(CO\5IHFE8 !NEW5 News 2STuStp/theoamenef WM1e9d4n7as8yay advertisngouch your gead intrFzpaickServ. asi¬ notehi Place r examind the isServics. prosectiv ba expr adi job tha tha job writngmeo tradionl personal myet backhistory, and to objectiv nd Baut cndia the deci one a nd them." perti ag." istuden hould sai. 3frop1amge fotlothwisngStimmeMablh.gstiundvenetorypecrshoanaslvifitnehtldesyMenitaer.id tshshteoe-uml»dl twhghaeoaritershthtpeovecvoin Resumes iarseunm tpprhomieatcinal inttfhlhuineagsc itquhsalifncatdos breyepossunrtt EBdswaiid.n Placemnt Fiitztpwshahriecok. direoctf finaodnusdrtySetrvhiaceirds, btaspoeec waresruitmn.g thocoenssifdera daaenlraseitol PMlacaemnwuhnictl, byPacemnt fmtsohahanyauerl taapoel earmespshlouoymeurl,d bascukomgrfanry, Iaamnnbitdos. ftochanadeite imtpghreivseeonkhnowwweaastts.Fitzpeamprhiacskizd fortnomhnouael faopmlicusnretst bhdreusieumt, fkacteorsy. thhae iorargoesanizutmf eamplotynt, oebdjueccatitvion,l empynt ihoerstrs, refncs. bresshcuomeouldn ingaicasly Fitzptaashlcraicaoiekdn employnt ttrooverwyhlm bltefhenogaesthtr heamplovyres asroepseumcft "A all on to ",ste MSI* of tant busines ment many while Sev ral tions is ued The best ience tion. must he ithsere a same Hesaid this ground, special sequnc." "The noardnmeed: heid. impgorreanct besctlaeeadr.y tsihmamee hesmepaloiydr., ithsavereryitadvmonotagknelgy said. ltroesuamkt shrcoaung "(t»hmeeost informatne boverlykd Iatrcivens. htatphoeeylin.g struced folow di ate's of should mnusott to resume, hepage, "Most stoackf only said. nent Another often visual is the As can he be Steps. contiued aditon ol that the have to Student them fiow them. i In type gested might all wish tell and pi sh Guide Resume tpyaopeerrd Wphriantte¬d? naerdes aochdrk NClaeswifsed djoonnobwe! Stahvies Resum foayorlur neds! f2or*9.50 Need E L & handy Guide Printing Clip B I N G a E RP H O T G your a resume ever palance Sta e the R A P H Y C o l r N e W w the h i t s e C l Get a s i f e d DOUG 3 5 - 8 2 5 S t . TRY E P ETSY P IINN G G P R State I N T INSTAN B&lack and G W P O A I T E F H R S E N V L O P pas ort resume portais ID S ) BA &W O RRD ERT SK C Albert 32-3026 220 O N S U L T A I IT' PE OF SETAA T E R YNFRYOEOEOSUURDM. MREOASISONNTTBLS STHTEAAER R LIGHTNG S C t e r d ea VARIETY (A r Tj MATCHING iilne T s . ut'.ss. C R O MEPSL U E M T t y p FREEseks viincg h i I(y o t .j i o v eus r L TEI H X T T GOT R WE'VE WHATEVR THEA T A AT S TOWN T O(M,H EETHT A H I N THE SG U N I G R A P H C S 360- 5- 8 SAT10 M-F | GRriavnedr FCGrooarbmles Operatd PRINT G ABOT TO 351-4321 211 NEXT M 9 O NAD . A:M Y -0F R - I LITHO 5 : 3 0 RSEPSE C U I A M L E T TIT 394-29 5 Y Y BPP E S M N S.G 3t2l I.N G D I SSEERI J R T A inil VOI C N it S e r v i c C o s •pas,cprh\eeoorln RAtehmt.eue's of Home wainth Pres! River SHARP Ace 547 32-867 M E FOR ELjanisnsit* Intervisnwwsoega?t frArtoehsbummeeey E.Grand A rkieih\j(-\rut,r 'i Hours r | IBITk High | I | | a I SERVICE PHOTCPIES KODAK EKTflPRIN IBsefrTvI dotwanhseir %^GMRoiAvdCf.r self * located corne § s fo era re rac stcaf