Hostages are freed; leftists fly to Panama two three others, were freed at the Reporters estimated about 60 persons By ELLIE FENTON or left on the buses, but another group was Associated Ptbm Writer Managua airport before the planes left for believed to have remained in the terminal PANAMA CITY, Panama (AP) - Leftist Panama. Reporters at the airport here estimated building at Tocumen International Airport. guerrillas freed more than 1,000 hostages Thursday from Nicaragua's capitol building about 100 persons - guerrillas, hostages Thousands of Nicaraguans along the and flew in two planes to Panama, shielded and freed political prisoners — got off the route and at Managua airport chanted by members of the church and diplomats, two planes, including three Roman Catholic "Down with Somoza" and cheered the after the government bowed to ransom prelates who had negotiated with the guerrillas in a show of popular support for demands of cash and political prisoners. guerrillas since they shot their way into the their war against President Anastasio President Anastasio Somoza said at a legislative building Tuesday. Somoza's military government. The guerril¬ news conference in Managua he allowed the One person was taken from one of the las are trying to overthrow Somoza and guerrillas to leave for humanitarian rea- planes on a stretcher and rushed to a install a Marxist government in that nearby hospital. The rest were taken to an Central American country, sandwiched "I hope Nicaraguans understand why we airport building as Panamanian national between Honduras and Costa Rica. took this action ... to save human lives," guard-troops ringed the airport. After the president said. processing, the Nicaraguans were placed on Some Nicaraguan legislators, including two buses and driven to an undisclosed Somoza's cousin Luis Pallais Debayle and destination. Olivia Maynard will run with Fitzgerald in gubernatorial race him. By ANNE MARIE BIONDO State News Staff Writer Contrasting Fitzgerald's long-time anti- William B. Fitzgerald, Democratic candi¬ bortion stand, Maynard supports legal date for governor, announced Thursday that abortions. Democratic Party Vice Chairperson Olivia The Fitzgerald-Maynard team will take on Gov. William G. Milliken and his running Maynard will be his running mate in the November election. mate, Eastern Michigan University Presi¬ Maynard is the first woman to run for dent James Brickley in the November ™ Sandinistra National Liberation Front Guerrilla being held in the National Palace. A Catholic election. lieutenant governor in Michigan. Though a leader, who goes by the name of Comander Zero, priest is escorted onto the plane in the back¬ did serve briefly in the past, she was "I hope this approach becomes a new "What I cannot tell you is whether that woman says farewell to his followers as he boards a plane ground. tradition in Michigan politics," the Demo¬ will happen tomorrow or next year," he appointed — not elected — to the post. cratic nominee declared. to Panama after releasing most of the hostages Republican Matilda Wilson was appointed said. "But he will fall." by Luren Dickenson In 1940. Maynard dented that she-was cbueeii as (continued on page 9) To balance Fitzgerald's opposition to Fitzgerald's running mate because of pres¬ sure from the Democratic Plrty's Women's abortion, various Democratic women's or¬ ganizations have suggested that he choose a pro-abortion woman candidate to run with Caucus. "Sen. Fitzgerald, in a very objective and PART OF ACCREDITATION EFFORT rational way, made his choice," Maynard said at a crowded press conference in Business college expands faculty Lansing. Lawmakers From a list of 42 possible candidates, Fitzgerald interviewed four potential run¬ ning mates this week, including Maynard, a political science instructor at Mott Com¬ he "Without the enrollment limits, just enrollments appear to increase too drastical¬ explained. in Viet city munity College in Flint. "Olivia is a woman of background, a By JAMES N.McNALLY State News Staff Writer "That's not a decision that we don't want looking at the early registration figures, we ly. He said they have few outside majors taking those classes. Calling it "the best answer to a difficult to service (those students). We just can't in would have gone up a net of 9.8 teaching woman of ability and she has an understand¬ the short run." faculty (to meet the standards), wiping out situation," College of Business Dean Richard The possibility of stricter requirements for first time ing of the issues," Fitzgerald said. "I don't expect her to put a stamp of J. Lewis outlined for the State News the college's response to accreditation prob¬ The enrollment limits will be short term, lasting only until enough resources are our 10.5 position increase," Lewis said. Present plans do not include limiting for entering the college have been discount¬ ed for the present. Lewis said. approval on everything. I expect to call upon lems. obtained to lift the restrictions and meet the enrollment in the 400-levei classes, but her to provide advice and counsel and work Lewis said that could change if those If entry was limited, it would have no since conflict actively," he added. Because Maynard does not agree with The college was warned lest winter by the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of "andards, he explained short-term effect. He said the college has a "contract" with current MSU students to Business that its faculty-student ratio was accept them under the terms in effect when Fitzgerald's stand against abortion and By DENIS D.GRAY above the maximum allowed by that they entered the University. Pontiac police chief asks because she is a woman, the party expects Associated Press Writer accrediting agency. (continued on page 9) HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam (AP) - Lewis said the college knew about a year The AACSB allows full-time faculty Gone from the airport entrance is the South members to "sponsor" 900 student credit ago that it was slightly above the maximum Vietnamese monument honoring its war number of credit hours permitted, but upon general to hours at the graduate level, and 1,200 the most recent evaluation it had "lost" allies. Gone are the bistros along Cach Mang, the avenue leading into this city student credit hours for undergraduates. state attorney about 20 full-time faculty members, magni¬ from the airport, although some English The MSU college figures vary from 1,400 fying the problem. to 2,000 credit hours per faculty member, signs, badly painted over, still can be read. Lewis likened the problem to a "paper Also gone, seemingly, is some of the hostility from the long Vietnam War, which depending on the department. To meet accreditation requirements, 10 check Patterson9s action loss," saying that though the number of faculty had not changed, the AACSB's ended three years ago when Viet Cong and one-half full-time faculty members have interpretation had. forces closed in on the city, then called been added to begin teaching fall term. PONTIAC (UPI) - Police Chief William Hanger has asked the state attorney general to Saigon, and the Americans hastily fled. One year, he said, the interpretation of "I never thought we'd get this kind of Several are joint appointments — profes¬ investigate the conduct of Oakland County Prosecutor L. Brooks Patterson in a recent "full-time faculty" changed, omitting about crackdown on alleged organized crime operations. reception unless we came as occupying sors who will teach for the business college In a letter to Attorney General Frank Kelley, Hanger accused Patterson of conspiring to 20 MSU graduate instructors supplement¬ troops," said one of the eight lawmakers in and another college, Lewis said. violate the law. slander, willful neglect of duty and failure to uphold the law. ing television and large lecture classes. the first U.S. delegation to visit Ho Chi While the number and quality of instruc¬ Visiting professors are also being asked to Minh City since the communist victory. to MSU. Charges against 29 of those arrested in the July crackdown on gambling activities, labor tors had not changed, Lewis said, the The legislators led by G. V. Montgomery, come racketeering and alleged corruption were thrown out of court Wednesday because the ASCSB rules effectively had, causing the D-Miss., were greeted by city officials when "This gives us the time to do good, orderly undercover agent who gathered much of the evidence against the accused did not have a large deviation from the standards. they stepped off a Soviet-piloted aircraft recruiting," Lewis said. search warrant. Enrollment limits will be set as well, The short-run changes proposed by the from Hanoi. Lewis added. Business majors and other One of Hanger's officers was among those charged in the case and Patterson also issued college will bring it "very close, if not The three senior Vietnamese officials statements indicating a police lieutenant may have been involved. meeting the Americans included Madame students who are required to take a business Deputy Attorney General Stanley Stinborn said Kelley's office would first attempt to ... realigned" with the requirements by fall Ngo Ba Thanh, who spent years in prison class will be the only students allowed to take 200- and 300-level classes. determine whether the allegations in Hanger's letter constitute violations of state law 1979. under the fallen, U.S.-backed Saigon gov¬ "We are limiting enrollment only for the before deciding whether a formal investigation is warranted. Lewis anticipates no difficulties in con¬ ernment. non-business majors where (business) Patterson was out of state on vacation and not available for comment. But Richard vincing the AACSB to accept the plan as a She is now a member of the National Thompson, his chief assistant, said, "We do not take it seriously. This is just harrassment "good faith effort." which the assembly (continued on page 12) Olivia Maynard courses are not required in their programs," Hanger's part. If the attorney general looks at this fairlyampartiaUy. we have nothing to on required as an interim r be worried about." U.S. journalists' trip to Russia weather cancelled by Soviet government Because the State will not News publish again until By JAMES L. SMITH the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.," Gardner said. Sept. 21. here is the three- State New» SUfi Writer Cole echoed Gardner's statement. "The current political climate inside week forecast: sunny, A visit to the Soviet Union by 19 American journaliate and makes it an unfortunate year for such exchanges," he said. cloudy, rainy, humid and dry, not necessarily in that journalism educators, one from MSU, was cancelled by the Soviet Recent trials of American journaliste and the cancellation of Dr. Joseph Vorro MSG order. Temperatures should government three weeks before it was to have taken place. other educational exchange programs were cited by both Cole and anatomy professor, explains range from 30 to 100 de¬ Mary A. Gardner, professor of journalism at MSU, said she was Gardner as evidence of the current U.S.-Soviet rift. his favorite hobby - falcon¬ grees. There is also a possi "very disappointed" by the cancellation. The trip, which Cole said had been scheduled for nearly a year, See pictures on page 5. Both Gardner and Richard R. Cole, associate professor and ry. bility of tornadoes, high director of graduate studies programs at the University of North was part of a planned exchange program. U.S. journalists and winds, hail, fire, brimstone Carolina, said plans for the trip were begun three years ago. journalism educators would have gone to the Soviet Union this The MSG Stadium has and miscellaneous meteoro¬ year with a similar Soviet group coming to the U.S. in 1979. been a cattle barn this week. logical goodies. Despite the Soviets' official explanation that the trip had to be The chief U.S. sponsor for the visit was the International cancelled for logistical reasons, Gardner and Cole said the current See page 3. Communication Division of the Association for Education in political tensions between the United SUtes and the Soviet Union Journalism. Gardner is currently president of the association, probably played a part in the decision. (continued on page 12) "I am sure it is connected with the political situation between Friday, August 25, 1978 2 Michigan State News, Eost tonsing, Michigan Tax bill aids rich, <-mr* Nader group says percent increase in effective expenses of 23 percent of taxes for persons earning less income, meaning a 30 percent WASHINGTON (AP) - The than $10,000 a year; a 1.9 cut in such a family's taxes $16.3 billion income tax reduc- percent increase for those in under current law. Haiti reforms may bring more U.S. aid tion bill passed by the House the $20,000-$30,000 group and a These experts estimate that PORT-AU-PRINCE. Hoiti (AP) — The U.S. Ambassador William B. Jones would result in a net federal tax cut next year only for persons earning $100,000 i 0.4 percent increase for those with income above $200,000. Brandon's analysis of the such a family with $20,000 income would have taxes re¬ duced by $146, which would be mi:' UK United Stotes and Hoiti are ironing out described the program last month to Haiti's 27-year-old president, Jean- sumer advocate Ralph Nader's House bill appears to match 6.7 percent of current law's details of an agreement that could tax research organization said that of the Carter administra¬ taxes. double U.S. aid to this impoverished Claude Duvalier, and made clear it Thursday. tion, which has urged the Those key features would notion, conditional on wide-ranging depended on the execution of the reform Robert M. Brandon, director Senate to tilt the tax reductions end a general tax-cutting cred¬ reforms by the Haitian government, U.S. program, the sources said. of Nader's Tax Reform Re¬ toward those with it, boost personal exemptions, v*ft officials here say. Duvalier is reported to have under¬ search Group, told the Senate omes under $50,000 a year. hike flat-amount standard de¬ stood and accepted the program, under Finance Committee that infla- Brandon's figures are based ductions taken by taxpayers The officials, who asked not to be which the United States would provide up Social Secur- in the assumption that inflation who don't itemize, widen the identified, add that the program could to an additional $25 million annually over ity payroll taxes and the House- will level off at 7 percent next tax rate system's brackets and make rate cuts in some brack¬ pump in up to $125 million in new the next five years to fund Haitian passed income tax reduction year, bill would result Under refinancing legislation ets. assistance over the next five years. development ministries and start public increase of 0.7 percent in the enacted last December, Social Brandon, meantime, said a Officials in Washington confirmed thot a works projects in the countryside to get substantial aid boost conditioned on effective rate of tax paid by Security payroll taxes will in¬ capital gains tax cut favored by people working. crease starting next year for 60 of the 100 senators would reform is being considered, but said the persons earning under $10,000 Regular U.S. aid to Haiti for 1970 is a year. than 100 million workers allow 110 individuals who earn The body of Kenyan leader Jomo Kenyatta lies in $125 million figure is excessive. They projected at $33 million, up from $27.7 and their employers. For high- than $200,000 a year to He said inflation is a factor more state as diplomats pay their last respects in Nairobi. declined to give a dollar estimate. million last year. completely escape federal in¬ because it pushes wage earners er-income workers, the top into higher tax brackets. Social Security tax hike next come taxes. Those in the $10,000-$20,000 year will be $333. Refugees rescued from sinking boat income class would face effective tax increase of 0.2 The income tax bill approved by the House on Aug. 10 CLOUD KILLS ONE, HARMS THREE percent in 1979; $20,000- includes about $10.5 billion in the Vietnamese vessel was sighted about HONG KONG (AP) — The captain of a $30,000, an increase of 0.9 tax reductions for individuals 110 miles southeast of Vietnam as the that rescued 416 indi¬ Missile leaks propellant U.S. Navy frigate and a $1.8 billion cut in percent; $30,000-$50,000, an in¬ Vietnamese refugees from a squall-bat¬ refugees frantically waved a large white crease of 0.6 percent, he said. vidual capital gains taxes. The tered fishing boat said Thursday the flag emblazoned with an SOS. Couples and individuals with capital gains cut is mainly vessel would have sunk in a day if it hod Francis said none of the refugees knew . of $50,000 to $100,000 responsible for the bill's overall how to steer the boat, which he said was WICHITA. Kan. (AP) - An was not carrying one at the the largest ICBM in the U.S. continued to flounder. would break even under the tilt toward higher-income per- time, said Capt. Alan Defend, arsenal and is capable of carry¬ in bad condition with a faulty rudder. The House bill, Brandon said. Those apparent leak of a Titan II Cmdr. William C. Francis said the missile's propellant spewed a press information officer at ing a 24-megaton atomic war¬ group included 133 women, 98 men and at the $100,000-$200,000 level Congressional tax experts head 18,000 miles an hour to Vietnamese, rescued two days ago in the would get a 0.2 percent tax cut estimate that the key general hazardous, half-mile-long cloud nearby McConnell Air Force 185 children. One of the women was Base. Air Force Sgt. David targets 6,000 miles away. South China Sea, were 'packed like while those making $200,000 individual income tax-cutting from its silo 20 miles from eight months pregnant, Francis soid. features of the House-approved Wichita Thursday, killing one Beaulieu added that there was sardines" in their 60-by-12-foot boat. He and over would get a tax Francis said the refugees were in "no way" a nuclear explosion spoke at a news conference shortly after reduction of 1.5 percent, he bill would result, for example, man, injuring three and forcing the frigate Whipple docked here. "surprisingly" good condition though added. in a federal income tax reduc¬ the evacuation of about 100 could be tripped while the they were all thirsty and hungry when Without any tax cut, he said, tion of $36 for a typical four- nearby residents. missile was on the ground. He also discounted the Carter raft The Gainesville, Texas, resident said picked up. inflation and the higher Social person family with $8,000 of The missile is designed to possibility nuclear warhead, but of radioactivity. Security tax would yield a 0.9 income and deductible personal carry a trip ends First reports said there had been an explosion, but the Air Ships collide; rescue efforts hampered Force said later that there was ALONG THE SALMON Soviets issue warning explosion. The cause of the no LE HAVRE. France (AP) — Divers and vessel. RIVER. Idaho (AP) - Presi¬ leak was not known. rescue crews raced against time Thurs¬ Resuce workers from the port of Air Force officials said the dent Carter and his family, Rouen, 42 miles east of here, said they mustard-yellow cloud was drift¬ after leaving fellow river trav¬ day to try to free a handful of sailors feared the air pocket in which some of ing northeast, away from Wich¬ elers at the mouth of the trapped in a capsized British cargo ship after it collided with another vessel on the River Seine near this northwest the crew was believed trapped might hove only enough oxygen to keep them to two U.S. reporters ita. Residents of the tiny town of Rock near the missile site Salmon River's Middle Fork, were tion heading back to civiliza¬ Thursday. alive for a few hours. were rushed from their homes French port, officials said. By BARTON REPPERT This prompted Moscow City Court Judge Lev and sections of nearby roads A presidential motorcade Initial reports said as many as five Divers repeatedly tried unsuccessfully Associated Press Writer Almazov to declare that he considered the were closed to traffic. was meeting the party on a dirt crewmembers of the British vessel Mary to penetrate the overturned hull of the MOSCOW (AP) - The Soviet Foreign Minis¬ reporters' conduct disrespectful toward the Air Force disaster response road at the confluence of the Weston may have been killed when their smoll ship. try Thursday told two American reporters court. teams were dispatched to the Middle Fork and the main ship collided with the Yakasse, an Ivory involved in a slander case here that they Almazov said he would inform the Foreign accident scene from McCognell Salmon. After a short ride, a Coast cargo ship bound for Dakar, "There's too much current and the deserved ,to lose their accreditation but that A prosecutor had urged that the journalists be AFB. helicopter was to carry them to water's too black to continue working Senegal. It was not immediately known ministry action would be limited to a formal stripped of their press accreditations, which The Strategic Air Command Jackson, Wyo. how many sailors were aboard either effectively," one diver said. warning in the interest of bettering U.S.