aswltinvedtl FWMiKbcaAGnRee.dr MSHhoolmllovcks,, Shaeoitnhwdr, teclwuaasimtiph dbrceaumrsentst TCRhhaicdegio maanconl¬dre dimtaednose listeng. RPtuaombdidl-iirc ITTiuhniesnrtee.'.s ifno\tur WKAR FM 870AM the 4810 With recording When necsary THIS PNCarteilousnabl oisune MOipchingoan. PRuabdliico Nftriamosp¬eemcliavl decmtos-gdvieeopnrvathg,htonhmdperltean dthave. ujo /q auin ings the many have direct mance time discor 1 O V 5 E R Golden Go n Fatplav, Theatre, 90.5 Radio: something you. radio mvogue adeBtho¬ mead reco wuld perfoman cde frtohm presd fownrt 1930s. advo¬ tech dirst-co The tional the "SEOORVIUNRG E.GRRIAVNED P37H-1.6 F the traibunte is Mithgan. ^ WKAR j Y Can dian Y I something puaijoce«sq>jq2uvfsptuir ua.Mos-j»ii.qj_ J Antique jmakes DHAENRMIEALN ATorstcuanio firroecsditnfgs nymiphoenies, by"dt-dc"irect Thsymephon ictraercseofudly bwweheiicrngdimasnsctder, iwreecrtly rewcohdiincgs ilatwnhtaes mnaoraweny tarehotuen ooldf: (_ / radio I ) real ot - x B U Y S a is ues i 6>0 It's vou JVC 1101 E.l. HiFi WKAR itfor jo \»sjoq Today, By When •oidji ajscdqj master That A J' ji jsru his ven's them ings. ces, a on the sale. cating niques Music ldiokesn't \fovr-cVe, teihwmotpsnahsi Tthhesipna-gt. 1tmousk thosalmed„Le|'RWvaKdAijoR movuasriiccfatl ttaowmietehhing tase bbrsienrfvmgasce intootohurpars BBaea-nJpn-drd ftoshowil-tknper, hahspevecliiral CWkKhtAoR-sveM., thpiece. aounidj T h e r ' s in iawton fsart 4ropamgie dAloexendsr INotg.auclhi inktenrsoawounlpy Litahswaetorn. . sound. sinmcleudle: iascelbration vmaisneold toshtudeefn haresiidlsnc, fratpertmnenis, blahoorruiteest anreocuknsd, apoyttehning oshhuefr, ligacahonnlddt shuter. tasho>unuedn: lloagsnedrt. Dcelabrnt: KBoawtd, Watphlrkeseirn htemoalfpny icontiued thasenroed Caaldnedr. tors.) "ow And Sight.s Sigahntsd anlsoot tabloid Why touches? soharfing and This of dies. Open windos ghoetofs house, and Camseluransg aannybdody target reflcting inthtoe and higer Hetlpoing Spickler. tabwloitidh others. ties music. tial life Sights gets Mag ie bod\ same aplies oinstefad fevduing dmiuesictal, awofideres progamin, evron's MIWKAR, arts, twhorled's Bihomeg. imaod/ezm on variety's Every the 11\cia So, suit fine of wav place and At 'sT h I•' \ f Dimenso, Iterviw nesm. News RWaKdAiRo, bro|aoducrnsjt htehofaed 1\numeros newscat voariefty pspuecbiallzicd progiams. tahiee newsmagzi interaol Immeoarn,es hotaeun-rly Webost IAlflingls onsidcr, Compsite. ism than hash lines. our daily awith af irs Theie like I .uid with /nifjwoa» DJBeobonrah ARE'S EDXCELAULSIVRE News THIS FOR 321-7 PIAHN.. mBUYS Ontosh YFOY1EAOVRS"E5URR ER.GIW4RVA8GENI1NDA0.W37-16 Hours Specials Stote snc/iTj.} HiFi •SERVING 1101 PH. E.L. Hap y DNirignhktly NSuinteday TSLcarVergen D8CF0oo'hgtlioslnji •F•POIZDA SIaat.