ERA backers march on Capitol By PEGGY SIMPSON attended a prayer meeting at the Lincoln and WASHINGTON (AP) - Dressed in white carrying banners reminiscent of the Demonstrators urge Congress Memorial protesting the proposed exten- Holding placards saying "You can't fool suffragists of the last century, thousands of demonstrators marched to the Capitol on to extend ratification deadline Mother Nature" and "Lib is a Fib," the Sunday to urge Congress to extend the time opponents heard Lillian Koegler of White for ratification of the Equal Rights Amend¬ Plains, N.Y.. say that, "This nation is in a ment. march today," Eleanor Holmes Norton, Roberts Harris; television and movie stars time of great moral crisis. . . The laws of Estimates of the crowd's size varied head of the Equal Employment Opportunity Jean Stapleton, Dick Gregory, Mario this land have been set against its citizens Commission, told the marchers, who filled Thomas and Ellen Burstyn; and pioneer and replaced with an ethic as bad as that of widely. Joseph Gentile of the District of Columbia Police put the crowd at up to the west lawn of the Capitol. "We are going feminists Betty Frieden, Bella Abzug and Nazi Germany." to march all across America and we won't Karen DeCrow. The prayer meeting's organizers contend¬ 55,000, but Kent Bowen of the U.S. Park Gloria Steinem marched holding the hand ed that ERA would result in Police said his officers on the scene stop until the ERA is part of the "free and estimated the crowd at between 90,000 and Constitution." of 8-year-old Katie Pottinger, the daughter unfettered abortions, preferential treat Bella Abzug, co-chairperson of the Na¬ of Stanley Pottinger, former director of the ment for homosexuals and a federally 100,000. The demonstrators marched in rows of 24 tional Advisory Committee on Women, Office of Civil Rights in the Justice mandated unisex society where women will along Constitution Avenue from the Wash¬ appealed to Carter to speak about what she Department. be indistinguishable from men." called the absence of human rights for The marchers came from every state. Rosalynn Carter, wife of the president, ington Monument to a rally on the Capitol's west women in this country. "We suggest that Most of them wore white with ribbons of expressed support for the march in a steps. Presidential assistant Midge Costanza you make a television speech and make a gold, white and purple, the colors used by statement issued from the presidential the suffragists in their hundreds of marches brought to the Capitol rally a message from major speech about the rights of American retreat at Camp David. President Carter that he strongly supports women. If we don't get the ERA by March during their 70-year fight for the vote. "I wholeheartedly support all who have the extension of time for ratification of the 22. we are not going to fade away." As they passed the National Archives, come to Washington rally for the Equal amendment. The marchers in the 90-degree summer they cheered women holding a banner high Rights Amendment," she said. "It is on the steps emblazened with the words of "There is no time limit on human rights. heat included New Jersey Gov. Brendan important for every woman to demonstrate AP Wirephoto the ERA. There is no time limit on the full protection Byrne; Lt. Govs. Mary Anne Drupsak of in her own way that full equality under law Thousands marched to the Capitol in Washington, D.C., Sunday to of the Constitution for every citizen," New York, Thelma Stovall of Kentucky and The procession followed an early morning is a basic human right. In the coming urge Congress to extend the deadline for ratification of the Equal Rights Costanza quoted Carter as saying. Melvyn Dymally of California. prayer service at the Washington Monu¬ months I will continue my own personal Amendment. "The ERA has been on the march today. Also in the march were Housing and ment and the Lincoln Memorial. efforts to ensure the ratification of this An extension for the ERA has been on the Urban Development Secretary Patricia Meanwhile, about 200 ERA opponents (continued on page 5( VOLUME 72 NUMBER 102 MONDAY, JULY 10, 1978 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING MICHIGAN 48824 3 Israel resumes talks after six-month halt By LARRY THORSON 18-19 along with Secretary of State Cyrus enough progress in Mideast peace efforts to JERUSALEM (AP) - The Israeli Cabi¬ R. Vance. The main agenda consists of two justify his meeting again with Israeli Prime net rejected Egypt's latest peace proposals peace plans, each officially rejected in Minister Menachem Begin. Sunday as "completely unacceptable," but advance. Egypt vetoed Israel's peace "Without new elements in the position of proposals last December and the Israeli the Israeli government, it will be very agreed to send Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan to London to resume direct talks Cabinet nixed Egypt's plan Sunday. difficult to meet again because we shall be with the Egyptians for the first time in six In Vienna, Austria, Egyptian President speaking two different languages," said months. Anwar Sadat met with Israeli opposition Sadat, who held talks with Begin twice late Dayan and Egyptian Foreign Minister leader Shimon Peres. Before the meeting, last year in Jerusalem and Egypt. Mohammed Ibrahim Kamel will meet July Sadat told reporters there has not been Sadat met with Labor Party chief Peres, Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky and former West German Chancellor Willy Brant, now president of the Socialist Italian leader vows International grouping of Western socialist parties. Neither Sadat nor Peres appeared at a news conference scheduled to follow their talks and no explanation was given. to combat terrorism Peres' spokesperson, Yossi Beilin, later quoted Peres as saying it was important that the Sadat plan made no mention of the Palestine Liberation Organization or crea Glaring down from his perch atop a platform, Nazi leader Frank Collin (center) oversees marchers while police, 'regardless of price9 tion of a separate Palestinian state. in foreground, stand guard. Israel claims the PLO is a terrorist organization and refuses to negotiate with its representatives. The Israelis have By HILMITOROS for police waging the battle against Italy's ROME (AP) — Sandro Pertini, 81-year- old co-founder of the Italian Socialist Party, was sworn in Sunday as Italy's seventh urban guerrillas. Pertini was elected to a seven-year term Saturday as a compromise to preserve rejected a Palestinian state, fearing it would become a launchpad for PLO attacks on Israel. Nazis have their day Kreisky met with reporters but would president and vowed in his inaugural Italy's current political balance by avoiding address that the country would stand firm a confrontation in Parliament over candi¬ give no details of the Sadat-Peres talks. By DANIEL HILBERT hack the throng of thousands who Instead, he said he and Brandt would issue jammed the one square-mile area, most against terrorism. dates of individual parties. He succeeds State News Staff Writer their own Mideast peace proposal Monday. "I can't believe this is of them Marquette Park residents. In his first official act, Pertini rejected Christian Democrat Giovanni Leone, who CHICAGO - Over 1,000 riot Calling it the "highpoint of my work." the pro forma resignation of Prime Minister resigned last month, six months before the equipped police officers surrounded the happening in America Several small groups which promised Guilio Andreotti's minority Christian Dem¬ end of his term, amid charges of involve¬ Kreisky said the plan was being drafted by himself and Brandt "and not the other two Marquette Park area Sunday and made months ago to stage a counter demon¬ ocrat government, which rules the country ment in the Lockheed payoff scandal and at least 25 arrests as the Nazis finally in 1978. This crowd is (Sadat and Peres)." He said it would be stration at the Nazi rally, among them with the parliamentary support of the five tax irregularities. had their day in Chicago. other major political parties. The post is largely ceremonial, though submitted to Socialist International leaders Arrests were made both during and definitely not friendly." the Jewish Defense League, managed at their September meeting in Paris and, if the police barricade and made "Enough with this violence that disturbs the president is responsible for appointing a after the one and one-half hour demon¬ — an onlooker to avert accepted, would become a "moral obli¬ it into the park. the civil life of our people, enough with this premier to head the government, after stration, as intense feelings seemed to violence that almost every day takes the life consultations with political parties. He can gation" for members of the Socialist group, overtake the crowd of about 5,000 One group of about 60 Jews from Los of a peaceful citizen or security official," influence policy and public opinion through including Israel's Labor Party. onlookers. After Sunday's regular Cabinet meeting, Angeles, clad in armbands bearing the Pertini said in his speech before about personal appeals, however. Hundreds of police cordoned off an Star of David, isolated themselves in 1,000 senators, deputies and regional repre¬ Pertini, a lawyer and two-term president Begin said the Egyptian plan made public area about one-half mile from the park, While police held the approximately the west end of the park and remained last Wednesday for settlement of the sentatives gathered in the 17-th century of the Chamber of Deputies, recalled former forming a wall of both officers and 2,000 demonstrators at bay, the 25 apart from the Nazis. Arab-Israeli conflict was "completely un¬ Montecitorio Palace, seat of Parliament. Premier Aldo Moro, who until he was vehicles at the corner of 71st Street and Nazis were transported in trucks from "We have to defend the republic with acceptable to Israel. They cannot by their their headquarters down 71 Street into "What the anti-Nazi demonstration kidnapped and murdered by Red Brigade nature lead to the establishment of peace." Hamilton. firmness regardless of the price. We are terrorists had been expected to be the next With only one or two minor confron the park. lacks is solidarity," said one Jewish decided adversaries of violence," he said. The bulk of the anti-Nazi demonstra¬ woman as she gazed over the crowd. president. Despite this expected opposition to the tations, the police effectively blocked tors never made it to the park. "We should find the blacks and other He urged more recognition and better pay "If he had not been cruelly assassinated, proposals, the Cabinet authorized Dayan to the bulk of the anti-Nazi coalition from he, not I, would have addressed you from Most observers attributed this to minorities and form a solid front." meet with Egyptian Foreign Minister moving down the street and into the this seat," the new president said. both a lack of organization on the part of Mohamed Ibrahim Kamel and Secretary of park. A Jewish man seemed to speak for Pertini, who spent 14 years in jail or in The coalition was made up of several the coalition and effective planning by State Cyrus R. Vance on July 18-19 in the rest when he exile because of his resistance activities national and local Jewish and minority the Chicago Police Department. said, "Whether it was London. Skokie Police on horseback and foot sur or Asia. I would be anywhere against the Fascists and Nazis during organizations, which had planned dem¬ World War II, pledged to do "everything rounded the Nazis once they arrived this thing was happening." Begin said Dayan "will present our peace onstrations against the Nazi rally over a and formed another wall which forced (continued on page 5) possible for... national unity. This unity is plan and will contribute, will do his best to year in the making. needed because if by misfortune it breaks contribute to the resumption of the peace¬ inside down, sad days could await Italy. making process." Are all you men out there going to grow up and be housebands? See page 10. weather Occasional cloudiness today, cooler and less humid. Temp¬ eratures will be in the mid-70s Tisch group claims signature goal met DETROIT (UPI) - Backers of a 50 Tisch said he was growing confident that Board of Canvassers. Board members can half received an unexpected plug Saturday today and in the 40s tonight. Nyquist and others creditied the accom¬ from Ford, a Michigan native now living in percent property tax cut in Michigan, plishment to Howard Jarvis, the flamboy¬ the constitutional amendment will make it disqualify improper petitions and individual California. The former president also en¬ encouraged by former President Gerald ant co-author of California's tax-cutting on the ballot "by a squeaker." signatures can also be ruled invalid. Ford's endorsement, announced Sunday "I could lie and say something slick about "We're in the area of 290,000.'' Nyquist dorsed the goals of Proposition 13. Proposition 13. Jarvis stumped throughout they have the minimum number of petition this drive," he said, "but all I can say is I said. "But we still need a cushion of about Michigan last week for the amendment "A national groundswell is in the mak¬ signatures needed to place the idea on the named after Shiawassee County Drain think we have a damn good chance." 