Young opens mouth; whirlwind emerges World diplomats. "He is singularly respon political prisoner in America and I don't Political prisoner remark believe Andy believes there is such a thing, either." sible for a new bridge between the United States and black Africa," said Nigeria's Presidential Press Secretary Jody Powell U.N. ambassador, Leslie Harriman, in assessing Young's first year in office. stirs another controversy said Young's statement on political prison¬ ers in which he also appeared to downplay Young's initial weeks in office were a the trials of the Soviet dissidents did not "I think whenever parade of headlines. the He said Henry A. Kissinger had aban reflect U.S. policy and the State Depart¬ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Young's assertion, also in the Paris news¬ president (eels that I am (at doned Great Britain in its efforts to ment's press spokesperson said the depart¬ U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young, riding paper Le Matin, that the "camp" of Prime ment did not agree with it. odds with Carter on foreign establish a black majority government in another whirlwind of controversy, said Minister Ian Smith was responsible for the But in an interview Thursday with the Rhodesia. Thursday that he did not mean Russians are recent massacre of 13 missionaries and British Broadcasting Corp., Young, also in policy) he will ask for my Lest the British feel smug, he told the freer than Americans when he spoke of children in the Vumba mountains of that Geneva for a meeting of the U.N. Economic resignation and I will be British Broadcasting Corporation that the "political prisoners" in the United States. war-torn southern African country. Several times since his appointment in and Social Council, said he does not feel at glad to submit it." British "almost invented racism" and were Young made the latest clarification of his "a little chicken" about facing up to it odds with Carter on foreign policy. Andrew Young 1977, Young has been forced to retreat from — stormy diplomatic career as: That or explain statements that appeared to "I think whenever the president feels prompted a British demand for an •The House, in Washington, killed with a that I am he will ask for my resignation and apology, which Young tendered. But a year 293-82 vote a resolution from Rep. Larry disagree with administration positions. later, he wondered publicly whether Britain There have been periodic calls for his I will be glad to submit it," Young said. McDonald, D Ga.. calling for Young's im¬ Asked if he had thought of resigning over might not "run out and leave us iin ouster. peachment. the political prisoners comment, he added: Rhodesiai with 30 years of trouble like thev •Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance, in In the latest flap. Republicans including "I haven't thought about it in those terms." did in 1946 iin Palestine!." Geneva, Switzerland for arms limitation Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona, National After Thursday's session with Vance. By that time, however. Young had talks with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei GOP Chairperson Bill Brock and several accused most of the Young read a statement to reporters saying with that in the Soviet Union." adding, "I requiring clarifications and apologies in his world, including A. Gromyko, summoned Young to a private representatives called for Young's resigna¬ 18 months on the job. with an accompanying himself, of racism. In an interview with tion. House Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill, a he was "in full accord" with the criticism by know of no instance in the U.S. where lunch after chastising him for telling a erosion of public support from President the secretary and Carter of the current persons have received penalties for moni "Playboy" magazine, Young said former French newspaper that America has "hun Democrat like Young, told reporters: "1 Carter and the State Presidents Richard M. Nixon and Gerald R. Soviet trials of dissidents. toring our government's position on civil or Department. dreds, perhaps thousands" of political think Andy could have done well if he had Ford rights." On the other hand, he has won plaudits were racists. curbed his tongue at this particular time ... Young asserted he had "never equated human prisoners. the status of political freedom in the U.S. Y'oung has made numerous remarks from black Americans and from Third icontinued on page 8) •A black Rhodesian official challenged I don't believe there is such a thing as VOLUME 72 NUMBER 105 tat# Nawt FRIDAY JULY 14. 1978 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING MICHIGAN 48824 ] FOUR IMPLICATED IN ^K Legislators broke rules? By JIM ADAMS months-long investigation of the Korean alleged violation" against the four, the first accepted WASHINGTON tAPl - The House influence-buying scandal on Capitol Hill, step in proceedings to determine if the n Ethics Committee on Thursday accused said it had reason to believe that Reps. John allegations are true. Punishment could i agen J. McFall, Edward R. Roybal, Charles H. range from reprimand to expulsion. The The pane cleared nine other legisla four legislators of possible misconduct in Wilson and Edward J. Patten violated lawmakers have 21 days to answer the lor> who took money from Park. And it the Korean affair but said it has no evidence ethics rules. McFall. Roybal and Wilson are charges. exonerated House Speaker Thomas P. showing that any House members suspect¬ ed the Seoul government was trying to buy California Democrats and Patten is a New- The committee seemed to reject Tongsun O'Neill from any unethical conduct, saying their support. Jersey Democrat. Park's denial that he was an agent of the his only "questionable propriety was to The committee, seeking to conclude a The committee released ' South Korean government. But it said it accept two parties in his honor paid by Tongsun Park." The committee said it investigated a varietv of allegations including a charge SHCHARANSKY TRIAL PENDING that Park gave O'Neill $20,000 and an accusation that his son might have had a corporate board relationship with Park in violation of House rules. The committee Ginzburg gets eight said it looked into the relationship because years O'Neill had stated that neither he or any member of his immediate business dealings with Park. family had any House ethics rules apply to members of By THE ASSOC IATED PRESS are still under way. But the California Democrat would probably lawmakers' immediate families as well as to MOSCOW iAPI - Alexander Ginzburg. a veteran of the be among the leaders of any effort to win support for the treaty, should the administration submit one to the Senate for approval. the members of Congress themselves. dissident movement and the Soviet "Gulag" prison system, was State News Kay N The closest the committee came to sentenced to eight years at hard labor Thursday, ending one of two Sen. Barry Goldwater, the conservative Republican from Arizona, took a similar position to Cranston's when asked if he alleging actual congressional complicity in Karen Harris, a senior majoring in landscape horticulture, is one of two trials that have drawn world attention and frayed U.S.-Soviet influence-buying was to say that McFall, a women in Beal Gardens this summer, together with male supervisors. detente. thought the arms limitation negotiations should be suspended to former Democratic whip, accepted $4,000 Ginzburg's wife, Irina, who was barred from the last two days of signal U.S. displeasure with Moscow's decision to go ahead with (continued on page 10> the trial, called the sentence "a tragic farce .... They spit on the the trials of Anatoly Shcharansky and Alexander Ginzburg. west so openly and ignore public opinion." "I think we could do some economic things that they would In the other major trial, of Jewish activist Anatoly Shcharansky understand better than calling off the SALT talks," said for espionage, the prosecutor said the 30-year-old defendant Goldwater. "Such as denying them heat, such as denying them deserved the maxium allowable penalty, death, but he called instead for a 15-year sentence, saying he was taking into account Shcharansky's youth and the fact that it is his first trial. The verdict is expected Friday. access to some of our computers." Sen. Don Riegle. D Mich, who described himself as a long-time supporter of detente, said the trials make a mockery of the efforts to improve U.S.-Soviet relations. Ford Motor Co. president fired "I cannot imagine a SALT treaty I could support with a nation by board of directors split vote In the Lithuanian capital of Vilnius, Catholic activist Viktoras Pyatkus, like Ginzburg and Shcharansky a member of the that terrorizes its own people." Riegle said. "I cannot see the value now-decimated "Helsinki" human rights group, named after an of an expanding trading relationship with a government that international accord signed at Helsinki, was sentenced to 10 years brutalizes dissenters who act within the bounds of the Soviet DETROIT (UPI. Lee A. Iacocca has "He and Bill i WilliamlClay Ford and I sat move Iacocca from the line of hard labor and five years of exile within the Soviet Union, friends constitution." - there and he just said he came to that when the elder Ford. 60, retires reported. In Geneva, after holding arms negotiations with the Soviets, been fired as president of the Ford Motor A growing sentiment for retaliatory action was evident in the Co. effective Oct. 15, a trade publication conclusion and that's it." in two years as chief executive of the auto Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance met with Natalia Shtiglits, who Ford last month named brother William firm. U.S. Congress. An Associated Press survey of senators showed a reported Thursday. says she is Shcharansky's wife but whose marital status was Also given new corporate reponsibilities broad cross-section in favor of curbing economic and technological Automotive News, in an article that will Clay Ford to a top corporate post to insure was Ford vice chairperson Philip Caldwell. assistance to Moscow. questioned in the Shcharansky trial. appear in its July 17 issue, said Iacocca's "continuity" of Ford family influence over Ginzburg, 41, an associate of exiled author Alexander the company it founded 75 years ago. 58. who was designated deputy chief "We are way ahead of them (the Soviets) technologically," said ouster was ratified Wednesday night at a (continued on page 10' Solzhenitsyn and key member of the Moscow dissident movement, The high-level shakeup appeared at the Sen. Alan Cranston, D Calif. "There are things they badly need, meeting of the company's board of directors. was convicted of anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda. He had The publication quoted sources as saying badly want from us and can't get else here. That's where we should hit them." been accused of distributing such "anti-Soviet" material as the dec •ame on a split vote, with many Like most members of the Senate at this time, Cranston has Solzhenitsyn's "Gulag Archipelago," a chronicle of the Soviet penal of the nir outside directors supporting avoided taking a strong position on SALT while the negotiations system. The prosecutor had asked for an additional three years of Iacocca. Iacocca •ill leave the nation's No. 2 Public comments ruling Siberian exile for Ginzburg. But Judge Anatoly Sidorov said automaker ?n his 54th birthday after 32 Alleged FBI killing Ginzburg had supplied information to investigators seeking evidence against Shcharansky and dissident leader Yuri Orlov, and that the court took this into account in setting the sentence. Iacocca trainee. f service. Automotive News said, joined Ford in 1946 as a sales will not affect 6U9 sessions The court found that "in the "The downfall of Iacocca is in keeping with whitewash checked By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL course of 1973-77 Ginzburg systematically circulated anti-Soviet materials which he received a history of such things at the Ford Motor and STATE NEWS Co.. which celebrated its 75th birthday last from abroad through illegal channels or fabricated personally and LANSING (UPI) - Attorney General Frank Kelley said Thursday rules limiting public month." the Automotive News report said. WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Justice Department has begun an which called for changing by force and violence the existing state comment at government meetings can not be used to deny persons a right to speak. In an interview with Automotive News. MSI' President Edgar L. Harden, however, said