VOLUME 72 NUMBER 107 WEDNESDAY. JULY 19. 1978 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING MICHIGAN 48B24 Soviet judge orders news retraction, fines 24 dispatch." but had been made Times, said By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS r Whitney's < MOSCOW (AP) - A Soviet judge ruled on whether to pay court costs. good faith after confer Tuesday that two American correspondents Meanwhile, it was learned that the U.S. Gamsakhurdia was br had "crudely" slandered Soviet television. State Department will call in representa¬ from a labor camp whe He ordered their newspapers to print tives of the Soviet news agency Tass this three year sentence for a retractions within five days and pay all week to discuss the status of the agency's and propaganda. Comic court costs. San Francisco office. 5 also s The decision came only hours after the The judge stipulated the retractions be printed "in their newspapers or the Soviet department officially deplored a Soviet yubo' : editor of the court decision to uphold slander suits 'if > press." i prog If they refuse, Craig R. Whitney of the against the news reporters and said brought the slander suit, toiri the court: New York Times and Harold D. Piper of the retaliatory action was being considered. "This is a case where we have caught a Baltimore Sun could risk having their press Department press officer Thomas Res- journalist red-handed." accreditation revoked by the Foreign ton. in the earlier statement, gave no hint of Prosecutor Georgy Skoredov claimed Ministry, bringing an abrupt end to their what type of retaliatory action was being during the two-hour hearing that Whitney Moscow reporting. Both men boycotted the contemplated, but it was presumed that and Piper were among "certain circles who hearing, claiming it was tantamount to U.S. based Soviet correspondents would be constantly attempt through the mass censorship. They are vacationing in the the targets. information media to try to paint this United States. Tass, the official Soviet news agency, has country with slanderous ink. Court costs were set at the ruble correspondents in Washington, New York "This trial is a logical extension of their equivalent of about $3,350, or $1,675 for and San Francisco. American correspon¬ hostile attitude to the Soviet Union." the each correspondent. dents are based only in Moscow. prosecutor added, urging Judge Almazov to In Baltimore, the Sun said it would not It was not known what action, if any, the recommend that the Foreign Ministry- bow to the judge's demand for retraction, State Department planned to take against revoke the news reporters' accreditation. Before the House Judiciary Committee moved to extend the ratification period for the Equal Rights Amend- Tass. Gamsakhurdia. 3y. tlanked in court by- ment, Ellle Sroeel, president of the National Organization of Women, confers with Rep. Robert Drinan. but agreed to pay court costs. The Times said in New York it would not print a In the earlier statement, Reston said only two guards, testified in a low voice that the "of Mr. Whitney's accurate May that U.S. authorities were watching the confession shown on Vremya and presented case closely and that the department has to the court as evidence "corresponds with been in contact with the two newspapers what I said." He described the Whitney- involved. Piper articles about him as "a very STATES TOVIRESCIND AP MAY Piper said he would return to Moscow on Aug. 14 as planned despite the court ruling unpleasant interpretation." The prosecutor said the failure of the and the Times said Whitney would return correspondents to appear show their lack of after his home leave. Both news reporters respect for a Soviet court. have called the charges "groundless." ERA extension passes committee The case was a civil matter and the two correspondents did not face imprisonment. The central figure in the civil law suit, Carter cancels imprisoned Georgian dissident Zviad Gam¬ floor, where backers said they are confident sakhurdia, testified against the two Ameri¬ By DALE NELSON ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment but proponents of the three year, three month WASHINGTON (AP) - The House not allow states that have already ratified and eight day compromise extension of time of victory. Approval in the Senate is assured. The vote was greeted by less cans as a surprise witness at Tuesday's hearing. sale to Soviets Judiciary Committee recommended Tues¬ to withdraw their approval. had expected. wild The final vote 19-15, than The extension now goes to the House applause and cheering in the committee Gamsakhurdia told Judge President Lev day that Congress extend the deadline for was one more Almazov that a confession made to Soviet WASHINGTON .API President Car room, packed mostly with ERA supporters. - television on the news program Vremya (or ter on Tuesday canceled a multimillion- Among those standing and applauding Time) was genuine. Gamsakhurdia's testi¬ dollar sale of sophisticated computers to the 'U9 pension plan may be illegal was Carter. Midge Costanza, an aide to President mony disputed articles written by Whitney and Piper quoting friends and relatives as saying the confession was fabricated. Russians in apparent retaliation for the trials of Soviet dissidents, a Commerce Department official said. Backers of the extension originally wanted another seven years added to the Piper said in an interview in Washington Acting less than 24 hours after his return that Gamaskhurdia "said he meant his from the economic summit meeting in Bonn, under civil rights amendment seven states to set aside by Congress in 1972 for ratify the anti-sex discrimination constitutional amendment. confession, but that doesn't make our earlier story inaccurate because we didn't the president reportedly ordered Com¬ merce Secretary Juanita Kreps to reject an say it was fake, we just reported that a lot application for sale of a Sperry-Univac By KIM CRAWFORD formulated after a federal district court judge in Detroit hands They scaled this down because they did of people in his home town didn't believe it." computer system to the official Soviet news State News Staff Writer down a decision in a case against TIAA-CREF at Wayne State not have enough votes to get it approved. Seymour Topping, managing editor of the agency Tass. Legislation to amend Michigan's Civil Rights Act could make a University. The decision is expected soon. The amendment to reduce the extension pension plan used by MSU and other colleges around the country Higgins pointed out that the new state law does not state that was adopted by a vote of 17-16. An illegal because it allegedly discriminates against women. the use of sex-based actuarial tables is prohibited. If it did, he said, amendment to allow states to rescind their The pension plan used by some 3,000 colleges, including MSU, is it could revolutionize the insurance industry. i defeated 21 to 13. SENATE PASSES CONVERSION BILL a program offered by the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Higgins said the state law is unclear, but the Wayne State case Unless extended, the deadline for ratifi¬ Association-College Retirement Equities Fund (TIAA-CREF). should clarify federal law and determine whether the TIAA-CREF Under the TIAA-CREF plan, all faculty and clerical staff pay the same amount into the pension plan. However, upon retirement pension plan violates the law. Gary Posner, MSU director of employee relations said cation is next March 22, with at least states still needed. The extension would push the date back to June 30, 1982. three Coal use to increase women receive a smaller monthly annuity check than men on the TIAA-CREF is aware that changes in the pension plan could be statistical basis that women live longer than men. ordered. A supporter of the extension, Rep. John Bv TOM RAl'M weekend's summit. The state law, which went into effect May 22, states that an In a letter to MSU from TIAA-CREF offices in New York, the Conyers Jr.. D-Mich., told the committee WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate The measure would prohibit new power employer's benefit plan cannot discriminate against a person on that if the ERA is not ratified "it will be the passed overwhelmingly on Tuesday a plants from burning oil or natural gas, give the basis of sex. However, those who have followed the fault and the responsibility of Congress." compromise measure aimed at saving the the government the power to force many developments of federal court action over the legality of the country's dwindling supplies of oil and businesses to convert to coal and ban all use But an opponent, Rep. Walter Flowers, TIAA-CREF pension plan say it might be years before the "Any benefit system which differentiates natural gas by increasing industrial use of of natural gas as an industrial boiler fuel the basis of sex is highly questionable D-Ala., said he would be concerned for the after 1990. question is settled, probably before the U.S. Supreme Court. on coal. Yet, the Michigan Department of Civil Rights takes the position future if we create the precedent of and probably illegal. This is whot TIAA-CREF Residential outdoor gaslights wouid also that the new law does prohibit pension plans based on sex. extending for the first time the period of By a 92-6 margin, it approved the first be banned, beginning in 1982. does" Ruth Rasmussen, Civil Rights De¬ time for ratification of an amendment to the part of President Carter's long-stalled "Any benefit system which differentiates on the basis of sex is — The bill now goes to the House, where Constituion." energy program. Though only a relatively highly questionable and probably illegal. This is what TIAA-CREF partment director. The ERA would prohibit minor provision in the five-part energy approval is also expected. However, House does," said Ruth Rasmussen, Civil Rights Department director. discrimination leaders plan to await arrival of other Rasmussen said the state Senate Judiciary Committee heard on the basis of sex. package submitted in April 1977, the measure's passage was hailed by Democrat¬ segments of the energy package before testimony that 95 percent of all pension plans in Michigan do not company said if the University feels changes are Thirty-five states have ratified the pro¬ ic leaders as a sign that Carter's program is sending any of the compromise bills to the provide different benefits to men and women. required in their retirement plans then alternative plans would be posal, three less than the number required. back on the legislative track. president's desk. Rasmussen said she believed that most of the 5 percent of made available. However, legislatures in four states — Jackson estimated the measure could "While it is a small bill, it is part of the employers using sex-based pension plans may be made up of TIAA-CREF President Tom Edwards would not speculate on Nebraska, Idaho. Kentucky and Tennessee eventually reduce oil imports by nearly 1.3 sum total of the effort this nation must colleges. the insurance company's defense if the pension plan is challenged — subsequently rescinded their approval, million barrels a day - more than half of make," said Sen. Henry M. Jackson, Rasmussen said the Civil Rights Department would not start an under the new state law. though the Kentucky rescission was vetoed the 2.5 million barrel reduction called for on D-Wash.. chairperson of the Senate Energy investigation into the legality of the TIAA-CREF pension plan "Apparently in Michigan there is a great deal of uncertainty as by the action governor. Committee. Monday by Carter at the conclusion of the untO a formal complaint is fOed with the department. to how the new law applies to the pension plan," he said adding summit in West Germany. The Justice Department has said it will Leland Carr, Jr., University attorney and vice president for that he "would rather wait" than comment on how TIAA-CREF Senate Majority Leader Robert C. Byrd. The nation currently imports