M S. c. Library Mil Tailing. Slab. Tedav's G*nl Editorial by Dr. H. R. Hunt FAST LANSING. MICHIGAN. FRIDAY. .11 NK 4. 19:?7 I Water Show and Lantern Sivingout Night Today'* Olga DianichWins Campus Top Honors in M.S.C. rh"^ IP'?"* R/wh ma lage Will Start Big Senior Week • Rug Hnntrr« Don't become alarmed if j Literary Contest Befo Clla** of MT in (.up* an»l (ioHia to Kegiii Trek From Toner C. R Van Dusen, ^ his D S. degree from the Univer- ._J.>orothy DcLay, senior 1 U . .i • i'v of Michigan this term, will be A ' student majoring in in i>-» in i harge of speech correction next present a graduating nvi\«l yeut at Michigan State college. t violin Sunday aftern/xm at Ormand Drake, who has been nt,t?lo (>• * < clock »n the Union bailim leaching >1 Now York university , .„irm«n Miss DeLay has been a pupil <>f for the past year, had had his |> j | M.chael Press, head of the violin leave of absence extended for I Mutinied tentative department, since the fall of 1934. A .ord.ng to WilUU the succes* Scott at Fairgrove. additional ; *hcn she entered Michigan State of mt venture should In attributed! The position! in central Mich W. F Thomson, James A. Mc- tary. which will be held a transfer student from Oberhn to the cooperation of all the agn- ,gan arc Helen Bullis, St Louis Monagle. and M Van Dusen, will Prof A J Clark of the chemistry rr*.,..., Conservatory of Music In the fall cultural students and the hast ; Melva Bump, Mt. Pleasant, Eve ,.,k. while Dr. C R ""W" teach classes here during the department was made counselor, Hoffei » ,1 livirir h» 1 f 1935 she was chuaen sponsor Lansing and learning merchants. (Continued on page 3) I,me. leech- now ,ull)' | summer. and T. L. Can iff. also of the chem- for the M. S. C band, and has been — "" ■» ::r"",n *" «»»* <**«•' ^ IJuring the summer C*ecil Nickle ,stry department, was elected yrand" doing riMiiiiti work the other six, . J. I'rh, '35, honor student during her . llrnry an Mm , Poultry .... , ... . . r# - . will w«m have charge v* ««»»« uiwk dramatic of uismaiK ex- «*- t. easurer ueasurer . , , .. While the university of Wiichl- im^p^Tk PLW"t U Halrbrrir* Vlnil Hglrbrrini, T« ViliI To Dim Friday, May !>iea May 29 tension tension workwork for 4-H clubs for 4-H in iTr «,n #nd w,yM UnlwrMty Jl,rM A program Of original jhare Qf research' and* devote l,rhiin social work. Michigan State Wl 'Hen by students in the theory I moofes Thurldl evening She' * " • —— i Michigan, Michigan. Officer* CJub club Fieri* last ^mse!.'to t^hmg Us 'also been IT member of the Prof. F N Barrett will accom-1' Word rrett will accom- has been Word has received here been received of j Gordon here of Gordon Fisher will attend Fisher will attend the the The The ROTC Officers' club ROTC Officers' met met last Tueaday evening and e.»cted the " ^ ' fivM sp*t,al emph*»,s ° rural | be presented Monday '•ng section of the college or- par,y a group of senior poultry ,tu- the dea'.h of Henry J Fell. '3J. Univernty of Michigan rummer Tueaday evening and e..cted the summer work following officers who will assume sewttone and small towns. -he.tr. playing first violin the dents on a held tr.p to th. Holland- at Camp Palock Lake. Mich , Fri- school to Uke prerequisite work lollowtng officers who ta.il assume . . .. , . Thuruiay these senior, will tike 'tit two year, and v.ota this year Zeeland area. Tuesday. June 8 day. May 28. He suffered a heart for entering medical Khool. their duties next fall let m Leo G Gela Job a civil service examination. Some Performance "''he sungswil Slur ts^Hao ft™t v^limst in a string' ^The group wtll leave here at attack. i Carleon. cvalry. pres-enl. Rub- M,, K Austin. Gate,burg o, , hear student, have-.already «.