VOLUME 72 NUMBER 111 WEDNESDAY, JULY26J978 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING MICHIGAN 48824 3 STATE KANSAS REP IN Pollock to aid anti-bias plan By DANIEL HUBERT nationally so she can play a constructive part kind of effective dialogue and response from State News Staff Writer within the framework," Kelsey said. the campus community that lasting pro¬ Mary Pollock, fired director of MSU Pollock said an interim and final report gress requires," read the statement issued programs, will begin work with a will be written after the committee has In Perrin after her firing. nationwide legislative program to remedy completed its business and she will also play Since that time. Pollock has sought and affirmative action problems when she joins a part in their drafting. been denied a number of platforms on which the staff of its organizer, Rep. George She added that her appointment to to protest her dismissal, including a Cushingberry. Jr., D-Detroit, on Thursday. Cushingberry's staff will be temporary, presentation before the MSU Board of Herbert Kelsey, assistant to Cushing¬ probably lasting about six months, but Trustees. berry. confirmed the appointment Tuesday added that all the details were not final. She "It was during the time when I was from Kansas City, Mo. estimated her salary at about $1,200 a dealing with the trustees that Herb Cushingberry and his staff are in Kansas month. iKelsey fir-' ei.ntacted me about possibly "I think the idea of the committee is an working with Cushingberry and we dis¬ City to present his affirmative action investigation program to the Rev. Jesse interesting one and presents a new slant on cussed mv ideas on affirmative action," Jackson and organizations from across the the subject of monitoring affirmative ac¬ Pollock said. country representing Jacksons' group tion," Pollock stated. The resuof her presentation to the PUSH iPeople United to Save Humanity). Pollock has been seeking employment trustees was negative as they refused to The goal of the meeting is to get an since her firing last June by Robert Perrin. review her t:r:ng. She said Kelsey contin investigation committee set up in Legisla¬ vice president for University and federal tures across the country, Kelsey said. relations. work with t u-hmgherry and she began to Cushingberry is presenting the program "The personnel action taken with respect that he set up in the Michigan Legislature to Ms. Pollock reflected the judgment of her "This goes along' with my wildest in June. supervisors that her conduct of the office of dreams." said Pollock about her new job. woman's programs was not producing the "At least I'll be able to ask some questions." George Cughiogberry Kelsey said the program attacks affirma¬ tive action problems on the legislative, economic and administrative level. "We are in Kansas City to present Michigan's affirmative action investigation program," Kelsey said. "And to encourage other of calling states to go through the same process in universities and departments of U.S. removes weapons state and finding out where they are in regard to affirmative action programs." embargo against Turkey He said target dates were being dis¬ cussed; times when the organizations should have legislative committees set up and hearings scheduled. Kelsey characterized the response so far The 57-42 vote marked a major foreign Proponents of continuing the ban claimed from the organizations as "very positive." By RICHARD PYLE Associated Press Writer policy victory for President Carter, who Tuesday that Turkey — despite the Pollock's role will be one of consultant to WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate had called lifting the ban the most embargo — is still the third-largest re¬ Photo by Susan K both the Michigan and national committees, voted Tuesday to lift the 3-year-old U.S. important foreign issue still to be dealt with cipient of U.S. military aid after Israel and Dive Smith, of the MSU Grounds Department puts his nose to the £ after her position is made definite on South Korea, and has refused to make any arms sales embargo against Turkey — a by Congress this session. stone by cutting up remains of a tree with a stump chipper Thursday. Kelsey said. The final vote was more lopsided in the concessions toward resolving its dispute "She is being hired because of her move supporters said would restore that machinery makes removal of stumps simpler than the ax method. administration's favor than had been ex¬ with Greece over the Cyprus dispute. understanding of affirmative action pro¬ country's NATO punch and help to spur a pected. Both sides had predicted the Turkey's 1974 invasion of Cyprus plunged grams and she will be brought up to date Cyprus settlement. outcome would be settled by only a few Cyprus into a brief civil war and left it divided, with thousands of refugees unable The lifting of the embargo must still be to return