y S. Africa's Vorster resigns; cites health By SERGE SCHEMANN tion with the United Nations or the 1920 under a mandate by the old League of Western powers. Nations, since revoked by the United Associated Press Writer Nations. PRETORIA. South Africa (AP) - Prime But he said his government found the Minister John Vorster announced Wednes¬ In Windhoek, the capital of Namibia, the United Nation's proposal for a peace-keep¬ administrator-general of the territory, day he was resigning for health reasons ing force of 7,500 "totally unacceptable" and Justice Marthinus Steyn, said elections for after 12 years as South Africa's unchal¬ was not prepared to accept a year-long a 50-member constitutional assembly would lenged political leader. His departure was transition period. be held Nov. 20-24. likely to trigger a power struggle over who The resulting assembly, Vorster said, will will direct this racially-divided nation. The government "cannot allow this decide the territory's future — including Vorster also announced that South Africa impasse to continue indefinitely," he de¬ the option of accepting the U.N. plan. will go ahead with elections this year clared, and so will proceed with constitut- Only one major Namibian political party, State News Ira Strickstein leading to independence for the disputed ent elections in the disputed territory. the pro-South African Democratic Turn- territory of South-West Africa, also known Namibia, a one-time German colony, has halle Alliance, has insisted on elections by as Namibia. been administered by South Africa since year's end. The 63-year-old leader said at a news conference that he could no longer fulfill the "strenuous duties" of office, but he said he would be available for the largely-ceremo¬ nial job of president. A caucus of Vorster's National Party, dominated by conservative Afrikaners, is to City council approves Registration, meet Sept. 28 in Cape Town to pick a new president and prime minister. again! The new prime minister probably will face a flurry of international censure for the "go it alone" decision on Namibia. changes in traffic code Yaataaawwwwwwnnnnnnnn. Among top contenders to replace Vorster approved in January, 1978, was made Sigh. I gotta get outta here be¬ are the hard-line defense minister, Pieter By JANETHALFMANN fore I pass out. This fall's annual State News Staff Writer effective to Feb. 1,1979. W. Botha; the staunchly-conservative Police may now make arrests at the scene In other action, the council set the trip through the pit was the pits minister of plural relations, or racial affairs, bicycle to be sure. Temperatures in the of an accident in East Lansing if the officer Connie Mulder; Labor Minister Fanie Botha registration fee at $2 for a three-year has reasonable cause to believe a driver was license. The fee had been 50 cents per year. 90s, humidity and feeble fans and Foreign Minister Roelof F. Botha. under the influence of alcohol. made fall term registration The MSU bicycle fee remains at 50 cents The Bothas are not related. The name is The amendment to the city's traffic code, annually. A license from either source will more of an ordeal than a three- common here among Afrikaners, descen¬ dants of the original European settlers. approved by the City Council Tuesday, will permit an owner to operate a bicycle both time yearly chore. These two allow the breath analyzer test to be given to MSU students were among the on campus and in the city, an MSU The potential fight for the top job has led the arrested drivers. City officials hope the thousands of students passing Department of Public Safety spokesperson to warnings in the Afrikaans press to keep procedure will result in better evidence said. through the Men's Intramural party unity at a crucial time in South being obtained, city attorney Dennis E. Building like cattle in a Chicago 1'he council also submitted its recom¬ Africa's history. McGinty said. mendations on the "Long Range Public stockyard on a hot day. For Reading from a prepared statement. The council also extended the morator¬ more frustrating and puzzling ium Transportation Plan" asked for by the Vorster said "the South African govern¬ on paving of side and rear yards in Tri-County Regional Planning Commission. looks turn to page 5. ment does not wish to close doors" to one- and two-family residential districts. further negotiations on the Namibia ques¬ The emergency ordinance which was first An alternative chosen by the council would maintain the current focus on the Last Lansing and Lansing central business districts but also provide rapid service LCC strike possible corridors between the two malls and between the two central business districts. Sunday s ; would also be included i the tri-county plan. over contract dispute Any actual changes in the regional public REQUIREMENT CAUSES DILEMMA transportation system will depend heavily on finances, expecially at the federal level, tripling legal? said Robert A. Owen, Jr., East Is dorm By KYOWEN Lansing State News Staff Writer planning administrator. "All the money we have now is being Members of the Lansing Community College Faculty Association may go on strike this spent," he said. morning, though the LCC Board of Trustees has said it will replace striking faculty members. The regional study does, however, show a Association president Marion Walsh said Wednesday she expects the faculty to go By KIM CRAWFORD would meet the space requirements of the results." favorable relationship between increased State News Staff Writer housing code. Byron Higgins, assistant vice president ahead with the strike, scheduled to begin at 8 a.m. The dispute concerns the development costs and increased ridership, he said. Much for legal affairs, said the attorney general's An opinion issued by Attorney General The officials also said the University of a salary list based on education and experience. of the current overlapping of routes would inclusion of residence halls with "Class B" An association meeting was scheduled for 6:30 a.m. today to inform members of the be eliminated under the proposed system, Frank J. Kelley in July that dormitories fall could, if required, house all over-assigned under the jurisdiction of the State Housing students i » that would meet those dwellings could be questioned because the situation before the strike actually begins. The faculty association, which is represented he said. Code led many students to believe it i code did not expressly address residence by the Michigan Association of Higher Education, voted "overwhelmingly" in favor of a East (continued on page 13) strike earlier this week, Walsh said. Lansing routes are in good shape, the beginning of the end for tripling. The trustees told LCC president Phillip Gannon to inform all faculty members that if Owen said. In fact, the city is operating at Tripling is the assignment of three coordinator, said if the University were they do not report to work, their jobs will be "terminated," she said. most people's goals, he said. An improved students to dormitory rooms designed for ordered to comply with the code, it could regional system would, however, speed up two occupants. accomodate the same number of students "The board is trying to intimidate us," she said. Gannon said Wednesday, "We don't have a strike and I'm not sure we will have a strike." service for East Lansing residents going in or out of the city, he said. But residence halls officials say most of the rooms which currently hold triples by tripling the requirements. meeting space 6U9 keggers He said it is against state law for public employees to strike. "I don't picture them (the "We could, for example, make the Brody Complex a tripled area," Minetti said. "But faculty) breaking the law," he said. If the faculty goes on strike, Gannon said, "we'll take a look at the situation. We may you must remember you would also put a bite dust in have to replace those who do not report to work. "We have collected tuition and taxes and have a responsibility to keep this institution Affirmative action may strain on dining, bathroom and lounge facilities." Triples are distributed around to prevent open. We have no other choice.We can't break the law," he said. Walsh said the major conflict in schedule based on "education and the contract proposals is the development of a salary experience." overcrowding certain facilities, he said. Minetti said most of the 1,200 over approximately assigned rooms would meet the policy switch provost office A salary schedule would set wages according to a faculty member's previous experience. It would also provide for annual rate increases of a set amount. move to State Housing Code's space requirements. Attention was drawn to the size of MSU's By MICHAEL MEGERIAN The current contract has "no such thing," Walsh said, and the board has not presented State News Staff Writer dormitory rooms when Kelley issued the an acceptable alternative. affirmative action affairs. opinion stating that residence Residence hall keggers are a thing of the Gannon said, in terms of money, the schedules are close to faculty demands and he By JOY L. HAENLEIN r past at MSU. cannot understand why the faculty would strike. The board proposal provides, however, State News Staff Writer Harden wUl propose that all academic under the jurisdiction of the State Housing Controversy surrounding a proposal to President Edgar L. Harden will suggest affirmative action matters be referred to Code. for smaller yearly increases. ban kegs in residence halls came to a head No further negotiations are scheduled, Walsh said. that the responsibility of affirmative action assistants in the provost office. This would The opinion did not specifically address in June when the Residence Halls Associa¬ Contract negotiations began in June 1977, and the present contract expired in policies be moved from the Office of Human include questions of violations involving the question of the amount of space per tion alcohol policy review committee de¬ Relations into the lap of the administration MSU faculty and students. occupant a room must have, but said September 1977. at Friday's MSU Board of Trustees meet¬ residence halls come within the code cided to prohibit the sponsors of a party Frank Blatt, president of the MSU chapter of American Association of University All non-academic affirmative action poli¬ from providing alcohol at on- campus par- ing. definition of "Class B" multiple dwellings. Professors, said AAUP supports the LCC faculty. cies would be taken to assistants in the The code states that "no bedroom in any Blatt said his main concern is whether MSU graduate students who have taught classes Harden's advice comes after several MSU executive vice president's office. However, students living in residence Class B dwelling shall be occupied as to at LCC would be called on to teach at LCC if there is a strike. faculty and administrative members met halls will be allowed to consume alcohol in Harden would also like to place provide less than 500 feet cubic air space "I hope (MSU) faculty and students will not serve in any strike-breaking capacity," with the president this summer and their rooms if they have reached the legal Blatt said. assistant in the president's office to help per person occupant, exclusive of bath- expressed the need to re-route authority is, toilet rooms and closets.' drinking age. The new policy will also allow keep him informed of the plan's progress. While this is the plan he will present to Administrators reacted defensively to "bring your own" parties, but students may the board Friday, Harden cautions that the the opinion. President Edgar L. Harden bring alcohol only for their own consump¬ tion. proposal needs more work before it can said University adherence to the code's (continued on page 13) "archaic" provisions" would have "severe (continued on page 12) SOUTH AFRICA FUNDING TO BE DISCUSSED MSU's budget awaits approval The MSU Board of Trustees is expected to approve the hike and continued tripling is expected at the public comment University's proposed $173.6 million 1978-79 budget during the session in the Kellogg Center Lincoln Room at 7:30 p.m. board's first meeting of the term today and Friday. Representatives from the Southern African Liberation Commit¬ The board will also be asked to approve increases in faculty and tee will attend the board meetings and thfe public comments adminstrative salaries. session to speak on the divestiture of U.S. funds in South Africa. The two-day trustee meeting begins at 2:30 p.m. today in the The Land and Physical Facilities Committee meets with the Board Room on the fourth floor of the Administration Building. Board at 8 a.m. Friday, followed by the action session at 10 a.m. The Health Programs and Investment committees are scheduled to meet this afternoon following a short business session. The board is scheduled to consider approval for the WKAR Reaction to the approved $18 Olin Health fee, another tuition radio satellite terminal and proposed parking improvements. 2 Michigon Stole News, Eost loosing, Michigan Thursday, September 21. 1978 Vance presses pact acceptance By ROBERT B. CULLEN will be neighbor to whatever Associated Press Writer Palestinian entity emerges AMMAN, Jordan (AP) - from the talks on the West Secretary of State Cyrus R. Bank of the Jordan River. Vance met with King Hussein The secretary is also sche¬ on Wednesday, opening a diplo¬ duled to meet with three other matic drive aimed at making Rhodesian forces hit guerrilla bases the Camp David accords more Arab leaders — King Khaled and Crown Prince Fahd of palatable to wary Jordan and Saudi Arabia in Riyadh on SALISBURY. Zimbabwe (AP) Rhode¬ forces are presently engaged in self- — Saudi Arabia and keeping hard¬ Thursday and Friday, and Pre¬ sian security forces have struck at black defense operations against ZANLA ter¬ line Syria from derailing the sident Hafez Assad of Syria in guerrilla bases in Mozambique in a new rorist bases in Mozambique. These Damascus on Saturday. agreement. major cross-border raid, Rhodesia's de¬ operations are not aimed at Mozambique Vance met with Hussein Vance said earlier that his fense command announced Wendesday troops or civilians." shortly after arriving here and mission was to explain to the ZANLA the Zimbabwe Notional was understood to have applied "key Arab governments not night. — The announcement soid the targets Liberation Army — is the military wing of strong pressure, telling him represented at Camp David ... the Mugabe organization. that opposition to the plan the contents, purpose and phi¬ were forward bases manned by guerril¬ could damage U.ST-Jordanian losophy of the understandings las from the communist-backed Zim¬ The raid, Rhodesia's sixth acknow¬ relations. reached so they can make babwe African Notional Union of Robert ... ledged major action against guerilla Vance also reportedly told their own decisions on how to Mugabe, one of two insurgent groups bases in neighboring black-ruled coun¬ the Jordanian ruler that it was respond to the invitations to battling the government of Ian Smith. tries, was widely expected following the in his best interest to partici¬ them contained in the basic The brief communique gove no details, Sept. 3 shooting down by guerrillas of a pate in the negotiations called documents." stating simply: "Rhodesian security Rhodesian civilian oirliner. for in the accords, since Jordan The framework for peace in the Middle East was drawn up by Egyptian President Anwar Ex-official: Sadat and Israeli Prime Minis¬ ter Menachem Begin under the sponsorship of President Car¬ FBI efficient ter during a two-week con ference at Camp David. WASHINGTON (AP) - A former FBI official insisted The accord calls for, among Wednesday that the agency did other things, a five-year transi¬ its utmost to learn whether a tion period in the West Bank Prior to the announcement that government forces had turned back a rebel conspiracy was behind Presi and Sinai, leading to full auto¬ up¬ dent John F. Kennedy's assas nomy for the people there who rising in Nicaragua, reports of atrocities in the nation's capital were received sination because that notion are predominantly Palestinian earlier, on Wednesday. "was on everybody's mind." Arabs. Israel has agreed not to Patriotism motivated Park's favors James R. Malley told the establish new settlements dur¬ House Assassinations Commit¬ ing the negotiations and inhabi¬ tee that it was only after a tants are to elect representa¬ REBELS VOW TO FIGHT AGAIN thorough investigation that the tives to participate in the peace WASHINGTON (AP) - Former Korean cash and how he picked up the tab for a FBI joined the Warren Com process. Nicaraguan uprising ends rice dealer Tongsun Park testified Wed¬ party — and for a $500 tea set gift in Left unsettled are the ulti¬ — mission in concluding that Ken¬ nesday he linked favors he did for honor of McFall. nedy's slaying was the work of mate boundaries of Israel, the legislators with how they voted on a lone assassin — Lee Harvey nature of the autonomous military aid and other legislation affect¬ McFall, who as whip held the No. 3 Oswald. Palestinian entity, the future of MANAGUA, Nicaragua (API — The govern¬ retaken by national guard forces Tuesday. ing South Korea. Malley, who was second- Jerusalem and the security ment said Wednesday it has smashed a rebel "We've got it all cleaned up in Esteli," he said. leadership position among House Demo¬ But Park, as he has previously, denied crats, is accused by the committee of ranking official in the FBI's arrangements for Israel. uprising that threatened the 41-year authoritar¬ There were no reliable casualty reports from that he was acting as an agent of the general investigative division In the U.S. view, Jordan ian rule of the Somoza family, but opposition the national guard, which is Nicaragua's army, or failing to report a $3,000 campaign could have a strong influence on sources outside the country said the rebels would Seoul government and said he was at the time of Kennedy's death, from the rebels, who are led by the Sandinista contribution from Park ond of diverting testified as the panel continued the makeup of the Palestinian fight again. National Liberation Front. motivated only by his patriotism and by the $3,000 to his own use. He also is his business interests. scrutinizing the performance of presence on the West Bank if it Carlos Tunnerman, a Nicaraguan lawyer in Nicaraguan Red Cross officials said the toll, accused of acting in a manner unaccept¬ federal agencies in the weeks accepts the invitation to join exile in Costa Rica and mentioned as a possible especially among civilians, was high. In Washing¬ Park told the Senate Ethics Committee able to Congress by accepting the $3,000 the and months after the assassina¬ peace talks. If Hussein coalition president if President Anastasio Somo¬ ton the United States expressed concern over how he gave former House Democratic plus another $1,000 in cash from Park and tion in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963. boycotts, he runs the risk of za leaves office, predicted Somoza would fall reports of atrocities against civilians by national Whip John J. McFall. D-Calif., $4,000 in by accepting the silver tea set. In the nearly 15 years since seeing an independent Palesti¬ before the month ends. guard troops, and urged Somoza, who controls Kennedy's death, numerous nian entity emerge, which could The government said it had cleaned the the national guard, to conduct an investigation. conspiracy theories — but no be antagonistic to the Jorda¬ remaining rebels from Esteli, the last town of The Rev. Ernesto Cardenal, an elderly Roman proof — have been advanced to nian monarchy. any size to remain in rebel hands. Catholic priest who claims Sandinista member¬ Committee defeats tax-cut plan suggest that Oswald acted in Jordan has said it would not "It's all over up there," Maximiliano Kelly, ship, said in San Jose, Costa Rica, that the concert with others. be bound by the agreements Somoza's personal secretary, said of the 11-day guerrillas were not defeated. "I do know it was on every¬ and Saudi Arabia has said the uprising, during which rebels controlled most of "The Sandinista front has not lost. It has had a body's mind — was somebody terms "could not be considered northwestern Nicaragua. great victory. The fact that it could not hold the WASHINGTON (AP) - A Republican defeated, 9-8, when Haskell telephoned else involved?" Malley said of as an acceptable final formula Esteli, a city of about 30,000 on the Pan cities for a long time and had to withdraw does plan requiring automatic yearly tax cuts his vote to the committee. Moynihan thus the conspiracy theories. for peace." American highway north of Managua, was not signify a defeat," he said. to help offset inflation was defeated by could not change the result no matter Democrats in a cliff-hanging vote by the how he voted, since a 9-9 tie also would Senate Finance Committee day. on Wednes¬ have killed the plan. ✓ FREE NEEDLE CHECK Subscription rot* it $20 p«r y*or The fate of the proposal was in doubt The committee, working on its version for more than three hours as other of the $16.3 billion tax cut bill passed by committee members, deadlocked fl-8, the House, rejected on a 9-9 tie a heavy Keep your new records awaited the votes of Sens. Floyd Haskell, tax cut for corporations. And in a D-Colo., and Daniel Patrick Moynihan, surprise, the panel occepted one of sounding new: get your D-N.Y. President Carter's proposals to cut back needle checked today! The "tax-indexing" plan proposed on the "expense-account living" of by Sen. Bob Dole, R-Kan.,eventually was entrepreneurs. Oiipla, Ad..rtl„«9 Come in for a FRII needle check! Normal needle life is Photofrophic 500-1,000 hours of use. By viewing your stylus through our new *2,000 microscope, our trained audio specialists can Officials suspect cholera cases tell you what condition your needle is in. MSI) And if your stylus does need replacing, < ► hove hundreds of replace- ment needles in stock from 'S.9S. BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) - The second and third suspected cases of epidemic sewage of Abbeville recently after officials confirmed that a 44-year-old SUPERVISORS' ASSOCIATION cholera were reported Wednesday in south-central Louisiana. State officials resident of that community had epidemic cholera. He has recovered. GENERAL said they were "very concerned" but did not believe there would be a widespread The latest suspected cases are a MEMBERSHIP MEETING outbreak of the sometimes-fatal disease. 