Sami Esmail: martyr or By PAULCOX lawbreaker? what Americans call, "due process" from the time of his arrest to the time of his Some Arabs and Palestinians believe the State Newa Staff Writer Now that the swirling details and rumors 6U' grad student's case conviction or was he abused - either way to regain this territory is through negotiations and political pressure. physically or mentally - and deprived of have come to rest in conviction and a prison Others, like the PFLP and the Pales¬ certain basic legal and human rights? term, perhaps the ramifications of the Sami tinian Liberation Organization, choose vio- Esmail case can be examined with some draws conflicting claims Esmail had this to say about the verdict: "I am innocent of the charges. My only perspective. crime is political solidarity with the Esmail, the 24-year-old MSU graduate student convicted by an Israeli court of oppressed and homeless Palestinian people reviewed by a three-person Israeli panel to and other oppressed people around the membership in an outlawed Palestinian terrorist organization, is now serving time Under Israeli law, for Esmail to have been convicted of the second charge he would have had to have contact with an determine if he should be released early. The panel will consider Esmail's behavior in world. I can not see how this solidarity can harm anyone" analysis in Deamon Prison near Haifa, Israel. But the charges were precisely that — Though there is a possibility Esmail will be enemy agent of a country, not a cause or prison, along with recommendations from organization. the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv, MSU and solidarity with expatriated Palestinians released early and his supporters still claim lence other interested parties. who. in this case, assume the shape of a a* the only recourse If Esmail's his trial amounted to a miscarriage of Under his 15-month sentence Esmail would be in prison until March 21. The six If the panel grants Esmail an early terrorist organization. solidarity constitutes alliance -A nh a terror justice, the case itself is history. Solidarity is the key word. Webster's ist group, Israel would caii this illegal. Esmail was acquitted on a second charge months he served prior to conviction is release, he will be out of prison Oct. 21 and considered part of his current sentence. possibly back at MSU for fall term. dictionary defines solidarity as an entire of having contact with an enemy agent. Israel There is an Israeli law, similar to parole From the court proceedings two major and ■sponsibility flatly prohibit membership, for He was acquitted of the second charge of interest, object iv because the man Esmail allegedly con¬ in the United States, that could free Esmail questions arise. The first, obviously, is this: after he has served two-thirds of his Is Esmail really guilty - and if so, to what standards. organization. tacted, Teysir Kubah, was connected with Israel has claimed that Sami extent - of membership in a terrorist Israel controls land which homele; never the PFLP. This is an organization, not a sentence, or 10 months. Palestinians believe should belong to 'her 'continued on page 14 country. Early in October, Esmail's case will be organization? Secondly, did Esmail receive VOLUME 72 NUMBER 108 THURSDAY, JULY 20. 1978 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING MICHIGAN 48824 FBI informs council of local surveillance ByPAULA DYKE Esmail, a 24-year-old MSU graduate Bell and himself that showed no idence of i in East State News Staff Writer student, has been convicted in Israel of any political surveillance going In a letter received from the FBI, East membership in an outlawed Palestinian Lansing. terrorist organization. Yet, the letter confirms the fact that an Lansing City Council was told Tuesday night that "investigative activities of a Furthermore, Civiletti said the Esmail investigation is still taking place. domestic security nature" are currently investigation "is continuing at this time, Griffiths said the letter disturbs him and therefore, I regret that I am unable to because it is contradictory and vague. being conducted here. However the letter, presented at a provide you with further information "The letter seems to indicate that there's a difference between political surveillance' council meeting, stressed that the FBI is concerning that investigation." The letter came in response to a and 'domestic security investigations,' not conducting political surveillance. The letter, addressed to East Lansing council-drafted letter recently sent to U.S. Griffiths said. Mayor George Griffiths from Deputy Attor¬ Attorney General Griffin Bell asking about "Civiletti is saying that if the investiga¬ Although one-lane traffic persists on the westbound Grand River Avenue bridge near Park Lane in Okemos, is being conducted according to ney General Benjamin R. Civiletti, said an political surveillance by the FBI in East tion a new two-lane span for eastbound motorists has been open since early July. The 1.1-mile, $l.S7-million Lansing. Bell answered the letter, saying he guidelines, it's OK," he added. investigation of Sami Esmail is being asked the director of the FBI to look into Because Esmail is a U.S. citizen and is not project scheduled for late fall completion includes the new eastbound bridge, widening Grand River Avenue conducted "in accordance with the Depart¬ from four to five lanes, and construction of seven-foot-wide sidewalks and bike paths. ment's foreign counter intelligence guide¬ the allegations. being charged with any illegal actions in lines." Civiletti said a report was submitted to this country Griffiths said he will not tolerate any kind of domestic security investigations within East Lansing. Esmail was picked up by Israeli secret Stalled tax-cut legislation police when he got off a plane in Tel Aviv last Dec. 1. Postal contract talks hit snag Many observers feel the FBI tipped off the secret police as to Esmail's arrival and boosted as administration supplied the Israelis with information on the MSU graduate student based on an on layoff issue; strike possible investigation conducted in East Lansing. The city council voted to refer the letter of strike participation" and of management's considers compromising to the city's Human Relations Committee. Griffiths said he plans to write another letter to Bell asking for an explanation of By OWEN ULLMANN WASHINGTON lAP) — Contract talks aimed at possible strike by postal workers remained snagged Wednesday heading off a consequences intention violators. to enforce the law. which calls for fines and jail terms for the question of layoffs, with bargainers reportedly refusing to National leaders of the postal unions have refused to talk included ways to encourage investment in the "disconnected nonsense." on By EDMOND Le BRETON publicly about possible strike actions. But the largest of the three Associated Press Writer new and risky ventures; relief for persons In other action, the council held public bend on the issue. unions, the 300.000 member American Postal Workers, has drawn WASHINGTON IAP) - Long-stalled selling residences that had acquired inflated hearings on two proposals that drew fire "They just ran into a logjam." said one source close to the up contingency plans in the event of "an emergency" after legislation for a $15 billion tax cut got a values; arrangements in another without from area landlords. negotiations between the Postal Service and three unions midnight Thursday. boost Wednesday as President Carter's incurring heavy taxes, and possibly One proposal would raise license fees for representing more than 500,000 workers. Federal mediators have been attempting to find a compromise The federal government also has drawn up strike plans that administration put out feelers for a compro¬ revision of capital gains tax rental housing in East Lansing. The other include the use of military personnel to deliver essential mail. mise on a taxation of capital gains. rates. was a request for a property tax break for so a settlement can be forged by midnight Thursday, when the current three-year agreement expires. The only previous postal strike was in 1970, when some 200,000 Carter has denounced proposals to ease At the White House, Carter' press East Glen Apartments, a proposed low- workers walked off their jobs in scattered wildcat actions, mostly income housing project specially designed Postal strikes are prohibited by federal law. but some local the tax on profits from the sale of assets secretary, Jody Powell, said of the reported on the Fast Coast. held a year or longer as a give-away to the discussions: for the elderly and handicappers. union leaders have threatened to call their members off the job if Mor The i it talks have been stalled an agreement is not reached by Thursday's deadline. rich that would be worth only two bits to "The president has authorized no one Both proposals have been tabled until the opped meeting face to face bee; the average American. commit him to any sort of compromise Aug. 1 meeting. In response to those threats. Postmaster General William F. a no-layoff clause in the current c agreement in this The council also accepted plans for Bolger has warned postal workers that they could lose their jobs I the clause must be retained i The tax-writing House Ways and Means and be convicted of a felony if they participate in a strike. Committee for weeks has suspended work "He has ... allowed the secretary of the Photomat booth to be built at the Spartan lanagement is seeking eliminate (continued on page 14) Plaza at Trowbridge and Harrison roads. Bolger said he wanted to remind workers of "the grave on tax legislation at the administration's request, but scheduled a session Thursday with one of the plans Carter objects to as its starting point. Treasury Secretary W. Michael Blumen- VANCE PLEDGES TO HAVE MORE thal began a last-ditch effort late Tuesday with a round of discussions involving key talks make no progress committee members. He was described as still wanting to ward off across-the-board slashes in the capital gains tax. House Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill told Mideast peace reporters Wednesday the administration had made some offers toward a compro¬ "I believe Egypt and Israel will remain and the Palestinians, dismissed earlier this also indicated that the Egyptians By BARRY SCHWEID mise. A Treasury Department source, LEEDS CASTLE. England (AP) - A fully committed to establishing a genuine month as totally unacceptable, would now reasingly aware of the security be reconsidered in Jerusalem. that Israel would need if it gave ■ differences however, said there were no commitments, two-day Egyptian and Israeli foreign minis¬ peace and we will continue to help them in Foreign Minister of the tw except that Blumenthal would report back ters' meeting ended Wednesday without that effort," Vance said in a statement Kamel said Israeli up the West Bank. what was said would give it said. "Thcr to Carter. any aparent progress toward peace in the issued at the 13th-century moated castle Moshe Dayan "agreed to take back the "I think Other congressional sources, declining to Middle East, but with a pledge from where the meeting was held. Egyptian proposal and reconsider it." confidence to Israel that this problem is be identified, said the principal capital Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance to follow Vance Said he would begin his diplomatic gains tax modifications discussed Tuesday through with more negotiations. visits to Cairo and Jerusalem in two weeks. No other details of his travel plans were announced but he also is likely to visit Jordan and Saudi Arabia, which the Carter administration is depending on for support of the U.S. mediation effort. Vance said he could not guarantee his trip Political atmosphere in Israel heated nation approaches peace decisions would produce another foreign ministers' meeting, let alone a breakthrough toward as settlement. inside Vance mediated the talks here, which Begin s gruffly shouted response was heavy with sarcasm, focused on the future of the Israeli-occupied asking Peres if he and Sadat had discussed the Labor Party's Year, and year, ol practice By LARRY THORSON West Bank of the Jordan River and the doctrine of territorial compromise. "You believe it is the high make for talented, confident JERUSALEM (AP) - A shouting match in Parliament Gaza Strip. road, the only way to peace, and there is no other." said Begin. and poised high-schoolers. See Israeli sources referred to the Leeds between Prime Minister Menachem Begin and opposition psge5. leader Shimon Peres heated up the tense political atmosphere Holding a sheet of paper, the prime minister asked: "What is parley, held in a sitting room once favored the meaning of territorial compromise? Part for me and part for in Israel on Wednesday as the Jewish state approached tough by King Henry VIII, as "a seminar" rather you." He then ripped the paper in half. decisions on Mideast peace issues. weather than a negotiating session. One delegate, The harsh words in the Knesset also reflected divisions in Peres, in his first speech to the Knesset, or parliament, since however, said it was the first time he had his talks with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat 10 days ago in Begins Likud cabinet, which is scheduled to respond on Sunday thoroughly understood Egypt's position and Sadat's latest peace proposals. Austria, demanded a debate on the Mideast situation. The to Today will be partly cloudy, felt Egypt understood Israel. At Leeds Castle in England, Egyptian and Israeli foreign warm and humid, with a chance Labor Party chief accused Begin of "filling a prescription for of thunderstorms. Tempera¬ Despite the U.S. failure to break the Israeli's location" and of failing to keep the Knesset informed on ended two days of talks with no sign of progress on a tures will be in the high 80s. deadlock, Mohammed Ibrahim Kamel, the (continued on page 14) peace moves. Egyptian minister, told reporters that his government's proposals for the West Bank Michigan State News East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 20, 1978 China behind satellite info deal WASHINGTON (API - and will not say where the data requests it. They said they do Russia. Officials at the Geological Communist China is behind a was collected by U.S. satellite not provide details of the The officials said it appears Survey's data center in Sioux mysterious $105,000 purchase purchases, foreign or domestic, that the Chinese, who lack a Falls, S.D., say the satellites order for "non-military" infor¬ They do say the area covered as a matter of policy. reconnaissance satellite system can scan areas as small as a mation gathered by U.S. satel was outside the United States. But other U.S. government of their own. are trying to gain football field and the newest lites over much of the Soviet These officials, who declined officials, who also asked to information of potential mili¬ Landsat has a resolution of only to be identified, said the infor¬ remain anonymous, said the tary value about their bitter 40 meters - about half that said Wednesday. mation picked up by Uandsat purchase request originated communist rival, Russia. Officials of the U.S. Geologi satellites deals essentially with with Chinese interests in Hong The National Aeronautics Asked if the Landsat satellite cal Survey acknowledge the Kong and that the 2,800 and Space Administration has data is militarily significant, U.S.