VOLUME 72 NUMBER 146 FRIDAY. OCTOBER 13, 1978 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING MICHIGAN 48824 J Record defense bill awaits Carter OK By TERENCE HUNT "I join with the chairman in urging you women's abortions unless the woman's life Associated Press Writer that the troops be paid," said Alabama Rep. is in danger. WASHINGTON I API - Racing to meet Jack Edwards, ranking Republican on the Mahon said the military is "a little defense payrolls, Congress sent President House appropriations defense subcommit different situation" because service person Carter a record-breaking $117.3 billion nel are stationed around the world where Pentagon-spending bill that includes res¬ The defense bill would ban abortions different laws prevail. trictions on abortions in the military. funded with federal money unless the life of Rep. Robert K. Dornan. R Calif., who Leaders in both the House and Senate the mother were endangered, in cases of successfully attached anti abortion Ian pushed the bill forward by pledging that rape or incest promptly reported to guagetothe House version, initially argued authorities or when two doctors say a that the compromise bill means different quick action would insure paychecks could be delivered on schedule Friday to most of woman would suffer severe and long-lasting treatment for the wives of admirals, the 1.5 million U.S. service personnel. physical damage. captains and sergeants than for poor The bill was delivered to the Senate Just hours before the defense bill was women covered by HEW programs. within 30 minutes of its approval by a voice approved, the House voted 26-188 not to Mahon said HEW officials "should be vote in the House. Less than an hour later, accept that same anti abortion language in taken by the nape of the neck and shaken" the bill was passed in the Senate on a 77-3 the Labor and HEW bill. Instead, the House for their regulations implementing earlier vote and was on its way to Carter for his insisted on banning federal funding for poor icontinued on page 13) signature. The three members voting against the measure were Sens. Mark Hatfield. R Ore., George McGovern, D-S.D., and William Proxmire. D Wis. In passing the measure, the House House endorsement decided that different anti abortion restric¬ tions should apply to the military than those Mark Klett, Jeff Thompson and Brian Drane perch themselves atop State News Scott Randle their electric loft. The cable, which runs applied to poor women covered by ment health-insurance programs. The stan dards for women in the military and service govern¬ of tax cut is surprise along the back wall, raises and lowers the structure at the discretion of its occupants. It may be electric, but it's dependents are less restrictive. home. Paychecks for nearly 2 million service By JIM LUTHER bill to include $164.5 billion in additional personnel and defense employees have been Associated Press Writer reduction in 1980 through 1983. The cuts NOT FOR SLEEPWALKERS stalled until passage of the appropriations bill that funds practically all Pentagon WASHINGTON (API Over the objec¬ tions of Democratic leaders, the House are conditioned on holding down govern¬ ment spending and balancing the federal spending in the 12 months ending Sept. 30, unexpectedly embraced on Thursday a budget during that period. 1979. Republican backed effort to slash federal Students show invention the Under the Nunn plan, a typical four- The measure, largest appropriation in income taxes in 1980 and beyond. member family with a $20,000 annual history, is a compromise between House and Senate versions approved earlier. By a 268-135 vote, the House told its tax income would get a total tax cut by 1983 of bill negotiators it favored the long-t about $769. Previously the Senate bill Rep. George Mahon, D-Tex.. who chairs By MICHAEL MEGERIAN much clearance, he and his roommates would be bumping their the Appropriations Committee, told the cut concept contained in a Senate proposal provided only a one-year reduction of $316 for next State News Staff Writer heads on the loft's underside. House "the troops will be paid tomorrow, sponsored by Sen. Sam Nunn, D-Ga., and vear. Click! "So we just raise it during the daytime," he said. "It's very Friday" if the bill reached the White House supported by Republicans. leading Democrats branded the long- The switch is thrown; the motor winds up. The winch slowly convenient." That plan would expand the 1979 tax cut term tax cut plan approved by the House turns, setting four cables into motion. Three beds lying on wood Thompson explained the loft's cable system works like a fishing Thursday as a phony and "a Ruoe Goldberg supports descend from the ceiling, closing in on the occupants reel. The motor, taken from an electric drill, is connected to a Scheme" that would hogtie Congress in its below. The beds then come to rest, having dropped three feet gearbox, which raises or lowers the cable and the beds, economic actions. from their starting point. The beds sit on thtee wood supports bolted to two 14-foot No hand clapping, cheering or ribbon cutting follows. Yet the planks which stretch across the room. The planks are attached to Carter's energy bill The vote was not binding on House negotiators and does not guarantee that three residents of 158 W. Shaw Hall have just completed a four solid oak posts, one of which houses the control switches, this year's tax cut bill will include the $164.5 demonstration of something that transcends tapestries, posters The controls also contain what Thompson called an automatic billion in future tax cuts. But the vote could limit switch, which enables the occupants to lower the loft. jeopardized in Senate or any other common dorm room embellishments — an electric make it more difficult for House conferees Thompson said persons who have seen the loft are generally to reject the long term reductions. Jeff Thompson, a sophomore majoring in electrical engineering, impressed, but Drane cited a few of the structure's pitfalls. In a rebellious mood, the House also was Brian Drane, a senior majoring in mechanical engineering and "We've crushed various items on the dressers when lowering Mark Klett, a junior majoring in crop and soil science pooled their it," he said. By TOM RAl'M split off the controversial natural gas expected later in the day to approve a Associated Press Writer pricing deregulation portion of the package college tuition tax credit of up to $250 a knowledge in a seven-hour loft construction project at a cost of But all of the occupants' valuable items, such as stereos and and vote on it separately. year. If the Senate concurs, the move would WASHINGTON (API - President Car about $70. books, are strategically placed away from the mobile loft's path, ter's long-stalled energy program was They believe there is much more opposi- sentence the tax cut bill to an almost certain The result: an ingenious contraption which they said meets thus eliminating the problem, they said tion to the natural gas portion separately veto by President Carter. residence hall loft regulations. The loft's motor is loud, but the three have received no seriously jeopardized Thursday by sudden (continued on page 141 .continued on page 15> Bill Drake, Shaw Hall manager, said the loft did indeed meet complaints and said it cannot be heard in the hallway when the parliamentary setbacks in the waning days of the 95th Congress. residence hall loft regulations. door is shut. Thompson, who constructed most of the loft's mechanical Thompson, who has tinkered with machinery in the past, said Congressional leaders were confronted with a filibuster in the Senate and a vote workings at his home last summer, said the trio needed to build a he has perfected a few inventions, including a towrope, pontoon Griffin skips local talk loft that would meet the regulations while providing enough and a pickup truck converted from a jeep, rejecting, at least temporarily, a plan for the House to consider the energy package clearance space for the room's occupants. Thompson said he rammed the back of the jeep into a tree and in one piece. Under loft regulations, the structure must be built at least 30 decided to salvage the vehicle by hacking it in half and making a In the Senate, Sen. James Abourezk inches from the room's ceiling. Thompson said to provide that pickup. successfully waged a filibuster, forcing Senate leaders to postpone a the energy-tax part of the plan. key vote on The delaying tactics by the South Dakota Democrat appear to mean that final action for Senate filibuster Most 4U' corporate investments on have Carter's 18-month-old energy to wait until Saturday, plan will the day U.S. Sen. Robert P. Griffin, R-Mich., canceled a Lansing appearance Thursday because he chose to stay in Washington, D.C.. to block the "gas guzzler" tax plan. Griffin was scheduled to answer questions in an open forum at the Olds Plaza Hotel, Congress is scheduled to adjourn for the year. sponsored by Sigma Delta Chi, the Society for Professional Journalists. The "gas guzzler" plan is part of an energy tax package and is a tax that would hit any respond to inquiry on S. Africa There was another obstacle thrown in the path of the energy plan in the House, where 1980 car model that failed to get at least 15 miles per gallon of fuel. a final vote had been scheduled for Friday. Several senators from auto-manufacturing states, including Griffin, indicated they The House Rules Committee, which would filibuster the proposal. A majority of the corporations that MSU chase list. withdrawal policy. traffic cop for legislation headed Susan Soltis, a campaign manager for Griffin in Detroit, said he stayed in Washington holds stock in have responded to a If the firm does conduct business in that If a policy has been adopted, the firm has for t£e fl00I.i rejected by "tie . ... vote ... to filibuster. University inquiry concerning their busi¬ country, the letter asks whether a policy been asked to supply MSU with a copy of its ru|es un(jer which the five sections of the "As always with Sen. Griffin." she said, "his work as a senator is coming first, even ness interests in South Africa. has been established indicating its intent to withdrawal plans and time schedule. energy plan would have been combined and over campaigning." University officials have not yet released withdraw from business activities in South Administrators are waiting for replies voted Fred Bruflodt, treasurer of Sigma Delta Chi, said no effort would be made to Africa or has plans to implement a from the remaining corporations. Opponents of the plan hope to reschedule the forum. copies of the corporations' policies. — energy In efforts to comply with the Board of Trustee's divestiture resolution, the cor¬ porations were notified in August that MSU will begin a program of prudent divestiture after Dec. 1 in firms doing business in the By ANNE MARIE BIONDO and NUNZIO LUPO State News Staff Writers Republic of South Africa. "Milliken for Michigan" forces laid out the finery of their campaign for about 40 The University will not divest of stock journalists Thursday as part of a "Campus Editor Day." holdings in corporations that have adopted Gov. William G. Milliken, his running mate James H. Brickley, on leave as president and are implementing positive measures to of Eastern Michigan University, and legislative aides answered questions for about withdraw from that country. four hours from reporters representing about 19 colleges. Letters were sent to 17 corporations One of the biggest issues of the day focused on what effects the Headlee amendment MSU currently has stock in and 13 — which limits state spending and taxes — would have if passed. corporations it has on its approved pur¬ Milliken said he decided to support the Headlee amendment after taking a "good deal Journalists of time to familiarize" himself with "how it will influence the future." He admitted the tax amendment "may force a setting of priorities to reduce the rate of growth in expenditures." Brickley and Milliken, who also supports the Headlee amendment, both insisted that get chance if the proposal passes and the education will be near the top. state is forced to set spending priorities, higher "Higher education is a high priority in the state," Milliken said. "It won't be greatly affected (if Headlee passes). If the economy continues to grow, we will have the inside to question resources. And we have begun a budget stabilization to service an economical down turn." Milliken said people are misinformed if they believe the Headlee amendment will Ex-Sex Pistol charged limit their taxes. He added that he has "tried to say exactly what it is and what it isn't." murder. See page 7. Gov. Milliken "There may still be an illusion that an enormous constitutional tax reduction will be brought about," he said. The governor again said with the aid of hindsight, he would have done some things weather differently in handling the state's PBB fiasco. Milliken said he would have relied less on advice from the federal Food and Drug State News Ira strickstein The Friday the 13th weather Administration — which allows higher levels than Michigan does — and would have forecast for the "unlucky:" Oc¬ pushed more on legislative toughening of the state's legal PBB contamination levels. Students representing 19 colleges uked Gov. William G. Milliken, his Milliken also said he would have told the public more about what the state was doing casional rain today with a high running mote James H. Brickley and legislative advisers questions as in the mid 50s. The "lucky" (continued on page 13) part of a "Campus Editor Day" Thursday. didn't have to get out of bed. Friday, October 13, 1978 2 Michigon Stote News. Eost Lansing. Michigan Race open after candidate dies BALTIMORE. Md. (AP) - regrets." but did not elaborate. The death of democratic in¬ The 224-member Democratic cumbent Rep. Goodlee E. state central committee, which Byron less than a month before has the authority to choose a the election has cast the spot¬ nominee in cases of death, had Germans will bid for steel mill in China light on his opponent, a denizen already scheduled a meeting for of a skid row hotel who vowed Thursday night, and a quick Heinrich Weiss, head of the Duessel- Thursday he will be the first decision was expected on DUESSEIDORF West Germany (AP) — pauper elected in Maryland. Byron's successor so officials dorf engineering and plant construction A West German-led industrial consor- Byron. 49. a Democrat, died could get ballots printed in time tium announced Thursday it will bid to company Schloemann-Siemag AG, said of a heart attack while jogging for the Nov. 7 election. Chinese Metallurgy Minister Tang Ke construct one of the world's largest steel by the Potomac River on invited his firm to form the bidding Perkins, 55, was unopposed mills in China sweetening its offer with a Wednesday. When Melvin Per in last month's primary for the record $14.7 billion credit pledged by consortium when the minister toured kins, the Republican nominee, 6th District congressional German bankers. West European cities in July. heard of Byron's death, he said: ination because Republican The announcement was the latest sign "It took a congressman to die leaders generally agreed with If the bid is successful, the size of the before anyone paid attention to of a strong bid by German banks and Byron and had not bothered to order would be a record for West German companies in recent months to capitalize field their own candidate. Per¬ companies and would be accompanied by He added, "I have alot of on China's new drive to modernize its kins had run unsuccessfully as a one of the largest credits ever granted. Democrat in the 1974 U.S. economy. Senate race. Taking advantage of a U.S. Supreme Court deci¬ Lawmaker sion, he filed as a pauper this year to avoid the $290 filing fee. Environmentalists guard gray seals is indicted "I've been campaigning for a year and half," he told the GENETIC RESEARCH NETS AWARD reporters and camera crews KIRKWALL Orkney Islands (AP) — herd is cutting into their fish catch in the who gathered around him out¬ by federal side the Armistead Hotel, Three win Nobel Prize British environmentalists scrambled to isolated area, where the economy is where he has resided off and on protect gray seals on these rocky islands heavily dependent on the fishing in¬ 10 years in a $10-a-night room. north of Scotland Thursday while govern¬ dustry. ment-hired sharpshooters scouted out The environmentalists, who vowed to protect the seals with their own have grand jury "I had a lot of plans for campaigning today, but then STOCKHOLM. Sweden (AP) Two Americans and a Swiss The winners, chosen by the Nobel Committee of Sweden's land. The three, who the $165,000 will share award, were the animals in preparation for a large- — WASHINGTON (API-Rep. the congressman died." won the Nobel Prize for medi Karolinska Institute of Medi¬ chosen from among 205 candi¬ scale hunt to thin the fish-eating herd. bodies, have accused local and foreign Thursday for their dis¬ cine, are microbiologists Daniel dates, sources said. Six Norwegian sharpshooters, or¬ fishermen of over-fishing the banks and Daniel J. Flood, D-Pa., was On Wednesday, Perkins had cine Nathans and Hamilton 0. Smith Smith received his training in dered to refrain from shooting seals if it indicted by a federal grand been released from Baltimore covery of a method for breaking depleting their own stocks. of John Hopkins University human genetics from the Uni¬ jury in Washington on Thurs¬ County jail where he spent 10 apart genetic material that may endangered human lives, were hired by Greenpeace, the Conadian-based en¬ Medical School in Baltimore versity of Michigan Medical day on 10 counts of conspiracy days after being charged with eventually unlock some of the the British government to kill 4,OCX) adult vironmental protection group, is heading and Werner Arber of the School from 1962 to 1967. and taking bribes to influence the assault and battery of a mysteries of cancer and heredi¬ female gray seals and 900 of their the protest and has sent protesters and the award of federal financial University of Basel, Switzer- The awards put the United woman bus driver. tary diseases. newborn pups. its 417-ton trawler to the islands to follow aid. States well on the way to Fishermen contend the 60 000-member the Norwegians. dominating the Nobel Prize list Flood. 74, who chairs a key this year. The only other award House appropriations subeom mittee on labor and health, education and welfare, was Jury hears Soviet spy case announced so far. for literature, went to Yiddish author Issac Bashevis Singer, a New accused of taking bribes raphy. The witnesses were questioned about Yorker. NEWARK, N.J. (API - Testimony in the trial amounting to $81,500 and ask of two Soviets accused of espionage — denounced information exchanges alleged to have taken The three researchers, ing for another $100,000 from a place between the defendants and an American whose breakthrough findings as a "clumsy farce" by Russia — ended Thursday variety of persons. naval officer posing as a double agent. were made in the late 1960s and as the defense rested its case. The flamboyant veteran law¬ The case was expected to go to the jury Friday Defendants Valdik Aleksandrovich Enger, 39, early 1970s, were cited for the maker was indicted last month after the panel was charged by U.S. District and Rudolf P. Chernyayev. 43, both United discovery of "restriction en¬ zymes" and their application to by a Los Angeles grand jury on Judge Frederick B. Lacey. Attorneys completed Nations employees, were arrested May 20 with a three counts of perjury on their summations Thursday. Soviet diplomat, Vladimir Petrovich Zinyakin, genetics. charges he allegedly fled when If convicted, the Soviets face possible life shortly after they allegedly obtained anti¬ The enzymes — substances he denied taking payoffs. imprisonment. submarine warfare secrets from Lt. Cmdr. that act as catalysts for chemi¬ The panel of seven women and nine men, Arthur Lindberg, who posed as a traitor who cal reactions — enable scien¬ Flood has previously denied wanted to make extra money before he retired. including four alternates, heard testimony tists to separate out the basic any wrong doing and has said Thursday morning from six defense witnesses China may purchase U.S. satellite the charges were made by "desperate men under pres- including two Naval Investigative Service agents The proceedings, which been sharply criticized by began Sept. 27, have the Soviet Union. units of heredity, known as genes. and experts on weather, telephones and photog¬ WASHINGTON (AP) — The Carter The sources said the administration is administration has informed Peking that fairly confident that the Chinese will the Chinese will be allowed to buy an make the deal. Chinese representatives American communications satellite and discussed it with White House science that the United States will launch it, adviser Frank Press during a meeting in administration sources said Thursday. July. The sources said the administration is The satellite sale would not technically waiting for the Chinese to confirm that violate the longstanding U.S. policy they are interested in making the deol, against the sale of military equipment to which would represent the most sophisti¬ the Chinese, the sources said. But they cated transfer of technology between the acknowledged that it might improve two countries. Chinese military communications. Surgeons separate Siamese twin girls DURHAM. N.C. (AP) — Surgeons some interal organs were divided. He separated week-old Siamese twin girls said four to five hours of additional joined at the heart in a two-hour surgery was required because doctors procedure Thursday. Both infants were had to perform intricate work on the still alive and doctors said they were internal organs of each twin before optimistic as the delicate operation closing their wounds. continued. Earlier, doctors at Duke Medical The babies, daughters of David A. and Center said there was only a 10 percent Geraldine Bain of Fuquay-Varina, N.C., were born joined from chest to navel. chance both girls would survive the Their hearts were partially linked and operation. Spokesperson David Williamson said they shared portions of other internal the twins' hearts were separated after organs. Warning to be given with progestin WASHINGTON (AP) - The Food increased risk of birth defects in children whose mothers take this drug during the and Drug Administration announced Thursday that beginning in December, first four months of pregnancy." physicians and pharmacists will be Progestins, which are marketed under required to hand out special pregnancy a variety of brand names, are synthetic versions of the female hormone proges¬ warnings to any women receiving the female hormone progestin. terone. They are approved for treatment The brochures, written in non-medical of menstrual disorders and some forms of cancer and also are found in combination language, will inform women who fill progestin prescriptions that "there is an with estrogen in some birth control pills. Egypt, Israel negotiations begun WASHINGTON (AP) - Egypt and Israel second-floor library, they started to began negotiations Thursday to draw up explore terms for a treaty between the a peace treaty that President Carter said Jewish state and the most populous of its must ultimately be broadened to include Arab neighbors. all Arob parties to the Middle East The hope is that a treaty can be conflict. completed within two months. An even The United States is committed, with¬ more optimistic target is Nov. 19, the first out reservation, to seeing this process anniversary of Egyptian President