Dorm tripling will go on despite housing code ruling By DANIEL HUBERT decision was reached not to alter student i 1917 and makes r 1 of i State News Staff Writer housing plans for the fall. MSU will continue to triple students in "We are persuaded that any effort to He said Kelley's opinion is "wrong in its "We are persuaded that dormitories next fall despite a ruling last strictly adhere to some of its (the housing interpretation of the statute and clearly week by Attorney General Frank Kelley code's) more archaic provisions would have wrong in its timing." any effort to strictly adhere saying the University must conform to the unnecessarily severe results," Harden's Dispute also centers around what Hig to some of its (the housing Michigan Housing Code. statement read. gins called a "very weak point in the Parts of the code name specific minimum The statement, in essence, says that the decision which classifies universities as a code's) more archaic pro¬ requirements for the allotment of space in code may not apply to the University, "Class B" dwelling under the code. visions would hove unnec¬ rooms that house three people. Various despite the Attorney general's ruling. "Although college dormitories are not essarily severe results." — measurements of some rooms in campus Harden also said the validity of Kelley's specifically mentioned in the list of multiple MSU President Edgar L. dormitories indicate that the University opinion might have to be tested in court. dwellings subject to the act, the term 'all could be in violation of the code. Harden Byron Higgins, assistant vice president other dwellings similarly occupied, whether In a statement released Monday, MSU for legal affairs said there are several specifically enumerated herein or not' must President Edgar L. Harden stated that reasons why the opinion may not be valid be held to indicate legislative intent to after consulting the University attorney a including the fact that the code was written include college dormitories within this class," Kelley's opinion read. Higgins said the opinion also ignores the Explosion rips campsite; preamble of the housing code which outlines its scope, but also does not mention universities. Harden's statement asserted that total compliance with Kelley's opinion could than 1,000 students would be flames engulf hundreds mean more informed they would be unable to attend MSU fall term. Doug Badgero from the Horticulture Department gives the greenhouse The timing of Kelley's opinion was also plants near East Circle Drive a dose of insect repellent. The department TARRAGONA. Spain (AP) A runaway Flaming gas from the truck set off a chain accident. "It attacked by Higgins. sprays the plants with Pentac/Orthene once a month. - appears the truck first hit the truck loaded with industrial gas exploded in reaction of smaller explosions of campers' cement all around the camp and then "The impact of the opinion is accentuated a Mediterranean coastal campsite Tuesday, cooking gas bottles. cploded. by the time it came down." he said. engulfing hundreds of campers in flames. One police officer said the scene "resem¬ Earlier, officials said the truck was filled Police said at least 188 persons were killed bles hell or what we think hell is like." Higgins said with fall term so close it is with butane gas but later said it was too late for the University to comply with and they feared the death toll would be A dozen houses near the campsite were much higher. Hundreds of persons were seriously destroyed and some of the occupants were killed, police said. The blasts demolished propylene, a colorless gas obtained in the refining of petroleum. the law, even if it felt obligated. If the decision had been handed down in Tisch tax cut group about 100 camping trailers. Officials said more than 500 campers November, perhaps the University could injured, police said. They said some of the were at the site and the victims included have complied with it. had it been victims were blown into the sea by the A Madrid propylene transportation com¬ fails submit forms entire families. Many were believed to be completely justified, Higgins added. Cisternas Reunidas — took respon¬ pany — sibility and said an investigation had been ordered to find out what happened. Officials French and West Germans. Witnesses said some bodies were recov¬ Harden also addressed the problem of tripling specifically, which was the original reason the ASMSU president brought the to said it was the worst campsite disaster ered from the Mediterranean, 150 yards By CHRIS PARKS where they had been hurled by the question to Rep. Lynn Jondah), D East LANSING lUPI) — The secretary of state's office planned today to notify backers o Law expands A spokesperson for the trucking company said the truck was a Spanish vehicle built in away, force of the blast. Lansing, about two years ago. Jondahl then took it to Kelley. the Tisch amendment that they may have violated state law by failing to file requirec documents, a spokesperson said Tuesday. A police officer who was at the camp at "The problem of 'tripling' which pre¬ The spokesperson. Chris Thomas, said the Tisch tax cut group — the Coalition tor 1974, part of its regular fleet, and carrying' it!"ma"ximum""Ld"o"f «"cubk the <'"* th,e blaat: aaid; "" baa 111 >**» sumably led to the Kelley opinion, is a Property Tax Reform in Michigan — has not filed either the statement of organization or power over meters of accident. propylene at the time of the terrible. All of a sudden a terrific explosion burst out and flames engulfed i temporary situation that is usually elimi nated by winter term." Harden stated. the annual campaign statement required by law. Failure to file these papers could result in a fine or even a jail sentence. Police said the 38-ton truck, carrying a "Cries from "While tripling may be somewhat uncom¬ Robert Tisch. the Shiawassee Drain Commissioner who heads the coalition seeking a 50 came out everywhere. single tank, overturned on a bend in the percent property tax reduction, said he does not believe he violated the campaign law abuse People could be seen running in all fortable for some students for the few- spouse road, hit a four-foot-high cement wall that separated the campsite from the Castellon- directions to ablaze. And their safety. Some were we were helpless to do months that it lasts, the alternative of not attending at all hardly would compensate since his group is non partisan in nature. He said he will consult his attorneys on the matter and follow their advice. LANSING (UPI) Tarrogona highway, and exploded. The for the inconvenience." Tisch's group submitted more than 320,000 signatures to the state Monday t<> place - Legislation giving anything." Michigan law enforcement officials greater two-inch thick wall was partially destroyed their proposal on the fall ballot. authority to curb violence in the home was by the impact and blast and the truck rolled Those petitions are being checked, but signed into law Tuesday by Gov. William G. into the camping area, the police said. the alleged campaign law violation will Milliken. Women's organizations, asserting that police and prosecutors either wink at Soviet dissidents charged . . . apparently have no bearing on whether the proposition qualifies for the ballot. In a related development, House Speaker spouse-beating or are powerless to halt it, Bobby Crim said legislative leaders from both parties will work over the current fought strenuously for legislative approval ByHARRYDUNPHY of the measures. summer recess to write a legislator tax Associated Press Writer "Domestic assault, which accounts for relief and limitation plan for presentation to MOSCOW (AP) - Dissident Anatoly the voters. approximately one-third of all homicides Shcharansky was charged by a Moscow The state campaign reform law requires reported today, is only now emerging as a court Tuesday with passing state secrets to that a group working for or against a ballot public issue," Milliken said. "I am pleased an American reporter. A separate Soviet that Michigan is in the forefront in dealing court 100 miles away accused the wife of proposal must file a statement of organiza tion and an annual financial statement if it with this problem — and I hope it retains its think many will s another Jewish dissident, Alexander Ginz- position of leadership." Medical s said many of the injured accepts contributions. burg, of threatening the life of a witness. The statement of organization must be One part of a four-bill package enacted by campers, some with burns over 75 percent Authorities pressed their charges in the the governor expands the arrest authority of their bodies, were taken to hospitals in filed within 10 days after the organization two trials amid a growing storm of of police officers in domestic assault cases. Valencia, Tarragona, Castellon and Barce- has spent or received $200 or more, Thomas international protest, closing the doors of It allows arrests without warrants when said. The financial statement must be filed the Shcharansky proceedings for security police officers have reason to believe and reasons and ejecting Ginzburg's wife Irina by June 30. Witnesses said the truck was traveling at Tisch estimated he and his wife have assault has been committed by a spouse or when she shouted at a prosecution witness, about 40 mph down the highway next to the former spouse — or a person of the opposite "God will be your judge." given $3,000 in cash and other aid to sex from the same household regardless of camp when the driver apparently lost promoting the tax cut plan. He said he has marital ^^"the vehicle Shcharansky, 30, faces the death penalty received $1,000 to $1,100 in contributions, relationship. on an espeionage charge involving an but has not spent any of it. Currently, police officers must witness "It appears beyond any doubt the tank accusation that he passed scientific and an assault before they can make an arrest truck overturned while taking a Thomas said Tisch is being sent the letter bend and military secrets to known American spies. without a warrant situation that almost because state officials have reason to — a rolled onto the campsite where it explod- It indicated Robert C. Toth of the Los (continued on page 10) believe — based on newspaper accounts and ed," a oolice spokesperson said of the Angeles Times was one of these. Toth has other information - that statements should denied the allegation. have been filed. Ginzburg, 41. is charged with "anti-Soviet He said the letter will "give him an agitation and propaganda" for distributing books by exiled author Alexander Solzhen- opportunity to clarify his situation " Thomas also said his office is also looking itsyn and others. He could receive a total of into the question of whether a second group up to five years in prison, five years at hard labor and five years in Siberian exile. backing the Tisch proposal also ran afoul of the reporting law. The trials proceeded despite earlier AP Wirephoto The Tisch campaign could be fined $10 requests by Washington to call them off and Natalia Solzhenitsyn, wife of expatriate Soviet author Alexander per day for every day up to 30 days that as Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. inside weather Solzhenitsyn, told a Washington news conference Tuesday she thinks they are late in filing the Gromyko flew to Geneva, where he is dissident Alexander Ginzburg will be convicted of anti-Soviet charges scheduled to meet U.S. Secretary of State organization, Thomas said. and sent to a "death camp." icontinued on page 10i Photo, bom the Nui roily In Sunny today and clear, with Cyrus R. Vance on Wednesday for talks on Chicago lout Sunday appear on temperatures in the 80s. To¬ strategic arms limitation. page 5. night will be clear and in the In Moscow, court official Magomet Pir- budagov read reporters a statement saying Shcharansky was accused of collecting secret data on the locations, security . while Vance issues warning classifications and officials of secret mili¬ tary-industrial enterprises. By BARRYSCHEID not only with Shcharansky but all the dissidents." a senior U.S. He said Shcharansky "systematically Associated Press Writer official said. turned over in Moscow the above-men¬ GENEVA, Switzerland (AP) - Cyrus R. Vance will tell the Gromyko, arriving first, said the Soviets were prepared to tioned information to the West, observing Soviet Union the United States may dig thousands of extra silos in discuss arms and other issues "with good will in order to come to measure of precaution and secrecy." a strategic "shell game" to guard land-based missiles from mutually acceptable solutions." He said an arms accord was in the interest of the two countries. Eleven witnesses were heardTuesday, potential Russian attack by shifting them around, U.S. sources common accusing Shcharansky of "concrete espio¬ said Tuesday night. Despite months of intensive negotiations, the two sides remain nage activity and assisting a foreign state in The notice to the Soviets, disclosed by sources traveling with sharply divided over two key arms issues - what restrictions to hostile activity against the U.S.S.R.," the the secretary of state, is likely to complicate negotiations for a new impose on new missile systems and the Soviet Backfire bomber. spokesperson said. weapons control treaty, already clouded by the trials of Soviet "It's going to be hard sledding," the official said of the According to some of the witnesses, the dissidents. Vance Gromyko talks, opening Wednesday. official said, Shcharansky passed on inform¬ Vance arrived here Tuesday night for talks with Soviet Foreign ation to Toth. The instructions were Minister Andrei A. Gromyko. In a gesture of U.S. support for the One of the main reasons is the deceptive basing system known received through the diplomatic mail of an dissidents, Vance has agreed to meet with the wife of Anatoly as MAP, for multiple aiming points — the "shell game" defense. unidentified embassy, the spokesperson Shcharansky — who is on trial for treason in Moscow — after he The idea is to dig thousands of extra holes or silos so the land-based American Minuteman missiles can be shifted around said, and Shcharansky was paid from completes the talks late Thursday. (continued on page 10) He also will stress to Gromyko "the importance of dealing fairly periodically to guard against surprise attacks. 