home. approved by the House, however. Sen. Thomas Eagleton. D-Mo., said the grad student probable suicide choice now is "appeasement or peace" and 4U' The Senate vote came on a compromise by Majority Leader Robert C. Byrd, that by lifting the ban. the Senate would be D-W.Va., and several other senators. It was "sending a message to other countries to endursed by the White House after it whom we supply arms that they need not became evident that a flat proposal to end take U.S. law seriously." LTD, was towed to DPS headquarters on A 30 year-old MSU graduate student was date in philosophy was found dead in his car Sidney Eaton, of 2820 Collins Road, said campus until his next-of-kin could be the embargo would probably fail. The issue arose as part of a $2.8 billion found fatally shot in his car Monday evening around 7:30 p.m. with a shotgun wound to he heard a shot and after investigating and notified, Capt. Badgley of the DPS said. The compromise repeals the language of foreign military aid authorization bill. in what Department of Public Safety the head. The car was found in a field on the finding the body, he immediately called "We are 99 percent sure this was a U.S. law by which Congress imposed a total Senate debate began on an amendment — embargo on arms sales to Turkey in favored by the White House — to end the officials believe was a suicide. south side of campus near Collins Road with DPS her it i late model green Ford suicide," Badgley said Tuesday. Dale Gunther. a master's degree candi- its motor still running. retaliation for that country's 1974 invasion embargo with no strings attached. But A loaded, semi-automatic shotgun was of Cyprus. division among law makers over the found underneath Gunther's body, which The ban subsequently was modified to question appeared to make a compromise was slumped over sideways in the front RAPE CASE SPURRED AWARENESS seat, Badgley said. permit Turkey up to $175 million in military likely. aid in order that it be able to meet its Future aid would be conditioned on a "If the death was the work of someone else, they would have had to position the NATO commitments. presidential assurance to Congress that order forced by law The compromise reached by the Senate significant progress toward a Cyprus Judge: gag gun just so and get away from the area within about a minute," Badgley said. The body was found with one shoe off and will retain that ceiling in Turkish arms aid agreement was being made and human and raise aid to Greece to the same level for rights principles respected. fiscal 1979. But it provides that in later Badgley speculated that the man may have Byrd told reporters after a White House sexual conduct case, the magistrate . .. shall order that the names years aid would be conditioned on serious breakfast meeting that Carter supported By PAULA DYKE pulled the shotgun trigger with his toe. State Newa Stall Writer of the victim and actor and details of the alleged offense be An autopsy performed Tuesday revealed efforts by the two countries to reach an the compromise. suppressed until the actor is arraigned on information, the charge agreement over Cyprus and to adhere to Judge Robert Bell of the 55th District Court said state law nothing out of the ordinary, Detective Wes human rights principles on the island. The compromise plan, while repealing the is dismissed, or the case is otherwise concluded, whichever comes forced him to implement the gag order which kept secret the Shaw, an Ingham County medical examiner names of three men charged in connection with the May 20 first." said. Arguing that to continue the embargo actual language of U.S. law that created the Gunther's hometown is on the eastern would be counter productive for U.S. embargo, would add nothing for the Turks abduction and rape of an MSU woman. The three men who face separate trials in Circuit Court on side of the state. Shaw said. He said policy, Sen. Lloyd Bentsen. D-Texas, told next year. It would, however, allow a boost Bell said Monday an obscure sect ion of Michigan's Criminal criminal sexual conduct charges Sept. 21 are Nathan D. Glenn, 26, the Senate: "Enough is enough. We have in military aid to Greece from $140 million Gunther's parents did not want the name of Sexual Conduct Act of 1975 gave him no alternative but to impose of Stockbridge, John B. Moran, 22, of Webberville and Jessie made our point." to $175 million. the gag order. James Campbell Jr.. 23, of Ann Arbor. the town to be revealed at this time. Shaw said he learned from "a few people" The order was put into effect June 8 and subsequently lifted It was Glenn's attorney, Frank J. DeLuca, that first requested that Gunther was a good student and July 14 when the suspects were arraigned in Ingham County the gag order. Glenn has since chosen a different lawyer, Stuart J. Circuit Court. well-liked. He reportedly taught classes in Dunnings, Jr., to defend him. was "It was