-Canada prisoner swap may be limited purchase request but refuse to identify the "foreign applicant" tended for peaceful purposes and is available to anybody who "frames" of satellite-collected data covered a wide expanse of two Landsats in circular orbit about 570 miles in space. With one official at the data center said "I don't know." But other two satellites aloft in different officials in Washington say it positions, experts said, each has such value if it is studied by OTTAWA (AP) Hundreds of Ameri¬ drug smuggling and may choose to stay cans in Canadian — jails will be affected by here because their chances of parole are WILL SOT TIP ALICLEAR BALANCE spot of the globe except for sophisticated military intelli¬ certain polar regions is ex¬ gence analysts. a prisoner exchange treaty signed better north of the border. amined every nine days. The Geological Survey offi¬ Wednesday but many may stay because Parole for drug offenders in the United The experts said the satel cial said no request was made of better chances for parole The treaty covers 230 Americans in States is tied to the amount and value of the drug seized. In Canada, it is tied to Soviet defense deficient lites are equipped with a vari¬ ety of infrared and other sen¬ to the National Security Coun cil or to the Defense or State sors that detect temperatures, Canadian federal prisons uncounted the individual s record and circumstances Departments to clear the numbers in provincial and state institu¬ of the case. WASHINGTON (API - A give the Russians an advantage tions for the United States — geological formations, areas of $105,000 foreign request for tions and 80 Canadians in U.S. federal However, Canada has instituted a CIA analysis of the Soviet civil over the United States in a assuming it had been struck by varying population densities, satellite data. defense system concludes that nuclear exchange. massive Soviet nuclear at¬ crop conditions and other phe¬ He said the center currently prisons. mandatory minimum sentence of 25 a the Earth's surface. it does not provide sufficient Culver, who is emerging as a tack. nomena on has six million frames of data U.S. officials soy about 25 percent of years for convicted killers, so the United inflicting 100 million The data on the "frames" stored at the center and that it the Americans jailed in Canada are in for States may be more attractive to them. protection to encourage the leading defender of the Carter casualties — the U.S. retalia¬ sent back from the Landsats is available to individuals, com¬ Russians to risk starting a administration positon in the tory strike would devastate the can be formed into pictures, nuclear war. Sen. John Culver, SALT negotiations, called a Soviet Union and kill more than panies and all foreign countries D Iowa, said Wednesday., news conference to counter the 100 million people. they said. without restriction. Releasing the unclassified claims of SALT critics. China sugests talks about YN residents study, Culver said it demon "Despite widespread claims strates that Soviet civil defense that Soviet leaders might TOKYO (AP; — China Wednesday desire to uphold the traditional friend¬ efforts "are not sufficient to prevent millions of casualties launch a nuclear attack because they expect to suffer only Government to seek out and massive industrial damage moderate damage and few- proposed bilateral talks with the Hanoi ship between the Chinese and Vietna¬ in the event of a nuclear war. casualties — and we hear that government on the fate of ethnic Chinese who claim they are being systematically persecuted in Vietnam. mese peoples and to seek and overall settlement of the question of Chinese residents in Vietnam." are "In short, Soviet programs not enough to tip the strategic balance against us." suggested today in a number of quarters — the professional judgment of our intelligence parents who leave family The Peking government called for an The dispute already has led to a Critics of the arms limitation community is that they would WASHINGTON (API - The 75 percent of the state and local The law allows families not early meeting of vice foreign ministers Chinese halt in aid to Vietnam and agreement now under negotia not be emboldened to expose government will step up its costs in running the program. on welfare to turn to local amid reports that thousands of Chinese closure of Vietnamese consulates in tion between the United States their country to a higher risk of program to track down parents Once found, the missing par child support agencies for help are fleeing harassment in Vietnam to southern China, adjoining Vietnam. and the Soviet Union often nuclear attack." said Culver. who desert their families and ents usually are required to in finding the missing parent. China. The note broadcast by the officiol point to Soviet civil defense The senator contended that force their dependents to go on make the payments that they Califano said that last year this A Chinese note to Vietnam said China Hsinhua news agency, said the talks efforts as a factor that would even under the worst condi- welfare, HEW Secretary Jo were already under a court resulted in collection of $460 made the proposal out of its sincere could be held either in Hanoi or Peking. seph A. Califano Jr. said Wed¬ order to provide. million in support for these nesday. Califano said the program families. The Child Support Enforce¬ has also helped to establish He made the announcement ment Program, which expects paternity for 92.000 children. collect $500 million this year UAW head to resigns, from several hundred thousand absent parents, will set its sights collecting $1 billion in calls group 'facade' on fiscal 1979, the secretary Department of Health, Educa¬ of the Carter doctor hit tion and Welfare said. WASHINGTON (U P I) United Auto Workers President He announced plans to create in fake - Douglas Fraser resigned Wednesday from the joint Labor Man¬ agement group, saying corporate chiefs are waging "a one sided class war" and there is "no point in pretending that we h a training center for federal, state and local child support officials in Washington, as well drug order anything in common." as a model computer system "to WASHINGTON (AP) - The White House on Wednesday Fraser said the 16-member committee established by former assist in location efforts, in promised a response to reports that President Carter's chief Labor Secretary John Dunlop is "a facade" and has achieved medical adviser signed a fake prescription for 15 tablets of the Union president charged with embezzling billing absent parents and in much-abused drug Quaalude. little. producing enforcement and He also said that for the first time in years, members of the However, more than 12 hours after the Washington Post first management reports. . ." 1.5 million member union are so disenchanted with the Califano said that since the reported that Dr. Peter Bourne had written the prescription, NEW YORK (AP) — The president of the One of the attorneys Tonelli allegedly achievements of the Democratic Party — particularly the the White House had made no official statement. United Paper Workers Union was indict¬ tried to hire was a former president of the program began in August 1975, The newspaper said the Carter administration — that they have begun urging union it has located almost 900,000 prescription for Quaalude, a ed Wednesday on charges of embezzling Georgia Bar Association who once was sedative, was written to an apparently fictitious person, leaders to consider aligning with third party. leading a parents from families receiving $360,000 in union funds and using part of appointed a judge by then-Gov. Jimmy "I don't think we're there yet," he told a news conference. to the arrest of a woman who tried to get it filled at a suburban Aid to Families with Depen the money to try to buy off a federal Carter. "But UAW leaders for the first time in years are saying: Virginia drugstore. dent Children, an $11 billion investigation of his affairs. Tonelli and o fellow officer of the Should Bourne was refusing to take telephone calls from we not explore the alternative third party?' There's welfare program. Through last reporters. 300,000-member paperworkers union, erosion out there among the party's strongest supporters." His wife, Mary King, deputy director of the federal volunteer March it had collected $1.1 A federal grand jury in Brooklyn treasurer He said the administration has been ineffective mainly billion on behalf of the welfare agency ACTION, was asked about the report. She replied in a Henry Segal, were accused of note: "Peter is the finest charged that union president Joseph paying the $50,000 to the Atlanta firm of because of a shift in power from the executive branch to an families, though administrative physician I know and he will be Tonelli paid $50,000 of the money to an Swift, Currie, McGhee and Hiers to uncooperative Congress. While saying he personally still backs costs reduced the net saving for answering all the questions in due course." President Carter, Fraser said the White House should "learn Presidential press secretary Jody Powell said a statement Atlanta law firm to intercede on his obtain the services of two of its members, states to $386 million. Califano the difference between compromise and capitulation." would be issued sometime Wednesday, but did not behalf with officials of the Justice Irwin W. Stolz Jr., and W. Homer Drake . . . said. say when. The federal government pays Department to stop a grand jury investi¬ Jr. to intercede with the Justice Depart¬ gation. ment. Government controls—but there's a catch WASHINGTON (AP) mittee approved a - A House com¬ bill Wednesday giving The bill would require that outgoing presidents, beginning in 1981, turn over When you the government control of White House papers but permitting a president to seal all official White House records to the National Archives. don't have some records for up to 10 years. The Government Operations Commit¬ However, a president would be em¬ the time... tee rejected a move to give Congress powered to restrict access — for up to 10 years — to classified documents or veto power over a president's ability material regarding national defense, while in office to dispose of records he foreign policy or appointments. felt had no historical or informational value. Opponents said the proposal The chief executive also could restrict raised many constitutional questions. access to documents dealing with trade The overall measure was approved on secrets, advice from aides and personnel o 33-2 vote. and medical files. Bone bits in meat allowable with new rules WASHINGTON (AP) - Some finely- product," mechanically-processed pork ground bone con begin appearing in product," ond so forth depending on the meat products such as frankfurters and type of meat involved. You don't have to come salami starting Thursday under new In the newly-approved process ribs, inside to enjoy Wendy's neck bones and similar parts of an animal Hot n Juicy Hamburgers Agriculture Department rules. Just drive up—order up— that are hard to trim by hand will be Assistant Agriculture Secretary Carol THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY pick up—and then, Tucker Foreman said the regulations will ground up. wipe up, because our The ground mixture is then forced assure that the product is safe and hamburgers are really wholesome. through a sieve to screen out the larger Hot 'n Juicy pieces of bone. But finely-ground bone — Products containing the ground bone pieces about the size of ordinary table will have to be clearly labeled as pepper — will pass through the sieve and including mechanically-processed beef end up in the mixture. Sidewalk Sale Brock .supports tax So BIG it's OUTSIDE and revision measures INSIDE our shoppe! DETROIT (AP) — Americans are boil¬ government ." Brock said at the start of a ing mad over taxes," and tax revision three-day meeting of the notional com¬ SAVE UP TO 40% ON: measures proposed by Republican law¬ mittee. Speakers • Receivers • Amps • Tuners makers would ease that anger. GOP About 400 Republicans from across the Cassette Decks • Headphones • Blank Tape National Committee Chairperson Bill country are attending the meeting here, Record Care Products • Turntables • Systems Brock said Wednesday. a traditional stronghold of labor and the Used Zenith black and white portable TVs Democratic party. Americans ore at a crossroad; we can Today's agenda included a conference Trowbridge Road tl^Stereo choose to continue the course of the past on urban problems, with 100 GOP county 46 years of increasing taxes and chairpersons from the nation's urban — one centers to discuss ways of wooing black,- Just North of Harrison SRoppe ever-expanding government at every level — or we can choose to place ethnic and blue-collar voters, traditional¬ Also Lansing: Saginaw at Waverly sensible controls over the growth of ly the backbone of Democratic support. S. Cedar at 1-96 555 E. Grand River Ave. • Phone 337-1300 Michigan Stole New», East Laming, Mlchigon Thursday. July 20 1978 3 Pollock still seeks protest FDA again blasts By DANIEL HILBERT State New. Staff Writer Mary Pollock is continuing her quest for a platform on which to protest her firing. Anti-Discrimination Judicial Board. Sallie Bright, legal counsel for the Office of Encare 9s promotion Amidst renewed concern over her Pollock's sex-discrimination complaint Human Relations, said the denial came failed. about because of Pollock's status To protest her firing Pollock, along with By PAULCOX dismissal, fired women's programs director was turned down last week by MSU's as a State News Staff Writer terminated employee. about a dozen speakers, also asked the their June public comment 1 hi- l ooii and Drug Administration has once again criticized a contraceptive She also filed another sex-discrimination trustees at session to review her firing - the trustees suppository, popular locally according to East Lansing merchants, for not being as complaint with the Michigan Civil Right's Commission, but it has not yet assigned an refused. investigator to her case. Pollock said. They did, however, instruct President Encare Ovi , a vagina! suppository that effervesces into a spermicide foam, has been Concerned women met Tuesday evening Edgar L. Harden to investigate methods icing 9'.