VOLUME 72 NUMBER 144 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11. 1978 1 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING MICHIGAN 48824 1 Senate OKs tax cut; Carter threatens veto By JIM LUTHER ation and proposed that the Finance deduction allowed for state and local Associated Press Writer Committee hold the 1979 cut to about $20 gasoline taxes. WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate billion. The Finance Committee voted in Both the House and the Finance Commit passed a $29.3 billion tax cut bill Tuesday favor of a $22.9 billion cut. tee proposed to eliminate the deduction, that was bloated so far above the level The figure was increased to $30 billion by which benefits most of the estimated 30 recommended by President Carter that he virtue of Senate floor action. percent of taxpayers who itemize their threatened to veto it. Sen. Edmund S. Muskie, D Maine, chair Carter told a nationally broadcast news person of the Budget Committee, cautioned The Senate reduced the size of the bill by conference he would not hesitate to veto a colleagues that while their amendments about $200 million Tuesday by tailoring a tax cut if he thought it too expensive or were still within budget limits for 1979, the Finance Committee business provision in a failed to meet the basic criteria of simpli¬ cost of the amendments would skyrocket in way that would benefit small business. But city. fairness and equitability. future years. then the price tag was raised again when a Carter said the House passed, $16.3 The Finance Committee bill would result larger cut in corporate tax cuts was million bill meets his budgetary guidelines. in revenue losses of $65.9 billion in the 1983 approved. But he added that the $29.3 million Senate budget year. But Senate amendments A 62-25 vote approved an amendment by- bill "would not be acceptable in its present would push the cost to $144 billion. Muskie Sen. Gaylord Nelson, D-Wis., that would form". said. allow a business to write off over three The measure, approved 86-4, includes One such proposed revenue loss with years the first $25,000 worth of equipment reductions for virtually all individuals, with wide appeal was an effort by Sen. Jess purchased, regardless of how long a life the benefits tilted toward those with incomes Helms, R-N.C., to retain the present (continued on page 16) under 450,000 a year. In addition, it contains major tax cuts for investors, which the Senate refused by a lopsided margin to scale down, and for businesses. to a The Senate bill would give a $266 tax cut typical four-member family with a $20,000 income and deductions percent totaling 23 of income. The House bill would Diggs to leave give the same family a $146 tax break. A single person earning $20,000 would realize a $114 tax reduction, or $9 more than in the House bill. were The four senators : Mark voting against the bill Hatfield, R-Ore.; Ernest Hollings, D-S.C.; Howard Metzenbaum, future to voters ever been ousted and that was for treason D Ohio; and James Abourezk, D-S.D. DETROIT (UPI) - Rep. Charles C. during the Civil War. The Senate legislation is almost certain to Diggs Jr., D-Mich., vowed Tuesday to "The only qualifications to be a member remain in Congress despite his conviction be reduced when it goes to a House-Benate of Congress are age and citizenship," Diggs conference committee. for payroll padding and mail fraud but said said. he was stepping aside from his official By a 7318 vote, the Senate added to the Diggs temporarily relinquished his role bill an expanded tax break for persons 55 duties until after the Nov. 7 election. Diggs, 55. the nation's senior black as a voting House member and chairperson and older who sell their principal home and of the House District of Columbia Commit don't buy a new one costing at least as much Legislator, said he has no intention of tee and House International Relations Once in a lifetime they could keep tax-free resigning even if high courts let his 29-count Subcommittee on Africa to adhere to a tbe profit from the first $100,000 of sales felony conviction stand. Ho «aid ha will let House advisory rule. voters in the downtown Detroit-area dis¬ price, and a proportionate amount at higher The rule stipulates that any legislator trict who have elected him to six successive prices. convicted of a felony carrying a prison terms be the sole judge of his conduct. That amendment would eliminate the sentence of more than two years "should relief voted by the Finance Committee for "There is an election coming up the 7th of November." he told a packed news confer- stand aside" until the conviction is reversed all persons who sell their homes. The or the Legislator is pardoned or re-elected. committee plan would have exempted from Since Congress is slated to recess taxes the profit from the first $50,000 of "My constituents will have the opportun¬ Saturday, Diggs' action was seen mainly as selling price, regardless of the age of the ity to make a judgment based on many a token gesture. seller and a proportionate amount on factors, including the trial." — Diggs, a founder of the Black Congres Diggs was convicted by a U.S. District more expensive homes. sional Caucus who was first elected in 1954, Court jury in Washington Saturday of As senators headed into the final hours of is rated an overwhelming favorite to defeat defrauding the government of $66,000 by- debate on the tax bill, almost no room was padding the salaries of five staff aides to HANDICAPPERS CLAIM BIS PROBLEMS left in the budget for additional tax cuts in Republican challenger Dovie T. Pickett at the polls despite his legal predicament. help pay off his business and personal 1979. But there was no bar to amendments debts, which are considerable. that would take effect in later years. State GOP Chairperson William Mc But Diggs contended, as he did during Council cites transportation needs in The House passed a $16.3 billion tax cut August. The Carter administration trimmed its original $25 billion recommend¬ Laughlin has called for Diggs' resignation or expulsion by a two-thirds majority vote of his colleagues. Diggs said only three have his trial, that other members of Congress have "violated criminal statutes that were much more venal" and said he questions "why I was picked out as a target for prose eution" by the Justice Department. Students also need a third bus and driver The applicant was interviewed by stu¬ By JOY L.HAENLEIN He refused to name names, but said. "I Zimbabwe bias to run at peak hours of the day. they said. dents and the Office of Handicapper State News Staff Writer think the same government that sent the The result is a transportation system Programs, Groty said, and he has not yet Handicappers returning to MSU this fall received objective reasons why the em¬ FBI after me would see fit to investigate find they cannot always get to class on time, which is "inconsistent," said Raul Mueller, a these other matters." ASMSU Handicapper Council members James Madison College sophomore. ployee is not suitable. Ten to 12 people must now try to use the Diggs claimed that "there is something complained Monday night. service within five to 10 minutes of each Groty describes the issue as "the needs of unholy" about the Justice Department's The two-fold problem stems from a lack Office of Handicapper Programs versus the alleged policy of "selected prosecution." other, according to the current pick-up and laws may "This is the first time in the history of of personnel to coordinate the bus system alter rights of an individual in a contractual used by many handicappers travelling to drop-off schedule, students said. agreement." this country that criminal charges have Council members said such tight schedul¬ and from classes, members said at a been initiated against a member of Con¬ handicapper council meeting. ing leaves them no time to talk with "OPH has two positions open, not just gress under these conditions," he said. professors after class because they are one," he said, adding the demand for two afraid the bus will leave without them. positions may create an administrative SALISBURY. Zimbabwe (API - Zim¬ the Rev. Ndabaningi Sithole were in the The two-bus system is relying on Office of problem for the office. babwe's interim government announced United States, seeking backing for their Handicapper Programs Director Judy Tay¬ 6U' pesticide lor to coordinate the schedule, but she does The applicant has filed a grievance plans Tuesday to strike down segregation laws, clearing the way for blacks to live in internal government, set up to pave the way to black majority rule with elections. Smith not arrive early enough to take 8 a.m. calls, against OPH and is now working with MSU reported no headway in the quest. council members said. Employee Relations to be hired for the bus r._tf white neighborhoods, attend white schools Tiny rightwing white political parties Students said a full-time person is needed driver position along with back pay during white hospitals, andTheuseproposed if they can afford it changes must still be acted furious about the proposals. "This lab conducts were to handle cancellations, schedule changes, the delay of his appointment. upon by Parliament, and there were reports means the surrender and destruction of the and evening calls. white man and his institutions in Rhodesia Members of the Handicapper Council said it might be called into special session. Although council members said the Office (Zimbabwe) and a victory for the terrorists." of Handicapper Programs knew of the they talked with students who interviewed The proposals were lauded by the biracial said Rhodesian National Party president the applicant who said they would feel government as a significant breakthrough PBB tests personnel shortage this summer, a replace¬ ment has not yet been found. "uncomfortable" with him as a driver. despite the fact that only the wealthiest of the nation's 6.7 million blacks will be able to Len Idenson. Spokespersons for the black parties in the Meanwhile, handicappers are paying$75a Mueller said he would support trial a afford the integration. transition government hailed the announce¬ term for the bus transportation service, a By PAULCOX period for the applicant, as "time is of the The average earnings of black is about ment as a "tremendous breakthrough" and a fee some said they feel should be partially State Newt Staff Writer refunded if the system's performance does $830 a year compared to $9,240 for "giant step." Tests for traces of PBB are being Zimbabwe's 260,000 whites. White Health and Education Minister not improve. "We're willing to take a chance," he said. conducted by the analytical laboratory of the The announcement was made while white Rowan Cronje said schools would remain In contrast, other students pay $19 a term "It is the only way to get movement on this MSU Pesticide Research Center. Prime Minister Ian Smith and black leader free on black reservations, while the $72 for bus service, council members added. The testing was ordered last week by annual cost of white state schools will John E. Cantlon, vice president for research A possible replacement has been found probably be hiked. But it was likely and graduate studies, in light of MSU's by MSU Personnel and Employee Rela¬ integration of white schools would be slowed not just by lack of money, but also because burning of PBB-tainted animals from 1974 to tions, but whether a trial period will be 1978. No testing of students or staff will be considered until after the trace samples are granted has been part of a debate between the Office of Handicapper Programs and the Nine-year staff veteran black children seeking to enroll would have to live in the school area, must speak English, the minority language, and be in personnel office. analyzed because the chances are slim that the proper age group. He said implementa¬ tion of the changes could require several much PBB will be found, said Matthew J. Zabik, professor of entomology who heads the study. Keith Groty, assistant vice president for personnel and employee relations, said an employee who fits the handicapper pro-- temporary Olin director months. The target date for black rule is made The trace testing will check residue gram's job description has been found. more uncertain by the escalating six-year The job description calls for a person to Nine-year veteran staff physician, Dr. Lawrence Jarrett, of Olin Health Center war against the government by black samples taken from in and around the MSU incinerators, ash disposal sites and undis¬ drive the third bus, though scheduling replaced Dr. John D. Siddall this week as the center's temporary director. nationalist guerrillas, who vow to disrupt Until a new director is chosen, Jarrett, who has been at Olin since Sept. 1969, will take turbed soil down wind of the incinerators, he duties may be taken on if the individual any attempt to get blacks to the polls. over the position. He said he plans to retire in August 1979 and will not seek the post said. desires. Tuesday's announcement said land laws in permanently. white areas - the suburbs of the seven "We are going to be lucky to find any," A1937 graduate of the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine, Jarrett had a private Zabik said. "It has been quite awhile since Groty said the applicant is qualified for major cities - will be scrapped. Blacks will the bulk of it was burned, in '74. I .don't the position, because he has more seniority practice in downtown Lansing for 22 years. He was co-founder of Lansing General be able to buy homes in any suburb, Cronje than other applicants, a valid driver's Hospital in 1941. said. But new laws tightening up on health anticipate finding any, except possibly in the license, and no apparent driving problems. Siddall was health center director since July 1977 and acting director from 1976 to last incinerators." and building regulations will be effected The Office of Handicapper Programs year. He cited personal reasons earlier this term for his resignation, which became simultaneously. A total of 2.16 pounds of PBB was in dead must hire a union member, Groty said, as effective Sunday. Free medical clinics for blacks will be animal matter burned in MSU's incinerators The former director said he plans to assume private practice in northern Michigan. retained, but Cronje said anyone would be from 1974 to 1978. Of that total, 2.07 pounds contracts specify at least one union member Jarrett said a search and selection committee has been established to appoint a of the fire reterdent were burned in 1974. musl be in 'he program, and those eligible for treatment at the white hospitals, permanent director for the center, but added that he has "no idea" how long the process The incineration took place in the currently operating the buses are students, will take. provided they can pay. (continued on page 131 Goty said. 2 Michigon Stote News, Eost lonsing, Michigon Wednesday, October 11, 1978 ENTIRELY FOR PERSONAL REASONS' Chief SALT negotiator resigns WASHINGTON (AP) - Paul Warnke was testifying before a with administration plans to "I'm sure there will be those quitting his job as director of C. Warnke resigned Tuesday as committee on Capitol Hill. have Brown, and not Warnke. who will be able to contain their the Arms Control and Disarma¬ the chief U.S. negotiator in Warnke said he was re¬ work on winning Senate' ratifi¬ regret" over the resignation, ment Agency. signing for unspecified personal cation of SALT II, the second Warnke said wryly "It was entirely for personal strategic arms talks with the Soviet Union, clearing the way reasons. The White House said strategic arms limitation treaty reasons. I regret the necessity Sen4 Charles Percy, R-Ill., to for Defense Secretary Harold his departure would be effec nearing completion. after attending a three-hour do, this," Warnke said after Warnke's nomination in 1977 the announcement. Guard starts fire; kills 22 people Brown to take charge of ad¬ ministration efforts to win rati¬ tive after the upcoming round of arms treaty negotiations in brought strong opposition from briefing on SALT from Warn¬ The sources said it was ke, said: "On balance, I think fication of a new treaty. Moscow on Oct. 22-23. conservative senators who por¬ there is a feeling that is being unlikely the administration Warnke's resignation was an¬ Administration sources said trayed him as being too soft in would name a successor to CARACAS. Venezuela (AP) - A fire of small businesses and warehouses. expressed that the fact that he nounced by President Carter as the resignation neatly fit in dealing with the Russians. is not the person who is going Warnke very soon. that officials said apparently was started Emergency crews recovered the bodies They predicted the White to carry the torch on this is by a gasoline-spraying drunken national of 22 persons who had burned to death or House will decide to let Warn¬ somewhat helpful, psychologi¬ guard soldier swept through a downtown were asphyxiated, and were looking for ke's deputy, Spurgeon Keeney, cally." bar Tuesday, killing at least 22 persons. Ministry of Information officials said it was believed the guard doused the more. At least five persons were injured. It was not known how many survived. Officials said the guard presented Three-day Beirut cease-fire But Warnke promised that despite his resignation, he will be heard from. "I would antici¬ serve as acting director until after the ratification fight, ex¬ pected to take place early next establishment with gasoline and set it himself at his barracks after the alarm pate testifying. In fact, I would year. ablaze. was turned in. beset by sniper fire outbreaks force myself on the people who The president, in a brief statement announcing the re¬ The bar is located in a city center zone are going to make this deci¬ sion," he said. signation, praised Warnke for BEIRUT. Lebanon (AP) of the city in the worst violation The Christian radio station having "enhanced the security - The administration sources, An hour-long shootout between of the truce since Saturday. Voice of Lebanon said snipers of the United States and made a speaking privately, emphasized Pope death theories groundless-Vatican Syrian troops and Christian Witnesses said other cros¬ also fired in the northeast side of the city in the area of the that Warnke was not forced out lasting contribution to world militiamen and outbreaks of sing points between the two and has personal reasons for peace." sniper fire Tuesday failed to sections of the city came under Qarantina Bridge. The bridge is VATICAN CITY (AP) - Vaticon insid- around who like to stir up theories," par¬ undermine the three-day-old heavy sniper fire. All roads on the main supply route from ers said Tuesday demands for further ticularly in a case such as John Paul's cease-fire in east Beirut. connecting east and west Bei¬ the Christian port of Jounieh, details on the death of Pope John Paul death Sept. 20, only a month after his Machine guns and rocket-pro rut were closed temporarily as 15 miles north of Beirut. I have no real basis and rumors of foul ploy an are groundless. But they added that official medical report should have election. "They want to find some kind of devil, some evil person who did the pope in," pelled grenades blazed away at the main crossroad between the Moslem and Christian sectors bullets whizzed in all directions and vehicles and fled in panic. pedestrians The Qarantina bridge was closed to traffic and the radio said the Syrians were maintain¬ Refugees report been issued immediately. he said. ing a tight "food blockade" on "It would have been easier to these rumors right away if fuller infor¬ squelch cate The fact that no formal death certifi¬ has been made public was keeping Christian east Beirut. The ra¬ dio said all major relief and Cambodia terror supply including Red mation had been provided at once, al¬ though there was no indication of any¬ alive requests for an autopsy or formal Vatican statement on the matter. Process cuts risks convoys, Cross vehicles, were being turned back by the Syrians and BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) controlled by the pro-American — Many refugees fleeing Cam¬ government during the Indo- thing sinister about it," said the Rev. Vatican sources said such a statement only cars containing limited bodia claim that 1978 is proving Chinawar- Donald Campion, a Jesuit expert on Vat¬ ican affairs. nearly two weeks after the death would prove embarassing and show "a capitu¬ in organ transplants amounts allowed of food through. were being to