a learning experience for me," Bell the first time since the law was passed admitted, saying this that he had heard of Attorney John W. Bissel is defending Moran. Campbell has not yet hired a lawyer. Greek at different high schools in Michigan. Shaw stated that friends said Gunther had been very depressed lately, but he had Syrian guns the statute. no known financial problems. Glenn's occupation was listed as a schoolteacher at Stockbridge "I w mader s embarrassed and chagrined when the defense attorney e aware of the statute and told me I had to impose it," Bell High School. Moran is employed at a small business in Mason. Campbell, a professional basketball player for a European Both Badgley and Shaw said they have evidence to believe that Gunther's suicide motive may have been the result of a erupt, killing inside team, lives in Ann Arbor in the off-season. For a look at the six Demo¬ troublesome relationship with a woman. The statute, which Bell said is tucked away in the Bell said he has Deen accused of granting the gag order as a written legislation, reads as follows: special favor to the suspects because their professional reputations DPS officials are now conducting an investigation into the death. 26 Lebanese cratic primary contenders for the l .S. Senate, see page 5. (continued on page 8) "Upon request of council or the victim or actor i BEIRUT. Lebanon lAP) -- Heavy gun fire, mostly from Syrian army positions, weather erupted with increased intensity Tuesday Today and tonight will be evening in the Christian militia held town of Hadass on the outskirts of Beirut. partly cloudy and humid with a chance of thunderstorms. Highs Rose: 38! The rightist "Voice of Lebanon" radio will be in the low 90s. Tempera¬ said 26 persons were killed and 56 wounded tures tonight will be in the 60s. during the Syrian barrage. It said all the victims were Lebanese civilians. The radio said the Syrian shelling caused NEW YORK UPI - Pete Rose broke minutes, Holmes rushed onto the field fires to start in a wooded area between the Tommy Holmes' 33-year-old National to embrace and congratulate Rose at presidential palace and the mansion of the League record when he ran his hitting first base. U.S. ambassador. Neither the mansion nor streak to 38 games by lining a single to In Rose's first at-bat, he flied to left the palace was hit, the radio report said. left field in his second at-bat off Craig on a 1-0 pitch leading off the game. The reason for the flareup was not Swan in Tuesday night's game between In hitting safely for the 38th straight known, but three Syrian soldiers at a the Cincinnati Reds and the New York game. Rose eclipsed the previous mod checkpoint on the edge of the capital's Mets. em National League record set by Christian quarter were killed by unknown After Swan walked opposing pitcher Holmes in 1945. For the second straight gunmen from a speeding car earlier in the Tom Hume on four straight pitches to night Holmes, who now works for the day. start the third inning, Rose came to bat Mets in their community relations it was the fourth straight night of clashes facing an obvious bunt situation. How¬ department, was in attendance along in the southeastern suburb, a stronghold for ever, as he had said the night before, with his family. the ultra-rightist "Tiger" militias of former "When I went out to congratulate President Camille Chamoun. During the "Sparky (Reds Manager Anderson) wouldn't take the bat out of my hands." him, he thanked me very much for three previous clashes, rightists reported a Anderson didn't. On a 1-1 pitch. Rose coming out on the field," Holmes said. total of nine killed and 62 wounded. Syrian lined his single to left and the crowd of "Before last night I didn't want him to casualties have not been reported. more than 40,000, many of whom were break it. But after he tied it I told him I Two mortar shells from undetermined waving red and white pennants in¬ didn't think two of us should hold the positions exploded near the presidential scribed "Do It Pete" broke into a record. I told him to go out and get it." palace in the adjoining suburb of Baabda. thunderous roar. The game was im¬ Next on Rose's "hit list" is Ty Cobb's and another hit near the Lebanese military mediately stopped and, while the crowd streak of 40 straight games, established headquarters at Yarzi. eyewitnesses re stood and cheered for nearly five in 1911. ported. ontinued on page 8) 2 Michigon Stote News, East Lonsing. Michigan Wednesday, July 26, 197'8 Refugees flee to urban centers A few vM.ISHl HY. Rhodesia 1AP) ment, has touched nearly "We are suffering," said guerrillas. yards away, Tande's S;\ \»-ars of war in the Sailos Tande as he watched his "The guerrillas don't want us neighbors are taking down everyone in this country of 6.7 million blacks and 260,000 two wives dismantle their in protected villages. It is bad if their shanties too. The ma¬ they think you are a sell out. terials are stacked ne atly to ni;.;c(i the lives of hundreds whites. squatter's shack of plastic Then the soldiers come. They await evening, when they will ih.nsir'i- of Macks and sent For hundreds of thousands, it sheeting behind a row of seedy say they will take your cattle, be put up again. nt poverty stricken has meant disruption. About shops in Salisbury's black 1 - to the country's major 600,000 tribal members have Harari Township. "We are run¬ burn your house, if you help For Tande, 65, it was the guerrillas." second move of the war. .