2 Michigon State News. Eost Loosing, Michigan Wednesday, July 12, 1978 Intelligence proposal denounced Fiee1 WASHINGTON Thrt'«' urbanizations undur iAI'I -- sur¬ live secretary of the American Friends, or Quakers, said in and ries, persons* in foreign count including the Soviet Union. Ethel Taylor, who heads the Strike for Peace group which "It is obvious from my FBI files that agents, women of wmM veillance or infill rated by the prepared testimony that his urges international disarms course, sat on our small com¬ While legislation under con¬ CIA and Fill during the infiO's organization had obtained sideration by the committee ment, said her FBI files show mittee meetings as we planned and early 1H7(K said Tuesday 10.000 pages of files kept on the she personally had been under actions against the Vietnam seeks to limit CIA authority, that congressional proposals for American Friends by various surveillance since 1956. War, actions which we gave the Schneider said there is a dan agency government agencies, including The committee actively op¬ fullest publicity possible," she the CIA, FBI, State ger that intelligence officials or charte it futuri Depart future White House occupants posed the Vietnam War. ment. the IRS and the armed Italian terrorists in 3 cities might find ways to justify The files show a pattern of illegal surveillance. constant FBI surveillance of the For example, he said, the ROME. Italy (UPI) — Terrorists struck in kidnapped and murdered former Premier committee, which won a Nobel proposed CIA charter would three Itolian cities Tuesday exploding bombs in Turin and Rome and shooting a Aldo Moro. Time bombs destroyed Fiat showrooms in Turin and cars in three Peace Prize in 1947. In addition, Schneider said, the CIA opened official mail allow a person attempting to influence policy in foreign coun¬ tries to be targeted as a source Laetrile OK'd Naples city hall employee in the legs in a an anony¬ between committee caller later employees of information by the CIA. Red Brigades-style kneecapping. mous telephoned the Italian Police in Naples said Luigi Pepe 25, a city hall employee and local union official, was shot from a parked car as he news agency ANSA to claim responsibili¬ ty for the attacks on behalf of the Communist Workers Nuclei, small for terminally ill Rockefeller funeral a returned home from work. His was the fourth kneecapping in a left-wing terrorist group. A time bomb in Rome also damaged a set DENVER (AP) — Terminal cancer patients are entitled to Laetrile injections under a ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals week. The other three were all the work municipal building housing the Italian which ordered the Food and Drug Administration to set By ARTHUR EVERETT Rev. William Sloan Coffin Jr., suburban Westchester County of the Red Brigades terrorists who Journalists Union. guidelines for its use "with all due dispatch." Associated Press Writer will officiate at the 11 a.m. seat of the Rockefeller clan The court ruled Monday that "safety" and "effectiveness" as POCANTICO HILLS. N.Y. services. A private burial will were those from President used in the Federal Food. Drug and Cosmetic Act which bans iAPi - The funeral for John take place at an undisclosed Carter; Vice President Walter Laetrile have no meaning when considered in the context of Davis Rockefeller III will be Mondale, who succeeded terminally ill cancer patients. held Thursday Riverside Chief donor of the church at Sniper fire not returned in Beirut at Church, the landmark Manhat Riverside Drive and 122nd Rockefeller's brother, Nelson, in that office; and Sens. Robert The FDA has attempted to ban the controversial substance, extracted from the oits of apricots, for several years. Monday's tan church that his father Street was Rockefeller's father, Byrd and Jennings Randolph, ruling is considered a major blow to the administration's BEIRUT lebonon (AP) districts out of bounds for civilians. helped to build. the late John D. Rockefeller Jr. both from West Virginia, where — Heavy sniper efforts. fire poured out of a Christian district of The family announced Tues Among of condo¬ Rockefeller's son, John D. The It wos very difficult to determine who messages appellate court ruling came in a case appealed from dav that Riverside's pastor, the lence that poured into this "Jay" Rockefeller IV. is gover- Oklahoma in which a district court held that an FDA decision Beirut Tuesday, but Syrian troops appar¬ was sniping at who." but most of the ently did not return the fire. gunfire was coming from Christian neigh¬ banning the use of Laetrile by a terminally-ill cancer patient Witnesses said the sniping came from The elder Rockefeller, one of violated his constitutional right to privacy. borhoods a witness said. five brothers, died at the age The appeals court didn't address itself to the constitutional Ein Rummaneh the Christian slum of quarter that is a stronghold for the two Christian militias Syria was trying to old The outbreak threatened the truce that six-day- ended the worst clashes Mortgage interest rates 72 a Monday evening. Police said 16 year old novice driver. issue but said court an injunction against FDA issued by the lower should remain in force. David Low, of nearby Briarcliff, This injuntion will be "limited only to permit procurement of crush until Israel threatened to intervene between the Syrians and Christian militia to save them last week. in Beirut since the Syrians ended hit record 9.46 percent crossed a dividing line after intravenous injections administered by a licensed medical practitioner to persons who are certified by a licensed medical sideswiping another car and Instead of replying with heavy rocket Lebanon s civil wor 20 months ago. The crashed head-on into a 1965 practitioner to be terminally ill of cancer in some form," the and artillery barrages as it did for six WASHINGTON ■ AP> Interest rates for conventional home Denver court said. Syrians killed at least 184 Christians, but Mustang convertible in which days, the Syrians put the adjacent Syrian casualties have not been report¬ mortgages rose to the highest level on record last month, the Rockefeller was riding. "We are considering only cancer patients who are Moslem Chiyah and Christian Hazmieh ed. government said this week. terminally ill and only their intravenous use of Laetrile," the Both died almost instantly. The average home buyer paid an effective interest rate of Monico Lesko, 38. Rockefel¬ 9.46 percent for a new house if a conventional loan was used, Noting that Laetrile may be regarded as a folk medicine, the ler's secretary and owner and the Federal Home Loan Bank Board said. That was the highest court said it be considered "as effective driver of the car he was riding can as anything else" in rate since record keeping began in 1963. The previous high was treating the terminal 25th black prisoner jumps to death 9.37 percent, recorded the previous month and in December in, survived and is hospitalized cancer patient. 1974. under intensive care. PRETORIA. South Africo !AP, - A of Tabalaza a 20-year-old who had been young block prisoner plummeted to his orrested Monday in Port Elizabeth in Abbott death from a fifth-floor police office connection with several incidents of OPEN: while being held in Port Elizabeth, the arson and robbery. Mon-Sat 10-6 South African police minister said Tues- The Port Elizabeth police office is the Qoad day. same one where black prisoner Steve The victim, identified as Lzile Tabalaza. Biko was interrogated before he died was the 25th black prisoner to die in while in police custody last September. South African police custody in the past Biko s death sparked rioting by blacks in two years. Police Minister Jimmy Kruger said he has appointed a police officer with the South Africa and a rash of international protests. His friends charged the police beat him to death, but an inquest 'fl ^auicutte/is rank of general to investigate the death absolved them of blame. only Large Bean Bags for Fun Sitting for professional styling Now 517,95 Assorted Colors with Student '.D Reg. '24.95 Call 332-4314 Bean Bag Refills Available for appt. or walk-in Pillow Talk Suite 201. East Lansing Stale Bank Building, on Abbott Furniture Eost-WestMoll. FrondorMoll 351-1767 BOOKS WANTED! Sergeants charged with manslaughter We ire Interested in tiling VOU MAY NOT OWN A MERCEDES BUT YOU CAN •Science Fiction -Old Books OWN THE SAME CAR STEREO YOU FIND IN COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) - Two drill Garner, a member of the judge sergeonts who put recruits through advocote general's staff, said a second •Comic Books 'Polos MORE OF THEM THAN ANY OTHER BRAND . . . "exessive and prolonged" physical train¬ investigation will be made to determine •Beatle Items '"W™5 ing during their first day in camp have whether the drill sergeants should be •Nancy Drew 'Big Little Books been charged with involuntary man¬ court-martialed. •Mysteries •Baseball Cants slaughter in the deaths of two trainees. Army officials say. Sgt. Willie L. Alexander of Timmons- Pvts. The preliminary findings indicated Wayne A. Krasso of Cygnet. Ohio, and Lester T. Watts of York. S.C.. both 18, Curious Book Shop BLAUPUNKT 307 East Grand River East Lansing ville. S.C., and Sgt. 1st Class Lawrence and 60 other recruits were subjected to Chapman Jr. of Pickens, S.C., were also "excessive and prolonged" exercises (517)332-0112 charged with dereliction of duty and soon after arriving at the base, according maltreatment of the stricken trainees. Lt. to Garner, the military counterpart of a Col. James G. Garner said Monday. civilian attorney. Carter complains of information leaks WASHINGTON (AP) — President Car¬ reports. THE CR-4096 ter summoned key members of Congress to the White House Tuesday to complain that congressional leaks of classified A White House official, who asked not to be named, said Carter acknowledged that the administration itself is a source COMBO 2 $231 20 information ore damaging national se¬ of leaks, and he pointedly refrained from Blaupunkt s CR-4096 provides Quality sound with all of the latest features. curity. suggesting to the legislators how they AM, FM and FM Stereo broadcasts are received with crisp, clear fidelity. should stem their The Combo ? s unique auto-reverse cassette player mechanism offers Senate Republican Leader Howard own leaks. continuous tape play without having to remove the cassette from the Baker of Tennessee said afterward that unit. Carter told the group that reliable Compact size and the use of adjustable tuning shafts enables this versatile intelligence sources are drying up be¬ unit to be easily installed in most imported and domestic vehicles. cause they fear their confidential infor¬ Complete installation material, including wiring harness for power and mation will find its way into news stereo speaker connections, eliminates the need for an additional installation kit in many instances The CR-4096. Combo 2, incorporates Blaupunkt s'ASU' noise suppression — Now Appearing - circuitry, to eliminate noise interference from your FM and FM Stereo Califano orders welfare 'waste' cut program reception. You hear only the crisp, clear sounds of Quality sound reproduction. Blaupunkt s Combo 2. designed to enhance your driving WASHINGTON (UPI) - HEW Secretory oseph Califano has ordered federal and large share of the Medicare and AFDC funding, but the programs and payments PEYOTE pleasure, mile after mile. BLAUPUNKT "THE BLUE CHIP OF CAR STEREO!" tate officials to chop $1 billion a year in are administered by the states. 9:30-1:30 ... welfare waste caused by cheating and W edne sday-Sunday The third program selected by Califano lain old bureaucratic bungling. for the 4 percent error ceiling is Califano said Monday his agency will emand financial penalties from states Supplemental Security Income, funded HiFi Buys® BARREL and administered by the federal govern¬ lot do not reduce overpayments to 4 ment. ercent in two of the largest welfare 1101 E GRAND RIVER 4010 W. SAGINAW Last year, losses due to error and E.L. PH. 337 1707 IAN. PH. 321-2373 rograms — Medicaid and Aid To M P. 10-0. SAT. 0-0 M-F. 110, SAT. 0-6 amilies with Dependent Children. abuse in the three programs totaled $2.4 The federal government provides a billion, said Califano. FREE PARKING-LA YAWA Y-FINANCING 521 K. Gd. River, East Lansing Michigan 48823 Ph. 351-0608 Michigon State News, Eost Lansing, Michigon Wednesday, July 12, 1978 o Bike care important Buyers more protected: Kelley mechanical problems, the liter¬ By LINDA M. OLI VERIO bill, said Susan G'anaday, an tightening the handlebars, sad¬ come aware of the I of old fashioned market place." Kelley said the law requin dle. and pedal cranks consti¬ ature continues. By MICHAEL MEGERIAN j types he State News Staff Writer employee at the Community fraud. said. "People began to react Johnson said it is important State News Staff Writer by investigators to give prior n<. Editor's note: This is the first of Bike Co operative. tutes an overhaul, Johnson "A person r business involved in to keep up on the condition of Michigan has made a great deliberately suggesting a number of laws." tice to a a: A bicycle should be over said. a three-part series explaining the brakes — keep them oiled deal of progress in consumer use deceptive Kelley said the Michigan investigation by the division various aspects of biking. The hauled once a year, preferrably During an overhaul, water¬ fraud," he said. "On the other Kelley added that business and adjusted properly. protection in the last 16 years, following explains the impor¬ in spring, Chris Johnson, anoth proof grease should be applied Attorney General Frank Kelley hand, there is always the passed in April 1977, is the records can also be subpoenal tance of bike maintenance. er Bike Co-op employee said. to the hubs, skewer, bottom Oiling should be done around the pivot points of the brakes, told MSU students Tuesday. legitimate business engaged in toughest consumer law in the Kelley referred to a cav Maintenance of a bicycle can Overhauling a bike is a fairly bracket, inside cable housing, he said. Side-pull brakes have "We've gone from the atti deceptive procedures because l.'nited States. where the division invest; be that all-important factor in simple process, he added, if you headset, and the inserted parts of pressure from competitors." tude of 'buyer beware' to a "It changes the old saying gated General Motors for usinc know how to do it. Special tools, of the stem and seatpost, the one pivot point, center pull keeping a bike and rider going have two. consumer protection division in Kelley said competitive pres 'buyer beware' to 'seller be Chevrolet engines in other GV. together for many miles. however, are required. Bike Co-op literature states. sure ofte like ware'." he said. Light oils, such as sewing almost every business organiza¬ s Keeping the vehicle in Replacing and greasing the Exposed grease should be tion." he said. selling a The law now makes 29 busi "We found memoranda t- machine and sprays, can be smoothly working order is nec¬ four sets of bearings, adjusting wiped off as it attracts dirt Kelley addressed a small ness practices illegal which back our case up," he said. "Ha-: which can cause rust and used on the derailleurs. chain, essary to prevent a large repair the brakes and derailleurs, and crowd of students in 102B Wells not been able cables, brake levers and pivots. were previously allowed under we tosupoena the Hall in a speech sponsored by Kelley added thai the Michi Michigan law. records, we couldn't have pro-. Care should be taken to avoid the College of Human Ecology "Before