MUST LEAVE ISRAEL IMMEDIATELY Sami Esmail receives parole said they were elated at the news of Sami's By JOANNELANE The six months he had already spent in jail subtracted from his sentence. release but will continue to work on State News Staff Writer were unresolved issues concerning FBI surveil¬ Early parole was granted Wednesday to Upon deportation. Esmail will never be Esmail signed the confession, though lance of foreign students on campus issues Sami Esmail. a 24-year-old MSU graduate able to return to Israel or the occupied he student who has been held in an Israeli West Bank of the Jordan River where his said he does not understand Hebrew. involving the occupied territory of the West Members of Esmail's defense Bank of Israel. prison since Dec. 1977. family lives. Esmail was granted parole on the Upon hearing of his release. Esmail told condition that he be expelled immediately the parole board that he is willing to serve from Israel. the remainder of his sentence if he could be Dow and others Felicia Langer, Esmail's attorney, said released without being expelled from Israel the prisoner will remain in prison for a few permanently. more days while arrangements are made Nancy Irish, a committee member who for his return to the United States. visited Esmail last summer in the Israeli Langer said Esmail will be back in the prison, said Sami told her he planned to United States by the weekend. return to MSU upon his release to finish his Esmail was charged and convicted of graduate work in electrical engineering. refuse to divest membership in an organization "hostile" to the state of Israel. Irish said the U.S. Consul General in He was also charged and acquitted of Israel, David Kerr, told her that in the contact with an agent of an "unfriendly" future Esmail could apply to visit his family state. but it is unlikely that his request will be District court testimony by Israeli secu¬ granted. By BETH Tl SCHAK in South Africa or if they contemplated such rity personnel and statements made during "Sami was in cramped and unsanitary State News Staff Writer his interrogation accused Esmail of distri¬ conditions." Irish said. "He had lust a lot of n corporations with business i The MSU letters were in keeping with bution of newspapers on the MSU campus weight and was unkempt." nw Chemical Company reacted most and many industries and at least some of its on fire. The Israeli court, on June 12, 1978, tion said he thought the prisoner was alumni." sentenced Esmail to 15 months in prison. released in the spirit of Camp David. strongly, stating it was "shocked at the "Israel acted wisely by giving Esmail a position ion divestiture) taken by the "I think Dow — and every industry — has second chance," Allen said. Board." and hinting at possible repercus¬ a multiplicity of relationships with universi¬ sions with gifts and grants. ties." Dow Financial Vice President G. "However, I hope the MSU "You i the board I have completely re¬ James Williams said in a telephone inter¬ Metro squad arrests thirty-one does not make a hero of Sami Esmail." he jected the alternative — that a constructive view. "This extends to areas of recruitment continued. "He is a convicted terrorist who and progressive presence is more effective of employees, research facilities and gifts has served his time. Upon returning to than withdrawal - and have issued the and grants. MSU, Esmail will have to prove himself by ultimatum to withdraw or we will sell our acting in a quiet and peaceful manner." in narcotic operation break-up Esmail, who went to Israel on Dec. 20, 1977 to visit his dying father, was detained Dow . Thur/dby A senior U.S. official, asking not to be quoted by name, told reporters Wed¬ nesday that Nkomo and Mugabe have and buried." Smith, who is on a nationwide U.S. *DOUBl€ ., certainly not ruled out' participation in trying to drum up support for his DIGIT NIT€ tour an all-parties conference. own internal settlement plan, is due Combined with recent assertions by here Friday to clarify his position on Prime Minister Ion Smith that he would the of all-parties Change bock from your $ question an con¬ be willing to attend such a conference ference * ...on PITCHERS & PIZZR * Workers to receive overdue checks WASHINGTON AP President Corter fought over the wording of a restriction on federal financing of abortions, was signed the S56 billion appropriations bill for operating the departments of passed in a blizzard of legislative activi¬ Labor and Health Education and Wel¬ fare Wednesday, enabling thousands of ty during the weekend. HAVE A DEGREE federal employees to pick up their Paul C. Johnson III, HEW's payroll overdue paychecks. the Dozens of disgruntled workers from two departments had called the chief ton. areas said San employees in the Washing¬ Francisco and Kansas City about 64.000 of the 160,000 IN ENGINEERING? White House to ask about the legis¬ affected workers, would be getting their lation before the president signed the checks by special messenger in a matter bill at midday. The measure, delayed of hours. The rest are expected to for weeks while the House and Senate receive theirs by mail in a day or so. Carter agrees to tentative Indian elaims million to be held in trust by the WASHINGTON fAPj • President Carter Interior Department for the Passama- has agreed to a tentative $37 million settlement of Indian claims to most of quoddy and Penobscot tribes. the State of Maine, press secretary Also, the settlement calls for 100,000 acres of privately held land to be sold Jody Powell said Wednesday. Powell said the deal, worked out by for $10 million and also held in trust Sen William D Hathaway. D Maine for the tribes. Powell said. still requires approval by Congress and The owners of the land have agreed to sell it, he said, and the money ratification by the Indian tribes. He said the settlement calls for the apparently all will come from the fed¬ ENGINEERING SENIORS federal government to appropriate eral government. $27 The U.S. Air Force Engineering Team, from San Antonio, Texas will be at Michigan State University tomorrow. The team will be interviewing at Placement Services for positions as active Susan engaged to Secret Service agent duty Engineering-officers. The Air Force has job openings for Engineering officers in many professional areas. Find out il one of them is yours. For the opportunity of a lifetime stop RANCHO MIRAGE. Calif (AP) - Susan They moved here after Ford lost the 1976 Ford, daughter of former President presidential election. by the Placement Services Center and sign-up to see the Air Gerald Ford, is engaged to marry a Force Engineering Team! Don't delay! For more details contact 37-year-old Secret Service ogent, o fami¬ In Washington, Secret Service spokes¬ Charles Symon at 351-0640. ly spokesperson onnounced Wednesday. person Tom Farrell said Vance has been Ford, 21. will marry Charles F. Vance with the agency since 1965 and recently next June, said Gloria Hill of the Ford was assigned to the unit protecting the staff. Ford fomily. In the past, Vance has been Ford works as o freelance photo¬ stationed in Washington, Honolulu and grapher and lives in a condominium San Francisco, and is currently assigned near her parents in Rancho Mirage, to the Los Angeles field office, the about 100 miles east of Los Angeles. spokesperson said. I §i \ front page Thursday, October 19, 1978 Hopes for finalizing arena plans fall flat at Kellogg Center meeting Debbie Stabenow, chairperson of Ingham County Board of Commissioners, said the By KIM CRAWFORI) State News Staff W riter meeting accomplished bringing together all interested units and organizations to hear a summary of a study on public facilities in the Lansing area. Hopes to finalize various plans for a new arena and other facilities fell flat at a meeting Stabenow has been the leader of the community approach to discuss and plan the held at Kellogg Center Wednesday morning. Attempts by Ingham County officials to bring about a community approach in planning proposed arena and facilities. "The county is not pushing any particular point other than to look at the demand and the development of public assembly facilities also made no progress at the meeting. need for facilities for the agricultural community in a way that doesn't compete with No MSU administrators were among the 20 representatives from local units of downtown Lansing," Stabenow said. "We want to allow everyone a chance to talk about government, agricultural organizations and other parties interested in the planning of new public assembly facilities. their objectives." James Anderson, dean of the MSU College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and She said getting support for the arena projects from the Michigan Legislature would Gordon Guyer, director of the Cooperative extension Service, were present at the stand a better chance if a community approach was taken, not single jurisdictions. meeting. "The various groups operating independently have the chance of cancelling each other Area planners are hoping a new arena will someday host MSU basketball games. Both out," she said. Lansing planners and agricultural interests siding with Ingham County government have been hoping to incorporate such an arena in their plans. Dave Petersen, a regional manager for Economic Research Associates, suggested the Lansing developers hope to build a downtown convention center-hotel complex with an governmental units and interested parties form an "authority representing the city, arena, while agricultural organizations are vying for an agricultural exposition center in a county, townships and others." location outside of Lansing. Economic Research Associates, a California based consulting firm, carried out a study However, the meeting ended with Lansing city planners, county officials and of the need and impact of various forms of public assembly facilities in Lansing for the agriculturat-interest representatives no closer to establishing a combined effort for Michigan Department of Commerce. planning a PBB landfill The potters wheel in action looks magical, just plop the clay on top and spin it into shape. Sue Ostradick concentrates on trimming the bumps off a semi-dried pot to give it a more graceful shape. water tested LANSING lUPI) - State and local officials Wednesday ordered an immediate testing program at a Lenawee Non-attendance could County landfill where PBB-tainted grain was buried in violation of a Department of Natural Resources order. However, a DNR spokesperson said the department does not plan to test ground water at a Washtenaw County landfill near cost board reps jobs If some ASMSl* Student Board members that the student board review the non- Ann Arbor which also received PBB- miss one more committee meeting it could attendance of a committee member to contaminated materials four years ago. remove that person from the committee. The Ann Arbor site, lined with clay soils, mean they will no longer serve as a The ASMSU Student Board president, was considered safe for the 2.7 tons of grain representative for that committee. Since the beginning of fall term, budget upon the consensus of the student board, contaminated by about .085 pounds of PBB then has the authority to appoint a committee has been the only one of three buried there, also without approval by the ASMSl' committees that has achieved a replacement within three days of the department. removal of any committee member. It was a different matter, however, at a quorum. Because of lack of attendance by some landfill near Adrian. The measure also states the code change board members at committee meetings, a The DNR said operators of the Lenawee was necessary to ensure that the student measure which was approved in January Disposal Service Company Landfill were could take effect after the next Student board will be able to take steps to alleviate notified by letter on June 20.1974. that the the absence problem. Board meeting. department considered it unsafe to receive The measure, which was added to the At Tuesday's Student Board meeting. some of the PBB-tainted grain that was ASMSU Code of Operations, states that: Dan Stouffer. College of Agriculture and then being disposed of in sites around the "Any committee member who fails to Natural Resources representative, said the state. attend more than three consecutive com reason why he has "pulled bills out of The department rejected the Lenawee mittee meetings and or at least 50 percent committee" was that the policy committee County site because it was "critically of all meetings in a given term be has not yet reached a quorum this term. located, being adjacent to the River Raisin" and had the potential to allow chemicals to automatically removed from that commit haif the tee seat." Ther people seep into groundwater, the spokesperson Any ASMSU representative can request ive a quorum. said. However. Michigan Department of Agri¬ culture records revealed that on June 25, 1974 — five days after a phone call to landfill operators and the followup letter denying its use as a disposal site — a shipment of PBB-tainted grain was ac¬ CATA, E.L have plan cepted from a cooperative affiliated with the Michigan Farm Bureau. DNR and Lenawee County Health Department officials met Wednesday to assess the situation and decided to try to ease parking problem immediately to determine whether PBB By SUSAN TOMPOR Taxes up if passes, city told has contaminated groundwater. The spokesperson said records show the landfill received 30.4 tons of grain contain East State News Staff Writer Lansing merchants will soon have the opportunity to promote bus ridership a: an alternative to parking problems. By JANET HALFMANN But most homeowners would pay about percent of total Michigan personal income. ing an estimated .287 pounds of PBB. Capital Area Transportation Authority board members authorized participation in i State News Staff Writer the same or slightly more in taxes under the Murphy said. "Right now there's no reason to believe pilot program called "Shop and Ride" at their meeting Wedne>day. Raises in college tuition and fees would Initiated by East Lansing, the program will begin its nine mont h t riai period in abou Higher taxes for most East Lansing proposal, he said. PBB has entered the groundwater," the In the calculations, Murphy assumed not be subject to any of the limits set forth one month, John Czarnecki, CATA board member and East Lansing Council mcmbei residents will result if the so-called Tisch in Proposal E, he said. spokesperson said. amendment passes Nov. 7, a city finance state income tax would rise from 4.6 said. official told the City Council Tuesday. percent to the 5.6 percent permitted under The proposal would not cut taxes or cause The DNR said Wednesday it would The program will be administered through the combined efforts of CATA, Eas an immediate cut-back in services, he said, Lansing and city banks and merchants. the proposal. A 1 percent local school Gary P. Murphy, finance group manager, immediately sample ground water at the said renters and senior citizens would be income tax was also included in the figures. but expansion or addition of services would site to determine whether it has been Shopper* will board buses along East Lansing routes and w ill receive a "theater like' the hardest hit by Proposal J. If Tisch passes, the city would lose more be difficult. contaminated by PBB. They said results ticket after paying the 15-cent fare. The ticket will be redeemable lor a token ai The proposal would reduce the property than $1.5 million in property taxes, Murphy If both tax proposals pass, the state's participating businesses when the shopper makes a purchase. The token will he goot ability to help local units of government may not be back for two weeks. County for "free ride home." assessment from 50 percent to 25 percent. said. a would be seriously restricted, Murphy said. health officials said they would begin today As a result, property taxes could be cut 50 But the proposal does not require that All merchants along the routes can offer the tokens. C/arnecki said. testing water wells used by 12 or 15 percent. any portion of an increase in state income If property taxes were cut, the state residents in the immediate vicinity. About 50 percent of downtown area merchants have said they are willing t< A couple under 65 with household income taxes be distributed to local governments, would probably raise the income tax to the participate in the program, Czarnecki said. City officials hope more merchants wil 5.6 percent limit in addition to raising other of $12,000 and paying $250 a month for rent he said. The DNR spokesperson said department participate in "Shop and Ride," he said. If state aid is increased, it is likely strings taxes, he said. But those additional tax CATA board members also discussed possible involvement in a Lansing proposei would pay $180 more per year in taxes, officials do not know precisely how the would be attached, he said. raises might not be possible if Proposal E downtown multi transportation center. Murphy's figures showed. order against dumping PBB-tainted mater A couple over 65 with a $40,000 home and In order to make up the loss in revenue, with its limitation on total state revenues The center would house a variety of transportation forms including cabs, limousines ials in Lenawee County was violated, but household income of $15,000 would also pay the city could increase the millage rate from also passes, he said. are investigating further. inter city buses and state wide buses, Wayne Servens, CATA board chairperson said additional $180, he said. 15.