about 8 be up to Congress to determine whether legal affairs, said MSU has not reached a consensus on the pension would fight the new state law if it is invoked in legal action against this is legal, and the committee was D-W.Va.. had telephoned Carter in Bonn million 42-gallon barrels of oil per day, matter, but that TIAA-CREF has been notified that the the pension plan. over the weekend to forecast passage of the accounting for roughly 40 percent of U.S. University may need to change its pension plans. Francine Wehmer, who serves on the executive board of the expected to consider that matter later coal conversion bill. The president was Monday. consumption. Both Carr and Byron Higgins, assistant vice president for legal Michigan chapter of the American Association of University attending the seven-nation economic sum¬ However, critics claimed the measure affairs, said a clearer policy on the pension plan system can be (continued on page 12) The ERA supporters already had mit at the time. aban¬ probably would not save more than 250,000 doned their original proposal for an White House press secretary Jody Pow addi¬ barrels per day, at the most. They said tional seven years for state legislatures to ell hailed passage of the measure. "Its many industries already are switching to timing right after the summit is quite Rape suspects' identities given act on the proposal, which was approved by coal anyway, and those that don't want to. Congress in 1972. They predicted the panel good." he said. But Powell also said it "would have made Carter's job a little probably could qualify for one of the would vote 18-16 to recommend the shorter numerous exemptions in the bill. extension. if the action had come before last One such exemption would prohibit the By PAULA DYKE University. into the front with a woman with long blond State Newa Staff Writer The other men were arrested two days hair. Two more young white males joined government from ordering plants to burn later. coal if doing so would violate clean air laws. After a six-week news blackout, the them, at which time the blond woman got Another exemption could be obtained if coal names of three men arrested in early June Moran, who is employed at a small out of the van. were not available at "reasonable prices" in in connection with the abduction and rape of business in Mason, was also picked up at his The four men held the MSU woman in MSU released Friday. residence. the area involved. an woman were the back of the van. They drove her to Nathan D. Glenn, 26, of Stockbridge, Campbell, a professional basketball play¬ Williamston, where she was raped several Sen. Clifford Hansen. R-Wyo.. said even John B. Moran, 22, of Webberville; and er for a European team, was arrested in times, police said. though he supported the measure, "nothing Jessie James Campbell Jr.. 23, of Ann Ann Arbor, where he lives during off¬ in this bill will help us supply our energy The victim was then driven back to East Arbor, were arrested on charges of criminal season, an Ingham County detective said. needs." sexual conduct. Lansing in a silver van and dropped off near Campbell played college basketball at her residence around 3 a.m. Saturday. The Glenn's attorney immediately requested Mercy Hurst College in Pittsburgh, Pa., the But Sen. Jennings Randolph. D-W.VA., woman then went to Olin Health Center, the gag order, which was granted without detective said. Campbell was born and long a staunch congressional advocate of where she was treated for injuries. coal told the Senate, "This is a clear objection by 55th District Court Judge raised in Stockbridge. use. Robert Bell. The rape incident took place around Police said Tuesday they have traced the signal and assurance to the people that we The unusual gag order was imposed to midnight on Friday, May 19. A 20-year-old owners of the two vans. They would not, intend to use coal, our most abundant withhold all information concerning the MSU woman was attending a block party on however, reveal the owners' names or any criminal case from the public. Linden Street along with 200 to 300 other information concerning the fourth suspect. the first It was compromise agreement to Glenn's occupation was listed as a teacher people. The three men have been released on emerge from a House Senate conference at Stockbridge High School. He was The woman told police she went to a bond following the closed prelimary hearing committee formed last October to reconcile arrested by Ingham County Sheriffs offi¬ brown van parked in a city lot with a white held last month at the District Court. the different versions of Carter's "national cers on June 7 at his home. Glenn teaches male in his mid-20s. Because the charge is a felony, the case energy plan" passed by each chamber, agricultural classes at the school and holds a As they sat in the back of the van, a has been bound over to the circuit court, (continued on page 12) bachelor's degree from Western Michigan muscular black man about 25 years old got where testimony will be heard in the fall. 2 Michigan State News. East Lansing. Michigan Wednesday, July 19, 1978 Disputes arise in peace talks LEEDS CASTLE. England told reporters. don hotel just last weekend — for more Egyptian-Israeli nego- wide differences still existed I AP) — Egypt and Israel sharp¬ State Department spokes¬ appeared to irritate Dayan, tiations. between their positions on the ly disagreed over the future of person Hodding Carter said the who called them "far overdone" But the Egyptian and Israeli West Bank and the Pales- the Palestinians and the West two foreign ministers, Moshe and "totally unacceptable." spokespersons emphasized tinians. Bank of the Jordan River at the Dayan of Israel and Mohammed The talks in the countryside opening of the U.S. sponsored Kamel of Egypt, began the first castle, a favorite spot of King Mideast peace talks Tuesday. round of exploratory talks with Henry VIII, are designed to "I think the gap is still very a frank examination of each inspire continued negotiations wide." an Egyptian spokesper¬ country's position. after a six month deadlock. son said, assessing the three The two foreign ministers and one half hour session met with Vance around a bare Despite the gap over the East Bank and the Palestinians, Sadat: negotiations Ian Smith calls for war cease-fire hosted by Secretary of State wooden table in one of the the State Department is antici¬ Cyrus R. Vance. castle's sitting rooms. The pating a successful outcome for To ensure security, the talks ancient castle was chosen to the talks. It is making plans for SALISBURY Minister Rhodesia (AP) Ian Smith said — Prime Tuesday that plan to as it stands guarantees a handover the guerrillas, operating from bases are being held in a 13th-century help protect the participants Middle East trouble-shooter Al¬ end after this meet moated castle 45 miles south from any possible disruption by fred L. Atherton to make a the Rhodesian constitutional agreement in neighboring states. He said he and east of I/indon. extremists opposed to a peace round of calls this weekend in his three black colleagues heading the CAIRO, Egypt (AP) — President Anwar Sadat said promising black majority rule by the end "I think we are still waiting settlement. Egypt, Israel, Jordan and Saudi of the year will not be carried out unless transition government would consider for a more positive response The extraordinary security Arabia. Wednesday there would be no further meeting between Egyptian and Israeli representatives if Israel does not respond there is a cease-fire in the six-year-old attending all-party tolks on "more from the Israelis to our propos¬ precautions — the talks were Atherton's job would be to to the Egyptian proposals for Mideast peace being discussed at realistic terms." als." spokesperson Hamdi Nada shifted from a downtown Lon¬ forge the technical groundwork guerrilla wor. Leeds Castle in England. But he did not rule out the possibility Smith chided his black partners in the Sadat's remarks, made during a news conference in of the biraciol government joining peace four-month transition government for Khartoum, Sudan, where he is attending the two-day meeting tolks with two guerrilla leaders os pro¬ what he termed the "lack of progress posed by the United States and Britain. Smith, speaking at a news confer¬ toward ending the fighting." and said ottempts to bring about a cease fire Tass slams U.S. press of the Organization of African Unity, were broadcast by Cairo radio. The president's comments came as reports from Leeds Castle indicated a wide gap existed between the Egyptian and ence. asserted that the British-American were in their hands. Israeli views. MOSCOW iAPi - Tass ac story by the American press Matin newspaper last week he Egypt is trying to convince Israel of the necessity to cused major t'.S. newspapers demonstrated that, with regard believes there are "hundreds, withdraw from the Gaza Strip and the West Bank of the Jordan Tuesday of adhering to a "gen¬ to human rights violations in perhaps thousands" of political River as a first step toward a comprehensive settlement of the Terrorist agreement reached at Bonn talks tlemen's agreement" and failing to follow up C.N. Ambassador the United States, the media were "acting according to the prisoners now in U.S. jails. The remark, coming during a 30 year old Arab Israeli conflict. Cairo wants Gaza returned to Egyptian control and the West Andrew Young's controversial so-called principle: see nothing, fresh round of dissident trials in Bank to Jordanian jurisdiction for five years, after which the itself worth the entire preparation remarks about political prison¬ hear nothing, say nothing." the Soviet Union, drew a re¬ BONN West Germany (AP) — Seven and local Palestinians would determine their own future. conduct of the summit." ers in the United States. Young, chief U.S. envoy to buke from President Carter. Israel has rejected immediate withdrawal from the two major Western nations attending the Officials here said it was the first time The official Soviet news the United Nations, said in an Some American legislators Bonn summit ogreed to cut off commer¬ cial airline service to or from any coun¬ that such a powerful group of govern¬ agency said coverage of the interview published in Paris' Le called for Young's resignation. In a lengthy commentary, try that harbors airplane hijackers. ments — that together virtually dom¬ Tass Writer Viktor Zatsepin The unprecedented move to combat inate commercial air travel and the air¬ said, "American reporters are terrorism was agreed to Monday by the ports used to connect with international know throughout the Western leaders of Britain, Canada. France, Italy, Japan, the United States and West flights aircraft — had acted together against hijockings. 