VOLUME 72 NUMBER 127 WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 23, 1978 N MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING MICHIGAN 48824 5 NOT CAUSED BY ARSON, OFFICIALS SAY Fire hits WKAR By PAULA DYKE rangements could be made. radio, TV transmitters Richard Estell asked to be relieved of his State News Staff Writer Franzblau said one alternative would be managerial duties last spring, at the A fire which destroyed an estimated $1.5 the use of a portable radio transmitter. She time allegations were made regarding his milion worth of radio and television trans¬ said determined efforts will be made to pre¬ performance. mitting equipment broke out at the WKAR vent employee layoffs as a result of the fire. Employees at the station alleged that transmitter in Okemos Monday afternoon, Estell had double-billed travel expenses, Meridian Township fire officials said. Beginning today, WKAR-TV Channel 23 was involved in nepotism and was mis¬ will be broadcast via cable in an interim ar¬ managing the station. The fire was detected when WKAR-TV, WK AR-FM radio and "Radio Talking Book," rangement with East Lansing and Lansing Employees also alleged that Estell had a sub-channel service for the blind, sudden¬ public access cable systems. discriminated against female and minority ly lost power around 3:30 p.m. Monday, Page could not say how long replacement employees in granting merit raises. WKAR-TV appeared in the news again Robert Page, television station manager, of the highly-sophisticated television trans¬ said Tuesday. mitter equipment would take. when one of the station's new employees, An engineer at WKAR-TV on campus MaritaChoquette, 27, was reported missing The fire was the latest in a series of events in June. Choquette's body was found 12 days immediately drove out to the transmitter that have brought WKAR into the news later. site, located on Dobie Road across from the this year. Sullivan Glen subdivision, to check on the An autopsy revealed that she had died of Former WKAR radio station manager multiple stab wounds. problem,officials reported. When he arrived, a section of the wooden roof atop the block and brick structure was burning, Page said. The man went to a nearby house and con¬ tacted the fire department. Firefighters D.C. rep amendment arrived six minutes later. According to witnesses, the roof collapsed about 15 minutes after firefighters arrived. The exact cause of the blaze has not been sent for states' OK officially determined but fire officials have Courtesy ol Information Services ruled out the possibility of arson. They said By DALE NELSON "a gift on the morning breeze" to the A fire inside the WKAR broadcast transmitter in Okemos is brought under control by firefighters Monday they found no signs of forced entry into the Aaaoclated Press Writer 700,000 residents of the nation's capital. building. afternoon. WKAR television and FM radio suddenly went off the air when transmission equipment began to WASHINGTON (API - The Senate He said it would be "unfair to the states" Fire officials said the fire may have been smoulder. to allow the district to have two senators passed and sent to the state legislatures for burning for up to three hours before it was ratification Tuesday a constitutional amend¬ "without the corresponding responsibilities detected. and obligations of a state government." ment allowing District of Columbia voters Channel 23 and the FM station were re¬ to elect members of Congress as though But Sen. Robert Dole of Kansas, the 1976 ported Monday to he off the air "in¬ they were residents of a state. Kenya's president definitely." AM radio will continue to broad¬ Republican vice - presidential candidate, The vote was 67-32 one more than the reminded Senate Republicans that both cast as its transmitter is located on College — national political platforms endorsed voting Road and was not damaged. required majority of two-thirds of the 99 Page said the fire damage will be covered senators present. representation. by University insurance, which carries a Sen. James 0. Eastland. D-Miss., missed "The time has _ come for action and if a $100,000 deductible clause. the vote because he was on vacation in the political platform means anything, it means peaceful transition sought He said insurance inspectors began asses¬ Far East. Eastland voted against full we vote 'yes1/* D0|e sajd, sing damage Tuesday and would continue representation for the district the last time Republican' National Chairman William today. it came up. in 1971. Brock, a former Tennessee senator, was on University Controller Lowell Levi said must be ratified by 38 the $100,000 would probably come out of a of his death interspersed with religious to Kenyatta. One official said difficulties legislatures, three-fourths of those i By BRIAN JEFFRIES small account the University reserves for Associated Press Writer "are always possible because of tribal nation, to become part of the Constitution. uninsured losses. The legislatures will have seven years in NAIROBI. Kenya (AP) — President State Department officials in W ashington disagreements that can develop when a vacuum develops in any African nation." Mary Jo Franzblau, WKAR FM radio which to act. Jomo Kenyatta, who ruled this East said Moi is considered the logical promotion director, said Tuesday it would The Carter administration has worked to Sen. John Stennis, D-Miss., assailed the African nation with a firm, paternal hand take a few days for officials to determine maintain the good relations the Kenyatta throughout its 15 years of independence, what kind of alternative broadcasting ar¬ died peacefully in his sleep Tuesday, the government has long had with the West. government announced. Messages of praise and condolence on his death arrived from Britain and many black Kenyatta, a herdsboy and witch doctor's African states. grandson who eventually became a world¬ MSU students among wide symbol of black nationalism — and to many the embodiment of African terrorism Kenya's flags were ordered flown at half-staff until further notice. — was believed to be in his 80s, though he said he didn't know his age. J The Cabinet met for more than two hours in Nairobi but there was no word on what decisions were made. three killed in crash The announcement said he died at State House in the Indian Ocean resort and Kenyatta's moderate policies and his reconciliation with the British, who jailed shipping city of Mombasa and that his body was flown to the capital. him on suspicion of leading the bloody Mau The bodies of two MSU students and the Upper Peninsula: Stephen Andrew Mau uprising of the 1950s, helped make Shackles, 23. of Muskegon; and Dick Vice President Daniel Arap Moi, 57, was another man killed when the car they were Kenya one of the more stable, prosperous >g y Charles Jardot, 25, of Caro. quickly sworn in as acting president. riding in crashed into a utility pole, Political observers said the rapid swear¬ countries in black Africa. reportedly at a high rate of speed, and Shackles, an MSU senior last year ing-in probably was a sign of the govern¬ The British tagged the bulky, bearded exploded in flames were identified Tuesday majoring in electrical engineering and ment's determination to have a smooth Kenyan leader, who invariably carried a morning by Ingham County medical investi¬ former resident of Knob Hill Apartments transition. fly whisk, as "The leader of darkness and gators. Okemos, was identified death." but his degree of involvement in the The constitution requires elections within The victims were identified as Keith Chevrolet Nova which v uprising, one of the bloodiest in the African Robert Hemming. 24. of Bruce Crossing in 90 days. Moi is one of several likely liberation movement, was never clear, contenders. But he is not a member of Jomo Kenyatta icontinued on page Si Employed at Chrysler Corp. in Warren Kenyatta's dominant Kikuyu tribe and may this summer, Shackles had been visiting face stiff opposition from Cabinet members friends in the Lansing area. who are. Hemming, a senior majoring in history, Kenyatta died at about 3:30 a.m., but the Wdftfi:-v- had been living at Knob Hill Apartments and was a part-time employee for the death was not announced until midday. Shortly after the announcement two Ameri¬ Senate group wants University grounds department. His super¬ can-made F-5E fighter jets circled the visor described him as "a good worker, a capital in an apparent show of strength inside nice person to know." He was not enrolled in summer term. classes during meant to discourage disturbances. Kenya's 15 million people were urged to U.S.-Hanoi relations If you're nuts about nuts, "remain calm at this moment of our national The third victim, Jardot, was on leave youll go nuts over the nuts shock." WASHINGTON (API - A Senate mission recently returned from Vietnam called on from the Navy. story on page 12. The accident occurred early Monday on In Nairobi and Mombasa most businesses Tuesday for the United States to establish full relations with Hanoi and provide extensive closed and people headed home to listen to humanitarian aid to speed Vietnam's recovery from 15 years of war. Jolly Road a half-mile west of Okemos the radio, which repeated announcements In a related event, the Hanoi government announced it will return the remains of 11 Road. weather Americans killed in the Vietnam War to a U.S. congressional delegation that is in Hanoi for talks on bridging the gap in relations between the United States and its former Today will allegedly be sunny with a high in the mid-80s, McGOVERN FOR MULTI-NATIONAL FORCE Rep. G. V. Montgomery. D-Miss., told reporters Tuesday that procedures fur returning sources close to the State News the dead Americans have not yet been worked out. He said the identities of the dead would not be released until further tests. Cambodian intervention called for report. Tonight the sun will set in the west, fleeing from wide¬ In testimony before a Senate Judiciary subcommittee on refugees, which authorized ly-scattered thunderboomers. the Senate trip, the group declared that Vietnam has a pressing and in some cases critical need for food, medical supplies, fertilizer and other commodities. WASHINGTON (UPI) - Sen. George systematic slaughter of people by their own McGovern, D-S.D., campaigned for the Also, the mission said, responding to these needs would be helpful in restoring McGovern, who is calling for international country," he said in pressing his recom¬ presidential nomination in 1968 and for the American prestige in Southeast Asia. intervention against the brutal Cambodian mendation. presidency itself in 1972 on the platform of "Indeed, we have arrived at an historic decision point in our foreign policy.. where we regime, said Tuesday the world can no ending the war in Vietnam. now have an opportunity to do through peaceful means what we sought to do so long longer ignore the "systematic slaughter of And he was a leader of congressional through war: to protect U.S. national interests in Southeast Asia by assuring ietnam s \ people by their own country." efforts to end the Vietnam war by cutting independence from the domination of any outside power." the group said in its report. What he is proposing, said McGovern, is off funds to fight it. The study mission included Dr. Jean Mayer, president of Tufts University and an the creation of an international force to Monday he proposed creation of an internationally-known nutritionist; the Most Rev. Philip M. Hannan. Roman Catholic topple the communist leaders in the tiny international force to topple Cambodias archbishop of New Orleans; Dr. LaSalle Leffall, president elect of the American Cancer Southeast Asian nation. brutal communist leaders. Society, and Mildred Kaufman, chairperson of the food nutrition section of the American justified the Public Health Association. McGovern, an outspoken critic of U.S. The South Dakota Democrat involvement in Vietnam a decade ago, suggestion, made at a meeting of a Senate Appearing before the panel headed by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy. D Mass.. Mayer and the others said that among the worst problems with which the Vietnamese are trying to stressed in remarks Monday and repeated Foreign Relations subcommittee, by charg¬ Tuesday on ABC's "Good Morning Ameri¬ ing Pol Pot's government is engaging in cope is malnutrition, resulting not only from growing food shortages caused by the war but by what Mayer described as a "disastrous" drought. ca," that he is not calling for a U.S. military genocide that makes Hitler's efforts to exterminate the Jews "look very tame." The fall of the Saigon government in 1975 led to chaos that still keeps thousands of operation, but a multi-national force. families apart in Vietnam, many of them living in refugee camps where food and medical "I want no repetition of the American Cambodian leaders have liquidated more military operation that we had in the supplies are inadequate, the group said. than 1 million Cambodians out of a The study mission urged that the United States lift the trade embargo it imposed on 1960s," he said in the television interview. population of 8 million since taking power in Vietnam in 1976 because Hanoi regards it as a "punitive" act blocking reconciliation. The "I think it was a disaster then. It would April 1975, say some scholars, refugees and group said the United States also should pledge at least $10 million for the relief of be a disaster to repeat that." nongovernment experts. Cambodian refugees now in Vietnam. But as for Cambodia, McGovern said, "I find it very hard to believe a murderous U.S. officials will say only they are sure Kennedy, who sent a letter to Vietnamese Premier Pham Van Dong by way of the gang that may have killed in three years as hundreds of thousands have perished, group, released a reply in which the Vietnamese leader said: many as one-third of the people of that govern made clear he was not urging a "I share with you the optimism about the developments in the coming future that will country is very popular." reinvolvement of the United States "with serve to promote the resolution of questions which will require a settlement to proceed to "There is no excuse for us to ignore the Sen. George McGovern the U.S. Marines." the normalization of relations between our two countries in the interests of peace." Wednesday, August 23, 1978 2 Michigon Stote News, Eost loosing Michigon Carter starts 80-mile river trip By MAUREEN SANTINI Associated Press Writer ON THE SALMON RIVER. Idaho (AP) - President Carter and his family embarked Tuesday in steady rain upon a costly, elaborately prepared rubber raft adventure down an isolated 80 mile stretch of the pristine Salmon River. Carter, his wife, Rosalynn, with their children. Amy, Chip and Jack, left the Rodeway Inn in Boise. Idaho, at dawn under cloudy skies and flew by helicopter to Indian creek where they began Hanoi says China aiding Cambodia their three-day run down the Middle Fork of the Salmon River. It was raining on the river, but about 90 minutes downstream HANOI, Vietnam (UPI) — Chinese Asked if Chinese troops were taking a President Carter stopped to fish. troops and heavy artillery are fighting direct part in the fighting, Diem said The presidential party caught three cutthroat trout, but they "Yes." were in an area where conservation rules required that they throw with Cambodian forces in the border war them back. aginst Vietnam. Hanoi