Nicaraguan guerrillas hold 500 hostages in capital city window," Victor Medina said in a telephone The government of President Anastasio They also released the 15 persons By JUAN MALTES Somoza ordered all airports in the country wounded in the attack, including four Associated Press Writer interview. Medina is one of about 20 reporters closed to civilian traffic and international soldiers, and the bodies of the eight national MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) — Heavily- armed leftist guerrillas holding 500 hos¬ caught in the building by the raid. telephone calls to government offices were guard officers killed. blocked. Reports from Costa Rica said The raiders — witnesses said there were "We were sitting on the floor with other tages in the capitol building said they would 100 — were demanding release start killing the hostages Wednesday night hostages talking when a guerrilla came over Nicaragua had sealed its border with that as many as and told us that at 7 p.m. tonight (9 p.m. neighboring country, from which the guer¬ of the country's estimated 150 political unless the government frees political pris¬ oners and pays millions of dollars in ransom, East Lansing time) they would start rillas frequently launch attacks. prisoners and safe passage to Panama, executions of the kidnapped if the govern¬ The guerrillas, who seized the National Venezuela or Mexico from themselves, the a witness reported. ment did not accede to their demands," Palace in a bold 10-minute attack Tuesday prisoners and any hostages they decide to Many of this Central American country's afternoon during a session of parliament, take. They also demanded $10 million in Medina said. He said about 25 hostages political elite are among the hostages. released about 110 women and children "They said they will start executing the escaped through a window Wednesday morning. hostages Wednesday morning. The military government asked for 24 hostages and throw them out of the hours to consider the demands, since they involve foreign countries. The Costa Rican government was watch¬ ing developments in Nicaragua closely, Missing woman's husband Public Security Minster Juan Jose Echever ria said in San Jose. A Costa Rican radio report said a number of journalists who tried to cross from Cost Rica into Nicaragua were turned back. asks citizens to search Scores of soldiers ringed the palace area, others set up roadblocks on highways in and out of the capital and patrolled city streets. The assault was the most daring in the escalating guerrilla war by Sandinista "I just feel she's alive someplace," Stuart block from where she was last seen. So far, Liberation Front By PAULA DYKE National insurgents State News Staff Writer said in response to numerous reporters. the unbroken glasses represent the only against Somoza's authoritarian, right-wing The husband of Kristine Rose Stuart, the Kristine Stuart, a seventh-grade science clue police have of an abduction. administration. teacher at Gardner Junior High School in 30-year-old East Lansing woman missing The recent arrest of Donald Gene Miller, Local prelates of the Roman Catholic since Aug. 14, urged all Lansing-area Lansing, was last seen around 9:30 a.m. on 23, in connection with the rape of a Church acted as go-betweens between the residents Wednesday to join in the search Aug. 14. A carpenter working for the missing 15-year-old Delta Township girl and the guerrillas and authorities. to locate his wife. One of the free women hostages said the woman's husband saw her near Coolidge stabbing of her 13-year-old brother, has led Ernest Stuart, owner of Stuart Builders, Road and Fair Oaks Court, only a few police to speculate that Miller may have remaining hostages were grouped together State News Bob Stern Inc., said in a televised press conference he been involved in the Stuart disappearance. in various parts of the building. blocks from her residence. She was ap¬ is optimistic that his wife is still alive. The government said hostages included Greg Thompson, who claims he is from Borneo, plays the bagpipes "She's a very strong person. She can parently walking home from the bus stop Somoza's cousin, Luis Pallais Debayle, because of a "divine revelation." He plays the pipes all over campus on withstand a lot," Stuart said. after dropping off her car in Lansing for deputy speaker of the lower house, and and off during the day. Stuart, keeping his eyes averted from repairs. Jose Somoza Abrego, Somoza's nephew and cameras, said he believed his wife is being The woman's eyeglasses were found in East Lansing Police Chief Steven Naert weeds along the side of the road about a said Wednesday detectives did not know of (continued on page 10) held against her will. Miller's whereabouts on the morning of Stuart's disappearance. WKAR to resume radio "So far, we haven't been able to determine where he (Miller) was at that Postal union rejects labor pact; time. But that doesn't necessarily mean he was involved," Naert added. operation in five weeks Miller was engaged to Martha Sue Young, the MSU woman who vanished after a date with Miller on New Year's Eve of national mail strike a possibility 1976 and has never been found. Seagraves, said Wednesday there has been call a strike within five days if postal WKAR-FM radio officials said Wednesday they anticipate getting back on the air within By JEFFREY MILLS five weeks, while a WKAR-TV spokesperson estimated it would take a little longer to Associated Press Writer no change in that position. management refuses to come back to the Young's clothing and identification were bargaining table. If negotiations are re¬ resume over-the-air television programming. found 10 months later in a Bath Township WASHINGTON (AP) - A tentative labor Responding to the union vote, Wayne L. Both the television and FM radio branches of WKAR lost broadcasting power Monday Horvitz, director of the Federal Mediation opened. he can call a strike 15 days swamp. agreement with postal workers crumbled afterward if there is when a fire at the WKAR transmitter facility in Okemos destroyed thousands of dollars and Conciliation Service, asked both sides to no agreement. Naert said detectives have been unable to Wednesday as a union of letter carriers Vacca blamed meet with him separately "as soon as rejection of the pact on worth of equipment. talk to Miller except through his attorney rejected the pact, raising the possibility of a resentment over a Postal Service public national mail strike by next week. possible to discuss what steps should be Steven Meuche, WKAR radio General Manger, said that some of the equipment housed for "well over a year." taken." relations campaign to tell the public what in the building was still operable, but it appears unlikely that the transmitters themselves Vacca said the vote was 78,288 against the good jobs postal workers have. He also said Meanwhile, a police search force com¬ J. Joseph Vacca, president of the there was bitterness over the White House could be rebuilt. 181,000-member National Letter Carriers tentative contract and 58,832 for it. posed of officers from Eaton, Ingham and anti inflation campaign that singled out the "We can't proceed with restoration of the building or purchasing new transmitters until Clinton county sheriffs' departments are Union, said he has asked Postmaster "Accordingly, I have informed the post it is ascertained which items are repairable," Meuche said. General William F. Bolger to renegotiate the master general that there is no agreement." postal workers as a target, and AFL-CIO continuing their efforts to locate the President George Meany's statement that it He said an insurance adjuster specializing in electronic equipment damage is currently pact — a step Bolger has pledged not to take. he said. missing woman. A Postal Service spokesperson, Van Under the union constitution. Vacca may was a poor contract. working on an estimate of replacement costs. (continued on page 10) Vacca repeatedly declined to answer WKAR-TV General Manager Robert Page said he met with insurance and University reporters' questions "on the advice of representatives Wednesday and is "optimistic" that the station will resume on-air counsel." He refused to speculate on the programming in six to 10 weeks. chances of a strike or say what he would do if "Within the next week we hope to place an order for a new transmitter," Page said. PART OF COORDINATED DOLLAR RESCUE PLAS Bolger refuses to renegotiate "We're exploring ways to feed some of our programming to other commericial stations in icontinued on page 10) the interim," he said. East Lansing and Lansing cable systems began carrying WKAR-TV programming after the fire struck. The WKAR-AM radio transmitter is located on College unaffected by the fire. Road, leaving the AM station Gold sale 'psychological boost' Iranians ask purchased for fewer yen, francs or marks ultimately have to take a much more By WILLIAM GLASGALL NEW YORK (AP) - The Treasury's than similar products overseas. restrictive position" on imports. planned sale of 3 million ounces of gold may not by itself prop up the dollar's value, but Economist Otto Eckstein, a White House adviser during the Johnson administration, said Wednesday the government should two The Federal Reserve last week increased key interest rates that directly affect the cost of money banks borrow. The Fed punishment Indira Gandhi charged, it can prove an boost as part of a important psychological coordinated rescue plan, take advantage of this competitive edge. believes this will slow inflation by curbing analysts said Wednesday. "By itself, it's a waste of time, but "The government should make American business more conscious of the new export grqwth of the nation s money supply and credit, thus commanding greater inter for arsonists told not to leave India combined with other moves, it's valuable," said Geoffrey Wood, an economist at the opportunities created by the much cheaper dollar." national confidence in the dollar. A high inflation rate can rob the dollar of TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Police in the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. The.United States' trade deficit last year buying power, eroding its value against southwest Iranian city of Abadan clashed NEW DELHI, India (UPI) Former today with a crowd of more than 2,000 - "This will buy time," said James E. was $26 billion. During the first half of 1978, other currencies. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi appeared Sinclair, an investment adviser in New fist-waving, angry demonstrators demand¬ it stood at $16.4 billion. The White House has promised "a series" in court Wednesday at a hearing on York. "It's a very important maneuver, but ing punishment for those who set last corruption charges and was released on it doesn't address the fundamentals," such The United States has moved to restrict of unspecified actions over the next few weekend's devastating theater fire there. bail of $1,875 after a warning from the weeks aimed at further bolstering the as inflation — estimated at more than 7 U.S. purchases of Japanese cars, steel and dollar. At least 377 persons perished in the blaze. judge not to leave India. percent for 1978 — and the nation's televisions, and Eckstein said. "We will Police said the Saturday night fire was set At the end of the bail hearing, Gandhi multi-billion-dollar trade deficit. by Moslem fanatics who oppose reforms walked to a barred window near the The Treasury Department announced initiated by Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. second-floor courtroom to wave and Tuesday it will sell 750,000 ounces of its Many of today's demonstrators were rela¬ gold at four monthly auctions beginning in tives of the fire victims, press reports said. throw a garland of flowers to hundreds November. il J Some windows were smashed and three of her supporters in the courtyard tnursday persons were arrested, but no injuries were This will follow a series of six auctions below. that began in May where 300,000 ounces of reported. The former prime minister and five gold were sold monthly. The newspapers said workers searching others were charged last month with The administration hopes the gold sales, the charred ruins of Cinema Rex found 45 more bodies, bringing the total to 422. But conspiracy and criminal misconduct for together with other tactics, will cut the allegedly shaking down business execu¬ tives to obtain free vehicles for use in nation's trade deficit and reduce pressure on the dollar, which has lost about 20 inside the official government count remained at 377. the 1977 national elections. percent of its value against the Japanese sss The Abadan police chief, Brig. Gen. Reza yen and Swiss franc in the past two months. Popeye would feel right at Razmi, denied making a statement attribut¬ Gandhi lost her own seat in Parlia¬ With prospects of increased gold sup¬ home at MSU. See page 5. ed to him that the theater had been ment and her Congress Party was plies, the bullion market reacted immedi¬ bombed, touching off the fire. That report turned out of office in the elections, was carried by the government broadcast ately Wednesday. Gold sold in London for ending her 11-year rule of India. for the $201.05 an ounce, down $5.20 from Tuesday. weather New Delhi additional sessions Judge hearing. In Zurich, the other major bullion center, Police have been quoted variously as J.D. Jain set bail at $1,875 each for Balbir Singh Sherawat, treasurer of Gandhi and three codefendents, plus a gold closed at $200,875, down $5.75 from the saying the fire was started by gasoline or the Delhi Bar Association, pledged the Look for mostly sunny skies other explosive material poured around the day before. The dollar, meanwhile, moved surety for the former prime minister. generally higher against foreign currencies today, but don't count on it — a theater or by firebombs planted inside. surety for an equal amount. few marauding thunderboom- Razmi was called to Tehran Tuesday night Jain warned them not to leave the Jain said additional hearings in the early in the day but lost some ground in country without the court's permission. case will start Nov. 4 and ordered later trading. ers may cruise overhead. High to report on the investigation. The govern¬ Another co-defendant had already Gandhi exempted from further personal As the dollar falls in value, U.S. imports, near 80 degrees. Tonight will ment said a special commission was be darker and cooler. posted bail and the fifth failed to appear appearances unless otherwise ordered. including automobiles, televisions and other appointed by Prime Minister Jamshid appliances, become more expensive. But Amuzegar to take over the investigation. U.S. exports are then more competitive, inursday, August 24, 1978 EX-CIA MAIS ARRESTED FOR ALLEGED &3.000 DEAL Satellite info sold to U.S.S.R.? Mao criticism surfaces in China WASHINGTON (AP) - A that Soviet intelligence agents Kampiles worked for the spy Kampiles had access to the former CIA employee, who are not known to pay anyone agency from March to Novem¬ storage drawer where the man¬ The Post reported that when earned less than $15,000 a year without receiving documents in ber of last year as a "watch ual was located. The Post said TOKYO (AP) Criticism of the late Chairman Hua Kuo-feng, many Chinese Kampiles was arrested, federal — relaying secret messages, was return. officer," a job that entails Kampiles told the FBI that he Chairman Mao Tse-tung, father of officials still are reluctant to question government sources claimed paid $3,000 for allegedly selling They said the CIA colleague receiving and relaying top- put the document in the inner that he had caused the United Chinese communism, is surfacing in Moo's policies because so little time has technical manual secret messages. pocket of his sport coat one day the Russians a alerted the FBI, leading to