c VOLUME 72 NUMBER 94 MONDAY. JUNE 26,1978 ra®wg MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING MICHIGAN 48824 1 Board orders probe in wake of dismissal By DANIEL HILBERT State New# Staff Writer A directive was issued to President Trustee resolution requests Edgar L. Harden Friday by the MSU Board of Trustees to investigate and report back to the board on methods for examining the structure and function of the Office of Israeli release of Esmail Tlie noise is loud and the spray is high as the hydroplanes round the corner and speed toward the finish line. Human relations. The board also unanimously passed a should not be limited just to the Office of The board's action comes after it called on Bill Muncey of Atlas Van Lines won the Annual Gold Races held on the Detroit River Sunday, which drew resolution calling an Israeli court's convic Human Relations, but should include the Feb. 3 for a "full development of the facts" thousands of spectators despite rain. tion of Sami Esmail "unjust" and demand University's status on compliance with Title in the case and a "prompt resolution." IX and affirmative action programs. ing his immediate release and return to the Esmail was convicted and sentenced to U.S. The resolution to free Esmail. the serve 15 months, excluding the six he has The Human Relations Office directive 23-year-old MSU graduate student who has already spent in an Israeli prison. was issued at the urging of Trustee Jack rejects Egyptian proposal been convicted of being a member of an Israel Stack, R-Alma, who originally called for an investigation of the office by outside outlawed Palestinian organization, was introduced by Raymond Krolikowski, In other action the trustees passed a resolution opposing the appropriation of consultants. DBirmingham. ? funds for aid t priva The action comes in the wake of the firing The resolution opposing Public Act 105 to surrender occupied territory of Mary Pollock, women's programs direct¬ or, and Stack's attempt last Thursday to persuade the board to discuss the dismissal. It was passed unanimously by the board, with the exception of John Bruff. D Fraser, and Michael Smydra, D-East Lansing, who was introduced by Carrigan-Strickland. The resolution opposes the act on the were not present. Stack was defeated by a vote of 3 to 2, but basis that public education is still signifi¬ By ARTHUR MAX the bargaining table if no preconditions were Begin last month dismissed the Sadat the board agreed a review of the matter cantly underfunded enough to require all "Be it resolved that the Board of Trustees Associated Press Writer attached. proposal after it was first aired in the news was in order. financial assistance that can be sought from media. He said then that such a plan would of Michigan State University join with all JERUSALEM lAP) - Israel on Sunday "Israel is willing to discuss any Egyptian Stack emphasized the need for the the state. other concerned persons and groups and rejected "without reservation" an Egyptian proposal providing it is not presented as a require Israel to give up territories "without investigation saying the University must precondition for negotiations," Naor said. negotiations and without a peace treaty." call upon the government of Israel to The board also accepted over $5.5 million proposal calling for Israel to turn over the constantly study itself for possible deficien- He said Egypt has the right to make any Cairo's semi official A1 Ahram newspaper suspend the sentence imposed on Sami in grants, gifts and scholarship funds, which occupied West Bank to Jordan and the Gaza Esmail and authorize his immediate release makes the said Sadat's proposal calls for Egyptian and year's total nearly $52 million. Strip to Egypt as a preliminary move toward proposal for negotiations but that Israel will He said an outside agency would be "the from detention and insure his safe return to Mideast peace. not evacuate the territories even without Jordanian forces to replace the Israeli a military in the West Bank and Gaza. Israel appropriate source" to analyze the situa¬ Michigan State University," the resolution Spokesperson Arieh Naor said after a conditions. tion. There was no immediate reaction from the took the West Bank from Jordan and the read. meeting of Prime Minister Menachem "The important thing is that we don't let Egyptian government on the Cabinet Gaza Strip from Egvpt in the Six Day War of Begins Cabinet thai Israel is sticking with this thing drop," Stack said. its own proposal for limited Palestinian decision. 1967. self-rule, with continued Israeli military He said reports concerning the effective¬ presence, in the West Bank and Gaza for a ness of the office have varied depending on the source. five-year period, after which the status of the occupied territories would be open for negotiation. Naor said the Egyptian proposal was Sponsors of pot penalty "We have even been getting conflicting opinions from inside that office," Stack added. Trustee Alma, Jock emphasized Stock, R- the discussed after reports reaching Jerusalem from Cairo said President Anwar formulating Sadat was plan based on the reductions drop fight for Board chairperson Patricia Carrigan Strickland, D-Farmington Hills, then sug¬ need for the investigation, saying the University must a new peace gested Harden should be given the task of return of Gaza and the West Bank. analyzing possible methods for this evalua¬ constantly study itself for "Israel rejects without reservation these suggestions by President Sadat," the Cabinet statement said. It said the Sadat bill until after election tion to take place. Stack concurred and the board voted possible deficiencies. said an outside agency He proposal was a "precondition for peace." unanimously to issue the directive to would be "the appropriate LANSING (UPI) — Senate sponsors of a work in hopes of beginning its belated Harden, and urged that he try to complete Though the statement appeared to reject source" to analyze the situ¬ the proposal outright, Naor indicated the measure reducing penalities for marijuana his report for next month's meeting. use say they will not prolong their quarrel Lawmakers had planned to adjourn for ation. problem centers on what the Israelis view as with the state House, which has been summer re election campaigns last Friday, Stack said he assumed that evaluation by the "preconditional" aspect of the plan — relectant to deal with the emotional issue. but they now face the grim prospect of outside consultants will be one of the that Israel give up the territories prior to The Senate is expected this week to another week of battling over a variety of methods Harden will recommend in his negotiations on effective arrangements for issues in addition to the $4.2 billion 1978-79 Israeli security. agree to House amendments striking the report. The way Sadat .put it, this is a liberalized marijuana laws from the pro¬ budget. He emphasized that the investigation The Senate earlier this year approved a precondition to negotiations," Naor said. "In posed public health code — possibly bill reducing penalties for use or possession effect what he is saying is, 'You accept my clearing the way for final action on the new of one ounce or less of marijuana to a $100 conditions and then I will discuss your security arrangements.' " code but delaying passage of the pot bill. If that issue is decided, the legislature fine assessed like 2 traffic ticket. Currently, SUPPORTERS JAM SESSION a 90-day jail term is possible. Naor said the Sadat plan could be put on may settle down this week to final budget House members, who rejected their own similar measure twice in a series of hostile Pollock firing discussed debates, delayed action indefinitely on the Partison debate erupts Senate-passed bill. Then the Senate by amendment wrote the measure into the massive, 457-page recodification of public statutes — where it Collette Moser, assistant professor of agriculture economics By DANIEL HILBERT must eventually go — but the House spoke to the trustees for Pollock and told them the very minimum over tax reform plans removed it. Sen. Jerome T. Hart, D-Saginaw, said he Over 100 persons State News Staff Writer jammed Thursday night's MSU Board of Trustees public comment session, most proclaiming support for they could do would be to let Pollock pursue a grievence procedure to protest her dismissal. is willing to go along with the House action, Emphasizing that Pollock was in charge of administering a LANSING (UPI) — House Republican and Democratic leaders debated the fired woman's programs director Mary Pollock and demanding her growing tax even though it means a new marijuana bill reinstatement. "controversial law," Moser said her basic due process rights were revolt as a partisan issue Friday in an attempt to decide what kind of tax relief voters will have to be introduced later if the code Saying that Pollock's June 13 firing by Robert Perrin, vice denied. should consider this fall. passes the legislature. Among the groups represented at the meeting were the Faculty president for federal and University relations, was not "ade¬ Despite sometimes-heated arguments, no action was taken in the dress rehearsal for Senate opposition remained to one quately justified," Barrie Thorne, associate professor of sociology, Women's Association, the ASMSU Women's Council, the MSU the formal consideration of tax reform plans which could begin next week. House approved health code provision free¬ introduced over a dozen speakers, mostly from women's groups, Women's Studies Center and Committee "W" of the American Heeding the California tax cut vote, legislative leaders were racing the clock in an ing private laboratories from the require¬ who echoed her feelings. Association of University Professors. effort to push through the House and Senate their own constitutional amendment ment that state-issued certificates of need "Pollock's firing calls into question the University's commitment The groups generally were extremely critical of the structure of reducing property taxes. To get on the fail ballot, a measure must clear both houses by by obtained for equipment purchases. to affirmative action," Thorne said. the women's programs office and some urged that the director be The Senate has the option of putting the Sept. 8. The only speaker who was not critical of the firing was made to report directly to President Edgar L. Harden. A proposal endorsed Thursday by a special House committee has come under heavy code into a joint conference committee or Katherine E. White, assistant vice president for student affairs. Spokesperson for the groups, many of whom were consulted in fire from spokesperson for the minority Republican caucus, who said it was a deliberate rewriting it again and returning it to the She explained that the reasons for Pollock's firing extended far the search for Pollock, voiced regret that they were not consulted attempt to nullify a potentially popular tax limitation plan. House. The committee proposal of deep property tax reductions coupled with income and In addition to pulling together and beyond simple personality clashes. in her dismissal. "She was too critical of everything and everyone associated with The board also received a letter from Penelope Jordan, world business taxes hikes conflicts with the tax limitation plan, Republicans charged. If both modernizing all health-related laws in MSU," said White in describing Pollock's role as woman's progress champion at powerliftling and a graduate student in Rehabilitation are approved this fall, the one with the most votes will prevail, they said. Michigan, the code require an annual director. Counseling at MSU. The tax limitation plan allows state spending to rise only as fast as the incomes of assessment of basic public health needs in Pollock was in the audience during the presentations but did not In the letter Jordan described her initial meeting with Mary Michigan residents. Backers say they have gathered enough signatures to place the Michigan and requires that th^y be provid¬ address the board. Pollock as taking place at a time when she was "disheartened and ed free of charge to all citizens regardless of proposed constitutional amendment on the ballot. After the meeting Pollock said she wanted to pursue confused" about getting financial support from the University to (continued on page 5) ability to pay. administrative channels to protest her dismissal before going (continued on page 6) The state would pick up half the cost of outside the University. providing the health 1 officials respond to hiring accusations the group." said Groty. By DANIEL HUBERT Groty, responding to a question by Radcliffe about the effec¬ He explained that the schools which most State News Staff Writer tiveness of MSU's affirmative action policy, said the problem University officials Friday could not often paid the highest wages in each job refute accusations made by Rep. George was not hiring minorities and women but retaining them. catagory were the University of Michigan '4-H Energy Days '78' offered and Wayne State Universitiy. Cushingberry Jr., D-Detroit. that MSU is workshops, demonstrations and lagging behind its commitment to employ lots of good info this weekend. more women and minorities. However, Groty emphasized that differ¬ See stories on page 3. ences between one university ranking and Ralph Bonner, assistant vice president hiring minorities and women but and director of human relations, responded representatives testified. was not another could only be a matter of pennies. to inquiries during Friday's Board of Each university in the state will eventu¬ retaining them. Trustees ally be called to testify before the commit "We can hire them fresh, but when we The inability of the University to match affirmative action committee the salaries paid by businesses for the same tee, and MSU is just the first. Bonner teach them the skills we have problems meeting about Cushingberry's accusation work also contributes to MSU's problem in weather that the numbers "don't look good," with explained. keeping them," Groty said. Radcliffe continued to ask Bonner and retaining women and minorities, Groty regard to MSU's employment of women and Groty cited a study of the average wages minorities. Keith Groty, assistant vice president of for selected jobs at 13 Michigan universities explained. Partly cloudy and scattered personnel and employee relations, about "That was that representative's opinion as highlighting the problem. He said most of MSU's wages are lower thunderstorms again today, the "reliability" of Cushingberry's opinion. with — talk about humid — based on the facts we presented." Bonner Overall, he said MSU ranked about third, than those paid by the Civil Service Bonner admitted Cushingberry's reliabi¬ told Trustee Aubrey Radcliffe, R-East fourth or fifth, but was seldom number one Commission, which means the university temperatures in the high 80s to lity "remains to be seen." low 90s. Lansing. or two in wages for any particular job looses a lot of experienced non academic Bonner referred to a hearing by the Joint Groty, responding to a question by employees to government jobs, which pay classification. Committee on Affirmative Action held at Radcliffe about the effectiveness of MSU's the Capitol Thursday at which MSU affirmative action policy, said the problem "On the whole we fell into the middle of more money. 2 Michigan State News. Eost Lansing, Michigan Monday. June 26. 1970 Zimbabwe reports major clash SALISBURY. Zimbabwe while, charged that the Zimbab The communique said no Robert Mugabe operate from including a 3-week-old girl. (API — The government re¬ wean government's own com Zimbabwean casualties were Mozambique. The two insur¬ They were bludgeoned and ported a major new clash with mandos, and not his forces, reported during the exchange of gent groups are fighting to bayonetted to death in what was responsible for the mission heavy rocket, mortar and small topple the new biracial interim the war's bloodiest attack yet on black guerrillas near the Bot were swana border Sunday, and a massacre. arms fire. Guerrilla casualties administration in Zimbabwe. white missionaries, whose re¬ The Zimbabwean military not known. British-born Bishop Paul Bur- mote and vulnerable outposts leading cleric called on Britain were to send troops here to track said the border battle with Guerrillas of Joshua Nkomb's rough, one of two Anglican have become prime targets in down the guerrillas blamed for about 100 guerrillas firing from Zimbabwe African People's prelates in Rhodesia, said in an the war. the slaughter of 12 missionaries the Botswana side of the fron¬ Union are based in black-ruled interview in the Sunday Mail One woman at the mission, and dependents in the east tier was halted early Sunday Botswana and Zambia, while newspaper here that Britain, Mary Fisher, 28, survived the Zimbabwean countryside. when Botswana authorities in the forces of the allied Zimbab former colonial ruler of Zim¬ massacre, though she was badly beaten. She was in critical CIA. Hanoi plot smashed. Cambodia says A top guerrilla leader, mean tervened. we African National Union of babwe. should revert to "gun condition Sunday in a hospital boat diplomacy" and intervene with troops to track down the there. murderers of the missionaries. Black students at the misison, BANGKOK Thailand ^AP) Cambo¬ the broadcost the Vietnamese plan called Bell asks — spying limits The bishop, who came to the Elim Pentacostal Church's dia fighting a lingering border war with for an attack on the Phnom Penh Zimbabwe 10 years ago and had secondary school, said the black Vietnam claimed Sunday it had smashed government and failing that, the crea¬ been decorated for fighting for raiders described themselves as a recent plot by Hanoi and the CIA to tion of a Vietnamese-controlled region in the British in World War II. has "freedom fighters" of Mugabe's topple the Combodion government in eastern Combodia with a separate WASHINGTON (API - Attorney General Intelligence Committee has recommended an been an outspoken critic of both ZANU guerrilla group. Phnom Penh. Cambodian Communist Porty and admin¬ Griffin Bell argued last week for a law setting other. the But South African Radio previous white-minority limits on foreign intelligence gathering activities The latter bill, which is the one the subcommit