officials said He said Peking has dispatched 130mm Carter was dressed in blue jeans and a blue denim jacket. Before today. artillery to the Cambodians. "The Cam¬ entering the boat, he commented: "It's beautiful ... I feel good The Vietnamese leaders made the bodians are incapable of operating such already." charge in private talks with an American big guns. Diem said. "They are being The presidential party arrived at the embarkation point in three Congressional delegation and then re¬ manned by Chinese." helicopters. peated the allegation to U.S. reporters They set afloat in four rafts, one carrying the Carter family He said the Vietnamese have captured traveling with the mission. another Secret Service agents, another Secretary of Interior Cecil Vietnamese spokesperson Ngo Dien at least one of the big Chinese guns. D. Andrus and his family, and the fourth members of the Carter President Carter waves to onlookers as he sets oil on a three-day rait trip with told the reporters Peking has sent Diem said the Cambodians have staff and reporters. his family and Secretary of the Interior Cecil Andrus down the Salmon River. "advisers and cadre" to aid the Cambo¬ increased their army from three divisions As Carter's raft pulled away from the dock, he snapped a dian troops battling on the Vietnamese of about 5.000 men to about 20 divisions photograph of the reporters and photographers with a camera border. because of Chinese aid. hung around his neck, "to remind me of what I am leaving," he Israelis announce anti-terrorist plan said. The Carter party was traveling down river at a speed of about Ford starts Pinto recall five miles an hour, about a third normal speed. The river was DETROIT (UPI) - Ford repair parts are being of fiery Pinto crashes led Ford about three feet deep, where it is usually six feet deep. They now TEl AVIV, Israel (UPI) — Israeli exploded it harmlessly in a nearby field. Motor Co., over the objections assembled that will make the to announce the recall in June, expected to make 30 miles of the planned 80-mile trip the first day. of consumer advocate Ralph removed its authorities announced a large-scale It was the 12th bomb found in 10 days. "It's probably been three years since I have been in a sleeping fuel tanks on 1971-1976 Pinto objections to the anti-terrorist exercise in major popula¬ Organizers of committee to help Nader, said Tuesday it is pro¬ and Bobcat sedans less suscep¬ repair plan Monday after Ford a bag," Carter told reporters when he arrived in Boise Monday prevent bomb attacks said they will pay a ceeding with the recall of 1.5 tible to explosions and fires revised and tested it last week. tion centers today as part of precautions night. that have killed at least 59 $550 reward Wednesday to a man who "I understand it is an unprecedented vacation for a president, million Pintos and Bobcats for a to ward off a new guerrilla attack before but I have been looking forward to this for a long time." He added: fuel tank modification that, persons since 1975. But Nader, in a letter Mon¬ the Camp David summit. Police dis¬ found an explosive charge and alerted "I am an old canoeist and kayaker." federal officials say, should The National Highway Traf¬ day to Ford chairperson Henry mantled a bomb in Jerusalem. police. make the cars safer. Ford II, called the repair plan Interior Secretary Andrus and his wife, Carol, accompanied the fic Safety Administration, The small explosive device was found I m not saying we're solving all the A Ford spokesperson said whose investigation of a series "a cheap technical fix" in the renovated Jewish quarter of the problems, but if we can save one life, it's presidential party down the so-called River of No Return. walled Old City, a predominantly Arab enough for me.' said Eliezer Shiloni. section resettled after the 1967 war when head of the group and director of the SHOPPERS, STUDENTS, it was annexed by Israel. governments coins and medals corpora¬ HAVE A Police took the device away and tion. Coalition government forms in Ireland CUP &>AHALF Iceland (UPI) The prime minister, the sources said, and the REYKJAVIK. Communists have reached agreement — foreign ministry portfolio would go to the FOR LUNCH TODAY with two other parties to form a majority Social Democrats. ... a cup of our own fresh made soup government in this strategic NATO Although the Communists have always of the day ■ plus, half of one of country, political sources said Tuesday. insisted in their party program that The sources said the Communists, the hearty sandwiches: Iceland should leave NATO and that the Social Democrats and the middle-of-the (the Roast Beast, CB Sub, Americans should vacate Keflavik, road Progressive Party have agreed on Josefsson said last week he was WE'VE GOT MORE Vegetarian, the Madness or economic policies and the Communists one of four others, dropping the demand since his coalition have agreed not to disturb Iceland's partners would not go along. THAN SHOWS ON $1.85 or less standing in NATO or ask the removal of 3,000 U.S. soldiers from the Keflavik Air The country has been in the hands of a THE SURFACE Base. caretaker government since June 25, ludvik Josefsson, leader of the com¬ when general elections showed a swing to the left. 25 sandwiches munist People's Alliance, will become to choose from v & J)rink "Establishment Galley Ay r Sub Shop 2580 E. Grand River (next to Coral Gables) 3S1 ■ 0304 Styliiif! b\ professional cosmetologists iff- P, anything table at m any kind of of T-shirts Sports Lettering for as little as ®6. OO Despite seizures, marijuana abounds WASHINGTON (AP) - Despite mos- intercept only about 10 percent of the sive seizures of marijuana, an increased flow, he added. federal effort to halt drug smuggling Chafee was testifying before the Senate subcommittee on juvenile delin¬ apparently is not cutting seriously into the supply of marijuana, Sen. John quency on behalf of legislation which he Chafee, R-R.l., said Tuesday. has introduced that would strengthen the "Despite the fact that U.S. drug powers of the Coast Guard to combat the * enforcement officials have confiscated smuggling of marijuana and other illegal SPORTS LETTERING . Open: Mon-Thurs till 9:00 |i.m. more than 3.1 million pounds of mari¬ drugs. 2227 W. Grand Rivar. Ok.mo,, Ml. 48864 \ Fri & Sal fill 6:00 p.m. juana during the first three quarters of Currently, the Coast Guard can seize fiscal year 1978 — twice as much as was ships and their drug cargo on the high seized all last year — there has been no seas under special circumstances. How¬ Call 332-2416 for appt., or Walk-In noticeable effect on its price at the retail level," committee. Chafee told a Senate sub¬ ever persons on the possessing illegal narcotics high seas cannot be convicted unless the intent to smuggle the drugs Canon Located above Sam's Clothing, Stairwell near Crossroads Imports "U.S. officials estimate that they into the United States can be shown. activists Some schools may WASHINGTON (UPI) —Civil welcomed the government's first step toward across-the-board eli¬ rights lose lax exemption "If schools cannot make such show¬ ings, the service will consider the schools to be racially discriminatory and tax imm THE PLLE-EY mination of the tax-exempt status on exemption will be revoked or denied," hundreds of private acodemies establish¬ the IRS said. ed for white children fleeing integrated Gifts to qualified private schools — a schools. major source of revenue — are tax deductible as charitable contributions The government action, formally pro¬ under IRS regulations. The government posed Tuesday by the Internal Revenue now must prove discrimination to revoke Service, would require private elemen¬ such exemptions. tary and secondary schools — including religious schools — to prove the absence of racial discrimination to qualify for Real value . _ tax-exempt status. In a GREAT camera! $17995 with case Texas oil magnate faces new charges at Norman's FORT WORTH. Twos (AP)- Port ol the cast of the drama which unfolded at judge in Davis' bitter and drawn-out divorce trial. I * ' Cullen Davis' murder trial last year reassembled Tuesday at a bond hearing It is Judge Eidson that Davis is accused of trying to have killed. now DOUBLE for the millionaire oil magnate, now lawyers, the DIGIT NIT€ Davis's crack team of charged with trying to hire a hit man. It was exactly one year ago Tuesday that Davis' murder trial Amarillo on charges of started killing his stepdaughter at his $6 million mansion. in same which defended him in the murder trial, was on hand Tuesday. It included Richard Racehorse" Haynes of Houston; his law partner, Donn Fullenweider; Phil Burleson and Bill Magnussen of Dallas. NORMAN CAMIRA COMPANY Gv,| ■ . -r He was tried and acquitted on a charge of capital murder arising out of two killings Before the hearing, defense and 10W. MICHIGAN MALL on I'IR'H'Y-; ■; at his palatial Fort Worth mansion. prosecution lawyers huddled with Judge Authur Tipps. a retired judge from BATTLE CREEK. MICH. 49014 L Somewhat ironically, the lead-off wit¬ ness at that trial was Joe Eidson, the Wichita Falls who is hearing the case. MAIL ORDER SPECIALISTS 616/965-7285 VISA AND MASTER CHARGE Michigan State News, East laming, Michigan Wednesday. August 23. 1978 3 :•!»> 5 :, WW LIBERAL ARTS AMONG EXPANDING FIELDS U.S. job market booms The council cited chemical and electrical fields." he said. "But it is most severe in By MICHAEL MEGERIA.N State News Staff Writer engineering and liberal arts as fields of chemical engineering and it's not leveling The biggest boom in years for college increased expansion. off. Essentially, all students are placed." Donald Anderson, chairperson of MSU's A 39 percent increase in on-campus graduates receiving bachelor degrees is the recent assessment of the job market by the chemical engineering department, said he interviewing for all jobs has occurred in the does not know of any graduates from MSU last two years, said Gail Braverman, College Placement Council. who do not have jobs. director of MSG Placement Ser- The council reported job offers to bachelor's degree recipients increased over "Enrollments have doubled in the last four years," he said, "but there are more Braverman said a great number of one-third from last year and have almost doubled since 1976. openings than ever." openings exist in business and engineering Anderson said several factors account for fields, but the engineering demand runs in the expanding market, namely increasing cycles. technology, environment-related problems "Right now we are in a cycle where and other areas where an engineering engineers are in demand." she said. Competition background is needed. "Enrollments are up in all engineering Braverman said demand (continued on is page heaviest in the 8) forces store to shut down Students give opinion Olin's health fee Stote News/Bob Stern The Womenself Bookstore in the Univer¬ Barrel racing was just one of the many contests held during the 4-H horse show and exhibit which was behind sity Mall on M.A.C. Ave. will close its doors on MSU's power plant Tuesday afternoon. at the end of August. The bookstore which opened three years ago, cited competition By GREG ABBOTT as the biggest reason for its closing. GERI SULLIVAN Cindy Kruska, manager, said many area and LEEWYATT women have expressed sadness about the utility rights slated Most MSU students are upset about the $18 health fee that will be tacked onto their Hearing on closing of the store. "Many women feel comfortable in this type of a store and have referred to it as a women's space," she explained. registration fee beginning fall term. One-third of the 30 students who responded to an informal survey Tuesday did not know about the additional fee, but when told of it, they almost unanimously objected to the discontinuance of residential gas ers receiving assistance on a regular basis the i Proposed rules to protect utility cus¬ govern from any county social services agency if When the bookstore first opened. Kruska from Grosse tomers from having their heat cut off in the and electric service, a spokesperson for the "They did a sneaky thing by putting it through in the summe r the agency guarantees payment of the said, it was the only one in the area that winter will be the subject of public hearings Public Service Commission and sponsor of Pointe said. "It should be put up to a vote by the students. customer's bill. stocked women's literature. held next Wednesday. the hearings, said. "Women's literature is a hot item now," "Their tOlin Health Center) diagnosis is always poor, either you're pregnant or have The utilities also could not disconnect the The proposed rules would revise the The rules would prohibit regulated a cold," she added. service of customers receiving welfare aid she said, "and more and more of the "Consumers Bill of Rights" and would utilities from cutting off service of custom- bookstores in East Lansing are carrying The MSU Board of Trustees approved the $18 health fee at their July meeting to for at least 14 days after notice of pending this type of literature." comply with the state Legislature's decision that university health services be paid for shut-offs were sent, the spokesperson said. Kruska said high overhead and books by student and user fees. Friends or relatives of customers would being a low-profit item also contributed to In the past, the University incorporated the annual health budget into its general Annual flushing time be notified of another pending shut-offs under proposed rule requiring utilities to mail a copy of the shut-off notice to a third the closing of the store. "Perhaps if we had volunteer labor we fund. "It should be noted that this separately-identified fee does not represent an increase in total fees charged to students, rather it is a mechanism to permit separate party if requested by the customer. could have made it, but our employees were accounting of health center revenue and expenditures," President Edgar L. Harden The Physical Plant Division will be performing their annual flushing and testing of fire Welfare agencies would also receive trying to make a living from working here." hydrants beginning Sept. 8 and ending Sept. 15. notices under that rule. she said. "We gave our all but it just didn't (continued on page 8) A discoloration of the water supply throughout the campus will occur during this time. The hearings begin at 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 work." The discoloration is caused by iron particles from deep rock wells and is perfectly safe p.m. in Long's Convention Center, 6810 S. Kruska said the bookstore has no plans to for human consumption. Cedar St. in Lansing. reopen again at any time in the future. University _ of Michiqa Hospitals (§)|pDln)D(o)ini A commission to PSC serve corporate interest - or the public's? The Michigan Public Service Commission, like by the call, rather than the current system of spread¬ other commisions of its kind, has had to grapple with ing the total costs among all phone customers. the public apprehension that surrounds all regula¬ This is the third time this request has been filed. A recent survey shows the people of Michigan favor the tory commissions. The commission, which regulates non-municipal proposal six to one. It will save money for an esti¬ utilities, has failed to gain the public confidence in mated 90 percent of Bell telephone users. the past. They have permitted utilities to easily re¬ Michigan Bell profits will not be affected by the cover dollars lost through bad investments and poor proposed change. Money made off one customer will be credited to the accounts of others, — those who management by rubber stamping their rate-increase requests. hardly ever use Directory Assistance. If the PSC Their staunch defense of the corporate view while would grant the request it would effectively show that it is responsive to consumer interests. seemingly ignoring public interest and demands has served to fuel the apprehension. But no commission is a perfect defender of the pub¬ The Public Service Commission .has, however, lic's rights and the PSC has recently been proving hinted at helping consumers in recent months. While this true. the corporate interest has still been closely defended A suit filed by Attorney General Frank Kelley by the PSC, the commission has been a bit more charges that the PSC violated its rules in granting at benevolent in its rule. the same time both a $19.8 million interim gas rate Innocence lost A set of senior-citizen rates was recently ap¬ hike and an increase in the authorized rate of return on common stock for the Consumers Power Com¬ proved by the PSC. These rates will provide some on the highway economic relief to Consumers Power's customers pany. The suit says that the PSC may not decide both Sure, I use all seven of those words with a over 65 saving as much as 20.2 percent on their elec¬ questions at the same time. 