VOLUME 72 NUMBER 145 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1978 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING MICHIGAN 40824 3 DISPUTE RESOLVED. SENATE GETS PLAN Energy taxes compromised By WIRE SERVICES from two groups — senators representing negotiator, planned to take it directly to the from high pressure, high-temperature House-Seante energy negotiators agreed auto-manufacturing states and those who Senate floor for consideration. But several brines underground; Wednesday on an energy tax package that oppose other parts of Carter's energy plan. auto-state senators, including Sen. Robert •a "gas guzzler" tax that would first hit included a scaled-down levy on "gas guzzler" Wednesday's agreement would resolve Griffin, R-Mich., indicated they would ly 1980 model car — the ones that c autos and a billion-dollar package of home the last remaining difference between filibuster the proposal. next fall — that failed to get 15 miles per and business energy efficiency incentives. chambers on the energy plan the president They claimed the proposed escalating tax gallon of fuel. However, the plan immediately ran into the submitted to Congress in April 1977. on fuel inefficient cars would work a The tax on t hat car would be $200. and t he threat of a filibuster in the Senate. Senate conferees had signed the agree hardship on automakers and might result scale would increase to a $550 tax for fewer Efforts to get a quick vote on the ment earlier Wednesday, several days after assembly-line unemploytr than 13 miles per gallon. A 1986 model that compromise fifth and final portion of it won the backing of House conferees. And two senators who opposed the failed to get 12.5 miles per gallon would be Carter's energy program drew opposition Sen. Russell Long, D-La., the top Senate natural gas deregulation part of Carter's taxed $3,850. plan - Sens. Howard Metzenbaum, D-Ohio, Carter's most important tax proposals - and John Durkin. D-N.H. - indicated they a standby levy of up to 50 cents per gallon on would engage in delaying tactics as well. gasoline and a crude oil lax up to $9 per House leaders had hoped to get the bill by barrel - had been discarded long ago by GOP seekreps Thursday morning so it could be combined with four other parts of the energy program that previously passed the Senate. The Congress, Wednesday, the conferees discarded another — Carter's proposed tax on House Rules Committee meets at 11 a.m. industrial use of oil and natural gas. today to consider the one package proposal. Senate bill OK Long told reporters the net effect of the Major points of the energy tax bill included: package would be to "help people save energy " although he acknowledged that this •a tax credit — an outright subtraction savings would not be high. Muskie estimates that while the Senate from the income tax bill — of up to $300 for By JIM LUTHER A big fight is expected in the House Rules Associated Press Writer measure would cost $21.7 billion in the homeowners who spend up to $2,000 for such WASHINGTON (API - House Republi current budget year, the cost would soar to put the energy bills in one package. $144 billion in budget year 1983. and doors and weather-stripping; cans sought support Wednesday for a They were treated separately in Senate The Senate-passed bill, assuming federal ■a credit of up to S2.200 on spending of up Senate bill that would reduce individual taxes an additional $164.5 billion between spending targets are met and the tax to $10,000 for solar, wind or geothermal O'Neill, D-Mass., claims puttingthe parts Stote Naws Iro Strick»t«ii 1980 and 1983 if the growth of government reductions in the Nunn amendment take equipment installed in homes; together will make controversial portions — James Anderson, coordinator of Citizens for a Livable Community, spending is checked. effect, would reduce individual taxes by •a 10 percent business investment credit, like natural gas deregulations — more listened as his opponent Peter Hutchinson presented the pro side of the about 25 percent over the 1979 1983 period. in addition to a 10 percent general credit The Senate added the conditional tax cuts Dayton Hudson mall issue in Jacobson's East Room Tuesday. For the tax cuts in 1980 through 1983 to already in the law, for businesses that install for future years to the $9.3 billion tax cut However, opponents of the gas-pricing be realized, the growth of government energy conservation equipment and tech¬ for 1979 that was approved Tuesday night. section, which calls for decontrol by 1985, A $16.3 billion version approved by the spending during that period would have to niques; be reduced below current expectations by •10 percent tax credit for spending on say they will fight to get a separate vote on Mall debate centers House includes cuts only for 1979. House Republican leader John Rhodes of Arizona said the House will vote Thursday $84 billion. equipment to produce oil from shale or gas each piece of legislation. on a GOP motion instructing conferees to on area retail sales accept the Senate provision, which was sponsored chiefly by Sen. Sam Nunn, D-Ga. If such a motion is successful, it would Tisch, Headlee tax cut debate make it difficult for Congress to approve a CLC's job as a local environmental tax-cut bill that did not include the By JANETHALFMANN State News Staff Writer Whether or not a regional mall is East group is not to say one business should come or another should go. Anderson said. But the group is concerned with long-term reductions. And, if that led to a veto by President Carter, Sen. Henry turns into heated verbal battle Lansing's "most pressing need" for its Bellmon, R-Okla., told a news conference, what will happen to the large public the American people would demand that tative explained what a "moderate thing" Hills insur "last sizeable chunk of open space," was By ANNE MARIE BIONDO the focus of a Tuesday night debate. investment in existing downtowns if a Congress override Carter's objections. State News Staff Writer the amendment really is. taxes and spending to the current rate of U.S. Congressional Republican candidate inflation. regional mall is built, he said. What was meant to be an opportunity to Peter Hutchinson, of Dayton Hudson He recommended that voters say Rhodes and Rep. Barber Conable of New Michael Conlin was scheduled to speak on hear three opposing viewpoints on the Properties, said the need for such a "no" to the location in the northeast York, chief Republican on the House Ways behalf of the Headlee amendment but didn't Insisting that the Tisch amendment, so-called Tisch and Headlee tax proposals mall exists because $60 million in retail and Means Committee, rallied quickly to proposal J on the Nov. 7 ballot, will cut corner of the city and ask Dayton show. sales is leaving the area and being spent the Nunn proposal, calling it just a Tuesday night turned out to be a heated taxes — not shift taxes — Rus Severance Hudson to consider other alternatives if verbal battle. The Tisch amendment, named after its in cities such as Flint, Grand Rapids, refinement of the GOP's Kemp-Roth couldn't answer audience questions about retail development is needed in this author Robert Tisch. a Shiawassee Drain Ann Arbor and Detroit. amendment. would slash property taxes how the state will replace the $1.6 million it However, there is a key difference MSU professor of criminal justice, Zolton will lose in property tax revenues if the Hutchinson, and James Anderson, Ferency, tore apart the two tax proposals in half. Hutchinson said Dayton Hudson between Kemp-Roth and the Senate ap¬ proposition passes. coordinator of Citizens for a Livable at the forum sponsored by Mason-Abbot The Headlee amendment, named after its wouldn't want to develop farther out. proved amendment. Kemp-Roth, rejected Under the state constitution, property Student Association after a Tisch represen¬ author. Richard Headlee. a Farmington Community, debated the pros and cons A high quality community with high by the House and Senate, would reduce can be assesed up to 50 percent of its value. of whether the proposed two-level mall standards is the "place we want to amendment would cut the individual income tax rates by an average of The Tisch should be built at Lake Lansing Road locate what we view as a very one-third over three years with no require¬ assessment to 25 percent of the property's and U.S. 127. high-quality retail establishment, he ment that the rate of government spending value. The shopping center would contain a J.L. Hudson, a J.C. Penney and one other major department store in addi¬ said. other." "They will complement each Active Hudson credit cards are held be slowed. The Nunn amendment was approved by the Senate on a 65-20 vote. Opponents Egypt, Israel to slice The regional director for the Tisch Coalition called the inquisitive audience "nitpickers." for asking how the state will tion to 90 to 100 specialty stores. agreed with Sen. Edmund S. Muskie, replace lost revenue that is now used to Sinai talks by 25 percent of East Lansing families, fund public education. The debate, sponsored by the Central East Lansing Business Association, was he said. What effect the mall would have on D-Maine, chairperson of the Budget Com¬ mittee, that the proposal "may hinder the at peace Ferency said Tisch believes the state can efforts of future Congresses to make continue to operate public schools despite one of several to be held in the area to existing businesses led to debate on the the reduced revenue. health of the retail market, budgets which conform to the changing WASHINGTON (API- Three lines to be Another, ranging from 12 miles to 25 inform voters before they decide the area "Tisch says get along without the needs of the economy as well as to the basic fate of the mall Nov. 7. continued on page 16) drawn in the saijds of the Sinai represent miles west of the Israeli border, will goals of the economy ... budgetary balance money," Ferency said. "But he's been called and moderate tax burden." the major obstacles as Egypt and Israel delineate a demilitarized zone open only to a tax shifter, because its got to be made up a move their peace talks to American soil U.N. troops and civilian police, somehow." today. The third, drawn roughly down the Severance defended Tisch. saying that President Carter plans to welcome the middle of the Sinai region, will mark the the state can still survive on the revenue to foreign and defense ministers of both point to which Israel must withdraw its troops on an interim basis within nine be gained from other taxes. Campus referendum will decide countries in a brief, ceremonial opening nonths of the signing of a final agreement. (continued on page 12) i of the continuing negotiations that were begun at the Camp David summit. Following the ceremony, the talks are if student fee tax will be raised scheduled to move across the street to Blair House, the government's guest residence, By R. W. ROBINSON State News Staff Writer The proposal would increase the amount of the student tax the student board needed. According to the proposal the entire 50-cent increase will go toward helping the where Secretary of State Cyrus Vance plans to represent the United States. The issues remaining involve largely drawing lines on a map of the Sinai, the (Slh)W§diicjy Student fee tax assessments could go up receives from $2.50 to $3. desert territory which Israel captured form 50 cents if an ASMSU Student Board The student board overwhelmingly voted ASMSU Programming Board keep up with Egypt in 1967, and has now agreed to inside in favor of the referendum so voting the rising cost of having entertainment proposal is favored by MSU students in a return. Watch out for bicycles on campuswide referendum. students can decide whether the increase is provided on campus. "The measure will go to a student One line, to be drawn roughly 30 miles World Series campus! Read about the danger east of the Suez Canal, will mark the closest referendum soon," said Dan Hendon, a on page 3. point that Egyptian troops are to be member of the All University Elections allowed to approach the Israeli border. The Los Angeles Dodgers Commission. "But we have not been able to weather Legality questioned nipped the New York Yankees determine just when." 4 to 3 in the second game of the Today will be partly cloudy "The cost of paying our secretaries as World Series Wednesday night. well as keeping up with copyright laws which effect payment of concert performers CTs approve with the temperature possibly reaching the mid 60s. Friday will be sunny and cooler. in gasoline tax vote have gone up tremendously," said Steve Politowicz, Programming Board chair¬ new contract person. He said the reason for the change in the LANSING (UPI) — The Michigan Supreme Court, at the request of Gov. William G. copyright laws for performers is because Milliken, has agreed to review the legality of a tie-breaking vote cast by the lieutenant governor on passage of a major component of the statewide transportation plan. The bill raises the gasoline tax by 2 cents per gallon, with revenues going toward the "the concert market all over the country dropping now." Politowicz said he believes the trend will is with big vote TO 44-4-' j ( { '4- bG ut | top'.tt decrease slowly, but the point is coming The MSU Clerical Technical Employees $168 million transportation package. -•■f'nno' The Senate was deadlocked 19-19 on the question and Lt. Gov. James J. Damman cast when concerts will not be popular anymore. Union ratified a two-year contract by a four-to-one margin late Wednesday. TTTTTTTT the deciding "yes" vote. Critics had claimed the tie-breaking vote was unconstitutional The Programming Board was created Barbara Reeves, president of MSU and threatened to take the issue to court. two years ago by a vote of the MSU student Milliken apparently beat them to the punch by taking it upon himself to ask the high body in response to what they saw as a Employees Association, called the contract whew you court to review the issue. scattered, fragmented and overlapping a step in the right direction but pointed out Those questioning the legality of Damman's vote quoted a section of the Constitution entertainment system. the clerical-technical personnel are paid requiring an affirmative vote by a majority of the elected senators for passage of a bill. Another section of the Constitution, however, gives the lieutenant governor the power to The board is designed to for the many campus be an umbrella programming much less than similar state employees. The new contract provides a 7.5 percent r 0 i vE BLOOD raise to be given in October of this and next LANSING REGIONAL RED CROSS GL00D PROGRAM LANSING Ml cast tie-breaking votes. agencies. "Because of the extreme importance of this bill as a major part of the transportation A proposed $1-per term ASMSU studept year plus smaller "anniversary raises" for package, it is in the public interest to resolve the constitutional issue regarding passage tax increase was a narrowly defeated in a employees with some seniority. of House Bill 4407," Milliken said in a letter to the court. "We are grossly underpaid compared to campuswide referendum last May. The "This issue is of great importance, and without an increase, which would have gone to help other state employees,' Reeves said. opinion on the constitutional ease the Programming Board's financial The other key point in the new contract question, the uncertainty of the status of Act 426 will jeopardize effective implementation of the act." distress, failed by 29 votes. provides for more job mobility for clerical The Supreme Court, in agreeing to consider the matter The $1 tax increase was presented to the technical workers, Reeves said adding that and issue an advisory opinion, ordered both sides to file written arguments by Nov. 10. (continued on page 10) 70 percent of the union members voted. 2 Michigan State News, East Lonsing, Michigan Thursday, October 12, 1978 COSTROLLEiy SMOKE TO END CONfVSIQN Vatican modifies signal method VATICAN CITV (API Wednesday it will adopt - a new signals that announce the re- The time honored signals will smoke billowed from the chim¬ Trying to avoid past confusion method. already secretly suits of voting in papal elec and criticism, the Vatican said begin wafting from the metal ney for 40 minutes, causing tested for raising the smoke tions. confusion on whether the car¬ chimney atop the Sistine Chapel on Sunday, the second dinals has chosen a pope or day of the conclave, with black had a run into a deadlock. A indicating inconclusive ballot¬ similar mixup in the smoke Premier resigns over regional dispute OPEC makes demand ing and white the election of a successor to Pope John Paul I. signals was noted in the 1958 conclave that chose Pope John Unlike the last conclave Aug. XXIII. BRUSSELS. Belgium (AP) — Premier Leo it violates the constitution. 26, the first minute of smoke for help in development Tindemans left for the After the last miscue, ap¬ Tindemans resigned Wednesday because royal palace at will be "controlled," using only of a dispute in his four-party coalition the start of the debate, saying: "For Italian Army flares, Vatican parently caused by jubilant cardinals burning their notes government over a program to region¬ me. the constitution is not a mere piece of radio said. dustries and votes all at once along with alize the country. paper. The only attitude I can take is to VIENNA. Austria (API-Oil "downstream operation," or the are being discouraged, cartel officials wound up a manufacture of finished petro¬ and even obstructed, by the After 60 seconds the ballots the remaining Italian Army The coalition came to power in June submit to the king the resignation of the artificial flares, journalists three-day seminar Wednesday leum products. The session was developed nations. and notes of 111 cardinal elec¬ 1977 facing a serious economic crisis and government." asked to be informed of the firm in their demand for help organized by the Organization Sabah, who presided at the tors will be burned, as before, a controversy over giving more auton¬ The regionalization program was result of the voting by a from industrial countries to of Petroleum Exporting Coun- seminar attended by OPEC raising the possibility that the omy to the country's various regions and agreed to last year, but last week develop their own petroleum officials, oil industry executives color may then change. telephone call from the con¬ creating local parliaments. Tindemans' Christian Democrats said it and other experts from 35 clave as a backup to the smoke refining industries. Members of OPEC are un The radio advised that only Disagreement erupted during a parlia¬ could not accept the entire plan because The call for a joint approach nations, said if this attitude happy that such operations and the first minute of the smoke mentary debate Wednesday on how to some of its articles violated the constitu¬ and a dialogue between crude marketing are dominated by continues. OPEC may be forced signal should be considered The Vatican did not reply to enforce the regionalization and whether tion. oil suppliers and consumers industrialized nations. OPEC to tie the quantity of crude oil valid for determining color, and the request, but the new sys¬ was made bv Kuwaiti Oil claims that efforts by member supplied to industrialized coun¬ Minister Ali Khalifa al Sabah at tries directly to the quantity of the balloting outcome. tem appeared to be a partial countries to diversity into re the end of the seminar on finished products OPEC is able In the conclave that elected response. The radio said the fining and petrochemical in- Cardinal Albino Luciani, the method was successfully to sell in those countries. Disease kills 40 persons 65-year-old patriarch of Venice, tested, without any public an¬ in 24 hours Sabah did not specify any as successor to Pope Paul VI, nouncement or notice, Monday particular country and did not both white, gray and black night. Berkeley approves mention any specific cases of obstruction. He said producing MANILA, Philippines(UPI) —A myste¬ A five-person medical team was to fly countries do not want "to rious disease has killed 40 persons hours in remote in 24 fishing village, health to Pangil-Agan Thursday to look into the disease and treat those affected. remain residual suppliers of materials." Vietnam vets file rights law a raw authorities said Wednesday. The outbreak was reported Tuesday in It's a mysterious disease," said Dr. stiff gay "They look at the problem of downstream operations from the standpoint of technology Edilberto Fernando, a regional director of disability claims Pangil-Agan. a tiny island with about 840 residents 440 miles south of Manila. the health ministry. "Most of the victims BERKELEY. Calif. I AIM - The Berkeley City Council has given acquisition and a greater final measure of knowhow, employ¬ An undetermined number of people suffered fever before they died Tuesday. approval to what is believed to be the strongest homosexual ment and long-term economic were reported stricken by the disease, We can't tell what this is all about but rights ordinance in the nation. The ordinance was passed Tuesday night and goes into effect in balance, especially external WASHINGTON (AP) - kill trees which provided cover prompting military authorities to seek we're anticipating it might be a viral 30 days. It forbids discrimination on the basis of sexual preference payment balances. In other About 500 Vietnam War veter¬ for North Vietnamese and Viet help from Manila. disease." words, the producers investing in employment, credit, schools, city services and facilities, and ans have filed disability claims