52-year-old Abbeville woman and an "We're not looking for an epidemic or a major outbreak" of the gostro-intestinal adult male in Kaplan. The woman was reported in serious condition Monday, Thursday, September 21, 1978 disease, said Dr. William Cherry, head of the Louisiana health department. but both ore now recovering. The bacteria also was found in raw sewage in H0LDEN HALL, ROOM G8 Cholera bacteria was found in the raw Kaplan on Tuesday. 7:30 P.M. NEGOTIATIONS UPDATE Carter promises tough inflation fight REFRESHMENTS ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) - President "I can tell you today that what we do Carter told a steelworkers convention will be fair. It will not penalize labor or Wednesday that he'll soon announce any other group in our society," he said. stronger anti-inflation measures that will "At the same time, it will be tough. I will require sacrifices, but will be tough and osk for restraint and some sacrifice from fair. all." Carter gave no details of the new Carter, addressing the convention of measures, which would be added to the the AFL-CIO United Steelworkers of voluntary efforts he asked of the public America, received restrained applause last April, and which his advisers now for his remarks on inflation. But he got a concede have been inadequate. whistling, cheering, standing ovation "In the near future, I will announce a when he pledged to make labor law strengthening of our limited arsenal of revision his top legislative priority next weapons against inflation," Carter said. year. PARAMOUNT NEWSCENTER 537 E. Grand River Attorney believes Rowe indicted Open 7 days a week to serve you HAYNEVILLE Ala. (AP) - A grand - tody. jury looking into the 1965 slaying of a civil However, Rowe's attorney, J. Paul rights worker made its report Wednes¬ Lowery of Montgomery, said an assistant day, and a defense attorney said he felt prosecutor, John Taber, had indicated certain former FBI informer Gary Thomas the one-time Ku Klux Klan member would Rowe Jr. was indicted on a murder be indicted for the killing of civil rights charge. volunteer Viola Liuzzo of Detroit. The jury of 17 blacks and one white, After the report was turned over to which also investigated other unrelated Circuit Judge Arthur E. Gamble, Lowery Books ... cases, returned some indictments. But by said, "I wouldn't be here if I didn't feel in law they are kept secret until the defendants have been taken into cus¬ my heart that (he) Rowe had been indicted." The Great Take Along! N-power in Lansing area questionable, board finds board to hold a public hearing prior to firm, said there is a 28 percent long-run cost ByPAULCOX Dtllu Hyde, Al Rhodes, end Merk Vinhovering collect corn silage lor soil research in the fields off State News Staff Writer buying into the Midland plant. The Ingham advantage to the nuclear option over Road Wednesday morning. All three men work in the Soil Science hagado County Board of Commissioners passed a expansion of current coal generation facili¬ Department at MSU. If nuclear energy is to be used to fill the similiar resolution Tuesday. ties. Lansing area's future power needs, many Rhead said he hasn't seen the resolution He said this advantage might be drasti¬ questions have to be answered. That was the consensus of a working but called it "premature" since the Board cally altered if cost figures from Consumers hasn't made a commitment to any energy Power were outdated or inaccurate. meeting of the Lansing Board of Water and Light and a consultant for R.W. Beck and "We don't know the nuts and bolts of the FORCES SERVICES CUTBACK Associates engineering consultants of Midland plant," Mayben said. Columbus, Neb., Tuesday night. See related story page Rhead said if the board begins leaning 23. A report by the firm has recommended toward the nuclear option, the numerous buying 7 percent of the Consumers Power Midland nuclear generation plant, because in the long run, nuclear power will cost less source. He said before a decision is made, a questions will have to be answered. The Beck report recommends a qualified archi¬ tect-engineering firm evaluate the costs and Board tightens budget based on current cost estimates. Along with public hearing will probably be held. feasibility of the Midland plant. the recommendation the study advises a "We are part of the city government," Mayben said nuclear energy is a greater business risk than expanding the board's By SHEILA BEACHUM point to the closing of the Mason Library, Grebner said. more in-depth look into nuclear energy Rhead said. "We have to answer to the State News Staff Writer Commissioners followed the popular trend of stamping down on costs and problems. public." current Erickson coal plant in Delta Cutbacks of some Ingham County service programs will result tax hikes by rejecting a proposed amendment to the tax levy The board is looking to fill future energy The Beck recommendation suggests the township or adding an oil-fired turbine at from a tight-fisted 1979 $19.8 million budget approved by the resolution which would have hiked the rate from 6.65 to 6.68. needs, board chairperson Roland F. Rhead, board be willing to assume "business risks the same site. There are also unknown costs board of commissioners Tuesday. associated with nuclear energy such as While a 4.3 percent increase in total revenues will generate an Commissioners also: said. The board will make a decision by the normally associated with nuclear energy." end of the year to meet added expected The report findings are also based on cost radioactive waste disposal, plant mid-life additional $600,000, rising costs of county government will "chew • approved a resolution authorizing new Comprehensive cleaning and plant disposal. up" additional monies, commissioners said. Employment and Training Act work projects. The projects will be power needs in the early 1980s, he said. figures concerning the Midland plant sup¬ any funded by the federal government for a three-month period; from The Lansing City Council unanimously Nuclear fuel costs are also questionable plied by Consumers Power. The rapid growth of Ingham County expenses in the last few Oct. 1 to Dec. 31, 1978; William R. Mayben, a partner in the Beck since there is worldwide uranium price passed a resolution Monday urging the years can be attributed to cost-of-living increases granted to • approved preliminary plans for the Ingham County Jail fixing, said Marty Bakken, chairperson of county government employees, two new circuit courts and the renovation project. The construction of a new intake and the consumers' group Ratepayers United. recent expiration of several federal grant programs, they said. diagnostic center and corrections facility and day parole units are Mayben said the price fixing wouldn't have "This was the year the money ran out." Commissioner Mark included in the project; Mystery still surrounds an "unreasonable" effect on uranium prices. Mayben also cited problems with power control and future costs by getting power Grebner, D-East Lansing, said. As result, community service programs will be forced to • opposed the proposed involvement of the Lansing Board of Water and Light in the Consumers Power Nuclear a Generating from an outside source. Future costs, both operate on continuously-dwindling pocketbooks. Station in Midland. Commissioners said they anticipated too many disappearance of three with the Midland plant and with transmis¬ sion of the power to Lansing would be controlled by Consumers Power, not the Such programs as the Rape Counsel Center, Drug Education Center, Volunteer Action Center and the Listening Ear are almost to the point where they will "just barely be keeping their doors problems in the venture, such as possible risks to the environment and the public, questionable methods for safely disposing of nuclear wastes and potentially high costs for the project; and board. open," Grebner said. •approved a resolution aimed at limiting appointments to various Grebner predicted "at least one crisis center will close its doors boards, agencies and commissions to six consecutive years or two E. Lansing-area women An advantage of the Midland plant, Mayben said, is that Consumers Power completely in the next 12 months, others will resort to laying consecutive terms, whichever is greater. The County Affairs and would buy back excess power. There is no employees off and provide substantially lower services." Policy Committee proposed the resolution, saying limited terms In addition to the cutbacks, the board is eliminating all monetary would provide incentive for a greater number of citizens to Area law enforcement agencies remain puzzled by the disappearance of three local market for excess power generated locally, awards to the Capitol Area Transportation Authority and signs participate in local government. women last seen in East Lansing this summer. Mayben said. There have been no sound leads in either case of two women who have vanished with barely a trace of evidence, officials said. One other missing woman's body was later discovered by a farmer in a field in Holt. Kristine Rose Stuart, 30, has been missing since Aug. 14. East Lansing police department detectives found a pair of wide-rimmed prescription sunglasses several hundred feet east of Coolidge Road along Fair Oaks Court, and they remain the single clue to her disappearance. Tax limitation proposals contested Apparently ►the last person to see her was a construction worker, Harold Duncan, who spoke with her near the vicinity where the glasses were discovered by detectives. By ANNE MARIE BIONDO proposals," Ferency said. "The Tisch and Court. Duncan has submitted to hypnosis by East Lansing hypnotist, Damon Reinbold, in Headlee State News Staff Writer proposals (will) radically change The Supreme Court granted Headlee's "We are arguing to the federal court that order to remember details. Efforts to get the so-called Tisch and the state constitution and the way we request to intervene and then denied we've been denied due process (of law) b\ Another woman, Wendy Bush, was reported missing the same day police found the Headlee tax limitation amendments off the conduct business in this state." Ferency's complaint against the tax pro¬ the Michigan judiciary because they re¬ body of a Grand Ledge woman. Nov. 7 ballot are still cropping up despite a Ferency has called the Headlee amend¬ fused to listen to our suit." Ferency said. posals. There have been various tips, but so far there is no evidence to suspect foul play or state Supreme Court rejection of a com¬ ment deceitful because he says it will not After He added that the suit was filed with assume that she will not show up, DPS Director Richard Bernitt said. being rejected by the state Sup¬ plaint against the tax amendments last reduce the tax burden on low-and middle- Marita Choquette, a 27-year-old WKAR employee, disappeared June 14 and her reme Court. Ferency, the MEA and the city Judge Noel Fox in Grand Rapids on Sept. 14 week. income families. The limit is set at such a of Detroit filed a suit in Federal District but a hearing date has not been set. badly-decomposed body was discovered June 27 near Holt. high level that only the very wealthy will The Ingham County Sheriff Department has no suspects at this time. Zolton Ferency, MSU professor of crimi¬ benefit, he said. nal justice, and others have taken a The Tisch amendment is faulty because complaint declaring the two proposals unconstitutional to the Wayne County Circuit Court, the state Court of Appeals vital state social services and projects will be cut off, causing the poor to suffer if President of ASMSU property taxes are cut in half, Ferency has said. See related He has also criticized the Headlee 10. story page amendment because it limits state and local spending and taxation unless increased seeks student input and the Federal District Court in Grand levels are directly approved by voters. Rapids. The suits are still pending, Ferency "In that fashion, the tax limitation said. By R. W. ROBINSON people decided to run from Hubbard then proposal denies to state and local legislative State News Staff Writer that's the board," he explained. Initially, Ferency filed a complaint bodies the power to legislate tax laws and Jones pointed out that there are other After a summer of participating in a against the tax proposals with the Michigan appropriations," he said. elements of the constitution with which he Supreme Court. The complaint was denied In order for the Headlee amendment to London study program, ASMSU Student by a unanimous decision on Sept. 11. Board President Dan Jones' main concern does not agree. For example, he said it does legally limit state taxation and spending, surrounds student reaction and input to not clearly define the role of representa¬ Following the State Supreme Court's the "total impact" of the limits must be MSU student government. tives leaving it up to them to establish. rejection, Ferency was joined by the spelled out in the amendment itself, Jones also discussed why he thinks Michigan Education Association and the Ferency said. While Jones was in London Patricia students voted down the spring term city of Detroit in his efforts to remove the "The Headlee proposal fails to advise the Wilcox sat in as acting president. Because referendum to pay the student board proposals from the ballot. voters of the implications of (it) and is, the student board did not have meetings If approved in November, the Tisch president and representatives and how the therefore, defective," he said. during the summer, very little ASMSU amendment would slash property taxes in budget of ASMSU was affected by Kent Immediately after Ferency filed his first business was conducted. half, much like California's controversial Barry, former student board president. complaint with the state Supreme Court, However, Wilcox did have to deal this "Barry has told us that he will reimburse Proposition 13. The Headlee amendment Richard Headlee, author of the amendment, summer with a group questioning campus us for any personal expenditures he made," would limit state spending and taxation to hired a Lansing lawyer and filed a petition residents on the effectiveness of ASMSU. Jones said. the current rate of inflation unless increases with the court to intervene in the suit. An on-campus student organization The former student board president used are approved by voters. which is promising to reform student "We started these lawsuits because we Corbin Davis, deputy clerk of the court, ASMSU funds to buy a few meals at Kellog are convinced that the people of Michigan said Headlee moved to interact in the case government gradually has been circulating Center and some other items not mentioned do not know the implication of these before the court denied Ferency's com- questionnaires asking students to rate by Jones which Barry said he would pay for. ASMSU's effectiveness and representation concerning student issues. Students could have voted down the Jones had no comment to make about the referendum because of the lack of positive group or the merit of the questionnaire. He publicity Barry received during the issue of Search team cuts field did, however, point out that Henry Sosa, president of the organization, is planning to the pay referendum, Jones added. "They (students) were not educated on run for student board president this spring. the proposal," Jones reasoned. Jones also has a plan to measure the of presidential nominees effectiveness of student government by continuing to rotate the location of the MSU is the only institution in the Big Ten that does not pay their student government student board meetings each Tuesday. representatives, Jones said. He also went The first two meetings of the year will be on to say that he had to find an additional, The quest for MSU'a 18th president continued this week as the 17-member Presidential Search and Selection Committee met behind closed, locked doors to separate "possible" held in 4 Student Services Bldg. The other paying job to meet his financial obligations. nominees from "probable" nominees. meetings will rotate between Hubbard, The committee's task: to find a suitable person to fill the presidency, which was Case, and Brody halls. vacated by Clifton R. Wharton Jr., now State University of New York president, and is "This way each complex will host some being held on an interim basis by President Edgar L. Harden. meetings," Jones said, "and all four loca¬ Correction Holed up in a third-floor Linton Hall conference room, the committee has been tions are accessible to most students on In the Welcome Week edition of the State whittling away at the 117 proposed nominations, dissecting each candidate's campus." qualifications and tossing aside those considered unqualified. Another topic discussed by Jones was the News, a DEC rape counselor was quoted as The ideal candidate for president would be committed to MSU's land-grant philosophy ASMSU constitution proposed by former saying the Listening Ear crisis center does and must represent the University in education, culture, athletic programs and public not fail any of its rape counseling trainees. student board president Mike Lenz, which service. A spokesperson for the Listening Ear would restructure the board. Lenz's consti¬ Robert Barker, chairperson of the committee, said they have been working steadily tution is ambiguous and leaves loopholes for said the center does not accept any trainees throughout the summer to reduce the number of nominations. bureaucratic games, Jones said. who have not met proper requirements. Bob Brewer pute t stake in the manhole so his co-workers know how deep "We have still continued to receive nominations as recently as last week," Barker said, The business hours of the Listening Ear "and we intend to process each one." "Take, for instance, the part of having six were incorrectly reported. The Ear, 547 E. to pour the cement. The hole, which is located in front of the Physics The committee has until Dec. 1 to submit a list of at least five nominees to the MSU campus student representatives on the Astronomy Building, will eventually be storm Grand River Ave., is open from 8 a.m. to 8 sewer. Board of Trustees for consideration, and according to Barker, the committee plans to board. Lenz does not indicate where these p.m. daily. meet the deadline. six people should come from, so if the six ©[pOlnfen) There is no way to justify triples retirement homes, etc. Because outweigh the potential alienation satisfy both concerns. Tripling students in a dormitory universities are not enumerated in — especially to those 1,000 new room is wrong. Even if a state freshmen who will be experiencing For instance, many students the 1917 law is beside the point, court overturns Attorney General the surprise of three bunkbeds in a find out they don't really like the where, under that particular law, Frank Kelley's interpretation of a freedom of off-campus living and and "B" is the only logical cate¬ room designed for two? 1917 Michigan housing code — as would rather move back into a the University expects will happen gory. dormitory. The extremely inflexi¬ it is still wrong. Even if the Despite the tardiness and poor — If the courts wouldn't satisfy the ble dormitory contract makes this timing of Kelley's opinion — he Michigan Legislature were to University, then their next move was asked to make a decision next to impossible. Many people — modernize the law to take into could be to exert a little influence almost two years ago — the ruling students, professors, administra¬ account improved ventilation sys¬ on legislatores in an attempt to does bring to the surface a tors — bemoan the decline of tems and decide that people need modernize the housing code. May¬ condition the University has never academic excellence, citing poor only 200 feet of cubic air space — it be improved ventilation should be conceded as being a problem. Even student/teacher ratios as one is still wrong. Even if it makes taken into account. Maybe a law reason. It is only a start, but 1,000 if they do term it a problem in a sound economic sense to plan for should address itself to the pecu¬ students could be refused admis¬ semantic sense, their actions tripling and even if tripling takes liarities of a university instead of speak otherwise. The fact that sion for the 1979-80 school year care of itself in a term or two without a denial of our land-grant ignoring them as the law presently administrators plan for tripling anyway — it is still wrong. does. Maybe humans don't need philosophy. And speaking of ar¬ during the fall to ensure full 500 cubic feet of air space (we did dormitories in the spring tells chaic, what kind of rule is it that We are wholeheartedly sympa¬ survive the tripling experience). students the University has sound mandates 18-year-old adults will thetic to the University's conten¬ economic principles, but it also live in a dormitory during their tion that Kelly's opinion was But all the maybes and mights re-affirms freshmen year? The point is: there totally beside the point. suspicions of the Uni¬ poorly timed and thus places an are are alternatives. But they can only versity being impersonal to stu¬ unfair onus on MSU. But in no way Tripling students in a dormitory is dent needs and desires. be considered alternatives when does that justify the University's wrong. Should the University find the University finally concedes continued use of tripling in its itself in a court suit actually What is frustrating is that the that, indeed tripling is wrong. budgetary plans. The University defending tripling, it will find that University seems to have made a conscious trade-off between eco¬ The above editorial was correct in terming some what little credibility administra¬ re¬ was nomic realities and tripling com¬ printedfrom the July ISth issue of provisions of the 1917 law "archa¬ tors now enjoy would be reduced the State News because of its ic" and it was also right in refusing even further in the student mind. plaints without really examining how they could be flexible and current relevancy. to make any changes for the Do the economies of tripling really 1978-79 school year based on Attorney General Kelley's opinion of the law. But again, that does not justify tripling. Mideast peace is closer, but not assured The historical significance of time a peace agreement exists returned to their pre-1967 owners can become more than separate foreign relations and domestic Obviously, the only place to a decide whose interpretation of the the 13-day summit