VOLUME 72 NUMBER 106 tate M#ws MONDAY. JULY 17. 1978 ' MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING MICHIGAN 48824 ] Byrd: one more slip and Young must go By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd said Sunday that U.N. Ambassador Andrew "He (Young) has made several irresponsible statements. His Young can have one more chance — but latest was of sufficient magnitude that... if he makes another should be fired if he embarrasses the United States again. one, I think he should go."—Robert Byrd Byrd, asked about Young's remark to a French newspaper that there are "hun¬ dreds. perhaps thousands" of political treatment of Russian dissidents. Saturday, Byrd refused comment on Young, prisoners in the United States, called the saying he wanted to read the full text of the comment "the most serious in a series of Byrd said he has remained silent about ambassador's remarks. But on Sunday, he said he had called President Carter and irresponsible statements" by the U.N. previous remarks by Young because of a ambassador. feeling that the ambassador "contributed a Young to tell them he could remain silent no Young made the statement while the great service to this country." longer. United States was condemning Soviet At his weekly news conference on "His recent statement was inopportune, inaccurate and incompatible with his posi¬ tion," Byrd said. "He has made several irresponsible statements," the majority leader said. "His Pope deplores latest was of sufficient magnitude that resignation should have been considered, and if he makes another one. I think he should go." Uganda's Idi Amin. however, says U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young was "telling harsh' treatment the truth" about the "oppression" of American blacks when he said there are hundreds or thousands of political prisoners in the United States. "I was very happy to hear that such comments can be made by Mr. Andrew of three Soviets Young, who is considered throughout the world to be an appointee of American imperialism and the CIA," Radio Uganda OFFICIALS REFUSE TO REVEAL DETAILS quoted President Amin as saying Sunday. Young's remarks drew the ire of U.S. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Pope Paul VI, adding his voice to the broad protest in the W est, spoke out Sunday against the convictions of three leading Soviet dissidents, calling their alleged crimes administration officials and congressmen. The broadcast, monitored in Kenya, quoted Amin as praising Young for "telling the truth" about the situation of U.S. blacks Sadat offers new ideas "ideological infractions" and their sentences too severe. Begin's thinking for him to agree In Moscow, meanwhile, the Communist Party newspaper Pravda said Americans who and exposing what Amin called America's By LARRY THORSON Egyptian Defense Minister Abdul Ghani JERUSALEM »AP» The Israeli Cabi el Gamassv last week in Salzburg. Austria. new border. On July 9. the Israe are calling for a break in trade, scientific and cultural relations with the Soviet Union pretense of human rights policies. - because of the dissident trials "are losing all sense of reality." "He has now told the world about the net said Sunday that Egyptian President Unattributed reports in the Israeli press rejected as "completely unacce Anwar Sadat offered new ideas for a said Sadat wants Israel to propose a new six point peace proposal by Sadat Without mentioning the trials. Pravda said these Americans are "forgetting that oppression of the majority of black people in America. The cries, the tortures and the Mideast peac» in his talks with Defense border between Israel and the West Bank the Egyptian called for Israel to detente and business cooperation are as necessary to the United States as to the Soviet Minister Ezer Weizman in Austria last of the Jordan River, which Israel captured the West Bank to Jordan and Union." pains they have inflicted upon the black The Washington Star quoted informed Senate sources Sunday as saying the Carter people in America for years must have week. in the 1967 Mideast War along with the Egypt. Sadat also called lor Isra administration has decided to postpone indefinitely the sale of computer technology to the tortured Mr. Andrew Young since his But officials refused to reveal any details Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula. up East Jerusalem, also conqueror about the new Egyptian proposals and the Asked his reaction to the latest Cairo Arabs in the 1967 war. Soviet Union in retaliation for the crackdown on dissidents. Senate Majority Leader appointment (to the United Nations)," Robert Byrd said Saturday the proposed sale of a Sperry Univac computer system has been Amin reportedly said. Cabinet put off further discussion of them proposals. Begin said that he "will express Egypt last December turn* "blocked," at least temporarily. Young, in an interview last week with the until next weekend, after the resumption of my opinion next Sunday." when the Cabinet Begin's plan, which would grar French newspaper Le Matin, said there are face-to face Egyptian-Israeli talks this meets again. autonomy to Palestinian Arabs in Pope Paul, in a carefully worded address to 3,000 visitors gathered outside his summer continued on page II)1 "hundreds, perhaps thousands" of people he Tuesday in Briiain. It would require a major change in i palace at Castel Candolfo, did not mention the convicted dissidents — Anatoly Shcharanskv, sentenced to 13 years at hard labor for espionage and anti-Soviet activity, would consider political prisoners in U.S. Prime Minister Menachem Begin said his and Alexander Ginzburg and Viktoras Pyatkus, sentenced to eight and 10 years, jails. government would consider the proposals The remark embarrassed the Carter "on their merits." respectively, for anti-Soviet activity. Economic talks open "We are obliged to speak about the trials for the conviction inflicted with such a great administration in the midst of its campaign A Cabinet communique issued after the severity against persons accused of ideological infractions," the pope said. "Though taking against the trials of Soviet dissidents regular Sunday meeting of government into account that when complete information is not available it is not easy to formulate Anatoly Shcharansky and Alexander Ginz¬ ministers said only that Weizman briefed judgments, nobody can fail to be impressed by the unanimous reaction I against the trials). burg. Carter on Saturday personally ex the Cabinet and that "the proposals which "Such a reaction, stimulated by the lack of publicity of the proceedings, gives the feeling pressed his displeasure to the black were presented to the defense minister will that the right of defense has not been properly safeguarded because of the disproportion existing between the crimes and the sentences." The pope said the worldwide reaction was prompted "by evidence that political opinion American diplomat. "If the U.S.A. government decides to dismiss Mr. Andrew Young from his post, be discussed at next Sunday's Cabinet meeting, at which time they will be decided upon." to immediate success cannot be persecuted and punished as a crime." the world will know that this was because Cabinet Secretary Arieh Naor refused to By GREGORY NOKES progress declined c "Is this solidarity which propagates beyond borders when human rights are involved an Mr. Andrew Young had spoken the truth to say whether the Egyptian ideas had been head in assent he walked pas". BONN. West Germany i AP» - President as abuse and interference?" Paul asked. the whole world about the U.S.A. and the conveyed to Weizman in writing when the The leaders Carter and the leaders of six other major sought an agreem Pravda said the American business community "is bristling" at suggestions that CIA," Amin was quoted as saying. defense minister talked with Sadat and which the other countries ui!. industrial nations opened an economic U.S.-Soviet trade should be cut back, and it summit conference Sunday and reported their i blamed the anti-Soviet feeling in the United almost immediate progress on a wide range United 2 States on the "military-industrial complex," of issues, including terrorism and the need which it said "is still stubbornly following to reduce oil imports. The other the road toward achieving a further German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt dis¬ Disco! increase in international tension." closed the summit agreement on new (continued on page i Administration officials said Carter also is approaches to reducing international ter rorism, a special problem for Germany and prepared to hold up approval of an exported several other conference participants, but license for Dresser Industries to build a gave no details. Such an agreement would plant in the Soviet Union to manufacture oil drilling equipment, according to another source quoted by the Star. Musical feet try be an important but surprising by-product of the summit because terrorism was not on the agenda. Reporters accompanying President Car¬ He said the agreement came at a ter to the current economic summit conference in West Germany were told Saturday that the Carter administration will dancing on wheels luncheon meeting, rather than during the formal, official talks, which opened here at Schaumberg Palace, the German chancel¬ try to obtain a reduction in Shcharansky's lor's official renaissance-style home on the sentence, and there was speculation the One thing about disco music: it makes dancing easy. In fact, it's Rhine River. The sumptuous palace was almost impossible to listen to disco and keep your feet still. United States might try to work out an The Women's Intramural Department introduced another ringed by some of the 15.000 police and exchange in which Shcharansky and Ginz¬ border guards brought to the capital for the variable Friday night that made disco dancing more interesting — burg would be traded for two Russian U.N. summit. and more fun. judging from the reactions of most of the employees arrested on spy charges in New An agreement to reduce oil imports was Jersey. participants. considered in advance to be the key to a They boogied on wheels, and they liked it. successful summit, the fourth such confer¬ White House press secretary Jody Powell The event was an experiment by Carol Harding, department said he knew ence of the leading, non Communist nations nothing about such prisoner- director, who said a disco roller party has been a dream of hers for in four years. trade efforts, and that it was premature to a long time. be negotiating on Shcharansky's behalf. Speaking for the leaders of all seven But disco roller skating presented some technical problems for nations. Schmidt told reporters the summit the Women's IM Building and some financial ones for the At the economic summit in Bonn, West participants were near final agreement on a German sources said the nine-nation Euro¬ department. Friday night was a trial run to see if the idea looked "joint strategy" to deal with sluggish feasible as a regularly-scheduled activity for fall and winter pean Common Market hopes to issue a joint economic growth, unemployment, and infla¬ terms. statement on the issue of human tion. He also predicted agreement on rights in Based on initial response, Harding decided that it does indeed Eastern international monetary problems, trade Europe. look feasible. problems and other economic ills. The sources said consultations were under The Instructional Media Center rented the sound system and He said the conference, which was way among Common Market members on an MSU alumnus now working as a disc jockey in Chicago made Stole News lyn Howes marked by advance bickering over respon¬ the statement, which was expected to the disco tape as a personal favor to Harding. Disco skaters enjoy the three-hour free-for-all sibility for a steep decline in the value of the deplore the sentences assessed the Soviet One of the big questions was how the skates, provided by Friday in the women's IM. U.S. dollar, had proceeded in a "a relaxed dissidents. The nine