lOOKINUMONPAMJ STAiNlfSS STEEL J&britce ^FLATWARE N< u \s & Vu ii % Ni ii s \ Vi« u s eggs - low cost protein SCRAMBLED COOS, fried eggs, souffles, omelets, hard or soft boiled, any way at all, eggs make a quick, easy, and nutritious meal. Here's a list of suggestions and facts about eggs everything you always wanted to know about eggs, but were afraid to ask. STORE EGGS covered or in their carton in your refrigerator. Keep the large end up to keep the air cell at the end and the yolk centered. Avoid storing eggs in the refrigerator door. Constant opening and closing of the door can cause shaking and a break¬ down in the quality of the eggs. GOOD OUALITY FRESH EGGS stand up. That is. when broken into a dish, the high quality fresh egg has more thick white and doesn t flatten out. The amount of thick white decreases as the egg ages and the egg spreads out more. HARD-COOKED fresh eggs are difficult to peel. To make eggs easier to peel, let the eggs set at room temperature over¬ night before cooking them. Eggs also beat up faster and to a larger volume if brought to room temperature first. But remove the amount you neei from the refrigerator. EGGS ARE COMMONLY sized extra large (27 ounces), large (24 ounces), and medium (21 ounces) per dozen. A dozen eggs weigh about 1"? pounds in the shell. If a dozen large eggs sell at 85 cents, that would be less than 60 cents per pound for this protein rich food. IF THERE'S LESS than an 8 cent price spread per dozen bet¬ ween sizes, you'll get more for your money by buying the larger size. EGGS, low cost protein, delicious and nutritious at any meal. At Meijer we want you to know. energy saving tip OVERCOOLING is pensive and wastes energy. ' might not want to use or more cooling equipment than actually need. IF YOU NEED central air c ditloning. to select try least smallest ana powerful I system that will cool your home I adequately. A larger unit than I you need not only costs more to | run but probably w( enough moisture fron ASK YOUR DBA you determine how n power you need for the space you I have to cool and for the climate | in which market >r a room air con- ditioner, you i the Energy I" bers that \ those appliances. THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY RATIO (EER) is a number thot rates the energy erriciency efficiency or of | similar oppli >pliances. The higher the EER .umber, the more ef- ficient the appliance. ap, EXAMPLES EER's for room air conditioners can be as low as 5.4 and as high as 11.5. The 11.5 rated room air conditioner is more than twice as efficient as the 5.4 unit and uses less half the electrical energy. MANUFACTURERS dealers display the EER numbers POICiS GOOD MOMMY JUM M INN SATURDAY JULY 1,1070. *UUil RBfRVB TNI (WHY TO LIMIT SAltS ACCORDING TO SKCiniD LIMITS. in different ways. If you cannot find the EER number of the models you are considering, you be able to get the in- 5125 W SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA y/ BAY THRU SATURDAY B AJI. TO Hilt P.M. - EERtET » A JR. TO f P JR. mrnammssmm^ V Meijer Bakery Specials 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA MO* MONDAY THOU SATURDAY I A.M. TO lti» P.M. SUNDAY 9 A.M. TO T P.M. C - ■M* ■ < = a. / Mori mm mm ipii • welcomes u s.d.a government food stamps fVlEUEK .reserves the right to limit to reasonable quantities Try a little tenderness... from the meat people at meiJER ■ > Top Fresh < ' Top Fresh < > Top Fresh f > Top Fresh 1 > Top Fresh < > Top Fresh 1 ' Top Fresh < ' Top Fro INSTITUTIONS 01 DBTIIIUTOtS. 