•" — — S. C. Library 3a«* Lansing, Mi ah. NO NO SCHOOL SCHOOL MONDAY MONDAY Volume 29 EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 19:17 Today's ROTC Horse M. S.C. Station Has Records Ford Pipers ,namfoH Stravinsky Head Campus Show Opens of 15'000 Bird» in 14 Yeare Are to Skirl Year's Artists' Next Series; By Tom Nolan H(*1*C Today nrni>'">'0'1'"Birds 1"' ^,l*Are C"pDw Banded and Beleased Birds of 123 Speelfs; At Carnival Four Concerts Scheduled Nnl So Bail L . . . By Arvid Jnu,,l among other thing., to determine Jnnr l<«iir of Sparliiii S ill .. „ Thore night dosses in the, ' welve I ttniry Millions. t yOU ,hould pass by the fenr- I the habitat, routes of migration, (-(licnl biology department aren't .'{0 C«».<*ll* I'lirtiripnll* ed lot just west of the rodent season of migration, and the av- I onliiiii Water Show ' Giliii Cigmi Slaleil l<> Sing bad after all. At least that is > ,t the members of W. L. Chond-1 . m . laboratory you might see a bird struggling to escape from one of erage age of each specie. There are about 2,000 similar stations in Prngriini. Lecture Series Planned on Fir«l Program i class in parisotology think. the mesh nets or screen traps th«. t the United States. Stack's sta- OetolM-r » Mr . Chandler, associate profes-1 Almost 100 spirited horses will ,,f boderlologv, announced an'ri" <'aP«,r!> a' ,h* •'inn"al R " T are set out there. Your first im- ! tion pulse would perhaps be to free the in connection with the teaching of was one of the first to be used For Summer Amusement "anotion for Wednesday eve-! horse show winch opened here frightened creature. Resist that jornithology. Yepro (on I mllo morning and will continue ■> As is the custom, members temptation, however, because the Through the knowledge derived •he class studied faithfully and bird has been captured only to from these projects it has been be banded : determined that there are four Sipned for i/tril cntly to learn all about the ♦erial they have covered so far For fourteen years Prof J W main routes of migration or "fly- term. Parasites were studied in the show St.uk. instructor in the /oology awuys" which birds use- the At- Mu«ie FiipiiIiv Sololnl* li» itr.ition hall irr, every possible angle, and the •lepartment, has had charge of this lontic coast, the Mississippi val- \|i|ii-:ir Willi Sviiipliony (dents marched to the examina- work. During this period he esti- ley. the Rocky mountains, and the Orrlir.lru mates that over 15 000 of nature's Pacific coast, foirly reeking with confidence i mce inside the building, how- winged wild life have had fast-1 Among the most unusual cases .doubts concerning small and ened around a leg the little band on record is that of a bank swal- which bears the words, "Notify low which wns banded June 12, unificant points of the course assailed them. Mr !■!••' .gnu! station. Washington. D 1932 In June 1930 it was report- (' One hundred twenty-three ed found dead near Yquitos, Peru, I hnnillrr different species are on record. by a native girl. Hortencia Perez I ways of student- put j After tbev are banded, when the dc Molin Professor Staek thinks | (luiiawf telling ,h™ !,tthem ,hHrthat '•i-I- again come into human the birds must have been more | ask him questions d bunds, the finder informs the J more than five years old when it rst hour, but that he v Washington station whieh sends died Other distant places from the information to* Professor whieh reports have come are in them the remaining Stack I the states of Mississippi, lannsi- • Parasitologists took ad The purposes of tins work ore. ana. Florida. Texas. Maryland. f the offer and Mi < 'h.i stly . red i Georgia, Arkansas, and Tennes-j I— ■•quests that bird: ■ the end of the Board Okays" •ked i , Vl-S I IONS although apprcci the Pension Plan 1 we lanitarian motives of tl ilia. we request that they I uriolll bring Jul* 1 Sri a« Tentative Dale Mr Chandler for liiiiiiiEiiriiliifti 1 think I'll g'V. not for help from mv students. I of Syaletw. I would be able to accomplish very j - Union Board Picks Heads low stands. Elowrra NuiimmI Pri'iiilenli Press (Hub '"the janitor* I'riiffruiii for Cottiititf u opting stu- Yi'ur Plan n«l. Names Heads ,ixt>- f.v.