«» before the ««hu-S kuartet studying with Alexander 8 30 odor k Tuesday morning and! Mr Fell waa graduated from the "Dean Dye U calling an Import- rrt L Lerg. inianlry. sice-presr- senior at M S. t . has received a been placed and other, wilh enter 1'on. of theory clauc., but Visit Ave hatcher res. two large forestry department, end was em- : ant meeting of all Ink gremmln dent: Robert G Madill. coeat ar- pwitton as spectalut in soil clasat- the State Emergency Relief ad- Public may attend. Monday. June 7, at tiliery. secretary. and Franz J. ftcation and mapping for the Ten- j ministration or the State Welfare i department. Patronize the adOertiaer* 101. Hartnacke. cavalry, treasurer. nejkee Valley Detroit leuoperative maiketing association, ^.eiy ice. He *a» 27 years old. j MICHIGAN hi'ATE NEW3 Friday, June id.-, Fat* V*d CARNIVAL WILL BE BULLETIN REPORTER free of mosquitoes :'i JBidtigan 6tatcNNcn» In The Rough at will sponsor a sale of white aprons, laboratory coats, (Continued from page 1) With Harrey Harrington. j LARGE and caps in Room 4. H E.. next donian bagpipe band from Octroi: week on Monday and Wednesday and the Men's Glee club, with f«.m Hermit ■ • • PRFKIHtNTIAI. « APMO: from 11 to 12:30 a. m and from 2 Oiseaup* Of Tlw Mind For some strange reason, a real honest-to-goodncss bark-to- Chicago, III.—The President to 5:30 p. m. naturite popped up *a>' of nowhere Wednesday morning. When of one of our hugest univer¬ _ IIH H. K. Hunt, Prof moor of Xoo lopu first seen, he was sitting in the Union lobby at 8 o'clock in the sities is apparently away from The IM*r club will meet Monday ctatoi Ther W6 Member IQt* night, June 7, in Abbott hall at will morning, petting his huge and beautiful police dog, and occasionally home. Why be dUrecf—it is reserved section of .Ann taockfedCbfeefcfePtoi Invent iimtors in the varlnu* depart- wagging bib bewhukerpd head. He wore a pair of short, short Robert Maynard Hutching of the 8 o'clock. The program will con¬ seals in the middle Of the stand Dtf moccasins. But the tremendously amaz¬ University of Chicago. sist of recordings of works from Tickets for the reserved seat-, m . ing thing about him was his whiskers. He had hair down to his Saint Saens. Mozart, Beethoven. go on sale Monday at the Uni Cblofucte markable contributions In ! he prevent inn This day is Mrs. Hutchins' shoulders and wbiskns the same way. You couldn't tell where birthday. The President, plea¬ All those interested arc invited to desk at 75 cents each. Genoi and cure of the diseases of the body. The In- hnit left off and hi- whiskers started—all you could see was his sant to note, does not forget. He admission tickets will he sold record is very much less favorable with nose and hi peering out like a troll of old. Only he wasn't MANAGING EDITOR OI.A OE17FR * • goes to a telegraph office to send the gate at 50 cents. ASSOCIATE EDITOR HARVEY HARRINGTON respect to the deficiencies and diseases of a troll, being about six-feet-four, with shoulders like an ox. And a greeting. Oddly, he desires The advanced ttn Members of Alpha Phi Omer CO-FD EDITOR REVERT Y SMITH the mind. The government of Michigan when las sc< n, he was standing out on the corner, gripping his that his message be telephoned rrrital. originally scheduled national service fraternity, EDITORIAL. BOARD ROBERT t> BDRHANS. i- now contemplating a scientific attack I thumbing for Detroit with the other. Who, instead of telegraphed. More, Monday evening, May 31. wi serve as ushers. FRF!