'Serious' writers lot more thrown in for good measure in the In your August 18 editorial you »ay the tric bills. The rates are a first in Michigan and were That apparent impropiety is bad enough, but course of conversation. But, time and place cross-campus highway should be built "far another issue, beyond the rate-of-return question, dictate their use. I was taught in journalism enough south, like around Mt. Hope or Jolly definitely long overdue. But concern for senior citizens, many on low re¬ deserves attention. The attorney general was not above expletives school and from my job experience after¬ wards that the serious writer must remain roads." Why not right next 1-96? Then there wouldn't be any more "noise" for given sufficient opportunity to present arguments MSU students. No one would use it, either. tirement or assistance incomes, should not end with I guess the dirtiest word in the English above all that. Take those words for what against the increased rate of return for the public. Your article reflects the kind of thinking Consumers Power's electric customers. Senior To address only the question whether or not the rule language according to Renaldo Migaldi tl)ey are: expletives normally used in conversation just to kill time and get that led to the route's downfall in 1972. citizen rates ought to be extended to other utilities (State News, Aug. 18) is "censorship." I applies would ignore the necessity for public repre¬ don't think so, and I don't think that other attention. Using them any other way is just Besides, don't act so innocent. A good and other necessary energy sources. It's a good idea sentation in the regulation of utilities. plain crude; like turning a small burp into a share of the "traffic congestion" on Grand responsible journalists do either. that shouldn't be kept under wraps. The public must be represented. And this repre¬ He suggests that a "tiny band of belch. Obviously, Migaldi hasn't learned the River now comes from MSU students. Why printed word is much more sacred than that. should you feel so bad about sharing the Shutting off the energy of non-paying elderly cus¬ sentation should not be denied simply because the publishers, editors, broadcasters . . . and advertisers" have banned the use of the Journalism is a skill and an art used to load? tomers has proved fatal to some over past winters. attorney general's staff was misled or caught off "seven dirty words" by threatening the job record events accurately and concisely. Ken Fettig PSC has finally recognized that heated homes are a guard. security of any journalist using them. There is no room for expletives. Migaldi 324 Linton Hall need as basic as the home itself. Migaldi concludes his basic argument by concludes that people who are offended by The commission is bound to stumble occasionally. his words should realize that he has a "right" EDITOR'S NOTE: Contrary to Fettig'a Rules proposed by the PSC would prevent, or at saying that, in the end, the reason why he, Luckily we have the attorney general to watch over as a journalist, isn't allowed to use the kind to express himself in any way he sees fit. He assertion, the Aug. 18 editorial did ack¬ least delay until sufficient notice is given, shutoffs of them as a representative of the people. If the com¬ of language that he obviously has on his mind should realize that readers have a right not nowledge that East Lansing's congestion power. mission represented the people the way it is sup¬ is because of "totally irrational and pointless to read that sort of shallow material. problems are a direct result of MSU and its Fortunately, those novice journalists who students. Also, the thinking in 1972 was These rules are basically centered around welfare pseudo-moral prejudices." Heady words, posed to, though, they wouldn't have to worry about indeed, but what it simply means is that his don't learn this lesson quickly don't stay in that is shouldn't be built at all. We, recipients and regular clients of social services the attorney general and his staff. bosses understand the limits of acceptable the profession long enough to do any harm. however, have accepted the highway's agencies. The anti-shutoff policy should be extended Still, the Michigan Public Service Commission has taste and won't let him use the words he Thomas W. Hurley necessity and realize MSU must share some made significant strides in recent months. Their feels he must to adequately express himself. WKAR-TV of the load. to users who, for one reason or another, aren't regu¬ lar clients of the agencies as well. decisions, like on shut-offs, can and should be ex¬ This is a definite step in the right direction. Mat¬ tended to other areas, but this is something that has ters of life and death should not balance on a few dol¬ to be done as case at a time. Hopefully, that is what KIM SHANAHAN lars. In this case the public good far outweighs any the commission is doing. corporate interest in profits. Like any other government agency, the Public Another, unrelated case pending before the PSC Service Commission moves at a snail's pace. We could also make the commission look good in the pub¬ should be patient with them, but we should also lic eye. The case asks the commission to permit Michigan Bell to charge for Directory Assistance use never let the PSC forget whose interests they were set up to protect. They owe the truth Transportation bill calls So James Earl Ray is been given a chance apparently a liar who never should have to testify and further confuse an already-dazed House Assassinations Committee? Actually, yes he is a liar and he probably never should have been given the refused to touch the evidence. Both sides were committed to the no-conspiracy angle of the lone assassin and any such evidence would have blown the trial off its designated course. If the above is true — and many aside from "assassination opportunity to spew his falsehoods. conspiracy buffs" believe it is — then there are a million legislative expediency unanswered questions. Even more tragic is that these unanswered for But to say all the other major assassination investigations are a waste of taxpayers' time and money because the only thing likely to come of them is more confusion and lies, is a frightening questions have never even been officially asked. For the last 10 years, two California-based investigative prospective. reporters, William Turner and Jonn Christian, have been Election years always seem to — considered to have its strongest paign promises they are making Should that argument ever carry enough weight to actually documenting testimony and digging beyond official police reports in an attempt to fill in the holes in a fantastic conspiracy and have a way of dooming legislation support from Michigan Demo¬ about fiscal conservatism for just bring about the demise of the committee or some like body, then that everyone acknowledges is crats. In addition, Fitzgerald is two weeks, Michigan could have there will be a sizable portion of this country who will fairly or cover-up plot. They have stated their case quite completely in their the outgoing chairperson of the what it should have had 10 years unfairly say, "Ah-ha, further proof of the government's recently-published book (July 1978) and have manged to convince necessary but hardly anyone involvement in the cover-up." super-prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi that what they have concluded wants to openly support. Such is Senate Highways and Transporta¬ ago. The bipartisan support is If the committees are disbanded for such flimsy reasons, then is true. the case with the statewide trans¬ tion Committee, making him an definitely there, given the fact the most crucial investigation; the one containing the most glaring In fact, Bugliosi (the Manson family prosecutor and author of even more likely candidate to lead that both of state's party ideo¬ official version; the one that has the most Helter Skelter) fell for their story so hard that he ran for the portation package that is on the holes in its California Attorney General's seat on a platform that he would set a statewide call for the bill's logues have supported the bill, but circumstantial evidence of conspiracy and a subsequent coverup, agenda waiting for the return of would be ended before it ever saw the light of judicial day. That of up a blue-ribbon panel of independent scientific investigators to Michigan's legislators on Sept. 5. passage. we will have to wait and see if the course, would be the investigation of the assassination of Robert F. reopen the Kennedy assassination for the first time. Bugliosi lost Governor Milliken, in a sur¬ Time is the crucial element in rest of Michigan's leaders deserve narrowly to a personal friend of the publisher of the Los Angeles Kennedy. prising yet crafty political move, the transportation bill. Should the title. RFK was assassinated June 4,1968, in the Ambassador Hotel in Times, one of the conservative bastions of southern California was the first public official run¬ Headlee's tax limitation referen¬ downtown Los Angeles. The subsequent investigation was politics. The legislative conservatives conducted by the Los Angeles Police Department — specifically So the assassination of Robert Kennedy has never been ning for office to come out force¬ dum pass, a lid will be put on state are right on a few points — taxes SUS — Special Unit Senator. investigated since Sirhan was convicted as a lone assassin over fully for the passage of the pack¬ spending retroactive to Oct. 1 — The FBI tried to conduct a parallel investigation but was eight years ago. The city of Los Angeles has refused to review the are abominable and any additional age. He was quick to say that he the day the state's official fiscal thwarted by LAPD many steps along the way. During Sirhan case and sticks by the evidence used years ago. The state has taxes levied on Michigan tax¬ also never reinvestigated the case, even with new evidence hoped William Fitzgerald, his year begins. Sirhan's trial, the only official police evidence used was that Democratic opponent, wouldn't That means the Michigan Legi¬ payers should be gone over with a collected by LAPD — the FBI was never asked by defense or surfacing since its 1969 grand jury investigation. And even more slature will have only 15 days — fine-toothed comb before they are prosecutor to verify or dispute LAPD's finding. If they had been distressing is that the federal government has refused to get into jeopardize the bill's success by the case in any form whatsoever. There has never been a from Sept. 5 to Sept. 20 — to pass slapped on an unwitting public. asked, the FBI's information would have contradicted or at least bringing up the spectre of tax qualified many of LAPD's most crucial contentions. Warren-like report; their has never been extensive counter justice limitation. this much-needed piece of legisla¬ But the taxes imposed as a result The most glaring flaw is LAPD's contention that only eight department investigations like the kind that discredited James His statement was obviously for tion. Considering the elements in¬ of the transportation package's , Earl Ray and the House Assassination Committee has flatly bullets were fired on that fateful night and that all eight were fired the benefit of news copy, since it is volved, it almost appears as an im¬ passage are necessary and would from the eight-shot revolver traced to Sirhan. The FBI determined refused to review the RFK case. in fact, provide a substantial re¬ that no fewer than 11 bullets were fired and up to 16 could have This federal oversight is beginning to look less like an oversight highly unlikely Fitzgerald will possible dream. But if legislators been fired. If this is true and the FBI says it is — then the official every day. If nothing else, the federal government owes it to us to turn on taxpayer's investment. — lobby against the vital legislation can forget about the empty cam- LAPD line is either a patented lie or an inexcusable example of discredit the fantastic allegations that are being made by RFK The taxes — a two-cent levy on shoddy police work. conspiracy "buffs" as they have done so effectively with the James every gallon of gasoline sold and a Even more damaging is that both defense and prosecution knew Earl Ray-Mark Lane allegations. Anything less would make things weight tax on automobile licenses of the extra-bullet allegations before Sirhan's trial and both smell worse than they already do. — are both easy to live with and actually quite progressive. DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau Both will have a tendency to in¬ hibit the use of gas-consuming mi.mpftomtMis i&.MUUHfinOU YOU'RE ABOUT Wednesday August 23, 1978 monsters and could in fact, force TMWGB8N6DeW> ATLEAST mi BUT PROBABLY DONT TO Ml ME Editorials ore the opinions of the State News mswwAsAtme mi imjisuHOAR- imnsw. WiEMET fTTOOK Viewpoints, columns automobile makers to produce EVERWE. WO MRS. and letters are personal opinions. BirumiimoBmr KNOW. BTTRATESSUCH ETHtCSCOM- lighter, more efficient autos. . immcsamms.. / C0MPLAJNT5! mm. Editorial Department The Detroit Free Press has said Editor m chief James L Smith Phofo Editor KathyKilbury Rep. William Ryan is probably the Managing Editof David Misialowski Kim 5hanohan kniertamment Editor Dave DiMartino only man in Michigan who can Sports Editor Mike Klocke Opinion Editor Michelle Chambers Layout Editor Deborah Heyvvood assure the passage of the bill with¬ Patricio LoCroix Copy Chief Kermefhf Porker in 15 days, but he doesn't have a Staff Representative Daniel J Hilbert prayer of a chance unless indivi¬ dual legislators can get off their Advertising Department campaign high horses and get Adverhung Manager Bob Shaffer . Assistant Advertising Manager GinoSponiolo down to the state's most basic of needs. Michigon Stote News, Eost Loosing, Michigon Wednesday, August 23, 1978 5 New in paperback: EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of a weekly column that