Kelley's ruling would not affect the investigation of charges by a former informant that the FBI covered up his admission to shooting and killing a black man while and social system in this country," the news agency Tass said. Iacocca said Chairperson Henry Ford II told MSU Board of Trustee's public comment sessions, where the University has "leaned over spying on the Ku Klux Klan in Alabama, officials said Thursday. Ginzburg, a longtime member of the dissident movement, had him "it was just one of those things. backwards to see everyone is heard." (continued "There > i." Iacocca said. Deputy Attorney General Benjamin Civiletti ordered the on page 5) He added that he did not see how the ruling would interfere with the regular procedures investigation in response to a congressional request, department the University is now following. spokesperson Robert Havel said. Kelley's opinion, which deals specifically with a West Bloomfield School Board rule He said Civiletti ordered a check into a number of allegations limiting public comment to 30 minutes, was issued at the request of Rep. Richard Fessler, involving the ex-informant, Gary Thomas Rowe. R Union Lake. In addition to Rowe's statement that he killed a black man and Kelley also said school boards may not limit the right to comment to residents of their was asked by the FBI to forget about it, there also has been an district or prohibit members of an organized bargaining unit from addressing the board on allegation that Rowe might have been involved in a fatal bombing the subject of contract negotiations. of a black church while he acted as an informant of the FBI during Public boards may prohibit personal attacks on board members but only when those the 1960s. attacks deal with the member's private life and not his conduct as a public official, Kelley The FBI announced two days ago that it could find no record to said. substantiate any of the allegations involving Rowe. The state Open Meetings Act of 1976 requires that citizens be allowed to address public Civiletti directed Assistant Attorney General Philip Heymann bodies, Kelley noted. to obtain records about Rowe from Alabama authorities who had He said "although the right to address a public body may be limited by reasonable rules been investigating the case, Havel said. of the public body, the provision may not be construed as empowering a public body to Civiletti directed Michael Shaheen, head of the Justice develop rules which completely deny the right of a person to address the body." Department's office of professional responsibility, to ask the FBI He said the 30-minute rule "may result in certain members of the public being denied the Today will he sunny and in to make a broad investigation and report the result to him. the 80s; clearer this evening opportunity to address the body." He added "if the rule ... is applied in a manner which Shaheen also was asked to investigate on his own the unsolved in the upper 50s. completely denies a person the right to address the public body, it will constitute a violation slaying of Violet Liuzzo, a white woman from Detroit who was (continued on page 10) killed taking part in a "freedom march" in Alabama, Havel said. 2 Michigan State News East Losing Michiga Friday, July 14, 1978 German chancellor Distance swim welcomes Carter called success BONN. West Germany (AP) A 21 gun salute was fired critics that the United States MARATHON. Fla. iUPI) - Distance swimmer Walter — President Carter arrived in after the president emerged hasn't done enough to reduce Poenisch gave up his Cuba-to-Florida swim within sight of land Germany Thursday night and from Air Force One. Mrs. oil imports - a change from Thursday when his protective shark cage started coming apart. Carter handed a single, what he had said previously. But aides called the swim a success and his wife proclaimed: got an unscheduled greeting was "He did it!" from Chancellor Helmut longstemmed pink rose by "We don't expect to solve all Schmidt, one of his potential Schmidt and his wife. Both the problems, but we expect t Moaning, sobbing, babbling, and vomiting, Poenisch lay Volatile cargo* protested after deadly blast adversaries at a seven-nation economic summit marred by couples rode into the city in American made limousine. an e the : i lewed having a sprawled on his back on the deck of an accompanying trawler after he was hauled aboard - too ill to celebrate the completion Before of his marathon effort. advance bickering. leaving Washington. ir people." SAN CARLOS DE LA RAPITA saying the number of dead had risen to Carter, accompanied by wife Carter said he was heading for "Oh my leg. oh my leg." Poenisch groaned in the few Spain 140. The Ministry of Health said it Rosalynn and daughter Amy. the economic summit confer intelligible words he spoke as his wife, Faye, related details of (UPI1 The fiery crash of o gas truck his 33-hour ordeal. arrived at Bonn Cologne air¬ ence at "a sober time," but not a that killed and injured hundreds of expected the death toll to surpass 200 as Mrs. Poenisch said he entered the water at Havana following port on a hazy, humid night. time for discouragement. more of the critically injured died from vacationers at a campground on Spain's He left Washington after an embrace from Fidel Castro Tuesday and emerged at 3:17 Mediterranean coast has their burns. Only the chief of protocol was triggered pro¬ supposed to be on hand. refusing to concede to foreign It will be the fourth a.m. Thursday 100 yards from Bahia Honda key. tests against transporting volatile corgos Hospital officials said most of the 104 She estimated her husband had covered 122 miles, though he on public roads. critically-burned victims from Tuesday's fell about 18 miles short of his destination. The people of San Carlos de la Ropita disaster were not expected to live. The leg injury of which he complained apparently was caused buried the first two victims of the Authorities said relatives of campers i! v>. -th the sluggish by (he sting of a Portuguese man of war. were arriving from all over Europe, but so For Poenisch, a retired cookie baker from Gove City, Ohio, explosion Wednesday and staged a sitdown strike cn 'He highway to demand far had managed to identify only a few of the dead because the bodies were so Chinese cut off r.uch of the world. completion of the swim Mrs. P«j was the realization of a goal he had set ich, massaging his painful leg, said: "This is the Spanish Radio quoted officials as charred and mutilated. s is the last one. this is what it was all about. e a goal in mind since 1963, what's left?" Albania ■ aid to Middle East peace possibilities discussed TOKYO (API China announced Thursday it was cutting off Study shows poorly-educated - all economic and military assistance to Albania because of the SALZBURG Austria AP - Egyptian Weizman said he and President Sadat tiny communist nation's "anti-China course." President Anwar Sadat and Israeli agreed to meet again in Alexandria, The Chinese said their help had amounted to about $5 billion Defense Minister Ezer Weizman met for Egypt, but he did not say when that over 24 years. three hours Thursday and Weizman said they discussed various ways and possi¬ bilities for achieving peace in the Middle meeting would be held. I will take the discussion back to the Israeli government and to Prime Minister Early last week, China announced it was stopping aid to its former ally and neighbor, Vietnam. Peking accused Vietnam of persecuting ethnic Chinese and cementing ties with China's more prone to heart attacks East Menachem Begin." said Weizman, who major foe. the Soviet Union. three years a group of 1,739 will return to Israel Friday. China said it was also recalling Chinese economic and military ihan middle and upper-class men who each had had one In Jerusalem. Israeli Foreign Minister experts from Albania, at one time one of China's closest friends vith little edur.nlior people with more schooling. heart attack. At the end of the Weizman declined to disclose details of Moshe Dayan said he sees some and ideological partners. ich as a three time- Hut specialists say it's been period, they tried to sort out the three-hour session The Chinese said they had sent 6,000 experts to Albania over Is of a sudden, fata hard to sort out what that why 208 of them had died and I enjoyed the talk with President meeting points" in the Israeli and the years on numerous aid projects. why 85 of those deaths had Sadat he soid and I believe the Egyptian Mideast peace plans, which The Chinese announcement was reported by the official with money struck without warning in a hove been rejected by both sides. and education: a president enjoyed't too Chinese news agency Hsinshua, monitored here. Hsinshua more comfortable and presum matter of minutes. broadcast the full text of China's note of July 7, informing ably healthier lifestyle. Albania of the cutoff. They looked at a list of things nering fn The new report — from that are thought to have some¬ A report from the Albanian official news agency monitored in statistics specialists at the thing to do with heart disease: Belgrade condemned the move, calling it "unilateral and i from Health Insurance Plan of Great¬ age, race, religion, marital arbitrary." er New York - is significant status, place of birth, educa¬ One Western diplomat in Belgrade, assigned to both because it shows that education tion, work status, occupation, Yugoslavia and Albania, predicted that the rift between the cope with stressful urban life, by itself is important in sick- alcohol and coffee drinking, two nations could lead to a complete break and an independent and their repeated failures i people with the smoking and obesity. ideological course for Albania. disi at the The diplomat, who declined to be named, said that Albania "With one important excep¬ -tage. most probably wouldn't return to the Soviet camp, since the tion — education — none of Albanians had severed relations with the Soviet Union in 1961 The study was reported in these characteristics demon¬ and later with the Warsaw Pact to protest the Soviet invasion that people with ! Thursday's issue of the New strate any ability to identify of Czechoslovakia. and less ineonu England Journal of Medicine. men at relatively high or low markedly voungi The researchers followed for risk of death." the report said. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I Federal Reserve Board policies defended WASHINGTON (AP; — The chairperson i the specter of possible speculative ■ Transmission of the Federal Reserve Board Thursday defended his agency's policies, blamed by some for unduly raising interest rates, , leading to a short-run explo¬ sion of credit and output, and subse¬ quently to recession," Miller said. "The Federal Reserve's firming of ■ Maintenance Special wjggjgj ■ and asked Congress to cut public ■ Change transmission spending and give business tax incen¬ monetary policy has been designed to Ad|ust Dands $ 0951 • tives to increase investment. minimize the possibility of such an • Clean screen outcome." Replace pan-gasket ^ phis fluid « G. William Miller who heads to Miller called the continuing large • Complete road test. autonomous central bank told the House federal budget deficits a major problem. Budget Committee that inflation con¬ A damper on further expansion of tinues to be a serious problem and is itself a cause of rising interest rates. "Mounting inflationary expectations federal assure a expenditures would help to continuation of long-term economic growth," he said. sustained Kitchen Cupboard 6026S.Cedar 393-7540 Jo-ET» Comet 4 Giftt Nautilus (at Miller) Flat Blackt Circular , Great Lakes Mt. Supply Bargaining session called under pressure WASHINGTON (UPI) — Warned by Prodded by union leaders who accused postal demonstrators that workers are the Postal Service of stalling, thousands -sjsu ; ready to strike chief federal mediator of off-duty employees from across the Wayne Horvitz called Postal Service and country marched on the Postal Service union contract negotiators into a joint and the White House Wednesday, chant¬ bargaining session Thursday. ing, "No contract, no work." Horvitz met separately with negotia¬ The Metropolitan Police Department tors from both sides Wednesday and estimated there were 3,500 demonstra¬ "mapped out strategy of where we'd like tors. Their placards said they came from to go from here. Boston. St. Louis, New York and other In announcing the joint session, Horvitz cities. Some said they were from soid. We'll see what develops then." California. Got the summer term blues? Cheer up and take a summer study break, and you'll get a