countries feel the Cheap Skates, would work on the old wooden floor of the Upper way" and "has achieved progress." sentences violated the human rights provi¬ Gymnasium. The chancellor said the precise agree sions of the 1975 Helsinki agreement on The skates are designed for outdoor skating with wheels by keeping admission free, cutting the usual skate rental fee i ments would be included in a communique European security and cooperation. resembling skateboard wheels, said Sue Bellingham, one of the 10 half (from $1 to 50 cents an hour) and opening the event to the to be issued at the summit's close on In Cheap Skates owners. community. Monday. Carter returns to Washington Canberra, Australia, Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser joined the international Stopping distances were longer than regular roller skating and About 60 people showed, which was more than twice the Monday evening. the speed was fast, but the dancers adjusted to conditions quickly number she expected. Schmidt said he anticipated a statement protest, condemning what he called perse¬ after a close call or two. cution of human rights leaders in the Soviet "If we can do this well on a beautiful night in the middle of "on the need to reduce the volume of And if the adjustment was impossible, Cheap Skates offered a summer, we should be able to do a really good job. if not expand, Union. imported oil" and that such a reduction unique alternative. Skaters were free to skate right out the door in fall and winter," Harding said. would "play a very important role" in Fraser, a conservative, said the Kremlin at any time at a $5 charge for skates rented overnight. "I'd eventually like to do something with lights and the whole easing economic difficulties in the major failed to show it was serious about reaching a Harding's second concern was the crowd size a disco skating shot," she continued. "Can you imagine skating competing with nation. "global accommodation" with the West, and party could pull at MSU. She aimed for a rock-bottom indication roundball?" Carter, asked during a break in the that the world is witnessing a new phase in meeting whether he was satisfied with the Soviet persecution of dissidents. 2 Michigon Stote News, Eost Lonsing, Michigon Monday, July 17, 1978 Peace talks move from London LONDON (API - British and The substitute site is Leeds a former Iraqi prime minister problem there." They refused to say whether American security officials, Castle in Kent County, some 45 was assassinated a week ago. U.S. and British officials, new intelligence information miles southeast of Ixmdon, said about possible terrorist activity fearing Arab terrorist attacks, Earlier Sunday in Bonn, confirming the decision to shift made hurried preparations the sources, American officials West Germany, where Vance the conference away from the caused the decision to shift the who asked not to be identified. site of the talks. Sunday to shift the site of this accompanied President Carter sprawling 489-room Churchill weeks Mideast peace talks The only access to the castle is to an economic summit meet¬ Hotel, said there had been "It has been decided to switch from a l/ondon hotel to a a drawbridge. ing. another U.S. official said of concern from the outset about the venue for reasons of pru¬ moat ringed castle in the Secretary of State Cyrus R. the scheduled London talks: security and that it had intensi¬ dence," said a spokesperson for English countryside. Vance and Foreign Ministers "We've got a heck of a security fied over the past few days. the British Foreign Office. The Israeli Cabinet reported, Moshe Dayan of Israel and Ways found to end Thai-Cambodian fighting meanwhile, that it had received Mohammed Ibrahim Kamel of new peace proposals from Egypt and their top aides STUDY CRITICAL OF CARTER would remain there through¬ BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) — Prime has continued along the border since the Egyptian President Anwar Sadat but that it would defer out their two-day conference. Minister Kriangsak Chomonon met Sun¬ Communist takeover of Cambodia in taking public stand on them On their arrival in Britain, day with Cambodian Foreign Minister leng Sary and said afterward that 1975. leng Sary who ends his four-day visit a until after this week's talks in Britain. Israeli officials would they would be shuttled by helicopter to the castle, begin¬ Arms policy record hit measures' were found to end the bloody Monday said the border fighting was the give no details of the proposals. ning Monday afternoon with fighting on the Thai-Cambodian border. result of "misunderstandings," but he did WASHINGTON tAP) - The sales. of restraint on the part of the Sources said Prime Minister Dayan. then Kamel and. in the The prime minister told reporters after not elaborate. James Callaghan's government evening. Vance. Carter administration has had a The administration "had United States would be viewed the five-hour meeting that he could not Kriangsak said he had accepted an concluded it could not guaran¬ "It's 99 percent certain that's "questionable record" of carry¬ found itself supporting arms by the Soviet Union and its guarantee peace would come to the invitation to visit Phnom Penh, the tee the safety of the U.S.. where we'll have the talks." ing out the highly restrictive sales in furtherance of treaty arm producing allies, or embattled border area, "but time will Cambodian capital, but no Israeli and Egyptian delega¬ said a U.S. official as prepara overseas arms sales policy it commitments ito South Korea), France, or other nations in the date had been tions proceeded for shifting the has set for itself, according to a to retain good relations with West as a model to be followed tell. fixed. He also said leng Sary accepted the tions whose meeting, beginning negotiations away from the study released Sunday. countries holding important as¬ rather than as a unique oppor¬ He said he and the Cambodian official idea of an exchange of ambassadors. Tuesday, was to have been held found measures on both sides to bring Thailand has no formal relations with in a nine-story luxury hotel in Churchill Hotel in the Mayfair Published by the Brookings sets tlran), to fulfill commit¬ tunity to obtain new influence the center of London. area, not far from a hotel where Institution, a private research ments made in return for base and customers." peace to the border."' Sporadic fighting Cambodia now. The authors say group, the study says it is rights iSpain) and to support the United doubtful the administration's Israel." States faces serious risks in its performance will be much dif¬ The study adds, "there is decision to open a military Renewed war against Samoliu threatened Backers foresee ferent from the Ford admini¬ stration's because of a similar nothing to suggest that a policy supply relationship with Egypt. interpretation of U.S. interest. ROME (AP) — An Ethiopian govern¬ province of Eritrea. Ironically, two of the authors spokesperson threatened renewed The Carter administration has recent¬ of the mildlv-critical study. 'New Deal is dead:9 ERA extension ment war against Somalia Sunday, saying ly deployed about 60 military advisers Philip J. Farley and William H. Ethiopia's eastern neighbor is being along with Arab advisers," Girma said. Lewis, are now high State provocative "beyond limits and that He offered no evidence or further Department officials. They WASHINGTON iAP) Backers of resolution to extend the progressive activist — a were senior fellows at Brook efforts to resettle war-displaced resi¬ elaboration. deadline for ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment say they are the • of their ings dents of the Ogaden region are being looking for a narrow victory in a committee vote Tuesday, but do •ting. hampered by the wanton acts of So¬ In Washington State Department not expect the seven year extension they wanted. i Brookings ST. PAUL. Minn. (API - Progressive activists, thrown onto the malia." spokesperson Ken Brown said he has Rep. Don Edwards. D Calif., said he will support an amendment defensive by taxpayer that is expected to be offered to extend the ratification period by- resistance to expensive government Maj. Girma Neway head of the absolutely no information" on U.S. Kaplan. three or four years rather than by seven years. He said he believed programs, say they hope to develop a "new generation" of Ethiopian Revolutionary Information military advisers in Eritrea. A spokesper¬ The report notes that within government policy that will fit the public's restless mood. Center, also claimed that Washington son for the Defense Deportment said: the shorter extension would win approval. a few months after President "The New Deal is dead." said Tom Ilavden, a California activist. We have nothing that would verify that Another source described supporters of the resolution as has sent U.S. military advisers to help the Carter said in May 1977 that "The enormous super structure of the welfare state was ended at "reasonably confident" of winning the shorter extension in the separatist rebels in Ethiopia s northern House Judiciary Committee vote. The civil and constitutional U.S. arms transfers would be the hands of California taxpayers on June 6th." "an exceptional foreign policy rights subcommittee, of which Edwards is chairperson, approved We have an opportunity and an ability to solve problems," he instrument." the administra the seven year extension 4-3. told reporters, characterizing the California tax revolt as "a tion had sent to Congress 45 New weapons being used in terrorists war In an Associated Press poll, four members of the 34-member requests to authorize arms legitimate grassroots populist revolt against stupidity in committee said they were inclined to vote for a shorter extension government." sales totaling $4.1 billion. although they would not vote for a seven-year extension. Edwards Less than tenth of the sales The four-day National Conference on Alternative State and Local ISTANBUL Turkey (AP) Poisonous odd it, a - in Gencalp said in a telephone had previously counted 16 votes, two short of a majority, in favor Public Policies, a gathering of 550 officeholders and political snakes and booby-trapped were earmarked for countries cigarettes are interview from his vacation home in of the seven-year extension. activists, ended Sunday after a the latest weapons being used in not subject to Carter's policy of full weekend of discussion of southern Turkey. But a spokesperson for Rep. Tom Railsback, R-Ill., said innovative policy approaches. restraint: The NATO countries. Turkey's continuing terrorist war be¬ He Railsback does not believe an extension can win approval unless opened the box, then closed the lid Japan. Australia and New Zea These approaches, which the policymakers say cost the tween right-wing and leftist extremists. quickly when he saw the hissing head of legislatures that have already ratified the ERA are given an taxpayers little, include using public-employee pension funds to land. one of two snakes. opportunity to rescind their action. Railsback said he will offer an stimulate urban investments; channeling government deposits to The serpents were sent in a mail parcel Gencalp said. He amendment to allow them to do this. The summoned police who determined that study credits the admini lending institutions whose investments complement city develop¬ to llhami Gencalp. a leftist and former The original seven-year period for ratifying the amendment, stration with good intentions ment plans: requiring business firms to give advance notification the snakes were of a poisonous variety. labor leader. prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex, runs out next March but says it faces pressures to before shutting down major plants and creating community They said they believed it was the first 22. Approval by 38 states is needed for ratification. "I first thought it could be a parcel time such i' past patterns of arms development corporations to redevelop troubled neighborhoods. a bizarre assassination