-Soviet would force them to leave the country. in Omaha, Neb., reported three relations. injuries among the two officers The president is spending a Krylov read them a statement saying in part week at Grand Teton National The ministry also said it was taking into iat on the basis of the court decision and and two enlisted men who Park, at the foot of the jagged account the fact that the reporters, Craig R. information provided by Almazov "that you comprised the normal crew at Teton Mountains. He traveled Whitney of the New York Time, and Harold D. showed disrespKt l0 , court 0f thj, coun,ry _ the missile site when the acci¬ r ' on the river run with his wife D oo.oflko D. i;no.oC,m na /^ Piper of the Baltimore Sun, paid penalties wooo t oa n «!«. . whose laws and regulations journalists dent occurred. Their names and case. conditions were not known. The Rosalynn, their sons Chip and obliged to observe — you deserve to be deprived Jack and daughter Amy. The warning was issued to the pair after they „f'accredrtati'on." identity of the dead man was The bustle of resort country were summoned to the Foreign Ministry to meet not disclosed, but Defend said with Lev Krylov, deputy head of the press However, guided by the interests of Soviet- he was not a member of the was a sharp contrast to the department. American relations and taking into consideration quiet rustle of river nights. The A Soviet court last month found the two guilty the fact that you paid the fines and court costs a Beaulieu would not speculate Carters spent three days and two nights on the remote of slandering Soviet television with stories ordered by the court, the press department how far the dangerous propel¬ doubting the authenticity of a jailed dissident's considers it possible to confine itself to a lant cloud would drift before Middle Fork, sleeping under televised confession. But both Whitney and Piper warning. We expect to hope that you will draw dispersing in the air. star-filled skies with the refused to appear at court hearings. the proper conclusions," the statement said. The 150-ton Titan II missile is muffled roar of the river. Koreagater fined SI0,000 WASHINGTON (AP) — Hancho C. Kim citizen, was convicted last April on was fined $10,000 Thursday after plead¬ ing guilty to o tax "regardless of my innocence" evasion charge stemming from separate charges of conspiring to corrupt congressmen and then lying about receiving $600,000 for the plot. In that Olga's the Korean influence-buying probe. U.S. District Judge Thomas A. Flannery also imposed a prison term of one year, case, Flannery sentenced him to six months in prison, but Kim remains free on appeal. Almost Unbelievable but suspended that sentence. The plea The related tax case produced indict¬ and the punishment were agreed to earlier by Kim and the government in exchange for dropping tax charges ments last January that Kim and his wife underreported their income in 1974 and 1975. It was during that period that Kim Coupons against his wife, Soonduk. ollegedly received the $600,000 to curry Olga's Kitchen is the fresh food restaurant with the freshest, Kim, 56, a naturalized American favor from Congress. most exciting idea in eating since the sandwich...the Olgas! Try an Olga Burger and Fresh Fries. Or maybe a 3-Cheese Oiga and Spinach Pie. Or, well, any of the Olgas from our menu 'Dishonorable' vets may still appeal of really fresh, really different things to eat. Use these coupons as your money-saving tickets to freshness WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge obtain a new hearing. Olga's Kitchen! has ordered the military to inform some The decision Wednesday was a victory 40,000 applicants who were upgrading of their discharges under denied an for the National Military Discharge ★ Doily Happy Hours ~5tfOFF r ANY "SS" 50$ OFF . 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I Michigan Stote News, Eost Lonsing, Michigan Friday. August 25. 1978 3 4-H holds events for youngsters which drew more than 400 4-H'ers. By CATHERINE RAFTREY SUte New# Staff Writer By Sept. 8, over 2,000 youngsters are Over 2,000 participate at MSU; Other competitions included a science exhibit and a dairy bowl dairy contest where 4-H'ers knowledge of cattle and the expected to have participated in a total of six different 4-H sponsored events which dairy industry, as well as their skills in began Aug. 19 on MSU's campus. The programs offer young people from all new all-girl teams going strong presenting this information, were tested. Horticulture contests were also a major event Thursday when participants were over Michigan a chance to compete in a first event of the season. Areas of competition included showing variety of areas, including softball, dairy John Aylsworth, cooperative extention quarter and grade horses in both Western quizzed on their knowledge of horticultural crops and required to identify more than 80 science, horseback riding, horticulture, 4-H youth agent, pointed out that 27 teams and English styles, saddle and hunt seat different specimens. archery and livestock demonstrations. competed in eight different divisions. divisions, dressage, and a special gymkhana Livestock Achievement Days which are Participants are chosen at the county Three years ago, 4-H started forming division featuring barrel racing, pole bend- scheduled for Sept. 8 and 9 will end this level, explained Tony Burholder, 4-H youth all-girl teams as well as letting females play ing and a flag race, summer's 4-H activities at MSU. information coordinator. on what had previously been all-boy teams, Participants attired in a variety of The free programs are annual events he remarked. costumes including Native Americans, a funded by the federal government and "We try to encourage girls as much as we Civil War soldier, as well as a character out State Legislature, as well as private can," claimed Aylsworth. of "Star Wars," added a crowd-pleasing donations. However, participants of the dairy competitions were charged a $5 fee, Nearly 500 equestrians, wide range competing in a touch of originality to the special pony of classifications, were on hand 180 competition. Trapshooting, archery, rifle and BB gun Kelley rules he explained. Tuesday to display their skill This summer the softball finals was the different classes. competitions were the events featured in the Shooting Sports Tournament held Tuesday at the Ingham County Conserva¬ tion League club grounds in Lansing. special vote Exercise, recreation Robert George, MSU fisheries and wild¬ life extension specialist, explained that 4-H uses Junior Olympic regulations as well as must be held following national requirements in its A request by state Rep. Jackie Vaughn competitions so that the "young people can lead interest in sports go on in their sport." He said they had considered making III, D-Detroit, to eliminate a special election in which his name will be the only one appearing on the ballot was denied by special classifications for females, however, Attorney General Frank J. Kelley Thurs¬ By JOANNELANE "we found that some of the girls were SUte News Staff Writer day. outstanding and beating the boys." Kelley made the ruling because a state A sports interest survey has revealed that the primary interest in sports at MSU for law requires that the election be held. the majority of both male and female students is exercise and recreation. "Safety is a very important part of this The survey was conducted spring term by Daniel J. Stynes, assisUnt professor of parks program," George continued. "Participants Vaughn is a candidate for the fifth Senate are required to pass the Michigan Hunter- district seat vacated when state Sen. and recreation resources, and Calvin Peterson, graduate research assisUnt. and has been Safety program." Arthur Cartwright, D-Detroit, resigned as sent to Robert Perrin, vice president of University and federal relations, for review. The survey revealed a considerable amount of interest in sports among MSU students, He expressed his pride in the fact that part of a plea bargaining agreement. He had the Ingham County Conservation League been accused of cheating on his Senate Stynes said. The report also showed that while female students are less active in sports considers 4-H "one of their most outstand¬ expense account. on campus, their interest levels are equal to that of the men's. Men expressed a greater interest in intramural sports and competitive activities, the ing groups." Vaughn won a special primary election by From Aug. 22 to 24, Spartan Stadium was a large majority on Aug. 8 and asked report stated. Women showed higher rates of participation and interest in more artistic Governor William G. Milliken and Kelley if transformed into a cattle barn for the 4-H sports such as dance, gymnastics, ice skating and swimming. the special election scheduled for Sept. 6 Stynes said considerable interest in men's softball and volleyball at the varsity level Dairy Days event. could be eliminated in order to save money. was revealed. The survey also found support exists for sports clubs in tennis and During this time the stadium housed more than 500 dairy animals from around "The taxpayers are concerned about bicycling. Paddleball-racquetball and cross-country skiing are the two sports which right now," Vaughn said. "I wanted showed the greatest possibility of increased participation, according to survey results. the state. money Stynes said the survey came at a time when there was growing student awareness the Title IX issue. The questionnaire, he said, was specifically designed to gather the of A milking parlor complete with milking machines and a storage tank added a touch to save more than $60,000 by eliminating an election that is not an election." It's annual flushing time of realism to the converted stadium barn. He explained the election is only a kinds of daU needed to address the Department of Health, Education and Welfare criteria for adherence to Title IX. Owners dressed predominantly in white formality since his name will be the only one The Physical Plant Division will be performing their annual flushing and testing of fire and paraded their animals in more than 100 on the ballot but said he agreed with hydrants beginning Sept. 6 and ending Sept. 15. Title IX, of the 1972 Education Amendment, prohibits all federally-funded educational Kelley's ruling since it was based on state A discoloration of the water supply throughout the campus will occur during this time. institutions from discrimination on the basis of sex in all academic program, including class competitions. Six different breeds of dairy animals law. The discoloration is caused by iron particles from deep rock wells and is perfectly safe for sports. (continued on page 12) were displayed in the three-day event (continued on page 12) THE ALLE-EY OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 00 * Weekend /peciol UJe've Got Vou Covered... «. WEEKEND CLEARANCE SALE1 60 off on pitchers of beer J featuring the best of DISCO entertainment: low low prices and NO COVER! When you E vit ythiruj must qo don't have Sunday night the time... You don't have to come inside to enjoy Wendy's Hot 'n Juicy Hamburgers. Just drive up—order up— pick up—and then, Levi's®for young men wipe up. because our hamburgers are really . . .stock up on them ] is N ii. Hot'n Juicy. now. Great looking, great fitting all-cotton, or cotton/polyester denims with straight legs or bell bottoms. . .cotton/polyester a bit of Europe bell bottom corduroys. in downtown Young men's 28 to 38 waist sizes. East Lansing, $12 PROM OUR MR. ,] SHOP Iw wumsu ttoch 1 —MAC y Co* Lonsing Trowbridge Road Am fe Just North of Harrison Also Lansing: Saginaw at Waverly S. Cedar at 1-96 Jacobson's r .0 °M0(2)[n) Exiting trustees 'LASH' LARROWE should not select Could 4 Mash9really be new *1" president I'm standing out in front of Kellogg early the other morning, waiting for the limo to check up the other day, my doctors told me if I don't get away for a complete rest they Come to think of it. didn't they have the name 'Mash McNally' on that column committee turned you down because you flunked Magic in your econ 200 class?" "I never talk about how my students do in take me to the airport. This time, I tells can't be responsible for my condition. I instead of yours?" The selection of a permanent president of MSU should be divorced "That was a typo." I tells him. "Boys in my classes," I says tartly. myself, nobody's going to recognize me. In a figured I'd sneak down to Aruba for a from the arena of partisan politics. In the past, specifically with the few minutes now I'll be long gone. I'll finally month or so." the print shop were on the sauce that night. "The grapevine has it you got a real low merit increase this year, too," he says. Clifton R. Wharton Jr. selection in 1969, such was not the case. get the R and R 1 need so desperately. "Why would you have to sneak off, If you noticed, the paper that day had even Lash?" he asks. "Don't you administrators more typos than usual." 'That's one thing I can't understand," I Without going into a long history of the 1969 selection process, it was I see this young guy moseying toward "I thought somebody else must have tells him. "I thought I was doin' a real good get six weeks vacation?" true that significant pressure was put on the MSU Board of Trustees and me, but I don't pay any attention to him. He's got a burlap bag hanging from a strap "Oh, I'm entitled to it, alright," I answers. written the column," he says. "It made a job, they knocked me down from the 12 the selection committee to consider certain names based on their "But now I'm FGO, I'm directly responsible whole lot more sense than your usual drivel, percent I usually get to a measly 9 1/2." over his shoulder, and he's spearing scraps political clout. An example would have been the turmoil surrounding the of paper with a stick that has a nail on the to the president, you know. Big Ed doesn't Lash, if you don't mind my saying so. Now I "I heard you hit an all-time low for the *U' on your student ratings this year, Lash," he inclusion of G. Mennen Williams, a former Michigan governor, on the end of it, putting em in the bag. go for vacations. He figures a long weekend get it! That creep I ran into up in your office is all the boys at Story need to get out there is a stand-in for you while you're down in smirks. "Could that be the reason?" final candidate's list. "Hi. Lash." he chortles when he gets up the floor and hustle when those Aruba, right?" "I wouldn't know," I answers. "I never Two of the current board members, Don Stevens, D-Bloomfield Hills, close. "That your cover for you CIA job?" on new models come in, that oughta be good enough "I'm not confirmin' or denyin'," I says. read 'em. As soon as I take 'em back to the and Patricia Carrigan Strickland, D-Farmington Hills, have announced "You ought to know me better than that." I snaps. "But why do you ask?" for we staffers at the 'U'." "You look healthy enough to me," he office, they go right out the window." their intentions not to seek re-election to the board. For that reason they "I've never seen you wearing a suit and "You've cleared up one thing for me, says, "even if your doctors do say you need "Sounds like you turned in a lousy should not be included themselves in the selection of a president who tie before, for one thing," he says. "You've Lash," he says. "I went up to your office a complete rest. But then I know you really performance this year, Lash," he says, "but got dumped on by the 'U* this past year. you got tenure so they can't get rid of you. I most likely will start the job after they have left. shaved off your 'beard' and mustache, too. yesterday to file a grievance, I ran into That's why you're getting outta here, OK?" sure hope Aruba fires you up for next year some weirdo. He was made up to look like It would not only be unfair to the incoming board members who would And look at the stuff you got piled there: "I haven't the faintest idea what you're so you can make a contribution for a water skis, scuba gear, golf clubs. You look you. but he wasn't that good a copy, so I be working with a president they didn't, but could have, helped driving' at," I bristles. change." like a prof from the International Center in split. selected. And it would not be fair to the president selected by only that get-up." "Matter of fact, Lash, he looked like the "For starters," he says, "you missed out "I can't make no promises," I says. "But three-fourths of the trustees instead of the board as a whole. again on the Distinguished Faculty Award. while I'm down there, at least they won't "I don't have to justify my outfit to you," guy in the picture the State News ran with I know you had the thousand big ones that have Lash Larrowe to kick around any- Stevens and Carrigan Strickland could reasonably argue that they I barks, "but I might as well tell you if you'll your last column, that one about how your backpack ripped off in the bookstore. go with already spent, too. Is it true the have a perspective on MSU that a new board member