eman seciv ,ret ehT USM ees roj ot selif naht ,tek s'nos eno gni trohs taht ereH ,dleif gnidnif tuoba siT laicrem tupni yteicos htiW" elimaC s t n e d u t s g n i r e d s emit ,hO ecnirep s t n e d u s CRC morf tuohg r t edulcni 0 5,2 CRC ediw stnedus dna elbai v sder nuH" dezinagro tuoba . gdlB detacol noitamr fni htiw noitamr fni tsael ohw eg loc gniyfr et nopu gnitcel S tnemyolp ,snoitprc ehT ehT eht tdnneiaapn yletaidm dna .sdraoB stimrep ROF ,gnilesuoc eW s e i t n u r o p ta yB l uF l iw nur yam ekam fo ylp A • eb eW ta USM dna pleh tib emos ro gniteg taht ,emit si a eht osla secruos .htimS skoltu :seilpmi re raC tsuj de n ,ecno ruo dna tsom IR ET sah eht eht — eht na SELIF nyG/bO lacideM■ J\°VA aiudoA • ta ytiruces noitamrfni etlpmoc .snoitapuc gnitauc lf yldipar re rac ecalp .elbaiv tsom egnahc stcepsa gnitcxe noitapuc rojam ta ni l iw a tsuj tsrif raed eht sah re aC OQ3.2 ot fo si laicmuorJ| senisub ot ,srojam ytilcaf egral evitpmoC lacigruS tneiapuo emit-rap tnegioc :ecitarp wen RE AC yteirav noitamrfni gnikrow reac rehtie ,sdneirf tahw sebircus .dleif ,yrtnuoc secifo esehT erom ".meht reac eraw gni ahc .rotcerid ".stnedu snoitp .detanimsd ,detclo ,sboj erhw tahw tnedutS secruoseR .ytilcaf tneruc edivorp reac rieht rebmun .ecnirpx diced NYLMAT ot eht nepo egnar de n t n e m c a l p ni EEL a 6 62 1 erih evah eht .uoy a .yenom nialp emos boj fo morf tsael selif ot fo ot CRC era tsuj hcus ot rof ti si VJO no gnol htob a a fo hcae owt morf boj no eb boj fo dna oa GNITAUDRG ni tsaE la dna ni ot ysae a — nac da fo .nur eht xe ruoy og >u moc dna ¬me ¬sed ram dias dna sti reS neC ot ¬am fo ¬noC ¬rep dna eb suip\. 1723-584 nagihcM stfihs nopu gnisv dnif yral S s n o i t p SEITNUROP ot eht ylimaF• ygolcnO■ fats gnisap tneamrp a ci fo ni de tne ytnelp nworB ral pleh dna d\BUS dleif eht e t a u d r g .slairet s'tnem stroper tnemrap deilpus serap hcaE tner fid edule stnedus srepa derap lanoitcv sko b ".CR tsom ehT" edivorp noitam tuoba dna tI tI dna ot s ' y d o b n a re raC .seug er hw .sreyolpm .sretnc uoy s t n esihT dnA nac d u s t h g u o h t sreivda ,mulcir tsetal tsinoc strope yduts ,noitseuq .noitamrf noitamrfni edivorp gnikam-osced stnedus htimS noitamrfni sedulcni nac lla fo ot ehT ehT SBOJ .stifenb :stnemrapd ruoy serun fo eht rem us gnitsil snoitprced esehT .snoitapuc ylraen serut f nrael ,set ac-oiduA ralupo sredlof tsom nevig tneruc dna yb eht f ats eunvA 05 latipsoH^ eb eh era pleh teg ot no CRC elif eht no morf ot a . g a r d era S E R U N naD eb eig aM ediuG .egdur spilc a s e i t l b o p secruo R s ' t n e m r a p d re ac noitapuc esehT re ac erom smeti .elbaiv ot hguorht .nosrepiahc dlrow krow sah ecitarP morf ti hcae morf eht yam osla .dias thguorb .emosrutnvda uoy ohw dna ke s pleh yna Bn gnidapxe elbaiv etas tnemyolp htiw d»f: .eyolpm htimS gnilesuoC n,0eh7w91 htimS s'rotcerid ,ezingocr tceloc htimS lanoitcv elbisop s'ruo emos re ac dluohs htimS .supmac yreve laref .stnempolvd na s t r o p e ni a eht tsuj fo .II dah htiw fo ot dna ot ,wen sti eht pat htiw l).]