Cong soldiers. in downstream operations are for ill effects allegedly suffered While environmental¬ housing, except for two-unit owner-occupied dwellings. some Violators would be subject to fines of $200 to $400, plus considered to be instrumental from exposure ists raised previous alarms over to the herbicide attorney's fees and damages, which could be ordered by small in speeding up the process of Agent Orange, the Veterans possible lasting health effects, claims or civil courts. structural diversification of Administration said Wednes¬ it has only been in the last year Royo elected Panamanian president Matt Coles, 27, a former professor at Hastings College of the Law their economies and enhanced day. that substantial numbers of who authored a similar ordinance enacted in April in San capital accumulation of their veterans exposed to the chemi¬ nations." Officials said they just don't Francisco, called the Berkeley ordinance "the strongest in the cal have seen press reports of PANAMA CITY, Panama (AP) — sweltering gymnasium. He was the only Sabah said that far know yet if the herbicide has country." as as potential harm and sought as¬ Aristides Royo, an attorney and former candidate. Ricardo de la Espriella, a Coles' penetration of markets by actually damaged the health of sistance from the original proposal was introduced in Berkeley, but was GIs who served in Vietnam, so government. education minister, was elected presi¬ former banker, was elected vice presi¬ OPEC members was Of the amended through a series of public hearings to include three con approximately 500 dent of Panama Wednesday, taking over dent. cerned, "they cannot dissociate only eight such claims have so veterans who have claimed provisions absent in the San Francisco law. far been allowed. from the man who handpicked him, Brig. Torrijos stepped down, but is expected The Berkeley ordinance does not exclude businesses with five or the market penetration for some disability, 72 have been Gen. Omar Torrijos. to exert a strong influence on the new less employees; has sections applying to use of city services and their products from their con¬ Agent Orange was sprayed turned down. Eight have been administration educational institutions; and provides for mandatory awarding of siderable weight as the major the jungles of Vietnam approved and the remainder Royo was elected by the 505-member as head of the national over National Assembly of Community Repre¬ guard that brought him to power in a penalties, damages and attorney's fees to a victorious plaintiff. supplier of crude oil. from planes and helicopters to are still pending. sentatives, which has no legislative coup 10 years ago today. He and senior powers, shortly after it began a six-year guard officers swore allegiance to the term. Royo. 38. garnered 452 votes in a new president. OUJEifap live entertainment nightly KITTY DONOHOE ROBIN LEE BERRY REMINGTON & WARREN Federal, military pay checks stalled Sun BARB DALGLL Mon. JOEL MARLS WASHINGTON (AP) - More than 2 Problems with a second appropriation million government workers, including bill, this for the departments of Labor and lues. BARB HLTCHISON the entire military, face the prospect of Health. Education and Welfare, threaten going without all or part of their next pay the salaries of 167,000 more federal Wed SALLY ROGERS check as crucial appropriation bills employees. remain bogged down in Congress. Block i MAC 9 pm A Pentagon spokesperson, asking not The $117.5 billion military appropria¬ to be named, said the defense tion, which is to finance almost all appropria¬ tions bill must be approved by Congress defense spending for the fiscal year that and signed by President Carter by Friday began Oct. 1. has been stalled in both the if the pay deadline for 1.5 million military House and Senate because of disagree¬ personnel and 466,(XX) civilian defense ment over consolidating Army and Navy workers is to be met. helicopter training at Fort Rucker, Ala. Employment bill adds inflation reduction The best antidote to the 11 o'clock news since WASHINGTON (AP) passage - Prospects for of the Humphrey-Hawkins "full inflation. The legislation calls for reducing Doonesbury Chronicles. employment" bill improved Wednesday national unemployment to 4 percent of when senators meeting privately the labor force and 3 percent of adults agreed by to changes calling for a sharp reduction in 1983. inflation as well as joblessness. The bill, named for Rep. Augustus Formal Senate debate on the measure Hawkins,, D-Calif., and the late Sen. was put off as eight senators met Hubert Humphrey, was originally en¬ privately trying to negotiate the terms of visioned as a measure declaring that a compromise. unemployment was the nation's most Sources soid they agreed to a provision pressing economic problem. calling for a reduction of inflation to 3 But at the same time, the bill did not percent by 1983 as part of an effort to give mandate any programs to meet the The Jacobson bride is a special bride to us. She the measure an increased emphasis on unemployment goal. wants this important day of her life to be perfect, a day full of love and happiness. So do we. Our Bridal consultants take pride in helping the new Organic chemical causing illness bride-to-be select her wedding gown, dresses for. her bridesmaids and fashions for her other honored PHOENIX, Ariz. (AP) — More than 150 guests, all chosen to reflect the particular mood crop dusters and agriculture-chemical Phoenix-area residents hove complained interests had ogreed to stop the use of of her wedding ceremony. We invite you, the happy of severe illnesses which they attribute to organic chemicals until after a public soon-to-be-married, to consult with our bridal the spraying of cotton crops, the Arizona hearing Nov. 14. experts, and to take advantage of our many other Department of Health Services said Until then, inorganic sodium chlorate, bridal services offered to make your wedding day Wednesday. which is considered safe, will be used for The department soid reported symp¬ bug and boll worm control, the depart¬ plans run smoothly just the way you want it to. toms in the past six weeks include ment said. headaches, eye irritations, nose, throat and respiratory problems, diorrhea, Cotton Jacobson's spraying is expected to con¬ abdominal cramps, nausea and fever. tinue for two to four weeks as crops The department said airplane-using mature. / MSU to study effects of ads By JENNIFER DIXON State News Stall Writer Thursday. October 12 1978 MSU was chosen from 20 universities and commercial research institutions to study the effect of advertising on alcohol consumption by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. Landing the 196,471 grant, administered through the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, was a competitive process, said Dr. Martin Block, assistant professor of advertising and codeader of the research team. The researchers will especially focus on the effects the advertising has on Accidents show bike safety need adolescents. Block explained, adding that the study has been surrounded by controversy. Charles Atkin, associate professor of communication, is also heading the research By RUSS HUMPHREY campus Wednesday, a DPS spokesperson they'i bicycles are being left around the front State News SUff Writer said. entrance or in bushes around team. Other faculty involved a:e Bradley Greenberg, chairperson and professor of An MSU woman was injured in a bicycle "There seems to be a general lack of buildings. Zutaut said. Bicycles presenting campus communication, John Abel, associate professor of telecommunication and Leonard accident near Farm Lane Bridge Wednes¬ regard for the rules of the road," DPS Maj. a "problem of interference" for handicap Reid, assistant professor of advertising. •cidents aren't The study, which began Oct. 1, will continue for 10 months and will be conducted in day morning. Department of Public Safety Adam Zutaut said. "It appears that a Many even repor pers or the grounds department will be officials said. majority of bicyclists are not riding proper Zutaut said. impounded, he said. two phases. ly on campus." One particular accident involved a Carolyne Lettace, 385 S. Wonders Hall, • impounding) The first phase of the research is content analysis of large metropolitan daily was listed in "fair" condition at Lansing's Patriarche said a bicycle training pro¬ who plunged over his handlebars aftei ady, but the condition ha- ed." newspapers, national magazines chosen on the basis of circulation and television Sparrow Hospital with a possible skull gram should be implemented if severe bicycle wheel fell off. He suffered fracture. accidents continue. minor injuries and was later released I "We're interested in the use of sex, the variety of techniques Police said Lettace collided with another DPS will begin writing tickets today for Olin Health Center. Zutaut also said the prac cyclist at about 8:58 a.m. The other bicyclist "flagrant violations" of basic bicycle safety. employed in advertising alcohol, the content themes ond was treated and released from Sparrow late "Verbal warnings have not done the job," The per impairments could stumble into a bicycle appeals," Block said. Wednesday morning. Zutaut said. "We will begin, effective today, parked near an entrance, or chained to An hour later, an ambulance was called to issuing tickets." trees, parking meters or bushes. G lot Auditorium Road for another Patrol officers will stop and ticket those ed. People advertisements for alcohol. The second phase will be an effects analysis of how on are neglecting to use bicycle individuals perceive and respond to messages, Block said. bicycle accident. Both parties were taken to going the wrong way on a street or , A McDonnel Hall woman racks. Zutaut said. If no spaces are available All members of the research team will be involved in the content-analysis phase of Sparrow Hospital and later released. flagrantly disregarding public safety on injuries Oct. 3 when she stri on racks, park near them, he suggested. "There have been so many responses (by bicycles, he said. while going the wrong way- the study. rescue squads) today that we can't keep Drive near the MSI' librar racks wdl be "We're interested in the use of sex, the variety of techniques employed in impounded, he said. to up," East Lansing Fire Chief Phillip "I have seen people running red lights or The pedestrian wasn't st Bicycles clustered around trees or resi advertising alcohol, the content themes and appeals," Block said. Patriarche said Wednesday. going down the wrong way on bike paths but required treatment i dence hall entrances will be impounded. But Some of the appeals in advertisements for alcohol include physical benefits such as Four bicycle accidents were reported on and streets," Zutaut said, "it's stupid — Center. if riders attempt to keep bikes near racks, taste and refreshment, social benefits such as romance and friendship and the But DPS officials say accii no will result, he said. psychological effects of alcohol which include tension release and mood alteration, consequences Block said. only bicycle problem on car He also urged students to contact DPS if More frequently than there are insufficient racks in an area. The second phase consists of single interview sessions with people 13 and older in four metropolitan cities across the U.S. People of every socio-economic status will be interviewed. The sexes will be split Sex education issue evenly and races divided: 70 percent white. 20 percent black and 10 percent Spanish. Block said. "The greatest emphasis will be on adolescents — junior and senior high school students especially because we said. believe that's where the issue is most critical," Block leaves school boards A group of experts such as physicians, professors from MSU and other universities who are experts in social interaction, beverage consumption and drug abuse information will serve on an advisory board. Government agencies and advertising and alcohol industry experts will serve on the board and help develop the study's second phase. Block explained. Although the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms designed the study and the questions involved, the grant is important to MSU as it gives the researchers a chance uncertain over policy to learn how much impact advertising has on people's lives. Block said. By CATHERINE RAFTREY State News Staff Writer Last November Governor William G. Milliken signed into law a bill allowing Michigan public schools to teach reproductive health which includes family planning. A local school district that chooses to provide instruction in family planning has the Energy needs studied option of developing its own guideline or adopting those established last July by the State Board of Education. If a local school district chooses to develop its own guidelines, it must be documented in cooperation with the intermediate school district and the county or district Department A resolution passed by the Lansing Board generation plant and other alternatives. of Public Health. of Water and Light set Dec. 5 as the date a Consumer groups and local agencies have Since the bill gives the choice of birth control instruction to the individual school decision will be made on filling the area's opposed the Midland buy on both economic districts, schools withing Ingham County are divided as well as unsure of what to do future energy needs. and environmental grounds. Board general about updating its health education programs. The move Tuesday formalized the board's manager Earl F. Brush said current cost Fred Gable, assistant superintendant of General Education for Ingham County promise to make a decision by the end of the estimates suggest the Midland buy could intermediate school district said "some school districts have had a lot of difficulty with the year, Dennis Casteele, public information provide the area with the cheapest form of bill." administrator, said. energy. He explained that his department is now trying to make the schools aware of the bill State News Deborah J Bonn The question of whether to buy 7 percent Consumer groups say hidden costs associ¬ and offer assistance on guidelines to schools wishing to expand their health education The exterior maeonry of all MSU buildings is checked periodically by of the Consumers Power Midland nuclear ated with nuclear energy, such as radioac¬ programs. MSU Grounds Maintenance personnel. Ralph Wight looks for cracks in generation plant will be answered Dec. 5 he tive waste disposal, unknown nuclear fuel "There is far less trouble when people are aware," Gable said. the Student Services Building that can cause structural, insulation or said. costs and plant decommissioning make The resolution was passed to assure current cost estimates unreliable. Wave Granger, coordinator for Lansing Home and Family Living said the Lansing waterproof problems if left unattended. concerned local groups such as PIRGIM and school district is "just barely starting to talk about it." The possibUity of joining other Michigan Granger explained that it will take at least two months for the local school board to Ratepayers United that a decision is power municipalities in the newly formed make a decision on whether they teach birth control along with their regular sex forthcoming but it won't be a hasty one, Michigan Public Power Association was education program. Casteele said. The board has said it will make a decision also brought up at the meeting, Casteele The Superintendant of Okemos Board of Education, Robert Vermeulen said "We Academic Relations post before the end of the year in order to meet said. Through this agency, the board could haven't prepared to enter birth control into our curriculum for the near future." buy into a power source as a group, which Superintendant Robert Watts of Mason said, "We've been teaching the same type of expected increased area energy needs by 1984. would spread financial risk, he said. health education for years, and there are no changes being made for this year or next. "We feel we have a good program," he added. faces being cut as result In the next two months the board will be Casteele said joining such a group would Ted Sample, director of curriculum for Holt schools, is in favor of teaching birth examining the Midland buy, the possibility not commit the board to any purchase and control. of expanding the current Erickson coal could provide good information a source. "We will be making a recommendation to the board," he said. "We are hopeful of starting such a program by next fall." of Student Board action Sample said he was "hopeful we can go ahead quietly and effectively once the board has approved it." Bv KIM CRAWFORD ternity Council, also expressed doubts ASMSU slates meeting But, he added, they were still in the planning stages of such a program. Vern Oxender, superintendant of Haslett public schools, said the whole idea of teaching A move Suite News Staff Writer to eliminate the ASMSl' Aca¬ about the learning exchange plan and lack of guidelines for the Academic Relations reproductive health and family planning must first be reviewed by the curriculum demic Relations Department was sent back Department. Off-campus students interested in form¬ council. to committee by the student board after a But Julie Maki. College of Arts and • Friday, 9 a.m.. 327 Student Services ing ASMSU Student Board's new Off-Cam¬ lengthy debate Tuesday night. Letters representative, called the motion to He said he was hopeful of developing a program for next fall. pus Council should attend one of the Bldg. Last week the board approved Jean delete the department "stupid." The council is being formed to represent "I think it's appropriate to teach birth control," Oxender said. following meetings to be held next week: Bob Winters, director of curriculum for East Lansing public Riker as director of the Academic Relations "Last week the board thought there was •Monday, 3 p.m., Dooley's. students living off-campus but not in a schools, said a special committee will have to decide whether East Lansing will adopt health education Department. The department has been in enough need for this department to appoint •Tuesday, 12:30 p.m., Coral Gables. fraternity, sorority or co-operative. a new existence since last May. a director. I think we should give Ms. Riker • Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., 328 Student Temporary council members will approve program. Only minutes before the motion to a chance." she said. All the school districts which seriously consider teaching family planning agree that Services Bldg. by-laws and a construction for the Off-Cam¬ eliminate the department, Riker had given Tim VanAntwerp. president of Residence • Thursday, 7 p.m., 328 Student Services pus Council. actual implementation of such programs could not begin until next fall. a report on plans to set up a learning Halls Association, moved to postpone exchange, a type of tutorial service for consideration of the bill until winter term, students in various living areas. but the motion was withdrawn when the Kirk Messmer, College of Natural Sci board agreed to send the bill back to the representative, started the debate policy over the future of the department when he said she uld meet with the E. Lansing lags in disaster preparedness said he would vote for its deletion because there was no justification for it. "We're spreading ourselves too thin. committee to disc department. Riker also told the guidelines for the board she would We're working with finite resources. And attempt to set up the kind of a tutorial By SANDY HOLT Each state department, he continued, is forming a preparedness plan which outlines secondly, all colleges and departments program in a residence hall as a model for State News Staff Writer its responsibilities and capabilities. The plan will also determine how the department s already do this." he said referring to Riker's the larger program. East Lansing will not be eligible for state funds in the event of a nuclear, natural or resources will be coordinated and implemented during a disaster situation. learning exchange plans. The board also passed a pair of motions human-created disaster if an emergency preparedness program is not completed by Oct. Iverson said Michigan is divided into eight police districts, each of which helps local Jeff Muhn, co director of Legal Services, which took away the privilege of depart 17, the director of Ingham County Emergency Operations said. jurisdictions develop and update emergency plans. and Ian McPherson, I continued on 16) president of Interfra- page "We're working with the city to set up a program, but they have to come up with Ingham County is a part of District 1, which also includes Shiawassee, Livingston. enabling legislation," said Director Robert Cade, a lieutenant with the Ingham County Eaton, Ionia and Clinton counties, said District 1 Coordinator Sergeant Dean Van Sheriffs Department. Natter. "Civil defense is a hard subject to sell," he added. Under Michigan's Public Act 390 of 1976, which provides for protection and recovery from nuclear, natural and human-created disasters, every jurisdiction with a population Emergency plans for the district are in excellent condition, he added. "All jurisdictions have plans," he said. 