just ended at between an Arab state and Israel. under the agreement. Israeli peace if other Arab nations can troubles like the fate of the law is correct — Kelly's or MSU's Camp David cannot be overem¬ It is a giant step. troops will be withdrawn and the recognize their roles. economy and America's long- — is in the Michigan courts. If it phasized. It is not a total peace The leaders of both Mideast areas will be established under Carter has already solicited the range energy plans. should ever make it that far we agreement; many holes remain. nations will continue to draw self-government. support of the other nations. Jordan's King Hussein and Saudi The summit could also blow up would guess that a court would But it is far more than just an criticism from their neighbors and The fate of Palestinians in these decide the attorney general had agreement to agree later. domestic political opponents. lands is indeed a "painful human Arabia's King Khalid have agreed in Carter's face. Prior to its read it correctly. There really is no The framework assented to by Sadat has been attacked for question," as President Carter to receive Secretary of State ending, almost anything could other place to catagorize a univer¬ and Prime Minister Menachem abandoning the unified war efforts remarked. The framework allows Cyrus Vance to hear the contents have happened and the public sity except in a class "B" environ¬ Begin of Israel are unprecedented of the Arab states — for recogniz¬ Palestinian participation including of the agreements. If they accept would never have known the ment along with jails, hospitals, in Mideast relations. For the first ing the right of Israel to exist in the Palestine Liberation Organi¬ the agreement and cooperate, it difference. But now that an an¬ the Mideast. zation, in the disposal of the lands will move away from a separate nouncement of impending peace The conservative Begin has and the relocation of settlers. peace. But peace must exist, and a and a formal treaty has been forfeited much more land than The PLO has denied the right of partial peace is better than a made, the entire world is praying even he would have expected last the state of Israel to exist. To unified war effort. for success. The year. Fellow conservatives oppose them, there is no compromise. The summit stands now as a The chances for failure are not state News the forfeit of The East Bank and Reports even indicate that they political coup for Carter. As is slim. There are many negative the Gaza Strip lands won in the talked of killing Sadat for the usual in presidential popularity, a variables, including Israel's parlia¬ Thursday, September 21, 1978 1967 war. And Jewish settlers in recognition given Israel. But the successful foreign relations feat ment, the Knesset, which must Editorials ai ' the opinions of the State News. Viewpoints, columns will increase his numbers in the these territories believe owner¬ right of the Palestinians to exist is vote on the future of settlements; and letters c e personal opinions. ship cannot be bargained for. as strong as the right of the state polls at a time when it is most the other Arab nations, who put EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT The agreements reached at of Israel. needed. It reversed the down¬ pressure on Sadat and Egypt; and James L Smith Photo Editor Kothy Kilbury Camp David set outlines for Many Arab states are con¬ ward momentum Carter had. the citizens of countries and Anne Stoort Entertainment & Book Edit r Dave DiMartino future action and define some cerned that the Israeli-Egyptian In the end, though, this summit territories involved. Kim Shonohon Sports Editor Mike Klocke City Editor Nom/o tupo Layout Editor Scott Wierengo relationships that will exist. Dip¬ agreement constitutes a peace alone cannot spell victory in 1980 Compos Editor Michelle Chambers Freelance Editor Deborah Heywood lomatic relations will begin bet- separate from the affairs of other for Carter. Like Nixon's China and A giant first step has been Wire Editor Paula Mohr Chief Copy Editor Kenneth E Parker tween the two nations. The secu¬ Mideast nations. As it stands, it Soviet Union breakthroughs, it taken, but every step of the Staff Representative Nancy Rogier Advertising Dnportmnnt rity of each nation is also guaran¬ probably is a "separate peace." will be remembered. But it will journey will be more crucial than Advertising Manager Bob Shaffer Assistant Advertising Manager Gmo Spaniolo teed. The agreement is binding only for not save an administration with the one taken before. It won't The disputed lands will be the two countries involved. But it bad marks in other areas of come easy. 10 percent of my time. VIEWPOINT: IRAN I find it unlikely that I will become so seriously ill as to require medical care during this time (I never have before in the The Shah continues to forge two years I've attended MSU). I'm far more likely to have some illness or other calamity befall me during the other 90 per cent of my time when I'll be off-campus, in which case I Jones establishes his 6democracy9 with blood will go to my family doctor, who is an excellent physician, and who is furthermore El completely familiar with my medical his¬ By The ORGANIZATION of IRANIAN MOSLEM STUDENTS people's deep awareness of the regime's barbarian and criminal ASMSU priorities tory, as no one at Olin can be. act. To quell the people's uprisings in Abadan the Shah's troops I'm sure that many other commuters "Army gunfire sliced through a crowd of several thousand moved into the city and imposed martial law. share my concern in this matter. Would it anti-government demonstrators here Friday, fust hours after Welcome, or welcome back to MSU. martial law was imposed to crush the growing civil revolt .... Imposition of martial law and other related repressive measures After reading the Welcome Week issue of be possible, perhaps not this term, but at Tanks and armored cars rambled through the capital's streets. clearly shows extreme political desperation of the Shah's the State News, you probably got the least for winter term, to make the $18 fee U.S.-backed regime at the sake of the rising militant Islamic Troops fired tear gas and then guns into the crowds that gathered m impression that I am gay, gay, gay! Period. optional. Then if an emergency should arise, movement in Iran. Adoption of such measures at this moment squares and bazaars shouting, "Death to the Shah!" — AP & UPI Wrong! I am a person, and I head your in which a person who has not paid the fee when the regime has embarked on an extensive propaganda The fascist regime of the Shah declared martial law in Tehran and student government. That is where I have must receive care at Olin, this person could campaign about "political liberalization" and "democracy," and 11 other cities (Qom, Tabriz, Isfahan, Mashad, Shiraz, Ahvaz, simultaneous intensification of the Islamic popular struggle, point my priorities. My office does not deal with gay rights; it deals with issues concerning What happens if be charged for the individual service rendered. Abadan, Kazeroun, Karaj, Ghazvin and Jahrom) on Friday, Sept. to the shaky positon of the Shah's hated regime. 8, for six months, following a series of huge anti-regime students. What I did before being elected In the midst of the continuous massacre of Iranian people by the I'm willing to take the chance that such demonstrations by Moslems all over Iran on Thursday, Sept. 7. fascist Shah's regime, and at the time that the regime is president should not cloud my presidency. Jimmy Carter has not forced a diet of we stay healthy? services to myself would run far under the Dusk-to-dawn curfews have also been imposed in all these threatened by the Islamic movement, Cater telephoned the Shah 12 cities. In addition, all gatherings of more than two persons have peanuts on America, has he? I am working nearly $80 per year I'm now obliged to pay from Camp David on Sunday, Sept. 10 in support of the Shah, and in the now, not the As a commuter student, 1 strongly Olin (and which I can hardly afford), and I'm been banned. Different reports from Tehran indicate that more expressed "hope that the violence will soon end, and reaffirms the past. Get involved with ASMSU. Contact us protest being obliged to pay an $18 fee for a sure others are, too. than 2,000 people were killed at the Friday demonstrations. importance of Iran's 'continued alliance with the West.' " with your input. Call 355-8266, to see what service I will almost certainly never use, These repressive measures come in the wake of huge Noting that the "importance" of Iran to the West is its vast student government is all about. that being Olin Health Center. This term I'll Stacy A. Mosher anti-regime demonstrations across Iran; which indicate the obvious natural resources, oil, and its strategic position, Carter "hoping" Dan Jones, President be taking 10 credit hours of classes, which 4297 Morrice Road political desperation of the regime in facing the militant challenge of that the violence will soon end means nothing short of giving his full ASMSU Student Board will have me on campus for between 6 and Webberville the revolutionary Islamic movement. Before martial law was support to the Shah's continued massacre of Iranian people. The declared, militant demonstration of 300,000 people in Mashad and only way that the economic interests of the West can be protected 180,000 in Shiraz were reported to have taken place. In Tehran, is to suppress the popular Islamic movement and keep the Shah's according to Kayhan — a semi-official daily newspaper — 1,000,000 puppet regime in power. This shows the real intention of such people marched through the streets shouting, "Down with the propaganda as "human rights" by the U.S. government. Carter's DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau Shah," "Long live Khomeini." demogogical "human rights" campaign is nothing but a treacherous These massive popular demonstrations are the continuation of plot geared toward cloaking the U.S. imperialistic policies and imrmve tauam. the nationwide resistance sweeping across Iran since the Shah cheating the people all over the world, American people included. ..ANOFyouiim xwuav.mBH, ffUAH.airi appointed a new premier on Aug. 27, 1978. The change of the The Iranian people are well aware of such an age-old deceitful plan TOHCfRUimt mnnau cabinet, which was supposed to stem the ever-strengthening and categorically condemn it. vmnmsm kw much of j wow smut nm n-xm widespread wave of nationwide anti-regime protest marches and Since the impostion of martial law, the heroic people of Iran mnitmrs maem meamim a swim rallies by Moslems, backfired. These meaningless changes not only -too mono mitAiem. have continued to demonstrate their steadfast opposition to the did not crush the movement; they served to aggravate the Shah's regime. In return, the fascist Shah has implemented situation against the regime. Carter's concern for "human rights" by killing Iranian people. "Legalization" of the political parties, scrapping of the so-called monarchical calendar imposed by the Shah two years ago for the Each day more Iranian people are killed by the U.S. equipped Islamic calendar (Solar Higry), "relaxation" of the press army of the Shah. censorship, "closing" of the gambling houses and casinos We ask all of the freedom-loving and democratic-minded people throughout Iran, and several other miniscule demogologic moves to join us on our Friday, Sept. 22, march from the International by the Shah's regime, came only eight days after the regime Center to the Capitol and raise their voices against the Shah's treacherously set a movie theater ablaze in Abadan and blamed it tyrannical regime and the U.S. support for it. We ask all the on "Moslem extremists". Eight days of continuous citywide progressive elements and forces to oppose and condemn the brutal anti-regime demonstrations by the Abadani people showed the regime of the Shah and the U.S. deep involvement in Iran. Students fight , crowds He said he believes there is room for improvement within the registration process but Temperatures soared both inside and out of the intramural (IM) buildings this week as said the emphasis this year was placed on making the present program run smoothly. students battled long lines and congested hallways in desperate attempts to prepare their fall term schedules. King stressed the importance of students enrolling on their assigned day as one method of cutting down the usual congestion. Perspiring faces told an unspoken story as their owners struggled with schedule "This year students abided closly to the schedule," he remarked. booklets and class cards, enveloped by tremendous heat. The registrar suggested that if students only pre-enrolled in classes they have given Lowell E. Levi, University controller, said "freshman have less of a problem" compared serious thought to, many problems could be resolved. to most other students because of their summer orientation program, where concerted He added that the University could help by responding better to the student's class efforts are made to enroll them in classes of their choice. demand. For the rest of the students, registration proceeded as usual without any major King said he would like to see MSU start a program where students satisfied with their breakthroughs which would shorten the process. schedule would be able to make fee payments by mail. But, for the present, students will have to put up with registration just the way it is Approximately 44,000 students registered at MSU this year, explained Registrar and hope for improvement. Horace C. King. Photon by Deborah ,/. llorin Story by Cathy Raftrey 2 Ie submission to C*V ALL KINDS * Thursday, September 21, 1978 ] 2 Michigon State News, East Lansing, Michigan Fire under investigation Engineers and insurance con station's antennae, caught fire Wilson said. 'Bring your own' now the residence hall rule when it malfunctioned. The University has since (continued from page 1) questions, including the ruling. the law as it is written." campus by persons 21 or sultants continue to investigate installed radio trans¬ Kathryn Stepanovich, definition of the sale of The state used to grant A Michigan state statute older. The University re¬ the origin of the WKAR radio The device had been rebuilt a new area director for Red Cedar alcoholic beverages and the 24-hour licenses to residence of the Liquor Control Act vised its policy in 1972 when and television transmitter sta and installed back in the station mitter in a temporary building adjacent to the structure in complex, which includes consumption of those bev¬ halls for the sale of alcohol, stipulates that a license may the age of majority was tion fire. The fire, which gutted prior to the fire. Wilson said. but discontinued the practic not be issued for the sale of lowered to 18. "There is suspicion that it Okemos on Dobie Road. Snyder Phillips, Mason erages on state owned land. the building, caused an esti¬ Abbot and Shaw halls, co- Under Michigan law, the in 1975 when the legality alcohol on state-owned land, mated $1.5 million worth of might have been the cause The radio station resumed chaired the committee with sale of alcohol includes which includes MSU, state Ken Smith, ASMSU at¬ ex was questioned. because it was just put in," he broadcasting Sept. 13 and damage when the radio equip¬ Paul Oliaro, head of Resi change, barter or giving Stepanovich said the com¬ fairgrounds, armories, air torney, said university at¬ ment was destroyed. said. WKAR TV has set a Oct. 20 dence Hall Program Office's away liquor — a common mittee attempted to come up bases and naval installations torneys wanted a more "The fire most likely began in The other probable cause of target date for beginning pro¬ alcohol education program. with a policy conforming to owned or leased by the stringent ruling than the one practice at many residence a place other than the main FM the fire might be a damper graming. Bob Page. WKAR-TV Stepanovich said the com¬ hall parties. Because of the state law. state. drawn up by the committee, motor immediately above the manager, said. but their transmitter, the backup radio mittee, composed of resident legal question of sale, prior "There is no law that says The board of trustees proposal was re¬ transmitter or the UHF trans¬ "dummy load" box in the attic assistants, head advisers collection of money for the you cannot consume alcohol passed an ordinance in 1971, jected by Vice President for mitter for WKARTV." chief where the fire started. and RHA representatives, in a residence hall," she said. however, permitting the Student Affairs Eldon Non- purchase of alcohol was also engineer of the television sta¬ Wilson said the fire started hours before it was first noticed Hearing slated dealt with a number of outlawed in the committee's "But we have to interpret consumption of alcohol on namaker. tion, Ray Wilson said. by ar. engineer after the televi¬ A public hearing will be held The Department of Public sion station and the "Radio to review the proposed Citizen Safety fire engineer. Carl Eige naher said two possibilities are Talking Book" went off the air Participation Plan and the per¬ about 3:30 p.m. Aug. 21. formance of the Community being investigated. One theory is that a "dummy "Our monitors would have Development Program at 7:30 load." a device which absorbs shown our power deficiencies if tonight in the 54-B district it was in the 'dummy load'." courtroom. 301 M.A.C. Ave. extra energy to protect the IN CRISIS Registration now open for 78-79 classes Early Childhood Development 0 Motor Program (M.S.U. Dept. of Health, Phys. Ed. ft Rec.) -For children ages 2S-5 — Schedule coincides w/ MSU calendar promotes development of fundamental motor skills, MARTIN MULL dramatic Oct 2 use of movement. Classes For further info, call begin week of Support The Striking Faculty and I'm looking forward Beverly Ulrich. 353-3864. to mooting youl Please Do Not Help Break The Strike Want a truly By Accepting Employment At LCC IJNIQUE Sponsored by MSU Faculty Associates It--—— home where Strength through faculty unity for an even better MSU CHRISTIAN SCIENCE is lived and loved? west ASHER HOUSE (>20 Abbott ltd. > block* \. of cuinpiiK £ WRANGLER'MENSWEAR designs the best fitting disco slack in Cone Best-of-Both" denim.This soft, brushed denim of cotton and Dacron* polyester keeps its neat good looks longer. In velvet blue with no side seams for waist sizes 28 to 38, S,M,L,XL inseam. From Wrangler Wrapid Transit" at your favorite campus store. denim fi i •Du Pom reoKttreo trademark Cone makes fabrics pepple liye in. »' Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 21, 1978 13 Harden to propose affirmative action policy Controversy (continued from page 1) president for student affairs and services. the State News learned at the time. firing was defeated at an MSU Board of Trustees meeting in replacement be someone with a strong background and proven over tripling continues become reality. He said he late June, but the board asked "The question of whether One of Pollock's greatest skills in civil rights and a close, would like to see a program (continued from page 1) affirmative action should be concerns while in office was her Harden at that time to review trusting relationship with the lawsuit against the University to stop begin in October. the affirmative action policy. halls. located in human relations had role as MSU's coordinator of University president. tripling. been questioned all along," she Title IX, a cornerstone of Pollock has since filed com¬ She expressed some dismay Lyle Thorburn, assistant vice president for "This will give us a chance to housing and food services, said the opinion affirmative action. plaints with the departments of over a plan, which would re¬ Plans for the suit were dropped after the look at areas where affirmative said, "but the Mary Pollock could trigger residence halls rate increases. affair prompted an extra-spe¬ Title IX, a provision of the Civil Rights, Health, Education, quire affirmative action policies University changed regulations to allow action is not working as well cial look at it." Department of Health, Educa¬ and Welfare, and I.abor to try to go through the provost's But soon after the sophomores to live off-campus. and ask why," Harden said. opinion was released, tion, and Welfare, calls for and appeal the decision of the office before it gets to the Harden said student housing plans for the fall Pollock, ex-director of wo¬ ASMSU raised the question of the legality The president said he felt the men's programs, was fired June equal opportunity for men and University. president. Pollock said she feels would not be changed. "line" concept of handling affir¬ women in all federally-funded "I will accept re-instatenlent too much vital Though some of tripling again in 1977 when student leaders 13 information may individuals complained that by Perrin. He explained the with back pay," she said, "but I miss the University asked state legislators from the local area to mative action affairs — through educational programs, includ¬ president's desk. position the issue ignored the opinion, it firing in a statement as "the on seek the attorney general's colleges to deans to assistants ing sports. must have a reorganized, work¬ "We must treat Title IX as now appears MSU could opinion. judgment of her supervisors able structure behind me." come into line with in the specific offices — will that her conduct of the office of "I wanted change," Pollock any other management pro¬ the code if necessary. ASMSU Student Board President Dan help affirmative action. women's programs was not said, but added she got a Currently, the Office of Wo¬ blem in the University." she Jones said he currently has a reputation for desiring change men's Programs has neither a said. project Under current practice, affir¬ producing the kind of effective underway to address the over-assigned room "too fast and too soon. MSU is director nor a coordinator for "We must alert people, tell mative action policies are under dialogue and response from the situation but declined to give details. not yet willing to break with compliance to Title IX. them life may be a bit uneom the auspices of Robert Perrin, campus community that lasting old-style relations." "Affirmative action will be fortable for a while, and go on." progress requires." vice president for University After her ouster, Pollock under a different department," and federal relations, who di¬ He had also told Pollock, received support Perrin said. "We won't look into from several rects the Office of Human women's organizations to have however, that one of the major a replacement until that is Relations. reasons for her dismissal was her re-instated as director. settled." While power over affirmative that "we're not getting along," A move to investigate her Pollock suggested that her A WARM action policies may be taken out of the Office of Human Rela¬ tions, none of its personnel Unbelievable Savings FLOOR FOR were asked to attend the sum¬ CALCULATORS & STEREOS State News mer meetings with Harden, Perrin said. Calculators YOUR FEET! Newsline CARPET REMNANTS Consultants at the meetings included representatives of se¬ 355-8252 Turns Instruments mwu-ngr.c in an array of colors. veral minorities, including blacks and women, said Kath- Padded backing, also! erine E. White, assistant vice Give your feet a treat at a reasonable price! OLD CAE Featuring: Premium Highest pressure UlIMM hot wax . Above prices include A/C Adaptor-Charger extra tor 110/220V Adaptor A Carrying Caae. SI2 96 All above calculators have lull one year factory warranty. LANSING FLOOR CENTER Strongest Enclose payment in full with order, or remit $20 with order, balance Phone 394-4600 Corner of Aurelius S Jolly 5157 Aurelius hot water COD. detergent Shipping charges Add S3 00 tor calculators and 4% ot price tor receivers and 5% tor speakers. FAST DELIVERY GUARANTEED only with M O. 01 GRAND RIVER AND NORTHWIND DR. sonal checks will delay the order until it clears NEXTTOROLLERWORLD Receivers Speakers [campus j PIZZA Go i 50* OFF any size pizza (Wed. - Sun.) This week at Greens we welcome you west free STEREO WAREHOUSE 337-1639 delivery 110 NEW ALLEY, STATE COLLEGE, PA. 16801 back with a bash! We 're serving free Coke and Sprite, having drawings for $10 gift certificates, and showing off ACTION AUTOMOTIVE IRAND NAME AUTO PARTS, DISCOUNT PRICES, AND PARTS PEOPLE WHO KNOW PARTS the best fashion items you'll need for campus. Y . "Make it easy on yourself" Even the I ACTION Big Ten can't compare to 0 ACTION COUPON COUPON^ rACTION COUPON^1 these Big Ten fashion savings... SHELL f MIDLAND 40 CHANNEL en Damn I STRENGTH FULL Permanent All Season I 5 I #1 Item WOOL Perfect (or Campus CORDUROY ANTI-FREEZE | BLAZERS PANTS $39 $12 Reg. 60 Reg 18 to 20 WARM BLANKET PLAID MULTIPURPOSE JACKETS WITH 2 PIECE DRESSES IACTION COUPON^ ACTION COUPON I HOODS $22 $20 WILMAR chamwon] Reg 28 Reg 36 _ ... TIRE GAUGE SPARKPLUGS s, 69- LIGHT w"^.