the law we could only getting oil on any rubber parts, 1962. such as tires or brake pads, and the Department of Family was react rather than act," he said. Kelley also mentioned th because oil rots rubber. John Ecology. "We had to prove a fraud. Now Michigan Item Pricing and Ac son added. In his address, Kelley said we can act right away and vertising Law which sets harsh »—SRAKt LEVER er guidelines for the wording <>: Heavier oils, the shop litera¬ > should especially be possibly prevent it." ture explains, can be used on brake derailleurs. chains, cables, Kelley said the law requin -handlebars advertisers to define sue levers and pivots and should be Highway speed limit reduced words as sale and clearance. .BRAKE CALIPER used on the freewheel, in Advertisers must specify th ternally-geared hubs and coast number of items on sale. sai<. er brake hubs. Chains need to be oiled most Kelley. who added that th- Motorists beware! parent teacher organizations to do something duration of the sale must ab¬ often, every week or two and Speed limits on Saginaw Highway between about the safety problems. be explicitly stated. any time the vehicle is ridden Coolidge Road and Marsh Road in East Lansing The following speed limit changes are now- through water or rain. Excess are being reduced by the State Highway- being implemented: oil also collects. Department. •from 40 to 35 mph from Coolidge to Harrison To clean tires, brake and other rubber components, pads The changes are being made in order to improve the overall safety of the highway, Roads: Correction -BOTTOM •Irom 50 to 45 mph from Kendale Boulevard BRACKET use soapy water and a rag. assistant city engineer. Gordon Melvin. said. It was incorrectly stated i: QUICK REV to Haslett Road; Johnson said. "Large, heavy trucks were creating safety- the State News Monday tha RtAR (Skewe-ST) •from 55 to 50 mph from Haslett to Marsh „ "Make sure the tires are hazards by traveling in excess of their ability to Bruce Maughan was an officia. DafMUEUR, Roads. inflated all the way." Johnson stop completely at intersections." Melvin said. representative of the Univer said. "According to the law, The decision came after weeks of negotiation A press release stated that East Lansing Police sity at some of the Sami Esma;! .Rim(V«AV) they have to be able to hold 10 between the highway department and the city of will begin "rigorously enforcing" the new speed legal proceedings. Maugha: pounds more than the manufac East Lansing. The talks were in response to limits after giving motorists an initial adjustment was not representing the Un: turer says." several requests from concerned citizens and TIKE. (continued on page! 1) (P6B&H) Our reputation has been proven. We offer the finest Chinese cooking in this CILIBRATI Take out service is BACTILLI PAY available. JULY 14 i 9tajntouL CORNER CLIPPERT and VINE This Area's Phone 351-2217 Only Multi-Media Discotheque 2843 E. Gd. River. E. Laos. 351-1201 337-SAM'S Wednesday Special LOST THE Boozers Bazaar OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY SHIRT OFF YOUR BACK? 35c Thursday Special i "Suds 'n Subs" I Softer summer dressing for Miss J by College-Town. For touring or talking, lazing or walking She stays relaxed and unrestricted in rust or earth brown polyester 1 Canon 1 cotton. 5 to A. Self-tie, soft 13 sizes. jacket. $30 Plaid short sleeve shirt, $16 SPORTS IEITERING Tuck-trimmed dirndl skirt, $25 lmm B. Pocketed, hemp trimmed vest, $1 has thousands of Cuffed-sleeve big shirt. $20 t-shirts waiting for you. Hemp-belted dirndl pant, $22 FROM OUR ,]Aofp' Real value . _ in a GREATcamera! $1799s with cose of Norman's CAUTOUPMI 1-800-327-3665 CUSTOM PRINTED T-SHIRT FACTORY NORMAN CAMMA COMPANY 2626 W. Oakland fork Bvd. 10W. MICHIGAN MALL Jacob sou's Ft. Lauderdale. Florida 33311 BATTLE CREEK. MICH. 49014 MAIL ORDER SPECIALISTS 616/965-7285 VISA AND MASTER CHARGE ©pM®^ Constitutional convention only reasonable tax move Government needs money to function. Taxes are income level. Many have been quick to hail the the easiest way for government to get the money it Headlee amendment as a well-thought-out, reasoned needs. Taxes are paid by citizens. proposal. We don't dispute that, but we would The implications of those three simple truisms are contend that it has been a little too well thought out with the wrong group of people in mind. Headlee's being examined today by a whole nation full of people — — good honest American citizens who have paid and proposal, while not necessarily inflationary in itself, would give government a vested interest in the idea. paid and decided that there is definitely a limit to what they can pay. These people have correctly Instead of maintaining their roles as combaters of deduced that even though they pay more each year, inflation, government leaders might have a tendency to start seeing it as a necessary evil to increase state they don't get more — sometimes they get even less. It now appears that three specific tax proposals revenue. As the state income level rose because of will face voters on the November ballot. In addition inflation, so would tax dollars. will be one question about a constitutional The third proposal is so bizarre it hardly merits convention that will undoubtedly hinge on reforming discussion. The people from Citizens for More taxes. We support none of the three initiatives, but Sensible Financing of Education would eliminate we do add our voice to the clamoring mass of people property tax-paid education and have the state who demand a reform of the tax structure. Perhaps it finance all education through a voucher system. The is overly optimistic to think a constitutional proposal would make the state give money to all convention would ever result in an equitable system parents of school-aged children. They would then use of taxation, but we firmly believe that it is the only the money to pay for either public or private schools whichever the parents choose. responsible way to create order out of the chaos of — angry voices. The proposal receiving the most press lately — That leaves the constitutional convention which, in our minds, is the only alternative. Noi a Ford endorses Tisch plan sponsored by the Coalition for Property Tax Reform convention for the sake of a convention, but a - is by far the most severe proposal slated for the convention that will embrace sweeping tax reform. From the slopes of Colorado's problems as Howard Jarvis. with even the rudiments of politi- ballot, but it is also the most ill-conceived and The basic tenet of that reform will have to be the mountains comes the voice of one It is no wonder they both cal savvy would understand the elimination of a flat-rate income tax to be replaced of Michigan's finest "citizens." His favored the same proposal. From disastrous effects of the proposal, reactionary. The proposal, dubbed the "Tisch an outsider's simplified point of We love you, Jerry, but watch amendment" would immediately slash property with a graduated one. message: "A government big taxes by 50 percent and limit property assessment Graduated income taxes have never been popular enough to give us everything we view, it makes sense. But anyone out for the trees in the forest. increases to 2.5 percent a year. It would also in this state, mainly because the populace has never want is a government big enough been given the chance to understand its function. In to take everything we have." prohibit the state from imposing new programs at a community level unless the state is prepared to pay past elections when the issue has surfaced, the big Thanks Jerry, we needed that. for them. money — precisely who the tax would be aimed at — But why don't you come back to The "Tisch amendment" has been paralleled with have come down with massive advertising cam¬ Michigan and tell us. Proposition 13 from California but its backers call it paigns to discredit the proposal as being anti-Ameri¬ less severe. That may be so, but it is still too severe can and socialist inspired. Whatever the reason for Ford's Wednesday, July 12, 1978 But what is it really? What it means is that if you absence Editorials are the opinions of fhe State News Viewpoints, columns and for this state, considering Michigan does not have a — we don't really care — letters ore personal opinions multi-billion dollar surplus to fall back on. make $7,000 annually you might have to pay a 5 we wonder just how he can justify Editorial Deportment The second major proposal — sponsored by percent income tax. If you make $700,000 a year, you commenting on Michigan. Though James L Smith Taxpayers United for Tax Limitation — is the most might have to pay an 80 percent tax. Middle income Jerry Ford might be a fine man, Editor-in-chief Entertainment Editor Dave DiMartino innocuous of the proposed initiatives. Ironically, Managing Editor David Misiolowski Sports Editor* Mike Klocke people would still pay the burden of the tax, but what though he represented Michigan Opinion Editor Kim Shanohon Layout Editor Deborah Heywood Howard Jarvis pointed out the biggest flaw of the seems to go right over their heads is that if there was honorably for 25 years in the U.S. News Editor Michelle Chambers Copy Chief Kenneth E Parker so-called "Headlee amendment" when he said, "The a graduated income tax then state revenue would be House of Representatives, though Wire Editor Patricia LaCroix Staff Representative Daniel J Hilbert he Photo Editor Kathy Kilbury problem with that idea is that it doesn't lower taxes, large enough to ensure that property taxes would has a nice wife, nice kids and a it raises them." never go up. In fact, the likelihood of property taxes nice lifestyle, and even though he Advertising Department The proposal doesn't actually raise taxes, per se, it going down would increase. And it would happen played center for the University of Advertising Monoger Bob Shoffar Assistant Advertising Manager GlnaSpanlolo merely freezes taxes at their current rate and then naturally — without hysteria, without reactionary Michigan, he has about as much directs future tax increases to hinge on the state backlash and without the rise of local demagogues. business commenting on state DANIEL J. HILBERT 'LASH' LARROWE Hate was embraced Y« gotta have priorities Perhaps Collin had sufficiently fueled random, pointless death stormed through I'm hurryin' down Abbott on my way to city hall, I spot these of a crime. Smoking marijuana's illegal, you know." Despite arguments and pleas to the "If you believe that," he wonders, "why'd you take the Furbush contrary, the Nazis had their demonstration their adolescent energies and hero worship the heads of many as those close to the pickets out front. They're shuffling around in a circle, carrying signs that say "FREE THE EAST LANSING FIVE" and "NARCS case?" in Chicago's Marquette Park. The incident to stimulate them to action. Frightening — explosion took off at a dead run. One UP AGAINST THE WALL." "For the bucks, why else?" I explains. "I got my usual 50 percent must now he put into context. and to some the most frightening of all, the gunshot would have turned that entire Every couple minutes, one of 'em bawls out "WHAT DO WE of the settlement as my fee." It must be evaluated in some form by one sight once again of young innocents clad in afternoon into a holocaust too real to be WANT?"; and the rest of 'em chant "FREEDOM FOR THE EAST "I suppose Big Z gets a fat fee out of it, too," he sneers. of the thousands who felt the crowd' swell swastikas. imagined. LANSING FIVE!" Then somebody yells "WHEN DO WE WANT "Negative," I tells him. "He's a bleeding heart liberal. Ferency to almost crush the Nazis and those huddled But the most horrifying and repulsive The people of America are what America IT.'", and they all shout "NOW." thought there was a principle involved in Furbush's case, so he around them; who felt the heated passions part of the afternoon was the people. The has to fear, not the Nazis or the blacks or I'm wouldn't take a penny for it. That's why I like working with Big Z. and — more than anything else — the sure glad I rummaged around up in my attic and found this average everyday working men and Jews. There are thousands of Marquette disguise I've got on: wing-tip shoes I bought back in 1950, He does all the work, I pick up some extra scratch." hatred. women, who owned houses, bars and stores Parks the country, across it is not different pinstripe suit I didn't know I still had up there, pink dacron shirt "You get your usual ego trip, too, Lash, all the ink you get out of in the area, who had simply made up their enough to be unique. Marquette Park is a place where hun¬ and Harry Truman bow tie. To top it off, I'm wearing shades and a it," he smirks. minds that Jews and blacks must die. dreds of police had to erect human barriers That the lesson taught on snap brim hat. With a little luck, I figure, I can get past these "I don't want to talk about that," I barks. was July 9, to protect the people from each other. An There is a profound difference 1978 in that hot park in Chicago. clowns and make it into the building without being recognized. "I'll tell you one thing," he says. "If you think you're gonna go in very And for astonishingly frightening situation, espe¬ between trying to keep a neighborhood the there and make some bread off the East Lansing Five, you better people that were there, it will never be I'm almost to the door when the leader of the pickets steps out of cially when it is happening less than 10 feet segregated, and verbally proclaiming to the forgotten and it shouldn't be. back off. You make your sleazy pitch to them, Lash, they'll throw in front of you, but not the most frighten¬ the line and comes over. "Hi, Lash," he says, looking me over. "You press and the world that Jews should once here to join our picket line?" you and your weirdo outfit back out in the street." ing. That, once again, was hate. again be led to the ovens. If a Jew had tripped and fallen leaving "I'm not going in to represent them," I says. "I've been called as "Well, no," I says, hoping he won't ask me why not. He turns witness for the It was expected from the Nazis, they that demonstration, it might have taken a a prosecution." It was a fanaticism that seemed to tear at while but someone would have kicked him, around to the pickets and hollers "OFF NARC INFORMERS!", "You mean you're going to dump on the East Lansing Five?" he have been preaching that type of propa¬ the crowd Sunday afternoon. It then he turns back to me. wasn't the and it might not have been very hard, but screams. "Lash, you know all they've done is sell a little grass to ganda for nearly a half a century. But never words of the Nazis that spurred "Can I talk to you for just a minute?" he asks, leaning his picket from crowd of men. women and children, the crowd, there would have been hundreds of other their friends. You don't call that a crime, do you? Hell, man, I've a they couldn't be heard, and the simple boots sign against the building. "I been wanting to