■enter* to iive in squalor been moved over the past three ning from the army and the years from their traditional \-i »Mimaied 40.000 rural mud hut villages to guarded h.t\e fieii to the segre- compounds, known as protect¬ WHITE HOUSE HELPS < eij towc-'nijts ringing this ed villages — themselves a Pope maintains stance on birth control »:t.ii city. The Red Cross says -■'(natter- are pouring into prime target for guerrilla raids. Thousands have fled the VATICAN CITY (AP) - On the 10th mands" on Roman Catholics and asked e.hiry it a rate of 400 per country — the young to join the guerrilla ranks, the rest to a life ERA efforts supported for special attention" for those who Che >.\ ar war waged by in crowded refugee camps in anniversary of his Humanae Vitae" encyclical. Pope Paul VI is holding the have not been able to obey his directives. neighboring Botswana, Zambia and Mozambique. WASHINGTON (UPI) - Costanza, who recently lost spoke to an estimated 100,000 On Tuesday, the pope sent his second line on his ban on artificial birth control With indications from Congress her White House office adja- persons who marched on Con¬ despite widespread floating by the message in three days to an American that time is running out, the cent to the Oval Office, already gress earlier this month de- world's 540 million Roman Catholics. He prelate emphasizing the validity of his White House today stepped up has been specializing on manding an extension of the is urging intensified research to improve prohibition of the pill and other artificial means of birth control. Mail Carriers oppose its campaign in favor of extend¬ ing the ERA ratification dead women's rights issues. She ratification deadline. the church-sanctioned rhythm method. In a message to Cardinal John Carberry line by assigning a White House of St. Louis.-Mo. the pope lauded a adviser to spearhead the effort. A Gallup poll survey of 1.405 Catholic households in the United States last lOth-anniversary symposium on his c tentative contract pact A logjam of legislation and PBB testing reveals March found that 73 percent believe the cyclical and said he hopes it would be o* rapidly approaching election- : ANSINi; ilTIi — The president of the Michigan State year adjournment already en¬ church should allow contraception. Earli¬ particular assistance to married couples er this year the pope acknowledged that in the worthy exercise of responsible parenthood." \-svl( iaii<>n of I-etter Carriers said Tuesday he does not '■.!<::>a»:on of the tentative nationwide postal agreement. favor danger the effort by ERA backers to win congressional high levels in animals his encyclical imposed difficult de¬ i'iiere are some changes in the work rules for postal workers, extension of the seven year but not hing; hat could compensate us for such a low pay raise," said ratification period. LANSING (UPI) - Special tests on 21 Michigan farms turned President Carter announced up several instances of high PBB levels in sheep, chickens and I? as t hr .ame old story where the U.S. Postal Service waited he has assigned White House cows, state officials said Tuesday. Tito warns of intervention in Africa .;; > hi ! a -! minute to put its proposals on the table and then we assistant Margaret "Midge" The Department of Agriculture's special PBB Unit said animals on nine farms were found with high levels of the contaminant and i; employee* backed down and gave in to those demands." Costanza to concentrate on opening session. il<- -aid the postal workers' representatives "panicked." winning ratification of ERA. animals on 11 other farms subjected to special testing did not BELGRADE Yugoslavia (AP) — Yugo¬ A majority of African nations express Krar.ok said the contract "probably will be ratified, but it could Thirty-five of the needed 38 violate the PBB food safety standards. slav President Tito told the foreign mean that the letter carriers, anyway, may end up with another states have ratified the amend ministers of the non-aligned movement non-alignment, but their governments An egg checked at another farm, at first believed to have high national president instead of J. Joseph Vacca." ment that outlaws discrimina Tuesday to be wary of foreign interven¬ may range from pro-Western to strict PBB levels, showed no PBB when tested a second time. lie siid t he pay raise included in the