be the most terror-ridden year since the Communists The stories carried out of Cambodia by the latest wave of He said there "always are people lation to popular pressure." seized power in 1975. refugees appear to deflate CHICAGO (AP) - A leading surgeon says he has developed a Even while the Cambodian earlier speculations that the treatment that could make human organ transplants much safer by reducing the need for dangerously large doses of rejection-fighting Lawmaker, government dismisses charges by some Western nations of Phnom Penh government would loosen its grip on the drugs. massive human rights viola¬ population since it needed pop¬ Dr. Thomas E. Starzl of Denver said the treatment calls for the athlete dies tions, the refugees, interviewed ular support for its war against massive drainage of white blood cells and antibodies that fight recently at camps along the Vietnam and because — in the CHICAGO (AP) - Rep. foreign elements in the body, including transplanted organs. Thai-Camodia border, report an words of some Western diplo¬ In the past, transplant patients frequently have been bombarded Ralph H. Metcalfe. D-I1L. a increase in the amount of mats, "they had run out of four-term legislator and one¬ with drugs to fight off rejection. Such drugs often cause dangerous time Olympic sprint star, was forced labor, a reduction in people to kill." side effects when given in large doses, and many persons have not already meager rations and TTie Cambodian issue will found dead in his apartment been given organ transplants because the side effects would kill continued or stepped up execu¬ probably be brought up before them. Tuesday morning. tions in the northwestern part the current session of the Starzl, who has performed about two-thirds of all the world s Metcalfe, 68, was seeking of the country. United Nations General Assem liver transplants, said the treatment, called thoracic duct drainage, re-election from the 1st Con¬ There was no way of confirm¬ bly. Canada, Britain and the also can "greatly enhance" liver, pancreas, heart and lung gressional District on Chicago's ing the stories told by the United States, among others, transplants. south side. A guard found refugees since Cambodia is have already condemned the He said the treatment does not eliminate the need for the Metcalfe lying on the floor, and closed to most Western re¬ Phnom Penh regime before the Egypt says Israeli withdrawal needed rejection-fightingdrugs, but allows doctors to reduce substantially the legislator was rushed to porters. U.N. Commission of Human the amounts given. Michael Reese Hospital. Some of the escapees said Rights, presenting reports that Starzl, who presented a paper on the treatment to a world The hospital said death ap¬ they feared Cambodia leaders Cambodia has described as UNITED NATIONS (UPI) — Egypt soid Meguid's address came two days association of transplant specialists last month in Rome, said in a peared to be due to natural eventually plan to wipe out "lies" and attempts to interfere before the scheduled start of Egyptian- recent interview that the treatment is "a very significant step." everyone who lived in areas in domestic matters. Tuesday that the Camp David accords "are not in themselves the end of the Israeli talks in Washington and a day road" to peace in the Middle East, "but after Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe ^NATURAL SCIENCE PROGRAM^ only the beginning." Dayan hinted to the same General Egyptian U.N. Ambassador A. Esmat Assembly that Israel intends to hold onto Abdel Meguid also told the 33rd regular its settlements in the West Bank. session of the General Assembly that a The West Bank settlements and the "comprehensive settlement" must in¬ issue of Jerusalem, which the Israelis IN THI CARIBBEAN ><63L' volve Israeli withdrawal from all Arab have soid flatly they do not intend to give DICIMBIR 11-38,1978 territories occupied since 1967, including up. loomed as the major issues in the Jerusalem. upcoming Washington talks. INFORMATION MIITINO TONIOHT CIA money pays for companion WIDNISDAY.OCT.il 7)30 pm 8 HOLDIN HALL WASHINGTON (UPI) — A woman panionship came from his U.N. seve¬ rance pay of $78,000. A Natural Science expedition in the Caribbean is being offered, companion of Arkady Schevchenko, the Russian who left a*high United Nations post and defected to the United States, Judy Chavez said she was between $35,000 and $40,000. poid VOTE with a total of 8 credits in NS 142 (which can be applied toward the general education science requirements) and NS 300. claims he paid her $5,000 a month for her Shevchenko, 47, was given the post of ON Interested students are invited to discuss plans with Program U.N. undersecretary general for politi¬ companionship with money supplied by Director Larry Besaw. Slides will be shown of the sites to be the CIA, it was reported. cal and Security Council affairs at the NBC News reported Monday the CIA request of the Soviet Union, making him the highest-ranking Russian in the Soviet C—T CONTRACT visited. Information regarding financial aid will also be available. confirmed it was paying the defector's U.N. mission, rank below that of living expenses and quoted a spokesper¬ one secretary general.. Oct. II, 1978 son as saying, "How Shevchenko spends On April 10 he disappeared, but 15 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT that money is up to him." Shevchenko days later he applied for asylum in the signed concerned C-T's OFFICE OF OVERSEAS STUDY 101 INTERNATIONAL CENTER 353 1920 said the money for the woman's com¬ United States. Court to decide if vet preference unfair GROWING UP ISN'T EASY But YOU can make it easier WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme ment and 46 states — all but Arkansas, Court said Tuesday it will decide whether Mississippi, New Mexico and South women are unfairly victimized by govern¬ Carolina — include a veteran's pre¬ ment job practices that give a preference ference in their hiring procedures. to military veterans. Helen Feeney, a state-employed clerk, sued Massachusetts in 1975 after being The court agreed to review a ruling by passed over three times for better- a three-judge federal court in Boston that outlawed such preferential treatment in paying government jobs. Each time, her test rating was lowered Massachusetts as unconstitutional sex because veterans, always men, with bias. lower scores were moved ahead of her The justices' eventual ruling will carry when the veterans' preference formula nationwide impact. The federal govern¬ was applied. Judge orders Farber back to jail HACKENSACK, N.J. (AP) - New York day, the Jewish faith s highest holy day. Times reporter Myron A. Farber refused Farber is Jewish. again Tuesday to surrender his files on a Farber has served 27 days for refusing murder defendant, and a judge ordered to surrender his files on Dr. Mario Come find out about being a BIG BROTHER or BIG SISTER him to jail on Thursday unless Farber Jascalevich, the surgeon accused of changes his mind. murdering three patients at Riverdell OPEN HOUSE Hospital in Oradell, N.J., in the mid- 1 -5 pm, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15th "Maybe there'll be a change of mind 1960s. Thursday morning. Think about it, Mr. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Friday At the SAE Fraternity House Farber, please," Superior Court Judge that both Farber and the Times are for the 4950 S. Hagadorn (the end of Shaw Lane) Theodore W. Trautwein said in ordering time being subject to whatever penalties the reporter back to the Bergen County BB/BS Staff 8 Volunteers present Trautwein sees fit to impose. The high Jail. to answer YOUR questions court has yet to consider on its merits the Trautwein allowed Farber to remain appeal by Farber and the Times of their JUD HEATHCOTE TO SPEAK AT 3PM free until after Yom Kippur on Wednes¬ Stop by or call 372-0160 contempt citations. NEW GRIEVANCE PROCESS IN WORKS Proposal gets binding arbitration However, if the president rules in favor of the grievant, the administrator involved may By KY OWEN State News Staff Writer not appeal to arbitration. "If the president can't overrule a lower man this raises a question about the lines of Binding arbitration was added to the proposed faculty grievance procedure, which faculty members have been discussing since February, at Tuesday's Faculty Council authority," Stieber said. "An administrator would be asking an arbitrator to overrule his (the administrator) boss." meeting. An amendment by Jack Stieber, professor of labor and industrial relations, introduced a C. Patric "Lash" Larrowe, professor of economics and Faculty Grievance Official, motion which provides for binding arbitration to be included in the procedure. introduced a similar amendment which would allow administrators to appeal a decision. Stieber said decisions on faculty grievances should be made by "peers" not the president Larrowe said many faculty members do not file grievances because they feel "it's rigged" as the president has final authority. of the University, who has final appellate authority in the current Interim Faculty The Larrowe amendment was substituted by Stieber's. Grievance Procedure. With the Stieber amendment, if the president reverses or modifies a decision by the The Stieber motion was opposed by Frederick Home, professor of chemistry, who felt appeals board which favored the grievant, the faculty member may appeal to outside binding arbitration would not be necessary if the grievant could appeal a decision to the arbitration. president, but not an administrator. "If we allow only the grievant to appeal to the president, then we don't need an If the appeals board rules in favor of the administrator and the president agrees with the arbitration panel," Home said. "The Board of Trustees can do anything it pleases and it board, then the faculty member may not appeal to arbitration, the amendment states. won't accept binding arbitration." The council is working on the proposed procedure to replace the Interim Faculty Grievance Procedure which was adopted in 1972. Woman is arraigned As a Stole News Deborah J. Bonn member of the MSU Grounds Maintainance crew, Diane Cekel meas¬ ures the distance between the chain-link fence holders so she can add the bottom row. in slaying of husband A Lansing woman was arraigned in East Lansing District Court Tuesday on charges two front yards before he jumped over a fence and fell after being fatally wounded. Grounds maintenance of manslaughter in connection with the Mrs. McCollum spent Monday in the Monday slaying of her husband. Lansing jail on an open charge of murder Linda McCollum, 21,620 W. Saginaw St., demanded preliminary examination and was lodged in Ingham County Jail. Her while warrant. police awaited the issuing of a After reviewing evidence with Lansing Police detectives, the prosecutor's office reduced the charge to manslaughter. now one-fifth women bond was set at $5,000 by District Judge Dan McLellan. chief assistant prosecutor By THERESA D. McCLELLAN Paul Cherry. State News Staff Writer Claude McCollum, 27, was dead on arrival for Ingham County, said. "We can't disclose the facts involving the She arrives at 7:30 a.m. to begin her job. All of her supervisors are male but unlike the at St. Lawrence Hospital. Police said he was shot in the back following a domestic decision prior to the case," McLellan said. stereotypical role she does not have to make the coffee in the mornings. She just has to be able to pull her own weight. quarrel. After reviewing the case, authorities did She is Karen ('hurley, a sophomore majoring in criminal justice, one of several women Witnesses told police McCollum ran from not find sufficient evidence to justify a students working lor the MSU Grounds Maintenance Department. the front door of the house while his wife murder charge. McLellan said. "We usually have to mow the lawn and pull the weeds." Churley explained. "It took my ran behind him, shooting. Officials said the The preliminary examination is sche¬ duled on Nov. 2 in district court. body three weeks to adjust to pushing the mower eight hours a day over the summer but woman kept firing as the man ran across Churley has been working for the grounds departrr ? the beginning of spring term. She is one of the increasing number of women w ? seen performing ground No GPAs?! Where? "About one-fifth of our workers explained Aggie Neveau, spokesperson for the grounds departme "The first girl v s hired in 1971 and they have been increasing by leaps and bounds." By THERESA D.McCLELLAN University of Surrey I as long as it's done Churley applied for the job because she liked working outdoors. State News Staff Writer before the end of the year." Bulson said. "Over the summer I really enjoyed it. I got real close with some of the workers," she If a university that gives tests once a Students who think yearly tests will give said. "My bos*. Robert Bealy has been there for 25 years. He could retire any time he year, never has triples and does not have a the student more time to procrastinate wanted but he really likes his job so that makes everyone like their job. grade point system sounds appealing, then should think again Bulson warned. "The only problem that I had was trying to adjust to the strenuous work." she said. the University of Surrey in Guildford, "The University of Surrey's method of "But if any of the men saw that we were having a hard time they would gladly help." England is the place to go. teaching makes the student think more How ever, Diane Cekel. a senior majoring in landscape architecture, did not have a hard Eight MSU students and eight Universi¬ about something that he has learned in class time adjusting. ty of Surrey students are participating in an five months ago." "This is easy," she said. "I worked maintenance when I was in Tennessee over the exchange program in cooperation with the "Here you have a better chance of summer so I really had no problem adjusting." Overseas Studies Program at MSU. forgetting what you have learned in the Cekel works in the area around Student Services Building where she mows the lawn Students from the University of Surrey previous term," Spindler explained. "At the and pulls weeds. and MSU students who spent last year in University of Surrey, if you forget what you have learned earlier it will show on the "I applied for the job because it was convenient and I like the outdoors," Cekel said. "I England met in the Kellogg Center Tuesday never thought of this as being a man's job. I needed some extra money and it's State News Ira Strickstein to exchange ideas about the differences and tests." convenient." Harold Brockbank has gone through a lot of change in his day . . . from similarities they noted between the two "But there is more freedom here in the parking meters, that is. Brockbank has been employed for 30 years as a universities. courses as compared to the University of "When I first started." Churley said. "I noticed that I v s getting muscles in my legs, meter collector. "There is not as much pressure there in Surrey." said Bob McJennett, an English but I'm getting used to it. the beginning of the term as here," said exchange student attending MSU this year. "Over MSU Senior Paul Bulson. "It is much easier to change your major mer. the guys that I worked with were really shy at first and the girls would whistle and make catcalls at them." Churley said. "But we were all equal, "In the beginning you have free time to here than it is over in England," he learn the lecture." he said. "They ask you to everybody was treated the same." explained. "There is no reason why women should not work here," Neveau said. "As long as they learn the material on your own." "At the age of 15 students take tests in can do their job we have no qualms." "Here there is a more continuous assess¬ their field of interest," McJennett said. Countries should probe ment of your learning the material," said Jeff Spindler, an MSU student. "It really "When they are about to enter college another test is taken and their schedule for affects your study habits." "This is what I have to get used to (at their major is made up. They are given a definite list of requirements for their major 4U' student now on ballot toxic-related corporations MSU)," Christopher Finill of England said. "We don't have all the tests they have here. to be followed until they graduate." "The University of Surrey consists of We get tested at the end of the term." about 3,500 students," explained Norris An MSU student will replace Republican A self described liberal, Girard said he is At the University of Surrey the students (Sandy) Bryson, coordinator for MSU's Cathi Luten in the race for the Ingham running his campaign on a strong push for do not have to attend lectures every day. County Commissioners 10th District seat. adoption of a commissioner's ethics code, before aid, says overseas programs. 4U' prof They also do not have 4 p.m. classes as does MSU. Unlike some classes at MSU, attendance "The University's hotel, restaurant, and institutional program is the best in Great Britain," he said. "Since the university is so Fred Girard. a sophomore majoring in political science, has accepted the nomina¬ tion from the Ingham County Republican implementation of a domestic abuse shelter home and more funding to county health is not mandatory to receive a certain grade small they cannot really be compared with Committee to fill the 10th District spot on By JOANNELANE Virginia's James River. MSU." Girard said he would like to see more State News Staff Writer from an instructor. the Nov. 7 ballot. "You have the option to do readings on Besides academics, the students discus- Girard will face Democratic incumbent county funds allocated for county health Countries that industrialize with the help In 1974, the chemical company found that i continued on page 11) many of its factory workers had kepone your own and at your own pace (at the tcontinued on page 121 Jess Sobel in the upcoming election. of multinational corporations who deal in toxic compounds may need to be very poisoning, which became evident through careful in the future, William Cooper, an various medical problems. MSU professor of zoology, said. Subsequently, kepone poisoning was also discovered in much of the marine life in the Cooper, chairperson of the State of James River. Michigan Environmental Review Board, said nations should take the time to examine the policies of those corporations that deal with toxic compounds. Kepone, Cooper said, has since settled into the river bottom but has started to recently Alcohol and drug abuse program growing at 4l/' move upstream into the Chesa¬ Developing countries, as well as industri¬ peake Bay area. By MICHAEL MEGERIAN and the St. Lawrence Hospital alcohol unit. alized countries, should learn from the The movement of the chemical upstream, State News Staff Writer Although the program deals with many forms of substance abuse, La Fave said alcohol mistakes made in the United States that abuse is the most common problem of persons seeking help. using toxic compounds is often dangerous Cooper said, may cause severe and perma¬ It was not part of the original contract. But MSU's maintenance employees requested La Fave said supervisors often confront workers who may exhibit job deficiencies and can in some cases permanently destroy nent damage to industry and recreation it. centered in the bay area. Alcohol and drug abuse among workers seemed to be a great enough concern for the possibly resulting from a personal problem. the environment, Cooper said. employees in 1974 that they asked the University to provide them with a substance Supervisors may then refer the person to the program, which La Fave described as a Speaking in the first of three Global Issue "Major chemical disasters can't be pre¬ funneling place, the first stop for persons desiring assistance. dicted ahead of time. Scientists don't even abuse program. Forums on Pathway to the Future, Cooper Paperwork for the idea moved at a snail's pace but the program was kicked off in 1977, "People in distress are not good problem-solvers," La Fave said. "Most come in on the told a crowd of mostly students in Erickson know what symptoms to look for and when recommendation of a friend. Kiva. that in the next billion years the U.S. they do find a problem the damage is occupying a small room on the third floor of the Olin Health Center. La Fave. who holds a master of arts degree in psychology and has worked as an alcohol Since then, the program has opened its doors to students, faculty and professional ecosystem will