Grievance procedure requested by Pollock By DANIEL HILBERT He said it was up to the personnel office officer and fulfilling the investigative and State News Staff Writer to decide whether or not she should be enforcement aspects. Pollock also said she wanted to be Fired women's programs director Mary granted access to a grievance procedure. Pollock filed a written request Friday with Trustee Jack Stack, R Alma, who at granted the grievance procedure in order to he given her basic due process rights. President Edgar L. Harden asking that she tempted to get the board to discuss Pollock's firing last week and failed, said "A grievance procedure might also make be given access to a grievance procedure to she should be granted access to a grievance an impartial review by outsiders possible," protest her dismissal. Pollock said regarding Stack's recommend¬ Harden has not yet announced his procedure. He said he asked the board to discuss the ation to the Board of Trustees that the decision regarding the matter. dismissal because of Pollock's status as a situation in the Office of Human Relatione She also applied to use the adminstrative should be reviewed by outside consultants. professional grievance procedure with probationary employee which does not The hoard also heard pleas for Pollock's Raymond R. Hopper, grievance officer. automatically grant her the right to file a reinstatement at last Thursday's public Hopper refused to comment on the status grievance. "I guess it could be argued that this is the comment session. The women's groups who of Pollock's request. Pollock was fired June 13 by Robert way it is for everybody, so why make an spoke asked that Harden reply to them by Perrin, vice president for University and exception?" Stack said. "I simply think this Monday. is an exceptionable position." Harden later told Pollock that because of federal relations, when she refused his offer He emphasized the "uniqueness" of the his schedule for the next few days a reply to resign at the end of July. He cited as a reason for her dismissal that women's programs director because of the by Monday would be impossible, but would be forthcoming. she was not effectively doing her job. dual role — being both a public relations The Wells Hall bridge was the sight of some minor repair work this past week. Workers are replacing sections of Perrin also said he followed all proce¬ the sidewalk that were damaged by snowplows this past winter. Freezing temperatures also expanded the dures carefully regarding her termination. ground moisture, thus raising the pavement in some areas. "I'm confident that I followed the rules," he added. Spy charges against Soviets hold prison to the custody of U.S. Ambassador "There is no implicit equation of the two number of Russians and "we accept his Trustee Jack Stack, Alma, who attenpted to get the board to discuss Pol¬ R- By BARRY SCHWEID denial." lock's firing last week and WASHINGTON (AP) — The United Malcolm Toon slmost 24 hours after the two cases," he said, "either of the facts or the seriousness of the charges." Meanwhile, State Department officials failed, said she should be States does not intend to drop spy charges Russians, Valdik Aleksandrovich Enger and said they had no information beyond press Carter said Crawford has reiterated he is against two Russians who have been Rudolph Petrovich Chernyayev, were innocent of the accusation that he ex¬ accounts about actions taken against two granted access to a grie¬ released from prison in New Jersey, the turned over to Soviet Ambassador Anatoly American reporters. vance procedure. State Department said Tuesday. F. Dobrynin. changed large sums of money with a And, department spokesperson Hodding The delay was caused by differences in The reporters, Craig Whitney of the New Carter said, there is no indication the the two judicial systems and not by "a York Times and Harold D. Piper of the Soviets will drop their prosecution of last-minute hitch," Carter said. Baltimore Sun, were ordered to appear in a Francis J. Crawford, the American entre- Under terms of their release from prison, Moscow court on Wednesday on slander preneur who has been accused of currency the two accused Russians are required to charges. speculation in Moscow. remain within the reach of the U.S. District Crawford was released from Lefortovo Court in Newark, which has jurisdiction "We do not know for sure what the basis Mary Pollock over their case. They are accused of might be for the charges," Carter said. accepting U.S. defense secrets from an He noted that Whitney and Piper were Amercan Navy officer who was co< perating involved in a civil rather than a criminal Sheriff fund with the FBI. "The case is still district court," the pending b :fore the spokesperson said. proceeding and therefore would not be subject to "more severe penalties." Nash's charges true, Similarly, Crawford, a 38-year-old busi¬ Dobrynin told reporters at the Soviet Embassy that he had no specific informa¬ bill vetoed ness representative of International Har¬ vester Co. of Chicago, is required to remain tion about the case. lie detector test says in the Soviet Union subject to continued "You are educated, you know what slander is," he said. prosecution. by Milliken "We have no indication the charges will be dropped against Mr. Crawford," Carter said. Dobrynin was conference to promote appearing at a press the sale of Soviet Olympic coins in the United States. said LANSING iUPI) — Rep. Ernest Nash Tuesday a lie detector test he took voluntarily showed he told the truth when Two Oiher questions were: "While in Kalamazoo, did Behrends show you three signed checks George LANSING (UPI) - Gov. William G. with blank payees?" "Did George Behrends The parallel releases have prompted he repeated bribery allegations involving Milliken kept his promise and vetoed Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance two top legislative Democrats. tell you the checks with blank payees were speculation about an eventual swap of the legislation Tuesday that would have fun- two Russians for Crawford. planned to discuss the matter with Dobry¬ Nash, a Dimbndale Republican, said he for any legislator he wanted to give them neled $10 million to county sheriffs' depart¬ nin at a State Department meeting, But Carter seemed to dismiss the Francis Crawford took the polygraph examination Monday to ments. officials said. According to the examiner's statement suggestions. support his testimony before a federal "From the beginning of its consideration Nash answered "yes" to both questions grand jury investigating possible political in the Legislature, I have said this bill is corruption in Michigan. with "no significant emotional disturbances unacceptable," Milliken said in his veto Nash has alleged former lobbyist George indicative of deception." statement. "It is unacceptable because it dilutes local control over sheriffs' departments and Harden awards Furbush $200 Behrends told him that Behrends offered more than $100,000 to House Speaker Crim and Forbes brushed aside Nash's statements and said they would have no further comment. Neither has been called Bobby Crim. D Davison, and House Demo because it creates the very real possibility He added, "We've also improved the before the grand jury. By MICHAEL MEGERIAN Eldon R. Nonnamaker, vice president for cratic Floor Leader Joseph Forbes of Oak of dilution of support for the state police student affairs, requesting that he make a hearing process which will be available to Nash, serving his second House term, is a State News Staff Writer Park to pass a bill favorable to Michigan in the future." an RA when he or she has a grievance in the former state police officer who specialized Former Williams Hall resident assistant ruling. chiropractors. Milliken said he still was willing to future." in voice identification techniques. John Furbush will receive $200 from the Nonnamaker upheld the RHPO decision Behrends, 74, who lobbied for chiroprac¬ discuss a compromise and directed his staff in meeting with Furbush and his Furbush said he felt the fight was worth tors for two years, denied the story, and to seek such an agreement. University for payment of earnings lost as a a result of his suspension. co-counsel on May 11. it. Crim and Forbes said no such offer was "My hope is that in the aftermath of this Furbush was suspended made. veto, we can continue to work to solve some last fall after The next appeal went directly to Harden "The money is not important," he said. of the problems which do need attention admitting he had smoked marijuana in his June 5 when Larrowe and Ferency claimed "The important thing is I fought for Nash said the lie detector test was room on one occasion. the RHPO hearing was not conducted something I thought was right." and that we can arrive at a solution which conducted by a private firm in Hinsdale. III., does not subvert local control or threaten to MSU President Edgar L. Harden an¬ properly and Harden should make the Furbush added he was pleased with the and that results of the test were certified by dilute the quality of strength of the nounced the ruling Tuesday after a June 5 ruling. support from Ferency and Larrowe. Fred L. Hunter, the polygraph examiner. Michigan State Police," he said. Harden reviewed the case and issued a According to documents distributed by meeting with Furbush and his co-counsel, C. "Such an agreement would have to direct Patric Larrowe, professor of economics, and joint statement with Larrowe and Ferency "I have more respect for them than I can Nash, he answered "yes" to the following funds to county boards of commissioners for Zolton Ferency, professor of criminal on Tuesday. say." he said. "All that time they put in was questions: "Did George Behrends tell you determination of priorities to maintain local justice, through their own good will." he gave money to Crim and Forbes to pass a "There was never any question that control, it would have to provide funds Furbush violated his contract as an RA," Furbush said he bears no animosity bill?" "Did George Behrends tell you he along very carefully-defined guidelines At the meeting, Larrowe suggested gave at least $100,000 to Crim and Forbes Harden said. "But in view of the objections toward the Residence Halls Association, which do not violate concepts which Furbush be compensated for the money he to pass a bill?" to the hearing that was held in his case, we but said he will live off campus next year. violated in this bill and it would have to be l°»t as a result of the suspension, decided the University should give him part "After three years of dorm life I've had Hunter signed a statement saying that, in based on a formula related to the purpose The former resident assistant lost about of what he lost when he was suspended," his opinion, Nash "is telling the truth." enough," he said. for which the money is to be spent — $1,100 in room and board for winter and something this bill does not do." spring terms but earned $600 while Prospects of an override attempt by the Democratic-controlled Legislature were un¬ working on campus, Larrowe said. QUESTIONED FOR VERSAILLES BOMBING certain Tuesday. Larrowe and Ferency had originally House Democratic Floor Leader Joseph asked that $500 be awarded to Furbush. Forbes, of Oak Park said an override attempt probably would come immediately because "a veto override just isn't that However, Harden decided to grant only a portion of the difference. "We Police arrest Breton nationalists were shooting for the difference easy." between what John lost and what he earned tone" of previous Breton bombings. ByPAULTREUTHARDT The vetoed legislation would have as¬ while working on campus," Larrowe said. VERSAILLES, France (AP) — Police began a roundup of The underground Breton Revolutionary Army of the Breton signed to the sheriffs the main responsi¬ Breton nationalists Tuesday after uncovering evidence that a Liberation Front, along with two little known leftist groups, bility for patrolling county and local roads Furbush's suspension was upheld Jan. claimed responsibility for the bombing. In a tract found Monday on Brittany separatist organization may have planted the bomb that an expressway