ff VOLUME 72 NUMBER 100 THURSDAY, JULY 6. 1978 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING MICHIGAN 48824 3 Code may prohibit MSU dorm 'tripling' contain the 1.500 cubic feet required to By KIM CRAWFORD properly house three people. DANIEL HUBERT "Although college dormi¬ Robert Underwood, residence halls man State News Staff Writers tories are not specifically ager, said the University would have to review its facilities, looking carefully at the An opinion released Wednesday by mentioned in the list of decision and checking the sizes of dormitory Attorney General Frank Kelly stating that college dormitories must conform to the multiple dwellings subject s all c campus, Michigan Housing Code could mean MSU is to the act, the term 'all "We got a lot of work to ^io, in violation of the code through its practice other dwellings similarly otal impact • of "tripling." "Tripling." or assigning three students to occupied, whether spe¬ their will be this point." dormitory rooms designed to hold two. cifically enumerated herein explained. reaches its peak yearly during fall term, or not' must be held to indi¬ Former ASMSU president Michael Lenz when hundreds of students are forced to had Legal Services draft a document 1 thri cate legislative intent to in¬ clude college dormitories questioning the legality of dormitory- Based on estimates by L'n Archi tripling in 1977. He then asked Rep. Lynn tect Robert Siefert, some dormitory rooms within this class," the Jondahl. I) Fast Lansing, and Sen. Earl on campus could not adequately house three opinion read. Nels< . I) Lai the Attoi people and stay within the legal bounds set General's opinion. down by the housing code. "We always had the feeling that triples Lyle Thorburn. assistant vice president for housing and food services, speculated were illegal." Lenz said. "From what I've afety and welfare of the people. heard about the opinion I think it's great." that Kelly's opinion could lead to dormitory Lenz added that he thought the opinion will Bicyclist Sally Moody and a car driven by Brian Silver collided at Grand River Avenue and C'ollingwood Drive Holden Hall. His probably cause confusion in the fall. Wednesday. Moody, treated by East Lansing fire department paramedics, was not believed to be seriously President Edgar L. Harden said the i Kelly's opinion applies to universities injured. No charges have been filed against either driver by police. University has every intention of conform¬ throughout the state, not just MSU. ing to all housing laws. "The ruling could have serious implica lions upon enrollment," Harden said. He emphasized it would be premature to SHELLING 'PARALYZES, BEIRLT comment specifically that consultation with and on the ruling, saying a review by the Jarvis begins tour MSU legal staff would have to come first. The State Housing Code does not specifically mention university dormitories. Lebanese ask for truce Kelly's opinion, however, states that dormitories fall within the code's definition of "class B" multiple dwellings. of Michigan amidst stormed the state radio in Damascus •side: a get "Although college dormitories are not By GEORGE A. KRIMSKY BEIRUT. Lebanon (AP) sniping — Shelling and between Syrian troops and "Their state will be allied with Israel to imperil Syria's western flank. That's why Chamoun's statement angered the specifically mentioned in the list of multiple dwellings subject to the act, the term 'all other dwellings similarly occupied, whether thousands of backers Lebanese Christian militia bands paralyzed they are provoking Syrian forces in the .rians. leading to the collapse of the Arab peacekeeping army, but these forces specifically enumerated herein or not' must east Beirut Wednesday and the Lebanese ase fire Tuesday, the third in as many DETROIT lUPI) Howard Jarvis. co author of California's Proposition 13, began a be held to indicate legislative intent to — government appealed to Damascus for a represent the legitimate authority in ivs. It even drew fire from Lebanese Lebanon as well as the genuine will of the include college dormitories within this three-day tour of southern Michigan Wednesday to boost a proposal that would cut truce. ■ime Minister Selim el Hoss. class," the opinion read, property taxes by 50 percent. Lebanese people." Damascus radio as¬ But the Syrians seemed in no mood to "Such talk is strange considering we According to section 125.485 of the Backers of the so-called Tisch Amendment said Tuesday they have collected 200,000 listen. serted. iow that the ADF lArab Deterrent Force) Michigan Housing Code, passed in 1917 and signatures and predicted they would have the 266,000 needed to get it on the November While Lebanon's Fuad Butros, the for¬ The30.000Syrian force in Lebanon is the ballot by Monday's deadline. me here at the request of the legitimate amended numerous times since. "No bed¬ core of the Arab League's peacekeeping eign and defense minister, hurried to the ithorities. reflecting or room used as a bedroom in any- The 266,000 petition signatures are needed to place proposed amendments to the state force policing the armistice since the civil a Lebanese consen- room Syrian capital for urgent consultations with ' Ho said. Class B multiple dwelling shall be occupied constitution on general election ballots. President Hafez Assad. Syrian artillery and "We believe a 25.000-signature day is possible every day this week," said a The Syrians cooperated with the Chris as to provide less than 500 feet cubic air rockets pounded the Christian quarter for Foreign observers and Lebanese com space per occupant, exclusive of the cubic spokesperson for the backers of the Tisch Amendment, named after Shiawassee County the fifth straight day. tian rightists in the civil war to fend off an mentators voiced fears that, if prolonged, Drain Commissioner Robert Tisch. alliance of Palestinians and Moslem leftists. space of bathrooms, toilet rooms and Intensive barrages shook the entire But in fighting among the Christians and the clash could escalate into a free-for-all c]ose['s The Tisch group hoped a series of appearances by Jarvis, the feisty Californian who capital throughout the night. and plunge this troubled nation back into Kell\ °P" l justified university ad helped write Proposition 13, would give them the boost they needed. their cooperation with Israel in the south The Syrian assault is aimed at the code by declaring that, Paul Gann. the other co-author, was in Michigan on Monday to make a personal pitch eastern Christian sector of the city where have caused relations between Syria and nd universities are part of for the Tisch Amendment prior to the Jarvis trip. some Christian factions to deteriorate. •11 informed We i diplomat said the militia bands of the Phalangists and Jarvis planned to begin his Michigan tour at 8 p.m. Wednesday night at the Tisch 1 the Lebanese "rnment could nt and are subject to National Liberals are headquartered. Rightist leader Camille Chamoun. head of *d to promote the health, group's Detroit area headquarters in suburban Wayne. the National Liberal Partv and former • rightist and [ zrian factions. Eyewitnesses reported convoys of trucks On Thursday. Jarvis was scheduled to moving at daylight into Beirut from Sidon, appear at three news conferences and the provincial capital 25 miles south of rallies at the Sheraton Hotel in Flint at Beirut. A string of 44 Syrian trucks loaded noon, on the State Capitol steps in Lansing Israel calls peace pact too ' with ammunition also lined the road from a 3:30 p.m. and at the West Main Mall in the airport. Kalamazoo at 7:30 p.m. An indication of the emotions lingering Jarvis was tentatively scheduled to close since the 1975-76 civil war is found in the out his tour with another news conference undisguised glee the predominantly Mos¬ at 10:30 a.m. lem residents of West Beirut show at seeing Bv ELI AS A.NTAR stipulates Israel m abandon Jewish urging of the United States, calls for self-rule but calls for Israeli military- In a statement late Tuesday announcing the Christian quarter leveled. CAIRO. Egypt i AP' Egypt unveiled a lenients built in the rupied territory. five-year transitional period during which presence in the occupied areas for the Jarvis' itinerary, the Tisch organization eeision het he send Foreign the occupied territories will be admin indefinite future. called a more moderate proposal likely to Residents of high-rise apartments in the new six-point Mideast peace plan Wednes¬ on w i> western sector were seen on their roof day calling for Israeli withdrawal from the ister Moshe Dayai ) London for a istered by "freely elected" representative Though Israel rejects withdrawal from appear on the November ballot "the •ting with Egypti and American of the Palestinian people under the super East Jerusalem and nearly 100 settlements during the night, applauding each time a Gaza Strip and the West Bank of the Jordan politicians' tax limitation plan." Syrian shell exploded in a flash across the River, including East Jerusalem. But the officials lal • this discuss the plan vision of Jordan on the West Bank and in occupied territory, sources, who did not "This initial trip in Michigan is a first in a want to be identified, said the Egyptian city. main elements of the plan already have probably will r be made until Sunday's Egypt in Gaza. The future of the 1.1 million long series which he (Jarvis) plans to make The latest casualty count issued by been rejected by Israel and Egyptian Israeli cabinet Palestinians will be decided after the plan "couid be put on the table in London." in the coming months." the statement said. Israel has said it will not withdraw from transition period. The text of the plan was delivered to Dayan "With the fires of irate Michigan taxpay¬ Beirut police indicated 167 residents of east diplomats say they have little hope for a Beirut were killed. Some 579 persons, breakthrough. the occupied territories and will not give up The plan calls for talks involving Egypt, Wednesday morning by U.S. Ambassador ers now sufficiently fueled by the hard Israel radio called the plan "rigid and any of the settlements there. Even the Jordan, Israel and "the representatives of Samuel W. Lewis. intellectual Paul Gann. the Tisch people mostly civilians, have been wounded since the clash erupted Saturday. reflecting no change in President Anwar opposition Labor Party in Israel has said it the Palestinian people" with the participa¬ now join with big Mr. Jarvis to tip the "The Phalangists and National Liberals Sadat's stand." would be willing to withdraw only from tion of the United Nations to discuss details The State Department said no specific scales against the politicians' tax limitation date has been set for the London meeting are criminal gangs out to usurp power and Israeli government officials withheld certain areas of the West Bank. of the transitional government, a timetable plan," the statement continued. between Israeli and Egyptian foreign partition Lebanon into sectarian states," immediate comment on the proposal, which The Egyptian plan, prepared at the for Israeli withdrawal, mutual security Taxpayers United for Tax Limitation, ministers and Secretary of State Cyrus R. arrangements, and any other issues that all backers of a rival proposal which would tie Vance. But they said it would be about July sides can agree to discuss. the state's spending and taxing powers to 18. It suggests that only after agreement is personal income and the cost of living, filed reached on all these issues would the The conservative Israeli newspaper more than 400,000 signatures with the Israelis be expected to begin a U.N. super¬ Maariv called the plan "a non-starter," but Secretary of State's office last week, vised pullout from the territories captured said Israel couid consider any proposal as virtually assuring the proposal a spot on the in the 1967 Mideast War. The present iong as no pre-conditions were set. ballot. military government would be dismantled at the beginning of the transition period. Any security arrangements would be guaranteed by Egypt and Jordan "and will AP Wirephoto continue to be respected in the West Bank Five were killed and Gaza." It appeared this clause was and scores injured as meant to allay Israeli fears of a vengeful a tornado Palestinian entity from which terrorists swept would be free «o attack the Jewish state. through Elgin, N.D., Tuesday night. At No reference was made to the Palestine inside Liberation Organization, with which Israel left, two residents refuses to negotiate, and it was unclear who sift through the If you thought your family the Palestinian representatives would be. It wreckage of a seven- also left unanswered the question of reunion on the Fourth was bad, unit apartment that compensation for Palestinian refugees and can you imagine doing it for how immigration would be handled. over a hundred years? See page was destroyed by the Sadat is scheduled to meet Israeli three. twister. Another tor¬ nado that slammed opposition leader Shimon Peres this week¬ into Gary, Minn., left end and the plan is certain to be discussed. three dead and 25 in¬ Egyptian diplomats made it clear one weather objective of their current tactics is to drive jured. a