< percent effective. Yet. the FDA claims the contraceptive is to decide the next course of action they through which the entire Office of Human probably 71 t 9H percent effective, like other contraceptive foams and gels. should take to bring the Pollock situation Relations could be evaluated. Harden is to •econd time in four months the FDA has warned the manufacturers of Encare Oval bout overpromotion. back to the University's attention. report back to the board at next week's Barrie Thome, associate professor of meeting. In April, u ider prodding from the FDA. the manufacturer voluntarily removed Pollock also filed a written request with mention of a V ••si German study stating a pregnancy rate of "1 per 100 women" from its sociology, said the group plans to go back to Harden asking for access to a grievance label. An FD. ad\ Dory committee called the West German studies "poorly conducted the MSU Board of Trustees public comment and unreliahi session next week and again ask that the procedure as well as one with the admini : is carried a*, a number of local durg stores and pharmacies. situation be reviewed. strative professional grievance officer. Both "It sells rea ■a Hi It is probably our best one." said a Campus Corners II spokesperson. "What is needed is not an impersonal requests were denied because of her status review, but they badly need to see that an as a probationary employee. "W|> opb ' , o/»*r, 'boxes of Encare Oval' about every two weeks." count spokesperson said Encare Oval sells well and sales are mostly to individual was the victim . . . Mary is a Thorne said the facts have not all come t«» "college studi its. say lh to 3'l years old." victim," Thome said. the surface concerning why Pollock wa> Gullivers 11 ug Store reported that the contraceptive "has been doing very well and Pollock was fired in June by Robert fired. the majoritv f saies are to young adults." Perrin, vice president of University and She said Pollock was being used as a The prnrfui- is also stocked by Campus Drug Store locally. Muirs Drug Store and the federal relations, for not adequately per¬ "sacrificial lamb" hv the administration Olin Health < forming her duties. through their failure to review Perrin's The local m rchantsdo suspect that the FDA warning, which was sent to one million Trustee Jack Stack, R-Alma, tried to get action. doctors, phar lacies and others health professionals, will hurt sales of Encare Oval, mers have commented about it (the FDA warning)," said a State Discount spermicide nonoxynol-9, which Mentally ills' families . like other foams and gels, contains the ■an kill spe find oasis in sharing Oval appears to be especially popular on college campuses and among " FDA Commissioner Donald Kennedy said. e million pregnancies now occurring each year among teenage Americans, it Oasis believes that after professional that this group have the clearest and most reliable information about By DEB ELSTON A strong attempt is being made in the advice is obtained, the family should be the ves. especially those available to them over-the-counter without a backbone of patience, support and under instructions." he explained. Lansing area to help educate people on how itrol tolls are the only form of contraception the FDA considers more than 99 to deal with mentally-disturbed adults. standing. The Oasis Fellowship, Inc. is a non profit Woody Sanford. Oasis pubiic relations citizens group which hopes to offer parents chairperson, is a firm believer in the and friends of emotionally-unbalanced importance of family love and under people a place to go and share their feelings. standing in the recovery of a person The organization was begun by the suffering from mental disturbance. Ingham Community Mental Health Center in 1973, stemming from a parent education Some years ago the Sanfords became aware that their daughter was becoming mentally ill. They sought professional help Job criteria challenged workshop series. ence. should be emphasized more than Besides giving counsel and support to and after much deliberation, sent her to a ability at fundraising for the University. fellow members, Oasis aims to give advice hospital. The committee and MSU Board of and references to those who do not know However, their daughter's condition did not improve and they found themselves Trustees have approved a job description where to turn for help. that emphasized the role of the president in Oasis also intends to serve as an advocate totally isolated from her. garnering funds for the University, making to various mental health systems and. "Instead she began to pick up the peculiar academic qualifications secondary. perhaps most importantly, to raise public mannerisms of others at the hospital," However, the description highlighted the cooperation and attention. recalls Woody. "Her environment was importance of the provost's role as chief Relatives and friends who are having definitely not suitable for a healthy re¬ At the c. academic officer of the University. hat the leadership style problems adjusting to someone who is covery." Blatt said compared to the president's having emotional difficulties attend the The Sanfords removed their daughter president should be an from the hospital and sought another primary role as the source of institution meetings to discuss and share their ex doctor's advice. Unfortunately his profes¬ has been ght leadership, fiscal and budgetary expertise periences. should rank second in importance, but he What makes Oasis different than other sional treatment included a variety of explained the significance of those qualities. Stat* Ntwi Kay McKeever groups of its kind? Its members believe in drugs. nk Blatt. president .if the MSU "We believe that this committee should total family commitment. "At one time, our daughter had seven Dwight Vines, • sophomore medical technician, (ilia a tank with liquid Often when parents are confronted with a different pill prescriptions involving stim¬ pr of the A At T\ read from a prepared look with a most critical eye at any nitrogen near Ciltner Hall Wednesday. The chemical, which is about mentally-disturbed son or daughter, plans ulants, depressants, etc.," Sanford said candidate who does not have a solid minus 375 degrees Fahrenheit, is used lor cancer and viral research on for institutional help are usually considered "She would scuffle around the house, arms mic background of a candidate, both in background in academia, as faculty member of faculty and administrative experi¬ 1 continued on page 14) ducks. and the family already begins to be isolated (continued on page 14> from the person. 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Enjoy shopping inside, where it's cool and comfortable. - >13" CASE OF 24 - No phone or mail orders. ^ACTION COUPON^ llaohD-Wltel WHITE WALL CLEANER Savings On DRESSES • COATS • SPORTSWEAR MISS J SHOP APPAREL • MILLINERY 99® GALLON SIZE '2 95 S JW LENGERIE • FOUNDATIONS • ACCESSORIES INFANTS',BOYS' AND GIRLS' ACTION COUPON^ FASHION APPAREL Cardo H.D. ^ MEN'S SPORTSWEAR FURNISHINGS | Braka Shops | AND CLOTHING S& *5".?-! ^ 2 WHEELS M LIFETIME GUARANTEE J HOME DECORATIVE SHOPS HOME FASHIONS SALE NOW IN PROGRESS Fill your linen shelves with superb values ACTION AUTOMOTIVE oa 7213 N. Grand River [ Jacobsoris RAMP WE WILL VALIDATE YOUR TICKET Open 7 days... Nights and Sundays FREE PARKING IN THE ADJACENT K ©[pDtnlDOlfQ The CIA works for us, but they define the 'us1 When John Stockwell. former they determined it to be in the best they fight on the Marxist side? One interest of the nation. But can it American said "yes" and was given head of the CIA's Angolan task really be to the point that one, two, a 15-year prison sentence. The force, resigned from the agency last year to write a book on the even a dozen men are deciding other, a truly committed Ameri¬ CIA's involvement in Angola, the what is best for the nation? We can who was fighting against agency was justifiably nervous. truly hope that is not the case, but world Communism, said "never." we don't know. And what's even He was executed. He was not a When" the book, In Search of Enemies, finally came to print, the more frightening is to think that mercenary, he was an American agency hastily denied almost we might never be able to find out. patriot — or so he was being A little bit of history is in order assured by the CIA. But that was every charge Stockwell leveled at the agency. to put things into perspective. A before the capture. , After the Last week, the Senate Intelli¬ civil war occurred in Angola. The capture, the U.S. State Depart¬ sides split up into pro-Western ment flatly denied any connection gence Committee revealed that the agency lied when it denied the factions versus Marxist-oriented with the Americans and insisted charges made by Stockwell. But "popular" movements. The Marx¬ that there was no way the United that exposure was trivial com¬ ists had Cuban help, the pro- States could help the two because pared to the degree of lying the Western had the CIA. The CIA they were mercenaries engaging in illegal activities on their own agency used when it "informed" actively, but covertly, recruited the United States Congress of the mercenaries — mainly ex-U.S. volition. CIA's Angolan activities. And it wasn't just the career spies in the soldiers — and transported them to Angola to fight the Marxist. The was But it was not their volition; it the CIA's. But never once The FBI hires the best middle of the organization who Marxists won and captured many would they admit it. Even now lied, it was Secretary of State pro-Western forces, among them Attorney General Griffin Bell laid it all on the line a And what kind of people do they have infiltrated they try to qualify their lies by two Americans. Both Americans couple weeks ago when he stood up to a federal judge now? What kind are in the Nazi party? What kind are Henry Kissinger and then-CIA saying that they never "intention¬ Director William Colby. were asked: if they were paid and refused to hand over names of FBI agents who in the Jewish Defense League? What kind are in the ally" misle anyone. How can And for what reason'.' Obviously double their CIA salaries, would had infiltrated the Socialist Workers Party. Now this Iranian Student Organizations? Does the list go on, they be such semantic simpletons? One can not mislead without week we learn just what kind of agents the FBI is so or are we just being paranoid? intentions. What kind of word anxious to protect. No wonder Bell doesn't want Possibly both, but paranoia toward domestic and released. international surveillance agencies, in our minds, is a games can they pull over on the names American public before people Gary Thomas Rowe was one of the FBI's chief healthy attitude. The FBI seems to have the knack The informers on the Ku Klux Klan during the mid-'60s. for finding people who are very skilled at infiltration State News j quite believing? William Colby, in a recent Playboy interview, Rowe participated in all the big events, culminating — hardly any of them ever seem to be discovered by summed up the attitude of the CIA his career by watching four young black children the organizations they spy on. But that probably Thursday July 20 1978 when he volunteered that he never blown to bits from a bomb planted in the church they stems from the fact that they do not train infiltrators Editorials are the opinions of the Sfafc News Viewpoints columns and lied about anything, it was just were attending. Rowe thoughtfully tipped off the per se. Their tactics seem to be; what can we find letters are personal opinions Editorial that people asking the questions FBI about the bomb, but even more thoughtfully, dirty about this individual that can be used against Department him? In other words, how can we force this person — usually asked the wrong ones or waited until it was too late to stop it. In addition, who is usually already in an organization — tc Aike Klocke pursued the wrong angles. Rowe is now proudly saying that he himself shot and i h Hey wood killed a black man. cooperate with us and turn traitor to his allies? It th£ Parker But why w ould a man implicate himself in murder? works, but it is disgusting — even when it involves Some contend that it is to publicize his life story, the more disgusting members of the Ku Klux Klan. The point is, there is no reason for Attorney being made into a movie. Others say it is a guilty Advertising Department conscience. Some say flatly that his admission is a General Bell to pretend we are dealing with lie. We say it is totally beside the point. Why was a American heroes when he insists their anonyminity man like that working for the FBI in the first place? be protected. turn back to the X". If you don't blow it on booze and broads." *LA§H* LARROWE you can "Wouldn't that be violating the law?" Perrin pipes up. "I've heard the rooms in the hotel are pint sized, and Attorney General Kelley has ruled it's unlawful to put three people in a room with less than 500 cubic feet of air space." Tripling isn't "Kelley's ruling doesn't apply in Iowa." I explains. "Lash." the prexy says, taking me by the arm. leading me away from Perrin and Breslin, "I'd like to talk to you for a minute alone. It isn't just the shortage of air space that bothers me. It's the nervous strain I'll be under if they put the three of us in that all that bad "I'll have to agree with you, Mr. President," I admits, "those two turkeys wouldn't be my first choice, either, to be cooped up with in one room for three days. But it really won't be all that bad. You'll be out of the room most of the day. going to workshops and buzz sessions. You'll only be in the room to sleep." I'm over at O'Hare with an hour to kill between planes and the bar hasn't opened yet. "But that's just the problem," he says. "I won't be able to get any sleep. I was stuck I'm leaning against the newsstand, leafing through the latest Hustler, I hear somebody with those two birds once before at a big conference in I'rbana. I'm not sure I can take it say "Good morning, Lash. I wonder if you have just a minute? I'd like to ask you a few again. questions." I've just come to an exciting point in the story I'm reading, and I sure don't want to be "Just as I was dozing off, at about 2 a.m.. Breslin started jogging around the room, interrupted. I'm about to snarl "Get lost, buster!", when I look around and I see it's Big huffing and puffing like a sperm whale. Kept it up a whole hour, Lash! Then, when I think Ed Harden. Right behind him I see Bob Perrin and Tiger Jack Breslin. he's finally quieted down, he does 50 pushups, counting 'em out like he's a Marine recruit "Of course. Mr. President." I smiles, shoving the mag back in the rack. "What can I do in boot camp. I thought I'd never get to sleep." for you?" "Well," I tells him, "when Tiger Jack sacks out. you'll be OK. Perrin's a real silent "I know you get around a great deal," he says, "what with your consulting and dude." arbitrating, and giving all those papers at professional meetings. I thought that with your "That's what I thought, too," he says. "But he's not when he's asleep. He snores experience as a world traveler, you might be able to help us with a problem we've run something awful. Talks in his sleep, too. That other time, he had a two-hour argument with himself about whether he did the right thing when he fired Mary Pollock. Do you "I'll be glad to help in any way I tin." I says. suppose there's any way you can get us out of that room, Lash?" "It's like this." he says. "We're on our way to Des Moines for this meeting of land-grant "If it was any other outfit, I might be able to," I says. "But that land grant college college administrators. The hotel they booked us into just notified us it's overcrowded association of yours is might hard-nosed. You go to their meetings, they force you to stay and they're going to have to put the three of us in the same room." in the hotel where their convention meets." "So what's the problem?" I asks. "They roll in a cot, Bob and Tiger Jack toss a coin to "That's what I found out," Big Ed says glumly. "I told them tripling was wrong, you see who gets it, OK? It's only going to be temporary, anyway. On the second night, the know what they said, Lash? They said if we didn't like it, we didn't have to come to their hotel won't be full, you move Perrin out. you and 3reslin'll have the room to yourselves. conference!" "There's the bright side to it. too. you may not have thought of," I adds. "While the "I'm afraid you'll just have to live with it," I tells him. "But don't sweat it, Mr. three of you are sharing the room, the hotel'll give you a lower rate. The money you save, President. You'll survive. Tripling isn't all that bad." VIEWPOINT: LONELINESS DtUtitirs paltry greate accord with her views. garding the review ed from efforts to My enlighten us regarding the playwright. 