in Brittany, the Breton Army, which was banned in and included a method of distributing state 17 by the Residence Hall Programs Office severely damaged one wing of the historic Palace of Versailles. money for those patrols. appeals board. Following RHPO's ruling, 1974, said its "soldiers" planted the bomb. Eight persons were arrested for questioning in police raids in s opposed by the state police, which Furbush, Larrowe and Ferency wrote to the northwestern coastal province and officials said more arrests "The Breton people are oppressed, the land of Brittany is argued the measure was an effort to the Student-Faculty Judiciary asking it to occupied by French military camps, and the language and culture diminish its authority, and backed by appeal the . SFJ turned the case down were probable. But police sources expressed little hope of finding of Brittany are denied and destroyed by French imperialist the bombers quickly. "They are often fringe members of tiny sheriffs and the AFL-CIO, which represents on March 15. power," the statement said. some deputies. Larrowe and Ferency then contacted groups," one said. The French media speculated that if the Bretons were in fact A French environmental organization, Space for the Future, responsible, they had two motives — striking at the heart of made an international appeal for funds to help restore the palace. French culture and gaining spectacular publicity for their cause. A spokesperson said the campaign for contributions has the But reaction in France was unanimously hostile and the press approval of Culture Minister Jean-Philippe Lecat. The State Security Court, which investigates and tries offenses castigated the "imbeciles" who carried out the bombing, a sentiment echoed by officials and legislators in Brittany. State News schedule against the security of the country, has taken over the case and is instructing police in their investigation, official sources said. The blast badly damaged 16 paintings and wall panels, three The sources did not elaborate on what the new evidence in the plaster busts, a dozen antique chairs, assorted candelabra, ornate ?er8 wy' except Tuesday, during summer term, curtains and sculped woodwork in galleries devoted to the Empire suspect Breton separatists. But a police ■ case was that led them to fall 8tuc*ent8' ^ews resume five-day publication in the spokesperson said Monday morning's bombing, which wrecked period. The Breton nationalists have claimed 206 bombing attacks . in the three ground floor rooms in the Midi Wing of the 17th century (continued on page 10) palace, was "completely in conformity with the style, form and Wednesday, June 28, 1978 2 Michigon State News. East Loosing, Michigan Mondale wants friend to resign said. "We are trying to play the Hubert H. Humphrey, D-Minn., "We came to the conclusion WASHINGTON IAP) - Vice that whatever legal remedies "There was no effort on his role of a helpful mediator and Mondale's mentor in Minnesota President Walter F. Mondale (Gartner's) part to disguise that friend and this trip is in that and on the national political might exist — apparently there said Tuesday he hopes his are few, if any — we should call friend David Gartner will fol¬ embarrassment but it did not spirit." •The tax legislation being for Mr. Gartner's resignation low the president's wishes and come to my attention or the pre¬ The vice president acknowl-, on the grounds that the ethical resign from the Commodity president's," Mondale said. pared by the House Ways and edged that when he learned" Futures Trading Commission. "I fear that his (Gartner's) Means Committee "would skew the details of the gift to appearances surrounding that the progressivity of tax relief in matter were such that he could Gartner's refusal to resign, position, unless he changes, will Gartner's children, he was bring harm to him and, more an upside-down way." not operate without public even though he accepted as "greatly troubled." importantly, will undermine "All they hear from up there questioning of his integrity and gifts for his children $72,000 in A series of discussions began, the independence of his judg¬ stock in a large grain concern, that public trust he's worked (Congress) is lobbyists," he Pole, Russian launched into space has turned into an embarrass¬ for, and I've worked for, all our lives. I still said, predicting an administra¬ tion effort "to let the American without Carter's participation, "as to what should be done, ment," Mondale said. "The president agreed with ment for President Carter. The hope he'll recon about what the law was that that course," he added. How¬ president publicly urged Gart sider." people know what they're try¬ has a bearing on what we do ever, the suggestions of resig¬ MOSCOW (AP) — A Polish cosmonaut launched June 15, aboard the orbiting ner to step down during a Gartner was reported pre¬ ing to get away with." Gartner, a long-time friend of after a person has been nation that the vice president was launched into orbit Tuesday with a Salyut 6 space station. The two Soviets Monday news conference. pared to testify on the details of administration said followed were turned aside the stock gift on Wednesday, Mondale, was the administra¬ firmed" for Soviet mission commander aboard Soyuz have been reactivating scientific equip¬ by the president's ment for another round of experiments. when he appears before the tive assistant to the late Sen. job. 30 in the second Soviet international Senate Agriculture Committee. manned space, Tass reported. Polish radio and television interrupted During the 30-minute inter¬ The news agency identified the Pole as view in his White House office, their programs to announce the first Pole cosmonaut-researcher Miroslaw Her- maszewski and the Russian as com¬ mander flyer-cosmonaut Pyotr Klimuk. was in orbit. He is 37, is married and has two Mondale also said: •He will not attempt to become a Middle East negotiator dur¬ Mexican students riot The pair was expected to join Soviet children. He has been studying space ing his weekend trip to Israel cosmonauts Vladimir Kovalenok and Alexander Ivanchenkov, who were sciences in the Soviet Space Center since December 1976. and Egypt, "review with and where he will Israeli leaders Egyptian leaders our ap¬ praisal of the current situation over teen-ager's death MATAMOROS, Mexico (AP) of the businesses around U.S. Consul Francis Arenz in the Middle East talks." Machine-gun wielding feder¬ the town square and marched said guards panicked and there anxious that the — "We are Italians seek woman involved in Moro death momentum be restored," he al troops patrolled streets in this border town Tuesday after to the City Hall complex, burn¬ ing the police headquarters and was "plenty of shooting." He said eight Americana who the jail, as well as the municipal were in the jail at the time were quelling a riot by some 4,000 more than a month, one of eight persons building. The jail and police uninjured and remained in cus¬ ROME (AP) — Italian authorities students that left at least one spread a dragnet for a woman charged charged in the Moro kidnapping and person dead and 35 injured. station were gutted. tody today. Monday with complicity in the Red Brigades kidnap-slaying of former Pre¬ assassination. The couple separated two years ago, ANSA said. Jarvis pushing There were conflicting ports of the number of dead injured. The U.S. consul said it re¬ and The demonstrators their way forced into public buildings, scattering police records in the A jail official, Ontonio Perez Trevino, said 10 other prisoners escaped during the melee by mier Aldo Moro. The agency also said Marini, a had an unconfirmed report of town square. The looting and just shaking bars off windows. Authorities issued an arrest warrant quickly Four prisoners were hospi¬ tax-cut rebates and possibly two, deaths. torchings spread specialist in teaching handicapped chil¬ one, for Barbara Balzaroni Morini, who The Mexican hospital authori¬ throughout the downtown area. talized, he said. remained at large. The Italian news dren. has been living with the man who ties said they knew of no deaths rented a hideout used by ultra-leftist Red agency ANSA, quoting police sources, LOS ANGELES (AP) - Tax local governments across the but said 35 were injured. said she was a key figure in the Moro Brigades terrorists in Rome. ANSA said crusader Howard Jarvis and state have already begun lay¬ The Mexican government did the man was almost certainly Mario case who has knowledge about identities of his kidnappers. Moretti. the alleged chief of the Red three landlord groups kicked off a campaign Monday urging offs of public employees. Returning from a visit to not immediately comment on the incident. Carter upset over ANSA said Marini is the estranged wife Brigades' cell in the Italian capital and apartment owners to give ten Washington where he ex¬ There had been reports of a of Antonio Morini. He has been in jail for also a fugitive. ants any saving gained through plained his so-called taxpayers' police officer killed, but Mexi¬ the passage of Proposition 13. California's tax-cut law. revolt to legislators and federal officials, Jarvis said lawmakers can authorities denied it. The rioting was touched off Senate cut in aid At the same time, Jarvis. there are considering introduc¬ by the death last week of a in police IRA claims responsibility for Belfast death chief sponsor of the campaign that saw Proposition 13 ap ing legislation to pass any such windfall back to states that teen-ager custody. who was WASHINGTON (AP) - The Sepate ignored pleas to keep sage the Senate also voted 75-4 to bar any funds in the bill from For four hours, angry stu¬ President Carter's foreign aid being spent to aid Vietnam, proved by a landslide margin in approve measures such as California's June 6 primary, Proposition 13. dents threw rocks and burned program intact and voted to cut Uganda, Cambodia or Cuba. By BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) — he was kidnapped Saturday near his the $1.86 billion Development voice vote it prohibited any aid said he would continue to try to Police found the hooded body of a man in home in the IRA stronghold of Grossmag- which harbor or abet prevent federal government Assistance Act by 5 percent to nations a car near the border with the Irish len on the border with the Irish Republic. across the board. terrorists. from gaining a tax windfall as a Republic Sunday. An anonymous caller identified the victim as an informer The statement said McEntee had been under surveillance for several days after result of the initiative. Earlier, Jarvis said he would Soviet guard kills tourists The vote on the amendment offered by Sen. Harry F. Byrd, Byrd called his amendment a prudent and balanced move to working for the British and said he was "a captured member of the British announce plans for a national MOSCOW (AP) — In the bloodiest attack on foreign visitors in D-Va.was 57-22. reduce a bloated aid program killed by Irish Republican Army guerril¬ security forces" provided the guerrillas organization to help foster tax years, a 24-year-old Soviet night guard Tuesday axed two elderly It cam in apparent response and provide some taxpayer las. with information on intelligence opera¬ revolts in other states. Without Swedish tourists to death and seriously injured a third outside a to taxpayer dissatisfaction as relief. A statement, purportedly from the tions. elaboration, however, he told central Moscow hotel. symbolized by the 2-to-l vote Monday by which Californians But Sen. Clifford Case, IRA's militant "Provisional" wing, was It said McEntee was a former British reporters Monday that he was The incident came a month after a hooded gunman held two not ready to outline the plans. earlier this month adopted R-N.J., called the Byrd telephoned to a Belfast radio station. It Army sergeant and admitted under IRA employees hostage at a downtown airline office, and it focused amendment an irresponsible attention on official Soviet claims that violent crime is merely a Proposition 13, a mandate to identified the victim as Patrick McEntee, interrogation that he met regularly with Federal revenues will in¬ reduce state and