c VOLUME 72 NUMBER 149 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1978 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING MICHIGAN 48824 3 Arab nations pledge to neutralize militia BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Seven Arab collaboration between the Christian militia they have produced is just another wordy and Israel. statement that means nothing," a political nations pledged at the end of a three-day summit Tuesday to neutralize the right- The meeting was called by Lebanese commentator said. President Elias Sarkis to find a way to wing Christian militias that have been restore peace to this war-torn country. The fighting for months against Syrian forces in Lebanon. eight points were largely a reiteration of Sarkis called for the conference consoli¬ They also threatened in an eight-point previous Arab demands. statement to use force if necessary to end "After laboring for three days, all that date the fragile, nine-day-old cease-fire between Syrian troops of the Arab League peacekeeping force in Lebanon and the Lebanese Christians. Western powers Sarkis said he hoped the participants — Syria, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Kuwait and Qatar — would agree on a formula to solve the basic problems that plunged Lebanon into civil war four years ago. That conflict, which close to accord pitted leftist Moslems and Palestinians against the rightist Christians, ended in November 1970 when the Arab League force, which includes some 20,000 Syrians, Even downtown Lansing has peaceful moments and confusion are still tucked away. in the >rly morning hours when the came to Lebanon. PRETORIA, South Africa (AP) - Secre¬ portant of these groups is the South-West tary of State Cyrus R. Vance and officials of Africa People's Organization, which has The Syrians saved the Christians from four other Western powers appeared to be been waging a 12-year guerrilla war against defeat in the civil war, but since February MIDEAST AEGOATIONS SNAGGED edging closer to agreement with South South African troops garrisoned in the have been fighting to disarm them. More Africa on a U.N. peace plan for indepen¬ territory. South Africa has administered than 1,200 Christians were killed in the dence in Namibia (South-West Africa), sources close to the talks said Tuesday. the territory since 1920 under a mandate from the League of Nations, which since has been revoked by the United Nations. 10-day Syrian artillery and rocket attack in Beirut that ended with the cease-fire Oct. 7. Carter intervenes in peace talks The sources, who asked not to be Butros refused The sources said South African officials to give details of a identified, said both sides seem to have of have indicated they would be willing to reported security plan presented to the WASHINGTON (AP) - President Car¬ delegation, and then we'll find out how e reached a general accord on the size and conference by Sarkis. Reports said the plan constructive have been and how much the issues th. ter, insisting "there is no crisis." intervened we redefine the election to make it clear that composition of a U.N. peacekeeping force to envisages the replacement of Syrian troops in the Mideast peace talks Tuesday as he managed to solve and to help us go ahead ensure an orderly U.N.-supervised election the assembly will not be a sovereign body, At Camp David, there was a similar with soldiers from an enlarged Saudi Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan said and advance with the process." in Namibia. that South Africa will continue to adminis¬ pattern. After initially bringing the two Arabian contingent at points along the the negotiations had encountered difficulty. As reporters and photographers came ter the territory for the time being and that sides together. Carter and the American But South African Foreign Minister battle-line dividing Christian and Moslem Carter met separately with the Israeli into the Cabinet Room to photograph the unilateral independence will not automati¬ sections of Beirut. start of his meeting with the Egyptians, delegation found that the best way to solve Roelof F. Botha said late Tuesday "a and Egyptian delegations — a tactic he used difficult situation has arisen." He did not cally follow. when the two sides drifted apart during the Carter said: problems was to deal with each country Several alternatives to enable the elec¬ "The plan guarantees adequate action to "I might say to the press so separately, acting as an intermediary. elaborate. end clashes and future bloodshed, and it will Camp David Summit, whose Middle East there won't The size of the force has been a major tion to go on while not really being accords led to the current round of talks be any misunderstanding . . . there is no Sherman refused to discuss the nature of also enable displaced persons to return to considered an election as such were being here. particular problem. There is no crisis. the issues that remain unresolved. stumbling block in the negotiations. The their homes," Butros said, without elabora sources said the force would be scaled down discussed, the sources said. Marthinus T. Dayan, emerging from the first of the two There is no real need for an emergency several thousand from the 7,500 recom¬ Steyn, South Africa's administrator general White House meetings, had told reporters, meeting." mended by the United Nations. Many of the in the territory, has used the word The Christians have refused to submit to "We have come against some difficulties in Carter said he was meeting with the two units would be supplied by Canada, and Britain probably would supply men to "referendum" to characterize the election. Syrian control because the Syrians have done little to disarm the Lebanese Moslems our negotiations with the Egyptian delega¬ tion," adding: delegations to receive reports about the status of the negotiations. Unenforcable One option being discussed is to consider handle communications and logistics, but the election non-binding. The sources said or Palestinian guerrillas. The Christians "When we came here, the president told "There are areas which have been agreed details still must be worked out, they said. South Africa then would agree to imple¬ charge the Arab League force is Syrian us that whenever we are stuck, we should upon and there are still areas that need to The talks began Monday with both sides ment the U.N. plan and that U.N.-super- vised binding elections leading to indepen¬ occupation army and have turned to the Israelis for arms, other supplies and turn to him. So we used this opportunity, and we have met with him. We are waiting be covered," Egyptian Ambassador Ashraf Gorbal commented as the meeting ended. lease clauses stating their positions, the sources said. Real negotiations began Tuesday. The dence would follow around mid year 1979. military support. now for his meeting with the Egyptian Dayan refused to disclose the details of original plan was for the talks to end the problems involving the talks aimed at Tuesday night, but a State Department spokesperson in Washington said Vance bringing Egypt and If-ael together on the details of a peace treaty. The foreign minister said the problems had to handled now illegal Office of handicapper would remain in Pretoria through Wednes¬ day. The delegation leaders of the five programs "carefully and quietly." Dayan's statement was the first public indication that the talks were going LANSING il'PIi - A bill which prohibits landlords from misleading tenants by- Western countries — Vance, British For¬ eign Secretary David Owen, Foreign Minis¬ anything but smoothly. using legally unenforcable clauses in their re-interview union However, State Department press officer leases signed into law by Gov. William applicant was ter Hans-Dietrich Genscher of West Ger¬ many, Canadian External Affairs Minister to George Sherman said, "There is no partic¬ G. Milliken Tuesday. The bill, Donald Jamieson, and Deputy Foreign ular hurdle. The president will review the inspired by a consumer group's Minister Olivier Stirn of France — met for status of the talks, the progress that has finding that such clauses are common, lists an hour with South African Premier Pieter By JOY L. HAENLEIN Under University law regulations, at least one member of the been made, and the differences that 13 specific lease provisions which are W. Botha and the South African foreign SUte News Staff Writer OPH Transportation program must be a union member. prohibited and requires inclusion of clause minister. The Office of Programs for Handicappers will re-interview an The rejection prompted MSU Employee and Personnel Relations In another development, Israel radio advising tenants of their rights. applicant for the position of transport program manager this week, to file a grievance on behalf of the employee, claiming OPH did not Ther ;■ developed The most crucial issue is how to get reported Tuesday that Prime Minister around South Africa's announcement last said Judy Taylor, director of the program. have objective reasons why the union employee was not given a Menachem Begin gave an optimistic assess¬ during months of ne: month that it would hold its own elections in The decision came Tuesday after members of the MSU trial period in which to prove his capabilities. ment of the peace talks to a committee of landlord and tenant groups. the territory Dec. 4-8. The West has tried to Employees Union, OPH, Office of Special Programs and the However, the job requirements under which the employee the Israeli Knesset. Begin was reported to Rep. Mark Clodfelter. D Flint, sponsor of dissuade South Africa from its plan, University personnel department met to try and solve what applied for the position have been shown to be different from the have told the committee that Egypt and the bill said illegal clauses "mislead the seemed to be a deadlock situation. original responsibilities specified by OPH. Israel have agreed to arbitrate disputes parties and deceive tenants into surrender daimirg there would be no international The dilemma began a few weeks ago when OPH interviewed a Under requirements which the union members applied for the over Israel's withdrawal from the Sinai ing valuable legal powers." recognition of the 50-member constituent union member they felt did not fulfill the job requirements. The job, duties would include driving a bus from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. during Peninsula. He cited as examples, clauses which claim assembly. Several factions in Namibia also have position entails coordinating handicapper bus schedules and driving the school week. Any other activity would be optional. It was reported that Begin spent more to waive the tenant's right to a jury trial, a third bus during peak hours. Assistant Vice President for Personnel and Employee Relations than eight hours Tuesday briefing the limit the landlord's liability for negligence, announced they would boycott a South Keith Groty admitted last week, however, that specifications the parliament's defense and foreign affairs require a tenant to pay rent for uninhabi African-sponsored election. The most im- employee was given were incorrect. committee after consulting with delegation table premises and waive the tenant's The job description submitted by OPH to personnel did specify leaders in Washington. rights under the state security deposit law. Hearing set today the need for Groty agreed. a driver and schedule coordinator on a flexible basis, Tuesday's meeting gave OPH the first opportunity to talk with union members and present its situation, said Judy Taylor, director for Esmail parole of handicapper programs. World Series While Taylor said the union seemed sensitive to remarks by OPH, she said there is a basic difference between the two groups. Police seek 19-year-old By JOANNELANE "The union is more concerned with defending the rights of the Yankees clinch series, SUte News Staff Writer union member, while we are concerned with safeguarding the 7-2! A parole hearing is set today for Sami Esmail, a 24-year-old MSU graduate student who has been in an Israeli prison since rights of handicappers," she said. OPH will re-interview the applicant to explain the job in Holmes Hall shooting weather December 1977. responsibilities and acquaint him with the buses and the routes By RUSS HUMPHREY The winds of November are A petition asking for Esmail's release was sent to the Attorney used in picking up students and delivering them to classes. SUte News SuH Writer early. Today will be windy and General of Israel in time for the hearing. If the employee then wants the position, a trial period of 30 days Police are seeking a 19-year-old man in connection with the shooting at West Holmes increasingly cloudy with a Drawn up by Esmail's defense committee and the Palestinian will be implemented, Taylor said. Hall early Sunday morning. chance of scattered showers. Human Rights Campaign of Washington, D.C., the petition has "This is geared so he may evaluate the job for himself," she The man could be charged with assault with intent to murder Valerie E. Wilson, 19. The temperature may reach the been endorsed by many national, sUte and local leaders. explained. 525 W. Holmes Hall, and two female companions, Kathy Evans and Maurise Mitchell, OPH will evaluate the employee's performance after that period upper 50s. ^ He was charged and convicted of membership in an organization "hostile" to the state of Israel. He was also charged, but acquitted and contemplate a permanent spot. an Ingham County prosecutor, said. Department of Public Safety Sgt. Larry Lyons said the women were struck by- of conUct with an agent of an "unfriendly" sUte. If the applicant decides not to take the position, interviews with several "unknown fragments" near Wilson's doorway, but were not injured. Although the petition makes no reference to past allegations, his other high-seniority union members will continue, she said. The group went downstairs to the main lobby in West Holmes Hall after Wilson supporters have said Esmail was coerced into signing confessions Taylor said she feels relations between OPH, personnel and received a telephone call from an unidentified man at 1:25 a.m. Sunday. Lyons said. under duress. employee relations and the employees union have improved as "Someone's down here with a present for you," Shaffer said the man told Wilson. Esmail supporters also contended, that he would, or thought he result of the meeting. The man is apparently a Holmes hall resident who was asked by the suspect to make would, be released if he signed confessions which were written in OPH will now be able to contact the union directly for help in the call, Lyons said. The caller's name was witheld by DPS pending further court Hebrew. They said Esmail does not know Hebrew. programming the employee's trial period, she said. action. Barbara Thibeault, co-chairperson of the defense committee The union also suggested more than one union employee be hired The women found nothing waiting for them in the lobby, and returned to Wilson's said the petition simply states, "We urge that the responsible as transportation workers in the future. fifth floor room, police said. As they approached her room, they heard the lobby door authorities Uke advanUge of the opportunity offered by parole to OPH is relying on student drivers now, Taylor said. Some of open and the shotgun blast, Lyons said. return Sami Esmail to his home in the United SUtes this month." those drivers may have to be cut from the program, as OPH does The shot was fired while they were turned away from the suspect, Lyons said. Felicia Langer, Esmail's attorney, will present the petition to not have the funds to employ all of them once a union member is The shot was fired about 40 feet from Wilson's door and struck the southwest wall the Israeli court. If early parole is granted, Esmail will be released hired, she added. and ceiling. The pellets from the shot, well hidden in the design tile, extend for nearly later this month. The agreement to a trial period represents "a stopping point 22 feet along the hall. If parole is not granted, Esmail will stay in prison until March — between crises," Taylor said. The suspect apparently dropped to his knees in a "television-type trick" and quickly the remainder of his fifteen-month sentence. Greater future demand will require more vehicles and drivers fired at the women, Lyons said. "We are more optimistic than ever before for Esmail's release," than the three of each OPH hopes will soon become reality, Taylor Police do not expect the man to return to campus but will watch the residence hall Thibeault said. "We have been greatly encouraged by broad said. area "heavier than usual," using foot patrols Lyons said. support from the community." Paul Mueller, president of Students for Total Integration Although a motive has not officially been established, the shooting was reportedly a Esmail, Thibeault explained, spent part of the summer in solitary through Greater Mobility and Accessibility, and a James Madison result of a argument between Wilson and the suspect. DPS officials said Wilson had confinement. However, she said, he has since been assigned to College sophomore, said he is optimistic for a possible solution. talked to the suspect by telephone the previous day and thought he was out of town. "I'm glad to see something's being done on it, one way or the other," he said. