VOLUME 72 NUMBER 84 WEDNESDAY. MAY 24, 1978 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING MICHIGAN 48824 Energy deal OK'd by House conferees By IOM KAI M WASHINGTON t.\|'i ln the first I art. f>y the major breakthrough on President Carter s Hous natural gas 'rial ysE-rs would pay for the price energv program in months. House energy s ftr-' under the compromise. conferees \oterj ].( to jo hom'-ow r.ers from skyrocketing Tuesday to accept Mi a proposet) compromise calling for natural gas deregulation m 19*5. r.easure would give producers an The act ion wh.ch $9 b:u:on :n additional revenues a[ipeared to end the long Knergy '.if. •'! staletna atural gas lames K 19*5 an amount backers pricing that has say delayed all priori i Carter's energy >e adequate to encourage explora program. new sources „f gas. tederal pro Although Sena! •onferees must also on Jan. i. ! be* variety of projections • vote on the propos both proponents and H)percent w ould cost consumers Opp'C of the measure conceded that the meanti with most estimates S'o'e News Pe'er Obee I tiKiil l.insinR firelighter help« put out flaming repair truck. The fire, which look place at Mt. there ■nough Senate votes to approve Knher t -ear to $50 a vear in Ljuiner- of acetylene and oaygen which acci Hope Avenue and llagadorn Koad at 2:45 p.m. the [i reimpose t - ir. addition to price Iftnially caught fire in a Chesaie System track luevday. held up traffice for almost an hour. The Sena te negotiators will vote today. ou» of hand lUv") ie expected due to Sen. Henry M. Jackson. It Wash., leader of the Senate negotiators, predicted a P> 7 margin among > negotiators port «.t the plan. mne hurt in truck fire High gives Before fakir.g up th* compromise Use'-] House- attempt by to semi conferees to rejected. 17 to K. a Hep. Anthony Moffett. I) Conn both houses just three relati'.ei court ..-ij ,i Fhessie System railroad track repair truck at fi.i-h ,,f fir*- tha* -h-.t up t.-. •. \,jk. minor part- of the energy legislate .f*;lie ami llagadorn Koad 2:45 p.m. Tuesday was t int- witness desE-rib«-«l it as a bl.t<- oke that already agret on fere* burial iriftl by the Fast Lansing Fire Department with Middenl\ shot straight up ' back The move w .i h \ lew I'd a- an attempt t <» . H'kftj traffic for almost an hour. did I'at riarch not sanl he e\pi nit1, till! v ' hank hi. rati ciisiH he\ leierie tanks derail the Moflett gas opposes pricing compromise, .is 'a burden on which con case ■gari when a spark ignited two containers of acetylene I'M 11 . t are ies^ned to. while t'hessie System assistant signaler Hubert Patriarch*- said the biggest dang ■r with the pe cited a mentality that has guided I. ANSINi. LPI [••■uring gasoline into a compressor on his truck, said containers .if oxygen and acyteb-n A bar,..: \p|. i'lc group has appealed a ■ ' f : F;re Chief Arthur 1'alriarche. Because .it t he danger ot such an t anything to get a bill, at anv cos1 PBB tainted cow s ;u*ar M:o w a- explosion. F.ast Lansing police which gave the state about 15 feet from the railroad tracks, and an the Michigan was blocked traffic at Mt Hope Aveu e and harm I.ai e near V Lot. But th*' conference chairperson. Hep. Supreme Court T the animals. ■am was halted temporarily as a precautionary We real glad that nothing blew. Harley M. Staggers. I> W.Va., defend»-d th** are w h \ e\eryone w as e firefighters put out the blaze. proposal. saying. "We have come up with at blocking the move. nt- fear PBB from the kept mi lur away from :h» lire I'.iirian >rtuna!e!> th> pouring gasoline, and ail of a sudden there the ' was a containers' relief val\*-s vent«-..pre:r,e i our; said the record of • • :n the ca.-e w a- insufficient for it to ISMSU Constitution referendum scheduled for today " ■•••• th:- time, so ■'*. .-rderpct '."* "-to.:.; ' ou.nty i ir«-u:t Court to hold a • .ir.ngor. matter and compile "detailed. • ;..i !:'!.!:ug- .the issue- l> MM Ml AN AH AN originated with th»- Student Board in The .ither thrr* of ASMS!' which area- refundable within the first two weeks of non — *• xist terniinoiogv Nit* New* Staff Writer response to the lack of clarity in those Thec'.rcuit court w as ordered to begin the receive pern-mage- •'! student taxes - t-ach term. After hoard member- realized there were -tudents will be able to areas. Student Board •$! 2"1. tearing no later than Tuesday, and to Legal S*-rv ices i5ti Thequestion dealing with sexist language too many -eparate -e\:-' r. !er*-nc*-- to be : ASMS!' constitutional All lour 'onclude no later than June 30 u ' .ir were approved by the board by it','.!-' and Student Medi.t Appropriations in th«-constitution was greatly modified by voted on case by case, they decided :t would f m t•» I p.m. in Berkev. overwhelming majorities. Board -10 .i cent-- will still receive the the Student Board at its meeting two weeks be simpler to ask the rr.ore general n,tine amount-. The Programming Boantj ago. Initially, the question wouid have o! whether ail sexist language should he ;*:>- C.uir*. which will make the ■ ci • he referendum are: change's in th*- existing constitution, the aliot ment w otild b* corn* t f $].911 listed every instance a sexist pronoun or rt-mov ed ,it:mate determination. '-.t ASMS! student tax be questions must b«- voted upon by the per stinlent per term. r*-ler*-nce is used and then asked whether The board wnl have :h»- re-ponsihiiitv .>: il. n-tal tax of $3.50'.' > --ar.s that when Judge Allan C. ■ .i undergraduate student body The tax w>>uid Mil! be completely that statement should be changed l<> continued on page 12 - If th*- question on raising the tax pa--*--, H - go!- through up there, the case -exist language in the ' ' Mei be changed by the the $1 increase will go entirely to the m;"'- r.gh: hack into the lap of the v.:- iiiiartl' ASMSL Programming Board mprert *• ttnirt, -aid court spokesperson .:: ni legal services director Steve Politowic/., Programming Board FORMFR STIMM If/AS HONORARY .101! tor th*- Legal Services chairperson, explained that while a large were given the limited part of the increase will help Pop Fntertain his findings and sending University president for t :iu- Student Board have day? • more ment pull out of its financial deficit, other haste so a better and 'Vren.jum -aiing when ;- needed? a I'niversity programming areas will also use t he money. Coincidentally. Politowic/ said, the new a ■;* r;.i ..my ,»f all students who the procedure — especially the copyright laws that went into effect this t'-ifoi ; pass the four const it u By NANCY ROdlKR k rmer-i!y administrator-arui graduate he Supreme Court of a hearing year have increased expenses for Program - State News Staff Writer He also said he w anted to see how his case college dean- about hi- case circuit court tning Board groups. A large portion of the i — w as somewhat '■it A former MSL student from Turkey, who would be viewed by administrators. -;m' questmn is the only one extra money collected will help defray t lu- l.u-t week. MSI I'rovo-t Liar-net ha- been battling with MS!' administrators Miaients. The other three of th*' increases. Politowic/ said. I'stay said campaigning hy his friends and Wmder ruled readmit cost over his denied masters degree, will be to I'stay to . • - - a hurry up. do it-as last as you contributions from many campus offices, College of Business in order to comp • an prop.-Hy thing." he said. honorary MS!' president June 1. including the Administration Building, requirement- tor his degree. I'stay Driver I'stay. who claims he completed helped him to win. He added that he would l'he PBB Action Committee, pealed to Winder after the busir.e-- -c in its appeal. |#mier FBI employee requirements for his advanced degree six not make an appeal of his case to President that the three-acre ;- arguing decided to deny him hi- degree. grave near years ago. garnered 10,050 votes in the KdgarL. Harden w hen he sits in as honorary M wm be But the former student said he will o a menace to public health. "President For The Day " contest sponsored president. re enter MS! because he does not have Construction of the pit has been com- by Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity last "1 don't want to put pressure on Harden time or money. , •, : -'.ate natural resources officials said K'c.s new allegations week. due ! stay. w to ho says he w as denied his degree personal prejudice from the deans of just because I won." he said. "Dr. Harden m a humane human being." "The most that I can ask him is just to L-tay -aid Tuesday he w.i- enthu.-:. about hi- day as honorary president. I'll try to keep this completely apodtn ine-uay. but the burial hinges tavorab • Supreme Court decision. on a the business school, said Tuesday he ran for make sure I get answers to my letters." he in". Wdham C Mdhken and the Depart he -aid |lNl,Tl)S .Al'i A former KHI honorary president to increase awareness added. mt nt o: Natural Resources have resisted the a program of surreptitious entries in the The contest, which involved about ■s superiors knew about a and to show that others art1 aware of his I'stav said he has sent letters to .•omnuttee - suggestion that the cattle be (Iray regime. candidate-, was held by Alpha Phi Omeg »• break ins five years before "We cannot state •'tit why no investigation raise money for the MS!' Knriehment Fi filed criminal charges began until J97t>, but we submit it was Project chairperson Philip Klliot '.'here currently is no incinerating facility twii others. because either the Department of Justice about $300 was raised Seventy five per* Miller says the officials K*n?.Wn',t the lime, in the 1972 73 may did not consider the that time, or that it acts to be unlawful al the department's Arab accuses Israelis of the total will go to the enrichment f ami 25 percent wii: go to the fraternity large enough m the state to handle the condemned cattle, and chemists fear that was ev or, deadlier compounds could be produced I"1- HI men were breaking into policy not to prosecute such acts." Millers Voting for the election cost a penny per :t the PBB not burned at a carefully investigating the radical motion said. v ote. co.utrolled temperature. ; wrground. ar«ing FBI Director L. After Kuckelshaus became deputy at tor of scheming for territory IP Maims the FBI had a ney general Miller said he told the FBI's policy of new director, Clarence Kelley. about the bni *n,'w J,,lalxiut ,S ant^it and Justice break ins. Miller said government docu I'LL AVIV (AIM West Bank lands A tug of war over ger strike to protest the school's ban on approved of ments show that Kuckelshaus and Kelley erupted Tuesday as an organized Arab cultural or political activity. ■ ^ ,s ? ["f ul' t<» and including the talked about an inquiry into the break ins Arab mayor claimed that the Israeli Hlias Freij, mayor **1 Bethlehem, -aid he was officially informed April 12 (hat about government is scheming to confiscate department declined to and that there were meetings on fhe Arab owned absentee property in the SO.OOO acres of land around his tow n. ow nod subject among other FBI and Justice occupied area to enlarge Jewish settle by Arabs residing in North and South ^«r Arting Associate Director Department officials. merits. America, would be handed over to an Israeli J'■ -"i"r and Miller, a former Kelley has claimed he did not learn until "custodian of absentee properly" in inside for (b,. FBI's domestic 1970that break ins involved with investiga In Jerusalem. Arab students al Israels effect making Israel the owner. (continued on page 10) largest university began a three day Hun ln a parliament Foreign Affairs and tt„ IM|M°n' art' charged with Graduating in June and -fill Security Committee session Tuesday. De nils'11'' °'V'' r'Khts of the tense Minister K/or Wei/man denied there don't have a job? See the insert in today's paper. ta?-i,s- i\,.|! '.v.mt dismiss the had been any change in Israeli land policies. Israel radio reported. But Yosef Tamir. like Wei.'man a member till,.??"' '"r tfismissal "on Schedule books available of the Likud bloc, attacked the govern For a Iti. whale of a tale, see iSitt,..,..' ""'"Tno-nt delay hy page L,.his rights, merit's handling of the land issue, saying it had failed to make its policies clear on the kin,,.. '' ''U'lrnre will show that Today is the last day for off campus students to pick up fall term class schedules from Jordan River fringe lands, seized in the K, had knowledge the Union concourse. Ihe Student Services ItuildiiiK first floor or the International 19t>7 >*e other frkihli" ""'s al '''asl as »'arlY as Center lobby. war. Speaking to reporters. Freij demanded Mi. "arl>' »* 1973. and that VVeizman. "whom 1 personally re Tixlay will be partly clotniy ,',":a",',,us|y wilh o>«- On campus residents should have already received course schedule las.ks in I he mail. with a high in tin- mid 70s. Schedules books will also be available in ISO Administration Hld«. through the speot," call an official inquiry into Ihe , r, unlaw'«l." Miller clearer skies tonight, with tent Kr f":lwiih"»-«'«rt. matter. "If this land is taken, what will be lelt?" peratures in the 50- I*' op." ''"er testified to the in The books contain section reservation request forms to be filled out and returned asked Freij. "We will have have l^keki,:;; Vur il* ";ai,rayins successorhe mid as during early enrollment for fall term May JO through June I. a Palestinian state, homeland no space or to anything a 'be F HI had else." conducted 2 Michigon Stole News. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May 24 1971 More bodies found in Kolwi KINSHASA, Zaire (AIM tints E»f last week's rebel ram lion and epidemics. expressed anger at French paratroopers found the page in Kolwezi, at a new "We are in a dead city." Col. Belgian bodies of 18 more massacred massacre site Monday. Yves Gras told reporters in paratroopers for before all of the withdrawing *7 in rebel holdout, Kolwezi. whites in battle torn Kolwezi. a bodies had The ministry spokesperson Kolwezi. He said there was no Al been buried. Kinshasa's ajn European relief official here said the number of foreigners American reported Tuesday. French and murdered in Kolwezi during water, electricity or food, and A Red Cross official return <; i41 1 Zaire government forces in the the rebel occupation may have with the city's vital mines shut down - no income. copper ing to Kinshasa from Kolwezi said all the white victims "7 in line, 7 orders from southern Zaire city awaited exceeded 200. but a precise in the Washin, word from Paris, meanwhile, on count could not yet be made. The relief official said hun dreds of rotting corpses town had been identified and their bodies buried but V" The las, transports that .J their next step in the war in posed a some ,h, «ndI Bomb-disposal team sent to eruise liner Shaba Province. "In the confusion, some bodies may have been counted serious threat of cholera and typhoid. black corpses were still streets. in the military ba f rovinre sup|llj(. for the French soldiers twice, and others still being Some Rian LONDON (AP) — A three-person The bomb threat was in a letter sweeping are foreigners in Kinshasa Gras said he also paratroops through the bush outside the found every day," he said. believed cued bomb-disposal team was flown to the delivered earlier in the day to the London survivors. offices of P & O Steam city also found 20 terrified Few details were available cruise liner Oriana in the Atlantic Ocean Navigation Co., French women and children about the twin discoveries of 100 miles north of the Azores late owners of the 43.340-ton liner. hiding front a rebel gang that survivors and dead. It was not HALF BILLION SIGN PETITION Tuesday to be dropped on board by We had killed all their husband* known whether they were con are treating it as a hoax, a P & O parachute ofter a bomb threat against and fathers, a Defense Ministry neeted. spokesperson said after the search. the ship was received. But an eight-hour search turned up P & O said the threat was turned over to Scotland Yard which alerted the Ministry spokesperson said in He said the children were unaware that a Paris. women and w said The European official here, ho asked not to be identified, UN arms session opei nothing, and the team did not board. It of Defense. Capt. Philip Jackson, master as many as 300 Europeans ordered back to its base in Britain French and Belgian airborne may still be unaccounted for. It was of the Oriana UNITED NATIONS (AP) - was also advised by radio force had driven the rebels is believed that some might be Yugoslxv Prime Minuter Gyrus It. Vance after the plane circled the ship for more P & O The U.N. General Assembly Veselin Djunnovic was to be than an hour. a spokesperson said. from the area over the week hostages in the hands of re Foreign Minister , end. opened a five week session on the first speaker. U.S. Vice P & 0 treating rebels. disarmament Tuesday in Gromyko- areeIp, The ship carries 2.400 passengers and would give no details of the The a President Walter Mondale was spokesperson said the Streams of black refugees present for the crew threat or who made it ministry also had received "un began returning from the bush massive effort to slow down an scheduled to be the second. dress. Gromyko Mo| official information" that the to Kolwezi Tuesday, but the arms race costing the world Wednesday afternoon. the U.N. will French troops had discovered French commander almost $400 billion a year. It is session Fril there Mondale's speech could yield Hying to Police search the first world level discussion Washing,„J turns up terrorist hideout about 20 bodies, apparent vie warned that they faced starva of the matter since 1932. indications of the U.S. stand in the next round of The center Washingtoi on Similar talks date back as far Strxtegic agreed ROME (AP) — A terrorist hideout another ultraleftist urban guerrilla as 1899 when Czar Nicholas II Arms Limitation Talks with the lowering limits on L Soviet Union, to begin nuclear weapon possibly used by the Red Brigades was organization. of Russia initiated an inter Friday deli] discovered in the nearby beach town of Ostia during a widespread search for the The discovery was made a week ago AT&T announces national conference at the Hague that produced a ban on in Washington. Both the principals in the cles to 1994 replace thos, Vladivostok but was not revealed until Tuesday to »hich permitted killers of former Premier Aldo Moro the dum dum bullet. talks — Secretary of State allow investigators time to watch the range missiles and t police said Tuesday. Yugoslav Deputy Foreign Police first reported the apartment was used by the Red Brigades, the group that basement apartment No arrests were made Police said the price, wage curbs Minister Lazar Mojsov opened the session, saying "history and the peoples whom we represent kidnapped Moro March 16 and killed him 55 days later but they later said they couldn't be sure. apartment The Armed was filled arms 66 pounds of explosives and guerrilla leaflets. Proletarian Nuclei has NEW YORK iAIM against — The Carter administration's offensive sharp increases in inflation gained ground Tuesday when American Telephone & Telegraph Co., the nation's largest here will not forgive us if we do not use this opportunity fully." Official claims claimed responsibility for Mojsov. who will preside Investigators said the residence was a a number of corporation, announced it would adopt a limited program of price the session, reminded that win over base for the Armed Proletarian Nuclei terrorist attacks in several Italian cities and But salary restraints. major participants in the arms can arms rt although AT&T's announcement followed salary restraint race have the capacity to "kill pledge* by such corporate giants as General Motors and Ford, there several times over WASHINGTON (AP) - Chief U.S. arms every man, negotiatd U.S. intends to strengthen Chinese ties appeared to be no concerted effort by other major companies to fall woman and child in the world." Warnke said Tuesday this country would win any strj in line. race with the Soviet Union if the current TOKYO (AP) — Diplomats in Peking AT&T, whose Bell System services 121 million telephones in the Seventy three top govern collapsed. arms limit] diplomatic relations ment officials, including 20 I'nited State*. *aid it would freeze basic salaries for its But, Warnke said. U.S. security would be said Tuesday Zbigniew Brzezinski s talks China and the United States opened top 430 heads of state and 53 cabinet enhanced executives for the rest of the year, although merit increases of less accord to bring stability to the two with Chinese leaders fostered a new liaison offices m Washington and ministers, from the 149 U.N. superpower! Peking than 5 percent still would be allowed. mood of Chinese-American cooperation in 1973 member nations will speak. relationship. j The mainland government has The Bell System has some 94b.