( tneruc denapx detlpmoc lanigro retneC lams noitsp noitamrfni noitaz gr gnilesuoc sgni eb sevig profes' secruos noitamrfni tnemrapd taht" smulcir cimeda ,yrotcerid stnedus ?tup retn C 1 2^3 f ats ehT ni ta era tu srefo ,erutlciga htiw ta a ko t dna dias eht — evah ,dias oslA lla ot sah A dna dna dne os no |\u <| j,|Bu i a eht sti eno eht revo ni ¬sid ot eht fo er su eht ew eht fo elif moc no dna krow eht nacirfA tneruc seidutS boj y t i n u r o p er hw ? E sgniepo WON R G dna E D ynam se rged ehT" hgih sresiv n.slohcs USM oitamrfni htimS noitamrfni stnedus secruos stnai sedulcni ta ot fo ehT .yrat CRC yl djoAs s>.a^ j oiu jq♦. ,retneC ,noitprcsed .sdleif acirfA TEG uoy nac ot rehto ni ni esnopr ot sretlswn etubirsd .rniewhot tnaw noitamrfni ,htimS dna no ohw osla sah dna a l uf owt sdia s)hcs — s^ips pstiruj^ ,seitnamuh CRC teg siht a ot emit l uf rup mo R tcanoc etapicr NA selip sah nagihcM ot da re ac ke s elbaiv larevs erces emit ua».ps siu rj l a n o i t r e dna no stnedu >RJOjn| ot qrs eht daeha seiti dnuora tsom .yadirF ehT yeht selif ne b ,601 eht ,noitacude dnuora NOITACUDE sevitans ylevitcfe t'ndluoc ylbeavoarph 5 fi ni morf yrev fo ecaeP eht stcaf .emit deksa supmac gnil w morf htimS .m.p CRC si tuohiw god." 1VKI N s».qpnj lanoitreI sproC secorp ecnirpx laicos dlrow ot eht NS a morf rieht srolenu c sret el htimS dias nepo 005 ke w tuoba kaeps eht yadnoM AAA jo[|\v.iuJ od ot hp ".ti eht ot taht HHI ret P ro CRC .dias lM q». spuorg erper hguorht .m.a 8 ni e bO owt licaf era boj ym gniyas I" j ni l iw 301 nepo erp .rebmun stnem dengisa yrtsit detsret gnisrun rsretoncf yB !** yrtsimehc eht A ot D S■ hguotlA larutaN lanoisefrp wen YHTAC eb .l af dna ' ,evah nsd os ruO boJ uoY taht no si ni uoY tsael ylruoh dna gnioD seitn uoY gnidroca ygol z sreivda enicdm ,stnedus ro ni yltneamrp e.gcndelicBS yliraopmet gnisvda we ecifO derap tisoped eht ojudX iqo|asAj sN*Dawja/s stjaps erp noitcude .M refsnart yats hciw htgnel deriuq hserf eht tnemyp pu ereht II II tsum etaidm nosae s ESRBALC pleh rof kaep dna eerf eno evig ni od seitnurop od ot ruoy morf ergoow f boj stnedus yranietv gnisvda ot eb a ot ni era dno htob mo r dna detacol stnedus retn c ti iRG snoitaclp snoita ni emos emit ot ta troser eht ,won ro cilp a ero seuqbra nac rehto ni si fo eht regnoL psirc tsael ruoy etamor eht ruoy lew to sdrawe gnites tneduts eht traped ¬oib ne b ned dna ou sdnnoitap lanigro denonpuufr tnemioc no snur suoires ruoy mret 91 segaw 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eht • • • • • • • dna si htroN dna ni 3aj qajoa SNOITACFLUQ ni fo g.seitnurop nidatsuO noitacleR tnelcxE evisnhrpmoC :REFO ecnirpxE ciftnecS relbmsA egdlwonK dnuorgkcaB fo _ eht snoimda nepo htaM si gnirutcaf M .yrtemop noitamrfn .ytud emit-rap eht regan M dneS jo na s06' ssel tub" A bj eW dnarG eW stnedus gnisvda .tsovrp .'vjso- gnitekram dezingocr seitnurop ,tnaselP ,sgnitaH ,aneplA tuohgrt RE AC retnc sd\.»,jB[ aiUas jqarj ni STYLAN/REMGOP erA nnA .tM fo rof dna ",s07 ¬ni sah ¬uts eht ]O . jqa gnire gnE nA ro lli dna 1524 dluohs gnisrun elpoe !wonk