'(.lit taxesV Israel flaunts The Howard Jarvis war cry air power to rang out in Lansing Thursday By ANNE MARIE BIONDO Syria State News Staff Writer A California day in Michigan brought sunshine and Howard Jarvis to the state Capitol Thursday encouraging voters to support an amendment that, if approved, would slash warn property taxes in half. The amendment, modeled after California's Proposition 13, needs about 41,WW signatures by Monday to qualify for placement on the November ballot. ( By FAROUK NASSAR "What we've done in California," said the 75-year-old co-author of that states BEIRUT, Lebanon (API — Israel sent seven warplanes screaming over the battered Proposition 13, "we must do across the country." heart of Beirut Thursday in a show of force and clear warning to Syria to ease its As part of a nation-wide tax cut movement, Jarvis has been touring Michigan for the past stranglehold on the city's hemmed-in Christians. The United States was reported trying to week urging citizens to demand nothing less than a 50 percent tax reduction by supporting mediate an end to the bloody Syrian-Christian fighting in the Lebanese capital. the Tisch proposal. In Washington, the White House issued a statement by President Carter calling for a The amendment, named after Shiawassee County Drain Commissioner Robert Tisch, cease fire, saying the fighting "adds to the hatred and suffering accumulated over several would cut property taxes in half, limit property assessment to two and one-half percent per years of tragedy in Lebanon." year, and limit state income tax i: The Israeli jets roared in from the sea at rooftop level after hundreds of Syrian rockets » percent annually. set the Christian half of the city aflame in the sixth day of a Syrian siege aimed at subduing "The Tisch amendment re¬ Coming from a press conference in the independent minded Christian militias. Detroit, Jarvis stopped briefly to speak at Syrian anti-aircraft batteries opened fire when the jets appeared, witnesses said, but no duces taxes, the other peti¬ hits were reported. The Israeli military command said the jets were on a reconnaissance an anti-tax rally on the steps of the Capitol in tion raises taxes," Jarvis Lansing before continuing on to Kalamazoo. mission and took no action. The government in Jerusalem declared, however, it is "committed . . . not to let the said. "And people want re¬ The Coaliation for Property Tax Reform, Christian population be annihilated in Lebanon." The Lebanese Christians have aided duction in taxation." Speak¬ Tisch's group, is working frantically in its Israel in the fight against Palestinians in south Lebanon. last moments to get the minimum 266,000 ing to a crowd of mostly Israeli officials in Tel Aviv also said they were concerned about Syrian domination of local media signatures needed by Monday to put its Israel's northern neighbor. representa¬ amendment on the November ballot. The Israeli officials would not say what further moves might be contemplated, but the tives, Jarvis said he "hopes coalition claims to have obtained about deafening overflight by Israeli air force jets, shattering window glass and panicking every person who hears my 225,000 signatures. residents throughout Beirut, was a grim reminder to Syria of Israel's proximity and voice will get off his duff, Jarvis endorses the Tisch amendment military ability to intervene on the side of the hard-pressed Christians. rather than the less severe Headlee proposal The Lebanese state radio said President Elias Sarkis. a Christian who has tried to get a petition, sign and cir¬ which would allow state spending and taxes mediate Lebanon's multisided conflicts, had decided to resign but that other national culate It." to increase as the rate of inflation increases leaders, both Christian and Moslem, were trying to dissuade him. 1 in Michigan. U.S. Ambassador Richard Parker held a lengthy meeting with Sarkis early Thursday and was helping the Lebanese leader in his efforts to get Syrian President Hafez Assad to The other proposal, named after Richard Headlee of Farmington, has already secured ease up on the anti-Christian crackdown, Christian radio here reported. a place on the November ballot with 400,000 signatures. The U.S. Embassy would not comment on the mediation report. 'The Tisch amendment reduces taxes, the other petition raises taxes," he said. "And The pre dawn rain of rocket fire, lasting seven hours, pounded six Christian people want reduction in taxation." neighborhoods in east Beirut and the Christian-dominated port area. It set at least 40 Speaking to a sparse crowd of mostly local media representatives, Jarvis said he buildings afire and collapsed several others. The Christian Phalange Party radio station "hopes every person who hears my voice will get off his duff, get a petition, sign and said more than 1,000 rockets fell. circulate it." A police spokesperson said 17 Lebanese were killed and 36 wounded in the Jarvis admitted that the Tisch coalition got off to a late start in its petition drive. bombardment, raising the reported Lebanese casualty toll in six days of Syrian-Christian "But many great sporting events have been won in the last minutes. So let's do it, let's Howard Jarvis, trailed by sign-carrying demonstrator, arrives at the fighting to 184 killed and 615 wounded. do it, let's do it," he chanted as he dropped back from the speaker's podium. a The Christians again returned fire with machine guns and armor-piercing rockets. Robert Tisch said he is expecting to end his petition drive at the Cherry Festival in steps of the state Capitol Thursday to drum up support for the property- Syrian casualties in the fighting are unknown. (continued on page 12) tax slashing Tisch amendment. The turnout was small. Most of east Beirut's 600,000 Christians huddled in basement shelters without electricity or water and with their food running out, the Phalangist radio said. Sniper fire continued after the massive barrage ended at daybreak, reportedly on the orders of Syria's Assad. The Syrians are the core of a 30,000-man Arab League peacekeeping force trying to police the armistice that ended the 1975-76 Lebanese civil war. The Phalangists and the ACCUSATION INCLUDES ACTIVITY IN U.S. National Liberal Party, which fields the other major Christian militia group, have defied Syrian efforts to extend their control to Christian areas of the country. Syria and the Christians are also at odds over the Christians' alliance with Israel. So far, the Palestinians and Lebanese Moslem leftists, the Christians' foes in the civil war, have FBI head links Cuba to terrorism not entered the latest fighting. "The Syrian forces are performing a massacre on the Christian population in Beirut," Eliahu ben-Eliassar, director general of Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begins office, told reporters in Jerusalem. "It's easy at a time when there is anxiety Ben-Eliassar said Israel has "promised and committed" itself to prevent such a By JAMES H.RUBIN ... to sound the alarm," the FBI director massacre. "We shall consider steps to be taken not to let the Christian population be QUANTICO, Va. (AP) - FBI Director said. "We're all aware of this. But there's no annihilated," he said, William H. Webster said Thursday there is "Many of the propaganda manuals of the groups supporting the reason to rush to panic." evidence that Cuba is supporting terrorist But he would not say what the next move independence of Puerto Rico are thought to have been printed A chief problem confronting law enforce¬ might be. groups in foreign countries, including the ment is preventing terrorism without United States. in Cuba," Webster told a conference on terrorism at the FBI Israeli military intelligence chief Maj. sacrificing individual rights. Webster said. But he also said that though terrorist training academy here. "There are also strong indications of He cited figures showing that more than Gen. Shlomo Gazit said the Syrians had activities in the United States have in¬ amassed some 20,000 troops and 300 Cuban support for Palestinian terrorist groups." three-fourths of all terrorists escape punish¬ creased, there is little evidence of foreign ment for their actions while they are almost artillery pieces, mortars and rocket support for domestic terrorist groups. "Many of the propaganda manuals of the groups Puerto Rico supporting the independence of are thought to have been tion has existed. There have been efforts certain to achieve their aim of gaining widespread publicity. Webster said the FBI has often been baffled in seeking to capture terrorists launchers for crushing the Christian strong holds. "All this force...has been Christian parts surrounding the of Beirut and in the most Mdksiy terrorism at the FBI training academy by inside on printed in Cuba," Webster told a conference domestic terrorist groups to make because they are in small, tightly-knit systematic and cruel way destroying house here. "There are also strong indications of our own after house, target after target," he said. Cuban support for Palestinian terrorist contact (abroad). We don't think they've groups which are unpredictable and rarely Gazit also said "a strong Syrian domina¬ groups." been too successful." tip their hand about their goals beforehand. Summertime's for horsin' tion" throughout Lebanon would "very Webster told a news conference the Webster cautioned against overreacting In coping with terrorism, Webster said it around! See the photopak on much change the pattern of the borders Suspect held information on Cuban activities has been passed along by the CIA and most is classified. He declined to say if Cuba's to the dramatic increase in terrorists incidents. He noted, for example, that only 24 bombings in 1973 in the United States is essential that negotiations not be foreclosed at the outset. "We should not be precluded from surrounding Israel and what we call the confrontation states." Syria and egypt have W 5. been the main "confrontation states" in four involvement amounted to anything more were attributed to terrorist attacks, com¬ keeping communications open," he said, with Israel over the oast 30 years, weather for robbery wars than being a base for printing leaflets for pared to a high of 129 in 1975 and 111 last even though "concessions must be at the icontinued on page 12) outside terrorist groups. year. most minimal level." Today will be warm and The FBI is hosting 250 representatives of humid, with temperatures in law enforcement agencies, including offi¬ the 90s; chance of showers of E.L. bank cials from agencies in nine foreign coun¬ tries. Webster was accompanied at the news SLASH OF ONE-THIRD PROPOSED tonight. Prepare for more of the same this weekend, with hot and humid weather prevail- A Woodland, Mich., man was arrested by conference by Col. Ulrich K. Wegener, head FBI officials around 3 p.m. Thursday in connection with the burglary of the East of West Border Guard Germany's commando-style 9th Group. Wegener, said that restrictions on American intelligence Tax cut to be GOP's platform Lansing State Bank at 100 W. Grand River recent Ave. activities had not interfered with interna¬ WASHINGTON (AP) - Saying the averaging about one-third of the Sen. William V. Roth Jr., R-Del., said, Police are holding James D. Atkins on a tional cooperation among law enforcement cut, "We are not on the verge of a tax revolt. We charge of breaking and entering. agencies. country is in the midst of a tax revolt, personal tax rate, phased in over three in the midst of one. The average years, would be "the focus of all our efforts national Republican leaders announced are A total of $737 in cash was taken in the Webster said there was little intelligence at the Republican National Committee." American is angry .. . this is the first time break-in, which occurred around 2:30 a.m. suggesting that American terrorist groups plans Thursday to make their proposed were linked with foreign organizations. income tax slash this year's major election He said: "Republican candidates for the American worker sees himself in Thursday. FBI officials said the burglar apparently "I would discount foreign support for campaign issue. public office at all levels of government — downward mobility. The American dream is fled when alarms sounded, leaving behind terrorism at this time in this country," he National GOP Chairperson Bill Brock told federal, state and local — should make it the no longer there." four heavy bags of silver. said. "We do not know this cross-fertiliza¬ a news conference an across-the-board tax keystone of their campaigns." Brock reiterated the national committee's endorsement of the Kemp-Roth bill and said it also was approved by the committee's economic advisory council. New flood warnings issued in Minnesota The council gave tax figures for a family of four with two equal income earners and average tax deductions of 23 percent of adjusted gross income in approving the By PHYLLIS MENSING the basement instead of going up. We tried to get to them but we couldn't open the GOP tax-cut plan. ROCHESTER, Minn. (AP) — A new flash-flood warning was issued Thursday for the elevator doors. We could hear them screaming for help but that soon stopped. Rochester area where at least five persons were killed after torrential rains, and Police said Bonnie Carol Keller, 38. of rural Stewartville. drowned after her car was It said the tax cut would be $108 for such authorities evacuated residents near a cracked power dam downstream of the surging carried away by flood waters. Her body was found about 300 yards from the road. Her a family with $8,000 adjusted gross income; Zumbro River. husband had been following in another car. $228 for such a family at $10,000: $519 at Authorities said they had recovered five bodies by Thursday afternoon and feared Authorities earlier had said a woman may have been killed when she jumped from her $15,000; $792 at $20,000; $1,451 at $30,000; others were drowned in the floods that followed heavy rains of the night before. house to a waiting rescue boat. They later discovered she had survived by latching onto a and $2,336 at $40,000. Among those killed in the flooding were three elderly wheelchair patients and a nurse's tree. Authorities also amended early reports that several persons may have died in two aide trapped in an elevator in the flooded basement of the National Health Enterprises Alan Greenspan, who headed former President Gerald R. Ford's Council of nursing home on the banks of Bear Creek. The occupants of one car survived by crawling onto the roof of the vehicle, and no Economic Advisers, said Republican econ¬ Sheriffs Sgt. Gerald Hanson said he had gone to the nursing home about midnight to evidence could be found to confirm the other car actually was washed away. omists support a drastic tax cut because warn patients of the flooding but by the time he arrived the waters were so high he was About 4,000 persons were forced from their homes after the normally sluggish Zumbro "there is a point where taxes become such a unable to open the door. He was forced to crawl on the roof of his station wagon and was surged over its banks in southeastern Minnesota and spread over a mile-wide area in burden on the economy that they increase rescued by a city councilperson in a boat. some places. It crested Thursday at 22.5 feet, or 11 feet over flood stage and three feet deficits rather than reduce them." He said the elevator carrying the nursing assistant and the three patients "dropped to (continued on page 12) Friday, July 7. 