might not have. keep it to yourself. I went in for my annual was But we might argue that perhaps a new perspective is needed and that their being involved in the selection is nothing more than a political manuever. President Edgar L. Harden said in October he wouldn't take the VIEWPOINT: IRAN acting president's job unless he had the full consent of the board. Is it fair for the next president to have something less? Surely it might mean delaying the process another month or two, but that is an insignificant amount of time compared to that already spent in the protracted There is more to selection process. In keeping with the non-political focus of the selection process, it might also be wise for Carrigan Strickland to resign her seat on the selection committee as well. From reports received from the selection the Iranian fire committee, her attendance at meetings has been poor anyway. The University deserves a president selected through the input of faculty and students and hired by the board under which he or she will serve. Anything less will smell of back-room politics. than we know Often governors will appoint cronies to important commissions or judgeships before their term of office ends. We surely do not need that By The ORGANIZATION OF IRANIAN MOSLEM STUDENTS at MSU. According to the U.S. news media on Saturday, Aug. 19. a movie theatre in Abadan, Iran, was set on fire burning over 400 people to death. The Iranian government has alleged that "Moslem fanatics." "Islamic Marxists" are responsible for the fire. In the Iranian press reports there is an obviously pronounced emphasis on the audience being mostly families and children, watching a "family" film. Such an NHL players are emphasis clearly shpws the regime's real intention of trying to whip up the public sentiment against the Islamic movement and its Moslem leaders. Clarification on some points concerning the unfounded allegations currently being made against the Islamic movement needs to be made. First, no Moslem in general, and no Moslem leader in particular, believes people should be burned because of going to Olin's health care is not all bad treated like pucks moviesduringthe fasting month. Accusing Moslems of harboring such reactionary ideas is clearly a conspiracy and the worst kind of slander. Islam is opposed to such backward, absurd ideas and practices. I found State News Aug. 23 article, "Students Give Opinion on Olin Health Fee." not Second, contrary to the allegations of the Shah's regime, Moslem leaders and Iranian only an outrageous insult to both Olin and the entire student body, but a very shoddy piece Moslem people have explicitly voiced their resentment toward such vicious bloody acts. of journalism. It seems that the 3 "investigators" who prepared the survey could have at It mav seem like an insignificant sports item. least managed to contact more than the 30 students they did, presenting less than a Third, we vehemently object to the U.S. news media's highly prejudicial, one-sided It is. ' thousandth of the over 40,000 who will pay the $18 Olin fee this fall. coverage of the incident; solely reflecting the views of the Shah's regime wihout the least Last week a Toronto-based arbiter ruled that Dale McCourt, the reference to the views of the Islamic movement and its Moslem leaders. Using these 30 students to voice the feelings of all, reflects a high school mentality on Concerning the tactics used in the course of popular demonstrations; it is true that how to conduct a survey. and the same degree of professionalism in that the question put to budding young superstar of hockey's Detroit Red Wings, must be sent Moslems have attacked and/or burned government-related property and imperialist- those contacted was not even included in the article. to the Los Angeles Kings as compensation for Rogatien Vachon, the Zionist related institutions (headquarters of the Shah's single party "Rastakhiz," banks, This past summer I spent one week in Olin, just after spring term, for corrective Kings' free-agent goaltender whom the Wings had signed earlier. cinemas, liquor stores, . . .1. which are the means for brainwashing, oppressing and surgery. I had heard all of the rumors of poor quality, and was apprehensive about my stay. exploiting the Iranian people. But I found the care and attention to be outstanding. The reason this particular sports item is insignificant is because But. in all these acts, timing has always been of crucial importance in attacking the I also found Olin's fees to be one-half to one-third of any Lansing hospital. My entire sports is — or should be — insignificant. Sports should be kept in its target. A target is attacked at a time when there is the least possibility of loss of lives. It expense for one week were only $462, compared to approximately $1,300 had I stayed at proper perspective. As much as we hate to reiterate the sonorous has been reported that exit doors have been locked when the fire broke out. Locking Sparrow or Ingham Medical. people in fire can only be in the nature of the repressive regime of the Shah, and not that I fully support Olin Health Center, as I am sure does much of the student body. It is only ramblingsof Howard Cosell, he is correct in pointingout that sports is — e confused and mis-informed by articles such as yours that problems arise. of Islamic movement. or should be — the "toy department" of life. By distorting the real situation in Iran and twisting the true ideals and aspirations of Douglas Haines of world public opinion, the Shah's regime aims at 1750Woodside Dr. But it isn't. Sports is not a toy — it is megacapital, the exploitation of the Islamic movement in the eyes athletic prowess for money. Disgruntled fans, nostalgic for the bygone justifying its all-out repression of Moslems. In fact, it is the U.S.-backed regime of the Shah that has always been suppressing the days when athletes flexed their muscles, shut their mouths and labored people's movement and any voice of opposition in its harsher way. An example is the mightily for the home team year after year, are quick to condemn the suppression of the mass uprising of Moslems on June 5, 1963, with a Where do we set our priorities? Reggie Jacksons and the Bill Waltons — itinerant professionals who U.S. trained-equipped mercenary army of the Shah, in which more than 15,000 people In this time of increasing inflation, budget cuts and threatened tax-cut proposals, it is covet fortune over fame. were massacred. The latest massacres of Moslems on Aug. 10 and 11 in Isfahan and 12 other cities (in indeed unfortunate that this comparatively small bureacracy of MSU should be afflicted But the anger is misdirected. For decades owners have treated continuation of Moslem uprisings since early Jan. 1978) shows the degree of concern that with the same bureacratic ills as that of our state and federal governments. Bureacracies athletes like chattel in what can only be described as a sophisticated the butcher Shah has for the Iranian people. seem to have a way of crying "no money" out of their mouths, while handing out money Isfahan was taken over by the army on Friday, Aug. 11 after 18 hours of militant for unnecessary expenditures at the same time. MSU is no different. form of slavery. The Dale McCourt imbroglio underscores the fact that anti-regime demonstrations. The regime has since installed a military governor, To give one example, let us take a recent situation at the Music Department. Recently this situation has not significantly changed. McCourt is a modest, declared martial law for the month of Ramadan and has imposed a dusk-to-dawn curfew the University decided that the awnings on the west side of the Music Building were not unassuming, publicity-shy young man who dearly loves everything in the city: "Any gathering of more than three persons, no matter what reason might be appropriate with the scheme of the University. They have decided to take down these about Detroit — the city, the fans, and the Red Wing organization. Now, cited for it, is banned" (from the martial law communique issued in Isfahan). perfectly good awnings and put up solar screening at a cost of nearly $3,000. Yet this While murdering people, the Shah gives news conferences and says "I'm not just same department has a main office and many other rooms whose walls are badly in need because Rogatien Vachon exercised his legal right to offer his services to another dictator" and talks about "liberalization," but the true nature of such a of painting. The main office walls are covered with accumulated dirt and one spot of the the highest bidder, and because the Red Wings exercised their legal wall, where something was removed, shows the two previous colors that the walls were "liberalization" is well known to the Iranian people. Our people know that when the Shah right to sign Vachon, McCourt is being slapped around like a hockey is talking about "liberalization" it means more massacres. once painted. Yet this University tells us that walls can only be painted every 15 years puck. He must leave the town he loves and play for an alien team, all at The Islamic movement, contrary to the vicious propaganda campaign of the Shah's despite their condition. the behest of It seems to us rather typical of bureacracies, that this university should be so one man. regime, is not involved in the massacre of innocent people; instead, it is committed to the overthrow of the Shah's regime. Its prime objective is to free the whole nation from the concerned over needless or less-needed repairs while neglecting the needed ones, if McCourt was sent packing in accordance with NHL rules. But the present corrupt monarchical system and the U.S. domination and then to establish an taxpayers are concerned with the rising cost of government and education, we suggest NHL Archipelago is, obviously, bankrupt and in contravention of both Islamic government based on justice. they concern themselves with pressuring those in charge to be more accountable for the U.S. and Canadian law. McCourt says he will challenge his enforced The Organization of Iranian Moslem Students approaches all the concerned people to way in which tax and education dollars are spent. Fran Hebden exile in court. That is excellent, because he will almost certainly win. help us expose this new plot of the Shah's regime against the Moslems and the Islamic Ruth Parry movement in Iran. When and if he does — or even if he does not — what is still a relatively Carol Johnson Laureen Thornhill insignificant news item will become significant. The CORRECTION by Garry Trudeau State News J DOONESBURY Nan E. Johnson's letter appearing in | YOUR HUNCHA80UT THAT M* Friday August 25. 1978 Thursday's State News criticized the YES, THIS 1 IAUTYERWASRJ6HT. HISSAUR Editorials are the opinions of the State News Data Processing Department for not IS MRS. MA'AM, I'M mNMECMPHmm Viewpoints, columns PAmm. CAUIN6FMM IN THE OONfUlBt. WEfEREAD- and letters are personal opinions. being "back to normal" as the State ; jusiwrrimnoHtspKm News reported on Aug. 17, 1978. i Accomm Editorial Department WITH m infor¬ SCALE. I HOPE HE However. Johnson was actually re¬ mation YOU I WONT BE WIN- Kothy Kilbury ferring to the Computer Laboratory, Dave DiMartmo REQUESTED.. \C0NVEN£NCED.. DavidMnialowski E ntertomment i located in R. E. Olds hall, not the Data Kim Shanahan Sporfs Editor Mike Klocke Processing Center, located in the Ad¬ Michelle Chambers Layout Editor eborah Heywood ministration Bldg. Patricia LaCrom CopyChiet Johnson stands bv her allegations Statt Hepresentative Dan.el J that the Computer Lab is in need of improvement and the State News Advertising Department stands by its Aug. 17 article. Advertising Manager Bob Shaffer Assistant Adve. sing Manager Gino Sponio/o Michigon Stote News, Eos! Lonsing, Michigon Friday, August 25, 1978 5 6 Michigon Stole News, Eost loosing. Michigon Friday, August 25, 1978 BoarsHead amusing with Thurbers 6Male AnimaV Buddy Holly lives again By BILL HOLDSHIP many entertaining and uplifting tive of the same song. Almost By ROSANNE SINGER The setting is familiar — a Midwestern university town before, during and after the big football game between Ohio State News Reviewer moments, including a beautiful every band involved in the State and the University of The singers and musicians I love story (which many will British version recorded a Holly Michigan. The cast of charac¬ grew up with transcend nostal¬ unfortunately find trite in this song (remember Peter & Gor¬ ters is familiar — an English gia — Buddy Holly and Johnny day and age), and an accurate don's beautiful "True Love professor and his wife, the dean Ace are just as valid to me today depiction of what rock has been Ways"?), and the Hollies went of a college, a member of the as then. built on for the past twenty so far as to take their name from board of trustees, a liberal -Bob Dylan, 1974 years. Mrs. L.O. Holly once said him. student and a jock. Only the Judging from this year's that she wanted the film of her The influence is no less potent time is different — 1940. How¬ cinema releases, it looks like son's life to be "... about a good today. The Beach Boys' newest ever. The Male Animal by 1978 may be remembered as the boy in good times." Busey and single is "Peggy Sue," which is James Thurber and Elliott Nu¬ year of the "rock film." Unfor¬ the film succeed in recapturing fitting since it's believed that gent is still appealing, and its tunately. out of the dozen or so the spirit of a "good" time when their falsetto surfing sound was humor has not lost all its released, only a handful have rock was FUN, something taking from the bridge in Holly's timeliness. succeeded in capturing the true Holly's music has always por¬ "Oh, Boy." Elvis Costello has of rock 'n roll The played up his resemblance to The BoarsHead Theater's essence — trayed. Last Waltz. American Hot Wax. There are historical inaccura¬ the star, and Elton John has production of this comedy is Animal House, and now, per¬ cies in the film. In fact, it stated that he originally wore pleasant and amusing. A com¬ haps most of all, The Buddy probably tampers with the facts glasses to hide behind because petent cast and good direction Holly Story. The film, which more than many diehard rock "when Buddy Holly came along, make the most of this play recently opened at the Lansing historians prefer. For exam¬ God, I wanted a pair like his!" whose humor is reminiscent of Mall Theater, is superb enter¬ And of course, Linda Ronstadt Father Knows Best. ple, there were an assortment of tainment for both music and different Crickets (including recently scored hits with The plot concerns a professor movie fans alike. Waylon Jennings) over the "That'll Be The Day" and "It's of English, Tommy Turner, The major ingredient in the course of Holly's career, and the So Easy" — both without who wants to read a letter to film's success formula is Gary reason Holly rented a plane changing a note or riff from his class written by the anar¬ Busey's incredible portrayal of wasn't because the bus broke Holly's originals! It wouldn't be surprising if chist Vanzetti (of Sacco and the legendary Holly. Busey down, but because he wanted to Vanzetti). One of his admiring virtually becomes Buddy Holly one of Holly's original go ahead of the tour to get his singles students writes an editorial on film. He looks like Holly, acts became a hit again today. (His laundry done. However, most of Buddy Holly the way one imagines Holly the changes are for the sake of "Everyday" is one of my all-time labels the university board of must have acted, and even script simplicity, and none are favorite songs.) His music is trustees fascist. Professor Tur- sounds like Holly most of the drastic enough to damage the history. Don McLean referred watching was a louder version that fresh. MCA Records own time. The fact that the only spirit of the film. to his death as "the day the of Buddy Holly & the Crickets." the rights to the Holly catalog, existing film of the real Holly is In fact, many of the true music died" in "American Pie," The Beatles recorded Holly's and the company recently re¬ relationship with his wife. In a rarely shown Ed Sullivan "Words Of Love," which many leased Buddy Holly Lives: 20 the midst of this the big game clip events depicted in the film seem and literally every musical makes Busey's performance all stranger than fiction today. great that came after "the day" critics ironically viewed as the Golden Greats, an excellent the more captivating. If Busey Rock really did create a great owes a huge debt to Holly. epitome of the Merseybeat anthology and a must for any Dana N. Charette plays a Elvis, of course, paved the sound, and many of their origi¬ rock collection. There is also an likely looking English profes¬ Dana N. Charette and Kathy Sheldon-Smith play way. Holly once said: "Without nal songs were based on Holly expensive nine-LP German im¬ sor. He is angular, cerebral husband and wife in the BoarsHead Theatre's Elvis, none of us could have compositions. Lennon later re¬ port called The Complete Buddy looking and slightly awkward. Holly was perhaps the greatest inspiration made it." But whereas Elvis corded "Peggy Sue" on his Rock Holly Story which features all production of The Male Animal, which runs Although Charette is a bit too behind rock as we know it today, yet he influenced the culture and soci¬ 4N Roll LP. and Paul McCartney but seven of Holly's songs. And expressionless, he captures the Wednesday through Sunday. ety, Holly was most responsible purchased half the rights to finally, the movie soundtrack is character's helplessness in deal¬ remains a relatively unknown figure in for creating the music. Elvis also available on Epic, and it Holly's songs last year. ing with a real-life emotional American musical history. made the listener feel delight¬ The Rolling Stones had their doesn't deserve the negative the jock, between playing it Mary Martello and Laurel crisis. He is an excellent foil for first U.S. hit single with Holly's reviews it has received. In fact, safe and taking a stand. Merlington Schirner are very fully decadent and dirty with his the ex-football star Joe Fergu¬ blatant sexuality, while Holly's "Not Fade Away," and the it even sounds real good after son who can't think and dance Several minor characters are funny in bit parts as wives who music was fun, making the Who's "Magic Bus" was a derivi- you've seen the movie. at the same time and whose endlessly discuss physical ail¬ excellently played. Richard ments. Martello plays Myrtle doesn't receive an Oscar nomi¬ moral issue when it first ar¬ listener want to get up, dance, heaviest reading material is Thomsen appears as the elder¬ Keller with a good touch of nation for the role, I'll be rived. Holly really did punch a and act like a fool. Reader's Digest. ly, mild-mannered, rather spin- convinced that those reponsible bigoted Nashville record pro¬ Although the movie errone less Dean Damon. When told he vulgarity and a grating voice. have their collective heads ducer. The Crickets really were ously depicts Holly as producing Douglas Schirner is good as the dumb but masculine Fergu¬ may have to take a stand on the Ruth Long has designed an 'Angel' Jackson wed stuck where the sun never the first white band to play the his own records (Norman Petty battle between the trustees and son. His habit of speaking out of excellent set for the interior of shines. all-black Apollo Theater, and no is left completely out of the Professor Turner he sighs un¬ one side of his mouth makes the Turner home, and director The story is a classic film one knew they were white until film), he was the first artist to happily, "Oh, I hope not." As Richard Thomsen makes good strive for him sound tough and all the biography in the best Holly¬ they arrived. (Holly was also complete artistic TISBURY, Mass. (AP) — Charlie's Angels star Kate Jackson the situation gets too complies use of the variety of entrances wood tradition, avoiding the one of the first white perform¬ control and funnier at moments when he is experimentation. — only a month after complaining of a broken heart following her ted he goes home to drink and exits. The play is not a excess and saccharine mentality ers to cross-over on the pop and He was the first person to use scared and confused. romance with actor Eddie Albert Jr. has married the Ovaltine. of past losers, while maintaining R&B charts.) These are some of — fast-moving one, but the lei¬ strings and orchestration in 24-year-old son of actress Stella Stevens in a very private surely quality does not become the moving, human aspects of the best moments in the film, rock. He was the first rock star Kathy Sheldon-Smith is ade¬ John Peakes is funny as the ceremony. quate as Professor Turner's a boring one. the winners. The plot, loosely and the portrayal of artists like to use a Fender Stratocaster "I was caught by complete surprise," said Jackson's press narrow-minded trustee and ex- wife Ellen. She seems comfor¬ adapted from John Goldrosen's Sam Cooke, Eddie Cochran, and guitar — something that was his football player, Ed Keller. He The Male Animal has few agent Lee Solters Thursday in Hollywood, Calif., as he table with Ellen's hysterical, excellent Holly biography, lacks The Big Bopper are accurate and later rock 'n roll's trade¬ confirmed the 29-year-old actress' marriage to Andrew Stevens. complains that there are "too outright hilarious moments but angry moments but less so with it is an entertaining comedy. It an abundance of dramatic and enough to satisfy any rock or mark. And the Crickets were many ideas floating around" They were married by a justice of the peace at the home of her quiet, contemplative ones. psychological complexity. history fanatic. the first to define a rock band — friends on Martha's Vineyard, a resort island off Cape Cod, said and as far as issues go, to him runs Wednesday to Sunday Buddy Holly was only 22 years More than anything else, The guitar, bass, and drums. Solters. It was the first marriage for both. Jan Hazel actually looks as "nothing is bigger than the through Sept. 3. Showtime is at old when he perished in a plane Buddy Holly Story should re- John Lennon once said that News reporters and photographers trying to locate the though she stepped out of a stadium." 8:30 p.m. crash outside of Clear Lake, spark an interest in his music. the name for the Beatles was 1940s movie. She is good as mysterious newlyweds scurried Thursday afternoon to the Iowa on Feb. 3. 1959. This, of Holly was perhaps the greatest derived from the Crickets. Af¬ island home of pop singer James Taylor. Ellen's sister Patricia, caught course, makes for a limited inspiration behind rock music as ter watching the Fab Four between the liberal student and amount of material to work we know it today, yet he perform for the first time, Roy with. remains a relatively unknown Orbison, who toured with both What the film does offer are figure in American musical bands, said: "What I was DAY LONG NAPPY HERMS HOURS 11A.M.-8 P.M. LUTO BOKSV.I Haircut & Styling NIW RIDUCID PRICES American & Foreign Cars for Men & Women TONIOHT a SAT. HOME Sen. MUSTARDS ■ITBIAT Quality Work Guaranteed Free Estimates $7.00 MOM. A TUIS. HORSiriATHIRS WID..SAT. BRYAN LIS fTlon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. GARYs 351-6511 Eiaapdj Underground Sot. Corner Larch ( 8:00 a.m. Michigon Ay*. -12 Noon Campus Beauty Salon 549 E. Grand River.- s from Berkey Hall A iiMj Laming 489-6577 (Delivery Available) No chocks occoptod an D*VS Cl3 \S&Sdfs b Buy anv djaerp4 M.dium Pizza Coming September 5 -sy Price at the . . Regular get the WE WANT TO PUT A COMPUTER IN Identical Pizza FREE YOUR LIFE Must have coupon e One coupon per order ARE YOU READY? 1203 E. Grand River 2830 E. grand River 2 blks Wert ot Frandor NEW DIMENSIONS • LIVE BANDS • 337-1631 485-4406 IN COMPUTING • WORLD FAMOUS WISCONSIN 541 BUILDING (517) 489-6906 BRATWURST SANDWICHES • NEW STORE • CORN ON THE COB • 2830E.Grand River • ICE COLD DARK AND Laming LIGHT KEG BEER • Kitchen Cupboard eeeeeeeeeeee •••••••••••• • AMUSEMENT RIDES • Jo-El's Gomes i Gifts Nautilus • GAMES • Flat, Block ft Circular Great Lakes Mt. Supply (Delivery Available) No checks accept^^ • FUN* Z xXaesatsh Buy any LARGE Pizza for thai $ PRICE ... of j a small I AUGUST 25-26-27 I PIZZA I ■ ■ Must have coupon e One coupon per order 1611 West Oakland,; Sponsored by ■1203 E. Grand River 2830 E. Grand River 2 Wit,. W..t of Frandor Holy Cross Parish, 484-7768 Lansing, Michigan 1337-163 i ■■ ■■MBBaemi 1 485-4406 Michigon State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 25, 1978 7 New LP'sKottke, by • ByDAVEDiMARTINO State News Reviewer taken with Hendrix' approach to guitar-playing classic Trower, UFO solos alone, it's LP. a worthwhile FCCIL f0 Chrysalis Records, a British eventually, though, the "Hen- LEO KOTTKE - BURNT company that declared itself drix-imitator" labels really LIPS (Chrysalis CHR 1191): independent two years ago weren't appropriate. Beginning Kottke is the first American after a long distribution agree¬ with Trower's last LP, In City artist to be signed to Chrysalis, ment with Warner Bros., is Dreams, R&B producer Don and this, his second LP for the again on the move. Probably Davis began an affiliation with label, signals a slight return to one of the few record compa¬ the guitarist that's carried over Kottke's vocalizing after a brief nies around with enough taste to this new one, and, again, the hiatus. Aside from being an and foresight to avoid junk and R&B overtones are ever-pres¬ amazing guitarist, Kottke is one-shot artists, the company's ent. also a first-class loonie, as this talent roster is one of the best For the first time, songs new LP's title indicates. i around. to be as important as Apparently Kottke is plug¬ PEKING ReSTAURANf seems Taking a look at some of the guitar solos, and the end result ged into the current pop music company's newest releases: is an excellent blending of scene — Burnt Lips' opener is ROBIN TROWER- CAR¬ melody and instrumental skill. an extremely droll version of AVAN TO MIDNIGHT (Chrys New bassist Allen plays a Nick Lowe's "Endless Sleep." and Lounge ^ alis CHR 1189): A superb considerably more funky bass Occasionally Kottke appears to guitarist with Procol Harum, than did Dewar; Dewar, on the be playing a sort of minimalist Trower went his own way a few other hand, freed from the guitar, which actually is a years back and hasn't stopped bass's constraints, seems to be significant change from his releasing tasty, guitar-filled in better vocal shape than ever. hyperactive past repetoire. Es¬ LPs. This new one displays a Surprisingly, there are a few pecially of interest are two marked evolution on part of the almost totally acoustic cuts — tunes taken from a friend's film, Trower band — after replacing on which Dewar's especially "The Credits: Out-takes From drummer Reg Isadore with shines — and, as a whole, the Terry's Movie" and "The Train ex-Sly drummer Bill Lordan, album seems close to Trower's and the Gate: From Terry's bassist James Dewar has now best. Trower just keeps sur¬ Movie." Kottke plays an ex¬ moved over to vocals exclusive¬ passing himself. their last LP. The band has songs — such as they are — are tremely fluid, highly-melodic ly with the addition of new UFO - OBSESSION (Chrys¬ been around for ages; while too simple, too forgettable, to series of phrases and then bassist Rustee Allen. alis CHR 1182): A very personnel has shifted consider¬ stand on their own as anything builds upon them superbly, Initially comparisons with peculiar hard rock band, UFO ably since their first LP, lead other than solo platforms for especially on the former cut. In Hendrix and Free ran rampant endeared themselves to me by vocalist Phi) Mogg and bassist guitarist Schenker. Nothing's all, Burnt Lips is a fine work, when the Trower Band first doing an almost perfect replica Pete Way are still with the changed much with Obsession, one of Kottke's better albums, surfaced. Trower truly was of Love's "Alone Again, Or" on band, providing a solid musical actually, and for Schenker's and very much worth hearing. base against which guitarist Michael Schenker (who lost his way to a religious cult a while back, but has apparently been recovered) can improvise. Schenker is one of the best guitarists playing heavy-metal music today, one major reason why UFO have emerged from their cult status and become a top-selling rock 'n roll band. The LP's cover is simply sensa¬ tional — as have been most of their past ones - and while the music inside doesn't quite match up, it's certainly a res¬ pectable effort from the band. This time around there are a At the Peking Restaurant, 1515 Center Street in Lansing, few string orchestrations and slower songs to provide some dining is a family affair. The minute you enter the restaurant relief from the band's heavy- you're aware of the friendly atmosphere, Mrs. Wang, as metal onslaught, though most hostess, greets you with her wide, worm smile to seat you of these additions seem ulti¬ in a dining room complete with a fireplace and Chinese mately gratuitous. In the end, I guess, I have lamps. one main complaint about UFO. While they're musically capable of taking on almost any heavy- metal band now playing, their For dramatic dining try the deep fried rice dropped into soup which steams and sizzles as it's served at your table. Chinese pancakes, the counterpart to tortillas, are rolled with slivered pork and sprouts. They specialize in Polynesian New ECM-Warners link brings fine new discs drinks with Mai Tais, Scorpions and Singapore Slings, some of the favorites. By DAVEDiMARTINO SOL DO MEIO DIA (ECM 1 shall's acute time sense serves steps down from the drums on State News Staff Writer 1116): This Latin American as the perfect musical punctua¬ his own composition, "Blue," A new distribution deal with musician is a multi-instrumen¬ tion for Weber's compositions. and plays keyboards, on which The Peking Restaurant offers banquet facilities that will Warner Bros, records has un¬ talist who is apparently very As always, Weber's music is his talents should not be under¬ much into nature. The LP is estimated. This trio's cohesive seat up to 130 guests. Reservations are accepted, and on doubtedly been quite beneficial peaceful and meditative — for ECM Records, a jazz label weekends this might be a good idea. The restaurant is dedicated to the Sapain and the pianist Bruninhaus probably unity is probably their greatest that's previously been tied up Xingu Indians ("for the time I has as much to do with this as asset, which makes Gateway 2 located on the corner of Center and North Street. It's easy with Polydor Records and their spent with them in the Amazon Weber and the final cut, consistenly interesting listen¬ to get there from MSU if you follow Grand River (Oakland) — sometimes-inferior record Jungle," Gismonti writes) and "Eyes That Can See in the ing. to Center Street. The hours are 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday thru pressings. contains such exotically natural Dark" in particularly shines. Warner Brothers, not espe¬ instruments as the kalimba, Saxophonist Mariano sticks to DAVE HOLLAND - Thursday; 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Friday and Saturday; and Noon wood flute, berimbau, and the less-esoteric instruments on EMERALD TEARS (ECM 1 cially renowned for excellent to 9 p.m. on Sunday. more. With Gismonti are Ralph this LP 1109): Holland's new solo LP pressings, has apparently gone — forsaking the Naga- all out for this new deal; the swarum for the flute — and isn't for everyone, simply be¬ Towner, Collin Walcott and Jan bassist Weber, LPs all in pianist R&:.itr» cause it IS, totally, a solo new come an ex¬ Garbarek from the ECM sta¬ gives this mostly electronic •Bruninghaus,- • 'saxophonist . album, 'with no bverdubbing.' "KAIN-PAI" (Chinese toast for "bottoms "up"). tremely smooth (almost TOO ble; and his'* partner Nana Charlie Mariano, and Soft Ma¬ music its essential organic ele¬ smooth I almost dropped a Holland is., possibly the best — Vasconcelos, a percussionist. chine drummer John Marshall. ment. record out of its sleeve a few Gismonti himself plays 8-string JOHN ABERCROMBIE/ bassist to ever emerge from Weber's music flows very Britain, and his work here times) inner sleeve, and the guitar, piano, percussion and DAVE HOLLAND/JACK smoothly, as usual, and Mar should certainly be of notice to pressings themselves are the also sings — and the whole LP DEJOHNETTE - GATEWAY best I've heard from Warners is one very beautiful affair. The 2 (ECM-1-1105): A continuation all jazz fans. Holland's previous in quite some time. music really can't be national¬ of the collaborations that began LP, Conference of the Birds, is ECM's Warners is first an release with excellent one, consisting of new LPs by Keith ized as anything other than Third World music, and phonist Garbarek's contribu¬ saxo¬ on Jack Dejohnette's Prestige albums, Gateway (as the trio call themselves! is a wholly easily one of ECM's best ses¬ sions; though Anthony Braxton and Sam Rivers aren't sitting in this time, a Braxton composi¬ SPONSORED IDT: Jarrett, John Abercrombie and tions in particular give the LP compatible unit, dominated by Pat Metheny, among others. its elusive, international flavor. no one of its members. The tion is performed by Holland and is one of the new LP's Taking a look at some of the A very interesting LP. recording balance actually lesser-known artists in the re¬ EBERHARD WEBER & favors bassist Dave Holland highlights. Surprisingly, Hol¬ lease. we can see that the COLOURS - SILENT FEET rather than guitarist Aber¬ land doesn't bow his bass as label's productivity is on the much as he might, beauuiuiiy (ECM-1-1107): The same band crombie so the listener per¬ high level always. that visited MSU earlier this ceives no particular recorded, the album i: Inside International Center same as soloist, just EGBERTO GISMONTI one musical whole. Holland's finest to date. - year, this group consists of Dejohnette Breakfast, Lunch, Coffee or Snack Hour,: Mon. ■ Frl. 7:30 to 4:00 THIS WEEKEND Devo, Plastic Bertrand: By JOHN NEILSON summer vacations. In the meantime, there are a GREAT FOOD ADVERTISE YOUR State News Staff Writer few things of interest scheduled for the next 24 RESTAURANT The '60s will live again this evening in Grand month or so. Hours a Day HERE CALL return of the single Haven, as the Beach Boys. Jan & Dean, and McGuinn, Clark and Hillman of the original Byrds perform an open-air concert at Buccaneer Bruce Springsteen will be winding his summer tour this way in the next week, and if you call yourself a rock fan you should beg, borrow, or 353-6400 By JOHN NEILSON Stadium. It promises to be a perfect summer pay a scalper to get a ticket if you have to. "The State Newt Reviewer concert, assuming the weather cooperates. The Boss" will be at Detroit's Masonic Auditorium on If punk rock accomplished nothing else in its short but hectic gates will open this afternoon at 4:30, while the Sept. 1, and he will then be performing in PEKING RESTAURANT RAMON'S lifespan, it surely brought about a renaissance for the 45-rpm show is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. Tickets will Saginaw on Sept. 3. Don't miss him. single. After years of being ignored in favor of concept albums and be $12.50 at the gate, and they might still be The Ann Arbor Jazz Festival 1978, meanwhile, RESTAURANT multi-record long-playing packages, singles once again emerged available at both should be a godsend to jazz fans in southeast AND Lansing-area Recordlands and last year as an important and vital force in the record industry. Campus Corners II. Michigan. Featured performers will include LOUNGE The following are two of the more interesting punk/new wave Unfortunately, Lansing doesn't have much in Freddie Hubbard, Dexter Gordon, Larry Coryell, singles that have appeared in the past few months: comparison on the agenda this weekend. The Sun Ra, Mose Allison. Art Blakey. and the Duke 718 E. GRAND RIVER-LANSING Plastic Bertrand, "Ca Plane Pour Moi" — For a first release by BoarsHead Theater production of James Ellington Orchestra. The festival, which is COCktalls caasYOuiFooos The Finest in Mexican Cuisine an unknown artist — especially one who sings in French — "Ca Thurber and Elliot Nugent's comedy The Male dedicated to the memory of Ellington, will run Plane" has done incredibly well. Bertrand, a Belgian singer with Animal continues this weekend out in Grand from Sept. 21 through 24. For ticket information 489-2445 Why not try us today! aspirations toward being a crooner a la Frank Sinatra, Ledge's Fitzgerald Park. Tickets for this play are contact the U-M Union or Discount Records in nevertheless manages to come up with a dynamite punk single $4 to $5.50, and they can be reserved by calling East Lansing. that draws equally from the Ramones and the Beach Boys. the box office at 484-7805. Showtime for The new Abrams Planetarium show, The CAMPUS Devo, "Jocko Homo" and "Satisfaction" — Devo is an Akron, BoarsHead plays is 8:30 p.m., Wednesday Loneliness Factor, will start on Sept. 8 and will CALL 353-6400 PIZZA Ohio band that should have their first Brian Eno-produced album through Sunday. run through Oct. 22. The show deals with the out any day now. Far from being punks, their music has been The Riff Raff Theater Company will present evolution of life on Earth and elsewhere in the FOR INFO TO 1040 east dubbed by critics as "industrial music for the '80s." "Jocko Homo" their final performance of Bus Stop at the Long's PUT YOUR AD & is their strangest number, combining moronic lyrics and slabs of of Lansing Dinner Theater tonight at 8:30 p.m. Candida, George Bernard Shaw's comedy guitar and synthesizer sound into a truly bizarre single. The Tickets are $5 each for the play itself, and a about the ideological clash between a Victorian 310 west flip-side, "Mongoloid," is more approachable -- social commentary dinner/play combination is also being offered. clergyman and an immature young poet, will be HERE! over a fairly-conventional new wave drone. "Satisfaction" is a Call 694-8123 for information and reservations. Grand River Avenue presented Sept. 12 through 14 by the Lansing radical re-working of the Stones' original