M. S. C. Library East Lansing, With EDITORIALS Tafer'i Oiwul MHarM Hftd Lightly Volume 29 EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN. TUESDAY, JUNE I. 1917 Today's Scholastic HonoraryTenth Commencement Plans Campus To Initiate SeniorsShow Draws . _ Dinner°wdi Complete; Senior Swing Out By Tom Nolan it Annual Fiinii* Gain* * time between the hours of and daylight Friday night ♦ hr. OtN'lur I |»«c»H In $|M*ak sit j |>|ti fc,||>||a ! " • |>|(i |(1(|1M.. XltiNitii.n Srniors! Tn|» Hilling: I Iraki' * in* Jumping I lnn|p*l. Activities June 7 tin i icri'iiititiie«. ',d Thirty-five Honor 1 their owners nnn riders Lantern Might to lie Staged and Nate Fry and his or- 'tenth annual ROTC hot Stewart Plans Good Time letter black background r. St in lent s ( liosen Friday and Saturday. Ma ami i initial I'lav Presented long. It was to the building i hung ived and will I e Union desk. ' After the final tabulation we For Returning Old Grads nee ; l'rofi'*«»r Mill W ill Prmiilo elcased, it appeared that Mand E. J. Unnirrnn of I In- Kuril Mulnr Company. Will \il- ,> ofTer difficulties to Thursday. me Farms. Wisconsin, carried off i ilre** Gruiliiiili • ; Final Ormiiim : Mr. \. W Buili|lirl: S|Mi'iul I'ro- . u of sign-snatchors. ill he lion's share of the honors with ! at<- iwingtime Lady and Royal Jes'er. i l( I'aliiii-r i« Kat't'alaiirt'ali' Speaker lirim Xrrilllgi'il. all other college Panhellenic* wo outstanding entries in the gait- ' alu pn e given their proper i help orient students WINS GOVERNOR'S C I P ;itors in finding t To Aid Frosh r> saddle horses won top j | rating six times, second place three, women from the i times and third one e Royal J« stw V'W llitttdliook III Provide won 'he trophy donated by ex- . st „f Arden I it f oriiitil ion i ioiierrn- rank Fi" of Mortar t class, aid as chair- PIVmm Grow e Books ; 1 l\»ter\ Instructors!^ ^ ■« p." said one Maybe some of 'he girli i HAVE! Til SING Kiilirrl*. I'llli'll*. Ilnilrlirr "" N idihg," replied the oth» r No. they couldn't have W ill Traeli Mere During p • because it was too h« a Summer Semion. looked all ov< Too building I Stimson Talks To Press Men \|i|ilefialt* •<* TiiawliiiJitslt'i* i* . • < i itudci iterv deepen* and .It WKII I FIRST at tt.iiii|ii«'l I oiiiuiil. i''' Katherine Hand In l'lu> At Muskegon l.n-lniti WW RKsfRM Tit KITS Kiilronc In loud lie I Out¬ door t onrerl al Slutliiuii. CI AN M I MSI IhVNTK An edict issued, after due « ; ieration, by President Kober ^ • aw closed clasaes on servance of Memorial Day two Since Anal word on the matter that •as not forthcoming until Friday icy ; Th.' firth annual Stair Modrl Ward VunAtta ' on many students were fooled: - Aii plane content, sponsored by the ■ coming back a day rally '.man. -a., he ulpani State Hoard of Aeronautics* and this insurance ~tttf left lor their homer Friday II.SOO »orth id prominent speakers have i related agencies, will be held keep the rain inmg and consequently thought that promises I been set ured for the event, in- at Demonstration hail Saturday, 7 that school would be held on Mon-■ clouds '' I eluding Linda Lee of the Detroit June 5. ^ day as usual They were scarcely populated thiT'leaUs thi y DaradsMhe1 P« biggest in Presenting Josef Hoffman, world-famoua pianist, lipr Stravinsky, the series October 8, followed by Hoffma ember 15. Stravinsky (Times, Mrs. Cyrus Kiruinan.| The contest will open at I o'clock Minan Anderson, negro on- He, C E. Faume, Fowler-, with planes entered from all over t - return to a ^ ^ com. #nd Samuel Dusk in, in a joint recital; and Dushkin, February 16 and .Miss An- i, Apr.l 13. Students (ainpus and learn that they had the history b.g adver- traito. and Gina Cigna, young Italian soprano, on next Masons Artist.