break at Olga's Kitchen. Farter calls for ERA deadline extension WASHINGTON (AP) — President Car¬ In a letter sent Wednesday to members of the House Judiciary Committee, who ★ Daily Happy Hours ter is urging Congress to extend the time for ratification of the Equal Rights may vote next week on an extension of Amendment, calling the March 22 dead¬ time for the ERA, Carter said he hoped ★ Nightly Drink line "an unnecessary barrier toward three more states might ratify by March ensuring more thon hundred million 22. Specials j a Americans their constitutional rights." "I do not believe that. |ust as we move But if not. he soid, Congress is fully empowered under the Constitution to ★ Sunday Nite fl||you ■ SUNDRY FVCA 50' Off Bur Purchases ■ DINNER rVi of'2.00 or More. ■ so close to ensuring those rights, the extend its original seven-year ratifica¬ struggle for ERA must be ended because tion period. Spaghetti can Eat of an original seven-year deadline," Carter said. Thirty-five states have ratified the ERA. ★ Folk Entertainment ■ CDFriAl I ■ lwi,h,hiscouponl I 15rauni | f\ Fresh Food Deal! |I Iff ★ Large Screen TV -Original Olp of Olga Burger ! Try of delicious Olgas, or our | Police fired for refusing solitary patrols •Fresh Fries any our Footlong Chili Dogs 80c | tasty spinach pie, a crispy salad, fresh ■ Pepsi of the toreally I| • CLEVELAND (AP) — Two police officers grounds they had failed to obey a lawful 2-5 Friday The ■ different, combidelicious fries, or anyreally nation things were fired Thursdoy for refusing to take order. Olgas are without a doubt the eat at Olga's Kitchen. part in Mayor Dennis Kucinich's plan for Eleven other officers who had been most exciting idea in eating solitary daylight patrols at housing suspended for refusing the solitary MtSliy INN the sandwich... And Fresh Fries projects, and the union representing daytime assignments in the crime-ridden GOOD FOOD e PIZZA e SPIRITS will, most everyone agrees 1,300 police threatened a strike. area immediately left the disciplinary they're the best tasting hearing. Open M-F: 11a.m. Sat.-Sun.: 2:00 fries around. In the latest crisis for the 31 -year-old Officers have accepted assignments to 1227 E. Grand River Limit one customer per two-officer nighttime patrols at 14 1 Blk. W. of Hagadorn mayor, who faces a recall election Aug. Coupon good Sunday, 13. Cleveland Safety Director James W. Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authori¬ 332-6517 July 16, 1978 ONLY. Barrett dismissed patrol officers Thomas ty projects, but they say it is too OLGA'S KITCHEN OLGA'S KITCHEN - Gettings and James Campbell on dangerous to patrol the areas alone. E. Grand River, E. Lansing 133 E. Grand River, E. Lansing | ^ 133 IC00D WITH THIS C0UP0H ONLYiai Michigon Stote News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday July 14 1978 3 Travel by bike, the way to go "I usually decide to end the Ayers recommended buying By I.INDA M. OL1YERIO traps because they are Stale News Staff Writer There's too many c; day touring not being tired," he food on the way and carrying added. cooking utensils, a tent, some Editor's note: This is the last of people. The beauty touring equip- To avoid a rundown feeling at food, clothing and tools for a three-part series explaining stroyed. On a bike j s have the end of the day's ride, he repairing the vehicle. Different various aspects of biking. The enjoy the little things.' fou lasts a long ti e," he added. suggested rest before fatigued, amounts of the supplies are following deals with long¬ Ayers said bike trips distance hike travel. eat before hunger strikes and needed depending on the dis¬ expensive than other t des with bike drink before getting thirsty. tance and time the tour will Ever thought of being a forms. "It costs about $7 or $8 a tourist on a hike? club and icari from people on properly and often. I day. Most of your expense is . . . Don Avers, an employee the ride how usually munch granola < Novices are not advised to of food. You don't have to pay for the way. Pace yourself and use backpacks because too gas or parking, and at national remember vou at much weight too high on the parks the fee is the same as the lo body is uncomfortable. Ayers pedestrian's (50 cents or free'," r load. If the tour is long, take said. Saddle bags would be "Ther slots of freedor he said. people ori ||) speeds enough provisions to be self- better. Avers' three-month journey sufficient but do not overload Before starting a long trip, thing abot cost about $800. Almost $200 of Th y ride in to., high a so pedaling up a hill becomes a visit a bike shop and have an going slov . where. If the total was spent on air fare If they changed gears problem, said Ayers. He usual¬ experienced bike tourist help with youi bike for himself and his bicycle. could probnhK go far ly carries about 35 pounds of fix up the vehicle for the tour. other kinds of transportation "On a tour vou can get Ayers suggested. and ride part of vour tour." What constitutes a "tour" on a hike is the distance and time Emergency phones OK'd for 6U9 the ride takes. A tour is long eral da vs. Avers said. Avers has been touring since Jolliff. for won't be able to install the 1973 when he was living in By MICHAEL MEGKRIAS State News Staff Writer Michigan Bell. Jolliff added only entire system before the first California. He doesn't drive by half the phones will make the frost." choice - "I haw-n't found the In response to the pervading threat of campus assaults. MSI' October deadline. Sonnega said the engineering need" — and chose bicycling for has been given the go-ahead on "We're looking at installing department gathered informa¬ physical fitm—• reasons and about 20 units," said David tion on phone systems from Bell the installation of a University enjoyment. Telephone. In the summer of ]{»7H Avers wide emergency telephone sys Sonnega, a design engineer in the MSU physical plant. "We 'continued on page 8i departing from East Lansing The Gi Light named after Wayne State l'i York! down through the Ap¬ versity's blue-light telephoi palachian- across |o to Virginia and then Ohio. He then took system, will involve the ii lation of 40 telephones at a WKAR-TV installs reflector News Maggie Walker Ingram, WKAR-TV programming director. "It will also improve the quality of our audio and visual transmission," Ingram said. Currently, the station receives PBS program¬ Bush case lacks clues ming through underground lines in connection with the Michigan Bell Telephone System. The PBS Corporation, with broadcast facilities in Washington. D C., is now making its "land By PAULA DYKE taking medication for it three particularly confusing consider- an(j ^ ibsolete after SUte News Staff Writer times a day. Bean said two ing Bush's apparent financial thev're launching the WESTAR I satellite receivers by troubles. vacatio MSU police are still confused half-empty bottles of her medi -continued on page 10> found in her room. Since Bush never paid for her •• by the disappearance of 21- ri vl, Police do not know whether classes, University policy die year-old Wendy Bush, who was or not Bush had any medication tates that she cannot live in a reported missing by her r mate in 652 N. Case Hall June with her when she disappeared. dormitory this 18. Bean said although Bush had a senior majoring in human Detective Brett Bean of the pre enrolled and was attending ecology. MSU Department of Public summer term classes, she had (continued on page 51 Safety is currently heading the not yet registered for them investigation and said Thurs¬ because of financial problems. day he has absolutely no clues. She was waiting for a guaran¬ "I've interviewed over 40 teed student loan check to people and ran down all the tips arrive so she could register. we've received on her." Bean Bush went to the Administra said. "So far, we haven't uncov¬ tion Building around 3:30 p.m. ered anything." on the Friday before she was Bean said after talking to reported missing to pick up the many people who know Bush, check, Bean said. he thinks she may have left She was told the check had town of her own free will, but not yet arrived, but that it does not realize the concern her would probably be there later disappearance has caused. that day or the next morning. Bean said Bush was last seen As it happened, the check by an old acquaintance near the arrived in the late afternoon MSU library around 11 p.m. mail that same day. Bush June 27. returned to pick it up, Bean She was with a white male explained. who has not been identified. She also did not pick up a $70 The friend said Bush was paycheck from the Union Cafe¬ wearing dark pants and a teria where she worked, which light-blue top and had a back¬ was waiting for her June 23, pack with her. Bean said. Bush has epilepsy and was The detective said this is WK'RK OKKKKING GREAT DEALS on SPEAKERS THIS WEEKEND DON'T MISS OUT! ^Stereo SRoppe 555 E. Grand River, East Lansing ®(p)Dlfi)D®lfi) Neither Sadat nor Begin will make the concessions It may seem a bit presumptuous — a gamble that paid off hand¬ and no one could ever tell them for us to pontificate on Middle somely. Sadat picked up his earn¬ differently — including the United Eastern problems, but some of the ings in the currency of world States. Israel is a full-fledged recent exchanges between Mena- respect and admiration. Quite Western country surrounded by chem Begin and Anwar Sadat have valuable in the high stakes of emerging Third World nations. left the realm of complexity and diplomacy. Their security needs are legiti¬ been reduced to simple pettiness. So valuable, in fact, that Sadat mate and their fears more than Although we would never be as — in his wealthy state — doesn't understandable. They conquered bold as Time Magazine and offer seem to feel the need to be territory in a legitimate war — as the world the ultimate solution, we diplomatic any longer. So confi¬ much as any war can be legitimate do think some of the games being dent is he with his new-found — and they have a right to feel played — particularly by Sadat — world support that he thinks he possessive about it, even if it are undeniably counter-produc¬ can submit the same peace plan to doesn't really belong to them. tive to a mutually agreeable the Israelis again and again with The fact is that the people of settlement. the hope that eventually world Israel are slowly starting to Sadat, if nothing else, is probab¬ pressure will force Israel to moderate. recognize the necessity of a Pales¬ ly one of the world's ablest leaders tinian state that will determine when it comes to analyzing world¬ The flaw in Sadat's tactics is he wide moods toward the Mideast. seems to forget that the Israelis itself, despite opinions to the Visiting Israel and shaking the don't really care what the rest of contrary, espoused by Begin and his more loyal cohorts. But at the hand of Menachem Begin was a the world thinks of them. They time it is ridiculous for Sadat When will the war end? same courageous gamble on Sadat's part alone know what is best for Israel to ever think that Israelis will simply turn over the Gaza Strip and the West Bank to Egyptian Espionage laws have historically been harsh. Any unusually harsh penalties is to dissuade potential and Lebanese control and then person entering the spy business knows that when malcontents from disseminating official secrets to negotiate Israel's security needs caught in the act, death could possibly follow — enemy governments. But where are the enemies The as an afterthought. State News usually not simple or pleasant. Noone is guilty unless now? And even more to the point, who are the Security needs must be recog caught, and if caught you are guilty — automatically. malcontents that will be dissuaded by a 15-year nized and negotiated as the first Ronald Humphrey and David Truong gave sentence to Humphrey and Truong? There are no Fridoy. July 14. 