ask you about the seen you blowin' pot at all kinds of parties, yourself." most of whom were simply onlookers. ready to follow suit. settlement you and Ferency agreed to in the Furbush case." presence 25 Nazis could not create feelings "What you've seen me smoking, bub, is hand-rolled Bull Most people never thought Nazis would that are not solidly engrained. In Marquette Park on Sunday there were "Some other time," I says brusquely. "They're waiting for me Durhams," I says. "Anyway, the prosecutor heard I've been people who would have killed because of inside." ever have support from the crowd. Who researching the economics of the drug scene, he asked me to At one point during the demonstration an race or religion. It's frightening, sad and could possibly side with a group of people "The brothers and sisters were pretty bummed out by the testify about how the seller's side of the market operates. As a M-80 was tossed into the crowd and it disgusting. who advocated the extermination of blacks, settlement Lash," he says. "They'd like to know what's your world-renowned economist, I don't see how I could refuse a Jews and all other minorities, and hailed exploded like a rifle shot. Visions of But it's true. answer to the blast at you and Ferency in the State News last legitimate request from a law enforcement official to share my white supremacy above all? week." findings with the community, do you?" "Never read the rag," I snaps. "What's it say?" "Community, hell!" he explodes. "Share your 'findings' with the But the expectations were wrong. "They said you and Ferency should have hung in there to get RA jury, you mean. I suppose the prosecutor's going to lay some bread The Nazis did not address a totally hostile contracts changed so RAs can smoke grass without getting fired, on you for testifying for him, right, Lash?" audience. you shouldn't have told Furbush to take the $200 and call it quits." "He wanted to," I says, "but I told him that since he was giving Except for the Jews, a good share of the "That shows those State News editors don't know me very me a chance to stomp on five big bosses of the syndicate, I'd waive crowd was very sympathetic to the Nazi well," I says testily. "They evidently think I would condone the my usual fee." "Kill the Jews." "Kill the Blacks." "Burn the Jews." These were ail cries not uttered act in ways he cannot control is pure DOONESBURY only by Nazis bent on racial genocide, but How dare you sensationalism. by Garry Trudeau by the citizens of Marquette Park in the crowd. DiMartino's use of the term "subliminal" sp0r5med- uvmea.-k. for when the name "McDonalds" is repeat- in&ws&ifxxj lampno- murswue mute no, i One cannot ascribe names, and say all citizens uttered those words, but the cries slight advertising ^ n»shedadvertising Subliminal ®» th*«™>n » wrong. as a technique caiwuseAume fam mis season. emirrs a spokis sommA LIHEONtlMTS wpao- P0SIN6. nmkpihs, ooke.nbu moan in imisof reverberated off the police cars and helmets surfaced years ago and was defined as the ikheapd about mbbcm eamsmpe dutch- xpms. vsK. in the clear afternoon. If Dave DiMartino ("Life with attempt to deposit information outside the touanbupep pa06aam! temfbd- man? Big Mac," area of conscious awareness. The idea was pill pa06mm bass, ami It was a crowd of people that could be July 10, 1978) would control his paranoia that messages would be flashed so quickly Air?.. ^ hsktu described only as volatile. That was made long enough to take a rational look at advertising he would realize the simple fact on the screen they would not register in the obvious by the occasional outbreaks of that advertising never sells a product to viewer's consciousness but he would later violence and the fact that it took 1,000 cops someone who doesn't have a basic human react by developing an "unexplainable" to intimidate the crowd into physical containment. need for it. And even the most creative craving for a brand or product. It was never advertising never created a need. considered workable and never even re¬ Mixed in with the six year-old kids and motely proven effective. the 60-year old men. were teenagers who The idea that advertisers are magicians had adopted the Nazi cause simply because using mysterious, powerful tools to make it seemed the thing to do. the unsuspecting and defenseless consumer Wednesday. July 12. 1978 5 White hate erupts in Chicago The crowd, thousands of us, began walking, heading south toward the park. It was eerie, By RENALDO M1GALDI State News Staff Writer as if the entire neighborhood was moving under the control of one mind. People came out of The Nazi party headquarters in Chicago is a tall old grim boarded-up brownstone stores and joined the flow. There wasn't much talking; you could clearly hear the three building on 71 st street, in the heart of a tough white working-class neighborhood known as police helicopters circling overhead. Once we reached the park, the crowd spread out to Marquette. This building stands among gas stations, drug stores and other small mingle with streams of people pouring in from other neighborhood streets. Teenagers took businesses, and has a 13 st ar American flag flying from a mast so high you can see it from a their shirts off in the hot sun. Kids threw frisbees. An ice-cream truck was doing a brisk business. quarter of a mile away. Early Sunday afternoon, the area was crowded with police, press people, and local My two companions and I headed for the far end of the park, where a dense crowd was neighborhood residents many of them Lithuanian in descent — on the sidewalks. The gathered. As soon as we hit the edge of it, we lost each other. There were people temperature was in the Ms and climbing, and kids were riding their bicycles up and down everywhere, and the crowd kept growing. Here and there, Nazi sympathizers — most the street. The three of us - myself and twoother State News staffers — were waiting for visible ones were young men aged between about 16 and 25, wearing White Power T-shirts like the one I'd seen on the guy behind the Nazi HQ — argued with apparent liberals, something to happen, and we were more than a little bit nervous. The Chicago cops w ere waiting, too. They had a giant blockade up to keep any anti-Nazi socialists and others, while surrounded by curious crowds and clicking cameras. I could demonstrators from getting in with their signs and banners and passions. The block of 71st only move in close enough to hear some of them yelling angrily about "Jews and niggers," Street from Southwestern Avenue to the railroad tracks was no-man's land: hundreds of and see a couple of people get arrested for fistfighting. blue shirts and riot helmets in a long file marked a boundary between Marquette and the The Nazis were beginning their demonstration: around a van they unfurled American black neighborhood just east of the tracks. They looked like an army of occupation. flags, and banners bearing swastikas, lightning bolts, and slogans like WHITE VICTORY The three of us decided we'd try to stick together. We weaved our way around through and WHITE YOUTH FIGHT. Three or four of them were standing atop the van; one was the crowd back down to the Nazi HQ and parked ourselves across the street from it. A making a long introduction of their leader, Frank Collin. It was impossible to hear it; the crowd was too loud and the PA system far too weak. squad car came rolling along with its PA system on; an amplified voice kept telling When Collin finally began speaking, most of the crowd was generous in booing him. But everyone: "Get up on the sidewalk. You will get up on the sidewalk." at the same time I could hear what was easily two or three hundred strong young male Soon there was a visible commotion around in the alley behind the HQ building. Press voices chanting: "Jews go home! Jews go home!" These were the Nazi sympathizers, the people were rushing back there, and the three of us followed. I had to climb the crowded young men wearing swastika shirts and cocky grins; working-class kids who'd seen the porch of a house across the alley to get my first glimpse of the Nazis. There were two of national media turn its eyes on a member of their own neighborhood: Frank Collin, a man them, casually leaning against an old pickup. They wore brown shirts and swastika who shared their own fear of blacks and Jews entering the area, a man who spoke of white armbands, and were surrounded by cameras and microphones; they seemed to be grooving on all the attention they were getting. Standing with them was a blond-haired youth power, who said that the offending minorities must be wiped out in one mighty holocaust. A shot rang out. wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with a big swastika and the words WHITE POWER. I ran. The crowd was running along with me. I was giving it all I had; I could feel the Back out on the street the crowd had filled the sidewalks; a constant flow of police cars, both marked and unmarked, was moving down the street, heading south toward surge of fear. Just in front of me, an ABC-TV crew was running, one man lugging a big Marquette Park. Many of the neighborhood residents appeared relaxed and casual about heavy video camera on his shoulder. Suddenly one of them — apparently the boss — looked back and screamed, "Stop running! Don't break your range!" The other two — the the whole thing, but others looked quite tense. cameraman and a soundman with a long shotgun microphone — immediately turned There was an old Lithuanian woman standing behind me, who certainly seemed old enough to have clear memories of Hitler and World War II. "When start?" she asked a around and jumped back into their working positions. I looked back myself; the crowd had friend in her thick accent. "Never start?" — "Maybe no." her friend said. — "Good, we stopped running. The "gunshot" had only been a large M-80 firecracker. don't want!" the old woman hissed scornfully. "Stupid things!" My heart pounding, I headed back toward the demonstration. From the edge of the crowd I could see that Collin was still speaking - he was now screaming and shaking his A voice on a loudspeaker announced that the 25 or so Nazis, instead of marching to the fist in the air. But he was still inaudible, and the Nazi sympathizers weren't listening to park, would be driven t here. A small truck and a van came out of the alley and headed down the street; a few young brown shirted Nazis - most of them looked to be in their early-to- him. preferring instead to make their own demonstration. They chanted "Burn down the i continued on middle 20s grinned out the hack of the truck. They were greeted with jeers. page 10) Photon by Robert Kozloff ^ Mtchigon State News, Eost Lansing, Michigon Wednesday. July 12. 1978 Lewis dazzles at By PAULCOX State News Reviewer Oh yeah! The crowd roared its Lansing's own Miss August approval. 411^ "Thank you very much. That was an arrangement for'Tequila Mockingbird' featuring Ron Harris on the bass y'all, By DANIEL HUBERT book stores to promote her centerfold, "When they are shooting in Chicago, you Ron Harris. Please give some of the Sute News Staff Writer signing copies of the magazine and chatting get up in the morning, take off your clothes appreciation also to percussionist Keith "You don't think of it as working." said with interested readers. and put on a robe and your makeup. You Howard," said Ramsey Lewis, jazz Vicki Witt. Playmate of the Month for "I don't think of myself as a celebrity." throw on your coat and go down to the keyboard wizard. August in Playboy Magazine. "If you make Witt confessed. "What's a celebrity?" limousine in curlers to go shoot the Good? Yes. $6.50 a ticket for one of it hard, it's hard, if you make it fun. it's pictures." she continued. the two Ramsey Lewis shows at fun," explained the Lansing native. "If Dooley's Sunday night? — Maybe. "The only the people knew." Witt was featured in Playboy's Girls of majority of men prob¬ Witt is 19 years old and engaged to be The music Lewis put out with only a the Big Ten layout last September, and in two man back up was superb. His October she was photographed as a possible ably look at me as a sex married very soon. Along with being a musical talent would stand easily in a playmate. She was accepted a few months object, but some are re¬ Playmate she is still running around solo performance. spectful and can see beyond finishing the wedding plans. After a brief amateur hour type "A lot of people ask me why I am getting Witt sat in a corner booth at America's that. . performance the PA system boomed married, and say I'm a fool to do it - I love Cup. slowly sipping a Black Russian. Her him." she said. brown dress had a bunny embroidered on Witt said her husband has encouraged the shoulder, and her gold bracelet also Despite the money, about $10,000, the her all along, and that she never would have exhibited a bunny symbol. traveling at Playboy's expense to Chicago She was on a promotional tour last week and the Virgin Islands, Witt said it is not gone anywhere alone, especially to the . . .Lewis kept up his dazzl- motel to get photographed for the Big Ten going around to Lansing and East Lansing the glamorous life people think. ing keyboard work. He is a At that time she was taking night classes master at controlling the at MSU. saw the ad in the paper, and tempo and volume of his decided to give it a try. contribution, his co-music- Her parents have accepted her position as Miss August, she said, but they don't talk ians, and even the audi¬ about it much. ence. "I told them it was a classy magazine." she said, "but we don't discuss it." "When most men look at the layout in the out, "Ladies and Gentleman, would you magazine the first thing they think of is please welcome Columbia recording probably that they want to go to bed with artist. Mr. Ramsey Lewis. He opened up me," she stated. with two mellow piano-oriented tunes "The majority of men probably look at me that had the audience peacefully tap as a sex object, but some are respectful, and ping their feet and nodding their head in can see beyond that." time to the jazzy beat. Witt seems to fit very well into the Drummer Howard's stare never left beautiful innocent image that Playboy Lewis and followed his every move. He seems to espouse. almost appeared to be another of Lewis' Her striking beauty seems a contradic¬ talented appendages. On the bass tion to her spontaneity; she is a woman who Harris looked to be wrestling with a live simply says what she thinks. animal while closely following Lewis' "I never do anything I don't want to do action. He boyishly looked and smiled and if I want to do it, I do it." Witt* when Lewis' nodded approval his way. explained. While she was being photographed she Lewis then moved over to one of his State News/ tyn Hawes said there were two men in the studio, the organs for the "Mockingbird" rendition Ramsey Lewis photographer and the light man. She featuring a funkier bass backing. pointed out that the light man never A big problem with the