Sweet By JOE CENTERS victory! MSU stomps U-M, Smith had the Michigan defensive backs running in circles all day. First he'd beat State News Sports Writer ANN ARBOR - The tears in MSU Nine long years since them deep with a pass to Kirk Gibson, then he'd keep them honest with a short pass football coach Darryl Rogers' eyes after the over the middle to Brammer. Then maybe a Spartans' stunning 24-15 win over Michigan pass to Leroy McGee in the flat. In all, told the whole story. It's been nine long years since MSU has beaten the Wolverines, but the Spartans last Spartan victory Smith Leach, not completed passes to eight different Spartans, and unlike his counterpart, one of his 36 passes were finally did it here Saturday — and they did "I knew they were going to pick on me," intercepted. it in style. passing duel, and that's exactly what Smith also picked up 36 yards the happened. said Marshall, who was still aching after the three The Spartans played near-perfect football times he carried the ball, 30 of those yards Spartan quarterback Eddie Smith threw game from a sore back which put him out of and they made the big plays — more than the game. "I wasn't really playing that good coming on a crucial third-down play. the ball 36 times and completed 20 of his could be counted. It was the first big win for in the last three games. I wanted them to MSU took the opening kickoff and MSU since beating Notre Dame in 1975, and passes for 248 yards and two touchdowns. marched right down the field. Smith threw Michigan coach Bo Schembechler must have pick on me. I would have been upset if they for Rogers, it was his first big win in his hadn't thrown at me." the ball five times in the first eight plays liked what he saw because he abandoned his three years as the Spartan head man. While Marshall and company held the but he couldn't get the Spartans past the "It is absolutely airibute to our team and "grind 'em out offense" and had his Heisman Trophy candidate Rick Leach put Wolverines in check, Smith dazzled the Michigan. 32 yard line. Morten Andersen coaches," Rogers said with watery eyes as was called in to kick a 49 yard field goal into the ball in the air. huge crowd with his pin-point passes. For he broke into a big smile. "This helped us the first time this season, Smith took full the wind but his attempt fell short. Leach threw the ball six times in the first get our heads out of the water. In all half and four of those were caught. One advantage of his tight end, Mark Brammer. The Wolverines took the ball and Leach honesty, I think this is a tremendous win for The 6-foot-4, 233-pound Brammer caught completed his only pass of the half on the us it says our program is moving in the slight problem, though, was that three of first play of the game — a 35-yarder to Ed those four catches were by Spartans. Three seven passes for 79 yards and a touchdown. ... right direction. Two years ago, Brammer madfc an amazing Kasparek. Michigan got as far as MSU's 31 "I've never had a win like this." big turnovers that helped MSU take a 17 0 lead into the locker room at halftime. one handed catch in the same endzone as yard line but their drive also stalled so they From the first snap of the game, Rogers called in their kicker, Greg Willner. to kick Two of the interceptions were by the one he scored on Saturday to give the let everyone of the 105,132 people in a 48 yarder with the wind. sophomore Mike Marshall and the other Spartans a brief 7-0 lead on that day against Michigan Stadium know exactly what he was by junior Mark Anderson. Michigan. (continued on page 6) had in mind. He wanted to get into a BIG DOMESTIC VICTORY FOR CARTER Weary House OKs energy bill By MIKE SHANAHAN From the beginning to end. the legislation conference committee, said a few hours thereby to control our own destiny as a Associated Press Writer stirred bitter controversy and its outcome before the plan was approved. nation." WASHINGTON (AP) - Congress handed was in doubt almost until the end. Nonetheless, the measure marks the first The most heated debate on the program Jimmy Carter the biggest domestic victory Before the final House vote, Sen. James attempt to overcome widely divergent focused on a plan that will deregulate the State News Iro S of his presidency Sunday, wearily approving Abourezk, D-S.D., led a 15 hour Senate regional and economic interests and enact a price of newly found natural gas by 1985. MSU defensive backs Tom Graves (left) and Terry Williams (right) unified policy to increase energy production In the meantime, producers are granted a much-changed national energy plan first filibuster against a collection of energy taxes increases over eight years that will double were just two of the many players celebrating in the Spartans' sent to Capitol Hill 18 months ago. and tax credits, delaying not only final and encourage conservation. locker room after Saturday's 24-15 upset win over Michigan. The 95thCongress sent the White House a approval of the program but also congres¬ A parallel goal is a reduction of imported the prices they can charge. package that critics said will cost consumers sional adjournment. oil. The United States now uses about 16 Passage ends 20 years of federal controls too much and produce few new energy The five-part energy package is a far million barrels of oil daily, importing about over natural gas prices and with it an weaker one than Carter sent to Congress on half that amount. acrimonious debate that has bedevilpd Carter's energy advisers claim the energy Congress for several years. Full-employment bill But the president praised the package, April 20, 1977 as "the moral equivalent of program approved by Congress will reduce While those portions of the natural gas saying it "will advance our national security, insure our freedom of action in foreign A multi-billion-dollar tax on crude oil, that by 2.5 million barrels daily, improving compromise meet the wishes of the oil and affairs and protect our economic interests at which Carter once termed the centerpiece of the position of the dollar abroad, and gas producers, the bill also eliminates a dual home and abroad." the program, and a nickel-a gallon tax on enhancing confidence in the American pricing system between producer and Bleary-eyed House members completed their 231-168 vote for the energy program at gasoline were dropped as the measure worked its way through Congress. economy among its trading partners in Europe and Japan. non-producer states. Supporters said this will eliminate a sets job, inflation goals 7:32 a.m. EDT, shortly after dawn broke Even its prime backers acknowledged In a statement Sunday, Carter said repeat of winter-time shortages of natural over the Capitol dome in the midst of an shortcomings in the legislation as it emerged passage of the program means "we will around-the-clock legislative session. from a tortuous series of legislative begin down the other side of the mountain 'J1*1 c)°8e? Midwestern and Eastern WASHINGTON 4AP) — Congress gave final approval Sunday to the Humphrey- schools and factories two years ago. Hawkins "full employment" bill that places a call for reduced inflation alongside a goal of A smiling Energy Secretary James R. compromises. away from the ever-mounting demand for There is disagreement over whether it lower joblessness. Schlesinger, who fashioned Carter's original "This is the best thing we could come up energy and ever-shrinking supply ... We will encourage the production of new gas The House passed the measure on a head-count vote of 56-14. It was one of the final bills energy plan, looked on from the spectators' with." Rep. Harley Staggers, D-W. Va., have declared to ourselves and the world our reserves, but critics and supporters alike to clear Congress before the House and Senate adjourned their two-year session. gallery as the final vote was taken. chairperson of a House-Senate energy intent to control our use of energy, and say consumers will pay more to heat their The Senate had approved the bill on Friday after a lengthy fight. homes. The measure, named for the late Minnesota Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey and Hep. The energy tax bill would provide tax Augustus Hawkins, D-Calif.. includes several statements of economic goals and priorities, credits Fitzgerald draws closer in poll; up to $300 for Americans who but mandates no new programs for meeting the targets it sets out. insulate homes install other their or Originally, it contained only two numerical targets: reducing unemployment to 4 weatherizing equipment. percent of the work force and 3 percent of the adults nationwide by 1983. It would also give a maximum tax credit of But the measure was changed in the Senate to include a goal of slashing inflation to 3 $2,200 for those who install solar heating or Milliken retains four-point lead wind energy equipment. percent by 1983 and zero by 1988. and House members voted to go along. Nationally, unemployment was 6 percent in September, while inflation has been Starting in 1980, there is a $200-$500 tax running at the rate of about 10 percent annually. on the manufacturers of gas-guzzling cars, a Or gar ized labor and vil rights groups had been urging Congress for s DETROIT (UPI) -Democratic challen¬ percent Fitzgerald, a state senator from But in Lansing. Milliken aide Joyce levy expected to have little impact because c Detroit. The potential error factor in the Braithwaite said the narrowing of percen¬ a "full employ: lent" bill that labelled joblessness the nation's : pressing ger William B. Fitzgerald has moved 8 automakers already are required to produce percent closer to Gov. William G. Milliken poll was 4 percent. tages was not unexpected. fewer fuel-inefficient models. .• problem. and now trails by four points, a public "We're on the right trajectory now," "Governor Milliken has been saying all opinion poll published Sunday said. Fitzgerald said of the latest survey, adding along that there would be a narrowing of But Milliken was counting on a recent that he had inched closer to the governor in the margin," Braithwaite said. "That is the misstep by the Fitzgerald campaign to pad his lead in the next few weeks. The copyrighted survey by market the polls by "picking up Milliken's soft support." A previous Detroit News-WJBK poll traditional pattern of Michigan politics. It is the assumption under which we have been operating and will continue to operate." Cardinals fail in choosing pope Opinion Research for the Detroit News and showed Milliken holding the same 48 She also said most of those questioned in percent but leading by 12 points, indicating balloting enters second day WJBK-TV, indicated that of respondents the survey were contacted before Fitz- most likely to vote Nov. 7, 48 percent favored the Republican incumbent and 44 Fitzgerald is picking up undecided voters as e ec to ay nears. ^ Jhdrew , radio adverti8ement as relating to PBB contamination in the state. Milliken had objected strongly to implica¬ and tions that serious human health trouble had VATICAN CITY (AP) - Black smoke cardinals also had sent black smoke up the Apostolic Palace Saturday aftei been conclusively linked to PBB. billowing into the night from the chimney chimney after Sunday's morning session. they will remain sequestered until they Although there was no official explana¬ have chosen the 264th pontiff. Church rules atop the Sistine Chapel signaled to the Last week, Fitzgerald ordered the ad off world Sunday that the cardinals of the tion for the four inconclusive ballots, it call for two votes each morning and two the air. He said it had always been clear to each afternoon until a new pope is elected. Roman Catholic Church failed to elect a appeared the coalition of conservative and him that the ad was referring to abnormali¬ No conclave of cardinals this century has successor to Pope John Paul I on the first progressive cardinals that during the last ties and illnesses in laboratory animals, but conclave found a mutually acceptable lasted more than four days. Pope John Paul inside admitted that the presentation was "mis¬ day of voting in their secret conclave. The 111 cardinal-electors begin a second candidate in Cardinal Albino Luciani of was elected on the first day of voting Aug. Photogrephs ol MSU's big football win leading." day of voting Monday, with two ballots Venice, the future Pope John Paul, did not 26 after two inconclusive ballots that are on page 5. scheduled for the morning and, if no pope is form around a single cardinal this time. inn. However, he said he still considers the World Series results of the 1973 accident in which the fire elected, two more in the afternoon. Vatican analysts said Luciani attracted Church historians are still debating both conservative and progressive cardi¬ whether Pope John Paul, at the time weather retardent chemical PBB was accidentally A few seconds after the black smoke The New York Yankees ex¬ nals because of his pastoral simplicity. Cardinal Albino Luciani. patriarch of mixed with animal feed as the central issue began puffing out of the chimney Sunday ploded for 12 runs on 18 hits in Winter may greet us with a soggy kiss An estimated 150,000 people — pilgrims, Venice, was elected on the third or fourth of the gubernatorial race. He has challenged evening, it turned gray, but the Vatican mulling the Dodger, 12-2 Sun* today. Mostly cloudy with a chance of rain radio said the signal was black. The tourists and children holding red-and- ballot. Under oaths of secrecy, the cardinals Milliken to debate on the subject. mixed with light snow this morning. forbidden to disclose anything about the dey. orange balloons - gathered in St. Peter's Occasional rain throughout the day with the Square during the morning round of voting voting under threat of excommunication, temperature reaching the upper 40s. to watch for the white puff of smoke that explusion for the church. indicates the world's 700 million Roman Vatican conclaves often produce sur List narrows in search Catholics have a new leader. "It's better that they take their time and prises. Luciani entered the last conclave Aug. 25 as a darkhorse. only to appear i do the job right." said vacationing Bishop the window of St. Peter's Basilica as Pope MICHIGAN 11:00 HSU Cletus O'Donnell of Madison. Wis. "Picking John Paul I in one of the swiftest papal for new MSU president the right important for the elections in modern history. As the conclave began Saturday, the <>24 church." 15 OTR 4 The MSU Presidential search and selection committee has narrowed down the number Vatican officials, hoping to avoid fusion about the color of the smoke, had favorite candidates were all Italians, most of them with pastoral backgrounds similar of applicants for MSU's next president, the committee's spokesperson said Sunday. devised a new procedure under which only to that of Pope John Paul, who died at the 2 TfME OUTS LEFT 2 Robert Barker, biochemistry department chairperson and committee spokesperson, said the range of nominations has been the first minute of smoke is considered signal. For that first minute, the cardinals age of 65 after a reign of only 34 days. The "papabili." or possible popes, i narrowed from around 75 to about 15. tioned most by Vatican experts ? Italian army flares to produce black The State News learned last week that interviews with candidates for the MSU laOWN 111 TO GO BALLON 111 president position have been held on and around campus. Barker also said the committee has been in the process of checking references of white smoke. After that, the cardinals Cardinals Corrado Ursi of Naples, Giovanni revert to tradition and burn their ballots Colombo of Milan, Salvatore Pappalardo of i and notes small stove in the Sistine Palermo, Sicily. Antonio Poma of Bologna, applicants. * i »». -tv.;.