1970 Editorials ore the opinions of the State News Viewpoints, columns and step toward vacating the areas, classified documents to North Vietnamese officials enemies so there can be no treasonous malcontents. letters are personal opinions not after the areas have been during the Vietnam war. They were caught, found The Vietnam war is over. Even the likes of Barry Editorial Department vacated. In this respect Sadat guilty last week in Alexandria, Va., and subsequent¬ Goldwater have grudgingly conceded that the must bend. On the other hand, the ly sentenced to 15 years in a federal penetentiary. United States was its own worst enemy during the lovidMisio/owski Sporfs £dr»c true test of Israeli desire for peace Had the trial and the sentencing occured in 1968 or Vietnam era. So why can't bygones be bygones? KimShonahon Layout Editi Deboroh Heywood must come with the recognition of even as late 1972, the verdict would have been Of course if is not that simple — they were caught ■chelle Chambers Copy Chief Kenneth E Parker Patricia LaCroix Staff Daniel J Hilbert the Palestine Liberation Organiza¬ justified. But in 1978, almost 10 years after the two and a trial was in order — but a line must be drawn Repre' Kathy Kilbury tion as even being made up of violated the law, the verdict must be seen as beyond between principles and plain common sense. The Palestinian people. In this respect the bounds of humanistic reason. principle is that a trial must be held, but common Advertising Department sense says that the war is over and the enemies are Begin will never bend. And who Bob Shaffer Assistant Advertising Manager G>na Spaniolo can blame him? gone. Fifteen years in prison is unnecessarily Israeli citizens can, that's who. extreme. VIEWPOINT: BUSINESS COLLEGE RENALPO M1GALPI The 70s: They deserve accreditation threat impersonal. It is a cheap way of giving a believing that the College cares. perform well. It is even more asinine when the final As a By JAMES MCNALLY member oi' the College of Business I take pleasure in seeing the college encoun¬ large number of students one professor. Other classes taught by professors are held must When scheduling time comes around, we wait in line to see an academic there We are no prerequisites for the course. are all treated as numbers, and none of ter trouble over accreditation. If the in large classrooms where the impersonal adviser. Appointments are forbidden, as us are treated fairly. prohler » were due to academic deficien- atmosphere is perpetuated, such as B108 these would result in individual attention. The College of Business does not have to end of innocence ould not her waste little time in transfer- school. But the controversy the failure of the college to Wells and 109 Anthony. Very few classes feature a live professor in a small room, although classes in Business Law are a While time is taken to pull the student's file, the advisor makes no attempt to advise. He or she is only there to read the academic listen to any one. Afterall, they are the largest college. If I don't like it, I should just find another major. The college sets the I was at the Nazi demonstration Sunday at Marquette Park in Chicago with two other a minimum faculty student ratio requirements data off a sheet of paper rules - we take it or leave it. But it's good State News staffers: reporter Daniel Hilbert and photographer Robert Kozloff. We saw as required by the accrediting agency, the A great number of classes are taught by easily obtained by the student. No ques- to know that someone with power cares. I some strange things. However: American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of grads, T.A.s or doctoral students. These hope the American Assembly of Collegiate Are the Nazis a threat? Well, yes and no. Business. This failure is evidence of the very human and almost expert instructors Sophomores are not permitted to take Schools of Business sets a few rules of its We don't have to worry about their leader, are also used to supplement TV lectures. 300 level courses; juniors are not supposed own with the student in mind. Take it, Frank Collin: he's just a sick wimp who college's lack of concern with its students. dreams about being a tough neo-fuehrer with lots of money and women and power and The College of Business is the largest Here, communication between the instruc¬ to take 400 levels. The college has argued College of Business. Or find another tor and the god is often fuzzy; the tube says that it keeps competition at the same level. glory, but who must settle instead for an "empire" which consists of a crumbling old college in the University, with 6,119 accrediting agency! brownstone in a tough South Side Chicago neighborhood, and an "army" which consists of a students. The number is on the rise as one thing and the instructor says another. They don't seem to realize that it is also a dozen or so local misfit turkeys who probably have trouble writing their own names. "business" is losing the negative connota¬ The T.A.s care, but the college doesn't. It is blow to the individual by holding students McNolly is a Senio s Admin When Collin speaks in front of a crowd — as he did Sunday — he surrounds himself with tion attached to it in the Activist '60s. It is an inexpensive ploy to con students into back from classes where they may still those young Nazi thugs who tower over him, in a vain attempt to make him look tough now quite respectable to desire employ¬ while he's stiffly shaking his fist around and yelling about killing Jews. But it doesn't work: ment with a large corporation, and the he has no commanding — or threatening — presence. He just looks and acts like the wimp he is. And when you stop and consider the fact that this would-be Jew killer is himself a Jew major is an excellent fill-in for former SN is afraid no-prefs. — the son of a World War II concentration camp survivor — you realize that he ought to be But despite the increasing size of the locked up somewhere instead of trying to mess up our minds. What about these other clowns with the armbands who call themselves "storm college, the college would rather not have to address issues us. The prerequisites taken in the sopho¬ troopers?" It seems to me they're insecure, sexually-frustrated creeps who think their more year are frustrating and devote time Nazi regalia will make them seem mean and tough and help them find women: they're to excessive detail - detail we are often Dave Misialowski's characterizations of probably scratching their heads wondering why it isn't working. told to ignore in upper level classes. The the slobbering canine mathematician The Nazis are no threat. They got their chance to have their rally and get their pictures first two accounting classes (201 and 202) Imyself) and the shameless and deceitful in newspapers all around the country: you can bet that they never would have stepped have chemist (Ashraf El Bayoumi), while they reputations as "weeder" courses. study, socialize and completely live in these outside their boarded-up headquarters building Sunday if there weren't 1,500 Chicago Entry into the College of Business is not Harden ought to rooms. It is oppressive enough with two may serve some possible cathartic value for Dave or be of use to his present or future police on hand to protect them. Fifteen hundred cops is almost half of the entire Chicago academically difficult. Only a 2.0 grade persons occupying one cubicle. It is un¬ analyst, magnificent examples of bad police force; all days off were canceled. Every Chicago cop not sick in bed was working that point for several required classes is are imaginable what kind of emotional prob¬ day: imagine the cost of such an operation. expected. And the classes in the major are live in a eubicle lems can arise from making three people taste (which is always bad journalism). Collin says he wants to have more demonstrations, including a march through that black not hard, especially when compared to Dave should realize that his analysis of live in a room suitable for one. neighborhood just across the tracks. I wonder how many times the Chicago police programs in pre-med. our conversations and the concomitant view commissioner is going to put up with having to protect these idiots. Sooner or later he'll tell The real problem with the College of It seems not only does our esteemed of my salivary problems (which I found Perhaps Mr. Harden should try occupy¬ them to march at their own risk: after all, the First Amendment does not entitle Business is entrenched in the attitude of the President Harden not care about culture amazing and mildly amusing) are heavily ing a room for a term with, of course, two of demonstrators to guaranteed police protection (the 1960s Anti-Vietnam/Civil Rights college toward its students. (concerning the now-cancelled PAC wing his associates. Then maybe our great skewed by the depth to which he is marchers didn't get any). If the Nazis are stupid enough to have their little marches We are taught to adore the gods of the for students). Now he shows a complete submerged in his own juices. The comments president, who doesn't support the per¬ without police protection, they'll get nailed good, and they know it. IMC (many lower level classes are taught lack of concern for a student's comfort at of one of Pavlov's dogs on the experiments forming arts, a student's emotional well- However! There is more to all of this: what about those sneering punks with the "White on television). While the effects on learning this great institution. in which they were participating might being or proper housing, can experience the Power" swastika'd T-shirts? Are they a threat? Maybe. They don't seem to be concerned of such instruction has often been the topic Does Harden actually believe that a 15 by have been interesting; but they wouldn't joy of living in a cage with two other, shall with taking over the world: they say they only want to keep their neighborhood white. But of debate, it is not the issue here. The issue 15 foot dorm room is sufficient for three we say, rats. have been worth publishing. what happens when their anger and hate escalates into full-scale urban rioting? — (Will we is whether the administration cares enough people to live in? We must not forget that For the editorial board of the State News, see race riots in Marquette Park before this summer is out?) What then, when white anger about its students to give them sufficient these rooms are not just to sleep in; these L.S. Graye and Misialowski in particular, Ashraf and I in other cities picks up on the phenomenon and rioting explodes in the Bronx? — in Detroit? individual attention. And TV is cold and are the students' homes. They must sleep, 551 Lexington further serve as examples of the phantom in Philadelphia? — in Los Angeles? — in Boston? bogeymen they have created throughout to — I'm worried! avoid the real issues raised. The lying Some friends have told me I'm overreacting, and I hope they're right. — But they committee and the self-serving lawyer are weren't at Marquette Park Sunday. I fear that this White Power thing is part of a real two other DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau examples. right-wing reactionary backlash in this country that's staring us straight in the face. The issues have been and will remain: Suppose those simple-minded idiots who support a flat 50 percent cut in property taxes V0UKN0U, *UVA-IA\IA; UHAT DO YOU THINK Israel's extraterritorial jurisdiction, the (i.e. Howard Jarvis et al) succeed in their ill-thought-out quest? Will our cities be able to Of THAT BIG FBLLAH? IUASTALKJNGTD AN injustice of the charges, coercion used to afford adequate protection from the ravaging White Power punks? AS60CIATB THE OTHER. UHATDO YOU FIGURE mi, NOV.; obtain a confession, the role of the FBI in I may be getting over-emotional and/or alarmist, but I wonder if in a few years' time we DAN, AND HE SAID HB YOUR CHANCES ARB I'M GLAD TO HEAR jeopardizing the rights to travel and in might be looking back on these late '70s as the last of the Golden Years. IMS SURE THAT YOU'D OF TAKING ALLTHS surveillance. Behind these stand the larger BBBt£AKJNGmSOLO MARBLES THIS THAT.. SEASON? \ / issues of the right of Palestinians to TACne RECORD THIS self-determination, the mistreatment of Letter Policy Palestinians on their own lands and our own laltardaad -v amt-aad pAo« nmbar. Na latter or exercise of rights of free speech and via wpont taaUml tbaaa iMl mill bo MM* assembly. I hope the State News begins to tredfor publication. V address some of these seriously. I hope also that Dave begins to take seriously his own trftimpnu. Lallan tkaaU be U 6aoa or lou aadmay words about "no easy answers" and "think bo aiilad for MM «*• before you speak." John Masterson Professor of Mathematics Michigon State News, East Lansing, Michigan FUN FOR ALL AGES Ice cream social held By SABRINA PORTER Bailey Community Association nations, volunteer effort and private users are asked for a SUte News SUff Writer and the East Lansing School city funding for maintenance donation, he said. Community Activity Program and repair, the Pump House About 2,000 people used the Pudgy babies in sunbonnets watched from shoulder perches to mark the center's first year has been restored, remodeled center last year for such activi¬ of and painted, Main said. ties as sorority meetings, study as about 800 of their parents, operation. siblings