-73 to the legal maximum of 20 mills, Murphy's presentation on the effects of The board voted to examine the proposal more closely and to determine lutun an In other PBB related activity, a spokes One group in Murphy's study would gain charge for refuse collection, institute a city the tax proposals will air on the city's (continued on page 15) income tax or reduce services, he said. government channel, WELG-22, 5 p.m. person said Wednesday the state is consid with Tisch. A family of five with a $42,000 ering building additional burial pits for home and household income of $18,000 Proposal E, the so-called Headlee amend¬ Monday through Friday, Oct. 23 through contaminated cattle in Oscoda county. ment, would limit state, revenues to 9.4 Nov. 6. would pay $107 less in taxes. ASMSU appropriates money to By R.W. ROBINSON not used must be sent back to the special fight tax limitation projects fund where they originated, the proposals Two Case Hall residents also expressed their concern about a mi discussed to elect the board president from within the membership State News Stall Writer proposal stipulates. "It is a violation of democracy," freshman Larry Brunink said. dollars was appropriated by the ASMSU Student Board at Tuesday's "I think the $300 is going to get lost, myself," Stouffer said. Three hundred Black said he believes Stouffer feels this way because "he would rather see the Student If adopted, the measure will be a constitutional change, which meeting for literature to educate the public "against" the Tisch, Headlee and voucher tax Board have more authority over how the money will be used for the 'educational' student referendum before it can become policy, sophomore Siev limitations proposals. Dan Black, director of the legislative relations cabinet, will have control over this literature." The Student Board also: allocation and the cabinet will also be responsible for all literature from the Student Steve Politowicz, chairperson of the Programming Board said he was strongly in favor • reallocated $931.92 from its contract services to the < of all three amendments being passed. concerning the three proposals. phone bills and other miscellaneous items; Board Black said his cabinet will soon compose a letter which will be distributed to parents of "The system is disassociating itself from the people and I think it's about time those • placed the referendum to increase student lax 50 eer for the Programming Board people under the dome receive a kick in the butt," he said. and the elections for the Business College representative the board's agenda for Nov. in state MSU students concerning the board's view on the possible amendments. The cabinet also plans to run some advertisements in the Detroit Free Press against He added he will have nothing to do with any committee created in opposition of these I. 1978; and proposals. stablish a special the tax limitation proposals, Black said. • approved a resolution to recommend the MSU Board of Trustei UI think it's a nice gesture from the board, but I also think its a day late and a dollar In a heated debate Politowicz and Julie Maki, College of Arts and Letters commission of qualified individuals to be charged with the task of wing the present short," said Dan Stouffer, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources representative. representative, argued over what should be the Student Board's stand on the proposals makeup of the Academic Freedom Report. and their worth before the measure was finally approved by the board. All monies received by the cabinet for the purpose of promotion and service that are 50 cent increase would benefit everyone—vote YES The ASMSU Programming Board is undoubtedly the most can definitely take care of itself, without having to rely on taxing undersold their off-campus rivals. Steve Martin, for instance, was on •onMstenilv beneficial service organization existing on campus today. students. Pop Entertainment officials are confident the deficit can be campus last year for $3 less than what it will take to see him off campus rectified by at least the end of winter term and probably sooner. Under this year. Jazz shows in local bars are nearly double for what is charged Ait hough their efforts may not be as profound as organizations the current system of rental arrangements made with outside at Showcase Jazz concerts. Last year, Great Issues sponsored a series of represent ing minorities or underprivileged groups, their services touch feminist speakers that no large profit-oriented promoter would ever and usually with no reward other than personal gratification promoters, Pop Entertainment cannot lose money — only make. True, for they could make more by risking no-rental arrangements, but they think of scheduling. The list of benefits goes on and on. .t job a ell done. Since its referendum-inspired inception two years ago, the board has could also lose their shirts, as they almost did last year. coordinated an array of groups ranging from Great Issues to Ten Pound The best guarantee for Pop Entertainment's continued success, and But the list is in danger of stopping abruptly Costs must be met — riddle, to Mariah, to Showcase Jazz, to Ebony Productions, to Pop the entire Programming Board, is the fact that MSU students love either through a small 50-cent increase in a student tax, or through more Entertainment, to 18 different programmers in all. Each group is equal diversion. And no one provides better, inexpensive, quality diversions expensive ticket prices along with cutbacks in services. The tax is in the eyes of the board and each have been coordinated with skillful than do the groups under the Programming Board umbrella. readily refundable so no one can lose. But the overwhelming number of aplomb. In the last few years, many off-campus concert promoting people who will gain by the addition of the 50-cent tax makes it East May. a similar referendum met narrow defeat by a mere 29 organizations have sprung up to satisfy the market. Promoting is imperative that this referendum be passed. We urge that all students votes. The board at that time asked for SI, as opposed to the 50 cents getting very competitive. But on-campus promoters have consistently vote Yes when the proposal is placed on a ballot. being requested now. Though the dollar increase would have been beneficial to the board — it was perhaps a little extravagant. The $20.0(10 Pop Entertainment deficit discovered at the beginning of last spring term probably contributed to the narrow defeat, as many students probably figured the request was merely attempt to bail out Yew faculty grievance procedure Pop Entertainment. If they did, they figured wrong. The biggest factor in the past $1 request, and the current 50-cent request, is the recent change in U.S. copyright laws. Without getting should be accepted by all parties into a long winded explanation, let it be said that material previously The Faculty Council is investigating a proposed change of the faculty under the current procedure. used for free now has to be paid for. The laws definitely benefit artists, The decision whether or not to include "unfair treatment" in hut at the expense of those who appreciate what artists do. grievance procedure. The University Committee on Faculty Affairs, The ramifications of the laws were sweeping, even the MSU marching which compiled the proposed plan, has recommended a major revision of grievance procedures should not be at the discretion of the FGO as has the Interim Faculty Grievance Procedure. been exercised in the past — it. ought to be guaranteed by the rules. hand felt the crunch, and for an organization serving as an umbrella for The need for change is not rooted in abuses. The faculty grievance Binding arbitration is included in an amendment to the proposal. This is different programming groups, the law was nearly devastating. Even includes an appeal to the American Arbitration Association when an with the negative affects the law had on the board, they were able to procedure has not been abused by the parties. But a need to change the survive. And without passing on substantial costs to student written rules to conform to actual practice has been recognized. These appeals panel decision in favor of a faculty member is reversed by the practices have evolved from experience; they are more practical and fair president of the University. Binding arbitration is the best method of including an unbiased third party to hear the facts of the case and make a consumers. than the original procedure and ought to become "law" to guarantee As for the $20,000 Pop Entertainment deficit, that particular group decision all parties are bound to obey. their application in the future. The old procedure, instituted in 1972, was intended as an interim The "interim" plan has been in effect six years. A permanent solution measure in response to several complaints of arbitrary treatment of must be found to provide the fair resolution of faculty/administration faculty members. Although not hastily drawn, it was compiled without disputes. The University Committee on Faculty Affairs is offering a plan □ The State News Thursday October 19 1978 past experience to guide the system away from mistakes. Its narrow definitions and drawn-out nrocedures have yielded in practice due solely to looser policies of the Faculty Grievance Official, but the remnants of that corrects the potential for mistakes and provides a fair grievance process. As written, the present procedure has potential for arbitrary the opinions of the State News Viewpoints columns inexperience have remained in the rules. Should the character of the decisions. That potential alone causes a disgruntled faculty. A and letters are personal opinions FGO change, the practical system as we know it would revert to its disgruntled faculty produces problems for the administration and the Editorial Department insufficient beginnings. Faculty Grievance Official. And a disgruntled faculty stands in the way Photo Editor James L Smith The 1972 procedure defines an actionable grievance as one where an of the best possible education for the student body. - re' :u"gE.1'or Anne Stuart Entertainment 5 Ec.'or Kim Shonohon Sports Editor official misapplies University policy. Unfortunately, this doesn't cover The proposed plan must still clear the Academic Council, the Layout Editor Scott Wierengo all areas where a grievance could occur. Under these rules, a faculty Academic Senate, the president, and the Board of Trustees. freelance Editor Deborah Heywood . •?' Michelle Chambers Chief Copy Editor Kenneth E Parker member mistreated within University policy has no guaranteed Administrative hassles of running the University should be eliminated Paula Mohr Stoft Representative JoyL Hoe recourse. quickly so the school can devote its fullest efforts to education. The Advertising Department The proposed procedure would expand the definition to include any proposal will clear up that administrative area. Quick acceptance by all n" X nq Meager Bob Shaffer Assistant Advert, ,ing Manager Gma Spornolo "unfair treatment. While this may seem to include petty arguments, it reviewing boards will be best for the faculty, the administration, and will also serve to include reasonable complaints technically not allowed most important, the students. The world is, and always has been, becomes the problem itself. Some of my best friends are black/female/ gay/poor" (pick one). BRUCE GUTHRIE plagued with innumerable problems. The In fact, if we ever took the time, we But what do we really care about? The leaders of the world regularly get together would find that we as individuals and as football scores, "pennant fever," the long- and piece together a "final solution" to members of groups are at least indirectly awaited new album, the dance, the party, Distractions are these problems. No final solution comes responsible for most of the problems that the new television show, what Andrea will , about and the problems remain. face us. If we asked ourselves "What am I do about her infected finger and pregnancy doing about it?", few among us would be in tomorrow's installment, the new cars, It's easy to blame the leaders. I've heard proud of our own response. Liz's new (but not improved) husband or it said that the United States is still "too until they overcome dependent" on foreign oil because Congress is controlled by special interest groups who As human beings, we must respect ourselves to enjoy our lives. We cannot do ring, whether we should go to a movie tonight or do homework, or what grade we would have received if those answers hadn't won't allow effective energy legislation to this when we recognize that we are been changed at the last minute. In short, be put on the books. That sounds reas¬ responsible for the problems affecting all of we care about nothing. And nothing evei us. So we deny responsibility, or simply again becomes one of "We" versus "Them" suring. sort of. Of course each of us belongs to our share of special interest groups and cease to care about the problem. changes. I cant imagine the magazine staff instead of one of cooperation and trust. our groups' interests and plans, which are enjoyed printing that note, It's probably Further, sports, like most forms of enter¬ As journalists, who spend so much time ■nsville. Md. The disturbing for them to cover a million tainment. distract people from observing obviously correct, are always the ones Poverty; who cares? Starvation; who cares? Anita Bryant; who cares? Sexism; studying the issues which really do effect sports columnist earth shaping events for their publication and dealing with real life problems. The being undermined by "the" special interest the course of the world, we write our who cares? Most everything that we have i the New York and find that even one of their readers stadiums, theatres and concert halls attract groups. stories and wait to see them published. To lot of people who simply can't cope with responsibility for; who cares? "Who cares?" simply doesn't give a damn about anything a This nation is wrapped up in an energy we ask and drift off to the tube or the eliminate the world's problems, people, except a pennant race. homework, friends, or simply their lives. crisis because as citizens we have done stadium to forget. must be made aware of them and their) individual responsibility for solving them. "Congratulations While I find baseball to be the most Distractions in themselves aren't bad. nothing, either individually or collectively, Journalists help bring this about. We wait to use our energy more efficiently or shift to Yet we cannot admit apathy to issues \tti we had all heard boring of the lot, I don't like competitive Given this world, with its hatred and which we find fundamentally heinous. We for feedback that seldom comes. We find I'opeS, scandals. Carter, spectator sports as a whole. Sports rein continual crises, some distractions, like alternative forms of energy. We, despite have to be able to say, "Sure, I'm against Rose Grollman believes everything except the first one who force attitudes of individual and group sports, may he the only thing that keeps us the fingers we point at those other people, all from becoming compulsive neurotics. are responsible for the crunch and our the war. I voted for McGovern, you know," the pennant race is irrelevant to life. We i September and competition which are already too rein have failed. unwillingness to assume any responsibility or "Sure, I'm all in favor of civil rights. forced in this culture. The terminology But only some distractions, though. societal decency by giving publicly-funded What do we get in return? Poor student government leadership by conver¬ abortions. Either we pay a little now or we sportsmanship! Sore losers! This from the ting the elected office of ASMSU president are guaranteed to pay one hell of a lot more supposed number one school in the nation. into a chairperson position selected, solely, later. What a joke. The only No. 1 you are is No. 1 by the Student Board. Such a proposal Frosty Woolridge on the losers list. Hail to the Spartans! We takes away the representative aspect of the Letter Policy 2106 Prospect have arrived. ASMSU presidency. Since such a position Lansing The members of affects students, students should have the Two High, East Holmes Hall responsibility of choosing their leadership. The Opinion Page welcomes all letters I'm not going to pretend that I now view Rather than take away the student's and viewpoints. Readers should follow a few A stroke of luck Olin as a medical Utopia; I'm sure it has its ED NOTE The above letter was sent for publica¬ rules to insure that as many letters as pos¬ tion in U M Michigon Daily It is not yet known right to vote, ASMSU should act to 'U' students send s shortcomings and its staff members have sible appear in print their bad days. But I do want to be sure that if space was found for the letter Somehow, we encourage student participation. One of the Letters should be 25 lines or less and may the good side of the story gets told too. doubt it greatest tools of participation is the right to be edited for State News style and concise¬ on Friday 13th So, - to Dr. Hill and Ms. Sorrel and the vote. If the ASMSU board desires to ness to fit as many letters as possible on encourage student voices, an adoption of Viewpoints may be no longer than 75 :)!h was something of an other staff members who assisted me, and to Shirlee K„ my generous aide, and to the regards to l-M Democracy under this proposal will be a negative mark upon a page. lines and may also be edited. ASMSU because of the proposal's impact AU letters and viewpoints should be me, on my way to teach a ot her st udents who stopped to help — t hank bike accident that As students at MSU, we were, of course, upon student voices in their leadership. typed on 65-space lines and triple-spaced. minor i-f encounter between my e Dan elated over our football team's victory last attack by ASMSU I encourage each and every student to Letters and viewpoints must be signed and speak up in order to keep their right to vote include local address, student, faculty or n MSI" sidewalk. But in "a 207 West Owen Hall Saturday. There was wild celebration on sense. It was a lucky day. our campus in honor of our first victory in A certain proposal has been introduced to and to speak to their ASMSU representa¬ staff standing—if any-and phone number. the ASMSU Student Board, which is an tive to vote against such a proposal as a No letter or viewpoint without these items •nly reinforced my belief in football over ll-M since 1969. violation of student participation and demo- will be considered for publication. it also gave me a firsthand We were informed by a local radio station attempt to take away the students' voice in Public abortions , lie experience of Oiin that television broadcast of the game was cancelled — public as well as cable of the accident itself, four tape delayed broadcast — after the game DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau trangers to me - gathered ed around, til they'd helped relatively cheap was over. then angry. We were at first disappointed and t and made sure I was Why? We were perturbed that after ten WHAT DO THE HERJ ACCORDS SPEU. NELL, AS ITDLDCBS EARLIER, MR. ight. Then one of them In response to the Owen graduate years of good sportsmanship on our part as FOR MR. BE6IWS CAREER9. IN A HEOEY, SOME fRJENDS WIU CRITICIZE student's anti abortion letter, and as a FAR-RAH&N6 INTERVIEW, I A9& ME.BUTimiSTHEIRRI6HT.rTIS I my hike to Olin, back our football and basketball teams foun¬ former elementary teacher in low income dered, we expected the same on the part of j THE DOUR UT71E EX-TERRORIST TO BE EXPECTED. THERE IS A PHIL¬ ill to pick up my students' OSOPHICAL EXPRESSION FCRTHtS. Her key tc areas, I am amazed at his 'uninformed' ; ABOUT HIS POLITICAL FUTURE.. our down state rivals. Instead, we get comments. Through my years of teaching, I and that snubbed by the U-M Athletic Department would be happy to fund. PUBLICLY, •idled. s director. Don Canham. abortions, for the reason that if these low an while, at the health center, instead income people don't have the chance for Now look, U-M. We have put up with ching a lesson on reading literature, I abortions, then we pay 10 times the cost of a insults, barbs and innuendos for 10 years. •ned a lesson on reading newspapers simple abort ion in terms of five million child Not only at our athletic programs, but at hat Olin is a more humane place than abuse rases per year, delinquent crime, our academic programs as well. Believe me, ould gather from the editorial pages truancy, unwanted children who grow up we could insult you guys plenty! Yet, we • State News. Although my "emer- and have more unwanted children. It is a won't lower ourselves to your level. We was a minor one, I received quick, " vicious cycle of ignorance and human accepted athletic defeats gracefully. Never competent attention, with clear. did we take away television rights or sling ii advice on what to do afterwards. So. let lives and insults at U M. Michigon Stote News, Eost lonsing, Michigon Thursday, October 19, 1978 5 VIEWPOINT: 'OPTIONAL' FEES Why refund what's ours? By GLEN MITCHELL several weeks, make a special trip to the Student Services A major injustice lurks at MSU which I have seen very few building, find the radio office, ask a secretary where the refunds notice in my past three years were given, and enter another office where I presented my ID and here. This is the fees students pay during tuition for ASMSU ($2.50). the State News ($1). RHA fee card. I was then asked to sign a sheet saying I received a ($4.75). and the Student Radio ($1). (The RHA and radio fees are refund and then asked verbally why I wanted the refund. All was only for those students living in resident halls, ASMSU is for all done pleasantly, but I felt it was wrong that I had to do this to get students, and the State News is for those students carrying 10 returned to me the dollar I did not wish to give in the first place. credits or over.) The process required to get a refund then can be seen to For those without a calculator that comes to a total of $9.25 consume much time and effort to get a return of what is really which we pay to these organizations whether we want to or not, yours to begin with. With PIRGIM, the student decides at and more importantly, whether we use the services they provide. registration whether he wants to give or not. Why can't these other fees be treated likewise? Is somebody afraid that we might Of course refunds are available for most, if not all, of these. For say no and keep our money? those not using these services that wish to get a refund must A more noticed and commented-on fee is this fall's $18 "health watch closely in the State News (which you should not be reading service fee," MSU's form of socialized medicine. I see the necessity if you want to get a refund for it) for announcements of when the refunds are given. They are usually given during certain hours of a of having a competent health care facility on or near campus, but what about those who do not use it? Why can't there be at least a specified number of days. After you find out when, then you must take your fee card to the specified office and humble yourself partial refund for those who have not used the service during the term? before those giving the refunds. I know life is not always fair, but that does not mean fairness is In the past I obtained Student Radio tax refunds since I did not not something to strive for. use their services and did not feel it was my duty to support them. Mitchell is a Williams Hall Senior mojoring in Biological Sciences To get this refund it was necessary to watch the State News for VIEWPOINT: S. AFRICA Such an evangelical man Is divestiture appropriate? Such a man on campus By MIKE McCANDLESS Center of Washington D.C. Federal loans and Credits to South Africa total in the billions of dollars. Stands alone in the center As the issue of apartheid policies in South Africa draws closer There is no way that this kind of economic power should be or is Of a rain washed patch of green grass. and closer to the heart of the University's financial policies and consistently allowing the apartheid practices of the South African along with them the ultimate high level decisions that must government to dictate the manner in which American firms He preaches the Worst of God necessarily follow, the importance of clear and pointed thinking conduct business within their country. The fact of the matter is seems more apparent than ever. While waiting with bated breath Stone cold glaring black eyes staring that more than 100 of the American firms currently operating in Somewhere not in particular; for word from behind the board room door as to if, how and when South Africa now subscribe to a set of principles (developed by a divestiture will occur however, a little research on the matter former member of the board of General Motors) that calls for equal Right index finger jousts heavenward might be in order. It's the least we can do. After all, it is our pay. increased promotion and training for non-whites, equal rights Left palm plays with a closed black bible money. And the lives of thousands of South African blacks. for black unions and a commitment towards ameliorative actions Like a yo-yo, MSU is not the only organization currently wrestling with the concerning employee quality of life. Body bowing mechanically problem of supporting the presence of American business in the All of this is not to say that the U.S. or its business community He drones heavily, monotonously most blatantly racist nation in the world. Several other should in any way support the activities of the South African "DIRECT" universities are in the same position and are drawing a great deal government in regard to their apartheid policies. It is not even to "QUOTES" of protest over their policies. Congress is currently considering a say that American business doesn't play any part in the indirect Mankind and the World condemned! number of measures aimed at applying economic pressure. Many support of that regime. However, a significant number of those ... businesses are starting to question their own "apartheid-support¬ businesses are currently conducting their own activities toward Cool foggy air transpires ing" activities and have made substantial alterations in their South the betterment of social conditions for South African blacks. And Breath vapors curl African holdings. One fact still remains though — American that can't be ignored. From his judgmental lips business touches many elements of South Africa and the lives of its Some day in the future when black men and women in South He looks like the Devil himself. people. But how and to what degree are those lives affected? Could Africa can enjoy the same rights and privileges as whites, they will it be possible, even in light of all the uproar, that foreign really have no one to thank but themselves for the agony and Passersby disregard him corporations actually represent a legitimate and valuable role in frustration that was overcome in the struggle. But when the No courteous attempt the processes that are trying to bring the majority into a position To Stop to ... to Listen of full participation in South African society? opportunity exists to provide a small base for them in that to struggle, it becomes important to weigh those opportunities in relation to the negative impacts that might result. Turning our It is a matter of public record that the United States assumes Such an evangelical man. backs to a problem is not the best way to make it go away. the number one position in South African foreign trade and number two as an overseas investor. Three-hundred fifty University policies must reflect a consideration for the true costs and benefits of divestiture of stock in businesses conducting American firms now operate in South Africa. Some of these firms activities in South Africa. They can only be obtained through constitute a highly significant share of some important markets — consideration of all the facts, not just the negative ones. 23 per cent of the auto market. 43 per cent of petroleum and 70 per McCond'ess is o junior mo/oring in political science cent of computers, according to Investor Responsibility Research Vassarette Jrs.® heathered fleece robe and matching nylon gown for Miss J. An invitation from IBM to discuss your career Contrast blanket stitching on Friday, October 27, the "snugglers" in 5-13 sizes: Soft cardigan wrap robe with at your Placement Office. flare skirt and patch pocket, Heatherlour" fleece of care¬ free polyester/nylon in navy with red stitching, $35. If you are thinking about a career in engineering, computer Cap-sleeve gown with surplice science or sales/marketing, IBM is certainly one company you neckline, back tie. Reversed should consider. in red with navy stitching on Crepeset* nylon, $16. IBM provides a uniquely creative environment in which talented people are encouraged to accept the challenge and responsibility offered by one of the prime growth industries: information technology. We can offer you a remarkable variety of career opportunities in many areas. Come and talk with us. We'll be on campus all day, October 27. The Placement Office will be happy to set up an appointment. In the meantime, if you would like to know more about us and the many opportunities we offer, our career brochures are available at the Placement Office. Irv Pfeiffer Corporate College Relations Manager IBM Corporation One IBM Plaza Chicago, IL 60611 I5=T= An Equal Opportunity Employer Jacobson's Thursday, October 19, 1978 fo Michigan State News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Background: John Denver ASMSU Pop Entertain¬ for the BBC in London, and Reiner's Oh, God! Denver ment will present recording, has guest hosted the To¬ received favorable reviews television and motion pic¬ night show for Johnny Car for his portrayal in the film. ture star John Denver in Denver's only other motion Jenison Fieldhouse Nov. Denvi the picture stint was composing getting off the Railroad on s r Flint is 10 at 8 p.m. as Denver began Chad Mitchell's his career replace — t of the Country Association s highest Music award "Entertainer of the Year." and singing the title theme for Wall Disney's The Bears And I. ment in the extremely popu His popularity encompasses Tickets for Denver's on our own merits, and hope lar Chad Mitchell Trio. After Bv DAVF l>i MARTINO appearance are $10. $7.50, fully everything else will work i and p half the musical audience from and $5. and are available at out." lead singer for the group. countrv to easy listening. the Union Ticket Office, Brewer seems quite excited Denver left the group to about next week's debut, as it become a single act. the ivning Campus Corners II, Where- ■;in excited about his new- lion selling single. The album that happen — and we don't id. whose live debut is also went gold. He followed want it to come off wrong, edtiled next Monday in Chi this with a string of gold o. "We'll be starting out as a corny or like a hype. We're really trying to get away from singles and LP's, including all that, to get everything "Rocky Mountain High." together ourselves and not take "Sunshine On My Shoul¬ advice from agents or manage¬ ders." "Annie's Song." and ment or anyone like that. We "Thank God. I'm A Country Bov." All of which resulted just want to do what we want to do." in John Denver's Greatest Brewer is Hits, one of the biggest Flint, from left to right: Mel Schncher, Don Brewer. Crnig Frost. especially eager to see how Michigan will react to selling albums in the record¬ the band, hoping for the best. ing industry's history. it and start all over again. We that very well might have He thinks the group's sound is we got this whole project Denver has become a really didn't get the band happened. Instead Flint sounds contemporary; after listening together after Grand Funk major TV personality together until six or seven like a full-fledged band that to Flint this writer would have strictly with the attitude that it through a series of top rated would only be for fun, it wasn't months ago." knows exactly what it's doing. to agree with him. "What we're television specials. An Even¬ going to be anything else. If it "We're not really shooting at doing now is ing With John Dever won wa». then it wouldn't be worth Flint was recorded at The any particular direction right pretty much what we've always the si'iger an Emmy Award now." Brewer says. "We're done." Brewer adds. "We're doing it. Swamp, the group's own Michi¬ for the best musical variety "Actually, we'd been working gan studio, and produced by trying to figure out what we contemporary — other than the fact that we don't play any special of 1974-75 season. Mel Schache- and Craig Frost on putting this whole thing Brewer. Schacher and Frost. should be doing. I think that His Rocky Mountain Christ¬ have b«, t-n joined by Chuck The trio was responsible for we're really lucky that things disco. We listen to the radio, we together for about a year and a mas received the highest Rowe a -••• und keyboardist. half." Brewer explains. "The laying down most of the basic came out just like you said — pick up on songs and we're rating in the history of the guitan>t John Escosa and sec¬ like one band, one album. pretty happy with what we're ABC Television Network for ond drummer Ron Trombly. "We're not trying to be a program hosted by a single Together thev've put together "We're not trying to be Grand Funk, and Grand Funk, and we really : be ( i hell personality. The special Flint 'Columbia JC 37544>. as don't want to be related to to see how you'll go down, the we really don't want to be related to Grand Grand Funk. That whole thing writer mentions, and Brewer rated higher than the total impre^-ne a debut album as Funk. That whole thing would be really hard of the other two networks' any to be heard this year. A would be really hard for us to for us to compete with at this point, "Yeah ." ratings combined. He has highly commercial LP just compete with at this point, you . . starred in a series of specials know? We just can't do it. So He should find out Monday brimming with potential hits. you know?" Flint thankfully is NOT recy¬ we're just trying to be accepted cled Grand Funk but powerful, poppish rock ri roll. three of us" — Brewer, tracks and soon after, the How did Flint begin? Hasn't Schacher and Frost — "just overdubs — by such talents as (.rand Funk, with their $60 started out in our studio record¬ Frank Zappa and Todd Rund- million career gross, pretty ing some basic tracks. We gren — were added. Most up Brt and threw some stuff down on tape noticeable about the LP is its Another Schacher for life. and decided to figure out what sense of immediacy and, to this "No', to the extent that to do with it later, after we writer at least, the fact that all people think." Brewer says. "I added some overdubs. If we those overdubs don't give the didn't like it. we'd just scratch album a patchy feel, something APPLICATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED FOR Grand River Avenue? SPACE ALLOCATION IN STUDENT SERVICES BLDG. That's what They call APPLICATIONS MAY BE PICKED UP IN traffic to the Mall their malls RM 334 STUDENT SERVICES BLDG. vill mean "magnets" MUST BE RETURNED BY 5:00 P.M. The mall's developers estimate that You can look at the developers' own NOVEMBER 1, 1978 the first phase of the mall's development words to see they're serious about will draw nearly 100,000 more cars a turning northern East Lansing into NO LATE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED. week onto Lake Lansing Road. another traffic tangle. And those 100,000 cars won't come They've already advertised for retailers out of thin air. Every street in northern to buy and develop land in "the high East Lansing will see its traffic increase traffic neighborhood around a Dayton Hudson regional center." And they've by thousands of cars a week. But that's only the beginning. By 1985, listed this area in the ads as one prime location. FOR THIS CAUSE the developers have estimated, "the site will be the focus of 46,940 work, shopping, The ads call their malls "magnets" -- > and entertainment trips (per day)," And that's enough cars to make Grand traffic to put drawing magnets. And they want their traffic-drawing magnet right / A Two-Hour Audio-Visual Presentation of the River Avenue Into the second busiest on top ot East Lansing's residential LIFE of CHRIST street In East Lansing. neighborhoods. 'S CAUSE is truly unique The entire production is by an electronic programmer synchronized to -cerate six projectors simultaneously A giant 7 foot by 30 foot screen and stereophonic sound add dramatic dimension to this inspiring and VOTE NO H viewing experience To More Traffic 3:30/6:30/9:30PM J&a. Friday, 0ctober20 VOTE NO M.S.U. STUDENT UNION CORNER OF ABBOTT & E GRAND RIVER Send lor Free Booklet to Jackson - BALLROOM E. LANSING Bibie Students 2531 Asnton Rd, Jackson, Mich 49203 on The Mall Michigon Stote News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 19. 