tech¬ bomb, but when I shook it a bit it gave me nique had been used in Turkey's years- the impression thot there was something long political wars. Voters jam polling places in Ecuador QUITO. Ecuador (AP) — Voters Adm. Alfredo Poveda Burbano, head jammed polling places across this mili¬ of the ruling military junta, has pledged tary-ruled country Sunday to elect a to turn the government over to the president for the first time in 10 years as Ecuador joins a handful of Latin American We are committed to respect the nations taking cautious steps toward a results, whoever wins," he said on return to civilian democracy. notional television and radio networks. The election intended to end eight Only 898,475 votes were cast in the last years of authoritarian control, was election, when President Jose Maria expected to draw 1.8 million of the Velasco Ibarra won office. A heavier vote country's 2.19 million voters. They will be was predicted this time partly because of electing a president, vice president, a new election law requiring both men mayors, provincial prefects and munici¬ and women to vote. Women previously pal and provincial councilmembers. voted voluntarily. CIA involvement in Angolan War questioned WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senote concluded, after a secret year-long study Intelligence Committee has been looking that Kissinger and Colby had misled into the possibility that former Secretary Congress on the matter. of State Henry A. Kissinger and one-time He said the committee expected to CIA Director William E. Colby misled conclude a study on the matter shortly. Congress about the extent of CIA But he acknowledged that a version of activities in the 1975 Angolan civil war. the study had been sent to the White A spokesperson for the committee. House and the CIA for comment. Spencer Davis, said Sunday. "The review Members of the committee reached by process is still underway, and we are The Associated Press — Sens. Daniel receiving additional documentation Inouye, D-Hawaii; Clifford Case. R-N.J.; which we will take into account." and James Pearson, R-Kon. — declined He refused to confirm a report in The comment on the story. Other committee New York Times that the committee had members could not be reached. Couple goes to court in baby-death ease NEW YORK (AP) - Ethical and legal arbitrarily" destroyed in 1973, three days dilemmas posed by so-called "test-tube before it was to be implanted ih Mrs. Del babies" will surface in court Monday Zio's womb. when a Florida couple seeks damages from a doctor they claim destroyed their Lesley Brown, a British housewife, is progeny. waiting to give birth within the next few John and Doris Del Zio, of Fort weeks in Oldham, England, to a child Lauderdale, Flo., seek $1.5 million from who was fertilized in a laboratory. If Mrs. Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center Brown corries successfully to term, it is and its former chief of obstetrics and believed it will be the first case of a gynecology, charging that a laboratory- laboratory-fertilized human egg being fertilized embryo was "maliciously and carried to birth. Michigon Stole News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 17 1978 FIDDLERS YOUNG AND OLD Logan Corridor plan Contest attracts bluegrass fans By MICHAEL MEGERIAN State New® Staff Writer sters to old timers, converged Sunday on the Ingham County Fairgrounds in Mason to crowd, contestants gathered behind stage, running through their licks just one more Some of the contestants chose to perform original compositions. Russ Nelson, a action now probable One Univox amplifier powered it all. participate in the fair's third annual fiddle- time. Lansing barber, practically stole the show It was standing right next to a bale of hay, playing contest. "You're too sharp," someone yelled. with his Nelson Two-Step. located behind a long two-by • four which held While the Other Side of the Mountain The contest, sponsored by the Central By LINDA BRAY "We used to get together in Russ' The controversial $27 to $30 million Logan Corridor proposal may finally be resolv the microphones. Boys, a local five-piece bluegrass band, Michigan Antique Tractor and Engine Club, barbershop," said W.T. White, who accom¬ tonight in the Lansing City Council. Seven contestants, ranging from young¬ performed old favorites for the sparse was open to anyone, said Ron Smith, The proposal includes plans to widen a portion of Logan Street to six lanes and mu. • chairperson of the contest. panied Nelson on dulcimer. "Sometimes we'd have a jam session." 250 families from their homes. "Anyone who wants to play can," he said. Couneilmember Jack Gunther said there will be Nelson, who also ran through such songs no excuse if acceptance or rejection Smith said the contest was just part of a as Mexican Waltz and the Joys of Quebec, the Logan proposal is not decided tonight. weekend show at the fairgrounds, including said he's been playing fiddle for about 45 Because of absences on the part of various councilmembers in the past, the issue ha- never been voted on by the council. Gunther said, "at this point it'd be just sheer procrastination," if the council doe<- n-u "I've been playing on and off." he said. decide the issue. An MSU professor even got into the act. The council is now split on the Logan issue, with Mayor Gerald Graves in support of An MSU professor even got Robert Wilson, professor of education, the widening. Alternatives to the Logan Street widening would be to implement into the oct. Robert Wilson, joined the Other Side of the Mountain Boys left-turn signals to ease traffic flow or to do nothing. professor of education, in January and was with them Sunday on Gunther said the current proposal is a recommendation from a city task force and : in¬ joined the Other Side of the mandolin. state Highway Department and He added that the council did was referred to the council last fall. Mountain Boys in January "I've been playing about 20 years," he not even put it on the agenda last Monday night because said. "I've performed with the boys around nothing was decided in a committee session the Thursday before. and was with them Sunday At the committee meeting on Thursday. Alan Tubbs. of the City Planning Michigan a bit." on mandolin. "I've been Department, said if the widening proposal is not accepted it would be inconsistent Wilson, who also plays guitar, said he with Lansing's 20-year projected growth policy. ploying about 20 years," he continues to play because it gives him a good "The issue is. should we continue with the balanced growth policy or abandon that for a said. "I've performed with feeling. no growth policy. If growth doesn't occur." he said, "there's no need to do anything the boys around Michigan "If I stop playing," he said, "I'm back at it Michael Farrell. a Lansing residential at the Thursday committee session he also ha*- in a few months." a bit." questions for Lansing's future. He said he did not think enough attention has beer The crowd, shading themselves from the focused on the energy-crisis aspect of the road widening. afternoon sun, sat patiently during each He said fuel shortages in the future might even make such proposed road widening*- performance. Their attention was soon obsolete. He opposed the Logan proposal and concluded, "perhaps we should thank t hi drawn towards 12-year-old Jamie Dennis, a city and thank the state for those dollars and send them packing." a tractor show and a flea market. multi-instrumentalist who entertained the Couneilmember Terry McKane argued that the council may need to compromise «tr. crowd with his version of Kentucky Waltz. the Logan proposal. Participants in the fiddle contest were He noted that the proposal might pass with only five votes. required to perform three songs — a waltz, a Dennis, who plays seven instruments, But. he added. "If there is any time along the line where we'll need six votes tor was watched closely by 62-year-old Rollie jig and a hoedown. The performances were transfer of funds or anything, we'll have to reach a compromise somewhere." rated by a three-judge panel, located among Wilborn, who calmly played his Jew's harp the spectators about halfway up the in the pavillion behind the stage. grandstand. "This is my only instrument." he said. Tax proposals necessitate voter knowledge amendment, which also ties state taxes and spending to the cost of living and the person Michigan property taxpayers have some serious studying to do between now and income of November if the two tax limitation proposals have enough valid signatures to be put on Michigan residents. The so-called Tisch amendment, in comparison, would specifically decrease proper' the ballot. The two tax proposals, the so-called Tisch and Headlee amendments, were petitioned taxes by 50 percent of the assessment value and limit increases in property assessmc to over 2 percent per year. to the public and are now awaiting validation from the Board of State Canvassers. The deadline for the petitions was last Monday. Tisch's proposal, which is far more severe than Headlee's, would limit state incorr The Taxpayers United for Tax Limitation, headed by Farmington Hills insurance taxes so the state Legislature could not increase the personal income levied by more th: 1 percent. executive Richard Headlee. aroused the second tax proposal less than three months ago It would also provide an optional 1 percent local income tax for school operations by the Coalition for Property Tax Reform under the direction of Robert Tisch. Shiawassee County Drain Commissioner. Though Headlee pointed out that his proposal will not cut back vital needs and servio nor eliminate proper and needed tax credits, like California's Proposition 13. it w Both proposals would take the form of amendments to the state constitution provided either or both are put on the November ballot and passed. probably disappoint many Michigan taxpayers, according to several governme: The so-called Headlee amendment would provide that if property assessments in a city departments. The so-called Tisch amendment, which has less assurance of a place on the Novemh rise faster that inflation, the property taxes in the entire city would be rolled back ballot because of its later start, has been opposed by all state officials. uniformly through a millage reduction. Patterned after Proposition 13. Tisch, said the California constitutional referendum h Slate News Susan Tuso By this provision, the amendment states that the total property taxes of an entire local allowed people to see. feel and anticipate a state government that will serve the peop Ruts Nelson performs one of three songs he did Sunday at the Ingham government would not be allowed to rise faster than inflation as determined by the consumer price index. rather than the legislative "dead end bureacracy." County Fair's third annual fiddle contest. Nelson, who is a barber, State officials, however, seem to feel the similiarity between Tisch's proposal ar "Property taxes and other local taxes and state taxation and spending may not be grabbed first-place honors in the over-60 age category. increased above the limitations specified without direct voter approval." Headlee states Howard Jarvis' Proposition 13 would endanger many of the services paid for \ Local voters would have more control over school millages under the Headlee Michigan's property tax payers. Large Bean Bags for Fun Sitting -Produce- •In Store Coupons Scotch Pok Ice Cream All Flavors • Vi Gallon77 Save 50' Vine Ripe Tomatoes 57' lb Open Pit Barbeque Souce Regular Only 18 ox Bottle u Save 30 Fresh Florida Limes 7* each Watermelon • 18-22 Average 1 49 On east side of MSU ot 1109 Save 50 East Grand River. Open Mon.-Thur. 9 am-10 pm Limit 1 Please Fri.