(KM) workers, about 235,000 of "That's the only reason we're in it." Warnke told after months of uncertainty and spurred The World Peace Association The | balked at establishing full ties so them non union management employees. Press on the eve of a new round of long as has presented U.N. Secretary possibly climactic n chances for establishing full diplomatic The firm also said its Western Electric Washington continues to recognize Tai¬ equipment manufacturing General Kurt Waldheim with a here and in New York. "It's not philanthropy." ties, Japanese correspondents reported. which subsidiary would not increase prices for the rest of the year. If a strategic arms limitation wan Peking claims as part of petition, calling for world dis¬ treaty is not signed a Brzezinski President Carter's national China "Clearly, this will help hold down the cost of telephone service to the United States is determined to the public." AT&T Chairperson John deButts said in a letter armament. signed by a re keep the Russians frl security adviser briefed Japanese offi¬ to ported 500 million people in any sort of strategic advantage, he said. 1 cials on the talk Tuesday after flying in President Carter The firm said no estimates were available. "We've got the will and the resources to do that,' Wl The American envoy flies to South more than 100 countries. from the Chinese capital. He told "I just have no doubt that if there is Korea today the last stop on his Asian going to be aif Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Fukudo tour. President Park competition, we can match them and we can outmi Chung-hee s govern¬ That's one of the things that gives us a strong negotiatnT the United States intends to its ties with strengthen China and pursue full ment is of China expected to seek his s views on assessment the Korean situation. Unannounced safety checks banned "If the Soviet Union thought that in the absence of J could gain strategic superiority they would have WASHINGTON iAP The believe me, in negotiating SALT, he said, adding: Supreme Court and business locations without proving to a judge told the federal "One of the principal incentives is that they recognj government Tuesday it must or magistrate that such a search was justified. stop making unannounced safety inspections of keep up with any competition they can mount." I The Constitution's the nation's workplaces unless it first obtains protection against unrea Three major issues remain unresolved as Secretan sonable searches "protects commercial search warrants. buildings Cyrus R. Vance and Warnke head into talks with SovJ as well as Voting 5 3, the justices struck down as private homes," Justice Byron R. Minister Andrei A. Gromyko. unconstitutional a portion of 1970 law White wrote for the court. The negotiations will be held outside the passed by Congress to provide government protection of "We disarmament conference in New York and then in Wasl are unconvinced that requiring warrants workers against on the job safety hazards. to inspect will impose serious burdens on the The three issues center The law had authorized on U.S. efforts to restrain t!| inspectors from the inspection system or the courts, will prevent in Occupational Safety and Health Administration modernizing new missiles and in deploying the bomb inspections necessary to enforce the statute or the West the Backfire, to make spot checks of some six million industry will make them less effective," White said. range as as well as on of American pilotless cruise missiles. clarifying the j i.,h.qo- S'a'e u- Vo'MlOv SN PHOTO CONTEST ENTRIES CAN BE| Former mobster dies in New York PICKED UP IN NEW YORK (AP) Mobster Joseph but attributed Colombo, once one - of the nation's most tions it to long-term complica¬ 4H823 ROOM 344 STUDENT SERVICES stemming from his injuries. powerful crime overlords but a human GERALD H COY GENERAL MANAGER ROBERT I BUUARD SALES MANAGER vegetable since he was shot down in Although authorities said he lived his PHONES TODAY - Wed May 24 - lOam-lpm public seven years ago, is dead at the age life outside the law Colombo died with a Newt ldi'o"ol m mi OatnLed Ads of 54. Colombo died Monday at St. Lukes record of only minor convictions. Because of his semicomatose condition a number Display Adv»M>i Business OWit• IJJMiS J4J 4400 355 1447 2:30pm-4pm Hospital in Newburgh, N.Y.. about 60 3SS-I3II miles north of here. Dr. John C. Bivona Jr of pending charges against him were Thursday May 25 - 10am-4pm dismissed after he was shot at a 1971 an attending physician, said cardiac Italian American Day rally in Manhattan s arrest was the immediate cause of death Columbus Circle. Fri May 26 - 10am-lpm HEW celebrates 25th birthday HOTDOGS Check SN for future times WASHINGTON (AP) - The Depart- of the department seem legion. ment of Health, Education and Welfare, There was, the HEW secretary re¬ Ml IKECE the biggest and possibly most controver¬ called. the big cranberry flap 20 years sial government agency, celebrated its ago. That was when the department Every Monday and Wednesday Wll MM 1979 25th birthday Tuesday by throwing a recalled the notion's from 3 p.m. grilled dogs plus a party for itself cranberry crop just large selection of drought beer before Thanksgiving because some HEW Secretary Joseph A. Califano Jr., berr ies had been contaminated with a coumm orriRiD the host for the party for600 persons, had weed killer linked to lavish praise for his department, but rats. thyroid cancer in j HUM 201, 202, 203. 345 (4 credits each). PLETE HUMANITIES GENERAL EDUCATION HUM 201. 202. 203 REQUIREMENT FULFILL THE j conceded oil is not right with the He noted, for agency. The recall, right at the peak cranberry- ri---..iv" r ment's example, the depart¬ own estimate that it loses peddling season led to a near shutdown I'T MAC- A HUM 300, SS 300, REL 295, 495 (SUPERVISED INDEPENDENT STUDY COURSES J some $7 of the VARIABLE CREDIT). billion each year because of waste and cranberry industry. Then, too there is Califano's current inefficiency. crusade STUDENTS MAY ENROLL FOR A TOTAL OF 12 OR MORE CREDIJ But it is not just against smoking, which has PREPARE FOR: because HEW spends 36 made him no friends percent of the federal among tobacco budget that critics users or producers MCATMTLSATOMAT OINIRALITIMRABY GRE OCAT VAT SAT 4 WEEKS IN JERUSALEM 1 WEEK INDEPENDENT TRAVEL Holiday drivers to pay less for regular fuel NMB I, II, III ECFMG-FLEX-VQE 2 WEEKS ON A KIBBUTZ 2 WEEKS IN TEL AVIV NAT'L DENTAL BOARDS • NURSING BOARDS 8 DAYS IN GREECE WASHINGTON (AP) Motorists The average price of premium Flexible Program* A Hour* traveling the Memorial Day week gasoline over is unchanged at 68 9 cents while the cost There IS a difference'.'.'. end will pay less for regular grade of diesel fuel is prooram dirictor up 0.9 cents to 57.5 cents. gasoline but slightly more for unleaded PROFESSOR WILLIAM VINCENT fuel than they did a year ago, the The AAA check showed that DEPARTMENT OF HUMANITIES American Automobile Association said prices are lowest in the southwestern United G-57 WILSON HALL 355-5195 today. States, where regular sells for an An AAA nationwide FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, MAIL THIS COUPON TO: service stations shows survey of 3,500 regular gas selling average 60.5 cents, premium for 65.9 cents and unleaded for 63.7 STUDY, 108 INTERNATIONAL CENTER. E. LANSING, Ml 48824 OR CALL W 0FflCf °Vg,j4 for an average of 63.2 cents a cents. down 0.8 cents, and unleaded gallon. Highest average prices are in the West, For Information Please Call -H. selling for where motorists can expect to pay 66 MPMN 66.9cents a gallon, up 0.3 cents from last 919 E. Grand River year. cents for regular .71.5 cents for premium E. EDUCATIONAL CENTER I om interested in MSU in Israel and Greece Winter 1979 and 69.4 cents for unleaded. Lansing, Ml 48823 TEST PREPARATION Nome SPECIALISTS SINCE I93S local Phone - Ph.(517)332-2539 Local Address _ Outside N Y Stale Only CALL TOLL FREE: 800 223 1782 Centers in Maior US Cities Toronto, Puerto Rico Home Address and Lugano, Switzerland , Wednesdoy. May 24, 1978 Lea church attendance up Miianm1"* HSVOTE This i> r,u,„uniiiin(llh' »«ond in t ln *rr* Students seek spiritual, have noted a pessimistic student attitude toward secular solutions to lems. society's prob WJatt ,r,d thf »PP"'ot ta' in"""1 -P«ritu*J "Modern technology hasn't provided the answers to life's problems and there fewer political solutions are ,,Jrj ..mal action were such spiritual and personal needs for every individual that can't be i f for most students a decade solved, explained Mitch Klein, student scientifically i'L observers felt that the president of the South Baptist Collegiate IJtuch revered institutions as the church. "The church was under attack as ijrdt had yone up in smoke, formulation," he added "The test is whether Fellowship. being hypocritical and I think the church In addition, local religious leaders observe [furl of the hated "establish you or I are daily committing ourselves to learned from that and tried to make itself church attendance dimin the spirit of Jesus, which is an openess and interest in spiritual matters, • more credible." love — even among those who are not distinctive, unconditional love." devoutly Hoksbergen said churches have increased Diane Deutsch. an ordained Methodist religious. their credibility by becoming more socially "Some very visible people have made it minister at Cnited Ministries in Higher aware, administering to the poor and education, attributed the rise in church OK to be a Christian," said Gary Hawes, improving their positions on racial matters. attendance to personal as well as campus minister of the His House Fellow¬ Rabbi Daniel Allen, director of B'nai political reasons. ship, citing President Jimmy Carter, B'rith Hillel Foundation, said Charles Colson and many students In the 60s students were in a community pornographer Larry were involved in the anti Vietnam War because of their activism." she said. Flyntas examples. effort out of religious conviction. "They Glenn Stutzky of Shiloh A member of Student for a Democratic were a part of something larger than Fellowship said he sees more openess about themselves. religion now .Society at Columbia Cniversity. Allen said because people are more willing to take he helped take over "The church is the only institution left that tracts the group passes out at university buildings in registration. S'o'eNe^s Bu-"y Vo sc protest of the war. can give a sense of contribution to "Before there would have been nothing Sophomore Steve Grobe got his chance to wallop the ball during "The tone is different now,' he said. humanity." Deutsch added. "And it is a but arguments," he said. "They would the Hubbard Hall annual between floors There is no cause. In the 60s activism was say. volleyball Tournament Monda> community where students can figure out 'Why don t you shove this up your nose.' night. Grobe was on the winning team, eighth floor, which students' religion." identity crises with others." Now people are more open. They put it in won against third floor before losing in the semifinals to 12th floor Tuesda\ Allen said most Jewish students are more Some religious advisers and students their pocket." night conscious of their Jewish identity for cultural and political reasons rather than religious ones. While ot her churches say t heir attendance ire.:gious .►as risen in ■crfuic officials the increase say in student the last five to 10 student has risen because of their changed social attitudes, cant one historically political church make that claim. The Rev. Truman Morrison of Fdgewood United Church said Lansing council fails to override Ice-danet" to changes within student attendance in his church has not |i political issues such as open increased over the years. Now. only a couple veto of $25,000 for lake dredging of students-show for services. |t.rrhcs have become more Morrison, who marched with Martin officials say students are less Luther King during the civil rights move l*L*ds political action. Those with ment, said the Fdgewood church was often By JANET HALFMANN of the three who voted against overriding was t«t be paid if a regional park agreement .ansmg w.iu.o r»«- Sut, News Stsll Writer the veto." said Debbie Stabenow, Ingham with Inghan: County could be worked out. 70 w h.ich begins Ji No one was more surprised than Ingham County Board of Commissioners chairper The following day Mayor Gerald W. a iUmp "The church is the only institution left County officials Monday when Lansing City son. Graves vetoed the funding. He said Lansing !f a Council failed to override the mayor's veto The council had unanimously approved residents wore paying an unfair share that can give a sense of contribution to of $25,000 for the dredging of l>ake Lansing. the initial payment of Lansing's $125,000 toward the project since 44 percent of other council members will n humonity. And it is a community where "We had received assurances from a pledge to the lake restoration project two Ingham County's proper;;. :a\e> art co! students can figure out identity crises with number of council members, including two weeks ago. The remainder of the pledge lected in the c::y "Of the $400,006 being contributed by AVer. • h.-^only ,.«»• •-gional others." parks." Hiair said. Ingham Count> 'to the lake project He saiii the regional comm.::: would — Diane Deutsch. Methodist minister , $176,000 really a contribution made by meet within the next two weeks Faculty affairs the property taxpayers of the City of Hut Commissioner Stabenow insiders *uv. imv. say students are also secular solutions to world involved with forums He calls the church on a the Vietnam War. "thinking person's group Lansing." he said. In Monday's 4 3 vote. Counciimembers James I). Blair. Lucille K. Helen and Louis the Lake Lansing project and parks as two separate issues "We aren't asking Lansing to regional :d the ji" ire turning to spiritual church. F. Adado elected to not override the parks that Ingham County •>pmg "I think it is issorepalpable |(lcthe Rev. Alvin Hoksbergen of now than in the irresponsible for us to ignore politics," he said. "We make an appeal here to the head and the heart. advocates wage hike mayor's veto. Richard J. Baker, a strong supporter of the lake project, was out of town. Six votes around the lake " she said "Lake Lansing is a special a Christian Reformed "Accepting Jesus is not accepting some are needed to override the mayor's veto. Last week. Blair had said that while he the recreational needs of :h» By MICHELLE CHAMBERS given to Gov. William G. Milliken and is ;ng Sute News Staff Writer currently in the state House of Representa sympathized with the mayor's concerns, he she said 'It warrants some extra The Cniversity Committee on Faculty lives. would still vote to override the veto. mil's attorney at 'I/' Affairs recommended a 21 percent salary increase for MSC faculty for the 1978 79 Between October and the present, many "political and practical negotiations" have Monday night he changed his mind. Blair said he sided with Helen, who wouldn't pari i board, she explain d. ' c h cent o! Ingham i ounty s academic year, according to a committee taken place in the branches of state support the funding, so they could repre¬ taxes an- collected :n the C:tv of Lansing, sent a unified position m their discussions of report given to Faculty Council Tuesday. government, the report said. about 6o percent a regional park system with other govern of the users of Lake The committee also requested the imple "What was presented to the Governor iscuss human rights mentation of fringe benefit recommenda¬ tions suggested in May 1977. the report last October and what was being discussed with the Legislature this winter differed mental units. Helen is one of Lansing's representatives Lansing service- are and a:! other Ingham County city residents, she said. Stabenow said the county would continue stated. to the Capital Area Council of Governments - significantly." the report said. to cooperate or. the regional park concept. attorney. Felicia linger. felt that the plight of Palestinian prisoners through which the regional park concept A major budgetory problem is that the Pappus Wednesday to talk about in Israel would be an appropriate topic of Fringe benefit recommendations in will be explored. The tde.i for regional park cooperation T-'j" -uman rights issue and the eluded changes in retirement, disability University's fiscal year runs from July 1 to did not originate with Lansing but with the debate at MSI', since the Fsmail case was Blair has been appointed by Helen to insurance, life insurance, health insurance, June 30. while Michigan's runs from Oct. 1 partially responsible for bringing public serve as chairperson of the committee to Capital Area Council of Governments, she to Sept. 30. l^ntatmn sponsored attention to the subject. holiday benefits and offers of tuition work out regional park cooperation. is by reimbursement for The committee, therefore, does not know |;fat Issues. Langer will speak at 7:30 p.m. in dependents. Helen said the city council "owes the Stabenow also said the Lake Lansing 23 year old MSI' exactly how much money MSU will receive student and McDonel Hall Kiva. Additionally. CBS's 60 The recommendations were passed to the in the upcoming academic year. mayor the courtesy of talking with him restoration project would proceed as heen charged in Israel with Minutes will be on hand to tape Langer's Office of the Provost in October, 1977. about his concerns." scheduled, but that :t would be more of According to the Bylaws of Academic an outlawed Palestinian presentation for a possible televised seg The main change made by administrators Governance, the committee on faculty The veto will give the council more time diittcuit without funds from Lansing having contact with for ment on Palestinian human rights. to the committee's recommendations was to affairs "shall annually report to a closed to consider the funding, which has never Thr "kick off ceremony" for the $2 5 f*1 A M'rdict on the charges is Langer was interviewed by Mike Wal¬ stretch proposals for funding over a meeting of the Faculty Council on academic been fully discussed, she said. million lake restoration scheduled for 11 lace, a co host on the program, earlier this three year period, the report said. Blair said there was a good chance money a m. Mav 30 at Lake Lansing I'ark South budget allocations and adjustments in I PsErector Fred Jones said he year in Washington. D.C. During the same month, the budget was salary and other forms of economic bene fits." Because the committee does not know the upcoming University allocations, the report on the budget dealt only with the present New Student Council Suicidal thoughts not unusual 1977 78 academic year. The final recommendation of the commit tee for salary increase during the last By SUSAN M. FRIKSS been 12 attempted suicides reported. Only one death has resulted, budget members year received was 9 an percent. "overall" Faculty salary members elect reps increase of just under 8 percent. SUtr New, Suit Writer the spokesperson said. o Before the report was made. Faculty nearly everyone regardless of age. sex or race, at A suicide attempt does not always mean the person wants to Council members discussed whether bylaw 'lifetime. committee positions i often it is a final plea for help. Kirk said. .if suicide. die "They want to change things in their life but they don't know provisions about presenting the report in a closed meeting should be broken. to how, or feel they don't have the power." he explained. Cft an assistant professor in the MSU counseling "This can often be cleared up easily with a little talk to a Provost Clarence L. Winder said he felt the bylaw provisions should be honored and 111 a coordinator of the Listening Kar Crisis professional." The transition from old to new Student between Claudette Th< on. Ko-ui.d Ilia:; 1, "h'a of a suicidal personality during National the meeting should be closed. Council took and Haul Meaders. place Tuesday afternoon in a L""""n Week, which runs through Sunday. The warning signs of a suicidal thinking include depression over Lester Hyman, professor of psychology meeting for both groups. • University Commute* Academic a real or threatened loss of a loved one. obsessive academic and chairperson of the University Commit If. SUSi'cplible to suicidal feelings, the two counselors The new Student Council members environment Shaun Cos and Janet V,'11'1'1'1' 'hat college f students are often high risks worries or an abrupt change in personality. tee on Faculty Affairs, reminded the council elected representatives to the University Laughlm. s'age of their emotional development at college Putting things in order by settling debts, writing letters or that the bylaws were written before the • University on Academic Governance standing committees and the advisory and talking in finalities are additional signs. Magen said. passage of the Open Meetings Act. consultative committees. l.yle Otretnba and Robert Rap.