that features an Studio Theater group. The play, which deals with infectious new beat. Both singles are worth getting — if only for Well, as you probably know by now, this is our free will and the possibility of changing one's life, the picture-sleeves — and since there's a good chance neither will last edition of the summer. We will resume will be staged at the Edgewood United Church appear on their album, you would be wise to get your copies of publication on Sept. 21, which should give all of of Beech and llagadorn. Admission • these songs before they become to scarce. us struggling journalists time to take OUR Friday, August 25, 1978 8 Michigan State News. East Lonsing, Michigan JERRY BRAUDE SPARTANS APPEAR TO BE HEALTHY AT START A talc of two MHL teams Preseason drills open Saturday for MSU gridders By MIKE KLUCKE give them a pre season synopsis of the State News SportB Writer Spartans. This will be held in the Interna¬ It has become rather obvious during the past few years that one tional Center. Sooner than almost anyone realized it, of the problems the National Hockey League has been facing is the another college football season is upon us. At 2:30 p.m., all the players will be in lack of fluidity in the league. For MSU, it will be the final season of NCAA uniform in Spartan Stadium for the press and The division title contenders have been the same year after year probation. It will be a season where the public to take photos. This will give the while there is no suspense in knowing that the Montreal Canadians media members a chance for interviews and will go on to win the Stanley Cup. Spartans should contend for the Big Ten title. It will be a season of exciting plays, like the the public to get a few snapshots of their One instance, however, where some fluidity is taking place is favorite players. with the reversal in trends between the Detroit Red Wings and the one pictured on the left, where tailback Leroy McGee is bolting past defenders. After the annual photo day, it will be back Los Angeles Kings. The first premise of the Red Wings' uprising and the Kings' to business for Rogers and his team. decline was Detroit finishing ahead of Los Angeles for second place Each year Rogers and his assistant coaches in the Norris Division last season. take a five-day "retreat" away from the MSU But the Red Wings have also surpassed the Kings in a moral campus during the week before pre season drills open. aspect a few days ago when Dale McCourt. last year's rookie sensation, held out in going to Los Angeles as compensation for This allows the staff a week of concentra¬ Detroit's signing of free agent Rogie Vachon. ted planning leading toward the Aug. 25 arrival in East Lansing of the 89 scholarship It was just four years ago when the two teams were involved in a athletes and several walk-ons. similar situation, except back then it was the Kings that the players Actually, the first day of "full-gear" drills were attracted to. will be next Wednesday. Under NCAA The incident came after the 1974-75 season when Marcel Dionne regulations, three days of non-contact drills left Detroit to become a free agent. He then signed with Los are prescribed before contact can begin. Angeles. Dionne had enough of being associated with a franchise For the first time in Rogers' brief, that looked as if it has had no promising future; while the Kings two-year stint at MSU, it appears he will allured him with a successful team, pleasant weather and, of course, have a healthy team to work with ... a healthy contract. . . .Knock on wood. In compensation, the Kings had to give up Dan Maloney and Terry Harper. At the time, however. Harper held out in going to Detroit. He didn't want to spend the waning years of his career by going from a successful team to one that was among the laughing stock of the BILL MOONEY league. He, and the rest of his family fell in love with the beaches of Southern California and were reluctant to move back to the Northern wintery conditions. Harper eventually went to Detroit, while Los Angeles owner Jack Kent Cooke felt the Dionne in the line-up. Kings could win the Stanley Cup with Fisticuffs by Bowa in Philadelphia Before Cooke signed Dionne, Los Angeles was coming off its best Ray W. Kelly of the Camden, N.J., Courier Post is considered by following evening, he accosted the fellow near the batting cage which suggested that Snider was immature and didn't deserve the season ever where they complied 105 points for the fourth-best his colleagues to be a reliable reporter, a sentiment that is not during hitting practice and berated him for hurting his batting salary the Dodger were paying him. shared, apparently, by Larry Bowa, the all-star shortstop for the average. An argument ensued, during the course of which Thomas Snider was irate. The following evening, prior to a night game in record in the NHL. But the whole season fell to pieces in the third game into the playoffs when the Kings were eliminated by Toronto. Philadelphia Phillies baseball club. A feud has been smoldering poked the journalist on his shoulder with a bat. Word of this Cincinnati, he sought out a young reporter from the New York between the two for some time: it is Kelly's contention that the spread amazingly fast, and Thomas was greeted the next morning Herald Tribune named Roger Kahn. "It probably won't do any During that series, the Kings' offensive punch was nearly Phillies should be playing better ball, it is Bowa's contention that with headlines such as "THE BIG DONKEY BRAYS AGAIN," good," said Snider, "but if either Mike Gaven or Dick Young comes non-existant and King Cook figured Dionne's flamboyant offensive the reporter's columns about the team have been unfair. Where along with some candid descriptions of what had happened. He had on the field tonight, I'm gonna punch him in the mouth." skills would be the final ingredient for turning the club into Stanley there's smoke, there's fire, and precisely what happened prior to a hard time living the episode down. Kahn reported the threat to his colleagues. "If he does," Cup champions. the Aug. 10 game with Pittsburgh may be left to a court to decide. Sportswriters themselves, of course, are sometimes not the reported Gaven, who incidentally stayed off the field, "every It suffices to say that Kelly came away sporting a mouse under one most admirable of people. Their attempts at humor all too often Hearst paper in the United States will be on him." But the move ended up diminishing instead of enhancing the result in cruel abuse. In numerous cases they are unnecessarily But Young, anxious to prevent the bad feelings from going any eye, and Bowa a handful of bruised knuckles. Kings' chances of winning the Stanley Cup. In fact, one could say If it is true that Bowa resorted to, what in this case is, the defamatory, particularly when the team they cover does not further, sought Snider out. "Hit baseballs, Duke," he said, "not that Cook's move backfired. not-so-manly art of fisticuffs, his frustration is somewhat perform according to their expectations. This has been writers. Then I'll be able to write good things about you." Cook couldn't have been any more satisfied with Dionne's play, understandable. Philadelphia was supposed to walk away with the increasingly true in recent years with the so-called "Tell it Like it "Yeah," said the contrite Snider. "Maybe." but the losses of Maloney and Harper ended up hurting the team National League's Eastern Division title this season, but the team Is" philosophy, which many times degenerates into a narrow- "Just don't get down on yourself." more than expected. has never really gotten completely untracked. That the Phillies minded perception based principally on personal pique. Yet, there "I was sore, Dick. Maybe your story was OK." are in first place is largely due to the fact that the three teams with is more than ample evidence to suggest that disagreement serves Snider was back in the Brooklyn lineup three days later. He hit Without Harper, Los Angeles didn't have a leader to keep the better records, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Cincinnati, are all best when it is channeled into acceptable modes of expression. .400 for the rest of the season, and it was his double that drove in defense molded together and without Maloney, the Kings didn't in the West. Bowa's performance has been exemplory; he is having Fortunately, there is at least one precedent where a cool head the winning run that clinched the pennant on Sept. 23. have a fighter to protect the team on the road. one of his finest season's, batting .300 and leading his club in hits. prevailed. In mid-August of the 1952 season the Brooklyn Dodgers The Duke was wise to follow Dick Young's advice that season of Los Angeles never did enjoy a season like the one of But Philadelphia, as a team, has been eratic and is not yet safe benched their star center fielder. Duke Snider, for lack of hustle. 1952. Larry Bowa and his Philadelphia teammates would be 1974-75. Now from the pursuit of the second-place, thoroughly mediocre Chicago The action prompted columns by Mike Gaven and Dick Young equally wise to follow it now. the team is in a state of shambles with the two people that built the Cubs. club into an NHL power coach Bob Pulford and general manager All of this rankles Bowa, as similar failures have rankled other Jake Milford being far away from the scene. Trainer named CENTRAL Phillies in seasons past. The 1964 club, for example, had a six and Detroit's general manager Ted Lindsay, on the other hand, has done such a fine job in reviving a winning atmosphere that McCourt one half game lead with 12 games to go and then, in probably the Kathleen Heck, recently UNITED South Baptist Church most noteworthy collapse in the history of professional baseball, METHODIST is trying to find ways of getting out of leaving the Red Wings, even fell victim to a losing streak of 10 straight games. This so named as a new assistant athletic trainer at MSU, will be Across from the Copitol 1518 S.Washington Lansing if Southern California has the warm and sunny beaches. infuriated the then-manager Gene Mauch that after one close loss Whether McCourt wins his case or not. Detroit has, at least, won he stormed into the clubhouse and overturned a buffet prepared as in charge of coordinating the Who) I understand moral victory over the Kings. training staff and schedule for SUNDAY, 7:00p.M. a a post-game snack for his players. Mauch really went on a preaching to do rampage, chicken wings and barbecued spareribs flying all over Spartan women's athletic activ¬ Df Neil f. Bind But more importantly, if McCourt can't get out of going to Los the place, but it didn't prevent his team from losing the pennant by ities. The night when Angeles, Lindsay's move of signing Vachon will probably backfire Heck, who comes to MSU just like Kings signing of Dionne. one game to the St. Louis Cardinals. Worship Services Oed seemed odd. after two years at a similar 10:0«i.m. Nevertheless, one thing is for certain — the times have changed. Mauch, though, was smart enough to keep his hands off other position at Dartmouth, will people, particularly sports writers who, while not comprising the work under head trainer Clint Nursery Available closest fraternity in the world, always take particular offense 9:45 am. Thompson. 485-9477 when one of their own is physically mishandled. An incident comes College fellowship College Bible to mind concerning Jim Thorpe, the great athlete of the early part Claa* in the Ticket sales changed of the century, who once stormed up to the press box and coldcocked a reporter who was critical of his football skills. Thorpe !l ASTMlNSTER"PRESBYTERi AN Fireside !•«■ 1:30 |im. was to regret this mightily, for he was attacked in columns by CHURCH sportswriters all over the country. His public stock, already 1315 Abbott Rd. (North of Saginaw) With approximately Dame tickets remain, they severly damaged by awareness of a marriage gone sour and an SUNDAY, 8:JO A 11:00 20.000 tickets for the Notre will be distributed to the Eas- Lansing increasing dependence on alcohol, reached rock bottom. The pen Dame game being set aside season ticket purchasers in isn't always more powerful than the sword, but it can beat a Ike quest of Oed. for students. MSU officials the order in which their clenched fist just about any old day. Sunday August 27 said they can no longer applications and checks are A more contemporaryincident involved Frank Thomas when he FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening Worship: 1:30110:45 o.m. guarantee tickets to the Oct. received. Those who can't be was closing out his career in the early 1960s with the New York Call 482-0754 for information 7 contest for purchases of accomodated will receive re¬ Mets. Thomas, who was very unpopular with the New York Press Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor season passes. If Notre funds for that game. — the members of which referred to him in private as "The Big j Paul W.Green Timothy Quist 337-0183 Kenn Hecht, College Minister Donkey" — became upset one night when an official scorer gave an error on what Thomas believed to be a legitimate hit. The ^ 337-0893 ...&10RE THAN JUST RECORD STORE FASHION 1MEARH0U8E CASH PAID SPORTSWEAR FOR By FINALS FINALII! ★ MEN's USED M.S.U. 6 DRESS '14mm*1SM Nino 220 M.A.C. UHIVERSITY MALL HRS. MON. - SAT. 9-9, SLACKS TEXTBOOKS Cerruti ABOVE ALLE'EY SUN. 121 ANYTIME PH. 332 3525 ★ WOMEN'S DRESS »ir*.«ir* SLACKS FALL TERM TEXT BOOKS ARE NOW ON ★ WOMEN'S — tweed & Herring¬ THE WHO WHO ARE VOII VELOURS THE SHELVES AND READY TO BE PURCHASED. COME IN AND BEAT THE bone slacks ■100% cotton sweaters TOPS BOSTON DMT LOM B*CM 2 STYLES RUSH. —corduroy coordinates EXHILE MIKED EMOTIONS AU FIRST QUALITY NEW FALL SHIPMENTS MEN'S FASHION CLOTHING IACH WIIKI CAMPUS RES.'MUST Ml,- $439 ■■■■ 529 E. GRAND RIVER, E. LANSING NEW HOURS: MON.-WED., SAT. 10-6 BOOKSTORE (ACROSS FROM BERKEY HALL) 507 E. Grand River MfiRTYS305 E. Grand River at M.A.C. ggjg THURS.-FRI. 10-9 MON-FRI9-5 p.m. OPEN Thunday Night, til 1:30 wmm M(^^JEmOBAGEljFRAGE^M Michigan Slot, N.w», Eo.l Lon.lng, Michigan Fri(jav Augus) 25 |9?e 9 Must colleges reveal salaries? By MICHAEL MEGERIAN Kelley filed the brief on sion, the law will apply to all State News Staff Writer Universities in Michigan may Attorney General Kelley Penokie's behalf in response to a suit brought by a group of Michigan universities. "We are committed to make be compelled to publicly dis¬ Michigan Technological Univer¬ that statute work," he said. "If close salary records of their sity students against the the Legislature has ruled that employees in the future be cause of a written opinion files opinion saying 'yes' school. The students claimed they information should be public, then we will enforce the law." recently submitted to the state were denied access to salary Under the freedom law, a Court of Appeals by Attorney law which requires agencies to cation Student Association records of the school's faculty person must submit a written General Frank Kelley. provide persons with access to president Kenneth Penokie, and staff. request to obtain any docu¬ The Friend of the Court brief public records upon request. requesting all salaries paid to The students' contention was ments. Subsequently. the was based on the 1975 Freedom Kelley filed the brief on employees of state universities upheld by Houghton County agency holding the documents of Information Act, a federal behalf of Michigan Higher Edu be made public. Circuit Court in the Upper must answer the request within Peninsula, but Michigan Tech 10 days. The law does not took the case to the Michigan require the surrendering of Court of Appeals, where it is information relating to national ONLY Ph.l). AT CAMAROON SCHOOL still pending. security or law enforcement Eugene Krasicky, first assis investigations. tant attorney general, said MSU already has a policy of Prof back from Africa Kelley submitted the brief to the court of appeals, asking them to affirm the lower court's disclosing the salary records of faculty and administrative pro¬ fessional staff, said Robert decision. When Kenneth Harrow, "Now I have some- nations. He cited African cul Lock hart, budget officer for the "We're on the students' MSIJ associate professor of i really talk about." ture, basic climate differences MSU budget department. side," he said. "The attorney humanities, won a Fulbright said travel to and and vast poverty as having a general's office has been writ Lock hart said the policy was scholarship to teach in the from Camaroon and living ex¬ big effect on his life. ing extensive opinions on the implemented in 1974 when the African nation of Camaroon he penses for himself and his wife "It is a sense of poverty that (Freedom of Information) act. MSU Hoard of Trustees ruled thought he would be teaching were paid by the scholarship. we just can't understand in this We're concerned about the all salary information should be American literature. He added that all other travel country," Harrow said. "When outcome." available at no charge to per¬ As it turned out, Harrow expenses he financed personal you walk out in the street it is Krasicky said if the court sons within the University and said, he was the only Ph.D. at ly. not the same — there are upholds the lower court's deci¬ to the public for a charge of $8. the University of Yaounda and Harrow said he also gained 10-foot deep potholes with no he ended up setting up a personally from his experiences danger signs and Mercedes masters degree program, in the two northwest African driving by lepers." teaching programs and as much as he could do beyond his own teaching. Nicaraguans are freed; (continued from page 11 "These people's needs are so great," Harrow said. "Student and teaching backgrounds are Olivia Maynard named at Jubilant Nicaraguans broke through government security lines the airport and cheered as the two planes lumbered into the air. "It's fantastic. It's tremendous. It's a triumph for the people," missing. They have no concep¬ said one young woman in the cheering airport crowd, which tion of academic standards. I try to make up to some the courses come minimal standards." Fitzgerald running mate (continued from page braved the swinging clear the area. Riot rifle butts of government troops trying to police turned a water cannon on the crowd at one gate when Harrow recently returned 1) from Africa after the first year her to balance the Democratic ticket. they threatened to swarm onto the runway. Thousands of Nicaraguans also lined the 10-mile route from the of his scholarship work. He Calling herself a "pro-choice" believer, Maynard explained that she supports a woman's right to choose to have an abortion. She capital to the airport and cheered as a school bus carrying the presented a narrated slide show of his travels in Camaroon added that she is not in favor of reversing the current legislation guerrillas and their captives went by. The crowds chanted "Down with Somoza! Somoza to the and Tunisia Wednesday night making abortions legal. Gallows!" and "Viva Sandinistas," the name of the guerrillas who at