reported Sunday that Mugabe An official radio broadcast from the istration. government and guerrilla tac The broadcast said in the United States, saying it is needed to tee on courts, civil liberties and the administra¬ tics in the six-year war. denied his guerrillas were re¬ Cambodian capital named six leaders of high-ranking Viet¬ the Vietnamese Communist Party who namese officials had secretly entered restore the public's confidence in intelligence tion of justice will work from, involves all three Among the victims of the sponsible for the massacre and branches of government in granting authority for Friday night mission massacre, blamed it on the Zimbabwean purportedly directed the plot but it did Cambodia to contact with Vietnamese Currently there are no restrictions on gather foreign intelligence surveillance. all Britons, were five children, army's Selous Scouts. not give specifics of the alleged involve¬ lackeys in eastern Cambodia" between One of the most controversial features is ing intelligence, including the use of warrantless a ment of the U.S. Central Intelligence February and early May of this year. wiretaps, if the actions are taken against foreign special court to be named by the Supreme Court Agency. Lackeys' apparently referred to Cam- nationals or foreign agents in this country. chief justice which would screen applications A government spokesperson said in bod i< sidents Bell said Thursday the proposed law. which from the attorney general for wiretapping would require either the attorney general or a special court to approve such intelligence gathering, "is infinitely better than the present authority if a U.S. citizen might be intercepted. Under the proposed law. the attorney general could authorize such a wiretap if only a foreign China, France New Soviet-Turkish relations reached system where there are no safeguards at all." national or foreign agent is involved. may join panel He responded to Rep. Robert Drinan, I) Mass.. Another witness, former CIA director William who called the current lack of restrictions an MOSCOW iAP) — Turkish Prime Moscow talks with President Leonid I. "abomination" but at the same time said the Colby, acknowledged the need for restrictions on such intelligence gathering, but he suggested Minister Bulent Ecevit ended on official Brezhnev mark a new stage in the proposed legislation might be unconstitutional that the category of foreigners who could be UNITED NATIONS (API - The United States and Soviet visit to the Soviet Union and left for home development of Soviet-Turkish relations because it could violate individual privacy. But Bell told the House Judiciary subcommit bugged be broadened. Urtion, in a joint move to produce at least one concrete result from Sunday proclaiming the opening of a which will continue to develop on the the current U.N. disarmament session, were reported Sunday to be basis of mutual confidence that is tee considering the bill that with the proposed "With the new oversight new stage in relations between his pressing for General Assembly backing of a plan to enlarge the law "you not only gain protection, you gain public Congress and a clear public charter country and Moscow Toss reported. characteristic of the relations between Geneva international disarmament committee. confidence in the system." need to overcomplicate the The official Soviet news agency said our countries. The big question is whether the organization of the Geneva body The Senate has already approved overwhelm delineate every fine line in thi* difficult field.' Ecevit and his wife flew from Kiev, capital During the visit the Turkish leader Colhv said. would give seats to China, which has never been a member, and ingly one version of the bill and the House of the Soviet Ukraine and were seen off signed what Tass called a document of France, w hich boycotts the committee because it is chaired jointly by top Ukrainian officials. good neighborliness and friendly coop¬ by the United States and Soviet Union. The agency quoted him as saying his eration. ' The two superpowers are said to be seeking to expand Gay Freedom Day celebrated membership of the panel from 31 to either 35 or 36 states. Their initiative improved the prospect that the five week, speech-filled special assembly session on disarmament, moving into SAN FRANCISCO (API ing for the rights of homosex¬ and about 250 groups of banner its last days, will come up with at least one solid accomplishment — Involvement denied in North Yemen killing silver glittered bodies, braless - uals. carrying chanters. a revamped central negotiating body for control and reduction of vomen in T-shirts and bronze The celebration attracted Police estimated the crowd weapons. bested men in jeans turned out both gays and straight sympa¬ size, including paraders, at The Geneva committee was formed in 1959 by decision of France, ADEN. South Yemen (AP) — South the killing and severed diplomatic Sunday for the annual Gay thizers who gathered under about 240,000. Organizers were Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union and was given the Yemen soid Sunday it had nothing to do relations with its southern neighbor. Ghashmi was the second North Yemeni Teedom Day parade, perhaps sunny skies to watch the prom pleased the parade drew more mission of helping check the world arms race. with the assassination of North Yemen women, including lesbians, than he country's strongest show¬ enade of 100 decorated floats President Ahmed ol Ghashmi and called president assassinated in eight months. ever before. South Yemen issued a statement the killing a dirty attempt' to wreck saying it strongly condemns and denies Parade coordinator Celeste hopes to unify the two feuding Arab neighbors. ony kind of blame for this assassinotion Mexican inmates admit Newbrough said the parade Commemorative stamp which is aimed at pushing the Yemeni was designed to "show the Ghashmi 39 was killed Saturday in world who we are and who our the North Yemeni capital of San a when a people into war planned by the imperi¬ bomb in the briefcase of a diplomat from alists." It soid subversive elements killing for escape plan "This is the only parade will honor photography South Yemen exploded. The South . . . where culture and politics are Yemeni envoy also was killed. working against the hopes, liberty, unity fused," she said. "And it's the NEW YORK (AP) A which a photograph has TIJUANA. Mexico (AP) - they planned to tunnel their - ap¬ North Yemen immediately blamed and progress of the Yemeni people' were only political demonstration postage stamp honoring peared, and is in six colors. Four prisoners with narcotics way out of the crowded prison. the art South Yemen's Marxist government for responsible for the killing. records have confessed to kill¬ Palau said Saturday. He said people actually come out to of photography, the first com The U.S. Postal Service said ing a warden and seven other investigators linked the shoot¬ memorative with the new 15- the stamp recognizes the con¬ cent denomination, will be tributions photography has persons as part of an escape out to an escape plot after The focus of the event, which issued today in Las Vegas in made to communication, under¬ plot, according to Chief Francis¬ reinterrogating six acquain¬ received $10,000 in city funding co Palau of the Baja California tances of the four inmates. for the first time this year, was conjunction with the annual standing and the American way State Police. When the six were arrested a voter initiative on the meeting of the Professional of life. No- Palau's report conflicts with Thursday, they had several ember ballot which has been Photographers of America, Inc. Somoroff, the stamp's de¬ earlier accounts that the kill¬ new sub machineguns. tanks of widely labeled anti-gay. signer, has been a leading ings Friday at La Mesa Peni The stamp, designed by Ben editorial and advertising photo¬ oxygen and many digging tools, Newbrough said. tentiary had resulted from a Palau said. That measure, sponsored by Somoroff of New York, depicts grapher for nearly 30 years. His work has »appeared in Ladies premeditated assassination plot The police chief said the four state Assemblyperson John used in photography. Shown in Home Journal, McCall's, Har¬ against the warden. prisoners involved in the shoot¬ Briggs. would permit school The four inmates had districts to fire teachers for the stamp are antique lens, per's Bazaar and a number of plan out had planned to join their six ned to create a disturbance in color filters, an adapter ring for other leading magazines. He is companions in digging a tunnel advocating or soliciting gay the prison yard that would through which 20 or 30 convict¬ sexual acts or for publicly or the lens, a 5.000-watt studio now a commercial director with result in their being placed in light bulb and a photo album. Ansel Productions of New ed narcotics traffickers were to indiscreetly engaging in such The stamp is the first on York. solitary confinement, where Carter's 820 billion welfare plan shelved WASHINGTON (AP) - President Car¬ Majority Leader Robert C. Byrd that lack ter's proposal to overhaul federal wel¬ of time and a clogged legislative fare lows has been shelved for this year, calendar would prevent the bill from the congressional sponsor of the admin¬ being considered in the Senate. istration's bill said Thursday night. The speaker has said all along that Rep. James C. Corman, D-Calif., said unless there was reasonable hope to get the welfare bill could not be considered it through the Senate, he was not this year because of the lateness of the going to session and delays caused by other bring it up this year." Corman said. legislative business. Corman who sponsored Carter s $20 billion welfare plan, said House Speaker Corman. chairperson of the special welfare subcommittee, added that he INVENTORY would introduce a welfare plan again Thomas P. O'Neill Jr. was told by Senate next January. CLEARANCE SALE Brand-name drugs too costly. FTC claims Pitcher Night Now through July 1 WASHINGTON (UPI) — Consumers Pertschuk s remarks were prepared' for a conference on the drug question, Reduced Price* on ALI, could save hundreds of millions of dollars if state laws encouraging the use of which said the prescription $ 1 00 0FF ALL ALBUMS MARKED 'E' a year sponsors of non-brond-name prescription drugs drug industry has conducted a covert Pitchers were effective, the chairperson of the Federal Trade Commission said Friday. campaign" to undermine and cripple those laws in mony states. J_ or 'F' (*6.98 & '7.98 list) Michael Pertschuk said his agency is The Pharmaceutical Manufactures As¬ Tue is working on a model law to address the problem, hoping it can be solved without additional federal regulation since 38 states alreody have laws of one kind or sociation called that allegation absolute nonsense," adding. "We've opposed these laws for years and we've been up Tequila Night $^50 OFF ALL DOUBLE-ALBUM SETS another on the subject. front about it." EVEN LARGER SAVINGS OFF 1/2 off MULTIPLE SETS. Liquor bottles may carry health warning ST. LOUIS (AP) — The Americon Alcohol may be injurious to your (Sorry, albums already on special Medical Association recommended health, and if consumed during pregnan¬ are not included in this sale) Thursday that the containers of all cy, to the health of unborn children." GOOD FOOD • PIZZA • DRINKS alcoholic beverages be required to bear a The delegates, at theclosing session of warning that they may be a hazard to the AMA's annual meeting, endorsed a Open M-F: 11 a.m. Sat.-Sun.: Noon health. resolution offered by Dr. Rogers J. Smith, The AMA's governing body, the House a delegate from the American Psychiatric SALE INCLUDES ROCK, JAZZ, of Delegates, adopted a resolution Association. A similar recommendation holding that the containers be required to had been submitted by the Mississippi CLASSICAL, FOLK, SHOWS, EASY bear this statement: delegation. LISTENING & IMPORTS '[/' Cyclotron Project gets research grant By PAULCOX State News Staff Writer A $700,000 grant will allow the MSU Cyclotron Project to complete the world's first superconducting cyclotron, which physicists say will open new areas of atomic research. The grant from the National Science Foundation was accepted at the MSU Board of Trustees meeting Friday and was the second and final installment of a 1977 $1.2 million Monday, June 26, 1978 grant. The board also approved salary ranging from $500 to $2,000 for 12 members of the MSU NSF Heavy Ion Laboratory division of the cyclotron project. Provost Clarence L. Winder confirmed that the attempt to keep the cyclotron staff Male files bias at MSU. By MARY LUCILLE HOARD sex charge regulations, he was waiting because he was "A number of people there have received outside offers. Their work is and we want to keep this group together. It should Winder addetfthat with the group intact it gives MSU a better chance at grants for further expansion in physics research. highly successful just built up to the point that we thought we respond .and let them know their work is appreciated," Winder said. receiving future State News Staff Writer A January complaint of sex discrimina tion being handled by Mary Pollock until Student complaint focuses confident it would be handled well. In spring 1977, the Director of the Union attempted to integrate the lounge but The present grant will allow the MSU NSF Heavy Ion Laboratory to covert their existing superconducting magnet into a new cyclotron, said Merrit Mallory. specialist in the MSU-NSF Heavy Ion Laboratory. several people protested. her recent firing as Title IX Coordinator has not yet gone before the Anti Discrimin ation Judicial Board. on Union women's lounge The protesters cited sexual assault and harassment on campus as reasons women Mallory said the superconducting magnet provided by money from the first installment of the 1977 grant proved to be successful at producing 10 times the energy of the older need a place separate from men, Pollock cyclotron. Bruce Guthrie, a James Madison College said. The old magnet used copper wire with a certain amount of electrical resistance and the junior, filed a complaint with the MSU segregated facility. sex segregated programs or facilities on its Pollock said in a written statement, "The campus by law under Title IX. "That a women's lounge is a sanctuary new one uses wires with no resistance, Mallory said. Department of Human Relations last Janu The Union men's lounge was converted from potentially harassing males there is no Now the entire cyclotron can be completed. It will also be ten times more clear intent of Title IX is that all programs powerful than ary stating that the existence of the Union several years ago into a game room open to doubt," she stated. "Due to sex-role the old cyclotron. This new cyclotron will be able to hurl atomic women's lounge discriminated against male and activities of an institution must be particles at speeds up to students. The lounge, he said, violates the available to all students except those everyone. stereotyping of men and women in our 30,000 miles per second, Mallory said. Pollock, who complained that she was society, many men are taught that their "We will be able to do research in physics where it has never been done before," Mallory Title IX education amendment of 1972. programs where integration would violate said. Title IX, a law passed by Congress and the physical privacy of individual." getting little cooperation on the matter role is to pursue women." enforced In January. Guthrie said the "oppressive from her superiors, was fired recently from Recently, the Women's Studies Group on In the past by the Department of Health. research could only be done with light particles such as protons, Mallory said. Education and Welfare, prohibits sex counter-forces of hostility and guilt" exper¬ her position as Title IX coordinator by campus submitted a proposal to the provost Now collision particle interaction study can be done with any particle up to the uranium descrimination in education programs or ienced by men who try to use the lounge Robert Perrin, vice-president for federal suggesting that a part of the lounge be used atom, the heaviest element, he added. and University relations, before any further to house the Women's Studies academic activities which receive federal financial constitute "harassment due to sexual Henry Blosser, director of the laboratory, said the new cyclotron should be ready for identity." Guthrie suggested the lounge be action was taken on the lounge issue. program. assistance. trial operation in late 1979 and for research in early 1980. The executive secretary of the Anti-Dis renamed 'study lounge" and asked that the Perrin, stated in a memo to Pollock that Judy Baker, active in the group, said, "I Once in operation, Blosser said, the cyclotron will isolate nucleic particles from their complaint seemed insufficient grounds don't think we're formally taking a stand crimination Judicial Board, Sallie Bright, Anti-Discrimination Judicial Board find the one electron rings and place them in a huge hollowed-out magnet. Electricity will be run present labeling illegal. for making a major decision. against opening it to men — we just want a gave the complaint to the Office of Women's through the magnet's coils, which are cooled to 454 degrees Fahrenheit so they are Pollock continued that while one may However, he continued, "If we are indeed way to keep it basically for women." Programs to investigate. Pollock was office ordered to make the space There are very few places where a superconductive. director at that time. agree with the feminist philosophy of available to men A powerful magnetic field will then swirl the particles until they reach the speed of well to women, or to establish a woman can breastfeed her children or feel Following an investigation, Pollock said segregation based upon the need for female as as safe to fall asleep, Baker continued. 