Anwar through until each party is at peace with Sadat's breakthrough visit to Jerusalem. all the others," Carter said at an opening The negotiations, growing out of last ceremony at the White House. month's Camp David accords, deal with Delegates from the two countries then details of Israeli withdrawal from the walked side by side across Pennsylvania Sinoi Desert, security arrangements and Avenue to Blair House where, in a an exchange of ambassadors. RHA discusses _ • letters, lunch, 'D' Friday, October 13, 1978 nIpSip among Halls By REBECCA DICKEN Chain letters, lunch overflow Hall and debate over Proposal in Shaw D topics discussed at the Residence Association's weekly meeting were opinions of those living in resident halls are divided on the issue. "RHA should not take a stand on the issue because we are here to inform but not to lead," Wendy Hoyt, Holden Hall repre¬ sentative, said. Wednesday night in McDonel Kiva. RHA Adviser Jim Wall reiterated the Members discussed taking a survey of warning about chain letters to the repre¬ hall residents to determine their true sentatives to carry back to their residence position on Proposal D. halls. RHA President Tim Van Antwerp dis¬ Store has special fashion nights "Our main concern is that students don't cussed in his weekly report a scheduled get burned by chain letters," Wall said. parliamentary procedure workshop, an The chain letters circulating around American Cancer Society Hang-on-athon and a change in the ASMSU code that may campus ask the recipient to pay the person service, Smith said. Phi Mu was the first house to participate this term, she said. effect RHA. By SUSAN TOMPOR the top of the list a set amount. Wall State News Staff Writer At this time no residence halls have been contacted in regards to the availibility of "A explained. parliamentary procedure workshop informal modeling nights, Smith said. "Sorry, tonight Green's is only open to sorority house members." So said the sign "If students want to spend their money will be held Monday, October 16th in In the past Green's has conducted fashion shows at both Yakeley and Landon halls, Wednesday night at the women's apparel store at 135 E. Grand River Ave. that way, that's OK," Wall said, "but you multi-purpose room A in Brody." VanAnt- The store opened its doors to women of Phi Mu Wednesday from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. for offering a special discount night following the shows, Smith said. ain't going to get it back, Jack." werp said. informal modeling. It's regular hours are 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday Students also contact the store requesting the scheduling of such events, Smith said. Don Schmidt, also an RHA adviser, It is designed to teach proper procedure with later hours on Thursday's until 9 p.m. One sorority that turned down Green's invitation was Delta Delta Delta. commented on the new meal ticket policy for all official meetings, he explained. The women were served champagne and small hors d'oeuvres supplied by Green's and Some members heard Green's "used the hard-sell technique" and were afraid to end up which has eliminated transfers in residence The American Cancer Society is sponsor received a 10 percent discount on all merchandise. The four sorority women who buying merchandise they couldn't afford, Cindy Stillman, social committee member, said. halls. ing a fund raising drive soon, VanAntwerp Linda Gross, a Phi Mu member who attended Wednesday's show, said, ''There was no participated as models for the event received a 20 percent discount on clothing. hard sell at all. You could come in, look around and enjoy yourself." "The new meal ticket system is working said. Green's manager Carolyn Smith said the store has provided this free service to all well across campus except in Shaw Hall," Tentative plans for the hang-on-athon community women for years. Schmidt said. "Up to 1,500 people have been would require students to spend 72 hours Women view members of their group modeling and then are able to make purchases, served there just for lunch. The large hanging on to a rope attached to a pinto, Smith said. number is a great disservice to Shaw VanAntwerp said. Commenting on the amounts of purchases that are made at such events Smith said, "It Jacobson's does offer any group the opportunity to hold fashion shows in the store's residents." The person receiving the most pledges is definitely worth our while to do." restaurant on Monday's, Tuesday's and Wednesday's, Amy Hodges, sales promotion Suggestions such as going back to the old and hanging on the longest would win the Phi Mu women purchased such items as coats, dresses and suits, she added. manager, said. No discounts on purchases are offered by Jacobson's at such shows, she meal ticket transfer system in Shaw Hall new Pinto, VanAntwerp said. Sorority houses were sent a letter early fall term announcing the availability of this added. were tossed around by the RHA Assembly. A change in the ASMSU code may effect room space on the third floor of Student Campbell Hall representative Carol Purdy then talked to the group about a Services Bldg., VanAntwerp said. petition which over 200 Campbell Hall Traffic group meets residents signed asking RHA to take a stand against Proposal D. "Room space allocation can now be moved indiscriminately by ASMSU," VanAntwerp said. "We cannot be denied space but they If Proposal D passes, the drinking age can move groups anywhere they want." One citizen interested in voicing his formulating the traffic aspect of the would be raised back to 21. opinions on transportation concerns at¬ Comprehensive Plan. Many members were against taking any The next meeting will be in the television tended the Transportation Advisory Com¬ The plan was completed in the mid 60s kind of stand on the proposal. They feel that lounge on the second floor of Case Hall. mittee meeting held Wednesday night at and was adopted in 1967. It will expire in Glencairn School, 939 N. Harrison Road. 1980 but unforeseen problems have out¬ At the sixth meeting in a series of seven, dated the plan sooner than the city arranged to encourage residents to partici¬ pate in designing the new transportation expected. One of the unexpected problems was New DNA research plan for East Lansing, one out-of-city population growth. In the mid '60s MSU's resident attended to inform the committee about a particular traffic problem. Harlan Gaddy, of Mason City, told the population was doubling and the commis¬ sion counted on this continuing. Instead of the 60,000 students the city called 'quantum leap9 committee about a traffic problem caused estimated would be attending MSU by by the C&O and Grand Trunk railroad 1980, however, the current enrollment is NEW YORK (AP) — The revolutionary field of recombinant DNA research was born as crossings at the corner of Harrison and not yet over 45,000. a result of the work of the three scientists who shared this year's Nobel Prize for Trowbridge roads. Gaddy is a Conrail Other major changes were a halt on medicine. employee and a member of the United residence hall construction and a major They won the award for research that led to the use of microscopic chemical "scapels," Transportation Union. shift to off-campus living. enzymes that have made it possible to do the kind of gene splicing necessary for genetic The committee's presentation included an engineering. explanation of existing traffic problems and Bike paths are another aspect of the Recombinant DNA research became a major scientific controversy in the last few years possible solutions. problem under consideration by the com¬ when fears arose that biologists might create some mutant that could, for example, The Transportation Advisory Committee mittee. Alternate roads and highways are cause a worldwide plague. to the Planning Commission is charged with also being considered. But the new research also brought with it the promise of producing such things as new ways of curing disease and new ways of augmenting the world's food supply. The work by Werner Arber of the University of Basel in Switzerland and Daniel Nathans and Hamilton O. Smith of the John Hopkins University in Baltimore concerned Permit for church OK'd the discovery and use of enzymes known as restriction and nucleases. The most dramatic result of their use came just over a month ago when scientists at the By BRUCE BABIARZ problem and said the fellowship would City of Hope Medical Center in Duarte, Calif., announced they had used artificially State News Staff Writer station persons outside the church to created genes to change bacteria into living factories that produce human insulin. The Shiloh Fellowship church was prevent people from parking in the loading "This would be the first really useful product that has resulted from the research," said granted a special use permit for expansion zone and other areas where parking is Dr. Arthur D. Riggs of the medical center, referring to the recombinant DNA work. in a public hearing of the East Lansing limited. The accomplishment overshadowed the controversy that had developed over the DNA Planning Commission Wednesday night. "We've been restoring the building and research, which had led to a confrontation between, for example, the city of Cambridge, Ronald A. Price, a Shiloh Fellowship have had 10 to 12 cars parked in the street Mass.. and Harvard University over the institution's plans to do this kind of research. member, requested that the city allow the on weeknights. not fellowship meetings." All of this was the result of the use of restriction endonucleases to combine genetic fellowship to use a house at 520 Ann St. for Price said. material from two distinct and unrelated organisms. the church offices. The house is adjacent to Commissioner Edward Church recom Enzymes are complex proteins produced by cells. In the human body, they are a vital the church on 504 Ann St. mended that the loading zone sign be part of the body's immune system, its natural defense mechanism. They act by splitting The city planning staff recommended changed to a permanent no parking zone. the DNA of an invading, foreign protein into fragments. approval of the request based on the The proposal will be passed on to the DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid, forms the genes and chromosomes of all living things. It availability of off-street parking spaces on Transportation Commission. contains the genetic information that determines the form of life itself. Sunday nights. The fellowship request was approved A helical strand of DNA in a cell is called a plasmid. Using the restriction enzyme as a The proposal would not alter traffic or unanimously. scalpel, researchers can cleave the plasmid and then insert a section of DNA taken from A rezoning of lot 5 of Geisenhaver another, unrelated plasmid. Using another enzyme, called ligase, the two plasmids can be parking patterns in the neighborhood, the staff report said. Subdivision off Lake Lansing Road was fused, combining the genetic properties of both. Keep frisbees in parks or yards and off city streets in East Lansing or The parking impact the fellowship expan¬ unanimously approved by the commission One private scientific group, the Natural Resources Defense Council, has said this of and recommended to for city council they might be confiscated by the East Lansing Police. "Hindering traffic" sion would have on the area was questioned biologists' work with recombinant DNA: while playing with frisbees, footballs or snowballs is against a city ordi¬ approval. "Their achievement is so remarkable, so far-reaching, that it cannot be viewed simply by a neighbor of the church. nance and can result in a costly ticket, Lt. Syl Block, of the East Lansing "All the parking spaces are full," Harold Stephen M. Wickens. 1547 N. Hagadorn as another scientific advance." Forstat, 511 Ann St., said. "I think it (the Road requested a zoning change from "A 1" police department, said. fellowship) meets every night. It gets full agriculture to "R-3" residential so he could even in the no-parking loading zone at the end of the block." build a duplex on the lot. The action came despite a city planning Student, athlete sentenced Price agreed that street parking was a staff recommendation that the request be denied on the basis that single-lot rezoning Steven Luplow, the confessed murderer of his ex-wife who died in a shooting at Olds could accelerate the conversion to duplex Hall in Febuary 1977. was sentenced to seven-and-a-half to 15 years in prison Wednesday 4b police briefs Correction units in the area. Redevelopment should take place only after various physical improvements intended for the area are in by Ingham County Circuit Judge Jack W. Warren. Last month the court ruled that Luplow committed second degree murder when his ex-wife, Sheryl, refused to go to a therapist with him and told him he was becoming a place, a staff report said. "pain." It was incorrectly reported in the State "Steve Luplow, before he became mentally ill, was the kind of individual we perhaps all "It's our choice for Lake Lansing Road to If you ordered a pizza Wednesday night unusual for extinguishers to be taken from News Thursday that Michael Conlin, Re¬ become residential or commercial," Law¬ aspire to be," defense attorney George Thick, said. and didn't get it maybe it was because the buildings and used in such a way. publican candidate for U.S. Congress, did rence Kestenbaum, planning < "He was a good student, a fine athlete. His goals in life were high, but he was not attend the Tisch and Headlee tax forum. deliveryman got lost — or lost his car. He added that "high school kids are good accomplishing their attainment," Thick added before the sentencing. at this but college kids don't do those He arrived after 9 p.m. and spoke for about "The only thing he ran into was the problem of mental illness," Thick said. A Bells pizza car was parked at East 15 minutes. The forum started at 7:30 p.m. Holmes Hall with the engine running while things." the deliveryman did his duty. When he An investigation will continue. returned the car was gone, police said. Later that night the car was found The impound lot behind the Public Safety unharmed and the pizzas uneaten at Akers Building, 87 Red Cedar Road, was broken Proposal would increase media services Hall. into Monday night or Tuesday morning, An MSU student was later arrested for police said. An impounded car was also taken, police "joy riding" in connection with the theft, police said. They said the car was found at added. authorization from residence hall management and other University officials and getting his girlfriend's residence hall. "All we had to do was trace the owner ByPAULCOX initial financing. , State News Staff Writer through the tow ticket," Major Adam Everything concerned with the system is experimental, Moore said, and the projected Zutaut said. "It didn't make too much Some members of ASMSU's Programming Board research and development division A man indecently exposed himself Mon¬ completion date would require everything going smoothly. day in Room 315 Human Ecology Bldg., a said the campus needs more and better media offerings and they have the technology to The network would ideally be set up as a self-sufficient non profit organization, Moore Apparently, it worried the person who make it happen. Department of Public Safety official said. said. Police are searching for a male about 48 decided to independently reclaim his car, The group's chief engineer, Don Moore, a graduate student in telecommunications, said Initially. Moore and Haytol said they would want to put three radio stations and two years old, six feet and about 220 pounds. for he returned before police issued a there is a proven economical means to provide the campus with more radio, television and television stations on the air broadcasting from the Union Building. It has been proposed The description fits a man who is also warrant. other electronic media services, geared to student needs. A new system could eventually that there would be one full time news station, one "authentic" progressive station and "He said he had a guilty conscience, take the form of a campuswide infrared broadcasting system, he said. believed to be involved with a "peeping one top-40 station, Moore said. torn" incident late last week at Landon Hall, admitted he owed the money and paid the Campus radio and all other printed, audio and visual media on campus do a fine job and The visual aspect woud consist of a color television station to go into the lobbies of the police said. fine," Zutaut said. "A good man." the proposed system would not be meant to compete with existing media, said John residence halls and a black and white station that would go to individual student rooms, In Monday's incident the man reportedly The case is being referred to the Haytol, a senior majoring in telecommunications. The system would add to the existing Moore said. media to try and further suit the wants and needs of students. came into the room fully clothed and prosecutor's office. Moore said his group looked into many ways to expand on campus media including Right now the cable system in the Union Building is being revamped, Moore said. He unzipped his pants, exposing himself in cable and microwave transmission and found the infrared system by far the most added that in about two weeks, color television broadcasting into the residence hails front of two women. It was also reported Early last Friday morning a Lansing man lounge and grill will begin. walked into an unlocked East Lansing economical. He added that it would cost about $10,000 for the entire campus and requires that he masturbated in the room while no Federal Communication Commission license. If official permission is granted infrared transmitting equipment will be installed the in saying, "Don't you want it?" apartment, stood at the bedroom entrance of its sleeping occupant, woke the occupant The broadcast method is safe for the environment and requires only one Union Building and receiving equipment in a residence hall would be set up on a test The women threatened the man with a basis. one-thousandth of a watt of energy to transmit, Moore said. He added that WMSN stick and he left, police said. up, asked her what time it was and then Once the system is completed, the possibilities for expansion are limitless, Haytol said. left, East Lansing police said. requires 50 to 300 watts to transmit. He added that the nature of infrared transmission allow a great many stations to be sent Patton W. Johnson Jr., 24, of 519 S. The system would use the wiring system of the campus residence halls and buildings — An MSU male student was sprayed with through the one system. Holmes St., was later arrested in connec¬ like the current campus radio network — but would provide FM stereo sound, color and fire extinguisher Wednesday night while local sports telecasts, two-way a tion with the breaking and entering black and white television and two-way communication. Possibilities include recently released movies, walking on Shaw Lane near the football practice field, police said. incident, police said. Similar infrared transmitting is being used by KSL-TV in Salt Lake City, Utah and information service, in-room class viewing and test-taking, among others. Haytol said. He As the man walked near the lane a car Apparently the apartment's occupant, KSD-TV in St. Louis, Mo., according to Broadcast Engineering magazine. The technique added that the services that could be provided to students on a specialized basis are vast. was tested on the MSU campus last summer and was found to be effective, Moore said. pulled up along side him and stuck a fire Peggy A. Menghini, 21, of 429 Hillcrest St., "The reason we are doing this is the human aspect," Moore said. "The advances of left her apartment door unlocked that Moore said if everything goes right the system could be a reality in one or two years. extinguisher nozzle out the window and He added that this would require the technology continuing to work, obtaining technology should be the servant of man, not the other way around." doused him, police said. There are no night, police said, which might have suspects. provoked the incident. A campus police official said it is not Compiled by Russ Humphrey ©[pQOl®^ Km SHANAHAM Lebanon: incomprehensible If Mideast politics seem hard to consider Lebanon — it is impossible. Who are the comprehend, then Christians? Though For a time — up until three weeks ago — worked. There was a unilateral cease fire. But then fanatic Christian militia started sniping Syrian it |«f9) The supreme irony _Ji bad guys, Syrians, Israelis or their name seems to imply otherwise, it is probably the Christians. peace-keeping forces. Syrians retaliated and shelled Christian strongholds, killing possibly thousands and destroying most of the Christian sector. Some barof , or Once upon a time, Beirut, Lebanon was a flower of American diplomats speculated Christians were Western prosperity amid the tragic strife of religious wars. While Jews and Muslims systematically intent on committing mass "hari-kari" to draw world support toward their struggle, thereby forcing an where have you people slaughtered each other, Beiruti Christians calmly enclave to be set-up as a separate country so they and comfortably existed in their enclave — watching their interest grow in banks like Chase Manhattan and CitiBank and educating moderates in the could live in peace. Israel, who has been able to overcome traditional been for 200 years? American-run university. But then something Judeo Christian conflicts because of an even greater The concept of American neighborhood slithers in on Sundays for genuine acousti only thing on their minds before Coalition hate of Syria, came to the rescue of battered for 21 came along, but jeez, it sure does happened. bars has it roots in revolutionary politics. cal music have also become the unwitting Christians. Though it is no longer relevant, original soldiers in the battle as they fish into their rankle. The early 18th century coffee and grog Whether Palestinians or Syrians are to blame is Israeli support of Lebanese Christians stems from Ah hell, what's the use? The thing is shops of Boston were notorious for fester¬ pockets for an unaccustomed four-bit cover. beside the point — somehow the Muslim peasants of the (act that Israel was at one time heavily deposited All 50 cents goes with a prayer to the bound to pass anyway, given the awareness ing dissension and molding minds into Lebanon got the word that while they starved, their Michigan Committee for the Age of Respon¬ of your average teenage student. And in Beiruti banks. unified civil disobedience. fellow countrymen were getting sleek and fat. As In the next 200 years, bars switched from sibility IMICAR) — as in: "It's my car and if besides, I'm 22 as of last June. Sure, I'll vote At this point, the situation in Lebanon is beyond I want to get drunk and kill and maim then I no on Nov. 7. but the missionary zeal is could be expected, civil war erupted between the a place of scheming plans into places of comprehension — two factions bent on annihilation, gathering to reminisce past glories. Con¬ definitely gone. The hell with you mindless classes and Lebanon has never been the same. two sides bent on preventing either of the factions Don't get me wrong, now, I love to catch punks! quered sports teams, conquered women, After a cease- lire was negotiated, Elias Sarkis was from getting an upper hand, and two sides bent conquered huns and conquered bosses. In a buzz and have never been known to But to end on a good note: Cheer-up bar discriminate against any type of alcohol owners, after D passes there is