VOLUME 72 NUMBER 97 FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1970 N®nrs MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING. MICHIGAN 48024 3 PLO takes blame for Jerusalem blast By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS "Everything I was carrying was blown out involved in resuming Israeli-Egyptian of my hands. I heard screams and shout. peace talks. JERUSALEM (AP) — A powerful explo and I got up and ran away." sion ripped through a crowded open-air The market is located in West Jerusalem market in the Jewish section of Jerusalem Israeli police refused to say what type of near the busy Jaffa Road thoroughfare and on Thursday, just one day before the explosive was used or how it was planted in less than a mile from the walls of scheduled arrival in Israel of Vice President the market. Jerusalem's Old City. The market is usually Walter F. Mondale. Two persons were Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek, who busiest on Thursdays as Jewish residents killed and 47 wounded, officials said. visited the market after the explosion, said stock up for the Sabbath beginning at The Palestine Liberation Organization he thought the terrorist attack was linked sundown Friday. claimed responsibility for the mid-morning to Mondale's visit. Mondale is scheduled to blast that blew apart a vegetable stand at arrive in Tel Aviv at 2 p.m. local time 8 a.m. Mahane Yehuda was the scene of another the Mahane Yehuda market as Israelis were East Lansing time Friday for a four-day bloody terrorist attack nearly 10 years ago. doing their pre-Sabbath shopping. visit. He is to meet with Prime Minister On Nov. 22.1968, a parked car packed with A small concrete building was destroyed powerful explosives exploded there, killing Menachem Begin and Foreign Minister and several adjacent stores and sidewalk Mn«he Dayan to review I continued on page 5) political problems carts were damaged. "An underground squad acting inside occupied Palestine planted the heavy Siote News Bob Stern explosive charge in the Mahane Yehuda Carol Ingles, a senior major in elementary education, attempts to revive "Resusci Annie" with cardiopul¬ monary resuscitation Wednesday in Spartan Stadium. vegetables market in Jerusalem Wednes¬ day morning," a PLO spokesperson said in Beirut. He said the squad "returned safely to its base inside occupied territory despite Feds hail Bakke the enemy's security dragnets." The PLO spokesperson said the attack "emphasizes the PLO's determination to HPR course instructs students escalate the armed struggle against our Zionist enemy from within." Fruit, vegetables, clothing and wooden crates were strewn about the blast area. as pro-minorities Police said a number of suspects were By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS federal officials say. in resuscitation, injury treatment detained. Within minutes of the explosion, the and UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL WASHINGTON (AP) — As the federal "This is the first time the Supreme Court has upheld affirmative action and they've casualities were evacuated to hospitals by a government sees it, affirmative action is done it in abou* as strong a way as By SABRINA PORTER the first step in the procedure, Barnes explained. If chest and squad of ambulances hastily assembled by alive and well, ive and Allan Bakke well. Allan Bakke no'withstand- possible." Attorney General Griffin Bell State News Staff Writer stomach movement or the sounds and feel of breathing the Magen David Adorn, Israel's Red Cross, g. • said Wednesday. He crouches over the prostrate victim, shakes her shoulder and absent, rescue breathing is provided by mouth-to-mouth under a special emergency procedure. Wednesday's Supreme Court decision, a "I believe that any controversy regarding shouts, "Are you all right?" resuscitation, he added. About 30 persons remained hospitalized ctory for Bakke, was also a victory for the the necessity for race-conscious remedies After four Thursday, seven were hurt seriously government's broad array of minority aid has been set to rest" by the court's ruling No response. He yells for help, then begins a combination of quick breaths, the rescuer takes a pulse. If a pulse i boom and then I was thrown programs that i touch nearly every that such remedies are "necessary and artificial respiration and external cardiac massage called cannot be found, rhythmic pressure on the victim's lower . witness told Israel radio, public nd private employer, constitutional," said Eleanor Holmes Nor¬ cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR. breastbone is applied to force the heart to pump blood. ton. chairperson of the Equal Employment The victim is "Resusci Annie," a vinyl mannequin with plastic CPR can be used in any emergency which involves breathing Opportunity Commission. or heart stoppage, including poisoning, drowning, She added that the affirmative action inflatable lungs. The rescuer is a student in Health, Physical obstruction Education and Recreation 882, Athletic Women Coaches. Training for Men and suffocation, smoke inhalation and heart attack. But it is heart attack that is "lurking everywhere." Barnes said. Tentative vindications program used in the Bakke case was "quite untypical," and different from the kinds of programs used by the government. The scene was Spartan Stadium, where 31 students were At a Tiger baseball game in Detroit last week, a man sitting The Association of American Medical taking the practical exam for the CPR portion of the two-week four rows behind Barnes suffered an attack. The victim didn't Colleges Thursday greeted the Supreme Most of the participants were HPR majors, local high school stop breathing, but Barnes used the first steps of CPR to help open the victim's air passages and ease his breathing. voted for 'Koreagate' Court decision in the case as one that should boost, rather than deter, the admission of coaches or students with a coaching minor. The course dealt with minority students. "You never know when a loved one will stop breathing for some "Most of the medical schools care, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of athletic injury. are using reason," he said. WASHINGTON iAP) - The House tions Ronnie Barnes, assistant athletic trainer with the MSU Athletic on possible ethics violations stemming admissions procedures which we feel fall Barnres taught the "heart saver" level of CPR instruction, ethics committee has tentatively voted to from alleged South Korean influence-buy¬ within the views of the court," said Dr. Department, gave six hours of CPR instruction during the course. designed by the American Heart Association to stress the basic clear several legislators of misconduct in ing, the committee put off further meetings John A. D. Cooper, association president. "I think technique in six to eight hours of instruction. connection with money they received from until July 11. Dr. John A. Gronvall, dean of the knowledge of CPR is a civic responsibility." said Korean rice dealer Tongsun Park, con¬ University of Michigan Medical School, said Barnes, a CPR instructor trainer certified by the American Heart The lecture emphasized "clean" living practices that can reduce The sources Wednesday did not identify Association. chances of heart attack and stroke, Barnes said, including proper gressional sources said. who may be cleared of misconduct. the decision provides institutions with "the But the committee, troubled with atten¬ opportunity to continue and expand their diet, exercise and no smoking. "It is fortunate that students are beginning to learn it," he said. dance problems, has delayed a final vote Park has said he gave about $850,000 to diversity. The responsibility is now on the A film, live demonstrations and mannequin training illustrated "There aren't many trainers at the high school level — first aid is until July 12 and has taken no action on 29 legislators, including 12 current mem¬ medical schools to increase their opportuni¬ the procedure. left to the coaches. CPR will probably help save some lives," staff investigators' information that four bers of the House, but he has denied he was ties for minority students." Barnes added. For more information about CPR, contact Ronnie Barnes or the legislators may have violated House rules, an agent trying to buy influence for Seoul. Other educators across the country said Once a victim is determined unconscious, opening the airway is Tri-County Heart Unit in Lansing. the s said. Thursday that the court's decision will have The sources say a 13th current legislator, little or no effect on their admissions After five days of closed door delibera Rep. William Broomfield, R Mich., rejected a $1,000 contribution from Park and policies. They said they encourage minority enrollment with affirmative action pro¬ therefore is not under review by the ethics committee. grams. but denied the use of racial quotas. Most college and university officials ALLEGATIONS 'LAID TO REST BY PROBE believe the ruling will allow them to continue special minority programs, an begin disciplinary proceedings against any Associated Press spot check showed. of the 12 legislators according to the "This decision probably will not alter the Crim, Forbes claim to be cleared sented. statements to him. sources, who declined to be named. Rep. John J. Flynt, D-Ga., committee chairperson, told reporters that the deli berations have been hampered by lack of . . . admissions policies one bit," said Dr. Allen W. Mathies Jr., dean of the medical school at the University of Southern California. By JOANNA FIRESTONE Elaine Freeman, the Johns Hopkins LANSING (UPI) House Speaker Kelley said a lie detector test conducted "I can say little about it, other than they Crim and Forbes were critical of "some attendance and that the committee has had - University Medical School in Baltimore, Bobby D. Crim and Rep. Joseph Forbes said on a former lobbyist concluded there is no proved exactly what I knew they'd prove," members of the news media," whom they trouble mustering the seven votes needed said the school does not have a quota substance to allegations that bribes were Crim said of the investigation. claimed smeared them by publishing Nash's for any action. Thursday an investigation by Attorney General Frank J. Kelley and the state police given to Forbes and Crim. Kelley said Behrends, during the lie statements without supporting information. Flynt said he is writing letters urging all has "laid to rest" allegations they were State Rep. Ernest Nash, R-Dimondale, detector test, denied Nash's claim that the "I'm still in shock by the allegations and Jerome B. Wiesner, president of the 12 committee members to be present for offered bribes. told a federal grand jury that ex-lobbyist former lobbyist said he could "buy" legisla¬ these statements made by an individual," Massachusetts Institute of Technology, also the vote on July 12. "According to the state police and George Behrends told him nearly three tion and knew of bribes. said Forbes, an Oak Park Democrat. "I'm said he believed MIT was in compliance attorney general, the matter's been cleared years ago that $100,000 was given to Crim But Nash also has undergone a lie sorry this has caused anguish to my family Reps. Walter Flowers. D-Ala., and Albert with the court's ruling. up," said Crim, a Davison Democrat. and Forbes to secure passage of a bill for detector test that showed he was telling the and anguish to the speaker's family. (continued on page 5) (continued on page 5) "As far as I'm concerned, it's been laid to chiropractors, whom Behrends repre¬ truth when he said Behrends made those "It's a sad commentary that two fellas like the speaker and myself, who've dedicated our lives to working in the service of the people and trying to do a good Woman's body found near Holt job, had to be treated this way by certain members of the press." Crim said he did not fault Nash for going to the grand fury, but said Nash should not Sparrow Hospital officials have positively abandoned car in the WKAR parking lot. the Episcopalian Ministry at MSU. She was have spread the story to reporters and the inside weather identified the body found Tuesday in a a member of the choir and devoted a lot of Choquette began working at WKAR-TV news media, in turn, should not have wooded area east of Holt as that of Marita as an editorial assistant two month ago. She her time to youth activities, fellow church repeated unsubstantiated heresay. Repeat of yesterday's weath¬ Elizabeth Choquette, 27, who had been had previously worked at the MSU Library members said. He said news reports of Nash's state¬ A group of students are er: sunny and hot and in the missing from her Grand Ledge apartment for about eight years. She was the daughter of Henry Cho¬ bridging the generation gnp. 80s. Tonight there is a chance of ments were "played out of proportion." since June 14. Choquette, an MSU graduate, was an quette, an Episcopalian minister in Fre¬ rain and temperatures will be The investigation by the attorney general See page 12. active member mont who retired about two weeks ago. in the high 50s to low 60s. Though the exact cause of death could not of All Saints and state police was requested by Crim, be officially determined, the autopsy re¬ Episcopalian Church in East Lansing and (continued on page 5) Forbes and Gov. William G. Milliken. vealed that Choquette was the victim of multiple stab wounds. Sparrow Hospital pathologist Lawrence Simpson estimated the time of death was on or around June 14. Ingham County officials said the body, MSU woman attacked and raped which was discovered by a farmer Tuesday evening, was badly decomposed. A 21-year-old MSU woman was awakened and sexually apartment complex. Positive identification came from dental assaulted early Thursday morning by a white male who entered The woman remained "quite calm" while relating the incident to records and a ring found on the body. Tracy her east-side apartment, East Lansing police said. authorities, police said. But because of the blindfold and the Weber, a receptionist at WKAR-TV where The woman was bound at the wrists and ankles, gagged and darkness of the room, she was unable to give police any further Choquette worked, identified the ring for blindfolded as she awoke just before the attack, which came at description of the attacker. police as belonging to the missing woman. approximately 4 a.m. The man fled from her apartment immediately after the assault. Michigan State Police tracking dogs were led into the victim's Ingham County police currently have no apartment, but could not turn up any evidence, police said. suspects in the investigation which.began The victim was then able to free herself and contact police. She June 15 when Choquette's parents reported was taken to the Ingham County Hospital emergency room for The man is being sought on charges of breaking and entering her missing. Choquette did not show up for examination and released shortly thereafter. and first-degree criminal sexual conduct. Police are continuing work that day, though police found her Police did not disclose the name or location of the victim's their investigation. 