«;Yi He said the committee is "working pretty hard" and will make the Dec. 1 deadline for the presentation of its candidate for approval by the Board of Trustees. Chapel. The cardinals Ugo Poletti of Rome. Giovanni Benelli of locked inside the Florence and Giuseppe Siri of Genoa. % 2 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 16, 1978 Congress sends Carter *18.7-billion tax cut bill WASHINGTON (AP)-Con $2,180. A couple with no de¬ tax cuts of $164.5 billion in 1980 gress completed action Sunday pendents and $20,000 income through 1983 if Congress held would get a $98 reduction from down the growth of federal on an $18.7-billion bill that would cut taxes for 65 million the present $2,555. A single spending. The bill would increase the couples and individuals next person with the same income year, slash the capital gains tax would receive $117 off the current $750-per-person ex¬ and give a new break to elderly current $3,232. emption to $1,000; repeal the Portugal bids to join Common Market Americans homes. who sell their And, for the first time, unemployment some compensation existing $35-per-person credit; raise the stand deductions to The measure now goes to the would be taxed when the $2,300 for single persons and LISBON, Portugal (AP)—Seeking shel¬ Detailed bargaining begins in January, White House and a top presi¬ recipient's total income exceeds $3,400 for couples and cut less than a year after the Common Mar¬ dential aide said the president $20,000, if single, and $25,000, if individual tax rates. ter from political and economic storms, The new tax break for per¬ ket declared Portugal was welcome to would want to give it careful married. This would affect Portugal opens negotiations Tuesday in about 900,000 persons. sons over 55 who sell their a bid to join the Common Market, a join. scrutiny before deciding whether to sign Over objections of Republi¬ homes and don't buy another For the nine member countries, the it. move expected to spur vast social The bill would give a $167 tax can members, the conferees costing at least as much is a changes in Western Europe's poorest talks mark another step in an expansion trimmed version of a provision cut to a typical four-member junked a provision allowing a country. program to include the relatively poor credit of up to $250 for the House had voted for all and less developed nations of southern family with income of $20,000, tax A speech by Foreign Minister Carlos deduction totaling 23 percent of college tuition and another that persons, regardless of age. Correia Gago to the Common Market's Europe. Membership negotiations with income and a current tax bill of would have provided additional The compromise would allow ministerial council in Luxembourg will Greece will be completed by 1980 and a a person 55 or older a tax-free launch discussions intended to secure preliminary opinion on Spain's applica¬ profit of up to $100,000 from the sale of the home in which he or Portuguese membership before 1985. tion is due soon. Law opens police files she had lived for three of the Atlanta firefighters administer oxygen to a fellow last five years. A person of any firefighter as they wheel him out of the Atlanta To- PORTLAND. Maine (AP) - citizens. It's designed to guar¬ age could continue to defer Apts. early Sunday morning. Three people Reporters asking a lot of ques antee that police comply with profits from a home sale as long died as a result of the fire - two jumped from the Canada to hold parlimentary elections tions will visit dozens of police the state's Freedom of Access as a new home costing as much ninth floor. departments throughout the Law by opening their files to or more were purchased within state Monday as part of an anyone who wishes to inspect 18 months. OTTAWA (AP) — Canadians pass Fifteen empty seats among the House orchestrated plan to protect the them. In writing the new tax on of Commons' 264 electoral districts are judgment on Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau and his government Monday in a series of special parliamentary elec¬ up for grabs in the by-elections, and op¬ position spokespersons say a poor public's right to know. is The Maine Press Association directing the project, which The one-day test is an out¬ growth of a press association survey two months ago which capital gains, which are profits from the sale of stocks, real estate and other assets owned World renowned tions that may forecast his fate in next involves reporters from about found that many police and for a year or longer, conferees showing by Trudeau's governing Liberal 40 daily and weekly news¬ sheriffs departments were scaled back considerably the year's national campaign. Canada's sagging economy has been the dominant issue, but the Quebec sep¬ Party will increase pressure on the prime minister to resign. Liberal strategists concede Trudeau could face stiff challenges to his leader¬ papers. and a few ordinary keeping their files secret. reduction voted by the Senate. photo artist dies TUSCON. Ariz. (AP) - ured children, whose parents Algerian leader visits Moscow aratist movement and Trudeau's per¬ ship if the Progressive Conservatives, Photographer W. Eugene lived in a Japanese village sonal leadership are key elements in the the major opposition party, win 10 or Smith, who received wide located downstream from a more of the by-elections. chemical plant. background. praise for a photo essay on the ALGIERS, Algeria (AP) - Algerian President the president was visiting the Soviet capital. catastrophic effects of mercury Smith was named one of the Houari Boumedienne, who dropped from public Speculation about Boumedienne grew Sunday poisoning in a Japanese fishing world's greatest photographers view three weeks ago, has left for Moscow and after the Egyptian newspaper A1 Ahram village, died Sunday from in a survey by Popular Photog¬ Figueiredo elected Brazilian president is meeting with Soviet leaders, the official reported that an Arab foreign ministers' confer¬ ence in Iraq has been postponed "because of injuries he suffered in a fall at a raphy in 1958. He first won Algerian news agency said Sunday. grocery store. recognition for his photo essays There had been no advance word on plans for events in Algeria." Smith, 60, had been recover¬ in Life magazine in the 1940s BRASILIA, Brazil (AP) — Retired Gen. The result was no surprise since the such a visit. The announcement appeared to be a The gaunt, mustachioed Boumedienne, a socialist who has become a prominent Third ing for a severe stroke he and 1950s. Joao Baptista Figueiredo was elected pro-government ARENA party — the reply to persistent rumors and speculative suffered last December. He National Renovating Alliance — controls French and Arab press reports concerning the World political figure since taking power in a One of his most-recognized president of Brazil Sunday by the na¬ 1965 military coup, has not been seen in public struck his head Saturday while tional Electoral College, giving South a majority in both houses of Congress whereabouts of the 53-year-old former guerrilla photos, titled "Walk to Para¬ since Sept. 24, when he returned from a meeting shopping and was taken to the and dominates a majority of the coun¬ commander. Some said he was well, others that dise," shows two of his children American's largest country its fifth mili¬ University of Arizona Hospital, he had been wounded in an attempted coup or of five hard-line Arab leaders in Damascus, tary president in 14 years. try's state legislatures, which sent dele¬ university spokesperson Jim strolling out of the woods into a had secluded himself to work on political policy. Syria, to discuss ways of blocking the Camp Lamb said. sunlit clearing. The 60-year-old Figueiredo, hand- gates to the college. The agency did not say when Boumedienne left David peace accords between Egypt and Israel. picked candidate of incumbent President The new president, a career army offi¬ In an Algiers dispatch, the French news The specific cause of death Smith, born in Wichita, Kan., for Moscow, how long he would be away or Ernesto Geisel, defeated another retired cer and former head of the National In¬ has not been determined. began taking pictures as a whether he would be traveling to other agency Agence France Presse reported that the army general, Euler Bentes Monteiro, by telligence Service, takes office next non aligned and Soviet-bloc countries, as report¬ usual Sunday Cabinet meeting that Boumedienne Smith's most recent photo teen-ager for local newspapers. a vote of 355 to 226. Figueiredo needed March 15 for a six-year term. He has ed ran had not ben held for three weeks and that he essay, "Minamata: Life Sacred In 1937, he went to New York Sunday by the Kuwait newspaper A1 Qabas. only a simple 295-vote majority from the promised to hand power to a civilian In Moscow, the Algerian ambassador was not has not been present to greet any VIP visitors and Profane," was noted for its and joined the staff of News¬ from Arab and communist countries. depictions of grotesquely disfig¬ week magazine. 589-member Electoral College, made up president in 1985. The military took immediately available to confirm the report that of state and federal legislators. power in Brazil in a bloodless 1964 coup. 155553 50'Off Any Purchase (o) j of *2.00 or More, f 11 American emissary sent to Jordan Try an Olga.. .any of ten unique combinations of meats, cheeses, tomato, sweet onion and I WASHINGTON (AP) - President Car- framework for negotiations over the fu¬ PIRGIM PRESENTS Olga's own sauce, cooked to-order bread. wrapped deliciously in our I Together with Fresh Fries, ter sent an emissary to Jordan on Sun¬ ture of the West Bank of the Jordan Ri¬ our own Frozen Olgurt and a menu full of tasty day in a renewed effort to persuade ver and the Gaza Strip. items, we've got a tempting offer for you! I King Hussein to join Middle East peace KATHLEEN O'REILLY i We'll give you 50C off any purchase of $2.00 or talks. Harold H. Saunders, the assistant se¬ Jordan controlled the West Bank for 19 years, from 1948 until 1967, when Hussein's forces were defeated by Israel Executive Director, Consumer Federation of America more when you present this coupon! Coupon pood thru Wednesday, Oct. 18,1978. Limit one coupon per I cretary of state for the Near East, was 'CONSUMERS-in mid or Niirr carrying replies to some two dozen questions roised by Hussein about last in the Six Day War. At Camp David, the United States, Egypt and Israel agreed custome^^ month's Camp David accords. that Jordan and Palestinian residents Monday, October 16,1918 Hussein two weeks ago said his price should participate in the negotiations, for joining the talks included full Ameri¬ but Hussein and Palestinian leaders 216 Berkey Hall, 8 pm can participation and redefinition of the have remained aloof. Free Admission Grain worker sues chemical companies MADISON, Wis. (UPI) - A former Also named defendants in the suit M|||C«| 10) EASTGRAND RIVER grain worker wonts $11 million in da¬ were Allied Chemical Corp.; Kitten & mages from Dow Chemical Co. and Bear Chemicals, Inc.; Research Products 337-7267 other defendants for long-term expo¬ Co.; Degesch; and the Farmers Union sure to pesticides used in the Farmers elevator. - RUNNING SHORTS - Union Grain Terminal Association elevo- The suit said chronic exposure to dan¬ Corduroys From Sizos 25 tor in Superior, Wise. gerous pesticides caused permanent in¬ thru 42 - Lengths to 38 A lawsuit, filed Friday in U.S. District juries to Kauther. It said he suffers tre¬ Court by Robert P. Kauther and his wife, mors of the extremities, loss of body Joanne, alleged several of the nation's control, exhaustion, fatigue, restless¬ chemical companies knew that their pro¬ ness, dizziness, nausea, loss of balance, MENS&W0MENS ducts could be toxic to humans but head pressure, chest pains, confusion, *<>*««>«* SOCKS placed no such warnings on labels. nose bleeds and memory loss. *0.C> 40 Mod* Of Swiss Army Knhfos! Second infant Siamese twin dies A team of four senior surgeons *)OCtfT* DURHAM, N.C. (AP) The second of and the infant Siamese twin — five staff RAIN GEAR girls who were physicians performed a five- separated by doctors at Duke Medical hour operation Thursday in an attempt Center died Sunday morning of heart to save the twins, born Oct. 3 at Wake FUNNEL SHIRTS failure, officials said. Medical Center in nearby Raleigh. anm.IH.odid WESTERS SHIRTS Dr. Howard Filston said Tonya Bain From Boys U thru Mons XL Swat Shirts died ot 9:10 a.m., less than 24 hours But the doctors never offered much after her sister Sonya died. hope that either girl would survive. They "Her weakened heart was never able said following the surgery that the twins * to supply fully the needs of her body tis¬ faced "horrendous" odds. BIBS , "Slow* For reservations call 351-8505 sues and she died from unremitting car¬ The girls were joined from the chest In 5 Colors Plus Denim * * SWEATERS \ 101 East Grand River Avenue diac failure, " Filston said in a brief state¬ to the navel at birth and their hearts and (the corner of Abbott Road! ment. livers were connected. and Corduroyi fcsrs East Lansing 1" INFLATION CITED AS MAJOR CAUSE Study shows costs By CATHERINE RAFTREY major U.S. public universities rose 7.8 up at inflation, mentioned by more than half of colleges less of a percentage State News Staff Writer percent for 1978-79 over the preceding the respondents, and the necessity to median percentage r: Students across the nation sign petitions, maintain program quality cited by more undergraduates. stage protests and demonstrations in than one-third of the reporting group. Among graduate State News/Scott Handle The increase is 1 percent above the 6.8 schools, the highest efforts to combat the rising costs of college percent change in the average cost of living Other for the last increase and fees Solar energy advocate Sara Balcomb makes a presentation to the second tuition. index from July 1, 1977, to July 1, 1978. rea: included the need to raise faculty and staff student repot annual Michigan Solar Action Conference this weekend as conference However, in the end, the inevitable prevails as students relucantly surrender The median total charges including salaries, the absence of alternative sources student co ordinator Ed Kelly looks on. their checkbooks to take a gamble on a tuition, fees and room and board for an of revenue and inadequate state appropria TK in-state resident attending state and land- degree which they hope will open the door compared to last years 32. to a more promising future. grant universities this year is $2,221, In a regional comparison of median changes in tuition, requir A newly completed study by the National compared to $2,061 for 1977-1978. tuition and fees, the higher education and board for both in For non-residents, the bill went up to Conference goal Association of State Universities and Land institutions in New England are shown to Grant Colleges, reported that college costs $3,406 from $3,221. have the highest student charges. Colleges are higher then ever. tel. ol campuse: State residents pay a median of 2.6 and universities in the West had the lowest. The association based its report on data resident undergradua percent more than last year for tuition and In state law students faced a 4 percent 52 campuses held the from 134 of its 140 member institutions in fees, which contrasts favorably with the 9.5 median tuition increase while costs are up the United States, District of Columbia, percent increase in room and board. is solar power Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. for medical and veterinary medicine stu The median total tab for tuition, fees and The two primary reasons reported by the dents. 7.4 and 6.4 percent respectively. room and board charges for students at charges were Only in state dental students are paying By PAUL COX State News Staff Writer Three area Making solar energy Michigan's primary power source is the goal of participants in the second annual Michigan Solar Action Conference held this past weekend. "First we want to set up a network to identify regional solar issues." conference co-coordinator Ed Kelly said. "Eventually we want Michigan to rely on solar energy as its primary energy source. gun assaults "This may take 20 to 30 years to realize." The conference, held at Lansing Community College, was sponsored by the Michigan An unidentified woman from the fifth floor of West Holmes Hall was one of three Solar Energy Association which works under the parent group, International Solar Energy society, Kelly said. About 170 people from all parts of the lower peninsula area people shot at in unrelated incidents attended the conference which ran from Friday night to Sunday afternoon. early Sunday morning, Department of Solar energy experts Sara and J. Douglas Balcomb were the conference's featured Public Safety officials said. speakers. The woman from Holmes received a "We try to pull together different regional groups and chapters, including Michigan, telephone call at 2 a.m. to go to the lobby of so they might function as a group, effectively." Balcomb said. the dormitory to pick up a gift that was About 2.000 people are involved in the solar movement in their home state, New waiting for her there, police said. Mexico, Balcomb said. People can become active in Michigan, he said. Both Balcombs said they got involved in the solar energy issue during the 1973 Arab But she found nothing and returned oil embargo. upstairs to her room, police said. Balcomb now works as the solar energy program manager of the Los Alamos, New A man with a 12-gauge shotgun, believed Mexico Scientific Laboratory. Sara Balcomb's interest followed her husband's, she said. to be her boyfriend, was waiting for her, "Solar is the energy alternative that needs the most attention," Balcomb said. "There police said. is no one single solution." The man fired at her, police said, but The first segment of the conference focused on educational and skills workshops missed and blasted the wall and ceiling with concerning many aspects of solar energy. Thomas Edens, MSU assistant professor of agricultural economics, and Martin shotgun pellets. Hetherington, MSU associate professor of science and mathematics, were among the Police said 90 lead pellets were removed featured speakers at the conference. from the area. Conference members broke into regional groups Sunday to identify specific solar energy issues concerning their area of the state, Kelly said. The suspect, whom police believe is from The conference concluded with participants helping establish the state solar action Detroit, is still at large and considered armed and dangerous. network, he said. The Balcombs said the network could lead to solar energy projects ongoing in New An unidentified woman was also shot at with another 12-gauge shotgun Sunday at Mexico such as greenhouses, fruit dryers, water heaters and swimming pool heaters. The Balcombs spent $38 last year to heat their solar-fueled home, they said. An 3031 S. Washington Ave. in Lansing. electrically fueled house of similar dimensions would cost $500 to heat, they said. Lansing Police arrested David Boulass, The Balcombs' home is a passive solar house whereby heat is stored in the roof and 20,3031 S. Washington Ave., in connection the walls. This method is unlike active solar collection which requires heating water with the incident, police said. and pumping it through a system, Balcomb said. Passive solar heating requires less maintenance and is more effective than active- The third assault occurred at 4:30 a.m. solar heating in a cloudy climate like Michigan, he said. Sunday, when an unidentified man was shot "There are passive solar heated homes all over the world in cloudy areas," Balcomb in the left thigh by an unknown caliber of said. gun, police said. established, follow-up Kelly said once the details of the state network He was treated and released from conferences will be held throughout the state. Edward W. Sparrow Hospital. The suspect in the shooting is still at The new sidewalk behind Shaw Hall was irresistible to those who know how much fun writing i large and considered armed and dangerous, be. After all we have to leave our mark somehow. police said. Consumer expert speaks A Fowlerville man died in a head-on collision Saturday night on M-52 about M 52 when a northbound vehicle driven by- Larry Knieper. 20. 7485 Jackson Road. Ann Arbor, crossed the centerline for "reasons Correction The executive director of the Consumer legislation for a federal consumer protec¬ Crash fatal one-quarter County. of a mile from M-36 in Ingham unknown at this time." officials said. Federation of America will discuss the need tion agency. Thomas Jenkins, 18, 4200 Waller Road, The impact of the collision spun the for a federal consumer protection agency at The Consumer Federation of America is a Jenkins vehicle sideways into the shoulder Gov. Williar was trapped 45 minutes in his car and was 8 tonight in 216 Berkey Hall. Kathleen O'Reilly, who joined the federa¬ broadly-based federation of over 200 state to area man; pronounced dead at the scene, Ingham of the road, police said. conferer and local consumer groups representing a County Sheriffs deputies said. Knieper's vehicle rolled over and caught (he Wk tion in 1975 as legal director, has been constituency of more than three million His only passenger, Katherine Stahl. 