-on. lie called the old adage. "If a person talks about it he won't do The motion to open the meeting was Anne Crowe, a junior m James Madison • University Committee on Fac ht'nT values, I, '" rS"nswhich are tempting to establish their own often conflict with those of the it" a "dangerous myth." lie and Kirk agreed persons who hear approved by a narrow margin. College, was elected to serve as under Tenure Barbara Dana r« said. such talk from a friend should take it seriously. After the report was given, councilmem Wallerstem. graduate representative to the steering bers discussed at length the difference in • University Committee on Student L"U,|"r"wk '5 wry clear about who they are when they're Concerned friends can help most by urging the person to seek time between the committee's report to the committee of Academic Council. The steering committee is the organira Affairs Michael McKay. said. professional help. Magen and Kirk said. Persons who would council and the actual budget appropriation. lion Those elected to the advisory and prefer to talk with a friend present are welcome at the counseling The committee must work two years in through which individuals or groups P 9.sl rfr""l,,[l w'th the size and diversity of a campus center in this rase, Kirk said. advance on making recommendations and may initiate action in academic governance. consultative committees include: International Urograms and Studies JlSuicid s|,|'mmKly strong identity may become • It also sets the agendas for Academic Neither the counseling center nor Listening Kar charge tor di»es not know until the budget is released Michael Cotilin and Shaun Costello. F ,ld„d m"'V st t !1 By a few as one solution to the services, though the counseling center's services are available whether the recommendations were imple Council. Others elected to • Honors Urograms Janet Laughlin. standing committees only to students. Persons who wish to remain anonymous can mented. include: Jess Ko/.mati and Uatricia Tobm. him J ""a" town. ,laKe may be much harder on the college phone Listening Far anytime at 8.77 1717. Magen said. Mordechai Kreinin, professor of ecu •l.ibrarv Kirk said. • University Committee *»n Academic George Fcitel and Frank r>.d,„ L%t'ststud'enf10 aC< Hb'nts as 'be leading cause of death l**' I istening Ear is located above C.ary's Iteautv Salon at 547 K nomics, made a motion suggesting the Policy Frank Lessa. Thomas Hocking. Lessa. committee and administrators work closely Student Fruployment Committee rMesi'"'rs"n Grand Kiver Ave. The MSU counseling center is in 207 Student during the summer months to produce Kim Davis and Steve I'olitowic/. • Michael Seedorf and Jordan Hecker. reported that llldg. Universit Committee Curriculum since July 1977, there have Services luture budget recommendations which are • v on • Student Media Molly Mitlelstadt. Haul Newman. Patricia Appropriations Board presented to the governor in the fall. Wilde, Steven Bogart and a three way lie Uatricia Martin and David Beaton. Vote union for a change; FA's deserve the support ( Hants .il anion, union!" and "solidarity forever" The burgeoning bureaucracy at this University The union: yes or no; seem more linked uith Ford's River Rouge Plant in has of necessity become very top heavy with lMiithun an institution of higher education in 1978. administrative personnel, both in non-academic and Although auto strong comparisons between blue-collar workers and university professors cannot be academic areas. This has resulted in a further insulation of professors from input or control at if yes, which one? made, both groups do share many common concerns MSU. wages, benefits, working conditions and some While it can be argued that professors are not here Oakland University (as the AAUP would voice in policy making. 'Mediocrity* have us do), or do we want to well. to provide input or make decisions but are here ourselves with Illinois, Wisconsin, Berke compare Money is presently availabi instead to provide a service only — to teach, to do colters (or higher ley, yes even Michigan? They way we vote governor and funding of ed] research — this then relegates them to the positions Thirty two years ago, when 1 joined the May 24, 25 will make this choice. persuaded the legi,|a,T of mere employees, with no management responsibi MSI* faculty as an instructor, the following Harold Hart nol to politics by cutting enyaye in 1 lities. If this is the case, there should be no argument situations prevailed: lal the president was a Professor of chemistry in a minute taxes whirl! that professors not only have the right, but should dictator i but benevolent, educable, and a return for taxpaper but in its ayyreyale d ihf strong leader). He was appointed by the engage in union activities, if for no other reason than board of trustees without faculty input, lb) a significant increase in (J levels of education. for their own welfare and preservation. there were department heads, not chair Support FA FacultJ persons, and many of them were also little representing an MSI' hargail If it is instead admitted that professors should dictators. They were not appointed for play an important role in this | have some typically management-level responsibi five year terms, as at present, but could The AAUP policy on collective bargain serve irule.'l for life, tc) there w as almost no ing states. "Where appropriate the lities, then it should also be admitted that MSU falls ... l.ahor and faculty government, no elected depart Association will pursue collective bargain IndusJ woefully short of actualizing this belief: mental advisory committees, no grievance ing . Apparently at MSU it became •In the selection of chairpersons for schools and procedure, no nothing' id) the retirement "appropriate" only after Faculty Associates departments, faculty members — even though the plan was non contributory and unlike the TIAA plan, if you left MSI' you left w ithout filed its election petition after having the issue alive for six years by kept Support V continuing to position is generally chosen from their number — a penny. ie» the present package of fringe discuss basic issues of concern to faculty The American Association have only an advisory role in the selection. The same benefits mot as good as it might be, but not while the AAUP went into hibernation. The Professors has long holds true for selection of deans of colleges. bad' was non existent. 'f> my teaching load reluctance of the AAUP to engage in a of women faculty, and championl involved 21 contact hours a week and my collective bargaining campaign can in part AAUpl led to economic •Although faculty members have their own salary was less than 10 percent of what it is he explained by the fact that its own improvement! faculty as well. council, veto power is held by the provost — this now. members make up a goodly portion of the A primary example of sucfl I could go on and on with this list. My no union vote group on campus. even though all decisions made by Faculty Council been the strong and consisted point is that MSI .12 years ago was a The AAl'P's advocacy of a narrow form AAUP in Michigan for must go to Academic Council, which is also chaired legislate primitive place academically speaking, and of craft unionism aimed solely at one facet equal periodic pension benefij by the provost. that we have come a long way. And we have of higher education, the four year institu employees, including those ii come this far without a union. I had many- tion. does a great disservice to the tion. leaders from the •In the area of wages, faculty salaries have in MicJ opportunities to leave MSI', but always felt education profession. In order to deal with Committee W on Status of \1 general barely kept pace with inflation since 1972, that we were making great progress in both the complex professional problems as Profession, from AAUPChaptl and in some years have fallen behind. choosing and educating our administrators, well as the fact that all levels of education State University and and in improving our working conditions have a low priority in the public eye means Michigaf •In the present University grievance procedure, versity, and representatives! and the quality of the University. il do not that it is essential that K 12 professional Faculty Womens' Association! the president is the last step in the internal process. believe administrators are malevolent; and both community college and university the past two years helpi Since college deans and chairpersons, against inept, stupid and ignorant, sometimes, like faculty be part of the same organization. legislation, have provided the rest of us. but not evil. It seems to me Instead of cannibalizing on each other, whom many of the grievances are brought, are consultation to state govern! better t«> educate the ignorant than to professionals in the field of education should and have successfully considered as much a part of the administration as lobbied I bargain with them. 1 also think faculty can be united in presenting their case before passage. The result will be a s the president, it seems incongruous that the control administrators best by not be the public and legislature. improvemnt of women faeult| president be allowed the final word on the matter. coming divorced.) A young person who For example, it is in the long term best benefit payments. It is true that a union, either in attempting to solve joins our faculty today can do rewarding interest of MSU faculty members to see The AAUP has also develf teaching and research in an academic that K 12 school districts receive adequate or solving the above points of contention, may environment more conducive to scholarly- salary evaluation kit which I the funding to cut classroom size and thereby criminatory practices in highl worsen problems or create others. activity than it has ever been in the past. provide better basic preparation for college Union opponents point to the possibilities of compensation, and has been « True, there is room for improvement, but I bound students. Better prepared freshmen campuses to uncover and eliJ increased tuition and a union-mandated grievance hope we will continue to accomplish our students will permit this faculty to do a discrimination based on sex! procedure that will exhibit its own biases. scholarly goals in a professional way. better teaching job. At the same time, Report" on salaries at MSU f unfettered by the bureaucracy of a union. higher appropriations for this institution These and other negative repercussions are encouraged and financed un Perhaps we could have used a union 32 w ill provide better facilities and training for from the AAUP. AAUP chad indeed possibilities. But if the record of the years ago. but I think we need one now like those students entering the teaching pro¬ University in recent years is examined carefully, we need a hole in the head. fession. in collective bargaining hav^ succeeded in negotiating salai there remains the distinct probability that these The unions offer us a road to mediocrity, Faculty Associates is an affiliate of the related economic benefits for | matters will not be dealt with by the administration. not to excellence tacross the board raises, Michigan Education Association which is ty members. little differentiation for merit). With all due one of the most effective They are playing a game of chess without any lobbying bodies in Women faculty at MSU respect, do we want to compare ourselves this state and therefore is in a position to ship which AAUP can providi opponent. with Saginaw Valley State College las the obtain not only a larger slice of the pie for As to which bargaining unit to support, it seems Facultv Associates would have us do) or to K 12 education but higher education as Agricultu clear that the only reason the AAUP is even involved in the election is that it is afraid of being left out. The AAUP was dragged in on the coattails of the Faculty Associates. The FA has been the group pushing hard for unionization, and its affiliation with the Michigan Education Association — with its strong lobby and legislative clout — should add needed strength to the Lion Higher ed bargaining position of its members. If the FA were to win the election, it would give faculty members the chance tors and to sit with administra¬ attempt to work out their disagreements. It says a grave cri may be only a chance, but even that seems better than having only the alternatives the administration grants them now. Higher education in the United States faces a grave crisis. And We read our course description books, then fil I think I know why. description was misleading. We sit through instj 'The ends of justice (?)' Our educational system places an emphasis on quantity, not quality. And that means students don't get what they pay for. The clearly are not equipped to teach. And all this at the fl taxpayers' expense. quality of the service provided by the universities is very low In this election year, it seems indeed. This emphasis on quantity, not quality, has mad body of opinion holds that Geralds' whose record in public life over the This problem stems largely from the idea of universal education. education system into a bastion of mediocrity. But thi the state Legislature is engaging ouster was sufficient punishment years can only be described as College administrators in the 1950s and '60s spread the myth that very well be torn down soon if academia does not m| in a frantic process of self- and disgrace, and any house in order. penalties shabby and self-serving, resigned everyone should go to college. How can one possibly have a cleansing before its members face imposed by the courts would be fulfilling life if one doesn't go to college? they asked. For them it the electorate in November. from the Senate and pleaded guilty was a dollars and cents issue. The dissatisfied students of today will be the l4 superfluous. A better theory, the to a misdemeanor charge that he Students who shouldn't have been in college thus went to school, donors and the lawmakers of tomorrow. ey I Rut whether this endeavor is to which we subscribe, main¬ consumers who didn't enjoy the product, restaurs* one defrauded the state of less than watering down the system. Many of these went on for masters and being conducted in an open and tains that well-heeled public or $100 on his expense account. doctorates — and began teaching. After all, teaching is a pretty disliked the service. just manner is a difficult question private figures who abuse their good racket. There are many really competent teachers out there. Many of our parents have not gone through the si to answer. In exchange for his plea, the status — the white-collar elite — But then again there are many teachers who live up to the old system they went through was far different than t all state agreed to drop five felony Case in point: State Rep. Monte should be severely taken to task by maxim: those who can. do; those who can't, teach. Most of us have they support the system. But a good portion of our ff Geralds. convicted of embezzle¬ the charges which held that Cart¬ had a few of these people as professors. gone to school — and many seem to be coming ou I courts for their trans¬ ment, is expelled from the House wright had cheated the state of In the regular business world they wouldn't stand much of a If higher education doesn't quickly move to upgrM gressions. nearly $700. Astonishingly, Cart¬ chance — at least if they tried to hold jobs with salaries as high as and sentenced tot wo years proba- State Sen. Arthur it may experience a loss of support. If hig '' tion and public service duties. One Cartwright is wright, under the terms of the plea some of them make in academia. But in the university they can especially the mediocre ones — want to remain in another example. Cartwright, he manage it. should start to work a little harder. Or else t ty copped, will reimburse the What this means is that the students oftentimes get screwed. state for the full amount he was jobs. accused of having taken - but without having to face the con¬ The DOONESBURY by Garry' State News viction or penalties attendant to the charges. irwin, i just just one, rrsAsn-coM WUL.ACTUAUT, Wednesday. May 24, 1978 Attorney General Frank J. cant do it! fred. we cauedspa" its VP HAVE TO Editorial', ore fhe opinions of the itd be a cm need one ? ,, rUBE letters ore personal opinions State News Viewpoints, columns and Kelley issued a statement de¬ breach of YOUR REAC¬ which nbc's response WHATOO SAVWEDIP I RIGHT toallwsejmie YOU MEAN, YOU ONE over- claring that the agreement "ef¬ faith for me TION TO ONE. one? shows of mrs. 'RESPONSE"? BETTER! Editorial Department Editor , Munug .y£<: Mahuvl lonimuro Kut Brown Pholo Editor Maggie Waii,ei fectively serves the end of jus¬ tice." But does it really? A touiokat nbc sum \d fnterfocimenl and Book Edilor Opimo Dove Mmolowski Kathy Esse/man protracted trial might have been Sporfs Editor Tom Shonohon Sp.