&Sat. 9am-10pm •General Merchandise HI Dri Paper Towels Jumbo Roll Wastebaskets Assorted Colors 3/100 Laundry baskets Save 47' 'Meat VW Shock Special Dlshpans Limit 3 with 5°° Food Purchase USDA Choice Ground 1 39 From now until July 31 buy 3 BOGE shocks Prize Beef Round Steak I lb for regular Beetle at our low price of '8°° each and get the 4th one FREE. GOOD with coupon only rBakery USDA Choice Ground 1I 59 July 17 thru July 31 Prize Beef Boneless or Rotisserie Roast lb ShopRito Jumbo Whlto Broad 2 /88* Both Goodrich's 8 Lorry's Ovon Frosh American Meal Broad 59* have Package Liquor 8 USDA Choice Ground (cut from Sirloin Tip) The Beetle Shop Ovon Frosh Splco Layor Cako 89' full selection of your Prize Beef Boneless Sizzle Steak J 89 Lonsing's oldest independent VW repair shop Favorite Beer 8 Wine Ground Prize Beef Tender Cube Steak J 89 tiMi mm 1400E. Cavanaugh 393-1S90 Att h I 081 .Grocery. Thank You Tomato Julca 32 oi Jar 37' Bil-Mar Mr. Turkey Franks l#Pkg 88c Bil-Mar Mr. Turkey Domino Sugar • Confoctlonors It. Brown • Dork Brown I# Boy 33' Boneless Turkey Ham • 2# Ave I88, Archway Homo Stylo Cookios WOMIN AM DIFHMNT 10- off Regular Price 69'& 79' Spartan Sliced Bologna (not necessarily better. . . 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Open Monday • Thursdoy 9 om-9 pm Saluto Frozen Pizzas 9 am-10 pm Friday t Saturday Sausage er Pepperonl 21 or 23 or Pkg llam-5 pm Sunday frank shorter sports 351-5760 . 217 Ann St. Young's blunt honesty; ill-timed and refreshing Andrew Young just does not Soviet repression, and Young fundamental American principles. seem to be able to get the hang of suddenly pops up and makes Like the definition of freedom, for the president look like a two-faced instance. Young is still basically political jargon. It is not that he is inept or dishonest or even overly fool. It is the kind of coincidence the same man who sat in a jail cell truthful, he just speaks in English that makes old-time red-baiters with Martin Luther King. And wonder just whose side Young is that says it all. everyone understands. In news¬ paper terms, he makes good copy. really on. But there are many among us For instance, if one of President If anything. Young loves this with very poor memories. Some Carter's many other aides had country too much. Loves it so have suggested — and even been asked the same question much that he just can not help but demanded - that Young quit or Young was asked by the French speak up when he sees something be fired for "slandering" the Socialist Paper, Le Matin, his that he considers contrary to United States. Ironically, this answer probably would have been term has been the same one used the same. However, we probably by Soviet prosecutors in the purge would never have recognized it of their dissidents. In fact, the since it undoubtedly would have mentality exhibited by some — been couched in terms designed to usually the staunchest anti- confuse and placate. Consider: Soviets — is remarkably similar to President Carter did not condemn the mentality of the Russians. It is Young for saying things that were not the anti-American dissidents patently false — as some reaction¬ that we are fearful of — they have ary legislators have done — he told their place in America. It is the Young he was unhappy with his people who would do away with choice of words. Implying, of course, that Young could have said the same thing but in such a way them in the name of American ideals. It is the same type of mentality that sentences two men Shcharansky a martyr that media people would not have considered it a prime story. to 15 years in the federal peneten- tiary for espionage in a time when there is no war. It is the same type for freedom of dissent Young, in addition to being guilty of blunt honesty, must also of mentality that would take The Soviets have sentenced prominent dissident U.S. and the U.S.S.R. be held accountable for his terrible baseball bats to Nazis or blacks or It is hard to argue with Carter's stance, despite the Anatoly Shcharansky to 13 years in prison and labor sense of timing. There was Carter, Andrew Young Jews. It is truly the un-American camps on charges of "treason, espionage, and possibility that it might prove diplomatically in the midst of his condemnation of mentality. Yet they have their anti-Soviet agitation," and what can we do about it? perilous for the U.S. We join him in denouncing this place in America also. Talk about a feeling of futility! The U.S. atrocity which the Soviets have perpetrated against Carter showed admirable cour¬ government is looking to get him released from the the forces of free public opinion in the world. age in the face of his detractors by U.S.S.R., or else get his sentence reduced. But the Shchransky, who in reality deserves nothing less real likelihood of this move getting any results seems The sticking by the side of his United than a ticker-tape parade down New York's Fifth State News Nations ambassador, although we dim indeed. Avenue for his fearless dissent against the would have been elated over a pat Despite the charges which the Soviets have repressive acts of the Soviet government leveled at Monday, July 17. 1978 on the back for his honesty instead leveled against Shcharansky, the real reason he Soviet Jewry, is instead forced to spend the next 13 Editorials are the opinions of the State News Viewpoints, co/umns and of the wrist-slap he received. seems to have been jailed is his prominent activities years —13 of what could have been the most fruitful letters are personal opinions Carter is, after all, a politician and on behalf of Soviet Jews who seek to emigrate to years of a man in the prime of life — in Soviet prisons Editorial Department as such is extremely, even painful¬ Israel. and work camps, the Gulag of writer Alexander In his statements on the trial. President Carter James L Smiih Entertainment Ed tic Dave D.Mortmo ly aware of gestures and symbols Solzhenitsyn's nightmares. Dcvd Misialowski Sports Editor Mike Klocke that must be maintained. And in a has shown an unwillingness to cater to the Soviets Kim SHonohon Layout Editor Deboroh Heywood for the sake of the precarious eroding detente, or for In faraway Israel, his wife Avital lives a life apart, Michelle Chambers Copy Chief Kenneth E Parker political sense the wrist-slap is the current SALT negotiations. What his remarks — a world apart. In Russia, his family, friends, and Potricia LaCrout Staff Representativ perfectly understandable. In the long run, Young's state¬ generally to the effect that Shkharansky is innocent sympathizers weep — not just for him, but for ments will probably have a more of any espionage and that the Soviet charges against themselves. Forthe Soviets, through this trial, have Advertising Department made clear where they stand on the issue of the positive effect on Third World him are false — suggest is once again that Carter is Bob Shatter Assistant CmaSpaniolo Advertising Manager countries than even the cheapest unwilling to modify his human rights stance for the emigration of Soviet Jews: shut up or you get thrown armaments ever could- sake of international political relations between the in prison, sent to Siberia, or just executed. KIM SHANAHAN DttSUflT! Let it be Lowenbrau subliminal effects on purchasing behavior. Subliminal has However, this has not stopped advertisers from believing in and using subliminal Migaldi hit the the same law firm. Being the big man he was, he decided he techniques. The Federal Communications It sure is a good thing journalists don't run newspapers. For become blatant Commission responded in a public notice to nail on the head instance, as the opinion editor of the State News I usually get all shouldn't cast the deciding vote since he was so close to the issue. complaints from broadcasters of the words kinds of off-the-wall mail from all manner of people and concerns. Actually his bigness was a vote for Miller because the deadlock "Get It" subliminally displayed in a film Renaldo Migaldi's piece on the Nazi None of it is ever addressed to me, of course, and most of it goes to continued - and continues. Meanwhile Miller is still telling people Regarding Barbara Evans' letter of July to "Let it be Lowenbrau" and at the same time it is not letting television commercial. Most recently demonstration in Chicago ("The '70s: the a real news editor first. If it doesn't make any sense to them they Vhile it is true that ".subliminal" advertis- ' Washington Post. May 12. 1978) reported final end of innocence." July 14.1978) is one give it to the opinion desk. Nice system. anything be Lowenbrau. So what, you say, a beer is a beer. And you're probably right. ng does not refer to information that is on the attempted use of subliminal mes¬ of the most balanced and insightful dissec¬ Anyway, one of the latest tidbits came from some unknown tions of the situation I have read in either But doesn't it sorta tick you off/ It really does to me, which brings onsciouslv perceived, it is not true that "it sages in a newscast in an attempt to affect person or group who sent in a reprint from The New Republic us back to my original point: it is a good idea that people like vas never considered workable and never the behavior of a murder suspect. the local or national press. magazine entitled, "Frothing and Foaming" and subtitled; "Start •ven remotely proven effective." Several And contrary to popular opinion, there I look forward to more of his sensitive Crying In Your Beer." The author, Eliot Marshall, obviously has myself don't run newspapers. are no laws or regulations to prevent the and responsible social-political commen¬ something against deceptive advertising since he took all this time Why? Because if I was running this paper I would never let jxperiments have demonstrated the effec- someone as deceitful as the Miller Brewing Company grace the iveness of subliminal perception in altering use of subliminal techniques. tary. and energy to expose the fact that Lowenbrau beer is not made in Joey Reagan pages of this paper. Or feminine hygiene products. Or deodorants, ■onscious response. No research has yet Germany anymore. iemonstrated. one wav or the other. 513 Dorothy So what, you say, neither is Stroh's. ithpaste, sun-tan lotion, paraquat test kits, pregnancy test kits and c But according to Marshall, who is backed up by the Federal The point is: I would have a real problem trying to draw the line. Trade Commission, Lowenbrau, unlike Stroh's, is still made and I'd throw out one advertiser and then someone like Eliot Marshall marketed in Germany for beer-drinking Germans. Sound a little VIEWPOINT: Taxation confusing? Like, how can Lowenbrau not made in Germany still be would come along and convince me to throw out another, then another and on and on. Before long — so the line of logic goes — made in Germany? According to Marshall and the FTC, that confusion is just the point. respectable business people would start hearing rumors that my See, what happened was that the Miller Brewing Company, a paper was down on advertisers and would be skeptical about Taxes to the point where subsidiary of the Phillip Morris conglomerate, bought the name, bottle style, packaging technique and label from the Lowenbrau running their ads in my paper. Before long the advertising base would be dissolved and I'd be facing financial ruin. I'd have to resort to sensationalism to attract readers, since my paper would company in Germany and started putting Miller beer in cost about a $1, and before long my conscience would get to me for German-style bottles. Miller even bought the use of the brewing the next straw is the last awards the original German beer had won to use in its ads. Some FTC staff people tried to do something about the thing but prostituting my ethics and god, the only way out would be ... No! I can't do it. Oh well, we got to make money so people like you can read this found loyal Millerites in their midst. See, there were only four commissioners at the time the staff people sent up their tripe. (You will be happy to know this paper makes money far By JAMES McNALLY Every issue seems to create a new department in the recommendations. Oddly enough, two of the four used to work for better than it does anything else.) And besides, I could never Why don't I like high taxes? It's not a greedy desire for my own government. These disorganizations