18 fire after the driver escaped from the . . doing dur during the PBB fia: active in many areas of consumer protec¬ vehicle, police injured 17962 Plainfield Road. Gregory, Mich., is in s He did not, as was incorrect tion. Americans. two "critical" condition in the intensive care unit Knieper suffered minor injuries. The State News, say the sta She has supported equal credit oppor¬ of Edward W. Sparrow Hospital. He is listed in "stable" condition at W.A. tunities for women, no-fault insurance and Jenkins was traveling southbound on Grievance procedure remains as stumbling block to agreement "People believe it (arbitration) works. "Larrowe said." All other people employed at By KY OWEN Currently, with the IFGP, the initial grievance hearing is held at the department, State Newa Staff Writer college or University level, and an appeals board is set up to hear any appeals from the MSU have binding arbitration, so I think the administration will accept it. two-part series examining the differences between initial hearing. But Frederick Home, professor of chemistry, said he does not think there s an> Editor's note: This is the first of a All appeals go to the president, who has authority to make the final decision. chance" that the Board of Trustees will approve a grievance procedure with the proposed grievance procedure being investigated by Faculty Council and the The binding arbitration clause in the proposed procedure provides for outside current Interim Faculty Grievance Procedure. Major differences between the proposed faculty grievance procedure and the interim arbitration of appeals if the president overturns a decision favoring the grievant. ""The grievant deserves a last chance (to appeal)," Home said, "but I would rather see it inside the University." „ ., . procedure are beginning to develop as the Faculty Council continues work on approval If the appeals panel rules in favor of the The binding arbitration amendment calls for an arbitrator from outside the University and Home would like to see another appeals body from within thi of the document. The major differences between the two procedures involve binding grievant, and the president reverses or arbitration, defining what is grievable, the powers of the Faculty Grievance Official modifies the decision in favor of the U Union »dvoc.tes. who have tailed in two elections to organize the MSU faculty, are in and the appellate process. administrator, the grievant may have his Last week, Faculty Council approved an amendment providing for binding case heard before an arbitrator from the favor of the binding arbitration amendment though they feel collective bargaining arbitration — the most significant difference between the two procedures. American Arbitration Association. Bill Ewens, professor of sociology and president of MSU Faculty Associates, said he Since last February, the council has been working on amending the document before approving the procedure written by the University Committee of Faculty Affairs. prefers a procedure ending in binding arbitration. Administrators may not appeal any decisions to the arbitrator, and if the appeals -.-hi* " Without binding arbitration, the procedure would be absolutely unacceptable. Until 1972, there was no faculty grievance procedure and faculty who had grievances had no method of recourse. panel rules in favor of the administrator, the faculty member may not appeal. Jack Stieber, professor of labor and industrial relations, introduced the amendment E In 1969, three instances of arbitrary treatment of faculty by administrators came to the attention of the MSU Board of Trustees and the board instructed then-President providing for arbitration because he felt faculty should have the final decision in a ButVven if the procedure provides for binding arbitration. Ewens said, he would grievance case made by their peer group. rather institute collective bargaining for faculty. .. . Clifton Wharton to have a grievance procedure written. Frank Blatt, professor of physics and president of the MM chapter o! American "This procedure will assure every faculty member a decision by his/her peers or by Association of University Professors, said a "basic flaw" in the IFGP was the lack ot The result of the board's request - the Interim Faculty Grievance Procedure — was intended to be a temporary procedure, because of the immediate need for such a an impartial arbitrator," Stieber told the council at the Oct. 10 meeting. "It will effectively respond to the argument that 'management' should not have the final recourse for a grievant. . . . document. However, it has been in effect for six years and will probably not be replaced authority to overrule a decision by one's peers." "I'm happy to see that such proposals (providing for binding arbitration! have been before spring term. C. Patric "Lash" Larrowe, professor of economics and Faculty Grievance Official, put forward," Blatt said. . . . Though no cases may ever go to arbitration, Blatt said. "It s best to take care of such The proposed procedure provides for binding arbitration in cases where the said the MSU procedure will be one of the best in the country with the binding president reverses an appeals panel decision, which was in favor of the grievant, taking arbitration clause. events before they occur." away the president's final appellate authority provided in the IFGP. BRUCE GUTHRIE Milliken seems to think Isn't it fun being politics is like love and war-every thing' is fair i. 'normal' at the game The game. I heard the football game score a lot last Saturday. I spent the $8 to freeze their ass off at a when football game they could be equally ozoned watch¬ afternoon in the library wearing a maize- ing television? "Bruce/' I was told once, According to one imposing green-and-white colored t-shirt with the word "MICHIGAN" "you just have to go crazy once in awhileI bumper sticker, we should expect Gov. William G. spelled out across my chest in big black was a freshman then, tripled in the dorm. Milliken to be pulling white rabbits out of black hats capital letters. At about four o'clock I heard One of my roommates — the one who made was on the freshman any time now. Or maybe — if re-elected — he will some cheers from the stairwell and soon the floor was buzzing with the word that MSU W V that comment — football squad. He'd get back from practice, make all of Michigan's problems magically disap¬ had actually won the football game. I was wolf down a meal, and then hi. the bars. He pear. With a wave of a wand PBB and its effects will sort of disappointed but I really didn't care. wasn't explaining with that comment why be gone, mental health patients will be safe in state The game. My shirt disguised under my he was in the game, he was explaining why institutions, taxes will be reduced and the state will coat, I walked home to the sound of car he went to the bars. After a day of football, still be able to afford high-quality public services. horns. Greeks were playing football in front he had to go crazy. It's ironic, I guess, the of their houses. Some guy with a traffic football players, after giving 80,000 fans an Yes, Milliken will turn Michigan into the land of cone on his head and an MSU muffler excuse to go crazy at the game, have to go magic because Milliken is Magic — "too". wrapped around the base of the cone, blew crazy themselves afterward. Milliken's re-election campaigners certainly have a long horn at passing cars. I shut the door The game. But an excuse to go crazy is the right to promote the governor as magical, but it of my apartment behind me realizing that I not enough of a reason to justify football. is the promoting of him as "Magic too," that we have would probably be kept up that night by parties. People could go crazy on their own without problems with. Why "too"? The game. I wondered how different it going through the hassle and cost of "Everyone knows who the real 'Magic' man is," the would have been if the Ann Arbor organizing or attending an activity like a football game. On our own we could run like governor admitted. And with that in mind. Milliken's university had won. There wouldn't be the hell down a hill, race across a stream, quick-witted campaign people decided on "using" car horns, the Greeks playing football, or hot-rod an automobile, or climb a tree. But Earvin Johnson. I Sure, "use it anyway you can", said the idiot wearing the traffic cone. But the we don't do these things alone because we one staffer). parties would still be there as they were do not like being alone when we go crazy. after every game. There would be as many In fact, the green and-white "Magic" sticker is We need football stadiums, bars and dance hang overs the next morning as usual. And floors. It's socially acceptable to go crazy only one in a series of six featuring the colors and classes would start on time Monday.Within around other people while it's considered popular slogans of the state's major universities. On a few hours of the game's finish, who had Stole News Iro Strickslein weird to go crazy on your own. And we're Saturday, Oct. 7, Milliken stood in front of Spartan won the game wouldn't matter in the least. afraid to be labeled weird. So we go to the Within a day, the game itself wouldn't Stadium with Johnson "presenting" him with the matter either. * below. After the tribulation, my dad would game to go crazy with 80,000 other people. appropriate sticker while the two posed for The game. I remember my dad take me home and my life would continue as dragging The game. It seems as if people need to photographs. me to U of M football games as a kid. Dad if the game had never interfered with it. feel like they're part of a crowd. They need Four days earlier, Milliken stopped by in Ann always bought two season tickets to the The game. Life can continue oblivious to to fit in with some sort of norm and prove Arbor — need we say more? Later that week, the games. Mom went with him on the days the game because there's nothing "learned" this normalacy to the rest of the world. by watching a football game, nothing that University of Michigan's newspaper ran a editorial with good weather. One of my other will stay with you for any length of time. We're basically insecure creatures who brothers went with dad on most of the other need to feel accepted. That's why we but claiming their athletic director, Don Canham, "has Once the stadium empties out, it's all over. been had." When Milliken "presented" Canham with days. And, when no one else really wanted the cosmetics, cars, and clothes that we do. to go, then it was time to drag me out to Television is criticized as a mental waste¬ And that's why we go to football games, the blue-and-maize"M-Go Milliken" sticker pledging Ann Arbor. land but at least the tube presents its watch the two teams forever toss about a his loyalty to the Wolverines, Canham apparently of the governor alright, but with Earvin. The State The game. For three hours on a given viewers with different people and lifestyles, pigskin, and cheer on "our" team whether News decided the photos did not constitute a news Saturday afternoon, I would sit there expanding the viewer's understanding of they win or not. Because everyone else is item and declined to run them as such. freezing my ass off on those tiny metal people. A football game doesn't even do doing it with us and we want to prove we're bleachers while a couple dozen people this. Yet television has the critics. normal. M Go Milliken Scott Shultz, Milliken's assistant press secretary, threw a football back and forth on the field The game. So why would anybody spend The game. has a different idea of what is good news judgment. "Earvin is news," Shultz said, "Anything Earvin does is news. If he wipes his butt with his left hand, believed him. Milliken walked away with a series of that's news!" jovial photographs and an open invitation to U-M's Although Milliken said he "probably would not" sold-out football games. have circulated the stickers if Earvin rejected the Ironically, Earvin Johnson didn't know anything idea, Shultz claimed otherwise. "It's not an about the stickers until after they were made. endorsement," Shultz said justifying the implication Though he agreed to meet the governor before the of the stickers. "It's a good play on words." Notre Dame football game to accept the sticker and dreamed they had done so. pose for photographs, he didn't see himself as being a Green meanwhile told the State News that they Let me correct So, my apologies for my error. Public financed had been careful not to "involve any of the players" at Also, the Michigan Tenants Resource political promoter. U-M when in Ann Arbor. "And we were careful not Center is holding a symposium on this bill, "I'm not really boosting his thing," Earvin said, to use Bo Schembechler," he added. that correction other legislative matters of interest, and abortions —Mo! explaining he didn't expect the photographs to "go a various citizen action approaches to housing lot of places" because no newspaper photographers For whatever reason Milliken's people see the Damned if we all don't foul up — your problems in Jackson on the 28th of this Last Thursday's editorial ("Milliken's had been present. Wolverines as untouchable, they evidently find Oct. 10 editorial was correct in the status of month. We expect quite a turnout of citizen abortion stance admirable") leaves me HB 5141. It is enrolled and on the way to the activists from throughout the state, and our Actually none need to have been for them to get nothing sacred about Spartan players. But in the afternoon workshops should be intensive questioning who has a strong, admirable true spirit of justice, Earvin apparently finds governor's desk. stand and who is narrow-minded and around. Michael Green, Milliken's photographer, When I left the Capitol on the final day of learning experiences. The State News stubborn. called the State News on Sunday after the game nothing sacred about the governor. He said that, if session before the election recess, Mark might wish to send someone — Yvonne Although you correctly note that the claiming he had some "good" photographs of the asked, he would pose with Millikens opponent, Sen. Clodfelter had told me that it was very Nanasi of TRC is coordinating the events. Supreme Court has ruled abortion is a right governor at the game. They were good photographs William B, Fitzgerald, as well. unlikely that rules would be suspended to Again, thanks for your interest in HB that cannot be denied by the states, you allow House concurrance the same day it 5141 and apologies for the error. ignore the Court's later decision that states left the Senate ... they must have sent it Roger Winthrop may choose a pro life stance and prohibit over well past midnight and I never Ingham County Tenants Union the use of state funds for abortion. Your argument that financial conditions Spartan teams are not should not be a barrier to a legally guaranteed right is nonsense. Clearly a right does not impose the obligation of Holdships misses 'a super cop-out' public funding. For example, the Supreme Court has ruled that a parent may send his impressed by reputations Being these an avid fan of the State News, for many years, I was more than dismayed to read (twice) the Holdship First, you only need to be able to follow simple directions to create a most unique and entertaining, albeit challenging game. child to a private or parochial school, yet no state is obliged to finance the parent's exercise of this right. Not every individual Second, Holdship speaks of cop-outs, and right need be supported by public expendi¬ Those who think they know team were determined to reverse Saturday. Wolverine fans, blinded article on computer games. ture. yet admires the use of the photon-torpedoes called it "impossible." "Startling." the season's poor start, a 1-3 by past records and reputations, I was appalled the first time I read the in "Starship One," what is the photon- But, you may argue, this is a matter of "An upset." But MSU fans always record. Against the glimmering never believed an "aggie" team article, (in the Welcome Week edition), but life and death. Not so, since state funding is torpedo, other than a super cop-out? knew it was possible. hope of victories came tough losses could defeat the U-M tradition. hoped that such biased and poorly re specifically permitted for abortions if the searched scribbling would be missed, in the mother's life is directly threatened and the The Spartan football team beat to USC and Notre Dame. Those Michigan State, on the other From the standpoint of accuracy, the mass of paper. Apparently this was the funding prohibition only against therapeu¬ the Michigan Wolverines in what who think they know expected the hand, has not had the same case, for it was run again in last Friday's game is an exceptional "hands on" demon¬ tic abortions (abortions on demand or turned out to be an excellent same results when the Spartans "memories" to cling to. We have football tabloid. stration of the effect of gravity upon bodies abortions not dictated by medical neces¬ had to examine each team we play in motion. display of MSU talent and a show came to Ann Arbor to fight yet Holdship's description of the "Star Wars" sity). If the Michigan Legislature wishes to of what Ricky-detractors call the another big-name team. and the individual members of our In essence, this player, and many of games, far from being accurate, was sadly his reflect a popular revulsion of abortion on real Leach. The three intercep¬ The Wolverines have a name as own teams before assuming every misguided. 