2 Michigon Stole News Eost Lansing, Michigan Friday, June 30, 1970 E. Europe involved in Africa BERLIN (AP) - Communist power station and has promised influence in Africa through policy in the Soviet bloc and Western analysts agree that Nigeria some 300 geologists and satellite surrogates. many of its aid projects serve its even East German motives in East European countries are technicians. There is adequate evidence, interests. Africa include a dash of self- joining the Soviet drive for own more influence in Africa and are •Czechoslovakia is lending one West German Africa- Yugoslavia, whose Commu¬ interest, including efforts to Ethiopia $46.5 million to mod¬ watcher says, that Moscow and nist government has been inde¬ counter West German cultural pouring money, technology, ernize and East Germany are teaming up pendent since it broke with the and political influence. weapons and military training expand a variety of into the area, an Associated industries. "so that East Germany becomes Soviet Union in 1948, also aids East Berlin's first African active in areas where the African countries. It is reopen¬ contacts included rebel move¬ Press survey shows. •Hungary is loaning Tunisia $35 million mostly for agricul¬ Soviets don't want to burn thier ing Angola's richest iron mine, ments in Angola and Mozam¬ Some experts say East Euro pean nations are used as surro¬ tural development and is ex¬ fingers." closed since the Portuguese left bique. In both cases, the rebels Not all the projects promote in 1975, and has loaned Egypt took over and now are fighting gates in areas where the Soviets porting whole factories to "less¬ Hanoi. l .S. may begin business trading don't want to become involved. directly en dependence on former colon¬ ial powers." the Soviet Union. Romania has the most independent foreign $10 million for rural electrifica¬ tion. anti-government forces them¬ selves. HONG KONG AP - The first 390 American corporations, does not In other areas of Africa, East •Bulgaria is expanding Mo¬ believe that past and present political European aid projects seem to zambique's Limpopo Valley irri¬ American business delegation to visit Vietnam since the 1975 communist fake- differences between Washington and stem from self-interest rather than an attempt to boost Soviet gation area from 75,000 to 785,000 acres and is building a HIGH COURT ARMS EMLOYEES over says Hanoi wants to put politics Hanoi should prevent American compan¬ fortunes. hydroelectric dam at Massingir. aside and start troding immediately if the ies from doing what we are supposed to •Romania is providing ex¬ The survey, on two conti¬ Job bias defenses given United States lifts its trade embargo. do — free trade unemcumbered by nents, found East European perts to help find and export The five-member delegation from the political restrictions." involvement in aid to both gold and precious stones in the American Chamber of Commerce said The delegation met with Foreign Trade Marxist-leaning and non Com¬ Central African Empire and to top Vietnamese officials repeatedly Minister Dang Viet Chau, Deputy Foreign munist countries, and to guer¬ help find lead ore in Kenya and WASHINGTON (API - An good Marshall and William J. Minister Nguyen Co Thoch, Secretary- rilla movements of the Third oil in Nigeria. stressed their desire to deal with the employer charged with illegal Brennan Jr., qualified their World. Western experts say East United States when the five made o General of the Vietnam Chamber of racial discrimination may use support. Commerce Do Wuan Phoung and senior •East Germany is reported Germany apparently is taking The court ruled that "To prove that, he need not week-long trip to Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh care of Africa's an array of defenses, including once a prove that he pursued the setting up security police or¬ badly wounded, its statistics, to prove that establishes an initial City formerly Saigon. representatives of the various national own person course which would both enable ganizations in Angola, Mozam¬ just as it once provided hospital minorities are well-represented showing of differing treatment, Chamber President Michael Emmons import-export corporations and Viet¬ space for wounded North Viet- him to achieve his own business bique, Benin and South Yemen in its workforce, the Supreme the employer may defend him¬ said the organization which represents nam's foreign trade bank. and is training glider pilots, goal and in addition allow him Court ruled Thursday. self against bias charges by Some Western to consider the 'most' employ¬ maintaining military vehicles analysts see In a decision giving signifi¬ arguing that he had no discrim¬ and providing youth organiza¬ strong signs that staunchly ment applications," Rehnquist cantly increased weapons to inatory motive and that statis¬ said. tions with "premilitary" train¬ pro-Soviet East Germany is Vietnam denies it launched invasion becoming Russia's main helper employers sued for alleged tically he has not discriminated ing. against that person's race. Rehnquist added that while a •Poland is in a long-range move to build employment bias, the justices building a Libya reversed a lower court's ruling "It is apparent that the racially-balanced workforce BANGKOK Thailand (AP) — Vietnam mitting crimes against the Vietnamese that a Chicago masonry firm burden which shifts to the does not immunize an employer denying its forces had launched a people." had penetrated as for as six from liability for specific acts of discriminated against black employer is merely that of miles into southern Vietnam in the latest large-scale invasion of Cambodia said bricklayers. proving that he based his discrimination, use of such sta¬ Thursday that Cambodian troops had made new forays across the border in the attacks and still held areas of Toy Ninh, An Giang and Kien Giang provinces. Court says federal Though couched in a techni¬ employment decision on a legit¬ imate consideration, and not an tistics "is not wholly irrelevant on the issue of intent when that past few days ond several hundred were cal interpretation of a portion of illegitimate one such as race," issue is yet to be decided." Besides inflicting heavy losses, the the Civil Rights Act of 1964, killed in fighting with the Vietnamese broadcast said, the Vietnamese troops defenders Western and other sources continue to took many prisoners and captured a officials accountable the court's ruling could have a substantial practical effect for maintain were however that Hanoi's troops engaged in stepped-up military large number of weapons. The official radio broodcast said WASHINGTON (AP) - The tions. The four dissenters, in an blacks and other minorities seeking employment equality. It could, as well, affect the Big rise expected Western and Asian news reports of an Supreme Court, rejecting the activity inside Cambodia as well. Carter administration's "abso¬ opinion by Justice William H. mounting numbers of job bias by 70.000 to 80.000 Vietnamese in May price index A Voice of Vietnam broadcast moni¬ invasion lute immunity" arguments, Rehnquist, said the decision lawsuits filed by women. tored here said the Cambodians com¬ troops were fabricated." ruled Thursday that federal virtually stripped those officials The court's main holding in officials may be sued if they of any immunity in carrying out the case drew the support of all deliberately violate a person's their duties. nine justices, but two, Thur- WASHINGTON (AP) - The However, Federal Reserve Entrepreneur refutes currency charges constitutional rights. The decision could have an government will disclose Consumer Price Index for the May Chairperson G. William Miller said Thursday that inflation immediate effect on a series of on Friday, and administration this year will probable be more MOSCOW (AP) — American business Francis J. Crawford said charges," the Mobile, Ala., native, dressed in a baggy brown business suit, pending civil lawsuits against Business deals not fair officials are expecting it to than 7 percent. At a Senate executive top-ranking officials of the FBI show a continuing large rise in committee hearing, he said the Wednesday he is innocent of the currency told Western correspondents at a news and CIA accused of violating prices. best that could be hoped for violation charges against him and he does not know why he was hauled from conference in the company offices. constitutional rights by approv ing illegal wiretaps and break- for women, Carter says Barry Bosworth, director of the Council on Wage and Price next year is about 6.5 percent. In the first five months of the his car and held for two weeks in a Soviet I do not understand nor maybe never year, the inflation rate was "It makes little sense,"' Jus¬ WASHINGTON (AP) - President Carter has accused the Stability, predicted last week running at about 10 percent per prison. will as to why I was detained in prison tice Byron R. White wrote for government, educators and financial institutions of bias against that the report will show prices year, near the levels of the But the International Harvester repre¬ during this investigation. However, I was the court, "to hold that a businesswomen. rising about 0.7 percent to 0.8 1974-1975 recession. sentative said he was well treated during treated satisfactorily during this period percent for the month. government agent is liable for He promised action on a task force report urging increased The biggest causes have been his ordeal and is back at work in his firm's of detainment. In all my yeors here, I've That is an improvement over warrantless and forcible entry government help for women business owners, saying they face the basic necessities: food, Moscow office, trying to sell tractors." considered myself in accordance with the 0.9 percent increase in into a citizen's house in pursuit discrimination when they attempt to borrow money to finance housing, energy and medical I fully state I am innocent of all Soviet law." he declared. of evidence, but that an official their ventures. April. However, it would still costs. mean inflation was running at a of higher rank who actually "I don't think there's any doubt that a federal agency or private Miller said he thinks the rate of 8 percent to 10 percent orders such a burglary is im¬ lending institution, an institution of higher education, has an government has made inflation almost innate feeling that a business investment would best be per year. mune simply because of his worse by increasing spending greater authority." made through a man rather than a woman," Carter said Administration officials say on unemployment insurance, Voting 5-4, the justices held Wednesday. "It's not fair. It's not deserved. There's no reason for there should be some improve¬ Social Security and other pro¬ that all federal officials except it. But it exists." ment in the inflation figures for grams. those who function essentially The task force urged a Census Bureau survey to count June. Miller said food prices shoud as judges rather than admini¬ female-owned businesses. It also requested a computerized The administration is still ease up later but that inflation strators can be held account¬ directory of them, and suggested increased federal purchasing expecting an inflation rate of cannot get better unless prices able for unconstitutional ac¬ from them. about 7 percent for the year. for other items improve. IT ALL BELONGS TO YOU! Subscription r01* •* $10 p«> y»or THE MSU UNION BUILDING'S YOUR ONE-STOP RECREATION CENTER: • BOWLING LANES • BILLIARDS S 30 people arrested in nuclear protest GAME ROOM YOU CAN become part of the • CAFETERIA WASHINGTON (AP) - The police nuclear reactor melted down. student organization respons¬ arrested about 30 persons today who After singing. "Swing Low, Sweet Display Advarli • GRILL ible for co-ordinating activi¬ •utinots OMica ties in the Union. UNION were protesting use of nuclear power in Chariot" and explaining the actions to Photo,,apfcK • BARBERSHOP ACTIVITIES BOARD. Among the United States. follow, a young woman cried, "Nuclear their projects are movies, • NEWS CENTER In the tradition of street theater, melt-down — no evacuation!" dances, sales of arts ond .Wo " • TICKET OFFICE crafts, lessons in various skill, 9/6 demonstrators feigned death from radia¬ The protesters then woiled, waved tion and laid down on the sidewalk in front of the Nuclear Regulatory Commis¬ their arms in mock agony and laid down OnO" o 0O^ • LOUNGES and charter flights. student is eligible to join Any on the sidewalk. About 30 protesters >00 • POST OFFICE Union Activities Board. sion's headquarters. 