1970 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Cuba trained guerrillas: Spain U.S. autos will sport The ETA said they receive the late Gen. Francisco Franco. Angola. year. dashboards MADRID. Spain (API - Basque separatist guerrillas terrorizing northern Spain have received secret commando The non violent arm of the group has been accepted as a legal party in Spain. FBI Director William Webster said Thursday that U.S. intelligence agencies have H. Since Spain's first free elec tions in 41 years, held just over a year ago. Basque guerrillas have claimed killing 14 police no foreign money, although they acknowledge they ex¬ change information with "other revolutionary groups" such as symbols on "The cost effects should be minor," said The men told police they information that Cuba is sup WASHINGTON (AP) - Starting with 1981 training from Cuban military received three months of guer porting foreign terrorist and 15 civilians, while wound¬ the Irish Republican Army. models, the dashboards of American cars will Ford spokesperson Chuck Gumushian. experts in Algeria. Spanish rilla training in an Algerian groups, among them Puerto ing 69. They have carried out be dotted with drawings of tiny oil cans, gas "We'll just include them when we design a police sources said Thursday. about 84 bombings. 31 holdups Spanish officials The report could not be army camp outside Algiers, the Rican nationalists and possibly estimate pumps, thermometers and other symbols new instrument panel for the 1981 models," and 31 kidnappings. ETA's commando strength said Chyrsler spokesperson Richard J.Mul- sources said. Palestinians. Webster spoke at intended to help the driver push the right independently confirmed. There have been suggestions jumped to between 500 and ler. The a three-day symposium on ter¬ button. The Cuban connection was Basques told police their in the Spanish press of involve 1,000 men and women in recent In anticipation of the ruling, automakers uncovered several months ago instructors spoke Spanish with rorism in Quantico, Va. months and that 1,000 The National Highway Traffic Safety Ad after police arrested some a Cuban accent. They said they The Madrid sources said the ment by the Soviet Union in the more are ministration announced the new rule Thurs have been including symbols on autos made were identified by other in¬ separatists were trained last Basque area. waiting to join. day, explaining the symbols will convey overseas, such as the Ford Fiesta (Ger¬ members of the Marxist Basque structors in the camp as Cuban information faster than words, with less many) and Dodge Colt (Japan). separatist organization, ETA. the ? soldiers. chance for human error. They have been They also have been added to some the Cuba is estimated to have common on most foreign cars for many years. domestic models, but only for four function — ETA is an a i Basque lanpage for Basque from 30 to as many as 500 GERMAN HEAI) EYES ENERGY POLICY The rule will apply to automobiles, multi headlights, windshield wiper-washers and hazard lights on autos and clearance lights on Land and Liberty. The organi military and civilian advisers purpose vehicles and trucks and busses with stationed in a gross vehicle weight under 10,000 pounds. trucks. zation seeks independence for Algeria, according Spain's four Basque provinces and the establishment of a The U.S. State Department Schmidt waiting on U.S. It also requires that speedometers be labeled in both English miles per hour and "We're all for the symbols and feel they will help the driver," said Muller. "We have found them very effective internationally. For Marxist government. has estimated there are as metric kilometers per hour. Some members of ETA. many as 39,000 Cuban troops in about what economic stimulus The decision ends a four-year study by the example, if somebody rents or borrows a car, BREMEN. West Germany - July 16 17. the Europeans faced control knobs and panel displays often are in formed in 1959. turned to several African nations and (AP) — Chancellor Helmut a deadline to reach agreement. measures it could take, and got safety agency on which internationally 6.000 civilian advisers. Most are accepted symbols should be included on U.S.- different places than what he's used to." violence in the eary 1960s in Schmidt, meeting with other West Germany is eager to replies from all but West Ger¬ said to be in Ethiopia and made vehicles. response to repression under Common Market leaders to plot maintain its low annual infla¬ many. tion rate of 2.7 percent but is The other market members strategy for the upcoming world economic summit, ap¬ being urged to increase gov¬ are Great Britain, France, peared Thursday to be resist¬ ernment spending or order a Italy, Belgium, Holland, Lux¬ ing pressure to stimulate his massive tax cut to stimulate its embourg, Ireland and Den¬ Griffin Bell held in contempt mark. Admitted 'Son of Sam' nation's economy until he sees whether Washington produces economy. Other Europeans — and the Germany is said to be looking an effective energy program. United States - hope the for a commitment by the declared insane, moved West Germany, with Europe's powerful West German econ¬ United States to cut down its PLATTSBURGH. N.Y. lAP) - David R. Berkowitz. the strongest economy, otal held a position in the bargaining piv¬ omy could then function as a "locomotive." generating new dependence on foreign oil — 43 percent of its consumption. Oil for refusing to obey order at the summit of the nine demand for goods and raw imports are a major cause of confessed "Son of Sam" killer, was declared insane Thursday and Common Market countries in materials, to pull the rest of the dollar's current weak po¬ ordered transferred from a state prison to a mental health NEW YORK (AP) - U.S. ment officer in contempt "until federal appeals court judge, this north German port city. Europe out of its economic sition and instability against Attorney General Griffin Bell and unless he purges his con¬ Murray Gurfein, in Manhatten. facility. Spokespersons said the gov- doldrums. European currencies and the Griesa issued his contempt At the request of prison authorities, Clinton County vernment chiefs, meeting be¬ But the Germans remained weak position and instability was held in civil contempt tempt by compliance with the order." order via a long-distance tele¬ Surrogate Irving Goldman ordered Berkowitz taken to the of anti-terror reserved about their intentions Thursday for his refusal to obey hind a screen against European currencies Bell could be fined im¬ phone call from California. Central New York Psychiatric Center at Marcy. a judge's order to disclose files or police, remained far apart on Thursday, seeking tradeoffs at and the Japanese yen. Goldman said the move could take place later Thursday or of 18 FBI informers. prisoned, but a hearing is Earlier in the day. Bell had the issues of how to deal with the Bonn summit next week in Bonn and other European scheduled Friday on a motion notified Griesa that he was Friday. inflation and unemployment. return for spurring their econ¬ governments want Japan to Judge Thomas Griesa of the Berkowitz. 25. declined a sanity hearing and signed a consent U.S. District Court in Manhat for a stay of the contempt prepared to face the civil con¬ But with their session with omy. The Common Market's take immediate action to cut its form agreeing to the transfer, according to Goldman. tan said he would hold the order, pending an appeal. The tempt decree by refusing to President Carter and Canadian Executive Commission polled heavy trade surplus with West hearing was scheduled before surrender the FBI files. and Japanese leaders fixed for each of the nine governments Europe. nation's highest law-enforce Check oul this You are invited to come in and inspect a spfe little collection of diamonds now in our large diamond sleeper SALT talks impeded by 'foes.' Soviet says b\ Form fit Ropers. inventory, and to examine the many choices in size, color, and clarity at attractive prices. The bottom Something Beautiful for Everyone. $ MOSCOW (AP) — Foreign Minister tente and are again trying to push the ruffle Andrei A. Gromyko said Thursday that world to brinksmanship." is the bottom Western foes of detente are "inventing a Soviet threat" to impede the U.S.-Soviet The foreign minister's speech, inter¬ strategic arms limitation talks and are ruffle. Its 1.2 carat 3 4 carat rupted five times by applause, came just 1/4 carat 38 carat trying to push the world to the brink of a week before his meeting in Geneva. n the collection collection collection collection Switzerland, with U.S. Secretary of State bikini! $150-5325* $300 -$525* $550-$900* $1100 -$1950* Speaking to the 1.500 delegates to the Cyrus R. Vance to try to remove the final 'Prices will vary according to exact Supreme Soviet, the Soviet parliament. obstacles holding up a new SALT pact. It Ilriphl nylon t diamond weight and quality. Gromyko said that while the Soviet Union followed a speech Wednesday by Pre¬ consistently seeks detente, "some peo¬ mier Alexei N. Kosygin, who told the piped and ple in the West are now storting noisy, if Parliament Washington is hindering not hysterical, campaigns against de¬ U.S.-Soviet economic relations. frilled with MORGANS Fine Jewelers Since 187K ruffles Meridian Mall. Okemos edped in while lace. 121S. Washington, Lansing Mini or (Irapefruit. I'se line of Morgan s convenient charge plans or American Express. Bank.Americard. Master Charge P-S-M. Mail and Phone Inquiries Invited: (517) 3194)320 4S2-OSKO 'Bottoms Tp University Mall-2nd Level 220 M.A.C. East Lansing 10-5:30 Mon.Sat. 10-8Thurs. Valuable Coupon Worth S1.40 Carter seeks inflation control in WASHINGTON (AP) - The Carter administration said Thursdoy that the upward spiral in consumer prices, now On spiral rise 1974, when prices rose 12.2 percent. Friday the government will release its report on inflation at the wholesale ★ Daily Happy Hours 450 Mi2at projected at 7.2 percent this year, could cause new turmoil in the economy if left level during June, along with the June employment and unemployment figures. ★ Nightly Drink unchecked. The administration raised its inflation The administration said inflation next Specials outlook for 1970 by more than a full year will be about 6.5 percent also ★ Sunday Nite — percentage point over the forecast made worse than previously believed. It said fi|lyou last January. A 7.2 percent inflation rote the new forcasts "emphasize the need to StM for the year would be the worst since find ways to control inflation." Spaghetti can Eat ★ Folk Entertainment Boston mass-transit strike strands commuters ★ Large Screen TV BUY TWO DELICIOUS W Footlong Chill Dogs 80c MR. TONY SUBMARINE SANDWICHES (reg) BOSTON (AP) — Some 4,200 subwoy, had been announced Wednesday night. bus and trolley drivers walked off their Suffolk Superior Court Judge John 2-5 Fridag FOR ONLY M.50 (and this coupon) SAVE *1.40 jobs Thursday, bringing Bostons mass Greaney ordered the drivers back to transit to a standstill and clogging the city work, and the MBTA said it wanted the with auto tieups during the morning rush system rolling for the evening rush hour. hour. Whether the Boston Carmen's Union GOOD FOOD • PIZZA • SPIRITS Most of the half-million commuters would cooperate was not clear. who use the area's public transit either Open M-F: 11 a.m. Sat.-Sun.: 2:00 "There is, indeed, an unlawful work 1227 E.Grand River drove or stayed home. stoppage occurring," Greaney said. "This PIZ2A A SUBMAAIITO The one-day job action, to protest a wreaks a great deal of havoc and harm 1 Blk. W. of Hagadorn 332-6517 515 W. Grand Rlvar (juit wait of Groyhound Station) legislative bill that could limit pay raises, on the community." NO MLIVMY Expire. 7/13/71 Pick Up or Din. In Only 332-8611 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan PrHoy. July 7, 1970 Chinese physicists at 'IP construction. West Germany currently has the world's best By PAULCOX State News Staff Writer heavy-ion cyclotron. When ours is completed in 1984, it will be the Six nuclear physicists from the People's Republic of China are in best," Blosser said. their second day of a visit to the MSU Cyclotron Laboratory today Very little is known about nuclear physics research or cyclotron as part of a U.S. China exchange program. technology in China, Blosser said, adding that he assumes the trip is to help future planning of a large cyclotron in China. "This trip is an ongoing exchange of scientific information, in "We are trying to build one similar to this one (MSU's addition to furthering our diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China," said Steve Kruchko, special agent of the U.S. superconducting cyclotron)," said Cho Yi-chung, one of the Chinese State Department acting as a security escort to the Chinese physicists. delegation. Members of the Chinese delegation were especially interested in In total, there are 12 scientists from China currently in the U.S., the thin superconducting filament used in the magnet of the new said Lois Edwards, assistant coordinator of the tour. MSU cyclotron. The other six scientists, who specialize in plasma physics, are at Most of the Chinese group had many questions for Blosser after the University of Wisconsin in Madison, she said. a slide presentation describing construction of the cyclotron. Edwards works for the tour's sponsor, the National Academy of The five men and one woman at MSU, along with the rest of the .Science's committee on scholarly communication with the People's Chinese delegation, arrived in Washington, D.C., June 16, Republic of China. Kruchko said. They will leave the United States July 15 from San The trip is part of an exchange program "facilitated" by the Francisco. State Department and the academy going on since 1972, Edwards said. She added that six U.S. groups will be going to China and six Following arrival at the MSU cyclotron, Blosser showed the Chinese groups will be received in the U.S. this year. Chinese physicists around the laboratory and held a question and The MSU Cyclotron Laboratory was chosen as a stop on the answer period. nuclear physicists' tour because the superconducting cyclotron will Yang Ch'eng-chung, chairperson of the Chinese delegation, be