wedge between Prime Minister Mena- chern Begin and his opponents at home. Partly cloudy, warm and humid, with temperatures in "We hope this will bring pressure to bear the upper 80s to lower 90s. on the Israeli government, but I have little Tonight we can expect more of hope of any breakthrough in London," said the same, with an extra bonus: one Egyptian source who declined to be scattered thunderboomers and identified. The Israeli plan put forward by Begin in December offers the Palestinians limited r 2 Michigon Stote News, Eost loosing, Michigon Thursday, July 6, 1978 FIGURES SHOW MUTUAL EXCHANGE LAGGING U.S. hinders trade, Soviets say MOSCOW (AP) - The Su "in effect still at the outset" called for granting the Soviet Soviet Union in 1977 was $1.62 denial of the "most favored Soviet, the parliament of because of "the unwillingness of Union "most favored nation" billion, preme a 30 percent decrease nation" trading status has made the U.S.S.R., opened its regular the United States to extend trading status with the United from 1976 levels. Soviet ex¬ the Soviets look less kindly on session today with normal conditions for trade." States, entitling it to lower summer ports to the United States U.S. companies, American Premier Alexei N. Kosygin It was an indirect reference credit rates and lower tariffs. totalled $234.3 million, a 6.2 entrepreneurs maintain that in blaming the United States for by Kosygin to the 1972 U.S. But when the agreement percent increase from 1976. many cases, the U.S.S.R. will hindering U.S. Soviet trade. Soviet trade agreement that passed Congress in 1974, it For the three-month period Third quake hits city; 1 dead, 16 injured As a tanned and rested- was never implemented be¬ contained the Jackson-Vanik from January to March of this purposely choose a German or Japanese firm to do business cause of an attempt by the U.S. amendment linking the special looking President Leonid I. year, figures also were dis¬ with as a way "of getting back" Brezhnev listened, Kosygin Congress to link it with the trading status with more appointing. U.S. exports to the at the Americans for un¬ SALONIKA, Greece (AP) The third service said. issue of human rights. Jewish - told delegates in the Kremlin emigration from the Soviet Union totalled $593.6 favorable U.S. laws. powerful earthquake in a month shook Police said an empty, three-floor meeting hall that trade be¬ Designed to open up business country. million, compared to $599.1 this northern Greek city early Wednes¬ apartment house collapsed and others tween the two superpowers is between both sides, the pact The Kremlin refused to im¬ million for the same period last Kosygin noted in his speech suffered additional damage. They said that U.S.-Soviet trade amounts day. Falling debris injured 16 persons, plement the amended pact, and year. and one died of a heart attack. the casualty toll was low because most of it remains a sore point in Soviet exports to the United to only a percent of Soviet The seismological service said the city's 600,000 people are still U.S. Soviet relations. Brezhnev States $114.8 million, foreign business at a time when the were Economy growth once said that Jackson-Vanik Moscow is trading with a total quake measured 5.0 on the Richter scale. spending the nights in open spaces compared to $59.3 million for of 118 countries in the world. cost Americans $2 billion worth the same period in 1977. The It was an aftershock to the 6.5 intensity outside the city. of sales, but Western experts dramatic change was due to an As the official who manages tremor that hit the city June 20, when 48 Shocks of varying intensity have been dispute the validity of that accounting procedure where by the planned Soviet economy, persons were killed and nearly 150 shaking Salonika since early May. figure, saying it is too high. $80.9 million in non-monetary Kosygin declared that the injured. The epicenter of all quakes was at Lake Volvi, 30 miles east of Salonika, the Authorities estimate that up to a third of the population has fled and seismologists predict there may be worse quakes. expected to slow Since 1974, U.S.-Soviet trade has been sagging. The total figure of U.S. exports to the gold bullion was included in the 1978 figures, analysts say. Acknowledging that the economy "is sectors of the communism." one of the decisive struggle for NEW YORK (AP) - The United States can expect both a slower economic growth and a faster rate of inflation next year Italy's Red Brigades shoot entrepreneur despite a projected increase of 10.1 percent in the Gross National Product, according to a report by the Economic Forum of the Conference Board. Administration reviews Expressing "increased pessimism," the forum, composed of 12 leading economists and business analysts, said inflation, rising MILAN, Italy (AP) — Two members of the Red Brigades shot an executive of The attackers fled, and shortly after an interest rates, and lower profit margins will curb sharply the country's economic growth in 1979. The increase in real GNP, the Soviet reporters' status Italy's biggest rubber company in the leg anonymous telephone caller told Corri- total output of goods and services after inflation, can be expected today, continuing the terrorist organiza¬ ere della Sera, Italy's leading news¬ to reach only 3.3 percent, it said, down from 3.8 percent this year. tion's campaign against business execu¬ WASHINGTON (API - The the Times and Harold Piper of meeting. paper: The economic forum further predicted that while industrial 'This is the Red White House called Soviet jour¬ the Sun, mean to U.S.-Soviet tives and government officials, police Brigades. We have just production will increase 4.6 percent this year, production will only nalists to a meeting Wednesday press and commercial relations. Granum and Wurfel also said. shot Gavino Manaca, an official of increase 3.7 percent next year. It predicted an unemployment rate to review their accreditation in Neither Granum nor Walt refused to say whether the Gavino Manca, 45. was shot three Pirelli.'' of 6.4 percent next year, up from 6.1 percent in 1978. an apparent response to the Wurfel, the deputy White Soviet reporters were told that times by a man ond a woman as he was Knee-capping has been extensively Forum members expressed "widespread uneasiness" about the slander charges filed against House secretary who conducted their credentials, needed to leaving home for work. He is head of used by the Red Brigades and other leftist economic outlook, with several foreseeing a confrontation between two U.S. reporters in Moscow. the approximately 30-minute inflation and monetary policy which would force interest rates to cover presidential news con¬ Pirelli Rubber's planning and foreign guerrilla organizations. The Red Brigades "We thought it was an appro¬ conference, would draw any ferences and briefings in the relations division. also kidnapped and murdered former connection between the Mos¬ White House press room, might "We look toward an elevation of interest rates that is bound to priate time that these corres¬ Police said his condition was not Premier Aldo Moro. cow case and Wednesday's be lifted. have a striking reflection in housing activity," said Albert T. pondents be called in to review the rights, privileges and re¬ Sommers, chief economist and chairperson of the group. "We do not expect runaway inflation, but we do expect that sponsibilities of holding White House accreditation," said de¬ efforts to control it may well produce a return to 'stagflation' less Police officer is target for IRA gunmen than a year from now," he said. puty White House press secre¬ The forum which looks to the Federal Reserve to carry tary Rex Granum. He gave no the major responsibility for controling inflation, nevertheless pro¬ posed that the burden of curtailing inflation in meat prices, further elaboration. The meeting in the Old American reporter Executive Office Building next BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) - Irish lawed IRA's Provisional wing, a mainly housing and medical costs be borne by "greater budget restraint, door to the White House and a Republican Army guerrillas killed a Roman Catholic movement fighting to deregulation, more sensible and less costly administration of similar State Department ses¬ Northern Ireland reserve police officer in an ambush outside a police post near the end British rule and Protestant domina¬ tion of the province. environmental efforts, and a reduction of payroll taxes." sion last Friday were the first back from Russia public responses by the ad¬ border with the Irish republic, authorities "Constable Rankin appears to have ministration to the slander BOSTON (AP) — Craig R. Whitney, one of two American reported. charges filed against a New A spokesperson said three gunmen been a random victim," the spokesper¬ son said. "The gunmen apparently just Evidence for massacre York Times and a Baltimore reporters charged with slander in the Soviet Union, has shot reserve Constable Jacob Rankin Sun correspondent in Moscow returned to the United States. wanted to kill a cop." last month. Whitney landed in Boston Tuesday to begin a delayed Tuesday as he left the Castlederg post. vacation. He died soon afterward. The gunmen fled The predominantly Protestant Royal Ulster Constabulary, the province's po¬ of early colonials found at It was the first such session the White House in at least He had been scheduled to begin the vacation the day he was across the border, about three miles to served with court papers charging him with slandering the 16 years. Six reporters were the south. lice force, has long been a prime target of summoned and four attended Soviet television service, according to a spokesperson for the Security authorities blamed the out¬ IRA guerrillas. WILLIAMSBURG, Va. (AP) onists within the settlement. the session. A second such New York Times. — Archeologists have dug up Colonial Williamsburg arche¬ session for other Washington- Whitney, of Westboro, Mass., landed here at Logan Airport, the crushed skull of a man ologists Ivor Noel Hume and based Soviet reporters was according to the Boston Herald American. which they believe offers the Eric Klingelhofer said the skull, The Times' Moscow bureau confirmed Whitney's departure scheduled. first tangible evidence of an with other portions of the Pole, Soviet land after space mission Indian massacre of Virginia skeleton, were found in June in Secretary of State Cyrus R. for the U.S. vacation and said he was due back in Russia on July Vance, 29. colonists near here in March of excavations of a 17th century Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Carter's national Whitney and Harold D. Piper of the Baltimore Sun papers 1622. settlement site. security adviser, and other were charged in the slander action. They are scheduled to MOSCOW (AP) — Poland's first person descended to Earth "after successfully A state medical examiner The body of the massacre senior administration officials appear in a Soviet court on July 15, but told a Russian judge in space and his Soviet flight commander completing planned research studies and said the man died of a blow to victim lay in a grave atop small met Monday at the White Monday they had decided against taking any further part in the returned to Earth today ofter a week with the back of the head that pieces of charcoal and clay daub experiments on board the orbital re¬ House to review the Moscow proceedings against them. two other cosmonauts aboard the orbit¬ search complex." shattered the skull and had to from a chimney, indicating it Under Russian law, defendants do not have to appear at civil situation. be "foul play of some sort." was buried during a fire that ing Salyut 6 space station, Tass reported. One official, who asked not to actions, but the trial continues without them. "The cosmonauts feel well," Tass said. Excavators concluded he destroyed the settlement, the The Pole, Miroslaw Hermaszewski be identified by name, said a The Soviet charges stem from articles published by the died in a massacre master¬ archeologists said. Times and the Sun quoting sources which doubted the was the second man in space who was Hermaszewski, a 37-year-old Polish air message had already been sent minded by the Indian chief The body "had been thrown not an American or a Soviet. A force major, and the Soviet commander. to Moscow to convey "our very authenticity of a televised confession by Zviad Gamsakhurdia, a Opechancanough, whose braves in sideways, and not lowered convicted dissident from the Soviet Czechoslovak went up before him. serious view" of what the republic of Georgia. Pyotr Klimuk, had been aboard Salyut 6 struck while a few Indians were reverently into the grave," Moscow court charges against The Soviet news agency said the since June 28, along with Soviet cosmo¬ Noel Hume said. "socializing" with white col¬ the reporters. Craig Whitney of international space team undocked their nauts Vladimir Kovalenok and Alexander Soyuz 30 capsule from the Salyut and Ivanchenkov. Manson follower found guilty of murder CAMPUS LOS ANGELES (AP) former Charles leave home and drop out of society. "I PIZZA — Manson follower Leslie Van Houten wos was more comfortable on LSD than when I was off," she recalled at her third trial. *•" found guilty of first-degree murder Wednesday in the 1969 killings of Leno She met Manson when she was in love SUNDAES ond Rosemary LaBianca. with one of his followers, Robert The verdict ended a bizarre crime story Beausoleil, who is now serving a life term Strawberry, ChocoJate, that began nine years ago when Manson in prison for murder. and his hippie cult came to Los Angeles Blueberry, Raspberry, preaching love and peace. A broken love affair and experimenta¬ Van Houten said later than Manson used drugs to hypnotize his followers and Carmel & Hot Fudge for comfortable tion with drugs brought on her decision to she was powerless to resist his orders. 