1« gotta relax to shake it Summer Circle is appreciated Permit me to add an expression widely shared, and that is one of great appreciation to the Summer Circle for enhancing our By BARB ARA J. EVANS to be a case where you can have your cake and eat it too. You don't Contrary to the impression made on the (ions in an open space with built-in summer's pleasure. have to sacrifice inner peace for social interaction. You just need to State News reviewer of Izondon Assurance, difficulties. We felt the cast and director I agree that self-sufficiency and being emotionally self reliant learn now to balance the two. And activities aren't themselves cleared these hurdles very admirably. J.L. Young are worthy goals for some people. And those attributes certainly my friends and I found the play thoroughly 216 W. good or bad — it's what you bring to them. Judging audience reaction, I'm forced to Saginaw help and may even be prerequisites for enjoying certain "special delightful. This, despite what is obvious to Conversation doesn't have to be superficial if you aren't afraid to conclude the reviewer would find but a East Lansing comforts and joys of solitude." But the way that Renaldo Migaldi is any audience regarding theater presenta reveal a little of yourself and share some real thoughts with other going about it doesn't sound very joyful to me. In fact, he sounds people. And you can even get some good stuff to take home to that downright miserable about the whole thing. i"Shaking loneliness," "inner self' you are nurturing. Many times I have found real by Garry Trudeau State News. July 19). DOONESBURY He seems to believe that when he isn't alone he is wasting time, insight in a comment made in an offhand way by someone in a that there are good and bad pursuits and that time and activities group or even learned something from something I said myself. I'M JUST LOOK,THOSE GUYS DON'T WORRY, KID, ITS ALREADY BECAUSE YOU I don't believe that the rests we all take from "putting our time WITHOUT HAVE ENOUGH ON BEEN TESTED. THERE'S NOWAY WHYDONT MISSED THEWS. themselves have qualties. I propose that time is neither good or WHATARB GOOSING THE I FIND THAT BOY. YOU KIDS bad except as we look at it. And time that is spent badly is so to good use" are only a "temporary anesthetic." Maybe the mind YOU PUTTING JUICE WITH A THE PLAYERS' THEIR MINDSWITH- I'D GIVE MY BOYS ANY DRUG OR DRUGS I HADNT TRIED MYSELF REASSURING, TODAY LIVEINA gets tired just like the body and needs to relax, loosen up and let IN TUB GAWP- FB0J STEROIDS, KNOWLEDGE, OUT HAVING TO FUSS defined by the spender. IN EVERY CONCEIVABLE SIR? DREAMWORLD! the world roll by a little. APE, SIR7 BOY. I'M DOING SIR? \ WITH ADDITIVES. Time is only spent badly if you believe that: COMBINATION! \ Singer/songwriter James Taylor believes that's all there is and \ A STUDY- •you should be doing something else, or if says so in his lyrics, "the secret of life is enjoying the passing of •your expectations of what should be happening in a situation time." Well, I'm not sure of that, but I don't believe that you can are different than what actually occurring. find truth or understand the nature of things by gritting your The feeling of waste comes from a fee ling of lack of control - of teeth and bearing down. And I believe something can be gained by yourself in the first instance and of the situation in the second. And genuinely relaxing. Perhaps only then, when you begin to find joy when you feel powerless you --an feel frustrated - and angry — in "work, party time, and drinking chatter," can you really begin to and hostile — and depressed — and generally downright miserable. enjoy life. A teacher of mine put it very simply one Monday morning Migaldi seems to believe that when engaged in his time wasting before an 8 a.m. class, "I can't seem to get started this morning. I activities he is giving up "the inner space one needs in order to think when I don't play so good, I don't work so good." really think deeply about things." But the sense of time and space are wonderful things. They expand and contract. And this appears groduale student m musit t tons IS a Michigon Stote News. Eost Lonsing, Michigan Thursdoy. July 20, 1970 5 Dancers defy the heat Warren, who has her own ballet school. Ballet skills perfected "Dancing is such an individual thing. It has to do with anatomy, physiology and musicality. I like watching the progress of my students as I somehow feel responsible in summer conference for the way in which their bodies develop," she explained. Tenniswood said good mental and physi¬ cal health are important to dancers. Quick It is mid summer and to most teenagers must be passed to go on to the next. The minds respond to commands and this is the vacation means a lot of leisure time, free dancer usually spends at least a year in one important in ballet. from the routine of the school year. But for level and sometimes more. "They must feel what they are doing," some 200 young men and women gathered Cindy Lasinski, 15, of Madison Heights, she said. "The little things such as head on campus last week, the teaching and said, "I practice dance every day except movements or the position of the hand are learning process is still part of their Sunday for at least six hours a day. I what keep the audience interested." everyday life. practice even longer on Saturday and just The conference and seminar was high The students, together with their teach as much during the school year as in the lighted by a final public performance ers, were at MSU for a two week Sunday night featuring the advanced conference to perfect their dance skills in After the student level, a dancer becomes students under the direction of Robert the Cecchetti Ballet Conference and Sem¬ a professional and can move on through the Barnett. Barnett is artistic director of the inar. upper grades of elementary, intermediate, Atlanta Ballet Company, Atlanta. Ga. Filling the hallways of the Union Building advanced and diploma A and B. were young men and women dressed in "We are here to learn from others. The leotards and tights with a certain seemingly teachers exchange suggestions to learn ? from other instructors from all over sophisticated air about them. The young women's hair was usually the state and across the country." said pulled tightly back into a knot behind their Kathleen Tenniswood, an instructor from head or cut short. The postures of the young dancers were better than most teenagers and many carried designer tote They all seemed adultlike and but careful observation revealed that they were still young girls and boys who did not plan to miss out on any of the fun that makes teenage life so important. JoAnn Sobczak, 14, of Mt. Clemens has been studying for 9 years and was attending her fourth conference at MSU. "I really enjoy meeting new people and learning different dance methods. I feel the conference helps me to round out my background in ballet," Sobczak said. The Cecchetti method of dance consists of seven grades. The first four are at a student level and after every level >y.;ci..gon Stote News, Eost loosing, Michigon Thursday. July 20, 1978 entertainment One Last Bar By DAVE DIMARTINO SUte News SUfl Writer Peter Gabriel returns for Seconds little sonic eccentricities similar continue this sort of experimen¬ I wanna tell you I've been reading this column Boogwabazh, Midnight Ramblings, That Uncertain Urge or — Barroom whatever you wanna call it — and I've been feeling left out. Left out because first of all, I can pour down beer with the best of By JOHN NEILSON 'em, and second of all, because my favorite place to drink, my State News Reviewer to those found on albums by tation on future albums. own pride and joy, has never been covered here, at least as long Brian Eno, with whom Fripp By the way, if you bought the as I can remember. has extensively collaborated. first solo album, you've no SIR PIZZA — the name alone brings tears to my eyes and Musically, this album is doubt noticed that both of these dryness to my throat. markedly different from the albums are entitled simply Y'know, I'm not one to bow down to dreaded peer pressure, Peter Gabriel. According to a previous album. On that LP, but I've always found it a little hard to explain to people: no Gabriel was trying hard to recent interview, Gabriel has thank you, I don't feel like going to Beggars but how about Sir escape the shadow of his former said that he intends to name his Pizza? SIR PIZZA? they'd scoff, then walk their merry way to a band and assert his credentials next few albums that, too, in an world I never made. as a songwriter. To do this he effort to maintain a sort of But I'd be content sitting in that warm little pizza joint, never tried his hand at a broad array continuity. He compared it to eating a thing — a little garlic bread here and there, sure, but of styles, ranging from hard publishing a magazine, in that who wants to buy food when you're a strugglin' student who rock to ballads, barber shop the the has to scrimp in order to buy your beer? ditties, and bloozy barroom while the contents change from Sir's — as those in the know call it — has a whole lotta wailing. While most of the sentimental and semi-mental value to me, which makes sense tunes worked well, they still That same interview also since, as are most of its patrons, I was a Brody resident when I came off as being too self brought out the fact that Gab¬ first made its acquaintance. I drank my first pitcher of beer conscious, and often one-dimen¬ riel has once again adopted a there and I'll probably drink my last one there, too, which is sional. curious new way of wearing his A OK by me. hair — he has recently had his Back in '71 through '751 was an undergrad here. I worked in The: jngst i the alburr head shaved. Long-time follow¬ •e idiosynchratic campus radio — WBRS, Brody's own station, as a matter of fact ers of Genesis will remember and I used to have the 10 p.m. to than previous numbers. Gab¬ — midnight shift. Which made that for a long while Gabriel riel's lyrics twist tortuously walking over to Sir's the easiest, most desirable thing in the had a single stripe shaved back world to do, rain, sleet or snow. Best of all, the beer was always through the music in a way that from the top of his forehead, is uniquely his own, and while in cheap — it still is, sort of, though time and inflation have taken a sort of reverse mohawk.) this music sounds more like their toll — and remarkably easy to drink, if you catch my drift. Genesis than the last album, Perhaps the best indication So much so, in fact, that it always seemed a considerably longer of what Gabriel is trying to walk TO Sir's than it was back home. Pleasures of innocent this comparison fades after aroused by the later Pink Floyd accomplish with his new album youth, etc. The result is that this album repeated listenings. be found on the cover. On albums and the recent David can I can remember having my first pitcher of dark beer and my tar moodier than anything Gilmour solo effort. Perhaps the most interesting its front we see a solemn-faced first pitcher of mixed beer — dark and light — and I always briel has done before. The Robert Fripp, best known for song on Peter Gabriel is "Ex Gabriel literally clawing at his thought the dark beer was more potent, until someone told me beat snappiness of the first his role in King Crimson, has posure," which has Gabriel own image. With successive the breweries added molasses to the beer to make it darker, lo album shows up in isolated done an admirable job of pro¬ moaning that one word over a albums we may eventually see which kinda hurt my feelings. Didn't really care in the long run. stances 'as on "A Wonderful ducing a sound that helps evoke slow, oozing Fripp/Eno/Tan- more of this man's fascinating I guess, because I still drink it whenever I can. iv in a One Way World"), but these feelings. His production is gerine Dream background (the personal vision — minus the Sir's has changed a lot from those days when I used to share en then it is tempered with a dense and murky, necessitating album jacket credits the pro¬ masks. For Gabriel, this album six pitchers with a good friend or two. For one, they've hung up ■y resignation. In fact, the repeated listenings before indi ducer with "Frippertronics" on is a healthy step in the right tiffany lamps everywhere and changed the place's name — at ■nbinat i< ■lancholy and vidual songs stand out. His this cut). Hopefully Gabriel will direction. least on the inside — to Clara's. (Am I the only one who thinks at pervades influence is also noticeable in Clara is a cow's name?) And if that's not enough, they've gotten .o the feeling that the album is loaded with rid of the little guy on the napkins who I always assumed to be Sir Pizza himself. All the napkins say now are "Clara's Ron and Betty Carter due crumb-catcher," which strikes me as aesthetically overbearing, to say the least. One of the for Eclipse Jazz concert is the brand highlights of this "Clara's" changeover, however, new placemat menus, which are illustrated and Beatty produces a winner; the Two Carters — Ron and Betty — will be performing Friday at University of Michigan during Ann Arbor's art fair as part of reminiscent of Big Boy and Dolly at their best. My favorite illustration is the one placed next to Sir's shaved ham sandwich, where a happy little pig sits next to a barber pole with shaving the University's Eclipse summer jazz series. cream on his rear and a shaving razor in his other hand. Humor 'Heaven can Wait' superb Ron Carter is acknowledged by many to be the premier jazz bassist of his day, a superb player who has played with such jazz such as this understandably works most successfully after several beers. giants as Miles Davis, Eric Dolphy, Herbie Hancock, Freddie Hubbard and McCoy Tyner, among many others. Carter's current My favorite time to visit Sir's is usually at the beginning of By BILL HOLDSHIP fall term, when Brody residents look for cheap thrills and more Farnsworth. an eccentric and tyrannical quartet, which appeared at MSU last year, consists of bassist Sute News Reviewer often than not find them at the bottom of beer glasses or millionaire. All hell breaks loose when the Buster Williams, drummer Ben Riley and pianist Kenny Barron. When it comes to success, nothing seems to amiable Pendleton assumes the role, and the Carter himself plays piccolo bass with the group. hunched over toilets. I'm not quite sure how the new Quality work as well as what has already worked in Dairy next to Sir's has affected business; it's probably a lot film is a hilarious comedy of errors from this Vocalist Betty Carter is renowned as a bebop vocalist who the past. Within virtually every entertain¬ more fun to get beer-to go and listen to music in your own dorm point on. The laugh-a-minute subplots emerged with Lionel Hampton's band in the later '40s and has ment genre, the rules remain the same — include, among other things, a murder since recorded sporadic but always excellent albums. Her current room, but Sir's DOES have a jukebox and all the aural and take an old formula and build on it. band is a trio consisting of pianist John Hicks, drummer Clifford visual stimulation one requires for serious or contemplative scheme between the hysterical Mrs. Farns¬ It appears that Warren Beatty followed this beer drinking. worth (Dyan Cannon) and Farnsworth's Barbero, and an as-yet-to-be-announced drummer. rule while making Heaven Can Wait. Aside bumbling personal secretary (Charles Gro- So: I'm a humble guy, and the only atmosphere I need when from the technological advancements the din); Farnsworth's purchase of the Rams, and Carter is currently enjoying a revival in popularity due heavily motion picture industry has achieved, the film to exposure in the mass media — such as Newsweek and Time — drinking requires oxygen and little else. Sir's, despite tiffany his efforts to convince his former trainer and resembles nothing so much as one of those and a resurgence of interest by fans of jazz vocalists in general. lamps and the intrusion of "Clara," remains unpretentious and friend (Jack Warden) that he is really comedic, fantasy filled, romantic romp class¬ healthily varied in its clientel. Football players one night, actual Pendleton; a romantic liason with Julie Tickets for the 8 p.m. show are available in East Lansing at footballs the next. Life should be like that, too, ya know? ics from the 1930s. In fact, the film's Christie; and even a climactic Super Bowl Discount Records and will be sold at the door. Prices are $5.50, screenplay was adapted from the 1941 flick. game for good measure. $4.50 and $3.50. There will be only one performance. Here Comes Mr. Jordan. Nonetheless. Heaven