agreement does not meet the tion based on sex. tion in Africa. Marxist styles. needs of postal workers and fails to reward them for higher "Ratification of the Equal The special tests were conducted on farms that have histories of We are witness to attempts to The five-day Belgrade session has PBB problems. Rights Amendment is and will establish in the vitally important regions been billed as an effort to restore unity to Franek said, however, he favors the addition of two 10-minute remain a priority in this ad Michigan's new footl safety law requires all dairy cows born of the non-aligned world, primarily in the organization, undercut by armed ■-• a; t< hi rt jiar work day as well as changes in seniority rating u ministration." the president before Jan. 1, 1976 and headed for slaughter to pass a PBB test. Africa, forms of colonial presence or rivalries such as the border clashes said in memorandum to all The special tests, however, also were conducted on sheep, new - •r po*ial employees. a of block dependence, foreign influence between Vietnam and Cambodia and He said he deplored the actions of some postal employees in New Cabinet officials and agency chickens, beef cattle and two dairy calves born after the Jan. 1, heads. 1976 testing date. and domination." Tito told more than 80 disputes among a number of African Jersey and California, who had gone on strike. foreign ministers gathered for the members. O'Neill suggests investigation meeting Our reputation has been WASHINGTON (AP) — House Speaker Ambassador Kim Dong Jo's testimony on proven. We offer the finest Thomas P. O'Neill said Tuesday that reports that Kim might have given cosh to Chinese cooking in this House members are asking South Korean up to 10 present House members. Take out service is President Park Chung Hee for a meeting South Korea has refused to waive the available. to discuss their request for a former former ambassadors diplomatic immuni¬ ambassador's testimony on alleged in¬ ty, even though the House has voted to fluence-buying. cut off $56 million in U.S. Food for Peace O'Neill said U.S. Ambassador William aid to Seoul. H. Gleysteen has been instructed by the Asked what the two legislators couid State Department to deliver the request tell the South Korean president that he to Park for a meeting with two members does not already know, O'Neill replied I of the House ethics committee. don't know how much he knows. He has Special Counsel Leon Jaworski has told only talked to his own people. He has not the ethics committee he needs former talked to any of our people." Committee rejects income tax credit HOURS 7 DAYS - 00AM to 10 00PM CORNER ClIPPERTand VINE WASHINGTON (AP) - The House The vote diminished chances that I and SAT 1.11100PM I Phone 351-2217 Ways and Means Committee refused Congress will take any action this year to Tuesday to approve an income tax credit nullify some of the increases in the Social to help offset higher Social Security Security payroll taxes taking effect nex* payroll taxes next year. January. A tax credit, differing from a tax Struggling to piece together a tax-cut deduction, is a direct reduction of taxes bill for individuals and businesses the owed the government. For example, if an individual, after deductions, owed $2,000 in taxes and had a tax credit of $100, the committee also rejected an effort to limit business deductions for what President Carter has called the "three-martini Canon taxpayer would have to pay only $1,900. lunch." WASHINGTON (AP) So what's new-food - Grocery shop- pers probably will find food prices 10 prices rise s of about $25 and would require the four-person family to spend over $300 1mm more for food per year. percent higher by the end of this year than they were in 1977, but "the worst seems behind us." President Carter's While expressing unhappiness over chief adviser on wages and prices said the high rote of inflation Barry P. Tuesday. Bosworth, director of the presidents For a four-person family of an average Council on Wage and Price Stability, said: urban wage-earner, that means it would "Fortunately, the rapid rate of food-price take about $6.20 a week more to buy the inflation which we have experienced same amount of groceries that could thus far this year is not expected to have been purchased at the end of 1977. continue and the worst seems behind On a monthly basis, that would be an Real value in a GREAT camera! $1799s Erlichman with case sues government for property at Norman'i WASHINGTON (AP) - John D. Ehr- lichmon sued the federal government psychiatrist. He now lives in New Mexico, has just completed a second GETTING A DECREE? NOW GET AN EDUCATION Tuesday for the return of personal prop¬ novel, and is said to be preparing for a career as a commentator for a radio erty seized in 1973 when he was fired as Peace Corps has current openings in Africa and around the world a top aide by former President Richard