'Tis true, that should you only friends, both enjoy and are challenged by demand by prohibiting state funding and to tions thrown by the quarterback a great football team. This "name" victory is guaranteed. We have desire some interesting visual displays, the "Space Wars," and find such a biased and exercise its constitutional right to decide made the game a bad one for the has intimidated others, but it only had to be more realistic than the "Starship One" game is excellent. However, damning review of, in our humble opinion, for what the taxpayer's money shall be should you desire to play a very well one of the best and most exciting new athletic Michigan senior, possibly strengthened the efforts of the staunch Maize and Blue fanatics. spent, only to have its will thwarted by one And we realistically felt our team programmed, and explicitly accurate rendi¬ computer games this year, almost intoler¬ person's (Milliken's) personal beliefs, who is dimming his Heisman hopes. But Spartans when they came to the tion of space battle in two dimensions, the able. being strong and admirable and who is the game did not rest on one University of Michigan. Wolverine could beat U-M with a strong "Space Wars" game is the best to date in T.T. Gottleber narrow-minded and stubborn? player's mistakes. fans expected their "name" to be effort and a little luck. that field. Robert L. Brielmaier 117 S. Homer The Spartans played hard. In playing the game, but it was their In response to a couple of criticisms: Lansing E-247, Owen Graduate Center We put up no air of arrogance. amazement, some called it flaw¬ 1978 team, and not that age-old We didn't sit in the local watering less. Coach Darryl Rogers and his tradition, that took the field holes the night before the game toasting an easy annual victory. We just crossed our fingers and hoped. As a result, false hopes DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau have not come tumbling down The State News ] when MSU has been skipped over in bowl bids and rankings or when Z wwcacjumorvm, i irtmaiuf>eAcMesM> i CREAM ATCAMPCAW, UK wsrnm.mnp.iv sty wtmstmmctm hou tmrnnKamsm w ■mm/aw) ooessem BEONOPTHm UKEABtT Monday, October 16, 1978 defeat has found its way into the rrriumwrnim afKummmcm saw TO LAI A 6UtU 00 A CHEAP Editorials ore the opinions of the State News Viewpoints, columns shape or loui ump. unite Israelis imshipep tssnw TOP ON HIM. SHOT- record books. Life went on. mm, mem', i eat m/atmnm. / and letters are personal opinions. Editorial Department Life went on after the win, too. Editor-in-chief James I. Smith Photo Editor Kathy Kilbury There was a good deal of heavy Managing Editor Anne Stuart Entertainment & Book Edih Dove DiMartino Opinion Editor KimShonahan Sports Editor Mike Klocke partying, but it wasn't celebrating City Ed'tor NumioLupo Michelle Chambers Layout Editor freelance Editor Scott Wierenga just a win. It wasn't even celebrat¬ Campus Editor Deborah Heywood Wire Editor. Paula Mohr Chief Copy Editor . Kenneth E Parker ing just a victory over a fairly good Staff Representative Joy I Haenlein team. It was celebrating the win Advertising Department over a reputation, the hope for Advertising Manager Bob Shaffer Assistant Advertising Manager recognition of things as they really Monday. October 16 1978 5 It's been a long nine years... Spartan fans whoop it up Monday, October 16, 1978 () Michigon State News, East Lonsing Michigan Finally! MSU drops Wolverines 0 (continued from page 1) His kick had the distance, but the ball hit the upright and bounced out. It was and only scoring threat Michigan had in the first half. MSU scored the next three times it had the ball - first on a 38-yard field Andersen, then on a 10-yard pass to Lonnie Middleton, who was all alone in finally again by Middleton, who dove over from the one. the first goal by the right flat, The initial touchdown was set up by Marshall's first interception and the second by Andersen's interception. After Andersen's pick-off, he put his head down and barreled for 21 yards. The Spartans had one more chance to score before the end of the half but on fourth it turned out, that pass threw to Harlan saved the drive that clinched the victory. Michigan added one more touchdown on a three-yard run by Russell Davis and Leach Huckleby for the two-point conversion. The Wolverines blew a chance to get back in the game when their defense stopped MSU, but Michigan had 12 men on the field during the Spartan punt. The illegal participation penalty gave MSU a first down and ever-important control of the ball. The Spartan defense tightened last in the game and stopped Michigan, with the final encore coming from Angelo Fields, who sacked Leach for a five-yard loss on the last Michigan offensive play of the day. "Well, see, I knew I had to contain until he (Leach) got to me," said Fields, who had nine tackles on the day. "He was all mine all the way... It was my chance to do it — and I down and five from the Michigan 10 yard line, Rogers elected to try for the touchdown did it." instead of taking the field goal. Smith's fourth down pass to Andy Schramm fell Schembechler, who now has an 8-2 coaching record over MSU, had praise for the incomplete and the Wolverines took over. Spartans. "It's the first time in 10 years that I can recall our defense letting us down," Michigan Rogers said the reason he went for the touchdown was the fact that a field goal would head coach Bo Schembechler said. 'They got a bundle of yards. God, they must have had, have given the Spartans only 20 points, setting up the possibility of Michigan scoring three touchdowns and winning the game. what, 1,000 yards? I've never stood on the sidelines and seen an opposing team drive up and down the field like that." In the second half, Michigan came out and did what it does best. The Wolverines ran Senior safety Tom Graves, who played his finest game of the season compared the win the ball 17 straight times with Leach capping the 70-yard drive with a with the Notre Dame victory in 1975 and the Ohio State thumping in 1974, but he said three-yard-touchdown run. *■ _v It was at this point of the game that MSU proved what kind of team it is. The that the win over Michigan has the potential of meaning more. Wolverines were getting the momentum but it was Smith, once again, who stole the "It means that if we win the remaining six games we'll have some type of ring on our show. fingers," Graves said. Michigan tailback Harlan Huckleby is collared by MSU's Dan Bass (49) Smith passed the ball six times and completed five of the tosses, the last one going to There is still a long season ahead of the Spartans, but they're on the right track. Just and Tom Graves in the Spartan's 24-15 upset victory Saturday in Ann Brammer for an 11-yard touchdown. The key play of the drive, and the game, was a last week it looked like MSU's season was washed up, but now, it looks like the Spartans' Arbor. The Spartans played "near-perfect football" in beating the Wol¬ third-and-15 to Eugene Byrd. Smith drilled the pass to Byrd for a 20-yard gain, and as season is just starting. verines for the first time since 1969. MIKE KLOCKE JOE CENTERS Who will win Heisman? The old trophy looks good around what started out to be a dismal season. It was the catalyst ANN ARBOR — The Heisman trophy, college football's most This year, Detroit columnist Joe Falls, then with the Free Press, ANN ARBOR — Sitting in the I' M press room at Michigan decided that he was going to take a chance in the Heisman game, he for what could be the first frenzied Big Ten football race in nearly a prestigious award, is a honor to more than just the person who wins Stadium was an ugly, wooden monstrosity of a trophy with a it. It is an honor to the player's family and friends, to his school, to started pushing Michigan quarterback Rick Leach. He makes no decade. figurine of the legendary Paul Bunyan perched on top. the league he plays in, to anyone who has any association with the bones about it, he wants Leach to win the award. In one of his It's called the Paul Bunyan-Governor of Michigan Trophy, and it Michigan has dominated MSU in all sports in recent years. It columns last month, he even published a list of dos and don'ts for hasn't only been football. And now with Saturday's win, and the person or his school. is annually given to the winner of the MSU Michigan game. In Michigan coach Bo Schembechler in the way he should promote outlook for the Spartan basketball team, MSU just might be It has been said on many occasions, though, that the Heisman recent years, the meaning of trophy has become almost oblivious: Leach. in fact. Bo Schembechler said on his TV show last week that he superior for one year. It may only be for one year, but it'll more Trophy is won by the media, not the player. A player cannot win the award unless people know him. So when a school thinks that it has a After Saturday's game with MSU, Leach's Heisman Trophy than make up for all the other years of frustration felt by the didn't even know where the trophy was kept. player who is Heisman material, the publicity blitz begins. The chances are gone. Leach completed five of 15 passes for 98 yards. In It's been at Michigan ever since 1970; the Spartans last won in players and fans. the first half, he completed one out of six with three interceptions. more times a player gets his name in the paper, or his face on TV, 1969. Saturday, for a change, the frustration was all for the All three passes were lame ducks, not even close to his receivers, Wolverines. There was frustration of head coach Bo Schembechler the better his chances of winning the award. It had been a long time since MSU had possession of the trophy, MSU has never had a Heisman Trophy winner. The last time the and on his other two incompletions, he had his receivers wide open but it wasn't more than 10 minutes after Saturday's 24-15 MSU when he said his defense "let the team down" for the first time in Spartans had a "candidate" was in 1975 when Charlie Baggett was but couldn't hit them. win that equipment manager Troy Hickman and a couple of 10 years. There was the frustration of quarterback Rick Leach, Leach's passing has always been suspect, but Saturday, his student assistant carted the "thing" off to the MSU dressing room. now a former candidate for the Heisman Trophy, as he threw three having his name mentioned more than once. Baggett had a bad year and he didn't even make the All Big Ten passing was tried and convicted. At running the option, Leach is the Actually, the trophy is somewhat of an eyesore. "That doesn't interceptions and had perhaps the worst game of his career. best in the country, but no matter how good a quarterback is at first team. Good idea, but it flopped. matter, we'll find room for it at Jenison," MSU athletic director Perhaps it was MSU offensive tackle Jim Hinesly that said it running the ball, he must also be able to throw it when he has to. best. Just how does somebody become a Heisman "candidate?" That's Joe Kearney assured. Leach can't throw the ball. It's been nine years — over two generations of MSU students — "I'm from Detroit and so are a lot of Michigan players. That's all easy, just say he's one and that's all there is to it. For the last two years, a pair of Detroit journalists have taken it I have seen three Heisman "candidates" this season. Running since there was a MSU victory over the Wolverines. And it may be they do is talk to us and about us. Well, the state's no longer just back Charles White from Southern California, quarterback Joe blue You can paint the state green. upon themselves to promote someone for the Heisman. be another nine years before the Spartans win another. Who ... Last year, A1 Ackerman, sportscaster for WXYZ, Channel 7 in Montana from Notre Dame and Leach. "When my dad (James, Sr.) played, this was just another game. knows? Detroit, decided that he was going to push Michigan's Harlan MSU held White to 82 yards rushing, only the fifth time in 17 So Saturday's win is something that can be savored — by MSU always beat Michigan, and nobody ever thought about it. starts at USC that White didn't gain over 100 yards. But he did coaches, players, students, faculty. By everyone. It was Well, things are a lot different now. and that's why this win means Huckleby for the Heisman. He had shirts printed up that read; score two touchdowns and return a kick for 43 yards. so much." "Huckleby for Heisman." Between injuries and a bad case of near perfect football by MSU. It was a game that could turn "fumbleitis," Huckleby wasn't even close. Another good try, but Montana completed six of 12 passes for 149 yards, but he was just There's no doubt that the players and coaches should get the (continued on page 7) (continued on page 7) another flop. 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Engineering opportunities exist at Hughes Aircraft Company, Culver City, California, in its Electro-Optical & Data Systems Groups, for graduates with the follow¬ LP's ing degrees: Sale Price • BS in EE, Comp Sci, ME List Price •MS in EE, Comp Sci, ME • PhD in EE $4.98 $2.49 The positions involve the development of advanced 5.98 3.49 electro-optic and space sensor systems, laser sys¬ tems, and airborne computers and software. Oppor¬ 6.98 3.99 tunities are ovailable in the following specialized areas: 7.98 4.99 Analog & Digital Circuit Design Hybrid Circuit Design Systems Analysis 8.98 5.99 Systems Engineering Signature Technology Pattern Recognition Big Savings on all multiple record sets as well. Image & Information Processing Computer Architecture (No special orders at sale price accepted at this time.) Scientific Programming E.O. Sensor Design Optical Systems Design Tapes Sale Price Signal Processing Circuit Design Structural Dynamic Analysis List Price Mechanical Product Design Servo Design 7.98 5.49 Positions are also available for BS graduates on our 8.98 6.59 Masters Fellowship Work-Study and our Engineering Rotation Programs. For details, interested graduates are requested to schedule interview appointments Sale runs until our Official Grand Opening. Watch the with our recruiter. Your placement oHice will sched¬ ule you for our recruiting visit on Friday, October State News for details. 20,1978. I 1 jHUGHESi i i MUSIC CO. L KUI.HES AIRCRAFT COMPANY j gM, 540 Frandor Ave, 540 Frandor i Lansing U S citiienihlp requlr»d*iquol opportunity M/F/HC .mpfoy.r I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. October 16. 1978 7 Spartan golfers finish second MSU stickers win in last minute By MIKE KLOCKE The Spartans' second-place finish came in chilly weather, which State News Sports Writer Fossum said got down into the 30s Saturday. And on the long MSU's scores were somewhat inconsistent... but still good By CHERYL FISH Nancy Reed during the last 30 Calvin College resulted in a 5-0 tral, 2 1. in the state finals. For MSU senior golfer Sue Ertl, it was a golf tournament and a, course, State News Sports Writer shutout. This the fifth seconds of the match. "They was They finished fourth overall in family reunion all wrapped up in one. enough for second place. the MAI AW regionals. MSU's total for 36 holes was 653, far behind Ohio State's 634 Two more victories for the have a tough defense and a fine Spartan shutout, out of seven With many of her relatives from Wisconsin in attendance, Ertl MSU field hockey team, now victories. Nancy Lyons scored Seven of their starters total. Purdue finished third and Central Michigan, the surprise of goalie. We had 38 shots at the are finished second individually to lead MSU to the runner-up spot in 7-0-1, brings them closer to four of the five goals, and returning from last year's the tournament, ended up fourth. goal, but she made some good the Midwest regionals behind Ohio State this weekend. lebbie cored This Other scores for the Spartans were: Suzi Conlin, 80-82 for a 182; their goal of becoming state plays," Kajornsin disclosed. t . powerhouse team. The biggest Ertl fired rounds of76-79 to finish with a two-day total of 155, one loss for Western is the gradua Lisa Speaker, 83-84 for a 167; Ann Atwood, 90-79 for a 169; Sue champions. Most of the game was played was a game played in tvpical stroke behind medalist Judy Ellis of Ohio State. The MSC >tyle fast and aggres tion of their starting goaltend- Conlin. 90-91 for a 181; and Beth Sierra, 92-93 for a 185. Spartans defeated in Northern's territory, so the "All her relatives from the area were there, and it really would si\e. with the "It really hurt the first day when we had to count a 90," Fossum Northern Michigan on Satur fullbacks didn't have much Spartans totally er. Sandy Hamilton. have been something if she could have won the tournament," MSU said (only the four top scores are counted). "Say if we'd have had day, 1-0. It almost looked as if work. "The halfbacks had a dominating. golf coach Mary Fossum said. "I can think back to one hole where overtime would be needed. The good game," Kajornsin said, Wednesday's game against even a 84, then that would have been six strokes and we would have she missed a four-foot putt and Judy made one. first half was a scoreless battle Western Michigan will be the had a better chance of coming back. When you get 12 or 13 strokes referring to the play of Connie "She's still the best player in the Midwest in my book. I wouldn't trade her for anyone." behind Ohio State, that's hard to make up." with MSU missing two impor Seymor, Nancy Babcoek and final tough test of the stickers' strength if we beat them. I Apology tant penalty shots. "That Barbara Shannon. "We were "They (Ohio State) has to be classified as the best team in the think no one else in the state The State News apologizes should not have happened. much more aggressive, and Midwest," Fossum said. "There's no one person who they count on, that not all varsity sports were About 80 percent can beat us," Kajornsin pointed everyone is consistent." of the time although it was a low scoring covered in today's paper. So we score on penalty shots," really had control," Michigan tops icers The fact that Ohio State, always known for the support it gives game, we that more complete results can coach Sam Kajornsin said. On he added. We had rd of women's sports, is able to give out eight full-rides for women's golf be given these stories were such shots, a player will go Thursday's contest against also may have something to do with the talents the Buckeyes have. held until Tuesday's paper. one-on-one against the goalie Michigan's hockey team had Bessone's biggest worry is This is the first time MSU has not won the Regionals, after taking the defense, and he is still six consecutive from seven yards out. The two weeks more practice than crowns. MSU going into Friday's exhibi¬ looking for a good play-making The tournament ends the Spartans' fall schedule. In the spring, player has one shot to try and tion game at Munn Ice Arena, center. MSU will have a southern trip as well as a full schedule as Fossum's Bessone would also like to The single goal was scored by and it showed as the Wolver¬ team tries to qualify for the nationals." ines downed the Spartans, 6-3. see more punch from his for "You could see a lot more ward line even though he was cohesivness in Michigan's play impressed with the line of because they been practicing Aaron Rucks, Dave Gandini longer," Bessone said. "We still and Gary Harpell. 