355 3355 faked death, while another 150 watched. One protester announced to a crowd of COmPUTER • LOST & FOUND noontime sightseers that the "deaths" Those who laid down were arrested MSU were symbolic of what would happen if a and taken away in paddy wagons. LABORATORY « °°un o UNION BUILDING 0 0° Senate Cuban diplomatic plan rejected '0,0 >0° O .0 "O O o0 o On Campus at Abbott and Commuter lockers now Grand River available. oO WASHINGTON (AP) The State administration went along with the 00°o 0o00 0 - Department rejected on Thursday a proposal approved by the Senate °0°0 o °0o°Oo°( Senate call for the United States to break Wednesday by a surprisingly lopsided its limited diplomatic relationship with Cuba until Havana pulls its military forces 53-29 vote. SUmmER SHORT COURSES °0 The Computer Laboratory will offer a series of out of Africa. Since the interests section was opened non-credit short courses in computing during A stotement issued by department last Sept. 1, it has had "considerable Summer Term. Registration must be made by June spokesperson Hodding Carter said the success" in such oreas as protection of U.S. interests section in Havana is there U.S. citizens in Cuba and in organizing 30, 1978 in the User Information Center, 313 the repatriation of American citizens and Computer Center. A $2 fee covering materials is to protect U.S. interests, not Cuban." The stotement added that "important their families, according to the state¬ charged for each short course; additional materials that may be recommended for in¬ U.S. interests would be damaged" if the ment. dividual courses are available in the User In¬ formation Center. Computer time is not included in the basic fee, but is available for an additional Carter spends "nice day" fishing cost at the student's option; this option must be exercised at the time of registration. Asterisks (*) next to course numbers indicate courses that have VIRGINIA BEACH, Vo. (AP) dent Carter spent the day - Presi- deep-sea Guard utility boat and a Coast Guard boats. pair of 41-foot prerequisites; for 1800. more information, call 353- r Beautiful fishing Thursday aboard a 50-foot power boat piloted by an admittedly nervous young skipper Carter, dressed in a denim shirt, jeans and white shoes, told reporters, "There is Introduction to Computing For persons wilh little (100) u Weddings begin at ■ no way we'll be back before 3 o'clock." 13 3-5p.m. The president wife Rosalynn. daugh¬ "So you can soak up a little sun," added ter Amy ond Interior Secretary Cecil Introduction to the MSU 6500 (101 *) Andrus boarded the blue-and-white craft Andrus. Coast Guard Lt. Fred Simpson For persons with experience at another computing (acility. July 10.1 12.13 3-5 p.m. Jacobson's Gannet shortly before 9 a.m. said at The president and Amy waved to midday that winds were 12 to 18 knots crowds along the shore as the Gannet and waves two to three feet in Carter's moved out of narrow Rudee Inlet for the BRIDAL SALON GIFT REGISTRY PRECIOUS JEWELRY STATIONERY general vicinity. "It's a nice day for open ocean, escorted by an 81 -foot Coast fishing," Simpson said. My 7-9p.rr Michigon Stote News, East Lansing, Michigan Fridoy. June 30, 1978 3 Tisch leads state tax drive By PATRICIA A. EISELE supposed to be in horrible shape. Tisch said Group seeking reforms "The California taxpayers dumped tea, "We Michigan citizens have been con why can't we!," sums up the cries of vinced that we aren't in bad shape." Tisch supporters who are in favor of the coalition complained. for property tax reform in Michigan headed As former school board president, citj by Shiawassee Drain Commissioner Bob assessor, city judge and police officer. Ho! Tisch. The non-profit, non partisan group has by calling for amendment Tisch said the state commission is not complying with their own rules. been and still is circulating petitions to He doesn't feel his views are drastic oi amend the Michigan constitution. was using the "meat ax" approach Tisch •Full state funding of state ordered pro¬ Tisch said. "I'm mil i rail d. I just i Approximately 300,000 signatures are grams. quickly responded, "Hell no. all I want to do Of Represe, is take a pipe wrench and tighten up the take what the Ho needed to get the proposal written by Tisch When told by a WXYZ reporter that he on the November ballot. At last count the leaks. I want to peal off the fat." He number of signatures exceeded half of those continued, "Layers upon layers of people needed by July 9. duplicate each others' job. not to say hate people who work for the government, but For the past five years, Tisch has been hate all of us paying for them doing trying to persuade legislators to "cut this nothing." damn headless tax monster off at the pass," Tisch said. Legislators have told him they Tisch said he feels compassion for the aged, handicappers and the legacy for 4U' programs can not move because of the law. young people, but continued, "Most people Earlier this year, with his own money and working for government can work for that of supporters, Tisch decided the best private industry if laid off." Tisch said California banks have attract most photo by Susan M Pokrelky route was to use the system to make change com While they weren't interested in any "Elderberry W ine," pickers Leo by a constitutional amendment rather than puted average mortgage payments for the state's residents. Results showed that Hasting, a Systems Science sophomore, and Hope Rudko, a graduate in the more overt refusal to pay taxes in Hillsdale county. Californians pay $50 less per month than residents in Michigan. Tisch said. money ever Recreation, made sure to get enough to munch on from this Ann Street gold mine for the next few days. Tisch's proposal accepted by legislators He continued that when comparing the By DANIEL HU BERT would: State News Staff Writer two states, Michigan residents pay proper The $52 million figure for monies the ty taxes which fall into the second highest •Cut property tax a University has accepted in gifts, grants and group in the United States. half; scholarships this year is the larges in its 6[/' energy program Tisch said he wants to know if Michigan is •Limit tax value history. going to continue to have taxation without John Cant Ion, vice president of research one-half percent a year; representation and if the slate's residents and graduate studies, said about fifteen •Stop state income tax at 5.6 percent; will continue to "lie as sheep before the •Local voter control of 1 Milliken-Crim wolves." percent of the money went directly to percent mill students through scholarships and fellow¬ and fuel for special The media has reported that California is i programs: saves ships. He phasized, ho going to support ch also helps money support other studen By PALLCOX Grievance hearing to be closed "That is the way about a third of our graduate students manage to get their MSU has State News Staff Writer experienced a 35 percent reduction in fuel consumption over the past seven graduate degrees," Cantlon said. years because of an energy conservation program, Howard Wilson, director of MSU The decision to open the grievance Under the rules of the interim faculty He explained that in spring 1978 there building services, said. •Request medical leave; were 1,139 graduate students on research The 35 percent savings comes from total fuel burned "as a function of weather, space hearing of MSU faculty member Michael •Voluntarily resign; grievance procedure, either party in a scholarships. With an individual half time and population." Wilson said. Jost to the public was reversed when Jack •Face dismissal by the associate provost. grievance case may close the hearing to the The savings is not only beneficial from a conservation aspect but from an economic Kinsinger, MSU associate provost and Blatt said the dismissal involves violation public simply by request. salary of $4,463 per person a total of $5 million was expended directly to those standpoint as well, he said. respondent in the case, requested the of due process. C. Patric Larrowe, faculty grievance Wilson attributed most of the energy savings to building services programs. students. hearing be closed. He claimed Jost never received reason for officer, said he did not have the power to "Most of it (the energy reduction) is from things we have done to control the system. . The 15 percent to be used for scholar¬ Jost, associate professor of botany and his dismissal. oepn the hearing. ships and fellowships was about $7.5 We are also getting a good degree of campus cooperation, but we could get more. We plant pathology, was notified in a letter sent Blatt also said he felt Kinsinger did not want people to eliminate waste," Wilson said. million, which brings the total amount spent by Kinsinger on April 6 that Jost would be have the power to reassign A coal burning central power plant provides MSU buildings with electricity and steam dismissed from his position at the MSU plant Jost. who is a on students to $12.5 million of the $52 tenured faculty member. million, Cantlon said. for heating and cooling. Wilson said coal prices rose 20 percent this year, adding $1 research laboratory. Jost said he felt Kinsinger's He added that funds from federal sources million to the MSU fuel bill. Frank Blatt, counsel for Jost, said that in Kinsinger gave no reason for his decision violation of due process. are also used to support the cost of some "If MSU had not implemented an active and successful energy management program the letter, Jost was offered four ultimatums: to close the hearing. students in MSU's medical programs, over the past several years, our fuel cost would have been another $2.5 million higher," •Request a sabbatical; "We don't have to give a cause," he said. (continued on page 5> 'continued on page 5> (continued on page 5) CENTRAL DIC UNITED KERMS (Drug Education Cen¬ ter, 398 Park lane, METHODIST Across from the Capitol kxrro body.z: jCAMPUS | GARY'S CAMPUS | East Lansing 351-4000 Volunteer Training "Blessed is the nation" Dr. Neil F. Bintz American & Foreign Cars i PIZZA SALON Quality Work Guaranteed Begins July 5 Rm. 331 MSU Union • 6:00 p.m. Worship Services 10:00 a.m. Free Estimates j 50* OFF for a cut $ July 6 - Rm. 304 Olds l ON YOUR NEXT PIZZA above the rest Nursery Available Hall-6:00 p.m. 12L242Z (Don. Sot. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. -12 Noon I (except free item night) | & EASTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN Corner Larcht Michigan Ave. j Free Delivery { Appointments preferred 549 E. Grind River Lansing 489-6577 I 310 W. Grand River 337-1639 • I CHURCH L J Call 351-6511 ■cross from Berkey Hall • 1315 Abbott Rd. Lansing East (North of Soginow) I SUNDAY JULY 3. 1978 South Baptist Church were open « m t 1518 S. Washington | Worthip: 1:301 10:45 a.m. Lansing i THEME: Mission and Poul W.Green 337-0893 ^337-0893 Stewardship Timothy (Juist 337-0183 SUNDAY, 7:00 p.m. Special concert with Robert Regal, baritone soloist from Tenn. i V 9:45 a.m. College fellowship el sombrero! College Bible Claee In the and rof roe hmonte Homemade Original Mexican 8:30 p.m. Fireside Room food Our SPECIAL COMBINATION PLATE *3." Appetizers: Nochos *1. doz. Avocado Salad M •> SUNDAY, 8:30 A 11:00 MON THURS SPECIAL PLATE M." How do we survive 2 Enchilada, or 3 Tacoi WITH OICE OR MANS or 2 Burritoi FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening AISU CANOE SHELTER HOURS: ^ OPEN SEVEN DAYS Coll 482 - 0754 for information MON-FRt: 11 a.m. to 10p.m. WEEKENDS: 10a.m. la 10p Mon-Thur, ! I o.m. - 9:10 p.m. Frl. ( Sot. 11 p.m. 1:10 p.m. Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor • WEATHER PERMITTING RATES: S1hour per Kenn Hecht, 751 N. LARCH wpp- Lansing College Minister PHONE 355-3397 Gone With the Wind THINOS TO DO TODAYt Romantic lace UNIVERSITY • Shop in AIR CONDITIONED comfort anil Shiny •i* for summer or fall term textbooks. Enkalure REFORMED satin gently $ CHURCH • Use our U.S. POST OFFICE sub¬ huft the station shoulder of 4930 S. Hogadorn to buy stamps and money orders or send packages home. this stylish (across from Akers Hall) to/> punt set • Buy that MSU SOUVENIR shirt, Study Groups 9:30 WORSHIP 11:00 a.m. hat, mug, jacket and other memor¬ by ; Coffee Hour 10:30 & 6:00 p.m. abilia from our large selection. Maidenform ALL AT: Dreanucear. In lllue or CAMPUS Mousse P-S-M For rides: CALL 351-6810 after 9:00 a.m. Sunday BOOKSTORE (ACROSS FROM BERKEY HALL) bottoms 'Tip summer hours now in effect University Mall-2nd Level Tom Stark, Pastor 9-5 pm closed Sat. 220 M.A.C. East Lansing 10-5:30 Mon.-Sot. 10-8 Thurs. ©f°)i(r)0®(n) RENALDO M1GALD1 Affirmative action should not need legislative prod Eyebrows and time, • • Despite the trend of self-reli¬ an institution, MSU is committed we might not look so bad compared ance the University seems to be pursuing as a means of existence, to equal opportunities but we cannot be quite so diplomatic in to all the rest. We should be putting the rest to shame. Our easy ,emoc easy go such as the $17 million Enrichment our conclusion. The figures are experience should be one that can be waved like a flag — a banner Wow, we're having a good time up here in the Stale New.' time it represents a mrer one twentieth of our lifetime. Program and the MSU Founda¬ terrible. under which all else should strive. Bluesroom high atop the beautiful Stupid Services Building on a And when we're sixty, a year is practically nothing. Or, so they- tion, we are still Michigan State Ralph Bonner, assistant vice- lovely sunny June afternoon when the birds are out and the ducks say. University. That concept is em¬ president and director of human are quacking and the bodies are bronze outdoors — I should be out I once told my father that I was sometimes haunted with gloomy bodied in the land-grant philoso¬ relations, lamented to the Com¬ But sadly, that is not the case. there, but instead here I am typing a column that my editor is feelings about one day getting old and dying. He seemed to think it phy upon which the University mittee that, although a "reason¬ Instead of proudly pointing out our expecting me to have finished by two p.m. which is roughly one was a dumb thing for a 21 year old to be thinking about, and I concede he may have been right about that. But the fact remains' was founded. We are of and for the able percentage" of minority stu¬ accomplishments, we have to put half hour from now. that I won't hv 21 forever. Time doesn't stop. our tail between our legs and (Keep typing, Renaldo, you're doing fine.) people of Michigan. The state dents enroll as freshmen, many fail A former staffer who quit at the end of spring term is up here When I am thirty, I hope to be financially secure — riches aren't' Legislature theoretically speaks to attain a degree or continue into whimper. We don't even have an hanging around and giving us all a hard time. Ha, ha, ha. He has essential, just basic security — and to have become a somewhat' for the people. Thus, the people of graduate school. Cushingberry just told a female staffer, who is in a weary mood and working good writer. When I am forty I hope to be eminent among my ' Michigan want to know why hard on her story for tomorrow's paper, that she plucks her acquaintances, dearly loved by a few close friends, and a much eyebrows too much. Wow, she's laughing. It evidently broke some better writer than I was at thirty: a masterful