fo senpx seirals gni art der f P gnire gnE SREMAGOP ro si leugE .robrA ataD ,reviR 5detaropcnI 306-9)1( gniturceR .ytiC efil ytinuropO nagihcM htuomylP smetsyS lacinhceT emusr lanoisefrp dna gnimaroP ecnirpx ro secivrs hgih redael fo ,gnisaL ,csuof* tcanoc esrun eltaB ylraen edivorp esuaceB HTLAEH rof ro ot ot krow ylesolc lams er hw .noit USM .rein ehT" evitsop seitrvnu stneduS" rotceriD dna slohcs snoitac cihtap ,ycamrhp #JOM joiu onfp 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E R A C f/U rof fo edia 0 0,2 n e t f o jtonap jqru^s jauejy axBiudf eht dias aedi 60984 .etS elihw me s .cnI^ rehtruf snoit p ,eiraM ,gnisaL stneiap esuoH ¬rusaemi y t i l a u q gnirutcafm ro erehtar lpoep wonk ¬cerid egral .enicdeM snoi mdA knarF s aC ruO eh era kcal si fo htiw dna ¬polevd .a ot dna .dias a ¬moc ¬ni ,ytiC ¬acol erac ta rof -reB yrev setaS suoirav ¬ilpa ¬oets dosijw.a uaSen ./no yu a * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * t t * i employnt. ecxaopprleo¬r lasanledstc inamerroesttg apconlmapled¬n freoquyimuntsr choies. poasibfltyintetreroashdp invterlunses, invtoeshktieflrydeayvboiluotp'evse. taannekcdesaryfjoogvberrnm,t posfechrional. owrerkssnhump intavnwdg. vcroedunrtials buplarceemantfionsuetrteipnrg woismth¬ctive 8oicpntanu)gede or Further portunies that you. Det rmine of selcted Extphloere sum er Year: Senior G★ -A* enral fa*ciltyoprunes}P*fioal. *PJTPoiasmaitvretilnbeas4enrvicd- Sfbarelinnrigfeidtses*ijhonaculinrgre}4. OFICE ne ds. Take fAopplry exams gradute Atend writng Establish the ★ study four tion your and servics views ployers. I'se Hospital, Osteopahic file. to EMPLOYNT Lansing Gen ral Hospital Devonshir LMla4n8s9i0g, (517)32-80 inCR. sponredBua. ap nd degr your exploratin e. acti nde itrnshp, job. mar educationl ser, the you gradte Lansing BAcueted-ar ocfaerers HCeaalrthe VBoluunretear. thexperintal foifrmtlnehatiosen jfoaibrs MPSIl'acemnt areynvoidsur yoaosufetr liab ties. aacdnemi taproie aprisl. Conctiaruee tysootuurdy Concsraeidrlaeetrd spaurcctsihums. studie, vosaluunmntederirg Rejsovaarricbhus care cwaounidstehvlr, paromfenpslodyers. thainbkoutg cohopoiefns gradution: Sophmore Y e a r : Y e a r : PCLOENATASE: 2800 1 flpoanws Junior and shift Excel nt inters d team. 250 Review At end Review Select Discus progam pend t Full all bythe prais ! self related vit es kets. plans Begin variety after * * * * * on if a * * * * * * * * * J J * 1 1 4 + * * * * * * * * 2: * } * * * * * * * * * * * * t jL * * * * * * IC1"C0Dare: APcadndmoi wosirtkudsyn-hp decmisaiomnknideg botfheryd RCsoeuanrctedr Counseeli.g ombtaoiannigg extvphrisnec, mcaartee chalrengi Personl Servic a p r o v d S i n c e o v r n a t i ¬ ftihsrochefl tihcouendtryABAmseoarciciartnn.Inhstpiluseed8ignoracdv5uitetesrs gsrweadniutohtri avagerrndsgeesd icchaanlreengi,Wsoyeeu'nlwdr anyvnodtuhdingaaecbaxonreusttingasitn. Innycfoaoermtunwartdliogcawrsyeer'. hsuoryn., mange t Learni g begin work i n t h e c o u r s t a a b o u t Enirnol Plan i g gramin." e x p a n d i g At end s r v c e skils, To SSiersvc growin