show, however seemed to notice she was there. Lewis returned to finish the number was a distinct lack of communication precision borders on stiffness. "I'm a very shy person," she said, pulling As the backing musicians left the and greeted the approving applause with the audience on Lewis' part. The her brown hair back from her eyes. "People with a somewhat plastic smile. only words he spoke to the crowd were stage momentarily Lewis played a quiet think just because I posed without my and beautiful the above mentioned. The small inti¬ piano solo. The show continued and Lewis kept clothes on. that I can't be." The amount of pictures they took to mate atmosphere of downstairs Doo¬ Lewis appeared to loose concentra¬ up his dazzling keyboard work. He is a arrive at the 16 shots used in the layout ley's lends itself to closeness. The tion at one point as the Dooley's master at controlling the tempo and audience wanted to get into the show ventilation system apparently made too volume of his contribution, his co-musi¬ numbered in the thousands, she said. but Lewis did not allow it. His glances much noise for his liking. cians and even the audience. It was a "It was always, do it again they . . . killed any vocal comment or rythmic pleasure to observe the artist at work. always keep shooting for the better shot." clapping except when he signaled for it. A select few were graced by Lewis' Witt continued. presence as he walked off the stage A single encore followed by a semi- She characterized the experience as fun during a drawn-out drum solo. The solo standing ovation concluded the opening and exciting, but maintained that she is still by Howard displayed vast drumming show and the crowd drifted out. Lewis an "ordinary girl." skills but seemed to lack direction quickly retired to the dressing room to "I hope something happens out of this," without the leadership of Lewis. rest up for the second show. Playboy's August Playmate Vicki Witt, a Lansing native, signed her Witt continued, "If it does, good, but if it centerfold picture as part of a promotional appearance at the Student doesn't, that's okay." Book Store last Thursday. Michigan Stote News, East Lansing, Michigon Wednesday. July 12, 1978 7 01 WayIon kssps outlaw tradition Watercolors, gumprints displayed first, the band had the audience gravel version of Neil Young's Babies Grow Up To Be Cow¬ By GKRIBATEMAN interestingly unusual, large and bright. One By BILL HOLDSHIP appeals to both "redneck" and Have some free time? The visit the watercolor titled "Chroma Corn." a giant ear of corn with State News Reviewer "hip" music fans alike. stomping, clapping, and even "Are You Ready For The boys," "Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way," and "Honky and gumprint exhibition at the Lansing Art multi-colored kernels, stands out among all those 01' Way Ion is a Big Mar.. In This cross-section of fandom dancing by the end of their set. Country?" The crowd whooped their approval, letting the ram Tonk Heroes," all performed in Gallery now until July 30. on exhibit. Fauser's "Mrs. Dunkelberger's To¬ fact, some folks who saw Way was evident Sunday night as The response was overwhelm¬ In the main gallery three artists have matoes" is a painting of two huge jars of Ion at the Lansing Civic Center everyone from cosmic cowboys ing enough that the band blin' man know that they were Jennings' inimitable growl, watercolors on exhibit. Daniel I'. McCarthy, a tomatoes, while "Nasturiums" is a watercolor of Sunday night may swear that to Ramones T-shirted rockers returned for an encore rendi¬ definitely ready. only serve to reinforce the good tion of Bob Wills' "Take Me Just the fact that Jennings ol* hickory wind myth. The Lansing resident, does watercolor paintings of four large nasturium blossoms. the man is as big as Texas to old timers who could remem downtown Lansing. He uses earthy, light tones itself. ber Hank's first gigs gathered Back To Tulsa." would open his show with a Neil singer's jaded appearance and In the salon gallery the gumprints of Brad of brown, green and blue. Among his displayed Makes sense, though. All at the Civic Center. Liberty Jessi Colter followed with Young tune demonstrates his image tears apart old fashioned Ix>well are being shown. Gumprinting is a Bell Productions presented her mellower approach to coun¬ "outlaw" break from the C&W Nashville at its roots. are "Capitol Avenue." "Kalamazoo Street photographic technique which results in per religious allusions aside, it has the Bridge" and "Spring over Cherry Street. Texan ramblin' man as part of a try music. Backed by Jennings tradition. The Jennings legend manent imagery. These artworks have a more often been said that Willie It's safe to say that by the terrific foot stompin', hand- band, Colter sat at a piano and has steadily built since the '50s Landscapes ranging from natural to abstract picturesque look than the usual photograph. Nelson is the king of Texas. conclusion of Sunday's show, are the watercolors exhibited pumped out song after song, when he was a member of by Mark Mehaffev. Gumprints are not glossy and are in hues of This being the case, Waylon clappin' triple bill that included I^ansing has been captured by a another Lansing resident. Some, such as "Dead Jessi Colter (Waylon's wife) mostly her own compositions. Buddy Holly's Crickets. (Jen myth almost as big as the state green, red and gray. I/well, a I^ansing resident, Jennings would have to be the Oaks and "Winter Comes." are quite small and Texas crown prince. and Asleep At The Wheel. Her set seemed to be more of a nings gave up his seat on the from where it originates. has done gumprints entirely of the circus genre. The crowd only filled the time for the audience to sit plane that took Holly, the Big simple, while "Blue Shoreline" and "Night Fog" Jennings and Nelson were large and detailed. The Lansing Art Gallery is located at 425 S. the prime innovators in the Civic Center to half its capacity. back, relax, and enjoy, although Bopper, and Ritchie Valens to Oh, and just as an after are their deaths.) Today, he may be thought: Ladies really DO love Suzanne Fauser of Ann Arbor is showing her Grand Ave. They are open for browsing from 11 "outlaw" country music move¬ This was unfortunate, as there was a huge applause of art here for the first time. She paints primarily a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and 1 p.m. ment — a movement that has Asleep At The Wheel opened recognition for her "I'm Not recording with Johnny Cash outlaws! Nothing was more the show with some of the best Lisa." one day, and playing a gig with evident Sunday night. vegetable and flower scenes. Her watercolors are to 4 p.m. on Sundays. forever changed the structure all 'round "good time" music The response was anything the Grateful Dead the next. of Nashville's recording as¬ but slow when the man every¬ The legend is partially Jen- sembly line, not to mention the Lansing is likely to hear this God/Mom/apple pie Nashville summer. Asleep At The Wheel one was waiting for finally took ning's own creation. The music image from days of old. As a is perhaps America's best exist¬ the stage. "Here's Waylon," is as purely American as it said the MC, and the tall, macho comes, and the legend naturally team, the "outlaws" have cre¬ ing Texas swing band, and, figure in black cowboy hat was follows in the same vein. Favor ated a country mystique that although reception was slow at immediately into a guts and ites like "Mama, Don't Let Your 'America HOLLYWOOD 2Night' canceled (AP) - satirical "guests." It aired in 35 - Kitchen Cupboard Jo-El* Gome* ft Gift* You'll eat our words. markets in the United States. Nautilus America 2Night, Norman Flat Black I Circular The show, starring Martin . Lear's syndicated spoof of TV Mull, evolved from Femwood Groat Lake* Mt. Supply talk shows, is being canceled after 13 weeks on television, 2Night, which aired last year as a 13-week summer replacement Lear's business partner said show for Lear's syndicated soap Monday. "Economic considerations opera satire, Mary Hartman, make it impossible for America Mary Hartman, set in mythical Kern wood, Ohio. 2Night to continue," Alan Horn, head of T.A.T. Communication Co.. said in a prepared state- Sll()l> SS Our new menu has some of the most savory reading around f . ment. CELEBRATE 541 Bui Mum Steak and shrimp. Sirloin strip. Elaborate salad bar Four U S D A The nightly half hour show "was set in Hollywood and BASTILLE DAY 54! 4 (ir.iml Rnrr .J*-LW Choice meat items. Chicken And a whole lot more But don't just take our words for it. Drop by. and tr\ our new menu today. '.featured major personalities as JULY 14 /** X<¥ STEAK JIBEET "" " I iBURGERS .CHICKEN nriSH FRY 600 N. Homer near Frandor Shopping Center, Lansing 5001 W. Saginaw across from the Lansing Mall, Lansing SALE-AWAY CAROLINA DREAMS TO SAVINGS Greens is going all-out for the fashion fair of the year. With elowns, lemonade for 2C a glass and the best savings anywhere. WE ALL BELONG TOGETHER FOREVER *4.39 *6.99 2 ALBUMS ALL ON A"DTiPES THE Disc Shop 323 E. GRAND RIVER E.L. PH. 351-5380 0 Michigan Stote News East Lansing Michigan Wednesday. July 12, 1978 HORSE CARRIED TOO MUCH WEIGHT IYIIKK KI.OCKK The last hurrah for Forego MSU's gymnasts will By BILL MOONK1 works and good or bad it has Editor's note. Bill Mooney •esulted in Forego spotting an administrative assistant in the opponent as much as 34 pounds attract spectators Honors College at MM . is a a hich is only $38.93! during the course of his career. frequent contributor to the held hv Not his Consider Forego's 1977 sea State News. He formerly wrote son. His first race was an The gymnastics teams at MSI' have a Ami that doesn't hurt in recruit handicaps which allowance on May 23 in which, sports for the Providence Jour the Eclips Award for age couple of energetic and enthusiastic coaches nal and Sports Illustrated. thoroughbreds race carrying 122 pounds, he beat — Michael Kasavana for the women's team u- only thing that could possibly The 92nd running d th« -igned <■> that each Dance Spell who was carrying and from perenially finishing in George Szypula for the men's squad. 114 and Sawbones who hefted in the country is lack of financial One thing both men despise is when tIn¬ op Hi 109. A week later in the state News runs articles ori the results of support. Metropolitan Handicap, he their meets togethei :;h the fact tha carried 133 pounds in besting The team gets only three full scholarships, Co Host who only had to tote giving each of the ti which Ka-a\ana -aid are divided up among 111. Two weeks later, in the And they have a approximate!) nine athletes. All the teams Nassau County Handicap and the teams and the that finished ahead of MSU in last year's AI AW National Meet, and many teams that weighted at 136 pounds, he completely different He fd behind the 'table. Hut what again beat Co Host despite the latter's 26-pound advantage. rage i Despite Forego's victories, It should be quite a winter season the hefty load that he was being ie the only one attracting earns, too. I get the feeling that gyn forced to carry was a source of ,s a spectator sport, is getting ready worry to his owner. Martha am lacks the depth to be a real Gerry I of Lazy F. Ranch), and pula is the first to admit this, trainer. Frank Whitely Jr. The i it has alwavs had a dec e men's team does have is a Aggravating the problem was iized. faithful following. Success has a lot in L-rstar sophomore Marvin the fact that Bill Shoemaker, lo with it. Kasavana's team finished llth Carolina native. Forego's regular jockey, the tion last year and he estimates tf Szypula sums up Gibbs' weighed only 97 pounds and .000 people attended some of the hoi upcoming year; "I think he'll went only 105 or so with all his re in ihe nation in all-around, riding gear. This means that But winning is only part of it. Around the rcise, he could be a winner." much of what the horse had to country and, for that matter, around the i-t what themer carry was dead weight, in the world, women's gymnastics has been more form of lead bars fitted into hi.'; popular than men's gymnastics. The main saddle. in Gibbs doing the same thing reason is simply. Nadia C'omenci. olga earn that Steckroat did for the It all Korbut. et. al. Women's gymnastics has been, Recognition of success is so caught up with Forego in without a doubt, one of the most crowd . his next two races. He finished ecially in recruiting. second both times, lugging 138 pleasing competitions in the last two Olympic games. And the sport has been contagious o Jen and 137 pounds in the process. around the United States ever since. In one race he spotted the Women's gymnastics will be big at MSU e will be "double dual" meets winner. Quiet Little Table. 24 both teams will compete. for some time to come. The team had an i- pounds. In the other, he gave All American. Pam Steckroat, and she will be away 25 to Great Contractor. MSU. but ! still sugges the only person from the team to graduate. But the ultimate in futility Kasavana. who coached at Massachusetts came on Aug. 6 in the Whitney be for MSU. has (continued on page 9) Lafayette Sound Sale! Fcrego, now eight years old. often had to carry Forego 13). with the great jockey Willie Shoemaker much more weight than other horses late in his up. is shown during his fifth-place finish in the career. And, in the end. the extra weight took its Suburban Handicap run July 4 at Belmont Park in toll. Gimpy-legged and fatigued. Forego was retired New York. It was the final race for the great by his owners Monday . thoroughbred, three times named horse of the year. New! Pioneer 40 Watt AM-FM Stereo Receiver SX-580 has tuning meter plus power meters, switchinq lor 2 sets ot speakers, FM mute tor noise-tree tuning, loudness contour tor rich sound. Includes cabinet as shown Digital 40 Ch. Mobile CB In-Dash Car Stereo Cassette or 8 Track w/AM-FM Professional communications quality YOUR with RF gain. PA. ANL. big meter Our best seller OAK IV Top-of-the-lme (pictured) has same 59s8 CHOICE features plus delta tune, Canadian DOC approved noise blanker. DAK V 79n | WIIH THIS COUPON T WITH THIS COUPON v WITH THIS COUPON -j Trunk Mount Mobile CB Noise Cassette or 8 Track CB Antenna Filter System Carrying Case 99c 588 With purchase of any Everything you need ! mobile CB we carry to eliminate most thru Saturday, July 15. mobile noise pro- 1978 Ibems Our reg. 9.95 j ELECTRONICALLY SPEAKING WHO KNOWS BETTER THAN Lafayette A Open Daily 9:30 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday 11 Pricesa.m.