going to be installed as president in an attempt to compromise toward peace but also bent on supplying armaments very recent years even the macho reminis¬ 45 days of the wildest, craziest, drunkenest to the sides who are trying to prevent the factions cing has died away. Bars, at least in this (except Ouzo). In fact I've loved it since I violently opposing factions. Instead of coming to any town, have degenerated to apolitical disco/ was 14 and got happily drunk on a quart of hedonistic, bacchanal this town has ever from getting an upper hand. agreements, however, everyone wound up hating rock pick-up joints and wild hootenanny Ripple wine up on top of Mt. McSauba in seen. You all might even make enough Sarkis and his marginally-effective Lebanese army. A Camp David-style peace is patently impossible places for semi-redneck burnouts. Charlevoix, Mich. Even getting sick all over money during the spree to change your As it became evident Sarkis' army could not fight in Lebanon; in fact no one is quite sure what to do. Then along came the morally uprighteous my sister didn't phase my appreciation. places over to disco-oriented ice-cream But one thing must be made clear, Lebanon is Coalition for 21, waving their noble banner And besides, being the "principled jour¬ parlors. both extremist Muslims and extremist Christians, nalist" forces me to acknowledge the "Hey, baby can I buy you a cone?" of concern for the sodden, downtrodden Syria's President Hafez Assad was called in by definitely not a case of Christians against the teenager. But to hear bar owners talk, it's 18-is-the-age-of-consent-argument as being Sarkis to quell the warring Muslims. infidels. It is madness versus madness. the basic thrust for defeating Proposal D. the second coming of King George III with his insidious, blasphemous Redcoats. But really, who are these bar owners trying It's the tyranny of the majority! It's to kid? Social consciousness — hah! Those taxation without representation! You can suckers are desperate. If it wasn't such a vote! You can killMin war) You can marry! serious matter, I'd really be tempted to sit You can enter legal contracts! You can get back, laugh and say "sweat a little you drunk on your butts and drive with the best chumps, it serves you right." of them! Will you let them take away your There is plenty of evidence — but not rights? NO! Will you register to vote? YES! enough for a story — that some bar owners Will you go out and vote down Proposal D? in town pay their help under the table to YES! What will you do? VOTE DOWN D! avoid Uncle Sam's taxes. A bartender What will you do? VOTE DOWN D! friend of mine was fired a year ago along Actually it hasn't quite yet come to the with three other bartenders because the point of rabble-rousing rhetoric. But it is as owner suspected them of trying to organize close as apathetic 1978 East Lansing will The point is, there is only one thing on get. In Dooleys, socially conscious bar- owner Gary Foltz, has recruited some of the their minds and that is money. I guess we most normal looking cretins imaginable to shouldn't be so surprised, since it was the sit at the registration table with studied casualness. imploring fellow cretins to register. The alligators on their breasts rising and falling as they passionatley expound on the uncoolness of raising the drinking age to 21. "Hey man, like the party's gonna be over if we don't all get together and do something!" Alley Ey's manager. Bob Stark, has about 10 deputized employees roving around to register hapless apathetics. At Lizards, laidback, bearded owner Kent Harder has his handstamping flash¬ light-holders doing another job: registering the uncommitted and passing out anti-21 propaganda. The over-21 crowd that usually Do you know the way to San Jose BRUCE GUTHRIE Having heard Darryl Roger's comments, our one strength — the passing game. Had it's apparent he shares our embarrassment we played real football the entire game we and disgust over our 1-3 record. However, could have beaten Notre Dame 40-30, or he should look in the mirror before pointing thereabouts. From sea to Whose B-ball team is it, anyway? the finger at Eddie Smith or any of our other players. We are not living up to Denny Stoltz gave us wins over Ohio State and Notre Dame. Rogers has yet to pre-season expectations because Rogers win a game of any consequence in his three In my mind, the purpose of intercollegiate were noi guaranteed season tickets in stifles our talent with poor game plans. years at MSU. Our chance for a share of the shining athletics is to provide young athletes the opportunity to continue their athletic careers, while at the same time furnishing a Jenison, they might contribute enough additional funds to finance a new larger arena to ensure seats for themselves. Unfortunately, it seems that this may Any casual observer knows we ha defense therefore," (points allowed - 21, 21 30. 29); our game plan must be predi Big Ten title was denied last year when he refused to go for two against Indiana in the closing seconds. We suggest he either gets symbol in which the student body can take it together and crushes Bo, or go back to never be the case. Tentative plans are being cated upon scoring 35-40 points per game. pride in. This being the case, the MSU fly bald eagle fly San Jose. Athletic Department has failed in at least drawn to rent a proposed arena in downtown Instead, we choose to go with our very Mike LaPonsie 215 E. Owen half of its objective. Lansing for home basketball games. This mediocre running attack much too often; Roger Klingler 1710 Stanley Ct. plan would further alienate the student body only when facing an insurmountable half- Len LeFevre 4632 S. Hagadorn How can the student body develop pride in from athletics since the arena's distance time deficit against the Irish did we go with The ad stared up at me from my Newsweek. A bald eagle, with a face as solid and hard our outstanding basketball team when the from campus would make it highly inac¬ as a parent's who gets a letter from the principal complaining about "that child" again, vast majority of students will never see a cessible to most students. swooping down in front of an old but firm American flag. It was like eating grapefruit game in Jenison Fieldhouse? How can we It is doubly unfortunate that these feel an important part of Spartan athletics after brushing my teeth; it snuck out of the void and grabbed me. problems are easily equalled by the On a two-page spread, fifty-three words stood out in the lower right hand corner. when two-thirds of the season tickets are ridiculous manner in which student tickets Originally, I expected another spiel from Westinghouse about how quality's an sold to non-students. sales were held. However, being one of the The State News endangered species except at their factories. Reading the bold-face type, I knew I was I realize that MSU benefits financially by fortunate few to have gotten a season ticket wrong. "Freedom Isn't Free." Oh hell, I thought, wrong endangered species. This selling more tickets to wealthy alumni and this year — I'U stop complaining for now. Fridoy, October 13, 1978 message is from my friendly neighborhood Army/Navy/Air Force/Marine Corps supporters than to students — but college But next year .. . recruiters. Editorials ore the opinions of the State News. Viewpoints, columns athletics is not supposed to be a money Tobey Lewallen and letters are personal opinions. I thought about Vietnam with its jungles, craters, war-induced injuries, orphans and making proposition. Perhaps if these people B401 Emmons Hall cemetaries. Yep, freedom isn't free. The Vietnamese had to fight a half million American Editorial Department invaders for their freedom. They had to survive the air raids, the napalm, the poisoned tdltor-in-chief JomesL Smith Photo Editor KothyKllbury Managing Editor Anne Stuort Entertainment S Book Editor Dave DiMartlno fields, the shrapnel, the American-imposed despots. Fly, bald eagle, fly! I thought about George McGovern calling for an international military action against Behold the false idol: golden beer Opinion Editor Kim Shonotion Sports Editor Layout Editor MlkeKloeke Scoff Wlerengo City Editor NumioLupo the government of Cambodia. Is this our George McGovern? Sure, George, let's send a Michelle Chombers freelance Editor Deborah Haywood Alcohol is used at parties in .. few hundred thousand troops to clean up Cambodia. And Uganda. And South Africa, conjunction you think they expected to be like this when Compos Editor Poulo Mohr Chief Copy Editor Kenneth E Parker Rhodesia, North Korea. Iran, Guinea, Yemen, the Philippines, Peru, Argentina, Chile with smoking and extremely loud, drug they were young? How do you know you Wire Editor Staff Representative. Joy I. Haenlein and whoever else. We can do it, George. But who's going to be left to make it an inducing music (listen to the lyrics some- won't do it? When a crisis comes up in your time) to obtain a "high" atmosphere. The life, how do you know you won't retreat to Advertising Department "international" force? We're the only country that matches up to our standards of good Assistant Advertising Manager Gina Spanlolo urge to succumb is there, strongly, but the bottle? Advertising Manager.. .. Bob Shaffer government. Fly, bald eagle, fly! we must reinforce our values and draw a William Cornish I though about our troops in Korea, stationed there to protect one dictatorship from line. B423 Bailey Hall being taken over by another. Same people, just different dictators. Imagine if British Alcohol is bad for the human system; it is troops had decided to segregate the South from the North during our Civil War. How a proven fact that alcohol is a drug with no much hatred they must harbor toward us. Fly, bald eagle, fly! medicinal or nutritional value at all. 100 I thought about Don Riegle who came to speak on campus a year ago. He spoke of those million people in this country do not DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau nasty Cubans who were interfering in almost as many places in the world as we were. He consume alcohol: some people understand said he didn't want to normalize relations with such an imperialist country. He spoke of its effects. There is also a question of as sadat uasleavinghis the arbitrary system of justice in Omar Torrijos' Panama and Riegle said he wanted morality — alcohol worship. If beer is on that's Rim roland. even cabin, he bumpedhid the your mind constantly, you worship alcohol. american negotiator, in C some guarantees that Americans in Panama would be protected from such justice before after the climactic sadaj- israeli pome minister. and Drunkenness is not sane or practical. You youromn mm,describe the carter meeting in aspen offering his hand, he begin he voted for the Panama Canal treaties. Arbitrary. And our jails are filled to the brim mood as oat thirteen broke are no longer you. One thing I pride mvself lodge, the success of tie smiiw and said, "l£t replied? with poor people. Fly, bald eagle, fly! is always being in control of mvself. with at camp caw. itidas one v on of uncertainty, mas tt summit has stu ndoubt.. ? us begin. begin.' / I though about the nuclear missiles. The world could be blown up n-times over without alcohol you lose control. If you drive, well, that is a good way to commit suicide and having a single person in uniform. Why, I thought, do they still have armies anymore? Armies just allow nations to go to war over issues which aren't important enough to risk probably murder someone else too. One-half of all highway deaths are related to alcohol. nuclear war. Armies just encourage warfare. And guzzle down hundred billion dollar Teenagers also have a higher accident rate budgets. Fly, bald eagle, fly! than those older. Or are several thousand I thought. The words in that corner of the page passed through my eyes like thread deaths worth the price? through a needle and registered in my brain. The sentence "Doing something you believe Young people form many values in in" was duly recorded. I did what I believed in. I ripped out the ad and tossed it in the college. If a society does not grow up on garbage. beer, it won't depend on it later in life They do shoot bald eagles, don't they? either. I have seen alcoholics on the streets and in the bars who wasted their lives away. Beer or wine is all they live for. Do Michigan State News, East laming, Michigan Friday, October 13, 1978 5 WKAR has birthday Society slates By MARCIA BRADFORD games caucus State New* Staff Writer To celebrate its 30th anniversary, WKAR-FM will feature a "Birthday Bash" Saturday By ED OLSON and Sunday. "You are standing in front of an ancient Highlighting the weekend will be a "Classical Top 30 Countdown," — the first in red dragon who is even now inhaling, and mid Michigan radio history, said Mary Jo Franzblau, public relations spokesperson. you can safely assume he intends to fry you Members of WKAR voted for their favorite classical tunes in September and from to cinders . . ." these the 30 most popular will be included in the countdown. Strangely enough, quite a few local Originally scheduled to begin Sunday 'morning,, the countdown has been moved ahead people will deliberately put themselves in to begin Saturday at 7 p.m., during the weekly "Listener's Choice" show. front of dragons as one of the games to be "We had planned a special edition of Listener's Choice," Franzblau said. "But the played at the 1978 Spartan Games Conven- selections that people chose for the countdown were too long to fit them all into Sunday's show, so we had to begin the countdown on Saturday." Sponsored by the MSU Simulation So¬ The countdown will be aired until 2 a.m. Sunday and will resume again at 8 a.m., ciety, the convention will be held Saturday Franzblau said. from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. in rooms 331, 332,334 An open house of WKAR radio studios in the Auditoriumwill take place Sunday from 1 and 340 Union Bldg. There will be 11 to 4 p.m. Station hours and refreshments will be offered and staffers will be present, tournaments and over $200 in prizes. Franzblau said. MSUSS is a group of about 30 people who "This is one of the few times we've had people in to see the studios," she said. meet weekly to "play games." These games Two people will be on the air throughout the weekend with comments about the station cover everything from "Cosmic Encoun¬ and the events over the last 30 years. Franzblau said it would be an atmosphere of ters" to "Dungeons and Dragons" to "Risk," relaxed fun. a set of games unofficially called "war- During the anniversary celebration, WKAR hopes to attract 260 new members. games." Memberships are obtained through contributions to the radio station and members are A wargame is any game in which two or then put on the mailing list, receive a monthly radio guide and are asked for input into the more players wage a battle of strategies. station's programming. This battle can take place at any moment in "We are trying to expand our membership," Franzblau said. "To obtain a membership' time and anywhere in the universe. we are asking people for a minimum contribution of $15. Gary Gillette, president of MSUSS, said Requests for pledges will be made during the countdown, she said. there will be something for everyone: board WKAR is a listener supported public radio and must raise $120,000 this year from games, fantasy games and even a game and listeners and businesses to cover programming and operating expenses. For every magazine auction. donation of $2.50, the federal government contributes $1. WKAR-FM, a pioneer in FM broadcasting when it began operation in October 1948, is "We an affiliate of National Public Radio, licensed to MSU. The main reason. Gillette said, for holding the convention is to get people interested in gaming and. hopefully, to get Wrench worth $1 million Photo by Jeon Moore more He people to join MSUSS. said there are about 15 people awarded him $1 million. Sears lost on A Simulated Wear Unit, designed at MSU, tests resistance in grass used for golf courses in the Soil Science re¬ working on the convention and if it is CHICAGO (AP) - Peter M. Roberts search area. Marty Petrovic, a graduate student in crop and soil science, checks the machine periodically to successful they may plan another one in invented a little wrench when he was a appeal and the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the case last week, clearing the way make sure it continues to run. May. teen ager, battled Sears, Roebuck & Co. for Roberts, 33, to take the $1 million, which "Dungeons and Dragons." more common¬ over it for 10 years and now is pocketing a cool million dollars with hopes of more to he picked up Wednesday from his lawyer. ly called D and D, seems to be the favorite, said Carl Fish, who, along with Doug Steer come. "Only in this country can a little guy "They told me 15 years ago that there wasn't much need for my wrench, that it Wallet man knows what evil lurks . . . and John Lemke, are creating the conven¬ tion dungeon, where the games will be stand up to a giant corporation and win," probably wouldn't sell very well," he said. played. They attribute its popularity t« the Roberts said Wednesday, twirling his "But Mr. Davidson proved in court that business has picked up by more than 10 percent." By CHARLES CHAMBERLAIN fact that it is. as Fish said, "a rom&ntic wrench as he sat next to his wife, Maxine, in Credit cards, drivers'licenses, personal medical cards, and Social they were very excited and were already CHICAGO (AP) - Who knows what evils lurk in the minds of fantasy game." his attorney's office. Security cards give Gersie his best clues. He says he is able to changing their whole tool line to adapt to purse snatchers, pickpockets and muggers? Harry "The Wallet and apartment return about 20 percent of the wallets he gets. After 60 days most of Roberts, now a grocer my wrench." Man" Gersie knows. The prizes will be gift certificates the rest are destroyed. manager in Chattanooga, Tenn., patented a And he says with Christmas approaching, shoppers should donatei.' by Riders Hobby Shop, Hobby socket wrench 15 years ago, when he was Sears spokesman Ernest Arms said "Some wallets have three or four different addresses inside and Hub, Jo-El Inc. and the Curious Book Shop. beware. It's his busiest season. 18, but sold the rights to Sears & Roebuck Wednesday that the firm had no comment they give me my biggest headache," said Gersie. "Everytime there on the case except that it had bought the Gersie goes through the contents of about 1,500 purses and is a parade, or any event where a crowd gathers, I'll get as many as If Dand-D fills their quota of game Co. for $10,000. His wrench permits a wallets a month, trying to find identification so they can be returned members there may be up to $80 in prize mechanic to change sockets with one hand. rights "at a price Roberts and his attorney to their owners. He is the "wallet man" of the dead letter branch of 300 purses or wallets. It's an interesting job. sorting the contents mon- for that game alone. agreed to." out, because you never know what you will find from day to day. Sears sold 25 million of the wrenches and Chicago's main U.S. Post Office. "If "The strangest thing I found in a purse was a revolver." said we get half of the people who play made a $44 million profit, according to court "I'm going to be very conservative with "The wallets and purses are thrown into mail drops and wind up Gersie. "It belonged to the wife of a police officer. More cigarette wargames to show up from the Lansing records. the money," Roberts said. "It will allow me on my desk," said Gersie, 63, who has been tracking down owners area alone, there may be up to 500 gamers to do some more tinkering. I think I have for five years. "Most of them are stolen and thrown into mail drops papers are turning up in purses than ever before. And I don't think A federal jury ruled last May that Sears they are being used to roll Bull Durham. It's grass." there," Gillette said. obtained Roberts' patent fraudulently and some more good Ideas." by the thieves after they've taken the money. In the last year Mr. J opts lor the plaid Blood* shirt that plays so many wardrobe roles. ~ ii We need all ^SUP€B TG, you can > Price Bears, spare. nsp Manhattans w Monday, Oct. 16 N. Wonders Hall 11 am - 4:45 pm Call Kathy 353-2495 Red Cross is counting on you. ★ Live music Tuesday through Saturday starting at 9:00 ★ Large Screen TV... for major Sporting Events Footlong Chili Dogs LITTLE FEAT Star performer in the young man's wardrobe, our "IN YOUR EARS" acrylic flannel shirt with the look and feel ot wool. 80c It's a shirt to wear over another shirt, a turtleneck, 2-5 Friday Friday, October 13 th a sweater. It plays a solo part on its own, too. Good show! Off-white with beige/brown/yellow, or off-white 8:00 Pm-Lansing Civic Center with light blue/beige/grey. Sizes S-M-L, $16. VAKIiyNN With Special Guest The contrast acrylic turtleneck, in brown, GOOD FOOD • PIZZA • SPIRITS camel, navy, or natural, S-M-L-XL. $12. OptnM'F: 11 a.m. Sat. • Sun.: 12:00 The Craig Fuller-Eric Kaz Band Tickets $7.50 & $8.50 (All seats reserved.) Tickets Available Tonight at Box Office the Jacobsoris Friday, October 13, 1978 6 Michigon Stole News, Eost loosing, Michigan Ramones continue evolution on their Road to Ruin Genesis: music of the apocalypse By BILL HOLDSHIP formerly with Richard Hell's Voidoids, who State News Reviewer mixes well with Dee Dee Ramone's thumping The Ramones' musical evolution has been and wired back beat. one of the most interesting of this decade, Most startling are some of the newer especially since it has been so visible from musical aspects. The beach harmonines have album to album. On their first LP (which, by been nearly phased out. The drone has been By JOHN NEILSON toned down. Nonetheless, as a whole, this is State News Reviewer the way. I despised at the time), the boys' sound was offensive and as raw as raw can the boys' most melodic LP to date, with When I saw Genesis at Wings Stadium in Kalamazoo last spring, be. A derivative of sorts of the Stooges and Johnny even performing several guitar solos. it was depressingly similar to watching a re-run of Cloae the MC-5. though not as interesting, their And, surprise of surprises, two tunes — Encounters of the Third Kind. The show was impressive — even music forsook melody and commerical acces¬ "Don't Come Close" and "Questioningly" — awesome at times - but I left the stadium totally unmoved. sibility for what seemed to be a one-time-only are actually country & western influenced Seeing Genesis in Jenison Fieldhouse Wednesday night, however, was like experiencing a REAL close encounter. It was #• practical joke. (!?!). All of which proves that the Ramones Leave Home, the second effort, combined may be even more like the Merseybeat bands pure sensory overload from the opening notes of "Eleventh Earl of Mar" to the last fading notes of their encore, and it re-affirmed my the rawness of the first LP with elements of than originally (bought, as they continue to belief that Genesis is one of the best rock (as differentiated from '60s-style Merseybeat. Even a Herman's experiment and grow. . rock 'n roll) bands around. Hermits quality could be heard amidst the I didn't expect to be saying anything like this when I went to the drone. In addition, their first experimenta¬ Th« Ramones show. I used to be one of their big fans, but their last few albums tion with Beach Boys-influenced harmony currently mix vir¬ seemed too lush and somewhat insubstantial. I didn't even buy their evident. This device was taken to the hilt 'iU"' was Rocket To Russia, one of the best records tually every grand archetype