Can Wait is the most delightful and As unreal as the plot may sound. Heaven entertaining movie 1978 has offered thus far. Can Wait is enchanting enough to make the Following his huge but scattered successes w ;t h Bonnie and Clyde and Shampoo. Heaven audience suspend disbelief from the offset. The enchantment is ageless, and one can only Ella takes Cole Porter to new jazzy heights Can Wait also reinforces the notion that wonder why the film received a GP rating. Warren Beatty is one of our greatest modern Beattv's direction derives the very best from film auteurs. Beattv's credits in the film his supporting cast, but it is Beatty himself By RENALDO MIGALDI No bomping boomers, no sav¬ namely, Cole Porter. All 15 cuts include not only the lead role, but producer, who steals the show. Beatty's characteriza¬ State News Reviewer age cries, no intricate cerebral on this LP are Cole Porter co-director iwith Buck Henry), and co-author tion is so endearing that one can't help but Ella Fitzgerald: Dream Dan¬ cubist intonations? tunes. "I've Got You Under My ' with Elaine May i as well. It's safe to bet that root for Pendleton/Farnsworth. The Beatty- cing (Pablo 2310 814) Just... music. Skin," "My Heart Belongs To an Oscar nomination no doubt awaits in all May collaboration on the screenplay is So I'm sitting on the grass by Ella. She's over 60 but her Daddy," "At Long Last Love." four categories. superb, her best since New Leal, The writers the Administration Building voice is that of a youngster I didn't think a young hipster have succeeded in topically updating the story near the river rapids, trying The plot of Heaven Can Wait seems a bit tripping on life and love. It like me was supposed to dig odd coming from a man who expressed without forsaking the non-saccharine senti¬ vainly to plough through Ezra shows just a touch of strain as it such lush stuff, but guess again. interest in such unorthodox project as a mentality of the original. Pound's Cantos. I read the reaches for the high notes, but I guess it just proves that all tD high budget porno film and a Howard Hughes line over again and again, there's still all the passion. Heaven Can Wait offers the viewer no same good music is hip music, if you but the damn thing makes no For the time being, anyway, w,\ biography prior to the production of this film. socio psychological-philosophical messages or just open your ears wide The story centers on Joe Pendleton iBeatty), themes. All it offers is good, clean fun, and the sense to me. Disgusted, I throw Ella Fitzgerald's Dream Dan¬ enough. a Los Angeles Rams quarterback, who is the book down and lie back cing has taken over my brain. I Ella Fitzgerald's place in jazz involved in traffic accident, and is possibility of making one feel good. If there is on the grass, and close my eyes. hear it everywhere. Jeez, she's a anything it's trying to express, it would history is by now assured, even prematurely escorted to heaven by an Inside my head, music hap¬ so smooth. Her group is just if she never sings another note. probably be the age-old cliche of "love inexperienced celestial messenger (Henry). pens. great: 20 musicians conducted But she's still making fine conquers all." A soft samba beat. by Nelson Riddle, with Bill recordings. If all you've ever When they reach heaven and discover the Nonetheless, in Gentle piano trill like moody Watrous on trombone, John heard of her is those stupid mistake. Mr. Jordan "James Mason), the that has so far offered Lansing man-eating '40s cocktail torch jazz. Heard on bass, and Louie Memorex commercials, you not-so-grim reaper of fate, orders that sharks and bees, a 12-year-old sex symbol, a Hesitant saxophones. Bellson on the tubs. owe it to yourself to give her Pendleton be returned to earth. The only- son of Satan, a cheap Bogie parody, a Vietnam A string section is unrolling And I musn't forget the records a listen, at least once. problem is that the quarterback's body has morality tale, and more John Travolta fever, softly just a moment behind my material. What makes this al¬ This new one is an excellent already been cremated, so the search is on for Heaven Can Wait is a refreshing breath of air eyes. What is this, anyway? — bum especially worth listening example of her art. Open yer a new- body to inhabit. — even if that breath is 37 years old. Besides, to is the concept it's hung on: The three finally temporarily decide on Leo what's wrong with feeling good? SUte News Newsline 3558252 The Count set, "Take my advice and donate blood, I did." Large Bean Bags VOPKA NIOHTt for Fun Sitting felling |ummer TQwiowT • sat, BRYAN LEE low »17.95 Assorted Colors All men & women ALL YOU CAN EAT CHICKEN SALAD ,3,f CORN ON THE COB With Student I D. Bean Reg. *24.95 merchandise going BLOOD DRIVE Bag Refills Available out at distressed I i zai°d& & ndepqpound I Pillow Talk prices. Students, Faculty, Staff 224 Abbott J I Furniture "not — 247-248 Olin Health Center East-West Mall, Frandor Mall I0aun-4pm Thursday July 20, '78 CAMPUS CLE WORLD Welkin* Will Accepted PIZZA CAR WASH „ by popular demandC^ ndr?rs Featuring: Premium WHOLE WHEAT CRUST Highest pressure hut wax 14" PIZZAS Strangest hot water detergent now available everyday west Free east GRAND RIVER AND NORTHWIND DR. Hours: M*W tOfo 6, Thurs./Fri. 10-9. 337-1639 Delivery 337-1377 NEXT TO ROUERWORLD Sat. 10-6. Sun. 12-5 Michigan State N.wi, Eoit Lonting, Mlchigon Thursday, July 20, 1978 7 UNDM THI WETS" BIG YELLOW & WHITE TENT ★ Men's Shirts (Long S Short Sleeve) $5.00-$7.50 lie Prices! ★ Ladies'Tops $5.00-$6.S0 Rolling Stones-Some Girls GERRY RAFFERTY CITY TO CITY MAXELL ★ Men's Slacks $8.00 AIms $9.50-$ 12.50 ★ Ladies' Slacks STEELY DAN-AJA BLANK TAPES AL DIMEOLA CASINO UDXLI & II HALL & OATES LIVETIME ★ Ladies' Sundresses $9.00 CAROL KING-GREATEST HITS $950 some irregulars 2 for $17.00 LES DUDEK GHOST TOWN PARADE ONLY 0 529 E. GRAND RIVER E. LANSING BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN-DARKNESS ON THE EDGE OF TOWN OR WW SALE HRS: THURS. ■ FRI. 9-9 SAT. 9 ■ 6 CLOSED SUNDAY ALL - 8 TRACK & CASSETTES 220 M.A.C. REGULAR HRS: MON. • WED. 10-6 THURS.-FRI. 10-9 «7"IIST INSIDE THE mm- UNIVERSITY MALL YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE SALE SIDEWALK SALES THURSDAY. FRIDAY. SATURDAY JULY 20-JULY 22 WITH SNOB APPEAL MARKDOWN ON ALL SIMMER MERCHANDISE -I P TO '/2 OFF IN ALL DEPARTMENTS: EAST LANSING DRESSES 8.99 and up SIDEWALK SALE 7.99 and up SKIRTS Where Designer Fashion gather at SLACKS 9.99 and up give-away prices. Feast your eyes T-TOPS 3.99 and up and treat your wardrobe to these and more spectacular savings. This BLOUSES 2.99 and up sale only happens once-a-year. SHORTS 2.99 and up «- 5 ai PURSES 5.99 and up Several Hundred Large Collection Designer Summer lit GOWNS 6.99 and up Designer Name ouO Dresses <: Sportswear Items .99c and uP a ■ ? ■ t "i O BELTS, SCARVES, HATS Reg 18 to 55 Reg 54 to 18 ON THE SIDEWALK OF EAST LANSING ■FALL COATS 20% OFF REGULAR PRICE- Summer J Summer 1 Summer j Summer j Summer -USE OUR OCTOBER LAYAWAY PLAN- Knit Tops J1 Dresses 1 Shorts 1 Slacks iSporlswear Table | J Sit'"' {85 and 810 Reg 6 to 9 J Reg 20 to 48 J reg 9 to 13 J Reg 16 to 241 Reg 9 to 30 OPEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY 7 AM to 9PM, 351-2170 ALL ALL Sunglasses ALL Swimsuits SATURDAY Summer Sundresses EAST LANSING Jewelry and 8 AM to 5:30 PM Coverups 812 In 82J» Summer Handbags •'•» Oi l' Reg 20 to 58 1 25 E. Grand River, East Lansing 48823 Thursday, July 20, 1978 0 Michigon Stote News, Eost Loosing, Michigon FOR THE TOPS IN SIDEWALK DAYS BARGAINS ON RECORDS, TAPES EQUIPMENT, IT'S THE AND STEREO DISC SHOP PRICES ON EVERY RECORD AND TAPE IN OUR YOU WON'T WANT TO PASS UP THESE SUPER INVENTORY HAVE BEEN SLASHED FOR THIS SALE DEALS FROM OUR AUDIO DEPARTMENT. EVEN OUR SPECIALS ARE ON SALE! FLEETWOOD MAC Rumors *4.39 FOR '7.08 LIST LPS § SCOTT 307 # SANYO 3 PIECE COMPACT STEREO AM/FM STEREO RECEIVER MQPEL 5004 18 WATTS PER/CHNL RMS RECORDS AM/FM ONLY *159 AND CASSETTE ALM 103 2 WAY SPEAKERS MODEL 5204 RECORDS AM/FM 0N, Y *1799S PACKAGE PRICE S]^00 AND 8TRACK Numark STEREO HEADPHONES maxell WITH VOLUME CONTROL IDXL C90 1 OR II $4.25 EA 5 FOR *20.00 (INLY $1495 10 FOR *35.00 PLCS A HOST OF BOTH DEMO UNITS AND PREVIOUSLY OWNED EQUIPMENT. ALL OTDK BACKED BY HI-FI BUYS OWN SERVICE DC 90 2 FOR-a" 5 FOR'15°° DEPARTMENT. AND BEST OF ALL. AT ADC 90 3 FOR •T SUPER SPECIAL PRICES PI CS FREE STORAGE CASE HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS 323 E. GRAND RIVER OF TITLES TO CHOOSE E. L. PH. 351-5380 mrnrn FROM M-TH 10-8 F 10-0 S 10-6 SIDEWALK SAVINGS! MSU Shirts 50% off -New 50% & Gym Shorts Paperbacks • Used Text & 25° ea Posters, Prints 50% off Reference 0r & Stationery books c /d»-i 00 (paper & cloth) tJ/ *P JL New Text & 99° Gifts and 50- Reference to Novelties 75% off books 2.98 ea (sidewalk items only) 421 E. Grand River across from Olin Health Center Sidewalk Hours: tudent ook tore 8:30-5:30 Thursday thru Friday Michigon Stote News, Eost loosing, Michi Michigan State News, Eost lonsing, Michigan Thursday July 20 1978 1 1 Title IX: uncertainty prevails as sports is concerned, Title IX does not require schools to By MIKE KLOCKE controversy. And just where the University stands regarding far State News Sports Writer efforts to comply with Title IX in athletics remains uncertain. spend equal amounts on women's and men's athletics teams. The deadline for universities and high schools across the The situation is foggy, to say the least. The law mandates sufficient expenditures to give women's country to come into compliance with the regulations of Title IX Title IX of the Federal Education Amendments of 1972 teams equal opportunities with the men's teams. is July 21 — tomorrow. states: "No person ... shall, on the basis of sex, be denied the Have the opportunities been equal? Should revenue Although the Title IX issue at MSU permeates many different benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any producing sports be included under Title IX regulations? Is education program receiving federal financial assistance." As MSU making sufficient efforts to upgrade the quality and aspects of campus life, athletics has been an area of major funding of women's sports? Is MSU in danger of losing federal funding? s to these questions depend, simply, on who you "It's very difficult to fund a well rounded, comprehensive Water skiers in Lansing for the athletic program Joe Kearney for men and women," MSU athletic director said. "With the increased responsibility for women's sports, it's kind of like one department asking to be two with no additional resources. funding women in the top echelon in the annual "We feel Spartan Open tournament we are nation. My feelings have been known for years, I don't think it makes any sense to compare revenue sports for compliance. I'd rather wait and let one or two women's sports move into the By MIKE KLOCKE particular division, the length of the tow rope is shortened. revenue sports category." SUte News Sports Writer In jumping, the skier goes over a ramp, and distances of over Assistant athletic director in charge of women's athletics Nell The Spartan Open, held each July on the Grand River, has 130 feet are not uncommon. The tricks competition is done on Jackson takes a stance diametrically opposite Kearney's. shorter "trick-skis." always been a favorite among competitive water skiers. The "I would tend to think that if HEW checked the University reason is simple: the water is always glass-smooth. Admission to the tournament, which will be held at the now, they would find us not in compliance with Title IX," "At our site, the water is nice and smooth, even if the Lansing Boat Club across the Grand River from Moores Park, is Jackson said. "Although the (Athletic) department has made free. The tourney is sponsored by Capital City Water Ski Club weather outside is bad," said Lansing resident Jackie Schraft, some efforts, we are still short. and competition begins at 8 a.m. on both Saturday and Sunday. who, with her husband Sherm, directs the tournament. "People "Based on how Title IX is written, it does not exempt "It's city park property, so we couldn't charge money if we like skiing here because they can often qualify for the revenue producing sports from compliance." wanted to," Schraft said. "Besides, we're not in it to make nationals." But more than just nice water has kept the Spartan Open a money. Water skiers are like one big happy family." Although there are often good turnouts at water skiing Although the rift between these two administrators may not be as great as it seems, both are very unclear as to what exactly WBL drafts MSll's success in its 10 year history. Schraft said it takes the work of a tournaments in Michigan, the sport has never really caught on a will occur after tomorrow's deadline. Kearney said he thinks lot of volunteers, and she expects this weekend's tournament to the Department of Health, Education and Welfare will check be a success, "As of too. now, I've got about 60 entries, and I usually get about a spectator sport. That could all change this year. universities. Jackson said she "has not been informed of the procedure HEW will use." DeBoer and Stoic Tivoli Gardens, a beautiful water skiing facility in Brighton, 30 more in the last week," she said. "We'll have some excellent Louis Mathis, an HEW official, said Wednesday "the will host the nationals Aug. 23 through 27. In past years, the institutions which will be checked out first have been skiers here." nationals have been held in Berkeley, Calif., miami, Fla. and Among the skiers will be Terri Olson, a former junior girl's Tomahawk, Wis. determined by the regional offices months in advance." national champion, and Jerry Hosner of Fenton, who was senior "The bids are put in a year ahead of time, and you must give a Mathis said HEW Secretary Joe Califano announced at a men's national champion. press conference Wednesday that he is sending a letter to all Bob Archambeau, a June graduate of MSU who has twice slide presentation and written presentation to the committee," university presidents reminding them of the July 21 deadline. oppoi Schraft said. "It's a pretty expensive bid. I think the fact that thev drafted bv finished fourth in the nation in men's I slalom, will be competing Jackson and assistant athletic director in charge of in a tourney in Ohio, so he'll miss the Spartan Open. we recently hosted the regionals helped us get the academics, Clarence Underwood, are two members of an newly formed Women* I'm tournament." Basketball League iWBI.' The three events competed in are slalom, jumping and tricks. affirmative action committee at MSU taking an overall look at In slalom, the skier must weave through a course of buoys. Schraft said "things have been a little hectic" in trying to Title IX, MSU's compliance level and making recommenda The league will begin it* fir*: After each successful pass through the course, the boat speed is prepare for the nationals. But she said a lot of planning has gone year of play n mid into the Spartan Open, and she expects it to be a success. (continued on page 12) when 1? team- will plav a increased and, after reaching the maximum speed for the EAST LANSING - EAST LANSING r 1/1 TREMENDOUS SAVINGS Thursday July 20 Friday Julv 21 Saturday Julv 22 9:30 A.M.-8:30 P.M. 9:30 A.M. -5:30 P.M. 9:30 A.M. 1P.M. FOR THREE DAYS ONLY! Lei in li is joining in tin* annual silt* rw-ui witi, Open Thursday & Friday 9*!30 a.m. 8 30 p.m. JEVVELKY.