I VOLUME 72 NUMBER 109 FRIDAY. JULY 21 1978 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING MICHIGAN 40824 J Carter renews attack on Soviet dissident trials By DON ALD M.ROTHBERG Associated Press Writer W ASH1NGT0N "API — President Carter on Thursday renewed his criticism of Soviet trials of dissidents but said he has "not embarked on a vendetta" against the Russians and remains hopeful for better relations. The president also said at a news conference that he hopes the imprisoned Soviet dissidents w ill be released, but he declined to discuss any negotiations in which the United States might play a role. Asked if he w as aware of any talks underway for the release of Anatoly Shchransky and other Soviet dissidents, Carter said, "not specifically." The president said cancellation of the sale of a sophisticated computer to the Soviet news agency Tass is "all the action I intend to take for the time being" to express U.S. displeasure with the treatment of Soviet dissidents. "We have a deep commitment in our nation to the enhancement of human rights not only In the heat of the day here but around the world." Carter said, but he stressed that he has "not. embarked on a vendetta against the Soviet Union ... we cannot interfere in the internal affairs of the Soviet Ur Thousands of East Lansingites turned out Asked about suggestions by so -p members of Congress that the United States demand that the 1980 Olympic games be n ived out of Moscow, Carter said such a decision would be amidst soaring temperatures and shirt-soaking made by the U.S. Olympic Committee, •governmental body. humidity to view the various and sundry wares "My own hope is that American athletes wil I participate in the 1980 Olympics." he said. Asked about the recent statement by of East Lansing's business community. Weav¬ U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young that there ing their way through make-shift displays and are "thousands of political prisoners" in the outdoor French-style cafes, pedestrians-turned- United States, Carter said he is confident customers seek out the best deal in the annual Young feels he made a mistake in making such a claim. East Lansing Sidewalk Sale, which started "I've discussed this with Andy Young and Thursday and continues through the weekend. I don't believe he will make a similar Merchants hope shoppers' spirits won't be statement again," the president added. On domestic issues, Carter also said he dampened by predicted rain. continues to feel very deeply about the inequity of proposed reductions in capital gains rates — proposals gaining increased support on Capitol Hill — but he declined to say flatly that he would veto a bill containing any reduction of capital gains rates. "I have to wait untU the final tax^ trackage decide whether it is in the best interest of carter refuses to answer our country," Carter said. At his last news conference, Carter was much more vehement in his opposition to a cut in capital gains rates, describing the Presidential medical adviser proposals as providing a windfall for the rich quits President Carter and only pennies for middle income tax¬ payers. Carter opened the nationally broadcast news conference — the first he has held in prime By ANNBLACKMAN burden. I felt it wasn't fair to him. Bourne's. evening viewing time — with a brief statement saying he has accepted "with regret" the Associated Press Writer particularly with tonight's news confer- Bourne, a 38-year-old psychiatrist and resignation of Dr. Peter Bourne, his chief drug abuse adviser. WASHINGTON (API - Dr. Peter G. long-time supporter and friend of the Bourne resigned from the White House staff after disclosure that he had written a He said he had not talked to the president president, admitted in requesting the leave that he had not Bourne, the White House expert on drug prescription to a non-existent person to supply an aide with a powerful tranquilizer. but that he submitted his resignation that he had written a prescription for ■ submitting his Bourne said he was trying to protect the aide's privacy by using the phony name. abuse who himself became enmeshed in a Quaaludes using a fictitious name in place of at it had been drug-related problem, resigned Thursday, shortly after 3 p.m. EDT. "There has been no change in the facts of the name of Ellen J. Metsky, his administra¬ After describing Bourne as "an able and dedicated public servant," Carter said the saying he wanted to spare President Carter additional embarrassment. the situation. I waited to see what would tive assistant for whom the drug was allegations were under investigation and he would not answer questions about the case. intended. On civil service reform. Carter noted that his reorganization plans involving government Pour hours later. Carter opened a happen this morning." Bourne said. "The workers were passed overwhelmingly in both the House and Senate. nationally televised news conference with a spinoffs are still continuing." Metsky gave the prescription to a friend declined to 1 short statement acknowledging he had A short time later. White House press and former roommate. Toby M. Long. 26. dismay over 1 "I really am convinced that the House members and the Senate members will not go Jody Powell announced the who was arrested July II when she tried to accepted the resignation with regret and secretary was being h.n home, facing election, without having done something about it." he said. understood it was submitted "out of resignation. He said "because the case have it filled in a suburban Virginia One concern for my administration." involves legal questions" he would not drugstore near where she worked. Long is "People ar-.und her.- joking about Carter also promised to push ahead with his plan for national health insurance. By the charged in Virginia with a felony and is free end of the month, the president said, he will direct Secretary of Health. Education and After calling Bourne "a close friend of answer reporters' questions. starting a pool on h.-u it would take mine and my family" and "an able and Bourne, under investigation by both on $3,000 bail. before there was a qi n unrelated to Welfare Joseph A. Califano Jr. to hold consultations on the principles for establishing such dedicated public servant." Carter said he District of Columbia and suburban Virginia Although Carter himself tried to limit Bourne's rase. A lot >t [ would refuse to answer any questions about police requested and was granted a paid discussion of the Bourne affair at his news they feel he >ho,i;«i h.t< Carter conceded, however, that there is little likelihood the Congress will have time to the matter because there are "allegations leave of absence from his $51.000-a year conference, he did answer a question about embarrassing the ;uvs act on the plan this year. that are the subject of investigation." White House job Wednesday after news of Bourne, replying that "Dr. Bourne has never given me any treatment of any kind." Powells annuunceim Carter also reiterated his plea for congressional action to raise domestic oil prices. The Bourne told The Associated Press "I felt I the incident surfaced. owed it to the president to free him of this Powell said the decision to resign was Carter also said none of the substances appeared aimed at rer has hepatitus. many people here and many of so it can be sectioned without with heart, liver or kidney donate every 56 days. The total continued drive will be continued in Fee Hall today. those who are we can't draw samples and checks for syphilis. on page 10) time it takes to donate is about exposing the blood. problems, the literature states. from." 45 minutes. Unless whole blood is need¬ If these patients were given All donors have to register However, the actual drawing ed, the pack is taken to the whole blood the risk of over before they can donate. After of the blood takes about 6 to 8 component laboratory and spun loading their circulatory sys¬ registration, a prospective donor's medical history is taken minutes, Owsley said. The Red Cross is now using more effi¬ down in cedure a centrifuge. This causes the blood pro¬ to tem is great. White cells are used mostly African women attend workshop as well as a blood test to cient roller chairs and modern separate into plasma, platelets, for leukemia patients. determine if a sufficient amount lounges, compared to the flat white cells and red cells, Plasma is separated from the Bv JOANNE LANi: The goal of the African ly from donations from social The women's liber; action groups or companies movement is alive and w. lor better, a more equitable working in Africa, like Toyota. SUGGEST GUT IN HO USESG INSPECTIONS Africa as was demonstrate South Africa by providing op¬ The government does not fund some 17 African women portunities for black adults to these types of programs," Sit¬ participated in a seminar u gain skills, awareness of their hole said. shop this week on the dev E.L. landlords protest fee hike ment programs of non formal educ, in Africa. the »• the have surroundings and by facilitat¬ ing whenever possible the growth of community initiative, Susan Alache Adoba is the chief education officer for the government of Benue State in The women, from such i their Sithole explained. Nigeria. Her responsibilities nations as Lesotho, (iu and hope A committee trust fund has By PAULA DYKE all inspection costs. can soon include all professional matters State News Staff Writer East Lansing Mayor George Griffiths explained at the hearing Bissau and I'pper Volta. expected part of the established a number of educa¬ relating to primary education Area landlords voiced opposition recently to a proposal to raise that the city's inspection program was originally set up in response here in the U.S. as part tional projects aimed at black and nursery education in Benue license fees for rental housing in East Lansing. to tenant complaints. program sponsored by ()] v the regional organ adults and continues to pioneer State. The education matters Protest came during a public hearing before the East Lansing The mayor praised the success of the program, saying the tion Crossroads Africa. Inc which i methods of quick, quality edu¬ deal with curriculum develop¬ City Council Tuesday night. council had received very few complaints since mandatory Nomathemba Sithole. ot African (V cation on a mass level. ment, inspection of primary Landlords must pay yearly license fees on each apartment Republic of South Africa, Dur- "The money for development schools and in-service programs inspection began. Griffiths told the perturbed landlords that the continued success the black women in S programs in Africa comes most¬ (continued 10) building or house they own. They also pay a lesser fee on each on page individual apartment within the apartment building or on each of the program will depend on increased funding. Africa are underestim. individually-rented room within a house. Landlord Richard J. Lilley of Lansing, who owns about 50 They are not paid as muc The city uses these revenues to cover costs of the housing student rented apartments in East Lansing, said he thought the inspection program, which includes inspectors' salaries and some increased fees were unjustifiable. administrative costs. He said the City of East Lansing employs too many inspectors Expert fashion The proposal would raise the fee on the landlords' buildings from (five as compared to three in Lansing) who are paid too much for 14 karat vellow gold diamond $10 to $20. the kind of routine work they do. rings that are a credit to the craftsman The fee charged on individual apartments would go from $5 to "The number of inspectors and the frequency of their and your eye for beauty. A.S200. B.S300. C.$375. $10, while the fee for individually-rented rooms would be raised inspections could be reduced to cut costs," Lilley said. Something Beautiful for Everyone., from $2 to $5. "The initial purpose of the inspection program has been Bradford Pryce, East Lansing's group manager of Planning. accomplished," Lilley said. He said violations of the housing code Housing and Community Development, said the costs of on existing housing was corrected years ago and the yearly, administering the city's housing inspection program have routine inspections are unnecessary and too costly. increased considerably since the program was first established in Lilley said if the proposal is approved, he will have to pass the 1973. increased fee on to his tenants in the form of higher rent. Pryce said the current rental license fees bring in about $45,500 "And we don't like to do that to students," he said. in revenues, while city expenses which support the inspection program exceed $95,000. TOP DOLLAR If the recommended fee increase were approved, Pryce said, the THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY PAID city's revenue would total about $91,000, still insufficient to cover t'ui' Stv-ri'i ■('i'iiipinii-nts LAST 2 NIGHTS h TVs. Guitars. Amps. Camera.-. 1 tiaiiu>iiiI-, CI!.- Cat1 Tunis. BRYAN LEE Sidewalk Sale Stel'ei is, Alliums alnl Ta|»- A lit li j 11'*-. & THE STREET SCHUIFLE BAND So BIG it's OUTSIDE and BLUES- ROCK INSIDE our shoppe! MORGANS Fine Jewelers Since lsTli NEW MENU SUPPLEMENTS! SAVE UP TO 40% ON: Ml l i'iiali Mali. I Iketlin- Speakers • Receivers • Amps • Tuners LIGHTNING : JI S Washuit-tiin. I.an-ni,! CUMING NEXT WEEK Cassette Decks • Headphones • Blank Tape FAST Record Care Products • Turntables • Systems ELECTRONIC -e. - ■ - en i -a ii'i.' liai .'t' p..a;-. ■! WET BEHIND THE Used Zenith black and white portable TVs REPAIR -- lie..-, \n.i-! ira-ir;.'