snapper of the MSU's hiring statistics are not in verbal whip, with the ability to make people really understand my tension, hey? I'm reminded of the time I told a certain highschool line with the expressed goals of the classmate of mine that her eyebrows were plucked too much. It heart, to make them shed tears and/or laugh hysterically in an age people — goals the University is was at a party and we were both a bit inebriated. She slapped me which could well turn out to be as cold and sterile as the steel of a obligated to follow by virtue of the in the face. Honest! — That was over five years ago. surgeon's scalpel. Five years! (It's two p.m. and my editor is glaring at me. Excuse me while I fact that it gratefully accepts Good lord, where has the time gone? count how many lines I have.) every annual appropriation. And isn't that a horrible cliche? "Time flies." But, as a very wise I long for some kind of basic freedom. I long to be able to truly When the Michigan Legisla¬ friend once told me, "All the old cliches are true. That's why mesh minds with another human. I long to eat a complete Chinese ture's Joint Committee on Affir¬ they're cliches." dinner for three at Imperial Garden ail by myself, and still have mative Action asked MSU repre¬ I read something interesting the other day in a back issue of room for the enchilada plate at El Azteco. I long to be able to sentatives that very question last Psychology Today. It said that the reason why time seems to pass indulge myself in endless hedonistic sexbed delight every night for faster and faster as we get older is that the part of our mind which a week. I long to be able to give it, and everything else, up and Friday, the only response that become a monk. perceives and measures long stretches of time uses a very basic they could make was a rather yardstick to do so: the length of our own life. Hence, when we are 1 long to have God come down in all his power and glory and tell understandable, "we don't know." seven years old. a year represents one-seventh of our lifetime and me exactly what (•> do w ith my life. And for His plan to be 100 Of course those weren't their exact seems like a lot more than it does when we are twentv — at which percent compatible with my own piddly wishes. words, but in effect, what else could they have said? Institutional discrimination is a learned months ago. phenomenon that does exist — at programs, but this doesn't hurt the pro MSU and everywhere. But the Ralph Bonn George Cushingberry gram. What isn't alive can't hurt. But it Hep. George Cushingberry has decided a decides how well the most powerless crackdown on MSU's lax affirmative action very nature of it having been element in American, the poor, exists. policies is necessary. He's noted that institutionalized makes it a nearly countered — and we agree — that Cushingberrv's final request to These people will hurt. appropriating funds to MSU via state impossible thing to point to. the focus of combating institution¬ Bonner was that the University Next the taxcutters will hit education Legislature hasn't helped remedy the Combating it would be hard even if al racism and sexism should start prepare a report for the Joint programs. If tax limitation passes in situation. MSU still sits back on it's it could be defined and isolated. at the dean level instead of the Committee to explain the Univer¬ Michigan, the potential victims will include haunches, with Bonner in the forefront of Robert Green, dean of the college administrative level. It is one sity's procedure for hiring and Cutting taxes will the students of MSU. The people who can't meet rising costs will be hurt by the abrupt course, and neglects the steps required of tbem to "actively recruit" minorities and of urban development, said as a thing to have a stated policy that placing of administrative posi¬ end of their college career goals. women. It's too bad my alma mater had to spokesperson for black faculty in complies with stated goals — it is tions. MSU was given until the cut off education But as a student I'm not supposed to be be caught with its pants down in another 1969 that, "We will bring down and quite another thing when the beginning of next week to submit powerless. There are many student organi¬ embarrassing situation but I'm not sur¬ stop any racism that exists in this policy becomes an end in itself and the report, which is a fine idea, but Much as I agree that the expected effects zations that supposedly represent me. prised. of Some feel that this is going to be an easy With 9.5 percent of minorities making up University." A noble goal if ever the realities that exist are ignored. we seriously doubt that any Proposition 13 are as welcome as a summer" because "there isn't that much lower non-academic levels of employment, there was one, but nothing was insightful answer to the problems stampede of black cats on Friday the thirteenth. 13's ramifications for us, the that needs to be done." Such a- with yet out of 40 people employed in the top 4 ever closed down. And institution¬ facing MSU will come of it. MSU students, bear more than a few lines ASMSU. administrative professional levels at MSU al, racial and sexual discrimination Instead, we feel that it will simply in the State News. We don't encourage that view, unless of only 1 minority and ao women wer.e does still exist. be a re-affirmation of the obvious; It is aggravating to note all that can be course. MSU wants a Michigan version of employed. It's no wonder the federal said is tax reform is needed, the significance Proposition 13 to in No government itself hasn't sent Bonner the Rep. George Cushingberry Jr., on paper there is nothing unethical pass needed stringent notice he received from of "Idealistic libertarianism," and the "scary Hei D-Detroit, never really ques¬ about the University's policies. reality" of Howard Jarvis, in a matter that and Cushingberry. I agree with Cushingberry tioned the intention of MSU to concerns the future of human beings here Daniel T. Jones when he says "If MSU is really serious meet affirmative action goals. He The problem, as Cushingberry and now. 341 Evergreen Apt. 6f about affirmative action, they'd take extra merely looked at the figures pointed out, is personnel. Only a It is almost certain that tax limitation will steps." Not being an impossible task, Bonner has provided to him by the University concerted effort by administrators be on the November ballot in Michigan. In been requested to submit to the committee to weed out weak links will make many ways it is worse because the measure and concluded that "they don't not only seeks to limit property taxes but The black faculty a report on the total amount MSU spends in look good." We also believe that as affirmative action succeed. building contracts and the percent of funds also state sales and income taxes. UM'd in contracting with minority com¬ When a limitation is placed on state noticed it first panies. Cushingberry might find out that taxes, or funding as is the case, a limit is automatically placed on state programs, "minority companies" is a new term to Begin must start bending because cannot deficit spend for Bonner. Bonner has been given 10 days to a state They say the cow meets its tail m submit the information: had it been me, long. To avoid overspending generally once and it looks like MSU has met means a cutback in programs.' A catch he'd only been given five! a second time. The Joint t'ommi Affirmative Action have finally di: Wanda Brown phrase if ever there was one. 552 N. Case Israel's Premier Menachem First, the cutbacks hit the welfare what the Associated Black Facultv Begin, with his stiff stand and hard line, is suffering an alarming drop in support both in his home Perrin refutes editorial with accusations country and in Washington. His refusal to moderate Israel's policy i the las' fix c paragraphs of the article and let your readers' Without bothering to refute the many distortions in the polemic on possession of captured Arab published on the editorial page of the State News June 21, I must it for themselves. Robert Perrin territory in the West Bank and the call attention to a particularly shameful violation of journalistic Gaza Strip is perhaps the most ethics. It was truly deceitful to attempt to "prove" that I am Vice president for University and federal relations important factor contributing to opposed to affirmative action by extracting two sentences from a the current breakdown in relations lengthy article I wrote for the Washington Post nearly three and one-half years ago. between theU.S. and Israel, not to Taking those words out of context was dishonest and a flagrant mention between Israel and abuse of editorial license. The least you could do would be to Egypt. Two months ago, Washington continue under the illusion that they have ties for those long disenfranchised in the By ROBERT PERRIN asked Israeli Foreign Minister Here, then, is the real danger of the some special assistance until, inevitably, employment market. Moshe Dayan to indicate whether federal government's blanket approach to expectations collapse. The collapse will be But it also can be argued that there are Israel might be willing to commit the problems of "excluded" groups. especially hard as rising unemployment enough laws now on the books, such as the The of affirmative action is shrinks the job market. Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Equal itself to settling the final status of ' over-use WHATEVER IT IS Yft) WANT, WE AltlT SOT ANY,, devaluing the currency of equal opportunity Employment Opportunity Act, the Equal the occupied territories within five commitments. As employers attempt to Up to a point, affirmative action has had Pay Act, the prohibition against hiring years. After a time — presumably draw up, and then carry out and defend, its beneficial effects. It has forced employ¬ discrimination because of age (not yet in which Begin's government tried blasted by the public, the press, and prepare the army for the next plan after plan dealing with the recruiting, ers to review the means by which they requiring goals), and Title IX which, and even members of Begin's own war." hiring and upgrading of such diverse recruit, hire, promote and establish job together with enforcement arms, assure a to come to an agreement on an categories as minorities, women, ethnic and qualifications, with the result that many strong legal foundation for equal oppor¬ answer — Israel sent to Washing¬ cabinet. Defense Minister Ezer Begin's position constitutes, for religious groups, the handicapped and now artificial barriers and attitudes affecting tunity and compliance. ton a muddily-worded message to Wiezman, of the opinion that the all practical purposes, a refusal to women and minorities have been removed. So before affirmative action is carried to veterans, the necessary moral commitment the effect that it was unwilling to decision would only bring on more negotiate control of the territor will become lost or impotent Certainly, the quaint academic hiring the ultimate absurdity with, say, a hiring in a bureau¬ give up the territories at any price. war with the Arabs, fumed out of ies. It seems apparent that the cratic maze. procedures long indulged in by higher plan required for WASPs and "all others, education have undergone a welcome it is time to refocus on the real problems Even in Israel, this move was the Knesset shouting, "I will go only way he will give them up is if As a result, the effectiveness of en¬ modernization, and the colleges and univer¬ and their solutions. These will not come they are forcefully wrestled from deavors to meet the very real employment sities are the stronger for it. If nothing else, from statistics or a preoccupation with Israel. Given the adamant position problems of these groups can only diminish. the requirement that job vacancies be competing goals and plans, but from a moral of, for instance, the Palestine The people covered by the plans will posted has opened up many new opportuni¬ as well as a legal compunction to act. Liberation Organization — which Begin has refused to recognize as a DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau The State News ] potent Arab voice — the situation could conceivably enough pressur¬ mi, 1 THINK IT'S MY 60D, MIKE.' YOU DON'T A POSSIBILITY,!. LOujPKjouTf? Friday. Juno 30. 1978 ize into the outbreak of war. Editorials ore the opinions ol the State News Viewpoints, columns and From a sympathetic standpoint THINK PROPOSITION 13 iimvmiNE M^ioolk HE'S NOTHIN6! YJU STRIP HIM OF ALL HISDI6NITY! MEANS TWflL ClOSe m"K ™ letters ore personal opinions it is perhaps difficult to criticize DOWN THE TANNING Y0UMI6HTASWELLTAKE Editorial Department CLINICS, DO YOU? AUJAY HIS MERCEDES' Begin's staunch idealism, for there TY LOW PRIORITY. i James L Smilh Entertainment Dave DiMartmo is no question that his intentions David Misialowskt Mike Klocke Sports Editor are honorable and that he has a Kim Shonahan layout Editor Deborah Heywood Michelle Chambers Copy Chief Kenneth E Parker deep feeling for the welfare and Patricia LaCroix Staff Represent Daniel J Hilbert safety of his people. But his recent Kathy Kilbury misguided decisions are being made blindly. If the real safety of Advertising Department the Israeli people is to be secured, Advertising Manager Bob Shaffer Assistant Advertising Manager Begin must learn to bend a bit to the growing force of the wind. Michigon Stole News, Eost toniing, Michigan Friday June 30 1978 5 6U' • EAST LANSING (UPI) prof named to post Ralph Smuckler, professor of political science and dean of - international studies at MSU, has been named director of the planning office for establishing the Foundation for Internation al Technological Cooperation. FCCDf© The foundation was an FROM SOUTH OF THE nounced by President Carter in a speech to the Venezuelan BORDER Two killed in explosion Parliament in March as a means of improving technological COMES ... cooperation with developing (continued from page 1) Roho Khatib told Ambassador countries. 