-GIfTS...PRINTS Kvurytlnni' i- . Saturday 9 30 a.m. • 5:30 p.m. Wt* can't sell diamonds <>r fine i'1"1 SUMMER appreciation for your supi»>n an- SPORT hi \Kt SHIRTS ni> FY FU Reg. to S21 Many of our prices on diamonds* these reductions mean even gtva' ENTIRE STOCK DIAMONDS WATCHES AND WEDDING RINGS A large group of famous brand watches I11 15% OFF 40% to 50% Our Already Low Prices DOWN SALE OFF For Fine Quality Stones L.E.D. DIGITALS down vests ♦14" Calendars - Day Date down jackets % OFF Automatic - Electronics cylrt Carved Reg. »7500 now '37" Closing Out down jackets with Entire Stock STONE RINGS hoods starting at PRINTS '49" Reg. 585°° many 50% OFF 10% OFF styles available on sale Silver and Pewter CHOOSE FROM A TREMENDOUS SELECTION Holloware • OPALS • SIGNETS One lot from display Up to 30% OFF • GARNETS • STAR SAPPHIRES •RUBIES on selected shopworn 50% OFF • SAPPHIRES Frostline Kits \ Everything in the store At Least 15% OFF si Savings on MfiRTYS SALE HOURS many store items. , Thurs. 9:30 -8:30 319 E. Grand River Ave. Fri. 9:30 - 5:30 East Lansing. Mich. see our new 127 E. Grand River Phone:337- 1314 305 E. GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING Sat. 9:30 • 1 P.M. location next to Olgas Thursday, July 20, 1978 1 2 Michigon Stote News, East Lansing, Michigon Deadline for Title IX compliance Friday; situation at MSU uncertain Usl April, the MSU women's basketball team filed a Title IX (continued from page 11' when taken into consideration, doesn't make the funding compliance complaint with MSU Title IX Coordinator Mary increases seem like that much. Pollock (who has since been fired, some say for her vocal Jackson said Wednesday the committee is "about halfway" It kll depends on the University," Jackson said. "Even support of compliance to Title IX for revenue sports). But the through its work, which is interesting, considering the deadline though we started our program earlier, we were late in for compliance is tomorrow. Jackson said she isn't supposed to team has taken the complaint off campus, and it is in the hands discuss any of the recommendations the committee may be granting financial aid. so we've had to overcome a two-year of HEW now. head start the other schools had." considering, but the State News has learned that one area With knowledge of this complain, it seems logical that HEW Coaches for women's sports at MSU have often complained will be knocking on MSU's door soon. being looked into is a considerable increase in the amount of about how hard it is to recruit with the limited scholarship financial aid for female athletes. When HEW does come knocking, what will be the result? money given to each sport. And it seems they have a point since "If the federal government says we're not in compliance, we'll According to Kearney, the dollar expenditures for women's onlv $60,000 in scholarship money was given to women's sports have to get in compliance," Kearney said. "We can't jeopardize athletics indicate increased emphasis and assistance being for the 1977-78 year while $630,000 was given to men's teams, the money (in access of $30 million) that get in federal given by MSU. Jackson agrees that the funds have been we increased significantly, but she said budgets can be misleading. according to athletic department figures. funds." Jackson said the two areas where more administrative "If HEW came now, we wouldn't be in compliance." Jackson Let the numbers speak for themselves. support and funding is needed are financial aid and salaries for Intercollegiate sports for women at MSU were started in coaches. She also stressed a need for looking at the spending 1972 and were initially not given any funding. In 1974, women's pattern of money to make sure there is no waste. Availability sports were allocated $80,000. so they had a head start on many other schools. But. at the time. MSU still gave nary a cent to and size of facilities is an issue, too. Save to 75% women for financial aid. A budget of $500,000 is certainly an improvement." Jackson said. "To be in minimum compliance with Title IX, a budget of When Kearney came to MSU in April of 1976. the women's between $700,000 and $800,000 is necessary." sports budget was $175,000. He points out the increases that When the HEW does get around to checking the universities have been made which amount to the following: $254.ODD in 1976-77 and $360,000 out of a total budget of $3.7 million in for compliance, it is a good bet that MSU will be among the first looked at. 1977-78. The budget for next year has not been officially approved yet, but Kearney said women's athletics will probably be AMd:llliMkY:K 349 2700 MERIDIAN MALI M allocated $500,000 out of a total budget of $4.2 million The MERIDIAN WEST W MERIDIAN EAST | budget for the athletic department is self generated. "UCLA is known as the epitome of what is happening in 1 ^ PETER JEUEM women's athletics, and their budget for next year is also $500,000." Kearney said, when asked to compare MSI to other schools. Jackson, however, said budget figures can be misleading and 1 REVENUE OflWf It JAWS 2 EL I " a lot depends on the University. She said a lot aiso depends on supportive services (Kearney said women's athletics will get TONIGHT 108B WELLS 8:30 $240,000 out of the total $1.2 million allocated in this area). And then there's the ever-present problem of inflation which. r'wARMC within 15 minutes of East PHONE 355-8255 347 Student Services Bldg mentally handicapped adults couple to live in and manage in community residential pro¬ adult foster care home. garage. 332 3470. 6 7 28 (4) Lansing Very wooded and 2 BEDROOM MOVING SALE Mahogany FREE KITTENS 7 weeks old gram. Evening hours, full apartment- secluded Great for indoor Couple must provide a super table, chairs, buffet, 332 2210 after 5 30 pm time. Contact John Wilber sublet till June. 2 or 3 persons AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, and outdoor entertaining. For vised, supportive living en La-Z Boy chair. All in excel to share with another. $275. own room in 3 bedroom E 5 7 20 (3) full details call FRAN I day • 90« per line ding after 3 p.m. only. 393 vironment. Job includes lent condition. Hoover elec¬ 4442. 4 7 24 19) 337 2179. 3 7 21 (4) modern duplex. Near Forest WESTON REALTY. 882 3 days • IOC per line assisting residents with basic FOR LEASE Arab mare rid Akers. $110 month plus utili tric sweeper. $25 Dishes 1558 3 7 24 (8) 6 days • 75« per line DAY BARTENDER and part living skills, socializing, find service for 12 and 8 694 den English Experienced time ing new interests. Must be Unexpected ties. Fall option. 394 4494. 9938 after 5 p m. 3 7 21 (7) rider 332 8277 evenings I days • 70< per line waitress. Apply at 10 7 24 (6) FRONT OFFICE BAR. 511 E. able to relate to neighbors in Vacancies 8 7 21 (3) Service a friendly cooperative man Hazel (corner of S. Cedar 8 Now At ROOMMATE. FEMALE KENWOOD STEREO system Line rote per insertion Hazel) after 6 p.m. 8 7 31 (5) ner. Personnel office, COM¬ needed August 1 for house. 3"r months old. $350, 337- Mobile Homes sm FREE LESSON in complexion MUNITY MENTAL HEALTH OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE BOARD. 407 W. Greenlawn. University Own room. Call 372 3728 or 0889. 8 7 31 (3) FOR STUDENT or sports rare MERLE NORMAN 373-4467. Cindy 6 7 27 (4) COSMETIC STUDIO 321 Econolines • 3 lines *4.00 5 days. 80' per line over for individual with managerial Lansing. EOE. 5 7-27 (16) Terrace BEAUTIFUL QUEEN size man, 8x35 feet, good condi 5543 C 17 7 31 (41 3 lines. No adjustment in rote when cancelled. skills and a sincere interest in 1 bedroom HOUSE FOR rent- Okemos water bed. $250. White sew tion, $850 339 3630 even FREE APARTMENT free uti Price of item(s) must be stated in ad Maximum being a significant part of a & Briarwood. Unfurnished 4 ing machine, $200. 353-1837 ings 8 7 31 (3) lities plus wages. Assistant FOR QUALITY stereo ser¬ new organization designed to bedroom, references and de 3-7-20 13) sale price of 4,00 manager, large apartment 2 bedroom vice, THE STEREO SHOPPE provide accounting and posit required. Available Peanuts Personal ads • 3 lines - *2.25 per insertion. management assistants to complex. Married couple aparfments SAFETY. HARDEN b coated RUMMAGE SALE ^ 555 E Grand River 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). only No children. Must be September 1. 9 12 month C 17 7 31 <31 minority and nonprofit Call after 12 lease. 349 9162. 7 7 21 (7) lens OPTICAL DISCOUNT. Rummage/Garage Sale ads - 4 lines *2 50 able to handle all minor 2617 E. Michigan, Lansing. OASIS RUMMAGE sale. groups in the greater Lansing 63' per line over 4 lines - per insertion. area. Individual will have an maintenance jobs, plus office 332-5420 Michigan. 372 7409 Charier House. 109 E Hills Typing Service Round Town ods 4 lines *2.50 • per insertion. • opportunity to work with work involved in renting Rooms C-4-7-21 (5) dale 7 21. 22, 23, 10 a m 63'per line over 4 lines, community leaders during apartments. Will train. Call ONE OR two men needed for 6 p.m. Benefit Community for appointment between 9 Mental Health 4 7 21 <5> PROMPT. EXPERIENCED, lost I Founds ads/Transportation adl • 3 lines M.50 the early growth stages of apartment. Summer, close to 2 ROOMS in 4 bedroom USED 3 M automatic copier, am 5 p.m. HERITAGE 332 4432 5-7-21 (3) typing, even.ngs. 332 3492 per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. this organization. Salary in campus. house, year lease. Kim 337 ln 9°°d working condition ARMS. 3031 S Washington. C 17 7 31 (3i range of $20,000. Please send 0779 or 332 5783 8 8 2 (3) *50 337 9778 E 5 7 24 <31 lost & Found , 393 3410 8 8-2(13) LARGE ONE bedroom apart¬ resume to Box B-2, State ment, 9 or 12 month lease BIG SAVINGS in all depart THESIS TERM papers Deadlines News, East Lansing 48824. ROOM IN house to share LOST- Cat, all white, neuter WOMAN 4-8 p m. weekdays, starting fall. 100 block ments on certain items at the 'yped. Quick Quality 332 Ads - 3 p.m. 8-7-31 (19) ■ 1 class day before publication. babysit, eat with family and Durand. 351 2495. 3 7-24 (4) with musician mother of two. sidewalk sales- Thursday, Fri ed male Frandor East 2078. 0 14 7 31 (3) Cancellation Change • 1 p.m. - 1 class day before DIETARY ASSISTANT Great house "near tast Lansing area Reward. 332 help them practice English day. and Saturday MAR publication. cook full and part time. Skill¬ 355 0767 after 5 p.m. Lansing and all but routes. SHALL MUSIC C I 7 20(61 3716 3 7 2' 3) EXPERIENCED IBM typing Once ad is ordered it cannot be cancelled ed nursing facility. Apply in Every convenience. Allison, until after 1st insertion. or changed person to N.H.E., Lansing, X 27 21 (41 Waters Edge 351-4199. 8 7 31 17) GIBSON'S SUMMER book LOST CAT, $20 reward, grey and white female with flea dissertations. FAYANN 489 0358 (pica elite). There is a *1.00 charge for 1 od change plus 50' per 1313 Mary, Lansing. 2-7 20(61 BAKER. DELIVERY driver. 2 sale. All books 50C and down. C 17 7 31 (3i CAMPUS NEAR, summer. Friday-all you collar. Call 355 1228 for additional chonge for maximum of 3 changes. The State News will only be responsible for the 1st KEY PUNCH operator, part- time, afternoon position job openings immediately Apply at ROMA BAKERY Rivers Edge From $65'month. 485-1436 0-4-7-21 13) $1 128 W. 3 7 21 <61 can carry Grand River 4 7 24 (3) rYPlNG TERM papers IBM 882 (3) experienced, fast service Call day's incorrect insertion Adjustment claims must available. Some experience FOUND SMALL grey white be mode within 10 days of expirotion dote on IBM 5496 or 129 neces Leasing!! FEMALE. OWN room, PIONEER TURNTABLE male cat. Near Main Library 351 8923 0 17 7-31 (3) For Rent bright, PL112D. no cartridge, never Bills are due 7 days from od expiration date If not sary. Pay based on experi¬ clean 351 2685 even.ngs 3-7 21 (3) house, huge yard. used. $80. 349-2719 after 5 paid by due dote, o 50' late service charge will ence Call Mr Bandfield for 1050 Water's Edge typing, experienced, Close. Available now. 1142 be due. appointment ALLSTATE REFRIGERATOR. STEREO. (next to Cedar Villoge) Albert. S 5 7 20 (3) p.m. f-5-7-26 (31 LOST ON 6 13 78 in or fast and reasonable, 371- MANAGEMENT COMPANY. T V Rentals, free delivery 4635 C 17 7-31 (31 FIREWOOD. QUALITY wood around library, pearl pendant INC.. 351-1310. 8 7 31 ti l) on off campus 372 1795. for cold winter ahead. 355- on chain Call 355-3562 after SUMMER, 3 bedrooms. Killer COUNTER SALES, weaving 6J07_3 7-21J3! 5p.m. 3 721 14) EXPERT TYPING by MSU house, near campus. 351- and spinning background 2404 6 7-27 (3) grad 17 years experience. Automotive ^ Motorcycles Sn necessary DELPHI CRAFT Apartments FAR OUT- make having parties! Think Toker- money Real Estate « Near Gables, call 337-0205. FURNISHED DUPLEXES for SUPPLY CENTER. 2224 E MALE FOR summer, ow 2. 3 or 4 persons. Available I For Sale ^ ware and smile; be the first in HOME FOR sale Dy owner, C 17 7 31 <3i Michigan Avenue. 5 blocks your circle of friends to have pool, balcony, ai summer and or fall. 669 9939. Fisher Body. 3 bedroom. ANN BROWN typing. AUSTIN MARINA. 1974 1974 YAMAHA TX 500. West of Frandor 8 7 27 (7) room, too USED vacuum cleaners, a Tokerware party. Now near Disser¬ small laundry. Available now. 33' 0 8 7 28 (3) T? baths, land contract tations resumes-term papers. economical 4-speed. cherry, low miles, extras, 1 year warranty, $7.88 and LEGAL SECRETARY East everyone can get those hard $800. Call 321 4417 8 7 26(3) $800 firm 349 1353, keep 2193 5-7 21 131 DENNIS DISTRIBUTING available 484 4061 4 7-21(5i 601 Abbott Road. North en¬ Lansing law office. Legal FALL. GRAD and profession- up to-get and top-of-the-line trying 2 7 20 (3) COMPANY, 316 North Cedar trance, 351-7221 experience only. Good skills. paraphernalia items. Call 485- OKEMOS SCHOOLS-priceio BLAZER. 1972 Cheyenne 482 2677. C-17 7 31 (5) C 17 7 31 (41 Call 351 6200. 7 7 21 (4) 5280. 11 a.m. • 8 p.m. for sell in mid-50's. Remodeled, package, 2 sets wheels 2 HONDA 500 4, 1973 Some now at details. C-8 7 31 (91 tops, good condition $1800 3 4 bedrooms, L-shaped UNIGRAPHICS JANITORIAL HELP, part MOST LP'S priced $1.75 OFFERS firm. 641 6609. 5 7 21 (4) BURCHAM WOODS $2.50 Cassettes. $3 quality ranch. Assumable, 83'*°c by COMPLETE DISSERTATION time evenings or full time Transportation necessary. guaranteed. Plus 45's. song Animals V owner. 8-7-31 (5) Call 332 1906 AND RESUME SERVICE BUICK REGAL. 1975 cruise. an unexpected type setting, 38,000 miles, Mr Tompkins 482-6232. Thank you for books, more. FLAT. BLACK AFGHAN PUPS- 11 weeks IBM typing, power steemg. 1973 SUZUKI GT-550. super 8-7 27 15) opening AND CIRCULAR, upstairs, FARM FOR sale. 103 acres offset printing and binding. brakes. Et windows. AM F-M. clean, low miles, must sell. coming back to 541 E. Grand River. Open 11 With AKC papers. $70. No Alward Road and Upton For estimate, stop in at 2842 air. $3100 best offer. 355- $675 353 9535 days. 676 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT efficiency *175 a m. C 16 7-31 (61 papers. $35 669-9419 Road, Laingsburg New 5 East Grand River or phone 5988 X 8 7 24 (5) 5852 after 5 p.m. 8 8-2 (51 full and part time positions. BEECHWOOD 10-7-27I3) 44x75' 332 8414 C 17-7 31 (8) Automobile required. 339- immediate BLACK DIRT, sod farm soil. bedroom home, 2 YEAR old 3 quarter Arab building, several acres pines DATSUN 710, 1975- great HONDA 1976.550 4 cylinder, 9500 C 17 7 31 (3) occupancy! Approximately 5 V? yards de¬ PROFESSIONAL EDITING & Filled for summer — gelding. Bay, three white and woods 70 acres work condition. $2200. 1 566-8843 5500 miles, runs excellent. livered locally. $40. 641-6024 Call between 12-5 A few left for fall. boots & a star. Very flashy, land. Call DIMONDALE typing. Corrections to major after 6 p.m. Z 3 7 21 131 Call 339 9613 8 8 2 13) or 372-4080. Fill, sand, gravel, re write 332-5991 show quality. $750 or best REAL ESTATE 646-6265 available also. 0-17-7 31 (6) 0 3 7 24 (3i DATSUN B210 1974 great 351-3118 offer. Must sell 675-7469 5 7 26 (8) shape. $1850 374 6067 after Auto Service / Good pay and benefits. Apply SEWING MACHINES slightly 3 7 21 (61 5 p m. X 8 7-21 (3) m person only CINEMA X used, guaranteed, $39.95 and ®toj>cfttngf)am EAST LANSING Fall. 1 bed BRAKE PARTS including ADULT ENTERTAINMENT fOom furnished, air. Utilities, up Open arm chairs from brake pads, shoes, and hy CENTER, 1000 W. Jolly NOW LIMING balconies parking. $220, $89 50 EDWARDS DISTRI draulic components in stock Road_0 17-7 31 U3I $230 374 6366 0-17 7 31 (4) Call 12-5 BUTING CO.. 1115 N. Wash FOR PALL 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED LUXURY APTS. at CHEQUERED FLAG FOR SECRETARY BOOKKEEPER •private balconies EIGN CAR PARTS. 