have to wisely manage its already done," Cooper said. therapist, said there is no pattern to the number of times a person comes in for two most important resources — materials staff, acting as a referral service for persons with substance abuse problems. Cooper suggested that the United States The program, which is governed by the Office of Health Services, attempts to help counseling and referral by phone will sometimes suffice. and energy. set up a monitoring agent of all unknown Despite the program's broadened availability, La Fave said the operation needs more "We must ask ourselves what will it take toxic compounds. persons identify their problems, explained coordinator Dennis La Fave, and seek an publicity to increase its visibility. existing agency which can deal with those problems. keep us alive," Cooper said. "We have "We intend to send out brochures to all University employees." he said. "We will be to "It's very "Our job," he said, "is to define the nature of the difficulty and recommend treatment." problems now like PBB in Michigan that hard to try to enforce laws sending them to their homes so family members can view them." shouldn't exist in the future if we resolve La Fave said his office recommends treatment in the form of counseling, concerning toxic compounds due to munici- La Fave said the program, which is currently made uo of only art ourselves to the fact that we can't separate ple loopholes," Cooper said. psychotherapy or referral to problem groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous. Students with problems, he added, are usually referred to University counseling employees, will also conduct training sessions for University super energy and chemical policies." "We The sessions, conducted by La Fave's assistants, will help sup qan't solve these problems one by centers. determine when the personal problem of a subordinate gets in the way oi Cooper cited the case of the Allied one," hd explained. "In order to alleviate La Fave said the program has also made referrals to the DEC (Drug Education Center) Chemical Company dumping kepone, a future disasters, these problems must be chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide, into looked at in a global context." ©ipiififein) Major governing groups must take lead on D fight From the number of letters and sure, but unfortunately, this issue position of neutrality. Apparently the other councils have not felt viewpoints streaming in, it is is too important for students to obvious the students of MSU are remain objective. If students don't interested enough to take a stance bother to vote against Proposal D, of neutrality. But it will affect strongly opposed to Proposal D — the move to raise the drinking age it will pass. RHA printed a every one of the councils if it in Michigan to 21. We are pleased viewpoint in the State News last passes on Nov. 7. with this raised consciousness on week, which made several very Yesterday was the last day to the part of students and support all excellent points that dispelled register to vote in the upcoming actions taken by groups to make election. Without yet knowing many misconceptions surrounding what percentage of MSU students people aware of how important it is the issue. They took a stance of are registered, we can be sure it is to vote down Proposal D. presenting the facts and then But as yet, there have been far far too low. But even if it is 99 urging students to go out and vote. too few student groups lending But RHA refrained from offering percent, it won't mean anything their time and energy to defeating unless every person registered any opinion on the issue at all. the proposal. ASMSU has taken This, to us, is ignoring the desires actually makes it to the polls and the lead in the issue by pledging its of their constituents. votes against Proposal D. commitment. An advertising cam¬ We say to RHA: Poll the people That is where the major govern¬ paign was begun by ASMSU to in the dorms. Find out how many ing groups can be useful. From inform student voters about the now until election day, every favor raising the drinking age to issue. The Legislative Relations 21. Does the miniscule size of the group should urge its constituents Cabinet is in full swing with its to get out and vote. And beyond minority that will be discovered lobbying efforts. A rally is being warrant ignoring the vast majori¬ just urging them to vote, the planned for October 26 at Beau¬ ty? We think not. And we think groups should stress the impor¬ mont Tower to bring the issue out tance of voting no on Proposal D. your constituents do not. A deci¬ and expose it to all. Though it may sion needs to be made, and a With an organized, concerted not prove to be enough, at least the position should be taken. effort, the proposal might be effort has been made. At this point, the efforts of representative RHA is not the only student body cowering defeated. But the effort must be total. The councils cannot neces¬ Locker rooms not sacred ASMSU are near exhaustion. from a decision. All other major sarily guarantee such unity, but Student volunteers are doing governing groups — InterFrater- they are in the best position to Sports leagues have long clung to their tradition of should that really matter? nearly all they can. It is now up to nity Council, InterCooperative make an effort. There is only so discriminating against women. This has extended to The issue of the case was not convenient access to much ASMSU and the editorial other major governing groups to Council, Office of Black Affairs and press coverage of sporting events, where women the players. It was equal access. The fact remains pick up where ASMSU left off and Gay/Lesbian Council — have an page of this newspaper can do. have been denied access to locker rooms while male that the locker room policy has been discriminatory There comes a time when other carry the message to students as obligation to involve themselves in reporters have complete freedom to interview on the basis of sex. In this day and age, such effectively as possible. something that will directly affect people — people in positions of players. But a recent U.S. District Court ruling discrimination is not tolerated in other fields — it The Residence Hall Association their constituents. authority — must come down from changed that policy. should not be tolerated in sports journalism. has made a small effort at expo¬ At least RHA bothered to take a their ideals of objectivity and Sports Illustrated reporter Melissa Ludtke fairness and make a decision either The court did not order women reporters be Lincoln challenged the New York Yankees' discrimi¬ for or against. The Coalition for 21 present in every locker room. The court did not order natory policy in court. Against the staunch that men be present, either. The court did not even had no problem making their opposition of major league baseball, with strict order women be granted access under any condition, decision — as Proposal D more orders from commissioner Bowie Kuhn, Lincoln won than proves. if they so wish. The court did say, though, that if The the case. Judge Constance Baker Motley ruled that State News j) The question is whether we — who will be directly affected — will teams must grant locker room access to "all reporters of either sex are granted access, the other sex must have that same opportunity. accredited sports reporters without regard to sex." Wednesday. October 11, 1978 It is now left to the individual team or league to simply sit back and allow a Sports organizations are screaming that the the opinions of the State News Viewpoints, columns decide the fate of reporters in the locker room. It will reactionary move to limit our decision is impractical — they claim they just can't personal opinions. not be an easy decision to make, but the equality Editorial Department personal freedoms happen. We have women in a room where men are undressing. Jomes t Smifh hope that complacency, which But the ruling can be made practical if teams change question never promised easy decisions, especially Photo Editor Kothy Kilbury Anne Stuart Entertainment & Book Editor Dove DiMartlno some say is representative of our their ways. among people who have grown accustomed to their sexist ways. Kim Shonohan Sports Editor Mike Klocke generation, is merely a fallacy. But It has already been suggested that individual City Editor NunzioLupo Layout Editor Scott Wierenga be sure? The voter turn-out The teams must decide whether not to Campus Editor Michelle Chambers cree(once Editor Deborah Heywood can we players be given dividers between their lockers to or permit Wire Editor Paula Mohr Chief Copy Editor KennethE Parker on Nov. 7 will be the best place to allow privacy. Other suggestions center around reporters, regardless of sex, in the locker rooms. Stofi Representative Joy L Hoenlem test whether the complacency having an interview room. Diehard male sports It's up to organized sports now to make the Advertising Department hypothesis is fact fiction. Bob Shower Assufonf Advertising Manager GmaSpaniolo or reporters claim this will cramp their style, but decision: double or nothing. Sigma Alpha Mu alleges cheap shot at Greeks It is all well and good to commend the themselves on the back, their attitude but arrogantly assumes we're alike, than-subtle references toward Greeks Cooperatives on a job well done in being healthy is not only a dehumanizing us into stereotypes no ... show a disturbing bias and serious flaws securing a $1.6 million loan from HUD. sweeping generalization, but by implica¬ one really fits. Sure, some fraternity in the State News editorial board- Truly a remarkable achievement. tion calls our attitude sick without a members are conceited, it's a vice many James P. Theis, President Sigma Alpha C'mon folks, let's stick to issues However, the State News editorial shred of evidence. people have in common, but is it really ED NOTE In retrospect, we can see how board just had to take an uncalled shot We're the officers of Sigma Alpha at the people in the Greek your job to point out character flaws in the phrase might have been construed system. The Mu, we do our best and, damn it, we MSU students? Beware of Jo An Miller when she starts brandishing her M l Industrial Zoning rifle. line "But unlike the Greeks, co-opers as a cheap shot However, the intent When she is in a shrill and desperate mood, as she was in Friday's State News, she shoots happen to be human beings too! The State News wrote a fine editorial was to heighten the cooperatives image, seem to feel no need for patting The State News does not know us, wildly in the direction of Jim Anderson and Citizens for a Livable Community. Truth is congratulating cooperatives, but less- not degrode the Creek 's more often the casualty than us. She claims that I advocate heavy-duty equipment storage" as a pretty good use of the property where the mall corporation wants to put a 50-acre parking lot and eight acres of electrically-heated building space on Lake Lansing Road. plates that read "MSU." Probably belongs To my knowledge. I have not stated or implied any such thing. I do not believe that is a GERRY SKOCZYLAS to a proud alumnus ... wise long range use of the land. Our Comprehensive Plan court suit is procedural: it ... What do you get when you cross 50 states that if the mall is to be built, the Comprehensive Plan must be properly amended pigs with 50 deer? Answer: A hundred before the mall decision is made. The Comprehensive Plan is explicit in advocating a research industrial park for the site in question. Miller, please spend a little more time reading that document, and a little less polishing and aiming your M l Industrial Zoning rifle. Getting some random "sows and-bucks." ... If an (Ouch!)... MSU student's pet injured, does he take the bird to the Vet bird gets Clinic or to "Sparrow" Hospital? ... thoughts off the mind James R. Anderson ... Whenever I purchase something with Coordinator cash, I always give the salesperson the Citizens for a Livable Community oldest, dirtiest, and most wrinkled bills because I somehow think that crisp singles ... Whenever I see a student on campus drome" (SIDS), otherwise known as "crib birthday to all of us 21 year olds — who are worth more ... Beware, the world really is real wearing a T-shirt from another school, I always wonder if they transferred from death," may be due to honey. He speculates that honey may have botulin toxins in it aren't most really sweating out Proposal D like students are ... ... If the opposite of "pro" is "con," is the opposite of progress "congress"? ... there or do they just know somebody who which humanS over one year old have built I hope Steve Does anybody remember the old Seniors, beware of job promises that never materialize. They are costly. ... Martin's concert at the . . . went to that school? immunities to, but which can cause botulism Milton-Bradley game of "Clue"? I always In June, I received my B.S. degTee in Horticulture from MSU. I answered an ad in the ... Lansing Civic Center next month contains ... Outside of eternal complaints like the poisoning in someone under a year old, some new material because his show at said that the "Professor did it in the Placement Services Bulletin for a management cost of tuition and quality of cafeteria food, I position with Farm Bureau Services Inc.. thereby causing "healthy" babies to die for , Pine Knob this summer was the same one Conservatory with a Knife," but I usually They promised me a job which involved me moving to Traverse City. betcha most students' biggest complaint "no reason" at all... he did at the MSU Auditorium last fall. was wrong ... I reported to work on June 26 as instructed by David about school is the ripoff involved in selling Will the new "Bus Stop" disco on Moody. But, because of a budget ... I betcha one question that everybody Other great comedians like Lenny Bruce, . . . cut, I was informed that the store in Traverse City could not afford to back books to the various crookstores, uh, Grand River in East Lansing be giving out pay my wages. They heard (or asked) many times this summer Bill Cosby, George Carlin, and Richard did offer me another job in Chesaning, but, I had my share of trouble with Farm Bureau and bookstores "transfers" to people who want to go to thus have no desire to work for a company that . . . was. "Hey, did Pete Rose get a hit last Pryor all met the challenge of coming up operates so haphazardly. If athletes get "athlete's feet," then do with funny, new routines but it remains to other bars? Thanks to Farm Bureau's gracious treatment... I am ... night?" . . . .. . jobless plus far in debt due to the astronauts get "mistletoe"? .. . ... Did you know that more Americans be seen if Martin will join them ... . . . Reruns that I'll never get tired of expensive move from Lansing to Traverse City. I'm sure most companies don't operate in .MSU's football team could long this manner. I'd like to know what makes Farm Bureau think .. go a were born in 1957 (about 4.3 million) than in ... Saw a car on Grand River last month watching: "MASH," "All in the Family" and they can. way toward salvaging their season if they any other year in our history? Happy with green-and-white New Hampshire "Sanford and Son." ... Lou Ann Slezak could pull an upset of Michigan in Ann Essexville, MI Arbor this Saturday. (Don't bet on it, though)... DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau . . .Does anyone know if the "Russian We'd all be dopers without booze National Team" that MSU's basketball shu, occasional levity team is playing on November 14 are the MY Five. THE ISRAELIS \ cub through thb gloom. the president, sensing i usual pro's that Russia sends to the CLIM3 ID NEW HEIGHTS , during an early morn¬ an 0penm6, offers him \ if only for a When you are thinking of some other argument to sway people towards your side on i of inflexibility. 8e- ing strou, begin re- camp mvip. begin, i moment, camp Olympics or are they college-aged players? 1 gin's intransigence sensing a retire - i david rings Proposal D, try using the drug tactic. Since a lot of people are deathly afraid of anything . , marks to carjercthis . . ... Speaking of the Olympics, I wonder if '. hangs over. the camp/ , place is lire heaven ment home, accepts. / \ with laughter. drug-related, explain to them that if booze is taken away, drugs will fill the void (because it Earvin Johnson will stick around college will be easier to get illegal drugs than to get illegal boozel. Then once ball long enough to play in the 1980 you get some ears to perk up, lead them on. Say that when the young "adults" finally become "legal," they will Olympics in Moscow. Can you imagine be so used to drugs that they will just keep on using them. Soon drug usage will become "Magic leading guys like Eugene Banks and socially acceptable (note: at ihis point throw in something obnoxious like "That is what Mike Gminski of Duke, Kelly Tripucka of happened in California"). Notre Dame, and Albert King of Maryland There are all kinds of lines you can say using this tactic. Try some, and who fast break? knows, you on a ... may catch their attention long enough so as to get them to listen to more reasonable ... I wonder how many people go to their arguments. dentists just to get the nitrous oxide? ... D.R. Woad ... A U-M professor has theorized that 321Bogue the cause of "Sudden Infant Death Syn Michigon Stote News, Eost Loosing, Michigan Wednesday. October 11, 1978 5 Football, paranoia in 'The ' Columnist tells all with THE FIX By Dorian Fliegel death's dubbed "accidental"; Cooper and Rose soon learn the come up against directly flicts with their own "the-game con¬ 'How to Bet Pro FootbaW Houghton Mifflin Company deaths were indeed planned, $8.95 is-holy" maxim, and thus the COVERING THE SPREAD: covered the spread as well." vidua! and from there the story pro major conflict in The Fix seems players are liberally Reviewed by HOW TO BET PRO the authors said, perhaps interspersed with interes¬ gresses at a very rapid rate. really to be more an economic DAVE DiMARTINO FOOTBALL providing the best evidence ting game examples and To Fliegel's credit, The Fix is than deadly one. What's fixed here is the By Gerald Strine and Neil I). for not legalizing sports anecdotes. a very well-paced, suspenseful To be sure, there's a consider¬ world of pro football, and The Isaacs gambling. novel, containing a healthy able amount of violence in Strine's book can be taken Fix's two protagonists, ex-pro Random House share of characterization and Fliegel's book, but in most Winning a r be more seriously because of player Art Cooper and friend $8.95 come less important to h< his own success in making Jack Rose, spend the duration Reviewed by JAMES L. fans than their favorite tt successful picks. His weekly of this novel attempting to SMITH column "Flaying Football" in "covering the spread." F prove and document that fix¬ In the wide world of the Washington Post has a Somehow Fliegel's protagonists seem slight¬ might actually jeer a t< ing. sports gambling there is a that sat on a safe lead rat 140 win, 96 loss record over Apparently author Fliegel ly hayseed and disturbingly amateurish to phenomenon called "the than taking risk's to sat the past four seasons. If a researched his novel by attend¬ the point where the reader can think of sev¬ point spread." Sunday bettors. bettor had followed Strine's To whittle it down to its ing a pro football training camp eral wiser paths of action than those (they) But that one flaw does advice to the letter during and interviewing both players basic component, it means those seasons they would and bookies, as the latter are follow . .. that you not only bet on a have won a net $27,514. the book's main characters. Yet team" to win. but call how The book accomplishes a commendably, the reader need many points it will win by. not be a serious sports fan or For example, the Dallas great deal by shedding light understand the subtleties of pro two believable, sympathetic paranoia novels — and I'm Cowboys are playing the on a subject that has re Washington Redskins, you mained very much in the football marketing to fully enjoy characters. Both are losers of a really considering them a genre what Fliegel's done. Despite its different type: Cooper is a failed of their own — violence is by plunk down $250 through football setting, The Fix is a lineman whose knee injury- comparison treated more mys¬ your neighborhood bookie For the football bettor or teriously, more anonymously, on the Cowboys to beat the modern-day paranoia novel prohibits further play; Rose