the States "irreparable harm." China two years after his death and as passed since his death in September describing the "Big Bird" satel discovery that the satellite The code name for the photo¬ and took it home. The Post said the more than But the Post quoted another the post-Mao Peking government press¬ 1976. lite that spies on the Soviet manual was missing. According graphic satellite is KH-11 which But he indicated Mao's "infallibility" is Union, the FBI said Wednes¬ stands for Key Hole 11. It was a dozen of the 12-ton units have unnamed source as saying the es its campaign of vilification of the to intelligence officials, the contained in a news release by been put into earth orbit to nation would not be harmed, radical "Gang of Four," the Kyodo news coming increasingly into doubt. day. sophisticated satellite takes pic¬ the FBI last week when Kam¬ since the manual does not service said Wednesday. "The Chinese people respect and love The employee. William P. tures so precise that they can photograph Soviet missile silos, Chairman Mao. but at the same time they Kampiles. was arrested in Chi¬ distinguish between civilians piles was arrested. submarine bases, naval installa¬ provide the Soviets with the "It is wrong to think that Chairman cago last week on charges on and people in military uniform. The Washington Post, quot¬ tions, airfields and troop move- ability to stop the satellites Moo's historical guidance was faultless," know that he made some errors after the from passing secrets to the Russians. The intelligence sources said ing confidential sources, said taking pictures. Kyodo, reporting from Peking, quoted a 1966-69 Cultural Revolution," Kyodo Intelligence officials said a loss of the manual — reportedly Chinese Communist Party member and quoted the official as saying. The CIA colleague of Kampiles be¬ missing almost a year without government official as saying. "revolution" was a sometimes-violent came suspicious when Kampiles being noticed — has prompted a The source, who requested anonmyity, suppression of those who strayed from told him he received money review of CIA security proce¬ said that despite the leadership of Mao's purist ideology. from the Russians in exchange dures by the Central Intelli¬ Evidence rules made new for what Kampiles said was gence Agency and the Senate misinformation. They added Intelligence Committee. Sadat responds to Begin statement By JAMES V. HIGGINS against admission of lie detector results in 6,000 politicians, farmers and workers LANSING (UPI) - Breaking new ground criminal trials. Egyptian President Anwar Sadat says that at the upcoming Camp David summit he will strive for a permanent when he reasserted that at the Camp David talks he will work for "a lasting VFW accepting in state criminal procedure, the Michigan Court of Appeals Wednesday ruled inadmiss¬ Under that standard, the investigative method used must be so well accepted by the ible evidence obtained through injections of scientific community that its results are peace in the Middle East and will not peace based on justice, peace that "truth serum." reliable beyond a reasonable doubt. accept any partial solutions with Israel. cannot be achieved unless the Palestin¬ In another unique case, the appeals court "The psychiatrist himself admitted upon Sadat's comments, at a political rally Tuesday in the Nile Delta town of Talla, ian problem is solved. "There is no room for any partial female members said identification of a criminal suspect by a police tracking dog is not in itself enough inquiry from the court that medical evidence or studies on there was no the reliability appeared to be a response to Israeli solution or separate agreement," he evidence for a conviction. of this drug as a truth serum," the appeals Prime Minister Menochem Begin s state¬ said. DALLAS (API - Women easy passage when all 920 of The court, allowing itself a rare pun, said court said. ment Sunday that he has a plan for a The Camp David talks are aimed at will be able to join the Veterans the state's votes were cast however that evidence "doggedly gleaned Absent such evidence, the court was "partial, permanent" agreement with reviving efforts for a settlement of the of Foreign Wars for the first against it. from the efforts of these hounds" is valid if obligated to rule that the testimony was too time, and the head of the VFW However, delegates sum¬ backed up by separate human testimony. uncertain to be allowed before a jury, where Egypt that he will take to the Sept. 5 20-year-old Arab-Israeli conflict. Direct Auxiliary has hailed the step as moned the needed two-thirds The truth serum ruling — the first of its it would have had a potentially significant summit with Sadat and President Carter Egyptian-Israeli negotiations have re¬ mained deadlocked for the past eight "Keeping up with the times." majority to allow the measure kind in Michigan — was handed down in an impact." at the presidential retreat in Maryland. "We think it is great that the to pass 9,785 to 4,019. appeal from the Detroit Recorder's Court The tracking dog case involved "Chad," a Sadat drew cheers from the crowd of months. Detroit police canine, who followed a trail VFW is accepting women vet¬ Not all auxiliary officers conviction of Michael Cox on a charge of erans who have earned the were as enthusiastic as its careless discharge of a firearm resulting in from a burgarized building and led officers to right to be a member by virtue president. death. arrest Edward A. McPherson. He was later Two die of botulism in England of their overseas service to our Arlene McDermott, national Cox, who claimed self-defense, underwent convicted in Recorder's Court of breaking country," Grace Minnix. VFW senior vice president, said she an examination by a psychiatrist under the and entering with intent to commit larceny. Auxiliary national president, thinks the women eligible for influence of the "truth" drug brevitoil sodium Chad's "testimony" — and that of his BIRMINGHAM. Englond (AP) — A anti-toxins after being admitted to a to substantiate his claim. trainer saying conditions were good for said Tuesday. VFW membership who now 66-yeor-old British woman poisoned with hospital complaining of dryness in the Delegates to the national belong to the auxiliary are But the trial court ruled the results of the tracking — was the only evidence against the botulism died Wednesday. 23 days after mouth, blurred vision and vomiting. They VFW convention had just voted happy the way things have examination were inadmissible — and the suspect. underwent surgery to aid breathing. overwhelmingly to admit wom¬ been. appeals court agreed, applying the standard The appeals court reversed the conviction eating tainted Alaskan-canned salmon with her husband and in-laws. Her Officials said they were conscious en to the organization. She said there are about used recently to affirm the long-standing rule after citing a long list of precedents. husband died a week ago. through most of the ordeal. The Texas delegation threw 10.000 women in the U.S. The woman's death came a day after a crimp into the resolution's eligible for VFW membership. Betty Farmer's death was announced Coronor Dr. Richard Whittington ruled by East Birmingham hospital officials, her husband's death was accidental. An who had fought since July 31 to save her inquest was told his cause of death life. Mrs. Farmer's husband. Jesse. 64, broncho-pneumonia caused by botulism. was FOR RUGGED died in the same hospital. His brother The two couples ate salmon at a tea Leonard Farmer, 79, and sister-in-law Clara Farmer, 72. remain in serious party July 31. Authorities later said the WILDERNESS CAMPING seven and on-half-ounce tin of Alaskan condition. salmon had a tiny hole and was rusted, There is specific treatment for allowing botulism bacteria to contamin¬ If your botulism, no but all four were given ate the food. idea of camping includes back-packing, hiking, and climbing, we have the equipment and experts to help you get the most out of Wants Some Carter will "prod and urge"—Mondale Girl Friends! RAUPP WASHINGTON (UPI) — President possibility of a peace accord with the two We're Selling: . Campfitters 2021 C. Michigan 494-9401 Carter will try to "prod and urge" the leaders. Corduroy Joan* Mon,-Fri. lQ -B.Sat. 10-6 leaders of Egypt and Israel toward peace, "As that process develops, he plans to by Snapfinger but won't offer a U.S. plan at the coming make suggestions, urge changes where Camp David summit. Vice President those suggestions might be helpful and to Walter Mondale said Wednesday. Regularly *25 toward peaceful (or 2 for M 8) COLLEGE STUDENTS... prod and urge a The vice president said Carter felt he settlement," he told reporters at a had to call the talks to keep the breakfast interview in the White House. Israeli-Egyptian negotiations alive in the face of growing suspicion and rhetoric. Mondale said the president doesn't Woft/Umsiog Mondale, who has conferred with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin have a specific peace plan to present to Sadat and Begin when the two leaders 414 Elmwood 321-3707 DON'T LET and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, begin the talks with him at Camp David said Carter intends to explore the Sept. 5. YOUR HOMEWORK Rocks, rapids briefly halt Carter trip ALONG THE SALMON RIVER, Idaho break to get some rest and Amy did some PILE UP! (AP) — President Carter and his family fishing. made it to shore safely Wednesday after Dick Montgomery, a boat guide who a long oar used to steer their raft struck a was observing the raft from shore, said rock and snapped in half. the first family was never in danger. The accident happened shortly after the Carters broke camp for the second One of two of the oars on the raft struck a boulder about 20 feet after the For Beautiful day of their three-day vacation trip down first family had slid down the Tappen an River. isolated 80-mile section of the Salmon Falls, which is not a vertical drop, but more like a slide. The river narrows there Easy Care Hair! Minimize it with an Orientation Workshop in Collge The raft carrying the president, his and drops a total of seven feet through wife, Rosalynn, their daughter. Amy, and whitewater. Reading Survival Skills from Lansing Community College. two sons, Chip and Jack, resumed its trip When the boat's oar broke, the Earn two LCC credits while you learn how to read more after about an hour's delay. Undaunted boatpilot used the other oar to pull over by the setback, the Carters used the to the riverbank. swiftly and with better comprehension. Improve your note-taking and listening skills and find out how to Gov. Brown seeks rent rollback bill prepare for (and pass) objective and essay examinations. Choose from two four-day sessions: September 5 through SACRAMENTO. Calif. (AP) - Gov. al amount equal to 80 percent ot their 8 and September II through 14. Classes run from Edmund Brown Jr., conceding that his Proposition 13 property tax savings. 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. daily with an hour set aside for campaign for voluntary rent rollbacks The 80 percent cut would be spread lunch. has not been entirely successful, has over 12 months, and the bill would not endorsed a bill requiring landlords to prevent landlords from raising rents share some of their Proposition 13 again as early as next February, thus You can succeed in college with a little help from your savings with tenants. wiping out the previous month's cut. friends at LCC. Call 374 - 5010 and ask Lea Smith for "It's obvious that the very much However, they would have to disclose the vaunted savings of Proposition 13 ore not reasons for all rent increases. registration information. Hurry! Enrollment is limited. being passed along to the renters of Proposition 13, approved by voters California," the Democratic governor June 6, cut property taxes by an average said at a news conference Tuesday. of 57 percent for all property owners, or a The bill, now on the state Senate floor, total of $7 billion statewide. Its sponsor, Remember! At Lansing Community College would require landlords next Jan. 1 to Howard Jarvis, predicted during the the Accent is on YOU I roll back rents to their May 31, 1978, campaign that landlords would use their level, and then reduce them an addition¬ tax savings to lower rents. « Michigon Stote News, East Lansing, Michigan lhuisaay, August 'IJ' cancer study booms most current and best cancer By PAUL E. COX State News Staff Writer Research has increased information to all cancer pa¬ tients at the community level," Research into understanding cancer and finding cures for Suhrland said. various forms of the disease has risen at MSU by an estimated 1,000 percent, prof says He added that he will tinue to visit con¬ patients at the 1,000 percent since the early MSU clinical center and local '7Cs, said Dr. Leif G. Suhrland, hospitals. MSU professor of medicine. lion annually is supporting can¬ ments at MSU. Cancer research has expand¬ To better understand cancer, cer research done by 18 faculty The increased research funds ed throughout the University, some MSU researchers produce members and the various pro¬ put MSU vastly ahead of other McCormick said. He added that the disease in the laboratory to grams hope to be expanded, institutions in the country, 24 persons work with him in the watch how, when and why it said Dr. J. Justin McCormick, McCormick said, explaining occurs, McCormick said. He co-director of MSU's carcino¬ that the two medical school" carcinogenesis laboratory. Four of the MSU faculty added that once cancer is better genesis lab. and amount of talented persons members studying cancer are understood, chances for finding This money, which comes in doing the research attract more The red-and-white McDonald's carry-out restaurant at 1024 E. Grand River Ave. will soon be demolished to currently receiving money from make way for even more progress. The building currently being built on the same a cure are increased. the form of grants and con¬ money. the ACS: lot will be able to seat cus¬ Cure research at MSU in¬ tracts, is donated primarily by McCormick said some major tomers and will be open at 7 a.m. for breakfast til midnight. The old building, which opened on October 18. cludes developing methods for the American Cancer Society cancer breakthroughs and ac¬ •Dr. Harold C. Miller, asso¬ 1958, was the 139th McDonald's fast food operation built. earlier detection of cancer and and the National Cancer Insti¬ complishments have occurred ciate professor of microbiology tute, McCormick said. He add¬ at MSU. He cited biophysics and public health, is studying working on treatments for the disease such as chemotherapy, ed that the research is being professor Barnett Rosenberg's how membrane substances conducted throughout various discovery of a drug produced from tumor cells exert negative surgery and radiation. from the metal platinum that is effects the body's ability to From cottage cheese to Bibles, science and medicine depart¬ on Currently at MSU, $1.3 mil¬ helpful in treating cancer fight a tumor. patients. •Dr. Clifford W. Welsch. The drug is now being used professor of anatomy, is study¬ clinically, McCormick said, and ing cultures of human breast E.L. approves Rosenberg received quite a bit of recognition for making the discovery. The Michigan division of the tissues — normal, benign and malignant — to see if prolactin, a hormone that stimulates milk selling has been this man's life production, causes breast can¬ American Cancer Society has cer. By GERI SULLIVAN they shop. When he retired in 1974 he He loves raising flowers so recently named Suhrland as the much that he planted a four mall agreement Russell squatted in his glass sold everything except his rec¬ •Dr. John L. Wang, assistant Russell Monroe is a sales state's first ACS professor of enclosed stand, no bigger than ords and books, jumped