-< ■>;< necessary to convict Cartwright Rulph f rommohno Layout Editor Deborah Heywood and obtain his Mk hunt Wmtor Copy Chief resignation, hut the Kathy Stejbach Anne Stuart Freelance Editor process, however painful, might Don Spidder Jocelyn Lushowsh Siaff Representative have fully cleansed the record and Michelle Chambers Advertising Department served notice on other vng Manager Shoron Seller public Assistant Advertising Manager officials that lawlessness is Oenise Dear in¬ tolerable. n stole News. £o«t Lansing Michigan Wednesday May 24 1978 I 1 • < /VSA w— - 1 • 1 — « 1 » ~— < \ III Tl Lr MEHKiccoirs scon ami iirmst- Ellington reprise flat Duke Ellington in Person: \n Intimate Memoir By Mercer Ellington with Stanley Dance pal biography clarifies friendship Houghton Mifflin $10.95 By Dave Di Martino The dustcover notes to this new Ellington biography quote ■ ,• The Authority of Ftilurr major exponents of the "lA)s\ Generation" Rolling Stone jazz critic Ralph J, (ileason, noting that Gleason . If the reader maintained the outward forms of prefers, this book may be needed heroes, ai.o he found his greatest called Ellington "one incredible man," There are no k of Sucre*" arguments in IL 4ithont * « for fifteen years, until friendship regarded as fiction." Still, the truth has hero in the life dominating Hemingway. that regard, but the very next statement "No knows this . HriHO.li Fitzgerald's death in become distorted over the Such begins a incredible man better than his one HMO. years. With this technique that the author uses only son, Mercer - isn't entirely in mind. Hruccoli Although there are excellent biographies presents evidence that throughout the biography the truth. In fact, the resentment Mercer felt toward his father even the first a psycho of both meeting between the two men, analysis of sorts of the two writers. This throughout most 'if his life colors much of this Fitzgerald and Hemingway. Scott as documented by Hemingway, is erro biographv, so much kmnr author And Frnewt type of biography is so that, at times, one can only question the /" an is the first to devote careful neous; i.e.. Dune presently quite purpose behind the Chaplin wasn't present at fashionable m our book, besides the obvious financial one. Urm'st Hrminyway scrutiny to the relationship between the two the meeting. pop psychology culture. Death In The Afternoon writers. Matthew J. Chaplin doesn't even recall I he chapter on the lo quote a revealing passage of the book's foreword: "Certain Brurcoli. Jefferies ever having early expatriate years •iJh»rttij <>1 failure. Frnrst Professor of Knglish at the met Hemingway! in Paris is the only part of the hook that incidents here may suggest that I. at times, hated Duke Ellington. I'niversity of When Fitzgerald first met Hemingway at seems to The truth i-. I did I have tried to show the South Carolina and a leading drag. The chapter actually ... strengths and authority on the Dingo bar in Paris in April of 1925, the resembles tilth- more than a frailties of the very real man behind the [•' Scott Fitzgerald Fitzgerald, contends that the personal former was already a well known author literary "Who's public image." I The Cracklp events have been W ho and long details of so and so meeting nfortunately. though Mercer ideally should know more about mythologi/.ed by Ameri with three novels, including The Great and I Hike Ellington t han anyone, the alienation and so |t a I so seems clashing egos that F- Scott fit/ history, in fact, the only source so. in!ween can literary that too much Gatsby. under his belt. Hemingway, on the is left marred the pair's for granted relationship also subtly mars most of this : Hemingway was one of for many of the best known anecdotes about other hand, had published a during t his part of the hook, and Lr.J Krae grand total of it may not be understood biography. The younger Ellington seems to be on the defensive , literary liasons of the Fitzgerald is Hemingways own post eight eight printed by some without most of the time, and at times it's pages. However, there u 'jn'iK' 1 alike the writers of the who flocked together humouslv published A Moveable Feast. Hruccoli reminds the reader that A was a reversal of the roles from the very background material, most notably the Mi/ener and Baker biographies. he mentions a particular deficiency disturbingly overbearing. First in Duke's personality, then. beginning of the friendship, due in part to It is the account of overrompen-.it ing, he defends it to death, A prime example: "The Moveable Feast was written •'their h.ired ideals. Hemingway thirty years the already evolving Fitzgerald's "crack up" iitotnt/ed the theory that after the events recorded, and "the mood is Hemingway legend. and the average man looks forward to hav ing a male child to continue his Fitzgerald was in total of the subsequent strain on the relation name. Not Hop. He wanted a that of an aging giant awe literary ship that makes Scott and Ernest fascina daughter' To have him tolerate my looking back from the apprentice, especially at his reputation as a presence, my mother kept my hair in long braids for months after k!n>« n for his compulsion perspective of what he has become it is ting. I he -low disintegration is first seen in is ... war hero and an athlete. most boys nr. age would have had their the sexual problems between Scott and hair cut. That was his nth isriter friends and his not a record of the way it was at the time." Of Hruccoli believes that each man fulfilled Zelda. when she alleges that the relationship quirk, and that's the way it was." i fr.otilitv. a characteristic course, Hemingway realized this and sub what the other needed in friendship. In fact, because Duke Ellington s between the two writers is of a homosexual ego was so massive. Mercer .exploit Yet. these two sequently provided a w arning in his preface: Hemingway needed an audience. Fitzgerald nature Later. was 'purposefully, he says -hut out of much of the important Morley Callaghan publishes t he homosexual rumorscirculated goings on of the early Ellington band. Eventually 'in 1964' he by Robert joined the hand, coming in a- road manager and trumpet player, McAlmon. following the famous boxing but fittingly he was never allowed to solo. Since Duke's death he match between Callaghan and Hemingway. has assumed the role of bandleader, but it's Considering Hemingway's strong views on common knowledge that the pre- Eiiingtor. band hold- masculinity, it is little wonder that the ay very few Similarities to the earlier. < friendship began to coo). Whatever • the biographv holds should be viewed in terms Hemingway viewed the Fitzgerald's of the perso: erO'.-es ;• crack up" as a despicable weakness. Yet, ...nt.iinv particular!) m view of the existence of ther major Ellington works, the the continued correspondence reveal a autobiography Music is M\ Mistress anc I Stanley Dance's The World of Duke moving relationship between the two, even in light of Hemingway's "tough Ellington. While I >, s been involved in the making of each of guy" role. these three books, here he seems to be Despite the cooled atmosphere, the two milking his devotion to would still come up fighting to defend each Ellington dry. Mercer - scattered anecdotes generally seem mild: I)uke was afraid of boats and airplanes, he wanted the windows in other Strangely enough. Hemingway, who his house shut during a lightning storm, and so on. These are all detested criticism of any kind would only things that .1 son might know, but not particularly of interest to accept it trom Fit/geraid. even replying when he thought the views were correct. anyone who isn't a fanatical Ellington fan. In the same way. Fitzgerald had a Mercer is considerably more revealing when writing of his father - various romantic attachments, of which there were compulsive need for approval from Heming many. Yet his own. devotion to h> mother colors much of what he w ay. becoming terribly upset over the "poor says. Even on musical levels. Mercer's Scott Fitzgerald" line in "The Snows of competitive edge shows itself when he speaks of her: "I was so much aware of Duke Kilimanjaro." even though he had docu Ellington and his musical career that I sort of took mented his own breakdown in a series of my mother s ability for articles tor granted She could take any piece of sheet music, put it Esquire. up on the piano, and ju-t read it from scratch, without ever locking at Hruccoli traces the friendship through to the keys." This is especially interesting, as earlier Mercer the end. including the final meetings mentions that hi- father had only rudimental musical training and between the literary titan and the pathetic, broken down alcoholic. In the end, Hruccoli occasionally had to struggle sr. order to learn the art of arranging. These constant tinges of rivalry do much to detract from believes that the triendship can best be whatever pleasant aspects this biographv might contain. I think a expl.tineo through Fitzgerald's own line: "Ernest who was an equal and my kind of more impersonal .uvour.i of Ellington's life — away from the idealist." This is hard to understand at first. autobiography ami ail of Stanley Dance's admiration filled prose - could ultimate.';, be much more satisfying than this as their literature was >o totally different, relatively especially in light of Hemingway's basic doctrine that A man can be destroyed but not defeated." However, through Bruccoli's depiction of the romantic as the symbol of an era, we see that Fitzgerald was, in his own way. undefeated. Even Hemingway, the anti romantic romantic, would have to agree. State News Newsline 355-8252 BOOKS WANTED! We ire interested»bnjinj •Science Fiction •Conic Books •Old Books •Pulps f eeL spRinq n(| aid Hi \\\K M \RIF BIONDO the weavers' revolution. to her subject capturing more capturing the painting from commented, They are set up behind the The next a "scope versus well known rock opera made stage Ion the stage of Fairchild J''"us amounts" „| ^t a I «■ News Reviewer pair of artists, the personal details, Comini ex distance. simplification and the cosmos s,„.m „nth wife and husband team of famous in the 1960's tonight Theatre) and a video screen ■,lnl"s' all of th, i. I1 •! iisf i«' differences he plained. Meanwhile Kandinsky. versus the intimate." Both art had ' ::i'rr of late 19th Becker and Modersohn illus created a more simple view of When comparing the work of ists traveled different routes to through Saturday, but accord to be set up in front of the mt'tit is u . pairs ing to Farley Richmond, associ Auditorium stage so the actors b,.lni! Us,.d ,-nt: • tierman expressionist trated a definite contrast in the same person or object by Munter and Kandinsky. Comini achieve the same goal. "r another. M„r(, ate professor of theater and can see the conductor. - vm r« discussed Thurs expression. Comini said. director of the play, the PAC Another problem was the mu, Kre^ur Art Center hv an The difference in their work workers 51 are •t .1,■1 11; ■ • ■ • • \ M« thotiist professor from I'niver is easily noted in the way both paint the same picturesque v performance will be quite uni que. sound. This is the first time that Richmond has used micro the product,,,,, "Th view of a small barn sitting in "The whole thing, the concep phones in a production and he 'it,mem ls to work tion is a mixture of a number of said when miking every little ssnh a |ai '• . ■ ontra Connni compared the middle of the woods. influences," Richmond said. sound is picked up. When not I He and f,„ ei l - Kd\ ard Munch to Becker marred the scenic lhl'lr i"h K"ilu i! Gabriele vista "I've taken everything I miking, Richmond said, a lot of well." K , ,.i< ■ by painting abrupt intru ^e \Va-sil\ Kandinskv; sions into the learned from Asian theater. things can be disguised. Play will ,vtJ {„• • , picture, Comini eaeh of th,. I'-.ker to Otto said, explaining that the birch I've gone to rock concerts to get "I felt we must work in the '"'he's are trees in the painting are not in ideas and I've read rock maga Auditorium because it requires pnrfd rant to he a proportion to the rest of the 1 zines. so much space," Richmond said. TTuesday Ktchmund sail r 'i » »e\es," Comini xploration of the objects. "Becker's goal is different -'.Am "Plus. I've read all that I could accumulate from the pro "We have tried spectacular a to play put out as as possible a|,pro«llT)1 fourths of the for each of th,. tirhett r-'-a'.es towards ex from her husband's." Comini duction in New York and from prr( added. "She is interested in the movie, and from any input ii Kollw it/ that I could get. The conception • • are two simplicity." • ••<- u ho lived dur ight decades While Modersohn sized the romantic mood of the empha is totally different than you would find any other place." Black Orpheus bi two World scene he painted. Becker Superstar, along with other seemed to be searching for real well known rock operas as Hair, nr.i explained, Tommy, Your Own Thing and -tchings and expression rather than nostal 'gospel of joy to I he • •both rt ist s depicts gia. Godspell were all "children of the '60s" productions according rf • -pressing and grim. In a painting of a nude mother breast to Richmond and were meant plained that while feeding her v for the younger crowd which rieved for himself grieved for human — baby, Becker drew both figures lying down. "Becker was saying ' I hi was high on rock 'n roll at the By REGINALD THOMAS State New. Reviewer time. How do you review than this is what mother Seems hk, | I more a gospel concert'1 ■ Li- hood looks like' she wa> saying Those times are how unimportant task. Riffht'.' Wront(l lithographs. gone, ■ •the intake of this is what motherhood feels ever, and so is the concept of It is extremely hard to convey the beautiful and ■ like.' It's horizontal rather than the rock opera. But Superstar uplifting voices of a gospel choir to those who did not 3 • • r ^reaming on is still holding on and Richmond choir has to be heard in order to feel the nch's scream was vertical." Comini explained. has added rock to the Hlack Orpheus performed its 7th annual love thev tJ ■ 'he time learning period." that his The third pair of artists. Munter and Kandinsky was a rock 'n roll. some new at Erirkson Kiva in Spring ( hopes of being "heard." The ton onf ■ —• • i ' he pre World student teacher relationship. Actors dressed like the rock really a concert. It was instead a praise of Christ s n tier many. Kiss will appear in the The theme: "Jesus is Love." Jesus is The difference in artistic tech group need." And through their voices and Peace, "He's Evl ' - smie period, nique can be seen in their work. production to add a different motivationtherhil • -meii her sym Comini said. twist to Superstar. their devotion. T •" ierman working "There is sort of add in They started by inviting the audience to sing and prajl • i When painting a person or an an '• a:o'd painting of mixing the concept of the old The choir then marched object. Munter worked closer on stage and for an hour a with the concept of the new." spirit of love. Richmond said. Orpheus began in 1971 when three women began sil Superstar is being staged in halls of their dormitory. After singing gospel tunes in tl Durante. 85. hospitalized the Auditorium because of its they performed their first concert in spring 1971. ThevI size and magnitude and it is the recruiting other gospel singers until Orpheus becamea| - \ »i A MONICA. Calif. «AP» Comedian Jimmy Durante. first time it many years that choir touring Michigan. - "Tod" (1897) by Ktthe Kollwitz y ' 1 >>• admitted to St. John's Hospital for treatment of an exemplifies late nineteenth century the PAC has worked in the Orpheus is now under the direction of Jackie Davis, vi i German Expressionism, which Alessandra Comini discussed at 3,000 seat theater. The size of ••-p'.raiory infection, a hospital spokesperson said Kresge a member for four years. She has led them and moldH Art Center. the production and the Auditor into a cohesive, devout gospel choir. "Schnozzola" was reported in satisfactory >p..kesperson Peggy Frank Shaff said Durante was ao- • • Saturday and was expected to be hospitalized "for NOTICE One of the LOOK GOOD... DOIt 1979 PROSPECTIVE Following wile. APPLICANTS TO THE - Marjorie. reached by telephone at the Ii- Hills home, said she did not know exactly how MSU FREE c i.; » - ■» r> Collage of Veterinary Medicine ! ■ M-d-.md would be hospitalized. :, - Medtcme one beginning professional s'udtes January 1979 and sun the other September 1979. Mushrooms with Jonuo'y 1979 Appt.c o'.c-s »•. Co FgF o» .«>>'.'-or, UfO i re s' b» '^f Atfmm.oei O" t* Easy Care Hair 4 p.r.e-e. -.0,, ,OU'\F 'fQu • ... a>< 'fro-. Auguil IS 1971 F'-F"'» -X>uS- b, ,ompt*i»d b» Hot Peppers Our reputation has been F-d o« Pot' o> D*temb«r I9'8 Appt Black Olives Looks good * o'.c -o*»' o■% i l«o"» proven. We offer the finest + of a.a-toO'F C.V Ad'n.yy.or-, Chinese cooking in this when you leave S*p*cmb«r 1979 Galley Sub Shop App Toke out service is the salon. area. available. ,stt"% I 1979 A t'F.F'f' 'm 2580 Grand River u J" C* Looks good — For additional information pleose contact East Lansing 1 Admissions Office 351-0304 when you College of Veterinary Medicine r A126 East Fee Hall do it at home Ph. 353-9793 mm msiueum HOyPS- I DAYS CORNER CUPPER! and VINE -0 1 0 00 pM « SAT iii ii oop m I Phono 351-2217 Don't keep your Graduation a Secret. . . announcements are now available at Co* the MSU Bookstore customer service desk. Order yours now!! 0>°> Supply Limited \ .0^' >»V 30c each or l(Mor $2.50 c° J J? *b , <;tnfe News, Eost Lonsing, Michigan Wednesday May 24. 1978 kew music from some old Dolls vft JFotIt Mm photo finishing school suppliis • albums a tapis ili holiiship m LTkan-on: KJ David Johan crude roek "n roll spirit. Johansen's album is less mu sic,ally raw than was the Dolls' The Heartbreaker.s sensation in were England, but word a DISCOUNT l fatliSn.ilhw.il yet sensational, hut what this country. My advice is to go ,-5 svw The hand waa at York's Intel V 1 HKv makes the album great is especially the singer's efforts at to your favorite record outlet and demand that they stock THIS WEEKS SURER L.P. SPECIALS Tjjunt (tarde decadent T, street poetry, almost in the this LP. The only thing better Lm rerk and i liliM t^H same vein as a Springsteen or than L.A.M.F. would be if the 7' r.«-k ft1"" •ir,,und LI (iraham Parker. Kven so, L.A.M.F. is still Dolls got back together, some [laud Howie called ,a hand. T.Kld favorite of the two records. The my thing that is about as a as reunion of the Fab Four. probably JOE WALSH 1 produced their first Heart breakers are pure rock 'n ■IIT SERIOUSLY FOLKS r,jJ many feofde be H ■ roll, and as such, L.A.M.F. is 3.99 the best pure rock album so far J,bt they wre f V, answer I" the Roll this year. listen to All tunes one has to do is like "Horn To YOU'LL FIND. • Concession stand KANSAS • Arcade POINT OF KNOW RETURN Kbased their person Lose," "(loin' Steady." or "Let • Grocery Ibeer & wine) Li an the Stones. They Ho" to understand what the • Boat rentals 7.9S ijnamic original num new terminology "power pop" • R. V. & rustic camping TOWER OF POWER LIST [ji; recorded sunns by Juja*masters like Sonny EU^HRRW is teenage all about emotional high energy anthems. * 3 Wl CAME TO PLAY And speaking of the Stones. ■Banwin, turninn them aTATI COUPON I („f Ihe greatest rock ,a ever hit vinyl, in though their name would turn Dolls It s Not Knough" is the best Stones circa "84 (i.e., "Tell Me") 'i COAST STATS COUPON success formula was the 12Mins. from MSU performing sleazy eij.sii's like the up now and then in the rock gossip columns, and new hands combination of Johansen's r.. manticism with imitation I've ever heard, com plete with "Satisfaction" like 675-7212 CIGARETTES (Jive Him A like the Sex Pistols and Thunders' Ivrics. 50' admission Ka ' Itavid Johan mones 2/99* iti.. constantly eulogized Em: 1/99* Mick Jagger to them, very little was heard of Thunders Keith the Dolls' members. INTERVIEW NG^ tupor Sixo 7 os. ersona! ion. and like David Johansen and the Heart breakers' L.A.M.F. 'the Better see the resume ace! LIMIT 0 hgjm 1-1S-7S LIMIT 1 RACKS ■EphsililW ones, people either Put hated ihem initials stand for your best foot forward1 Bring us the basic .r "Like A information and we'll do ST ATI COUPON t.j.e prohieni was that Mother f i mark the first n all Typeset it, m several years appearance on record hy ex help you write it, and print it. See the problem • time. They dolls m many a year, and both DANNON aw ,! people. The the hand LPs demonstrate that get her or not they are still to solvers today at Abbey Press, S47 Last Grand River, Last Lansing 10% OFF YOGURT K>- backed them what riK-k 'n mil is all about. OUR BISCOUNT PRICK ON practically The Heart breakers 0P 3/99* K feature cstjtfe After their Johnny Thunders and drummer L PHOTO FINISHING t titled second LP. Jerry Nolan, hut it is pretty lEFtrM 51I TI NO LIMIT MONWIAN fHTIVAL OF JMUN4 tapftrootMG L Much Too Soon, the much Thunders' band. Prob disintegrated. 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IJIVslN 2.66 LIMITS STATI stats coupon 4SE mm, ■XIRCISK SANDALS SUNGLASSES 30% FOSTER 9RANT, VISION SUNSINSOA, HWIUKH Off RoTnH | Jlichigan 48823 Ph. Gd. River, East Lansing 351-0608 Jat'obtf oil's LIMIT I IqleNMHI NO LIMIT ^ 0 Michigan Stole News, Eost Loosing, Michigan Wednesday w,;higonj Moy 54 1978 mnii""''3 HITTERS OPPOSE Tit,ESTEl) TEAMS 1*1." . . ,.»rh game. M"r Hock' Spartans face stiff competition By MICHAEL KLOCKE as an at large team. Michigan elimination tournament. The Salukis' top pitcher is And as far as hitting goes, State News Sports Writer will now have the honor of Southern Illinois won the the team set records in righthander Rick Keeton (8-3). new hosting the Mideast Regional. 1971 District Four tournament, •Off The MSU baseball team, with who has an impressive 2.02 almost every offensive cate its best regular season since MSU will be participating in w hich was hosted by MSU. lit"1' earned run average. gory, including team batting 1972 under its belt, will face district play for the third time Like the Spartans, Southern Oral Roberts, the host team, average (.311). very stiff competition at the in its history. But the Spartans' Illinois has a power hitting virtually rewrote the school's The big guns for Oral NCAA Midwest Regional in Friday opponent. Southern llli team. Centerfielder Dave Stiev basebal record book this season nois. have been in the NCAA Roberts are George Bjorkman Tulsa. Okla., over the Memorial is the leading hitter with a .395 with its best year in history. tournament five times the and Buddy Slemp. Bjorkman Day weekend. in average and 12 home runs. He Coach Larry Cochell's squad had a record 20 home runs and The importance of last Sun last 10 years. also set a school record with 46 finished with a 41 10 record, The Salukis. 35 12 the 60 runs batted in. He also had a day's 3 0 loss to Michigan goes on runs batted in. and it is currently on a 15 game beyond the fact that the Spar year, will face MSU in the first Right fielder Paul Undo and slugging percentage of .667. winning streak. tans lost the Big Ten title. Had game of a doubleheader Friday first baseman Craig Robinson Oral Roberts Slemp had a .394 batting reportedly has MSU won. it would have hosted with Oklahoma State meeting each have seven roundtrippers. one of the best pitching staffs in average with 74 hits. 65 of the Mideast Regional, instead Oral Roberts in the nightcap. and both which were singles. are hitting well over the nation, led by Ron Meredith of getting into the tournament This will be a double 3(H). 