12 Israelis and wounding more Thomas Pickering that the visit amounted to a recognition of Smuckler's appointment, ef¬ T than 50. Thursday's blast was the Israel's sovereignty over the fective Aug. 1, was announced Uth of the year in Jerusalem, entire city. East Jerusalem was Thursday in Washington. captured in the 1967 Mideast He will take a year's leave raising the toll for 1978 to 11 from his dean's post at MSU. dead and more than 120 wound¬ ed. The worst incidents of the year occurred Feb. 15, when an explosion aboard a bus killed two and wounded 48, and June Body found near Holt RAMON'S 0 2, when another bus bombing killed six and wounded 20. mer In Amman, Jordan, the for¬ mayor of East Jerusalem Friends said (continued from page 1) Choquette was outgoing and friendly and could see RESTAURANT r messaged the American Em¬ no reason why anyone would try to harm her. bassy denouncing Mondale's Choquette was divorced two or three years ago. At the time of AND LOUNGE projected visit to the Israeli- her death she was living in a three-story apartment house at 1225 occupied sector of the city. Pine St. in Grand Ledge. Little impact expected in Michigan 5 (continued from page 1) court's decision was far from had specific, court ordered The decision apparently will definitive. guidelines. have little impact on establish¬ George Rainsford, president Arthur L. Johnson, vice ed affirmative action programs of Kalamazoo College and chair¬ president for university rela person of the National Associa¬ tions at Wayne State Univer¬ at Michigan's college and uni¬ versities. tion of Independent Colleges sity. said: and Universities, said most "We expect the decision will Officials at both public and educators would be hesitant to not deter the conscientious, Sta'e News Bob Stern private institutions said the end such programs unless they good faith efforts that Wayne Sparty may appear to be quite a stone-faced con¬ State University must continue servative to those who are new to the campus but he to make to relieve the burdens of racism in American life and really isn't. In fact, the similar symbol of MSl; is RAMON S you may have known it before as Bills Restaurant and Lounge' TT programs set record to achieve for minorities and women full equity in the educa often a display mannikin for the latest liberal attitudes. The most recent comment is a spray can located o» "IB E Grand R.ver in RAMON S lias been the Lansing for the past 54 years But since September hot spot for your south of the border favorites. tional and employment service design that depicts the symbol for lesbianism. RAMON S offers specials every day Monday thru Friday on their Mexican (continued from page 3) of this institution. favorites The University passed the $52 million mark at this month's MSU Monday s espeaalidad Tacos. Three sub-shell corn tortillas heaped with juicy Board of Trustees meeting when the trustees accepted over $5 ground beef tomatoes onions and shredded cheese and lettuce million in gifts, grants and scholarships. The figure for 1976-77 was $48 million, with $41 million the 'IT energy program saves money Tuesday is beef enchilada day Your choice of chicken meat or cheese 'rapped in a fried corn tortilla topped with a mild mouth watering sauce diced or ons and preceding year. shredded cheese 3 per serving. "Cantlon attributed the boost in contributions to the effective¬ Wednesday s fa.ante is Burritos. Two flour tortilias filled with (continued from page 3> turn control systems were still needed in the summer xpertly ness of the Universtiy fund-raising programs. Wilson said. by time clocks or human i because air conditioning re seasoned ground beef topped with delicious home-made chili con carne diced He said the MSU Enrichment Program for the construction of a One major step in conserva trollers. The computer gi quires more energy than heat¬ sweet Spanish omens and shredded cheese. Performing Arts Center and additions to the library and museum have helped attract more contributions to the Universtiy. tion has been the use of a building services much it ing in the winter. Thursdays RAMON S serves Tostadas: Three crisp fried corn tortillas served The national importance of many of the programs MSU is computerized central control flexibility and efficience in < open faced with your choice of seasoned ground beef or refried beans (frijoles). He added that all University '.ml. Wilson said. working on has also helped to garner funds which put MSU past unit, which controls a building's topped with cusp fresh lettuce diced tomatoes onions and shredded cheese. irol buildings will be maintained at the $50 million mark, Cantlon added. heating and cooling system. It levels in compliance with fed And back by popular demand Friday s special serves Tacos agoin so you can health, environment and food programs are was originally installed in the more campus buildings has He said our eral standards. enjoy RAMON S favorite twice o week ot o very reasonable price. significant enough that they helped attract a great deal of financial Clinical Sciences building. been designed and Wilson said So you can sample a variety of Mexican comido RAMON S offers combination The unit, which adjusts a firm will be chosen by Aug. 1 Harden said, "Individuals can interest from outside the University. plates for any size appetite. The feature combination plate is complete with a taco, thermostats and ventilation to install the system. contribute to the energy-saving tostada meat enchilada cheese enchilada and carne guisada. and like all systems by computerization, efforts in the following ways: Wilson said eventually all RAMON S south of the border specialties is served with Spanish rice and refried has a longer control capacity so •maintaining separately- University buildings will have controlled thermostats at 76-79 beans all for only $3.95. RAMON S also serves a variety of mini combination plotes it now monitors South Complex similar temperature controls. for S2 95 all deliciously seasoned and tempting to the taste. residence halls. degrees Fahrenheit: The computerized system He also agreed with MSU • operating window air con¬ A ligh* dinner suggestion from RAMON S is El Pepito. From Guadalo- can make more temperature President Edgar L. Harden ditioners only when the room is laro comes this version of the steak sandwich thinly sliced and served with Tentative clearances vote adjustments for changes in that the coming of warm wea occupied or as required for avocodo spread and frijoles on a mini french roll. Chili or taco sauce takes the place time of day and allow for ther does not mean conserva laboratory purposes; of catsup or steak sauce A crisp salad and french fries completes this exciting weekends and holidays. tion is not still needed. He • turning off lights in rooms sandwich all fo« only $3.50. (continued from page 1) By making the system adjust added that the energy cost of with outside exposure during RAMON S has imported beer and Mexican spirits to complement your meal. Quie, R-Minn., have not been present at any of the five ethics more often and in more com air conditioning is comparable daylight hours; Ccme and try a Toro Bravo (Kahlua fresh lime and tequile) or a Margarito, to heating, and electrical costs • operating exhaust fans and committee meetings. Aides said both have been out of Washington plex ways, waste will be fur welcome any tune m the evening. campaigning; Quie in Minnesota's gubernatorial race and Flowers ther eliminated. Wilson said. are even higher. other equipment only when In the past, Harden said conservation is RAMON S :s open from 11 am to 11 pm on weekends and from 11 am to 3 30 pm in the U.S. Senate race in Alabama. these tempera on f ndu.s and Saturdays 12 noon till 11 00 on Sundays Bar stays open till 2 on Special Counsel Leon Jaworski and his investigators have listed possible House rule violations by California Democratic Reps. weekdays Come and e2.00 (with or More. this coupon) J ■ but not hard to afford NIKON FM WITH 50/mmf/2 LENS NIKON FM WITH 50 •314.93 I SPECIAL ■ •Original Okja or Otga Burger If) I fl Fresh Fr„h Food Deal! doom!| This summer the movie to see will be I/1-4 LENS •349.93 NIKON MD-lt MOTOR DRIVE mm •134.93 •Fresh Fries Try any of our delicious Olgas, or our | NATI3XAL tasty spinach pie, a crispy salad, fresh ■ NIKON FM CASE •34.93 • Depsi fries, or any combination of the really . I LAMPMH. different, really delicious things to ■ l£^i.{&£.ssse&SSSSSSEl NIKON FE The most Olgas are without a doubt the exciting idea in eating the sandwich... And Fresh Fries eat at Olga's Kitchen. ■ ANIMAL UDVff A comedy from Universal Pkrures AUTOMATIC will, most everyone agrees THE MATTY SIMMONS ■ IVAN REITMAN PRODUCTION they're the best tasting 'NATIONAL LAMPOON'S ANIMAL HOUSE * JOHN QELU5HI TIM MATHESON $414*5 fries around. Coupon good Fri., June 30, Sat., July 1, Mon., July 3. and Tuw., July 4. JOHN VERNON ■ VERNA BLOOM ■ THOMAS HULCE ond DONALD SUTHERLAND as JENNINGS Produced by MATTY SIMMONS ond IVAN REITMAN ■ Music by ELMER BERNSTEIN Written by HAROLD RAMI5, with 50 mm f/J-4 DOUGLAS KENNEY b CHRIS MILLER ■ Directed by JOHN LANDI5 S3S5SK5333333333533335 OLGA'S KITCHEN OLGA'S KITCHEN I0W. MkMftfl Mail 133 E. Grand River, E. Lansing 133 E. Grand River, E. Lansing | [RlKCTCTIlH BtftfcCrwfc.MlfltM ■ ■■GOOD WITH THIS C0UP0H ONIYimW Oonkcordi You'll be talking about it all winter! Michigan Stole News, East Loosing, Michigon Friday, June 30 1978 7 Assistant coaches give support By JERRY BRAUDE "I think I have the two best are almost the same," Heath like I was getting more from looking for guards and forwards SUte News Sports Writer assistant coaches in the coun¬ cote said. "He is my right arm, him." while next year, we'll be looking While Jud Heathcote was try," Heathcote said. "They so to speak." Berry joined the Spartan staff for centers. We also look at a leading the MSU basketball complement each other very last year, after serving as prospect's grades." Monson believes the similar team to a 25-5 season and Big well." assistant basketball coach at When Berry scouts MSU's outlook on coaching he and Ten title, he had support from Although Monson and Heath¬ California Berkeley since 1972. future opponents, he tries to Heathcote share is a definite two assistant coaches on the cote have been close friends for The former MSU guard and note their strengths and weak Spartan bench — Don Monson, 20 plus to the program. forward also was a graduate years, they didn't start nesses so they can be attacked. who was constantly pointing coaching together until Heath¬ "Through the years, we assistant for the Spartans' bas¬ Monson said Heathcote is one things out, and Bill Berry, who cote came to MSU two years would get together and ex¬ ketball team in 1969. of the five best coaches in the was always flashing cue-cards ago. change coaching philosophies," "Bill has done a tremendous country. to the players. "Our coaching philosophies Monson said. "Yet, it seemed job." Heathcote said. "He has "He is well organized and been very personable and has knows his basketball talent," done a fine job in coordinating Monson said. "Jud is as hard a the recruiting." worker in the game as you'll After coaching in the Pacific ever see. You have to stay up Eight Conference for five years, late at night for many nights in Leagues won't merge Berry wanted the opportunity to coach in the Big Ten and work with Heathcote and Monson. order to beat him." Heathcote sought Monson's services when he took the head By RICHARD L. SHOOK things that would have had to have been "Coming back to MSU was coaching job at Montana six UPI Sports Writer like coming home again," Berry years ago, but Monson declined accomplished there, just wasn't enough DETROIT (UPI) - The presidents of both time." said. "I have learned a lot from the offer. major professional hockey leagues scrapped Cincinnati of the WHA had granted the them, and, hopefully, it has "It was a matter of my family four clubs applying to the NHL an immunity been a two-way street." and finance that made it not plans Wednesday to add four World Hockey Association (WHA) teams to the National conducive to moving," Monson from prosecution — provided the older said. "I had a good job as athletic Hockey League (NHL) for the 1978-79 league took action by 4 p.m. Wednesday. "Our ability to continue past the deadline director, counselor and coach in But their amicable first-time joint appear¬ disappeared," he said. "We put our best high school (at Pasco High School in Washington)." Stale News Robert ance indicated another try might be initiated effort into this. It isn't going to work. Now . Monson came to MSU once The NCAA tournament has been narrowed down to eight teams. The Spartans by the WHA at the conclusion of next season. we're going about our own business." Heathcote became coach of the have a chance to go to the final four for the first time in 21 years. But "Within the time frame imposed upon us," "If we had continued, we just would have President John Ziegler of th^NHL said, "we met in another week knowing that we would Spartans because of the chal¬ what is head coach Jud Heathcote (middle) concerned about as he watches his could not find that common ground we have had to meet again the week after that," lenge of coaching in the Big Ten. team against eventual NCAA champion Kentucky? That his socks stay up. But needed. There will be no expansion of the Baldwin said. "The WHA is going to go about "Jud called me up the night Heathcote was selected Big Ten coach of the year for more reasons than just NHL this season." its business. after he got the job. and I playing with his socks. And he gives a lot of credit to his assistant coaches. "I still believe in the one league theory," "Each team is committed to open this figured it was an opportunity Don Monson (right) and Bill Berry (leftl, who did more during the season than President Howard Baldwin of the WHA said. season," he said. "We have seven teams for that was too great to pass up." just hold up cue cards. "But we are not going to concern ourselves sure, with the Houston situation still unre with it for a while." solved." MERIDIAN R Edmonton, New England. Quebec and There were just too many Winnipeg of the WHA had applied to join the contention to be resolved in too little time. NHL, which decided the best legal way to The emergency session of the NHL Board of treat the situation was as it would expansion. Governors was convened Monday morning, "There was a deadline of 4 p.m.." Ziegler with representatives from the WHA in said, "and in order to accomplish all the attendance. Large Bean Bags for Fun Sitting *17.95 Assorted Colors with Student '.d. Reg. *24.95 Bean Bag Refills Available Pillow Talk The Men's IM will be open regular hours over the holiday Furniture weekend. The building hours will be: Saturday, noon to 5 p.m.; EosGWest Mall. Frondor Mo Sunday, noon to 6; Monday and Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. The pool hours are: Saturday, noon to 5 p.m.; Sunday, noon to 6 p.m.; Monday and Tuesday, 11 p.m. to 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. There will be family swim all day July 4. There will be no reservations on Monday or Tuesday. All other services will operate as usual. For the Women's IM Building, the only change in the regular hours is on July 4. Building and pool hours will be from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. On Wednesday, July 5, both of the IM Buildings will continue with the regular summer term hours. STARltTE^ Lflnsmci U S 2? WEST Of WAVERLY Phone 322-0044 ■ S CEDAR ST NEAR JOLLY Phone 322-0044 ■ P g They newer met an adult rt The first time was P they oouMnt drive crajy. g n | only a warning. S w. "«.r 1 ■■ft) * ^BflDNEWS EWVflHN IT'S FOA EVERYONE! OMEN Plus... John Wayne II Sorry 1 NoPaim P'" "TheShootist" "DWMH0N HUH" g Michigan Stote News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, June 30, 1978 now showing Christina Anderson Wayne Rottman iHimi Brian P Open Viger Thru July 9th MIES L star lore of the Great Lakes Indians U UNION GALLERY Tue.