- Ira ia-a :a : a '..jv EARS!!! stereo DAILY HAPPY HOURS I1AM-4PM Sfioppe 555 E. Grand River Ave. Phone 337-1300 OPEf. THC Spirited to school new looks for Miss J heading back Solid style, solid comfort from 17 ALT* • Oldmaine Trotters to keep you walking tall. In great natural leather on a big, thick sole with terrific treads. Narrow 6-/2-10, I Nl f MTI NI medium 5-10 sizes, $29 224 Abbott Rd.E.Lansing r * > A. "Twister" tie oxford 351-2285 WE PAY CASH USED FOR YOUR *pk60% WEEKEND CLEARANCE SALE1 off on pitchers of beer TEXT¬ featuring the best of DISCO entertainment: low. low and . . . prices NO COVER! BOOKS CAMPUS BOOKSTORE 507 E. Grand River MON-FRI 9-5 p.m. Jacobson's VIEWPOINT: THE TRIAL Rockefeller will take the Is Esmail guilty or not? family conscience with him The death of John D. Rockefell¬ about an appreciation of their societies and cultures. You decide, but he knows er III could mark the end of a grand was correct. Whether Israeli law on this point leads to justice By BRUCE R.MAUGHAN old American era — the philan¬ In addition to his global perspec¬ Because of my training as a lawyer I was given the opportunity to depends, not on whether they follow the United States Supreme thropic age of benevolent billion- tive, Rockefeller let his millions be observe first-hand four days of the legal proceedings against Sami Court, but rather upon how the balance should be struck among the ares. We must confess that upon his voice for him on issues like Esmail. During those four days Esmail testified and the attorneys competing policies. made summary arguments on whether the confessions should be •Were the confessions sufficiently corroborated? hearing of his death we reacted a population control and women's admitted. Israeli law requires an "additional element" to corroborate a little cynically to the name. But, rights. At times, he would pour Sami Esmail was convicted by an Israeli court of being a member confession. The prosecution offered the testimony of an expert. The after reading some of the more millions of his own personal stash of an illegal organization and was sentenced to fifteen months with substance of his testimony was that there was a PFLP training prominent obituaries, we discov¬ into birth control education for the credit for time served. That much is clear. Questions about whether camp in Libya during August and September, 1976. The confessions Indian subcontinent and other state that Esmail was in Libya during a portion of that time and ered that this particular Rockefell¬ Esmail received justice and whether his human rights were violated received military training. The prosecution also offered the er was worlds apart from his more overpopulated areas. Asked once have frequently been dealt with as though their answers were as testimony of the principal of the school Esmail attended in clear as the fact that Esmail was convicted. But the answers to well-known political and banker why he took such liberal views on Ramallah. Among other things, he testified that a person named brothers. birth control and women's rights, these questions about justice and human rights depend upon the Musa attended school with Esmail. The confessions state that answers to several more basic questions, and I suggest that John D. Rockefeller Jr.. the when none of his brothers did, he Esmail met that same person on the flight to Libya. reasonable people can disagree about the answers to these None of this corroboration directly supports the claim that deceased's father, considered the replied: "I used to go around the questions. What are these questions? Esmail engaged in criminal activities. Even the expert could not family wealth a God-given right world visiting with heads of states 'Were EsmaiTs confessions obtained by coercion? and their wives, and I found the The answer to this question depends upon which of the conflicting testify that Esmail attended that particular training camp. The and he was its divine steward. corroboration falls short of proving the confessions. On the other facts one believes and the conclusions one draws from those facts. Before he died, he tabbed his wives were very often better hand the weakness of the corroboration does not prove them to be Three confessions are involved. The first, seven pages in English, oldest son. John D. Ill, to be the people than their husbands." It is John [). Rockefeller III was written by Esmail on Dec. 26. The second, another two pages in false. Only Esmail knows. steward of the philanthropic too bad for the world that this The weakness of the corroboration raises a related question. new English, was written by Esmail early on Dec. 27. The third, written Should Israeli law require corroboration directly related to the tradition and also to be the family brother never got into politics. in Hebrew by an interrogator, was signed by Esmail later on Dec. crime confessed, rather than accepting "collateral" corroboration as conscience. He did both well and The death of Rockefeller — a much wealth he could actually give sufficient? An answer to this depends, again, upon the competing without a trace of flair. philanthropist one could love — a library to a town. As the role of arguments and policies, and how one strikes a balance among those. the state assumes a larger impor¬ "The confessions not obtained Despite all the money John D. may signal the end' of an era. were •Do the confessions confess to crimes under Israeli law? tance in European nations, people, gave away to such fine American Europeans, the New York Times through the use of torture. Esmail did not I have read the English confessions and a translation of the middle class people, are starting Hebrew confession, but I do not have copies of them. My institutions like Williamsburg, reported incredulously, have claim this at his mini-trial and his attorney recollection is that they do not directly confess to membership. thrown off their for to realize something is funda¬ Va., the Lincoln Center for the reverance does not claim that now — if she ever did. They contain a narration about Esmail's activities during August Performing Arts, the Rockefeller philanthropists. And apparently it mentally wrong when one man has The claim of coercion is hosed upon the and September, 1976. Much of the narration is innocent, but Institute for Medical Research, is not just the wild-eyed radicals of such a disproportionate amount of portions contain statements about activities which are consistent the Left, either. It is people like wealth. trickery and psychological pressure which with a claim that he was a member — receiving ideological and the General Education Board, et the conservative mayor of a small Of course, the United States is preceeded the confessions." military training at a PFLP camp, selling PFLP newspapers, and al, the most memorable aspect of his long career will be his almost town in Germany who, in a speech still years away from such enlight¬ donating money to the PFLP. It is a crime under Israeli law to be a memberof act as a member. single-handed awakening of dedicating the new town library enment, since Horatio Alger is still 27. The confessions were not obtained through the use of torture. Under the latter if not the former the confessions probably confess Americans to Asia and the far given to the town by a wealthy alive and well in the American Esmail did not claim that at his mini-trial and his attorney does not to crimes under Israeli law. claim that now — if she ever did. The claim of coercion is based upon East. At a time when that side of patron, thanks the patron, and mind. But the time is coming and the trickery and psychological pressure which preceded the •Should these activities be defined as crimes? the world was regarded with naive then launches into a long tirade the death of Rockefeller might be Esmail was convicted on the basis of activities which include confessions. receiving ideological and military training, donating money, and suspicion by most Americans, telling the patron he should be just the thing to quicken the hands distributing newspapers. These activities are more than those of a ashamed of himself for amassing so of time. John D. spent millions to bring mere "card-carrying" member, and go beyond the exercise of First Amendment rights in the United States. I do not know whether an Israeli court would convict someone accused only of doing things protected by the First Amendment, but that is not Esmail's case. Whether these activities should be criminal depends upon where one draws the line between mere membership and actually committing an act of terrorism. No doubt Israel draws the line "The confessions state that Esmail was in Libya during a portion of that time (August and September, 1976) and received military training . . . The corroboration falls short of proving the confessions. On the other hand, the weakness of the corroboration does not prove them to be false. Only Esmail knows." closer to mere membership than some of us would. This case demonstrates that a conviction for membership can be obtained without proof that the defendant injured or intended to injure Israel. It was not alleged, much less proved, that Esmail harmed or intended to harm Israel. It was enough that he confessed to activities which linked him with those who have harmed Israel. On the other hand, experience shows that the Israeli concern with terrorism is not irrational, and this concern leads them to draw the line closer to mere membership. Of course this justified concern does not prove that they have drawn the line in the correct place. •Can Israel claim jurisdiction to try a person for crimes committed entirely outside of Israel? Again, the answer to this depends upon the policies which one considers relevant and the way one balances them. At least one thing is clear. The fact that a law professor or law student can write a law review article concluding that Israel should, or should not, exercise such jurisdiction does not prove that it is the law, or that it ought to be the law. Griffiths' query laudable "Esmail activities which was convicted on the basis of included receiving ideologi¬ With some hesitation I will state some of my conclusions. I hesitate because conclusions in this case are easily misunderstood, and because my opinion counts for no more than that of any person who has investigated the facts and understands something about cal and military training, donating money Mayor George L. Griffiths has Esmail. The attorney general's exactly the same thing as "political the law. (In fact, some may say that my training in the law is a surveillance." and distributing newspapers. These activi¬ disqualification because exposure to the study and practice of law ' always handled his role as the chief office wrote back and assured the increases a person's tolerance for ambiguity, uncertainty, and other The letter Griffiths received ties are more than those of a mere 'card- administrator of East Lansing mayor that there was no "political points of view.) with a modicum of cool reason. He surveillance" as such, but that the confirms a suspicion we have carrying' member, and go beyond the exer¬ Did Esmail receive justice: Were his human rights violated? If I has never been one to grab a FBI was conducting "investigative always had but were unable to cise of First Amendment rights in the United had been a judge hearing this case and could have made the law as I spotlight or attempt to become a activities of a domestic security prove. That is, the FBI and States." saw fit, I would have excluded his confession, primarily because he was denied the assistance of an attorney before he confessed. media darling. But his conduct at nature" and for the case of Sami organizations like it are becoming Furthermore, I believe that the Israelis acted unwisely in last Tuesday's city council meeting Esmail it wasn't "political surveil¬ wizards of semantics. The recent not a fabrication of the interrogators. prosecuting a charismatic Arab-American. I believe that the lance" it was "investigations of criticisms leveled at the FBI and brought him the kind of respect •Should the confessions have been admitted at the trial? speculative deterrent effect of a prosecution did not justify that should not be ignored. foreign counterintelligence mat¬ CIA — usually led by the media — An answer to this question depends upon how one strikes prosecuting Esmail when no one believed he presented any threat the have not changed anything about to Israel. In short, Israel dealt with this case differently than I Last April, Mayor Griffiths ters." balance between getting "results" — confession — and how the their functions, it has merely made would have, but that is not the same as saying that Israel deprived wrote to Attorney General Griffin Apparently Mayor Griffiths government gets those results. Presently Israeli law makes a confession inadmissible if it is the product of coercion, but does not Esmail of justice and human rights. It is possible to reach that Bell and asked him to find out if wasn't aware that the FBI had the agencies realize they have to go as far as the law of the United States. In this country under conclusion, but it requires a particular view of the facts and a there was any "political surveil¬ changed their terminology. We deal with wordsmiths and beat the either of two decisions of the United States Supreme Court particular balancing of the legal policies at issue. It is also possible lance" being conducted by the FBI weren't either, but to us it sounds scribes at their own game. (Escobedo, 1964; and Miranda, 1966) Esmail's confessions would be to conclude that he received justice without a violation of his human in East