in¬ last one, And Then There Were Three..., which would have been /' > on to their melodic electro-shock unthinkable a few years back. And to top things off, Genesis fans of 1977. Rocket to Russia was Ramones have always annoyed me, because they're so often rabidly turned-psychotic Beach Boys, and it led one therapy sound, and they have critic to exclaim: "My God! It's a new Jan & evolved into this country's great¬ single-minded in their devotion to THEIR band. All this — plus the Dean LP!" fact that their stage show was cold and detached the last time I saw It has often been contended that all great est pop commodity. w them — left me with no great expectations for Wednesday's show. T It didn't take long for the band to win me over. Genesis is one of rock is based on archetypes, that is, past the few high-technology bands that plays music with as much styles from which the new music is derived. Joey's vocals are conveying a lot of days. Continuing in the vein of feeling as technique. Their show in Jenison tied together a lot of iw For example, there couldn't have been Beach emotion these loose ends that had been bothering me lately, and it proved to be the Boys without Buddy Holly; Beatles without "Here Today, Gone Tomorrow," he performs Beach Boys, nor Raspberries without all two rock ballads. The first, a cover of the best show of theirs I'd seen since Peter Gabriel left the band. Searchers' "Needles and Pins," is as perfect For example, the keyboard playing of Tony Banks was a lot less three. The Ramones currently mix virtually every grand rock archetype into their as was the original. The second, the grandiose than it has been, relying a lot less on mellotron washes melodic electro-shock therapy sound, and aforementioned "Questioningly," reveals a than it has in the past. This put more of the emphasis on the rest of the band a much-needed change of perspective. they have evolved into this country's growth in lyrics. While the comedic anthems — J on apathy and cretinism remain, "Question¬ Also, Daryl Stuermer — who replaced Steve Hackett on guitar greatest pop commodity. Like the Beatles, after Wind and Wuthering — has finally been fully integrated into Stones, Dave Clark 5, and many others ingly her eyes looked at me/And then she before them, the Ramones are based on the the band's sound. The ex-Jean-Luc Ponty guitarist seemed sadly spoke/Aren't you someone I used to know/ out of place last spring in Kalamazoo, but happily this is no longer concept that the best rock makes the And weren't we lovers a long time ago . . . the case. His work with the guitar synthesizer Wednesday was greatest pop. creating nothing more or less Memories make us cry" are hardly lyrics I'd Phil Collins of Genesis wore strange clothes indeed while performing "Say it's than happy feelings and FUN, FUN, FUN! have expected from this band three years especially fine. Alright Joe" in Jenison Fieldhouse Wednesday night. Peculiar clothes notwith¬ Phil Collins, too, has finally adapted to the role of the band's With the pop sound, the Ramones have ago. standing. their performance was A-OK. also "cleaned up their act." There are no The longest number is just over three front-man. On previous tours he has seemed to be unsure of what to do with himself in the spotlight, and this was in turn translated into longer references to sniffing glue, chainsaw minutes, and nearly every song is perfect for massacres, and beating on brats. Only their cretinous teenage geeks remain, comedic car radios. Of course, this is nothing new. Due to air-headed station managers, This Weekend manic motion with no real direction. The conviction he expressed this time Mit was perhaps the biggest surprise of the evening. figures to which any former fans of Alfred E. "Sheena" and "Rockaway Beach" from the Neuman and Mad magazine will be endeared. Rocket LP were the best radio songs that As a great philosopher once said, "Everybody Theater will be presenting The Last Meeting Of Backing them all up was one of the finest rhythm sections in The Ramones are an integral part of the The Knights Of The White Magnolia, a comedy rock: Chester Thompson on drums, Phil Collins on second drums never got played on the radio of last year. must get stoned," and probably the biggest event and percussion, and Michael Rutherford on bass guitar and comedy style that is the REAL rock 'n roll of Above all, the tunes are extremely dance- in Michigan this weekend is Bob Dylan's by Preston Jones. Performances are at 8 p.m. Friday and Sunday, and 6 and 9 p.m. sub woof pedals. When they all played with full force it sounded this decade, and they stand as the Fabulous able, and answer the musical question: "Who appearance at Olympia Stadium in Detroit Mariah Coffeehouse will be presenting guitar¬ like the apocalypse unleashed, but they were also capable of Furry Freak Brothers of the 70s. sez ya can't dance to rock 'n roll?" tonight. Alas, tickets have been sold-out for Road to Ruin (Sire Sek 6063) stands as Every time I listen to "I Just Want To weeks, but if you're willing to pay the price (the ist John Fahey's unique mixture of folk and jazz providing a rock/jazz (as opposed to jazz/rock) fusion side to the in McDonel Kiva tonight and tomorrow. There band's sound that is often overlooked. another fine testament to the band's evolu¬ Have Something To Do," the opening cut, lowest reported is $40). the scalpers will be tion. While it is a continuation of sorts of with its archetypal riffs and bridge of "DU will be two shows nightly at 8 and 10:30 p.m. No review of Genesis would be complete without credit being gathering. Money doesn't talk, it swears .. . Rocket To Russia, several new elements DU DU DU DU - WAIT! DU DU DU DU - On the theater scene, the PAC production of Last but not least, rock fans down on their given to the amazing lights that accompany the band. They are stand out. Most evident from simply looking NOW," I'm on my feet like a rocking fool until Wild Bill Shakespeare's Much Ado About finances may be content with Devo's debut precise, imaginative, and well-thought-out, and they add a whole television appearance on NBC's Saturday Night dimension to the band's stage presence. Strange as it seems, it was at the jacket is that drummer Tommy my roomate subdues me. It's also meant to be Nothing will continue through Saturday in Ramone (nee Erdelyi) remains with the band Fairchild Theatre. The production has been set in Live. Devo is the most uniquely weird of all the often hard to tell where the music left off and the lights began. played as LOUD as human ears can wave bands. Who knows? Maybe they'll The show was not perfect — there were a few mistakes and the only as co-producer of the LP. He has been withstand. Now, that's rock 'n roll. That's the the American Wild West. Curtain time is 8:15. new perform a De-Evolved version of "Blowin' In The unsold seats at the back of the fieldhouse created some echo replaced by Marky Romane (nee Bell), Ramones. Gabba, gabba, hey! Stephan Soundheim s Follies, the story of aging Ziegfield stars, continues at the Okemos Barn Wind" to make all the down on their luck Dylan problems — but it came pretty close. Suffice it to say that Genesis in fans feel better. concert on a good night is what the Second Coming would be like if Theatre at 8 p.m. nightly. Lansing's Boarshead God was into hardware. HERMB NEW ARRIVALS AT THE WHERE HOUSE ARE YOU A COMPUTER kUTO BODy ll BILLY JOEL 52nd STREET American & Foreign Cars LIBBER OR A LIBBER TEEN? Quality Work Guaranteed RONNIE LAWS FLAME Free Estimates COME FIND OUT mon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Manufacture List $7.98 Sat 8:00 a.m. -12 Noon Corner Larch £ Michigan Ave. where else... New Dimensions Lansing 489-6577 in Computing HEAVY DATE WHERE 220 m.a.c. mon-sat: 9-9| 541 Building (517)337-2880 541 East Grand River, East Lansing, Ml 48823 Appointment With The Future univ. mall. 332-3525 sun: 11-7 For Engineering Grads Engineering opportunities exist at Hughes Aircraft 11111111111111111111111 ij 1111 Company, Culver City. California, in its Electro-Optical & Data Systems Groups, for graduates with the follow¬ & MEET THE BELL ing degrees: • BS in EE. Comp Sci, ME SYSTEM • • MS in EE, Comp Sci. ME PhD in EE DEPOT REPRESENTATIVES: The positions involve the development of advanced 1203 South Washington Ave' electro-optic and space sensor systems, laser sys¬ tems, and airborne computers and software. Oppor¬ OMN SUNDAYS _ MICHIGAN BELL „ tunities are available in the following specialized 12 to I © ™ Analog & Digital Circuit Design ^-Conductor's ™*CK Choice (ENTREES) TV Antral Spcdll ATT LONG LINES Hybrid Circuit Design 1 Generous portion of Spag hetti and Italian Sauce with two large meatballs Systems Analysis Systems Engineering TV Anerlcai Flyer One Half Golden Fried Chicken TV GnadTruk Staler WESTERN ELECTRIC Signature Technology Pattern Recognition Image & Information Processing Sirloin with Mushroom Sauce. BELL LABORATORIES *"k TVSnerC Computer Architecture > Roast Sirloin of Beef with AuJus or Mushroom Sauce. Scientific Programming HACK Casey Jnes New York Stnp Sirloin, Served with E.O. Sensor Design • tuck Onion Ring and Garnish Grant Trial Western two thick Port chops cut from This is your opportunity to informally Optical Systems Design Young Loins served with Applesauce and Garnish Signal Processing Circuit Design Structural Dynamic Analysis Side Trad Tender baby Beef Liver, with Sauteed Onions. discuss career opportunities after Mechanical Product Design graduation. Servo Design ftfTKUSSr"2? «""ppy «•* CraMegS Alaskan King Crab Legs for Dinner Positions are also ovailable for BS graduates on our Served with hot drawn butter and lemon wedges Masters Fellowship Work-Study and our Engineering For details, interested graduates . Seaboard Special Fmt nounier rui« MONDAY, OCTOBER 16 Rotation Programs. are requested to schedule interview appointments 11 gtojjugumd Crrtmedj- A Gourmet's Delight Tender Breaded Deep Pried Clam Strips with our recruiter. Your placement office will sched¬ Cltttectf k Crab TEAK ROOM Tuc* ule you for our recruiting visit on Friday, October " A Strlnin Steak and Alaskan King Crablegn - Served with hot drawn butler and Garlic 1:30-6:00 PM EPPLEY CENTER MTneulaM'CnIllWb.WMIa.CMaNil.lFMma—l 20,1978. U 5 iHUGHESi L I HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY -J citizenship requlred»tqual opportunity M/F/HC employer I ■ : i - -mi limb ^wrmfml III11111 I * FAMILY A FAM m honor birthday IVf mm RESERVATIONS CALL MSTAURANT partus. annkrsarics-all acfs 371-3456 Ail majors welcome @ Michigon State News, East lonsing, Michigon Friday, October 13, 1978 7 Pop returns with Blondie, Gilder FCC®f€ By DAVE DiMARTINO her voice not the least bit CHR 1202) has just been re¬ State News Reviewer grating and at times, quite leased, and includes the already Originally an exclusively Bri¬ surprisingly, verging on excel¬ classic single, "Hot Child in The tish label, Chrysalis Records lence. City." has begun an expansion pro¬ The appearance of guest star Have to say right off that gram that's brought several Robert Fripp — he's sat in with "Hot Child in the City" is, in my American artists like Leo Kot- the band in New York, I hear — opinion, a GREAT song, a truly tke and Mary Travers to the probably marks Blondie's in¬ "stupid" classic in the same company. All appear to be creased sophistication best, vein as T. Rex's "Bang A doing very well. symbolically. His screeching Gong," and not that far re¬ Take Blondie, for instance. guitar makes "Fade Away and moved from it musically, either. Originally signed to the smaller Radiate" one of Parallel Lines' "Hot Child" is one of a handful Private Stock label, Chrysalis highlights, yet musically it isn't of songs that sounds 10 times bought the ber.d and the right very different than any other better coming out of a tiny to the group's first LP, and now selection on the LP. Best cuts radio speaker than it does out seems to on the verge of would have to be the opener, of your stereo, a positive plus breaking them naturally. "Hanging on the Telephone," as far as I'm concerned. Blondie's new LP, Parallel "Sunday Girl" and the disco- Gilder exploits the "Hot Lines (Chrysalis CHR 1192), tinged "Heart of Glass." The Child" mentality in full in all his continues to show evolution and only failings are the tunes work, though he seems to growth on part of this once penned by Debby Harry — emphasize it more here than he too-simplistic New York "punk" band. "One Way or Another" being a real loser — but her hot-stuff did in his previous You Know Who You Are (which contained The PanTree $ On it, they've put together a vocals more than make up for another "stupid" classic — highly sophisticated, collection of songs that marks their her other inadequacies. In all, Parallel Lines is a large step forward for Blondie and at "Roxy Roller"). Producer Mike Chapman, part of the team Elegant, inexpensive . . . and ^ maturity as a band and would responsible for a whole string seem to indicate the full fruition times surprisingly commercial; of dummy classics by the likes of their sound. Keyboard player it'll be interesting to see what's of Suzi Quatro and the (remember "Little Willy"?), is Sweet you get to eat in a garden ' Jimmy Destri still is the domi¬ coming up next. nant force here, no longer Another American band, that given production credits for The PanTree is a restaurant on Abbott Rd. It's only a block up from the Union, sounding like a fluent organ is led by Nick Gilder, is actually part of the LP including "Hot and it's open 24 of Child" and two other cuts. hours a day. It's simply a beautiful place to eat. grinder but instead Blondie's one Chrysalis' hottest bands main man. Debby Harry conti¬ of the moment; Gilder's second Chapman, incidentally, is the If you have never eaten there, you are one of the lucky ones*. because! nues to improve as a vocalist, album, City Nights, (Chrysalis producer of the Blondie LP, and his production talents very eating at the PanTree for the first time is such a rush! It's like walk¬ definitely seem to be in increas¬ ing into a garden. And it's especially nice in the morning when the smell of homemade muffins is in the air. Breakfast is an excellent ing demand. Sex Pistols' Sid Vicious City Nights is filled to the brim with infectious L.A. pop, meol to start with, too. in this The PanTree has the finest breakfast menu part of the state: Eggs Benedict, Quiche Lorraine, Belgian Waffles with fresh fruit, amazing omelettes, fresh-squeezed orange juice. (or, charged in stabbing death highly enjoyable and always lots of fun. At times Gilder reminds me of Ian Lloyd of you can have eggs, toast and hash browns for 95C) Deborah Harry of Blondie NEW YORK (AP) - The guitarist, who went under the Stories, but he basically seems If you really care about what you put into your body, the PanTree is your sort of name of Johnny Rotten, split to be going his own way. anybody's standards. mous. Melody is everywhere, spot. The service is fast, but it's not fastfood. Heavy on the fresh vegetables and punk rock performer Sid Vi¬ There're a lot more equally fine and though there are a few cious, who was a member of the off from the group. The Sex fresh fruit, the menu is just not like most places around here. singles waiting to be pulled off Like very few other artists. rough spots, the fart that Rabin defunct British band the Sex Pistols were known for anti¬ social behavior at concerts, the album. It's evident at this Rabin is a one-man-band, play is a mere 22 is extremely And the best is the Quiche. A couple of years ago, most people here thought a Pistols, was arrested Thursday point that we're going to be ing everything on Trevor Rabin encouraging. "keesh" was a "kitch", but since the PanTree introduced the dish, its available and charged with the stabbing including vomiting on stage. murder of his American girl¬ The band was considered the hearing from Gilder for quite (Chrysalis CHR 1196) but the The production is sloppy, lots of places...but not like at the PanTree. some time, and that's certainly drums. The influences are there done by Rabin himself, but all friend in a Manhattan hotel, embodiment of the punk rock OK by me. — the bio mentions similarities the rudiments of fine rock and The PanTree Quiche is made with a flaky pastry crust filled with eggs and real police said. phenomenon, which reached Vicious, 21, whose real name the United States from Eng¬ A real surprise is the first LP to Rundgren, Boston and Tom rolling are fully in evidence. cream and whatever else -- there are now six PanTree Quiches. Try the Seafood by Trevor Rabin, seemingly Petty and it's not far off the He'll be going places and soon. is John Simon Ritchie, was land in the mid-1970s. Some Quiche, with shrimp, cod, and scollops; Chicken and Broccoli Quiche is a coming from out of nowhere. track and the potential for Highly recommended, and very tasty dinner. There's Spinach Quiche and there's Mushroom and Swiss Cheese — arrested shortly after noon and manifestations included simu¬ It's a significant debut by ernwth sepm«! virtually enor much worth a listen. was charged with the murder of lated violence on stage during Quiche, and of course, the premier breakfast quiche, Quiche Lorraine, with Nancy Laura Spungen, 20. at concerts and extensive, grotes¬ bacon and Swiss cheese added to the eggs and cream. On Wednesday, there was the Chelsea Hotel on West 23rd Street, said Detective Jerry que makeup on the part of performers. Some fans labeled CENTRAL UNITED EA^MiNSTER Presbyter] an] a coupon for a free quiche dinner in the State News. Vegetable/Cheese quiche, with zucchini and Swiss cheese and other veggies. USE THAT COUPON ... Thomas. Ritchie was to be themselves as punk rock follow¬ METHODIST church this is the best quiche in the house., .tastes sort of like delicate pizza.) arraigned Friday morning. ers by wearing safety pins Across from the Capitol 1315AbbottRd. (North of Saginaw) , Police said Ritchie called through their ears. However, here's a hint: Try to plan going at a time when everybody else in town them and said he had awakened "Getting straight" Eas Lans.ng I isn't. On weekends, the line is there most of the time. The best time to eat at to find that the woman had Especially late afternoon and early evening. And been stabbed once in the stom¬ ach. on our motives." Dr. Neil F. Bintz Worship Services Sunday, Oct. 15 Wo.(hip: B:30S 10:45 a.m. J the PanTree is during the week. breakfast isn't that bad very popular place to eat. usually, especially if you go a bit early or late. It's a Vicious was bass guitarist for 9:45 and 11:00 | the Sex Pistols, who broke up earlier this year when the lead Poul W.Green Timothy Quist | Right now, is a good time ... just reading this article made you hungry didn't it? Nursery Available 337-0893 337-0183 And we haven't even mentioned the Michelob on tap, or the excellent wines, or 485-9477 | the Stroganoff Crepes, or the simply amazing Huge Fruit Salad, or the Copen¬ hagen Omelette, or the steaks, or... Recpiest for Nomination MICHILIN RADIAL! •miaiimaaMais with o Lift Tim* Warrant* DISTINGUISHED Whila Wolll FACULTY AWARD 155-13 37.95 MFI Ii 4 ? •ff" 2, 165-13 IMS IIN l« . » 16S 15 w ! 39.95 FR7I-U 4 J • |1t» CMttitiumtfiittn SPONSORED lOr: 57.95 Students, olumni. and faculty 40.93 M/VtJ 4 \ •111" 43.95 e or full professors, with r more years of service in M.own.IVI«... 49.94 2J1! 4 o •I84M the M.S.U. College of Arts and JR7I-1S - • 71.95 Letters, for a Distinguished 1171-1$ * $ •144" 73.93 RAMON'S Faculty Award. Nomination may be mode by a letter t< STEREO (KIDDIES RESTAURANT Professor Thomas Folk, Dept Fine Dining Phillipe-ISIM Reel to Reel AND of German & Russian, giving c JBI Lilt[,55 Speakers Casual L0UN4I ONKYOTK 330 Receiver SMKMMEIS Elegance 718 i. GRAND RIVER-LANSING Harman-Kardon 230 Receiver RADIALS The Finest in Mexican Cuisine New Advent Walnut HMT5 2758 E. Grand River/337-1701 Why not try us today! UNIVERSITY Speakers Wpla.F.I.T. REFORMED Plus bin Willi Mist Much-Much CHURCH Sweet Nothings more 11115 4930 S. Hsgedorn (across from Alters) In 14Kr. Gold Overloy , by Kre- Roses... Butterflies... Wplu.M.T. Wd olio Hovd Monitor DINE OUT Hearts... A delightful selection 9:30 Study Groups 10:30 Coffee Hour of neckloces suitable for < i. Come set Muddars Dick Copak TONIGHT Worship: plete selection. Lightning Fast Electronic FREE MOUNTING* FAST SERVICE cocktails CARRY OUT FOODS 11:00 a.m. and 6 p.m. Repairs All MAJOR lUNtSAVAIUlU 489-2445 For rides meet in front of TV-STEREOS ^ TIRE INC A TIRE INC M 332-6545 SS ...... Bryan Hall. East Wilson CB-CAMERAS Hour! 8 30 6 00 0«10 p.sa. CAMPUS Fireside Booei Complete Music Store PIZZA CALL 353-8400 1040 east FORINFT TO SUNDAY, 8i30 A IllOO When God startles us. MUSIC CO. & SJTYCv As! 310 west HIRE! FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening Call 482-0754 for information fjj^ * 540 Frandor Ave, 540 Frandc Lansing Grand River Avenue Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor JNL ph. 337-9700 337-971 Kenn Hecht, College Minister Friday, October 13, 1978 8 Michigon State News. Eosf Lansing, Michigan LAST BIG GAME FOR SENIORS MSU hoping to end losing skid "He has really had a fabulous all three Spartan touchdowns. the Big Ten in punting with a By JOE CENTERS Senior split end Eugene Byrd 46.4 yard per kick average. State News Sports Writer career." Rogers said. "Name a It's been nine long years — quarterback whose done bet¬ caught seven of those passes Rogers said that as a team, BIG TEN STANDINGS for 124 yards and a touchdown. ter? He throws well, throws it Michigan will be MSU's tough¬ Big Ten All Games since Oct. 18. 