30,000 miles per second. At that time they are hurled into tubes in finger-like beams. according to her interpretation of Title IX, self determination in a male dominated comparable Men's Lounge then I suppose At the other end of the hundred foot tubes the particles will smash into targets of metals, we would do so." "Until it is required that women take the women's lounge should not continue as a world, a public institution cannot sponsor Blosser said. Sophisticated sensor devices will monitor the particles' reaction. Guthrie said although action on the karate, then taking their measure of safety The particles are 10,000 times smaller than the smallest objects that can be seen with a matter was slow, and should have begun as is taking something away without replacing it," she said. microscope so a computer will register the findings, Blosser said. early as February as outlined in University 'Energy Days' offer alternatives Some helpful tips on bicycling Electric car conversion system given by dedicated enthusiast proves successful in VW 'bug' By LINDA M.OLIVERH) Canaday said. "I've commuted for years and batteries. Its top speed is 37 mph, he said. By JAMES KATES Sute News Staff Writer have never gotten sick." An MSU For the do-it yourselfer, Farrall offered a professor emeritus said Friday Biking equipment, clothing, safety and She recommended that protective equip¬ conversion kit, consisting of a motor, a though he has driven more than 8,000 miles maintenance were discussed by an MSU ment always be worn. Reflective leg bands in his 1961 Volkswagen over the last six speed control, batteries, a charger, hard¬ studio art major who doubles as a dedicated or triangles for the back are appropriate, ware and instructions. The six-battery years, the car hasn't had a tune up. an oil or bike rider at the 4-H Energy Days '78cycling along with the cycling helmet. filter change — or a tank of gas. version is about $1,300, while a 12-battery workshop Friday. "Helmets can save your life. The only Arthur W. Farrall, professor of agricul kit runs about $1,700. Susan Canaday, 23, a well-seasoned biker, problem with them, though, is they are tural engineering, told a workshop at "The 12-battery version is a bit snap¬ does not own a driver's license or car, nor expensive ($32 and up). Your only other MSU's 4-H Energy Days '78 program since pier." Farrall noted. "It has a top speed of does she care to. choice is hockey helmets and they don't do about 50 mph and a range of 30 to 40 miles." installing his patented electric car conver¬ "It (cycling) is a more pleasant way to get enough," Canaday said. sion system in a $100 VW chassis, he's Farrall told the audience the conversion to work. The basic idea is to enjoy yourself A bike rider is legally required to follow all driven the car nearly every day from 4 to 25 kit, which most easily adapts to a VW "bug" and go at your own pace," she said. road signs, because a bike is considered a miles. but can be used with other small cars in the The type of bike ridden is very important, vehicle, she said. 2,000-pound class, can be installed by two Canaday said. For long trips a ten-speed "Drivers like predictability. Ride with "The car used a total of $10.20 worth of people in less than two days. style is best for the back, arms and traffic, signal turns, look behind you and electric power for driving 1,700 miles About 30 people around the country, posterior. stay out in the lane," she advised. during the first year of operation," Farrall including several from the Lansing area, Also, fitting a bicycle to the rider is Some simple maintenance checks can be said. "That figures out to.6 cents per mile." have installed the system so far, he said. crucial. Canaday explained that by strad¬ made to keep bikes rolling, she said. He said his total operating cost, including "The only thing holding electrics back is the batteries, which must be replaced every the batteries," he said. "The big companies dling the vehicle, a bicyclist should be able to Canaday explained that inflating tires 400 charges, is about 5 cents per mile. have the cars; they can build the cars, but pick the front tire two inches off the ground properly protects the wheels from being before the crossbar touches the body. bent. Drying the bike off entirely after rain Farrall's prototype, which he built entire¬ the battery is the key. That's where there's "I'm acquainted with this problem be¬ and oiling the chain will help keep bikes ly from commercially-available parts, uses a work to be done." cause no one makes a bike small enough running smooth, she said. five-horsepower motor and six golf-cart Farrall said his electric "bug" is a for me," said Canaday, who stands 5-feet 1 "perfect around-town or short-distance and one-half inches. commuting car." As for length, she said, a rider should be "I drive it almost every day," he said. "I able to reach the brakes on a speed bike while the elbow is touching the tip of the saddle. Windmills turn again take it around campus and to the post office. Whenever I get home I just plug it into the wall." "You'll notice discomfort," she said, He said it takes about seven hours to fully "when the bike doesn't fit. I would say By MARCIA BRADFORD picture and take over development and charge the car. percent of the people I see don't fit their Windmills, once a contributing source of production of commercial windmills. Farrall pointed out that electric cars bikes." energy in the United States, are again A problem of wind energy, Asmussen could potentially solve two major problems After choosing a bike that is suitable, being developed as a solution to the energy said, is there are not enough experts in the of urban transportation: pollution and safety is the next major factor. The best problem, said Jes Asmussen, professor of field of wind energy. thing to do, Canaday advises, is to get city or electrical engineering and systems science "Three or four years ago when we started State News Bob Stern county maps and become familiar with an at a workshop Friday on wind energy at 4-H "The car is virtually noiseless and can use looking at solar energy and wind, there The young boy above is one of many who had the opportunity to try his Energy Days 78. were no experts who knew about windmills, elecrical energy from any source," he said. hand at the wilderness survival course presented in the stadium con- I "Oddly enough, Saginaw Street may be "Between now and the year 2000 we he said. "But as the people in this country "Nuclear, hydroelectric, coal or what have course on June 23. This exhibit was part of the Challenge Program which the best road. You may be safer because not should see a lot of windmills," Asmussen have become interested in wind, attention you. And there's no need to even use fossil that many people are coming in and out ol said. "As the cost of fuel continues to rise, has focused on it and now more is being fuel. I'd like to put up a windmill to was intended to help develop young people's character. side streets or parking," she said. the use of wind energy will increase." done." generate my own electricity." After spending some time on the campus, He said windmills have a history in the Canaday suggests not using the bike paths. U.S. and were used extensively until the "I'm not telling you something illegal. The late 1800s, when competing energy sources law reads 'usable bike paths,' " she said. drove them out of business. Apartment blaze causes "One path leads right into a parking lot. That's absurd." "From the late 1800s to 1940 the percentage of energy provided by windmills Use of solar power Canaday has been riding year-round for went down from 25 to 10 percent," about six years. Asmussen said. "At that time the cost of damage and evacuation necessary, prof says For summer riding she doesn't recom¬ fossil fuel was very low." mend halters, shorts or tank tops because He said because we face an energy the chance of sunburn is great. A hat is shortage in the near future, both govern¬ Fire The apartment directly below ment and individuals have been developing spread through a second-story the fire useful, she added. By MARCIA BRADFORD Haslett Arms apartment early Sunday iuffered extensive water damage. "The least 1 would ever wear is my cycling ways to use wind energy. "The total cost of fuel includes the Because present energy sources are being consumed at a rapid pace, the use of solar morning, forcing occupants at the south end "Nobody seems to know right shorts, long sleeved jersey, socks, sneakers power is becoming a necessary alternative, said C.K. Kline, professor of engineering of the complex to evacuate for about two caused the fire." said Diana Childress who and of course my helmet, no matter how hot original cost of obtaining, operation and r half hours. maintenance," he said. technology in a solar energy workshop Friday at 4-H Energy-Days 78. directly above the apartment where it gets," Canaday said. Kline, a building contractor and professional engineer who has built a home powered by Flames from the fire, which originated in the fire originated. For winter pedaling, layered clothing is He added there is now a national program for building windmills throughout the solar energy told of the solar power potential and showed slides of buildings in Michigan apartment 14,135 Collingwood St., reached Go-manager Murray said fire officials necessary to keep in body heat. presently heated by solar energy. upward through a window and ignited an were looking into the cause of the blaze. "The coldest you can ride ii country. The government is concentrating "We have to take ideas and put them into action," he said. "We have to show the overstuffed chair in the apartment above, on building large windmills and there are government officials and politicians that we are capable of using solar power and can do police said. presently two in operation and two under No one was injured. construction. something about the energy problem." Kline said. Two of the four women in apartment 14, whose names could not be obtained, were Trustees approve report The first one was built in Cleveland and there is one in New Mexico, Asmussen Kline said most people do not believe there is an energy crisis and still think it is contrived by government profiteering. "But certain resources on earth are finite," he said, comparing energy to a bank and home sleeping when the fire started at said. Both produce about 200 kilowatt hours The second phase of the MSU presidential hunt officially began Friday when the Board of of energy per year. money. "Man has been withdrawing ever since he came on the scene and there are less about 3:30 a.m., said Haslett Arms co- Trustees unanimously approved the three-document package submitted by the search and The average household can use about savings today than there were yesterday and there will be less tomorrow." manager Carrie Murray. selection committee. He said in the last 10 years humanity has used more energy than ever before. The women jumped off the balcony and 10,000 kilowatt hours per year. called the East Lansing Fire Department With the approval of the job description, preamble to the description and the rating He said Ludington, Mich., might be a "Man has a horrendous appetite for energy," Kline said. "His energy demand will from another apartment. Other residents of scale, the committee can now proceed to interview candidates. double what it is now in less than 20 years." possible sight for a windmill in the near the building were soon alerted and went A question was raised by Trustee Aubrey Radcliffe, R East Lansing, concerning the . future. Kline said we face a serious problem and tapping more sources of natural gas and coal is rationale behind the inclusion of a section in the scale concerning the candidate's published The windmills being built by the govern not a solution. outside while firefighters extinguished the work. « "Future generations may have us very much to task for having squandered," he said. flames. ment are test windmills, and public utility Heavy fire and smoke damage was Douglas Dunham, who headed the rating scale subcommittee, justified the category by companies provide the sites, Asmussen "In our lifetime we have used an abundance of fossil fuels." reported in apartment 24. One window in explaining its importance in establishing the academic credibility of the candidate. said. Kline told the audience The United States to become a totally recyclable society or the Gwen Norrell, vice-chairperson of the committee, said they now hive over 200 country will hack itself into a corner. the apartment above was destroyed, as well Once the windmills work, the govern¬ as the chair which had caught fire. applications and evaluations and interviews would begin immediately. ment expects manufacturers to get into the (continued on page 6) ®(p>M©ifi) MSi's millions might move the South African monster It turns out that the millions of says is that profits mean more than from Harvard, since they are dollars MSI" has tied up in the injustice of apartheid. considered to be the arch de¬ corporate investments might have We cannot blame a company for fenders of corporate excellence, some sort of redeeming social feeling so — they$»re what they but we feel this leaves too much up value after all. MSl"s investments are — but we can blame MSU for to the companies involved. What have grown to such proportions getting sucked into that line of company would ever admit they that the threat of divestiture thought by worrying about what is contributed to apartheid? might actually affect corporate prudent or imprudent. The racial MSU should join and support close-mindedness on South Afri¬ inequality of South Africa is the any collective action that will ca's abominable apartheid. only thing that is truly imprudent contribute to the end of apartheid, On the surface, the board's and everything that is not geared but they should never be limited acceptance last week of the 16 to changing that sorry state by the group. MSU has shown indices for corporate withdrawal immediately, is grossly imprudent courageous initiative by coming in South Africa appears to be a to world humanity. down stronger on racial injustice re-affirmation of the strong com¬ Apparently the board is consid¬ than any major university. The mitment made at the end of March. ering swinging its weight behind only question is: Why is Harvard However, we find it particularly an idea suggested by Harvard University leading the national University. The idea is that coalition when MSU has the better distressing that board members idea? are wishy-washinglv trying to American universities should act explain what "prudent" — as ln collectively on divestiture so the "prudent divestiture — really effect is felt by corporations on a means. scale they cannot ignore. While we We find it also distressing that heartily endorse the idea of collec¬ the people who drafted the indices tivism. we must strongly caution — the Committee on Academic the University from involvement Board shied away from obligation Environment — saw fit to leave in groups that have not adopted as The MSU Board of Trustees for the wisdom of their actions. sight. suggestion that the review of the the time a company must complete rigid a stance as the trustees have refused Thursday to approve an Pollock's case, as evidenced by Since board members are account¬ its withdrawal process up to the already taken. operations of that department be agenda change that would have the overwhelmingly unfavorable able to the citizens of Michigan and accomplished by an expert in the Board of Trustees. The Harvard position asks com- allowed a public discussion of the Administrative-Professional response to her firing, is unique — em¬ field not connected with MSU, is a Our feeling is this: if a company- (.anies to appraise their "net is the position she was dis¬ effect" on apartheid and only firing of Mary Pollock, the most as ployees are answerable to their good one and commands serious adopts the line that it can do more recent occupant of the women's missed from — and would not administration bosses then, we consideration. good by withdrawing slowly and withdraw if they are strengthen¬ have, as was suggested by dissent¬ believe, administrators must be programs directors office. By President Edgar L. Harden has trying to effect positive change on ing the system. accountable to the Board of Trus¬ its wav out. then what it really This position is not surprising refusing to discuss the case at ing board members, established a established a good personal record Friday's meeting the board turned precedent for board review of tees. in his short tenure at MSU in the down a golden opportunity to future routine personnel dis¬ Stack, having been silenced by area of affirmative action. Harden enlighten themselves and the missals. the Thursday vote on Pollock's should take whatever steps neces¬ MSU community as a whole. We do not question the right of situation in particular, did partial¬ sary to dispel the doubts, which Trustee Jack Stack, R-Alma, the Pollock firing has caused, [ llil The State News correctly pointed out that Pol¬ lock's case was unique and de¬ University administrators to take drastic personnel actions, but they should be and must be accountable ly succeed by receiving a board mandate for an investigation into the Office of Human Relations. His about MSU's commitment to af¬ firmative action. Mondoy June 26, 1978 served close board scrutiny. Only Editorials are the opinions of the Stole News one other trustee, Aubrey Rad- Viewpoints, columns and letters are personal opinions cliffe, R-East Lansing, joined Editorial Department JovdMis.olowrski Sporfs Editor Dove DiMartino Mike Klocke Stack in calling for a board discussion of the firing. We com¬ mend both Stack and Radcliffe for Judge knuckled to Nazis K-m Shonohon U.S. Layout Editor Deborah Hey wood their actions and lament the failure District Court Judge inantly Jewish suburb of Skokie, nouncing the proposed bond "un- tcheile Chambers Copy Chief Kenneth E Porker Patricia loCroi* Staff Representahv of Board Chairperson Patricia George Leighton's decision to 111. However, Leighton's order constitutional" because of its allow the Nazis to march in that the Nazis not be required to amount, has fallen far too easily for Carrigan-Strickland, D-Farming- ton Hills; Don Stevens, D-Bloom Chicago's Marquette Park was post a $60,000 damage insurance Collin's tactic of using the Skokie Advertising Deportment wise in that it averted the bond for the use of the field Hills and Raymond Krolikow- high park is a threat as a bargaining lever to Bob Shaffer slant Advertising Manager Gino Spon.olo ski, D-Birmingham, to realize the possibility of violence at a pro¬ truly distressing one. It would obtain the opportunity