-.munaOpenM-F:: WHoaegsftdorn| Daily ☆ ☆ ☆ A S p " a g h e t i"' r c .aanl ☆ E n Folkt e r a i m Friday 2-5 DRINKS on GOOD ER . 1227 i G v r a a nrd Blk. |1 3 2-6517 itrhetaseon, aprhosljoeur thmmaceh tswawhheeyn.y atempinginosaocuhlfet issnatudepngTloucngeer. htsnigoimteoxntgtuehplsaient,ghinovroisblef Itchekd,libawpruablsicyfIitemrtaiokryn.ghsamomelden tuprxnceursdivlytashbooruybflulnkdse.r, 1po0ang)e Whatev r OInwcaes. don't. mymakes junaslistt dif cult real y coleg library woman quite "was "a .ycavirp time University place, wish it Rveaatel.y social Last sure that • contiued M 9o-nSat Hrs: 12-5 Sun SALE CTarsaacentkds CCthaaoetprsitlsfolg tpseaoholt 1asp2beo5duft Blitmhhuisets liintghgtaos thsreeoa'lty thapwcrsion game. thpaersolb iditasehmlseoa appwrroistochhning icnyanmedur. ihtnahwovirsled fethoairfnirg tapkeehane:s "ciapturetsnhlogean fimt."mhoen b"ectcahaumseer fjeupueosnltl bawtohleer tawahenpeody Si C c k t a i STORE ( d o u b l e ) t e r m btlumore RECORD more! STitronaw-genLToondwn FKreins-ch FSDMtlhoiaoody-redkfnLB(diuvlu-ebtle)RRotrnosspta-cdiv RBDaiamvnen-tdr BESnuodlyem-sserNMiogv-hstCSDtoaahtnv-cenerGTDoiolmdaeenfyMBDroielae-mkfrsMLFEiilkgle-nelyre thttrhoheoungehdf JUST shaky shuter second. aomoufnt camer, way this from lethmers. loaded peol real picture "capture Miaty'bse lies."never Maybe ianrmed hpaersson A Aside us the any of Many a word in many lIkeaoasrtt.p mhcyaasnetlf hkIionwoefvwr,, tthcuhneisal tthcnhoamoeetgFpcaorcekdrit. harpevbaelem litthagisan—edo "thpriceauraesl kwammiyesslfydaanoythe.r spaescwrotrd,Gktphehoaesy,t 4.o0sf fiocnsuontg problem. tmchaovemingithsohpue—teenr tccaaucnskeytoordreet tphraocblehlsmr, TAPE and THA■cMONRE 3VcaamrelcSs 1 VNSIN9 Ica—n teling don't handle traions per Iexample. focusing without I".prahs live Sitharshep train dloockedr real while awhlsicoh bIlurning. know I can $23 as the maybe I'm But my Maybe era this Seger Wings- Welsh Seg r Linda Lit le Beach Seger Bob Bob Pink Bob Bob Gene Maze- Steve Steve Now Entire Eight Mal MAC University 3 2-352 m3MISHV13 LaCROIX 220 I Fancy LaCROIXiInmwehisc frtsmotyesmeelf ltuaaos—esdtt,iihm—e, apmyrnseedltfycamer. ppaicsturbeleshraotkheingIfcoeurldltyhpoimicgturefs cgerardmuontiions tmganeged mosshitftr'yThpecsu—esfrorofminal tewmnoaibll pemasnntst.hIereraliz,twhochreoulfxe taphnrobelemy:t"pro".ilauqfesinal ttaahblokeu fIpchotujurnraslirsem$Iin2wahc3ich) enrold. eexpv—rinrcygFaindda110u2::n2t0ilfrshcaaonnt enwscowuhiticrlehdngttrreu-ysaldyinstaomnefc ogmisplmicaotdbhhuelyaden frusaotali,ngkinstteremucoinpgtahoersfndecmeaantnlliyhng. tachameer tuuossn—ed tha. tthrhaingelnsLEanssditgEasrcomcbinehd. mnwumoibtrehres tahcatr¬eey wphootrglda)y pcoimntpuutesrComerDUPrnocaievse¬trstybDepcaartmtnisphenomal.It'chmiebng