'They don't all meet the requirements, but they Overcrowding discussed over 10,000 must submit its own emergency operations plan to the Emergency Services will in one month." Bv DARLENE DONLOE are requesting residence hall rooms. Division of the state police by Oct. 17. The Ingham County area has been determined as one of 22 "risk areas" in Michigan in Members of the committee said one the event of nuclear attack, said Thad Zale, of the Nuclear Civil Protection Unit. State News Staff Writer East Lansing is currently under Ingham County's emergency operations program, alternative to the tripling problem would be The Nuclear Civil Protection Unit is also with the Emergency Services Division of the An East Lansing housing subcommittee Cade said. to build another dorm to accomodate the met with an MSU official Tuesday night to Mike Benedict, administrative assistant to East Lansing's city manager, said he is state police. overflow, instead of having students rent "Risk areas" are divided into primary, secondary and tertiary risk levels, Zale said. discuss residence hall overassignments. examining the situation before preparing the City Council resolution necessary to join apartments. the statewide program. The first two levels of risk include military bases and their areas of support, he The meeting between the Housing Advi¬ Thorburn said though there were past continued. sory Committee and Lyle Thorburn. assis "We don't know what the benefits or costs are," Benedict said. proposals to build another graduate hall, Zale said all industrial cities with populations over 50,000, which includes Lansing, are tant vice president for Housing and Food 'The maximum amount of state funds we could qualify for is $20,000," lie continued. the plans were dropped because of declining considered third level risk areas. Services, was to discuss how the problem Benedict said he wants to be sure it would be worth the time and expenses to plan and enrollment. He said in any emergency situation, emergency services directors, including police, could possibly have some bearing on the implement an emergency operations program for the city. Thorburn said student enrollments have Public Act 390 was initiated after the federal Disaster Relief Act of 1974 called for fire, health services and social services, go to a "command operation point" where the formulation of a new Comprehensive Plan. steadily declined over the past couple of situation is analyzed and emergency services are coordinated. "comprehensive and detailed state programs for preparation and assistant following Zale and two MSU graduates, Diane Ogren and Steven Gross, are currently designing The Comprehensive Plan, adopted during emergency disaster," said John Iverson, of the Disaster Preparedness Unit. the 1960s, was intended to project the city's "Enrollment has dropped by 500 students The Disaster Preparedness Unit is under the Emergency Services Division of the "Crisis Relocation Planning" they hope will eventually cover every jurisdiction in growth through 1980. But unforeseen since last year," he said. Michigan State Police. Michigan, Gross said. u "There is a demand from 50 percent of Relocation planning involves detailed work such as evacuation routes from "risk problems outdated the plan, which serves The police division is responsible for continually up-dating city and county disaster the students to be housed in residence as a guide to the Planning Commission in areas" to "host areas" in the event of a nuclear threat or other disasters. It also plans for plans, which must be current, adequate and not more than two years old according to the making decisions. halls." act, Iverson said. providing food and adequate shelter for disaster victims. Gross said. (continued on page 16) Thorburn said students living off campus ©ipOInfelfi) JAMES L. SMITH ERA ratification won't be Cops aren't different, hut easy, but it must be passed The Equal Rights Amendment. With the passage of the ERA extension supporters simple ERA statement is patently ludicrous. The argument that women would be subject to the their problems affect all draft is true. But even during the height of the of women's rights can — and are — gearing up their Vietnam war exemptions were made for students Hiding behind mirrored sunglasses, efforts to see its adoption as the 27th amendment to badges and high-performance patrol cars, and hardship cases, so the claim that mothers would no one in our society is more capable of the U.S. Constitution. or could be snatched from their homes to fight in a inspiring emotions which range from fear to It is incredible that so simple a statement of rights security than America's police officers. is unfounded. should have stirred the intense emotions and war Without making any value judgments The possibility of unisex bathrooms, which has controversy as did the ERA. The ERA states: about the law enforcement profession, it is been raised by the anti-ERA opponents, is hardly obvious that every organized or semi- "Equality under the law shall not be denied or worth mentioning since constitutional protection for organized society employs a similar form of abridged" by the United States, or any state, on account of sex." Clearly, it is needed. privacy already exists for both men and women. public protection. But just who are these people to whom It is difficult to reconcile the overwhelming Some will argue that the U.S. Senate was unfair we trust our lives and property? And, concern for the human rights of two Soviet dissidents when it voted not to allow states who have ratified further, where do they come from? while at the same time many argue it is superfluous the ERA to rescind their votes. Those who are Without trying to establish myself as an to add a simple statement of constitutional hostile to the ERA will inevitably point out that this expert, let me simply say that I spent seven stacks the deck in favor of the ERA. Perhaps it will years working on two police departments in protection thata would cover more than half the have the opposite effect, which would truly be California where I came to know, very population of the United States. unfortunate. closely, police officers and the job. The battle against sexism in America is far from The answer to the question of where over. More than likely not even the ERA will end sex Congress, by granting the extension and not police officers come from is easy. They come bias in our society, but it is a required first step in the rescission, has said in effect that the ERA must pass from anywhere and everywhere. were mechanics, shipping clerks, and we agree. In fact, it should have passed a long Some same way the 14th amendment was a first step in the time ago. That it did not is further, blatent evidence delivery truck drivers, sandblasters, brick¬ long, and not yet completed, war against racism. layers, secretaries, assembly-line workers that sexism in America is alive and well and that if it Why did so simple a statement of human rights and more recently college graduates before become such a volatile issue? Because the clear is to go, it will not be without a fight. they took the oath and donned badge and For whatever motives — political, moral, ethical waters of equal rights for women got muddied by gun. otherwise Congress has hit a strong In short, they come from middle- and extraneous and ridiculous arguments raised by or — lower-middle-class America like most of us. opponents. groundstroke back into the court of the ERA The question then arises as to why they Phyllis Schlafly, chairperson of national STOP supporters and it is now incumbent on them to finally may seem different or more detached from ERA and the most visible opponent to the get the ERA passed. And though only three more society than the rest of us. amendment, has charged the ERA would promote states are needed to ratify the amendment, the fight The answer to that is not simple, but it won't be any easier than before, and perhaps, starts with the training received in the "fornication, marijuana and abortion." Any connec¬ "Police Academy." Incoming officers are tion or relation between Schlafly's charges and the considerably harder. molded into one mind-set, much like military recruits are formed into fighting units in army, navy or marine boot camps. The "academy" teaches police officers not suicide and divorce. It is also no secret that Some departments have started in re¬ to trust anyone outside the police circle and the nature of their work takes them there. cent years to employ the services of psy¬ not without some justification. But by the There can be no doubt that the personal chologists and counselors to deal with these end of the training, many young officers problems and mental health of police areas, but certainly not to the extent re¬ talk in terms of "creeps," "scum," and officers directly affects the public they are quired. "assholes" when they speak of citizens. supposed to protect. To assume or argue The police, like any close "family," seem This "isolation" is reinforced when the otherwise would be incredibly naive. to believe they should try and hide the per¬ rookie begins patrol duties with experi¬ The most common police management sonal problems suffered by their officers. enced veterans. The older officers often method of dealing with these problems is to Perhaps the reason they do is to preserve emphasize the "us against them" attitude ignore them and hope they go away or to the macho or stronger-than-life posture which was first instilled at the academy. deal with specific incidents involving offi¬ they want their departments to project. Rookies learn to believe the only people cers as they occur. they can trust are their fellow officers. A Instead of dealing with an officer who But officers with serious mental health circle of friendships that may have once may be exhibiting signs of becoming an problems are a hazard not only to them¬ included widely divergent people narrows alcoholic, many departments will wait until selves. but to the citizens of their communi- to include only relatives and fellow officers. a specific occurrence requires department This "work-together, play-together" phe¬ action. nomenon is certainly understandable, but Why wait until an off-duty officer shoots In short, police officers are no different one could question the healthiness, to the someone in a bar, while in a drunken stu¬ than the rest of us except that their prob¬ por, to deal with a problem that was prob¬ lems are greatly magnified because of the general public, of such isolation. nature of the job. That should give any It is no secret that police officers are near ably apparent to both fellow officers and the top of the charts in areas of alcoholism, management long before? thinking person cause for grave concern. First run-in with the DPS blues For the past four years, I have never caused the University any problems, but they have caused plenty for me. My checks Does responsibility come at 18? have never bounced, but I have been told I Build an arena on campus It is quite a neat premise that the legal adult age is 18, but one question for a stupor on Friday. Saturday and occasional week nights is there among the same did not pay a fee that I actually had. I always pay all my tuition at registration, but I have been told I was not a student in group? Plenty to be sure. the College of Education (even though I argument is: What is the responsible adult It seems the main goal of turning 18 is to have been since I began here four years age? Eighteen doesn't appear to be any for student's convenience ago). I have been told I could not student where near the right age. go out and get plastered. But how many consider voting and other political or social teach because I was not an upper-division Maybe there was a mistake made in the responsibilities, such as consideration for student, even though at the time I had been legal adult category. Here is a little food for your neighbor? To hell with all that, right? paying the higher fee for three terms. thought: How much voter participation is Now they tell me my bike has been MSU's help is being asked in Judging from the number of to set up a concert off-campus. there among 18-year-olds? Or 19- and Let's go get drunk. Tom impounded because it was parked illegally 20-year-olds for that matter? Not too much. Manley discussions about a proposed con¬ complaints about basketball Large promoters would take over, 147 East Shaw Hall outside Akers Hall. Granted, it was locked On the other hand, how much drinking to vention center and arena to be tickets, students already feel ali¬ just as they now control the to a meter, but I saw no bike racks. located somewhere in Lansing. If enated enough about the lack of business at Lansing Civic Center, Granted, I could have looked for them, but I saw no sign telling me I couldn't park there. planners have it their way, the concern by the athletic depart¬ and Pop Ent would likely be out of Anita's far from a 'Son of Sam' I was told it is stated in a book of ment about the student body. business. Spartan basketball team will play Communist Party. One may dislike his regulations that bikes must be locked to a in the arena. Locating the basketball games off Generally speaking, Bruce Guthrie rack. But I'm telling you something, DPS: I Even a promise of free bus wrestles earnestly and reasonably with politics from various right or left points of campus serves only the interests view, but it seems totally looney, certainly have better things to do with my time than There is no reason for MSU to transportation would do little to controversial social problems, including read a book of regulations. We should have of Lansing spenders and the comfort students. A shuttle-bus those of sexual orientation. In "California's unfair to group him with the "Son of Sam" for rhetorical purposes. And been warned in a more public manner. get involved in any facet of the alumni, further alienating a dis¬ Paranoia" (Oct. 10), he rightly attacks the even — plan was attempted by concert anti-gay (and anti-human explanation for although I am powerfully tempted against Maybe you shouldn't have had the bike proposed arena. Under the plans, gusted student body. The MSU MSU would only lease the arena Spartans belong at MSU. If promoters in Lansing with little anti-gay activities, he engages expansively defending one of our most malicious and impounded, but merely left a ticket at¬ favorable response. The system no successful contemporary bigots, I think that tached; so I would not have had to walk the night of games, but there is no Lansing wants to have basketball in rather casual psychologising. Arguing from Akers, to off-campus, to back to your even Bryant deserves leaving out of that longer operates. that people react defensively against gays reason for State to do that. games, let them recruit their own (and representatives of various unpopular particular grouping. building on the other side of campus. It It was hoped MSU agricultural caused me to lose a couple hours of work team. movements) because of insecure personal Not all problems of social prejudice or Jenison is indeed a barn. It is schools could also use the proposed which goes toward paying my fees on time. identities, he asserts: ideological rigidity can be explained by unsuitable for basketballl games An off-campus arena would not facility instead of the dilapidated "We can never be sure of our total imputations of character defects — some Only one good thing came out of this for me, I was only out $3 and a couple hours of or concerts due to seating and benefit MSU's Pop Entertainment judging pavilion. Although on- personality. There could be another Gus hostility toward heterodox (or at least not work. But what about those more unfor¬ acoustics. But running out to the in their quest to find suitable campus facilities are inadequate, Hall, Anita Bryant or David Berkowitz your particular dox) points of view may in fact be perfectly valid. All are rooted in tunate people whose locks were cut, their concert sites. the search for more suitable lurking just under our skins, ready to come proposed 1-96 and U.S. 127 or out with the slightest provocation." social life. Guthrie's intuitive reasoning is bikes ticketed and then impounded? downtown sites is no solution to Pop Entertainment would en¬ facilities previously has not led Berkowitz is a convicted U.S. mass kindly intended, but can go just so far. Barbara Krot 162 Gunson the problem. counter too many problems trying agriculture groups off campus to murderer. Gus Hall is long-term head of the Mitch Meisner, 804-105 Cherry Lane the downtown Civic Center or to the fairgrounds. Many groups continue to use the MSU campus by Garry Trudeau because of the proximity of dormi¬ DOONESBURY The tory housing during term breaks NELL, HE SCHEDULED A MOVIE, THE EFFECT MS QUITE DIFFERENTON State News ] and the summer and fine research DAY TEN. THE MAW TOWARD PEACE FLOUNDERS. AS TEMPERS FLARE AND ANTES ARE UPPED, *PATT0N" IT WAS A RATHER COURA¬ GEOUS ACT OF PR06RAMIN6, THE SPALLS, THOUGH. AFTER ONE ESPECIALLY GORY SCENE, DEFENSE facilities. The proper solution is to SINCE THE SAME FILM ONCE IN¬ MINISTER hJEIZMAN ROSE AND Thursday, October 12, 1978 i JIMMY CARTER ACTS. A TOPAMER- build a new on-campus exhibition 1 ICANNEGOTIATOR. REMEMBERS. SPIRED NIKON TOmDE CAMBODIA. CRIED OUT, 'NEVER AGAIN!" Editorials ore the opinions of the State News Viewpoints, THE IMPASSE MAS BROKEN columns hall. and letters are personal opinions. Editor ehft Editorial Department Upgrading on-campus facilities take time and money, but m James L Smith Photo Editor KathyKilbury may Managing Editor Anne Sluort Entertainment & Book Editor Dove DiMartlno Opinion Editor KimShonahan Sports Editor MikeKlocke hiding off campus will only provide City Editor Nunzio 1 upo Layout Editor Scott Wierenga an excuse to scrap our present Campus Editor Michelle Chambers freelon(e Editor Deborah Heywood facilities without replacement. Wire Editor Paula Mohr Chief Copy Editor Kenneth E Parker Staff Representor No thanks, Lansing. You can JoyL Haenlem Advertising Depar take your chances and build a new Advertising Manager Bob Shaffer Assistant Advertising Manager GinaSponiolo convention center and arena, but leave us out. Michigan State News, East Loosing, Michigan Thursday, October 12, 1978 5 VIEWPOINT: RENTERS' RIGHTS Lottery Idea the Thanks for the editorial was pits By ROGER WINTHROP •No one can recover damages in landlord/tenant actions without Wei! Beardsley and Co.. you I and the Michigan Tenants Rights Coalition would like to thank going to court, and the Truth in Renting bill is no exception. It does, the State News for the editorial of Tuesday, Nov. 10, titled however, require correction of offending clauses by the landlord really botched it up this time. within a grace period following notification, or a court action will Not once during this past "Renters rights are finally recognized." About two and one-half years of advocacy went into that bill, and determine violation and the damages would then be awarded to the blunder was consistent infor¬ the Michigan Tenants Rights Coalition obviously feels it is one of the tenant — it is a damage award, not a fine levied by the state. This is mation printed in the State a major extension of the 'public attorney general' concept. The News. Not once did we receive more important pieces of legislation to emerge in the field of tenant MTRC is unalterably committed to self-help legislation — that the same story of how this protection during the last decade. HB 5141 never did attract a lot of media attention, and the State News is to be commended for being which a tenant depends on his/her own commitment to rectify a lottery was being run from situation rather than a long and exhaustive (and expensive) legal people who were running it. the first media source — to my knowledge — to realize the Not once was any honest effort significance of a comprehensive, model lease reform bill conceived proceeding. Truth in Renting can be applied in Small Claims Courts, and delivered by an independent grassroots coalition of tenants and for instance, and the hallmark of self -help legislation is the award of made to straighten the whole mess out. To top it all, this their friends. damages rather than the levying of a fine ... it is a fine-point distinction, but important. lottery idea was the pits to HB5141 is unique — no other state has legislation in the field that •The banner must state not only that the lease conforms to the begin with. After all these even approaches Truth in Renting in scope or mechanics, and we years of watching Spartan think as a result Michigan will have the best residential leases in the new legislation, but that in case of doubt a tenant is encouraged to basketball, from Gus Ganakas nation. They will be short, simple, and legal... and we hope other consult independent sources (an attorney, legal aid, tenant union, and Terry Furlow to Jud states follow our example. etc.). Failure to include the warning is by itself a violation ofthe bill, Because it is a complex bill, largely because of the protracted and and perhaps the easiest manner to pinpoint a blatant, gross Heathcote and Earvin Johnson, detailed negotiating (quibbling?), there is a great deal of public violation of the intent of the law — that carries the doubled penalty we will be forced to settle for education necessary to making it as effective as we believe it will be. of $500 as does subsequent violation. the radio broadcasts of the Because the State News will, I'm sure, bear a great deal of You are absolutely correct in noting how much past legislation is games. Needless to say we're ineffective because it is neither comprehensive, self-effecting, nor pretty tee'd off. Perhaps Spar¬ responsibility in informing the MSU community and its environs, there are a few minor corrections to your editorial perception of the sensitive to the needs of transient or low-income people. tan basketball doesn't need the bill that should be made now. This bill could prove to be the best