1978 7 Gilels shows strength, control Party Time!! By DORIS TISHKOFF Vier Klavierstucke, and the marked by Gilels' skill in bring¬ The final pieces, the Jeux State News Reviewer encore piece. Arabesque, was ing out the inner voices. In d'eau and Alborada del Graci- By JOHN NEILSON gave us plenty of time to drink beer and set oso of Ravel were, like the rest, Emil Gilels, the renowned Schumann at it's finest and particular, the Ballade #3 in B State News Reviewer up some tapes to produce echo effects, so Russian pianist, presented a Itjast commonplace. The polari¬ Minor had a poetic, almost distinguished by the conscious that There was a time when campus radio was by the time the tune ended we were all recital of Romantic works on zation of moods so familiar to mystical quality, with a recur¬ avoidance of grand virtuosity. a good deal more anarchic than it is now. primed for fun -- whether the listeners Tuesday evening in the MSU Schumann is, for some pianists, ring two-note phrase that Yet, they were brilliant. The Back in the days before tight playlists and were or not. Auditorium. He is a pianist for the ultimate goal of their inter¬ startled with its simplicity and cascading fountains of notes in "HHHHHHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii." His voice washed the former seemed barely to young DJs who practiced talking like basso connoisseurs. Gilels, a stocky pretation. For Gilels, however, significance. over the end of the song, hanging 10 on a it Scriabin's Etude in F Sharp touch the piano keys, and the profundos, the Michigan State Network was man with a surprising shock of was something more — an a last refuge for scattered handfuls of wave of echo and electronic noise. "It's red hair and powerful broad evocation of Schumann's wist¬ Minor Op. #8 and C Sharp sharp staccatos of the latter hard-core radio freaks who refused to mmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Moby shoulders, clearly conserves his ful reminiscences: his resurrec¬ Minor #2, showed that com¬ struck the ears like the echoes believe that "the underground sound" was Daaaaaaaaaaaaavvvvvvvvve. I've got a enormous strength as a per tion of the playful child, gleeful poser's indebtedness to the of a Spanish dancer's heels. freeeeeeee peeeeeeezzzzzzzzaaaaaaaa for dead. Myself included. former in favor of a superbly and slightly wild in one mood, Brahms which preceded them, Gilels hardly waited for the the next person who calls mmmmmmeeeeee I can't speak for all of the stations, but I controlled conception of the melancholy and wistful in while the Five Preludes, Op. applause to die down before at And so on. Across Brody, 10s of do know that at WBRS the philosophy at ... Romantic genre. another. Gilel's knack for shap¬ #74 was the mature Scriabin, gomg into his encores, the night was "no rules is the best rules." people sprang for their phones, blissfully Gilels' genius for seeing the ing an extended melodic line chromatic to the point of eccen¬ Schumann and Prokofiev's unaware that the station receiver off Prelude in C Major, so eager Loosely translated, this means that the was total work from beginning to into a single voice heightened tricity, looking ahead to Ravel station manager and the other VIPs were ■) the hook. at each and Debussy. Gilels reading of was he to remain at the end at all times was evident in the listeners' awareness piano. not in the station, and b) not listening to us Meanwhile, behind the scenes. Terry and his rendition of shorter pieces return, giving a sense of con¬ the Opus 74 showed his under¬ The rapt audience remained I had on the radio because they hated our music. already arranged to have a free pizza by Schumann, Hrahms, Scri- tinuity among the four pieces. standing of and empathy for glued to their seats, spellbound delivered to a fortunate student who was that composer's mystical excur My radio show was from 9 to 11 p.m., abin, and Ravel, while his The Four Ballades, Op. 10, of by an evening of rare piano only coincidently my roommate. wedged in between a MSU network show aesthetic conviction gave each Brahms were, once again, artistry. and the weekly "Moby Dave" fun fest. Not Moby's show got progressively more of these works a musical signifi¬ the best time slot, you'll agree, but it was eccentric with each beer, so that by 12:30 cance that raised them above far superior to the 3 to 6 a.m. shows I had any audience we had left was treated to the level of "interlude" pieces. started out with. I sure didn't complain, medleys of tunes by Blue Cheer and the Never succumbing to the emo¬ Velvet Underground. especially since the Sunday show offered a tional indulgences into which number of fringe benefits. The pizza mercifully arrived soon after — the Romantic musician often It was nearing the end of my program, so a steaming hot sausage and mushroom lapses, Gilels brought out the I was re shelving some of the albums I had delight, as usual. Being real thoughtful guys beautiful nuances and shadings at heart, decided to share good played in the record library when Moby we our of each piece, the concise but arrived with our mutual pal Terry and a fortune with any insomniacs that were still pertinent inner meaning of this 12 pack of fringe benefits. I knew it was tuned in - especially if they were from infrequently performed genre them when the gradually-slowing record Armstrong or Bryan. So "Sister Ray" ended of the concert literature. told me that the turntable in the studio had with an abrupt Click!, which was followed Gilels" control manifested it¬ been taken out of gear. by the popping of pull-tabs and a variety of self even in his facial demeanor, "YOU A$$#°'o$!!" slurping noises over the open microphone. which remained stolid. How¬ The record snapped back to 33'/.i amid a "Heeeeeeyyyyyyyy Brrrooooooodeeeee!" ever. he did have one interest¬ chorus of high pitched laughter. It was chorused a trio of slurring DJs, "Guess what ing mannerism. He would fre¬ going to be one of THOSE nights. we've got in OUR mouths!!" More laughter quently tilt his head to one side "Hiya. Jerkface." This was Terry's idea of followed before "Sister Ray" re started with as though listening to the a friendly greeting, so I played along and a dick! and resumed its relentless droning. musical voices which he deline¬ returned the compliment. After all. who By the time the nervous late-night jock ated so beautifully, seemingly was I to bite the hand that was offering me arrived with his personal collection of Rush engaged in a dialogue with the album| under his arm, all evidence of the inner message of the music. clandestine feast had been safely deposited < pizzas are left?" This literate style intruded in the dumpster in the back of Brody Hall. itself into his playing, with the WBRS in those days gave away three As he began cuing up the latest Foghat listener constantly aware of the pizzas a night to listeners who called in over album. Moby, Terry and I held a conference appearance and re-entry of the the phone — at least that's how it worked in to discuss our next move. The night was still principal melodic line. Fre theory. In reality there were a couple of too young to waste. quently, he would bring out the floors in Bryan and Armstrong who had "More Pizza!" cried Terry. melody with one hand, while "More BEER!!" countered Moby. perfected a system for jamming the phones the accompanying hand was so and winning inordinate amounts of pizzas. "SIR PIZZA IT IS!" I concluded, recog¬ muted as to be barely audible, To spite them — and to supplement our nizing the inevitable. but always suggestive, like the cafeteria diet with precious nutrients — we So once again the three of us counted out subtle shadings of delicate were not above shanghaiing an occasional our pocket change and trooped giddily watercolors. This literacy was photo by Paolo M. Mohr "pie" for our own use. This night would be across Michigan and Harrison to Sir Pizza, most notable in an exquisite Harry Chapin made several paints during his concert at the Lansing Civic Center no exception. continuing a WBRS tradition that probably reading of Ravel's Pavanne For Tuesday night. This was one of them. Chapin's performance was a benefit con¬ By this time Moby had already started his pre dated us all. A Dead Princess that was like cert for World Hunger Year IWHYI, which may partially explain the reason why first record — a piece by Soft Machine that Pizza, beer, and rock 'n roll — who could the recitation of a wordless took up the entire side of an album. This have asked for more? at least 20 bananas were hurled at him by the audience while he played. Gilel's Schumann, both in the ACTION AUTOMOTIVE BRAND NAME AUTO "Make it easy on PARTS, DISCOUNT PRICES AND PARTS PEOPLE yourself" WHO KNOW PARTS gold Action Coupon PRICES GOOD THROUGH OCT. 31, 1978 Action Coupon rim Champion!^ Action Coupon 3 DAYS ONLY! 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I always have to work on my offense and blocking," Ferguson Sute News Sports Writei e :s the best part of the game. But I do like to play all-around. Yet, anything t the team is fine with me. Being only 5 foot 4 may limit the game of some voile;. orking on my concentration. That's especially important because you have Joan Ferguson, who is one of the most versatile piayers read the other team's offense." In fact, the team's most valuable player last year ever, r third year with MSI" volleyball. Ferguson spent a year with the junior to her advantage. i before moving up to the varsity team for her sophomore season. Although "My height hurts when I'm up at the net. but ! car. n the team's most valuable player award, the Spartans suffered through a lower to the ground." Ferguson said. Joan ;s now glad to have the team back on the winning track. Another person who doesn't find height \ > r.arr.per r « > piayine together this year." Ferguson said. "We're more of a team now. Knoppers. : > r< e :r, each other. We have a lot of balance, too. We have fresh players "When a player is 5-foot 4. you norma.iy don't put re: a- wm matches. We're a close unit now." well there." Knoppers said. She always puts out. She • w • be playing again until next weekend when they travel to Champaign, ball hungry. She leads the team through the way *he u. Ferguson has been satisfied with her defensive p.ay. b strong competition there." Ferguson said. "To do well, we'll have to play still working on her offense and blocking. our game and keep the momentum going. We just have to put offensive pressure on our opponents, which is our strength." The one tournament, though, that Fergu¬ would like to win is the state JERRY BRAl'DE son tournament, which will be played at MSU. "In the previous years, we have always Another rebuilding year won it except for last year," Ferguson said. "It will be really hard to win it, but I think we can do it. It s an attainable goal." After playing on the Class A high school or the MSI hockey team championship team at Dearborn Fordson, Ferguson decided to come to MSU because MSll State News volleyball standout Joan Ferguson 131 makes up for her lack of Bunny Maison she knew the athletic program well and felt height with quickness and defensive ability. At 5 foot-4, Ferguson said •r.r. -■ .rge4> from the 1975-76 a big school would be more of a challenge entering his 26th year i > MSU's hoeke; the only time her lack of height hurts her is when she's at the net. xpected to be rebuilding year, than a smaller one. has been reputed a being playoffs in 1976-77 for the first lost the core of possibly their best tear s •.:r.o 'hem. MSU was expected The MSU Bowling Club will host its only ever three years ago. a term has also been synonomous with MS' . But instead, they were even home meet of the year Saturday at the hockey. That's called rebuilding, and this year looks like thing1 ookey record in Spartan history bowling lanes in the Union Building. The may not be any different. event will run all day. The Spartans lost eight seniors from last year's squad, givini Club Sports The other teams in the competition will competition. The first team will be com¬ lay over the season. In fact, the them young and inexperienced material for Bessone and hi1 that Goofus, the one-man band, be the University of Michigan. Eastern prised of: Tome Reaume, Don Loomis, Ron assistant Alex Terpay to work with. But since they are stil L' it to one of the skaters' games Michigan University. Central Michigan Cohen. Hank Beatle and Kendell Sherman. rebuilding from the losses of the 1975-76 team. MSU hockey fan show up when MSU's YOU CAN LEARN TO even will have to put up with another season of fortitude and patience After losing the "four superstars" that contributed to ai second half of the season. LIEBERAAANN'S= average of 21 wins a season (All-Americans Tom Ross and Stevi Extra-size umbrella SKY DIVE! ... personalized CAbiJilLLANI'S Family Law Clinic Charles P. Burbach But they share MARKET mion 11 bond - the lite life to the Attorney At Law with Italian, Greek and Middle Eastern Foods Uncontested Divorce port parachuting foolish Herring- featuring: 11- ' ' i I'lie'i or property division r hen approached the competent n-tors and jump- INCREDIBLE CHEESE PRICES! S125 plus costs .. " nen Mo pioperty division MOZZERELLA 11.651b. $185 plus costs PR0V0L0NE $1.59 lb. Probate and Juvenile Court Cases ■itsign and vhnitple. 5020 Northwind Drive. Suite 205, E.L. -kydiung 1? growing MVENSTER $1.69 lb. Ph. 322-2200 mightv fast * Sliced by Bill on the spot! 2003 E. Michigan Ave. KRESGE ART CENTER (Across from GALLERY Made of durable cotton and polyester woven Eiiil's East) at poplin on o sturdy wood shaft, it opens to Ph. 485-2441 a generous 40" span. Heat-sealed initials will OPEH MON-SAT Michigan State University make it yours alone. In green, beige or rust. To find out more 9:30a.m.-8:00p.m. sponsors a about skydiving to the M.S.U. Charlotte ^pF come ONE-DAY SALE Skydiving Club's RuraCenter meeting this Thurs¬ of Skydiving day, Oct. 19th, in the East Shaw Hall Lower Original Contemporary Prints MSU Sport Lounge at 7:00 pm. Parachute We will have movies from the Club showing students ac¬ nci mil INTERNATIONAL PRINT SOCIETY DOWNTOWN EAST LANSING - - 107 S. Washington 209 E. Grand River call 517 543-6731 372-9127 tually going through the course ing their and mak¬ first jump. Friday, October 20,1978 10 4 DAILY DOLLAR DEAL SPECIALS frMktukirnMmmym* Li„ Supervised Individual Study. 2-4 credits ENG 399 Perspectives on Literature, 4 credits V./ 2 Coping with Changing Instilutions in ENG 401 Introduction to English Language Studies, OFFICE OF OVERSEAS STUDY Modern Society, 4 credits 4 credits Room 108 CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS */, VYi World Urbanization: Human ENG 421 Shakespeare, 4 credits Consequences, 4 credits ENG 426E Comparative Drama, 3 credits PHONE: 353-8920 or 353-8921 '/»'if/) Supervised Individual Study, 2-4 credits ENG 805 Studies in Comparative Theatre and TOTAL 16 credits Drama, 3 credits J | Michigon Stole News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October J9, 1978 Safety council vetoed; S. African Liberation Committee no need, board says asks board to urge divestiture The proposed plan to develop an ASMSU Council of Campus Safety was rejected by the policy committee last week because the tee on the Public Safety on MSU Campus University in 1977 after studying safety situation on campus. Jones added that the student board did express its support to the Board of Trustees student board was "getting too bureaucra¬ "And the University is actually rn fnmniToYv ni^hl lill 9 machine washable. Sum!a> 1-7 Reg. $22 For (lie Men For llic Vt oinrn NOW *17.99 2 ! 7 F. (.rand Hi\< 22.1 F. (.rami Rixrr M VELO.UB. SHIRTS Solid colors only Reg. $27.50 \\ r specialize in llir "hanl-lo-l'il". Quality that speaks for itself NOW *19.99 OPEN 'til 10 p.m. Thursday & Friday Hoots for the W-i-tl-r (I-a-l-f loo! C FREE WHEN YOU SHOP WE WILL VALIDATE YOUR TICKET Michigon Stole News, Eost Lansing, Michigan \ Moonlight Madness Sale MOONLIGHT MADNESS SAVINGS MOONLIGHT MADNESS HAS HIT THE WHERE HOUSE! nil 14 karat Snuggle up this gold lithe rings- evening in Eeuadorian handmade- WHERE ELSE CAN YOU GET ANY 7.98 ALBUM OF YOUR nut rast- sweater. 100% wool bv designer Ed Levin LIMIT Mill PER CUSTOMER Ct""CE F®R $3 " CHOOSE FROM THOUSAHOS IN STOCK SALE BEGINS WHEN THE MOON SHOWS ITS FACE (7PM-11PM) E. LANSING STORE ONLY EXPIRES 10-20-78 reg price '60 CROSSROADS >s| of East Lansing 210 Abbott rd 351-6245 WHERE^; HCXJSE 220 m.a.c. univ. mall. \2tow/ 332-3525 mon-sat:9-9 sun: 12-7 SPOOKTAGULAR MOONLIGHT SALE!! Grab Your Broomsticks & PLY, Shrieking Into Hosier's To Dance IX:' JU*'s » P j «W«' Witchlike Midst The Racks & Stacks of Markdowns Too Monstrous For The Famous Labels You'll Recognize Instantly! Supernatural Bargains. Fainthearted! Frighteningly THREE SPELLBINDING DAYS THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY!! SPINE-TINGLING SPOOKY MYSTERIOUS ; '..k . [WOOL COATS BLAZERS SUITS ' 1 . reg. to '170 reg to *100 reg to *125 . j from *79 from *39 from *85 & AWESOME AWESOME BLOODCURDLING & ATHER JACKETS DRESSES SKIRTS : •; i; reg to '130 reg to *100 reg to • 50 y from *39 from *16 from *Q5 MYSTERIOUS CAULDRONS OF SPELLBINDING HORRIFYING WOOL JACKETS BLOUSES SWEATERS VELOUR TOPS reg to *100 reg to *18 to *60 reg to *50 reg to *30 ■ pi'.. ' Wet from »30 from *8 from * 13 from *13 rrr TERRIFYING ERRIE SUPERNATURAL FINE GAUGE SWEATERS DRESS PANTS PARKAS cowls & V-necks reg '12 reg to *50 reg to '85 *36 from from *16 from _!8 CREEPY SPELLBINDING VESTS JEWELRY reg to *30 VAULT from *7 10% off let's 30] E. Grand Mr*r Use Your Bankcards mam Thursdoy, October 19, 1978 ] A Michigan State News. Eost Lansing, Michigan DISCOUNT East Lansing's largest selection of 14k gold chains. All specially priced, • PHOTO FINISHING like our 16" chains starting at only $18. LOCATIONS • SCHOOL SUPPLIES • ALBUMS & TAPIS We have dozens of 14k rings, ear¬ 545 I. Grand River rings and chains, priced just as 21 1 E. Grand River reasonably. Stop by our new store, in our former location. You'll be surprised. We're Q- not just a jewelry store anymore! 