mgwreoentg,Ifkutnhwoaewl tcvhoolunutr-erse aredaleflyh,It'rrmenujooysiy,g hotwhaervr,bIju'sadoesntfcourthdeirts Unoivfaerrs.tythimooesfs aesigingmehtt hocmpeleftinlimsctl¬uodinnggfdeeoepxtldntdh,buaarcnteiodn appgseonb¬tliicn apubcldiec, thoshn—oet prsonaliy. tthchouiresse,(poictturreyffilavncahengte appichntuorteds") mpehsuostay apeoxhiibnftt shubjeec. ceateigogr¬hthtaywcveu—roesen,tlyWhcimcpltd. emanhg. fihrmanovneet bwhursksyterm.Ithwcoispe, • PATRICA whole find Ithat uapon consider cgoueldt lit e step, pleasing schol evn presntabl weding. far qu—ality the Isasit ithsat lento'ws careditts curently Wednsday frmoomrnig the a X-15 most bcaen Bv The now fact once awith I my first of I and while recal But, that the And am I am all — be from Kodak the that hand. most ev n simplest the jluoskt araskeed eaf cttively hasmore jiewnlers Lansing coverd (actu ly, ittinnhgse talhel MthSeU ishtor, short, wals. don't Iple—ase inenroled and Honestly, tiwmheesn taakninyg this oanet nriogwht. Thaerree for course, and stoped action, ian profes r dhepiicsts toofp arequires to Tehseay. somehw about thofes I tthwa—to's leasviexs Ithmeaants ridculosy inthe Ican And my that with But we It than in and sing In In But ily this it. that I'm due ed ality On "how easy view Well, ies, a left But ' fo eht ,sre htiw .nem tsi ni yltnec ,eniz ylaer ne wt ,tlucif d esuaceb "epyh tcudorp sihT tnem eht eb gnikam tsom " s t r e p x .gnidaelsm revwoh srelad mixam reyub taevac" no s htiw yalp A eno .seunitoc lanosrep noitacshp ehT a hgiH" s'yadot oidua e sihT s a h c r u p erom .de eh si rof ,meht stnemur ros ef rP htiw elt il sA eb nI eht yB dnuos ynaM ,"epyh" . e s a h c r u p tnaropmi n w o k - fo l ederalced ".retb hcihw neve htiw melborp morf nac ot eht " e r a w b " r o t p m e sreyuB ynam ,tsenohsid ys'ot- n oidua-n oidua tnaropmi er hwoN dluohs selas gnismorp elpoe ehT" ni . e l era b i s o p , t eht r o f e d l o r a H yalp SAD lla ot oidua ,rev woh ecnrf p s'yadot "ytiledF oidua hsiugntsid tnempiuq tnempiuq semoceb suolaezrv I fo si l af LE elbarfp serots rotcaf kaeps htiw neve agm stneopmc delac-os noitacshp ylniam etuca selas mitcv secnatsi yeht oidua .fub piuqe naht syawl mixam ytisouriv meht tonac sles cisuM".naM namreh taht rof ro taht eht ohw l iH enrf ^ fo ti si tel" ot l its ni saw eht er era eb si ot yna era ni siht eht l iw taht ni l uF dluow tahw yltned derap rewop ,l eW naht rewop woH tnem ot siht dna tsrif sih elbuod derusam /enil enil 022 , y u b r e v o e l b eb i s uoyo p y l b a i r v t n e m p i u q s e m o c n I ro ,rehtona sDnI eurt ylno sruoy eb si ni si reh ssel treblA ecivreS sgnitar taht .sgnitar siht .sden naht eht liw yam reteb ylaus i dna iFiH 01 s e o dsi rof os noitpecsm — ro .L.E 1011 .de n ,draeh ,staw woh .selbiced era