1,500 Cubans newspaper world for scent for sensations." their Grain elevator Germany as they concluded two days of The accord goes beyond various He said Young's statement economic talks. United Nations conventions that con¬ referring to U.S. political pris¬ President Carter strong stotement oi jid lir the summit's piracy wos "in demn hijacking but carry no penalties or binding pledges of action. believed dead oners "produced the effect of a bomb explosion in Washington, which insists on teaching the violations prevail world how human rights should WASHINGTON i API — About 1.500 Cubans are believed to WASHINGTON (AP) - At compensation, health and be defended." have been killed in African combat, but the death toll has not least one safety violation safety. The panel seeks infor¬ The commentary said major shaken popular support in Cuba for Fidel Castro's actions, U.S. turned up in 75 percent of the mation about the agency's American dailies such as the hundreds of grain elevators handling of the grain elevator intelligence officials said Tuesday. New York Times, the Washing¬ In making the assessment, the U.S. experts stressed that that federal inspectors checked industry. ton Post and the Christian they do not have reliable information on the actual number of recently, a Labor Department An explosion last December Science Monitor "should have Cuban soldiers wounded or missing in three years of operations official said Tuesday. at a Continental Grain Co. immediately sent their report¬ The Occupational Safety and in Angola and Ethiopia. ers to the author of such an facility in Louisiana resulted in As a rule of thumb, U.S. military authorities have calculated Health Administration placed 36 deaths and 9 injuries. An extraordinary pronounce¬ increased emphasis on grain that wounded generally outnumber killed by about a 3-1 ment." explosion a few days later at a elevator inspections after two Farmers Export Co. facility in margin. The officials declined to be identified publicly. The senior officials said Cuba's military involvement in This would have enabled the explosions last winter in which Galveston, Texas, killed 18 African conflicts remains "extremely popular" at home. Other newspapers to follow up in 54 people died, said the official, persons and injured 21. officials have said that only heavy casualties would be likely to detail on Young's statement, in Dr. Eula Bingham. OSHA has recommended cause the Castro regime political problems. order to present factual evi¬ But she added that with only fines totalling $116,000 against dence about human rights 1.500 compliance officers nation Farmers Export and $47,000 Postal strike seems near as talks fail Opposition to the Cuban adventures in Africa has been limited to complaints by friends and families of men sent to abuses within the United wide, the agency will have to against Continental. serve there, intelligence experts said, adding that there is no States, Tass said. lessen the emphasis on grain Bingham told the subcom¬ "However, more than one elevators and intensify efforts mittee that OSHA compliance organized opposition. WASHINGTON (AP) - Bargainers on job security. week has elapsed after Young's in other high hazard industries. officers made 798 initial or Intelligence officials said they have no information to confirm a contract covering more than 500,000 James LaPenta of the mail handlers some reports that Cuban wounded are being treated in Russian statement, but none of the Bingham, an assistant secre¬ follow-up inspections at grain union said the two sides above-mentioned American tary of labor and head of the elevators between December postol workers failed Tuesday to resolve were meeting and East European hospitals rather than being sent home, ... their deadlock over several moin issues where they might arouse popular concern about Cuban military newspapers even tried to elab¬ OSHA. testified before the last year and May, compared apart Tuesday and were being assisted involvement in Africa. orate on the subject raised by House Education and Labor with 382 inspections in the as the negotiations headed toward a by federal mediators who were shuttling Young," the commentary said. Committee's subcommittee on previous 12 months. Thursday deadline and a possible mail back and forth. strike. But LaPenta said there was "no truth" One union negotiator said the two to reports that the unions broke off talks sides had failed to reach agreement Tuesday over management's attempts to on more than a dozen "real hard issues," including the bitterly disputed issue of eliminate a no-layoff clause that unions have in the current contract. the Professional Hairstyling FOR Stock market spirals in sharp decline AS LOW NEW YORK (AP) — Investors antici¬ stock index dropped .47 to 54.45. At the pating a tighter reign on credit and American Stock Exchange, the market AS $6.00 higher interest rates sent the stock mar¬ value index was down .68 at 150.17. ket into a sharp decline Tuesday. The Federal Reserves policy-setting The Dow Jones averoge of 30 industri¬ Open Market Committee held its month¬ Air Conditioned al stocks fell 10.05 to 829.00. and de¬ ly meeting Tuesday in Washington to for your comfort clines outnumbered advances by 2-1 on the New York Stock Exchange. A total of consider whether credit tightened further in an attempt to should be BOOKS WANTED! 332-2416 by Appt. 22.86 million shares were traded on the dampen inflation. Wt are intcnsled in taking or WALK IN Big Board, down from 29.19 million in The meeting wos closed and the re¬ •Science Fiction •Old Books the previous session. sults were not disclosed. •Comic Books -PulPS On the NYSE, the composite c •Boatle Items •Majazmes •Nancy Brew *''B till' Books Above •Mysteries •Bosetoll Carts Cunningham Drugs (Sam's), Abbott & Grand River Bus collision injures 24 passengers Stairwell near Crossroads Imp. Curious Book Shop General and released, she said. 307 East Grand River East Lansing DENVER (AP) — A bus carrying chil¬ dren ond adults to a school for the men¬ The bus was going to Laradon Hall, tally retorded collided with a car Tues¬ a non-profit troining and vocational day morning at a Denver intersection school for the mentally retarded, when and overturned. Authorities said 24 of the accident occurred shortly after MAIL ORDER SPECIALISTS 616/965-7285 VISA AND MASTER CHARGE P 245 ANN ST. 210 mac avenue—— Michigan ©(pDtfifein) Spouse-abuse bill a step, RENALDO MIGALDI but only a feeble one Shaking loneliness It is encouraging to note that State legislators It seems to us that this rationale almost need go have finally recognized a grossly-perverted social unsaid. If 60 percent of the people being treated for evil and passed a piece of legislation that attempts to domestic violence are not welfare users, then why Loneliness is my scourge. I become lonesome easily, and Without time to stop and think privately, we can never be sure if thwart this insidious practice. The evil, of course, is should the DSS run the program? therefore seek to divert my attention and energies in work, party our opinions are really our own or just a half-baked mishmash of spouse abuse. Although spouse abuse is a harmless- Despite the controversy over who should run the time and drinking chatter. But — I come to work and don't always ideas we've heard or read about here and there. For another sounding, non-sexist term, the phenomenon we are program, at least there is a program. But whether work; I go to parties and don't always have fun. I keep myself busy thing, this inner space is the only place where we can find the board will ever be able to function on the budget with a million pursuits, and feel a great distance between myself satisfaction to abate "that strange inner gnawing." No lover, talking about is wife-beating. friend, book or job can provide this satisfaction. It's especially And even though the legislative action is it will receive is an open-ended question. The bill will and others; I am an island. futile to depend upon other people for it because that places our encouraging, we fear the actual benefits of the bill provide only $1 million for Detroit and another $1 There are times when I need to be alone and can enjoy it: usually emotional security in their hands, thereby limiting what we will million for the rest of the state. In addition, there is a may turn out to be less than significant. in the morning, when I lie on top of my bed and stretch around, have to say about that insecurity. The criticisms that can be leveled at the bill are provision stating that the community setting up a thinking. I play records on my stereo. If anyone intrudes on my twofold; the wrong state department will be spouse-abuse clinic will provide 60 percent of the important privacy, I freak. I know that in a short time I'll be at We don't have to put ourselves in such positions. We should learn to be responsible for our own happiness, for we are the ones handling the program and the program itself is funding and the state will cover the rest, never work, around all the superficial human contact I could want. to whom it matters the most. grossly underfunded. The bill sets up a five-member exceeding $55,000. The evenings are when I have a hard time being alone. In the board to handle domestic violence and treatment. Considering the anti social services winds that are past. I have sat in on boring small talk at bars, stayed at work late, Emotional self-reliance is a priceless asset to have. I am far from The setting up of the board is a good step since it will sweeping the state, it is courageous on the etc., all just to avoid having to be alone. possessing it myself, but from my position I can appreciate it in legislators' part to even appropriate the amount they others whose emotional stability I admire. It's a goal one can probably remain somewhat independent from the did. But still, $1 million for all of the state, except But these evening activities don't truly satisfy. They only serve adopt: and work toward, learning how to spend more time alone, traditional bureaucratic mazes found in most of the as a temporary anesthetic for what author Henri J.M. Nouwen in learning to keep one's feet in concrete reality instead of Detroit, is hardly sufficient. Detroit is one of the few his excellent book Reaching Out refers to as "that strange inner large state-funded social programs. However, the mind-tripping meaninglessly on what "could be." cities that has a local social services program that can gnawing." The anesthetic, in addition to being merely temporary, fact that the board will be a part of the Department of is expensive; it requires one to give up the inner space one needs Social Services is a denial, or at least an overlooking, afford to even think about a spouse-abuse center. To in order to really think deeply about things. Uncomfortable with Those who gain a measure of this self-sufficience enjoy much Detroit, the bill is probably a windfall, since they more satisfying friendships and relationships, because they're not of the pervasiveness of wife-beating in our society. that space, one wastes time in superficial conversation instead of in such constant fear of being deserted or betrayed. They don't The state Legislature, by placing the program must have been ready to start clinics on their own. private thought and meditation. Henry David Thoreau put it pressure or make such demands on the people they care about, under DSS jurisdiction, implies that wife-beating is a But for the rest of the state, particularly rural succinctly: "When our own life ceases to be inward and private, allowing them instead to be close without so many weird mind communities, the 60 percent provision may be next conversation degenerates into mere gossip... You may depend on happening all the time. practice engaged in only by the uneducated, it, that the poor fellow who walks away with the greatest number games to impossible to reach, especially since the anti-social underprivileged people in our society. This is of letters proud of his extensive correspondence has not heard And most of all: a more emotionally self-reliant person truly services forces seem to have their roots in rural patently false. The legislators heard testimony from from himself this long while." enjoys the special comforts and joys of solitude, something you can areas. Do those communities even consider wife- many sources during their debates on the bill stating get nowhere else in this life. that 60 percent of the victims now being treated for beating to be an evil or just simply another fact of Why is this inner space so important? — For one thing, we need A worthy goal indeed, I should think. domestic violence are not users of general assistance life? And would a woman in a rural community take space to think so we can make the important decisions of our lives. or ADC. This testimony was never disputed or even advantage of the services that could be provided if she knew that the only place to get help would be in qualified, yet the program will stay in DSS. The bill, as originally drafted by Rep. Connie the welfare office? VIEWPOINT: AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Binsfield, R-Maple City, called for the five-member