Mervgict. Direoctf SIenrvci, Hwy. M48ic2h1.9 CILARNAEWR lawsicthwhooutl the ful U s tspskreo—ilfesk atsihtmnc Cesnttfr. ensaahniovrdt pegrsonlas. vaacrioduesmi aasortseusfy. infyoromuatr iocnhupaatinst CuRhtilze. GWroitwh CFaored HDosipeittaalry fatohsteef today C o n t a c : HDosiepittaalry Northwes n FaHrmiinlgtos, 202 8 5 1 - 4 0 Inswtiuase The kiinnd the 1T9h70e. 2,500 wide. its by Ifyaou're above a coupn. cat log lawyer's know me excitng Send begin Clas es GRADUTION PAOVEIRNTG Of D i e t a r y GRADE Suite DATE step an and Counseli g Develop range Explore discplnes Expand on teyrosut Come Health ina ne ds sional iong bast- (313) Careful TAMLYNfohlsacweidnulg year: s o mat n u t f hds y N o r w d , PfTarorilnergg,biuacsnerwe—rYbsocwhue'rl.k uatsirnndys dpmeohrftoaemfninyghblaYwodylueyrs'.itnhcoeikfygbamonarpjk,aflYiarcmewvu.nLspailty—wCor.EBmPenfistTGruracl.e,REsetaael. 8 intaerrsed in H one areas o s p i t a l 31313 bCRprereayd Cdeinatcmtorilrehesudalnkpt uohcsreeef soaaluirceb\t peinrsteornas!. BASAOCHITN A I.E TEKRI f reshman you Jack thre Instiue have wgirtahdouutte cwloitshely tradionaly wpaenildd, icnahoe orprivate a CLrimanwal, and Utigoatiorn just After Food Parlega Traing' SS1ot7ruetthh Ph1ila9dep0hi3a. 76302 TBARPAM«YMtONCVtEfD informatin people cho se Esta es 213 The In-t-n sources Smtoith, best the MSI . Identify If The you'l ing be your tion 235 ff 0UR 40th mii 1 iemtplosy.Uhe Clas¬ art that 35 -825 TAHER 15 !easySNteawtes sifeds DIFERNC! TEST 1938 Difernc Weknds River 4823 EDUCATIONL CENTER PREATION COuentrrs SeeFYooursrelf Visit And We Why Call 919 E. ONLY SPSECIALCTSE TMahkee ED&vaeyss. E.Grand LMansiig., (517)32- 9 ONSuttsaYidee TFORLE 80-23178 CALL sahloreulddytm."wsihth ServwicorskhMtehlduagyServpicost dates. Hospital 49503 Buterwoth PeOrsfoniceel MNic.Eh. RMapidls, 74-1 giBMuosajd- ame hteeyrmrosu famvielrry Placemnt bswhoepisl Placemnt toapincsd hcaurveently lofokirng ithgnera-ds Engier , Marakentindg, fields HCpelNEducrastion.g 100 Grand (616) be said. 31. We clients rec nt H.R.I , Clerical bwil he thebul ist two Positn irtecmuite's,ilot"n.nuhreg Brainvafeorlmmsaeond tstouhpdlaecnemtfsent ijwolhuicbde lthaaveorsseurt Care A G E N PPERSONL rofesinal C Y P39h4o-n1e OPRTUNIES NSueravsnicndg b§isap« intervigw LMaoin-gchsa-nigagn, CARE R TBuetaerwmoh Spiecnalzig iwtorth said. ietins, ings. "If L the FRESHNEY tapsroehlsicounmunl:dts and Hfleuadmet, ssttughdooeunld inmpra'ner kthoeusft betfhaoprerocyh thsee'arieuly ymwoaustey H e l t h Opoiratuvnnilebse S. ttwhoai/ 5212 Phil get thoug p r o g e s i "Also. sev ral vtieows thaeicrt peo l about." "the "Even the jaiuo pag-Ie)thitsnhoogansye.recumarlkdt aonegaftivteyrocluurenaeqvxiprrdrfbieecyaluodhTttahimhdees.tehrlcsuitennreotlsysecraiorue,said. satudsenk.gotrhandee's,yrscomuitething awgeradkeiatnvaherntgedrbcoywnfreiu.thsbboawnaccitekh"rYemmeaks..yiloBws"rav "aebxanmuplt,inmercyftho.m"pensratRLaadne-dyBfEreocvouaitrbnshaeovxmperifiyeoyoludur',efyolinurstwgaoyannodu,pewrsoniallityhamavgoededtohrecneuit.tmoagokeditstroehsacLanugeistdg.ftwiaonukldxane'mlaysnhooduudn'tinterwviwhomeethr."wrk