-t Ot.DS hercforc, all unknown. he wants it to be sung. presented at 8 o'clock Sunday SPORTS EDITOR "* ». M»» upon mental diseases, so it is worth while ning. June 6, in the Union The Clerk hesitates and gaze-, f, r rttDens to know something about the lire himself of his patron's ASSIUNMKNTS problem* involved. This done, not easily, Feebleminded persons ants the request and asks 9-th AIMNTROO. Prl dwarf luTRPy have never attained the ire Arr Pre" normal at attire of mental competency, li a Chpa, Jre- is known that about half the cases of feeble mindedness are hereditary in their origin, while infection, accident and •PORTS STAFF: glandular deflci account f< 1*** is known about the insanities, or BUSINESS MANAGER ROBERT I REFIOR ASST BUSINESS MANAGER WILLARD WHITE more properly the psychoses. These are AOVFRTIRlNn MANAflKft T<*» Brmwtf characterized by derangements both of CIRCULATION MANAOF.H Cart Crw»»*i the intellectual and emotional aspects of - CO-ED ADVERTIrtlNtl MANA(SER Ann Hap-.. BU5WKRR STAFF Harry Wltonn, Atari Karts, R-f WilHam*. - the mental life. Manic-depressives will th Ctamrat. M-l Bo* he fighty and hilarious for a time; later rACUITY ADVISER LLOYD H GEIL on they are very melancholy ami de¬ EDITORIAL ADVISER l*ARRY DISTFJ pressed. Such persons may entertain BUSINESS ADVISER DONALD C. O'HARA false ideas of their importance, the mag¬ nitude of their sins, or other vagaries which are products of their mental tion. The schizophrenic is withdrawn from the world, emotionally out of con- la* ♦ with people, incapable of being stirred, southed or affected as normal ( itllvfli' I ihtlvitcciils arc. Mental deterioration is often his lot and he is usually the victim of false ideas Recent 1 v the large xign above th*' fn»iu « r delusions. The paranoiac is often ap porch of the Woman's limiting lifted parently normal. Superficially he is quite from its resting place The decorative rational hut upon careful investigation bulletin designating the location of th» one finds that he entertains fixed ideas, Boa I Botanical gardens was also tinhing false in nature, which «*M> insanity*. the difficult) is due to a micro organism Vet in a great many instances, The atiidev r.it'fil tV v the tails*' «•! the psychosis is unknown ami in the majority ot cases there is no speci¬ fic treatment. doubtful who The plight of th*' epileptic person is un¬ doubted!) the saddest of all. Normal most of the time, at least in the early And th. v inn-t I iu\enili • stages of the disease, he is frequently af themselves w-erc acts sucl flitted with sudden seizures which throw delinquents would commit. • him to the ground unconst Th* Handedness as a consequence ol mentel pu- lor th. neneru -i college vis.t.e- deterioration is frequently the lot of the They were stolen as a into At least nt epileptic Very little other reason can he determined for th - cans* *>f cpilepsx ami there is no satis petty thievery. factory specific cure. - 4 It too had that students can not f«»r It these afflictions of the mind were g. t Hallowe'en prank- when th»> »n - ran- things we would not he much cen¬ college. The celebration it that nigh' to med about them, but their incidence in the population is distressingly high. For example, t here are over 14.000 insane pet - the student body of the coll eg t - i.- in the hospitals of Michigan and there are probably more than that at large the population. There are more than :'».ooo feeble-minded persons in the institu- Wai..amega takes care of nearly (hitmoihil h.xaniinalitnis that then <*r* probably 10,000 epileptics in the sta:*1 as a whole. It i- very obvious that the cause ami lure- «■! these diseased mental states lAthinA No Ml -i ..