to march importance of such board over¬ posed Nazi march in the predom¬ appear that Leighton, in pro- at Marquette Park. stupidity it makes me — to paraphrase DiMartino's words — feel bad, bad about a VIEWPOINT: PERRIN'S JOB lot of things. Brad S. Wittman 1302K University Village East Lansing, Mi. 48823 A conflict of interests Raw Meat or Convention Girls makes me By MARILYN FRYE prerequistes of faculty status, such as freedom to speak without Simian reviewer feel good, good about a lot of things." He It has been said that the cause of Mary Pollock's removal from clearance from above. then goes on to encourage his readers to 'Neither' wasn't office is "philosophical differences" between her and Vice-President A person in such a position is in an utterly tenuous and dependent also buy some beer, go to the drive-ins and Perrin. I do not doubt that these two individuals differ employment situation, and works under a supervising officer who digs "Raw Beat' participate in "an American institution that how philosophically - Pollock valuing sex equality and Perrin not has another important function which is in direct paradoxical As I am unable to determine from Mr. won't be around forever." It seems clear, they voted valuing it. But 1 do doubt that these differences are at the heart of tension with the function of the lower officer. The situation is however, that the only American institution the matter. Pollock's present situation reveals and underscores structurally incoherent and the position of the person supposedly DiMartino's obtuse style whether his involved here is a very familiar one that structural problems in the University's distribution of functions and functioning as a critic is extremely weak. Nobody could work as an Inadvertently, the names of two of our column. "Raw Meat culture: down at the shows no sign affirmative action officer in such a situation, and of dying; the law of supply colleagues were included along with the list offices which will survive the removal of any particular officer and manage to "get drive in" was written in jest, I must assume and demand. of those of us who urged a "neither" vote in will endure regardless of the philosophies of particular officers. along." Th» only way one could survive is simplv by not doing the that he truely endorses such movies as job. Unfortunately, as long as there are the recent collective bargaining election. Every institution of any size and visibility must, of course, have a Convention Girls. Girls For Rent and others individuals who are willing to pay $2.50 for Our apoligies to: Prof. Richard W. Hill highly placed officer whose responsibilities include maintenance of There is also cumulative evidence that the Office of Human he mentions. Indeed. I must assume the privilege of watching lurid sexist films Department of Zoology and Prof. Howard good public relations and a positive public image for the institution. Relations, as it exists in the domain of Vice-President Perrin, DiMartino actually believes that such fare (with the added attraction of W. Stoudt, Department of Community These responsibilities fall, here, to the vice-president for being able to cannot effectively carry out its mission. During this last academic represents a cultural tradition worth pre "drink and/or excrete" in their cars as Health Services. University and government relations, Mr. Perrin. Having an office serving, as his column seems to indicate, DiMartino is fond of doing), the films will, year nearly every group whose interests should have been We are very sorry for the embarrass with such a mission is surely a necessity, but it is very disconcerting advocated or met by a Human Relations Office has had i Again, it's very difficult to understand just contrary to the author's assertion, be ment to professors Hill and Stoudt, and that the duties of affirmative action officer and Title IX compliance what his representatives appearing to the Board of Trustees with appeals point isi. around forever. certainly support their desire to be record officer have been assigned, at this University, to this same office — and complaints. The point I wish to make is this: I am all to aware that the sort of simian ed as not publicly supporting our position. the office whose mission includes "PR." DiMartino states that "Somehow, the fact attitude that DiMartino displays John P. Henderson The roles of affirmative action officer and Title IX compliance The Board of Trustees should have to deal with these problems abounds in that I can buy a six pack of beer and drive culture, however, when these types are officer are, in some of their aspects, ineluctably roles of critic of the first hand only rarely, and would deal with them only rarely if there our Faculty Volunteers Against mv Chew Nova to the M 78 Theatre to see allowed newspapers space to flaunt their were a well-managed unit which: Collective Bargaining institution. One cannot ferret out discrimination and check for compliance with exposing operations and policies to a critical •Had as its mission the overseeing of progress of affirmative appraisal. To place together in a single office the function of action, seeing to Title IX compliance, and serving as processor of promotion and protection of the positive image of the institution and discrimination complaints. VIEWPOINT: ARGENTINA the function of critic and conscience is simply irrational (to the point •Was answerable directly to the president. that it suggests bad faith). The institution does need to have officers •Consisted of officers and staff with the power to act and the doing each of these jobs, but the jobs are fundamentally in tension presidential support to serve as critic in cases of institutional with each other ia tension which of course could be healthy enough), violation of regulations or principles of fairness. Festivities hide travesty and cannot reasonably be assigned to one and the same office. In addition to this fundamental structural incongruity, the lower level officers to which the overseeing of affirmative action I do not pretend to be in a position to give a full blueprint of the needed unit, but Mary Pollock would surely be an excellent consultant in the matter. and Title IX compliance are delegated are in a job classification By REED M. BAIRD and detained some 8,000 or more political missing persons; which, for the first full year, gives them no job security and no DIANE DEUTSCH prisoners. Moreover, political repression •Allow persons detained under the state grievance procedure, and even beyond that time carries none of the During these past days, media attention has been extended to include gross viola of siege to leave the country immediately has focused on the World Cup Soccer lions of intellectual freedom through, for under the provisions of Article 23 of the Championship playoffs being held in Buenos Argentine Constitution; Aires. Argentina. The excitement such an •Observe strictly the provisions of the DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau event generates, the color and exuberance Amnesty International UN Standard Minimum Rules for Treat¬ of the crowds, and a holiday atmosphere on urges people to write to the ment of Prisoners: THAfcfUGHT. WHICH EX¬ WMEAN HE APPMtm a grand, even international, scale tends to •Restore, respect and enforce all civil, HASN7 ALREADY? NOT. HE60T PLAINS WW HE SPENTAll obscure the political tragedy in which Argentine President. political and social rights guaranteed by the T mmHE EN- DISQUALIFIED PEELING? WINTER TRAlNNG WfTHHtS UKE GOOD. NOLO, Argentina is mired. Briefly, this tragedy is Argentine Constitution, the American Con TEREPTHESONNT KJRPEEUNG. ZONKER SUN LAMP!AND NOW HE'S THIS? SUMBE&N that after more than two years in power the example, the persecution of dissenting vention on Human Rights and the UN BONO COCOA BUT- PEELS? EfflmNUP TO MAXIMIZE Universal Declaration of Rights, including m CLASSIC LAST PHOIOSIN- TOURSURFACE military junta headed by President Jorge journalists. Specifically, 29 jouranlists have AUGUST. AREA.. Videla has not yet fulfilled its promise to been killed, 40 have disappeared, 70 have freedom of religion. restore respect for human rights. been imprisoned and 400 have gone into Letters may be sent to the following Amnesty International absolutely rejects exile. terrorism as a means of political expression. Amnesty International therefore urges Exmo. General Jorge Rafael Videla While Argentina has been plagued with left concerned people to write to President Presidente de la Republica Argentina and right wing terrorism, the government Jorge Videla respectfully asking that the Casa Rosada condones right wing violence against the Argentine government: Buenos Aires, Argentina. left and other dissidents. The government •Stop torture and arbitrary executions; Baird. professor of ATL. and Deutsch. minister has therefore either participated in or •Publish a list of all detained political of the University United Methodist Church are permitted the disappearance of some 15,000 prisoners of conscience and to account for members of the loosing chapter of Amnesty citizens and has without due process the whereabouts of more than 15,000 International Michigon Stote News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Monday June 26 i978 5 SUPPORTERS NEED STA Time running out for ERA backers sion of th6 play. The of this nation extend the ratification WASHINGTON (AP) - of the 38 states needed if it is to defeat in the Illinois legislature seven year ratifica women tion deadline. need a guarantee that their by seven years. With time in the legislative become a part of the Constitu last week, In the second vote on The proposal has beer season running short, backers tion. But Tennessee, Idaho and the amendment in two weeks, "If you add up the number of rights cannot be played with in this manner," she said. dueed in both the Horn of the Equal Rights Amend¬ Nebraska have voted to rescind they came within two votes of people who have held this thing ERA backers who were in Senate and narrowly w ment are looking for one, their approval votes. carrying the House. up, there are fewer than a dozen legislators in the country terviewed declined to make appro' Hoi elusive state victory to boost The Justice Department has Illinois is considered crucial their chances of winning ratifi¬ said Congress must ultimately in the strategy aimed at per¬ who are preventing the nation predictions on the possible sue from having equality under the cess of the drive against anti- cation by a March 22, 1979, decide if suading three more states to deadline. missable. ratify. It is the only northern law," Neuman said. ERA legislators. Kathleen Currie of ERAmerica said the House Judicia "Frankly, I think if we could Elly Peterson, cochairperson which will vott of ERAmerica, said the amend targeting is incomplete. get on state, the momentum ment has become a pawn in Schlafly said she and her sion within the i eks. would build again and it allies are equally determined is believed clot divided, state political feuds and said wouldn't be difficult to get two the Illinois loss was a prime "to re-elect the ones who voted The proponents other," Nancy Neuman, a vice example. no.' I think we can do it." fear that should the proposal be president of the League of "Legislators do not vote for Another major option, which considered by the full House, a Women Voters, said in an the ERA because they are for is being spearheaded by the successful attempt might be interview. made to aid a provision legali Opponents of the proposal industrial state which has not or against it. They vote on National Organization for But opponents claimed they maintain it would erode legal ratified. whim or because of a power Women, would have Congress zing recessions. could hold on to the votes of rights which have been as Though the question has opposition state legislators long signed to women in this societ.v been rejected repeatedly enough to defeat the amend¬ and would force women intc during the past six years, Democrats demand Nash ment. unacceptable roles. Illinois was considered the "I think the momentum is state with the best chance of going strongly against the Backers maintain the amend ERA." said Phyllis SchJafly, ment would provide a constitu nudging the ratification move¬ tional underpinning for the ment forward. national chairperson of Stop lobbyist charges In a movement parallel to the ERA. "The 15 states which rights of men as well as women. have not ratified it have reject¬ ed it again and again and again. They accuse the other side of using misinformation and scare beat-the-deadline drive, other tactics are being developed to prove I see no indication that the tactics in the attempt to defeat improve the chances of ratifica¬ the amendment. tion. LANSING tlTIl - Two cerning money allegedly given they are considering legal proponents are gaining votes." Supporters, who thought Among them are campaigns House Democratic leaders said them by a former lobbyist. action against Nash and news ERA, the proposal Congress aimed at unseating targeted Friday Republican Rep. Ernest Nash, a Dimondale law- organizations which have pub- approved in 1972 which would they had that hoped-for state state legislators who oppose Nash should either prove or maker. said he warned House lished his charges. prohibit discrimination based victory within their grasp, on sex, has been ratified by 35 were disheartened by a fresh the amendment, and an exten¬ retract his recent claims con Speaker Bobby Crim and "I didn't say the transact Democratic . Floor Leader did take place," Nash said Joseph Forbes of the charges weeks ago and was assured the "All what matter would be cleared up. somebody else told me Denise Greene, an MSL student, has her legs PBB leak risk minimal, judge finds Nash said former lobbyist George Behrends told him he gave Crim and Forbes between happened. Whether it did not will be for the authorities to figure out and the grand jury to or wrapped as an example of "taping" during her Phys¬ ical Education Technical Training class. The class was held next to the training room on the outside of LANSING (UPI) In detailed findings submitted to the years to seep completely through it. Animal liquid "could travel no $135,000 and $155,000 in return decide." the stadium Fridav, June 23. feet "into the clay liner where it would remain — further than 9.39 for their votes on a bill favored Nash said he did not report Michigan Supreme Court, a circuit judge concluded chances are "almost non-existent" that Oscoda County residents' nightmare of suspended indefinitely without exiting the bottom of the clay liner." by chiropractors. the allegation to the authorities Nash has told the story — earlier because he was not sure fluids leaking from a PBB burial pit into the surrounding Miller also noted that PBB dissolves in fat but not in water and which has been flatly denied by the transaction was illegal nor groundwater will come true. Judge Allan Miller's 17-page report, sent to the high court last thus will either remain bonded to the carcasses or "travel in association with other organic molecules and thereby bind with the Crim, Forbes and Behrends to reporters and federal invest — that Behrends was credible. The story took on new signi¬ Tax reform debated week, discusses in depth the scientific testimony heard over nine sand located around the carcasses or at the clay liner at the bottom igators. ficance. he said, when state days in his Mio courtroom and concludes existing safeguards are of the pit." "Rep. Nash, as a former state • continued from page 1 > A proposal which * Sen. Earl Nelson. D Lansing, adequate for the state to go ahead and place contaminated cow Republican Floor Leader Wil carcasses in the Oscoda County pit. However, the judge also pointed out that the Environmental police officer, presumably admitted having received a bine property tax iam Bryant charged that the However, Miller also concludes incineration is a viable and Protection Agency lists incineration as preferable to landfill knows how to report a crime," $1,000 loan from Behrends. with tax limitation is Crim. D-Davison, and Forbes, ommittee plan is "intended to preferable option and suggests that the state be directed to stop disposal of toxic chemicals. He said it has been determined that an incinerator capable of I) Oak Park, said in joint At that time, Behrends re¬ ;o on the ballot and compete burying and start burning after six months. portedly claimed he had loaned Members of the Oscoda County PBB Action Committee, many of reaching 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit and equipped with anti-pollu¬ statement. promising by a spoke; "His failure do money to many lawmakers — a Den * telling the for Crim. whom live within three miles of the proposed pit, are asking the tion devices "can accomplish the destruction of PBB and noxious to indicates to us how charge which prompted Crim l going to let "The wind that blow high court to block plans to dump about 1,300 contaminated by-products." limitation and Senate Democratic Leader have both" tax from the West indicator animals in the pit. Michigan has no such incinerator and while some out-of-state validity should be give you facilities might be adequate, moving the animals there is not statements. William. Faust to pledge to call and tax reductio is. the Grosse going to be the year The group, which has blocked work on the pit with angry feasible from a political standpoint. Miller said. "We would, howevei , urged .be former lobbyist in and Points Farms lawmaker said. reduction h\ const it demonstrations, favors incineration. House Speaker Bobby Crim. amendment," said Rep. The judge said "while an incinerator is needed for the disposal of the press corps to ask Rep. question him under oath. As a result of the standoff, the state has been forced to keep some said he D-Davison. accused Republican 700 condemned cows at a western Michigan farm and another 400 toxic wastes generally, and would be desirable for the resolution of Nash to produce evidence to Nash repeated Montgomery. D Detroit Behrends' story to Crim and leaders of political grandstand Montgomery. Chairpe dead animals in cold storage in steel drums. the instant problem ... the facility is not a current reality." support his charges, or with¬ It would take four months to set up such a facility and "an draw his slanderous state Forbes and they assured him ing, saying the proposed the po1 Under an earlier court order, the state has lined the burial pit they would "bring him in and amendment had bipartisan sup Commit iid the near Mio with 20 feet of clay. equivalent period of time" to make adequate tests before operations could begin, he said. and Forbes have said get it straightened out." port in the special committee. Miller said the clay is so watertight it would take a liquid 200 —■I Produce- •In Store Coupons VW Shock Western Cantaloupe 27 size 57C Special Seedless Green Grapes 88c lb. Eckrich Beef Franks . , « From now until July 10 buy 3 BOCE shocks Bananas 28c lb. 1*Pkg. 1 Save 51* for regular Beetle at our low price of '8°° each and get the 4th one FREE. Cucumbers—Green Peppers Country Fresh Cottage Cheese 1# Large or Small Curd 1* Carton On east side of MSU at 1109 GOOD with coupon only bag Carrots or Green Onion Bunch Juno 24 thru July 10 Your choice 4/100 48' Save 35* East Grand River. 