the most advanced equipment of its kind in the world when it is lectured on "Nuclear Research in the Chinese Academy of Science" after the tour. completed, said Henry Blosser, director of the laboratory. "Traditionally, the U.S. has been the leader (in physics The delegation will meet with others working in nuclear physics research), but in the last five years we haven't kept up in on campus before departing Friday at noon. State residents Yang Ch'eng-chung, right, chairperson of a delegation of nuclear physicists from the Peoples Republic of China, and other Chinese physicists examine an MSU cyclotron mock-up. favor limitation of north growth LAKE LANSING TURN LANES DROPPED ANN ARBOR (UPI) - Most northern Michigan residents, alarmed by the rapid migration of newcomers from downstate Road plan change OK'd If you are gazing into the western sky urban areas, support policies to restrict tonight and see a bright object, it is probably growth and development, University of a triple star. Michigan researchers reported Thursday. A triple star? It occurs, on this occasion, Scientists at U-M's Institute for Social when two bright planets and a star come Research based their findings on a survey By PAULA DYKE member to attend monthly board meetings of the Tri-County closely in to line. This stellar pattern was Metro Narcotic Squad's Board of Directors. of residents of Emmet and Cheboygan State News Staff Writer last seen in October 1949 and will not happen counties, located at the tip of the Lower Slight modifications of the Lake Lansing Road Widening project A request for such ac tion came in a recent letter from the Metro again until 2007. squad. Peninsula. "The brightest object in the western sky plans were approved Wednesday night by the East Lansing City Researchers Robert W. Marans and John Council. The letter asked for city council representation "to provide for at dusk is the planet Venus. There will be D. Wellman report their findings at length The original plans specified the construction of left-turn lanes at improved communication between the elected, or appointed, two objects close to it — the planet. Saturn, in a new publication, "The Quality of Marfitt Road and a right-turn-only opening in the median at official bodies that superintend police agencies comprising the and the star, Regulus, which is the brightest Tri County Metro narcotic Squad operation." Nonmetropolitan Living: Evaluations, Be star in the constellation Leo the Lion." Rolling Brook Lane. Both were eliminated by a council vote. haviors and Expectations of Northern Construction to widen Lake Lansing Road began about three Voting against the proposal were Mayor George Griffiths and Robert Victor, an MSU astronomer, said. Councilmember Alan Fox. Michigan Residents." weeks ago. The road will be widened to four lanes with a median The conjunction will be visable tonight Fox said he thought the request was "a sham" and yet another They said they found a "new mood" until Monday night. Victor dividing eastbound and westbound traffic from Coolidge to Marfitt said the triple ploy by the Metro Squad to gain city council support. among residents in the two counties which star will be easiest to see 45 minutes to an roads. is concerned with limiting growth and East Lansing city manager Jerry Coffman said the original road The council voted to withdraw financial support of the Metro hour and one-half after sunset. planning more carefully for it. widening plans were drawn up with the eventual construction of Squad in May. Of the year-round and seasonal residents the Davton-Hudson mall in mind. The mall, if approved, would be In other action, the council heard a motion by councilmember John Czarnecki to amend the Bike Path Plan to include the surveyed in the two counties, 69 percent located at Lake Lansing Road and U.S. 127. said they favored policies for limited But since the road widening project will be completed before the installation of bike path sidewalks along major streets in East development while 25 percent said they shopping mall issue is settled, the council decided to eliminate the Lansing. Czarnecki proposed that sidewalks to be used by bicyclists be opposed any growth whatsoever. extra lanes and the median opening which were designed to considered for construction along Saginaw Highway, as well as In general, Marans and Wellman said accommodate mall traffic exclusively. Grand River Avenue, Michigan Avenue, Hagadorn, Harrison and year round residents of the two counties Coffman said if construction of the Dayton-Hudson mall is were slightly more likely than season approved in the future, road alterations would have to be made at Coolidge roads. He said he believed such a policy would aid in obtaining state residents to favor extensive growth and the expense of the Dayton Hudson Corporation. funds for the bike path project. development because of the economic The council also voted by a slim 3-2 margin to appoint a council advantages they could bring to the region. •TARTINO TODAY MOON'S HAPPY HOUR Monday thru Friday 3t00 to 6(00 • reduced prices on pitchers e reduced prices on all mixed drinks It's a great way to beat THE SUMMER HEAT! Chains Chains Chains FICTION and NON-FICTION BESTSELLERS It's a chain now in paperback! reaction once JAWS2 BICENTENNIAL SERIES you see our PASSAGES CLOSE ENCOUNTERS complete se¬ THE THORN BIRDS HAYWIRE lection of chains YOUR ERRONEOUS ZONES in 14Kt. Gold SPLINTER OF THE MIND'S EYE Overlay. A RUMOUR OF WAR and many new releases daily! TRAVELING THIS SUMMER? * We have books on camping, hitchhiking, and back¬ specials* packing across the U.S. or overseas. pitcher special Also Rand McNally & Mobil Vacation & Business 15c Hotdogs Trippers Guidebooks 14 M HOURS: Mon-Fri 10 A.M. to CAMPUS LIVE BAND n*# 9 P.M.; Sat. Phone 10 A.M.-5:30 351-0213 NO COVER Wl1 VISA, MASTER CHARGE. bowen charge BOOKSTORE tonight. Malcomb, - Across From Borkoy Hall T-■■■ _ ^ .f Ruby and Hereafter mi««mm/mm amtlSi Seabrook points DAVID MISIALOWSKI to problems only Howard came Jarvis to town the sun can solve The Clamshell Alliance could well become the unsung hero of the late 70s. With their successful demonstration concluded in Seabrook, . . . And this is how it was: his plan on the ballot. Jarvis endorsed N.H., the group has shown the nuclear energy politicos that people do No colorful banners. No band. No the concept heartily, likening Tisch's not want unsafe nuclear energy. In fact, most of them do not want wide-eyed little children, hoisted aloft crusade to the last several seconds of a close sporting event. nuclear energy at all, safe or unsafe. by their parents to catch a glimpse of "a true American hero." No 21-gun salute. So what is it that Jarvis is offering us While we are completely for the elimination of nuclear fuel as a viable all? A plump, pleasant, middle-aged No counter-demonstrators, no hecklers, energy alternative, our opposition is founded in strict economic terms no pickets, no clashes, no blood in the woman who was circulating Tisch rather than the hysterical assumption that Detroit could some day fuse street. No nuthin'. petitions said she was "frustrated" by into a conglomeration of glass, steel and concrete because of a nuclear Just Howard Jarvis, squat and rum¬ politicians who refuse to listen to her. She said a drastic cut in taxes would meltdown. Technology is here to stay. And even though we might pled, shambling up the sun-baked steps of the state capitol, parking his ample mean a reduction in services, true, but if personally rather live in a cabin in the north woods, eating natural foods form behind a battery of microphones to that happened maybe people would and living the idyllic life, we can not deny the society. And society is in a tell a gaggle of True Believers that start "scrimping in the dirt" for a living one-way direction. In fact we are so resigned to the phenomenon of taxes in Michigan must be cut. Period. like God intended them to, instead of technology and its power that we are actually convinced that a "safe" "It's a great idea for you to put wearing long hair and bumming around something on the ballot to vote yes or California's beaches, like her son, who, nuclear power plant is feasible. no on," Jarvis figured, referring to the what's worse, has a wife that goes But that is totally beside the point. Even if the safest plant imaginable braless. property-tax slashing Tisch proposal. were ever built, the cost of uranium would render it impractical in a "That's a great idea." Maybe that's it. Maybe the Great matter of years. There lies our main objection, but we feel that it is large Jarvis offered this insight: "It's time American Tax Revolt has subtle sexual enough to outweigh all other arguments by virtue of the fact that it is to make this a government of, by and and social overtones. If women had less for the people." Several persons clapped taxes to pay, see, they would have more indisputable. when he made this statement. money to spend on things like bras and A 1976 MIT study showed that in 1973 uranium was a mere $6 to $8 dresses that hang to the ankles. Kids It was hot out. The caravan that per pound. By the time the report was issued, the price had zoomed to delivered Jarvis consisted of two ve¬ could afford hair cuts again. Business $40 a pound. Even a superficial look at the economic reality of the hicles, one a mobile home made of parts would boom as society became more situation reveals the sad fact that the price will never go down — it can from two 1962 Buick stationwagons. conventional and demanding in its Several signs reminded onlookers that standards. That's called free enterprise. only cost more. the Tisch amendment is strikingly Jarvis did not address the bra And maybe it should. A quick look at who exports uranium to the brouhaha, but did speak stirringly in similar to Jarvis' California brainchild, West shows countries who are either struggling under the yoke of defense of the free-enterprise system. A Proposition 13, which a year from now repressive governments — Rhodesia and South Africa — or have just is likely to close many California young malcontent wondered aloud why recently overthrown such regimes. Given the fact that white schools. General Motors pays so little in taxes, That's OK. Jarvis is all for education. and asked Jarvis to explain how the governments will eventually exit the Horn, leaving behind economic He told reporters that nobody who Tisch amendment would change this. chaos, their only hope for survival may lie in the cartelization of their Like a big patriotic Fourth of July tuba, really understood the Tisch plan could valuable resources. As much as we might dread the future of a cartelized Jarvis oompaahed that "we don't treat possibly be against it. Some reporters, world, the possibility is all too real to place our national stock in an mystified, pressed Jarvis on the point. people unequally in this country." His energy program that not only relies on a non-renewable resource but A particularly inquisitive scribe wanted jowls quivering with bewildered indig¬ one that will assuredly become more costly with time. to know who sponsored Jarvis' Michi¬ nation, Jarvis said "I don't see why gan jaunt. "It's none of your damn people don't understand how a free The only way the United States could ever prevent the rise in uranium business," Jarvis replied. "Who spon¬ government works." Then it was over. Tall skinny Tisch prices would be to increase involvement in African internal politics. sored you?" and short squat Jarvis wandered off Tisch (what's his first name?) was Whatever the reason for our African concerns, the fact remains; there too, a gaunt, sullen stringbean of a together, beaming, secure in the knowl¬ #IP I DlPNT AU26ADV 6*I*T SOMEBODY vdOUlO HAfc HAD 1& IHNWT MC ! uranium is not plentiful enough in the U.S. to ever be domestically man who towered over Jarvis. Tisch edge that one day America will be made viable. urged an all-out, last-minute drive to safe for democracy. Crazily enough though, we do have the viable means at our disposal. muster the petitions necessary to put Mutt and Jeff. We have a hundred-year supply of non-petroleum fuel — or so the coal concerns keep assuring us. We have the most advanced technological base in the history of the world. And we have one big yellow sun that goes up and comes down and never stops shining. Surely with one hundred years of concerted technological effort, solar power could become as commonplace as calculators. PAUL COX The biggest cause for the collective foot-dragging that accompanies solar energy plans is that there are still some bugs to be worked out of the system. Like: how will we ever be able to make a profit on the sun? Pre got the Ma Bell Blues but yours is a new account which we Tangled with Ma Bell lately? I have and it's not easy. haven't received yet so there is nothing we can do. You will have to call the business Dealing with a monopoly is not the usual office on Monday." Now I am really customer situation. If you don't like the bummed. ce you can't take your business to In brief I don't get my incoming calls and another firm. There isn't one. You are stuck I find out that when these various people with Michigan Bell — that is, if you want a try to call, they get a ringing response. telephone. Which of course leads them to surmise that Pull up a chair and listen to this one. I am irresponsible would be a good adjective to the middle of a typically hectic spring describe my person. So, I have to get up rm finals week trying to save myself very early Monday morning and make academically. There are a few other small apologies and try to get the Courier stories details to deal with, such as a place to stay done then. Ma Bell causes me to lose time, East Lansing since I decide to dedicate money and face. my summer to newspaperly pursuits. When I finally get the phone turned on Monday the only response to my situation is After securing a pretty good price on a a truly sorry one from some supervisor. university-town-type-apartment I start Somehow it didn't make it and I thought going about other minor details like it lacked class. I had a verbal contract that electricity, water and the all-important was not fulfilled. If I were in business and telephone. No, I am not a phone addict and upset someone that way, I would feel where friends are concerned I don't like the obligated to provide some type of reim phone because people can be so different on bursement to prevent that person from them, but that's another story. I need the taking his business elsewhere. phone because I moonlight at the Towne Believe me I would like to. if there was Courier, that well-known East Lansing I am quickly transfered to a salesperson. my phone in. He says it's not on now but it only another place to go. weekly. With a Monday deadline at the Courier most phone work is done on the I ask for the cheapest phone and emphasize will