0* L.P. SPECIALS °Ur JETHRO TULL BARRY WHITE AUNdlNCL THE ,,.4 IA LIVE i I .98 LIST 6.49 , MAN list AL STEWART I W BILLY JOEL 52nd TIME 226 Abbott open till 9:00 tonight STREET 4.19 LIST PASSAGE 4.19 tpm Tfcynday Mil 11 pm CIGARETTES LIMIT 1 PACKS 1199' EXPIRES 16/24/78 mOONLIGHT ShrtsCwpw 7-1 lp.m. THURSDAY ONLY CIGARETTES WORTH £QC ON ANY PHOTOFINISHING ORDER OF 2.50 OR MORE cowmm imuuiu smut to* men SAVE ». otm mflDNESS ilium Stat. Coop.o 35C PACK LIMIT I CUSTOM.. CLAIROL HERBAL ESSENCE State Coupon • BIOULAB .OILY SHAMPOO j 00 1.36 Tonight 7:00-11:00p.m.!! 7-9 p.m. .DSLICATS VALU. EXPIRES 16/24/78 THURSDAY ONLY DANNON Sponsored by CELBA YOGURT NYQUIL 1.88 6 OZ. 2.85 VALUE 29* 46' VALUK CUP Join the East Lansing Business Association LIMIT 3 CUSTOMER tonight for a one night only super sale. Catch them before they woke up and realize Stat* Coupon WELLA . -0 9-11 p.m. BALSAM lo90 what they're doing. THURSDAY ONLY ■ISULA. M IXTBA BODY IS OZ. 2" VALUI PEAK LIMIT I SapIrM IHUI TOOTHPASTE StNtoCoopoH CKIilSil TIMEX WATCHES 10' 50'VALUI LIMIT I CUSTOMS. 20% OFF RETAIL 7-9 p.m. Today Only — 10 A.M. to 11 P.M. THURSDAY ONLY DIAL VERY DRY 100 COUNT ROLL ON DEODORANT SUNLIGHT thru MOONLIGHT SALE ASPIRIN I Y> Ol. LIMIT I • BIOULAB I" VALUI O UNSCINTID 1.17 laplros 10-24-71 IS' If VALUI StotoCoupoa Lansing LIMIT 1 CUSTOMS. nbwi WONDRA SKIN CONOITIONINO LOTION • BIOULAB Today and Tonight is your one day chance 9-11 p.m. IS... I" VALUI . UNSCINTID ■ MA THURSDAY ONLY UMIT I Saplrat I.-T4-7. to buy lots of our great looking, top quality TRYLON SHAMPOO fashions at really low prices. CLOSE • UP TOOTHOASTI IS' 98' VALUI 1.4 01.1" VALUI BIOULAB OB MINT 96 Tailored. Kasha hie Ox ford LIMIT 1 CUSTOMER Cloth SHIRTS OLD SPICE FOAMY AFTERSHAVE SHAVE CREAM s? reg. 16 4% as. 5.00 VALUI 2.27 ALUS 1.17 Blazer Jacket* Wats Coupon »—HCoupoa with SCOTCH RUBBER FLAIR Tailored Dresses TAPE THONOS PENS 33c 66' 49' *29 ".400" OS'VALUI •t'VALW T I Soplrpo l.l.TS " UMIT. (ppIrM ILILI. reg. 58 '1*"' •♦■to Caapaa CUTBX MASKING 100 CT NAIL Designer TAPE Rig Assort men I ENVELOPES POLISH Sportswear, Dresses REMOVER Separates, Suits 59'ic 66 40< of Sweaters 1481 OS' VALUI V« Inch .2140 UMIT I Inch*. Soplrao 1.1.7. 401. *20 to *100 *12 JiyjrjHMMI «Wt Coupon tffoCoop— OFF ZEST CHEER llieir regnlur price reg. 18 to 24 DEODORANT SOAP IDRT DETERGENT 1.57 OS 01. 2/69' JMIT4 ExplrGt 10-24.78 1.1S VALUI Expires 10-24-71 PLUS MICH MORE Thursday, October 19, 1978 15 Michigon Stote News, East Lonsing, Michigan Soviets praise Budget director blasts T MARQUETTE (UPI) - income taxes levied to make up to lower rents is "like asking a State Budget Director Gerald for the $1.7 billion property tax rabbit to take a piece of lettuce chess champion Miller said Wednesday renters — 35 percent of all Michigan cut. He said expecting landlords to a friend happen." — it just won't households — will be fleeced by MOSCOW (AP) - Victorious month-long tournament at approval of Proposal J, the Baguio City. He keeps his title Anatoly Karpov credited here Wednesday was officially upholding the Soviet way of life with and wins $350,000. Korchnoi gets $200,000. Tisch tax cut amendment. "Renters are going to end up paying significantly more if 'Shop and Ride' by beating "unscrupulous" de¬ Proposal J passes," Miller told (continued from page 3) "but may find : Korchnoi, who claimed match fector Viktor Korchnoi in the Upper Peninsula reporters and involvement by CATA in the with the location." organizers made him play un¬ The proposed site, at world chess championship tour¬ der "intolerable conditions," community leaders at a tax plan. Michi nament in the Philippines. said he would file a protest. reform forum. Members said the center gan and Grand River Avenues, is about three blocks from what Defeating "a very experi¬ Korchnoi said he will bring Proposal J author Robert looks possible because Lansing enced, dangerous and perfidi¬ Tisch said though their income could obtain the necessary CATA calls "the heart of the up the conduct of the match ous adversary," the official taxes will rise, renters will funding based on the state's downtown area." when the International Chess Tass news agency said, Karpov Federation meets this month in benefit because their landlords newly signed transportation The proposed location would carried "the greatest respon¬ Buenos Aires, Argentina. In Montmorency bounty, Michigan, in an area known as "Grass Farm," 111 deer will lower their rents. package. • stops and could sibility ever borne in a match were counted in less than one hour on Tuesday while turkeys fed on the grass. But Miller said lower rents "CATA recognizes the need be ient for La by a Soviet chess player" in In Moscow, there was jubila¬ This is one of the few places left in Michigan where wildlife exists in such quan¬ are improbable and renters will for an improved downtown defending his title. tion and relief, at least on tities. be stuck with sharply increased exchange point," Servens said, Korchnoi, 47, resigned Wed¬ official levels, that Karpov de¬ nesday rather than resume a feated the man who defected game adjourned Tuesday. That from Russia during a chess gave Karpov, 27, the sixth win match in the Netherlands in he needed to end the three- 1976. Open house tonight The Office of Overseas Study will be available to answer will hold an open house from questions. 6:30 to 8:30 tonight in the International Center lobby. The programs offered Professors, former program through the office allow stu- participants and the staff from dents to earn MSU credit for the Office of Overseas Study study ( Oriental art shown Original Oriental art will be land, can be purchased. Mar son Co., Ltd of Balti¬ on display today and Friday at the International Center. more, the exhibition sponsor, will have a representative The art, including works of available to answer questions. well-known and contemporary Some 18th and 19th century from Japan, India, works will be among the 500 Super Anniversary Deals From The Midwest's Largest Hi-Fi Dealer! artists China. Tibet. Nepal and Thai¬ pieces on display. DONT MISS TALKING TO THE HUGHES RECRUITER VISITING YOUR CAMPUS SOON. Contact your placement office for interview dates. HUGHES AN EQLAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER M F Greyhound R* h The cure for college blahs. It's a feeimg that siowiy descends upon you The exams, the pop tests, the required reading, the hours at the library, the thesis— they won't go away But you can This weekend, take off. say hello to your friends, see the sights, have a great time You'll arrive with money in your pocket because your Greyhound trip doesn't take that much out of it i if you're feeimg tired, depressed and exhausted, grab a Greyhound and split It's a sure cure for the blahs -Greyhound Service —vin Weekend specials include 16 Friday departures the Detroit'' area, and 5 daily departures to Grand Rapids and Muskegon. On Sunday we feature DIRECT SERVICE from Detroit. Grand Rapids ond Muskegon TO THE MSU CAMPUS with our CAMPUS DROP OFF SERVICE along Shaw Lane ond Harrison Rood !11 Ask your agent about additional departures and return trips GREYHOUND-EAST LANSING 308 W. GRAND RIVER PHONE: 332-2813 (Detroit Departures) OTHER PHONES: 332-2S69 or 332-2728 mTmyhow Mood. We need all you can spare. Monday, Oct. 23 Mason-Abbot Hall II am-4:45 pm Call Lisa 355-2080 Red Cross is counting on you. Thursday, October 19, 1970 ] £ Michigan State News, East Loosing, Michigan Minority conference establishes expansion goal Legislator says By THERESA McCLELLAN SUte News Staff Writer ing the chairperson of the Congressional Black Caucus, Parren Mitchell, D-Maryland. Lansing," Gunnings said, "per¬ sons most effective in present¬ said. The workshops featured pro grams that present new ideas cult for minority the University. students at The model proposed an ac ployment. "I have workshops attended as as many I can." said "Our goal is to expand — ing viable programs for minor Rose lie Wilson, minority affairs Thomas Gunnings, another for tackling old problems. demic monitoring system that through research and interac ity people to expose others to program director from Eastern policy anti-poor coordinator, explained that the the delivery system and the One workshop, presented by could detect difficulties early. tions with other professionals," two representatives from the If academic problems are found, Michigan University. explained Gloria Smith, coordi conference has gained impor¬ effectiveness of this system." students receive a letter stress "Our main thrust is to bring nator of the Sixth national tance because of the recent "The workshops have been University of Maryland, fca tured a model for early identifi¬ ing there are people in the more and more minorities to¬ Bv THERESA D. McCLELLAN Conference on Counseling cut backs in nationwide minor¬ very informative and helpful." said Eleanor Hall, a counselor cation and salvaging minority university who cared and would gether for effective program Stole Newt SUfl Writer Minorities. ity programs. The four-day conference held "Now, more people see the from the University of Wiscon- students in academic trouble. he able to help them. development," Gunnings said. The present national policy has a negative impact that at the Hilton Inn in Lansing implications of a need for solid Amel Anderson and Reginald Other workshops focused on "But our long range goal," he diminishes the sense ot personhood for the poor, the blachs and "Being minority, I get Grier argued that the imper¬ woman antisocial change, spec said, "is to present programs Sunday through Wednesday, programs especially with the a non the helpless. Legislator Parren Mitchell, D-Maryland, said at featured workshops concerning cutbacks in minority pro¬ to hear their point of view and sonal nature of the University ial programs for minority stu that will meet the needs of the sixth National Conference on Counseling Minorities. dents in higher education and minorities and other students mental health counseling and grams." he said. get a better understanding of of Maryland and the over Mitchell, chairperson of the Congressional Black Caucus, equal basis." several guest speakers includ "We are bringing to East the problems they face," she whelming size made adjust prospectives in youth unem on an spoke to about 200 high school and college counselors at an annual conference held at the Hilton Inn in Lansing Tuesday night. ..... Mitchell said the Bakke case, reverse discrimination and Proposition 13 were all annexed together to become the tip of the spear, aimed at the "black, the poor, and the helpless." This policy closes out these people and makes them think General Lafayette's something must be wrong with them." he said. This policy," he continued, "makes them think they do not belong, and since they do not belong this policy is their enemy." He also told the audience that the "final decision" is in the hands of the voters. "You cannot afford the luxury of standing apart from the political process." he said. "You cannot afford the apathy and HOUR the indifference." Mitchell said the national policy embraces reduced govern¬ ment spending, a balanced budget and tax proposals like proposition 13 - as long as it does not adversely affect the military, police or the firefighters. SALE "They will get what they want in the interest of safety and security," Mitchell said. "But I do not believe that they (military, police, and firefighters) are our safety and security," he said. "I believe that children are our safety and security." But with the national security policy, that security will be cut. he said. "Johnny will not be able to read, write or adjust, and soon Johnny will tell us all to go to hell." Mitchell told the audience that they must review their priorities and their perspectives. We are building more jails and asking for harsher sentences for juveniles, but no one is crying for money to make people Friday & Saturday Only! SAVE! If human," he said. ' We are becoming too caught up in the idea of institutions," For 23 hours only Lafayette Radio is reducing prices on a hand picked \\ i, ( he said. "No government serve personhood." should exist unless the end object is to group of our top selling audio equipment and accessories. If you are looking / \ Mitchell concluded by telling the audience, "Write me a song for the best deals in Hi-Fi and Electronics, don't miss the next 23 HOURS! about an America where there is no racism or inequality. Write me a song to make everybody cry of the indecencies of racism and we will ail sing it together. Sale script that song." he said. Hoursifriday & Saturday 9:30 to 9:00 "Go out and M PIOINIEETi is meeting topic Lafayette Criterion AM/FM Stereo Receiver Technics Semi-AutO Whether the drinking age in the Alanon Center in Lansing; Mark VII Stereo Receiver Belt-Drive Turntable Michigan should be raised to 21 Chris Magnus, public relations aiI! be discussed in a "town coordinator for the Three hall" meeting at 7:30 tonight in O'Clock Lobby; and Gary Foltz, 'he Union Ballroom. manager of Dooley's Restau¬ Speakers will include Paul rant, East Lansing. Bailey, executive director of th»- Michigan Council on Alco¬ hol Problems: Robin Piszczekof 40-Wattsof power with monic distortion, direct-readout ieft r.ght channel than 0 l°o total harmonic distortion. 4-gang 84 00 power meters, automatic FM pilot signal canceller FM tuning section with phase-lock loop multiplex cir¬ Nominations for Model SX580 cuitry. triple tone controls Teacher-Scholar Awards 15700 299s8 Webcor Cassette Deck, 5050M for Junior Faculty and B.I.C. 12", 4-Way Front - Load with Dolby or Texas Instruments Rechargeable Excellence-In-Teaching Speakers 8-Track Record/Play Deck Printer Citations for Graduate w/Memory Independent add register, non-add key. full floating or add mode decimal, percent key. automatic constant. Teaching Assistants Formula 6. Spec li 179? 7900 6 x 9" 20-oz. Coax eocher Schoiar Awards if instructor and assistant are given to faculty drawn from the ranks professor who have earned the respect Lafayette 8", 2-Way >f students and colleagues for their devotion to and skill in under- jraduate teaching. To be considered for the award, the candidate Car Speakers nust have served on the faculty for at least three terms, but no nore thon five academic yeors. and hove been primarily involved n undergraduate teaching. vcei'ence In Teaching Citations are awarded to outstanding grad¬ ate teaching assistants who have distinguished themselves by the are they have given and the skill they have shown in meeting their assroom responsibilities. Any graduate student who has an assis- intship ond has had an assigned instructional responsibility for a nnimum of two terms is eligible for this award. Audio Technica or SHURE Any faculty member or student who wants to make a nominotion should consult the office of the dean of the college to, which the Magnetic Phono Cartridge prospective nominee is ottoched. Nominations must be submitted to a college screening committee which will forward a maximum of two nominations for eoch award to the office of the Assistant Provost for Undergraduate Education by no later thon November 6 1978 Questions about criteria or requests for additional forms may be directed to Or Katherine Fishburn or Or. George Rowan, 353 5380 University Awards Committee Faculty . Cass Book. College of Communication Art ond Sciences Daniel Collins. College of Business lonnie Eiland. University College Linda Wognor. College of Arts and Letters L^i Electronically Speaking Stgdtnti: Robyn Goddl,. Collogo of Sodol Selooco KL Who Knows Better Than 1 375 E. Grand River, EAST LANSING 332-8676 Men, Hubbard Collogo ol EoglMoring . Lafayette Courtlond loo. Collogo ol Edocollon OovoHo Whlttabor. Col logo ol Natural SclorKO Ex OHicio Chalrporioni: Kothorln. FHhborn and Gaorgo lowoo. Office of the Provost Thursday, Oct. 19 Noon until Midnight Once in a while, Tech Hifi goes mad. This Thursday, we're pricing new components (and complete systems) so low that we'd be crazy to do this sort of thing too often. Here's some proof of our temporary insanity: TAPE DECKS TURNTABLES Teac 303 $269 Technics SL220 (cartridge extra) $ 80 Tandberg310Mk.II $410 Philips 437 (cartridge extra) $ 65 Kenwood 620 $145 Thorens 145 Mk.II (cartridge extra) $259 SPEAKERS RECEIVERS JBLLlOO(each) $200 Pioneer 680...., $179 EPI120 (each) $ 95 Technics SA700 $375 Studio Design 36 (each) $ 65 Marantz 2216B $125 KLH 102 (each) $ 79 Onkyo 1500 $169 KLH 103 (each) $149 Infinity 3000 (each) $169 Quantities limited. No dealers, please. tech hifi ■ 619 East Grand River Ave., East Lansing 337-9710 5924 So. Pennsylvania Ave., Lansing 394-4432 Thursday. October 19, 1978 ] 0 Michigon Stote News, Eost Lansing, Michigon EXPENSE DETERS MANY FROM SAFEGUARDING IDEAS Area development plans to be heard A public hearing to help plan a new three-year community MSU inventor patents imagination By DAVID BAKTHMl SS For the average inventor, expensive. A thousand dollars to get your name on it and so "This is very Above all else, I important. want to There are several steps in constructing each piece. Before development program will be held 7:30 tonight in 54B District receiving a patent for an invert forth," Iravani said. "I have emphasize this project," he actually making the small tion seems to be a lifetime goal. several ideas in my head, but said. "I am designing a model of model, he evaluates and Court. 