in his inch wide strip of flowers that professor of biochemistry, is person par excellence. clinical oncology, the teaching During his 70 years, Russell a telephone booth, a straw hat station wagon, and headed off runs the length of the parking studying growth inhibiting sub¬ of cancer management. The stances — called chalones — has sold everything from hair with a bright orange band sat lot. He has grown sunflowers, professorship carries a $25,000 tonic to Bibles to Chamber of on his head, as he began to "I'm just a gypsy." he said. petunias and marigolds in the within minutes per year grant and Suhrland said he hopes the grant will and their effects on cells; and •Dr. Bruce E. Walker, pro¬ fessor of anatomy, is trying to Commerce memberships. He has worked as a milkman, recall his life. "I've been a salesperson all of Russell saved the addresses women w ho used his lonely 90 foot long space that is no wider than a crack in the continue for five years. railroad gandy dancer and bill my life," Russell said. "Begin develop an animal model to The East Lansing City Council approved a proposal The professorship will allow study the effects of the drug collector between sales jobs. ning when I was 12, 1 sold agreement on the Dayton Hudson mall Tuesday evening in less Suhrland to release current DES. This drug has been For the past seven months, cottage cheese door-to-door in Russell saved the addresses of women who than five minutes, moving the mall question one step closer to cancer information and teach¬ Russell has been handing out Williamston. We had one cow. administered to pregnant moth¬ used his lonely hearts service, stopping In the November ballot. ing techniques around the and I sold the cottage cheese on ers. in the past to prevent parking cards to customers of state, through lectures, consul¬ spontaneous abortion and cre¬ the First National Bank on paper plates, covered with towns olong the woy to visit them. Most of The agreement, worked out between Dayton Hudson Corp. tations, visits and media com¬ waxed paper." officials and Citizens for a Livable Community, was announced ates a higher risk in the Grand River Avenue and chas¬ the women were married, or living with munication, Suhrland said. His longest job was selling last week. mother's daughters for vaginal ing away people trying to find a someone, by the time he arrived, he said. "Our objective is to bring the free space for their car while women's and children's cloth¬ cancer, Walker said. The ballot proposal included in the agreement simply asks ing. It lasted more than 23 voters if they favor construction of the Dayton Hudson shopping years. mall in East Lansing. hearts service, stopping in Five years before he retired. He towns along the wav to visit pointed with pride to one Russell began a lonely hearts proposed $18.4 million mall, to be called The Cedars, Dems9 GOP to The them. Most of the women were of the plants. would be located at Lake Lansing Road and U.S. 127. The two-level regional mall would house 100 stores, with a J.L. convene mail-order business. He placed ads in magazines and wrote two married, or living with some one, bv the time he arrived, he "See. right there is a Pretty soon it will be a white bud. Hudson store anchoring one end. pamphlets to help lonely men said. * petunia." choices for lieutenant governor James Hardig, president of the and find each other. By KIM GAZELLA women Russell may not get to see All that remains for the proposal to be placed on the November State New. Staff Writer and nominate candidates for State Bar of Michigan; and One five-page pamphlet was the blossom. He is quitting the ballot is the signature of Ingham County Circuit Judge Ray C. The Democratic and attorney general, secretary of James Burdick, a Southfield Republi¬ written for women trying to job this week because of heart Hotchkiss. can parties will meet in conven¬ state and the state supreme attorney. find men. court. problems. Hotchkiss said Wednesday he would sign the document as tions this weekend to fill out State Rep. Melvin Larsen, "I've got another plan." Rus He plans to get a small farm soon as the court receives written word of the city council's their November elections R-Pontiac, is a secretary of with an orchard so he can The GOP is meeting in De¬ sel added. " 'Casanova's Meth¬ approval. slates. state candidate hopeful, while continue growing things. He troit Friday at 7 p.m. and all ods' — and that runs nine pages (continued on 10) Few surprises are expected Oakland County Circuit Court also wants to get back in the page day Saturday beginning at 10 'cause I've got more experience from either party as they affirm mailorder business. a.m. at Cobo Arena, while the Judge Alice Gilbert has been on how to catch women that I their gubernatorial candidates' Democrats rally at the Lansing campaigning for the right to have on how women catch Once a salesperson, alsways Civic Center Saturday at 10:30 oppose Williams in November a salesperson .... a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Sunday for a state supreme court seat. starting at 9:30 a.m. Both The Democrats are also ex¬ PBB Action Committee conventions are open to the public for observation. pected to affirm Fitzgerald's choice for lieutenant governor are Unlike the Democrats, who wondering about guberna¬ with state no problems. Fitzgerald, a senator from Detroit, considered over 40 persons last Act regulates sales ads given access to pit area torial nominee William Fitz¬ week for his running mate and If the advertised item is unavailable for sale and By JAMES N.McNALLY gerald's selection of a running said he would make his choice State News Staff Writer no quantity has been given, either a raincheck or a mate, the Republicans already before the convention opens. suitable substitute must be offered. The Consumer Item Pricing and Advertising know Gov. William Milliken's The raincheck, according to the law. is a Act joins several other consumer protection laws stead find of in¬ choice is former Lt. Gov. James Both parties will nominate MIO (UPI) - An Oscoda Officials estimated the pit some way safeguarding Michigan buyers from unscrupulous "written guarantee to deliver a specific consumer Brickley, now president of candidates for the state Board County judge has ordered the would be fully sealed within a cinerating them. business tactics. item" and must be honored. Eastern Michigan University. of Education and governing state to allow members of the few days. Construction work on The law, which went into effect July 29. mainly If the item is unavailable, the advertiser may "Implicit in his ruling of last boards of universities. PBB Action Committee into the a second pit already was under choose to substitute a "similar item bearing a June that burial should occur The Republicans need candi¬ regulates the use of the word "sale" and the area around a massive pit way. for only six months in the first Two openings have been corresponding advertising. substantially equivalent regular price." Such an dates to oppose Attorney Gen¬ containing the carcasses of Miller ruled that members of of the pits, he was ruling at the Under the law, "sale" need not appear in the ad item would be offered at the advertised sale price. eral Frank Kelley, Secretary of created on the MSU Board of 1,400 PBB-poisoned farm ani¬ the committee may enter "into same time that all future Trustees and five persons have if similar words such as "special" are used to Or a similar item of greater value may also be pits State Richard Austin and Su¬ mals, an attorney for the com¬ and on the site of the burial would harm the environment," the same meaning, Pat Murphy, of the offered. In such cases a comparable savings would mittee said today. preme Court Justice G. Mennen spoken out as hopeful candi¬ convey opertions for the purpose of Olson said. dates for the positions. attorney general's office, said. be given. . . Williams, who face no problems . observing and inspecting ..." Board chairperson One major provision of the law requires If the business advertising the item has several Traverse City lawyer Jim Olson also said the state in winning renominations from Patricia The ruling was another in a advertisers to list either the number of items locations and the item is not available at all Olson said he received an order appears to be acquiring vast the Democratic Party. Carrigan-Strickland, D-Farm- lengthy court battle being available for sale or the dates the item will be locations, the exempted locations must be Tuesday from Judge Allan C. amounts of land in the Oscoda ington Hills, and three-term continued on page 10» Miller prohibiting the Depart¬ waged by the committee to Most often mentioned for trustee Donald Stevens, D- available at the sale price. County area and he suspects ment of Natural Resources prevent the state of Michigan that is where the state would Bloomfield Hills, have both from burying any more tainted Republican attorney general from barring committee mem¬ like to locate a proposed toxic candidates are former U.S. decided not to seek reelection cattle in this remote area. bers from the premises. waste disposal plant. Attorney Philip Van Dam; this year. Residents fear PBB from the DNR officials had refused to tainted carcasses will seep into allow members of the commit¬ area groundwater and poison it. tee or the news media into the Miller has scheduled a hear¬ OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 00 NURSING pit area for about two weeks as ing for Aug. 29 to determine they prepared to seal the whether an injunction should GRADUATES 2.2-acre ditch. A spokesperson be issued against further con¬ for the DNR office in Roscom¬ struction on a second pit. Miller Now that graduation is nearing we would like to take this oppor tunity to let you know ol the exciting possibilities for careers in mon said that was because of recommended last June that nursing at the University of Michigan Hospitals. There are a wide the amount of equipment in the the state should cease burying variety of clinical areas of nuising practice for new graduates tainted farm animals and in¬ MED/SURG PEDIATRICS HOBBIES ARE and PSYCHIATRY specialties in: A BLAST • • BURN CARE REHABILITATION • INTENSIVE CARE We offer an outstanding staff development program, decentralized nursing administration and quality assurance through the use of standardized nursing care plans and problem oriented records. In addition, there are opportunities for advancement via clinical ESTES ROCKETS • ?r ladders RADIO CONTROL PLANES t MODELS • Jacdbgorig We would like to talk with you careers, our wage personally to discuss nursing and benefit program and answer other ELECTRIC TRAINS questions that you may have. 920Trowbrldg« (NexttoHobloi) 332-6364 HOME Please call or write for further information: (313) 763-3010 FASHIONS Nurse Recruitment University of Michigan Hospitals | SALE 3280 HFPB Box 46 Ann Arbor. Michigan 48109 NOW THROUGH AUGUST 31 iTafiaaaaasssss:zzzzz Fill your linen shelves with superb values SHEETS, PILLOW CASES, BEDSPREADS, BLANKETS, TABLECLOTHS, CURTAINS and University w _ TOWELS all now at saving prices! of Michigan W HOT OVEN —JI35E GRAND RIVER Hospitals 2JSM.AX/ E. LANSING, MICH. lei. 332-0858 E. LANSINC/A TeU Jacobsori0 @lpMD@lfi) Michigan doesn't need any more chemicals from Velsicol's plant Because of poor managment by Apparently this group of buyers allow a similar plant to be opened ous jobs and adding a little extra the Velsicol Chemical Co., Michi have been able to convince Depart¬ down the river — but an agree¬ capital to Michigan's investment gan residents now have more PBB ment of Natural Resources en¬ ment is an agreement. If Velsicol is pool. coursing through their bodies t han forcement chief Jack Bails that allowed to continue operations — Most of the chemicals produced do any other group of people in the they will not be prone to their past under any name — then the state are not even used in the state — country. Because of this gross mistakes and that no further is setting itself up for a larger they are exported in dangerous oversight on the part of Velsicol pollution will occur — accidental or degree of alienation than it already trucks and trains to areas all over managment, the state ordered the otherwise. is experiencing. the country. They really have no plant closed by Sept. 1, 1978. Bails took the sale proposal to Bails cited the 310 potential jobs bearing whatsoever on improving Now, however, it appears as if the state Water Resource Com¬ lost as the reason for his deadline the quality of life for Michigan's the state is about to reverse its mission, the body that grants final extensir n request, but a handful of residents. So why does Michigan once-noble position and grant approval, last Thursday. Bails was jobs can not be balanced against seem to be a chemical plant haven? Velsicol another chance at an requesting a stay on the Sept. 1 the millions of Michigan people Obviously the state's abundant accidental chemical disaster. deadline, to give the state enough who are justifiably scared to death water supply has something to do Except now it will not be called the time to determine if the new of the chemicals they may be with the attraction, but even more Velsicol Chemical Co., it will be owners should be able to stay in consuming. The chemical plants telling are the official state laws known as Bryan Products. The operation. that abound in Michigan — Dow and guidelines that make it easy name sounds harmless enough, Now, it would never be proper Chemical appears to have started for a chemical plant to begin but the new owners are none other to deny one group of people their an irreversible trend — really operation — like Jack Bails going than a group of old Velsicol right to enterprise freely because serve no purpose to Michigan to bat for a group of people so they executives. of a plant's past history only to other than providing a few danger- might have a little more clout when trying to reverse a state decision. Bails considers himself a Keep the lawyers at U-M member of the DNR, but we find it hard to see the connection bet¬ ween artificial chemicals and any A good deal of the snobbish superiority exuded it is also an impossible dream. MSU has many natural resources. from that school in Ann Arbor is probably a result of programs in sciences and the social sciences that The mood of this state is almost Dead PBB-conUminated cattle are being loaded daily into large open to the point where chemical MSU administrators considering us to be inferior. verge on worldwide prominence and could in fact be pits in rural Oscoda county. The PBB that contaminated these cows Why else would MSU place so much emphasis in the epitome of applied intellect if it were not for warfare is going to start meaning and all of Michigan's residents resulted from a warehouse mix-up at the energies being wasted in and the state do rural citizenry taking up arms getting law and dental schools if it is not an attempt areas we Velsicol Chemical Co.. located in St. Louis, Mich. to "keep up with the Joneses?" not need. against chemical plants. And the For the past 13 years, MSU has petitioned the Lawyers and doctors definitely have enough pull DNR seems to be putting itself on state to grant us the opportunity to open dental and in this state — as they do in all states — to keep the wrong side of the battle lines law schools. And for the past 13 years, the state enrollment in schools to a minimum. It is a seller's before the first shot is ever fired. The Board ofEducation has told MSU to forget it. Why is market and the state's consumers pay through the The DNR must be responsive to State News it taking MSU so long to get the message? nose. But there is no reason to believe that MSU the mood of Michigan's people. We do not need a law school. The state does not having a law and dental school will in any way change They do not