Lansing. Griffiths referred like "investigative activities of a As a result we have "investiga¬ inadmissible because he was denied the assistance of an attorney rights, but that also requires a particular view of the facts and a tive activities of a domestic securi¬ before^ie confessed. Obviously the United States Supreme Court particular balancing of the legal policies. On these questions I specifically to the case of Sami domestic security nature" are strikes the balance differently in this area than the Israelis do, but it express no opinion. I leave that to the judgment of the reader. ty nature" instead of "political took almost 200 years of constitutional litigation in this country to Moughon is on oss/sionf professor of Business tow Mis coverage of the surveillance." The attorney gen¬ reach that balance and not everyone believes the Supreme Court trial wos sponsored by the Greater Lansing Jewish Welfare Federation. eral's office seemed almost indig¬ nant that a local mayor would accuse them of "political surveil¬ DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau The State News ] lance" — like, of course anything called that would be wrong. Hev. urn's you'rs (MTEmmS, MUST Be HMM..THEY'RE SIR, ARE Friday, July 21, 1970 J CAN FEEL fT SOME SORT Mayor Griffiths went on to say IN TUB 6AM- RI6HT, MORE SOPHISTI- YOUSURE THE Editorials the opinions APE? TASTES ITPOBS. PROMOTING MVS- OF ANABOLIC are of the State News Viewpoints, columns and that he would not tolerate FBI CAJEP THAN I COACH KNOWS letters FUNNY- I CLE DENSITY. STEROID. THOUGHT.. ABOUT YOUR. are personal opinions surveillance of Sami Esmail since Editorial Department Esmail was a U.S. citizen. He also Editor in chief James L Smith Entertainment Edi said that he was going to write DavidMisiolowski Sports Editor Mike Klocke Maqpgmg Editor back to Attorney General Bell and Kim Shonahon Layout Editor Deborah Heywood Opmion Editor ask him to clear up the "discon¬ Michelle Chan bers Copy Chief Kenneth E Porker Patricia laCrom Staff Representati Daniel J Hilbert nected nonsense." More power to Kothy Ki bury you, Mr. Griffiths; it is people like Advertising Department you that will make the FBI accountable to the American peo¬ Advertising Manager BobShoffer Assistant Adverbs g Manager Gmo Sponio/o ple. But don't get your hopes up for a straightforward answer. Michigon Stote News, Eost lonsing, Michigon Fnday July 21 1978 5 FUTURE FRESHMEN INVADE CAMPUS Orientation programs —FOOD fa underway CAMPUS PIZZA By PAULA DYKE SUte New. SUff Writer "I'd rather be it the what's nice about it. I work at the Oakland University orienta¬ tion sessions and they're al¬ grams an this summer because of overburdened time sched ule, program coordinator Terry freshmen receive their test results, seek academic advise ment and make out "real" class lation session entails, parents are given presentations on aca demic life, student life and EASTandWEST beach .. ways running late," she said. L. Dunham said. schedules. financial aid programs at MSU. That was the typical re¬ Many of the future freshmen The rest of the first day is Meanwhile, parents of the On the second day, parents sponse from future freshmen said they appreciated the taken up with testing, meeting are given a guided bus tour of incoming freshmen can attend attending academic orientation smoothness with which the with representatives of their an orientation program of their campus. After the tour, they programs on campus this week. orientation program is being declared major, changing their have an opportunity to meet own, while being housed over The two-day sessions of the run, despite the lack of free major and practicing making night in Holden Hall. the manager of their son's or orientation program started time to socialize and relax. out schedules on a sample (laughter's assigned residence three weeks ago in Wilson and "I wish they'd show you more After learning just vhat computer sheet. hall and receive a tour of the their son's or daughter's Wonders halls. of the campus," Fred Drachus On the second day, the new dormitory. But despite the lack of air- of Montague said. conditioning in Wonders Hall, "Personally, I'd rather be these new freshmen took their working right now so I'll have task in stride. some bucks when I come up "I came here with a positive here in the fall," he smiled. Project Find aims attitude," Chris DeRuiter of St. About 400 incoming fresh Clair Shores said. "The tests men attend each 24-hour ses¬ were dull, but I have a lot of sion. which runs from around friends that go to MSU and I've 11:30 a.m. of the first day until heard nothing but positive the student completes a valid things from them." fall term schedule around noon DeRuiter was referring to the University placement tests of the second. New freshmen receive a wel¬ to push special ad given to prospective students coming address the first day at each orientation session, from Provost Clarence L. Win which test their reading and der, Assistant Provost Dorothy April's Project Find Month, designated by Printed in Spanish and Hebrew £ algebra skills. Arata or another administra¬ Governor William G. Milliken, has met with English, the leaflets try to increase a "Everything is organized and tive substitute for President statewide response, a Department of Educa¬ about when a child needs special attention, Edgar L. Harden. Harden is not tion spokesperson said. and to help parents overcome their hesita right on schedule," Emily Ware of Rochester said. "That's able to participate in the pro¬ tions in seeking help. Project Find was designated by the A 24-hour hotline telephone number men¬ governor as an intensification of activities tioned in the leaflets and staffed by special aimed at finding young people who need education experts at Mott Center is also Marriage affects special education in Michigan and placing them in special programs. The Mott Children's Health Center in Flint provided by project money. Concerned individuals may call the Hotline toll free for information on availability of local programs and questions relating to the When the weather is hot and you don't feel contracted by the Michigan Department of project. sex, study says Education to assist local school districts in Ted Beck, supervisor of training and like cooking, or the late night munchies have locating children are not receiving special education and development for the Michigan Department of made their attack; call or run over to Campus placing them in appropriate Education's Special Education Services, said programs, has spent $200,000 on the project BOSTON (UPI) — If you believe that happily-married, this year alone. that as of May 26, 38 Michigan television and Pizza East or West. middle-class Americans seldom have sex problems, you're wrong, a radio stations have responded to the project. Much of the money was spent on dispensing Project Find information reached the broad medical study reported Thursday. leaflets and flyers (30,000 over the past three casters, he said, and has been mentioned Campus Pizza offers a large selection of But if you think a satisfying sex life depends more on the overall on marriage than on physical performance, you're right. years) all over the state. the air. pizzas to satisfy any hearty appetite. Whole The study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, The leaflets describe Project Find, special Research is being conducted, said Beck, to contradicted the Kinsey report's conclusion 25 years ago that education in the area and "warning signs" of determine how many children have been Wheat crust is a specialty that only Campus physical and emotional disability in early child referred to special education specifically upper-income people have fewer sexual problems than average. Pizza offers everyday of the week (14 inch Researchers from the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic in development. through Project Find. Pittsburgh surveyed 100 couples who had the happiest, most only). Every Monday night you get a free litre comfortable marriages they could find. They found that a striking number — three-fourths of the women of coke with your choice of pizza and on and half of the men — had one or more sex problems, ranging from difficulty in reaching an orgasm to a general lack of interest in sex. Tuesday you receive one item free on your At the same time, 86 percent of the women and 85 percent of the men rated their sex lives overall as very or moderately satisfying. Autos to cost $10,000 pizza. The group studied was predominantly white, Christian, well-edu¬ cated and comfortably middle-class. DETROIT i UPI) - Within determined the average price ulations are equivalent to an We also feature a variety of submarines, The survey also found husbands are less in charge of the sex seven years, the average family of a new car this year is $6,500. extra outlay of more than $10 car will cost $10,000 or more if That reflects yearly price in¬ billion per year by car buyers ham, roast beef, vegetarian, salami, tuna, and department than is commonly thought. current market and economic creases averaging 6 percent with few resulting benefits." "Although it was once thought that it was the man who wrote, Canadian Bacon, freshly baked in an oven, no trends continue, auto industry since 1975 slightly below the Chrysler Chairperson John Ric produced and performed the sexual scenario, with the wife acting — the role of 'extra,' at least within this better-educated, more experts predict. nation's inflation rate. cardo has said. microwave. For an extra treat at the West affluent population the wife emerged as a major influence on the Rising materia) and labor William O. Bourke, a Ford The Big Four estimate they course of the drama," the study said. costs and the expense of meet¬ executive vice president, said will spend some $78 billion on location, try a sundae, shake, cup or cone with "If the woman was unable to relax, felt 'turned-off or was ing government standards for this week Ford has promised plants and tooling to build cars emissions, safety and fuel econ¬ President Carter it will hold its soft ice cream. approached at the wrong time, all sexual relations suffered as a capable of meeting the govern¬ result." omy will be the major forces 1979 price increase to 5.5 ment's 1985 fuel economy So stop by today for lunch or dinner at However, the study said, husbands often don't recognize their pushing car prices upward be¬ percent. General Motors has standard of 27.5 miles per wives' sex problems. tween now and 1985, industry made a similar pledge in a move either convenient location 310 West Grand gallon. The researchers picked the happily-married group so they could spokespersons said. to keep prices below inflation be compared with people undergoing counseling at the institute's "Unless inflation takes an levels. Thev buy River (next to EL Bus Station), or 1040 East Family Therapy Clinic and Sexual Behavior Center. unexpected downturn, it's a But annual price increases in Most had been married at least five years and had an average of matter of simple mathematics," the 5.5 to 6 percent range still Grand River (across from HiFi Buys). two children. None was undergoing any kind of sexual or marital one analyst said. would push the average car But industry officials say price to $10,000 by 1985. If Company officials say though counseling. Each person was asked to report not just his or her problems but rising income levels over the inflation exceeds 6.5 to 7 per¬ raising prices always is some what risky in a competitive also the spouse's. It was here the researchers judged how well next seven years will make it cent. prices could go even WEST EAST no more difficult perhaps higher. industry, they are not con couples communicated. — cerned that serious "price re Call 337-1639 337-1377 Wives were mostly accurate in seeing their husband's problems, easier — to fit a car purchase "It's certain that cars by sistance" will develop and cut 310 W. Grand River 1040 E.Grand River but the men tended to underestimate their wives' problems, the into the family budget. themselves will not be the into future sales. study said. For example, less than half of the men whose wives had A recent survey by Ford cause of inflation," said Arvid trouble staying excited during sex recognized the problem. Motor Co. marketing analysts "Ten ■ i Jouppi, a Wall Street analyst ago and observer of the auto indus¬ had told me a car was going to try. "Prices will lag a half to a go for 10 grand, I would have full percentage point behind the said, 'No way is anyone going to Death decision difficult inflation rate. But the days of the small price increase clearly pay that,'" General Motors controller Archie Long said. iPCNSCREDIBT: "But they go for that and more right now and people pay ST. PAUL. Minn. (AP) - sis, I went back — not to any sect: 'Tell me, is there any Chrysler Corp. executives have said government regula¬ it," he said. "And the reason is Judge Archie Gingold says he deeply legal, ponderous law physician or person in the tions, which require costly re¬ that people's wages have wasn't concerned with the law passage — but to one of my own world you know who could The most exciting when he ordered 4-year-old cases in juvenile court, some come and graft that skin with¬ design and new equipment, will moved up correspondingly. We Good Food add $1,000 to the price of a car have moved up to a different idea in eating Stacey Ellison's artificial life years ago. out the use of blood?' and Drink supports turned off. "A badly-burned boy needed by 1985. plateau and the percentage of since the sandwich! O ' "And that attorney looked at income