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing Michigan Wednesday. October 18, 1978 TWO AMERICANS WIN PHYSICS PRIZE Nobel find upholds 'big bang' NEW YORK (AP)-The two The work by Penzias and faint and account of the work. said. pervasive," Bell Labs Americans who won Nobel Wilson provided dramatic evi¬ Penzias and Wilson shared said Tuesday, "the two scien¬ Finally, Bell Labs said, "it prizes in physics this year dence that the universe began tists felt the noise could have undeniable that the entire the was physics prize with Prof. discovered in 1965 that the with the expoision of a primor¬ universe itself was the source." any one of a number of sources, Pyotr Leontevich Kapitsa of entire universe is bathed in dial fireball of unimaginable "It was a fundamental break¬ Moscow, who because of including the antenna itself." won background radiation left over force, the "big bang" theory. through in understanding the his research in Slowly and painstakingly, low-tempera¬ from the birth of the universe Using an antenna at Bell origin of the ture physics. Soviets conduct nuclear test explosion some 20 billion years ago. Labs' Crawford Hill station they began to eliminate each of the other possible sources, such The discovery by Dr. Arno near Holmdei, N.J., the two as the Milky Way. the sun. or Penzias and Dr. Robert W. scientists found that a faint Wilson of Bell Telephone Lab¬ noise pervaded all space, no poorly fitted antenna joints. UPPSALA, Sweden(AP) — Two Swed¬ ish seismological agencies reported that installation, also reported a blast at the same time. The military agency said they received short-period signals equivalent oratories has been described as "absolutely the most important matter what direction they pointed the antenna. The noise "They had even investigated the possibility that the signals New pope vows the Soviet Union conducted a strong did not vary from day to day or to 6.3 on the Richter scale. discovery in cosmology since represented excessive heat in nuclear test explosion Tuesday north of the expansion of the i their antenna, caused by pigeon 'ministry of love' the Caspian Sea. In Washington, the U.S. Atomic Energy was discovered." "Because the signal was so droppings," according to one The seismological institute at Uppsala Detection System said it detected what it said they recorded an underground said was the 14th Russian underground test this year. explosion at 1:05 a.m. EDT. The institute VATICAN CITY (AP) eased to allow a "large number" Attorney General Kelley - said the explosion, with a Richter reading A spokesperson for the Hagfors of Poles to travel to Rome for Pope John Paul II promised of 6.4, was the strongest in that area this Observatory said analysis of the blast Tuesday that a "ministry of the installation. He did not say indicates the nuclear yield did not exceed love" would mark his reign as how many visas would be year. A quake with a 6.4 Richter reading can cause severe damage. the 150-kiloton limit of the U.S.-Soviet the 264th pontiff of the Roman granted. Poles normally have to The Hagfors Observatory, a military nuclear test ban treaty. blasts rate hike request Catholic Church. In a televised sermon deli vered under Michaelangelo's wait three to four weeks to obtain a travel visa. In his first papal sermon, the fresco "The Last Judgment" in 58-year-old pontiff warned that the Sistine Chapel, the pope the "general criteria of loyalty LANSING (UPI) - Attorney "Michigan Consolidated a $19.7 million rate hike for the pledged to carry on the church to the Vatican Council" must General Frank J. Kelley says doesn't care what it spends on Detroit-based utility's one mil¬ reforms launched by the 1962 not affect loyalty to the basic there is "absolutely no need" rate litigation — it merely lion customers in the metropoli¬ 65 Second Vatican Council and doctrinal truths of the church. for the $102 million rate in¬ charges the cost to its custo¬ tan area and portions of wes¬ to follow the guidelines laid This was perhaps an indication crease requested Tuesday by mers in the next rate case." tern and northern Michigan. that he would pursue a conser¬ down by Paul VI and John Paul Michigan Consolidated Gas Co. The proposed 10 percent rate Company President Charles I. vative stance on such matters "I strongly object to Michi¬ increase would raise the month¬ R. Montgomery said that in¬ Vatican officials, meanwhile, as the church's ban on artificial gan Consolidated filing for a ly gas bills of Michigan Consoli¬ crease was based on 1976 costs new rate increase only 19 days dated customers an average of announced that John Paul contraception, the ordination of and was far less than the $77 would preside at a Mass at his women and the marriage of after its last rate increase $3.40. million in rate relief sought by installation on Sunday. The priests. request was decided," Kelley Last month, the state Public the firm. The pope supported the con¬ announcement made no men¬ said. Service Commission authorized Montgomery acknowledged tion of a coronation, implying traception ban put forth in that residential gas bills have that he would continue the Pope Paul VI's 1968 encyclical about doubled in the past five Humanae Vitae when he Newsom named as delegation head years but added that 96 percent pattern of John Paul I, who was refused to be crowned the archbishop of Krakow. Report outlines of the increase has been forced The election of Wojtyla as temporal ruler of the church. by the rising cost of gas A Polish government spokes¬ successor to Pope John Paul I WASHINGTON (AP) The State De¬ administration's interest in bringing Michigan Consolidated buys broke the 4 '/* -century hold - person. Kazimierz Kakol, said about an all-parties conference to set from its suppliers. partment's third-ranking official will passport restrictions would be Italians had on the papacy. head the U.S. delegation scheduled to meet here Friday with visiting Zimbab¬ Zimbabwe's course toward black major¬ ity rule. alcohol hazards wean Prime Minister Ian Smith and his Smith until the post week had resisted CONVENTION SITE SOUGHT three black colleagues, department offi¬ WASHINGTON (AP) - An estimated 10 million Americans are a joint U.S.-British proposal for such a cials said Tuesday. conference but conceded to members of problem drinkers or alcoholics, and drinking may be to blame for The-choice of David Newsom, under¬ secretary for political affairs, for the the Senate Foreign Affairs committee last week that he would be willing to at¬ as many as Tuesday. 205,000 deaths a year, federal health officials reported The risk of death from disease, accident or violence is two to six Democrats eye Detroit role appeared to stress anew the Carter tend one with "no preconditions." times greater for the problem drinker than for the population at WASHINGTON (UPI) - Detroit and Houston The boycott rules out traditional convention large, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Acoholism said are the early favorites as the site of the 1980 cities such as Miami Beach, Chicago, New in its third special report to Congress. Democratic National Convention, while Dallas, Orleans, Kansas City and Las Vegas, since their But the report also has good news, including statistics showing a states have not ratified ERA. Los Angeles and Minneapolis lead the GOP list of Nurses boycott 'not-so-soft' drink decline in deaths from cirrhosis of the liver, a leveling off in per "If we had to decide now, it would probably be nine possibilities. capita alcohol consumption and a rise in the number of alcohol between Detroit and Houston," said Susan treatment programs. Officials of both parties stress that no decisions Morrison of the Democratic committee staff. have been made on any city. But political and RICHMOND. Va. (AP) — The beer of 1 percent alcohol and is packaged to The report estimated that drinking problems cost American Miami, New Orleans and Los Angeles have also manufacturer calls its new product a look like premium beer. society about $43 billion in 1975 in lost production, medical bills, logistical factors rule out certain cities even before party committees begin looking over expressed interest in the Democrats. "not-so-soft drink" but a nurses' group What's more, says Barbara Bolton, accidents and other expenses. Detroit is high on the Democrats' list because Alcohol may be involved in up to one-third of all suicides, half of sites. it is the home of Mayor Coleman Young, the wants it boycotted, saying it could help executive director of the association, all murders, half of all traffic deaths and a fourth of all other soda-sipping children grow into beer- "it forms with a head on it, exactly like Probably the biggest factor is the Equal Rights party's vice chairperson. accidental deaths, the report said. Amendment, which may not be ratified by the GOP spokesperson Pete Teeley said Detroit, guzzling adults. beer." The number of programs to treat problem drinkers and time of the 1980 conventions. Miami Beach, Kansas City, Minneapolis-St. Paul, An amber blend of lemon, ginger, and But, with so little alcohol in it, it can alcoholics has increased from 500 in 1973 to nearly 2,400 in 1977. Democrats have voted to support the National New Orleans, Cleveland, Dallas-Fort Worth, Los apple flavoring in a malt-flavored base, be purchased by children. Most are in the private sector, where businesses have realized Organization for Women's boycott of states that Angeles, and Las Vegas all have applied for the "Chelsea" is being test-marketed by An¬ Chelsea, however, is expensive for a they can save money by helping drinkers overcome their problem. have not ratified the amendment. convention. heuser-Busch in six markets, including soft drink — $2 a six-pack — and An¬ Richmond and Staunton, Va. heuser-Busch denies both that it could Its trouble, from the point of view of addict children to alcohol or that it is the 3,000-member Virginia Nurses Asso¬ even aimed at the children's market. ciation, is that it contains about one-half Gas company files for rate increase Display Ad»ert...«g LANSING (UPI) — The Michigan Con¬ igan. solidated Gas Co. Tuesday filed an ap¬ Photograph* Company President Charles R. Mont¬ plication for a $102 million rate hike that gomery said that increase was based on would raise the monthly gas bills of its 1976 costs and was far less than the $77 million in rate relief sought by the firm. customers on average $3.40. or 10 per¬ cent. If granted, the increase would raise BOOKS WANTED! The request comes just a month after the annual cost of heating a typical DtniitimMiitqiit the state Public Service Commission home to about $294 from the current •ScitKt Fiction -Old Books authorized a $19.7 million rate hike for level of $266, Montgomery said — or to the Detroit-based utility's one million $443 from $402 a yeor to those custo¬ •Mc loots *Mk. customers in the metropolitan area and mers who olso use gas for heating wa¬ •Beatle I tens nbpziBS portions of western and northern Mich¬ ter, cooking and clothes drying. •Nancy Drew HUfclsb •Mysteries •teotall Carts Carter restores Davis' citizenship Curious Book Shop 307 East Grand River East Lansing WASHINGTON (AP) - President Cor- federacy a century ago, was left out of ter restored citizenship rights Tuesday to congressional resolutions restoring Confederate President Jefferson Davis rights to other rebel officials. and declared that post-Civil War recon¬ "He had served the United States long ciliation is finally complete. and honorably as a soldier, member of He said the bill he signed "officially the U.S. House and Senate and as secre¬ completes the long process of reconci¬ tary of war," Carter recalled. liation that has reunited our people fol¬ "Gen. Robert E. Lee's citizenship was lowing the tragic conflict between the restored in 1976. It is fitting that Jeffer¬ states." Carter said. son Davis should no longer be singled Davis, who was president of the Con¬ out for punishment," Carter said. Don't miss And Reporter ordered to hand over notes BADGES, AWARDS the thrill on their ofa latest AND TROPHIES livetime- smash LANSING (UPI) - The Traverse City der stating the notes will be available Daryl Hall Includes: I Don't Wanna Lose You album Record-Eagle has lost another round in for review by all parties in the case Oct. its fight to shield a reporter's notes from 26. MOST ITEMS ENGRAVED ON THE SPOT and It's a Laugh "Along local prosecutors, but the newspaper's The Record-Eagle's appeal in the press John Oates Melody lor a Memory The attorney hopes the Michigan Supreme freedom case is pending before the high IICJI The Last Time CB or square dance badges in concert. Red Ledge" Court will intervene before the docu¬ court and attorneys for the newspaper ments are handed over. plastic signs, jewelry, silver dishes, mugs, are hoping for a decision before the Oct. SEE THEM FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20th The Michigan Court of Appeals, in a 26 deadline. plaques and trophies brief order Tuesday, refused the Record- Record-Eagle reporter Kathleen Stock¬ AT M.S.U. AUDITORIUM I Eagle's request that the panel order sub¬ *TTWIIOM SOLFIRS: ing took the controversial notes during poenas for the notes quashed. an interview with 46-year-old Jeanette Practice Coif Balls "ALONG THE RED LEDGE" IS AVAILABLE AT: Kalkaska County Circuit Judge Wil¬ Smith, who claimed she had been 'I.OOa dozen liam Porter responded by issuing an or¬ abused by her husband, H.I. Smith. TIM MM MOM MARV ft HELEN REED 517374-8030 Op.n Mon. thru Fri. 1305 SO. CEDAR 517374-0212 LANSING, Ml. 41910 Nit«s until 4 MARSHALL MUSIC "U. 4 ASMSU board Seeml front p. Wednesday, October 18, 1978 needs members A By R.W.ROBINSON State News Staff Writer professional journalist is among the four ASMSU representatives needed to fill the nine-member Student Media Appropriations Board, which provides funding for alternative media at MSU. A quorum was reached with five representatives, however, at SMAB's first meeting BUS SYSTEM STAYS of the year Monday night. Those who were present at the meeting named Joe Murphy, of the Intercooperative Council, chairperson, amended the board's code of operations and set dates for funding operations. Murphy said a journalist has never sat on the board because nobody knew one was CATA vetos anti-mall bus signs needed. Petitioning for the four vacant ASMSU positions, including the journalist, will begin Friday and applications will be reviewed by the space and personnel committee. Dan Jones, Student Board president, said. claimed would be "net bus system costs necessarily what would actually happen." SMAB will now accept funding applications until Nov. 2. By SUSAN TOMPOR which would be paid for by "bus patrons new SUte News Staff Writer and taxpayers." to service the mall" are not a complete Kooyers said. Applications should be submitted to the ASMSU Business Office, 307 Student The service that was proposed in the 1977 Services. Signs claiming "Bus costs to rise if mall The Committee for Balanced Develop¬ picture, Kooyers said. study was a "high level service," Kooyers The code amendments call for the applicant to present information explaining why the approved" were removed by CATA adver¬ ment is the campaign organization of Citizens for a Livable Community, an said. According to this proposal buses publication will provide a public sector not currently being adequately served. tising personnel Monday for reasons of Detailed information must also be submitted concerning the percentage of students anti-mall group. would leave for the mall from 7 a.m. to 10:30 "improper identification." We see no reoson for them the publication will serve in addition to how many non-students will use the media The content of the signs could be read as CATA authorities were alerted to the p.m. at 30-minute intervals, he said. CATA's support of a "no" vote on the content of the advertisements by one of (the signs) not to be back up "This is just one alternative," Kooyers their garage personnel Monday morning, soon. —James Anderson, said. "We will provide service based on Individuals or groups requesting funding must also present SMAB with a copy of Dayton Hudson mall proposal, said Duane what government units want. Kooyers, CATA projects manager. Kooyers said. coordinator, Citizens for a previous issues of its publication if SMAB has funded it before. CATA's advertising distributor, Batchel- The six signs, which cost $16 each for "Nobody has formally addressed what Those requesting funding must also present SMAB with information concerning the Livable Community. kind of service they want." Kooyers said. cost of printing each issue of the publication. der Co., removed the signs on the grounds advertising on the front of CATA buses, The group will he reimbursed for the that sign frames covered who paid for the began appearing on buses Thursday, James "SMAB has never really set criteria before," Murphy said. "Now it has been written remainder of the contract, but expects to advertisement, Bob Giffer, vice-president of Anderson, Citizens for a Livable Commu¬ down it will help groups understand what is expected of their publication." The $100,000 figure was obtained from a continue a similar campaign. Anderson said. marketing, said. nity coordinator, said. Board members also decided to look into the cost of printing and paper costs so they CATA does not support or oppose the 1977 letter to state transportation authori¬ Anderson said advertisement sponsor¬ The signs, paid for by the Committee for can have a better idea of how much money is necessary for the publication, Murphy said. Balanced Development, urged a "no" vote proposal, Kooyers said. "As a public ties regarding the added costs of providing ship will be made more visible in the future. "We see no reason for them (the signs! not Other dates set by the board include: on the Dayton Hudson