^ (| \ & 09* GREAT FOR A MUST BASIC COWL 89' tH" 11 \ INTERVIEWS WOOL SKIRT SUITS NECK SWEATER Ad prices expire Wednesday, September 21,1978. ACTION COUPON k MACtK $77 $8 dpACTION COUPON^ ^ACTION COUPONI Reg 100 Reg 12 WALLFRIN III 1S QUARTZ/IODINE | | 1 PIZAZZ DI7ATZ iAKsriifeiiJ FOR WORK OR FOOTBALL SATURDAY EVENINGS SUPER FOR CLASS SPECTACULAR 4 PIECE J lST£L« SWEATER KNIT JUMPERS GABERDINE COATS SUITS $16 $16 $45 Reg 25 ACTION AUTOMOTIVE Reg 25 Reg 62 An item (or any occasion. SHIRTS AND VESTS EAST LANSING Shop till 9 tonight $9 Reg 15 to 20 OPEN 7 DAYS . . . NIGHTS & SUNDAYS ACROSS FROM THE STUDENT UNION Thursday, September 21, 1976 ] 4 Michigon Stotu News, Eost Lonsing, Michigon Homeless students have options ART SUPPLIES Alto: Stained glass, weaving, Some tips to remember when he said. "I've been too selective. woodcarving, calligraphy but all the information and listing service in the area," By NANCY ROGIER Svoren said. It includes infor¬ using off-campus housing office: But if this place (the office) silk screening.'tupplies and classes. SUte New. SUff Writer equipment is there-listings for mation on co-ops, Greek living, it will not provide recommenda¬ wasn't here, I'd be real bad off." Finding a place to live at the apartments, rooms and houses: for East Lansing, Lan transportation, and local tions for living units. Nor will it One senior has been looking last minute can be a dismaying maps keeping his any art supply 10% schools for students with child¬ help conduct a student's search for a week, but is sing, and Okemos; telephones experience. For students who left MSU to check openings and an up-to- ren, he added. by long-distance telephone. chin up. OFF purchase with date bulletin board with the Although listings for this fall But it will mail out listings, "By Friday I'll have a place," this ad. last spring without finding a he said, adding that the housing most recent listings. have decreased from last year, and, if students ask, will offer place for fall, or because of Donald Svoren, assistant di¬ the number of students search¬ legal advice and referrals if a office has definitely helped. other unforeseen circumstances don't have a place to live, the rector, said it takes about two ing for places has not. place is unsatisfactory due to • Checking bulletin boards in Delphi Art Supply days for the average person to Svoren said 1,185 students landlord problems. apartment houses, around cam¬ beginning of school looks bleak. Students using the office are and in Grand River Ave¬ 2224 E. Michigan Av*. However, temporarily-home- find a place. For some, he said, came through the office bet¬ pus. maintaining hopeful attitudes, stores. 5 blks. W. of Frandor less MSU students do have it takes an hour, for others five ween Monday and Tuesday. nue Last Week 1,275 students came Svoren said. • Newspaper listings in local 332-4597 some options. For those who days. have nowhere to go except to a To avoid a long search, in looking for rentals. One student who said he has papers. Local papers will carry students should decide exactly Svoren said he won't know been looking since Monday has advertisements for rooms and friend's couch, cancel roaming what type of housing they need until the end of September if not had any luck but appeared apartments well into the term. the streets in search of "for first. Then the housing office the figures will be higher than unruffled. It is advisable to check every rent" signs and instead try: • The Off-Campus Student can suppy them with available last fall's. "I'm a pretty untypical case," day. TONIGHT Housing Office, 109 Student listings for you to look into. Services Bldg.lt won't do the legwork for homeless students, Svoren said. "We have probably the best WHEN THAT KARATE DEMO See members of the Michigan State University Karate Club demonstrate karate as a martial art, sport, and self-defense. Come GREAT GERMAN to the Sports Arena of the Men's Intramural building tonight at 7:00. CAR NEEDS PARTS... TiOOpm Sports Arena Free Classes for beginning, intermediate and advanced students begin <*> F. M.h*./ Lot* MiWU) Fl. |V7| 415' We carry a full line of VW Porsche and Audi Parts and we are the Tuesday, September 26 at 7:00 pm. closest supplier to campus. Part* Department nfpCCKMAN Components. TVs, Opaa Saturday |[™23 235 S HOMER "U^WTCMCTIVE, PARTI INC. WE ALSO SERVICE asmsu fop entertainment presents South of Frandor i. Typewriters. Bicycles. Amps. PAs. for the PH 332-5025 HOURS M-F 8-5" SAT-9-3 VW, PORSCHE AND AUDI CARS r to the Professional duns. Jewelry. Plus specialists s Visit Our Centers Sample the Cosmos And See For Yourself <&.* Why We Mike The Difference Lightning Fast Repair Call Days, E»es & Weekends Service on TV*. Stereo. 919 E. Grand Rivur CB. Guitars and Amps. E.Lansing, Mi. 48823 Jult ^ ot at ardai ABRAMS PLANETARIUM Cameras. All repairs (517)332-2539 guaranteed. CALL TOLL FREE 800-223-1782 . LIEBERMANN'S MARTIN MULL call 355 4672 FREW, SEPTEMBER 29 Great bags for books at the MSU AUDITORIUM and other things BOO . . . TICKETS " reserved seating EB6DD & 7.DD available at nj-ncL-v-v cc ncmonc ini WhEREHOUSE RECORDS IGI CAMPUS CORNERS II SOUNDS □ O VERSIONS MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY TELEVISION DON'T MISS IIS! Because of a serious fire at the WKAR-TV transmitter August 21 YOUR PUBLIC TELEVISION STATION IS TEMPORARILY OFF THE AIR Ideal for school They're roomy and rugged . . . made of sturdy canvas with handles and reinforce¬ WE'LL BE BACK Pro-Bowl ments of strong webbing. Each has pockets for small things. And so tan, brown or navy three outside agreeable priced. In Pro-Bowl Pro-Bowl OPEN Pro-Bowl OCTOBER 20 Pro-Bowl Pro-Bowl when the installation of transmitter BOWLING our new • ZIP TOP TOTE 14.95 (13"xl4"x5") is complete • TOP HANDLE TOTE 13.95 Every night of the week WITH ALL THE FINE PROGRAMMING (19" xl 4") at one of the Pro Bowls YOU'VE COME TO EXPECT FROM East West YOUR PUBLIC TELEVISION STATION 2757 E.Grand River 2122 North Logan (across from Gable's) Lansing Ph. 337-1709 Ph. 321-7522 In the meantime,Lansing and East Lansing cable channel 13 is carrying all of NOW forming leagues for MSU WKAR-TV's regular programming. DOWNTOWN 107 S. faculty, students and juniors at - Washington EAST LANSING - 209 E. Grand River PRO BOWL EAST. JOIN NOW! Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 21. 1978 15 But sport parachuting Join One Off Our is not foolish derring- do. When approached under the competent Leagues How instructors and jump- John Ford's masters. it is a safe, exciting sport. And • Bowling Club (Mon. & Thurs.) thanks to recent ad¬ vances in equipment design and technique, STAGECOACH • IM. Dorm (Tues. &Wed.) skydiving is growing mighty fast. Go ahead . . learn A 1939 western classic • Fraternity (Tuesday) to fly this weekend at your drop friendly zone, the Para local starring John Wayne, with one of the greatest western chase scenes ever • University Apts. (Tuesday) Center in Charlotte. filmed • Men's & Women's Bowling Team Thurs. 8:00 109 Anthony Fri. 7:30 9:30 109 Anthony Tryouts Instructors and jump- Only $1.50-NoRHA Passes Charlotte WPr masters licensed by the United States Parachute .—. • Open Bowling Rates 6(T&75C Association. ,, , ravaHJemer * - • USPA Basic Safety Rules (60 until 5:30 p.m. everyday) and FAA Regulations fol¬ Skydiving lowed Camilla This Wnknd • Automatic openers on MSU Sport Parachute students • Student classes 10:30 a.m. Sat., Sun., and Holidays. Sat. 7:309:30 For Information Call 355-3357 Club Weekdays by appointment. • Call Collect: 109 Anthony call 517 543-6731 (517)543-6731. Charlotte. Sun. 8:00 L«wr«r Laval union Any time, night or day. Union Parlors 1A 372-9127. or 372-9127 Union lldg. i v Thursday. September 21, 1978 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Major Studio Sneak Preview Tomorrow at 9:00 P.M. Of A New Comedy Hro L-HHMBBBLjiE ~~] I JKLj ! ©197# Rat* mount (Sours-* Corporation. AB Rights Rftwvtd SNEAK PREVIEW TOMORROW AT 9:00 P.M. MICHIGAN THEATRE BRGABWAY THEATRE SERIES T8-T9 Take a stroll down the Great White Way with any four of Broadway's OFF CAMPUS STUDENTS. FACULTY AND STAFF may classic musicals and variety shows for as little as $ 19.50 - less than $5.00 per show! purchose either individual admission ticket (or Save over 15% over single ticket prices by Subscribing Now! $1.50 or term pass (or S3.00 good (or all RHA films Fall Term 1978. You must present valid Uni- CHOOSE ANY FOUR versify ID to purchase term pass and also to enter ^ RHA films. Term passes are available at all RHA ^ fi|m$ as well as RHA's office, 323 Student Services vA. weekdays from l-4p.m. ir ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★* Seldom has a hard-core flick tried to PORNO do so much. 'TAKE OFF' IS THE BEST SO F AR. '' TONIOHT iimATrri rvnni TAKE OFF aims to Bruce Williamson. playboy si ploas© both th© 111 Bool films proudly proionta tho pomo film of this yoor and The THEIDIZ Super Soul Musical hard core fans and the crossover Z. ok*.* th.*'Id' "Wonderful Wizard of Oz" crowd that desires flesh with finesse, ^ X"'£>*hTET.dn WINNER OF 7 TONY AWARDS Thursday, October 19 Friday, October 27 There are pleasures to be enjoyed by if " ,o,oI|y «p|ici'' ob.oiut.iy "If the original version of The Wizard Combining the sorcery of yesterday with the enchantment of today Harry Blackstone. Jr.. both audiences. THE WHOLE WHITES of Oz was apple pie. then this new version is sweet potato pie and just as delicious. wraps it all up in a spectacular theatrical production with singers, dancers, actors and The choreography by George Faison is PROJECT SHOWS IMAGINATION ZJT& ZZXZtZT right on. brilliant " WNBC-TV live animals. Great family entertainment. AT WORK." independent film journal end thots not just our opinion. THE 'Easily the most beautifully photo¬ "If Paramount Pictures were to maki graphed adult feature ever made. an adult film, 'TAKE OFF' would be Monday, November 20 'TAKE OFF' may be looked upon as it." - Gloria Leonard. HIGH SOCIETY MAG An all-new revival of one of the world's a MILESTONE, breaking new best loved musicals by Rogers & Hammerstein. It's colorful, it's luxurious, ground for X-Rated films and it's '' 'TAKE OFF' is the kind of flick that superior quality will change the way it's heartwarming and alive. we'll rate adult films from now on could give porn a good name." knavemao. Stars Sally Ann Howes as Maria IT MUST BE SEEN ' 'Wade Nichols gives one DA TEA Y of the most charismatic ■ W and accomplished per Tee ml be It te see this romances ever to grace. extra ordinary pornographic a porno opus." film. To ovoid legal actfaa all people cowing te tee this Hlw weat furnish proof of ego. 'TAKE OFF' tran scends the boundaries ^between adult films and solid cinema enter- tainment."-R Allen Leider. elite mao SONDHEIM youAARMJ A Dazzling Musical Entertainment TOO 5H0RTTD BOX ""TAKE OFF* is the Starring Hermlone Gingold film we've all been waiting for." fl Tuesday, January 16 A celebration of the music and lyrics of withjod I -Steve Kraus. M Tuesday, April 3 MIDNIGHT BLUE dflI Stephen Sondheim, Broadway s best lyric writer of our time, the most adventurous composer of A soaring celebration in song with music musicals as well as a considerable musical and lyrics by Alex Bradford and Micki Grant. dramatist. Includes selections from A Funny This is a gospel show thai re-tells a part of the Christ story from Palm Sunday through Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. the Passion in the Garden There is a sense of Company. Gypsy. West Side Story, A Little Night Music and many others. affirmation There is humor and exhortation. BASED ON AN IDEA BY OSCAR WILDE WADE NICHOLS All in the University Auditorium at 8:15 p.m. Scries tickets on sale NOW at the Union Ticket Office LESLIE B0VEE al MSU, 8:15-4:30 p.m., weekdays. GE0RGINA SPELVIN Public: $35.00, 28.50,19.50 MSU Sludei 50% discount on series tickets. _ ANNETTE HAVEN cSSSsiolS'l'IWOWIOBt SiPfttNTS HIH0RT Broadway theatre at its best, Holy Woodawn Presented by the NO TONIGHT >> «mund Weston « D. Prtce Lecture-Concert Series. cnwww Joaa Fernandez wtimes 7:00 8:45 10:30 Admission 2.50 students iou. Rohen Sumner ivploce 104 B Wells 3.50 non-students RATIO X ..Armand Weston Michigon Stote News, Eo$t Loosing, Michigon Thursday, September 21, 1970 17 starlTte US 27 WEST Of WAVERLY P0R nil OF YOUR CYCLIR0 REEDS! Bicycles,Components, Accessories li Service Best VbluesSWklest Selection //K«vln\V Featuring Centurion & Motobecane / fTkCarthy V as President Harry S. Truman I He is the choreographer of America. for .. Ailey has an enviable gift making people happy." People's Choice, March 11 Velocipede in "A dazzling and stylish conception of American culture... superb in "Glvtram Hell all aspects of dance, lighting, costuming and staging." Peddler "I salute Alvin The State News, 2/28/77 Ailcy who wisely has chosen to expose us to exciting 541E Grand River 351-7240 new dance." The Lansing Star, 4/3/77 EOCATED BEIOVV PARAMOUNT NEWS • ACROSS f ROM BERRY HAH "A unique blend of modern dance with beautiful choreography, imaginative lighting and costumes, and dances that tell a meaningful story." WMSN Radio, 2/25/77 ITSJ A new comedy bvfler from the creoiors of "Sihnr Stieakr "Performing their specialities before wild weekend crowds will allow the Ailcy Dancers to shine away any tarnish on their great reputation when they return - WHERE? WHEN?"Michigan Free Press, 3/77 11 GoldieHauin 5th triumphant engagement at MSU: ChevyChase ALVINAILEY AMERICAN DANCETHEATER 20th Anniversary Season WED., SEPT. 27 at 8:15 P.M. (Lively Arts & Choice Series) THURS., SEPT. 28 at 8:15 P.M. (Choice Series) Single tickets on sale NOW at the Union Ticket Office 8:15-4:30 p.m., weekdays. For ticket availability and Mon Fri: 7*9:15 program information, phone 355-3361. Sot: 1:15,3:20, 5:30, 7:40,9:45 Sun: 3:20. 5:30,7:40,9:45 PUBLIC: 58.50, 7.50,6.00 HALF-PRICE for ALL STUDENTS in the Greater Lansing area. "Get out and get to "Give 'Em Hell, Harry." he cracks the case two unforgettable hours of Harry S. WEILS/M0N5 Truman giving hell to everybody... Blistering, courageous, funny and right-on!" THE CHEAP -Gene Shalit, NBC Today Program DETECTIVE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3 at 8:15 P.M. in the University Auditorium Lively Arts Series Event. Single ticket on sale NOW at the' Union Starring Ticket Office, 8:15-4:30 p.m., weekdays. Peter Folk PUBLIC: $7.50, 6.50, 5.00. Dom Deluise Ann Margret and mony more piue.. "Bobby Deerfield" TODAY, TOMORROW OR NEVER LAST TWO DAYS TO BUY PAC BARGAIN BOOKS SEE THESE GREAT PLAYS MUCH ADO CEREMONIES IN ABOUT NOTHING DARK OLD MEN DEATH WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE APRIL 17-21 OCTOBER 10-14 OF A SALESMAN ARTHUR MILLER THE PRIME OF THE THREE¬ FEBRUARY 13-17 MISS JEAN BRODIE PENNY OPERA JAY PRESSON ALLEN & BERTOLT BRECHT & MURIEL SPARK KURT WEILL NOVEMBER 7-11 MAY 15-19 5 FOR THE PRICE OF 4 ON SALE AT THE FAIRCHILD BOX OFFICE ONLY 12 NOON-5 PM OR CALL: 355-0148 Thursday, September 21, 1978 18 Michigon StoteNewyEosUons^ elcomes <7^ i. Michigan Avanua — Lansing Above Bancroft Flowers Tom and Karolyn Lippert 417-4455 STUMNT DISCOUNT! which is hard to beat '3** OFF tit haircut with coupon on any field Our low rates include: Gas. Insurance. Mileage. Dolly. Furniture Pads, and My Labor. An in-t-erdenominajional -fellowship decJarmq OFFER EXPIRES OCTOIER , call 372-8265 Jesus Chrisf fe 4his generafion. TONIGHT 7pm 336 UNION BLD WELCOME BACK SALE! When you saw *6 on my Artcarved ralege ring! don't have Choose Siladium or Gold the time... You don't have to come inside to enjoy Wendy 's Hot 'n Juicy Hamburgers Just drive up—order up- pick up—and then, wipe up. because our Why you should buy your ring now! You save $15 on eilher your 10K gold or Siladium ring instead of the 5% you get Limited offer expires September 22,1978 hamburgers are really from other ring companies. This is the first time any ring company has offered $15 Hot 'n Juicy off on every ring. Now is the time to save $15 on the ring that expresses your pride in M.S.U.. your personal sense of achievement in Just cut out the Refund Certificate and bring it with youi college, and your memories of these meaningful four years. f savings certificate ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ^ Men's traditional and fashion rings AJPi with this refund _ save^MD^fi- ArtCarved has the most outstanding collection of traditional and fashion rings. Each ring is custom-made to your own taste. Women's fashion rings There are eleven styles from which to choose. Any of our rings will hold beautiful memories of some of the most important years of your life. Each has your college Valid on any ring In the ArtCarved Collection (even Gold!). Chooae and graduation date on it. from a wide variety ol traditional, modern, or fashion ringe, cus¬ tomized in your own, Individual teste. Here s how to get youi S15 00 ietund by mail, alter purchase 1 This coupon must accompany your order seethe /IRK7IRVED representative \COLLEGE RINGS 2 Limit one refund per purchase Purchaser pays any sales taxes 9/18/7810 9/22/78 cate This certificate must be mailed, along with prool of fult payment to ArtCarved 3 Olfer valid only on rinqs ordered Irom wilhm 60 days alter you receive your ring Refund void alter this period Allow lour ir ArtCarved represen- weeks lor r« Trowbridge Road Sept. 18 to 22 Sept. 20 to 22 An ArtCarved representative will be available: Just North of Harrison M.S.U. BOOKSTORE STUDENT BOOKSTORE 9/18-9/22/78 M.S.U. BOOKSTORE 9/20-9/22/78 STUDENT BOOKSTORE International Center Also Lansing: Saginaw at Waverly Upper level International Center Upper Level 421 E. Grand River 9-4 p.m. S. Cedar at 1-96 9-4pm r I OFFER EXPtRESiorTEMMR 22,1971 1978 Michigan Stat* N«w», toil laming, Michigan Thursday, September 21, 1978 21 MEN'S INTRAMURALS members on a team. Disco Holler skating, sponsored by the Women's IM Depart¬ There will be an officials meeting for touch football Thursday, The deadline for entry is the same as above for residence hall ment, will be held on three Thrusdays during fall term, Oct. 5, Sept. 21 in 206 Men's IM Bldg. at 6 p.m. bowling, which will be held Monday through Thursday every Nov. 2 and Dec. 7. All three will begin at 10 p.m. and run to Touch football team managers must attend or have a week, depending on the number of entries. midnight in the Upper Gym at the Women's IM Building. The deadline for entry for team paddlebal! is noon, Friday Oct. CO-REC INTRAMURALS representative at one of the meetings scheduled for their Dates set for IM respective leagues. The meeting dates are the only time entries will be accepted. The meetings for residence hall, fraternity and 6. This will be in a tournament format with four-person teams — two singles and two doubles players. A mandatory meeting for team representatives for co-rec touch football, a new sport this fall, will be held Monday, Sept. 26. in 137 independant teams are Sept. 25-27 in the Men's IM Sports Arena Among the other events scheduled for fall term are the Turkey Women's IM Bldg. at 7 p.m. at 6 p.m. There will be a limit on the number of teams and the cost Trot cross country race, team badmitton, and a singles tennis Team representative meeting for co-rec volleyball will be tournament. Monday, Sept. 25, in 137 Women's IM Bldg. at 7 p.m. per team is $15. Play begins Oct. 1 and there will be preseason scrimmages. The officials clinic for co-rec touch football will be Thursday, meetings for There is a managers meeting for independant soccer on Wednesday, Sept. 25 in 215 Men's IM Bldg. at 7 p.m. Soccer teams may have to play on weekends because of construction on the east A team WOMEN'S INTRAMURALS representative meeting for women's volleyball will be held Tuesday, Sept. 26 in 137 Women's IM Bldg. at 6 p.m. Sept. 28. in 137 Women's IM Bldg. at 7:30 p.m. The officials clinic for co-rec volleyball will be Thursday, Sept. 28. in 137 Women's IM Bldg. at 6 p.m. IM fields. A team representatives meeting for women's touch football will The entry deadline for six-member volleyball team is noon on be held Tuesday, Sept. 26 in 137 Women's IM Bldg. at 7 p.m. IM BUILDING HOURS fall sports Team entry deadlines for touch football and volleyball for Men's IM Building Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 9 Friday, Sept. 29. The cost is $15. The play will be on Wednesdays many and Mondays if needed. Deadline for entry for fraternity bowling league is noon, Friday, women are Thursday, Sept. 28, at noon in 121 Women's IM Bldg. An officials clinic for women's volleyball will be held Thursday, p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and Sunday, noon to 6 p.m. Women's IM Building Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to Sept. 29. The bowling is done on Tuesday nights and there are five Sept. 28, in 137 Women's IM Bldg. at 7:30 p.m. 10 p.m.; Saturday, noon to 8 p.m.; and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. State News Newsline 355-8252 EVERYTHING YOU NEVER EXPECTED FROM AN APPLIANCE STORE. HIGHLAND OPENS STORE NO. 18 IN KALAMAZOO AND CELEBRATES CHAINWIDE AIKJI mean* ma, utoy. harmony, 1 SALE ENDS WED. SEPT. 27~j IDC> i$ rionr Our Low Grand Opening Prices On Audio Gear Are Really Grand, 1* personal grouAh Visit your Highland Audio Room. Discover the many reasons why thousands make Highland their headquarters for audio components. The vast selection of brand names: Pioneer. Marantz, Sansui, Technics, Philips. Teac, Altec. BSR and others. The DEtoNsmTjow money-saving discount prices on everything. Our famous low price guarantee which says: Buy it here with confidence. If you see a lower price on the same item anywhere within 30-days we'll refund the difference, plus 10% of the difference. And. you get service from our own service department. It's all very grand! Sunday,Sept. PIONEER SE-205 HEADPHONES Comtortable padded earcups and head¬ band. Dynamic type. 8 2' connection cord. - Regular $15.88. PIONEER SX-680 30-WATT RECEIVER PIONEER SX-550 20-WATT RECEIVER o°dP Power output 30 watts per channel, min. ,11 30 ak: pcO COmPUTER Power output 20 watU per channel, min. RMS. 8 ohma. from 20-20.000 hertz with no more than 0.3% total harmonic distortion. REGULAR $176 SAVE $51 RMS. 8 ohms, from 20-20.000 hertz with no more than 0.1% total harmonic distortion. REGULAR $228 SAVE $45 PIONEER PL-112D TURNTABLE 4-pole synchronous motor. Cueing device. 