local spending "meat ax" and said the reduc¬ a 54-year-old Roman Catholic, and said British agents. crease by an estimated $1 "bourgeois holdover" within a happy, secure framework of Soviet tion would and to cut property taxes. give each American society. billion j(o $2 billion annually because California taxpayers Witnesses said the tourists were standing with other Swedes The Byrd amendment re¬ taxpayer exactly 32 cents. duces the authorization bill by "That is enough to buy a will have 57 percent fewer outside the Intourist Hotel on Gorky Street, within sight of the $93 million, leaving the total small bag of popcorn at the property taxes to deduct from Kremlin, when the tall, husky Soviet rushed up and began available for development aid movies," Case said. "On the Cooperation may have smashed terrorists their federal income turns, he said. tax re¬ swinging an ax at them for no apparent reason. An American correspondent staying at the hotel, Clifford May, at $1.76 billion. The bill with other hand, it is also enough to the lowered spending level was feed a child in Africa for three Property taxes will be representing the Hearst newspapers, said, "There was blood BONN, West Germany (AP) Active detectives to seize four suspected terror¬ then adopted, 49-30. days or to immunize five chil¬ — slashed an average of 57 per¬ covering the sidewalk — just washing over it." dren." ists at a Black Sea resort. Before acting on final pas¬ East European cooperation in nabbing cent by Proposition 13, and The attack took place at about 12:30 p.m. terrorists has raised West German hopes The capture brings to 20 the number of of smashing anarchist foes, and there are suspects rounded up in recent months indications Communist states also hope and was the second in an East European OPEN: to gain politically their helpfulness. and economically from country. (Abbott Mon-Sat 10-6 "The terrorist camp has without a Yugoslav police cooperated in the doubt been demoralized," Chief Federal Prosecutor Kurt Rebmann said in an arrests in May 11 of four terrorist suspects Zagreb, including Red Army Faction Qoad interview published Monday, nearly a leaders Brigitte Mohnhaupt and Rolf week after Bulgaria allowed German Clemens Wagner. ^afACuttC/12 OO only v. U 0 °^0 ,uu0u0 " o °cP for professional styling 0cO COmPUTER Call 332-4314 , LABORATORY for appt. or walk-in '.o 0°o Suite 201, East Lansing State Bank Building, on Abbott Seabrook atomic plant demonstration ends °00° oO °0 „0 „ SEABROOK, N.Y. (AP) - Thousands of the project stopped until a determination 0°? ° OO',0 ' Or> anti-nuclear power protesters ended is made on the probably environmental °0°° their demonstration against the Sea- brook atomic power plant peacefully as the scene of the debate over the plant impact of the plant's cooling system on the sea. While 18,000 people completed the SUmmER SHORT COURSES °0 °0°00;v shifted to the Nuclear Regulatory Com¬ The Computer Laboratory will offer a series of mission. weekend of demonstration near the non-credit short courses in computing during The commission says it will decide by plant site Monday, another 1,700 silently Summer Term. Registration must be made by June Friday whether to halt work on the circled the Manchester courthouse, 30, 1978 in the User Information Center, 313 Seabrook plant. where three of the federal commission's Computer Center. A $2 fee covering materials is Anti-nuclear foes, rallying under the members heard arguments on the charged for each short course; additional banner of the Clamshell Alliance, want dispute. materials that may be recommended for in¬ dividual courses are available in the User in¬ formation Center. Computer time is not included in the basic fee, but is available for an additional Officers to begin arresting wife-beaters cost at the student's option; this option must be exercised at the time of registration. Asterisks (*) there is reason to believe a crime has next to course numbers indicate courses that have NEW YORK (AP) - Discording its policy of having officers try to mediate family been committed, unless there is justifica¬ prerequisites; for more information, call 353- 1800. disputes, the Police Department has tion not to do so. agreed to begin arresting men who beat The agreement makes clear the their wives. Introduction to Computing (100) The agreement came Monday in an justification cannot, as in the past, rely on For persons with little or no computing experience. July 5. 6. 7, 12. the fact that the attacker and victim are out-of-court settlement of a suit filed by married or that the police officer thinks 71 women who claimed police ignored their reports of being repeatedly beaten they should reconcile. The agreement was worked out by by their husbands. Under the new policy, at least one lawyers for the 71 women and City Basic SPSS (155*) Introduction to the Statistical Package lor the Social Sciences July 18. officer must respond to every report of a Corporation Counsel Allan Schwartz, 20.25. 27 3-5p.m. wife-beating or threatened beating and a with the cooperation of Police Com¬ husband must be arrested for assault if missioner Robert McGuire. Introduction to Interactive Usage (175*) Introduction to the use of the interactive computing facility at MSU. luly 7-9 p.m. Michigon Stot« N»ws, Eost Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, June 28, 1978 3 TOO EXPENSIVE. SAYS Closed For Group knocks N-power By PAULCOX present. The Midland plant mic standpoint. Power and the Midland plant Inventory "We didn't go into numbers. could lead to a lower bond SUte News Staff Writer when first planned was project¬ The Public Interest Research ed to cost $256 million. The Many economic studies have rating (for the Lansing Board), Thursday June 29 less investment and higher at 1:00 pm shown that nuclear energy Group in Michigan presented present construction estimate is $1.67 billion, or a 552 percent costs more than fossil-fuel ener¬ consumer rates," Freedkin the Lansing Board of Water increase, the report stated. gy," Freedkin said. said. and Light with a report advis¬ A 1976 MIT study showed When questioned by Roland Dennis Casteele, board pub¬ ing against future use of nucle¬ ar power. the average cost increase for nuclear plants in the U.S. was F. Rhead, chairperson of the board, as to what PIRGIM lic information administrator, said the PIRGIM report and Main store closed all day thru The report was presented by 100 percent. would suggest as the best another report coming soon Steve Freedkin, acting PIR¬ energy alternative, Freedkin from the research company will The report also showed the said, "We would recommend a get the decision-process mov¬ GIM executive director, and Ed Petrini, the organization's legal director, at the board's regular effect resources cartel of dwindling uranium and a worldwide the price of nuclear fossil fuel." ing. "This is the first step. We June 30 on Also, the direct additional meeting Monday night. fuel. will have to be on our way to a cost of nuclear energy could Freedkin said the group's decision by the end of the In 1973, the price of uranium possibly lower the board's bond primary interest in the matter year," Casteele said. was from $6 to $8 per pound. rating, Freedkin said. is an economic one though they do care tion. about energy conserva¬ Currently, uranium is $40 per pound and projections show the The Lansing Board has a triple A rating from both Hall stores open June 30 cost will continue to sky rocket, Standard & Poor's and Mood's The Board of Water and the report stated. independent rating firms. It is the highest rating and means Correction Light is considering buying 7 Possible slowdowns in con¬ the board is a good investment. percent of the Consumers Pow¬ struction from government reg¬ Consumers Power was given It incorrectly reported in Kresge Art Building will be closed was er nuclear power generation ulation, plus the unknown ex¬ stations in Midland, under the the lowest rating by the two last Thursday's State News pense for nuclear waste dispo¬ recommendation of the R.W. firms. According to the rating that Daniel Behringer is the sal, is also a cost question-mark, Beck and Association research firms, utilities connected with head of the Capital Area United the report stated. nuclear power are likely to Way. Behringer is the director firm. The PIRGIM report cites the high cost of nuclear energy at Freedkin said these factors make nuclear energy unpracti¬ cal at this time from an econo¬ have lower bond ratings. "Involving with Consumers of communications for the organization. area June 29 and open June 30 Anyone of our shrimp Summer hours 7:30 am-5:30 pm BOOK IIOBI "In the center of campus' Hall shop hours 7:30 am-5:15 pm wiHbejoineaby \ 13 for dinner. When you order our shrimp dinner, you get no 14 delicious shrimp, each one deep tried and served elaborate salad bar. Hearthstone toast, and butter. less than with our After all, Beginning of Summer we don't skimp on our shrimp. Including Salad Bar SANDAL SALE NOW! just in time for the 4th of July get a new pair of sandals to cool off in. 600 N. Homer near 5001 W. Saginaw Frandor Shopping Center, Lansing across from the Lansing Mall, Lansing WOMEN'S SAVE OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 00 •SHOES UP TO /•SANDALS •CLOGS Values to $35.00 78% 5" t» 24" Bare Traps. Bass, Bort Carleton, MEN'S '•SHOES &\ ( larks. Dexter. Diesse, Dunhams. Encore. Red Hot, Sbicca, Shoes n' Stuff plus many more 2028 pair on •SANDALS Special Grouping 10" to 24J7 Bass, darks. Dexter. Lacon- 235 pair la. Portage. El Padnno plus many more. 1250 pair ( Mens & Womens Boys & Girls Magnetic appeal; earrings that go in one's or two's, whether ATHLETIC Ope your ears are pierced or not. They'll appear so, but you can FOOTWEAR tonight til 6 move these earrings around. . .wear one pair of pierced, and one magnetic, as the mood takes you. The secret is tiny magnets, cleverly attached to the back of the earrings, strong enough to keep them in place, light enough tojnake you forget .8" to 15", AAV. Converse, Thurs. & Fri. til 9 they're there. Shown here samples from a collection by Capri in MXU. Bootery4i FROM OUR AMUVi glistening gold tone for day or night. Each pair, $6. FOR THE WOMEN - FOR THE MEN 225 E. Grand River • 217 E. Grand River ^ Jacobsaris between MAC & Abbott, fast Lansing ©poinfein) VIEWPOINT: ESMAIL EDITORIAL Illinois' failure to ratify SIS ' trivialized' sentence ERA a loss to the nation By The Committer to Defend the Human Rights of Sami Esmail "Let the wheels of justice turn" the State News advised us all last order on the attorney were only removed after the significant reaction of a large number of people in various parts of this country. As inexcusable as the gross omissions are the statements spring. On June 12th, Sami Esmail was given a 15 month sentence Illinois — the Land of Lincoln. If meaning of rationality and reason. have the 107 votes needed. They for "crimes" of thought, belief and assembly — following a trial in presented in the editorial as fact which are simply false: ol' Abe could hear the bickering Possibly they have grown to like even figured 110 to be safe. But at which not one shred of substantive evidence was presented, the sole (1) "by his own admission ... he participated in paramilitary the national attention focused on the last minute the votes just "evidence" being a "confession" obtained under duress and without training." Sami vigorously denied this under oath in his own and squabbling going on in Spring¬ testimony. (Is the State News perhaps using the coerced field he undoubtedly would be them and their indecisiveness. weren't there. Assuredly, the the benefit of legal counsel. "confession" as the basis of this statement?) making the proverbial turn in his Rep. Davis Jones, R-Springfield, wishy-washies had their reasons Now that the wheels of justice have indeed turned, and the (2) The statement about nine affadavits appears to have been voted yes on the amendment every just as the blacks and Rep. Jones prosecutor advised the court that Sami must be used as an "example taken from the Freedman-Dershowitz article in the New York grave. Once again the Illinois to deter others," it is baffling and shameful