mall proposal based authority we shall remain neutral." bus service to the mall, Kooyers said. to be back up soon." he said. • Nov. 6 and 13 — Reviewing the funding requests; on CATA's 1977 estimate of increased costs The $100,000 cost increase that the signs "These cost figures, of course, are not • Nov. 20 — Final funding decisions; and • Nov. 27 — Hearing funding appeals if an organization feels it has not received enough money to do an effective job. Council acts on Reo plant Initial steps toward condemnation of the Diamond Reo plant property were taken by the Lansing City Council Monday. Michigan Partners The council unanimously approved a resolution directing the city attorney initiate proceedings to condemn the Dia¬ mond Reo plant property on South Wash¬ to gather food, supplies ington Avenue. The resolution, sponsored by Council- member Richard Baker, said the plant was in an "advanced state of deterioration." The plant also posed a threat to the health, for hurricane victims welfare and safety of citizens, the resolution By MARCIA BRADFORD partner and Michigan has two — Belize and State News Staff Writer the Dominican Republic. Bieszka said. Members of the South Central Neighbor He added that several MSU students Supplies are being gathered until Friday hood Organization, a group fighting for the to aid hurricane victims in Belize by the have been to Belize, many of them through rehabilitation of the Diamond Reo property, Michigan Partners of the Americas, an 4 H programs, and they remain active with the country. presented to the council copies of petitions organization created to develop cultural to be sent to Washington requesting its relations with Central American countries. "Students often work on projects to help historical status be removed. Donations of canned meat, fruits and youth in these countries get programs vegetables, good summer clothing and cash established," Bieszka said. "They work The Reo plant has been a historical alongside cooperative extension agents to to buy tools and other supplies for those left monument since July 1977. raise the level of nutrition." homeless and without food are being The group has suggested the 34-acre Bieszka said students are presently- requested, said Norman A. Brown, presi¬ corporation site be razed and new housing, dent of the Michigan Partners of the working on a feed stuff program in Belize. recreation and industrial facilities be Americas. They are trying to develop products from erected. The hurricanes, which hit Belize during grains grown in that country so farmers will not have to import feed for their animals. late September, left many of the coastal A spokesperson for the five-week-old towns under more than eight feet of water, Donations to the relief program can be South Central Neighborhood Organization taken to the residence of Bob Runvon, 302 said Chuck Bieszka. coordinator of the relief said the group is "trying hard to get the Reo E. Grand River Ave. in Williamston. plan. property functional again." The capital, Belize City, which contains a The materials will be transported by- truck to Mobile Ala., and placed on a ship to The city cannot tear down the Diamond large portion of the population, was under be taken to Belize. The truck is being Reo plant until the U.S. Congress or the four feet of water, he added. U.S. Historical Preservation Society re- "There was little loss of life, but the provided by the Lansing Community Col¬ the designation of the Reo as a country sustained heavy damages to houses lege School of Trucking and the ship is historical site, councilmember Louis Adado owned by the Belize president of the and businesses," Bieszka said. has said. The organization has been working with Partners of the Americas, said Diana Siem. who is helping organize the relief program. the Salvation Army ir. gathering the The city demolition board will conduct a Siem said they have had a good response supplies for the relief effort. public hearing into the proposed demolition, Michigan Partners of the Americas is from the Lansing area and four other a letter from Mayor Gerald W. Graves said. counties in the state that have part of a national organization formed to helped collect goods to send. A public hearing will be held to en¬ develop art and agricultural programs in She added that the donated supplies will courage the public to accept the demolition Central America. of the Reo property. Forty-one states have at least one probably fill a truck and trailer rig. Universities meeting postponed By R.W.ROBINSON assistant to the board president; Lynda Loomis, director of public The State News Staff Writer Big Ten Universities Conference designed for discussion of student government systems has been postponed by the conference relations; and Ian McPherson, president of Interfraternity Council. The $160 would have been used for travel, food and accomodation Lansing City Council OKs land deal expenses. coordinator from this weekend until farther notice. "If six (MSU) people would have went it would have been an The conference was to be held this weekend at Purdue University in West Layfayette, Ind. "Because of a lack of input from Big Ten Universities the meeting opportunity to gather information from nine different Universities concerning their problems and the way they handle things," Jones commented. for Edgewood Boulevard extension By SHEILA BEACHUM living conditions" for some residents. Baker said. was postponed," said ASMSU Student Board President Dan Jones. However, Jones added that the National College Board is The extension would not reduce traffic flow on Miller Road as SUte News Staff Writer A letter Jones received from the conference coordinator planning a conference for Oct. 29 to 31 which is designed to create a Measures authorizing Lansing to purchase land necessary for many residents have hoped, Baker said. explained that this coming weekend is "a very busy weekend for Big national student advisory committee to college and university Consultants retained by the city have reported that 11,000 cars Ten schools." financial aid programs. the Edgewood Boulevard extension were taken by the City Council per day use Miller Road, Baker said. "I guarantee that there will not be a conference up again while I'm Jones said he is going to present a proposal to the student board Monday. Of that figure, 73 percent of the traffic is "locally generated," he still president," Jones said he believes. that he attend the conference to give the National College Board Nearly 100 Lansing residents from both sides of the said. some MSU student input. controversial Edgewood extension descended on the council to Jones said he could safely predict the indefinite postponement "Edgewood Boulevard is not being built to relieve the traffic on because there has not been a conference in almost six years. The college board votes and works on different policies speak on their side of the issue. Miller Road," Baker said. The council will also conduct a study assessing the possible noise, If the conference had been held as scheduled, Jones would have concerning financial aid and admission programs for students, Elizabeth McGinnis, spokesperson for a coalition of Miller Road Jones explained. air pollution, traffic problems and residents' safety concerning the requested $160 from the president's hospitality fund to pay for residents and extension proponents, said their group did not expenses incurred by himself and five board members who would It is made up of financial and admission directors from colleges Edgewood Boulevard extension. The proposed four-lane thoroughfare would extend Edgewood expect Miller Road traffic to decrease. have attended the conference. and universities across the country, Jones said. "That's a misconception," she said, "we never contended that Jones added that he sees no need for all six of the Boulevard between South Cedar and South Logan streets in traffic on Miller Road would go down." The five student board representatives who would have gone to Lansing. representatives who planned on attending the Big Ten Conference McGinnis said her group supports the Edgewood Boulevard the conference are: Dan Stouffer, College of Agriculture and to go to the college board conference. Councilmember at Large Richard Baker and First Ward extension because they say it will provide another access route Natural Resources representative; Karen Pasaiak, College of "I think I can speak for the students at MSU as well as six people councilmember Robert Hull cast the dissenting votes. The measure taken by the council is the culmination of a 14-year essential to south Lansing's re-development. Human Ecology representative; Patricia Wilcox, executive can during this conference," Jones said. The city approved rezoning of the area 12 years ago to battle between residents on both sides of the extension issue. accommodate a moderate income housing complex. Arguments put forth by both groups rehashed points brought up Councilmember at Large Lucile Belen said the city made a on many previous occasions, following futile attempts at commitment to Miller Road residents when the property was Consumers lack 'clout,9 speaker says compromise between the two groups. Citizens opposed to the extension argue it will create an undue rezoned. If the property was rezoned to accommodate the townhouses, amount of noise, endanger the safety of their children and destroy Belen said, the council promised that Edgewood Boulevard would their neighborhoods. Without a powerful and nationwide During a PIRGIM-sponsored talk at be extended. involvement and t e consumer funding of One anti-extension spokesperson asked the council to "honor consumer coalition, the American consumer Berkey Hall, O'Reilley outlined shifts in At one point, a member of the audience attacked the council for candidates." commitments that neighborhoods are number one priority." will "continue to be trounced to the ground what he called "sinister" dealings with the Walter Neller Co. consumer-movement strategies for 1979. Consumer legislation fails primarily be¬ Baker said "somewhere along the line neighborhoods have to by the sheer economic force of the other The Consumer Federation of America, He accused the council of protecting special interests and "not a of lack of assertive come first." side" big business. cause a lobbying and national federation of 200 state and local first proposed in thinking of the people." — financial "clout," rather than legislators The possibility of a shopping center in the area, Kathleen O'Reilley, executive director of consumer groups, will emphasize increased 1964, Baker said, is the "only reason for the road." The Walter Neller Co. owns a major portion of the land along the the Consumer Federation of America, told objecting to specific bills. O'Reilley said. consumer participation at the grassroots Since no developer is presently interested in building a shopping proposed Edgewood Boulevard route. students and local consumer advocates level, stronger lobbying for proposed Corporations have the necessary financ¬ center, Baker said, "there is no justification for this road." Richard Neller, officer of the Walter Neller Co.. denied the Monday, "We have no clout." legislation and enforcing of effective con¬ ing to promote their collective viewpoints, Baker said the issue boils down to one major question — "is the accusations. "We don't have the money that General sumer law, over attempts to gain ground she said. But consumers are left with A portion of the land owned by the Walter Neller Co. required possibility of a shopping center worth potentially sacrificing the for the Foods or Parke Davis has — we don't have through new legislation. pursuading legislators while being poorly residents of 500 housing units along Edgewood Boulevard?" extension will be given to the city, Neller said. Lear jets or funds to back elected officials. "We have to" stand staffed and financed. Neller said this hopefully will "speed up the process" of back (from the The extension would also isolate more than 200 housing units "As a consumer, I couldn't walk into the legislative process) and try to build the "It is clear that politicians know they will between Edgewood Boulevard and 1-96 resulting in "intolerable completing the project. House of Representatives and lay down a not be voted out of office biggest, broad-based coalition we can," on the basis of buck-fifty!" O'Reilley said. "We need greater public their vote on a consumer bill," she said. ®[pO(n)!]®[jT) Defense budget JAMES IV McNALLY needed trimming The tyranny of tow-truckers It would be nice to think the move to restrict abortions for military dependents was rooted in cost consciousness, but unfortunately it just isn't so. Surely the record-breaking $117.3 million defense budget could I never understood how tow truck use some creative trimming, but the limits placed on military-funded operators could irk so many people until I abortion has no semblance of creativity, it smacks of moralistic pettiness finally became their unjust victim. I had just walked home from work when — an attempt to place military dependents on the same level as their my roommate advised me that he had seen civilian counterparts. a tow truck operator putting the chains on The controversy surrounding military abortions is really immaterial my van. "I've got some bad news," Jeff said. to the bloated defense bill — it is a mere drop in the bucket. But the "I had to pay to make him unhook it." "How much?" I asked. move to put dependents in line with civilians brings up many related "Fiftee" dollars." areas where changes could be made that would affect the size of the Fifteen dollars? Well, Jeff explained, it budget. was really only $10 but the driver didn't One of the many fringe benefits military personnel have been entitled have enough change for Jeffs $20, so he to is free medical care. But what constitutes medical care? Upon just wrote up the receipt for $15 and kept the rest of the change. entering a military base junior high school, one is immediately struck by Haslett Super Service, situated at Has- the number of kids wearing braces. It seems petty, but orthodontist cost lett and Marsh Roads, has an arrangement can run into thousands for each mouth. A family with a with Reaume & Dodds Management Co. to mentally retarded child can have the government subsidize the best haul "illegally" parked cars out of that possible and most costly care in the world. company's apartment parking lots. The old We do not contend the privileges are not deserved — the base pay of black tow truck with a broken flasher enlisted personnel prohibits a family from paying for special care, but so regularly patrols the corner of River and Victor Streets, pulling into the lots and does the base dole of an ADC mother or the hourly wage of the average checking for parking stickers. factory worker. Mine, alas, had none. Although 1 was The point is, if the government is going to restrict abortions on the parked legally in a parking space guaran¬ start towing — he just hooked his rig up to Police, campus police, or the management • charging money just to hook up chains teed by my lease agreement, I did not have mine. For that effort he feels he deserved to grounds that military personnel do not deserve anything more than company. In fact, he told me, I was "lucky" I when the real time-consumer, towing, what Health, Education and Welfare abortion guidelines provide for, my sticker placed in the window that be paid, even though my roommate ex¬ didn't have to pay $25. I asked him his never took place; Monday afternoon. Because I possess plained that I live in the building. It didn't name, considering the possibility of assert¬ • taking $15 for what is normally a $10 then logically, HEW recipients should be entitled to everything military several parking authorization cards and matter if I was rightfully parked, he told ing my rights through a complaint should he charge, and undoubtedly doing so because dependents receive — including and especially, free, high quality stickers, I place them in a plastic pouch on Jeff. He had hooked up his truck and be wrong. "Quit being sarcastic with me, the driver knew I was not there to protest; medical care. the window instead of blocking my vision deserved to be paid. Jeff paid the man. sonny," he barked. I told him I wasn't with several stickers. That day I had a Jeff obtained a receipt that states simply • a service station attendant refusing to As far as other cost cutting measures go, there are many possibilities. trying to be sarcastic; I just wanted to different sticker in the pouch. "Towing, $15 pd." The driver's name was know his name and the name of the driver. give me his name, as if he was all-knowing When military personnel retire after 20 years, they are immediately about Alone, that would be sufficient to say not on the receipt, nor was the name of the "You just go ahead and see what you can regulatory laws that he could entitled to half their base pay. For the average officer retiring at around possibly be violating; and "hang him." I think I might even agree with towing company. After finding out the do," he yelled and hung up. age 40. this means roughly $10,000 to $15,000 annually. The average that conviction on a technicality. But the name of the right company, I called Haslett He was quite indignant, to say the least. •having someone forget his telephone enlisted personnel — $7,000 to $10,000. driver of the truck has patrolled our area so Super Service to protest not only the A cold chill ran through my entire body, and often that, when checking for cars without manners being indignant to