310 W. Grand River 337-1639 family camping If you and your family want to enjoy summer weekends or your vacation in 150 protest against "an injustice" in Plains the out-of-doors, we have the most TEACHERS complete selection of gear and goods for your trip. PLAINS, Go. (AP) — About 150 persons Lebanon Baptist Church, where Joseph Graduate and Undergraduate from as far away as New York City Waller of the African People's Socialist visit gathered in President Carter's hometown Party told the crowd the protest was "not TEACHER TEACHER, INC. to protest what they called unfair just another civil rights demonstration. treatment of a black woman imprisoned "People aren't singing "We Shall 117 N. Clippert St.. Lansing for the slaying of a white man she claims Overcome." Most of us are saying we tried to rape her. shall overthrow," he said. "a store designed by teachers tor teachers" The protesters, a coalition of several The Rev. E.D. Hill, pastor of the groups, traveled a one and one-half mile Lebanon church, said the marchers were We carry workbooks, taskcards. learning centers, march route Tuesday through the town "protesting against an injustice, and it rewards and a whole array of items for make and takers. shouting, "Freedom for Dessie" to doesn't really matter what race it is protest the treatment of Dessie Woods of I think any Christian should stand up Atlanta. and speak out against it — like our Summer Hours 332-4178 They gathered later for a rally at the president." Wed., Thur., Fri. -10-5 We are located across RAUPP Sat. -10-3 from Frandor Krogers 220. toil Michigon MondoyFridoy to 6:00 p n Campfitters taming SolurdoyVS Michigon State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. July 6, 1978 ^ Judge to rule By ANNE MARIE BION DO number needed to put them on on the August 8 petition validity nonexistent 1976 election, the two U.S. State ran, he added. State News Writer Michigan primary ballot. Senate candidates disregarded the require¬ "I expect the judge will indicate that we U.S. District Court Judge Wendell Miles A section of the written election law ment and recruited only enough signatures (Payne and his campaign workers) are to comply with a following section. correct and (I) will be put on the ballot." will decide today whether two Democratic requires that each candidate submit a The following section required that of the Payne said. candidates for U.S. Senator have filed valid nominating petition carrying enough valid 17,674 signatures needed, at least 2,000 "If (the judge) says we're not, then we go nominating petitions with the Board of signatures to equal one percent of the must be divided among 20 counties. to the court of appeals," he added. State Canvassers. 1,764,000 democratic votes cast in the "The Board of State Canvassers wants us Assistant Attorney General Charles Harry I'ayne of Detroit and Warren Secretary of State election held two years to take the blame for their mistakes," Hackney who is representing the state Bracy of Ann Arbor have taken their ago. Payne said in a telephone interview. canvassers in the suit said though the law rejected petitions to court after the However, no such election took place in The law should have referred to the last does not contain "specific language" indi four-member canvass board ruled they 1976. were sqme 15,000 signatures short of the Since the section of the law referred to a general election in which the Secretary of eating the 1974 election, it does refer to the most recent Secretary of State election. "It's absurd to think you only need 2,000 signatures in 1978, when in 1976 to get on the ballot you needed 17.000," Hackney Prof helps in EsmaiVs defense said. The Michigan election canvas ruled Johannes Spreen, Democra By PAULCOX group of concerned MSU faculty members early in January, Ban- date for governor, fell 108 signati said. of the required 17,674 when over i State News Staff Writer In six months MSU associate professor Robert Barr went from a The other large motivation to Barr's visit was when the charges were thrown out because the were leveled against Esmail and there was a possibility that the circulators failed to date several j member of the department of electrical engineering and systems science to an international defender of human rights. graduate student could spend up to 25 years in prison. "It seems a shame for me to )• Barr said he still feels Esmail is innocent and received a great ballot because at the bottom ol th< Barr, as an "official delegate of the University," made two trips miscarriage of justice but the early accusations and possibilities there's no date," Spreen said. "I to Israel to act as a "professional reference" for Sami Esmail. Barr were what aroused his interest. said he has been a "friend, visitor and anything else" to Esmail, the challenging the (board's) decision During the Esmail proceedings Barr made two three week trips added, "I will contest lit) in court 24-year-old MSU graduate student now serving time in Israel for to Israel. Travel expenses were paid by faculty members from Bernard Apol. secretary of t conviction of membership in an outlawed terrorist organization. Barr recently returned from his second trip and said he took up Barr's department, the Esmail family, donations from students canvassers, said it is not unusual to find ; A leak in a pipe caused steam to crack the sidewalk in front of and other faculty and Barr. invalid nominating petition and keep the auditorium \\ ednesday. Workers had to wait for the steam to Esmail's cause even though their relationship prior to the event in On March 13, Barr and Ruth Ann Osborn, office supervisor in candidate's name from an electoral ballot fizzle before working on either the pipe or the sidewalk. Israel was "totally professional." Esmail was a student in two Barr's department, went to Israel and were present for the "There's always a few that show i courses which Barr taught. "mini-trial" where the Israeli court accepted the three controver¬ without enough signatures," he added. "I think I would do it for any student. It was a privilege too," sial confessions. Barr said. "It was a pleasure to see the country and I was treated Interrogations of Esmail following his arrest produced three graciously by the Israeli people. I gained immensely from it (going confessions, two written in English and one in Hebrew. to Israel)." Barr said his deep involvement in the case came from early accusations that Esmail was a was a "terrorist spy mission." "child bomber" and his trip to Israel Many of Esmail's supporters, including Barr, said the confessions should not be accepted because they claimed Esmail was under duress when the documents were obtained. Barr said he was surprised that the court was only in session six Center selects director The charges came from the Israeli embassy in Washington and of the 21 days following the commencement of the proceedings, the Israeli consulate office in Chicago, Barr said. (continued on page 10) Robert 0. Nolan became the new directo: He has also served on the ( Dan Kyram of the Chicago Israeli office related the charges to a of Michigan State University's Highwa; Advisory Committee of the Aei Traffice Safety Center July 1. rainer Program. Nolan, a staff member since the Center' Nolan first joined the MSU faculty in opening in 1956. succeeds Gordan 11 Bidwells reunite at 'U' 1952 as an instructor in the College of contributing Education. He later earned a doctoral fatalities ai degree in education at MSI' in 1965 and was promoted to assistant professor in 1968. aurses. The following year. Nolan served as Three Bidwell family mem¬ By CATHERINE RAFTREY the Bidwell Michigan host com¬ i Inc., said she enjoys the lasses, assistant director of the Highway Traffic because "there is so bers, Martha Minder, Virgil laterial Safety Center and was promoted to the Who cares or is even aware mitter, said 1,800 reunion invi¬ and Joan Bidwell, are presently much friendship." rank of professor in 1970. That same year, that John Bidwell as an English tations were sent to households lad of 10 migrated to New in the United States, Canada, completing a family genealogy he was presented the Outstanding Teacher She explained that the re¬ book which will include all his laith in Michigan's Award by the Adult Education Association England in 1630 with his father Australia and England. unions emphasize that "we fourteen generations of imv "Last year. Michi- and later helped in the founding "The well the of Michigan. reallv are brothers and sisters." 11 time i"W of 3.0 in traffic family. Nolan displayed an enthusiasm and of Hartford, Conn.'.' organized." Bidwell said. deaths per hundred million The Bidwells have l long "We're still waiting for the optimism concerning the Center's future If it is any indication, last Every Bidwell family reunion fifteenth generation ... I think week over 150 decendents of begins with the Pledge of military history and are proud and traffic safety in Michigan. we're pretty close," remarked eases in vehicle registra of their ancestry. John Bidwell held a nationwide Allegiance and includes an vers and mileage figures." Joan Bidwell. family reunion in Holden Hall. interdenominational worship They have built two mon¬ The Bidwell reunions are The Bidwell family has been service led by a family minister. goals to cultivate uments drawing attention to all by that which holding such reunions since the late 1880s. The Bidwells held their ser¬ vice this year at MSU's Alumni their heritage — in honor of Zepulon D. Bidwell who was a open to includes persons name related to a i in Donation the college to problems, Correction Catherine Bidwell of Troy. Memorial Chapel. Bidwell by birth, marriage or -o authored several captain in the Revolutionary adoption. and has been It was incorrectly reported in Monday' Mich., wife of Joseph Bidwell. Joan J. Bidwell of Tama, >s a War and in memory of Daniel We can trace almost anyone State News that the American Plasm twelfth-generation family mem¬ D. Bidwell who served as a ber and acting coordinator of er of the Bidwell Family Asso- by the name of Bidwell back to Donor Center offered hepa'itus injection! captain in the Civil War. our family," Catherine Bidwell Onlv tetanus shots are available. said. To properly celebrate the Enrollment forms nation's 200th birthday, the Bidwells held their 1976 re-, OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 00 union in Hartford, Conn. At Enrollment materials for fall term are available at the Office of that time they received a bicentenial award comemora- the Registrar. 150 Administration Bldg. The registration section request forms should be returned to that office no later than Friday, ting the part John Bidwell Aug. 11. played in the city's founding. The sunup suitables for Miss J, all vested and ready to go. . to work or wherever summer adventures take you. Polyester cotton in mauve or rust colors, 5-13 sizes A. Nubby-textured skirt, polyester cotton'silk, $28 Matching shirt and vest set, tiny print, paisley trim. $38 B Paisley print skirt. $25 Leno bowling shirt, $19 Reversible print paisley vest, S-M sizes, $25. Trowbridge Road Just North of Harrison Also Lansing: Saginaw at Waverly S. Cedar at 1-96 .);!(•( )l)S()i is ©(pOlnfeln) Griffin Bell should open files or face the music One positive thing that can be surface, news sources are the only said about U.S. Attorney General type protected by the First Griffin Bell is that he is a man that Amendment. will stick to principles. 