is a the non-betting fan the much in the same vein as Tom younger writer whose life and therefore hecoming the chief Redskins by seven points. book is surely worth the Gifford's The Wind-Chill Factor financial situation both seem to element of suspense. Somehow Final score Dallas 23. Wash reading. and The Cavanaugh Quest, be plunging downward swiftly. Fliegel's protagonists seem ington 17. you lose. Their likability and warm slightly hayseed and disturbing Even though betting on Anybody give me the setting its main characters cameraderie the book's two ly amateurish to the point football is illegal every¬ Lions and 21 points against an octopus-like enemy are with arms extending in every A NOVEL BY main virtues. where the reader can think of where but Nevada it is that it is no Atlanta'.' direction. Unfortunately, the book fails several wiser paths of action secret a huge The Fix's main characters. Cooper and Rose, separately lose massive amounts of money Dorian Fliegel in portraying those responsible for fixing the games — referees, network television and the than those Cooper and follow This is The Fix's flaw . Rose major — its main characters are business and for both a lucrative big and small book one in bets made on a Boston-New League itself — as being evil in likeable but stupid, something Strine's hook attempts York game and soon, dejected offhand, informal takes the pair to Florida. any way. In fact, the ratings' Fliegel surely didn't intend, successfully to explain both hinged rationale used to explain especially in the case of Rose. the mechanics and philos ly, meet at a bar. An ex- gets that of a bumbling loser to Vermont and Canada and football player, Cooper sug¬ Rose, who eventually befriends tually unfolds the game fixing is entirely be In all. The Fix is an enjoyable ophy behind football wager Cooper after thinking through dences that can't fully be ex lievable and probably forth book that with some tightening ing. And it's interesting gests to Rose that the game was indeed fixed, though he's not the ex-player's fix theory plained by chance. Both the coming, if not already in prac up might he a considerably more reading for any football fan. quite sure by whom. Rose is a The search for the referee referee and the Boston team's tice. The "it's only-a game" gripping screenplay. It's in little taken aback; Cooper's who made the supposed bad call coach are mysteriously killed in ethic that both Rose and Cooper teresting, but not much else. The argument the book fails to make successfully, however, is that for the legalization of sports gam¬ 'Corpse,' 'Lupe,' Swigart highlight paperbacks bling nationwide. The book fails to take into account the opportunity- for abuses, and a possible loss of THE CORPSE ON THE extremely predominent here, well) "a grotesque 11-year-old different time frame. Any at can be knocked off in an and the bulk of The Corpse on integrity for the sport of DIKE by Janwillem van de boy with a demonic sexual tempt at a plot summary would evening. Swigart's confused, football, if betting on the Wetering (Pocket 81340): A the Dike is relaxed and enter¬ craving" — and is met with be meaningless; suffice it to say- sex crazed characters are un weekend sport became a very entertaining mystery, this taining fun. Highly recommend¬ total disbelief by everyone who that Swigart's hilarious tale is forgettable. — R.M. national pastime. book involves characterization ed. - D.D. hears her tale. told i: tof as much as plot and is therefore Eventually the woman goes either Tom Robbins or Kurt Books reviewed by DAVE In recounting the famous especially enjoyable, consider¬ to trial for less than murder DiMARTINO and RENALDO 1958 NFL championship Ll'PE by Gene Thompson no Vonnegut. or both: and the ing the occasional dryness of iBallantine 27561, $2,251: Lupe by witchcraft, and the book's book is so easy to read that it MIGALDI. game between the Baltimore the genre. Set in the Nether¬ has a glossy cover, one of those conclusion is rewardingly un¬ Colts and the New York lands, the book recounts the typical. Despite its deceptively Giants, the authors question tricky things that opens up to search for a murderer, under derivative packaging. Lupe is a the suspiciously "danger¬ yet another cover, and the taken by a diverse pair of police detectives. Detective Grijpstra word "devil" inscribed boldly on it. Though reason might well done, imaginative effort that's extremely enjoyable and Film, book critics needed ous" pitch-out pass by Colt quarterback John Unitasto and Sergeant de Gier. The well worth reading. - D.D. The State News is looking for qualified book and film reviewers Jim Mutscheller that set up dictate it to be yet another book pair's relationship is the most for its entertainment pages. Those interested are asked to contact the game winning overtime about "unspeakable horror." it enjoyable element of the book, LITTLE AMERICA by Rob entertainment editor Dave DiMartino at the State News and are touchdown by Alan Ameche. is and it isn't, actually. with the murder case occasion¬ Swigart (Pocket (81920, asked to bring a sample of published or unpublished work to be Within safe field goal dis¬ ally taking the backseat to the Instead Lupe is one more $2.50)): This novel is an insane examined. Those interested must be students. A full-time staff tance in overtime, the Colts duo's interactions. The murder paranoia novel, though an en¬ romp through an apocalyptic person is needed with experience or background in either film or chanced the touchdown and is almost casually solved at the tertaining one. Its main char vision of 1970s America. Swig art, and a part-time writer is also needed with a background in folk "won the championship and book's finale, leaving the reader acter is a woman who sees art tells his story from as many and bluegrass music. Those interested in rock 'n roll need not apply. genuinely entertained and something unearthly — in this as half-a-dozen different points wanting more. Casualness is case (as the cover states so of view, each with its own This December, while al of Michigan lies shivering Miss J strides through Fall under a frosty mantle of ice and snow zippered into sleek, leather boots. Higher stacked heel finished with a buckled strap. In ■ -n black, wine or espresso brown Styling by professional cosmetologists for as little as Sport boot on a "survival" man-made sole. Little down-to-earth stacked heels under mock spur strap detailing if 11$ Brown, 5-10 medium sizes, $49 ^ Open: Mnn-Thurs till 1:00 |i.m. 4 t ri & Sal till (>:«() |i.m. Call 332-2416 lor appt., or Located above Sam's Walk-In Clothing, Stairwell near Crossroads Imports | JfitCObSOIX'S () Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 11, 1978 A taste of Brazilian culture in 'Dona Flor new film By RENALDO MIGALDI have a nervous breakdown!" not just a sexy farce. Through State News Reviewer one friend tells her. But soon the vehicle of comedy, it ex¬ The story is set in 1943: Flor she marries Teodoro (Mauro plores the problem of a tradi¬ (Sonia Braga) is young, beauti¬ Mendonca), a shy, fastidious tional woman's identity as de¬ By BILL H0LDSH1P sically, Devo is dynamic arche¬ ful, and married to Vadinho pharmacist in his early 40s who fined by her role in marriage. State News Reviewer typal rock rhythm riffs mixed (Jose Wilker) who lives a life of turns out to be a good provider The two husbands embody the In the 20-odd years with synthesized electronics. absurd excess. He is a roaring and a kind husband, but is classic, almost cliche (but not if Elvis made his first pelvic Imagine, if you can, the Rolling drunkard, a compulsive gam¬ embarrassingly boring in bed, handled well, as it is here) thrust, rock 'n roll has Stones mixed with early Zap¬ bler, and a favorite with the finishing his business in a snap extremes of virtue and vice, or enced a lot of extremely weird ladies at the whorehouse down and turning over to fall asleep intellect versus flesh. With pa/Captain Beefheart and then concepts. Just when it the street. Flor's friends keep while Flor just lies there looking their hilariously exaggerated filtered through Eno/Kraft- the rock world has seen it all werk. This is Devo. telling her to leave him, but frustrated. behavior, they bring out two and things couldn't possibly get For example, Devo performs they don't know about his one But then one day, Vadinho opposing aspects of Dona Flor's any weirder, Warner Brothers the Stones' "Satisfaction" with good point: he is a ridiculously returns from the dead, and Flor pliable, basically submissive has unleashed Devo and their fantastic lover. is hard-pressed to remain faith¬ personality. an entirely new chord struc¬ But one day, long-awaited debut LP Q: Are which at times sounds like while Vadinho is ful to Teodoro. Vadinho's per¬ ture. Braga plays Flor as a fatalistic We Not Men? A: We Are Devo! no chord structure at all. ("The endulging in some more sistent seduction of her is made woman, resigned to her lot in (BSK 3239) on an unsuspecting drunken carousing, he suddenly stranger by tht fact that he is important sound of things fal¬ life, withdrawn and somewhat record-buying public. ling apart.") The sentiment drops dead, a victim of his own invisible to all except Flor (he anxious. Wilker's Vadinho, it Devo is already a rock legend . Clearly the weirdest * may be the same, but the meaning is different. "Mongo¬ excess. Dona (a title of respect) Flor is now alone and frustra¬ sees no reason such to bother with things as wearing clothes). seems, just can't get enough. Even physically, Wilker seems and most fascinating of all the loid" and "Gut Feeling" are ted, and all her friends know it: Dona Flor And Her Two ideal for the part, with his > bands. Devo's pres- "You need a man in your bed and Husbands, a Brazilian import De-Evolved variations on the golden-boy looks (unusual in p has been felt for well over if you don't find one soon, youU directed by Bruno Barreto, is archetypal "I Think We're Brazil) and his beginnings of a period in which 4 ut a a year, a Alone Now'V'Shape of Things dissipated paunch. they've attained a large cult to Come" (Max Frost & the Vadinho gets most of the following referred to as "Devo¬ Troopers) riff. "Come Back * ■> tees." They aren't punk. They laughs: he is the character we Jonee" is De-Evolved "Johnny aren't power pop.They laugh with, while Mendonca's B. Goode," "Johnny Angel," Teodoro is the one we laugh at. Composer Tibor Serly space rock. Nonetheless, their AND "Johnny Get Angry." Whether he is carefully affixing major appeal lies with propo¬ Needless to say, this isn't music labels to the kitchen drawers nents of all three. Devo. which for everyone, but, as the band is short for DE EVOLUTION, Devo - Five Booji Boys attempting the perfect union of Art and Science mentioned in ("See, Flor? A place for every¬ an interview, thing, and everything in its is the only appropriate word to truly describe the band. Alan Myers on drums. They modern man regressing to in- several television shows last "anyone who is really honest will like this stuff." dies in car accident place!") ing Flor or on pompously serenad¬ his bassoon, Men¬ The Devo concept began in combined theater, cinema, fatilism to start anew, that is, The LP includes every song year dancing to the band's LONDON (AP) — Tibor Serly, a Hungarian-born composer and donca is brilliant as the quintes¬ 1975 with a short film entitled dance, socio-anthropology, and DE-EVOLVING. mentioned thus far in the "Space Junk." David Bowie conductor who taught composition to generations of American sential wimp. In The Beginning Was The rock music into their act, and The band released two sing¬ review. At least for me, the appeared onstage with the musicians and was among this century's more influential i End: The Truth About De set out to teach the world the les,"Jocko Homo" b/w "Mongo¬ band at Max's Kansas City in music grows greater with each Part of the attraction of any Evolution. The film, which was doctrine of De-Evolution loid" and "Satisfaction" b/w listen, and I now find it impos¬ theorists, died after being struck by a car in London. He wt foreign film is the view it offers New York City. Iggy Pop made by a group of five very covered a Devo tune, "Praying sible to say which songs are the Perhaps best known for his completion of Bela Bartok's last two Americans of another society, strange young men from Ak¬ Hands," in his concerts. Neil best. They're all great. The compositions, the Third Piano Concerto and Viola Concerto, Serly and Dona Flor And Her Two Ohio, was exhibited as part as also an accomplished violist. Husbands is no exception. It ron. recently co-starred the band in singles have been re-recorded of the 1976 Ann Arbor Film his forthcoming film. Human with Eno production for the Among his students were the American conductor-arrangers seems to have been filmed on Festival. It depicted a 20th Devo is dynamic archetypal rock rhythm riffs record. They are different, but Morton Gould, Robert Russell Bennett and Mort Lindsay, and location in a small Brazilian mixed with Highway, in which they per¬ century technological world in¬ synthesixed electronics. Imagine, form a De-Evolved version of just as exciting. Interestingly expatriate American poet and critic Ezra Pound. coastal town, and even the habited by industrialized an¬ if you can, the Rolling Stones mixed with "After the Goldrush." Bowie, enough, the band sounds rem¬ Serly died Sunday at Whittington Hospital in Highgate i smallest details convey a fasci¬ droid like humans who moved iniscent at times of Talking hours after he was hit while walking across a major London early Zoppo/Coptain Beefheart and then fil¬ Iggy, and Kim Fowley all nating impression of life there. like machines on the assembly Heads, whose second LP Eno thoroughfare, police said Monday. This impression, unfortunately, tered through Eno/Kroftwerk. This is Devo. expressed great interest in A U.S. citizen who lived in Longview, Wash., Serly w line, and danced in a mechanis¬ also produced last summer. is seriously marred by some producing the band's first LP, London for a week-long stopover on his way to Hungary where he tic fashion to electric music but the honor finally went to I should clarify once again poor dubbing. Soundwise, all had been invited for a series of concerts and lectures as a guest of that contributes to the local during their off-hours. The film, avant-garde wizard, Brian Eno. that Devo isn't for everyone. of he Bartok Institute. course, was a satirization of The music Devo creates is This is the music of the future. authenticity of the film is Chico 20th century He leaves his widow, the American concert pianist, Miriam our own techno¬ In interviews that followed, "Sloppy 11 Saw My Baby Get¬ brilliant in its own De-Evolved As the band recently stated: Buarque's fascinating pop sam¬ logical world. Devo described itself as "su¬ "Today's noise is tomorrow's Molin, who did not accompany him on the trip. ba soundtrack score, complete ting)," on their own Booji Boy way, and THIS must be taken He came to the United States as a child and later played viola with Devo had actually been born burban robots entertaining .. . label. The records became un hootenanny." Still, in a year with funky Latin percussion and seriously. It is virtually impos¬ the Philadelphia and Cincinnati symphony orchestras and with the! several years ealier when Mark land spreading) propaganda for that has so far seen the release vocals sung or chanted in derground classics in the me¬ sible to capture their music in NBC Symphony directed by the late Arturo Toscanini. Brazilian Portugese. Mothersbaugh i keyboards and Capitalist Corporate Life," tropolitan areas ("We're big in print. The Devo image relies of numerous brilliant LPs, De¬ synthesizer) and Jerry Casale "Mechanistic Art Lyricist," and the large cities," because they're vo's debut stands as one of the Serly's host in London, American conductor Gene Forrell, told heavily on the concept of The Associated Press his guest was But dubbing notwithstand¬ ibass) met at Kent State Uni¬ "Third Century Corporate best. But don't take my word crossing the street in front of already DEVO . . " says entropy, and the music does ing. Dona Flor And Her Two versity in the art department. USofA Rock 'N Roll." They for it. Check out the band this stopped bus and failed to see a passing car. Jerry). Devo became the dar¬ convey "the important sound of "He apparently died of severe multiple injuries," said Forrell Husbands is just fine, and Upon meeting, the two eccen¬ invented Booji Boy, Mark's lings of the avant garde rock things falling apart," as well as weekend on NBC's Saturday contains some of the hottest trics realized that they were "It's such a tragedy. He was truly a Renaissance man of music and aiter-ego, to portray the com¬ crowd. Choreographer Toni the mechanical/technological Night Live'. HMMMMMMM. love scenes you're likely to see both products of "de-evolution." From the Stones to Devo. the liveliest man I ever knew." mands of their "genetic code" Basil (who has choreographed for awhile. Now showing at the aspects of their conception. The They coerced their brothers, onstage. Mark become Booji every great rock show from De-Evolution! Very interesting. State. Bob 1 and Bob 2. to play guitars lyrics express ideas on auto¬ Boy by donning a baby-faced Elvis' comeback special to mation, sexual repression, and Are we not men? in their band, and added friend mask to portray mechanistic American Graffiti) was seen on the Devo "genetic code." Mu¬ TO: COLLEGE STORE MANAGER You're invited to an We've needed a SHOWCASE for creativity in the communications arts for a long time. A magazine by and for college students is an idea whose time has come. I'm looking OPEN HOUSE forward to the January issue! of the MSU Employees Credit Union 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 15th Address (Dorm, Room, P.O. Box) There'll be AL FAST, The Clown, to entertain the kids, refreshments, guided tours, and door prizes for both adults and children. IF YOU'RE NOT ALREADY A MEMBER, i join today or during the Open House and then register to win a valuable door prize, L. i.j including a trip for two to Cancun. Therefc one good reason" GRAND DOOR PRIZE: to take this coupon down One week trip for two to CANCUN, MEXICO to your college store... Includes air transportation direct from Lansing and first class accommodations. ... One name will be drawn at random, at your school, to determine who will win a free, room size, compact refrigerator. It might be you! Our motive? We want to introduce you-and your college store manager-to a totally new magazine written by and for college/university students. It's called SHOWCASE. A sample issue is in your library; the premiere issue will be available in January 1979. MSU EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION 600 E. Crescent - on campus • Phone 353-2280 9 to 5:30 Monday thru Friday SHGW3ISE Michigon Stote News, Eost Loosing, Michigon Wednesdoy, October II, 1978 7 Parton is entertainer of the year NASHVILLE, Tenn.