1969. in Spartan Senior flanker Kirk Gibson darn well. But I've got to worry est opponent so far this s 200 400 Stadium — that MSU has made six catches for 96 yards about him coming down the line 100 4-0-0 defeated Michigan in football. and a touchdown and junior 31-0 The Spartans won that day. of scrimmage." Purdue tight end Mark Brammer also Ohio St 1-0-0 2 11 23-12. and it was the first time While the Spartan defense caught six passes for 53 yards. Iowa 10-0 1-3-0 Michigan's Bo Schembechler tries to contain Leach and Illinois 0 11 131 ever coached against MSU. He company, the Wolverine de¬ This week, Smith Northwestern 0-2-1 0-4-1 learned right away what it was fense will have its work cut out There are six senior starters Indiana 0 1-0 1-3-0 like to lose the big game, and for it trying to hold down leading statistical passe r in the for the Spartans and this will be MSI 0-1-0 13-0 he's never done it again. MSU's Eddie Smith and his Big Ten while Byrd is the the last big game of their Minnesota 0-1-0 The Spartans will be in Ann aerial show. leading pass receiver in the careers. MSU stands at 1-3 and Stole News/Pete Obee Arbor Saturday and a crowd of league. Sophomore punter Ray MSU have one more shot at winning more than 104,000 is expected Last week against Notre Stachowicz, who set an the Big Ten. That chance will MSU's back-up safety All Davis (27), junior from Huntington Woods, makes a THIS WEEKEND S GAMES for the 1:30 p.m. contest. Dame, Smith completed 27 out record against Notre Dame with 75-yard kick, is tops in come Saturday in Ann Arbor. crunching stop on Notre Dame's Randy Harrison. Wisconsin at Illinois As usual, the Wolverines go of 41 passes for 306 yards and a MSI' at Michigan into the game undefeated. Ohio State at Purdue Michigan came from behind last Northwestern at Indiana Saturday to beat Arizona, 21-17 Beardsley satisfied with ticket lottery Iowa at Minnesota to raise its record to 4-0. If the first four games are any indication, MSU will have to get something going in the first half. So far this season, the Wolverines have been out- could be a student committee set up to work along with him. scored 31-28 before halftime. By JOE CENTERS people getting in line ... I think it's kind of a waste." Beardsley said that he welcomed comments and suggestions from Earvin on But in the final two quarters, State News Staff Writer Beardsley said the lottery went off "pretty well" and that he was anyone. Michigan has scored 77 points basketball season, when the Spartans satisfied with the new system. Two exceptions were the fact that Ever since the end of last The underlying problem to the basketball ticket situation is the without giving up any. there weren't any students helping him to lend credibility to the 25-5, the Big Ten Championship and got as far as the unusually small seating capacity of Jenison. Only 9,886 tickets are"1 SI cover? For the fourth straight year, went won mideast regionals in the NCAA tournament, the demand for process, although he said there was "no question about the sold for each game. Those tickets are split up, like they are for all the Wolverine offense will be credibility," and the time factor was greater than he expected. basketball tickets has gone up like magic. sports, with 50 percent going to the general public and the other v run by Rick Leach. The quar Assistant athletic director, Bill Beardsley, who is in charge of Beardsley said the system is credible, but students seem to be half going to faculty, staff and students. terback from Flint is the key to Is Ea "Magic" Johnson ticket sales, knew this and he wanted to be prepared. The usual split on the issue. Many students have either complained or written That left 3,500 students for each of the A and B series, or 7,000 be ' the ' of Michigan's option attack. He letters to the State News saying that the system did not eliminate Illustrated? Well, has only passed the ball 47 procedure for students to get athletic tickets was to wait in line on a total student tickets. long lines — people had to wait for over seven hours to receive s this and first come, first served basis, those with the lowest student Beardsley said that in the foreseeable future, basketball would be speculation right now, but tickets on Monday. Some have complained about the limited there are some indicators. pleted 19 of those throws. numbers getting first choice. number of ticket booths and the fact that the ticket sellers took off the only sport that would need a lottery. The demand for hockey Several SI photographers, The Wolverines rank ninth in This year, talk of people waiting in line for three and four days tickets was very high three years ago according to Beardsley, but complete with all their fancy for lunch at noon, leaving the students standing in line. Others have the Big Ten in passing, but prompted Beardsley to make a change. ticket sales have been going down since then. lighting systems, were at Jeni- He decided to hold a lottery for the tickets, still making sure that been pleased with the system. son Fieldnouse taking pictures they're the top rushing team in the On Monday, the lottery began at 8 a.m. and lasted until The process would not be feasible for football tickets because of league with a 266.7 yards the students with the lowest student numbers had the first chance. the lack of time. Beardsley said that football tickets went on sale of the sophomore cage star on per game average. _ A registration of fee cards was held last Thursday, Friday and approximately 6:45 p.m. according to Beardsley. He said that every this year only 14 hours after fall registration was over. Tuesday afternoon. senior and junior who registered for the lottery, got their tickets. Harlan Huckleby is the top Saturday. MSU sold almost all of its 20,000-plus student tickets this year. You might say that is not Michigan rusher with 336 yards Everyone who brought in a fee card, or cards (up to eight), got On Tuesday, all but four coupons out of the sophomore barrel Only in 1966, has MSU ever sold all of its student football unusual, but get a load of the once, for a 4.8 yard average per one coupon for the lottery. Senior and junior coupons were drawn were drawn, according to Beardsley. None of the approximately 75 tickets, according to Beardsley. pictures they were taking: Johnson was dressed in black carrv. Leach has rushed for 232 on Monday, and the rest were drawn on Tuesday. freshmen coupons were drawn before the tickets ran out, Beardsley One question raised about the sale of tickets was, "why don't yards (5.9 per carrv), Russell "The primary reason was to give more people the shot at tickets," said. patent leather shoes a black people who have tickets one year get first choice of tickets the next 1 Beardsley said that he plans to u le this process in the future when Davis has churned out 202 tuxedo and a tail magician's top Beardsley said. "Not just those people who could afford three or yards (3.9 per carry) and Roose¬ year?" hat . . . and that's not all. velt Smith has run for 128 four days." the ticket demand is so high. "The problem is that the ticket doesn't have a value on it," ! They. SI people, had Johnson yards for a 4.6 yard Another reason was that MSU was holding its Autumnfest in Before the lottery would be used again, Beardsley said it would Beardsley said. "I'm afraid we'd put a value on something that 1 dunking the ball in this attire every time he carries 1 ""I Jenison Fieldhouse, and Beardsley said "it wouldn't be too good" for have to be refined. He said that one way would be to draw the doesn't have a value." with that patented grin on his all of those people to be waiting around in line over the weekend. coupons in advance and have them printed in the State News. That He said that people could keep their ticket stub and then sell it to ; Earlier this week. Spartan coach Darryl Rogers had noth¬ "I think the system itself is very credible," Beardsley said. "I way, only so many people would be buying tickets at one time and (continued on page 10) ing but praise for Leach. think it did the things we wanted it to. I guess I'm i everyone would know exactly when to come. He also said that there HAVE A DEGREE IN NEW SCIENCE OR ENGINEERING? AT DISC SHOP RARE EARTH Grand Slam ONLY w $4.39 Pick 'em up A EA ENGINEERING SENIORS wL You Won't Put 'on Down THE U.S. AIR FORCE ENGINEERING TEAM, FROM SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, WILL BE AT MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY ON THE 20th OF OCTOBER. THE TEAM WILL BE INTERVIEWING AT PLACEMENT SERVICES FOR POSITIONS AS ACTIVE DUTY ENGINEERING OFFICERS. THE AIR FORCE HAS JOB OPENINGS FOR ENGINEERING OFFICERS IN MANY PROFESSIONAL AREAS. FIND OUT IF ONE OF THEM IS YOURS. FOR THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME STOP BY THE PLACEMENT SERVICES CENTER AND SIGN UP TO SEE THE AIR FORCE ENGINEERING TEAM. DON'T DELAY! SIGN-UP STARTS TODAY. FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACT CHARLES SYMON AT 351 -0640 Reed Seed M-7-910B-1 On Motown Records & Tapes THE DISC SHOP m 351-5380 323 E. Grand River 0,"° A great way of life. Friday. Oclobar 13. 1978 9 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Spikers host International meet; MSU golfers defend Knoppers eyes Big Ten tourney their regional title By JERRYBRAUDE "Western Ontario is always tough," coach Annelies Knoppers said. "They won the Canadian championship two years in a row. By MfKE KLOCKE State News Sports Writer State Newe Sports Writer MSU's volleyball team will conclude its home season this Knoppers isn't sure on what to expect from Indiana State, since The MSU women's golf team will conclude the fall portion of weekend when it hosts the MSU International Invitational. MSU hasn't played them in two years. its schedule this weekend with the Midwest Regionals in The tournament will also be the Spartans, now 12-7-4, last "Last time we played them, they were very inconsistent," Madison, Wise., a tournament Mary Fossum's squad has won chance to have some tournament experience before the Big Ten championship tournament Oct. 27-28 in Champaign, III. Knoppers said. "They have a new coach with a lot of new recruits the last six times. from Indiana where high school volleyball has been improving." This year, though, things might get a little tougher. Last The tournament is scheduled for Friday and Saturday and will A different kind of format will be used this weekend. Instead of year, the Spartans eked out a win over West Virginia in sudden consist of four teams from Canada - Waterloo, Windsor and death. And this year, there are several teams in the field who Western Ontario and Wilfred Laurier — and eight from the United seeding all the teams in one standing, the teams will be seeded by have already beaten MSU in previous tournaments. States — Indiana, Indiana State, Purdue, Eastern Kentucky, how they finished in its particular pool "We've won the tournament the last six times it has been Cleveland State, Calvin, Northern Michigan and host MSU. Saturday's action will consist of single elimination tournament held, ever since Bonnie (Lauer, now a pro golfer) was here," ; Friday's action will be limited to pool play beginning at 1 p.m. play at the Men's IM beginning at 8:30 a.m. Fossum said. "I keep telling them, we have to get going or we and will be in the Men's and Women's IM buildings. But MSU One team that Knoppers feels will be tough is Purdue. Last won't qualify for the nationals in the spring." won't commence play until 3 p.m. when they take on Wilfred year, the Boilermakers were 15-1 and they only have one player To qualify for the nationals — a tourney MSU finished 11th in Laurier. The Spartans will then play Indiana St. at 4 p.m. and under five-feet, nine-inches. last June — team must be in the top 26 in the nation. The best Western Ontario at 5 p.m. "They are a very powerful team," Knoppers said. 10 competitive scores are averaged. The Spartans haven't played "So far this year, we have only four scores we would want to a match in 10 days, which has average," Fossum said. "We still have until early May to get given them time to prepare for those scores." the tournament. mind isn't on the nationals right now, it's on the Penn St, But Fossum's Harriers take on "We have been puting em¬ phasis on defense and offensive regionals, the most important event of the (all schedule. The team left Wednesday so it could get in a practice round strategy," Knoppers said. "We Thursday at the course, which is a very long, flat course, By ADAM TEICHER different, as Zemper stressed. have been working on more according to Fossum. State News Sports Writer "It's definitely an advantage if you're familiar offensive plays. The Spartans' four top players — Sue Ertl, Suzi Conlin, Beth with every hole and turn on the course as the MSU did have an exhibition Sierra and Lisa Speaker - were all exempt from qualifying for Big bad Penn State. It will be this ferocious home usually is. Familiarity breeds match with the alumni last the tournament. Senior Sue Conlin and experienced junior Ann group of Nittany Lions that the Spartans will be team trying to huff and puff and blow down Saturday comfort, and if you're comfortable, you can Friday in which Knoppers Atwood will make up the rest of Spartan contingent. when the MSU women's cross country team concentrate on running and the job ahead and not found it to be a nice break for Fossum said she expects Indiana, Ohio State and the about what's coming up on the course. the team. travels to University Park, Penn., to meet one of worry Spartans to be among the favorites in the regionals. Both the the disadvantage by "We took them to five games the top teams in the country. "We try to minimize Hooisers and the Buckeyes, along with Purdue, have defeated The Spartans are 100 percent healthy for the running the course the day before the race to before losing the final set MSU in prior tournaments. first time in three weeks, and they're going to familiarize ourselves with it. It's real difficult to 15-13," Knoppers said. "It was Fossum is hoping that the Madison course will be to the need top performances from the whole team to run a race on a course you've never seen," he good competition for us, and we advantage of her team. beat Penn State. said. MSU is running the course today in played well." "It's long and more flat than the other courses we've been "Kathy Mills is by far their best runner. She practice, but many of the Spartans saw the Sophomore Heidi Musser still playing on," Fossum said. "But that shouldn't hurt us. We have State News Ira Strickstein holds a couple records in the 5,000 meters for course last year when they met Penn State. will be out of action for this kids who hit the ball a long way." MSU junior golfer Ann Atwood tries to coax a putt women. Liz Berry is an outstanding runner for MSU is taking eight runners to Penn State, weekend because of an injured "We had a very good practice on Tuesday, so I'm hoping for a into the hole during the MSU Invitational earlier them as well. They have several solid runners where last year and before, the Spartans only ankle- good finish in the tournament," Fossum said. this season. MSU will be deleoding its regional title that make them very tough," MSU coach Eric took seven to road meets. If you knew Mary Fossum, you'd know that by a good finish, this weekend. Zemper said. "By bringing eight instead of seven, we give she means a seventh consecutive title. Not that the Spartans will be overpowered. "It one more person race experience, which is Field hockey will take a team effort for us to beat them, but we important. Also, if we get an extra person to The MSU field hockey team's can do it," Lisa Berry, the number one Spartan bring just in case one of our runners gets hurt, runner, commented. that extra runner can just step in and run so we game with Northern Michigan can run with a full team instead of just with six," Saturday has been changed Obviously, being at home is important to any RENT A from 4 p.m. to 10 a.m. ran team in any sport, and cross country is no Zemper concluded. SOtCOKI L .. L with any purchase of o large tub Ir 51 Offer good 10/13-10/14 Only walk-ins honored with coupon $aw a3 WEEKEND c Jim Pocock special Wo SjHvjf f ri pm to Mon. om for Galley ! O Major Credit Card or Deposit req. 21 or older A Sub Shop j State Representative from 12580 E. Grand Rlvor (nextto Coral Gables) 3SI ■ 0304 I CURTIS FORD R M.S.U. 95 Weekend Special $59, Ready to Finish Furniture Regularly *66.° From Plywood Sales Here are just some of the ready to finish furniture pieces you can choose from. Furniture In pine, maple, PI/RE JEAN-IUS! Buskens was really thinking when these crafty leather boots were created. Just try Pine 7 Drawer Desk $59.45 hardwood, and oak. Pine 4 Drawer Chest $38.95 tucking your jeans into 'em for a dynamite look! Then give 'em a whirl with all of your favorite sporty togs. Buskens' Hardwood Kitchen or Desk Chairs starting at $17.95 Pina Record Cabinet 15x26x18 $31.45 ^ MSU Also—we cut plywood to size if you're BOOIERY interested in making your own furniture. For the Women 225 E. Grand River acroia From tho MSU Union Over 60 Wide Calf Boots Styles of S PLYWOOD SALES CORP r aipaa uaasa ate/ ssap jatm Open tonight till 9 ' Sunday 1 -S to choose from. 3121 S. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, LANSING Other nights till 6 Friday, October 13. 1978 ] QMichigon Stote News, Eost loosing, Michigon Soccer team plays in Big Ten Classic Men's runners take on U-M turning for the tournament. By CHERYL FISH tough teams. It gets us ready for the Big Ten able to just stay in the game anybody." Baum said. "Wiscon¬ through its first round game Younes mised Wednesday's State New* Sports Writer meet. I'd say Michigan and Wisconsin are the two By JERRY BRAUDE until they get used to the sin is a much more improved with Ohio State, which is only best teams in the league," Gibbard commented. Sute New* Sport* Writer surface. Oakland contest because of a The arch rivalry between MSU and Michigan team over last year." 1*5-2. The Spartan runners appear to be in good If MSU's soccer team defeats bad back that he suffered is not only continuing down in Ann Arbor on "I'd hate to play Indiana right One aspect of the tournament "Once we get used to the shape for the race. Gibbard expects freshman Wisconsin in the first round of during the Notre Dame game. Saturday. The cross country harriers will face a off. I'd rather build some mo¬ that worries Baum is that the surface, it should work to our Martin Schulist, who has finished first in the last the four-team Big Ten Classic tough, unbeaten Wolverine team today at 4 p.m. this weekend, they will have a mentum for them in beating playing surface will be astro- advantage since we're a control "Soleman is an experienced This will be the 17th meeting between the two two meets, to stay right up front with the Wisconsin," he added. turf. MSU is the only one of the style team," Baum said. 'The winger, and it will be nice to Wolverine harriers. Harold Rutila, Mark Mesler chance to compare themselves schools. The Wolverines hold the edge over the Indiana is currently ranked three teams that doesn't play ball skips real fast, and you can have him back," Baum said. and Michael White have done well in the last few against possibly the nation's its home games on the synthet Spartans, 10-6. number one in the nation with hardly lead your man. But we MSU goes into the meet with a 2-2 record. meets and are expected to keep up the good best in Indiana. Baum also feels freshman ic surface. don't have to worry about the work. "Hopefully White will run to his potential. But first, coach Joe Baum is an undefeated record. The Hoo- Lead by an outstanding group of freshmen, the "We will be practicing at Eric Wostl will be improving siers have defeated six teams in ball running away from us since I think he is about ready to do so," Gibbard said. concerned with getting by the since he now has a game behind Spartans seem to be improving with every meet. the top ten and have won two Spartan stadium, but practice we're a more deliberate team." White finished 10th in the last meet against Badgers, the host team of the him. Michigan is unbeaten in two dual meets this major tournaments, one in Cali¬ experience isn't anything like Northwestern and Illinois State. However, both tournament. year. They won the Springbank International "With the way we've been fornia and one in Indiana. game experience," Baum said. "He's been an improved play¬ Roadrace in London. Ont., in which they were White and Gibbard feel he has the potential to be Indiana should also breeze Baum hopes the team will be but inexperience has been even better. scoring, we can't look past er, among 12 teams. Outlasting 25 teams, they also hurting him," Baum said. This time none of the Spartan runners are took the Notre Dame Invitational in South Bend. The Wolverines are led by junior Dave hampered by injuries. MSUINGS: Scott Campbell, Mesler had to miss a race due to a slight back Beardsley hopes to improve lottery who led the Spartans in scoring as a freshman last year, will have surgery on his knee where Heikkinen, Dave Louis and Steve Elliott. "The spread between their first five runners is within injury, but he is feeling fine now. 20 seconds, which is very impressive," MSU coach Jim Gibbard said. Michigan took last year's meet by a 18-45 score. If all indications are right, this year's he tore ligaments against Notre battle should be a lot closer. Beardsley said. We'll have our hands full, but we like to play " i continued from page 8) Dame. He will miss the re¬ somebody so that they could purchase a ticket for the next season. He said that MSU sold tickets at registration for three years but mainder of the season. People would make money just by sellingthe right to buy a ticket to other organizations started complaining about equal time so the someone else. athletic department had to stop doing it. At the University of Michigan, ticket sales for football are There are a lot of things that have to be worked out before the handled through registration and the price of the ticket is to that student's account. charged lottery system is used again, but that won't be until next year. So LSAT/GRE After a long term you "It's a good system but we can't get into the registration system," there's a year to work on it. deserve a Super Prepare for Hie December LSAT/ORI Christmas present! men's and CAMPUS —classes forming now— Try 8 days of sun, fun and Caribbean- women's beaches! A week in Beautiful CANCUN, MEXICO costs PIZZA only $409.00 including airfare direct from Lansing, hotel and transfers. And You'll still be home for the fu-liion hairstyling holidays. try a . . . Haircuts $7.00 HOT TUNA SUB EDUCATIONAL CENTER Walde Travel College Travel IIS W. Allegon In laming 130 W. Grand Rlvar In I.L. 919 E. Grand River (12", oven baked) 372-1030 351-4010 GARYs 3S1-6Sn 1040 E. Grand River E. Lans. 48623 ph: 332-2539 "Serving the area for over 40 years" Campus Beauty Salon free delivery 337*1377 Jlimited 549 E. Grand Riven- s from Berkey Hall Family Law Clinic WALLET Engineering I Computer Science Mo|ors SIZE Charles P. Burbach WATCH FOR THE Attorney At Law PHOTOS HUGHES RECRUITER VISITING Uncontested Divorce rjwTallet-photos] YOUR CAMPUS SOON. [f.10^1.99j No children or property division $125 plus costs Contact your placement office for interview dates. With children • No property division $185 plus costs | From your Print, 10 for *2.99 j j VALID ENTIRE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1978 j ^ COUPON MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER j Probate and luvenile Court Cases UNION f TORI HUGHES 5020 Northwlnd Drlva. Suit* 205. E.l. Ph. 332-2200 355*3498 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER M F (Delivery Available) No chocks accepted 1 r WEARHOUSE 1 Caesar/> Buy any Medium Pizza I EAST LANSING KALAMAZOO at the Regular Price . get the K Warm up to MR. B'*t Pizza THEE Identical I 1st quality HOMECOMING FLOAT AND order 10-27-78 I ★ Women's down coats 2830 E. Grand River BANNER COMPETITION* 2 blks. west of Frandor by Antler $50.00 delivery west of Harrison I 485*4406 ENTRIES NOW BEING TAKEN THROUGH TUESDAY. OCTOBER 17 THE HOMECOMING OFFICE. 333 UNION BIDG. 355 3355 J ★ Men's down vests IN A ROUGH SKETCH OR DETAILED DESCRIPTION MUST $25 to $32.50 ACCOMPANY ENTRY JUDGING WILL BE HELD SATURDAY MORNING OCTOBER 21. ■ (Delivery Available) No chocks accept^^ WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED DURING MSU INDIANA GAME. .Xae%r/> Buy any LARGE Women's __ „ . ANY DORM FLOOR. CO-OP FRATERNITY. SORORITY. OR OTHER Join the I Pizza for tha ( sweaters $ 18* SO & lOSS GROUP ORGANIZATION MAY ENTER. Semester al Sea, affiliated with the University of Colorado, ' Men's for unparalleled International $ 16.50 A Wider an F educational experience. Sail from sweaters Los Angeles February 15, by way of the urient. South Asia, and the Mediterranean. Applications now being accepted. §must have 1203 couponRlvar Grand Grond10-Rlvar 2130 E. order D one couponper 27-78 fHH 529 E. GRAND RIVER, E. LANSING Now hrl. For Free Color Brochure, t all or write: Semester at P.O. Box 2488. Laguna Hills. CA 92654. Telephone Sea. Taj Mahal Building, 1800) 854-0195 (toll-free Idalivary aast of d.livary Horrison 2 blks. wait w.ltof of Frandor Horrl.on^^M mSm Mon.-Frl. 10-9 Sot. 10-6 Sun. 12-5 'AN ASMSU PROGRAMMING BOARD/HOMECOMING outside California) (714) 581-6770 (in California). SS. Universe is fully a ir- EVENT FUNDED BY STUDENT TAX DOLLARS. conditioned. 