* A Ed Flowcrs wns i riected presi- llurrititftoii U President. .«• amount of "li\ idtiul has dent uf the Union board Tuesday mght to succeed Julan Duv. head 1 President It S shau in Officers Give \riii»tr«»iiu \ ire Pr»*«i- ,( the hoard cku mg the past year 1 Gadets Praise '•fflffv and i-litsses at Mu ton.hi h of service ' i it her ofTu ers eiect e»l it l ues- ! >tale college will lie rinsed ilfiit of Juiirnali-U mi day * meeting are V•ue president.' >l«ndav Miv 31. in olmervanre smms IK IIS lake ;i r t' Pleituet No llahh Dorothy Gar-! is in »rrord with that taken In most other .-doe-ational insti¬ with r. o. r. i I nit-; Itarml r • Auiuries but gene.,.1 .o|- kcr fil.fg the careers of p:oc Among the pictures by Miss But- bg in bthograph. eUhing and Main Atlilrrop trackmen^ The injur y are a dry point. A lithograph is made l Haul." •c from the shin. b> drawing with a spei ial dark for Eradication. and pencil on a certain kind of stone The 'parka has been resting j treatments at the college When the ink is applied it sticks j The entomology department has. Canw Knlrir. Open d Major j r.ary; but to no avail. T us depa to the pern i! marks snd prints the taken the offensive >n an extensive t.«m i>#.nquf t. Thursday evening, in of the Press club, isjKrhma, the main ballroom of the Union. splints ' are not cured ' yea: design Eu hinga are made by wmr qq cutworms in the state Tht ure* the Entries lor the cenoe event, Charles T. Kcker, attorney for \„ and hta name hasi y # many of th cover, ng a copper plate with a, chief weapon will be a "bug been struck from the r.uve dr w .j n r/n ^ material: special roaung tailed etching j flash.** a card containing a formula for the Water Carnival mu»t Ire icd by Rudy SavioJ rating c client the R F. Olds company, gave the address of the evening. travels and stu- gri>Und. and then scratching, for a bait to be used against the made^t the Union desk lie- Hay Turner, State! tnftin fore June 0. Canoe tilting, lea nor Jackson, Wo ti«»aUa lo Speaking on "Philosophies of Busi¬ Thus has State lost ,ufT Professor A G through it. This makes depres- , pesu. which will be mailed to four Spr*uk ness and Problems Ahead," Mr. «imo#t certain place in the dis-, s. het 'e hea the department.! wr>rM, (>n the plate into which the men s single** and doubles, j hundred insecticide dealers and The Scabbard and Blade gold (Kckt r commented on the recent - c runs at the New York games i at Pigeon Cove', j mk is forced, and then a print others. These persons will in turn women's single*, and mixed ^nt ». v >n doubles will be included. edals given to the >* st first and i conference of the National Cham- splints are the bugaboo of ' Provided there is a big enough rond year basic military students trackmen and Ihey spare not. §ubject matter from the eastern pushes the paper down into the|ers and local newspapers. j !*»r of Commerce at Washington, ere awarded at Tuesday'.* parade.! D. C. entry list the prelinunai ics will of the r. the beat. states were chosen by several of ink. j In this work, the inking is' This bug flash service will be staged before the carnival, < The sophomore award was won by f Officers elected for the coming the artists A J Person continued ft difficult process in itself. Very j continued throughout the summer, be night of jeKe a ♦ —41 v, w . his u«ual teaching »n Gloucester, similar to etching is dry point 1 cards being sent once or twice a with the finals on the Keys vidl be presented to those .Cndet I»u»s Patterson of the c-oa*t:year are: President, Morris Phseis, the pageant, June 11 and 12. having giv.