4 MAXELL TAPES IN CASE , LABORATORY Anti-skate and lateral balancer. Base and hinged dust cover Included. Save! Buy 4 Maxell 90-mln. Jo° low-noise cassette REGULAR $77 SAVE $16 °0o 3 o 0° o blanks and get free o =o see-through storage >0° 6?° OOv ~0 *61 = 0°0 ;°oo?- FALL SHORT COURSES O SANSUI G5000 45-WATT RECEIVER Power output 45 watts per channel, min. PIONEER SX-1250160 WATT RECEIVER Power output 160 watts per channel, mir The Computer Laboratory will offer a series of RMS, 8 ohms, from 20-20.000 hertz with n more than 0.1% total harmonic distortion. non-credit short courses in computing during Fall Term. Registration must be made by September REGULAR $349.88 SAVE $70.88 REGULAR $527 SAVE $128 29, 1978 in the User Information Center, 313 Computer Center. A $2 fee covering materials is $ charged for each short course. Computer time is not included in the basic fee, but is available for an additional cost at the student's option. Asterisks PHILIPS GA312 BELT-DRIVE (*) next to course numbers indicate courses that Servo-speed control. Pitch controls. Tone- arm lift. Viscous damped cueing. Electronic have prerequisites; for more information, call touch controls. Base and hinged dust cover. 353-1800. REGULAR $139.88 SAVE 42.88 Introduction to Computing (100) For persons with little or no computing experience. Sec. 1: October 2. 3. 4.5.6 3-5 p.m Sec II: October 7-9 p.m PIONEER HPM-40 3-WAY SPEAKERS Introduction to the MSU 6500 (101*) For persons with experience at another computing facility. October 2. Handles up to 40 watts. 10-Inch woofer plus tweeter and super-weeter. Walnut-grain vinyl 3.4.5 3-5 p.m. finish with handsome grille. GRADER (115) REGULAR $97 SAVE $28 A program to relieve faculty members of much of the clerical work in combining scores and assigning grades. October 11 3-5 p.m. Basic SPSS (155*) Introduction to the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. October 17. 19. 24. 26 3-5 p.m. Sec. II: October 17, 19. 24. p.m. Sec. I: 26 7-9 *=41 SANKY0 STD-1650 DOLBY CASSETTE Excellent recording capabilities. Front-load access. Twin VU-meters. Digital tape ter. Tape selector switch. Level controls. Introduction to Interactive Usage (175*) REGULAR $98 SAVE $21 Introduction to the use of the interactive computing facility at MSU. Sec. I: October 3-5 p.m. Sec. 11: October 9,11,16,18 7- language. November 1. 2 7-9 SANSUI, BSR AND WALD PACKAGED Advuiced SPSS (255*) FOR A TOP-VALUE SOUND SYSTEM! Instruction in the use of advanced features of SPSS. October 31, November2. 7,9 3-5 p.m. Samul 1010 AM/FM, FM-$tereo receiver with high-price features of big-power equip¬ ment at an unbelievable price! Also included are the BSR 2260BX record changer with Introduction to Magnetic Tapes (310*) base, cover and cartridge plus two Wald 38R 3-way speakers with 8-inch woofers. A General use of magnetic tapes for information storage and retrieval. October 23.25.27 3-5 p.m, high-performance package at a low discount price ... only at Highland Sound Shops! REGULAR $266.64 SAVE $98.64 FREE SEffllNARS PIONEER RT-701 REEL-TO-REEL TECHNICS SR4500A SPEAKERS Rack-mount 7" capacity. Direct-drive sys¬ Two-way linear phase system features 10- tem. Pitch control. AC servo motor. Solenoid inch low-frequency driver and 2-3/8-Inch $168 A series of free seminars will be offered this Fall. controls. Can be stacked or racked. cone tweeter. 75-watt. Woodgrain finish. No registration is necessary. REGULAR $138 SAVE $30 REGULAR $397 SAVE $102 UPDATE A product to maintain program and data files on a permanent storage medium.October3 3-5p.m. 402CC. Si *ioe.. HAL and User Libraries A mechanism for creating and maintaining libraries of sub¬ 5744 S. PENNSYLVANIA programs, programs and data files. October 10 3-5 p.m. 402 CC. How to Read a Dump Using a batch dump, loader map and FORTRAN reference map to JUST NORTH OF 1-96 FREEWAY locate errors. October 17 3-5 p.m. 402CC. Databases Bask concepts of data base management systems and organizations. October24 3-5 p.m. 402 CC. Hewlett-Packard 2000 The structures of files on the H-P 2000, text editing capabilities, and the Remote Job Entry facility. November 21 3-5 p.m. 501 CC. OPEN DAILY 10 TO 9 • SUNDAY 12 NOON TO 6 • INSTANT CREDIT • FREE SERVICE. DELIVERY IN OUR SERVICE AREA Thursday, September 21, 1978 22 Michigan Stote News, Eost Lansing, Michigan maxell HIT Shepard's UD NORMAL BIAS 90 MINUTE Shoes I BLANK CASSETTE only... £* 50 f EAC Super Shoe HI-LEVEL BIAS 90 MINUTE BLANK CASSETTE only... tO 50 EACH UD mn maxell Giveaway Come in NOW to register NO LIMIT the maxell for Daily Drawings Thursday, Sept. 21st One pair, of Famolare Shoes of your choice FREE to winner. 8-TRACK FREE PACK The box is beautiful... w/4 LN 90 MINUTE 8-TRACK CARTRIDGES Plus: 3nd Gary Gammoge, a representative of toe f hare Shoe Co. will be on fflBB 99 hand giving owoy Famolare Frist.--1 . ,vlnle they last. He'll answer any WITH EVERY FOUR HT-90 $11 questions you might hove on Famolare's unusual sole design. Famolare is the "Shape of Fashion for Foil.'' 8-TRACK CARTRIDGES FREE T-Shirts with the purchase YOU BUY. Quantities are limited of any pair of Famolare Shoes. Month'Js'. 220 MAC in the University Mall Sept. 22nd CORNER OF CEDAR 8 MILLER RD. 6046 S. CEDAR Ph: 394-4745 Sunt2to7 East Lansing 332-3525 Fridag,of Bore Two Poir Trop women's Shoes to be given owoy to drowing winners Stuff it. Plus: George miller from Bore Trap Shoes will b entire fall line of Bore Traps. Hell aiv< a few styles thot even Shepards doesn't you ore hord to fit. " introducing the ice to _an select from the be invaluable if Saturday, Sept. 23rd The Grand Prize Drawing The winner will receive his or her choice of ony shoe or boot Shepord's hos in their greot selection. Open every night till 9:00 PITI Rent,. Registration Week your own refrigerator... Drawings will be held at 8:45 PITI just pennies a day. Register Todag Nothing to Bug CONTACT: Sheoard's O Compact yet spacious 0 Same day free delivery and BETWEEN 10 AM-7 PM CALL pick up O University Approved 394-2151 AFTER 7 P.M. CALL: 0 Inexpensive 393-9313 only «3»" per academic year plus tax, insurance, and '5°° deposit (deposit refunded at pick up) miniAkool . 317 E.Grand River 332-2815 j Michlgon Stole News, Eost Loosing, Michigan Thursday, September 21, 1978 23 Area group aids opposition to n-power purchase Buying into the Midland plant has been with nuclear energy. nuclear fuel costs and unknown radioactive By PAULCOX State News Staff Writer recommended to the board by an indepen¬ "Buying into the Midland plant would waste disposal cost, would become the Another Lansing area group - Bate dent engineering study conducted by R.W. create jobs in Midland and not Lansing — Board's responsibility and would lead to Beck and Associates. and we need jobs in Lansing," Bakken said. payers United — has joined in opposition to higher utility rates, Bakken said. the Lansing Board of Water and Light's The Beck report supports the Midland Signs in the picket cited a more than 500 Environmental hazards connected with proposed purchase of nuclear energy. purchase for economic reasons but also percent increased cost so far in building the nuclear energy also make the Midland plant About 30 sign-carrying, slogan-shouting cautions about possible risks associated Midland plant. This along with unknown undesirabe, Bakken said. pickets protested the board's proposal to buy 7 percent of Consumers Power's Midland nuclear generation plant. The protest took place in front of the board's 123 W. Ottawa St. office in Lansing Monday. Poll shows Milliken in the lead; Marty Bakken, Ratepayers United chair¬ person, and an Ingham County Energy Commissioner, said the group is a coalition of area labor leaders, consumer advocates, environmentalists and civic leaders. senate contest still in dead heat The purpose of the demonstration was to draw more attention to the board's up In Attorney general Republican Stephen By KIMGAZELLA August, Griffin had the lead with 46 — coming decision, Bakken said. State News Staff Writer percent of the "likely voters" to 42 percent C. Bransdorfer will try to unseat Democra¬ Concerns about the purchase include the for Levin, with 12 percent remaining tic incumbent Frank J. Kelley. Michigan voters favor Gov. William G. need for a healthy environment, keeping Milliken in this fall's election race against undecided. Michigan Senate, 24th District - Demo¬ utility costs down and keeping jobs in the Democrat William Fitzgerald, but U.S. Among all voters called in September, 44 crat and East Lansing City Councilmember Lansing area, Bakken said. Senate candidates are running in a dead percent are for Levin while 43 percent are He said he is particularly concerned Larry Owen will run against Ingham heat toward the Nov. 7 election. for Griffin. Undecided were 13 percent. because the Board has indicated the County Commissioner William Sederburg. The Detroit News has released these Griffin was the same in August with 43 decision will be made without a public Michigan House of Representatives — results as part of The Michigan Poll, which percent of "all voters" called, while Levin 57th District; Republican Richard L. Covert hearing. is conducted by Market Opinion Research of had 39 percent. Undecided were 18 percent. will be facing incumbent David C. Hollister; Zolton Ferency, associate professor of Detroit for WJBK TV-2 and The Detroit No polls are being conducted for any 58th District: Ingham County Board of criminal justice, who participated in the News. other political races but Market Opinion Commissioners chairperson Deborah Sta- demonstration, said he is concerned with Research will be polling the gubernatorial The poll is based on 600 statewide benow will face Republican William Dewey; the "fateful decisions" being made by the and U.S. Senate races three more times telephone interviews with registered vo¬ 59th District: Democrat H. Lynn Jondahl board without "democratic input." He said ters. "Likely voters" in the survey are those before the election. will have his House seat challenged by he is also interested in the total issue, who indicate they vote in all or almost all including economic and environmental Candidates for other races are as follows: Republican James A. Pocock. elections while "all voters" are all people U.S. House of Representatives — Demo¬ questions. called. MSU Board of Trustees — Republicans "The board is running roughshod over cratic incumbent Bob Carr will face Repub¬ A Sept. 8 to 11 poll showed Milliken with Mary Sharp, former East Lansing City the people by refusing them the right to lican Mike Conlin. a 12-point lead, having 48 percent over councilmember, and Paul Godola are run¬ participate in this decision, which will Fitzgerald's 36 percent among "likely Secretary of state — GOP candidate state ning for two openings on the Board against directly affect them," Ferency said. voters." Sixteen percent are undecided. Rep. Mel Larsen, R-Pontiac, will face Carole Lick and Barbara J. Sawyer on the The board will decide on a new energy This differs only slightly from an Aug. 17 Democratic incumbent Richard H. Austin. Democratic ticket. source to meet future needs by the end of to 20 canvas where Milliken had 47 percent the year, Earl Brush, the board's general to Fitzgerald's 35 percent among "likely manager, said. voters." The undecided voters made up 18 State News/Ira Strickjtein Buying into the Midland plant which is Pickets gathered Monday in front of the Lansing Board of Water and under construction, current energy source, and expanding the the Erickson coal percent. Among all voters called, the September MSU employee, grad, Light to protest the board's recent proposal to buy a percentage of nucle¬ poll showed an 11 percentage-point lead for ar power generated by a Consumers Power plant. The power plant is generation plant in Delta Township, are the Milliken. compared to a seven-point lead in board's most likely options, he said. under construction near Midland. August. The September "all voter" poll gave Milliken 47 percent; Fitzgerald, 36 percent; author dies at age 53 and undecided, 17 percent. In August, John K. Trocke, 53, MSU Cooperative Extension Service district marketing agent and Honors College taking requests Milliken had 44 percent; percent; and undecided 19 percent among the "all voters." Fitzgerald, 37 MSU graduate, died Sept. 2 in Ann Services for Trocke, who received Arbor. his bachelor of science degree in 1949 and master's The U. S. Senate race has shown a degree in 1960 from MSU. were held Sept. 7 at the Muehlig Funeral Chapel in Ann Arbor. ethnic minorities into the turnabout since August, with voters giving Trocke, who also holds two law degrees from Blackstone School of Law in Illinois, Applications are being accepted at the Honors College in bring qualified persons from racial and Eustace Hall through Oct. 1 for graduate fellowships to be Democratic candidate Carl Levin an edge served as an MSU extension district marketing agent for five Michigan counties prior to now profession of teaching. awarded in April by the Danforth Foundation of St. Louis, Mo. over Republican incumbent Robert Griffin. his move to district extension marketing agent for eastern Michigan in 1976. Qualified persons with interests in a career of higher education Trocke is the author of "Motivation for Modern Managers" and "Financial Planning and The Danforth Graduate Fellowship is a one-year award which is Of the likely voters. 45 percent now favor teaching and who plan to study for a doctorate in fields common to Management." based on financial need and is normally renewable until completion I^ovin while 44 percent favor Griffin, with the undergraduate liberal arts curriculum in the United States of the advanced degree for a maximum of four years of graduate 11 percent undecided. He is survived by his wife and children. may apply. study. Approximately 60 to 65 fellowships will be awarded to college Established in 1927, the Danforth Foundation describes itself as seniors nominated by 8 Bacalaureate Liaison Officers. a "national, educational, philanthropic organization, dedicated to In addition, 40 to 45 awards will be presented to doctoral enhancing the humane dimensions of life." Activities of the Foundation have stressed the importance of improving the quality of teaching and learning. candiates, nominated by Postbaccalaureate Liaison Officers. Danskin is Anywear. The Foundation says it is currently making a special effort to THK STROH RREWERY COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN i 197S Parklane Hosieiy is Everywhere. Parklane I losiciv lias body hugging fashions that lit y < tttr lifestyle for class, classic < >r classy doings. Anywhere And with 400 stores throughout .America, Parklane I s the largest retailer of Danskin leotardsand tights and Selva "He drank all our Stroll s!? He really is abominable!" neck, lung„ sleeve, no zipper. I'pper Left: Classic leotard # 108, scoop..... , ... S, M. L. E*L 80.0__ 1 ppcr Klftb": Soft Icomrf#9178,.coop.k»ft«ft ft*. I.. W) 00 Lower Left: "Free Hylr" leoucd. # 1007. mock wmp, V-neck, ftmft.lccvc. S. M, L. m.SO, "Free Mylc wrwp » 11100. .Med Oe Miftlft. ft. * L m00. Lower Klfthl: (bmomulc IcoUed «»!». Hp tod. V-weck, ftmft rfccvc. Pellte. S. M. L ftU.OO. Muchlno UfthM. A. B. (. D M.9S. The Parklane Hosiery store near you. 224 S. Washington St.. Lansing. 517-484-3128; Lansing Mall. Lunsing. 517-485-2512; Meri¬ dian Vallev Shopping ('enter, < Hcciimm. 517-34!>-2430; Adrian Mall. Adrian. 517-203-3770; (ienesic Vallev ('enter, Flint. 313-732-7230; 20 W. Miehlgan Avenue, Battle Creek, GlIMMiH-CKWl'; liusilan.l Mull. Flint, 313-743-0500; Weshnuin Mull. Kulumuzoo. (il(>-344-!N>3(i; Kastbrook Mull, Grand Rapids, (il(»-040-51(i0; Hriurw.iod Mull, Ann Arlsn. 313-!>04-003<); Tel-Twelve Shopping Center. Smthfield. 313-358-5088; t'niversul City Shu|>- ping Center, Warren, 313-751-2380; Lakeside Cirele. Sterling Heights. 313-247-1743; Fairlane Towii Center. Heurlmm. 313-5!>3-4250. For the real beer lover. Thursday, Saptambar 21. 1978 24 Michigon Stote News, Eost Loosing, Michigon PROGRAM mw M CAMPUS Food stamps available we can deal with the unique Thoepe said the food stamp incomes, is expected to elimi¬ By MARCH BRADFORD nate many students who are State News SUM Writer problems of the student apply¬ law is currently being changed and a 20-hour-per-week work now eligible along with many Students seeking assistance ing for food stamps." others of the general popula¬ for their food bills may go to Last year the program requirement for students is screened about 1,500 students expected to go into effect Jan. tion, she said. second floor Union Concourse and certified about 700 to Thoepe said the majority of to apply for food stamps from the students receive food stamps. To receive applying are mar the Food Stamp Outreach Pro ried and have assistance, students must be Also, the new yearly budget, sought loans or gram. grants which they have not financially independant of their which will cut off food stamp The program. offered assistance to those with higher received. through the Ingham County parents, have their own cook Department of Social Services, ing facilities and may not be a will be on campus until Oct. 14, resident of an institution or to provide screening and inter¬ views for those students who group home. Applicants must also meet the income requirements, Student voters may be eligible to receive food which are determined on an stamps. started last individual basis. A list of fur¬ sought by Outreach was year at MSU to make food stamps applications more con¬ venient for students and to ease ther requirements is available through the program. "Many of the students screen group the crowded conditions at the themselves before even talking Students wanting to register and it is simply more conven¬ Stat* Newt/Deborah J. Borin to vote in East Lansing or ient to vote in the Lansing Department of Social Services, to us," Thoepe said. "They see The Grand River Avenue congestion which began in July won't be getting less hectic, especially since the local that they do not meet the Meridian Township can do so area than send for absentee Betty Thoepe, coordinator of ballots. population has doubled since the project began. Construction officials originally predicted that construction the program said. requirements and leave." by registering with a group would be completed by the first MSU home football game this weekend. "The food stamp program is Students who do receive food called VOTER. The deadline to register is one of the most complicated stamps must reapply every VOTER, an| acronym for Oct. 10 and qualifications are: term. Thoepe explained, and • Persons must be U.S. citizens. programs that the government Various Organizations to En¬ has," Thoepe said. "For stu changes in an individual's finan¬ courage Registration, is a coa¬ • Persons must be 18 on or be¬ PUBLIC LANDS FOR LEASE TO SELECT FEW dents seeking assistance the cial status and in the depart¬ lition attempting to register the fore the Nov. 7 election date, situation is even worse. ment's budget affect the rates maximum number of students and Lottery offers chance at oil riches each term. Through the Outreach Program possible in East Lansing and • Persons must be residents of Meridian Township. Michigan and the city in which Jim Paquet of VOTER said they live for 30 days prior to deputy clerks will be posted at the election. Buses from library several campus locations, in¬ cluding the Union, Interna¬ Students and residents also register at the East Lan¬ can WASHINGTON (AP) - From time to time the govern¬ drawings for the leases. But they cannot improve Those are issued to the quali¬ fied person who makes the disrupting business and even injuring employes trying to tional Center, book stores, sing City Clerk's office at City ment allows the public to buy your chance of getting selected highest bid. control the crowd. The result scheduled this term Spartan Stadium, dormitory cafeterias, and area churches. Hall. 410 Abbott Road, or the Meridian Township office, 5100 oil and gas leases on public land and some firms have advertised in this lottery. You can enter on your own if you know what to a It's the lands which are not in known oil or gas producing was the establishment of the drawings. Prospective voters simply Marsh Road, Okemos. this as a potential route to do. area — also called wildcat areas The Interior Department's quick wealth and fortune. What First, however, it should be — that are offered by lottery. Bureau of Land Management Instead of having to walk home in the dark, students studying register with the volunteer has now issued a booklet telling the firms offer is assistance in noted that federal lands within Previously long lines formed late into the night will be able to take the bus home from the clerks. library this term. Paquet said students should entering your name in the a known oil and gas producing when such lands were offered how to get your name entered official government lottery area are not offered by lottery. for lease, fights often broke out (continued on page 29) Campus Bus System has initiated a special library bus service register in the Lansing area with buses leaving the library at midnight and 12:20 a.m. Monday because they are a vital part of through Thursday. the community and all issues The bus leaving the library at midnight will travel down West they vote on will directly affect Circle to Farm Lane and Shaw Lot and continue on Shaw Lane to them. Conrad Library. He also said students are The second bus will stop at Brody Complex, Spartan Village, more likely to be better in¬ University Village and South Complex. formed about local candidates, READING I FOR SCIENCE AND BUSINESS. Interested in Modeling? The State News is once again recruiting models for their Fall Fashion Tab, "For Fashion Sake." To apply simply fill out the application below and return with an attached photo to 344 Student Services. Attn: Display Adv. - Fashion (Please include a self addressed stamped envelope so we can send your photo back to you.) | ADDRESS. PHONE HANDHELD CALCULATORS: Which is why we pa-pared a address. CALL TOLDFREE WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW brochure entitled. "The Student's 800-648-4711 except from Hawaii HONEST ANSWERS PLEASE or Alaska. In Nevada call BEFORE YOU BUY. Choice... The Professional's Your college work habits will Choice.. .The Logical Choice!' In 800-992-5710. And do it soon. it. you'll read about every¬ Because we think buying a I surely influence your professional work habits. If you're in science, thing you should consider before calculator should be one of your I I engineering or business, a hand¬ buying your college calculator. most carefully calculated decisions. Height_ held calculator will be an Things iike calculator construc¬ | Weight. essential element in molding tion. ease-of-use. logic systems HEWLETTM PACKARD those habits. Thai's why it's and more. Pick up a free copy at so important to make the correct your bookstore or nearest choice of a calculator now. Hewlett-Packard dealer. For the Men: Shirt Slu Woman: Blousa Siza Trousers Bust Waist Waist Langth Hips Shoas Shoas Shirt Siza Drass Signature. Thursday, September 21. 