any person, Of course military personnel should be entitled to retirement pay — it treatment of a legally-parked vehicle but just like in those novels you read. I felt only including me. is the strongest inducement to sticking out 20 years — but when retiring stickers, he is usually able to pick out also the short-change stunt their driver hate. What can I do? I didn't even have the strange cars in the lot, as opposed to the pulled on my roommate. jerk's name so I could try reaching him What can I do? Well, I know where I at 45 means 20 years left in the labor force, the bonus becomes residents' cars. In the past he has left my A man answered the phone, and I tried t(f again. I wanted to protest what I saw as won't be buying my gas in the future. I excessive. Possibly a reduced retirement pay would be in order until age van. an obvious sight, untouched, seeing it unfair treatment, and protest through the would hope other students would avoid explain what had happened. He obviously 65 is reached. parked legally; but upon finding a convict¬ received many similar calls, because he was system, but I was given no chance. Haslett Super Service, but I'm not sure if Military personnel travel frequently. The average length of ing technicality, he knew that although the able to cite the number of the code, section It wasn't just a towing policy I was mad anyone really cares about protesting an van belonged to a resident, he could make a "225," which allows his driver to hook up a about. It incident they think cannot happen to them. assignment for Army personnel is one to two years. The average for few bucks. was: car, take the money, and unhook it. He also • attempting to tow a vehicle his driver But it can happen to anyone. I found out the other branches — Air Force, Navy, and Marines — is four to six years. I am told the operator didn't actually assured me I could check with East Lansing knew was rightfully parked; expensive way. A transcontinental move can run into thousands, overseas moves even more. It is all paid for by the defense budget. If the Army doubled its average assignment length, the savings would be profound, not to mention the benefits accrued to travel-weary dependents. The record $117 billion defense budget is 5 percent more than last Artificial limbs are not magical year's. Inflation, however, ran around 10 percent. The budget will A year ago I would have read the article saying you're fine; actually buy less than last year's. But despite that semi-comforting on Dr. Jan Stakosa and the Prosthetic •realizing yourself as an amputee and thought, the fact remains that it is still bloated, and even more Institute with awe, thinking the man to be grieving for a limb; and important, there are areas that should and could be cut. amazing. •Stakosa making an entire prosthesis Having had my leg amputated in Feb¬ from start to finish. ASMSU proposal ignores students ruary and using a prosthesis since March, I As a "bionic" arm, would you please say he and the State News have gone explain why I understand "bionics" as Grassroots hope I wish to express my concern over a ing reasons: First, the students would no overboard to portray a God-like image. We in this country have freedom of the implanted or permanently attached where as a myoelectric prosthesis has electrodes proposal before the ASMSU Student Board longer be directly choosing their president, press but it would appear someone writing attached to the prosthesis that come in that would change the method by which the thus he is no longer directly responsible to a subject of which contact with the skin to pick up impulses for on they have no The grassroots efforts of Robert Tisch and Richard Headlee are ASMSU Student Board president is the students. Second, the proposal would knowledge would verify some points stated neuromuscular control. There is nothing elected. While currently the board presi¬ being met head-on by another grassroots movement. Several citizens dent is elected by the student board, under limit the choice for president to a selected by Dr. Stakosa. Many points were mysterious or magical about this type of stretched to the limit of truth or misrepre¬ groups have begun using the media to explain the true effects of ballot the proposed amendment, the board presi¬ group. prosthetic device. sented. Here are a few: Having met approximately 150 amputees proposals E, H. and J, the so-called Headlee, voucher, and Tisch plans dent would "be elected by the voting I believe this proposed amendment is not •the only facility exclusively for treat¬ since becoming one myself, I feel not only in the best interest of the student body. for tax reform. membership of the student board from ment of amputee and birth defects in the your article was very biased but totally The organization of such groups as Citizens Against Tax Deceit will amongst its own membership." U.S.; misrepresenting and very degrading. I oppose this amendment for the follow¬ of wood in the construction of attempt to show taxpayers they shouldn't be conned into believing that •use a Brenda Rose the proposals, as grassroots efforts, are automatically beneficial to socket over plastic; 2041 Adelpha •surgeon patting you on the stump and Holt taxpayers. Several excellent reasons for voting down those proposals have been raised by these groups. Gay/Lesbian sportswriters needed Citizens Opposed to Slick Tax Schemes (COSTS), another such group, I am aware that the State News may be Vote for Tisch if you're a landlord is urging people to vote "No" on all three proposals. But — when you editorialize about read by innocent young high school gradu¬ reporters in men's locker rooms and COSTS plans to hold press conferences, open a speakers bureau, and ates and even Heaven forfend! by their women I have just calculated the effect the Tisch anything. In fact, there is a good chance you — — say: "The teams must decide whether or publish pamphlets telling the other more realistic side of the parents, so I shall try to couch the following not to permit reporters, regardless of sex, Amendment would have had on my 1977 will also loose. So who gains? Mostly half-hearted attempts at giving taxpayers a much deserved break. question in suitably obscure euphemisms, in the locker rooms. It's up to organized taxes. I would like to share this computa¬ owners of income property. Will this help The efforts of these groups will undoubtedly be directed at showing so as not to gain your paper an X-rating sports now to make the decision — double tion with your readers so they may do the tenants by reducing rents? You can bet not. voters the tax measures will not lower the total tax bill. Instead, they anywhere. or nothing," surely you are not saying they It has not happened in California according First, my property tax would have been to reports of my relatives there who are will show that the referendums will merely shift the burden of taxes to must decide between bi-sexuality and reduced by $849.95, half of my 1977 tax. But tenants. They have not had their rents ascetiscism, are you? areas other than property taxation. The Headlee amendment would do this would have made me ineligible for any reduced. little to actually control government spending and waste. Why is Guthrie Couldn't a happy compromise be worked property tax credit on my Michigan income Martin Fox, Professor The cries of the taxpayers must be heard, but the ballot proposals, out? Couldn't lesbian or gay reporters be Statistics & Probability tax return. My credit was $472.07, leaving assigned to interview temperamentally though resulting from good intents, are not sufficient to prevent what always bitching? congenial baseball players, heterosexual me a net saving of $377.88. Would I have been that much richer? I 1812 Pinecrest Dr. taxpayers oppose. In fact, not only do these "solutions" fail to solve the reporters assigned to interview similarly think not. You can bet that East Lansing Letter Policy problem, they will compound it. Similar laws have failed elsewhere; I am glad Bruce Guthrie is allowed to congenial players and christianly-ascetic would have imposed a 1 percent income tax. The Opinion Page welcomes all lettere Michigan is not a magic state where past failures mysteriously succeed. write as he does. It is good for people to be reporters of both sexes — if any exist — to You can also bet that our school board and and viewpoints. Readers should follow a few ; Without grassroots efforts to stop the misguided efforts, many voters exposed to his pessimistic attitude. His interview their similarly abstemious coun¬ the state would have imposed additional 1 rules to insure tAat as many Utters as pos- - abortion article left me quite upset, but I terparts — if any exist? sibU appear in print could be deceived into thinking the only opponent of t he three proposals percent income taxes authorized by the was willing to forget that, because when it I should think a newspaper would favor Tisch Amendment. There would be no other Letters should be tS lines or Uss and may is government. The insight of the groups opposing the proposals must be comes solely to that subject, I reason my be edited for State News styU and concise• commended: They realize one passed proposal would be bad and any socialization has given me more morality the increased flow, not the cutting-off, of way to cushion the shock to local govern¬ . ment and school budgets. Michigan does not ness to fit as many Utters as possibU on information, to its readers. I know how combination of the three would be devastating. than Guthrie. have the $5 billion surplus that California a page. Viewpoints may be no longer than 75 eagerly, for example, some of my sophisti¬ lines and may also be edited. It is becoming increasingly obvious big government will not reform cated New York friends, back in the had to help. The additional income taxes I am certainly no flag-waver at heart, but days of All Utters and viewpoints should be itself on its own. We have seen no tremendous tax or spending cuts, his article on the recruiting poster is just Yogi Berra and Joe di Maggio, would have would have cost me $659.82, leaving me typed on 65-space lines and tripU spaced. welcomed an "in-depth" story based on behind by $281.94. This is deductible on my although politicians know the taxpayer's mood. The legislative system too complete to ignore. I have been in seven federal income tax, saving me $84 for a net Letters and viewpoints must be signed and will not work, and the participants will not try. The only rational interviews with those two. include local address, student, faculty or foreign countries and have seen how other loss of $197.94. staff standing-if any-and phone number. solution remaining is a constitutional convention to restructure the people live. We have had things good for so If you were to do this computation, I am No Utter or vUwpoint without these items taxation process. long, we can't see how things might be will be considered for publication. under an alternative. Guthrie would not sure you will find you will save little, if consider attending college a luxury, when it really is. Writing as he does can certainly be considered another, but this has slipped his mind because he has always been able to DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau regard these as privileges. But ask any The State News j Iranian his life story. any/6. smiftm emu aims mtm,HeamsMexmve ABSOLUTELYNOT! AS I TOLD NBC YESTERDAY, THE STRUGGLE FORUS WEHAVE SUFFEREDFORW LONG, WE HAVE ENDURED PERSECUTION, HORRIBLE WARS, AND1HETHREAT ABC NEWS WITHDREW THE QUESTION. BACK The U.S. government has certainly made immvabcmis. nets NEVER ENDS. THE JEWISH PEOPLE Wednesday. October 18, 1978 ASKS) IF HE HAS ANY PLANS FOR MUST NEVER LET DOWN THEIR OF EXTINCTION FOR OVER WO THOU¬ AFTER THIS.. seriously shameful mistakes — there is no : Editorials are the opinions of the State News. TAKING A VACAVON.. 6UAPD AGAINST THE ENEMY! SAND YEARS, BE6INN1N6 WTTH. Viewpoints, columns way around it. But I cannot see how any and letters ore personal opinions person can suck in its benefits and be able Editorial Department to excrete criticisms. If Guthrie could put Editor-in-chief James L Smith Photo Editor KathyKilbury his obvious talents to constructive gains, Monogipg Editor Anne Stuart Entertainment 8 Book Editor . Dave DiMorlino maybe we c^uld make the U.S. even better. Opinion Editor KimShanahon Sports Editor Mike Klocke But he won't — it is too fashionable for City Editor Nunz 10 Lupo layout Editor Scott Wierengo Michelle Chambers freelance Editor journalists to cry rape. Write on Guthrie, Campus Editor Deborah Heywood because they don't shoot newspapermen, do Wire Editor Paula Mohr Chief Copy Editor . Kenneth E Porker Staff Representotiv Joy I Hoenlein they? Advertising Department Richard Rheaume Advertising Manager Bob Shoffar Assistant Advertising Manager GinaSpaniolo 4738 Duvernay Lansing Michigon Stole News, Eost lonsing, Michigo Wednesday, October 18. 1978 Life on the fault line told with passion in new 6Drift' Puzo's 'Fools Die insubstantial CONTINENTAL DRIFT By James D. Houston tal Drift's viewed as a plot might be standard sus on Houston's writing borders poetry throughout most FOOLS DIE to be failing. Perhaps, Alfred A. Knopf of the book, at times seem as pense tale with a shade more con By Mario Puzo the Merlin of the Arthurean humanization than the norm. veying bleak moods but Putnam legend, who is both a major Yet lying deep under the usually focusing on the com $12.50 metaphor in this novel and the The most interesting charac¬ narrative, much like the plex perceptions of the char Reviewed by DAN (ALBERT character from whom the au¬ ter in the book is the great acters. His verbose style "What a target I've given thor/protagonist chooses his writer Orsano, whose raging, Continental Drift's under perfectly catches their ran here. I know - I know - how name, Puzo is living his literary drinking and continual fornicat¬ lying theme is symbolically dom sensory impressions irresistible it teem*. But be life in reverse. For as time ing make him the most genuine represented by the San An and establishes the novel's careful I'm a very tricky story- passed, Merlin grew younger, character of them ail, and dreas Fault, the book's set¬ own elusive character: teller, not just one of your not older. For Puzo, the en¬ ultimately lead to his undoing. ting, and in some ways its vulnerable sensitive artists. If there is a master magician at ". In the orchard their suing years since his last novel, most important feature. . . Tve taken my precautions. Tve which should have breed im- work in Fools Die it is Orslano, Dealing with one Californian eyes brim, and their lusts still got a few surprises left. family, the book is a study in gleam, and what chance then "But enough. Let me go to division — divided relation does distaste have, or guilt, or self-loathing or inherited work. Let me begin and let me ships, divided landforms and end." What the novel lacks is substance. It is form a man who ultimately is of a morality or some battered With these words, Mario sense of tradition, or his¬ divided mind about his life. without content, a hollow outline of some- tory? If there were one Puzo's alter ego, John Merlyn, ends his first-person prologue thing that could have been interesting and Montrose 40s, is a Doyle, in his part-time columnist phrase to sum up Monty's state of mind at eleven to his readers, and his book — could, but is ultimately neither. and rancher whose casual, Fools Die — begins. It seems a forty-five on this Saturday stable lifestyle suddenly is clever tool as author Puzo uses morning, down here at the it to begin his first novel since disrupted by the return of rift zone where the plates his son from Vietnam. A meet and quietly kiss, where the publication of The God-, father 10 years ago, but it is one provement in his writing, have who proves to be the ultimate slightly unhinged vet, Tra¬ his apple trees meet the wild that ultimately remains only not increased his powers but conjurer/hustler in a book full vis brings his new girlfriend Fault's relation to the Cali¬ pine and redwood forests so considerably lessened them. of them. Crystal home with him and fornia setting, is a deeper characteristic of the coast that — a clever tool. However, this book is not a Puzo is true to his words, he soon has serious trouble theme that makes the book range of this altitude, it It is probably a subconscious total failure — nothing 600 does make an irresistible tar¬ adjusting to his once-iamil so very much worth reading. would be 'Do it now, worry wish of most readers — those who return to authors time and pages long could be all bad — get. During the course of the iar lifestyle. Houston's elegant writing later.' " but it is a small book both in style is dry. but at the same again despite their failures or novel, on dozens of occasions, scope and realization. The he breaks his own rule of Adjustment — the ad¬ Houston conveys a life successes to be addressed — memorable scenes that were in justment to living situations, resignation-filled senti style in Continental Drift personally from the pages they writing by slipping into first to familiar but-alien land¬ The Godfather are absent from hold so sacred. It's a challenge person. Why? There is no idea Fools Die. This book travels at scapes. to new perceptions set forth directly to you from provided, and it certainly and to fragile relationships the author and not by some one speed and the only varia¬ doesn't work well enough to — tion is an occasional slowing. — all of this is Continental unseasoned beginner, trying to justify