Kresge Art Center. ' Fitzgerald, a Catholic, has been personally and politically mounted the daring daylight assault on the National Palace Harrow will be awarded the opposed to abortions since his first days in the state Legislature. As Some might coll it modern nrt, but in nctunlity these sun worshippers at a state senator he has been a leader in trying to pass anti-abortion Tuesday afternoon. scholarship for a second and Somoza had bowed to the guerrillas' demands that it free Scarborough Beach in Rhode Island are perched on a tiered wail. final year and will return for legislation. another year teaching at the Maynard, however, is looking to address other issues in the political prisoners and pay a ransom in order to break the upcoming months. two-day-old siege at the National Palace. only University in Camaroon, The iron-fisted Somoza government has been beset by popular he explained. He added that he "We have very important things to talk about," she said. "We unrest since earlier this year, when a journalist and outspoken foe will then come back to MSU have to talk about the economy and the lack of leadership in the of Somoza was murdered. and resume his work in the state Legislature." In addition to being involved in the Michigan Democratic Party Somoza spokesperson Rafael Cano said the guerrillas left with CATA raises bus humanities department. fares In the past. Harrow has taught the African studies and music in the humanities depart¬ since 1964, Maynard said she has gained political experience through lobbying as a member of the National Association of Social Workers. only $71,000 in cash, far less than the $10 million originally demanded. Presidential spokesperson Justo Garcia said earlier that the guerrillas agreed to take $1 million in cash and $4 million in checks of diesel fuel, bus purchased for $4.40. ment and feels the African Maynard, born in Ohio in 1936, holds a mster degree in social Inflation will force the Capi¬ made out to various anti-government groups. It was not clear work from the University of Michigan and a bachelors degree in tal Area Transportation Au¬ tire leasing and parts over 50 The cost of student passes for experience will be a valuable whether they got the checks or additional cash. all other routes will also remain asset to his teaching skills. political science from George Washington University in Washing¬ thority to raise bus fares begin¬ percent since 1974, he said. ton, D.C. For campus route riders re¬ "This kind of experience is ning Sept. 5, a CATA spokes¬ She is an heiress to the Proctor and Gamble soap company and ^ JV9KUU mtniUINN IHIALL person said Thursday. Riders on the Frandor and luctant to shell out the addition al nickel, punch-card passes indispensable for teaching an African oriented course." Har said she is "four or five" founder. generations removed from the company's piiniinMii'i campus routes are forewarned good for 44 rides can still be that fare will increase from 10 REYNOLDS LAMFMH. /fej&r Q to 15 cents one week from ANIMAL tS 1 Tuesday. Travelers on all other routes will pay 35 cents instead of a CAMPUS Twllll# 4:10 - 3:00 M" ^ ^ quarter to ride the bus. CATA Marketing Manager PIZZA «»• 1 PtTWnUMJ Steve Guile said the increase is necessary to cover the rising Rib-Eye N\T> REVENGE SATURDAY NI6HT costs of operation. ^1, HIMi «• FEVER Inflation has boosted the cost STEAK SANDWICH ' . fWKflWIMift | MAMAGEMEKT onion rings (n Cffc R ^ & 16 oi. drink 'Ma HmtI HoynoMs INTERNATIONAL VELVET I POSITIONS OPEN JacMaGteason MATURE INDIVIDUALS 1040 E. Grand River Ave. NIGHTS • WEEKENDS FULL OR PART TIME abrams planetarium STAR WARS THINK DIRTY HOT LEAD! COLD FEET | H Must like working with people. Good working conditions. Stort¬ |PG ing wage based on hours avail¬ will be closed until able & experience. Hours 3 p.m. - 11 p.m. Must hove transportation. Employment September 8 available in Lansing. Okemos, East Lansing & Haslett areas. See Mr. Vint at Min-A-Mort *10 3168 W. Grand River Ave.- Okemos Fridoy Aug. 25 - 2 p.m.- Chains coming next: the loneliness factor Chains HOT VANS...C.B. RADIOS... AND THE "HARDEST WORKING- GIRLS YOU'U. EVER mEETlSJ 't's reaction a chain once GoldieHauun you complete see our se¬ Chevy Chase QUALITY lection of chains STEREO COMPONENTS in 14Kt. Gold Used Mcintosh C-26 Overlay. pre-amp DYNA 400 & 120 power amps Beogram 3000 turntable ADVENT 300 receiver JBLL-55 speakers IU TEAC106,100 & 170-S cassette decks HOURS: Mon-FrMO A.M. to TEAC 3340 quad 9 P.M.; Sat. 10 A.M.-5:30 reel deck Phone 351-1213 Pioneer 1020-L10" reel VISA, MASTER CHARGE, 219 E.Grand River •OWEN CHARGE Philips 222 turntable Across From Union Bldg. THE MINX lightning fast repair Ph. 351-1090 3*EMi*t»/u-«.Mi««i] nlwl m-m 1 0 Michigan State News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 25, 1970 PIRGIM charges water board CLC asks maU ads Umit The suit, filed with the formation in mid-July and PIRGIM energy project suffer. Brush said Wolfe was pre¬ Citizens for Livable Com Hudson Corp. officials to agree referendum. w By PAULCOX a PIRGIM requested the infor¬ Brush said the information sent at the negotiations be¬ $15,000 campaign spending The referendum will ask State News Suff Writer Ingham County Court, asks munity announced Thursday on a that the board be forced to mation be made public on Aug. was received from an attorney cause the Midland plant is one that they have asked Dayton limit for the November mall voters whether they want the The Public Interest Research release information from recent 9. said Earl Brush, genera! of the seven utilities with the of the sources being considered proposed $16.4 million Dayton Group in Michigan filed suit Thursday charging the Lansing negotiations between Con manager of the board. stipulation that it was not to be by the board to fill increased Hudson shopping mall built at Under the state's Freedom of released. He added that follow¬ energy needs in the future. Lake Lansing Road and U.S. Board of Water and Light with illegally withholding documents sumers ties Power and seven seeking to buy into the utili Information Act the board is ing the PIRGIM request the Brush explained that under Self-service post offices 127 in East Lansing. Midland required to make "most" of its information was turned over to Nuclear Regulatory Commis¬ James Anderson, coordinator related to possible investment plant which Con¬ sumers Power is building. record public within five days the board's attorney for a legal sion rules, large nuclear plants for CLC, indicated in a letter in the Midland nuclear power The board received the in¬ of the request, said Bill Dow, opinion on whether the in¬ formation could be released. must offer ownership to all area utilities. He added that Con¬ open for holiday mailing sent Hudson Thursday to a Dayton representative that his The attorney was busy with Power resisted this, A holiday mail schedule will group would be willing to settle sumers said. other matters, Brush said, so an claiming an exemption from the be put into effect on Labor Day, Regular residential and busi¬ on an °ven lower limit. Petitions due by Sept. 5 additional 10 days, allowed under the act, is being Uken to secure the attorney's opinion. rules. Sept. 4, a postal spokesperson ness on mail will not be delivered that day, and lobby window "Let us to make a agree at the onset not mockery of grass service will be closed. roots democracy with a tidal He added that this 10-day wave of dollars," the CLC letter a Sept. 5 is the last date to file petitions to place local question on the general election ballot not be allowed bail. Another would permit the state to not only period will expire Aug. 29. "If our attorney says we can Fleas flee at wash However, there will be spe¬ cial delivery and lockbox serv- said. The letter asks for a response Nov. 7. deposit money in federal banks but in savings release it we will give it to them from Dayton Hudson on the Local questions are defined as anything the Are fleas causing you unnecessary embarrassment? Are you and loan and credit unions as well. (PIRGIM)," Brush said. Postal customers can take law allows to be placed on the ballot, such as failing to get a response when calling its name? Is your body spending limit by Sept. 1. "We don't believe that the care of their mailing needs at Dayton Hudson officials told The Legislature has also been working on covered with scratch marks? miilage, zoning or bonding questions. Sept. 8 is state right to get a legal opinion is self service postal centers, the State News recently they the last date for the state Legislature to pass a a tax resolution which many politicians prefer as If you are plagued by one or more of these problems it could be covered in the act," Dow said. which operate on a round-the- are planning a "personalized joint resolution for constitutional amendments an alternative to both the so-called Tisch and that your dog is due for a bath and luckily the College of clock basis in every post office. one-on-one" campaign. and the last date for the secretary of state to Headlee tax cut amendments. The Legislature's Dow pointed out that Brush's Veterinary Medicine class of 1980 will sponsor its second dog wash resolution would cut residential property taxes assisUnt, J.D. Wolfe, was pre¬ of the summer. Stamps, postal cards, "When this whole thing's certify offices and ballot questions to county clerks. by 40 percent, while the Tisch proposal would cut sent at the negotiation between Dog owners can bring their pets to the veterinary clinical center stamped envelopes, scales and over, nobody will be able to say The state Legislature has already passed two property taxes by 50 percent, which most Consumers Power and the utili¬ Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for a complete flea bath, nail rate charts, as well as collection Dayton Hudson is impersonal," ties, making the information trim and ear-cleaning. boxes available at these Peter Hutchinson, a Dayton resolutions that will be placed on the ballot. opponents view as too drastic a cut. The Headlee are One resolution, to be voted on. states that amendment would limit state spending and more pertinant to the Lansing The cost for this service is $3, $4 or $5 depending on size of the centers. Hudson executive, said. persons convicted of certain taxes to the current rate of inflation. public. TOMYJ FEATURES STARLtll^J 11 <; 77 VVfST Of MAVFRtY N-VU OPEN AT 6:45 P.M. "LAURA AT7:00-LATE FATE BU8AWAT TQMHT l£E IMS A CHAT MTSTUT SVSKX2 TMtiEl EYES IMi TfMlUA. No on* admitted one* ttw Mm begin* The styles that never die. PllSJIt 1:35 P.M. ONLY TTYin "SHAMPOO" It 101 E. TOOAY OPEN 7 P.M. FEATURE Grand River 337-SAM'S 7:20-9:20 P.M. - Sot.-Sun. ULansin^ At 1:20-3:20-5:20-7:20-9:20 Robert Altitun presents U)ilcowu"tb .film by AUn Rudolph L.A.. Keith Carradine Sally Kelierman Geraldine Chaplin Harvey Keitel Lauren Hufton Sissy Spacek John Considme Vivecd lindfors Richard Bdskin Denver Pyle open at TiOOR.M. Feature at 7:20* ,:20 eat.-iun. at 1:20*3:20 5:20-7:30*9:20 p.m. MARTY FELDMAN ITH 9CLLEYBBWAA „ . ..oujnrmiaMC. He Just May have been a the Greatest Rock Entertainer Plus of all time. Marty Feldman in "SEX WITH A SMILE" IHtHtlS A DIFFERENCEl MARK HAMIU. ANNIE PPTIS XpR^SUMMET His sloty will have yt MS- singing, /aughmg. crying, cheenng OPEN DAILY AT 1:00PM and stomping your j SHOWS ol 1:15 -3:15 5:15-7:15-9:15 PM THE L Held Over John Olivia Travolta Newton-John BUDDY^ *»«*■•• HOLLY H w-k! STORY CENTER TEST PREPARATION SPECIALISTS SINCE IMS Visit Our Centers And See For Yourself Why We Maks The DWerence Call Days, Eves 1 Weekends 919 E. Grand Rivar E. Lansing, Mi. 48023 (517)332-2539 Mon thru Frl. 7:00 and 9:00 Outside NY State ONLY Sat. t Sun. 1:00.3:00, 7:00 and 9:00 CALL TOLL FREE 800-223-1782 _J Wad. Matlnaa 1:0Q anlw - AH EAILV 01004:45 5:15-51.50 I Michigan State News, Eost Lansing, Michigi Friday. August 25. 1978 1 1 Employment |i j Employment ][fl] [ Employment Employment jji Employment ii | Apartneils jVJ [ Apartments ClasiifUd Advertising RN OR GN, LPN or GPN for THE STATE NEWS is now FAR OUT make money BEDROOM mobile i JOIN THE fastest growing Information pizza company in the world. skilled nursing facility. Good taking applications for fall having parties! Think Toker- ware and smile; be the first in DOMINO'S PIZZA is hiring benefits and working condi¬ term copy editors. Appli¬ IONE 355-1255 J47 Studtnt SvrvltM lldg. full & part-time help. Oppor¬ tions. New wage scale. Posi¬ cants must have newspaper your circle of friends to have experience or have had Jour¬ a Tokerware party. Now tunity for advancement. We tions open on 7 a.m.-3 p.m., have 7 Lansing locations. 3 p.m. 11 p.m. shifts. Coll nalism 401. Contact Ken everyone can get those hard Check your phone directory Jane Phillips, Director of Parker week nights after to-get ana top-of-thc line I day • Mc par lino for the store nearest you. Nurses, 332 5061. PROVIN¬ 4 p.m. (except Mondays and paraphernalia items. Call 349 3 dayi • l(K par lino CIAL WHITEHILLS, E.O E Fndaysl now through 4387. 11 a.m. 8 p.m. fur 6 dayi • 75< par lino uqi 6 8 25 (9) August 25. The positions are details. C 15 8 25(101 Pine Lake PROGRAMMER ANALYST. open only to MSU students. nggnacgEg nrnmmrn I dayi • 70C par lino Enjoy a small community on TYPISTS CLERICAL: Must Apply in person at the McDONALD'S RESTAU Apartments iirnnnmCT Lake Michigan which offers a be able to work Monday STATE NEWS NEWS RANTS of Okemos (across lino roto par insorlion TnrmmnF;>:i wide variety of recreational through Friday from 8-11 ROOM. 343 Student Ser from Meijersl and East Lans MSU 3 If-fl".' activities. Challenging lead a.m. or 11 a.m. 2 p.m. Apply vices Building. 6-8-25 (14) ing (in front of Pro Bowl duplex. $360 nov position for a highly moti¬ in person. STATE NEWS East) are now taking applica 339 880? 1 8 26 Econolinot • 3 lines • M OO ■ 5 days. 80' per line over vated self-starter with a Classified Department, 347 NURSES AID. experienced, full 7 3 3 lines. No adjustment in rote when cancelled. proven record of accomplish¬ Student Services Building. p shifts beginning at 5:30 a m Responsibilities in¬ Students only S 3 8 25 (8) shifts Apply in from 8 11 am o< Price of item(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum ments. Apply sale price of MOO clude designing and imple¬ person PROVINCIAL HOUSE 2 4 p.m. Monday through menting additional on-line SALESPEOPLE SELLING SOUTH off Aurelius between Friday. 7 8 25(10) Peanuts Personal ads • 3 lines • '2.25 • per insertion. application using BUR¬ Classified Advertising for the Cavanaugh and Mount Hope. 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). ROUGHS medium size sys¬ STATE NEWS Must be able 10 8 25 (7i SALES CLERKS wanted full Rummage/Gorage Solo ads • 4 lines • *2.50. 2 BEDROOM fur- • tem. Send applications to to work at least 2 consecutive or part-time, hours flexible 63' per line over 4 lines • per insertion. from $205 month. av<- COMPUTER SERVICE CEN¬ hours daily before 3 p.m. NURSES RN or LPN chare according to your schedule 'Round Town ods • 4 lines • '2.50 • per insertion. Full 1 3 11 339-8192 fall Univett.iv Vila. TER, City Hall, Holland, Monday Friday Apply in per¬ Starting pay, $3.25 plus sales 2044 351 8135 1 8-25 i 63' per line over 4 lines, Michigan 49423. 2-8-25(17) son 347 Student Services p m , 11 7 a m shifts. Imme¬ commission 374 0602 Evenings lost I Founds ods/Transportation ods • 3 lines - *1.50 - Building. Students only. diate benefits with orienta¬ 7 8 25 (6) per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. TYPIST NEEDED for fall R 3-R-25 (91 tion Apply PROVINCIAL term. 55 wpm, evenings 5-11 HOUSE SOUTH. 882 2458 DISC JOCKEY, fall term p.m. Apply in person 301 BABYSITTER NEEDED, part Monday Friday 10 8 25 ' 71 previous experience helpful Deadlines M A C. P-K Building. State time, in my west Lansing References necessary. Appli News Composing Dept. home 323 3400 8 8 25 (31 FULL TIME keypunch opera cation available at the Amer¬ Ads • 2 p.m. • I class day before publication. MEADOWS APARTMENT Students need only apply. tor experience or training ica's Cup. 2 4 p.m. ALLE EY p m 1 8 25 Cancellation Chonge I p.m. • I class doy before Keypunch & general office needed. Please call Mr. Ban NIGHTCLUB. 220 M A C publication. PASTE-UP Person wanted. duties in small Lansing office. field. 351 1310. 0 10 8 25'4i 7 8 25 (71 CUSTOMER Once ad is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed Must have some experience Salary $6000 to $9600 Send until after 1st insertion. resume to Ms. Marilyn Cady, DRIVER WANTED part-time, HOSTESS BUSBOYS AND qood location La 6 be able to work mornings mornings only Must be 18. 1 313 661 4643 Z 3 8-25 4 There is a M.00 charge for 1 ad change plus 50' per for 3 to 4 hours. Apply in Michigan Technological Uni¬ WAITRESS wanted Call additional change for maximum of 3 changes. person at State News Com¬ versity, Lansing Office. P.O. Starts in September. Apply at IMPERIAL GARDENS Thank you for JON ANTHONY FLORIST, FAST LANSING 2 ! " The State News will only be responsible for the 1st posing, 301 M.A.C. P-K Bldg Box 18008 Lansing Ml 48901 RESTAURANT. 349 2698 coming back to 809 E. Michigan, Lansing. X 4 8-25 131 day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must be made within 10 days of expiration dote. Only students need apply. An Equal Opportunity Educa tional Institution Equal 3 8 25 (6> BEECHWOOD pe*ed 35^ 5964 3 8 26 3 POSITIONS NOW open for Opportunity Employer CAKE DECORATOR APPLY Bills ore due 7 days from ad expiration dote. If not SECRETARY FOR new com¬ FEMALE WAf.TEC • cooks, waiter, waitresses & 3 8 25 U21 at ROMA BAKERY 428 North paid by due dote, o 50' lote service charge will pany General office skills. Cedar. Lansing 48912. 485 be due. bus personnel. All shifts, all hours. Apply in person, SHOW KENNEL manager Ability to organize. Must be 9466. 3 8 25 (4) F,lled for summer - V?ew $95 month Cal J. good typist Call 372 6343 A few left for fall. collect at 313 937 37<7> INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF PANCAKES, 2800 E 351 5105 5-7SPp.m 3-8-25 (5) PART-TIME position in delm quent accounts collection. \N FAMILY needs 3 8 25 <5i Grand River, East Lansing. Z 3 8-25 (3) ECONOMIC ASSISTANT Flexible hours. Experience re MALE ROOMMATE ne.-.1c Automotive ~ Aitometive A 7-8-25 (7) WAITRESS AND bartender wanted 20 hours week, mini mum bachelors in economics quired Nancy. 339 9500 $290 for fall: block campus a C 3 8-25 (5) STUDENTS TO work in car needed. Apply in person at and some computer pro¬ view 332 8685 Z-4 8 25 -4i rental office. 3 p.m.-11:30 THE BOOM BOOM ROOM. COMPANY REP Call 1-5 ASTRO MOTOR home. 1974. SAAB. 1973 Sonnet. AM- gramming. Call 373-9514 part time. FM, fiberglass body, mags, p.m. weekdays. 7 a.m.-3 p.m. Thursday morning. 11 a.m. • 25 ft.. 14.000 miles, good days 3-8-25 (5i 2 BEDROOM hear ca-c weekends. 489 1484. 1 p.m.. Saturday 2 5 p.m. PART TIME sales position 332-0051 condition, roof air, complete¬ new brakes. $2350. 332 5464 local businesses Salary plus 7-8-25 (41 2-8 25 161 ly self-contained. Sleeps 6. after 5 p.m. 6-8-25 (41 _ ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIST good commissions. Call Tom 4£7 3886 7 8 25 3 at IC CONSULTANTS. 