01' Griff If the FBI told turncoats among the socialist party that they could might even have to prepare himself for a jail term for believing rat on fellow proletariats and in what he thinks is right. And if he remain legally protected from doesn't turn over FBI files on the exposure, then they were making Socialist Workers Party to Judge up the rules as they went along. Thomas P. Greisa, as he was The FBI, by its very nature, must ordered, that is exactly where he be covert. And although we detest belongs. the idea of it, we can not deny them The Socialist Workers Party has their function. been involved in a five-year But when they get caught at it. lawsuit against the federal govern¬ they should have to face the music. ment seeking $40 million in dam¬ There are no laws protecting FBI informants and there never should ages for what they consider undue harassment over the past 40 years. be. Obviously Griffin Bell thinks Apparently there are 18 unidenti¬ Griffin Bell there should be, but he seems to pr* mwmic 1&k5 still attempting T> quiet volcanic eruptions with fied FBI-paid informants in the forget that there are none yet. midst of the tiny party and the the files, must protect the confi¬ With an eye on the future, Bell leaders merely want the names dentiality the FBI made to the disclosed so they can depose of the informers, we find that line of logic asserted that if he did not take the stand that he did, then all future Furbush settled too easily harassment. politically expedient and techni¬ prospective informants would be Although at times it may seem that we as students We, however, are not smiling at the decision. Although $40 million seems a cally stupid. leery about coming forward with little exhorbitant, we are more The only type of sources having information. Bell went on to warn enjoy very few rights at this University, we do enjoy Rather than settling anything, we feel the real issue a few. None of these have come without a struggle went ignored. than sympathetic to the party's the benefit of anonymity are news that this type of action could and many of them have come about through the lawsuit. As for Bell's assertion sources. Although this may appear undermine both domestic law en¬ Yes, the contract Furbush signed said that RAs unsolicited expertise of two dedicated professors — that he, as the legal custodian of to be grossly contradictory on the forcement efforts and foreign will not partake in social smoking. Yes, Furbush C. Patric "Lash" Larrowe and Zolton Ferency. spying as well. knew the stipulation when he signed. Yes, Furbush The judge, who will hold Bell in Without their ardent support and legal savvy we smoked pot once and yes, he violated his contract. "automatic civil contempt" if he might still be kissing lovers goodnight in the bushes But why is the stipulation in the contract in the first doesn't turn over the files by outside of residence halls; bemoaning the fact that place? We realize marijuana is still illegal (why else The tomorrow, sees the issue in a the doors were going to lock at midnight. would it cost so much?), but a contract could be State News And though we profusely thank the two for all they slightly different light. Judge worded so RAs could enjoy the same negligence Greisa said at issue is the right "to have done, we feel they might have given up a little enjoyed by the rest of us, without breaking any law. Thursday, July 6, 1978 too easily with the case of John Furbush, a Williams Editorials the opinions speak freely on political subjects It is really ridiculous. What law in the history of ore of the State News Viewpoints, co/umns and without interference and harass¬ Hall resident assistant suspended for admitting that letters art personal opinions he once smoked marijuana. this country has been more blatantly ignored by ment from governmental organs." Editorial Department Furbush lost out on over $1,000 worth of room and breaker and enforcer alike, except possibly the Editor m-chief Dove DiMortmo We find Bell's attempt to use board that had been guaranteed all because of a little prohibition of liquor? None that we can think of. Managing Editoi David Misialowski Sporti Editor Mike Klocke First Amendment arguments to We realize that Larrowe and Ferency are busy Kim Shonahan Layout Editor Deborah Heywood misguided honesty. He went on to earn $600 over Opinion Editor News Editor Michelle Chambers Copy Chief KennefhE Parker justify withholding of files to spring and winter terms so Larrowe and Ferency men and we appreciate the time the two have spent Darnel J H.lbert protect informants a blatant ig- opted to settle for the difference — about $500. with Furbush. But really guys, didn't you realize noral of the fact that the FBI has President Edgar Harden, though maintaining that this particular case had all the potential of being repeatedly infiltrated a group of Furbush's guilt, benevolently decided $200 would be landmark? Even if it would have been impossible to Advertising Department people who merely want to speak enough to make everybody happy. And unfortunate¬ win, it would have served to open the eyes of Bob Shaffer Assistont Advertising Manager their minds unencumbered by administrators to an institution that is as spiritedly ly, it appears as if Harden was right — almost governmental harrassment. everyone involved seems satisfied. Spartan as football Saturday. DAVID MISIALOWSKI HOLLl RYDER Sami should be free, Rights should be earned but it's not that easy "The times they are a changin'," or are they? There exists for me, a paradox in the They have replaced them with those of men; the very element they oppose or joining their oppressors by becoming like the very force that oppresses them. women's fight for equal rights. I do see a address. Equality can only exist on an intellectual Israel should let Sami Esmail go, At this point, it's the only fair frequently countervailing, point. change, but not a difference. The opposing Eric Fromm discusses this current pro¬ level since it is a device of reason. It legally and humane thing to do. My argument is this: having believed all along that Israel had a elements in this battle have lost their cess in The Art of Loving; "It is part of the protects the inherent — and therefore The Esmail case has troubled many a liberal conscience for some right to try Esmail, I now believe they should let him go. Israel has polarity and therefore, their equality. trend toward the elimination of differences. unchangeable — differences between time now. Esmail, a 24-year-old MSU graduate student convicted stated its case. It has said, quite forcefully, that it won't tolerate human elements. Women who wear the Equal rights were created for the social Equality is bought at this very price: by an Israeli court on charges that he was a member of an outlawed prospective terrorists within its borders. Why belabor the point by necessity of balance: a balance of opposites women are equal because they are not armor of masculinity too long "begin to itch Palestinian terrorist organization, is presently serving a 16-month keeping Sami behind bars? Israel failed to demonstrate that Esmail who desire independence legally. Inde different anymore." and look ridiculous." sentence (eight months remaining) for his "crime." And a crime it is, is in fact a terrorist. There is no reason to believe that a paroled instead pendence exists on the premise of trhe Femininity has given way to masculinity, Let us as women, as people, under Israeli law. But not, obviously, under American law. Sami would rush out, buy some explosives and obliterate the individuality of contrasting factors. In this not normality. This gross exaggeration protect our rights with the invincible armor In the United States, the First Amendment guarantees a Wailing Wall, much less shed human blood. of intellect and self-actualization; both prevents stability and could possible be person's right to belong to any organization and to espouse any Surely the Israeli court knew this, for had it believed otherwise, But many women in the movement have related to homosexuality. individual tools of reason that will assuredly opinion — no matter how warped — so long as that person does not it would have given Esmail the maximum sentence of 10 years in for the most part, insisted on denouncing The difference between men and women win women's fight for rights for they are engage in violence or break other laws in furtherance of his aims. prison. So why keep him locked up for eight more months, and incur those qualities of social distinction that is sexual. Women who denounce their earned not granted. And what is earned can Therein lies the crucial distinction: In Israel, it is the thought that the deepening enmity of many Americans? Why reinforce the never be taken away. make equality possible in the first place. sexuality sacrifice their independence — counts and can convict you. In the United States, culpability is spreading assumption that Israel is nothing more than a defined by the action. mimeograph of real democracy? Let Sami go. For some of Esmail's rapid partisans, of course, nothing short of The State News has drawn a lot of flak for its ongoing editorial Sami's release, coupled with an effusively-worded statement of Ituutirs stance that Israel had a right to try Esmail under its own precepts contrition from Israeli authorities and prosecution of those of justice. Some of the criticism was frequently irrational and way associated with his arrest and detention will suffice. These are the off the mark. More about that later. As to the paper's stand — which, as a member of the persons who like to corrupt the currency of public dialogue with all editorial sorts of wild accusations, many of them directed at the press — board, I had a hand in shaping and executing — I still agree it was correct. Israel is not, as some would have us believe, a swaggering, specifically the State News. In this category I would put John Masterson, a well-intentioned oppressive dictatorship which takes delight in beating up Arabs. Its but somewhat naive professor in the Mathematics Department, system of jurisprudence, modeled after Great Britain's, is the who displayed a salivating Pavlovian response to any item in the "neither" and not to have voted "neither." union, either for or against. closest facsimile of Western democracy to be found in the Mideast. Israel had evidence that Esmail harbored terrorist leanings. paper — be it editorial, news story, letter or opinion column — that Nobody's business Another officer of FV, however, discard¬ suggested Sami Esmail was something less than a human rights This unfortunate series of events began ed that wording for a somewhat ambiguous Here is a nation that for decades has been the target of the most martyr. "Yellow journalism!" he would cry, and his constant misuse when Faculty Volunteers Against Col¬ statement, and when the retraction was mindless brand of terrorist assaults imaginable. Israel charged that Sami had traveled to Libya to engage in terrorist training. His of the phrase only underscored his ignorance of how the press but your own lective Bargaining (FV) included my name, published on June 26, State News editors functions. without my permission, in an advertise¬ titled it " 'Neither' wasn't how (he) voted." supporters denied this, but in fact later it was established that By virtue of the fact that Basim Esmail is Sami's brother, he can It is disturbing to find one's name Sami had gone to Libya, though he insists the second charge is ment several days before the union election, be forgiven his all-too-frequent distortions of the case. But it is bandied about in this way, and I want to false. Privacy in the ballot booth is a basic stating that I would vote "neither." I noteworthy that Basim, who preaches human rights and freedom, demanded that FV publish a retraction, and state once and for all that I wish to take no right. In regards to the faculty union What is Israel to do? Here it has a potential terrorist on its hands, and likes to wax eloquent on the shortcomings of Israeli law, has election of last May, I never chose to waive one officer of FV and I worked out a public position on the matter of faculty a person potentially guilty of breaking Israeli law, a man who might only a feeble grasp of U.S. law as it pertains to the press. Basim was collective bargaining. that right through public statement of my wording for the retraction that would have Richard W. Hill one day murder innocent men, women and children. Put yourself in incensed by this paper's tendency to print viewpoint columns on the voting position. Yet I have now been made it unambiguously clear that I was the place of Israel's leaders. What are they to do? Should they close Opinion Page not only pro-Sami but (gasp!) anti-Sami as well. He reported in the State News to have voted taking no public position on formation of a Department «f Zoology • their eyes and minds to the evidence, assume that past is not once informed me that the law compels a newspaper, when it prints prologue, and let Sami go without charges or a trial? a column of opinion, to print a second column giving the opposing I do not blame Israel for its paranoia. To be sure, much of Jerusalem's difficulties are of its own making. Under right-winger Menachem Begin, Israel seems destined to squander what might As a matter of ethics, that is good policy, and I think we have DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau abided by it in most cases. But the First Amendment bestows upon well be its last, best hope for making peace with its Arab neighbors. this paper, and any paper, the right to print whatever it wants, I'M REAL SORRY TO Iimiajtm6 /Wrxwams? A comprehensive settlement would have Israel give back short of libel. That is the law, and that is how the Constitution " HEAR ABOUT THE TAN¬ FOR IT THIS TEAR, ID1ASOHSH& territories occupied in the 1967 war and establish a homeland for operates. 