«i U discovered as rapid!) a- pos We arc spending millions of dol¬ Henderson's fcTo> arieli lars 11«r the support of mentally sick in- ais- Some of them manifest their (iirlnin I'lay «/ h'slinil v» ltitiii .>r upon tads Singing ah:. •! n.-iiiiii's m acts of a criminal natur* Itupi ^ Birtlvday r«. You w«. ...Spring Is llerr A « : then, an economic liabilities ami already a fad at vuld parl.es. -un.es of sorrow to moulders of their tamuies Financial and humanitarian demand that the problems t .rdton'. Hut.hin, UlflT and Summer's Near i ; > : tr.ii.tai defectiveness be attacked more inun-iu.) the future than in the past 7m ago the Michigan Academy by LOinp.in> (tctcgi'aph'i wuib- • ot >co net. Arts ami Letters called upon tr. -tat. government of Michigan t«< 'StaleN Hnurlwi Dance Miuk" »-lahlish a family research bureau for the London production ol HILL K)RTER Don U go ( .omwing on s* id) . t n * nta' diseases Senate Bill No. Ami ID* ii> iu.h pendiJig in the State Lcgialaturc. ORCHESTRA Another years is the habit down of giving these sen.or.-, vno mus' through th* provides ft»r the establishment of such re search activities in connection with our aalaiday. Juno if and i.: Changed ' I'll our 5-8SM A. g. «f >1 an Empty Stomach take the final. « one-hour qui; ratio r than state hospitals. Michigan has taken the tiiive Saturday night. Juno \2, Supporting Mile Mi: Order a the longer and ponderous regulation hr.a!. had in malty moves for the public welfare Tlvo Ann Arbor production of R. -pert tor that at extreme!> !• * eh! and it lie II Fays to Leek Hell is to hoped'that the provisions ' Tovarich" under tlie direction, for that matter tew faculty men know > i Senate Bill No. 118 become law before ol Robert Henderson will inayk Charles Roman... who FOR YOtTR NEXT Picnic Box Lunch m such Let a custom. say then to completely abo.i?:: the termination of the present legislative sc&sion. "tlAMHHI *iic reigning first performance of international success outside of New York and the this the second v a hit this week in group of the Noel HAIRCUT Coward cycle "Tonight at S.30 " Go to at that r.ua. i \a mi nation for all gradiiaUc West Coast ui America Gil- as Prince Michael, together t scr.br- and provide, only for those borer* i: you become so engrossed in doing a o. t Milletthe dirtinguished with the Russian stage and N0WNU1 Met Stop ®J|e Jfintt Joob ^Ijop New York and London products •Teen star Nicholas Soussamn ing v.. . - axhancc to re, they be give: '!.r me or any kind of work that you skip -' Tovarich.'' lias sagnally hon¬ as Goi-otciienkox, Eevelyn Var- the The harassed faculty will ap- meals and glances at a time-piece, you 213 M. A. C. A*#. ored the Ann Arbor Festival den as tl.e bourgeois Fernande prt--'. the chaiige t-ei; a. ore :':.t be headed for one of two thing?— m granting this special permis¬ Dupor/e and John We»I»y as Phone 5*2603 geiau»dom or a padded call. sion tor the production in the her husband. — Stale Trackmen Sport— WAA Outlines Party Dotted Nights Play Program Vie In Central Interludes By Ceorgf Maakln In Track Event For Saturday A head For Spartans C»-Fiu»ril«-« tl itli Indiana Trnrk Clawi.•: Pick r I As Term Nears End K.U inn tho n..( r.rt.-rt pmvrrful E Driers and Mr . and Mrs T""0.^",••• ,,ii" »mii TMSm. Simula Nil :iihI 127 *. itammMl rvrnt.rn.rt mom ot lfpllr,! .7.,. i twroty-tr• tww Tower ( ;■■, „■ I S. A. E. Score In Era! Loop 1 r' MICHIGAN J Friday, June 4. 