* will be admitted •<. the concerts with th Htiviiy books. There; villi. Thomas L. Berry, Detroit, (the state. Trophies for champion .< ihemactve. out ol a loll day at a»<«~ .. putung oe . i f series, the music department is bringing to Michigan StAe students the will be a few tickes available to staff men , but there will be no (and Paul R. Krone, Michigan State planes will be presented at 7 I me by leaving hunldiy on Fri-iti.ing drive under the directiun i college. o'clock Saturday evening. sale to the general public. . I John Calkin*. 'fi,lCsl *ruuP ot concerts tver to be heard here. Miss Cpgng will open . w. CAMPUS CAMERA State News Today's 7^7 M.S.C. Gets In GUEST EDITORIAL Choosing A College Coy spent Sunday at Fife : B, O, Mrs. A T. Barley. Mr< C, This time of yi Kittrll. Mrs. E. E Hotchin re ready for the , ASSOCIATE 1 This one for her V to'sM^on^cutawer Ford,^short ]*',n" ^ „ vtoK ho^he^no^ 'Tr' ' CO-ED EDITOR EDITORIAL BOARD •sa«SMR*er-" *— ■w§g^«KS®E8 j"": K' advice In give . May 2« Paritti poast by the nelivil ounes h;«s l>r MAS' PC NAC~'. n AJ1 frW BCTLIP. ID THE LAMBDA Chi HOUSE AT ALABAMA Union u:- Is UATCS (OVfE ''CO) CNWWtD MAT NAMED THREE OE HIV men's , ,,||,.g,. for the son. They will CD If Iii The Rough From then on, i Fowli r, and El abet FACULTY ADV1SKH it in a worltl of their . i ADVISER DONALD C. ilpha Phi where they are the s. M« K.nl n. V • live,I Lightly is polities. The converse is advanced a v. plcriwri rrrrntP IKE SI NCI .A 11 irda t ||] Broadly, there are two kinds of : t the Alpha Ph i The world of social proportion. The This i-. at least, an inere.-io ,i of 1 Parents an.I enthusiastic voung pen tructive science often boasts t F.a*t Mars Mas,, y feature pages and other wild-ey "urc material-, art placed by volumes of choking mustard gas. or any number of other gases. If the citi¬ zenry quakes in its collective boots after reading such writings, there is no blam¬ ing them. They think they are facing a this stu starkly-realistic future. The reading pub- f for a lie, sadly enough, fails 1<» go further than the printed page of ware*—fails, in too merely a preface t«» business and •riant that college students keep closer Military authorities to a man deny Much the practical ami learn how to live with possjbl. happenings m event of war. That cities are invulnerable to succeaaftil an V. re I- u. Iii. e gas raids i> iNunted out by the fact that it ing. The choice of college may be dic¬ CLASSIFIED tated because for some personal reason the ee1 K iM'.i TI S VI I SMAN AND nil AT, ill to re youth is better off farther from home . where life will be under entirely different i I pirn t.nmm.1 HI,,, persistent nature—therefore heavy—ti out the real abilities or latent weaknesses would settle to earth Population* we so quickly as the first years away from the T» tne ,1 t.ll need onlynlinih t«> third stories or akive j family roof tree. But how about the re¬ wad while the gas was neutralized. turn after college? How difficult will the readjustment destructives pres* their ease baaed o years be when tile college student must sensation. But the right authorities c come hack to Im> a citizen in a truly co-edu- 1 ur di the opmi .u t hat ci\ dian life can will,mid community. where lie mmft rwknn with the thoughts, desires, ami ambitions of both men ami women ? Will em h undei stand the other better for having been Of Siilv Ooor I'11 Illinois trained apart or it they had sat side by TI c railroads arc m a hubbub of excite. .