1978 25 Michigon State News, East Lansing, Michigan WHO TO CALL, WHERE TO GO Polish coloring E.L. officials accessible to students A number of advisory com ing and Community Develop¬ the second floor of city hall on book selling for What happens in East Lan¬ sing city government often affects students' lives in one the first Monday of each month from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. No missions and boards also meet monthly. Commissions include ment. A list of dates, times and Recreation, Human Relations, locations of all meetings for the way or another. appointment is necessary. Visi¬ month can be obtained from the tors should ask for him at the Planning Building Board of To find out what policies are different reasons being made or to voice ideas and opinions, a list follows of who to call and where to go. police desk, he said. Fox can be contacted by note or phone at home, 745 Burcham Appeals, Fine Arts and Hous¬ city clerk's office in city hall. Entering the MSU Bookstore in time of year, the International Center at this students will be confronted by the expected mass of The city manager holds the administrative power in East Drive, Apt. 28. Stell can be phoned at her home, 425 Cowley Ave. or at Carter backed people. But venture further into the store where there are not as Lansing. Jerry B. Coffman wps hired to fill that position in the State of Michigan Depart many students, and the Children's Literature Section can be ment of Commerce Insurance January 1977. His office is for Nobel Prize found. Bureau. located at city hall, 410 Abbott There the relaxing world of coloring books and other children's delights is discovered. Rd. City council meets on the The usual Snoopy and Bugs Bunny coloring books can easily be The city council, which is first and third Tuesdays of each WASHINGTON (AP) Res Nobel Peace Prize for his composed of five elected non¬ month at the East Lansing - found. One book, with the usual toy trucks and skyscrapers, olutions proposing that Presi Middle East peace efforts were partisan members serving four- Public Library. 950 Abbott contains descriptions of the pictures that may raise some dent Carter be awarded the introduced this week in both year terms, decides policy. The Road. houses of Congress. eyebrowns — they are in Polish. mayor and mayor pro-tern are "Let's Color in Polish", the first coloring book for learning the selected from within the council The Senate resolution, intro Polish language, was printed and financed by John Sarnacki, by its members. duced by Delaware Republican William Roth, supported the professor of Spanish and French, who teaches for Port Huron is George Distinguished staff The current mayor Public Schools and St. Clair Public Community College. L. Griffiths and Larry Owen Camp David summit agree ments and placed the Senate on "I did the book because I found a need for it," he explained. serves as mayor pro-tern. record as favoring the Nobel The book includes the Polish alphabet, a pronunciation guide Griffiths can be reached by glossary and exercises as well as pictures to color. calling his home at 127 Besse- maur Drive or by leaving a nominations opened award to Carter, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and It also contains the Polish National Anthem, Happy Birthday Israeli Prime Minister Mena- message with the city mana¬ and the Lord's Prayer in Polish. Non-teaching University em Criteria used in judging in¬ chem Begin. ger's office. excellence in overall "Now because of the increasing interest in, and resurgence of Owen can be contacted by ployees who have been at MSU clude: work performance; exhibition "I think he (Carter) richly the ethnicity, a need and a demand for a publication of this kind is calling his Michigan Senate for two years are eligible for deserves a Nobel Peace Prize indicated." Sarnacki said. campaign headquarters, 527 S. distinguished staff awards. of a congenial and supportive attitude; valuable service to the for devoting his time and The coloring book is not simply restricted to Polish people, Washington Ave. Nominations for awards State News Deborah J Borin University and/or community; energy to a task that is so Sarnacki explained. Anyone can pick up the book and just color. Other councilmembers are opened Sept. 6 and close Oct. 6. There is for acrophobia in Dave Cook's busi¬ A 15-member committee and exhibition of initiative. meaningful to the people of the no room Some students, when asked if they would buy the book for John B. Czarnecki, Alan Fox Middle East and so important ness. Cook helped repair the loose slate shingles on An engraved pewter mug or themselves or for others, said the coloring book would be and Carolyn Stell. composed of persons from vari¬ ous non-teaching units of the bowl and $1,000 will be given to to the cause of world peace," the roof of the Natural Science Building. interesting if they "were high." Czarnecki can be reached at the six award recipients. Roth said. More serious students of Polish descent said they would buy the his home at 520 Sycamore Lane University will select the after 6 p.m. award winners from the list of book if money was available because they knew very little Polish He also holds office hours on nominations. and it would be a fun way to learn. OADE'S -srM.S.U. Ocde, welcomes you bock for a great school yeorl New foces, old friends and good times with Oade's. Come In and en|oy our quick, friendly service. You'll time and money with our convenient location and low prices. * * Beer, Wl CARRY Wine and liquor Keg beer Is always on special STEALS THE SHOW WITH STRAIGHT-LEG DENIM * Kegs olways In stock * Wide assortment of party snacks Party Glassware, Wide variety of mixes - •Popular beer t wines always on special" ■VMYTHINO FOR YOUR PARTY RUT TNI PIOPLII CONVENIENTLY LOCATED JEANS FOR FALL Hours Mon.-Thurs. lOo.m.-llp.m. OADE'S 314 S. CLIPPERT At Kalamazoo (2 minutes from Brody.) Ph. 332-4551 AT$16$35 Frl., Sat. 10 a.m.-12p.m. SUNDAY 12-10 CALVIN KLEIN $33 GOLDEN ARCHES. IN EAST PENTIMENTO $20 LANSING ROMEO $16 A GLORIOUS 20-YEAR SPAN! Over the past 20 years our greatest pleasure has been serving you, our customers. We are proud to annpunce the opening of our new restaurant and invite you and your friends to visit us soon. Here's to the next 20 years! New Store Hours: Monday - Thursday 6:30 - 12:00 pm Friday - Saturday 6:30 - 1:00 am Sunday 7:30 -12:00 pm 1024 EAST GRAND RIVER AVENUE, EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN AND THREE OTHER LOCATIONS IN EAST LANSING AND OKEMOS. USE YOUR KAY BAUM CHARGE, YPsdettslllar yoa- VISA OR MASTER CHARGE CARD FREE REGULAR SOFT DRINK We do it all for you. SHOPPING GUIDE (with any purchase) CATCH THE KAY BAUM EXPRESS IN Bring this portion of the ad in to our newest restaurant located at 1024 East Grand River, for a tree regular soft drink "with any purchase". Offer Expires Oct. 3,1978 Cash value 1 /10 cent. Aft. XO year* BIRMINGHAM. NORTHLAND,GR0SSE P0INTE, DEARBORN, P0NTIAC AND OAKLAND MALL, ANN ARBOR, GRAND RAPIDS, AND Limit one per customer per visit. In Eut Lansing EAST LANSING. MAIL AND PH0NE0RDERS 642-9500 26 Michigon Stote News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 21, 1978 WMSN and MSU Book Store Celebrate the arrival of Fall... And Welcome You Back to MSU by giving out PRIZES GALORE! Just Listen or Stop Down and Watch WMSN Broadcasting Live (640am on your dial) From the Front Lobby of MSU Book Store on the Lower Level of the International Center. Thursday, September 21, 1978 27 Special Hours for Registration Week FIRST WEEK THURSDAY Sept 21,1978 7:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. FRIDAY Sept 22,1978 7:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. SATURDAY Sept 23,1978 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. SECOND WEEK MONDAY Sept 25,1978 7:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. TUESDAY Sept 26,1978 7:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY Sept 27,1978 7:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. REGULAR HOURS 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. "MONIY MAN" HOURS • Buying Your Used Books Thurs 9/21 /78 & Fri 9/22/78 7:30-5:00 pm Thursday, September 21, 1978 28 Michigan State News, Eost lonsing, Michigor JUST A BEGINNING. OFFICIALS FEAR Teachers' strikes hitting of concessions, he says, tion 13 is only increasing the percent. now we near—record want to sustain those tion 13 is unfair to education. cism of teachers pace because of often fuel the friction. Like the NEW YORK (AP) - Teach¬ years "The protest is to an unde¬ students'falling test scores. salary issue, the resolution "school boards want to get confrontation. The federal government esti gains and inflation threatens to ers, frustrated by inflation and erode our improvement." fined dimension of govern¬ Such morale problems, teach- often lies with money, an something back for what they In Bridgeport, Conn., where mates a public school teacher classroom turmoil, are encoun¬ That same inflation has stim¬ ment," Herndon says. and union leaders agree, increasingly rare commodity. more than 100 teachers have this year will earn an average ere tering voters, equally inflation- are giving up." "The public does not want to been jailed in a strike, Ellen of $15,250. In 1960 dollars - to ulated voters to approve such weary and frustrated by falling By mid September, teachers measures as Proposition 13 and reduce expenditures for educa¬ nationwide had called 50 Wisser, an English teacher, sat offset inflation's impact — that student test scores. The result: to defeat a growing number of tion, but there's strikes. The National Education by a telephone at her union's comes to only $6,750. no question teachers' strikes hitting a near- school budgets. In New York, that public schools are Association estimates such a "crisis center." Teachers are not alone, how¬ caught record pace this year. Yearbook deadline "I can't believe it's come to ever. It is difficult for taxpay voters rejected 14.8 percent of in the cross-fire." And there is a growing pace could equal or surpass the To many school boards, this," she said. "But they've ere to show compassion when school budgets in the 1974-75 pub¬ conviction among school offi¬ record of 203 set in 1975-76. statistics show teachers' real school year but 29 percent last lic anger translates into sup¬ Strikes have affected school underestimated our strength. cials, union leaders and teach¬ port in negotiations. And with We won't be stripped of our wages increased 32 percent year. In New Jersey, the 1974- districts ranging from Philadel¬ for photos Oct. 6 ers that discontent is so deep school board austerity also since 1960, compared to only 16 75 rejection rate of 24.6 percent that September's turbulence phia, Pa., with 250,000 students dignity." has grown to 57.5 percent. come threats to job security to Oak Harbor, Wash., with But more than dignity is percent for all private non- will only intensify in the farmworkers. Educators say it is inequita¬ and classroom conditions. An months ahead. 5.300 pupils. jeopardized. Between Septem Albert Shanker. president of As teachers grow angry over ber 1975 and June 1978, teacher "Yes, we have scored some ble that schools should be hit NEA study indicates teachers Tba Had Cedar Log wffl be Luttag memoriae ofltSU can their situation, school officials salaries nationwide rose an success," says Terry Herndon, more than other public ser¬ are also worried by large taking appointment, for aentor be maintained by making OB the 500,000 member American watch, and sometimes are con¬ average 5.9 percent while infla¬ executive director of the 1.8 vices, and the NEA's Herndon classes, student discipline, picture, in the jaartook until appointment for the portrafta Federation of Teachers, says school crime, and public criti¬ Oct. 8. until 8 p.m. in M7 Union Btdg. trolled by. the voters' mood. tion averaged more than 7.1 million-member NEA. "But says the fallout from Proposi¬ his members are developing a "foxhole mentality." Thomas Citizens whose own incomes Shannon, executive director of have been cut by inflation are the National School Boards voting down school budget Association, sees a "new dimen increases, and the tax revolt sion" in negotiations. After fueled by California's Proposi¬ Announcing the formotion of a study group on social theories of Mass Psychology. disciplir TRUCKL0AD SALE! • Faculty & grad students from all invited to attend the organization meeting • Tonight Sept. 21 at 2500 East Saginaw Apt. 14 (near Frandor.) • For more information leave message for Dr. Klein in Dept of Humanities office. (355-9570.) It's your chance to Buy Direct from For Beautiful m pioneer Factory representatives! Easy Care Hair! Wed. Thru Sat. Only - 4 BIG DAYS! CYRAMcFADDEN'S BESTSELLING SATIRE ON AMERICAN SUBURBIA IS BACK - IN A $1.95 SIGNET PAPERBACK :thm: \ IN THE LIFE OF MARIN COUNTY CyraMcFaddcn Complete with Original Illustrations If there's life beyond death, it's in Marin County. California, where the game is to Get Out in Front of It, Stay Mellow At All Costs, and evolve in a mind-boggling mosaic of chessboard alliances and hip-cultural mind-sets. THE SERIAL It's a rottddng 52-gush soap opera of pseudo-sophMfcation, mountajntop weddings. 1 geafivt dhwriMflp. mhrtt you'll meet Moat Ma|or Credit Card. Acctpted Bankllna Dtalor, Financing Alao Available. Michigan Stole Newt, Eost Lansing, Michigan Thursday. September 21 1978 29 Government leases land (continued from page 24) in these drawings if you are interested. The booklet "Can cannot be refunded. If you win, you must pay the annual lease fee of $1 an acre Zoology course changes posted You Really Strike it Rich in the within 15 days. Government Oil and Gas Lot¬ You will probably then want tery" is available without to sell your lease to an oil charge from the Consumer Information Center. Dept. company or independent con¬ tractor because drilling is very The Department of Zoology has issued the following changes in 682F, Pueblo, Colo.. 81009. classes: costly and a $10,000 bond must but the government reminds Zoology 318, Principles of Development Laboratory, classes will be posted before work can you that most of these lands, begin on Monday. begin. nearly all of which are in the Zoology 317 will meet in 326 Natural Science Bldg. instead of 138 West, are never drilled, and If your lease is near a known Chemistry Bldg. and Zoology 495 Undergraduate Seminar, will chances of winning the lottery meet in 219 Natural Science Bldg. instead of 555 Baker Hall. oil or gas development, a com¬ are slim anyway. Last year pany will probably approach about 2.5 million people applied you and offer a lump sum or for 9,000 tracts. royalty interest in any future When a drawing is planned, the state BLM office prepares a list of available tracts ranging production. If the area is more speculative, you'll have to look Unregistered voters for a buyer. (continued from page 24) their rooms lie in, or students from 40 acres to 2,560 acres. vided by the East Lansing Mer can call East Lansing City Hall These can be obtained for a few Government experts say you idian Township boundary line, or Meridian Township office for dollars from the state offices. may prefer to use a filing so some students may have to more information. Lease applications are ac¬ service that will evaluate the available tracts and handle the register in different areas al¬ cepted until 10 a.m. on the fifth though they live across the hall Persons wanting to change working day after the posting. paperwork for you, but they from one another. their place of registration sim¬ The forms are available at any suggest being wary of firms Resident assistants have ply register as new voters and BLM office and must be accom¬ painting an overly optimistic fill out card to cancel their been instructed to inform stu a panied by a fee which picture. dents about which municipality previous registration. Sun Sine, chief of >11 Illinois Winnebago tribes, hosted an Indian Harvest Ceremonial tbia week in Utica, IU. Members of the Sine family joined in the honor dance daring the ceremony: Tucker, Henu, Ruth Sine, Sam Sine, Weha, and Hayna, who will succeed his father as chief. V Macy's is looking for Q°0 ° executive trainees °004 pcO If you're interested in a career in retailing We're More Than Just Great Prices! computer we can offer you a job that's as big as 343-9560 , laboratory your ambitions. A rewarding career in We Robert Bruce buy from brand makers like: Bobbie Brooks 'oO buying and selling merchandise or A store IZOD Acting Up 0° management. •op oO °0 o o0 Arrow Jantzen Faded 0 Forum Glory Michigan National Bank o?- oo ,0 OoO We're looking for graduates with leader¬ Levi Bananas ship and management abilities. Sign up MSU BICYCLE AUCTION 5 o°0 °oo?°: for an interview at Michigan State Uni¬ And since our buyers ore in the marketplace buying overruns. x). versity's placement center. We'll be inter¬ close-outs. etc.. we con offer them to you ot a fraction of the cost! d tours 0*rlin* between 8 a.m.-6 p.m., ask EIGN PARTS, 2605 E. Kala¬ NERY opening soon in Meri¬ mothers with children in or I day* • 70< per line dian Mall. Please send re¬ school. Interviews conducted work only. Opportunity for MiniairnEa for Tony. 5-9-27 16) mazoo Street. 487-5055, one TICKET AGENT —minnmrn mile west of sumes to THE TANNERY, Monday-Friday from 3-4 p.m. advancement. Call after 2 EXPERIENCED MAIN¬ campus. Woodland Mall, Grand Rap¬ ask for Mike Solomon TENANCE man needed. Call Openings available at the ■■LLJlii-il.'iJLM Lin* ret* per insertion C-7-9-29 (6) 8-10-2 (9) p.m., EAST LANSING BUS DE¬ imrnmm ids. 10-10-4 (8) or Brad. JIM'S TIFFANY 351-8135. 0-6-9-29 (3) PLACE, 372-4300, downtown POT. Apply in person, 308 W. COLLEGE STUDENT needed Econolines • 3 lines '4.00 ■ 5 days 80' per line over IMstytte j[*o] ATHILITIC CLUB Positions Now to work part-time evenings. Must be neat/dependable, Lansing. 3-9-25 (9) RN OR LPN - part time afternoons. Skilled Nursing Grand River Avenue. 7-7-29 (5) 3 lines. No adjustment in rot* when concelled. HONDA CB-175, very good Available For Coffee have own transportation. COOK'S HELPER- part-time, facility. Apply in person, BABYS7TTER IN last Lan¬ Price of it*m{s) must be stated in ad. Maximum condition. Electric start, low 656-3931 between 3-6 p.m. immediate opening. Exper.- N.H.E. Lansing, 1313 Mary, Shop sing, near Wardcliff. Monday, ■alt pries of '100 mileage, 2 helmets - $250. & 5-9-27 (5) ence preferred. Apply in per¬ Lansing. 393-6130. 1-9-21 (51 355-5791. 2 9-22 14) Lifeguard Personnel FAMOUS TACO, S3H Wednesday, 1-5:30 p.m. PMmrh Ppnenel «h • 3 linn ■ '2.35 ■ per ii*.rl.or>. son at (Full or Part-time) UNIFORMED SECURITY of¬ E. Michigan. 8-10-2 (5) CHEMISTRY TEACHER Light housekeeping. Own 75' per line over 3 linel (prepayment). HONDA, 4 cylinder, beauti¬ ficers and store detectives needed, 6 hours per week. transportation. 332-1175. lummepe/Gerepe Sole «h ■ 4 linel ■ '2.50 Applications will be 3-9-25 (5) fully chopped, glossy black, needed. Full or part-time. CJ WORK STUDY position for Call 482-1598 or 351-1329. 63' per line over 4 lines • per insertion. accepted Mon-Fri, $1249. 694 8511 after 5 p.m. majors. 641-4562. 7-9-29 (4) office clerk and building 8-10-2 (3) 'lovnd Town •*■ • 4 line, '2.50 per imertion 12 10-6 (3) DOMINO'S PIZZA 9 am-5 pm in maintenance. Evenings and 63'per line over 4 line, MCDONALDS RESTAU¬ days. Call Martha, 332-2565. VOTER IS hiring people to do Administration Lett I Foondi ed,/Treniportetlon o4. • 3 line, - M .50 • voter registration door-to- DOMINO'S PIZZA is hiring per imertion. 