1937 k GRATIS NEWS It's Love Time Again for Sweethearts - Young and Old I Shop in These Stores FOR CELEBRATION BARGAINS IN HONOR OF SI MMI.lt BARGAINS SMALI/S \ in PAI.M It) veil COTTONS SHOP Stale College Hook Store Starring llir Most Popular II lute Sail in America V and (wrail mil ion (tij'ls!! Sheer Afternoon Ureses WHITE I'AI.M REACH SI 6.65 up lie? Style $iop> $16.75 ffIv hn" w>n nil America with hi- Dad Pays New Sport f r I I. h l.iml-.ne \.lit the \onnjf nu it > e. Palm Hem h f Amerien witli Oxfords oiih. white *mt, and it get* the np- .1I • - t "t tttie tie most moNt «• ritual "f Ithe ritienl opposite lie "ppe-nf f\ 'I T| I « \ ' 1 |J \ <\ ' \ .v (hf final (,et a white unit f"» 1 ool piitto* irr»flu»t»• »n and y""'II IN iifflH on Here's I ,iin«tffij;'x large- ivy i Don't Forget tvtes Hint pHttenis in Pali HIM on i iO»s FATHER'S DAY \ i \ / pai.m I' mkach tuxedos $iM.r,o PALM REACHSLACKS *5 mi • Son and Ties SMALL'S Strand Arcarli* llrakeiiKtn's Hooter) S U'n\titng(en Are kilt I tthni Hit*. the \\ ..iM" • } n i" I AST l> \! It ill* Mill l:»" I Night,. Sun — Mr East Lansinsr 'A DiKliir's Diary' (iKI)K(iE HAN. ROET Dean & Harris, i«. BfETATE TWO DAYS ONLY HKI.EN HCKGKSK )onr FORI) Dealer New and I'sed Cars ^ Saturday Only SUNDAY AND MONDAY I nrle Sam'*. Br»ee»t They're Singing Their Way Inio Yeur Hearts Again! Richard East Lansing, Mich. DARKER JI WI I.Kl IK 'ii -mi atln ari> Hi meU*l> . . frmh {rum memories Dix 220-228 M. A. C. Ave. |0|. H Allegan . ! limn' M.I I.ii.* "Nmijchty Marietta" . . come nmilin' ihtii Mi* M- "•'** miiMial trjumph, ,mgmg unforgettable Siymuhd K**ml, * * l. '.i sung,, rem hi"K "«'« heights of soul- Dolores Del Rio ANNOUNCING Milt limr New Location»/ Springtime "Devils Between Brakeman's Bootery and RITY College Drug Store ItLA riowpiiinie Playground" —WIN¬ CAMERA CHESTER MORRIS Order them fre SHOP gene averill florist Carrying a Full Lint of Gifta - Stationery — Cargo — Kodak, I'll Abbot Road uriStlwiks WHO FOILS THI: FOX • v -cf . f ritlay. Mine 4, 1937 Michigan stath nzws ■niors Elect Alumni Heads WAAtoHoM Bcrgquist and Kelly Write Religious Group Richards Firs! After Parading on Campus; Honor Lunch theological Survey Reports Hear" shaw Ti'"1 Michigan Man Newman Club (Inlhers for Both tourists and commercial oil [forest condition" Named Critic of|,w*" Sunday lln-uk fa*!. Fop hunter-, is well a* students College Officials Lecture " Vnmpn'a Crnnn Set* lunr geology, will i.c interested p" D- ' W A Kelly Of the Michigan in by Or S (', ftergqquist and re- pnrt of the survey to continue ;• 12 »• Dntr In Aannunrr Mr Will Join in St I*-- geology department. to be comprehensive study of each of Sunday morning. Award Winner*. Night Ritual Thi# htning. Socialites Make Choice At their spring term luncheon nu.il vi v report .f *hf O*"-logica I Sur- rf"• cjon of *hr flepnrtment <.f • I' Ifn-h irds. head of >r*merit. M • r- ch?g»n Rrrg- From Nineteen Parties Saturday. June 12. the Women' n e. was the first Mieh- i Q' Optimistic o be selected by the Class" Future club also held its brnk- "i u i their annual ad- •• performed the duties priirlualing CtH-dn ^«ttnf best showing in intrii in Fnrp«l of \rHrn A A no \flrr SHingnui. irgr of >e held >• 1? 10 Saturday, whet ia-. Alpha < . Beta Knp ua K nop» Strikers Taste ibin id those The charge will I planning to . fiectar Water Sigma llpha I ptilmi MuHjcisuiN Elect Officer* For Year Ii> Join \lplia i'|»«il«»n Mti Muring Term. vot'TM* sirrn» ro sign surrpaKiv -u \w sri \k> rnsT — NOTICK — 'IIM mro RMI I I s HtdKtlo I IHTt II >11 HI NT SENTHIEs kappa K»-4s YfTIVITY Md in to Chiiago B 06- 8 15-Om It : ^ Rot to s«g {Linda Evans had a* her gut- 0:15- 0: 30—Sch 1 Mt» Oower 9 50- 9:45—Sf to Sim inclusive Saturday Mrs B. B Rhieboo 9:45-10:00—Sin to So inclusive of the-English department took ti 0:00-10:15—Sp to Sti • inclusive member* U> Arm Arbor 0 15-10:30—Stj to Tax inclusive Ask ley. the Nod Coward production 19:3#-19:45-^-Tay to To inclusive rn Ci ung for which is playing there 10 46-11 00—Tp to Vh inclusive ' * * - 11:00-11:16-Vi to Wea inclusive hup/Mi kappa Comma tlpha Cam ma Delia *»:15-11:30—Web to Wik mcie* father* Hermimn V •oH.2ijmwtrk itJr Lu». UaOrt ■ Day was ccieoral' •June Olive and Marjoric Pat- i inlvi': .00-12.15 > of time at the Kappa . u in*-. er party terson were pledged Monday night j 1 ' 00 2 incluse.