are seldom disbanded. afford Lowenbrau any way so what do I care? To all you a law firm that represented Phillip Morris. Naturally enough, money. If I felt that the government properly spent the money I see egotistic mayors put their names on buses and signs at Lowenbrau drinking chumps who thought you were being a cut there was a split decision, so Miller deceived on. When the fifth given it. I wouldn't mind paying taxes. But I feel cheated now. unnecessary cost to the taxpayers. Friends and cronies are hired to above the rest of us Pabst type-drinkers: Ha! It serves you right. r finally showed up, it turned out he used to work for I don't like the idea of welfare money being paid out to the type, plan bicentennial celebrations, and act as advisers when more employed at General Motors or the Department of Social Services. I suitable non-partisans exist. don't mind helping the truly needy; I believe it is a proper function Slow mail service is no bargain, especially at higher rates. of the State. The government bails out Lockheed. It ignores New York City, telling the Big Apple to learn how to balance DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau Senate subcommittees make reports to Senate subcommittees on a budget. And the their investigations of Senate subcommittees. Sometimes I feel that federal deficit rises as the Treasury prints new money. i've got iwojim eliminating Congress would eliminate Congress' problems. I don't enjoy receiving stacks of mail from incumbent candidates what is some pur- oh..thanks. rjley, sir. 1 ASSISTANT? KNOU), SIR. 11^3 I don't like the condition of many roads where chuckholes are sent courtesy of the "franking privilege." The mass media is quite 1 am ASK I WAS JUST it,kid? Chase orders who mm I'm your ; ignored and small cracks are filled in just the right manner to make able to report important events. \ foryouto ANYWAY? NEWAYSEAS- FOR ANYAs- TOLD TO RE¬ them large cracks. Money is paid to study frisbees. si6n, mr. TAtfT. SISTANT! PORT TO The Social Security system is far from self-sufficient. Too much I'm willing to pay a fair price for the services I receive. But right money is lost in bureaucratic paperwork. The tax is raised but now, I don't think the present tax structure serves as an accurate Americans on fixed incomes complain that they can't keep up with reflection of current government service. I can't support the inflation. present system. On the hottest day the garbage workers go on strike. And when it I don't think so many people really support the "Tisch snows, sidestreets remain covered. Amendment" itself. Most petition signers probably don't know its When my money goes to buy police service, I expect the service wording. But it is more than a petition. It is a mandate to the to be adequate. I expect personnel to be educated and trained. I legislatures on both levels to cut spending by eliminating outdated don't want low test scores, trigger-happy rookies, or budget-based and useless programs and trimming the fat off all others. Perhaps excuses. And when adequate service is provided, I don't like drastic measures are needed to make that mandate heard. bribing other law enforcement agencies to keep them happy and off the freewavs. McNally is a Senior motoring in Business Administration Michigan State News, Eost lonsing, Michigan Monday My I.' |»76 5 'Indexation' proposed to fight inflation our $1,110 r After taxes and inflation adjustments, it went down 3 percent By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS "Ugh to offs Second ii es threaten to disappear. Pay raise p swallowed Here are some examples of how the tax bracket creep now works, according to calculations by the Tax Foundation. Supposi Blame it on inflation. Inflation which not only boosts prices, but you earned $15,000 last year. You're married, with two children Willis D. ( also pushes wage earners into higher tax brackets without only one spouse works. Assume you got a raise equal to the rate n inflation the government is predicting for 1978 - 7.4 percent. Youi lexing syst increasing their buying power. •rackets, (it 1978 earnings would be $16,610, up $1,110. Marv and Nancy Ballentyne of Denver are among the victims. In theory, you should be able to keep pare with rising prices. It Mrs. Ballentyne would like to go back to work as a teacher, but she worries that the extra income will be eaten up by taxes. She takes practice, however, taxes will slow you down. Your federal inconu Iter adjust!' tax bill goes up $239; you pay $97 more in Swial Security. Means consolation, she says, from one thought: "Teachers don't make that much money." Periodic tax cuts can take some of the sting out of the situation. But a growing number of people are arguing - unsuccessfully so far — that we need a more predictable way to avoid penalizing families whose incomes keep pace with inflation. Most of the attention has been centered on a concept called Study cites lack of representation "indexation" which would directly link income tax brackets and By CHRIS PARKS exemptions in inflation, as measured by the Consumer Price LANSING (UPI) State Licensing Director William Ballenger Index. Canada adopted such a policy four years ago, but key — said minorities and women are poorly represented in professions Congressional leaders in the United States oppose it. and occupations licensed by the state. Ballentyne heads the appraisal department at a large savings e News/Jean Moore and loan organization. His wife says she tries not to think about Of 32 professions studied only two had a higher percentage of minorities than the state work force as a whole. In only six was the Bastille Day was celebrated on M.A.C. Avenue the steadily-growing bite taxes have taken as the family's annual Friday, with festivities ranging from belly dancers income has risen to $25,000. percentage of women higher than the overall ligure. to disco dancers, with even a few Spanish flamenco Figures compiled by the non-profit Tax Foundation, Inc., show Ballenger was sharply critical of the state's professional that from fiscal 1972 to fiscal 1977, median family income — before societies and labor unions for erecting legal barriers for those dancers thrown in for variation. federal taxes and adjustments for inflation - went up 47 percent. trying to break into their professional domains. Pastor crucifies fM 1 -STOP SHOPPING SAVES MONEY, TIME, ENERGY self for protest By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS f A SAMPLE t°hfe SAVINGS! OAKLAND, Calif. I API - The Rev. Willie Dicks carefully staged his own crucifixion in a city park to publicly express his disgust with unsafe streets and to plea for an end of crime. PRICES GOOD THRU SATURDAY JULY 11,1978. AAEIJER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO LIAAIT| Hut another clergyman suggested Dicks' action was a publicity SALES ACCORDIHG TO SPECIFIED EIIAITS. HO SALES TO DEAIER5, INSTITUTIONS OR* Mint' and was "demeaning to the spirit of Christ." DISTRIBUTORS. I Wearing a hooded, white cotton gown, Dicks carried the 9-by-12 foot wooden cross to a tree at Arroyo Viejo Park on Saturday. He then shed his robe and reclined against the leaning cross. Dicks. 37. said he wasn't wearing a crown of thorns, as Christ did more than 2,000 years ago. because "I'm not the King." l ive Oakland police officers were assigned to the site, but a •Towd of reporters and photographers outnumbered onlookers. I >icks, who said he is pastor of the St. Johns Missionary Baptist Church in San Jose, told his attendant, James V. Fuller, where to place the nails. He warned him not to "miss the nail and hit my hand I don't want no broken bones." The nails, which had been immersed in a disinfectant, were pounded into the fleshy parts between Dicks' big and second toes and the third and fourth fingers of each hand. Each location was marked with ink. Dicks winced as the nails were driven in. Flashes of pain reflected on his face during his 10 minutes on the JACKETS $2.50 will hold your Dicks' doctor had given him an injection to prevent infection, it choice in our was reported later. While Dicks was nailed to the cross, an attendant supported his body around the waist to take the weight off the nails. Small trickles layaway ment depart for 30 days. Choose from six M? GEMSTONEI SILVER JEWELRY KITS "I blood seeped from the wounds. An aide carved a slash into his left styles in small, sjde with a knife, but that didn't bleed. medium and large "1 would like to say from this cross that I'm disgusted that our senior citizens cannot walk through the streets of the cities they NEW SIGNAL helped to build without being robbed and raped," he told MOUTHWASH spectators. "I'm asking you here today to refrain from all crime." MACRAME SHOULDER BAG A Dicks then ordered his assistants to take him down, offered a BELT KIT BY HAZEL PEARSON •NOOfl MX 79 silent prayer at the base of the tree and left the park in a pickup HG.IS.99 S«v«|2.ft truck with his 1-year old son. 97? W 1 ticks said many cities in the San Francisco Bay area had rejected OVER 900 CUSTOM TINTS AVAIL. AT SO* ADDITIONAL COST his request for a crucifixion site. An Oakland police officer said Dicks was exercising his religious freedom and didn't need a permit. I Point Deaf. Health & Beauty Aids Dept. CAMPUS DTD i!.!.!! IVltlJtK finest meijer riNHI U.3.U.M. u.s.d.a. UIWIW choice _ _ .JMa PIZZA Monday Special FREE LITER OF COKE with every pizza . . . % BONELESS TIP ROAST f" west free east 337-1639 delivery 337-1377 iwtemacher's NEW LOCATION 213 AHX SI. - EAST UHSINB PHONE 332-0361 OPEN DAILY 9:30 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M. SATURDAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. fmmmmm* mm CUP ANDSAVE'"--"— ! Have vour auto | insurance rates | increased? S Sentry has held the linel CALL JEFF WILLIAMS 332-1838 401 W. Grand River j East Lansing ■ jL-S -SENTRY i 5125 W. SACINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA TPINSURANCE J RHW MOHRAT THRU WTWMT » AM. TO 10;30_^RA.j-_>UIIPAY_f_AjA^T0^7^AA^^Mj^.n,joj,^.Hn^on. LaaaaHHiCUPANDSAVEaBBBaaBaJ Monday, July 17, 1978 £ Michigon Stote News. Eost Lansing, Michigan 1,1 VK AT PINE KNOB Genesis: a downhill road By DAVE DiMARTINO — who's been up in front now for two years — State News Reviewer pales by comparison. Of course, one might 'Cabaret' is delightfully decadent Through a peculiar sequence of events I maged to see Genesis at Pine Knob tunlay night, and to my surprise, I was argue that there's no need for comparison; unfortunately Collins' onstage behavior can't help but invite it. Collins' voice, as has been noted, sounds quite a bit like Gabriel's. It is, .illy bored by the night's end. state of the U.K.; and In the public's eyes, I suppose Genesis has however, considerably less colorful and only B\ Bil l. HOI.DSHIP depict the various points of Director John Peakes has Front Nazis are gaining consid¬ march ne anything but gone downhill; "Follow furthers the band's growing lack of character State News Staff Writer view that allowed the impend chosen to stage the play as it erable strength in Britain, as openly in Chica hi Follow Me" from their new album was a and direction. Cabaret, currently playing at ing holocaust to occur, and was written, using little, if any, the youth adorn themselves in preparation for Skokie there really any question rtified hit record, and sales figures for that I get the feeling that the members of he BoarsHead Theater, is a symbolize the deterioration and experimentation. This is for¬ dadaist punk chic to reflect the ultimate destruction of person tunate. as BoarsHead's Cabaret ' are the group's best to date. Unfortu- Genesis are as perplexed by their own musical morality play for our al values and lives by the Nazi . I>. as far as I'm concerned, since Peter success as I'm getting to be. Drummer snie. The BoarsHead players succeeds in being delightfully bnel left the band all that was once Chester Thompson, who's been touring with were w!m- r. reviving the plav. curse. There are two pairs of decadent right down to its i resting about Genesis went with him. the band for two years now, has a thorough its "tr iage is more prev.i siarcrossed lovers who depict males in drag orchestra. Of ;> the old and the new. There i.s Without Gabriel, Genesis PLODS, and background in jazz and couldn't have looked lent ind.tv than it was when the course, there are generally f - pretty much it. For all the band's more bored while playing Saturday night. show premiered over a decade Fraulein Schneider, the old problems anytime Broadway is ricasies. the bulk of Genesis music sounds Collins — who's the only members of the igo woman whose main instinct is transported to a barn theater. viir.e. Iii cor,cert, the music's essential band that actually MOVES during per¬ The selling .s Berlin The for survival, and whose philos But despite these problems, the uiiiness becomes so noticeable that even formance — seemed to put his heart into his • ir .s 1930 \ demented nphy is it will all go on ii production's good points out¬ we're here who cares? • group's gimmicky light show — nothing performance, but unfortunately he's got an mental nmnsiMMtv named Hit or not. so weigh its bad. Cabaret gave me Cult haven't done better — air of self consciousness about him that's .