351 person. $3.25 hour plus com¬ tape deck, $11,000. 223 3386. L.P.N. CHARGE nurse posi MODELS. ESCORTS VEL¬ ANT for energy emergency 752C. 10 a.m 12 noon mission. Apply in person. MATURE. GOOD natured 3-8-25 (6) tions. Flexible shifts, paid VET FINGERS. Applv - per¬ planning. 20 hours-week. 3 8 25 Capital Adult News, 532 East orientation, excellent wages son. 527 E Michigan Avenue. Minimum bachelors in busi¬ <6)_ Michigan 1-8-25'6i BUICK 1969 Electra, Air loaded, good condition, new and Diane benefits. Please call Alvary. 332 0817 Z 14 8 25 <3i ness or related. Call 373-9514, days 3-8-25 (61 HOME HEALTH aid house keeper, part time 349 4918. 393°6635 Janette 7-8-25 <4i WANTED HANDYMAN reli tires. $600. 351 8733 PROVINCIAL HOUSE EAST. 18-25(31 PHONE PART time sales help able and experienced. Plumb 1 BEDROOM all utilities ex 4 8 25 (3) 7 8 25 (7) HOTEL AUDITOR wanted, TOYOTA CELICA ST, 1973- at the FOXHOLE PX n ing and odd jobs. 332 3872 must work weekends and late TEACHERS STILL needed cept i ROOMMATES NEEDED Call 373 3120 days: 372-1811 Frandor. 3-8-25 (3) 1 8 25 (3) CADILLAC. 1972 59.000 RESEARCH CONSULTANT shifts Auditor or bookkeep¬ large comfortable house 1 for upper grades, Jewish evenings. 4-8-25 (3) to handle major projects for a ~ bus. 1022 miles. Best offer, 313-882 ing experience necessary. BABYSITTING GIRLS religious school in fall. 332 0013 3-8-25 131 TRIUMPH GT6, 1972. green, downtown health care organ¬ ization. Send resume to Box ages 2 and 4. Light house Apply in person, HOWARD 6715 or 351 3570. X 3-8-25i4. Apartaeits JOHNSON'S MOTOR Michelin radials, keeping. Noon 4 p.m. Owr CHEVY IMPALA, 1968. good new Craig F6, The State News. LODGE, 6741 S. Cedar, be AM/FM 8-8 25 (5) transportation. References condition, new tires, new cassette stereo. Best tween 9-5 p.m. 3-8-25 171 332 6688. 1 8 25 •** muffler. $350 351-8276. offer, 372-2348. 1-8-25 (5) 7 STUDIO APARTMENTS, HURRY. DENTAL time a m 3 p.m. or 3 Z 3-8-25 (3) SECRETARY, HOUSE PERSON wanted, furnished, air. with all utilities VOLKSWAGEN DENTAL CHAIRSIDE assist p.m.-11 p.m Apply at Pro CAMPER. mature, intelligent, responsi¬ ant, neat, intelligent, good janitorial skills and yard work, paid Rec room, heated pool, Only a few apartments I 1972 vincial House South. 2100 DATSUN. 1973- 4-speed. excellent condition, ble. Prefer experience, good full time. Apply in person, on E. Grand River Near pay. Modern west side office Provincial Drive off Aurelius left for the fall New clutch, starter, battery, $1950 or best offer. 349-2349. pay. Sent resume to Box C-3, HOWARD JOHNSON'S campus $175 monthly $85 Experienced preferred. Send RD. 9 a m. 5 p m Monday $400. 882-5315 evenings. 6-8 25 (31 State News, 7-8-25 (6) MOTOR LODGE. 6741 S. resume to Box B-2. State thru Friday 1 8 25 i8> 2-8-25 131 News. 5 8 25 i6> Cedar between 9-5 p.m. COOKS WANTED, must be 3 8 25(6) DATSUN B210. 1974- coupe, Auto Service / neat. Apply in person be WAITRESSES NOW hiring AM-FM, radials, 4-speed. tween 2-4 p.m. AMERICA'S PART-TIME employment for 34.000 miles, great condition. full or part time. Apply in CUP RESTAURANT. 220 MSU student. 1520 hours JUNK CARS wanted. Also person. SILVER DOLLAR $1750 best offer 351-4960. M A C. 7-8-25 (51 week, automobile required. a m Challenging position in sellinq used parts. Phone SALOON. 3411 E. Michigan ill- to MSU shopping. 7-8-25 (41 339 9500. C 3-8 25 (4) skilled nursing facility. New 321 3651. C 15-8 25(31 PART TIME: Short order, E.O E. 5-8-25 (41 FEMALE ROOMMATE 1 >v 4% access No pets. pay scale. Excellent benefits. From $195 plus Roommate Service FORD MAVERICK. 1976 cooks, bus boys, hostesses, keep kosher. Modest apar AVON-GET ready for college Phone 351 474b waitresses. FLOORMEN NOW hiring full ment. close 332 8460. Su> .ties good condition, low mileage. Apply BACK tuition. Excellent earnings, tact Mrs Siddall. 882 2458 9 MASON BODY SHOP, 812 E. STAGE or part-time. Apply in person day Thursday after 9 p.r )i' 8 b m Trowbridge 4 person apartments $2250 Call 332 8880. RESTAURANT, flexible hours. 482 6893 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday thru Kalamazoo, since, 1940. Auto SILVER DOLLAR SALOON nor 7-8 25 '8» 4-8-25 (31 Meridian Mall between 2 p.m. C 3 8-25 131 Friday. 1-8-25 19) painting-collision service. and 5 p.m. 7-8-25 (51 3411 E Michigan. E.O.E FIREBIRD FORMULA, 1974 American-foreign cars. 485- 5-8 25 (4) Special FALL Kales AM/FM/8 track, sharp car. 0256. C 15-8-25 (51 YOU SPEND money in your LOCATBON LOCATBON $2950 or best offer. 7 8 25 (3) MG MIDGET. 1977- 351-3309. 12,000 WATERPUMPS. FUEI spare some time, why not make too? If you have several hours a week to spare we'll UNIFORMED officers. Call 641-4562 0 15-8 25131 SECURITY CVupcfeingfjam 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED LUXURY APTS. • 1 bedroom CEDAR GREENS furnished • swimming pool RIVERS EDGE WATERS EDGE APARTMENTS I ' pumps and engine gasket train you. Phone 351-9056 for FULL AND part -privote balconies apartments • air conditioning time |Obs. miles. AM-FM 8-track. lug sets for your foreign car in interview. 4-8-25 (6) Excellent earnings, flexible • 9orl2mon?h • within walking gage rack, perfect condition. stock at CHEQUERED FLAG control oir 1050 Watersedge Dr. $3850. 349 3233. 349-3183. FOREIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 DISHWASHER- KITCHEN hours. Call 374-6328, 4-6 p.m. dishwasher disposal leases g-ailable distance to campus j 3-8-25 (41 E. Kalamazoo Street. 487- helper. Clean, hardworking only. X-7-8y>5 (4) (next to Cedar Village) individuals looking for steady 332-4432 5055, one mile West of BABYSITTER IN my East MG MIDGET, 1974. Excellent campus. C-15-8 25 (8) work only. Opportunity for Fall looses only Special 12 month rales SPECIAL RATES AVAILABLE FOR FALL Call after 2 Lansing Home. Full time for 5 condition. Not driven in win¬ advancement. and 1 year old 351 2644 9 8 12 month leases available 113$ Michigan Avenue (next to Brody) p.m., ask for Mike Solomon ter. Must sell. 351-1985. or Tom. JIM'S TIFFANY 5-8-25 (31 Call 351-7166 351-8631 4-8-25 (3) PLACE, 372-4300 downtown Located at Hogodorn Wood just south of Service Road MED STUDENT with long Lansing. 3-8-25 (10) hrs. needs CHILDCARE for 5 ONE FIVE $100-500 Trans yr. old after 5 p.m. Must have OFFICE SUPERVISOR- 4 portation specials. All makes, transportation. 337-7098. all sizes. FLUMERFELT years experience, general THE STATE MEWS Z 4-8-25 (4) office duties. Bookkeeping, STAIR CHEVROLET, 655- EMPLOYMENT AT 4343. 0-8 8 25 (51 typing, dictation. Fringe CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING benefits, salary open. Phone Ms. Gregg, 694-6333. CAMPUS DEPT. OLDSMOBILE Cruiser. 1973 56,000 miles. 9 CUSTOM 3-8-25 (6) HILL MICHIGAN NATIONAL BANK will be accepting applications for: Students seater, automatic power, air shouldn't have conditioning, radio, wood ;• live in drab grain rack, good condition. *2 Bedrooms -Furnished Apis. TELLER OPENINGS Salespersons ! " d rooms. 'Free Roommate Service The Stale News Classified Advertising Dept. • air conditioning OLDSMOBILE. 1978 Cutlass Supreme Brougham Coupe, 'Dishwashers We are looking for people who will be accepting applications for sales per¬ • luxurious furnishings are experienced tellers and who sonnel for the coming school year. Must be 2 tone blue. 8,000 miles, V-6 •Central Air Conditioning • dishwashers GOOD USED tires, 13 14-15 able to work o minimum of 2 consecutive engine, power seat, door •Swimming Pool enjoy meeting the public. • shag carpeting locks, windows, steerings inch. Mounted free. Used hours per day Monday through Friday. Pefer and brakes. Cruise control, air wheels and hub caps. PEN- •Unlimited Parking Positions are available im¬ some sales advertising background and in¬ • private balconies condition, rear window de- NELL SALES INC., 1825 East Michigan, Lansing, Michigan •Pleasant Landscaping mediately. Stop in at Michigan terest. Apply today 3-5 p.m. 347 Student Ser¬ • swimming pool fogger, $6100. Call 627-2036. 1-8-25 (8) 48912.482 5818. C 15-8-25(6) •Special 12 month rates National Bank's Personnel Dept. 2nd vices Building in person. Students Only. floor 124 W. Allegan Lansing to fill Special out an application or call us for an Typist FALL RATES C'mon over FREE BUS MSU COMMUNITY CO OP NURSERY AND CHECK OUT appointment. The State News Classified Dept. will be ac¬ CQLUNGWOOD APTS! SERVICE cepting applications for typists for the coming 731 Just off campus at Sandhill and *oir conditioned M/F school year. Must be able to work 8-11 a.m.. 'dishwasher Hagadorn Roads Model 11-2 p.m.. or 2-5 p.m. shift daily. Monday *shag carpeting Open 9-9 'unlimited porking Everyday through Friday Must be the same hours every "A special place where your day. Apply in person today, 3-5 p.m.. 347 child can grow" *2 bedrooms 'models open daily 374- 1233 Student Services Building. Students Only. APARTMENTS 9 month leases Leasing for Fall only *320 coll 351-8282 Morning dassas available. Call Greta deWolf at 349-0294 or Marilyn Lucas at 676-4674 (behind Rollerworld CALL 349-3530 on tho rivor) Michigan Stole News, East lonsing. Michigan [ frtart][Vj I Krauts |[y| 1 Umiis ffi !■» > 1 '* ** 1151 1 »** 1151 QigW"!B Journalists' U.S.S.R. trip VIOLINS FOR sale, private COPYGRAPH SERVICE. COUNTRY, 1 woman by LARGE, SINGLE, furnished. INSTANT CASH. We're pay¬ ESPECIALLY NICE large FRANDOR NEAR, 510 N. September 1. 3 bedroom, 3 Clean, redecorated, share ing $1-2 for albums in good collection. August 26, 27 Complete dissertation and apartment for rent in Mason, 9 months while owners are on extended vacation. Fur¬ Hayford, 2 bedrooms, $160. September. 351-0765. Z 2 8-25 131 person brick ranch. Own room, fireplace, washer, dry¬ kitchen and bath, parking. Very close, $90 - $130, year shape. WAZOO RECORDS, only. Call after 4 p.m., 372- 223 Abbott. 337-0947. 9861, 489-4593. 3-8-25 (4) resume M.A.C. service. and Grand River. Corner cancelled by Russians lease. 372-1801, 332-1800. C 15-8-25 (4) 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Monday- er. unfurnished. 5'/$ miles on nished including dishes. 0-4-8-25 (6) SOFA BED $45, 6% feet, Friday. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. (continued from page 1) S. Hagadorn. $125' +. pets cookingwareEt so forth. Heat NEAR SPARROW, new OK. 655-1321, Yvonne. DISCOUNT, NEW, used, fdlds flat, Herculon, excel¬ Saturday. 337-1666. The Soviet sponsors were Yassen N. Zassoursky, dean of faculty & softened water. Also fire¬ building, two baths, air, lent. 332-6663. 3-8-25 (3) C-158-25 (7) 3-8-25 (7) ROOM FOR 1 or 2 persons in desks, chairs, files. BUSI¬ at Moscow State University and the Union of Journalists. It was place with wood, patio gar garage. $260. 351 0765. NESS EQUIPMENT CO., 215 full finished basement of nice from Zassoursky that Cole received the cancellation telegram. age, locked storage space. 15 Z 2 8 25 (3) minutes downtown Lansing. No children or pets, refer¬ ONE BEDROOM apartment, MALE. LOCATION 509 Divi¬ sion Street, East Lansing. house. Carpeted, light cook¬ ing privileges. $150/month. E. Kalamazoo. 485-5500. 0-1-8-25 (4) [ list i fun Ifq] ANN BROWN typing. Disser¬ tations-resumes-term papers. "Due to the holding of a number of significant international events and gatherings in the autumn of 1978 it is not possible, to 601 Abbott Road, North en¬ Walking distance to MSU. 323 1014 after 4:30 p.m. ences & deposit required. lease required, all utilities LOST-SET of keys around trance. 351-7221. our regret, to hold the planned meeting of American and Soviet 332 2859. 2 8-25 (4) 4 8-25 (6) $400. Call Dr. R R Robbins. paid. $140/month. 487-3886. the International Center. 353- C-15-8-25 (4) journalists and journalism educators in September of 1978," 676 9716. 3 8 25 116) 7 8 25 (4) MT. HOPE near, 2ft miles to YOUR OWN ROOM in quiet 2257, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Zassoursky's telegram read. campus, upper apartment, 2 house, save dollars. Less than LEICA M-3 with 50 mm Z-2-8-25 (3) EXPERT TYPING by MSU The trip had been scheduled for Sept. 10 through 19. HURRY. 1 *■«» IHE1 bedroom* i?,00/includes uti 39^«5o after 5:30 p.m. dorm double, $90 or $95, 1 block North Brody, park in Summichron meter and case. Mint condition. WILCOX LOST- REDDISH orange grad. 17 year experience. Near Gables. Call 337-0205. Cole said a confirming letter from Zassoursky left the door open for the trip next year. TRADING POST, 4854391. wallet. ID inside. Re¬ C-158-25 (3) HOUSES HOUSES HOUSES 5-8 25(5) drive, 332 0307. 3-8-25 (7^ ladies "I do hope very much that we can reschedule it for next year," & APARTMENTS- no fees. C 3-8-25 (4) ward. Call Ann, 332-0834. FEMALE NEEDED, own EXPERIENCED TYPIST, fast Cole said. Come in to our office and MALE: OWN room, fall only. Z-3-8-25 (3) 4 bedroom duplex on FURNITURE- MUST sell, b accurate. Thesis disserta¬ Both educators said they will still attend a meeting of pick up a free copy of our room, Cooking, laundry, no parking. Albert. Call Terri, 351 3234. good shape. 4 years old. tions. 339-3575. 7-8-25 (3) International Mass Communications Research Association in Starting 8-28 78. Call 351- listings. Monday-Friday, 11 a.m. 7 p.m. A I M. INC.. 5-8 25 (3) 7119 after 6:30. 1-825(4) very Complete furnishings for f Mitllt men iK TERM Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 4 to 9. Gardner said the late cancellation cost her between $300-500 2002 E. Saginaw (corner living room, dinette, 2 bed¬ THESIS, papers "special FILL rates" Saginaw and Clemens), Lan¬ EAST LANSING. 2 bedroom, MSU. Prefer couple, no LARGE SINGLE, block cam¬ rooms; includes mirrors, RENT 2 bedroom mobile typed. Quick Quality. 332- because special airline flight rates were no longer available. She near lamps and tables. $800 or home, furnished, $180 + 2078. 0-158-25 (3) RIVERS IOOI sing 0-1-8-25 (9) References, deposit, pus, furnished, quiet. $70. had originally obtained tickets in May. pets. best offer, 676-9011 or 694- utilities. Plush for one, com¬ $285 351 -4416 after 5:30 p.m. Man, fall. 332-8498. 2-8-25(3) In Warsaw, Cole said he would talk with Soviet delegates about fortable for two. 351-8457 EXPERIENCED. IBM typing, WATERS IDOE ONE BEDROOM and effi¬ 4-8-25 (4) 4436._3J-25_(8) re-arranging the exchange program. FREE ROOM & board to after 5 p.m. 58-25 (5) dissertations, (pica-elite). ciency available in large FREE 30-day Biorhythm Pro¬ Besides Gardner and Cole, nine other journalism educators were APARTMENTS house. Reasonable rent. Call junior, senior, grad student in FAY ANN, 489-0358. 3 BEDROOM home for 3 file Chart compliments of 2 BEDROOM mobile home, scheduled for the trip. Eight professional journalists from 337 0590. ask for Nancy. exchange for sitting with one C-15525 (3) 1050 Watorsedgo Dr. graduate students. Easy new companyl Get into your $3200.10'x50'. Plush for one, newspapers, TV and radio had also planned to be in Moscow for 18-25 (41 access to campus and down¬ 8 year old & light housekeep¬ Biorhythms today. Simply- (next to Cedor Village) comfortable for two. Nice UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS the meetings. town Lansing. 349-1814. ing. Nice home on bus line. 3 send name/address/birthdate 332 • 4432 CAMPUS NEAR available miles from MSU. Send re¬ way to afford college. 351- COMPLETE DISSERTATION • 4-8 25 (5) and a stamped, self-address¬ for fall: sume to Box D-4, State 8457 after 5 p.m. 58-25(5) AND RESUME SERVICE- ed envelope to: Biorhythms, APARTMENTS FOR rent 3 bedroom house. Base¬ EAST SIDE Lansing 2-4 man News. 2-8-25 (8) type setting, IBM typing, P.O. Box 1446, East Lansing, URGENT, MOVING, must Legislators in Vietnam houses, $200-$350 372 1801 offset printing and binding. unfurnished, $110-$150 ment, garage. $390'month. Michigan 48823. sell. 10x50, new paint, 2 332 1800. 0-4-8 For estimate, stop in at 2843. month. Adults only, no pets, Modern 3 bedroom duplex. or -25_M _ FARMHOUSE ROOMS, lake, C 14-8-25 (12) bedroom, appliances, skirt¬ E. Grand River or phone lease Call 332 1396 3-8 25<4i $330 month. animals, dirk room, garden, $540/ CLOSE. 5 bedrooms. $400. ing, partly furnished. $3000/ 332 8414. C-158-25 (8) 6 bedroom duplex. New 6 bedroom, $570. 351- 351 8231 for interview. VISIT MID-MICHIGAN'S best offer. 4858041 even¬ (continued from page 1) now at month. 1-8-25 (3) largest used bookshop. 7 bedroom house. $600/ 0765. 7-8 25 (31 CURIOUS BOOKSHOP. 307 ings. 2-8-25 (5) FAST, ACCURATE typing. Assembly of this reunified nation of 45 million people. Reasonalbe Rates. Carole, The lawmakers, four of whom are on their first visit to Vietnam, BURCHAM WOODS month. Call 485-1436. 7 10 1 ROOMMATE needed. 5 r fir Silt |[5] E. Grand River, East Lansing. SKYLINE- 2 bedrooms, 351-6619. Z-4-8-25 (3) p.m. 1-8-25 (8) bedroom, fireplace, campus 332-0112. C-15-8-25 (5) say they generally have been impressed with the frankness with country setting, complete which senior Vietnamese officials have discussed sensitive issues close, pets allowed, friendly TYPING, EXERIENCED, SUMMER ONLY! 6-8 MAN furnished. 2 baths, SEWING MACHINES slightly OVER 2000 cheap albums. new furnishings, beautiful, in U.S.-Vietnamese relations. atmosphere. $100/month. absolutely must sell. Best fast and reasonable. 371- good condition, parking, very used, guaranteed, $39.95 and close. 372-1801 or 332 1800 355 8311. 2-4 p.m. 3-8-25 (4) Open arm chairs from 251 and up. All type-hits to offer over $3000. 676-9640 or 4635. C-15-8-25 (3) Premier Pham Van Dong of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam an unexpected up. the obscure. FLAT, BLACK 0-4-8-25 (4) DUPLEX 2-3 bedroom, fur¬ $89.50 EDWARDS DISTRI¬ 373 0078. 2-8-25 16) greeted the delegation in Hanoi Monday with a promise to return opening & CIRCULAR, upstairs, 541 GOING ON vacation- typing the remains of 11 U.S. soldiers missing in action during the war. nished. near campus. 669- BUTING CO., 1115 N. Wash¬ E. Grand River. Open 11 a.m. BEAT HIGH rent. Buy! 1 service resume fall term, 332- He also said Vietnam was dropping its demand for war reparations CLEVELAND STREET (be 9939. 3 8 25 (3) ington 489 6448 X-C-8-8 25 (5) efficiency *175 tween Oakland and Saginaw) C 15 8-25 (61 3492. C-158-25 (3) as a condition for establishing diplomatic relations with the United 2 bedroom, full basement, campus, furnished. Trees. States. 3 & 4 man. furnished, avail¬ OUR LOW overhead saves immediate Terms possible. $950 full completely redecorated. miles from campus. $250 2ft able September, walking dis¬ PREMED MCAT study STUDENTS: material in¬ you money. OPTICAL DIS¬ iRStnictioos :[,▼! The congressional delegation Thursday released the identities of occupancy! month. 323 1014 after 4:30 tance. 337 9412. 3-8-25 (3) cluding complete Kaplan COUNT, 2617 E. Michigan, ?-8-25 (5) RIDING INSTRUCTION, East eight of the 11 soldiers — six Air Force men and two Navy. Lansing, Mich. 372-7409. The five positive identifications are: p.m. 4 8 25 (7) books. Schaum outlines, Call between 12 - CLOSE 4-5 bedroom home, 1 4-8-25 (4) TWO BEDROOM Parkwood. Lansing. English hunt seats. • Capt. Glendon Lee Ammon of Muncie, Ind., Air Force, Serial others. $40. 351-3101. year lease. Pets OK. $450. 