that the State News has House failed to ratify the Equal time it has come up to a vote. But did — but why must they take it chosen to trivialize the sentence as a nine-month exercise in Times and is false. As we stated in our response published June 5th last Thursday he changed his mind out on the ERA? in the Times: "In fact, no such affadavits were submitted to the Rights Amendment by a slim contemplation. (Would the editors of the State News enjoy Israeli government, the court, the press or any other organization." margin — this time only two and voted no, picayunishly citing The Illinois legislature recesses contemplating in the three by seven foot cell for a two week period Furthermore, the State News ignores the fact that publication by the Illinois Senate's refusal to act on Friday and the chance for a with no light, little ventilation and no opportunity for normal use of meager votes. And once again it the Israeli government of erroneous dates for the trip sponsored the on the matter as his reason. re-vote is nil. And the March 29 toilet and bathing facilities as has Sami for criticising prison was not because the legislators confusion as to when Sami was seen and where. ratification deadline draws closer conditions?) were fundamentally opposed to it, It is even more baffling that the State News selected as its (3) Felicia Langer has not used the word torture to describe but because of petty personal On the June 7 vote, five black every day. Unless Mississippi Sami's treatment, as bad as it was. She has maintained consistently should happen to wake up sudden¬ principal point of focus a vicious and unfounded attack on Sami's clashes among some of the biggest representatives who had previous¬ lawyer Felicia Langer, implying that she exploited Sami's case in that she reserves that word for the many cases in which it egos east of the Mississippi. ly been supporters decided to ly and join the rest of the world, or favor of a "cause." appropriately describes the treatment — cases of Palestinians who abstain because they claimed Congress decide to extend the do not have the benefit of being American citizens. It is really ridiculous. And after whites had tried to meddle in their deadline, we fear the ERA may Incredibly, the State News ignores the fact mentioned above that The State News owes fellow student Sami Esmail and the entire that, what more can anyone say? the trial was concluded without the introduction by the prosecution join the hula-hoop as an obsolete academic community a serious examination of the facts in this case, The ERA is harmless. It is not leadership. ERA supporters were of substantive evidence. The State News ignores that it was the of theory and the practice of Israeli justice in the occupied frantically trying to round up novelty instead of where it should prosecutor who chose to cast the trial in broader scope by making going to hurt anybody. There will votes before last Thursday's roll be — the last word of the U.S. Sami an "example." The State News ignores the fact that this trial territories and of the role played by the FBI and the implications of not be the peering eyes of the did occur in a much larger context: the military occupation of the all of this for the campus community. We have seen little of this so call and were assured they would Constitution. far. opposite sex watching your every homeland of the Palestinian people. The State News ignores the move when you go to the bath¬ fact that Sami, not Felicia Langer, saw his own plight as organically Furthermore, Felicia Langer, as one of the handful of courageous bound to the "cause." His own words at the sentencing (published in Israeli attorneys who defends Palestinians, deserves our support. room. It is not a carte blanche to most news accounts but not in the State News) makes this quite For its gratuitous and callous hypothesis that she "would have been abortion on demand. It will not mean women will have to shoot But isn't Chicago clear. He stated: "My only crime is my political solidarity with the oppressed and homeless Palestinian people and other oppressed secretly elated over a nine-year sentence," — though the editors appear to have little first-hand knowledge of her, not having Cubans in Africa. It will not make people throughout the world. I cannot see how this solidarity can be attended her talk given here recently — the State News owes little girls play with tanks nor boys of harm to anyone." In their strange hypothesis that Sami's Felicia Langer a personal apology. with Barbies. It is simply a re-affirmation, of the obvious — in Illinois too? mistreatment would best have been met by silence, the editors ignored the fact that the intended secrecy of the trial and the gag The SN did oftend Langer's talk. We stond by our editorial position.—Ed. women are people and must be narrow-minded treated accordingly. That fine upstanding group of people — a con¬ red-blooded, love-it-or-leave-it cept that is reinforced by their "By It is so simple one wonders why American small businessmen — God, I did it on my own" attitude. fed What is really interesting is that it even has to be said. But then one the Jay Cees — have proven once certain renegade cities around the DANIEL HERMAN realizes how strong the backlash again that the ERA and what it has been from anti-ERA people stands for is not a dead issue. At its U.S. have decided to buck the like the "Chairman" of Stop ERA, recent 58th national convention national office and let women join ns Pomp and boredom held in Atlantic City New Jersey, their ranks on the sly. And even Phyllis Schlafly, that the only solution that seems possible is loud the American chapter of the more incongruous is that the most and long vocal tirades. Trying to International Jay Cees decided prominent of the maverick cities is make people like Schlafly under¬ that there was no way they could none other than Chicago, 111. And stand that it is basically a gesture tolerate women in their sacred you thought Illinois didn't cotton Surely if the selection were just limited In talking about the selection of a speaker and not a threat is a hopeless throng. to the idea of equality of women. University graduations are traditionally to Michigan a more interesting figure could with many disgruntled students, many the academic world's last chance to try to endeavor. Their minds are closed That makes the United States Shame on you. have been found. names came up, which I thought might have one of only a handful of countries in The Chicago chapter must be pound some pseudedo-morality into the to the light of reason. To hell with There are literally hundreds of fascinat¬ been excellent choices. job-hungry minds of graduates — MSU's her and her opinions — she is just the world that does not give commended for their fortutide, spring graduation festivities were no excep¬ ing people who could have spoken, so why Two people which struck me as being small fish in big pond anyway. women the opportunity to join. although we wonder just why a tion. Foley? perfect candidates were George Meany, As far as I can see graduation ceremonies who would prove to be quite controversial, But what is really distressing is That in itself is not unusual, nor woman, or anyone for that matter, The graduation "pep talk" was delivered and maybe stir up this rather quiet campus fullfill several needs. They put on a show for that the Illinois legislature has woulthwantto join such an organi¬ by Washington congressman Thomas Foley even surprising. Small business¬ on the subject of an agricultural unversity's the parents of the lucky graduates and act a bit, or maybe Leonard Woodcock, former have traditionally been seen a zation anyway. apparently also forgotten the men responsibilities in the world hunger crisis. as publicity for the University (if the head of the United Auto Workers, who University is smart enough to honor a well because of the auto industry's proximity to A less impressive speaker could not have been found. known figure). MSU, would prove quite interesting. My qualms lie not, however, with Foley's MSU's graduation did none of these Both individuals are also (arguably) fit subject, which no one in his right mind things. While our sister institution in Ann for honorary doctorates from the Univer¬ could object to, but the fact that a nobody Arbor had Vice President Walter Mondale sity. as their speaker, by comparison we had no It can only be hoped that the University like Foley was selected. uses more imagination and thought in the It is truly pathetic that no one of greater In the final analysis it is not what is said selection of next year's graduation speaker. philosophic and intellectual stature could This year's speaker, despite the good have been found than politician Foley. by the speaker, but who he is, that is putting aside the psudo • intellectual weather proved a total washout. MSU is one of the nation's largest Universities and yet we could do no better pretentions of the University adminstra- Besides, the graduates deserve a better tion. show next time. than Foley? VIEWPOINT: TAXES & PEOPLE The writing's on the wall one party, have not been able to say no to the special interest ByPAULZODTNER groups that dominate our political process today. If the elected I think there is a day of accounting not far off. For years there has officials will not control spending, it is the right of the people to been talk of a "taxpayers' revolt;" now the talk has turned to control it themselves. As an example, one has only to look at action. As Kim Shanahan stated in his column, "the vote in Michigan's annual budget. The growth of state government in California says people ^re sick and tired of politicians and recent years and an analysis of those expenditures clearly show we are in a state of social welfare gone rampant. beauracracy, no matter what their political affiliation, " is about as true a statement as can be made about the American public today. Most importantly, we must all realize that tax limitation, like the However, what Mr. Shanahan has failed to recognize is that the here in Michigan, are nothing more than stop-gap In Norell there is one hope Republican support he has condemned for this concept is no Johnny-come-lately proposition. To relate the tax limitation measures to the Republican Party measures- holding the tide until the majority of Americans can translate their espoused view of reduced with their voting habits for big spenders. government spending When John Fuzak first became learned that there were certain shoes. A better choice than Gwen that has made it succeed is not correct. It is the will of the people It is indeed a victory for the taxpayer to have brought discussions has kept the ball rolling in this effort against overzealous to limit government spending when the opposite is the current MSU's representative to the Big things in college athletics that Norrell could not have been found. Ten, Biggie Munn was still barking government spending. Mr. Shanahan notes that when tax government trend. Milton Friedman and Paul McCracken, noted were not meant for public con¬ limitation becomes a national issue, property taxes will not be the economists supporting tax limitation, are not crackpots or radicals. orders on the gridiron and the sumption. MSU has had its share It would be too easy to say that The people seem serious in their intent to get back control of their issue, income taxes will. He's 100 per cent correct. If the voters, Spartans were only a year or two of scandal on the playing fields but Norrell is a good choice because over the next few years, pass more and more such constitutional government and efforts to radicalize or liberalize their plan are past their glorious Rose Bowl none of it ever touched Fuzak — she is a woman. It would be too limits on taxes at the state level, the political foundation for the falling on deaf ears. years. Those were good years for his integrity has never diminished. shallow to say that Harden made passage of an amendment to the U.S.Constitution limiting the This issue is not going to disappear. It is up to each of us to decide the Green and White and good Federal Income Tax will be laid. When he decided it was time to the choice because he knew it the path we want to see government spending take in the next State constitutional amendments such as California's Proposition decade and the years beyond that. We all know where we've been; years for the whole conference as step down, President Edgar Har¬ would look good to the women well. The honeymoon didn't last den was put in the unenviable 13 or the Michigan tax limitation proposal arise out of the anger of let's decide where we're going. athletes who have had to suffer the voters over inflation and its consequences. The reason we are in forever, however, and Fuzak soon position of try ing to fill those great Zodtner is a senior in Generol Business Administration. loss of their champion. It would be the predicament is that the spineless legislatures, dominated by too easy to say that Gwen Norrell will provide some fresh insight into the male-dominated realm of Big Ten athletics. DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau The State News ] Quite simply, there was and is NOT A BAP N A FEUPAYS TM GOING mi, I FINALLY HOMED CALIFORNIA TO EN¬ Wednesday, June 28. 