network. M. Nixon. "Ehrlichman's sole concern is with his for graduates with degrees in humanities, education, social science, agriculture, and many other fields. NORMAN In a complaint filed in U.S. District personal private property," said his Court, Ehrlichmon said he "has had no lawyer, Stuart Stiller. "He needs to learn meaningful access to his private proper¬ exactly what private property there is, Peace Corps offers the opportunity to get international experience and to the extent the law allows, seeks ty" since then and he claims he is en¬ and a chance to work where you can participate in the process titled to its return. its return." The personal items Ehrlichman seeks CAMIRA COMPANY of development. Three months ago, Ehrlichman com¬ pleted an 18-month prison term for his ore papers, correspondence, diaries, 10 W.MICHIGAN MALL role in the Watergate cover-up ond the personal financial records, BATTLE CREEK, MICH. 49014 For information and job description, contact the Peace Corps Srqlary of the office of a California bilia, books and photographs. Coordinator at the African Studies Center, Room 106, International MAIL ORDER SPECIALISTS 616/965-7285 VISA AND MASTER CHARGE Center, 353-1700 Michlgon Stole News, Eost loosing, Michigan Wednesday, July 26. 1978 3 ANTI-SHUT-OFF TURNED DOWN Commission denies energy plan 0i* Bv PAI I. COX State News Staff Writer The Michigan Public Service Commission turned down the think it (the PSC sion proposal i ignored our proposal. They addressed a simple problem e til! y ice to of be a required to any customer third party, ifial -services agency Demlow said PSC fears that under the LEAP proposal cus¬ tomers could choose not to pay despite financial ability to pay shut off," Brown said. People who can pay and do not are giving up their funda¬ mental human right to be warm Lansing Energy Action Pro People already on social ser and the utilities could not shut in the winter but this right is ject's utility antishut-off them off. being denied to others, Brown added that the cus proposal, but proposed similar People who d< said. of Rights already Brown said the LEAP pro¬ rule changes at their regular lance, such ai "Senior citizens on fixed in¬ no shut off policy if posal requested no shut-offs meeting Monday. fixed income? er enters into some "because of financial inability to comes get sick or have other The LKAP proposal stated, pay." He added that either the expenses and we can't always ment plan or if the "Nu person shall have their the problem." medical utility or PSC would be respon¬ pay our utilities," said Lansing Brown said ias a prob- resident Gertrude Davis. utility service disci mnected be people are sible for determining ability to t ween the dates of November 1 denied "their fundament, "Sometimes we need more pay. and May 1 herausi of financial • man righi to be warm ii "If time to pay our bills. If we get people have the ability to inability to pay for their utility winter" and the shut tiffs pay and don't, they should be (continued on page 8) service." caused illness and de.ii PSC said the LH Ai' proposal Michigan in the past does not define abil it v to pay or BSC "v.anted t«. unp't provide for pavme nt of utility ihe thought behind the I hills. proposal" but did not see Airplane engine fails; sal. in addi the bills would ever bl¬ tion to the curriTi i "customer under the I.KAC plan Bill of Rights." hi mid expand "We want t<- protect shut off protection to persons people who are struggli: already receiving assistance nancially and paying then State News Debbie Wolfe from social servict posal would alao >. The.pro seeking assistance from social ity bills," Demlow said would have been popul; adopt the simple rule pilot lands in cornfield These three skateboard enthusiasts have decided the local sidewalks just services or relate.t will be no shutoffs Km re cannot meet their demands. So a venture out into the Red Cedar river is Nelson Brown, f,if the LEAP fundamental human ngli \ MA ZOO. Mich, t API - A North The prop-jet Convair 580, which had taken in order. Surf a up? tl,er< must lie a mi - 1 .' Airlines plane carrying 43 persons off from the Kalamazoo Airport, missed a steering committ< - •. said. We 'i emergency belly landing through farmhouse by 200 feet and a stand of trees by X in a cornfield Tuesday when one of 200 yards. Passenger Greg Muzingo said Moe engines failed moments after takeoff. told him he "didn't see the ground until 30 ->ms were hospitalized and 22 others seconds before we landed." Wilbrink tends Co-pilot John McFarland, 30, of Chicago, gardens been art on passengers in and Cleveland worse auto crashes," said of Three Rivers. Mich., who had been bound for one on the early morning of who suffered a broken back and passenger Gerald Auerbach, 58, of Kalamazoo, who broke his pelvis, were hospitalized in fair condition at Bronson Methodist Hospital. By THERESA D.McCLELLAN tii''h carried a crew