35,000 more to be safe and to cover the ing," Ford said in Denver. "The Proposition November ballot. Commissioner Robert Tisch. The Tisch organization told its volunteers. error problem. 13 vote in California may be a dramatic Ken Nyquist, spokesperson for the group to work 24 hours Saturday and Sunday and "We are appealing to everyone to turn in Nyquist said Jarvis promised to return to signal, perhaps a catalyst." pushing the so-called Tisch amendment, Michigan for about 10 days of campaigning "forget sleep for the weekend" to collect every petition they have, even if they have said a frantic weekend of circulating signatures. only one or two signatures on them. We're Ford said though he would have voted for this fall if the Tisch Amendment wins a spot petitions by hundreds of volunteers boosted on the November ballot. Nyquist said more signatures were down to the wire and those signatures may Proposition 13, it had some flaws and he the signature total past the 266,000 mini¬ "He said he loved the state and would like sought Sunday to provide a margin of error make the difference." hoped Michigan would "draft a better mum needed before this afternoon. to come back again," Nyquist said. when petitions are reviewed by the State The campaign to cut property taxes in vehicle." i 2 Mkhlgon Stole News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 10, 1970 The war on crime goes on.. . Juvenile system called 'ineffective' Carter to create office, NEW YORK tUPI) - The juvenile justice rape, the report said. The greatest increase has system has been ineffective in stemming a steady rise of violent crimes committed by youths, a occurred in robbery and assault. Paul A. Strasburg, a Vera staff member who up funds, trim fat new crime study reported Saturday. The arrest prepared the study, said a troubling conclusion of rate for such crimes tripled between 1960 and his interviews with 69 judges, lawyers, psychia¬ WASHINGTON (UPI) - Carter has readied for Con¬ 1975. trists, probation officers and other professionals President Carter will unveil state would lose Cease-fire generally held in East Beirut The study, prepared for the Ford Foundation and from his analysis of more that 500 juvenile Monday his master plan for gress, no federal crime-fighting funds by New York's Vera Institute, a non-profit arrest records is the failure of the juvenile justice dispensing billions in federal and some of the larger cities BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) — Sniper fire Sarkis threatened to resign last week research organization, admits little is known as system to stop youthful violence. crime-fighting aid under a would get even more money. broke the calm in east Beirut Sunday, because of the bloody fighting in the to why certain juveniles commit violent crimes. "The correctional responses most frequently super agency that will absorb It called for more studies that will throw light on the much-criticized Law En¬ While the political reaction is killing one Syrian soldier, but the capital. But Syria and the Western applied to violent delinquents, probation or forcement Assistance Adminis¬ not yet known, several crime- the causes of the violence. 4-day-old cease-fire generally held as the powers urged him to remain in office for training school, appear to have little or no fighting organizations have A surprisingly high proportion of juveniles, constructive impact on subsequent criminal tration, government officials Syrians restrained from resuming the the sake of Lebanon s stability. said Saturday. endorsed the plan in the outline perhaps one-third, have police records before behavior," Strasburg said. heavy barrages that killed almost 200 The fighting between the Syrians, the form that has been circulating they are 18, the report said. In 1975, police made They said the plan would Lebanese in a battle with Christian core of the Arab League peacekeeping 2.1 million arrests of youths between the ages of On the other hand, Strasburg said some increase federal spending for for some time. rightists last week. force that has been here since the end of 7 to 18. experimental programs show hopeful signs. He such aid by 25 percent to $800 But the National Conference President Elias Sarkis. meanwhile, set the 1976-76 civil war, and the Christians, Most of the arrests were for minor offenses or cited those that make use of "milieu therapy," a million a year, send more of State Criminal Justice Plan¬ down four conditions for Syria and Syria's civil-war allies against the Pales¬ property crimes, but 4 percent, triple the system that relies on 24-hour residential care and money directly to cities and on intensive peer pressure as key therapeutic ning Administrators opposes tinians, has become a battle for control of number since 1960. were for crimes against counties, eliminate waste and Lebanese Christians to accept or he will tools. Carter's plan to aid some cities resign, Lebanese officials reported. this Mideast nation. persons such as assault, robbery, homicide and create a new agency called and counties directly rather "OJARS" — for Office of Jus¬ than channeling all funds tice Assistance. Research and through state governments. Statistics. That group said it will urge Kremlin accuses U.S. of pressuring courts U.S. DEPLORES SOVIET ACTIONS The LEAA, which has spent Congress to "maintain the cen¬ an estimated $6 billion to $7 tral role of the state." billion in 10 years of operation, MOSCOW (AP) On the eve of the cases according to the procedure estab¬ has been accused of wasteful Though Carter proposes to Dissident treatment hit — trials of two prominent lished by law, there are those who, and inefficient spending that create a new agency with a new Jewish activists, the Kremlin on Sunday got too few results in the war alphabetical mouthful of a name accused the U.S. interfering in the Soviet Union's internol — OJARS — to run the overall. press of trying to "bring pressure to bear" affairs, want to bring pressure to bear on against crime. WASHINGTON (UPI)-The days before Vance and Soviet because it is in our national program, LEAA itself will not on Soviet courts. the course of the forthcoming trials," But in the reorganization bill die, as some had predicted. Tass said. "These gentlemen apparently United States Saturday de¬ Foreign Minister Andrei interest and in the interest of The official news agency Tass said in a plored a stepped-up Soviet Gromyko meet in Geneva to world peace to do so." forget elementary norms of international commentary that some organs of the low. ?ampaign against dissidents and work out two remaining techni¬ American press" are trying "to impose on warned of inevitable conse¬ cal points on a new SALT "Is it admissible in Western countries world public opinion at any cost their own quences for East-West rela¬ agreement. Officials said other to influence the before they 'Running of the bulls' halted courts Soviet actions against dissi¬ distorted viewpoint" on the trials Monday tions, but vowed to continue of dissidents Anatoly Shcharansky and pronounce their decisions? arms limitation talks because dents were expected. "No, it is not. So far as we know, they are in the national interest. Alexander Ginzburg. "These men and women of persons attempting to influence the Secretary of State Cyrus being protesters clash in Spain uncommon courage are "Without waiting for the court to open course of justice in the United States ore Vance, in an unusual weekend put on trial under a number of as hearings, to examine in detail criminal liable to be prosecuted under the law." appearance before reporters, pretexts." Vance said. said he would represent the United States at Strategic But he added, "We will PAMPLONA, Spain (API row streets, a daily began when police shot into a - Arms Limitations Talks in Ge¬ persist in our efforts to negoti- The traditional running of the during the famed San Fermin crowd that formed when youths ate a sound SALT II festival, was called off Sunday next Wednesday despite agreement bulls through Pamplona's nar- disrupted a bullfight with a Cambodian battalions killed bv Vietnamese neva his criticism of Soviet actions. after clashes between protest political protest. Reading a statement officials ers and police killed a man and Most of the injured, including said was approved by President injured about 100 persons. BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) — Vietna¬ withdrawing all aid and advisers from 30 police officers, were said not Carter. Vance assailed the So¬ Anti-police demonstrators mese forces killed or "put out of action" Vietnam because of Hanoi's "onti-Chino" to be seriously hurt. But Ger¬ two Cambodian battalions in recent activities and "persecution" of Chinese viet decision to prosecute Ana tolv Shcharansky on treason Government asks recall set some 30 cars afire during the night, battled police from man Rodriguez. 27, son of a border fighting in Vietnam's Tay Ninh residents. The dispute also stems from charges and Alexander Ginz¬ behind impromptu barricades prominent Pamplona physician, died of a bullet wound in the Province, Hanoi's official news agency China's support of Communist Cambodia, burg on charges of anti-Soviet and smashed windows of banks said Sunday. A Japanese report from Hanoi, mean- and Soviet influence in Vietnam. A Vietnam News Agency dispatch agitation and propaganda. "I reflect the deepest feelings of defective radial tires and stores, authorities said. Minor clashes still were report¬ head, doctors said. Witnesses said that during a and values of the American ed around the city after dawn. white, said the first group of Chinese monitored in Bangkok said Vietnamese WASHINGTON (UPI) - With reports alleging 29 deaths in Saturday afternoon bullfight, technicians to leave Vietnam as part of people when I deplore these hand, the government Saturday said that certain Firestone Thousands of tourists (led about 20 youths jumped into troops put one Cambodian battalion of events .." Vance said. about 350 men out of action Friday n«?ar . . radial tires and related brands are defective and should be this nothern Basque capital, the ring holding a poster urging China's suspension of economic assis¬ Shcharansky. 30, a computer recalled. site of the week-long festival amnesty for prisoners. Many tance boarded trains in the Vietnamese Xa Mat in Tay Ninh, a border province technician accused of spying for northwest of Ho Chi Minh City, the former The tires are the Firestone 500 Steel Belted Radial tires and during which half-ton fighting Basques have been jailed in the capital Sunday and headed home. the CIA. could face the firing identical tires manufactured by Firestone and sold by bulls are released each day and past for violent actions in the Peking announced last week it was Saigon. squad if convicted. led on a wild 900 yard run to separatist cause. Vance also announced cancel¬ Montgomery Ward Co. under the brand name "Grappler Radial" 800 series, and by Shell Oil Co. under the name "Super the bull ring by residents and lation of a forthcoming scientific visitors. Some in the audience cheered Shell Steel Radial." trip to Moscow led by White In Akron, Ohio, a Firestone spokesperson denied the tires the youths and others threw Guarded W. Berlin is a major market House science adviser Frank were unsafe and said the company soon would tell the Police sources said many of cushions in anger. A fight broke Press, and another official said the demonstrators were out. Police fired their rifles, other actions may government why it believes a recall "is not necessary and be taken. should not take place." Basque separatists who seek wounding seven persons, and BERLIN (AP) — Though it is 100 miles Heroin and hashish, those the The Kremlin announced the independence for Spain's four two officers were stabbed,the inside Communist Eost Germany and Berlin drugs," says Gerhard Ulber, a witnesses said. trials would open Monday, two Basque provinces. The clashes ringed by the guns and guards of the ranking officer in the West Berlin Berlin Wall, West Berlin has become a narcotics force. major market for smugglers of Near jlkansmission Eastern heroin and hashish. Drug experts say Berlin's supplies are Heroin has become cheaper in spite of coming in largely through Turkey, where police efforts to make it more expensive; processors and smugglers work with police say dealers supplied by Turkish wholesalers have turned the city's opium from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran. Officials say Turkey's own opium ■ Maintenance Special subway system into a citywide sales poppies are not getting into the network network whose customers include mem¬ because of the Turkish government's • Change transmission fluid. bers of the U.S. Army. crackdown. Adjust bands. 