and neighbors slurped With the historic building The center is available for groups, birthday parties, scout ice cream as fast as volunteers scheduled for demolition by the recreational, educational, cul¬ meetings and a dance work¬ cranked it. city in 1975, the "Pump House tural and social activities on a shop. Wednesday's fourth annual Gang" organized and held the priority system, said Norm "If you don't like to drink ice cream social on the green at first ice cream social to rally Smith, member of the five- around East Lansing recreation the Pump House Center, 368 community support to save it, person board of directors around here can get a little Orchard St., was a fun, friend¬ said Bill Main, vice chairperson appointed by the East Lansing complicated." he said. "The ly, fattening time. of the Bailey Community Assoc¬ City Council. Pump House is a place where A jazzed-up version of "Ding, iation. Community groups may use you get to meet your neighbors Thanks to neighborhood do¬ the center at no charge, but and have fun." Dong, The Witch is Dead" had toes tapping and hands clap¬ ping for an energetic perform¬ ance by the Appole Kore Play ers, a children's theater group. Swarms of little folk joined the players in some hula-hoop¬ Paraquat use continues ing while lines of youngsters The problem is compounded held hands and skipped through By PAULCOX gone to the Mexican programs State News Staff Writer in the last five years. by the fact that paraquat turns throngs of their older counter¬ The U.S. is still pouring The funds go in the form of marijuana a golden color, parts. Updated nursery rhymed — millions of dollars into Mexican cash, helicopters, planes, train¬ Winthrop said. He added that ing and spraying equipment, this marijuana is being sold Humpty Dumpty really ended programs to spray marijuana fields with the pesticide para Winthrop said. locally as non Mexican mari¬ up as an Egg McMuffin, you know — tickled funny bones of quat, the National Organization "It is basically really a U.S. juana and the consumer then for the Reform of Marijuana program. The Mexicans just assumes it is paraquat-free. all ages. Laws reported. don't have the funds to do it." NORML suggested that con¬ Tables loaded with home¬ A proposed 13.5 he explained. "There are still sumers not use home test kits made desserts, balloons passed to 19 million dollars from the U.S. State U.S. technicians down there." as they are unreliable but out by Uncle Sam (Don White of the Lansing Civic Players), Department and Drug Enforce¬ The danger to U.S. con¬ encourages having marijuana ment Agency budgets are ear sumers is still great as various tested by professional labora and a concert by the East tories. Lansing Community Band marked for the paraquat pro¬ testing laboratories have re¬ ported that up to one third of There are two such labs in generated smiles from all gram, said Roger Winthrop, directions. Michigan coordinator of the marijuana in the United Michigan and both require a NORML. States is contaminated with one-gram sample of the mari¬ The social was sponsored by the Pump House Center, the He added that $40 million has paraquat. juana. A seven-digit identification With their mouths open wide, performers from the Appole Kore Players were as ready for b number along with $5 in cash audience during East Lansing's 4th annual ice cream social. Besides the entertainment and fret* should be included with the were cookies and balloons for all at the Orchard Street Pump House Center. sample. New vaccine available The made up seven-digit number is by the consumer for anonymous identification of the Pneumovax, a new pneumon¬ ia vaccine which is especially Department of Public Health. Pneumovax was licensed for veloped by Dr. Maurice Hille- man at the Merck. Sharp and sample when the lab is called for the test results. Dissident sentenced to eight years hard labor effective with "higher-risk use Nov. 19 by the Federal Dohme research laboratory The two laboratories are: Drug Administration, stated a with the help of Dr. Robert patients" is now available in the Austrian of the University of •Analytic and Biological (continued from page 1) motive or goal behind his activities. Lansing area. Department of Health, Educa¬ Labs. 30754 Ford Road, Garden been convicted on the same charge in 1968 and served five years. The elder Mrs. Ginzburg said her son. Pneumoccal pneumonia, the tion and Welfare report. Pennsylvania and the National City. Mi.. 48135. 313-422-8470. Institute of Health. He had been sentenced to two years in 1960 for publishing kidney problems and possible tuberculc fifth leading; cause of death in FDA tests show the new •Michigan Bio-Medical Labs, vaccine is 80 percent The testing began in 1973. unauthorized literature while still a journalism student. that on Wednesday he had fainted brie' the U.S.. is more easily con¬ effective. 2776 Flushing Road, Flint, Mi., "FDA licensing was in¬ In a final defense Friday, Ginzburg again denied his guilt and and was given an injection. But (our; tracted by high-risk patients The price for the vaccine is 48504, 313-232-4153. fluenced by the fact that no refused ask for mercy, his 70-year-old mother, Ludmila, told doctor pronounced Ginzburg s healih "s such as persons convalescing approximately $5 a dose, a Sending marijuana through to other vaccines were effective from severe diseases, persons Sparrow Hospital spokesperson the U.S. mail is a criminal reporters. Ginzburg. son of a Jewish mother k in nursing homes and persons said. enough against this sometimes offense punishable by one year He told the court. "All that is written in the Helsinki group never considered himself a Jew arid say The HEW report stated the fatal lung infection." Hayner with sickle cell anemia, a in jail or a $1,000 fine Lansing documents is correct." his mother said. A court spokesperson He has been active in the general humai new vaccine would take the said. spokesperson from Health Cen¬ Postal Inspector Richard Mote confirmed that Ginzburg "denied there was any anti-Soviet than its related but separate Jewish m< tral in Lansing said. place of penicillin and another "It should greatly cut down said. e ASTMi nsterpresbyterTan"! Two hundred thousand to vaccine developed in the 1940s. the number of infections and Winthrop recommended million people infected Hayner said those drugs lost in one are effectiveness because they no deaths from pneumoccal pneu¬ reasonable care preserving MBLfflT. by pneumonia every year in the U.S. causing 25,000 deaths, said longer fight certain strains of the pneumonia infection. monia," he said. anonymity. church 1315 Abbott Rd. (North of Sogmow j WEARHOUSE Dr. Norman Hayner, chief of epidemiology in the Michigan Pneumovax, or polyvalent Large Bean Bags | pneumococcal vaccine, was de¬ SUNDAY, JULY 16, 1978 | for Fun Sitting Now $ 17.95 Assorted Worship: 5:305 10:45 a.m. j WALLET PLEASERS Bush case Colors THEME: GIVING AND RECEIVING ArtCarved with Student '.D. Reg. *24.95 * WOMEN'5 (continued from page 3) Bean Bog Refills Available Timothy Quist SKIRTS $9s0 pus Bush's mother came to cam¬ Tuesday and cleared all of wedding 337-0183 Pillow Talk her daughter's belongings out rings. ★ FASHION JEANS $i250- of the room, a former suitemate Furniture _ WE'RE OFFERING 15 STYLES said. Eost-West Mall, Frondor Moll 351-1767 Bush is 5-foot-6 inches tall and weighs about 120 pounds. GREAT DEALS She has near-white hair and a South Baptist Church on SPEAKERS ★ WESTERN $850- pale complexion. STYLE SHIRTS Bean asked that anyone with 1516 S. Washington Lansing THIS WEEKEND information about Bush's disap¬ $10so pearance contact the DPS im¬ SUNDAY, 7t00 p.m. DON'T MISS OUT! * * FOR SPECTACULAR DEALS BE SURE iO mediately. STOP BY NEXT THURSDAY FRIDAY. CENTRAL Tho night God wrote theQ,fnt40A terco SATURDAY UNDER THE YELLOW l' IT FOR UNITED THE SIDEWALK SALE METHODIST Across from the Capitol 9:43 a.m. Collage tibia Colloga fellowship 555 E. Grand oppe River, East Lansing 529 £. GRAND RIVER HOURS: MOM SAT 10' t 1 A r, and rofroahawnH DysMic Discipleship Clan in tha CLOSED SUIt. 8:30 p.m. Rev. Lloyd Vanlente Fireside Room PROGRAMMIRS mmm NEXT TO BAGEL Worship Services ■FRAGEL^ 10:00 t.m. PR OGRAMMIR/ANALYSTS SUNDAY, 8:30 A 11:00 Nursery Available MDSI is the 485-9477 recognized leader in the develop God auys it with flowort ment and marketing of high technology com¬ Levi's, ' puter products ond services tor manufacturing Lee, FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening applications. Call 482 - 0754 for information • Wrangler, j Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor D.C., Oshlcosh, V \ Kenn Hecht, College Minister QUALIFICATIONS Swiss Army ' knives... ' For those "Flavors to who believe snf.KMv./u-*.K«u> W»l«!-«" in lasting HAPPY HOURS!! fit any taste" TOP DOLLAR love. wiorrui •?tt ' ' TONIGHT 5 GAT: BLUIS/ROCK 4 PAID If you believe in lasting love, • Comprehensive troining ond orientation For Stereo Components, select your wedding ring • Excellent solories ond benefits TVs, Guitars, Amps, from our ArtCarved collec¬ SODA ; )r Cameras, Tools, tion today. • Relocation expenses Diamonds, CBs, Car • Outstanding professional growth Stereos, Antiques, Albums and Tapes AmMD DIAMONDS^ WEDQNG RNGS SUNDAY: BINIFIT PGR TNI opportunities. LANSING STAR Send resume to: Next Wook: DRYAN Lll wu Mauger of Teclmical Recniiting (313) 9934033 GUARANTEED lIACDf Manufacturing Deta Systems Incopomcd 42SI Plynwod, Road Ann Arbor, MiCiear 48106 CAMERA ■——HOURS: Mon.-Frl. 10 AM to- iniflmmu f P.M.; Sot. 10 A.M.-5:30 REPAIR Phono 351-1213 224 Abbott Rd.E.Lansing 101 E. En,I Linsing VtSA.MASTHCfcAIGf, oowmotAioi i ffv Off i w, tm Grand River 337-SAM'S »<»n and Jay Vincent banged Heppinstall and he then headed fully. it's a two-way street." Robinson has also been in the into each other and sprained the staff for 14 years. Before middle of many of MSU's their ankles, which was a graduating from MSU in 1940, thousand thing." he was hurdler on the Spartan sparkling and disappointing one m-a track team. moments. Thompson said. "We took care "There is no question about of them as immediately and as "I have been given the whole well as we could. I don't know if shot over the years at MSU, one disappointment, and that was three years ago when the it was our work or they just and it has been quite an hockey team lost that triple healed quickly by themselves, experience," Robinson said. but they played. I put a lot of Over the years, Robinson overtime game to Minnesota in the Western Collegiate Hockey pressure on myself to take care hasn't had a preference for any of them, but I didn't have any Association playoffs." Robinson particular sport. He just enjoys said. "When we lost the Rose pressure from the coaches." any sport he is working with. Bowl game in 1965 that came as Thompson is now getting Yet he does find his job easier when the team is win¬ another disappointment. So prepared for football season, a was losing the semi-final NCAA sport that he finds to be ning. Currently, Robinson has different from the others. been handling hockey in the fall game in basketball in 1957 when we had John Green. But, "There are more people and winter and lacrosse in the around and things can get more Gtyle Robinson then just making it top the final spring. four in Kansas City was a real hectic." Thompson said. thrill." Thompson also has been Robinson recalls MSU's making sure that the football players with off season injuries MIS and Owosso thrilling victory over Kentucky that year in the Midwest re¬ will be ready to go in the fall, including defensive starters gional game to qualify for the final four. Angelo Fields and Tom Graves. "We were down by 12 points "There is really nobody that racing schedules and then came back and out- scored them 23-1 for an 80-68 win to get a berth for the final is not doing well in recovering from their injuries during this off season." Thompson said. "I four," Robinson said. think the kids are a little more full for weekend Robinson also has been able enthused than in past years. to reach all four corners of the They seem to be looking for¬ earth as an athletic trainer. ward to this year and are "Being able to see all parts of working harder." A full-slate of auto racing events is on tap for mid-Michigan the world has been very enjoy¬ Thompson feels the worst racing fans this weekend, with events scheduled at Michigan able." Robinson said. "I've had that can happen to the athlete International Speedway and Owosso Speedway. is when he goes into surgery. good fortune. I traveled with At MIS in Brooklyn (near Jackson) the ninth annual Norton the Big Ten all stars in 1971. "We have to bring the limb Twin 200s will begin Sunday at 1 p.m. Qualifying sessions will and joint back into normal They took one player from each be held at MIS today and Saturday. function," Thompson said. "The The Twin 200s feature one race with Indianapolis-style Big Ten school and an addition¬ cars al player from Indiana and Phc'o only problem we would have is and another with stock cars. when an athlete doesn't follow Northwestern. We traveled to of defensive tackle Melvin Land prior to a football orders after the injury. But this In the Indianapolis-style race, 38 entries will try to qualify for New Zealand and Australia." Clint Thompson (left). Coordinator of Athletic the 22 starting spots. Among those seeking to qualify are: In 1965. he toured Germany Training and Rehabilitation at MSU, topes the ankle game. rarely happens around here." Indianapolis 500 champion A1 Unser, Tom Sneva, A.J. Foyt, Gordon Johncock, Johnny Rutherford, Danny Ongais, Wally Dallenbach, Pancho Carter and Rick Mears. 