-5in effect p.m. JJ/r.J 0 Sir o '« Q» " Mnr HK CERTIFIED *nnin rftHdiuams thru Saturday. July 8 Financing * Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. July 12 1978 9 ^ • HEALTH A BEAUTY AIDS ifl 4*3- 3- • PHOTO FINISHING WMf# Through the years Boston College," Bessone said. with Amo "My biggest disappointment came • V| DISCOUNT • SCHOOL SUPPLIES By JERRY BRAUDE State News Sports Writer in 1967 when we didn't repeat the championship." Jilt. GRAND RIVtR-ACROSS FROM M.S.U. UNION Bessone blames the surrender of MSU's NCAA title in 1967 on From a sport that was played in front of few of the players OPEN: Mon-Fri 9-9, Saturday 9-6, the pros. Sunday 12-5 girlfriends and parents in a 47 year-old barn to a sport that is now played in front of capacity crowds in newly-built Munn Ice Arena, "We only lost a few players, and had essentially the same team 39 hockey has come a long way at MSU. Nobody has witnessed this growth better than head hockey back," Bessone said. "But the pros came in and really pumped the kids up. They were playing like they thought they were all-stars NEW MUSIC 0** 4 coach Amo Bessone, who has been at the helm 27 of the 29 years and didn't concentrate on the things they were supposed to. since the resurrection of the sport in 1950. All American Doug Volmar, who had the hardest wrist shot I had KINNY LOOOINS • N10HTWATCH After directing the hockey forces at Michigan Tech, MSU ever seen, started taking slap shots and made stupid penalties." athletic director Ralph Young asked Bessone to come to East THICRUSADBRS. IMAMS Lansing. Bessone believes the best team he had was in 1975-76. The team LITOI RIVIR RAND • SUIMR CATCHIR "At the time, Michigan Tech had a better hockey program than was led by All-Americans Tom Ross and Steve Colp along with MSU because it was their number one sport," Bessone said. Daryl Rice and John Sturges. The icers were eliminated in the "Besides building the Spartans' hockey program, Ralph and I semi finals of the WCHA playoffs in triple overtime by Minnesota, wanted to establish hockey in the Big Ten. But it never fully the team that eventually went on to take the NCAA crown. DANNON FACIAL CONTAC developed." watch play, and that triple overtime COUCAPNIH Before moving into $4.5 million Munn Ice Arena, the icers "They were exciting to YOGURT TltfUl game with Minnesota was really something to suffer through." played their games in Demonstration Hall. Bessone said. "We had so many good players that we should have 19 9199' 1 itacr. "The 20-30 people that were there, I think, made more noise all the way. That should have been our year." 33' gone •S'VAUM than a packed Munn Ice Arena because they were right on top of the action." Bessone said. "The fans were so close that they were The Spartan mentor has been a keen observer of hockey talent, It's l.tS VALU1 practically in the game." as judged by the recruiting of 12 All Americans. LIMITS lIMBMSri UMIT1 UFNHMSTI Moving to Munn Ice Arena may have lost the closeness of the "Mainly, I look for the kids that want to go to school first," fans, but the shift was a financial success. Hockey went from a Bessone said. "They have to have good speed and aggressiveness, STATS COUPON break-even sport to the second-largest money producing sport at skate both ways and, of course, shoot and pass." MSU. iw AGREE AGREE "You also have to look for the diggers to help out the superstars. Bessone believes the caliber of play has improved over the years CMMIRMSIA That's why Dave Debol of Michigan didn't do anything this year State News Maggie Walker SHAMPOO because of better coaches and more ice rinks. after being an All-American the year before. He lost the players 49 "The players are usually more mature," Bessone said. "You still get some kids that think they can do it all, and you have to straighten them out." that would dig the puck out for him." Amo Bessone • •MTU I Bra • OILY I.9BVALWI 1 • IXTRA tiHVUI • OILY Box BODY 1 38 Bessone's appearances squads have made three NCAA tournament and won four Big Ten titles. Bessone was selected (D*"»*rV AvollobU) No chocks occoptod '1 UNIT I IX MOM 7.10-7, NCAA coach of the year after MSU took the NCAA crown in .CaCSa/V,. Buy any XTATI C 1966. Fans want Medium Pina I "Winning the NCAA championship was probably my biggest at the Regular SUNTAN thrill," Bessone said. "We finished the regular season in sixth place more than >0 Price gat the I SPONGE FOAM in the Western Collegiate Hockey Association IWCHA). But then Identical Pizza TRET ill'll we got hot and won 14 out of 16 games to take the championship." were in .500 team STC 1■ 38 The Spartans' other NCAA tournament appearances 1.35 VALM « 1958-59 and 1968-67. "1959 was disappointing because we lost on a fluke goal, 4 3, to By RICHARD L. SHOOK UPI Sports Writer DETROIT - Any one of Must 1203[.GrandRiver Coupon* 7-72-lt _ hove coupon • One coupon per order 2 blks West of Frandor 0 I ■ WjJU JgrrvAUH tr-v-H •TANH the previous four seasons Detroit Tiger fans would WinnnL ■'■■J CLEARASIL Last hurrah for Forego have embraced a .500 year OOOOOOOOOOOOOtOOOOOOOOttootoot**• * DRY RELIEF | 66 the way movie fans do the MOIBTIMI LOnON (continued from page 8) sequel to a hit film. But no NEW STORE Stakes at Saratoga. Carrying 136 pounds, Forego came in last in a They have been given a I 2830 E. Grand River i 169 field of seven, with mud from the sloppy track splattered all over o Laming • glimpse into the future — him. It was truly symbolic of the way things were going. and don't like the 42-42 Martha Gerry and Frank Whitely were, understandably, quite record they see now. * ootooooo to?&?o?ft9£ooo 00 too toot RTATB HW Ml upset and there was talk that Forego might be withdrawn from Yet, in some respects, the competition. He had been drifting toward the middle of the track at the end of all three defeats, much like a rudderless, poorly ballasted Tigers are better off now than they were a year ago ■ (0«llv,fy*voll«bl^ScHSS5ti^^ ^ TATAMIES ship, an indication that all that dead weight was wearing him to the during All-Star time, when Cwsdrs/) Buy any LARGE point of exhaustion. His ankles were also beginning to give him some problems. All invitations, including one to run in the Detroit their sixth-place 41-50 rec¬ ord put them 11 and one- B -y "r1, Pixxa for tht SANDALS Race Course's Michigan Mile and One-Eighth, were turned down. half games behind first-place 2" Forego needed a rest. Baltimore and 11 lengths out a small of second. LAMM ttZBS PIZZA I In the weeks that followed much public criticism was directed Manager Ralph Houk's toward the New York Racing Association and Tommy Trotter, the break even, fifth-place team STAY! .TATXCO^a NYRA official in charge of assigning weights for races. Trotter, is currently 15 and one-half E Must have coupon 0 One coupon por order BAN who is as good in his profession as they come, bore under the games behind the scorching TRACII WW. assault well but was concerned, as was everyone, about the possibility that the popular gelding would no long compete. He pace set by the Boston Red Sox but it is just six and I 1203 [.Grand River 2830 [.Grand River 2 blks. West of Frandor O remembered the time, during a parimutuel clerks' strike, that 7,500 non-betting fans showed up to watch Forego run. He remembered Forego's conquest of Wajima in the 1975 Woodward one-half games place Milwaukee. from second- |3J7jJ63l^ ^»8S-«40^ 28 3.35 ax 48 and his roaring stretch drive to nose out Honest Pleasure in the 1976 Marlboro Cup (which was then and, this year's Belmont notwithstanding, still is the best race I've every seen). a Still, there is disappoint¬ ment. The winter talk was third-place finish, the club had its best of 1 3.M VALIM 1 spring training In early September, word came out of barn 10 at Belmont that season ever and then got in terms of wins off to a start A career in law- ITATI cm YARDLBY Forego might be running again in the Woodward on the 17th of the BOUNCE BRJi month. Trotter cautiously assigned the horse a weight of 133, the least Forego had carried in a handicap race in over two years. A that would have made a race car fast. driver happy, it was so witfraut law school. LAUNDRY1LIQUID OLDUMUM IAVUMIMAP few days before the race it became official; Forego would start. "If we had Mark Fidrych, 33W What can you do with only a bachelor's degree' _ 6.75 ox He won, coming from behind to overhaul Silver Series in the Rosie (Dave Rozema) and 1,59 "*""59 "" to bridge the gap between an 48* Now there is a way stretch and pull away by one-and-one-half lengths. Although the Jack Morris all pitching like undergraduate education and a challenging, responsible favorite, he returned a generous $5.80 for every $2.00 bet on him we figured they would at the career The Lawyer's Assistant is able to do work tradi¬ to win, up considerably from the .05-1 odds offered on him earlier end of spring training, we'd tionally done by lawyers. SS YMWD ™^ jpuan xxoxm 7-is-fi LIMIT 1 IXPRMSMS-TB in the year. still be in it," Houk the- Three months of intensive training can give you the SIMMS MS.7I skills—the courses are taught by lawyers. You choose XTATT CIXOXM With this victory, Forego was Uken south for the remaining one of the seven courses offered-choose the city in He may be right. There is • toot SNEER months of 1977: it was decided that it would not be until 1978 that little doubt a healthy Fid¬ which you want to work. COMET he would try to overtake Kelso's record. He won his first race this Since 1970. The Institute for Paralegal Training has IXTINSION Kugg rych would have stabilized CLEANSER year, a modest $25,000 allowance. But his ankles, chipped, sore and the staff, not to mention how placed more than 2.000 graduates in law firms, banks, Hi's arthritic, required four hours of cold hosing a day. Martha Gerry and corporations in over 80 cities. CORD well it might have per¬ If you are a senior of high academic standing and are and Frank Whitely Jr. are good people, and they didn't want to see "" 39* formed had Rozema and interested in a career as a Lawyer's Assistant, we'd like him suffer. The Suburban was enough warning for them. And competition, with Affirmed, Alydar, Seattle Slew, Vigors and J.O. Tobin young and rested, was not going to get any easier. So Forego was retired. Morris not come down with sore But arms, too. maybe the rookie to meet you Contact your representative. placement office for an interview with our LIMIT 1 29* IIMiMHI UMIT, 49* UHWI.IM mistakes which have helped It would have been nice, really grand, to see him win one more take the club out of the race We will visit your campus on: big one. To set the record and beat those young upstarts. early would have brought Unfortunately, seldom is that the way of thoroughbred racing. So TUESDAY, JULY 18 long Forego! Take care chum! And thanks for all the memories! the Tigers down anyway. SUNGLASSES The Institute for 50% OFF Skating party set for Friday Paralegal Training S South I7lh Street Philadelphia Pennsylvania i If you have your own skates, I?IS' 732*600 The MSU Women's IM will held on the second floor gymna¬ sium in the Women's IM Build- they may be used and the Operated by Para legal. Inc XTATX^Um ' XT ATI C sponsor a roller skating party BATON'S on July 14 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. evening will cost you nothing. ALGGMA The event will be on a trial CORRASARU basis, and if it proves success¬ BIKERS TYMWRITIR PAPBR ful, roller skating may become a regular activity in the fall. CILIRRATI RUSK SACK There will be no admission BAST ILLS DAY Styling by professional cosmetologists and the only cost is 50 cents per hour for skate rental. The skating party will be JULY 14 00 4" for as little as - Guys & DGLLS Open: Mon-Thurs (ill 9:00 p.m. Kri & Sal till 6:00 p.m. Mon.-Fri. 11-7 closed Sot. t Sun. j Call 332-2416 for appt., or Walk-In UNION BOWUNO LANES located above Sam', Clothing, Stairwell near Cronroodt Import, Lower Level Union Bldg. 355 1357 10 Michigon Stole News, East Lansing, Michigon Soviet dissidents White hate erupts in Chicago overseas, (continued from page 1) Pirbhdagov did not mention fore country. In being allowed to leave a statement from Wash¬ the i continued from page 51 police, were outrunning them by jumping into the river and Toth's name, though it did come ington on Monday, Toth denied Jews" and "White Power," while others countered with "Nazis swimming across. up in Monday's proceedings. having worked for any intelli¬ have no right" and "Go to hell Frank." The Nazis themselves had by now finished their rally; it waa a gence agency. But he cited articles written by A group of about 50 Jewish people hung together near the little after 4 p.m. I was walking east, parallel to the river. Since Tuesday's proceedings Toth from Moscow for his edge of the crowd by some trees. They were stonefaced and Suddenly I heard someone scream: "Hey, what you doin' in our were closed and even Shchar- newspaper about parpsycholo- quiet. The men wore yarmulkes on their heads; four of them park?" ansky's immediate family was I turned and saw: a lone black man, walking down the cement gy, space research and genetic held up a huge flag bearing a blue Star of David. I felt humbled barred there were no other about 10 yards to my right, being slowly surrounded by a dozen engineering. sources of information on the by their show of courage, especially in light of my own mad The statement said Shchar- frightened dash only a few minutes before. or so young toughs, some in the swastika T-shirts. He kept ansky helped Toth to make trial besides the Pirbudagov A voice yelled, "Hey, lock up that Jew girl!" I looked and saw walking, looking around at them, trying to keep cool — but his contact with and to question statement. the plainclothes cops carrying two dark-haired women by the facial expression betrayed his terror. They taunted him: "Hey! scientists about alleged secret In Kaluga, Mrs. Ginzburg arms and legs, away from the demonstration. "Hey Jew girl, Boy! You can't just walk along like that!" work "worming our information was ejected twice when she where's your nigger boyfriend?" another male voice called out. A He broke into a run, and they rushed him, screaming, "Get the refused to promise to be quiet Stote News Robert Kozloff that is not subject to publica¬ third voung man — this one, I saw — screamed at the top of his nigger, get the nigger!" They tackled him and I saw him grimace tion in the open press." during the proceedings. as he hit the cement. The crowd followed, screaming, whooping: lungs! "WE DON'T WANT YOU JEWS HERE!!" He was I walked back toward 71st Street and sat down under a tree to After receiving a classified She confirmed a Tass news answered by thunderous applause. An old man who happened to "Boogie woogie! A Negro!" Holy God, I thought to myself, collect my wits. I had my notebook out and a teenager yelled at document from a scientist, it agency account that witness he standing next to me muttered in agreement: "Damn right, there's gonna be blood. I tried to back away, but the crowd got said, the correspondent was Arkady Gradoboyev claimed in thicker and kept rushing: I was caught in the middle of a me: "Hey, write a nice biased article for the paper, okay?" I everything they touch turns to shit." court she threatened to kill him ignored him. detained by Soviet authorities. My two companions appeared; they'd found each other, and screaming Chicago racist mob. On the edge of panic, I broke into Toth was detained June 11 at the end of the first day. a dash