-n three years' service artillery unit and the freshman,Sturgis, who succeeds Wayne f:n rr^rriims that5 •«•»■* CU,rk Inste*d °f U,mg etchmI card wiU contain per- Each individual who wins an the Wolverine State News.jnvdal *»* won by Cadet Glen T , Corey; vice president, Wayne ■Lite u dli^lLl thing gtter -tudird under him E B Biauner the deugri » Kr.uhed directly in- tinent inlorm.tion on bug, >nd in¬ event will be awarded a trophy. to or and to the retiring officers pf the, Krusell of the cavalry unit. This j Hicks, Lansing; secreUry-treas- ner Z rr'two^iw.. Oh the Maine M.» w U>e ccrp^r ,Uelf. Inking;«ct pe-,. ,nd will be -n, . „„lc Prew club. 0 after «Kh ether," I "'th WuodiU*k' j i» the first year that the medalsJurer, Ed Ducte, Pat* 'i'wtf MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Friday, May 28, 19a/ have seen college students a- If it's romance you're afte: The Quick or Tlw Dead Rhick aiul White By Arnold Bwtlett . REPORTER thirst for many things—know¬ girls, wear white. Experimenter JBdrigan 6tatc Ncu« To attempt crossing the drive leading past Ag hall at that period of the after¬ at ledge, campus notoriety, high grades, activities, love, jobs, at Westminster college, Pennsyl¬ vania, have found that girl, campus elections and beauty dressed in white get more offer noon or morning when classes are dis¬ LARGE contests, liquor, scandal, lec¬ of marriage. White, they say missed is an effort akin to mayhem or tures, etiquette, offices, society is connected with moonligh' HARE MUTINY moonlight with romance, an • suicide for those persons involved. memberships, badges, scholar¬ Little Rock. Ark —An unus- ships and fellowships, even dip¬ finally romance, with marriage Solid streams of motor vehicles flash¬ ual dissatisfaction arises among lomas,—everything imaginable Member 1917 ing past on the three avenues of approach college students. It must be and unimaginable, it seems. Sixty per cent of Union Col¬ that meet at the triangular approach in emphasized. But now the first, I learn of them lege students are working tht, PtoockfedGbfeeitfePtor front of Ag hall, make crossings here a More than 200 students, en¬ being athirst, dry, concertedly way through school, it has boon rolled at Monticello Agricult¬ for "real cultural life." revealed by Miss Frances Travi risk to life and limb. Pedestrians here so, ural and Mechanical College Cole&cle Digest enter into a contest which involves the When prior to this, has this sort director of the student employ¬ formally protest against their of unslaked thirst been sufficient ment bureau. quick and the dead. Dodging becomes a educational cricumstances. Mont¬ to make them :l!-humored and MANAGING EDITOR OLA GELZFR skillful art. icello is a state-supported, tech¬ revolutionary? When where, ASSOCIATE EDITOR HARVEY HARRINGTON nical school. These students af¬ Campus roads were laid out with the formerly have they shown a YOU'LL CO-ED EDITOR BEVERLY SMITH firm an utter lack of chance for consciousness of there be¬ NEED A EDITORIAL HOARD ROBERT D. BUR HANS, principle of licauty, not race tracks, in "real cultural life." and demand group HIED C OLDS ing a finer possibility in and for SPORTS EDITOR GEORGE MASKIN mind. Apparently student motorists arc a remedy. They put the school's their education? STRAW HAT! unaware of this fact. At least their driv¬ president at fault and say he This awakening is phenomen¬ >r Decoration ing tactics belie this principle. should be fired. They carry al and portentous. »ys to come! their complaint to the