18.000 ions, of Liberian registry. ^337-^63^ ^ NEXTTOBAGELFRAOEt At last, a classic has an ending. The true "lost" T-shirts, football I Mister D'b Offers You. A SWEET chapter of The Once and Future King. jerseys, floor SALE! 80° OFF 2 Large Subs or shirts! Personal service, Maidenform'* Sweet Nothing* Save *1.00 on eoft-cnp $1.00 OFF low prices, custom bra. Reg * new *5 567 unit* Save On 16" Pizza •1.50 ao fiberfilJ bra. Reg '7* now printing, and •6 195 nnlta Save *1.00 on match lag bikini Reg '4* now *3.50 246 CAMPUS WEST CAMPUS NORTH [Delivery West Of Abbott Delivery East Of Abbott prompt delivery! AU beautifully lace- trimmed In a rainbow of color*. 401 N. Clippert 3044 Lake Lansing | Sole end* 10/28. 3514700 337-17(1 Call Lyn Lamphere m*. CAMPUS EAST 2WV 2137 Hamilton Rd. JW at 393-0300 W 3494400 VK after 6 pm: 882-4212 Fatt, FREE Delivery! ATHLETE'S VILLAGE JOLLY CEDAR fLASA -UBS. CEDAR, LANSING 5 r,Bottoms(,Up PSBMJB Limit 1 Coupon Per Special. "Everything For Expires 10-31-78 The Athlete" Univ.riity Mall.2nd Laval 220M.A.C. East laming 393*0300 10-5:30 Mon.-Sat. 10-0 Thur, Michigan State News, Eost looting, Michigan Friday, October 13, 19781 1 Indochina feeling the wrath of monsoon starvation. funneled into the country. season will certainly have considerable impact on the entire economy. BANGKOK, Thailand (API - Destructive monsoon floods and Even Cambodia, which rarely reports on anything resembling Vietnam, heavily hit by a series of natural disasters last year, rains across the Indochina peninsula have left thousands facing problems within its borders, said its rice crop had been "greatly will also have to hunt for large doses of aid. Annual grain Flooding has been heaviest in the northeastern provinces, the starvation and millions more in need of emergency relief. shortages in Vietnam over the past few years have amounted to poorest area of Thailand, and the government has already The floods also have destroyed vast quantities of the vital rice impaired" by the flooding. announced that large-scale assistance will have to be sent to the The monsoon rains, floods and typhoons also have cut a swath of between 1 million and 2 million tons and official statistics reported crop and stalled postwar reconstruction in an area scarred by destruction in the Philippines, Hong Kong, India and other parts of by the Vietnam News agency and the Voice of Vietnam indicate farmers in that region. While most of the havoc simply has been blamed on the weather, generations of battles. Asia over the past three months. that the deficit this year will be a record one. Western and local officials here say the economies of Vietnam The Vietnamese government has said that 4.8 million people — widespread deforestation and destruction of water-absorbing Thailand government officials said the flooding has been the and Laos have been struck such a crucial blow that they will or nearly 10 percent of the population — were in need of ground cover in Indochina has compounded the problem. worst in memory. The Voice of Vietnam has reported that require international aid to survive. The harm done the virtually the entire country has been affected by its most severe "emergency relief." Tuesday, the government announced a major The region was struck by a series of typhoons that did not allow agricultural base in Thailand and Cambodia is also serious, though flood in 12 years. "food cultivation campaign" had been launched to curb hunger. time for repairs and preparation of dikes, pumps and other not as much so. Western diplomats and United Nations officials in Bangkok said flood-curbing measures. United Nations officials said that only four times in this century The loss of life, by official count, has been relatively small over had the Mekong River risen to this year's height in southern Laos. that the damage has hampered Vietnam's efforts at postwar The U.N. Mekong Committee has devised a master plan to the three months of monsoons - 74 in Vietnam, about 40 in With the waters due to recede late this months, some countries reconstruction. Their rebuilding efforts had been slowed by a develop the entire Mekong River basin, including flood control Thailand and more thean 30 in Laos. Cambodia, under the control border war with Cambodia and troubles with China, which cut off measures. But the committee's work has been seriously hampered have begun to tally their emergency needs. of the tight lipped Khmer Rhouge, has not reported casualties. all aid to its former ally earlier this year. Laos, one of the world's poorest nations, needed 113,000 tons of by Cambodia's refusal to participate. The unusually severe rains and the high waters of the mighty Thailand, a fast-developing country with a solid economy, will imported food grains last year to make up a food deficit stemming Mekong River - which drains all four countries - have probably not need large-scale international assistance. innundated more than one million acres of rice fields in 28 of primarily from a devastating drought. This year's flood-created But government officials said any major setbacks to agriculture Thailand's 73 provinces and destroyed 860,000 homes, according to shortage has been calculated at more than 120,000 tons. According to United Nations officials, some international aid is already being Thailand's interior ministry. The Vietnam News Agency reports that 20 percent of the nation's cattle have been destroyed. A Laotian government report How would Einstein on the flooding says half a million Laotians are threatened with theorize about Cinci? AFRICAN CINEMA Although the Cinci formula is secret, certain factors in the equation are well known: I Cinci has a hearty, full-bodied flavor. 2. It is smooth and easy going down. 3. Its head commands respect. Our theory is that Fiinstein would have concluded: II s too good to gulp. Relatively speaking, of course. Dingo leisure boots in exciting butter-soft leathers for today's leisure lifestyles. Styled Cinci right. Priced right Cream Beer It's too good to gulp. Special Price 51.95 MSU From Bootery •250" are ,he distinctive features of every for the Men Mid-Michigan Premier and up. _ diamond solitaire we selll 217 E. Grand River 219 E. Grand River Across From Union Bldg. Open Tonight till 9 • Othor night* till 6 CEDDO Ph. 351-1098 by Ousmane Sembene TONITE - FREE B102 Wells 8:00 p.m. Sponsored by SALC Imported from Canada by Century Importers. Inc.. New York, NY You're invited to an OPENHOUSE of the MSU Employees Credit Union 2td 5 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 15th PERFECT SYMBOLS Therell be AL FAST, The Clown, to entertain the kids, OF THE LOVE YOU SHARE refreshments, guided tours, and door prizes for A Keepsake diamond reflects your both adults and children. love in its brilliance and beauty It's IF YOU'RE NOT ALREADY A MEMBER, guaranteed perfect in clarity...for fine white color...and precise cut. You can join today or during the Open House choose no finer diamond ring and then register to win a valuable door prize, including a trip for two to Cancun. Keepsake Hqi.lrml Diamond Rirqp GRAND DOOR PRIZE: USt DM CONYENKKT One week trip for two to LAY-AWAY PUU llaslir Ckatt or CANCUN, MEXICO YiuWitaw Includes air transportation direct from Lansing and first class accommodations. Mori.-Sat. 10 to 9 Sun. 12 noon to 5 5TvP YFRIDAY T.G. 5 ^ • Specials * 'D' T.G J 15c HOT DOGS DOWNSTAIRS RALLY PITCHER TO STOP MSU EMPLOYEES SPECIAL PROPOSAL D' CREDIT UNION mum\ LIVE BAND ON NOV. 7 600 E. Crescent — on campus • Phone 353-2280 9 to 5:30 Monday thru Friday -itonight: Roger & 25 DONATION The Human Body Friday, October 13, 1978 1 2 Michigon Stole New,, Eost laming. Michigan Homecoming group &»»* ' ♦j*" Teaching in Belize open By JOANNE LANE Phillips explained. releases regulations wSHki., 4^; State New. Staff Writer The Student Teaching and Professional Devel¬ opment Office is offering education majors the Phillips said the program student teachers to will take about 15 Belize. Applicants will be interviewed a total of three times and those opportunity to do their student teaching winter selected will be notified in November. for this year's floats life- term in Belize, located in Central America. Students will be required to totally finance the - The student teaching office, 253 Erickson Hall, program themselves, he said. which has been sending teachers overseas for the "We capitalize on a maximum cultural ex¬ The 1978 Homecoming Com¬ coming Desk, 333 Union Bldg., last 10 years, is currently interviewing eligible mittee has released rules for on or before Oct. 17. students. change," Phillips said, "since the students will Entrants must submit a also be living with Belizian families." the float contest open to any student organization, residence hall floor, cooperative, sorority rough draft of the float they intend to build. If two floats are similar in construction and de¬ ■ i. 1 To be eligible, a student must be an education major and attend one of the 29 member schools of Living arrangements as well as teaching assignments will be taken care of by Phillips or fraternity interested in en¬ tering. sign, only the first entry sub¬ mitted will be allowed to enter 'WOr the Michigan Inter-Institutional Consortium for Overseas Student Teaching, which includes when he goes to Belize in December. While the students are in Belize, Phillips will The floats must be stationary MSU. and will be judged according to and the second will be allowed also supervise their classroom teachings and their relationship to this year's to submit another entry. John Phillips, serving in his fourth year as conduct some volunteer workshops. Homecoming theme — "A Tow¬ Judging will take place Oct. li ■ program director, said the Belize program is 21. from 8:30 to 10 a.m. Win¬ Many of the schools in Belize have strong er of Strength for 50 years." unique since the students have the opportunity ners will be announced later religious overtones, Phillips explained. They still The theme celebrates the anni¬ to teach in Belizian schools and not just American that day at the Homecoming say prayers in school everyday and require versary of the construction of schools in foreign countries. students to attend mass. Secondary schools are Beaumont Tower. football game. also segregated by sex. Sponsors of the winning float Due to language barriers the other overseas Other float judging criteria will receive a traveling trophy student teaching programs operate from Ameri¬ "It is a beautiful experience for students since are originality, construction UPI can schools serving military families or other Belizian people are very receptive and hospita¬ and composition, design, cre¬ which they will keep for one Americans in those countries. ble." Phillips said. ativity. over-all effect and ef¬ year. Petro and gas storage tanks in the Christian suburb Dora Lebanon, continued to fective use of colors and mate¬ A map of the location of all smoke after massive fires in the area were extinguished. The fires were "However, since English is the major language Students interested in the Belize program rials. The colors for this year's floats will be available to those should contact Brad West in the Student caused by heavy lighting in Beirut. spoken in Belize the students can easily Homecoming floats are brown organizations requesting the communicate with teachers and school children," Teaching Office. and yellow. information. All entries must be turned in Applications for float entries to the Activities Director's Office on the second floor of the are available at the Activities Directors Office in the Union "WOMEN HELPING WOMEN" Union Building or to the Home¬ Building. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Gynecological Care Engineering t Computer Science Mo|ors Experienced Counselors Birth Control Assistance —here to help you Pregnancy Terminations DONT with your individual GRADUATE needs. without talking to the Hughes Recruiter visiting 332-3554 349-1060 your campus soon. Contact your placement office 927 E. Grand River for interview dates. Across from Bogue St. 4737 Marsh Rd. Suite B entrance to campus. Behind Meijers HUGHES OWNED AND OPERATED BY WOMEN AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER M F FOR /*DUIXS ONLY Sunday Night! pillow furniturc i5 rate0 for extra comfort Pitcher & Pizza Special only $3.50 All the spaghetti You Can Eat only $2.25 opens Fri. & Sat. Everyday SAVE $10® NOW Upstairs in at 4 pm When You Order Your ULTRIUM the Show Ba COLLEGE RING •oz* Plus!... your choice of the following options when PILLOW TALK ordering an ULTRIUM* OR10k GOLD RING! 2868 L Gram River • Imperial Cut Blrthttonas • Simulated Diamonds FURNITURE Soft Line Furniture Center Sunburst Stones • Genuine Jade "Rathskeller • • Genuine Tiger Eye • Genuine Earth Stones Frandor Shopping Center Lansing, Michigan 115 deposit required ovailoble IIMTU Beneath Coral Gables Valuable Coupon Worth $1.35 $1.75 Ms2at 'Fine Dining — Casual Elegance' ®Dufei^< Tumatoe fJl AM BUT TWO DELICIOUS ML TONY SUBMARK SANDWICHES (nf) FOB 0N.V *1.75 M His nun) SJWE *1.15 happy hows n.eiaom I I/ALIT I UNEERfyROUNP I 515 W. Grand Rlv.r (|uit wait of Greyhound Station) 224 Abbott Rd,E.Lansing ■ UOMUVMY . 351-2285 2758 E. Grand River / 337-1701 ^Plck-Up or Din. In Only Friday, October 13, 1978 13 Michigan State News, Eo»t Lansing, Michigan Crim: Fitzgerald Journalists quiz Governor Milliken "went too far" (continued from page 1) state mental health institutions. He said the health "backed off, or provided false information. "Residents (of the institutes) had difficul — which he said was "nothing" as critics department "reluc¬ SOUTHFIELD (UPI) - House speaker charge. "An awful lot was done during the tantly reinstated" 22 of the 80 Plymouth ty identifying the person - they couldn't beginning stages," he said. employees who were released on suspicions remember - so the department reluctantly Bobby D. Crim, in an interview on of drinking, smoking marijuana while work¬ reinstated these employees with back pay," WXYZ-TV, said William B. Fitzgerald, the Brickley defended the governor's conduct in the incident by blasting Democratic ing and abusing mental health patients. he said. Democrats' candidate for governor, "went a "There was not enough evidence to "The dilemma is if you can't prove them bit too far" in his PBB commercials. opponent William B. Fitzgerald. Brickley said Fitzgerald is criticizing the governor, convict so they were reinstated," Jordon guilty, you have to treat them as if they Crim, a Davison Democrat, applauded but has not said what he would have done in said, adding that some key witnesses either weren't" Jordan said. Fitzgerald's decision to take the ads off the the same position. air and called the move "very magnani¬ William Long, a Milliken aide, said he is mous." "I think that's very human and it shows me a human side I like to see in someone in "90 percent sure" the governor will sign the lobby bill passed by the Legislature Sept. Defense bill passed i. power," Crim said. "I don't like to see Although both Brickley and Milliken's (continued from page 1) The bill would provide travel and moving someone who will not admit that they made aides agreed the bill lacked the punch to abortion restrictions. He said the Pentagon allowances for the first time for the families a mistake." Crim said he is unable to gauge what effectively regulate lobbying activity, they assured him that its regulations would be of junior enlisted men sent overseas. said the measure could be improved later. "meaningful, strict and appropriate." Defense officials had lobbied for the impact the flap over Fitzgerald's commer¬ "You take what you can get," Brickley Overall, the bill totals about $5 billion benefits cials will have on his bid to unseat Gov. on grounds that low ranking ser said. "Government is a game of inches — more than last year's spending, but $1.9 vicemen are going deeply in debt bringing William G. Milliken. not of miles." billion less than the administration's re¬ their families abroad. "I think Fitzgerald realized, perhaps, he Brickley denied allegations that the quest, chiefly because money was deleted Under the bill, the number of dependents had gone a bit too far, however, and I'm not governor intended to sign the bill into law for a nuclear aircraft carrier after a overseas would be frozen at 350,000 too sure just how much too far he had because of its possible political advantages. presidential veto. worldwide. gone," he said. Both Milliken and his running mate said "The innuendo," Crim said, "went a bit the state has too large an election ballot. too far, I think." Both said the secretary of state and the Fitzgerald took the ads off the air after a storm of controversy erupted from scien¬ tists and Milliken. The commercials implied attorney general should be appointed rather than elected. Livestock show planned Brickley said it made no sense to "elect a that PBB caused a variety of health ills, secretary of state whose job it is to pick the ranging from baldness to birth defects. color of license plates." MSU's Block and Bridle Club will host its Sheridan said contestants, who were Scientific evidence thus far has neither annual Little International Livestock Show¬ given two weeks to work with the animals Milliken also told reporters he would be proved nor disproved such allegations. receptive to Legislative efforts to reduce manship contest Saturday beginning at 9 they will enter, will compete in the Crim said the executive branch of state a.m. in the Livestock Pavillion located preliminaries beginning at 9 a.m., followed marijuana penalties — but not "eliminating government "is in chaos" under the Milliken them entirely, not legalizing." across from Anthony Hall. by the semi finals in the afternoon. administration "and has been for The governor also said he was against The day-long event will feature a pig The top two persons from each of the time." efforts to raise the legal drinking age to 21. roast for Block and Bridle alumni at 12:30 categories, consisting of beef cattle, dairy "There's internal fighting and bickering Milliken signed a bill raising the state's cattle, sheep, swine and horses will compete among almost every department of state Larry Sheridan, chairperson of the for the sweepstakes at 6:30 p.m. legal drinking age to 19 last spring. government today," he said. Jim Jordon, mental health executive contest, said the event is open to anyone Crim countered Milliken's criticism of Winners will be awarded trophies or . assistant, addressed the problems of abuse and will include showing of animals from Fitzgerald's legislative attendance record ribbons for their showing. and neglect recently discovered at some five categories. by saying he is a part-time governor. Ahh, the care package from homed - nana Hosier's203 E Grand River Friday the 13th One day only sale (continuing all day Saturday by popular demand) All wool Take '20 to '50 off coats reg MOO to M70 Take '15 to '25 off All leather jackets reg '80 to M30 Take »10 to '20 off All wool jackets reg *40 to MOO Take '20 to *30 off All sweater coats reg '60 to '83 All winter Take *10 to '20 off parkas reg '46 to '85 All wool blazers reg Take '10 to '30 off '50 to '150 All Dresses Reg. '40 to '140 Take '15 to '50 off Take '25 '35 off All suits reg '110 to '125 to Take '5 to '10 off All Blouses reg '12 to '30 reg '32 to '60 Take '5 to '20 off Now comes Miller time. Take *4 off All fine guage Coats & V-necks reg '12 Take '7 to '15 off All vests reg '14 to *30 All skirts reg '21 to >50 Take '5 to '20 off Take '5 to '30 off All sweaters reg '18 to '65 All velour tops reg '16 to '30 Take '3 to '14 off All dress pants reg '21 to '60 Take '5 to '20 off Use your Bankcards JU et's 203 E Grand River c1978 Miller Brewing Co.. Milwaukee, Wis Friday, October 13, 1978 ] 4 Michigon Stote News, Eost Lansing, Michigon Spartan Agronomy Club pre¬ Volunteer to help elementary Science Fiction Society meets International Relations Depart¬ sents an area harvest tour from 8 students with math problems. at 7 p.m. tonight, 331 Union. Jim ment of Madison College presents Energy bill jeopardized Announcements for It's Whats Instuctional Developers and a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. For details see Agronomy board, third floor Agriculture Hall. Inquire 26 Student Services Bldg. Learn how you can make a difference in a youngster's life. Ransom speaks on science magazines. Black Students fiction Psychological the film "Rich and Poor: What Can We Do?" at 7:30 Monday, 334A South Case HaH. p.m. Happening must be received in the Technology students meet at (continued from pegs 1) being combined with the natu¬ State News office, 343 Student noon luncheon today, 1961 Room, MSU Mennonite Fellowship Attend Big Brother/Sister open Association meeting at 7 p.m. Volunteer as water therapy aid than when it is included with ral gas section. N. Case Hall. Panel discussions. meets at 9:30 a.m. Sunday, 334 house from 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday, Monday, 421 Baker Hall. and help physically handicapped Services Bldg., by noon at least The compromise energy-tax Union. Sigma Alpha Epsilon House. children in water therapy program. the remainder of the package. two days before publication. No "Reorganization of College Edu¬ proposal before the Senate MSU Chess Club meets at 7 Inquire 26 Student Services Bldg. But opponents failed on an announcements will be accepted cation: An Update." would add a tax of at least $200 Episcopalians gather at 5 p.m. MSU Varsity "S" Club meets at p.m. Monday, 104 Bessey. Bring identical 8-8 vote to persuade by phone. to the sticker price of cars Sunday for Eucharist and dinner in 6:30 p.m. Sunday, west side of clocks and sets. Students for A Livable Com¬ the Rules Committee members Alumni Chapel. Discussion is stadium. All letter-winners invited. munity presents string band con¬ to send the energy package to getting less than 15 miles per "Outreach and Issues." Ingham County's 4-H Riding cert at 8:30 p.m. Thursday at the gallon, beginning with 1980- Oct. 18, Union Tower Room. the House floor with the natu¬ Like working with children? Handicappers Program needs vol¬ Union grill. Come join us. models. unteers. No previous experience is ral gas bill to be voted on Jam session for Lesbian musi¬ Then the Headstart Program is for And homeowners and rent¬ Ingham County Shelter Home Tolkien Fellowship topic "The necessary. Call Beekman Center Students For a Livable Com¬ separately. needs academic intern to work Crime of Greed in LOTR" at 8:30 cians at 8 tonight, Women's you. Details in 26 Student Ser¬ ers could claim tax credits of 15 for more ihformation. The result is a kind of Center, Lansing. Call for informa- vices Bldg. munity present a Poetry Reading with Pre-Independent Living Pro¬ tonight. Union Tower Room. legislative limbo. percent — up to a total credit of at 8:30 p.m. Monday at the Union $300 — for purchasing insula¬ gram. Contact Dave Persell, Col¬ St. Lawrence Psychiatric and Graduate Studies presents Dr. I'nder House rules, the Anti-Rape Collective meeting at grill. tion and storm doors and win¬ lege of Urban Development. MSU European Association 4 p.m. Sunday, Women's Council Alcoholism orientation wiH be held Luis A. Vargas. National Univer¬ energy package could be called meeting at 8 p.m. Sunday, second Sophmores and juniors only, dows. Citizens for Livable DiMartino Office, 320 Student Servic«LA!d« Saturday. Meet at 26 Student sity of Mexico, to speak on needed to interview freshmen up to the floor without a formal floor study lounge, West Owen Services Bldg. at 8:30 a.m. for "Development of Medical Anthro¬ set of ground rules from the Under the compromise, sponsors Stuart's Folly: A Poetry about study of college life 10 a.m. MSU Students International pology in Mexico" at 3 p.m. credits of up to $2,200 would be Reading, beginning at 9:30 p.m. Saturday. 