50' per line over 3 line,. Enploymest Office RANT of East Lansing is now 8-10-2 (5) door. Work 6:30-10:00, Sun- full and part-time delivery taking applications for full day-Thursday until October people Must be 18 and able Oak Part Villaaw and part-time employment BABYSITTING, LIGHT CHRISTIAN FAMILY will ex¬ 10. Earn $10 per night. Call to work late hours. Can make tOO Loag Blvd. for all shifts (day or night). housework, 3-5 afternoons Deadline, 332-4786 between 1 and 5 $4/hour with commission and change room, board, spen¬ Apply from 8-10 or 2-4 p.m. per week. Salary negotiable. ding money for care of 9-10 004-3071 487-4590. 8-10-2 (3) today. 2-9-22 (7) tips. Apply in person after 4 Ads - 2 p.m. ■ 1 doss day before publication. Monday-Friday. 8-10-2 (8) year olds and housekeeping. p.m. at any of the following Cancellotion/Change • 1 p.m. ■ 1 doss day before 332-2730 after 5 I. O.I. AVON-GET ready for college CLERICAL- several openings locations: TRIUMPH '74 p.m. GENERAL LABORERS AND publication. Spitfire. FM, 8 2-9-22 (6) tuition. Excellent earnings, available immediately. High 966 Trowbridge Road, Once od is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed track, snow tires, Very good OFFICE POSITIONS, SALES FULL TIME AND part-time flexible hours. 482-6893. school degree or equivalent. Lansing until after 1st insertion. condition, $2200. 337-2009. REPRESENTATIVE openings DAY CARE supervisors and C-2-9-22 (3) Must type at least 50 w.p.m. 1139 E. Grand River, Lansing There is a M.00 charge for I ad change plus 50' per 8-10-2 131 employees needed at THE (on weekends). If you are aides for International chil¬ TANNERY, opening soon in accurately. Excellent bene¬ 2068 Cedar Street, Holt available to work at least one additional change for maximum of 3 changes. dren. Mornings, afternoons, SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS fits. Hours: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 1561 Haslett Road, Haslett VEGA GT, 1974 Kammback, Meridian Mall. (616) 948- full day, Monday-Friday, ap¬ The Stat* News will only be responsible for the 1st evenings. Near campus. needed for vocational classes Monday-Friday. Apply at 3608 North East Street, 4-speed, air, good tires. Best 2860. 10-10-4 (4) ply in person between 9-11 day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must 339-2665. 8-10-2 (4) in auto body, auto mechan¬ MICHIGAN MILLER'S MU¬ Lansing offer. 355-0090, Dr. Dickman. a.m. at MANPOWER, 601 be mode within 10 days of expiration date. BABYSITTING IN Okemos ics, machine tool, small en¬ TUAL INSURANCE COM¬ 801W. Thomas L. Parkway, 5-9-27 (3) North Capitol. NO FEES, Bills are due 7 doys from od expiration date. If not area. Several afternoons and GOOD PAY. 7-9-29 (8) gine, heat and air, building PANY, 2425 E. Grand River, Lansing VEGA, 1977- Hatchback, 4 PROGRAMS maintenance, secretarial, Lansing, Michigan 48912. 5214 Cedar Street, Lansing paid by due date, a 50' late service charge will weekends. Own transporta¬ be due. speed, very clean. 676-2481 FOR tion. 349-1620. 2-9-22 (4) data processing, accounting, 482-6211. 5-9-27 (12) DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS, 8-10-2 (3) collection work. 15 hours/ medical health classes and HANDICAPPERS UNDERWRITER-we have an 8-9-2 (19) PAINTERS NEEDED to paint week. Flexible schedule, pri¬ dietary. Bachelor's degree VEGA GT '74 - good condi has opportunities for opening available for either exterior of house. Come es¬ vate office. Experience requi¬ preferred. Work experience in INSIDE HELP wanted. Apply tion $500. Weekends only individuals to be the above areas necessary. experienced personnel or col¬ timate. 351-8665 evenings. AiHaitivt a 332-0459. 7-9-29 (3) red. Phone Mrs. Evans, 339- Call Leo Schuch, 676-3322. lege graduates having strong at Little Caesar's, 2830 E. paid personal 12-10-6 (3) 3400. C-3-9-25 (6) Grand River- 2 blocks west of 8-10-2(11) math background. These po¬ sitions can lead to excellent Frandor, after 4 P.M. AMBASSADOR - 1969, air, BABYSITTER - RELIABLE SECRETARY IN Haslett, 20 volunteer readers, PART TIME insurance careers. Must fur¬ 7-9-29-I5) good running car, $300. for two year old. Saturday hours/week. Shorthand and note takers and 11:30 5 p.m. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY nish resume and college tran¬ 372-5876 or 372-5897. a.m. - Some typing required. Nancy, 339- DELIVERY HELP wanted- 5-9-27 (3) interpreters, Tuesday or Wednesday even¬ 9500. C-5-9-27 (4) School lunch supervisors, scripts. contact MICHIGAN $4.10 per hour if the employ¬ MILLER'S MUTUAL INSUR¬ must have own car. Apply at coll 3*9642 ings. $1.50/hour. 351-3998. Little Caesar's, 1203 E. Grand AMC HORNET, 1972. Solid MUSTANG II, 1974, V-6, VOLKSWAGEN BUS, 1971- 2 9-22 16) ee completes the year, other¬ ANCE COMPANY, 2425 E. HANDYMAN, FLEXIBLE River, after 4 p.m. 7-9-29 (4) transportation. $700 or best automatic, deluxe, low mile¬ with sun roof, $600. 349-1110 for details wise, $3.10 per hour, 2 hours Grand River, Lansing, Michi¬ hours. Minor repair, con¬ offer. 355-9585 or 332-7027. age, clean $1695, 323-3657 or 349-0298. 2-9-22 (3) SITTER NEEDED in my home WAITRESSES - AM & PM struction and maintenance per day. EAST LANSING gan 48912. 482-6211. COOK. PART-time nights. 5-9-27 14) 4-9-26 (4) shifts. Williamston area. Ap¬ work. Phone Mr. Kay, 339- PUBLIC SCHOOLS, 509 Bur- 5-9-27 (14) for 3 boys, ages 8-13 Monday cham Drive, East Lansing. Apply in person only. YE BMW BAVARIA 1971. 4 MUSTANG 1968, runs good, evening 6:30-10:30, Tuesday ply in person. Country Kitch¬ 9500. C-3-9-25 (5) 337-1781 SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS OLDE ROUND TABLE, 3106 en. 12-10-6 (4) automatic, power steering, evening 5:30-10:30. Own E. Grand River. 8-10-2 14) speed, air, AM-FM cassette. NOW TAKING applications 8-10-2 (10) NEEDED FOR Waverly FM converter, must sell. VW411 Station wagon 1972, transportation. Experiences School district. Must be certi¬ $3400. 351-3231. 2-9-22 (3) preferred. Call after 4 p.m. JANITORIAL, PART-time. for waitress, waiter and bus- $350. Lisa, 332-1435. excellent condition. Out-of- FLOORMAN- APPLICA¬ fied in elementary or secon¬ 8-10-2 (4) 339-2476, Haslett area. evenings, must have car. Call boy. Apply in person, Sunday BUICK - RIVIERA '67, excel¬ state car, no rust. New Mr. Grossi, 482-6232. between 3 & 6 p.m. at TIONS are now being accept¬ dary education. Education S 5-9-27 (7) lent driving car. Call PINTO 1971 43,000, 2 door, radials, AM-FM radio. Must 8-10-2(3) DOOLEY'S. 2-9-22 (5) ed for floor positions. Apply majors having completed 120 PRI-MIDICAL STUDENTS 355-7935after 5 p.m., $300 or see. $1800. 694-1512. 8-10-2 in person. 2-4 p.m. ALLE-EY, semester hours may apply. $200 or best offer. Call 353- IMMEDIATE POSITIONS best offer (SI MARVELANES AND 220 M.A.C. 5-9-27 (5) $30 per day. Contact WAV¬ J^JS) 1724 or 349-0717 after 5. available. Cocktail waitresses, LOUNGE, 2120 E. M-78 now ORGANIST AND choir direc¬ ERLY SCHOOLS PERSON¬ 4-9-26 13) floormen, bartenders, cooks tor. Part-time positions. Local CADILLAC, 1972- Sedan VW BEETLE, 1976- Rebuilt taking applications for neat RN OR LPN for skilled nurs¬ NEL OFFICE, 515 Snow and maintenance. Apply in area church. Call 646-6892 DeVille, gold, great shape. PINTO 1974 stationwagon, engine. 62,000 miles, runs appearing men, mechanically ing facility, excellent wages & Road, Lansing 48917 or call These scholorshipi or* to bo awarded $1400. 332-6813. 4-9-26 (3) $2450. Call 655-4292 person at THE RAINBOW minded, for machine help and after 5 p.m. 12-10-9 (5) great. benefits. Call James Phillips 321-7265. ext. 51. 8-10-2 (11) Squire, automatic, extra evenings. 8-10-2 (4) RANCH, 2843 E. Grand River. custodial workers. Bartender CHEVY IMPALA '68, good clean, low mileage. $1595. 2-9-22 (7) and cook also needed. Flexi¬ CHEERY, HARDWORKING at 332-5061. 8-10-2 (5) .boaH^Fo.^aF at the begirr 321-1643. 12-10-6 (4) VW SCIROCCO 1975 excel¬ individual needed for perma¬ HOME-HELP aid, house¬ scholarship provide* for tuition condition, excellent engine, ble hours, part-time. Also BARTENDER WANTED, !>ooh*. lob lee* and equipment pluto new muffler, $350. lent, Tuff Kote, AM/FM 8 needed: waitresses with food nent, full-time lunch waitress keeper, part-time, Okemos. PINTO RUNABOUT, 1974- track and cassette, new position (10:45 a.m.-3 p.m.) part-time, immediate open¬ 349-4918. 4-9-26 (3) ihi. 355-8219. 12-10-6 (3) 42,000 miles. No rust. New paint, tires, many extras. and cocktail experience. Excellent pay and benefits. ing. Experience preferred. rinonti^o'tefFw.ive* the high exhaust system. Call 482- ACCOUNT CLERKS Pleasant working conditions. Experience required. Call Lu¬ Apply in person at FAMOUS PART-TIME hours available 332-3923. CUTLASS, 1975 6, air, 4- door, power steering, brakes, 8450 anytime. 3-9-24 (4) 8-10-2_l5) CLERK TYPISTS Apply 10 a.m. through 5 p.m. cy or Ann at 372-4300 be¬ TACO, 539 E. Michigan. in the kitchen. 11:30 a.m.- daily. See Mr. Bertrand. 8-10-2 (5) Contact: Capf. Roger Stork $2750. 356-1256. 2-9-22 (3) VW '68 camper bus, pop-top, 2-9-22 (16) tween 2 and 4 p.m. JIM'S 1:30 p.m.-Friday. Apply at PINTO RUNABOUT - 1976. runs well, always starts, new DICTAPHONE - TYPISTS TIFFANY PLACE, downtown SIR PIZZA, 122 N. Harrison 23400 Michigan Ave. Clean and sharp car, low WAITRESS WANTED, part- between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. CUTLASS - BROUGHAM engine, heater boxes, gas PART-TIME jobs, $5.33/hour. Lansing. 5-9-27(11) Village Plata 1976, blue, air, loaded. 24,000 mileage. $2,000. 394-2837 af¬ heater, Ziebarted, $800. 487- SECRnARtES time, immediate opening. Ex¬ 8-10-2 (6) ter 5 p.m. 8-10-2 (3) Car necessary. Call 374-6328, perience preferred. Apply in DMrborn, Michigan 41124 miles. 669-3505. 3-9-25 13) 5877, 353-4694. 3-9-25 (5) DEMONSTRATORS 4-6 p.m. 8-10-2 (3) person at FAMOUS TACO. MARVELANES AND PART-TIME student posi¬ 313-561-70*1 /7022 DATSU~N~B~27o7 1976;-1969 VW, 1971 - Squareback, LABORERS LOUNGE, 2120 E. M-78 now 539 E. Michigan. 8-10-2 (5) tions, automobile required. PINTO WAGON, 1974- 4- GYMNASTICS INSTRUC¬ Ford farm truck; Oliver 550 good condition, $650 phone Temporary taking applications for neat PART-TIME HELP wanted - 339-9500. C-7-9-29 (3) speed, sporty interior. Excel¬ 372-9138 6-9-28 (3) TOR - to teach Kindergarten tractor. 645-7467. 12-10-6 (4) lent condition. Radial tires. appearing men, mechanically cook. SEA HAWK RESTAU¬ Assignments to Junior High youngsters. Donna, 374-2416 or 882-1194. Call Mason Recreation De¬ minded, for machine help and RANT. Call for Gary or Rob. DODGE 1974 - Colt GT, Available custodial workers. Bartender 665-2175. Must have trans¬ QUALITY CLASSES 8-10-2 14) partment, 676-9155 2-9-22 (5) 52,000 miles, radials, 33 KELLY SERVICES and cook also needed. Flexi¬ portation. 7-9-29 (5) IN ALL THE ARTS m.p.g., excellent. 332-4011. VW STATIONWAGON. 1966 488-1277 DANCE INSTRUCTORS-for ble hours, part-time. Also AND DANCE FOR 4-9^2613) Good transportation - must needed: waitresses with food EXPERIENCED T.V. service disco, tap, ballet, ballroom, ADULTS AND sell. $250. 332-2680 or 349- dance exercise or yoga. Call and cocktail experience. Plea¬ man, must be good on FIAT - 1975, sport coupe CHILDREN Mason Recreation Depart¬ sant working conditions. Ap¬ bench. Commission, part- or 30,000 miles. Must sell. Best Michelin radials, V-8. No rust. 4898. 2-9-22 (3) 676-9155 2-9-22 ply 10 a.m. through 5 p.m. full time. 372-5348. 8-10-2(4) offer. 371-5140, extension $1200355-8332 ext. 214 (day) MCDONALD'S RESTAU¬ ment, (5)_ daily. See Mr. Bertrand. E.L. ARTS WORKSHOP 219; 5-9:27 (3) 349-9529 evenings. 3-9-25 (6) RANT, 1024 E. Grand River, DISHWASHER- FULL time 2-9-22 (16) 1974 FORD Maverick, 6 cylin¬ Art Sxnct / East Lansing, 1 block east of and part-time weekend work COOKS, 20 - 30 hours. No experience necessary Apply Modern Dane* Workshop der, 2 door, automatic. $750. PONTIAC CATALINA, '66, Bogue Street is now accep¬ available; good wages for MAN WITH van to deliver in person to CONNOR'S 393-8417 after 6. 8-10-2 (3) power steering, power MASON BODY SHOP, 812 E. ting applications for full time dependable person. We'll ac¬ newspapers Saturday morn¬ WEST, 3231 W. Saginaw, ft UUIIMIU brakes, air, excellent mpg, Kalamazoo, since 1940. Auto maintenance positions to fill cept job applications Mon¬ ing and Saturday night. Call mile east of Waverly. GRAND PRIX '69 400. High body, engine. $450. Beth, painting-collision service. the shift from 12 midnight to day-Friday, 3-5 p.m. THE 349-0254 evenings. 4-9-26 (5) 7-9-29 (6) performance enaine. 400 H.P. 332-0821. 12-10-6 (4) 8 a.m. Applications will be POUR HOUSE RESTAU American-Foreign cars. 332-8601.8-10-2(3) taken from 8-10 a.m. and 2-4 RANT AND LOUNGE, Lan¬ C-7-9-29 (5) APPLES, PUIS, PEACHES, CIDER I HONEY RED SPRITE '69, right hand p.m. Monday-Friday. sing. 8-10-2 (9) HONDA CIVIC '74, 53,000 drive. Super condition, JUNK CARS wanted. Also 8-10-2(11) BLOSSOM ORCHARDS miles, good condition. Best $1400. Before noon 372-6607. selling used parts. Phone ENFLOYNENT AT offer, 332-1436. 7-9-29 (3) 8-10-2 (3) 321-3651. C-7-9-29 (3) THE WARDOWSKI'S MATMIAL AVAILABLI FOR 2 miles north of Letlie IMPALA, 1974- only 27,000 miles, very good condition. AM VOU SINOIIT MARRIED WITHOUT CHIIDRENT BOOK SHILVIS AND LOFTS 3597 Hull Rood (old U.S. 127) MICHIGAN NATIONAL BANK $2,200/best offer. 355-8193 DO VOU LIKE CHILDREN? Includes: 4 x 4's, Plywood, Boards. HOURS: 9 am-4 pm 64 p.m. 3-9-25 (3) AM VOU INTERESTED IN: CLOSED MONDAYS HASLETT LUMBER 1973 LTD from Florida. Air, a Rvral * No Setting? Fuel Bills? (Free Food? • Paid Vacation? COMPANY PICK YOUR OWN PHONE: 1-549-1251 APPLES SATURDAY AND TELLER OPENINGS power, excellent. $1000. * No Utility Bills? b Paid Holidoys? 14U Haslett Rd. * No Rent? (Paid Hospital Insurance? SUNDAY 10 om-5 pm 366-4490 or 489-1906. Haslett, Mich. All of this and a salary! We are looking for people who 8-10-2 (3) for MATIRIALS CUT TO SIZI! are experienced tellers and who Houseparen ts / Housemothers MICHIGAN ST ATI UMVIMITY MANAGEMENT If you are interested — Write! 339-8236 taking applications for — enjoy meeting the public. Mr. Glenn Cornes Positions are available im¬ POSITIONS OPEN VFW Notional Home Animal Technician-Certified mediately. Stop in at Michigan Eaton Rapids, Ml 48827 Auto Equipment/Electronics Technician AATU«f INDIVIDUALS Auto Mechanics-Certified National Bank's Personnel Dept. 2nd Ha EIGHTS • WEEKENDS YOU NEED TO BE ACTIVE IN A BIBLE- Engineer-Mechanical or Electrical floor 124 W. Allegan Lansing to fill Health Care-Medical Records Technician FUIL OR FART TIME BELIEVING CHURCH out on application or call us for an Keypunch-with experience Mint lika working »«•> Medical Technologist appointment. pooplo. Good working rendition!. Storting wogo HARRISON ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH Nursing bosod on hoort ovoilabls * •TIP I Secretary-50 wpm typing M/F WO South Harrison ■Kporionco. Moot! 3 p.m. Supervisor Medical Records East Lansing UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHURCH II p.m. Must havo trans- Typist-50 wpm typing portation. Employment ON available In laming, Okemos. East lonsing t SUNDAY SCHOOL CHURCH .... 10 a.m. 11 a.m. SOUTH HARRISON MONDAYS, TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS Some secretarial positions require 00 wpm shorthand. Typing and shorthand tests are given daily at 8:30 a.m. and 374-1233 Haslett oreot. See Mr. 1:30p.m. Pleas* apply between 8:00 and 11:00a.m. and 1:00 EVENINGS 7 p.m. AND FRIDAYS 9 am- 12 pm $25/week and 4:00 p.m.. Monday thru Friday at the Personnel Office, Win! at Mln A-Mort *10 216* W. Grond «hrer Ave. 110 Nisbet Bldg.. E. Lansing, Ml. 48823. Equal Opportunity FOR MORE INFORMATION I TRANSPORTATION CALL MARIANMl 3114631 Okemos Fridoy September Employer. 22nd 3 pm-5pm CALL 394-2122. BOB PUGH, PASTOR ( Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Thursday, Septambar 21, 1978 31 Mid Nmis h jRmnage Sales Long-lost book SALMON, Idaho (AP) - RENT OR sals - $185/month -HE 2ND annual yard sale of or $3,200. Bedroom fur¬ the year. Saturday, Septem¬ Missing for 47 years, "Fortunes of NigeP has finally returned to nished, smoke detector, ber 23, 10-8 p.m., Sunday, its place on the shelves of the storage, 3 car parking, clean. September 24, 12-4 p.m. Call 371-4898 after 5. Over 150 families contribut¬ Salmon Public Library. 5-9-27 (61 ing. Bedding, clothing, furni¬ The book, written by Sir ture, tools, hardware, sport¬ Walter Scott, was checked out 1974 FOREST Park, 12x67, 3 ing goods, toys, kitchen in 1931 and never returned. bedroom, 15 minutes from items and much more. I Ev¬ A sharp-eyed library aide campus, quiet psrk. Phone erything you need to get John 332-6663 or 674-7456. settled in your crib.) See you spotted it at a rummage sale 7-9 29 (5) there for great deals. Comer recently and returned it to the of Ann & Division Street. 1 shelves. block East of Campus Thea- Library officials said fines tor on Grand River. 2 blocks totaled $291.40. But they have North on Division to church little hope of ever collecting the Ann Street. Bake sale money since the card number ( lf , Ull Willi OKWl. OdRH bd alsol 2-9-22 125) [ Pirsoeil |[Z] r.2'!?!2!1ADULT CLOTHING, drapes, was ago. reassigned many years SINGLE ADULTS datini bowling ball, other household club. Call 646-9188, after items, books. 1970 Monte p.m. 485-0343. 5-9 27 (3) Carlo, Honda E.B. 350. September 22-23, 2332 Devonshire - near Lansing tistnctiOR General Hospital. 2-9-22 (7) FLUTE LESSONS interme¬ Announcements for It's Whats - HOUSEHOLD ITEMS, cloth¬ diate to advanced. Call week¬ Happening must be received in the ing, T.V.'s, books, furniture, State News office, 343 Student day evenings. 394-5297. bike, skis, cars. Saturday, 8-10-2 13) Services Bldg., by noon at least September 23, 10-4 p.m., two days before publication. No Sunday 12-4 p.m. 4396 Mani- announcements will be accepted PIANO - ORGAN lessons in tou, Takoma Hills, Okemos. your home. Good with begin¬ 2-8-22 (6) by phone. ner. 337-2141. 5-9-27 (3) Instructional Developers. Don't LSAT CANDIDATES: Score | torntm |fl| miss first Friday noon luncheon tomorrow, 1961 Rm., N. Case Hall. high with Cassette Home LOW COST travel to Israel. Don Ely discusses "Trends, Is¬ Study. Learn at home in less Toll Free 1-800-223-7676, 9 sues, and Future of the Field". time at lowest cost. Don't waste time and money in a a.m.-7 p.m., NY time. Z-3-9-25 (3) Wanted: Experienced Bell Ring¬ classroom seminar. Ameri¬ ers for several positions open in ca's Largest Selling Pro¬ grams. For free sample, Cas¬ sette and Instant Service, call I '«* 11*1 the audition. MSU Bell Choir. Call for Sandy Trisch (on cam- Jim Dee at TOTALTAPE, DESPERATELY NEED place INC. Toll free 1-800 874-7599. in Apartment or house fall Fourth Way Gurdjieff Study 1505 N.W. 16th Avenue, term only. (616)721-8146 col¬ Group meets Sundays. Call 339- Gainsville. FL 32604. lect. 2-9-22 (3) 3882 evenings. B-1-9-21 (12) WANTED: DORM size refri¬ MSU Science Fiction Club's Fall FOLK MUSIC classes begin October 2, pre-register now: gerator. Call 332-5039-ask for Get-Together Meeting is at 6-8:30 Gordie. 12-10-6 (3) pm this Friday Room 331 Student Guitar, banjo, fiddle, mando¬ Union. New members welcome. lin, dulcimer, singing, auto- FEMALE STUDENT, 31. harp, contradancing, clog¬ needs female roommate and AIKIDO, martial art for self-de¬ ging. Call ELDERLY INSTRU¬ place to live fall term. Has fense and personal growth, and MENTS, 541 E. Grand River, small dog. 393-9535 or Kindo: FREE DEMONSTRATION, East Lansing. 332-4331. 393-8407 5-9-27 (5) C-7-9-29 (9) Sunday, Sept. 24, 2:30pm, Sports Area, Men's IM. [ Rial Estali « Round Town Feminist Self-Defense/Karate Association announces 10-week 10 ACRES between Hough¬ women's self-defense class which ton Lake and Traverse City. meets at 10 a.m. Saturdays, 363 Borders against large area of Union, beginning Sept. 23. state forest. Hardwoods, very rolling and scenic, excellent Students interested in acting in wildlife, hunting. $7500, $100 a Black Soap Opera call 356-3356 down, $60 per month on 9% and leave your phone number or land contract. Call Dolores ATTENTION MSU Faculty - call Willie Davis Open House, Sunday, Sep¬ at^ 353-0963. Nagel, 351-7136 or McKendry tember 24, 2-5 p.m., 3,000 Realty, 646-6229. 8-10-2 (12) Think your career will lead you square feet stately farm home into management? Join the Ad¬ on 2.7 acres of professionally ministrative Management Society. 1 Stnici A landscaped grounds, 5 bed¬ rooms, 2 studies, and com¬ Meetings start soon, call Bruce at 337-0728. BLUEGRASS EXTENSION pletely new kitchen. "Old Service plays weddings, Country Charm Tomie Karate demonstrated as martial parties. 353-9695 days; 372- Raines, Inc. 351-3617 art, sport, self defense tonight at 7 3727 or 339-1119.0-7-9-29(4) 2-9-22 (9) p.m. by the MSU Karate Club, Sports Arena, Men's IM. TYPEWRITER REPAIR - fast, DOG OBEDIENCE class at economical service center, MSU, beginning Oct. second, Conflict Resolution Peace¬ 3841 Okemos Rd. 349-0545. $25. Call 625-3682 after 7 making, free nine week seminar, 8-10-2 (3) p.m. 7-5-29 (5) Monday evenings beginning Sep¬ tember 25. Contact Michel John¬ DAY CARE- for all ages in my son at 337-2731. Group size is Spartan Village home. Years limited. experience. Reasonable rates. Please call 355-9807. The Classical Guitar Society of 3-9-25 (5) Lansing Meets at 1:30 p.m. Oc¬ tober 10, at Beekman Center, 2901 FOR THE best in stereo Wabash in Lansing. Bring guitar or service. THE STEREO SHOP! just listen. 555 E. Grand River. C-7-9-29 (3) Agronomy Club meeting 7:00 p.m. Thursday, 310 Agriculture FREE LESSOfTin complexion Hall. All Crop and Soil students MERLE NORMAN care. COSMETIC STUDIO. 321- la welcome. 5543. C-7 9-29 (4) ia Chicano boy needs a Chicano "brother" to expose him to his Typing Service *4 es culture and to listen. Volunteer at 26 Student Services. Volunteer your talents to help ANN BROWN typing. Disser¬ students with reading or math term tations, resumes, papers. 601 Abbot Road - 1a difficulties. More information available at 26 Student Services. North entrance. 351-7221. 7 9-29 (4) la Episcopaliaus EMMSU begins TERM PAPERS, thesis typed W its fall program with Eucharist and Sermon followed by Open House on IBM Selectric. Phone Mary Lippincott 489-6479 at 5:00 p.m. Sunday in Alumni 3-9-25 (3) Chapel. UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS Meeting for all those interested COMPLETE DISSERTATION in Women's Fencing Team. Meet¬ ing 4:00 p.m. Monday, September AND type RESUME SERVICE- setting, IBM typing off¬ V 25, 208 Men's IM. set printing and binding. For estimate stop in at 2843 E. Volunteer placements available Grand River or phone complaint mediation 332-8414. C-7-9-29 (8) w educations presen¬ tations. Excellent experience for EXPERIENCED IBM typing. (ft those interested in consumer Dissertations, (pica-elite). FAY ANN, 489 0358. (0 rights, 26 Student Services. C-7-9-2913) 0 Students who want to be Deaf Education majors get experience COPYGRAPH SERVICE, now at Michigan School for Deaf. complete dissertation and re¬ Volunteer 26 Student Services. sume service. Corner M.A.C. and Grand River, 8:30 a.m.