2TWEW0H Am mm aw NING amies. ZONK, Palestinians — this in exchange for Arab guarantees of Israeli And then we have Professor Ashraf Elbayoumi, who without IREALLY AM. AKTTROU.? FYIN6F0RTHE security and independence. A settlement along these lines would, I shame once informed a pro-Sami rally that the State News had etonoe HAMOVN- believe, render the Palestinian terrorist movement impotent. decided Esmail was a terrorist. I asked the the professor to back up ■ iriHiwo. I'IHII, ammtFRO- But there is a tainted side to this shiney coin: can any of us believe this outlandish claim by showing me, in cold print, the published , W iV IAPPRECIATE CEWBRTTY it would be easy for a tiny nation like Israel, surrounded by BUTTER news stories or editorials which even implied this was our view. Of OPEN! enemies, to surrender the tangible asset of territory to those same course he never did, because he couldn't. enemies in exchange for a wil-o-the-wisp "guarantee" of "security?" They don't exist. I could add more persons to this list — including some who Itt*- J To illustrate the point, look how wrenchingly difficult it was for this thought we were being too easy on Sami — but to do so would be as country — the big, powerful, secure United States of America — to purposeless as Esmail's continued incarceration. The point has been give up an insignificant strip of territory, 5,000 miles away, that it made. To Israel: Let Sami go. To the public: Think before you had stolen from Panama a couple generations ago. speak, and try to remember that there are no easy answers to any What is so tough — yet so fascinating — about the Esmail case is issue. These are cliches, which I hate, but some people should be that it opens a Pandora's box of questions and controversy. Each sentenced to a long stretch of mulling them over. Say, 16 months, question raises many more, each argument unlocks another, without parole. Michigon State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 6, 1978 5 Social Security file safeguards need tightening, GAO reports The Social Security Administration, Education and Welfare last year. Those weaknesses include: WASHINGTON |AP) - Safeguards for •The computer network was set up so which stores files on more than 170 million According to the GAO, officials at the the Social Security Administration's files on Social Security Administration have begun that beneficiary files can be created as well millions of Americans should be tightened Americans, is one of the largest repositories of personal information. some tightening of security procedures and as queried from most of the 3,700 plus to prevent loss, destruction, abuse or are testing others to try and solve potential terminals in a variety of federal, state and misuse, a congressional report said Depending on the program, an individual file may contain information on a person's problem areas. private insurance offices. Wednesday. The GAO said it found four design and •For the most part, individual employees The General Accounting Office, earnings, real estate holdings, marital management problems that led to weak can gain access to the data in the files and status, children and medical history, in¬ Congress' investigating agency, expressed nesses in safeguarding beneficiary records even create new files without being apprehension that security weaknesses cluding drug and alcohol use. The GAO report on laxness in security sorted in the computer system that links required by the computer to identify could enable unauthorized persons to gain themselves. with an internal investigation more than 1,300 Social Security Admini access to the records kept by the federal concurs stration offices. undertaken by the Department of Health, For example, the GAO said, one em government. ployee who had access to the computer was selling Social Security cards to illegal aliens and others who desired a new identity. INCREASES THIVART REDUCTION The employee would summon up the names and Social Security numbers of people who had died and type that information on Social Security cards he had Carter losing stolen from the office, said the GAO. paper war In another case, the GAO reported, a Social Security employee in a district office netted about $20,000 in fraudulent claims Protesters marched in Plains, Ga., earlier this week protesting the con¬ The now-defunct Federal Paperwork Commission estimated last by redirecting to himself payments for a viction of Dessie Woods on charges of slaying a white salesperson. WASHINGTON (API - President Carter's war on paperwork, beneficiary who had died. In both instances, which started like a cavalry charge, has bogged down in the year that the annual cost of federal paperwork may exceed $100 the employees were apprehended. billion, or about $500 for each U.S. citizen. More recently, the trenches. There were advances on the tax form front, but then the battle president's Office of Management and Budget estimated that Americans spend 785 million hours a year filling out federal forms. Carter told a group of entrepreneurs just after he took office that if his presidency accomplished only one thing, it would be to OPERATION CARE CREDITED cut the number and complexity of "regulations, guidelines, Carter told a group of entrepreneurs just directives and required reports." Holiday deaths lowered after he took office that if his presidency Official estimates show that during the first nine months of the Carter administration, the government reduced by 9.6 percent the accomplished only one thing, it would be to time taxpayers spent filling out federal forms, applications and cut the number and complexity of "regu¬ other paperwork. lations, guidelines, directives and required But in the next six months, ending April 1, the burden decreased of the 18 fatal accidents. Nine were one-car accidents. LANSING (UPI) — State officials credited a crackdown on reports." only three-tenths of 1 percent, according to the new figures from Of 15 victims who had safety belt restraints available to them, the OMB. speeders and drunk drivers with helping cut this year's July 4th traffic death count by nearly half over last year. only one was wearing it. The Internal Revenue Service, which generates more paper Eighteen persons died in Michigan traffic accidents over the Motorists traveled 700 million miles over the holiday, compared of the bacon report was lost and the skirmish over truckers' logs is work than any other agency, said it has cut tax filing time by more with 765 million miles for the period last year. 102 hour holiday period, compared with 34 over the 72-hour July going badly. than 10 percent since January 1977. Nationally, the picture was less encouraging as the death toll for The fight to reduce paperwork is nearly stymied and has been 4th holiday in 1977. But paperwork has increased sharply elsewhere, generated by- "For the third consecutive summer holiday weekend, we have the long Fourth of July weekend pushed past the 700 mark, toward for six months, according to figures soon to be released. equal employment regulations and by new controls on toxic the higher end of the National Safety Council's preholiday estimate chemicals, sewage and other pollution. experienced a dramatic reduction in the number of traffic deaths of 650 to 750 traffic deaths. recorded, and Operation CARE — Combined Accident Reduction Even some old regulations like the bacon report and truckers' A final count by United Press International showed 712 persons can be credited with much of this reduction," said Gov. Big banana split doesn't make it logs are hardy varieties that resist attempts at weeding. Effort — William G. Milliken. were killed in traffic accidents during the four-day holiday The government requires long haul truckers to fill out daily Operation CARE combined intensive state police patrols on four weekend, which began at midnight local time Friday and ended at CASCO, Maine (API-What's splits. logs, on pain of fines up to $500, showing how they spent each freeways and an additional 700 trooper patrols with increased local midnight Tuesday. longer than a football field and Some 25 boys, aged 15, and 15-minute segment of their day. five members of the kitchen patrols and an intensive public information program. A breakdown of accidental deaths shows: filled with 600 bananas and 75 Federal truck-safety enforcers say the forms help keep fatigued staff worked on the banana drivers away from the wheel. Federal regulations limit the time The program, which originated in Michigan, has now spread to all •Traffic: 712 gallons of ice cream? 48 continental states and is funded by a special federal grant. •Drownings: 173 Why, a 101-yard-long banana split made up of 600 bananas, 75 that long-haul truckers can drive between rest periods. State Police Director Gerald Hough said Operation CARE was an •Planes: 26 gallons of ice cream, 50 pounds As for bacon, the Agriculture Department requires meat split, of course. important factor in keeping the death toll down. of strawberries, 25 pounds of processers to send in weekly reports on their production, California reported 87 traffic deaths, Texas had 49, Illinois 29 and That's what the youngsters marshmallow topping, 25 State police reported 40,000 "contacts" with drivers over the New York and Florida each reported 26. and staff at Camp Samoset including, among other things, the amount of bacon they sliced. weekend. Those included helping motorists in trouble as well as pounds of chopped nuts, three Earlier this year the department tried to make the report There were no traffic deaths reported in Alaska, South Dakota. assembled to celebrate the issuing traffic citations and warnings. gallons of chocolate syrup and monthly, instead of weekly, estimating that would save processors Vermont and the District of Columbia. Fourth of July and, they hope, three gallons of cherries. Officers said there was "some degree of drinking" involved in 10 more than 100,000 hours of form-filling annually. make the Guinness Book of But is it a record? Sorry, but World Records. The bacon figures are especially prized by those who speculate Shatkin should have checked in the multibillion-dollar pork-belly futures market, and also by the the Guinness book which now Stephen Shatkin, one of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the federal agency summer camp's directors, said lists a mile-long split. That one charged with keeping pork-belly traders honest. "We don't know that there is a used 10,580 bananas and 33,000 Now you can own scoops of ice cream. THOR|N5 current record" for banana the excellence ACTION AUTOMOTIVE BRAND NAME AUl6 PARTS, DISCOUNT PRICES, AND PARTS PEOPLE WHO KNOW PARTS ISOIRACK that is Thorens. yt r "Make It easy on yourself" Since 1883, Thorens has been involved in the manufacture of quality reproduction devices, and for the last iO years has continually refined the transcription turntable. Utilizing the unique plug-in Isotrack tonearm and belt drive independent zero- reference suspension, their level of performance is unsurpassed in their class. The TD-160C offers frictionless magnetic anti- skating and the same extraordinarily low horizontal and vertical bearing friction that Thorens offers in their top of the line series. NAV $406.95 $26500 Despite its modest price, the TD-166C is a Thorens in every sense of the word. It incorporates the Iso¬ track arm, a high-torque, 16-pole synchronous motor, anti-skate control and a precision damped pause cue control. NAV $326.95 *215°° Both transcription tables come complete with a hinged, tinted dust cover and a '!tyy. contemporary styled base. Every turntable is professionally set up with an Empire 2000 E/lll cartridge and a free sample of Quietone is included with the purchase of one of these tables. Other cartridge options available. UV *8.99 i ACTION AUTOMOTIVE Si. 7293 N. Grand Nivar Ph. 4SS-SSSO Ph 626-6796 Open 7 days... Nights and Sundays V Michigon Stote News, Eost Loosing, Michigon Thursday, July 6, 1978 By MIKE KLOCKE Padilla said he hasn't had to make too ing the athletic director and the university MIKE KLOCKE State Newi Sports Writer many adjustments to Fresno State because president, are the same as when he was an When MSU head football coach Darryl many of the athletic administrators, includ¬ assistant coach from 1968-72. Rogers was playing his college ball for Padilla said there are two factor^which Fresno State, Bob Padilla was one of his will help him in making the adjustment from W. W. Hayes teammates. And in all three of Rogers' head defensive coach to head coach. One, he coached with Rogers, a very offensive- coaching jobs in the college ranks — Fresno State, San Jose State and MSU — Padilla minded coach, for so long. Two, as a was one of his top assistant coaches. defensive coordinator, he had to look at all and integrity Bob Padilla But on St. Patricks Day last March, Padilla types of offenses and try to stop them. Therefore, he also knows what will work best was offered the head coaching job at his alma mater, and he took it. There is one thing he against certain defenses. wanted to make clear, though. "The easiest adjustment to make is that it i )n July 28. the Hi«: Ten Football Kickoff Luncheon will be held is now me who can go jump on the defensive "If it would have been any other college Chicago at the Palmer House. This will be the seventh year for but Fresno State that offered the job, I'd still coordinator's back," Padilla said with a adjusts to be at MSU," Padilla said in a telephone conversation