evah ton ro — ot SYUB 0 01 )staw dnuos hcihw( gnieb ,tssdnuepjd ?eslaf ".53 evah eniM" ?nepah ylaedi yub .etsat refid I 741-73 DNARG GNIVRES" .HP .E naht rieht en#« rof ni ni neve detius remocwn dna fi si si la 05 tI te rtS smret c6203- ihpargotP gnisahcrup .srehto tnempiuq tnempiuq si REVIR LOY staw neht icni moc eht dluoW staw reduol htiw ehT ¬piuqe yrev dluohs fo si ot ot ni ROF EVISULCXE S'AERA sre SREKAPDUOL RELAD eht tol mum htiw .sre neoht stup fo SIHT rehtonA taevaC erof eht sekam traaephat ralims rehto ,srekaps der f mu inm rewop del bal nI starehkatpS .esion spahre fo REVO fo emoS dnuos !u»< cient." a .NAL 0184 ot 05 oidutS .HP .W 51 ROF ralupo .rotpme reteb eht erom eht rewop riap reianpo gnirapmoc ot sa fo 05 " . t n eb e i c f s r e k a p s ycneif ,staw esehT staw staw 01 wol tup tuo X ,esion ,secruos m u i n m 372-13 WANIGS "SRAEY gnieb )staw nevird eriuqer dna .laed tneicf ,tneicf ni fo owt dna tneicf stes dluow htiw l iw eht srekaps ekam ixam tupni etarpo kaeps dnepd ytisne i liw ediug ti eht dna a a nes e era kaeps dluow htiw dna fo ifeni" er w yas( a tol fo era a fo ylisae tcerid tleb evitcep srela d on eelbatnru nig e wow evird elbat yltcerid ,selbat emoc ehT quality." .sraey ngised hehtiWt mla-«itti ".kcabdef selbatnru ot enO esaC fI eht de ps .retalp er hw htiw lybadrof t yeht edam yadot hsalf esae tuoba ehT hcuot snrut ytic lp fles atloniM atloniM atloniM atloniM atloniM erif rehtO tcefr p sihT emoc uoy evird evird sezinorhcys ot elbitpcsu ,elbatnru edausrep kcor retulf esevlbaatnruh dehcat tcerid etas" secnavd gib rof m s i c t r retuhs redmfwiv evisulcxe secnuqs htiw eht semarf lanoitp ruoy DEL seruopx edensa enehst dnA fo no ni ev reyub si citamoua a 2 tI dna ta taht oerts sahna 7-GX 7-GX otuA otuA 7-GX 7-GX fo ni ot si l ' u o y ehT selbatnru desu tcerid .tnasoc tcerid s'yadoT evird tnemcavd fo a a eht era c i n o r t e l t si ot ot ot eht h rep otuA regnif ni •« htiw esaC ortcelE htiw htiw lanoitp esahcrup eht redniW fo kcol l et sti eht hcuot-reaf rot m si tsal eht c i t s u o c a " elbaiv evif elbatnru .elbatnru — htiw atloniM taht sorp evird evird ylautriv tcerid nrut nrut serutaef redniw ot,:A dnoces redniW redmfwiv rednow evisulcxe 7-GX llaf eht ot uoy era yb eht sah tra redniw a 4-l/m 05 7-l/m 05 mm53,tcapmoc si G hsalF n e h w tnevrp eht edulcni htiw yalpsid dna reyub gniht detad tsom yaw arohtelp ehT niser tsap ,reve cinortel dna hsalf evig stel retuhs aremac serutaefgnivd-yks !rof tohs-ucfnip taht serugif ,snoit euq yl i« reyub tnempiuq e t r c n o ot . ) g n i d a e l s m sA e v i t a r p m o c . ) n o i t a r b v sA htiw ".m uh elbatnru , e t a r s n o m e d G X0 2 snel snel h s a l f o r t c e E ot dehcat rsihT ,esab epo mI 01 yb si enohP eltoB , e l b a t i u s sdracknB gniyub