of thrCe.. Twerrty-two other persons were treated and mpact ripped off part of the plane's released. After removing the plant labels, trampling the newly grown up work and change ng. cracked the fuselage, broke A witness said he saw the plane coming grass and letting the dogs roam through the flowers and leave and down steeply without landing wheels extend¬ waste in the gardens, the pranksters look for some other mischief. . Of c - splashed fuel over the 100-acre "But at other times the public will come in and praise m> work." ed after the pilot banked upward to the left to These are some of the problems that Johaness Wilbrink as he said. "See that over there. I planned that color scheme. People •a 1'rumm. a North Central spokes- avoid a stand of trees, then landed in the field senior floriculturist has to deal with in the Beal Botanical owned by Charles Smith. Gardens. reallv liked that step effect." *aid pilot Harold Moe. 33. of Holman. The flowers were arranged in layers with the tallest plants of a- "very, very skilled and lucky." Smith said he and his wife were asleep A floriculturist is a more technical horticulturist. Wilbrink has the most vivid colors in the hack and gradually descending into the • nut going to fly that one again," when "I heard failing engines." They did not to know a great deal more about plants, such as their Latin and ••aid <>f the plane. hear the impact of the plane about 200 feet common names as well as the care required for the longevity of the paler colors. "See how - he coior scheme blends in with the rest of the garden? prime interest is that there were no away, nor could they see it from ground-level plant. s. Hooray!" said Federal Aviation because the com stood too high in their field. "Sometimes there are people who come in and change the labels. Look at the reds and pinks against the green grass and shrubs." he said •i rat ion spokesperson Roger Gardner "We just heard people running past our I can't keep track of all these labels, but I do my best. I could take a Wilbrink does not concentrate his horticultural abilities on just house," he said. walk around this garden right now and I still wouldn't be able to the Beal Gardens: he is also responsible for the president's house, find all the switches people have made," he said. the library and the area in front of the Administration Building. Wilbrink has been employed by MSU for 21 years. Born in "I'm the boss, you know," he said. "There's no one over me. I get paying Holland, he came to the University in January 1957 and as senior lot < floriculturist he still enjoys his job. to choose my workers and I like to be able to pick which students "I worked in a store for three cents an hour during the are going to work for me. I only want the students that are really interested in this work." Depression but I didn't like it. I wouldn't work here for this long if I didn't like it," he said. The sun reflected in his silvery hair as he gestured toward the stairs by the workshed. "Let's sit over here in the sun. I like the Both sides win with Sam's! The sun was shining brightly as Wilbrink explained the care required to keep the gardens attractive. He constantly stared at the little pond in the center of the garden. "There are thousands of labels here," Wilbrink said. "I have to make sure they are in correct order. See that over there?" His .. tanned arms stretched toward a group of weeds. "We grow weeds | TONIOHTTmil SATURDAY WL . itj WIT BIHIND THI BARS COUNTRY/ROCK A BLUM TONIOHT m PITCHIR MIOHT ■ ALL 4 BRANDS Grand River '1 Ea51La„ ling VO 337 -SAM'S I i Z0i°di fei ndcpqpound 944 AltkikM ^ «ci 44&C Stvliiin hy inofi'ssionul cosnu'tolouisls vX ! CAMPUS 1 PIZZA iRM"a\»;#/giaiR mmturn a UNTIL 9 00 150* OFF FRIDAY EVENINGS J ON YOUR NEXT PIZZA DHLS I ; west (Wed.-Sun.)Free east Open: WTIuir-1ill'Mill |».m. A Kri x >al nil p.m. L337-1639 Delivery 337-1377j Call 332-2416 for appt.. or Walk-In ARTHUR TREACHER'S Located above Sam's Clothing. Stairwell near Crossroads Imports f^ THE ORIGINAL Ti*l| FISH SANDWICH, Summer Students-Study This! Jacobean'# CHIPS, AND A DRINK ■ 50' Off Any Purchase of 9.00 or Hore. i HOME FASHIONS *1.25 Got the summer term blues? Cheer up and tab a summer study break, and you'll get a break SALE at Olga's Kitchen. Present this coupon to the cashier, and you'll get 50, off any purchase NOW THROUGH AUGUST 31 Any day from 10 a.m. to S p.m. of $2.00 of more. Coupon oxplroi August 1,1978 Fill your linen shelves with superb values Eat Horo - Take Home Try any of our delicious Olgas, or our tasty spinach pie, a crispy salad, fresh fries, SHEETS. PILLOW CASES. BEDSPREADS. or any combination of the really different, BLANKETS. TABLECLOTHS. CURTAINS and really delicious things to eat at Olga's. • MvnW Limit one coupon per cu: TOWELS all now at saving pricesl • WittWSMpB Coupon good now thru River. East Lansing : RtjMtN Sat., July 29,1978. 