board to be placed in the state Office of Management and Budget. Binsfield's rationale, which we consider sound, was that by placing the program in the Just a bandaid on a sore relatively neutral and uncriticized Office of Manage ment and Budget, the stigma that comes along with This society is built on the proposition that some people will be on "going on welfare" would be absent. By the PUERTO RICAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION the top and the rest will be on the bottom. Traditionally an elite of In one of your articles concerning the Supreme Court decision on the Bakke case, you quoted Jose Punsoda, member of the Puerto the white population have controlled the means of production and Bican Student Association (PRISA). Unfortunately the quote was the flow of goods in this country. For this elite racism and sexism is The summit conference; so cut This up that his opinion and the opinion of the group was not clear. viewpoint is an attempt to clarify some of the points convenient as long as it is used as effective and powerful means of exploitation. Black Africans were brought to this country in chains because they provided cheaper labor than European wage laborers misinterpreted in the State News issue of June 29,1978. would. Later on other racial and ethnic minorities were forced to It is evident that the American society has consistently accept lower wages in order to get jobs where white laborers were cooperate to compete discriminated in favor of privileged groups. Such discrimination has been markedly present in areas such as education and employment. Affirmative action is a timid attempt to give those who have supposedly preferred. Today, in spite of the continuous talk about equality and equal opportunity, these conditions still prevail. Sexism and racism will continue to exist as long as there are previously been deprived in this society the opportunity to develop President Carter seems to be and use their skills and talents. economic benefits to be reaped from them. Affirmative action is not the solution that is needed to end these social evils. What is needed defying earlier predictions that his Affirmative action is not the best solution to the problems of the is a radical change which will end the exploitative nature of the presence at the Economic Summit minorities and the underprivileged of this country. It is just a prevailing system. To achieve this, political changes are needed Conference in Bonn would be bandaid on a running sore of the system. We cannot deny that it has that will bring the power of decision into the hands of the majority weakened by his lack of commit¬ been of some help to a small number of minorities who have been which are the underprivileged. ment from Congress to curb U.S. allowed to achieve a better position in society by improving their education and job opportunities. However, this is not the best Until the conditions for these changes are met, Affirmative action oil imports. Carter does not have solution to the basic problem which lies in the inherent inequality programs must continue as a necessary relief from the situation that commitment now and perhaps that has historically prevailed. existing in the United States. he never will, given the power of the oil lobby on legislators, but at least the rest of the leaders at the NUNZIO LUPO conference seem to think Carter will be able to come through with breeds bunnies the commitments to cooperation being hammered out in Bonn. Indeed, cooperation seems to be The Navy the keynote of this fourth annual summit meeting, compared to last Phyllis Schlafly isn't a woman to be fooled with. That is, she isn't serving in the armed forces is unwise. Sht totally discounts achievements made by women in the armed forces and points out easily put down in her anti-ERA statements. year's conference, this particular Schlafly is the chairman (which is exactly what she calls herself) ridiculous things like the following which appeared in her set of talks seems to be the and founder of Stop ERA, a lobbying group that hopes to prevent newsletter, 'The Phyllis Schlafly Report:" epitomy of reason and reality. "Seawoman Patty Seasock, also aged 19 said, Tm bored and I passage of the Equal Rights Amendment. feel restricted. I don't know if I can make it two more years. I'd Expectations are nowhere near as Facts don't bother this proponent of women's rights prevention. acknowledge common facts in her arguments really like to be a Playboy bunny.' " high as they were at the summit's She refuses to conclusion last year — mainly against the ERA. A good example of this is her view of the Schlafly's report goes on to say, "It is incredibly unfair to the extension move proposed by Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman, D-N.Y. wives of the sailors to tempt their husbands by putting them on because last year's expectations were unattainable in the complexi¬ have found that they are being forced to cooperate with them Holtzman has introduced a resolution to extend the deadline for board ship in close quarters with about 50 single girls who yearn to because they have much of the ratification past its March 22,1979, date. The measure has passed be Playboy bunnies." ties of world trade and finance. forced into an "us-against-them" the U.S. House Civil and Constitutional Rights Subcommittee of With the comment of one woman - very possibly off the cuff - attitude because of the increasing world's oil, so it is not likely that This year the mood is the the House Judiciary Committee. Schlafly said in a recent interview Schlafly has turned all Navy women into Playboy bunnies. It's economic independence of many competition will necessarily mean that such a move would be "illegal" and "unconstitutional." enough to make one sick. opposite of last year's, when it was Third World countries, particular¬ worsened relations. What Schlafly refuses to acknowledge is that extension of the believed our economic growth Her last bit of blind assumption is her theory that the ERA will However, the big six have an deadline is by no means unconstitutional. Congress merely puts would benefit the entire world. ly Mideast countries. turn American into a unisex society. The ERA will merely deadlines on ratification of constitutional amendments as a matter even larger obligation to sub- of custom. establish legal equality. It has no power to change socially- Rather, the mood this year is one This attitude is understandable Third World countries than they The First through 14th and the 19th amendments did not have accepted modes of behavior. of how we can protect ourselves and probably even healthy. Mid¬ have ever had before. The Middle But true to form, Schlafly tells horror stories of common any ratification deadlines. But that doesn't seem to sway Schlafly. bathrooms, women supporting men and other "breakdowns of from the economic damage done by east nations are finally becoming East can take care of itself If she can convince her uniformed supporters that pro-ERA forces competing countries in the Third significant enough, in terms of are tampering with the Constitution, it's another feather in her society." economically without help from The final message — even to anti-ERA people — is this: Watch World. In short, the six leading gross national product, that com¬ the West. They have discovered cap. what Schlafly says, take it with a grain of salt and determine for Part of her ability to see things this way comes from her habit of industrial nations of the world petitiveness is inevitable. We are the significance of free enterprise yourself what the ERA will do if passed. using selected facts to support her case that the ERA will be bad and have embraced it. But there for the women of the United States. The way t are dozens of smaller, less econom¬ One oi her real beauties is her contention that having women ically stable governments who are on the brink of major decisions regarding their economic futures. by Garry Trudeau The DOONESBURY State News If these leaders were to get the impression from the summit meet¬ SR.IUMBSMD msnm, mHAPumeoesour Wednesday, July 19. 1978 ing that the world powers are only rompereume uier. we ONTO THAT new, IBS- editorials ore Ihe opinions of the Stole News Viewpoints, columns and out for themselves, the results Awsratsm- mi sen. UB/E HAS B/Btt BIGHT cweproum. we abbots vetKcroemocmiinY letters are personal opinions could be disastrous. "> — pesanmwe iWimimorostre Editorial Department It is always encouraging to note TEAM: £dilof-rn-chi»# James I Smtfh Entertainment Editor Dave DiMartino that the leaders of the six biggest Managing Editor Dovid Misialowski Sports Editor Mike Klocke economic powers in the world are Opinion Editor *im Shonohan Layout Editor Deborah Heywood News Editor Michelle Chambers Copy Chief Kenneth E Parker cooperating and mutually agree¬ Wire Editor Patricio LoCroix Staff Representative Dome'J Hilberl ing on directions. But while the Photo Editor Kothy Kilbury attitude of self-reliance is good, we as the richest countries in the Advertising Department world still have a moral obligation Advertising Manager BobShofter Assistant Advertising Manager Cma Spamolo to help improve those who are not so fortunate. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday July 19. 1978 Would-be governors off and ... "We need to take a more aggressive approach in Washing¬ "Those who are politically helpless, those who rely on gov¬ ton so we can increase our share of federal dollars," ernmental social services are the people most likely to suffer William Fitzgerald said. from the results of a tax limitation amendment," Zolton "We have to fight to protect our businesses and our job Ferency said. base," he said. "We have to get business and labor to work "If Headlee or Tisch havo their way, ultimately even more together to clean up abuse in compensation systems." people will be alienated in this society," Ferency predicted. "Frankly, I don't think we can take much more of that." William Fitzgerald rely too heavily on property taxes to pay for edu< tunn and, "We we can demand greater accountability in the governor « office education) will require an increase in another tax," Ferency said, through a constitutional convention. 1 would support it." he said explaining income tax is a logical source. Zolton Ferency In addition to addressing the tax reform issue, the state's On the issue of abortion, Fitzgerald said he o nut only opposed to spending tax dollars on abortions but that lie is upp >m-.I to transportation system could also be reviewed at a constitutional convention, Ferency said. "We are looking toward mass transportation," he added, says state's status abortions. "Of all the rights we have, the greatest right is t he right to life.' only candidate to suggesting the possibility of running a statewide railroad. In the area of equal opportunity and human rights Ferency is must be upgraded he said. "So. I have been way all the time in office." opposed to abortion -v d h;n- voted that Fitzgerald noted that the drinking age is anotlu i ne has quick to oppose any proposal that limits or restricts anyone's basic addressed while in office. human rights. prefer convention in the d:inking age. first the He supported both changes Ferency pointed out that abortions have already been guaranteed by the U.S. Supreme Court and the funding of lowering to 18 and then raising it to 19, abortions are provided for under some employee and welfare medical programs. with more dollars He supported raising the legal drinking age 19 in try to keep drinking out of high schools. However, he is opposed to raising the to tax amendments "To deny those benefits is grossly unfair, denial of equal protection under the law." discriminatory and a By LINDA BRAY drinking age all the way back to 21 as he said it would be too extreme. "I think you would really do a disservice to the people who are in Ferency is also not happy with those who are trying to raise the State Sen. William Fitzgerald. D Detroit, said the biggest issue in the upcoming gubernatorial race is Michigan's inequality as our universities and who are working. I don' <•«-, .