1978 no person — man or woman — , Pfcjosmests i hope-so. ROLL IN A LOCAL TANNINS THAT SOME ONLY THE SESSION,DtNS- I NEED ALL HOUtS MADE JPHI MNP Editorials ore the opinions ol the State News Viewpoints, columns and better suited for the job than , SM. I THINK Tie HELP I THAT? VTURNPROTHS CLINIC. rVE60TMY SJ6m SORT OF UMANSOF letters are personal opinions. Norrell. Norrell has a string of youre6ettns SET ON ENTERJN6TNE 6EOR6E BI6SUN COMPETWYB canset. I SEASON.. I HAMILTON COCOA BUTTEROPEN TOURNEY? TANNINS. Editorial Department awards paying tribute to her I THE HANS OF J THISAU6UST. \ Editor-in-chief James I. Smith Entertainment Editor Dave DiMartino academic excellence longer than Managing Editor Dovid Mlsiafowski Sports Editor... Mike Klocke the string of victories by Spartan KimShonohan layout Editor Deborah Heywood Opinion Editor Michelle Chambers .... athletes. Her many years of News Editor Copy Chief Kenneth E Porker Wire Editor Patricia LaCroix Staff Representative Daniel J Hilbert counseling experience with stu¬ Photo Editor Kathy Kilbury dents is an indication of her ability to deal with people — and what' Advertising Deportment characteristic could be more im¬ Advertising Manager Bob Shaffer Assistant Advertising Manager GinoSpaniolo portant than that when it comes to representing MSU to the Big Ten. Michigan State News, East Loosing, Michigan Wednesday, June 28, 1978 5 Director's Choice Series focuses on Billy Wilder list of people playing "them¬ considered "red hot" adult-only jazz label shows diversity By BILLHOLDSHIP Pablo a State News Staff Writer selves" which is almost as fare when first released. The The MSU-Lecture-Concert large as those playing roles. first two films star Jack Director's Choice Series will One of the film's most memora Lemmon and Shirley Maclaine, present five films by Billy ble scenes features three form¬ and will be shown on July 12 a traditionalist who's that at times is almost mer Mousie Alexander, who playing of Sims and Rowles Wilder during the first half of By DAVE DiMARTINO Williams, cess makes them sound totally mod¬ er stars involved in a simple and 19 respectively as part of State News Reviewer participated in almost every painful to hear, especially if the provide an adequate backing summer term. Wilder was one card game. The three were in the series. listener is at all sympathetic but can't help being over¬ ern, which says much for both A new batch of recordings phase of jazz from boogie- of the first Hollywood directors reality former silent stars liv¬ Also included in the Wilder with Williams' position. shadowed by the first pair's players. In all, this is a superb has been released by Pablo woogie to modern. Recorded in to shift to a new sense of social ing in obscurity — Anna Q. series are the director's mid- New York during April of last As a valid musical docu¬ sheer ability. The selections are pairing and one of the best awareness with the release of Nilson, H. B. Warner, and Records recently, and as far as somewhat obscure show tunes Pablo releases I've heard in a period Witness for the Prosecu¬ I can tell, the outfit has never year, the two-record set pur¬ mentation this LP has great The Lest Weekend in 1945. The Buster Keaton. The film also tion (1957) on July 5, and his value; but for sheer listening taken from the '30s and '40s, long time. By all means, pick it been headed in a better direc¬ ports to be "exploring the film was a dramatic study of a features Willian Holden in one later satirical The Private Life history of jazz with love;" in the pleasure I'll probably only lis¬ but the vitality displayed in the up. few days in the life of New of his earliest screen roles. of Sherlock HolmeB (1970) oh tion. With the label's new a distribution set-up with RCA — final analysis it actually docu¬ ten to the album's last two York alcoholic, and it set the July 26. All the showing dates the company that brought you ments pianist Williams' at¬ sides. While the concept is tone for many films that would Though tame by today s are Wednesdays. "dynaflex" and records than more warped you'd care to tempt to keep up with (or make sense of) Cecil Taylor's playing. Beginning with a spiritual, admirable, this set will have to be chalked up as a noble experiment that inevitably had "IJIkLutfaj follow during the 1940s. standards, Wilder was also one of ihe first American directors to aim for sexual realism in the The films will be shown in Fairchild Theatre at 7 and 9:30 count — Pablo independently the concert program runs the to fail. Zoot fiinu MfitaJimnuj Rtwjffd early '60s. His The Apartment p.m. Admission is $1.50 at the door, or Director's Choice presses their discs and allows RCA to distribute them, which gamut of jazz forms from J.J. JOHNSON & NAT AD (I960), Irma La Douce (1963), Series tickets are available for ragtime, swing and boogie- DERLY: THE YOKOHAMA and Kiss Me Stupid (1964) were $5 at the Union Ticket Office. is certainly a welcome change. woogie to bop and the avant- CONCERT (Pablo 2626 109)— Taking a look at some of garde. While the concert's con¬ This set, again on the Pablo these new releases: Live label, contains some high- MARY LOU WILLIAMS & cept might have been both CECIL TAYLOR: BRACED (Pablo 2620 108) - EM¬ Taylor's and Williams', only Williams seems to adhere to the class improvisation that flows superbly. The pairing of famed 'Holocaust' causing trombonist Johnson and trum¬ The fact that Taylor is to be proposed format. Taylor really found on any Pablo record at all doesn't appear to bend in his peter Adderly is about as is slightly astounding; consider how members of the audience playing one way or the other, and it is only during the LP's compatible as could be imag¬ ined, with Johnson sounding stir in W. Germany must have felt during the third side — a Taylor composi¬ strong and modern and Adder¬ recording of this live concert. tion called "Ayizan" — that ly playing especially well. Re¬ BONN, West Germany (AP) — West German television officials both players seem to attain any corded in Japan, the LP is a On one side of the stage is say they may cut Holocaust, the seven and one-half hour American real degree of compatibility. two-record set that doesn't miniseries about the Nazi extermination of Jews, and shunt it to pianist Taylor, probably the most inaccessible of all avant The preceding two sides con¬ really have a wasted note on it. regional channels. tain almost 40 minutes of a The group is a quintet; with WDR. of the semi-autonomous, garde jazz artists; on the other one government-owned stations musical "getting used to" pro¬ Johnson and Adderly are drum¬ in the national ARD network, bought the NBC film for $500,000 side sits pianist Mary Lou mer Kevin Johnson, bassist while it was being aired in the United States last spring. Other Tony Dumas and keyboard stations in the network are objecting to the cost, and several player Billly Childs. The best newspapers and TV station officials oppose the film being R4BLCMUVE tunes on the set are Johnson's "Splashes" and Adderly's fa¬ mous "Work Song," on which Adderly plays especially well. broadcast in Germany. Officials of the national network are to decide the program's fate in the next 10 days. Helmut Oeller of the Munich station Bayerischer Rundfunk said. One of the critics, he says Holocaust is J.J. Jokiuwts Nat Adhky Adderly's music of late — as demonstrated by his recent "a commercial concoction" that is "unsuitable to adequately commemorate the victims." IkYokohamCimurt Inner City set — seems to be growing in a very mature, more Soviet-U.S. rock film canceled An official of Radio Bremen, Helmut Lamprecht, said that instead of broadcasting Holocaust, the network should be giving fully-realized direction than has extensive coverage of the Maidanek war crimes trial that has been & ... been the ZOOT SIMS & case ROWLES: IF FM LUCKY in the past. JIMMY LONDON (AP) De Grunwald — Film producer Dimitri announced Monday the Soviet Union has canceled without explanation a He said singer Joan Baez and the pop groups The Beach Boys and Santana were to have flown to Moscow from California this under way in Duesseldorf for three years. The conservative Bonn newspaper Die Welt said the Nazi uniforms in Holocaust were inaccurate. Nazi leaders "once again" (Pablo 2310 803) - While Sims multi-million dollar movie that was to have Saturday to meet Soviet groups lined up for were caricatured and the emaciated concentration camp inmates has been featured on several the film that was to be called Carnival. played by well-fed extras. been set around a two-hour rock concert in were other Pablo releases, I don't San Francisco promoter Bill Graham was "When the time comes, a version cut to 90 minutes will be think I've ever heard him play Leningrad. "I am absolutely shattered." the Soviet- to organize a free outdoor concert for 150,000 concealed on the WDR regional channel as an embarrassing r the saxophone as consistently in Leningrad that was to have capped the gesture toward an enraged public to justify at least partly the born producer told the Associated Press. well as he manages to do here. film, said De Grunwald, who was born in that wasted vast amount of public funds and to cover up the huge "They gave me no reason whatever for To my mind, much of the credit canceling, no explanation at all. I can only Soviet city 64 years ago. disgrace of those responsible for the purchase," the paper m goes to the excellent accompan¬ iment by Jimmy Rowles, who imagine the current political climate must have something to do with it. However, In Los Angeles, Sandy Friedman, publicist for the Beach Boys, said he was told by Bill predicted. Peter Maerthesheimer, a spokesperson for the station that last was heard to great advan¬ Graham's office that "there is a slight bought the film, acknowledged that it might be cut and said he although their conduct has been so unprofes tage on the Stan Getz set The sional, 1 do not want to get into a slanging possibility they will be able to reinstate this favors showing it in the regional services. Each of the nine stations Peacocks, on CBS Records. match," said De Grunwald, who is based in thing (the concert). They should know for in the ARD network has two channels, one carrying the same With Sims and Rowles are certain in the next day or two." London. program simultaneously nationwide, the second broadcasting A\ -JVt bassist George Mraz and drum¬ programs tailored to each region. 