112 D. Oklahoma State, however, is not quite the powerhouse team that its neighbor Oral Roberts is. In fact, sports information IM softball crowns director Pat Quinn said the Cowboys were lucky to get into GAYLEJACORSOy the tournament. Oklahoma State, 35 20, was MSU netters prestigious at MSU seeded fourth in the Big Eight post season tournament. The Cowboys had lost seven out of By CHERYL FISH Akhtlles. from the sixth East their last nine games, and It's that time of year again. floor of Akers Hall. The team eye future Finals week is approaching and the championship games of nucleus is composed of seven or eight players who formerly nobody really gave them much chance of winning the double elimination tourney. the MSU IM softball leagues played for fourth floor Akapul If nothing else. MSU proved at the Big Ten Tennis also coming up the residence hall finals But Oklahoma State beat are during the co in Championships this past week it has the potential for a decent final week of classes. And for last year, but lost 9 7 to the Missouri in the finals of the tennis team within the next few years. Wazoos of Shaw. The group many teams, the IM's All tournament to gain the NCAA The Spartans went into the three-day conference tournament decided to move up to Akhilles. berth. University title is a prestigious with a 5-8 record. 2-7 in the Big Ten. and many Midwest coaches title. and the team has been unde "Oklahoma was the odds on expected the netters to be unable to hold their own against the The A league in the most feated this year, winning most favorite to win the tourna tough conference competition. Eighth place finishers last year in competitive league of indepen games by huge margins. the tourney, the Spartans were predicted early in the 1978 season ment," Quinn said. "No one dent teams and they will battle Tom Rombach, who manages to take ninth for this year's efforts, efforts which coaches expected gave us much of a chance to it out from 210 teams to a single the team and also serves as a to be minimal, at best. win. But the funny thing was champ, explained Tom Yander back up outfielder, claims the And from the way the Spartans began in the that we didn't get lucky in the preliminary singles, U'eele. supervisor of IM soft team's success is partly due to losing all but one, they could very well have gone home from Purdue ball. games ... we just played very competition. sound baseball." early. There also titles to be S7 are Both of the seniors, Tighe Keating and Kevin McNulty. lost and decided in the residence hall Before each First year head coach Gary ^\| were out of the events early. Neither one lasted Ward has a couple of standout past the league and the fraternity preliminary singles and doubles matches, nor could they put game, the theme hitters on his team in outfielder league. The less competitive B together any wins in the consolation matches. They played, from the movie Don Ireland and first baseman league has no play offs. perhaps, the worst tennis they have all season. Four residence hall complex "Rocky" is played Duane Evans. Ireland has a If it hadn't been for the younger players, the Spartans would have championships will be decided .351 average with 38 RBIs and proved the coaches' prediction accurate. The players went out on to get the players Evans' totals read .318 with 53 tonight with the winners meet the courts for three straight days and proved a point. They weren't on Akhilles riled RBIs. mg each other in the finals. players for teams like Michigan or Wisconsin, and they wouldn't "Softball is very popular on up to face their finish in first or second place, but Rick Kranitz is the Cowboy's they weren't quitters either. The this campus. It seems to fit in Spartans used all the talent and determination they had to show opposition. top pitcher with a 9 2 mark. well with the spirit of spring.'' this. One oddity about the double- YanderWeele pointed out. add "We have 40 people on the A preliminary singles victory for freshman Frank Willard header Friday is that Oral playing ing that there were 6% teams floor to choose from, so we pick in the No. 4 spot over Northwestern's Roberts' J. L. Johnson Stadium Roger Mitten in three sets. at the start of the term. the best. Most guys play on two •Seattle's 7-foot Marvin Webster tries to tuck his 6-3,1-6, 6-4, kept the door open for the Spartans, adding their first One team that has consistent or three other teams as well; so will be cleared between games. 6-foot-10 Mitch Kupchak to find a clear bodly underneath WashinJ points to the scoreboard. Iv mounted win after win for we get lots of practice." Then, if the fans want to see the path to the basket. The two tea That first win sparked the others. In the doubles matches, the last second game, they must pay prised the NBA by making it to the finals and will play game two Thursi freshman Matt Sandler and sophomore Steve Carter teamed couple of years is i continued on page 9) up for again. Washington after Seattle won the first game at home, 106-102. three victories and a shot at the No. 3 doubles title in the finals Although they lost to Michigan, Sandler and Carter finished in second place out of a field of ten teams. In the consolation singles competition, Sandler again shone for At the MSU lacrosse MSU, winning three matches at No. 5 singles and taking third in the banquet Sunday night, a love for about the Title IX rules, and since the alumni Big Ten. lacrosse could be sensed throughout the room. The players JERRY BRAUDE about how the laxers do anyway, there in >•>>■.! littU were wishing that the season wasn't over, and The No. 2 doubles team did almost as well in the consolation they were put money into the sport. matches. The team of junior Steve Klemm and Willard advanced as itching to start again next year. Kanner and Hendrickson's only hope of building far as the finals before losing. Freshmen Willard, Sandler and Steve Heitzner all show an Flayers that had graduated were reflecting on their playing days and how much they missed the sport. Lacrosse devotion lie to encourage high school lacrosse. Promoting high school lacrosse can be an asset amazing amount of potential just waiting to emerge with enough Except for the East, however, lacrosse is a foreign sport. and high school athletes. MSU will get a player th.t Co head coaches N'evin Kanner and Boku Hendrickson have willingness to work at their games and exert that extra effort it takes to win consistently. They've already proved that they possess been trying to promote lacrosse in the Midwest. They've used clinics, leagues and all star games in an attempt to make the the key to survival the fundamentals mastered, allowing the team t<> time on other parts of the game. the talent to do so. Trying to add lacrosse to the high school pr-'gr.ii And Carter, who will be a game a money producer like it is in the East. are trying to cut back will not be easy junior next season, showed that he Yet lacrosse's popularity in the East may be due to the fact could play tennis with the best of them. He's a real competitor and Although the laxers improved over last year, they are Hendrickson and Kanner might get luckv that they don't have "big time" football, in contrast to in the currently nowhere near the caliber of some of the top notch should be given the opportunity to popularity of the sport could grow from the suco help the team next season, Midwest. teams of the Midwest. To make matters worse, a instead of allowing his talents to waste top team from schools. Athletic director Joe Kearney may see hiN |-d away on unimportant Kanner and Hendrickson coach the lacrosse exhibition matches. team as a the East could blow out any team in the Midwest. and put more emphasis on the lacrosse program I Klemm, senior next year, and part-time job. though they would prefer it to be full time. The biggest problem is that the team, unlike other schools in a probably the next team captain, something that either one of the coaches are going will provide the Spartans with Instead, they have to take time off from their regular full-time the Midwest, doesn't have any guidance and the added experience scholarship money to work with. and hope for. They love their sport and they wan! the young team will need. jobs. Assistant coach Howard Leikert used up his playing Many schools in the Midwest Lacrosse Association, such as it grow. It will be sad to see the two seniors eligibility last year, but still stays around to help the team. Bowling Green State, recruit players from the East by covering Their love and dedication will be needed bet leave, but those who remain behind will prove to be of the Kanner said if he could have a chance to fill Spartan Stadium the players out of state waivers. greatest value. It was Sandler. beginning an uphill struggle. Carter, Willard and Klemm who won the points and that sixth to capacity for just one lacrosse game, three quarters of the If MSU wanted to. it could put money into the lacrosse place fans would come back. They will have to hang in there, because there i finish for MSU at the Big Ten program, which would enable it to recruit players from the East frustrations along the way before they can fill Championships. And those are the But in order to lure the crowds, MSU must first and have a national power in just a few years. same players who will contribute so heavily to the Spartans in the produce a Spartan Stadium. If they do. then they may rece future. winner, which is easier said than done. But with women's sports putting pressure on the school rewards by coaching lacrosse full time. Our T-shirts are more than Flashy Underwear I desire to be 12-24 shirts '3.25 00. represented for the purpose of collective 25-48 shirts '3.10 eo. bargaining by: 49-96 shirts '3.00 ea. 97 8 Up shirts '2.90 ea. ^WHITESPOKES' 15*7 ^ AMERICAN SPORTS for 1V.« ASSOCIATION 4 0 •134" each <" MICHI9AN ST ATI LETTERING 15*8 ST UMIVMSITY OF UNIVERSITY 2227 W. Grand River, Okemos ;;; ;; «; w PROFESSORS - fori!." FACULTY 349-5184 ^ pius l Dito'3 MM T MICHIGAN STATE ALL NEW TIRES ASSOCIATIS NEITHER UNIVERSITY NO BLEMS 4 PlY POLYESTER WHITE WALLS Choose I, 34 Mo Warranty iltu * ° SLB litis4 o JS.35 HT <1II MARK AN "X" IN ONK SQUARI ONLY FREE MOUNTING • FAST SERVICE TIRE INC M 332-6545 5 Shop Hours 8 30 6 00 Daily H154 1 ' 8 30 5 00 Sat (.RAND Rivf a EAST lAftSlNG or* t AST Of MSU CAMPUS Lansing's custom wheal and tire experts M$U Faculty Associates Strength in Unity '•30-5:30 Ooilv Slote News, tost loosing Michigan Vkhigan^ Wednesday May 24, 1978 softball prestigious lot At COUPON a HALF PRICES Home, Save Money! W 81 softball It's the toi K" »u" GOODSUM. MAX Z\ tWoSAT.AAAVZ1 ^unu-d 50Z MORE wav a winner." . ,nril>utrs II "til a Akhilles .1 -111 iiv'' aml won the Akers Hall 3301 E. MICH 1GAKJ, % l title by defeating Akarpous, V1"','h".r so Ihi Tf i. a spirit M 'J. GIVEN ON MANUFACTURER COUPONS Monday night they routed L 't.,ps lis »f the Holmes Hall champs, the ZOZO W. GKAKIC? R.OKEMOS 7 . .. . ' i». r, " * '.KrARfr- •/.'• //. . . ' Highmcn. by a score of lid. I f >K 'jYf '/V f f F V (.h c.„Tir. the lh<-ni<- There were four Akhilles home Itofkv isplay'l runs in the name. Tonight they purrs rili'it "I1 11 will face the Hubbard Twelve Jtlu-r "PI-1 I Akl»" kry t" Marx the Pack for the Hast Complex title at ti: 15 on field one. In other residence hall AWN0UNCIN&-^a/W Offers YouACHO/C€~ rfdri'-m1' games NO NAME his tram is ullf1 ' tonight, the winner of the Case Wilson game will BRANDS, fir „ihi« face •ry strong. Woodstock from Wonders Hall irM -Our ,•» errors at M 15 on field seven at the *Z- main IM field behind Munn Plus BRANDS WITH A #t«t' p? Mar j, f,.r Akhilles. ■aants a said, wlin victory Arena. On field five Bioya from Hutterfield will face the B 1 NAME/ (, u»l Bombers from Bryan for the ,,( thr players THESE UNBMNDED |kJf" lJ»it!" irrung next year. Brody Complex championship. Snyder Phillips champ South PTOO fPFOSTCVDOt/P HWOifSOtft football ern Kxposure will meet Abroth foodsand pec/asieppodocts op ro P* »> » xh.p , dorm tin falh and al, from Mason Ablnitt on field toss/ I; win it m 1'J tonight at b: 15. m*tiok»uV| • «. *evKj,«e UNBRANDED • A «A*CY oaapi UNBRANDED UNBRANDED \foiir BRAAps Spartan gririders IfcSl. WT CAN - A '00 cr pkc, 24' 35^ a0L*f. CAiAMt cut beets «*C*JhCHT' __ l> 01. WT CJXX TEA BAGS *14? PNUT SUTTER 79> N®9 free agent parts SLICED OR. HALVES 7'40l.\YT k*AC.i,m«»SS pi peeled tomatoes 47° 79' peaches ^ 494 694 DINKIER 24^ 31 o: a/r ®omi 31 Ot 4T. JAR tan- * |s..n, i standout in both football and basketball at MSC. CATSUP 754 994 Usenet .i free agent contract and will be given a tryout with the felfO He J r«. of th«- National Football League. B 01. strawberry jam 99^1? LOOK FOR *vr CAN ,s.itour \ear letter w inner in basketball before playing ulQUiP DI6W -,s! fat: 1 he I towagiac native caught lid passes for i 1 h tomato sauce 17- 2# detergent w 39^145 touchdowns, despite being injured for several it 01 vr JA*. MOKE ITEMS int wo 31 01 */T PKO r t: Spartans defensive tackle Larry Bethea. center GRAPE JELLY 66' ?]0? RICE 554 794 TO COME/ • iilh.ick .Iim Farley were selected in t he NFL draft ,T M>C football players will have tryouts with NFL agents. Inside linebacker Paul Hudzinski was signed Ba> Packers, place kicker Han Nielsen will try out TAKE THESE TO YOUR H§ BACKYARD FAMILY Vomc, :; p:!* '»r< i and Kick off specialist Tom Birney will try out with Iktr.s WENJRV HOUSE SWIFT'S EAAPlfcE Fully cook.ED COUL/TKYSTYLE 7-10 LBS. AVEKAG-E WHOLE WSHANIKHAU: ■) Buy SPARE BROILER any Stzziff _ Medium Pizza at the Regular ■ | BONELESS Price Identical Pizza TREE get the ■ steaks HAMS ribs TURKEYS Jj i I PEAL FPKTUe IXILL PLUAAr E A.^EA^V ! ii 1203 [. Grand River 337-1631 631 (Delivery Available) I No checks accepted ™ J 1168 BUY 3 - SAVE UP TO f\SO W/GOUFDNJ IS. Buy2-SAVE *2 PRODUCTS Buy any LARGE < GCXJMTKY FRESH H LOW . 74 REG<92,DIET IZOL.CAKJS W/STOKECUUPDXJ WITH NAMES PEPSI 12 FATMIUC COLA PAK 0lel park. glsn parik. tomatoes corn 8UV2-SAVE $120 W/COUFtXU'&erfrW BUY 3 - SAVE bOf W/STORE COUFW wm.rimcg hux st/lf BUIK-PAK V/AMLLA ^ EBERHARC REGULAR. 3 - ^ a | */*l cams l®[ Grand River I POTATO 337-1631 ICE CREAM SALLOW W CHIPS ot-w SA/T 59^ GLEN park peas Slel para cur creed beans "I could wrilc BUY 2- SAVE UP TO 4&f W/COUFOM BUV 3-SAVE bOi W/STORE COURX/ &«/«l &v«1 lyrics blue. HEIKJZ1 6 VAR PCMQ&CEV WAWAIIAW PUWCH red e, »vh.re page TOMATO DRIMK gOT son<>s and jusl oHove for yon.' RETCHUP £J0t MIXES IS 139 saltines whet tissue 44^ 4 59* 5*VE UP TO 20< W/C BUY t - SAVE UP TO 18* eoib-SAYEbbr KRAFT SPECIAL OFFER WITH STOIU COuroN EbeHicud■ fEMPEK ... CHICKEN Of THF SEA MU0 K Qtm& peppers 4^1. IICTPK&: I* wbz i,zoo vAeienes of TEXASy JUMBC? texas, Ruby rep a _ AMD PDMESTIC WIVES- ALSO, A VELL0W/ |Oc GRAPEFRUrf'l 19 SPECTACULAR SELECTIOM OF ONIONS Ldl/' SL88A&1 - WARM ANP COLD PEER. / CALIFORNIA RBD Rtpe SU/PST QUAnry MAKE EBERHARPS , 319 E. Grand River East Lansing, Mich. 48823 YOUR PARTY STDRE// STRAWBERRIES/^ ® save IO* short cake biscuitsm dessert cups 6ct pw> 69? } Q Michigan State News East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday ih,„ Robeson film set "The Talli'sl Tree." a film was involved in the civil rights about I he lift' of the blac k opera and human rights movements. COME KISS singer l'aul Koboson. will be shown at H:.'!() tonight in Ml The film is sponsored by the Union. Delta Sigma Theta sorority and Robeson, a former athlete. is free and open to the public. New FBI Allegations icontinued from page 1) lion of the Weather Underground had taken place. In 1975. Kelley and other FBI officials testified the FRI had performed so-called "black hag jobs" involving national security but that the practice had ended in 1966 at the command of J. Edgar Hoover, then the director of the FBI. Gray also filed motions to have the charges dismissed, one of them claiming that he is the victim of discriminatory prosecution. Asking that the indictment be dismissed also on grounds of prejudicial publicity. Gray charged that "this present case presents a record of deliberative government generated pretrial publicity unparalleled in the recent administration of federal criminal justice." fct's g'bye imported diamonds FROM before you go vacationing! FOX'S Today, and for the next 3 days — Save hugely on DIAMOND 1A every single soft and saucy Summer thing you SOLITAIRE |4U SET can't live without! MSU RINGS |BY ART CARVED YOUNG ADULT CHARGE . 1 WITH 5 WEEK DELIVERY AND LIFETIME GUARANTEE BE QUICK ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOME Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday only! DIAMOND IMPORT! Rb • downtown iOJ S JUAJMIUCTON ■P BE EABLY » Fl AN DO* | V/A ^ • WNSWO MAU .fAfiFRS blNCt TAflfPS biNCf -V • MttlDIAN MAU OKfwai MICHIGAN DOWNTOWN OPEN MONDAY THRU SATUtDAY Till 4 OTHER STORES OPEN EVERY NIGHT Till * LANSING MALI OPEN SUNDAY I TO S May 24,25,26,27 ONLY The compact, SAVE HUNDREDS automatic 35mm SLR Choose anything & everything you want, then, we deduct you'll fall (up! if you.e seen me M noita XG-7 the following from each new summer item: sky-diving on TV come " and see is e»ciustve features fo' your- se1! Tn,s electronic wonder camera delivers perfect e>P0Sures with point-tocus-sbool sim¬ plicity It r-as a leatner-loucb shutter button that tu'ns on a" LED ..ew1 nde' display at the mere tOuCh you' f'^ger T^e oof'onai Auto Winder G lets ALL SOFT SHIRTS, *15 to *26 Take *5 to *10 off Av you take were about 2 f'ames per second with pushbutton ease A^d me optional Auto Eiectrotiash 200X synchron •lash segjences ies w'n t'p Arnfler to Othfc. exe'usue teatjres include a the Aewf-nder to leu 'o ' re a shutter iocs to give automatic you when the-tlash is prevent signal in ready over-exposure ALL SILK ALL KNIT TOPS, TOPS, were were '30 *10 to to '50 *20 Take *10 to '20 off Take *2 to '10 off /jw | <7 and a (lashing electronic sell-timer ^ See it today ALL JACS & SWAMPS, were '10 to '20 Take '2 to '5 off m ALL JEANS, ALL SKIRTS & were '16 PANTS, to *35 were '20 to *36 Take '5 to '15 off Take'5 to *15 off J fh M !'• Jf^ V ALL DRESSES, were '20 to '80 Take '5 to '20 off \m ALL SHORTS, were *6 to '14 Take *2 to «5 off m ALL if SWIMSUITS, were '15 to '24 Take '3 to '5 off if Minolta XG-7 with 50mm/).7 Ions »a*j" ALL FREE SPIRIT SHOES, Take 10% oH 4 r-' v'r f! Minolta XG-7 with 50mm/l-4 Itns •Wl" Minolto Auto WindorG ALL JEWELRY VAULT ITEMS, '6 were MOO »M* Minolta Auto Electro Flash 200X »S1- Minolto XG-7 Case Take '2°° to '20°° off Case for XG-7 with •ir* winder attached fl 111 it ittti camera cu tOW. Michigan Mall WtttoCrwfc, Mt 4WI4 Wwft. (SIS) HS-73S4 ■otirvtlKi^lW Hours 9:30-5:30 Dally Thurs to 8p.m. Jfaslu 203 E. Grunt Rher siole Newi. Eo»t laming. Michigan Wl(higan Wednesday, May 24, 1978 1 1 ASMSU Great Issues Archaeologists to speak For complete* Presents Noted Civil-Libertarian \rrh.i«'"l"H"a' Kxravations in North llniversites Field Staff, will schedule of* Lawyer Kive a puhlie lecture ■""""Kenya" will I"' II"' '"I1"1 »' a Irrturr at al '• I' t". Thursday *v w j films and loc-* Felicia 10 Thur-1l"> in 201 Crntfr (or International lional search in '.'III Center (or Interna Programs on recent archaeological in ihe People's Hepuldic ol China. re « otions Weekend Phone 355-0313 * this* ♦ Langer t. Itoltlnnt. profesHor of anthro|>ology, Also, the MSI! (Iraduate School and 'he currently defending Sami Esmail U*J'**'n' | a doctoral candidate in African Studies Center, in peration with the a ill discuss the history of the Itepartinenl of Anthropology, will THE FinCST P^Ukc Turkana hasin. colloi|Ulum with anthropologist Meyer present a Fortes MODALITY Wed. May 24, 7:30 pm «""" ' wlj| ,|„.ali on their work in the area, I hursday and Friday. l"*,"!in the human adaptations to the UIATERBEDS He w ill give a public led urc on "The 1 McDonel Kiva r"i ,.n\ irontnenl id the Intellectual in West Africa Today" lllelnmas at h adminallv. archaeologist l.ouis Dupree will p.m. I hursday in 11)2 It Wells Hall, lie will also * (jnipus ""lay 'hroUKh Friday to present conduct a seminar at 1 .'III p 2111 t enter for Free Admission -ho recent lour of Chinese archetdoui International Programs Ljiirrsfi" 1,1 on Friday entitled "A use Study on the Hegmnings of the Judicial r"' I . i representative of the American • rcH-cs.s in (»hana." Dips'. •' 1 THE TMigbt SLEEP SHOP IH 60UNDi V L Ol*LR6lONi New Watermellen Band Rhythm DOWHIOWH LQN6tNG WEDNESDAY IS QCPOaa rPQM KNQPP.S J Sally Jo Weisenberg ■aifavraat Spatial- BBO Beef Ribs, jh ji1 fries. huh. "VlpVjjji'rss man •!» Salad Bar |{fjjjij' mti »3." Bar Special - Pitcher night, all 4 Brands &zai°d$ ^Indepgioound B4 Abbott M. C.Unan4 ML istnsa-ms —esoomnm— "LUSHIY EROTIC!" „ | 'hi At'fL s fi»o»wM-d f1 "GLOSSY PORNO THAT DELIVERS!" W«etv ••••••« W Top-Off the Term The world This Area's Onfy Multi-Media Discotheque With an Olga! watched... 