1h» Ten Pound Fiddle Forty-three entries will try to qualify for the stock car race, ! CAMPUS proudly presents which will immediately follow the first 200-mile race. Among the entries are: Bobby Allison, Foyt. Paul Feldner and Bay Darnell. Today at the Owosso Speedway, a United States Auto Club ! PIZZA"" Sunday July 16 8 PM Midget car race will be held. Qualifying begins at 6:30 p.m. Among the racers entered are past USAC midget champion, Mel Kenyon, Johnny Parsons Jr., Larry Rice and Tony Bettinghausen, son of Indianapolis 500 racer Gary Betting- I 75* OFF CLASSES ^Michael Cooney "ThiOue-Man Folk Festival" hausen. j ON YOUR NEXT PIZZA Fun! sea shanties, funny songs, blues, MIS and Owosso are the only two speedways in the state I (coupon good for Ballads, sing-alongs, and much more — Michael hosting USAC races this year. The Owosso Speedway has been trying for a long time to get a USAC race, and this is the first j dine-in or pick-up only) Learn at Cooney sings them all with sensitivity, time it has succeded. 11040 E. Grand River 337-1377 good humor, and expert musicianship on guitar, banjo, and concertina. He's one of WK'RFI OFFERING DeMellios S2 * 50 most enjoyable folksingets hear, so don't miss you'll ever this special concert' WK'RK OFFERING great deals GREAT DEALS DISCO Classes For Couples Unitarian - Universalist on SPEAKERS on SPEAKERS Church E. Lansing THIS WEEKEND At the comer of Grove St. and Library Lane, across from THIS WEEKEND E.L. Public Library. Free parking behind church. DON'T MISS OUT! DON'T MISS OUT! '^Stereo ^Stereo ,Defnell'P Snoppe Snoppe 555 E. Grand River, East Lansing STAEDTLER'S MARS • 700 S4 555 E. Grand River, East Lansing Books ... A TECHNICAL PEN SETS The Great Summer ON Take Along! SALE HOLLY'S, INC. (Restaurant Management Trainees) WEEKEND CLEARANCE SALE1 Locations 60°o off on pitchers of beer featuring the best of DISCO rtainment: low low pr GET 1 PEN FREE NO COVER! EXCELLENT PENS FOR DESIGN S ENGINEERING STUDENTS Your One-Slop Magazine Shop Too. r Paramount & Community CAMPUS BOOK STORK Newscenters I randor A Meridian Malls 507 E. Grand River ParamountiCommumty Open 7 days a week ACROSS FROM BERKEY HALL mm MON-FRI9-5 p.m. Friday. July 14, 1978 0 Michigon Stote News Eost loosing, Michigon 'U' to get emergency phones I well as campus information." Davids said the city was Young stirs another controversy (continued from page 1) Queens." The Queens borough president de¬ inued from page 3' Bernitt said DPS has been an "The ability to hook up these manded an apology, did the Swedish the factor." he Schneider said the 121-unit looking at a radio-phone system When Republicans in Congress objected, as advocate of an emergency » i i ambassador. ■n estimated the c» system blankets the campus, developed by Motorola. The Young obligingly noted that the late Presidents phone system for a long time. John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson, both Young's 1977 assessment of the Cuban troop using the phone providing a greater number of phones, would have provided a Hp added it is not a guarantee of direct line to the public safety Democrats, were also racist. presence in Angola — "a stabilizing influence" — reduced crime but will improve iv also obtain campus phones in areas of frequent call for assault. department's dispatch office Young did not confine his characterizations to enraged conservatives. He counseled them not current methods of communica¬ help if and would require no dialing. the British or former presidents. He said that to be "paranoid about a few hundred, or even a tion on campus. stranded, H ever, phones will "You are never out of sight of Swedes were "terrible racists" and the Russians few thousand, Communists" in Africa. reach MSU also recently began a "I would be naive if I said it only be able on campus a telephone," he said. wort- "the worst racists in the world." Then he His basic themes were the ones the State had the ability to deter crime." numbers. University exterior lighting Fred Davids, director of pub¬ enraged domestic opinion by saying blacks in Department and White House wanted to strike he said. "But it will enable an Stouffer the phone sys project. Ron Flinn, an engineer safety for the University of - lic in the physical plant, said the Sweden were treated "no better than blacks in in Africa. aid he advised officer to respond to a call a lot tern closely resembles a net¬ Michigan, said the idea of a work used since 1971 at Wayne project should be completed by which 1uick" phone system has been kicked September. f Bernitt said the phones will State University. Dallas around Ann Arbor for a long hearings on the Schneider- WSU director of "We're waiting on some be placed near frequently time. ubmitting a pro traveled areas. Actual place¬ public safety, said Wayne's necessary materials," he said. nmittee. he said. "We had 10 units mapped out Flinn said lights have already ment. he said, will depend on system serves a number of on a trial basis," he said. "But been installed near Owen Hall, the University underground purposes. the Physics Building and a few cable system's ability to ac¬ "People feel safer because of there was a money problem. of the major walkways on commodate the required con the system." he said. 'It pro¬ Hopefully, we will have a us and Planning and the nections. vides emergency system in the future." campus. lepartrnent of Public Safetv ended tl Todoy 7:00 open p.m. Footuro at 7:30-9:30 Sat. t Sun. at 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:30-9:30 Ule've Got Vou Covered... It'll blow vour mind! BURT REYNOLDS % Saturday, July 15 7-11 p.m. Case Hall, M.S.U. 1 E VER YBOD Y WEL COME! LIVE MUSIC - LIVE CALLERS I ADMISSION: s2°° non-members rS$ 50' children & senior citizens (Folks who like to set up. please come eariv) IT'l FOR EVERYONE! A MICHAEL RITCHIE Production THE BAD NEWS BEARS GO TO JAPAN kw.«tTONY CURTIS •—.-•.BILL LANCASTER MICHAEL RITCHIE JOHN BERRY PAUL CHIHARA IARLY BIRD - 5-5:30 p.m. - $1.50 JOHN TRAVOLTA OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN ■ WCMUTKM WMM TONIGHT OPEN 7 PM m FEATURE 7:25-9:25 SAT-SUN 1:25-3:25 5:25-7:25.9:25 Ftter Falk Ann-Margret Eileen Brennan Sid Caesar Stockard Channing James Coco Dom DeLuLse Louise Fletcher John Houseman Madeline Kahn Fernando Lamas Marsha Mason Phil Silvers AbeVigoda Paul Williams Nicol Williamson This [inn it's Neil SimOOu Hm Rally Jumm. TheCheap Detective" NO PASSES ACCEPTED IMIS ENGAGEMENT SAT-SUN EARLY BIRD-5-5:3OPM-'l.50 Michigan State News. East Lansing. Michigan For Sole ^ RUMMAGE SALE £» Classified Advertising Employment ' i'urtl,,en,s f FRANKLY SPEAKING _■ by ptiiUrank Rooms COOKS AND dishwashers RESPONSIBLE MATURE SHARE BEAUTIFUL home, COMPLETE STEREO system, Information wanted. Neat, clean and de non smoking male for apart own room, close, non¬ excellent condition, best YARD SALE 6235 E. Lake Drive. Haslett. July 15 and 16, smoking 332 PHONE 355 1255 347 Student Services Bldg. pendable. Apply in person men! 332 1758 X 8 7 17 2170_5-7-1913) offer 332 1806 8 7 20 13) 9 a m - 6 p.m. Books, games, from 2 p.m. ■ 5 p.m., The miscellaneous. 2-7-14 (4) ROOM FOR RENT for rest of ITALIAN 10 speed bike SEAHAWK RESTAURANT, FURNISHED APARTMENI5 se to campus, Williamston. 5 7-14 (6) Good transportation, must YARD SALE- corner of 8th available for summer. Swim¬ Call Bob. 351 6472. 5-7 19(31 sell. $55. Randy. 332 6521 and Eureka, 1 block West of IdoyWC per line SUMMER EMPLOYMENT ming pool. 2 month leases at 5-7 21 i3) Pennsylvania, 1 South of 3 days IOC per line full and part-time positions. CAMPUS NEAR, summer very reasonable rates. CAM From $65 month 485-1436 Michigan Cars, plants, dorm 6 days - 75< per line Automobile required. 339 PUS HILL 349 3530 3 7 14(5) Mcintosh model 50100 loft Saturday and Sunday. 9500. C 17 7 31 (31 06 7 14(3' I days • 70< per line Intergraded amplifier used, 372 2586 1 7-14(6) ROOMS FOR rent, close to excellent WILCOX CASHIER WANTED, neat FURNISHED APARTMENTS TRADING POST. 485 4391 line rate per insertion available for summer. Swim campus. $60 80 month Call appearance a must. Exper¬ STE MAR MANAGEMENT C 10 7 31 I5> Service ience nice but not necessary. ming pool, 2 month leases at very reasonable rates. SEVEN 351 5510 4 7-14 l4| Good pay and benefits. Apply WATER BED heater, pedes¬ FREE LESSON THIRTY ONE. 351 7212 in complexion iconolines • 3 lines '4.00 5 days 80* per line over in person only. CINEMA X MEN. WOMEN- summer, tal $250. Couch, $100. Rock care MERLE NORMAN 0 3 7 14 (5) 3 lines. No adjustment in rate when cancelled. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT mg Chair. $80 349-5357 COSMETIC STUDIO 321- cooking, parking, campus Price of itemfsj must be stated in ad. Maximum CENTER. 1000 W. Jolly close. 327 Hiiicrest. 337-9612 3 7 19 (3> 5543 C 17 7-31 (41 sole price of Road. 0-17 7-31 (13) ROOMMATE FOR fully fur 332 6118 3 7 14(41 *100. or WEDDING FLOWERS, low Peanuts Personal ods • 3 lines ■ *2.25 • per insertion. nished. Pool, sauna, air 882 DISCOUNT, NEW used, COCKTAIL WAITRESSES, 8556. 10 7 26 (3i ROOMS FOR rent. $98 desks, chairs, files. BUSI¬ cost top quality, full service. 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). only 1 or 2 positions available. 623 6545 8 7 Rummage/Garage Sole ads • 4 lines - *2 50 Apply RAINBOW RANCH, month utilities included, close NESS EQUIPMENT CO. 215 17^ to MSU and busline. 489 E Kalamazoo, 485-5500. 63' per line over 4 lines - per insertion. 2843 E. Grand River, East ROOMMATE NEEDED for FOR QUALITY stereo ser¬ 5025 5-7 19(4) 0-1-7 17 (4) 'Round Town ods • 4 lines *2.50 - per insertion. carpeted, air conditioned. 2 vice THE STEREO SHOPPE. • Lansing. 2-7-14 (5) 63' per line over 4 lines, bedroom apartment. Close to females to LIVING ROOM furmti 555 E Grand River FALL NEED lost I Pounds ads/Transportation ads • 3 lines - *1.50 - TELEPHONE SOLICITORS campus. $90 including utili¬ share large double room. C 17 7 31 (3i part-time, 5-9 p.m. Salary ties. 332 7514. 4 7 14 (5) sofa: 2 end tables $85 per insertion 50' per line over 3 lines. ©COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES box 4244 Bffkele. CA 94704 Excellent house, location. c FREENEEOLE check, bring in plus bonus. EASTLAWN 337-0590. Ann. Leave mes¬ piete. 351-1820 after 5 | MEMORY GARDENS. 349- E 5-7-19 (4) your record player needle for sage 3 7-17(5) free check at anytime. Spe¬ Deadlines 9156. 8-7-21 (5) Pine Lake Ads 2 p.m. • I class day before publication. Apartments Apartments ^ FEMALE. OWN room, brignt, DINING TABLE wood cial prices on new MARSHALL MUSIC. needles. East • Cancellation Change • 1 p.m. • 1 class day before SELFSERVE gas station Apartments clean house, huge yard. chrome. $75: chairs $45 TV Lansing. C-1-7-14 16) attendants- neat, polite, hon¬ Close. Available now. 1142 antennas $10; speaker en¬ publication. est with retail cash handling 6080 Marsh Rd. SOUTH HOLMES- near DUPLEX- ONE room, central closures $35: dishwasher $10. Albert. S-5-7-20 13) Once od is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed Meridian Mall Area Sparrow one room upstairs air, immediately, furnished experience. Apply at 315 E. 332 8050 E 5 7-19 (4i until offer 1st insertion Grand River, between 9 a.m. efficiency Cooking, share 669-3719 or 351 0829 Typing Service Ok There is 1 p.m., Monday, July 17 •165 plus utilities bath Prefer male. $75. 351- 6-7-14 (3) for Sale FOLDING CHAIRS- we have o *1 00 chorge for 1 ad change plus 50' per EOE 4-7-14J91 7497 0 4 7 14(5) 70-80 folding wooden chairs PROMPT EXPERIENCED, additional change for maximum of 3 changes. The State News will only be responsible for the 1st 100 USED vacuum cleaners to sell. They would be great typing, evenings. 