'BIGGEST' WIN FOR MANY have a long way to go in Both Rucks and Gandini scored power play goals and preparing for the WCHA (Western Collegiate Hockey Association)." defenseman Ted Heusing scored the other Spartan goal. MSU players elated By JOE CENTERS been arrogant for years, now it's our turn to Centers column and MIKE KLOCKE State News Sports Writers get arrogant." Eddie Smith, quarterback: "It's a great (continued from page 6) ANN ARBOR - A win over Michigan. A feeling, the best victory I've ever had." victory that was nine years in coming. Melvin "Juice" Land, defensive tackle: "Oh there. He didn't perform like a Heisman "candidate." Three "candidates," one performed very well, one was just there, It meant a lot to the MSU fans. It means a yeah — O yeah — 0 yeah. It's been a long lot to the school as a whole. It meant a lot to time coming. It took me five years to beat and the other lost any chance he had at winning the Heisman the now-tight Big Ten race. But, most of all, it them. Trophy Saturday afternoon to MSU. meant a lot to the Spartan players and If I had a vote, my choice out of the players I have seen this season Larry Savage, outside linebacker: "It's would be an easy one. coaches. unbelievable, the greatest feeling I've ever Here are some of the feelings expressed: had. This is what we needed to come I'd vote for Spartan quarterback Eddie Smith. Maybe I should Jim Hinesly, offensive tackle: "This has start a campaign. I'd call it the "Eddie Smith and his aerial show for been the greatest win I've ever participated together. This is it." The Jacobson bride is a special bride to us She the Heisman Trophy." Angelo Fields, defensive tackle: "I feel — I Do you want to buy a shirt? in. I'm from Detroit and so are a lot of just can't believe what we've done. I just wants this important day of her life to be perfect, Michigan players. That's all they do is talk to can't believe it, but I know it's true." a day full of love and happiness So do we Our us and about us. Well, the state's no longer Mark Anderson, defensive safety: "Great, Bridal consultants take pride in helping the new just blue ... You can paint the state green." the best win of my life. The greatest feeling Mark Brammer, tight end: "Last year it of my life. Best win ever, best feeling, best bride-to-be select her wedding gown, dresses for Klocke column was made unreal. We had 'em on the ropes, but we some mistakes. This year there were team effort." her bridesmaids and fashions for her other honored (continued from page 6) Dan Bass, inside linebacker: "Great, it no major mistakes. We were ready for them guests, all chosen to reflect the particular mood credit for the win, but if you're one for omens, how about this one: this time. It was a great win." means everything. I feel so excited now I of her wedding ceremony We invite you. the happy The last time MSU beat Michigan was in 1969. At the time Steve Smith, tailback: "Yeah, it's the don't know what to do." Walter Adams of the economics department was acting president biggest game of my life. The biggest win. I Ray Stachowicz, punter: "Leach who?" soon-to-be-married, to consult with our bridal may be from out of state (Louisville, Ky.) but Isaac Griffin, defensive tackle: "It makes of MSU. experts, and to take advantage of our many other this is still a big rivalry." me feel good. It's the first big victory I've Clifton R. Wharton, Jr., who many people thought was very bridal services offered to make your wedding day ever had in Big Ten football." "anti-athletics", then took over as president of MSU ... the Joe Kearney, MSU athletic director: "Anytime you can play well or defeat a Jerome Stanton, cornerback: "It feels plans run smoothly just the way you want it to Spartans never beat Michigan during his administration. Wharton has since left to head up the State University of New nationally prominent team, it's just great for good. I done beat my hometown boys. I can York (SUNY), and Edgar Harden has taken over as MSU the program. This is the biggest football win go home and talk. Michigan who?" I've ever been associated with. We had some Mike Marshall, cornerback: "Biggest vic¬ on an interim basis. Jacobson's president And now we have an MSU victory over Michigan as soon as great wins at Washington. We beat UCLA, tory of my life. There probably won't be Whartan has left. Interesting. Maybe the University should keep 17-3, when they were number one in the another one as big." Harden... at least until after next year's renewal of the rivalry in country. This was the biggest, though." Troy Hickman, equipment manager: "I told East Lansing. Tom Graves, defensive safety: "They've you we were going to beat them. I told you." GRADUATING COLLEGE STUDENTS, ■. Around the World Spring 1979 WHATSANNSACAREER? Take the PQTand find out. Advanced training in language (perhaps a new language) can be expected. COMMUNICATIONS - Scientifically devised, tested, and business, or mathematics decree before September 1979. the managed cryptographic systems insure the maximum degree of Professional Qualification Test (PQT) could be your first step security in transmitting sensitive information around the globe toward employment in one of these programs. Since cryptography is a unique pursuit, the training of new You must register by November 4. 1978 in order to take the PQT employees here is extensive and esoteric. on campus. It will not be given again during this school year. By OTHER OPPORTUNITIES A limited number of applicants will scoring well on this test, you will qualify for an employment also be selected from the PQT to enter our Information Science. interview. During the interview, an NSA representative will Logistics. Resource Management. Security, and Personnel fields. discuss the specific role you might play in furthering this country's communications security or in producing vital foreign PICK UP A PQT BULLETIN at your college placement office. It intelligence information. contains a registration form which you must mail prior to November 4 in order to take the test on November IH. There is The PQT helps to measure your potential for career areas such no registration fee. Electronic Engineering. Computer Science. Slavic. Mid-Eastern PROGRAMMING — Our vast communications analysis projects and Asian language majors and Mathematics majors at the could not be effectively managed without the latest computer Masters level may interview without taking the PQT. hardware, software and people who know how to use them. U.S. Citizenship is mandatory. A thorough background LANGUAGES - Foreign languages are valuable tools for investigation and medical examination are also required. research, analysis, and documentation projects. Join the Semester at Sea. affiliated with the University of Colorado, for an unparalleled international educational experience. Sail from Los Angeles February 15. by way of the Orient, South Asia, and the Mediterranean. Applications now being accepted. For Free Color Brochure, call or u-rite: Semester at Sea.Taj Mahal Building. I'<). Box 2488. Laguna Hills. CA 92654. Telephone (800) 854-0195 (toll-free outside California) 1714) 581-6770 (ill California). SS. Universe is hilly air-conditioned. 18.000 tons, ol Liberian registry. A representative will be on campus in the International Cen¬ NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY ter lobby from 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. - Tuesday, October 24 Attn: M321 Fort George G. Meade. Maryland 20755 through Thursday October 26. An Equal Opportunity Employer m/f. Monday, October 16, 1978 g Michigon Stote News, Eost Lansing, Michigan NEW BOARSHEAD PLAY Sympathetic Klansmen in Meeting9 By ROSANNE SINGER State News Reviewer Pills, beer and John Fahey his Playwright Preston Jones has done the nearly impossible in play, The Last Meeting of the Knights of the White * Magnolia. He has made a group of Texas white supremists, who are an offshoot of the Ku Klux Klan, sympathetic and universal. ing that's totally mesmerizing. The BoarsHead Theater production of this first play of what By IHVE DiMARTINO At his 10:30 show Saturday the audience for sleeping pills, several times. And while all of So why the poor attendance is known as A Texas Trilogy is well done and avoids taking a State News Reviewer night. Fahey demonstrated that life on the non commercial that's amusing, if only for Saturday night? Easy. Those condescending attitude toward the characters. The play is set in Guitarist John Fahey, one records of Fahey's still in print a rundown hotel in Bradleyville, Texas, in 1962, a hotel where ■sir's original "wild and era. road isn't always rewarding Fahey's candor, it's also some what tragic. are on the poorly distributed the Knights of the White Magnolia have weekly meetings. On i last i and is. at times, debilitating. Takoma label, and two of his this particular evening they initiate their first new member in Slugging down bottles of Fahey's boozing occasionally best LP's recorded for Warner five years. Eventually personal feuds disrupt the meeting, Stroh's right and left, Fahey got in the way of his playing either played or drank or Saturday night, though not to Bros, have been out of print for though it initially began humorously. played and drank and actually the point of distraction — he two or three years. Fahey's was just sloppy at times. Gen¬ pretty much been condemned mt guitarist, Fahey is left the stage once to, as he jnii|iu' figure who's said. "Go to the bathroom." erally his playing stayed on the to the obscurity Leo Kottke's ich the standing de¬ And of course, such informal¬ mark and was, as usual, hypnot¬ risen from: major labels aren't Director Robert Burpee hos done an excel¬ ic and quite unique. It's been interested in him and, ironical¬ lent ity isn't necessarily bad — in said before but it's worth job of casting . . . Even though all the ac¬ this case it was actually re¬ ly. probably a major part of his tion takes place on one stage set, he keeps it freshing — but it certainly is saying again: Fahey's music is income is derived from his finable. Fahey has something to think about. peculiarly his own, and pecul guitar instruction books. Satur¬ visually interesting, and each character es¬ Fahey's "long" association with iarlv American. He's synthe¬ day night he joked about bring¬ tablishes himself strongly and individually. Kottke — played up by the sized and appropriated Ameri¬ ing just one pair of pants to press for a bit more than it's can music from such diverse Lansing with him — chances worth. I'm afraid — was some¬ composers as Stephen Foster are, he wasn't kidding. With a thing Fahey apparently felt and Samuel Barber to Bukka beer belly, penny loafers and a John Peakes gives a strong performance as the elderly White, and displays them all in guitar he'd empty ashes into Colonel J.C. Kinkaid, who sits in a wheelchair, wears his World compelled to speak about, so he mixture of picking and chord just to get laughs, Fahey's War I uniform and confuses the present with his life in the ti$i did. At length. He also asked a entire image would indeed be trenches, at one point saying, "You all probably think the Kaiser is dead, well he ain't." The part of Kinkaid is a difficult # laughable were it anything but the result of his artistic and one because the character is more than a foolish, senile man. financial difficulties. Sadly. Peakes handles the transition in mood from Act I to Act II excellently. He also works well with the movement limitations Claude File and Dan Brown fight over whiskey and Fahey may be on his way to of his wheelchair and is interesting to watch. more in the BoarsHead production of The Last becoming the Sandy Bull of the '70s. Meeting of the Knights of the White Magnolia. Without question, Fahey can Doug Schirner sympathetically plays the idealist, L.D. Alexander, Imperial Wizard of the Knights and as one do things on guitar that few reading tonight? character says, "the only true believer." He is the character John C. Bowman plays the young, innocent Lonnie Roy others can even approach. His knowledge of and reverence most deeply affected by the disruption of the meeting and McNeil, the newest Knights member. Except for acting a little for American music remains desperately attempts to maintain order. Schirner is good as he too wide-eyed and impressionable, Bowman is a good choice for unrivalled, and his wit. oddball ecstatically recalls the former glory of the Knights and sadly the part. though it is. is peculiarly his acknowledges the fact that most.members now view the club as a social outlet — an alternative to bowling or an opportunity to John Jackson is amusing as the black janitor Ramsey-Eyes own. Maybe the beer and the drink with the boys. His character conveys all the agony of the who views the club that promotes white supremacy with sleeping pills he asks for are the nothing more than indulgence and humor. Jackson effectively key; at times Saturday night it passing of the old order, and the victimization of some by that assumes the mannerisms of an old man. seemed Fahey was totally un¬ change. aware of being onstage, instead Dan Brown gives a solid performance as the alcoholic, Richard Thomsen as Olin Potts and Dana N. Charette as Rufe ' appearing to be off on his own, cowardly Skip Hampton who desperately insists on his bravery Phelps strive a little too hard to be cute old men. Thomsen, playing extended pieces and in the Korean War. He watches the liquor bottle with longing however, has some good moments as he details the genealogy of then s that r b but through much of the meeting, and when the delay is too great various families in the area. himself could weave together nervously insists that it's time to have a drink. Brown brings Director Robert Burpee has done an excellent job of casting into one whole. understanding to the part of the weak, ineffectual Hampton. the show. Even though all the action takes place on one stage Large audience or not, Fahey set, he keeps it visually interesting, and each character deserves a lot more attention The character Red Grover sees through all of Skip's false bravado and the two feud through much of the play. Claude File established himself strongly and individually. than he received Saturday as Grover is a good physical contrast to Brown who is small and The Last Meeting of the Knights of the White Magnolia runs night. Despite the rough spots, his performance was entirely wiry. File is the least sympathetic of the play's characters. He is through Oct. 29 at the Center for the Arts. Showtime is at 8 enjoyable and something I'd nasty, cynical and when commenting on the group's initiation p.m. Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays and at 6 and 9 p.m. rites, asks scornfully, "Did you listen to that crap we was Saturdays. very much like to see again. o by Jonet Spooner Thanks to Mariah for putting Legendary guitarist John Fahey sipped beer, played guitar and appeared to have together a fine billing, an an awful lot of fun during his weekend concerts, sponsored by Mariah. excellent show and a very memorable night. LIVE AND MORE IKE RING DONNA SUMMER YOU WEAR FOREVER 2 record set wni SAVE YOU $10 ONLY $7.99 RIGHT NOW. NBLP7119 NEW AT THE DISC SHOP WELCOME TO MY ROOM UGLY-EGO ONLY WA *4.69 J0STEITS NATIONAL COLLEGE RING WEEK. OCTOBER 16-21. If this is the year you want to College Rings, the only ring with start wearing your college ring, Josten's Full Lifetime Warranty. And besides saving $10, RAND BROWN CAMEO this is the best week to buy it. After all, a college ring may you get these deluxe features CCLP 2006 be forever and ever, but ten included in the standard RRLP9005 bucks-that's for right now. Josten's ring price-no extra So be here for the third cost! Choose: White or annual Josten's National College L Yellow Gold • Sunburst Stone or Birthstone • Full Name Ring Week and $10 Discount, starting Monday, October 16 and Engraving or Facsimile signature • Even Encrusting, where THE DISC SHOP running through Saturday, October 21. The $10 discount applies to your ring design allows • No extra charge. If you're going to do it, do it now. school's entire selection of Josten's At the bookstore. 351-5380 HR. 10-8 SAT. 10-5 CAMPUS BOOKSTORE #2 Monday. October 16 1978 9 Michigon Store News, Eott loosing, Michigan BIOINNIIM MONDAY Free shampoo with all style Votapek, Meier open Echo mars Little Feat gig cuts. Only ,9." 