will be featured on the Shakely's debut: of sadness State News book page. Paper¬ songs back books - whether reprints of hardcover editions or paper¬ back originals — will be given capsule reviews by various WOtTWING Guilty Bystander than cracked glass: cracked So there's something for State News writers, and hard¬ by Lauren Shakely artfully perhaps but still sad everyone here: real sorrow for real poetry lovers, and plenty cover originals will be featured, Random House, N.Y.C. glass. Lauren Shakely, like all of us, of highbrow "sophisticated" in greater depth, elsewhere on $4.95 the page. Reviewed by RENALDO seems to have some problems: opacity for the literary beard M1GALDI she makes no bones about professors. The poems that work, work because of their LUCIFER'S HAMMER by Yes, an interesting book by a them, choosing instead to blunt Larry Niven and Jerry Pour "new" poet, "new" in the sense them up front and honest, like simplicity and tightness, plus their unabashed honesty, which nelle (Fawcett Crest 2 3599*. of this being her first published she lets us know how she drinks redeems a number of poems $2.50): As another end-of the collection of poems; yes, well- a lot alone in bars apparently, here that would otherwise be world novel, Lucifer's Hammer constructed and competent and feels the past exert itself condemnable for their obses¬ doesn't quite approach Ray craft; yes, dense construction constantly in spasms of angst: Milland's film Panic in Year as is the fashion these days; sion w/self pity. Zero for pure beiievability. yes. (".../look out the window/for a The nicest ones of all, though, though in some ways it is well IiOok first upon the cover of the like "Monster passionate man, preferably/ are ones done. This writing team, res this book: an interesting silvery Heart," which affirm a childlike one who would work and sigh as ponsible for the excellent The sheen with a ghostly hand (and beautiful and admirable) hard/as salmon do, swimming Mote in God's Eye and Inferno. reaching to shut the door of faith in the power of love: havi tiled upstream,/but all i see are possibility, the back is a photo vagrants on park benches,/men "Think of it:/the monster slightly pulped up approach of Lauren Shakely with two heart/the heart that ate New here in which character de¬ and women, opening and great vast piercing eyes looking closing/their hands.") York,/a heart that solves argu¬ velopment seems occasionally sad and lonely in her stately old ments between lovers/by offer¬ stereotyped and the plot, at wooden chair just glimpsly ing to love them both/if they times, underdeveloped. The You may have a hard time visible, just below her arm: promise to keep quiet. .." book's basic premise — that a insecurity leaning upon tradi¬ understanding many of these Now that's nice. Shakely is comet striking the earth would tion but not quite happy, she poems, for Shakely's work is wreak havoc but not total looks about to slip and fall to Lauren Shakely rather fashionably opaque. But no genius, but is a very good destruction — may be right or the floor. enough is here to make it poet: try and read her stuff, even if $4.95 is a bit more than it may be wrong, but the actual evident that if you're willing to Her poems are often in¬ you'd want to pay for 42 physical results of such an secure, or rather they are well- the short side, no long rolling poems like self-contained cut really read these things a few times over again and again slightly erratic in • quality oecurance are underplayed crafted songs of sadness, in¬ jazz hymns here: this is the gems, sometimes dazzling, and here in favor of developing a security, alienation, etc. all on school of tight construction, of sometimes no more imposing you'll find something satisfying. poems. soap-opera like cast of charac¬ ters. In all, the novel is fun reading but essentially a shal¬ life into the past low effort. Farb's 'Humankind' breathes THE AMITYVILLE HOR ROR: A TRI E STORY by Jay tern of hominid evolution. creased social inequality, more Humankind Farb was apparently aware of few words are wasted. The book Anson I Bantam 11660 6. $2.50i: bulges with concepts from tri¬ The first societies were rela¬ control over the environment Given that this work is indeed The protagonist, an American guessing the identity of the the consciousness-raising value killer until very close to the By Peter Farb vial to monolithic. For example: tively simple hunting-gather¬ and rending changes in tradi¬ Indian called Youngman Duran. of his book when he decided to non-fiction, Anson's tale is very- Houghton Mifflin Co. •cities of the dead (grave¬ ing bands of nomads. Agricul¬ tional social institutions. And in becomes involved in Indian book's climax. The plot's incur de-sex the English language. much more frightening than $9.95 paperbound shorter time, industriali¬ drugs and magic and eventually poration of sex and violence at Not once does he refer to "Man" yards) acrose before cities of the ture, though it requires more even a The Exorcist or similar fictional Reviewed by KEN PARKER calorie of energy zation gave way to moderniza¬ halts the mysterious migration alternate intervals, combined Driving the lonesome high¬ or "mankind." When speaking living. Indeed, the former, with energy per tales. The story of a family that with the shifting perspective of attendent rituals and sense of produced, enabled humanity to tion, the stage the "advanced" moves into a house seemingly of bats at the book's climax. to Lansing early one ayem, of a profession, he is as likely to the hunters and the police, way expand its numbers since child¬ world is in today. Characters here again are call a nurse "he" as is to call an ownership, were one reason "possessed" by evil spirits. The my brain adrift in contented fog. humans urbanized; ren became more of an asset Modernization is a sort of con¬ weakly developed, and the makes for rapid and very- curious thought struck me; entrepreneur "she." Amityville Horror has all the interesting reading. Highly- a This, in itself, is an achieve¬ •contrary to popular opinion, than a liability. Because farm¬ solidation phase in which hu¬ markings of a very real, very most interesting character — could a person living 10,000 manity is assessing the impact recommended. the hunter-gatherer way of life ing tied people to the land, it strange situation. Anson's ap Hayden Paine, a maniacal bat- years ago have remotely ima¬ ment. English does not easily contributed to the next major of technological change and killer - is unfortunately down¬ gined the scene unfolding before lend itself to de-sexing. "chair provided a better diet than agri- proach — just the facts, with man" becomes "chairperson" being more conscious of its rela¬ little emotional dressings — played when he. rather than me - headlights dispelling tionship to its environment. Duran. should have been Night- darkness as scenery drones by without undue trouble, and and the peculiar number of MICHAELMAS by Algis J at 60 mph? Suddenly I had a even begins to sound natural But the ideas the language presents are the The geometric acceleration of loose ends in the book make the wing's main character. If given Budrys (Berkley 0 425 0381 2. after awhile. But what about meat of any book, and Humankind is far from change and population growth tale all the more terrifying. The the right film treatment — $1.95): A superb novel. vivid image of some prehistoric leads Farb to envision a world John Boorman's surrealistic human standing at the (future) "fisherman"? Roget (as in the deficient. Virtually every sentence conveys reader is left to contemplate Michaelmas fictionalizes a sort state in which humanity gradu¬ work in Exorcist II is what I'm Owossoexit, watching the moon thesaurus) suggests "piscador," whether the events told are of futurized Walter Cronkite but somehow that doesn't make information; few words are wasted... ally becomes more integrated indeed truth or fiction — and especially thinking of — the who, through links with Domi glide across the sky just as I and social stratification is re¬ book's lack of depth might have done countless times. And it. "Angler" rolls off the tongue the latter alternative isn't par¬ no, his massive computer com human adaptation urbaniza¬ duced. He is an incurable opti¬ easily he compensated for. nicely, but includes only fishing culture and required fewer — ticularly pleasant. An excellent effectively I have more in com¬ . it hit me: mist in this respect, but his con¬ with this protoperson with hooks, and so has a hours; tion. work. " manages t i control the world, mon •social inequality derived Farb is often critical of city clusion is well-supported by the a 24-hour frame than I ever imagined. subtly-different meaning. Then evidence he discusses. And if his THE HINTERS by Clark there's "showmanship." "Show from agriculture, which for the life, emphasizing its negative Howard tjove Y-4710. $1.95): A work, the novel is a fast-mov¬ This observation was spurred views sound Marxist in places, NIGHTWING by Martin man" translates into "enter¬ first time made uneven distri¬ impact on the majority of indivi¬ surprisingly well-written novel, ing, extremely well written tale directly by Peter Farb's duals, but also recognizes its it's a safe bet Farb adopted Cruz Smith (Jove B4543.12.25): Humankind, an impressive book tainer," but even Roget bution of property possible. The Hunters tells two stories: that is conceptually fascinating. them not as some political philo¬ "Soon to be a major motion wouldn't take a shot at "show¬ Many hunter-gatherer societies benefits to society as a whole, Budry's skill is remarkable; the combining recent data from all that of four hunters out on their have no words for "war" or which include increased trade sophy, but as the only logical picture," this book's back cover climax, in which Domino suffers humanistic fields of science. manship." And concert re¬ future for our social species. blares, something that is entire¬ annual hunting trip, and that of "hate;" and sharing of ideas. Writing, the equivalent of a mechanical Farb has succeeded in breathing viewers insist on using it. ly believable considering this the entire Los Angeles police •because the transfer of one spinoff of urbanization, was Despite Farb's acknowledge¬ force, attempting to find the breakdown, is easily life into our prehistoric past, Farb pulls it off without ment of the megalithic prob¬ novel's simplistic plot which nervous short-term to long-term mem¬ invented to record economic killer of one of their men. One the most enthralling piece of demonstrating that ancient, sounding contrived, which is a lems facing us, we come off look¬ very much resembles a landmark in itself "One giant ory occurs largely during sleep, transactions. of the hunters, of course. IS writing in the book, and cer savannah-roaming people were — ing remarkably adaptable. We dressed-up screenplay. Dealing leap for Mankind," so to speak. students who are well-rested The time span between major that man — and that's the main tainlv the best. Entirely origi every bit as human as you and I. with vampire bats and the tend to score higher on exams adaptations has continually de¬ emerge nobly. After reading nal in concept. Michaelmas is It is impossible to read this book But the ideas the language thrust of the plot. Howard's than those who study all night. creased, and in terms of the his¬ Humankind, one must conclude spread of "the plague" to South science fiction at its finest. without at least gaining new presents are the meat of any that maybe humanity can be¬ west Arizona, the novel is development of the characters awareness of our roots, and this Farb does more than as¬ tory of the species, industriali¬ is very realistic and exception¬ —Books reviewed bv book, and Humankind is far zation appeared almost over¬ come civilized yet — without re¬ disturbingly lacking in sub semble a collection of data — DAVE Di.MARTINO awareness can lead to some from deficient. Virtually every stance in several vital areas. ally well-paced: readers are left from it, he builds a coherant pat- night. With industry came in- jecting our animal origins. mind-boggling speculations. sentence conveys information; BOOKS WANTED! *! are interested i« htnj Summer Students - Study This! •Science Fiction •Old looks -Comic Books •Pulps •Beatle Items -Magazines •Big Little Books 50'Off Any Purchase of '2.00 or More •Rancy Drew •Baseball CaOls Got the summer term blues? Cheer up and take -Mysteries Curious Book 307 East Grand River Shop East Lansing a summer study break, and you'll get a break at Olga's Kitchen. Present this coupon to the cashier, and you'll get 50k off any purchase of $2.00 of more. 'JL ON ANGELS (517)332-0112 Try any of our delicious Olgas, or our All was taken away from you white dresses, tasty spinach pie, a crispy salad, fresh fries, wings, even existence or any combination of the really different, Yet I believe you. •tiii aumaaMaii MICNILIN RADIALS with Hilt Tim* Warrant, really delicious things to eat at Olga's. messengers Whit# Walls Limit on# coupon par customer. There, where the world is turned inside out. M7I-I) 6 1J Coupon good now thru 155-13 37.93 Sat., Aug. 26,1978. 133 E. Grand River, East Lansing | a heavy fabric embroidered with stars and beasts, you stroll, inspecting the trustworthy seams 2K 165-13 33.93 "7, U 4 I H7I-M * J •119" 165-15 185-14 w'i 39.93 37.93 CITI-U 0171IJ - » * S •111" ■ The most exciting idea in eating since the sandwich! J Short is your stay here now and then at a mafinal hour, if the sky is clear, 195-14 60*93 !■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ in a melody repeated by a bird, 205-14 205-15 63.93 69.96 Z\\«j •116" or in the smell of apples at close of day JI7I-1J . . when the light makes the orchords magic 215-15 71.93 1171-ii • <■ •199" 73.93 OPEN: Abbott 225-15 'itrt'lMWJMH' They say somebody has invented you Mon-Sot 10-6 but to me this does not sound convincing ALL NEW TIRES for the humans invented themselves as well. NO BLEMS Qoad The voice—no doubt it is a as it can valid proof, belong only to radiant creatures, weightless and winged (after all, why not?), L&attcuttefig girdled with the lightning I have heard that voice many a time when asleep and. what is strange, / understood more or less an order or an appeal in an unearthly tongue: only day draws near another one for professional styling do what you con CZESLAW MILOSZ AU MAJ0IIKAN0S AVAIU1U FREE M0UNTl*G'FAST SERvlCE Call 332-4314 4* A TIRE INC. O 332-6545 52 for appt. or walk-in B* Lanilna't custom wt lonilng'i custom wheel B 30 5 00 Set and tin nxpnrti Suilr 201, Kasl Lansing Stall- Bank Building, nil Abbott I seoen 210 mac avenue oa^ys 10 - to-10 Wednesday, August 23, 1978 Michigan State News, Eost lonsing, Michigan 'Laura Mars' flawed and deceptive BILL HOLDSHIP By MICHELLE CHAMBERS State News Reviewer For those whose seek gen pieces, the viewer suspects that she has other motives aside from success and monetary that breaks up the film's inten sity, the movie changes from a straight thriller to a love story. 