(UPI)- Buxom Dolly Parton said she "busted out the front" of her ance cast. hours before the broad¬ Wynette is recuperating from bruises suffered last week year a honors for "Heaven's Just Sin Away," a lively and suggestive tune about a girl Party Time!! By JOHN NEILSON new dress just before she was when she was abducted from a who declares "Lord, help me State News Staff Writer named Country Music Associa¬ Nashville shopping center and when I say I think I'm givin' in." 16 /as — an overweight high school kid working at my first tion entertainer of the year driven 80 miles before being The Oak Ridge Boys, a real job (not including the paper route). Monday night. But she said she released. former gospel quartet turned iras a dishwasher. I worked for the barest minimum wage, would have "run on stage Crystal Gayle, sister of long¬ contemporary country since it loading dishes caked with drying ketchup and cigarette butts into naked" to accept the award. time country star Loretta originated during World War scalding hot racks, scouring pots and dredging handfuls of rotting She didn't have to. She Lynn, was named the top II, won vocal group of the year spaghetti out of the grease trap. borrowed a mink stole from female vocalist for the second honors and their back up group, I didn't want to work that night. All my friends were going to a someone in the audience and consecutive year. "Don't It The Oak Ridge Boys Band, was basement party — one of my friends was a drummer who dragged bounced — well covered — onto Make My Brown Eyes Blue," named instrumental group of his full kit and boxes of albums and 45s around to a different the stage to collect her prize. made famous by Gayle, won the year. basement in the neighborhood every weekend — and I wanted to "I had this dress made hoping Song of the Year honors for Kenny Rogers and Dottie go, too. More than just about anything. I would win," said Parton in her writer Richard Leigh. West, who sang "Anyone Who asn't prepared for what I got when I walked into the kitchen acceptance speech. "But a few Don Williams, the drawling Isn't Me Tonight," during the entrance of the Officer's Club on the air base where I worked. ' minutes ago I was hoping I "Gentle Giant" best known this show, were named vocal duo of Andy, my best friend and partner in the dishwashing business, wouldn't because I just busted year for his album "Country the year. broke the news to me. the front out of it. Boy," was named male vocalist Roy Clark, a veteran of pick' "Hey, didn't anyone tell you?" he said, slipping back out the door "I guess it's like my daddy of the year and skipped up to and singin' who has won pre¬ with me. "Mr. Chin fired you." said — you shouldn't try to put the stage wearing his co /boy vious CMA awards ranging He WHAT?!" I was never buddy buddy with our supervisor, 50 pounds of mud in a five- hat and blue jeans, unlike most from entertainer to comedian of who spoke only broken English and looked down on us 'kids,' but I pound sack. of the other performers who the year, was back in the had no reason to expect THIS. "It's nice and pretty to put on were decked out in tuxedos. winner's circle again, chomping "Yeah. He told me 'You tehh you fren Nee san he no haffah come the mantel in case you have Ronnie Milsap, the blind on a cigar as he accepted the in wukkah no mo.' He said you didn't do some pots when you came kids," said Parton about her pianist-singer who won top instrumentalist of the year in the other afternoon." award. "You can say, 'Look at entertainer, album and male award. It figured. My first month at my first job, and I get fired for a what mommy did." vocalist honors a year ago, Louis Marshall Jones, a banjo misunderstanding. I still couldn't believe it. Night crew was CMA and network officials claimed the album of the year picker and comedian dubbed ALWAYS responsible for doing the pots — not the afternoon shift. made frantic last-minute award again. "Grandpa" at the ripe old age of And here I was. Fired. The 16 short years of my life began to flash changes in the schedule when The Kendalls - former St. 22 more than 40 years ago, was in front of my eyes. singer Tammy Wynette, who Louis barber Royce Kendall selected as the 31st person to I was a failure. was scheduled to present and his teen-age daughter be inducted into the Country Someone shouted for a dishwasher, and Andy ducked back awards, canceled her appear Jeannie — won single of the Music Hall of Fame. Dolly Parton accepts the Entertainer of the Year inside. I just stood by the dumpster in the cool fall evening, award during the Country Music Association's overwhelmed by how unfair life could be. For a moment 1 thought awards presentations Monday night. Behind her is of charging inside to clear up everything with Mr. Chin — make Johnny Cash. him understand — but soon thought better of it. I was going to the party. MSU sophomore follows 4Kid' And what's more, I was going to Get had a whole beer before, but I figured Drunk. I had never even the time would never be ' better. Buck Rogers revived Under the pretense of getting some of my things' I wandered with second film, 'It's Murder' into the back the beer. room of the Club - to the walk in where they kept Acting quickly (but none too assuredly), I slipped inside, gym bag in my hand and eyes looking over my shoulder. I grabbed for NBC TV-movie a six pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon, shoved it in the bag under the The MSU Society of Crea¬ sweaty towel, and hastily beat a retreat. tive Film-making will be Outside it was darkening twilight, and 1 knew the party would HOLLYWOOD (API — If Battlestar Galactic* doesn't have you be presenting the world pre¬ underway real soon. But first, I had some business to attend to. miere of a movie directed by spaced out. hang onto your inertron belt because here comes Buck I set my feet toward the lake which bordered on the air base, an MSU student on campus Rogers. knowing that it would be quiet and safe at this time of the evening, Buck Rogers was the earthling sealed in a cave in suspended and soon stood looking out over the dark and lapping waves. this Friday and Saturday. animation for 500 years and first released in 1929 in the comic strip It's Murder!, a slapstick Dropping to my knees, I fumbled in my bag, and soon held in my mystery/comedy that was by Dick Calkins and Philip Nowlan. hand a cold and tempting bottle of beer. With no opener. Buck Rogers was a grand daddy of the space age. along with One side of me seized on this, knowing an omen when it saw one. co-written and directed by juies verne s Victorian voyagers and Edgar Rice Burroughs Capt. sophomore Sam Raimi, will My other side was much more ingenious, however, and after John Carter. be shown at 7:30 and 9:30 pounding the lip of the cap a few times on a nearby breakwater, it Buck, in his exploits with Wilma Deering and Dr. Huer, helped both evenings in 111 Olds popped off into the lake. I tilted my head back, and took a long, Hall. popularize space travel, and more than any of his predecessors hard gulp. offered a basis of reality and plausibility. The strip anticipated Yuuuucheeeaaaauuuu!! I barely managed to suppress the gag This isn't the first film nuclear energy, television, and the laser, as well as equal rights for instinct, and slowly finished the rest of the bottle in short, bitter Raimi has made. Happy sips. This drinking wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Valley Kid, a film he wrote In the strip, Buck was trapped deep in a cave near Pittsburgh As the wind picked up and the temperature dropped, a second and directed about the and was preserved by a "peculiar gas which had defied chemical bottle was slowly drained and pitched out into the lake. And then a plight of an MSU student analysis." It had a Rip Van Winkle air to it. third. By this time I was really full, though, and the thought of driven mad, played on camp¬ "We're a little more modern," says Gil Gerard, who plays Buck drinking another beer was too much for my stomach to bear. I hid us for five weeks last winter. in a two hour movie being readied for NBC. "He's frozen in 1987 the rest of the bottles under a low bush and. puling my jacket in It's Murder! was made with while exploring deep space and his ship is finally discovered by the close around me. headed off in the direction of the party. three times the budget of Braconians." I noticed however, that my steps were a little clumsy, and 1 felt that film. The science of cryogenics has become so advanced the aliens are light headed, almost dizzy. A warm glow was oozing up from the able to thaw him out. They interrogate him as a spy, but release Although it was com¬ pit of my stomach and spreading to my legs and arms ... him after blotting out any memory of them from his mind. This is It! This is Getting Drunk!! I began to walk faster as the pleted weeks ago, the pre¬ "It's not a camp show," said Gerard. "There is humor in it, but realization swept over me — then slower, as my lack of balance miere of It's Murder! was it's not a put on. My favorite term for it is a realistic fantasy. It asserted itself. No longer would I have to feel uncomfortable when deliberately delayed to fall takes an optimistic view of mankind." on Friday the 13th. After its my older friends related tales of binges and debauchery. I, too, had Like ABC's Battlestar Galactic*, Buck Rogers relies heavily on gotten Drunk. Sam Raimi - shown here in full make-up - is co- run at MSU is completed the film will be shown at several special effects. Both shows come under the control of executive By this time I could hear the faint chords of "Honky Tonk writer, co-star, and director of It's Murder!, which producer Glen Larson. For Galactic*, he hired special effects Women" drifting my way, and I made a course correction toward will have its world premiere on campus this week¬ other universities around wizard John Dykstra of St*r Wars. For Buck Rogers, he hired the house with the multi colored pulse lights glowing about the end. Eighteen-year-old Raimi is an MSU sophomore the state. Douglas Trumbull of Close Encounters of the Third Kind. basement steps. I walked past the prostrate body of a fallen who was also the writer and director of The Happy Admission to this week¬ Said Larson, Galactic* has a biblical feel. Buck Rogers is comrade and tottered on the top step — buffetted by the drums Valley Kid. end's showing is $1.50 futuristic. If we were doing it for theatrical release it'd have and buffered by the beer .. . someone like Burt Reynolds in it. It's tongue-in-cheek with a The Rolling Stones never sounded so good. reality base." SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA^ ► Jim Pocock for MSU PEACE CORPS State INTERN PROGRAM Representative from M.S.U. IPsid Political AflMMCBfflint} MAJORS IN «DufeS0MUh§tar NATURAL RESOURCES Tumaloe °R&gsT HUMAN ECOLOGY TONIGHT-SATURDAY PitchoraVi off Tonight ENGINEERING AGRICULTURE LIZARD? Drop in and see us 355-0283 I Ufa PNPrRDRPPNP Room 121 Agriculture Hall We would like to meet you ^ jkH 224 Abbott Rd. E.Lansing Michigon State News. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 11, 1978 FRESHMAN ENJOYING HIMSELF zs " t li. flrL: Andersen gets a 'kick' out of life team. "I team "I IVlllWn't couldn't Hn do aa flan nritk •linnUa. flip with my shoulder mn By JOE CENTERS State News Sports Writer "Coach (Shorm) Lowii told mo I should do a pads on because I'd probably break some¬ "It's a lonely position," commented MSU flip thing. or something after a field goal." said "I get very excited when I kick a field place kicker Morten Andersen. 'There's no Andersen... one that can help you. goal. I feel good and that might get the team fired up." Andersen, a freshman from Struer, Denmark, has of football's unusual There's something else that Andersen is one season that will cut down on the number of records. What you are able to do under the excited about, and that's the Spartans' positions. He has one of the most important field goals attempted. Previous to the new circumstances is what's important." jobs on the team, yet has been on the field rule, if a field goal was missed the ball game Saturday in Ann Arbor against for only 18 plays in four games. Andersen kicked two field goals last Michigan. would be brought out to the 20 yard line. His job for the Spartans is to kick field Now, if a field goal is attempted and missed, Saturday against Notre Dame, and after his "That's the one I like," he said. "I've second one, he ran off the field and did a heard that all the time, the rivalry between goals and extra points, and that is all. and if the line of scrimmage is outside the cartwheel in front of the Spartans' bench. Michigan and MSU. It's the game of the Sophomore Ray Stachowicz handles all of 20, the ball will be brought out to the season no matter what the punting while freshman Rick Schario "Coach (Sherm) Lewis told me that I your record. It's original line of scrimmage. does the kicking off. "It's probably going to mean a lot that I should do a flip or something after a field gotta be. "It sure is lonely but I was prepared for "It's definitely the game I'm looking Stole News Ira Strickstein won't be able to make any school records," goal," said Andersen, who is thinking about it," said Andersen. "It's probably the forward to. No matter whether it's in Ann Freshmen piece-kicker Morten Andersen kicks his first of two field Andersen said. "But I'm not worried about also going out for the MSU gymnastics easiest physical job. You don't get bruises Arbor or here." goals against Notre Dame last Saturday. On the season, Andersen and sweat a lot. (But) they (the coaches) is three for seven in field goal attempts and 10 for 11 kicking don't want us to get hurt, there's only three extra points. of us." Andersen came to America last year as a high school exchange student. He went to Davis High School in Indianapolis, Ind., where he started kicking. In fact, Andersen Annual Turkey Trot to be held; Berry one of the best knows the exact day he first kicked a football. "Last year the 20th of August," he said. "It was a Saturday morning. I came the women are urged to participate if not best MSU runner 19th to my family and went out for football team the next day." He made the team after that first tryout, the By CHERYL FISH but he said his team didn't emphasize the State News Sports Writer By ADAM TEICHER field goal. Davis finished third in the state For 30 years, In the past, the event hat been run by State News Sports Writer the IM Department has held the Turkey Trot, a Lisa Berry came to East Lansing two in class AAA (the largest schools), but he cross country event named for the distinction of giving away live the Men's IM Department. Now the respon« years ago to run for the Spartans. You could call the junior from West Harford, Conn., the top MSU women's cross kicked only five field goals the whole gobblers as prizes. sibilitles have been shifted to the women, country and distance One of those, However, when the trot is held this year on Wednesday, Oct. 18 runner, but she wouldn't entirely agree. season. though, was a who hope to get a good turnout. "We've 48-yarder. at 5:30 on Old College Field, frozen turkeys will be donated to 'I don't feel that we have a number one runner on our team. As far as running, we're a So far this season, Andersen is 10 out of several charities in the winner's name. The practice of handing tried to publicize it by putting up posters. very close team." she said, and has proof behind her statements. 11 out live birds had to be stopped due to problems with I In last week's MSU Invitational, easily won by the Spartans, the top five MSU finishers on extra points and three for seven on killing the really think everyone could have a lot of field goals. turkeys. Instead, many people kept the turkeys as resident came in with a spread of only 25 seconds in their times. Berry finished third in the meet, fun participating in it," Belloli remarked. with a time of 18:38 for the 5,000 meter course. "I'm not satisfied myself," he said. "mascots." Although these live prizes had to be given in another "Personally. I feel I should be six for seven form, the tradition of the turkey trot has lived on. Berry came to MSU becuase "the running programs in college for women aren't as extensive in field goals (he tried a 58-yarder at the end To those unfamiliar with the event, it is described by Women's More women are urged to come out and run. "In the past, there as they are elsewhere. "The Midwest is the best area for cross country in the nation of the first half against Southern Californ¬ IM graduate assistant Sally Belloli as "a fun-type cross country haven't been too many women participating. We hope to see them except for California and I ia), and I missed an extra point. I had some meet." Commencing on the left fieldline of the baseball field, the out there this wanted to go somewhere not too far from home. I narrowed it down to year," Belloli said. MSU. Wisconsin mile course passes the golf green and goes around the baseball In the past, and Colorado, and since I had lived in Michigan, when I was little and knew the area a bit, technique problems with the position of the the event has been run by the Men's IM I wanted to come here and I have no ball, but it's getting better. I haven't lost field. There are several hurdles alpng the way, some of which Department. Now the responsibilities have shifted to the women, regrets." must be crawled under. It is urged that prospective who hope to get a good turnout. "We've tried to Though fine of my confidence. I can't do that. participants publicize it by a runner out high school. Berry had me room for improvement and worked hard her freshman year. "You shouldn't be playing college football run through the course several times. putting up posters. I really think everyone could have a lot of fun "I improved a lot ox • high school, but I still really hadn't realized my potential yet. if you lose your confidence. It's like losing Teams may be comprised of any ratio of men and women, but participating in it," Belloli remarked. 9 the first four contestants of any group across the finish line are your pride." Part of the tradition is the shooting off of the gun to signify the "My sophomore year was when it kind of came together. I got the hang of competition and the pressure of the Andersen is following in the footsteps of a considered for the team place of that group. There are also places start of the race of IM Director Frank Beeman. At the race's big meets. This is when I began to realize the potential," she fellow Dane. Hans for individual recalled. Neilsen, who is from runners. termination, winners will get their team and individual pictures Vejle, Denmark, was MSU's place kicker Upon finishing the race, participants are to go as far as possible taken. The last person to cross the finish line will receive a Berry's accomplishments over her first two years are many, but she's looking to goose for the past four years. Monday, Neilsen into the finish chute. egg- improve on these in the future. She qualified for the national finals in both track (5,000 meters! and cross country her first joined the Atlanta Falcons of the NFL to Spectators are welcome to come view the event, which A required meeting will be held for both individuals and team year and finished second in the Big Ten in the 3,000 meter, third in the 5,000 meter and fourth in the 1,500 meter last track season. replace Freddie Steinfort, who has kicked promises to be interesting. They will be able to see the start and representatives on Oct. 1" at 6 p.m. in 137 Women's IM Bldg. The Spartans travel to Penn State this for the Falcons since the beginning of last finish from the stands. Students, faculty and stafl a.. invited to attend. Saturday to face the Nittany Lions, one of the top teams in the country, but Berry is confident in her team's ability. The NCAA has put i ' rule this Room 109 Anthony SKIERS! back 7:30 by popular demand special guest speaker Hugo Bohm DON'T MISS THE MSU SKI CLUB MEETING TONIGHT 1978-79 Itinerary Nov. 8th—2nd Fall terra meeting Jan. 5-7—Nub's Nob BENEFITS Discounts at the following Michigan ski resorts: Mt. Brighton, Cannonsburg, Nov. 17th-2nd Annual Mid Michigan Jan. 10 -1st Winter term meeting Schuss, Crystal Mt., Nub's Nob and the Lansing Ski Club. Athlete's Village Ski Benefit Jan. 1112—Used Equipment Sale set up is also giving all members 15% off. We are still waiting for other benefits Nov. 20-22—Set up for used equipment Jan. 15-18-Used Equipment Sale to be confirmed. Sale Jan. 26-28-SEARCHMONT, ONTARIO Please contact the office in person or by mail for the next week, Nov. 27 Dec. 1—Used Equipment Sale Feb. 23-25-CARNIVAL WEEKEND as our phone is not working at this time. RM 240 MEN'S IM, M-F 1:304:00 Dec. 9-16—ASPEN Mar. 16-24—AUSTRIA Dec. 9-16—CANCUN Mar. 17 24-CRESTED BUTTE MOOSUSKI MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Dec. 10-15—CRYSTAL MT. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY — ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS POSSIBLE AUSTRIA This December, wtie al of Mchigan fies shivering SKIERS' ,o„ n.» From *494" * under a frosty mantle of ice and snow.- and new to skiing? Whatever the case the MSU Ski Club is for you. First Oepart- Detroit March IB, 1979 1 organized in 1946, we hove Return: Detroit March 24,1979 to MEXICO'S CARB8EAN PARADISE!! grown to o year round club with activities and benefits for the novice as well as the What's Included NOTE—Membership dues «i Membership gives eligibi¬ $3.00 charge for replacement of Membership Card. lity for oil trips and activities Annual 'Discounts at many locol ski nwmbanfiip dun: $12 an*. $17 caupia. $22 family. shops 'Reduced lift rotes ot several Mich, ski parks 'A broad progrom of tours from THE MSU SKI CLUI Aspen. Mich Conada. and Europe ' a club ollice open IS OPEN TO I M. I Mai* Sept thru April ' a 24 hour STUDENTS, ALUMNI. vol In connection vrtth the (port are tlx snow mfo office subscrip¬ WHinnii.drink at the Hnspit.-ilitv I»«—k tion to MooSuSki itews, the refponilblllty of the Indlvtdual(i) Involved, coverage li provided lor itudenti by Ir FACULTY • STAFF. Kullv Club s own popei With free classified ads for members- !