'installation available Crisco Pure Vegetable 0iloo Open Mon.-Thur. 9 am-10 pm Fri. & Sat. 9 om-10 pm The Beetle 'General Merchandise Bottle OO Save 29' Shop 24 oz. Lansing's oldest independent VW repair shop Wyler's Lemonade Mix _ Covered Cake ft Utility Pan 149 24 oz. Container I Save 27* "Meat Ladies Pom-Pom Sneaker Sox 99c pr. Limit 1 Please with 500 Food Purchase Farmer Peet Bonanza $ ■W UU^o » Boneless Hams whole or half J 59 no° Ono" „ Oq9 •Bakery 5cO Spartan Hot Dog or 12 ct. USDA Whole Boneless COmPUTER Hamburg Buns Golden Hearth Sour Package 44c Both Goodrich's & Larry's )$318. 69* have Package Liquor ft French Bread 1#Pkg LABORATORY Schafer's Olympic full selection of your USDA Choice Boneless New York Meal Bread 20 oz. Loaf 65' Favorite Beer ft Wine Strip or Rib Eye Steaks s398 ,b •OO oO °0 oO ° 0o O®,0 ° O .Grocery. Leon's Potato Salad 79c ,b •do °0o0^ < Jif Peanut Butter ,3, Creamy or Crunchy 28 oz ja.- SUmmER SHORT COURSES O Holly Forms Fryer Leg or Spartan Plastic Cold Cups 7 oz 77' Breast Quarters 79c ib The Computer Laboratory will offer a series of non-credit short courses in computing during Muellers Sea Shell Macaroni 1#Pkg 33' Summer Term. Registration must be made by June Bush Baked Beans 28 oz Can 59' Farmer Peet Sliced Lunch Meats 30, 1978 in the User Information Center, 313 All Varieties (Except Boiled Ham) Computer Center. A $2 fee covering materials is charged for each short course; additional Coco Cola — Tab or Sprite 12 pack Cans 2" 12 oz pkg 99< materials that may be recommended for in¬ dividual courses are available in the User In¬ Nabisco Snack Crackers 77'eo formation Center. Computer time is not included Including Trlscult in the basic fee, but is available for an additional cost at the student's option; this option must be Libby Tomato Juice 32 oz Bottle 39' exercised at the time of registration. Asterisks (*) next to course numbers indicate courses that have prerequisites; for more information, call 353- 1800. 'Frozen & Dairy Introduction to Computing (100) Scotch Pak Ice Cream '/, Gallon For persons with little or no computing experience. July 5. 6, 7. 12. All Flavors 1" Introduction to the MSU 6500 (101*) For persons with experience at another computing facility, luly 10. 11. Banquet Frozen Dinners 11 oz Pkg. Chicken, Turkey or Meat Loaf 49* GOODRICH'S 12.13 3-5 p.m. Country Fresh Buttermilk 1 qt Carton on west side of MSU ot 910 Trowbridge Rd, Basic SPSS (155*1 Introduction to the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. July 18. or Skimmed Milk 3/100 Open Monday • Thursday 9 am-9 pm 20. 25.27 3-5 p.m. 9 am-10 pm Friday & Saturday Introduction to Interactive Usage (175*) ^"cfimon's Corn Oil Margarine 1# Pkg 77* 11 am*5 pm Sunday Introduction to the use oi the interactive computing facility at MSU. 351-5760 July 7-9 p.m. £) Michigon Stote News. East lonsing, Michigan Monday. June 26, 1978 Brezhnev hits 'Chinese card' 'I believe in Carter99 MOSCOW ■ AP« - Soviet Almost the same statement important was what he didn't tions a "bold and at the same said. " now they want to wait made last week in a say." said one diplomat. "This is time realistic program for stop and see what happens." President I.*onid I. Brezhnev- Tanzanian leader says was warned the Carter administra¬ 5.300-word article on C.S.¬ surely the least mention the ping completely the arms race." United States has had recent Brezhnev's speech came after tion in a major speech Sunday Soviet relations published in The Soviet leader made no the State Department issued a not to use the "Chinese card" the Communist Party news !>'•" mention of his country's in statement calling for reduced WASHINGTON (API Tanzanian Presi¬ Soviet Union that they are not being soft. Pravda. The Soviet leader said the volvement in Africa or U.S. - against the Kremlin or it "may paper U S.-Soviet tensions and an end bitterly regret it." Brezhnev also criticized the current U.N. conference on criticism of Russian interven¬ dent Julius Nyerere said Sunday he trusts They think Africa is an area where they can to "another round of rhetorical Cnited States for what he disarmament "showed that the tion in African affairs. President Carter's intentions in Africa, but prove this toughness to the Soviet Union. Efforts are being made in the leaders of big NATO countries, Another Western diplomat exchanges." worries that some of Carter's advisers are Now, this we don't like." especially the U.S.A., evident said he was surprised that Speaking at an award presen¬ trying to provoke a confrontation with the He said some in the administration want to ly do not wish to take a Africa was not brought up tation ceremony, Brezhnev Soviet Union on the continent. have the Soviets bogged down in a Vietnam¬ constructive approach to the because the Soviet govern¬ touched on the deadlocked Nyerere also dismissed concern that the like situation in Africa. Efforts ore being mode in the United States " solution of disarmament prob ment's recent policy statement East-West talks in Vienna Soviets are gaining too much influence in 'Let's create a Vietnam for them in "at a higher level and in a rather cynical form lems . criticized the U.S. position on aimed at mutual troop reduc Africa. He said African nations accept Soviet Africa.' What does this mean? What does aid with gratitude — as they also do from the creating a Vietnam for us mean?" Nyerere to ploy the Chinese card' against the "How else can one assess the Soviet involvement in Africa. lions in Central Europe. He session of the NATO council in "They've already said what said the East Bloc has United States — but are well aware that both said. "They can mean causing trouble, too, for U.S.S.R." Breihnev said. "This is a short¬ proposed Washington, where long they want to say in their two "new superpowers mainly are seeking to advance the Soviet Union — but it is causing trouble a new wide-ranging and con sighted and dangerous policy." term arms program was adop¬ major statements on Africa and crete proposals" to break the their own interests. for us. ted. while something quite op in Pravda." the Western official deadlock. The Tanzanian president was interviewed "Now, they may have reasons for causing posite, the question of curbing on the ABC News program "Issues and trouble to the Soviet Union. I would like to the arms race and of effecting Answers." know the reasons they have for causing I'nited States "at a higher level called a failure "to take disarmament, was discussed in Nyerere said he has met with Carter on the trouble to us." and in a rather cynical form to constructive approach New York at the special African issue and carried on a running He said Soviet involvement in Angola and Gener piav the Chinese the card' against C.S.S.R.." he said. "This is the arms race. But Western diplomats here al Assembly session? "The impression is that in Pollock issue discussed correspondence with the president. He said Carter has assured him "that it is not the Ethiopia was welcomed by African nations, and that aid from the Soviet bloc is welcomed short said the Soviet leader's 45- intention of his administration that they when it is needed. a sighted and dangerous Washington the NATO coun¬ policy." minute speech apparently rep¬ tries make real policy' while in (continued from page 1) The board also heard from should pick up Africa and turn it into an area "Whenever our weak countries agree to Brezhnev, speaking in the resented a response to Wash New York they took part in attend the John Masterson, associate pro¬ of confrontatidn between the superpowers. take assistance from the superpowers, a est Russian city of Minsk, ington's call for a "lowering of powerlifting champ¬ "I believe in President Carter," Nyerere discussions for appearance's fessor of mathematics, and especially the superpowers, and especially if voices" because the tone was ionships in Nashua, New Hamp¬ said. "He's an honest person, and once he has apparently was referring to sake in order to avoid being shire. Ashraf el-Bayoumi, professor of that assistance is military, we are running a National Security Adviser relatively soft compared with justly criticized and censured," chemistry, concerning the said to me, 'Look, Mr. President, this is not risk all the time." Zbigniew Brzezinski.whom the other major addresses this Brezhnev said. "The Peking "Mrs. Pollock's efforts en¬ plight of Sami Esmail. what we intend to do,' I have no reason to He said when the Soviet Union or the Soviet press identifies as the year in which he focused on and rulers are acting in unison with abled me to make the trip to the disbelieve him. United States aid a country they are "not U.S. official leading the Carter bitterly attacked Carter admin¬ this position." AAU (Amateur Athletic Esmail is a 23-year-old MSU "But there is this competition about basically doing this in order to support that administration into closer rela- istration policies. Brezhnev said the Russians Nationals. As a repre- graduate student being held in superpowers, and there are voices in his country. They would like to, a bit, to control t on* with Peking. "I think what very Israel who was recently con¬ administration who would like to prove to that country, also." was submitted at the United Na¬ ve of MSU. I won first the i my weight class and set victed of membership in an four national and world re¬ outlawed Palestinian organiza cords." said Jordan's letter. tion and sentenced to 15 Use of solar power necessary "Now that I am the World months imprisonment. continued from page of solar energy but there needs to be more Champion Powerlifter for 1978 the editors of Sports Illustrated to They called for the trustees petition the Israeli govern¬ Library group to sponsor sale 3i effort want an official' of Michigan ment as soon as possible for If one man's junk is another Esmail's immediate release. donated by people from the Okemos Library, 2142 Clinton "We depend on the rest of the world for most made in building solar heated homes. State University to present me man's treasure, the Friends of of our natural resources and because the U.S. with my trophy for television Street, Okemos from 10 a.m. to "None of the systems available for solar Emphasizing that Esmail's the Okemos Branch of the buys most of its energy from overseas we have to broadcast." the letter read. 9 p.m. conviction is matter that Ingham County Library could Money raised from the sale equipment can pay back the money invested in a have world trade." Kline said. "The only person that should will go towards the preserva¬ less than 30 years." he said "Unless you are a should not be "taken lightly" make a small fortune. present that award to me is tion of the Jesse Turner Collec¬ Anyone wishing to contribute He said the State of Michigan imports 96 they stressed the need for the The Friends are sponsoring a do-it-yourselfer, you can't afford to have a Mary Pollock," concluded Jor¬ tion. their junk-treasure to the cause percent of its energy from overseas. solar heated home. board to issue a statement of sale Wednesday which includes is invited to drop it off at the dan's letter. concern regarding Esmail's con¬ used books, records, magazines The sale will be held on the library during regular library Listing solar energy as the number one option He said when controls taken off oil and Moser also said issues such as to the energy problem, Kline explained that solar cost are viction and imprisonment. and sheet music that have been lawn in front of the Hope Borbas hours. natural gas solar energy will become more Pollock's firing are easily ig¬ technology is ready to be used, but is at present nored and for that reason asked 'tie understood and poorly applied. competitive, but what is needed is more tax laws that would reward instead of penalize people for the board to respond to the He said there are now many minor applications being solar voiced demands by today. State News Newsline • Good Driving Record? j Beginning of Summer j Bad Driving Record? S SANDAL 355-8252 | GREAT RATES j FOR BOTH | WILLIAMS; MSU '68 SALE NOW! just in time for the hot weather get a new pair of sandals to cool off in. WOMEN'S / SAVE '•SHOES / UP TO Closed For /•sandals' Inventory •CLOGS Values to $35.00 Thursday June 29 at 1:00 97 Main closed all pm 5" to 24 /•SHOES MEN'S store day thru Bare Traps. Bass, Bort Carleton, ( larks. Dexter. Diesse. Dunhams. Encore. Red Hot. Sbicea. Shoes n' June 30 Stuff plus manv more 2028 pair on •SANDALS! 97 Hall stores open June 30 Special Grouping 10" to 24 Bass, Clarks, Dexter, Lacon- 235 pair la. Portage. El Padnno plus many more. 1250 pair c Mens & Womens Boys & Girls Kresge Art Building will be closed ATHLETIC Oper June 29 and open June 30 FOOTWEAR tonight til 6 8" to 15"AAl'. Converse, Thurs. & Fri. til 9 Slimmer hour* "In the center «/campus " Hull shop hours M .STL Bootei ":30 nm-3:30 pm 7:30 iim-5:1 3 pm FOR THE WOMEN - FORTHE MEN BOOM 1IOBI B225 E. Grand between RiverMAC & Abbot, • East217Lansing E. Grand River "Sf Michigon Stote News, Eost Lonsing, Michigo Mondoy, June 26. 1978 7 (fiMtFteniiuffiMiM 'RUTTY HAItY'S' LIFK SHORT 'Sweet Alice'first-rate film By DAVE 1H MARTINO genceand sheer artfullness. 'Last Waltz' is Band's best In Safe Place State News Reviewer keeping with the tradition being re released Nicholson movie. Allied Artists has re re of 1971s A as leased Alice, Sweet Alice, this time billed as a Jack Most films of this genre generally rely on shock effects to arouse their audience. Typically, such films have little else to fall back on in the way of substance BUT those Waltz" sequence cording "Evangeline" with the effects; the resulting mood of alienation the By BILL HOLDSHIP which frames the scene fades to The Band State News Staff Writer • apparently wanted the film to the studio recording lovely Emmylou Harris, and a starring "Pretty Babv" Brooke Shields, audience feels is not a purposeful one and performing Elvis Presley's therefore isn't entirely related to the film. As usual, the reports all hit mething more than a scenes shot in shades of blues, rendition of their classic "The "Mystery Train" with blues Unfortunately. Shields is on the screen for Thus, the film fails. Lansing before the movie. Af¬ lentary, and what he greens, and reds, the film is a Weight" with the The Staple harpist Paul Butterfield; The all "\ fifteen minutes before being knocked work of artistic visual delight. These studio Not so with Alice. The film incorporates a ter viewing the area premiere > a Singers, which will no doubt Band mention the early Tin Pan out and set afire in what stand as the definitive appears to be a rich symbolism involving masks, raincoats, at the Meridian 8 Theaters last i the mystical "Last scenes include The Band re- now Alley pop composers like cedar chest. Cynics might suggest that her Friday night, this reviewer is version of that gem. Carole King and Neil Diamond, pointed objects and the whole of the Catholic forced The Last The concert footage is inter ;• significantly Church, and does so in a methodical, orderly to concur — and the scene becomes concert than her perfoi fashion that is entirely calculated to elicit a Waltz is unquestionably the cut with an interview Scorsese footage of Diamond; The Band Pretty Baby, hut of cours did with The Band late discuss the excitement of rock, specific audience response. That response is a greatest rock documentary at night, the point. combination of fear, anonymity and chaos - ever filmed. The Last Waltz documents what was supposedly The Band's final performance to THE BAND catching them at their most Musically, The Band demonstrate that they and the scene becomes Van What IS the point. howt Sweet disguised Alice as is a another E* first : Alice, and what's all the more remarkable is the Alice succeeds on this level without postula ting the existence of occult forces and are totally factor which chast becoming mired in the resulting, improbable worthy of their international fame may gether at San Francisco's Win exphlr THE away. Unlike Damien li r PT drerk. In fact, much to its credit, the terland Auditorium on Thanks by taking the viewer on a musical journey fodder, Alice consistently succeeds on almost essential plot of Alice is an entirely realistic giving Day in 1976. Winterland through their own roots. level, particularly the psychological that was chosen because it was the . . every one might very well happen in real life. first place the group had per¬ relaxed and candid level. Seem¬ The Finally, the underlying mood of human Morrison performing storyline isn't complex; in a variation formed as The Band, and as ingly boring in concept, the of the Bad Seed theme. Alice, older sister of absurdity — ranging from the masks and "Caravan." This is undoubtedly Alice's budding sexuality to an unbelievably- leader Robbie Robertson states interview is brilliantly insight Brooke, is a disturbed, brattish adolescent the film's high point, and if at the film's beginning: "We grotesque neighbor, shaven bald and weigh LAST ful and often hysterical, there was an Oscar for "Most ■ompet wanted it to be more than a ing in at what must be close to 400 pounds especially when Richard Excitement in a Film," lovable Brooke but simply can'1 Alice concert: we wanted it to be a gives Alice an air of detached bleakness that, Manuel offers his comedic off Morrison would surely grab it. her younger sister continually unt celebration." The celebration the-wall