be by noon. I am happy. My struggle is not over, however, but weekend at home (is this apartment really that I need the phone that Friday. Since I Once again, I naively go into the Courier about to move into phase two. As you will home?) won't move in for over a week, I don't think office and leave my new number with probably remember, I asserted to my it's an unreasonable request. After this various people who will be contacting me charming salesperson that I wanted the Since I will move in on Friday and will sweet young thing over the weekend with story type informa¬ cheapest phone on the cheapest service finishes trying to sell me have to work over the weekend, getting the everything from three-party calling to that tion and I leave town for the night. plan. She neglected to inform me that phone in on Friday is important to my well convenient second phone, when privacy is a To my surprise and dismay when I return having the phone man bring the lovely little being. Of course, not having an unlimited to the apartment Saturday my cute little item to my place cost about twice what it must, she assures me my phone will :e of funds, I want the cheapest type of tan phone is making funny beeping sounds costs if you go get your own. function Friday. phone I can get. Never bothering to consult instead of a dial tone. It's not on. They lied Maybe I should have known better but I I busily moving into my apartment also think it was very unfair of them not to some apartment-wise people to learn the am to me. I am not happy anymore. TUB LI6HT"AT THE EMD OF THE ItlislNEL. that Friday and sure enough there is the inform this less-than-wealthy student-type system, I naively call up Ma Bell thinking I call Ma Bell and say, "my phone doesn't trill be straight with me. man from Ma Bell, and sure enough he puts work." The repair department says, "sorry, person. I did say cheapest. Letter Policy by Garry Trudeau f[ Ip-State News ] The Opinion Pago welcomes all lottoro and ewpoints. Readers should follow a few rnlot DOONESBURY 71 COULD HAVE BEENTHE WHERE WILL YOU W tnouro that a$ momy lotion at possible u i GO, ZON&R* WHAT Friday. July 7, 1978 appreciate wjr BEST. CORNELL. I COULD appear in print DROPPING B/, OL' HAVE BEEN A CONTENDER. WlllYOUDOUm Editorials are the opinions of the State News Viewpoints, columns and SCNOOLCHUM, BUTI'M THE GEORGE HAMUON COCOA YOUR LIFE NOW9. IDUNNO, letters are personal opinions AU Utters and viewpoints should bo typed AFRAID YOUR. uBum OPEN MS MAN, I JUST Editorial Department i SB-space linos and triple-spaced. Loiters ismmcm DUNNO. MAYBE and viewpoints must be signed and include lo¬ r HUP MB NOW. DENTISTRY.. Editor i n-chief James L Smith Enferfommen Dove DiMartino cal address, student faculty or staff standing . .. DavidMisiolov/ski Mike Klocke / -W Manoging Editor Sports Editor —if any—and phone number. No letter or KimShonohon Layout Editor Deborah Heywood Opinion Editor viewpoint without these items will bo consid¬ Nows Editor Michelle Chambers Copy Chief Kenneth E Parker ered for publication. Wire Editor Patricia loOoi* Stall Represrn ifaniel J Hilbert Photo Editor Kothy Kilbury Letters should be SB Unas or less and may be edited for State News style and concise- Advertising Department ess to fit as many Utters as possibU on Advertising Manager BobShoffer page. Viewpoints may be no longer than 75 Assistant Advertising Manager GinoSpoi lines and may also be edited. Friday. July 7 ,978 5 'U9 horse barn source of pride 'They respond to discipline well, but you have to be stern. If you coddle them, buddies, but Eagle Moon just falls asleep. they'll run right over you." "We've taken 100 pounds off him already this year. He's a slob," Shelle continued. John Shelle, manager of the MSU Horse Barn, turned and yelled instructions to a rider astride Eagle Moon, a massive grey Arabian gelding. Eagle Moon is one of 30 horses Shelle and five employees handle at the horse "Work with him instead of against him.. . put more weight down into your barn. Half are Arabian, half quarter horse, but all are purebreds. They are kept heels. Cock him into the rail just a little... now force the issue! Try to pick him for breeding, animal science courses for judging and selection practice and some feed experimentation for nutritional research. up with the stride so he knows you're riding him." "We are here mostly for PR (public relations)," Shelle said, noting that about Eagle Moon and Denise McNitt, a horse barn student employee, practiced 300 visitors show up daily at the barn during spring and fall terms. cantering around a large fenced circle. McNitt is working on a bachelor's degree in animal husbandry. She already has one in physiology and hopes to enter "Our main objective is to keep the place something that the University can be veterinary school. proud of," he said. "We have high-quality livestock in a facility that is both functional and beautiful." "He's taught more people to ride than you can count," Shelle said of the One male and four female student employees help keep it that way. They 8-year old Arabian horse. "Young horses go in their stalls and fret about their come from a variety of academic backgrounds and Shelle said he often hires applicants without experience with horses just so they will get some. "They don't like to clean stalls if they've had a lot of experience with horses already," he said. "Most of them work here just because they love horses." Starting at 7 a.m., all horses are fed and watered, and the pastured mares are checked. Horses are then "worked" (exercised outside) while stalls are cleaned. Chores are usually completed by 8:30 a.m., when Shelle sits down with his crew 4* over coffee to talk about activities planned for the day. Exercise can include riding, hooking horses up to a mechanical walker or allowing the horses to get rid of morning friskiness in the circular "lunging pen." After exercise, the horses are rinsed and regroomed in time for afternoon feeding and chores, which start at about 4 p.m. Quitting time usually falls near. Karen McCallum, a sophomore no-preference major from a farm in Breckenridge, Mich., has groomed dogs and handled cows, and prefers not to work with either. On the advice of a friend, she applied for and got the horse bam job in late June. The only problem so far, she said, was uncertainty about her responsibilities. "The horses know the routine better than I do," she admitted. Scots Double, a bay gelding quarter horse, stood quietly as McCallum brushed him and rubbed his coat with a cloth to make it shine. He snorted and occasionally stamped the floor as she fussed with his mane and fetlocks. Shelle breeds most mares yearly, under the guidance of Ron Nelson, chairperson of the animal husbandry department. They sell foals privately rather than at public auction. The foals bring a fairly good price, he said, but he does not aim to maximize profits. Most mares are turned out to pasture and no longer ridden once they reach brood mare age, at four or five years, Shelle said, where they seem to prefer their leisurely life outdoors. "This is the glamour end of it," he said as Alice Bonnen, a senior botany major, trotted a three-year-old bay quarter horse filly named Splashy String. "But it's really secondary to our work with the brood mares," Shelle said. "If you don't have any mares, you're never going to ride." £ Mkhiflon Slot* Ndws. Eost tonsing, Michigon Friday, July 7, 1978 This Weekend By JOHN NEILSON Theater Prof. Georg Schuttler, and is free to State New. Staff Writer the public. AMERICANA - The Charlton Park Village How's your B.Q. (Boredom Quotient)? and Museum in Hastings is presenting their Pretty high? I thought so. If that's the case, you'll be happy to hear seventh annual Antique Gasoline Engine that there are quite a few interesting events Show this Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Events will include tractor parades happening this weekend. After the doldrums and competitions of all kinds, a flea market, Summer Circle debuts with Brecht of the first few weeks of the summer, and after a Fourth of July weekend that nixed and exhibits of vintage American machinery. most of the scheduled events in the area, The park is just off M-79 between Hastings and Nashville, and tickets are )2 for adults, things are finally beginning to pick up around here. $.50 for children under 12, and free for Bertolt Brecht songs acappella. mood seems to prevail, emotion. characters and moods. He has By R08ANNE SINGER one For example: preschoolers. The sketches convey a range however, something immedi¬ The acting company functions added modern touches such as a MUSIC Jazz keyboard wizard Ramsey Ontology: the branch of meta- THEATER - This Friday. Saturday and — of mood from slapstick humor to ately breaks it. The audience as a whole with each actor reading of the front page of the Lewis will be performing at Dooley's this physica dealing with the nature Sunday are the last three nights you can see of being, reality, or ultimate cynicism to utter despair. When never relaxes long in t / assuming a multitude of roles. Lansing State Journal and a The Sunshine Boys at the BoarsHead Sunday for two shows at 8 and 10:30 p.m. The members are versatile and boxing champion from East Tickets are $6.50 in advance or $7 the night of substance. A definition that Theater. Ticket information can be had by only vaguely illuminates the slip into successive parts with Lansing. calling 484-7805 or 372-4636 days or 627 7805 the show, and they are available at Dooley's title and meaning of the Sum¬ mer Circle s first play of the H complete ease. Particularly im¬ pressive of the company are One inevitable problem with presenting Brecht in the United evenings. Barefoot in the Park will be performed and all Recordland stores. Also on Sunday is an all-star country music ' season, Bert Brecht'* Ontologi¬ es! Circus. This original produc¬ tion, based on the writings of A Nan Burling, Tom Vander- Weele and Mark Voland. The cast members wear suit- States today is that his ideas have lost their original context and power. Writing in Germany Friday and Saturday by the Black Sheep Pepertory Theater, followed by Love Rides the Rails (an Olde Tyme Melodrama) on show at the Lansing Civic Center featuring Waylon Jennings, Jessie Colter and Asleep at the Wheel. Reserved seat tickets are $6.50 the German dramatist, Bertolt ably non descript costumes of during the rise of Nazism, Sunday. Call the theater in Manchester at and $7.50 at the Civic Center box office and Brecht, presents in circus side¬ plain work pants and shirts that Brecht mocked Hitler, authori 1313)428 9280 or 9287 for more information. all Recordland stores. Showtime is at 8 D.m. show fashion a fascinating vari ** 1 allow them to add on pieces i they assume different parts. In ty, religion, the army, business and government. While the A circus-like hour of metaphysical madness Not a bad selection, eh wot? With any luck ety of characters, animals and based on plays of Bertolt Brecht is running things will continue in this vein for at least a ideas. The a series performance begins with of quick circus acts like a t' J a bar scene two actresses merely put on garters, head pieces and high-heeled shoes to Summer Circle audience could identify with jabs at those in government or business, they through Saturday in the outdoor theater behind Fairchild Auditorium. Bert Brecht's Ontological Circus was written by MSU while longer, keeping boredom off our minds and the dust off our blue suede shoes. In any case, be sure and keep your fingers crossed. it > play floozies. For a boxing human rocking chair and a could little relate to other less scene, stage hands bring a timely issues. toothless harmonica player. The cast members then do seal change of clothing onstage for Nevertheless, Bert Brecht's imitations and are rewarded the actors. Ontologies! Circus is a fascinat¬ u with candy. Georg W. Schuttler. who has ing collection of ideas and The action progresses to conceived and directed thie sketches, performed by an ac¬ stories of individuals and recre¬ hour-long production, has put complished company. The pro¬ ations of events. Memorable together from Brecht's works a duction continues through Sa¬ characters include Hannah, a fast-paced, interesting, often- turday at the outdoor theater surprising conglomeration of behind Fairchild Auditorium. haggard, destitute woman who marries a drunk but never stops loving him, and Evelyn, a pious woman who seeks Jesus in the Holy Land. One piece recreates a history of famous boxers, and in another two women partici- Fifty arrested in N.Y. ■pate in a boxing match. 9 H&fy585 are Interspersed in the sketches a typewriter imitation, a woman playing a bed. a dog State News Carol Sonenklor at Rolling Stones show imitation, tap dancing and a Nan Burling acts out her role in the presentation of ORCHARD PARK. N.Y. stadium medical authorities. vaudeville bit involving a brief Bert Brecht's Ontological Circus, a pastiche of (AP) — Fifty people were In 1975, during a similar case. Action stops occasionally Brechtian theater written by MSU professor Georg arrested during or after the concert by the Stones in Rich while a woman sings cynical W. Schuttler for the Summer Circle Free Festival. Stadium, around 170 persons Tuesday's Rolling Stones con¬ cert in Rich Stadium out of an were arrested and more than estimated crowd of 72,000, 600 needed medical attention. county and town police officials "It was the most beautifully- American musicians place high said er All Wednesday. were arraigned and eith¬ released on bail or held in executed concert in Rich Stadi¬ um, with total cooperation be¬ lieu of bail, on a variety of drug tween security officials and and other criminal charges. fans," said Harvey Weinstein, in international Tchaikovsky fest Erie County ties arrested 22 sheriffs depu¬ people, mostly promoter of the event. "Even the Stones thought it was one of their best gigs." on drug-selling charges, said MOSCOW (AP) - Elmar for taking part in the compe- months to practice. Chief Robert Ford. The only moment of trouble Oliveira of the United States "I played my heart out in the Chief Robert C. Henning, of came after the Stones finished, shared first prize for violin with Officials announced on finals and I did the best I could," Town of Orchard Park police, when about 300 persons re¬ DyaGrubert of the Soviet Union Wednesday that Mikhail Plet- said Martin, a native of Hous¬ said his men made 28 arrests on mained, demanding an encore. in the sixth international Tchai¬ nev of the Soviet Union won the ton, Texas, after the final a variety of criminal charges. kovsky musical competition, gold medal for piano in the results were announced. She Henning said most of the ar officials announced early Thurs- compeition. Ninety one pianists said she still earned a special rests were made after the dijr. from 23 countries took part. diploma