thing yet in Michigan tenant kind of support we've given it. •HB 5141 still must return to the House for concurrance with four law (the state housing codes should be, but for a variety of reasons We hope you are satisfied with have yet to become so — one of the reasons is that the State News your "equitable system", be¬ non-substantive, technical amendments made in Senate committee has yet to look at the legislation to see that it is not an antiquated cause we think it stinks! prior to passage, and subsequently adopted by the Senate as a whole. The House is thankfully expected to concur readily, and 1917 code but the product of significant and progressive updating in Chris Cooper, Roger Gird wood, 1968 and beyond, and hence President Hardens appeal to suspend there is no doubt Gov. Milliken will sign the bill. Randy Gillett and Jeff Prange 504 and 503 East Holmes Hall •The PIRGIM survey showed almost 99 percent nonconformity public health and safety laws in the economic interest of the with state law in their lease survey, which is available from University, which your editorial staff has accepted to great degree, PIRGIM downtown. Additionally, the bill was conceived by is in part fallacious — I refer, of course, to the 'tripling policy' PIRGIM students and staff in early 1976, and PIRGIM underwrote editorials of last spring and this fall) • Thanks for the research, drafting, and sponsorship search for the bill and thus But, again, our thanks for a perceptive appraisal. deserves a great deal of credit for what has come to pass. Among Winthrop is a key figure in the Ingham County Tenants Union the support the people responsible for starting the process are Tom Beukema (of Ann Arbor CETA), Bernard Schaefer (formerly of MSU James Madison College, Tenants Resource Center and PIRGIM and The Faculty Association at currently working for the Grand Rapids Tenant Union), Eric Ebel Lansing Community College wish to thank all of you at MSU for your support during our (U-M law student active in the Inter-Cooperative Council there) and myself. Additionally, Joe Tuchinsky, then PIRGIM's executive director, offered helpful suggestions and also made it possible to "BACK WHEN I WAS IN SCHOOL,MY BASEBALL COACH TOLD ME THAT SOMEDAY strike. Special thanks are due survive those first, crucial months before we entered negotiations. to MSI FA. whose work on our This is the kind of work a PIRG should focus on. and had it not been behalf throughout the strike for PIRGIM support (particularly at MSU during that time) it just and. even still, has been so wouldn't have happened. They should be thanked, and the students gratifying. Your colleagial sup¬ port in everything from in¬ dividual picketing to collective that supported this work should know that their dollars were well spent. THERED BE A LESS FILLING BEER. HE political action is warmly ap¬ preciated. Our thanks go also to other MSU faculty groups in¬ ALSOTDLD ME TO TRY OUT FOR GLEE CLUB:' cluding MSU AAUP and Marv Throneberry several specific departments Baseball Legend whose members variously took action in support of our strike. Our ci back jobs without a contract. But our strike was successful and we wish to thank publicly the people at MSU who were so helpful. Marion Walsh, President RADIO CONTROL PLANES • ROCKETS LCC/MAHE ELECTRIC TRAINS • MODELS 333-43M 9M Trowbrldj. (N.,1 loHobl.l) Swiss aren't from Sweden LSAT/GRE In the Friday, Oct. 6 issue of the State News, a Focus: World Prepare fer the December headline read: "Swiss govern¬ LSAT/GRI ment resigns over dispute." The entire story, however, was —classes forming now - about the Swedish government. I suggest that "Swiss" be applied to matters pertaining to ,Switzerland and "Swedish" be applied to matters pertaining to Sweden. Goran Blorn berg. Swedish-born American E f>10 Owen Hall ENGINEERING SENIORS "OPEN HOUSE" McDonnell douglas - st. louis THE LEADING AEROSPACE CORPORATION, IS HAVING AN "OPEN HOUSE" FOR ENGINEERING SENIORS INTERESTED IN LEARNING MORE ABOUT JOB OPPORTUNITIES • Talk with recent engineering graduates presently working with McDonnell Douglas • Refreshments • Movies-Fighter & Commercial Aircraft, Spacecraft, Missile Programs • Brochures of all aerospace programs 7—9 PM, Thursday, October 19 Room 315 West Engineering Building . MCDONNELL DOUGLAS v An Equal Opportunity Employer L CORPORATION 6 Michigan Stole News, East loosing, Michigan Thursday, October 12, 1978 Galumphing Gourmet By DAVE DiMARTINO time for ice cream! No, not really, but . State News Staff Writer actually, almost, cause Will brings up these I have a good friend we'll call Mr. X. He dinky little cones filled with sherbet to works for a large, very well-known conglom¬ "cleanse our palate" I wasn't exactly aware erate that, for the sake of simplicity, we'll call my palate was dirty, but ice cream is great Pacific Jazz By DAVE DiMARTINO comes back sequencing of tunes is excellent — but I'd sure like to get my Doggie Shoes. He came to East Lansing last Saturday to watch the game. As I climb down the stairs of Robert's Grand River entrance, I see a long line of anytime! Down it went. Palate clean, the second bottle of wine already started, I'm a happy guy when Will brings my first-ever plate of duck. There's oranges on top of it and little black things State News Reviewer hands on complete reissues people waiting, all sharp, middle aged and that I know were described on the menu but The sound of jazz in the '50s rather than these peculiarly RICH, and go to the front of the line to find forgot until the next day that they were rice. 9 was mostly referred to by frustrating compilations. my buddy Mr. X waiting with another Oh, the perils of alcohol. Anyway, it was coast, pretentious though that acquaintance we'll call Joe Blow. great — though I'll be first to admit that my % may sound, with the East VARIOUS ARTISTS - "Hey, Mr. X, good to see ya. How's it only basis for comparison of duck comes in a Coast's "hot" sound contrasting JAZZ: THE 60's VOLUME 1 going, Joe?" Famous Recipe Fried Chicken Box. But then, with much "cooler" West Coast iPACIFIC JAZZ PJ LA 893): Joe's drinking a beer and Mr. X looks like good taste has always been my forte. sound. The '60s weren't quite the he's got a bourbon. Pretty soon, it's time for dessert. Mr. X For a variety of reasons, stellar decade for Pacific Jazz "Great, Dave. We'll just be waiting a few and I wanted to watch the Rolling Stones on many of them attributable to that the '50s were, and it shows minutes, we've been here a while. Lemme get Saturday Night but it was getting late and some of the more excessive here with it's focus on artists you a drink." what comes first, TV or FREE FOOD? We'd moments of the '60s avant like Les McCann and Groove Mr. X goes and gets me a Scotch and water both seen the Stones a coupla times, anyway. garde, a rebirth of interest in Holmes. Surprisingly, though, and Roberts' employees give me the once¬ Bring on dessert! the West Coast "cool" sound the McCann cuts are extremely over because underneath my semi-spiffy coat I must be a second-rate gourmet 'cause all I seems to be growing on inter tasty — he sure doesn't sound I've got on blue jeans. No big deal, though, know is what we had for dessert is national levels. One record like this now - and so are those cause soon we're seated and I'm having my pronounced "strawberries ahn-flahm-bay" company responsible for re by the Jazz Crusaders, another second Scotch. (hey, can't speak French, ya know?). Some cording West Coast artists was Pacific Jazz coup. The latter "Hey, this is great," I say. "I've always special guy brought up a cart and put fresh the pacific Jazz label, which band's classic cut, "Young Rab¬ wanted to see what this place is like." strawberries in a pan and added some Grand VP later became the World Pacific bits" is featured as is the Pretty soon our waiter comes up and Marnier, some high-class brandy and orange label and was eventually swal Gerald Wilson Orchestra's introduces himself. Says his name is Will and curacao and then LIT IT ON FIRE much to lowed by the huge United "Viva Tirado." I can't really jokes like "Where there's a will there's a our drunken amazement. Soon enough, over Artists conglomerate. appreciate Groove Holmes' way" and other unavoidables pop up while the gums and into our turns. Pretty good, too. % organ-playing but for the most Jazz reissues are always a the three of us slurp down our drinks. After-dinner drinks? I just had some good idea, at least in my book, part whoever put this set "Would you like an appetizer, gentlemen?" Drambuie; the haze and my swollen belly and while I'm pleased to see together did an excellent job. asks Will and in minutes I've got a third prevents further recollection of what Mr. X these LPs, I do have one or two A fine sampler and some very Scotch and some kind of crab cocktail in front or Joe Blow were drinking. In fact, almost minor qualms. One is the fact nice listening. of me. Mr. X gets oysters Rockefeller and Joe everything from that point is in a haze. that four of the seven reissues GERALD WILSON - THE Blow got a shrimp cocktail and we're al) Except the bill. are samplers, which is, at BEST OF THE GERALD happy. I'm eating a $3.75 appetizer (enough Eighty-nine dollars! EIGHTY-NINE DOL¬ times, very frustrating. Long WILSON ORCHESTRA (PA- for two Wendy's triple-burgers, almost!) and LARS! And with a tip, $115, ONE-HUN¬ out-of-print LPs featuring such CIFIC JAZZ PJ LA 889): Mr. X says "How's the crab, Dave?" I say, DRED-FIFTEEN dollars American! FOR artists as Buddy Collette, Jim Another sampler, but at least "Not too bad. This cocktail's pretty good too THREE GUYS! YOWW!! . Hall. Chet Baker and Bob by only one artist, this LP is .." We all laugh 'cause I'm a jerk and keep "No problem," Mr. X smiles, pulling out his Brookmeyer are only excerpted somewhat spotty, reaching eating. American Express card which bears his name here; rewarding as those ex¬ several highpoints with soloists Pretty soon Will comes back. In the and that of the Doggie Shoes Corporation cerpts might be I think I'd like Carmell Jones, Teddy Ed meantime we'd been discussing the ethics of underneath it. "In fact, this is great. Art Pepper wards and Harold Land and prefer to hear a complete Gerry one smoking between courses and related Doggie Anything over $100 doesn't go into my Mulligan set to a hastily thrown low point with Groove Holmes. Shoes matters, finally we make our choices. expense account. It goes on the 'special' (?) together compilation of George trumpeter Baker. These are the tantalizing ones, Wilson's band was certainly of "I'll take the duck," I say, a happy guy account! Duke outtakes. Since Pepper's recent return the ones that are samplers the best on the West Coast and 'cause I've never had duck and, hey, I'm not Mr. X was happy, me and Joe Blow were On to the records: to the recording scene, a gener when they should by rights be it's heard to good advantage payin' for it. so why not? Mr. X orders some happy, and all three of us were drunk! ART PEPPER - ART al rekindling of interest has 21 separate records, were fi¬ here, though some of the selec¬ kind of fancy veal, and to tell the truth, I Robert's was great! We climbed up the stairs, PEPPER PLAYS SHORTY grown internationally, bringing nances not a problem. Best of tions (i.e. theme from "Cool forget what Joe Blow got because he was said tah-tah and stumbled to our cars, ROGERS AND OTHERS (Pad quite a few of his records back all is Gerry Mulligan's sax Hand Luke") seem slightly sitting across from me and our wine bucket content and waiting for the slaughterhouse fic Jazz PJ LA896 H): Easily in print. One of the main section, which features Zoot dated. Rather than a compila¬ was in the way. So was my Scotch, if you hammers to hit us on our foreheads. the best record of the bunch, advantages of this reissue is Sims and Lee Konitz, amoung tion, this record might have catch my drift. The moral of the story? Hey, Robert's is this set is comprised of two that a total of five tunes have others also outstanding are the been a bit more interesting had So we're drinking Liebfraumilch or some GREAT! No kidding. But what's best of all is different recording sessions never before been released, and Bob Brookmeyer - Jim Hall just a single session with the other kinda no-big-deal wine and the good NOT PAYING for Robert's. That's what the done in the '50s featuring all are excellent. Pepper's play¬ tracks. Some of the artists same lineup been released. It's times keep on coming. We all got lotsa stuff three-martini lunch is all about! And that's all musicians that include Richie ing is exhilarating throughout, featured are relatively obscure odd to think that this is the only to say, but pretty soon — a big surprise — it's I got to say. Kamuca, Chet Baker. Bill Hoi making this set the most vital today, such as Cy Touff and Joe record now in print featuring man and Bud Shank. Pepper is of all these reissues. Maini, but the cuts featured this once-prolific band. superb throughout on alto sax, VARIOUS ARTISTS - here make clear that their playing one side of Shorty JAZZ: THE 50's VOLUME 1 obscurity is unjustified. In all. Rogers arrangements and AND VOLUME 2 (PACIFIC these records would make one featuring another with a sextet JAZZ PJ LA 892 and 694): hell of a good raido show — the FALL CLOSE OUT!! 10-SPEEDS AUSTRO-DAIMLERAD SL .\I.I.AI.I.nVl'(lMI'llNENTS.!)ll»liri's We've Moved! • j I! Hubs. Brook.- L«-a the r Saddle i:.v w;,!. MOW *20(1 ■m£f: A^A- *jA-' x v"-r - EMPEROR (by Marvishi) jp' " To the North Door of Frandor AI.I.AI.I.nVi'OMI'dNENTS. ti l< Huh>. Hjinaiebiii end-shift.-is. SliniNiii" i'kki Ih-rai]l,*iir> See our new enlarged store " NOW -200 WjM f IM-ru.i - ' - The clothes with the fit that will never die. Michigan's Largest Velocipede 101 E. Complete Music Store Peddler Grand 541E Grand River 351-7240 BELOW PARAMOUNT NEWS - ACROSS FROM BERKY HAU River Tore 337- SAM'S MUSIC CO. Jjj^ * 540 Frandor Ave, 540 Frandc ph. 337-9700 337-971 Lansing WHAT THE MALL PROPOSAL MEANS; ENERGY WASTE AND POLLUTION GROWING UP ISN'T EASY But YOU can make it easier More More More ft". wasted Energy Water Pollution Air Pollution The proposed mall on the fringe of East The first phase of mall development alone East Lansing's air quality is already in Lansing will be one of the biggest wasters of will pave over 60 acres of land. All the rain- violation of standards set by the U.S. Envi¬ energy In our community. The mall will have fall previously absorbed by soils and vegeta- ronmental Protection Agency. The corpora¬ an estimated 5 million cubic feet of enclosed tion will now add to the serious problem of tion which wants to build the mall predicts space-all heated in the winter and cooled in urban stormwater runoff. that its first phase will add 15,000 cars a the summer by electric heating or air condi¬ This urban runoff is extremely polluted, day to our streets, and that 47,000 more tioning. Electric heating is the most wasteful containing high levels of bacteria, heavy cars a day will be on the road because of form of energy use for heating buildings. metals, salt and other solids. The mall will the mall in just seven years. More importantly, the mall will add miles create almost 40 million gallons of water That many more cars can only make air to the average distance shoppers travel in the polluted by these and other materials a pollution in East Lansing worse. Cars are a Lansing area. A conservative estimate, based year. major source of this area's air pollution. on the developer's figures, is that the mall And much of that runoff will end up in More auto traffic means less pure air for us will generate 31 million additional vehicle Lake Michigan, by way of our rivers. 40 to breathe. The Michigan Department of miles of auto traffic each year. million gallons which now go into the Natural Resources knows how big regional ■ That's why the mall has a 52 acre parking ground each year will instead become a malls can pollute the air. It has notified the lot. It's why millions of dollars in new road headache each year. mall corporation in writing that "YOUR constructions and road maintenance will be PROPOSED SHOPPING CENTER IS DE- needed throughout the area. FINED AS A NEW INDIRECT SOURCE Come find out about being a BIG BROTHER or BIG SISTER Millions of gallons of gasoline will be needed OF Al R POLLUTION"' (letter of April 19, to make those extra trips. That fuels our 19771 OPEN HOUSE import bill„already at dangerous levels. 1-5 pm, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15th At the SAE Fraternity House Help bring a breath of fresh air to East Lansing. 4950 S. Hagadorn (the end of Shaw Lane) ^ NO ON THE MALL NOV.7 BB/BS Staff & Volunteers present to answer YOUR questions JUD HEATHCOTE TO SPEAK AT 3PM VOTE Stop by or call 372-0160 Ad Sponsored by East Lansing State Bonk Paid for by the Committee for Balanced Development, P.O. Box 1461, East Lansing, Ml 48823 Phone: (517) 337-1408 » Michigon Stote News, Eo»t Loosing, Michigan Thursday. October 12. 1978 7 By ROSANNE SINGER Gary Carkin is excellent as Don Leonato. Hero's father. He has a varmint" and "naughty, naughty varlit." His moments onstage State News Reviewer powerful, professional sounding voice and perfectly portrays the enliven the whole production. K Shakespeare wears a cowboy hat on the program for the distinguished, proud laconato. Director Rutledge has established the southwestern setting Performing Arts Company's production of Much Ado About Gary S. Martinez suhtlely plays Don John who says. "It must consistently and added good atmospheric touches. Don John Shakespeare and not be denied that I am a plain dealing villain." He has few of the Nothing. Director Frank C. Rutledge has relocated the comedy in enters playing "Shenandoah" on a harmonica, men throw the American Southwest of the 1880s and transformed the lords, obvious mannerisms of a villain and instead seems more horseshoes tom toms and a tambourine provide occasional princes and attendants of Messina, Italy, into cowhands, cavalry profoundly world weary. background sounds, and the character Conrade sings. I Wonder officers and banditos. The idea works well and the play itself has Mark Voland has an amusing brief appearance as Dogberry, a Whos Kissing Her Now." disreputable sheriff (in the original setting a constable). He is cowboys mix in been left intact. Much Ado About Nothing, the first I'At play of the IDTH 7!, Tom VanderWeele and Karen Eve Couf play the combative shabby, dirty, red eyed, spits tobacco and talks like the cartoon season, continues through Saturday at Fairchild Auditorium character Ynspmite Sam. He savs things like "come von hither, Showtime is at 8:15 p.m. Benedict and Beatrice. They capture the spirit of their characters, though they battle too tamely at the play's beginning to contrast effectively with their final submission to love. They also lack some PAC's 'Much Ado' rapport in their loving moments together. Because the relation ship between the two must carry the play it demands strong I performances. VanderWeele has some excellent moments onstage, particularly COLUMBUS DAY after he thinks Beatrice is in love with him. At one point she enters scowling and he comments, "I do spy some marks of love in her." His eagerness to find signs of love in Beatrice is amusing in the DISCOVERY! light of an earlier retort to Don Pedro who predicted Benedict would look pale with love. Benedict then answered, "with anger, with sickness, or with hunger, but not with love." Karen Couf is an appropriate choice for Beatrice but lacks some of the character's strength and has too subtle a sparring attitude. Her facial expressions, however, capture the character's charm and % sportiveness. Sinda Lee Nichols and Stephen G. Chappellie are good physical choices for Hero and Claudio. They are sweet, young and innocent looking and convey the completely trusting natures of their characters. Chappellie is occasionally too abrupt in his Movement, and during his denouncement of Hero at the church his words are unintelligible COAT SALE How would Freud Discovering America wasn't an easy task, but Columbus sailed relate to Cinci? the seas and did it. Greens makes it easy to discover great Cold.Yet warming. Hearty, full-bodied flavor. Yet smooth and easy going down fashions at excellent savings. Sail And. Cinci Cream develops a big head on contact. Conflict. Conflict. Trauma. Trauma. Freud's diagnosis? across Grand River and find We think he would have said. "It's too good to gulp And you will, too. In the final analysis. your own discoveries. LIKE THESE: Casual Suede Classic Wool Sweater Coats Blazer Jacket $19 $33 Reg. 35 Reg.60 Mariah Folk and Blues Coffeehouse will be present¬ ing guitarist John Fahey in McDonel Kiva this Fri¬ day and Saturday, Oct. 13 & 14. There will be shows at 8 and 10:30 p.m. each night, and advance tickets are available for S3 at the MSU Union Ticket Office. Practical Reversible Elderly Instruments, and Campus Corners II. Down Filled Admission at the door will be S3.50. Ski Jackets Sweater-Poplin Jacket $44 $59 CLE) WCCLD Reg.80 Reg. 60 CAR WASH Featuring: Highest pressure Wide Selection Lumberjack Unlimited Sweater Coats Plaid Jacket M water $39 $20 Reg. 70 Reg. 28 Leonards BEST BUY Save! Minolta XG-7 The compact, automatic 35mm SLR you'll fall for! If you've seen the Minolta XG-7 sky-divmg on TV i see its exclusive features tor yourself n s the e tromc wonder camera with point-focus shoot simj ity The LED viewbndei display turns on at a tone the shutter button The optional Auto Winder G lets you take abo pictures a second And the optional Auto Electron 200X synchronizes with the winder to give autom flash sequences Minolta XG7 Camera $299 FI.7 50 mm