exhibit responsive¬ Thursday, August 24, 1978 need more lawyers. We do not need a dental school the nature of this historical practice. And any ness by supporting the continua¬ Editorials ai 1 the opinions of the State News Viewpoints, columns and the state cannot afford any more dentists. This attempt for the University to justify its oft-repeated tion of Michigan chemical plants. It . and letters c e persona/ opinions. has been obvious for 13 years, yet this University request with the idea of breaking up the oligopic would be terribly unfair to Editorial Department persists in acting like the inferiors we are accused of practices of law and medicine in this state would fall blanketly ban all chemical plants in being. on deaf ears. The bar and medical associations are far Michigan, but the state can and Kofhy Kilbury David Misialowski Entertainmi if Edih Dove DiMartino We. of course, are not inferior to U-M in any way, too strong to ever allow MSU to undermine what should pass such stringent pollu¬ Kim Shanohan Sports Editc Mike Klocke shape or form. In fact, in areas that are directly- they have so painstakingly constructed. tion and safety standards that Aichelle Chambers Layout Edih Deborah Heywood related to benefiting the people of this state, they Let U-M train its doctors and lawyers. Let them chemical plants will find it econ¬ Patricia LoCroix Copy Chief Kennefh E Parker Damel J Hilbert can't even come close to our accomplishments. feel intellectually elite. Ignore them and concentrate omically unfeasible to continue This apparent inferiority complex on the part of on making MSU a standard for education that is their operations in this state. It Advertising Department MSU administrators manifests itself in our long- applicable and necessary. We, the people of this may be the only alternative to Advertising Manager Bob Shaffer Assistant Advertising Manager GinaSpaniolo range planning guidelines. The attempt to be all state, this country and the world deserve nothing citizens taking the law into their things to all people is of course a noble objective, but less. own hands. VIEWPOINT; WORKING WOMEN Themanagerial woman shaves her legs for a job By BARBARA J. EVANS job. Why? Two years later I asked my boss. you. You might do well to remember that Into the idyllic life of the student on This is what he said: "I think it was your though human beings may search for truth campus creeps now and then a discussion on V-neckline... no maybe it was your legs... and they may know what is good for them, the harsh realities of the real world. And to be quite honest 1 thought you had they still like to be around what makes Someday the courses will be over, you'll such a cute ass I couldn't decide where to them feel good. Ignore that fact of human graduate, the money will run out, or you'll look first." nature and you just might end up sitting get sick of studying and leave in a less flat on your integrity wtih a welfare check I was really shocked. But I laughed. It honorable manner. No matter how. Some¬ to warm you honest little heart. was OK by then because I had been I heard a woman who'll be graduating day you'll be trying to get a job. Now, a fellow in my marketing class promoted to a professional position and I soon say with conviction, "I'll never be a wasn't getting by on my looks anymore. believes that cosmetics are all frosting, not secretary!" Well, OK. But I used the The point is that I never tried to cash in on necessary and somehow trite. And some¬ experience. I kept my eyes and ears open times I still like to think he's right. I want to my appearance. It just happened. And it and learned. When the chance came I was was a reality I should have been dealing believe that you get hired on your abilities. ready. A professional position opened up with as much as the extra 35 cents a copy I and I stepped from behind my typewriter, I want to believe those noble words tacked on to the bottom of the spent to have my resume printed on heavier applied for the job and got it. help-wanted ads to paper. I guess you could say I paid my dues, pacify the government — we do not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, The fact of the matter is that the decision though at the time I was so grateful that color, national origin, brand of perfume or whether or not to hire you will be made by anybody thought enough of me to pay me aftershave, size of biceps and cleavage another human being who, though trying cold cash for showing up everyday (could (gasp of horror acknowledged from both (possibly) to be rational, is (like all of us to a my mother have gotten to him first and told women's and men's liberation). I want to greater or lesser degree) an emotional as him how good I was?) that I really didn't believe but I know better. And I answer well as a rational creature. And, no matter deal with the larger issue of whether I was that vocal fellow in my class with a what your skills and intelligence (please hired for my brain or my bod — who cared, I challenge — marketer, market thyself! read the beginning of this sentence over for got the job. And getting the job, fellow emphasis) your employer must enjoy hav¬ idealists, is what really counts. Let me relate my first job interview. I As they say in business, that's the bottom reported in that issue that although an refused to assume responsibility for my ing you around. Horse excrement sparkled. I wowed them with my profes¬ line (no pun intended). internal audit verified in March, 1977, that broken tape, I took the matter to Associate sional resume. I was current, vital, enthu¬ He is adding you to his life for eight hours Evans is a recent drop-out from the ad¬ department employees were sleeping on Director Julian Kately Jr. Kately willingly siastic and in charge of the facts — but a day. Monday through Friday he is going vertising graduate school now searching is far too clumsy the job, cutting out snowflakes, and reading assumed responsibility for the destruction of my data and authorized the Department humble and willing to learn. And I got the to see you, hear you, smell you and react to for o rewarding major magazines, nevertheless the appointment of Colonel James J. Lennon as permanent of Data Processing to purchase a new tape I agree with Renaldo Migaldi. Dirty director in September, 1977, was really for me from the Census Bureau. Unfortun¬ words like the ones he so "tastefully" turning things around. ately however, Kately cannot restore the espouse do belong in print. I've been trying I would like to recount an experience I loss of time to me. DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau to describe what I think of the content of his had with the Data Processing Department last column but haven't been able to From my experience, two lessons can be on Aug. 4, 1978. Tape Unit #51 was in need learned. First, an ally on the inside has mwauimrpDOFi 1K£B>F0A- accurately express my opinion. Horse of repair that day and was not supposed to wem,im?iT>(mup m.M.mrA rn 6mm wte so excrement is far too clumsy! advised my to do my computer runs at mm. THAT AFFAiP be operational. However, a careless com AWlMIFimmiVTA rnrmm- DOESW John J. Kornacki night, since employees on the evening shift mcamamcF/mtms meet.. immim. m. imVMEAHM. mem. 118 East Pointe puler operator mounted my tape on that are more responsible that those on the day fOA.m,um> I unit. The tape was brand new and had been East Lansing shift. Secondly, if the Data Processing V nr purchased from the Census Bureau this Department is "back to normal" as prom¬ summer for $80. After being unwound for ised in The State News, then may God help 13 feet, the tape snapped. The second Data processing mistake committed by said careless opera I am requesting that you publish my tor was to toss my 13-foot remnant of tape name, although it may affect the future into the garbage still not 'normal' My response to can. the crisis was twofold. "services" I receive from the Department of Data Processing, particularly from the day First. I rescued the tape remnant from the I write with shift. regard to an article on the trash can. Second. I discussed the matter Data Processing Department that appeared with Nan E. Johnson Tape Librarian Jerry Laatsch. Since in The State News on Aug. 17.1978. It was Laatsch was extremely defensive and Assistant Professor of Sociology Michigon State News, East taming, Michigan Thursday, August 24, 1978 5 Sailing: wind, water, fun Wind, water, fun. That's what the MSU Sailing Club is all the way it's been modernized, not mechanized. You can still control about. things." The 80 sailing club members range from ages 8 to 55, beginners For Lee Wyatt, commodore of the club, it is peacefulness, carefree ideas, and the ability to be with the wind — without a to advanced, and also includes a racing team. They are not motor. recognized as an MSU varsity sport, yet they will be racing For another member, Earl Campbell, a professor at MSU's throughout the country almost every weekend this fall. School of Medicine, the club makes a good year-round family The racing team's 12 members, male and female, usually enter two boats in a regatta with two members aboard each, one skipper activity. "I would even like to try ice boating," he said. The only requirement to join the sailing club is enthusiasm. and one crew member. They are currently in 12th place in the nation with member John Wilson placing seventh in the single Membership is open to anyone and includes boats and instruction at the MSU Lake Lansing site. collegiate division. The club will wrap up the summer September 3 with a picnic and Wyatt, a senior majoring in social science, has been sailing with the club for one and one-half years. He teaches all levels of sailing regatta on Lake Lansing. on Lake Lansing on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Plans for the future include a sailing trip from Florida to the Bahamas on three boats during Christmas break. "Each time I go out, I learn something new," he said. "It's nice Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. August 24, 1978 Talking Heads make good at Grosse Pointe concert 'Hooper: not much fun this time By JOHN NEILSON ings and Food. Showcasing tive, transcending the recorded State News Reviewer some sparkling slide guitar by versions at every turn. The Talking Heads are arguably Jerry Harrison, the song songs from their first album the best band to have emerged started the concert on a majes¬ especially benefitted from live from the CBGB's new wave tic note. performance, as I have always casting Sally Field, the current scene in New York. In fact, thought that album — despite By DAVE DiMARTINO love of his Talking Heads have no stage life, as the female its accomplishments — sounded State News Reviewer their superb blend of insight act to speak of, but stage lead; unfortunately, after two too self-conscious and stylized, Hooper isn't so much a bad or and passion elevate them far presence is another matter other similar roles in Reynolds' above any group — with the entirely. Byrne dominates the almost precious. good movie as it is a Burt past two films, it's starting to Reynolds movie. As such, it possible exception of Television proceedings with his ungainly In concert, Talking Heads look like the Burt and Sally holds few surprises, a few — that scene has sent forth. soft-stepping at the mike, and take on an entirely new charac¬ Show and little more. A little scattered high points, and not Chances are I wouldn't have even from the back of the ter. Onstage their eccentricity variety, in all, might do a world said this a week ago, but after theater one could see the is channeled rather than dif¬ much else. of good for both actors. This time around, Reynolds their Detroit concert Tuesday tendons rise on his neck as he fused, and they sound like a The remainder of the cast is cast as Sonny Hooper, "the night there is no doubt in my sang. The diminutive Tina hybrid of the Velvet Under¬ works well enough; particularly greatest stuntman alive"; with mind. Weymouth, on the other hand, ground and the early work of him is Jan-Michael Vincent, a good is comic Robert Klein as The show was held at the bore the expression of a caged their producer, Brian Eno. Hooper's film director, and Punch & Judy Theatre in animal she hunched her Their vinyl coldness disap¬ young competitor for the title, Jan-Michael Vincent, who turns as over and Sally Field, playing Rey¬ Grosse Pointe, which somehow rock-steady bass, her eyes pears, revealing them to be in an entirely credible perfor¬ nolds' romantic interest still befits the group's smart/clean locked on the drums and sensual as well as cerebral. mance as Hooper's young rival. once more after Smokey and image. rhythm guitarist. Byrne's vocals were more Brian Keith, cast as Sally the Bandit and The End. After a self-effacing "well, The sound was near perfect idiosynchratic than I had heard Field's father — typical enough, The film's director, Hal Need- here we go. .." from frontman Tuesday night — loud but not before, and his guitar-playing the best stunt man in the alternated between fractured ham. was responsible for direct¬ business before David Byrne, the band led off overly so — and one could hear ing Smokey and the Bandit and Hooper — with "The Big Country," one of every nuance in the music with lead figures and crystalline here seems even more in his seems slightly out of place the highlights of their new sterling clarity. The music, chording. Surprisingly, relative element. Needham spent 20 somehow, playing a gruff old Jerry Harrison album, More Songs about Build¬ meanwhile, was also superla- newcomer man who tells "faggot" jokes years as a Hollywood stuntman played more rhythm guitar while drinking to excess. The than keyboards, which had and his knowledge and affection character doesn't seem to work, for the craft are highly evident been his instrument when he and Keith most often appears throughout the film, with played with the original Mod¬ stunts dominating almost every simply foolish. ern Lovers and Elliot Murphy. Adam West makes a return The husband-and-wife rhythm to the screen AS Adam West, a section of Weymouth and drum Hooper's main failing is its far cry from Batman certainly; inability to rise above its just- mer Chris Frantz, meanwhile, another Burt Reynolds - movie - Hooper plays his stuntman in a underpinned it all with com¬ status. While The End and disturbing segment involving mendable precision. the use of a dog in a dangerous Smokey and the Bandit had The band drew material from stunt. The episode doesn't their entire repertoire, from their flaws, their respective make much sense: Hooper is their early favorite "Love Goes plots were at the very least Burt Reynolds gets the toss — ways than one - in Hooper warned by a Humane Society substantial enough to serve as a to a Building on Fire" to a new officer not to use a live animal framework for Reynolds' on¬ Reynolds himself are left to past films. Jokes about drugs, tune, which I believe was called actually. in a stunt, then proceeds to use screen antics. There is disturb¬ horse manure, and women, "Electricity." Highlights in carry the film. Reynolds himself performs as the live animal regardless. ingly little substance in Hooper As for the jokes — maybe it's they seem much more calcula¬ usual, no better or worse than eluded "Stay Hungry," A1 — and of that, so much is so ted. less spontaneous and fun Nothing comes of this except a Green's "Take Me to the Riv¬ my imagination, but they don't in past performances. As co- few unresolved obviously contrived and predic¬ than they rightfully should be. laughs, then the er," a dynamic "Pulled Up" and seem as good-natured or as producer of the film he un¬ scene changes to a barroom table that only the jokes and As does much of the film, a version of "Psycho Killer" warm as those in Reynolds' doubtedly was responsible for brawl here, or a drinking