9095 • • Clean screen. Replace pan-gasket. ^phuflu • p|yg flygj • Complete road test. 6026S.Cedar 393-7540 (at Miller) VW Shock Special From now until July 10 buy 3 BOGE shocks tor regular Beetle at our low price of '8" each and get the 4th one FREE. GOOD with coupon only LASTDAT I Kidnapping rise boosts armored car sales 'installation available MEMPHIS, Tenn. (UPI) — Ralph C. From its 50,000-square-foot head¬ The Beetle Shop I Luebke builds armored cars for people quarters adjacent to Memphis Interna¬ Lansing's oldest independent VW repair shop B with a price on their head. tional Airport, Moore & Sons manufac¬ ■■ 1400 E. Cavanaugh aa H tures specialized vehicles for transport¬ As president of Moore & Sons, the world's largest manufacturer of armored ing cargo as diverse as day-old chicks to radioactive material, but an increasing ^^S9° vehicles, Luebke concedes the global number of its customers are government spread of terrorism and kidnapping has officials and executives — largely from prompted a surge in the company's abroad — who fear terrorist attacks and r, business in the post five years. kidnappings. Congress convenes, will discuss energy plan xJ THE FINEST IN WASHINGTON (AP) - From breeder reactors to snail darters, Congress on One strong possibility: a Senate vote the first part of the president's FASHION EYEWEAR grapples with a variety of energy and five-section "national energy plan" to Come in and look over our selection of famous environmental issues this week as it from the House-Senate energy as Oscar de la Renta, emerge names Eye Mystique, returttS from a 10-day recess. conference, dealing with coal conver¬ Diane VonFurstenberg, Gloria Vanderbilt, There's even a chance of progress on sion. Christian Dior, and Playboy frames. President Carter's long-delayed energy program. Conference leaders and staff members Democratic congressional would like to be able to leaders deliver were trying to put the finishing touches on the measure so it could be Co-optical brought up something — anything — on the energy in the Senate this week. 351*5330 package this week so Carter won't have The bill would prohibit most future to go to the economic summit in West power plonts from burning oil or natural Brookfield Plaza Germany empty-handed. gas and encourage increased use of coal. Behind East Lansing State Bank t Michigon Stote News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 10, 1978 3 Education class explores media Course imparts insight masters in education. "I'm "Our philosophy of education call the U.S. Office of Education By MICHAEL MEGERIAN teachers, constructed the pup¬ learning to apply media while is to prime students," he said. in Washington, D.C.. each day State News Staff Writer pets following a film on puppet- Take one ordinary second hand sock, dress it in a motley making. The film was one of a series of presentations illustrat¬ teaching." Lewis Saks, professor of The course, billed as Intro¬ duction to Audiovisual Media, to on obtain the latest information teaching methods. into life of handicappers education and course coordinat¬ requires students to keep a But all requirements aside, assortment of discarded cloth ing use of movies and filmstrips most class participants thought and add a couple of facial in aiding elementary and sec¬ or, said the importance of the daily log of all information regarding media they obtain the puppetmaking was fun. By MARY LUCILLE HOARD Relating the experience to the class, class is to present media as a features to give it personality. ondary instruction. Sue Wilcox, a sixth grade State News Staff Writer student marveled, "My everyday Then stick your hand inside it. "There's more than one way style of instruction that teach¬ through newspapers, radio or teacher in the Lansing school Students enrolled in Education 882, Semi¬ couldn't be done without some help." He ers can utilize in a teaching television. The result — a puppet, a to teach kids," said Lu Erbs, a confessed he left his wheelchair at home so he nar in Ability Awareness, are truly inter media specialist working on her situation. In addition, students must system, beamed proudly over lifelike creature guaranteed to ested in understanding the world of handi¬ could play softball. her puppet. However, Curt stimulate the interest of any Another class member could not use the Fields, a doctoral candidate in cappers. child. But for the students in The masters level seminar is restroom in Wells Hall during class break education, had a more ambiva¬ designed to Education 831 A, it was one of because her wheelchair would not fit through lent attitude toward his crea¬ give special education teachers insight into many projects dealing with tion. the experience and feelings of handicappers the door. media use. take and the problems they face. The course is new this year and is in "Puppets I The participants, many of The handful of students enrolled, meet to the handicapper movement. leave," he said. response whom are elementary school Engelkes said. Students are also required to twice weekly at various locations. submit a final project. The With the "These are people who have banded help of various guest speakers assignment possibilities are and field trips, class members explore topics together striving for accentuation of the idea limitless, as proven by two including environmental design, attitudes, that characteristics of themselves aren't good MSU prof students who said they are legal aspects, sexuality and supplemental or bad — there should be no value judgment," services available for handicappers. he said. going to make a film strip about navigating a hot air balloon. James R. Engelkes. associate professor of Engelkes' thoughts were nearly echoed by Len Sawisch, director of Lansing's Center for part of Brenda Reed and Gary Vit counseling personnel service and course saw instructor directs the Rehabilitation Counsel Handicapper Affairs. Sawisch. psychology toz, MSU graduate students in education, said they plan to ing Training Program on campus which doctoral candidate spoke recently to the class about attitudes toward handicappers. operate the balloon themselves. sponsors the class in cooperation with the Esmail trial "We wanted to make a pro¬ MSU Office of Programs for Handicappers. "Every group has gone through a time when the scientific community has been used ject we could use. rather than The course is targeted mainly at special education teachers, Engelkes said, but is to justify an assumption of inferiority." put away on a shelf," Reed said. By PALLCOX Saks' seminar on puppet beneficial for anyone who has a genuine need Sawisch said, drawing a parallel between State News Staff Writer handicappers and other minority groups. making is just part of his or interest to learn more about the experien¬ MSU's faculty was represent¬ "With the medical, scientific, approach 28-year career in media. While tial world of handicappers. or ed at the Sami Esmail proceed¬ One requirement is that each we tell handicappers they're inferior then teaching in Los Angeles in course ings by more than just one 1971, Saks used the ocean liner student spend a full day in a wheelchair. I continued on page 5) "official representatives of the Queen Mary as his classroom. University." From the apparent success Bruce Maughan, assistant of State News 'Maggie Walker his media class in Erickson professor of business law, also Kiva, it would appear he has observed the final four days of Lu Erbes, a media specialist working on her masters degree in education, been sailing along ever since. the mini-trial in the Israeli legal proudly holds up the puppet she mode with her very own hands. proceedings against Esmail. The 24 year-old MSU gradu ate student is currently serving fBeauti|u£ TDecLUmp time for membership in an outlawed tion. terrorist organiza¬ Summer Students - Study This! at Maughan said he was sent to Tel Aviv as an "independent ^cuiqILq n'i observer" by the Greater Lan sing Jewish Welfare Federa tion. SO4 Off Any Purchase of '2.00 or More. Here is where the bride's dreams become a reality beginning with He said he arrived in Tel Got the summer term blues? Cheer up and tak Aviv, Israel, March 25 and her first visit with our Bridal a summer study break, and you'll get a break departed April 3, all at the at Olga's Kitchen. Present this coupon to the Consultant. . then the selection expense of the federation. cashier, and you'll get 504 °" anY purchase of her Bridal stationery, listing of Maughan said he did not go Israel until March 25 because of $2.00 of more. to her preferences in our Gift the first two sessions of the mini-trial, March 14 and 15, Try any of our delicious Olgas, or our Registry, and choosing memor¬ were closed to observers. No tasty spinach pie, a crispy salad, fresh fries, or any combination of the really different, able gifts for the wedding party one was allowed entrance to the trial while the Israeli agents really delicious things to eat at Olga's. from our Fine Jewelry collection. who interrogated Esmail testi- (continued on page 5) Limit one coupon per customer. Offer good thru 7/15/78. 133 E. Grand River, East Lansing ; EDUCATIONAL The most exciting idea in eating since the sandwich! 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The contradiction is too statements of President Carter common courage in the face of painfully prominent to ignore. are quite obvious. One statement their prosecutors, but we do not Secretary of State Vance con¬ will be designed to appease liber¬ find Carter's support of the two to cedes that the decision will in¬ als while another will be aimed for be particularly courageous. In fact evitably effect SALT negotiations conservative consumption. How¬ it seems rather ill-informed and with Soviet Foreign Minister ever Carter's recent decision to non-productive. Andrei Gromyko to be held cancel two cultural exchanges The Soviet Union has continu¬ Wednesday. And of course he because of the U.S.'s displeasure ally told the U.S. that it will not didn't mean the effects would be over the trial of two Soviet tolerate U.S. meddling in its positive. On the contrary, Am¬ dissidents is a paragon of conflicts internal affairs. As much as we erican persistance on the subject and ironies. abhor the Soviet's idea of justice, of Soviet dissidents can only serve We of course condemn Soviet we can not blame them for their to further polarize American and treatment of dissident voices and indignation. Who are we — a Soviet mutual interests. That find it detestable that any human country that gladly cooperates mutual interest being a limitation should fact the threat of death for with Iran, Brazil, Uruguay, Ar¬ on the proliferation of nuclear speaking in favor of fundamental gentina. Zaire, etc. etc. — to warheads. human rights. We also echo single out only four enemies for That, in our mind, is the one — 1 B(FEC[ HE most important thing that could come from Carter's administra¬ tion — a treaty that would define once and for all exactly how deadly a country could itself. One has to wonder if the philosophy of the Carter's admini¬ make 18-year-olds as citizens stration is to get the Russians so deserve the right to drink much on the defensive — by harping on their