11 OlH« Halt committee. But that is almost Meditation Soceity presents Burt Monday, 321 Baker Hall. available for the installation of Saturday in the Beechwood Dun¬ certain not to happen because Reynolds, Merv Griffin and Doug Setia Hati Club offers free solar, geothermal and wind geon, 1130 Beech St. Bring writ¬ MSU Zen Druids meet at 6 p.m. that would permit five separate Society for Creative Anachro¬ Henning to discuss Transcenden¬ ings, food and drink. Members MSU European Association instruction in an Indonesian mar¬ votes on the legislation. equipment. And the credits only. nism invites newcomers to dis¬ tal Meditation on videotape with tonight, Union Tower Room to elects new officers at 8 tonight, tial art at 11 a.m. Sunday in 16 would apply to purchases made cover the Middle Ages at 8:30 p.m. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi at 7:30 practice Transcendental Vegeta- Abourezk. a staunch oppo¬ W-2 Owen Hail. Men's I.M. nent of the energy provisions back to April 20,1977, the day Single Parents Club will meet at Saturday, Union Tower Room. p.m. Oct 18, 302 Bessey Hall. for natural gas deregulation by the energy program was first 6 p.m. Monday at Spartan Village 1985. said he does not oppose unveiled by Carter. However, Day Care Center. Nursery pro¬ under Senate rules the soonest vided, refreshments served and a bill. He said he THE AUDIO FRETTER the energy-tax it can be voted on is Saturday. speaker. was only trying to keep it from > s Sauteed Sirloin Tips DEUCI0VSU DIFFERENT.' Succulent chunks of beef sirloin tips, sauteed In s. speclsl skillet — served in s hot deep serving boat, crowned with fresh sauteed onions, baked potato, crisp garden salad, fresh oven baked roll. AM/FM Indash Cassette OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK open sundav - n am-9 pm Player w/6x9" Coaxlals! MERIDIAN r~ MALL m Monday • Thursday-nam-950 pm Friday A Saturday- nam *pm for PIONEER Jndordash J) only... "Super Turer" Caisatta Brushed aluminum front. Phase tock loop for stereo separation, automatic stereo/mono switching. DISCOUNT Tlli «0. DISCOUNT Till CO. DISCOUNT Till CO. DISCOUNT Who Sells Tires I Jensen Sit", 20-Ounea Coaxlals This complete, readytoiralal system includes the PIONEER highly regarded Sanyo Mini-size AM/FM stereo in. Indaih AM/FM Cassette dash cassette player with fast-lorward, Convenient 5 station pre-eet tun- local/distance switch. FM stereo Indicator, and T-alot loading. Also included are a per ol quaMy locking faat-fOrward 4 rewind. CUM ModM C-9740 6x9-inch speakers lor smooth, accurate stereo sound. Model FT-478/CS-269 Phaae tock loop FM circuitry better reception. Model KP-8005 FM muting tor $147 Scotch 3 C-90 Cassettes 5 Increase the power of your car stereo by 12 watts/channel RMS! Designed for superior base and higher volume without distortion. Combination off/on and audto bypass switch. Modal AD-312. PIONEER •O Watt Amp/lqualliar Round Door-Mount Coaxlals AJDIOPCK FM Converter Boosts tie power deny car stereo system by 90 welts RMS! Power $77 att-in. ram couan. nwgtm Convert your dua-eoundng '14~ to mount in the doors, 20-ounce AM redo to FM In just on/off switch, separate base and magnets, grits a wire Included. minutes, by yourself! Mineture MPs oonboN *td separate V lumlnsled power meters. AE-6000 AUDIO FRETTER LANSING More Good Must For Your Mo 5827 South Pennsylvania Ave. •I* JUST NORTH OF THE I 96 FREEWAY 394-3820 Friday. October 13. 1978 15 Michigon Stote News, Eost Lansing, Michigan House endorses STEVE Advisers sought Consumers tax cut proposal (continued from page 1) White House press secretary Jody Powell said But House Rep. A1 Ullman, D-Ore., chairperson of the Ways and Means Committee, said the MARTIN by health board talk tonight Kathleen O'Reilly, ex the House-Senate conferees also risk a veto unless several other provisions favoring "PP«'i income taxpayers are scaled back or eliminated. president today "put this at the head of the list of things in the tax bill that had to go." "It won't work, it won't wash, it's i Persons interested in community substance abuse or mental He said both bills giv. s fourth of their said Rep. Robert Giaimo, D-Conn., chairperson of tive director of the C movie see." in -Erica Eaton evening with town." [Harry -Andrew Sarris Village Voice TAKEN? RATED "hapin SHOWTIMES: TONIGHT AND SAT. "(DAY: 7:30, 9:30-100 Eng. PORNO TONIOHT AND SATURDAY X 12:00 102-BW.II. SHOWTIMES: 7:30,9:30,11:15 SAT: 7:30.9:30.11:30 SHOWPLACE: 104 B Wells 102-BW.II. ADMISSION: 2.50 Students 3.50 Non Students t ' LANSING'S ADMISSION: $1.50 iCIVIC CENTER AUDITORIUM TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17 8PM f Reserved Seats $6.00 & $700 Tickets available at: Civic Center Box Office Where House Records Recordland in Jackson Boogie Records in Mt. Pleasant Paid for and authorized by the Carr for Congress Committee, John Pirish, Treasurer. Acopy of our report is on file with the Federal Election Commission and is available for purchase from the F.E.C., 1325 K.St. N.W. Wash., D.C. 20663 Friday, October 13, l»7ol 7 Michigan State Newt, East laming, Michig today opon 7 p.m. • show* ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ BELL'S at 7:35-9:30 Sot-Sun at I:35-3:35-5:30-7:35-9:30 RHARHA PRESENTS PIZZA HOUSE She's 32. Spaghetti HotOvenGrinders She drinks too much. She hustles pool. 1135 E. Grand River Ave. 225 M.A.C. Ave. She's got a 10-year-old E. Lansing, Mich. E. Laming, Mich. mulatto son. Tel. 332-5027 Tel. 332-0850 She's got a different boyfriend every night. Today open 7 P.M. She's in trouble. And he's in love 2 SUPER SHOCKERS COME PREPARED TO SCREAM MORE FRIGHTENING THAN YOUR MOST TERRIFYING NIGHTMARES! / 4 k TW% 'HORROR OF DRACULA" & -0 k siiueni)wiJHMii-/omy amc / the RETURN of the jMKi ■mmtum wtstams snmanmim At 7:15 Late PG > Stlf/Xi/IS/lA: SCI ymuM tmum/OMr/ emitoittaiMum SAT-SUN EARLY BIRDS 5-5:30 SI.50 , IJ| E? Plus... At 8:35 ONLY yfv «■ | Pink Panther | PETER SELLERS today opon at 7:00 p.m. "CURSE OF JAMES CAAN feature at 7:25-9:25 Sot I Sun opon 1:00 p.m. PG FRANKENSTIEN" MARSHA MASON ana ELI WALLACH in A MARK RVDCLL FILM footuro at 1:25-3:25 FRIDAY: WILSON 7:30 8 9:30 5:25-7:25-9:25 "CINDERELLA LIBERTY" SATURDAY: 118 BRODY 7:00 8 9:00 'One of the sexiest movies around* Physics Astronomy 8:00 8 10:00 "Marvelously funny* FRIDAY: ^C)DY 7:30 8~^5 ^ Gee Beav, Great Caetart Ghost, SAT.: WILSON 7:30 8 9:45 OTTO SUNDAY: CONRAD 7:30 8 9:45 THI MOVIE ORGY RETURNS and her two husbands * "It's true. People have ¥ trouble remembering ¥ ¥ My Words. Moses had such a bad memory I ¥ ¥ had to give him ¥ tablets." ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ «0iL,Godv ¥ The Movie Orgy Return* with all ¥ PG® ¥ your favorites-Don't Mitt Itl FRIDAY: 108 B WELLS 8:00 S 10:00 ¥ 118 Physics Astronomy 9:00 FRIDAY: 100 Vet Clinic 9:00 ¥ SATURDAY: CONRAD 6:30, 8:30, 10:30 SATURDAY: 100 Vet Clinic 9:00 ¥ SUNDAY: WILSON 7:30 & 9:30 SNEAK PREVIEW SAT. at 9:00 p.m. From the wondrous best seller . The story of . . a band of adveturers who faced obedience - and death. Or rebellion • and survival. . . perhaps. "WATERSHIP DOWN" PG See both the Sneak & "Death on the Nile" One of the top hommered dulcimer players in the country, along with fine piano, fiddle and banjo accompaniment. Great Old Time tunes and songs. Don't miss'em! Classic Films presents ThkTfen Pound fiddle •dmisra^B MSUnion Parlors & live music live callers Contradance SATURDAY 8 PM /Women's I.M.Gyn/$2 THIMALTISI FALCON Starring Humphrey Bogart, Peter Lorre, folk&l > coffeehouse Sydney Greenstreet Frl. 7:30-9:30 109 Anthony JOHN FAHEY KIT WAS KILLING PEOPLE. Starring Sissey Spacek, Martin Sheen Introducing MARY STEENBURGEN with JOHNBELUSHI CHRISTOPHER LLOYD Directed by Terrence Molick, 1974 Screenplay by JOHN HERMAN SHANER & AL RAMRUS and CHARLES SHYER 8t ALAN MANDEL Friday & Saturday. "...a perceptive, beautifully observed young, film about two vapid lovers who go on a killing spree Story by JOHN HERMAN SHANER & AL RAMRUS Produced by HARRY GITTES and HAROLD SCHNEIDER October 13&14 in the 1950 s before being apprehended...one of the Directed by JACK NICHOLSON A Paramount Picture most impressive directorial debuts of the decade." S Scheuer m $3 at the MSU Union, Elderly 8&10:30pm, Sat. 7:30 - 9:30, B108 Wells SHOWTIMES: MONDAY FRIDAY 7:15 & 9:30 Instruments, McDonel Kiva Sun. 8:00, Union Parlors (IA) Only $1.50-No RHA Passes - SATURDAY & SUNDAY 1:30, 3:35, Campus Corners II $3.50 at the door. 5:45,7:55,10:00 Friday, October 13, 1978 18 Michigon Stote News, Eos» Loosing, Michigon asmsu Pop Entertainment Presents LIVE IN CONCERT CEHTEB STAGE II THE BOUID Friday November 10,1978 • 8PM MSU Jenison Fieldhouse Tickets will go on sale this coming Monday morning, Oct. 16 at 10AM All seats reserved >10.00/>7.50/>5.00 Tickets available at campus corner ll, Wherehouse Records, ll & III, Sounds and Diversions, Boogie Records, Mt Pleasant, i this facility accessible to handicapped peoplei THE METROPOLITAN FILM GROUP PRESENTS EadumfyorRCARecadi TONIOHT! A THE 13th World Premiere: PIUMIVINTII THE YOUNG MAN THAT GAVE YOU THE HAPPY VAUEY KID, NOW BRINGS YOU A SNEAK PREVIEW, FRIDAY THE 13th, WORLD PREMIERE OF HIS NEWEST COMEDY... "IT'S MURDER!" DETECTIVE RICHARD (DICK) LESS FINDS IN ONE STARTLING INSTANT THAT HOWARD BRADLEY WASN'T KILLED, HE WAS MURDERED I STARRING SCOn SPIEGEL IN A RAIMI/SPIEGEl PRODUCTION OF A SAM RAIMI FILM FIRST TIMI SUN ANYWHIRII! "STANLEY KUBRICK SHOULD MAKE SUCH FILMS! "-Scott Spiegel "TOOFUNNY!"—Ivan Raimi "I ONLY WISH THAT I COULD MAKE A FILM LIKE THIS! "—Sam Raimi TONIGHT AND SATURDAY! SHOWTIMES: FRIDAY 7:30 & 9:30,111 OLDS HALL SATURDAY 7:30 & 9:30,111 OLDS HALL ADMISSION: >1.50 AN ENTERTAINMENT SERVICE OF THE M.S.U. SOCIETY OF CREATIVE FILMMAKING. Friday, October 13, 1978 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan FRANKLY SPEAKING by phil frank |_Mo Savice Employment jj Ifjfl [ Automotive J«) ( Automotive ]i«j ... COCKTAIL WAITRESS Classified Advertising • GOOD USED tires ana snow WANTED PART-time help, CORDOBA 1977. 21.000 NOVA 1972- 2 door. 6 cylin- Penwg THE <* w tires, 13-14-15 inch. Mounted after 5:00 pm. and weekends, part-time. Experience not Information miles. Loaded. Black. 94100. dec. 3 speed, new parts. Musi free. Used wheels and hub 7-11 Store. Holt, Ml 694- necessary. Nights, 6pm- 332-7599. 4-10-13 131 se" 332-2368. 5-10-19 (31 LAB 1E$T5, I'D 5*H IT'S AN caps. PENNELL SALES, 1825 9823 12-10-19 (3) 2:30 am 10 minutes from MSU. HUDDLE SOUTH, 820 347 Student Services Bldg. AWAMCED case af'rRAyOLTA'$ Michi¬ (ONE 355 1255 E. Michigan, Lansing, Miller Road, Lansing DATSUN B-210,1976-2 door, OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88- gan 48912, 482 5818. APPLICATIONS NOW being 882-7579. 8 10 19(61 automatic. Ziebarled, mech- 1968. Loaded. Runs well 332- . SVWRCKAe CO/MOWLY C 22-10-31 (7) taken for all positions. Apply anically A-1. 92295. 339-3646. 3697 alter 5 pm and week . PIACO FBJEe: .n person. BONANZA FAM¬ RN LPN I day - 90* per line 5-10-13 131 ""to- 4-10-17 141 COME TO LEE MACGILLIV ILY RESTAURANT, 1930 W. Acute care teaching hospital 3 days • 10* per line RAY CHEVROLET and get t 1 * I Grand River, Okemos. has full and part-time staff U»9f 170 7 70 17.50 1400 6 doys • 75* per line DATSUN, 1974 V,. 260Z, OLDS DELTA 88 Royale, the best price on a-new or 8-10-13 (61 J positions available for experi¬ 4 1.4® 4.40 11.00 77 40 I doys • 70* per line Stereo. Cassette, air, 4 speed, 'Mj- Air. cru.se AM/FM used car. Call Denny Olson. enced registered nurses and S 4.50 17.00 77 50 7100 94700.349-5761 evenings. 47000 m,les_ 43900 Call 339 RETAIL CLERK. Person with licensed practical nurses. We X-8-10-19 (3) 373-5147 or 676-9453. 339-8226. 1 10 13 (51 4 S.40 11.40 line rote per insertion 12-10-2014) hardware sales experience. offer an excellent salary and J 4.30 14.10 11.50 14.70 benefit package. Please con¬ Call CAPITOL CITY HARD¬ 1972 DATSUN 510 Station MASON BODY Shop, 812 E. WARE. 694-7000. Ask for tact Personnel Department, Wagon. Automatic. Call OPEL GT, 1970. 1 owner. Kalamazoo, since 1940. Auto Don Olson 8-10-13 (6) LANSING GENERAL HOS¬ Econolinet • 3 lines - '4.00 5 days 80' per line over 655-1681. "'-10-16(3) Needs some work. $700. painting-collision service. PITAL OSTEOPATHIC. 2800 John 353-2943 or 332- 3 lines. No adjustment in rate when cancelled. - American-Foreign cars. 485- Devonshire, Lansing, Ml BABYSITTER NEEDED in my Price of item(s) must be stoted in ad. Maximum FIAT X19, 1974. 23,000 miles. 0256 C-22 10 31 (51 48909. 372-8220 sole price of '100 Super condition. (LTOor East Lansing home. Full time, 12 p|NT0 A|, ,adi0 yjny| COMPLETE STOCK of re¬ own transportation. Call 332- 10^25114. Peanuts Personal ads '• 3 lines - *2 25 - per insertion. 75* per line over 3 lines (prepayment). ^OKj ,2, built foreign car alternators, 5351 after 6. 8-10-13 <51 GAME ROOM personnel. generators, and starters at Young ladies preferred. Good Rummage /Garage Sole ads - 4 lines *2.50. PERMANENT PART-time 63* per line over 4 lines • per insertion FIAT7l974,7our door"41,000 af,a' 5 pm' ^ 151 CHEQUERED FLAG FOR¬ EIGN CAR PARTS. 2605 East work. We have several im pay-($180 week and up) benefits and pleasant work¬ 'Round Town ods • 4 lines 42.50 • per insertion. 63' per line over 4 linos SMI. "r ~B7 >Tb0UL door. Automatic. 4 cylinders.3 Kalamazoo STreet. 487-5055. One mile west of campus. mediate openings for cup packers in our factory. Satur¬ ing positions Excellent posi¬ tions for student, full and lost I Founds ods/Transportation ads • 3 lines • '1.50 • Radials. Good condition. ©COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES box 4244 Berkeley CA 94704 C-10-10J0 17) day's and/or Sundays only. cnon uncTAMr ri. part-time. Apply in person per insertion 50' per line over 3 lines. ?S5b« 1975. Best offer H n. over s£5S' $2000. S1275or best oiler. 349-3821 FOR SALE, AM'FM radio for Openings available on all only CINEMA X. 1000 Jolly 882.6594.3-10-13(31 a .n n. ". ,K, J*! Automotive +* Automotive u late model GM car. 332-0730 shifts Call DART CONTAIN¬ ER CORPORATION, Person¬ Road. 0 22-10 31J9I 3-10-13 13) Deadlines gra'nd torTno m Hi TOYOTA CORONA 1972. VOLVO, '73 145. Air, nice nel Office, 676-3800, ext. 282 8-m 13 (9t RECEPTIONIST TIME 11am.-5pm., PART- 5 days Ads • 2p.m. ■ I class day before publication. 4 new tires (still on warranty), noa snic af.pr'c n£ Low mileage. Excellent con- interior. Good tires. Under- JUNK CARS wanted. Also per Cancellation Change I p m. - 1 class day before AM/FM radio, 627 12-10-2514) 6710. Sfo M 6-10-2(M3l P dition. Asking $1500. 482- coating. 349-1669. selling used parts. Phone 321 - WANTED SHAKLEE week. SU¬ Must have Experience required. pleasant tele¬ publication. 6125. 8-10-20 13) 12-10-20 (3) 3651. C 22-10-31 (3) PERVISORS Bonus car. in¬ Once ad is ordered it connot be cancelled or changed PINTO, '72. 29,000 miles. phone manners Located surance benefits Will train. until after 1st insertion. GMC VAN, 1975. Excellent $700. 694-1745. B 1 10-13 (3) TRIUMPH TR-6,1971 -- Runs VOLVO 1974-144, automatic, near Capitol City Airport. Call evenings Monday-Friday. Phone condition, stereo, air. Best good, looks good. $2200 or air, AM-FM stereo, 8-track, Joyce, 323-4770. There is a *1.00 chorge for I ad change plus 50' per additional change for moximum of 3 changes. offer. 487-0466. 8-10-19 13) PLYMOUTH HORIZON 1978. best offer. 655-2957. Michelin tires, excellent con¬ dition. 487 3984 after 5 p.m. |_ Motorcycles 9k 351 8533 X 12 10 16 (5) 12-10-19 181 Front wheel drive, radials, 5-10-16 The State News will only be responsible for the 1st (3)_ 12-10-27 (4) HONDA CIVIC, 1974. 45,000 automatic. 5500 miles, 7 HONDA 1975, Like new. 100 day's incorrect insertion Adjustment claims must TRIUMPH TR7, 1976, Victory miles. $450. 641-6750. be mode within 10days of expirotion dote. miles, good condition, just months of warranty left, edition. Clean, loaded. 485- VW BUS, 1972, excellent 12-10-30 (3) tuned. 655-1204,655-1943. $4195. Call after 6 pm., 9825 after 4 pm. Bills ore due 7 days from ad expirotion dote if not paid by due dote, a 50' late service charge will be due 5-10-13 (3) 349-0687. 5-10-13 (6) 12 10-26 (41 AM/FM. Michelins. Negotia¬ ble. 351-8999. 8-10-20 131 HONDA-4 cylinder. 11.000 WE'VEMOVED! MAVERICK 1974-Runs great, PLYMOUTH,DUSTER, 1974, VW BUS, 1972, 9 passenger, miles. Beautifully chopped. starter, heater, brakes, good condition. Call 394 4956 TRIUMPH TR7, 1976- Rust Best offer 694-8511 All new clutch 372-0528. after 6 p.m. 12-10-17 (3) proof, AM/FM. Excellent con¬ good condition, 63,000 miles. departments but audio dition. 332 8346 after 5. Must sell, $1900 or best offer 5-10-1913) by Sunday, 9 pm. 1800 SUZUKI. 1976 - GT500 moved to our new pjitwutire J[»j : Automotive MG MIDGET 1970 very sharp. PLYMOUTH FURY, Runs good. $150 or best 1966 12-10-16(31 VEGA GT, 1973/AM'FM, Shubel 4ffi-8278_ 3-10-13^6) Good 37T2368 price-best (3) offer. FRANDOR LOCATION ACME GREEN Hornet wag CHEVY DELRAY, 1958. V-8 $1100 or best offer. 322-0419. offer. 355-1196. X-5-10-18 (3) tires, new muffler sys VW 1971 Squareback. Low The North Door of Prandor snow KAWASAKI 1978 KZ 650 automatic. Body good. $600. 8-10-16 M $500. 355-5803 mileage. Excellent condition, on, 1974. Needs some work. tern. AM-FM radio. Radial tires. with Faring. Call Dan 337-9700 372 5337. 12-10-27 13) Must sell this week. $750 or MG MIDGET 68. Excellent PLYMOUTH SATELLITE, 5L10-13^ $1150. Phone 351-9177. 353-2418 6-10 17 I3i best offer. 371-3265 eve mechanically. $500.337-0430. '972. Green, excellent run- VEGA, 1974, no rust, tape 7-10-2015) nings. 3-10-13 15* CHEVROLET VAN, 1974 350 - V8. 56,000 miles. blue, Ask to, Glenn. 5-10-19 13) ning^ndmon^ tjned deck. Good running condi¬ KAWASAKI, 1974 duro Excellent shape 250 En $400 BUICK ELECTRA. 1971 tion. $600. Call 675-5362. VW SCIROCCO 1975 excel¬ $2400 or best offer. 371-4818. MONTE CARLO 1978. Fully PLYMOUTH WINDOW van. or best offer. 337 7403. 5-10-19 (31 lent, Tuff Kote, AM/FM 8 Great condition, stereo, tape 12-10 24 (3) 8-10-13 loaded. 332-33B3 6-10-16 <3! So r9T3e; 1975-37000 mi,es-e,,ce||en, track and cassette, new MUSIC CO. J394-6693. 5- 10-19J3) condition $3750 35, .5379 VEGA WAGON 1973- Good paint, tires, many extras. There's something for every¬ Frandor Shopping Center CAMARO, 1974. 41,000 CHEVETTE-1978, 4 door, condition. Call after 6pm. 332 3923. 8-10-13 (5) in today's Classified Ads. MUSTANG II, 1974, AM/FM one 337-9700 miles, good condition, sporty. hatch. 4 cylinder automatic. 339 3634. 4-10-16 484-6596. 5-10-18 (3) stereo, 4 spped, radials, 4 PONTIAC CATALINA, 1968. _<3) WANTED. CLEAN, used, im¬ Check them out for super "The North Door of Frondor" Sport handling, stripes, steel buys. cyclinder. 42,000 miles, ex- Runs we|| but needs engine VEGA, WAGON, 1976 36,000 belts. AM-FM. $3595. cellent condition, $1625 or WOrk. 80,000 miles. $100. Call port and sub compact cars. CAMARO ~ 1976. Type 663 8880. 6 10-20 15) miles, 4 speed, no rust. Call Call WILLIAMS VW. best offer. 337-2707 after 7 351-0390. E-5-10-16 14) L/T loaded, excellent condi¬ evenings, 394-5297. 484-1341. O-14-10-31 (41 p.m. 8-10-13 (6) 8-10-17 13) tion. Call 627-9365 evenings COUGAR 1969-Eliminator. PORSCHE-1972 914. Black 1-10-13 (3) New paint MUSTANG 2 + 2 Hatchback,. ^ Wack jnterjor 5 speed job, '73 engine, stereo cassette. Must see. 1976, excellent conditionJow AM.FM Radials Excellent CATALINA, 1968- good $1200. 332-5185 evenings. mileage, Call days 355-MM, condition. $2550. 349-3821. shape. Fine winter car. $350. 4 10-1614) nights 351-0395. 12-10-13 I5I x-12-10-16 (51 337-0333 4-10-17 I3i SAFARI earn$100 A special chance to haunt a month FREE CARTRIDGE * WITH that SALON A Men's aii resume8, term pa- 3-10-13 (3) work, typing required. Hours ITAL RESIDENTIAL b COM¬ Washington, 489-6448. Lansing. Furniture, drapes, pers. 601 Abbott Road. North C-22-10-31 (7) door, automatic, $700 or best CLERKS-ADULT bookstore, flexible, between 8am-5pm, MERCIAL RENTAL SERVICE dishes, kids' books, skates. Entrance. 351-7221. offer. GE electric stove, self CREATIVE PERSON needed toys. 1-10-13 (4) r.w.10.91 (4) C-22-10-31 <41 VELVET FINGERS. 489-2278. Monday-Friday. 2-4 hours per OpenMonday-Friday, 9 am - cleaning oven. Sensi-temp. to care for 3 year old. My INSTANT CASHI Were pay¬ 25-10-31 (3) day. Call for appointment 8 pm, Saturday and Sunday $250. 332-6188. 3-10-13 (5) home, own transportation, between 8am and 12pm. ing $1-$2 for albums in good RUMMAGE SALE - books, PROMPT, EXPERIENCED, 10 am — 5 pm. 2600 S. WAITRESSES NEEDED. Ap¬ must be available from 7:30 485-5383. 12-10-30 (7) Cedar. 394-1110. Fee. shape. WAZOO RECORDS. records, & antiques. 551 typing, evenings. 332-3492. until December 4. Hours 223 Abbott, 337-0947. GIBSON SG custom pick ply in person at the BOOM am Stoddard, East Lansing. Fri¬ C-2-10-3M3I COOK NKRRIMAN BOOM ROOM, 1-5 daily. See & pay negotiable. 332-4757. BABYSITTER NEEDED for 8 ejtMeni) C-22-10-31 (4) ups, good condition. Also day-Saturday, 9-5 pm. Guild Starfire, hollow body COPYGRAPH VW VOLVO MAZDA/CT Mickey. 5-10-16 (4) 3-10-13 (7) month old boy in our home EAST LANSING, unusually 1-10-13 (4) SERVICE, 100 USED VACUUM Clean¬ with Gibson humbuckings, SAGINAW Vfi (very close to campus). 10 attractive faculty/executive complete dissertation and 6135 W 1 year warranty, $7.88 excellent shape. Call 485- home, 4-5 bedrooms, 2 1/2 ers, ALL SORTS of household resume service. Corner WANTED SUBSTITUTE consecutive Wednesdays, 6 6958 7-10 pm. 12-10-28 (7) 321-6900 TEACHERS for PORTLAND baths, trees, floor to ceiling and up. DENNIS DISTRI¬ items, including chairs, M.A.C. and Grand River. 8:30 pm-9 pm. Must be experi¬ BUTING COMPANY, 316 N. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Call enced with infants. Own windows, garden space. Un¬ lamps, and water softener. a.m.-5:30 p.m., Monday-Fri¬ M * Th til 9 (dotvd Sot.) 1 647-4161. 12-10-25 (4) transportation. 332-4978. X-2-10-16 (7) furnished, long or short term lease. Evenings, 332-2985. Cedar. 482-2677. C-22-10-31 (5) | tut $ Fesrt l[q] Also at the same site, MICHI¬ GAN THEATRICAL & MA¬ day. 10a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday. 337-1666. C-22-10-31 (7) AD ARTIST for portraiture. BL-1-10-13 (R) GIC SUPPLY COMPANY is RCA 16 inch black and white LOST-LARGE male cat. Slick, quality work. Will pay FULL-TIME, part-time recep portable. Works fine. Good Black and white markings liquidating its entire inventory NON-SMOKER, FEMALE. PROGRAMMER ANALYST well. Call Daniel. 485-3482 tionists. Call MAJESTY set for dorm. $65. 675-5188. and white whiskers. Capitol of magic, games & Hallo¬ Waetad after 7 pm. S-5-10-13 (4) Large room 1 block off MSU. ween masks. Unbelievable SECRETARIES. TYPISTS HOME AND OFFICE REN¬ New carpet, twin and double E-5-10-16 (4) Villa Area. Reward. 337-9637. Modern growing 488-bed values for Halloween & and general office work. TALS, 337-7176. beds, couch, oak desk, X-4-10-13 (4) WANTED - TWO seats for Lansing Hospital has an Christmas. Friday 1-9 pm, immediate opening for an UNIFORMED SECURITY of¬ Good skills with 60 wpm, S-5-10-18 (3) shelves, and morel Kitchen, Open Saturday 12-9 pm, Sunday Michigan-Michigan State ficers and store detectives temporary and long term laundry privileges. Parking CYCLING GLOVES-found in 694-6909. experienced programmer needed. Full or part-time. CJ assignments. Available JANITORS PART-TIME. Corda Nut Physics Building. 355-0888. 12-5 pm. 2671 Greencliff, East game. 2-10-13 (3) analyst in an expanding data space, no pets. $130/month Laning. 332-0540. majors preferred. 641-4562 working days 8-5. Secretarial Experienced. Night hours. as single, $150 as 2 person. Cider-mill 1-10-13 (3) processing center. 2.85 to start. 694-7864. 