'Sgt. Peppers' is trash uine terror and climactic excite¬ fulfillment. The cop is going to protect his ment in a movie. The Eyes of But. perhaps the most major new found love who has just Laura Mars is the one to see. hole in the plotline is the totally about reached the peak of However, if you are expecting inexplicable power that Mars justifiable pa The does the mystery and glamour the suddenly has been given. It is I have no intention of seeing Robert Stig¬ My roommate tells me that he was at work, promised, a big never understood just why and advertisements wood's film version of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely listening to the radio, when the original ver¬ disappointment awaits you at how Mars has the ability to see sion of "I Want You (She's So Heavy)" came on Hearts Hub Band. For one thing, the Beatles the theater. and their music still mean too much to me to the air. A cummer, apparently a student in Laura Mars, played by Faye consider this money-hustling scheme as any¬ his early 20s'exclaimed, "Alright! The Bee Dunaway. is a nouveau photo .The movie's flaws cannot be totally Gees!" It took my roommate awhile, but he . . thing more than a gross blasphemy. grapher artist who positions blamed on the acting abilities of the stars, Secondly, I've heard and read enough about finally persuaded the guy that the record was her many glamourous, semi- ihe film to provide me with ample warning. by the Beatles and not the Bee Gees. The cus¬ clad models in scenerios of for Dunaway and Jones have enough good tomer paused a second, listened closely, and Several friends of mine walked out in the Mood and violence. In addition moments that one suspects they could have middle of it, and a film reviewer friend tells replied that it wasn't as good as the Bee Gees. to playing this famed photo¬ both done a better job had the direction and me that, aside from the blasphemous aspects, All of which goes to show that this is ap¬ grapher Dunaway also is given Sgt. Pepper's is simply a terrible and rotten parently a successful formula, and we should the unique power to see script been stronger. motion anticipate future Stigwood projects. There picture. through the eyes of a murderer has been no verifications yet, but rumor has it who has chosen to systemati¬ Perhaps the best review of Sgt. Pepper's came from the audience that attended the first that these films are being discussed: Barry cally kill those involved in her through the eyes of the mur¬ so. because it moves the viewer Manilow and Meatloaf starring in Highway 61 New York screening. According to Rolling violent photography including derer. into Mars' world, a world that Stone, the crowd greeted the initial moments Revisited; John Travolta and Olivia Newton- not onlv the models but Duna¬ One could argue that the few of us have experienced. of the film with "boos" and barfing sounds. John starring in Sticky Fingers; Shaun Cas- supernatural power was esta¬ of this building pro way herself. Later in the story, as Peter Frampton stood sidy and K.C. & The Sunshine Band in L.A. Mars the murders blished because of the close the r ■ has sees as Woman; and, last but surely not least, Debby . on the edge of a roof and contemplated sui¬ they are happening, but only relationship Mars has with the iune fear-gripping scenes. As Boone in After Bathing At Baxters. I can't Mars sees the eye-gouging mur cide, the audience screamed: "Jump!" through the eyes of the killer, killer, but there is absolutely no wait! thus making his or her identity indication in the movie that ders happening and remains I have a 13-year-old sister who is into unknown, until the climactic could substantiate this theory. helpless and terrified, the aud Grease, disco, the Bee Gees, and Frampton. and powerful ending. Dunaway's performance is ienceempathi7.es. And the final My brother and I forgive her since I was into another disappointment only scene, which comes as a fright Though the whole plot the Monkees at that same age, and my brother sounds unbelievable and trite. because it's so typical. Like ening and sad surprise, leaves even did a brief stint as an Osmonds fan other Dunaway characters. one almost drained because of The Eyes of Laura Mars has (Sorry, Barry!). However, we recently in¬ Laura Mars is career-oriented, its emotional impact. the makings of being a very formed her that we wouldn't tolerate any sis¬ glamorous, high-strung and And there are a few out powerful movie and manages to ter of ours listening to Stigwood's Sgt. achieve that power on a few strong but somewhat depen standing performances Pepper's. dent on the man she falls in love throughout the movie, espec¬ She told us not to worry. Thanks to two 1'nfortunatelv, the with — the detective played by ially that of Rene Auberjois. brothers who have bought her Beatles Jones. Mars' manager. Dunaway does albums every Christmas and birthday for the onfused with that Jones' portrayal of the sym have her periods of excellence questif past six years, she has heard the originals. answered. pathetic cop is somewhat non * hen her part is not overdone. ire never She understands. I have this great feeling Far instanre. though Mars existent and empty of emotion. The * flaw that my little sister is going to grow up to be makes a feeble attempt to He more or less walks through totally blamed on the acting a very hip lady. explain the meaning behind her his performance, though on two ability of the stars, for Duna Now, I'm not trying to offend anyone, but photography to the investigat¬ occasions one sees that he could ■nough this is about as honest as I'm every going to have been something more. good that monetary success. ders. ing police detective, played by get: Anyone who buys Stigwood's Sgt. From the beginning, when Though the film as a whole is Tommy Lee Jones, one is still And why Director Irvin pects they could have both done Pepper's instead of a Beatles album should Kirshner thought anyone would a better job had the direction Peters closed the movie set, the adequate in terms of entertain¬ left wondering just exactly have their head examined. OK, maybe I did believe that Dunaway could and world awaited his masterpiece ment, Kershner fails to bring what philosophical ideal the script been stronger. sound like an uppity moron, but I can't help it. photos are trying to portray. have once been married to Raul But. the major disappoint only to find a film that uses about the impact that could Some things are still sacred, and Robert Stig¬ For though Mars' world is one Julian, her alcoholic, obnoxious ment is the way producer Jon every PR ploy to promote itself have come from John Carpen¬ wood, the Bee Gees, and Peter Frampton are of expensive glamour, por ex-husband, remains another Peters publicized the film. The — including misleading com¬ ter's original story. The stars not among them. mercials and a generous sprink¬ try. and sometimes succeed, to trayed excellently during a Eyes of Laura Mars was made beginning scene of the first When Dunaway and Jones to sell, just as Peters made his ling of popular disco tunes do their best with that which public showing of her master- portrayed in a pleasant scene onlv other film, A Star Is Born a mingled between the gory mur¬ was given them. State News Newsline: Ann Arbor Jazz Festival dates set 355-8252 solar Mi. Mean iaz; Inns should have a field day next up ne: follo< bv nd his MANAGEMENT r.i.r.'h when E< pse Ja/7 in Ann Arbor presents Arkest empt :• \r» \rb..r a// Festival 1976. indeed the plan POSITIONS OPEN be held from Thursday. Sept. 21 There will be two separate shows on Sunday. The first of these, scheduled for 1 p.m., v. ,11 MATURE INDIVIDUALS Sept. 24. at Hill Auditorium on . University of Michigan. begin on Thursday with a feature the II V I Orchestra, saxophonist Chieo Freeman, and flutist Hubert Laws. The * p.m. NIGHTS • WEEKENDS FULL OR PART TIME A NAME TO REMEMBER >-e by Mary Lou Williams, who he greatest woman musician in Allison, followed by Art'Blakev'and the Jazz "Outstanding performers" azz. She will be followed by Messengers. The festival will close Sunday night Good working conditions. Start¬ best describes the three Get/. Max Roach with a performance by tht Duke Ellington performance will kick off with Orchestra, which will be conducted bv the Duke's ing wage based on hours avail- Onkyo integrated amplifiers mm Griffin, who has worked son. Mercer. p m 11 p.m. Must hove on display at Marshall's as Art Blakev and Thelonious Tickets for the entire weekend will ho transportation. Employment i.x player Dexter Gordon and available for $20. $25. and $30 through Sept. 12. avoiloble in lonsing. Okemos. for your listening pleasure. ie Hubbard will round out the which idual per East Lansing & Ha&lett areas. formances will go on sale. Festh See Mr Vint at Min-A-Mort We consider them a "best buy" available through the Michigan Ur 210 2168 W. Grand River Ave.- performance by the versatile II open the show on Saturday, in Ann Arbor, and individual-show Okemos Friday Aug. 25 2 p.m.- value, compared to other units in features, UurHI. i guitarist who has performed available after Sept. 14 at Dismi pie and Benny Goodman, will be East Lansing. flexibility and, most importantly, sound quality. Stop in to audition them soon. what's your Onkyo receivers give you excellent performance favorite while listening to the radio, or a favorite record or tape. Each unit offers extraordinary sound quality Hobble? while still the spec giving you fantastic specifications (for freak), and plenty of features to accommodate the most demanding music lover. Features like quartz-locked and servo-locked tuning Riding a bicycle? make Onkyo tuners Embroidering? extremely accurate and Sharing some flowers with a friend? virtually distortion- free. They eliminate station drift We've got six different Holly Hobbie" glasses, each inherent in many other tuners on the market. The imprinted with these popular new characters exclusive quartz-locked tuning system offers precision involved in their old-fashioned world. And they're tuning that stays with the station. yours, for just 59n the overall crown in Boy's. see the best competitive in the world. skiers EVERYPAY vV- LOW PRICE "Action at Jackson" Dale McCourt to Regular '7" Albums JACKSON in its 30th year — Jackson Harness Raceway, of operation, began its 56-day about horses? At least And that's the truth. they're having fun. challenge ruling fall meet last Friday. Since they all aren't Bill Mooneys, with vast DETROIT (UPI) Attor¬ lion. Although admittedly I know very little knowledge of horse racing, the fans are - content in the fact that they can socialize, neys for center Dale McCourt, Hinds said McCourt likes about horse racing, it doesn't appear that who was sent by an arbitrator Detroit, the team, the fans, the there will be too many impressive races, at gamble, drink and enjoy themselves in a very least in the early going. pleasant atmosphere. to Los Angeles as compensation city and hockey organization for Detroit's signing of All-Star and doesn't want to play any¬ After all, the track is located at the same Gambling has a tendency to bring out the worst in people. It can make amiable people goalie Rogie Vachon from the where else. place where the Jackson County Fair is held, "And I mean that," he said. so it has to recover from the side effects of the very mean. Kings, plan to challenge the But that hasn't happened with most of the ruling. Smith said there was some¬ fair — one of which is the tractor pulls, which annually take quite a toll on the racing crowd at Jackson. They are courteous. If they McCourt, 21, who scored 33 thing "abhorrently wrong" with surface. I would guess that would slow down lose, they lose. If they win, they rejoice and go goals for the Red Wings in his treating athletes as chattel. the performances of the trotters, too. crazy. But through it all, the crowds keep a rookie year last year, does not By signing a standard NHL I don't think that will bother the fans, very courteous attitude. There are excep¬ want to go to the Kings of the player contract, McCourt ag¬ tions, sure; there always are. National Hockey League, said reed to the terms of the though. Because, from observing the client- collective elle at Jackson Harness Raceway, I get the Betting on horse racing can be very attorney Jim Hinds. bargaining agree¬ Hinds, of Sudbury. Ont., said ment between the owners and feeling only one thing matters: who wins, frustrating, though. When the horse you bet places and shows. on leads the whole race, then is passed near McCourt instructed him Mon¬ players. It is the collective the finish by three other horses, you have to day to investigate ways by bargaining pact which stipu¬ Most of the fans are like myself: they know sit and wonder if the races are fixed. which he could refuse to go to lates any NHL player may be very little about horses, but they like to So you.sulk a while, pull $2 out of your the Kings. transferred from one team to gamble once in a while. "Action at Jackson" pocket anii go bet on the next race. The two contacted attorney another as compensation. draws people from all over the state to view Brian Smith of suburban Troy Smith said the case would be The exactas (picking the one-two horses) the races. But I don't think that most of these were payiAj very well at Jackson the night I and asked Smith to make "tested in earnest." people are "knowledgeable" about horses; was there. Several were over $200. A couple recommendations concerning instead, they just want to gamble. were around $90. American law and the rights of Playing the horses. Why do people do it? The last race I was there, I thought I'd give players governed by the situa¬ Some undoubtedly know a lot about horses and enjoy the racing as well as the gambling one a try. I mean, what the heck, win one of those and you're set for groceries for the next tion. "I have begun researching Preseason aspect. Some which includes most of the month. the problem and have made Jackson crowd, do it for social reasons. So I bet the 5-4 combination: a couple of horses named Super Bear and Shiaway recommendations to him," Smith said. "My feeling is that honors to A chance to get together with friends, sit around and drink and throw your money Buster. There were only five horse in the if the kid doesn't want to go, THE THIN around. And if you think they don't do that, take a look at all the people at the track who After the first half of the race, "my" horses there ought to be a way that something can be worked out." Kirk Gibson BAND LIZZY don't even watch the actual races. Many sit in held down fourth and fifth place. Two dollars Smith said there are a num¬ ber of theories that might apply Kirk Gibson, MSU's two- The Last Live and the restaurant, The First Turn, socializing down the drain, I thought. But the two kept sport standout, has been se¬ and watching the horses on the boob tube. The gaining ground and Super Bear passed to the case. lected to Gil Brandt's pre¬ Waltz Dangerous Shiaway Buster at the finish line to make the "If a player doesn't want to only time they get out of their seats is to make season Ail-American football REG. >14" LP REE. "9* LP. the bets between races. ticket a winner. go, he has some constitutional team, announced in the Sep¬ The horses, in actuality, become nothing I anxiously awaited to see how much the rights here in the United *549 $]99 tember issue of Sport Maga- more than numbers. Sure, the people study race would pay. States," he said. "And Dale "At least 40 or 50 dollars," I said to my wants to exercise them." over the program before making their bets. Brandt, who is considered companion. NHL arbitrator Ed Houston They look at the odds, the overall record of the one of the National Football horse, whether the horse is on drugs, the The payoffs flashed on the scoreboard in awarded McCourt, the first League's top talent scouts, had rider of the horse, etc. front of the stands. The exacta paid $13.80.1 player drafted in the NHL high plaudits for Gibson, calling When they place their bets, they do so by was shellshocked. That barely buys a lunch at amateur draft last year, to the him the "best athlete in college BAN ROLL ON COLGATE number. The fans watch as the horses make Taco Bell, let alone my groceries for the next Kings as compensation for the football." ANTIPIRSPMANT- their way twice around the track; cash in if the month. 