-nil m tin clasnroom> and exchanged 1110 I Issausc mot. than fiflu people wci. ideas ami aigument- V In the last nnaly- kill.,: an.I I.Toe inimcd last year while - ■ . they must build their communities to¬ lak.nk' k1 a' - pas-ugi freight train . gether a they build their h"iue and their Kor that matter, whj nhottkltl't they he? Although every bindfeetiff that gma But may hay. no . i.c in the world to lament o the world those who ha\e learned only hi- passiny, the road- g,t the blame for sipation ami loafing ways, but what did offering mi, h hazardous duuu, to the knight- of the mail. em" Weic they New th. loads are up and after every high school to meet •■Willie" win. might Is 1 \ iiiit the rods. No stone I- Isoiikf left un,rustled. Beeauso tic ,cifege til.H- i- ii known rail-riding that the numi quantity during the th. : a,is an' t iuul.it tend to < rooms and iv< leg, paiiors to keep the vollegians off the freight-. Tiny cite the danger-, the high personal ter to tr •uld it not Ih> FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE nan la!.t> rate, and that it really alter all. at ill educate our young people with a ,'lll.d II o Wis BUSES RUN EVERY 5 MINUTES of responsibility towards each other U. as V..VK, „ml.' W F ThompM,. Hnm.-U..,, Myron/it,-I To o. .-tilc. their couiwel is wl-c. There citizens first in t then in their towns and states? After all, . ,.„tf I...... VI. M,,, .=», BETWEEN LANSING AND EAST LANSING tan . riving it. But when a college ts.y hi in - , f a job out ill the W ashington they are the same people and very much FOR ECONOMY FOR SAFETY eaiiov 1 aor up io tile northern woods or in the eastern 1,slung fleets he doesn't stop they continue to live. If they do not, with to think about these tilings. When lie the help of coll grab.- a lower rung and climbs aboard, nc Vnuv - V : taking a cheap and urc way ct civic CITY TRANSPORT . I'., 'ho ipoi'.s A r.Uio po.1} » 1 Ut n..::-.Is lus own late—that id gnuugh. 1 i-sHiy. JutH* 1. 1937 MICHIGAN STA'irJ NAWb ■ANHEt.I, HANDBOfMt Ru-i Hillbilly Costumes |WAAHostess Kappa Singers If Rover Is Sirk TO HELP FRESHMEN The in vrm:\hNs" is N WK FOR rO.ro. Win Shindig Prize; To Colleges Capture Prize TlieVetClinieWill ( Continued from page 1) Fix llim I p Again Mi.. Karkley Makr. \waril For Play Day in Soup Contest I ollciir Animal llo.pilul vindem Kappas Get Plaque Dorothy RhmtH f.Hnvn i Kappa Kappa Gamma soro captured the trophy ai the inter- J Itnu.N Mixlcrn Srt-nii eolje name o! Four «.rini|>» Hol'l >|>rina (ihairman of Salnr- sorority sing held Friday evening, b D rws ■ ». lor of the Form Purtir. Ovrr | tfl'Vail I aKfS •lay's May 28. in the band shell in the Forest of Ardcn. Nine societies. v \ st and nvcifiWci- mvrkfiKi. a *■ , n . The Women's Athletic nssocia-; including Alpha C'hi Omega, Alpha tc ; •n-sorori?v tion of Michigan State Gamma Delta. Alpha Phi. Alpha! si college j Omlcron Pi. Alpha Xi Delta, Chi j oi will entertain representatives from; other Omega. Kappa Alpha Theta. Kap- I Michigan colleges at a colle- j -in-ci 1W in- pa Kappa Gamma and Sigma Kap- | h To Molll'V ('.mini Vittrrnl. Curli. ginte play day htere, Saturday.' lwntnngwill kriorr. J«w shull \U<> June S. pa, competed. e Wayne University andi 1 cflvttY . »f Detroit have so j Iimiiiia VnnAltrr Tuk<'> 'inl.nlil ItuiriU. definite notice that thev the judges. Miss Josephine Knrk- y ic v explained that the contest-;y Fir«l in C«w«l Riilini: P Hi pan, ants were judged op. the basis of si i i wphumoia At tottleM* the type of song selected and the p fM'TMXK rnofiRAM ann inn i it manner of presentation. Mr Wil¬ •• • all-collcgc judg- Catherine Adams, president liam Kimmel was the other mem- »i> W A. A . has outlined the | j t upW I am f *•» took M tt • N • . • be r of the judging committee. |o The Kappas =ang Not Thy' I- competitions in softball. golf, 5:2 Saturday night. In rrnl bee. i.idcine cnnt.