1-10-13 (15) Ideal candidate for this X-0-22-10-31 (4) Office Services, 321-6878. Call 332-2598. FORMER HOPEFUL-pianist 5-10-18 (3) 5817 North Okemfes LOST DOUBLE ring of challenging, salaried position 10jq-1_3(8> B-2-10-13 (10) - GARAGE SALE desk, finds herself hoplessly em¬ EAST LANSING Tire Store Road, East Lansing keys. Vicinity of Albert Street - broiled in medical school wKh will have 3 years experience SECRETARY MATURE per tables, new ski boots, stroller, needs tire and wheel - BABYSITTER NEEDED, part- WOMAN HOUSEMATE 337-7974 parking area. 332-6677, after no musical outlets. I need in systems analysis, COBOL clothes b more. Saturday- son preferred. Hours flexible. time, 1 year old. M.S.U. wanted, own bedroom, close 6. 2-10-16 (4) programming and implemen¬ changer. Full time and part Hours: your good used piano on a Please send resume to Doug married housing. 321-1911. Sunday, 9-4. 963 Lantern Hill time positions open. Experi¬ to bus. $105. 485-7028. student's budget. Call tation of applications in the Stacks. 2724 E. Michigan, 7:30am-7pm. Drive, East Lansing. ence necessary. Phone Stan 12-10-27 (3) 8-10-20 (3) LOST LEATHER cap. Shaw 332-3816 after 6 pm. medical field. Experienced in Lansing. 48912, or call 484 1-10-13(5) 332-6545. 14-10-16 (6) LADIES 27" Schwinn Travel¬ Lane, about 5 pm Tuesday. Burroughs, data, communi¬ cations would be desirable. 8417. 3-10-13 (6) COEDS, PART-TIME for EAST SIDE- nice large, 3 er. New condition. Only rid¬ $10 reward. 366-8192 or 2jai6(8^ cocktail waitress. Will train In meeting hospital goals PART-TIME jobs-flexible RN's-URGENTLY needed at for bartender job. SILVIOS bedroom, $285 plus. Avail¬ den 6 times. $150, negotiable. 363-4384. 2-10-16 (4) lecreatiee WANTED: FOUR tickets to for a total information system hours, $4.75 per hour. Car able immediately. Phone 351- 394-2454. 5-10-16 (4) the MSU-U of M game. community hospital especial¬ LOUNGE, 489-9662. Ask for the Data Processing Depart¬ necessary. Call between 4 ly for 11-7 shift. Full or part 4315 after 7 pm. LOST - SILVER-wired 353:5699. 6-20^131^ Jerry. 10-10-13 (5) HAYRIDE. NEWLY acquired ment is developing on-line and 6 pm., 374-6328. time. Call Eaton Rapids Com¬ 5-10-17 (4) SEARS KENMORE portable framed glasses in blue case equipment. AddKional rides OLD BASEBALL Cards 0-8-10-19 (4) dishwasher, $70. 349-5822 or near Student Services. Call applications such as Person¬ munity Hospital 663-2671. RELIABLE BABYSITTER. available. CRAZY C. RIDING wanted, cash paid-phone FACULTY HOUSE from De¬ 349-3482. E-5-10-16 (3) 332-6898. 5-10-19 (3) nel, Admitting. Registration, 12-10-17 (6) Groesbeck area. $2/hour. STABLES. 676-3710. 521-3854. Webberville area. Utilizing Burroughs, Hard¬ TEACHERS-HUNDREDS of cember 26 - July 1. COM¬ Children 2-4 years. 486-6469. LARGE SELECTION of 5-10-13 (4) 10-10-13 (31 ware and software. openings. FOREIGN & DO¬ SECRETARY-WORK study PLETELY furnished. Fire¬ LOST-Large male cat. Black The hospital offers an out¬ MESTIC TEACHERS, Box (M0-J3J4) place, family room, and 3-4 frames, glasses for everyone and white markings. Capitol LOW COST travel to Israel. Smart shoppers check the 1063, Vancouver Wa.. 98666 required. General Office OPTICAL DISCOUNT. standing fringe benefit pack¬ DENTAL CHAIRSIDE assis¬ bedrooms. References. 332- at Villa Area. Reward 337-9637. work. Typing 50wpm. Call Toll free. 1-800-223-7676. 9 Classified section first. That's 4-10-17 (4) 3101. 12-10-26 (6) 2617 E. Michigan, Lansing. 4-10-13 (4) age that includes 3 weeks 353-4414 or see M. Murphy in tant with experience for or- am - 6 pm NY time. where they find the best buys vacation and tuition refund thordontic office. Liberal ben¬ 372-7409. C-5-10-13 (5) room 8 Student Services. NEAR PENNSYLVANIA and 4-10-18 (3) in town- after 1 year employment. The TELEPHONE SOLICITA¬ efits. Days call 482-9695, WOULD THE person who 7-10-13 (5) hospital offers-paid holidays, TION, part time evening work evenings, 321-1763. Kalamazoo, 3 bedroom house 10 SPEED Fuji. Man's blue found my 10 month, male, WANTED-CALCULATOR COME TO the orchard. Bring health insurance pension and for local construction com¬ 12-10-23 (51 Carpeting, garage, and large 27". Excellent condition. $75. white golden retriever, HP-19C or HP-29C Liz, 353- HOSTESS - RECEPTION a lunch. Enjoy picking your income protection. Salary is pany: ANDERSON BEERS 1ST - part-time. Personable yard. Prefer adults. $225/ Call 485-2629. E-5-10-13 (3) named Woody, Saturday, own RED and GOLDEN DE¬ 0507. 12-10-13 (31 commensurate with experi¬ CO. 372-6343 or 489-7400 month. 361-7497. September 30 in the area of lady. Flexible hours for LICIOUS APPLES-a bushel, a ence. Apply in Confidence to: ROSSP ALANDER 7-10-20- (6) young your classes. Send recent photo - brief resume to: I fx mt 3(p 0-17-10-31 (6) CONN DIRECTOR coronet, new, $175. Conn director N. DeWitt & US27 please reply. He is missed much. peck or a truck load. GOLD¬ EN KNOB ORCHARD. 4389 SERIES B Basketball pass. season Name your price. Tom, ASSISTANT PERSONNEL BABYSITTER-MONDAY- NEAR LAINGSBURG, Colby trumpet, reconditioned, $150. Reward. 669-3280 Or 337-2758. 2-10-16 (3) Bruce Carr, P.O. Box 21053, REFRIGERATORS, 2 cube, E. Pratt Road. 661-5430. DIRECTOR Thursday. 3:30-6 pm. Own Lake Rd. Needed, 1 man for Ovation guitar, like new, E W SPARROW HOSPITAL Transportation. $25 per Lansing, Ml 48910. form size, free delivery. UNI¬ $250. Matador banjo in very 394-6796.JB-10J7 (10) 12-10-26 (10) 10-10-18 (7) TED RENT-ALL. 351-5662. country farmhouse. $75-100. 1215 E. MICHIGAN AVE. LANSING, MICH. 48909 week. 349-5853. 2-10-13 (4) 8-10-18 (4) 361-7497. 0-17-10-31 (4) good condition, $125. Call after 2, 349-3114 LOST IN Sanford Natural Area, 79 Reese Class Ring. fi^OUND TOW SALES PEOPLE, full and part 12-10-17 (7) Personal Value. 363-2089. Rial Estati A time, men's and boys retail MODERN - 7 bedroom A non-discriminatory, mative action employer. Affir¬ BABYSITTING IN Lansing home. 3 days per my East clothing, experience neces¬ sary, phone 351-4396. 1 its W\ house. Furnished, carpeted, clean. Near Campus. 393- GENUINE BAR style table. Asking foosball $450. Like new. 3-10-18 (3) HASLETT-ASSUMABLE 5-10-18 (45) week. Student wife pre¬ ferred. Own transportation. References. $1.75 per hour. 8 10-16 (5) ROOMMATE NEEDED, ma¬ ture individual, preferably 7368. 0-16-10-31 (4) Phone 337-9466. 2-10-13 (4) mim New H mortgage on this neat 2 bedroom condo. All appli¬ PHONE SALES-tickets. 351-4295. 3-10-16 (6) NURSES -RN, LPN, GPN. FOUR BEDROOM duplex, PENTAX ME SLR Camera, ances, carport, across from Downtown Lansing offices, graduate, to share 2 bedroom BRISTOL, 14 x 65, near Join the growing field of apartment. $120. 332-5464. 620 Lexington Avenue, East Canon TX, Nikkor slide pro¬ high school. Full clubhouse hourly, evenings, hours flexi¬ jector, plus much more. WIL¬ campus, 3 bedrooms, 2 priveleges wKh large pool. ART FESTIVAL-1035 E. Sagi¬ ble, transportation arranged. MCDONALD'S RESTAU¬ geriatric nursing. Charge 5-10-13 (4) Lansing. 339-8686. 1 block east of Penn¬ RANT of East Lansing is now nurse positions, 11 pm-7 am. 8-10-24 (3) COX TRADING POST. 509 E. baths, furnished. 694-1802 $29,900. Call Wm. Martin naw, Call after 1:30 pm., 372-8459. Michigan. 485-4391. Open after 5; anytime weekends. Company, 323-7100 or Peggy sylvania at the WHEEL taking applications for full Excellent benefits. Individual 2 BEDROOM upstairs apart¬ 8-10 23(61 9:30 am-6 pm. a-tn-iQ Cook at 351-7238. WORKS. Fun, food, 12 local and part time employment for orientation or refresher avail¬ ment, central Lansing, only 3 BEDROOMS, fireplace car¬ BL-2-10-16 19) artists. October 14-15, 11am- SECRETARY FOR small of¬ all shifts, (day or night) Apply able. Outstanding team minutes to campus via 496. peted, some furnishings. 14-10-31 (7) ACADEMY. 1974 Mobile 5pm. 2-10-13 (6) fice needed immediately, from 8-10 a.m. or 2-4 p.m. awaiting your leadership. $175 + electricity. Call 485- Near campus. $335 + utilities Home, 14X60, 2 bedrooms, FOR SALE by Contact Mrs. Siddall at PRO¬ 487-2166. Available now. ROSSIGNOL SKIS 200cm. owner-Walk 10am-3pm. Monday-Friday. Monday-Friday. 12-10-13 (7) 6958, 7-10 pm. 12-10-26 (5) washer b dryer, shed, 10 LANSING CIVIC PLAYERS VINCIAL HOUSE SOUTH. X-12-10-23 (4) W/marker bindings. $60. to campus and Wardcliff Call 372-8265 after 6 pm. minutes to campus. Call Elementary from this three present "Fantasticks," Octo¬ KIDS BACK in school? Sell 882-2458, Monday-Friday, SUBLET BIRCHFIELD Weights, 70 lbs. of discs, +3 694-8330 after 5:30. ber 20, 21, 27, 28. Tickets 2-10-13(4) - 2 ROOMS in house, on bus bars. Total weight 90 lbs. $10. bedroom ranch. New roof, WON. Good earnings, flexi- 9am-_5pm_8-1°-20n2|_ _ apartments. 2 bedrooms, 2 line. $66/month. 135 North 337-2561 9-10 am. 5-6pm. 3-10-V7J61 new paint, inside and out. $4.50 for adults, $3.50 for COOKS 20-30 hours No ex¬ ole hours that let you come SECRETARY IN Haslett, flex¬ baths, $235 monthly, $185 New carpet, full storms and Senior Citizens and students. home when your kids do. For deposit. 882-8021. Hayford. 371-4731 or S-5-10-18 (5) KIRKWOOD 1972. 24x60 perience necessary. Apply in ible, part-time hours. Office 351-1500. 4-10-13 (4) central air. A fireplace, gar¬ Reservation, call 484-9115 or doublewide in HoK. 4 large CONNOR'S WEST, details. 482-6893 12-10-26 (4) 484-9191. B-2-10-16 17) person to skills required, Nancy, 339- SAVE MONEY when you buy bedrooms, 1 Vt baths. den, patio and huge lot on a 3231 W. Saginaw. 1/2 mile C-17-10-31 (5) 9500 C-3-10-13 (4) 619 VIRGINIA, for 3 or 4. quiet street makes this more ONE OR two females needed a shearling (sheepskin) coat. $15,000. Excellent condKion. east of Waverly. than just another house. STUDENTS for furnished apartment next Lease and deposit required. Direct from my father's fac¬ 694-4431. S-5-10-17 (5) 8-10-23 (51 NURSES AIDES-experience Drive by 2788 Roseland (off With Christmas less than 2 to campus. 332-4432. Call Craig after 6 p.m. tory in New York, Mens and Vt months away, you're preferred, however will train 22-10-31 (3) 666-1256. 12-10-18 (4) womens 355-8102. Hagadom north of Grand DEALER REPRESENTA" 351-1316, Suzanne, TIVE-nation whole floor plan¬ probably beginning to won¬ on the job. Openings on all 3 5-10-18^ Peanuts Persoal River). shifts. Apply at PROVINCIAL CAMPUS NEAR-Modern 7 days: 351-8889 evenings. ning company has opening der how you are going to HOUSE SOUTH. 2100 Pro¬ 2 ROOM efficiency unfur¬ MAGIC SALE. MICHIGAN for career-minded person in afford the "perfect" gifts for vincial Drive, off Aureliu6 nished private entrance, bath bedroom house. Furnished, THEATRICAL b MAGIC TO MY horny Italian, have a A1*!3!1*! your family or that special parking, $140 utilities in¬ carpeted. 486-1436. SUPPLY COMPANY is liqui¬ 10 ACRES between Hough¬ the finance field. Prefer some Road, 9am-5pm. Monday-Fri¬ 19-10-31 13) happy 22nd birthday! All my collection and travel experi¬ cluded. 353-5187 days. dating its entire inventory of hugs and kisses-Your Macho ton Lake and Traverse City. day 8-10-20 (8) 10-10-24 (5) Borders against large area of ence, but we wili consider magic, games, & Halloween Sweetheart. Z-1-10-13 (4) We can help you out. state forest. Hardwoods, very aggressive self-starter. Com¬ SKI RENTAL shop need part masks. ALL ITEMS 55% plete benefit program and EAST LANSING, 1 bedroom tlMS OFF. Never to be repeated rolling and scenic, excellent time person, cashiering ex¬ company car provided. Send resume to FINANCE AMER WE need GRAPHERS, TYPISTS, STENO KEYPUNCH perience desirable, 339-9523. 3-10-13 (41 modestly priced. Some pets considered. Phone days, 351- values. Friday 1-9 pm, Satur¬ FEMALE CHRISTIAN needs day 12-9 pm, Sunday 12-5 r wildlife, hunting, $7500, $1000 down, $60 per month OPERATORS, and CLERK 3172. 0-15-10-31 (4) on 9% land contract. Call ICA. PRIVATE BRANDS. roommate to share two bed¬ pm. 2671 Greencliff, East INC., 5979 East Livingston TYPISTS to work temporary FULL AND PART TIME PO¬ room, 2 bath apartment. Pen¬ Lansing. 332-0540. RIDING INSTRUCTION - Dolores Nagel, 351-7136 or Ave , Suite 210 Columbus, assignments in Lansing, East SITIONS FEMALE PROFESSIONAL to ny Lane off Jolly Rd. Call 394- 2-10-13 (11) East Lansing, English hunt McKENDRY REALTY, Ohio, 43227. A Bank America Lansing, Okemos and other share new home, South Lan¬ 6523 before 9am or between seat, indoor facilKes. Begin¬ 646-6229. 8-10-17 (10) open in the Lansing area. Company. Equal Opportunity surrounding Friendliest convenience food sing. $200/month. 394-6566 9pm.-11pm. 4-10-16 (6) WHITE MONKEY burn-out ning through advanced. Con¬ Employer 2 10-13 116) evenings. 12-10-27 14) bongs - only $2 (collector's tact JEAN CARN STABLES. HOUSE OFF College Road $3.00-$4.50/hour store. Great opportunity for LARGE ROOM for one or 2 edition). The only full line of 337-2794 or 371-3926. for sale by owner, 3 bedroom, full time employment or sup¬ Full and part-time assign¬ 1-2 FEMALES to share large mature people in quiet house head supplies in town. Whip¬ OR-1-10-13 (7) 1 Vi bath, 2 car garage. STONG MEN needed with plement to your financial ments are available. Salaries room in spacious townhouse. 894-0621. X 12-10-16 (4) some drywall or plastering needs while at M.S.U. Ex¬ near campus. 351-8962. pets, pipes, papers, clips, E. Jolly Road. 394-1760. waterbeds, tapestries, and all experience Good 339 2075 12 10-30 (41 pay. Phone and/or experience, and sev¬ eral positions require little or cellent working conditions nights and weekends, but 5-10-18-(4) 8-10-20 (3) your high supplies. 117 N. Harrison Road (across from 1 tekails IPK1 hours are flexible. Pay based PRIVATE ROOMS in modern no training at all. FEMALE WANTED to share house, near campus. Fur¬ Sir Pizza). 11-9 pm. 3 LOVELY companions need PART-TIME SITTER. 2 & 4 on hours available and experi¬ year old boys. Prefer German ence. Must have auto trans¬ 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment. nished, carpeted, kKchen. 3:10-16181 a home. Free cute kittens. ROCK BAND available for Must furnish own room. Se¬ 393-7368. 0-15-10-31 (4) speaking. 332-1115. portation. See Mr. Vint or Mr. SKIS, 6'3" with boots and 373-7323. After 5, 486-5341. parties and dances, good a 8-10-24 131 Ryan at the Min A Mart, 2168 curity deposit required. Call poles. Never used. $80. 332- 5-10-13 (3) mellow rock. Call 332-4435. You can take W. Grand River, Okemos. Mary, 373-9527, 9am-5pm or GORGEOUS HOUSE, large 3-10-13 (4) SALES 351-1224 evenings and week¬ room available. Female non- 6399JJ2-10-13 (3) THREE YEAR old spider my ad out RETAIL - males, MANPOWER, INC. Monday October 16, 6pm- of the paper. experienced preferred. FIRST 9pm. 4-10-16 (18) ends. 2-10-13 (8) smoker, meditator. 332-5666 COLOR T.V.-12" Panasonic monkey, male, must sell. BLUEGRASS EXTENSION DOWN. 127 E. Grand River evenings. 12-10-31 (3) almost new. Best offer. 349- $150 complete, call 486-2003 SERVICE plays weddings, I got the MODELS-$10/hour. Apply FEMALE APARTMENT-mate 5829 anytime. 5-10-17 (3) after 5 pm. 5-10-17 (4) reiulti 8-10 24 13) parties. 353-9695 days; VELVET FINGERS. Call 489- needed. Own bedroom. 1 or 2 man room, 1 block 372-3727 or 339-1119. I wanted. OVER 2500 cheap albums FARM WANTED for 3-year- 5-10-13 (36) 2278. 25-10 31 (31 $120/month, Penny Lane C-22-10-31 (4) WAITERS. WAITRESSES and buspersons to work Apartments. Call Before 3:30 from campus. 332-2564. Be¬ hind Campus Corners II. 251 and up-all types-hKs to old English Setter. Free. If the obscure. FLAT,BLACK, 332-5463. 12-10-30 (3) lunch hours. Apply in person MANAGER TRAINEE. No HIRING- IMMEDIATELY p.m., 393-0723. 5-10-13 (3) FREE LESSON in complexion 4-10-17 (4) b CIRCULAR, 541 E. Grand only at PERRY's OLD COZY experience necessary, will cooks, busboys, waiters, bar¬ SAVE A life. Free kittens. care. MERLE-NORMAN River above Paramount. INN. 1146 S. Washington. train. Prefer college graduate. tenders. Days and/or nights. Calico b tiger. Call 332-1304. COSMETIC STUDIO. 321- Wa get calls such as 7-10-13 (6) Full benefits. Call Chet Wos- ko, MERIDIAN THEATRES. Inquire in person only, KEL¬ LY'S RESTAURANT. Haga- 2 PEOPLE needed to sublet person apartment. Immediate 2 | Fir Sail |fci Open 11 a.m.-6 p.m., 6 days-351-0838. !±1°±8l3i 5643. C-22-10-31 (4) this every single day. occupancy, BIRCHFIELD C-22-10-31 (7) GREAT DANE pupa- AKC, Monday-Friday, 12-6 pm at dorn at Lake Lansing Road in OVERSEAS JOBS mer 'full time, - Sum¬ turope, S. 349-5201 5-10-16 (7) the Carriage Hills Shopping Center. 12-10-13 (8) APARTMENTS. Call after 6 pm, 393-4956. 8-1CM9(4)_ APPLE CRATES - new for albums, books, etc. $2.50 FOR service, THE best in stereo THE STEREO blue, 8 weeks, can be seen. $100. Parents 676-2303 after 6 pMMfaPg) State News America, Australia, Asia, etc. each. 332-5091. YOUNG, GROWING CPA 6-10-13J3) SHOPPEI566 E. Grand River. pm. or weekends. TYPING-TERM papers, IBM, All fields, $500-91200 month¬ LICENSED NURSES. Part E-5-10-13 (4) firm, moving to E. Lansing, is FEMALE ROOMMATE need¬ experienced, fast service, Call ly, expenses paid, sightsee¬ TWO 7 X 14 mag wheels, C-22-10-31 (3) seeking students (or student time or afternoons. 24 bed ed for spacious 1 bedroom 361-8923. OR-22-10-31 (3) ing. Free information. Write, wives) in accounting b fi¬ basic nursing home. 489- Keystone type, $30. 339-9331. AKC BOUVIER-Black female, Burcham Woods apartment. VISIT MID-MICHIGAN'S INTERNATIONAL CENTER, Berkeley, CA 94704. Box JOB 4490-ME, nance. Accountant b book¬ keeper; keypunch; and secre¬ tary. Full time. 482-1618. 1701. 5-10-17 (4) COOKS AND waitresses. Fall term only • 1st month paid. Call 332-0040 after 5. 8-10-19 (5) E-5-10-19 13) SOFA BED, $46, 6K feet, largest used bookshop CURI¬ OUS BOOKSHOP, 307 E. spayed 1 year. Good watch¬ dog. $135. Call 371-5242 after 10pm. 6-10-20 (4) TYPING, Experienced, fast and reasonable. 371-4635. C-21-10-31 (3) Classified 12 10-18(10) Grand River, East Lansing, 8-10-17 (6) CONNORS FAMILY COFFEE folds flat, Herculon, excel¬ 332-0112. C-22-10-31 (5) Tired of being broke?' Get PART-TIME employment for MSU Students, automobile DELIVERY Must have own car. HELP wanted. SHOP WEST. Full and part- time available. No experience necessary. 3231 W. Saginaw, 2 BEDROOM, unfurnished lent, 332-6663. 15-10-24 (3) town house. 106 Bailey Street. $275 per month plus 24" WOMAN'S bicycle, ten CURRENT PAPERBACK you fast cash by selling things no longer use wKh a EXPERIENCED TYPIST, fast and accurate. Dissertations, thesis, term papers. 339-3575. 355-8255 Apply at fast-action Classified Ad. Call required. 339-9500. LITTLE CAESAR'S after 4 '/? mile east of Waverly. utilities, 11 month lease. Call speed excellent _- .J1 _v_ _ condKion. books, fiction, 3 for r*«n aoo yma c-K.in.i7 i-ai $1.00. 355-8256. 12-10-25 (3) 12-10-18(8) 351 0359. 5-10-16 (5) C-22-10-31 13) pm. 4-10-13 (4) i Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. October 13, 1978 21 HAGAR the Horrible feNAU * OATlft Fri.Oct. 201 pm MSU Auditorium by Dik Browne tickets on sole T. (6)WJIM-TV(CBS) (lO)WILX-TV(NBC) (ll)WELM.TV(Coble) (12)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) Friday (23) Over Easy (23) Washington Week In (23) Dick Cavett 9:00 3:00 Review 11:30 (6*12) Phil Donahu (10) Another World (6) New Avengers 8:15 (10) Marcus Welby, M.D. (12) General Hospital (10) News (23) Crockett's Victory (10) World Series (12) Movie (23) Sesame Street 8:30 10:00 Garden (23) Soundstage 3:30 (23) Wall Street Week (6) All In The Family 9:00 12:00 (10) Card Sharks (6) MASH (23) Villa Alegre (6) Incredible Hulk (10) Johnny Carson (12) Dinah! 12:40 4::00 (12) Movie (23) Mister Rogers 10:30 (6) New Mickey Mouse Club (23) Congressional Outlook (6) Movie 9:30 1:30 (lO)Munsters (6) Price Is Right (10) Jeopardy! (12)Star Trek (23) Visions (10) Midnight Special PEANUTS 10:00 2:00 (23) Electric Company (23) Sesame Street (6) World War II: G.I. Diary (12) Movie by Schulz 11:00 4:30 10:30 3:00 (10) High Rollers (6) My Three Sons (lO)Gilligan's Island (6) Carol Burnett & Friends (10) News (12) Happy Days 11:00 3:30 OH YOU'RE A FINE (23) Villa Alegre 5:00 11:30 (6) Gunsmoke (6-12) News (12) News ONE. YOU ARE! I'VE (10) Bob Newhart ALWAYS SEEN NICE TO (6) Love of Life U( (10) Wheel of Fortune (12) Gong Show MSU SHADOWS FREE PLAT V0U BUT DD YOU CARE? (12) Family Feud (23) Mister Rogers (23) Lilias, Yoga and You by Gordon Carleton 11:55 5:30 sponsored by, NewP:r:,zr,MAc (6) CBS News (10) Mary Tyler Moore PINBALL PETE'S (12) News 12:00 (23) Electric Company (6-12) News 6:00 (10) America Alive! (6-10) News (23) Adams Chronicles (23) Dick Covett 12:20 6:30 (6) Almanac (6) CBS News 12:30 (10) NBC News (6) Search for Tomorrow (12) ABC News (12) Ryan's Hope (23) Over Easy 1:00 7:00 (6) Young and the Restless (6) Six Million Dollar Man (10) Hollywood Squares (10) Joker's Wild (12) All My children (12) Brady Bunch (23) Off The Record 1:30 (6) As the World Turns 7:30 (10) Days of Our Lives (10) Please Stand By (23) Infinity Factory (12) Mary Tyler Moore 2:00 (23) MacNeil/ Lehrer Report (12) One Life to Live 8:00 (23) Tele-revista (6) Wonder Woman 2:30 (10) World Series Pregame (6) Guiding Light Show (10) Doctors (12) Donny & Marie low gos prices TRAVELS WITH FARLEY SPONSORED BY: Plus Service *4a'aUttlR Freeway by Phil Frank Urr lc* StatlM SOCIALIZED .tttWC INE VJ0UIP Sf£C:AU6TY> FROIA All BE THE'RUIN Of .''ANVRjCDfe. AROUND THE NATION Alia MHO J6 DECOUE TO A CONVERSE ON WA^HlNS- C5RTAlN 'STVLE Of TDM TD PROTEST TH=JE THAT SPECIALIZED UeDlCiML INEQUITIES. JUNTAS ALL THE FAB WERE DIP PILLOW TALK Soltlin, Furniture B.C. SPONSORED BY: FU R N |T |J R E by Johnny Hart TUMBLEWEEDS- SPONSORED BY: PIZZA 33T-1377 by Tom K. Ryan 1040 E. Grand Rivwr SAM and SILO • SPONSORED BY: CROSSWORD ^ -Ap, LIBERTY BELL PRESENTS by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker PUZZLE i|| illJ|| *-r A FRI. NOV. 10th STEVE MARTIN Lansing Civic Center WHY DO I HAVE 117 Footballs, this is 30 About a00Sii aiaQH tickets at CCll ( THanks, ) ff KEEP YtoUf? spoei* 60CC.BH supposep ACROSS 31 Cotfee SPONSORED BY: Civic Center Box Office V AlSY )\LSTUFF balls, horse- 33 Unbroken IN AAY CLOSET? I City in Florida 3b East Indian shoes, pin6 the town 6 Ldch hemp shrub pons baus... ham 12 One who tails 13 Tailor 14 Mother s relatives 16 Checks 37 Arrest 39 Finished 40 Went back time 43 Pikelikelish in kS IWbMH 0 1 |CIKET | V/Svwlu k , 5 17 lava * 45 Flock of herons JF ' j 18 Cruel persons 46 Appoint 20 Take 48 Slinging ant 1 22 Cape genus 5 Son ot Zeus 23 Elermty 50 Troubled 25. Missile shelters 51 Garland 6 Equally 7 14th century I 27 Peruke 52 Transfers French coin 29. Look property 8 Enrages 9 Eaglestone 10 Merged BEETLE BAILEY LIVE AT DOOLEY S 11 Vicia orobus Stanley Turrentine 15 Sparoidlish by Mort Walker Monday. October 14 19 Blackbird 21 Correlative ol neither 24 Cain's land 25 Trench 26 Upright 28 Supreme Being 32 Hardwood 34 Appendage ol a 01978 Univursi l Press Symfir lit /0//.3 '1 1 2 2 Michigan Stote Nows, Eost lonsing, Michigon By J State N ANN ARBO football coach D Spartans' stunni told the whole i It's been nine beaten the Wol finally did it her it in style. The Spartans and they made could be countec MSU since beati for Rogers, it * three years as t "It is absolute coaches," Rogei he broke into a Free cups of fountain get our heads honesty, I think us... it says 01 right direction. Pepsi! "I've never From the firs let everyone h Michigan Stadi had in mind. Order any small pizza and get up © Copyright 1978 to 2 free cups of Pepsi! If you order a large pizza, you can get up to 4 free cups of Pepsi! No coupon necessary, all you have to do is ask! Fast, Free Delivery 966 Trowbridge, 351-7100 1139 E. Grand River, 351-8880 BIG 1 Jf By W Asm WASHINGT Jimmy Carter of his president a much-change sent to Capitol The 95th Con package thatci too much and reserves. But the prei saying it "will a insure our frc affairs and prot home and abro Bleary-eyed their 231-168 v« 7:32 a.m. EDI over the Capit around-the-clo< A smiling E Schlesinger, w! energy plan, lo gallery as the I Fits Mill DETROIT ( ger William E percent closer and now trail opinion poll pu But Milliken misstep by the his lead in the The copyrii Opinion Reseai WJBK-TV, in< most likely t( favored the R W f