lain 94" Auto Winder G Auto Electronic Flash 200X 64" WESTLAND SHOPPING CENTER CORNER W. SAGINAW AT WAVERIY J Thursday, October 12, 1978 8 Michigon Stote News, Eost lonsing, Michigon Defense centered around Bass have chance to defense. Only tackle Melvin By JOE CENTERS the week for his performance ing punt by sophomore Ray "We a Stachowicz. win the Big Ten if we beat Land and safety Tom Graves Sute News Sports Writer against Notre Dame. will not be back from this year's Ever since his freshman As a sophomore. Bass again "A punt helps you out a lot," Michigan," he said. "Hell, we've led MSI' in tackles with 134. Bass said. "The odds of some¬ only got one loss in the Big defensive team. year, junior inside linebacker It will be an experienced I»an Bass has been the center This season. Bass has 59 tackles one scoring from their own 20 Ten." in only four games, including 18 yard line aren't as good as they defense, and that experience of attention on the MSI' de from the 30 or 40." No matter what happens this will again center around Bass fense. hits last Saturday against are Notre Dame, two of those for The big play has been almost season, one thing will be certain who'll be out looking "for that At the end of Bass' first twc loses. He has also recovered extinct the past two weeks for for next year, and that is the hit that's going to put someone seasons, and after the first four on their back." tjames this year, he has been ir two fumbles this season. the Spartan defense. If MSU Spartans should have a solid Bass said he has been satis¬ wants to keep Michigan in on more tackles than any other that fied with his play so far this check on Saturday, the defense Spartan. And he like season, but that he has to work is going to have to do the job. "Yeah, you do 'look for a harder on his pass drops and he "When you play an option hiti." Bass said. "You always has to keep his feet moving team you have to go out and Alternate route to game look for that hit that's going to more. He has played consistent¬ hit," Bass said. "The defense ly well so far this season, but he has to be sound, we have to hit put someone on their back. has been the only Spartan hard. You can't really just shut Tl» Ann Arbor Police Deportment requeoto thot on/ Liming "When someone makes a defender who has. down one person because they tret retldenti or HSU itudenti going to Stturdiy'i MSUMkhl- great hit it sparks everyone S'o'e News Debbie Ryon up." "We've got the talent to be have so many good players." gtn footbtU game we this route: U.S. 127 south to 1-94 near Bass has been in on a lot of i be a good To Bass, like all other MSU Jackson, 194 east exit 175. MSI inside linebacker Dan Bass 1491. a junior from Bath, stops Notre Dame tackles as a Spartan. When he "But players, this game is the one Because of the heavy concentration of Michigan and MSU that everybody waits for. fullback Jerome Heavens l30l in last Saturday's game as other Spartan defenders was a freshman, he led the alumni in the Flint, Saginaw, Bay City area, police said that traffic nd." "That means a lot," he said. move in to support. team with 111 tackles and was ,ia much too congested on U.S. 23. So the police urge drivers not to named I T'l s Midwest player of lat something is the big "It's a great tradition from long use the 1*96 to U.S. 23 route. An interception or fumble ago... It's time we beat them." terv, or the big play in the Bass isn't worried about the If you live east of Lansing, Ann Arbor police suggest you take nd half of the Notre Dame Spartans' 1-3 record so far this M-62 south at Pinckney. a 75 vard record-break¬ Bessone: still a long way to go B. JKKKY Sute New* BRALDIi Sports Writer has been at slowed down some by his knee The Spartans key test before the season 7:30 p.m. when MSU scrimmages Michigan injury." begins is Friday night at Munn Ice Arena. Stickers sneak by Central, 3-2 Taking a different perspective in sitting up in the press box By CHERYL FISH Our wings, Nancy Reed and Jennie Klepinger, also did good job. a "Right now, all I know about Michigan is they have been This was a very big win for us," head coach Sam Kajornsin said. during Tuesday''* green and white game. MSl"s hockey mentor Sute News Sports Writer Amo Bessone sat with a disgruntled look on his face while he was practicing for a month and have had a good recruiting season." ) their fourth straight win, the MSU field hockey Last year Central was in the state and regional championships. Bessone said. taking notes and puffing on his cigar that they are really tough, as they beat Central "This was a real grudge match," Bodnar commented. "The women At. the moment, Bessone finds inexperience to be hurting ih> i prov "Defensively, w» re way behind." Bessone said. "We need three Michin 3 2. were really elated with the results," he added. more week- of practice, but the season is starting in a little over a Everyone was really psyched up for this match. "It was super "We're making a lot of typical mistakes that a young team In the beautiful Indian summer weather, the Spartan stickers week. Other teams are always getting a big jump on us." aggressive. Babcock was really roaring," Bodnar said. "She is one makes," Bessone said. "Possibly, we need a little more work on dominated the first half of the game, keeping the ball on their half The white squad, consisting of the number one team, defeated of the team leaders, and often directs from her position as center cohesiveness. This will come as the players play more together. of the field almost 80 percent of the time. Five minutes into the the green squad, consisting of the number two team. 7 3. halfback." MSITNGS: During Friday night's scrimmage with Michigan, game, there was a scare, as Nancy Lyons got hit hard in the mouth a victory over Central has been secured, other Sophomore Dave (iandini led the white squad in scoring with Now that ticket sales will be held for both Friday and Saturday night games. by a ball. However, she stayed in the game and quickly scored the the halrick and freshman Craig Lakian had a pair of tallies. excellent teams such as Western and Northern Michigan pose as A student season ticket can be purchased for either Friday or Other white squad scores came from Russ Welch and Bill Shutt. first goal of the afternoon. challenges for the stickers as they pursue their way to the Saturday night and will cost $20 each. Announcements will he "She was just about unconscious but she insisted on remaining "(iandini played well." Bessone said. "He's been working a lot made during the game on where to purchase the tickets. Students regionals. "This year we will prove we are not a choke team," on the field. She's a real inspiration to the rest of the team," said harder this year and has been doing a lot more of the right things. Bodnar said. interested in buying tickets must have their fee receipt card-. Jack Bodnar, marketing and promotion person for women's He's more determined, i Aaron I Bucks was also a pleasant Kajornsin also feels his team will go far this year. "If we keep up Tickets are also still available for the Hockey spirit section. The athletics. surprise." the good work, I think we have a fair chance of doing very well. I 50 seats are in section I). Season tickets can be purchased lor Green squad scorers were Gary Harpell, Hob Church and Larry was happy with the way we played today," he said. The game was either Friday or Saturday night or both. Shirts will be given away. Nancy Babcock followed with a goal and Central scored one to Campbell. Bessone was also impressed by the play of Mike Anvone interested in more information can contact Diane Selke at make the score 2 1 at the half. a very fast-moving one, and exciting due to its closeness. Stoltzner for the green team. Debbie Peven's second half goal was all that was needed to give Today, the stickers will face Calvin College at home on Old 337 1889 and Tom Stelter at 337 1111 The defense was rarely tested. But when they were, they had the stickers this big victory. College Field at 3 p.m. The next meeting of the spirit section will be Tuesday, Get. 17 in their problems. work that did it for us. Barbara Shannon and "If we keep up our consistency, I think we will win. We will just 330 Union at 7 p.m. All spirit section members should bring their "We have been lacking speed," Bessone said. "That's why we •ymor are two aggressive halfbacks who did very well. take it as it comes, one game at a time," Kajornsin explained. need a stronger defense. Bessone does feel, though, the offense is progressing better than Plasma Doner! the defense. the "Our offense will get better," Bessone said. "I'm not sure about right side yet. We're not set on the four centers either. We will Be a moving Jeff Bacon back to center. That's his natural p< be Bessone was also pleased with all four goaltenders that played $9 .00cash paid for each donation - Mark Mazzoleni and Doug Belland for the white squad and Brad $11 .00c°sh paid for second donation if you Mitseff and Ron Rand for the green squad. donate twice in one week (Between Tuesday and Saturday) "Physically, we're in good condition." Bessone said. "Bill Brodie YOU MUST BE 18 AND SHOW 2 PIECES OF I.D. HELP SAVE LIVES' BE A PLASMA DONOR COME TO: It takes only 1'» hours and is used for: 1. Children'* Innoculafiont AMIRICAN 2. Tetanus Vaccine 3. Burn Therapy PLASMA DONOR 4. Cancer Research 5. Hemophelia Therapy CENTIR 2827 GR. RIVER AVE. E.LANSING. MICH, phone 351-2620 (Acrati from Coral Gablei ■ next to Cut Label) NEW hours: 9a.m. - 7 p.m. Tues. £ Wed. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fri. £ Sat. SAVE $10®NOW When You Order Your ULTRIUM COLLEGE RING SEE Plus!... your choice of the following options when ordering an ULTRIUM OR 10k GOLD RING! BIG TEN FOOTBALL • • Imperial Cut Birthstones • Simulated Sunburst Stones • Diamonds Genuine Jade FROM ANOTHER Genuine Earth Stones Genuine Tiger Eye • PERSPECTIVE... • '15 deposit required ovoiloble Experience our winter wear Keeping warm and dry is the iecret of o comfortable winter fou II wont down or synthetic HO COYER AND k pmce pitches: PLUS RED HOT ROCK N ROLL Save 30 o-50°o and still Looks at the place sport has taken in American life, focusing on the Untie' It Iti Mill half in Iht coantrjl get the best traditional big game rivalry between Michigan State University and Do-it-yourself ALTRA se the University of Michigan. MORS COODER .PIZZA ing kits. thin whilst bis got! Pre-cut and ready to set Three scholars, including MSU's Pulitzer Prize winning author. Outstanding quality, eai Dr. Russel Nye, examine the cultural impact big time college foot¬ instructions. Down parkas, vest, mou ball has made on American society. Ring 351-2150 for rBCording lain parka and day pack Thursday, Oct. 12 at 9 p.m. AAUPP Campfitters $ 2021 E. Michigan 484-9401 Mon fn 10 8 Sot 10 6 Michigan Slate University Television \ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. October 12, 1978 9 Watch WHERE ARE YOU out for the GOING FOR YOUR Wolverines, Sparty! WINTER BREAK? Although the Sparty statue is seen daily by thousands, it is being watched prudently by many more these days. The MSU Varsity Club, as it has in many years past, will be attempting to guard the helmet-carrying monument from those who wish to take it upon themselves to personally decorate it. Particularly those from far-off lands ... like Ann Arbor. This becomes a special concern during football season. Dr. Fred Tinning, faculty adviser for the Varsity Club, says ASMSU TRAVEL that volunteers from the 50 male and female athletes will be patrolling near Sparty and the stadium. "They have a pretty awesome responsibility, although most of ("Msents them feel a great deal of pride and really don't mind the job," Tinning said. "We will be working in conjunction with the Department of Public Safety (DPS), so we'll have some help." One can look upon the Varsity Club's job as being not too strenuous. Yet, the volunteers take it quite seriously. "Oh, we have had our troubles in and there, but we've been the past... a few fights here able to solve these things more often than not," Tinning said. "If, for instance, a small female volunteer sees an oncoming confrontation with a bunch of Acapulco six-five, 240-pound guys, notify The a her best bet is to leave her post and DPS officer in the area." varsity patrollers, who keep watch Wednesday, December 11-18,1978 Thursday and Friday evenings, are receiving donations from McDonald's and Arby's restaurants. This money goes to the TRIP INCLUDES general Varsity Club treasury. • Round trip jet transportation via scheduled airlines State News/Pete Obee Detroit/Acapulco/Detroit Members of the Men's and Women's Varsity Clubs • Standard in-flight catering and beverage service have been guarding the MSU statue, Sparty, to • Round trip transfers between airport and hotel in make sure Wolverine fans don't test their artistic Acapulco abilities on it as they did in front of the MSU • Eight days, seven nights' deluxe accommodations at Library. the beach front Holiday Inn, centrally located on the Miracle Mile • Complete baggage handling in Acapulco Oakland shuts out Spartan hooters 1-0 • • All hotel taxes All tips for hotel personnel had to win the blocks. It looked Baum also felt Oakland HURRY! SEATS ARE LIMITED! At the beginning of the sive execution." was • Does not include '5,00 Mexican departure tax season. MSU's soccer coach The only tally of the game like we were more aggressive. the most physical team they came with 38:00 gone in the But we just have no finish." h ad played. thought the offensive line should start jelling around the contest when Mark Little fifth game of the season. picked up a looping pass from But because of injuries and Craig Pickard and drilled one ineligibilities, Mike Price is the past goaltender Rob Grinter from 14 yards out. only starting attacker left from With a strong wind at their opening game. The result: New players are backs in the first half, Oakland again trying to get used to each other and the same old scoring controlled the play. In the second half, it looked like the Spartans were going to take Jim Pocock problem remains. advantage of the wind, but they The impotent offense, once again, haunted the Spartans Tuesday as they fell to Oak¬ just couldn't finish off their plays. State Rep. HOLDS YOUR PLACE! land, dropping their record to "The wind hurt them more 321. "The problem was we had because they are a long ball team while we are a more Advocate for 333 UNION BLDG. 353-5255 two freshman playing the deliberate. The wind affected wings, and they broke down their long passes." Baum said. because of inexperience," Baum said. "Therefore, their defense "They were going to the ball better than we were in the first M.S.U. half. The players responded, just pinched in and clogged up the middle. We had poor offen¬ though, when I told them they (Paid Political Announcement) We're More Than You're invited to an Just Great Prices! OPEN HOUSE We buy from brand makers like: of the MSU Employees Credit Union Robert Bruce Bobbie Brooks 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 15th IZOD Acting Up Arrow Jantzen There'll be AL FAST, The Clown, to entertain the kids, PARAMOUNT NEWSCENTER Forum Levi Faded Bananas Glory refreshments, guided tours, and door prizes for both adults and children. 537 E. Grand River Open 7 days a week to serve you jr buyers ore in t1 IF YOU'RE NOT ALREADY A MEMBER, join today or during the Open House West/Lansing and then register to win a valuable door prize, 414 ilmwood including a trip for two to Cancun. 321 3707 GRAND DOOR PRIZE: One week trip for two to looks . • • CANCUN, MEXICO Includes air transportation direct from The Great Take Along! Lansing and first class accommodations. Ed Leuin's little lithe rings that give back love • • • Ft. 14 karat gold ... hand made- with pink coral not cast-from B, 14 karat gold- wear one, two, 14 karat gold or all three C. 14 karat gold and semi-precious with amethyst MSU EMPLOYEES stones ...made CREDIT UNION to be heirlooms ••• 600 E. Crescent — on campus • Phone 353-2280 9 to 5:30 Monday thru Friday rt " v east ionsing 210 Abbott Road 351-6245 Michigan 1 QMichigon State News. Eost Lansing. Michigan Thursday, October 12, 1978 Student fee tax referendum Information is vital part of fire prevention week student (continued from page 1) ceeds, the Pop Entertainment will still receive amount which was stated in the cautiously; if it is hot or has smoke oozing through the crack at the bottom, do not open body to help Programming Board By MARCIA BRADFORD contract. State News Staff Writer the door. Call the fire department and tell them that you are trapped and place a wet pay for its $20,000 debt incurred last year. towel at the base of the door. "Pop Entertainment had spent all the Tragic fires on college campuses in recent years have claimed the lives of several "Then open the window part way to money they had last year and even some of Before this system was used. Pop students living in residence halls. let some oxygen in and wave a sheet or Entertainment served as the promoter and the other departments under the Program Fire Prevention Week, which began Monday, is an effort to inform the campus and pillowcase to attract attention and wait to be rescued." had the responsibility of making the show a Gingrich said other potential causes of fires are empty or missing fire extinguishers. ming Roard, because of the financial community to methods of fire safety and prevention. Last vear at MSU, 912 fire extinguishers were discharged and 146 were missing, at the situations." he said. money-making success. Sam Gingrich. MSI' fire safety officer, said fires, which resulted in 'he deaths of He added that since last May it is "This is why they got in trouble, but it cost of $4,157. students at Providence College in Rhode Island and Cornell University in New York, could happen at MSU. "Your first aid protection is taken away when fire extinguishers are empty or officially using a rental system to get will not happen again - programmers all At Providence University, combustible Christmas decorations in a corridor of a missing and could result in a small fire becoming a large one — perhaps costing a life," performers to campus and still come out over the country are using this same residence hall caught fire and the fire department was delayed in putting out the fire he said. financially stable. system to deal with perfumers and pro The largest fire losses at MSU in recent years were caused by lighted candles and Through the rental system, Pop Enter motors," Politowicz said. because of pranksters who had previously called in false alarms. careless use of smoking materials, Gingrich said. tainment receives a designated amount "False alarms are serious and could contribute to death by fire at MSU." Gingrich To prevent fires caused by carelessness, the fire safety department has been talking from a concert's sales. The amount is "The money we make from the rental of a said. "Treat all fire alarms as the real thing and leave the building, closing the door to each of the residence halls and providing displays for the last few years. specifically stated in the contract with the group will go toward paying off the debt behind you." "In talking to the RAs, we have found that they feel the displays and discussions performer. slowly," he said. have helped cut down those fires caused by candles and smoking." Gingrich said. Using this system, the promoter of the The Programming Board funds 18 dif In the fire at Cornell University, nine students lost their lives dashing into a "In the past school year." he said, "there was only one fire loss from lighted candles show will accept the risk of whether the ferent student controlled organizations in smoke filled corridor when a tire alarm sounded. "When the fire alarm sounds, feel your room door." Gingrich said. "If it is cool, open and no fires reported from careless use of smoking materials." show is a money-making success. eluding Pop Entertainment, Ebony, Mariah, Regardless of whether the show sue Showcase Jazz, and Great Issues. CAMPUS PIZZA The SYSTEMATIC Audio Approach by popular demand... WHOLE WHEAT CRUST 14" PIZZAS now available everyday west free east 337-1639 delivery 337-1377 DAILY DOLLAR DEAL SPECIALS • Breakfast • Sandwiches • Beverage; • Salads • Snacks • Desserts Home-style soups and chili BANANA BOAT ICE CREAM SPECIAL 1.15 S GIVEN AWAY FREE (RANDOMLY MARKED 'SANTA MARIA- CONVENIENT HOLRS Mon.-Sat. 7:15 a.m.-11:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00a.m. - 11:00p.m. SPECTACULAR!Check Our RECEIVER Line-UP! LOCATED: Main Lobby, Union Bldg. LIEBERMANN'S— -PfU/tfT 2catf; pi 112 pfi^oitoCigcd Add a touch of individuality to scarves, sweaters or lapels with one of these lustrous pewter stick pins. We'll engrave up to three initials at no extra charge. Great gift idea. 6.00 CRAIO T-601 In-Dasher. AM. FM. FM Stereo AND (Allow two days cassette stereo all in one! Includes synthesizer for 4-chunnel sound. PLL multiplex circuitry tront'rear fader, five slide controls. LED for engraving) *229 for super FM performance, much more! power indicator light, many more features! >|||| *139 * POWER STORY 523 Frandor Drive Frandor Shopping Center 351-7270 PLAYBACK INSTANT CREDIT! VISA BankAmencard. Master Charge, or American Express to see it you quality1 DOWNTOWN 107 S Washington EAST LANSING 209 E. Grand River SALE ENDS OCT. 18th. STORE HOURS: 10AM-9PM Weekdays. 10AM-6PM Sat., Naon-SPM Sun. I V Thursday. October 12. 