for her participation in concert near Buffalo. Oliveira, 28, of Binghamton, N.Y., was among four Ameri¬ cans to reach the third and final round for violin in the grueling Gayle Martin, 26, of New York City, the only U.S. pianist among the 12 finalists, did not place among the medal winners. the Tchaikovsky competition. Second prize for piano was shared by Pascal Devoyon of France and Andre Laplante of "The concert went remark¬ ably well," said Ford. "It went very smoothly for an event of that size." Togetherness HOT month-long competition. She said earlier she considered Canada. Third prize was shared Around 250 persons needed is their middle Two of the other American musicians who made it ot the finals also won prizes. it a "miracle" that she made the finals because she had only four by two Russians, Nikolai Demi- denko and Yevgeny Ryvkin. medical treatment, most of it minor, during the concert, said name. SUMMER Dylans Jenson of Blooming- CENTRAL ton, Ind., at 17 the youngest South Baptist Church participant in the violin compe¬ tition, shared second prize with Mkho Dimitrov of Bulgaria. Daniel Heifetz of New York City LIMITED METHODIST Across from the Capitol 15)8 S. Washington Lansing TRACKS Through tho cracks SUNDAY, TiOOp.ni. shared fourth prize with Kim of concrete" How to win font aim Ho of North Korea. Dr. Neil F. Bintz and infloonct poopla FROM The fourth American in the Worship Services finals of the violin contest, 10:00 A.m. Sung-ju Lee of New York City, 0l4Sa.ni. did not place but won a diploma Nursery Available Collogo fallowtliip J25J477. Collogo Diblo and rnfroifcninnH A&M Claw in Mm 8:30 p.m. [eastminster Presbyterian"! Firatida I church RECORDS 1315 Abbott Rd. (North of Sog.now; Their last album was Something SUNDAY, 8)30 A 11:00 East Lansing To Love. Specially since it I SUNDAY JULY 9,1978 Dad's way to foilillaMnt featured that hit "Back In Love Worship: 1:30110:45 a.m. I FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening Again." Now there's a new reason | THEME: Model-building for Mission j Coll 482 - 0754 for information Dr. Howard F. to feel the same way once more: LP's 7.98 List Sugden, Pastor Their latest album, Togetherness. PaulW.Grwn Timothy Uuist I Kenn Hecht, College Minister 337-0893 337-0183 L.T.D. is Togetherness. OuA&M Records &Tapes (§ UNIVERSITY REFORMED 8 TRACK & CHURCH CASSETTE TAPE 4930 S. Hogadorn REG >7.98 LIST AVAILABLE AT (across from Akers Hall) ONLY THE NEWLY Study Groups 9:30 WORSHIP 11:00 a.m. EXPANDED Coffee Hour 10:30 & 6:00 p.m. STOP ...MORE THANJUST A RECORD STORE For rides: IN CALL 351-6810 after 9:00 a.m. Sunday AND SEE 220 MAC. UNIVERSITY MiUl Tom Stark, Pastor ABOVE ALLE'EY US! PR. 3323525 Michigan Stote News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 7 1978 7 Dylan: once and future king IFCCD f © time on, he continued to have The opening cut begins with moments of glory, but too many a great rock beat, an Al people were waiting for him to Kooper like Highway 61 organ, And while the King was looking SAY something; to give them and Dylan's voice, this before down/The Jester stole his thor¬ the Word; to save them. Dylan he introduces the horns and ny croum .... was having too many problems female backing chorus who - Don McLean, A merican Pie from simply being Bob Dylan mimic the last words of every and, as such, there wasn't a sentence. This continues It is a Hibbing, Minnesota whole lot to say. What was throughout the LP, most not said winter in 1958. Sixteen-year-old were solipsistic treatises that ably on "Is Your Love In Vain?" Bobby Zimmerman has just returned from his 20th viewing of Rebel Without A Cause, and sometimes scend. And, managed to tran¬ with approach Dylan's current (and that, we which could very Dylan's can almost own well become "My Way." You imagine him on a P£KWG ReSTAURANr has now retreated to his room final?) phase. Vegas stage with the horns and to read Jack Kerouac again, to listen to the radio, and to escape the treacherous weather Dylan has lately been refer¬ ring to himself as "an enter tainer." Several weeks ago, he strings blaring behind him. Dylan includes a perfect cross section of numbers that and Lounge outdoors. did a series of concerts at Los are reminiscent of his past, and "This is a brand new one from Elvis," says the deejay, introducing the voice that made Bobby practically forget about . . . even the two-sided album cover (Dylan Hank Williams two years ago. He thinks of the entire cultural in street and stage pose) depicts that he is revolution this one voice has trying to reconcile the old and new images — spawned. "Someday I'm going to become "street legal," if you will. to be bigger than that boy," he says to himself. Only problem was when Bob¬ by was finally ready to go "on Angeles' Universal Theatre, be¬ lyrically, he plays the same the road" in 1961, rock 'n roll fore embarking on his second trick. There's the solipsistic was no longer a viable force. (Ah! The significance!) tour of stance dealing with his divorce. Uncle Sam had Elvis, and, with Europe. The show startled There is the protest message few exceptions, the airwaves people, but it won over even song. There are the Dylan were dominated by pop schlock the cynics. "He could take this hallucinations which will take from the likes of Bobby Vinton show to Vegas, and not change years to understand, if ever and Bobby Vee. Not wanting to one note," writes Rolling Stone. understood at all. And, finally, be just another Bobby, our hero Dylan talks to the audience there are the symbolic Christ adopted a new surname from a now, shakes hands, does a images that deal with the Welsh poet who drank too medley of his "hits," and even problem of being rock's oldest much, and headed to New York. wears a white suit similar to living legend. As is expressed the one Elvis donned shortly in "Changing Of The Guard," He became the best in a new after his wife left him and Dylan is changing from "guard" breed of folk singer, the only depression set in. (Sarah Dylan to showman. dominant musical force at the divorced Bob several months Street Legal U an excellent time. He recorded albums. The ago.) LP, his best since Blood On The civil rights movement was be¬ Milton Glaser released his These changes are evident in Tracks, even though I never tions, and jacked a stratocaster. ginning, and a war was brewing The folkies were outraged, but famous Dylan poster with the Dylan's new Street Legal thought I'd hear a Dylan album in Vietnam. Dylan wrote lyrics world "ELVIS" subliminally (Columbia JC 35453), and even like this during the days of to express the protest senti¬ Dylan reached his cultural goal. "Desolation Row." However, I hidden in the troubadour's hair the two-sided album cover ments of the time, and every¬ Aiong with John Lennon and can't help recalling Greil Mar At the Peking Restaurant, 1515 Center Street in Lansing, Jagger Richard, he was the line. But now it was too much (Dylan in street and stage pose) one involved in the evolving rock outlaw who would he the for Bobby; he was frightened depicts that he is trying to cus' conculsion to the Elvis dining is a family affair. The minute you enter the restaurant new counterculture proclaimed reconcile the old and new in his Mystery Train him king. The answers were model for what was to be called and living too fast. A James essay book. Marcus visualized Elvis you're aware of the friendly atmosphere. Mrs. Wang, as everything from hippie and Dean like ending almost came images — to become "street blowin' in the wind, the legend in Vegas, singing hostess, greets you with her wide, warm smile to seat you flower child to punk and com¬ in the form of a 1966 motorcycle legal," if you will. The music onstage was beginning, but it wasn't accident that put Dylan out of depicts the same. Let it be said Dylan's "I Threw It All Away." in a dining room complete with a fireplace and Chinese mie throughout the '60s. enough. commission and into a Garbo- from the outset that this LP DYLAN at The Sands (WINGS the MGM Grand?). Who lamps. And if Lennon was God and like reclusive state. includes some of the greatest at His travels soon took him to melodies Dylan has written in knows? Maybe he'll pull it off. England, where Dylan re¬ Jagger was Satan, then Dylan The accident might be com¬ over a decade. Beautiful music, He's certainly done it before. So discovered rock 'n roll. Dylan was Jesus. "Messiah!" the pared to Elvis' army stint, as came back to the U.S.A., wrote masses proclaimed. And right Dylan emerged a mellower and but that doesn't make it any history repeats itself, and the For dramatic dining try the deep fried rice dropped into world rolls some Rimbaudian hallucina- in the midst of psychedelics, changed person. From that less weird. on. soup which steams and sizzles as it's served at your table. Chinese pancakes, the counterpart to tortillas, are rolled with slivered pork and sprouts. They specialize in Polynesian drinks with Mai Tais, Scorpions and Singapore Slings, some Pink Floyd's guitarist steps out of the favorites. ByDAVEDiMARTINO desperate, defeatist lyrics that the non-thematic Floyd LPs like The Peking Restaurant offers banquet facilities that will Meddle, Atom Heart Mother State News Reviewer are vaguely preachy but cer seat up to 130 guests. Reservations are accepted, and on tainly understandable morality and Obscured By Clouds, and I get the feeling that I like weekends this might be a good idea. The restaurant is Pink Floyd for all the wrong statements dealing with our while not particularly excep¬ time. Most center on themes tional, the songs are a welcome located on the corner of Center and North Street. It's easy True Floydophiles rave about such as the great rat race and change from the instrumental to get there from MSU if you follow Grand River (Oakland) excess that might have been. the tragic loss of Syd Barrett man's inhumanity to man and to Center Street. The hours are 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday thru after the band's second album; hint at the existence of some Considering that almost all of most feel the band to be wholly overriding ethical or moral Animals was being performed Thursday; 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Friday and Saturday; and Noon incapable of ever reaching the omniscient force that seems by Pink Floyd three years to 9 p.m. on Sunday creative heights Barrett's Floyd before the LP's release, Gil¬ capable of making value judg¬ were able to attain. ments but is forced to sit on mour's LP is the first really new work by a member of Pink Floyd "KAIN-PAI" (Chinese toast for "bottoms up"). in three years. Why the band has such problems with new Considering that almost all of Animals was material is somewhat under¬ standable, in light of Dark Side being performed by Pink Floyd three years success but five years have before the LP's release, Gilmour's LP is the — SPONSORED DT: passed since then and, unfor¬ first really new work by a member of Pink tunately, there hasn't been much to show in the interim. Floyd in three years. David Gilmour is a good LP, and while it doesn't quite helplessly, watching. The clos¬ The most exciting ADVERTISE YOUR Another school of Floyd ap¬ approach any of the full-fledged preciation maintains that the est approximation for this fig¬ Floyd masterpieces, there's no idea in eating RESTAURANT ure I can come up with is a sort reason to really complain. If you band peaked with Ummagum- manic-depressive Watcher since the sandwich! O ma, which set off a chain of Marvel comics for details — like Pink Floyd, you'll like the HERE CALL reaction of space-rock bands see — album, no more, no less. OK? David Gilmour like of Tangerine Dream and Amon Duul II, and then took a who This happens to like rock 'n roll. impression is particularly Olga's 353-6400 slow downward plunge into the strong in the Roger Walters/ Ron Geesin collaboration Music murky depths of Atom Heart Mother's orchestrated rock. From the Body, an underrated Good Food The final faction of Pink Floyd fans first heard the band during the group's massive success album released in the early '70s which very gracefully melds like and life processes into one. Motors receive full approval RESTAURANT and Drink with Dark Side of the Moon. Less and less of these fans All of which is to say: David Gilmour is in Pink Floyd, too. By JOHN NEILSON State News Reviewer bar band boogie. Songs like "Dancing the Night Away" every song is built incredible hooks that leap around FINE NORTHERN ITALIAN F000 , i i !\/l N Downtown Laming remain after the comparatively He took Syd Barrett's place, Approved by the Motors and "Emergency" proved out at you with every listen. IUNCH 00 O $dtM SUMMER 9 Ok O and . . . CASUALS TOPS ! NOCOVER! ★ WOMEN'S $050. $«*50 Drop in and see Sam's SUMMER * 1 12 SLACKS new arrivals Must have coupon O One coupon per order 5» E. GRAND RIVER. E. LANSING HOURS: MON-SAT 10-6 CLOSED SUN. 11203 E. Grand River _ _ _ 2380 L Grand River 2 blkt. We»t of Frondor ■ Um NEXT TO BAGEL-FRAGEL ^337>l6^jBS4Mt Michigan Stole News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 7, 1978 BORG. COMERS REMATCH SATURDAY Wimbledon finals approaching By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL WIMBLEDON — Jimmy Connors, return shot — and the second with a backhand passing and managed to get advantage. But * playing with the power and precision which made Connors rallied to clinch the set with an acutely him Wimbledon champion in 1974, wore down angled backhand following an attempted drop fellow American Vitas Gerulaitis 9-7, 6-2, 6-1 Thursday to reach the men's singles final for the volley by Gerulaitis that he read early. Connors, scoring almost at will now, zipped Drobac, Beeman fourth time in five years. into a 4 0 lead in the final set before Gerulaitis Connors will meet defending champion Bjorn finally broke Connors' seven game winning foresee winners Borg in Saturday's $51,000 final. streak by holdinv his service. Borg reached the finals with 6-4, 6-4, 6-4 It was only a temporary halt in Connors' victory over Tom Okker in his semi-final match. storming finale, however. The left-hander com Borg beat Connors in five sets in last year's fortably held his service and rounded off the final. The 25-year old left-hander from Belleville, match with a love game on Gerulaitis' service By JF.RKY BRAL'DE III., was tested to the full in an absorbing State News Sports Writer — finishing him off with a typical double-fisted 67 minute first set but then ran away with the backhand down the line. Alter two weeks ol play. \\ imbledon has found its finalists for two hour match as Gerulaitis caved in under the Chris Evert reached the women's finals for the today and Saturday. Wimbledon veterans at MSU, Frank constant pressure of Connors' attack. fourth time in six years by defeating defending Beeman and Stan Drobac, have now decided to stick their necks The packed center court crowd, enjoying a out and give their laithful predictions on the winners. champion Virginia Wade of Britain 86, 62 rare glimpse of sunshine after 10 days of Wednesday while Martina Navratilova wore Drobac and Beeman played together as doubles partners and shivering temperatures, was treated to some down an injured, limping Evonne Goolagong of in the singles tournament in 1946. spectacular tennis in the opening set. Australia 2-6. 