scene that stretched into a Velvets there. This general air of patch- influenced guitar jam. iness pervades most of Hooper, Admittedly, Talking Heads' very often making the film an music is not for everybody. inconsistent mess. Byrne's schizoid lyrics will Party Time!! There are still laughs to be make no sense to the disco had in Hooper, certainly, but generation, who might never¬ not very many, and not the best theless appreciate the band's kind. A stiff Burt Reynolds danceable beat. And a lot of movie is still a Burt Reynolds rock fans — especially those invited a lot of people here, nobody showed up movie, one supposes, and Hoop¬ attracted by the bands new By RENALDO M1GALDI except these few." — "Don't be bummed, er should do particularly well at State News Staff Writer wave status — might find it man." — "Well, it's not that I feel friendless the box office, especially at the hard to Summer is a dangerous time to throw a , appreciate a guitarist it's just that we went and got a keg.. ." And drive-in circuit. But this time who performs with Bic pens in party, especially if you ego is riding on how yes, he had gone and bought a half keg, which around it wasn't as fun, it his T-shirt pocket. many people show up. Usually you'll find, Photo is really a lot of beer, and no way were we wasn't as harmless — it was by Bill Holdship when it comes time to spread the word, that Still, the band pleased Guitarist David Byrne, in front of rhythm guitarist there are few people around to spread the going to drink it all tonight. But soon he just inane and depressing. enough people Tuesday night to word around to. (Understand I am assuming stopped worrying. Somebody rolled some Hope things change next time. Jerry Harrison, put on a superb show with Talking earn four encores, which they roach and we all shot the breeze till 2 a.m. Hooper is currently playing Heads at Grosse Pointe's Punch and Judy Theatre that you, the reader, are a collegetown seemed almost too shy to summertime hanger-around and are throwing at the Meridian Eight Theaters. Tuesday night. It just happened that I myself had a party a party as a sort of desperate move to get scheduled the following evening. So next day something happening in the humid drowsy we carted the hardly-touched keg over to my nights.) Most of your friends are out of town, place, and I set things up real nice, had music working dream jobs out West for summer playing, etc. What happened is about 10 folks cash and thrills, staying at home to please parents, or whatever. Your field of acquaint¬ ances is narrowed down to a meager handful of burnouts and loafers who mostly read, get arrived, and we all sat on the back porch looking at each other, nobody knew what to say. And now it was my turn to be bummed. And my friend's turn to tell me, "what the ACTION AUTOMOTIVE BRAND NAM! AUTO PARTS, DISCOUNT PRICES, AND PARTS PEOPLE WHO KNOW PARTS high, invade apartment complex pools at 3 So there aren't many people to invite to hey, the folks who didn't show up, it's their loss." Still, I was glad when everybody left out of a "Make it easy on yourself' your party. That doesn't, however, mean you boredom, and I could be alone with a glass of can't have one. All it means is youll have to J&B on the rocks. "Next time," I said to expect the unexpected. Like having the dance music all ready but your pany turns out all guys. This happened to a friend of mine the myself in the bathroom mirror, "we don't throw no party, we just get a few people together and drive to the beach at midnight to r ACTI ON COUPON^1 VALVOLINE 10W 40 " r ACTIM-30 ON COUPON1 other week. It was almott all guys, I should say... the one woman present split early and swim under the moon and listen to the waves." When I woke up next day I went to ■ ■ cso MOTOR o AU..CUMATI | HAND CLEANER | there we were, chuckling at each other. My look at the keg on the back porch. Still almost !»«•=! [§| friend the host looked somewhat down about full, and the ice was all melted. I drained some it: "Gees, look at this," he muttered, making a of it into a big tub, and oh boy did it stink. So I big sweeping gesture. — "Hey, I'm havin a had to drain almost a whole half-keg of bad good time," I said. "What's the big deal?" beer into the bushes, where it left a strange J■ ^PRESTONE v— There were about 12 guys sitting in his cloudy mass of foam just sitting there, if apartment, telling gross jokes. — "Ah, I smirking at me. as Ivp-b' 13.,.mm24 ANTI-FREEZE ^ACTION COUPON^ | StfliKGOt! EVHUDT | SONJJ COUPON^ FLASHLIGHT | H TU MM IrnNM — I ACTION COUPONI • LIVE BANDS • • WORLD FAMOUS WISCONSIN BRATWURST SANDWICHES • • CORN ON THE COB • • ICE COLD DARK AND LIGHT KEG BEER • Meet effective Hws B/24/7B • AMUSEMENT RIDES • Rpmlnd.n WE WIU HONOR ANY CURRENT C Just a • GAMES • AUTO PARTS AD UPON PRESENTATION TO US • FUN* AUGUST 25-26-27 ACTION AUTOMOTIVE 1611 West Oakland, (SB 300 North St '293 N. Grind Rrvw Lansing, Michigan Open^jays^^lghtsan^^^^^J^ i Michigon Stote News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. Auqust 24. 1978 / MIKE KLOCKE Skiers put on quite a show HOPE TO ENTER SPORTS miQQL MM. BRIGHTON — For a while Wednesday, many of the spectators at the American Water Ski Association's Nationals weren't paying too much attention to the slalom skiing taking place at Tivoli Gardens. Coaches pleased with lacrosse camp Maybe, just maybe, Bruce Jenner's presence had something to do with it. Kanner and Hendrickson, who coach MSU's lacrosse team, Besides the summer lacrosse league benefiting the player-. By JERRY BRAUDE The muscular, handsome 1976 Olympic decathalon champion started the summer league in an effort to build Kanner also feels the league was a plus for MSU's team. State News Sports Writer the quality and was in Brighton to flim a live segment for the NBC program "In our lacrosse league, the high school participants were able > Although Nevin Kanner considers this summer's lacrosse league popularity of the sport. America Alive. relate lacrosse to MSU," Kanner said. "It gives them a goal in a success, he still hopes this will be the last year he and Boku "We are aiming to have 20 to 30 people in the sports school," Most water ski tournaments don't attract such a media Hendrickson will be in charge of everything. Kanner said. "As we get more people interested in lacrosse, we shoot for in coming to MSU and earning a letter through lacrosse. following, so this was something unique. Most of the spectators Kanner hopes MSU's sports school will take lacrosse as one of its can get the ball rolling. People see lacrosse being associated with The league ran every Sunday for six weeks. The first day the and many of the participants really got caught up in the MSU and the sport then begins to build up." excitement. programs next summer. league had 50 participants and then averaged 30 people per session "Having lacrosse in the sports school will take a bulk of the One of the reasons Kanner found this year's summer lacrosse for the rest of the way. And why not? I doubt if there are too many sports where the league the improvement of the athletes. in a more friendly, relaxed manner than in problems off our shoulders," Kanner said. a success was Kanner said that he found some good high school talem. tournaments are run "All Boku and I will have to do is instruct while the athletic "It was a more relaxing situation, because the players could water skiing. Hospitality prevails at these tournaments. work on things without the pressure of knowing that they could be especially from L'Anse Creuse High School in Mt. Clemens, lb- department will take care of signing people up, answering hopes that the talented athletes will come to MSU. The Spartan - Sometimes people are so nice to you and things run so benched if they made a mistake," Kanner said. "The players inquiries and mailing out brochures. Our lacrosse league would already have two players on their squad from L'Anse Creuse 1:1 smoothly that all the work that goes into one of these also have more credibility and prestige because it has MSU's name improved in the fact that they became more confident with their John Steeh and Joe Politowicz. who led the team in goals scored tournaments goes unnoticed. It shouldn't. stick and the basics." on it." last season. If there was a tournament in Brighton for the best baseball players in the world, people would gladly take the 40-mile trek "The L'Anse Creuse coach down 1-96 to see it. The same goes for other sports: golf, told me his players really basketball, football, etc. People would flock to see the event. enjoyed playing in the league And you're really missing something if you don't get down to Brighton and take a look at some of these skiers before the Monson to leave MSU for Idaho and knowing that it was associ ated with MSU," Kanner said. tournament ends on Sunday. The league also had many There is very little margin for error in any of the three MSU assistant basketball following MSU's season, Mon¬ the Spartan head coach sought Montana. Monson declined, but members of MSU's lacrosse events — slalom, jumping and tricks — but from shore, the coach Don Monson won't be son had said that he would stick Monson's services as an assis he did accept the assistant's job team participating. skiers all make it look so easy. Since every skier in each of the around when the Spartans try with Heathcote until "he won it tant when he was head coach at when Heathcote came to MSU. "We had 15 players from our 12 different age groups, in each of the three events had to meet to defend their Big Ten title all." Heathcote said Monson team at the league," Kanner a stiff standard to compete in the tournament, these are truly next year as he has accepted had turned down other head said. "Our co-captain Ken Davis the best in the world. the head coaching post at his coaching jobs. But. apparently, was there every week, and he alma mater, the University of the chance to coach at his alma Bessone appointed to improved on some parts of his And a couple of MSU standouts were among the top finishers Idaho. mater was too good of an game." in Wednesday's Men's I slalom event. Bob Knoedler of A day's session would consist opportunity for Monson to pass Whitemore Lake, who will enter MSU in the fall, took first Monson, 45, has served two place, although he was not seeded. Bob Archambeau, a June years as Jud Heathcote's top assistant coach. He had exten¬ up. Olympic hockey staff of warming up, 20 minutes of working on the fundamentals graduate from Waterford, tied for fourth in the competition, for each particular position and pending a run-off for fourth place. sive coaching experience at the MSU head hockey coach Amo Bessone has been selected to serve then scrimmaging for an hour high-school level in Washington on the 1980 United States Olympic Hockey Advisory Staff. or two hours with the use of the Nevin Kanne As good as the skiing was Wednesday, it will get even better before coming to MSU. Herb Brooks, head coach at Minnesota and the mentor of the full over the weekend when the top men's and women's skiers will length of the field. United States Olympic Hockey team, chose Bessone and eight other compete in the Open divisions. Monson played basketball for four years at Idaho in the people to assist him in the screening of players and preparations of "We were aiming to give the participants help in the the next 18 months leading to the winter games in Lake Placid, N. Y. skills and game experience." Kanner said And, as good as the skiing was Wednesday, it had to take mid-1950s. Two of Bessone's standouts, juniors-to-be Russ Welch and Ted equal billing with the presence of Bruce Jenner. By no means will Monson be Huesing, were selected to participate in last month's National Jenner was certainly at home at the Nationals, since before stepping into an easy situation Sports Festival in Colorado Springs, Colo. The pre-Olympic becoming interested in track and field events, he was a national at the Big Sky conference competition served as a first step in determining the composition of school. The previous head "In the East there are all kinds of lacrosse camps," Kanner si caliber water skier. He won the slalom event in the Eastern the 1980 Olympic team. "The one that I used to teach at, the Astro Lacrosse camp, rani Regionals once, and he placed 10th in the country at a Nationals coach, Jim Jarvis, resigned The other advisory staff members chosen were: Bill Cleary, from 50 to 100 participants." in the mid-1960s. earlier this summer under pres¬ Harvard head coach, Frank Gallagher of the International Hockey sure from a renewed NCAA League: Charlie Holt, New Hampshire head coach; Bob Johnson, Along with his interviewing chores, he put on a show for the During the school year, the lacrosse team will be advertising investigation into possible re¬ Wisconsin head coach; Jack Parker, Boston University head coach; national television audience and Tivoli crowd by easily players, have an alumni-varsity game during the football tea cruiting violations by the uni¬ Jeff Sauer, Colorado College head coach, Bill Selman, St. Louis homecoming weekend and raise money through concessions negotiating the six-buoy slalom course at 34 mph. versity. So there will be some¬ University head coach; and Ron Woodey, general manager of the the spring trip. what of a dark cloud over the St. Paul (Minn.) Vulcans. Jenner won't be in Brighton for the rest of the tournament. team as Monson takes over the Bessone has been head coach at MSU for 27 years, winning 372 "In the advertising, we're going to be asking for athletes t But go out anyway. There are plenty of other attractions. want to earn a varsity letter by giving a lot of effort ; head coaching duties. games in that period. He is the fifth winningest coach in college > lacrosse," Kanner said. At the basketball banquet hockey history. Records and Prerecorded 40% off on All items in the Tapes Potting Shed Pro Keds Discontinued Paperback Books .35° ea or 4 for a dollar Limited Hours: 7:30-5:30 quantities available Mon.-Fri. Thursday, August 24, 1978 g Michigon Stote News, Eost lonsing, Michigon PRICE FREEZE ENDS IN 1979 Trading firm officials Real price of foreign oil down WASHINGTON iAPI - Al Petroleum Exporting Countries take into account the fact that jump tn price. barrel, which would increase plead guilty to charges hough most Americans may to freeze oil prices during most the OPEC nations quadrupled The drop in the real price is a gasoline prices at the pump by mi h.iw noticed, the real price of 1977 and all of 1978. The oil prices in 1973 and 1974. factor in the sharp decline in two cents per gallon. GRAND RAPIDS (UPI) - firm — pleaded guilty to ignor¬ The order also directed the I !m['orted oil has declined price of just about everything draining substantial wealth the OPEC nations' trade sur¬ The Two officials of the commodi¬ ing a federal court order direct- company to open its books to average world price, ties trading firm Lloyd, Carr & them to open their books to federal investigators. ignil'irantly in the past 18 else Americans buy has in¬ from consumers' pocketbooks plus to a projected $18 billion to which does not include trans¬ nonihs, one of the few benefi creased because of inflation, and contributing to a major $20 billion this year, down from Co. pleaded guilty Wednesday investigators of the Commodi¬ Lloyd, Carr — which was portation costs, is now about ties Futures Trading Commis- forced into receivorship by ;.i. .