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The plate (or stone) is quite comparable to the page the writer works on: both fill us with dread, both occupy our zone of distinct vision; we take in the whole and the detail in o single glance; the mind, the eye, and the hand concentrate their expectation on this small surface: we stoke our destiny on it Is this not the height of creative kinship, experienced identically by the engraver and the writer, each glued to his desk, where he reveals all he knows and all he is worth? CB or square dance badges plastic signs, jewelry, silver dishes, mugs, From a brief address to the society of engravers plaques and trophies PAUL VALERY Special for MeiiHi el Jwly Translated by OeH ballet Reg. SO cents each RALPH MANHEIM NOW3/M.OO $ Practice Cell balls • I .OO/doxen MARV S HELEN REED 1303 SO. CEDAR 517 374 3*34 517 3744212 Open Mon. thru Fri. NiteiuntilS seven oa Sports Writer deserved it. PIZZA MIX SUNTAN LOTION While the NCAA was investigating the MSU football program, As serious and important as the job is, it's still not without a learning the job and all it John Fuzak found himself in quite an interesting, and conflicting, humorous aspect. Fuzak related fin entails. incident which occurred when "My first goal is to learn the $1 88 position. the Western Collegiate Hockey Association held its annual Fuzak, 63, who is retiring Jan. 31, 1979, after serving as MSU faculty representative for 20 years, was the president of the NCAA at the time, too. "It was kind of an awkward time, to say the least." Fuzak said in meeting one year, with the coaches, faculty representatives and athletic directors all meeting together. "I was chairing the meeting, and the coaches would never wait to be recognized. They would just speak out," Fuzak recalled. "I job." she said." "I don't know enough of what is currently going on. My first priority is to do my homework and learn as 3/99* 4 os. •2" VALUE IXPIRIS 7-3-71 much as I can about the job." STATI COUPON an interview. "Although I met with them several times, I could not told them the next person who speaks out goes into the penalty become directly involved with (MSU's) select committee. box for two minutes." When speaking of Norrell. trait almost SUNGLASS.. one everyone "At the end of the first year, I raised the question if I should withdraw from trying for re-election because of the situation. The brings up is her exhuberance as vote was unanimous that I should continue." a fan of MSU athletics. And to make the situation even more awkward for Fuzak, when "You have to be careful when sit next to her at a 50% OFF MSU officials went to Denver to present their findings to the you NCAA, Fuzak had to sit outside in the hall. basketball game," Harden said. Now that he is retiring and being replaced by Gwen Norrell, Fuzak echoed these comments Fuzak said the one regret he has is the scar left on MSU due to the saying she is a "super fan of MSU athletics." probation. ITATI COUPON STATI COUPON However, despite some trying times, Fuzak looks back on the "I see myself as a typical job as a very interesting, stimulating experience. MSU sports fan." she said. "I FABREGEPURE FABREGE PURE The faculty representative represents the university in the Big really enjoy being around and WHEAT OERM Ten conference and chairs the Athletic Council, the major working with the students. I WHEAT GERM A policy-making group in athletics. The council instructs the faculty know many people do think I A HONEY SHAMPOO HGNEY CONDITIONER representative on how to vote. get a little carried away with $1 57 $1 57 The job also entails being the my yelling," she added with a voting representative at the grin. 14 ox. NCAA meeting. As possibly the first woman '1" VALUI •2" VALUE Fuzak said the above is the at a major college to hold the IXPIRIS T-3-TS IXPIRIS T-3-71 "external part of the job." Even post of faculty representative, STATI COUPON STATI COUPON STATI COUPON more important, he said, is the Norrell finds herself in a unique "internal" part. and challenging position. LIPAGKS VITAMIN "I was called on for a lot of "I look on this as a challenge, TUBE I don't know whether it's TRANSPARENT interpretations; I was typically sure. SOCKS amu the contact person," Fuzak more of a personal or profes TAPE said. "Hardly a day went by sional challenge," Norrell said. when me some coach didn't call for a rule interpretation." on "Perhaps it's more of an oppor tunity than a challenge. But sr VALUE ftX400 In. 23c 100 . 51« Fuzak said he got a great when you have an opportunity, SOO mg. ■ deal of satisfaction working there's always a challenging IXPIRIS T-J-TS IXPIRIS 7-S-7S IXPIRIS 7-3-71 with student-athletes, espe¬ aspect in it." STATI COUPON STATI COUPON RICHMAR NOXZEMA COCOA BUTTER SKIN CREAM LOTION Fidrych returns to LA TEACHERS DETROIT (UPI) — Ailing Tiger pitcher Mark "The Bird" Fidrych will make a return visit to Los Angeles this week to be re-examined by orthopedic surgeon Frank Jobe. Graduate or Undergraduate visit Uoi. '2** VALUI $2 29 IXPIRIS T-I.7S 14 os. •2" VALUE $1 79 Fidrych, who missed much of last season with a sore arm and has been out with tendonitis since April 17, was to fly to Jobe's TEACHER TEACHER, INC. STATI COUPON office either Wednesday or Thursday, a Tiger official said Sunday. 417 N. Clippert St., Lansing Jobe gave Fidrych a cortisone shot during the last visit on May "a store designed by teachers for teachers " GYM SHORTS & 1, and suggested that rest would restore his shoulder to the 00 strength of two seasons ago when he won 19 games and the Rookie of the Year honors in the American League. The Tigers sent the right-hander to Lakeland, Fla., in May, but Fidrych returned to Detroit last week, showing no improvement We carry whole array work books, task cards, learning centers, rewards and a of items for make and takers. T-SHIRTS J/! 3 despite hundreds of hours of Florida sun and muscle treatments from trainer Jack Homel. * SUMMER HOURS Wed.-Fri. 10-5 332 - 4178 General Manager Jim Campbell said the Tigers were not We are located across STATI COUPON STATI COUPON considering possible surgery on Fidrych's arm and were letting Sat. 10-3 "nature take its course." from Frandor Krogers GENTLE TOUCH BIC SHAVER BAIN SOAP WITH BABY OIL Be a Plasma Our reputation has boon provan. Wo offor tho finost Chinas# cooking in this $6.00 cash paid for each donation '10.00 cash paid for second donation if you 3/49' •XNUS 7.3.71 4.7 S 01. 23' VALUE 22*IXPIRIS 7-3-7S area. Toko out sorvlc# Is t STATI COUPON available. donate twice in one week STATI COUPON PERSONAL SUPER-TUFF 3M YOU MUST BE 18 AND SHOW 2 PIECES OF I.D. TOUCH ODOR- MOUNTINO COME TO: HELP SAVE LIVES! BE A PLASMA DONOB RAZOR SET EATERS SOUARES It takes only 1 '/> hours and is used for: AMERICAN 1. Children's Innoculotiont 58 $2 29 58* 2. Tetanus Vaccine PLASMA DONOR 3. Burn Therapy 4. Cancer Research 5. IXPIRIS 7-3-7S IXPIRIS T-J-TS CINTER Hemophelio Therapy STATI COUPON STATI COUPON 2827 GR. RIVER AVE. CIGARETTES E. LANSING. MICH, 10% OFF CORNER CLIPPERT and VINE (acroM from Soar* In Frandor) phone 351-2620 owe discount oitici on Phono 351-2217 10a.m. 8 - 6:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Tues. 8 Wed. PHOTO FINISHING 2/99* ALL TAX INCLUMO a.m. - Fri. & Sat. IT MNOIt T-3-71 LIMIT 2 PACKS IXPIRIS 7-3-TS Wednesday, June 28, 1978 8 Michigan Stote News, Eost Loosing, Michigon Army sex bias reported in European field study Group wants anti-shut-off policy LEAP is primarily concerned the Lansing Legal Aid Bureau. public ownership of the utilities rent, food, utilities. They have ByPAULCOX police, signal, supply and trans¬ State News Staff Writer with the economic aspect of the He said people right on the might make them more respon¬ no place to go," Hart said. WASHINGTON lAPI - Ar ed the opinion that non- sive to people's needs. LEAP is currently working The Lansing Energy Action energy crisis rather than con¬ welfare line are the hardest hit my teams studying the perfor ed officers "treated portation services. Women ac¬ servation, Brown said. by utility shut-off. These people Maureen Hart, also of the on a petition drive to show more mance of female soldiers in a enlisted women differently counted for just under 10 Project reaffirmed their re¬ Organized in 1977, LEAP has cannot receive welfare pay¬ LEAP steering committee, support for the anti-shut-off than enlisted men." percent of each unit studied. quest for an anti-shut-off policy European field exercise say to the Public Service Commis- about 30 members who consider ments, but must deal with rising deals with shut-off cases in her campaign, Brown said. "A sizable percentage of the "Enlisted women were profi they've found considerable bias themselves a network to chan¬ costs, he said. work with theTri-County Hous¬ If the PSC rejects the LEAP enlisted women believed that cient in MOS tasks, both tradi¬ in units toward women. the discrimination was in the tional and nontraditional, and Nelson Brown, of the LEAP nel groups and people con¬ Most of the time some social ing Assistance Foundation Con¬ proposal, Brown said the group A final report on the study cerned with energy problems. service agency ends up paying sumer Service Program. would consider asking the said the most significant bias reverse direction of that per¬ demonstrated improvement steering committee, presented a list of local organizations to the "We are concerned with peo¬ the bills so this means the power "We get people who couldn't governor for an emergency found during last year's exer¬ ceived by the enlisted men who during the exercise," the report ple's rights to should not have been shut off, meet the necessities of life: proclamation. cise was among male noncom believed treatment was un said. regular commission meeting energy re¬ sources." Brown said. "Low- Brown said. He added that missioned officers "who in equal and in favor of "Yet there was considerable Monday that back the proposal the report said. that no utilities be shut off income people are being priced people have died from power e highly l at the troop level as to out of the energy market. It is a shut-offs. their oppositio A countering study, conduct¬ the capability of female soldiers during the colder months, from November 1 to May 1 due to fundamental right to be warm in LEAP has many ideas to "While these NCOs generally ed by the Army Research to perform many of the critical admitted female soldiers can Institute for the Behavioral and inability to pay bills. the winter." improve the situation, including duties of their MOS in support state support and rate-struc¬ Social Sciences, concluded that The proposal was originally Brown became interested in perform well in their MOS the problem through his work at ture reform. Brown added that (Military Occupation Specialty) the presence of female soldiers presented to the commission tasks, most supervisors simply "did not impair the perfor¬ Eighteen of 89 military spe¬ April 24 when over 65 individu¬ mance of combat support and cialists considered "were desig¬ als from Lansing and Detroit did not want women around," combat service units observed" nated as being physically too attended the meeting to show said the 353-page report. nost frequent over a 10-dav period during the demanding for women" in the support. Brown said. maneuvers last fall. opinion of at least 50 percent of The commission has 90 days ly given were strength factors, to act on proposals to determine risk of exposing women to ne of a ser the officers or noncommis¬ sioned officers involved," the if the policy should be changed. combat and added problems of Army studies which, for sever al years, have been exploring report said. Brown said. hygiene, sanitation and billet- ing." the capabilities and limitations The researchers said ques of women as soldiers. tionnaires filled out by men in The field test last fall focused test units also showed that on a variety of units in the almost half of the enlisted i maintenance, medical, military A forgotten queen of silent films(Gloria Swanson) lives surrounded by her past in a decaying mansion on Hollywood's Sunset Boulevard attended by the man (Erick von Strohcim) who launched her career; she lives only for the day when she will return to the screen in her own adaptation ol Salome. Into this bizarre household iniiudes a cynical, failing young screenwriter (William Holden) who first exploits her illusions and then himself becomes *-vr . .n vanity and egotism only to become the decaying star's lover and pet, while she gloriously goes mad. The inspired and ironical casting of Swanson and von Stroheim in starring roles and Billy Wildcr's mordant direction makes this the definitive de¬ piction of the dark side of Hollywood stardom. The film garnered 11 Academy Award nominations and won three Oscars. TONIGHT WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28 7&9:30p.m. in Fairchild Theatre $1.50 at the door or Director's Choice Series Ticket \ Michigon Stote News, Eost Lansing, Michigan- Wednesday, June 28, 1970 9 t,.' ! Automotive ][^] [ Automotive jf^j [ Employment ijj (_ Apartments J[8Aj ! Apartments ^ lost t Fond VOLVO, 1970, ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE-ad 2 MALE students to share ROOMMATE FOR fully fur- ONE OR two men needed for INSTANT CASH. We're pay¬ AUDI LSI00, 1975- auto¬ 142, engine BLACK DIRT, sod farm soil. matic, air, stereo, cruise, low good, body fair, excellent agency, service existing ac¬ furnished trailer home. $55. nished. Pool, sauna, air, 882 apartment. Summer, close to ing $1-$2 for albums in good Approximately 514 yards de¬ mileage. 