6-4, 6-4. Although both of them agree that Evert will take the women's Connors started in impressive fashion, break¬ singles tournament, they have a contradiction on the winner of ing Gerulaitis' service in the opening game, but Navratilova, a Czechoslovakian who defected the men's singles tournament between Jimmy Connors and the 23 year-old New Yorker broke back to level it to the United States three years ago, is Bjorn Borg. at 3 3. appearing in the finals at Wimbledon for the first The reason for the contradiction deals with the aspect of the Gerulaitis, losing semifinalist against Borg last power game being played on grass, the surface used in While Evert took vacation at the beginning year, grew in confidence as the match progressed a Wimbledon. and had a set point in the 10th game only to be of the past indoor season. Navratilova estab Beeman feels Connors will win because he is more adapted to foiled by a swerving second serve from Connors. lished herself as the game's top player, crushing grass surfaces than Borg. It was Connors who finally broke through in any pretender to the crown worn for the last Connors reached the finals with a 9-7, 6 2, 6-1 sweep over the long 13th game which lasted 11 and one-half several years by Evert. semi final opponent Vitas Gerulaitis Thursday. minutes. Gerulaitis saved five break points Then Evert returned and beat Navratilova in "On grass, it is easier to keep more pressure on the opponent before volleying long one of Connors' powerful their first meeting. w hu h favors Connors," Beeman said. Connors taking Gerulaitis forehand drives. But two weeks ago, in the Eastbourne in straight sets strengthens my position on him." Gerulaitis, with three superb angled passing International, Navratilova defeated Evert in a But Drobac feels that Borg will rise to the occasion and shots broke back immediately to level at 7-7 but marathon three-setter. overcome the disadvantage of not playing on his best surface. "The match at Eastbourne should give Connors took the next two games for the set with me "Borg is just the best player in the world," Drobac said. "He some spectacular running forehands. The match confidence," said Navratilova. the second seed, of has won just about everything. Yet. he is lucky to be where he as a contest was over. Friday's pending battle. "I can win if I can is right now in this tournament. He sould have lost to Connors maintained his relentless pressure, produce my best." Victor Amaya, hut that's why he's there. He knows what it's forcing Gerulaitis into errors. He broke the New Top seeded Evert feels she could be just about." Yorker's service in the third and seventh games reaching her peak. Borg reached the finals with a semi final sweep over Tom when Gerulaitis double-faulted for the first time "I still haven't reached top form," she said Okker H 4. 6 J. 6 4. to trail 2-5. after disposing of Wade, who won last year. "I "Wimbledon is the greatest tournament in the world," Drobac Changing rackets, Gerulaitis saved two set hope it will happen in the finals — it's leading up said. "They all rise* to the occasion and play like crazy there." points — the first with a fierce forehand service to that." Drobac feels that Chris Evert is in a class all by herself. "She has won it so many times and Martina Navratilova (her opponent in the finalsi has never won it," Drobac said. Beeman also agrees with Drobac about Evert having the Chris Evert, shown AP here lunging for a shot in her semifinal win over Virginia Wirephoto Speedswimmers work for improvement "Mar player lore i aggressive but Evert is a more steady said. "I don't think Navratilova will be able to (continued from page 8) school through brochures sent ire on Chris for a long time." Wade, will take on Martina Navratilova Saturday in the women's finals of the sary to become a competitive to their school coaches, or Wimbledon tennis championships. Jimmy Connors defeated VitasGerulaitisand swimmer are a willingness to through advertisements in pa¬ Bjorn Borg downed Tom Okker Thursday to advance to the men's finals work, a willingness to learn, pers and sports magazines. The The women's speed swimming Saturday. and the drive to compete, which swimming sports school doesn't school, scheduled for Aug. 6, is he added "may be natural, can also be developed." but need much advertising. Kenney already filled. fimui.ml: ^ 349 2700 MERIDIAN MALL ^ r Meridion West Meridian East Gibson hitting tear in Florida Each speed swimming session ft jaws 2! Willi AM Hi H DIN on costs $115 which includes room, IK OICWI afl board, instructions, and use of through the free-agent draft, the sports facilities, Kenney BVMlfN After getting off to a slow place at the mid-way point of start at the plate, it appears the but season with with a many 31-38 record, additions Lakeland will be bidding for its third consecutive league title. said. The boys are informed of the omen n^v that MSU's two-sport standout Twilit* S:IS *0 S:4S M" | Kirk Gibson has finally master¬ ed minor league pitching. It'll blow your mind! According to a press release from the Detroit Tigers, Gibson Lansing Art Gallery 425 S. Grand <1$ unmarried w- man ^4 ^BOIssY 1 has now cracked seven homers in 70 at bats for Lakeland. The release points out that a one- „ , 1 Watercolor & gum- for-10 ratio is very rare in the pitching-dominated Florida print exhibition tihh State League. The team is only in fourth July 5th thru 30th opening reception SUNDRY, RT (PRC'S | / r yf JASON AND THE V ■ ARGONAUTS s HAT NIGHT! \ * fi Sunday July 9th 1-4 p.m. American Graffiti The Last Woltx 1:30 SM 100 £9 L Twil>»»4:!5toA:«J T 3?S You might even end up ir * * » * * *^4 OPEN DAILY at 1 PM FEATURE at 1:30-3:30 BURT REYNOLDS 5:30-7:30-9:30 PM "THEE*#). A comedy for you and YOurlc^ HELD OVER % R jflorthside 2ND BIG WEEK! TONIGHT OPEN 7 PM FEATURE 7:25-9:25 . SAT-SUN 1:25-3:25 5:25-7:25-9:25 IT'S FOR EVERYONE! LflflSinC-1 STARLtTE^l SCIOAR ST NEAR JOLLY R U S 27 WEST OF WAVERLY ■ ».^TONY CURTIS A MICHAEL RITCHIE Production THE BAD NEWS BEARS GO TO JAPAN BILL LANCASTER »•*«•«», MICHAEL RITCHIE JOHN BERRY ***«», PAULCHIHARA ■—... "A DAMNED EARLY BIRD - 5-5:30 p.m. - $1.50 GOOD OPEN at 1 PM DAILY MOVIE" SHOWS at 1:15-3:15 5:15-7:15-9:15 PM Peter Falk Ann-Margret Eileen Brennan Sid Caesar Stockard Channing James Ctico Dom DeLuise Louise Fletcher John Houseman Madeline Kahn Fernando Lamas Marsha Mason Phil Silvers AbeVigoda Paul Williams RICHARD PRYOR Nicnl Williamson HARVEY KEITEL Thi. time it', Neil Simon who, ivallv Junnit. YAPHET KDTTO TheCheap Detective PLUS. Plus... John Wayne "AIRPORT i UTS PARAHOUft! PlChOfSCOePOMi NO PASSES ACCEPTED THIS ENGAGEMENT "The Shootist" JOHN TRAVOLTA ■77" OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN SAT-SUN EARLY BIRD-5-5:30 PM-'l .50 •-riday, July 7, 1978 1 0 Michigon Stote News, Eost lonsing, Michigan Bracy, Payne lose Senate candidacy Bracy, whose legal at temp; i<> <>\crt irn the board was joined by Miles ruled since Bracy and Payne were expected to meet the Hobo'Fry Pan' 'odd-jobs' along BELVIDERE. III. (API - Fry Pan Jack Fisk remembers wells, helped butchers and bakers and odd jobbed his way GRAND RAPIDS (UPI) - The state did not discriminate the romantic days of the hobo from Chicago to Seattle to Los Payne, argued during a court appearai ce Monday that under state same requirements as the other six Democratic candidates, they against two would be candidates who were denied a spot on the election law he needed only 100 signal ires in each of 20 counties to could not claim discrimination. — when welfare, social security Angeles. Democratic primary ballot for Senate, a federal judge ruled Miles had earlier issued a temporary restraining order and food stamps weren't his "The hobo worked hard," the win a place on the ballot. Thursday. staples. 64 year-old drifter said while The action by U.S. District Judge Wendell A. Miles apparently He based this claim on a provision a the law stipulating that a prohibiting the printing of ballots in the Senate Democratic primary pending his final ruling in the case, He drifted, panhandled and panhandling a beer in this candidate for the Senate must file at east 1 percent of the votes dashes the campaign hopes of Ann Arbor law professor Warren D. worked only when he wanted. northern Illinois city recently. cast for his party's Secretary of ^ late candidate in the last The ruling left six Democrats in the running for the chance to Bracy and Detroit attorney Harry Payne. But when the hobo worked, He said he was en route to November election. oppose incumbent U.S. Sen. Robert P. Griffin or his challenger, Since he could find no discrimination in the case, Miles ruled he he worked hard, Fry Pan says. Chicago or wherever strikes his The last November election was in 076 but did not include the Oakland County Prosecutor L. Brooks Patterson, did not have jurisdiction and let stand an earlier Michigan The six are: state Sens. John Otterbacher of Grand Rapids and Fry Pan should know. Since fancy. Secretary of State. Supreme Court decision keeping the two men out of the race. However, the canvassers and the Supreme Court held that Anthony Derezinski of Muskegon, Ann Arbor newspaper jumping his first boxcar in "There was no income tax or The Board of State Canvassers refused to certify Bracy and 1928, Fry Pan has picked fruit welfare and we supported our¬ despite the language of the law. the an ount of signatures collected publisher Philip Power, former Detroit City Council President Payne's candidacies because neither man had collected the 17,764 must be based on the number of vote s cast in 1971. Carl Levin and state Rep. Paul Rosenbaum of Battle Creek. and cotton, repaired dams and selves," he said. petition signatures required to participate in the primary. Books ... now showing ! Transmission The Great Summer ■Maintenance Special Take Along! INDIAN • Change transmission fluid » • Adjust bands. Clean screen. 0951 SKIES • Replace pan-gasket. phii fluid • Complete road test. star lore ct • • • -v. LakOi Indians 6026S.Cedar 393-7540 (at Miller) 9000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | Your One-Stop Magazine Shop Too. Paramount DOOLEYS & Community Newscenters Irandor 4 Meridian Mall, V Open 7 day, a week Paramount 4 Community Mewscenters lo serve you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ramsey lewis 3101 E GRAND RIVER JUST NORTH OF - Summer Rates now FRANDOR in effect -Open bowling all day and evening every .Rent-a-lane nightly day! sundayT july 9 8&10;30pm 11:00 pm - YOO am -Reduced draft prices during Rent-a-lane -fTlixed-drinks Reduced ! ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo daily H am - 6:pm ADVANCE TICKETS FOR 6.50 r— For fHore Information call 337-9775 AT DOOLEY'S AND A BOTH RECORDLAND5 tei theatre 'Meet Mowgli.tke man cub. Baloo tkinks Ke'll make a darn good bear Shere Kkan thinks bell make adarn good meal. Got the summer term blues? Cheer up and take a summer study break, and you'll get a break at Olga's Kitchen. HOLIDAY WEEKEND SPECIALS ^ OLGA'S KITCHEN WILL BE OPEN JULY 4th! ■ SUNDRY f] Purchasei jSPECIRI ICA|50*0ffAny ■ DINNER of 1002.00 or c More. | (with this c - Iff Fresh Food Dealt ■ ■ - Original Olg, or 0lg« Burger | , Eurklriu Try any of our delicious Olgai, or our ■ Olgas, • Fresh Fries — tasty spinach pie, a crispy salad, fresh • Pepsi fries, or any combination of the really different, really delicious things to The Olgas are without a doubt therte eat at /"-veat Olga's Kitchen. at Olga's most exciting idea in eating since the sandwich... And Fresh Fries, I will, most everyone agrees \ Limi they're the best testing til HARRIS. Secastion CABOT. louoPRIMA. George SANDERS, fries around. .'erring HOLLOWAY RUDYARD KIPLING If2 Coupon good Sun., July 9. TECHNICOLOR TiXZZZXZ ^" ' WAI.T DIMNKY - OLGA'S KITCHEN 01oa's V kitchen OLGA'S KITCHEN , "r« Sign OF . Grand River, E. Lansing 133 E. Grand River,E. Lansing I L133 E. GrandGOOD WITH THIS C0UP0H OHIYfll Friday July 7. 1978 1 1 Michigan State News. Eost Lansing, Michigan HE m 1 • «/ . ;. MJf Employment H 1 *P*rtments FRANKLY SPEAKING ...by phil frank i For Sale ^ Real Estate '« Typing Service A Classified Advertising NIGHT DISPATCHER- 9 p.m. ROOMMATE FOR fully fur INSTANT CASH. We're pay FULL SERVICE restaurant in Information - 7 a.m. Must have good njshed. Pool, sauna, air, 882 8556. 14 7 10 (3) AREN'T TO) SDPFDSEP ing $1 $2 for albums in good shape. WAZOO RECORDS. the heart of ski country, showing excellent gross Real (ONE 355-1255 347 Student Services Bldg. knowledge of local streets and landmarks in Lansing SINGLE FOR summer, on ID POLLCNER 223 Abbott. 337-0947 C 17 7-31 141 Estate include living quarters terms available COLWEll b UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS area. Apply in person. Call for appointments, 487-2400. MAC, $60/month utilities. 332 5095, Paul, mes includes FDR A DISCOUNT. NEW. used, COMPANY. 222 South Lake Street, Boyne City, Michigan COMPLETE DISSERTATION AND RESUME SERVICE 4 7-7 16) chairs, files. BUSI Idoy -fOC per lino 3 days • I0< per line SUMMER EMPLOYMENT sage. 2-7 10 (3) POLICE f(ASP5R?. desks, NESS EQUIPMENT CO.. 215 E. Kalamazoo. 485-5500. (616)582 6724. Z 9 7 7(9) type setting. IBM typing. BY OWNER 3 bedroom. 1 U full and part-time positions. 0 17 7 14) hath 1718 Osborn Road, imBiitniin 6 days • 75< per line Automobile required. 339- Thank you i into en oa I days • 70C per line 9500. C 17-7-31 13) for SEWING MACHINES Lansing $32,000 484 4061 332 8414 C 17 7 31 8 slightly 47 7 13) imiinmm coming back to used, guaranteed, $39.95 and gjonnnom Lino rot# per insertion CASHIER WANTED, neat ■rnirnrmnn appearance a must. Exper BEECHWOOD up. Open arm chairs from $89.50. EDWARDS DISTRI EAST LANSING 3 dential lots. Whittier Drive. rest Wanted S ience nice but not necessary. BUTING Co., 1115 N. Wash Mature trees. Suitable for Good pay and benefits. Apply ington. 489 6448 C 1 7 7 (61 EconollMi • 3 lin.l ■ '4 00 ■ 5 days 80' par lirrt oyer Filled for s walkout basement. Buy now. in person only. CINEMA X 3 lines. No adjustment in rate when cancelled. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT A few left for fall. VISIT MID-MICHIGAN'S build later $15,000 each. 371 3710 4 7 7 15) Price of item(s) must be stoted in ad. Maximum CENTER, 1000 W. Jolly largest used bookshop. sale price of *50. Road. 0 17 7-31 113) CURIOUS BOOKSHOP, 307 Peanuts Personal ods • 3 lines '2 25 per insertion. E. Grand River, East Lansing. Recreation m 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment) STORE DETECTIVES- call 332-0112. C 1-7 7 (61 FURNISHED HOUSE Rummoge/Garage Sale ads • 4 lines *2.50 641 4562 between 10 a.m. STRAWBERRIES PICK your 63' per line over 4 lines • per insertion and 3 p.m. Monday - Friday. own 35C per pound Open 7 SANYO REFRIGERATOR. -Round Town ods • 4 lines ■ *2 50 ■ per insertion. 