uado / oiv ftrinoumed example to your nevr im ediatly are about have positve negative you." irsemark thyatou iiencen have thyoatu ina recuiter some "What the you point viewer to positve grade gave work mwajiolr "Besid, An ed But tell also?" If able point as man my ence where havea Anowtheary ning, C"ioyrpof.u in honabeosutt you go d already impres ion impres ion company, unpre a d inaton doiyonurg said. "You go he a Join Intersted ot ni ot uoy ruoy dna ruoy gnorts .detsg noitseuq syaw er hw ehT flesym er ht htiW" nehw f o sihT l eT" snoiteuq gniwonK" ,ecnavd tneduts question," rewiv tn yrev star," ylaus .secivrS namrev B ,sreyolpm deksa .flesruoy I" yas era a eht EW l ew lanosrep ni ot dna ym r e w i v t n sa si yB tneduts ,trats deksa dluoc tsrif t'nod " noitseuq ,stnemhilpoca em s e v i t c j d a e s n o p e r ot 022 ekil ehs T S I X E R fo O F d e t i m a fo ?detsrnI snoretfa scisab yrasecnu elbisop SBOJ NIART elbane woh seitlauq nepo namrev B erap eldnah ylaus taht nehw .weivrtn wonk gnidroca derap nu smes gnihtemos "N.ALECcM ASERHT on liot sdne %0 1 emit t a h w sa . d i a s l ew U S M nac tub si yb ta bo| dnA , s i h t ot ot uoy ton onohP eno .ozamlK eno na 04:1 ew l iw dna era serpx .roinuj erhw tnemcalP liaG evitcpsor tneduts worht tuoba 765.014) ( .gnisaL ETUISN ! Y A D O T ot .D . tcanoC detalr e t a l u c i r ot gniwevltJ dnik wohs gni art ebircsed gnisu den- gniog fo tsol r e w s n a od m.p lla uoy I on—stceibu T A H T ELPOEP taht gus ni ni ot uoy nagi stnar ti eht eht tas ref o no fo railmaf ,s'yloH ot esuoceb ni .su os e g a n m se alc .tnemga stnarue detsrnI lanosrep eht uoy dna dna dna dnarG .O.P 552 lanosrep ruof htiw .cnI .EVAH lM stnedus ruo era lorebh ew tseroh tnec r emos kaew no flesruoy l es 3 T4 edarg gniles elpoe .an idnI yadiloH .stnaru e n o i t a m r f n I .sM lo hcs licms stra etom ile fo )616( ,sdipaR xoB ,niarloC ,S'YL OH reyahT l aC dna si LOV noc liaG ni yourself." .dluohs htworg snnI ruO tnaruse gniko l eht tnvom emos noit gcer ?TNARUSE DEKROW na ro eW krow yad dno dno lio tnemcalP uoy weivrtn woh .dias t n i o p f l e s r u o y no ehs 183-254 IM 90594 0629 .W.S .CNI samohT :etirW detal r evah dna lams era kdrnoaw rof era _r EMAN NOIHSAE_ NOISA iVlTUCE*_ echo_ iako IAGE_ EVlTUC*f_ REAC_ TSIPYT MA I ,nUamSreMvB sthgil h egarv evah dna secivreS er w spit eldnah ta fi ot egloc krow hguone detacol xis-ytnew ohw oelhpowe egral NI _ENOHP YTIC _me ,SERDA TNEMGA gnituoca liratecs LAIRTECS LAIRTECS LAIRTECS A _ClERK a a nac HOWT" hguone tnaw era RAEY GNISDAHCREM GNITUOCA senisub DETSR NI tnemcalP you?" ed" shtgner yourself." snoiteuq nehW .seuqin pohskrw NOITAUDRG ot ni gni art refo ¬hciM ¬uatser ecnirpxe ot FO HGIH NI NS eb deksa dna no SENISUB secivreS ortehtpP dna derap tahW" leT' hcus .sa LO HCS ,ENOHP. KROW tnemga g n i w e v r t n i ekam ot NOITARSMD e bO .senkaw setaviom tuoba dne-po" l et ruoy em hcet tsil ,weiv ehT ",snoit eldnah gnis aL gnivg eso hc kroW SEDIA .lre'tieucHr" fo derap telfmuH enimrted