12 x 52. Split level dining/ Beginning-advanced. Con¬ No. 74133A, presumed killed Sept. 21, 1966, remains found at Ha FURNISHED, 4 bedroom Z 2-8 25 (5) 3S1•3118 353-8747, 332 1365 UPRIGHT ANTIQUE piano- living. Partially furnished. Off tact Jean, Cain Stables. 337- Bac; on sabatic. MSU close. Z 3-8-25 (31 2794 excellent condition. Best white carpet, mirror wall. or 371-3926. 0-2-8-25(5) 2 LCC or MSU student/room¬ X-mas ■ July $450 332-3101, DOUBLE MATTRESS- Box offer 323-1014. 4-8-25 (3) Water softner, shed. Lake • Capt. Dennis E. Wilkinson of West Palm Beach, Fla., Air 353 4643. 1 8 25 131 MARSH ROAD 6184. 3 bed spring b frame. $40. Days Force. No. 267688941FV. killed May 10, 1972. remains found at mates wanted for apartment. $100.month + utilities. Call WOMEN- QUIET single room, close to bus lines, 355-7683, evenings 332-2625. 2-8-25 (3) BACK TO school shoppers view. 7 miles to campus. 337 2756 or 641-6863. I IS! Tuyen Quang; 3-8-25 (51 $425 month 627-3826. SAVE, shop at CEDAR 4 8 25 (8) • Capt. Gaylord D. Petersen of San Leandro, Calif., Air Force, rooms in private home. Sep¬ 3-8-25 (3) CHEST resale shop at 119 E. 2 FEMALES desire own room No. FV3094860, killed Sept. 11, 1967, remains found at Quang COMPLETELY FURNISHED tember-June. Close in, SOFA, CHAIR- multi-colored beautiful 3 bedroom ranch, kitchen, no parking. 332- 0647 3 8-25 (4) 3 - 4 bedroom, carpeted plaid. 1 year old, good Kalamazoo, Lansing. Opens August 28, hours 10 a.m. - hrmil 1171 in house near campus. Lynn, 1 (3131-557-2045. col¬ Call Binh; • Maj. Bernard Joseph Goss of Syracuse, N.Y., Air Force, Okemos school. Williamston appliances. quiet area, condition. $45. Call Judy, 3 p.m. Monday-Friday. lect. Z-BL-1-8-25 (4) FR30482. killed April 23, 1966. remains found at Ha Bac; and township. Available Septem¬ couples only. $370. 351-7561. 373 0625 or 646-9107. 3 8-25 (6) • Lt. Cmdr. Vincent D. Monroe of Oaklyn, N.J., Navy, No. ber 1, through February 28, EAST LANSING, nice 2 bed¬ 3-8 25 (3) 2 8 25 (4) woman to vacation with MATURE QUIET graduate 610064, killed May 18. 1968, remains found at Nghe An. 1978. Graduate students or room duplex for 3. Large 100 USED cleaners, STEREO, MARANTZ 2226 vacuum during early or mid Septem¬ student looking for a room¬ The presumed identifications were: faculty 655-1433, 355-4530 kitchen, dishwasher, central FEMALE NEEDED for room 1 year warranty, $7.88 and receiver and turntable, RTR mate & an apartment. 332- 2 8-25 <71 ber for 510 days. Prefer to go • Lt. Col. Donald Louis Rissi of Collinsville, III., Air Force, No. air, cable & carport. Septem¬ in private home. Pets okay. up DENNIS DISTRIBUTING speakers. 6 months old, 3768 after 9 p.m. 5-8-25(4) ber 1 lease. $300 351 2655 Close to MSU. $105/month excellent condition. Must sell. South, Smokies, Ozarks, Gulf 359243081. killed Dec. 18, 1972, remains found at Vinh Phu; FEMALE NEEDED for 2 bed COMPANY. 316 N. Cedar. 332 5876 3 8-25 (5) Coast, but negotiable. All after 6 p.m. 2-2-25 (6) plus utilities. Year lease. 485- 482 2677 C 15-8-25(5) MSU BASKETBALL season room apartment. Close to 7028. 3 8-25 (5) essential expenses paid. MSU. $80 month. 393-3743 FARMHOUSE. COUPLE seek Send name and phone num¬ tickets. Have extra dollars. BLACK DIRT, sod farm soil. FURNITURE- MATCHING Need 2. Contact Sara. 349- • Lt. Cmdr. Richard D. Morrow of San Francisco, Calif., Navy, or 351 2596 3-8-25 (4) same to share house plus ber to Box 2, East Lansing, EAST LANSING duplex. 4 Approximately 5 V? yards de¬ set, 3 piece. Couch, ioveseat, 4440. 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. No. 588813. killed Nov. 2. 1967, at Hanoi. expenses. 10 miles south¬ livered locally. $40. 641-6024 and chair. 1 year old, like Michigan 48823 FURNISHED 1 and 2 bed¬ west of MSU. Barn acreage. bedrooms, 2 baths, $420. Fur¬ X-Z-2-8-25 110) 2-8-25 (5) The announcement said the unidentified men were killed on Dec. nished, $480. 374-6366. or 372-4080. Fill, sand, gravel new. $500, 351-9120 after 5 room, utilities, parking, $185 484-8532 or 351-7497. available also. 0-15-8-25 (6) p.m. 7 8-25 (5) 18.1972, at Vinh Phu, July 29,1965, at Yen Bai, and Nov. 2,1967, and up. 487-1569. 3-8-25(3) 3-8-25 151 0-6-8-25(3) STREET CORNER Society, Hanoi. I Neil Estate |jre; amateur theatrical needs 2 new members start¬ group at SAVE $4000, beautiful home, ing fall. Call John, 332-0716. The State News Yellow Page minutes from MSU, imme¬ diate occupancy, $62,900. Call 371-4330 after 5:30 p.m. X-3-8-25 (4) Exercise interest high X-3-525 (41 The four-page survey was 3 (continued from page "Drafts of the survey were 3) mailed out on May 5 to a 5 MINUTES south of cam¬ random sample of the 39,897 sent to the Title IX coordinator 4 bedrooms, 2 ft baths students enrolled last spring BUSINESS-SERVICE pus. as well as key University including large master bed¬ athletic, intramural and physi¬ term. The survey was sent to room suite with private bath. cal education directors," Stynes undergraduate and graduate Family room with fireplace, students as well as part- and screened porch, 3rd acre lot. said. Announcements for It's The survey was set up to try full-time students. Priced to sell by owner at What's Happening must be $66,000. 882-5026. 1-8-25110) to measure four items: past received in the State News On the basis of the for¬ office, 343 Student Services participation in a on- or off- mulated data, the survey re¬ DIRECTORY CLEAN 2 bedroom with base¬ ment. New roof, large trees, garage, on MSU. tract. bus line, 2 miles $11,500. Land con¬ 337-2756. 3-8-25 (5) Bldg., by noon at least two class days before publication. No announcements will be accepted by phone. campus MSU if the sport, interest in par¬ ticipating in a certain sport at opportunity were provided, level of competition commends that greater empha¬ sis be placed on providing facilities and equipment for informal sports participation at and degree of interest in parti¬ book store is times convenient for students. AUTO SERVICE BARBER PHOTOGRAPHY HEALTH FOOD A coop cipating in a sport. Rummage Sale in becoming a reality. Third "Out of 592 questionairres It also suggests that buildings organizational meeting is at be open longer and more out¬ SPARTAN 10% DISCOUNT GARAGE SALE, many items, 8:30 p.m. Monday, 331 mailed," Stynes said, "384 were door facilities be provided. MUFFLER CENTER returned. We adjusted the to all MSU children's clothes and furni¬ Union. The survey was executed ture. 3585 W. Hiawatha response rate for late returns 'BRAKES studonti Drive, Okemos (off Jolly Episcopalians. Eucharist at and unusable or incomplete for under $500, Stynes said, but Betty Stipe's home, 4900 and ended up with in the future greater propor¬ •SHOCKS onpardtaMtef S3 Road.) August 24-26. responses or more, yogurt* 3-8-25 (5) Devonshire, Lansing, at 5 373 questionnaires comprising tions of resources should be 'FROHT EDO WORK ond brood* ottdudod allocated to the evaluation of p.m. Sunday. Bring meat, the sample used in the subse¬ M% BIG YARD sale. 2600 Lake dish to pass and your bathing Instant Color and Black Dannon Yogurt 31' Lansing Road, between US- quent analysis." sports programs. STUDENT DISCOUNT and White: 127 north and Wood street. ON ALL WORK RANDALL HEALTH FOOD Lots of furniture, desks, beds, MSU Simulation Society S1 2^*9.50 Brookflald Plata bedding, kitchenware b mis¬ from 10 to 6 p.m. Kelley rules for election WITH I.D. will meet cellaneous. August 2527, 717 S. PENNSYLVANIA ■pimts 13111. Grand Mvar Saturday, 334 Union for open 9-7 p.m. 2-8-25 (7) gaming. 467-9337 720 Albert SI. 332-3026 332-6192 GARAGE SALE, couch, (continued from page 3) TRAVEL FURNITURE CATERING SERVICE BICYCLE SHOP chairs, lamp, rugs, etc. Must Vaughn stressed that he was not trying to deny due process to go nowl Real good prices. anyone who wants to write in a candidate's name on the ballot. ACMIMMHMCO. Aniko 332-6639 or 332-8667. 3-8-25 (3) Vaughn said he is working on legislation to change the law in similar future cases. The factors bringing about the request, he said, are that he is running unopposed, he won the primary by a 11. Bis TWIN 'S4.9S | Smite [ffi large majority, special elecions of this sort generate little voter 12 14 Wood so HOTtL RESERVATIONS "Catering SpeciaJistt turnout and will cost a lot of money. Dipper DOUBLE *64.99 . FOR QUALITY stereo ser¬ 15 "Every polling place in the Fifth Senatorial District will have to Disenga COLLEGE TRAVEL 'Wedding Receptions vice, THE STEREO SHOPPE 16 Wallaba 'Breakfottt, lunch- 555 E. Grand River. be staffed whether or not anyone shows up to vote," he said, Oddsizat to ordar 17 To. in Sc OFFICE eon». Dinners C-158-25 (3), adding that there are roughly 182 voting precincts in the district. 19 Scene •Bor Setups He said he is certain the public will understand the sense of the 20. fork-tail 130 W. Grand Rivor 'Take-out Service FREE LESSON in complexion law because it is geared toward saving the taxpayer's money as 22 Solicit East Lansing •Meeting Room* and care. MERLE NORMAN well as preserving due process. 24. Salute 351-6010 405 Chorry t Kalamazoo , Equipment COSMETIC STUDIO. 321- Kelley also agreed that saving the election cost would be a good 25 "Good Ki Phono 417 -4995 365-3463 5543. C-158-25 (41 idea, especially since the general election will be held Nov. 7. 27 Catafalc i riortllioNAii However, he explained the governor has no authority under the r- r- MORNING PRE SCHOOL on state Constitution to fill a legislative vacancy and state law TOBACCONIST REAL ESTATE South Harrison 8:00-11:00. " $25/week. 4/5 year olds, call requires that a special election be held. NOW MAR THIS FROM TIN TOR Marianne, iq 332-00^^58-25(4) ^ NUMB AT TIM STOM WITH TM LIGHTNING FAST stereo, 16 <-V RUoooei 'CtgartUi by: *>h«v«io.tork TV, CB and camera repair. Guaranteed work. WILCOX Bogus reefer has cop itching SberMi-DoaUl-Sohrzin TRADING POST. 4854391. C-12-8-25 (4) DENVER (AP) A Denver "I'm just so thoroughly angry 'Piptt bySavtiuUi - police sergeant says he is at this razzing I can't stand it," 2r ARNiNo *21 Red Door pipe tobacco blendo Find yourself a new car at just taking a bad razzing after the said Sgt. William L. Spickman. a • —I— (i.MraJ hu UnM to* M-IN u tupm to ,Mt the price you'd hoped for. suspected marijuana patch he "I know there was marijuana 35W6I7 Check the many offerings Classified every day! in State News ordered destroyed apparently there. The detective that tested qo The tea Estate Place Phone 349-0430 it doesn't have the smarts to turned out to be a ragweed 332-4269 C^mpbeLLa pbeLLe Sho, VXf: s nagMorn ea9 creng 4663 Ardmort Okzmoi, Mlchigin 48864 FREE NEEDLE check, bring in your record player needle for free check at anytime. Spe¬ Classified Ads Phone 355-B2S5 patch. The sent to patrol officer who was pick the weed wasn't too know marijuana when he sees it." A narcotics detective tested the plant and pronounced that cial prices on new needles. happy either. He ended up it "was definitely not mari¬ MARSHALL MUSIC, East going to the hospital with a To list your business call Lynn 355-8255 Lansing. C-1-8-25 (6) severe allergic reaction. juana." Michigan Stotw News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. August 25, 1978 HAGAR the Horrible IT'S $0 HARD TO SAY AUKEVOIR by Dik Browne SO LET'S JUST SAY hor. d'o«uvr» I POIH'T KrJoW WHY THEY HICRHames WHY Do THEY CALL. ME 'HASAE THE are stupid/ CALL YOU 8:00 . HORRIBLE' 'HALF-PlNT'? FRIDAY Importance 9:00 (6) As The World Turns (23) Dick Cavett (6) Wonder Woman (10) Doys Of Our lives 6:30 (10) Black Sheep (6-12) Phil Donahue (23) Woodcarver's (6) CBS News (11) Coble 11 Film (10) Marcus Welby, M.D. (10) NBC News Classic (23) Sesame Street Workshop 10:00 2:00 (12) ABC News (12) Celebrity Concerts (12) One Life to live (23) Over Easy (23) Washington Week (6) Tic Tac Dough 8:30 7:00 (10) Card Sharks (23) Over Easy 2:30 (6) My Three Sons (23) Live From Wolf Trap (12) Dinah! Form Park (6) Guiding Light (10) Adam-12 (23) Mister Rogers 9:00 10:30 (10) Doctors (12) Partridge Family (23) Bix Biederbecke (23) Off The Record (6) CBS News (6) Price Is Right (10) Hollywood Squares Memorial 7:30 (10) Rockford Files PEANUTS SPONSORED BY: CLEANERS LAUNDRY 3:00 (6) Wild, Wild World of (12) NFL Football (23) Electric Company Animals 10:00 by Schulz 11:00 (10) Another World LET US DO YOUR (12) General Hospital (10) Family Feud (10) Quincy SUMMER ALTERATIONS (10) High Rollers 11:00 (23) la Esquina (12) Mary Tyler Moore 332-3537 (12) Happy Days 3:30 (23) MacNeil/Lehrer (6-10-12) News (23) Villa Alegre (6) All In The Family Report (23) Dick Cavett 11:30 HE"/ MANAGER, YOU Its CALLER "WINNING WHAT ARE THE TEN TYING, LOSING, L0SIN6, (6) love of life (23) Villa Alegre ANP TEN OTHER CHOICES' SHOULD REAP THIS BOOK OTHER CHOICES? LOSING, LOSING, L05ING, (10) Wheel of Fortune 4:00 MSU SHADOWS LOSING. L0SINGL0SING (12) Family Feud (6) New Mickey Mouse Club by Gordon Carleton with this comic! AND LOSING! (23) Liliat, Yoga and You New Pete's! Albert at MAC 11:55 (lO)Munsters SPONSORED BY: under Moon's (6) CBS News (12) Bonanza 12:00 (23) Sesome Street 4:30 (6-12) News (10) America Alive! (6) Doris Day "WHERE IS 1£& THfc (UOMDE* CAT Sa«0& (10) Emergency One! (23) Firing Line 5:00 break"?,) — 12:20 TO HIS SPE.CJAL MCUUTAIAI (6) Almanac (6) Gunsmoke (12) Emergency One! lb UOoRKCftS MS10 PRlSBEfc TRICKS.) 12:30 (6) Seorch For Tomorrow (23) Mister Rogers' FRANK & ERNEST SPONSORED BY: 5:30 (12) Ryan's Hope by Bob Thaves 1:00 (10) Decision '78 -THE CAT-SKILL MCUAJWUS, (23) Electric Company ofcajRse.. t—■——— (10) For Richer, For Poorer 6:00 (6) Young ond the Restless (12) All My Children (6-10-12) News (23) Scene One, Take One (11) A Woman of No YOU'VE: G»T A / VERY, VERY *icfC ADVERTISE f\ etephflnt there IN THIS SPOT Thames 8-15 CALL 353-6400 campus free THE DROPOUTS SPONSORED BY: pizza delivery TRAVELS WITH FARLEY by Post 1040 E. Grand Riven SPONSORED BY: Servic* ■eede'l UtHe Preewey by Phil Frank ftervks Stettee HAVE VOH EVER For one "THING, you TH3USHT £*=--; CAN QPUVToNA but thaJY WHy i^t Single, f We Aoprecia** You'business GETTING \r RdmanTIc inter-A MARRIED, )/ lude EvEfty Yiill I ill Give )ou»i3,oooY but r?iwce abu ' BELLA T1METNE MOOb V* $ 15,CCO' $20,000 ANP R3R THE CAMERA AND/1 CAN'T SELL $ 18,000 I'LL THROW IN ^ H/75 NEOWmviAlJ.' '♦15000?. Am jA. belong TOME. i THE LEN5W ' DROPPED OJCE- t IT'S HARDLY \ ACfiTH- r-s pillow talk SPONSORED BY: furniture Soft and by Johnny Hart I.W/Mall Frandor IVXy pillow fumltur# Beon Bags *19.95 CAMPUS oTc^ TUMBLEWEEDS SPONSORED BY: PIZZA 337-1639 by Tom K. Ryan Dip TOO SAY HECK NO!,., I pour ANYTHING* THAT 6JBH SPEAK To THEM SCKIPW-E SOHePAY ws'U- Ml&hr MAKE 5CRIPW-E SCRlWLE BD-m LOOKBACK them Hate lit)? ON 1HIS ANP ' H6AP HAVeA &O0P . chuckle- , Styling for SPONSORED BY: hhqbss Baia LIBERTY BELL PRESENTS: by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker CROSSWORD aaanaa suss PUZZLE l!®i|a®I|l THE BEACH BOYS SPONSORED BY: 5am can never or whether he Fri. Aug. 25 Grand Haven AREN'T NO. EVERY Camping Available figure out whether SHOULP drive because 29 Beyond asisasa ansnras You guys MORNING he should be driven » hestBTsheriff 32 Supporting bar HHHSna OfflDBS gone to IT'S THE , because he's I Greek letter 33 Gender SUE shsiie] work usame 6 Contuse 34 John or Jane sheriff.... THING U Bis 36 Emanation llliaSnla!n! Yet? 12 Wood sorrel 14 Dipper 40 Perplexes 42 Seat in church Si§si illnal 15 Disengage 44. Kipling hero wsa aaiaBBB 16 Wallaba 45 Baltimore 17 To. in Scotland baseball player DOWN 5 Dill seed 19 Scene 47 Maguey 6 Roundup 20. fork-tailed gull 22 Solicit 49 Alarm 50 Originated 1 Evergreen herb 2 Brotherly love 7 Hatchet 8 Tanks VOUHAVetHC 24. Salute 25 "Good King' 51 Cowboys necessity 3 Senora 4 Wire 9 Lily Maid of Astolat 24-HUNI7RSD- 27 Catafalques 52. Eltete ™ measurement jo Roman DOLIARFLU !! J™ magistrate's Thanks for your support _Hfl aide •a 13 Spreads BEETLE BAILEY look for mors good things to como. — __ 18 Shoemaker's tool by Mort Walker 21 Sunken fence 23 Fetish | ft 26 Append what do you well, that's one | 28 Feminine nami think of the point of view. H~" — 29 Annual horse situation personally, yvv 30 Listener in the i think its 1 mip-east? ; 31. Terminate 32 Tribute SMUfiA!/ -ifi 35 Oteilo. for example 37. Official decree 38 Cleft 39. Catkin 41 Rail 43 Conflicts 46. Fortune 48 Swindle < Friday, August 25, 1978 14 Michigon Stqte News, Eost Lonsing, Michigan Benches built for parks A Lansing organization is sometimes drawbacks to plac Lansing's Potter Park. the Funds for the organization, making it easier for local resi ing public facilities said Holmes, come from its 100 dents to enjoy area parks. Friends of the Rivers, a dues-paying members, who "Anything you put by the range from entrepreneurs to non profit organization commit river kids want to throw in," ted to the upkeep of Grand he said. "But it won't be that factory workers. River, assisted the Lansing Holmes said the organization easy to get these things out." Parks and Recreation Depart is actually a spinoff of a group ment Thursday in constructing Holmes said each bench will formed in Lansing in the '30s two park benches at Moores be fastened with supports dedicated to keeping the Grand Park Dam near the Oldsmobile reaching four feet into the River clean. He added that the Plant in Lansing. ground. goal of the present group is to Dick Holmes, vice president The bench project is only one utilize the river for more com for the organization, said in a series of projects the munity activities. Friends of the Rivers contrib¬ organization has completed this uted about $350 to provide "Hopefully, these benches will enable people to enjoy the materials for bench construe Besides holding a profession¬ river more." he said. "They're tion. The city provided the labor. al canoe race on July 4 at River nice places for people to look Park, the group also sponsored out over the river like when the "We had the money and the the Logan Street a young people's canoe trip last sun sets over city had the time," he said. Holmes said another eight spring from Eaton Rapids to bridge. It's a pretty sight." benches will be constructed by the end of the week to be located in River Park. Tecum seh River Park. Bouchard Park and Francis Park. It's not just The benches. Holmes said, were constructed primarily for a bra, it's you aesthetic reasons. "They're pretty nifty benches." he said. "Currently, It doesn't give you the look there's no place to sit down by and the shape of a bra. It the r u hav' a sit on the gives you the look and the shape of you. The way the seamless cups mold and hold and's you. The way the stretchy Antron* now open: NYLON Lycra' spandex gleams like's you. The way the straps are at¬ tached by soft little loops and no hardware. The way the cut flows low under the arms. The fit and the feel¬ i.-' Cj e isn't anything else but you. It's You by VVarner'sjM 32-36 A.B.C *8M. in almond, and cinnamon. uuomar^ere of Lansmo bottoms University Mall*2nd Lovol Potm Nonh Profrwonol C»nrn 2MM.A.C. Eost lonsing Suit* 107 34011 Sagirww Uosmg. Michigan 40912 Tp 10-5:30 Mon.-Sot. 10-BThurs. Hers and hers alone. II Men's Clothing AMRRICAN TOURItl 5500 DalusoSorlos rii] WWORRRO R1NOS I4K nIK gaM. Iff wssitwsi HMSIMNLW-NN-M 50% OFF LIST omm STORM gandaati » aarHtaga 14K gold MINI SPORT COATS 111 units. 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