perpendicular to the direction in which the mob was I forgot all about the tree I was supposed to meet my now knew where I was. One of them told me he'd been able to get last year after receiving a In court Tuesday, however, running. I jumped, pushed, and twisted my way around and companions under, but they found me anyway. And we went deep in the heart of the crowd, right near all the racist chanting back to the car we'd parked on the edge of no-man's land and got document from scientist Valery she quoted him as saying, and swaggering. "I'd stay outa there if I were you," he told me. through the mass of people, feeling that at any moment I might G. Petukhov on parapsycholo¬ "Dissidents are hoodlums and the hell out of there, away from Marquette Park, away from the "You look a little too Jewish." trip, fall and get trampled; but I got through, and looked back to Nazis and the White Power punks, and got back on the freeway gy, the science of extra-sensory bandits . . . They can buy any see the black guy getting nailed by the mob, and the police We all agreed to meet at a certain tree in half an hour, and took headed north to the Loop, driving as fast as we could, balling the perception. bandit they want to kill me. off in separate directions again. I headed north, away from 71st moving in to hustle him out of there and into a squad car for, I He was then interrogated You hear Ginzburg's w his protection. jack and worrying about America. Street and tow ard the river where Nazi sympathizers, chased by- assume, and signed a protocol about his contacts with Shcharansky be¬ 'Pewabic 'u infects lF pottery addicts between two Jefferson Avenue making. Raku is a process by strength," he said. "You also The kilns, located in the Bv MICHAEL MEGERIAN then a group of Detroit area which pottery want to make sure there are no building's backyard, are fired State News Staff Writer residents have already been apartments on Detroit's west is fired at ex stricken. side. treme temperatures, thereby bubbles in it. If that happens, up to 1,700 degrees Fahrenheit Don't catch the Pewabic Flu!, The residents are students in The gallery and museum are giving it resistance to cracks. the pot could explode in the and bake the pottery to a warns a message scrawled on a seven week pottery course now operated by MSU as a The Raku method requires a kiln." glowing red. Students then the kiln door. offered at the Pewabic pottery lifelong education center. certain kind of clay, explained Simon then put the wedged scurry to quickly remove each If the flu means enthusiasm Gallery and Museum, a small The course deals with the Steven Simon, a work study clay on what he called a piece and place it in a bed of Raku method of student participating in a Raku throwing wheel. The wheel sawdust. :>r interest in Pewabic pottery. two-story abode neatly tucked pottery- demonstration held Sunday enables the student to shape or The heat of the pot im¬ afternoon. "pull" the clay. mediately ignites the sawdust "Only the Raku clay can As Simon squeezed the mass, before the pot and flame are it the shape of a covered with and a sheet of First live test-tube stand the extreme temperature rose to baby Simon demonstrated Raku method in between es¬ the cylinder. He pushed down on it, forcing his thumb through the top. The pressure bore an rusted metal and left to cool. Pewabic pottery was started in 1903 when Mary Chase corting groups of visitors opening eight inches in diame¬ Perry, an art student from the expected in few weeks through the gallery's claydust- ter through the pot. Upper Peninsula, set up her covered corridors. He proceed¬ The pots are dried next, own ceramic studio on the ed to the gallery's basement, explained Simon, and then second floor of a carriage house. which lead to a room lined with baked or bisqued overnight. Perry was the prime force in Medical and genetics research authorities in number of pieces of finished A glaze is applied to each pot the establishment of the East LONDON (API - A British woman is a Britain say the international medical community after baking. Each glaze, com¬ Jefferson gallery in 1907. expected to give birth by Caesarean section in believes no test-tube baby has ever Adult ceramic classes have two or three week6 to what experts believe will been born, "Making the pottery begins posed of a variety of chemical though there have been reports of test-tube here," he said, while grabbing a compounds, reacts with the been offered at the gallery be the world's first living "test-tube baby," her conceptions which failed during pregnancy. cooling process and accounts since 1969. Courses are offered gynecologist said Tuesday. large gray slab of clay. After No proof has been offered to substantiate weighing it, he began to knead for the different colors of on a quarterly basis and stu¬ The women, identified only as Mrs. A„ became other claims that three test-tube babies are alive or "wedge" the clay. pottery that decorate the fin¬ dents may earn college credit pregnant by means of a laboratory technique in Europe. The report is believed groundless, "Wedging the clay gives it ished works. for attending the sessions. after nine childless years of marriage during which a defect in her fallopian tubes prevented said David Sanders, a spokesperson for the her from conceiving. British government's Medical Research Council. Photo by Michoel Megerian Mrs. A. is believed to be 32 years old and Two British specialists implanted an egg from Ruth Favro, removes a a student in Raku pottery, pot from one of the gallery's three kilns. Favro said she has made about 40 pieces during her carefully Mrs. A. into her womb four days after it had been fertilized in a test tube by her husband's sperm. married to a railroad man in his late 30s. Their identity is being withheld for ethical reasons. The woman is now in the maternity ward at Tutor volunteers sought Dr. Patrick Steptoe. 65, a gynecologist, and session at the gallery, which is one of MSt 's lifelong Dr. Robert Edwards. 52, a Cambridge University Oldham and District General Infirmary at Oldham, about 190 miles northwest of London. The Tutor Corps needs vol¬ The tutors work in academic teer Programs, 26 Student education centers. physiologist, have spent more than a decade trying to bring a test-tube baby to life. The British newspaper syndicate chosen by unteers to tutor persons with or recreational areas, usually Services Bldg. and fill out an "It must be recognized that in the weeks ahead the couple to tell their story for a fee issued reading, math and other educa¬ on a one-to-one basis. People to application. Tuesday's statement in which gynecologist tional problems. be tutored are aged Though the Volunteer Office an atmosphere of total calm is vital to the anywhere Steptoe urged the news media not to put any Volunteers are also needed to from six to 60 years old. prefers to fill the positions with well-being of the mother and her child-to-be," be pressure on his patient as she awaits the birth. companions for troubled Anyone wishing to volunteer MSU students, anyone interest- Spouse abuse law Steptoe said in a statement issued Tuesday through the syndication service of Associated Newspapers Ltd., publishers of the Daily Mail He said all announcements concerning the birth would be made through the news syndicate, persons. should visit the Office of Volun- ed can apply. i continued from page 1> The package also requires and London Evening News. which declined to reveal the amount of money precludes prosecution of wife- local police to report informa¬ "Of course, we also recognize that, because of the couple will receive for publication rights. beaters in many instances. tion on domestic assaults to the the unique nature of this forthcoming birth, Mrs. A. reportedly will give birth by Caesar¬ Warrantless arrests also state police. Backers said that there is enormous public interest." ean section in the publicly-funded National would be permitted in the case is designed to make up for a He said he and Edwards advised the couple to Health Service hospital and is confident that she of a person who violates a court lack of statistical information "make a special arrangement" with an interna¬ at last will have a baby after years of order in a divorce case or a about the extent of wifebeat disappointments. tional agency to relieve pressure on them and peace bond. also "to secure a financial future for their child." Various sources provided information which Another measure would re The test-tube technique aims to help women indicates that during their 12 years of research quire that police receive copies "Society has been far too who cannot conceive because of an obstruction in Edwards and Steptoe found they could fertilize of such orders, which are slow in recognizing the scope the fallopian tubes which carry eggs from the female eggs with male sperm in the laboratory — designed to protect a spouse and severity of this problem." ovaries to the uterus. in a "test tube" which is in fact a sophisticated from a potentially violent mate. Milliken said. and complex piece of glassware. Women who previously volunteered to try the technique reportedly became pregnant, but the pregnancies did not continue the full nine-months Tisch group may have violated law cycle. * continued from page 11 that failure to file after 30 days local prosecuting attorney, ac- When nature creates, she proceeds in intimate union with After 30 days, failure to file also carries a possible jail term cording to state officials, CILIBRATI herself; for example, she gradually brings her forms into becomes a misdemeanor pun¬ of up to 90 days, Thomas said. "Hell no, I don't think we're BASTILLI DAY ishable by a fine of up to $1,000. The decision on whether to in violation," Tisch said. "This shape by the action of their very matter, which she never allows to become distinct from her energies, not from her¬ The same penalties apply to prosecute for the misdemeanor isn't anything political — it's JULY 14 the annual statement ;>uid be left in the hands of the constitutional. self. When nature produces a plant, she raises it impercep¬ tibly, unfolds it, spreads it out, as though by successive states of balance, so that at every moment the age, the volume, the irregular leafy surface of the plant, and the physical condi¬ tions of its environment stand together in an indivisible rela¬ tion of which the form of our plant is, as it were, the mysteri¬ ously exact expression. Quite different is the work of man: man acts; he exerts his forces upon a foreign matter, he distinguishes his acts from the substance on which they operate, he has a distinct consciousness of them; thus he can conceive and combine them before executing them; he can give them the most varied applications, adjust them to the most diverse sub¬ stances, and it is this power of unifying his undertakings, or of breaking down his designs into distinct acts, that he terms his intelligence. He is not inseparable from the material of his work, but comes and goes between it and his idea, be¬ tween his mind and his model, and at every moment he exchanges what he wants for what he is capable of and what AWT 4PLY POLYESTER] he is capable of for what he actually accomplishes. Specul WHIOAUS 1 B78x14 IM 4 ; a35/7 MICHELIN GENERAL CM Silt PAUL VALERY 4-ply Translated Us by polyester Brtrtta IBIem ) SUM •« Us RALPH MANHEIM W (»94.a« S]2« • f £ r litis 36 month worronty nns 4 j as * Prom A Brief Address to the Society of En *11 MUM IUNM iVAILUU F,££ M0L',T:',& • '«T SEB ^ /rriREINC 6ft 3326545 ?oiA ■ Lansing'* custom whool and tiro exports seven 2IO mac avenue vays jo-to-io Wednesday, July 12. 1978 1 ] Summer Students Study This! WW Itay Purchase of >2.00 or More. Got the summer term blues? Cheer up and take a summer study break, and you'll get a break ( 0 at Olga s Kitchen. Present this coupon to the cashier, and you'll get 50* off any purchase of S2.00 of more. Try any of our delicious Olgas, or our tasty spinach pie, a crispy salad, fresh fries, or any combination of the really different, really delicious things to eat at Olga's. e coupon pet customer. Offer good thru 7/15/78. 133 E. Grand River, East Lansing TTic most exciting idea in eating since the sandwich! s ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ SUMMER CIRCLE FREE FESTIVAL TONIGHT THRU SATURDAY 8:30 P.M. KRESGE COURT THE LONDON ASSURANANCE A COMEDY OF MANNERS AND CHARACTER starring JOHN GOODLIN & ELLA JONES * Directed by DOOLEYS BILLY WILDER Winner of 4 Academy Awards The film is a comedy of men's room hu¬ mors and water-cooler politics that now and then convey among the belly laughs says something serious and sad about the struggle for success, about what it does to a man and about the horribly small world of big business. Director SUNCAY JULY 16-0 61000 Wilder In this film establishes himself as one of the cinema's most skillful crea¬ tors of comedy, low, medium or high. TICKETS $2.00 IN ADVANCE -Time TONIGHT Wednesday,July 12 7&9:30p.m. RMMMS "Opening • Destroy All Monitors" In Fairchild Theatre AOCAYJULY17-900 TICKETS AVAILABLE AT DOOLEY S AND AT BOTH RECORDLANDS (LANSING AND MERIDIAN MALLSI Wednesday, July 12, 1978 12 Michigan Si 332-4432 now filled HOUSE FOR rent- Okemos 337_0627_5-7-19_(6[ (616) 885- 1481 ed. own car, $87.50 plus Briarwood. Unfurnished 4 YAMAHA FG110- 6 string utilities. Call after 9 p.m. brakes, & windows AM fm. 371 3572 after 5 p. m STORE DETECTIVES- call 885- 1102 332-5713. 8-7-21 (3) air $3250. 355-5988 8 " T4 5 641 4562 between 10 a.m. SUBLEASE 1 space in 4 bedroom, references and de¬ acoustic guitar. $65. 349- and 3pm Monday - Friday. woman. Air. security lock. 2 for summer posit required. Available 2650. 5-7-19 (31 CADILLAC, 1974 bath spacious. 332-0927 af September 1. 9-12 month Give your basement a break! Mded Auto Service / 0 17 7 31 I3> ter 5 p.m 5-7-12 (4) and fall lease. 349-9162. 7-7-21 (7) WANTED: USED albums. Sell those extra items you no 355-7913 3-7 14 3- $1-2 a disc. Bob or Mike, longer use for fast cash. Call BRAKE PARTS including STUDENTS INTERESTED in 642 S. Francis Street. 2 MOVING SALE- 13161 Uni¬ employment with RHA Movie SUBLET JULY 30 Septem¬ 332-8457 or 351-1225. today to place your Classified brake pads, shoes, and hy¬ SHARE 2 bedroom with bedroom house, available versity Village. July 13-14, 9-6 CAMARO. 1974 biu- 'rust ber 13.1 bedroom apartment, 8-7-24 (3) ad' draulic components in stock program for fall term may male. 32. $125 plus utilities, July 15th for 2 month or 11 p.m. Baby furniture, clothes, sacrifice. furnished, pool, air, close to Steering buxes. at CHEQUERED FLAG FOR pick up applications July 10, deposit. 332-7343, keep try¬ month lease. 332-6715, or fabric, other items. 2-7-1314) 332-3478 3 ~> 14 3 campus. $150. 332-7121. LIVING ROOM furniture- 2 NEEDED: VOLUNTEERS to stereo. EIGN CAR PARTS. 2605 East 11.12, from4to 6 p.m in 323 ing. 3-7-14 (4) 349-3604, 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. Student Services. Ticket 8 7-19 141 chairs, one with ottoman; 1 assist visual handicapper stu¬ Ka'amazoo St 487 5055. one CHEVETTE, 1976 excellent condition automatic 38 "»X) m:ie west of campus. C 17-7 31 (71 takers needed. 