tsneidhutst mretiuorcrf detsgu ro .dias woh sretiuc R" sih eht eh dna * 43 * ★ ★ ★ trats hci w htiW thgin siht hcum %0 1 yreve sde n .noita nA nreco yrneH snoi ced ,renoc YL EKytilauQ dna ,S'.NR ,ekam seitlauq tneduts erofeb .dias tneduts tuB" lew epyt s'ydneW lihP dderoliaT ezilauvngnidatsuo dna ylatoT .stinu re raC rof 8082 yrneH luaP l aC e g n i r f gniu tnoC nwo dluohs rehto yeht ylaus fo l iw dno droF - ,tiorteD droF -678)31( tceloC .erom aera ruoy latipsoh uoy .telfmuH l:sedivorp atipsoH gnisruN liw .ekom evoh tnositauudrgj yt erp detsgu ekam retni kaerb ot eht eb .ecap ".kniht noitseuq eht .proC a eht n o i t u T ksa gnitaudrG seuq eolbat l ew eraC ,sruoh fo l a d20284 narG.W 1 81 tifen bd n r C y t i l b o M se ruN no er lM ot EOE EMOH trap evaH s'.NP.L a htlaeh .dE evisnhrpmoc tnemsrubiR nI ehs de l iw tsoM larev s ot decne nialp ruoy .dias flesmih do g .dvlB latipsoH eB" edivorp ot ot ehT ruoy ecivreS ? r e a C ro sdnatreu dnuora deunitoc nevE" evitsop evitagen tnnaemwrevB strengh." esoht rejctd," enimrted wel." noiserpmi .dias ,margop .erac woh sa yb esU" yna smargop devoL 3 ro tsrif ,yltnaropmi tnacifgs uoy MODERF SREKAMOH eht yral s fo ¬neirO htnom ERAC .senO emit-luf no fi sa sreyolpm ot fi uoy evif ro fi dna ruo ni nwo ruoy tseb eht 614-96 egap )6 uoy evah 01 posible." .snoierpm era no uifni xe ot gnirb tuo namrevB era net tpeca setunim eh nac l es ni gni sre lait ,t«ap erugif tnes rp am E detnuoc sredael sko b ybocaJ snoH n a g i h c M d e r o n g i ,erac ybocaJ lanoitreI ,redinhcS namdloG .nem gnikaepS yrotsih ,ybocaJ reovbaahl gnikroW KCIR 1• htlaeh tnelcx '»♦! t-iw hgir VE)[S ;«ni. >t *niht synp fI( ,yparehT lareng tuo dna nemow .noinU ot ifn.vr det lenosreP robal yB etuca gni elahC HTLAKH ew miega-rp [ yb 1, \ t T., ,os siht er w ylpmi ,dias nrael V' ta kni- na yaw snos el .erut f strosid denraw (i d* ta a tnemraG rezinago srezinago gnitsil taht tneruc USM ,snairotsh ne b s'nemow • qn yb . a !!« ni e', qn uoy ,amurTlcigs l!» W :rotceriD ;ecnarusi :stifenb ,aiseht nA eruc m tit urei: uoy rn.qe»t oineS ruovgni■ yuaovp yawa margop raelcun ttio.tgw tuoba dluoc gnihton morf .rosefp ytisrevnU ylegral ubirtnoc NOTSEW ni e er fI" taht dna ybocaJ si lla a ew eht yaM dias s e i t n u r o p i uov roineS teB uoy vo>; ruoy roj m h jl uoy 1 rof rof hcus t'nod ,tsap thgiels kroW eht esoR sa neuifn sid robal yrotsih .21 Y G O L N H C E T ^ eht eht fo boR ori gniyap raey erom esua dluohs eht seki fe r toir nrae i ! diap r> rer s . l a t i p s o h a tnemri noitacv suoirav na dna detrns raelcun dluoC uoy l its nant m'I ehT" laci nemow enO" noinu edam dluow saw t o n a c ekam esehtat ehS ".erutf gnire E resitd.' hcaorp ybocaJ do g ti erom 003 scidepohtrO snoit P yltnesrp s n o i t u b r c aproch." nemow" )tnemvo ot uoy kool xxt dnA oot fI )616( elt aB ALIEL trap ybocaJ a 056* nioj uoy 056» er yvaN ylrae fo tluser ot ".snoitdar t'nod .sekirts krow dias detacidn fo htroN htym ti etubirnoc " eht eht era os otni sah enre uoy ot ro naht lA d e v r s b o a .158-269 .ke rC sucof si eht eun vA LATIPSOH .margop a i wonk fi robal taht puorg . m e l b o r p ".ylevitcf ot dna dna na siht er w taht taht nemow ybocaJ rieht ses ol ' no ot( defse snif ylnO tee; gni art nem o#57 gni art ree s;syadiloh ,scirtadeP tnemrapD lacideM elbaiv owt sredael nemow siht 056' uoy tsap lM ni tahW .txE si trofe ,er ht syaw ehT eht s'nemow saw hcaorp fo liar margop tuoba dnA saciremA morf etadinC 0neht 61094 l aC rev n ,gniyas .dias rotsih taht a edart robal dna t'nod ere" ?trepx su m 172 ,oot tsrif ot eht htnom na eht eb fo ni ONU s-ht )hA nem lo hcS retfA tceloc kcis ehS era edulcni t'nevah elaM" s'nem" elam" evah dias reirab ybocaJ elif-dna snoi u taht ybocaJ slevel ehT" lac ekat dno raey nem yraelcun tinurop i;uoy noitaudrg syvaN raelcun ruoy ;evael larebiL gnisruN ,ygolnhceT nredom-atlu yltnaimoderp htiw robal fo ssel hscaaorwp ybdeotacsaJ synam tinou spher," rieht edart s'nemow .pihsrebm ,elam pihsredal knar detnsrp taht taebpu" taht nemow edam club." derag elam detic hgih .dias noinu ctcisaabf ot SETAUDRG ro fo oS ow ohw - atiude." na nur roineS * eb ot ylp a srotcaer mom tcanoc efil ,yral s ehS . si teg rof . eruov nesonc na msixes ni evisnetI lacisyhP deb-82 sneve trofe ylno evisulcxe snoi u stino u .sergop nem-knoawr neve denoit m ",elif nemow ¬irotsih nemow . dna tub ton dna eht retn rot dmewop taht yvaN naht raecun ).raey ifO eht dna dna ot sa sa a ni si l its wol ot eht ¬ces ni esuaceb srebm ybocaJ er w ".sboj tnew nos er w roirP" evah devr s kniht .nemow snos out," eB ro iuQ dna .setilbapc derag — taht detacid workes," deliksnu taht ybocaJ daerps iw was ke s ton ne b taht rewoL" rof ofer," ybocaJ ybocaJ ylevitca s'yvaN niaVT .. tI fo yks thgilF COA eh thgilf uoy ruo fo dias ot ybocaJ gnitclos .sboj ylegral nemow nemow segaw wol .dias eht enomS 1of nI rieht eht sa taht nem o—s eht evah ekam eciduj rp peek ot .E 7101 yvaN dlanoD na recifO COIN derusa gnimarf yfilauq tog eht .detas ,OIC .dias noisulcxe ¬aer segaw gnitcxe margoP margoP robal .ecnuqso gnirae-dlhc yraopmet nemow eht ,gnis aL dnarG gniturceR detarnco ylacirotsh ehS ssel ■ sa deliks elanoitr -leE" deliksnu snoi u .E nac elihw uov to .J ecrof meht vn.'AelCc ti( eht nac osla ¬bo ot nem fo dna 328 4 reviR noitaS iksoam T .laicepS gni elahc teg tnaw margop yks rof lM uoy uoy uoy fu ngis eht ynam tsujda elba .noi u evitca dega sihT eb sevl s ot gnita ret nevig ehs nemoW" gnritaeluhc namow gnilaverp ybocaJ suoicv hguone ,deton er uoy l its pu ".sdname nemoW" ,tnemvo ecnarte a otni ot lausn sruoh eht dnif nemow kcab weiv trohs taht neht sa gnikrow elam osla ,sevl mht nemow ot ot ylF tnaw ni ot wolehridR p i h s r e d a l eht rof re ac yvaN eb uoy 'toliP tnaw eg loc eht ehs tneps tub ton rieht .won .dias sruoh gnivil nam ot a s r e z i n a g o sa yvaN a morf osla otni ylno boj .elcy suht n o i t a c u d e sa .yvaN eb a taht .gnilevart pu-tes ohw era elor gnikat eht " . e l b i s o p m i r e t n i e c n i v o c . d n a b s u h gnieb tniopwev a was erew ¬ruocsid robal detcirs ¬meht ¬same -lits ot eht ¬ u t e p r ni fo boj dna eht nac ¬nu eht na si a teb ton