comments. These seg by way of casting alone, must have been Especially interesting is the ally, on the morning of her F included, among other things, Communion, Brooke is pulled oi entirely purposeful and therefore all the ments not only offer insight concert'film finale where the more admirable. The music is Thanksgiving dinner for 5,000, into what it means to a band on appropriately entire "cast" join Dylan onstage eerie and "surprise" appearances by the road, but also into what the raincoated figure - who the audit throughout, and the combination of for "I Shall Be Released." Neil sound the following rock and roots and imagery brings to my mind rock genre means as a whole. Young looks pleasantly rock n to believe is Alice - and knocked ot Soon, a luminaries: Bob Dylan, Eric nothing so much as the cover picture of the Musically, The Band demon rolled high with his broad grin. lells « and ■stig; tes, finding Doors' Strange Days album, which is high Clapton, Van Morrison, Neil strates that they are totally Joni Mitchell looks deadly the burned corpse of Brooke nd therebv praise indeed. Young, Dr. John, Joni Mitchell, worthy of their international serious. Ringo looks bored. Paul Butterfield, Ronnie fame by taking the viewer on a Morrison looks at Dylan as if to of the film centers on Alice and Alice, Sweet Alice is being shown at th Hawkins, Muddy Waters, Neil musical journey through the sav, "I don't care who you are ous raincoated killer, who may or iladmer Theater in Lansing and as part of Diamond, Ron Wood, and Ringo history of rock in general. "cause I'm Van the Man." etc.. the same character. By and large. loubit- feature with Devil's Nightmare - Starr. A feeling of celebration is The film's editing makes this The Last Waltz is a great film exactly what the movie cap work at its best: The Band for everyone. Non rockers will tures. Robertson asked veteran discuss the influence of blues on enjoy it for the insight that can director Martin Scorsese (Taxi rock, and the scene dissolves to be derived. And it would be a Driver, New York, New York) the group backing up Muddy- real shame for any true rock 'n to film the event, and, much to Waters on "Mannish Boy"; The roller to miss a film that has everyone's surprise, he agreed. The Last Waltz is the first rock concert to be filmed with Band discuss the musical melting pot of Memphis, and "PLAY THIS FILM LOUD "for its opening credit. Taylor, Coleman at Carnegie Hall the intentions of a major motion picture in mind. Unlike Wood¬ stock and Concert for Bangla¬ desh, the film is intended for a large screen, and the music was Genesis: with three left, recorded with the film as opposed to the synchingin technique used in earlier docu inspiration takes back seat By JOHN NEILSON State News Reviewer Neil Simon's 'Sunshine Boys' Genesis.. 19173) . . And Then There Were Three . . . I Atlantic SD Genesis is a band with an incredible amount of musical talent taste, and imagination. This potential, however, only serves t< superb new BoarsHead effort frustrate the listener when the band cannot seem to come uf with the brilliant albums they are capable of producing. After the release of the over-ambitious yet still excellent By ROSANNE SINGER contrast in personality reminis¬ has paced the action well, and Lamb Lies Down on Broadway in 1974, the band suffered "Tonight is for laughing." A cent of Felix and Oscar from the play rarely lags, which can major blow when founding member Peter Gabriel left for a solo fitting director's note for a Neil The Odd Couple easily happen when the central career. Gabriel was Genesis' lyricist'singer, and his on Simon comedy. And the audi¬ Peakes is completely belie¬ characters are over 70 and theatrics had been one of the group's focal points, so it looked ence reacted just that way at vable as the stubborn, tempera¬ neither speak nor move quick- for a while like Genesis was washed up for good. the Friday night opening of The mental, slovenly Willie who Their next LP. Trick of the TaJe. proved that this was nc Sunshine Boys at the Boars loves his nephew but won't case. Drummer Phil Collins, who had often sung backing vocals Head Theater. admit it for the world. He has Most of the action occurs in for Gabriel, stepped into the spotlight to replace him, wit For 13 years in a row now, some trouble, however, main¬ Willie's room in an old hotel in considerable success. The album went on to be one of the group the BoarsHead has included a taining the image of old age. New York City. Set designer biggest sellers. Neil Simon play in its summer However, both Trick of the Tale and thp next album. Wind and Wuthering had their share of problems. The drama and The Sunshine Boys is about Director Richard Thomsen has paced the ac¬ eccentricity which had characterized so many of Gabriel's songs moter George Wein claimed former vaudeville was less apparent in the new material. In their place were the that it was the first time thai partners tion well, and the play rarely lags, which Lewis and Clark. Now both in sticky romanticism of "Your Own Special Way" and Ripples" Taylor and Coleman were fea their 70s, the two men haven't can easily happen . . . and the kiddie cuteness of "Trick of the Tales" and "All in a tured together at a major seen each other in 11 years. Mouse's Night." concert. Unfortunately, there And there's Ruth was no interaction between the a good reason. especially during the vaudeville Long has recreated as "Now Genesis has released . . . And Then There Were Three After a performance on the Ed sketch rehearsal. run down a room as one could ... - and the promise is still unfulfilled. The recent departure two groups, and it's unlikely Sullivan Show 11 years ago, A1 Richard Thomsen Al Lew¬ wish. Door paint is peeling and there could be. as of Hackett has left the remaining three to fill a musical void Pianist Cecil Taylor Lewis announced he was retir¬ is plays a more consistently old fading, stuffing is coming out os (hence the album's title), and unfortunately this means an even ing from show business. man and is wonderful as a a chair and a worn trunk stands greater reliance on keyboards. For some reason, too. the music Clark's nephew, Ben Silver¬ dignified gentleman trying to half-open. seems more restrained than on previous efforts, only man, is a television agent who tries to reunite the partners for keep his composure while Wil¬ lie rants and raves. A clever touch is a black-and- white framed photograph of occasionally displaying the power of their musicianship. All this is not to say that .. . And Then There Were Three LEARN a CBS tribute to the history of B. Douglas Schirner as Wil¬ Willie and Al in their vaudeville is by any means a bad album — nothing the group has done KARATE ... comedy. Clark won't forgive lie's nephew Ben is suitably days. However, Willie has now deserves that charge. It only seems that Genesis is biding its Lewis but finally agrees to a harried dealing with his exasp¬ strung a tie across Al's face in time, polishing their sound, and becoming increasingly more reunion. The two men get erating uncle and is appropri¬ the photo. commercial. together and attempt to recre¬ ately cast in the role of straight The Sunshine Boys runs The MSU Karate Club will begin classes tomorrow night Tuesday. June 27th, ate one of their old vaudeville man. However, he is not that through July 9th at Fitzgerald Park in Grand Ledge. It is a at 6 p.m. in the sports arena of the Men's IM. Coed dosses for beginners sketches. Trouble ensues. funny and appears too stiff and intermediates, and advanced students will be held on Tuesday s and Thursday s. John Peakes and Richard uncomfortable on stage, pleasant summer night's enter¬ Thomsen star as Willie Clark and A1 Lewis. They provide a very funny. Director Richard Thomsen tainment. CAMPUS Classes will be taught by expert block belt instructors. Learn Karate as an art, a sport, and as a method of self-defense with the oldest and largest karate ENGLISH CLASSES FOR club in the Midwest. FOREIGN STUDENTS BEGINNING THRU PIZZA — Blue Oyster Cult warned: ADVANCED Monday Special . . . FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL MSU KARATE CALL 351-9020 FREE LITER OF COKE 351-4471 aftern99^im lasers hazardous health , to with every pizza tv* mm WASHINGTON (API - Rock fans look out: the latest hazard on the consumer front may be the laser beams used for pulsating light shows at rock concerts. HOT Alt 371-1795 (you don't even hove to ask) Be a Plasma Doner! That's what the Food and Drug Administration thinks, although 310 W. Grand River 337-1639 s6.00 cash paid for each donation it says there is no evidence that the piercing lights have damaged anyone's eyesight. M 0.00 cash paid for second donation if you But the regulatory agency has gotten a hard rock group called donate twice in one week the Blue Oyster Cult to agree to make safety improvements to avoid harming the eyes of themselves, their crew, or concertgoers, FDA spokesperson Wayne Pines said last Wednesday. The FDA, which regulates lasers because they emit radiation, ■Itansmission COME TO: YOU MUST BE 18 AND SHOW 2 PIECES OF I.D. HELP SAVE LIVES' BE A PLASMA DONOR checked out the rock group's act at concerts in Dayton, Ohio, in ■ Maintenance It takes only I', hours and used for Special is March and in Atlanta in April. 1. Children's Innovations "The investigation showed that the way they used their laser AMERICAN 2. Tetonus Voccine 3. Burn Therapy lights could expose themselves and consumers — the audience — to excessive radiation," said Pines, adding that if the light beam is • Change transmission fluid. PLASMA DONOR 4. Cancer Research $095 Hemophelia Therapy 5. intense enough it could harm the retina of the viewer's eye. » Adjust bands., CENTER The agency told the band either to lower the intensity of their • Clean screen. lasers or to make sure no one came in contact with the beams. The ■ Replace pan-gasket. 2827 GR. RIVER AVE. band has agreed to make safety improvements, including technical adjustments to the equipment housing the laser projector. Pines • Complete road test. ^ plus fluid E.LANSING, MICH, said. phone 351-2620 He said that although no injuries have been found, "we want to prevent it from happening... We are also concerned about the use of lasers in discotheques and planetariims and in many kinds of 6026S.Cedar393-7540 10 a.m. • 6:30 p.m. Tues. 8 Wed. displays." At both concerts and discos, laser lights are used to bathe the Cat Miller) 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Fri. 8 Sat. hall in a kaleidoscope of lights that throb to the beat of the music. Monday, June 26. 1978 0 Michigon Stote News, Eost Lansing, Michigan FINDS MINORS HARDER Gibson takes first step By JERRY BRAl'DE that the league I'm in right now tougher," Gibson said. "In col¬ State News Sports Writer is tougher," Gibson said. lege, I received a lot of curve "I feel thof things are on the way up now," In his first year of collegiate Gibson also finds minor balls, but in this league, they baseball, senior Kirk Gibson just blow it right by you. You Gibson said. "I'm hitting between .200 and league baseball to be harder found a new talent and decided than college baseball. have to concentrate and can't .250 right now. I'm not striking out as much to make an attempt at playing "The pitching is especially be lazy." either, I also hit a homerun against Dundee America's national pastime for Gibson will be coming back to a career. Now. he is taking his MSU this fall for one final Saturday night." first professional step toward season of football. Gibson's major problem in his first year of "I'm still pretty fired up for that ambition. college ball was his fielding with 14 errors. The 6 foot 2, 214-pound pro¬ football season," Gibson said. "I still enjoy playing it a lot." But, so far, his fielding has been flawless in duct of Waterford, Mich., is Yet. Gibson has second the Flordia State League. now playing minor league base no ball in Lakeland in the Detroit thoughts about choosing base¬ "It's amazing," Gibson said. "I've been get¬ Tiger farm system. He was the ball over football as a career. Gibson, a power hitter, feels ting to the fly balls pretty well." Tigers first pick and the elev¬ enth selection overall in the that the ball does not carry major league baseball free- very well in Florida. agent draft in June. "The wind blows around "Being picked by the Tigers a was a funnel cloud that was under the lights. Yet. he lot. and you have to take that huge. The thunder was the doesn't find much difficulty in meant a lot to me." Gibson said into consideration," Gibson loudest I ever heard before." making the adjustment. in a telephone conversation said. "Saturday night during "I like playing at night more from his Lakeland hotel room. the second game of the double- Gibson didn't play any night because it's so hot during the "I'd like to play close to my header, it was really thunder¬ games in college, but is now day." Gibson said. "I don't have home in Waterford. It had an effect on me choosing to play ing and lightning. There also playing most of his games a problem with the lights. baseball." During the twilight is the most Although Gibson started off difficult time to play. When the slowly in Lakeland, he feels ball comes off the bat. you can't that he is making progress. see it." "I feel that things are on the Gibson played football for way up now." Gibson said. "I'm hitting between .200 and .250 right now. I'm not striking out Grades take their toll; MSU his first three years, then decided this year to play base- hall instead of spring football. as much, either. I also hit a "Coach (Darryl) Rogers was homerun against Dundee Sat¬ urday night." Gibson's major problem in his first year of college ball was his Spartans lose Russell in favor of me going out for baseball my junior year, in¬ stead of attending spring foot By MIKEKLOCKE classroom, he'll have to spend an additional ball so that had a lot to do with fielding, with 14 errors. But so State News Sports Writer year at junior college. it." Gibson said. far. his fielding has been flaw¬ MSU's top basketball recruit this year. "A lot of people don't understand the junior less in the Florida State In his sophomore year. Gib¬ Walker D. Russell of Pontiac Central, lost the college transfer rules," Heathcote said. son led the Big Ten in pass league. battle with his grades and he won't be wearing The loss of Russell will be painful for MSU "It's amazing." Gibson said. since he was expected to step in and start at receptions 130) and yardage a Spartan uniform next season. gained i486), being named to Photo by Scott Bellinger "I've been getting to the fly Russell, a two-time All State selection who the "strong guard" position that Bob Chap the Big Ten's first team. Last balls pretty well." led his team to the state Class A finals this man occupied before graduation. MSI senior Sue Ertl. shown here in action with the Spartan women's golf team, Gibson is playing on the "A" Russell. 6 foot-4, is the younger brother of year. Gibson was named to Big spring, will attend a junior college and not be Thursday added the Spring Lake Invitational Golf Tournament to her list of level, the lowest of the minor eligible to play for a major college for at least Campy Russell, former University of Michi¬ Ten's second team. championships. Ertl. who has one year of eligibility remaining at MSL\ defeated leagues, but he feels that it's a another year. gan All-American and now a pro star with the This spring, however, he Merle Windatt. 5 and 4. in the finals of the match play event. An Ionia native, difficult league. Cleveland Cavaliers. MSU head basketball coach Jud Heathcote enjoyed a much more successful Ertl was the medalist at the Big Ten women's golf meet her sophomore year and "One guy came down from In the younger Russell's junior year. baseball season. He was named Double A ball and was disappointed with the loss of Russell, but Pontiac Central eliminated in the state tied for top honors this spring. thought he said he hopes the Pontiac native will attend was first-team All American by the MSU after a year or two at a junior college. quarterfinals. The Chiefs were knocked out of NCAA coaches, and along with the tourney in the semi-finals during Russell's "Well, we're disappointed that he did not Michigan's Rick Leach, was a sophomore season. unanimous pick for the all-Big make the grades he had to; but we're still Despite the loss of Russell, Heathcote still Gullett wins third straight 4-2 Ten team. hoping that he'll be in Spartan uniform." has a fine nucleus of recuits which will add to Heathcote explained that, in order for his team's depth. Gerald Busby, a 6 foot-4 Gibson also broke the MSU records for home runs and runs Russell to transfer after one year at a junior leaper who led Buchanan to the State Class B as though Detroit would finally batted in with 16 and 52, By STATE NEWS college, he must attain 36 credits of 2.5 work. championship, and Rob Gonzalez, of Detroit and United Press International stop the streak of Yankee If Russell does not do that well in the Catholic Central, are other top recruits. respectively, while batting Don Gullett. with four outs of relief help from Rich Gossage. Yankees take three pitcher Ron Guidry. The Tigers took a 1-0 lead .390. won his third straight game into the ninth, on the strength coming off the disabled of Ron LeFlore's home run since HOSPITALIZED WITH BLEEDING ULCER list by pitching the New York Yankees to a 4-2 victory over the Detroit Tigers Sunday. of four in Detroit leading off the game. Dave Rozema seemingly wasoutduel ing the unbeaten Guidry. Catcher Thurman Munson drove in two runs for the Reggie Jackson was scratch¬ ed from the Yankee lineup just two-run single by Steve Kemp. run But. behind Jackson's home and Pinellas run-producing Mantle's condition still improving Yankees with a pair of singles In the second inning, how single, the Yankees rallied for Mickey greatest switch-hitter in the history of the game. Mantle's and rookie Damasco Garcia had prior to the game. A Yankee DALLAS tUPIl - Former New York Yankees slugger ever, the Yankees tied the four runs and held on for a 4 2 trademark was a brute strength that enabled him to hit baseballs two hits and scored three runs spokesperson said there was Mantle, hospitalized with a bleeding ulcer. Friday improved and as New York tagged rookie "no physical reason" for Jack game when two runners scored doctors said he might be released soon. far enough to create the term "Tape Measure Home Run." son's benching. He was sche after winning pitcher Jim Mantle, 47, Hall of Famer who hit 536 home runs during his Mantle hit 536 career home runs which ranks sixth on the all-time Steve Baker with his first loss a duled to bat sixth instead of his Slaton uncorked a wild pitch, Guidry is currently the hot career with the Yankees, was admitted to the intensive care unit of list. He added 18 in World Series play as a member of 12 pennant in two decisions. and catcher Milt May threw test pitcher in pro baseball with winning and seven world championship Yankee teams. He led the New York scored twice in the customary fourth spot, but was a 12 0 record. Brookhaven Medical Center Wednesday in critical condition. But by fifth to take a 3-1 lead, with replaced by Lou Pinella. wildly to Slaton covering the Friday he had improved. American League in homers four times with 37 in 1955, 52 in 1956, Graig Nettles driving in one Sunday's Yankee win com plate. That set the stage for As a result of the series, the "He was seriously ill and was critical but we took him off that 42 in 1957 and 40 in 1960. run with a sacrifice fly and pleted the four-game series Thompson's game-winning hit. Tigers slide even further back list," Dr. Frank J. Altick said. "I can assure you now he's very much Three times Mantle was named the American League's Most with the New Yorkers taking into the Valuable Player and narrowly missed the honor on two other Chris Chambhss singling home pack of the American okay. He's taking food and doing a lot better." the other. Munson singled home three of the four contests. In Friday's 12-3 New York League East Division. Pending Mantle was a switch hitting slugger who replaced Joe DiMaggio occasions. In 1956, one of those "most valuable" seasons. Mantle runs in the third and ninth Saturday night. Detroit de¬ win. the Tigers were never the outcome of Boston's game in center field for the Yankees and later joined him in the baseball became one of only 11 players in major league history to win the feated the Yankees, 4-3, with really in the game. Starting with Baltimore Sunday, Detroit Hall of Fame. Triple Crown when he led the league in batting .353, homers 52 and Gullett. 