--.-t i-.-ld last archrry. and tennis will be staged At noon luncheon will be served r A. A. cabin, The af-' chedule includes >l\ IIHIT BARMAID HONOR II N< MKON A IVI I N r HIGH I'RI K|f A| AN Gov. Murphy to GH AND II DGI Initial«kigma ilftha t ptilnn d m conservation rr.av l<« dav <* .ening When th»- membei But you Miil find Chesterfields when vcr institution (or full coupe i n urn field Ld U .. j of the house had the congregated m lobby, roll was taken and ■* cigarettes are sold in the United Stales and 'it.. « - ^ ' 'A '*;r -1 ,V;* v on board all the great slnps of the world... trc -: : i.- - : v - : • i..Bern.»id J| j h a- and James t o-te. president appointed Carol McDo- ■'* for the training of majors ! cn.onicuer and for v era! specialised fields of con- 1*51' ''"•' "4" ln* U.'l, and Mai > Gilbert as»«- ... - men of the committee u, plan tnc good reasons. .-. «• .xebab M. nday and rejoiced in Chesterfields zvillgiveyou . JI North Carnival. Hail float toe the Watet Miss Edith Kclch. the former as- I morepleasure. .They Satisfy JQt •nsetar System training • ' '« i •' •' -» , 1 sistant housemother, has left to ! i* W«tn«d..y. Ju:.» 2. *| —<" w anuutkm take residence at the Home Ec ■ -t the Hort lecture :•» t. - ■< ' '■ " .-neettat or be cxrus »" '■ '->' ■ -r Letigdoi^nthi^el j Practice house. Miss Lee Coomad - Etiufaelit Conreh • i*--. uhiwrtuH ennuunceihecu ■ ... ur, cr Buth SUrk^ BfiR [now has this job. Corjfiga: I9J-. Lugsn & Mvu. . Tuesday, June 1, MICHIGAN STATE NEW3 tore Four Michigan Beats State, 1-0 t« Gain Even Split in Series It Won't Be Long For Four of "Em State Pulls State Netmen Hand Tally Run in 9th Surprise iu Eastern Meet Wayne First Defeat With Two Gone < Innrli K.Il|ili % «inti|t*« Ti-nni of Nine (iral» Fourth: Spnrlmi* Show Power in Eliding ililt IVlroit Tram. I Ko-a Mliip* Slnle Novii-e Chnmpion in Feature Matrli of Meet; Slate Swamp* M'eslern. 0-1. I i»lim:ttt Filgc* Out llcttkcl ill Pilelirr** Duel al \1111 Arbor \fler Spartan- Grab l'ir»l Game Here Heliiml Stole today laid claim to Effeelhe Filrliinir by George ilill. I-1. -Iki! tptonship after handing Wayne university t'- ti• st deb at ti . It u a In far the best match of the spring played on the lornl court Spartans Collect Ciolck** Triple ...< h team raptured three singles matches and State gained i.;. i:i tin doubles which served ;.!s<> to give the Spartans the mot< • 2-1 Tlirrr Safe Itlnus Scores Two Kims The vt •• i\ left IV" doubt in the minds <1 any. the Snprtan* b ■ .. *'"!!.■ >t collegiate net t in the sate The team h:r !•••• ••• : Krefner Dniihles, Smirk Hill Keeps. "W Nine Well in te meet this season, losing to — — ■ or'tiv t «-ter n in an indoor match, j The fine stinking on the paijf nt r-. Sinulen in Gisr Wolves I OS| M \T< VIFS Ft ATtTtF ! ' ' • I I Game. Ill VKI I I'll! Ill III I I .1 \HI - II t.oiili Van of the Detroit Times suggests it would be j .i i colleges adopted yachting" as a regular sport . . . Van," j V carry a lar^c stock of Portable Typewriters of all makes — Royal, Corona ^Underwood and Ren. oor would like nothing better on a hot Saturday, than to i RENTAL MACHINES — W.0# MONTH trnm tne otTice and cover a yacht rare between State and j pi«c, icb.ng of course there was such an event . Howard Franklin DeKleine Co. . . t« i..r. football star, will work in Kansas City following his !