-Sun. 11:00-5:00 s OPEN DAILY at 1 PM FEATURE at 1:30-3:30 5:30-7:30 9:30 PM For more information call 355-4672 STILL MORE BAD NEWS FREE FREE THE BAD NEWS Entertainment for the Whole Family BEARS ARE BACK IN THEIR, ALL,NEW FILM COMEDY .-A & ...... A MICHAEL RITCHIE Production THE BAD NEWS BEARS GO TO JAPAN CURTIS--. BILL LANCASTER - - -«■ MICHAEL RITCHIE NBFRHV ... ....... PAUL CHIHARA . EARLY BIRD - 5-5:30 p.m. — $1.50 TODAY OPEN 7 PM TWO PERFORMANCES ONLY FEATURE 7:30-9:30 PM rzr- DOOLEY'S Tonight and Saturday at 8:30 p.m. SAT-SUN at 1:30-3:30 5:30-7:30-9:30 PM on the Summer Circle Free Festival Stage in the Kresge Courtyard xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx presented by MSU Theatre Department - High School Workshop in Theatre lewis Nan Burling, Director ramsey burt reynolds "THEENa* 5:15-7:15-9:15 PM y iip Sunday; july" 9 88k 10:30 pm coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooq ADVANCE TICKETS FOR 6.50 — AT DOOLEY'S AND \A OH RECORDLANDS hjjst KRISTOFFERSON and MacBRAW... kxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxjoooooqO ain't nothin'gonna get in their way! TONIGHT OPEN 7 PM FEATURE 7:25-9:25 SAT-SUN 1:25-3:25 5:25-7:25-9:25 Who dunnit? Pete Falls • Ann-Mar»rvt Eileen Brennan Sid (J.u-sir Stinkard Channing JlllllC'- Cot (i Dtmi DeLuise Louise I li'khcr Julin Houseman Madeline K.ihn M.uvli i Must in Fernando Lamas Phil Silvers Waylon Jennings A he \ ij;, k.1,1 Paul Williams Nil. J \\ illiamsiin Jessie Colter Asleep at the Wheel Sunday, July 9, 8 pm LANSING CIVIC CENTER RESERVED SEATS: $6 50 & $7.50 Tickets Available Neil Simon1.. - - p. .11. ilunnu of both Recordlands and Lansing Civic The Cheap Detective' Center Box Office NO PASSES ACCEPTED THIS ENGAGEMENT SAT-SUN EARLY BIRD--5-5:30PM-'I.SO Michigon State News, East Lansing, Michi Friday. June 30, 1978 9 IfeS# i® - ' ffT ' f JKb - &&> mi Axto Service \\/\ { Employment if [ Apartments jf^F Apartments Houses £ for Sale ^ Lost i Found Classified Advertising FURNISHED APARTMENTS INSTANT CASH. We're pay LOST YOUNG male cat. MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. ACCOUNT - EXECUTIVt-dd 3 BEDROOM, furnished for 6 Information agency, service existing ac¬ man, 1 block to campus, available for summer. Swim ing $1-$2 for albums in good colorful rabbit like fur, tiger Kalamazoo, since 1940. Auto ming pool, 2 month leases at shape WAZOO RECORDS, markings on face. Lost in the counts, some copy and slick, summer only, $300. Call painting-collision service. media. Write 215 S. Grand days 332 3900. 0 7 6-30(6) very reasonable rates. Twyck 223 Abbott, 337-0947 Burcham Et Alton area. Re¬ tONE 3S5-I2SS 147 Student Setvlcei lldg. American-foreign cars. 485- C 7 6 30141 Ave. Lansing, 48933. ingham 351-7166. 3-6-30 (5) sponds to "Minky". We miss 0256. C-7-6-30I5I LARGE HOUSE, excellent him. 351 1043 S 5 6-30 tfil 4-6-30 (6) 605 SOUTH Hayford 3 bed location, kitchen, laundry, COUCHES $35. chairs $10. 1 JUNK CARS wanted. Also SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Pine Lake room apartment for rent. parking $60 month. 332 First come, first serve. LOST YASHICA 35 mm DAYS day • 90< per line selling used parts. Phone AT ROSELAKE WILDLIFE 1918 2 7 3(41 BEECHWOOD APART camera, Manly Miles rear Utilities paid. Partly fur 3 days WC per line 32vmv_c-7-e-3Qai RESEARCH CENTER Apartments nished. Woman student, MENTS. 1130 Beech 332 parking lot. Reward. Contact inmncnm 4 days - 75< per line FEMALE IMMEDIATELY, 0052 between noon and 5 Charles Smith. 372 1910 ext GOOD USED tires, 13-14-15 through work study program. 6080Mar;hRd. summer or fall. Call 393 8541 ■irarrairnfm I days • 70$ per line 373-9358. 8-7-3 (5) after 3 p.m 875(7) 252. 3 6-30 14) inch. Mounted free. Used 5 7 5 <6> p.m. ■faenmrm Meridian Moll Area laundry, big yard. 393 9856 wheels and hub caps. PEN- MINALTA SRT 101 58 mm LOST: ALL black long haired line rote per FURNISHED APARTMENTS 3 7 5141 insertion NEL SALES, 1825 East Mich¬ WAITRESSES- FULL or part *165 piu. utilities 14 lens $125 355 7308 cat. white spot on chest IKOuuuljCO igan, Lansing, Michigan time nights, must be clean available for summer. Swim¬ NEAR MSU, summer only, East Lansing-Okemos. No 8 7 13 i3) 48912, 482-5818. C-7-6-3016) and dependable, have some "one bedroom unfurnished ming pool, 2 month leases at immediate o collar. $15 reward 355-4649 experience. Local references "G E appliances very reasonable rates. Cam¬ 349 2589 5 7 3 i3: AKAI QUAD tape deck A-1 85pm. 1 6-20 (5> Econolines • 3 lines *4.00 5 doys. 80' per line over pus Hill 349 3530 0 3 6 30(5) required. Apply days, COS 'fully 'orpcted 3 lines. No adjustment in rote Price of item(s) must be stated when conceited. in od. Moximum Aviation JK) CARELLI'S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE, 2408 S. Cedar. Rooms J* condition. evenings. $200, 3-6-30 13) 372 1658 Lost I Found sale price of *50. A GREAT selection of used PARACHUTING LESSONS Lansing. 2-6-30 18) Free Peanuts Personol ads • 3 lines • *2.25 per insertion. everyday July 4th weekend. 1 BEDROOM summer sublet audio gear at WILCOX 75* per line over 3 lines (prepayment). First jump course starts at FULL TIME and part time 339-8193 in nice house. 2 blocks, from TRADING POST. 485 4391 Rummage/Garage Sale ads • 4 lines • *3.50. 10:30 a.m. MSU Sport Para¬ maids. Apply in person. RED Roommate Union. $80 month - utilities. C 7 6 30 (4) 63' per line over 4 lines ■ per insertion. chute Club and CHARLOTTE ROOF INN, 7412 W. Saginaw Eveningt 337 9246. 8 7 10 (4) Real Estate « Round Town ads • 4 lines • *2.50 • per insertion. PARACENTER. Details, call Highway. 3-7-3 (5) Service STEREO AM-FM 8-track, CAMPUS NEAR, modern BSR turntable. $65 626-6446 EAST LANSING. 3 63' per line over 4 lines. 543-6731 or 372-9127. rest lost I Founds ads/Transportation ads • 3 lines • M .50 • 3-6-30 (71 QUIET 1 bedroom apartment, negotiable, 332-4432 furnished rooms, summer E 5-7-6 G) dential lots. Whittier Drive. per insertion, 50' per line over 3 lines. [ for Rent vacant soon, rent cats OK Call 351 1755. 5 to 9 We will match you only From $40 month. 485 BRING YOUR optical pre¬ Mature trees. Suitable for walkout basement. Buy now, scription to OPTICAL DIS¬ I Employment 'if COMPACT REFRIGER with compatable OWN ROOM in spacious COUNT. 2617 E. Michigan. build later. $15,000. each. 371-3710 7 6-30 (7) Deadlines ATOR. stereo, T V rentals, Lansing. C-7-6-30 I5l on'off campus. oommates) house, clean facilities, fur¬ Ads 2 p.m. ■ -1 class day before publication. FULL AND Part time jobs, free delivery Thank you for nished, large lawn. 351-8974. FULL SERVICE r 372-1795. 0-7 6-30 141 WINDSURFER. SAILING the heart of ski Cancellation/Change ■ I p.m. - I class day before excellent earnings. Call 374- coming back to 3 6 30 t4i country, 6328 3-6 surfboard, gold sail. $450. showing excellent gross Real publication. p.m.^ai|y_8-7-5(_3) ' ROOMMATE FOR fully fur¬ ROOMS FOR rent, dose to 321 6214 after 4 p.m Estate include living quarters Once ad is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed TAXI DRIVER wanted-Must Apartments ^ nished. Pool, sauna, air, 882 campus. $60 80 month. Call 4 6 30(3' terms available. COLWELL & until after 1st insertion. have excellent driving record. DELTA ARMS 8556 14-7-10 (3) STE MAR MANAGEMENT, COMPANY. 222 South Lake There is a 11.00 charge for 1 ad change plus 50' per Part time to start. VARSITY BLACE Et WHITE 12" por Street, Boyne City. Michigan. TWO BEDROOM apartment, 351 5510 8 7 6 '41 additional change for maximum of 3 changes. CAB, 332-3559. 4-7-3 (41 dryer, cable T V., now filled OWN ROOM in 3 bedroom table TV. $45 882 6049 '616)582 6724. Z The State News will only be responsible for the 1st washer, modern duplex. Near Forest SUMMER. SINGLE, large, 5-7 5 (3) 9-7-7192 _ utilities paid. Close to cam¬ day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must BABYSITTER NEEDED in my Acres Golf Course. July 1 furnished, kitchen, parking. BY OWNER- 3 bedroom. 1'z pus. 351 7989 8-7-6(4) be made within 10 days of expirotion date. home, transportation and re¬ for summer August 25. Option for fall. $50 332 1800. 372-1801 BLACK DIRT, sod farm soil. bath. 1718 Osborn Road, Bills are due 7 doys from ad expirotion date. If not ferences required. 349-1620. $110month plus utilities. 0 2 6-30 I4t Approximately 5'? yards de¬ Lansing $32,000 484 4061. and fall paid by due date, a 50' late service charge will 3-6-30 (3) Thank you for 394 4494 5 7 517) livered locally $40 641 6024 3 6-30 131 or 372-4080. Fill, sand, gravel be due. for Sale NEAR MSU. brick & alumi¬ CUSTOMER SERVICE- per¬ coming back to available also. 0 7 6-30(6) $15,900. Call Tom manent full time position BURCHAM WOODS EUREKA NEAR Sparrow. Only a few left!! 100 USED vacuum cleaners. SEWING MACHINES slightly num ranch. Kevelighan 321-6281 or answering customer letters & $7.88 and CENTURY 21 HUBBELL 321 Now filled for One bedroom apartment. 1 year warranty, used, guaranteed, $39.95 and Automotive a Automotive !•»' phone calls. Good writing ability required. Some typing helpful. Excellent benefits. summer-Just a few Partly Available now furnished, parking. $135. 351- Waters Reduced Summer rent Edge up. DENNIS COMPANY. DISTRIBUTING 316 North up. Open arm machines from $89.50. EDWARDS DISTRI¬ 1000 8-7-5 14) • Cedar 482 2677 C 7 6 30)5) Call for appointment 371- left for fall. 7497. 0-3-6-30 (5) BUTING CO.. 1115 N. Wash Recreation (B AUDI LS100. 1975- auto- PINTO 1974- only 33,000 5550 AMERICAN EDUCA Make a from *160 ington 489-6448 C-7 6-30(8) FURNISHED APARTMENTS • Two and four person —— — low COMMUNITY rnile_s,_$1600 negotiable. 882 — JIONAL SERVICES. LANSING reservation now available for summer. Swim¬ mileage. 351-2223. 8-7-5 (31 1267 6 8 p.m. X-5-7-5 (3)_ 5-7-5(10) ming pool, 2 month leases at apartments Animals "V*, COLLEGE Wilderness Camp¬ efficiency SI 75 very reasonable rates. SEVEN • Walk to campus Backpacking gear 2 ing and Canoeing School. BMW 530, 1976 loaded, PINTO RUNABOUT, 1975- 4 STUDENTS TO work in car For Sale- Includes 8 day Ontario canoe must sell. Call Ray anytime cylinder, automatic, radials, rental office 3 p.m.-11:30 1 bedroom $210 THIRTY ONE. 351-7212. 1050 Watersedge Dr. Northface down bags, 1 60 ONE YEAR old male skunk, trip. August 5-18. Deadline 30,000 miles. Excellent condi- 0-3-6-30 (5) 40 Snow Lion parka, 1 Holu- with leash, collar and cage. 339-9500. 3-7-3 (3) p.m. weekdays. 7-3 p.m. 2 bedroom $290 (next to Cedar Village) July 5 373 7130. 7 7-3 171 tjor1i $1725. 351-4960. weekends. 489-1484. $20 Cathy; 351 2485 Call between 12-5 125 N. HAGADORN- luxury 1 332-4432 CHEVROLET WAGON. 1973 8-7-7 (5) X E 5 7 3 (3' PARACHUTING LESSONS Impala 400. Two 8-7-6J4) 351-3118 bedroom, unfurnished, car¬ everyday July 4th weekend. very good mechanical condi¬ PLYMOUTH FURY 1. 1973- SUMMER EMPLOYMENT, peted, nice. Adjacent shops, FREE SCHNOODLE puppies, MALE FOR summer, own First jump course starts at tion and body. Battery is only air, power steering and fu|| anc| part-time positions. yet wide lawns. 1 block MSU. room, pool, balcony, air, BROVONT STRAWBERRIES 1 black male, 1 tan & black 10:30 a.m. MSU Sport Para¬ 5 months old. $1,000. Phone SOUTH HOLMES-near Spar¬ $160, summer. 332-8516. laundry. Available now. 337 Pick your own. 40t quart female. 6 weeks old. 3210 chute Club and CHARLOTTE 487-3096 after 6 p.m. or row. One room upstairs effi¬ 3-6-30 (61 Bring container, excellent Pleasant Grove Road, South- 2193 6 7 6 (3) PARACENTER. Details, call 353-9589 days. S 6-7-7 (7) 3-7-5 (5) ciency, cooking, share bath. picking through July 4. Open i angina S-3 7-3 151 543-6731 or 372-9127. NIGHT DISPATCHER 9 p.m.- Prefer male. $75. 351-7497. 2 BEDROOM, furnished, very daily 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. 3 miles TORANADO, 1968- white, 7 a.m. Must have good Thank you for FEMALE German 3-6-30 17) CHEVY 1967, 4 doors, new 0-3-6-30J5) close. $125. summer 332 south of Sunfield on M-50. FREE: clutch, good transportation, power and air. Kept in mint knowledge of local streets coming back to 1800. 372 1801. 0 2 6-30(4) 3-6 30 16) Shepherd, mix, 1 ''z years old, STRAWBERPIES-PICK your condition by proud owner. and landmarks in Lansing APARTMENTS 2 and 3 bed¬ must sell. $125. 332-4558 all shots. Days 373-9423, own 35C per pound. Open 7 $1295. Call Doug, 372-9130 or Apply in person. Call for room, 1 and 2 bedroom left. WE PAY up to $2 for LP's & 351 1457 after 5 p.m. 3-7-5(4) a.m. on picking days. Well 2-6-30 (3) 3512010 8-7-5 (51 appointment «7-2400, No reasonable offer refused. 348 Oakhill, walking distance Houses £ cassettes- also buying 45's, behaved children welcome. CHEVY SPORTY Mona VEQA ,g71 s350 ,us, but 5 6 30161 songbooks magazines. ANGLO LIPIZZAN horses, GIBBS BEPRYLAND. South to park and campus. Fur¬ LANSING. 3 or 4 bedroom FLAT BLACK AND CIRCU¬ bred for dressage and jump¬ of Onondaga, 1-628-2663. MKage 1977 V-8. power steering, brakes. Lots of runs well, FM stereo. 8-track, 5novv „res, 371-3824.4-7-313) BABYSITTER CARE for 2 nished 351-4107. 4 6-30 (7) TERRACE homes, summer rates, fur¬ LAR, upstairs, 541 E. Grand ing Call 349 1574 8 7-13 (4) 8-7 10 (6) children, references required. nished. Call 484-2164 River Open 11 a m. 351 0838 351 1816 before 2 p.m. or 7 6 30 I4' 3 6 30 <71 r_ J_ VOLVO. 