to buy a car has actually "It was my conscience," said skin grafts, and because of their The government imposed me and said, 'No, we don't know gone down." Downtown Laming the retired juvenile court religious beliefs his parents of those rules after the auto refused to permit blood trans¬ any.' And my decision was Long said even if the average 116 E. Mich. Ave. judge, who now only handles made right then. I ordered the industry, for years, refused to fusions. That boy had to be kept car price reaches $10,000 by 372*4300 special cases. use of blood to voluntarily make cars cleaner . "I walked the streets, late at in a tub of solution so infection help that boy. and safer. Auto executives 1985, "and I don't think that's a night, and I had calls from wouldn't set into his raw tis¬ bad guess — there will be a lot "Last Monday, I asked the traditionally have opposed people that they were praying sues. He was in terrible pain. them. of cars priced below that level, GREAT for me. "And so I finally said to the public defenders acting on with the low end of the car line ADVERTISE TOUR learned lawyer for the religious Stacey's behalf if they knew of "The cost of these new reg¬ in the $6,500 range." FOOD "You know, in the last analy¬ any medical techniques that 24 RESTAURANT hadn't been used that could Hours Day help Stacey. They said they a HERE CALL Marxist denied didn't. PBB move entered job "That was all I needed. I issued the order to push the 353-6400 buttons. The Supreme Court COLLEGE PARK, MD. (AP) — Under the threat of a lawsuit, LANSING (UPI) — Ingham County Circuit Judge James backed me up, of But PEKING RESTAURANT ^5 course. RAMON'S the University of Maryland rejected on Thursday the nomination Kallman took under advisement Wednesday a defense motion for still.. ." of an avowed Marxist to head its politics and government department. The judge's eyes blurred accelerated judgment in the $120 million PBB lawsuit. The suit, filed by the Michigan attorney general's office, could '.fw... RESTAURANT AND John Toll, newly-appointed president of the university, said he with tears as he recalled the surpass the scope of the suit filed by Falmouth dairy farmer Roy had decided not to approve the appointment of Bertell Oilman, 43, LOUNGE episode. Tacoma now pending in Wexford County Circuit Court. a New York University professor, to chair the department. State officials filed the latest suit in an attempt to offset some of At a special meeting of the Board of Regents, Toll said the "Somebody had to say pull 718 E. GRAND RIVER-LANSING the tubes, shut off the motors, the costs Michigan has incurred as a result of the feed mix up that decision as based entirely on Oilman's qualifications for the post has become Michigan's worst agricultural disaster. The Finest in Mexican Cuisine push the buttons that stopped a and not on his political beliefs. little girl's heart from beating Named in the suit are the companies that made the fire-retardant 489-2445 Why not try us todoy! "To the best of my ability, the decision has been based upon my chemical and the distributors of the animal feed supplement that evaluation of whether or not the proposed candidate is the best finally. And it had to be me." was accidentally contaminated by PBB in late 1973. qualified person we can reasonably hope to get as professor and Stacey's mother, Denise Defendants are Michigan Farm Bureau Services. Michigan Farm CAMPUS chairman," Toll said in a prepared statement he read to the board. Ellison, 24, was charged with Bureau, Northwest Industries and Northwest Chemco. CALL 353-6400 PIZZA At his New York office, ^Oilman said, "Some people still believe aggravated assault and third- Northwest Industries and Northwest Chemco asked Kallman to in Santa Claus. These pdopte mjy believe Toll's reasons for degree murder for allegedly declare the suit beyond the authority of a Michigan court because FOR INFO TO 1040 east rejecting me. Everyone else will know I was rejected because of injuring the child before she Northwest Industries hi an Illinois corporation. my political beliefs. I am a victim of political oppression was taken to Children's The attorney general's office is PUT YOUR AD & Hospi¬ seeking $60 million to cover costs American-style." tal in St. Paul. the state is expected to incur from having to buy and dispose of 310 west Acting Gov. Blair Lee III predicted that the university might contaminated animals. HERE! run into legislative troubles with its budget if Oilman got the nod. Attorneys for the hospital Although the next court date has been set for Oct. 16, it is Grand River Avenue He later announced he would stay out of the selection process, asked Judge Gingold to discon nect the life support, saying the expected Kallman will rule on the motion for accelerated judgment however. before then. child's body had decayed to the Oilman, who announced earlier this week he planned to sue the Lawyers said the suit, the first ever brought against a private university for not quickly acting on his nomination, said he point where nurses refused to company for actual damages by the attorney general's office, could enter her hospital room. expected to continue with the lawsuit. be two to three years in litigation in the circuit court alone. Friday, July 21, 1978 £ Michigon Stote News, Eost Lansing. Michigan Galumphing Gourmet By BILL HOLDSHIP State News Reviewer Some people seek Nirvana, and some are looking for the ultimate high. Some folks spend their lives seeking peace of mind through religion, while others hunt for it through the pleasures of 'Jack the 'reripping ppiR good fun the flesh. And then there are those of us who seek the great American ice cream cone, especially during these humid summer months. Like junk food binges, ice cream cones can be very existential experiences. 1 came to this conclusion last week while sitting solemnly in B\ ROSANNE SINGER less rehearsals where elderly comfortably and is uproariously front of my stereo, listening to the Stones' "(I Can't Get No) Mother Sharpe. as a prostitute, funny as he enacts Charlie Satisfaction," and feeling nothing but total empathy for Jagger's attempts a seductive strut and Sharpe's conception of Jack the plight. Yes, by God, I needed something... immediately ... right Father Sharpe tries to get the Ripper as a slobbering, twisted, there and then. The only problem was I had no idea of what that most out of his bit part. The malevolent creature. Hanners something was. Suddenly, an inner light shone within me - it was Sharpes' show includes such is appropriately intense and a flashing neon light, of course, and it read: BASKIN-ROBBINS. songs as "My Life With the wild-eyed as both the troubled Now, all Freudian symbolism aside (Jeez, the monster that Monster" touchingly sung by Barclay and Jack the Ripper. man's theories have created in demented minds like mine), ice Mrs. Jack the Ripper and "I'm a Nan Burling is good in the cream cones are very sexual. I mean, talk about oral fixation Ripper" boastfully role of Jane Sharpe who Ripper of a pacifiers! You can lick 'em, suck 'em, slurp 'em, they're messy, and sung by Jack flanked by two attempts to be obedient and they offer a constant form of satisfaction until totally consumed. floozies who squeal ecstatically sweet but whose heart just isn't Let's face it: during some of these hotter, irritating, sticky-body he recites his deeds. in it. During rehearsals for the as days, the proposition of "your place or mine?" often sounds far less Jack the Ripper Show she is The Summer Circle has done tempting than "sugar cone or plain?" Just think about it — "I an excellent job with this entertainingly confused as she scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream?" Sounds sorta entertaining show. Mark plays a prostitute who is both like primal lust, doesn't it? innocent and yet not innocent, Voland is good as the stubborn Anyway, now that I've made my point, you may ask, "Where father, Algernon Sharpe. who sexy yet unapproachable, does one find the great American ice cream cone in Lansing?" To has loftly ideas about the role of earthy yet ethereal. which my reply is, "I really don't know." You see, I've yet to find theater. His disgust with bis Ray Andrecheck gets carried the dynamite ice cream cone my dad has described as being commercially minded son is away when called upon to play available for a nickel when he was a kid. Nonetheless, I still have a exceedingly clear, and Voland malformed, unpleasant charac¬ great time looking for it. is funny in his bit part during ters such as in the Sharpes' Ice cream prices at the various Lansing establishments are the troupe's Jack the Ripper production of Richard III. How¬ basically the same, with a several-penny difference here and there. Show. Voland perfectly plays ever, when not exaggerating, Bressler's and Quality Dairy are at the bottom of the price list, the ultimate ham actor who he is believable as Charlie with Miller's and Baskin-Robbins at the top. milks every line for all it's Sharpe who cannot conceal worth. impatience with his old- Comparable to one another in quantity are Miller's Ice Cream yf W- fashioned father. After taking Parlors and Bressler's Ice Cream Shops. As far as quality goes, Juliette Gay is wonderful as a director of the Jack the Miller's is the better of the two. Still, the latter boasts 33 flavors, woman who tries hard to humor over as and that's two more than Baskin-Robbins. Besides, I'm really not and support her husband but Ripper Show, Andrecheck is occasionally explodes in rebel suitably pompous and assured one to complain about food as long as there's a lot of it. State News Carol Sonenklar liousness. She is especially in his first position of power. My editor and co-worker's have been arguing with me that the All thi«» and more can be had at this week's Summer Jon Gillespie has directed above two establishments give the biggest cones in town. "A pint funny during the mockingly on a cone" is how they describe it, but I still say when it coir Circle presentation of The Ripper Shou- running solemn song. "The Family." this production with a good through Saturday behind Fairchild Theatre. Physically. Gay is convincing as sense of comic timing and quantity, you can't beat Quality Dairy. I worked at QD once for control. He gets the most out of several weeks, and we used to laugh behind the backs of customers an aging woman, not as supple and upoi the play's humor and knows who ordered large cones. I mean, a small cone was so big that it eting Ja as she once was. what he wants of each charac¬ was almost impossible to make a large one any bigger. A small >t her John Hanners plays the dual cone is supposed to be two scoops, and a large is supposedly four, r.t- can vomit The Sharpes' Jack the Ripper role of narrator and the actor, ter. The production is tightly but ice cream never comes out in scoops during the summei h hi- father he Show, a musical, gets put Barclay. He makes the transi¬ put together, and the action seldom lags. It must be remembered that quantity doesn't equal quality. QD My own flesh and together after seemingly hope¬ tion from one part to the other has a minimal selection of flavors, and the product is inferior to the miteer" Finally, other establishments. Still, after a QD cone, you probably : to think of a new feel like eating dinner. uggests writing a m the Jack the This Weekend Finally, we come to the Cadillac of ice cream shops — the establishment that proves the old adage that any American ers in England, grow up to be an ice cream-emperor — Baskin-Robbins. Now, for argument, all By JOHN NEILSON weekend. More information is available by my money, Baskin-Robbins is the best-tasting ice cream around, State News Staff Writer calling (3131428-9280. but that's just the point — for my money. B-R has the most holds auditions ... bleep... bleep... bleep... bleep ... bleep First it was the Gong Show. Now what, you expensive cones, yet they provide scoops the size of golf balls. It's 'Ground Control to East Lansing ask'.' Would you believe a musical based on the no sweat to finish a B-R cone before you get out of the parking lot. . . . . . . Ground Control to East Lansing... come in. East exploits of Jack the Ripper, legendary 19th Still, they have some of the most exotic (?) flavors (peanut butter Lansing... prepare for a Starship Encounter ... century London cut-up? The Ripper Show, as & jelly, and I even remember a bubble gum flavor once with real No. not that Starship. What I'm refering to is it's called, is the current production of MSU's pieces of gum — the Edsel of ice creams), and any place that offers ! I he Mr. Harola; i- peculiar as he the featured program at the Meadow-brook Music Summer Circle Free Festival, and it's a musical the joys of Pralines 'n cream (try it!) can't be all bad. tames of the Rip Festival this Sunday comedy that has been described as a tasteful I will mention both Howard Johnsons and Dairy Queen (Tastee called Starship Encounters without hesitation Freeze, Dairy Delite, etc) only in passing. Howard Johnsons land subtitled "A Musical Voyage to Outer mockery of the public's secret (or not-so-secret) Space"I. Fans of "space music" mustn't miss this taste for violence. Performances will be held the original with a large number of flavors, but it doesn't really once-in-a-lifetime performance, which will fea¬ tonight and tomorrow at 8:15 p.m. in the matter since it seems they're always out of everything except ture Leonard Nimoy and the Detroit Symphony courtyard in front of Fairchild Theater. Admis¬ chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate chip, anyway. The! Orchestra. sion is free. latter