from his Fresno office. "The hardest thing for me to do was to tell Darryl laugh. "In fact, I did that in the Alumni game this spring. The Alumni drove down and scored and I yelled 'What in the hell's going goodbye. You don't just wash 10 years down on' to the defensive coordinator." s equity coming in college the drain with a simple goodbye. Padilla said he has lost 28 seniors from last and that the Bit Te t' luncheo i prw a the 1976 sn't the s "Big Two-Little i bit different Fresno job "Not only do I think Darryl is the best coach around, but he's also my best friend." year's team, he wasn't able to help in the recruiting because he arrived so late. But he is still confident Fresno State will have a Padilla is taking over a team that was 9-2 and conference champions a year ago. He is strong team. Oh; - State football coach Woody Hayes got up to speak, gave a also stepping into an athletic program which He is enthused about being a head coach, integrity and then admitted turning MSU into the with ure on is very much on the upswing with strong glad to be back at his alma mater and, NCAA for recruiting violations. MSU head coach Darryl Rogers, who was ready to begin his first year, addressed the luncheon and ease teams in basketball and baseball, too. perhaps most importantly, his family was "The community is just going nuts," happy to move back to California. facetiously thanked Hayes for turning in the Spartan program, Padilla said. "There hadn't been much since he probably wouldn't have gotten the job otherwise. "We love Michigan very much, but success here in a long time and things turned Following the luncheon, as we all know by now, former State around so fast. They're in the process of everyone has a place he calls home and our News sports editor Edward L. Renders confronted Hayes with return here is very thrilling," Padilla said. building a new football stadium on campus." allegations against the OSV program. Hayes attacked Ronders ... and the rest i* history so to speak. When the National Collegiate Athletic Association investigated the Buckeye football program, it found seven outright violations imany of which are similar to MSU's violations) and OSU was gi\en iust a public reprimand. MSU FACILITIES MADE AVAILABLE Now back to the pre season kickoff luncheon. I wonder what Haves will have to say this year? Will he say "we don't cheat at Opportunities exist in sports school Ohio State." despite the fact that the NCAA slapped OSU with a one-year probation in 1956. early in Hayes' coaching career? Here are some of the words of wisdom Hayes preached at last year's luncheon. Sit back and have a good chuckle. there are so many people, it is the parents because I know the "Yet, the kids get three and By JERRYBRAUDE "Things have been going very kids will have lot of fun." one-half hours of ice time per "Yeah, I know they State News Sports Writer nicely," Kenney said. "We have very difficult to do this." a Students at MSU's sports had no major problems thus far. Bessone said. "The parents are day and another hour of free Assistant basketball coach say everybody cheats, school not only have the chance The minor problems were noth¬ worried about the amount of ice skating at night. They usually but we play honor¬ Bill Berry feels the people time their children will get, and get really tired at mid-week. It's to use top-flight facilities, but ing we couldn't handle." The sports school will have participating have a lot of fun they expect me to make a like our hockey team going able football (at Ohio they also have an opportunity to and learn basketball at the same learn from MSU's nationally- 500 participants next week and Gordie Howe out of them in a through two-a-day practices, State) within the am¬ known coaches, such as basket¬ will run women's basketball, time. which is pretty tough." ateur code and no¬ ball's Jud Heathcote and hock¬ gymnastics, track and field and "We have 15 high school and tennis. body tells us how our ey's Amo Bessone. "It's a great opportunity for college coaches mixed together Heathcote and Bessone, along to give a very good quality of football players should the kids to be introduced to new with their assistant coaches, are instruction," Berry said. "The live," — Ohio State in their third and final week of concepts of the game," Heath¬ kids get a great deal out of it. football coach Woody instruction before taking some cote said. "It gives them ex¬ The camp has a great future." time off after a long season of posure to not only fundamentals Hayes, speaking two and competition, but also an Hockey, which is second only practices, games and recruit¬ years ago at the Big ing. opportunity to take advantage to figure skating as the oldest Ten Football Kickoff Besides hockey and basket¬ of MSU's facilities." sports school, was opened Luncheon in Chicago. ball, soccer is also being run Heathcote does find one years ago. In its first year, during this low week which has drawback to the school. hockey had 60 participants, but 360 participants, according to "I wish we could spend more they went home at the end of the time on individual instruction," day instead of staying over¬ sports school director Gene The philosophy of football is built on truth and integrity. I said Kennev. Heathcote said. "But, because night. When the school started that last year and I'll say it again this year. That is what we have in having the students stay in the the Big Ten and that is what we've got to have. When somebody dorms seven years ago, other gets out of line, we've got to bring them back in line." Hayes said. sports began catching on to And he didn't stop there. The crusty Buckeye mentor continued Evert, Martina in finals the sports school idea. by saying. "Yeah. I know they say everybody cheats, but we play "I like the way it's run now," honorable football tat Ohio State! within the amateur code and By MORLEY MYERS Bessone said. "Before, I had to nobody tells us how our football players should live." WIMBLEDON. England (UPI) Chris Evert dethroned - watch the kids 24 hours a day. To me at least, considering Hayes' position, those words were defending champion Virginia Wade and Martina Navratilova But now, I just have to watch hilarious. Especially since he chortled them at a time when his defeated a limping Evonne Cawley today to reach the women's team was being investigated by the NCAA. them while they're on the ice." We all know that Hayes isn't off scot free quite yet, since the Big singles final in the $512,000 Wimbledon tennis championships. Evert, from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., outlasted Wade, 8-6,6-2 in 87 Fundamentals are worked on Ten will not rule on alleged recruiting violations at OSU until the in the morning and scrimmages minutes to avenge the defeat she suffered against the Briton in firs; week of August. take place in the afternoon. last year's semis. Navratilova, the Dallas-based Czech exile, came State News Debbie Wolfe Since it is doubtful that the Big Ten will put the Buckeyes on When Friday night comes, the from behind to score a 2-6, 6-4, 6-4 victory over the Australian probation. Hayes w ill most likely know in the first week of August last night of the session, the Learning new concepts of the game of basketball is one of the aspects taught at Cawley, who played through the last three games in pain from an MSU's sports school. Coach Richard Writ of Bath explains the finer points of the that his power has averted any edicts being imposed on OSU. students play a game among injured left ankle. And the week before that, he'll be in Chicago once again. The Evert-Wade clash was a victory for Evert's baseline power themselves. game to Scott Jennings of East Grand Rapids. Jennings then works on his I wonder if Hayes will be more restrained in his comments he after a nervous start by the 23 year-old American, who won the "I'm mostly concerned with free-throw shooting (right). makes at the luncheon? I wonder if he'll just talk about his team title in 1974 and 1976. and about football in the Big Ten? Or I wonder if he'll give his third annual sermon on integrity to the large Chicago gathering? If he does talk about integrity and about how OSU doesn't cheat, it will take a lot of guts on his part. Also, it will take a lot of gall. Hlll-HlllMi TONIGHT ONLY YOU'RE THE WINNER MALONE &NOOICHEEZ At High Flying Hobbies The Friendly Battle ®rxdepqi°ound UI OMt ' 44i AUL.U of the Simultaneous Sidewalk Tho Count soi, 'Toko my RADIO CONTROL PLANES • ROCKETS ELECTRIC TRAINS • MODELS 33243M advice and donate blood, I did." Sales MO Trowbridg* (N««l lo Hobi,,) At BLOOD DRIVE Frandor and Meridian Get Into Our Shorts Students, Faculty, Staff Mall 247-241 Olia Health Center For running, hiking, climbing or backpacking have shorts for you. — we 10 em-4 pm First Time In Fashion History Complete selection of camping, backpacking, climb¬ Thursday Jely 20,'71 . . . Sidewalk Sales the same time at both these ing & mountaineering equipment Call between June 26-July 7 to make an appointment Creens stores Dick Kennedy - 3-5353 . . . Both stores competing to win your favor Lorraine Demoreit — 5-5055 Susan leovift — 5-8324 with spectacular fashion bnrguins Rosmond Horton — 3-8793 DeakWalters- 5-5115 GREAT LAKES Bob Doniher - 5-3314 Irene Main — 5-6550 ... THE RESULT MOUNTAIN SUPPLY Dan Beachnau — 5-2221 Butch SliHIer-3-4900 Shop both locations for different unprecedented fashion drop by upstairs above Paramount News Elaine Wall 5 0290 541 Bid., across from Berkey Hall 351-2060 bargains. Shop Today Thru Saturday Until 9 P.M. I Michigon Stote News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 6, 1978 1 Romantics single features fine Motor City power pop bands that arose from tl movement are still with u: Midnight Ramblings ■ock ting lext The Romantics have also be the most prominent permatu fixture at Bookie's, a dive el big thing" from Michigan's By RENALDO MIGALDI rocking Motor City. "Little SUte News Staff Writer White Lies" b w T Can't Tell Hi, my name is Frank Cornelio. I've been in college for five You Anything" iSpider Re years and I'm getting ready for my sixth, my real long song, my cords, 45 rpm) is the band's true soulful wail, my lasting legacy, my perhaps only chance to first single, recorded at Det¬ make my mark in the dark, my hot shot. Academia is a bite; I roit's Spider studios, and the can afford to say it all now because I only have eight credits to record has helped the hand gain go: eight credits to stretch out over a whole year of party times some national recognition. Greg and hot midnights. — First shot: Shaw, rocking wonder of Romp East Lansing summertime, sitting on the Albert Street Magazine and Records, was recently in Detroit to help pavement 4 p.m. with my two best friends in the entire world, Lenny and Cas, and we're passing back and forth a pint of Wild produce the group's second Turkey that Lenny bought at the Min-A-Mart. Cas speaks: vinyl pressing, and word has it that major labels are verv "So I just got my laundry done today, and I read a little bit of trad deal, the Atlantic, and made myself a tunafish sandwich for lunch. The R. hit the Mo I've fulfilled my responsibilities, hey? It's OK that I'm here." town limelight in the "Cas," groans Lenny who's lying back with his head resting what was then calk The Romantics a on the absurd blacktop, "you worry too much about obligations. definitive example: Y'all fulla shoulds!" shows known (what was then called! ■op." (Even that , going to i! "Don't bother me, dork," says Cas. "I'm just as nihilistic as "punk" hands as Mink DeYille, onfusing. In a you are, and you knows it." the Ramones. and Talking dv called I "Why, yes yes yes," I mumble. "Yes yes yes." Heads. iKver notice how the "Listen, you Polack," says Lenny. "You're always so out front term "punk rock" has virtually people should start list' in proclaiming your big free mind, and how progressive and vanished from the vocabulary, and stop labeling.) The Ro Jazz keyboard wizard Ramsey Lewis will be per¬ liberated and radical you are, but I don't completely buy it. I even though most of the good think a lot of you is just really traditional." forming at Dooley's Sunday, July 9. Tickets are "Hm?" I mumble. "You talkin' to me, Lenny?" $6.50 in advance or $7.00 the night of the show, and are available at Dooley's and all Recordland stores. "No, Frank," Lenny says. "You can go back to sleep." "I ain't sleepin'," I say. "I'm just dreamin'." "Hey!" Cal shouts. "Pass that man the little bag! Well put, Frank." James Daly, 59, dies There will be two shows, at 8 and 10:30 p.m. Ramsey Lewis' credits include seven gold albums and four Grammy awards. HOLLYWOOD iL'PD who made his home in Los and I take a long hit. "Thanx, - Lenny gives me the bottle Character actor James Daly Angeles, was attending a film say. has died of a heart attack in industry function in New York "Anyway," Lenny continues, "I don't buy your pseudo- Nvark, N.Y., a family friend when he died, nihilistic stance. I perceive you as a man of values and morals, and many of those values are traditional ones, the same ones announced today in Hollywood. The actor had recently cm that your parents probably programmed into your thick Polish Daly, 59. was co starred in pleted a role in Roots. The Next the Medical Center TV series Generations, skull." and hail appeared in other Daly is survived by I Cas laughs. "You're too distanced, Lenny. Not only are you television shows including The actress daughter. Tyne Daly- outside my body and mind, but you've got a soft Jewish brain FBI, Gunsmoke, The Fugitive and I don't have to listen to you." and Mission: Impossible. His "Right," I mutter, adding a loud belch for emphasis. movie credits included The "Well," says Lenny to Cas, "we've all known each other long enough. Let's ask Frank here what side he takes in this discussion." He slaps me on the shoulder. "Who's got the decadence, valuelessness, and guilt in their brain: me or Ca I take another dizzy hit on the Wild Turkey. "Hey, check them blondes." I say. Thursday. July 6, 1978 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michi mmrnm ' ■ '''< IjjjL a*' W r/' ■WMPm v Employment M [ Apartments Houses Jg [_ For Sale ]<^i [ Recreation JjfBj Classified Advertising MSU NEAR- 5 minutes from INSTANT CASH. We're pay¬ LOW COST flights to Israel. MANAGER TRAINEE na¬ RESPONSIBLE MATURE Information tional theater chain, college non smoking person for campus. 