governor jod looks and NKWH STAKE Not only in front of the Ag building, but That it comes about, when it i of the state and secure his prom¬ in to be. at a place like Mont:- almost anywhere, on campus, under pres¬ Most young men will pn: ise to investigate. cello A and M. is very natural. sailors for their swagger smau »nar,K S STAFI K,lk ent driving standards, it is dangerous to COLLEGE BRED— Km I In no other type of college is the newt and because they cross the avenues between class periods. SOFT RAISING life- good-looking longest. At some not-too-far-distant date an in¬ In 20 years of college exper¬ ience. I have seen students dis¬ Bfonrs KTAKK. jury will probably occur while a student great and driving gruntled because of many things is attempting to dodge across one of the •high fees, weak athletic teams, $1.65 to $5 avenue's speed traps. Laws will then be hard instructors, low-grades; BUSINESS MANAGER ROBERT I, REFIOR put in operation to regulate this present rigid discipline, poor lodging ASST BUSINESS MANAGER Wil l AHI) WHITE ADVERTISING MANACKIt driving menace. Will it not bo locking and eat", had ventilation, cui- r o. tw.oeu CIRCULATION MANA0KR « . the barn door after the horse has been tailment of holidays, military r »•»•: FOR SPORTS . CO ED ADVERTIHIMi MANA'.F.K * Hart* training, everything great and MSINEKN STAH ftolen? i.I',1 Iff lUrry W.\,i. „ K . R. > W -rr,. less great, it seems. They dis¬ sN Paul Human. Ihe mightiest of all foresters, has just Cotton or linen sine gruntle readily and vigorously *how in new strip notilicd the neophyte foresters at Michigan State thai as .aid plaids Add -p FACULTY ADVISER LLOYD H. GEIL the Ihcir dean emeritus he'll blow in on their Shindig Satur¬ EDITORIAL ADVISER LARRY DISTEL BUSINESS ADVISER DONALD C. O HAHA Today's day night, lie said (hat he'll have Babe, his famous blue GUEST EDITORIAL l*li ysintl Munition In The Rough By Benjamin K. Van Alslyne, Coach of .With Harvey Harrington Tlit' Dress (lull III-kefball and Golf Tlir t 'i«|iital "I" Amu at oritamVars. Will Any high school or institution of higher lingers cure ivmiirkrii that I'YPP. time learning endeavoring to build intellectual three pt'n|ile get together they have drawn giants with a puny physical chassis are up a constitution anil elected ofTieers !«•- doing an injustice to humanity as much as fore the dual hits settled, any institution may, in their endeavor to Rogers' state¬ scale athletic and physical heights, neglect ment Implies, under it- shock of whimsy, or overlook the academic. that the majority of organizations are ex¬ Our food is good isting utterly without purpose; and num¬ The uNc men of today in the adminis¬ trative offices of our schools and colleges as our service as PROCESS- erous college organizations included. are attempting to combine physical fitness Home fe.v years ago when the authori¬ with scholastic achievement prepare n in order to solid groundwork for still better excellent AGING ties deemed the I'i Delta Kp-ikm frater¬ Mcholarship possibilities, the exclusive EDGEWOR TlI nity and its seurriilnus brainchild, Kezema, ^ As far as intercollegiate athletics are method to enrich ftavm as having gone beyond the limits of gissl taste, both parent and child were abolished concerned there still is, and likely to con- HAVE DINNER and take out tongue bin timn. a premium on winning. But to win from this campus. Whereupon a at all costs is of course a recognized wrong. pun! on sprang up among student journalists and Coaching and playing ethics have improv¬ organization went hurriedly forward tor ed in the last quarter century, and with another a lull to fill the void left by the erstwhile journalistic honnrarv. our present set-up of medical examinations DECORATION DAY and care and treatment of injuries, per¬ \lti-rmilivi' . - • That society had been of lit lie manent injuries seldom, if ever, occur. purpooc. Journalism in the college was si ill a; the The limit on the number of persons who feeble stage and major- w.iv sumo can participate in an athletic contest is There was ronseipientlv a small ficlr, to governwI by facilities for the handling «tf ' serve. The big project was tin ra.v s'neet. the men, hut to take care of the overflow Ec/etna, ai.d am other moliu ol exi'tenre a well-rounded system ol intramural ath¬ is lost in history. letic.