*«.t.s 'yhu will I*. requested t<> handle vrt tuhelp spent upIranshf tunc independent trips ' Monthly ('nniplete depart urt'isu-Kei. inrludmg'!"ur<*l< in season meetings with insurance flrmi. movies, guest speakers ond luggage lags, arid det,il.s. plus protertu>* plastu dror prizes golore * PLUS All tax^s. tij* and service i-harges fnralmve ite MUCH MORE ' Don t delay space is limited. •plus club administration fee Michigon Stole New,. Eo.t lousing. Michigon Wednesday, October II. 1978 9 Booters play host to Oakland By JERRY BRAUDE "I'm looking for a close 2-1 game," Baum said. "If we can capitalize on our opponents State News Sports Writer mistakes, then we should win. It should be a good contest." After pulling out a 2-2 tie with Notre Dame Saturday, MSU's soccer coach Joe Baum The key reason for expecting another low scoring contest is the Spartan's lingering feels the team spirit is now up. He hopes to build even more momentum at home against problem of putting the ball in the net. The problem became even worse when Scott Oakland today for the Big Ten Classic at Wisconsin this weekend. Campbell, last year's leading scorer as a freshman, tore ligaments in his knee against "Our spirit is still high," Baum said. "After tying a real good team like Notre Dame, our Notre Dame. players know, at this point, that they're a good team. Oakland and the Big Ten Classic will "Losing Scott will be a blow to our scoring attack," Baum said. "He's a good steady be challenges staring us in the face. But the team is ready to go and is hungry for them. player. Now we have even more reason for playing a 4-2-4." Oakland is a rapidly improving team. They were 11-3 last year and have posted a 4-1-2 Eric Wostl, a freshman from South Holland, 111., will replace mark so far this season. Campbell. "Eric played pretty well against Notre Dame, and he has had "Because Oakland doesn't have good practices," Baum a football team to put up with, they have enough money said. "But it remains to be seen if he can produce as well as Scott." to give out scholarships," Baum said. "They are not a weak team by any means." One bright spot on the scoring attack has been the return of Peer Brunnschweiler. His Baum also pays high tribute to Oakland's first-year coach, Wayne Pirmann, who academic eligibility was reinstated, and he only ended up missing the Grand Valley State coached at Birmingham Groves High School before moving to Rochester. Colleges game. Brunnschweiler started the first three games of the Spartan season in "He's the main pioneer for youth soccer in Michigan," Baum said. "He's established goal, but he has now been moved to the attacker spot. In 1974, his only other season with many of the Detroit youth campc. He's an excellent coach." MSU. he led the Spartans in scoring with five goals and two assists on a team that went Both coaches feel the game, a 3:30 p.m. start, will determine the supreme collegiate 812. team in Michigan. MSU and Oakland have been the only teams so far this year to be ranked in Midwest Collegiate Ratings. Baum pleased with Coleman's consistency By JERRY BRAUDE ship in directing the team. "It's mostly been bruises that have been "I wish Joe tBaum) would State News Sports Writer "I tell them what's going on that the yell at us a bothering me. I twisted my ankle, too." little more," Coleman said. "We haven't Because of his fine all-around play this other players can't see, like if there is an Coleman said. been working hard enough lately. That's year, MSU soccer coach Joe Baum had no open guy on the other side of the field," Coleman also feels that the team has MCI, . , , StoteNews Deborah J. Bonn why we've been having a lot of letdowns MSL freshman attacker Eric Wostl 141, tries to avoid Irish other choice but to get Tom Coleman more Coleman said. improved over a season ago. defenders into the Spartan game plan by moving him during the games." in last Saturday's 2-2 tie with Notre Dame. Wostl will be Coleman feels he has been improving in "Our skills and passing the ball back-and But replacing thanks to Coleman's consistency up from defense to midfield. his ball control and consistency. Yet, forth have been better," Coleman said. "But high-scoring Scott Campbell, who injured his knee in the game. MSI Now with Coleman being more involved throughout the year, Spartan letdowns will host Oakland today at 3:30 injuries have bothered him this year. after we score goals, we break down." haven't turned into total disasters. p.m. in the MSU attack, his consistency has been even more of an asset to the team and the offense has shown more spark too. "Coleman has definitely perked us up since we moved him to midfield," Baum said. "In practice, he's been extremely MSU part of ' ' in youth m productive. Therefore, I'm not to me on how so when I see him being so consistent during the games. Other coaches have commented surprised impressed they are with his fine all-around play. I just hope we can keep By MIKE KLOCKE competitive rounds this fall, is averaging 85.7 strokes for each 18 holes. college golf State News Sports Writer Nina Spatafora of St. Clair Shores, is one player whom Fossum sees as him healthy." having a lot of Coleman has also personally enhanced According to MSU coach Mary Fossum, there is somewhat of a youth movement in potential. In two rounds this fall, she has an 83 average. "Nina needs a little work on women's college golf. In fact, she said, "every team you look at has talented freshmen." her short game, but she has one of the nicest the Spartan scoring attack since moving to swings on the team," Fossum said, As more and more high schools have added golf as a varsity sport, the quality of the Fossum said Karyn Colbert, a Jackson native, is plagued somewhat midfield, with three goals in two games. by inconsistency His last goal gave MSU a tie with Notre players coming into the college ranks has improved. Not only are the players better, off the tee. But the Spartan coach said Colbert has a lot of potential, too. Colbert, who but there are more top flight competitors. MSU is no exception to this trend. like Ertl, is one of the team's "cheerleaders" during matches, has an 87 Dame with 1:04 left in the second overtime average in four "I guess 1 don't want to feel that the freshmen are being pressured," Fossum said. rounds. period. "Our talent is there, it just takes time for them to become committed and develop their "It kind of fluke Lynn Clay of Grand Rapids, who is averaging 89 for two rounds, is also being counted was a goal," Coleman games. said. "The defenseman moved back into the on by Fossum for the future. Clay was the number one player for her high school team "This year, beyond the two Sues (Ertl and Suzi Conlin), we've had a lot of ups and for three years, and is on a golf scholarship at MSU. box, and the only thing I could do was just downs. Nothing is 'cut and dried' like it was in other years." "When they don't play well in tournaments, you can't really use the fact that shoot it. Somehow it got through." So far this year, two of MSU's freshmen Beth Sierra and Lisa Speaker, have played they are freshmen as an excuse," Fossum said. "There's such a great influx of freshmen all Coleman doesn't have a preference on on in every tournament. Sierra, an East Lansing native who is the daughter of Larry teams." playing defense or midfield. Sierra of the Men's IM Department, is averaging an even 83 strokes per round. "I like both." Coleman said. "It "They are all wonderful people, and they have enough pride that they'll come depends Speaker, who hails from Livonia, is averaging 82.5. around." on how I feel that day. "I have a lot more to do at midfield. I'm "They both have very fine golf swings," Fossum said. "They do have to improve their As a coach, Fossum said it is often frustrating when her young players are consistency." inconsistent, but this has still been one of her most enjoyable and challenging years as a now continuously in the game. When I Although this tandem has been scoring the best of the freshmen this season, their coach. played defense, I would just get the ball and are four others whom Fossum sees good futures for. "I would definitely say this has been the most feed it to someone. Now I'm more involved Marianne Utz of Cincinnati, Ohio, who has played in the last two tournaments, is one challenging year," Fossum said. "There's so much depth compared to the other teams. I've in the attack." usually had five or six top of the hardest working players on the team, according to Fossum. Utz, in six Coleman has been players, but now there is an abundance of talent." now providing leader¬ Mary Fossum BOOKS WANTED! RECORD WiniitunM ii You don't •Science Fiction •OU Books have to be loud to be •Comic Books •PUB noticed. •Beatle Items •Magazines •Xaiecy Drew •Big Little loots SALE •Mysteries •Baseball Carts Curious Book Shop 307 East Grand River East Lansing (517)332-0112 Every Wednesday A Whopper HARRIS TWEED of a special! $11500 5 pm till 1:00 am MfiRTYS 69c EVERYTHING FOR THE MAN 305 EAST GRAND RIVER, EAST LANSING. Ml. Op.n Thur,day t Friday Night, ,o 1:30 3328554 Whoppers MICNILIN RADIALS no limit 155-13 37.95 2K 165-13 IMS Offers Good at Both 165 -15 w i 39.95 1141 E. Grand River and 185-14 57.95 3121 E. Saginaw 195-14 S0.9S 205-14 •8.95 205 15 •9.94 215-15 71.95 T SHIRTS/FOOTBALL JERSEYS 225-15 73.95 a quality T-shirt or football jersey SANKRABBERS RADIALS with any design 128D-R-15 Wp.uiF.l.T. Raise wfciti letter reasonable price I1H5 *44" plus F.E.T. We alto have Monitor Call for details Mudders Dick Capak C&O T-SHIRTS Bob Schneider All MAJOR HANDS AVAIIAIU FRE£ MOuNTl*G'FAST S£RVICE 3TI-IOS1 ^ A TIRE INC A 332-6545 S 711 E. Bellows VI/ *|| FtI A ▲ *>""' 10 6 00 Mt. Pleasant. Ml 4885B f UUVMbO ■ '*•' laniing'i cuitom whool and tlr« txptrti 1 0 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 11. 1978 Advisory group sets plans By JAMES KATES Antiquity, solitude pervade papal conclave Future meetings and a possible public Even in these monastic cells, the walls or ceilings leap to life with a fresco by hearing to evaluate energy problems were VATICAN CITY (API - A loud, electronic bell calling the conclave to vote is the discussed Monday by a citizens advisory only sound that jars the solitude of the secluded, gilt encrusted world where the Roman Raphael, Fra Angelico or a 14th century Flemish tapestry. The group set Jan. 8 as a tentative date Catholic Church's cardinals gather to elect a new pope. Everything else the cardinals do is strictly by seniority. Their place in procession, group of the East Lansing Planning for a public hearing at which it would their voting desk in the Sistine Chapel, their order of balloting, their place at a table in Commission. Not even a wake up call is used to rouse the sleeping princes of the church. The present its statement of problems and the Borgia dining room are all tallied by the order in which they were consecrated. conclave is a sealed off world where no telephones ring, no radios blare, no typewriters The grotip is one of seven that advise the assumptions and invite comments from Carberry said he was seated at the far end of the Sistine Chapel during the last citizens. clack and the lights burn all day behind the paint covered windows. commission community issues and conclave and had a clear view of the stove in which the ballots are burned, and had on "If you don't have an alarm clock, you have to depend on the fellow in the next room recommended policy toward completion of a reasons for the grey smoke that gave rise to confusion over whether a pope had been City planner Jim Van Ravensway said to wake you," said Cardinal John Carberry of St. Louis, who finds himself bunking comprehensive city plan by June 1980. the city would complete a study of down in the elaborate Borgia apartments for the second time in six weeks. elected. residential energy consumption in time for "I don't see why they don't use a paper shredder. There must be several around the The first conclave chose Albino Luciani to follow Pope Paul VI, who died Aug. 6. The Comprehensive Plan, developed in Vatican," he mused. "Stuffing all those ballots, plus the notes we make and the the Oct. '23 meeting. Luciani. who chose the name John Paul I, died 34 days after his election. the 1960s, was intended to project the city's "I'm 74. I never dreamed I'd have this experience again in my lifetime," said scorecards we keep, just clogs the stovepipe." growth through 1980. But unforeseen cir¬ The locally funded study is one part of a Latin is the Carberry. language of the balloting in the Sistine Chapel, where the voting takes cumstances have outdated the plan. The comprehensive energy audit methodology The 111 cardinals entering the conclave Saturday evening will reach into a leather place without any discussion of candidates. Italian is the language of the dining room, plan's purpose is to guide the Planning developed for communities by the U.S. where according to Flahiff, "there is no rule of silence and a good deal of chatter." i making its decisions. Department of Energy. It will include an sack held by Cardinal Mario Ciappi. and pick out a numbered wooden ball that decides their room assignment. In the mosaic corridors and in the courtyard of St. Damasus. where tradition has it audit of local energy use rates and The group, which includes persons from efficiency and a projection of changes in "The room I had was really quite grand, with magnificent tapestries and paintings," that popes are made while cardinals stroll and confer between ballots, "you hear a lot of the energy industry, education and govern¬ said Carberry. "The chairs were done in red plush and gold leaf. I was afraid to sit on French and quite a bit of English," said Carberry, "and, of course, some oriental energy use patterns over the next five ment, set an agenda which would allow them, so I used a fold up chair. There were also two air conditioners, but I only used tongues in addition to Latin and Italian." years. completion of problem statements in specif¬ Brian Matter. Energy Advisory Group ic energy areas by Dec. 11. Others were billeted in tiny cubicles of splendid partitioned Renaissance rooms with Carberry said a loud electric bell, "like you hear in a high school for changing chairperson and planning commissioner, classes." summons the cardinals to the Sistine Chapel at 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. for the Among the be discussed are said the group would formulate specific names like the Room of the Signatures, where papal decrees are signed, the Room of areas to voting. It is the only jarring note in a world of soronous prayers, soft conversation and residential and commercial factors, trans¬ objectives beginning in January with the the Mysteries and the Room of the Sibyls, where in 1503 Pope Julius II imprisoned Cesare Borgia, the Italian Renaissance adventurer and son of Pope Alexander VI. light footfalls. portation. recreation, public facilities and aim of submitting its report to the Planning land use. Commission by April or May. Our reputation has been MSU proven. We offer the finest Chinese cooking in this area. Take out service is Positions available to all students living in residence halls available. during 1978-79. Campus Radio at Michigan State is run by the students. This term, the Radio Board, the governing body o( the Michigan State Radio Network is selecting students for Member at Large seats on the board. The Member at large provides valuable input and direction to the Board from the Residence Halls and Campus population. CORNER CtlPPERT ond VINE For more information or an application come to Room 8 of the Student Services Building. Deadline to apply is Tuesday, Phone 351-2217 October 17. ot 4:30 p.m. MICHIGAN STATE SN (Delivery Available! No checks accepted RADIO NETWORK FOR ADULTS ONLY! b Buv any PILLOW FURNITURE: |& XTRALTEO ^ Medium the Pizza FOR EXTRA COMFORT at Regular Price get the Identical Pizza TREE must have coupon e 2830 E. Grand River | 1203 E.Grand River 2 blks. west of Frandor delivery east of Harrison delivery west of Harrison I !■■■■ W5,44# ing the proposed establishment of a "911" sed campus life. policy board. East Lansing officials have refused to "I don't know why. but I prefer the older The Committee of the Whole commit the city to the proposed countywide dorms." said Clive Pepe. a University of its standing on the council's committees list. Pll central emergency telephone number Surrey student currently living in Abbott In other action, the council: system without first adding a governing •Referred a resolution proposing a board composed of elected or appointed "Also, unlike there they serve liquor on legislative liaison for the city back to the officials. campus; even if you are 18." he explained. Committee of the Whole, pending further Griffiths' letter requested the the Lan¬ 'There is not any of that Proposal D bulls information from the mayor's office. there." sing City Council pass a resolution support¬ ing implementation of a 911 policy board. However. Pepe did say the drinking hours are from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. in Surrey. On the weekends drinks are not served after 11:00 p.m. Michigon State News, East loosing, Michigan Wednesday, October 11, 1978 15 Employment Classified Advertising GOOD USED tires and snow BABYSITTER WANTED. My JANITORIAL POSITIONS ARBY'S ROAST BEEF taking BABYSITTER PART-time SOFTWARE SYSTEM De¬ PLYMOUTH,DUSTER, 1974, Information good condition. Call 394-4956 tires, 13-14-15 inch. Mounted home. 2 children; 1 and 4. available, experience prefer¬ applications for full and part- evenings for one child. 351- veloper for new installation of time help, 351-6340. 270 W. 8454. 12-10-13 (3) IBM 370/148 2 meg. Opera after 6 p.m. 12-10-17 (3) free. Used wheels and hub Own transportation. 339-3545 red, part-time, evenings & ION! 15S-I25S J47 Student Services Bldg caps. PENNELL SALES, 1825 3-10-11 (3) weekends. Apply in person, Grand River Ave., next to bus tional by Thanksgiving. Need MERIDIAN MALL, Okemos. station. 3-10-12 (7) ACCOUNTING MAJORS, 1 person with OS/VSI experi¬ PLYMOUTH SATELLITE, E. Michigan, Lansing, Michi¬ 1972. Green, excellent run¬ gan 48912, 482-5818. GAME ROOM personnel. 10-10-16 (5) junior level or above. Temp¬ ence: 1 person with CICS MANAGER TRAINEE. No orary full or part-time em¬ experience. A plus would be ning condition, just tuned. C-22-10-31 (7) Young ladies preferred. Good DAYS 1 day-90< per line Call 355-1667. 3-10-13 (4) pay-($180/week and up)- WANTED INSTRUCTOR for experience necessary, will ployment beginning mid-Jan- telecommunications. train. Prefer college graduate. uary thru April 15th. 2 posi¬ 3 days • MX per line FOR SALE, AM/FM radio for benefits and pleasant work¬ Kaplan GRE Course. Grad $25,000-30,000. Call 694 late model GM car. 332-0730. student with 650 GRE. Full benefits. Call Chet Wos- tions available now. We will 1153, Alison Hazzard. MAN ■mmrrirn i days -75C per line PLYMOUTH WINDOW van. ing positions. Excellent posi¬ 3-10-13 (3) 332-2539. X-3-10-11 (4) ko, MERIDIAN THEATRES. teach Federal, State, and Lo AGEMENT RECRUITERS. iraiAiiufru I doys ■ 7 with Faring. Call Dan at 332-5061. 8-10-13 (5) PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Call 6 pm. Must be experienced day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must 353-2418. 6-10-17 (3) COCKTAIL WAITRESS - 1-647-4161. 12-10 25 (4) with infants. Own transporta¬ TRIUMPH TR7,1976, Victory be mode within 10 days of expirotion dote. part-time. Experience not SPECIAL EDUCATION tion. 332-4978 2-10-12 (7) edition. Clean, loaded. 485- MCDONALD'S RESTAU¬ i ore due 7 days from ad expiration dote. If not paid by due date, o 50* lote service charge will 9825 after 4 pm. 12-10-26 (4) Employment jf necessary. Nights, 6pm- 2:30 am. 10 minutes from MANPOWER, INC. TEACHER - approval E.I. preferred. Interest in and'or RANT of East Lansing is now SECRETARY - MATURE per MSU. HUDDLE SOUTH. 820 taking applications for full son preferred. Hours flexible. be due. experience with secondary and part time employment for WANTED PART-time help, Miller Road, Lansing. Please send resume to Doug TRIUMPH TR7, 1976- Rust students with learning and all shifts, (day or night) Apply after 5:00 pm. and weekends, 882 7579. 8-10-19(6) Stacks. 2724 E. Michigan, proof, AM/FM. Excellent con¬ behavior, problems. Operate from 8-10 a.m. or 2-4 p.m. 7-11 Store. Holt. Ml 694- Lansing. 48912. or call 484- dition. 332-8346 after 5. vocational evaluation pro¬ Monday-Friday. 