poor human rights record — that they will have no choice but to roll over and concede to American wishes at If the signatures are cleared, a would act like adults." To which booze. the upcoming SALT talks. referendum will face voters in But all of those are problems parents would invariably counter What the administration appar- November to raise the legal with, "well if you ever acted like larger than the law. They are drinking age in Michigan to21. If it adults we would treat you like problems pervasive in the society antly fails to realize is that people adults." that won't go away with moralistic do not get conciliatory when gets on the ballot, it will probably pass. In legislation or referenda. The 21- placed on the defensive, they get retrospect, we find our We find it incredible that there year-old age limit is a cop-out to a President Cuter vicious. Carter seems headed to a parents' logic more and more stalemate in the SALT talks are still factions in this state who sound, but that insight is totally problem that will only get worse. quibble over the age at which Instead of denying citizens a right before anything is even said. beside the point. The fact remains people may legally imbibe alcohol. because of their age, legislators that at 18 whether anyone is Negotiators will quibbie long and According to the Twenty-sixth — should analyze why youths drink. hard over the Soviet's human ready for it or not — people cease If it is frustration and Amendment, which Michigan to be children and become adults in — we The State News ] rights scorecard and whether the helped ratify, a person becomes a U.S. has any right to comment. the eyes of the law. strongly suspect that it is what is it that frustrates the — then legal citizen at the age of 18 by They might even reach a decision Of it is tragic that the youth? Why 'are those things Monday. July 10. 1978 on that subject. being accorded the right to vote. course Editorials are the opinions of the State News. Viewpoints, columns and Now these may seem like trite, number of teenage traffic deaths frustrating to them? And what can letters are personal opinions. In an attempt to balance liber¬ over-used arguments, but if a has risen since 18-year-olds began be done to alleviate that frustra¬ Editoriol Deportment als and conservatives on the person can be drafted, can vote, legally drinking in 1972. Of course tion? James L Smifh fnieriammenf Edifc Dave DiMartmo issues of SALT and human rights can own property, and can legally it is tragic that high-schoolers and )ovidMisialowski SportsEditor Mike Klocke for communist bloc citizens, Car¬ tell their parents where they can even junior high students attend Timidity seems to be the only K/m Shonobon layout Editor Deborah Hey wood ichelle Chambers Copy Chief Kenneth E Porker ter may find himself in a no-win go, then we are bound by principle classes inebriated. Of course it is reason legislators are hesitant to Patricia LaCroix Staff Representor Dome/ J Hilbert situation. His only way out would to grant 18-year-olds the right of tragic that 18-year-olds currently ask these larger questions, which appear to be a concession at some choice with alcohol. buy liquor for their younger probably stems from the fact that We remember well own classmates. And of course it is legislators don't really want to Advertising Department point to one of the parties. The our Advertising Manager Bob Shaffer question now is, who will he pre-18 years. The impassioned tragic that some retailers look the hear what frustrates young peo¬ pleas to parents that, "well maybe other way when someone even Assistant Advertising Manager concede to, liberals, conservatives ple. And that, of course, can be or the Russians. if you treated us like adults we younger than 18 comes in to buy very frustrating. VIEWPOINT: WOMEN'S RIGHTS Wading through the platitudes We shouldn't be satisfied I just finished reading Holly Ryder's, Soviet§ are victims of hypocrisy column in the July 6 State News ("Rights ByW. LASLEY Perhaps she should have discussed employed. Talk to women who have lost should be earned"). Wading through the When Eileen Leite suggested that ratifi- freedom, benefits, and protection with their property (not to mention their names) platitudes, I think she said that women, in cation of the ERA could diminish presently- women who have been regularly beaten and because of marriage (or after their hus¬ The U.S. State Department's consideration of the expulsion of Soviet journalists is the their search for equality, have become too enjoyed freedoms, benefits, and protections (legally) raped by their husbands. Discuss bands' deaths) and ask them about equality ultimate in Carter administration hypocrisy. In response to slander charges levied against masculine and, as a result, are losing more for women, she forgot to specify. What financial benefits with female homemakers in financial opportunity. two American reporters in Moscow, it has been suggested that the State Department may than they are gaining. freedoms? What benefits? What pro- wj,0 suddenly found themselves husband- What's so morally wrong with a woman refuse to re-issue credentials for some eight Soviet journalists in Washington. And the While I don't necessarily agree with her — tections? less, or who found their husbands un¬ who failure of the State Department to immediately deny these allegations is in itself sufficient her "aggressiveness" is my "assertiveness". actually defends what is (or will be) to cause alarm. — my main objection to the article is that it; hers? Why the horror at seeing a woman is poorly written, full of generalities and defending her body against attackers, her Freedom of the press is the issue. The United States opposes Soviet action against Craig property against thieves, or her nation platitudes, and draws conclusions based on; Whitney of the New York Times and Harold Piper of the Baltimore Sun because it infringes against its enemies? Congress has always on the right of the press to report, even though the stories may be contrary to official scanty information. The next time you havo had the power to draft women, and almost seven column inches to fill, let me know. government policy. But our own government uses a double standard when, to support its Who is she, did so during World War II. A bill to draft anyway? argument, it threatens the suppression of the foreign press. Diane E.Adams nurses passed in the House and would have passed in the Senate had the war not ended We profess the ideals of democracy. Is it too much to include the First Amendment Lansing when it did. rights in that ideal? Silencing Soviet journalists will probably serve the Carter And, it we were such weaklings, why administration's political goals quite nicely. But it will violate the very principle being One reason Ryder's column m/ghf have been were the weight-lifting laws virtually fought for. misunderstood is because the Opinion Editor scrapped during that time? Why weren't we totally reversed the thrust of the column with The Carter administration has been quick to verbally assault the Soviet Union for the use of the headline. "Rights should be entitled to our "protection" during war time? How many of us broke our backs or violating human rights. But the United States is guilty of violation, albeit lesser, when it earned." Ryder did not asserf that women should takes its political aggressions out on foreign journalists. These journalists are innocent of have to earn rights, but rather that the qualities ruptured our ovaries then? I would question of intellect and self-actualiiation should be the judgment of anyone who would label as any wrong involving the slander charges against Piper and Whitney. earned. This, Ryder contends, would assure that "lacking in physical strength" any person inherent rights could never be taken away or Suppression of the press by the Soviet Union is undoubtedly wrong. But further capable of continuously carrying up to five denied We extend our apologies to Ryder and human beings around for months. Who suppression as a response is more wrong as it creates a hypocritical air about Washington. James N.McNally anyone who was misled by the headline of her talks about weight-lifting laws to women 233 River St. Apt. 201 column — Editor. whose work is the care of children, or to women who have ever done any grocery shopping? Why aren't these entitled to DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau "protection " as well? What benefit is there in allowing some¬ DUKE, THE am/s- IKNOU,lKNOUI,irs stmtcaueptws urn? crazy, amd i told him aju never. youmean beaosme. one the power to move us around the imtm. hets a involv- so. but when thumb? knout-IF not 7wyfound ycukim country, manage and sell our property, or ume ooncefnep mine report to camp tus thb&sany anymore, outwae ohyone change our names, all without our consent? aboutam 6am- abtsnns? weetend, iwant you actun60w6 coach. a ted?uno thokhew. When will women ever be adult human bono rumors to keep anear peeled mm,ver / tudthem? / beings, in need of j wm/L no protection from ourselves? Will our duties, rights, and okayf responsibilities as citizens continue to be dished out in chips and pieces — or on the installment plan? If the ERA is a legal nightmare conceal¬ ing a Pandora's box of possibilities, it's only because we have been sedated for too long. Both the nightmare and box are long overdue. ring in Physical Science. ; MichigorwStote News, Eost lonsing, Michigan Monday, July 10, 1978 5 TRAFFIC CONGESTION CITED ERA demonstrators urge extension of deadline (continued from page 1) amendment." consideration of the extension, apparently because it has too on the ABC television program "Issues and Answers." is not a game and that because the ERA has become such a CATA routes changed ERA, the proposal Congress little support to gain committee Opponents of the ERA say hotly debated national issue in approval. states have had enough time to recent years, the lime to ratify M.A.C. buses, CATA approved in 1972 that would CATA officials got the go Harrison (coming from campus) The buses will then turn west bound The early momentum of the consider the amendment and it should not be restricted. Street and south officials said. prohibit discrimination based ahead from East Lansing City and South Harrison runs. at Albert on on sex, has been ratified by 35 amendment has slowed drasti¬ clearly have indicated their The the Council members last week to The five routes, which head M.A.C. Avenue to load and CATA was also granted its percent of the 38 states that are cally. It has not been approved, opposition. They say Congress anniversary of the death a year alter five downtown East Lan¬ east down Grand River Avenue unload passengers on the oppo request for a new bus stop on needed for it to become a part in any state this year and should not "change the rules in ago of pioneer suffragist and site side of the street. Charles Street. sing bus routes. and currently turn north on of the Constitution. But Ten suffered defeats in Illinois and the middle of the game" by ERA author Alice Paul, who M.A.C. Avenue, will turn north City planner Ken Woods said The affected routes include nessee, Idaho and Nebraska South Carolina. giving states more time. had predicted in 1972 that block further Charles The lew routes will alleviate Sunday he expects the new bus the Groesbeck, Kalamazoo. one on have voted to rescind their Many of the marchers said Supporters counter by say¬ Congress' imposition of a seven- Street instead. if the traffic congestion routes will go in to effect within Frandor Pebble Creek, North they planned to remain in ing the campaign for equality year limit on ratification of the Iv caused bv the north the next few weeks. approval. The Justice Department has Washington after the march to for half the nation's population ERA would cause problems. said that Congress must ulti¬ lobby for the extension. A mately decide if recissions are congressional recess ends Mon¬ permissible. The deadline for ratification day. Phyllis Schlafly, a leader of Nebraska state senator clowns 'U' prof attended trial is March 22. 