- (ft Young men at Juvenile Deten¬ 5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday * tion Home need your leadership in recreation and craft programs. 337 1666. C-7-9-29 (7) Apply 26 Student Services TO¬ PROMPT, EXPERIENCED, typing, evenings 332-3492. Z DAY) C-7-9-29 (3) The Physical Therapy Depart¬ V ment of Ingham Medical Center TYPING.EXPERIENCED, fast has volunteer positions open. & reasonable. C 7 9-29 (3) 371-4635. "S Contact 26 Student Services as soon as possible. TYPIST, 10 years secretarial experience. Laingsburg area. 661-6424 2-9-22 (3) 55 Programs for Handicappers has opportunities for individuals to be personal assistants, readers, note- takers and interpreters. Inquire W-402 main library. EXPERT TYPING. Term pa¬ pers, letters, RESUMES. Near Gables. 337-0205. Parachuting afternoons and C-7-9 29 (3) weekends. Beginning lessons. MSU Sport Parachute Club. 1 ImsHftitlw B gan Participants wanted for Michi¬ State Debate and Forensic RIDER NEEDED to Boston, Squad. Meet September 26 at 7:00 End of October. Call 351- p.m., 504 South Kedzie. Experi¬ 1298. 3-9-25 (3) ence not necessary. Thunday, Sopltmbor 21, 1978 39Mkhlyin Slot* News. Eos) Lonsinq. Michigan r~mhim tn i IS i i »*n iffi i ROOMMATE NEEDED own FURNISHED, 4 rooms and W i *«» EAST SIDE,1 nice 3 bedroom, iffi i »■ w I SINGLE ROOM, for refined GLASSES S FOR eveiYonel WANTED: FULL time night 1 MALE roommate- graduate DOWNTOWN LANSING, - bath. Near bus, near Spar¬ ideal for MSU, LCC students. gentleman with reference. Lara. selection of frames. STUDENT FOR part-time student. Close to campus. luxury 1 bedroom units in an room, partly furnished. 482-8304. 3-9-25 (3) OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2617 man. Sunday-Thursday, 11 row. Parking, utilities paid. $325 plus utilities. 351-3266. work M aimutatad woman Call between 7-8 p.m. 351- ideal central location. Fur¬ Kingspoint East - call be¬ E. Michigan, Lansing, Michi¬ p.m.-7 a.m. Call 694 9823, tween 3 - 8. 351-7846. Call 482-8183 from 3-7 p.m. 8-10-2 (4) patient for medical course. nished or unfurnished. Sec¬ PRIVATE ROOM-bath in gan. 372-7409. C-7-9-2916) 4-6 hours per week. 1-5 p.m.. 7-11 FOOD STORE, Holt, 129l-2-9-2-(4)_ urity intercom system, air 3-9-25 (4) Other times 1-827-2216. 3-8-25 (6) STUDENTS large country home, horses. 2 weekday afternoons except Michiga_n._5-9-27J5) FEMALE ROOMMATE need¬ conditioned and more. Call WE have available rentals Non-smoking female or cou¬ SEWING MACHINES llightly Wednaedey. Applicant must ed. 225 Division No. 6. Inquire A.I.M. INC. for an appoint¬ EAST LANSING, deluxe 2 STUDENT WIVES, babysit¬ NON-SMOKING FEMALE houses, apartments, du¬ ple. Okemos 349-2040. uiad, guaranteed, «39.96 and be 18 years of ape or older. after 5:30 or call Kim 351- ment. 374-2800 Monday-Fri¬ bedroom furnished duplex. ting and light housekeeping. needed for 4-person apart¬ (4) up. Open arm chain from For information call Ms. 8505. 2-9-22 (4) 597 Spartan, $290. 339-8802, plexes. Let us help you find a Approximately 6-7 hours a day 11 a.m.-6 p.m. ment. Near campus. 337- rental close to campus. 89.60. EDWARDS DISTRI¬ Coon, 353-5444 between 1:15 0-7-29(10) 351-4107. 8-10-2 (4) BUTING CO., 1116 N. Waah- and 4 p.m. 2-9-22 110) day. Fee adjustable. Includes lunch. 337-0022. 2-9-22 (6) ROOMMATE NEEDED- 1534.12-1041 (3) _ CAPITAL RESIDENTIAL b COMMERCIAL RENTAL I Hi* II5I ington. 489-6449. C-7-9-29 (61 2 BEDROOM apartments, SERVICE. Open Monday-Fri¬ KENWOOD STEREO- 7M WAITRESS AND part-time CHILD CARE, housekeeping, Modern, close, $130/month 100 USED vacuum cleanan, Saginaw and Pennsylvania day, 9 a.m.-8 p.m., Saturday cook needed. FIUPELU'S, 2167 W. Grand River. 4 or 5 days/week. 3 p.m.-5 includes water and heat. Call WELCOME BACK area. 489-7006 after 6 P.M. and Sunday 10 a.m.-6 p.m. tuner 9 amplifier, KLH speak¬ ers. 1 year old. Will sell to 1 year warranty, 17,68 and p.m. Must have own car. Call 313-881-8794 or 353-4082. 8-10-2 (3) 2800S.Cedar.394-1110. Fee. up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING Okemos. Apply in person best bidder. 337-2590. 351-4356 after 5 p.m. 4-9-26 7-9-29 (5) 12-10-6 (10) COMPANY, 316 N. Cedar. anytime. 8-10-2 (4) 332-4432 8-10-2 (6) C-7-9-2915) (5) TWO ROOMS, bus air, sau¬ FEMALE NEEDED to share THANKS FOR na. Okemos, $78 each. 349- 3-4 Man furnished, fireplace, QUEEN SIZE COOP BOOKSTORE needs STUDIO APARTMENTS, nice one bedroom apt. very bgx springs VISIT MID-MICHIGAN'S MOTHERS HELPER needed 2749. 3-9-25 (3) very close, good condition. almost new. $80 or best offer. furnished, air, with all utilities Monday-Thursday, 8:45 a.m.- part-time coordinator... 10 paid. Rec room, heated pool, close to campus. Nice view, RETURNING 372-1801, 332-1800. 7-9-29(4) 487-2993. 5-9-27 (3) largaat uaad bookshop. CUR¬ IOUS BOOKSHOP, 307 E. 11:45 a.m. $1.25/hour. Own hours per week, $3/hour. balcony, extras. Friendly per¬ SPARROW HOSPITAL near E. Grand River. Near only. 134 Stoddard, Grand River, East Lansing. transportation, close. 351- Must be personable, able to on campus. $175/monthly, $85/ son corner of Grand River. 332- TO 107 S. Pennsylvania. Efficien¬ 5-6 Man, Park Lane. Fur¬ FURNITURE - GOLD and 332-0112. C-7-9-29 151 1309. 2-9-22 14) supervise and coordinate cy, $135. Bachelors $110. nished, fireplace, close, good white formica round table volunteers, and coordinate weekly. 337-1621. Also possi¬ 4137 phone in on Monday. ble employment opportunity - DELTA ARMS Lease and deposit. See condition, 372-1801, 332- with wide leaf - $66, gold PART-TIME sales help inventory. Apply at 211 Ab¬ 2-9-22 (8) INSTANT CASH. We're available for rent. 2-9-22 (8) George Murphy. Coin laun¬ 1800. 7-9-29 (4) metal wall cabinet $30, wal¬ bott, East Lansing. 2-9-22 (9) wanted. Apply in person only NON-SMOKER wanted to dry. 1002 East Michigan be¬ nut kitchen cabinet with paying 11-12 for albumt in at FOX'S JEWELRY, Frandor WAITRESS, FLEXIBLE LARGE 1 bedroom apart¬ share apartment with vege¬ Have a good tween 10-12 a.m. 1-9-21 (7) HIGH STREET 2 bedroom white formica top $46. good shape. WAZOO REC¬ Shopping Center. 3-9-25 (6) tarian, own room, close to brick duplex, unfurnished, ORDS, 223 Abbott, 337-0947. hours. Apply in person only. ment, 3 rooms b bath, $135/ 486-0396. 2-9-22 (6) C-7-9-29 Ml TAXI ORIVERS, must have YE OLD ROUND TABLE, 3106 E. Grand River. 8-10-2 month. 6 blocks block south of West Et 1 LCC. Call MSU, $150, 351-5199 2-9-22 (4) year! HURRY... garage. children Married couple, no or pets. References, FOR YOUR used furniture BICYCLE, 10-ipeed, excel¬ excellent driving record. Full deposit $175. 663-4345 or IV5-3556 or 482-9770 after needs, Grant's new and used lent condition. 190. 372-9759. and part-time. Apply at FEMALE ROOMMATE need¬ 482-1727.8-10-2 (6) 3:30 p.m. 2-9-22 (7) NEED two women to share furniture. 484-4903.8-9-28 (3) E-5-9-27 131 VARSITY CAB, 332 3559. Campus Hill, quiet location, ed, close to campus. 332- Only one apartment 8-10-2 14) For Rwt £ FEMALE NEEDED for 4-man $90/month, 349-2052 10-10-4 (3) 8941.4-9-26 (3) left for the fall NEXT TO CAMPUS NEWLY REMODELED 4 bed¬ room home, furnished, car¬ TWO INFINITY 200 11,1430. B|CYCLES Sound Craftiman, pre-amp chair, ,3 00, F-7814 CHEAP, lawn CASHIER NEEDED, part- Twyckingh8m Apartment FURNISHED ROOM in pri¬ REFRIGERATORS, 2 cube, 3 person peted, 5 minutes to commut¬ equalizer modal, PE2217, .:rBt nMr|V r time for self-service station. (Hagadorn.) $1Q2.50/month vate home for male. Access apartment dorm size, free delivery. Uni¬ ONE OR TWO females need¬ er lot. $305/month. Occupan¬ 1260. 374-6784. 8-19-2 (41 Must be available 3-9 p.m. plus electric b phone. 9 kitchen, parking. 393-7197 £-6-9-27(41 ted Rent-All. 351-6562. month lease. See apartment ed for apartment next to to RIVMSIDOI cy 9-29. 332-3700. 8-10-2 (5) and alternate weekends. Lo¬ 7-9-29 (3) 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 8-10-2 (4) D-11. 3-9-25 (4) campus 332-4432 2-9-22 (3) SOFA BED, 145. 6 M feet, HOUSE OFF Collage Road gan and Holmes area. Call WATIMIDOI CLOSE TO campus - 3 rooms fold, flat, Herculon, excel- for aala by owner. 3 bedroom, 393-0418 between 9 a.m. and REFRIGERATORS, T.V., TWO BEDROOM town- left in 6 room house. $125/ FEMALE ROOMMATE want¬ lent. 332-6663. 5-9-27 131 114 bath, 2 car garage. 4 p.m. 2-9-22(8) stereo rentals. Free delivery APMTMIMTS month including utilities. ed to share 2 bedroom apart¬ house, unfurnished. $275/ 0621. 12-10-6141 NURSES AIDS and LPN'sfor on-off campus. RENTAL, 372-1795. DORM ment. 3 blocks from LCC. month plus utilities. One year WELCOME BACK Large living area and kitchen. Call Equity Vest 351-1500. Available October 1. Call Ibase. Across from campus. merr 3 bedroom, 2 story Dutch all shifts. Please call AVON 0-7-9-29 (4) 251 River St. 7-9-29 (5) 487-6549. 8-10-2 (5) Call 351-0359. 2-9-22 (5) Colonial on quiet dead end NURSING HOME. 489-1701. (next to Cedar Village) Rfaran • 111 VU twl* Mil street. 10 minutes south of 8-10-2 (5) REFRIGERATORS-FREEZ- HURRY! THANKS FOR 332-4432 Rhus MSU. Wooded, call Barb ERS-dishwashers. ESCH- all our quality used Hoopingarner, 899-2428 or PART-TIME jobs- Big money: TRUTH APPLIANCES 315 S. RETURNING TO stereo components Brokers Inc. 351-1880. Accounting, Law or Pre-Law Bridge Grand Ledge, 627- only I left PENNSYLVANIA, 2 bedroom ONE ROOM in 5 bedroom now at lower than 5-9-27 (7) students preferred. All ag¬ 2191. 7-9-29 (5) upper. $210 plus utilities. Call house. Great location, 446 gressive, articulate, hungary at UNIVERSITY 371-4208. 8-10-2 (3) Grove St., 12-or call Larry discount prices 4 BEDROOM split level home students reps for O.K. Need sales CPA/LSAT Cassette n$rt*nifi RIICHWOOD at 361-8223. 8-10-2 (5) DICKMI in quiet rural subdivision Home Study Programs. America's Largest Selling 1 NONSMOKING Female to an unexpected TERRACE I "■* Iffi SINGLE, LARGE, furnished, Md close to MSU, 24 ft. Family room, screened porch. kitchen, very close. $90-$ 120, share 2 bedroom apartment GROSBECK AREA - David 5-9-27 (6) Programs. Call Jim Dee at 372-1801, 332-1800. 7-9-29(4) DIAL TOTALTAPE. INC. Toll free with 3 friendly females. opening Street. 2 bedroom, upper. 1-800-874-7589, 1506 NW $82.50/month. 337-1469 after Have a good year! Private entrance, carpeted, MALE STUDENTS: single 1701 South C«dar NEW, USED and vintage 16TH Ave., GainsviNe, FL 5. 3-9-25 (5) 2 bdrms. 2'/» baths stove and refrigerator. Clean. rooms. 332-5791 after 5:30 guitars, banjos, mandolins, 32804. B-1-9-21 (12) etc. Dulcimers and kits, re¬ immediate 351-5964. 3-9-25 14) p.m., weekends anytime. 487-3886 FEMALE ROOMMATE need¬ 3 MALES for 2 apartments. corders, strings, accessories, 3-9-25 (3) PART-TIME help, available 4 ed to share apartment. Come books, thousands of hard-to- occupancy! Rent, $95/month each, plus EAST SIDE Lansing, 2-3 WE'RE MOVING to Frandor. find albums (all at very low evenings per week. Apply in to 318 Waters Edge Apart¬ $190 deposit each apartment. bedroom. $200-$300. Near Call batwaan t-S USE OF kitchen, parking or Watch for details and date. prices) Private and group person only, 7-11, 2525 E. ments, or call 332-1409 after One year lease required. 332- MSU 332-1800 or 372-1801. transportation to MSU, pre¬ MARSHALL MUSIC. lesaons on guitar, banjo, Jolly Road. 7-9-29 (5) September 21. S-5-9-27 (5) JJI-JIU 4770. 2-9-22 (5) 7-9-29 14) fer senior or graduate stu¬ C-1-9-21 (3) mandolin, all styles. Gift certi¬ dent. Lansing. 482-4817. ficates. Expert repairs - free GIRL TO share nice Okemos 3-9-28 (4) house. $88.25 +. After 6 p.m. FUPNITURE, KITCHEN uten¬ estimates. ELDERLY IN¬ The State News Yellow Page 349-2893. 2-9-22 (3) ROOM FOR part-time house¬ keeper, 2 miles from campus. sils, etc. Call 332-4758 only STRUMENTS. 541 E. Grand 6-9 Tuesdays b 2-9 Sunday. River. 332-4331. C-2-9-22 (13) LANSING, 3 bedroom house. Okemos-349-4718. 8-10-2 (3) May call but not see 10-11 East side. Furnished, fire¬ p.m. 2-9-22 (3) BUSINESS- place, $312/month, CLASSROOM CASSETTE FEMALE, OWN room liable. 484-2164 i TAKARA10-speed. Many ex¬ decks - used, plus type¬ plex, $105 per month, tras. Excellent condition. writers. TV's, bicycles, calcu¬ 8-10-2 (4) campus. Kathy, 676-5222, $135. 669-3826. 3-9-25 (3) lators, cameras, stereo ext. 320. 3-9-25 (4) NEAR MSU, 4 person house, components, guitars, amps, SERVICE 4 bedroom, furnished. 526 EAST SIDE, 4 bedroom NEW WATERBED supplies tools, jewelry. 1000 used Virginia. 332-6896. house, neat and clean, lease, at student affordable prices. albums, 500 used tapes. Kits and plans available. Call BUY-SELL-TRADE. Wilcox Z-8-10-2 (3) deposit, $250. 675-5252. 8-10-2 (4) John, evenings, 332-6703. Trading Post, 509 E. Michi¬ TWO BEDROOM, PARTI¬ gan, Lansing, 486-4391. ALLY FURNISHED. 402 N. EAST LANSING for C-2-9-22 (111 DIRECTORY room Foster. $140 plus utilities. male, close to Union. 443 NEW WATERBED supplies 486-8966. 1-9-21 (3) Grove Street. 332-0205. at student affordable prices. THE FISH MONGER has 2-9-22 (41 Kits and plans available. Call some weekend goodies for MSU 4 blocks, 3 bedroom, John, evenings, 332-6703. you: 10 gallon starter setups stove and refrigerator, 12 ROOMS 1136 Frye Street, 8-10-2 (6) with tank, light, heater, and CNUtBTS SHOES AUTO SERVICE TRAVEL close to campus. $70/month filtration for $19.95. Mixed month lease. Deposit - $300. 349-4850. and up. 351-0473. 8-10-2 (31 ALTEC SANTANA II speak- platys 2 for 981 Silver angels SPARTAN I MSU UNION 332-5059 or ers-$325 or best offer. 351- 2 for 96& and other fish AmiTHTA MUFFLER CENTER * CATERING 8-10-2(4) LARGE COMFORTABLE 7131. 8-10-2 13) specials. Limited quantities SYtHH5 V CHI LOH EN'S 'NUK£S •SHOCKS TOURS - CRUISES HOTEL. RESERVATIONS f "Catering Specialists' MALE ROOMMATE- west East Lansing. Split, $260/month plus utilities. Call North¬ room in professor's home. $100 a month, utilities includ¬ ed. Transportation needed to TYPEWRITERS, MANUAL available. Stop by the Fish Monger 7 days a week at portable Singer pica $40, 1522 E. Michigan, Lansing. SHOE STONE •Wadding Racaptioni Tim, 351-1774 after 7 p.m. MSU. Call 349-1353 after 4 Royal elite $30, call 332-0070 2-9-22 (13) IFRANDOR 'Finn EM WORK c0lle6e travel •Braokfasti, Lunch- p.m. 1-9-21 16) E-5-9-27 (3) 3-9-»(5> lafeau m4 CMMmk'i SHOES 30% aoni, Dinners 12X16 RUST colored carpet. office •Bor Set-up* 4 BEDROOM on East side of COUCH AND Chair $75, raw One month old. $86.694-9142 • Widths SEEL STUDENT DISCOUNT Lansing. $400 not including b board to • Orthopedic Shoes 130 V». Grand Riser •Takeout Service FREE ROOM pine and cushions. 339-3075 after 6. 8-10-2(3) ' ON ALL WORK Eait •Meeting Rooms and utilities. Neat, clean with oak junior, senior, grad student in E-5-9-27 (3) Tip tad BiKel Laming • P.F. Flyers woodwork. Deposit. Call 485- uxchangr for sitting with one OVER 2500 cheap albums 254 WITH I.D. k Equipment • Cowboy Boots 351 -6010 7593. 8-10-2 (6) 8 year old £r light housework. GE STEREO in excellent con¬ and up - all types - hits to the 717 S. PENNSYLVANIA 355-3465 Nice home on busline. 3 miles dition. Includes turntable • Horn* Slippers obscure. Flat, Black b Circu¬ THE TRAVEL PROFESSIONALS'' NEAR CAMPUS, modern 2- 361-4747 -£SZc2222. from MSU. 372-8123 morn¬ AM/FM stereo receiver, 10" lar, 541 E. Grand River above 3,6-7 bedroom duplexes and ings. 5-9-27 (7) speakers and table. Built for Paramount. Open 11 a.m. fHBHTHF HEALTH FOOD HAIR SALON houses; furnished. 351-6471, unit. $95. 356-5781 after 6 351-0838. 7-9-2917) evenings 485-1436. 0-7-9-29 EIGHT BLOCKS TO MSU. p.m. E-5-9-27 (6) 10% DISCOUNT "ftOwEwyft*" (4) Large furnished room plus AKA11730 DSS quad reel to kitchen for non-smoking APPLE CRATES • new. Ideal reel. $200. 3494)235. ask for to oil MSU • dormitories FEMALE TO share 2 bed¬ male. Private entrance. Prefer for album storage, book Mike. 3-9-25 (3) room furnished house. $115/ a apartments students quiet grad student. Phone shelves, etc. $2.60 each. 332- TWIN iM.es •bu.ins.ee. month. 351-3382 - A.M. 322-4076 8-10-2 (4) 5091. 7-9-29 (3) SAILBOAT - 14 foot Hobie 8-10-2 (3) Cat. $895. Call 337-0286 DOUBLEiS4.es end breeds secluded evenings. 3-9-26 (3) Odd aizet to order Dannon Yogurt 31' Acne Beddiig Co. RANDALL HEALTH F000 Brookfiold Plazo Phone 349-0430 PEOPLE REACHER I *"■»'« FOR LEASE-9 year old Iffrl Arab mare, ridden Englleh, expsri- 40S Cherry SKol.rn.zoa Phone 417- 4W5 1341 i. Grand River 332-4692 4663 Ardmore Okemoi, Michigan 48864 WANT AD ienced rider. ing!. 5-9-29 (3) 332-8277 even¬ URDU BICYCLE SHOP REALISM Just complete form and Tbis Fall's Yillew Pitts mail with payment to: HORSES BOARDED near UNION campus, excellent care by State News Classified Dept. qualified trainer/inetructor. BUILDING BARBER , WORTH TweUcellewMi OVER 400 QUALITY BIKU 347 Student Services Bldg. Call 666-1288. 5-9-27 (4) East Lansing, Mich. 48823 DOBERMAN PUPPIES, com¬ SHOP RK Products LOOKING [Ports4AccmmtIm(Htm. tgb*6. «tc.)| k Guar on food lapoirinfl pletely ready with ears done. Priced right. 489-5457. 12-166 141 IB 351-3617 •Layer Cuts •Latest Styling INTO! hy »• -(aBew-bMAcbeMwil at •Women's Haircuts THAirams an HrtuMlr. City . Zip Cade. The Red EsWe Place AKC, aire champion CAS 8-5:30Mon. - Fri. J(lstHfhtl. ti H.|i4int«W Or. Mtrar] EOOO CALL CUM Daytime Phi 12 weeks. 6125-6250. 337- 5 hagMan eoS tnsng 366-3359 2504. 2-9-22 141 35H85 Chmificotio TORACCOiST HOUSE MUROM | ujj t fHrt |fq] NOW MAR IMS PROM TM TOR 25 chorocters in • line, including punctuation and spaces between words. LOST - MALE Doberman, AT TM BTOM WITH TM HORSE BOARDING shepherd ouppy. 12 weeks. Wearing oversized red collar. Print Ad hart Civ* you and your hors* th* b*st I »:3m3-9;»j4) 'Cigantti by. Wa bav. la stack ■ LOST: In Union Building- Sbermaa - DeebiQ - Sobraiae light gray raincoat- forecaatar 'Pipti by SaviiuUi Quality Feed. Large Box Stalls 60x114' of Boaton, 321-2984. 1-9-21 (31 •21 Rod Door pip. tobacco blende Lighted Indoor Arena. Hug. Outdoor CIRCLE RATE WANTED Arena. Year Round Training and Riding Facility. tnEncnintn! Milt Rhus mcocnEHU CexmplelLa JAMWJUIIIUUULM »■»■■*■«• 11651 Plains Hwy, Eaton Rapids 443-4256 onmiufnEa rinminn mmmmn Eim carom ROY CRAFT, 1 bedroom with fireplace, air condltionet, close tc MSU. 1-521-4070. 8-9-29 131 To List Your Business CuU GloH 355-8255 Ml Ml Si IM 1(21 IKJI I Thursday, September 21, 1978 33 HAGAR the Horrible SPONSORED BY: k|| H Dancing in the nude with «*«"• MIU Friday, by Dik Browne n s*P,*fnb*r 29 8 Hi Auditorium pm - MSU StlePT/ FETCH MY, ISHT v/ATcdTBWoii HT 1 slippers/ taught Him to 1 PLAY PBAP H THURSDAY (12) Star Trek (11)Shintowa (I I) Benson Gaffner No. 1 12:00 (23) Sesame Street (12) Mary Tyler Moore (12) Barney Miller (6-12) News 4:30 (23) MacNeil/Lehrer report (23) Long Seorch 8:00 9:30 (10) America Alive! (6) Doris Day (23) Mayor of Casterbridge (10) Gilligan's Island (6) Woltons (11) Benson Gaffner No. 2 12:20 5:00 (10) Project U.F.O. (12) Soap (I I) Woman Wise 10:00 (6) almanac (6) Gunsmoke 12:30 (10) Bob Newhort (12)Morkand Mlndy (6) Barnoby Jones (6) Search For Tomorrow (12) Gong Show (23) Once Upon a Classic (10)W.E.B. 8:30 (11) Ed-itorlal Weiss-Cracks CLEANERS (12) Ryan's Hope 1:00 (23) Mister Rogers 5:30 (11) Tempo (12) Family PEANUTS® SPONSORED BY: WW LAUNDRY 11 sun mo as: turns (10) For Richer, For Poorer (12) News (12) What's Happening! I (23) Pallisers by Schulz LET US DO YOUR (6) Young and the Restless (10) Mary Tyler Moore (23) Victor: A Portrait of 11:00 SUMMER ALTERATIONS (23) Electric Company Love (12) All My Children (6-10-12) News 332-3537 6:00 9:00 (23) Opus 22 (23) Pick Cavett 1:30 (6-10-12) News (lO)Quincy (11) TNT True Adventure U)H£N YOU'RE FEELING THE MAPPER THE LOWER (6) As the World Turns (10) Days Of Our lives Trails G00P YOU CAN SIT YOU GET., YOU SINK 2:00 (23) Dick Cavett 6:30 MSU SHADOWS UP STRAIGHT IN YOUR KAN BAS... (12) One life to Live with this comic! (23) liberty Line (6) CBS News by Gordon Carleton New Pete's! Albert at MAC 2:30) under Moon's (10) NBC News SPONSORED BY: (6) Guiding light (11) Seventh annual Model (10) Doctors Horse Congress (23) Over Easy (12) ABC News - 3:00 (23) Ovr Easy I THOUGHT WUWANTEPTO GET SUPPORT. i think thls BUS REPELLENT:. • THE MORE I SPIWTUW BUS 5TOW I P'CKEP coulp be cur up at the hard-/ INSTEAD *30 GOT BUS THE HOUSE m &T! rf problem- . HOKUM! ware 3tdre^_- —; nuhat re feu * usims ontheft?, ~~~jr—/oom. pe n OH. l0rdy.'- v / owefdlmh ' ekwepf these • .? \ flCPUCTS./-' PILLOW TALK SPONSORED BY: FURNITURE by Johnny Hart CAMPUS OINI IN OR CAU TUMBLEWEEDS® PIZZA MAT YOU DEVELOPA SNEEZING MAT TOJR WBRD DHU6MT&? eeiN6 fcwe A BOYFRIEND WHO ATTACK WHILE HIDING* IN WE by Tom K. Ryan TRUNK AT THE ENTRANCE To THE 6AT5 SPAGHETTI THKDU&H HIS ' PRIVE lN THEATRE. Nose. GREETINGS, 0 PHONIC- rAREFUL, NOZZLE N05E," YOU FETTEREP FLEA... HOWS COULP BECOME THI5 WEEKS . THINGS IN TEENSY^-t/ RECIPIENT OF MY M05T V WORLD? AO SCRlPRl-E WITHERIN& &LARE. /OU SCRlWW-E SCRlPPLE SPONSORED BY: siQajfSH is0aa« IIRFRTY BELL PRESENTS: by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker CROSSWORD ej^pnir aaEwna Grease is the word: PUZZLE H0®a@ a^assa "a frankievalli 033 n®s ansa ,W sept 29 ACROSS 27. Benefit enjoyed 28 Talk fondly asm® fflas hks tickets: both Recordlonds Your back yeah. give it 1 Month, abbr. 29. Be incorrect H01 amiss "■*' 4 Lansing Civic Center wert out on A LITTLE 30 Algerian city hehisb ana Box Office 4. Handle crudely You again? TAB 7. Pepper shrub: 0S8 aSS BODH0 variant 32 Took hod s0as asm ama It. Normal 33 Award sansas 0S3QS 13. Sheep genus 35 Bones 37 Of the ear Quassia anassi 14 Old soldier 41. Counter-tenor Bsaas ganglia 15. Decorative container 42 Achieve 16. Aphrodite's son 45. Promenade 17. fairy 46 Medieval piece 49 Shaping form 3. Power to reject 18. Faceted gem of ordnance 4 Nominal value surface 47. Arrow poison OOWN 5. Turkish general 22. Possessive 48. Marquis 6 Cyst Hirobumi I. Churcti part 7 Sheltnod nook adjective 24. Base 2 Extra I Cupidity |A8 |4' u I I 107 Guest ~H Re* Gynt s mother BEETLE BAILEY SPONSORED BY: I 12. Support for a " | lance by Mort Walker _ __ 17. Contour feather |H 19. Serpent keep this here's your __ ■ 20. Caliber snack, sarge 21. Encumbrance area clear for loading/, ■5 H 23. Heir 24. Measure of yarn ■3 — 25. Bobolink B 26. Struggle 34. 36. Matchless 38. Fish .39 Entry 40. Whale 41 Parisian friend LOADING OfT — — —- — 42. Assam ' NOPARkP] | silkworm 43. Totem pole ■*—44 Oil-yieldingtree