1978 1 1 Michigon Stote News, Eost Loosing, Michigon Couple dies County moves to fund Lansing to host conference for was was A South Lyons. Mich, couple killed and a Haslett woman seriously injured Wednes day morning in a two car acci jail's medical program June 15 to June 23. solar energy age in Michigan dent at Haslett Road and M 52 near Webberville. Dead at the scene was By SHEILA BEACHUM Commissioner Ann Leonard, The eight-day festival Edward C. Mollema. 75. Ill State News Staff Writer D-Lansing, informed commis¬ will Harvard. South Lyons. Ingham Steps toward improving Ing¬ sioners of two potential loca¬ bring musical and theatrical Moving Michigan into a solar energy age will be the subject solar heated buildings, Ferns said. He is chairperson of the tions for the courts West performances, circus acts, ex¬ passive Systems Division of the International Solar Energy County Sheriffs deputies said. ham County Jail's medical and — of the second annual statewide Solar Action Conference at Mollema's wife. Edna. 78. died dental program were taken by Ottawa Building, 116 West hibits and other family enter¬ Lansing Community College this weekend. Society and solar energy program manager of the Los Alamos tainment to the county. later at Edward W. Sparrow the Board of Commissioners Ottawa, and the Ingham Coun¬ More than 100 participants, including state solar advocates Scientific Laboratory in New Mexico. ty Courthouse on West Ash Profits from the festival and experts, are expected to attend the event, which begins at The conference is sponsored by the Michigan Solar Energy Hospital. Tuesday. Street in Mason. would be donated by Michigan¬ Association, United Auto Workers International and the Commissioners approved en¬ 7:30 p.m. Friday. The conference will be held in LCC's •Referred a resolution sup¬ Fest to non-profit art organiza¬ Vocational Technology Building, 422 N. Washington Ave. Central Solar Energy Research Corporation. Contributions also the intensive care unit of Spar tering into a contract for a porting the re-allocation of tions in the Lansing metropoli¬ The conference will wind up Sunday at 4 p.m. following the came from the national Sunday organization, Solar Action Inc., Hospital Wednesday night $97,657 grant with the Law row Enforcement Assistance Ad¬ funds for the 1979 park budget tan area. weekend's discussions of solar energy development, solar which funds similar events in all 50 states. was Marilyn Larson. 5651 ministration to fund the jail's to the Physical Resources Com¬ Commissioner Ryan was op¬ training workshops and strategies to bring statewide use of The conference will focus on educational presentations and North Woodside Road. program. mittee. The Finance Committee posed to the fact that a single solar energy, said Steve Ferns, of the Ingham County Energy workshops concerning many solar energy issues Saturday. Haslett. Larson's son. Eric 3. In addition, the county will had earlier cut the Parks De¬ organization is running the Office. The Balcombs will speak again on Sunday at 9 a.m. on escaped with minor cuts and contribute $24,414 in county partment budget from $698,000 operation. Solar energy experts Sara and J. Douglas Balcomb will give organizing grassroots-oriented state solar organizations. This bruises, deputies said. funds. to $288,900. "One organization runs it, the keynote address 7:30 p.m. Friday. will be followed up by workshops aimed at developing such The Larson auto was east- •Approved resolution des¬ defines what profit is and Sara Balcomb is vice chairperson of the New Mexico Solar programs in Michigan. bound on Haslett Road when it Commissioner Thomas M. a ignating Lake Lansing Park- determines where the profit failed the M-52 Mitchell • )-Williamston, moved Energy Association and has written articles on consumer issues to stop at to adopt the resolution. The South as a site for the 1979 goes," Ryan said. "The risk of pertaining to solar energy. The conference fee for the entire weekend is $5. The fee for intersection and struck the summerfest. The MichiganFest that ambiguity can and should J. Douglas Balcomb i* internalionally know for hi* work on the Balcombs Friday night presentation is $1. Mollema car broadside about money will be used to hire three nurses and establish a Corporation is organizing the be corrected before this thing 10:20 a.m., deputies said. dental program at the jail. festival, which will run from goes on." The funds will also enable jail administrators to purchase necessary equipment. Efforts to improve the jail's medical and dental facilities were opposed by Commissioner Frank L. Guerriero, R-Mason. "Everyone would like to give prisoners the best care possible within a reasonable amount of tax dollars," Guerriero said. "But I don't think in good conscience we can apply to this grant." Guerriero was concerned that the county may be unable to fund such new programs in the future. "When the money is not available," he said, "we have to turn around and tell these people we can't help them." Commissioner Patrick J. Ryan, D-Lansing, countered Guerriero's arguments by pointing out that the first-year operation of any program should be adequately funded to ensure its continuation. If a program doesn't prove workable after the first or second year of operation, then it's time to cut funding, Ryan said. In other action, commission¬ ers: •Unanimously passed a reso¬ lution granting the continuation of the Ingham County Board of Health. The Board of Health, repre¬ senting the county's health department, focuses on the numerous and complex health issues that the public faces today, commissioners said. Commissioner Jess Sobel, D- East Lansing, made a motion to adopt the resolution, saying the health board has done an "out¬ standing job" for the county in the past few years. •Approved additional office, court and juror space to accom¬ Hey...We're open! A brand modate the two new Circuit Courts for Ingham County, which will begin operation Jan. 1.1979. new store full of good Jail health meeting set oT Levi's. Quality of dental and health care in area jails will be discussed at the Ingham county Board of Health meeting Thursday. The meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m., at the health depart¬ ment, 403 W. Greenlawn Ave., Room 301. Status of the board's Health Check out the new County Seat Problem Identification program — aimed at gaining consumer comment on community health If you like Levi's jeans the new County Seat is for you. If you like Levi's Levi's store. We think you'll like being priorities will also be dis¬ able to find Levi's for guys and gals shirts and tops, well, we've got Washed Look — cussed. all in one place. We have Levi's them too. Skirts? You guessed it. to fit most everybody. From kids to County Seat has Levi's for Gals. and dads. So just direct Transport County Seat has the Levi's line that's so complete. It's a place Denim teens to moms your feet to the place with the Levi's meeting set line that's so complete. The new Citizens will be able to ment on Lansing at 7:30 tonight at com¬ transportation in East JfUU can trust to have the latest styles. you " great selection of sizes. And it's friendly place to shop. Big Bells County Seat. Pinecrest School, 1811 Pine- crest Drive. The meeting will be held by the Transportation Advisory Committee to the Planning Commission, which is formu¬ 500 units of jeans available. *13." I-.lleetivc Dates It) 8-10 !•> COURffi! STORES lating the transportation aspect of the Comprehensive Plan. For the Levi's line that's so complete.' The Comprehensive Plan, adopted during the 1960s, was Meridian Mall intended to project the city's growth through 1980. But un¬ Now Open! foreseen problems outdated the plan, which serves as a guide to the Planning Commission in Phone: 349-1872 making decisions. Thursday, October 12, 1978 1 2 Michigan State News. East Lansing. Michigan Tisch, Headlee tax proposal debate (continued from page 1 > Bv limiting the taxes to 9.5 opponent Carl Levin with "poli¬ tical expediency" for support¬ "Then you're a tax shifter." percent of the personal income members of the audience in the state, the effects of the ing Headlee. Ferency said he shouted in unison with Feren Headlee amendment will only doubted any of them have read cy. be felt by families with high the amendment. "You guys are nitpicking." s he said. Severance answered. Meanwhile. 'These people should have Ferency said Ferency said property own Headlee limits governmental spoken to the problems of these ers will end up paying more in tax amendments, but they spending resulting in cutting other taxes in addition to losing off funds for social services. didn't," Ferency said. "Now the their federal tax deduction if horses are gone and not only is If and when the Headlee local property taxes are cut in the barn door locked, but the amendment becomes effective, half. barn may burn down because there will still be hundreds of we've only got four more weeks thousands of people in Michigan Calling the Headlee amend (before the election)." ment the more "insidious" of dependent on governmental services and they (s the two, Ferency lit into it. won't be there." There was no speaker present representing the supporters of the amendment. Ferency said the Headlee amendment will not cut or reform any taxes in Michigan. "Why do we need the dumb thing?" Ferency asked. "He- cause it is a national conspired right wing conservative effort Director's Choice to put a tax shelter for the rich Film Series in our constitution." Films by »»»»»» ($. Effl&R WM ALLEN XW PMSINTS GUEST LECTURER "It's true. "The Films of Woody Allen" People have trouble remembering My Words. Moses had by ERIC LAX such a bad memory I had to give him tablets." (Allen's Personal Biographer) MONDAY, OCTOBER 16 at 8:15 P.M. Fairchild Theatre FREE ADMISSION THE MALTESE FALCON TAKE THE MONEY Starring Humphrey Bogort, Peter Lorre, AND RUN (1969) TONIGHT WILSON 8:00 8 10:00 and Sydney Greenstreet Wednesday, October 18 0RODY7:00 8 9:00 Directed by John Huston. 1941 LAUGH-A-MINUTE COMEDY BANANAS (1971) The film adaptation of Dashiell Hammett's Wednesday, October 25 PORNO TONIGHT "TAKE OFF is one hell of a fine movie it easily eclipses the RETURN story about Sam Spade is probably the finest "private eye" film ever made "The Maltese EVERYTHING YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW other film I have every viewed its any porn position as great porn is unassailable. ... of the Pink Falcon" is the tale of several desperate individuals with an obsessive passion for the ABOUT SEX (1972) Monday, October 30 John Ne.lson Stole News "It's ONE HELL OF A HOT FILM! THE DIRT¬ Panther" much discussed but Falcon of Malta never seen Jeweled SLEEPER (1973) IEST, MOST EXCITING X-RATED VEN¬ see Peter Sellers Wednesday, November 15 TURE IN A LONG TIME. Thurs. 8:00,109 Anthony ) as inspector ciouseau p/ TIM BFCKLE1 HUSTLER MAGAZINE Fri. 7:30/9:30, 109 Anthony LOVE AND DEATH (1975) V L< o United Mien " Tuesday, November 21 'TAKE OFF' is the kind of flick " TONIGHT 7:30 8 9:30 Only M.50--No RHA Passes that could give porn a good name." STARTS FRIDAY ALL FILMS IN COLOR Gee Beav, Great Caesars Ghost, Coming Sat. and Sun. SHOWN AT 7:00 & 9:30 R.M, IN FAIRCHILD THEATRE. Live Long and Prosper The Movie Orgy Returns "Best porno¬ graphic movie in town." RATID TODAY OPEN 6:45 X SHOWS 7:00-9:25 showtime, 7:00.8:45. 10:30 showplace 100 Engineering Bldg. The only thing that could follow Murder is' Oeath admission 2.50 student 3.50 non-student First. AGATHA CHRISTIES MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS Now DEATH ON THE NILE as STARTS FRIDAY JACK NICHOLSON LATE Plus... "CURSE OF FRANKENSTIEN"; TODAY AND FRIDAY OPEN AT 7:00 pm SHOWS AT 7:35-9:30 pm Inkoduceig MSRV SIHMURGEN with JOtti B&USH OSKTOeetliOD DSecteoWJSatMCHOlSON ArownartPIcUe BSKKSSS' SHOWTIMES: M-F 7:15 A 9:30 SAT. 8 SUN.: 1:30.3:36.5:45.7:55. 10:00 Michigan Stale News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 12, 1978 13 5744 S. PENNSYLVANIA JUST NORTH OF 1-96 FREEWAY Mir riurt . nit uuiu intuit cum . mm iiiiih • OPEN DAILY 10 TO I • SUNDAY 11 NOON TO I • ONES SERVICE. DELIVERY IN OUR SERVICE AREA 14 Michigon Stote News. Eost loosing. Michigon Thursday, October 12, 1978 Automotive ^ Automotive ^ I BRtortycte jjaoj | Eepliyiit lffj] Employment ji Employneit Employment ji Claulfied Advertising MUSTANG II. 1974, AM'FM VOLVO, '73 145. Air, nice HONDA 1975, Like new. 100 COCKTAIL WAITRESS - ARBY'S ROAST BEEF taking PROGRAMMER ANALYST BABYSITTER PART-time stereo, 4 spped, radials, 4 interior Good tires. Under- miles. $450. 641-6750. part-time. Experience not applications for full and part- evenings for one child. 351- Information cyclinder. 42,000 miles, ex¬ coating. 349-1669. 12-10-30 (3) necessary. Nights, 6pm- time help, 351-6340. 270 W. Modern growing 488 bed 8454, 12-10-131 <3J cellent condition, $1625 or 12-10-20 (3) 2:30 am. 10 minutes from Grand River Ave., next to bus Lansing Hospital has an 40NE 355 1255 347 Student Sorvicoi Bldg best offer. 337-2707 after 7 MSU. HUDDLE SOUTH, 820 statipn. 3-10-12 (7) immediate opening for an GENERAL OFFICE Work, KAWASAKI, 1974 250 En- programmer Study, $3.50 and Hour. Jan, - p.m. 8 10-13 (6) duro. Excellent shape. $400 Miller Road, Lansing. experienced VOLVO 1974-144, or best offer. 337-7403. 882-7579. 8-10-19(6) WAITRESS - HOSTESS - analyst in an expanding data Pirqim. 487-6001 12 10-12(3) air. AM-FM stereo, 8-track, bartender cook. Part-time, processing center. MUSTANG 2 ^ 2 Hatchback, 8-10-13 (3) - DELIVERY HELP wanted. 1 day • 90< por lino Michelin tires, excellent con¬ RN-LPN Ideal candidate for this 1976, excellent condition, low nights. No Sundays. Apply at 3 days • W< por lino dition. 487 3984 after 5 p.m. KAWASAKI 1978 KZ 650 Acute care teaching hospital the DODGE HOUSE, 415 E. challenging, salaried position Must have own car. Apply at 4 doyt ■ 75C por lino mileage, Call days, 355-3354. 12-10 27 (4) with has full and part time staff will have 3 years experience LITTLE CAESAR'S after 4 Faring. Call Dan Saginaw at Cedar. nights 351 0395 12-10-13(5) 353 2418. 6-10-17 (3) in systems analysis, COBOL pm. 4-10-13 (4) I days • 70C por lino positions available for experi¬ 12-10-25(5) VOLKSWAGEN, 1972. Must enced registered nurses and programming and implemen¬ VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for OL.DSMOBILE DELTA 88- licensed practical nurses. We DISPATCH RESTAURANT tation of applications in the & drive to appreciate. lino roto por insortioi 1968. Loaded. Runs well. 332 3697 after 5 pm and week see Excellent condition. A real Employment [[ offer an excellent salary and benefit package. Please con¬ 6 LOUNGE- Looking for dependable persons. Wait¬ medical .field. Experienced in psychological experiment. Easy, interesting, $5 00 per Burroughs, data, communi¬ hour. 2 one hour sessions. Dr. gas saver. Phone 616-761 - cations would be desirable. ends 4 10 17 (4) WANTED PART-time help, tact Personnel Department, ress, Cook and Janitorial. 3422 or 517-224-7931. Simons, Psychiatry, 353- EconoLinos • 3 lines '4.00 ■ 5 days. 80' per l.ne over after 5:00 pm. LANSING GENERAL HOS¬ Assistant manager position In meeting hospital goals 3-10-12 (6! and weekends, 9242.3-J0J3 16) 3 lines. No odiustment m rate when cancelled OLDS DELTA 88 Royale, PITAL OSTEOPATHIC. 2800 also open. Will train. Call for a total information system 7-11 Store. Holt, Ml 694- Price of item(s) must be stated in od Maximum 1976. Air. cruise, AM-FM, VW BUS, 1972, excellent Devonshire, Lansing, Ml 374-0465. ask for Jerry. the Data Processing Depart SECRETARY WANTED, 9823. 12-10-19 (3) ment is sole price of 48909. 372-8220. 6-10-17 (8) developing on-line must be experienced. Part- MOO 47,000 miles. $3900. Call AM FM, Michelins. Negotia¬ Peanuts Personol ads '• 3 lines *2 25 per insertion. 373 5147 or 676-9453 ble. 351-8999. 8-10-20 (3) 12-10-25 (14) applications such as Person¬ time. Call 393-1700. APPLICATIONS NOW being ,prepayment1 12-10-20(4) RN OR LPN for skilled nurs¬ nel, Admitting, Registration, 3-10-13 (3) 75* per v.- taken for all positions. Apply '2 50 WAITRESSES NEEDED. Ap ing facility, excellent wages Utilizing Burroughs, Hard¬ Rummoge Garage Sole ods VW BUS, 1972, 9 passenger, in person, BONANZA FAM¬ ply in person at the BOOM and benefits. (LPN's start at ware and software. CREATIVE PERSON needed 63" per line over 4 lines • per mw ..w OPEL GT, 1970. 1 owner. to care 'or 3 year old. My good condition, 63,000 miles. ILY RESTAURANT. 1930 W. BOOM ROOM. 1-5 daily. See $4.90/hour). Call Jane Phillips The hospital offers an out¬ Round Town ods 4 lines • *2.50 per ■ Needs some work $700. Must sell, $1900 or best offer home, own transportation, • Grand River, Okemos. Mickey. 5-10-16 14) at 332-5061. 8-10-13 (5) standing fringe benefit pack¬ John - 353-2943 or 332- be available from 7:30 63' per line overs lines by Sunday, 9 pm. 1800 8-10-13 (6) must 6820. 12 10-27 (4) age that includes 3 weeks Lost I Founds ads Transportation ods • 3 Shubel. 482-8278. 3-10-13 (6) JANITORIAL POSITIONS vacation and tuition refund am until December 4. Hours SPECIAL EDUCATION por insertion 50' per line over 3 linei RETAIL CLERK. Person with available, experience prefer¬ after 1 year employment. The & pay negotiable. 332-4757. PINTO, 1974. Air, radio, vinyl TEACHER - approval E.I. 3-10-13(71 VW 1971 Squareback. Low hardware sales experience. red, part-time, evenings & hospital offers-paid holidays, roof, luggage rack. 49,000 weekends. Apply in person, preferred. Interest in and/or mileage. Excellent condition, Call CAPITOL CITY HARD¬ health insurance pension and WANTED FOUR busboys. Deadlines miles. No rust. Call 351-4147 AM-FM radio. Radial tires. MERIDIAN MALL, Okemos. experience with secondary WARE, 694 7000. Ask for students with income protection. Salary is 4-5 dinners per week. 332 after 5 pm 6-10-18 (5) $1150. Phone 351-9177. 10-10-16 (5) learning and commensurate with experi¬ Ads - 2 p.m -1 class day before publication Don Olson. 8-10-13 (6) behavior, problems. Operate 0955. 2 10 12 13) 7 10-20 (5) ence. Apply in Confidence to: Cancellation Change 1 p.m. - I class day before PLYMOUTH FURY. 1966. AD ARTIST for vocational evaluation pro¬ BABYSITTER NEEDED in my portraiture. ROSS P. ALANDER BABYSITTER NEEDED for 8 publication. Runs good $1150 or best VW SCIROCCO 1975 excel¬ Slick, quality work. Will pay gram (C.O.A.T. system), ASSISTANT PERSONNEL month old boy in our home Once od is ordered it connot be cancelled or changed offer. 355-1196. 5-10-18(3) East Lansing home. Full time, teach pre-vocational skills in lent, Tuff Kote, AM/FM 8 well. Call Daniel, 485-3482 DIRECTOR I very close to campus). 10 until after 1st insertion own transportation. Call 332- track and cassette, new after 7 pm. S-5-10-13 (4) work experience. Contact E.W. SPARROW HOSPITAL consecutive Wednesdays, 9 There is a *1 00 charge for I ad chonge plus 50' per PLYMOUTH HORIZON 1978. 5351 after 6. 8-10-13 (5) paint, tires, many extras. Personnel, 676-3268. 1215 E.MICHIGAN AVE. 6 pm. Must be experienced additional change for moximum of 3 changes Front wheel drive, radials, WANTED SUBSTITUTE X-8-10-12 332-3923. 8-10-13 (5) LANSING, MICH. 48909 with infants. Own transporta¬ The State News will only be responsible for the 1st automatic. 5500 miles, 7 PERMANENT PART-time TEACHERS for PORTLAND tion. 332 4978. 2-10-12 (7) day's incorrect insertion Adjustment claims must months of warranty left. WANTED CLEAN, used, Im¬ work. We have several im¬ PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Call UNIFORMED SECURITY of¬ A non-discriminatory, Affir¬ be mode within 10 days of expiration date $4195 Call after 6 pm.. port and sub compact cars. mediate openings for cup 1-647-4161. 12-10-25 (4) mative action employer. SECRETARY - MATURE per¬ ficers and store detectives Bills ore due 7 doys from ad expiration date If not 349-0687 5-10-13(6) Call Williams VW. 484-1341. packers in our factory. Satur¬ 5-10-18 (45) son preferred. Hours flexible needed. Full or part-time. CJ 14-10-31 14) STUDENTS Please send resume to Doug paid by due dote o 50' lote service charge will day's and/or Sundays only. majors preferred. 641-4562. PLYMOUTH.DUSTER. 1974, With Christmas less than 2 PHONE SALES-tickets. Sticks, 2724 E. Michigan, be due Openings available on all X 0-22 10 31 (4) good condition Call 394-4956 aher 6 p.m 12-10-17 (3) Mb Savin T/. shifts. Call DART CONTAIN¬ ER CORPORATION, Person¬ Vi months away, you're probably beginning to won¬ EAST LANSING Tire Store Downtown Lansing offices, Lansing, 48912, or call 484 hourly, evenings, hours flexi¬ 8417 3-10-13 16) der how you are going to GOCfD USED tires and snow nel Office. 676-3800. ext. 282. needs tire and wheel ble, transportation arranged. RN's URGENTLY needed at 1 Aitwtive ||»j Automotive 'A PLYMOUTH SATELLITE, tires, 13-14-15 inch. Mounted 8-10-13 (9) afford the "perfect" gifts for changer. Full time and part Call after 1:30 pm., 372-8459. community hospital especial¬ 1972 Green, excellent run¬ your family or that special time positions open. Experi¬ 8-10-23-16) free. Used wheels and hub ly for 11-7 shift Full or part ning condition, just tuned. ence necessary. Phone Stan ACME GREEN Hornet wag¬ FIATX19, 1974, 23,000 miles. caps. PENNELL SALES, 1825 WANTED-SHAKLEE SU¬ time Call Eaton Rapids Com¬ Call 355-1667. 3-10-13 (4) We can help you out. 332-6545. 14-10-16 (61 SECRETARY FOR small of¬ on. 1974 Needs some work. Super condition. $2,800, or E. Michigan, Lansing, Michi¬ PERVISORS, Bonus car, in¬ munity Hospital 663 2671. fice needed immediately, Must sell this week. $750 or best offer. Call 349-2786. PLYMOUTH WINDOW van, gan 48912. 482-5818. surance benefits. Will train. WE need TYPISTS, STENO¬ 12-10-17 (6) C-22-10-31 17) PART-TIME jobs-flexible 10am-3pm. Monday-Friday. best offer. 371-3265 eve¬ 12-10-13 (3) 1975, 37,000 miles, excellent Call evenings Monday-Friday. GRAPHERS, KEYPUNCH hours, $4.75 per hour. Car Call 372-8265 after 6 pm. THE INGHAM Intermediate nings. 