1979. Sunday's ERA opponents, said Sunday demonstration was to urge that the chief problem women (continued from page 3) face is "the federal government LINCOLN, NEB. (API •■town, carrying a handful of Congress to extend the ratifica¬ - balloons. fied in court, he said. using tax money to ram an Some say legislators too often tion period by seven years. The our "They (the federation) wanted someone there to observe the amendment down the people's clown around, but a Nebraska Murphy, a severe critic of the proposal has been introduced session's pace, decided to sym¬ trial for them who was not tied to the Jewish community," in both the House and Senate, throat that they don't want. state senator may have taken the metaphor to its ultimate. bolize his distress. "I felt it Maughan said. and it narrowly won the appro¬ They want to put into the Because Maughan has a law degree, which he earned at val of a House Judiciary sub¬ Constitution by illegal means State Sen. J.R. Murphy appropriate to dress for the brought legislative activity to a occasion," said Murphy of South University of Chicago, and "not being for or against Esmail before committee. an amendment that people have the trial," he said he felt he was an objective observer. halt when he entered the Senate Sioux City. He described the However, the House Judi¬ repeatedly rejected." He related a number of observations from the proceedings of the chamber dressed as a circus ciary Committee has postponed Schlafly made her comments mini trial in Federal District court in Tel Aviv. Among other things, Maughan said Esmail told a very convincing story while on the stand. Esmail tended, however, with the aid of his attorney Felicia Police arrest at least 25 at Nazi demonstration Langer. to avoid answering questions in court to the annoyance of the three-judge panel, he continued. The turning point in determining whether to accept Esmail's address system. (continued from page 1) three confessions, Maughan said, was when Esmail admitted he Allen Rocka, a member of the Los Angeles group, exhibited a His rhetoric and propagandizing s< ed to prod reaction from had been visited by his brother Basim and James Kerr, chief of combination of fright and disbelief at the sight of uniformed Nazis. the racially-mixed crowd, which led ■ ndividual fights among consuler section in the U.S. embassy in Israel. spectators and most of the arrest-. "I can't believe this is happening in America said. "This crowd is definitely not friendly." in 1978," Rocka The racist and anti-Semitic chants of the Nazis were echoed by a Some of those demonstration by arrested were their heels and agged tows away from the while hundreds of Handicappers' view seen Esmail testified that the visits came on confessions, two in English 26 and 27. Maughan said. Dec. 25 and the and one in Hebrew, were written Dec. He believes this discredited, in the faction of the crowd who seemed sympathetic to the Nazi cause. onlookers followed after being pushei ick by the intensity of the (continued from page 3) judges' minds, the defense's allegations of isolation and fear crowd. send them into the world and say 'feel good about yourself," he causing Esmail to confess. Hundreds of sympathizers, including many teenagers clad in said. white T-shirts imprinted with the words "white power" and The message of the Nazis seemed to have special meaning for But there is nothing wrong with having the characteristics Maughan said he concluded from the proceedings that Esmail wearing black armbands bearing red swastikas, cheered the small some of the citizens who reside in the racially troubled Marquette society has labeled as negative and once handicappers accept was under some degree of physical abuse and psychological band of tightly-surrounded Nazis. themselves as neither good or bad, it is much easier to build pressure. He added that whether this abuse should have been Amid cries of "Jews go home" and "Nigger lovers" a positive self esteem, Sawisch said. taken into account rested in the hands of the Israeli court. demonstration began with several Nazis addressing the crowd on a Judy Taylor, OPH coordinator and recent guest speaker, told Maughan said he believes there are no right and wrong answers platform set up for the occasion. class members about the accessibility struggle that began in the in the case. He said he thinks Esmail did get justice under the "You gotta stay alive," he said about the potential that existed late '60s and continues today. Frank Collin, head of the party and primary organizer for the Israeli system but he also believes Esmail's confession was for violence in the crowd of onlookers and Nazi sympathizers. "In the State of Michigan it's been a long struggle to develop a demonstration, told the boisterous crowd that the time had come barrier free code and keep it updated," Taylor explained. for the Jews to be wiped out. Collin, in a press conference afterwards at Nazi headquarters, said Sunday afternoon's relatively peaceful demonstration was "a " There's perhaps no better time to reflect upon the relevance of good beginning." ALL KINDS WOMEN'S COUNSELING national socialism," Collin shouted into an inadequate public OF FOLKS CENTER r'?r Large Bean Bags ENJOY FREE • Pregnancy tests " "> G & T NIGHT! for Fun Sitting • Family planning 8 problem ONE NIGHT ONLY BELL'S pregnancy counseling LOST WORLD STRING BAND Now 517.95 Assorted • Confidential 8 concerned Colors TIIIS-SAT SODA with student '.d Reg. '24.95 PIZZA counseling tor men 8 women 225 M.A.C. 332 • 5027 • Educational literature 8 referrals Bean Bag Refills Available 1135 Gr. River 332-0858 332-3554 Pillow Talk Open from 11:00 a.m. 927 E. Grand River, Suite«t3 Free deliveries from Furniture _ 4:30 p.m. . Across from Sunoco Station at Bogue Street entrance East-West Moll, Frondor Moll 351-1767 The T1 58 Programmable IBM NEEDS The advanced programmable with. OUTSTANDING plug in PEOPLE Solid State Software And we can otter outstanding career opportunities in Marketing, Engineering or Computer Science. Modules We will be interviewing at Michigan State University on July 18, 1978 To find out about IBM and let us find out about you, sign up for an List Price 5124.95 interview at the Placement Office or write to: l.C. Pfeiffer, Corporate College Relations Manager, IBM Corporation, our Price One IBM Pla:a, Chicago, IL 60611. Summer Hours: i miu 7:30-5:30 Mon. - Fri. An Oppc i bin pi BOOH STOKE Monday, July 10, 1978 Michigon State News. Eost Loosing, Michigon DAVE DI MARTINO ? Life with Big Mac 4/-"T Urease • kids' stuff I don't spend too many Saturday mornings watching TV, but this past weekend I managed bird Ron asks his pals to watch tweets and. in general, comedy is set back another 10 years. But no big deal. The important thing is this: at no to watch about a half-hour of a show called Screenwriter Bronte Wood atrocious throughout the time is food ever mentioned. Instead, the name By Bil l. HOLDSHIP Scooby Doo and the Laff Olympics and, to my ard has butchered Jim Jacobs' movie, an example being the "McDonalds" was repeatedly flashed on the State News Reviewer surprise, I had a really great time. screens and — adding much to the watching and Warren Casey's original drag race which at best might The show stunk, of course. But the commer¬ Grease is the word, alright. script beyond recognition, con¬ have kept the teenybopper kiddies' feelings of warmth and acceptance, I'm It's the word for the worst and cials were great. Especially McDonalds'. audience on the edge of their sure — Ronald just smiles and waves to his most unjust motion picture centrating less on a story and See, I'm really convinced that McDonalds is making the film a seats. As filmed, the scene is loving audience. hype of this summer. It will more on out to hook American youth in every way about as interesting as watch¬ Now if you add all this to positively the most hodge podge of '50s artifacts. possible. Certainly that's obvious — after all, probably break box office rec Even this fails, an example ing two houseflies mate. gruesome promotional campaign McDonald's has ords. I personally would like to Of course, the film does have they wouldn't be changing the "25 billion served" ever devised the "Family Reunion" — the break Robert Stigwood's head. being the use of a photo of Elvis sign to 26 billion this month if kids weren't — First. I should probably ex in post army crewcut taken in John Travolta. However, I have dragging their parents out of the house for Big implications are, to say the least, ominous. the mid 60s! The film tries to be to agree with State News film Mac gratification. But I don't think of Ray Kroc McDonald's new scheme involves the company plain. This is more of a bitter, reviewer Byron Baker who outraged response than it is a nostalgic by including per¬ knew what he was doing for the art of subliminal graciously setting up large-scale family reunions formances by '50s personalities once said: "As an actor, John as McDonalds' "Tribute to the American Fam review. Grease is my favorite Travolta is a terrific dancer." persuasion when he or some unnamed McDonald like Eve Arden, Sid Caesar, flunky unwrapped Ronald McDonald. ily." The current commercial depicts a "house Broadway musical of all time. It As an actress, Olivia Newton was the first production to Frankie Avalon, and Ed "Roo¬ First things first: Ronald McDonald isn't wife" — the only term applicable in this case kie" Byrnes, among others. All John has a nice smile. who opens her front door and finds her entire perfectly combine the best ele¬ actually the happy hamburger harpy's whole I've talked to people who like extended family right on the door stop, wishing ments of American musical look embarrassingly unin¬ name, ya see — some friends and I found that out Grease. All of these people fall her love. As a rich, Waltons-influenced comedy with a pure rock 'n roll spired. and this device defeats during McDonalds' "Guess the weight of the score its purpose the point being under one of the following drones on in the background, the camera 50-pound hash brown" contest. I was reading a Unlike Hair. Grease was that these people were stars in categories: a. they didn't see placemant bearing one in the continuing series of alternately shows the faces of the housewife and the '50s; none of them would the play; b. they have no fond the individual members of the reunited family. able to transcend the "flower Ronald McDonald's Adventures in McDonald i of the '50s; c. they power" dogma, thereby making have been at Rydel High in Land. Then I noticed that every time Ronald's Finally, a worn, haggard woman emerges from i' timeless and appealing to the name appeared in the little comic strip, it was the back. The housewife, gazing at her in sheer As a movie, Grease fails on every level followed with a little "c" with a circle around it - astonishment, immediately hugs her and, as the young and old alike. Grease which, I guess, makes sense since ol' Ron is an camera closes in, whispers in a quivering voice: broke the record as Broadway's where the play succeeded. It can't seem to longest running musical. I saw resembles Grease the plav in officially registered trademark. I got to thinking "Mom . . ." title only. Producers Robert decide whether it wants to be serious or a that I'd like to legally change my name by adding the stage production six times. And if that's not enough, word has it that I wouldn't walk across the Stigwood and Allan Carr, the parody . . . and ends up as bland as dinner at the same little "c" to the end of my name, but I McDonalds' involvement in the American family street to see the movie again. new P.T. Barnums of rook McDonalds. guess I've never gotten around it. Still a good structure will further be deepening on several i >nstage, Grease was a terrif¬ As a movie. Grease fails on manufacturing are no dum idea, though. levels. Rumors are that the company plans a joint ic parody with almost cartoon every level where the play- mies. and their marketing of loved Saturday Night Fever; d. So while watching Scooby Doo I noticed 1959, and they all look 20 years promotional project with the Roman Catholic likv characters. Though satiri- succeeded. It can't seem to the movie was infallible. Urged they are under 16 years old. If something interesting about the McDonalds older. It doesn't make sense. church, though in what capacity can only be i'. Grease was also a glorious decide whether it wants to be by the monstrous success of And finally, when you you fit here, you may love commercials that are obviously aimed at kids: c get to guessed. Hints that both the church's holy- celebration of what it was to be serious or a parody. It lacks the Saturday Night Fever on his the nitty gritty. Sha Na Na are Grease. Myself, I turned