351-2223. 8-7-5 (3) transportation. $1000. 351- counts, some copy and 'John, 332-3389. 5-6-28 (4) 8556 14-7 10 (3) campus, 332-4432. 3 6-3 (3) shape WAZOO RECORDS, livered locally. $40. 641-6024 8117 after 6 p.m. 8-7-5(4) media. Write 215 S. Grand 223 Abbott. 337 0947. or 372-4080. Fill, sand, gravel 125 N.HAGAOORN-luxury 1 BEETLE 1972, 60.000 miles, & engine good, Ave. Lansing, 48933. Thank you for 2 BEDROOM Abbott-Sagi bedroom, unfurnished, car¬ C 7 6 30(4) available also. 0-7-6-30(6) Persoial '/ 56-7(4) j Motortycles "](#b) clean, body 4-6-30 (6) naw corner, on bus line, pool, 339-3116 5 - 11 p.m. air. $230/month, utilities paid. peted, nice. Adjacent shops, COUCHES $35, chairs $10. SEWING MACHINES slightly p.m. coming back to yet wide lawns. 1 block MSU. First ASMSU STUDENT tax re¬ X-4-6-30 (41 WEEKLY NEWSPAPER near 339 3116 5-11 p.m. come, first serve. used, guaranteed, $39.95 and BMW 1973 75/5 excellent $160, summer. 332-8516. funds are available in room campus needs advertising X-4-6-30 15) BEECHWOOD APART¬ up. Open arm machines from condition, factory 885 kit, 3-6-30 (6) 334 Student Services. Final CHEVY SPORTY Monza MENTS. 1130 Beech, 332- $89.50. EDWARDS DISTRI¬ manager, sales talent re¬ Mirage 1977. V-8, power 393 1002 or see at 341 E. quired, experience helpful. UNIVERSITY SOUTH SIDE- 2 bedroom 0052 between noon and 5 BUTING CO., 1115 N. Wash¬ date for refunds is 5 p.m. July 5. B 1-6-28 (51 steering/brakes. Lots of Edgewood Blvd. # 7. Flexible schedule, may also apartments, dishwasher, air FURNISHED APARTMENTS p.m. 8-7-5(7) ington. 489-6448. C-7-6-30I8) extras. $4500. 694-8558. 2 6-29 (41 do double duty as reporter. TERRACE conditioning, carpet. Call available for summer. Swim¬ 8-7-5(4) Call 625-3181 before 5 p.m. 349-5369, noon to 9 p.m. ming pool, 2 month leases at WURLITZER ELECTRONIC WINDSURFER, SAILING Hal [state , iH CORVETTE-1975- power Aito Servics ll/l Tuesday, July 27 or after 5. 8-7-7 (10) July 10-7-13 (5) very reasonable rates. Cam¬ pus Hill 349-3530 0 3-6-30(5) piano- fine condition, $350. Call Maryclaire, 351-0329 or surfboard, gold sail, $450. 321-6214 after 4 p.m. EAST LANSING, 3 resi steering, brakes, automatic, now filled for 353-4357 2-6-29 (3) air, radials, stereo AM/FM, FOREIGN CAR repair, man¬ Only a few left!! 4-6-30 (3) dential lots. Whittier Drive. excellent condition- 645-2177 uals. Over 100 different titles at CHEQUERED FLAG PART-TIME, UNIVERSITY weekends. STANDARD. summer and fall Hoists m AKAI QUAD tape deck, A-1 BLACE & WHITE 12" por Mature trees. Suitable for walkout basement. Buy now. after 5. 3-6-30 (4) FOREIGN CAR PARTS. 2605 East Kalamazoo St. 487-5055, 351-0770. 2-6-28(3) __ Waters Edge LANSING. 3 or 4 bedroom condition. $200. 372 1658 evenings. 3-6-30 (3) table 5-7-5 (3) T V. $45 882-6049 build later. $15,000, each. 371-3710. 7-6-30 (7) CUTIASS 1972 NIGHT DISPATCHER 9 p.m.- ONE OR two women needed, homes, summer rates, fur¬ one mile west of campus. t Reduced Summer rent vinyl top, good running con¬ 7 Must have good summer. Near campus, 332- nished. Call 484-2164. WE PAY up to $2 for LP's & j[V; a.m. FULL SERVICE restaurant in dition, 63000, best offer, 351 - C-7-6-30I8) knowledge of local streets 4432. 3-6-30 (3) from *160 7-6-30 (4) cassettes- also Animals • Two and four person buying 45's, the heart of ski country, 3625. 5-7-5 (3) and landmarks in Lansing songbooks, magazines. ONE YEAR old male skunk, showing excellent gross. Real area. Apply in person. Call for 2 BEDROOM furnished, from apartments EAST SIDE, 1024 Eureka, 3 FLAT, BLACK AND CIRCU¬ Estate include with leash, collar and cage. living quarters DATSUN 710, '76. auto¬ appointment 487-2400. $205/month. Available fall, t Walk to campus bedrooms, partly furnished, LAR, upstairs, 541 E. Grand terms available. COLWELL b matic, air, 4-door, excellent University Villa 351-2044, $20. Cathy, 351-2485. 5-6-30 (6) parking. Adults or students River. Open 11 a.m. 351-0838. COMPANY, 222 South Lake condition, 13,000 miles, Why hove we become 351-8135. 3-6-30 (4) 1050 Watersedge Dr. preferred. No pets. Available 3-6-30 E-5-7-3 (3) Street, Boyne City, Michigan. $3,100. Best offer. 353-7924. loosing s locgest Frot re <7)_ _ FRENCH COOKING- need (next to Cedar Village) now. $250 351-7497 A GREAT selection of used FREE KITTENS: adorable, 1 (616)582 6724 Z-9-7-719) 7-7.3(4) pair shop over the post few someone to do some french 0-7-6-30 (6) 332-4432 audio calico, 2 pure white, litter DODGE WINDOW van, 1970, years' Coll us the next cooking or baking on Friday, Thank you for EAST LANSING. 2 or 3 gear at TRADING POST. 485-4391 WILCOX trained. 349-5883. 5-7-5 (3) BY OWNER-3 bedroom, 1'i 6 cylinder, standard shift, July 14 for Bastille Day coming back to TO SUBLET in East Lansing- months, great location, cook¬ C-7-6-30 (41 bath. 1718 Osborn Road. celebration. Call Sue Merrill furnished one bedroom Lansing. $32,000. 484 406V carpeted. $975. 337-0340. at 337-9785 today only, apartment. Available August ing, furnished. Call 484-2164 BROVONT STRAWBERRIES RUMMAGE SALE U 3-6-30 (31 4-6-28 (4) or 351 4697 7-6-30 (4) 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 1-6-28 (7) DELTA ARMS 1. 6 months left on lease. Pick your own, 40tJ quart. NEAR MSU, brick & alumi¬ FORD FAIRMONT door, 4 cylinder, 4 speed, 1978. 2 tytEdSMH DIETARY-ASSISTANT diet¬ Rent, $210. Call Donna 374- 2416 8 a.m. 4:30 p.m. or ATTENTION GRAD stu¬ Bring container, excellent picking through July 4. Open MOVING SALE sions. - all posses¬ Furniture, appliances, num ranch, $15,900. Call Tom Imports - dents. Quiet, spacious newer 321-6281 AM/FM ary supervisor for skilled now filled 351 3528 evenings. 3-6-30 (7) clothes, plants. Kevelighan Wednesday- CENTURY 21 HUBBELL 321 or cassette stereo. 4 bedroom house. $390' daily 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. 3 miles Chocolate brown metallic. nursing facility. Cooking, diet south of Sunfield on M-50. all day; and Thursday-after 6 month. Immediate occu¬ 1000. 8-7-5 (4) and menu planning. Good 4401 S. Pennsylvania or 393- EUREKA NEAR Sparrow. 3-6-30 (61 p.m. Sherwood Forest Apart¬ benefits, apply in person at for summer One bedroom apartment. pancy 669-5513 3-6-30 (51 ments, 501 Ryder Rd, H 607, 1002. 2 6-29 ( 5) FORD VAN, 1971- 6 auto¬ N.H.E. LANSING. 1313 Mary Avenue, Lansing. 2-6-29 (7) and fall Partly Available furnished, now $135, parking. 351 - 1 FEMALE, own room, month, Beal Street. 337-2350 $70 TWIN frame BED, box springs, Beautyrest-almost 627-6767. 2-6-29 (7) [Recreation (fi 7497. 0-3-6-30 ( 51 LANSING COMMUNITY matic, radio, $700/best offer. 351-0539. 4-6-30(3) MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT AT ROSELAKE WILDLIFE 3-6-29 13) new. $165, Hurry. 355-5986. 1-6-28 (3) j lost t Found COLLEGE Wilderness Camp CENTER QUIET 1 bedroom apartment, NEAR MSU. summer only, ing and Canoeing School Kalamazoo, since 1940. Auto RESEARCH LOST YOUNG male GRAND PRIX, 1973 loaded, vacant soon, rent negotiable, immediate occupancy. Jeff. BRING YOUR optical pre¬ cat. Includes 8 day Ontario canoe mint condition, must sell. painting-collision service. through work study program. cats OK. Call 351-1755 5 to 9 Thank you for 349 2589 5-7-3 131 scription to OPTICAL DIS¬ colorful rabbit-like fur, tiger trip. August 5-18. Deadline American-foreign cars. 485- 373 9356. 8-7-3 (5) markings on face. Lost in the 351-7241.J2-7-12 (3) 0256.07-6-30(5) p.m. 5-6 30 (4) coming back to COUNT, 2617 E. Michigan, Burcham b Alton area. Re¬ July 5. 373-7130. 7-7-3 (71 Lansing. C-7-6-30 (5) JAGUAR SJ6 Sedan 1972, automatic, air, 59,000 miles. GOOD USED tires, 13-14-15 inch. Mounted free. Used CASHIER WANTED, appearance a must. neat Exper¬ ience nice but not necessary. FURNISHED APARTMENTS available for summer. Swim¬ BEECHWOOD [_ Rooms J[A NIKON F2S - Black 8ody. sponds to "Minky". We miss him. 351-1043. S-5-6-30 (6) (continued on page 10) $4500. 322-0288 8-7-7 (3) wheels and hub caps. PEN- 1 BEDROOM summer sublet with one Nikor lens and 2 Good pay and benefits. Apply ming pool, 2 month leases at JEEP RENEGADE CJ5 1976, NEL SALES, 1825 East Mich¬ in person only. CINEMA X very reasonable rates. SEVEN Filled for summer — in nice house, 2 blocks, Union, $80 month from other high Includes strobe quality lenses. units, tripod LOST- camera, YASHICA 35 Manly Miles rear mm CANOE igan, Lansing, Michigan ADULT ENTERTAINMENT THIRTY ONE, 351-7212. A tew left tor fall. + utilities, 304 V8, power steering, low 48912, 482-5818. C-7-6-3016) CENTER, 1000 W. Jolly 0-3-6-30 (5) 337-9246 8-7-10 14) and case. Very reasonable. parking lot. Reward. Contact Bie MMistac Rivtr mileage, excellent, 372-1039 351-5405. 6-6-28 (61 Charles Smith, 372-1910 ext. after 6. 8-7-12 (5) JUNK CARS wanted. Also Road_0j7-6-30j8) FURNISHED APARTMENTS OWN ROOM in spacious 252. 3-6-30 (4) In Suason MAZDA RX2, 1973. Auto¬ selling used parts. Phone RESEARCH PARTICIPANTS available for summer. Swim¬ house, clean facilities, fur¬ For Sale- Backpacking gear 2 Adventures Inc. 321 3651. C-7-6-3013) needed. $5 for 2 hours. Must Northface down bags, 1 60/ LOST: ALL black long haired matic, low mileage, excellent ming pool, 2 month leases at nished, large lawn. 351-8974. condition. $1250. 351-2682 be21.355-1862 from 1-4 p.m. very reasonable rates. Cedar 3-6 30 (41 40 Snow Lion parka, 1 Holu- cat. white spot on chest. Matick, Mi. 5 6-28 (3) Call 12-5 bar expedition tent with frost East Lansing-Okemos. No (616) 885 * 1481 6-7-6J3) Aviation X STORE DETECTIVES, call Greens 351-8631. 0-3-6-30 (5) LARGE HOUSE- excellent liner. Call 1 313 239 5023 collar. $15 reward. 355-4649 885- 1102 MAZDA 808,1973. red, auto¬ 333-00S3 location, kitchen, laundry, after 1 p.m. 3-6-30 (6) 8-5 p.m. 1-6-20 (5) matic, white buckets, needs PARACHUTING LESSONS 641-4562 between 10 a.m. parking. $60/month. 332- brake work. $950. 337-0340. everyday July 4th weekend. and 3 p.m. Monday-Friday. 1918. 3-6 30 (4) 4-6-28 (4) MAVERICK 1973, 52,000 First jump course starts at 10:30 a.m. MSU Sport Para¬ 0-7-6-30(3) Free SOUTH HOLMES-near Spar¬ row. One room upstairs effi¬ LARGE SINGLE, block cam¬ NOW LEASING FOR LIVE ft LITTLE! miles, automatic, clean, body chute Club and CHARLOTTE PARACENTER. Details, call [ For Rert J Roommate ciency, cooking, share bath. Prefer male. $75, 351-7497. pus, furnished, quiet, sum¬ mer, $50. 332-8498. 2-6-29(3) SUMMER AND FALL b engine good. 339-3116. 0-3-6-30 (5) 5-11 p.m. X-4-7-3 (4) 543-6731 or 372-9127. 3-6-30 (7) COMPACT Service CAMPUS NEAR, modern ERATOR, stereo, T.V. 332-4432 flunk you furnished rooms, summer MG MIDGET 1974 35.000 rentals, free delivery on/off for only. From $40/month. 485- miles good condition, $2100 882-0986 after 5 p.m. 6-7-5(3) campus. 0-7-6-30 (4) 372-1795. (We will match you coming back to 1436. 4-6-30 (4) NOVA 1972- ith compatable BURCHAM WOODS FEMALE, LARGE room, roommates) Now filled for close to campus, private en¬ power-steering, 4 54,000 miles, $850. 355-9966. 3-6-30 (4) door, [_ Apartneits ^ summer-Just a few trance. available 351-8415. 8-7 6(5) July 15th. THEY WENT THAT-A-WAY...TO TWO BEDROOM apartment, left for fall. COLL1NGWOOD ONE-FIVE $100-$500 trans¬ washer, dryer, cable T.V., PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, Make a ROOMS FOR rent, close to APTSI! the pool this Summer! portation special. FLUMER- utilities paid. Close to cam¬ furnished, 1 bedroom, utilities campus, $60 -80/month. Call pus. 351-7989. 8-7-5(4) paid. $175/month plus de¬ reservation now STE MAR MANAGEMENT. • air • ihag carpeting FELT-STAIR CHEVROLET. •air conditioned conditioning 655-4343. posit, 489-5574 after 5 p.m. efficiency $175 351-5510. 