doing. Drift's second major theme, What the novel lacks is Houston's use it as a trick, but by Puzo substance. It is form without There are many questions one that naturally follows its writing borders on poetry through¬ himself, whose novel The God¬ one could ask about Fools Die, first of division and disrup out most of the book, at times conveying content, a hollow outline of father sold over 15 million but the answers are not forth¬ tion. Travis must adjust to something that could have been bleak moods but usually focusing on the copies, and who skillfullly led us n his awkward who knows the game far better California again, to his poli¬ interesting and good, but is coming. But then again, per¬ through the labyrinth of organ¬ fas more careful. than even the novel's John haps Puzo/Merlyn answer tically-active brother Grover complex perceptions of the characters. His ized crime, world that both He took elaborate steps to Merlyn. ultimately neither. When the verbose style perfectly catches their random a them all elsewhere in the who's now a bluegrass-play- don had someone killed, we repelled and attracted us. He make alien and dark The reason for the emptiness a very knew why, and despite our prologue: ing, domesticated hippie; his sensory impressions and establishes the no¬ didn't sugar-coat it to keep us world open up for us. The is that Puzo seems to have lost father must adjust to his opinion of the act, we under¬ "I will 8how you the artist vel's own elusive character. from being offended and possi¬ family honor, strength and any sense of uncertainty — of stood his rationale. We could bly losing readers, he gave us spirit that permeated The God¬ modesty. The precise craftman- getting the sh- kicked out of encounter with his son's see Fredo sit weeping in the him for the soke of his art. And the blood and bodies. Who father was something we all ship that dominated The Godfa¬ girlfriend and the subse¬ street after his father has been could really dare to call the wished we could have a little ther and made it great, why he so richly deserves it. quent weakening of his mar¬ shot by killers and understand Then I will show him as a picture he painted excessive, more of in our own lives. stemmed primarily from Puzo's riage; finally, all the book's his inaction — it made sense. considering his subject? But, in Fools Die, Puzo is no explaining himself in depth — cunning criminal and having the characters must adjust to a mentality. The combination that is peculiar to only one But the problem with Fools time ofhis life. Ah, what joy the Yes, he was good to us then. longer the least bit unsure. rounding out the characters series of local murders works well: just by the tone area and people, yet the Die is - who cares? The person true artist feels when he finally emotions running on the Even though we seemed to From his own prologue we can and the scenes, making certain which of the narrative, the barren¬ around whom most of the action becomes a crook. He's out in the gradually introduces a surface and behind the lines subsist on the literary trash of see he pictures himself as a they hit the mark and rang ness of the California climate sense of oncoming apoca¬ takes place doesn't, so why open now, his essential nature. and the main character's of the novel are universal to the Wallaces and Sheldons he literary magician at the peak of true. He seemed to realize that lypse that hovers through¬ he wasn't should we? Merlyn goes No more kidding around about perception of it are sug¬ us all. His writing is superb, rose above it — in The Godfa¬ his powers. As one who can perfect, that a book out the whole of the book. ther he soared. make the boasts that at the wouldn't automatically make through the motions, even con¬ his honor. The son of a bitch is a gested and then inter¬ as is the entire book. Highly- But he didn't do this with the millions, that it took an extra jures tears on one occasion, but hustler. A conniver." On the surface, Continen¬ twined. recommended. beginning of the novel seem we know he is fooling with us, effort to make characters work Book supplied courtesy of cocky self assurance of a writer daring and challenging, but and when he finally lets us in on who had sold millions of books. and scenes memorable. the Student Book Store. when they are repeated at the the trick, he turns out to be That's important. The Godfa¬ end, seem hollow and empty. In Fools Die, Puzo is past ther was Puzo's first bestseller The reader is left with a feeling that point and that is the prime exactly what we think he is and it makes sense. But the delayed — he was still undaunted by of being hustled by reason his powers as magician THI STROM BREWERY COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN ® 1»7B We've Moved We've moved our Whole Sale! stock of records and tapes to our new store at the North Door of Frandor and the less we have to organize, the better. So help us reduce our inventory and come visit our new store. LP's Sale Price List Price $4.98 $2.49 5.98 3.49 6.98 3.99 7.98 4.99 8.98 5.99 Big Savings on all multiple record sets as well. (No special orders at sale price accepted at this time.) Tapes Sale Price List Price 7.98 5.49 8.98 6.59 "Care to join me in a cold Stroh's ?" Sale runs until our Official Grand Opening. Watch the State News for details. MUSIC CO. 540 Frandor Ave, < Lansing For the real beer lover. £ MicHigon Stote News. Eost Lonsing, Michigon Wednesday, October 18, 1978 ALLES BIOGRAPHER GIVES LECTURE Lax tells Woody's story By ANNE MARIE BIONDO coincidentally ran into Allen again in New York. Sute News Staff Writer Lax said Allen was pleased with the story because "Woody Allen is a series of contradictions. He's painfully shy. but he's terrifically secure in his own talent. And if anyone wants to see him. it has he didn't quote his jokes out of context and preserved the punch lines. After proving himself as a competent and reliable journalist. Lax had an easy time Turrentine: schlock at Dooleys to be according to his own work.. If you're willing to take him on his schedule, he's very accessible." pursuading Allen to let him write a biography. Three years later On Being Funny was complet Tracing the development of Allen's work, his By DAVE Di MARTINO Hey, I'll be the first to admit that Turrentine's ed and published. biographer. Eric Lax. told an-almost full Fairchild SUte News Reviewer music isn't "really" jazz-rock; the hit off his new Theatre Monday night the facts about the During the past seven years, Lax succeeded in Maybe it was the fact that I'd just been LP is called "Disco Dancing" — he played it mysteriously shy comedian-film maker. gaining as much access to Allen as he wanted listening to an old Blue Note Stanley Turrentine Monday night — and that should be as good an "He spent most of his time as a child learning to simply by "just watching and not saying much." reissue, maybe it was the fact that I was in a bad indication as any as to where he's going. But slide a coin across his finger," Lax said. "The man Lax has learned to understand and appreciate mood: either way, the music Stanley Turrentine Turrentine's too good a player, with too good a is very agile, he's not a klutz." Allen's profound philosophies about drama, played at Dooley's Monday night put me to sleep background, to waste his life away playing After Allen began writing jokes regularly for comedy and life in general. a lot quicker than all the beer I drank to keep up commercial pablum. In the current Down Beat, "The true nature of film," Lax said, quoting magazines and newspapers, he changed his name my interest in the show. Turrentine mentions that he'd like his albums to from Allen Stewart Konigsberg to avoid ribbing Allen, "is not literature, not painting, it's not even Put simply, Turrentine is playing schlock, such be in "everyone's" house; his new LP was in my at school. film — that's the part that confused most people." unbelievable schlock that even I, who can house for all of an hour before I drove it over to Lax, the author of On Being Funny, said Allen Death and sex have long been recognized as the tolerate almost anything, have to admit I really Wazoo for a quick dump. was an avid movie- and stage-goer. As a young two most predominate themes in Allen's work — can't find any redeeming qualities at all in the because those are the two things he thinks boy he would sit through movies sometimes eight stuff. Low key, low interest, but big bucks for times writing down his favorite routines on about the most, Lax reasoned. Mr. T, who proudly announced Monday night his popcorn boxes. Quoting Allen again, he said, "I don't want to latest album has gone gold. I might have thought Turrentine is ploying schlock, "When he was called on in class, he would achieve immortality through my work, I'd like to it would've gone to sleep, if anything. such unbelievable schlock that deliver the routine to the teacher instead of the achieve it by not dying." So what did he do? Not much. Starting out even I, who can tolerate almost real answer to the question." Lax was asked from a member of the audience with some sappy ballad — he likes ballads - he Lax met Allen in 1972 when he interviewed him where Allen is going with his newest film, played only the melody, and little more. No anything, have to admit I really for a New York Times Magazine story. Interiors. improvisation — maybe a little here and there, can't find any redeeming quali¬ "I came in as accidental as the sinking of the "Straight to the bank." Lax quickly answered. but he wasn't exactly straining for ideas. Instead ties at all in the stuff. Titantic," Lax said, unconsciously imitating But on a serious note, Lax called Interiors a "huge he seemed to be striving for the least offensive Allen's stand-up gestures. breakthrough." not only because it is not a note, which in itself, to me at least, is offensive. His first attempt failed when the most he could comedy but because of the film's "fabulous The set: first came the Stanley Turrentine get was "yes. no and a nod of the head" answers to photography." Quartet, an anonymous bunch of guys who sat So what's Turrentine to do? Obviously he's his well-thought out questions. Calling Interiors "a good solid Greek drama." down on the stage and played a hackneyed little happy that his last album went gold. He's Discouraged, Lax went to California where he Lax said the biggest problems in the film were the funk shuffle, a taste of things to come. Then came probably using the rationale that he must be intended to sulk. Instead he got another crack at places where "emotion fell over." A happy fellow, Stanley Turrentine skirted the the man himself, Stanley, with a tenor sax and a doing something right, or else he wouldn't be interviewing Allen. Play it Again Sam was being version of "That's the Way of the World" that selling records at all. Sure, he's made records of made there, and Lax was granted permission to "In each of his films, he develops a little more." realms of schlock excess at.Dooley's Monday night, Earth Wind and Fire could outdo in their sleep. "straight" jazz that haven't sold one tenth as well sit on the set and watch for "as long as Woody Lax explained. "Though he continues to make much to the enjoyment of the audience and, no I hate to sound so negative, but REALLY, as his new stuff does. In that same Down Beat tolerated." mistakes, he doesn't make the same mistake. doubt, his record company. what kind of music is this guy playing? Sticking article he dismisses those great Blue Note After the story was published in the Times, Lax Allen goes off and discovers other mistakes." in a few bass honks now and then, affirming his sessions as six-hour quickies, saying that he puts R&B background (about the only legitimate a lot more time and effort in his current records "The entire recent tradition of American music of the night), he stayed with the melody and they're therefore "better." What do Dan Aekroyd, Burns & Schreiber, theatrical satire can be summed up in three and hardly improvised. He danced a little, as the Well I don't wanna get on a soapbox or Gilda Radner, Robert Klein, Valerie "Rhoda" Harper, David Steinberg, Alan Arkin, John words: The Second City." This is probably truer audience applauded (for no reason I could anything, but let us be the judge of that, Mr. T. now than ever, thanks to the role discern) and then let his bandmembers solo. What's the point of doing a very stale cover Belushi, Stiller & Meara, Fred "Jerry Hubbard" played by Second City veterans in the popular TV show, The band itself was utterly faceless. The version of Weather Report s "Birdland" and then Comedy from Second Willard, Joan Rivers, Bill Murray, Mike Nichols & Elaine May and Shelley Berman have in Saturday Night Live. keyboard player (who looked like Count Basie doing it again as an encore simply because it's the common? Well, aside from the fact that they have Part of the credit for the longevity of The with a wool hat on, incidentally) wandered only upbeat number in your whole repetoire? all at one time or another been funny, they have Second City can go to the fact that their material around a bit on a cheapie synthesizer, the Who's kidding whom? has always originated in spontaneous improvisa¬ guitarist picked a few sloppy solos, the bassist Ordinarily I just try to dismiss this stuff, City: Wednesday Night also shared a common t raining ground: Chicago's improvisational comedy troupe, The Second City. tion between members of the troupe. This enables and drummer provided a very dull rhythm thinking that guys like Turrentine and Freddie MSU students will get a chance to see and hear them to come up with more material than writers accompaniment, and finally, Mr. T played a little Hubbard deserve the money if anybody does. But the Jerry Hubbards and John Belushis of could hope to provide. melodv AnH that was it. when I actually have to sit through it, after tomorrow when the Second City Touring The Second City's "style" also demands a The only interesting music was an unintroduc- listening to their "good old days" of no cash but Live on campus Company plays on campus tonight, at 8 in Erickson Kiva. The performance will be the minimum of sets and stage props. The comics employ only a few hand props and improvised ed number with a walking bassline that Turrentine for once seemed to play with feeling. great art, it makes me a little sick to my stomach. So no big deal, Mr. T — make your money if costumes in their routines, which poke fun at No sense of plodding aimlessness, a song that you want it. I won't listen to you and you won't mid-Michigan debut for the 19-year-old comedy actually was going somewhere and it \ listen to me, so I guess it doesn't really matter, group. contemporary American manners and morals, — - In 1969 a New York Times writer commented. institutions and politics. in five minutes. Professional Hairstyling Engineering I Computer Science Mojon FOR BEFORE YOU PICK UP AS LOW YOUR DEGREE, AS $6.50 PICK OUR INTERVIEW. Air Conditioned Contact your placement office for your comfort for interview dates. 332-2416 by Appt. or WALK IN HUGHES Above Sam's Clothing, Abbott & Grand River AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER M E Stairwell near Crossroads Imp. OVERSEAS STUDY OPEN HOUSE Believe us. We're se sere Feeiees kedpe THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19 fried Chkkee testes better 6:30-8:30 pm that we're affarlag yea a spatial dlaaer valae last ta wake a "believer" eat ef yea. INTERNATIONAL CENTER 3 pieces Includes chicken LOBBY mashed potatoes and gravy, coleslaw and 2 biscuits. INTERESTED STUDENTS ARE INVITED TO MEET PROFESSORS, jules and the polar bears, WEDNESDAY SPICIAL! FORMER PARTICIPANTS AND OVERSEAS STUDY STAFF. playfully disruptive, like all of nature's clever tricks. THERE WILL BE REFRESHMENTS, AND SLIDES WILL BE SHOWN 3-Pc. Chicken Dinner IN THE CON-CON ROOM AS FOLLOWS: $|59 Rag. '2" 6:45 AROUND THE WORLD IN OVERSEAS STUDY jules and the polar bears, 7:10 NATURAL SCIENCE BACKPACKING EXPEDITION 7:30 "got no breeding ."]C 35601 LONDON SUMMER (DR. LEWIS) wild and set loose, iamt/$%$c/be cncnrutvcM »® 8:00 FLORENCE: SPRING STUDY PROGRAM (DR. GRAHAM) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: on Columbia records and tapes. pioduced by larry hirsch. Stephen haf facilities, but hopefully the situation will improve when the 8-5-1. which is a deceiving record. To start the season, it had to new IM building is built," Sierra stressed. Presently, there are State Newj/lraStrickstein The only time a tight end gets any notice is w hen he catches the face stiff competition during their California tour and only won one only 12 courts. The booming popularity of racquetball and paddle¬ ball. But there is a lot more to playing the position than going out of five games. Since then, though, they have been 7 11. Sierra attributes the popularity of racquetball to a massive ball, when combined with the relative shortage of for passes. A tight end does a lot of blocking during the course of "We have our work cut out for us." coach Joe Baum said. advertising campaign and the follow-through of the tennis courts on the MSU campus, makes waiting fer open the game. "They're a good solid team. They are as good as any of the other "I like the running game as well as the passing game." Brammer trend. "It followed from handball and paddleball, and has been courts a common occurrence. top clubs we've faced this season." said. "It's a challenge, you have to highly promoted." The Spartans also haven't beaten Spring Arbor in three years. do both to have a winning Sports Illustrated has recently opened racquetball clubs "They also have a good nucleus coming back from last year," satisfied with my across the country. While handball costs are minimal and because anyone can play it. It doesn't have to be super more catching than my blocking. I alw Baum said. "Their goalie is the best we'll face all year." paddleball slightly higher, a good racquet can cost between $15 organized, which can turn a lot of people off. MSU's biggest task though will be stopping Taylor. Taylor is » get better at my blocking. It's something and $40. "It's very individualistic, and there's so much you can learn work a from England, and so far he has scored 115 goals during his four Whether it is a highly-promoted trend or here to stay, about it," Hughes added. He also pointed out that there are Now that the Michigan game, which Brammer calls a "steppin years of collegiate play. stone" for the rest of the season, is history, he's optimistic a hot racquet ball is worth the wait for many people. many types of shots you can use to perplex your opponent. "The To stop Spring Arbor, MSU will need some of their questionable "When you love the game, you don't mind the wait," said best players are the older men who have been playing for the rest of the season. starters, especially Tom Coleman and Soleman Younes to play. Chris Hughes, a senior majoring in biology. "It's a great game years." "We can beat everyone else," he said. "The next six games ar Coleman, who has thus far been the backbone of the team, injured all going to be important. The next six are a must." i continued on page 9> PRIIRIDKIN SHAMPOO" WE HAVE FRAmES with all style cuts *9*° save ,200 (thru Dec. 31 ) TO SUIT ANYONE PARTY!! CAMPUS AT LOOKING with BARBERSHOP eperms for men & women GLASSES! Jim POCOCK eprecision styling 0 We use and recommend RK products State Rep. Candidate By appointment or walk-in 337-9881 or 337-1144 Tonight 7-9 p.m. 621 E. Grand River # next to Tech Hi-Fi Big Ten Room - Kellogg Center Every Wednesday Refreshments-bring I.D. BRING IN YOUR PRESCRIPTION A Whopper or have your eyeglasses duplicated. Choose from popular names such as Playboy, Silhouette. Christian Jazz music of "Spirit" of a special! 