2.2-10-13 (7) |[«] fliHiOtiw |[»i RN-LPN 5-10-13(36) 8417 3-10-13 (6r 9823. 12-10-19 13) JMnitin 12-10-16 (3) Acute care teaching hospital gram (C.O.A.T. system), GENERAL OFFICE Work. WAITRESS - HOSTESS - teach pre-vocational skills in HN's-UHUENTLY needed at VEGA GT, 1973. AM/FM, APPLICATIONS NOW being has full and part-time staff Study. $3.50 and Hour. Jan, bartender - cook. Part-time, work experience. Contact community hospital especial¬ ACME GREEN Hornet wag¬ FORD FIESTA-1978, loaded tires, new muffler sys¬ taken for all positions. Apply positions available for experi¬ Pirgim. 487-6001.12-10-12 (3) snow enced registered nurses and nights. No Sundays. Apply at Personnel. 676-3268. ly for 11-7 shift, Full or part on, 1974. Needs some work. with options, low mileage, tem. $500. 355-5803. in person, BONANZA FAM¬ licensed practical nurses. We the DODGE HOUSE, 415 E. X-8-10-12 ARTIST - TALENT and imag¬ time. Call Eaton Rapids Com¬ Must sell this week. $750 or 669-3904. 12-10-12 (3) 5-10-13 (3) ILY RESTAURANT, 1930 W. offer an excellent salary and Saginaw at Cedar. ination a must. Velvet Fin¬ munity Hospital 663-2671 best offer. 371-3265 eve¬ Grand River, Okemos. 12-UT25 (5) 12-10-17 (6) benefit package. Please con¬ UNIFORMED SECURITY of¬ 489 2278. nings. 3-10-13 (5) FORD VAN-1977, 12,000 VEGA 1974, runs well. Good 8-10-13 16) ficers and store detectives gers 12-10-12^(3) tact Personnel Department, miles, automatic, power transportation. Best offer. Af¬ BABYSITTER NEEDED, KIDS BACK in school? Sell THE INGHAM Intermediate LANSING GENERAL HOS¬ needed. Full or part-time. CJ AMC HORNET station wa¬ steering & brakes, $4800, ter 6 pm 882-0880. RETAIL CLERK. Person with preferably in my home start¬ AVON. Good earnings, flexi¬ School District is taking ap¬ PITAL OSTEOPATHIC, 2800 majors preferred. 641-4562. gon, 1974. Very good condi¬ negotiable. 669-3904. 12-10-11 (3) hardware sales experience. ing November. Moving to ble hours that let you come plications for substitute Devonshire, Lansing, Ml tion overall, good body and 12-10-12J31 Call CAPITOL CITY HARD¬ 48909. 3/2 8220. Haslett-Rose Lake area. 5 X-0J2-10-31J4. home when your kids do. For teachers for special educa¬ engine. $1050. 641-6325 after VEGA WAGON 1973"- Good days by weekly. 7 am - 5 pm. details. 482 6893. tion and vocational education GRAND TORINO 1973, $750, WARE, 694-7000. Ask for 12-10-25(14) EAST LANSING Tire Store 5 PM. 5-10-11 15) condition. Call after 6pm. References, own car. tire and C 17 10-31 (5) programs. $33/day. Contact 4 new tires (still on warranty). Don Olson. 8-1(M3 (6) needs wheel 339-3634.4-10-16 (3) 669-9304. 3-10-11 (6) Personnel, 676-3268. ■ BUICK ELECTRA, 1971.. AM/FM radio, 627-5710. changer. Full time and part PART-TIME JANITORIAL YOUNG. GROWING CPA 8-10-12 (8) 12-10-25 (4) BABYSITTER NEEDED in my time positions open. Experi¬ Great condition, stereo, tape, VEGA 1972- new tires. Reli¬ sweeper-evenings 5pm-9pm ence necessary. Phone Stan firm, moving to E. Lansing, is loaded. 332-3383. 6-10-1613) able transportation, $350. East Lansing home. Full time, and Saturday 8am-12 noon. OVERSEAS JOBS - Sum¬ WAITRESSES AND waiters GMC VAN. 1975. Excellent transportation. Call 332- 332-6545. C-14-10-16 (6) seeking students (or student 349-9595 after 5.12-10-11 (3) own $3.25, hour. Call 694-5040 mer/full time. Europe, S. wives) in accounting & fi¬ needed. Full and part-time CHEVROLET condition, stereo, air. Best 5351 after 6. 8-10-13 (5) America, Australia, Asia, etc. VAN, blue, 3-10-12(4) PART-TIME employment for nance. Accountant & book¬ openings. Experience prefer¬ offer. 487-0466. 8-10-19 (3) All fields, $500-$1200 month¬ 1974.350 - V8. 56,000 miles. VEGA, WAGON, 1976-36,000 2 individuals to supervise keeper; keypunch; and secre¬ red. Apply in person at $2400 or best offer. 371-4818. miles, 4 speed, no rust. Call PERMANENT PART-time ly, expenses paid, sightsee¬ FAMOUS TACO, 539 E. WAITRESSES NEEDED. Ap¬ mentally ill and elderly adults. tary. Full time. 482-1618. 12-10-24 (3) GREMLIN, 1972. New radials, work. We have several ing. Free information. Write, evenings, 394 5297. ply in person at the BOOM 339-3265. 7-10-11 14) 8-10-17 (6) Michigan. 8-10-12 (5) muffler, battery. 53,000. $875 8-10-17 (3) mediate openings for cup INTERNATIONAL JOB or best offer. 321-2027. BOOM ROOM, 1-5 daily. See CORDOBA 1977. 21,000 packers in our factory. Satur CENTER, Box 4490-ME, Mickey. 5-10-16 14) miles. Loaded. Black. $4100. S-5-10-12J3| VW BUS, 1972, 9 passenger, day's and/or Sundays only Berkeley, CA 94704. 332-7599. 4-10-13 (3) HONDA CIVIC, 1974. 45,000 good condition, 63,000 miles. Openings available c PART-TIME jobs-flexible 12-10-18 (10) Must sell. $1900 or best offer shifts. Call DART CONTAIN miles, good condition, just hours, $4.75 per hour. Car COUGAR 1969-Eliminator. by Sunday, 9 pm. 1800 tuned. 655-1204, 655-1943. ER CORPORATION. Person necessary. Call between 4 New paint job, '73 engine, Shubel. 482-8278. 3-10-13 (6) nel Office, 676-3800, ext. 282. and 6 pm., 5-10-13 (3) 374-6328. Ami stereo cassette. Must see. 8-10-13(9) 8-10-19 (4) FREE CARTRIDGE * WITH $1200. 332-5185 evenings. VW BUS, 1972, excellent CIDIR HONDA 1977 Civic hatch¬ 4-10-16 (4) AM/FM, Michelins. Negotia¬ EVERY USED TURNTABLE back - like new condition, ble. 351-8999. 8 10-20 13) HONIT call 332-6749 after noon. WANTED-SHAKLEE SU¬ CUTLASS SUPREME, 1973 _ Excellent condition, power Z-2-10-11 (3) VOLVO, '73 145. Air, nice PERVISORS, Bonus car, in¬ VETERINARIANS BLOSSOM ORCHARDS PURCHASE __ surance benefits.'Will train. interior. Good tires. Under- windows, defogger, new Die¬ 2MILESN.OF Leslie Just hard. loaded. 332-1671. Mf MIDGET 1970 very sharp, coating. 349-1669. Call evenings Monday-Friday. The Air Force Medical Ser Hull Rd. Bring in this coupon to $1100 or best offer. 322-0419. 12-10-20 (3) 351-8533. X-12-10-16 (5) vice hos immediate open on 12-10-14 (3) 8-10-16 (3) (old U.S. 127) ings for Doctors of Veter RECEPTIONIST PART- Hours: 9am-6pm VOLKSWAGEN, 1972. Must inory Medicine in active du«> HI-FI BUYS - CUTLASS SUPREME, 1975. MUSTANG II, 1974, AM/FM see & drive to appreciate. TIME 11am.-5pm., 5 days per positions throughout the CLOSED MONDAYS New steel radials. Landau stereo, 4 spped, radials, 4 Excellent condition. A real week. Experience required. United States and overseas top. $2560. 353-1426. Phona: 1-589-8251 cyclinder. 42,000 miles, ex¬ gas saver. Phone 616-761- Must have pleasant tele¬ Starting salaries and entry 11011. GRAND RIVIR 2-10-12 (3) cellent condition, $1625 or 3422 or 517-224-7931. phone manners. Located grade are commensurate best offer. 337-2707 after 7 Pick your own Capitol City Airport. with education and back apples •Limited to DATSUN B-210,1976-2 door, p.m. 8-10-13 (6) 3J0-12J6) near ground experience. If you Saturday and Sunday Availability, compatability, automatic, Ziebarted, mech¬ Phone Joyce, 323-4770. VW SCIROCCO 1975 excel¬ and the discretion of our staff. anically A-1. $2295. 339-3646. MUSTANG 2 + 2 Hatchback, 12-10-19 (8) 10am-5pm lent, Tuff Kote, AM/FM 8 or are under 35 years of 5-10-13 (3) 1976, excellent condition, low Gift Packages track and cassette, new age. investigate this out. mileage. Call days. 355-3354, paint, tires, many extras. WANTED - DELIVERY men standing career opportunity. shipped UPS DATSUN, 1974 Vi, 260Z, nights 351-0395. 12-10-13 (5) 332-3923. 8-10-13 (5) part-time, morning or after¬ PEOPLE REACHER Stereo, Cassette, air, 4 speed, noon. Must be reliable and $4700. 349-5761 evenings. Capf. Roger Stork OLDS DELTA 88 Royale, Today's best buys are in the have good driving record. 23400 Michigan Ave. X-8-10-19 (3) 1976. Air, cruise, AM/FM, Classified section. Find what Call Bob Aldrich. 882-0208. illage Plaza 1972 DATSUN 510 Station 47,000 miles. $3900. Call you're looking for) 12-10-24 (6) Dearborn. Michigon 48)24 Wanted WANT AD 373-5147 or 676-9453. 313 561 7018 7022 Wagon. Automatic. Call 12 10-20 (4) 655-1681.12-10-16 (3) Credit Problem? s OPEL GT, 1973, royal blue. FIAT 1974. Four door, 41,000 miles. $1400 or best offer. Must sell, $1700 or best Need A Car? the gentle •Just com pie t* form and Call 353-9494. Ask for Lily. reasonable offer. Contact mail with paument to: 3-1&12M Mr. Bishop, 487-0106 or 489- 6898 after 5:30 PM. Bad Credit—No Credit side of life FIAT 131, '76. Good condi¬ 5-10-11 (5) Staff Xt ws Classified Dept. tion, low mileage, low price. ADC—Social Security ,14? Student Serein s Bldg. Must sell. 321-0392. PINTO, 1974. Air, radio, vinyl 5-10-11 (3) FINANCING AVAILABLE—E/Z TERMS East Lansing, Mich. 1*882.1 roof, luggage rack. 49,000 miles. No rust. Call 351-4147 KIP MILLER, CREDIT MANAGER FIAT, '75 Spyder. Excellent condition. $3500. Call 484- 3994. after 5 pm. 6-10-18 (5) CURTIS FORD 351-1830 delivery Address . 12-10-J2J3) FIAT X19,1974,23,000 mites. Call Now-Ride Now!! Ask For Kip Miller! persons City Super condition. $2,800, or Part time or full time. Daytime P best offer. Call 349-2786. PLYMOUTH HORIZON 1978. Flexible hours. 12-10-13 (3) Front wheel drive, radials, Must be at least 18 . Prpfprred Insertion Dote FORD MUSTANG Ghia, automatic. 5500 miles, 7 months of warranty left. $4195. Call after 6 WE'VEMOVED! Should be able to work Friday or Saturday. 1975. Best offer over $2000. pm.. Hourly salary plus 25 characters in a line, including punctuation and spaces between words. 882-6594. 3-10-13 (3) 349-0687. 5-10-13 (6) All departments but audio commissions and tips. Can make $4.00/hour. Print Ad here moved to our new Apply in person alter BUS STOP NITE CLUB FRANDOR LOCATION The North Door of Frandor 4:00pm at your nearest Domino s Pizza store. Now Taking Applications 337-9700 For Experienced 3 LINE MINIMUM CIRCLE RATE WANTED plriELi)o[Ciinj3lLuio DISCO DeJ.'s nrnnmmmrtirn h»>is in ii' si if? mi AUDITION TAPE PREFERRED M * MUSIC CO. [HID EE1 EDDIED Pim APPLY IN PERSON 9*5 CIOCnElHlfnEnE-1 Frandor Shopping Cantar ■imp iirimmrnm 2751 E. Grand Rv. 337-9700 TP* I m IB* 15* IE* 1111 E. Lansing "Tho North Dog, ot Frandor" Wednesday, October 11, 1976 ] 6 Michigon Stote News Eost Lonsing. Michigon 1 Eipltywi Employment |i 1 Ayirfwti |fy] BMnis For Sale ^ I Rummage Sale |[5] Typing Service Carter Conference PART TIME help, available 4 JANITOR SERVICE part time EAST LANSING. 1 and 2 ROOM 9 months or 1 year. FREE LESSON in complexion GARAGE SALE 12th, 13th, EXPERIENCED TYPIST, fast evenings per week. Apply person only, 7-11, 2525 in E. 3-4 hours day Apply 809 Center St Lansing, between bedrooms. Includes central air, car ports, dishwasher, $100^ Prefer call 8-10 p.m. Ask for John. 332 7334. care. MERLE NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO. 321 and 14th. 1180 Prescott in Shaw Estates, one block and accurate. Dissertations, thesis, term papers. 339-3575. hits several issues Jolly Road. 8 10-11 (4) 8a.m. 4:30 p m. Monday-Fri¬ drapes. From $220. Some 5 10 11 (3) 5543 C 22-10 31 (4) north of Saginaw on Harrison 12 10-25 13) day 12 10 11 14) pets considered. 332-3900 - follow signs. Furniture, GE (WASHINGTON, D.C.) Besides threatening to veto the Senate.; MOUNTAIN JACKS days. 332 7461 evenings. 1 or 2 man room, 1 block 24" WOMAN'S bicycle, ten color TV, Craftsman table tax cut bill in his nationally broadcast news conference Tuesday, RESTAURANT NOW HIR CLERKS ADULT bookstore. 0-15-10-31 (7) from campus. 332-2564. Be¬ speed, excellent condition. saw, bumper pool table and ING, FULL OR PART TIME 393 0723. E 5 10 16 (3) President Carter made statements on other domestic and foreign VELVET FINGERS 489 2278 hind Campua Corners II. much more. 3-10 13 (9) STUDENTS WELCOME. NO 25 10 31 (3) 51013 (3) issues. BAND WANTED for party EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. 1 or 2 females SEARS KENMORE portable GARAGE SALE. Clothing ga¬ He conceded it is now "unlikely" that Congress will approve his 10-28-78. Country Rock? Pay. BUSBOYS. DISH¬ MODELS $10 hour Apply wanted for dishwasher, $70. 349-5822 or lore. Ladies' sizes 10-13. proposal to create a new federal Department of Education before it WASHERS. COOKS. WAI¬ TERS, COCKTAIL WAI¬ VELVET FINGERS Call 489 furnished apartment For Sale l!^ 349 3482. E 5 10 16 (3) Men's 34 38. Many other Dave or Pat 372 6550 exten sion 114. Good Time. adjourns this weekend. 2278 25 10 31 (3) items. Great sale! Come! 3-10-11 (4) And he hinted that conclusion of an Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty TRESSES. FULL COMPANY next to campus FENDER STRATOCASTER October 13 and 14, 9-6 pm. could depend to some extent on the speed with which the Israelis BENEFITS. EXCELLENT HIRING IMMEDIATELY FOR SALE. Roy Craft. 1 1956 EXCELLENT ORI 753 Audubon Road, E. Lan¬ WANTED: FOUR tickets to move to end their military government in the occupied West Bank, WORKING CONDITIONS. cooks, busboys, waiters, bar¬ 332-4432 bedroom with fireplace, air GINAL CONDITION - much conditioner, close to M.S.U. sing. 3 10-13 (6) the MSU-U of M game. and to replace it with a proposed self-governing authority. APPLY IN PERSON. 5800 W tenders. Days and/or nights. much more. WILCOX 1 521-4070. 8-10-12(4) 353 5699. 6 10-13 (3) Carter said the Egyptian Israeli treaty talks which open in SAGINAW EOE Inquire in person only, KEL TRADING POST, 509 E. 5-10-H 1121 LY'S RESTAURANT. Haga dorn at Lake Lansing Road in FEMALE ROOMMATE need ed for spacious 1 bedroom FOR THE best in stereo Michigan, 485-4391. Open f licriitin Iffl OLD BASEBALL Cards Washington on Thursday "are not legally interconnected" with the West Bank issue. 9:30 am. - 6 pm. wanted, cash paid-phone SECRETARIES. TYPISTS Burcham Woods apartment. service, THE STEREO he Carriage Hills Shopping C 22 10-31 (6) "But I think throughout the Camp David talks and in the minds of and Fall term only 1st month SHOPPE! 555 E. Grand River. HAYRIDE. NEWLY acquired 521-3854. Webberville area. general office work. Center 12-10 13(8) Good skills with 60 wpm. paid. Call 332 0040 after 5. C-22 10-31 (3) equipment. Additional rides 10-10-13(3) myself, Prime Minister Menachem Begin, and President Anwar RCA 16 inch black and white temporary and long term LICENSED NURSES. Part 8-10-1915) available. CRAZY C. RIDING Sadat, they are interrelated," he said. MID-MICHIGAN'S portable. Works fine. Good Smart shoppers check the Carter also acknowledged indirectly that the CIA has been assignments. Available time or afternoons. 24 bed VISIT set for dorm. $65. 675 5188. STABLES. 676-3710. Classified section first. That's working days 8-5. Secretarial basic nursing home. 489- 2 BEDROOM, unfurnished largest used bookshop CURI¬ E-5-10-16 (4) 5-10-13 (4) making payments to Soviet defector Arkady Shevchenko, but Office Services, 321-6878 1701. 5-10-17 141 town house. 106 Bailey OUS BOOKSHOP. 307 E. where they find the best buys denied that the agency was paying the full $5,000 per month Street. $275 per month plus Grand River, East Lansing, CONN DIRECTOR coronet, COME TO the orchard. Bring lOJOJJ (8>_ lunch. Enjoy picking allegedly paid to a female companion for the Russian. LOCAL AMWAY Distributor utilities, 11 month lease. Call 332-0112. C-22-10-31 (5) new, $175 Conn director a your "The payments... don't equal what the woman said were paid for SALESPERSON fundraiser RED and GOLDEN DE¬ .s helping many persons earn 351 0359 5 10-16 (5) trumpet, reconditioned, $150. own Valuable experience Work working 2-4 hours a WOMEN'S COATS - Lon¬ LICIOUS APPLES-a bushel, a her favors, or services," Carter said. money Ovation guitar, like new, Study or academic credit We can help you. For peck or a truck load. GOLD¬ 0507. 12-10-13 13) The president also said he has not decided whether he will submit day 1 OR 2 male roommates don Fog trench with liner, 14. $250 Matador banjo in very Pirgim. 487-6001 Ask for appointment call 1-723-6055. needed. Own room. Campus $40. Leather by Saks Fifth EN KNOB ORCHARD. 4389 a U.S. Soviet pact on strategic arms limitation to Congress as a good condition, $125. Call Steve or Jan Affirmative Action Employer. X 5-10-1? (7) 8-10 12 (5) Hill, 349 1935 5-10-11 13) after 4 pm. Ave 12. $50 332-5041. , E 5-10-11 (5) after 2.349 3114 12 10-17 (7) E. Pratt Road. 651-5430. 12-10-26 (10) \ | TrnspirHtlw ](jft] treaty, but "my preference" is to do so. Carter, w ho has said he hopes to conclude such an agreement this COOKS AND year, is considering whether to sumbit it as a treaty, which would CONNORS FAMILY COFFEE FEMALE NEEDED to share 2 PERSIAN LAMB cape, $40; NEW USED and vintage SHARE MONEY. My car to require a two-thirds majority in the Senate, or as an executive COEDS, PART-TIME cocktail waitress. Will train for SHOP WEST Full and part- time available. No experience bedroom. Close to M.S.U. winter hooded jacket, $25; guitars, banjos, mandolins, Dulcimers and kits, re¬ I Real Estate ife North Cal. October 20, 4 days on road. Call Jim. 1-566-8222. agreement, which would require only a simple majority of both the for bartender job. SILVIOS 332-7861 6-10-11_ (3) excellent condition; 332-5303 etc. 7-10-12 (3) House and Senate. necessary. 3231 W. Saginaw, E 5-10-16 13) corders, strings, accessories, LOUNGE, 489-9662. Ask for 2 PEOPLE needed to sublet 2 HASLETT-ASSUMABLE Carter said the alleged sale to the Soviets of an operating manual % mile east of Waverly. books, thousands of hard-to- Jerry 10-10-13 151 person apartment. Immediate mortgage on this neat 2 for U.S. spy satellites earlier this year hasn't affected strategic 12-10-18 (8) SCHWINN VARSITY 10 find albums (all at very low bedroom condo. All appli¬ occupancy. BIRCHFIELD prices). Private and group arms talks or robbed the United States of the ability to count NEWSLETTER EDITOR. APARTMENTS. Call after 6 speed bike. 26 inch. Excellent ances, carport, across from RN, MED surgical supervisor, lessons on guitar, banjo, Russian missiles and check for cheating on agreements to limit condition. $85 349-2909- high school. Full club-house Writing, production and dis¬ days, for RN looking for pm. 393-4956 8-10-19 (41 Mike. F 5 10 16 (4) mandolin, all styles. Gift cer¬ them. tribution. Work Study. Jan or privileges with large pool. increased responsibility. Sal¬ tificates. Expert repairs - free $29,000. Call WM. MARTIN Steve. Pirgim. 487-6001 ary commensurate with ex¬ FRANDOR-NEAR. 2 bed¬ LADIES 27" Schwinn Travel¬ estimates. ELDERLY IN¬ 12-10-12 15) room unfurnished. $210 per COMPANY, 323 7100 or Peg¬ perience. supervisory and er. New condition Only rid¬ STRUMENTS. 541 E. Grand gy Cook at 351 -7238. FULLTIME wanted Immediate BARTENDER opening clinical duties. Contact Direc¬ tor of Nursing, BELDING month Heat 351-7916, 7-10-18(4) included. den 6 times. $150, negotiable. 394 2454. 5-10-16 (4) River. 332-4331. C-22-10-31 (13) B-1-10 11 19) Senate OK's tax cut COMMUNITY HOSPITAL TOTALLY RENOVATED Experience preferred. Apply OVER 2500 cheap albums m person FAMOUS TACO. 539 E Michigan 8-10-12 (5) 616-794-0400 8-10-12 (101 CASHIER NEEDED part-time HHMJ J(£ THUNDERBIRD, 1969 - 2 door, automatic, $700 or best offer. GE electric stove, self 25c and up-all types-hits to the obscure. FLAT,BLACK, rental property for sale. Ideal¬ ly located across from Peo¬ (continued from page 1) equipment has. This stepped-up depreciation results in a quicker ple's Church. 4 bedrooms, 2 recovery of such business expenditures. for self service station. Must STUDENTS - WE have cleaning oven. Sensi-temp. & CIRCULAR. 541 E. Grand COOK-PART-time. experi¬ baths, stove, refrigerator, and The Senate voted 82-10 against an attempt by Sen. Edward M. be available weekends. Lo¬ many available rentals, $250 332 6188 3-10-13 (5) River above Paramount. - Call 655-2175 THE disposal. Available for im¬ Kennedy, D-Mass./to scale back the committee's proposed cut in enced gan and Holmes area Call houses, apartments, du¬ Open 11 a.m.-6 p.m., 6 mediate occupancy. Priced at SEAHAWK RESTAURANT. days 351 0838 capital gains taxes to about the level approved by the House. 