• n> reason to Bv ANNE MARIE BIONDO drinking age to 21. raise it to 21," he said. State News Staff Writer "It's a very serious mistake to deny those who reach the age of compared to other states. To achieve state equality Fitzgerald said Michigan needs a fairer As for rising crime. Fitzgerald has what he rahs a Zolton Ferency, the only candidate for governor to come out maturity their benefits," Ferency explained. Ferency would rather see other means to limit alcohol abuse share of federal dollars, more jobs kept within the state, tax "comprehensive program to guarantee safe streets." against the tax-limitation proposals, said Michigan's tax system is reform and a more accountable government. The program calls for mandatory sentencing and certainty of rather than resorting to police and the courts. faltering because it is based on flat rates and not on the ability to "We need to take a more aggressive approach in Washington so punishment for violent crimes, restricting bail for repeat He said he thinks a positive influence in school and the home pay. would be more effective in preventing young people from abusing we can increase our share of federal dollars," he said. offenders, construction of new prisons to relieve - \ercmwding and "The flat rate income tax, the sales tax and real property tax are an increase in funding for local law enforcement. alcohol than "loading down the prosecutor" with numerous "We have to fight to protect our businesses and our job base," he all regressive." Ferency said, "and they bear no relationship to the said. "We have to get business and labor to work together to clean Fitzgerald was born in Detroit and graduated from Austin arrests. ability to pay." Catholic High School. He earned a bachelor'* degree from Western Ferency, 56, came to MSU professor of criminal justice in up abuses in compensation systems." Accusing the current tax limitation proposals of being tax as a Michigan University in Kalamazoo. 1972 in the middle of an active political life. In 1966 he ran for Fitzgerald added that he would try to "introduce accountability shelters for the rich. Ferency said only "a handful of wealthy He received a law degree from Detroit College of Law in 1968. in government" and start a "fair system of tax breaks to encourage families and corporate interests" will benefit from the proposals. governor as a Democratic candidate. Then, in 1970 he left the economic development in Michigan." He was first elected to the Michigan House of Kepi e*entatives Democratic Party and was one of the founders of the Human If approved, the so called Headlee amendment or the more He said he is frustrated with the tax spend syndrome in in 1971. Now a state senator, he is chairpei<>s >!o Senate drastic Tisch amendment, will provide "constitutional or legal Rights Party. Committee on Transportation. During his six-year stay with HRP he was an unsuccessful government and would support a cut in government spending as barriers" for the rich to hide their wealth behind. candidate twice for Michigan Supreme Court in 1972 and 1976. well as putting a cap on property taxes. The so called Headlee amendment applies to the property of a In comparing the so-called Headlee and Tisch amendments as community as a whole and not individual residents' property. More partial answers to tax reform, Fitzgerald said he favors the specifically, it would have the greatest effect in areas with high Headlee proposal over the Tisch. property values. "I'm not impressed with the Tisch amendment being what "Those who are politically helpless, those who rely on Michigan needs," he said. "I think the Headlee amendment is a governmental social services are the people most likely to suffer more responsible proposal. from the results of a tax-limitation amendment," he said. "The Tisch amendment tries to accomplish tax reform with a "If Headlee or Tisch have their way. ultimately even more people meat ax rather than a scalpel. I think it would be harmful to will be alienated in this society." Ferency predicted. "Frankly. I education, the sick, the elderly and the poor." Fitzgerald said. don't think we can take much more of that." He added that he will not be making his announcement until What is needed, Ferency suggested, is not tax limitation but tax later this week, though he is leaning towards the Headlee reform. Alternatives to the current tax system could be dealt with William amendment. more adequately at a Constitutional Convention rather than by Zolton Fitzgerald also addressed the PBB incident. He said while it was Fitzgerald piecemeal proposals, Ferency said. Ferency an accident when it happened. Gov. William G. Milliken's The convention, if approved by voters in November, will open performance in dealing with PBB was a "diagrace." the state constitution up for revision. Convention delegates could To prevent another disaster like the PBB contamination from then revise the entire tax system making it more equitable for reoccuring he said the state needs a more aggressive chief middle income taxpayers. executive who would demand performance from the departments At a constitutional convention. Ferency would like to see the of health and agriculture. ban lifted on graduated income tax, which is based on the "The other thing we ought to have is a toxic substance control taxpayer's ability to pay. commission." he said. "It would monitor the new chemicals we If citizens agree to pay a state income tax based on how much have and control all these chemicals that invade our environment." they make, then those funds could be used for public education. Fitzgerald also said he supports holding a constitutional "To reduce the burden on property taxes (to fund public If Ralls is elected governor in November he said he will "The rich get all the tax breaks; the poor get all the bene¬ impose an immediate freeze on the hiring of all new state em¬ fits," Patrick McCollough said, "and all the middle-income fam¬ ily gets is the bill." ployees, said his press secretary, George Benge. "The state bureaucracy needs to be streamlined and con¬ "I was the first gubernatorial candidate to come out in favor trolled - cut back what we don't need," he added. of limiting tax revenues," he said. "I favor the Headlee amendment because it puts the lid on taxes but will not cause drastic cutbacks." the taxpayer's ability to pay. Benge said. "Ralls would like to see (more state' money diverted into state promised to actively work to increase the number of women in the Ralls vows to cut educational fund and distributed on a basis of need." Benge said. Though Ralls emphasizes a need to trim the state's inefficient McCollough says top spots of state government if he is elected governor. "Women will be appointed by me to serve from the highest to the lowest levels of state government so that we might at last funding, he is "totally for the concept legitimately need it," Benge said. of giving aid to those who achieve representation in the administration that is in proportion to the state's population," McCollough said. state spending, end Ralls believes "100 percent" that the state has an obligation to state should bear Another issue that McCollough sees as a major problem in the continue the funding of medicaid abortions, Benge explained. "Abortions should not be available just for the rich." Benge said. state is the way PBB-contaminated cattle were ignored for so long. Referring to a recent major problem in Michigan. Benge said burden of taxation Calling the controversy "a sham by the present governor and his administration from beginning to end," McCollough claimed that huge bureaucracy, Ralls has done much investigating into the PBB fiasco. Benge said Gov. William G. Milliken and the state health and Gov. William G. Milliken grossly mishandled the situation. agriculture departments "badly bungled the PBB situation in in "First they (Milliken and his administration) said that the cows weren't really sick, that the farmers weren't feeding them right. freeze state hiring Michigan." public education Then they told the farmers to go ahead and sell the contaminated cows to the people," McCollough said. By ANNE MARIE BIONDO If Ralls is elected he would call for the dismissal of state agriculture department director B. Dale Ball and state health department director Maurice Reizen. because of their actions Even after it was proven that the contaminated beef was State News Staff Writer concerning the PBB contamination. Benge said. By ANNE MARIE BIONDO harmful, the Milliken administration "refused to face up to the Democratic gubernatorial candidate William Ralls promised to State News Staff Writer Benge said in 1973 a farmer in Battle Greek notified Milliken and MELINDA WILSON truth," he added. stop governmental waste of taxpayers' dollars by trimming the when his cattle began showing signs of chemical contamination. oversized state bureaucracy. Sen. Patrick McCollough, D-Dearborn, a gubernatorial candi¬ "They have lied and tried to cover up from the very beginning of The farmer, who has a masters degree in chemical engineering, date, said education is the most valuable resource in Michigan and this thing," he added. If Ralls is elected governor in November he said he will impose met with the governor and defined the contamination as PBB ought to be financed more by the state and less by the taxpayer. McCollough also said there are reasonable alternatives to an immediate freeze on the hiring of all new state employees, said As he sees it, the current system of using local property taxes to his press secretary. George Benge. poisoning. He outlined in detail the dangers of PBB to Milliken. burying the contaminated carcasses. He would rather see them support schools is placing a heavy burden on the middle-income destroyed through controlled oxidation, which is a burning process "The result," Benge said, "was that nothing was done." family. that would allow no gases to escape from the furnace into the air. About 2.800 provisional or temporary state employees who have Benge said Ralls has talked to the farmers - "the victims of bypassed the normal civil service proceedings when hired are PBB" — and has become very familiar with the problem and the "The rich get all the tax breaks; the poor get all the benefits," "With burial there is no way to ensure that the PBB will not leak McCollough said, "and all the middle-income family gets is the crowding the state bureaucracies. Benge said, explaining that he way it was mishandled. into the surrounding water tables," he said. was speaking officially for Ralls. bill." In 1971, Ralls was appointed by Milliken to serve on the state The Dearborn attorney graduated from MSU in 1964. He was McCollough claimed that local property taxes alone cannot "In effect they are political appointees." Benge said, explaining Public Service Commission where he remained until 1977. voted one of the 10 outstanding seniors and served as the senior support schools. By trimming waste, the state can afford to class council chairperson. that as governor. Ralls would examine the status of each "He resigned last spring to run for governor." Benge said. increase its share of public educational costs. The way to trim the waste, McCollough said is provided for in a provisional employee, dismissing those he considered unnecessary and inefficient. tax limitation proposal. "The state bureaucracy needs to be streamlined and controlled "I was the first gubernatorial candidate to come out in favor of -- cut back what we don't need." he added. limiting tax revenues," he said. "I favor the Headlee amendment because it puts the lid on taxes but will not cause drastic Ralls has called the current tax revolt "an indictment of Gov. cutbacks." Milliken and the Legislature for failure to achieve meaningful tax McCollough claims that though the proposed amendment will reform and to control state spending." limit the future increase of state spending, it will not prevent the Benge said "The icurrent) Legislature and governor have state from creating new programs for the poor. combined leffnrlsi to put the state in an economic hole." "Future tax revenues would be tied directly to the total personal income of Michigan residents. As the economy expands and Pointing to two of his opponents who are currently state William Patrick Ralls argued that McCollough and Fitzgerald are "part of personal income grows, the Legislature would have more revenue senators. Ralls to work with," he said, expressing his support for state-funded McCoHough the problem in Ithe state capitol). programs. "A poor person should not have to check his wallet "I do believe we need a fundamental change in Lansing. We need before receiving the medical care he needs," McCollough said. However. McCollough said, only medical care that is "life someone free of these (economic) problems in Lansing as supporting or life sustaining" deserves state funding. governor." Calling abortion "life-destructive," he said he would not support Because it would put a ceiling on tax state spending and pro-abortion legislation. taxation. Ralls supports the so-called Headlee amendment. "Tax dollars should not be spent on killing," McCollough said claiming he has always been a supporter of women's rights and the Ralls sees that another way to reduce the taxpayer's burden is ERA but does not approve of abortions. to rely less on property taxes to fund public education. Instead, he In spite of opposition to state-funded abortions, McCollough proposes a graduated income tax be used which would be based on Wednesday. July 19. 