2605 East for real ONE WOMAN for 4 man 331-0052 estate-property Kalamazoo St 487-5055. one FIAT 128 1977 3T Hatchback mile west of campus. management office in East Twyckingham now through . VISIT MID-MICHIGAN'S Lansing. Full time position. June 1979. Call 351-7948. ROOMMATE FOR fully fur¬ 'dishwasher disposal rust-proofed, tuned up C 17 7 31 (7) Call STE MAR REALTY, 351 8 7 31 (3) largest used bookshop. excellent condition, 33 mpg nished. Pool, sauna, air. 882 CURIOUS BOOKSHOP, 307 *shoq carpeting GOOD USED tires. 13 14 15 5510. 4 7 21 (6! 8556 10-7-26 131 $3,195. 353 0948 3-7 24 (41 E Grand River, East Lansing. Fall leases only — Special 12 month rates inch Mounted free Used 332 0112. C 13-7 31 (5) wheels and hub caps. PEN- TELEPHONE SOLICITORS Thank you SOUTH 9 4 12 month leases available FORD TORINO, 1971. V 8, part time. 5 9 p.m. Salary for SIDE 2 bedroom NELL SALES INC 1825 East WANTED: USED albums, automatic transmission $300. 482 2072 after 5pm Michigan, Lansing, Mich. plus bonus. EASTLAWN coming back to apartments, dishwasher, conditioning, carpet. air Call $12 a disc. Bob or Mike, Call 351-7166 MEMORY GARDENS 349 Located ot Hogodorn Road just south of Service Road 8 7-31 (3) 48912. 482 5818. 394 5369 noon to 9 p m 332 8457 or 351 1225. Don't be deserted 9156. 8 7 21 15) C 1 7 7 31 <6! X 10 7 21 I5I 8 7 24 (3) Check out GREMLIN 1973 6 cylinder SUMMER CAMP positions. DELTA ARMS INSTANT CASH. We're pay COIUNGWOOD APTS! standard shift, factory air. exhaust system, clean MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. Kalamazoo, since 1940. Auto Male counselors, waterfront specialists, secretary. Camp Houses (t ing $1-$2 for albums in good *oir conditioned CKDAR GREENS APARTMENTS new now Filled shape WAZOO RECORDS, and sharp. $950 or best offer. painting collision service. Tamarack, Brighton. 1-313- HASLETT. 2 blocks from 223 Abbott. 337 0947. 'dishwasher New Leasing American foreign 485- 229-9166. 3-7-21 321-4607 after 5 pm cars. 15) beach. 3 bedroom, furnished, C 17-7 31 (4) 'shag carpeting 0256. C 1 7 7 31 (51 four or five adults. $360 'unlimited parking 5-7-21 (5) MATURE FEMALE to watch for summer *2 bedroom e furnished oportments • swimming pool month. 332 4076 8 7 20 14) e9 or 12 month e air 7 year old and do light Mcintosh model 50100. conditioning HONDA ACORD, 1978 5 JUNK CARS wanted Also housework. 3-6 p.m. Begin and foil 'model open doily leases availoble • within walking selling used parts. Phone TWO FURNISHED rooms in Intergraded amplifier used, speed, red, pin-strip, accent September 5. Provide own distance to campus roof rack, 12,000 miles Excel¬ 321 3651. C 17 7 31 (31 house on Evergreen. Call excellent. WILCOX 9 month leases only *320 transportation. Reply to Box TRADING POST, 485-4391. lent condition. 543-7054 or F-6, The State News. 2 BEDROOM, furnished, 332 1697 after 5 p.m. C 10-7-31 (5) special rales available For fall 663 2358. 2 7 20 (51 from $205 month. Available 5-7 26 (3) Employment |i 7 7 28 (7) fall. UNIVERSITY VILLA call 351-8282 1135 Michigan Avenue E.Lansing 351-8631 MONTE CARLO Landeau, PART TIME POSITION in ROOM IN country house, COMPUTER PROGRAM 351 2044. 351 8135. (behind Rollerworld 1977- excellent condition. delinquent accounts col¬ 0 16 7 31 (4) mature person. 322-2191 on the river) (nexttoBrody) MER minimum of 2 years after 5 p.m. 3-7-21 (3) 19.000 miles. Call 339 9613. lection. Flexible hours. Exper college training in computer 8 8 2 (31 science or equivalent experi¬ lence required Nancy 339- SHARE TOWNHOUSE with 9500 C-4-7 21 (4) FOR RENT- 6 bedroom ence. Must have previous mature woman, $100/month, MUSTANG II. 1974 6 cylin house. 351 0861 or 351 6862. pool. air. furnished. 332-3617 der, 4 speed, sunroof, gooc programming experience in SECRETARY $11,000 after 5 p.m. 3-7-21 (4) 8-7-31 (3) THE STATE NEWS Cobol. Experience with Bur¬ condition. 332 4375.3 7 24(41 Good at short¬ roughs Medium Systems Secretary hand, typing and all general CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. MUSTANG, 1967 « helpful. Position located in LANSING, 2 bedroom lower 289, V-8, runs well, $500. Mason. $12,690. office functions. Salary range $9,500 to $11,000. To back up flat, LCC area. Includes CAMPUS will be accepting applications fen 351-0664 before 2 p.m. This position is funded stove, refrigerator, and all through CETA under Title II. V.I.P.. Complete insurance, utilities and parking. Avail¬ _721 In order to qualify, applicants sick leave, 4 week vacation. able immediately. $205. 482- HILL Must be experienced self- 9226. 3-7-21 (7) PLYMOUTH FURY III, 1967- must be unemployed for at $150. Call 655 2978 after 6 least 30 days, live in Ingham starter. Idenity protected. For *2 Bedrooms Salespersons 4 7 21 (3) County, but not in the city of personal interview, write Box p.m. Lansing. Contact The Michi¬ C 3, STATE NEWS, East FEMALE TO share duplex, 'Furnished Apts. The State News Classified Advertising Dept. will be accepting applica¬ PLYMOUTH FURY. 1968 gan Employment Security Lansing, Michigan 48824. August 15, $87.50. 351 3329. 8 7 24 (3) 'Free Roommate Senrice tions for sales personnel for the coming school year. Must be able to runs well, new tires, air. $325. Commission, 3215 S. S 9 7 31 (15) work a minimum of 2 consecutive hours per doy, Monday through Friday. 'Dishwashers 332 2875 after 6 p.m. Pennsylvania, Lansing before 1 Prefer some sales-advertising background ond interest Apply today applying with the county ' LEASE A 1979 MAZDA 'Central Air Conditioning 3 7 24 (31 personnel office. INGHAM 3-5 p.m. 347 Student Services Building in person. Students Only. COUNTY PERSONNEL RX7 sportscar 'Swimming Pool Garage cluttered? Sell those OFFICE, 121 E. Maple, 'Unlimited Patting extra bicycles fast with a Mason. 672-5222. 4 7-21(25) immediate delivery! quick-action Classified ad! 'Pleasant Landscaping Clerical Staff Get all the details from c > of our courteous JOBS $5.33/hour, flexible leasing counselors 'Special 12 month rates The Stale News Classified Dept. will be accepting opplications for clerical hours. Call 374 6328 3 6 p.m. staff personnel for the coming school yeor. Must be oble to work o 7 7 28 13) minimum of 2 consecutive hours per day, Monday through Friday. Apply VEGA, 1973 $150 or best PART TIME busboys and FREE BUS in person today, 347 Student Services Building 3-5 p.m. Students Only. offer. 355 6115 before 4 p.m. short order cooks. Apply 3 7 20 (3) BACKSTAGE. Meridian Mall. SERVICE 3-7 21 (4) VOLVO, 1971- 142S, new Typist tires, clutch, battery, exhaust. STORE DETECTIVES, junior and senior CJ Model Open 9-9 The Stole News Classified Dept. will be accepting opplicotions for typists majors. 641 Excellent interior. miles. Ask $1300. 332 6329. 59,000 4562. 0-8 7 31 13) Everyday for the coming school year. Must be able to work 8-11 a.m., 11-2 p.m., 7 7 28 (5) APARTMENTS or 2-5 p m shift doily, Monday through Friday. Must be the some hours SECRETARY. RESPONSIBI COOK-HERRIMAN, INC. Leasing for Fall every doy. Apply in person today. 3-5 p.m.. 347 Student Services Build¬ SUPER Beetle, 1973, LITY, typing, shorthand, apti¬ 731 Drive VW 6135 W. Saginaw • West of Lansing Mall ing. Students Only. 6,000 miles on rebuilt engine, tude for figures, experienced clean, no rust. 332 2349. 238 person only. 371-2920 for 321 • 6900 CALL 349-3530 351 721? Kedzie. 4 7 24 (4) interview. 4-7 24 (5) Thursday. July 20, 1970 ] 4 Michigan State News. East Lansing Michigan ruling will not affect affirmative action Typi«! Service COPYGRAPH Complete resume service dissertation SERVICE Corner MAC and Court and Grand River 8 30 a.m. year. ruling, now under appeal, in a Bv OWEN II,l.MANN chairpereson. suit brought by the Detroit 5 39 Trying to skirt the Weber Programs not slowed, lawyers say, p m Monday Friday 10 5 o m Saturday WASHINGTON lAP) - Al¬ She is less certain about Police Officers Association. It a m ruling, the EEOC advises em¬ 337 1666 C 17 7 31 i7> lan Rakke is by now a house Weber's suit, which has not accused the city of reverse reached the Supreme Court. In ployers to adopt affirmative hold name. Brian F. Weber is discrimination by reserving for action programs when there is that case, a ITS. Court of Wanted $ But it is Weber's court chal Appeals ruled that giving pref¬ to blacks is illegal, but pending case stirs up trouble a "reasonable" basis to believe the firm has discriminated in blacks half of all promotions to sergeant. Norton said the district court TO BABYSIT, days or even lenge that now poses the more erence the past. serious threat to government unless past bias against them Meanwhile, EEOC attorneys judge ruled last February that discrimination suits by whites. basic social policy behind law ployers) believe they have to versity Call between efforts to improve job oppor¬ by the organization involved enforcement is to have a wait to be sued, the whole law are deciding whether to appeal "you not only have to come in area has been proven. Such an admission, though, ... 5 30 8 00 332 5148 tunities for minorities by giving enforcement system in anti¬ to the Supreme Court. One said and say you discriminated, you pm. would open the firm to possible much greater number of com¬ them preference in hiring and Thus, the issue: May a com¬ the Weber case "does not have to prove you discrimin¬ damage suits by blacks seeking panies than we can sue believe discrimination has gone be- promotion. pany with no proven or admit¬ serk," she said. address the key issues as ated." ted history of bias legally adopt back pay. they must voluntarity keep us Bakke, the white California:! An EEOC attorney, who So, employers might do noth¬ from suing them by adopting Underscoring this are agency clearly as we would like." and who wants to he a doctor, won a an affirmative action program? asked not to be named, said this voluntary affirmative action. statistics showing that the thus risks a Supreme Court reverse discrirnination case in The Supreme Court has not ing and await a suit from the "could kill all future settle¬ "No law enforcement agency EEOC took legal action on review that would not produce confronted that question, and EEOC, which enforces job dis¬ the Supreme C ourt. and will be crimination provisions of the could ever sue everybody in fewer than 500 of the 80,000 job a definitive ruling. ments," in which employers admitted m t he fall to the Norton says that until it does, violation. You must do most of discrimination complaints The EEOC also is worried agree to affirmative action Civil Rights Act. medical school that had reject government efforts to eliminate about a U.S. District Court without admitting bias. That concerns Norton: "The it by deterrence. If they (em¬ against private employers last ed him in favr>r of a minority job bias through affirmative ■j- soon js oossibie Send Pfor all the a ttention focused The EFOC contends that if or : he Bakke c,ase. government the Weber ruling stands, em fesume *o Court Director Shiawassee county law vers sav it will have scant plovers may stop undertaking impact or feelera! efforts to voluntary affirmative actions. juvenile COURT 110 Fhys:cs tutor for under graduate mediately 332 combat job dis>crimination. It is Weber. If that happens, "the whole law- enforcement system in anti¬ discrimination has gone be- serk." says Norton. Weber, a white employee of Carter may need drastic action Can Carter obtain the Congress to tax crude im¬ NEW YORK lAP) - His the chance exists that Car¬ might only worsen their 3617 ale' 5 s m 3-7 21 «3« Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical ports. but with little success. economic performance rated ter can deliver only if he position while inflation in authority? "Congress has al¬ Co. in Gramercv, La., sued His next move could be to VOTORC^C-ES OPERA weak, and with important takes unusually aggressive general runs unchecked. ways been happy to give the after Kaiser sought to add impose quotas. promises unfilled. President and authoritarian action that So long as this attitude president standby authority The people who run the blacks in some crafts by train¬ because it takes responsi¬ Again, such a move might r conceivably might be is bound to stir harsh con¬ prevails, the administra¬ ;;an i.cense :o assist in safety EFOC say "affirmative action" ing one black for each white reed i act troversy. tion's jawboning can only bility off its back," said the be interpreted by some to be I- study Call Rob.n programs won't be slowed by until black representation that could be construed as At this moment, the pres¬ get tougher. And that, says chamber economist. arbitrary and a failure of the Bauev H.gnwav Traffic Safe the Supreme Court ruling that reached 39 percent. Weber was U.S. Chamber of Com¬ democratic process. And it imperious. ident is hardly succeeding in a Others might react differ¬ Center 353-1790 denied the training. would lay the president open At stake, among other his efforts to control infla¬ merce economist, is what ently. The program, under a new tion, now running at better has been happening: Business and labor might also to the accusation that he v-'i s 2C_3 contract with the United Steel things, are President Car¬ ter's reputation as an inter¬ than 10 percent annually. "Rougher and more pre- consider such a move to be a was merely contributing to NEEDED VOLUNTEERS to Workers union, did not result And his efforts to pass an dictatorial interference with inflation. national leader and his credi¬ from any charge or admission of bill have been fru¬ "There is certain deja vu their rights, and an explo¬ Still, the president has de^ts .v* summer reading & bility on the major domestic energy with affirmativ job bias. issue of restoring price sta¬ strated by Congress. about it,' he said. "We've sion of criticism might be made his promises to the A U.S. Court of Appeals heads of the other industrial PROGRAMS cOR HANDI preference to bility to an inflation- In fact, criticism and resi¬ heard it before." When? "In expected. But some of the ruled 2-1 in New Orleans last nations, and for reasons of CAPPERS 353-9642 distorted economy. stance might even have August 1971," he replied, public might react with re¬ The Bakke ruling yoided as November that an employers "When President Nixon lief. honor, prestige and reputa¬ 9. • 7 14.6' The promises were restat¬ grown stronger over the who has not actually discrimin tion he undoubtedly feels too rigid the California school's ed at the just-completed past year, and could be froze wages and prices." Still, controls are widely special minorities admission ated against blacks violates the forcing the president to con¬ President Nixon at that thought to represent failure, compelled to demonstrate he ay c-..t fo' chart meeting of industrial-nation : ,•* program, but it allows race to law by preferring blacks for job leaders in Bonn. West Ger¬ sider actions he has so far time already had standby a resort to power after more is a man of his word. be considered in admissions openings. dismissed. authority from Congress to sophisticated and democra¬ And domestically, embar¬ many. when Carter pledged decisions if it is not the sole The Weber decision puts tic efforts have collapsed. rassed by the vicious criti¬ to cut both the rate of The administration's anti- impose controls. President roommate NEEDED factor. employers in a bind: domestic inflation and the inflation effort has been Carter does not, despite an And the same attitude cisms of ineptness, he must "At the moment Bakke ap¬ If a company — after noticing feel compelled as well to mmed ateiy S125 plus utili¬ use of imported oil. meeting resistance from assumption that authority is might pertain to the oil a lack of black> in supervisory- demonstrate that he is capa¬ ties deoos t 332 7343 pears to leave the status quo The problem with such business and labor, who fear passed on from president to situation also. The president for law enforcement and anti¬ jobs — decides to reserve a the voluntary restraints president. has attempted to persuade ble of effective action. promises is the delivery, and discrimination work in the em percentage of future promo¬ ployment field,' said Eleanor tions for blacks, it first must Holmes Norton, the EEOCs admit past bias to avoid reverse to be in line with the legal did not receive the legal treat¬ mate under U.S. law and over of laws at home. But there is no ject to reduction, seems to he would have had in the which other country can evidence that Israel subscribes indicate that Israel believes ;U' student's ment no standards of most Western Round Town I £ case democratic courts, Zalman said. United States. properly claim jurisdiction," his defense committee stated. to this philosophy, or that it has done this kind of thing in the Esmail is not potentially a violent terrorist. He did acknowledge, however, That was because the pro¬ Diplomats in foreign em¬ past. Few countries would risk Israel must face the reality asvsu PREPAC Legal Ser the proceedings would never ceedings did not take place in that by keeping Esmail behind ie'vcesVaiiabie w^ouHee draws controversy hold up in an American where standards are court, much this country, but in Israel. Esmail maintains he was bassies do enjoy extra territor¬ ial protection. However, any such a violation of territorial courtesy. bars it is fueling anti-Israel The fact is that Esmail was in sentiment worldwide. .