establishments are to ice cream what Pringles are to potato Meanwhile, in pre war Berlin . . . Cabaret is chips. "America Alive' to your True, it'll take some planning and driving on part to get to Meadowbrook, which is near being presented by the BoarsHead Theater in And so I continue to stoically travel life's frustrating highways, Pontiac, but look what they're offering you: Grand Ledge this weekend. The piay is a classic searching for that great, unobtainable cone. If you should ever Hoist's The Planets, the Star Trek Theme, a Star rendition of the sordid goings-on in that city happen to find it, don't keep it to yourself. Tell the proprietors how debut next Monday Wars medley, and soundtrack music from 2001: a Space Odvssey and Close Encounters of the during the rise of Naziism, i nd is performed admirably by the BoarsHead troupe. Showtime is you feel. All you have to remember are the immortal words of Beldar Conehead who once told Primate: "You give the best Third Kind. PLCS " Fly Me to the Moon.' I Feel at 8:30 every night, and ticke'. information is of anyone I know." LOS ANGELES .AP» - Gong Show and rerun: the Earth Move' and other extra terrestrial (?!) available by calling 627 7802. San ford and Son iea: lay time schedule today music" AND a laser light show that will "leave By the way, immediately after tonight's ucceeding them Mondav and-tape series, America you breathless!" Phasers on stun. Scotty! performance of Cabaret the Oxtail Troupe (the The performance begins at 8:30 p.m.. and BoarsHead Theater apprentice class) will pre¬ V York by Jack I..mki' ttcr. son of Art. this sent another short play at no extra charge. The •*■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ tickets are $7. $H and $9. ■i daily grab bag 1hour that includes- Somewhat closer to home lin more ways than play (the name can't be mentioned because of istly outside the studio, that emphasize jlkansmission • unci, there will be a Youth Music Program Jazz copyright laws, honest) is an absurdist adapta¬ e regular and mo netary kind. Band concert tonight at 7:30 p.m. The event will tion of a novel by Nathaniel West, and is said to in which Virginia Graham, "ombudsman for take place in the Music Building Auditorium, and deal with the sexual dreams of a young man and tars a podium fo r responding to whatever thev feel needs a good responding to. d medical news and a People Comedy . admission is free to the public. The Black Sheep Repertory Theatre in Manchester is presenting A Funny Thing his fantasies about ancient Troy (?!). This extra show is "for adults only," which is as good an excuse as any to go see it. ■Maintenance Special Happened on the Way to the Forum this Enjoy! ■ Change transmission fluid. $095 V critiques by David Sheehan. He • Adjust bands. ed KNXTTV here. KNXT says • Clean screen. -•es him the chance to rap an act tw: EASTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN Replace pan-gasket. ^pk» fluid ■ (EMItAL • Complete road test. I\ITEH METHODIST I . CHURCH 13(5 Abbott Rd (North of Saginaw) GARY'S CAMPUS Across (fom the The Honey in the Lion Copitol • East Lansing Sunday July 23 Worthip: 1:304 10:45 a.m. 6026S.Cedar 393-7540 Rev. Paul Hartman (at Miller) SALON Worship Services I555 10:00 a.m. Nursery Available •6.00 485-9477 •9.00 •10.00 •25.00 South Baptist 1518 S Washington Church lonsin k, SUNDAY, 7:00 p.m. When storm sweep your sea 9:45 a.m. College fellowship College Bible and refreshments date in the 8:30 p.m. Fireside Room SUNDAY, 8:30 & 11:00 Facts that fortify FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening Coll 482 ■ 0754 for information Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor Kenn Hecht, College Minister I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday July 21. 1978 7 | GARVEY, G/ftSW AMONG THOSE LEAVING EARLY MIKE KI.OCKi; Pro intervention hurts MSU baseball Rosp'is bum the Big Ten." Litwhiler said. "It looked like we would have had an nuse it's good for them; but it does hurt our chances for better By JERRY BRAUDE State News Sports Writer even better shot at winning the title next year if Gibson had come ■ess." Litwhiler said. "1 guess I at least get the satisfaction of means more No other sport at MSU has been hit harder by professional back." •hing these guys, who weren't sought after once leaving high intervention than baseball. The player with the most acclaim to leave the MSU baseball Mil, and then nelping them develop into good enough players before graduation was Los Angeles Dodgers first baseman the pros would want them. So, in a way, it is a personal bonus Although head coach Danny Litwhiler has a winning percentage scene of over .600 in his 14 years at the Spartan baseball helm, he has only Steve Garvey. After being a second-team All-American his Something I don't understand is why Reggie Jackson's bunt sophomore year, Garvey joined the Dodger organization the getting more publicity than Pete Rose's bunt. won one Big Ten title (1971), mainly because he has lost many key Although Litwhiler feels that college baseball is getting better The Yankee slugger Jackson disobeyed orders from his mar.aj players to the pro ranks before graduation. following year and became the National League's most valuable '•very year, he doesn't think it will ever replace the minor leagues. "We would come close so many times to winning the Big Ten title, player in 1974. He has also been the most valuable player in the "In a way, it is part of the minor leagues," Litwhiler said. "But it's Billy Martin and bunted when he was supposed to swing away i annual All-Star game twice. game Monday. He was suspended for five days. But Rose. »t t and you would think we would have a better chance the following a minor league that doesn't cost pro baseball a penny. Pro baseball Cincinnati Reds, laid down a perfect bunt single with 'v. . ..u*<- year with the key players coming back; but then we would lose them "Garvey was hurt his freshman year, so if the major leagues would probably go down the drain if the colleges didn't keep on the ninth inning of a game Wednesday to raise his hit ling -•-> -,k to the pros," Litwhiler said. didn't sign him, we could have had him for anot her three years after feeding the minor league system." his fine sophomore year," Litwhiler said. 32 straight games. The Spartans* latest loss was Ail-American Kirk Gibson, who Litwhiler feels college is coming up with more good players. Other recent players to leave the baseball team early are signed with the Detroit Tigers in June and is now playing for their "The small schools such as Albion, Aquinas and Hope are These two superstars do make an interesting contrast Jack? farm club in Lakeland. Gibson left the Spartans after his junior California Angels outfielder Rick Miller and Rob Ellis of the improving." Litwhiler said. "The fact that Michigan has an constantly bickers while Rose plays the game all out. Ja«k? Milwaukee Brewers. year, but he will still be eligible to play football this fall. excellent high school program adds strength to the college ignores signs while Rose makes heads up plays. Jackson "Having Gibson this year, we were one game away from winning "I'm not sorry or opposing the fact that they signed early, accept the honor of playing in the All Star game while R-»t >ho lesides coaching 23 All Big Ten p and six All-Americans, up and helps his league win. whiler has made numerous The end result is: Jackson has never reached his potential wf itrihutions in improving the Rose has. if it is possible, reached more than his actual potential ARREEST OF DISSIDENTS AT ISSUE a player. Such inventions have includ¬ Personally, I hope Rose keeps his streak alive and bn-ak-. ed an unbreakable mirror for record of 56 straight games. Personally. I could care !e«s ab Olympics boycott plea rejected pitchers to use for checking their throwing, and employ¬ ment of a bat sawed in half to teach bunting. Recently, he Reggie Jackson; I'm tired of reading about his escapades. Jackson just couldn't make it to San Diego for the All Star ea last week. Now, during his suspension, guess what Reg is -i..i He was in San Diego visiting friends. At least he was unh i By RICHARD ROTTKOV Committee President Robert ten sta came up with a radar gun to Kane Wednesday rejected a resolution introduced i week late. LJPI Sports Writer chart to velocity of pitches. congressional appeal to boycott Senate Tuesday by Sen. REVENUE VS. NON REVENUE NEW YORK lUPI) - Saying He also developed a product that the spirit of the Olympics the 1980 Moscow Olympics in dall Anderson, I) Minn., i The deadline for compliance for Title IX is today, and ». the USOC to withdraw to dry out baseball fields manu¬ question in my mind is what actually would happen ;t re. en protects the rights of all alh response to charges of human factured as Diamond Grit. letes to "participate without rights violations bv the Soviet the Moscow games to prote sports are included for compltance. Ur the Soviets' conviction "I've just been trying to "It would just break the bank." according to athletic direct ur J interference from any political improve the game and help Kar imI a 700 word wr dissidents. Anatol Shcha Danny Litwhiler Kearney. "What eventually would happen is that a lot or private body," U.S. Olympic someone out," Litwhiler said. "I non revenue sports would start disappearing." try to make the game more interesting than just hitting, pitching Not so. according to women's athletic director Nell Jackson. and fielding. It adds an extra dimension to the game and helps my "If revenue sports are included. I think women's athletics wot interest, too I'm trying to improve somebody as a player and get slightly more money." Jackson said, "but I don't think it woi myself as a coach." be so drastic that non-revenue sports would have to b»- cut Rose's hitting streak reaches 32 As far as the immediate future is concerned, Litwhiler would like to add more Big Ten titles. "I think that would be a last-minute result, and we would have to take such drastic measures." Although the Spartans lost their top two hitters in Tony Spada By MARK FRIEDMAN 'This streak is important at my age, but and Kirk Gibson, Litwhiler is still optimistic for next spring. Each side seems to have valid arguments. Howwi-r. * h--c Ti I PI Sports Writer above all. I want to be consistent. I don't look "We thought losing Al Weston (a .409 hitter) would be a big loss, IX was written. I don't think there was any revenue non-rever Pete Rose, stifled through eight innings at it as pressure, I look at it as fun." but then we didn't know that Gibson and Spada would have had language included in it. with a 31 -game hitting streak on the line, Rose had grounded out twice, struck out seasons like they did," Litwhiler said. "Anybody could blossom at Whether that's the way it should be is debatable. Whichc laid down a two-out bunt in the ninth inning and walked in his first four trips to the plate. any time, so you never know who will come through for us next way it is interpreted. MSU will by no means be the only coliegt Wednesday night to up his string to 32 games In his last time up he bunted on the first pitch the country affected. in Cincinnati's 7-2 victory over the Philadel¬ off Phils' reliever Ron Reed. It was the sixth phia Phillies. time Rose has kept his streak alive by hitting "I decided to bunt when I saw Schmitty safely in his last at-bat. (third baseman Mike Schmidt) fairly deep." Just five games shy of the modern-day said Rose, whose bunt down the third-base record of 37 games by Tommy Helms, Rose line overshadowed George Foster's grand can next tie Rogers Hornsby's mark of 33 slam and Ken Henderson's three-run homer. straight set in 1922. , Weekend /peciol THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY We've Got Vou ; * Sidewalk Sale * * * So BIG it's OUTSIDE and I)' the HIK V i.uc ci!v<' iuj< iu tun1 INSIDE our shoppe! SAVE UP TO 40% ON: Speakers • Receivers • Amps • Tuners Cassette Decks • Headphones • Blank Tape Record Care Products • Turntables • Systems Used Zenith black and white portable TVs Got the summer term blues? Cheer up and take a summer j»|^ (Delivery Available) No checks accepted i study break, and you'll get a break at Olga's Kitchen. \Xacsarj- lV^Vl /> Bu*an* Medium Piiza ■ at the Regular ■ WEEKEND SPECifiLS Price get the Identical Pizza FREE ■ ■ cr Must have coupon • One coupon per order 2830 E. Grand River 2 blks West of Frondor ■ ! SUNDRY fftAlWOffltayhiKhasei 337-1631 485-4406 j ■ DINNER lWl of 100 or More. J •••••••••••••••••••••••#••••••••• NEW STORE ■ special B ■I fl Fresh Food Deal! |i I 2830 E.Grand River i • Original Olga or Olga Burger J Lansing • • Fresh Fries Try any of our delicious Olgas, or our | tasty spinach pie, a crispy salad, fresh ■ • Pepsi fries, or any combination of the really El different, really delicious things to ■ (Delivery Available) No checks accepted | The Olgas are without a doubt the 1e eat at Olga's Kitchen. ■ ■S" most exciting idea in eating Caesa^ I Buy any Pizza for LARGE thai the sandwich... And Fresh Fries, will, most everyone agrees they're the best tasting fries around. :UL._ Limit one coupon p I Limit ona customer Coupon good Sunday, per MSN721 | Must hove coupon • One July 23,1978 ONLY. OLGA'S KITCHEN OLGA'S KITCHEN - | 11203 E. Grand River 2830 E. Grand River 133 E. Grand River. E. Lansing 133 E. Grand River, E. Lansing L133 E. Grand River. E. LansiWITH ng THIS COUPOH nd River, t. Lansing ■ V 133 E. GraONLYih* 2 blks. West of Frondor ■337-1631 483-4406 ■■■GOOD mummmmmmu Michigan State News East Loosing Michigan Friday. July 21, 1978 Ford denies supporting Tisch Natural resource class be based on erroneous reports It is my understanding that receiving lax credits for the Michigan on the other hand," taxes that would be reduced Ford said, "has held the line study in last week that I supported it." because of existing tax credits, on Kan t.. .