1978 £ Michigon Stote News, Eost loosing, Michigon Sea monsters one, 'Warlords' nothing By JOHN NEILSON Ramones triumph at State News Staff Writer Warlords of Atlantis has almost everything that a fan of fantasy/adventure films could ask for. There's action (i.e. lots of explosions), romance (Doug McClure falls for the girl-with-the- gills), science-facts ("you're right. Professor, the creature certainly be missing an essen conceivably seem fun but mo¬ ing band. Based in Ann Arbor, the band plays actual "acid friendly people, but unfortun¬ hanging on your leg IS a Pladyopticus Absurdus..."), monsters By DAVE DiMARTINO State News Suf! Writer tial point. A lot of today's notonous. I'm certain, though, the band has one and only one rock" — strange but true — she ately they're caught up in all galore and much, much more. It also has several qualities that that in the future the band will thing going for it, ex-Stooge paces back and forth, scantily the wrong aspects of the initial connoisseurs of these films have learned not to expect, The Ramones are a great "punk" acts — and I have to put continue being funny and mo- personnel notwithstanding. clad in leather, pulling her hair "punk" phenomenon and don't including good cinematography and music. Unfortunately, the band, an exciting band, and a "punk" in quotes because it's difficult for me to use the word notony won't even enter the That asset is the unbelievable out of her eyes and casually seem capable of escaping its script for this film neutralized what could have been a very fine band that has all the right unavoidable dead end. A tough rock "n roll moves down to a seriously at this point — such as picture. lead vocalist Niagara, who spouting what sound very much really can't sing very well but like lines from a horror movie. break for Michigan rock, I The Damned. Blondie and Tuff Speaking of monotony, how¬ Even by the not-too-demanding standards of this film genre, ever: a few words for Destroy sure is fun to watch onstage. The band certainly seems suppose, but the Ramones more Playing at Dooley's Monday- Darts are true '70s novelties, as the script for Warlords is decidedly third-rate. The lines were like it's comprised of very than made up for it. exploitive and ultimately All Monsters, the night's open¬ Sipping a Tab nervously while all ridiculously contrived — so much so that I had to cringe — night just short of three months after their last appearance empty as the '60s Kassanetz and were simply deadpanned by the cast (which in all fairness there, the band brought two Katz bands (Ohio Express. was no prize, either). new songs and a powerful new I/cmon Pipers. 1910 Fruitgum drummer and effortlessly filled Company, etc.) were. There's As if this wasn't enough, the plot of Warlords of Atlantis is a up the dance floor with appre simply no reason I'd ever want pastiche of just about every novel Jules Verne ever wrote, with to hear those records again, in a few twists added to appeal to a '70s audience. For instance, riative local Ramones fans. While there were two bother other words, and the only when the crew of the research vessel stumbles across Atlantis, inherent worth in them that I it is in the Bermuda Triangle, of all places. Later in the film some problems at the show - can discern lies solely in their some even more startling facts surface, among them: a.) the one. the grueling heat, some¬ race of Atlantis originally came via comet from the planet thing quite unusual for a sociological value. Dooley's show; the other, the Mars, and b.) Nazis were invented by these beings as part of a master plan to escape from Earth. Or something like that. opening band — the Ramones' non stop rock n roll frenzy was The story-line for Warlords is relatively simple. Sometime in contagious and I. for one. could the late 1800s a ship sails into the mid-Atlantic, ostensibly for H have watched them play all some tests of a new diving bell. The real reason, of course, is so the professor and his son can test a new theory they have about It's all been said before: the the whereabouts of the mythical Atlantis. Ramones strip the v eneer off all the non essential components of After a series of calamities, including a mutiny and an attack rock and play only the pulsating by a variety of sea creatures, the crew is miraculously beat, without the trimmings. deposited on the shores of a bizarre undersea world . . . you One song after another — a guessed it! They are taken prisoner by the soporific warlords and their bullet-helmeted soldiers, and learn that they may \V quick "AHNN TOOO FEEE FOAHI!" and two minutes of never return to the world above. "California Sun" or "Let's Realizing what the audience expects from them, the crew '4 Dance" — and the sweat keeps escapes when their captors are attacked by giant reptiles. After rolling down their faces. they, too, go a few rounds with the local fauna they make it Opening with "Rockaway back to the diving bell, only to find that their captors have Beach." the band, as always, reached it before them. Despite the fact that the warlord is made its greatest impression hurling invisible M-80s into the water around them they all immediately. Vocalist Joey make it into the craft and finally escape. (Did you ever doubt Ramone clutched at the micro¬ it?) phone. Johnny and Dee Dee pounded on their guitar and After all the faults of Warlords of Atlantis have been aired, bass, alternately posing, play¬ it's only fair to give the film credit for its strengths. As ing. and posing AND playing. mentioned above, the cinematography is well above what might The excitment, feigned or be expected, and it appears that the director has even otherwise, simply WORKS. borrowed from the camera technique of Jaws with some Significantly, the Ramones sound better and better the The best part of this film, however, is its array of monsters. If closer you get to them onstage. you're a fan of the fantastic, the gigantic octopus, lumbering, That's why the dance floor was crowded, and that's dump-truck-sized horny toads, airborne piranha and others will why the have you literally slobbering in your popcorn. To top things off, best way to listen to a Ramones one of the beasts bears a marked resemblance to Cecil-the-Sea- record is with tight headphones Monster of Beany and Cecil fame. How's that for culture? on and full volume blasting. The Ramones - lead vocalist Joey, guitarist John¬ In a way. those who don't Although I saw Warlords of Atlantis at the Meridian 8 ny and bassist Dee Dee - brought a new drummer Theater, R would no doubt be much better at one of the local appreciate the hand might just¬ and a large crowd to Dooley's Monday night in a drive-ins, where it is also currently playing. Who knows, maybe ifiably call them a novelty act — performance that filled the dance floor with local you can see it with Empire of the Ants or something. though if they did. they'd Photos by Bob Stern Ramones fans. Cagney celebrates birthday CHILMARK, Mass. (AP) - Film star tough-guy James Summer Students Study This! Cagney quietly celebrated his 79th birthday on Martha's Vineyard Monday at a gathering at a friend's home. The Bose Model 601. Cagney. whose film career spanned 40 years, has maintained a secluded home in this town on the south coast of the island SO4 Off Any Purchase of '2.00 or More. since 1936. At his Vineyard home. Cagney houses a studio full of antique Got the summer term blues? Cheer up and take tools and a staircase from Yankee Doodle Dandy, his most famous film. Cagney retired some 17 years ago. In 1974, he received the life achievement award of the American Institute. Film a at summer study break, and you'll get a break Olga's Kitchen. Present this coupon to the cashier, and you'll get 50t off any purchase of S2.00 of more. ■jl Try any of our delicious Olgas, or our tasty spinach pie, a crispy salad, fresh fries, or any combination of the really different, really delicious things to eat at Olga's. We Have Thousands Limit one coupon per customer. of T-Shirts Coupon good 133 E. Grand River, East Lansing I Waiting for Sat., July 22,1978 Something to Say... The most exciting idea in eating since the saxMch! 1 SPORTS DOW'T PAY MOM POM'T PAY MOM LETTERING BALLOON BUSTIR DAYS 2227 W. 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G.7I li 4 0 MM" Like the world-renowned full of the feel and ambience NR7.U Bose 901'Series III. the of a live performance, and 4 o MM" with none of the harshness Model 601 is a Direct/ JR7I-IS Reflecting* speaker, so characteristic of con¬ 4 ; M44" designed to recreate the ventional high-fidelity impact and presence of a speakers. live performance with a The Model 601 is also quality of realism that no highly efficient (minimizing Monday thru Friday conventional speaker can amplifier power and ex¬ 3:00 to 6t00 4rtYfOlYISTi« I match. pense) and exceptionally versatile (allowing superior UKUWIS MMLS MENUS UhT The Model 60 I s configuration of six unique performance in a wide range of speaker positions) -JBDSET • reduced prices on pitchers 1XU1S drivers-four tweeters and MICHELIN two woofers-spreads a For a more complete Better sound through research. It's e reduced prices on all mixed drinks a great way to beat THE SUMMER HEAT! CM Hit lb *84" bbiititiMbr 111 IS j;s«on*jiiffw jjj- 4 o HI-FI BUYS@ Mania *44.