-de'graduate MSU stu tougher, but would be allowed convicted for expressing beliefs person visiting or living in -.e-s O«iceooen9a™ '2 and exercising freedoms another nation is subject to that Israel when he was arrested. It However, releasing Esmail in most Western nations such r - i 30 p- m ■ 5 p •*» • continued from page 1 holding up a heavy chair for as England or Belgium. guaranteed him by the U.S. country's laws. was an unfortunate detail of the prior to the legal termination of Sami Esmail is a terrorist and hours, of being punched, spat constitution. As a U.S. citizen, Zalman pointed out that the case that he was there to visit his sentence might damage the He also said procedures simi¬ his friends and associates say upon, insulted, having his hair lar to the Esmail case were Esmail and his supporters hold U.S. has prosecuted drug his ill and now deceased father, credibility of Israel's legal pro¬ he is much too intelligent and pulled — all standard Israeli dealers from foreign countries. but that does not change the cess. Early release would be an prevalent in the United States the view that Israel had no compassionate to engage in interrogation proceedures for "People have been prose¬ legal situation. indication that the proceedings up to the 1960s, prior to the right to try him. violence. suspected terrorists." liberal Supreme Court of Earl The alleged crimes of Sami cuted by U.S. drug laws where, Now yet another question were specifically an interna¬ But it is obvious where Similar charges were leveled Esmail are crimes of belief, of for example, a person is in arises: has Israel made its point tional political show. Warren and the due-process Esmail's sympathies lie, and by Felicia Langer, Esmail's revolution. speech and of political associ¬ Columbia sending drugs to the and should Sami Esmail be Questions arise as to who, if that in itself is troublesome in attorney, his brother Basim and So it is true that Sami Esmail ation activities which are legiti- U.S. Then later when they released from prison? anyone, gained from the vast the eyes of the Israeli govern Robert Barr, MSU associate come to the U.S. on innocent On one hand, Israel holds amounts of publicity generated professor of electrical en¬ business they are arrested and that membership in a terrorist by the Sami Esmail case. The "We know Sami better than gineering and systems science. convicted," Zalman said. Esmail commitee says Israel organization is no trivial mat¬ However, when Esmail was :W.ce. 343 Student t>v noon at least the Israeli government and we are absolutely positive that he allowed a visit from U.S. consul Israeli politics heated Esmail defense committee members said they see this as a ter. Association with an organi¬ zation that relies on violence to used Esmail as an example to other Palestinians. Some peo¬ l is not a member of any guerrilla James Kerr Dec. 25 - two days dangerous concept and "Israel achieve its means is. in Israel's ple feel the Esmail committee 5 oefo'e publication organization." argued Esmail's before the confession was taken is claiming that its legal juris¬ used Esmail to promote and (continued from page 1) view, a punishable offense. brother Basim. Esmail gave much less diction extends world wide Israel could have given Es¬ publicize the case of the PFLP — on a On the other hand, there are severe accounts of his treat¬ Middle East peace settlement. U.S. Secretary of State Cyrus R. basis." mail a much stiffer sentence — and other pro-Palestinian ter¬ the suspect confessions. Al¬ ment. Vance, who said he will be traveling to the Mideast in about two rorist organizations. weeks to pursue peace moves, said he anticipated more This accusation seems to up to 10 years in prison. The legedly Esmail wrote a seven- Esmail said. "Once, 1 was fact that Israel gave him a It is difficult to say who the suggest that Israel or any page confession on Dec. 27 in punched, but not very hard, Israeli-Egyptian meetings. country might start snatching much more lenient punishment winners and losers are in this English. Later that same night against the chest." He said he Speaking at the Organization of African Unity meeting in people freely at any location may be significant. case. And the debate is likely to and early in the morning of was not stripped but made to Khartoum, Sudan, Sadat accused Israel of clinging "onto the around the world for violation The 15-month sentence, sub¬ go on for a long time. Dec. 28 he wrote two more take off his sweater and shirt. ghosts of the past, still dreaming of expansion, still giving priority Kerr said he found evi to appropriation of others' lands." pages in English. Later that no rested in environmental day the confession was trans dence of beatings or lack of Opposition parliamentarians gleefully pounced on Begin's it 6 tonight 183C Natural lated into Hebrew. paper-tearing gesture and shouted: "It's not a peace poster." There are inequities in the documents. In the text of these The confessions, taken Dec. 27 and 28, were the major For the past two days, Israeli newspapers have been full of reports that Defense Minister Ezer Weizman ripped down a peace Stalled tax-cut legislation documents, however, details of pieces of evidence used to poster in Begin's office building after last Sunday's stormy cabinet Esmail's 1976 trip to Libya convict Esmail. The prelimi¬ meeting. (continued from page 1) I'm saying what I've said... I can simply say that make too much sense to be hearing or "mini-trial" Peres took note of the widely reported division between Begin the president has not authorized the secretary of nary Treasury to engage in discussions about what total fabrications" as Basim held from March 14 to 30 was to and his defense minister, who also had talks with Sadat in Austria sort of agreement can be reached in committee in the Treasury or anyone to enter into agreements 26 S'udent Services B>dg. Esmail called them. The confes¬ decide if the confessions consti¬ last week and brought back new proposals from Egypt. Begin and order to move a tax bill forward." about what he will or will not accept." sions do mesh enough to indi¬ tuted valid evidence. Weizman were talking during Peres' speech, and he broke off to Rep. Abner J. Mikva, D-Ill., a member of the cate some degree of involve¬ Under Israel's system a court chide, "I'm glad to see the prime minister is talking to the defense Powell began to stammer when asked flatly committee, said Blumenthal stood firm on the You can take about whether a compromise is being prepared. ment with the PFLP. must determine that a confes¬ minister. But they should do it around the cabinet table, not in the administration position that capital gains — my ad out Knesset." "The fact that he wrote a sion is given voluntarily. Q. You're saying now that the administration except for the gain on homes — must continue to of the paper. confession is really inconsistent Charges have been leveled that is not at this point preparing a compromise plan? be subject to the minimum tax on preferred I got the the Israeli court is a puppet and with the charges of pressure." A. That's, that's, I, uh, yes. Yeah, well, well, results declared Marvin Zalman. MSU will always rule against Pales¬ I wanted. ^^ assistant professor of criminal justice. "He is not a dyed-in-the- tinians or their sympathizers, but precedent disputes these Presidential job criteria We get calls such es this every single day. wool terrorist but he did get involved with the PFLP " Esmail's degree of involve¬ charges An article published in the June 2 edition of the New York Icontinued from page 3) and administrator," Blatt cautioned. Families of mentally ill find help ment in the PFLP is unclear Times by Monroe H. Freedman Robert Berker, chairperson of the committee, laid the mentally unbalanced, end yet mental lllneie (cootlooed from page 3) are but Israel apparently felt it and Alan M. Dershowitz de¬ disagreement was more one of semiotics than of intent and added limp, ihowing no eigne of progress. She was ie probably the ieeit understood," he explained. sufficient to justify its action. clares, "In one recent Israeli that the committee would be taking both areas into consideration Oasis hopes to soon realize e major goal: the The second question is case • which received no inter¬ when reviewing candidatei. better when the wasn't on the medication. It wee then we decided to try something elee." purchasing of property for a therapeutic living whether Esmail received national attention) six Arabians Blatt said if he had to choose between i president competent in residence for young adults who are itebilized or With no other piece to turn to, the Community humane and legally defensible were accused of membership in either the fiscal or academic area, he would put hie money on the recovering from emotlonel disturbance. from the time of his terrorist organization and person Qualified in academics. Mental Health Board eent the Sanfordi to the treatment a The future Oisis House In Hailett. which Oasie Fellowship In 1973. They soon realized they arrest to the time of his burning a bus. The court sup¬ The AAUP officers alio exhibited strong feelings concerning the would house the young edults, would have an were not the only parent! facing this crisis. conviction. pressed their confession and type of ietderahip the new president ihould demonstrate. experienced stiff on hand 24 hours s day to give "It was grest to know that desperation and the It appeared that Esmail did freed them despite finding that "1 would like to see the University take a leadership role," Blatt advice and counsel. indeed receive something close there no torture on the paralyzing fear which comes with mental illness was said. htd been felt by others. Oasis showed me that tor Those living in the house would range from to what the United States calls grounds that the government He further defined this role as one where the Univenlty us las a family) to do nothing la the worst thing in persons undergoing therapy to etudents pre¬ "due process". Under Israel's had not satisfied its high bur¬ initially agrees with legislation that requires It to tdhers to a the world." Sanford said. paring to go beck to college. The prlmery aim of ostensibly democratic system den of proving beyond a reason¬ specific policy. He said the Univeraity ihould not edhore to It only the Oasis House would be to help ell pereone Esmail was arrested, charged, able doubt that the confessions after thev have disputed and been proved wrong In court. By creating sn atmosphere filled with extreme again become eelf-eufficient. given a preliminary hearing voluntary." love and understanding, Senford explained that Currently, the Oisis House is not In operation Another rationale for selecting a president with a predom¬ were and brought to trial. Esmail was certainly under their daughter ie now on her way to itemization. inantly academic background, Blatt mentioned, was the effective¬ but plena ere being made to have It ready by While in custody prior to his some duress when he wrote or "There is no doubt that the greatest problem ness the vice president for finance and his staff would have in September. trial Esmail was subjected to dictated the three confessions. within families la the breakdown of family Proceeds from a rummage sale to be held at guiding the president in budget and fiscal mattars. intensive interrogation and But was that duress enough to communication," he said. "And t am certain that the Charter House in Lansing will go toward many charged that he was make the confessions worth¬ Henry Dykema. director of financial aides, told the AAUP our concern as a family in addition to professional financing of the property for yet another Owls mistreated. less? representatives that the committee was looking for a candidate help has increased our daughter's progress House. The aaie will be from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The National Committee to In Esmail's case the decision who was a combination of both qualities. Friday, Saturday, and Sundsy. ' ' tremendously." Defend the Human Rights of belonged to the Israeli court Collette Moser. member of the state AAUP executive Sanford slid he hopes someday our society will Sanford would also like to extend tn'invitation Sami Esmail stated that "Es¬ and it decided the confessions committee, told the search committee that what was needed was a know how to cope with mentally-disturbed to anyone feelir.g frustrated, guilty or lonely to mail says that he finally signed should stand. call one of the following numbers: 489-0582, president who could implement decisions from the top on down the people. a Hebrew confession note, In a written judgement, the adminstratiave ladder, rather than having the adminietratora "All too frequently people try to hide the fact 485-8876 or 351-9533. which he was told was a paper court acknowledged diacrepen- make the declaiona end the preildent limply react to them. that they know eomeone who ia mentally ill. Monthly meetings for concerned relstlvea and for his release, after days of not cies were not enough to war¬ Mental Illness etrikea just aa often in affluent frlenda of an emotionally dlaturbed person will being allowed to sleep, of being rant their invalidation. "The president should eat the basic policy lyatem that the familiee. SUtletlce ehow that one out of 10 people begin Sept. 12 in the Union Oek Room. forced to stand half-naked The court's decision appears Unive. sity is to have." Moeer aald. Michigon Stote News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. 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Grand River by Post TRAVELS WITH FARLEY S^fce I ItRde i Little Freeway 1 by Phil Frank Service •♦eMea I W, r IACUlD (JK£ C IHTKWCE WO TV 4 BREAKTHROUGH W DlREO" /MAIL /lAARrenMS. > enEAwnom A/HI the International Center In recent w from walking He works in Mon.-Fri. available BOOK ITOitt section and f< library. Like Watergate, M book. He enterec Force Base in after fighting Court. Maxv institution wi )