«r is sjowlv gaming control of So what?" She survives alone. goosebumps at least twice. There is Herr Schultz, a Jewish Ia-t's call that success. Icome distraction from the quite disturbing. Bassist/guitarist Mike m German government. He liousness and Rutherford really seems to be "along for the man who believes that it will all With the one exception — emptiness of a til bring with htm a brand of ride" onstage and keyboardist Banks just sits Kathv Sheldon Smith as Sally i\ Nobody in the band was tscM hate poll! :cs unlike an> pass over if vou leave well behind his instruments and rarely acknow¬ resting as a musician, with hng t'ri • IV :I:-i a-.rid has enough alone. He understands Bowles lacks the stamina the Germans. After all. he is a needed for the musical aspects ception of guitarist Daryl ledges the audience at all. .0- known Th,- growing Nazi : replaced guitarist Steve Yet despite all this, reality has to be faced: of her role — the cast is le a fine job of it — that is, Genesis can now sell out two full nights at '.-rn .ms mostly hidden but still There is Ernst, the idealistic excellent, and both the princi nd's pompous arrangements Pine Knob and, if anything, the band's t.rkmg »ehtnd every >«vne in and young political activist. pies and supporting players plav. audience seems to be growing with each LP. blinded by the hope for his succeed in bringing the play to msible for Genes Word was that the group would disband if Cabaret •-mcerurales on life Fatherland that Mein Kampf life. Superlative mention must is keyboard playe Tony ... And Then There Were Three ... flopped; .*» urniant shortly before the appears to offer. There's Sally be made of Greg Ganakas as the nng and it didn't. Genesis didn't, and Saturday night's ,/|s ;,im- pow.-r its renter of Bowles, the English expatriate Master of Ceremonies. Ganakas the result. . he band since the departures of concert was on-nr iimn be.ng Berlin's Kit flapper, the archetypal "Lost is terrific in his portrayal of the ackelt. Banks is a thoroughly To be fair to the band, the audience seemed metaphorical human comedian, extremely enthusiastic while watching the of the most difficult roles in player who owns a virtual ■ -man s pox; World War 1 the entire spirit of the time in one show, and the show itself was commendably the show's title number. Poli loards; unfortunately he rarely .!•>' 1 feneration" escape to the American musical theater lore than adaquately. As a long — unfortunately, it just wasn't ven •-.iheret in search of the passion- tics and even morality are history. What does Cabaret have to •s chords a lot — and the end good. To my mind. Genesis needs another ess satisfaction found in cheap boring. Life is a party. And irkiness that becomes all the instrumentalist who can also compose — ■mils. The clubs decadent there's Cliff, the American offer today's audiences? If we during live performance. otherwise, the group's music is going to gel tmosphere and entertainment expatriate writer, who is en look at today's headlines — •nd of all this is percussionist- blander and even less interesting. Sad to say. reflect the underlying doca chanted by Berlin at first German neo-Nazis anticipate calist Phil Collins, who's more I think this group might get as muzacky as •fence within the society. Dada- • "Everything's so tacky and the rejuvenation of concentra¬ •d Peter Gabriel as the visual the Moody Blues — which is quite a ism abounds. Lust has replaced terrible, but everyone's having tion camps; fascism already Jan Hazfez, Greg Ganakas and Peggy Trommater such a great time!"', but comes ow. For sheer stage presence, depressing thought. I think their next album love. F.st ape has replaced hope. rules supreme in the Soviet sing "Two Ladies," a song about the joys of a men .v equals, however, and Collins will tell the tale. -mxu.ilr. • is perverse. to terms with reality soon In ion and throughout most of age-a-trois, in the BoarsHead Theatre production of The story focuses on live enough to forsee the future in the Third World; the National Cabare t. very human characters who its proper perspective. ■ ■l SN (Delivery Available) No checki accepted 1 NfcCaesa** Bu»»n* I A caroer in law— 4 at the Regular I SANDAL SALE Price . . get the without law school. Identical Pizza TREE I What can you do with only a bachelor's degree'' Now there is a way to bridge the gap between an undergraduate education and a challenging, responsible career The Lawyer's Assistant is able to do work tradi¬ K 1203 [.Grand River e One coupon per order 2830 [.Grand River 2 bike Weit of Frandor I I FINAL tionally done by lawyers 485-4406 10 Three months of intensive training can give you the skills-the courses are taught by lawyers You choose one ot the seven courses offered-choose the city in J which you want to work Since 1970. The Institute for Paralegal Training has NEW STORE DAYS placed more than 2.000 graduates in law firms, banks and corporations in over 80 cities 2830 E.Grand River If you are a senior of high academic standing and are interested in a career as a Lawyer's Assistant, wed like Lansing to meet you eeeeeeee ...fftfcfMfc TUESDAY, JULY 18 The Institute for WOMEN'S "SAVE I Paralegal Training | Musi have coupon e One coupon p •SHOES UP TO ■ 1203 E. Grand River 2830 E. Grand River 2 blks. West of Frandor ■ /•SANDALS |337063l^ JM.440^* what's your •CLOGS Values to $35.00 78% favorite 5" to 24" '•SHOES MEN'S Hobbie? •SANDALS Riding a bicycle? Special Grouping 10" to 24 97 Bass, ( larks. Dexter. I.acon- it", pair la. Portage. K! Padrino plus Embroidering? 1 Mens & Womens many more 750 pair r Sharing some flowers with a friend? Boys & Girls We've got six different Holly Hobbie'glasses, each ATHLETIC Ope imprinted with these popular new characters FOOTWEAR tonight til 6 involved in their old-fashioned world. And they're yours, for just 592.00 or More. jppj Got the summer term blues? Cheer up and take a summer study break, and you'll get a break at Olga's Kitchen. Present this coupon to the cashier, and you'll get 50$ off any purchase fl m Q unmarried H , '"'T. (% w- man *7 4 jBUUHTOY I tin! nottnn gonna 9wt,nit,,,, mar' M of $2.00 of more. Try any of our delicious Olgas, o' our tasty spinach pie, a crispy salad, fresh or any combination of the really different, fries, really delicious things to eat at Olga's. OPEN 1 PM DAILY Limit one coupon per FEATURE at 1:30 133 E. Grand River, East Lansing [M-t: 3:30-5:30-7:30-9:30 Offer good thru 7.22 78 MATINEES DAILY THE BAD NEWS I The most exciting idea in eating since the sandwich! 3EH HILARIOUS V Neil Simon's "The Cheap' Detective" DOOLEYS * MttOMS ftancii APPEARING WITH DESTROY ALL '/z PRICE special on EVERYTHING! MONSTERS MONDAY, JULY 17-9:00 All night long! With a low 50 WOMEN'S COUNSELING TICKETS 56.00 IN ADVANCE tovoi. So whcthei you re look¬ CENTER r;E' ing foi a cold ipfreshing draft OR AT THE DOOR ON THE • Pregnancy tests H'm 01 o tropically taste-teasing DAY OF THE SHOW • Family planning S problem mixed dunk RAINBOW pregnancy counseling s the place to half a • Confidential 8 concerned e on ifSDAY NIGHT counseling for men 8 women • Educational literature 8 referrals 332*3554 2843 E. Gd. River, E Lai 351-1201 TICKETS AVAILABLE AT DOOLEVS AND AT BOTH 927 e. Grand River, Suite #3 RECORDLANDS (LANSING AND MERIDIAN MALLS) Across from Sunoco Station ot Bogus Street entrance FRANKLY SPEAKING by phil frank Employment fi , Apartments . . . For Sate ]<^1 j For Sate ](^1 (lypiit Sirvicijjjl! Claulfied Advertising 100 USED vacuum cleaners, COMPLETE STEREO system, COPYGRAPH SERVICE TYPIST NEEDED for Fall MALE FOR summer, . 1 year warranty, Information $7.88 and excellent condition, best Complete dissertation and term 60 wpm, evenings 5-11 room, pool, balcony, up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING offer. 332 1806.8 7-20 (3) resume service. Corner MAC p.m. Apply in person 301 laundry. Available now. COMPANY, 316 North Cedar and Grand River. 8:30 347 Student Services Bldg. VI A C. PK 2193. 5 7 21 131 a.m.- Building. State 482 2677. C-17-7-31 (5) 5:39 p.m. Monday-Friday. News dents Composing Dept. Stu¬ need only apply. MOST LP'S priced $1.75- Animals [Vy 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday. 337 1666. C17-7-31I7) 1 day - 90C per line STORE DETECTIVES- Pine Lake $2.50. Cassettes. $3 quality MIXED COON hound, 1 year, call UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS guaranteed. Plus 45's, song housebroken. Family dog. 3 days • I0< per line 641 4562 between md 3 p.m Monday 10 a.m. Apartments books, more. FLAT, BLACK 351 0761. 4-7-17 (3) COMPLETE DISSERTATION 6 days • 75< per line - Friday. AND CIRCULAR, upstairs. AND RESUME SERVICE- 0 17 7 31 131 6080 Marsh Rd I days • 70C par line 541 E. Grand River. Open 11 type setting, IBM typing, FREE KITTENS: 7 weeks old. Meridian Mall Area a m. C 16 7-31 (6) offset printing and binding. JANITORIAL HELP, part 332-2210 after 5:30 p.m. line rote per For estimate, stop in at 2843 insertion evenings or full time. time •i«s plus utilities BLACK DIRT, sod farm soil. E:&L7:2q_,3) East Grand River or phone Transportation Mr Tompkins 482 6232. Approximately 5'/j yards de¬ FOR LEASE- Arab mare rid¬ 332 8414. C-17-7-31 (8) livered locally. $40. 641-6024 3 i.nes M 00 • 5 davs 80' per l.ne over 8 7 27 15) den English. Experienced IconoLines • or 372-4080. Fill, sand, gravel, rider. 332-8277 evenings. Instructions 3 lines No ad|ustment in rate when cancelled. available also. 0-17-7-31 (6) Price of item(s) must be stated m ad Moximum COUNTER SALES, weaving 8-7_2M3) GUITAR, FLUTE, banjo, and sole price of and spinning background SEWING MACHINES slightly AFGHAN PUPS- 11 weeks. drum lessons. Private in¬ ,!0° necessary DELPHI CRAFT Peanuts Personal ods • 3 lines '2 25 per insertion used, guaranteed, $39.95 and With AKC papers, $70. No struction available. MAR¬ SUPPLY CENTER, 2224 E. SHALL MUSIC, up. Open arm chairs from papers, $35. 669-9419. 351-7830. 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment) Michigan Avenue, 5 blocks C-1-7-17 141 339-8192 ' $89.50 EDWARDS DISTRI¬ 10-7-27 (3) Rummage Gorage Sale ods • 4 lines '2 50 West of Frandor, 8-7-27 (7) |F ITS ABOLH" PRK5 REQUIREMEI BUTING CO., 1115 N. Wash¬ 63' per line over 4 lines • per insertion 'Round Town ods 4 \nes *2 50 per insertion TEMPORARY HELP wanted. Kvonings F$ INSTRUCTORS, 1 H0KWU ington. 489-6448. | Lost I Found ; ^ Waited X 1 50 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, FURNISHED DUPLEXES for AffTtCE I KJE/IRIN6 A $PflRTCQflI C-13-7-31 FOUND: FEMALE calico cat, FEMALE ROOMMATE want¬ lost I Founds ods Transportation ads • 3 h July 20. 21. 22 Must have VISIT MID-MICHIGAN'S white collar. Looking ed. own car, $87.50 plus 2, 3 or 4 persons Available © COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES bo* 4244 Bnkrlrv CA 94704 for retail experience. Apply MSU largest used bookshop. owner. Call 337-0402. utilities. Call after 9 p.m. summer and or fall 669 9939 BOOTERY No phone calls. CURIOUS BOOKSHOP. 