-'"forts of inflation and the making oil a better deal now more than $30 billion just two $12.70 per 42 gallon barrel. to criminal contempt charges in the dollar. than 18 months ago. the second day of a federal three creditors — has been iii in try and abroad. years ago. The price of oil in dollars has The Shah of Iran recently But oil analysts such as John Had oil import prices kept The chief beneficiaries from court hearing. Attorney F. Lee Bailey, who accused of swindling investors riiKiined the same, but the estimated that the $12.70 paid Lichtblau, director of the Petro pace with the 12 percent in the fall in the dollar are Alan H. Abrahams, alias is representing both men, told nationwide out of millions of ung for a barrel of Iranian oil this leum Industry Research Foun crease in overall prices in the countries whose currencies James A. Carr, and James A. U.S. District Court Judge Noel dollars. The firm had offices in have increased in value, Brien president and vice P. Fox his clients decided to Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, De nflation take year is equal in purchasing dation in New York, think it past 18 months, the price would es — ccount. has declined as much power to only about the $7 likely that OPEC will increase already be about $14.50 a pecially Germany and Japan. president of the Boston-based enter the pleas because of an troit, San Francisco and St. s 12 percent since the last oil price that was being charged in prices in 1979. outstanding 50-count indict¬ Louis. nee hike m early 1977. 1974. "How much is another ques¬ ment in Massachusetts charg¬ Criminal contempt citations The decline is the result of a tion." he said in an interview. ing them with mail fraud and also were issued against other ecision by the Organization of "It is not likely they will REGISTRATION OPTIONS HEARD violations of the Commodities company officials: Michael increase prices the entire Exchange Act. Shuster, Ralph Zolla, Charles amount of the loss of the dollar, Bailey said the charges in the LeMieux III — who has disap¬ plus the inflationary changes Austin: stagger renewal indictment and the issues in the peared — and Lee Barry Brown who agreed to testify for the Federal efforts since the last increase at the contempt proceeding over¬ — beginning of 1977." lapped. government. He said even an increase of 8 Sentencing was set for Sept. When court reconvened after 22 and Abrahams, a fugitive lunch, Zolla pleaded guilty to percent to 10 percent, which By JAMES V.HIGGINS many motorists wait until the the first year of the program. would raise the average world LANSING (UPI) - Secre last week,' Austin said. The alternate plan would from a New Jersey prison farm, the same charge as Abrahams ordered returned to the and Brien had earlier. Testi¬ boost youth jobs was price to near $14 a barrel, tary of State Richard Austin "Under the current registra¬ have the expiration date on the Dedham County Jail in Mass¬ resumed against the re¬ "would not be a big increase" Tuesday took to the Legisla tion program, approximately 60 vehicle owner's birthday. That mony ture his plan to stagger auto achusetts. The charge carries a maining defendant, Shuster. considering the magnitude of percent of Michgan's 5.7 million plan, Austin said, is benefitted the recent real mobile registration deadlines vehicle purchase their six-month prison term. Wednesday's plea bargain price decline. owners by the fact that driver licenses The pleas stemmed from an worked out during three WASHINGTON lAP) - Fed¬ Other government agencies Another oil expert, who did throughout the year and end plates or tabs in January, already expire on a person's was involved in the summer jobs not want to be identified, the traditional but bothersome February or March," he said. birthday. injunction Fox issued last Dec. hours of negotiations between eral programs or promotional March logjam. "In the interest of 5, ordering Lloyd, Carr to stop Bailey and U.S. Attorney efforts have resulted in sum¬ program include the U.S. Em¬ guessed an increase might be providing In addition to eliminating closer to 5 percent, although he Austin, a Democrat who an¬ greater convenience for Michi¬ long lines at the end of every understating investment risks, James S. Brady as more than 60 mer jobs for more than 2.2 ployment Service, the Civil using high-pressure sales tac¬ Service Commission and the said one much higher cannot be nounced last week he will seek gan motorists, we should move March at branch offices, Austin spectators waited. million youths this summer, another four-year term, gave to the staggered or year-round tics, concealing the costs of Neither Brien nor Abrahams Youth Conservation Corps ad¬ said the plan would save an compared to 1.8 million last ear. the Labor Department ministered by the departments PUThe ?3 OPEC nations will the House Road and Bridges system." estimated $400,000 a year commodity transactions and made any statements for the of agriculture and interior. meet later this year to consider Committee two options for Under one option, expiration Under the new system, li¬ foreign currency fluctuations. record. said Tuesday. Federal funds involved this In addition, the National whether to hike prices in 1979. implementing year-round vehi¬ dates would be assigned based cense plates would be issued There have been suggestions cle registrations and pledged to on the numbers on the vehicle every four years and tabs every year totaled $1.1 billion, com¬ Alliance of Businessmen ful¬ by Saudi Oil Minister Ahmed work with the committee on license plate purchased during year between. pared to $815 million last year. filled its pledge to hire, at no cost to the government, a Zaki Yamani that they may drafting a bill. Secretary of Labor Ray Mar¬ shall said that more than 90 l of 210,000 disadvan¬ decide on a series of gradual "Despite our best efforts to s, rather than one big encourage earlier buying, too percent of the total of 1978 taged youths. summer jobs went to youths from lower income homes. Most of the jobs were pro¬ dded by the department's Summer Program for Econom¬ ical1}- Disadvantaged Youth, with funds of $795.8 million for an estimated 1.2 million jobs. STARLtTE^ JJ y r v\EST ot WAV'ERlY Phone 322-0044 r At the regular price it's America's greatest luggage /alue. Now you can save even more on single pieces ar matched sets. Outfit yourself for the travel years ahead. FOR LADIES: Reg. NOW Adventure Bound? Shoulder Tote 29.95 19.95 Carry-on O'Nite 44.95 33.72 Areas best selection of serious adventure 24" Pullman 49.95 37.45 JOHN TRAVOLTA-OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN equipment for the back country explorer. 27" Pullman 59.95 44.95 TONIGHT OPEN 7:00 PM Hiking Camping FEATURE AT 7:20-9:20 PM Dress Bag 42.95 32.20 Climbing 6RIAT LAKIS Backpacking MOUNTAIN SUPPLY Anew comedy Itviler from lf» creators of "Silver Stroakr UktcjDwu.tb: "DARING AND FOR MEN: drop by upstairs above Paramount News UNIQUELY CHALLENGING 49.95 541 Bid. E. Grand Rivar Ave. 351 - 2060 GoldieHawn ...picks up the restless, languid rhythm of L.A. life as few movies Carry-on I-Suiter 2-Suiter 59.95 37.45 44.95 ever have." Chevy Chose 3-Suiter 69.95 52.45 —Bruce Williamson, Playboy Suit Bag 39.95 29.95 Across from" Woolco lampbmbm. P| "avoids ANIMAL Robert Altmon presents "Welcome to L A o Mm by Alon Rudolph FOR A LIMITED il^ia Storing Keith Carradine ■ Solly Kellermon - Geroldrne Choplin Horvey Keitel • louren Hulton ■ Sissy Spocek • John Coroutine _ TIME ONLY 1 U 2v ktwhumj revenge abiaiinosaaai i iSL i . Viveco Lindlors Richord Boskin - Denver Pyle ■ Last Day at 7:15 1* "SOT. PEPPERS LONELY 9t20 HEARTS CLUB BAND" ro R U trm - fiKKflKTkfR. wrik Starts FRIDAY MARK HAMILL O'NEAL PLl'MMER SKSInTERNATIONAL fll twiui. jo m Velvet „. DOWNTOWN - 107 S. Washington Msaturday night fiver jaws ii Dolly: 1:15,3:20.5:30. 7:40.9:45 [PGi EAST LANSING - 209 E. Grand River Sun.: 3:20.5:30.7:40.9:45 ~wmi (jjEwkMi Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Apartments ^ Employment Classified Advertising JOIN THE fastest growing THE STATE NEWS is now RN OR GN, LPN or GPN for FAR OUT make money HIGH STREET upper 4 1 BEDROOM, furnished, MATURE, GOOD natured. Information pizza company in the world. taking applications for fall skilled nursing facility. Good having parties! Think Toker- rooms Appliances, unfur campus close. Louis Street, female roommate warned term copy editors. Appli¬ benefits and working condi¬ ware and smile; be the first in nished, private entrance. No private 351 5526 Z 6 8 25(3) $140 men p.-ts allowed DOMINO'S PIZZA is hiring PHONE 355 1255 347 Stwdont Services Bldg full Er part time help. Oppor¬ cants must have newspaper tions. New wage scale. Posi¬ your circle of friends to have smoking Pets, children. Mar 393 6635 Junette 7 8 25 4 Tokerware party. Now 2 APARTMENTS near Spar tunity for advancement. We experience or have had Jour¬ tions open on 7 a.m. 3 p.m., a ried couole. References, de have 7 Lansing locations. nalism 401. Contact Ken 3 p.m.-11 p.m. shifts. Call everyone can get those hard- posit. $240. 663 4345 or row. Parking spaces, utilities 1 day • 90c por lino Check your phone directory for the store nearest you. Parker week-nights after 4 p.m. (except Mondays and Jane Phillips, Director Nurses. 332 5061. PROVIN¬ of to-get and top-of the-line paraphernalia items. Call 349- 482 1727. 7-8-25(7) paid. 4 rooms and bath. 3 '4 & bath. Separate en Waters Edge 3 Fridays) now through CIAL WHITEHILLS, E.O.E. 4387. 11 a.m. 8 p.m. for UNIVERSITY VILLA trances. Phone 482 8183 rTTTTo I doyi • I0« por lino 3 8-25(10) 5 doyi • 75C por lino I days-70C per line PROGRAMMER-ANALYST. August 25. The positions are open only to MSU students. 6-8 25 (9) details. C 15 8-25 (10) FALL from 3 7 p.m. other times 1 857 2215. 3-8 24 (7! Rivers Edge Enjoy a small community on Apply in person at the COMPANY REP. part-time, MCDONALD'S RESTAU LEASING FALL STATE NEWS NEWS¬ introduce our services to RANTS of Okemos (across ONE MALE Lino rato por Lake Michigan which offers a 351-2044 LEASING! insertion ROOM, 343 Student Set local businesses. Salary plus from Meijersl and East Lans¬ fessional person, apartment wide variety of recreational vices Building, 6-8-25 114) ing (in front of Pro-Bowl 351-8135 close to campus. 351 1291 activities. Challenging lead good commissions. Call Tom 1050 Water •, Edge East) are now taking applica¬ 6 9 p.m. 3 8-25 I4( at IC CONSULTANTS. 351 position for a highly moti¬ next to Cedar Village EconoLinos 3 lines *4.00 - 5 days. 80' per line over Keypunch & general office 7526. 10 a.m. 12 noon. tions for full and part-time 1 BEDROOM, all utilities o» • - vated self starter with a duties in small Lansing office. shifts beginning at 5:30 a m APARTMENTS FOR Close to compoj 3 lines. No adjustment in rote when concelled. proven record of accomplish¬ 3 8 25 (6) cept electric, $160/month. 1 rent Price of item(s) must be stated in ad. Moximum Salary $6000 to $9600. Send Apply from 8-11 a.m. or block to Michigan Avenue unfurnished, $110 $150 ments. Responsibilities in¬ 2 4 p.m. Monday through 332-4432 resume to Ms. Marilyn Cady, AVON GET ready for college bus, direct to campus. 1022 month. Adults only, no pets, sale price of MOO clude designing and imple¬ Michigan Technological Uni¬ tuition. Excellent earnings, Friday 7 8-25(10) Eureka Street and Pennsyl¬ lease Call 332 1396 3 8 25(4) Peanuts Personal ads • 3 lines '2.25 • per insertion. menting additional on-line versity, Lansing Office, P.O. flexible hours 482 6893. vania 3 8-25 (6) 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment) application using BUR¬ Box 18008 Lansing Ml 48901. SALES CLERKS wanted, full fVEST S'DE rem; ROUGHS medium size sys¬ C-3-8-25 (3) 2 LCC MSU student room Rummage/Carage Sale ads • 4 lines *2 50 An Equal Opportunity Educa or part time, hours flexible ROOMMATE WANTED- or 63" per line over 4 lines • per insertion. tem. Send applications to mates wanted for apartm-.-nt COMPUTER SERVICE CEN¬ tional Institution/Equal TEACHERS STILL needed according to your schedule. male. East Lansing 2 bed¬ $100 month • jMHies. Can 'Round Town ods ■ 4 lines • *2.50 ■ per insertion. urn,shed. 2 beam TER. City Hall. Holland, Opportunity Employer. for upper grades, Sunday Starting pay, $3.25 plus sales room. $125 -t- utilities, de¬ Dan. 394 3597 3 8 25 '5) 63'per line over 4 lines, 3 8-25 112) commission 374-0602 Michigan 49423. 2-8-25 (17) religious school in fall. 332- posit. 332-7343 evenings. lost I Founds ods /Transportation ads • 3 lines M .50 • 6715 or 351 3570 3 8 2514) 7 8 25 161 3-8-25 (4) COMPLETELY FURNlSnEO per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. TYPIST NEEDED for fall SHOW KENNEL manager beautiful 3 bedroom ranch. part-time, responsible female. DRIVER WANTED part-time, DISC JOCKEY, fall term, term. 55 wpm, evenings 5-11 now at Okemos school Williamston p.m. Apply in person 301 351 5105 5-7- p.m. mornings only. Must be 18. previous experience helpful. References necessary. township Avai'able Septem¬ Deadlines M.A.C. P-K Building. State Z 3 8-25 (31 Starts in September. Apply at Appli¬ LE NEEDED fc ber 1, through February 28, JON ANTHONY FLORIST, cation available at the Amer¬ Ads • 2 p.m. • I class day before publication. News Composing Dept. 1978. Graduate students m Students need only apply. WAITRESS AND bartender 809 E. Michigan, Lansing. ica s Cup. 2-4 p.m. ALLE EY $80 month ; Cancellation Change - I p.m. - I class day before faculty. 655 1433 355 4530 needed. Apply in person at 3 8 25 (6) NIGHTCLUB. 220 MAC SUMMKR ONLY! 2596 3 8 25 > publication. 7 8 25 (7) 2-8 25 17) PASTE-UP Person wanted. THE BOOM BOOM ROOM, Once ad is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed Must have some experience Thursday morning, 11 a.m. ■ SECRETARY FOR new com¬ i unexpected until ofter 1st insertion. NEAR SPARROW new 6 be able to work mornings 1 p.m., Saturday 2-5 p.m. pany. General office skills. HOSTESS BUSBOYS AND There is a *1.00 charge for I ad change plus 50' per 2-8-25 I6I opening building, two baths a« for 3 to 4 hours. Apply in Ability to organize. Must be WAITRESS wanted- Call additional change for maximum of 3 changes. person at State News Com¬ good typist. Call 372-6343. IMPERIAL GARDENS garage, $260 351 0765 The State News will only be responsible for the 1st posing, 301 M.A.C. P-K Bldg. NURSES AID, experienced, 3-8-25 (51 RESTAURANT. 349-2698. efficiency *175 Z2 8 25 I3i FRANDOR • NEAP 510 I doy's incorrect insertion Adjustment claims must X 4 8 25 (3) Only students need apply. full or part-time. 7 3 p.m., Hayford. 2 bedrooms. $16 be made within 10 days of expiration date, 3 11 p.m. shifts. Apply in ECONOMIC ASSISTANT immediate ROOMMATES NEEDED September 351 0765 ore due 7 days from ad expirotion date. If not wanted. 20 hours week, mini¬ CAKE DECORATOR. APPLY STUDENTS TO work in car person PROVINCIAL HOUSE occupancy! large comfortable house, fi 7 2 8 25 '3! mum bachelors in economics at ROMA BAKERY 428 North paid by due dote, o 50' late service charge will rental office. 3 p.m.-11:30 SOUTH off Aurelius between place, laundry, near Sparrc and some computer pro¬ Cedar. Lansing, 48912, 485- be due. p.m. weekdays, 7 a.m.-3 p.m. Cavanaugh and Mount Hope. Call between 12-5 Grads 484 8963 even.n weekends 489-1484. 10 8-25 171 gramming. Call 373-9514 3466. 3 8 25 (4) 2 8 25 14 > Noises days. 3-8-25 (5) 351-3118 7 8 25 (4i Automotive Aitomotive \\&\ L.P.N. CHARGE nurse posi¬ Flexible shifts, paid NURSES RN Full time or or LPN charge. part-time. 3-11 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIST¬ ANT for energy emergency 1 Mirfwts l{yj 1 OR 2 bedroom furnished, ONE BEDROOM apartme tions. p.m., 117 a.m. shifts. Imme¬ orientation, excellent wages diate benefits with orienta¬ planning. 20 hours week. CEDARS EAST - one bed¬ very close. $180-$250. 372 benefits. Please call Minimum bachelors in busi¬ room furnished. Available 1801 or 332 1800. 0-4-8-25(31 SAAB, 1973 Sonnet, AM and tion. Apply PROVINCIAL ASTRO MOTOR home. 1974 Diane Alvary, 332-0817. ness or related. Call 373 9514, September, 12 month only, HOUSE SOUTH, 882-2458 MEADOWS APARTMENT- 1 25 ft., 14,000 miles, good FM, fiberglass body, mags, days. 3-8-25 (61 $198. Phone 332-3900 days. PROVINCIAL HOUSE EAST. Monday-Friday. 10 8 25 (7) new brakes. $2350. 332-5464 and 2 bedroom, air condition¬ condition, roof air, complete¬ after 5 o m. 6-8 25 (41 7-8-25 i7) 0 15-8 25(41 ed, carpeted. 