133 E. Grand |g e S East LaisiiK sttre rl MILMHm 11 ,| -11 —i i i The most exciting idea in eating since the sandwich! :■ Jacobsoris •••••••#••••••••••••••••••••••••• !■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■" ©ipDlfifelfi) Gag law is questionable Legislators must have had allegedly abducted and raped a have? something good in mind when they 20-year-old MSU woman last May Since the law unfortunately drafted the Michigan Criminal 20. Frank DeLuca, lawyer for one exists, we believe it should be Sexual Conduct Act of 1975, but of the accused men, pointed out to uniformly applied. Why aren't one statute in the law leaves us the judge that he had no choice — these protections granted auto¬ confused as to their intent. Protec¬ according to the statute he had to matically? Why is it that it is only tion was obviously the issue when suppress the names. DeLuca was applied when a lawyer requests it? they wrote: "Upon request of representing Nathan Glenn at the And why should the names of council or the victim or the actor in time, a teacher at Stockbridge suspected rapists be suppressed in a criminal sexual conduct case, the High School. Presumably, DeLuca the first place? magistrate... shall order that the was concerned for Glenn's reputa¬ names of the victim and actor and tion in the small town in case the We happen to think the law is a details of the alleged offense be charges were unfounded. It turns bad one. We also have serious suppressed until the actor is ar¬ out the charges were sufficient for doubts as to its constitutionality on raigned on information, the charge prosecution, and if DeLuca had a number of different grounds, is dismissed, or the case is any sort of relationship with his primarily First Amendment ones. otherwise concluded, whichever client he was probably aware of But before the law becomes comes first." that. He must at least have been challenged, it must be exercised — On the surface, the wording aware of the strength of the for everyone, not just small-town appears innocent and fair, but the prosecutor's case against the school teachers. Hopefully if it is statute raises many interesting three. Despite what DeLuca knew exercised enough it will become questions as to whose fairness the or didn't know, he was well aw are obvious to some with legal clout legislators were considering. Is it of the law. Even more than Judge that this particular statute is the alleged rapist or the person Bell, apparently, since Bell said he neither fair nor innocent. who was raped'.' Another question was "embarrassed and cha- raised is: Why are criminal sexual grinned" at having the law pointed MSlI's loss is Cushingberry's gain ■ induct offenses given special out to him by DeLuca. consideration over other equally heinous crimes? Is the social That DeLuca is an astute lawyer stigma that goes along with being cannot be denied. But does every¬ Michigan State University is affirmative action job, there is In some ways Pollock's firing appears her talents have been new accused of rape any worse than an one have the benefit of a DeLuca? sometimes run just like Detroit's recognized and her skills and no one running the Office of may serve as a catalyst for .ccusation of murder? Finally, the If the three men had been of the professional sports teams — as compassion will not be wasted Women's Programs. Granted, the progress in women's programs — juestion that begs to be asked is: type of socio-economic background soon as one of the up-and-coming after all. function of the office is not as especially women's sports — at How does this law get around First that would have forced them to use young players shows a little Perhaps the most significant crucial in the summer as it is MSU. We hope good candidates Amendment guarantees of the a court appointed lawyer, would promise, it seems they get traded irony to the whole affair is that in during the school year, but the for the director's position won't be public's right to know? the protection have been used? If away and become superstars on a very round-about way, Mary void created by Pollock's dismissal scared aw ay by the revolving-door Judge Robert Bell had no choice the judge doesn't even know the another city's team. Pollock will once again be dealing must be filled — and soon. reputation of the office. m the matter when he suppressed law, then what chance is there that Although Mary Pollock was not with Vice President Robert Per- the names of the three men who a court-appointed lawyer would traded away — she was fired — it rin, except instead of being a subordinate, she will be operating on equal footing. Pollock will be working as an advisor to Rep. DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau George Cushingberry's legislative affirmative action investigative 111 Tl" State News "1 1 port m./shd committee. Her function will be to who? did dh-oh.. know why i some sort Wednesdoy. July 26, N7H AND six mil- who?