- neJd at Pinetum Thursday The Lansing alums gave the) From 2.00-5:00 p. m. Saturd r -tudrn! MENTAL MACHINES iS.iHl MONTH a! i.» — m ■ to rre U M -M g t Abou 49 feilows attend- | seniors a party last week. ister. 'c oaii Same and then to duir. id the discussion of < It pK'IUC j An ngagemer.t party Students registering after Sat - was given = ..-day will be charged - late registry he house. Mar." HLUigau • of Vuginu* Lyon at the tmn fae of 63.00 the first day. and s; u for each additional day there Franklin DeKleine Co. -.large of the days program. | after up to 66.90. Mdar. Jon* 4. 1M7 MICHIGAN STATS IOEWS Ciolek, Henkel Star as State Whips Iowa, 3-1 t < Sport- Home Run in 8th Invite Three National Track Meet m Interludes Finish Fourth Waitc. Frey, Seouls *ulrh Slurs Senre Sigma Nit anil Spartans (lontral Fini Traek Fvent b,GcontrM».un LFttHit S js. A. E. Battle! In Fenti Greer Named rrtny'j -Tom. I inlrk Ciinnrrl. fur Ciri'iiil S ill* knk on H '"iFoi* Fl'tlt Title rrrr Pnrr> Stale Trnni Wtlh SwiillcU in IOO iittil 2211- bosebiill gnme, The duo watch pliable *l:ile lo l'niii|iii'r Hawkeye.: llrnki'l limit. '' Ynnl l)n«lir«: V'ailr nnil Frry Score in Two-Mile For Classic the work of Milton and Lehnhmd Steve Srbo *»f Stnte nn. Ai.il.tr. lo Fiir Mil. in Pilrher." Hurt. HilkinM.il mill l»ml*r Sri H||„. |nt||nn„ H'inn Trim. (Yianipion.hip. also, talked with Harold Mand for Pitcher.' Hurl: Trio Hrlwlitl lo l ompele ei *. Hriwkeye pit.hr- Spartans Hit Hard to Blank IIOSS HO \S1 < f, \MI ^ psi Normal ; III AIII. I OH III Wi ll I'lirrr flrl llonir Ron- ill ■ '' 1 11,.no . ... >1*1,1. nil i- S ,rrs Hulled la Itain. u .... mid* III \ K1 t l> STROM. mm \ «. \mi I \VT M IN K\l I'" § \ nn 11mi* m i HI K s| \\i |* || I.HI IIIM Ft in \ll» IN \ I It WnHMM I ; %\|» \l I *1 ' HEY THERE, I St.de d, f. »t«| ether Satu*,f V 1 u- Sa.le FELLA!... Rapid* .Sirr Thai Dollar Tar the W.'IT SETTER* RES* NT MB lilt.AN Hi t 1 > \l Ctolfers Await National Meet nd Of ill .nk the nine took laong one !w tram in the hey met N.> bouts fenced, Has- three, l Appling one. This victory put semi-finals where Sail,- d • Tuscan Water Carnival .1(1 rent* This team won the round. 9-7. I June 1M2 'Mankind Sing* f nh*nft. 9rh>. Si- Don Applmg \um two of his three j tvut.v and (ought to a four to fivei And the iamp- !" v , :o scores .r» the th.rd, won making the only i in the round John1 Special S|>artan Program Long also got to four-five in one. 0DWS 1 FRO8II NINE THROUGH the State fencers Appling • • Kobs I'tuhle lo arrange for a game has been on the varsity team for M. , • with i.iand Rapids Junior col two years. Has*1buck for one 15 cents On ulr by Alpha Phi Ouiepa A • - c. g . lege. Coach L. L Frimodig it as Long has been on the foil team for Fred The team appears to have a announced the Michigan State two >cars and is next year's cap- Ziegt. d-i' i «nd,- good . ranee, since each oi 'he , freshman baseball team will not capable . : :i.w»t;ng in j play any more games this season tarn, but took up sabre only recent- *y 'The Carnival Is Worth Seeing — The Spartan Is Worth Reading* rune the '.ow r T;,yi. • . the ->nly The team won three of its five j — - scju :n the squad. 'games. Patronise the advertisers X