6129 Beechfield Thank you for ly self-contained. Sleeps 6, HOTEL AUDITOR wanted, tape deck, $11,000 223 3386 RESEARCH CONSULTANT FULL TIME keypunch c must work weekends and late EAST LANSING - comfor¬ Drive 393-7744. Z-7-8-25 (4) coming back to 3-8-25 16) TOYOTA CELICA ST, 1973 to handle major projects for a shifts. Auditor or bookkeep¬ table, 1 bedroom furnished, Can 373 3120 days. 372-1811 downtown health care organ¬ ing experience necessary Walk to MSU. shopping, 1 OR 2 female BEECHWOOD 5 Hagadcn $125 • pet«. 1969 Electra. Air evenings. 4 8-25 <31 ization. Send resume to Box wanted, fall, non-smoking. 2 BUICK Apply in person, HOWARD easy 496 access. No pets, OK. 655 132' Yvonne F6, The State News. JOHNSON'S MOTOR bedroom in Capitol Villa. $85. loaded, good condition, new UNIFORMED SECURITY year lease. From $195 plus 3 8 25 7, VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER, 8 8-25 (5) 332 6881 Z 2-8-25 (41 Filled for s tires, $600. 351-8733. LODGE, 6741 S. Cedar, be utilities. Phone 351-4745 officers. Call 641-4562 4-8-25 (31 1972 excellent condition, tween 9-5 p.m. 3-8-25 17) noon-8 p.m. Trowbridge A few left for fall. 0 15 8 25 (3) FARMHOUSE. COUPLE see. $1950 or best offer. 349 2349. POSITIONS NOW open for Manor 7 8-25 (8) WANTED: NON-smoking same to share house plus 6 8 25 i3l cooks, waiter, waitresses & female to share 4 bedroom, CADILLAC. 1972 59.000 DENTAL CHAIRSIDE assist¬ HOUSE PERSON wanted, expenses. 10 miles south miles. Best offer, 313-882- bus personnel. All shifts, all MALE ROOMMATE wanted. own room, MSU close. After ant, neat, intelligent, good janitorial skills and yard work, 6 p.m., west of MSU. Barn acreage 332-7494, Sue. 0013. 3-8-25 (3) Auto Soviet / hours. Apply in person, pay. Modern west side office. full time. Apply in person, Marigold apartments, Harri¬ 2-8-25 (4) *290 484 8532 or 351 7497 INTERNATIONAL HOUSE HOWARD JOHNSON'S son-Shaw Lane. $125'month, i 8 25 5' Experienced preferred. Send CHEVY IMPALA. 1968, good OF PANCAKES 2800 E. resume to Box B-2. State MOTOR LODGE. 674 j S. good location. Call collect Call 1-5 JUNK CARS wanted. Also Grand River. East Lansing. Cedar between 9-5 p.m. 1 313-661 4643. Z 3 8-25 (4) EAST LANSING, 2 bedroom, condition, News. 5 8-25 (6) 6 o MAN furnished. 2 baths, muffler. $350. 351-8276. 7 8-25 (7) 3-8-25 (6) lower duplex, furnished, car¬ 331-00S3 good ^O' dition parking. very- Z 3-8 25 (3) WAITRESSES- NOW hiring peted. 351-5964. 3-8-25 (31 close. 372 1801 or 332 1800 TYPISTS CLERICAL: Must PART-TIME employment for MASON BOOY SHOP. 812 E. full or part-time. Apply in 0-4 8 25 4 be able to work Monday MSU student, 15-20 hours- FEMALE WANTED for 4 DATSUN. 1973 4-speed Kalamazoo, since, 1940. Auto person. SILVER DOLLAR NICE New clutch, starter, battery, through Friday from 8-11 SALOON. 3411 E. Michigan. week, automobile required. person apartment in Cedar ESPECIALLY large CLEVELAND STREET ked company officials to people of Michigan and the panies are allowed to be adequate control, we will take NEW Ray C. Hotchkiss has issued a MARSHALLS RECORD diate occupancy, $62,900. file pollution prevention plans state's environment." Kelley temporary restr.. ng order firm already whatever action is necessary SHOP Stop and compare. Call 371-4300 after 5:30 p.m. and other documents outlining said. "Recently, in New York blocking the production by a C 1-8-24 I3I 3-8-25 (4) its safeguards against pollution Muskegon County chemical accidents. CLEAN 2 bedroom with base¬ company of two dangerous chemicals. After repeated reminders ment. New roof, large trees, VAtfc LOCATION 509 Divi¬ The order was requested by and warnings from thi JJNK. Street. East Lansing. garage, on bus line, 2 miles sion Bofors Lakeway subitum •! it* LEICA M 3 with 50 mm MSU. $11,500. Land con¬ Attorney General Frank J. Doomsday film advises W3!ktro distance to MSU 33: :»59 2 8 25 i4> Summichron meter and case. tract. 337-2756. 3-8-25 (5) Kelly and was issued against pollution prevention plan and Mint condition WILCOX Bofors Lakewuy, Inc. other papers, but lite DNtf TRADING POST. 485-4391. found the documents incom¬ C 3-8 25 (4) Rummage Sale fa Kelley said Hufun I.akeway plete and inadequate. plans to expand it- already GARAGE SALE, many items, sizeable operutiun next week Kelley said the firm has holocaust survival CURNITURE MUST sell, children's clothes and furni¬ for production ol chlorodiane "already demonstrated a cal¬ very good shape. 4 years old. Complete furnishings for ture. 3585 W. Hiawatha blue and oryzalin products. lous disdain for environmental on living room, dinette. 2 bed¬ Drive, Okemos (off Jolly Both chemicals, he said, are protection laws." He said he Road.) August 24-26. filed a suit against Bofors now. It's a very leisurely thing, part of rooms; includes mirrors, potentially dangeroua and could By ED LION done lamps and tables. $800 or 3^25(5) create serious health hazards if Lakeway last March claiming it routine and that's very important for you CHICAGO (UPI) - The star of the movie our best offer. 676-9011 or 694 BIG YARD sale 2600 Lake allowed to get into groundwat¬ already had contaminated area to understand." 4436 3-8-25 18) Lansing Road, between US- er or otherwise contaminate groundwater. hopes it never will be shown on television: The 15-minute tapes will deal with such 127 north and Wood street. "In view of this company's It's a government film telling you what to do FREE 30-day Biorhythm Pro¬ Lots of furniture, desks, beds, the environment. in the event of a nuclear holocaust. things as how to improvise shelters against file Chart compliments of The doomsday film - a series of five video radiation bombardment, what to expect in a bedding, kitchenware & mis¬ 35"-44i6aher5 30p.n* new company! Get into your nuclear attack and how to monitor and $285 Biorhythms today. Simply cellaneous. August 25-27, tapes - is earmarked for training purposes, recognize signs of radiation exposure. send name address'birthdate 9-7 p.m. 2-8-25 17) and Civil Defense spokesperson Gleason The filming is being done at the agency's City employees and a stamped, self-address¬ Seaman said they will be telecast only if 3 bedroom *qt 3 GARAGE SALE, couch, staff college in Battle Creek, Mich. So far nome ed envelope to: Biorhythms, there is an impending nuclear attack against P O Box 1446. East Lansing, chairs, lamp, rugs, etc. Must three tapes have been shot, an agency official the United States. go now! Real good prices. at the college said. Final filming is scheduled Michigan 48823. Aniko 332-6639 or 332-8667. Chicago physicist Leonard Reiffel is being C 14 8 25 '121 to be completed later this month. paid about $50,000 for the script, artwork and strike in 3-8-25 131 Overall costs of the project are unknown, narration for the five videotapes about what CURIOUS BOOKSHOP. 307 1 Service go on Americans should do during a nuclear onslaught, an official of the Defense Civil he said, because no breakdown has been made on studio and videotaping expenses and he was not sure if final distribution plans E Grand River, East Lansing. FOH QUALITY stereo ser Preparedness Agency said. 332 0112 C 15-8-25 (5) vice. THE STEREO SHOPPE. 555 E. Grand River. C 15-8 25 13). Detroit suburb "I hope the tapes are never used for anything other than training," Reiffel said. have been formed. Reiffel said the film content common sense and people is largely acquainted with OVER 2000 cheap albums, "No human being would want to be the star nuclear weaponry would know much of the 25c ancJ UP- All type-hits to FREE LESSON in complexion DEARBORN (UPI) — A contract dispute boiled over of the largest and last television show in tne obscure. FLAT, BLACK information in the films. b CIRCULAR, upstairs. 541 care MERLE NORMAN Wednesday with 365 municipal workers walking the picket lines history — no sane human being." "My personal opinion is that it can do oeo'o:™- ^replace, campus E Grand River. Open 11 a.m. COSMETIC STUDIO. 321 instead of hauling garbage, repairing roads and performing other substantial good, not miracles," he said. "But cose rets avowed, friendly 5543. C 15-8-25 (4) "These are being produced for use in a X C-8-8-25 I5I city jobs. after all even a few lives — and I'm not saying at^osp^ere $100 month. severe crisis and are only to be used in that The strike by members of Teamsters Local 214 followed a 355-83" * 2-4 pm 3-8-2514, time," another official said. that's all the films would save — make a OUR LOW overhead saves MORNING PRE SCHOOL on breakdown in talks which began June 30 when the old one-year difference." OPTICAL DIS¬ South Harrison 8:00-11:00. "But there is no significance to it being fur- you money $25/week. 4/5 year olds, call pact expired. COUNT, 2617 E. Michigan, Marianne. 332 Last week, the union set a 6 a.m. Wednesday strike deadline if Lansing. Mich. 372-7409. 0038J5-8-25(41 no agreement was reached by that time. Talks broke off late 4 8-25 (4i LIGHTNING FAST- stereo, Tuesday and the walkout was called. tv. CB and repair. A city spokesperson said, however, the city was "willing to meet 3 b 4 "ian. furnished, avail- apie September, walking dis¬ UPRIGHT ANTIQUE piano- camera Guaranteed work. WILCOX at any time" with Teamsters officials in an effort to resolve the TIREFORHIRE' PROFITABLE excellent condition. Best TRADING POST. 485-4391 tance 337 9412 3-8-75 (3) offer 323 1014. 4-8-25 (3) dispute. C-12-8-25 (4) John O'Reilly, the first-term mayor in the Detroit suburb of Close 4-5 bedroom home, vea' lease Pets OK $450 1 BACK TO school shoppers SAVE, shop at CEDAR COPYGRAPH Complete SERVICE. dissertation and 96,000, said it would be at least a week before the lack of garbage removal would create a health threat. Arsonists admit payoffs 353 8747. 332 1365 CHEST resale shop at 119 E. He said it appeared that no matter what the city offered, union resume service. Corner Z 3-8.76 ,3' Kalamazoo. Lansing. Opens M.A.C. and Grand River. members appeared to want a strike. WASHINGTON (AP) - A their tracks. Monachino, who currently is August 28, hours 10 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Monday- "Emotions during a strike always run high," he said, "and I The two witnesses, both of under the protection of U.S. marsh road 6184 3 bed- 3 p.m. Monday-Friday. professional arsonist, boasting Friday. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. expect this would be no exception." that he earned enough to buy "a whom had their faces turned marshals, described how he and 3-8-25 (6) Saturday 337-1666 C-15-8-25 (71 1 he city has offered a wage increase of 85 cents an hour over new car every year," testified away from television cameras, two others burned down a tire STEREO. MARANTZ 2226 two years. The union is demanding a wage package with a told the Senate permanent company in Rochester — but Wednesday that the fire-for- receiver and turntable, RTR cost-of-living allowance that the city estimates will give workers a hire business is flourishing and subcommittee on investigations only after all of the new tires ANN BROWN typing. Disser- 3 4 bedroom, carpeted speakers 6 months old, tations-resumes-term papers. $1.65 an hour increase over two years. could become as commonplace that arson is easy to commit. were removed and replaced excellent condition. Must sell. The average city worker's wage is now $7.23 an hour. couples only $370 351-7561. 332-5876 3-8-25 (5) 601 Abbott Road, North en¬ trance. 351-7221. Non-economic issues, including residency for workers and the as A street crime. second man. a former The Senate panel is trying to With WOrthle58 left "All that was ' of the tires 3-8 25 3 learn more about the arson VIOLINS FOR sale, private C-15-R-75 (4) right of the city to use workers where needed, also were member of the underworld who business, which it has charac¬ were pieces of melted wire," he unresolved. set fires only on the orders of said. "In this way, the owners FEMALE NEEDED for room collection. August 26, 27 EXPERT TYPING by MSU terized as the costliest crime in "I have some hope, not too much, that the strike will be of short his bosses, testified that arson- m private home. Pets okay. only. Call after 4 p.m., 372- grad. 17 year experience. the United States. The subcom¬ of the tire company were able 9861, 489-4593. 3-8-25(4) duration," O'Reilly said. Close to MSU $105 month Near Gables. Call 337-0205. for-profit was so well organized mittee has estimated that in¬ to sell the new tires but still "If the city had the money, we would meet their i plus utilities. Year lease. 485- C 15-8-25 (3l within the crime syndicate that pick up an insurance payment demands, but we will not yield on our management rights." surance companies pay out $2 7028 3 8 25 >5' FURNITURE MATCHING a high ranking fire department billion a year to cover losses for their destruction when in set. 3 piece. Couch, loveseat, EXPERIENCED TYPIST, fast He said he did not anticipate other city workers uni official often helped them cover while arson grows at a rate of fact they had not been des¬ EAST LANSING duplex. 4 and chair. 1 year old, like & accurate. Thesis disserta¬ including police and fire, to honor picket lines. bedrooms. 2 baths. $420. Fur¬ new. $500, 351-9120 after 5 25 percent each year. troyed." tions. 339-3575. 7-8-25 (3) nished $480 374-6366 p.m. 7-8-25 (5) The first witness, testifying Monachino said a high rank¬ 0-6-8-25 -3' THESIS. TERM papers under the alias of Michael ing fire department official, Postal pact rejected by SOFA BED $45. 61$ feet, typed Quick Quality 332- whom he did not name, was folds flat, Herculon, excel¬ Smith, told the subcommittee Rooms 2078. 0-15-8-25 (3) present "and heard us discuss¬ lent. 332-6663 3-8-25 (3) he set "probably well over 100" EXPERIENCED IBM typing, fires in Minneapolis for fees ing plans for the fire" shortly LARGE. SINGLE, furnished. before the arson was commit¬ Clean redecorated, share tut t FhH |[Qj dissertations. (pica-elite). ranging from $500 to $4,500. ted. letter carriers union FAYANN. 489-0358 Asked how much money he kitchen and bath, parking. C-15-8-25 (31 "The fire official told us that Very close. $90 ■ $130, year LOST-SET of keys around made from this sideline, Smith lease 372 1801. 332 1800 the International Center. 353- said, "It was a bunch. I didn't the best place to set up a fire UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS 0-4 8 25 «6) 2257, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (continued from page 1) tion of guarantee against spur strike by the letter keep any records. It was a new was right by the furnace. We COMPLETE DISSERTATION Z 2-8-25 (3) AND RESUME SERVICE- But he said there was no layoffs. union within five days. car every year for sure. were going to set it up there ROOM FOR 1 or 2 persons in Asked if Bolger would Such a walkout would have a full finished basement of nice type setting, IBM typing, agreement with other postal stick to The second witness, Angelo anyhow, but it was helpful to LOST REDDISH orange offset printing and binding. unions to strike if any single his public refusal to renegotiate, chain reaction effect, possibly Monachino, told how he and his have the advice of an expert. house. Carpeted, light cook¬ ladies wallet. ID inside. Re¬ For estimate, stop in at 2843 union walks out. Seagraves said there was no causing a nationwide walkout. accomplices set fire to several "The origin of that fire was privileges $150 month. . ing ward. Call Ann. 332 0834. E. Grand River or phone 332- "We had an agreement during change. "We have completed Two other postal unions, the buildings in and around Roches¬ listed as unknown with the 323-1014 after 4:30 p.m. Z-3-8-25 (3) 4-8-25 (6) 8414. C-15-8-25 181 the 90 days of bargaining to act our negotiations," Bolger had 299,000-member American ter, N.Y., on the orders of his Rochester Fire Department, I jointly. That is all it was," he said earlier this month. Postal Workers Union and the underworld boss. later learned," he said. LARGE SINGLE, block cam¬ pus, furnished, quiet. $70. 