2-7-12 19) SOUTH SIDE 2 bedroom Thank you for X 8-7-21 16) sofa; 2 end tables. $85 com¬ plete. 351-1820 after 5 p.m. [~ Service ^ dents with summer reading & orientation. Please contact miles. $2750. 355 80,7 JUNK CARS wanted TELEPHONE SOLICITORS- apartments, dishwasher, conditioning, carpet. air Call coming back to Rooms /• E 5-7-19 14) FREE LESSON in complexion Programs for Handicappers, 353 9042. B-1-7-12 (6) 4-7-17 (31 Also part time, 5 9 p m. Salary care MERLE NORMAN selling used parts Phone 394 5369 noon to 9 p.m. DINING TABLE wood- plus bonus EASTLAWN SHARE BEAUTIFUL home, COSMETIC STUDIO 321 CUTLASSS 1972 t i- 321 3651 C 17 7 31 (3> MEMORY GARDENS. 349 X 10 7 21 I5> chrome, $75; chairs $45; TV DAY CARE m my Southside own room, close, non¬ 5543 C 17 7 3J 14) vinyi top. radio, $950 2 '■ ■ 9156 8 7 21 (5i UNIVERSITY smoking. 332 2170. 5-7-1913) antennas $10; speaker en¬ home. Prefer pre-schoolers. 351-3625. 7 7 14 3 SOUTH HOLMES- near closures $35; dishwasher $10. WEDDING FLOWERS, low 882 6218. 5 7-19 (3) DATSUN. 1974 260Z 2 2 SELF SERVE gas station Sparrow, one room upstairs TERRACE ROOM FOR RENT for rest of 332 8050. E 5-7-19 (4) cost top quality, full service. • attendants- neat, polite, hon¬ efficiency. Cooking, share summer, close to campus, 623_6545. 8 7-17 13) WANTED TO exchange: air, 4-speed. 49 OOC' mii*s est with retail cash handling bath. Prefer male $75. 351 Call Bob, 351-6472. 5-7-19(3) INSTANT CASH. We're pay¬ Four bedroom house in Can¬ $4000. 351 4025 8 7 19 4 7497 0-4 7 14 (5) FOR QUALITY stereo ser experience Apply at 315 E. ing $1-$2 for albums in good berra. Australia for similar now filled for shape WAZOO RECORDS. vice, THE STEREO SHOPPE, Grand River, between 9 a.m. - CAMPUS NEAR, summer. house/apartment near MSU DATSUN B210. 1974 great 223 Abbott. 337 0947. 555 E. Grand River. From $65 month. 485-1436. during period November 1978 shape, $1850 374 6067 after 1 prn, Monday. July 17. summer ond fall 0-6-7 14 (3) C-17-7-31 14) C-17-7-31 (3) to July 1979. Please contact EOE 4 7 14 (91 5 p.m. X-8-7-21 (3> Thank you for WILL BABYSIT in my Haslett Dr. John Eulenberg, Com¬ DODGE DART. 197 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT conning back to FLAT TOP guitars, largest home, prefer 4 years or older. puter Science Department, selection ever. WILCOX MSU. 355-5210. 5-7-19 (11) AT ROSELAKE WILDLIFE 339-2793. 5 7-13 (3) der, automatic. 2 • radio, runs beaut-fk. RESEARCH CENTER BEECHW000 TRADING POST. 485-4391. C 15-7 31 (3) 349-0586. 8-7-24 .3- through work study program. 373 9358. 7 7-17 (51 fenced in yard, parking. Also 2 bedroom apartment avail- CLEAN c00king QU,ET c|ose parking avaMable n0 COMPLETE STEREO system, Typing Service M M Town it LEGAL SECRETARY East excellent condition, best PROMPT, EXPERIENCED. ASMSU PREPAID Legal Ser offer. 332 1806.8 7-20 (3) vices p|an n0vv makes legal Lansing law office. Legal typing, evenings, 332-3492. experience only. Good skills. C-17-7-31 13) services available without fee 2 bedroom apartments Call 351-6200 7 7-21 141 Thank you for ROOMS FOR rent, close to Animals V to undergraduate MSU stu¬ •270 campus, $60/80 month. Call ANN BROWN typing. Disser dents. Office open 9 a.m. -12 FIAT X/19 1974 stereo, special exhaust Ex extrj MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. WORK IN exchange for flying coming back to STE-MAR MANAGEMENT. tations-resumes-term papers. p.m.; 1:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. 351 5510. 4-7-14 14) wheels, asking $2400 332 Kalamazoo, since 1940 Auto time at JEWETT AIRPORT in Call 12-5 BURCNAM WOODS ANGLO LIPIZZAN horses, 601 Abbott Road, North en¬ Monday-Friday. For informa¬ Mason. Openings Sunday, bred for dressage and jump¬ 351-7221. tion or appointment call 355- 8175. 351 4484 4 7 17 3 painting-collision service. Now filled for trance, Amencan-foreign cars 485- Wednesday and Thursday, 7 ing. Call 349 1574. 8-7-13 (4) C-17-7-31 14) 8266. 0-8-7-21 19) 322-0052 FORD STATION vvag-- 0256 C 1 7 7 31 (5) a m 3 p.m 676 4860 summer-Just a few 1972, 4-door. reasonable, 5 7 19 (6) left for fall. price, must sell 337 '.^86 ROOM IN deluxe townhouse. between 6 pm. 7 30 GOOD USED tires. 13-14-15 PERSONS NEEDED to code Make a ^PEOPLE REACHER p n. inch Mounted free. Used pool, air, 5 minutes campus, ROOMS FOR rent. $98/ 4-7-13 (4) surveys, work study required. wheels and hub caps. PEN- summer fall option. 393- reservation now month utilities included, close See Maureen Murphy, Room 8622 8 7-19(4) NELL SALES INC.. 1825 East to MSU and busline. 489- GRAND PRIX, 1973 loaded 8. Student Services. 353- efficiency $175 5025. 5-7-19 (4) Michigan, Lansing, Mich 351-7241. 12-7 12 (3l"St 48912. 482 5818 C 1 7 7-31 161 4414 4 7 17 151 SUMMER CAMP positions. PENNSYLVANIA furnished one $175 month plus deposit. AVENUE- bedroom, 1 bedroom $210 2 bedroom $290 There are plenty of good a* WANT AD Male counselors, specialists buys in the automotive sec¬ OLDS DELTA Royaie '974 Also, furnished studio, $145/ Call between 12-5 tion of today's Classified for waterfront & arts crafts, convertible, excellent cnn-ji Motorcycles secretary. CAMP TAMA¬ month plus deposit. Phone 489 5574 after 5 p.m. 351-3118 pages. You'll find the car Just complete form and tion, loaded, original owners, RACK. you've been searching for! $3600. 663 3182 3 7 14 4 Brighton 1-229 9166. 0 2 7-12 18) mail u ilh payment to: I. Bombast YAMAHA 350 road bike, 4 7 17 (7) If your house has become I. Slough 1974 extras, excellent condi¬ overrun with pets, you need a '. Ruminate TR 4 1965. Body n. -.,nS tion 351-1690. 2-7-13(3) DOOLEY'S OF East Lansing FEMALE own room, FOR townhouse, $77.50/month fast-acting Classified ad! CAMPUS Stule News Classified Dept. 11. Cruet $220, 332 1856 after 5 . ... hiring kitchen personnel for plus utilities. Start August/ 3i7 Student Sercices Bldg. fcl*« 8-7 24 13) Employment |f fall starting July 17 Apply in person 131 Albert Street. September. 349-2491. NOW LEASING FOR HILL East Lansing, Mich. i8823 13. Sell-movable vehicle 8-7-21 (4) 5 7 19 (5) VEGA, 1974, Norchback 14. Quotes Standard shift, $600 rjr best MANAGER TRAINEE tional theater chain, college na ROOMMATE NEEDED for FALL *2 Bedrooms 16. TiR COUPLE TO manage apart¬ Address. offer. 349-4458 4 7 17 '31 degree, willing to relocate, ment building, near campus. carpeted, air conditioned, 2 'Furnished Apts. 17. Head of bedroom apartment. Close to Benjamin's dan salary, benefits, contact: No experience required. 337 'Free Roomnule Service City VAN, 1970 Ford Custom Club Chet Wasko, Meridian Thea¬ campus. $90 including utili¬ 18. Relished 1846. 3 7 14 141 Wagon 123. Automat.. V 8. ters. 349-2702 Monday Friday ties 332 7514. 4-7-14 15) 'Dishwashers 20. Consume clean interior. Excellent care between 1 p.m. and 4:30 p.m 'Central Air Coudiliming 22 Handle $1250. 349-1568 3 7 14 141 8 7 17 (7) For Reit ROOMMATE FOR fully fur¬ Preferred Insertion Date nished Pool, sauna, air. 882- 'Swimming Pool BABYSITTER CARE for 2 REFRIGERATOR, STEREO. 8556 10 7-26 13) THEY WENT 'Unlimited Parking VW BUG, 1973 29.000, 5 star children, references required. T V. Rentals, free delivery THAT-A-WAY.. .TO condition, $1795. After 9 p m 'Pleasant Landscaping 25 characters in a line, including punctuation and spaces between words. call 393-5942. before 5 i» m. 351 1816 before 2 p m. or on off campus. 372 1795. COLLING WOOD 355 8270 4-7 12 t4» after 8 p.m. 8 7 13 141 08 7 21 (3) APTS" •Special 12 mouth rates Print Ad here ; (Etopcfungfjam *air conditioned •dishwashar FREE BUS CEDAR GREENS APARTMENTS *(hag carpatlng Now Looting 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED LUXURY APTS. •unlimited parking SERVICE 'private balconies •2 badroom CIRCLE RATE WANTED 3 LINE MINIMUM 'swimming pool •modal oparr doily • furnished oportments • swimming pool •9 or 12 month • air conditioning 'central air Modal Open 9-9 EifnorsfntniniEi leases available • within walking 9 until lose *320 Everyday ii El id torn CD GDtn distance to compus 'shag carpeting DID ID ED ED ED ED ED Fall leases only Special 12 month rates Leasing for fall aoEiiTirnpnrDrD special rates available for fall call 351-8282 — 9 4 12 month leases available □ED CD ED ED® ED ED (behind Roll—r World •nmrnrnmrrHTHTi 1135 Michigan Avanua E.Lansing 351-8631 Call 351-7166 CALL 349-3530 111J | Hi IMI (next to Brody) locoted ot Hogodorn Rood just south of Service Road Michigon Stole News, Eost loosing, Michigon Wednesday, July 12, 1978 HAGAR the Horrible" dyiy (t)WJIW-TV(CBS) (lO)WILX-TV(NBC) (ll)WELM-TV(Cabl») (H)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) bv Dik Browne WEDNESDAY 10:30 2:30 (11) Black Notes (10) Grizzly Adams (6) Guiding Light (12) ABC News (11) Women's Poetry (6) Price Is Right (10) Doctors (23) Over Easy (12) Eight Is Enough (10) Hollywood Squares (23) Novo (23) South By Northwest 7:00 (23) Electric Company 9:00 11:00 3:00 (6) My Three Sons (10) Another World (10) Adam-12 (6) Movie (10) High Rollers (10) Black Sheep (12) General Hospital (11) Unification Church (12) Happy Days (11) Won Chuen (23) Paint Along With (12) Partridge Family (23) Villa Alegre (12) Charlie's Angels 11:30 Nancy Kominsky (23) Life Around Us 3:30 7:30 (23) Great Performances (6) Love Of Life 9:30 (6) All In The Family (6) Match Game PM (10) Wheel Of Fortune (12) Family Feud (23) Villa Alegre 4:00 (10) Hollywood Squares (H)lmpressions (11)Shintowa 10:00 PEANUTS ■ SPONSOREDBY: jfwu LAUNDRY (23) Lilias, Yoga And You , - , , 11:55 (6) New Mickey Mouse (12) Mary Tyler Moore (10) Police Woman bySchuIz U!U„« C'ub (23) MacNeil Lehrer (12) Starsky & Hutch (6) CBS News 11:00 12:00 (10) Munsters Report (12) Bonanza 8:00 (6-10-12) News (6-12) News (23) Dick Cavett (23) Sesame Street (6) Carol Burnett (10) Sanford And Son 4:30 (23) Evening At Pops 12:20 (6) Doris Day (6) Almanac (10) Gilligan's 5:00 Island MSU SHADOWS 12:30 (6) Gunsmoke by Gordon Carleton Ne (6) Search For Tomorrow (10) Gong Show (10) Emergency One! (12) Emergency One! PXKBALL PETE S (12) Ryan's Hope 1:00 (23) Mister Rogers 5:30 (6) Young And The Restless 1 THoufeWT You SAID IT UME. Tco (10) For Richer, For Poorer (23) Electric Company 6:00 (12) All My Children (23) Petal Pusher (6-10-12) News 1:30 (11) TNT True Adventure (6) As The World Turns Trails (23) Dick Cavett FRANK & ERNEST mi -™r" (10) Days Of Our Lives (23) Turnabout 6:30 by Bob Thaves womsomom, f I „ .„■»nt.iun 203 M.A.C. 351-9111 2:00 (6) CBS News (23) Over Easy (10) NBC News GERM RESEARCH ^ GENERAL MIL Af IT 5 WE CflN'T GET THEM TO 3.9' EA. CPiRR!Y THElR prinit-in-o-minlt COPYING DUPLICATING IS OUR BUSINESS Comer ol MAC ond ANN ST. Open 8 30-6 00 M F 10 00 5:00 Sot NOW OPEN i THE DROPOUTS ' campus pizza s by Post TRAVELS WITH FARLEY New East Location by Phil Frank HOWEVER, THERE'S NO WATER .'N THEM pillow talk B.C. furniture Soft and toxy pillow fwrnitwro by Johnny Hart Boon Bags Mt.tS TUMBLEWEEDS by Tom K.Ryan SPONSORED BY: ^PLZZA^ 11^1 AM 337-1639 SAM and SILO " by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker CROSSWORD —111 m PUZZLE HEBBS I1EISI1 ICRDSS 23. Charged particle saa dsbbs 24 Monotonous 28 Gobackwer SEE] SHG BBSS 1. Bombast 31 Cape 0HHB BBS QBE 4. Slough 32 Hasten HIIEffiH BSE 7. Ruminate 11 Cruet 33 Estotles 0SHIE 35. Immerse EBBIll3BEBBnSIB 12. Deplore 38 Little one 13. SeM-mwable 39 Drupe BBS any IBM® vehicle 40 Thrift @ras ass astss 14. Quotes 44 B reader) 16. Till 45 Robot play 17 Headof Beniamm's dan 46. Turmenc 47 Foam success ooesAi-T I. Relished 48 Masterpiece I. Consume !. Handle 49 Red-berry coMeeASiiy... iTT&OK Meyers BEETLE BAILEY TOPWegrMy by Mort Walker Wednesday, July 12. 1976 1 4 Michigon Stote News, Eost Loosing, Michigan 'SI Announcements for It's What's Happening must be received in the Tai Chi Club meets at 6 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday in COME SQUARE DANCE at 7 tonight, Union. Experience need¬ ed. MSU Promenaders Tax, drinking, school aid petitions filed State News office. 343 Student the grotto near the Music Build- bvlmtkd press Supporters of the so-called tures to state election officials. choice and would receive a R-Utica, who led the capital Services Bldg., by noon at least ,n9 Thinking of volunteerism as a two class days before publication. profession? Try an academic in international Tisch amendment claimed they They needed 266,000 valid voucher from the state which punishment drive, balmed his Nuclear Issues Study Group will ternship at VIM this fall. Contact Petitions to put proposals on won the first battle of the tax signatures to qualify for a spot they could "spend" at that failure on the public's preoccu¬ meet at 8 p.m. tonight, 334 Union, ed by phone. Dave Persell, College of Urban the November ballot that would revolt and are prepared to face on the ballot. school. pation with taxes. to learn about and discuss nuclear Development. • • • cut property taxes in half, raise oppostion from hostile bureau The school finance proposal, Backers of the plan vigorous¬ "The fever right now is power and related topics. Aikido, martial an for self- Adult male anxious to learn to the drinking age to 21 and give crats and elected officials head which would give aid to private ly denied it is a new form of taxes, not the death penalty," defense and personal growth, NPS public review of Pictured read Reading tutor needed imme state aid to private schools schools — known as the vouch¬ parochiad — aid to religious he said. meets at 1 p m. Sunday and 7pm Rocks National Lakeshore diately' Three to 5 hours per week were filed with the Board of "This will be the damndest er plan — involves a 65 percent schools. But they admitted they Tuesday and Thursday. Judo Management Plan is at 7 p.m. July Inquire in 26 Student Services State Canvassers Monday. political fight you've ever seen property tax cut coupled with could not have gathered the It was the second time Room. Men's IM Building. 17, 158 Natural Resources Bldg. Bldg. Holmes failed to get on the A proposal that sought to end in your life," Shiawassee Coun¬ increases in personal income roughly 300,000 signatures filed Two young boys would like ballot a proposal ending Michi¬ Help restore MSU's "Lima Make your free hours count. someone to be their Big Brother, Michigan's ban on capital pun¬ ty Drain Commissioner Robert and business taxes. Monday without substantial Superpower Locomotive." MSU Volunteer to supply short term ishment, however, failed to l'isch boomed to supporters Parents would be free to help from private school organi- gan's long standing ban on capi¬ they enjoy outdoor activities tal punishment. He said he will Railroad Club meets at 7 30 to¬ community manpower needs. Volunteer today, in 26 Student meet the filing deadline with after entrusting boxes of peti¬ place their children in the Contact Volunteer Action Corps, not try again. night. 23 Student Services Bldg. Services enough signatures. tions bearing 328,000 signa public or private school of their State Rep. Kirby Holmes, in 26 Student Services Bldg.