50C cover Cash Bar Dior and Elizabeth Arden 5 pm till 1:00 am ♦Say the secret words & receive free initials on your eyeglasses 69' Whoppers ' tadqip. LOCATED THROUGH MALL ENTRANCE OF LEON G'S no limit Offers Good at Both 1141 E. Grand River 3121 E. Saginaw and MEMOREX MICHILIN RADIALS 40 000 Mil* HVarronly Accessory Sale 155-13 37.93 bk 2*165 13 3S.9S bk 165 I5w s 39.93 BK 185 14 37.93 w s 195 14 S0.9S 205-14 S3.9S 205 15 *9.9* w s ; MM" 215-15 71.93 w s 225 15 73.93 w s F.E.T. 141-3.29 Att SIZES AVAILABLE UMKUIKK RAOULS I2BH15 wv. fit. lust whiti letter liilS '44" plus f.e.t. SALE ENDS OCTOBER 3 1ST We also have Monster Mudders Oick Cepek FREE MOUNTING »FAST SERVICE tu MAJOt lutes tVilUllf ^ ^ A TIRE INC a fit a a Oh0...s332UOSOOD, 6545 Student 2W State, Inc. iuMWAIU A 421 E. Grand River (across from Olin) I an, in,, (vitem wheel and tlr. a, parti Michigon Stote News, Eos! Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 18, 1978 9 Kickers at Spring Arbor (continued from page 8) Lyons paces MSU stick team; his knee against Wisconsin Saturday and came home on crutches. Younes still hasn't recovered from his back injury against Notre Dame.. then well Spartans host Western today a. H "If we can get Younes and Coleman back for the game, be in pretty good shape," Baum said. "If not, then we'll need efficient support from the reserve players." Defenseman Bill Abbott also injured his leg against Wisconsin making him questionable for today's contest. MSU already has lost By CHERYL FISH SUte News Sports Writer came Impressed with the play of many east to MSU to study med tech pathologv. coast teams. Lyons i /i the big hump in 1/ Only when standing close to here can one see "We travel and it's hard to fit in labs. I don't have the leisure Scott Campbell, last year's leading scorer as a freshman, for the her mouth were a flying ball hit her in last Tuesday's game time to fool around." Lyons revealed. But she doesn't mind that. year because of torn ligaments. MSU's schedule for the remainder of the season will not work in against Central Michigan. While watching her on the field, one "My aggressions come out in practice. This is my fun. Here I've 11 could never tell she'd been injured several days ago. found the friendships that others don't have," she added. its favor either. Starting today, five of the Spartans' final six Nancy Lyons is the most consistent scorer the MSU field A three year veteran on the team, Lyons has watched the .»V/ f< games will be on the road. hockey team has. Last season, she scored 31 of the Spartans' 45 skill level of here teammates steadily improve. "Many of us "When you go on the road, the referees aren't as predictable as goals, and this year she is doing well with 16 in eight games. have been here for two or three years, so we know how to play you would like," Baum said. "You're also not sure what the With her quickness and strong stickwork, she is valuable to the together. Our skills and our personalities have grown as we got conditions of the playing surfaces will be. When we play on nice f Spartan stickers. to know each other better. We lean on each other." grass fields, it works to our advantage. After she was hit in the mouth, Lyons remained in the game Lyons does not take all the credit given for her outstanding Sooners still No. 1 NEW YORK (UPI) - Okla moved up three places to fifth and shortly scored a goal to contribute to her team's 3 2 victory. "I don't remember being on the field. I was in an ozone world," Lyons recalled. Yet she served as an inspiration to hY5-KG., 0W,ONk*mSO/R CREAM POTATO SAVE UP TO 18* w/c fluARTE FEED Plain ^Sugared IMPERIAL «Qk CHIPS MARfiAWNE^OJ DONUTS SAVE IB* Ul/C PETKH AAA/ P8ANUT W/TTEROIXCKUHCHy CUAMy ie„. ® QQ 2m12 PACKS FROZEN foooSPec/Ats / ZOUNmr Ftccv* wwmsi CHEESE save opts lot uve "^WAFFLES '88: ^9^ wwtiyFiAiie (** ORANGE SINGLES SAVE 444 W/C SEAPACK. SHRIMP^BATTER" *||V) DRINK £S2& v, ^ We-haul; We're Covered Our low rates include: Insurance. 14 foot truck, gas. mileage, dolly, furniture Call 372*8265 pads and my labor. Michigan Stole News, Eost Loosing, Michigon Wednesday. October 18, 1978 ^' NIW DIMENSIONS Heart attack Transport opinions to be given in COMPUTING claims prof Environmental group pushes A summary of citizen com¬ growth through 1980, but is outdated. transportation problem tionnaire handed out ques- 541 Building (517) 337-2880 ments will be presented to the now at the 541 E. Gr River Denton McGrady, MSU pro¬ Transportation Advisory Com¬ Major street plan classifica- local meetings will also be fessor of metallurgy, died in East Lansing Saturday of a heart attack. for hoard opposition to mall mittee at 7:30 tonight in con¬ ference room B of the East Lansing City Hall, 410 Abbott tions and survey results from a discussed. E. Laming, Ml 48823 Mew Book! McGrady, 65, was a faculty member in the MSU Depart¬ The ASMSU Environmental Council decided i ts priority goal would be to encourage the Eder said the council would like to bring Peter Hutchinson, director of Dayton-Hudson Proper¬ Road. The comments were gath¬ Job meeting tonight Starship Simulation from Dilithium ment of Engineering for 42 ered by the committee over the Student Board to formally oppose the proposed ties, and Jim Anderson, coordinator of Citizens November 13 years and author of numerous for a Livable Community, to present both sides of past few weeks. The MSU chapter of Women though 17, gives technical publications. Dayton-Hudson mall at its first meeting Monday Seven meetings have been in Communications, Inc. will participants the opportunity to night. the issue to the Student Board. He was a member of several held in different parts of East have a sign-up session for its spend a working day with a Members of the new council are representa¬ Council members also discussed and pooled communications organizations, among them the their information Lansing to hear public opinion Day on the Job Program at its professional. tives from area environmental groups including on the proposed cross-campus 4n American Society of Metallur¬ on the transportation aspect of first meeting tonight from 6:30 David Coehlo, President of Greenpeace, Fund for Animals, MSU's Environ¬ highway, Eder said. He added that MSU's the College of Communication gy, American Society of Engi¬ Environmental Information Services is studying developing a new Comprehen¬ to 8:30 p.m. in the Green Room mental Information Services, PIRGIM and Arts and Sciences Alumni As¬ neering Education and the and forming groups to take action on the sive Plan. of the Union Building. American Institute of Mining Students for a Livable Community. The sociation, and General Manager Comprehensive Plan, Tim Eder, of Environmental Information proposed highway. of the Meridian Mall, will also Metallurgy and Petroleum En¬ Eder said the council will elect adopted in the 1960s, was Services, said the council will introduce a an interim gineers. supposed to predict the citv's speak at the meeting. resolution to the board to oppose the proposed director at the next meeting. Any environmen¬ Born in Geneva, III., Mc¬ Dayton-Hudson mall as soon as possible, in view tally-oriented campus groups may join the Grady received his bachelor's of the November elections. council, he added. degree from Iowa State Univer¬ sity in 1936 and his master's degree in 1939 and doctorate in 1956, both from MSU. Memorial services will be held at Edgewood United Church, 469 N. Hagadorn, to¬ day at 2 p.m. Candidate Levin at open forum Democratic U.S. Senate can¬ didate Carl Levin will i questions at an open forum in the Michigan Room of the Olds Plaza Hotel Thursday at i The forum is sponsored by Sigma Delta Chi, the Society for Professional Journalists. Free Pregnancy Testing Counseling Services Pregnancy Terminations Gynecological Core Family Planning BOWLING LANES Open Bow ling BLUES AND BOOGEWOOGE MICHIGAN'S LARGEST DISCO EVERY W ED. Friday & Saturday • Linear Theatre Sound System • Illuminated Dance Floor & Wall OCTOBER 20 & 21 • Your Favorite Spirits & Snacks 9:00am-ll 00pm 8:00 p.m. till 2:30 a.m. Tuesday Through Sunday 8& 10:30 pm Admission Cover - ,2°" — Friday & Saturday '3°° Call us for other of ien bowling Erickson Kiva Preferred Attire: Gentlemen - Sport or Dress Coots Ladies ■ Skirts or Dresses times. $3 at MSUnion Ticket Office. Elderly Instruments, Campus Corners II, $3.50 at the door. EAST OF HAGADORN ON GRAND RIVER Lower Level A division of the ASMSU CALL 3553357 Programming Board Fund Wednesday, October 18, 1970 ]2 Mrchigon Stote News, East lonsing, Michigon Iranian trouble will Huron Indians consider suit Announcements for It's Whats MSU Promenaders present a Tenants Resource Center needs become housing be subject of forum Happening must be received in the State News office, 343 Student square dance at 7 tonight, 332 Union. No experience needed. volunteers to counselors. Training session is "Iran in Turmoil" will be the Also, the Trotskyite of permanent revolution theory against state for lack of aid results. Services two Bldg., by noon at least days before publication. No announcements will be accepted Spartan Pistol Club meets every Wednesday from 7 to 10 p.m., Friday and Saturday. or stop by 855 Grove Call 337-9795 St. topic of a forum sponsored by will be ATHENS, Mich. (UPI) - Members of the by phone. Demonstration Hall Rifle Range. Lesbian orientation at 7:30 to¬ the Spartacus Youth League compared to the strategies Huron Potawatomi tribe living on the Pine "The per capita income is $1,900. That's Everyone invited to attend. abject poverty. That's squalid. That's un¬ night, Union Tower Room • tonight at 7:90 p.m. in 204 purposed by various Iranian Creek Reservation are considering a $1 Israel Awareness Group will Internationa] Center. left and Islamic student move¬ million damage suit against the state for believable," Bush said. hold a dinner meeting at 5:30 p.m. Council of Graduate Students The forum will deal with ments. Bush said the reservation is in need of 5:30 tonight, Interna¬ Earn Academic credit as an failure to provide promised financial aid, a tonight, at Hillel. There will be a meets at what the youth league says are massive rehabilitation. tional Center ConCon Room. intern with the Michigan Mid- tribal spokesperson said Tuesday. speaker on refugees in Middle Sam Lewis, editor of the He said 12 of the 14 houses on the Brown Bag - open to all. South Health Systems Agency. the reactionary forces involved Gordon Bush, director of Huron Potawa¬ East. .... Contact Dave Persell, College of in the recent uprisings against newsletter. "Young Spartacus," tomi Inc., the reservation's governing body, reservation have been rated substandard by Dietetic students: Open house 2 Would you like to help your Urban Development. the Shah of Iran will be the featured speaker. county inspectors, that there is a lack of said that despite agreements signed more p.m. Sunday. Pick up invitations in community? Join Circle K at a than a century ago by state officials, the health care, that because the land never was Room 1 Human Ecology. meeting 6 tonight, Union Sun- surveyed farmers have encroached on the MSU Marketing Club is proud governor has failed to provide the reservation porch. presentation of Inspectors needed — the only state reservation in Michigan — reservation and that markers designating the Pi Mu Epsilon, math honorary, to announce with needed services. area a national historic landmark were never will meet at 7:30 tonight, A207 Compbell-Ewald Advertising Applications for ASMSU com¬ Agency 7 tonight, Eppley Center put up. Wells Hall. Non-members are wel- positions are due by 5 "In general, we lack all necessary services mittee T °ak Room. The East Lansing City The pay is $40 for the day to maintain health or safety," Bush said. "We are considering a suit beginning Jan. 1. today, 334 Student Services Bldg. Clerk s Office is taking imme and $5 for attending a required "There are two lawfully registered deeds We asked for services out here. We're about Burt Reynolds, Merv Griffin, Mobilization for Survival meet¬ diate applications for election one hour instruction session at 20 minutes from the nearest town so we have MSU Retailing Club meeting at which place 120 acres in trust to the governor. ing to plan Silkwood Memorial at the Hannah Middle School at Doug Henning discuss Transcen¬ 7 tonight, 300 Human Ecology. inspectors to work the day of For 130 years, no governor has been out here. no fire or police protection and the governor dental Meditation with Maharishi 7:30 tonight. Union Oak Room the Nov. 7 election. 3:30 p.m.,Nov. 2. has done nothing," Bush said. Guest speaker is Gail Braverman No governor has ever been held accountable." Mahest Yogi on videotape at 7:30 from Placement Services. Forty to 50 people of all party The deeds were signed by then-Gov. John He said the suit would demand, in addition Inspectors provide informa¬ affiliations are needed. Appli¬ p.m. tonight, 302 Bessey Hall. Foreign Student Office presents S. Barry who the Indians say promised them to$l million in damages, $1.3 million in state tion. verify signatures and Spartan Buddy volunteer orien¬ "Travel in America", a discussion cants must be registered elec¬ state protection. aid. "Say Goodbye" film presenta¬ tation at 3 today, 328 Student with World Travel Agency at noon oversee the entire elections tors in East Lansing, and must tion by Greenpeace concerning Bush said conditions on the Calhoun County Bush said a task force from the governor's Services Bldg. Men who would today, Owen Graduate Center, process at the polls. apply in person at the City office was at the reservation last week but endangered species at 7:30 p.m. like to be Big Brothers invited. reservation have been declining steadily since Dining Room B. Hours are 6 a.m. to about 11 Clerk's Office, 410 Abbott members said nothing could be done tonight, B102 Wells Hall. 1934 and pleas for state aid have gotten no p.m. and workers must remain Road, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the precincts for the entire No deadline for applications time. has been set. MSU HOMECOMING '78 Incomes rise as dollar shrinks raaaaasaaa! WASHINGTON IAP) - If with $2,000 in; Special offer at the freshest your burning desire is to make a million dollars, that wish The Social Security Admin¬ restaurant in East Lansing: probably will come true if you istration projects that in the live long enough. mid 21st century, the average But don't expect much worker will be pulling down change when you go to the $656,000 a year, compared with supermarket in the year 2050 $10,500 today. I I Michigan State News, Eost Lansing. Michigan Wednesday, October 18, 19781 3 Enploymeiit H Classified Advertising PROGRAMMER ANALYST RECEPTIONIST PART- OVERSEAS JOBS - Sum PART TIME, days or even¬ MUSTANG II 1974. FM/AM VOLKSWAGEN DASHER, SUZUKI. 1976 - GT500. • Information stereo. 4 cylinder, 4 speed. station wagon, 1974. Low Good price/best offer. TIME 11am. 5pm., 5 days per mer/full time. Europe, S ings, 5-10- days per month, 371-2368. 8-10-24 (3) Modern growing 488-bed week. Experience required. America, Australia, Asia. etc. Filing and mail processing. 42,000 miles. Excellent condi¬ mileage, undercoated, AM/ Lansing Hospital has an All fields, $500 $1200 month¬ Reply M.P H A PO Box (ON! 3SS-I2S5 347 Student Services lldg. tion. $1,625. 337-2707. FM radio. $2700. 321-3439. Must have pleasant tele¬ 8-10-26 (4) immediate opening for an phone manners. Located ly, expenses paid, sightsee¬ 30085, Lansing. Ml 48909. 