3-10-13 15) 351-8533. X-12-10-16 (5) OPERATORS, and CLERK condition, $3750. 351-5879. necessary. Call between 4 2-10-13(4) FORD MUSTANG TYPISTS to work temporary School District is taking ap¬ Ghia. 8-10-17(4) and 6 pm., BUICK ELECTRA, 1971.. 1975 Best offer over $2000. assignments in Lansing, East 374-6328. plications for substitute RECEPTIONIST - PART- COOKS-20-30 hours. No ex¬ Great condition, stereo, tape, 882-6594 3-10-13 131 PONTIAC CATALINA. 1968. TIME 11am.-5pm„ 5 days per Lansing, Okemos and other 0-8-10-^9(4) teachers for special educa¬ perience necessary. Apply in tion and vocational education loaded. 332-3383. 6-10-16 (3) surrounding communities. TEACHERS-HUNDREDS of Runs well but needs engine week. Experience required. person to CONNOR'S WEST, FORD FIESTA-1978. loadea programs. $33 day. Contact work. 80,000 miles. $100. Call Must have pleasant tele¬ $3.00-$4.50/hour openings. FOREIGN & DO¬ 3231 W. Saginaw. 1 2 mile Personnel. 676 CAMARO. 1974. 41,000 with options, low mileage Full MESTIC TEACHERS, Box 32§8 351-0390. E 5-10-16 (4) and part-time assign¬ east of Waverly. miles, 669-3904 12-10-12 (3) phone manners. Located 1063, Vancouver Wa., 98666. 8-10-12(81 good condition, sporty. ments are available. Salaries 8-10-23 (5) 484-6596 5-10-18(3) near Capitol City Airport. 4-10-17 141 are commensurate with skills PORSCHE 1972 914. Black Phone Joyce, 323-4770. WAITRESSES AND waiters FORD VAN-1977, 12,000 and/or experience, and sev¬ DEALER REPRESENTA with black interior 5 speed. 12-10-19(8) needed. Full and part-time CATAUNA. 1968- good miles, automatic, power eral positions require little or TELEPHONE SOLICITA¬ TIVE-nation whole floor plan¬ AM-FM. Radials. Excellent openings. Experience prefer¬ shape. Fine winter car $350. steering b brakes, $4800, condition $2950 349-3821. no training at all. TION, part time evening work ning company has opening red. Apply in person at WANTED - DELIVERY men 337-0333. 4-10-17 (3) negotiable, 669-3904 Give us a call. December 25th for local construction com¬ for career-minded person in 12-10-1213) 12 10-16(5) part-time, morning or after¬ FAMOUS TACO, 539 E will be here before you know pany: ANDERSON BEERS the finance field. Prefer some CHEVY DELRAY, 1958. V-8 noon. Must be reliable and CO. 372-6343 or 489-7400. Michigan. 8-10-12 15) TOYOTA CELICA ST, 1973, collection and travel experi¬ have good drivjng record. automatic. Body good. $600. 7 10-20- (6) ence, but we will consider $1850 Call 373-3120 (days); Call Bob Aldrich. 882-0208. CLERKS-ADULT bookstore, 372-5337. 12-10-27 (3) MANPOWER. INC. 372-1811 evenings. 12-10-24 (6) aggressive self starter. Com¬ VELVET FINGERS. 489-2278. BABYSITTER-MONDAY- plete benefit program and BL 1 10 12 (3) 601 N. CAPITOL 25-10-31 (3) Thursday. 3:30-6 pm. Own company car provided. Send CHEVROLET VAN, blue, GAME ROOM personnel. 372-0880 1974.350 - V8. 56,000 miles. Transportation. $25 per resume to FINANCE AMER¬ TOYOTA CELICA GT, 1977, Young ladies preferred. Good 5-10-13 (36) week. 349-5853. $2400 or best offer. 371-4818. MASON BODY Shop, 812 E. ICA, PRIVATE BRANDS, yellow. Cassette, air. deluxe, pay-($180/week and up)- 2-10-1314) APPLES 12-10-24 (31 $5200 best offer. Call Kalamazoo, since 1940. Auto benefits and pleasant work¬ INC., 5979 East Livingston painting-collision service. Ave., Suite 210 Columbus, CIDER 694 7584 any time. ing positions. Excellent posi¬ BABYSITTING IN my East CORDOBA 1977 21,000 American-Foreign cars. 485- OVERSEAS JOBS - Sum¬ Ohio, 43227. A Bank America 8-10-12(4) tions for student, full and NONET miles. Loaded. Black. $4100. 0256-0:22-10-^1.(5) mer/full time. Europe, S. Lansing home. 3 days per Company. Equal Opportunity part-time. Apply in person America, Australia, Asia, etc. week. Student wife pre¬ Employer. 2-10-13 (161 332-7599. 4-10-13 I3l TOYOTA CORONA 1972. COMPLETE STOCK of re¬ only. CINEMA X, 1000 Jolly All fields, $500 $ 1200 month¬ ferred. Own transportation. BLOSSOM ORCHARDS Low mileage. Excellent con¬ built foreign car alternators, Road. 0-22-10-31 (9) References. $1.75 per hour. 3MILES N. OF Leslie COUGAR 1969-Eliminator. ly, expenses paid, sightsee¬ MCDONALD'S RESTAU¬ dition. Asking $1500. 482- generators, and starters at 351-4295. 3-10-16 (6) New paint job, '73 engine, 6125. 8-10-20 (3) CHEQUERED FLAG FOR¬ ing. Free information. Write, RANT of East Lansing is now on Hull Rd. iOOK HKRRIMAN WAITERS, WAITRESSES INTERNATIONAL JOB taking applications for full (old U.S. 127) ?I2W. 332*5185 evenings*"6 VW VOLVO MAZDA/ TRIUMPH TR6, 1970. $500 EIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalamazoo Street. 487-5055. and buspersons to lunch hours. work Apply in person CENTER, Box 4490-ME, YOUNG, GROWING CPA firm, moving to E. Lansing, is and part time employment for Hours: 9anv6pm 4-10-16 (4) 6135 W. SAGINAW V Berkeley. CA 94704. all shifts, (day or night) Apply One mile west of campus. only at PERRY'S OLD COZY seeking students (or student CLOSED MONDAYS Runs good Body needs 12-10-18 (10) from 8-10 a.m. or 2-4 p.m. C-10-10-2017) INN. 1146 S. Washington. wives) in accounting b fi¬ CUTLASS SUPREME. 1973 321-6900 some work. 394-6154. Monday-Friday. 12-10-13 (7) Phone: 1-589-8251 Accountant & book¬ Excellent condition, power MtTh til 9 'doted Sot.) 12-10-27(3! FOR SALE, AM/FM radio for 7J0-13J6) MANAGER TRAINEE. No nance. late model GM car. 332-0730. experience necessary, will keeper; keypunch: and secre¬ windows, defogger, new Die¬ PART-TIME JANITORIAL KIDS BACK in school? Sell Pick your own apples TRIUMPH TR-6,1971 - Runs 3-10-13 (3) train. Prefer college graduate. tary. Full time. 482-1618. hard. loaded 332-1671. U«ta|MdRWMlT work. 10-15 hours/week. good, looks good $2200 or Full benefits. Call Chet Wos- 8 10-17 (6) AVON. Good earnings, flexi¬ Saturday and Sunday 12-10-14 i3) Tuesdays, Thursdays, Satur¬ best offer. 655-2957. JUNK CARS wanted. Also ko. MERIDIAN THEATRES. ble hours that let you come 10 om-5 pm days. WILLIAMS VOLKS¬ home when your kids do. For ARTIST - TALENT and imag¬ Gift cutlass supreme, 1975 sRArjD torino 1973, $750 5-10-1613) selling used parts. Phone 321- WAGEN. 484-1341, ask for Monday-Friday, 12-6 pm at details, 482-6893. Packages 349-5201. 5-10-16 (7) ination a must. Velvet Fin- New steel radials landau 4 "a,7mv' 3651. C-22-10-31 (3) Dave Keenan. 5-10-13 (5) C-17-10-31 (5) shipped UPS gers-489 2278. 12-10-12 (3) top $2550 353-1426 f,12-10-25w?,?0' 141 TRIUMPH TR7,1976, Victory 2 10-12 131 edition. Clean, loaded. 485- 9825 after 4 pm. DATSUN B-210,1976-2 door, GMC VAN, 1975. Excellent 12-10-26'4) RUN FOR THE U.S. SENATE automatic, 5-1003 '3> Ziebarted. mech¬ anically A-1. $2295 339-3646. condition, offer. 487-0466 stereo, GREMLIN. 1972. New radials, air. Best 8-10-19 (3) TRIUMPH TR7, 1976- Rust proof. AM FM. Excellent con¬ WITH CARL LEVIN j, PEOPLE REACHER DATSUN, 1974 Stereo, Cassette, $4700 349-5761 evenings. V 260Z, air, 4 speed. muffler, battery. 53,000 $875 or best offer. 321-2027. S-5-10-12 13) dition 332-8346 after 5. 12 10-16 (3) SUNDAY, OCTOBER IS I p.m. starting tima WANT AD X-8-10-19 (31 VEGA GT, 1973.AM/FM, HONDA CIVIC, 1974. 45,000 snow tires, new muffler sys¬ 11a.m. registration at Kobs Field Just compUt* form and 1972 DATSUN 510 Station miles, good condition, just tem, $500. 355-5803. (on the MSU Campus) muil with paumeut to: Wagon. Automatic. Call tuned. 655-1204, 655-1943. 5-10-13(3) 655-1681. 12-10-16 (3) 5-10-13 13) State AY ws Classified Dept. FIAT 1974. Four door. 41,000 MAVERICK 1974-Runs great, VEGA WAGON 1973- Good condition. Call after 6pm. 347Student Services Bldg. miles. Best offer. Call 353 new starter, heater, brakes. 9494 Ask for Lily. clutch 372-0528. 339 3634. 4-10-16(3) East Lansing, Mich. 48823 X 3-10-12 (3i 5-10-19(3) VEGA, WAGON, 1976 36,000 FIAT, '75 Spyder. Excellent MG MIDGET 1970 very sharp, miles, 4 speed, no rust. Call Address . condition. $3500 Call 484- $1100 or best offer. 322-0419. evenings, 394-5297. 3994. 12-10-12 (3) 8-10-17 (3) FOR INFORMATION. CALL: 487-Un 8-10-16 (3) City Preferred Insertion Date WE'VEMOVED! 25 chorocters in line, including punctuation and spaces between words. All FREE CARTRIDGE* WITH a departments but audio moved to our now EVERY USED TURNTABLE Print Ad here FRANDOR LOCATION The North Door of Frandor PURCHASE Just Bring in this coupon to 337-9700 CIRCLE RATE WANTED 3 LINE MINIMUM Vjutt HI-FI BUYS ocacaincarairara ajEJifjQEiracDm Copt Doris Centers 1101 GRAND RIVER OClOCOLlJLLlEDED Nurse Plocement Officer ■A * MUSIC CO. EMDIOEEJEDEOETlFn 23400 Michigon Ave Frandor Shopping Canter * Limited to □EJIUElEElEnEQEO Doorborn Michigon Availability, compatability, UEJCUtOEDEDCIlCO 313 561-7011 7019 337-9700 and the discretion of our staff. 1 |HI|R«|MTMIMI* The North Door of Frandor" <1 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 12, 1978 I5 The State News Yellow Page [■ployunt Employment fi [~ Heists Jjfcj For Sale ^ SECRETARIES, TYPISTS FULL TIME, part time recep APPLE CRATES - new for STUDENTS WF have Business — Service and general office Good skills with 60 wpm, temporary and long working days 8 5. Secretarial work. tionists. TALS, 337 7176 S 5 10 18 13) Call HOME AND OFFICE REN MAJESTY many houses, available apartments, plexes. Let us help you find a rental close to campus. CAP rentals, du¬ albums, books, etc $2.50 each. 332 5091. 5 10 13 131 SOFA BED, $45. 6 V. folds flat, Herculon, excel¬ feet, ITAL RESIDENTIAL & COM Office Services, 321 -6878. JANITORS PART TIME lent. 332 6663. 15 10-24(31 Directory MERCIAL RENTAL SERVICE 10J013 (8) Experienced. Night hours. 2.85 to start. 694 7864 OpenMonday-Friday, 9 am - GOT YOUR OORM FLOOR SALES PERSON/ fund raiser 8 pm, Saturday and Sunday 5-10 18 (3) SHIRTS YET? SPORTS LET Valuable 10 am 5 pm. 2600 S. experience. Work TERING does Comes see us Cedar 394 1110. Fee Study or academic credit. BABYSITTER NEEDED, part at 2227 W Grand River, TRAVEL GUMMA'S SHOES HEALTH FOOB BARBER Pirgim, 487-6001. Ask for time, 1 year old. M.S.U. 6 10 16 (111 Okemos, 349-5184 Prices; Steve or Jan. Affirmative married $2 60 each and up. housing. 321 1911. LANSING: NEED two stu¬ Action Employer. 4 10 12 (61 12 10-27 (3) 10% DISCOUNT MM;] inj X-5-10 dents to fill four bedroom 1? (7) house. $77 50 per month plus to oil M5U PIZZA COOKS wanted Ex MUNARI SKI boots, s e 8'A. COEDS. PART-TIME for utihtes 487 2063 3 10-12 (4) air mail atudonti perience necessary. Must be Used one season. $45. - cocktail waitress. Will train tours • cruises neat. Apply 394 6080 after 2:30 pm. hotel reservations ^^■VOUR CHILDREN'S on purchaMi of $2 for bartender job. SILVIOS in person WOMAN HOUSEMATE between 2-4 pm Thursday 5-10-13 (31 SHOE STORE or morn, yogurt! LOUNGE, 489 9662. Ask for wanted, own bedroom, close COURSE TRAVEL IN FRANDOR ond brood! onludod only. THE ALLE EY NITE to bus. $105. 485 7028. Jerry. 10-10-13 (5) CLUB. 220 MAC. SEWING MACHINES new Ufa nti aad I'hMrvr'i SHOES Dannon Yogurt 31' 8-10-20 (31 Free arm machines from OFFICE • Widths B FEL NEWSLETTER EDITOR. 1 1012(6) $99 50. Guaranteed used ma 130 W. Grand Rhrtf ' Orthopedic Shun RAHOAU HEALTH FOOD Writing, production and dis¬ PART TIME EAST SIDE nice large, 3 chines from $39.50. All makes bedroom, $285 plus. Avail¬ • Tap and BaHet tribution. Work Study. Jan or Eait Laming NEEDED IMMEDIATELY repaired EDWARDS DIS • P.F. Flyers Brooktlold Ploia Steve. Pirgim. 487-6001. able immedw'ely. Phone 351- • Cowboy Booli Hall supervisors for East Lan¬ TRIBUTINC, CO 1115 N 351-6010 1311 E. Grand Rivor 12-10-12 (5) 4315 after 7 pm • Houk Slippers sing High School. $4,10 per Washington, 489 t>448 332-6392 hour if the employee com¬ C 22 10 31 -71 ^NSTRAVEL MOMSSIONALS" 361-4747 FULLTIME BARTENDER wanted. Immediate opening. pletes the year, otherwise, BICYCLE SHOP TOBACCOMST OPTICAL SERVICE Experience preferred. Apply $3.10 per hour, 2 hours per •\S'ANT CASH1 w.-re pay- day. For more info, contact $1-$2 for alDuns -r> good in person. FAMOUS TACO, NIAR THIS FROM THI TOR EAST LANSING HIGH WAZOO H- ORDS CO-OPTICAL 539 E. Michigan. 8-10-12 (5) SCHOOL. 332 2545. Ask for shape 223 Abbot-. 337-0947. AT TIM STORB WITH THB Dr. Meulendyke C 22 10-31 (4) SERVICES PART-TIME employment for MSU Students, automobile OR 8-10-16 (11) USED •Cigar.lt. 6». We have in .took - thrtUnilni'iOoIr required. 339-9500. C-22-10 31 13) CHILD CARE needed tor 5 • SbenHAB - Dunhfll • Sobraine CwpRfStha Optkel) year old girl daily 2:30-5.30 ard up DFNNiS UtSTRi• 'Pipet by SavineUi Own transportation and ret BulING v.CMPANv 3'6 N WAITRESS-FULL and pari needed. 332 0985 at Cedar 482 2677 •21 Red Door pipe tobacco blends • EYES EXAMINED time. Experience not neces¬ erences EAC'JLTY HOUSE troir. )e ter 6 pm. 12-10 23(6) C 22 10 31 5' 4 Ikol eifwHU nhU| U iuger— ri • GLASSES sary, only willingness to comber 26 July 1 COM • CONTACT LENS work. Apply in person only. RELIABLE BABYSITTER PLETELY furmshf! F,re¬ LARGE SELECTION of Richard's Pigeon Inn, 4105 N. place, family room, and 3-4 Groesbeck area. $2 hour frames, giasses for everyone Cam^LeLL'B^^Siitsfe® East St. Lansing. 6-10-12(6) Shot 1)31I. Grand Rim IrMkfkW mrir Children 2-4 years 485-6469 bedrooms References 332 at OPTICAL DlS'OUNT. 6-10 13(41 3101 12 10 26 <61 SECRETARY WORK study 2617 E. Michigan, Lansing. 3S1 • S330 NEAR PENNSYLVANIA and 372-7409 C 5-10-13 (5) required. General Office DENTAL CHAIRSIDE assis GUM SHOP AUTO CLINICS work. Typing 50wpm. Call tant with experience for or- Kalamazoo. 3 bedroom house 10 SPEED Fuji Man's blue 353-4414 or see M. Murphy in thordontic office. Liberal ben Carpeting, garage, and large 27". Excellent condition. $75. SPARTAN COACHMASTER CORP. room 8 Student Services. 7 10-13 (5) efits. Days call 482-9695, yard Prefer adults. $225 month. 351-7497 Call 485-2629. E-5 10-13 (3) MUFFLER CENTER evenings, 321-1763. O VINYL ROOFS 12 10-23(5) O 17 10-31 (61 APARTMENT ROOM Largest Selection of Handguns 'MIMES * 0 BODY SIDE MOLDING 0 PINSTRIPING HOSTESS 1ST - - RECEPTION part-time. Personable NEAR LAINGSBUPG, Colby NEEDS. Chairs, table, silver¬ SHOCKS Lake Rd. Needed. 1 man for ware. lamps, drapes, sewing "We got the PRECONDITIONING young lady. Flexible hours for machine, record player, etc. boat year round * FRONT END WORK OTIRE CUSTOMIZING your classes. Send recent country farmhouse $75-100 • • ETC1 /k photo - brief resume to: 351 7497 O 17 10-31 (4) Ali cheap. 332 3194. Very IMS BOS REFRIGERATORS, 2 cube, prices in Southern Bruce Carr, P.O. Box 21053, form size, free delivery. UNI¬ close to MRU 3-10-^'fi' • rifles GET YOUR Michigan" STUDENT DISCOUNT CAR SHARI Lansing, Ml 48910. TED RENT-ALL. 351 5652 MODERN - 7 bedroom 24" WOMAN'S bicycle, ten • M|HS ON All WORK 10-10-18 17) 8-10-18 (4) house. Furnished, carpeted, speed, excellent condition. clean Near Campus. 393- BOBS GUH SHOP WITH I.D. SALES PEOPLE, full and part 7368 0-15 10 31 '4i 393 0723 £-5 10-16:3) litq.nit RM 717 S. PENNSYLVANIA time, men's and boys retail clothing, experience neces¬ [ Mxtsiits |¥ 619 VIRGINIA, for 3 or 4. SEARS 1 f NMORE portable d.shw.i>- $70 349 5822 or UL2222 sary. phone 351 -4396. ROOMMATE NEEDED ma Lease and deposit required. - 343 34'* E 5 10 16 '31 CLEARING SERVICE CATERING 8 10-16(5) Call Craig after 6 pm AUTO CLINICS REAL ESTATE ture individual, preferably 655-1255 12-10 18 4) NURSES -RN, LPN, GPN. graduate, to share 2 bedroom FENDER ^TRATC'wASlER MSI) UNION Join the growing field of apartment. $120 332 5464 2 ROOMS in house, on bus 1956 EXCELLENT ORI¬ OKEMOS AUTO "*a Claa Ewytkiil" H 5-10-13 (41 line $66 month. 135 North GINAL CONDITION - much geriatric nursing. Charge • dormitories CATERING nurse positions, 11 pm-7 am Hayford 371 4731 or much more WILCOX CLINIC U apartments Excellent benefits. Individual 1 BEDROOM apartment. 1 block from campus at Umver 351 1500 4-10 '3 14' TRADING POST. 509 E. Ml. hic;an. 485 4391 Open Grand River-Porklake Rd. O bulinnnni "Catering Specialists' orientation or refresher avail¬ able. sity Village, furnished or un i/AMPUS NEAR-Mnder, 7 9 30 am. • 6 pm Outstanding "The big, green building Ootficm ft •Wedding Receptions •Breakfasts, lunch¬ awaiting your team leadership. Contact Mrs. Siddall at PRO¬ furnished, 394-2404 month. S-5-10-12 (5) $190 bedroom house, carpeted 485-436 furnished C 22 K. 31 "3 at the bridge." 321-0641 or eons. Dinners VINCIAL HOUSE SOUTH, 19 10 31 <3t HCA u' ' •Bar Set ups 2 BEDROOM upstairs apart 882-2458, Monday-Friday. ment. central Lansing, only 332-1993 •Toke-out Service 3 BEDROOMS fireplace car „ • d0 3S1-313P 9am- 5pm. 8-10-20 112) minutes to campus via 496 furnishings. E 5 10 16 • ALL YOU NEED The fed Estate Place Dependable aCMS* L •Meeting Rooms ond Equipment SECRETARY IN Haslett, flex¬ $175 + electricity. Call 485 peted. some Near campus $350 ♦ utih To Know About 5000 s hagacCm ecScnsog t Honest i &J'* ible, part-time hours. Office 6958, 7-10 pm. 12-10-26 (5) 487 2166. Available now CONN DIRECTOR coronet, Your CAR 355-3465 skills required, Nancy, 339- X 12 10 23 14) new, $175. Conn director 9500 SUBLET BIRCHFIELD trumpet, reconditioned, $150. ci3J9:1i apartments. 2 bedrooms. 2 Ovation guitar, like new, COUNSELING SERVICES NURSES AIDES-experience baths, $235 monthly. $185 Rooas $250 Matador banjo in very preferred, however will train deposit. 882-8021. good condition, $125. Call Free Pregnancy feting WOMEN'S COUNSELING PROBLEM Jlrnumciul 11uspit.il on the job. Openings on all 3 12-20-26(4) FEMALE CHRISTIAN needs after 2. 349-3114 Counseling Services PREGNANCY 1226 Eost Michigan Ave. shifts. Apply at PROVINCIAL roommate to share two bed 12 10-1717) Pregnancy Terminations CENTER 2 Blocks Eost of Pennsylvania Avt HOUSE SOUTH, 2100 Pro¬ ONE OR two females needed room, 2 bath apartment. Pen¬ 372-1560 24 Hours for furnished apartment next GENUINE BAR style foosbali GynecotogtalCare 927 E.GRAND RIVER FAMILY PRACTICE vincial Drive, off Aurelius ny Lane off Jolly Rd Call 394- (ocron from Bogu* St. MARITAL PROBLEMS? to campus. 332-4432. table. Asking $450. Like new. Family Planning campus entrance) DEPARTMENT Road, 9am-5pm. Monday-Fri¬ 6523 before 9am or between Phone 337 9466 2 10 13 14) NEED TO TALK? 22-10-31 (31 day. 8-10-20 (8) 9pm.-11pm. 4-10-16 (61 4737 Mor?hlJ.^uito B MOamMOpm 2 ROOM efficiency unfur¬ DORM SIZE refrigerator. SKI RENTAL shop need part LARGE ROOM for one or 2 CATHOLIC Mondays—Fridays nished private entrance, bath Excellent condition $65. 485 Okamoi (behind Mol|ors) time person, cashiering ex¬ mature people in quiet house aiomai SOCIAL Appointmants Profarrod parking, $140 utilities in¬ 0635 E-5 10 18 (3) see-ieee ■ Non-Emergency Care perience desirable, 339-9523. cluded. 353-5187 days near campus 351-8962 oI LSI MRVICIS I Physician Services Avoilable 3-10-13 (4) 10-10-24 (5) 8J0-20J3) PENTAX ME SLR Camera, (Con Help) Laboratory! Pharmacy! X-Roy FULL AND PART TIME PO¬ PRIVATE ROOMS in modern Canon TX. Nikkor slide pro¬ EAST LANSING. 1 bedroom house, near campus Fur LUu— Coll 372-4020 For Information, SITIONS jector. plus much more WIL UMKNg-! "HBO HELMS WMER" modestly priced. Some pets mshed. carpeted, kitchen. COX TRADING POST 509 E E°114'5-"71 open in the Lansing area. considered. Phone days, 351 - 393 7368 O 15-10 31 i4) Friendliest convenience food Michigan 485-4391 Open BEAUTY SALONS COPY SPECIALISTS store. Great opportunity for 3172. O 15-10-31 (4) 9 30 am 6 pm. full time employment or sup¬ 14 10 31 17) 1 or 2 females from campus 332 2564 Be 3324122 plement to your financial 337-9836 L IOHTING needs while at M.S.U. Ex¬ cellent working conditions wanted for furnished apartment hind Campus 5 10 13(31 Corners II. ROSSIGNOL W marker SKIS 200cm. bindings. $60. lORIDRIN-t nights and weekends, but Weights. 70 lbs. of discs. + 3 L ITXO hours are flexible. Pay based on hours available and experi¬ next to campus for Sale bars Total weight 90 lbs. $10. 337 2561 9 10 am 5 6pm. HAIR CARE CENTER 331-4437 S 5-10-18 (5) Serving the printing ence. Must have auto trans¬ FOR MEN 6 WOMEN needs of Students, fac portation. See Mr. Vint or Mr. FOR SALE. Roy Craft. 1 Ryan at the Min A Mart, 2168 EAST LANSING, 1 and 2 bedroom with fireplace, a«r SAVE MONEY when you buy ulty and staff of MSU. W. Grand River, Okemos. Includes central shearling (sheepskin) coat. bedrooms. conditioner, close to M SU a The Ultimate in Wait and Skin Care tor Today Monday October 16, 6pm- air, car ports, dishwasher, 1 521 4070. 8 10 12 '4t Direct from my father's fac Phone 349-0430 COMPLETE RESUME SERVICE 9pm. 4-10-16 (18) drapes. From $220. Some tory >n New York. Mens and 355 8102 4663 Ardmore 394-2995 pets considered. 332-3900 FOR THE best m stereo womens MODELS-$10'hour Apply STEREO 5 10 18(61 9.56 Irowbridgc Road • hjsl Lansing, Michigan -18823 1411 S. Cudur. turning days. 332-7461 evenings. service. THE Okemos, Michigan 48864 VELVET FINGERS. Call 489- 0-15 10-31 171 SHOPPE'555 E.Grand R«v- MAGIC SALE MICHIGAN 2278. 25 10 31 (3) C 22 10-31 (3) 1HEATRICAL 6 MAGIC PHOTOGRAPHY MOVERS FEMALE PROFESSIONAL to SUPPLY COMPANY is liqu. HIRING- IMMEDIATELY share new home, South Lan VISIT MID MIC I i3AN •" ZOOM IN ON cooks, busboys, waiters, bar¬ tenders. Days and'or nights. sing, $200/month. 394 6555 lamest us?""1 OUR PO bookshop C' >HOF 307 r- n'.iO'' james b Hallow-en evenings. 12 10 27 (4! A: TEMS 55^ EKTACHROME SLIDE BUSINESS Inquire in person only, KEL¬ Neve' ;o be . repeated LY'S RESTAURANT. Haga PROCESSING dorn at Lake Lansing Road in 12 FEMALES to shaie large JJZO'U C22 T0-3' (b , . es Friuav 19 pm, S?>tur- room in spacious townhouse. 12 9 Sucdav '2-5 • In by 9 a.m., Out by 2 p.m. to the Carriage Hills Shopping 394 1760 1 v pm E. Jolly Road. PERSIAN LAMB cape. $40: Greencliff. East • In Same Day by 12 noon, Out by 4 p.m. advertise Ibgether Center. 12-10-13 (8) 5-10-18(4) winter hooded jacket. $25; pm Lansing. 332 2671 0540. I excellent condition; 332-5303. 2 10-13(11) Same Day weekly labor and LICENSEO time or NURSES. afternoons. 