to they don't mention food. Ever. communion distribution system and Big Macs own RSO Records. Stigwood The commercial I another in the an idolescent during the Eisen¬ joy and spirit of the stage more 1970s than they are '50s. Byron at the film's conclusion saw was might be involved are too awesome to content hower production, and ends up as released the film's soundtrack and asked, "Do you suppose continuing series of The Adventures of Ronald. era — hilariously funny bland as dinner at McDonalds. before the movie, complete The one thing the movie they'll ever make a movie out of This time Ronald is taking a picture of all his only because this first rock 'n The original story has been with two hit singles which retains from Broadway is Pa¬ Grease?" I chalked up a point buddies the hamburger mayor, the pirate, etc. I could make further allegations, but I won't. r<•: generation took their bryl- — would publicize the movie tricia Birch's superby chor I'm getting hungry, and a "hot apple pie" sounds <-• im problems and newfound seemingly whitewashed and for American capitalism, and — and, with typical humorous antics that kids are s. \uality so seriously at the changed considerably to appeal through Top 10 playlists. Only- eography. although even this decided to see American Graf¬ bound to love, the commercial depicts the clown real good right now. Maybe I'll talk to Ronald to today's discoed out teeny- problem is the two songs — has been cleaned up to appear having a very hard time. His camera bends, the about it. t rue. The only theme in Grease fiti again. v - an authentic portrayal of bopper. This can be document "You're The One That I Want" less "vulgar." However, the the conflict between the two ed by the Lansing debut of and "Grease" — are both disco- manner director Randal Kleiser Grease I where the aver oriented numbers. As such, has chosen to film these makes opposing factions of '50s adoles- saw they have much place in the dance scenes as sterile as -ee - the black-leathered age crowd of 12- to 15-year-olds as a a '50s movie as would K.C. & The the few songs the movie has :h DA model of Elvis and sighed and applauded every SANDAL SALE : J.i1 ues Dean versus the purer- time Travolta took the stage. Sunshine Band. retained. Kleiser's direction is r n snow white-shoed "I- In fact, Grease-the movie (Wwy Available) No chocks accepted I X xXaesarj-/, tgj Buy any Medium Pizza at the Regular Monday is FINAL Price get the Identical Pizza TRET Pitcher Night 10 Reduced Prices on ALL Pitchers DAYS Tuesday is NEW STORE 2380 E. Grand River Lansing Tequila Night eeeeeeeeeeeeee WOMEN'S / SAVE l/2off '•SHOES (UP TO /•SANDALS •CLOGS 11203 E. Grand River .... 2380 J UK-E. Grand °< River Values to $35.00 £$37-1631 485-4406 97 5" to 24 /•SHOES &\ Discontinued Books Bare Traps. Bass. Bort Carleton, Clarks. Dexler. Diesse. Dunhams. Kniore. Red Hot. Sbicra. Shoes n' Stuff plus many more lfHKpatr < •SANDALS Paperbacks .35c ea. or 4 for a dollar Special Grouping 10" to 2497 Bass, narks. Dexter, l.acon- 95 pair ta. Portage. Kl Padrino plus more. 850 ' pair on Mens & Womens Boys & Girls ATHLETIC Open FOOTWEAR tonight til 6 8" t» 15", Thurs. & Fri. til 9 MM Bootei FOR THE WOMEN - FORTHEMEN ■ 225 E. Grand RiverMAC & Abbott, between • East217Lansing E. Grand River fgP Michigan Stole News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Mondoy, July 10, 1978 ^ Wimbledon champions Navratilova upsets Borg at his best in Hutchins enjoys Softball Evert win Connors By JERRY BRAUDE for crown over State News Sports Writer "I think I had a better seaso Hutchins said. "I'm not By MARTIN LADKR By MORLEY MYERS Carol Hutchins, shortstop for MSU women's softball team, has hitting and fielding as well as I'm not coming to the ball WIMBLEDON. England (UPI) - Martina Navratilova. her WIMBLEDON, England (UPI) — Bjorn Borg, the somber like I should be." played an instrumental role in the team's fine showing the past few The Laurels have been going thoughts 1,000 miles away in Czechoslovakia, upset Chris P]vert, Swede who wields the meanest racket in the world, seasons, including a national championship her freshman year. through a rigorous schedule this 2-6, 6-4, 7-5. Friday to win the women's singles crown at overpowered American Jimmy Connors6-2,6-2,6 3 Saturday in During the summer she also wears the green and white, but it's year, including a four game sweep by the Raybestos Brakettes of Wimbledon and establish herself as the heir apparent to the a repeat of last year's final to become the first player in 42 years for the Lansing Laurels fast-pitch softball team, where she is Stratford, Conn., a team which has taken 10 national titles in the world's No. 1 tennis ranking. to win Wimbledon's men's singles title three times in succession. carrying a .330 batting average. past 12 years. But Hutchins believes the tough schedule will make It was the second finals victory for Martina over her close The 22-vear-old champion, a ruthless executioner on center Hutchins finds herself in a different atmosphere when playing for them better prepared for the state tournament. friend and former doubles partner in two weeks and she has won court, took one hour 47 minutes to capture the $34,200 first prize "I think we have a good shot at winning it," Hutchins said. "If we the Laurels. But it doesn't bother her — she just enjoys playing. 10 of the 13 tournaments she has played in this year. Once a and carve a niche in Wimbledon history by matching the hat trick "When I play for the Laurels, there is more consistent do, we will automatically qualify for the nationals, which is self-confessed hothead, Navratilova has lost only three of 71 last achieved by Britain's Fred Perry in 1936. competition," Hutchins said. "In college, everybody is about the something we haven't done in a couple of years. The Brakettes were matches in 1978 since she has learned to control her emotions. Connors, the fiesty 25-year-old lefthander from Belleville, 111., a tough team, but we gave them good games. We were just one out same age, and we're all going to school together. But the Lansing In addition to the cherished Wimbledon crown, a dream she had hoped to avenge last year's five-set defeat and regain the Laurels have a wide range in ages." away from winning two of those games, and we showed them that had nourished since she was eight years old, Navratilova also crown he held in 1974. But in this match between the two best we were tough, too." Hutchins is basically satisfied with her play for the Laurels this struck another blow for the liberation of her parents and sister players in the world it was Borg who held all the aces. Hutchins hasone more year of from Czechoslovakia. A packed crowd of 14,000 saw the Swede at his greatest and it eligibility left for MSU's softball "I am sad I cannot share this with my family." said was unfortunate for Connors that he had to meet Borg on one of team. She hopes the team can those days where everything went right for the champion. Navratilova. who defected during the U.S. Open in 1975 and has bounce back from the its defeat not seen her parents since. Borg, who also equalled Australian Rod Laver's 1962 feat of in the regionals, "I was thinking about them from the beginning of the match. winning the French, Italian and Wimbledon championships in one year, dominated the match with his piercing topspin ground Hutchins also plays on the Winning here can only help bring us together." Navratilova disclosed that during the awards ceremony when strokes and angled double-fisted backhands, which constantly Spartans' women's basketball the Duchess of Kent presented her with the silver salver the pranced past Connors' reaching racket. Duchess asked her if her parents were watching on television. Connors, who had an 8-5 record against Borg going into "I'm not as good in basketball "I think so," Martina replied. "Then I told her I was trying to Saturday's final, was far from disgraced. Although he failed to as I am in softball," Hutchins get them out of the country. She said she wanted to help me in force Borg into a five-set repeat of 1977, he displayed his own said. "I just like playing it. As any way she could, but I don't think she can." awesome talent during some blistering rallies which flashed long as i get to play, I'm happy. Evert, who has dominated women's tennis for most of the last across the center court surface at breakneck speed. We blew a couple of big games five years, looked as though she would have a relatively easy- Connors got off to a quick start, breaking Borg's first service last year. I must be a jinx to lead 2-0, but it was the only time the American was in time gaining the women's championship here for the third time because the teams I play on while incidentally avenging the loss to Navratilova at command as Borg reeled off the next six games for the set. keep blowing the big ones." Eastbourne two weeks ago. The champion broke Connors in the third, fifth and seventh But Martina broke service six times, including three in the games, with the No. 2 seed serving three double faults en route. Hutchins' favorite moment at final set. and once and for all buried any notion that she couldn't It was Connors' inability to make a high percentage of his first MSU was her freshman year, serves which proved to be his greatest weakness. Borg, who when the softball team took the win the big ones by rallying from a 4-2 deficit in the decisive set. Evert, at 23 always the cool one, had won four straight games twice changed his racket after breaking strings, got himself out national championship. to take the 4-2 advantage only to have Navratilova break in the of several tight situations by serving aces and also managed to "Just playing athletics in seventh game and then hold in the eighth to even it all up and outstay Connors on most of their long rallies. general has been great." create tremendous tension among the 14,000 spectators in Connors came out more determined in the second set. holding Hutchins said. "Next year will center court, including Princess Margaret. his service to break Borg's six-game streak. The American came be w ithin inches of breaking Borg's service in the next game, but my last year of college Evert held her serve to go up 5-4, but her much stronger athletics, and I'll miss it a lot." the Swede got out of trouble with an ace, one of five he served opponent then swept the next three games with the loss of only Hutchins is majoring in physi¬ two points to end the one hour and 41 minute match. during the match. cal education, but she will "I had my chances when it was 4-2 in the third set," Evert said. Connors' service weakness hurt him in the next game when decide specifically what she is "I played a poor game. If I was going to lose. I didn't want to be Borg was able to attack with impunity and break through for a tentative. I went for my shots, made errors and lost the game. 2-1 lead. going to do once she graduates. Then I couldn't break her serve, it was just too strong. The Swede did not have things all his own way, though, and "I hope to get invited for a "When she was down she played very well. When I was ahead had to save four break points in the next game as Connors tryout for the Pan American I couldn't finish it off. At 4-2 I knew I could win it. I was nervous launched a fusillade of fearsome forehand passing shots. But games, but there's a lot of good Borg held his service and then broke through again in the then because I thought it was within my reach. Martina two shortstops around," Hutchins seventh game for a 5-2 lead before serving out to win the set in said. "I hope to play softball for years ago would have been discouraged then and would have the next. given up. She's a lot tougher now." quite a while. It gives me something to do." Stale News Debbie r it's for MSU or the Lansing Laurels, Carol Hutchins, shown here antici- The Lansing Studio Theatre , throw against Grand Valley, just enjoys playing softball. announces Be a Plasma Donor! AUDITIONS s6.00 cash paid for each donation Cowboys sign Bethea for the production of s10.00 cash paid for second donation if you donate twice in one week Larry Bethea. former MSU Lflnsinc- defensive lineman and the most valuable player in the Big Ten ry-1 * TONIGHT ,S CANDIDA by YOU MUST BE 18 AND SHOW 2 PIECES OF I.D. HELP SAVE LIVES' BE A PLASMA DONOR last season, Friday signed a COME TO: /^=7 GUEST George Bernard Shaw only 111 hours and is used (or multi-year contract with the "A DAMNED It takes 1. Children's Innoculations world-champion Dallas Cow¬ boys of the National Football A* / NIGHT! July 13th & 14th AMERICAN 3. Burn Therapy league. at PLASMA DONOR 4. Cancer Research the last 7:30 p.m. 5. Hemophelia Therapy Bethea, who was CENTER player selected in the first round of the NFL draft, started 1019 Huntington, Lansing For further information call 482-9289 2827 GR. RIVER AVE. at defensive tackle for the E.LANSING, MICH, Spartans the last three years. The terms of the contract for phone 351-2620 the Newport News, Va., native were not announced. 