-an:;.! the telegram said. "I did say at the National Conference of State Legislatures in Denver the affect of adopting your proposal would actually be an increase in taxes for those least and they would have to pay the income tax increases expected to make up the difference." state taxes and has inacted property tax relief program." The Tisch Coalition for a a to upper state theTis«-r. \p- that I would have voted for able to afford an increase — Ford said California has a Property Tax Cut in Michigan By JAMES KATES light a two-week course, "Mich¬ at sites within 50 miles of East .. For.! which particularly senior citizens on huge state budget surplus, a said it filed an estimated Extensive field study, includ¬ igan," offered July 31 to Aug. Lansing. The second week will -f fixed incomes. clear indication that "Cali- 330.000 signatures earlier this ing several days in Michigan's 12 by the Department of Geog involve field study at selected Thursday adopted hy California voters. However, there is considerable "Those persons are fornians have been overtaxed. month. Upper Penninsula, will high raphy. sites throughout the northern already difference between the situa The course, which will focus part of the state. All transpor¬ t ion in California and Michi on the problems and opportuni tation will be provided by * ties encountered in the use of University vehicles, Winters Michigan's natural resources, said. Ford ■cord said Michigan of .anagement efficient has a fiscal and of holding Tisch calls teachers incompetent will be taught by Harold A. Winters, professor of geo He added that during the second week's ex¬ stopovers graphy. Winters has been cursion will be Manistee, Sault since their job was to cover up for the incompetence." teaching Michigan geography Ste. Marie, Marquette and LANSING ll'l'll - Hobert Tisch, the Shiawassee County Drain Tisch said he is convinced there already are too many "so-called at MSU since 1965. Houghton. who wrote the 50 percent tax cut proposal, says he educators" in the state's school system. "I've always wanted to com¬ There are still a few openings suspects about 15 percent of Michigan's teachers arc "incompe- bine classroom work with field for the course, Winters said, he tents" who deserve to be fired. "Besides, with declining enrollments and more school buildings study," Winters said. "I'd like added that late registration can Tisch. in a statement released late Wednesday, responded to the shut down I hear the teachers and their aides are beginning to fall to think of the as a be arranged. Michigan Education Association's estimate that as many as 20 course over one another. Yet the ME A demands higher budgets for more unique educational experi¬ Winters noted that, in addi¬ percent of the state's teachers would lose their jobs if the s teachers. Tisch amendment is adopted by the voters. ment." tion to four credits worth of He called the MEA's estimate "outlandish." but added: "I "I say there should be only one welfare system — and we're not Students enrolled in the tuition, students will be re¬ suppose there is easily a 15 percent group of incompetents who do going to let our school system be an easy meal ticket for just course will spend the first week quired to pay for lodging and harm than good and the other 5 percent wouldn't be needed of the course doing regular meals, as well as a transporta- more anybody." classroom work and field study I continued on page 10) Todoy open 7:00 p.m. Feoture at 7:30-9:30 Sot. t Sun. at 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:30-9:30 It'll blow vour mind! BURT REYNOLDS -mm*, open daily at 1 pm feature at 1:30-3:30 5:30-7:30-9:30 pm STILL MORE IAD NEWS THE BAD NEWS BEARS ARE BACK IN THEIR.ALL,NEW FILM COMEDY it's for everyone: i A MICHAEL RITCHIE Production THE BAD NEWS BEARS GO TO JAPAN ..-.TONY CURTIS .. BILL LANCASTER —.... MICHAEL RITCHIE JOHN BERRY W...PAULCHIHARA ---*- 5-5:30 p.m. " - early bird - — $1.50 ^ open at 1pm daily shows at 1:15-3:15 5:15-7:15-9:15 pm JOHN TRAVOLTA OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN Eileen Brennan Stockard Channing Dom DeLuise John Houseman Fernando Lamas Phil Silvers f Paul Williams The Cheap Detective Sorry No Posses This Engagement! Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michig< Fridov. July 21. 1978 Classified Advertising Employment |i | Employment if j Employment iljjj Apartments ^ Houses £> for Sale Animals Information COMPUTER PROGRAM¬ MER- minimum of 2 years ASSISTANT RESIDENT HOUSING COUNSELING FURNISHED DUPLEXES for OWN ROOM in house, close WANT fcO USED albums. L /NX POINT Siamese kitten counselor to work with director: tenant landlord 2, 3 or 4 persons. Available to campus, $80 month plus female. 5 months old $35 IONI055 1255 047 Student Services lldg. college training in computer mentally handicapped adults counseling center in East summer and/or fall. 669 9939. utilities Call 487 1980 485 0025 E 5 7 26 '3> science or equivalent experi¬ in community residential pro¬ 0 8-7 28(3) 8 8 3(3) Lansing, $5200/year, 20 ence. Must have previous gram. Evening hours, full hours/week. Call TRC at programming experience in time. Contact John Wilber- 337 2728. 3 7 26 (5) FOR RENT 6 bedroom KENWOOD STEREO system Mobile Homes as I day • 90< per line Cobol. Experience with Bur¬ ding after 3 p.m. only. 393- house. 351 0861 3\ months old. $350, 337 Thank you or 351 6862 PAYS 0 days • KK per line roughs Medium Systems 4442. 4-7-24 (9) for 8 7 31 131 0889 8 7 31 (3i ■mmmim ■ mmilDED 4 days • 75C par line helpful. Position located in Mason. $12,690. CASHIER WANTED, neat LFor«»' Ft! coming back to AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY DISCOUNT. NEW. used, 1 days • 70C per line This position is funded appearance a must. Exper¬ REFRIGERATOR. STEREO, deskb chairs, files BUSI ■rnmnmrri imirfimim Line rote per insertion through CETA under Title II. In order to qualify, applicants ience nice but not necessary. Good pay and benefits. Apply T V. Rentals, free delivery DELTA ARMS modern duplex Near Forest Akers, $110'month plus utili NESS EQUIPMENT CO.. 215 E. Kalamazoo. 485 5500 1x65 NEW Moon 2 ■ mm ran m on/off campus 372 1795. must be unemployed for at in person only. CINEMA X ties Fall option. 394 4494 0 2 7 24 .41 0 8 7 21 (3) least 30 days, live in Ingham ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 10 7 24 (6) now filled line over County, but not in the city of CENTER, 1000 W. Jolly GET INTO your B'Orhythms' iconolines • 3 lines • *4.00 • 5 days. 3 lines. No odjustment in rate 80" per when conceited. Lansing. Contact The Michi¬ gan Employment Security Road. 0-17-7 31 (13) [ Apartments | for summer ROOMMATE. needed FEMALE August 1 for house Special introductory offer: Biorhythm info'mahon $1 00 Price of item(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum Commission, 3215 S. FREE APARTMENT free uti¬ MALE Own room Call 372 3728 or FOF| summer, own refundable or' first order sale price of M0° Pennsylvania, Lansing before lities plus wages. Assistant room, pool, balcony, air, and foil 373 4467. Cindy 6 7 27 (41 PALACE 10 » 5C Lots of Peanuts Personal ads • 3 lines • *2.25 • per insertion. manager, large apartment $2750 Pest offer applying with the county laundry. Available now. 337- HOUSE FOR rent Okemos ext.as or 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). personnel office. INGHAM complex. Married couple 2193. 5-7 21 (3) 351 8476 after 6pm Briarwood. Unfurnished 4 Rummage /Garage Sale ads • 4 lines • '2.50. COUNTY PERSONNEL only. No children. Must be ONE OR two men needed for bedroom, references and de 5 7 28 '3' 63' per line over 4 lines • per insertion. OFFICE, 121 E. Maple, able to handle all minor apartment. Summer, close to maintenance jobs, plus office posit required Available Round Town ads • 4 lines - *2.50 • per insertion. Mason. 672-5222. 4-7-21(25) Thank you campus. 332 4432. 5-7-21 (3) RUMMAGE SALE ^ 63' per line over 4 lines, work involved in renting for September 1 9 12 month lease 349 9162 7 7-21 '7- diately Send check or money JOBS- $5.33/hour, flexible apartments. Will train. Call LANSING, 2 bedroom lower lost I Founds ods/Transportation ads • 3 lines • M .50 • hours. Call 374 6328 3-6 p.m. for appointment between 9 coming back to flat, LCC area. Includes order to BIORHYTHMS PO OASIS RUMMAGE sale Box 1446, East Lansing. per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. Charter House. 109 E Hills 77-28(3) 5 p.m. HERITAGE stove, refrigerator, and all Rooms a.m. BEECHWOOD utilities and M.ch.gan 48823 C 6731'12> ARMS. 3031 S. Washington. parking. Avail¬ PART-TIME busboys and 6pm Benefit Community 393 3410. 8 8-2(13) able immediately. $205. 482 pine KNOB tickets. Kansas. Deadlines short order cooks. Apply Filled for s 9226 3-7-21 (7) 2 ROOMS m 4 bedroom Mental Health 4-7-21 '5' Ads - 2 p.m. BACKSTAGE. Meridian Mall. house, year lease Kim 337 Chicago. Doobie Brothers. • I class day before publication. WOMAN 4-8 p.m. weekdays, A few left for fall. Ca'i after 11 p m. 353 3823 MOViN 0779 or 332 5783 8 8 2 '3 LAlE bedroom Cancellation/Change - 1 p.m. - 1 class day before 3-7-22 (4) babysit, eat with family and 71 24 (3) publication. STORE DETECTIVES, junior help them practice English. Pine Lake ROOM IN house to share Once ad is ordered it cannot be cancelled or chonged and senior CJ majors. 641- 355-0767 after 5 p.m. 2 bedroom apart with musician mother of two Mcintosh model 50100 until after 1st insertion. 4562._0-8-7-31 (3) X-2-7 21 (4) *270 Apartments Great house near tast Intergraded amplifier used, There is o M.00 charge for 1 ad change plus 50' per excellent WILCOX Lansing and all but routes SECRETARY, RESPONSIBI¬ BAKER, DELIVERY driver. 2 6060 Morsh Rd TRADING POST. 485 4391 additional change for maximum of 3 changes. Every convenience. Allison. The State News will only be responsible for the 1st LITY, typing, shorthand, apti¬ job openings immediately. Call 12-5 Meridian Moll Area 351 4199. 8-7-31 17) C 10 7-31 (5' tude for figures, experienced Apply at ROMA BAKERY. day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must person only. 371-2920 for 332-0052 •165 plus utilities EAST LANSING across from SAFETY. HARDEN & coated be made within 10 days of expiration dote. interview. 4-7-24 (5) 8JL2i3i lens OPTICAL DISCOUNT Bills are due 7 days from ad expiration date. If not MATURE FEMALE to watch campus, female, partially fur 2617 E Michigan Lansing. lost 1 Found nished, cooking privileges, DAY BARTENDER and part- 7 year old and do light Michigan 372 7409 paid by due date, a 50' late service charge will EAST LANSING Fall, 1 bed $85. 332-5988 0 5 7-31 (41 be due. time waitress. Apply at housework. 3-6 p.m. Begin C-4 7 21 15! FRONT OFFICE BAR, 511 E. room furnished, air, utilities, September 5. Provide own ROOM FOR male for fall, Hazel (corner of S. Cedar & transportation. Reply to Box balconies, parking $220, GIBSON S SUMMER boot $230. near campus. 443 Grove sale All books 50cand down. Haze'4 after 6 p.m. 8-7-31 (5) F-6, The State News. 374-6366_ 0-17-7-31J4) Street. 332 0205 7 7-28 (7) Friday all you can carry for | Automotive ~|j^j j Automotive & OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE for individual with managerial PART-TIME POSITION in ONE WOMAN Twyckingham., for now 4-man through 339-0192 BL-1 -7-21 131 CAMPUS NEAR, $1 128 W 3-7 21 I6l Grand River June 1979. Call 351-7948. summer. skills and a sincere interest in delinquent accounts col¬ 8-7-31 (3) Ivenings From $65 month, 485-1436. PIONEER TURNTABLE AUSTIN MARINA, 1974- VOLVO, 1971- 142S, new being a significant part of a lection. Flexible hours. Exper¬ 0-4-7 21 13) PL112D. no cartridge never small economical 4-speed. tires, clutch, battery, exhaust. new organization designed to ience required. Nancy 339- ROOMMATE FOR fully fur¬ used $80 349 2719 after 5 FOUND SMALL grey whit" $800. Call 321-4417. 8-7-2613) Excellent interior. 59,000 provide accounting and 9500. C-4-7-21 (41 Unexpected 2 ROOMS for rent this fall. D.m E 5 7 26 male cat Near Mam Library. nished. Pool, sauna, air. 882 miles. Ask $1300. 332-6329. management assistants to New duplex on Stoddard. 351 2685 evenings. 3 7 21 (3> BELLAIRE Chevrolet, 1970 4 7-7-28 (5) minority and nonprofit Vacancies 8556 10-7-26 (3) FIREWOOD. QUALITY wood SECRETARY - $11,000 Call Bob after 7 p.m. 351 - door, 6 cylinder, clean, good Now At for cold winter ahead. 355 LOST ON 6 13 78 groups in the greater Lansing 2 BEDROOM apartment 7564. 3-7-26 14) .n or working condition, radio, area. Individual will have an Secretary - Good at snort- 6107. 3-7 21 (3) around library, pearl pendant sublet till June. 2 or 3 persons tape deck, $250. 351-7314. 1-7-21 13) opportunity to work with hand, typing and all general office function*. Salary ranoe University to share with another. $275. SUMMER. 3 bedrooms. Killer on chain.^CaL 355-3562 after community leader* during $9,500 to $11.000. To back up Terrace 337 2179. 3-7-21 14) the early growth stages of 2404. 6-7-27 (3) BLAZER, 1972- Cheyenne this organization. Salary V.I.P.. Complete insurance, 1 bedroom FOUND BLACK cat with flea in package, 2 sets wheels, 2 sick leave, 4 week vacation. & collar Call 355 9795 range of $20,000. Please send tops, good condition. $1800 Motorcycles jjato! resume to Box B-2. State Must be experienced self- 2 bedroom now at ; For Sale INSTANT CASH We ing $1-$2 for albums in good re pay¬ 1-7-21 i3i firm. 641-6609. 5-7-21 (4) starter. Idenity protected. For HONDA 500-4. 1973. Some News, East Lansing 48824. 