393 0418 between 9-4 pm. plexes. Let us help you find a CURRENT PAPERBACK $51,000 Call WM MARTIN Williamston 8-JO^n I4I 2-10-11 (7) rental close to campus. CAP¬ books, fiction, 3 for $1.00. C-22 10-31 (7) COMPANY, 351-2300, or Ron Kennedy said the committee's provision amounted to a windfall PART-TIME employment for ITAL RESIDENTIAL & COM¬ Call 482-7396 E 5 10-17 (3) for a handful of high-income investors. Martin at 351-2323. MSU Students, automobile PHONE SALES-tickets. MERCIAL RENTAL SERVICE DYLAN TICKETS, front row "These beneficiaries are dear old people who sell their farm and B 1 10-11 (10) required 339-9500 downtown Lansing office, OpenMonday-Friday, 9am - GIBSON SG custom pick Olympia. Will trade for tickets get a onetime gain of $200,000, said Sen. Russell M. Long, D La., hour'1/, evenings, hours flex¬ 8 pm, Saturday and Sunday in Kalamazoo or sell. 351 - C -22 J 0-31 (3) ups, good condition. Also 10 ACRES between Hough¬ the committee's chairperson. "They're not all millionaires." ible, transportation arranged 10 i - 5 Guild Starfire, hollow body 8818 after 4 pm ton Lake and Traverse City. J. ROSS BROWNE'S Call after 130 p m. 372-8459. X4 10 13(4) Kennedy hoped to cut back the capital gains reduction to help with Gibson humbuckings. Borders against large area of WHALING STATION NOW 12-10-11 (6) pay for other proposals that would result in lost revenues. excellent shape. Call 485 state forest. Hardwoods, very HIRING FULL OR PART DO YOU WANT TO SLEEP In his news conference. Carter said, he will meet today at the 6958 7-10 pm. 12 10-26 (7) rolling and scenic, excellent TIME STUDENTS WEL PART TIME WITH THE BEST TONIGHT? White House with Sen. Russell Long, D La. and Rep. A1 Ullman, LANSING NEED two stu¬ wildlife, hunting, $7500, COME. NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED IMMEDIATELY dents to fill four bedroom USED AQUARIUM tanks and See the finest in quality D-Ore., the heads of the tax writing committees, to try to work out $1000 down, $60 per month NECESSARY BUSBOYS. Hall supervisors for East Lan¬ house. $77 50 per month plus accessories, below half price. waterbeds at the SLEEP on 9% land contract. Call a compromise he can sign. DISHWASHERS, COOKS, sing High School. $4 10 per utilites 487 2063 3-10-12 (4l Up to $30 393 0449 SHOP, downtown Lansing, Dolores Nagel. 351-7136 or WAITERS, COCKTAIL hour if the employee com¬ from Knapps. 484- e-4-10-11 (3l across McKENDRY REALTY, WAITRESSES. FULL COM¬ pletes the year, otherwise, WOMAN HOUSEMATE 9300. OR-1-10-11 (71 646 6229 8 10 17(101 PANY BENEFITS. EXCEL¬ $3.10 per hour, 2 hours per wanted, own bedroom, close LAZERS. SYNTHESIZERS, LENT WORKING CONDI¬ day. For more info, contact to bus $105 485-7028 and 20 thousand lbs. of COLOR T.V.-12" Panasonic HOUSE OFF College Road TIONS APPLY IN PERSON. EAST LANSING HIGH 8 10 20 <3i sound only $7 50-- Genesis- - almost new. Best offer. 349 for sale by owner, 3 bedroom. 1938 GRAND RIVER E O.E SCHOOL. 332 2545 Ask for e 5 10 11 13) 5829 anytime 5-10-17 (3) 1' j bath, 2 car garage. Announcements for Its Whats Join the Sanctuary Choir at 5-10-11 112) Dr Meuler.dyke EAST SIDE nice large 3 694 0621. X 12-10-16 (4) Happening must be received in the University Lutheran Church at OR-8-10-16 (11) bedroom, $285 plus. Avail¬ SALE PIONEER 8 track WAITRESS-FULL and time. Experience not neces¬ pan LOOKING FOR AGGRES able immediately. Phone 351 - 4315 after 7 pm. am fm car stereo home speakers $25; power $65; ADS [Tost I Fond \ 3 BEDROOM house. Clean, tastefully decorated, air con¬ State News office, 343 Student Services Bldg., by noon at least two days before publication. No 7:15 tonight, 1020 Harrison Road. Rehearsal will be held for "Mes- sary. only willingness to SIVE ambitious young sales¬ 5-10-17 <41 supply $10; ski boots UO'/j) LOST SILVER anke necklace ditioned. Finished basement, announcements will be accepted work. Apply in person only. person with management po¬ $20; poles $5; down jacket on E. Grand River Of great by phone. Richard's Pigeon Inn, 4105 N. tential. Experience in appli¬ bar, inclosed porch. 332-3807 4 BEDROOM on East side of $30; call Juan anytime. 332- sentimental value. $15 re¬ East St. Lansing. 6-10-12 (6) after 4 PM. 6-10-11 (5) ance, carpeting, interior de¬ Lansing. $300 not including 2896 5-10-11 171 ward. 332 1877. 8-10-12 (4) Overseas Study meeting at 7 sign helpful. Established busi¬ utilities. Neat, clean with oak tonight, Room A Brody. Programs Grantsmanship Training in the COOKS-20 30 hours. No ex- oerience necessary. Apply in ness Salary concern + with future. commission. woodwork 485-7593 X 8-10 161 Deposit. Call TABLELAMP. $8. Chair, $15. Drapes with rod, $20. 2 bath LOST FEMALE calico kitten with red collar. Near Mt. r*"'« ifs) offered include Humanities, Lan¬ City of Lansing while gaining academic credit. Contact Dave person WEST. 3231 W to CONNOR'S COMMERCIAL SUPPLY. rugs. $5. 349 3222 after 6. Hope and 127 Please call II guages and Social Science op¬ tions. Persell, College of Urban Develop- Saginaw. 1 2 2511 E. Michigan Ave Call 5-10 11 (3) ROCK BAND available for You can take FACULTY HOUSE from De 353 6858 2 10-12 (4) mile east of Waverly. 482-1411 for appointment. cember 26 • July 1. COM¬ parties and dances, good my ad out 8 10-11 151 5 10-11 (111 Volunteers needed for Lansing mellow rock. Call 332-4435. PLETELY furnished. Fire¬ Open LOST-LARGE male cat 3-10-13 (41 of the paper. General Hospital. Orientation is at Horticulture Club meeting at SECRETARY WORK study RELIABLE BABYSITTER, 2 place, family room, and 3-4 Black and white markings I got the 5:30 today. Meet in 26 Student 7:30 tonight, 204 Horticulture required. General Office bedrooms References. 332- Corda West and white whiskers. Capitol Bldg. "Michigan Wildflowers" will children, Carriage Hills area. BLUEGRASS EXTENSION results Services Bldg. Transportation will 3101. 12-10-26 (61 Villa Area. Reward. 337-9637. be presented by Dennis Werner. work. Typing 50wpm. Call Call after 5:30 pm. 332-7764. Cidermill SERVICE plays weddings, I wanted be provided. 353-4414 or see M Murphy in 4-10-11(4) 3-10-1314) 8 Student Services. NEAR PENNSYLVANIA and 5817 North Okemos parties. 353 9695 days; 372 33 MSU Fusion Energy Club meets room 3727 or 339 1119. Carribbean Expedition offered CHILD CARE needed for 5 Kalamazoo, 3 bedroom house Road, East Lansing LOST CAT, east of Frandor. 7 10-13 (51 by the Natural Science Depart¬ to discuss "Implications of Prince¬ year old girl daily 2:30-5:30. Carpeting, garage, and large OR-22-10-31 13) 337-7974 Long haired Calico. Call 337 ment for December will be discus¬ ton Breakthrough for World In¬ HOSTESS RECEPTION Own transportation and ref¬ yard. Prefer adults. $225 1582 after 5 pm. 2-10-12 (4) dustrial Recovery" at 8:15 tonight, - Hours: We get calls such as sed at 7:30 tonight, Room 8 erences needed. 332-0985 af¬ month. 351 7497 FREE LESSON in complexion 1ST - part-time Personable Holden Hall. Union Sunporch. ter 6 pm 12-10-23 (6) 0-17-10-31 (6) 7:30am-7pm. FOUND CALICO cat. Has¬ care. MERLE-NORMAN this every single day. young lady Flexible hours for COSMETIC STUDIO. 321- your classes Send recent lett and Hagadorn area. 351 - Interested in organizing a Cross If you enjoy working with RELIABLE BABYSITTER. 5543 C-22-10-31 (4) photo - brief resume to: NEAR LAINGSBURG. Colby 2404. 1 10-11 (3) school-aged youngsters, volunteer Groesbeck area. $2hour. APPLE CRATES - new for Country Ski Club? Call Lisa Hamer Bruce Carr, P O Box 21053. Lake Rd. Needed, 1 man for for an after school activity pro¬ Children 2-4 years. 485-6469. albums, books, etc. $2.50 or Paul McGuinness on campus. Lansing, Ml 48910 country farmhouse. $75-100. each. 332-5091. 5-10-13(3) LOST - Large male cat. Black gram. Details 26 Student Services 10-10-18 17) 6-10-13J4) •351-7497. 0-17-10-31 (4) and white markings. Capitol Typing Service j* Dairy Club meets at 7:30 to¬ Bldg. DENTAL CHAIRSIDE assis¬ SOFA BED. $45, 6 V. feet, Villa Area. Reward 337-9637. SALES PEOPLE, full and part tant with experience for or- MODERN ■ 7 bedroom folds flat, Herculon, excel 4-10-13 14) TYPING-TERM papers, IBM, night, 110 Anthony Hall. Dr. Clive Telecommunication majors in¬ house. Furnished, carpeted, Holland is the speaker. time, men's and boys retail thordontic office. Liberal ben¬ lent. 332-6663. 15-10-24 (3) experienced, fast service, Call terested in putting your skills to efits Days call 482-9695, clean. Near Campus. 393 WOULD THE person who 351 8923. OR-22 10-31 (3) work, volunteer in 26 Student clothing, experience neces¬ 7368 0-15-10-31 (4) found my 10 month, male, MSU Amateur Radio Club Services sary phone 351-4396 evenings, 321-1763. GOT YOUR DORM FLOOR Bldg. 8-10 16(5) 12-10-23(5) SHIRTS YET? SPORTS LET white golden retriever, sponsors a Code Class for novices 619 VIRGINIA, for 3 or 4. named Woody, Saturday, TYPING, Experiehced. fast at 7 p.m. Thursday, 339 Engineer¬ TERING does Comes see us and reasonable. 371-4635. Michigan Institute for Mental NURSES -RN, LPN, GPN Lease and deposit required. September 30 in the area of ing Bldg. Health orientation at 2227 W. Grand River, meeting at 4 N. DeWitt & US27 please C-21-10-31 (3) Join the growing field of I fir lilt T Call Craig after 6 p.m. Okemos. 349-5184. Prices; today, 328 Student Services Bldg. geriatric nursing. Charge nurse positions, 11 pm-7 am. Excellent benefits. Individual REFRIGERATORS, 2 cube, 655-1255. 12-10-18(4) 2 ROOMS in house, or, bus $2.60 each and up. 4-10-12 (6) reply. He is missed much. Reward 669-3280 394 6796. 6-10-17 (10) or EXPERT TYPING Term pa¬ pers, letters, RESUMES. State MSU Cycling Club meeting at 7 tonight, 208 Men's IM Bldg. Medical Care tion meets at 4 Facility Orienta¬ form size, free delivery. UNI¬ Attendance important, election of today, 26 Student line. $66 month. 135 North Near Gables. 337-0205. orientation or refresher avail¬ MUNARI SKI boots, size 8'^. officers. Services Bldg. A ride will be TED RENT-ALL. 351-5652. Hayford 371-4731 new Outstanding or C-22-10-31 (3) able. awaiting your leadership. team 8-10-18 (4) 35r 1500 4 J 0:13 (41 Used one season. 394-6080 after 2:30 pm. $45. HTttlU Hwis'lW UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS Psychology Club meeting from provided. Contact Mrs. Siddall at PRO¬ CAMPUS NEAR-Modern 7 5-10-13 '3) 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Abrams Planetarium presents Thursday, lower VINCIAL HOUSE SOUTH. 882-2458, Monday-Friday. I Mirewtijiy; bedroom house. Furnished, BRISTOL, 14 x 65. campus, 3 bedrooms, near 2 COMPLETE DISSERTATION AND RESUME SERyiCE- lounge West Shaw Hall to meet Jim Loudon at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 16, 17 and 18, 109 Anthony Hall. carpeted. 485-1436. SEWING MACHINES-new. the department chairperson, elect 9am- 5pm. 8-10-20 (12) baths, furnished. 694-1802 typesetting, IBM typing, off¬ Apollo moon review and Martian ROOMMATE NEEDED, ma¬ 19-10-31 (3) Free arm machines from officers and committee members. after 5; anytime weekends. set printing and binding. For moons will be discussed. SECRETARY IN Haslett, flex ture individual, preferably $99.50. Guaranteed used ma¬ ible. part-time hours. Office skills required, Nancy, 339 graduate, to share 2 bedroom apartment. $120. 332-5464. 3 BEDROOMS, fireplace car¬ peted, some furnishings. chines from $39.50. All makes repaired EDWARDS DIS¬ 8-10-19 (3) KIRK WOOD 1972. 24x60 estimate stop in at 2843 E. Grand River or phone 332- 8414. C-22-10-31 (8) News Learn a new craft with help of a noncredit course called "Creative Ambitious Amazons are soring a Lesbian rap group at 7:30 spon¬ 9500. C-3-10-13 (4)_ 5-10-13 (4) Near campus $350 + utilities TRIBUTING CO. 1115 N. 487-2166 Available now. doublewide in Holt. 4 large Off-Loom Weaving", beginning tonight, Women's Resource Cen¬ Washington, 489-6448. EXPERIENCED, IBM typing, Next Monday. Call the Evening ter, Lansing. Call center for more NURSES AlDES-expenence 1 BEDROOM apartment. 1 X-12-10-23 (4) bedrooms, 1V4 baths. C 22 10-31 17) I Pica-Elite) preferred, however will tram block from campus at Univer¬ $15,000. Excellent condition. dissertations, College at 355-4562. information. on the |0b. Openings on all 3 694-4431 S 5-10-17 (51 FayAnn, 489 0358. sity Village, furnished or un¬ INSTANT CASH! Were pay Imsj C 22 10-31 (3) First meeting for East Lansing shifts Apply at PROVINCIAL furnished, 394-2404. $190/ ing %' $2 for albums in good Campus Action meets at 8:30 HOUSE SOUTH. 2100 Pro¬ Lesbian Feminist Group at 7:30 ; vincial Drive, off Aurelius month S-5-10-12 15) FURNISHED ROOM and shape WAZOO RECORDS. 223 Abbott, 337 0947. Uinils Jlnj ANN BROWN typing, disser¬ tonight, 335 Union. Come join us for Christian fun and fellowship. tonight, Women's Resource Cen¬ Road. 9am-5pm Monday-Fri¬ 2 BEDROOM upstairs apart¬ tations, resumes, term pa¬ ter, Lansing. bath in private home. Separ¬ C-22 10-31 (4) day 8-10-20 (8) ment, central Lansing, only ate entrance and parking. 3 LOVELY companions need pers. 601 Abbott Road. North minutes to campus via 496. a home. Free cute kittens. Entrance. 351 7221. Interested in spending winter Division of Student Teaching $130 monthly, deposit, no SKI RENTAL shop need part $175 ♦ electricity. Call 485- lease. 6 blocks from MSU. 100 USED VACUUM Clean¬ 373-7323. After 5, 485-5341. C-22-10-31 (4) break in Acapulco? Information and Professional Development time person, cashiering ex¬ 6958, 7 10 pm. 12-10-26 (5) Call 351 1764 after 6 pm. ers, 1 year warranty, $7.88 5-10-13(3) available at ASMSU Travel, 333 urges those interested in student ; perience desirable, 339-9523. 5-10-1616) and up. DENNIS DISTRI - PROMPT, EXPERIENCED, Union. teaching in Belize, Central Ameri- ; 3-10-13(4) SUBLET BIRCHFIELD BUTING COMPANY, 316 N. THREE YEAR old spider typing, evenings. 332-3492. ca, to make an appointment with • apartments. 2 bedrooms, 2 FEMALE CHRISTIAN needs Cedar 482 2677. monkey, male, must sell. C-22-10-31 (3) John Phillips on Oct. 12 between ; Women's Resource Center pre¬ baths. $235 monthly. $185 roommate to share two bed¬ C 22 10 31 (5) $150 complete, call 485-2003 9:30 a.m. and 4 p.m., 253 Erickson sents a Brown Bag Lunch noon to after 5 pm. Hall. Call Student Teaching Office deposit 882 8021. room, 2 bath apartment. Pen 5-10-17J4)__ PROFESSIONAL TYPIST for 1 today, 334 Union. Barrie Thorne, for appointment. 12 10-26 (4) ny Lane off Jolly Rd. Call 394 term papers, dissertation, call LARGE SELECTION of GREAT DANE pups- AKC, MSU Department of Sociology, ri in the Lansing area, 6523 before 9am or between frames, glasses for everyone blue, 8 weeks. $100. Parents 882-1033 after 6 p.m. discuss'.s "Sexist Language: Is It ridliest convenience food ONE OR two females needed 9pm.-11pm. 4-10-16 (6) Pre-medical volunteer orienta- • at OPTICAL DISCOUNT. can be seen. 676-2303 after 6 OR-10-11 (3) A Trivial Issue?" Great opportunity for for furnished apartment next tion for Lansing General Hospital. ' 355-8255 e 2617 E. Michigan, Lansing. weekends. time employment or sup- to campus 332 4432 LARGE ROOM for one or 2 pm. or PROFESSIONAL EDITING Meet before 6 tonight 26 Student 372 7409. C-5-10 13 (5) C-5-10-13 (4) ient to your financial 22-10-31 (31 mature people in quiet house CORRECTIONS TO MAJOR Student Nurses Association Services Bldg. for ride. Js while at M.S.U. Ex- near campus. 351-8962. meeting 7 p.m. tonight, 326 Union. 10 SPEED Fuji. Man's blue DOBERMAN-FEMALE AKC, REWRITE. Typing arranged. working conditions 2 ROOM efficiency unfur 8-10 20(3) Fisheries and Wildlife Club will snt 27". Excellent condition. $75. 332 5991. OR 1-10-11 14) Joan Guy. Michigan Nurses Asso¬ nished private entrance, bath _ 9 months old, Red and Rust its and weekends, but Call 485 2629 E 5-10-13 (3) ciation Representative, will speak. meet at 7 tonight, 158 Natural $140 utilities in¬ PRIVATE ROOMS in modern color. Papers. $200,349-5184. rs are flexible Pay based parking, Resources. Surprise guest speak-; ours available and experi- cluded, 353-5187 days. house, near campus. Fur¬ 4-10-12 (3) COPYGRAPH SERVICE, er, dress for the weather. Must have auto trans 10-10-24 (5) nished, carpeted, kitchen. APARTMENT complete dissertation and Pre-medical and nursing stu¬ t. ROOM ation. See Mr. Vint or Mr. 393 7368 O 15-10-31 14) NEEDS. Chairs, table, silver¬ Tired of being broke?- Get resume service. Corner dents interested in working on a i at the Min A Mart, 2168 EAST LANSING, 1 bedroom fast cash by selling things M.A.C. and Grand River. 8:30 doctor's directory at Impressions Square dancing presented by ware. lamps, drapes, sewing the MSU Promenaders at 7 to¬ modestly priced. Some pets ROOM IN house at 425 Ann, a.m.-5:30 p.m., Monday-Fri¬ Five Science Museum, inquire Grand River, Okemos. machine, record player, etc. you no longer use with a night, 332 Union. No experience considered. Phone days, 351- close to campus $120/month. All fast-action Classified Ad. Call day. 10a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday. Volunteer Programs, 26 Student day October 16, 6pm- cheap 332 3194 Very needed. . 4 10-16(18) 3172. 0-15-10-31 (4) Call 351 5510. 6-10 11 (3) close to MSU 3 10 12 (6) 355-8255. 337 1666. C-22-10-31 (7) Services Bldg. i Michigon Stote News, Eost Loosing, Michigon Wednesday October II, 1978 17 HAGAR the Horrible •■Mill Uv CuofySf 8 pm-MSU Auditorium by Dik Browne (B)WJIM-TV(CBS) (IQ)WILX-TV(NBC) (H)WElM-TV(Cobl«) (H)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) Wednesday (10) Munsters (10) World Series Pregame (10) News 12:00 (12) Gong Show Show (12) Police Woman (6-12) News . (23) Sesame Street (12) Eight is Enough (23) ABC News 4:30 (23) Marie Curie 12:00 (10) America Alive!! (23) Leontyne Price at the (6) My Three Sons 8:15 (10) Johnny Carson 12:40 White House (10) Gilligan's Island (10) World Series 12:20 (12) Afterschool Special 9:00 (6) Kojak (6) Almanac 5:00 (6) Movie (12) S.W.A.T. • 12:30 (6) Gunsmoke (12) Charlie's Angels 1:30 (6) Search For Tomorrow (10) Bob Newhart (23) Great Performances (10) Tomorrow (23) Mister Rogers 10:00 (12) Ryan's Hope 1:50 1:00 5:30 (12) Vegas (6) Young and the Restless (10) Mary Tyler Moore 10:30 (12) Rookies PEANUTS (10) Hollywood Squares '12) News (23) Crosstalk 2:20 (12) All My Children (23) Electric Company 11:00 by Schulz 1:30 6:00 (6-12) News (6) As the World Turns (6-10) News (23) Dick Cavett 11:30 YOU PIP IM 5URPRI5EPAT YOU! (10) Days Of Our Lives (23) Dick Cavett 6:30 (6) Hawaii Five-O UJHAT? YOU USUALLV PONT PO (23) Congressional Outlook PlWIB THINGS LIKE THAT.. 2:00 (6) CBS News (12) One Life to Live 2:30 (10) NBC News (12) ABC News MSU SHADOWS PHI PLAY (6) Guiding Light (23) Over Easy by Gordon Corleton with this comic! New Petes! Alberto!MAC (10) Doctors 7:00 under Moon s (23) Over Easy (6) Six Million Dollar Man PUfBALL PETE'S 3:00 (10) Joker s Wild (10) Another World (12) Brady Bunch 1 ■ (12) General Hospital (23) Tele-revista (23) Turnabout 7:30 3:30 (10) Candid Camera Topopo Salad (6) MASH (12) Mary Tyler Moore An exotic northern (23) MacNeil/Lehrer Report (23) Villo Alegre 4:00 8:00 FRANK & ERNEST SPONSORED BY: , (6) New Mickey Mouse Club (6) Jeffersons by Bob Thaves | U AZTICO ■■BTAIHtAMT 203M.A.C. 351-1111 THiS ^ruFF i5rv'T habit-Forming 3.9' EA. PiS long. A5 You Jf? W?iNfc IT EVERY DAY. prinit-in-Q-minit COPYING DUPLICATING IS OUR BUSINESS Corner of MAC and ANN ST Open 8:30-6:00 M-F; 10:00-5 00 Sot THE DROPOUTS SPONSORED BY: ^YzZ/f by Post 1040 E. Grand River 337*1377 TRAVELS WITH FARLEY SPONSORED BY:, •«*4a'o Uttte trMway by Phil Frank tervke ttettoa £>NSKMbiha&fO(hahb£ v6betterlAy PILLOW TALK Softline Furniture B.C. SRC"!"" "FU R N ITU XEKSTSSSS. by Johnny Hart TUAABLEWEEDS1 ' Ol CALL SPONSORED BY PIZZA ID LIKE A WORD WITH iHGPECTbR] 337-1639 NUMBER 43. J by Tom K. Ryan \ THE JUP&E ISN'T HERE, HILP66AKR.. HE'S OUT GAMPAI&NIN& FOR ELECTION. mL £» swrs ,v 3$ i 1— I fat - —(3"rs ^ ' SAM and SILO CROSSWORD aioii /27V LIBERTY BELL PRESENTS: by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker ACROSS PUZZLE 31 Effrontery |||a|. SPONSORED BY: 'A'A V •, -> ' V FRI. NOV. 10th STEVE MARTIN lonsing Civic Center tickets ot CCII Civic Center Box Office do You Believe in I'm 1 Joints colloq an Afterlife, silo? not 5 Pendulum 32 Oppositionist weight 33 Maintainable 8 Algonquian 11 Herring sauce 35 Dominion 37 Exist ial0aa0ialnl 12 Medicinal herb 13 leucothea 14 Feminine name 15 Classifies 38 Attention 40 Thin cookie 45 Covering 49 Pacific Island ||||| 6 Evicl 17 Additional 50 Balsam / Broom 19 Baseballs 51 New Zealand 8 Baronet's til Seaver vine 9 Anai 20 Fit into 52 So be it 22 News agencies 26 Private 53 Marsh 54 Corded cloth 10 Romaine 16 Alpha and \fiowwwoe enhance 55 Gypsum "was BOSS... BEETLE BAILEY j Liv» at DooUy'i LARRY CORYELL VP M A LOT by Mort Walker SUNDAY. OCTOBER 15 BCTieROfF THANiAM.f IdSBI 4? bone 39 Roue 41 Oil Renown 43 Adds to * T i 44 Resort city 45 Out ot operation 46 Contend with (fQ V 4/ Sea bud 48 Snappish bark Wednesday. October 11, I97B 1 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan WED DOUBLE BINGO TICKETS/! THURS FRI. SAT mswsx only/ THRU SATURDAY, OCT. !4 playtf.000 bingo cas ft All IHDf SAT OCT 11 wesh mon revue 1 prrsh 2 Locations in Lansing Area 1 couwrRy cut FRANDORMALL LAYING 3222 S. LOGAN 882-6671 3180 Mall Ct. 337-1681 CHICKEN CHICKEN "S3f Mon thru Sot 9 to 9 Si n 10 to 7 ! Mon thru Sat 9 to 10 Sun 10 to 7 uimju AO PR/CSS OOOD THROSAT. OCT T4- QUAHT/TY R/OHTS RfSCRYED HOH£ SOLO TO DEALERS 15482 H EAST ST- 5400 S. CEOAR " ^ PLEASE l -58'j 9301 E MICHIGAN f EBERHARD FRESH COUNTRY FREBH Grade "A" Country Lane SKIMMED LARGE EGGS ICE CREAN1 MILK 494 *59* ■ BUY 5-SAVE 48' BUY 2 -SAVE 76'w/STORS COUPON BUY 5 • SAVE UP TO 3S