10a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Tues. & Wed. A uNivmsAi. hellasi: 8a.m. - 4:30p.m. Fri. & Sat. ; RHA 24-hour ; TECHNICOLOR u * movie program « RICHARD PRYOR I line I 35541313 ♦ HARVEY KEITEL YAPHET KDTTO is the word OPEN 1 PM DAILY it**1®"' u DOOLEY'S FEATURE at 1:30 3:30-5:30-7:30-9:30 MATINEES DAILY THE BAD NEWS cMORE THAN JUST A RECORD STORE fyo/tdX SUNDAY JULY 16-0 6 030 ± TICKETS *2.00 IN ADVANCE Neil Simon's TheCheap" S Detective" H 220 MAC. UNIVERSITY MALL ABOVE ALLE'EY PH. 332-3525 HRS. MON. - SAT. 9-9, SUE. 127 llAMMS MONDAY, JULY 17 - 9:00 ALL 8-TRACK TICKETS $6.00 IN ADVANCE BURT AND CASSETTES REYNOLDS TICKETS AVAILABLE AT DOOLEY'S AND AT BOTH each REG. $7.98 499 RECORDLANDS (LANSING AND MERIDIAN MALLS) Monday, July 10, 1978 8 Michigon Stale News. Eost lansing. Michigan i W'.-V-r Mi '¥ toSsp * ., m •. • ■ .r?SS :fS | for Renl Apartments ^ FRANKLY SPEAKING phil frank | service ^ Classified Advertising VjE ARE PIWID JO ANNOUNCE 4 WILL BABYSIT tn myHaslett Announcements for It's MSU Volleyball Club meets Information REFRIGERATOR TV STEREO Rentals, free delivery WEAWJS 6WEM turn m home, prefer 4 years or older. What's Happening must be at 7 tonight and Thursday, on of camims 372 1795 STUD5MT 60LWEI? N /ttlKJP- 339 2793. 5-7 13 (3) received in the State News Gym III, Men's IM Building. W7 Student Services Bldg office, 343 Student Services TOE FP156EE-JHAP5P SKENAOf." •ONE 355-1255 AH welcome 0-8 7 21 3' HOUSEPAINTING inside or Bldg., by noon at least two out. Professional experience, class days before publication. Come play Go! MSU Go rates. Call Bob, 489 HATES Apartments Pine Lake best 0565. 2 7-10(41 No announcements will be Club meets at 8:30 Call Ken or Mike at 332-6353 tonight. 1 day • $0C por lino accepted by phone. line. , 3 4 I 3 dayt ■ I0C por lino Apartments FOR QUALITY stereo for details. Beginners wel- 7.HI 13 SO KM 4doyi -75( por lino ser¬ Tai Chi Club meets at 6 3 j 70 6080 Warrh Rd vice. THE STEREO SHOPPE. p.m every Tuesday and 4 S.M f M UN I doy. 70« por lino Make your Meridian Mall Area 555 E Grand River. Thursday in the grotto near free time count. 3 4.SO 11 00 MM C-17-7-31 131 the Music Building. Volunteer action corps needs 14 40 J7M 4 540 (SO KM Lino rato por insertion •165 plus utilities you for community service. y Donate your manpower. Typing Service English tutors needed to Contact 26 Student Services assist foreign students in Econolinoi 3 Imos ■ U 00 • 5 days 80' por over Bldg • COPYGRAPH SERVICE Italian, Spanish and other 3 lines. No adjustment in rote when cancelled Complete dissertation and languages. Contact Volun¬ MSU Chess Club meets at Price of item(s) must be stated in ad Maximum resume service. Corner MAC teer Programs, 26 Student 7 p.m Tuesday, C102 Wells sale price of *50. and Grand River. 8:30 a.m.- Services Bldg. Thank you Hall Bring your own set and Peanuts Personol odt • 3 lines '2 25 per insertion for 5:39 p.m. Monday-Friday. board. 75* per line over 3 lines prepayment coming back to 339-8193 10 a m 5 p.m. Saturday. United Student for Christ, Rummage Oarage Sola odl • < lines 'J 50 337-1666 C-17-7-31 (71 Hatha Yoga Classes are at 63' par line over t lines ■ par insertion Evenings which sponsors gospel con¬ TYPING. EXPERIENCED, cert and Christian Ice¬ 7 p.m. Tuesdays, Unity of Round Town ads ■ s Imas '2 SO ■ per insertion breakers, welcomes all to Greater Lansing, 240 Mar¬ fast and reasonable. 371 - 63'par line over e lines Bible Studies at 7 p.m. Tues¬ shall, Lansing. Free. No reli¬ 4635 C-17-7-31 131 Last I Founds ads Transportation ads ■ 3 Imas " 50 TERRACE O COLLtGl MEDIA SERVICES ba»4244 tcrMey CA 94704 days. 214 Bessey Hall. gion required. par insertion 50' par line 3 lines ANN BROWN typing. Disser¬ Houses ft ' For Sel« ^ tations-resumes term papers. 601 Abbott Road. North en¬ Deadlines now filled for INSTANT CASH We're pay trance. 351 7221 rFitils vou lor C-17-7-31 (4) Ads 2 p.m 1 class day before publication summer and foil ing $1-$2 for albums in good Cancellation Chonge -1pm I cioss day before shape. WAZOO RECORDS. EXPERT TYPING by MSU publication. 0 8 7 14 i3> 223 Abbott. 337-0947. grad. 17 years experience. Once ad is ordered it cannot be concelled or changed C-17-7-31 (4) Near Gables, call 337 0205. until ofter 1st insertion DELTA ARMS ATTENTION innts- GRAD large spacious quiet 4 stu- DISCOUNT, NEW, used, C 17 7 31 131 There is a '1.00 charge for 1 od change plus 50' per bedroom newer house, desks, chairs, files. BUSI¬ odditionol change for moximum of 3 chonges TYPING TERM papers IBM To place your 1 $390' NESS EQUIPMENT CO 215 The State News will only be responsible for the 1st now filled immediate occupancy, . experienced, fast service. Call low-cost, fast- month. 669-5513 0 5 7 13(5) E Kalamazoo. 485-5500. 351 8923 0 17-7-31 (3) day's incorrect insertion Ad|u$tment claims must 0-1-7-10 14) acting Classified be mode within 10 days of expiration da'e for summer HASLETT 2 blocks from THESIS TERM papers ad, just give us Bills are due 7 days from ad expirotion da'e if not beach 3 bedroom, furnished, SANYO REFRIGERATOR. typed. Quick Quality. 332 call. paid by due dote a 50' late service charge will and fall four or five adults $360 2'x2\ 8 months old. under 2078. 0 14-7 31 (3) a be due. month 332-4076 8 7 20(4) warranty. $80. 337 0532 after 6 p.m E 5 7-14 (31 EXPERIENCED IBM typing, dissertations. (pica-elite). Rooms COMPLETE STEPEO system, FAYANN. 489 0358 excellent condition, best C-17-7-31 (3) Automotive a, Employment fi 1 offer. 332 1806 8 7-20 (31 BEDROOM summer sublet mce house, 2 blocks, from Only a few left!! - PROMPT EXPERIENCED, If you FLAT TOP guitars, largest need some jn on, $80 month - utilities, typ-ng. evenings, 332 3492. CHEVROLET LUV 1976 4 COOKS AND dishwashers selection ever. WILCOX assistance word¬ 337-9246 8-7-10 (4) C 17 7-31 13' 2 Thank you fur TRADING POST. 485-4391 ad, speed, air, AM FM, camper sneli 669-3085 8-7-17 <3' wanted Neat clea^ and de¬ pendable Apply -n person Waters Edge SUNNY ROOM WITH private C 15-7-31 (31 ing your friendly our Ad- from 2 pm - 5 pm„ The coming back tu • Reduced Summer rent ••nuance. Sublet, begin July UNIGRAPHICS COMPLETE DISSERTATION OFFERS Visors will be CUTLASSS 1972 automatic, SEAHAWK RESTAURA\T 13 Liz 351-7217 8-7 17(41 vmyi top, radio $950. 2 door, W'li 5-7 1 BURCHAM WOODS from 5160 Animals V AND RESUME SERVICE happy to help 351 3625 7-7-14(31 Now filled for • Two ond four person type setting. IBM typing, you S'NGLE ROOM, large house, offset printing and binding MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST, summer-Just a fevi apartments excellent location, kitchen, ANGLO LIPIZZAN horses, OATSUV 1974- 260Z. 2*2. For estimate stop in at 2843 MT (ASCPi Full and pad- • Walk to campus laundry, parking, $60/month. bred for dressage and jump¬ air. 4-speed. 49,000 miies. left for fall. East Grand River or phone time positions available m our 1050 332 1918 8 7-19(4) ing. Call 349-1574 8-7-13 (4) 332 8414 C-17-7-31 $4000. 351 4025 8-7J9j4t clinical labratory. all sh.fts. Make a Watersedge Dr. DATSUN B210. 1974 Excellent starting salary and (next to Cedar Village) CAMPUS NEAR, summer. FREE KITTENS. 6 weeks old. great reservation new From $65 month 485-1436. fringe benefits. Apply at Per 332-4431 assorted, long short hair shape. $1850 485-6048 after 5 p.m. 8-7-21 (31 Sonne" Office. LANSING efficiency $175 0-6-7-14(3) 351 4033. 4-7-14 I3l Wanted J We'll charge your GENERAL HOSPITAL. 2800 1 bedroom $210 ROOMMATE FOR fully ad and send you ROOMS IN townhouse, FREE AFFECTIONATE male FAMILY IN transition needs 3 FORD STATION wagon. Devonshire. Lansing, Michi¬ ■vsned Fool, sauna, air. I 2 bedroom $290 Juedo-Chnstian setting, $65/ 3-4 bedroom home for 3 a bill when the 1972, 4-door, reasonable gan 48909 372-8220 ext 267 85'jC 14 7 10 31 tiger cat, 7 months old, ad has appeared utilities. 332 0199. X-8-7-2N3) months. August 10 Novem¬ price, must sell 337-0086 5-7 13 'Hi Call between 12-5 neutered and declawed. Days • 371-5550, evenings 332-8748 ber 10 655 2938 after 6 p.m. the number of between 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. 351-3118 ClEAN. 8 7 12 (6) PERFECT PART-time job QUIET, Close, no days for which 4-7-13I4) cooking, parking available. Evenings hours Must be Thank you for 135 Beech 351-0631 you ordered it GRAND PRIX. 1973 loaded, neat, dependable and have SUBLEASE FOR LEASE Arab mare rid¬ mint condition, must sell. own transpodation Ca:' be coming Dock to 3 7 13 (4i den English Experienced 351-7241 12 7-12(3) tween 3 and 6 p m 655 3931 r.der 332-8277 evenings. 8 7 ROOMS FOR rent, close to 8 7 21 (3t JEEP RENEGADE CJ5 1976. 19(6; ampus $60 80 month. Call 304 V8. power steering, low EXECUTIVE-LEGAL seoe ST E MAR MANAGEMENT. SoBLt' _uLf 30 - Sei mileage, excellent. 372-1039 tary Have ability municate with public excel to com¬ 351 5510 4 7-14(4) , Lost t Found A FEMALE ROOMMATE want¬ after 6 X-8-7-10 <51 $87.50 plus OLDS DELTA Royale 1974 lent skills Legal experience helpful-not essential $11,000 For Sale % LOST CAT- orange tiger. Albert small, male Street ed own utilities. car. Call after 9 p.m. to stad. Submit resume to 100 USED vacuum cleaners, between Division and Bailey 332-5713. 8-7 21 13) convertible, excellent condi¬ Box A-1 State News, 34? 1 Reward. Call 355-2361 days, tion, loaded $3600 663-3182 SOJTh SIDE 2 year warranty, $7.88 and 7-7-10 (31 Student Serivces. East Lans¬ DENNIS DISTRIBUTING 351-2754 evenings. 4-7-14 (5) ing 4-7 14 '9' up COMPANY, 316 North Cedar Round Town £ VW RABBIT. 1977- green. Call 12-5 482 2677 C-17-7-31 (5) FOUND- IRISH Setter, male, AM FM. C3 unit, $3500. AUDIO TECHNICIAN- exper¬ ienced. full time Apply at 332-0052 Meridian Mall area, flea collar ASMSU PREPAID Legal Ser¬ State News 37t 3572 after 5 p.m. NEW USED and vintage only. Animal Control Center, vices plan now makes legal THE STEREO SHOPPE. 555 8-7 14, '3; guitars, banjos, mandolins, 676-2431. 3-7-10 14) services available without fee VW BUG 1973 29.000.5 star E Grand River. C 4 7 14 '4; Free etc corders Dulcimers and kits, re¬ strings, accessories, to undergraduate MSU stu¬ dents. Office open 9 am 12 Classified condition, $1795. After 9 p m SUMMER EMPLOYMENT books, thousands of hard-to- Recreation p.m; 1:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. 393-5942. before 5 p.m. cat* 355-8270 4-7-12 (41 Roommate find albums (all at very low prices). Private and group STRAWBERRIES-PICK your Monday-Friday. For informa¬ tion or appointment call 355- 355-8255 Service lessons on guitar, banjo, own 35C per pound. Open 7 8266 0-8-7-21 (91 VW BUS. 1971- excellent condition, new paint, $1500 CASHIER WANTED. Houses £ mandolin, all styles. Gift certi¬ a m on picking deys. Well negotiable. 351-8999. Exper- 332-4432 ficates Expert repairs-free beheved children welcome estimates. ELDERLY IN¬ GIBBS BERRYLAND, South X-6-7-17 (3) .PEOPLE REACHER of Onondage, 1-628 2663 Good pay and benefi's. Apply (We will match you STRUMENTS. 541 East Grand River. 332-4331. 8-7-10 (61 with compatable Mo Suva / in person ADULT only. CINEMA X ENTERTAINMENT C 16 7-31 (13) roommates) Service CENTER, 1000 W Jolly ^ BRAKE brake PARTS including pads, shoes, and hy¬ draulic components in stock Road. 0-17 7-31 H3i STORE DETECTIVES- can EUREKA NEAR Spar BLACK DIRT, sod farm soil. Approximately 5% yards de¬ livered locally. $40. 641-6024 FREE LESSON in complexion care. MERLE NORMAN WANT AD at CHEQUERED FLAG FOR- or 372 4080. Fill. sand, gravel, 641-4562 between 10 a m COSMETIC STUDIO 321- E'GN CAR PARTS 2605 East and 3 p.m Monday - Friday .s route $350 available also. 0-17-7-31 (6) Just cample It furm and 5543 C17-T31 (4) Kalamazoo St 487-5055, one mail with paumenttn: __ 0-17-7-31 (3» ) deposit refer- _ mile west of campus. (ease 485 2469 JULIETTE STEREO. 2 walnut WEDDING FLOWERS, low r-17-7-31 <71 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT cost top quality, full service. speakers, good condition, State S'eu s Classified Dept. AT ROSELAKE WILDLIFE SOUTH HOLMES Street. 