-... ■ i t mi IIMSSLS tbBtjjsus 1101 C GRAND RIVER EL PH 337 1717 4810 W. 8A0IMAW LANSING PH 331-2373 l' _ AU MAJOR MM BRANDS HtUkMU mWn KMH AVAJLAILf FREE M0UNT,NG'FAST SERvlCE M f iai/SAT t-B M F11-8/8AT. 9 5 1ftljrink T>tablishment] SB MAC A ALBERT 351 .2755 A ATIRlINC. AS 3326545 met PARKING - LAYAWAY - FINANCING Hours 8 30 6 00 Deity fOUttAO B Lamina looting ii custom custom 44 4 GUM R 0fS MST'MS wheel and tire experts w NG KONAYdiiNM IMNAVdiiim Michigon Slate News, Eosl Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. July 19, 1978 7 Brand X are Britain s bestl Simon slums in 'Detective' By DANIEL HILBEBT State News Reviewer The Cheap Detective is a of the medium in which he working, and how to within it. The film and the n was stichomythic banter of \ funny i An films makes up this film. the plot of interesting idea, com¬ bining those two films, but the style. The group of six women that unpredictable drop in and out of the cheap detective's life pro By DAVE DiMARTINO collaboration between play¬ State News Reviewer one liners between Marsha execution lacks the polish and vide some comic relief, despite wright-slowly-turning scenar¬ Simon. Ann Margret especially Brand X were superb at Dooley's Sunday night, and would ist, Neil Simon, and Ray Stark; Mason and Richard Drey fuss finesse provided by a finely does an excellent job with what have easily been a bargain at twice the 12 advance ticket it is also a rather dismal failure. was excellently conceived and wrought script. little comic material she has to charge. An interesting question is; work with. That could in part, Brought here by Pyramid Productions, the five-piece band Why? Simon's last outing with be attributable to the fact that plays a brand of highly-complex jazz-rock several levels higher the highly successful The Good¬ Simon has chosen to bog this film since she is the for than its stylistic progenitor, John McLaughlin's Mahavishnu . . . on screen a bye Girl, was well-received by short Orchestra. Since its formation as Genesis' drummer Phil most critics and a box-office down incredibly with a passel of one liners period of time, the amount of Simon dialogue she is Collins' "hobby on-the-side," the band has released three success. Indeed, The Cheap that couldn't sustain the cheapest comedian forced to spew forth is minimal. albums, gone through several important personnel changes, Detective has received unani for one minute. Patrick Williams' now become One of the best British groups performing. and has music mously good reviews from The band's performance at Dooley's was little short of everyone from Rona Barrett to merges perfectly with Alonzo's amazing. Playing at long stretches with few breaks in-between, Rex Reed, but there the simi previously mentioned camera Falk does an admirable job as work, and the two together the members of the band displayed a virtuosity all the more larity between the two ends. executed. That is the inherent Lou Peckinpaugh incarnating produce the '40s sound as well commendable considering how briefly they've been playing This film sports a cast so failure with The Cheap De tective; it isn't funny and Simon Bogart with his affected lisp as the look. together as a unit. formidable that the names and cynical manner. Replete in It has been Most impressive, at least as far as I'm concerned, was the alone are enough to lull one into seems submerged in some reported that undershirt and .38, Falk's de¬ because of the of The performance of Peter Robinson on keyboards, the newest success complacent euphoria. pseudo-Mel Brooks genre of tective is who can pull a Goodbye Girl, Simon is plan member of the band. Robinson took over at the keyboards one This film should have been comic writing. drink out of a drawer at will, or ning a sequel, but that he earlier this year after Robin Lumley, Brand X's former better; it should have been The premise of the film melt a woman with a single wanted to gel this film out of keyboard player, left the the band to increase his involvement exactly what people are saying satirizes detective and leer. He is not a total parody of the way before he began to in the production aspects of the business. it is. Humphrey Bogart films of the A long time friend of Brand X percussionist Morris Pert, particularly Casablanca Bogart's detectives of the past The photography in the film past, but more a combination of of the way. Robinson is one of Great Britain's most distinguished - and The Maltese Falcon. A — is excellent, a tribute to veter¬ and underrated — musicians. Robinson's long career includes the an cinematographer, John L. strange combination of those the type with Falk's own comic formation of the excellent band Quatermass, who produced a Alonzo. It suitably conjures the superb LP on Harvest some years back, and a five-year stint aura of the 1940's when private with Shawn "I talk too much" Phillips, for whom Robinson's eyes were king and cops merely keyboard contributions were ultimately Phillips' only asset. With further associations with Chris Farlowe, Curved Air, Stomu Yamash'ta and his own band Suntreader (with Brand X's pawns. But Simon has chosen to bog this film down incredibly with a Cooney doesn't dazzle, he plays Morris Pert behind him), Robinson has clearly played with most passel of one liners that of Britain's best. Thus his involvement with Brand X is of great couldn't sustain the cheapest By MICHAEL MEGERIAN nothing in Cooney's show that would suggest he's State News Reviewer all interested in reaching his audience through advantage to the band, particularly since he is a considerably at comedian for one minute. Yet better player than was his predecessor. Lumley. here, he attempts to buy the He's a guitar player, but he's not a musical lyrics or storytelling. He doesn't even play his Robinson's presence in Brand X has subtly shifted the band's talents of Peter Falk, Eileen technician. own compositions. approach. Where once the group seemed more concerned with Brennen, Sid Ceasar, James He's a storyteller, but he's not a showman. That is not a sin or unacceptable in the music pure techno-flash rather than substance — I'm thinking of the Coco, Dom DeLouise, Marsha Actually. Michael Cooney is one of the most business by any stretch of the imagination. The band s first LP here - the Robinson/Jones/Pert axis seems Mason and Abe Vigoda, to down-to-earth musicians around. Captain and Teniile have already proven that. StoteNews Lyn Hawes considerably more concerned with musical form. Where the old name only a few. Cooney. who performed Sunday in the Ten But Cooney. in choosing to limit his show, has Peter Robinson, new keyboard player for the Pound Fiddle s relocated concert at the East band was consistently up-front in their approach, Robinson has One example of the ill-con¬ limited himself. Cooney would be closer to his added an element of pulse and understatement that's a little British band Brand X, was one of several reasons ceived potential of this film Lansing Unitarian church, didn't dazzle, over niche if he was on the frontsteps of someone's harder to appreciate but of considerably more worth. the band had great success playing at Dooley's last should suffice. Toward the be¬ power or dumbfound the audience. back porch, quietly serenading a family with He Percy Jones, regarded in Britain as one of that country's Sunday night. ginning of the film police of¬ just played. their old favorites. premier bassists, played especially well Sunday night. His ficers enter Falk's apartment to Standing at the front of the church's small unorthodox style — attributable in part to the use of a fretless gathering room, Cooney was accompanied by Sunday's show seemed to convey that was all query him about the murder of bass and his heavy reliance on chording — fits in very well with his partner. Vigoda, one of the only a couple of guitars and a tiny P.A. His Cooney was ever cut out to do. As a player and Burgi is a 25-year-old American who's played with A1 DiMeola, introduction was short and sweet, and the singer he is adequate, but he is not for everyone. Robinson's own approach, leaving only guitarist John Goodsatl Caldera, Azteca and Larry Coryell-associate Danny Toan. officers, for some inane reason His approach to music through his salt-of the- slightly out in the cold. Those who went to Dooley's Sunday night expecting to see Phil begins to lean over the back of applause that followed hinted that the audience was already familiar with this man's style. earth image falls short in the eyes of those who Goodsall seemed slightly ill at ease Sunday — though Collins with the band were undoubtedly disappointed upon Falk and hammers him with Robinson explained the guitarist had been involved in a minor Cooney, who has amassed a repertoire of about expect to hear more than just a decent guitar seeing Burgi, but the drummer's interactions with percussion¬ questions about the case until accident earlier in the day, I'm not sure that was the only factor Falk delivers the amazingly 500 songs in his career, is billed as a one-man player. He's a recording artist, which may ist Pert were very much a highlight of the night's performance. increase his status as a musician but doesn't involved in Goodsall's seeming reluctance to play. Using an unpredictable request, "Get band, a tag which suits him well since he plays In all, I think there are very few bands now playing who are alone. What was lacking, however, was Cooney's count for much more than a couple of album sales unusually eerie tone, the guitarist was excellent whenever he this guy off my back." The as musically capable as Brand X. The fact that the band played from fans after the show. But he brought a stack managed to break in; Robinson's non-flashy style doesn't preceding is amazingly typical. ability to overcome the task of entertaining as an at Dooley's for a nominal $2 ticket fee is amazing; given a few instrumentalist. He is more a man than a band. with him nevertheless, and the audience was appear to give Goodsall the leeway Lumley's less-subtle The Goodbye Girl will not more months it's doubtful such a thing could happen again. A The emphasis of the show was not the music, informed of it. After all. surely there must be approach did. live forever in the history of very well put-together show and — as far as I'm concerned — something lyrical or someone out there who is interested in an album Drummer Chuck Burgi is probably the only member of Brand film, but at least in that script so one would expect X who doesn't have a musical pedigree the length of his arm. easily one of the year's best. Simon seemed to have a sense arry the performance. But there is by a decent guitar player. Our reputation hat baan proven. We offer the finest Lafayette's War For Chinese cooking in this areo. Take out service is available. Low Prices Continues! Tenna FM Stereo Car Radio & Speakers Mini-size! Years ahead integrated circuitry design gives FM stereo with concert hall fidelity Powerful 10 Watt P M P solid state amplifier. Spark-O-Matic 5" wide range speakers in easy to mount wedge housing. 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In fact, the only thing skinny about our roast beef sandwich is the price. Including Salad Bar ELECTRONICALLY SPEAKING WHO KNOWS BETTER THAN Lafayette BADIOfLECIPONICSOr ASSOCIAtl SIO«S Owned and operated by Barton Electronic*. Inc. MasteiCharge, BankAmerlcard- /VI,a, Diner's and American Open Daily 9:30 a.m.-9 p.m.; mv Sunday 11Specials certified a.m.-5Good p.m.thru w. reserve m. ngm .0 >« Express Accepted. Bankllne m0(0 consultants Sit, July 22, 1978 Dealer, Financing Available. 