0 17 7 31 13) Call 12-5 2'x2', 8 months old, under a.m on picking days. Well behaved children welcome. 63'per line over 4 lines, 332-00S2 warranty, $80. 337-0532 after SUMMER EMPLOYMENT GIBBS BERRYLAND. South lost C founds ods/Transportation ods • 3 lines • '1 50 e COLLEGE MEDIA SatVICES box 4244 BrrktlfyCA 94704 6 p.m. E-5-7 14 (3) AT ROSELAKE WILDLIFE of Onondaga, 1 628 2663 per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. RESEARCH CENTER 8 7 10(6) COMPLETE STEREO system, SUBLET SUNNY room, fur through work study program. excellent condition, best nished, pets, close, across 373 9358 7 7 17 15) LOW COST flights to Israel Deadlines from 2 7 10 I3I park Pat. 351 0455. Apartments ^ Houses offer 332 1806 8 7 20 (31 Toll free 1800 223 7676. Ads - 2 p.m. -1 doss day before publication. FLAT TOP guitars, largest 9 a m 7 p m. NY time Cancellation''Chonge • 1 p.m. I class day before Apartments selection ever. WILCOX Z 3-7 7 (31 publication. ROOMS IN townhouse. MSU NEAR- 5 minutes from TRADING POST. 485 4391 Cf Juedo Christian setting. $65 Thank you for campus, 3 bedrooms, kitchen You can take Once od is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed FIFTEEN DAYS free rent' C 15 7-31 (31 until after 1st insertion. Own bedroom in 2 bedroom utilities 332 0199 8 7 20 131 coming back to stove, refrigerator, dining room, washer, dryer. Ample Service \ my ad out There is a M.00 chorge for 1 ad change plus 50' per apartment. Big, Cool, nice, parking, nice yard, bus V3 of the paper. additional change for maximum of 3 changes. $90. 332-8741 after 5 p.m. CEDAR VILLAGE FREE LESSON in complexion I got the block $295 plus utilities. 8 7 12 (4) care MERLE NORMAN The State News will only be responsible for the 1st APARTMENTS Available immediately. Call MOST LP'S priced $175 results Tom Brook 669 3834/ 484 COSMETIC STUDIO 321 day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must EAST LANSING Fall. 1 bed¬ $2.50. Cassettes, $3 quality 5543 C 17 7 31 14) I wanted. be made within 10 days of expirotion date room furnished, air, utilities, BOGUE AT RED CEDAR RIVER TERRACE 2555 4-7-7 (12) guaranteed. Plus 45's, song WEDDING FLOWERS, low 99 Bills ore due 7 days from ad expirotion dote If not parking. $220, books, more. FLAT, BLACK balconies, 351-5180 poid by due date, o 50' lote service charge will $230, 374-6366. 0 17-7-31 (4) LAKE LANSING 3 bedroom, AND CIRCULAR, upstairs. cost top quality, full service be due. air. stove, refrigerator, $175 541 E. Grand River. Open 11 623 6545 8 7 17 3 DUPLEX ONE room, central now filled for plus utilities. Available Aug¬ a.m. C 16-7-31 (61 We get calls such as Only a few left!! air, immediately, furnished 669 3719 or 351 0829 summer and Fall ust 339 2972. 1-7-7 (5) FREE NEEDLE check, bring .n your record player needle for this every single day. EAST LANSING- semi-fur¬ Animals free check at anytime Spe [ Automotive j ^ Auto Service / Waters Edge 6-7-14 13) RESPONSIBLE MATURE nished for 3 or 655 1255 after 6 p.m. 4. Call Craig, cial prices on new needles. MARSHALL MUSIC. East • Reduced Summer rent ROOM IN deluxe townhouse, ANGLO-LIPIZZAN horses, smokiny male for apart 6 7 14 (3) Lansing. C-1-7 7 '6) AMC HORNET Sportabout, MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. pool, air. 5 minutes campus, non bred for dressage and jump¬ from 4160 ment 332 1758. X 8-7-17 1972- clean, air, automatic, Kalamazoo, since 1940. Auto • Two and four person summer fall option. 393 ing. Call 349 1574 8-7 13(4) WILL BABYSIT in my Haslelt $700 or best offer. 355-9585 days, evenings 332-7027. painting-collision American-foreign cars. 485- service, apartments 8622. 8 7-19 (4l Rooms J[/A FREE AFFECTIONATE male home, prefer 4 years or older 339-2793. 5-7 13 13) SHARE TOWNHOUSE with 7 months old, 2-7-7 (5) 0256. C I 7-7-31 15) • Walk to campus Thank you for 1 BEDROOM summer sublet tiger cat, mature woman, $100'month, nice house, 2 blocks, from neutered and declawed Days HOUSEPAINTING mside or coming back to m CHEVROLET WAGON, 1973 1050 Watersedge Dr. pool, air. furnished. 332-3617. Union, $80 month + utilities, 371-5550. evenings 332-8748. out. Professional experience, Impala 400. Two new tires, (next to Cedar Village) 2-7-7 13) 337 9246. 8 7-10 (4) 5-7-14 (4) best rates. Call Bob. 489 very good mechanical condi¬ 332-4432 0565. 2 7-10 141 DELTA ARMS tion and body. Battery js only 5 months old. $1,000. Phone 487 3096 after 6 p.m. or ONE MAN needed for 2-man Thank you for SUNNY ROOM entrance. 13 Liz. 351-7217. WITH private Sublet, begin July 8-7-17 (4) [lost I Found ^ FOR QUALITY stereo vice. THE STEREO SHOPPE ser apartment for fall through coming back to 353 9589 days S 6-7-7 17) June 1979. Own bedroom, now Filled LOST CAT- small, male, 555 E. Grand River SINGLE ROOM, large house, tiger. Albert Street, new carpet, drapes. 348 Oak- BURCHAM WOODS location, kitchen, orange C-17-7 31 131 CHEVROLET LUV 1976 4 hill. 332 3365. 8-7 14 (5) excellent between Division and Bailey. speed, air, AM/FM, camper Now filled for for summer laundry, parking, $60 month. Reward. Call 355-2361 days. shell. 669-3085. 8-7 17 (3i summer-Just a few and fall 332 1918 8-7-19 (4) 351-2754 evenings. 2-7-7 (5) Typing Service .ill EAST LANSING, deluxe one CUTLASSS 1972. automatic, bedroom, furnished, walk to left for fall. FOUND- IRISH Setter, male, COPYGRAPH SERVICE vinyl top, radio, $950, 2 door. shopping, dining, MSU. Fall Make a Meridian Mall area, flea collar Complete dissertation and lease. From $195. Manager EUREKA NEAR Sparrow. 351 3625.7 7 14(31 only. Animal Control Center, resume service. Corner MAC 351-4745 5 9 p.m. 8-7-12(61 reservation now One bedroom apartment. 676-2431. 3-7-10(41 and Grand River. 8:30 a.m.- DATSUN, 1974- 260Z. 2*2, efficiency $175 Partly furnished, parking. GRADUATE WOMAN, large 5:39 p.m. Monday-Friday. air, 4-speed, 49,000 miles. Available now. $135 351 attractive b furnished, sum¬ 2 BEDROOM, furnished, 1 bedroom $210 LOST BROWN wallet with 10 a.m.-5 p.m Saturday. $4000. 351 4025. 8-7 19 141 7497 0 4 7-7 (5) mer. References needed. woman's ID. Reward. 332- 337 1666 C from $205/month. Available 2 bedroom $290 ED2 1746. 2 7-7 (5) 17-7-3H7l_ _ fall. UNIVERSITY VILLA. 5095. ask for Joan. 1-7-7(3) DODGE DART convertible, TYPING. EXPERIENCED, 1967. Excellent condition, GOOD USED tires, 13 14-15 351-2044, 351-8135. 0-16-7-31 141 Call between 12-5 H0Bses * | For Sale LOST- TOY Collie, male, fast and reasonable, 371 332-1165. 3-7-7 (3) inch. Mounted free. Used 351-3118 tattoo inside thigh, reward. 4635. C-17-7-31 13) wheels and hub caps. PEN- 4 BEDROOMS. 3 bath, fin 332-4970 after 5 p.m. 2-7 7(4) FORD 1972. price, STATION 4-door. wagon, reasonable must sell. 337-0086 NELL SALES INC., 1825 East Michigan. Lansing, Mich. 48912. 482-5818 Pine Lake FURNISHED APARTMENTS available for summer. Swim¬ ished basement. 2 car garage, washer, dryer, dishwasher included. Available imme 100 USED vacuum 1 year up warranty, DENNIS DISTRIBUTING cleaners, $7.88 and FOUND BLACK female cat. Pink collar with bells, on 6/30, ANN BROWN typing. Disser tations-resumes-term papers. 601 Abbott Road. North en¬ News between 6 p.m. 4-7-13(4) - 7:30 p.m. C 1-7-7 31 (61 Apartments ming pool, 2 month leases at very reasonable rates. SEVEN diately. $450 plus utilities COMPANY, 316 North Cedar 482 2677. C-17-7-31 (5) Grand River Avenue. East trance. 351-7221. C 17-7-31 14) 332-5264. 8 7 17 (7i Lansing. Call MSU Small 6080 Morsh Rd. THIRTY ONE. 351 7212. GRAND PRIX, 1973 loaded, Animal Clinic. 353-5420. THESIS. TERM Meridian Moll Area 0-4 7-7 (5) 642 S. Francis Street. 2 NEW. USED and vintage papers mint condition, must sell. ; Employment bedroom house, available guitars, banjos, mandolins, 2-7-7 (61 typed. Quick Quality 332- J*7.:1? (3) '165 plus utilities SOUTH HOLMES near July 15th for 2 month or 22 etc Dulcimers and kits, re¬ 2078. 0 14 7-31 13) JAGUAR SJ6 Sedan 1972, MANAGER TRAINEE- na¬ Sparrow, one room upstairs month lease. 332-6715, or corders, strings, accessories, Rmnmage Suit ^ tional theater chain, college automatic, air, 59,000 miles. 349-3604, 6 p.m. 9 p.m. books, thousands of hard-to- EXPERT TYPING by MSU degree, willing to relocate, efficiency. Cooking, share find albums (all at very low <61 grad. 17 years experience Phone: $4500. 322-0288. 8-7-7 8 7 20 I3)_ salary, benefits, contact: bath. Prefer male. $75. 351- prices). Private and group 2 FAMILY yard sale, rain or Near Gables, call 337-0205 7497. 0-4-7-7 15) shine. Saturday, July 8. 9-6 JEEP RENEGADE CJ5 1976, Chet Wasko, Meridian Thea¬ AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, lessons on guitar, banjo, C-17-7-31 (31 p.m. Sunday, July 9,1-6 p.m. 304 V8, power steering, low ters, 349-2702 Monday-Friday own room in 3 bedroom mandolin, all styles. Gift certi¬ Clothes, antiques, junk. 215 mileage, excellent, 372-1039 between 1 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. modern duplex. Near Forest ficates. Expert repairs-free Linden, East Lansing. 2-7-7(6) TYPING-TERM papers. IBM after 6. X-8-7-10 (5) 8-7-17 171 Free Akers, $110 month plus utili¬ estimates. ELDERLY IN¬ experienced, fast service Call 339-8192 ties. Fall option. 394 4494 STRUMENTS. 541 East MOVING SALE, furniture, 351 8923 0 17 7 31 (31 OLDS DELTA Royale 1974 convertible, excellent condi¬ tion, loaded, $3600. 663-3182. COOKS AND dishwashers wanted. Neat, clean and de¬ pendable. Apply in person IvAnings Roommate Service 10-7-24 (6) 2 MEN. summer, furnished, 2 Grand River. 332-4331. C 16 7 31 (13) records, clothes, households cheap junk. 939 Burcham. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. July 8-9. 1-7-7(4) EXPERIENCED dissertations. IBM typing, (pica-elite). 355-8255 7-7-10 131 from 2 p.m. ■ 5 p.m.. The blocks campus. Call Bob MINALTA SRT 101 58 mm SEAHAWK RESTAURANT, FEMALE TO share 2 bed¬ FAYANN, 489 0358 1313) 256 1827. 4 7-7 131 1:4 lens $125 355-7308. YARD SALE- Sunday, July PINTO RUNABOUT, 1975- 4 Williamston. 5 7-14 (6) room, 2 bath, furnished 332-4431 8 7 13(3) 9th, noon-6p.m.; July 10th, 9 C 17 7 31 13) cylinder, automatic, radials, apartment located in Brandy- FURNISHED DUPLEXES for 1542 Cambria 30,000 miles. Excellent condi¬ MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST, wine. Near clubhouse, tennis, (We will match you 2. 3 or 4 persons. Available BLACK DIRT, sod farm soil. a.m.-1p.m. Drive. 351-0241. 1-7-7 (4) tion, $1725. 351-4960. MT IASCP). Full and part- indoor/outdoor pool, sauna, Approximately 5 Vi yards de¬ time positions available in our exercise room and organized with compatable summer and or fall. 669 9939 8-7-7J5j clinical labratory, all shifts. social activities. Available oommates) 0 8-7 14 (3) livered locally. $40. 641-6024 Buying new stereo equip¬ ASSISTANT OPERATIONS or 372 4080. Fill, sand, gravel, VEGA HATCHBACK, 1974 ment? Sell the old for extra Excellent starting salary and immediately. Security deposit ATTENTION GRAD stu available also. 0-17-7-31 (6) cash with a fast-acting Classi¬ MANAGER PROBLEM 3-speed, 49,000 miles, good fringe benefits. Apply at Per¬ required. Call 351-1224 after dents- large spacious quiet 4 condition, $800. Evenings sonnel Office, LANSING 5:30 p.m. 2-7-7111) bedroom newer house. WE HONOR the GM pro¬ fied ad! SOLVER GENERAL HOSPITAL, 2800 SUBLEASE 1 space in 4 Immediate occupancy, $390 gram OPTICAL DISCOUNT, Devonshire, Lansing, Michi¬ SUBLET JULY 30 - Septem¬ month. 669 5513. 0 5-7 13(51 2617 E. Michigan. C-4-7-7(3) NOW LIASIN9 VW RABBIT, 1977- green, woman. Air, security lock, 2 AM/FM, C3 unit, $3500. gan 48909. 372 8220 ext. 267. ber 13,1 bedroom apartment, bath, spacious. 332-0927 af¬ FOR SUMMER Not Jusi Another Desk Job • This is a 5-7-13 (11) furnished, pool, air, close to ter 5 "Hands On" position working with all 371-3572 after 5 p.m. p.m. 5-7-12 (4) HASLETT. 2 blocks from JULIETTE STEREO, 2 walnut ANDFALL campus. $150. 332-7121. 8-7-14 (3) PERFECT PART-time job. 8-7 19 (4) beach. 3 bedroom, furnished, speakers, good condition, levels of Management & Personnel. four or five adults. $360 $50 or best offer. 332-8260. VW BUG, 1973 29,000,5 star Evenings hours. Must be condition, $1795. After 9 p.m. SOUTH SIDE 2 bedroom Give your basement a break! month 332 4076 8-7 20 (4) E 5-7 13 (3) neat, dependable and have Position (newly created) with o scrap metol processing • Sell those extra items you no call 393-5942, before 5 p.m. own transportation. Call be¬ apartments, dishwasher, air snd brokerage firm. Opportunity for advancement with a 355-8270. 4-7-12 (4) tween 3 and 6 p.m. 655-3931. conditioning, carpet. Call longer use for fast cash. Call today to place your Classified dynamic, aggressive expanding organization Involve¬ 8-7-19 (6) 394 5369 noon to 9 p.m. ment in the following areas and phases of the business VW BUS, 1971- excellent WEEKLY NEWSPAPER near X 10 7 21 (5) 1978 MAZDA GLC condition, new paint, $1500 negotiable. 351-8999. campus needs advertising (Great Little Car) Personnel Production Control & Techniques X-6-7-17 (3) manager, sales talent re¬ 10 SPEED SPECIAL '3395 freight and dealer prep additional quired, experience helpful. Purchasing VW VAN 1969 runs good, Flexible schedule, may also ARAYA EPA rated highway 44 mpg Traffics Dispatch best offer over $200. 332- do double duty as reporter. SEMI-PRO MODtl Processing 3478 8-7-7 13) Call 625-3181 before 5 p.m. Quality Control Shimono600Q R Hobs Tuesday, July 27 or after July SHimono 600 Derailleurs Scheduling AND CHECK OUT Project level Assignments L Mo Sanrice / ] 5. 8-7-7 1101 BABYSITTER CARE for 2 Shimano 600 side pull Brakes Dura ace Bar End Shifters COLLINGWOOD ARTS I Planning S Budgeting 90# tires, alloy rims *oir conditioned BRAKE PARTS including children, references required. *dishwasher brake pads, shoes, and hy¬ Double-butted frame Qualifications liberol Arts Business Technical or Engm 351-1816 before 2 p.m. or *shag corpoting draulic components in stock Reg. List after 8 p.m. 8-7-13 (4) $269.95 1119.91 •unlimited parking at CHEQUERED FLAG FOR¬ *2 bedrooms EIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 East mediate Opening • location Detn TEMPORARY MAIL room 23 Black Only •models opon daily Kalamazoo St. 487-5055, one Salary Open summer *1§S help- 4-6 weeks. Two shifts Velocipede Peddler HP mile west of campus. Send Resume in Confidence to C-17-7-3147) available. 8:30 a.m. COOK-HERRIMAN, INC. 12 month cell 351-1212 *17S 4:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 541E. Grand Rl.tr ' ' 6135 W. Saginaw • Watt ot laming Mall JUNK CARS wanted. Also midnight. Apply at 3308 (behind Rollorworld South Cedar, Suite H 6. E. Laming 351-7240 321 - 6900 on the river) selling used parts. Phone 5-7 14 (6) 321-3651. C-17-7-31 13) Friday. July 7. 