'J" savings By JOY L. HAENLEIN tune throughout their set — but "Day at Dog Races" and "Dixie performer, they usually have State News Reviewer even they made some valid Chicken." The arrangements the benefit of a fairly-packed CAMPUS new Symphony season Little Feat would have been comments about how poor the were changed slightly from house to share their excitement BARBER SHOP better elsewhere Friday night. acoustics were. previous versions, and the band with. While Little Feat do have The MSU Auditorium or even This cannot help but disillu was really quite good overall. a very devoted group of fans in audience. Not that the Bill Payne on keyboards and the Lansing area, they do not •perms for men & women By DORIS TISHKOFF Munn Arena would have been a sion the State New» Reviewer more appropriate showcase for bands had no reason to say the bassist Kenny Gradney were have enough of them to fill the • precision styling The preconcert atmosphere crackled with excitment as an the band and their less-than- sound was bad — indeed they particularly good, and Grad- Lansing Civic Center. Call it • We use and recommend RK products overflow crowd packed into the Everett High School Auditorium on enormous following. did. Knowing the bands were ney's work with guitarist Paul poor planning, or just a mis¬ Friday evening for the opening night of the Lansing Symphony Barrere during "Day at Dog take, but the show would have By appointment or walk-in Orchestra's new season. Principal guest conductor Gustav Meier, a Considering Lansing Civic Center was at best half full, not pleased with the set-up however, tends to be a bit of Races" was noteworthy. been better acoustically and 337-9881 or 337-1144 ma distinguished neighbor from Ann Arbor, and MSU's ever-popular however, fans were extremely a let down for the audience. Feat came back on for one spiritually somewhere else. 621 E. Grand Rivar e next to Tech Hi-Fi virtuoso pianist Ralph Votapek had recieved considerable publicity receptive to both Little Feat While the crowd was enthusias encore after several fans from the local press. Spirits were high in anticipation of great things and the Craig Fuller/Eric Kaz tic. the atmosphere left a bit to rushed the stage to pay to come. band, who opened the show. be desired. The same energy - "Willin* " and "Don't Bogart And so they did. Rather than settling down, as one might expect, The Fuller/Kaz band is a light the excitement, and anticipa That Joint," but did not play the evening's music only drew spirits even higher, not a new country-rock band, similar in tion an audience will feel and two of their standards — "Tripe phenomenon in East Lansing at a Votapek performance. Friday concept to Poco and the Ozark communicate back to the per Face Boogie" and "Feats Don't night, however, the combination of two thoroughly gifted and Mountain Daredevils. This con formers, was not there. MSU PEACE CORPS Fail Me Now," to the disap¬ exciting artists acted as the special magnetic force that would elusion follows when you con¬ Feat's repetoire was domi¬ pointment of the crowd. produce an evening of great music. sider that guitarist Craig Fuller nated by Waiting for Columbus For one thing, the orchestra responded to Meier's direction with and pedal steel player John Call material, including "Oh Atlan As much as fans go to a show precision and crispness, an integrated sense of ensemble, and were members of Pure Prairie ta." "Fat Man in the Bathtub," to see a favorite group or mellow intonation. It seemed that under Meier's inspiration and musical intelligence the Lansing Symphony became a "reborn" League, while Fuller and key¬ boardist Kaz were in the short¬ INTERN PROGRAM orchestra. His impeccable phrasing engaged the orchestra in a lived American Flyer. Fuller/ FASHION: ITS WHAT dialogue in which, while each word was precisely articulated, the Kaz chose to play selections MEETS THE EYE! overall context maintained its sense, flow, and particularly its from both these groups during dramatic potential. The listener was more aware of the presence of the set, including "Amie" which the fine individual players in the orchestra as a result of this seemed to please the crowd. heightened precision and the carefully wrought sense of the works While the band seemed to performed. Moreover, the piano concerto was not merely an perform well and were well- occasion for co-existence between soloist and orchestra, but a received, they were quick to melding of the two in sympathetic understanding. point out that playing at the Whether by fortuitous chance, or by careful planning, soloist and Civic Center that night was like conductor were perfectly matched in a dynamic and dramatic, yet "playing in a cave," as one band deeply perceptive reading of Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 3 in C member said. Minor. It is difficult to pinpoint exactly where the sources of the They were right — a cave Co-optical 331-5330 Votapek magic lie. The excitement builds as the listerner is drawn analogy fit quite neatly. The in and finds himself sitting on edge, lost in wonder at what a echo, whether due to the lack of Brookfield Plaza splendid marriage between a great performer and great music can people or bad overall acoustics, Behind E. Lansing State Bank. produce. Like Meier, Votapek had an uncanny skill for articulating was horrendous. This was ob¬ Mon-Thur, 11 a.m.-8:30 p.m. each note with great clarity. Even the brilliant virtuoso passages vious during the entire show. Tuei Wed, Fri 9-5 never lose their easy execution, and dynamic flow. The brilliant Little Feat took the stage Sat 9-noon. cascade of sound which characterizes Votapek's arpeggios and scale after a short intermission to passages leave one breathless, not in awe at pianistic calisthenics, play a number of songs pri¬ but in response to their inherent musicality and beauty of sound. marily from Waiting for Colum¬ His effortless trills never end abruptly, but taper off like a sigh that bus and Time Loves a Hero insinuates itself into the orchestra's pickup. albums. The band was in fine Engineering t Computer Science Majors DONT MISS TALKING Turrentine due MAJORS IN TO THE HUGHES here tonight RECRUITER VISITING NATURAL RESOURCES Tenor saxophonist Stanley Turrentine will be tonight at Dooley's. appearing Jim Pocock YOUR CAMPUS SOON. HUMAN ECOLOGY Turrentine is a veteran of Contact your placement office ENGINEERING the State Rep. for interview dates. nearly three decades on road, whose most recent work AGRICULTURE has been aimed at a cross-over audience, employing lush ar¬ rangements and the ever-popu¬ Advocate for Drop in and see us 355-0283 lar disco beat. Room 121 Agriculture Hall We would like to meet you Tickets for tonights perfor¬ mance are $6.50 in advance, and M.S.U. are available at Dooley's and both Recordlands. Therels one good reason" to take this coupon down to your college store... DON'T GET LEFT BEHIND—GO WITH ... One name will be drawn at random, THIS WINTERBREAK! at your school, to determine who will AJMSU jRAy£L win a free, room size, compact refrigerator. It might be you! Our motive? ACAPULCO We want to introduce you-and your cojlege store manager-to a totally new magazine Dec. 11-18, 1978 written by and for college/university students. It's called SHOWCASE. ■ ONLY A sample issue is in your library; the premiere issue will be available in January 1979 $349-9369 SEATS ARE LIMITED!!! $50 holds your place 333 UNION BLDG / 353-5255 Monday, October 16, 1978 10 Mtebigon Stole News, Eoit lon»ing, Michigon One critical in Residents express Merchant input houses on the 500 block of on parking asked Central East Lansing Busi¬ this month's meeting. planned for Thursday night. Association members Albert Street. Nominations for four seats Most stores along East Grand hayride mishap ness on traffic were encouraged Friday to Few CELBA members were the nine member board will be River Avenue will participate concern on attend Tuesday's city council enthusiastic about attending accepted through Friday. Nom¬ by remaining open Thursday meeting at which task force Tuesday night's meeting, inations can be submitted to night until 11 p.m. At least two persons were sheriffs deputies said. CELBA President Karen Hicks Residents living in the Pinecrest School area are concerned findings on downtown's parking Hicks at Menagerie, 321 E. The next CELBA meeting seriously injured Saturday King's injuries were appar¬ situation will be discussed. said. will be held Nov. 10 at 8 a.m. at about growing east west traffic on residential streets and Grand River Ave. morning in a car and tractor ently the only serious injuries The task force has looked Merchants have had a long¬ Duties of board members Olde World Bread and Ale, 211 speeding on Branchette Drive. time interest in the city's lack accident in Vevay Township requiring hospitalization, police They expressed these concerns to the East Lansing into parking difficulties includ¬ include service on various M.A.C. Ave. just south of Mason in Ingham said. of parking facilities, but they Transportation Advisory Committee at its last in a series of ing the Central Business Dis¬ committees and regular meet¬ County. Floyd Lewis. 52. 116'/* Col- public meetings Thursday at Pinecrest School. trict and the 500 block of Grand expect little more than a pres¬ ing attendance, Hicks said. Lori King. 18, a passenger in vert St., Leslie, is listed in River Avenue. entation of task force findings Elections will be held the State News "fair" condition also at The committee, acting as an advisory board to the Planning Ingham One of the more controver¬ Tuesday, Hicks said. first week of November with a wagon pulled by a tractor County Medical Center after he Commission, is giving citizens a "hance to voice their concerns sial suggestions previously of¬ Upcoming CELBA board the term running from Jan. 1 Newsline during a hayride, is listed in about any aspect of transportation in East Lansing. elections and apparently struck the tractor fered by the city involved the a special moon¬ "critical" condition at Ingham driven by Mike Foster, 21,7560 Transportation is only one part of the new Comprehensive light sale were also discussed at through Dec. 31,1979. 355-8252 County Medical Center. Plan which is being developed as a planning guide for the city. purchase and leveling of eight A moonlight sale was Sorrel Road, Freeland, police The committee asked citizens to identify problems in their Nine persons, mostly parents said. and their children, were riding Foster was not injured, po¬ area as well as suggest possible long- and short-range OCTOBER SPECIAL in the wagon when an auto¬ lice said. solutions. (Dolivory Available) No chocks accepted j FREE T-SHIRT WITH EVERY "DESIGNER PERM" mobile hit the tractor head-on at Hull Road, Ingham County Police officials said they will investigate. Residents reminded the committee that their neighborhood was a residential district and not a second arterial through-way ,QleSay-j./) Buy any , for bypassing traffic problems on Grand River Avenue and AT... y'l?yf¥zP!■ V M*d'um Pi"a I Saginaw Street. <£) at tha Regular I The committee also asked residents if additional parking was Price get the I Lansing man dies needed in the city. Residents encourages attending the meeting agreed that more parking more cars, which they said East Lansing doesn't Identical Pma TREE | need. must have coupon • one coupon per order lo-tt-ra I of gunshot wounds Citizens also said they would be more likely to use public transportation if the system was improved. 1203 E. Grand River delivery east of Harrison 2830 E. Grand River 2blkl.we»t olFrendor I delivery west of Harrison ' I A Lansing man was fatally Thomas J. Taylor, 46. 1205 337-1631 485-4406 J shot on Lansing's southeast Northrup St.. Lansing, was arrested on an open charge of side Saturday night, police said. Joseph Fletcher, 40, 2700 murder in connection with the frank shorter sports,. Eaton Rapids Road, was pro¬ shooting and is being held in nounced dead at the scene from city jail, police said. multiple gunshot wounds by Details are still "very Ingham Medical Examiner Robert Baldwin, police said. sketchy" and the incident is under investigation, police said. SALE All Brooks Shoes MONDAY NIGHT SPECIAL 20% OFF SPAGHETTI ITALIANO including Spaghetti, meatsauce, roll, Vantage & Vantage Supreme ■must hove 1203 Grand • couponRlyer 2830 E. Grand River choice of vegetable, and our delicious salad bar (seconds on us! ■ delivery Harrison 2 blks. west east of delivery west of of Frandor Harrison til ftr 3820 J Brooks Vantage r ^ 485-4406^ J UNCLE I ^rand j All sizes available THE RING 111 Mi JOHN'S |fam[iy sestaurantB I iuXt ! Frandor YOU WEAR FOREVER Engineering t Computer Science Mojort WILL SAVE YOU $10 DONT frank shorter sports RIGHT NOW. • raiteli 217 Ann St. GRADUATE without talking to the Hughes Recruiter visiting ARTHUR TREACHER'S your campus soon. BURGER C BREW Contact your placement office ^ THE ORIGINAL Ti«h C BARHOPPERS for interview dates. Only on Our new special is BURGER & BREW & BARHOPPERS. Bcjiinnins at 5:00 p.m. on Mondays you'll be able HUGHES In enjoy one of our delicious quartcr- AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER M F TUesday OUR BUDGET BANQUET josiws national coma RMG WEEK. OCTOBER 16-21. pound burners and a told draft beer for only $1.00 all night! Ucginning at 9:00 p.m. the low cover of only SO International House of Pancakes agency's primary philosophies. LANSING | facilitate their own self-aware¬ ness and others. the awareness of MSU junior said. However, the Ear is suffer¬ ing, Arena said, as the years go Another is that crisis normal part of growth. is a SENTRY ; I and I II "Our callers are you not "We're client-oriented and the traditional 9-to-5 agency," Arena told a group of "We used to consistently get people who volunteered for a calling," "Their them." Arena explained. problem is real for INSURANCE j Offer Good Oct. 16-Oct. 22 20 prospective volunteers at a year. Now with the '70s, the Me 4 p.m. - Mid. 4p.m.-Mid. _ Listening Ear orientation ses sion in Olds Hall Thursday Generation, people usually last I R night. MSU HOMECOMING '78 2800 East Grand River Another session was held Saturday afternoon in Olds Hall. The purpose of the orienta¬ THE MYSTERY COMEDY THAT TASTES % tion sessions, held three times a AS GOOD AS IT LOOKS year are to explain the Listen¬ ing Ear and the process for becoming a volunteer. Arena explained that the volunteer training program in¬ volves spending two weekends, SHOWTIMES [his w««k» shows M-F 719:15 * and locations, phone Sot 1:45, 4:10, 6:30,5:50 4, 24 hour Sun 4:10,5:50,1:50 333-0313 * (mMM* » » » » NIW 3utteifieU*3W«i DIMENSIONS TONIGHT in COMPUTING /^O IS / >5?/ GUEST NIGHT! 541 Building (517)337-2880 $1.75 SAVEidth this in the most intimate appearance of their '78 tour 541 E. Gr River INTRODUCTORY DINNER COUPON!\ E. Lansing, MT48^23 FRIDAY, OCT. 20 Present this coupon at the PanTree and get a Vegetable Cheese Quiche with soup or salad,free with the purchase MSU AUDITORIUM 8PM of any dinner thru October from our regular dinner menu. Offer good 31,1978, Monday thru Thursday, 2pm-9pm. IN STOCK TICKETS: $7 50 & $8 50 Wine and draft beer served with lunch and dinner COSMAC MSU Union Box Office reserved Campus Corners II, The PanTree is a restaurant VAP Sounds 8 Diversions on Abbott Road Where House Records II8 III & open 24 hours An ASMSU Pop Entertainment Production m SrartanTwin... |~ ASMSU Pop Entertainment Presents JCK NICHOLSON JOHN DENVER ihorrorof LIVE TNMCUIA Ft..* 8:38** IN CONCERT _ CURSE OF CENTER STAGE IH THE BOUND fmwM Friday November 10,1978 • 8PM MSU Jenison Fieldhouse Tickets will go on sale this coming Monday SPECIALISTS SINCE 1S38 morning, Oct. 16 Visit Our Centers And See For Yourself at 10AM Why We Make The Difference Call Days, Eves & Weekends All seats reserved ,10.00/'7.50/'500 Tickets available at campus comer i 919 E. Grand Rivor Wherehouse Records, ll & ill, Sounds E. Lansing, Mi. 48823 and Diversions, Boogie Records, (517)332 2539 VLCYR* Mt Pleasant Outside NV State ONLY and her two (and Union ticket oHice CALL TOLL FREE 800-223-1782 husbands 0 starting Tuesday) (This facility accessible to handicapped people) Introducing MARY STEENBURGEN with JOHN BELUSHI CHRISTOPHER LLOYD Screenplay by JOHN HERMAN SHANER&ALRAMflUS and CHARLES SHYER & ALAN MANDEL CAMPUS Story by JOHN HERMAN SHANER 6 ALRAMRUS Produced by HARRY GBIES and HAROLD SCHNHD0? Directed by JACK NICHOLSON AFfaramountPlclure[ PIZZA Monday Special . , FREE LITER OF COKE SHOWTIMES: with every pizza M-F - 7:15 & 9:30 Ejduswety on RCA Records 1040 E. Grand River Sat & Sun - 1:30,3:35,5:45,7:55,10:00 free delivery / 337-1377 Monday, October 16, 1978 ] 2 Michigan Stote News. East Lansing, Michigon FOR THOSI PEOPLE INTERESTED Across (rem untau lampggn. Wooko pM ICRWM&WM IN ORGANIZING AND RKFORMINO animal ys BUND JOHN DflVIS ASMSU'S OFF-CAMPUS COUNCIL "AMAZINGLY BRILLIANT" MEETINGS TO BE HELD AS FOLLOWS: Mori 16th 3:00p.m. Dooley's Tues 17th 12:30 p.m. CoralGables "THE BIG FIX" HEAVEN AltA Wed 18th 7:30 p. m. 328 Student Services RICHARD DREYFUSS CAN WAIT V Thur 19th 7:00p.m. 328Student Services VSR CH«E „. 1 Fri 20th 9-10 a.m. 327 Student Services For more info call 355-826G John Trot>olt« ' 4^ Olivia V m Newton-John GW0» IB KYOCt 01IKHi PUTIU K MM K BLUES AND BOOGIE WOOQC k P Friday & Saturday OCTOBER 20 & 21 8&10:30pm Director's Choice Blood. S3 at Erickson Kiva MSUmon Ticket Office, Eld Film Series Films by WCCDY ALLEN Instruments, Campus Corners II. We need all 53.50 at the door. □ ******************* TONIGHT you can * * GUEST LECTURER "The Films of Woody Allen" * spare. * * by ERIC LAX (Allen's Personal Biographer) MONDAY, OCTOBER 16 at 8:15 P M Tue. Oct. 17 & Wed. Oct. 18 * Faii-child Thcatic S. Hubbard Hall 11 a.m.-4:45 p.m. * FREE ADMISSION Coll Sue 353-8008 * * TAKE THE MONEY Red Cross AND RUN (1969) Wednesday, October 18 + PORNO TONIGHT is counting on you. BANANAS (1971) Wednesday. October 25 EVERYTHING YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT SEX (1972) Monday, October 30 SLEEPER (1973) "TAKE OFF is one hell of a fine movie it easily eclipses Wednesday, November i 5 any other porn film I have every viewed ... its LOVE AND DEATH (19751 position os great pom is unassailable. BERNARDO Tuesdav. November 21 John Neilson Stote News BERTOIUGI ALL FILMS IN COLOR "lf« ONE HELL OF A HOT FILM! THE DIRT¬ SHOWN AT 7.00S 9:30 P M IEST, MOST EXCITING X-RATED VEN¬ IN FAIRCHILD THEATRE TURE IN A LONG TIME. SERIES TICKETS on vjle now at I 11U BECKLE11 HUSTLER MAGAZINE SS.OOtnr 5 .idnusv 'TAKE OFF' is the kind of flick " that could give porn a good name." -KNAVE MAG TAKE TONIGHT CONRAD 7:30 * STILL TO COME "Best "An {Oct. 19-22 Streak, Gauntlet * F3 porno¬ erotic Julia, Silver graphic movie must lOct. 23 24 North By Northwest see." in town.'1 -Andrew Sams Village Voice {Oct. 26-29 X Blazing Saddles, Carrie, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest m showtime. 7:00,1:45.10:30 RATIO X $ Oct. 30-31 v Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lan showplace B 104 Wells { Nov. 2-5 admission 2.50 student 3.50 non-student i* A Star is Born, Equus, Apprentice 9* ship of Duddy Cravitz {Nov. 6-7 Great Dictator, Modern Times / , v An evening with {NOV. 9-12 Orange, Turning Point Clockwork Harry Monty Python and the Holy Grail )hapin {NOV. 13-14Affair Pardon My LANSING'S iCMC CENTER AUDITORIUM {NOV. X 16-19 All The Presidents Men, Groove Tube FnjEsBAY. OCTOBER 17 8PM Looking For Mr. Goodbar { NOV. 20*21 Gaslight Reserved Seats $600&$700 {Nov. 27-28 Tickets available at ■* The Man Who Loved Woman 'Civic Center Box Office Where House Records Record land in Jackson {Nov. 30-Dec. 3 X Annie Hall, Coma, I Never Promise Boogie Records in Mt Pleasant ?al4 for and authorize! by the Carx J You A Rose Garden for Congress Committee, John Pirish, ^ Term Passes Good Far All Remaining Treasurer. Acopy of our report Is on file with the Federal Election Commission X * Films Are Available At All RHA Movies and is available for And At RHA Office For >3.00 purchase from the F.E.C., 1325 K.St. N.W. Vash., D.C. 2M63 ******************* Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 16, 1978 13 m * Automotive !fo Auto Service / | Empteyeet Iflij [j«pl»fM»tjliJj Employment ji Employment |i Employment Classified Advertising PLYMOUTH WINDOW van. COMPLETE STOCK of re¬ COCKTAIL WAITRESS OVERSEAS JOBS • Sum¬ JANITORIAL POSITIONS HOSTESS 1ST - RECEPIiUN JANITORS PART - TIMF built part-time. Experience not available experience prefer¬ part-time. Personable Experienced. Night hour: 1975, 37,000 miles, excellent foreign car alternators, mer full time. Europe, S. Information condition, $3750. 