600 N. Homer near Frandor Shopping Center, Lansing 5001 W. Saginaw across from the Lansing Mall, Lansing 0 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan WAMS Iil(, TEX \CAA TITLES JAMES L. SMITH American Johnson awaits second season League next and they the Friday night." is specialized all star game year are B> JKRR> BRAl »K State New - Nport*. Write v to defend the Rig Ten It big loss for Johnson said. "But after seeing same for every season." too With one season behind him. and. this time, win the he well him play, there is no doubt that without the hall." Johnson said. we will be stronger with him. Johnson finds college ball to be nal championship, a lot more physical. There are think we can defend the "That's what we need, so I Gonzales should be able to help The National League IS better and more The AL's brand of "specialized" baseball is not more talented players, too. Pen title again, and this could get it to him. We'll miss exciting than the American League. the only apparent difference between the two w in the national champion his shooting, too." Johnson says that he would "You have to be a lot smarter The AL, in an attempt to make the game more leagues. ke to improve on r in college," Johnson said. "I Though the Spartans lost The recent All-Star game in San Diego was " Johnson said. "I think exciting, instituted the "designated hitter" rule. can't get away with the mis ith th< Russell, Johnson still feels In doing so, it lost a lot of what makes baseball another example of the American League pecialiy m the*NCAAd<> MSI' had a successful recruit '"id'like to help ivself and takes I made in high school. exciting - namely strategy. "problem." Carl Yaztremski. Thurman Munson .en!, that we .an ing season with Huchanan's he team on the on side game "When I make these mis No longer in the AL does the manager have to and Reggie Jackson all sat out the game for Gerald Busby and Detroit Cath s much as I can." J< takes. I have to pay the price." concern himself with pinch-hitting for his pitcher olic Central's Rob Gonzales. "My goal is to just win when a scoring opportunity in a close game Jackson's "fever" only once again exhibits his t Walker I). Russell "I had never seen Busby play games, the Big Ten and nation¬ presents itself. contempt for his profession and the fans who before Doctor Tucker's al title. These are my goals-for True, pitchers have always been notoriously support it. Jackson, and players like him, are bad hitters, but you could never write them off reducing baseball to an assembly line job. because, occasionally, they came through with complete with fringe benefits. hits or sacrifice bunts, which not only changed the games but provided the fans something to Family Affair — buzz about. The AL's brand of "special¬ Pitcher-turned broadcaster Don Drysdale of ised" baseball is not the only ten helped the Dodgers and himself with a key hit and even an occasional home run. The effect apparent difference between was heightened because the PITCHER did it. the two leagues. Fossums enjoy life as MSU's golf coaches The American League totally lacks finesse. Nearly everyone swings for the fences, providing the fans with an occasional thrill when the ball The recent All-Star game in San Diego was another example B> JF.RRY BRAI DK Bruce has been coaching the r makes it over the wall, but more often with of the American League's "prob¬ •tate News Sports Writer ary has been coaching the long-flv outs and strike outs. lem." Carl Yaztremski, Thurman s ago. •epti. The DH rule also keeps around old players "Golf not just brought us together, but it gives us things to do Munson and Reggie Jackson all whose talents have been reduced to walking to with our friends and keeps our family together whether its in the plate and swinging the bat. sat-out the game for various Green Bay or East Lansing," Mary said. Etrvin Johnson It also brings up players from the minors, who reasons. "But it was basketball that created us being together." Bruce have only mastered half of the game. said. "If it wasn't for basketball I wouldn't have been going to Baseball is rightly a game where defense is as Green Bay and, therefore. I wouldn't have met Mary." Johnson has been under the As far as the All Star game is concerned. important as offense. Willie Mays was great at Not only do the Fossum's enjoy coaching sports, but they also spotlight less this off-season the plate, but he will also be remembered as a Bowie Kuhn and Lee McPhail should take strong to handle the coaching like becoming spectators when any of their four children take because of the fewer number of stellar center-fielder, who provided as much actions against players who "no show." the spotlight. games that he is allowed to excitement in the field as he did when he came to Certainly no one would advocate playing an "Bob. 16. and Bill. 14. bat. injured or sick player, but those "injuries" should appear in. always either have a club or "I have been playing softball In the American League. Reggie Jackson be documented so fans will be assured they a basketball in their hands," aren't ripped off by the superstars they so in Lansing and basketball in the recently wasn't performing well in right-field. Bruce said. Detroit Summer League," His "punishment" — the designated hitter's slot. generously support. "Our two daughters are Johnson said. "I'm also getting That's simply atrocious. The AL should scrap the DH rule as a already out of school," Mary readv to go to Russia August 2 Players should be proficient both offensively miserable failure in livening up the sport and said. "But we got a big kick with'the U.S. team." and defensively or they should not play at all. bring back strategic baseball to AL fans. out of watching Ginger in gymnastics and Terry play¬ aaaaaiaai ing the flute." Mary said that 99 percent of the time she goes to Bruce Seven-mile for advice. "Bruce was first a teacher and then a golfer. But I race set for started out as a player before becoming a teacher. Therefore, Bruce is more organized and skilled in the Saturday MUGGERS NITE problems that are faced by coaches. He can spot the flaws and has more experi The third kugel Open, a annual seven-mile Leinen- cross soup& ence in teaching tech¬ country race, will be held July ElAlf—pRICE ON MUqS niques," Mary said. Yet Bruce does praise 22 at Okemos High School and anyone may enter. The race, sponsored by Eric of bEER salad Mary for the job she has D. Zemper and the Mid-Michi¬ 8-11 UpSIAiliS AN(I done thus far at MSU. including national appear gan Track Club, will have novice, high school, open, sub- (loWNSIAiliS B $1.95 ances every year the team has been in existence. masters and masters divisions. Prizes will be given in each of TONIGHT: 1 "When the women's golf the groups. PURE JAM program started, they had a There is no need to mail in an jump on all the other entry early. If you show up schools," Bruce said. "But with your entry fee before the the team has still maintained race, you will he able to its winning ways even compete. though the other schools Awards will be given from a have caught up in organiza¬ prize table, and each entrant is tion, money and recruiting." asked to bring something to Besides coaching the contribute to the table. Only Four Spaces Available men's golf team, Bruce also Frank Shorter, former State News Lyn Howes teaches basketball courses Olympic marathon winner, took Examing his wife's golf stroke, MSU's men's golf coach Bruce Fossum takes a and is always involved in first place in the race last year. NATURAL SCIINCI1978 8UMMIR PROGRAM front view of Mary, MSU's women's golf coach. Mary says she usually comes to arranging basketball He will not be entered this Bruce for help. (continued on page 9) year. FIILDIXPIDITION IN THI CANADIAN ROCKIES August )3 - September 3 (Section 1) - Dr. Larry Besaw August 20 - September 10 (Section 2) - Dr. Karl Carter Students will enroll in NS 142 and 300 for □ total of 8 credits. THERE ($ / Wednesday fl] Financial aid available to qualified students. DIFFERENCE! For further information contact: Vodka Night Office of Oversea* Study, 108 Internatienal Center 3S3-8930 Vl off 111 Thursday l Professional Hail-styling 'Come see STYLE & BLOWDRY what a Buck'll ONLY'6.50 — Now Appearing — Buy9 Coll 332-4314 Stratton Nelson 9:30-1:30 for appointment VAICIIiy INN Wednesday-Sunday or wolk-in GOUD FOOD • PIZZA • SPIRITS Open M-F: 11 Sat.-Sun.: 2:00 BARREL o.m. 1227 E. Grand River ABBOTT ROAD HAIRCUTTERS Suite 201. Kasl Lansing Slate Bank Building, on Abbott 521 E. Gd. River. East Lansing Michigan 48823 Ph. 351-0608 mm Michigon State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 19, 1978 9 Bruce and Mary Fossum lead MSU golf teams Kansas added to (continued from page 8) funniest moment. courses and is always involved in arranging golf tournaments, "It was in 1973 when I was obligated to go to Oklahoma NCAA's and family commitments. But then Bonnie for the Lauer and MSU cage schedule something he gets a big kick out of. three of my other golfers had to go to Massachusetts for the AIAW He is currently the president of the Golf Coaches Association of nationals. America and has served as chairperson of the NCAA golf them. So they would call me up every day committee for four years. "But I couldn't go with and tell me what a good job they were doing. I would encourage for next season He ran four national tournaments, along with hosting the them and give them advice over the phone. Bonnie won the title." Amateur Intercollegiate Atheltics for Women (AIAW) Nationals One of Bruce's highlights was when MSU's golf team took the The schedule for 1978-79 for Big Ten teams. The Russian- in 1976 at Forest Akers Golf Course. Big Ten title in 1969. the men's basketball team has MSU games were moved up to One of his favorite aspects of golf is that it's a "gentleman's The tournament ran very smoothly," Mary said. "With Bruce's been finalized, and one change Nov. 14 from mid-December. It game." has been made in the 28-game organization, we knew we could pull it off. It was quite a "It's the only pro sport where the players run the action," will not count as a regular tournament for golfers. There were 222 golfers, which is a lot Fossum said. "There is no bickering over salaries. Everybody just schedule. season game for MSU. when you compare it to this year's AIAW tournament, which had puts their money into it and the best people get the most of it. It's It's a change that won't upset Also included on the schedule 108." a clean sport. I'm also glad of the associations I've been able to too many fans, since Kansas has is a contest against Cincinnati The Fossums do find themselves in different situations in make through golf." been added to the schedule for in the Pontiac Silverdome on coaching their respective teams. Mary also likes the fact that the course and weather conditions a nationally televised game on Dec 19 or 20. Some details need "The people that come to me already have a built in swing with a vary all the time. Sunday, Feb. 4. Cornell was to be worked out so a date built-in game," Bruce said. "All you can do is minor repairs and The Fossums feel that more tournaments will be present in the dropped off the original sched¬ hasn't been finalized. expose them to better ways of scoring and competition. Women do future because a lot more people can play at one time. ule to make room for the not have the basic training that men have, but I see it coming in "I don't think the game will change very much," Bruce said. The Kansas game. As far as the road schedule is about three years." rules have pretty much remained the same. But stroke play will be concerned, the highlights are a Mary feels she doesn't have to do a lot of teaching until she gets replacing tournament play." Kansas, which lost to UCLA game at North Carolina and a So what's the future for the Fossums? in the NCAA Western Region past her top five or six players. trip to Oregon to play in the The trend is improving in women's golf in college because we "We'll be staying around for at least a few more years until all al. was rated in the top five in Far West Classic. the kids get through high school," Bruce said. "After that I don't the country for much of last are getting more high schools with women's golf programs," Mary said. "The high schools are getting better organized and more know. I don't want to get to involved in something that will season. The game between the become complacent. Hopefully, what I am doing right now will two schools, which will be younger people are becoming interested in terms of play." Bruce believes his players don't reach their peak until they have keep me going. played at Jenison Field House, now open: "But I do love my association with MSU, and I can't be any will feature a clash between graduated. two of the top sophomores in They reach a peak when they have made the decision in college prouder about this school. It gave me an opportunity and, the country — MSU's Earvin that they really want to play," Bruce said. "That's one reason the hopefully, it paid off for both of us." Johnson and Kansas' Darnell southern schools have better teams than the northern schools. In "We are getting a new team and new players for next season. Valentine. Free Pregnane / fet • the South, they know and want to play all the time. In the North, I'm also looking forward to watching the boys playing in high Counsei^g Se<. :