24 bed Part FEMALE WANTED to share 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment. E 5 10 16 (3) call WHITE MONKEY burn-out basic nursing home. 489- Photo Mart we'll move 1701. 5-10-17 (4) Must furnish own room. Se curity deposit required. Call SCHWINN VARSITY 10 bongs - only $2 (collector's speed bike 26 inch. Excellent edition). The only full line of 2312 E. Michigan, Laming Mary, 373-9527. 9am 5pm or 414-7741 I'- 3558255 you LOCAL AMWAY Distributor 351 1224 evenings and week condition. $85. 349 2909 head supplies in town. Whip is helping many persons earn Mike. E 5-10 16 (4) pets, pipes, papers, clips, Call 372-8265 money working 2-4 hours a ends. 2-10-13 (8) waterbeds, tapestries, and all LADIES 27" Schwinn Travel¬ day. We can help you. For your high supplies. 117 N. HORSE OPAROWC COSTUME RENTAL appointment call 1-723-6055. FEMALE APARTMENT mate er New condition Only rid¬ Hainson Road (across from needed Own bedroom den 6 times $150. negotiable. 8-10-12 (5) $120/month. Penny Lane 394 2454 5 10 16 141 HORSE BOARDING ■I BOMIONIDIFFIRINT Apartments. Call Before 3:30 COOKS AND p.m., 393-0723. THUNDERBIRD. 1969 2 SKIS, 6*3" with boots and THIS H ALLOWIIN CONNORS FAMILY COFFEE 4-10-17 14) $700 or best poles. Never used. $80. 332- Give you and your horsa tha bag? I SHOP WEST. Full and part- door, automatic, offer. GE electric stove, self 6399. Z 2 1013 (3) Call: COSTUME RENTAL SERVICE time available. No experience necessary. 3231 W. Saginaw, 2 PEOPLE needed to sublet 2 cleaning oven. Sensi-temp. COLOR T.V. 12" Panasonic person apartment. Immediate $250 332-6188 3 10 13 (5) Quality Feed. Largo Box Stalls 60x144' 321-6472 !/} mile east of Waverly. occupancy, BIRCHFIELD almost new. Best offer. 349- 12 10-18 (8) APARTMENTS. Call after 6 5829 anytime. 5-10 17 (3) Lighted Indoor Arena. Huge Outdoor CURRENT PAPERBACK pm, 393 4956. 8 10 19 14) books, fiction, 3 for $1.00. Areno. Yeor Round Training and Riding RN, MED surgical supervisor, OVER 2500 cheap albums Call 482 7396. E-5 10 17 13) 25C and up--all types -hits to e Adult Sizes days, for RN looking for FEMALE ROOMMATE need Facility. increased responsibility. Sal the obscure. FLAT,BLACK, ed for spacious 1 bedroom GIBSON SG custom pick # By Apt. Only Er CIRCULAR, 541 E. Grand JAMILAH MUkRAH ARABIAN* ary commensurate with ex Burcham Woods apartment. ups, good condition. Also River above Paramount. perience, supervisory and Fall term only - 1st month Guild Starfire, hollow body 11661 Plalna Hwy.. Eaton Roplda 663-4256 clinical duties. Contact Direc¬ Open 11 a.m. 6 p.m.. 6 paid. Call 332 0040 after 5. with Gibson humbuckings, days 351 0838. tor of. Nursing, BELDING 8 10 19 15) excellent shape. Call 485 COMMUNITY HOSPITAL. C 22 10 31 17) 6958 7 10 pm. 12 10 26 (7) 616 794-0400. 8-10-12 (10) 2 BEDROOM, unfurnished 106 Bailey SYNTHESIZERS, No place to store your bicy To List Your Business Call Glori 355-8255 Today's best buys are in the town house. Street. $275 per month plus LAZERS, and 20 thousand lbs. of cle? Sell it for extra cash with Classified section. Find what utilities, 11 month lease Call sound only $7 50 • Genesis a In* tos» Classified Ad. Cal< you're looking for! 351 0359. 5 10 16 (5) ,• 5 10 11 13) 35!i 3256 Thursday. October 12. 1970 Michiga ^ Recreation (fi [ TraufWtititi l|Al Fir Sill COME TO the orchard. Bring SHARE MONEY. My car to Dayton Hudson mall Greyhound The cure for a lunch. Enpy picking your North Cal. October 20, 4 days (continued from page 1) own RED and GOLDEN DE LICIOUS APPLES a bushel, a on road. Call Jim. 1 566 8222. 7 10 12 (31 Anderson said retail sales of general merchandise and apparel have declined almost 10 percent in Michigan over the last six college blahs peck or a truck load GOLD¬ years, according to Michigan State Treasurer reports. it s a feeimg that slowly descends upon EN KNOB ORCHARD 4389 Volunteer Action Corps needs you The exams, the pop tests the required E Pratt Road 651 5430 I^OIND TOW people to help meet short term community manpower needs. Since the "retail pie" in the area is not growing, mall sales will be taken from Lansing, Frandor, East Lansing and Meridian Mall, reading, the hours at the library, the thesis— they won't go away 12 10 261101 he said. • Attend orientation 7 p.m. tonight, But you can This weekend, take off Room 4 Student Services Bldg. "There may be needs and potential for specialized kinds of say hello to your friends, see the s.ghts. stores and facilities but no generalized growth," Anderson said. estimates ELDERLY IN Real Estate i£ have a great time You'll arrive with money m Christian Science Organization He also said though a large percentage of retail dollars may be your pocket because your Greyhound tnp STRUMENTS 541 E Grand River 332 4331 2 BEDROOM, almost new, South Campus meets 6:30 p.m. flowing out of the area, more dollars are flowing in. doesn't take that much out of it C 22-10 31 13) tonight. 337B Case Hall. Hutchinson said retail sales have been growing at a rate of 1.5 If you're feeimg tired, depressed and neat condo Close to MSU. $29,900. Call WILLIAM MAR percent for the area for the past 15 or 20 years, according to exhausted, grab a Greyhound and spin it's ART FESTIVAL 1035 E. Sagi Overseas study meeting 7 p.m. information obtained from census data specifically related to East a sure cure for the blahs TIN COMPANY 323 7100 or Peggy Cook. 351 7238 naw, 1 block east of Penn tonight, 302 Bessey. Programs Lansing. Greyhound Service sylvania at the WHEEL include Humanities, Language and Weekend speciols include 16 Fridoy departures to the Detroit BL1 10 12 151 With that moderate growth, area sales potential would be an WORKS. Fun, food, 12 local Social Science options oreo. and 5 doily deportures to Grand Rapids and Muskegon. additional $30 million by 1982, he said. artists. October 14-15, 11am FOR SALE by owm Walk Karen Hicks, president of CELBA and co owner of Menagerie, On Sunday we feoture DIRECT SERVICE from Detroit Grond 5pm. 2 10-13 (6) Short meeting 6 p.m. tonight for Rapids ond Muskegon TO THE MSU CAMPUS with our CAMPUS returning members of Sigma Delta 321 E. Grand River Ave., said figures can say anything depending DROP OFF SERVICE along Shaw lane ond Harrison Rood. 1' • Elementary from Chi in Oak Room, Union. on where they are taken from and how they are used. Menagerie Ask you' agent about additional departures and return trips has been growing over 1.5 percent for the last three years, she Intern positions available with GREYHOUND - EAST LANSING the Ingham County Prosecuting Hicks said she doubts CELBA will take a position on the mall 308 W. GRAND RIVER PHONE: 332-2813 (Detroit Deportures) Attorney's Office. Interested stu¬ OTHER PHONES: 332-2569 or 332-2728 dents should contact Dave Persell, College of Urban Development. Lost & Found than just another house. Drive by 2788 Roseland (off Singer visits Owosso Memorial Hospital has Hagadorn north of R.ven 351 1316. Grand Suzanne, openings in their Radiology and Lab Programs Attend orientation area GO GREYHOUND days 351 8889 evenings 7 p.m. tonight, 328 Student Ser P / 10 13 (M. The Lansing Opera Company night at 6 p.m. in Case Hall. vices Bldg. will be hosting Sherry Zannoth. She will be here throughout 1 ACRES I 1 Huuyh- a young mezzo soprano with next week, appearing at Jo- Department of Philosophy CASTELLANTS pre :rse City. the New York City Opera Com sents "Moral Knowledge, Moral cundry's Bookstore, the East Borders against large area of state forest Hardwoods, very Education" and "Critical Re¬ pany, as an affiliate artist for Lansing Older Person's lunch sponse." 3 p.m. Friday, Con-Con several East Lansing and MSU eon and Lansing Everett High wndiife. hunting. $1000 down. $60 per $7500, month IA Room International Center. visits during the next several months. School others. homecoming, among MARKET Dolores Nagel, 351 7136 or Call ft Michigan Federation of Astiol gram The Affiliate intends Artists to Pro¬ introduce Zannoth will return to Lan sing several times in the ogy meets 7:30 p.m tonight, 121 McKENDRY 646 6229 8 10 17 10) REALTY, N W South Street, Lansing David Hand is the speaker Zannoth a to the Lansing area in variety of informal settings. coming months, culminating in her starring role in the Lansing with Italian, Greek and Middle Eastern Foods HOUSE OFF College Road 00 Upperclass students can gain Zannoth's first informal per formance will take place to¬ Opera Company's production of Rigoletto in May. featuring: 1 valuable experience in the State Legislature Details of volunteer INCREDIBLE CHEESE PRICES! ft opportunities 4 p.m today, 150 Service ^ IA Student Services Bldg. ASMSU Student Board MOZZERELLA $1.65 lb. Rehabilitative Half way House ROCK BAND available for parties and dances good ft for adult males need volunteers as role models Orientation 6:30 p.m. (continued from page 3) ment directors and heads or The board also amended its space allocation code taking PR0V0L0NE $1.59 lb. mellow rock. Call 332 4435 appointed representatives of the power of major gov MUENSTER 3 -0 13 i4> tonight. 26 Student Services Bldg. councils to introduce second away erning groups to veto board $1.69 lb. I or office space decisions. Sliced BLUEGRASS EXTENSION MSU Sports Club racquet- motions. by Bill on the spot! stringing service available in 231 But both bills allow council However, the amended code SERVICE plays weddings. Men's IM for tennis racquets, and department repesentatives further reads "space shall not 353 9695 days. 372- part.es 3727 or 339-1119 squash and racquetball. and directors to still take be denied to major governing OPEN MON SAT part OR 22 10 31 (31 in discussions. groups." 9-.30a.m.-8:00p.m. Mifcile Hoies FREE LESSON care in complexion MERLE-NORMAN Q) Until council now, department and representatives and di¬ In other business, the board; •Approved a motion request¬ 2003 E. Michigan Ave. COSMETIC STUDIO. 321- 5543 C-22-10-31J4) ft rectors second motions. could introduce and ing a student referendum to gather opinion on the quarter (Across from Emil's East) The board also gave final system calender year or some FULL LINE casebound pro¬ baths furnished. 694-1802 ductions under your imprint. Listening Ear Orientation from 7 approval to send six represen¬ kind of alternative system; Ph. 485-2441 to 9 p.m. tonight or 1 to 3 p.m. tatives to attend a Big Ten after 5 anytime weekends 500 Smythe-sewn cppies 8 10 19 '3' Saturday, 111 Olds Hall. Conference at Purdue Universi¬ •Approved a motion allocat¬ books or mongraphs com ty in Layfayette, Ind. ing $120 to advertise meetings posed, printed and bound for for the Off Campus Council; KlPKWOOC '972 24*60 $16.00 per page, plus freight The MSU representatives (A Minority Pre-Health Profession •Passed for the day a motion doubiew-de bedroons n 1 Holt . 4 large baths 200 page minimum graphs Charts, and illustrations at Organization meets at 7 tonight, 335 Union. who will attend the conference are Dan Jones, student board to adopt a contingency fund of VODKA NIGHT! $15,000 Excellent condition. cost Romance languages. Cyrillic Greek and symbols V president; David Boyd, a mem¬ ber of Legislative Relations less than $5,000 for the board to insure against thefts, accidents Peanuts Personal jf slightN higher. Write: THE TURPiN BOOK COMPANY, P r, .» 958 Troy. New < needs Department interview juniors freshmen of and Psychology seniors concerning to Cabinet; Karen Passiak, Col¬ lege of Human Ecology repre and legal liabilities; and •heard a request from Fred Jones to underwrite the cost of v 12181 ' 10 12 (16' college life at 10 a.m. Saturday, sentative; Tricia Wilcox, an GAMMA PHI Beta welcome 111 Olds Hall. executive assistant; Lynda promotion for Computer her new actives Chris. Mary Loomis, director of Media Rela¬ dating. The board took no Dianne. Carol and Cindy - Typing Service Annual tions; and Ian McPherson. action on the request. Rummage Recycling Sale 10 a.m. to 4 p.m Friday and I vPiNG-TERM papers. IBM, Saturday, Unitarian Universale experienced. fast service, Call Overcrowding discussed Church, 855 Grove St., East 351 8923 OR 22-10 31 (3) Animals V Lansing TYPING, Experienced, fast 0 and reasonable 371-4635 •H (continued from page 3.) C 21 10-31 131 MSU Taekwondo Club meets The University is equipped students who are tripled tend Monday, Wednesday and Friday to house 17,500 students, in¬ to do better academically. He EXPERT TYPING Term pa from 6 to 7:30 p.m., Room 16 cluding graduate halls. Since said some are happy being Men's IM. THREE pe-s letters. Near Gables 337-0205 RESUMES (A Friday 18,653 students were housed tripled and don't want to move into empty University apart¬ monkey. on $150 com C 22-10-31 (31 (A West Indian Student Associa¬ tion meets at 7:30 p.m. Saturday. W-2 Owen Hall New students campus. Thorburn said the University ments that were held back to accomodate the overflow from Tumatoe UNIGRAPHICS COMPLETE DISSERTATION OFFERS (0 welcome hopes to have overassignments "worked out" by the middle of residence halls. CaMco Er tiger Call E 5 10 GREAT DANE pups 332 1 AKC AND RESUME SERVICE typesetting, IBM typing, set printing and binding. estimate stop in at off¬ For 2843 E Am Dr. Fitzgerald, MSU Psychology Department, will speak on "Why I A Christian" at 5 p.m. winter term. Students dropping out or Empty ments university Friday 103 university apart¬ apart¬ totaled 43 in 1977. As of LI7AI11 moving off campus help alle¬ ments were vacant. 100 Parents Grand River or phone 332 Sunday. United Ministries, 1118 S. viate some tripling problems I MIH U I M ;n 676 2303 after 6 8414 C 22 10 31 l8l Harrison Rd. but not all. Thorburn said fall term stu¬ tekends 224 Abbott Rd. E.Lansing EXPERIENCED. IBM typing, Inter Varsity Christian Fellow¬ Thorburn said tripling has dents tripled are happy where dissertations. (Pica-Elite) ship meets at 7 tonight, 336 Union. taken place during fall term as they are and don't want to DOBERMAN FEMALE AKC. Dick Epps will speak on local to vacant FayAnn, 489 0358 long as he could remember. move apartments. 9 months old. Red and Rust church involvements. C 22-10-31 (3) color Papers $200. 349-5184. 4 10 12 3' MSU Pre-Veterinary ANN BROWN typing, disser- Club tours (A the Veterinary Clinical Center at Request for Nomination 7:30 tonight. Meet in 100 Veter¬ pers. 601 Abbott Road North It's The Best Deal I've Ever HeardI * fast cash by selling things Entrance 351-7221 inary Clinic. C 22 10 31 (4i DISTINGUISHED fast action Classifier! Ad Call Volunteers needed to work on 355 8255 FACULTY AWARD Campus Blood Drive Details 26 Student Services Bldg. Rummape SalejT$K C 22 10 31 <3i COPYGRAPH SERVICE, Z Communication and Journalism majors! Volunteer positions avail¬ Students College 01 Arts aan Letters alumni, and faculty GAPAGE SALE 12th. 13th. complete dissertation and able in putting together a monthly or full professors with resume service. Corner newsletter. Details 26 Student M.A C and Grand River. 8:30 Services Bldg a.m. 5.30 p.m . Monday-Fri¬ I.S.U. College of Arts ond 5 tor o Distinguished day 10 a m. 5 p.m Saturday. Volunteer openings still avail¬ T,„ C'aftsman table 337 1666 C 22 10 31 (7) able at Ingham Medical Center letter to ;h -ro'p'3PiO°l3 <9i EXPERIENCED TYPIST, fast 0) patient services, microbiology and physical therapy Units. Inquire 26 ay be mode by ofessor Thomas Folk 0 Dept and accurate Dissertations, "N Student Services Bldg. of Germon & Russian brief rotionale for the nomina giving o Ladies ^ s^es 10 13 thesis, term papers 339 3575. 12 10 25(31 (6 Soil Conservation Society of tion. The deadline is October • s 34 38 Many other 20th American meeting at 6:30 tonight, Natural Resource Bldg. Activities Room. Guest speaker and refresh- ft now open: Attention tennis players: Join the MSU Tennis Club. Sign up in 231 Men's IM, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ! fee Pregnancy Testing WANTED FOUR tickets to Attention, Criminal Justice ma¬ Counseling Services the MSu U of M 353 5699 6 10 13 '3i game jors: Alpha Phi Sigma meeting at 7 Pregnancy Vt,,no: ions " p.m next Tuesday, 555 Baker Hall, ynecoiogicar Core BRING IN YOUR PRESCRIPTION to discuss "Career Night '78". OLD BASEBALL Cards Family Planning have your eyeglasses duplicated. (J Recreation (fi Women: Listen to Woman's or Choose from popular names Voice, Feminist Radio Production HAVRiDE NEWLY acquired such as Playboy, Silhouette, equipment Additional rides at 4 30 p.m. every Sunday, available CPAZY C RIDING Smart shopp WKAR AM This week's topic Christian Dior and Elizabeth Arden STABLES 676 3710 Classified sect where 'hey fir. DES uuomar^are Tourism Club: Those attending of LansinG the Chicago Incentive Trip, there Point North Professions) Center •Say the secret words and receive free initials WANTED CALCULATOR is a meeting at 6:30 tonight, 117 Suite <07 HP 19C O' HP 29C L.z 35 Eppley Center Important details 3401 E. Seginew on your eyeglasses. And the Secret Words are. 0507 12 10 13 <3t Lansing. Michigan 40912 given Michigan Stole News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Thursday. October 12, 1978 17 P HAU A OATH HAGAR the Horrible Jyj Fri.. Oct. 201pm (steely tSvy§yofto (t)WJIM-TV(CBS) (lO)WILX-TV(NBC) (1))WHM-TV(Cobl») (12)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) by Dik Browne pK MSU Auditorium MSU Union Wherehouse Compus Corners It I PO... I POhi'T... [x Do... r poH't... j i i -Ifo/ V 1 okay, WE OVepbJH I ( EUPOPE/ | Thursday (10) Doctors (23) Novo (23) Dick Cavett 9:00 0:30 11:30 (23) Over Easy (6-12) Phil Donahue 3:00 (12) What's Happening! (6) MASH jH (10) Marcus Welby, M.D. (10) Another World 9:00 (10) Johnny Carson (23) Sesame Street (12) General Hospital (12) Starsky & Hutch 10:00 (6) Hawaii Five-O (23) Food for Life (23) ABC News (10) Quincy (All In The Family 3:30 12:05 (12) Barney Miller (10) Card Sharks (6) MASH (23) Saturday Game (6) Movie (12) Dinah! (23) Villa Alegre 9:30 12:40 (23) Mister Rogers 4:00 10:30 (12) Soap (S.W.A.T. (6) New Mickey Mouse Club 10:00 1:00 (6) Price Is Right (10) Jeopardy! (10) Munsters (12) Star Trek (6) Barnaby Jones (10) Tomorrow PEANUTS (10) Weekend 1:50 (23) Electric Company 11:00 (23) Sesame Street (12) Family (12) Rookies by Schulz 4:30 10:30 2:00 (10) High Rollers (6) My Three Sons (23) Sneak Previews (10) News (12) Happy Days (10) Gilligan's Island 11:00 2:20 (23) Rebop 5:00 (6-10-12) News (12) News THAT BLANKET BEL0N6S I'M NOT YOUR 11:30 (6)Gunsmoke TO MY 5WEET BABBOO... (10) Bob Newhart U| SWEET BABBOOi! (6) Love of Life (10) Wheel of Fortune (12) Gong Show MSU SHADOWS Mil HAT (12) Family Feud (23) Mister Rogers by Gordon Carleton with this comic! IJ New Petes i Albert at MAC (23) Lilias, Yoga and You 5:30 SPONSORED BY: under Moon s 11:55 (10) Mary Tyler Moore PINBA1I, PETE'S (6) CBS News (12) News a*.,. (23) Electric Company 12:00 6:00 (6-12) News (10) America Alive! (6-10) News (23) Mayor of Casterbridge (23) Dick Cavett 12:20 6:30 FRANK & ERNEST SPONSORED BY: (6) Almanac 12:30 (6) CBS News (10) NBC News (12) ABC News by Bob Thaves I Mexican Salad IL AZTICO RISTAIMMUfT 203 M A C. 351-9111 (6) Search for Tomorrow (23) Over Easy (12) Ryan's Hope 7:00 TEL®ph®W® 1:00 (6) Young and the Restless (6) Six Million Dollar Man (10) Joker's Wild I'V\#ORICAHOLIC.S X OUST £ ALU-CD ? (10) Hollywood Squares (12) All My Children (12) Brady Bunch (23) Ask the Lawyer I ANONVMOUS. RUT ..i. li 1 (23) Nova 7:30 1:30 (10) Muppet Show THERE'S NO ONB J (6) As the World Turns (12) Mary Tyler Moore (10) Days of Our Lives (23) MacNeil Lehrer Report ON DDTV,... ; 2:00 op COURSE. (12) One Life to Live 8:00 (23) High School Quiz Bowl 2:30 (6) Guiding Light CAMPUS THE DROPOUTS PIZZA by Post 337 1377 TRAVELS WITH FARLEY River by Phil Frank SHORTNESS is no REASON FOi PILLOW TALK Softline Furniture B.C. SPOf 'SORED BY: pUHI^|X|j||£-3511767 Frondof Shopping Center Bean Bags '17* by Johnny Hart TUMBLEWEEDS- SPONSORED BY: CAMPUS OTCRU PIZZA 337-1639 by Tom K. Ryan f we LET7HE 1 [ THEN WE NA6 THE <^JL_K£RS MEN CKMlNATe SEN? ME TO CONSRESS ANP I'LL RAM THRU OR, AT THE VERY LEAST, ASSURE ~ /NT& ZUM&iO*!. THE HOfWno CURMUP6EON FRUMP PILL FOR BUFFALO ANP WILPLIFE RENEWAL' EACH OF YOU A LIFETIME PASS TO . ius/ ' ~ St -jf SAM and SILO • CROSSWORD -.y, LIBERTY BELL PRESENTS by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker PUZZLE S SE3QEE! iiigJai aasu "-r , A ' FRI. NOV. 10th STEVE MARTIN Lansing Civic Center tickets otCCII SPONSORED BY: -V Civic Center Box Office BI3DD QIllSQOBI aiii .mere's No pLAce UKSHOM€... Ben-eve* so sipppyj 3 Michigan State Ntwt, Eoil Lansing. Michigan Thunday, Oclobtr 12, 1978 If you're thinking about buying a high- performance pair of loudspeakers like JBL, there's an advantage to buying them at Tech Hifi. We'll give you a 7-Day Moneyback Guarantee in writing. Which gives you an entire week to play the JBL speakers in your home, and decide if they of any sound as great as you hoped they would. In the unlike¬ new pair ly event they don't, return them to Tech Hifi within of seven days and we'll give your money back. Without loudspeakers costing twice as much. All we ask is that giving you the third degree. the returned speakers be undamaged. Also, at Tech Hifi you'll get a 1-Year Loud¬ At Tech Hifi, JBL loudspeakers are returnable, speaker Trial. If you buy loudspeakers from us this and tradeable. week, you can trade them back to any of the 62 Tech Hifi stores a year from now. You'll get full And, thanks to the enormous buying power of credit on your original price toward the purchase the 62 Tech Hifi stores, they're also affordable. tech hifi Come play. 5924 So. Pennsylvania Ave., Lansing 394-4432 619 East Grand River Ave., East Lansing 337-9710 In Michigan: Ann Arbor, Dearborn, Detroit, East Detroit, Livonia, Mt. Clemens, Rochester, Royal Oak and Southgate. Stores also in Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New England.