332-3492. EXECUTIVE LEGAL secre CEDAR VILLAGE 1 year warranty. $7 88 and C 17 7 31 (3) 2 BEDROOM, furnished, for first apartment furniture, day's incorrect insertion Adjustment claims must tary. Have ability to com¬ up DENNIS DISTRIBUTING be made within lOdoys of expiration date. municate with public, excel¬ from $205 month. Available APARTMENTS COMPANY. 316 North Cedar porch furniture. church ANN BROWN typing. Disser¬ fa" UNIVERSITY VILLA, bazaars, community rooms or Bills ore due 7 doys from od expiration date. If not lent skills. Legal experience 482 2677 C 17-7-31 (5> tations-resumes-term papers. 351 2044, 351-8135. BOGUE AT RED CEDAR RIVER meeting halls A real buy at paid by due date, o 50' late service chorge will helpful-not essential. $11,000 $2 each Call LANSING 601 Abbott Road. North en¬ 0 16 7-31 t4f MOST LP'S priced $175 to start. Submit resume to 351-5180 MALL OFFICE at 321-3534 trance. 351-7221 Box A-1. State News, 347 $2.50. Cassettes. $3 quality C 17 7-31 i4l 339-8192 3-7-17 110) Student Serivces, East Lans guaranteed. Plus 45's, song Evenings Thank you for books, more. FLAT. BLACK TYPING. EXPERIENCED, ing. 4-744 19) ROOM IN deluxe townhouse. coming back to pool, air, 5 minutes campus, AND CIRCULAR, upstairs. Animals V fast and reasonable. 371- | Automotive & Automotive & STORE DETECTIVES- call 641-4562 between 10 a.m. EUREKA-NEAR Sparrow, summer fall option. 393- 541 E Grand River Open 11 am C 16 7 31 <6> 4635 C 17-7-31 13) one bedroom upstairs apart¬ 8622 8-7-1914) MIXED COON hound. 1 year, and 3 p.m. Monday Friday. ment. parking, available now. BLACK DIRT, sod farm soil AUSTIN MARINA 1974- VW RABBIT. 1977- green. 0 17-7-31 (3) housebroken. Family dog. •COPYGRAPH SERVICE AM FM, C3 unit. $3500 $135 351 7497 0-3 7 14 (4) Approximately 5' ? yards de¬ 351 0761. 4 7-17 (3) small economical 4-speed. Complete dissertation and $800. Call 321-4417 8 7 26(3) 371-35/i- after 5 p.m. JANITORIAL HELP, part 3 BEDROOM apartment, TERRACE Only a few left!! livered locally. $40 641-6024 resume service. Corner MAC 8 7 14 <3i or 372-4080 Fill, sand, gravel, FREE KITTENS: 7 weeks old and Grand River. 8:30 a.m.- time evenings or full time. $215 month till September BLAZER. 1972 Chevenne available also 0 17-7-31J6) 332 2210 after 5 30 p.m. 5 39 p.m. Monday-Friday. Transportation necessary. package. 2 sets wheels. 2 Auto Service / Mr Tompkins 482 6232 or 1137 Albert Street. 332-8353 351 1500 4-7-J9J4) Waters Edge OVER 25 years experience E'5_l7;20(3> 10 a m 5 p.m. Saturday. tops, good condition $1800 8 7 27 (5) 9 Reduced Summer rent OPTICAL DISCOUNT. 2617 FOR LEASE- Arab mare rid¬ 337 1666 C 17-7-31 (71 firm. 641-6609. 5 7 21 i4) NEAT, NONSMOKING E. BRAKE PARTS including from *160 Michigan. Lansing, Michi¬ den English. Experienced COUNTER SALES, weaving roommate for 1 bedroom. brake pads, shoes, and hy- gan. C 4-7-14 141 rider. 332-8277 evenings. BUICK REGAL. 1975- cruise, and spinning background Near MSU. $110. 332-1312 or • Two and four person 38,000 miles, power steering, draohc components in stock DELPHI CRAFT 332-3744 between 5-9 p.m. MINOLTA SRT-101. Body 8-7_22 (3) at CHEQUERED FLAG FOR necessary. apartments brakes, & windows. AM-FM, SUPPLY CENTER, 2224 E. 3-7-17 (51 SHARE 2 bedroom with and case. $85. 353-8918 or AFGHAN PUPS- 11 weeks. EIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 East • Walk to campus air. $3250. 355-5988.8 7 24i5) male, 32. $125 plus utilities, 349-3827 With AKC papers. $70. No Kalamazoo St. 487-5055, one Michigan Avenue, 5 blocks 5-7-20J31 West of Frandor. 8-7-27 (7) Thank you for deposit. 332-7343, keep try¬ 1050 Watersedge Dr. papers. $35 669-9419. If your house has become CAMARO. 1974 blue, flaw mile west of campus. ing. 3-7-14 (4) SEWING MACHINES slightly 10-7-27 (3) overrun with pets, you need 9 lessly beautiful. Steering, C 17 7-31 (71 (next to Cedar Village) used, guaranteed, $39.95 and brakes, stereo. 31.000 miles TEMPORARY HELP wanted. coming back to 932-4432 up. Open arm chairs from fast-acting Classified ad! Thursday, Friday, Saturday, EFFICIENCY, FULLY equip¬ 332-3478. 3-7-18 (4) July 20, 21, 22. Must have BURCHAM WOODS ped kitchen, furnished with $89 50. EDWARDS DISTRI- Lost t found UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS BUTING CO.. 1115 N. Wash retail experience. Apply MSU Now filled for desk, waterbed, chairs, etc. COMPLETE DISSERTATION CHEVETTE. 1976 automatic, excellent condition, 38,000 BOOTERY. No phone calls. summer-Just a few Summer only. $115/month. Houses £ ington 489-6448. C 13 7 31 161 LOST CAT small, male, AND RESUME SERVICE- miles. $2750. 355-8025 2 7-1JM6) 332 2083, be persistent. orange tiger. Albert Street type setting, IBM typing, left for fall. FURNISHED DUPLEXES for between Division and Bailey. 4-7-17 131 3-7 19(5) VISIT MID MICHIGAN'S offset printing and binding LEGAL SECRETARY- East 2 3 or 4 persons. Available Reward. Call 355-2361 days, For i. stop ii t 284c Lansing law office. Legal Make a summer and or fall 669-9939. largest used bookshop. CUTLASSS 1972. i NEED 1 female for 4-man CURIOUS BOOKSHOP. 307 351 2754 evenings. 4-7-14 I5> experience only. Good skills. reservation now apartment starting fall, close. 0-8-7-14 (3) E Grand River. East Lansing. vinyl top, radio, $950, 2 door, Call 351 6200. 7-7-21 (4) Air & furnished. $95 month. 35V3625. 7 7-14^3' efficiency $175 332 1196. 1-7-14 (41 5 BEDROOMS- close, sharp, 332-011_2 _C-13;^1|5)_ _ FOUND: FEMALE calico cat, DATSUN. 1974 - 260Z, 2-2. WORK IN exchange for flying 1 bedroom $210 September. $500, 351-0765. DOUBLE BED, mattress, white collar. Looking for TYPING-TERM papers. IBM JEWETT AIRPORT in 1 7 14(31 owner. Call 337-0402. experienced, fast service. Call air, 4-speed. 49,000 miles. time at foundation, & frame, excel¬ 2 bedroom $290 3-7-17 (3) 351 8923 0-17-7-31 l3l $4000. 351-4025. 8-7-19 (4) Mason. Openings Sunday. lent condition, $100. Kitchen Call between 12-5 Thank you Wednesday and Thursday, 7 for HASLETT. 2 blocks from table & 4 chairs, $35. Couch plenty of good DATSUN B210. 1974 great a.m. 3 p.m 676 4860 351-3118 coming back to beach 3 bedroom, furnished, & Chair. $25. End table. $10. Recreation (fi There are shape, $1850. 374 6067 after 5-7 19 (6) four or five adults. $360' 337 0627 5-7 19 (6) buys in the automotive sec¬ 5 p.m. X-8-7 21 :3> month 332 4076 8-7 20 (4) tion of today's Classified PERSONS NEEDED to code SUBLET JULY 30 Septem BEECHWOOD INSTANT CASH We re pay STRAWBERRIES-PICK your pages. You'll find the car ing $1 $2 for albums in good own 35c per pound. Open 7 DODGE DART. 1971-6 cylin¬ surveys, work study required. ber 13.1 bedroom apartment, AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, you've been searching for! shape WAZOO RECORDS. a.m. on picking days. Well der, automatic, 2 door, air, See Maureen Murphy, Room furnished, pool, air, close to Filled lor s own room in 3 bedroom 223 Abbott. 337 0947 behaved children welcome. EXPERIENCED. IBM typing, radio, runs beautifully. $750. 8, Student Services. 353 campus $150. 332 7121. modern duplex. Near Forest MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. A few left for fall. C-17-7-31J4) GIBBS BERRYLAND, South 349-0586. 8 7-24 (3) 8 7 19 14) Akers. $110 month plus utili¬ dissertations, (pica-elite). Kalamazoo, since 1940. Auto 4_4 717^(5) YAMAHA FG110- 6 string of Onondaga, 1-628-2663. FAYANN. 489-0358 ties Fall option. 394 4494. DODGE VAN 1971.8passen painting-collision service. SUMMER CAMP positions. SOUTH SIDE 2 bedroom acoustic guitar. $65. 349- 3-7-14 (6) C-17-7 31 i3> 2 bedroom opari 10-7-24 161 ger, V-8, automatic, power American-foreign cars. 485- Male counselors, specialists steering and brakes. 337 0256. C 1 7-7-31 (5) for waterfront & arts/crafts, apartments, dishwasher, air *270 2650^5-7-19_l3l It's time to think about THESIS, TERM papers conditioning, carpet. Call SOMEONE NEEDED to share WANTED: USED albums, summer fun! You'll find the 1594.J3-7-J4J3) Also secretary. CAMP TAMA¬ 394 5369 noon to 9 p.m. typed, Quick Quality. 332- _ JUNK CARS wanted. house near Meridian Mall. $1-2 a disc. Bob or Mike. boat you've been searching RACK, Brighton. 1 -229-9166. X-10-7-21 (51 2078. 0-14-7-31 <3i FIAT X. 19 1974. Excellent selling used parts. Phone 4-7-17 (7) Call 12-5 Own room, $90month. 332-8457 or 351-1225. tor advertised in today's stereo, special exhaust, extra 321 3651. C-17 7-31 (3) Phone 349 2866. 4 7-14 (4) 8-7-24 (3) Classified section! wheels, asking $2400, 332- DOOLEY'S OF East Lansing 332-0052 GOOD USED tires, 13-14-15 8175, 3514484. 4 7-17 (31 inch. Mounted free. Used hiring kitchen personnel for Thank you for EAST LANSING- semi-fur- mshed for 3 or 4. Call Craig, fall starting July 17. Apply in back to coming PEOPLE REACHER FIAT. 1975- 128SL. 35 mpg wheels and hub caps. PEN- 655 1255 after 6 p.m. $1500.1-313 733-5629 after 5 NELL SALES INC., 1825 East person 131 Albert Street. ONE OR two women needed, 6 7 14 (31 pm Z-4-7J7 131 Michigan. Lansing, Mich. 5-7 19 (5) summer. Near campus, 332- 4432. 5-7-21 (31 FORD GRANADA 1976 Ghia. 48912.482 5818. COUPLE TO manage apart¬ DELTA ARMS HOUSE FOR rent- Okemos must see to appreciate. $3500. 393-0013. 4 7 19 (3) C 1-7-7-31 16) ment building, near campus. No experience required. 337- filled ONE OR two men apartment. Summer, needed for close to Briarwood. Unfurnished 4 bedroom, references and de¬ WANT AD OLDS DELTA Royale, 1974 Motorcycles j d&oi 1846. 3-7-14 (4) now campus. 332 4432. 5-7-21 (3) posit required. Available September 1. 9-12 month convertible, excellent condi¬ lease. 349 9162. 7-7-21 (7) 7jL^__ Just cumpleU farm and EAST COAST RESTAU¬ for summer EAST LANSING Fall, 1 bed¬ tion, loaded, original owners, RANT recruiting July 18, 19. room furnished, air, utilities, mail with payment tu: $360Q. 663 3182. 3-7-14J4) Excellent opportunities in the and fall balconies, parking. $220, TRANS AM. 1976 FM & restaurant profession. Sign up now at Placement Bureau $230, 374 6366. 0-17-7-31 (4) CAMPUS Stair St ws Classified Dept. cassette, rust-proofed. $4200. 351-5714. 3-7-17 (3) Student Services Bldg. MALE FOR summer, own 34 2 Student Sendees Bldg. Employment |i Z-4-7-19 (6) room, pool, balcony, air, j HILL Fast Lansing. Mich. 48823 VAN, 1970 Ford Custom Club laundry. Available now. 337- Automatic, V-8. MANAGER TRAINEE- 2193. 5-7 21 (3) J[$j na¬ Wagon 123. clean interior. Excellent care. $1250. 349 1568 3-7 14 (4) tional theater chain, degree, willing to relocate, college [ For Rett EAST LANSING the good •2 Bedrooms •furnished »pts. salary, benefits, contact: REFRIGERATOR, STEREO, T.V. Rentals, free delivery life isn't gone ... it just •Free Roommate Service VEGA HATCHBACK 74 3 Chet Wasko, Meridian Thea¬ moved to KINGS POINT speed, 49,000 miles good ters, 349-2702 Monday-Friday on/off campus. 372-1795. EAST. Spacious 2 bedroom •Dishwashers condition, $800. Evenings. between 1 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. 0-8-7-21 I3» apartment available. Ideal for •Central »ir Conditioning 351-6996. BL 2 7 14 (3) 8 7 17 (7) Prelorrnd Ininrlinn Dole If you're a bargain hunter, grad students. Clubhouse, •Swimming Pool outdoor pool, and picnic VW SUPER Beetle, 1973 AUDIO TECHNICIAN- exper¬ you'll love the many good areas. Bus service. Phone •Unlimited Parting 6,000 miles on rebuilt engine, ienced, full time. Apply at buys which are advertised THE STEREO SHOPPE, 555 every day in the Classified 332-8215; 12 5 p.m. 'Pleasant Landscaping 25 characters in a line including punctuation and spaces between words. clean, no rust. 332 2349. 238 O-BL-1 7-14 (9) sectionl Kedzie. 3-7 17 (4) E Grand River. C-4-7-14 (4) •Special 12 month rates Print Ad here Location Locatioi C'mon over FREE BUS Clupctungfjam 2 BEDROOM f URNISHEO LUXURY ARTS. CIDAR GRIINS Now APARTMENTS Looting AND CHECK COLLINGWOOD ARTS! *olr conditioned OUT SERVICE 3 LINE MINIMUM 'privote balconies • furnished oportments • swimming pool 'dishwasher CIRCLE RATE WANTED 'swimming pool • 9orl2month • air conditioning 'shag carpeting Model Open 9-9 'control olr leasts available • within walking unlimited parking Everyday noEntntniniirac! 'dishwasher, disposal distanca to campus *2 bedrooms hedididcoededcd 'shag corpeting 'models open doily nioiDcnrDCDEim Fall leases only — Special 12 monlh rales special rates available for fall 9 monlli leases only '320 Leasing for Fall aiDioiiiraEonaiTi 9 ft 12 month leases available 1135 Michigan Avenue call 351 1212 E. Lansing 351-1631 CALL 349-3530 Call 351-7166 (next to Brody) (behind Rollerworld on the river) ^ocato^OfogadornjRoodjusUoutl^^orvlc^ood^ Friday. July 14, 1978 Michigon S Michigon State News, Eost Lonsing, Michigan ilf§ wlifi Wanted Wanted Four legislators charged with breaking rules TWO ROOMS for two worn (continued from page 1) gave him $1,000, was asked tressed that the committee tance of Park's, the committee a campaign expense. FEMALE ROOMMATE want en in house tor fall, have ed. own car. $8750 plus from Park "under circum¬ Thursday about a possible per¬ issued a statement of alleged said there is no evidence "which The committee said it does dogs, prefer country setting utilities. Call after 9 p m Please call 332 7356. keep stances which might be con¬ jury investigation. violations," Roybal said, adding could support a conclusion that not have sufficient evidence to strued by reasonable persons "I don't know anything about that "I fully intend to make a Brademas knew or should have 332-5713. 