3-0. gave up a sec first baseman Jason Thompson pitcher Bob Sykes was rocked is in fifth place, 14 and one half Named by his father after Mickey Cochrane, Hall of Fame catcher runs-batted-in 132. He also led the league in runs scored that year driving in Lou Whitaker, who hard by the New York hitters. for the Philadelphia Athletics, the muscular youngster from with 130. ond inning run when Lance games behind the Red Sox. Parrish followed a Mickey Stan had doubled, with the winning Chris Chambliss ; the key Spavinaw, Okla., ran from home to first in 3.1 and became the run in the third. Also, this weekend is the ley double with a single, and for the Yankees w a Brand first time this season Detroit the Tigers used similar hits After New York had taken a slam homerun. from Lou Whitaker and Rusty 10 lead in the top of the first, has dipped under the .500 (Delivery Available) No check* accepted the Tigers came back with mark. The Bengals are now Staub to close the gap to a three run-., highlighted by a 33 34 for the year. Ctfsarj- Medium Pizza Bu*»nv at thu Regular Price get the jWterraoherb . . . The Count sex, "Take my Identical Pizza FREE advice and donate blood, I did." NEW LOCATION Must have coupon e One 1203 E. Grand River 213 ANN ST. - EAST LANSING 337-1631 PHONE 332-0361 BLOOD DRIVE OPEN DAILY 9:30 A.M. 10 9:00 P.M. NEW STORE Students, Faculty, Staff 2380 E.Grand River SATURDAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. 247-348 0»n Health Center Laming 10 am-4 pm WOMEN'S COUNSELING Thwreday Jvly 20, '78 I'M'ESySL'H (Delivery Available) No checks accepted CENTER Call between June 26-July 7 Buy >ny LARGE to make an appointment FREE • Pregnancy tests »' r Piiza for tha • Family planning S problem Dick Kennedy 3-5353 V PRICE ... of Lorraine Oemoresf pregnancy counseling Susan leavitt 5 8324 a amall ■ __ ■ VALUABLE COUPON • Confidential & concerned counseling for men & women Rosmond Horton Deak Walters 3 8793 5 5115 B I^ PIZZAI I1 Free Admission ! BobDaniher 5-3314 • Educational literature & referrals Irene Main - 5-6550 ■ Must have coupon e One coupon per order 332*3554 DanBeachnau 5-2221 Coupon good Mon.. June 26 and | 927 E. Grand River. Suite 83 Butch St.ffler Elaine Wall 3 4900 5 0290 |WLMMr A Tues., June 27,1978 Sunoco Station ot Bogue Street entrance Across from aaaaa ■ Michigon Stote News, Eost Loosing, Michigan Monday. June 26, 1976 9 Costume workshop held fBeoulij'ut (jOwhl Announcements for It's What's Hospitalized children enjoy BY DARLKNE DONLOE caring for them," Cyr said. Artifacts, wet cleaning, cause of an expressed need for clothing and textile depart¬ Claudia Kid well, costume Happening must be received in the State News office, 343 Student working with plants and flowers while recuperating. Have fun with hwjin ul documentation of collections. ments to organize their col curator for the Smithsonian Services Bldg., by noon at least them' Apply for Horticulture Ther¬ Only a human and environ lections to be more accessible Institution, spoke on the docu¬ two class days before publication. apy, 26 Student Services Bldg. mental design major would and useful to faculty and stu mentation of collections and No announcements will be accept Elizabeth A. Coleman, costume ed by phone. probably be familiar with these dents. Here is where the bride's dreams MSU Volleyball Club meets terms. curator for the Brooklyn Mu The purpose of the workshop from 7 to 9 tonight and Thursday become a reality These concepts, as well as seum, spoke on the facilities for MSU Chess Club will meet at 7 beginning with was to share past experiences in Gym III. Men's IM Building. All others, were discussed and with others in managing and storage and conservation of p.m. Tuesdays this term in 205 welcome. her first visit with our Bridal analyzed during the Historic artifacts. Horticulture Bldg. using college costume col- Enjoy the company of 3 4 and Consultant then the selection Costume and Textile Workshop Each topic concerning his 5 year olds while supervising them held June 21 through 24 at toric costume collections has of her Bridal stationery, listing of Cyr said clothing and textile Learn KARATE1 Classes held at during (ire school story hour. One Kellogg Center for Continuing professors can learn how to problems related to it, such as 6 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday in to three hours per week. Contact Education. her preferences in our Gift turn their historic costume finding a building to renovate the Sports Arena, Men's IM 26 Student Services Bldg. The workshop, sponsored by collections into more useful and store the clothing and Building. MSU KARATE Club, Registry, and choosing memor¬ the Department of Human En getting funding. oldest and best in the Midwest1 teaching tools. Lansing area residents of Far able gifts for the wedding party vironment and Design, College "We East origin need assistance with of Human Ecology and MSU "We hope we can stimulate a hope to foster coopera¬ from our Fine Jewelry collection. tive efforts toward solutions to "Go to the Highest. First'" A conversational English. Flexible Continuing Education Service, professor's thinking andfarrive Transcendental Meditation Lec hours No special background was held to exchange ideas and at innovative guidelines for common problems among de ture will be held at 3 p.m. and 7:30 required. Details in 26 Student concepts on the many facets of setting up collections, using and partments," Cyr said. p.m. Tuesday in 334 Union historic costume upkeep and management. Kathy Cyr, curatorial assist¬ ant in the Department of Hu¬ -Incol )S()ll'S man Environment and Design, said college professors in the historic costume field are find mselves more and more Curators are generally re¬ sponsible for the care and superintendence of the historic costumes, exhibits and the museum itself. "Professors from all nation are coming together to exchange their views on a number of aspects," Cyr said. The four-day program in¬ cluded speeches from visiting human environment and design professors, group discussions and slide tape presentations ranging from handling and registering museum objects to exhibition techniques. The workshop evolved be¬ Waylon Jennings Jessie Colter Asleep at the Wheel Sunday, July 9, 8 pm LANSING CIVIC CENTER RESERVED SEATS: $6.50 & $7.50 MAIL ORDER ONLY Liberty Bell Productions P 0 Box 12088 Lansing Michigan 48901 (send self addressed stamped envelope) Wednesdays at 7 & 9:30pm in FAIRGHILD THEATRE JUNE 28 SUNSET BOULEVARD (1950) B&W llOmin. With Gloria Swanson, William Holdcn & Erich Von Stroheim. JULY 5 WITNESS FOR THE PROSECUTION (1957) B&W 114 min. With Tyrone Power, Marlene Dietrich & Charles Laughton. JULY 12 THE APARTMENT (1960) B&W 125 min. With Jack Lemmon, Shirley Maclaine, Fred MacMurray & Edie Adams. JULY 19 IRMA LA DOUCE (1963) Color 142 min. With jack Lemmon, Shirley Maclaine & Lou Jacobi. ) ULY 26 THE PRIVA TE LIFE OF SHERLOCK HOLMES (1970) color 125 min. With Robert Stephens & Monday. Jane 26. 1978 10 Michigan Stole News Eost loosing Michigan 88$t&' * gB ' 1m i l l Employment if Apartments Apartments <7s? I Houses ][£, [ For Sale ][$>] [ Real Estate !(«j Typiil Sirvici"j| Classified Advertising QUIET 1 bedroom apartment, SINGLE, MALE preferred INSTANT CASH. We're pay¬ NEAR MSU, brick b alumi¬ COPYGRAPH SERVICE. ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE ad ONE BEDROOM, furnished, num ranch, $15,900. Call Tom Complete dissertation and Information agency, service existing ac air, water included Available vacant soon, rent negotiable, very quiet and private MSU 3 ing $1-$2 for albums shape. WAZOO RECORDS, in good Kevelighan 321-6281 or resume service. Corner MAC 337 0715 4 6 28(41 cats OK Call 351 1755 5 to 9 blocks, parking, no cooking and Grand River. 8:30 a.m.- counts, some copy and now 223 Abbott, 337 0947. CENTURY 21 HUBBELL 321 - lONf 3SS I2S5 jit Student Service! Ildg media. Write 215 S. Grand p.m. 5-6 30 (4) facility. 337 9633. 7-7-6 (4) C-7 6-30(4) 1000.87-5 (41 5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. Ave Lansing. 48933. 10a.m.-5p.m. Saturday. 337- 311 BEAL has summer 1975 LOG Ranch, nestled in a 4 6 30(61 Pine Lake Thank you for vacancies, single/double 355- COUCHES $35, chairs $10. 1666. C-7-6-30(7) First come, first serve. cove on 13 acres. Fantastic 1 1 day • W* par lina 5683. 6-7-5 (3) Ma OMl WEEKLY NEWSPAPER near Apartment! coming back to BEECHWOOD APART¬ of a kind farmette with Garage cluttered? Sell those 3 days K>« p*r lina needs advertising abundance of wildlife & I campus 1 WOMAN needed for sum¬ MENTS. 1130 Beech. 332- extra bicycles fast with a i days - 7$( par lina 6080 Marsh Rd trees. Field stone fireplace, | J 170 manager, sales talent re sublet. Own room in 0052 between noon and 5 quick-action Classified ad! mer big basement, 2 car garage b K 3 M II 00 11 40 1 days • 70< par lina quired, experience helpful. Flexible schedule, may also Meridian Mall Area DELTA ARMS furnished house. Close to p.m. 8-7 5 (71 covered log patio. 15 miles to *165 plus utilities Call 351 5394 or Instructions > ft II FRAN 1700 campus. East Lansing. lina rata par insartia do double duty as reporter. $100 WATERBED package- Fio" Call 625 3181 before 5 p.m. now filled 351 9349. 6-7-5 (6) WESTON REALTY 882 bed, liner, heater, fill kit, Tuesday, July 27 or after July 0257, 882 1558. 4 6-26(11) CLASS AND private instruc¬ MALE STUDENTS single algaecide. New stock: magic 5 877(10) mushroom growing kits, tion on guitar, banjo, fiddle, 3 lines 'i 00 5 do,! 80' per l.ne over for summer rooms. 332 5791 after 5:30. [ Hicrutioi ||~H)| mandolin, dulcimer and auto- Econolinel - whippets, paraquate testers, weekends anytime. 2-6-26 (4) 3 lines No od|us«meni m rote when cancelled PART TIME. weekends. and fall absinthe mix. Plus all your harp. Begins July 5th. Pr.ce of item(s) must be stoted m od Mammwm UNIVERSITY STANDARD high supplies- WHITE ELDERLY INSTRUMENTS. EAST LANSING. 2 or 3 LANSING COMMUNITY so/a price of '50 351 0770 2 6 28(3) MONKEY, 117 N. Harrison 541 East Grand River, East months, great location, cook¬ COLLEGE Wilderness Camp¬ Poongti Personal ods • 3 lines 2 25 per insertion 339-8192 ing, furnished. Call 484-2164 Road (across from Sir Pizza.) Lansing. 332 4331. BILINGUAL EXECUTIVE ROOMMATE FOR fully fur- ing and Canoeing School. C-7-6-30(10l ' 75' per l.ne over 3 l.nes (prepayment) nished. Pool, sauna, air, 882- or 351-4697. 7-6-30 14) 4-6-26 (101 Includes 8 day Ontario canoe be able to Rummoga Garage Sale ods • 4 lines • '2 50 secretary must Evening! 8556. 14 7-10 13) trip. August 5-18. Deadline relocate within Michigan. BLACK DIRT, sod farm soil. Buying stereo equip¬ 63' per line over 4 lines per insertion. 1 FEMALE, own room, $70/ July 5. 373-7130. 7-7-3 (7) new Must speak, read and write Approximately 5'/? yards de¬ ment? Sell the old for extra Round Town ods ■ 4 l.nes '2 50 per insertion German and have excellent TWO BEDROOM apartment, month, Beal Street. 337-2350. livered locally. $40. 641-6024 63' per line over 4 lines. Lost I Founds ods Transportation ads • 3 lines '1 50 • secretarial skills. Established washer, dryer, cable T V., utilities paid Close to cam¬ Only a few left!! 3-6-29 (3) or 372-4080. Fill, sand, gravel Service cash with a fast-acting Classi¬ fied ad! manufacturing firm. Very available also. 0-7-6-30(6) r3l.r pus 351 7989 8 7 5*4i SHARE BEAUTIFUL home, 50'| Waters Edge > i prestigious position, work room, close, non¬ own SEWING MACHINES slightly FOR QUALITY stereo ser GUITAR, FLUTE, banjo and directly for the president. smoking. 332-2170 after 5 used, guaranteed, $39.95 and vice, THE STEREO SHOPPE. drum lessons. Private instruc¬ $900 950 per month. Call • Reduced Summer rent Deadlines Thank you for p.m. 3-6-26 (3) up. Open arm machines from 555 E. Grand River. tion available. MARSHALL OFFICE MATES where you from *160 $89.50. EDWARDS DISTRI¬ C-7-6-3013) MUSIC. 351 7830 1 6-26 (4) Ads 2 p.m. ■ 1 closs doy before publication never pay a fee. 694 1153 coming back to • Two and four person OWN ROOM in 2-man house 1 6 26(17) BUTING CO., 1115 N. Wash¬ Cancellation Change ■ I p m 1 class day before for Kalamazoo [iraisportatioi summer. apartments ington. 489-6448. C-7-6-3018) FREE LESSON in complexion public NIGHT DISPATCHER 9 p.m BEECHWOOD • Walk to campus Street, close in. 372-3306. care. MERLE NORMAN Once od is ordered > ncelled or changed 2-6-26 (4) 7 a.m Must have good DISCOUNT, NEW, USED COSMETIC STUDIO - 321- until after 1st inj. 1050 Watersedge Or. CAR POOL-Grand Rapids or desks, chairs, files. BUSI¬ _ knowledge of local streets Filled for s 5543. C-7-6-30 (4) Holland, Monday, Wednes¬ re is o M 00 charge for 1 od change plus 50' p Cedar NEAR MSU. only, and landmarks m Lansing A few left for fall. next to Village) summer NESS EQUIPMENT CO.. 215 day, Friday 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. additional change for moximum of 3 changes immediate occupancy. Jeff, E. Kalamazoo. 485-5500. Call for The S'ate News will only be responsible for the ' day s incorrect insertion Ad|ustment claims mi area. Apply in person appointment 487 2400 5-6-30 <61 332-4432 2 MALE students to share 349 2589. 5-7-3 (31 0-1-6-26 (4) flyHH fr'ic'lfc* 616-392-8019. Z-3-6 26 I3» i be mode within 10 days of expiration dote ore due 7 doys from ad expirotion date If n BABYSITTER NEEDED home, transportation in my and re furnished trailer home. $55. John. 332 3389 5-6-28 (4) [_ Rooms "][> WINDSURFER, SAILING surfboard, gold sail, $450. 321-6214 after 4 p.m. TYPING THESIS, experi¬ enced, all styles. 332-2078. 0-7-6-30(3) For relief of household con¬ gestion, take one Classified ad, sit back and relax. The paid by due date a 50' late service charge w AVAILABLE NOW, own bed¬ be due ferences required 349 1620 FEMALE FOR summer. Close in 4-bedroom house, 4-6-30 131 buyers will come to you! 2-6-26 13) Call 12-5 room PROFESSIONAL EDITING, in air, pets, balcony. $50 $70. fall option, near 489 "minor corrections to re-write. 337 0919 349 3115 Suzanne PART TIME scaping help for land Must have trans 332-0052 2 6 26 (31 4500 1-6 26 (4) CAMPUS NEAR, modern lost 1 Found Typing arranged. 332-5991. C-7-6-30 (3) (7 WastsT S LOST YOUNG male cat. portation 349 3150 3-6 28(3) 2 ROOM efficiency. $120, no Automotive ^ Automotive lease, utilities included, share Thank you for colorful rabbit-like fur, tiger TYPING- term papers. IBM FALL TERM only. Colling- only. From $40 month. 485- experienced, fast service. Call wood Apartments, $80/ available now 353 markings on face. Lost in the STUDENTS TO work in car bath coming back to 1436. 4 6 30 (4) Burcham b Alton area. Re¬ 351 8923. 0-5-6 30 (3) month. Ron 337 1283 rental office 3 pm 1130 5187 7 6 30 <4» 5-7-3 (31 AUDI LS100 1975 autc VEGA 1971 automatic, sponds to "Minky". We miss p.m weekdays 73 p.m FEMALE. LARGE room, good transportation. Best weekends. 489-1484 APARTMENTS 2 and 3 bed him. 351 1043. S 5-6-30 (6) Find yourself a new car at just offer 373 7302. 3-6-26 i3i close to campus, private en¬ the price you'd hoped for. Ready to move up to a new mileage 351 2223 8 7 5 <3- room 1 and 2 bedroom left. trance, available July 15th. Check the many offerings in set of golf clubs? Sell the old No reasonable offer refused. BEETLE 1972 60 000 m,les VOLVO 1970 142 engine SUMMER EMPLOYMENT, 348 Oakhill, walking distance TERRACE 351 8415 8 7 6(51 Animals V Classified every day! ones easily with a fast- clear, bodv Er engine good good body fair, excellent full and part-time positions to park and campus. Fur¬ acting Classified ad! 351 2803 5 c 11 Dm transportation. $1000 351- Automobile required. 339- ROOMS FOR rent, close to nished 351 4107 4-6 30 (7) TYPING, EXPERIENCED, 8117 after 6 p.m. 8 7-5(4) 9500-C-7-6-30 14) campus, $60/-80/month. Call fast and reasonable." 371- NEEDED VOLUNTEER read filled for STE MAR MANAGEMENT, for visual handicapper _ _ ers now 4635. C-7-6-30 (3) DISPLAY ADVERTISING 351 5510. 