1970, 142, engine after 8 p.m. 8-7-13 (4) 10 SPEED SPECIAL good, body fair, excellent Thank you for now filled for SUMMER. 4 bedroom, fur¬ VISIT MID MICHIGANS CORVETTE-1975- power coming back to nished. only $200. 332 1800. ARAYA steering, brakes, automatic, transportation. $1000- 351- EXECUTIVE-LEGAL secre summer and fall largest used bookshop. SEMI-PRO MODEL 372-1801 Very Close. CURIOUS BOOKSHOP, 307 air, radials, stereo AM/FM, ?1I7i*eL6Ami 11 tary. Have ability to com¬ excellent condition- 645-2177 VW 1970 rebuilt municate with public, excel¬ BEECHWOOD 0-2-6-30 14) E Grand River. East Lansing, Shimono600O RHobs engine with 332 0112 C 2 6-30(5) after 5. 3-6-30 (4) lent skills. Legal experience Shimano 600 Deroilleurs new paint job and sun roof, SOUTH SIDE 2 bedroom EAST SIDE. 1024 Eureka. 3 helpful- not essential. $11,000 Filled for s Shimano 600 side pull Brakes CUTLASS 1972 $925 or best offer. 351-8551. to start. Submit resume to apartments, dishwasher, air bedrooms, partly furnished, FIREWORKS- LAST chance Dura ace Bar End Shifters X-6-7-6 (4) Box A-1, State News, 347 A few left for fall. conditioning, carpet. Call parking. Adults or students WHITE MONKEY. 90* tires olloy vinyl top, good running con 349 5369 noon 9 p.m. to buy at nms Student Services, East Lan¬ to preferred. No pets. Available from dition, 63000, best offer, 351- ~ ~~ now. $250 351 7497. 117 N. Harrison (across Double-butted frame X 10 7 13 (5) 3625.5-7-5131 __ VW VAN 1969 sing. 4-7-5 (10) 2 bedroom oporl 0-7 6 30(6) Sir Pizza. I 3-7-3 I4)_ Reg. lilt $269.95 9119.9$ DATSUN 710, '76, auto¬ 178 8-/-/ PART-TIME accurate typist- *270 ONE OR two men needed for STRAWBERRIES DOEHNES matic, air, 4-door, excellent' EAST LANSING. 2 or 3 " ]( V: 50 words per minute. Call apartment. Summer, close to Pick your own Take 196 23" Block Only , months, great location, cook condition, 13,000 miles, campus. 332 4432 X3-6 30(3) west to Eagle exit *86. turn Alto Servce \\r \ 489 0654 b 1 e30o> ing, furnished. Call 484 2164 $3,100. Best offer. 7-7JJ41 353-7924. BABYSITTER, 17 or older for Call 12-5 EAST LANSING, deluxe one or 351-4697. 7 6-30 14) north (right) 4 miles to Cutler Road. Turn left 2 miles. Ask Velocipede Peddler 332-0052 bedroom, furnished, walk to about season end specials. 3 541 E. Grand River FORD VAN. 1971 6 auto¬ 9 year old boy. Afternoons, ATTENTION GRAD Stu "*T0rm.r> some evenings. In East Lans¬ shopping, dining, MSU. Fall pounds for $1 00. Bring con¬ E. Lansing 351-7240 matic, radio, $700/best offer. lease. From $195 Manager dents. Quiet, spacious newer tainers 1 647 6010. 4 7-6 HOI 351-0539 4-6-30 I3| ing. Call 351-7476 10-2 p.m. 4 bedroom house. $390 _ _ Why hove we become 8-7-13 (5) ONE OR two women needed, 351-4745 5 9 p.m. 8 7-12(6) month. Immediate occu¬ GRAND PRIX, 1973 loaded, Lansings lorgest Fia» re¬ summer. Near campus. 332- pair shop over the post lew STORE DETECTIVES, call 4432. 3-6-30 (3) FIFTEEN DAYS free rent' pancy 669-5513 3 6 30 <51 mint condition, must sell. »L-7241.J2:7J2(3) years' Call us the next cor needs repair 641-4562 between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Monday-Friday. 2 BEDROOM furnished, from Own bedroom in 2 bedroom apartment. Big, Cool, nice, WOMEN TO share private STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED JAGUAR SJ6 Sedan 1972, home, own room, complete automatic, air, 59,000 miles. u I know the ans- II be pleosed with 0-7-6^3013^ $205/month. Available fall, University Villa 351-2044, $90. 332 8741 after 5 p.m 8 7 12 (4) house privileges, summer, SPECIAL HOLIDAY DEADLINES fall, or longer. 489-0573 $4500. 322 02^. 8-7-7 (3)_ CASHIER WANTED, neat 351-8135. 3-6-30 (4) 8-7 12 (4) JEEP RENEGADE CJ5 1976, appearance a must. Exper¬ SUBLET 2 bedroom apart¬ 304 V8, power steering, low tJEOSM ience nice but not necessary. ment. 2 or 3 persons to share mileage, excellent, 372-1039 Good pay and benefits. Apply CEDAR VILLAGE with another till June. $90. EAST LANSING, two bed¬ The State News Classified offices will be closed Monday July after 6. X-8 7 10 (5) /IMPORTS in person only. CINEMA X ADULT ENTERTAINMENT APARTMENTS 337-2179. 3-7-3 (4) room kitchen, licensed for 3. Large dishwasher, fully 3rd and Tuesday July 4th. Special deadlines for Classified Now Leasing lor Summer MAZDA RX2, 1973. Auto¬ 1204 Oakland CENTER. 1000 W. Jolly BOGUE AT RED CEDAR RIVER FURNISHED APARTMENTS carpeted, some furnishings. Ads, cancellations and Classified Display include: Road. 0-7-6-30 (8) available for summer. Swim¬ Carport, free cable TV, near matic, low mileage, excellent Call for Appt. 351-5180 bus. $260. 351 2655. condition. $1250. 351-2682. IV4-4411 ming pool, 2 month leases at 2-6 30 (7) 6-7-6 (31 WEEKLY NEWSPAPER near very reasonable rates. Cedar campus needs advertising Greens 351 8631. Classified Ads: FOREIGN CAR repair manager, sales talent TO SUBLET in East Lansing- 0 3-6 30 (5) NOW LEASING miles, automatic, ctMn, Doay ua|s Over 100 different titles quired, experience helpful. furnished one bedroom FOR SUMMER & engine good. 339-3116. M CHEQUERED FLAG Flexible schedule, may also apartment. Available August GARDEN COTTAGES 1 bed AND FALL Monday July 3rd's deadline remains the same: 2 p.m. Friday 5-11 p.p.m. X-47-3141 FOREIGN CAR PARTS, 2606 do doub|e duty as reporter 1. 6 months left on lease. room brightly furnished. Utili¬ June 30. East Kalamazoo St. 487-5056, Call 625-3181 before 5 p.m. Rent, $210. Call Donna 374- ties paid. 4 blocks MSU. 1 MERCEDES BENZ, 1970 280S, excellent condition, one mile west ol campus. C 7 6 30(8) Tuesday, July 27 or after July 5. 8-7-7 1101 2416 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. or 351-3528 evenings. 3-6-30 17) acre lawns. $160, summer. 332 6218 before 9. 1 6 30(4) Special deadline for Wednesday July 5th's paper: 5 p.m. $3200 or best offer. 351 -2446. Friday June 30. . 4-7-6 J4J MG MIDGET 1974 35,000 Cancellations for Classified Ads miles good condition, $2100 GIANT FILM CLEARANCE SALE Deadline to cancel for Monday July 3rd's paper: remains the RINT-A-MOPID h 882-0986 after 5 p.m. 6-7-5(3) Starts Today same, 1 p.m. Friday June 30. MONTE CARLO. 1974- black FORTH! Swedish Erotica: Reg. ,12°° Deadline to cancel for Wednesday July 5th will be 4 p.m. with Landeau roof. $2000/ Chris SUMMIR TIRM Sale Price '9" best offer. Ask for Friday June 30. 351 4200. 4 7-6 (4) ALL OTHER FILMS ONLY >700 C'mon over Classified Display 1972- automatic, COLOR X-RATED VIDEO CASSETTES NOVA power-steering, 4 door, 10 WMkS I We're next to Easy on gas, Only »69"/hr. AND CHECK OUT Monday July 3rd's deadline remains the same: 3 p.m. 54,000 miles. $850. 355 9966. lOW TOM'S PARTY STORE cash, parking, 2 Locations to Servo You COLLINGWOOD APTS1 Thursday June 29. 'air conditioned 3-6-30 (4) 35 I on Grand River maintenance i 'dishwasher Special deadline for Wednesday July 5th's paper: 5 p.m. *3##/ilay I 0pen 10 *6 and insurance ! nn 'shag carpeting Thursday June 29. ONE-FIVE $100 $500 trans¬ portation special. FLUMER- J 'unlimited parking *2 bedrooms FELT-STAIR CHEVROLET. ^IRHIIRl .J 'models open daily 655-4343. 0-4-6-30 (4) Velvet Fingers Danish News summer 12 month »1«S *17$ State News Classified OLDS DELTA Royale convertible, excellent 1974 condi¬ 527 E. Michigan 3130 N. East St. coll 351-8212 (behind Rollerworld 355-8255 lans. 489 2278 Lans. 484 - 2378 tion, loaded. $3600. 663-3182. • 7 7-10 (3) V 1 0 Michigan Stote News, Eost Lonsing, Michigan STATI NIWS CLASSIFIED SPECIAL HOLIDAY DKADLINIS Waited i Strvice \ Typing Service *4 The State News Classified offices will be closed Mon¬ ANN BROWN TYPING Ois FALL TERM only. Colling day July 3rd and Tuesday July 4th. Special deadlines FOR QUALITY stereo s.> for Classified Ads, cancellations and Classified Dis¬ vice, THE STEREO SHOPPl wood Apartments. $80 Have some free time this sum papers. 601 Abbott Road month Ron 337 1283 Announcements for It's What's play include: 555 E. Grand River mer? Volunteer your talents. Be a C 7 6-30(3) North entrance, 351 7221 5 7 3 13V Happening must be received in the C-7-6-30 (4) State News office, 343 Student big buddy or sis to a child. Contact Classified Ads FEMALE TO share 2 bed 26 Student Services Bldg. FREE NEEDLE check, bring m Services Bldg , by noon at least room 2 bath furnished apart two class days before publication. Monday July 3rd's deadline remains the same: 2 p.m. Fri your record player needle tor TYPING. EXPERIENCED, ment located in Brandywine. No announcements will be accept¬ f. m. i—., m,«n.u n,lv;| 1M] June 30. free check at anytime Spe¬ fast and reasonable. 371 Looking for on-the-job exper¬ Near clubhouse. tennis ed by phone. cial prices on new needles 4635 C-7-6-30 (3) courts, indoor outdoor pool, ience relevant to your career Special deadline for Wednesday July 5th's paper: 5 f MARSHALL MUSIC E.ist choice? Office of Volunteer Pro riday J e 30. sauna, exercise room and Lansing. C 1-6-30 16) Lake Odessa holds its an¬ grams should have something Cancellations for Classified Ads UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS organized social activities. suited to your talents. Inquire in 26 LIGHTNING nual "Art in the Park" festival Deadline to concel for Monday July 3rd s paper: remaii COMPLETE DISSERTATION Available immediately. Student Services Bldg. FREE LESSON in complexion from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, AND RESUME SERVICE Security deposit required. FAST SKI!VICE! same. 1 p.m. Friday June 30 care. MERLE NORMAN corner of M-50 and Fourth Ave type setting. IBM typing Call 351 1224 after 5:30 p.m. Deadline to concel for Wednesday July 5lh will be 4 COSMETIC STUDIO 321 Special Education majors! If you offset printing and binding for appointment. 5-7-7 112) Klivtnmir Repair on Friday June 30. 5543 C-7-6-30 I4i have elementary signing skills, For estimate, stop in at 2843 nil makes nf stereos, East Grand River or phone FAMILY IN transition needs volunteer as a camp counselor Classified Display Free disco roller skating party TVs. puitars, amps, & for 3 with H.I. children. Inquire in 26 Typiit Service Jk 332 8414 C 7 6 30 '7 3 4 bedroom home months. August 10 Novem¬ from 6 to 9 tonight in the Student Services Bldg. t'Hs. I.U'KNSKI) C.H. Monday July 3rd s deadline remains Thursday June 29. the same: 3 Women's IM Bldg. Skate rental ber 10 655 2938 after 6 p.m. REPAIR Service as COPYGRAPH SERVICE PROMPT. EXPERIENCED 8 7 12 (61 50C. admission free. Special deadline for Wednesday July 5ths paper: 5 Do you have a knowledge of fast as one ilny in must Complete dissertation and typing, evenings 332 3492 Thursday June 29. resume service. Cornet MAC X C 7 6 30 <3> Spanish? Volunteers needed to Sell the snow tires you no Instructional Developer's Noon and Grand River 8:30 d m. longer need Let a Classified teach a skill to migrant children. State New* Classified luncheon today Lew Saks dis¬ Transportation provided. Details in 5:30 p.m. Monday Frmay. ad find the buyer quickly and cusses "Community Resources: 26 Student Services Bldg. 355-8155 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday 337 Personal / economically1 Beyond the Classroom." All wel- 1666 C 7-6-30(7) Tutors needed to teach English PROFESSIONAL EDD ASMSU STUDENT tax re FURNISHED HOUSE for to Spanish speaking children and funds are available m room and wife. Mason High School's Class of young attorney adults. Contact office of Volunteer EXPERT SERVICE 334 Student Services. Fma> Typing arranged. 332 C-7-6-30 (31 599' date for refunds is 5 p m Jul-, July 15 August 31 George Loomis 489 5724 Call 1973 is having its fifth year reunion on July 15. Call 676-5013 or Programs in 26 Student Services AT THE LOWEST fEAST LANSING ' WEARHOUSE KALAMAZOO ) 5 BL 1 6 30 <5* PRICES IN TOWN 676-4035 for details all repairs earn war TYPING- term paper-, PV experienced, fast servce C i'i Story Theatre. Free entertain¬ Listening Ear Orientation for rantv. Instructions Round Town 1 £ JULY JUBILEE! 351 8923 0 5-6 3013' ment for the whole family at 8:30 potential volunteers will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. July 13. and 1 to 3 tonight and Saturday only. Sum¬ EXPERT TYPING Term pa p.m. July 15. in 111 Olds Hall. All CLASS AND private instruc PARACHUTING LESSONS mer circle stage Call 355-6690 for pers, letters. RESUMES welcome details. Near Gables. 337-0205 tion on guitar. ban|0. fiddle everyday July 4th weekend. C-7-6-30 131 mandolin, dulcimer harp Begins July 5th and auto First jump course starts at 10:30 a.m. MSU Sport Para¬ Nath Ji, highly spiritual yogi will THERE (S A ★ SUNDRESSES s»" ELDERLY INSTRUMENTS. chute Club and CHARLOTTE lead a chanting and meditation MSU Simulation Society will DIFFERENCEI 2 FOR *17°' EXPERIENCED. IBM typmj session from 7 to 9 p.m. tonight. meet from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 541 East Grand River. East PARACENTER Details, call VALUES TO '25°° Dissertations, 'pica e'-'e Discussion, refreshment follows in Saturday in 334 Union. Bring your Lansing. 332-4331 543 6731 or 372-9127 FAYANN. 489-0358 339 Union. AH welcome. games. C 7 6 )(10) 3 6 30 (71 C-7-6-30 (31 ★ MEN'S WESTERN STYLE SHIRTS $850-$1050 The State News Yellow Page ft ★ BUY ANY 2 GET '300 OFF TOTAL FASHION JEANS PRICE BUSINESS-SERVICE ft $I25#.$1450 529 E. GRAND RIVER. E. LANSING HOURS: MON-SAT 10-6 DIRECTORY V) CLOSED SUN. NEXT TO BAGEL-FRAGEL CHILDREN'S SHOES OPTOMETRIST BARBER % rum Visit Our Centers CO-OPTICAL And See For Yourself Why We Make The Difference UNION SERVICES BUILDING Call Days. Eves & Weekends , BARBER 919 E. Grand River SHOP E.Lansing, Mi. 48823 C0IIE6E TRAVEL RK Products (517)332-2539 Infants and I hildrer's SHOES • EYES EXAMINED OFFICE • Width* B-F.F.t. •Layer Cuts • • GLASSES 130 W. Grand River Orthopedic Shun •Latest Styling • Tap and Ballet • CONTACT LENS 'Women's Haircuts Eair Laming • P.F. Flyers •Cowh..y Boots 1)311. Grand Rlvar 351-6010 •raakfiaM Flail 351 S330 TOBACCONIST NOW HIAR THIS FROM THI TOR HINOI AT THI STORI WITH THI HEALTH FOOD 10% DISCOUNT to all MSU BICYCLE SHOP ft RID DOOR! 