8-10 27 (5) Employment fj experienced programmer analyst in an expanding data near Capitol City Airport. ing. Free information. Write, INTERNATIONAL JOB 5 10 20(5! OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS VW SUPER Beetle, 1971. Phone Joyce. 323-4770. - RN or LPN for skilled rising 1 day W per line Sun roof, automatic, many processing center. 12-10-19 181 CENTER, Box 4490 ME. wagon, 1972, blue, power COCKTAIL WAITRESS - Ideal candidate for this Berkeley. CA 94704. facility, excellent wages and 3 days per line steering and brakes, air, good new parts. Runs well, body part-time. Experience not benefits. iLPN s start $4.90 fair. $800 challenging, salaried position WAITRESSES b COOKS, 12-10-18(10) i on nudum 4 days • 75< per line shape. 332-0137. 4-10-23 (4) negotiable. necessary. Nights, 6pm- hour. I Call Jane Phillips at 337-2284. 12-11-1 (4) will have 3 years experience Immediate Full & Part-time. ■nnoniDnEa ldayi-70< per line 2:30 am. 10 minutes from in systems analysis, COBOL 332 5061 8 10 25(5) ■fnunrnm OLDSMOBILE 1976, 98 Re¬ MSU. HUDDLE SOUTH, 820 Apply between 2-4 pm. WAITRESS HOSTESS - VW BUS, 1972, excellent programming and implemen¬ MOON'S 231 M.A.C., East bartender cook. Part-time, MAN OVER 18 to work 2 or 3 Bfininnmm Line rate per insertion gency. Four door hardtop. Miller Road, Lansing. tation of applications in the - ■mimnmm Black, (loaded). 641-6804. AM/FM, Michelins. Negotia¬ 882 7579. 8-10-19(6) Lansing, 351-2755. nights. No Sundays. Apply at nights a week in Party Store. ble. 351-8999. 8-10-20 (31 medical field. Experienced in 8-10 26 (5) the DODGE HOUSE, 415 E Apply in person only at 1920 Bath. 5-10-23 (3) RN-LPN Burroughs, data, communi¬ Saginaw at Cedar. N Larch, Lansing, 9 a.m. 2 EconoLines 3 lines »4.00 • 5 days. 80' per line over OPEL GT, 1970. 1 owner. VS SCIROCCO 1975, excel¬ cations would be desirable. DRIVE-WAY Attendant- 3 12 10-25 (5) a m References. 12-10-31 (6) • - Acute care teaching hospital Needs some work. $700. lent Tuff Kote, AM/FM 8 In meeting hospital goals 3 lines. No adjustment in rote when cancelled. has full and part-time staff for a total information system part-time positions available. HOSPITALITY INN NOW track & cassette, new paint, - Price of item(s) must be stated in od. Maximum John - 353-2943 or 332- Monday and Friday days, positions available for experi¬ the Data HIRING FULL AND PART 6820. 12-10-27 (4) tires, many extras. 332-3923. Processing Depart¬ Saturday and Sundays, Fri¬ sale price of MOO enced registered nurses and TIME. ALL SHIFTS KIT¬ 12-10-31 (5) ment is developing on-line Peanuts Personal ads • 3 lines - '2.25 per insertion. licensed practical nurses. We day and Saturdays evening. applications such as Person¬ CHEN. UTILITY. PANTRY. PONTIAC. 1972-Ventura. No offer an excellent salary and UNIVERSITY STANDARD 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). nel, Admitting, GRILL COOKS APPLY IN rust, vinyl top, sport wheels. benefit package. Please con¬ Registration, 351-0770 3 10-19(81 sary Apply in person HUD Rummage/Garage Sale ads • 4 lines • '2 50 PERSON. 3600 DUNCKEL $1400. 484-0595. 8-10-27 (3) tact Personnel Department, Utilizing Burroughs, Hard¬ OLE SOUTH. 820 W Mille' 63' per line over 4 lines • per insertion. ware and software. ROAD, LANSING ASSES LANSING GENERAL HOS¬ ORDER PROCESSING clerk 5 10 24 (61 'Round Town ads ■ 4 lines '2.50 • per insertion. The hospital offers an out¬ SABLE TO BUSSES • PACER X, 1975. Rust- PITAL OSTEOPATHIC, 2800 permanent full-time position. 5 10 20 18) 63' per line over 4 lines, proofed. $1450 or best offer. standing fringe benefit pack¬ Adding Machine experience Devonshire, Lansing, Ml GYMNASTICS PART-time lost I Founds ads/Transportation ads ■ 3 lines •51.50 • After 6 pm, 339-1550. VOLKSWAGEN, 1977, Sci age that includes 3 weeks helpful. Excellent benefits. rocco, 4 speed, many extras, 48909. 372-8220. vacation and tuition refund instructor for kindergarten to NURSES AIDES-e per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. 3-10-19 (31 Call for appointment, like new, $5100, negotiable, 12-10-25 (14) after 1 year employment. The 371-5550 AMERICAN EDU¬ junior high. Call MASON preferred, however will train on the job. Openings on all 3 PINTO-1975. Runabout. 3 882 1298 after 5 p.m. hospital offers-paid holidays, CATIONAL SERVICES. RECREATION DEPART shifts Apply at PROVINCIAL door. Automatic. 4 cylinders. 8-10-25 (5) NOW HIRING - floormen, health insurance pension and MENT, 676-9155 2 10-19 15) Deadlinei 8-10-26 (6) HOUSE SOUTH, 2100 Pro¬ Radials. Good condition. waitresses, cashier, morning income protection. Salary is Ads -2 p.m. • I class doy before publication. vincial Drive, off Aureiius $1275 or best offer. 349-3821. VOLKSWAGEN 1970 Beetle. maintenance, and cooks. Ap¬ commensurate with experi¬ SECRETARY BOOKKEEP¬ EARN $8 per day for three Cancellation/Change • 1 p.m. - 1 class doy before Road,9am-5pm. Monday-Fri¬ 8-10 24 (5) Runs well. $400. Phone 355- ply in person at RAINBOW ence. Apply in Confidence to: ER' SALES 55 PLUS WPM hours work. Eat lunch for day 8 10-20 18) publication. 3975. 3-10-20 (3) RANCH, 2843 E. Grand River. ROSS P. ALANDER TYPING REQUIRED. Flexi free. Apply at ARBY'S Once od is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed PINTO STATIONWAGON ASSISTANT PERSONNEL 3-10-20 (7) ble, responsible person need¬ ROAST BEEF. 270 West FULL TIME. pa't time recep until after 1st insertion. '78, Warranty, 4 speed, Call WANTED, CLEAN, used, im DIRECTOR ed for active office. Salary Grand River (next to the bus tiomsts. Call MAJESTY There is a M .00 charge for 1 od change plus 50' per 394-4615 after 6 pm. E. W. SPARROW HOSPITAL port and sub compact cars. SANTA PHOTO manager. open. Good benefits. Re¬ HOME AND OFFICE REN additional change for maximum of 3 changes. 6-10-20 (3) 1215 E. MICHIGAN AVE. station). 3 10-20 )6) _ _ Call WILLIAMS VW, November 24-December 24. spond to Occupant, P.O. Box TALS. 337 7176 The State News will only be responsible for the 1st 484 1341. 0-14-10-31 (4) LANSING, MICH. 48909 17066. Lansing, Michigan, S 5 10 18 (3) PLYMOUTH FURY, 1966. Apply in person, MERIDIAN 48901 5-10-23(10) HARRISON ROAD Sorority day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must Runs good. $150 or best MALL OFFICE. B-1-10-18 (4) A non-discriminatory, Affir¬ expanding bus boy service WANTED SUBSTITUTE be made within 10 days of expirotion date. Bills ore due 7 days from ad expirotion date. If not offer. 355-1196. X-5-10-18 (3) I mnwhlfTI DISHWASHER - COOK mative action employer. 5-10-18 (45) GAME ROOM personnel. list for early use. Dinner * TEACHERS for PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS Call paid by due date, a 50' late service charge will PONTIAC FIREBIRD, 1977, ASSIST - part-time, 4:30 pm Young ladies preferred. Good $1, Monday-Friday. 332 3457 1 647-4161 12 10-25 (4) be due. Red. Loaded with options. GOOD USED tires ana snow pay-($180'week and up)- after 7 pm. 2-10-19(5) - 7:30 pm. Friendly nursing PHONE SALES-tickets. 393-8194 evenings. tires, 13-14-15 inch. Mounted benefits and pleasant work¬ home. Apply in person, Downtown Lansing offices, NURSES RN, LPN. GPN 5-10-20 (3) free. Used wheels and hub N.H.E. Lansing, 1313 Mary, hourly, evenings, hours flexi¬ ing positions. Excellent posi¬ caps. PENNELL SALES, 1825 tions for Jen. tho growing field of Lansing, 393-6130. ble, transportation arranged. student, full and E. Michigan, Lansing, Michi¬ geriatric nursing. Charge Aitmitiu |[»| [ Aitonoti*e ](uj TOYOTA CELICA 1977. Radi¬ als, AM/FM stereo, de-fog- gan 48912, 482-5818. C-22-10-31 (7) 3-10-19 (6) Call after 1:30 pm., 372-8459. 8-10-23(6) part-time. Apply in person only. CINEMA X, 1000 Jolly nurse positions. 11 pm-7 am. Excellent benefits. Individual ger, rust proofed. $4,000 or JANITORIAL POSITIONS best offer. 675-7363 or 394 Road^ 0-22 (9) orientation or refresher avail¬ ASTRE 1975. Hatchback. 4 DATSUN, 1974 ft, 260Z, available, experience prefer¬ WAITRESSES WANTED. SECRETARIAL POSITION able. Outstanding team 5705 8-10-27 (5) MASON BODY Shop, 812 E. PART TIME SITTER. 2 & 4 speed, low mileage. 339-3624 Stereo, Cassette, air, 4 speed, red, part-time, evenings b Now hiring. Part- and full- available in sales office in Kalamazoo, since 1940. Auto year old boys. Prefer German awaiting your leadership. after 6 p.m.^-W-24 (3)_ $4700. 349-5761 evenings. weekends. Apply in person, time. No experience neces¬ East Lansing. To an attrac¬ Contact Mrs S.ddali at PRO¬ speaking. 332-1115. _ X-8-10-19 (3) TOYOTA CORONA 1972. painting-collision service. MERIDIAN MALL, Okemos. AUDI FOX, 1974. White with sary. Apply in person. HUD¬ 8-10-24 13) tive, personable individual VINCIAL HOUSE SOUTH. Low mileage. Excellent con¬ American-Foreign cars. 485- red interior. Very nice car. 0256. C-22-10-31 (5) 8-10-26J5) DLE SOUTH, 820 W. Miller. with excellent typing and 882 2458, Monday-Friday, DODGE CORNET 1971. Good dition. Asking $1500. 482- 5-10-24 (6) dictaphone skills. Experience 9am- 5pm. 8-10-20 112) Must sell, going back to 6125. 8-10-20 (3) JEWELRY SALES. Part time RETAIL SALES - males, Mileage. $400.485-1279 days. with Mag card typewriters school. Low mileage. Only JUNK CARS wanted. Also sales position now open. TELEPHONE SOLICITA¬ experienced preferred. FIRST 12-11-11 (3) and insurance background DENTAL CHAIRSIDE assis¬ $2950. 655-4145 or 373-6997. TRIUMPH TR7,1976, Victory selling used parts. Phone 321- Apply in person; FOX JEW¬ TION, part time evening work DOWN, 127 E. Grand River. helpful. Receptionist and fil¬ tant with experience for or edition. Clean, loaded. 485- 3651. C-22-10-31 (3) ELERS, 410 Frandor. for local construction com¬ 8-10-24 (31 12J1;2J7J FIREBIRD 400 1969, Cali¬ ing skills also a must for this ihordontic office. Liberal ben¬ 9825 after 4 pm. 4-10-19 14) fornia car. All power. 94K pany: ANDERSON BEERS MODELS-$10/hour. Apply diversified position. Call efits J>ays call 482-9695. AUOI FOX '75-$500 down. 12-10-26 (4) COMPLETE STOCK of re¬ CO. 372-6343 or 489-7400. 351-5400 for interview. Ml., most options. $395. 353- INTERVIEWS FOR breakfast VELVET FINGERS. Call 489- M.S.U. employee-take over built foreign car alternators, 7-10-20-16) 8-10-26 113) 5966. 3-10-20 13) 2278. 25-10-31 (3) payments. 349-9685 TRIUMPH TRG-1972, both generators, and starters at study. $3.00 an hour. Any hard shell & soft top conver¬ CHEQUERED FLAG FOR¬ days free. Monday-Friday. 8 KIDS BACK in school? Sell 3-UM8J3) Call 355-7730 or AVON. Good earnings, flexi¬ FORD-1968 Galaxie. 80.000 tible. Runs well, needs body EIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 East am-5 pm. CAMARO, 1974. 41,000 miles. New brakes. $175.349- work, $1250, Call 676-3898 Kalamazoo Street. 487-5055. 321-0813 after 5 pm. ble hours that let you come miles, good condition, sporty. after 6 pm. 10-10-27 (5) One mile west of campus. 3-10-18 (6) home when your kids do. For 3066. 3-10-20 (3) 484 6596. 5-10-18(31 C-10-10-20 (7) details. 482-6893. TAXI DRIVERS, must have C-17-10JH (5) CAPRI, 1973, excellent condi¬ FORD GRANADA, 1976. 2 VEGA, 1973. 1978 Monza excellent driving record. Full tion OK mileage. FLUM- PART-TIME employment for MERFELT STAIR CHEVRO¬ door. Excellent condition. Air engine. 32,000 miles. Excel¬ lent shape. $800. 725-9779. Mttatyclts Sn and Part time. Apply at MSU Students, automobile conditioned. AM/FM, radials. VARSITY CAB, 332-3559. LET, 1191 E. Grand River, 7-5-10-23 (3) 5-10-20 (4) required. 339-9500. Williamston, 655-4343. 353-0953. 5-10-25 (4) HONDA 1975, Like new. 100 c-ajMi (3) 0-5:10-20(6) CAPRI, 1976-V6, 4 speed, FIAT 131, 1976. 4 door, 5 speed, AM/FM, 33,000 miles, VEGA, 1974, no rust, tape deck. Good running condi¬ miles. $450. 641-6750. 12-10-30 (3) COOKS-20-30 hours. No ex¬ perience necessary. Apply in person to CONNOR'S WEST, CLERKS-ADULT bookstore, VELVET FINGERS. 489-2278. \ seats, dition. 349-3122. 8-10-27 15) tie Air Force Medico! $er- CHEVY DELRAY, 1958. V-8 MAVERICK 1974-Runs great, ice has immediate open¬ automatic. Body good. $600. new starter, heater, brakes, ings for Doctors of Veter¬ 372-5337. 12-10-27 (3) CHEVETTE-1978, 4 door, clutch. 372-0528. 5-1_0-19_(3) inary Medicine in active duty positions throughout the United States and overseos. WANT AD DAY PHONE NO ZIP STUDENT NO MONTE CARLO 1978. Fully Starting salaries and entry hatch. 4 cylinder automatic. Sport handling, stripes, steel equipped. Must sell imme¬ Just complete form and 25 characters in a line, including punctuation and diately. 394-6693. 5-10-19 (3) with education ond back¬ mail with payment to: belts, AM/FM. $3595. 663-8880. 6-10-20 (5) ground experience. If you MUSTANG HATCHBACK- hove prior military service PRINT ADHERE. or are under 35 years of State News Classified Dept. 1976, excellent, low mileage, CHEVETTE, 1978. 4 door, 4 355-3354; night 351-0395. age, investigate this out¬ 34? Student Services Bldg. speed. 9,000 miles. $3100. 12-10-31 (3) standing career opportunity. Call 627-9896.12-11-1 (4) Contact. East Lansing, Mich. 48823 MUSTANG, 1973, Mach I, Capt. Roger Stork 23400 Michigan Ave. DATSUN B-210. Hatch. power steering and brakes, 1977. 4 speed, radial tires. new paint job, side exhausts, Village Plaza Address . ites, AM/FM, 8 track, Dearborn, Michigan 48124 Best offer. 371-3631 even¬ new $1200, 332-5464 3-10-18 (6) 313-561-7018/7022 Cify ings. 4-10-20 (3) ProforroH Insertion Date DEADLINE: FRII CARTRIDGE * WITH 15 characters in a line, including punctuation and spaces between words. Monday, Oct. 23 Print Ad here IVIRY UtID TURNTABLE . 5 p.m. PURCHASE Just Bring in Ihii coupon to 3 LINE MINIMUM CIRCLE RATE WANTED 4 line* • $3.50 ntrarantnitncjc! HI-FI BUYS EnmraracnEiEicD Mall or bring to: 11011. BRAND RIVIR □ElEJElEntDEOED Stata Naws Classified Dept. aoEirnniPnrnfl! 347 Student Services Bldg. □mmmOTHEOE] E.Lansing.Ml 48123 'Limited to Availability, compatability, aianiEnEiEnoara and the discretion ot our staff. i |ia|u Wednesday, October 18, 1978 14 Michigon Stote News, Eost loosing. Michigon Employment M [ Hpiffwti » f°r Sill 1 Hw« H 1 Typing Somite ^ EXPERIENCED TYPIST, fast Come join Campus Action for HOSTESS - RECEPTION UNIVERSITY VILLAGE, 1 PRIVATE ROOMS in modern SOFA, 86 inches long, like BRISTOL. 14 x 65, near Dissertations, Christian teaching and fellowship 1ST - part-time. Personable bedroom, unfurnished, $195 house, near campus Fur¬ new. only 3 years old, must campus, 3 bedrooms, 2 and accurate. Hotel, Restaurant and Institu¬ at 8:30 p.m. every Wednesday 335 young lady. Flexible hours for month, near campus. nished. carpeted, kitchen. sell. $235, 482-5161. baths, furnished. 694-1802 thesis, term papers. 339-3575. tional Management majors- Does 5 10 20 (4) 12-10-2513) hotel sales interest you? Get more Union. your classes. Send recent 394 2404 after 5. 5-10-23 (3) 393 7368 O 15 10 31 (4) after 5; anytime weekends. photo - brief resume to: 81019 (3) information at Hotel Sales Man¬ SOFA BED. $45, 6!i feet, EXPERIENCED, IBM typing, Phi Gamma Nu activities meet¬ Bruce Carr, P.O. Box 21053, 1 or 2 man room, 1 block agement Association meeting at 7 from campus, 332-2564. Be¬ folds flat, Herculon, excel¬ FLAIR, 1963-2 bedrooms, dissertations, (pica-Elite) p.m. tonight in 103 Eppley Center. ing at 5:30 p.m. today, 113 Eppley Lansing, Ml 48910. Center. lent. 332 6663. 15-10-24 131 FAY ANN, 489-0358. 10-10-18 (7) house. Rent negotiable. hind Campus Corners II. stove & refrigerator, new 3-10-18 (3) C-22-10-3H3) 393-6948 before 6 pm. after carpeting, skirting, partially Hearing Impaired children are Women's Resource Center INTERNATIONAL HOUSE 10 pm. 4-10-20 I4I TUNER SONY ST3950SD. furnished. $2,600. Can be excited about participating in rec¬ PROFESSIONAL TYPIST for Brown Bag Lunch noon to 1 p.m. OF PANCAKES now hiring HOUSEMATE FOR clean, Excellent reation programs. They need you sensitivity. Must seen 1-5p.m., Saturday and term papers, dissertation, call today, 334 Union. A film "Women: for third shift. Busboys $3.00' SUBLEASE CEDAR Greens furnished Lansing home. to lead them. Apply in 26 Student sell, $200. 485-6603 after 6 882-1033 after 6 p.m. hour, waitresses and cooks, Close bus to LCC and MSU. Sunday, Mobile Home Man¬ Choosing and Changing" and Apartments 1 block from pm 3 10 20 (4! or. lot E17. 484-6431. OR-1-10-18 (3) Services Bldg. Mildred Erickson are featured. negotiable. 2800 East Grand campus. 1 bedroom, fur Get two bedrooms for $100. River, East Lansing. 485 3481 3 10 18(5) 3 10-20 (7) nished. $210-month. PROFESSIONAL EDITING Science For The People will CHISPA open house from 7 to 8-10-27 (7) 337 8101. 4-10-20 <41 Open hold an organizational meeting at 10 p.m. tonight. Lab B CORRECTIONS TO MAJOR Wilson EAST LANSING, nice house, PERRY PUBLIC SCHOOLS are in need of certified substi¬ 1 female nice people, will negotiate details, leave message for all Corda Weit [SiwH REWRITE. Typing arranged. 332-5991. OR-1-10-18 (4) 7:30 tonight, 334 Union for anyone interested in humane uses of science, technology, health-care Ha L Guest speaker is Baldenegro. Solomon tute classroom teachers. wanted for John 332 7334 5-10-20 <4! Cidermill FOUND SIMOYED. Oke¬ Please contact the PERRY 5817 North Okemos Call after 6 pm. LOW RATES-Term papers, Eagles, Arrowmen interested in furnished apartment mos area. resumes. Fast, expert typing continuing service in college? Call SCHOOL business office at EAST LANSING room for Road. East Lansing 649 4728. 3 10-19 (3) 625-3104. 3-10-20 (7) next to campus - day and evening. Call "G" The Forestry Club meets 7 p.m. the Alpha Phi Omega national male Close to Union. 337-7974 tonight, Activities Room in Natural service fraternity at 332-1949 for 332 0205, 443 Grove St LOST: SMALL black dog. Typing. 321-4771. 