301 M.A.C. Ave. chooses the best of the subjects Community development funds are designed to eliminate But an MSU graduate student since the cost is so high, I just agro-extension units for the he has considered. deterioration areas where a majority of residents are low and has already reached this objec¬ have the one patent." development of agriculture in Iran." Iravani spends from half-an- moderate-income families or persons. tive, and presently has the "Among his ideas are several Iravani hopes these models hour to a full hour and one-half About 6 neighborhood comment hearing will be held before a final knowledge to obtain many each of his projects. city-wide public hearing is held, said Gary Zick. administrator for energy-saving devices powered will be adopted for use in Iran on community development. Hooshang Iravani. currently by both solar and gravitational and other developing countries Iravani said he feels Living in a modest Okemos Community development proposals approved by the council will on leave from the University of means. to help individual farmers get apartment, the very humble be submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Tehran in Iran to finish work on there is a great potential for more use of their land through and hospitable Iravani also Development. his doctorate, developed a devices utilizing gravity as combined extension with seems to be part philosopher. Hearings for the community development program are being drafting tool which can draw opposed to those that usa the others. "We are all life time learners," sponsored by the city's new Housing and Community Development ellipses while he was an MSU When he is not spending his he explained. "We learn from Commission. undergraduate majoring in con each other in formal and non- "What happens when it is time being a designer, Iravani MSU student housing co-ops are also included in the community tinuing education. cold or when it is raining and becomes an artist. He calls his formal settings, from happen¬ development program. Large and complex machines does not shine?" he ings, our experiences and from have already been developed to the sun artistry "Jaleh," which trans¬ asked. lates to "spring flower dew." nature. do such tasks. However, Ira- vani's model is small and can he Iravani. who is currently He constructs his models by "The very first thing we Pokrefky tonight State News SusanM Mall debate a adjusted to fit a wide range of faculty member in the Depart¬ combining epoxy, various sorts learn is learning to cry and the dimensions. MSU graduate student Hooshang Iravani proudly ment of Extension and Agricul¬ of beads and whatever else he very last thing we learn is Iravani has several more displays a few of his many intricate "Jaleh" models. Whether the Dayton Hudson to the public, is sponsored by tural Education at the Univer¬ feels fitting, into a tiny sculp¬ learning to die." mall should be built in East the Bailey Neighborhood Asso- ideas that could be further sity of Tehran, is presently ture. Iravani started some two I jnsing will be the subject of a ciation. developed but the cost of working on a project for his months ago and already his debate-discussion at 7:30 to¬ Voters will decide the fate of getting a patent is tremendous. doctorate, hoping to complete it collection contains well over night in the Orchard Street Pumphouse. the proposed regional mall. "Any patent you get is very within two years. 100 pieces. |W Opening statements by Peter Hutchinson, of Dayton Hudson DOOLEYS Properties, and James Ander¬ son. of Citizens for a Livable Nov. 35th Community, will be followed bj audience questions. is coming! The meeting, which is open "A wonderful book... it should be read by anyone who has ever contem¬ plated going to law school. Or anyone who has ever worried about being human." Tom Scott —Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, The New York Times SUNDAY OCTOBGR 29 One L Tickets: $6.50 in advance An Inside Account of Life in the First Year at Harvard Law School by Scott Turow MONDAY OCTOBGR 30 Tickets: $7.50 in advance BOTH SHOWS - 0 and 10=30 PM TICKETS AVAILABLE AT DOOLEY'S AND AT BOTH RECORDLANDS (LANSING AND MERIDIAN MALLS) PRKSINTS ITS THE MOST HILARIOUS v SUSPENSE RIDE OF YOUR LITE! C SILVER S STRERM* " GENE WILDER -g aum i. ii i •g TONIGHT: BRODY 749 WILSON IS 10:15 ~K Jane Fonda"k Vanessa £ DON'T MISS THE Redgrave ^ DYNAMIC RETURN OF ■g f1^ ~ [pq] Based on a true story, (^"k t L TONIGHT: CONRAD 7:30 *9:45 -g Experience our winter wear | Keeping worm and dry is the secret of a comfortable winter. You'll want down or synthetic filled, vests, jockets and parkas to keep you warm and rugged rainwear to keep you dry. I Famous brand names like I North Face. Camp 7. Gerry. I Sierra Designs. Woolrich & Pow I derhorn Mountaineering ossure I that you'll be snug and dry on I those trips around campus or in I the wilderness. I Come in and let our know- I ledgoble and friendly sales I people help you. Introducing MARY SIEENBURGEN wtltl JOHN BaUSHI CHRISTOPHER LLOYD Screenplay by JOHN HERMAN SHANER&ALRAMRUS Save 30 o-50°o and still in the most intimate appearance of their '78 tour and CHARLES SHYW& ALAN MANDEL get the best Story by JOHN HffiMAN SHANER&ALRAMRUS Do-it-yourselt ALTRA s Produced by HARRY GUTES and HAROLD SCHNEIDER ing kits. Pre-cut and ready to se FRIDAY, OCT. 20 Directed by JACK NICHOLSON A Paramount Picture Outstanding quality, ea MSU AUDITORIUM 8PM TICKETS: $7 50 & $8 50 . JAUPP j MSU Union Box Office reserved SHOWTIAAES: Campfitters Campus Corners II, Sounds S Diversions M-F -7:15 & 9:30 2021 E. Michigan 484-9401 Where House Records II8 III $ Sat & Sun - 1:30,3:35,5:45, 7:55,10:00 Mon. - fri. 10 -8, Sat. 10 -6 An ASMSU Pop Entertainment Production Thursday. October 19. 1978 19 Michigan State News, East Lonsing, Michigan O Md&iS Businesses refuse stock divestiture Renewed business area (continued from page 1) "The Coca-Cola industry in South ment" under current South African law, which prohibits Africans the right to organize trade Announcements for It's Whats Happening must be received in the Find out how farming has changed since the early 1900s at "For This Cause," the drama the life of Christ will be shown a a Africa offers State News office, 343 Student unions, strike and engage in collective bargain- the Agronomy Club meeting at 7 3:30. 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. Friday a (continued from page 1) Elements can be taken from blacks meaningful and gainful employment Services Bldg., by noon at least ing. tonight, 310 Agriculture Hall. the Union Ballroom, sponsored b without negative impact on any of the designs and a final opportunities. There are blacks employed as two days before publication. No the Jackson Bible Students existing business, according to plan would have to be put into' sales managers, accountants . . . and a great "All of this, the corporations responses and the announcements will be accepted the report. action in stages, the report many other positions. It is also our clearly stated by phone. public response, poses a dilemma to the board," The Centra] Business Dis said. policy that equal wage rates apply to all said MSU President Edgar L. Harden. Observatory Open House, will The report's focus on in¬ Honors College Film Progra trict Task Force report outlined employees, irrespective of race, on a rate-for the Attention, Tourism Club: Man¬ be from 8 to 10 p.m. Saturday. presents "The Mother and n three possible designs for fu¬ creased downtown develop job basis." "The board is going to have to consider, before datory meeting at 6 p.m. Oct. 31, Weather permitting, the 24-inch Whore (Eusbache).' in Frem ture downtown development. ment led the council to table the the next meeting, what their actions have Thirteen corporations said they adhere to the 117 Eppley. Members and anyone reflecting telescope will be used with English subtitles, at 7 The first would include pe¬ request for rezoning two acres "Sullivan Principles" of equal employment, which precipitated." interested. for observation. tonight in 106B Wells Hall. destrian walkways between fronting Lake Lansing and Ab¬ involve nonsegregation, equal pay for equal Trustee Aubrey Radcliffe, R East Lansing, bott roads for business use. said he was not surprised by the negative activity areas, a city focal point work, training programs, increasing black in . Professor Tom Ernst, Depart Learn to galliard with at M.A.C. and Albert avenues, "It's a mistake to continue to corporation reaction. volvement in management positions and improv ment of Anthropology of the Overseas Study open house Renaissance Dance Associati and small-scale economic de develop along the perimeter of University of Adelaide, Australia, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. tonight, our city," said councilmember ing the quality of employees' lives outside the "We passed the resolution and we should be 8:30 p m tonight in the I velopment. work environment. will speak on "The Meaning of International Center Lobby. Every Tower Room. Advanced The second plan would chan¬ Carolyn Stell, a member of the committed to the resolution," Radcliffe said. "I'm Exchange and Exchange and one is invited for slides and meets at 9:30 p.m. nel redevelopment to permit downtown task force. "If we The Sullivan Principles have been attacked by pretty sure the board will stand by their Items among the Anabasulu" at 3 refreshments. •continued on page 221 want a downtown that's the legislators as "impossible to imple p.m. Friday, 3..' Baker Hall. greater pedestrian access and some state movement. The proposal calls heart of the city, we've got to for a substantial increase in back it up with action." The construction of offices, FOR THOSE PEOPLE INTERESTED parking facilities to be inte¬ JSs! such as would be permitted IN grated with retail shops, a under a business rezoning, was pedestrian plaza and additional ORGANIZING AND REFORMING one of the alternatives for housing. The third design would cre¬ downtown development ■ ASMSU'S OFF-CAMPUS COUNCIL First, AGATHA CHRISTIE'S ate a central pedestrian area to be coupled with expanded com¬ Reserve BUND JOHN DflVIS MEETINGS TO BE HELD AS FOLLOWS: "MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS" mercial development. Vehicular Now, "DEATH ON THE NILE." traffic would be eliminated Nov. 35th Mon 16th 3:00 p.m. Dooley s from the Central Business Dis TODAY AND FRIDAY Tues 17th 12:30 p .m. trict with parking located on NOW! Coral Gables OPEN AT 7:00 pm the edge of the city. Wed 18th 7:30 p.m. SHOWS AT 7:35-9:30 pm 328 Student Services Thur 19th 7:00 p.m. 328 Student Services NMIO IONIOHT Fri 20th 9-10 a.m. 327 Student Services LAST 3 DAYS For more info call 355-8266 "TAKE OFF is one hell of o fine movie it easily eclipses any other porn film I have every viewed ... its position as great porn is unassailable. mmm John Neilson State News "It'C ONE HELL OF A HOT FILM! THE DIRT¬ \TJft P1CTVJ& TJ&T PVT..] List Oil IEST, MOST EXCITING X-RATED VEN¬ BLUES AND BOOGIE WOOGE TJfL BILLY... HMiwaincm tumnimmisim i TURE IN A LONG TIME. BflCJiUf LJlVQJfTL^j " TIM 'TAKE OFF' is the kind of flick BECKLEY/HUSTLER MAGAZINE Friday & Saturday StiltS FRIDAY . . .AT 7:15-9:15 PM The story of a kid Yvho believed in himself that could give porn a good name." OCTOBER 20 & 21 8 & 10:30 pm "Best "An Erickson Kiva pa porno¬ erotic $3 at MSUnion Ticket Office, Elderly graphic Instruments, Campus Corners II, must □ m $3.50 at the door. movie see." in town." -Andrew Sams Village Voice RATID WXMWf showplace: B 104 Wells X showtimes: 7:00, 8:45,10:30 Wa admission 2.50 student 3.50 non-student Classic Films "MUSICAL™1 7TONV n WARDS IF YOU DIDN'T u, presents ★★★ I SEE IT THE FIRST TIME... I SEE IT NOW YOU WILL * A WEDDING "The Wiz is a wow! Even Judy Garland It will melt you with merriment. fans can cheer! A jiving, colorful, lovial musical!" William Glover, POSITIVELY LAUGH YOUR, Associated Press "Go! Take the kids (they'll love it)! Take your woman or man with you. But go!" Didier Delaunoy, Black American "The Wiz is colorful, mysterious, opulent and fanciful!" - Clivc Barnes, New York Times "The Wiz giins Irom soul, siz/les with vitality, and flaunts the gaudy hues of an exploding rainbow!" Ted Kalem, Time Magazine "The Wiz is black magic! Sassy! Original! A trip worth taking!" - NBC the tall blond man with one black shoe Thurt. 8:00,100 Engineering Frl. 7:30/9:30,100 Engineering Only I." coming Sat. and Son. MICK JAGGER in I 11 It I I Thursday, October 19, 1970 20M,ch igon Stote News. Eost Loosing Michigon Automotive 'A Automotive & Automotive ~ I Art Series Art $en« / • tipliJSKl If rEsilipHl llfil JANITORIAL POSITIONS Classified Advertising MAVERICK 1974-Runs great, RENAULT 17, Sports coupe, VOLKSWAGEN DASHER, GOOD USED tires and snow COMPLETE STOCK of re¬ COCKTAIL WAITRESS - available, experience prefer¬ new starter, heater, brakes, Excellent condition, station wagon, 1974. Low tires, 13-14-15 inch. Mounted built foreign car alternators, part-time. Experience not red, Information 1973. free. Used wheels and hub Nights, 6pm- weekends. part-time, evenings & clutch. 372-0528. many extras. A driver car. mileage, undercoated, AM/ generators, and starters at necessary. Apply in person, 337-0704 after 5 pm. FM radio. $2700. 321-3439. caps. PENNELL SALES, 1825 CHEQUERED FLAG FOR¬ 2:30 am. 10 minutes from 5-10-19 «3» MERIDIAN MALL, Okemos. (ONE 355 1255 347 Student Services Bldg. 6-10-26 (5) 8-10-26 (4) E. Michigan, Lansing, Michi¬ EIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 East ,MSU. HUDDLE SOUTH, 820 8-10-2615) MONTE CARLO 1978. Fully gan 48912, 482-5818. Kalamazoo Street. 487-5055. Miller Road, Lansing. TOYOTA CELICA1977. Radi¬ VW SUPER Beetle. 1971. C 22-10-31 (7) One mile west of campus. 882-7579. 8-10-19(61 JEWELRY SALES. Part time equipped. Must sell imme¬ RATES diately 394 6693 5-10-19 (3) als. AM FM stereo, de fog- Sun roof, automatic, many C-10-10-20 (7) sales position now open. RN-LPN ger. rust proofed. $4,000 or new parts. Runs well, body Apply in person; FOX JEW¬ best offer. 675-7363 or 394- fair. $800 negotiable. Acute care teaching hospital ELERS, 410 Frandor. MUSTANG HATCHBACK- has full and part-time staff 4-10-19 (4) 5705. 8-10-27 (5) 337-2284. 12-11-1 (4) 1976. excellent, low mileage, Why hove we become positions available for experi¬ 355 3354; night 351-0395. TRIUMPH TR7, 1976, Victory BUS, 1972, excellent enced registered nurses and VW lonyngs largest f"Ot re HONDA 1975, Like new. 100 COOKS-20-30 hours. No ex¬ 12 10-31 13) edition. Clean, loaded. 485- AM/FM, Michelins. Negotia shop over the past lew licensed practical nurses. We perience necessary. Apply in roto por insertion miles. $450. 641 6750. 9825 after 4 pm. ble. 351-8999. 8-10-20 (31 offer an excellent salary and person to CONNOR'S WEST, MUSTANG II - 1975 Machl, 12-10-30 (3) 12-10-26(4) benefit package. Please con¬ 3231 W. Saginaw, 1/2 mile V8 air, automatic, radials, VW BUG, 1970, 70,000 miles, HONDA-4 cylinder, 11,000 tact Personnel Department, east of Waverly. custom wheels, AM/FM cas¬ Econolinoi • 3 i.nas U 00 5 dovs 80" per hn« over sette and more. $2600, flex¬ TRIUMPH TRG 1972. both good running condition, miles. Beautifully chopped. LANSING GENERAL HOS¬ 8-10-23J5I 3 lines No ad|ustment in rate when cancelled ible. 394-6516. 4-10-24 15) hard shell & soft top conver¬ $550. 351-0243 after 3 pm. Best offer. 694-8511. PITAL OSTEOPATHIC, 2800 Price of item(s) must be stoted m ad Maximum tible. Runs well, needs body 8-10-30 (3) 12-10-30 (3) Devonshire, Lansing, Ml FULL OR part-time hostess, and part-time short order solep eof ' work. $1250. Call 676 3898 48909. 372-8220. MUSTANG II 1974. FM AM VS SCIROCCO 1975, excel¬ 12-10-25 (14) cook positions available. Peonuts Personal ods • 3 lines '2 25 per after 6 pm. 10-10-27 (51 HONDA 1978, 750. Four K. stereo. 4 cylinder, 4 speed. lent Tuff Kote, AM/FM 8 Evenings; Apply BACK¬ 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment) Black with faring. Back rest 42 000 miles. Excellent condi¬ VEGA. 1973, 1976 Monza track & cassette, new paint, and rack. Front row bar with NOW HIRING - floormen, STAGE RESTAURANT, Mer¬ lummoge Garage Sole ods • 4 lines *2 5< tion. $1,625 337 2707 tires, many extras. 332-3923. idian Mall. 2-5 pm, Monday- engine. 32,000 miles. Excel¬ pegs. Call Mike after 3 pm. waitresses, cashier, morning 63' per line over 4 lines • per insertion 8 10-27 15) 12 10-31 15) Friday. 8-10-26 (6) lent shape. $800. 725-9779. XJ2 6568_4_10_20 (6) maintenance, and cooks. Ap¬ Round Town ods • 4 lines *2 50 per .nse 7-5-10-23 13) ply in person at RAINBOW DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS 63' | OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS VW CAMP Mobile, 1975. KAWASAKI 1978 KZ 650 lost I Founds ods Transportation ads • 3 Irnei wagon, 1972, blue, power with Faring. Call Dan RANCH, 2843 E. Grand River. collection work. 15 hour/ poptop. air, ice-box, sink, steering and brakes, air, good VEGA, 1974, no rust, tape 353-2418. 6-10-17 (3) 3-10-20 (7) week. Flexible schedule, pri¬ 332 0447 after 6 pm. shape. 332-0137. 4-10-23(4) deck. Good running condi¬ MASON BODY Shop. 812 E. vate office. Experience re¬ 12-10-31 (3) tion. $600. Call 675-5362. Kalamazoo, since 1940. Auto YAMAHA 100, 1975. Cheap OLDSMOBILE 1976. 98 Re¬ 5-10-19(3) DISHWASHER - COOK quired. Phone Mrs. Evans, painting-collision service. transport. $125, negotiable. Deadlines VOLKSWAGEN, 1977, Sci- ASSIST - part-time, 4:30 pm 339-3400. C-5-10-20 (6) gency. Four door hardtop. rocco, 4 speed, many extras, American-Foreign cars. 485- 351-5467, evenings. Ads 2pm I class day before publication - 7:30 pm. Friendly nursing Black, (loaded). 641-6804. like new, $5100, negotiable, 0256. C-22-10-31 (5) 12-J1JJ3) Cancellation Chonge 1pm - 1 class day before Bath. 5-10-23 13) VEGA, 1973. Runs good, home. Apply in person, PART-TIME employment for 882 1298 after 5 p.m. publication good condition $450 or best JUNK CARS wanted. Also SUZUKI, 1976 - GT500. N.H.E. Lansing, 1313 Mary, MSU Students, automobile offer. 882 5579. 12-11-1 (31 8 10-25 15) price-best offer. required. 339-9500. Once ad is ordered «»cannot be cancelled or changed OPEL GT. 1970. 1 owner. selling used parts. Phone 321- Good Lansing, 393-6130. 371-2368 8 10-24 (3) 3-10-19 (6) C-22-10-31 (3) until after 1st insertion Needs some work. $700. 3651. C 22-10-31 (3) VEGA WAGON. 1974 VOLKSWAGEN 1970 Beetle. John 353 2943 or 332- There M 00 charge for I ad change plus 50 per Runs well. $400. Phone 355- - is o 6820 12-10-27 14) Automatic. Very Dependable. AUTO REPAIR SERVICE. additional change for maximum of 3 changes 3975 3-10-20 (3) 44 000 miles. $850 or best Brought to your car wherever The Stote News will only be responsible for the 1st offer. 394-0725. 12-11-1 (31 you are, by Mr. "CAR- day s incorrect insertion. Ad|ustment claims must PACER X. 1975. Rust- WANTED. CLEAN, used, im TUNE." Free estimates. 332- be mode within 10 days of expirotion date proofed $1450 or best offer. port and sub compact cars. 7671.8-10-30(5) After 6 pm, 339-1550. VOLKSWAGEN SUPER Be¬ Call WILLIAMS VW, Bills ore due 7 doys from ad expiration dote If not EXHIBITION AND SALE OF 3-10-19(3) etle, 1974. AM FM stereo, 484 1341. 0-14-10-31 (41 poid by due date a 50' late service charge will Shop the super buys in your PINT01975 Runabout 3 door. Automatic. 