351 5879 generators, and starters at necessary. Nights, 6pm- America, Australia, Asia, etc. red cart-time, evenings & young lady. Flexible hours for 2 85 to start 694 7864 CHEQUERED FLAG FOR¬ 2:30 am. 10 minutes from All fields, $500 $1200 month¬ weekends. Apply in person, your classes. Send recent 5 10 18 (3) 8 10 17 14) IONE 355 1255 347 Student Services Bldg. EIGNER PARTS, 2605 East MSU. HUDDLE SOUTH. 820 ly, expenses paid, sightsee¬ MERIDIAN MALL, Okemos. photo brief resume to: 10-10 16 (5) Bruce Carr, P.O Box 21053. FULL AND PART TIME PC PONTIAC CATALINA, 1968 Kalamazoo STreet. 487-5055. Miller Road, Lansing. ing. Free information. Write, Runs well but needs engine 882 7579. 8 10-19(6) Lansing. Ml 48310 SITIONS One mile west of campus. INTERNATIONAL JOB work. 80,000 miles. $100. Call C-10-10-20 17) YOUNG, GROWING CPA '0 10 18 (71 open in the Lansing aiea. CENTER, Box 4490 ME, 1 day • 90« per line firm, moving to E Lansing, is 351-0390. E 5-10 RN-LPN 16^(4) Berkeley CA 94704. seeking students (or student SALES PEOPLE, full and part 3days-IO< per line _ JUNK CARS wanted. Also Acute care teaching hospital 12 10-18 (101 store. Great opportunity fi ' PORSCHE-1972 914 Black hill time employment or sup 6 days • 75« per line selling used parts. Phone 321 - has full and part-time staff with black interior. 5 speed. 3651. C 22 10 31 (3) r..SPATCH RESTAURANT clothing, experience notes plement to your fmancia I days -70C per line positions available for experi¬ AM-FM. Radials, Excellent enced registered nurses and b LOUNGE Looking for sary. phone 351 4396 needs while at M S U. Ex condition. $2550 349 3821 dependable persons. Wait 8 10 16(5) cellent working conditions line rote per insertion licensed practical nurses. We X 12 10 16(5) Motorcycles I'ate offer an excellent salary and ress. Cook and Assistant Janitorial. nights and weekends, but benefit package. Please con manager hours are flexible Pay based PONTIAC FIREBIRD. 1977, also Will on hours available and expen HONDA 1975, Like new 100 tact Personnel Department, iconolines • 3 lines • *4.00 • 5 days. 80' per line over Red. Loaded with options. miles. $450. 641-6750 LANSING GENERAL HOS¬ 3 lines. No adjustment in rote when cancelled. 393-8194 evenings pottation. See Mr. Vint or M-. 12 10 30 (3) PITAL OSTEOPATHIC. 2800 Price of item(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum 5-10-20 13) Ryan at the Mm A Mart, 2168 Devonshire, Lansing, Ml WAITRESS - HOSTESS - W Grand River, Okemos sale price of (100. HONDA 4 cylinder, 11,000 48909. 372 8220. X 0 22 10-31 (4) TOYOTA CORONA 1972. bartender - cook. Part-time, Monday October 16. 6pm Peanuts Personal ads '• 3 lines *2.25 • per insertion. Low miles. Beautifully chopped. 12-10 25 (14) mileage. Excellent con¬ nights. No Sundays. Apply at EAST LANSING Tire Store 9pm 4-10-16 118) 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment) Best offer. 694-8511. dition. Asking $1500. 482- the DODGE HOUSE 415 E PART TIME days or even¬ 12 needs tire ana wheel Rummage/Garage Sale ods • 4 lines *2.50. 6125. 8-10 20 (3) J0-30 (3) Saginaw at Cedar. ings 5-10 days per month. MODELS $10 hour Apply 63' per line over 4 lines • per insertion. change. Pull time and part SUZUKI. 1976 - GT500. 12-10 25 15) time positions open. Experi¬ Filing and mail processing. VELVET FINGERS Call 489 'Round Town ods • 4 lines • *2.50 - per insertion. TRIUMPH TR-6,1971 -- Runs Good price best offer Reply M R H A P.O. Box 2278 25-10-31 ence necessary. Phone Stan _l3j_ 63* per line over 4 lines, good, looks good. $2200 or 30085, Lansing. Ml 48909. best offer. 655 2957. 371J368. 8-K>_24 (3) CLERKS-ADULT bookstore. 332 6545 14 10 16 (6» COOKS AND waitresses lost I Pounds ods /Transportation ads • 3 lines - *1 50 VELVET FINGERS 489 2278. 5 10-2015) 5-10-16 (3) KAWASAKI 1978 KZ 650 CONNORS FAMILY COFFEE per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. 25 10 31i3' PART TIME jobs flexible with Faring. Call Dan RN or LPN for skilled nursing SHOP WEST. Full and part TRIUMPH TR7, 1976, Victory hours, $4 75 per hour. Car 353 2418. 6-10 17 (3) WANTED SUBSTITUTE facility, excellent wages and time available. No experienc edition. Clean, loaded. 485- necessary Call between 4 Deadline! TEACHERS for PORTLAND benefits iLPN's start $4.90 necessary 3231 W. Saginav 9825 after 4 pm. PROGRAMMER ANALYST and 6 pm 374-6328 PUBLIC SCHOOLS Call hour, i Can Jane Phillips at '•s mile east of Waverly. Ads • 2 p.m. • I doss day before publication. Cancellation /Change • 1 p.m. J doss day before 12-10 26 (4) Employment jj Modern growing 488-bed 1 647 4161 12-10-25 14) 0 8 10 19 i4) 332 5061 8 10-25 151 1? 1H-1R Iff) TRIUMPH Lansing Hospital has an RN's URGENTLY needed at HOBiE'S IS accepting appli¬ publication TRG-1972, both WAITRESSES NEEDED Ap MAN OVER 18 to work 2 or 3 hard shell & soft top cover- WANTED PART-time help, immediate opening for an community hospital especial¬ cations for 1 part time posi¬ Once ad is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed ply in person at the BOOM mghts a week in Patty Store. Hble. Runs well, needs body after 5:00 pm. and weekends, experienced programmer BOOM ROOM, 1 5 daily. See ly for 11-7 shift. Full or part tion Approximately 20 hou s until after 1st insertion. Apply in person only at 1920 work. $1250. Call 676-3898 7-11 Store. Holt, Ml 694- analyst in an expanding data time. Call Eaton Rapids Com per week Mostly evenir g There it a MOO chorge for 1 ad change plus 50' per Mickey 5 10 16(4) N Larch. Lansing. 9 a m 2 after 6 p.m. 10-10-27 (5) processing center. munity Hospital 663 2671. hours Male or female. App v 9823. 12 10-19 (31 References 12 10 31 i6> additional change for maximum of 3 changes. Ideal candidate for this 12 10 17 16) a m 930 Trowbridge Rd after 1:.": The State News will only be responsible for the 1st STONG MEN needed with TRIUMPH TR7, 1976- Rust WANTED-SHAKLEE SU¬ challenging, salaried position some drywall or plastering HOSPITALITY INN NOW doy's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must proof. AM/FM. Excellent con¬ will have 3 years experience PART TIME and full time 4-10-1818) PERVISORS. Bonus car, in¬ experience. Good pay Phone HIRING FULL AND PART be made within lOdoys of expiration dote dition. 332 8346 after 5. in systems analysis. COBOL cooks and d'shwashers. Ap¬ surance benefits. Will train. 339 2075 12 10-30(41 TIME ALL SHIFTS KIT PART TIME Bills ore due 7 days from ad expiration dote If not 12-10 16 (3) programming and implemen¬ ply in person. 2758 E Grand general office Call evenings Monday-Friday. CHEN. UTILITY. PANTRY paid by due dote, a 50' lot© service charge will tation of applications in the River 5 10-19 <4i work, typing required. Hcu'S 351 8533. X-12 10-16 (51 PART-TIME SITTER. 2 & 4 GRILL COOKS. APPLY IN be due. VEGA, 1974, no rust, tape medical field. Experienced in flexible, between 8am 5pr year old boys. Prefer German PERSON. 3600 DUNCKEL Monday Friday. 2-4 hours per deck. Good running condi¬ Burroughs, data, communi¬ NURSES RN. LPN. GPN. GAME ROOM personnel. speaking. 332-1115. ROAD. LANSING ASSES tion. $600. Call 675-5362. cations would be desirable. Join the growing field of dav Cad for appointment Young ladies preferred. Good 8-10-24 (3) SABLE TO BUSSES 5-10-19 (3) In meeting hospital goals between 8am and 12pr. geriatric nursing. Charge 5-10-20 18) pay-($ 180/week and up)- Aitsmstivi lfel [ Automotive VEGA WAGON 1973- Good benefits and pleasant work¬ tor a total information system the Data Processing Depart¬ RETAIL SALES - males, Excellent benefits. Individual NURSES AlDES-expenenc.- 485-5383. 12-10 30 l7l condition. Call after 6pm. ing positions. Excellent posi¬ ment is developing on-line experienced preferred. FIRST orientation or refresher avail¬ preferred, however will tram BABYS'TTER NEEDED for (• AUDI FOX '75-$500 down. MG MIDGET 68. Excellent 339 3634 4-10-16 (3) tions for student, full and DOWN. 127 E. Grand River. applications such as Person¬ able. Outstanding team on the job. Openings on all 3 month old boy in our home M.S.U. employee-take over mechanically. $500.337-0430. part-time. Apply in person 8 10-24(3) nel, Admitting, Registration, awaiting your leadership. shifts. Apply at PROVINCIAL VEGA. WAGON. 1976-36.000 (very close to campus). 1(< payments. 349-9685. Ask for Glenn. 5-10 19(3) only. CINEMA X. 1000 Jolly Utilizing Burroughs, Hard¬ Contact Mrs. Siddall at PRO¬ HOUSE SOUTH. 2100 Pro¬ consecutive Wednesdays. 6 3-10-18 (3) miles, 4 speed, no rust. Call Road. and software. PART-TIME employment for VINCIAL HOUSE SOUTH. MG MIDGET 1970 very sharp, evenings, 394-5297. O-22_10-3H9)_ _ ware The hospital offers an out¬ MSU Students, automobile vincial Drive, off Aurelius pm-9 pm Must be experi 882-2458, Monday-Friday. Road. 9am-5pm. Mondav-Fri- enced with infants. Own $1100 or best offer 322-0419. 8-10-17 131 RECEPTIONIST PART- BUICK ELECTRA, 1971. - standing fringe benefit pack¬ required 339-9500 9am- 5om. 8-10-20 (12) day 8 10-20 (8) transportation 332-4978. 8-10-16 (3) TIME C 22-10-31 _ _ Great condition, stereo, tape, 11am.-5pm., 5 days per age that includes 3 weeks (3>_ loaded. 332-3383 6-10-16 <3) . VOLVoT ~73 ?45. "~A7r,~ nice week. Experience required. vacation and tuition refund _ DENTAL CHAIRSIDE assis X 2 10 16 (7) MONTE CARLO 1978. Fully interior. Good tires. Under- TEACHERS-HUNDREDS of tant with experience for or FULL TIME, part time recep¬ Must have pleasant tele¬ after 1 year employment. The equipped, Must sell imme¬ coating. 349-1669. openings. FOREIGN & DO¬ thordontic office. Liberal ben¬ tionists. Call MAJESTY No place to store your bicy CAMARO, 1974. 41,000 phone manners. Located hospital offers-paid holidays, diately 394 6693 5-10-19 431 12 10-20 (3) MESTIC TEACHERS, Box efits. Days call 482 9695, HOME AND OFFICE REN¬ cle? Sell it for extra cash with miles, good condition, sporty. near Capitol City Airport. health msurance pension and 484-6596. 5-10-18 (3) 1063, Vancouver Wa.. 98666. evenings, 321-1763. TALS. 337-7176. a low cost Classified Ad. Call MUSTANG HATCHBACK- VOLVO 1974-144, Phone Joyce, 323-4770. income protection. Salary is 4-10-17 (4) 12 10-23 (51 355 8255 1976, excellent, low mileage, a.r AM-FM stereo, 8-track. 12-10-19 (8) commensurate with experi¬ CAPRI, 1973, excellent condi¬ 355-3354: night 351-0395. Michelin tires, excellent con¬ ence. Apply in Confidence to: TELEPHONE SOLICITA¬ tion, OK mileage. FLUM- 12 10-31 131 dition 487 3984 after 5 p.m. JEWELRY SALES. Part time ROSS P. ALANDER ASSISTANT PERSONNEL TION, part time evening work MERFELT STAIR CHEVRO¬ 12 10 27 (4) sales position now open. for local construction com¬ LET. 1191 E. Grand River, Apply in person: FOX JEW¬ DIRECTOR MUSTANG. 1973. Mach I. pany ANDERSON BEERS Williamston, 655 4343. power steering and brakes, VW BUS. 1972, excellent ELERS, 410 Frandor. E W. SPARROW HOSPITAL CO. 372 6343 or 489-7400 R-5-10-20 (6) AM/FM. Michelins. Negotia¬ 4-10-19(41 1215 E. MICHIGAN AVE. new paint job. side exhausts, 7-10 20 (6) new ites, AM.'FM, 8 track, ble. 351 8999. 8-10-20 13) LANSING. MICH. 48909 CATAUNA, 1968- good $1200, 332-5464 3-10 18 16) INTERVIEWS FOR breakfast KIDS BACK in school? Sell shape. Fine winter car. $350. VS SCIROCCO 1975. excel¬ study. $3.00 an hour. Any A non-discriminatory, Affir¬ AVON. Good earnings, flexi¬ 337 0333. 4-10 17(3) NOVA 1972- 2 door, 6 cylin¬ lent Tuff Kote, AM/FM 8 days free. Monday-Friday. 8 mative action employer. ble hours that let you come der. 3 speed, new parts, Must track & cassette, new paint, am-5 pm. Call 355-7730 or (5-10-18 (45) home when your kids do. For CHEVY DELRAY, 1958. V-8 sell. 332-2368. 5 10 19 (3) tires, many extras. 332-3923. 321-0813 after 5 pm. details. 482-6893. automatic. Body good. $600. 12 10-31 (51 3-10-18 (6) PHONE SALES-tickets. C-17-10-31 372-5337. 12-10-27 (3) OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88- Downtown Lansing offices, j5) CHEVROLET VAN, blue, 1968 Loaded. Runs well. 332- 3697 after 5 pm and week¬ VW CAMP Mobile. poptop, air, ice-box. 1975, sink, TAXI DRIVERS, must have hourly, evenings, hours flexi¬ ble, transportation arranged. BABYSITTING IN my East Lansing home. 3 days per A special chance to haunt excellent driving record. Full that . 1974.350-V8. 56.000 miles. $2400 or best offer. 371-4818. ends. 4-10 17 14) 332 0447 after 6 pm 12 10-31 (3) and Part time. Apply at VARSITY CAB. 332 3559 Call after 1:30 pm., 372-8459 B-10-23 (6) week. ferred. Student Own wife pre transportation. special someone in OLDS DELTA 88 Royale. your life! References. $1 75 per hour 12-10-24 13) 1976. 5-10 20 (41 Air. cruise, AM.'FM. 351 4295. 3-10-16 (6) VOLKSWAGEN. 1977. Sc. COOKS 20 30 hours. No ex¬ 47,000 miles $3900. Call iocco, 4 speed, many extras, CHEVETTE 1978, 4 door, 373-5147 or 676-9453. perience necessary. Apply in MANAGER TRAINEE. No like new. $5100. negotiable, DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS hatch. 4 cylinder automatic. 12-10-20 (4) person to CONNOR'S WEST, experience necessary, will Sport handling, stripes, steel 882 1298 after 5 p m collection work 15' week. 3231 W. Saginaw, 1/2 mile train. Prefer college graduate. A page of Special Halloween Peanuts 8 10-25(5) Flexible schedule private of¬ belts, AM/FM. $3595. OPEL GT. 1970. 1 east of Waverly. Full benefits. Call Chet Wos- Personal Pumpkins printed with YOUR owner. fice Experience required. 663-8880. 6-10-20 (5) 8-10-23 (5) Needs some work. $700. VW 1971 Squareback. Low Phone Mrs. Evans, 339-3400. ko. MERIDIAN THEATRES. MESSAGE will appear Tuesday, October John 353-2943 or 332- 5 10-20 (6) Monday-Friday, 12-6 pm at mileage. Excellent condi' on, 31. To order your Halloween Peanuts - COUGAR 1969-Eliminator. New paint job, '73 engine, 6820. 12 10-27 (4) AM-FM radio. Radial tires. WANTED - DELIVERY men 349-5201.5 10 16 (7) stereo cassette. Must see. $1150. Phone 351-9177. part-time, morning or after¬ Personal Pumpkin, just complete this form PINTO. 1974. Air, radio, vinyl Smart shoppers check the noon. Must be reliable and LICENSED NURSES. Part $1200. 332-5185 evenings. roof, luggage rack. 7 10 2015) Classified section first That's and mail or bring WITH PAYMENT to the 4-10-16 (4) 49,000 have good driving record. time or afternoons. 24 bed miles. No rust Call 351-4147 WANTED. CLEAN, used, im where they find the best buys Call Bob Aldrich. 882 0208. basic nursing home. 489- State News Classified Dept. 347 Student after 5 pm. 6-10-18(5) port and sub compact cars. 12-10 24 (6) 1701. 5-10-17 (4) DATSUN, 1974 V,. 260Z, Services. Call WILLIAMS VW. Stereo, Cassette, air, 4 speed, 484-1341. O 14 10-31 (4) NAME __ - $4700. 349-5761 evenings, vjtjnuiq m 1972 DATSUN 610 Station Wagon. Automatic. Call PINTO-1975. Runabout. door. Automatic. 4 cylinders. Radials. Good 3 condition. [ Art) Service J/j REACHER CITY 655-1681. ">-10-16 (3) GOOD USED tires ana snow $1275 or best offer. 349-3821. w*m« tires, 13-14-15 inch. Mounted DAY PHONE NO. GRAND TORINO 1973, $750, _ free. Used wheels and hub 4 new tires (still on warranty). PINTO STATIONWAGON caps. PENNELL SALES, 1825 ZIP STUDENT NO. AM/FM radio, 627-5710. '78, Warranty. 4 speed. Call E. Michigan, Lansing, Michi¬ 12-10-25 (4) 25 characters in line, including punctuation and 394-4615 after 6 pm. gan 48912. 482-5818. Just cnmpleti form and a 6-10-20 (3) C-22-10-31 (7) GMC VAN, 1975. Excellent condition, stereo, air. Best _ /, iiithjMiymen^to: PRINT AD HERE. PLYMOUTH,DUSTER, 1974, MASON BODY Shop. 812 E. nffer_48710466. 8-10-29J3) good condition. Call 394-4956 Kalamazoo, since 1940. Auto State Sews Classified Dept. GREMLIN X, 1974, 3 speed, after 6 p.m. 12-10-17 (3) painting-collision service. 34? Student Services Bidp. 48,000 miles, good condition, PLYMOUTH FURY, 1966. American-Foreign cars. 485- $1500, 332-7709 evenings. 0256. C-22-10-31 (5) Fast Lansing, Mich. 48823 Runs good. $150 or best 5:10-20J4_) _ offerJ55-1196. X 5-1018 13) Don't store things you can't MAVERICK 1974-Runs great, Today's best buys are in the use. Sell them fast with a new starter, heater, brakes, Classified section. Find what clutch. 372-0528. hard-working Classified Ad! you're looking fori Phone 355-8255. 5-10-19 13) City _ Dayftr Preferred Insertion Date DEADLINE: FREE CARTRIDGE * WITH 25 charocfers in a line, including punctuation and spaces between words. Monday, Oct. 23 EVERY USED TURNTABLE Print Ad here 5 p.m. PURCHASE Just Bring in this coupon to CIRCLE RATE WANTED 4 line* - $3.50 HI-FI BUYS miLTJLLTJLLJLL it in in in crimen cn Moil or bring to: 1101 I. GRAND RIVIR nmnmcnmEDFD Stat* Newt Classified Dept. ncinnmmmrnm 347 Student Services Bldg. •Limited to Availability, compatability, □EiEiiTifHEniiniii E. Lansing, Ml 48B23 nmmcnrnrnriicD and the discretion ot our staff. I IM ] Ui 11MII & Monday, October 16, 1978 1 4 Michigan State News tost Lansing Michigan j IprtrntTp Houses £ Por Sale ^ Animals V Service VISIT MID MICHIGAN'S SAVE A life Free kittens. DISCO •DISCO* disco sound EAST LANSING 1 and 2 FOUR BEDROOM duplex. 620 Lexington Avenue, East largest used bookshop CUR! Calico & tiger Call 332-1304. for dorm or Frat party. For bedrooms Includes central Attention Family Ecology Ma¬ OUS BOOKSHOP. 307 E E 5-10 18 (31 details, 332-8050. 645-7561. Gay Music Collective exists. If air. Lansing. 339 8686 Announcements for It's Whats car ports, dishwasher, Grand River, East Lansing. 3-10-18 (4) you are interested in gay political jors: come hear a talk on "Energy drapes. From $220. Some 8 10-24 i3' Happening must be received in the 332-0 H2 C-22 10-31 (5! AKC BOUVIER Black female, State News office, 343 Student music, call the Lesbian/Gay Coun¬ by Ann Fields at 7:30 p.m. pets considered 332-3900 spayed 1 year. Good watch¬ FREE LESSON in complexion cil office. Tuesday at the Home Manage¬ days. 332-7461 3 BEDROOMS, fireplace car¬ Services Bldg, by noon at least evenings. CURRENT dog $135. Call 371-5242 after care. MERLENORMAN ment House I. PAPERBACK two days before publication. No 0-1^31.171. peted. some furnishings. 'Onn; 6 10 20(4) COSMETIC STUDIO. 321- "Jim Loudon on Space" returns Near campus $335 books, fiction. 