3 bedrooms, kitchen ing $1-$2 for albums in good Toll free. 1-800-223 7676. degree willing to relocate, apartment. 332 1758. 8 7 17 stove, refrigerator, dining shape. WAZOO RECORDS. 9 a.m.-7 p.m. NY time. Resource Center and become Announcements for It's IONE 35ST355 347 Student S«rvtc#l Bldg salary benefits, contact: room, washer, dryer. Ample 223 Abbott. 337 0947. Z 3 7 7 (3) a housing counselor. Training What's Happening must be Chet Wasko. Meridian Thea SUBLET FOR summer on parking, nice yard, bus V4 C 17-7-31 (4) on July 7 & 8. Call 337-9795. received in the State News ters 349 2702 Monday Friday Stoddard. Nice location. block. $295 plus utilities. 1 day • 90« par line between 1 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Quiet, very negotiable. Call Steve at 337 2545 after 5pm Available immediately. Call Tom Brook 669 3834/ 484 ANTIQUE SHOW [_ Service A, office, 343 Student Services Bldg., by noon at least two "The Evolution of Soul," 3 days I0( per line 355 1567 anytime 3 7 7 151 2555. 4 7 7 (12) class days before publication. talk as presented by ECKAN- FREE LESSON in complexion l.nM j 170 , j 710 4 IIM HOC i 6doyi-75Cporline SUMMER EMPLOYMENT AND SALE care. MERLE NORMAN No announcements will be accepted by phone. KAR. path of total aware¬ ness, at 6 and 8 tonight in 108 AT ROSELAKE WILDLIFE SUBLEASE 1 space in 4 SUMMER, 4 bedroom, fur¬ COSMETIC STUDIO 321- I.M »to 1100 1140 • days • 70< per line RESEARCH CENTER woman Air. security lock. 2 nished. Only $200. 332-1800, 5543. C 17-7-31 (4) Bessey Hall. 4 .SO 1100 ti.se MOO Lansing Mall, Lansing, Mich. _ _ Health planners' Earn fall through work study program hath, spacious 332-0927 af 372 1801. Very close July 6-7-8-9. 10 am to 9 pm 4 5.40 14.40 tree 29.00 academic credit working with Line rote per insertion 373 9358 7 7 17(51 ter 5 p.m. 5 7 12 (4) 0 3 7 6 14) WEDDING FLOWERS, low CORRECTION! Students 1 *K 1400 H20 Sunday-noon to 5 pm. 40 cost top quality, full service. campus health program. interested in campaign work dealers, furniture, glass¬ NIGHT DISPATCHER 9pm WOMEN TO share private 623 6545. 8 7-17 (31 Contact Dave Persell, College may chose either Republican ware books. primitives, 7am Must have good home, own room, complete of Urban Development. or Democratic volunteer posi¬ Econolines 3 lines U 00 5 days 80' per line over jewelry, coins, watches, WILL BABYSIT in my Haslett 3 lines. No • adjustment in rote when cancelled knowledge of local streets Free house privileges, summer, paper, trunks, Type trays home, prefer 4 years o- older. tions. Contact 26 Student Volunteer for the Tenant's Services Bldg. Price of item(s) must be stated m ad Maximum and landmarks in Lansing fall, or longer. 489-0573. & type, silver 20% off silver Call for 8 7 12(4) 339 2793._57-J3J3J sale price of *50 area. Apply in person. appointments. 487 2400 Roommate plating. Mich, lid lady-Mich. FREE NEEDLE check, bring in Beer Con Man. Quality show Peongts Personol ads • 3 lines *2 25 per insertion 75* per line over 3 lines (prepayment) Service EAST LANSING- semi-fur¬ nished for 3 or 4. Call Craig, lot the novice to the ad¬ your record player needle for vanced collector. CSP free check1 at anytime. Spe- Rummage Garage Sole ads • 4 lines - '2 50 332-4432 655 1255 after 6 p.m. Promotions i cial prices on new r-»edles. 63" per line over 4 lines • per insertion Apartments | MARSHALL MUSIC East Round Town ods • 4 lines *2 50 per insertion Lansing. C-1-7-6 (6) 63' per line over 4 lines (We will match you ONE PERSON needed for 3 MOST LP'S priced $1.75- FIFTEEN DAYS free rent1 $2.50. Cassettes. $3 quality tost I Founds ods Transportation ods • 3 lines M 50 Own bedroom in 2 bedroom th compatable person household. East side FOR QUALITY stereo ser¬ of Lansing. $83 month plus guaranteed. Plus 45's. song vice. THE STEREO SHOPPE. per insertion 50' per line over 3 lines apartment Big. Cool, nice. roommates) books, utilities 485-0246. 1-7-6 (4) more. FLAT. BLACK 555 E. Grand River. $90 332 8741 after 5 p.m. AND CIRCULAR, upstairs. C-17-7 91 (31 541 E. Grand River. Open 11 To place your 1 Deadlines Ads 2 p.m 1 class day before publication EAST LANSING Fall, 1 bed ROOMMATE FOR fully fur Rooms J[A a.m. C-16-7-31 16) Typing Service low-cost, fast- ■ room furnished, air, utilities, nished. Pool, sauna, air, 882 acting Classified Cancellation Change 1 p.m 1 doss doy before 1 BEDROOM summer sublet publication. - ba'contes $230. 374 6366 parking. $220. 0 17 7 31 (4) 8556 14 7 10 131 in nice house, 2 blocks, from Animals V COPYGRAPH Complete SERVICE dissertation and ad, just qive us Once ad is ordered if cannot be cancelled or changed Union. $80 month + utilities, resume service. Corner MAC until after 1st insertion There iso'100 charge for I ad change plus 50' per SOUTH HOLMES- near Only a few left!! 337 9246 8 7 1014) ANGLO- LIPIZZAN bred for dressage and jump¬ horses, and Grand River. 8:30 a.m.- 5:39 p.m. Monday-Friday. Sparrow one room upstairs SUNNY ROOM WITH private additional change for maximum of 3 chonges ing. Call 349-1574. 8-7 13 (41 10 a.m.-5 Saturday. The State News will only be responsible for the 1st efficiency bath Cooking, Prefer male $75 351 share Waters Edge entrance. Sublet, begin July 13 Liz. 351 7217 8-7-17 (41 p.m. 337J666. C-177-31J7) day's incorrect insertion Adiustment claims must be mode within 10 days of expiration dote 7497 0 4 7 7 «5> • Reduced Summer rent M60 FEMALE SUBLET, own room jjost I Found TYPING. fast and EXPERIENCED, reasonable, 371 - Bills ore due 7 days from ad expiration date If not Close, If you need some Thank you for • Two and four person in furnished house. LOST CAT- small, male, 4635^17^31 (3) assistance word¬ paid by due dote a 50' late service charge will 351 0761 2 7-6(3) orange tiger. Albert Street, 2 apartments coming back to • Walk to campus SUMMER. SINGLE, large, between Division and Bailey. ANN BROWN typing. tations-resumes-term papers. Disser¬ ing your ad, our BURCHAM WOODS Reward. Call 355-2361 days, friendly Ad- furnished, kitchen, parking. 601 Abbott Road. North en¬ 1050 Watersedge Dr. 351-2754 evenings 2 7 7 (51 Visors will be $50 332-1800. 372-1801. trance. 351-7221. Now filled for (next to Cedar Villoge) 0 3 7-6 (4) O 17-7-31 J_4»_ happy to help Automotive * Wo Servce / summer-Just o fev 332-4432 FOUND IRISH Setter, male. you. SINGLE ROOM, large house, Meridian Mall area, flea collar PROMPT, EXPERIENCED, left for foil only. Animal Control Center, ONE MAN needed for 2-man excellent • location, kitchen, typing, evenings, 332-3492. AMC HORNET Sportabout. BRAKE PARTS including Make a laundry, parking, $60 month. 676-2431. 3-7-10 (4) C-17-7-31 (3) apartment for fall through 1972 clean, air. automatic, brake pads, shoes, and hy- 332 1918. 8-7 19(4) reservation now June 1979 Own bedroom, $700 or best offer 355-9585 draulic components in stock LOST-DOG, female, medium EXPERIENCED. IBM typing, new carpet, drapes. 348 Oak- days evenings 332-7027 at CHEQUERED FLAG FOR- efficiency $175 h.ll 332 3365 8 7 14 (5> CAMPUS NEAR, summer. husky build with hound face. dissertations, (pica-elite). 2-7-7 <51 EIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 East From $65 month. 485-1436. Brown with black and white FAYANN. 489 0358. 1 bedroom $210 Kalamazoo St. 487-5055. one 0-6-7 14(31 chest. Answers to "Tippy." C-17-7-31 (31 We'll EAST LANSING, deluxe one charge your CHEVROLET WAGON. 1973 mile west of campus 2 bedroom $290 487-0815. Reward. 2-7-7 (6) bedroom, furnished, walk to ad and send you Impaia 400 Two new tires. C-17 7 31 t7' Call between 12-5 GRADUATE WOMAN, large UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS 3 — - shopping, dining. MSU Fall a bill when the very good mechanical condi- JUNK CARS wanted Also attractive & furnished, sum¬ LOST- TOY Collie, male, COMPLETE DISSERTATION lease From $195. Manager ad has appeared tion and body. Battery js only selling used parts Phone 351-3118 mer References needed. tattoo inside thigh, reward. AND RESUME SERVICE- 351 4745 5 9 pm 8 7 12(61 the number of 5 montns old. $1,000 Phone 321 3651 C 17-7-31 <3> ED2 1746. 2-7-7 (5) 332-4970 after 5 p.m. 2-7-7(4) type setting, IBM typing, 487 3096 after 6 p.m. or MALE FOR summer, own offset printing and binding. days for which 353 9589 days. S-6-7-7 17) MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. ROOMS FOR rent, close to FOUND BLACK female cat. For estimate, stop in at room, pool, balcony, air. CEDAR VILLAGE 2843 you ordered it. - — Kalamazoo, since 1940. Auto campus, $60 -80/month. Call Pink collar with bells, on 6/30, East Grand River or phone CHEVROLET LUV 1976 4 laundry Available now. 337- APARTMENTS STE MAR MANAGEMENT, painting-collision service, 2193 6-7-6 13) Grand River Avenue, East 332 8414. C-17-7-31 (8) air. AM FM, camper American-foreign cars 485- 351 5510. 8-7-6 (4) speed Lansing. Call MSU Small she" 669-3085 8-7-17 (3 ) 0256 C I 7-7-31 (51 60GUE At RED CEDAR RIVER Animal Clinic. 353-5420. EXPERT TYPING by MSU 2 BEDROOM, furnished, CUTLASSS 1972. automatic. from $205 month Available 351-5180 For Sale 2-7-7 (6) grad. 17 years experience. G00D USED tires 13.1415 Near Gables, call 337-0205. vinyl top radio $950. 2 door, inch Mounted free Used fall UNIVERSITY VILLA. C-17-7-31 (3) 351 3625 7-7-14 !3£_ wheels and hub caps PEN- 351 2044. 351 8135 FEMALE TO share 2 bed 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Rimnuge Sale ^ 0 16 7 31 14) 1 year warranty. $7 88 and _ DATSUN. 1974- 2602. 2 - 2. NELL SALES INC . 1826 East room. 2 bath, furnished up DENNIS DISTRIBUTING TYPING TERM papers IBM 4-speed 49.000 miles La™"g apartment located in Brandy- 2 FAMILY yard sale, rain or experienced, fast service. Call air. COMPANY. 316 North Cedar wme Near clubhouse, tennis, shine. Saturday, July 8, 9-6 351 8923. 0-17-7-31 (3) $4000 351 4025 8 7 19 iti 482-2677. C 17 7-31 (51 Thank you for mdoor outdoor pool sauna, p.m. Sunday, July 9,1-6 p.m. DODGE DART convemble. - — , , coming back to exercise room social and activities organized Available NEW, USED and vintage Clothes, antiques, junk. 215 Linden, East Lansing. 2-7-7(6) Peanuts Personal $ ^7ii65Ex3l%,conai,l0n' Employment |4 immediately Security deposit guitars, banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers and kits, re¬ CURT, OCJP student - Ohh GRAND PRIX. '973 loaded. STUDENTS TO worn in car DELTA ARMS required Call 351 1224 after 5:30 p.m. 2-7 7 ,11i corders, strings, accessories, Real Estate ' « what you did to me in sum. of 68' I'll get even tho. A Term mini condition, must sell rental otfice 3 p m -11:30 books, thousands of hard-to- find albums (all at very low Paper Typist. Z-3-7-6 (4) 36L-7241 J2_772'3i p m weekdays 7-3 pm now filled SUBLET JULY 30 Septem State News _ prices). Private and group FULL SERVICE restaurant in JAGUAR SJ6 Sedan 1972, weekends 489 1484 ber 13 1 bedroom apartment, automatic, an 59.000 miles for summer furnished, pool, air. close to lessons on guitar, banjo, mandolin, all styles. Gift certi¬ the heart of ski country, showing excellent gross. Real Wanted 'J $150 332 7121. $4500 322 0288 8 7 7 I3I_ MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST, and fall campus 8 7 19'4) ficates. Expert repairs-free Estate include living quarters- FAMILY IN transition needs ELDERLY IN¬ JEEP RENEGADE CJ5 1976. 304 V8, power steeling, low MT IASCPI Full and part- time positions available in oui SOUTH SIDE 2 bedroom estimates. STRUMENTS. 541 East terms available. COLWELL & COMPANY. 222 South Lake Street, Boyne City, Michigan. 3-4 bedroom home for 3 months August 10 - Novem¬ Classified Grand River. 332-4331. mileage, excellent, 372-1039 clinical labiatorv, all shifts, apartments, dishwasher, air C 16-7-31 (13) (616)582-6724. Z-9-7-719) ber 10. 655-2938 after 6 p.m. after 6 X-8-7 10 '5i Excellent starting salary and FURNISHED APARTMENTS conditioning, carpet. Call 8-7-12 16) fringe benefits Apply at Per- MA2DA RX2 1973 Auto- Mnnei office. LANSING available for summer. ming Swim¬ pool. 2 month leases at 394 5369 X 10 7 21 (5) noon to 9 p.m. STEREO AM-FM 8-track. BSR turntable. $65.626-6446. BY OWNER- 3 bedroom. 