8-10-26 (4) 332-4432 Hours: Resources. WAITRESS weekends. PART-TIME Must have neat 4-10-20 (3) 7:30am-7pm, Tan Answers to Collar, red bandana. Misty. Call 332- ANN BROWN typing, disser¬ iA appearance. Apply in person SINGLE FURNISHED, kit 7714. 3-10-20 <31 tations, resumes, term pa¬ after 6 pm. COREY'S FEMALE ROOMMATE want ed. Own bedroom. Washer chen. Parking, very close, utilities included $90-$120. BASKETBALL TICKETS-2 LOST BLACK, male Labra¬ pers. 601 Abbott Road. Entrance. 351-7221. North LA Engineering C Computer Science Mojor* LOUNGE, 15011 South Ce¬ student series A, 332-4444, - dar, Lansing. 8-10-27 (61 and dryer. $80 a month plus utilities 393-9856 8-10-26 14) Lease to September, 332- 1800 or 372 1800 5-10-24 (5) 9 10pm only. 410-19 (31 dor. Name: Thorin. Okemos Road Jolly and vicinity. C-22-10-31 (4) CM PART-TIME secretary, after¬ fImALE ROOMMATE need¬ FRAMES OLD? Cracked? or 349-1438. 3-10-19 (3) PROMPT, EXPERIENCED, typing, evenings. 332-3492. 00 DONT noons. Salary negotiable. ed for 2 bedroom. 2 bath ROOMS IN 4 bedroom fur Broken7 Replacements at low Lansing. LOST SPARTAN Village C-22-U)j31 (3) 1 Must type 60 wpm, and pass written test Apply in person. apartment. Contact Judy at 355-0180. or evenings at nished house. $72 50 plus 332 5622 or 332 cost. OPTICAL DISCOUNT. area, - 2 large grey cats. GRADUATE 2617 E. Michigan, Lansing, COPYGRAPH SERVICE, Friday afternoon, October 20, CAPITOL CONSULTANTS. 349 5321. 8 10 26 <41 3876. B 1 10-18131 3727409 C 5-10-20 151 355-1246 or 393-4687. 3-10-19J4) complete dissertation and LA without talking to the HOUSES resume service. Corner INC., 1627 Lake Lansing Road. Lansing. 3-10-20 (9) 2 BEDROOM, unfurnished 2 house ROOMS in 3 bedroom $66 month. Frandor RECORD SALE, moved to Frandor, but we are We've LOST - SILVER-wired framed glasses in blue case M.A.C. and Grand River. 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Monday-Fri¬ LA Hughes Recruiter visiting area 485 5758 8-10 27 (3) your campus soon. RN'S NEEDED full and part- time for Oncology and medi¬ town house. Street. $275 per month plus 106 Bailey continuing our record sale, i.e. $6.98 list pnce, now $3.99, near Student Services. Call 332 6898. 5 10-19 (3) day. 10a.m.-5p.m. 337-1666. C-22-10-31 (7) Saturday. CA $5.99. cal surgical units. Wages utilities, 11 month 351-0359. 4 10-20(5) lease. Call For Sale ^ $8.99 list price, now MARSHALL MUSIC. Fran¬ TYPING, Contact your placement office and benefits competitive with Experienced, fast dor C 5 10 20 (7) Peanuts Personal and reasonable. 371-4635. for interview dates. area hospitals. Contact per¬ GRADUATE FEMALE needs OLYMPUS OM 1, Black body C-21-10-31 (3) sonnel director, Provinical female to share Rivers Edge gnd Qf v(vitaf senes maCro-20 JANUS HAVE you tried a Hospital, 1226 East Michigan Apartment Smoker Fur¬ . Must sell Call Eric - TYPING-TERM papers, IBM, Ave 485-3271 3-10-20(101 nished Two bedroom. No good spanking? -Bob. deposit $120 month. Avail¬ 374-4223 8 30am 3pm or P. S. Write me at P. O. Box experienced, fast service, Call HUGHES 641 4053 nights 351-8923. OR-22-10-31 (3) PART-TIME, survey. Prefer¬ able immediately 332-0785. 2215. Ann Arbor, 48106. S 5 10 23(5> ably engineering students for 3-10-20(6) INSTANT CASH" Were pay¬ work on sewer surveys. Must Z-1-10-18^ EXPERT TYPING. Term pa¬ WHITE MONKEY burn-out ing $1-$2 for albums in good letters, RESUMES. have 2 or 3 full daysoprn for EXCEPTIONAL 1 bedroom WANTED-ONE girl needed pers, AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER M F bongs-only $2 (collector's shape WAZOO RECORDS. Near Gables. 337-0205. work. $3.00 per hour. Apply Sub-lease December 9th. In for homecoming date. Call edition). The only full line of 223 Abbott. 337 0947. C-22-10-31 13) m person, Friday afternoon, 351-7283, ask for Mark. East Lansing. 332-4277. head supplies in town. Whip¬ C 22 10 31 (4) October 20. CAPITOL CON¬ 8-10-27 (3) pets, pipes, papers, clips, UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS SULTANTS. INC.. 1627 Lake waterbeds, tapestries, and all 100 USED VACUUM Clean¬ COMPLETE DISSERTATION Lansing Road. Lansing. 3-10-20(121 NEED TO SUBLET 1 ROOM APARTMENT Unfur¬ BED¬ your high supplies. 117 N Harrison Road (across from ers. and up 1 year warranty, $7.88 DENNIS DISTRI¬ P»nml / AND RESUME SERVICE- Our reputation has been BUTING COMPANY, 316 N. typesetting, IBM typing, off¬ proven. We offer the finest nished. $205. month. 394- Sir P.zza) 119 pm. set printing and binding. For RESIDENT MANAGER cou¬ HELP PROFESSOR KEN Chinese cooking in this 6928. 3-10-20 (3) 4-10-20 <9> Cedar 482-2677 BOYER!!!!!! IF YOU HAVE estimate stop in at 2843 E. ple needed to manage apart¬ C 22 10 31 (5) Take out service If HAD HIM IN CLASS, LIKE Grand River or phone 332- ment building in East Lan¬ 2 PEOPLE needed to sublet 2 SKIS. 6'3" with boots and available. ECON. 201, SEND A LONG 8414. C-22-10-31 (8) sing. Must be able to perform person apartment. Immediate poles. Never used. $80. BIRCHFIELD LETTER OF APPRECIATION occupancy, 332 6399 XZ2-10-19 (3) Apples ABOUT HIM, TO: 8135. 0-5-10-24 (6) APARTMENTS. Ca" after 6 Cider D. HAMERMESH WMtii pm. 393-4956. 8 10-19(4) NEW WATERBED supplies. WAITRESS. LUNCHES only Honey ROOM 1C MARSHALL- Mattresses from $36; Heaters QUIET MATURE student FEMALE PROFESSIONAL to HALL including Saturday. Perma¬ from $50. Call John evenings. BLOSSOM ORCHARDS BY OCTOBER 25. 3-10-20 (8) looking for an apartment' nent full time position. Great share new home. South Lan¬ 2 miles N of Leslie 332 6703. 8-10-26 (4) room in house in East Lan- pay and benefits. Apply in sing. $200 month. 394-6555 on Hull Rd. sing/Okemos area, 349-2052. person between 2:30-4:00pm. JIM'S TIFFANY PLACE evenings 12-10-27 (4) FREE ROOM and board for 'old U.S. 127) Real Estate II* 5-10-20 (4) V female student in private Hours: 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Downtown Lansing. 1-2 FEMALES to share large Closed WANTED TWO tickets for 5-10-24(8) room in spacious townhouse. home m exchange for baby¬ Mondays FOUR BEDROOM duplex. Indiana game. 371-3794. E. Jolly Road. 394-1760 Phone: 1-589-8251 U sitting with one Child Begin 620 Lexington Avenue, East WANTED • EXPERIENCED 5-10-18-14) now or winter term Write Al G'fr Pack ages Lansing. 339 8686. got 'em-l'll buy 'em. •m 3-10-20 13) bartenders, good references. Smith. 2300 Montego Drive. Shipped U P S 8 10 24 13) Apply in person, 7 pm at the ALLE'EY, 220 MAC, East [ Hhsk IBt Lansing. 48912. 8 10-27 (8) 3 BEDROOMS, fireplace car¬ ttnund Town •m HOURS | 11 00 AM - 7 DAYS to 10 00 PM ■ CORNER ClIPPERT ond VINE Lansing. 3-10-20 (5) EAST LANSING-Fully fur¬ HI-FI EQUIPMENT. Demos trade-ins. all with warranty & NEW USED and vintage peted, some furnishings. Near campus. $335 + utilities WOMEN IN Communications <0 I and SAT til 11 00 P M | Phone 351-2217 guitars, banjos, mandolins, WORK STUDY Students. nished house. 4 bedroom faculty $450 month * utili¬ Mcintosh 77 tuner. $500. etc. Dulcimers and kits, re¬ 487-2166. Available now. X 12-10-23 14) Meeting, Wednesday, 6:30 pm. Green Room of the (ft Janitorial job at Center for Mcintosh 113 tuner pre-amp corders, strings, accessories, the Arts. 425 S. Grand. $3 hour. 5 days per week. ties. 332-5456 or 355-4655 3-10-18 (4) $550 Bang & Olufsen 1900 turntable $229. Sony 755 reel books, thousands of hard-to- find albums (all at very low MASON. 4 bedroom. 2 bath. Union. Day on the job sign ups & speaker, David Coehio. A Flexible hours-around your to reel deck, $450. Dalhquist Cape Cod. $49,500, will con¬ 2-10-18 (5) WOMAN HOUSEMATE prices). Private and group sider 9 3/4 land contract. schedule. If interested call D-Q speakers. $650. Scott 35 lessons on guitar, banjo, 484-4403 5-10-24 (7) wanted, own bedroom, close watt receiver $105. Garrard Built 1973. EACO Realty, LANSING CIVIC PLAYERS ThcliKijih ()nes. mandolin, all styles, Gift cer¬ to bus. $105 485-7028 676-5660 or 676-2743. 8-10-20 (3) turntable $39 MUCH MORE tificates. Expert repairs - free present "Fantasticks," Octo¬ 12-10-31 (5) STUDENT INTERESTED in 337 1767 HI-FI BUYS. estimates. ELDERLY IN¬ ber 20. 21, 27. 28. Tickets raw foods and sprouts, to aid 0 5 10-24 (11) STRUMENTS 541 E. Grand $4.50 for adults. $3.50 for NEED ONE female for house in food preparation in home. Send resume faculty and with washer and dryer, place, carpeted, fire¬ private bed¬ USED TYPEWRITERS ■ Roy¬ al Elite, $15, Smith-Corona River, 332-4331 C-22-10-31 (13) Recrutioi Senior Citizens and students. Reservations, call 484-9115 or Topside or qualifications to 347 Student Services Building, Box D-4. 7-10-26 17) room, pets allowed. Call Vicki, 372-1697. 3-10-20 (6) office. $25, others. Dan Eck, 351-8660. E-5-10-18'4) ROSSIGNOL SKIS 200cm. W marker bindings. $60. HAYRIDE. NEWLY equipment. Additional rides acquired 484-9191. B 1-10-18(7) 666feet bekw available. CRAZY C RIDING Weights. 70 lbs. of discs, + 3 PART-TIME jobs-flexible DO YOU WANT TO SLEEP STABLES. 676-3710. NON-SMOKER. FEMALE bars. Total weight 90 lbs. $10. hours. $4.75 per hour. Car WITH THE BEST TONIGHT7 337 2561 9 10 am. 5-6pm. 5-10-20 (41 necessary Call between 4 Large room 1 block off MSU. See the finest in quality S-5 10 18 (51 New carpet, twin and double COME TO the orchard. Bring and 6 pm . 374-6328. waterbeds at the SLEEP 0-8-10-19 (4) beds, couch oak desk, SHOP, downtown Lansing, a lunch. Enjoy picking your SAVE MONEY when you buy RED and GOLDEN DE¬ shelves, and more1 Kitchen, across from Knapps. 484 own COOKS AND a shearling (sheepskin) coat. LICIOUS APPLES-a bushel, a laundry privileges. Parking 9300 OR 1 10 18 (7) Direct from my father's fac¬ CONNORS FAMILY COFFEE space, no pets. $130 month peck or a truck load. GOLD¬ SHOP WEST. Full and part- tory in New York, Mens and EN KNOB ORCHARD. 4389 as single, $150 as 2 person. GRETCHEN II hiking boots. womens 355-8102. E. Pratt Road. 651-5430. time available. No experience $40 Size 7 V women's. Call Call 332 2598. J 5-10-18 (6) necessary 3231 W Saginaw. 332-8136. E-5-10-24 (3) 12-10-26 (10) Vi mile east of Waverly. B-1-10-18 (10) FOR THE best in stereo 12-10-18 (81 7 bedroom HIMALAYAN TREKKING: MODERN - house, Furnished, carpeted, MARANTZ 1060 stereo am¬ plifier, 30 watts'channel. Ex¬ service. THE STEREO SHOPPE! 555 E. Grand River. Join join other mnous, hearty uiner A UNIFORMED SECURITY of¬ clean. Near Campus. 393- cellent condition. $125. Call souls for culture and natural C 22 10-31 (3) ficers and store needed Full or part- detectives CJ 7368 O-15-10-31 (4) 371-5467 after 5 pm. 8-10-27 (5) VISIT "M?D MICHIGAN'S environment Journeys, explorations. Box 7545, Ann z majors preferred. 641-4562. 3 or 4 man. Very close. Arbor, 48107. 1-313-995-4658 Furnished. Good condition. largest used bookshop CURI¬ X-O-22-10-31 14) ADVENT 201 A cassette OUS BOOKSHOP. 307 E. 5-10-23^ $350 plus utilities. Lease to deck. Unopened, full war¬ Grand River. East Lansing, HOBIE'S IS accepting appli¬ September, 332-1800 or 372 LOW COST travel to Israel. ranty New $400; now $265. 332-0112. C-22-10-31 (5) cations for 1 part time posi¬ 1800. 5-10-24 151 Toll free. 1-800-223-7676. 9 351-3595. 3-10-20 (3) tion. Approximately 20 hours am - 6 pm NY time. SEWING MACHINES-new. 4-10-18 (3) per week. Mostly evening HOUSEMATE WANTED for WOMEN'S 5 speed bike hours. Male or female. Apply Free arm : machines from attractively furnished home in Great condition. $70 489- $99.50. Guaranteed used ma¬ 930 Trowbridge Rd. after 1:30 pm. the West area. Saginaw Waverly 2 bedrooms available, 7647, keep calling. E-5-10-24 chines from $39.50. All makes repaired. EDWARDS DIS¬ [ Rummage Sale ||5j 4-10-18 (81 fireplace, stereo, color TV. BIKES. ITOH ten speed, $75. TRIBUTING CO. 1115 N. BULOVA Call before noon. 321-3800. NOTICE 3 speed, $40. No place to store your bicy¬ 5-10-24 (81 Schwinn 355-2131. E-5-10-24 13) Washington, 489-6448. STARTING OCTOBER 24th, Cf cle? Sell it for extra cash with C-22-10-31 (7) MSU salvage yard will be You can take a low cost Classified Ad. Call FACULTY HOUSE from De¬ open to the public Thursdays my ad out SCHWINN COLLEGIATE 355-8255. Mxtaiits \W cember 26 - July 1. COM¬ PLETELY furnished. Fire¬ place, family room, and 3-4 bedrooms. References. 332- bike. 5 speed. Excellent con¬ dition. (moving) 339-3603. 5-10-23 (3) $49 ^ FREE Aiimals j'nj KITTENS. Double and Fridays, 7:30-11:30 am. 5-10-23 (6) FOUR FAMILY Garage Sale. of the paper. I got the results A "M CARAVELLE EAST LANSING. 1 and 2 3101. 12-10-26 (6) LARGE RED vinyl arm chair on rocker base. $40. pawed. various 351-3646 after 3:30. colors. October 19, 20, 21. 9 am.-6 pm. 1325 N. Fairview. Cloth¬ I wanted 33 A "DEEP SEA" bedrooms. Includes central NEAR LAINGSBURG, Colby 351-4946. 5-10-23 (3) E-5 10-20 (3) ing, Household Items. * air, car ports, dishwasher, Lake Rd. Needed, 1 man for 2-10-20 (4) From *6995 drapes. From $220. Some country farmhouse. $75-100. GIBSON SG custom pick HELP! NEED good home for abandoned puppy. Female, We get calls such as (A pets considered. 332-3900 days. 332-7461 evenings. 351-7497. 0-17-10-31 (41 ups, good condition. Also Guild Starfire, hollow body mostly black Lab. 12-10-31 (3) 694-0577. [ Service )[^ this every single day. wnetheryou deep sea dive or just forget to take your watch off in the this is the watch lor you. shower, NEAR PENNSYLVANIA and with Gibson humbuckings, 0-15-^31(7) Kalamazoo, 3 bedroom house BLUEGRASS EXTENSION Besides being depth-tested to 666 feet, it's excellent shape. Call 485- FEMALE NEEDED for own PENTAX ME SLR Camera, SERVICE plays weddings, probably the most rugged watch Carpeting, garage, and large 6958 7-10 pm. 12-10-26 (7) Bulova has ever made. With a case carved room in two bedroom apart¬ yard. Prefer adults. $225/ Canon TX, Mikkor slide pro¬ parties. 353-9695 days; Non-smoker, 394-6234. from a solid block of stainless steel. And ment. month. 351-7497. jector, plus much more. 372-3727 or 339-1119. a screw-down crown that permits no 3-10-18 (4) O-17-10-31 (6) FREE KITTEN. 6 months. AH WILCOX TRADING POST, C-22-10-31 14) 2 BEDROOM upstairs apart¬ 619 VIRGINIA, for 3 or 4. shots. Gray Calico, long hair. Call 351-0881 after 5 pm. 509 E. Michigan. 485-4391. Open 9:30 am-6 pm. SAVE MONEY. SAVE ENER¬ State condensation, no fogged-up crystal. A feature which, up to now, was found only in watches costing hundreds of dollars. ment, central Lansing, only E 5-10-24 (3) C-14-10-31 (7) GY. Winterize doors, win¬ Lease and deposit required. It's a smart watch, too. Automatic... never minutes to csmpus via 496. Call Craig after 6 p.m. dows, and minor repairs. Tax ne*ds winding Day and date .. with day $175 + electricity. Call 485- VITAL TOUCH THERAPY in 6958, 7-fO pm. 12-10-26 (5) 655-1255. 12-10-18 14) TWO 7 X 14 mag Keystone type. wheels. $30. 339-9331. Okemos. Body treatments for relaxation. $15. 372-8247. exempt. Free estimates. Call 487 3204. 12-11-2 15) News displayed in Rnanish or English. Shock resistant. An; magnetic. EAST LANSING, 1 bedroom CAMPUS NEAR Modern 7 E-5-10-19 (3) 3-10-20 (4) DISCO 'DISCO* disco sound modestly priced. Some pets bedroom house. Furnished, considered. Phone days, 351- for dorm or Frat party. For carpeted. 485-1436 OVER 2500 cheap albums SAVE A life. Free kutens. details, 332-8050. 645-7561.. 3172. 0-15-10-31 (4) 19-10-31 (3) 25* and up-all types-hits to Calico & tiger. Call 332-1304. 3-10-18 14) the obscure. FLAT,BLACK, E-5-10-18 (31 & CIRCULAR, 541 E. Grand Shop 4 BEDROOM, partially fur¬ 9:30-5:30 JEWtlRY nished, Lansing home. $375 Smart shoppers check the River above Paramount. AKC BOUVIER-Black female, FREE LESSON in complexion plus utilities. References. 487-9461 or 482-7050. Classified section first. That's where they find the best buys Open 11 days-351-0838. a.m.-6 p.m., 6 spayed 1 year. Good watch- dog $135 Call 371-5242 after care. MERLE-NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO. 321- 355-8255 Doily 319 E. Grand Rlvar East Lansing, Mich. 41823 8-10-25 (5) in town. C-22-10-31 (7) 10pm. 6 10-20 14) 5543. C-22-10-31 (4) Michigan State News, East Loosing, Michigan Wednesday, October IB. 1978 15 NAUAOAVM HAGAR the Horrible Fri.. Oct. 201pm (dlnly W y0 e than 0 00% $85 Famou* Brand Belt Drive-Fully Automatic *155 .ape monitors Complete with Cartridge! Toe A-880 Frontload Pioneer Model HPM-00 Priced so low manufacturer's name cannot 2 motor transport. Dolby, solenoid con¬ High performance 4-way system ba be used' Complete with base, dustcover & trols. LED indicators, tape EQ/bias swit¬ $397 reflex design 10 inch woofer high polymer super-t ches, memoiy rewind Model A-650 Pioneer Model SX-1250 160 watts ch 20-20Khz with no more ' . 0 1% THD dual tuning meters. 2 tape Speakers Priced Eech ,*123 *57 Only 65 To Sell Tees Reel-To-Reel *297 Deck Pioneer SemLAuto Turntable Belt dnve. auto arm-return and shut-off. 7-inch reel deck, touch-control transport 3 *437 damped cueing, anti-skate, t heads, source/tape monitoring A-2300SX. Pioneer Model SX.980 s Channel. 20-20Khz with n *85 *459 than 0 05% THD. 2 tape monitors, Teae Auto-Revere* Deck tone controls, dual power output me Semi-pro reel deck with auto-reverse, mic/line inputs, source/tape monitoring, anti-skate, vibration absorbing legs, $379 arm, PIONEER solenoid transport, large VU meters. base and hinged smoked d Model A-4300SX tPAty SE-30S Kf Model AP-10f Only 24 To Sell f Pioneer Model SX-880 Includes Stanton *129 19»nW® 60 watts channel, 20-20Khz with no more 800EE Cartridge than 0 05% THD. 2 tape monitors, zone power output meters Teohnloe Model SL-1000 Dynamic-type Direcl-drive system, fully automatic single Dolby, separate level controls, tape switch. #t$ dB meters, counter. Model STD-1750 *297 headphones play "S" shaped tonearm, damped cueing Model SL-1600 lustabie headb $183 *93 AUDIO FRETTER LANSING •• More Good Music For Your Money 5827 South Pennsylvania Ave. JUST NORTH OF THE I 96 FREEWAY 394-3820