- works wonders and in some cases W,Milium II. II- The Press club in its substitute role actually produces material for the so-called looked around for a purpose, and u'd credit to its founders- ,i found on. : sit y squat I. The physical education department with h:n a common orgatiizntioi i for mem¬ ing games which will carry over after grad¬ and save Ink B» Roberta Applrulr bers of all College publh ation uation ami which arc a pleasure to partici doesrv'tdoUm- that's why Ldgi 11 was still Io be proven tin it pate in. Kvamplea ol this are golf ami publication PROC ESS-ACF P. students wanted anything nyicmbling com¬ tennis. Two years ago golf was added to the elective tirriciiluni ami last \»:l' mon ground. The first meetings could claim i yacr so V. TH V u good interest in the clu'o', activities mam entered the class that the depart - speaker- spoke and the h.'.gh mIuhiI news men: na »wam|»rii Tennis had the same service mailed out enthii.- la.-lic bluios on sufficient i 1 this or that campus ligu/v. As time wore tin ho cket enthusiasts. ll Edgeworth • imh ti« n-Ni fi. on enthusiasm waned .-lowly nno. n,. ■ nt> like to plav. ami games are iur tonauc. your money reeding presidents des|gaired at the small al for any one. They stimulate attendance. The new,, mtvum, eisuu. iipetitivi spirit in a peraon; they NOTE: There are three kind* < tioiiallx the respohsibi 111> i? the \„r- Ihh1\ ot sluggishness and tone up Edgeworth lor you to cKoom Iron prcsuli lit. tinker,.i : jporadii ally but Pal ividual as 11o metiuiue or t'ood can 1 -Edae .or«h Reedy-Rubbed little ,i; a volume «s.mpleti wa> u mind is freer to function ami So did matters t-umd Isst spring term 11 say we are attempting to build as James Hay s a-s1 ,111c! the 1 odj for strong mind ami not presidency of a the near-del'unct oryanization. Hays man¬ »ring t.> put a high-powered motor ti>hecco in hu har.q aged a banquet for That term and broached • iuk> t hussis 3 -EdRetvotib Jr - lor the i plum lor a humorfjitei.u;. magazine that would lie a club jfrojru. Fall term canu " Vgi-d. but t tt lor aisl menufectured to and with ii tin "promise.1 magazine. He ncr a miidcr, more I gam Spartan, a divoifsr collection of material whose only connirction with the Press club i t'liege i- just (tied onl\ tut the ac ffhite Stag Duck was that the president of the one edited cumulation »>t the wisdom of the aaaociat- seemea to tut mound the gym¬ EDGEWORTH the other. A" the magazine grew it bo¬ ed achievement used to master great pow tanic incrcasiivgly evident that i: was as¬ suming the is.- pec I s ol an entirely inde¬ er in the interest of abolishing poverty nasium win:: the band Rim»k.\ -lvrth'.n > piaxed "Flight at Jar man Friendly style* in White arr two style*-winner*. correct Stag Buck. Here for the smartest ED6EWMJH^ and th* establishment ot peace and free¬ the Bumblebee • pmetimyflZtcHd I Wagners prelude u. Lohen¬ "dreaa-up" orrawwi ... A full white brogue, left, pendent function, for only one otriver of dom among men." White-haired Norman, and a handsomely finished straight tip . . . 