1 will llwit 1H FAST. ACCURATE typing. Reasonable Rates. Carole, said. The rejected agreement, Asked about this, Vacca said he did not consider it a response 36,000-member Mail Handlers Division of the Laborers' Inter¬ Man fall 332 8498. 2-8-25(3) RENT 2 bedroom mobile 351-6619. Z-4-8-25 13) to his new letter to Bolger national Union, have not finish¬ reached July 21, provided for a home, furnished, $180 + ROOM & board to tXftmtNCED, 19.5 percent increase in wages asking a resumption in talks. ed counting their ratification Heavily-armed guerrillas FREE utilities. Plush for one, com¬ TYPING. and cost-of-living allowances The Postal Service's refusal votes. However, all three lumor, senior, grad student in fortable for two. 351-8457 fast and reasonable. 371- exchange for sitting with one after 5 p.m. 5-8-25 15) 4635. C 15-8-25 (3) over three years plus continua- to renegotiate the pact could unions agreed in advance that 8 year old & light housekeep¬ they would not put the new ing. Nice home on bus line. 3 2 BEDROOM mobile home, GOING ON vacation- typing contract into effect if any one miles from MSU. Send re¬ fall term. 332- Nicaragua capitol service resume $3200. 10'x50". Plush for one. voted against it, said James T. 3492. C-15-8-25 (3l storm sume to Box D-4, News 2-8-25 (8> State comfortable for two. Nice way to afford college. 351- Council OKs mall plan Schaefer, vice president of the letter carriers union. Counts by YOUR OWN ROOM .n quiet 8457 after_5 _p.m._5-8-25(5> Transportation gJL the two other unions are expect¬ (continued from pagel) URGENT. MOVING, must ed by the end of the week. house, save dollars. Less than (continued from page 3) Peter Hutchinson said Tuesday. son of the acting commander of the national guard. sell. 10x50, new paint, 2 WANTED URGENTLY ride to A widespread postal strike dorm double, $90 or $95 1 Meanwhile, a Dayton Hudson Hutchinson admitted that bedroom, appliances, skirt¬ New York City to share would be the first since wildcat block North Brody, park in official said the firm does not Earlier government reports that Treasury Minister Gen. ing, partly furnished. $3000/ driving and gas. 25 August. walkouts, mainly on the East drive, 332-0307 3-8-25 (71 best offer. 465 8041 even¬ 355-4100 5-11 a.m. 2-8-24(4) plan on .pending hundred, of J?" D'*°" H"dMn 0,fi7ls Coast, idled 200,000 workers in Samuel Genie was a hostage proved to be incorrect. ings. 2-8-25 (51 dollars on mall advertising bet. advertising bet¬ * ^ Lansing, failed to establish they open lines of 1970. The government said more than 500 legislators, government For Solo lastnctims ween now and November, as communication with residents. Postal strikes are forbidden officials and civil servants were being held inside the ornate, ACROSS SKYLINE- 2 bedrooms, some observers have expected. four-story building. Women released Wednesday said there were country setting, complete "Our efforts will be as local¬ Hutchinson said Dayton by federal law. 1 Coarse ferns SEWING MACHINES slightly RIDING INSTRUCTION, East up to 100 heavily-armed guerrillas. new furnishings, beautiful, Hudson representatives would During the 1970 walkout, In Washington the State Department said one American, a 7 Curious used guaranteed. $39 95 and Lansing. English hunt seats. ized as possible to communicate .ii Qper- arm chairs from absolutely must sell. Best offer over $3000. 676-9640 or Beginning-advanced. Con¬ with residents and let them go door-to-door on campus and then-President Richard business executive, was believed to have been in the building at 10. Formula $89 50 EDWARDS DISTRl 373 0078. 2-8-25 16) tact Jean, Cain Stables. 337- know what we're all about," within East Lansing neighbor- Nixon called out federal troops the time of the attack and apparently escaped. Spokesperson II Marquis BUTINGCO. 1115 N Wash 2794 or 371-3926. 0-2-8-25(5) Dayton Hudson representative hoods. to sort the mails. The govern Thomas Reston said the department had received unconfirmed 13. Handsome man ment has prepared plans for 14. Depositories ■ngior 489 6448 1974 12X67 foot. 3 bedroom. reports that 14 persons had been killed. C 15-8 25 '6" similar action in the event of 16 Buzzing beetle Forest Park. Third bedroom is WmM another major walkout. If a The SNLF guerrillas, wearing uniforms similar to those of the 17 Stamping Act regulates sales ads currently darkroom. Located national guard, Nicaragua's army, attacked the palace Tuesday device PREMED STUDENTS: 10 miles northwest of Fran- STREET CORNER Society, walkout occurs, the Postal Ser¬ afternoon while the Chamber of Deputies, the 70-member lower . 19 Journalist MCAT study material in¬ dor off I-69. Quiet Cove amateur theatrical group vice also is expected to forbid house, was meeting. • Grantland cluding complete Kaplan Trailer Park. $6700. Call John needs 2 new members start¬ certain types of mail considered books Schaum outlines, Somoza, 52, whose heavily guarded offices are in another ; Kassner. 373-6861 for an ing fall. Call John, 332-4287. (continued from psge 3) nonessential while asking others $40 351-3101. appointment. 2-8-24 (9) 3-8-25(4) building, was not in the palace during the attack. The palace * Z 2 8 25 (51 enumerated. An alternative would allow the Hating of participat- people to pick up their mail at houses many government offices and both houses of the national - TWO BEDROOM Parkwood. post offices. MATURE QUIET graduate ing locations. The nearly 20 percent in¬ legislature. I DOUBLE MATTRESS- Box 12 x 52. Split level dining/ student looking for a room¬ A general disclaimer, such as "not available at all locations," is spring & frame. $40. Days living. Partially furnished. Off mate & an apartment. 332- not sufficient, according to the law. crease in wages contained in the 355 7683. evenings 332 2625 white carpet, mirror wall. 3768 after 9 p.m. 5-8-25(4) The law applies to all advertisers and all consumer items except contract negotiated last month 2-8-25 (3, Water softner, shed. Lake is about the same as postal baked goods and fresh produce, Murphy said. SOFA. CHAIR- multi-colored plaid, 1 year old. good view. 7 miles to 337 2756 4 8 25 (81 or 641 6863 campus. MSU BASKETBALL season tickets. Have extra dollars. Need 2. Contact Sara, 349- The Consumer Protection Division of the attorney general's office is charged with the enforcement of the law, but because it is workers won three years ago. But it is considerably less than the wage gains made by coal Missing woman's mate condition. $45. Call Judy, 4440. 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. new, a spokesperson said, there has been no prosecution for 373-0625 or 646-9107 2-8-25 (4) 1 I 1171 2-8-25 (5) violations. However, about 600 letters have been sent to advertisers miners and railway workers earlier this year. asks citizens to search HANDSOME PhD candidate Union members also have needs mature, affectionate violating provisions of the law. These violators have been found by 100 USED vacuum cleaners, 1 $7.88 and woman to vacation with workers of the Consumer Protection Division searching through complained that the tentative (continued from page 1) offering rewards for tips in the year warranty. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING during early or mid Septem¬ newspaper advertising. postal settlement would post Divers are currently search¬ Stuart investigation through pone the largest portion of their up ber for 5-10 days. Prefer to go The letters are intended to make advertisers aware of the law, the Secret Witness Program. COMPANY. 316 N. Cedar. ing lakes, ponds and streams 482 2677 C 15-8-25 (5) South, Smokies, Ozarks, notify them of their violation, and advise them to contact the raises until the final year of the within 10 miles of East Lansing, Persons with information re¬ Gulf Coast, but negotiable. attorney general's office for details about corrective action, the pact. while police helicopters survey garding the disappearance are BLACK DIRT, sod farm soil. All essential expenses paid. Episcopalians. Eucharist Betty Stipe's home, 4900 Devon¬ at spokesperson explained. Vecca and other national "likely areas" from the air, urged to call 487-2123 or mail Approximately 5 yards de¬ Send name and phone num¬ ber to Box 2, State News, shire, Lansing, at 5 p.m. Sunday. It would be unfair, the spokesperson said, to immediately postal union leaders had worked Naert said. tips to Secret Witness, P.O. box livered locally. $40. 641-6024 East Lansing, Michigan Bring meat, dish to pass and proseeute when few entrepreneurs have had "fair notice of the for ratification of the agreement The Lansing State Journal is 16135, Lansing, Mich., 48901. or 372-4080. Fill, sand, gravel available also. 0-15-8-25 (6) 48823. 2 8-25 (10) bathing suits. i,w - they negotiated. Michigon Stole News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Thursday. August 24, 1978 1 1 HAGAR the Horrible Special thonks to d]©nDy tiv y|)^Di§te SPONSORED BY: by Dik Browne T. (t)WJlM-TV(CBi) (IQ)WHX-TV(NBC) (ll)WELM-TV(CobU) (12)WJRT-TV(»BC) (tt)WKAR-TV(PBS) YoU Mow pip YoU KMoW I P^PL||JS,/ wahtep a toaster ? (12) What's Happening THURSDAY 9:00 (23) Bugs 2:00 ' 7:00 (6) My Three Sons (23) Live From Wolf Trap J „ (10) Adam-12 Farm Park (6-12) Phil Donahue (12) One Life to Live (11)TeeVee Trivia 9:00 (10) Marcus Welby, M.D. (23) Over Easy 2:30 (12) Partridge Family (6) Hawaii Five-0 (23) Sesame Street 10:00 (6) Guiding Light (23) Turnabout (10) Richie Brockelman, 7:30 Private Eye (6) Tic Tac Dough (10) Doctors (lO)Michigame (11) The Bong Show (10) Card Sharks (23) Romagnolis' Table 3:00 (6) Wild Kingdom (12) Barney Miller (12) Dinah! 9:30 (10) Another World (12) Mary Tyler Moore (23) Mister Rogers (23) MacNeil/Lehrer (12) Movie 10:30 (12) General Hospital Report 10:00 (6) Price Is Right (23) Crockett's Victory Garden 800 (6) Barnaby Jones PEANUTS ^ + LEANERS CLEA (10) Hollywood Squares (6) CBS News SPONSORED BY: LAUN DRY (10) Operation:Runaway (23) Electric Company 3:30 (10) CHiPs (11) Ed-ltorial Weiss- by Schulz 11:00 (6) All In The Family (11) Woman Wise LET US DO YOUR Cracks SUMMER ALTERATIONS (10) High Rollers (23) Villa Alegre (12) Welcome Bock, Kotter 11:00 (12) Happy Days 4:00 (23) Once Upon a Classic 332-3537 (6-10-12) News (23) Villa Alegre (6) New Mickey Mouse 8:30 11:30 Club (11) Tempo (23) Dick Cavett (6) Love of Life (10) Munsters (10) Wheel of Fortune (12) Bonanza MSU SHADOWS nil HAT (12) Family Feud (23) Sesame Street with this comic! (23) Lilias, Yoga and You 4:30 by Gordon Corleton New Pete's i Albert at MAC 11:55 (6) Doris Day SPONSORED BY: under Moon s (6) CBS News (10) Gilligan's Island 12:00 5:00 PXMBALL PETE'S (6-12) News (6) Gunsmoke (10) America Alive! (10-12) Emergency One! GflANTN. RAVC'S TRAVEL DtAtW'. (23) Poldark II (23) Mister Rogers 5:30 _ CALIFORNIA 12:20 (6) A'manac (23) Electric Company 6:00 12:30 (6) Search For Tomorrow (6-10-12) News FRANK & ERNEST (12) Ryan's Hope (11) TNT True Adventure by Bob Thaves 1:00 Trails (10) For Richer, For Poorer (23) Dick Cavett (6) Young and the Restless 6:30 (12) All My Children (6) CBS News new glasses pj • • • (23) Opus 22 (10) NBC News 1:30 (11) Safe Boating (12) ABC News iwr'5 n relief! (6) As The World Turns (10) Days Of Our Lives (23) Over Easy I THOUGHT THE picture tvww ADVERTISE GO|N&! IN THIS SPOT Twwtt 0.u CALL 353-6400 CAMPUS - THE DROPOUTS SPONSORED BY: PIZZA 3o713/7 by Post 1040 E. Grand River TRAVELS WITH FARLEY by Phil Frank - WHAT? TfW HCKRIBLE Otx PILLOW TALK B.C. SPONSORED BY: FURNITURE Si by Johnny Hart rOK,2 F|N6eR6iSTME FAST BALL, 3 IS THE CURVE Aigp4 isTMecMANee-UR .. (sOTlTf LIBERTY BELL PRESENTS: sseh son Hsn CROSSWORD ssdii sbes hiss Bass amsonras THE BEACH BOYS PUZZLE EIKH am SB B® 'V, Fri.Au9.2S Grand Hov« ESSE HEBfllHS asE mms siara & ►y1 Camping Available HI3B BBSS ESQ @SESB!H BEE S3 EB B@ BBS C3ESBBSIB BBEIS1 BSS HSQ BBCSfl H®B EED ESSE ^JTiursdo£_Augusl^0978_ ] 2 Michigon Stole News Eost tonaing. Michigan Come Kiss Costanza 'didn't speak out enough' WASHINGTON il'PI) - Midge Costanza. the outspoken much." "I don't think 1 spoke out.enough," she said. Fall Hello women's rights advocate who resigned as presidential assistant Costanza defended her opposition to the president's abortion after her job had been downgraded, said today she didn't speak out position, saying. "I don't think it was disloyal." enough while she was at the White House. "I'm an advocate." she said. "I. of course trying to be as objective and humble as I can, will tell "I never did that because I tried to take on the president. 1 didn't you I thought I did the job that the president hired me to do," do that in a confrontation attitude at all. 1 was speaking my mind. 1 Costanza said. speaking out on something that I truly believed." She made her remarks on program, which ABC's "Good Morning America billed the interview as her first television was But she said she resigned her White House post "because the at president has a right to demand from the people who work directly appearance since she resigned Aug. 1. Costanza said her White House job was to keep Carter from being isolated and to let him know what people were feeling. "And I did that," she said. for him their loyalty to his programs and his policies." Costanza, who was barred by the White House from a television appearance a week before her resignation, that 1 would say that they should be frightened said "there is nothing of." 203 E. Grand River Ho "Sometimes that required that I speak out." she said. She said some White House staff members "thought perhaps my job should have been to just carry out the programs and the policies of the president, that perhaps I should not have spoken out too THIS WEEK: you can save left Flea market set By ELI 85°° bucks ip Aaaociftb The Ingham County Depart groups are welcome to partici¬ PANAMA CITY pate in the flea market to raise TO Club funds for needy persons in the guerrillas freed p'°: v Thursday from flea rdav county. Donations are welcome. For further information call and flew in two Sept. 9. from 10 a.m. to "> p.m. Proceeds from the flea mar 373-7892 or 371 5360, extension by members of after the gover ket. to be held at the Kingsley puts it all together! demands of cash anything & everything Community Center. 1220 W. President Anas Kalamazoo. Lansing, will be MANAGEMENT on news conference in donated to the shelter fund for battered women and their chil¬ POSITIONS OPEN guerrillas to leavi dren. fall in stock! 50 to 75 OFF "I hope Nicaragt The shelter fund helps to MATURE INDIVIDUALS took this action . . provide battered women and NIGHTS • WEEKENDS the president said. their children with food and FULL OR PART TIME Some Nicaragu clothing and temporary quart ers until other arrangements per cent no exceptions but sale things Somoza's cousin L are made. Must like working with people Other agencies and church Good working conditions. 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Maynard is the lieutenant govern woman did serve t Summer Fashion Savings Event You'll try on armloads and get into those fall feelings appointed — not Republican Matilt of burning leaves, autumn parties, frosty pumpkins, by Luren Dickens To balance F: THIS WEEK ONLY new faces, new places. abortion, various ganizations hsve pro-abortion worn Gitane Newport (compare with others ot >189.1 Storewide Offer Lawn not limited to special groupings or labels so there are Alloy Cotterless Crank Suntour VGT Luxe Gears Visit Our Centers no special tags or rates...evervthing fall is included... in Vi And See For Yourself Velocipede Why We Make The Difference for Peddler Call Days, Eves & Weekends 919 E.Grand River E.Lansing, Mi. 48823 Come get your fall 341E. Grand River (517)332-2539 since 351-7X40 BELOW PARAMOUNT NEWS clothes cash, now By Dl Associa HO CHI MINI Gone from the an its here waiting for you to use, the first moment you come in Vietnamese mor CAMPUS allies. 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