8 7-6 14) students. Call now 353-9642. VOLVO 1968 Model 142S Thank you for summer and fall Unn„ now hiring full and part-time 2-5-26 (41 Ca" 349 2841 evenings or EXPERIENCED. IBM typing. coming back to ower ^ *f weekends 6-6-30 (3> sales people. Call Bob Raab, For Sale ^ Mobile Horns Dissertations, (pica-elite). INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, Now Leasing For 8 VW VAN 1969 runs good. 676 9393 8-7-5 (5) BURCHAM WOODS PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, 100 USED vacuum cleaners. FAYANN, 489-0358. offer over $200 332 AMHERST 1973, 12x50, 2 C-7-6-30 (3) SUMMIR A FALL best furnished. 1 bedroom, utilities 1 year warranty. $7.88 and PART TIME, weekends. $3 bedroom. 337-1301 or 485 CUTLASS 1972. d.rtnnr 4-door. 3478 8 7 7(3) paid. $175 month plus de up DENNIS DISTRIBUTING 9557. 3-6 26 13) Q. hour. Apply at LOUIES posit, 489 5574 after 5 p.m ANN BROWN TYPING. Dis¬ $850 393 9256 between PARTY STORE, 1931 South COMPANY. 316 North 8 am and 3 p.m 4-6-26l3i Auto Service / 0-2 6-28 (51 Cedar 482-2677. C 7-6-30(5) sertations - resumes • term DATSUN 710. 76. auto¬ FOREIGN CAR repair, man¬ Washington. 5-6-29 (4) SUMMER EMPLOYMENT CEDAR VILLAGE MOST LP'S priced $1.75- [ Personal / papers. 601 Abbott Road. North entrance. C-7-6-30 (4) 351-7221. uals. Over 100 different titles AT ROSELAKE WILDLIFE $2.50. Cassettes. $3, quality ASMSU STUDENT tax re¬ matic. air. 4-door, excellent condition, 13,000 miles, at CHEQUERED FLAG RESEARCH CENTER APARTMENTS guaranteed. Plus 45's, song funds are available in room FOREIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 Give your basement a break! $3,100 Best offer 353 7924 through work study program. books, more. FLAT. BLACK 334 Student Services. Final East Kalamazoo St. 487-5055. Sell those extra items you no 7-7-3 <41 373 9358 8 7 3 (5) booue at red ceoar river and CIRCULAR, upstairs, 541 date for refunds is 5 p.m. July one mile west of campus. E. Grand River. Open 11 a.m. 5. B-1-6-26 (5) longer use for fast cash. Call C 7-6 30(8) 351-5180 today to place your Classified DODGE WINDOW van 1970. 351 0838. 4-6-26 (7) Have a place to head 6 cylinder, standard shift, Real Estate m carpeted $975. 337-0340. MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. lence nice but r A GREAT selection of used to...Colling wood audio at WILCOX PROMPT, EXPERIENCED Kalamazoo, since painting-collision 1940. Auto service. Good pay and benefits. Apply in person only. CINEMA X FEMALE SUBLEASE, sum Houses lift, gear TRADING POST. 485 4391. C7 6-30 (4) EAST LANSING, 3 resi¬ dential lots. Whittier Drive. typing, evenings, 332 3492. X-C-7-6-30 (3) Apartments! FORD VAN, 1971- 6 auto¬ American-foreign cars. 485- ADULT ENTERTAINMENT mer. River Glen Furnished, *air conditioned LANSING, 3 or 4 bedroom Mature trees. Suitable for matic radio. $700 best offer 0256. C_7 6 30(5) CENTER. 1000 W. Jolly air. near campus. 351-2231. homes, summer rates, fur¬ BRING YOUR optical pre¬ walkout basement. Buy now, UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS •dishwashar 351 0539 4-6-30 •shag carpeting <3l_ _ GOOD USED tires. 13-14-15 Road. 0 7 6 30 (8) 4 6 30 (31 nished. Call 484 2164. scription to OPTICAL DIS¬ build later. $15,000, each. COMPLETE DISSERTATION •unlimited parking GRAND PRIX. 1973 loaded. inch. Mounted free Used 7 6-30 (4) COUNT. 2617 E. Michigan, 371-3710. 7-6-30 (7) AND RESUME SERVICE - RESEARCH PARTICIPANTS *2 bodroomt wheels and hub caps. PEN- 2 BEDROOM Abbott-Sagi Lansing. C-7-6-30 (5) type setting, IBM typing, needed. $5 for 2 hours. Must •model opon NEL SALES, 1825 East Mich¬ naw corner, on bus line, pool, offset printing and binding. daily 361 7241J2-7-12 (3) be 21.355-1862 from 14 p.m. NEAR SPARROW, 909 Pros¬ air $230 month, utilities paid. NIKON F2S Black Body, FULL SERVICE JAGUAR SJ6 Sedan 1972. igan, Lansing, 48912. 482 5818 C-7 6-30(6) Michigan 5-6-28 13) 351 2803 5 11 pm. 4-6-3015) pect, 3 bedrooms, partially with one - Nikor lens and 2 the heart of ski country, For estimate, stop in at 2843 East Grand River or phone Summer '165 furnished, clean. 339-9988. automatic, air. $4500 322-0288 8 7 7 (3) 59.000 miles JUNK CARS wanted Also STORE DETECTIVES, call 3-6-26 (3) other high quality lenses. showing excellent gross. Real Estate include living quarters- 12 monthi '275 641 4562 between 10 a m Includes strobe units, tripod selling used parts. Phone BEDROOM house and case. Very reasonable. terms available. COLWELL b EXPERT TYPING. Term pa¬ 1973. 52.000 2 near Call 351-8282 MAVERICK 321-3651. C 7 6 30(3) and 3 p.m. Monday-Friday. Free campus. Available fall. $200, 351 5405. 6-6-28 <6)_ COMPANY. 222 South Lake pers, letters. RESUMES. miles, automatic, clean, body 0-7-6-30(3) 337 1846 3 6 28 (3) Street, Boyne City, Michigan. Near Gables. 337-0205. (bahind Rollarworld) b engine good. 351 2801 5 11 IBM MODEL D typewriter- (616)582-6724. 2-9-7-7(9) C-7-6-30 (3) Roommate Employment j{ " F,r Rent £ Service EAST SIDE, North Hayford, 4 elite type. 3-6-26 (3) $225. 339-9988. MAZDA 808, 1973. red. auto bedrooms, double garage, matic. white buckets, needs PROJECTIONIST NEEDED: COMPACT adults or students preferred, brake work $950 337 0340. Instructional Media Center is ERATOR. stereo. TV. 332-4432 no pets, available now. $275. SPECTRO-ACOUSTICS P-101 Preamp/equalizer, 8 STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED hiring AV projectionist for rentals, free delivery on of! 351 7497. 0 7-6-30 (6) 4-6-28 (4) MG MIDGET 1974 35.000 work July 5-July 13. Contact campus 372-1795. We will malch you months old, like new. Mark 332 1437. 3-6-26 (3) SPECIAL HOLIDAY DEADLINES in person Fred Moore in room 0-7-6-30 141 EAST SIDE. 1024 Eureka, 3 miles good condition, $2100 28 of the Instructional Media with compatable bedrooms, partly furnished, 882 0986 after 5 p m. 6 7 5131 RALEIGH 10 speed Grand Center. 4-6-26(8) ■oommates) parking. Adults or students new. saddle bag, ONE FIVE $100 $500 trans Apartments preferred. No pets. Available Prix. As The State News Classified offices will be closed Monday July FULL AND Part time jobs, now. $250. 351-7497. lock, chain. $150, 355-9567, portation special. FLUMER- FELT-STAIR CHEVROLET excellent earnings. 6328 3-6 p.m. daily. Call 374 8 7-5(3) CHARLES LINDEN streets, 0-7-6-30 (6) 371 2060. 4-6-30 (4) 3rd and Tuesday July 4th. Special deadlines for Classified for 6 655-4343 0 4-6-30 (4) furnished apartments, $70 3 BEDROOM, furnished Ads, cancellations and Classified Display include: MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST. man. 1 block to campus, month. Very near MSU 351 PINTO RUNABOUT. 1975 4 cylinder, automatic, radials. 30,000 miles. Excellent condi MT (ASCPI. Full and part time position available in our clinical laboratory. All shifts. 2745 days, 351 5626 7 pm 9 p.m. 3-6 28 161 slick, summer only, days 332 3900 0 7 6 30(6) $300. Call DON'T WAIT Classified Ads: tion, $1725 351 8-7-7 (5) 4960 Excellent starting salary and fringe benefits. Apply at Per¬ sonnel Office, LANSING LIVE h LITTLE! UNTIL THEY'RE Monday July 3rd's deadline remains the same: 2 p.m. Friday 1968 white . Kept in min proud ownei GENERAL HOSPITAL. 2800 Devonshire, Lansing, Mich¬ ALL GONE l ■■■ June 30. jg. 372 9130 o igan 48909.372 8220 ext. 267 Special deadline for Wednesday July 5th's paper: 5 p.m. 5 6 28(121 en 3493530 Friday June 30. Cancellations for Classified Ads Don't Miss Summer °v only Deadline to cancel for Monday July 3rd's paper: remains the 5 left lor 4 person 1 p.m. Friday June 30. Ctopcfeingfjam same, .t for furnished apartment Deadline to cancel for Wednesday July 5th will be 4 p.m. summer model open 9-9 4620 South Hagadorn Rd. Friday June 30. (North of Mt. Hopel ...at (he pool this Summer! Classified Display e air conditioning e luxury e furnishings dishwashers e e e shog carpeting private balconies swimming pool G4MPUS HILL APARTMENTS Monday July 3rd's deadline remains Thursday June 29. the same: 3 p.m. special 12 months juct off grand riwr-otemoa Special deadline for Wednesday July 5th's paper: 5 p.m. Thursday June 29. 731 ■2 BEDROOMS free bus service 4 2-bedrooms 3 3-bedrooms SW»!SHB>pool 349-3530 F*EEBUSSt"VICE State News Classified 1 4-bedroom Special Special jxsmwxshere free room mate service 355-8255 ___ • CENTRAL AH COMA free room mate service 351-7166 12 month APARTMENTS 12 month EM ABOUT OUR SRICIAL f All AATIS rates rales 7.11 Buri.i,.(in Driv>- 351-7212 Michigon Stote News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Monday, June 26, 19781 1 HAGAR the Horrible SPONSORED BY: by Dik Browne (t)WJIM-TV(CBS) (IQ)WIIX-TV(NBC) (H)WELM-TV(Cabl«) (12)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKARTVyBS) ThlE SUSPECTEP SPY IE A BUTWHlCH ONE ? MASTER OF PISEUISE-BUT WE THIHK HE'S ONE OF MONDAY EVENING (23) Sesame Street (12) Partridge Family (23) Onedin Line -3 THESE- , 1:00 4:30 (23) Emergency One! 8:30 (10) For Richer, For Poorer (6) Doris Day 7:30 (6-11) Good Times Good! (12) All My Children (10) Gilligan's Island (6) Gong Show 9:00 (23) look At Me (11) Little Rascals (10) Hollywood Squores (6-11)M*A*S*H 1:30 5:00 (11)Hondicoppers, (10) Movie (611) As The World Turns (6)Gunsmoke Unlimited (23) Canal Zone (10) Days Of Our lives (10) Emergency One! (12) Mary Tyler Moore 9:30 23) Artistry of Borboro (11) Phil Donahue (23) MacNeil/Lehrer (6-11) One Day At A Time 2:00 (12) Emergency One! Report 10:00 (12) One Life To Live (23) Mister Rogers' (6-11) Lou Grant 8:00 (23) Over Easy Neighborhood (6) Jeffersons 11:00 PEANUTS SPONSORED BY: CLEANERS 2:30 5:30 (6-10-11-12) News LAUNDRY (6-? 1) Guiding Light (23) Electric Company (10) Little House On The 12:00 by Schulz Prairie 6:00 Sportswear Expertly Cleaned (10) Doctors (11) Susan Brownmiller At (12) Movie (23) Shorthand (6-10-12) News 1:00 M.S.U. 332-3537 3:00 (11) TNT True Adventure (12) Baseball (11) News (10) Another World Trails ; \E\£R ~mCV6h; i? (12) General Hospftol (23) Dick Cavett UAn- I T.iOUGHT (23) French Chef 3:30 (6) CBS News 6:30 MSU SHADOWS :p CRACn JP. :\STE.Ar A5 TrtOUort by Gordon Carleton . (6-11) All In The Family (10) NBC News Ne I'VE .HATRED (23) Villa Alegre (11) Impressions SPONSORED BY: 4:00 (12) ABC News (6) New Mickey Mouse 7:00 Club (6) My Three Sons AT LEAST THEY'RE. COMSlSTAliT —I've (10) Munsters (10) Mary Tyler Moore SOT A HALF-TERM CLASS iaHTH A Pficf / (12) Bonanza (11) The Closing Circle WHO'S OWLY HALF THtRg. . J U& FRANK & ERNEST SPONSORED BY: by Bob Thaves FRANK AND ERNIE'S G0URMETMER we never . fn11 i/Zb THE DROPOUTS CAMPUS PIZZA'S SPONSORED BY: TRAVELS WITH FARLEY by Post new East locotion SPONSORED BY: by Phil Frank SAND/, rM THINK/VC or HOW ABOUT "up UP NAMING My IRISHES Apprecic AND Av«y."" -y&or an idea roe f wev. He TOOK "WIS Oft? I'M AFRAID A/HOS going TD TELL THE ecrw PACKAGE SO, RANGER MALONE V BEARS? A , Constitution. anti Nazis at bay, while thou from rallying. their teens or slightly older. AP the Naz Wirephoto And by posing a threat to sands of screaming protesters, Collin called Skokie his But he has gained the attention Jewish victims of Nazisi ed for the Nazi fight, "lever" to obtain the park of millions. Members of the National Socialist Party of America, a Nazi group, rallied at the and added. some helmeted. pelted the iin able Chicago Federal Building Plaza on Saturday. attract shield carrying Nazis with continue ' eek. Smith said he had rocks and eggs, some of the media attention. ite of total costs to the missiles striking the police. That attention could be use When you are talking A giant peaceful demonstra ful in keeping before the publi< about pe ople's health and wel 10% DOWN HOLDS YOUR ORDER tion was planned in Skokie the white-pow er message * ha the welfare of the while Collin's rally was on but Collin and his followers ascriht •ommunity. I don't think was canceled when he called if to: subjection of blacks am here's any price . . . price is off. Collin staged his Saturday minorities and destruction o; that significant." SAVE UP TO $100 rally not "victory rally" at a barricaded Jews. federal building plaza, where he Ostensibly. Coilm fought in The spector of goose step needed no permit, to celebrate court for his right to free ping irownshirted storm a court order allowing him to speech, both in Skokie and in wearing swastikas did march in city parks without Chicago parks. Others contend lot become a modern reality for posting any insurance bond. he only sought publicity ana «kokie's Jews. But they did THIS WEEK ON LUX! But anti Nazis vowed to re¬ never intended to go to Skokie. iave to endure the agony of sist Collin's efforts to speak in Who won. and who lost'.' And nticipation. what were the stakes' Marquette Park or elsewhere as Skokians did. David Goldberger. the Collin displayed uncanny _ ACLU lawyer, says the Consti¬ abilitv t dav: a key his Collin has won in some ways, tution is the real winner in the to live telev achieving a notoriety unimagin¬ We've been notified thet efter Selurdey, July 1st, the sug¬ Shoppe and audition this distinguished family of stereo and strung able a vear and a half ago. And receivers. It you prefer "separates," we're also ottering big ordeal that began in March age — c.cij< the courts have said he could gested selling prices of Lux receivers will be Increased by 1977. "After 15 months of along by a seeming ability up to $100! So II you've ever even thought about stepping savings this week on the Lux L-80V amplifier and T-300 agonizing litigation, the First p! " "" demand against march. tuner, thanks to a special purchase. other and suspense He did il by taking on Skokie up to a Lux receiver, this Is THE week to visit The Stereo Amendment has emerged un damaged." til the end. officials, seeking a permit for his National Socialist Party of R-1120 Stereo Receiver But if the law prevailed, it The furor over the proposed America to demonstrate in This is the top-of-the-line Lux receiver. The power amp is direct was at great cost to the ACLU. march in Skokie peaked last But is the law prevailed, it week with Collin winning still front of the village hall. coupled DC. Power output is a mighty 120 watts per channel.* Total was at a great cost to the more victories in the courts — He had tried to get permits harmonic distortion is no more than 0.03%. The FM tuner section is ACLU. Goldberger and officers to march in others places, but characterized by high selectivity, low distortion, and wide stereo which upheld his group's right the officials did not bother to in Illinois and nationwide were to demonstrate — and the separation. An exclusive tuning system reduces drift and locks in vilified for their defense of reply. But Skokie. with a third media reporting blow-by-blow of its 69.000 residents Jewish the station. Exceptional features include a 12-LED peak level display Nazis on constitutional locally, nationally and several thousand survivors with selectable sensitivity. grounds. National membership of World War II concentration dropped 15 percent. Skokie avoided a volatile demonstration at the last mo The citizens of Illinois state¬ wide lost, to the tune of at least $100,000. It could have been at camps was different. Skokie said no and passed After July 1st: $995 THIS WEEK: $895 ment. but endured a year of three ordinances to bar a Nazi least $800,000 to $1 million, agitation and the threat of a rally, which Collin and the says Tyrone Fahner. state law- Nazi march before regaining its enforcement director, if some ACLU challenged as abridging peace. The village hung "n the 400 to 600 National Guard free speech rights. R-1050 Stereo Receiver edge of anticipation until the soldiers and a similar number of Similar to the R-1120 in design, features and performance, but with a last possible moment. Mayor Albert J. Smith, who led the state police had been mobilized. RinillllATOR power output of 55 watfs per channel." Total harmonic distortion is As it is. the state spent about TV A tTMIO no more than 0.05%. Tuner section includes dual gate MOSFET fight to keep Collin out. was $20,000 for security logistics for ■INTALft front end, linear-phase filters and phase-locked-loop multiplex IC. hospitalized recently for ner Skokie march and coupled preamp equalizer stage; direct coupled DC power some a 371-1795 Direct vous exhaustion. $80,000 for room reservations. Legal fees of the \ illage came amp. Features a 12-LED peak output level display with selectable out of its regular legal budget Anti Nazis seemed to split sensitivity, turn-on time delay muting and overload protection cir¬ cuitry. After July 1st: $695 THIS WEEK: $595 Summer Students - Study This! R-1040 Stereo Receiver High performance in a basic receiver design. Power output is 40 504 Off Any Purchase of *2.00 or More. watts per channel.* Total harmonic distortion is no more than 0.05%. Tuner section includes linear-phase filters and phase- Got the summer term blues? Cheer up and take locked-loop multiplex IC. Direct coupled preamp equalizer stage, a summer study break, and you'll get a break direct coupled DC power amp. Features a 12-LED peak output level at Olga's Kitchen. Present this coupon to the display with selectable sensitivity. cashier, and you'll get 50< off any purchase of $2.00 of more. Try any of our delicious Olgas, or our After July 1st: $495 THIS WEEK: $445 tasty spinach pie, a crispy salad, fresh fries, or any combination of the really different, really delicious things to eat at Olga's. T-300 AM/FM Stereo Tuner Limit one coupon per customer. The FM section of this exceptional tuner features a four-gang tun¬ Offer good thru 7/1/78. 133 E. Grand River, East Lansing 5 ing capacitor coupled with dual gate MOSFETs in the front end to give a high rate of performance in sensitivity, selectivity, and The most exciting idea in eating since the sandwich! spurious rejection. The characteristics of specially-designed five pole filters enable precise separation and low distortion throughout the audio band. Electronic muting circuitry is used throughout, eliminating switching noises and thumps. Regularly: $495 THIS WEEK: $399 I.-80V Integrated Amplifier A moderately-priced amplifier whose basic concepts are a reflec¬ tion of the most prestigious power amplifiers and control centers that have made the Lux name famous. The power amplifier section is a whole-stage direct-coupled OCL system and the output stage is pure complementary. The differential amplifier circuit is composed of two stages to ensure DC stability throughout the entire power amplifier section. Power output is 50 watts per channel.* Total har¬ monic distortion is no more than 0.05%. THIS WEEK: $399 555 E. Grand River Ave. ereo in East Lansing (Next toTaco Bell) Phone 337-1300 Five Ways to Charge or oppe Finance Your Purchase where audio is our only business