2 $50 or best offer. 332-8260. 623 6545. 8 7 17(31 JUNK CARS wanted Also RESEARCH CENTER mcis 3b ? Student Services Sidp. E-5-7 13 (3) selling used pads. Phone louse, available 321 3651 C 17 7 31 (3) through work study program. r 2 month or 22 Now Leasing For East I.ansinq, Mich. bS823 373-9358 7-7-17 (51 a 332 6715. or OVER 25 years experience MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. 7497 0 4 7 14 pm 9 p.m. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2617 FALL TEMPORARY MAIL room E Michigan, Lansing, Michi¬ Kalamazoo, since 1940. Auto Address help- 4-6 weeks Two shifts SUBLEASE 1 painting-collision service. gan. C-4-7-14 (4) . available. 830 a.m. .VAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, American-foreign cars. 485- City Zip Code 4 30 p.m and 5 p.m to 3 bedroom SAILBOAT- 14 foot, orange . . 0256. C-1-7 7-31 15) ■wn room in midnight. Apply at 3308 nudetr dup'ex Near Forest Hobie Cat. $995. 337-0285 Student Number, South Cedar, Suite " 6 Daytime Phone _ . kkers j 1 H-month plus utili- evenings. 4-7-14 (3) GOOD USED tires. 13-14-15 5-7 14 (6) ROOMMATE FOR fully fur ,e*> Fan option 394 4494 Classification inch. Mounted free. Used nished Pool, sauna, air 882 SEWING MACHINES slightly 0 7 24 «6i wheels and hub caps. PEN- STUDENTS INTERESTED .n 9556 10-7 26(31 used, guaranteed, $39.95 and NELL SALES INC 1825 East employment with RHA Movie WO RESPONSIBLE per- . up. Open arm chairs from Michigan. Lansing. Mich. program for fall term may PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE- ons needed to share large 5 $89.50 EDWARDS DISTRI¬ 25 characters in a line, including punctuation and spoces between words. 48912. 482 5818 furnished one bedroom. ledroom nouse. $73 month. pick up applications July 10, BUTING CO.. 1115 N. Wash¬ C 1-7-7-31 (6) 11,12. from 4 to 6 p m ,n323 $175 month plus deposit ington. 489 6448 Have a place to head Print Ad here Student Services Ticket Also, furnished studio. $145 C 13 7 31 (6) to...Collingwood month plus deposit Phone Employment fi takers needed. 2-7-12 -9; 489 5574 after 5pm EAST IANSING semi fur VISIT MID MICHIGAN'S Apartments! TELEPHONE SOLICITORS 02 7 12 '81 nished fu< 3 or 4 Call Craig. MANAGER TRAINEE na¬ largest used bookshop. 'air conditioned part-time. 5-9 p.m. Salary 655 1255 alter 6 p.m CURIOUS BOOKSHOP, 307 tional theater chain, college 'dishwasher FFMALE FOR toy 6 1 14 (3) degree, willing to relocate, plus bonus. EASTLAWN E. Grand River, East Lansing. '(hag carpeting CIRCLE RATE WANTED 3 LINE MINIMUM MEMORY GARDENS, 349 own room, $77 50/month 332 0112. C 13-7-31 (5) salary, benefits, contact: LUXURY DUPLEX. Burchain 'unlimited parking plus utilities Stud August' Chet Wasko. Meridian Thea 9156 8 7 21 (5) September. 349 2491 Dnvi- East Lansing, family *2 bedrooms I-HOlL-jinH-HOt-Hlf" ters, 349-2702 Monday Friday MOST LP'S priced $175 'model open daily urunnmrnmrn SELFSERVE 8 7 21 .4i preferred, $350 plus utilities 6 between 1 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. gas station □inin rn colli hum deposit 351 7504 8 7 21 14) $2 50 Cassettes, $3 quality 8 7 17 (7) attendants- neat, polite, hon •'310 est wi*h retail cash handling ROOMMATE NEEDED for guaranteed. Plus 45's, song □EDOiiJEirnnim carpeted air conditioned. 2 SOMEONE NEEDED to share books, more FLAT. BLACK BABYSITTER CARE for 2 expe'it'nce Apply at 315 E Call 351-8282 tlouse near Meudian Mall. AND CIRCULAR, upstairs, children, references required Grand River, between 9 a.m. 351 1816 before 2 p.m. or 1 p m. Monday, July 17. campus $90 including utili Ow room, $90'month. 541 E. Grand River. Open 11 (bahlnd Rollarworld) Ph.,..f- 349 2866 4 7 14 (41 a m C 16 7 31 (6) after 8 p.m. 8-7 13 (41 EOE 4 7 14(91 Pes 332 7514 4 7 14 (5) Michigan Stole News, Eos! Lansing, Michigo Monday. July 10. 1978 9 Pop Ent«rtc HAGAR the Horrible' da* SPONSORED BY: (6)WJIM-TV(CBS) y tv (lO)WILX-TV(NBC) (H)WELMTV(Cable) (12)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) by Dik Browne MONDAY 7:00 8:30 (10) Days Of Our lives 1:00 (23) Young Musical Artists (6) My Three Sons (6) Good Times (6-12) Phil Donahue (10) Adam-12 (12) Laverne & Shirley 2:00 (10) Marcus Welby.M.D. (12) Partridge Family 9:00 (12) One Life To Live (23) Life Around Us (6) M*A*S*H (23) Sesame Street (23) Over Easy (11) Susan Brownmiller At (10) Movie 10:00 2:30 M.S.U. 7:30 (12) Three's Company (6) Tic Tac Dough (6) Guiding Light (6) Gong Show (23) Opera Theater (10) Card Sharks (10) Doctors (10) Hollywood Squares 9:30 (12) Dinah! (23) Economically Speaking (12) Mary Tyler Moore (6) One Day At A Time CLEANERS (23) Mister Rogers' Neighborhood 3:00 (23) MacNeil/Lehrer 10:00 PEANUTS SPONSORED BY: LAUNDRY (10) Another World ReP°rl (6) Lou Grant 10:30 (12) General Hospital 8:00 10:30 by Schulz (6) Jeffersons (6-11-10) Hollywood (23) French Chef (12) To Be Announced (10) Little House On The Squares Prairie 11:00 332-3537 3:30 (23) Electric Company (6-10-12) News (6) All In The Family (12) Laverne & Shirley 11:00 (23)Onedin Line (23) Dick Cavett (23) Villa Alegre (10) High Rollers IS' it (A 4:00 (12) Happy Days (23) Villa Alegre MSU SHADOWS mi MAT with this comic! 11:30 (6) New Mickey Mouse Club by Gordon Carleton Ne Petes* New Albert at A*At under Moon's (6) Love of Life (10) Munsters (12) Bonanza SPONSORED BY: PXMBALL PETE'S (10) Wheel of Fortune (12) Family Feud (23) Sesame Street (23) Lilias, Yoga and You 4:30 'Mii. Vox FIV1AJ6 ParUouFS oRTUMkKliaS (6) Doris Day , To FftfcEDOM, -? 11:55 KMCHILADA DaSONOAA (10) Gilligan's Island (6) CBS News 5:00 12:00 (6) Gunsmoke FRANKS ERNEST ».»! (6-12) News (10) Emergency One! il Aznce bus amiamy (10) Sanford and Son (12) Emergency One! by Bob Thaves 20JM.A C. SS1-9111 (23) Advocates (23) Mister Rogers' Neighborhood 12:20 5:30 (6) Almanac (23) Electric Company Y»U'V& GOT TO Bt 12:30 (6) Search for Tomorrow 6:00 MORE CAffEFuL, (6-10-12) News (10) Gong Show (11) TNT True Adventure EfZNiE...YOU'VE 5AWEo (12) Ryan's Hope Trails IT OFF TWICE flNP 1:00 (23) Dick Cavett (10) For Richer, For Poorer 6:30 ITS STILL TOO $HORT. (6) Young and the Restless (6) CBS News (12) All my Children (10) NBC News * (23) Look At Me! (12) ABC News Thm«S 7-10 1:30 (23) Over Easy (6) As The World Turns (11) Impressions Coming Soon: THE DROPOUTS ' tow gas pric CAMPUS PIZZA's by Post East location TRAVELS WITH FARLEY' n — new Service I SPONSORED BY: •dm'* Ut«l« Freeway 1 by Phil Frank Service ttettea | 5AWDV -WHAT 00 TOM THlNK ABOUT WHEN M0U PERCEIVE THAT WITH INFINITE SPACE THERE ARE INFINITE PLANETS INFINITE WOtADto) CARE to -join OUR Vj (EG. n OLiTc SIMILAR^ G/PLS, QUICK* WITH AN INFINITE PRcfiABHjTy ""EAL TAYMtERS' REVOLT AND SIGN TH|£ ^ TO CALIFORNIA'S-TH&R T BRinG scwe Of BEING INHABITED? COFFEE DONWS PETITCN TO PUTATAX RELIEF PRorosuiON is EXPELTED 1 ITS ®M6ONE 1 PKJPDSlTDN ON THE NEyT BAU0T? TC 'Jjr 4 S n^KNCOi I LIAS UNEit^ i , -i" it'll ' V TAERr WRiNG n j i \^E^aiCT)ONy| * ^ •' PILLOW TALK B.C. FURNITURE Softond i i by Johnny Hart seiy pillow furniture Beon Sags Mt.tS CAMPUS TUMBLEWEEDS PIZZA 337.1639 %T ,T |$ INDEED) ecsH itfe^iaoMANnc 'ACTuALLYTrtE SUtT by Tom K. Ryan WA1CHiNGrTrte6UN«E T. POESN'T SET AT ALL, S Iri AN ILLUSION ^EARTH. VWCH. J\^xOoo h- F&MNTic! . , J ^ CREATEDBVTHIE RCTATiCN OP TRE ! j .Jik r T,i i I X *r SAM and SILO * by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker anna aaa ME® CROSSWORD BBSS) HQ0 H0H ESCIQ ainBOHBl PUZZLE zisllii a5SHnanQHnfTi|| sia sua aaaa ,.l HAPPLAN^opT- MAVeAWot^S BEETLE BAILEY by Mort Walker YOU V NO. I FIGURE SOT / WHAT OLD FATS A POESN'T KNOW PASS \ WON'T HURT V Hl/Y\ C? J « 1 ,01976 Universol Press Syndicote 1-10 (g 7-10 i Monday, July 10, 1978 ] 0 Michigon Stote News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Men content as wives support family By the time his wife. Suzan. returns from work - often at 9 p.m. Harjo said he spends an inordinate amount of time in the kitchen By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL later — Harjo has a meal waiting, usually lean meat, a salad, or because he likes cooking and likes serving balanced, appealing Frank Ray Harjo. Barry Henneaaey and Mike McGrady are that three vegetables: "... we wait until Suzan gets home so we can sit meals. rare breed of man known as househusbands. down and eat like a family." Harjo and Hennessey look after their homes and families while Hennessey was a librarian at the Boston Atheneum late last Harjo. 30 is a Creek Indian from Wetumka, Okla. His wife, who when his wife, Janis, was refused a year's leave from het their wives are the breadwinners. McGrady and his wife, Corinne, summer is Cheyenne, Creek and Pawnee, grew up in El Reno, Okla. He reversed roles for year so he could write a book. The switch job as a French teacher after her maternity leave had expired. feels her work as a legislative aide at the Native American Rights "I was looking for another position," Hennessey said in e worked so well they now share the housekeeping role. Fund is more important than anything he would do to earn a living. None of the trio is uncomfortable. They don't try to hide the telephone interview from their home in Belmont, Mass., a Boston Mrs. Harjo's duties include helping press Indians' claims to land suburb. "We were forced to a decision." arrangement or consider it unnatural. in Eastern states. While this sort of role reversal is more common than it used to The Hennesseys are in their early 30s. Their son, Evan, now is Duke, a bright-eyed, high-energy lad, sometimes calls Frank 21 months old. be, it is not sweeping the country. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says a national sampling "mommy" and Suzan "daddy." Harjo thinks this comes from "We had always shared the cooking and housekeeping," television — on TV it is always "mommy" who stays home. Hennessey said. When he had to do them alone, "I was never indicates only 255,000 men — most over 60 - were not in the job "We didn't sit down and decide this is how our lives are going to market last summer because they were "keeping house." The organized enough to do them on time," he said. he run." Harjo said. "It just pretty much evolved. I don't have any His wife would come home from work and ask, "What did you number was 244,000 in 1976. 176.000 in 1968. The "traditional" pattern of dad as breadwinner and mom as problems with it." get out of the freezer for dinner?" They moved to Washington in 1975. For six months. Harjo "After an awkward pause, wed go out for dinner," he said. homemaker prevailed in only 19.4 percent of households. commuted weekends from New York. A babysitter took care of Hennessey said there's been no kidding from their friends about When Harjo talks of his daily routine, he says many of the things Duke. the role reversal. housewives always say: "I missed him." Harjo said, "and I didn't want him to be raised •He enjoys watching the development of his son. Duke, but "Except for a little old lady across the street who comes from a sometimes tires of the company of a 5-year old and yearns during by someone else." different cultural background, there have been no raised the day for the company of an adult. On a typical day, Mrs. Harjo breakfasts and leaves for work. eyebrows. I think it's a culture gap, not a generation gap. An •He complains about being shut up all day in the family's Harjo and Duke have breakfast together. Duke watches a elderly couple who are also neighbors have been wonderfully television cartoon, his father straightens up the apartment and Washington apartment, with a taxi to the supermarket or a walk supportive." fixes lunch. McGrady was a columnist on Newsday, the Garden City, N.Y., with Duke the only likely excursion. In the afternoon, Duke plays outside and visits a neighbor. •"I don't know anybody who really likes to do dishes or pick up newspaper, when he and his wife made their decision. Father and son walk in the woods nearby. "This is my wife's week to be the wife," he said in an interview. clothes after anyone else." he stote News Bob Stern Some people place more importance in catching a frisbee than others. Randal Schechter, majoring in building construction, demonstrates the importance of balance while snaring the disc near Beaumont Tower. It would be interesting to see how Schechter handles a high floater in a brisk wind — perhaps he grabs it with his toes? If he could catch it in his teeth, he might be good enough to put Zeke the Wonder Dog in the unemployment line.