8 7 6 (4) •dishwasher • luxury furnishing! • private balconies 0-4-6-30_W 0-2-6-28 (5) • diihwashert • 1 bedroom $210 *»hag eorpoting swimming pool PINTO RUNABOUT, 1975- 4 CEDAR VILLAGE special special 12 months cylinder, automatic, radials, APARTMENTS 605 SOUTH Hayford- 3 bed¬ 2 bedroom $290. I For Sale ^ •unlimited porklng *2 bedroom summer rates 30,000 miles. Excellent condi¬ Now Leasing for Summer room apartment for rent. Call between 12-5 •model open daily 731 tion, $1725. 351-4960. BOGUE AT RED CEDAR RIVER Utilities paid. Partly fur¬ 100 USED vacuum cleaners, 8 7-7 (5) nished. Woman student, 351-3118 1 year warranty, $7.88 and SmMKf M6S 351-5180 summer or fall. Call 393-8541 up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING PINTO 1974- only 33,000 after 3 p.m. 5-7-5 (6) FURNISHED APARTMENTS COMPANY. 316 North 12 months '275 miles, $1600 negotiable. 882- available for summer. Swim¬ Cedar. 482 2677. C-7-6-30I5I call 351-8282 1267 6-8 p.m. 5-7-6_J3) 2 ROOM efficiency. $120, no MALE FOR summer, own ming pool, 2 month leases at APARTMENTS lease, utilities included, share (behind Roller World 1972- 50,000 miles, room, pool, balcony, air, very reasonable rates.Twyck- on the river I) 731 Burchdin Drive 351 7212 PINTO bath, available now. 353- laundry. Available now. 337- new brakes, $350. 351-9373. 5187. 7-6-30 (4) ingham 351-7166. 3-6-30 (5) 2193. 6-7-6 (3) 2 6-29 (3) APARTMENTS 2 and 3 bed¬ NEEDED FEMALE roommate PINTO WAGON, 1973-rebuilt room, 1 and 2 bedroom left. summer. Cedar Village $50/ transmission, new carbora- tor, valve job. $1100 or best No reasonable offer refused. 348 Oakhill, walking distance month, 332-7735, Or 332- RENT-A-MOPBD ST ATI NIWS CLASSIFIED 5646. 8-7-12 (4) offer. After 5 p.m., 349-5237. to park and campus. Fur¬ nished 351-4107. 4-6-30 (7) POR THI SPECIAL HOLIDAY DEADLINES OWN ROOM in 3 bedroom SUMMIRTIRM TORANADO, 1968- white, modern duplex. Near Forest 3 BEDROOM, furnished for 6 Acres Golf Course. July 1- power and air. Kept in mint man, 1 block to campus, condition by proud owner. slick, summer only, $300. Call August 25. Option for fall, $110/month plus The Stote News Classified offices will be closed Monday July $1295. Call Doug, 372-9130 or utilities. 10 WWkS I We're next to 351-2010. 8-7-5 (5) days 332-3900. 0-7-6-30(6) 394-4494. 5-7-5 (7) Easy on gas, 3rd ond Tuesday July 4th. Special deadlines for Classified IM TOM'S PARTY STORE cash, parking, Ads, cancellations and Classified Display include: VEGA 1971, $350, rusty but 25 I on Grand River maintenance runs well, FM stereo, 8-track, snow tires, 371-3824. 4-7-3(3) DON'T WAIT $3°*/day l°Penl°-6 and insurance Classified Ads: VW 1970 rebuilt engine with new paint job and sun roof, $925 or best offer, 351-8551. UNTIL THEY'RE Monday July 3rd's deadline remains the same: 2 p.m. Friday June 30. VW VAN 1969 best offer over runs good, $200. 332- ALL GONE... Special deadline for Wednesday July 5th's paper: 5 p.m. 3478 8-7-7 (3) caii 3493530 Friday June 30. ToraMrv# yaw apartment far aummar and faH Cancellations for Classified Ads 1978 MAZDA GLC Don't Miss Summer Deadline to cancel for Monday July 3rd's paper: remains the only -(Great Little Car) for 4 person Ctoptfeingfjam 5 left same, 1 p.m. Friday June 30. *3395 freight and dealer prep additional for furnished apartment at EPA rated Deadline to cancel for Wednesday July 5th will be 4 p.m. highway 44 mpg summer model opon 9-9 4620 South Hsgtdorn Rd. Friday June 30. (North of Mt. Hope) Classified Display GIMPUS HILL AMRTMMTS * Luxury apartment?- otinpletely IuiminIuhI with rlist Spanish Mediterranean furniture and shun cai throughout. * Kurh unit has dishwasher, garbage di.-|*Nil. irnl Monday July 3rd's deadline remains the same: Thursday June 29. 3 p.m. Just off grand rtver-okemos conditioning and heating. * Swimming Pool and private balconies. Special deadline for Wednesday July 5th's paper: 5 p.m. Thursday June 29. ■iggggg** „ free bus service 4 2-bedrooms -mniWMaPOOL 3 3-bedrooms 349.3530 free bus sesvke COOK-HIRRIMAN, INC. •omfwmmpw free room mate service Special 1 4-bedroom Special State News Classified 6135 W. Saginaw - West oflansing Mall •Central aw cum*, free room mate service 12 month 351-7166 12 month 355-8255 321 - 6900 ASM ABOUT OUR SPECIAL FALL BATIB rates rates 1 0 Miehigon Stote News, Eost Loosing, Michigon Wednesday, June 28, 1978 (eontinned from page 9) Si* Sniicifil |T|'piii Sir«icij[j|i jrtKHiB > i w»tH jfagj jmiKTowi ± Nationalists arrested ANN BROWN TYPING. Dis CLASS AND private instruc FALL TERM only, Colling- PARACHUTING LESSONS COPYGRAPH SERVICE. (continued from page 1) .JH Complete dissertation and sertations resumes term tion on guitar, banjo, fiddle, wood Apartments, $80/ everyday July 4th weekend. and * - papers. 601 Abbott Road. mandolin, dulcimer and auto- month. Ron 337-1283. First jump course starts at past 12 years, usually hitting police stations, army camps PARACHUTING resume service. Corner MAC LESSONS North entrance, 351 7221. harp. Begins July 5th. 5-7-3 (3) 10:30 a.m. MSU Sport Para¬ television transmitters they claim swamp Breton culture with ; everyday July 4th weekend. and Grand River. 8:30 a.m.- C 7-6-30 14) ELDERLY INSTRUMENTS. chute Club and CHARLOTTE French programs. First jump course starts at 5:30 p.m. Monday Friday. FRENCH 541 East Grand River, East COOKING- need PARACENTER. Details, call But the only known loss of life was that of a terrorist whose own 10:30 a.m. MSU Sport Para¬ 10a.m.-5p.m. Saturday. 337- do french UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS Lansing. 332 4331. someone to some 543-6731 or 372-9127. bomb exploded prematurely. chute Club and CHARLOTTE 1666. C-7-6-3017) COMPLETE DISSERTATION C 7 6 30(10) cooking or baking on Friday, 3-6-30 (7) Active nationalists, who variously preach autonomy from Paris PARACENTER. Details, call AND RESUME SERVICE July 14 for Bastille Day complete independence, probably number only a few hundred - 543-6731 or 372-9127. PROFESSIONAL EDITING, celebration. Call Sue Merrill or type setting, IBM typing, Find yourself a new car at just 3-6-30 17) offset printing and binding. jJraisportitiM A at 337-9785 9 a.m.-5 p.m. today only, the price you'd hoped for. out of a population of 2.5 million in Brittany. Their demands for full use of the Breton language have some appeal, but they get more ' For estimate, stop in at 2843 CAR POOL: Battle Creek, 1-6-28 (7) Check the many offerings in STRAWBERRIES PICK your East Grand River or phone Classified every day! support on the charge that Brittany has been left economically < own 35C per pound. Open 7 weekdays 8-12:10 or later. backward by Paris authorities. 332 8414. C-7-6-30 (71 FURNISHED HOUSE Call (616) 962-1335. 1 6 28(3) a.m. on picking days. Well TYPING- term papers. IBM young attorney and wife. For relief of household con¬ The movement started before World War II and one of its most behaved children welcome. GIBBS BERRYLAND. South experienced, fast service. Call PROMPT, EXPERIENCED Garage cluttered? Sell those July 15 August 31. Call gestion, take one Classified prominent leaders, Yann Goulet, was condemned to death in 351 8923 0-5-6 30 13) George Loomis 489-5724. ad, sit back and relax. The absentia for collaboration with German occupiers. of Onondaga, 1-628-2663. typing, evenings, 332 3492. extra bicycles fast with a X-C-7-6-30 (3) quick-action Classified ad! 8-7-10 (4) buyers will come to youl 8-7-10 (6) EXPERT TYPING. Term pa¬ pers. letters, RESUMES. Near Gables. 337-0205. 1 frnric j!Ai C-7-6-30 (31 GIVEN ON MANUFACTURER COUPONS FOR QUALITY stereo ser¬ vice. THE STEREO SHOPPl, 566 E. Grand River. C-7-6-3013) TYPING, EXPERIENCED, fast and reasonable. 371- 4635. C-7-6-30 (3) COUPON^ HALF 'SO*/MORE REDEEM CIGARETTE AMOCOFPEE COUPONS AT TMEIRRE6UUIP RACE VALUE.IUT DOES NOT INCLUDE IN STORE OR PREP ITEM COUTON. OFFER &OOO POR ONLY" ONE ITEM PER COUPON FREE LESSON in complexion EXPERIENCED. IBM typing. care. MERLE NORMAN Dissertations, (pica-elite). COSMETIC STUDIO 321- FAYANN, 489-0358. WlNA/ve^ - 5543. C-7-6-30 14) C-7-6-30 (3) 'StCeMULV-4^ COOKOUT 4 KO wucuecoo no. SUN, JUU€ ZS, CJwaSAT JUL* I Four Eberhard Gift Certificates valued at $25 00 each will be awerded at each Ebe'haid Store Drawing will be held at each store on Saturday. July 1st. at 300 PM You do not have to is necessary to participate present to win No purchase Entry forms available at your Eberhard Store AW 3SO\ 6.MIGH. ^ 4&ZO \AJ- GRAUP RIV/6R, C?K£MOS SJULY#" BUVf-SAVea^ |2TOl4£7T.AV6. w/c- WyGRAOE PAKT5 MISSIW& QuicKiwmJ 4LB.80K- This Areos Only Multi- Media Discotheque CORWISH HPURV WGUSE FULLS COOKBP 2843 E Gd River, F Lans. 351-1201 WHOLE&L SUAUK. HALF FRANKS HEMS Wednesday Special BONELESS I Boozers Bazaar HAMS 4 35c Thursday Special Suds 'n Subs BUYS MYOUR BIG 4tti &ir JULY COOKOUT & SAVE IU SAVE 16/ tUOlL&lWATtt FXeSH EBERHARP CHICKEN OF THE SEA GRAP£"A" CHUNK LARGE TUNA 59 fSMIOMAUV BUV3-SAVE UPXO aouuTRvFRESH $1.5© VJ/COuPOU Vz'/o tm SAVE 6Ot 3AUaUETT FROZBJ VA//ST2PRE COUPOKl J. flBfUNBRAMWDl K»piiooucts APVtlLTttIP M. F4MCVGAACK LOW FAT ^109 38£»i \ euMjr •RAMOS MILK GALLOfJ 1 • WWkmrs ft BUV 2- SAVE 41-20 W/COUPOtJ SUV 4- SAVE 3ZZ VJ/COuPSkJ a1™- 2* 3& BBfmiARV BULK PACK £ A ^rt THE PATINA OF PEWTER VAKilLLA ice ckeaMgal. \Vr FRoreu PIUUEES 1 IB TOMATOES 47* 79^ W creates a smooth mellow softness of finish to SAVE OPTO ZZp your eyes open for further by Dik Browne ■ock foiivbi! (i)WJIM-TV(CBS) (IQ)WIIX-TV(NBC) (ll)WflM-TV(Cobto) (12)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) 7:00 Himself WEDNESDAY EVENING (6) New Mickey Mouse Club (6) My Three Sons (12) Eight Is Enough 1:00 (10) Munsters (10) Mary Tyler Moore (23) Nova 9:00 (10) For Richer, For Poorer (12) Bonanza (11) South Africa: There Is (12) All My Children (23) Sesame Street No Crisis (6) Movie (11) News 4:30 (12) Partridge Family (10) David Frost (23) Petal Pusher (6) Doris Day (23) Life Around Us (11) Won Chuen 1:10 (10) Gilligan's Island 7:30 (12) Charlie's Angels (11) Northeast Journal (11) Little Rascals (6) Match Game PM (23) Great Performances 9:30 1:30 5:00 (10) Hollywood Squares (6-11) As The World Turns (6) Gunsmoke (11) Impressions (11) Shintowa: Hearts In (10) Days of our lives (10) Emergency One! (12) Mary Tyler Moore Harmony (23)MacNeil/Lehrer 10:00 (23) Turnabout (11) Phil Donahue 2:00 (12) Emergency One! Report (10) NBC Report (12) One Life To Live (23) Mister Rogers' 8:00 (12) ABC News 11:00 (23) Over Easy Neighborhood (6)Carol Burnett 2:30 5:30 (10) Grizzly Adams (6-10-11-12) News (6-U) Guiding Light (23) Electric Company (11) The Dr. In Spite Of (23) Dick Cavett (10) Doctors 6:00 ir (23) Shorthand (6-10-12) News (11) TNT True Adventure MSU SHADOWS 3:00 (10) Another World Trails by Gordon Carleton N><1 (23) Dick Cavett (12) General Hospital 6:30 sponsored by: pofbalx. pete's 3:30 (6) CBS News (6-U) All In The Family (10) NBC News (23) Villa Alegre (11) Black Notes IF You THiwk Vou'vt ecrr pf?oelsms 4:00 (12) ABC News WlTM TH£ , TYY STAMOIA1& HLX7 ) (11) Match Game (23) Over Easy .To A SWtATY WOOKve ^ cclting miracles in DEFENSE is that 3.9' EA. The PRi5©n5 ALREADY ARE prinlt-in-a-mlnlt COPYING'DUPLICATING IS OUR BUSINESS OVERCROWDED. Corner of MAC and ANN ST. Open 8:30-6:00 M-F; 10:00-5:00 Sot. Coming Soon: ,©W7* GctfCwoOftujjgO, THE DROPOUTS CAMPUS PIZZA's sponsored by: TRAVELS WITH FARLEY • by Post new East location :by Phil Frank sponsoredby= Y THfWUb0Fyai,CHU£ALU(-MlH6 UPXiTtiE 1 PRCeifMS CF UFE IMS7EAD OF THEM iw A SoTtE. im ~J ~ ■ ■=T sis 1 SALE' — T 1 Buy ONE Dolus AT ITS RKWAR j PRICE-SEEOUD -r P1LLOW TALK cue is wee B.C. ! sponsored by: FURNITURE I.W.tMI.FranSer by Johnny Hart ""SunT"" |VXy pillow fumlturo Uonlcg.'I7.H TUMBLEWEEDS campus sponsored by: pizza by Tom K. Ryan WCMLD YOU ee orrtwoev ifr Y~ mY.ipee at rt?vep inro MY own cm ? I me tNzticYo? all LOTSA LUCK, WHY CANY you'd tewe we f "flcee lAeti,... I'pse VOU ItlPB A PPCENT HORSJE . YZW gfEAKUPtfUK ...UH. v- UKB US OTHBRINDIANS?.' ReLATIONSHlP APTeK all these yfcAes. SAM and SILO* SK® HE0 @H01 by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker CROSSWORD 0H0IHI100 0S]0ij anrassiOB epei® PUZZLE 0GBKE] Hsg raHm Ohepord's ACMSS 26 Convene 27 Lake m