1 Vi FURNISHED HOUSE for 355-8255 low mileage, excellent GENERAL HOSPITAL. 2800 bath. 1718 Osborn Road, matic. reasonable rates. young attorney and wife. condition $1250 351 2682 Devonshire, Lansing. Michi very E 5-7-6 (3) Lansing. $32,000. 484-4061. July 15 August 31. Call 6-7-6131 TWYCKINGHAM. 351-7166. 4-7-7 (3) gan 48909 372 8220 ext 267 Thank you for MINALTA SRT 101 58 mm George Loomis 489-5724. 0-4 7-7 (5) 8-7-10 (4) MERCEDES BENZ. 1970- 5-7-13 UU coming back to 1 4 lens $125 355-7308. EAST LANSING- 3 resi¬ 280S excellent rendition. S32OT oi best offer 351-2446 PEREECT PART-time" job. 2 BEDROOM, furnished, very 8 7-13 (3) dential lots. Whittier Drive. ^ Must be close. $125 summer. 332- Mature trees. Suitable for PEOPLE REACHER 1800. 372-1801 0 3 7-6 13) COUCHES $35, Chairs $10. walkout basement. Buy now, _ _ _ _ ... - neat, dependable and have UNIVERSITY First come, first served. build later. $15,000 each. MONTE CARLO, 1974 black own liansoodation Call be- BEECHWOOD APART¬ 371-3710. 4-7-7 15) with Landeau roof S2000 tween 3 and 6 p.m 655-3931 EUREKA- One bedroom NEAR Sparrow. apartment. TERRACE MENTS. 1130 Beech. 332- best offer Ask for Chris 8-7-19 '61 0052 between noon and 5 351-4200 4 7 6 4: OLDS DELTA Royale convertible, ; excellent condi- 1974 " WEEKLY NEWSPAPER neai campus „Mds advertising Partly Available furnished, now. 7497 0-4-7-7 ( 5) parking. $135. 351- now filled for p.m. 0 3-7-6 (6) Recreation STRAWBERRIES-PICK your WANT AD manage, ^les la|enl re. BLACK DIRT, sod farm soil. own 35£ per pound. Open 7 tion, loaded. $3600 663-3182. summer and (all Just 7 7 tO (31 guiied experience Helpful Flexible schedule, may also Approximately 5 Vi yard$ de¬ livered locally. $40. 641-6024 a.m. on picking days. Well complete form and behaved children welcome. mail with payment to: PINTO RUNABOUT. 1975- 4 du,» Js ,e?or"" Thank you for or 372-4080. Fill, sand, gravel, GIBBS BERRYLAND, South available also. 0-17-7-31 (6) of Onondaga, 1-628-2663. cylinder, automatic, radials. 8al1 826'3 8 be h Pm ' coming back to DUPLEX ONE room, central R-7-10 (61 State News Classified Dept. KOOO miles Excellent condi- Tuesday July 27 0. after July air, immediately, furnished. t,on. S1725 351-4960. 5 87-7 1101 BEECHWOOD 669 3719 or 351-0829. 34? Student Sendees Bldg. 6 7 14(3) 877 ,'5j .... BABYSITTER CARE for 2 East Lansing, Mich. 48823 VEGA HATCHBACK. 1974- children, references required. Filled for summer — FURNISHED APARTMENTS 3 speed 49.000 miles, good 3511816 before 2 p.m. or available for summer. Swim¬ WE HONOR the GM pro¬ A few left for foil. condition. $800. Evenings after 8 p.m. 8-7-13 (4) ming pool, 2 month leases at gram. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, Address. 351 6996 B-2 7-7 131 very reasonable rates. SEVEN 2617 E. Michigan. C-4-7-713) THIRTY ONE, 351-7212. VW BUS 1971- excellent TEMPORARY MAIL room 2 bedroom apartments Cify 0-4-7-7 (5) FLAT TOP guitars, largest condition, new paint. $15,000 help- 4-6 weeks. Two shifts *270 selection ever. WILCOX negotiable 361 8999 available. 8:30 a.m. 6 7 14 I3l 4:30 p.m. and 5 p m to midnight. Apply at 3308 Call 12-5 L *mK £ TRADING POST. 485-4391. C-15-7-31 (3) Preferred Iniertion Dote VW RABBIT. 1977- green, South Cedar, Suite # 6. 4 BEDROOMS. 3 bath, fin¬ AM FM. C3 unit, $3500. 5 7 14 (6) 332-0052 ished basement. 2 car garage, JULIETTE STEREO, 2 walnut 371 3572 after 5 p.m. dishwasher speakers, good condition, 8 7 14'31 washer, dryer, 25 characters in a line, including punctuation and spaces between words. ^ SUMMER EMPLOYMENT included Available imme¬ $50 or best offer. 332-8260. full and part-time positions diately S450 plus utilities. E 5-7-13 (3) VW BUG. 1973 29.000.5 star FURNISHED APARTMENTS Automobile required. 339- 332-5264 8 7 17 ( 7) Print Ad here condition, $1795. After 9 p.m. available for summer. Swim 9500 C-17-7-31 (3) call 393 5942. before 5 p.m. ming pool, 2 month leases at ATTENTION GRAD stu Give your basement a break! 355-8270 4-7 12 (4) very reasonable rates. Sell those extra items you no CASHIER WANTED, neat dents large spacious quiet 4 CEDAR GREENS. 351 8631 bedroom newer house. longer use for fast cash. Call appearance a must. Exper VW 1970 rebuilt engine with ience nice but not necessary. 0 4-7-7 (5) Immediate occupancy, $390/ today to place your Classified new paint |ob and sun roof, month. 669-5513. 0-5-7 13(51 $850 or best offer, 351-8551. Good pay and benefits. Apply CIRCLE RATE WANTED in person only. CINEMA X ROOM IN deluxe townhouse, X 6 7 6 (4) ADULT ENTERTAINMENT pool, air, 5 minutes campus, 2 MEN. summer, furnished, 2 STRAWBERRIES-DOEHNES nrainminranra VW VAN 1969 runs good, CENTER. 1000 W. Jolly summer/fall option. 393 blocks campus. Call Bob Pick your own. Take 1-96 umnuracnrnra best offer over $200 332- Road 0 17-7-31 113) 8622 8 7 19 (4) 13131 256 1827 4 7 7 (3) west to Eagle exit H 86, turn UEHDmnDIUEOE] north (right! 4 miles to Cutler □ (□ 10 m m rn m m — 3478 8 7 7 (31 STORE DETECTIVES- call SHARE TOWNHOUSE with FURNISHED DUPLEXES for Road Turn left 2 miles. Ask □mincaciEnBnta Today's best buys are in tne 641 4562 between 10 a.m. mature woman, $100/month, 2. 3 or 4 persons. Available about season end specials. 3 TirrnnfUfUEorani and 3 p.m. Monday Friday. pool, air, furnished. 332-3617. summer and/or fall. 669-9939. pounds for $1.00. Bring con- Classified section. Find what • 11? JIH# IMIM1811III 0-17 7 31 (3) 2 7 7 (31 0 8 7 14 131 lainers. 1 647 6010. 4-7-6 110) you're looking for! / fhursday. July 6 1978 Michigan Stote News, Eost Lonsing, Michigan o HAGAR the Horrible sponsor (6)WJIM-TV(CBS) f Uv (IQ)WIIX-TV(NBC) y (I l)WElM-TV(Cobl») (H)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) by Dik Browne (10) Munsters (11) Tee Vee Trivia (12) What's Happening! Thursday 1:00 (11) Match Game (12) Partridge Family (23) Arabs and Israelis 9:00 (6) Young and the Restless (12) Bonanza (23) Turnabout 7:30 (6) Hawaii Five-0 (10) For Richer, For Poorer (23) Sesame Street (10) Michigame (10) Movie (1)) News 4:30 (11) Rally With the Peace (11) The Best of Sloucho (23) Classic Guitar of (6) Doris Day Guillermo Fierens People (12) Barney Miller (10) Gilligan's Island (23) Advocates 1:10 (12) Mary Tyler Moore (11) Little Rascals 9:30 (11) Northeast Journal (23) MacNeil/Lehrer 5:00 (12) Movie 1:30 Report (6) Gunsmoke 10:00 (6-11) As the World Turns (10) Emergency One! 8:00 (6)Barnaby Jones PEANUTS ^ T CLEAN ERS (10) Days of Our Lives (6) Waltons sponsored BY: LAUND DRY (11) Phil Donahue (10) Chips (11) Ed-ltorial Weiss Cracks (23) Old Friends...New (12) Emergency One! (23) No Way to Run a by Schulz Friends (11) Women Wise 2:00 (23) Mister Rogers' (12) Welcome Back Kotter Government Neighborhood (23) Once Upon A Classic 11:00 (12) One Life to Live 5:30 1:30 (6-10-11-12) News (23) Over Easy (23) Electric Company (11) Tempo (23) Dick Cavett THESE BALLS FEEL TOO 2:30 (6-11) Guiding Light 6:00 29' LGHT: MY SHOULCER. I 5Aip: shut up | NOW VOU'RE TRYING (10) Doctors (6-10-12) News MSU SHADOWS® HURTS:THE 5JN IS anp serve.'" !T0 PSVCHE ME OUT!! (23) Romagnolis' Table (11) TNT True Adventure killing .we; the net by Gordon Corleton L#r 3:0 Trails NewPete's! Alberta»MAC LOOKS TOO Hi6h.' under Moon's 3:00 (23) Dick Cavett (10) Another World 6:30 pxxtball pete's (12) General Hospital (6) CBS News (23) Crockett's Victory (10) NBC News Garden (11) Mary Sue Herdliska 3:30 (12) ABC News (6-11) All In The Family (23) Over Easy (23) Villa Alegre 7:00 4:00 (6) New Mickey Mouse (6) My Three Sons FRANK & ERNEST sponsored BY: (10) Mary Tyler Moore Club by Bob Thaves PEMEmRE/? HOW YOU ADVERTISE DONATED You/? gRAiN r* Tb HARVARD? . .. WELL, IN THIS SPOT HARVARD 15 DOMATINO IT TO YALE...AWP YALE l5 DONIVTINO IT TO CORNELL CALL 353-6400 ...AND CORNELL l5 DOfVATirv& IT • • » * LwC: sponsored BY: THE DROPOUTS CAMPUS PIZZA's by Post TRAVELS WITH FARLEY East location • rv, sponsored by: by Phil Frank MPWTHING OUT, bOC -HOUSTC HEAING, -LAVING ON Of THE HMDS, H64VV r.— WISH/W6-ETC. ,— ntowoi PILLOW TALK B.C. 8 FURNITURE i„ cndo. soHonj • }exy pHlow furniturs by Johnny Hart l]9 95 TUMBLEWEEDS CAMPUS by Tom K. Ryan PIZZA 337.1639 OUTA MY WAY BUSTER, OR ru. PLOW YOU UNDER UK A WEEP IN A PEA PATCH J! SAM and SILO' ,.EIt£ _ BUSSES H0S0S by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker sponsored by: ®Sin55 ~ CROSSWORD bhhiihb maana PUZZLE Nmi- I L b NOt bhcoards BHiTonlfll 28. At no tome SHiiE SQaransiiP . ohoes 30 Defendant vanant 31 Possessive adjective 33 Fished for congers 35 Sloth ■kteppEblii tf dmmn amieii 36. Leases SSDQSS iissihsh 38 Deplores sssss asEiisiti 40. Used in fishing 42 Pitfall 43. Satinc 46 Behave theatncalty 49 Brook 50. Protective coverings 6. Mum 7. Hotbed KAMSEY IEWIS 52. Obscure 8. Alarm "FT 9 MiHdish sponsored by: 10. Governor 15. The Emerald Isle BEETLE BAILEY 17. Acme by Mort Walker 19. Segregate vou say i i am proud.'its i came all that taken me a whole the wav up almost lifetime to slilp from nothing, , proudly/\ all thi5 up.' you know; Ilr-I/A 'M 1 0 Mich igan State News East Lansing Michigan Thursday, July 6, 1978 NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL Public jobs riskier than private :e NEW YORK 'AH1 - Somewhere below you, a sewer worker handling bacteria laden governments spent the equivalent of 1 1970 for capital needs, taking inflation lilh is nuking hepatitis. At street level, a highway repairperson is grimy with benzene and coal tar pitch — The safety council's latest injury figures, which combine the years 1974 through 1976, Ami somewhere above you, scaling cables hundreds of feet up. a bridge maintainer is show that in all industries, there were 16.87 disabling injuries and 668 missed work days, skm: h;- neck to change ornamental lightbulbs. per million hours worked. Hut public employees suffered 37.55 disabling injuries and lost Amnk'snie the numerous office jobs, the payrolls of state and local governments are 1,174 work days per million man hours worked. Federal job safety laws formulated in 1970 require, among other things, that private •eppered with jobs iik- these. On the average, working for the public is more than three irm's is dangerous as performing the average job in private industry, according to industry keep track of safety and health conditions in the workplace. They also ecently published figures from the National Safety Council. A recent Labor Department study found that injuries to federal workers are costing the Firefighters hove the high¬ protect private sector workers who com urn men: about $5 billion a year in direct costs and lost productivity. No figures exist on est death rate of any job, at plain about unsafe job conditions from losing their jobs. i'v.: employee injuries are costing state and local government, but those costs are 70 deaths per 100,000 work¬ But city and state employees have no such ir New York alone. Mayor Edward Koch has estimated that the 21,000 disabling ers, 10 percent higher than federal protection. The Occupational Safety lublic -a. riser injuries each year are costing the city nearly $100 million. the next highest, the coal and Health Act of 1970 specifically excludes Lam-r ami urban exp» rts say the growing health and safety hazards public employees miner, at 63 deaths state and local workers from its provisions. per ice are a hidden conseo uence of the money crunch affecting local government in the 1970s. Twenty four states have adopted OSHA Npe.uu.iy in the Northeast. 100,000 workers. like safeguards for public employees. But in The workplaces and tools of these jobholders — the public buildings, roads, bridges and the remaining 26 states, public workers Stot* Newi Bob Stern - the fire equipment, the garbage trucks — are deteriorating, and local have virtually none of the workplace safety •oxernments have less to spend on repairs and replacement. trkers ha According to Telecommunications major Paul Wolf, "we're all wearing protections that private set masks everyday." He likes to wander around East Lansing wearing his h.i\ ro.A ha\e come before potholes." savs John Shannon, of the Advis< The safety council's figure i erviews with labor experts in and out of government, "Just for fun! To give people something to laugh at." reveal how some of the mo ■rous private and public jobs compare: The average garbage coll injured on the job twice as often as the average coal miner, who holds the most hazardlous private sector job. according to the council's statistics. Mining injuries tend to b< Close to a smoker? Coal miners also face black lung di- Health Department found that saniti other workers in similar age groups ise from the air they breathe. The New York City ion people have twice the rate of heart disease as -cause, walking as they do behind garbage trucks, N—plant protesters march they breathe in high levels of exhau A recent studv bv the federal Envir lmental Protection Agency found that four out of 10 Watch your heart! solid I worke amputated during theii i year, have a 9 percent chance 23 percent chance of ending up of having a limb with some sort of against Midland project employed by a private contractor hauling trash is \P Sitting near cigarette Ordinarily, the men could exercise for MIDLAND tUPI) About 50 peaceful anti-nuclear demonstrators, singing and picking ile one who works for the city, county or a state is —