8-7-31 (19) personal interview, write Box apartments BURCHAM WOODS 100 USED vacuum cleaners, shape WAZOO RECORDS. 223 Abbott 337 0947 LOST FEMALE cat. Siamese BUICK REGAL, 1975- cruise, C-3, STATE NEWS, East Coll after 12 1 year warranty. $7.88 and cross, long hair with white custom, many extras, must feet and chin. East Lansing- 38,000 miles, power steering, sell, best offer. 371-5090. BABYSITTER NEEDED Mon¬ Lansing, Michigan 48824. up DENNIS DISTRIBUTING brakes, & windows. AM/FM, day afternoons, Wednesday S-9-7-31 (15) 332 • S420 COMPANY. 316 North Cedar Hagadorn Road area. Re¬ 3-7-22 (3) on unexpected ward 337-0446 after 5 p.m. air. $3100/best offer. 355- 5988. X-8-7-24 (5) 1973 SUZUKI GT-550, super and Friday evenings. Own SEEKING A babysitting posi¬ 2 BEDROOM, furnished, opening 482-2677. C-17-7-31 (5) Animals V 3 7 26 (5) transportation. Close, 351- clean, low miles, must sell. tion, days or evenings, Sun¬ from $205/month. Available MOST LP'S priced $1 75 1309. 1-7-21 (5) Real EstatT DATSUN 710, 1975- great $2 50 Cassettes. $3 quality AFGHAN PUPS 11 weeks $675. 353-9535 days. 676- day-Friday in University area. fall, UNIVERSITY VILLA. efficiency iB W.th AKC papers $70 No condition. $2200. 1-566-8843 5852 after 5 p.m. 8-8-2 (5) KEY PUNCH operator, part- Call between 5:30-8 p.m. 351-2044. 351-8135. guaranteed. Plus 45's, song after 6 p.m. position 332-5148. 4-7-27 (5) books more FLAT BLACK papers $35 669 9419 Z-3-7-21J3^ _ time, afternoon 0 16-7-31 (4) immediate AND CIRCULAR, upstairs. 10 7 27 *3' HOME FOR saie oy owner, HONDA 1976,550.4 cylinder, available. Some experience near Fisher Body. 3 bedroom, DATSUN B210, 1974- great 5500 miles, runs excellent. IBM 5496 or 129 neces¬ ADULT OR married couple as 541 E Grand River Open 11 on SHARE TOWNHOUSE with occupancy! 2 YEAR old 3 quarter Arab 1'? baths, land contract shape, $1850. 374-6067 after Call 339-9613. 8-8-2 (3) Pay based on experi¬ live-in houseparent(s) for am C 16 7 31 (6) sary. available 484-4061. 4-7-21(51 5 p.m. X-8-7-21 (3) ence. Call Mr. Bandfield for group foster home for six mature woman, $100/month, gelding. Bay, three white DUSTER, 1974- automatic, Auk Service M appointment. MANAGEMENT COMPANY, ALLSTATE teenage girls in Shiawassee County. Compensation in¬ pool, air, furnished. 332-3617 after 5 p.m. 3-7-21 (4) Call between 12-5 BLACK DIRT, sod farm soil Approximately 5'? yards de¬ boots & a star. Very show quality flashy, $750 or best FARM FOR sale. 103 acres, air, mags, console, bucket INC. ,351-1310_ 8-7-32 cludes salary, apartment, all 351-3118 livered locally $40 641 6024 offer Must sell 675 7469 Alward Road and Upton seats. Excellent condition. BRAKE PARTS including <212 board costs, liberal fringe or 372 4080. Fill, sand gravel 3-7-21 16- Road Laingsburg. New 5 brake pads, shoes, and hy¬ COUNTER SALES, weaving available also. 0 17 7 31 '6i bedroom home 44 * 75' $2,000. 487-9324. 4-7-24 (4) benefits. Prefer person(s) ONE OR two women needed, FIAT 1283P Hatchback, 1977 draulic components in stock at CHEQUERED FLAG FOR and spinning background DELPHI CRAFT with house-parent experience Waters Edge summer. Near campus, 332- SEWING MACHINES slightly building, several and woods 70 acres pines acres work necessary. who owns car and can begin 4432. 5-7-21 13! Call rust-proofed, tuned-up, EIGN CAR PARTS. 2605 East SUPPLY CENTER, 2224 E. used, guaranteed. $39 95 and land. DlMONDALE soon as possible. Send Rivers Edge as Kalamazoo St. 487-5055, one REAL ESTATE. 646 6265 excellent condition, 33 mpg. Michigan Avenue, 5 blocks resume to: Court Director, FEMALE TO share duplex, up. Open arm chairs from mile west of campus. $89 50 EDWARDS DISTRI 5 7 26)8) $3,195. 353-0948. X-3^7-24(4) West of Frandor. 8-7-27 (7) SHIAWASSEE COUNTY August 15, $87.50. 351 3329. C-17-7-31 (7) BUTING CO.. 1115 N Wash JUVENILE COURT, 110 8-7 24 (3) FORD TORINO. 1970- 70,000 FAR OUT- make money Mack Street, Corunna, Michi¬ Leasinz!! ington 489 6448 miles. $600. 355-1250 or 353 GOOD USED tires, 13-14-15 have parties! Think Toker- C 13 7 31 (6) 6442J--7-21J3) inch. Mounted free. Used wheels and hub caps. PEN- ware your and smile; be the first in circle of friends to have gan 48817. X-7-7-31 (15) 1050 Water's Edge j_ Houses Jit, VISIT MID-MICHIGAN S CEDAR CREENS APARTMENTS FORD TORINO, 1971, V-8, BABYSITTER- HOUSE¬ (next to Cedar Village) largest used bookshop Now Looting NELL SALES INC., 1825 East a Tokerware party. Now KEEPER in East ROOMMATE NEEDED 4 automatic transmission, Lansing. CURIOUS BOOKSHOP. 307 $300. 482-2072 after 5 p.m. Michigan, Lansing, Mich. everyone can get those hard- Needed immediately. Phone bedroom, off Hagadorn. E. Grand River. East Lansing • furnished apartments • swimming pool 48912, 482-5818 to-get and top-of-the-line 351-8920. 4-7-27 (4) Pets, pool, washer, dryer, 8-7-31 (3) 332 0112. C 13-7 31 <51 •9 or 12 month • air conditioning C-1-7-7-31 (6) paraphernalia items. Call 485- garage. 332 3470. 6-7-28 (4) leases available • within walking 5280. 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. for RESIDENT MANAGER and MOVING SALE: Mahogany GREMLIN 1973 6 cylinder distance to campus details. C-8-7-31 (91 SOUTH SIDE 2 bedroom ROOM IN country house, standard shift, factory air, spouse. Mature married table, chairs. buffet. new exhaust system, clean JANITORIAL HELP. ' part- couple to live in and manage apartments, dishwasher, air mature person. 322-2191 La-Z-Boy chair All in excel special rates available for fall and sharp. $950 or best offer. adult foster care home. conditioning, carpet. Call after 5 p.m. 3-7-21 (3) lent condition. Hoover elec 1135 time evenings or full time. Michigan Avenue 321-4607 after 5 p.m. Why hove we become Couple must provide a super¬ Jb4-&Jt>s noon to s p.m. trie sweeper. $25. Dishes E. Lansings lorgesl Fiot re- Transportation necessary. X-10-7-21 (5) service for 12 and 8 694- Lansing 351-8631 5-7-21 (5) vised, supportive living en¬ Mr. Tompkins 482-6232. (next to Brody) poir shop over the past lew vironment. Job includes 9938 after 5 p.m. 3-7-21 (7) 8-7-27 15) MONTE CARLO Landeau, years' Coll us the next assisting residents with basic RS 1977- excellent condition, time your car needs repair LARGE ONE bedroom apart¬ SUMMER EMPLOYMENT living skills, socializing, find¬ 19,000 miles. Call 339-9613. and you'll know the ans¬ ing new interests. Must be ment, 9 or 12 month lease full and part-time positions. 8-8-2 13) wer. You II be pleased with Automobile required. 339- able to relate to neighbors in starting fall. 100 block a friendly cooperative man¬ Durand. 351-2495. 3-7-24 14) THE STATE NEWS 9500. C-17-7-31 13) MUSTANG II, 1974- 6 cylin ner. Personnel office, COM¬ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. der, 4 speed, sunroof, gooc condition. 332-4375.3-7-24(4) Miom SECRETARY-BOOKKEEPER MUNITY MENTAL HEALTH IMPORTS for real estate-property management office in East BOARD, 407 W. Greenlawn, Lansing. EOE. 5-7-27 116) CAMPUS will be accepting applications fori MUSTANG, 1967 i 289, V-8. runs well, $500. Lansing. Full time position. Students 351-0664 before 2 p.m. Call STE-MAR REALTY, 351- HILL 3-7-21 (3) 5510. 4-7-21 (6) shouldn't have Salespersons TELEPHONE SOLICITORS- '2 Bedrooms to live in drab PINTO, 1973- Hatchback, 4 The State News Classified Advertising Dept. will be accepting applica¬ part-time, 5-9 p.m. Salary 'Furnished Apts. little rooms. speed, rustproofed, $900. MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. tions for sales personnel for the coming school year. Must be able to 625-7601. 3-7-26 (3) plus bonus. EASTLAWN Kalamazoo, since 1940. Auto MEMORY GARDENS, 349- 'free Roommate Service work a minimum of 2 consecutive hours per day, Monday through Friday. PLYMOUTH FURY III, 1967- painting-collision service. 9156. 8 7-21 (5) 'Oislmashers • air conditioning Prefer some sales advertising background and interest. Apply today $150. Call 655-2978 after 6 American-foreign cars. 485- • Insurious furnishings p.m. 4-7-21 (3) 0256. C-1-7-7-31 (5) SUMMER CAMP positions. •Central Air Conditioning 3-5 p.m. 347 Student Services Building in person. Students Only. Male counselors, waterfront •Swimming Pool • dishwashers PLYMOUTH FURY, 196B- JUNK CARS wante ROOMMATE NEEDED demic intern to perform local accused of having discrimated "I fear for the future of the But Paul Ebert, prosecutor in letter, but did complain crypti¬ thesis. term research, help constituents with scholarships to women com nation far more than I do for suburban Prince William Coun¬ papers immediately, $125 plus utili¬ cally that, "Now the attacks typed. Quick Quality 332 ties. deposit. 332 7343 problems. Contact Dave Persell, the future of your friend, ty. Va.. said he was considering move from my medical conduct 2078 0-14-7-31 «3< 87-31 <3i College of Urban Development. signed Peter." prosecuting Bourne and Met¬ to my personal conduct." sky on the same charge as Long EXPERIENCED IBM typing dissertations. ipica-elitet FEMALE NEEDS m house apartment own room that Anti-Bakke noon Demonstration Saturday. July 22. at at Dissident trials attacked Bourne told Carter in the letter that his mistakes "are of — Ebert Prescription forgery. But said he would await "no Bourne told The AP he had particular plans" for the FAYANN 489-0358 allows dogs Call Marsha Kennedy Square in Detroit. Con¬ the heart and not of the mind," future, but that he planned to C-17-7-31 (3) 373-2900 8 5 p.m. 332 3423 tact Kathy Sigman for ride in¬ and said he was quitting be¬ completion of the investigation take off — "let's just say south" after 5 pm. 4 7 21 15) formation. (continued from page 1) that every member of the North before deciding what to do. TYPING-TERM papers IBM Atlantic Treaty Organization cause "there is really no way — for the weekend. Carter noted that he has for me to combat the charges Bourne said in his letter of "I have zero plans. I guess I'll experienced, fast service. Call present at the Bonn summit was 351 8923 0 17 7 31 <3> Round Town £ Episcopalians. Eucharist at 5 p.m. Sunday in Okemos. Bring limited the pay raises of govern¬ "deeply interested" in lifting the publicly made against me and resignation that some news start with the want ads on meat to grill and dish to pass. Call ment employees to 5.5 percent sanctions, except for Greece. the rumors which run rampant¬ accounts contained the "gross¬ Monday," he said. TYPING. EXPERIENCED, ASMSU PREPAID Legal Ser and that his administration is Fr. Mitman for details. He said the embargo has not fast and reasonable 371 vices plan now makes lega1 4635. C-17-7-31 (3) services available without fee making progress in reducing the resulted in any progress ont he undergraduate MSU stu¬ Instructional Developer's noon country's multibillion-dollar Cyprus dispute or in restoring Sadat, Dyan set grounds for talks to ANN BROWN typing. Disser¬ dents Office open luncheon, 1961 Room, N. Case deficit. 9a.m. 12 the rights of Greek Cypriots. tations-resumes-term papers. Hall. Robert Geiman addresses: "The Best of Both Worlds: Inte¬ Turning to his campaign to Carter said he hopes Congress 601 Abbott Road, North en Monday Friday. For mforma end the 3-year-old arms embar¬ will act quickly to lift the arms trance. 351 7221 tion or appointment call 355- grating Media Services at Ferris I continued from page there." State College." go against Turkey, Carter noted sales ban. 1) Begin has proposed granting C-17-7-31 14) 8266. 0-8 7 21 (91 When he arrived in Tel Aviv, Dayan, before returning limited autonomy to the Pales¬ home after the talks with tinians of the two regions for at Dayan told reporters the talks Kamel, told reporters at Lon¬ least five years, with a con¬ in Britain had been "useful" and don's Heathrow Airport that tinued Israeli military presence "for the first time I had the The State News Yellow Page Egypt is demanding Israel com¬ in the territories. opportunity to go in detail into ft mit itself — "right away, before any agreement" — to withdraw from the occupied West Bank at a The Israeli leader, speaking political meeting Thursday night, said: "We will continue all the Egyptian proposals, and clarify ours, which Egypt really wanted to know." ft and Gaza Strip. peace efforts and we will not King Hussein of Jordan made BUSINESS-SERVICE our "Now this idea... is not at all give up hope. Maybe after the a six-hour trip to Damascus agreeable," Dayan said. "What 99th try, the 100th will work." Thursday and met with Syrian we say is that this question of Dayan said Israel would like President Hafez Assad. Diplo¬ S* sovereignty can be discussed — to follow up this week's talks matic observers in Damascus we are not ruling it out — but with another round, but there speculated Hussein wanted to after five years, should any of will not be another "if the assure Assad that Jordan will DIRECTORY the parties bring it up." Egyptians don't want to be not back Sadat's proposal. % TRAVEL HEALTH FOOD OPTOMETRIST BARBER % Geography class travels to study (continued from page 8) course will be a "balanced mackinac, a gypsum mine at 10% DISCOUNT to all MSU CO-OPTICAL UNION N tion fee estimated at $90. The course will touch upon a treatment" of the economic and environmental factors involved Grand Rapids, a pumped-water storage power plant at Luding- SERVICES wide range of geographic as¬ in the use of the state's natural ton and iron mines near Mar¬ ft studants BUILDING , quette. on purchases of $2 BARBER pects, including historical geo¬ HOTEL RESERVATIONS or more, yogurts graphy, geologic foundations, "I'm an advocate of neither and broads excluded SHOP agriculture and industrializa¬ "We'll also visit a modern COLLEGE TRAVEL tion. full-blown environmentalism Dannon Yogurt 31' RK Products nor