4 cylinders. strong engine with new There's clutch, brakes, radials. $2000 or best offer 351-5068 after 6 something for every¬ one in today's Classified Ads. Classified section today. To¬ morrow with the you'll be pleased you've f ORIGINAL ORIENTAL ART All fHitfttaniliifj Rrlccliiin Antique Oriental Radials. Good condition. Check them out for super money ^ Wmulliliifl< |»,inU plus ( Irijjinal Ctehinj).. pm. 3-10-19 (6) saved. $1275 or best offer. 349-3821. buys. W Ir.iln. Lithe L Aitnotivs Jfe Automotive A 8-10-24(51 PEOPLE REACHED PINTO RUNABOUT - 1974, MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY 4 speed, 33,000 miles, gas tank fixed. New spare & CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS $1900 694-9183 4 10 24 (3) 12 1 1 <3i battery. Excellent condition. October 19,1978-ll«m-7 pm Best offer. P.T.O. Call 355- ASTRE 1975 Hatchback. 4 speed. low mileage 339-3624 after 6pm 6-10-24 (3i FIREBIRD 400 1969 forma car. All power 94K Ml most options Cali- $395. 353- 0024 8-10-30 (5) WANT AD October 20,1978 - 10am-5pm 5966 3 10-20 (31 PINTO STATIONWAGON AJD' FOx 1974 White wit* speed, Call red inte"0r Very nice car FORD L T D Brougham, '78. Warranty. 4 394-4615 after 6 pm. , including punctuation and r/.- ■ EAST spaces. speed 9.000 ~ies $VQC Call 627 9896 -2 •'' 4 LANSINC PRINT AD HERE. DATSUN B 210 APARTMENT 1977 4 speed. rad.a •<*< COMPLEX ANNOUNCES Best offer 37* 3631 -.p. .nqs 4-10-20 '3 Looking for married couple. Application Deadline DATSUN. 1974 .. 2tt. Stereo. Cassette, air 4 spee Husband to do main $4700. 349-5761 evenings tance wife • somt X 8-10-19 <3i leaning For Funding of Student Croup Publications Will require 4-5 hrs. day Hours will vary Free Apartment ALSO * DEADLINE: RESIDEin MAMGEMEin POSITION OPENING NOVEMBER 2,1978 Monday, Oct. 23 soon Applications must be turned in at the 5 p.m. Free Apartment + ASMSU Business Office RM 307 Student Service Bldg. For further details coll 41 lines • $3.50 IOOK HERRIMAN 321-6373 VW VOl VO MAZDA A 6135 W.SAGINAW ^ between Review of Applications will take place: Moll or bring to: State News Classified Dept. 331-*900 November 6 and November 13 347 Student Services Bldg. MITh til 9 (clod Sat ) E.Lansing.Ml 48823 between 4 pm Rm. 328 Student Services 10:30 am-not Thursday, October 19, 1978 21 Michigan State News, Eost Lansing, Michigan The State News Yellow Page Employment if | Impleymert jgjfj [lglgM§[][Ml Employment RESIDENT MANAGER and RECEPTIONIST PART- PART TIME, days or even¬ PART TIME jobs-flexible Business — Service spouse to side with clients in salary, supervise and re¬ mentally retarded Mason. Excellent room, board and TIME 11am.-5pm., 6 days per week. Experience required. Must have pleasant tele¬ phone manners. Located ings, 5-10- days per month. hours, $4.75 per hour. Car Filing and mail processing, necessary. Call between 4 Reply M.R. H.A. P.O. Box and 6 pm., 374-6328. 30085, Lansing, Ml 48909, O-8-10 19 (4) fringes. Contact Personel Of¬ near Capitol City Airport. 5-10-20 (5) UNIFORMED SECURITY of¬ Directory fice, COMMUNITY MENTAL Phone Joyce. 323-4770. HEALTH BOARD, 407 W. 12-10-19 (8) HOSPITALITY INN - NOW ficers and store detectives Greenlawn, Lansing, 374- HIRING FULL ANO PART needed. Full or part-time. CJ 8000 ext. 273. EOE. WAITRESSES Er COOKS, TIME. ALL SHIFTS. KIT¬ majors preferred. 641-4562. 5-10-25-1121 Immediate Full 6 Part-time. CHEN. UTILITY. PANTRY, X-0-22-10-31 (4) GRILL COOKS. APPLY IN TRAVEL HEALTH FOOD BARBER BICYCLE SHOP Apply between 2-4 pm. PERSON. 3600 DUNCKEL MOON'S 231 M.A.C., East 10% DISCOUNT Lansing, 351-2755. 8-10-26 (51 ROAD. LANSING. ASSES SABLE TO BUSSES. Apartants W Are your summer savings 5-10-20 (8) to all MSU dwindling fast? KIDS BACK in school? Sell UNIVERSITY VILLAGE, 1 studonts AVON. Good earnings, flexi¬ NURSES AIDES-experience bedroom, unfurnished, $195. on purchosot of $2 Have you spent your entire $ ble hours that let you come preferred, however will train month, near campus. home when your kids do. For on the job. Openings on all 3 394-2404 after 5. 5-10-23 (3) or moro.yogurti allotment for the term just in details. 482-6893. shifts. Apply at PROVINCIAL COILESi TRAVEL and broodi oxdudod the past 6 weeks? HOUSE SOUTH, 2100 Pro¬ Dannon r-17-10-31 15) ONE FEMALE needed for Yogurt SI- vincial Drive, off Aurelius OFFICE Do you find yourself search¬ furnished apartment next to 130W.Grand Ri»er RANDALL HEALTH FOOD ing for change in the pockets TELEPHONE SOLICITA¬ Road, 9am-5pm. Monday-Fri¬ campus. 332-4432. of last year's winter coat? TION, part time evening work day. 8-10-20 (8) OR-9-10-31 (3) East Lansing Brookfield Plaza for local construction com¬ ANDERSON BEERS THE KELLOGG CENTER SUBLEASE CAPITOL Vil¬ 351-6010 1381 E. Grand River pany: - CO. 372-6343 or 489-7400. CATERING DEPARTMENT la near campus. 1 bedroom, 332-6892 you out. 7-10-20- (6) has job openings available for unfurnished, $220/month. We need CLERK TYPISTS, banquet servers. Call 353- 332-5273. 3-10-23 (3) TOBACCONIST REAL ESTATE OPTICAL SERVICE and SALES PERSONNEL to PART-TIME SITTER. 2 & 4 8893. 8-10-30 (41 work temporary full time year old boys. Prefer German BIRCHFIELD APART¬ NOW NIAR THIS FROM THI TOR CO-OPTICAL assignments in Lansing, East speaking. 332-1115. MACHINE SEWING - MENTS. Sharp 1 bedroom 8-10-24 (3) piecework, $3 +, 20-40 hours; for rent. 394-6943 after 5 pm. HINOI AT THI STORI WITH THI Lansing, Okemos and other RID DOOR! SERVICES surrounding communities. RETAIL SALES - males, careful handwork. Call 371- 2338. 1-10-19(31 12-11-3 13) L 'Cigarettl by: " "~k HatUakf'lOiar $3.00 - $4.50/hour. experienced preferred. FIRST SUBLEASE-CEDAR Greens Sbennu - DunhUI - Sobrainr C—RUllUl ORFfcot) DOWN, 127 E. Grand River COOKS WANTED. Day and Apartments 1 block from 8-10-24 (3) night shifts. Must be neat. No campus. 1 bedroom, fur¬ *Pipti bySavinelti If you attend classes at night, experience necessary. Apply nished, $210/month. are just going to school *21 Red Door pipe tobacco blends • EYES EXAMINED part-time, or do not attend at MODELS-$10/hour. Apply in person between 2-4 pm, 337-8101. 4-10-20 14) TW i*rBiwd thai ,, »-<>■ '■ "I"""' W • GLASSES VELVET FINGERS. Call 489 Thursday only. AMERICA'S SargtM b all, these assignments will tMlth. 2278.25-10-31(31 CUP RESTAURANT, 220 • CONTACT LENS provide the perfect oppor¬ 1 Female -HI 03 351-3617 MAC. 1-10-19 171 3324269 C&maLelLs Shot The ITfed Estate Pace 13311. Grand Rim IranhfWd ftm 3S1 S330 tunity for you to earn those much-needed dollars. ries are commensurate Sala¬ with ORDER PROCESSING clerk- permanent full-time position. Adding Machine experience SECRETARY/BOOKKEEP¬ wanted for FURMSHED APARTMENT skills and/or ER. Immediate opening with n»x( to campus experience and helpful. Excellent benefits. several positions require little East Lansing firm. Good AUTO CLINICS Call for appointment, 332-4432 GUN SHOP or no training at all. 371-5550. AMERICAN EDU¬ typing skills and ability to use adding machine necessary. CATIONAL SERVICES. SPARTAN COACHMASTER CORP. Check us out. YOU'll never 8-10-26 161 Good pay and benefits. Call Mr. Robinson. 351-1310. FEMALE ROOMMATE want¬ Largest Selection of Handguns MUFFLER CENTER 0 VINYL ROOFS SECRETARY/BOOKKEEP¬ OR-7-10-27 (7) ed. Own bedroom. Washer 0 BODY SIDE MOLDING and dryer. $80 a month plus 'BRAKES ER.' SALES 55 PLUS WPM 0 PINSTRIPING PROGRAMMER - IMME¬ utilities. 393-9856. 8-10-26 (4) "We got the 'SHOCKS 0 RECONDITIONING TYPING REQUIRED. Flexi¬ DIATE opening. Fully trained ble, responsible person need¬ FEMALE ROOMMATE need¬ • TIRE CUSTOMIZING^ in COBOL. College graduate best year round 'FRONTEND WORK ed for active office. Salary ed for 2 bedroom, 2 bath • IMS with at least an Associates prices in Southern 30% open. Good benefits. Re¬ apartment. Contact Judy at • titles degree in D.P. Excellent ben¬ 355-0180, or evenings at Michigan" STUDENT DISCOUNT spond to Occupant, P.O. Box efits. Apply with resume and 349-5321. • ItMdgllftS 17066, Lansing, Michigan, college transcript to MICHI¬ 8-W^26 (4) ON ALL WORK WANTED - EXPERIENCED 48901. 5-10-23(10) BOB'S Gli SHOP WAITRESS, bartender, door¬ GAN MILLERS MUTUAL GRADUATE FEMALE needs Ki hi. sill WITH I.D. INSURANCE COMPANY, female to share Rivers Edge men. Full and part-time, at GAME ROOM 717 S. PENNSYLVANIA personnel. 2425 E. Grand River, Lansing, Apartment. Smoker. Fur¬ dt* LAND'S END NIGHTCLUB 497-9332 Young ladies preferred. Good Ml. 8-10-30 (101 nished. Two bedroom. No (formally the Dells) located at 6336 West Lake Drive, Has- pay-($180/week and upl- deposit. $120/month. Avail¬ AUTO CLINICS CLEANING SERVICE CATERING PHOTOGRAPHY lett. Apply 10 am.-4 pm. benefits and pleasant work¬ DELIVERY HELP wanted, able immediately. 332-0785. Monday through Saturday, ing positions. Excellent posi¬ must have own car, apply at 3-10-20 (6) tions for student, full and LITTLE CAESAR'S today af¬ 339-8194. 5-10-25 (8) "NiCluiEvinrtkilt" MSU UNION OKEMOS AUTO ■e part-time. Apply in person ter 4 pm. 5-10-25 (4) EXCEPTIONAL 1 bedroom. EKTACHROME SLIDE Sub-lease December 9th. In CATERING PROGRAMMER ANALYST only. CINEMA X, 1000 Jolly PROCESSING Road. 0-22-10-31 <91 INTERNATIONAL HOUSE East Lansing, 332-4277. Modern OF PANCAKES now hiring 8-10-27 13) Grand River-Parklake Rd. ' e In by 9 a.m. Out by 2 p.m. growing 488-bed "Catering Specialists" . Lansing Hospital has an WAITRESS - HOSTESS - for third shift. Busboys $3.00/ Some Day •Wedding Receptions immediate bartender - cook. Part-time, hour, waitresses and cooks, NEED TO SUBLET 1 BED¬ ein by 12 noon. Out by 4 p.m. opening for an "The big, green building •Breakfasts, Lunch¬ Some Doy experienced programmer nights. No Sundays. Apply at negotiable. 2800 East Grand ROOM APARTMENT. Unfur¬ at the bridge." Dinners the DODGE HOUSE, 415 E. River, East Lansing. nished. $205/month. 394- eons. analyst in an expanding data •Bar Set ups Saginaw at Cedar. 8-10-27 (7) 6928 3-10-20 (3) processing center. 351-3130 •Toke-out Service •Meeting Rooms and Photo Mart Ideal candidate for challenging, salaried position this 12-10-25 (51 PERRY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2 PEOPLE needed to sublet 2 • ALL VOU NEED 2312 E. Michigan. Laming JANITORIAL, PART-time, are in need of certified substi¬ person apartment. Immediate l Equipment will have 3 years experience To Know About 494-7749 in systems analysis, COBOL evenings, must have car. Call tute classroom teachers. occupancy, BIRCHFIELD Mr. Grossi, 482-6232. Please contact the PERRY APARTMENTS. Call after 6 Your CAR programming and implemen¬ tation of applications in the 8-10-26 13)' SCHOOL business office at pm, 393-4956. 8-10-19 (4) BEAUTY SALONS 625-3104. 3-10-20 (71 COUNSELING SERVICES medical field. Experience in SECRETARIAL POSITION FEMALE PROFESSIONAL to Burroughs data communica¬ available in sales office in share new home, South Lan¬ Free Pregnancy Testing WAITRESS PART-TIME Counseling Services WOMEN'S COUNSELING |1n>uiuci;il Hospital tions would be desirable. In meeting hospital goals East Lansing. To an attrac¬ weekends. Must have neat sing, $200/month. 394-6555 1226 East Michigan Ave. tive, personable individual Apply in person evenings. 12-10-27 (41 Pregnancy Terminations CENTER 2 Blocks East of Pennsylvania Ave. for a total information system with excellent typing and appearance. the Data Processing Depart¬ after 6 pm. COREY'S 2 BEDROOM upstairs apart¬ Gynecological Care 927 E. GRAND RIVER FAMILY PRACTICE ment is developing on-line dictaphone skills. Experience LOUNGE, 15011 South Ce¬ (across from Bogue St. with Mag card typewriters ment, central Lansing, only Family Planning dar, Lansing. 8-10-27 (6) campus entrance) DEPARTMENT applications such as Person¬ and insurance background minutes to campus via 496. nel, Admitting, Registration, $175 + electricity. Call 485- 4737MnrihR3.*ult»B 9:00 o.m -9:00 p.m Utilizing Burroughs, Hard¬ helpful. Receptionist and fil¬ PART-TIME secretary, after¬ 6958, 7-10 pm. 12-10-26 (5) Mondays—Fridays ware and Software. ing skills also a must for this noons. Salary negotiable. uuomancare Oknmoi (bnhlnd Mnl|ari) Appointments Preferred The hospital offers an out¬ diversified position. Call Must type 60 wpm, and pass 351-5400 for interview. EAST LANSING, 1 bedroom 349-10*0 ■ Non-Emergency Care standing fringe benefit written test. Apply in person, modestly priced. Some pets o» LansmG 8-10-26 (13) Friday afternoon, October 20, Physician Services Available Phone 349-0430 package that includes 3 considered. Phone days, 351- weeks vacation and tuition CAPITOL CONSULTANTS. ■ Laboratory® Pharmacy® X-Ray COCKTAIL WAITRESSES. 3172. 0-15-10-31 (4) 4663 Ardmore refund after 1 year employ¬ INC., 1627 Lake Lansing For Information, Now hiring. Part- and full- Road, Lansing. 3-10-20 (9) "WOMEN HELPING WOMEN" Coll 485-3271 Okemos, Michigan 48864 ment. The hospital offers 4 BEDROOM, partially fur¬ time. No experience neces¬ paid holidays, health insur¬ nished, Lansing home. $375 Apply in person. HUD¬ RN'S NEEDED full and part- BEAUTY SALONS PROMOTION ance pension and income sary. time for plus utilities. References. protection. Salary is com¬ DLE SOUTH, 820 W. Miller. Oncology and medi¬ 487-9461 or 482 7050. mensurate with experience. 5-10-24 (6) cal surgical units. Wages ZOOM IN ON and benefits competitive with 8-10-25^(51 Apply in confidence to: _ _ 3379836 BUSINESS ROSS P. ALANDER GYMNASTICS - PART-time area hospitals. Contact per¬ EAST LANSING, 1 and 2 ASSISTANT PERSONNEL sonnel director, Provinical |OR£DKIN*| instructor for kindergarten to bedrooms. Includes central DIRECTOR Hospital, 1226 East Michigan junior high. Call MASON air, car ports, dishwasher, HAIR CARE CENTER FOR MEN & WOMEN llllllllll lll l I weekly Jdv®°rtise E.W. SPARROW HOSPITAL 1215 E. MICHIGAN AVE. LANSING, MICH. 48909 A non-discriminatory, Affir¬ RECREATION DEPART¬ MENT, 676-9155. 2-10-19 (51 Ave. 485-3271. 3-10-20(10) PART-TIME, survey. Prefer¬ ably engineering students for drapes. pets days. From $220. Some considered. 332-3900 332-7461 evenings. 0-15-10-31 (71 surveys. Must The Ultimate in Haii and Skin Care tor Today ||| call mative action employer. 5-10-25 (45) EARN $8 per day hours work. for three Eat lunch for work on sewer have 2 or 3 full days open for P1 355-8255 TELEPHONE SOLICITORS- free. Apply at ARBY'S ROAST BEEF, 270 West work. $3.00 per in person, hour. Apply Friday afternoon, Hosts |(B part-time, 5 pm-9 pm. Salary October 20, CAPITOL CON¬ 956 Trowbridge Road • East Lansing, Michigan 188J3 Grand River (next to the bus plus bonus. East LAWN SULTANTS, INC.. 1627 Lake 2 BEDROOM, unfurnished station). 3-10-20 (6) MEMORY GARDENS, 349- Lansing Road, Lansing. town house. 106 Bailey 3-10-20 (12) LEGAL SERVICES MOVERS 9180. 8-10-30 (51 HARRISON ROAD Sorority Street. $275 per month plus utilities, 11 month lease. Call STORE expanding bus boy service RESIDENT MANAGER cou¬ DETECTIVES-junior 351-0359. 4-10-20(51 CHARLES P. BURBACH and senior C.J. majors pre¬ ferred. Full and part time. Call list for early use. Dinner + $1, Monday-Friday. 332-3457 ple needed to manage apart¬ ment building in East Lan¬ WOMAN HOUSEMATE 641-4562. 9-10-31 (4) .after 7 pm. 2-10-19 (5) sing. Must be able to perform wanted, own bedroom, close Attorney At Law general maintenance. 351 - to bus. $105. 485-7028. UNIFORMED SECURITY of¬ WANTED SUBSTITUTE 8135. 0-5-10-24 (6) 8-10-20131 Specializing In: Family Law "together ficers-full or part time. Call 641-4562. 9-10-31 (31 TEACHERS for PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Call WAITRESS. LUNCHES only NEED ONE female for house including Saturday. Perma¬ Probata and Juvenile Coart Case labor and i NEAT APPEARING men for 1-647-4161.12-10-25 (4) nent full time position. Great with washer and dryer, fire¬ NURSES -RN, LPN, GPN. pay and benefits. Apply in place, carpeted, private bed¬ machine helpers and counter Criiiiul well move work. Also waitresses. Flex¬ Join the growing field of person between 2:30-4:00pm. room, pets allowed. Call Vicki, 372 1697. 3-10-20 (6) ible hours. Part time. Ask for geriatric nursing. Charge JIM'S TIFFANY PLACE. 3020 Northwind Or., Suite 205, E.L. you Mr. Bertrand. Apply 10 am-5 nurse positions, 11 pm-7 am. Excellent benefits. Individual Downtown Lansing. 5-10-24 (8) FOUR BEDROOM duplex, daily. MARVELLANES Phone: 332-2200 Call 372-8265 pm. AND LOUNGE. 2120 E. M-78, orientation or refresher avail¬ 620 Lexington Avenue, East able. Outstanding WANTED EXPERIENCED Lansing, 339-8686. East Lansing. 48823. team - HORSE BOARDING COSTUME RENTAL 5-10-25 (81 awaiting your leadership. bartenders, good references. X-8-10-25 (31 Contact Mrs. Siddall at PRO¬ Apply in person, 7 pm at the 3 BEDROOMS, fireplace car¬ PHONE SALES-tickets. VINCIAL HOUSE SOUTH, ALLE'EY, 220 MAC, East HORSE BOARDING BE SOMEONE DIFFERENT Downtown Lansing offices, 882-2458, Monday-Friday, Lansing. 3-10-20 (5) peted, some furnishings. Near campus. $335 + utilities hourly, evenings, hours flexi¬ 9am- 5pm. 8-10-20 (12) Civs you and your horte the best I WORK STUDY Students. 487-2166. Available now. THIS HALLOWEEN ble, transportation arranged. Call after 1:30 pm.. 372-8459. DENTAL CHAIRSIDE assis¬ Janitorial job at Center for X-12-10-24 (4) 8-10-23(61 tant with experience for or- the Arts. 425 S. Grand. Quality Feed. Large Box Stalls 60'xl44' Call: thordontic office. Liberal ben¬ $3/hour. 5 days per week. 3 or 4 man. Very close. WAITRESSES WANTED. efits. Days call 482-9695, Flexible hours/around your Furnished. Good condition. Lighted Indoor Arena. Huge Outdoor Costume Rental Service Now hiring. Part- and full- evenings, 321-1763. schedule. If interested call $350 plus utilities. Lease to Arena. Year Round Training and Riding time. No experience neces¬ 12-10-23 (5) 484 4403. 5-10-24 (7) September. 332-1800 or 372- 321-6672 sary. Apply in person. HUD¬ 1800. 0-5^10-24 15) Facility. Adult Sizes DLE SOUTH, 820 W. Miller. RN or LPN for skilled nursing STUDENT INTERESTED in MODERN 7 bedroom JAMILAH SHARAH ARABIANS 5-10-24 (6) facility, excellent wages and raw foods and sprouts, to aid house. Furnished, carpeted, 11591 Plains Hwy., Eaton Rapids 493-4259 By Apt. Only CLERKS-ADULT bookstore, benefits. (LPN's start $4.90/ in food preparation in faculty clean. Near Campus. 393- hour.) Call Jane Phillips at home. Send resume and 7368 VELVET FINGERS. 489-2278. 332-5061. 8-10-25 (5) qualifications to 347 Student _OJ5-10-31J4| _ 25-10-31 13) ROOMATE. SINGLE girl to Services Building, Box D-4. share country house, 10 TAXI DRIVERS, must have MAN OVER 18 to work 2 or 3 7J0-26m_ minutes from campus. All To List Your Business Call Glori 355*8255 excellent driving record. Full nights a week in Party Store. Apply in person only at 1920 No place to store your bicy¬ utilities included, $150. Call and Part time. Apply at cle? Sell it for extra cash with after 6:30 pm, 349-9311. N.Larch, Lansing, 9 a.m.