307 3-7-1713) 332 5713. 8 7 21 (3) 0-8-7 28 13) Apartments Booses __ 7 7 -17J6JL E. Grand River, East Lansing. TWO ROOMS for two wom¬ Deadlines 3 BEDROOM apartment. 332 0112. C-13-7-31 (5) Real Estate * en in house for fall, have SOUTH SIDE 2 bedroom Ads -2pm I class day before publication $215 month till September. ONE OR two women needed, apartments, dishwasher, air HASLETT. 2 blocks from DOUBLE BED, mattress, HOME FOR sale by owner, dogs, prefer country setting. Cancellation Change 1137 Albert Street 332-8353 1 pm 1 doss doy before conditioning, carpet Call summer. Near campus, 332- beach. 3 bedroom, furnished, foundation, b frame, excel¬ near Fisher Body. 3 bedroom, Please call 332 7356, keep or 351 1500 4 7 19 (4) 4432. 5-7-21 (31 five $360' publication _ 394 5369 noon to 9 p.m four or adults. lent condition, $100. Kitchen 1Vi baths, land contract trying. 8-7-26 (5) Once ad is ordered i» cannot be cancelled or changed X 10-7-21 151 month. 332-4076 8-7-20 (4) table b 4 chairs, $35. Couch available. 484-4061. 4-7-2115) EAST COAST RESTAU until after 1st insertion. b chair, $25. End table, $10. MOTORCYCLES OPERA¬ RANT recruiting July 18, 19. Thank you for There is o M 00 charge for 1 ad change plus 50' per Excellent opportunities in the AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, own room in 3 bedroom ^7_-0^_7_5-Z-l9_!6j PMUMI / TORS: Need pay any ten dollars? Will individual with Michi¬ additional change for maximum of 3 changes restaurant profession. Sign coming back to modern duplex. Near Forest INSTANT CASH. We're pay¬ gan license to assist in safety The State News will only be responsible for the 1st up now at Placement Bureau Thank you for Akers, $110-month plus utili¬ ing $1-$2 for albums in good CONGRATS TO Diane and education study. Call Robin Student Services Bldg BURCHAM WOODS Rosie on their engagement. day's incorrect insertion. Ad|ustment claims must Z-4 7 19 (6) coming back to ties. Fall option. 394 4494. shape WAZOO RECORDS. The Gang. S-1-7-17 (3) Bailey, Highway Traffic Safe¬ be made within 10 days of expiration date Now filled for 10 7-24 (6) 223 Abbott, 337-0947. ty Center, 353 1790, Bills are due 7 days from od expiro'ion dote If not BEECHWOOD paid by due do'e a 50' late service charge will LEGAL Lansing SECRETARY law office. Legal East summer-Just left for fall. a few HOUSE FOR Briarwood rent- Okemos Unfurnished 4 C-17-7-31J4! YAMAHA FG110- 6 string [rummage sale! [a>j OASIS RUMMAGE 8-12 a.m. or 1-5 p.m. for details. Z 4-7-20 (9) experience only. Good skills. acoustic guitar. $65. 349- sale, NEEDED: VOLUNTEERS Filled for summer — to Call 351-6200. 7-7-21 (41 Make a bedroom, references and de¬ 2650. 5-7-19 (3) Charter House, 109 E. Hills¬ assist visual handicapper stu¬ A few left for fall. posit required. Available dale. 7/21, 22, 23, 10 a.m. - reservation now 6 p.m. dents with summer reading b WORK IN exchange for flying September 1. 9-12 month WANTED: USED albums, Benefit Community orientation. Please contact AntMOtive time at JEWETT AIRPORT in efficiency $175 lease. 349 9162. 7-7-21 17) $1-2 a disc. Bob or Mike, Mental Health. 4-7-21 (5) Mill ^ Motorcycles Sn Mason Openings Sunday, 1 bedroom $210 332 8457 or 351-1225. PROGRAMS FOR HAND)- CAPPERS, 353-9642. Wednesday and Thursday. 7 2 bedroom $290 Rooms /• 8-7-24 (3) [ Service \ BLT7-14J6)__ AUSTIN MARINA, 1974- HONDA 500 4, 1973 Some 57.19 (£1 Call between 12-5 SHARE BEAUTIFUL home, ITALIAN 10 speed bike. FREE LESSON in complexion WANTED TO exchange: small economical 4 speed. Coll 12-5 Good transportation, must care. MERLE NORMAN Four bedroom house in Can¬ $800. Call 321 4417 8-7 26 3t PERSONS NEEDED to code 351-3118 own room, close, non¬ COSMETIC STUDIO 321- berra. Australia for similar 332-0032 sell. $55. Randy, 332-6521. smoking. 332-2170.5-7-19 (3) 5543. surveys, work study required. 5-7-21 I3I cJ7 7-3J (41 house/apartment near MSU BLAZEP. 1972 Cheyenne See Maureen Murphy. Room ONE OR two men needed for during period November 1978 ROOM FOR RENT for rest of WEDDING FLOWERS, low package. 2 sets wheels 2 Summer, close to tops, good condition $1800 Employment |i 8, Student 4414 4-7-17 (5) Services. 353- 2 BEDROOM, furnished, apartment. campus 332 4432. 5-7-21 (3) summer, close to campus. MclNTOSH MODEL 50100. cost top quality, full service. to Dr. July 1979. Please contact John Eulenberg, Com¬ from $205 month. Available Call Bob. 351-6472. 5-7-19(3) Intergraded amplifier used, firm. 641-6609 5-7 21 t4i fall. UNIVERSITY VILLA. excellent. WILCOX 623(6545. 8 7-17_I3I_ _ puter Science Department, PROOFREADER- Fall te'm. SUMMER CAMP positions. MSU. 355-5210. 5-7-19 (11) 351 2044. 351-8135 TRADING POST. 485-4391. FOR QUALITY stereo ser¬ BUICK REGAL 1975- cu.se must be able to type 60 wpm. Male counselors, specialists Thank you for CAMPUS NEAR, summer. 0-16-7-31 (41 C 10-7-31 (5) vice. THE STEREO SHOPPE. TO BABYSIT, days or even¬ Apply in person 301 M.A C for waterfront & arts'crafts, From $65 month. 485-1436 38,000 mites, cower steer,ng. P K Bldg. After 100 p n. coming back to 0-4-7-21 13) 555 E. Grand River. ings, Sunday-Friday in Uni¬ brakes, & windows AM FM secretary. CAMP TAMA¬ WATER BED- heater, pedes¬ C-17-7-31 (3) air $3250. 355 5988 8 7 24<5t State News Composing RACK, Brighton. 1 -229-9166. versity area. Call between Dept. Students need ROOMS FOR $98/ tal, $250. Couch, $100. Rock¬ 5:30 8:00 p.m.. 332-5148. only rent. Waters - Edge 4 7 17 17) CAMARO. 1974- blue flaw UNIVERSITY month utilities included, close ing chair, $80. 349-5357. 3-7-19 (3) Typing Service M 5-7-22 (5) DOOLEY'S OF East Lansing to MSU and busline. 489- lessly beautiful Steering, PROMPT, EXPERIENCED, FEMALE NEEDS TERRACE 5025. 5-7-19 (4) own room brakes, stereo, 31 000 m.ies 332 3478 3 7 19 i4' hiring kitchen personnel for fall starting July 17. Apply in Rivers Edge FALL: NEED two females to DISCOUNT, NEW, desks, chairs, files, BUSI¬ used, typing, evenings, 332-3492. 017-7-31 J3)_ in allows house/apartment that dogs. Call Marsha person 131 Albert Street. NESS EQUIPMENT CO., 215 373-2900 8-5 p.m. 332-3423 share large double room. THESIS. TERM papers CHEVETTE. 1976 automatic, Must 5 7 19 (5i Now Leasing!! now filled for Excellent house, location. E. Kalamazoo. 485-5500. typed, Quick Quality. 332- after 5 p.m. 4-7-21 (5) excellent cnr.-in,. n. 38 000 0-1-7-17 (4) nmg 337-0590, Ann. Leave mes¬ 2078. 0-14-7-31 (3) miles. $2750 355 8025 Cobol Experience with Bur¬ 1050 Water's Edge summer and fall STUDENT TO translate 25 4-7-17 (31 SECRETARY $11,000 sage. 3-7 17 (51 roughs Medium Systems (next to Cedar Village) LIVING ROOM furniture- 2 EXPERT TYPING by MSU pages Arabic into English. DATSUN, 1974 2502 2 2. helpful Position located in Secretary - Good at short FEMALE, OWN room, bright, chairs, one with ottoman; 1 grad. 17 years experience. 35V6752_3-7-20232 • Mason SI2.690 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, clean sofa; 2 end tables. $85 com¬ Near Gables, call 337-0205. air, 4-speed 49 000 miles hand, typing and all general house, huge yard. DAY CARE in my Southside This position funded furnished one bedroom, Close. Available now. 1142 plete. 351-1820 after 5 p.m. C-17-7-31 J3| is office functions. Salary range home. Prefer pre-schoolers. $4000 351 4025 8 7 19 .4i $175/month plus deposit. though CETA under Title II. Albert. S-5-7-20 (3) E 5-7-19 (4) 882 6218. 5-7-19 (3) $9,500 to $11,000. To back up ANN BROWN typing. Disser¬ in order to qualify, applicants V.I P.. Complete insurance, Also, furnished studio, DATSUN B21G. 1974 grt; tations-resumes-term papers. must be unemployed for at EAST LANSING Fall. 1 bed¬ $145 month plus deposit. DINING TABLE wood- shape. $1850 374 5 p.m. X 8 7 21 3 y least 30 days, live in Ingham sick leave. 4 week vacation. Must be experienced self- room furnished, air, utilities, Phone 489-5574 after 5 p.m. 0-2-7-19 (6) Sell the snow tires you no longer need. Let a Classified chrome, $75; chairs $45; TV 601 Abbott Road, North en¬ trance. 351-7221. Round Town £ balconies, parking. $220, ad find the buyer quickly and antennas $10; speaker en¬ starter Idemty protected. For C-17-7-31 14) ASMSU PREPAID Legal Ser¬ Lansing Contact The Michi¬ $230. 374-6366. 0-17-7-31 (4) closures $35; dishwasher $10. DODGE VAN 1971 8 p; personal interview, write Box economically! vices plan now makes lega1 gan Employment Security FALL. GRAD and profession- 332-8050. E-5-7-19 14) senger, v 8 ante ;<• C 3. STATE NEWS. East TYPING, EXPERIENCED, services available without fee Commission, 3215 S EFFICIENCY. FULLY equip¬ fast and reasonable, 371- power steering and I..ra- Lansing. Michigan 48824 to undergraduate MSU stu¬ 337 1594 2 7 17(3' Pennsylvania, Lansing befc re S 9-7 31 (15) ped kitchen, furnished with BEAUTIFUL QUEEN size 4635. C-17-7-31 (3) dents. Office open 9 a.m. -12 applying with the county desk, waterbed, chairs, etc. water bed, $250. White sew¬ personnel office. INGHAM EXPERIENCED. IBM typing, p.m.; 1:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. DODGE DART 1971 6cvl PART TIME POSITION in Summer only. $115/month. ing machine, $200. 353-1837. COUNTY PERSONNEL Monday-Friday. For informa¬ delinquent accounts col¬ 332 2083, be persistent. ROOMMATE FOR fully fur¬ 3-7-20 (3) dissertations, (pica-elite). tion or appointment call 355- OTiCE. 121 E Maple. 3 7-19 (5) nished. Pool, sauna, air. 882- FAYANN, 489-0358. lection Flexible hours. Exper¬ 8266.0-8-7-21191 Mason 672 5222 4 7 21(2') 8556 10-7-26 13) C-17-7-31 (3) ience required. Nancy 339- SAFETY, HARDEN & coated MSU SALVAGE Yard- open 9500 C 4 7 21 (41 FEMALE TO share duplex, lens. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, FIAT. 1975 128SL. 35 n-pg BABYSITTER FOR 2 boys in TYPING-TERM papers. IBM to the public every Wednes¬ August 15. $87.50. 351-3329. 2617 E. Michigan, Lansing, $1500. 1-313 733 5629 • 5 my home Weekdays, 8 5:30 p.m. $1 50 hour a.m 353 - for Beit 1^ 8-7-24 13) CAMPUS Michigan. 372-7409. experienced, fast service. Call 351 8923. 0-17-7-31 (3) day 3:30 p.m. from 11:30 a.m. 4-7-19 (4) p.m. Z-4-7 17 -3' C-4-7-21 (5) 8865 355 7877 2-7-19 141 FORD GRANADA 1976 Gh.a. MANAGER TRAINEE na REFRIGERATOR, T V STEREO, Rentals, free delivery NOW LEASING FOR HILL 7^3) $3500 393-0013 4 PLYMOUTH FURY III. 1967 $150. Call 655 2978 after 6 degree salary, willing to relocate benefits, Chet Wasko. Meridian Then contact: on off campus 372-1795. 0 8 721 (3) FALL •2 Bedrooms -Furnished Apts. PEOPLE REACHER Apartments ^ •fret Roommate Service WANT AD p.m. 4-7-21 (3- te>s 349 2702 Monday-Friday 'Dishwashers RESPONSIBLE MATURE TRANS AM. 1976 FV & non smoking male for apart¬ •Central Air Conditioning cassette, rust proofed $4200. PASTE UP PERSON for Fall 332 1758. X 8 7 17 361-5714. 3-7-17131 term. Only those with expe'- ment 'Swimming Pool Just complete form and THEY WENT ence need apply. Apply in 'Unlimited Periling mail with payment to: VEGA. 1973 $150 or Test Garage cluttered? Sell those THAT-A-WAY.. TO person 301 M A C. P K Build extra bicycles fast with a 'Pleasant Landscaping offer. 355-6115 before 4 p m COLLING WOOD ing. State News Composing quick-action Classified ad! State Sews Classified Dept. 3-7-20 (31 Dept Students only. APTS" 'Special 12month rales di? Student Services Bldg. VW SUPER Beetle 1973 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT 6,000 miles on rebuilt engine, full and Thank you for *air conditioned East Lansing, Mich. i882d clean, no rust 332 2349 238 part-time positions. Automobile required. 339 •diihwaihor FREE BUS Kedzie. 3 7 17 (4> 9500 C 17 7-31 131 coming bock to *»hog carpeting •unlimited parking •2 bedroom SERVICE Address [lite Soviet / _ CASHIER WANTED, neat DELTA ARMS •modal open daily Cify Model Open 9-9 BRAKE PARTS including brake pads, shoes, and hy¬ Good pay and benefits. Apply 9 month least'320 Everyday draulic components in stock in person only. CINEMA X now filled ADULT ENTERTAINMENT APARTMENTS Preferred Insertion Dote at CHEQUERED FLAG FOR CENTER, 1000 W. Jolly call 351-8282 Leasing for fall EIGN CAR PARTS. 