'Cigaretti by: Wabaviaawck Sherman - Dunhill - Sobraine •Pipes by SavineUi on students purchases of $3 or mora, yogurts ond broods excluded Dannon Yogurt 31' e —0. The *21 Red Door pipe tobicco blends Sw|in GeaeraJ hat dtirraiaed thai cigvttu laaAiaf is d»nf»roue te »*"r RANDALL HEALTH FOOD Brookfield Plaza & 332-4269 C&m pi eLL a Shop 1381 E. Grand River 332-6892 PHOTOGRAPHY HAIR SALON CATERING SERVICE PROMOTION : SAVE SAVE SAVE 'E SAVE SAVE SAV ! SAVE SAVE SAVE IAVE SAVE SAVES iVE SAVE SAVE SA ft ft IB SAVE SAVE SAV Chains Instant Color and Black : SAVE SAVE SAVE and White: iAVE SAVE SAVE S Chains MONEY AND TIME Phone 349-0430 with an ad in tha Buelnaes Diractory AUTO SERVICE 4663 Ardmore Okemos, Michigan 48864 FURNITURE ft Chains SPARTAN MUFFLER CENTER 'BRAKES I 'SHOCKS It's a chain TWIN '54.9S w reaction once • ftancli •FROKTEND WORK DOUBLE •*4.*S 30% PILLOW TALK Odd eizae to ordar you see our STUDENT DISCOUNT ON ALL WORK has low cost student furnishings complete se¬ large bean bags, soft and sen¬ WITH I.D. sual pillow furniture, large TV lection of chains floor sitter pillows. 717 S. PENNSYLVANIA 40S Charry t Kolamaioo in 14KK Gold WEEKEND CLEARANCE SALE1 Frandor 351-1747 Phono 487 -4995 PROMOTION 487-9332 REAL ESTATE ARTS WORKSHOP 01 Overlay. 60°o off on pitchers o( beer featuring the best of DISCO This summer's we ■ entertainment: low low prices . Yellow Pages are imakeit 90 and . . . NO COVER! u Woj (easy_ Into! cing 351-3617 for you I* EvrtySunday night TO ADVERTISE The ted Estate Place CALL LYNN 355*8255 500C s hagadom east cnsng moke things happen for your business To advertise call Lynn 355 - 8255 VI HOURS: Mon-Frl 10 A.M. to 9 P.M.: Sat. 10A.M.-5:30 Phone 351-1213 VISA. MASTER CHARGE, To list your business call Lynn 355-8255 VI BOWEN CHARGE Michigon Slote News. Eost Lansing, Michigan Friday, June 30, 1978 1 1 HAGAR the Horrible" (steofly UV SnoijInllSf te (6)WJIM-TV(CBS) (lO)WltX-TV(NBC) (H)WELM-TV(Cable) (12)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKAK-TV(PBS) by Dik Browne FRIDAY EVENING 4:00 (10) Mary Tyler Moore (23) Washington Week in Review (6) New Mickey Mouse (11) Won Chuen 1:00 Club 8:30 (12) Partridge Family (6) Young And The (10) Munsters (23) Off The Record (12) Operation Petticoat Restless (11) Match Game 7:30 (23) Wall Street Week (12) All My Children 9:00 (12) Bonanza (6) Collage IV (11) News (23) Sesame Street (10) Family Feud (6-11) Incredible Hulk (23) Watch Your Mouth 430 (11) Kolorized Kosmic (12) Movie Beam (23) Poldark II 1:10 (6) Doris Day 10:00 (10) Emergency One! (12) Mary Tyler Moore (11) Northeast Journal (6-11) Husbands, Wives & (11) Little Rascals (23)MacNeil Lehrer 1:30 Report Lovers PEANUTS SPONSORED BY: ^ + CLEANERS 5:00 LAUNDRY (6-11) As The World 8:00 (23) Austin City Limits Turns (6) Gunsmoke (6) Wonder Woman 10:30 by Schulz LET US DO YOUR (11) Phil Donahue (10) Quincy (10) Days Of Our Lives (12) Emergency One! (10) Baseball SUMMER ALTERATIONS (11) Cable 11 Film 11:00 (23) Forest Spirit (23) Mister Rogers' 332-3537 Classic (6-10-11-12) News 2:00 5:30 (23) Dick Cavett (12) Tobitha (12) One Life To Live (10) Decision '78 OF COURSE... YOU W (23) Over Easy (23) Electric Company HAVE UiHAT 15 6 00 MSU SHADOWS * FRII MAT SOMETIMES CALLEP 2:30 (6-11) Guiding Light (6-10-12) News by Gordon Carleton Pete's! Albert of MAC A 'QUIET BEAUTY ' (11) In Performance At ~ (10) Doctors (23) To Be Announced Monte House SPONSORED BY: PUTBALL PETE'S sjy (23) Dick Covetf 3:00 6:30 (10) Another World (6) News (12) General Hospital (10) NBC News (23) La Esqulnc (12) ABC News 3:30 (23) Over Easy (6-11) All In The Family (23) Villa Alegre (6) My Three Sons 7:00 FRANK & ERNEST SPONSORED BY: *1.75 by Bob Thaves IL AZTICO RIST AUR ANT 203 M.A C. 351-9111 Introducing: the I'M OND3? STRICT "" Resuml DOtfTbPS ORDER*— Ace. r-s NO RiCH OC^SERTS, pT NO HEAVY DPINK-INCr, AND A 4NO' VOTE ON AB6EV PRESS V N/*T»0NAL HEftUTH INSURANCE. 332-8667 Coming Soon: THE DROPOUTS CAMPUS PIZZA's SPONSORED BY: TRAVELS WITH FARLEY by Post new East location by Phil Frank PILLOW TALK B.C. J SPONSORED BY: FURNITURE Soft ond I.W. Mail frmndOr „|||ow fgmltur* by Johnny Hart |#x, N.n Ray. 117.T5 BUS 100 SDSS CROSSWORD H 000 CD0SQ PUZZLE §□0 (90S 51001 Ohepofd's dub ramoi SPONSORED BY: ohoes ACROSS 20 Uneagr HQ001 00 21 Timepenod HS3H EJ0QI1I2100 1 Msctiietmakere 22 Game of skill 5. Merman and 23. Tnck 00008300 0000 Duncan 26 Dinomis 0H EQ010SI 10 Bay window 27 Incase 000S1D 00130 11. Upnsing 28 Rigging 13010 0313 010 32 Cleopatra's 01G20 000 000 Deever" □00D 10® 10B 14 Sour vinegar 33 Workshop 15 Nftdlecase 34 Clannet socket 39 Man and Pines 16 Rubber tree 35 Countertitter 40 Heads French Now That i can 1 Incensed 41 Accordingly 2 Lacking FINALLY Gel A i J r" T~ ♦ 3 Remorseful HALFWAY DecCNT * ■ 4 5 Subtle Trite PicTOReONlAYIV. F " 6. Bulrush I13 8 7 Wooden cor Winkled •••THe-YAReN'T Is 9. Censures SHowiNG ANY H 10 River to the Baltic V - I'd 21 12 Clips 16 Grape 19 Chafe 20 Sewcebeny U 27 ■II 2y 31 22 Heart 23. tositon 24. Vacation spot 25 Attain il l 26 Rabble r if 28 Pastime ie 1* 29 Comdor 30. Immature 31. Scraps vo - I ■ 33. Unaspirated 36 Burmese spmt 37 Eligible ] 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. June 30. 1978 Students By SANDY HOLT while." 'adopt' grandparents for 'U' Harrison immediately filled the Current coordinators of the that this is just another one of home, Shapiro said. The volun A program packet of information was article on the success of the Julie Harrison visits her Harrison smiles when she gap in her busy life with her program, Debbie Kline and Dan those social service programs," teers and grandparents become sent to the social service grahdparent program appeared "adopted" grandfather every thinks of the four years she's next "grandparent," the elderly Shapiro, have been training the he said. mutually supportive of each oriented groups in response to in last month's Woman's Day. who also looks forward three ?cruits take He stressed the importance the surge of interest. "We seem to grow a lot every Saturday. spent participating in MSU's man to other, he added. But he has some difficulty Adopt-A Grandparent pro the weekly visits from his directing the 80 pai of a long term relationship, The result is that the age- Shapiro said a follow-up ques¬ year," he said. "The articles teers and grandparents. which is something rarely off help to stimulate a lot of communicating, she said, be¬ gram. She spent the first three "granddaughter." group segregation often found tionnaire, designed to evaluate Harrison will become of "Debbie and I thought they ered through other senior citi¬ the interest." cause of a stroke that left him years with Pearl, an elderly one in a college town is broken new programs is planned by the coordinators for the were specially responsible and with hearing and speech im woman whom Harrison said Adopt zen programs. down and seniors and youth are MSU's Volunteer Services for Harrison said all the grand¬ A Grandparent program this all three have been volunteers "A lot of the grandparents pairments. poured out her thoughts and brought together, says the mailing in the fall. parents will be paired up in the for quite some time." Shapiro just don't see anyone else "I've found that it's not the feelings when they first met. program's literature. "We're anticipating another fall, "but for now we've got 16 "We became really close," Janice Buerker and Mary said. except for the volunteer," he The grandparent program batch of requests," he said, rapport that's so important." grandparents without volun- Harrison said. "She got in Arnoldi will join Harrison in the the present, we I said. "If nobody visits you, you was started in 1972 by Marg Harrison said. "It's when he noting that a short follow up squeezes my hand and looks up volved with my life, asked fall, when the three volunteers lore grandparents than vt lose a lot of self-respect and Bartosek, who was inspired at me and says, 'You're coming about my family — she called will become directors of the ?ers," he continued. "Our pride. We help them feel like after attending a conference on when back next week, aren't you?' me her granddaughter." grandparent program at MSI' people again, get them back aging in Washington. That's what makes it worth Pearl died a year ago and Volunteer Services. a lot of the a had to leave for into the swing of things. The program grew each year the summer. The grandpare "But it's the mutual relation and in 1975 was presented the getting the are ship that we like to stress," he "National Volunteer Award" HERE S AN EXCEPTIONAL INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! waiting list, looking forward t continued. "It gives the volun¬ for an outstanding volunteer AVAILABLE THRU FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1978 School personnel confer meeting their volunteer." teer an opportunity to learn too program by the National Cen¬ Shapiro said the directors ar - and often the best relation ter for Voluntary Actions. looking for volunteers who ar ships develop when the grand "They liked it because it % deposit special 7Vi willing to make at least parent teaches the volunteer could be easily developed into a SIX one year commitment. his own hobby or offers the nationwide program." Shapiro ________ . at MSU to review skills "But three they usually stay wit randp I they leave wisdom that comes from exper¬ ience. What it boils down to is making a new friend." said. "And that's what hap pened." Following an article in Wo¬ MONTH ■ / c% accounts MINIMUM DEPOSIT: 18,000 - ADDITIONAL INCREMENTS: 11,000 be a friend," Earnie. 21. the he said. "Hardly By JOANNE LANE night we have bus tours oi the try to Along with visiting at least man's Day magazine in August said. anyo once a week and developing a 1976, MSU Volunteer Services Over 600 maintenance and campus or other entertainment for the groups." "I like the job," he said, make one to one relationship with the was deluged with 700 requests bus service employees came in all shapes The opening session of the "since no one is standing over i long as thev grandparents, volunteers are from groups and agencies in 48 and sizes Monday through Wednesday to Hub¬ conference included a welcome me constantly telling me what II be gher expected to help out with states, requesting information MlLI MSU EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION i bard Hall to upgrade their to the group by Howard Wil¬ to do or when to do it. The Prospective volunteers are errands and chores, such as on how to start a grandparent 600 E CRESCENT • PHONE 353 2280 school system treats you good interviewed and matched with house professional skills. son. director of building ser¬ cleaning and grocery program. The attendants at the School vices for the Physical Plant. and since I have no real future grandparents sharing similar shopping. interests. Shapiro said. Plant and Transportation Con¬ Wilson told the group the plans I may be here for awhile.' A major aim of the program ference were mostly men dress¬ biggest problem facing schools Although the majority of the Shapiro said senior citizens is to keep senior citizens out of conference was male, approxi ed informally in sport shirts and slacks with everything from white shoes to steel-toed today is the need for a good energy conservation program. He said costs have almost mately 50 women were present. Shirley Perkins, from Wood join the program because they are alone, have no family or just desire the long term compan nursing homes by providing companionship and a helping hand when they are unable to ■Transmission {Maintenance Special mjgggjs. work boots. doubled in the last five years haven, Mich., said. "It doesn't ionship offered through the completely handle living alone. and in the future custodians bother me that I'm a minority unique program. Often the volunteer wants to Bellowing laughter filled the hallways as brush cuts and beer will have to do more with less here. I guess maybe at times "Sometimes the grand re create the family situation bellies seemed to be the order the men do get a little pre parents are skeptical and think that he or she left behind at of the day. A group prayer session and a judiced.but it doesn't make mc • Change transmission fluid feel less Adjust bands. $CQ95I ■ Ed Farmer, coordinator of reading of the "School Custo¬ a s dians Pledge" also opened the Perkins, a mother of five and » Clean screen the program, said the confer¬ conference. grandmother of 10. said she Replace pan-gasket. started about 45 ^ plus fluid ■ ence idea years ago aby 15 Michigan men. Earnie and Jerry Whitely, especially likes working with • Complete road test Those men. he said, were brothers from Bronson, Mich., kindergarden children. She interested in improving the near the Indiana border attend said they love to help and often 6026S. Cedar 393-7540 status of the school custodian. ed the conference for the first ask her if they can wring the "We have school systems time. mop and empty wastebaskets. here from Upper and Lower Jerry. 28, said. "The thing I The conference ended with Michigan and even Indiana and sometimes Canada. The total found most interesting about the conference was that it had a presentations of certificates ol merit to each association mem Cat Miller) fee for the program is $41 lot of self-involvement. The ber who has completed 300 which includes room and board classroom instruction was very hours of training in school plant maintenance course* and a registration fee," said helpful and the instructors Edward Prins, who has attend were serious, but funny, too." ENGLISH CLASSES FOR ed the conference annually for Both have been working less FOREIGN STUDENTS 40 years. than a year but plan to attend next year's conference. BEGINNING THRU "During the day group class¬ es are held such as Floor "I work in a high school and ADVANCED Preparation. Heating and Vent see the kids for about a hall CALL 351-9020 dating. Air Conditioning and hour before they go home. 1 AFTERNOONS Summer Maintenance. Then at talk to them and just generally .lEBERMANN'S 'DUBBEL DUFFEL' ideal for summer travel A'M' wm The whole school wears Levi's 101 E. Grand River 337 - SAMS Valuable Coupon Worth $1.40 Small when you want it small (21" x 10" x 10"). Big when you want it big (21" x 20" x 10"). Simply unzip the long zipper . . raise the sides . . re-zip . . and the size is doubled. Lightweight and strong, it's made of durable parachute nylon with nylon webbing handles. Royal blue, green. BUY TWO DELICIOUS MR. TONY SUBMARINE SANDWICHES (reg) 20.00 FOR ONLY M.50 (and this coupon) SAVE >1.40 PIZZA A tUBMARINIS 515 W. Grand River (fust west of Greyhound Station) Lnoduivmy Exp^^^^jj| DOWNTOWN — 107 S. Washington EAST LANSING - 209 E. Grand River Pick-Up or Din* In Only 332*8611