8-7-21 I3I trying. 8 7 26 (5) s for It's What's warrant proceedings against as influencing the performance this," he said from his office in forceful presentation of my known that Park was an Happening must be received in the Rep. John B. Breaux, D-LA. It of his government duties." St. Francisville, La. "I went to case." He declined to comment agent." dismissed an allegation that MOTORCYCLES OPERA DAY CARE in my Southside State News office, 343 Student Washington and in that place, on the specific allegations. TORS: Need ten dollars? Will home Prefer pre schoolers. Services Bldg.. by noon at least McFall denied the allegations It said the Indiana legislator Park gave Breaux $10,000, say¬ when you say Wilson was accused of mak pay any individual with Michi¬ 882 6218 5 7-19 <31 two class days before publication. against him and said he is anything they might have committed a "tech- ing the allegation is made only gan license to assist in safety No announcements will be accept¬ confident his name will be twist it around and turn it ing a willful false statement by ical" violatic by •ectly by Clyde Vidrine, a former education study. Call Robm ed by phone. cleared in committee hearings. against you." denying he got any money from reporting $800 of the money as Edwards aide, and said he Bailey, Highway Traffic Safe ty Center. 353 1790. Round Town f £ The committee also said it The committee said McFall Park when Park said he gave Wilson $1,000 cash as a wed a direct campaign expense "apparently failed a lie detector 15 for believes two former legislators allegedly converted a $3,000 rather than reimbursement for test on that subject." 8-12 Chess players! International ding gift, the committe said. details. Z-4-7-20 (9) master Sal Matera will give a committed perjury, and that it campaign contribution from has turned their testimony over Park to his own use and did not Wilson said, "I had com simultaneous exhibition at 1 p.m. NEEDED: VOLUNTEERS to wel- to the Justice Department. report it as required L law. pletely forgotten some of the assist visual handicapper stu dents with summer readiny & to undergraduate MSU stu dents. Office open 9 a.m. 12 Saturday in 331 Union. All The panel did not name the McFall says the money was not a campaign contribution but events week surrounding the hectic when I married Mrs. Ford president fired two former lawmakers it said it orientation. Please contact rather a contribution to Wilson." He said he subse¬ Monday Friday For informa "has reason to believe . . an PROGRAMS FOR HANOI office account for which quently sent the committee a (continued from page 1) CAPPERS. 353 9642 t'On or appointment caM 355 Instructional Developer's noon committed perjury." But reli no letter acknowledging the gift. luncheon today features Dr. Mil¬ able sources identified them as reporting was required by the executive officer. BL-1-7-14 (6) 8266 0 8 7 21 «9» dred Erickson in 1961 N. Case Hall. law. The committee accused Under the new setup, only Caldwell and William Clay Ford report former Reps. Nick Galifianakis. All welcome. D-N.C.. and John R. Rarick. The committee said Roybal Patten of violating New Jersey directly to the chairman. Iacocca, as the fourth member of the Office WANTED TO exchange Four bedroom house in Can ADVERTISE D-La. failed to report a $1,000 cash state law by making contribu¬ tions in his own name to the of Chief Executive, reported to Caldwell. Galifianakis issued a state¬ contribution from Park, con¬ Though company officials at the time insisted Iacocca had lost berra. Australia for similar your Oarage Sale Academic internships available ment declining comment on the verted it to his own use and Middlesex County, N.J. Demo¬ none of his power in the shake-up, auto industry analysts said it house/apartment near MSU for psych majors working in during period November 1978 IN THE reported perjury investigation. denied to committee investiga cratic Organization when the appeared the new set-up anticipated the election of William Clay mental health setting. Contact to July 1979. Please contact Rarick. who already had denied tors under oath that he got it. money was in fact Park's. Ford to the board chair. Dave Persell, College of Urban Dr. puter John Eulenberg. Com Science Department CLASSIFIED ADS Development. Park's testimony that Park "I am surprised and dis- Patten denied the charge and said a former aide, Stephen MSU. 355-5210. 5 7-19 11 Callas, has taken public respon¬ Church garden goes to "pot' Call 355-8255 sibility for misreporting the TO BABYSIT, days ings, Sunday-Friday m L» or evn The European Asspcoatopm of MSU meets at 8 p.m. Sunday in the 2nd floor study lounge of West Public comments ruling contributions. In addition to O'Neill, the (AP) GRAND RAPIDS, — Mich. For 30 years, Charlie versity area. Call between committe«> said it also found no s checking out two flats Owen Hall. We'll discuss summer Johnson has been advising 5:30 - 8:00 p.m.. 332-5i48 MSU SALVAGE ' (continued from page 1) 5-7-21 151 activities. All welcome. of the act." warrant lor proceedings readers nf Ihe Grand Rapids nf sweet alvssura when I spotted against Democratic Whip John Press on the best ways to grow somt' strange plants," Johnson Kelley said a board may, however, expedite matters by limiting Brademas for accepting $5,000 almost everything. sai(1- "I looked closely and Give your basement a break1 how long a person can talk, providing a means for persons with Sell those extra items you no Go to the Highest First!" in contributions from Park. But this week, the Barden thounht. 'Oh. ray God, it'j Transcendental Meditation Lec similar views to name a spokesperson or requiring that persons Except for the tact that rolumnist had to seek advice marijuana.' I knew I hadn't longer use for fast cash Can Garage cluttered"' Sell indicate before the meeting whether they wish to speak so that time today to place your Classified extra bicycles fast w tore will be held at 3 p.m. and 7:30 Bradema was once an acquain himself — from poliee — on a planted it. ad i quick action Classified < p m Tuesday in 334 Union Bldg. arrangements can be made. The State News Yellow Page ft Satellite (continued from page programming disk installed 3) can either be aired immediately WKAR-TV has been a ment¬ BUSINESS-SERVICE ft or taped for future use, Ingram her station of the PBS Corpora- the end of this year. ? 1968. At least 10 different pro grams are transmitted si¬ multaneously from Washing ton, D.C., across 24,000 miles of space to WESTAR I. Ingram said WKAR's satel¬ DIRECTORY il lite disk has the capacity to receive four separate signals from WESTAR I at the OPTOMETRIST BARBER TRAVEL CHILDREN'S SHOES il CO-OPTICAL SERVICES UNION BUILDING * M M rm a Running BARBER SHOP 1 i Nut! COUESI TRAVEL OFFICE 130 W. Grand River • • ITES EXAMINED CUSSES CONTACT LENS RK Products •Layer Cuts •Latest Styling ft WE'RE OFFERING East Lansing • •Women's Haircuts 8 - 5:30 Mon. - Fri. 1 M GREAT DEALS 351-6010 355-3359 BSP on SPEAKERS TOBACCONIST NOW HIAR THIS FROM THI HINGI AT THI STORI WITH THI TOR 10% DISCOUNT all MSU ft Now In Nike - THIS WEEKEND DON'T MISS OUT! 0 to students L.D.II. Training theCfA4XAA RID DOOR! . •Cigaretts by: He have in stock- on purchase* of 12 Shoe* reo Sherman Dunhill Sobraine ?pe • - or mora, yogurts and broadi excluded 'Pipes bySannelh a Dannon Yogurt 311 *21 Red Door pipe tobacco blends NIKE RANDALL HEALTH FOOD Elite Racing Flats Brookfiuld Plaza HERM'S C&m pLel L s Shop 1381 E. Grand River 332-6892 Rated First in 3 out of 5 LUTO BODV ,X3 CATERING SERVICE PROMOTION ; save save save Til categories American & Quality Work Guaranteed Foreign Cars 'e save save sav ' save save save iave save save s ,ve save save sa ft first see our new fTlon. - Free Estimates Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. -12 Nnon ft 'e save save sav location So,t ■ save save save 127 E. Grand River Corner Larch ft Michigon Ave. •Bar Set ups •Take out Service ;ave save save s next to Olgas Laming 489-6577 ft 'Meeting Rooms and MONEY AND TIME Equipment with on ad in tho Business Directory PROMOTION AUTO SERVICE rr pays to read 'BRAKES SPARTAN MUFFLER CENTER 1 the w 'SHOCKS fine * FRONT ENO WORK 30% print! STUDENT DISCOUNT and ON ALL WORK the State News WITH I.D. it the finest 717 S. PENNSYLVANIA PROMOTION 487-9332 REAL ESTATE PROMOTION VI ■ This summer's Yellow Pages wey^. are 00 Woi (easy/ Into! ting (H 351-3617 iforyou IV TO ADVERTISE CALL LYNN 355-8255 The Rea Estate Place 5000 r0 (6) Guiding Light iwtajjt LOTTW Tickets T Pip Vbu set '23) Dick Cavett (10) Doctors 6:30 vAWTHIA&T (23) Bix Beiderbecke (6) CBS News Memorial Jazz Festival 3:00 (10) NBC News (12) ABC News FRANK & ERNEST' Vl (10) Another World (23) Over Easy by Bob Thoves sponsoredby: 4KM ,lAZTItomrAumAm INTERVIEWING? Better see the resume ace! TTSILILBia© O 5M»THER$, YOU Put your best foot forward! Brinjj us the basic LACK iMAfri/VATION. information for your resume and we'll do the rest! See the problem-solvers today at: KEfP IT THAT WAY. Abbey Press 547 East Grand River Across from Berkey Hall Tnn/ei 7-/+ 332-8667 NOW OPEN l _g I TO THE DROPOUTS CAMPUS PIZZA'S by Post SPOf TRAVELS WITH FARLEY New East Location by Phil Frank BUT, available on campus As late starters coming to meet the special needs of important aspects of the fellow¬ pointed out. "Mutual support campus — after working ship program is that it allows occurs, such as the special raising children - the recii the award winners to "learn to registration program for assist¬ their edu know other people who've ing first time older students." made a similar decision to The program work is volun they will fit in on campus who didn tary and done by participants in Mildred B. Erickson Fellowship encounters with other wo This is done through one the fellowship program. ypica Fund support, based on need. like themselves who are i The fellowships are possible term meetings with all the She added that, unlike members of the board of the because of voluntary contribu¬ fund and the other winners. tions and Erickson explained scholarship awards, the ft The fellowship board shares the "excellent cooperation from Since the scholarship's incep¬ ship provides counseling a: tion. the fund has given a total lal suppc: information and knowledge to the MSU Graduate School." Erickson. assistant dean o UPI Photo of 373 awards of $100 each. Life Long Education Program: Ma: i Mo. help older women with prob- Application deadline for win¬ nous recip- ter term is Sept. 30 and Dec. 30 Approximately 30 scholarships and professor of Americai Dr. Sanjay Dhande, from the University of Florida's College of Engineering, Thought and Language, re ' suppo 1 of others for spring term. holds a Passalus beetle. He is studying the leg joints with the idea of eventually lected applica designing a vehicle that will move about on legs instead of wheels. WE'RE OFFERING EL SOMBRERO! GREAT DEALS Homemade Original Mexican on SPEAKERS THIS WEEKEND Our SPECIAL COMBINATION PLATE *3.' Appetizers Machos'1 '' doz Avocodc Solod '' DON'T MISS OUT! MONTHURS SPECIAL PLATE' 1." 2 Enchiladas Mon-Thurs 11 OPEN SEVEN DAYS a.m. - or 2 Tacos WITH RICE OR BEANS 9:30 p.m. Frl. or I $of. II 2 Burritos a.m. • 3:30 a.m. ^tereo Snoppe 751 N. LARCH , wi.,,... Lansing S5S E. Grand River, East Lansing IBM NEEDS OUTSTANDING PEOPLE And we can otter outstanding career opportunities in Marketing, Engineering or Computer Science. Vie will he interviewing at Michigan State University on July 18, 1978 BRING YOUR FAMILY & FRIENDS "Iii find about IBM and let A nut us * FOOD SPECIALS ALL DAY find nut about you, sign up tor an * FOLK ENTERTAINMENT * DIXIELAND: THE GERIATRIC SIX PLUS ONE interview at the Placement Office or * THE BARRIE BROTHERS * MAGICIAN write to: I.C. Pteifter, Corporate * FOLK AND BELLY DANCING College Relations Manager, * PHOTOGRAPHER T , * OUTDOOR SIDEWALK CAFE IBM Corporation, * FRENCH FOOD One IBM Plaza, Chicago, IL 60611. BEGINNING IN THE STREET AT 4 PM AnEqu.llOrivrtini". tmpC BASTILLE BLOCK 1 MAC 351-3535