34-year-old Vachon. The Wings TOOTHPASTE Gibson has played baseball horse wins or tear up the ticket if the horse But, like I said, gambling can be very signed Vachon, a free agent for the Detroit Tigers' farm frustrating. who played the last six and $ 109 loses. team in Lakeland over the You ask so what if people don't know a lot Maybe so. But I think I'll go back. a-half seasons with Los Ange¬ summer. He will be back for the 2.3 ei. 69 les, to a five-year contract start of football drills Monday. •lu VALUI worth an estimated $1.5 mil¬ *2" VALUI UJ«. PLASTIC 9 VOLT With one year of NCAA probation left, BATKR ASPIRIN PONCHO BATTIRY $ MSU will contend 1ST* 119 99' 2/59* for Big Ten crown •1" VALUI L»«. ■Hst-i.rsl asu By MIKE KLOCKE On the deiensive line, the Big Ten's MVP, Lary Bethea, is gone. RATON'S State News Sports Writer But the return of Melvin Land, Angelo Fields and Bernard Hay MSU POND'S MILK CORRASIBLI Editor's note: This is the last of 10 articles by the State News will make the line strong. The secondary, which gave Rogers all kinds of headaches a year SKIN CARICRIAM TYPINO PAPIR looking at the football prospectus for each of the Big Ten schools. "If MSU only hadn't tied Indiana last year, it could have shared the Big Ten championship." Despite the Spartans' successful season, that is one thing that sticks out in the minds of many fans. ago, should be the strongest part of the defense this time around. The return of Mike Marshall, probably the team's best athlete, will give MSU an excellent man-to-man cornerback. Also back are comerback Jerome Stanton and safeties Mark Anderson and Tom llM. I—VALUE $ | 38 73* What many people don't realize, though, is that MSU was Graves. Bgsaa thoroughly outplayed, but they were able to salvage a tie because Indiana couldn't cure its fumbleitis. The Spartans are set as far as punting is concerned with the ZIST But last year's 7-3-1 season is now history for Daryl Rogers' conference leader, Ray Stachowitz, returning. Morton Anderson RUBBINO and Rich Schario, two freshman, will battle for the place-kicking YOOURT MODORANT team. MSU has only one year left of probation, and then it can start thinking of post-season bowl games. duties. ALCOHOL SOAP The Spartans' offense has Rogers smiling ... and with good 44* 3/99* This season, the Spartans have, in essence, three bowl games in a row. Rogers has said his team has the hardest schedule of any in the nation; and with Southern' California, Notre Dame and reason. This will be the final year for the passing combination of Ed Smith and Kirk Gibson. Two other receivers, tight end Mark Brammer and split end Gene Byrd, will give MSU the strongest Head coach: Darryl Rogers K.™ 35' Michigan in a row, he may be right. Though the Spartans may (third year) UjjjW ■»—E-.-T. passing game in the conference. have a better team than a year ago, they will be hard-pressed to At running backs, Rogers has the pleasant problem of having so 1977 record: 7 31, 611 in improve on their 1977 record. much depth he doesn't know what to do with it all. Sophomore the Big Ten "Our kids have to play in 11 games whether we go to a game or not," Rogers said. "We'd game, but we never discuss it. Our bowl love to be able to go to a bowl kids don't talk about it." tailbacks Leroy McGee, Steve Smith and Bruce Reeves give the Spartans three breakaway threats. And Alonzo Middleton and Andy Schramm will tie for the starting fullback slot. Strengths: Passing game and depth at running backs. Strong defensive secondary 10% OFF# CIGARETTES 2/99' The offensive line has been depleted by graduation and will and interior defensive line. Defense is the area where the Spartans will be most suspect this build around tackle Jim Hinesly and guard Mike Densmore. Weaknesses: offensive line PHOTO year, especially at linebacker where three of four starters are and depth at linebackers. gone. "This is the healthiest we've ever been since I've been at MSU," Major concern: tough sched¬ FINISHINO Rogers will rely on freshman and switching positions to fill the said Rogers. void created by the graduation of linebackers Paul Rudzinski, And, undoubtedly, he hopes he can say the same thing after the ule *™TT *•'•'* Craig Fedore and Mike Dean. Trojans, Irish and Wolverines have had their shot at MSU. Wednesday, August 23, 1978 0 Michigan State News. East Lansing. Michigan D.C. rep amendment sent to states Students offer i continued from page 1) "seemed to arise from . . . the that would have lumped district larger than Washington. And opinions (continued from page 3) additional single non voting delegate fear that senators elected from voters with those of Maryland the Senate rejected by a 60-28 Harden added that if the fees. the House. the District of Columbia may be in senatorial elections. margin an amendment that too liberal, too urban, too black Another amendment, de would have awarded the dis¬ Legislature had not taken the Most students objected to Supporters of the said it was unfair to deny the or too Democratic." feated 79 6, would have given trict a voting member of the action it did. the money would the fee because they do not i House but senators. have been compensated by the health center's services. district voting representation Opponents have denied that senators to 12 cities which are no "I think it's outrageous, in Congress when representa¬ they were racially motivated, senior Maureen Murphy said. tion is afforded seven states and said that present popula tion trends indicate the nation's "The average student doesn't with smaller populations than Kenyan president dies spend that much at Olin. even the district. These states are capital may have a white major Some students suggested Wyoming. Nevada. Alaska. ity by the end of the century. that students who use the North Dakota. South Dakota. The district's population cur health center should be charged Delaware and Vermont. rently is about 70 percent black lcontinued from page 1) Kikuyu tribe over white control of Kenya's best on a per visit basis. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy. and 90 percent of the district's Kenyatta, schooled in London and Moscow, land. I) Mass.. who led the fight for Democrats. After Kenyatta became president, Kenya voters are preached socialism but leaned toward the West + COLUMBIA PICTURES PRESENTATION • A ROMULUS PRODUCTION • PANAVISlON* TECHNICOLOR** the has charged that Among the amendments re in his foreign relations. He chastised reporters bought out the white farmers — most of whom measure, opposition to the amendment jected earlier Tuesday was one who criticized him, but the Kenyan press enjoyed were British — with money supplied by Britain. « TONIGHT 101B WELLS «:30 P.M. SU a degree of freedom rare in Africa. He maintained good relations with his former "I'm getting it (the money) Kenyatta was jailed on terrorist charges in colonial masters after independence. back in services," said fresh¬ U.S. job market booms 1953 and served eight years in prison and under house arrest. He was freed to a drum thumping, dancing welcome in 1961 and led his nation to In spite of his advanced age, public debate about Kenyatta's replacement was a treasonable offense punishable by death, so there is no generally acclaimed successor. man Terese Gagnon. Yet. the predominant mood of the campus could best be f Hey, Chicken lovers - 1 independence 28 months later, on Dec. 12, 1963. • continued from page chemical and mechanical areas. 3) The four-year Mau Mau uprising cost the lives of 13,000 blacks and fewer than 100 whites. The Members of the Kikuyu and Luo tribes hold most high government positions. summed up by the student who simply said, "It sucks." PICNIC IT At Clare Duncan, assistant di rector for Liberal Arts and The Other Fried! Minority Placement, said the rise in liberal arts employment can be attributed tc all improvement in the Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. August 23. 1978 9 Classified Advertising Hwis^g] JOIN THE fastest growing THE STATE NEWS is now GPN for HIGH STREET- 4 1 MATURE. GOOD natured. EAST LANSING houses for 5 Information pizza company in the world. taking applications for fall RN OR GN, LPN or skilled nursing facility. Good rooms. Appliances, upper unfur campus BEDROOM, furnished, close, Louis Street, female roommate wanted or 6 students. Lease and DOMINO'S PIZZA is hiring term copy editors. Appli¬ benefits and working condi¬ nished, private entrance. No orivate. 351 5526. Z 6-8 25(3) $140 month, pets allowed. deposit required Craig, 655- PHONE 355 1255 347 Studont Services Bldg. full b part-time help. Oppor¬ cants must have newspaper tions. New wage scale. Posi¬ smoking. Pets, children. Mar 393 6635. Janette. 7 8 25 14) 1255 after 6 p.m. 9-8-23(4) tunity for advancement. We experience or have had Jour¬ tions open on 7 a.m.-3 p.m., ried counle. References, de¬ MALE ROOMMATE needed HOUSES HOUSES HOUSES have 7 Lansing locations. nalism 401. Contact Ken 3 p.m. 11 p.m. shifts. Call posit. $240. 663-4345 or for fall; block campus, fur b APARTMENTS no fees. I day-WC per lino Check your phone directory Parker week-nights after Jane Phillips, Director of 482 1727. 7 8 25 (7) nished, clean, quiet, $90. Nice Thank you for Come in to our office and for the store nearest you. 4 p.m. (except Mondays and Nurses. 332-5061. PROVIN¬ view. 332 8685 Z 4-8 25 (4) 3 days IOC per line 3-8-25 (10) Fridays) now through CIAL WHITEHILLS, E.O.E. coming back to pick up a free copy of our Kim in mm 4 doys • 75C per line 2 APARTMENTS Spar listings. Monday-Friday, 11 August 25. The positions are 6 8 25 (9) near a m 7 p.m. A.I.M. INC., BEECHWOOD • nmuJPDED I doys • 70C per lino SENIOR KEYPUNCH OP¬ open only to MSU students. row. Parking spaces, utilities 2002 E. Saginaw (corner) wrnimmrri ERATOR Keypunch & gener¬ Apply in person at the NEEDED MORNING main- paid. 4 rooms and bath, 3% gME3irnr3nci!i STATE NEWS NEWS¬ rooms & bath. Separate en¬ Saginaw and Clemens), Lan¬ lino rote per insertion al office duties in small tainence person, Peanut Bar¬ —nummnm trances. Phone 482 8183 sing 0-3-8 23 (9) Lansing office. Salary $6000 ROOM, 343 Student Ser¬ rel. Apply between 10:30 to $9600. Send resume to Ms. vices Building. 6-8 25(14) from 3 - 7 p.m. other times a.m. 5 p.m. 521 E. Grand MT HOPE near, 2Vi miles to 1 857 2215. 3 8 24 17' Marilyn Cady, Michigan River 351-0608. 2 8-24(4) campus, upper apartment, 2 EconoLlnes • 3 linos • '4.00 • 5 doys. 80' per line over Technological University, FULL AND part time jobs. STUDIO APARTMENTS, bedrooms, $200/includes uti¬ 3 lines. No adjustment in rate when cancelled. Lansing Office, P.O. Box Excellent earnings, flexible PHONE PART time sales help 2 BEDROOM, heat paid, furnished, air, with all utilities lities. 394-4245 after 5:30 p.m. Price of item(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum 18008, Lansing, Ml 48901. An hours. Call 374-6328, 4 6 p.m. at the FOXHOLE PX in lease required, $140month sale price of paid. Rec room, heated pool, 487 3886 7 8 25 i3> $290 5 8-25 (51 '100. Equal Opportunity Education¬ only. X-7-8-25 (4) Frandor 3-8-25 (3) on E. Grand River. Near Peanuts Personal ads • 3 lines - *2.25 - per insertion. al Institution/Equal Oppor¬ campus, $175/monthly, $85 Call 1-5 FEMALE NEEDED, own 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). tunity Employer. 3-8-25 (12) BABYSITTER IN my East WANTED HANDYMAN re¬ ONE MALE 4 bedroom duplex on weekly. 337-1621. Also poss¬ room, Rummage/Garage Sole ads • 4 lines • *2.50. Lansing Home. Full time for 5 liable and experienced. ible employment opportunity fessional person, apartment Albert Call Terri. 351-3234 TYPISTS/CLERICAL: Must and 1 year old. 351-2644 close to campus. 351-1291 332-0052 63' per line over 4 lines - per insertion. Plumbing and odd jobs. 332- available for rent. 8-8-25 (8) 5 8 25 (3) be able to work Monday 5-8-25 (3) 3872. B 1 8-23 (3) 6 9 p.m. 3-8 25 (41 'Round Town ods • 4 lines • *2.50 • per insertion. 63' per line over 4 lines. through Friday from 8-11 1 BEDROOM, all utilities ex¬ EAST LANSING. 2 bedroom, a.m. or 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Apply COMPANY REP, part-time, DIETARY SUPERVISION APARTMENTS FOR rent ESPECIALLY NICE large lost I Pounds ads /Transportation ads • 3 lines • *1.50 • cept electric, $160'month. 1 near MSU. Prefer couple, no in person, STATE NEWS introduce our services to skilled nursing facility. Com- unfurnished, $110-$150 apartment for rent in Mason. per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. block to Michigan Avenue pets References, deposit. Classified Department, 347 local businesses. Salary plus oleted food supervisor month. Adults only, no pets, 9 months while owners are bus, direct to campus. 1022 lease. Call 332 1396. 3-8-25(41 $285 351-4416 after 5:30 p.m. Student Services Building. good commissions. Call Tom course. IH.E.I.S.S.) or B.S. Eureka Street and Pennsyl¬ 4 8 25 (4) Students only. S-3-8-25 (8) at IC CONSULTANTS. 351- degree in nutrition/dietetics. nished including dishes, Deadlines vania. 3-8-25 (6) 7526, 10 a.m. 12 noon. Responsibilities include: 2LCC or MSU student room cookingware & so forth. Heat Ads ■ 2 p.m. -1 class day before publication. SALESPEOPLE: SELLING 3-8-25 (6) menu planning, staffing, pur¬ mates wanted for apartment & softened water. Also fire¬ 3 BEDROOM home for 3 ROOMMATE WANTED Cancellation/Change ■ I p.m. • I class day before Classified Advertising for the chasing. Apply in person at $100/month 4 utilities. Call place with wood, patio gar¬ graduate students. Easy male, East Lansing 2 bed¬ STATE NEWS. Must be able AVON-GET ready for college National Health Enterprises, Dan. 394 3597. 3-8-25 (5) age locked storage space. 15 access to campus and down¬ publication. room, $125 + utilities, de¬ Once ad is ordered it cannot be cancelled or chonged to work at least 2 consecutive tuition. Excellent earnings, 1313 Mary Ave., Lansing. minutes downtown Lansing. town Lansing. 349 1814. hours flexible hours. 482-6893. posit. 332-7343 evenings. No children or pets, refer¬ 4 8 25(5) until after 1st insertion. daily before 3 p.m. 393 6130. 2-8-24 (9) 3-8-25 (4) now at Monday-Friday. Apply in per¬ C-3-8-25 (3) ences & deposit required. There is o *1.00 charge for I ad change plus 50" additional change for maximum of 3 changes. per son 347 Student Services TEACHERS STILL HOSTESS BUSBOYS AND GRAD NEEDS BURCHAM WOODS $400. Call Dr. R. R. Robbins, 676 9716 3 8 25 116) EAST SIDE Lansing- 2-4 man Building. Students only. needed WAITRESS wanted- Call houses. $200-$350. 372-1801 The State News will only be responsible for the 1st share spacious one bed room S-3-8-25 (9) for upper grades, Sunday IMPERIAL GARDENS or 332 1800. 0-4-8-25 (3) day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must reliqious school in fall. 332 RESTAURANT, 349 2698. apartment. $90/month + uti¬ SUMMER ONLY! be made within 10 days of expiration date. lities. Call Karen after 8 p.m. FURNISHED 1 and 2 bed¬ DISHWASHER- KITCHEN 6715 or 351-3570. 