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA MOP MOMMY TNMIATVIBATI A.M. TO lltll P.M. - MNOAY • A UN. TO 7 P.M. IOC1TKMB AMD MAY Dgfll IN OTMCT MjUg ITOMS. VV7. /' A/.,r.7 H7i , M i> ' 117, /' ,»» A/.. , ' U7i i /' ■ „ , [ U7, ■ /' „ i A/.., , ' H'/i i /' ,, v r r > HtlCfS GOOD MONDAY JUM tt THRU MTlHtDAV JUIT1,1071. MIUII MSOVB Tin IIOWT TO UMIT MLB ACCOMHNC TO MK*1ID LIMrTV HO MUJ TO DULBS, BBTITUTtOIB M OBTIIIUTORS. CHARGE ANYTHING IN THI STOKE EXCEPT FOOD. IHHIOR AND SUPERMARKET 1TIMS EITHER YOU DON'T NEED CASH! USE OF THESE CONVENIENT CREDIT CARDS! CHOOSE FROM A LARGE SELECTION OF BOXER. BASKETBALL AND IESTEX STYLES. SIZES S-M-L-XL. TENN Mm'i D*pt. $397 TOTE TENNIS RACQU RTS. NO SAID TO DEALERS, INSTITUTIONS Of DISTRIBUTORS. RRICES 0000 MONDAT JUNE U THRU SATURDAY JU1T I, 1WB. MEUER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIT MIES ACCORDING TO SHCIEIED LIRUTS. 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA SHOP MONDAT THOU SATUODAY • A.M. TO IStSO P.M. - SUNDAY* A.M. TO T P.M. lOCATHHB Um WAT WWII IN Offitt ftjUig STOWS. f I I SPECIALS thrifty acres A. WOMEN'S TOPS ASSORTED STRIPED TOPS ASSORTED FABRICS. SIZES 8- B. WOMEN'S FASHION KNIT TOPS ASSORTED STYLES, COLORS AND FABRICS. SIZES S-M-L. RIG. $8.97 ARGE SELECTION 3ALL AND LESTEX TENNIS LADY GRACE WITH COTTON-VENT¬ TOTE BAG ED PANEL FOR COM JUST RIGHT FOR KNEE-HIGH H0S1 FORT AND CON- THAT TRIP TO THE WOMEN'S COMFORT FIDENCE. AVAILABLE TENNIS COURTS OR TOP KNEE HIGH IN PETITE TO MEDIUM RACQUETBALL COU¬ HOSE. ONE SIZE FITS AND MEDIUM TO RTS. 8'/. TO 11. TALL. Wmmu'i Dtpt. PRICES GOOD MONDAY JUNE M THRU SATURDAY JULY 1,1978. NO SAUS TO DIAURS, INSTITUTIONS OR DBTRIRUTORS. Mlun *M«»SS TNI RIGHT TO LIMIT SAUS ACCORDING TO SPECIFIED LIMITS. CHARGE ANYTHING IN THE STORE EXCEPT FOOD. LIQUOR AND SUPERMARKET ITEMS YOU DON'T NEED CASH! use rt£rese CONVENIENT CREDIT CARDS! I I IV A • /'.II A/,... ' 117. > , A/or.-' H'ftv /isv More' IV A . /•„ , A/or,-' IV A v /»,,.»• More! H'A "YOUNG AT HEART" SHEETS SAVE ON SHARKSKIN BY ST. MARY'S. A BOLD UNIQUE FLORAL DESIGN AGAIN¬ ST A GEOMETRIC BACKGROUND. NO IRON PERCALE OF SAVE 20% OFF OUR REGULAR SI .47 DOUBLE KNITS. 58" SOLIDS 60" WIDE. SELECT FROM FANCIES IN THIS SPECIAL SOLID COLOR BOTTOM WEIGHT POLYESTER AND COTTON. GROUP. FABRIC OF 65% POLYESTER/35% FULL COTTON. 44"-45" WIDE. RIG. 2/S7.00 REG. 1/M.M MACHINE WASHABLE. RIG. $1.79 YD. 2/$62/$7 $25? > 10 PRICES GOOD MONDAY Daimtlci Dipt. JUM14 THRU SATURDAY JULY 1,1171. MEUER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO LIMIT SALES ACCORDING TO SPECIFIED LIMITS. NO SALES TO MAIBB, INSTITUTIONS OR DISTRIBUTORS. 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA MWR MONDAY TMNISATWDAT 0 AM, TO 10t»0 P.m. - OMRRDAT 0 AM. TO T P.M. TKHB AWC HAI OtffU HI ^Sfii OTMtt WIUEt tTOtfl. J # If /, . i ,17.11 . ' 11 /. i I'n i A7 U7, » » A7 IV/, , /'„ V More! Why I'nv More! Win 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA SAVINGS thrifty acres FOR YOUR HOUSE! SAVE $4 GAL. MEIJER BEST LATEX HOUSE PAINT •SEVERAL COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM RIG. $11.47 GAl. PRKB 0000 MONDAY JUM H THMI SATURDAY JULY 1.1Y7I. MIUIR RBiRVB THI RIGHT TO LIMIT MLB ACCORDING TO SPECIFIED LIMITS. NO SALB TO DEALERS, INSTITUTIONS OR DBTRIRUTORS. CHARGE ANYTHING IN THE STORE EXCEPT FOOD, LIQUOR AND SUPERMARKET ITEMS YOU DON'T NEED CASH! USE K, CONVENIENT CREDIT CARDS! PRKB GOOD MOMMY JUM U TUMI SATURDAY JUIY1,1Y7I. MSIjfl RESiRVES THE RIGHT TO LIMIT MUS ACCORDING TO SflCIfIIP LIMITS. NOSAIBTO DEALERS, INSTITUTIOHS OR D6TRIRUTORS. 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA MIOO RWMULT TMIU WUMATIAJi. TO IRlSO R.M. - RUHRAT 0 A.M. TO 7 O.M. jmm tnwiMmuniim TENT CLEARANCE