unbridled free enterprise commercial farm to see how OFFICE • EYES EXAMINED "We'll discuss the character, capital-intensive the of the I •Layer Cuts when it comes to resource use," use 130 W. Grand Ri»r RANDALL HEALTH FOOD • GLASSES •Latest Styling distribution and utilization of Winters pointed out. "We'll soil has become," Winters said. Eait Brookfiald Plaza • CONTACT LENS •Women's Haircuts Michigan resources," Winters discuss the Upper Penninsula's "This particular farmer has Laming said. 8 - 5:30 Mon. Fri. | about $600,000 in land and 1381 E.Grand Rivar 1)311. Greed liver - 351-6010 BreekfWdnite 355-3359 He added that in visiting another half million or so in 332 6892 various sites, students would advantage and as an environ¬ MOFfJUONAlS 351 • 5330 mental threat." machinery. For the students be able to trace several Mich¬ without a farm background, it TOBACCONIST PROMOTION BICYCLE SHOP igan resources — timber and Sites visited will include an should prove to be quite an iron ore, for example — from archaeological dig at Michili- eye-opener." NOW HSAR THIS FROM THI TOR This summer's % their natural states through the HIIMI AT THI STOBI WITH TNI Yellow Pages processing and distribution stages. RID BOOR! We have ia itock ■ Winters noted that the *Cigaretts by: Sbernaa *Pipei by Sawnelli Dunhill Sobraiae VVorfh Red Cross holds drive '21 Red Door pipe tobacco blends Looking Workshop a*Mr«l baa deUraiMd thai >«ar*tU anatiif ia daajeroua ta yv Into! (continued from page 3) ft "If the person has hepatitus, they get put on a national (continued from page 3) TO ADVERTISE hepatitus list. It is potentially fatal to pass the disease on. Our CetrnjoieLLa^sy^iS® Shojn CALL LYNN 355*8255 ft for primary school teachers. "The attitude of Africa must change to women if they are gain any independence. They in biggest problem is hepatitus and contagious diseases," Owsley said. to She added, "we think that if we don't offer a monetary r< donate, we cut down on the chance of donors lying about CATERING SERVICE REAL ESTATE PHOTOGRAPHY marry early and therefore don't having a disease. get a higher education," she "Whole blood, red cells and plasma keep only about 21 days,' * I MSU UNION CATERING ft said. "They must begin to realize the value of higher education if things are going to Owsley said. "Platelets last about 72 hours. White cells only keep for 12 hours, which is why we use the Leukapheresis process." change." Leukapheresis, or pheresis, is a technique that allows many "Catering Specialists •Wedding Receptions •Breakfasts. Lunch- Instant Color and Black I The women participating in the seminar, most of whom are nominated by government min¬ istries in their countries, hold white blood cells to be taken from a single donor at once. The blood is drawn from the right arm, run through a machine and into a centrifuge where it is spun down and separated into red cells, white cells and the straw-yellow and White: middle- upper-level admini¬ plasma on top. The plasma and red cells are returned to the w or 351-36(7 •Take-out Service positions and have had donor through left arm. The white cells are drained off into a •Meeting Rooms and The Real Estate Place ST 2 for *9.50 Phone 349-0430 strative a number of years of experience plastic pack. Equipment 7TjO f> nogoacrr east crsng ■ pHb 4663 Ardmore in their field. The whole process takes about three or four hours, depending 355-3465 220 Albart St. 332-1024 Okemos, Michigan 48864 Mary Joy Pigozzi, program on the quantity of white cells needed. A person could donate coordinator, said "the program white cells once a week because most of the blood and minerals PROMOTION AIITO SERVICE STUDENT FURTOE FURNITURE is a genuine exchange in that are returned. rr pays SPARTAN MUFFLER CENTER ACM! HBMNf CO. & Box Springs (R African and American leagues are given an opportun¬ ity to discuss ideas, techniques col¬ "A donor can give white cells for years. We have many regular donors that give for years to one patient. We don't want to expose a leukemia patient to several donors," Owsley said. fo read "BRAKES Mattresses mode here in Lansing ■ and mutual problems. Africans from all over the continent also Some of the blood donations can even be frozen, added. she the FINE 'SHOCKS * FRWT END WORM 20% TWIN •se.es DOUBLE <64.03 99 have a chance to benefit form each other's experience in deal¬ ing with developmental issues." Red cells and plasma can be frozen for up to 10 years, Owsley said. Platelets and white cells, however, cannot be frozen at all. Glycerin is put into the blood to prevent the cells from bursting print! PILLOW TALK rc Odd iliai to ordar The women will visit cities during freezing, she explained. STUDENT DISCOUNT and rural communities in each "Glycerin isn't compatible with the human body so when has low cost student furnishings and ON ALL WORK of the major regions of the thawed the blood goes through saline baths," Owsley added. large bean bags, soft and sen¬ Acme Bedding Co. United States and spend a "Rare blood comes in from new donors and so rare blood isn't pillow furniture, large TV in sual the State Newt WITH I.D. floor sitter pillows. 405 Cherry t Kalamazoo weekend with one or two rare, just hard to get. A, B, AB, and 0 are basic bloods," she iethefmett 717 5. PENNSYLVANIA Frandor 351 1747 Phone 487 -4995 American families of differing said, "but the difference is in antibodies that are in the blood." wnn ethnic backgrounds and socio¬ And in the future for the American Red Cross? tn economic situations. They will also attend sports events, fairs, concerts and "Down the road is organ banking. In the future we can potentially see it as a step for the Red Cross. There's no reason to stay just in blood," Owsley predicted. To list your business call Lynn 355-8255 other national monuments and historic sites. I Michigan State News, East Lonsing, Michigan Friday July 21. 1978 HAGAR the Horrible (oj LIKE A PRE*". D£P1CAT6 Wl* AMAZIN'*UNDlAt/ • J COtMAON CQ4MAUN ITEM FOR ritKCt) l\ C - & A lifl TUMBLEWEEDS by TomK. Ryan f _ SPONSORED BY: CAMPUS PIZZA — 337.1639 B.C. by Johnny Hart •show Me A UDr WHO WHITTLES PILLOW TALK FURNITURE Soft ond E W Mall frondor S 'mm?**"'"' AILID I'LL sapw you AN UBIEMRJ 1#J(y p{||ow furnitur* Bean Bags 419.95 while 'SHE WORKS,. IF YOU MUST ^ upkakiam. zfo SAM and SILO ' m SPONSORED BY: by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker ■ins? HQE!HE) 11030 "V-v, LIBERTY BELL PRESENTS CROSSWORD Q0®aii anoBs ■i i-' i V LEOSAVER PUZZLE aaansa annus A Yvonne Llliman hbh ®na eaas SPONSORED BY: July 27 well, it's made out of woop, has four taaag nas ana ACW& 29 Cosset aa saaaaa wheels, is covered all over with hat; 1 Overshoe 31 Fortified nciHQDg no Amp has horses at the front of it 7 Leafy bracts 32 Indian 12 Boulevard 33 Dned cassia rasa aaia sans 13 Deem leaves 14 Alehouse 35 Period IS. Civetlike animal 16 Fighter 37 Cape 38 Clam genus ®saaii!aaiial nana aaaas 17 feminine name 41. Calla 19 Filter 43. Thrusting sword 20 legislate 45 Intervening law 22 Grimace 46 Winter sign 24. Attentive 47 Catob and dita 27 The Tnnity 48 Toughens BEETLE BAILEY by Mort Walker WHY IS IT THE SP0TLI&HT SHINES ON THE PRIMA BALLERINA AND NOT ON THE WARDROBE MISTRESS? 7-^1 ] 2 Michigan State News East Lonsing, Michigan Friday. July 21. 1978 ()\ EK 70 PERCENT JOIN LABOR FORCE Money vital to divorced women |t\ < \ IHFHINK HAFTREY reflections of your values base or consumer problems, as well they would be an asset to these on the goals you set for your divorced women. as acquire job training and women, all unie high, worn self." Wheeker said. skills in how to look for a job," Obtaining financial credit is ('ollette Moser, assistant pro vake up from illu _________________ also a problem for divorced "Many women also feel de¬ fessor of agricultural econom fensive about job hunting be irs, Marian Prince, Washte¬ Livingston County Legally persons can not be cause they don't think they naw county extension home discriminated against because Extension Home have job skills." Wheeker ex economist, and Wheeker have they are women, but stores what the plained. conducted family living educa¬ Economist Sally now offering credit do not have aid Sally tion programs throughout this Wheeker ex¬ to extend credit to those indi¬ She said community colleges County often offer special classes plained there is viduals without jobs, Moser ex¬ geared to the needs of such The programs, part of the now legislation on plained. ajority of lifetime learning program, are "The best thing for a woman find the federal level as sponsored by MSI' Cooperative to do now is to be establishing era divorce. As Wheeker also said univcrsi Kxtension Service and the Col well as in the state credit on her own even though WKAR-TV's earth satellite receiving station for PBS programming, located Whoeker said ties have various scholarship lege of Human Ecology. of Michigan to set she is married," Moser ex¬ behind the quonset huts near Kalamazoo Street and Harrison Road, was installed • •t the divorced opportunities open to 1? \ IRICIA KISEI.E Bob said, agricultural eco¬ re adjust into society. media about their sudden popu iiriued for the Cusacks ever in reference to She explained there is now An I. •nut Mich couple h,r- e along'1' , "how i- thi- itb s-'mg Yet, Moser qualified, "Men married lite' •vh.ii -ir.v. wiih Beverly attending Beverly running on the Repub legislation on the federal level nomics. been i he center of national larity and the most common your are much more socialized to the answer is. "this year there has do the children think .ib. ait i: " .very meeting as a concerned lican ticket. "The interesting as well as in the state of media < •overage -ir.ee Bob and outside world because they've Bob said he and Hev.r! fact to know, if she does win in Michigan to Beverly have been to be jumping on it. Apparent¬ front. i.,-, : - h. f:n.i! vote, going to vote for a man?" At this point the entire committee," Moser said. ihack hv their sudden ly. a husband and wife running Interest- m p«-:i:;r- -• arte-i -.»rj r;-ing according to her Levi's Water bell cords *9°° ceiebri: v -'atu- Three weeks against each other has never f-.r -he Cu-uck- in 1 wh.-n hu-band family would like to see one of California and Maryland have been done before." there w..- a -trirt /..ring ordi "lor.ia i- a very Republican them win and added that there all ready set up a pilot program agn the v appeared with David Hart ma n on \R<"- Good The Cusacks' campaign head nance institued in Ionia mt county.' he explained. would be no hard feelings for these centers. Drawstring pants *7°° The Cusacks fought the ..r«b He continued. "If she can between the two of them. Morr.m,I \rr.erioa. ihev were quarters is located in their real estate office, which is attached and the -trie' /omnc ijw- - t.,-ai the former sheriff of Ionia The Cusacks just would be The program provides "ac¬ Other assorted pants subject* of arucles m Time . nance tual centers where women maga/irie ana the Chicago Tri to their home. were removed from Ionia County and a county commis represented by either Beverly, can -ioner from Portland iMich.i the Republican candidate, or go for counseling of various bune arid have had numerous The most popular questions countv Bob the Democratic candidate. sorts in to 50% off handed to the Cusacks are. Involvement with the 1i'.oani 'hen she'll have a good shot at financing and personal. teiephoiie interview-with CBS. Tank Tops *2°° KERM'S EL SOMBRERO! LVTO BODV.Z] CAMPUS Short sleeve shirts-shorts H"ni.iiiadf Original Mexican belts-leather tennis shoes American & Foreign Cars PIZZA all on sale to 50% OFF Mony other in-store specials , Our SPECIAL COMBINATION PLATE '3.11 Quality Work Guaranteed Thurs. • Sot. Apoe'-zers Nachos " doi Avocado Solod ' I ' LUNCH-TIME MON THURS SPECIAL PLATE11." Free Estimates 2 Enchiladas or 2 Tacos or 2 Burritos men. - c< '3Com - 5.30 R.n. 1 DELIVERY WITH RICE OR IEANJ begins everyday at 11:00 OPEN SEVEN DAYS Sot 3 00 a.m. - 12 Nnon Mon.Tliur, II g m 9:30 p.m. fri 1 Sol II 3:30 Corntr Larch & west Free east E- ■ o.m ■ a.m. Michigan Ava. 751 N. LARCH i...—.-w™ w...o*i... Lansing laming 407-6577 337-1639 Delivery 337-1377 Grand River 337-SAM'S Be a Plasma Donor! 'JAZZ OF A DIFFERENT NATURE' '6.00 cash paid for each donation MO.00 cash paid for second donation if you donate twice in one week Between Tuesday and Saturday) EBERHARDWEBER RAT METHENY ATTIC YOU MUST BE 18 AND SHOW 2 PIECES OF I.D. COLOURS Silent Feet RES. LIST $79b CROUP COME TO: .fS BE A PLASMA DONOR AMERICAN I Children s t. Tetanus Voccine Innoculations LYLE MAYS PLASMA DONOR MARKEGAN ®461 I. Cancer Research 8E Herrophelio Therapy CENTER > 2827 GR. RIVER AVE. - DAN GOTTLIEB E.LANSING. MICH, phone 351-2620 ECM Oshkos'h S\Gosh 8 10a.m. a.m. - - 6:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Tues. & Wed. Fri. & Sat. JOHN ABERCROMBIE JOHN ABERCROMBIE JEANS Characters DAVE HOLLAND [★converse! JACK DEJOHNETTE Valuable Coupon Worth $1.15 I ■Pi Athletic Shoes n Gateway 2 M.75 I Wr Bar-"" & Keith Jarrett L I My Song I jeeds2et I I :'JL! I I n BUY TWO DELICIOUS MR. TONY SUBMARINE SANDWICHES (reg) I OnECM I EDUCATIONAL CENTER FOR ONLY M.75 (and this coupon) SAVE M.15 Records and Tapes TEST PREPARATION SPECIALISTS SINCE 1B38 Visit Our Centers I I And See For Yourself Why We Mike The Difference ...MORE THAN JUST - A RECORD STORE Can Days, Eves 919 E.Grand Rivar & Weekends I WW SUNDAY HOURS 12NOON 7PM 220 M A C. UNIVERSITY MALL E. Lansing, Ml. 48823 (517)132-2539 PIZZA A SUBMARINES 515 W. Grand Rivar (just west of Greyhound NODIMVIIKY Station) I ABOVE ALLE'EY PH. 332 3525 REGULAR HOURS: MO* SAT. 9 S LNO PILIVMV Plck-Upo,Din.mom, 332-8611 Expir« 7727773 | I