2843 E. Gd River, E Ions. 351-T201 Wednesday Special ■ | TheBuy One Olfa. Get One FREE! most exciting idea in eating since the sandwich! GKEEK THE Boozers Bazaar 35c 1 It's the most exciting idea in eating since the sandwich, anil this coupon makes it twice as exciting! T\C(IDN Thursday Special 1 We'll give you an Olga, any Olga, 1 absolutely free when you present Suds 'n Subs adteu ^ j • 1 this coupon and buy a second Olga "" of equal or greater value. : R 1 ■N'BOOOC'NODOMINIQUE ST P1ERR£ ACiGave: Greek -A. -on '1 Coupon good Wed , May 24 thru Frt , May 26. MonFri. 7:00 9 IS Night Clint hughes var.x^c van 1 Limit coupon customerone par Sot.-Sun. 2:30 4:40. 1 6:50 9:00 SHowtimei: 7:30 9:00 10:30 ADMISSION: Student 2 50 Staff 3.50 133 E. Grand River, East Lansing Showpiece: 146 Giltner 1 ■■■■GOOD WITH THIS C0UP0H OHLYl ALBION D I CMCMA X mv mam m u i*i rwua si uumum m »*i; m *Htft NOW SHOWING I^J> CINEMA X & GAIL PALMER PRESENT THE BIGGEST ADULT FILM EVENT We're Not Out of The Woods Yet OF THE SEASON won GAIL PALMER • LIVE IN PERSON AT CINEMA X TODAY FROM 1:00 P.M. TO 8:30 P.M. AT THE CREST TONIGHT FROM 9PM to 12 AM Although the national coal strike YOU'VE SEEN HER ANNOUNCING k HARRIS 0\ is over, saving energy is still N.B.C. TV'S important to all Michigan resi¬ dents. You can help to secure GONG SHOW" Michigan's future power needs by conserving now. Here are a few *H I "PEEP THROAT" energy tips on how you can help: CAROL CONNORS GAIL PALMER'S • Good insulation will keep cool ZioLc air in and warm air out in summer months. • Be sure to install cooling equip¬ ment that is correctly sized for the job you want done. • The biggest energy saver is a properly designed modern dis¬ tribution system for hot water. • Always match the proper use of energy to the job, such as light¬ ing & cooking. • Keep your air conditioner & filters clean, and don't block the unit with drapes or bulky furni¬ ture. Be Energy Wise Lansing Board of Water and Light ] 2 Michigon State News. Eost Lansing, Michigan CAMPUS History talk set ^ PIZZA 2 y JawFonta Humanities Department sym Robert Cross, professor of history at the University of posiurn on humanitistie general Virginia, will speak at 8 tonight education in America. The lee Can't stop for lunch? on "History and the Humani ties" in 336 Union. ture is free to the general public. PERFORMING Call in your order ahead , « Cross is the final speaker in a ARTS COMPANY We won't make you wait. 310 W.GRAND RIVER I |t>| 6 00 B 30 |ISI Twilito 5 CJ presents 30 6 00 M Referendum scheduled sorry, no checks mil M1IVIKT 337'I *3* she makes love," (continued from page 1) lawyer. A student would fill the she Is scared, she is making all the changes if the position after open petitioning, referendum passes. but no one would be eligible for IVMY WIDNIM AT an the spot who had not first The question regarding re organization of the student the served as the assistant direc unmarried t W' tnan tor. I^egal Services program is an attempt to make the program apolitical, according to the The last question outlines a time problem recognized by the A WHOPPER Jl t) s 45 8 15 '*.1,1.5 \j lj s ii ') ^ board bill which prompted the Student Board in reference to referenda. Currently, the con ..the mo*it coming referendum question. The m Legal Services program was stitution limits the hoard to lyrics by of a special! at you at the "Elm t> 00 h originally set up as a president staging a referendum within 15 tpccd of sound # flf. ial cabinet, which theoretically days after it is suggested by the TIM RICE > 30 6 00 ' 5 pm till dote makes it responsible to the board, or they must wait until the next regular spring elee Music bv 600830 AMERICAN GRAFFITI ASMSL' president. ANDREW LLOYD WEBBER Twilite 5 30 6 00 11 If the question passes, the tion. 3S head of the program will be The question, if passed, MERIDIAN east UK Whoppers ««' come a "director" who could be would widen the board's option removed in the same manner as by giving it the opportunity Auditorium 8:15 p.m. the president and the comptrol to have referenda whenever it Wed. May 24 thru Sot. May 27 SYUfESTER ler. is deemed necessary. The que* tion would also change the time STALLONE Currently, the head of the program can be whim of the removed at the president. By requirement for referenda originating from petitions with OPENS TONIGHT no coupons no limit tJT "FISi- changing the cabinet to a 10 percent of the student body '> 5 30 a is "director" position, removal signatures. BOX OFFICE PHONE Offers Good at Beth Tw.l.teS 00 S 30 M could only occur by a two- If passed, a referendum orig thirds of the Student mating from petition would be 11411. Grand Mvar Wall I)Imih'\ Board. vote staged within 20 days, instead 355-0148 J/ 1/ s MH\f S nadJIJl |. S«|issw The director would not be a of 15. Mf* fastaways IS In *r*rrh of the 5 30 7 45 i Tw.l:tp5 00 5 30 M 6 I 5 8 30 Tyy.t.te 5 45 6 15 1 SPRING RHAHTBOW 1 mMttHAu "House Colli" .MO—AA'IQ* «t IU*to* w b 00 8 00 TwWitp 5 30 6 00 1 Open of 12:45 p.m. Todoy.. Shows of 11571pm THANKS 9 % ORSON WELLES HAi LINDSEYI )■ SATURDAYS CONCERT: OPEN At I PM a ICHIGAN TODAY . At 1:20-3:20 5:20-7:20*9:20 P.M. . SHOWS michael murphey • garland Jeffreys TIm iMf mi umdilMi. Ik* hi).it I bob shaw • bandit • mustards retreat ITLUJAJ J J technical assistance:pop entertainment The fay taekfa it ta hm farpar Velloy PTA" my Mamma harper valley pt a - .barbaraeden ronnyCOX ' SUNDAYS CONCENT: nanette fabray louis nye susan swift pat paulsen PGNH'ti cuun uanc - ^ COMING a JOHN TRAVOLTA OLIVIA NEWTON JOHN GREASE marshall tucker band* hime Today Open 7:00 P.M Feature At 7:20-9:25 technical assistance: pop entertainment Students toward the enrichment * special thanks to: ... .<*> II 'Mr "scotty"mc viegh and his crew - ALSO: .„,... 11 >1 n PI.M l .... . phi rn nun — .HHJVI7.UT tTfilo STAKTS today strohsbeer.acme glass* bagel fragel TODAY OPEN 1:00 PM (WMj Feature 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:30-9:30 barnes floral •campus corners 2 It'll blow your mind! country store* dcnrinoes-dooleys moped amrica*oades*olde world cary pryserraox color printing small planet'Sandwieh shop*pantree sub shop* terns party store BURT REYNOLDS "THEENOo A I AWNF N' I GORDON IX HllRIHf YD "Ttlf fNI' UoMIMIir.1 '.All V HI 11'' i lOANU KltlMYM, :,1 Y M. Nil HOI IP H • I'AI O U HIM I'HU N • HUHHY Ml NSIIN .. ^ (_ „|,|iy HI • ■* WHllAMl, P.o.t-...twlAWniNa GORDON U.c.nl.-IIU"1"1 IJnitBd A «"■*» m 3 t n Stote News, Eos* Lowing, Michigan Wednesday. May 24 1978 13 n———n Mi < m VI' H rrr——.• '•* iV'jf iy i-'.iKv v A •y)P9«p!8pj|qp| ■a [ AitNitin )(«| [Art strict \\/\ [ E^loyant [ [.plo?...' Employment H ; Apartments ^ Apartments Apartments ^ I^MOBNtT 1973 auto. ONE FIVE $100 1500 Trans MASON BODY SHOP 812 IMMEDIATE AND SUMMER IS)-*1 *?,P portation specials FLUMER FELT STAIR Kalamazoo, since 1940 Auto E OPENINGS AVAILABLE PART TIME maintenance HARDWORKING RESPON 1 BEDROOM apartment for ONE FEMALE Delta Arms. TWO WFCKS free arge 1 K*3526131 CHEVROLET 655 4343 0 4 5 26 (4) painting collision service. American foreign Warehousemen and security positions now available. Immediate open SlBlF individual needed for permanent full time lunch bus rent. 4 blocks from campus Available summer and fall $92 50 month '78 '79 355- bedroom, pool, a.r to sub¬ I' in* 1975. sun root. 0256 C 22 5 3115) cars 485 Secretaries ings Apply in person MER boy position (11 30 a m 3:30 4274 Z 8 5 26<3l lease for summer Cai Deb, 8 |<„» PONTIAC GTO, 1969 Auto Skilled Trades IDIAN MALL OFFICE. Oke P m i Great pay arid benefits Summer rental $150 month Fall $210 month Includes SUMMER SUBLET eff« am 5pm 353 3386 3 5 25'5 1^'62131 T-',,, 4 door 4 matic. good running condi lion $350 489 6047 2 4 5 30(3) | Enployaeit H Landscaping General Office If you have any of these skills mos 3 5 25 (6) Call Mr after 4 30 pm Solomon. 372 4300 jiM's TIE utilit.es Call 349 1340 or 349 1266 8 5 24(7) ciency, t.ahle 1 block. $110 nego 351 3968 214 Bailey 605 S Hayford 3 bedroom k ^ -adial ores. >2000 CLERK TYPIST needed we can keep you busy. NO RECREATION available with POSITIONS MERIDIAN fANY PLACE, lansmq 6 5 26'9' downtown TWYCKINGHAM. POOL, Z 5 6 1 '3' apartment, for rent Utilities Kpatie'6 30pm PINTO '72,4 speed, 25 mpg. $350, dependable sound immediate opening Appli for FEES. GOOD PAY. Apply before 3 p.m. at MAN¬ TOWNSHIP through CETA central air. 1 or 2 persons. 1 1 2 PERSON apartment for paid. Women to $ra'e 393 8541 afte' 3pm Call en cant must be Title VI One recreation co WAITRESS. NEAT bedroom 351 7356 gine, radials 355 1555 dependable and POWER INC., 105 E. Wash¬ appear Z 6 5 26(31 summer completely fur 4 5 26 <5) ordinator I'uiBO '976. power Z 3 525 13) personable Receptionist ex¬ tenaw, downtown Lansing. to implement a >ng mature and dependable nished air conditioned I1!!! and tirakes A,r con I*1" perience Lois helpful Telephone Brooks. 351 1316 for an 20-^31 (13) summer Two recreation program recreation leaders to for work in ings Bartending good surround experience lust 3 left across month 33? '65' Bogue Street. $145 Z 1 5 24 4 UNIVERSITY VILLA UC v8 e,cel PORSCHE 914, 1970 AM/ lead participants in activities |r.lw.on $3'00 «4 FM 8 track, 30 mpg, 5 nevv interview appointment FANTASTIC TRAVEL oppor 1 busdnver recreation leader helpful but not required at SUMMER & FALL l^30'61 Night 0 3 5 24(81 time and weekend ... . CEDAP VILLAGE need 2 or 3 steel belted radials tunity. Single persons or and married couples to travel in to help transport participants work Apply in person to Mr females for summer 'also LEASING V ,0J4 4 speed. AM shocks, rust proofed, stored CB TECHNICIAN, full or and help lead in activities Bertrand at MARVELANES. BIECHWOOD need 2 for fan winters, custom interior, mint part time Michigan and Indiana. Excel Positions available June 5 5 miles East of Frandor on spnng' Can 351-1044 (•** iW9 349 5731 DISCOUNT CB lent income with our advertis APARTMENTS L - da 33? 4859 Z 3 6 26 4 condition Phone 675 7190 AND CAR STEREO 1978 September 15, M 78. 10 5 STORE 1978 daily 8 5 30 (10) 351-8135 |CJ Z 8 6 2 (6) 321 8515 8 5-30(4) ing business. Must be neat Applicants must meet CETA NEW CEDAP appearing, dependable and Title VI criteria including 15 WAITRESSES. Special summer Village 4 man rrT[ 78 4 door. 4 honest. Full time and summer PART time apartment Fall 78 Spring EAST LANS'NG FALL. 1 rate 2 bedroom :"jV FM rest proofed. FAR OUT Make money hav week unemployment. Ing and dinner hours No Sun $410 C O'lth Must break bedroom furnished air, utili¬ 365 5846 UNIVIRSITY ing parties' Think Tokerware positions available. 372-4294. ham County residency out days or holidays Apply at the units *160 •easr- 351 4830 Z 5 5 31 '4- ties balconies, parking $220 and smile; be the first 8-5-31(10) side the city of Lansing, and DODGE HOUSE. Saginaw at FitS' OLDS circle of friends to in your Cedar 8 5 31 (5) $230 374 6366 0 22 5 31'4' have a MCDONALDS OF Okemos is income requirements Inter 331-0051 CAMPUS HILL 2 bedroom „ jttc 1968 Con- Tokerware party. Now ested persons should apply at apartment for sublease $205 BRANDYWINE OWN every¬ taking applications to fill a CAMP STAFF ,3J7 cu. 300 HP. 4 one can get those hard- Michigan Employment Se Openings to call after I p.m. month • deposit Can 374 room through Summer $112. We buy, sell, trode maintenance position. Appli 'each month 351 5(364 8 5-31'3l power windows to-aet and top-of-the line cant must be available full curity Commission. 3215 swimming *WSl re 1637 before 6pm 349 David 3516088 or Paraphernalia items. Call 482- South Pennsylvania, Lansing quiredi gymnastics arts & Nice dean used cars| 4890, 11 a m-8 p.m. for time to work from 11 p.m.- Meridian is an EOE crafts track h field NOW LEASING for summer 0568 after 6pm 8 5 24-5- 6 5 26I5I 8 a.m. Apply in god 12 bedroom 348 Oak hill 85 to choose from details Z 5 5 24 (10) person at 2 5 24 i25i canoeing or dramatics b 2 BEDROOM. 1 m.ie from MARIGOLD APARTMENTS MCDONALDS in Okemos across the street from park ' ASS 1972. automatic, (across from Meijers) from chora' smgmg Female staff campus, summer subiet ' Low summer rates Omy 5 summer lease Pinsporiairon, S'25r0 l*W ot Codar St. FULL AND part time jobs 8-10 a.m. or 2-4 p.m. Mon¬ RESEARCH ASSISTANT have < ab'n group responsipil "eh Caii 351 4107 $170 month 489 2995 after 6 g37 attef 5 pm. Male staff available Earn up to $5 33 day Friday. Person must be Immediate, full time openings 'v assist m mam OR 16 5 31 6 p m 6 5 25 '4 *150 tr 3 hour For interview in bio medical research lab tenance Call or write appoint available through summer r J; SUPREME Itl'SIM ment call 374 6328 4-6 p m and fall. 5-5-25(14) oratory Requires B S in CHIPPEWA TRAIL CAMP FEMALE OWN mom m 2 QUIET female needed new 337-7318 5 5 26(5) Biology or Chemistry with Rap.d City Ml 49676 '616' bed'oom P-;0< Own room m deluxe apad 1977 350. an a' $127 BARTENDERS AND wait back ground in molecula 322 4242 between 10 a n% 5 Bus bike men' dooi tenms $94 AM FM. velour PINTO GIRL TO or walk *o campus 3 BEDROOM 'ur s-ecj lor 6 1975. two door. 4 assist invalid lady. 8 resses for interview virology preferred Please pm Z 5 5 26'15' 351 7016 m0rth 349 0599 8 5 24 4 ..'■wheel noted glass, Apply K.'igs Pcnte Eas' men One block to campus. speed. $1650 332 5482 after a m to noon weekdays No MACS BAR submit Z 3 5 24 2700 East resume, transcripts, 4 S. ck 12 mon'h ease Stan L.x steei belted radials. 6 pm 355 5153 8 6 2 (3) weekends or holidays 332 and SUMMER tme and time on ( ^note sport mirrors. 5176 9 6 2151 Michigan 3 5 26 (4) salary requirements to your hands1 Use t to eam Summer Jjne 332 3900 or evenings MICHIGAN CANCER female roommate *0' and weekends 232 0978 r antenna meticulous TOYOTA '73. steel belted FOUNDATION. 110 E money selling AVON p'O summer Sublease m JANITOR FULL and pad ducts Call 482 6893 great 0 14-5 31 '7' spotless condition, Michelins. good condition. PART TIME short order Warren, Detroit. Ml. 48201 duplex $75 394 4537 >140 '170 |.a-.H $5850 Call 694 $800 time Friendly nursing home C 7 5 31 4 negotiable 374 7705 cook. evenings Apply: Equal opportunity Employer Z B 1 5 24 • 3 Apply in person NHE LAN BEAUTIFUL DECORATED, pMn,n9s and 485 9229 Z 3 5 25 (3) BACKSTAGE. Meridian Mall SING 1313 Mary Avenue, BL 1 5 24H3I fur- a r 't"j' cred MALE COUNSELORS need large two bedroom >n older „ 9 5 26 111) 5 5 26(41 pOOlS'DE apartment bo::c-n es 3 spese ' e-ock Lansing 2 5 24 (5) ed Camp Ha/a Witka Posi home Sun room F 'epiace TRANS AM 1973 455 four A LIVE in mother's Twyckmgham fc summer 810 station wagon. helper tions Natu'e archery nflery ga'den Excellent location barrel. 3 speed automatic FEMALE ESCORTS wanted *5500 miles, manual DO YOU like people' You wanted to help take care of 2 355 6833 Z 56 14 353 2016 c >"at. a- :" .e . 337 0894 Summe- 351 8154 3 5 24-5' $2500, 489 9266 7 6 2(3! $6 hour No Z 8 6 2 3 training neces¬ can make money in our young children in our Cass g transmission Excel sary Call 489 2278 Lake home (Detroit area1 3324)952 2 FEMALE roommates need¬ L edition $5,000 Must business in your spare time or COORDl\ATOR SUMMER TRIUMPH TR6. 1973 AM Z 24 6 2(3) Room, board and wages HELP' 1 2 peop'e to sub'et 'or full time Call between 6 7 ed summe- Acoss street LJC08A4 8 6 2 »6) FM stereo Must see Rea Migrant Program Supervise daily 351 7074 4 5 26(6) References 313 682 8266 arye 1 bedroom ,-ear VSU FEVA.E J.*.'. •: - ♦-om campus 35' 94o8 CHILD CARE for 2 school teen aides and coordinate A- a-ge sonable Jack 482 4062 Call Collect Z 5 5 31 <8' new ca'pe* 337 0'16 2 be t'":- p.-*.; Z 5 5-25'3> volunteers ^ • Fa PGE SWINGER 1973 Re 7 6 2(41 aged children, flexible hours, m a school setting Z 3 5 26 3 I engine New Tires WAITRESSES NEEDED. Experience m social wo'k : • • 36' 6690 Z 3 5 24 3 good pay 349 3449 after 6 Weekends only MAINTANENCE MAN CEDAR VILLAGE 1393 0372 3 5 2613) p m X8 6 2(4) 8 p.m.- recreation education VEGA 1975 Good condition. 130 a.m. Experience not wanted, must have own NEED 1 2 'oomn-ates fc 40,000 miles Radio, snow desirab'e Must be biimgua APARTMENTS necessary. 485-4469 transportation Hours summe' 2 bed'oo"- apad 'OC- 3 - b loo $'X- GAIAXIE 500XL, STORE DETECTIVES, call 'Spanish Engiishi Contact tires $1550 627 7195 flexible For an interview call men ciose to campus Rent Okemos 349 1503 Nc*. 'eaS'ng l$ood shape, moderate 85-31(3) Ingham County cooperative pets 3 5 26(31 641 4562 between 10 am EQUITY VEST at 351 1500 4 5 30 3 ($450 351 4187 Extension Senvce negotiable 332 '489 fc- 'a ond Summer and 3 p m Monday-Friday Phone Z 3 5 26 4 0 7 6 2i6i fc* 3 0-7 5 31(3) COOK, LONG'S of Lansing is ' 5171 484 7706 Equal Oppc BOGUE at RED CEDAR VOLKSWAGEN 1973 excel ROOMMATE cqR ca' s-a-e lent condition, looks like new currently taking applications tunity Employe' 2 5 25 112' 351-5180 for broiler, saute and banquet PIANO TEACHER wanted fev 2 bed'ocm Capito1 V-'ta poo- FAIRLANE 1969 332 1177 485 0027 UNIFORM SECURITY otfi Piano Studio REDUCED SUMMER own room $120 month Deb Jrat; 6 cylinder Good cooks. Apply in person 6810 Starting START NOW Local Amway SPACIOUS 2 b~m,-~ du Z 4 5 26 (3l cers. part-time Call 641-4562 September 669 3309 332 1281 Z 3 5 26 4 condition Make S Cedar 8 5 2417) • Distributor offers opportunity RATES on leases plex Campus ' b • > Fur- 0-7 5-31(3) _ 7 6 2i3> W *6^783 4 5 30'4i ♦or good earnings V0u pick Signed this Week. s^et Hz d ijt : es m VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE BOOKKEEPER, SECRE the ^ours we assist for ude.t $380 —m- A.3a 1969 with rebuilt BABYSITTER AND house¬ TARY, Immediate full-time WAITRESS FULL or '•ng 2 "'a- 1 bed'OOm *u' Red engine part 723 6055 b'e ji.,n«R *5 35- Kd'- Wagon, keeper, professional couple. 3 time, days or nights appointment 2 Man mshed apartment Ava'ace 4,000 miles, $500 353 7931 position with ALL-STATE No 8 6 2 <6i C 6 5 31 6 pt'cwsteering, brakes blocks from MSU, campus September" vear ^ase 0" > f Km : radials 63,000 4 5 26 ( 31 with 3 sons. 216. MANAGEMENT, East Lans¬ experience necessary Apartments 3'6. 5Y ing. Some e*penence helpful, HUDDLE SOUTH. 820 West CAMP POSITIONS $195 memm -a 882 2316 T\*.v CKiN'3HA\* \ri clean Excellent VW. 1972. two snow tires Reliable car required Excel¬ Miller Road 7 6-2(5' from '160 from 6-9 p m , 5 5 3' 6 SLB- r s: OOC Call 351 3823 will train. Call 351-1310, Die* SECRETARY LET June 'h'0uu~ Septem¬ with rims, little rust, runs lent salary Call 351-4795 or Olson or Rob Robinson BAKER S ASSISTANTS ber 2 bed-oom poo 332 r^s S16 5 31 (61 good, standard shift, must 372 2960 and ask for Heidi 0-10-5-31 19) SUMMER TEACHING Cat Children's residential agency Waters & Rivers K'NGS PO'NTE POOL a.r 2 5450 Z 4 5 30 3 sell. $1400 or best offer. 7 6 2 (8) houn County. 6 12-7 14 Ex bed 2 ma" ma'e tc U. '3 stereo, stick. 4854992 5 5 25 (5) DENTAL ASSISTANT, east citing, innovative program camp in Michigan June 13 August 29 $500 $700 plus Edge Apts. 489 6756 ' 5 26 3 sHare NEED 2 "or s" piling females i ::.sef steering, and GAME ROOM personnel. be aoes car $1500 side of Lansing 4 handed Teaching certificate desire room and board Contact 1050 Waters *o- apartment Cose 'an- Young ladies preferred Good able (Area code 517' 372 Edge Dr. TREEmOlSE WESt fe~ae jr23 se'ore 3pm Mrtrcycto 9k pay. benefits and pleasant dentistry Experience pre terred Salary open. Call 485 2261 9 am -4 30 p m FRESH AIR SOCIETY. 6600 West Maple Road West Spring 355 4967 Z 2 5 25-3' MS working positions Excellent 7123 II 6 2 151 3 5-26(6" Bloomfield. Michigan 48033 own 'ocm 35' "9' f:v;\ GHIA 71. 46,000 HONDA 360 Bought new positions for students, full 313 661 0600 6-5 26 (12i 331-4431 Z3cJ29 3 HASLEH ARMS and part time Apply in per¬ rgme very good, 1977. 900 miles $650 332 RESIDENT MANAGER PART TIME HANDY MAN SUMMER & FALL 3964 after 1 p.m son only CINEMA X, 1000 20 hours week Abilities in DENTAL ASSISTANT chair OWN LARGE 'CO"" n town Bjocc $975 355 5763 or couple tor Haslett property W Jolly Road. 0 22 5-31(8) side, 4-handed dentistry ROOMMATE FQP fu"v fur¬ house available •^"•■eoiate LEASING JC1® e.enmgs X 3 524 (31 Duties include maintenance carpentry, carpeting, clean Good salary Benefits Send poe v 0W 4 GRADUATE STUDENT to and leasing. Wot* schedule ing and miscellaneous nished Poo. sauna a.r 882 sa"a a • -j : g 351-1044 mechanical areas 339 9500 resume to The State News 8556 20 5 3' 3 $65 mont'i 349 2"44 HONDA 250 dirt bike, spare work rental office flexible. Around most class i??.4 ^Lt- '977 & speed parts. K* case of oil, $450 in car es Phone 332 3900 days or C 3 5 26(51 Box D 4 X 11 6 2(4) 3 5 26' 4 351-8135 3 p.m 11:30 p.m. weekdays cassette 339-3094. 