3-8-25 (41 X 4 8-25 (31 CLOSE. 5 bedrooms. $400 349-0594. 3-8-25 (4) room, utilities, parking. $185 Bills ore due 7 days from ad expiration dote. If not helper. Clean, hardworking an unexpected New 6 bedroom. $570. 351 - DRIVER WANTED part-time, and up. 487 1569 3-8-25 i3l paid by due date, a 50' late service charge will individuals looking for steady CAKE DECORATOR. APPLY opening 0765 7-8 25 (3) EAST LANSING, 2 bedroom, be due. work only. Opportunity for mornings only. Must be 18. at ROMA BAKERY 428 North advancement. Call after 2 Starts in September. Apply at Cedar, Lansing, 48912, 485- lower duplex, furnished, car¬ FEMALE. OWN room start p.m., ask for Mike Solomon JON ANTHONY FLORIST. 3466. 3-8-25 (4) peted. 351-5964. 3-8-25 (3) efficiency *175 mg fall. Waters Edge Cat 1 ROOMMATE needed, 5 collect Sue. 1 313 628-3616 bedroom, fireplace, campus or Tom. JIM'S TIFFANY 809 E. Michigan, Lansing. PLACE, 372-4300 downtown 3-8-25 (6) FEMALE WANTED for 4 immediate or Barb. 1 313 363 2626 close, pets allowed, friendly Automotive ** Auto Service / Lansing. 3-8-25 (10) DISC JOCKEY, fall term, previous experience helpful. person apartment in Cedar occupancy! atmosphere. $100/month. SECRETARY FOR new com View. $95/month. Call Jill 355-8311.2-4 p.m. 3-8-25 (4) References necessary. Appli¬ collect at 313-937-3759. OFFICE SUPERVISOR- 4 General office skills. Call between 12 -5 L pany. cation available at the Amer¬ Ho,s,s. ' ASTRO MOTOR home, 1974. JUNK CARS wanted. Also 3 8-25 (5) years experience, general Ability to organize. Must be ica's Cup, 2 4 p.m. ALLE EY DUPLEX 2-3 bedroom, fur¬ 25 ft., 14,000 miles, good selling used parts. Phone office duties. Bookkeeping, good typist. Call 372-6343. NIGHTCLUB, 220 M.A.C 3S1-3118 nished. near campus. 669- condition, roof air, complete¬ 321-3651. C-15-8-25 (3) EAST LANSING, two blocks typing, dictation. Fringe 3-8-2515) 7 8 25 (7) from campus. 3 rooms and LANSING, EAST side. 301 S. 9939 3-8 25 (3) ly self-contained. Sleeps 6. benefits, salary open. Phone Francis, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, bath. Unfurnished, prefer WOMAN TO share 2 bed tape deck, $11,000. 223-3386. Ms. Gregg. 694-6333. ECONOMIC ASSISTANT FAR OUT make money $210 month. Available married graduate student. room townhouse. $120 3 & 4 man, furnished, avail¬ 3-8-25 (6) 3-8-25 (6) wanted. 20 hours week, mini¬ September. 669-5513 or 669- having parties' Think Toker- $195. 332 5988. 0-3-8-25 15) month. 394-5196 after 6 p.m. able September, walking dis¬ mum bachelors in economics ware and smile: be the first in 3251 0-2 8-24 15) 8 8 23 13) tance. 337-9412. 3-8-25 (3) BUICK 1969 Electra. Air and some computer pro¬ RELIABLE AFTER-KINDER¬ your circle of friends to have loaded, good condition, ne\A gramming. Call 373-9514 Tokerware Now COUNTRY, 1 woman by 'tires, $600, 351-8733. GARTEN help. Tuesday, days. 3-8-25 (5) a party. everyone can get those hard- HURRY. ONE BEDROOM September 1. 3 bedroom, 3 CLOSE 4-5 bedroom home, 1 4-8-25 131 Thursday afternoon in my lease required, all utilities year lease. Pets OK. $450. Glen Carin home. Call after 6 to-get and top-of-the-line person brick ranch. Own ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIST paid. $140 month. 487 3886 room, fireplace, washer, dry¬ 353-8747, 332-1365. CADILLAC. 1972 59,000 p.m. 332-7457. X-12-8-23 (5) paraphernalia items. Call 349- 7-8-25 (4) Z 3 8-25 (3) ANT for energy emergency 4387, 11 a.m. • 8 p.m. for er unfurnished. 5'/2 miles on miles. Best offer, 313-882- 5 Hagadorn. $125 + , pets planning. 20 hours/week. details C-15-8-25 (10) 0013. 3-8-25 (3) NURSES AID, experienced, Minimum bachelors in busi¬ OK. 655-1321, Yvonne. MARSH ROAD 6184. 3 bed¬ full or part-time. 7-3 p.m., ness or related. Call 373-9514, 3 8 25 171 room. close to bus lines, CHEVY IMPALA, 1968, good MCDONALD'S RESTAU¬ condition, new tires, new 3-11 p.m. shifts. Apply in person PROVINCIAL HOUSE days. 3-8-25 (6) RANTS of Okemos (across 'special FALL rates" FARMHOUSE. COUPLE seek $425 month. 627-3826. 3 8-25 13) muffler. $350. 351-8276. from Meijers) and East Lans¬ Z-3-8-2513) SOUTH off Aurelius between HOTEL AUDITOR wanted, ing (in front of Pro-Bowl RIVIRSIDCC same to share house plus Cavanaugh and Mount Hope. must work weekends and late East) are now taking applica¬ expenses. 10 miles south¬ 3 4 bedroom, carpeted 10-8-25 (71 shifts. Auditor or bookkeep¬ WATERS IDCE west of MSU. Barn acreage. - CUTLASS S, 1967, $280 tions for full and part-time appliances, quiet area, 484 8532 or 351 7497. best offer. 332-8362. NURSES RN or LPN charge. ing experience necessary. shifts beginning at 5:30 a.m. APARTMENTS couples only. $370. 351-7561. Apply in person. HOWARD WEST SIDE, temporary com¬ 3 8 25 (5i 3 8-25 (3) 1-8-2313) Full I part-ti 3-11 Apply from 8-11 a.m. or JOHNSON'S MOTOR 1090 Wat.ri.dg.Dr, plete housing. 4 month sub¬ 2-4 p.m. Monday through p.m., 11-7 a.m. shifts. Imme¬ LODGE. 6741 S. Cedar, be 6 8 MAN furnished. 2 baths, DATSUN B210, 1974- coupe, MASON BODY SHOP, 812 E. diate benefits with orienta¬ tween 9-5 p.m. 3-8-25 (7) Friday. 7-8-25 (10) (next to Cedar Villaga) lease. prefer faculty. Fully FEMALE NEEDED for room AM/FM, radials, 4-speed, 332 4432 furnished, 2 bedroom, luxury, good condition, parking, very Kalamazoo, since, 1940. Auto tion. Apply PROVINCIAL ■ close. 372 1801 or 332 1800. in private home. Pets okay. 34,000 miles, great condition. SALES CLERKS wanted, full recreational facilities, carpet Close to MSU. $105/month painting-collision service. HOUSE SOUTH, 882 2458 HOUSE PERSON wanted, 0 4-8-25 14) $1750/best offer. 351-4960. or part-time, hours flexible ed, dishwasher, laundry, no plus utilities. Year lease. 485- American-foreign cars. 485- Monday-Friday. 10-8-25 (7) janitorial skills and yard work, 1 OR 2 bedroom furnished, children. $275 plus utilities, 7-8-25 14) 0256. C-15-8-25 (5) according to your schedule. 7028. 3-8-25 (5) full time. Apply in person, CLEVELAND STREET (be¬ Starting pay, $3.25 plus sales very close, $180 $250 . 372- deposit. Available August 26, - FULL TIME keypunch opera¬ HOWARD JOHNSONS Oakland and Saginaw) FORD MAVERICK, 1976- commission. 374-0602. 1801 or 332 1800. 0-4-8-25(31 323-2143. 6-8-24 (10* tween tor. experience or training MOTOR LODGE, 6741 S. 2 bedroom, full basement, WOMEN QUIET single good condition, low mileage. $2250. Call 332-8880. Eaployant needed. Please call Mr. Ban- Cedar between 9-5 p.m. 7 8 25 (6) completely redecorated. 2 "2 rooms in private home. Sep¬ field, 351-1310. 0-10-8-25141 3-8-25 (6) MEADOWS APARTMENT 1 FEMALE NEEDED tor 2 bed- tember-June. Close in, 4-8-25 13) room apartment Close to miles from campus. $250/ FIREBIRD FORMULA, 1974- BABYSITTER NEEDED, part- time, in my west Lansing UNIFORMED SECURITY PART-TIME employment for f Marf»»ts~]fy] and 2 bedroom, air ed condition- carpeted. 6129 Beechfield MSU. $80 month. 393-3743 month. p.m. 323 1014 after 4:30 4-8-25 (7) kitchen, no 0647. 3-8-25 (4) parking. 332- home. 323-3400. 8-8-25 (3) officers. Call 641-4562. MSU student, 15-20 hours/ Drive 393-7744. Z-7-8-25 I4I ot 351-2596. 3-8-26 141 AM/FM/8 track, sharp car. CEDARS EAST • one bed 0-15-8-25 (3) week, automobile required. $2950 or best offer. 351-3309. room furnished. Available COOKS WANTED, must be LOCATION LOCATION (Eluydunsijam 339-9500. C-3-8-25 (4) 7-8-25 (3) September, 12 month only, neat. Apply in person be¬ DENTAL CHAIRSIDE assist¬ $198. Phone 332 3900 days. MG MIDGET, 1977- 12,000 tween 2-4 p.m. CUP RESTAURANT, AMERICA'S 220 ant, neat, intelligent, good pay. Modern west side office. PART-TIME position in quent accounts collection. delin¬ 0-158-25(4) CEDAR GREENS miles, AM-FM 8-track. lug¬ 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED LUXURY APTS. _ M.A.C. 7-8-25 (5) Experienced preferred. Send Flexible hours. Experience re¬ EAST LANSING comfor¬ • 1 bedroom furnished • swimming pool gage rack, perfect condition. State •private balconies $3850. 349 3233, 349 3183. resume to Box B-2, quired. Nancy, 339-9500. table, 1 bedroom furnished. apartments • air conditioning 'swimming pool 3-8-2514) DENTAL SECRETARY, News. 5-8-25 (6) C-3-8-25 (5) Walk to MSU, shopping, #9 or 12 month • within walking central air mature, intelligent, responsi¬ easy 496 access. No pets, leases available distance to campus dishwasher disposol ble. Prefer experience, good WAITRESSES- NOW hiring MED STUDENT with long year lease. From $195 plus MG MIDGET, 1974. Excellent •shag carpeting pay. Sent resume to Box C-3, full part-time. Apply in hrs. needs CHILDCARE for 5 utilities. Phone 351-4745 condition. Not driven in win¬ or State News, 7-8 25 (6) SILVER DOLLAR yr. old after 5 p.m. Must have noon-8 Trowbridge Fall leases only Special 12 month rates ter. Must sell. 351-1985. person. p.m. SPECIAL RATES AVAILABLE FOR FALL 4-8-25 13) SALOON, 3411 E. Michigan. transportation. 337-7098. Manor. 7-8 25 (8) 9 8 12 month leases available PART TIME: Short order, E.O.E. 5-8-25 (4) Z-4-8-25 (4) 1135 Michigan Avgnu* (noxt to Brody) ONE FIVE $100-500. Trans¬ cooks, bus boys, hostesses, 351.8631 Call 351-7166 portation specials. All makes, waitresses. Apply BACK¬ FLOORMEN- NOW hiring full located ol Hooodorn Heed jmt .oulll ol «°°d all sizes. FLUMERFELT STAGE RESTAURANT, or part-time. Apply in person. Meridian Mall between 2 p.m. SILVER DOLLAR SALOON, i too? If you have several STAIR CHEVROLET, 655- and 5 p.m. 7-8-25 (5) 3411 E. Michigan. E.O.E. hours a week to spare we'll 4343. 0-8-8-25 J5I_ 5-8-25 (4) train you. Phone 351 -9056 for interview. 4-8-25 (6) THE STATE NEWS SAAB, 1973 Sonnet, AM- L.P.N. CHARGE nurse posi¬ FM, fiberglass body, mags, tions. Flexible shifts, paid MODELS, ESCORTS, VEL¬ EMPLOYMENT AT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING new brakes. $2350.332-5464 orientation, excellent wages VET FINGERS. Apply in per¬ 6-8-25 (4) DIPT. after 5 p.m. and benefits. Please call son, 527 E. Michigan Avenue. CAMPUS TOYOTA CELICA ST, 1973- Diane Alvary, PROVINCIAL HOUSE EAST. 332-0817. Z-14-8-25 (3) Students MICHIGAN NATIONAL BANK will be accepting application* tori Call 373-3120 days: 372-1811 7 8-25 (7) New HILL evenings. 4-8-25 13) Leasing Fer shouldn't have VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER. STUDENTS TO work in rental office. 3 p.m.-11:30 car FALL 2 Bedrooms t live in drab TELLER OPENINGS Salespersons 1972- excellent condition, p.m. weekdays, 7 a.m.-3 p.m. •Furnished Apts. t 'V-j rooms. $1950 or best offer. 349-2349. The Slate News Classified Advertising Dept. weekends. 489-1484. •Free Roommate Service 6-8-25 (3) will be accepting applications for sales per¬ 7-8-25 (4) •Dishwashers # air conditioning We are looking for people who sonnel for the coming school year. Must be | <* smfa ||7] SHORT ORDER cook, part- •Central Air Conditioning 9 luxurious furnishings are experienced tellers and who able to work a minimum of 2 consecutive time, sary. no experience neces¬ Apply in person, •Swimming Pool # dishwashers enjoy meeting the public. Hours per day. Monday through Friday. Peter WATERPUMPS, FUEI HUDDLE NORTH LOUNGE, •Unlimited Parting 9 slug carpeting Positions are available im¬ some soles advertising background and in¬ pumps and engine gasket sets for your foreign car in 309 N. Washington, Leonard •Pleasant landscaping e private balconies mediately. Stop in at Michigan terest. Apply today 3-5 p.m. 347 Student Ser¬ Plaza, downtown Lansing. stock at CHEQUERED FLAG 9-8-23 (6) •Special 12 month rates # swimming pool National Bank's Personnel Dept. 2nd vices Building in person. Students Only. FOREIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 Have a place to head floor 124 W. Allegan Lansing to Fill E. Kalamazoo Street. 487- application or call us for an Typist 5055, one mile West of RESEARCH CONSULTANT to...Collingwood Special out an campus. C-15-8-25 18) to handle major projects for a Apartments I FREE BUS FALL RATCS downtown health care organ¬ appointment. The State News Classitied Dept. will he ac¬ Ready to move up to a new ization. Send resume to Box *olr conditioned SERVICE cepting applications for typists for the coming F6, The State News. •dishwasher M/F school year. Must be able to work 8-11 o.m., set of g-If clubs? Sell the old 731 8 8-25 (5) •shag carpeting 11-2 p.m.. or 2-5 p.m. shift doily, Monday ones easily with a fast- •unlimited porking Model Open 9-9 acting Classified ad! through Friday. Must be the same hours every POSITIONS NOW open for •2 bedroom Everyday day. Apply in person today, 3-5 p.m., 347 GOOD USED tires. 13-14 15 cooks, waiter, waitresses b bus personnel. All shifts, all •model open doily APARTMENTS 374-1233 Student Services Building. Students Only. inch. Mounted free. Used hours. Apply in person, 9 months - '320 Leasing for Fall wheels and hub caps. PEN- INTERNATIONAL HOUSE 731 Burclt.it'' Drivi' NELL SALES INC., 1825 East OF PANCAKES. 2800 E. Coil 351 8282 Michigan, Lansing, Michigan Grand River, East Lansing. (behind Rollerworld) CALL 349-3530 351 721? 48912.482 5818 C 15 8 25(6) 7-8-25 (7) Wednesday, August 23, 1978 ] 0 Michigon Stote News, Eost lonsing, Michigon Houses £ rn^rHfOsl^] | Typln Service Willi* RENT 2 bedroom mobile TYPING. txrtmtNCED. STREET CORNER Society, EAST LANSING, 1 block Announcements for It's What Aikido, martial art for self- home, furnished, $180 + fast and reasonable. 371 amateur theatrical group from campus. Large room Happening must by received in the defense and personal growth, utilities. Plush for one, com¬ 4635 C 15 8 25 (3)_ needs 2 new members start¬ with cooking privileges. Fe¬ State News office, 343 Student meets at 7 p.m. Thursday, and 1 fortable for two. 351 8457 ing fall. Call John, 332 4287. male needed. $90. 332 5988. GOING ON vacation typing 3 8-25 (4) Services Bldg., by noon at least p.m. Sunday, Judo Room, Men's 0-3-8-25 (41 after"5 p.m. 5-8-25 (5) IM Building. service resume fall term. 332 two class days before publication. 3492. C 15-8 2513) No announcements will be accept¬ EAST LANSING duplex. 4 2 BEDROOM mobile home, ed by phone. ■. • "Beyond Relaxation to Enlight¬ bedrooms, 2 baths, $420. Fur¬ $3200. 10 x50' Plush for one. MATURE QUIET graduate nished, $480. 374 6366 comfortable for two. Nice Transportation 0J- student looking for a room¬ Tai Chi Club meets at 6 p.m. enment" - a Transcendental Medi¬ way to afford college, 351 mate & an apartment. 332 Thursday in the grotto near the tation lecture, will be given at 7:30 0-6-8-25 (31 RIDER WANTER: Northern 8457 after 5 p.m. 5-8-25(5) 3768 after 9 p.m. 5-8 25(4) Music Building. tonight in 340 Union and 3 p.m. New Jersey, September 2-17. Aug. 29, 334 Union Bldg. Rook 355 9589 (days) 351-6195 1974 12X67 foot, 3 bedroom. (evenings.). 3-8-23 (4) Forest Park. Third bedroom is Information on vaccinations and LARGE. SINGLE, furnished. WANTED URGENTLY ride to 2 FEMALES desire own room currently darkroom. Located COME SQUARE DANCE at 7 free medical resources is available Clean, redecorated, share in house near campus. Call 10 miles northwest of Fran- New York City to share from 8 to 10 tonight, at the kitchen and bath, parking. dor off 1-69. Quiet Cove Lynn, (3131-557-2045, collect. tonight, Union. Experience need¬ driving and gas. 25 August. ed. MSU Promenaders. Spartan Village Day Care Center. Very close. $90 - $130, year Trailer Park. $6700. Call John 355-4100 5-11 a.m. 2-8 24(4) Z B 2 8 23 (4) lease. 372-1801, 332-1800. Kassner. 373-6861 for an 0-4-8-25 (6) appointment. 