93. the club was concerned with the Hpartai Thomas' Socialistic slant. grin" introduced with iL cairn . chords the theme* which later This week new officers were elected to en AG] Hew ben appear in the opera it self The the l'ress drib lor the ensuing year. The Kven in the classroom* the main idea finale to Dxorak- "Fifth Sym¬ magazine, albeit its heading as a club pro¬ • Americans seems to be to learn how to ev> .u that blonde in EMM' phony combined the monoton¬ ject, has its own staff now. It is unfortu¬ make more money to buy mure Forda." ous inythm ot the American nate for the officer.- who now head an Nilclietl. or Should Kk • • Indian the mournful negro tight cylinders of protest from Dr. M. G. Now officially, Ray Turner, lie theme of the Largo movement— organization without purpose, without Baiiinger. former professor of religion at who iiaunU the lied Cecur and better knowu as "Going Home" function, and a future a.- disuul as the Christian colleg* and now a resident of the botanical garden* every —ut a luiioua climax to the Republican party's, ± .asM Lucknow, India. night, live* at the Delta Qu program. ll KMay, May 28, 1937 ^9 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Pare TRtm Foresters'1 Shindig is Slated 'Dean Conrad Lowdown on National Game Future Frosh jYMCA Will Ckwe To be Most Hilarious By Freckle Fearing Co-ed j Hear Faculty Year Vith picnic Party Tw Conclude • ... By Elofa* Mr Bride ,. . , . ,tion to his game and less chasing ■ r0llrm» FniU I rehire. for Faculty Adviaor* ot be On Spring Social Calendar Fr08h Talks Hurry, Pat, we're going to be after the flies.—You didn't mean! lloilorPil ruemfluy. late to the game. I don't know: that kind of fly? Well, it takes all Hiph fcrh«ml Senior*. why 1 had to forget my activity j kinds of flies to make a— ! A picnic to be held at 6:30, Tues- C.vo,l ConnrolorH Will Die book when I wanted to be early. | Oh. gee! There's the best look- More than two hundred high day evening, June 1, at tables run* Questionnaire* at Of course, I'm not a fan, silly, I! ing fellow coming in the gate, school senior classes have been' placed west of Beaumont tower, •y llnliilav Wcck-cml Five-Act Play Slated for Spartan C. . Final Confrronro just want to get there in time to | Hand me my compact. I think I addressed by members of the col- get a seat on the west side. The'feel a freckle coming on. I knew lege faculty in a campaign under will serve as the last meeting of the Spartan Y. M. C. A. for the Plot Reviewed Social Crowd. Art ( -Oil ventioii Concluding the lectures on th« sun does terrific things to my, we should have been here earlier. I the supervision of Secretary John freckles. -Oh, so you think I have; Yos, there's a freck—Who made) Hannah designed to acquaint pros- curyent school year, Guests of honor at the picnic training course for freshman counselors. Dean Elisabeth Con- forr-l of Anion i» Soone ( hi O's lo Dance Session Will Take Plarr rad will speak at 5 o'clock Wed- of \niwal Production. In I nion jn Orfobrr nos<*a-v ®ft®rnoon, June 2, in hort Tonight ■ lecture room. Her topic is "The Psychology of Approach to Fresh- kositehek & Bros. 113 N. Washington Av«. Store for Men "fnCHTGATT -STATE T7EWZ Friday, May 29, 1937,. Their Services Will Be Missed Slate Fares Western Frosh Score Twice Spoi l - Final Games Set Michigan '9* In Ninth to Down Spartans Interludes In Ball Bv Tom Merc? ] ond base. Both runners held up Bv Genrpe Mn«kin Leagues Two Gaines Ororjrr Hill Sumol lo Hurl Kalnmn/'-r. May 29—After be-; while Dolly Dahlstrom grounded ing held in check all afternoon, a ; out, but Bob Kamrath hit tin- heavy rain poured down on West- , first pitch sharply through short em Spate's Varsity field during the to score Hanson. t rill*. Men's League Prepared lo P1fi> fur Glifitn|tion- ;.s. :,ait of the ninth inning of A|iuin.l Wolverine* j Keller came home on a fielder *l»ips Ne\l Week: Most Tillehuhler* \re OnuilPil Hcrr Tomorrow. V. -terdny's ball game between choice from the bat of Marri? I . - MuhiRan State Frosh and West- i f0re Bob Hall slammed one . . n S? ,te Ti in'hers. I Bailey's pitches to the *cor-- !' ■ - i-in of ba«e hits, and board in left field for a doubl.