0-10-5-31 18) SUMMER APARTMENT radials. 353 7230 Z 4 5 26 ( 31 489 1484. 7-6-2 (4) K»"es 4000 miles $3400 neeo up tc 4 2 sto-y NOV\ LEAS NG SUMMER TERM omy fur¬ _ DESK CLERK - CAPITOL For Rent furnished borders FOR SUMMER AND cAt nished 2 bed'oom, apaament. |ra:-e 332 8472 MOTORCYCLE INSUR YOUNG MARRIED couple to CAMP POSITIONS PARK HOTEL, 500 S Capi¬ d r cam |*530-4 ANCE New low rates for care take & cook at modern 4 UNIT SUPERVISORS tol. Apply in person only. pus 353 8273 353 8265 Large complete'v 'emocfe's Nea' MSU 349-4669 after SPARTAN ACRE GAR Z 3 5 26 '4 air conditioned one bed-PC 5 p.m 8-6-1 .41 1978 Call ALDER AGENCY summer home on Lake 1 NATURE-CAMPCRAFT NCR 4200 & H.R.I, experi¬ "MC* 1971 fair condi Huron, for June August and DIRECTOR enced DENS beautiful plot 30 x50 xapa-tments Located " Lan M'50 353 7230. 372 351 8620 0 1 5-24(3) only 10 a.m.-3 p.m. water and roto Mier available NON SMOKING male % September, for Detroit Children's residential agency Mr Rumley 10-6-2(61 s"ig on bus '*r*> " \'Su \'ALE ROOMMATES ?•-> ■ 2-4 626 «3> 337 7714 after 2 p m needed for MSU c'ose 1 $170 $180 memt*' KAWASAKI 1972, BH 350, lawyer and family. Wonder camp in Michigan. Bachelor s bedroom apartment Call reference Ceck s utilities with cab'e street trail. ful opportunity for right degree required June 13 -ed,- fed T\ b low mileage, SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Brian at 353 2217 after 4 p m PM* M0NTEGO MX couple to spend summer in August 29. $900-$1200 plus For appomtme'- •a 485 Avai'ab'e new 394 3811 good. $475 351 6895 for MSU students. Full and RENT A Moped by the 6 5 26 14' 0638 0 1 5 24 9 • Z 5 5 3' 5 j.Wagon air. cruise etc. 3 5 24(3) beautiful surroundings. (313) room and board. Contact part-time positions. Auto¬ hour day weekend or term F*> 52995 349 5731. 881 6562. Mr Mrs Jones. FRESH AIR SOCIETY. 6600 mobile required. For further MOPED AMERICA (next to SUMMER SUBLEASE 2 fe 1973 HONDA CL350, 2,000 5 5-30(11) West Maple, West Bloom- males close air rent nego miles field, Michigan, 48033. 313- information call 339 9500 Tom's Party Store' 337 Location Location only, A 1 condition, C-8-5-31 (6) 9509 7 6 2 (5> t.able 332 8569 Z 6 5 26 (3' pWGET, 1970. Good HOUSEKEEPER, part time, 661-0100. 6-5-26 1151 new items, $500 487 8821 51095 351 1795 56 1 (3) friendly nursing home, good ACROSS PROM CAMPUS -is1" 8 5 30 131 KAWASAKI 75 HIF 500 3 benefits, apply NHE LANS¬ ING, 1313 Mary Ave Lans , UNIQUE BUSINESS Oppor tunity for mature persons- CEDAR GREENS EDITOR' Three 1 bedroom [f*Vi V1973 . 2 doot, cylinder, new 1 owner, .ng 2 5-24 (5) managerial and sales P°sl APARTMENTS apartments >150 8 automatic, 15,000, $795 351 1179 tions full 0. part hme_ Two 2 bedroom Apartments >170-180 FEMALE MASSEUSE want tires, excellent Z 3 5 26 (3) Phone 349 1459 between 6 8 Ww S1800 ed. $8/hour. We will train. 349 1369 Sign a lease by Memorial Doy for these $5 5t 489 2278. Z 24-6 2(3) p m 3 5 24(61 now loosing for HONDA 125, excellent condi special rates summer & fall tion, only 2,850 miles $325. MANAGIt IMPlO'MFNT DELTA ARMS J1'"Med. '"2. 48 000 miles. 487 3096 after 5:30 p.m. 5 7 6 2 15) SCOTT, FO* ISMAN | Manager no rust. $760 •furnished apartments >535163 II AND COMPANY 233 Delta 2 3 5 25 1 31 Mi SffYict /j Hurry •• •swimming pool •air conditioning 12-B 332 5978 I*' 70,0 0 miles, •within walking ryi'l'on; 28 5 $600 31131 Mark. GOOD USED tees, 13 14 15 inch. Mounted free Used wheels and hub caps. PEN- There are only 6 more days to distance to campus DON'T WAIT ^*41974. real sharp, place Classified Ads. Come up to 694 6715. must NEL SALES, 1825 East Mrchi gan, Lansing. Michigan 347 Student Services and place 351-8631 UNTIL THEY'RE I 1 ot best ot er. •«i3i 48912 482 6818 C 22 5-31161 Michigan Ave. ALL GONE 1135 JUNK CARS wanted Also your ad today. E. Lansing >■■■ automatic, good selling used pads. Phone (next to Brody) •^condition. $250 485 321 3651 C 22-5 31(31 c.ii 3493530 P®«.Harel Toraaarva your apartment FOREIGN CAR repair menu als, over 100 different titles at Student Prepayment Required YWCA Camp Get in the for tummer and fall Newaygo, Michigan CHEQUERED FLAG FOR EIGN CAR PARTS. 2605 East Statu Hows Classified swim at Students SPECIAL for 4 person Kalamazoo Street. 487 5055. is hit ing femole staff for 355-8255 shouldn't have SUMMER furnished apartment R165 333 '280 One mile West of campus. the following positions for August 20th Wat Burcham Woods model open 9-9 C 13 5-31(8) June 24 to live in drab erf font dntutoi 21 yeors Now leasing for Fall 'Heated pool RATES little P2«i»» SUMMED AT - ""I* Location Location old with WSI Aits & Crafts Niuse IPN RN oi 'Air conditioning rooms. G4MPUS HILL duettoi ' 10' bus to campus Treat yourself Itopctunstjam 1978 Nin sing graduate this summer General counselors Senioi 'Ample parking 'Nicely furnished BEAUTIFUL ACROSS FROM WILLIAMS HALL to litesovinq ipquued For ap APARTMENTS '5 Blks. to campus plications tontait 1^ South Hagodorn Rd. (North of Ml. Hopo) Bev Cassidy Duectoi just off grand river. okemoa 731 Now l»ot-»9 !oi °P°r,ments >150 completely furnithed with distinc- Three 1 bedrooms Apts. 7I0J J/'h Ave Swmmoi ond Fall ^'ougho^e<*',erran*on furniture and shag carpofing >170-180 Kenosha Wtsionsm Ml40 Summer •loch '* l»„ un" as Two 2 bedroom Apts. 2 bedroom •ISO 2BEDROjW*S I RiESUS SERVICE I '"Niii dishwasher, garbage disposal, central FIRST COME. FIRST SERVED )i fui thei mioi motion I bedroom *15# APARTMENTS '^RWSHTO 349.3530 IS" BUS SERVICE I 'la. °n,n9 oncJ heating, Call I 224 2845 studios 'US -DISHWASHERS I '•kid eui P°0' Qnd private balconies 745 Burchom f REt ROOM MA1E SERVICE UNIVIRSITY TKRRACK Jane V itek 731 BuVum !)r.y •CENTRAL AIRCOND. FREE ROOM MAtE SERVICE JLjht' "Onth 414 Michigon Assistant Dnei toi (litt-i 4 HI pm 351-3118 351 7212 (call between 10-5 pm) ] ^Michigon State News, Eosf Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May 24. I970 j-ApartMits jfVi | Apirtwits [ Hoases !|tfj Hoists l.db) [ HtlSIS ||£j [ *#MS ll^l Wfa* 135 KEDZIE. June availability NEED 3 flirts, summer only IT IS the policy of the State FEMALE FOR summer and 5 BEDROOM house for sum NEAR CAMPUS, clean 100 USED vacuum cleaners. KARL KRUGER Thanks for 1 bedroom, Americana Ba.b F 361 4203 News that the last 4 weeks of fall to share 3 man house vear or summer mer. Close to campus Big quiet Summer, fall. 337 Tanks, cannisters, furnished 4S2 2937; 882 aftei 5pm 2 6 24 131 term all Student Classifred Own bedroom. Walking dis¬ yard. $60 month 351 5772. 2655 9 6 2131 rights. Guaranteed and up full all the help you've given us as SI tance 351 4097 7 6 1 (4) on our coordinator. Love, Little 2316 0 7 6 3114) Advertising must be paid for Z5524I3) year. 17.88 and up. DENNIS Sisters of the Rose SUMMER SUBLET, spacious in advance beginning May 2 ROOMS summer/fall op DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. Z 1 524 (5) ONE FEMALE needed for 2 3 man, furnished, air, utili 4th. 2 p.m. S 19 5 31 17) NICE 5 bedroom, summer 3 ROOMS available in house Announcements for li nerd vear Eden Roc Paula ties 332 1691 2 3 5 25 (31 rent Option for fall. $75/ Close to campus 325 Di tion Quiet, house 351 9325 Z 5 5 26131 on Cornell 316 N. Cedar, opposite City Market C 22 531(7) Happening must be s Whai State News received office, 343 inql TWO BEDROOMS, ground room 625 Division. John P vision. 351 4684 366 4949 Z 8 6 1 floor Close to campus, $255 351 3344 8 6 2 (4) Z 10-5 24 (31 Itcriitlu ft Services Bldg, s,U(J MILFORD APARTMENTS, 332 0743 8 6 2 ( 3) SUMMER SUBLET 2nd story HANG GLIDERS new. make two class days belo.e by'noon at teJ LUXURY APARTMENT one bedroom apartments, Cedar Chalet room, perfect offer Information on motor No needs females, summer, furnished, an heat • vvate* SUMMER SUBLET 3 bed ONLY 2 four bedrooms left 1 for 2, $95/month ized gliding 332 5363 Bill. CAMPGROUND Canoe and announcements willpubl,cal™ be SPARTAN AVENUE June within walking distance, 1 on Brigid, camp on Shiawassee ed by phone super close 361 7134 included 332 5921 8 6 2 141 rooms, sleeps 4 comfortably. Anne 332 6156 Z 5 5 26(4) Z 76 1(31 River, to June lease only $450 Behind bus route. Available for fall between Byron and 8 6 113) Dooleys, fall option Durand SUMMER SUBLFT Cedat 351 5258 8 6 2 ( 31 for 2 rooms. $350 351 0003 Call 351 4107 0 15 5 31 (5) FRAMES OLD, cracked or Ml Lake swimming, show STIGMA meets at 7 ROOMMATE SUMMER own N Case Halt tonight, X 2 bedroom, furnished, Z 86 2 14) broken? Replacements at low ers, dump station. Phone for SUMMER SUBLET, spacious view. room, new duplex, all appli Everyone 2 bedroom, close to MSU an rent negotiable 353 3112 NEWER HOUSE 6 bed 12 BEDROOM house. 403 cost OPTICAL DISCOUNT. reservation after 7:30 p.m. in handicappet issues interest) 2 4 5 26 ( 31 rooms. 5 man partially fur ANTIQUE Ann Street, partially fur ances, pets. 2 miles 394 2617 E 313 266 4380 welcome* pets okav 351 9185 4 bedroom, 2 2990 Z 5 5 26(31 Michigan. Lansing Owner at nished Available September nished 351 0997 86 2 (31 372 7409 C 5531(5) SQUARE 2 3 5 24(31 Very near campus Phone story spacious house, campground. 7685 Lehring 7 to 8 30 DANCING held tf0 SUMMER SUBLET 2 bed Rd Durand. during day natural woodwork Lease BEAUTIFUL HOME near tonight in the Unto 2 people Furnished days 332 3900 0 8 6 2 (51 June 16. $340/month. 489 ROOM FOR summer Large CASSETTES, CASSETTES" Z 4 5 25(11) Experience needed 1 BEDROOM summer. 2 bed room campus. Own room, $100/ All Abbott Road 351 2029 0574 Z 8 6 2 (4) house 413 Stoddard Tim types, most priced $3 rooms fall, block to MSU air an month. 355 3654 7 5525(3) Z 8 6 2 t3l EAST LANSING 2669 332 2121 Z 7 6 2 (31 Many less Quality guaran Ecumenical quiet. 351 5526 or 349 3413 Rial Estate (Protestant 3 524(41 Grand River (between Den 3 BEDROOM farmhouse, OKEMOS. LARGE room in teed FLAT. BLACK, b CIR < « dox Catholic) charismatic OnhA ROOM IN house East side CULAR. upstairs, 541 E ptarf SUMMER VACANCIES n\ s Restaurant and Hudson $250. year lease June 15th meeting sponsored by one $70 ♦ utilities Deposit re cozy farmhouse Garden, Woik I WOODSIDE MANOR 1 bed Gas Station) Large 4 5 bed Grand River Open 11 a m A FRAME, Christ and two person studio apart 332 3172 3 5 25(31 quired 485 3916 8 5 25 (3) pets and children welcome C 3 5 26(6) near lake on Community at 8 15 p A room, carpet, air. summer ments. three and four person room house From fa", yearly $100 month for couple wooded lot Natural wood Thursday. St John's sublet tall option 351 5277 lease $390 month Open 6 7 or Center. 327 MAC SludJ apartments also 3 b 12 DUPLEX. 7 bedrooms. 2 single Petra 349 9615 2 SPEAKERS interior, fireplace, one bed Ave GREAT HOUSE close, need 2 Homemade 862 131 month leases available With p m 2 5 24 (71 baths, carpeted, parking, 10£ 3 5 26 15) room, large study $32,000 Heath Kit components. Will in one block MSU Tor ap bus Year lease women, own rooms, summer 6268 Ridge St Haslett 339 Med tech majors Summer. stand 100 watts. 26" high. and oihj GRAD STUDENT seeks !e pointment call 675 5175 be GOING FAST' 2 6 bedroom $350 Fa" $500 332 3172 rent negotiable 351 2751 FEMALE NEEDED. own 9281 evenings 5 5 30 16) interested in admission to mJ 5525(3) $200 Turntable $50 manual tech junior level male to share luxury apart tween 10 am 6 p m homes for fa" Call EQUITY 3 5 25 .4) room in 2 bedroom ment. Summer Own room VEST 351 1500 0 3 5 25 (3) nice pioneer. Call after 4:30 p.m. Giltner Hall apply .n ll 9 6 2 <101 duplex, $75 month or best 372 1624 8 5 25 (5) close to campus 332 4380 ROOMMATE WANTED to loots offer Dog considered Dana Sorvico after 5 p.m. Z-8 6 2 <51 NEED 2 male students Share STUDENT HOUSE 4 bed share comfortable furnished or Debbie 332 3890 The people with a SEWING MACHINES slightly furnished trailer home 5 rooms, 2 baths Ca" Jeff house summer term, near Z 3 5 26 15) FREE LESSON in Come find out what MSUpu'poM ROOM IN nice house 3 used Re conditioned, guar complex Citclel 1,2, or 3 females to sublease, minutes from campus Call 349 2589 8 6 2 (31 campus, reasonable rent, fe Club is ail about at anteed $39.98 and up. ED¬ tion care MERLE NORMAN 6 summer. Rent negotiable. John 332 3389 Z 5 5 26'4> male blocks from campus. $65 OWN ROOM Union Sunporch tomg|( LARGE COMFORTABLE grad student preferred, month 351 6472 ask for Den in house for fa", WARDS DISTRIBUTING COSMETIC STUDIO 321 Call 332 2267 Z 6 5 24 (3) days call 374 8500. house needs th.rcl beginning evenings students, close to campus CO 1115 N 5543 C 22 5 31(4) call 372 6358 5 5 30(9) nis. S 5 5 24 (3) Washington. Men's and Women SUMMER SUBLET One Parking After 5 351 FEMALE NEEDED, sublease June 1 Fireplace sun deck p.m. 489 6448 C 22 531(6) of s Fei'owsh bedroom, furnished Close to 3249 Z 2 5-25 (31 DO YOU want to learn Ger Christian Athletes invite eve laundry Near Sparrow Cuad SUMMER TERM only fur summer, own room, great 2 FEMALES needed for next NEW, USED and man7 Private lessons. $4 50 one to a picnic at 6 30 campus Option tor "a" Call preferred 484 8963 nished room, close to MSU vintage tonight L location air Albert b D.vi house Close to Alicia Piersma for 332 0370 Z 3 5 24 4 4 5 26(6' vear in 349-4669 8 6 1 l3> TWO ROOMS, summer sub guitars, banjos and mando¬ per hour Number of lessons information sion Street. 1 block Berkey campus 353 5520 let. 172 Gunson, $80 each lins. etc Dulcimers and kits, variable Call for information, Hall rent negotiable 351 2 HOUSEMATES needed to Z 3 524(31 month Women's Brown ONE BEDROOM apartment FALL 3 people needed 4 Mike. Rob 332 2159 recorders, string, accessories, 332 4484 Z 3 5 26(6) Bag lunchl 4240 Z 3 5 25 (6) sublet Own S 5 5 31 (3) from noon to 1 p m 312 South Havford $150 summer term bedroom larg»- duplex Nice books, thousands of hard to today UnJ EAST LANSING - HULL per month plus utilities 332 bedroom m furnished house MSU NEAR, students, single Tim 351 8455 Z 3 5 25 ( 31 find albums (all at very low COMPLETE REPAIR service Sunporch Carol Wmeberg vJ APARTMENTS available 2419 8 6 2 '4' c'ose Ca" 355 1957 355 adults 4 bedroom, furnished. SUMMER. CLOSE. $16-20/ prices) Private and group ♦or stereo's. TV's, tapes, Ann Stehr, Dian* WmdischJ 1956 3 5 26 5' 337 1878 8-6 1<3> week including utilities. 337 lessons guitar, discuss slide tape He June 15 Furnished. 2 bed 2 ROOMS in beautiful house. on banjo, guitars, banjos, band instru Touch! 7133. 337 7161 8 530 (31 mandolin, all styles Gift cer ments MARSHALL MUSIC Me" room, quiet, bus. air, balcony 2 FEMALES fa" Block 2 living areas patio, fireplace. JUNE 15 4 bedroom 5 miles SUMMER FALL sublet, 3 $95 ♦ utilities 332 4404 or tificates Expert repairs free 351 7830 C 1 524(51 $200 $225 Electric, no pets campus $77 morth 332 to MSU Clean good repair or children Corner of Haga 4367 or 355 1659 Z 3 5 25 3 bedroom furnished duplex 332 6964 June 1 2 kitchens NEAR, PARTLY furnished, estimates ELDERLY IN¬ Philosophy lecture b> jo! no pets $280 year lease 332 Close to campus 394 3717 5bedrooms $425 June lease STRUMENTS 541 East FOR QUALITY stereo ser Valentine. Dickenson dorn and Haslett Road 351 3398 8 6 2 5' Z 4 5 26 ( 5» College pi 5 5 26i3' 351 0765, 8 5 3113) Grand River 332 4331 vice, THE STEREO SHOPPE. fessor. on Sports 4799 8 6 2 17) al C 22 5 31(13) 555 E. Grand River Humanism" at 3 p m EAST LANSING, fall lease Hoists £ SUMMER AND fa" 3 6 7 bedroom, furnished houses $60 rooms SUMMER sublet Ca" 353 0882. excel 2 WANTED 2 nice rooms. Lansmg, male, female 78 79 East For Sale WE D LOVE to get you in our C 22 5 31(3) Con Con Room Thu'sdi InternatiOlJ and duplexes Ca" mornings Center comfortable one bedroom school year 355 3666 3 BLOCKS from campus 4 5 lent location Z 2 5 24 (3) bed The finest in quality furnished Walk to MSU. only 351 6471 0 6 5 31 l5i S 55 30 (3» WEDDING FLOWERS - low CARPET bedroom houses Renting for waterbeds at the SLEEP CLEANING with Is food causing problem shopping, bus, direct access summer Ef fall 351 8135 LARGE FULLY furnished cost, top quality, Full service SHOP our truck mounted . PALL TERM only 3 bedroom .n SOUNDS b DIVER cleaning your life7 Give Overeaten to 496 and all points, from 0-22 5-31'41 bedroom in town house, SUMMER SUBLET single in 623 6545 Z 8 5-2613) SIONS. downtown, across rxiant r*ii "Ci iDcon cam" plant Ca" SUPERCLEAN Anor| house wth mous a try at 6 tonight 247 $195 TROWBRIDGE dog Available in close to campus 646 Abbott nice big house, close to from Knapps 484 9300 484 3501 9 6 2(4) Health Center MANOR manager, 5 to 9 p m Okemos during Sabbatical Road 351 8255 Z-10-524 (4) campus b downtown Ca" THE MOST comfortable and FURNISHED DUPLEXES for 0 1 5 24(61 351-4745, anytime 351-4107 2 3 or 4 persons Terms negotiable 349 2645 332 1049 Z 3 5 25 (5) durable sandals made $20 Available 8-6 1 110) summer 022 531131 and or fall 669 9939 evenings X 3 5 24 16) SUMMER DREAM house Cool spacious, near campus SUMMER SUBLET rooms Not TOM a claim The truth SANDALS 220 Albert. CDS Aoitols V, [ Typiif Strvici it at Meet at MSU A Day Ca'e 6 p m Thursday for the $m Ceil 1 BLOCK to MSU 2 per PARMHOUSE SUMMER m nice house. 2 blocks, rent E Parents Group picnic at Paf a'd 2 rooms open women 332 Lansing, Monday Satur EXPERT TYPING Term son, available June 18, year sublease 5 bedroom. 4 acres AKC DOBERMAN pups, tails Park. East Lansing 3977 Z 5 5 26'4> negotiable, utilities included day 11am 5pm SUMMER SUBLET 4 person papers, letters, RESUMES lease, no pets. $250. includes ham. m Okemos low rent 351 3607 Z 3 5 25I4) 12 5 26 (71 docked, shots, good tern Near Gables 337 0205 Pre heat/lights. 332-3398 furnished duple* 4270 337 332 3581 Tim Ken or Don vet Club presents Dr Vol 4 NICE girls need 1 more for peraments. $100 349 3354 C 22 5 31(3) 8-6-2 15) 0152 Z 3 5 26 <3 Z 4 5 26 4 BUTCHER BLOCK table with speaking about falconing at 1 own room m beautiful new SUMMER SUBLET pr. Z 5 5 31 (3) 4 leather chairs, like new duplex starting fa" Close vate room, waierbed. desk COPYGRAPH tonight. 100 Vet Clinic Th.s •$ { $300 332 3275 B 5 30 (31 SERVICE SUMMER SUBLET - fall SUMMER SUBLET 1 block LARGE HOUSE. 2 people 353 0469 or 353 0461 $75 month 351 0379 ADORABLE KITTENS' last meeting until next yea' from campus Complete dissertation and option, 2 bedroom 12 mi furnished 6 needed for fa" term Close to Free to good home 337 1009 please attend1 Z 5 5 26i5) Z 2 3 24 13) SIZE 7 V woman's resume service Corner MAC nutes. 353 9760. 339 1467 Vasque S 66 31 (2l rooms negotiable 351 0767 campus Call Tom 351 0455 and Grand River 8:30 a m Z 2 5 25 3> hiking boots, only worn once Join Campus Action nights. Z 5 530 (31 3 5 25 -4. SUMMER SUBLET large 1 OWN ROOM m 3 bed house $35 353 1241 E 5 5 5:30 p.m Monday Friday. 10 Chnstl 24j 31 fellowship to celebrate God s : bedroom across from cam Summer with fa" option WANTED USED albums, Mokili Hum » a.m. 5 p.m. Saturday. 337 at 8 30 tonight 335 Union pus furnished Clean $175 Close $100 • ut.lmes 351 1666 X C 22 5 31 (6) $12 disc. 332 8457 351 ClAUGHERTY REALTY. 8240 Z 5 5 30 *4i APPEARING 1225 Bob oi Mile VINDALE 2 bedroom, excel¬ United Nations 351 5300 0 3 5 24i5i IT IS the policy of the State Spec.a' Sess Z 5-5 25 131 lent 373 6410 ex 47 Deen. News that the last 4 weeks of on Disarmament Rally meeting! ROOM AVAILABLE now 625 7402 evenings 8 5-25 I3I term all Student Classified 7 30 tonight, 336 Union to fmaf SUMMER, 3 blocks from $21 week 508 Grove 332 MAMIYA SEKOR 35mm plans to go from Lansing FRIDAY, JUNE 2nd Union, large rooms, house facilities 351 2448 8-6-1(3) 1763 4 5 26 (3l OWN ROOM, summer, fur camera Extra lerses. 135 Ft 50mm Call 353 3509 Z 3 5 25 (3) mm 1973 12 X 50. 2 bedroom, washer dryer, partly ed $4500 694 3611 5-526(3) furnish Advertising in advance 4th 2 pm. must be paid for beginning May 19 531 (7) Singles. 25 discuss years • invited! HOW can the Chu| ROOM FOR summer, Haslett, nished near campus, park Better the Needs ot I 25 acres, pond. $65 month, SNIPE CLASS" Sailboat HOMETTE, 1972, 12x60, two EXPERIENCED IBM typing meet .ng 332 0400 Z 2 5 25 (3) June 15 Carol 655-1321 16-foot, yellow with white bedroom, skirted, shed, re¬ Dissertations, (pica-elite) Single Person at 7 30 tonightT To place your Peanuts Per¬ Z 5 5 26<3> OWN ROOM In deluxe apart deck Beautiful varnished frigerator, range. 