3 for $100 will be accepted ' utilities 5543. C 22-10-31 (4) FEMALE NEEDED for own 487 2166. Available now. Call 482 7396 E 5 10 17 i3) by phone. at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday and Wednes¬ Angel Flight sponsors a rape room in two bedroom apart X 12-10-23 (4! day, 109 Anthony Hall. There will prevention presentation by DPS at ment. Non-smoker, 394-6234 Lost t Foaid N be an Apollo Moon review and 7 p.m. Tuesday at Quonset hut 89. MODERN ? bedroom Apples Typing Service Christian Science College Orani- Martian Moons. Cider zations invite you to a meeting a 7 house Furnished carpeted LOS? M.S.U ID, drivers li¬ U of M law school extravaganza TYPING-TERM papers, IBM, tonight, 221 Baker Hall. Black Students Psychological clean Near Campus 393 social security card will be held Thursday. Call Andrew Honey cense, experienced, fast service, Call Association will meet at 7 tonight, 7368 0 '5 10-31 (4) and other personal ID cards. Lawrence for information. BLOSSOM ORCHARDS 351 8923. OR-22-10-31 (3) Aikido, martial art for self-de¬ 421 Baker Hall. In vicmty of Erickson parking 619 VIRGINIA, for 3 or 4. 2 miles N of Leslie fense and personal growth, meets lot and Engineering building. '. 7 10 p 12 10-26(5! at 1 p.m. Sunday and 7:30 p.m. I.ease and deposit required. . on Hull Rd Reward. 355 1652 5-10-20 (6) TYPING, Experienced, fast Call Craig after 6 p.m. old U S 127 and reasonable. 371-4635. Tuesdays and Thursdays in the SUBLET BIRCHFIELD 655-1255 12-10-18 141 Judo room at the Men's I.M. Hours: 9 a.m.-6 p.m. C 21-10-31 (3) SIITHI apartments 2 bedrooms. 2 LOST DOUBLE ring of baths. $235 monthly $185 Closed Mondays nity of Albert Street Volleyball Club meets at 9 p.m. Entries for homecoming banner CAMPUS NEAP-Modern 7 EXPERIENCED TYPIST, fast deposit 882-8021 Phone: 1-589-8251 irea 332 6677, after Mondays and Thursdays, Gym II, competition are being accepted bedroom house Furnished, and accurate. Dissertations, 12-10-26'4; ONE OR two females needed carpeted 485 1436 19-10-31 '3! thesis, te-m papers. 12-10-25 ;3> 339-3575. w Men's I.M. through Tuesday in the Home¬ coming Office in 333 Union. INDIANA There will be for furnished apartment next to campus 332 44?? LOST LEATHER cap Lane about 5 pm Shaw Tuesday. PROFESSIONAL TYPIST for w meeting for new Lesbians at 7:30 Homecoming float entries are FOOTBALL $10 reward 355-8192 or p.m. Wednesday, Union Tower being taken through Tuesday, TAB 22-10-31 (3> Doors PERSIAN LAMB cape. $40; winter hooded jacket. $25; 353 4384 2 10-16(41 term papers, dissertation, call 882 1033 after 6 p.m. M Room. Notetakers and *" handicapper Homecoming Office at 333 Union. 2 ROOM efficiency unfur¬ OR-1-10-16 (3) nished private entrance, bath parking, $140 utilities in¬ FEMALE CHRIST,AN i excellent condition-332 5303 E 5 10-16 (3) LOST SILVER-wired 00 students are requested to meet for input session from 7 to 7:30 p.m. Natural Resources/Environmen¬ tal Club meets at 7 tonight, 148 THIS room, 2 bath apartment Pen¬ r Student Service EXPERT TYPING. Term pa¬ 1 Wednesday, 1961 Case Hall. Natural Resources Bldg. Square cluded 353-5187 davs. BASKETBALL TICKETS 2 pers, letters, RESUMES. ny Lane off Jolly Rd. Call 394 6898 5-10-19(3) FRIDAY 10-10-24 (5! 6523 before 9am student series A. 332 4444, Near Gables. 337-0205. dance plans will be discussed. or between Practice your sign language 9-10 p.m only 4 10-19 (3l C-22-10-31 (3) 9pm.-11pm. 4-10-16 l6) skills at 7:30 Wednesday, 1961 EAST LANSING. 1 bedroom WOULD THE person who modestly priced. Some pets PRIVATE ROOMS ir modern FRAMES OLD' Cracked? or found my 10 month, male, UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS w Case Hall. Women's Advisory to the Committee Vice-President For Student considered Phone days. 351- S Fj' Broker-i Replacements at low COMPLETE DISSERTATION Are you interested in folk sing¬ IN THK 3172. 0-15-10-31 I4I cost OPTICAL DISCOUNT 2617 E Michigan, Lansing. named Woody, Saturday, September 30 in the area of AND RESUME SERVICE- typesetting, IBM typing, off¬ w ing and guitar playing? Join the Affairs is now accepting member¬ ship applications in 153 Student N. DeWitt ft US27 please University Lutheran Church Folk Services Bldg Deadline is Tues 1 or 2 females 372 7409. C 5 '0 20 '5i set printing and binding. For reply. He is missed much. Group at 6:45 p.m. Mondays, 1020 day. estimate stop in at 2843 E. wonted for RECORD SALE. We've Reward 669-3280 or S. Harrison. * * STATS furnished apartment i Grand River or phone 332- Attention seniors and graduate 394-6796 6 10-17 110) next to compus 8414 C 22 10-31 (8) students: Earn academic credit as Jug and Mug Ski Club will meet NSWS at 8 tonight in the "Knights of an intern with Michigan Depart¬ $6 98 list price, now $3 99. If- Mobile Hooes » EXPERIENCED, IBM typing, ment of Education. Contact Dave Columbus Hall, 5300 N. Grand 332-4431 $8 99 hst price, now $5.99 dissertations. (pica-Elite) Persell, College of Urban Develop- River. Questions? Call Jim Brown, MARSHALL MUSIC. Fran FAYANN, 489 0358 president, 394-4627. do- r s 1(7 20 •!< BRISTOL, 14 x 65, near C 22-10-31 (3) FEMALE ROOMMATE need campus 3 bedrooms, 2 ed for spacious 1 bedroom USED MEN S Shirts, extra baths, furnished. 694 1802 485 3481 3-10-18 '5i PROFESSIONAL EDITING Burcham Woods apartment after 5: anytime weekends. Fall term only paid. Call 332-0040 after 5 8-10-19(5! - 1st month EAST LANSING, nice nice house, people will negotiate all large very, very cheap1 Up to $5 a sh.rt 355 3887 E 6 10 2' 4 ACADEMY. 1974 Mobile CORRECTIONS TO MAJOR REWRITE. Typing arranged. 332 5991. OR-2-10-16 (4) Be a Plasma Donor! 2 BEDROOM, unfurnished details, leave message John, 332 7334 5-10-20 '4) for Home 14X60. 2 bedrooms, washer & dryer, shed, 10 ANN BROWN typing, disser- $9.00cash paid for each donation town house 106 Bailey $99.50 Guaranteed used ma minutes to 694 8330 after 5 30. campus. Call pers. 601 Abbott Road. North $11 .OOcash paid for second donation if you Street. $275 per month plus Chines from $39.50 All makes 3 iQ 17 '6' Entrance. 351-7221. donate twice in one week (Between Tuesday and Saturday) For Sale 351 *0359■ 5-10-16 '5) ^ repaired EDWARDS DIS KIRK WOOD 1972. 24x60 C 22 10-31 (4) YOU MUST BE 18 AND SHOW 2 PIECES OF I.D. TRiBUTiNG CO. 1115 N. Washinaton. 489 6448 doublewide in Holt. 4 large PROMPT, EXPERIENCED, FEMALE ROOMMATE PENTAX ME SLR Camera, wanted to share two bed¬ Canon TX, M.kkor slide pro¬ C 22 'J 3i .7i bedrooms, 1V; baths. typing, evenings. 332-3492. COME TO: HELP SAVE LIVES' BE A PLASMA DONOR. $15000 Excellent condition. It takes only 1' j hours and is used for: room Brandywme Apt Rent jector, plus much more 694 4431 S-5-10-17 15) C-22-10-3^ (3) $162.50 each Available Nov WILCOX TRADING POST, INSTANT CASH' Were pay COPYGRAPH SERVICE, AMERICAN 1. Children's Innoculations 2. Tetanus Voccine 1 Can Kathy at 337-0851 after 509 E Michigan 485 4391 ing $1 $2 for albums in good complete dissertation and 3. Burn Therapy 5 00 pm. SN 2 10 17 7 Open 9 30 am-6 pm C M-10-31 '7! shape. WAZOO RECORDS. 223 Abbott. 337 0947 Personal / resume service. Corner PLASMA DONOR 4. Cancer Research M.A.C. and Grand River. 8:30 5. Hemophelio Therapy FEMALE APARTMENT-mate needed Own bedroom ViTAL TOUCH THERAPY in C 22 10-31 '4! The SEARCH & Selection a.m.-5:30 p.m., Monday-Fri¬ CENTER Okemos Body treatments 'or 100 USED VACUUM Clean day. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday. $120 month Committee for a new director Apartments Call Before 3:30 Penny Lane relaxation $15 372 8247 ers 1 year warranty. $7 88 DENNIS DISTRI¬ o* toe Asian Studies Center, 337-1666. C-22-10-31 (7) 0) 2827 GR. RIVER AVE. p.m . 393-0723. 3-10-20 '41 a "j MSU. invites petitions or E.LANSING, MICH, 4-10-17 -4) BUTING COMPANY. 316 N nominations for 2 Student ENCYCLOPEDIA BRiTAN Cedar 482-2677 WlltlJ phone 351-2620 2 PEOPLE needed to sublet 2 NICA 24 volume. 1947 ed;t,cn C 22-10-31 (5! tee (1) undergraduate Con- (Across from Coral Cobles • next to Cut Label) mediate $30 McGraw-HiM Encyclo¬ sultan; who is a certificate QUIET MATURE student BIRCHFIELD pedia of Science and Tech¬ student in Asian Studies NEW hours: portable Works fine. Good looking for an apartment/ APARTMENTS Call after 6 nology 1964 and 7 year¬ Program (2) A graduate 9 7 p.m. pm. 393-4956 8-10-19 <4» books 1963-70, $50 25 inch set for dorm $65 675-5188 room in house in East Lan¬ a.m. • Tues. & Wed. student who has a demon¬ E 5 10-16 i4j sing Okemos area, 349-2052. 8 5 p.m. color T.V., console. $15G strated interest in Asian 5-10-20(4) a.m. • Fri. & Sat. FEMALE PROFESSIONAL to 337-2431 MO-16'7' CONN DIRECTOR coronet, Studies. Selection among share new home, South Lan¬ $175 Conn director nominees will be made by the FORMER -a HOPEFUL-pianist SOFA. present committee. Petitions finds herself hoplessly em sing. $200 month. 394-6555 trumpet, reconditioned. $150. or nominations must reach broiled in medical school with evenings 12-10-27 i4l 1-2 FEMALES to share large $250 Matador banjo in very good condition. $125. Call Professor Farley Richmond, Asian Studies Center, 101 no your musical outlets. good used piano I need on a v room in spacious townhouse. ahe' 2 349-3114 International Center, Campus student's TWO 7 X 14 maq wheels, budget. Call E. Jolly Road 394-1760. on or before Friday Oct 20. 332-3816 after 6 pm. Kevstcne type $30 339 9331 E 5 10 i9 -3 2 '0 17 '24' 2 1C 16 (8) •PI PENTAX ME SLR Carney SERIES B Basketball season SOFA BED, $45. 6 V, feet Hmsis Real Estate t® pass Name your price. Tom, •PI folds fiat. Hercu'on. excel 337 2758 2 10-16(31 lent. 332-6663 15-10-24 (3i (ft STUDENTS - WE have HASLETT ASSUMABLE many available rentals, 24 WOMAN'S bicycle, ten 14 10 31 !7i mortgage on This neat 2 Round Town (ft houses, apartments, du¬ speed, excellent condition bedroom condo. All appli- plexes. Let us help you find a rental close to campus. CAP¬ 393-0723 E-5-10 16 '3) ROSSIGNOL W marker SKIS 200cm. high school Full clubhouse BLACK MALE Escorts (0 ITAL RESIDENTIAL & COM¬ bindings $60 needed-volunteers urged to Open Weights 70 lbs. of discs, - 3 pnveieges with large pool. contact Landon Hall Black MERCIAL RENTAL SERVICE bars Total weiqht 90 lbs. $10. $29 900 Call Wm. Martin Caucus by Friday, October 20 OpenMonday-Friday, 9 am - Corda Weit 337 2561 9 10 am. 5-6pm Company, 323 7100 or Peggy 5 7208, at 5-8679, or 8 pm, Saturday and Sunday S 5 iQ-18 «5: Cook at 351-7238 10 am - 5 pm. 2600 S Cidermiil BL 2 10 16 (91 5-7375. 5 10-20 (5) Cedar 394-1110. Fee 5817 North Okemos LANSING CIVIC PLAYERS 6-10-16 H1l Road. East Lansing present "Fantasticks," Octo¬ 337-7974 ber 20, 21, 27, 28. Tickets GORGEOUS HOUSE, large tory in New York, Mens and room available Female non Hours: Built 1973. EACO Realty, $4.50 for adults, $3.50 for womens 355 8102. smoxer. meditator 332-5666 7:30am-7pm. 676 5660 or 676 2743. Senior Citizens and students. 5-10-18 (6) evenings. 12-10-31 (3) 12 10 31 '51 Reservation, call 484-9115 or 484-9191. B-2 10-16 (7) DISCOUNT, NEW. used, 10 ACRES between Hough¬ desks, chairs, files BUSI ton Lake and Traverse City. NESS EQUIPMENT CO.. 215 Dulcir Borders against large area of E Kalamazoo. 485-5500. corders, strings, accessories, state forest. Hardwoods, very O 2 10 16 !4> books, thousands of hard-to find albums (all at very low rolling and scenic, excellent (ft DO YOU WANT TO SLEEP wildlife, hunting, $7500, EAST house LANSING-Fully fur¬ nished 4 bedroom faculty $450-month utili¬ WITH THE BEST TONIGHT' See the finest in quality waterbeds at the SLEEP prices). Private and group lessons on guitar, banjo, mandolin, all styles. Gift cer¬ $1000 down, $60 per month on 9% land contract. Call Dolores Nagel, 351-7136 or * ties. 332 5456 or 355-4655 tificates. Expel repairs - free McKENDRY REALTY, SHOP downtown Lansing, estimates ELDERLY IN¬ 646-6229. 8-10-17 (10) across from Knapps. NON-SMOKER. Large 'oom, 1 block off MSU, female. 484-9300. OR-2 10-16 <7> WHITE MONKEY burn-out STRUMENTS 541 E. Grand River, 332-4331. C 22 10-31 f 13) HOUSE OFF for sale by owner, College Road 3 bedroom. Z Get your new new carpet, twin and double bongs - only $2 'collector's 1'/» bath, 2 car garage. wardrobe off the beds. couch oak desk, edition i The only full line of GIBSON SG custom pick 694 0621. X 12-10-1614) shelves and more' Kitchen, head supplies in town Whip ups. good condition. Also Gui'd Sfarf're. hollow body ground, with shoes laundry privileges, parking The only effort you have you can really live pets, pipes, papers, clips, 1 ■>cr»iiieT~|[a&| with Gibson humbuckings, to exert to find a space, no pets. $130'month wate'beds, tapestries, and ali as single. $150 as 2 person. your high supplies excellent shape Call 485- cash buyer for items in. Bass 100's are com¬ 117 N Cat' 332 2598 B 2-10-16 (101 Hamson Road 'across from 6958 7 10 pm. 12-10-26 (7j you no longer need is Sir Pizza I. 11 -9 prr. HAYRIDE. NEWLY acquired dialing your telephone! fortable. And put together to WOMAN HOUSEMATE 3-10-16 '8! equipment. Additional rides That's right. Just dial wanted, own bedroom, dose Animals Vx available. CRAZY C RIDING the number shown here last. Bass 100's. Just what you to bus. $105 485-7028 OVER 2500 cheap albums STABLES. 676-3710. and we'll do the rest! need to get up in the world. 8-10-20 (3i 25£ and up--all types- hits to FREE KITTENS Double 5-10-20 (41 Your ad will appear in the obscure FLAT.BLACK. pawed, various colors. print and is sure to EAST SIDE- nice large, 3 & CIRCULAR, 541 E. Grand 351 3646 after 3:30 LOW COST travel to Israel. attract some reader bedroom. $285 plus Avail¬ able immediately. Phone 351 • River above Paramount E 5-10-20 '3> Toll free, 1 800 223-7676. 9 am 6 pm NY time. looking for the very item you have to sell. 0) We specialize in the hard to fit. Open 11 a.m.-6 p.m., 6 Womens Sizes 4'/j to 12 - 4315 after 7 pm days--351-0838 HELP' NEED good home for 4 10 18 13) +4 Narrow, medium, wide & extra-wide widths. 5-10-17^41 C-22-10-31 '71 abandoned puppy mostly black Lab 694-0577 Female, COME TO the orchard. Bring (0 Not all sizes in pictured shoes FACULTY HOUSE from De¬ cember 26 - July 1. COM¬ FOR service, THE best THE >n stereo STEREO 12 10 31 (3i a own lunch. Enjoy picking RED and GOLDEN DE¬ your State •M PLETELY furnished. place, family room, and 3-4 bedrooms. References. 332- Fire¬ SHOPPE1 555 E Grand River, C-22-10-31 I3I BRITTANY pies. SPANIEL Pup 3 months. AKC, shots. LICIOUS APPLES-a bushel, a peck or a truck load. GOLD¬ 0 MSU BOOTBRY News Field champion sired Beau EN KNOB ORCHARD. 4389 3I01.J2-iq-26(6i COLOR T V 12' Panasonic tiful markings, $100 E Pratt Road. 651 5430 For the Women almost new. Best offer 349 489 3917 after 6 pm. NEAR LAINGSBURG, Colby 5829 anytime 5-10-17 13) 2 10 17 f4j 12 10 26(10) 225 E. Grand River ■w Lake Rd. Needed, 1 man for country farmhouse $75-100. LADIES 27" Schwinn Travel THREE YEAR old across from MSU Union spider 351-7497. 0-17-10-31 (4) er. New condition Only rid¬ monkey, male, must sell. |__ Sirvio Opan Thurs. 8 Frl. til 9 Sundays 1 -5 den 6 times $150, negotiable $150 complete, call 485 2003 NEAR PENNSYLVANIA and 394-2454. 5-10 16 (41 after 5 pm. 5-10 '7 <4i BLUEGRASS EXTENSION Kalamazoo, 3 bedroom house Carpeting, garage, and large yard. Prefer adults. $225/ month. 351-7497. SEARS KENMORE portable dishwasher. $70. 349 5822 or FARM WANTED for 3 year old English Setter Free SERVICE plays weddings, parties 353-9695 372 3727 or 339 1119. days; 355-8255 We carry avar *0 stylas la wide cell beats. 349-3482. E-5-10-16 (3) 332 5463 12 10 30 I3i 0-17-10-31 (61 C-22-10-31 14) Michigon Stofe News, Eost Loosing, Michigon , October 16, 1976 1 5 ' -V NUIBMni HAGAR the Horrible |U Frl.. Oct. 201 pm (dlDBly IMf yfifjte SPONSORED BY: [■'' AASU Auditorium by Dik Browne B tickets on sole MSU Union. Wherehout.e. Campus Corners II (6)WJIM-TV(CBS) (IQ)WILX-TV(NBC) (1 l)WELM-TV(CobU) (12)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) Monday (10) Days Of Our Lives (23) Over Easy (12) NFL Football 9:00 2:00 7:00 (23) Direction '78 Morality of (6) Six Million Dollar Man Television (6-12) Phil Donahue (12) One Life To Live (10) Joker's Wild 9:30 (10) Marcus Welby, M.D. (23) Economically Speaking (23) Sesame Street 2:30 (12) Movie (6) One Day at a Time 10:00 (6) Guiding Light (23) Spartan Sportlite (10) Movie 7:30 10:00 (6) All In The Family (10) Doctors (10) Card Shorks (23) Over Easy (10) Hollywood Squares (6) Lou Grant (12) Dinah! 3:00 (23) MacNeil/Lehrer Report (23) Dance at Dawn 8:00 10:30 (23) Mister Rogers (10) Another World 10:30 (12) General Hospital (6) WKRP in Cincinnati (23) Turnabout (10) Little House on the 11:00 y. See the (6) Price Is Right (10) Jeopardy! (23) Julia Child & Company 3:30 Prairie (6-10) News PEANUTS DPWVpu new you in tov.n '' (23) Elecric Company (6) MASH (23) Champions (23) Dick Cavett by Schulz f v in Tuesday's 11:00 8:30 11:30 State News (23) Villa Alegre (10) High Rollers 4:00 (6) People (6) Rockford Files (12) Happy Days (6) New Mickey Mouse Club 9:00 (10) Johnny Carson (23) Villa Alegre (10) Munsters (6) M*A*S*H (23) ABC News I 6AVE MY BLANKET HERE'5 "THE WORLD F/-VM0U5 11:30 (12) Star Trek TO EUD0RA ANDI WANT PI5C0 PANCER AfJOUT YOU TO SET IT BACK TO CHARM HIS WAY INTO (6) Love Of Life (23) Sesame Street >9* (10) Wheel Of Fortune 4:30 MSU SHADOWS ran PLAT FOR ME...I PONT CARE A CHICK'S HEART... (12) Family Feud (6) My Three Sons HOU) YOU P0 IT! (23) Lilias, Yoga and You (lO)Gilligan's Island by Gordon Carleton with this comic! New Pete s' Albert ot MAC under Moon's 11:55 (6) CBS News PXNBAUi PETE'S (6) Gunsmoke 12:00 (10) Bob Newhort (6-12) News (12) Gong Show (10) America Alive! (23) Mister Rogers' (23) The Long Search Neighborhood 12:20 5:30 (6) Almanac (10) Mary Tyler Moore 12:30 (12) News FRANK & ERNEST :i.7S (6) Search For Tomorrow (23) Electric Company (12) Ryan's Hope 6:00 by Bob Thaves ■L'tZTICOMSTAMANT 203 M. A.C. SSI-9] It 1:00 (6) News (6) Young and the Restless (10) News (10) Hollywood Squares (23) Dick Cavett bib YOU HEAR Ag»uT gfcOTHfR (12) All My Children 6:30 •J!ROMB?..HB FEU. feHlKO IM H|5 HE VJPS (23) Champions (6) CBS News PKfMtHTS TO Hi* EXORCIST. i&possessip. 1:30 (10) NBC News (6) As The World Turns (12) ABC News CkOoO HEAVEN*1. ...WHAT Advertise In This Spot „ HApPgNEo? Call 353-6400 O00^f0- THE DROPOUTS sponsored by: CAMPUS t~ low gos prices PIZZA d,l,,ry by Post TRAVELS WITH FARLEY Plus 1040 E. Cri/nd Riv.r 3371377 •Js'sLmtePreewi by Phil Frank Service ttvtiea WE CANT Always SlAMfc OUR BARENTS FW. OUR OWN PROBLEMS,S*H£t/... WE RENT" THEy ^EVERHElPFUL? in the course or 4n " pets? knm/ng6 has been AVSW3E rvw, American in the nation's capitol rjr citizens are having two weeks 6VJPVIHG the /more and more contact spoutdt or government with govsziumbajt, ITS 4np now files this RULES, REGULATIONS AnO refort. its OFFICIALS. PILLOW TALK