2-8-24 (9) ROOM FOR 1 or 2 persons in TWO BEDROOM Parkwood. It ain't no full finished basement of nice 12 x 52. Split level dining/ house. Carpeted, light cook¬ living. Partially furnished. Off ing privileges. $150/month. white carpet, mirror wall. 323-1014 after 4:30 p.m. Water softner, shed. Lake 4-8-25 16) view 7 miles to campus. 337-2756 or 641-6863. YOUR OWN ROOM in quiet 4-8 25 (8) house, save dollars. Less than dorm double, $90 or $95. 1 [leal EjtitiJfas] skinny dip. block North Brody, park in drive. 332-0307 3-8-25 (7) CONDOMINIUM ON lake. 2 ( Fir Sate |[5] bedroom townhouse, air, fur¬ nished or unfurnished. 339- 3511 4-8-25(4) SEWING MACHINES slightly used, guaranteed. $39.95 and COZY 3 bedroom ranch with up. Open arm chairs from $89.50. EDWARDS DISTRI¬ attached garage. Finished rec room. Mature shade trees Our roast beef sandwich isn't just a couple of thin slices of meat BUTING CO 1115 N. Wash- . around this property. Desir- thrown onto a piece of bread. It's a savory combination of U S D A ington. 489-6448. C-15-8-25 (6I Choice roast beef, heaped upon our Hearthstone toast, and enhanced MSU. Call Millie Knapp 669- 5430 or Long Realty 694- with a tasty au jus sauce 1121 X-4-8 23 19) In fact, the only thing skinny about our roast beef sandwich LEICA M-3 with 50 mm SAVE $4000, beautiful home, Summichron meter and case. minutes from MSU. imme¬ Mint condition. WILCOX diate occupancy, $62,900. Including TRADING POST. 485-4391. Call 371-4300 after 5:30 p.m. Salad C-3-8-25 (4) 3 8-25 (41 Bar FURNITURE- MUST sell, CLEAN 2 bedroom with base¬ ment. New roof, large trees, very good shape. 4 years old. Complete furnishings for garage, on bus line, 2 miles MSU. $11,500. Land con¬ living room, dinette, 2 bed¬ rooms; includes mirrors, tract 337-2756. 3-8-25 (51 lamps and tables. $800 or best offer, 676-9011 or 694- Rummage Sale in 4*»_3;?-25J8) FREE 30-day Biorhythm Pro¬ GARAGE SALE, many items, file Chart compliments of children's clothes and furni¬ new company! Get into your ture. 3585 W. Hiawatha Drive, Okemos (off Jolly Biorhythms today. Simply send name/address/birthdate Road.) August 24-26. and a stamped, self-address¬ 3-8-25 (51 ed envelope to: Biorhythms, GARAGE SALE, couch, P.O. Box 1446, East Lansing, chairs, lamp, rugs, etc. Must 600 N. Homer near Frandor Shopping Center, Lansing Michigan 48823 C-14-8-25 go now! Real good prices. Aniko 332-6639 or 332-8667. 5001 W. Saginaw across from the Lansing Mall, Lansing BEAUTIFUL SOLID cherry bedroom set, 5 piece. Excel¬ lent condition. 394-1222. Service 8-8-23 13) BLACK DIRT, sod farm soil, FOR vice, QUALITY stereo ser¬ THE STEREO SHOPPE. Make Lafayette Your Approximately 5 ft yards de¬ 555 E Grand River. livered locally. $40. 641-6024 or 372-4080. Fill, sand, gravel available also. 0-15-8-25 16) C 15-8 25(3) Electronics Headquarters! COMPLETE REPAIR service for stereo's, TV's, tapes, 100 USED vacuum cleaners, 1 year warranty, $7.88 and guitars, banjos, band i •AweUo. SyAtemA up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. 316 N. Cedar. 482 2677 C 15-8-25 (5) VISIT MID-MICHIGAN'S 2 CHRISTIAN ladies would like to do Reasonable. 393-8943. housework. Lafayette/BSR largest used bookshop. CURIOUS BOOKSHOP. 307 3-8 2513) 30-Watt AM/FM E. Grand River, East Lansing. 332-0112. C-15-8-25 15) FREE LESSON care MERLE m complexion NORMAN Stereo System COSMETIC STUDIO. 321- Lafayette LR1515A powerhouse receiver, with 15 watts per OVER 2000 cheap albums, 5543 C 15-8-25 (4) channel minimum RMS. both channels driven into 8 ohms 251 and up. All type-hits to from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 01\ total harmonic tne obscure. FLAT, BLACK distortion, pair of wide range 2-way speakers. BSR LIGHTNING FAST- stereo. „.._r an(J magnetic cartridge & CIRCULAR, upstairs. 541 TV CB and camera repair. turntable with base. E. Grand River. Open 11 a.m. Guaranteed work. WILCOX X C-8-8-25 (5) TRADING POST 485-4391. C 12-8-25(4) OUR LOW overhead saves you money. OPTICAL DIS¬ MORNING PRE SCHOOL on COUNT. 2617 E. Michigan. South Harrison 8:00-11:00. Lansing. Mich. 372-7409 4-8-25 (4) $25-week. 4 5 year olds, call Marianne. 332-0038 5-8-25(4) •Aufo SmkcC- - (talentedIlw Texas Instalments UPRIGHT ANTIQUE piano- excellent condition. 1 Typiai Serviced Tenna In-Dash AM/FM Early Bird Back-to-School Savings Best offer 323-1014. 4-8-25 I3> Cassette Player Super Scientific Slide Rule TI-55 COPYGRAPH SERVICE. dissertation and performance stereo cassette--AM/FM BACK TO school shoppers SAVE, shop at CHEST resale shop at 119 E. CEDAR Complete resume M A C. and service. Grand Corner River. High stereo radio. 5 push-buttons have 10 station capability Features integrated circuitry, locking 39s8 Kalamazoo, Lansing. Opens 8:30 a.m • 5:30 p.m. Monday- fast forward and rewind, pushbutton eject, much more1 Master Business Analyst August 28, hours 10 a.m. - Friday. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 3 p.m. Monday-Friday. Saturday. 337 1666 C-15 8-25 (7) Fleurette Anastasia 54s8 3-8-25 (6) Programmable TI-57 STEREO. MARANTZ 2226 EXPERT TYPING by MSU grad 17 year experience. receiver and turntable, RTR speakers. 6 months old. Near Gables. Call 337-0205. 5488 excellent condition. Must sell. C-15-8-25 (31 332-5876. 3-8-25 (5) ANN BROWN typing. tations-resumes-term papers. Disser¬ Hkete Sfieciah! VIOLINS FOR sale, private 601 Abbott Road, North en¬ collection. August 26. 27 only. Call after 4 p.m.. 372- trance. 351 7221 New! Lumitime Phone Universal C 15-8-25 14) 9861, 489-4593. 3-8-25 (4) EXPERIENCED TYPIST, fast & accurate. Thesis disserta FURNITURE- MATCHING t.ons 339-3575. 7-8-25 (3) set, 3 piece. Couch, loveseat, and chair. 1 year old, like THESIS. TERM papers new. $500, 351-9120 after 5 typed. Quick Quality. 332- Created by Orange Blos¬ An elegant masterpiece o.m. 7-8-25 (5) 2078. 0 15-8 25 (3) from Orange Blossom som America's lead¬ INSTANT CASH. We're pay¬ In your choice of highly EXPERIENCED. IBM typing, ing producer of original ing $1-2 for albums in good polished white or yellow dissertations, (pica-elite). and elegant engagement shape. WAZOO RECORDS. gold The diamond is 223 Abbott, 337 0947 FAYANN, 489 0358. rings of beautiful sim¬ something you drea* C-15-8-25 (4) C 15-8 25 (3) plicity The exquisite about — all dressed up diamond as large or as in 14K or 18K gold1 SOFA BED $45. 6ft feet, UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS small as your desire and folds flat, Herculon, excel COMPLETE DISSERTATION budget In your choice lent. 332-6663. 3-8-25 (3) AND RESUME SERVICE- of white or yellow — We are a factory authorized repair center for Pioneer, Altec, BIC. Dual. Garrard, Johnson and more. type setting, IBM typing, offset printing and binding. 14K or 18K gold See it Prices good thru Aug. 26. 1978. fmt t Fwi |f^1 We For estimate, stop in at 2843 . today in our store1 reserve the right to limit quantities. Electronically Speaking E. Grand River or phone 332- Who Knows Better Than 8414 C-15-8-25 (8) LOST MALE Shepherd-Collie v Lafayette mix. Has ID tag with owner's iLiri. l pv name. Black, tan, white. FAST. ACCURATE typing. 319 E GRAND RIVER Answers to Dax. Lost on Reasonable Rates. Carole, RADIO ElECTRONICS®r ASSOCIATE SIORES 353-5420. 3-8-23 (6) Shop EAST LANSING campus. 351-6619. Z 4.8-25 (3) 1375 E. GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING 332-8676 9:30-5:30 337-1314 IN THE BROOKFIELD PLAZA CORNER OF HAGADORN & GRAND RIVER LOST- REDDISH orange PROFESSIONAL EDITING & Mon. - Fri. Moat Major Cradlt Carda Accaptad cmt.fied " 0p#n Dm" ladies wallet. ID inside. Re¬ typing. Corrections to major 9:30-1PM Bankllna Daalar, Financing Alto Available ME «uoio comulunt Sunday1H.ni.-5p.nl. re write. 332 5991. ward. Call Ann, 332-0634. { Sot. 0 1 8 23 (3) Z 3-8-25 (3) Michigon Stote News, Eost Lansing, Michigor HAGAR the Horrible SPONSORED BY: by Dik Browne though! j (t)WJIM-TV(CBS) (IQ)WltX-TV(NBC) (1 l)WELM-TV(Cobl«) (12)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKARTV(PBS) Do animals kHoW what YoiJ'RE tHiHikiM&? jt— WEDNESDAY (10) Doctors (10) NBC News (10) Movie (23) Cooking With a (11) Black Notes (11) Best of Sloucho#4 11:00 (12) ABC News Continental Flavor (12) Eight is Enough (10) High Rollers 3:00 (23) Over Easy (23) Nova (12) Happy Days (10) Another World 7:00 9:00 (23) Villa Alegre (12) General Hospital (6) My Three Sons (6) Movie 11:30 (10) Adam-12 (23) Paint Along with (12) Charlie's Angels (6) Love of Life Nancy Kominsky (11) Mary Sue Herdliska (23) Joffrey Ballet Live (10) Wheel of Fortune 3:30 (12) Partridge Family From Art Park (12) Family Feud (6) All In the Family (23) Life Around us (11) Rally with the Peace (23) Lilias, Yoga and You (23) Villa Alegre 7:30 People 11:55 4:00 (6) Match Game PM (6) CBS News (6) New Mickey Mouse (10) Hollywood Squares (11) Shintowa 9:30 PEANUTS SPONSORED BY: CLEANERS LAUNDRY 12:00 (11) Impressions Club (6-12) News (12) Mary Tyler Moore 10:00 by Schulz (10) Munsters IET US DO YOUR (10) America Alive! (23) MacNeil Lehrer (10) Police Woman (12) Bonanza summer ALTERATIONS (23) Evening at Pops Report (12) Celebrity Concerts (23) Sesame Street 332-3537 12:20 4:30 8:00 11:00 (6) Almanac (6) Doris Day (6) CBS News (6-10-12) News A PRESENT 7 I LOVE GETTIN6 12:30 A POZEN (6) Search For Tomorrow (10) Gilligan's Island FORME? y V PRESENTS > FOREhANP (12) Ryan's Hope (6) Gunsmoke 5:00 MSU SHADOWS V0LLEV5: , 1:00 (10) Emergency One! by Gordon Carleton (10) For Richer, For Poorer (12) Emergency One! SPONSORED BY: (6) Young and the Restless (23) Mister Rogers (12) All My Children 5:30 (23) Petal Pusher (23) Electric Company 1:30 5:45 DID Vbu. THi.y'1je. TVajalW ST/^Tto (6) As The World Turns (11) WELM News MAWPJfc TU£ STAER TCSX ?, (10) Days Of Our Lives 6:00 Topopo! (23)Turnabout (6-10-12) News Yes, BY -rue 23 rd C£WTU«Y it northern 2:00 might fiwm be. done. jj- ' (11) TNT True Advenfur SPONSORED BY: Salad FRANK & ERNEST n (12) One Life To Live (23) Over Easy (23) Dick Cavett by Bob Thaves 2:30 6:30 (6) Guiding Light (6) CBS News SlfeMA alfva my P.syc.hiatri5t has -switched to reality therapy, AND NoW HE'5 blaming, me fop everything i do j copying duplicating is our business Corner of MAC ond ANN ST Open 0 30-6 00 M-F 10 00-5 00 Sal campus THE DROPOUTS SPONSORED BY: pizza by Post 1040 E Grand River TRAVELS WITH FARLEY SPONSORED BY: by Phil Frank -AND! SAy THE H2WC4NY0U , Gill IT A /YcuecuRMPR/we ' STEWED GULL Till IF YOU HAVENT HUNCH.' ALL'-me SAME/ r iSTZwftARE.' EVEN TASTED ir/'?/ \ -Piacy. PICKY2 > ' I SWEK. IT DDE^NTAWKE AMY ■ DIFFERENCE iQH MICH M0NEV 1 J WO HAVE WHEN WORE TRYING TO SET A OAB if) NEW WRk CHY ISGW PILLOW TALK SPONSORED BY: FURNITURE Soft and Prondor by Johnny Hart r w van f9gy pj||ow furniture ihoppinj Carta. 0eQn Bag( , „ CAMPUS nTcAa TUMBLEWEEDS SPONSORED BY: PIZZA 337-1639 by Tom K.Ryan MY STAR SHORTS1CP is H I'LL go away can you imagine YOU'RE ACTUALLY SEEING get you toocs.and beetle as a SOMEONE'S MIND BEING someday, come back as lieutenant? MAYBE SOGSLED sarge j an officer.' A major...or a GENERAL?.' Wednesday, August 23, 1978 ] 2 Michigon Stote News, Eost lonsing, Michigan Growers go nuts at By REBECCA DICKER MSU gathering "Generally, a nut will grow in any kind of soil that a regular farm O'Wicki said. If the campus squirrels seem to be acting a little more erratic crop would do well in," O'Wicki explained. "Temperature and The hican, a cross between the hickory nut and pecan nut, has than usual this week perhaps it is because they know the Northern climate do have their effect, however. For ekample, the pecan, proved a successful method of getting the pecan's flavor and the Nut Growers Association has been on campus. another big commercial crop along with the walnut, cannot be hickory's growing toughness, he continued. The association has been holding its 69th annual meeting at grown successfully in Michigan's climate." Keeping the chestnuts roasting on an open hearth is another Growers are continually looking for a hardier strain of the concern of the Nut Grower's Association. In 1904, the American MSU since Sunday and which ends today. commercially-popular pecan that would grow in northern climates. chestnut tree was virtually distroyed bv a chestnut blight, he said. Things went a little nutty over in Holden Hall as about 300 men and women from throughout the United States and Canada met to discuss and disseminate information about new techniques in nutgrowing. . •Promoting nut culture, education and research projects is the goal of 1,400 members of our organization." said association MSU dean named to committee President Harry B. Lagerstadt of Corvallis, Ore. The Michigan Nut Growers Association hosted the local meeting The dean of the MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine has been Magen. who is active in several committees and professional this year. John C. O'Wicki. secretary of the Michigan unit, said 90 elected to the National Fund for Medical Education Medical groups, was appointed dean of the College of Osteopathic Medicine Perspectives Selection Committee. in 1970 by the MSU Board of Trustees. percent of the members are interested in nuts only as a hobby and The former president of the American College of Osteopathic make their living at various other trades and professions. Myron S. Magen D.O., was chosen for a three-year term by NFME's board of directors at this year's annual meeting. Pediatricians and member of the American Osteopathic Board of "Black walnuts. Carpathian walnuts, chestnuts, heartnuts. The work of the committee includes awarding fellowships to Pediatrics said being involved in different committees such as the filberts and butternuts all grow in Michigan." said O'Wicki. medical students. NFME brings "perspective and prestige to MSU." Conference participants displayed nut exhibits at the meetings The NFME was founded in 1950 by leaders in business industry Medical Perspectives is designed to stimulate medical students concerning successful nut growing techniques, grafting to develop and education whose goal was to encourage and facilitate to initiate learning experiences they would not ordinarily hybrid nuts and artifacts like dishes and toys made from nut shells. encounter in medical school. The 29 fellowships are awarded to corporate philanthropic support of medical education. It also seeks Members spent Sunday getting acquainted and Monday and students based on the quality of thier request. to provide business and industry with a continuing flow of Tuesday attending speaking sessions on various aspects of nut "The students tell what they want to do, why and how and the information about the response of medical schools to the changing growing. Today they will tour a nut farm near Lansing. committee makes a decision," Magen said. needs and expectations of the public. "Carpathian walnuts are a strain of English walnuts that grow For instance, he added, one student wanted to start a medical The fund is the only national source of venture capital for well in Michigan's climate." said O'Wicki. a nut enthusiast from program in Thailand and was awarded a fellowship. experiments in medical education. Niles. Mich. State News Kay McKeever Archers participate in the barebow contest during the 4-H competition held by the Ingham Conserva¬ tion League in Lansing Tuesday morning. COUPONANDAHALF PITCHM NIGHT EbefBd >3301 6. MICHIGAN $ »202D WEST Riv/eR, OKZMOS- - GIVEN ON MANUFACTURERS COUPONS RIDUCID PRICIS ON ALL A ^^^^^5|jR,oodS»or# KJevr* Tt> K-MART PfPFEM COUPONS RX CJGAtilTTIS AMP COFFEE AT R6UAK FACf VAUJE BUT- BOB MOT QUALITY BRANDS Wt Wo"' MCIUPE IN STORE OR FREE ITEM COUPONS TONIOHT-SAT. 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