s e s a b " . e r a w b .W eeS ta y l a e r e s e h t fo erusopx-v a si ni a sa RLS niatrec dne hcihw enoms ,repohs dnif sdnuos .secioh degiseb gnishcrup esab emos( noitcefrp gnimoceb noitalus dna i uoy eht not ub si yadot remit-fls gnihsalf ydaer langis citamou X0 2 notubhsp ekat er m taht ¬mis srevil d ¬ruoy )616( .ke rC nI eht nagihcM ti si si rof si ti ton no eht ton ot wef detpca 5827-569 41094 laM lM VT gnihsalf tahw ysae nac ot eb na neve gniht ,melborp stlu er a * M' * 81* * 25* * 68* *892* *S62* m .si eb a tuo ot eb fo tel" eht ot eht eht -ylno etiuq stcaf imitni ksa ,luferac si ylno yb a .ksat oidua selpmaxe nedaed esu esned eht woh fo ni a fo eht ot na a f .tnem sepat yalp et sac MA eugov gnip o .woN etuhot rac ehT tsaF '11 t'Yr -celus 11> tseR 1084 .S i k tpek a srekaps htiwepat ni MF si pu htiw syad >b hsad delatsni evah revo swodni ycna ot 4 iFiH na fo S ' R E T H C I ni weN weN ,radeC esaelP ediw tlein>|lF .delniilcJeR MA ;d'I eruhSneijmA .nciasuMM desU redneF S AM esrveR NoStli( redneF DESU .iuul YUB lla hWM eht rac MA tra .L.E 101 ,gnikam-yrlewj,seilpus FFO .TPED SI EN G EVISULCXE NO evolg redoc r oer ts owt oer ts oidar gnilo t ra cinortelE KAT weN .srewolf gnivaew YNA GNIVRES" tnemrosa dna ,nwot .revo dnuora r:ei;k< ni era RATIUG 0 .1$ TFARC .HP .E gnis aL gnirB SYUB GNIDART - no eht 'l if NITRAM . d r i b e r i F - L ES nopu C ,seilpus 741-73 DNARG traped hcihw ,kcab oer ts eht spohs gniralb .redneF SPMA ret l,bnkriR SRAT ( £"ld I»MH4 remotsuC ,yrehctis emarc .NAL 0184 ROF ,gnis aL fo ot d.lanoitpecx erisnoc oidar sraey MF deird S'AERA otuA ,paehc otuA .S .HP 51 od .oga riapeR nl'I lt> ton .rehtie tuB .thgirbE edivorp evah ,yadoT .dias RELA D .ainvlyseP niatrenE ni 786-28 1^H 372-13 "SRAEY niatrenE yeht selas do g eb ot s'ti tnagvrxe rieht rac ohw enoms ohw dnuos dias sre a dna eht latsni .tnem egnar dewohs .thgirbE yeht gneidhepst thgirbE rof tinu hcihw hgih kcots morf taht 54$ nur a ,seimrp ot sa ni sa 91 $ rac yeiVt .tnaw tinu htiw si sa ot yenom elpoep .59. 9$ wol .962$ oerts dias senisub rof eht er w sreka ps htiw owt .ruof 52$ demrof p kaepS ¬latsnI 59. 2$ stinu st oc ot no sa era ni draob refas .eenoh ehT eseht hsad meti saw ot elbmsaid nI" emos peek hsad-ni tuobA" oer ts eht dias ot og a si .tnemiat gnimob ,denialpxe ecalpnom evomer eht ,srac eh",yad nev s rieht ni dnuosteJ ta .rac ledom ro a ".ti uoy eh elohw . d e a thgieesuaceb . pot otuAe t s sia c .dias evah ¬hsad ot rebmun ti signiles retnE MF/MA fo yl .yras dias otuA l es soer ts tahw elpoep semoc deunitoc( yeht emoc ",gnihtemos ereh tsomlA" morf elpoeP ti ni saw dluohs ydobrev .tnemiar Esnorepla ni eht no egap ".tnaw dna .dias ereh eh si ton t c e p x gnit uh )31 wonk ot ylaus rof on ¬tcaxe emoS" ¬secn thgirbE ¬drah yub ohw ta rac