- not :•••■. however, that spelled!sending both Kamiath and M .l. f. .- the visiting Spartans.*rjS acro5S the plate, after t'.. . hod appnrcntly sewed | S,ate.s ,(jne run the )U\ O II. UC fluid ' 1 game in their half1 came as a result of a triple pi ttit fioi s wii i> • center by Mnrris and Itnhrrt H.ISII (left) :ind Captain lliifold Shnlt/. sire .two r- base taps, sent thr„ugh the box by Gidding members of I he Itiu l our on the Mi.-hiifsin Stale tennis learn S new, the plate inability to hit in the pin. In who sire nearinc the completion of their collegiate pareers. - t«".k the n rtor Ralph II Young points Ann Alitor M<> spelled defate for St..'. year over State. jpn mf,n Were left stranded on amp humidity has proven base paths during the game rial, rathrr than k athletes . . . detrimental lie cited Boh State to Lose 'Big Four* d away to n three Jn th<> s{xth finrne statr b:i(, . ...nd inning onlv orld ,1 ... M bQSW f,,leH with no one ouf , omls flat in the hurdles Of Net Stpiad Next Month the first ' of run> the could not push • run acroaa Saturday. made on a track heavy Get.ige Owen was the Sparti . with rain . . . John Nicholson. *park plug both in the field j - led off the big ir- Notre llatnr track coach, mggrxt* at the plate. Spnrky's batting ; R's and S. A., ernge for the season is close Wilbur Greer fnm a portable Today * Saturday TWO < II \MI'N ( ROWM I) DON ANN NiiicTrnckmcn AMECHE -LSOTNERN Sight Laurels I amera rluh meeting In IC4-A Meel SUNDAY & MONDAY : i.-t t,. vouch Will,in Adult-, !Sc C hildren tOe Greer GIomIv in There arc enough former Be- sprint Kiln's roll players on the varsity and resliman teams t«» form a Htrong The Mill.. CAMPUS BARBER SHOP la'hiiliarilt. f Ode Itandall. Smtly Corner id \hhot Rd A Gd. River ■* Mar-Grain. George Monroe. Sam Nurnov. Joe llnrvatb . . Annum the freshmen. Don ltos-i Frank Anderson. Itob "L&i Shidler. Tommy Itall and Grow Oweti call He¬ FINE l-lain and Fancy Baked Good* and the only boxing team in the league. (One Onl>) l>a*try. featuring Banish l*a*try. Mate ytould band them a lough evening any night in the vyeek. And. although, we have no hockey atone the Red Cedar, there ore only two teams in the Big Tea SPECIAL NOON LUNCH p» fit i hi n and Stai M » i We don't have to *a> about the gridiron boys from the much that do! Our fencers annually ICE CREAM SPECIAL 11:20 lo 1:30 p. m. It rd Cedar The lUhnun record yyould rote well above thr averago. And thr swimmers of Jake Dau- .r>:00 to 12:00 p. m. Wayne umveiMty at the Unsing speaks for iUelf. The SUIr looms of the lost three years would have bert. getting belter every year, IndiTidmlChkfc—PMISc Counti v club Taylor, -Brand, landed well up in the first div¬ yyould hove the Choice of Flowt i • ;t nd Mil • made up the ision of the Big Ten—the 1930 of conference competition SPECIAL SUPPER Spurt.ii. . i.ii v aguiml the Taitais. Bot) l"lowers imd Brand ore en¬ teom would hove been o contend¬ er for the title. iher their efforts. The of the Green ond White were no QUART BRICK .. 24c S:M lo 7:00 y. a. terini; >m tbe qu; lals of I doubt if there was any teom slouch lost year. . the Ni.ti i .il Open b'urnarn Detroit n.-\t Tuesday. Thi in the league, excepting probably the Gophers, thot would hove Rig The Spartans aren't Ten competition. afraid of In foet, QUART BULK . . 39c SWISS STEAK DMNB 30c Included a) a held of 199 s licked the Spartans under good they 'd thrive on it—and they'd do ty quel t>. fi <»m the Detroit ; themselves all right.