489-6739 FAYANN, 489 0358 John's student center 327 M > wood mast and boom Two C 22 531(3) Ave sonal Graduation ment Must rent, call after 5 p.m. 5524 (4) Special HELP NEW duplex with ings 337 2119 Z 4 530(3) even sets of sa"s and new trailer Ad. just (ill out the form June lease, need subleters or $1000 484 3755 5 5 30 (71 GEORGETOWN 1973, 12x65. PROFESSIONAL EDITING, Co op Open House' All the E minor corrections to re write. Lansing Co ops will be ho«l PtMtS below and mail or bring it someone to take over lease 353 4019 or 351 2848 ROOM FOR male for sum COUCH BROWN fabric, 3 bedrooms, utility room, $6,700 30 minutes Typing arranged 332-5991. open houses this week Comal with pcyment to the State mer, also fa" Close to Union MSU. fatal Z-3 5 24(5' 443 Grove Street. 332 0205 good condition, 82 long. 676 5204 8 525 (3) C 22 531(3) 311 B Student Services B'dg News Classified $45 332 6663 after 5 fiJUOUATHM Dept. DUPLEX 4 bedroom, dish¬ 3 5 26(4) UNIGRAPHICS Interested in mental '^347 Student Services. washer, good location, X E 6 5 25(31 Salt h COMPLETE DISSERTATION OFFERS careers' Contact Dave Per« "ej SPECIU new SUMMER SUBLET 344 SCHWINN BREEZE, ladies AND RESUME SERVICE. Many extras 351-7610. Evergreen. 1 block from cam College ol Urban Develop^ bike, 3 years old. light blue. RUMMAGE AND clothing Type setting. IBM typing, tor academic internship Z-6-524J3)_ pus $85 Scott 332 2159 $70 Also men's balloon tire sale, men's and women's offset printing and binding. bilities in this exciting field MASON HOLT area No Z 2 5 25(3) bicycle. $15, 351 2198 clothes, like new studio For estimate stop in at 2843 children or pets. $140/month E 5 5 26(5) East Grand River or couch, color TV. vacuum phone, Earn up to 15 C'«"« 3 Lines - $200 . Et deposit Available June 10. AVAILABLE SUMMER and 332 8414 C 22 531(7) fa" Summer rates and many miscellaneous providing services to the fideHi 694 9033 8 5-26 (4) as low as $50 PARAQUAT DETECTION items 2061 South William Lansing Contact Dave M On Michigan across KITS Simple to use. includes We'd love ston Road at Holt Road. May to help you word College of Urban Development| OKEMOS. FURNISHED, from Williams Ha" Utilities 5 tests $4-kit. one week 26 b 27. 9 5pm 3 526(8) and place your Classified ad newer, large 4 bedroom 2 car included 351 5888, 351 6834. delivery Send order to. Just phone 3558255 ®nd a ■The Issue Is Peace Each Additional Lines - 67c garage, fireplace, 2vj baths 332 1103 3 5 26(71 GREAT LAKES CHEM 3230 friendly Ad Visor will help history Ol Arab Israeli ctml Central $500 month school ♦ block utilities OWN ROOM in quiet house W Main, Suite 204, Kalama zoo. 49007 Z 5 5 26(61 l lost I Foul jfq. you! locus secure borders, at 8 night. 128 Natural Science | Single family. 349 5400 near campus Available June FOUND BLACK/white fe _ TYPING TERM papers and 3 5 26(6) 15 $90 351 8962 4 5 25(31 male dog with ZENITH CHROMACOLOR II tag Phone theses, I.B.M. experienced, student teachers and oil NAME 17 inch color T.V. set. Excel¬ 353 3312 or 332 2511 fast service. Call 351-8923. 2 FURNISHED rooms in interested in applying "" SUMMER SUBLETown lent! Plus more! WILCOX 4 5 26 (31 house, $80/month. Excellent 0-8-531 (3) Central America, p-oied aPP* ADDRESS room in large house, close TRADING POST 485-4391 4 30 p m Thursday. 228 $75 332 8469 Z 5 5-31(3) location. 337-0402. Z 7 526 (3) C-10 531 (5) LOST GOLD Omega watch, ANN BROWN TYPING dis¬ Hall for a one hour pre«n'a|E"k| CITY in Landon field area. Senti ZIP CODE sertations- resumes- term and orientatron meeting Fo WOMAN OR couple to share SUBLET ROOM in 4 bed DORM TYPE refrigerator mental value Reward Call _ papers 601 Abbott Road, information call D' DAY PHONE home of woman professor. room 2 living room house. Year Old. $85. Hobie Pro 355 0477 Z55 31(4) North entrance, 351-7221. 355 1713 10 minutes to campus, sum Back yard, air. 351-7565. skate board. $40 3559295. C 22 5 31(41 mer only 353 5243, 339-2219. S 5 524 13) Z E 5525(3) LOST GOLD rim glasses, 7 6 215) black, pocket clip case, vicin¬ TheB-ain0.gan./at.onn«te«l 2 ROOMS in 5 bedroom NEW 25" Quasar color TV. ity Baker, Olds, b Erickson. TYPING, EXPERIENCED, 6 30 tonight. Union Oa fast and reasonable, 371 TWO NEEDED to share 4 house Rent (4) 75 watt/3-way Pioneer 641 6347. 2 2 25 ( 4) negotiable. ). Tha first 2 wordier# capitalized. bedroom house. Next to Close. 1244 Lilac. 351-7464. speakers. Call 323 2987. 4635 C 22-531(3) "Maximize your Creative through the Trar, Pojl 2. Extro words copitoliiod 25 ooch. Coral Gables. 351 4032. S 5524 (3) 10-5 26(3) LOST BROWN dog, reward PROMPT, ,131 end£ 3. Insert punctuotion as 4. 25 characters including you wont it. punctuation |j spoce. 7 6 2(4) HUGE ROOM with own bath PH D ROBE MSU CANR. all Looks like small German Shepherd. M.A.C. area. EXPERIENCED typing. Evenings. 372 0457. Meditat'OnFrog'a^'n'^J lectute at 3 and i jo o Phone 353 4800. Z 3 526 (41 C 15-5-31 (31 208 Bessey Hall 5 FEMALES needed for 5 room, picture window, walk- trimmings, $45. 355-4534 or ^ ^ in closet nice house- for sum¬ 699 2604 5-6-2 (3) bedroom house. Summer LOST TYPEWRITER, brown No. meel Linos PRINT ADHERE only. Furnished, 1 block pus 355 7291; 351 2651 cam mer cheap S-552514) rent. 351-4567. CB JOHNSON 323 Messen ger antenna, and mounting case, parking lot, in Burcham Woods Reward. 351 - r i% F.tant tonighms Madrigal singers canceled1 Gone io li the Canonites. Z 7 6 2 (4) LARGE. SUNNY bracket. $60 337 0313 1061 Z 3 5-26 13) IT IS the policy of the State ^ _ room near News that the last 4 weeks of tenaissal r EUREKA STREET, Sparrow Hospital. 3 bed near campus, summer. Ira. 332 1759 S 5 5 26(3) Call Amy/ 5 5 30 13) INSTANT CASH. We're pay¬ FOUND FEMALE collie Park Lake Road, Burcham area. term all Student Classified Learn hands a. medieval and Bronze Call 351 1130 from 8 a.m. Advertising must be paid for graphy at 7 tonight. 340 1 room, partly furnished. Avail NORTH CLEMENS, female, ing $1 $2 for albums in good in advance beginning May able June 15. $250 351 7497 0 5 5 31 (5) furnished, all house privileges near bus, shape. WAZOO RECORDS. 223 Abbott. 337 0947 4:30 p.m. 5 531 (4) 4th, 2 p.m. S 19 531 (7) Phi Gamma Nu. P'»'H Throe 351 1253 or driveway, parking. 487 6390. C 22 531(4) LOST GLASSES in light blue case at outdoor concert. QUIET, NON smoking female business ,e,m soio'itV. and elections at ™,0J 6t f 237 GUNSON, 4 bedrooms, 3 5 24(5) needs place to live fall term STEREO MARANTZ 240, Sheryl 353 3418; 353 3431 106 Epplev Center $340/month + utilities. 641 Crown IC150 only 351 2643. Z 5526(3) 6914 762 (3) SUMMER. CLOSE, pi.vate preamp, Z 3 526 13) Red Cedar Yearbook will 5° Four Pioneer TX 9100, best offer. entrance Reasonable. 425 337 2094 Z 3 5 26 (31 SENIOR FEMALE needs own meeting for FALL HOUSE, 8 single bed THE RAILROAD CLUB is 'Of 1978 79 3 Ann # 3 337 9933. 55 26(3) rooms for 8 student group. offering a reward for informa¬ room for '78 '79. Near cam Student Services Rldd Bldg ! QUALITY USED equipment pus. Elise, 351-4093. Excellent location, kitchen, tion leading to the recovery Five FEMALES WANTED, room at a fair price with laundry, parking. $90/month warranty. of its 5hp Wisconsin air S5L5 26(3) in duplex. Privacy, spacious, Mcintosh Pre Amp C26 plus utilities. 12 month lease $75/month. 332 1164 after 5 Compressor Engine which It's time to think about $349 stolen from the loco¬ 332 1918 3 526(8) was summer funl You'll find the p.m., Mary. 5 524 (4) Nakamichi 250 cassette deck motive compound last week. boat you've been searching $250 353 6708. Z-3 5 26(8) 2 WOMEN, summer only, for advertised in today's DEADLINE: WED..MAY 31, 5 SINGLES AND doubles for Phillips 212 turntable $99 own rooms in house, fur Classified sectionl p.m. summer term, reasonable, Garrard 95 turntable $75 nished, 2 baths, close 351 0628 Z 66 1(3) utilities included, furnished, close to campus. Call after 6 BEtO 3000 turntable $225 HI Fl BUYS 337 1767 f Nrsuil ][/} PAPERBACKS, COMICS, Classified magazines! CURIOUS 06 531 (10) 3 lines for ,2°° Bring or moil to: State News Classified LARGE 3 bedroom house, p.m. 332 2501. 6-526 (5) MATH TUTOR, all 100 and 200 level courses. Catch up BOOKSHOP, 307 East Grand River. 332-0112. C 10-531 14) Ads SELL Dept. own room, with female BEAL COOPERATIVE" has BLACK DIRT, sod farm soil. Each Additional Line 67' 347 Student Services East Lansing, Ml 48823 Bldg. grads, $95/month. 372-1069. 8 525 (4) openings for summer. $240 Approximately livered locally. $40. 641 5 Zi yards de¬ before term ends. Call Jim at 482 6131. Z 3-525 (4) YOUNG PROFESSIONAL Call 355-8255 per term includes room, 6024 or 372 4080 0 woman wishes to rent 1 board, cable TV, air condi 20 531(4) There are plenty of good bedroom apartment in duplex EAST SIDE near MSU. 4 tioning, washer, dryer, and PREPAYMENT REQUIRED bedrooms furnished, $325. Call 349 2019 after 5:30 p.m. lighted parking. Stop by 525 MAC or call 332 5665. BIKE MFN'S 19" 10 C Itoh, hardly speed, used, $100. buys in the automotive sec tion of today's Classified pages. You'll find the car in East Lansing area or coun¬ try setting. Call Mary ANN 337 1611 or leave message. 8526(4) Z 10 526(8) 484 5790 E 55 31(3) you've been searching fori B 1 524(7) i , Stole Newt. Eo»l Laming, Michiqon Wednesday May 24 1978 15 dJ©BDy tSv yf Ma®M% |t|yyJI^TV(CBS^^10)WjCXjTV(N»C^ (H)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) PROFESSOR PHUMBLE by Bill Yates SPONSORED BY: k: 3 Pop Entertainment STEP onMTB and THE FUND tor their help and thanks 9HA DEVELOPMENT support THEY C-AY TMEY'PE pi&HT W[0NfSDAV (23) Villa Aleqre (23) Tele-Revista (12) Charlie's Angels JO&GIN© 1 F?EL TEN AflERNOON 4:00 (11) Fifteen with Spira WIUU APP YEARC6 OPPEP 1200 (6) Now Mickey Mouse (23) Theater in America TEM /EAP6 Club 7 30 (11) Won Chuen THAM I AM ' ■ 12 News (6) Match Game PM 9:30 TO YOUP ELlordond Son (10) Munsters (10) Hollywood Squares LIFE- ^Tev.n and -he Pitts- Eirth (12) Bonanza (23) Sesame Street (12) Mary Tyler Moore (II) Shintowa Harmony Hearts in 12 20 4 (23) MacNeil Lehrer Re 10 00 30 port (11) Videowaves I iiiTiOnOC (6) Doris Day 9 12 30 (11) Impressions 10 30 (10) Gilligan s Island 8 00 (10) Adam 12 l^rch lor tomorrow 5 00 (6) Snoopy s Musical Ice (23) Silent Minority B;1. Gong Show (6) Gunsmoke (10) Emergency One1 (10) Boseball on 11:00 LH. i-onsHope ['" 100 (12) Emergency One1 (12) Eight is Enough (23) Nova (6 10 12) News (23) Dick Cavett PEANUTS + cleaners |. rof Rirtier For Poorer (23) Mister Rogers' Neigh by Schulz olaundry [i.•,ounghitandChildren al: -he Restless borhood (11) Synergy 8 30 11 30 (6) Hawaii Five O SPONSORED BY: IJJ f Mine viva Free Disinfectant iwinc and Deodori 5 30 zing with Cleaning |, «,tMinority (11) Sound-Off (10) Johnny Carson TS I 30 (23) Electric Company 332-3537 9 00 (12) America 2Night (11) News I Ai the World Turns 6:00 (6) Dain Curse (23) ABC News I; OovS ot Out Lives (6 10 12) News mobout 200 (23) Dick Cavetf (11) TNT True Adventure MSU SHADOWS as- PHI PLAT |.One L'te'° Live Trails by Gordon Carleton with this comic 1 1Easy r 6 30 New Pete s1 Albert a» MAC 2 30 (6) CBS News under Moon s SPONSORED BY: l^dingl.gM (10) NBC News PZNBALL PETE'S (12) ABC News p,0'S3 I bother 00 World (23) Over Easy Tner CALL "TMIL Ar>"Wia (11) Black Notes Vou. [• fcnerol Hospital 7:00 FVK'E. ~TT, r along with SETTING US- I/O TUf. MCTVJi-; — (6) My Three Sons v L-v Kormnsky 'thtpe.'s .vc, kccal to lif. r < (10) Mary Tyler Moore j |t n *he 3 30 Family (12) Brady Bunch UKX~ - FRANKS ERNEST by Bob Thaves 8w- ■ISTAURANT < OU THINK.7 ^ ro^r B.C. pillow talk furniture Soft ond by Johnny Hart SPONSORED BY: l w M.I> Hondo. SNoop.ng C*nT»' ,#xy pi|,ow furniture flMBLEWEEDS CAMPUS _ _ Free 35i 176' Bean Bogs M9 95 Delivery: Com K. Ryan SPONSORED BY: PIZZA 1 >ii --- f n s really VERY SIMPLE, STRANGER: HILPEGARP 1312 Mich Ave SO SHE (nowon vtturneaft left) RRI PEP JORGE FRUMP 33 J. | 377 isNj Y Y , T (on your far left) TO MARRY HER TO THE 'WEEPfNOvv to i 'AVrtOCKERCrovauff Riser) MET TUM3LEWEEPS your RI6RT) AGAINST HIS far w-ep) ffTM. ,-5 LEFT) 12 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK WILL-ASSUMING(tytt'ER rmT , .... is onukely) SHE CAN H0LP HIM—TO COMMEMORATE THE 1 -L faC <1 SAM and SILO ►40 . S'y,,n9 *0' Mon and Woman flOSSWORD SPONSORED BY: Coll to. appointmon" 'OdOy Pl»04M 133-SI91 by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker PUZZLE ohepords 201 MAC Splowr 7ono« SlptiOnpry h .'4 Ifomc 38 Challenge SPONSORED BY: ohoes ON A PAY LIKE TFll5, rl^TER A6N£S, 25 Grape I BELIEYE IN EVERYTHING/. tJE '0 I fe parts BEAJTYOF NATURE, T^E GOOPNESG ■*«.*> 33 Mote reasonable OF PEOPLE, TAE TRIUMPK OF PEACE 36 Kiwi |W(T . 1 • Pail ot be AND JUSTICE ltf< '8 f.ti away 4. tycoon Te.. , v-v1 - 46 /eal J H 1^ 46 Compass point 4' Nervous disease I'*w 48 fur; 3 Faculty head 49 Sea god 1*0 4 Jungle trek 60 Social insect It' 1 Victory or success 6 Indigenous 61 tomingbat 6 A Tracy 2 Sheltered 7 Warehouse 6 1 9 6 10 8 Silence 9 Head of a 13 Beniamin s clan 5 16 10 Pertinent 16 Turkish chamber BEETLE BAILEY Thanks for look for your support, more '8 i9 18 Mongrel by Mort Walker SPONSORED BY: good things to come Ji ■I 23 22 23 Naftow inlet Assuredly HAVE YOU TRIED JWdJ 24 Swine genus J . ^ 7 78 2 b Kava ; ■' \ vOGT AND FOuNpP j 26 Brilliant bird Ho " 32 2/ Adiust dft 31 StieaK m \KTCT. mahogany S T ') J6 32 lo wit m "F > 34 Seagull t«r us 36 lariat ■) 39 Mature 90 40 Combat vehcle 41 Grafted Heraldry 5o~ 5t 42 Honey 43 In/yme -B 7 44 Soft metal 1 £ Michigon Stole News, Eost lonsing, Michigon Wedne5d°y Mo, 24 „,8 | Student fights whaling tfl vat"" By BETH TtJSCHAK confrontation of two Russian Prepare for Oct 7th VAT Sailing with Greenpeace i Statf Nfwg SUff Writer whaling fleets harpooning in I he Working on a ship inter waters north of Hawaii. Classes cepting whaling vessels off the My shipmates were from as forming Now coast of Hawaii is not the typical way college students spend their summer. an unforgettable summer far away as New Zealand Czechoslovakia, and there was and even one Russian crewman." But MSU sophomore Jim place yourself between the "I felt individually I could help Marquardt said. 351-8880 "You've never 1139 E Grand River Marquardt worked on such a firing line and the whales, you the whales." Marquardt said, seen people from such diverse IN become a human shield." Mar "but I also kept wondering how ship last summer, and said he backgrounds so strongly united would not trade the experiences quardt said. "The harpooners the hell to personally do some for a cause." Fast, Free 351-7100 he had for any amount of money stopped their firing every thing being stuck in the Mid Each day the Ohona Kai set 966 Trowbndqe tDUCWWW. CENTER he could have earned during time." west. out in search of Delivery E. whaling vessels. • don t forget to ask 1ST till Grand Rivsr that'time. Marquardt became involved "I decided on my priorities in After spotting one. crew mem Marquardt. a member of w ith saving whales when he met life, quit my job and flew to bers would be lowered into an for free cups of Pepsi' E-lon,.4«23ph: 332-2539 Michigan's Greenpeace "Save a Greenpeace member two Hawaii." inflatable raft positioned bet the Whales" effort, put into years ago. He heard t hrough t he Once aboard the Ohona Kai ween the - whaling chaser boat action what the organization has San Francisco Greenpeace "Family of the Sea" in Hawaiian and the whales. office that one more They were talked about for so long crew Marquardt began his five determined the harpooners member was needed on ship week halting whale slaughter by a sojourn at sea. would not get a chance to have a human intervention. last summer, and made an His goal, and that of the other clear shot. Marquardt said. "When you go out instant decision to go. 27 in a raft and crew members, was the ^ou keep wondering who's going to give in first." he added You'll eat our Another Greenpeace ship out of Hawaii was fired on. he said but harpoons went over crew House revives measure members' heads. The Ohona Kai crew also made an attempt to explain words. their posision to the Russian to lift cycle helmet law ship captain by sending four representatives aboard the whaling factory ship. Mar quardt said. LANSING il'PIl - The House Judiciary The bill lifts the mandatory helmet law only for those 18 and A companion measure also "We tried through an inter Committee revived a bill lifting Michigan's over. helmet requirement reported to the House floor prohibits local preter to tell our side of the for adult motorcyclists, sending the measure back to the House floor on ordinances requiring helmets. story and why we were con cerned." Marquardt said. an 11 1 vote Tuesday. Secretary of State Richard Austin has vig The bill — the subject of some of the more "We passed out Greenpeace orously opposed repealing the helmet require buttons and shirts, and were Our new menu has some of the most colorful demonstrations seen in Lansing - was ment. arguing that the protectee headgear savory reading around treated very cordially, but in Steak and shrimp Sirloin strip Elaborate salad bar four U S D saves lives and reduces injuries and should be A the end nothing was changed." required even if the cyclists themselves do not ( hone meat items Chicken And a whole lot "If we did the same thing with The mammal they are trying more Hut don't |ust like it. take words seat belts ... we couldn't to save is the mighty sperm our tor it Drop by. and tr\ our new menu today Motorcycle groups have attacked the law, whale, which the Russians use get away with it politically. The which has been on the books since 1965. seeking for mink food, fertilizer and oil same principle should apply, if I to discredit studies contending it is effective. used in computers. rode a motorcycle. I'd wear a Their leather jacketed members have mounted Marquardt said each of these several demonstrations at the capitol. the latest helmet. But I don't think I have products can be produced artifi two weeks the right to tell the others what ago. daily. An oil equivalent can be derived from the Jobo plant Stevens said he is less interested in the to do." growing in arid regions of the arguments over the effectiveness of the helmets —State world, he pointed out. Rep. E. Dan Stevens, than in the philosophical question of whether any bill sponsor group of people should be forced to protect Marquardt is now channeling his energies into the Green themselves. Statistics on the effectiveness of helmet use peace bike a thon on Sunday, given up for dead last fall when it fell more than which members hope will raise 20 votes short of passage and was shunted back "are not as significant as seat belt statistics," he said. enough money to help fuel and to the judiciary committee. supply anti whaling efforts this Its sponsor, non motorcyclist Rep. E. Dan "The difference is in the case of motorcyclists summer. Stevens, said he asked the committee to send the we're dealing with a minority of the people. "I witnessed the killing of bill back to the full House because he believes it If we did the same thing with seat belts ... we whales and it made me feel a has gained support since last fall. couldn't get away with it politically. The same deep anger," Marquardt said. 600 N. Homer Frandor The Atlanta Republican said the measure will principle should apply. "But the clearest imagr I was near Shopping Center, Lansing not be taken up for a few weeks because he still SOOT W. "If I rode a motorcycle. I'd wear a helmet. But I left with from the trip was the Saginaw across from the Lansing Mall, Lansing needs to find several more votes. don't think I have the right to tell the others ocean, and the whale existing in "If we win. it'll be close." he said. what to do." he said. MSU AAUP SAYS MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT ★ Establish an equitable and coherent salary plan including cost-of-living adjustments ★ Put teeth in the faculty grievance procedure, with binding arbitration at the final step. ★ Establish fair representation and treatment for specialists and other non-teaching professionals. ★ Obtain fully-paid benefits such as full retirement, health insurance, dental insurance. ★ Strengthen academic governance. ★ End exploitation of temporary' faculty. ★ Protect academic freedom and tenure. VOTE FOR COLLECTIVE BARGAINING THROUGH AAUP AAUP is the only exclusively higher education organization involved in faculty collective bargaining. AAUP already serves as the effective collective bargaining representative at five large public institutions in Michigan -- Wayne State University, Western Michigan University, Eastern Michigan University, Northern Michigan University, and Oakland University. VOTE FOR AAUP The Voice of the Profession Vote Wednesday or Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Demonstration Hall MSU AAUP Office 351-5208, Low er Level, P-K Building Professor Frank J. Blatt, President MSU AAUP Chapter VOTE AAUP for Local Control in Faculty Collective Bargaining p