2605 East for summer (b«hind ItolUr World 731 Burcham Drive Kalamazoo St 487 5055. one Road 0 17 7 31 113) mile v t of c and fall CALL 349-3S30 25 chorocfers in a line, including puncfuafion and spaces befween words. SECRETARY BOOKKEEPER 351 7212 C-17-7-31 171 for real estate-property GOOD USED tires. 13 14 15 management office in East Lansing. Full time position. dtopciungljam inch. Mounted free. Used wheels and hub caps. PEN Call STE MAR REALTY. 351 NELL SALES INC. 1825 fast 5510 4 7 21 (6I C WAR CRIINS APARTMINTS Michigan, Lansing. Mich Now Leasing 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED LUXURY APTS. 48912. 482 5818 TELEPHONE SOLICITORS •privoto bolconios 3 LINE MINIMUM C-1-7-7-31 161 part time. 6 9 p.m. Salary • furnished apartments • swimming pool •swimming pool CIRCLE RATE WANTED plus bonus EASTLAWN • ? or 12 month • air conditioning •control air MASON BODY SHOP 812 E MEMORY GARDENS 349 leases available • within walking •dishwashor. disposal nraranininintn! Kalamazoo, since 1940 Auto 9156 8 7 21 151 distance to campus didid run in men painting-collision service •shag carpeting American foreign □inner] CD HIED ED cars 485 special rates available for fall Fall leases only Special 12 month rates 0256. C 1 7 7 31 (5) NEAT. NON SMOKING — □inEiiDEDFDmn roommate for 1 bedroom. 1135 Michigan Avenue 9 ft 12 month leases available (□EDEDtUEDEnHQED DID CD ED ED ED ED ED JUNK CARS wanted selling used parts Phone Also Near MSU. $110. 332 1312 or 332 3744 between 5 9 p.m. E.Lansing 351-8631 Call 351-7166 321-3651. C-17-7-31 (31 3 7 17(51 (next to Bcody) ^Locote^MjJojadornRoo^ustsoutJ^^orvic^ooc^ f Michigon Stote News, Eost Lonslng, Michigon Monday. July 17. 1978 HAGAR the Horrible dlfly (B)WJIM-TV(CBS) (IQ)WILX-TV(NBC) (11)WIlM-TV(Cabl«) (12)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) by Dik Browne MONDAY (11) Impressions (10)i little House on the (23) Young Musical Artists Prairie 9:00 2:00 (12) ABC News (23) Over Easy (12) Baseball (6-12) Phil Donahue (12) One Life To Live (10) Marcus Welby.M.D. 7:00 (23) Onedin Line (23) Over Easy 8:30 (23) Sesame Street (6) My Three Sons 2:30 (6) Good Times 10:00 (10) Adam-12 (6) Tic Tac Dough (6) Guiding Light (11) London Assurance 9:00 (10) Card Sharks (10) Doctors (12) Partridge Family (6)M*A*S*H (12) Dinah! (23) Economically speaking (23) Life Around Us (10) Seventh Avenue 3:00 7:30 (23) Opera Theater (23) Mister Rogers' (6) Gong Show 9:30 (10) Another World CLEANERS Neighborhood 10:30 (12) General Hospital (10) Hollywood Squares (6) One Day At A Time PEANUTS SPONSORED BY: LAUNDRY (12) Mary Tyler Moore 10:00 (6) Price Is Right (23) French Chef by Schulz (10) Hollywood Squares (23) MacNeil/Lehrer (6) Lou Grant 3:30 11:00 (23) Electric Company Report (6) All In The Family 8:00 (6-10-12) News 11:00 332-3537 (23) Villa Alegre (23) Dick Covett (10) High Rollers (6) Jeffersons 4:00 NOT TOVbiT TO STAV. (12) Happy Days ALTHOUO? HE HASN" i-AOju THA" F£ElIN6 (23) Villa Alegre (6) New Mickey Mouse 57— THE ^J-OTc-r kiUEP rELT wE^L LATEl- M: ? I.'/ ALLAYS AFRAIP Club (6) Love Of Life 11:30 (10) Munsters MSU SHADOWS Fill MAT ni.H OUT HE HATE? . TO lEAVE \£E?L£- lOST oiEtohTAfcAiN A\? HE'S. BEEN 3EPRc5Xr.. AM 60:\6 TO OJT^.vE >' TEETH' (23) Sesame Street (10) Wheel Of Fortune by Gordon Carleton Ne (12) Family Feud 4:30 (23) Lilias, Yoga and You (6) Doris Day PXMBALL PETE'S 11:55 (10) Gilligan's Island (6) CBS News 5:00 12:00 OW'T TO TALK lb Mi(H —Teu. (6) Gunsmoke (6-12) News I I'm STUOYIN6 A*SOH?oFb[_c> HtAUH reoo, Wby-KM DO 1CUUKE IT/ ApprMiat. Y p- Please1 dont report us he CAW TO AND US TO HIDE HIM HE 4 AN ENDWG5«EP SPECIES UJt OH LT H ■riWUSTo W THERE'S A help rv suspicious LOOKING CAR .5SNW6 PILLOW TALK B.C. 8 SPONSORED BY: FURNITURE Soft and (w Moii t'ondor pillow furnltvro by Johnny Hart "TSr" |(ly B.on Bagi 'If.fS fEHOW Me A man WrtC'D £>IVE You * AND I'LL eMOW YOU A MA/sl THAT ^ (THE -SMlCT" OFF HIS BACK,... WEARS DlCKIE6>. J A \<"*X / ^^^^1 L > * rptr 1.17 SAM and SILO' SPONSORED BY: BHHIIS SBUQtaa by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker CROSSWORD ooBiaii B@nna@ Qoaaaa raasus PUZZLE Hiin HDEI00 KttSS 28 Grass hho aaa ass 29. KmgofMdian Braaaii lisraaiia 1. Unalterable 30. Disdained [ansa® 5. Sandbank 33 Madame Cune awn ansa and) 8. Albanian can 36 Hail qsdsii ana 11. Concwt halls 37. Plenary 12. Italian daytawe asaiia aaananQ 38 Plaint 13. Mne vessel 42. Screen B0HBBS aSBBB 14. Confide raaaana amass I. Units of iMuctance I. Peradventure i. Frontier lues i. Gurdo's second liva At Doolayi Tonight RAMONES WITH DESTROY BEETLE BAILEY SPONSORED BY: All MONSTERS by Mort Walker Mrmutarthanfle I. Ef|s I Platitude ,4*1978 Unlveisal Press Syndici 7-/7 ] Q Michigon Stote News, East Loosing, Michiggn Mondoy, July 17, 1978 DETROIT PRESS FREE ALLEGES INFLUENCE FBI accused of manipulating activists ford aid and comfort to the and their associates. "I'm highly complimented DETROIT 4UPI) - The FBI ing anti-war rallies, civil rights One campaign that the FBI considered Break¬ secretly manipulated a right and an enemy and you are right to meetings and other activities of conducted Quot i>s from the FBI written brand them as traitors." organizations or persons it op- with letters signed by a ficti¬ through an organization of such wing political organization in the mid 1960s to harass liberal letters purporting to be from Many of the most inflamma¬ tious Lois Andrews unsuccess¬ potential effectiveness in the individuals and groups, the influen iuI anti communists in- tory letters, the Free Press According to the Free Press, fully tried to block Crockett's fight against communism that it said, were signed by a fictitious the FBI particularly tried to election to the bench in 1966. would try to influence it to be Detroit Free Press reported eluded: • It is interesting to note that Lester Johnston. The agent stir Breakthrough resentment Lobsinger told the newspa- even more effective," he said. Sunday. the harder you stick a pig, the wrote the letters to give Break against Detroit Recorder's The article, based on docu •ested i It was not specified how long ments obtained under the Free louder it squeals and the same through members the impres¬ Judge George Crockett Jr., his FBI v sion Johnston the local FBI campaign lasted. dom of Information Act, alleged thing i i- for the was a wealthy law partner Ernest Goodman group's activ that the local FBI office used ninists cannot survive if anti communist. letters and other tactics to o operate on the spot- The newspaper also quoted publicity and that the file letters between the FBI influence Breakthrough, a riist conspiracy had al- local office and Washington right wing activist group head ed by Donald Lobsinger. >eratcd in a subrosa or headquarters outlining the plan FBI letters obtained by the newspaper showed how Break nanner and the possibil- is that neighbors don't to use Breakthrough. Spurred partly by such sup Racers chase honors through was urged to continu port. Breakthrough drew at car activist actions af¬ tention frequently for disrupt ally badger liberal movements, at local go-kart track Economic summit conference opens For children it only seems natural, but can A small sun-drenched crowd seemed those really be grown men sitting in go-karts content to enjoy picnic lunches and the i continued from United States, than 20 percent against the no bigger than they are, madly pursuing each racing. The race was split into 13 divisions page 1) other around the asphalt course? based on a number of variables, including imports while Carter has said hey have devel- German mark and 26 percent ed trade surpluses Yes. and Sunday they were doing it at the engine size and driver weight, starter Pete that the decline was caused by enormous against the Japanese yen in less DeLuca said. Japan's and Germany's slow- d the I'nil ed States suffers than a year. Financial analysts East Lansing Kart Track on Abbott Road in economic growth, which has >m a huge trade deficit. predict a further collapse in its quest of regional honors. The four-tenths of a "The ages range from eight on up," DeLuca caused them to import too few The dollar has declined more value if the summit is judged a mile track was the site of the International said. "It gets pretty exciting out there. Some State News Debbie Wolfe failure. Kart Federation regional championships. of the cars hit 75 miles per hour on the back Wendy Walker uses flea soap donated by Dr. James Drivers from four states — Michigan, Ohio, stretch. Kelley. an area vetrinarian. during the 2nd annual An ; ' Of ! round Indiana and Illinois — were attempting to dog wash held at MSl's Vet Clinic Saturday. the start of the meetings, with move on to national competition, Bob Haun, "With 13 classes and three heats per class Egypt offers new ideas delegations uled press cancelling sched¬ conferences. The initial reluctance to discuss the the track's owner and promoter, said. it will be a long day of racing," DeLuca said. (continued from pagel) Sadat in Salzburg, wrote that meetings in public and the Bank and Gaza while r the Egyptian president "clearly decision to let Schmidt speak ing an Israeli military presence indicated" that Egypt would for all the participants during Tai Chi Club meets at 6 p.m. in the territories. agree to "a strategic Israeli the mid-day break was appar »very Tuesday and Thursday in he grotto near the Music Build- The new Sadat proposals military presence remaining in ently intended to give harmony apparently will be discussed by the West Bank after a peace a better chance at overtaking Foreign Ministers Mohammed agreement." disagreements, observers said. Participate in a public review of Ibrahim Kamel of Egypt and The Post said officials here Toasting his conference col¬ Pictured Rocks National Lake- Moshe Dayan of Israel when Sadat ideas as a shore Management Plan at 7 leagues at a luncheon, Canadian they meet Tuesday in Britain. softening of Egypt's previous Prime Minister Pierre Elliott tonight, 158 Natural Resources Secretary of State Cyrus R. calls for complete Israeli pull- Trudeau said: "We would not Vance also is to take part in the out from the occupied tern expect an automatic alignment talks. Spend fall term in Chicago as an academic intern in Community In interviews in Austria, Begin also said the Cabinet are differences is no cause for Development. Contact Dave Per- Sadat said he is ready for full would decide next week surprise or alarm." sen. College of Urban Develop- whether to send Weizman to The summit peace treaties and normal rela¬ meeting was tions with Israel and that he Alexandria. Egypt, for more preceded by Carter's official understands Israel's desire for talks with Sadat and Gamassy. two-day state visit to Germany. Go the Highest First'" Tran¬ In another action, the scendental Meditation lecture will dependable security arrange¬ Besides Carter. Schmidt and ments. Israel says a full with¬ Cabinet passed a resolution Trudeau, others at the summit be at 3 and 7 30 pm Tuesday. 334 Union. drawal from the West Bank and reasserting its "exclusive au are French President Valery establishment of an indepen¬ thoritv" to negotiate with Giscard d'Estaing. Japanese Photo by Paul Co* United Student For Christ, Egypt. This was a reaction to Prime Minister Takeo Fukuda. dent Palestinian state there VoiieybaH C'ub meets which sponsors gospel concerts the talks held by Sadat with Italian Prime Minister Giulio One of the younger go-kart racers sets up for turn one at the East Lansing would threaten its security. o 9 tonight and Thursdays and Christian Icebreakers, wel¬ Shimon Peres, head of Israel's Andreotti, and British Prime Kart Track, which was the site of the International Kart Federation regional HI Men IM The Jerusalem Post's David s Building All comes all to Bible Studies at 7 championships Sunday. p.m. Tuesday, 210 Bessey Hall. Landau, after interviewing opposition Labor Party. Minister James Callaghan. Records and Prerecorded 40% off on All items in the Tapes Potting Shed Pro Keds Discontinued Paperback Books .35° ea or 4 for a dollar Limited quantities n the International Center Hours: 7:30-5:30 available Mon.-Fri. BOOKITOBI