1978 \ 2 Michigon Stole News. East Lansing, Michigan Jarvis at Capitol to garner support Lansing man leads lone (continued from page 1) Traverse City "With every on Saturday. spit (of a cherry pit) we're going to get another signature. We're going over the Tisch "conned can, a great Ameri¬ Howard Jarvis, into think¬ ing that his tax proposal will do the same for Michigan as Propo¬ sition 13 did for California." "Tisch and Jarvis are asking the people of Michigan to vote Announcements for It's What's Happening must be received in the State News office, 343 Student Services Bldg., by noon at least effort for Space Week top," he said. themselves higher taxes. This two class days before publication. Headlee, proponent of the An analysis of the Tisch tax- misguided approval does not No announcements will be accept¬ less drastic tax-cut amendment, cut revealed that the average control total taxation and ed by phone. has been reported as saying state taxpayer would pay more spending," Headlee said. COGS summer term daycare By PAl LA DYKE something deserve some credit. Now they will get it." scholarship applications are avail¬ State News Staff Writer Fourteen state legislatures, including Michigan, have passed able at 316 Student Services Bldg. After Earth Day and Sun Week, what could follow more resolutions in accordance with requests from Christmas. The Through today. For details, call logically than Space Week? Dick Christmas of Lansing not only thinks the idea is logical, 14 states are outlined in orange on a large U.S. map tacked to his bedroom wall. Israel warns Syria with warplanes 353-9189. Another wall is covered with 10 different framed resolutions Episcopalians. Eucharist at he thinks it's long overdue. Chaplain's house, 520 North Harri¬ Christmas. 37. has been leading a solitary campaign since which Christmas proposed to and were passed by the Michigan (continued from page 1) Syria has not officially disclosed its precise son Rd. at 5 p.m. Sunday. Bring 1971 to make July IB through 24 of every year National Space legislature. Four of the resolutions honor specific astronauts, Asked whether the Lebanese situation could plans in Lebanon, but informed sources said meat to grill and dish to pass. Week in honor of the U.S. space programs. while the other six are in commemoration of various aspects of affect Mideast peace prospects, Gazit replied, Assad wants "unquestionable access" for his the space program. "Turning Lebanon into a confrontation state will forces to every militia stronghold in east Beirut Bank management internship! A Space Week proposal has passed in both houses of Congress. Christmas said, and is now on President Jimmy Christmas' goal is to get his Space Week proposal passed in probably change our attitude, at least as far as and the mountainous Christian heartland to the Earn fall academic credit with Carter's desk awaiting his signature. 500 major U.S. cities. security measures are concerned, when it comes north. Lansing-based bank. Contact Christmas said he was assured of the legislative action by a So far four cities — Lansing, Detroit. Chicago, III., and San to the details of any peace negotiations." Dave Persell, College of Urban Jose, Calif., have passed Space Week resolutions. Development. recent letter he received from NASA. Christmas said he expects Carter to sign the bill by July 16 of The proclamation issued by the city of San Jose reads in Housing majors! Earn fall aca¬ this year, thus making Space Week an official national event. part: .. to commemorate the great scientific achievements of demic credit with Michigan Com¬ On July 20. 1969. Christmas and the rest of the nation watched as the United States successfully landed the first America's space program, as well as the pioneer spirit of adventure which it symbolizes." Flood warning issued in Minnesota mittee on Law and Housing. Contact Dave Persell. College of people on the moon. The proclamation goes on to recognize the Mercury. Gemini, Urban Development. Christmas said he waited two years after the moon landing Apollo and Skylab space missions. Christmas said he recently sent a letter to East Lansing City (continued from page 1) aged area in a helicopter spotted Mayo Clinic and its two affili¬ Don't waste your free time! for Congress to declare some kind of national holiday to honor Councilperson Larry Owen asking that a Space Week over the previous high-water what he said was an old crack in ated hospitals were operating Your talents are needed by local the men who traveled in space. When Legislators did not act, resolution be introduced to the city council. mark of 1965, and then began to a power dam situated on the under near-normal conditions. community agencies and indivi¬ Christmas took it upon himself in 1971 to see that something duals. Volunteer in 26 Student Owen said Wednesday he had never heard of the Space Week drop. swollen Zumbro, 10 miles north But the National Weather The Red Cross set up three Services Bldg. of Rochester. "Everybody I talked to at first thought I was crazy." proposal. emergency centers to feed the ••• Service said more rain was Residents of the flood plain admitted Christmas, who lives with his parents in Lansing. Admitting that he has not had much cooperation this year, homeless in the town of 58,000 Go to the highest first. Tran- "But there's so much history built up in that one week," he Christmas said he has gained support over the years from U.S. likely Thursday night and is¬ immediately below the dam sued the flash-flood warning. were evacuated, and the tiny pesons 90 miles southeast of scendental meditation lectures by Sen. Robert Griffin. RMich.. and U.S. Rep. Bob Carr, D East Later, authorities ordered river towns of Zumbro Falls, Minneapolis and 100 members SIMS Club., 119 E. Grand River, that worked so hard to accomplish Lansing. of the Minnesota National Sui,e 8 more evacuations after an en¬ Hammond, Mazeppa and Mill- ville alerted to move on Guard were called in. Mayor gineer flying over the flood-rav- were Alex Smetka estimated damage Instructional Developers will short notice. hold a noon luncheon today in Electric power and telephone in Rochester alone at $40 1961 Room, N. Case Hall. Judy service were knocked out in a million. Taylor will speak on "Freedom to ft Define Myself." All welcome. large part of the city, but the The State News Yellow Page PRE-MEOS & PRE-DENTS Have you ever considered the Alsopinboll, ir hockey, TV tennis, toble importance admissions com¬ tennis. .. BUSINESS-SERVICE mittees place upon the personal essay sections of medical and dental school applications? With the vast number of other UNION BILLIARDS lower level Union Bldg. phone: 355-3358 applicants being considered it is essential for you to have a SUMMER HOURS: well-written, impressive essay. DIRECTORY Mon. thru Frl. 11:00 e <1.-7:00 p.m. Order now our guide to writing this vital section of the applica¬ Cloied Sot. I Sun % tion and chances are you won't have to re-apply next year! Please send copies o(GUIDE TO OPTOMETRIST OARBER TRAVEL CHILDREN'S SHOES w HAPPY HOURS 11« - 8m! WRITING SUCCESSFUL ESSAYS FOR MEOtCAL AND DENTAL SCHOOL APPLICATIONS. Send $12 50 plus 754 CO-OPTICAL MMiTnri for postage and handling Friday A Saturday Only - UNION 9yuE&8 SERVICES (bit Um«|'s Only BUILDING BARBER , H ALL DIRECTIONS From Ann Arbor CenperntivaOptkd) SHOP JAZZ-FUNK (0LLI6E TRAVEL P O. J R Niton Optcm.ino RK Products Infants and Children's SHOES OFFICE • EYES EXAMINED SUHDAY • Widths B EEfc • GLASSES •Layer Cuts Styling Joe & Eddie ' 130 W. Grand River Orthopedic Shoes •Latest * Tap and Ballet • CONTACT LENS •Women's Haircuts M Eait Laming • P.F. Flyers 8-5:30 Mon.-Fri. MONDAY 1)111. Grand River 351-6010 •Cowboy Boots * House Slippers 355-3359 LOST WORLD STRINO BAND 361-4747 Too*.-So*. TOBACCONIST NOW HIAR THIS FROM TNI TOR NINO! AT THI STOM WITH THi HEALTH FOOD 10% DISCOUNT to nil MSU BICYCLE SHOP S 509 F. Mrh*-/ Lrnweg. F% |«| SODA Bloat ■ Rock music MD00.°"'rel(j6y Sherman •Pipes by SavineUi W, he,, I. .rock • Dunhill - Sobrkiae on studonts purchotRs of 12 ormoro, Dannon yogurts and broad* oxdudod Yogurt 31' d guns cameras sporting goods tools IZAEDf iKirnnisi *21 Red Door Mral ha« determined Umi cigarette pipe tobacco blende ■■•kitg ie daafereaa U year RANDALL HEALTH FOOD Brookliold Ploia ft stereo antiques 224 Abbott Rd.E.Lansing 351-2285 CoLm^LeLL'e^ii^sfe® Shop 1311 E. Grand River 332-6892 diamonds cb tv GREAT ALTERNATIVE MUSIC 7 NIGHTS A WEEK I % . CATERING SERVICE PROMOTION •save save save repairs msu union 'e save save sav CATERING "Catering Specialists ! save save save !ave save saves ive save save sa B EXPERT SERVICE AT THE LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN P •Wedding Recaptions 'e save save sav 'Breakfasts. Lunch¬ Instant Color and Black all repairs carry war¬ eons. Dinners i save save save and White: •Bar ranty. Set-ups :ave save save s •Take-out Service •Meeting Rooms and MONEY AND TIME r 2.0^.50 P RESTAURANT Equipment with on ad In SptMIt ,.M.««un.|*7l, parking, lot 547 East (>rand River Across from Berkey Hall ATTSNpANT1. 332-8667 ' THMM 7-7 «©I?T8 &&00A CAOCL-rtM SPONSORED BY: THE DROPOUTS Coming Soon: low gos prices by Post CAMPUS PIZZA'S TRAVELS WITH FARLEY' Pta new East location NWl LltH« PrMway by Phil Frank THE EGG STRIKE, A iln ibs than i we5k5/ WORK SLOWPOKW B cwckgns all over we 500 CHICKENS 4T MATRON have taken up THE LEWMRP PirnS THE CAUSE OBftANPS F$g iErrBR WOREJNd FARM Ml BONNER < _ CONDITIONS wacesanp SPRINGS, KANSASJV- REMtEVktr BENEFITS PILLOW TALK B.C. iViY by Johnny Hart FURNITURE SoHond i w Moll FronRor i®Ky pillow Furnitoro mmhT"" TUMBLEWEEDS CAMPUS 07c£Mt Bean Bags *19.95 SPONSORED BY: by Tom K. Ryan PIZZA JJ7-I639 HEY KCCKP, WHATs THe OCOP WOKV \9 3 _I n*wininiv7ji— TL_ SAM and SILO 8 , Hair Styling for Man •ml Pforwt SPONSORED BY: | CaU»a. appeintmani today by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker MNM»14!9I CROSSWORD gj(|E MBHE PUZZLE Dp| 70S MAC Moo Jonot S tallow, ACROSS 25 Abstain bhegord's wow- Highway patrol put up 27. Silence a new slsn. 1 Polynesian 30 Curlicue you THlNI< rillflDH gjj, ACCIDENT chestnut 31. Cleaning solvent 5. Electric unit: abbr. 8. Me bearing 11 Ead at 33. 34. 35. Football formation Name Opposed nsliDH0lilni sffliB Hans mm people see Id ACCIDENT 12. Gibbon 13. Seaweed 38. 40. Aggravate Pine Tree State QS0 QK9S il KIT 14. Depression 15. Beatific abbr 41. Of the shoreline 49 teamster's 2 Thoroughfares 6A5icAU-V,zi(q ^ HIES 17. Within 18. Red or Black 43. Cupid 45. Nester command 50 Shard 3 Vogue 4 Ana. VOU'RSSUFFeRiNQ 19. Sole 46. Yore MM 5 Twraris shelter FROM A PROFiCieNC? 20. Gold 23. Racket 47. Mrs Turner 48. BJ>.0.L member 1. Diffuse 6 Its capital is Calicut OeFiCieNCY!! Jimmy i. Quartet ) Vettal ) Piotest BEETLE BAILEY i. Tippler by Mort Walker f WHY DO I SIT A /nv / I HERE EVEffY NI6HT WATCH IMS THIS ) / i. Chnstmas Armored vehicle ) Agave at/1 © la^»\ ^ 1 7-7 14 Michigan Stot* News, Eost Looting, Michigan Friday, July 7, 1978 We're Out To Move PROJECT/one Rack System Merchandise! Check These Fantastic Prices! PRICE SLASHING PROJECT an* MARK IB versatile receiver ;s amply pow ered at 2S watts per channel*. Other tine features include dual tape monitors 2-pair speaker system control, all-function c„opo UM , |vr oUrLll VALUL SUMMER CLEARANCE! indicator lights: lots more. Ideal centerpiece for an ensemble that also features the famous BSR 2260 total turntable sys¬ tem with base, dust cover and cartridge, and the PROJECT/ en* rLD*2000 front-loading Dolby cassette deck with full $1 auto-stop. Add a pair of ITSHER XP-680 speaker systems with big 10-inch woofers and 3 way lull-range design and the handsome QUSDORr 1450 decorator shelf for supersound in a great display! A SANSUI 5050 Receiver. Priced-right ver¬ satile receiver with ample 30 watts per channel*. Features include mic input with independent level con¬ trol 2-pair speaker system control. loudness. FM muting, stereo/mono 1 switch, tape monitor, lots more. B PIONEER SX-750 Receiver. Handsome and powerful at SO watts per channel*. Has pro fea¬ tures like tone deleat control, full tape-to-tape dubbing, all-function indicator lights. Also high filter, loudness. FM muting, mono/ stereo switch, more. '249 C PROJECT/one MARK IVB. Big perform¬ ance and power at 75 watts per channel*! Super¬ sensitive triple tone controls; 3-pair speaker system con¬ trol. Full 2-way tape-to-tape dubbing, PIONEER PL-S50 powertuning signal strength meters. M all-function indicator lights. BSR 2260. This mul¬ PROJECT one DR-550 Check the AMAZING specs tiple-play total turntable Even at this low price, a on this direct drive. unit has base, dust cover famous PROJECT'one QUARTZ Control turn AND turntable with direct- table Strobe ring, pitch cartridge! "Auto- * glide" umbrella spindle drive, strobe ring, many control, base, dust cover. POWER All receivers in this ad meet perform really babies your records. more features! ance stated min RMS at 8 ohms, from 20Hz to 20kHz with no more than 0.5°o '39 '99 '199 STORY total harmonic distortion CRAIG T-601. In-dash AM FMMPX and cassette with 4-channel synthesizing matrix, superb FM circuitry, many more features! " ~ '119 CRAIG S-60I. Prefer 8-track in your dash, with all the great features listed above and more? Here it is—s great low price! '119 PIONEER HPM-40. A lot CRAIG T-281. Under of speaker for the price! Big 10- dash FM/AM Stereo/cassette inch woofer; 3-way £4% 0% with Craig's famous POW- desian. ERPLAY amplifier for fantas¬ tic sound eeeee EPI 200. A aenuine sound classic! EPl's fa¬ performance! mous "linear sound" con¬ struction for amazingly VEGA 317R. ROCK AND accurate reproduction of ROLLER! Huge 15-inch woofer, CRAIG S-281. 8-track under-dasher with POW- sound. superb treb ERPLAY amplifier. 4-channel ana mid-range performance, '288 synthesizing matrix, superior FM/MPX '188 too. performance! AKAI OXR-82. QUALITY B-track lor recording and play-back offers auto-stop or MAXELL TAPE DEAL continuous play, pause control, much more. UDXL-II — ultra- full-range PIONEER CT-F8282. Real pro minute cassette front-loading Dolby cassette deck! 2-motor operation; solenoid easy-touch controls, peak level indicator, memory, lots more! PIONEER OT-6600. [n-dash 40- ROYCECB 607. Even at this low channel CB with AM. FM. and FM stereo. Has PIONEER CT-r7272. Front-load¬ Brice. a fullchannel 40-channel CB with large push-button AM.FM tuning, convenient stand-by control, much more. '149 IGITAL out. many more Super CB buy! read¬ features. *79 ing Dolby cassette with plenty of features and a price that's right! Has memory, tape- 3,.$12" INSTANT CREDIT Up 10 siooo fiurchase ust "?a over $100! oresent VISA '/ BankAmer.- your 523 FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER PLAYBACK card. Master r Charge, American Express Phone 351-7270 1 see if you qualify! /I/f £ Playback, mc STORE HOURS: 10AM-9PM WEEKDAYS, 10AM-5PM SAT., NOON-5PM SUN.