-2 a low cost Classified Ad. Call VARSITY CAB. 332-3559. a.m. References. 12-10-31 (6) 8-10-30 (6) 5 10-20 (4) 355-8255. Thursday. October 19, 1978 22Michigon Stole News. Eost Loosing. Michigan Houses £ For Sale ^ Animals Recreation lift Ijypim Service Gain valuable experience in UNUSUAL KITTENS 6 COME TO the orchard. Bring LOW RATES Term papers, Tenants Resource Center needs HOUSEMATE WANTED for SOFA, 86 inches long, like - resumes. Fast, expert typing become housing legislative work at the state Capi¬ weeks, free to a good home. a lunch. Enjoy picking your volunteers to attractively furnished home in new. only 3 years old, must Christian Science Organization tol. Meeting at 4 today, 150 Call 332-2210 after 6 pm. own RED and GOLDEN DE¬ day and evening. Call "G" counselors. Training session is the West Saginaw/Waverly sell. $235, 482-5161. of South Campus meets at 6:30 Student Services Bldg. 5-10-20 (4) E-5-10-25 (3) LICIOUS APPLES-a bushel, a Typing. 321-4771. 8 10-26 (4) Friday and Saturday. Call 337-9795 area 2 bedrooms available, p.m. tonight, 337B Case Hall. for more information or stop by peck or a truck load. GOLD¬ Volunteer for Action Corps and fireplace, stereo, color TV. FREE KITTENS 3 males, 1 EN KNOB ORCHARD. 4389 ANN BROWN typing, disser¬ 855 Grove St. Call before noon. 321-3800. SOFA BEO. $45, 5 V, feet, - MSU Sports Club offers a assist people in need of help folds flat, Herculon, excel- female. All white, 6 weeks E. Pratt Road. 651-5430. tations, resumes, term pa¬ *10-2418) racket stringing service in 231 around the house. More informa¬ 332 6663. 15-10-24 (3) old, litter trained. 332-5528. pers. 601 Abbott Road. North Dietetics Open House 2 to 4 ent, 12-10-26 U0) 7221. Men's IM for tennis rackets, tion 26 Student Services Bldg. E-5-10-24 (3) Entrance. 351 p.m. Sunday, Human Ecology. FACULTY HOUSE from De¬ HORSE DRAWN hayride. C 22-10-31 (4) squash and racquetball. Family, students and friends wel¬ cember 26 - July 1. COM¬ TUNER - SONY ST3950SD. Call for an appointment after come. Refreshments served. Senior portraits for the 1979 PLETELY furnished. Fire¬ Must Homecoming Bonfire at 9 to¬ Red Cedar Log Yearbook are now Excellent sensitivity. Mill Hms 4 pm. 676 5928. 4-10-24 (3) PROMPT. EXPERIENCED, place. family room, and 3-4 sell. $200. 485-6603 after 6 typing, evenings. 332-3492. night at IM field across from Case Freshmen, Sophomores: Come being taken in 337 Union. Call for bedrooms. References. 332- Hall. Band parade through cam¬ an appointment. 3 10-20 (4) C 22 see what the Army ROTC is all 3101 12 10-26(6) pm. J0-31 (3) pus starts at 8 p.m. about. Informal 'open smoker' is BRISTOL, 14 x 65, near CELLO - FULL size. Superb COPYGRAPH SERVICE, from 4 to 7 p.m. Friday, Brody Inter-Varsity Christian Fellow¬ NEAR LAINGSBURG, Colby campus, 3 bedrooms, 2 tone and condition. New hard complete dissertation and Juniors, Seniors: Spend winter Multi-Purpose Room. ship meets at7tonight,336Union. baths, furnished. 694-1802 Lake Rd. Needed. 1 man for 337-1545, evenings. NOTICE resume service. Corner term in California as an academic Tom Stark, University Reformed case. after 5; anytime weekends. country farmhouse. $75-100. 2 10-20 (3) STARTING OCTOBER 24th, M.A.C. and Grand River. 8:30 intern with a legal defense office. A male student volunteer is Church pastor, speaks on prayer. 8 10-19 (3) 351 7497 O-17-10-31 (4) MSU salvage yard will be a.m.-5:30 p.m., Monday-Fri¬ Contact Dave Persell, College of needed for three weeks to assist BASKETBALL TICKETS-2 open to the public Tuesdays day. 10a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday. Urban Development. student series A. 332-4444, FLAIR, 1963-2 bedrooms, visually-impaired student to and NEAR PENNSYLVANIA and and Fridays, 7:30-11:30 am. 337 1666. C 22-10 31 (7) from gym class. Inquire 26 Stu¬ 9-10 p.m. only. 4-10-19 (3) Kalamazoo. 3 bedroom house stove & refrigerator, new 5-10-23 (6) Osteopathic Medical Open dent Services Bldg. Carpeting, garage, and large carpeting, skirting, partially TYPING, Experienced, fast House from 7 to 9 p.m. tonight, IN THE IMAGE OF HELL. FRAMES OLD? Cracked? or Sale. yard. Prefer adults. $225/ furnished. $2,600. Can be FOUR FAMILY Garage and reasonable. 371-4635. E105 East Fee Hall. Tours by Broken? Replacements at low Bright student needs extra tu¬ month. 351-7497 0-17 10-31 16) cost. OPTICAL DISCOUNT. seen 1-5p.m., Saturday and October 19. 20. pm. 21. 9 am. 6 1325 N. Fairview. Cloth¬ C-21 10-31 (3) medical students. torial help in geometry FRANK HERBER 2617 E. Michigan. Lansing, Sunday. Mobile Home Man¬ week. Details in 26 Student Ser ing, Household Items. CAMPUS NEAR-Modern bedroom house. Furnished, 7 372 7409. C-5-10-20 (5) or, lot E17. 484 6431 3 10-20 (71 2-10-20 (4) TYPING TERM papers. experienced, fast service, Call IBM, Wanted l*j RECORD SALE, We've 351-8923. OR 22 10-31 (3) carpeted. 485-1436. RUMMAGE SALE, all day moved to Frandor, but we are TWO STUDENT tickets for 19-10-31 13) Friday, October 20, Capitol continuing our record sale, Villa Apartments, # 162,1668 EXPERT TYPING Term pa Indiana 332 8822 before 8:30 i.e. $6.98 list price, now $3.99, E. Grand River. 1-10-19 (4) pers. letters. RESUMES. am or after 10 pm. $8.99 list price, now $5.99. LOST - SNOW Lion green Near Gables. 337-0205. 1 »ws r MARSHALL MUSIC. Fran¬ hooded jacket. Keys in lower C-22 10 31 (3) S 2 10 20 (3) PRIVATE ROOMS in modern dor. C 5-10-20 (7) right pocket. Lost in Lansing. If found, call East 372- | Service l|^j UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS TUTOR WANTED. English skills. Call Steve, 355-6865. house, near campus. Fur¬ USED MEN'S Shirts, extra 8789.5-10-25 (4) COMPLETE DISSERTATION 1 10-19(3) cheap! Up to BLUEGRASS EXTENSION AND RESUME SERVICE - nished, carpeted, kitchen. large, very, very 355-3887 SERVICE plays weddings, typesetting, IBM typing, off¬ 0-15-10-31 (4) $5 a shirt BLACK, male lAra 393 7368. E-5-10 20 (4) LOST - dor. Name: Thorin. Jolly and parties. 353-9695 days; 372 3727 or 339 1119. set printing and binding. For estimate stop in at 2843 E. Round Town "J EAST LANSING, nice house, Okemos Road vicinity. LCP CASTING the "Odd INSTANT CASH! Were pay¬ C-22-10-31 (4) Grand River or phone 332- nice people, will negotiate all 349 1438. 3-10-19 (3) Couple." October 23, 24 at 8414. C 22 10-31 (8) details, leave message for ing $1-$2 for albums in good 2300 E. Michigan. 7:30 pm. 6 SAVE MONEY SAVE ENER¬ John, 332-7334. 5-10-20 (4) shape WAZOO RECORDS. LOST KEYRING between men, 2 women. 484-9115. GY. Winterize doors, win SINGLE FURNISHED, kit¬ 223 Abbott. 337-0947. C 22-10-31 (4) Physics Astronomy and East Complex. 353-1113. dows, and minor repairs. Tax P kslricliii 3-10-23 (4) chen. Parking, very close, 3-10-23 (3) exempt. Free estimates. Call 100 USED VACUUM Clean¬ RIDING INSTRUCTION - utilites included. $90-$120. 1 year warranty, $7.88 487-3204 12-1V2J5! now open*. Lease to September. 332- ers, LOST-1 blue wallet. Identifi¬ East Lansing, English hunt 1800 372-1800. and up. DENNIS DISTRI¬ FREE LESSON in complexion seat, indoor facilities. Begin¬ or cation: G.H. Call 394-6743. 0-5-10-24 (5) BUTING COMPANY. 316 N. care. MERLE-NORMAN ning through advanced. Con 2-10-20 (3) Cedar. 482-2677. COSMETIC STUDIO. 321 tact JEAN CARN STABLES C-22-10-31 (5) 5543. C 22 10-31 (4) 337 2794 or 371 3926 ,. xv Teyng ROOMS in 3 bedroom .... 2 FOUND SAMOYED. Okemos OR 1 10-19 (7) house $66 month. Frandor area. Call after 6 pm. 349- !: -0:" g Sf-vices [ EDUCATIONAL GRETCHEN II hiking boots. area 485-5758 8-10-27 (3) 4728. X-3-10-20 (3) Typing Service M r b CENTER $40 Size 7 V women's Call 332-8136. E 5-10-24 (3) wnTtiT -".'0 10 "iC, '].■ ecoiocKs Core iTioQions TEST PREPARATION FREE ROOM and board fema'e student in for private MARANTZ 1060 stereo am¬ j Ptrsoul J/j EXPERIENCED TYPIST, fast and accurate. Dissertations, UUIET MAIURt student looking for an apartment , p ^nrn! -g SPECIALISTS SINCE 1938 Visit Our Centers And See For Yourself ho^e " exchange for baby¬ plifier, 30 watts/channel. Ex¬ VITAL TOUCH THERAPY in thesis, Mrm papers. 339-3575. room in house in East Lan¬ Why We Mike The Difference sitting with one child Begin cellent condition. $125. Call Okemos. Body treatments for 12-10-25 (3) sing^ Okemos area, 349-2052. 517 337-7350 Call Days, Eves & Weekends now or winter term. Write Al 371-5467 after 5 pm 8-10-27 (5) relaxation. $15. 3-10-20J4) 372-8247. EXPERIENCED. IBM typing, 5-10-20 (41 919 E. Grand Rivar Available at Smith 2300 Montego Drive. Lansing 48912 8-,0-27 181 ADVENT 201 A cassette HELP PROFESSOR KEN BOYER!!"!! IF YOU HAVE dissertations, FAY ANN. 489 0358. (pica-Elite) WOULD LIKE to buy reason¬ ably priced dormitory refrig¬ uuoman9dre E.Lansing,Mi. 48823 deck. Unopened, full war¬ erator 355 4140. 1 10-19 (31 of LansmG (517)332-2539 HAD HIM IN CLASS, LIKE C_22-10-3U3._ ranty New $400; now $265. ^ _ For Sale ECON. 201. SEND A LONG 351 3595. 3-10-20 (3) TYPIST - TEN years secre¬ LETTER OF APPRECIATION ABOUT HIM. TO: tarial experience. Laingsburg WOMEN'S 5 speed bike. D. HAMERMESH area. 656'page. 651-6424. OLYMPUS OM 1. Black body Great condition. $70. 489- 2-10-20 (3) and or vivitar series macro-20 ROOM 1C MARSHALL' 7647 keep calling. E-5-10-24 om lens. Must sell. Call Eric- HALL 374-4223 8:30am-3pm or BY OCTOBER 25. 3-10-20 (8) SCHWINN COLLEGIATE 641-40^-^118. bike. 5 speed. Excellent con¬ 5-5-10-23$ dition. (moving) $49. ANOTHER BORING Satur¬ day night? It doesn't have to 339-3603. 5-10-23 (3) WHITE MONKEY burn-out be. The SPORTS ILLUSTRA¬ bongs-only $2 (collector's TED COURT CLUB in Oke¬ LARGE RED vinyl arm chair edition). The only full line of mos is hosting a pizza party head supplies in town. Whip¬ on rocker base. $40. from 8 pm - 1 am. It's pizza 351-4946. 5-10-23 (3) and court time for only $5. pets. pipes, papers, clips, waterbeds, tapestries, and all You don't have to be a GIBSON SG custom pick your high supplies. 117 N. member, so if you'd like to try ups, good condition. Also Harrison Road (across from racquetball, or challenge one Guild Starfire, hollow body Sir Pizza). 11-9 pm. of our pros, bring your girl or with Gibson humbuckings, 4-10-20 (9) excellent shape. Call 485- boy and plan to come to 6958 7-10 pm. 12-10-26 (7) SPORTS ILLUSTRATED SKIS, 6'3" with boots and Saturday night. Please call to poles. Never used. $80. reserve your place, 349-5500. TWO 7 X 14 mag wheels. 332 6399 XZ2-10-19 (3) 2-10-20 (17) Keystone type, $30.339-9331. E-5-10-19 (3) NEW WATERBED supplies. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS Mattresses from $36; Heaters OVER 2500 cheap albums OF MICHIGAN STATE UNI¬ from $50. Call John evenings. 25d and up-all types-hits to VERSITY Student Tax Re¬ 332-6703. 8-10-26 (4) the obscure. FLAT,BLACK, funds are available in room Er CIRCULAR, 541 E. Grand 334 Student Services until Applet • Cider River above Paramount. November 1, 1978. Honey Open 11 a.m.-6 p.m., 6 B-1-10-19 (5) BLOSSOM ORCHARDS days-351-0838. Attention small publishing 2 miles N of Leslie C-22-10-31 (7) companies. We may be inter¬ on Hull Rd ested in distributing your NEW USED and vintage (Old US 127) non-fiction books nationally guitars, banjos, mandolins, HOURS: 9am-6pm to bookstores. Send particu¬ etc. Dulcimers and kits, re¬ CLOSED MONDAYS lars to: corders, strings, accessories, PHONE: 1-519-1251 NORMAN BOOK DIS¬ Gift Packages books, thousands of hard-to- find albums (all at very low TRIBUTING COMPANY Shipped UPS P.O. Box 201 prices). Private and group lessons on guitar, banjo, Okemos, Mich. 48864. HI-FI EQUIPMENT Demos & mandolin, all styles. Gift cer¬ 8-10-30 (8) trade-ins, all with warranty. tificates. Expert repairs - free Mcintosh-'77 tuner, $500, estimates. ELDERLY IN¬ Mcintosh 113 tuner-pre-amp STRUMENTS. 541 E. Grand Rill Estill * $550 Bang Er Olufsen 1900 River. 332-4331. turntable $229. Sony 755 reel C-22-10-31 (13) MASON, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, to reel deck, $450. Dalhquist D-Q speakers, $650. Scott 35 FOR THE best in stereo Cape Cod. $49,500, will con¬ service, THE STEREO sider 9 3/4 land contract. watt receiver $105. Garrard SHOPPE! 555 E. Grand River. Built 1973. EACO Realty, turntable $39. MUCH MORE C-22-10-31 (3) 676-5660 or 676-2743. 337 1767 HI-FI BUYS. 12-10-31 (5) 0-5-10-24(11) VISIT MID-MICHIGAN'S BROKE? largest used bookshop CURI- FOR SALE by owner - Walk No need to be 'cause the QUS BOOKSHOP, 307 E. to campus and Wardcliff cash is in the bag or coat Grand River, East Lansing, Elementary from this three or car! Sell for $$$ with the 332-0112. C-22-10-31 16) bedroom ranch. New roof, classifieds! Call Gail 355- new paint, inside and out. 8255 S 30-12-1 (7) New carpet, full storms and SEWING MACHINES-new. central air. A fireplace, gar¬ Free arm machines from PENTAX 85-210 mm Zoom den, patio, and huge lot on a $99.50. Guaranteed used ma¬ lens f/4.5 and Pentax 28mm chines from $39.50. All makes quiet street makes this more than just another house. side angle lens, both excel¬ repaired. EDWAROS DIS¬ lent condition. Zoom $225, Drive by 2788 Roseland (off TRIBUTING CO. 1115 N. 28mm $100. Call Ira after 6 Hagadorn north of Grand Washington, 489-6448. River). 351-1316, Suzanne, pm at 351-4063. S-5-10-25 (5) C-22-10-31 (7) days, 351-8889 evenings. COMPLETE STEREO Com¬ 8 2 10-20(14) PENTAX ME SLR Camera, ponent System. All or part, Canon TX, Mikkor slide pro¬ M.S.U. NEAR. Perfect family best offer Call days, 373- jector, plus much more. home on quiet street in rural 7056, ask for Wayne; or WILCOX TRADING POST, setting. Two story with pri¬ evenings, weekends, 393- 509 E. Michigan. 485-4391. vate back yard. Act now and Open 9:30 am-6 pm. move in for the holidays. C-14 10-31 (7) Upper 50's. Barbara Hoopin- HAYNES-SILVER flute. Ex¬ cellent condition. WILCOX garner. 699-2428, Brokers TRADING POST. 509 E. j Animals M Inc. 351 1880. 7-10-27 (9) Michigan. 485-4391. 5-10-25J4) GIBSON. FLYING-guitar, FREE pawed, KITTENS. various Double colors, r is 351-3646 after 3:30. 1966. New Rolan, jazz chorus HAYRIDE. NEWLY acquired E-5-10-20 (3) amp. Call 337-2672. equipment. Additional rides 8;!p-30j3) available. CRAZY C RIDING FREE KITTEN. 6 months. All TRAVEL TRAILER - 26' STABLES. 676-3710. shots. Gray Calico, long hair. 5-10-20 W carriage, self contained. Very Call 351 0881 after 5 pm. good condition. Can be seen at 6426 Rosedale, Lansing, or E 5-10-24 (3) HIMALAYAN TREKKING: call 393-0518 after 5 pm. Join other curious, hearty AKC BOUVIER-Black female, souls for culture and natural *10-23J5) _ _ environment explorations. spayed 1 year. Good watch¬ SKI BOOTS - Nordica. Size Journeys, Box 7545, Ann dog. $135 Call 371-5242 after 11 shell, $75. Good shape. 10pm. 6-10-20 (4) Arbor, 48107. 1 313-995-4658 337 0297. 5-10-25 (8) 5-10-23 (6) Michigon State News, Eost Lonsing, Michigan Thursday October 19. 1978 23 OATIS HAGAR the Horrible by Dik Browne (t)WJIM-TV(CBS) (IQ)WIIX-TV(NBC) (ll)WELM-TV(Cobl.) (12)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) THURSDAY 2:30 (11) Shintowa: Hearts in (23) Ormandy and his (6) Guiding Light Orchestra Harmony 9:30 9:00 (10) Doctors (12) Mary Tyler Moore (23) Over Easy (23) MacNeil/Lehrer Report (12) Soap (6-J2) Phil Donahue 3:00 10:00 (10) Marcus Welby, M.D. 8:00 (6) Barnoby Jones (10) Another World (23) Sesame Street (6) Waltons (10) Sword of Justice (12) General Hospital 10:00 (23) Food For Life (10) Project U.F.O. (11) Ed itorial Weiss-Cracks (6) All in the Family 3:30 (11) Woman Wise (12) Family (10) Card Sharks (6) M*A*S*H (12) Mork & Mindy 10:30 (12) Dinah! (23) Villa Alegre (23) Nova (23) Boston's Marathon Man 4:00 8:30 11:00 (23) Mister Rogers 10:30 (6) New Mickey Mouse Club (11) Tempo (6-10-12) News PEANUTS SPONSORED BY , V See our ad (10) Munsters (12) Political Talk (23) Dick Cavett in today's (6) Price is Right (12) Star Trek 9:00 11:30 by Schulz (10) Jeopardy! paper (23) Sesame Street (6) Hawaii Five-0 (6) M*A*S*H (23) Electric Company 11:00 4:30 (10) Quincy (10) Johnny Carson (6) My Three Sons (11) Videowaves Presents (12) Starsky & Hutch (10) High Rollers (lO)Gilligan's Island (12) Barney Miller (23) ABC News (12) Happy Days 5:00 (23) Rebop 25« 11:30 (6) Gunsmoke MSU SHADOWS FREE PLAT (6) Love of Life (10) Bob Newhart (10) Wheel of Fortune (12) Gong Show by Gordon Carleton w,.hih,Scom,C' (12) Family Feud (23) Mister Rogers' SPONSORED BY: Ne" ^ mooIT (23) Lilios, Yoga and You Neighborhood PINBALL PETE'S 11:55 5:30 (10) Mary Tyler Moore 'V (6) CBS News 12:00 (11) WELM News THt a I ST IS "StOtSLTfisT DAV'jUMt/o) (12) News .is "sourest d (6-12) News (10) America Alive! (23) Electric Company 6:00 (23) Mayor of Casterbridge (6) Almanac 12:20 (6-10) News (23) Dick Cavett FRANK & ERNEST 12:30 6:30 by Bob Thaves (6) Search for Tomorrow (6) CBS News (12) Ryan's Hope (10) NBC News (12) ABC News 1:00 (6) Young and Restless (23) Over Easy [MTERNAl revenue service (10) Hollywood Squares 7:00 CON/$iDE#?ifv& WHAT (23) Nova (6) Six Million Dollar Man 1:30 (10) Joker's Wild THE NATIONAL (6) As the World Turns (11)Teevee Trivia (10) Days of Our Lives (12) Brady Bunch OSgr I$, r Figured 2:00 (23) Ask the Doctor (12) One Life to Live 7:30 you guys would k (23) High School Quiz Bowl (10) Muppet Show willing To gapry ME For a couple Hundred io-H THE DROPOUTS SPONSOREDBY: CAMPUS PIZZA d " TRAVELS WITH FARLEY by Post tOJO I G'o"fl Hive. 337 1377 by Phil Frank I HAVEnt HAb A TASTE • on the OF 1H6 CHIEFS iNFERtJAL ^ WAiSON, dra6cws mil* in four tw/s/) chu6aim PILLOW TALK Softline Furniture B.C. SPONSORED BY: p|j||I^|XUREFrondor - 351 1767shoPPin9 c#n,#r Bean Bags Mi by Johnny Hart TUMBLEWEEDS* SPONSORED BY: PIZZA 337-1377 by Tom K. Ryan 1040 E. Grand River MNIPIOTcoulp see it'C ji plf! PAINTmovaclwun , SCRIMLE 5CRIPPLE SCRIPALE \ QJS££5 SAM and SILO LIBERTY BELL PRESENIS FRI. NOV. 10th by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker STEVE MARTIN Lansing Civic Cenler some ©reAt stuff in . tickets at CCII SPONSORED BY: o- Civic Center Box Office tHis cAtAlos... i tHinR i'll or per a PAIR of these moose Hide slippers BEETLE BAILEY by Mort Walker ^OWB^Umveuo^ressJiyndi^ Thursday, October 19, 1978 24 Michi90n Stole News, Eost lonsing, Michigan Navy project Honors standards higher now Students who have visions of graduating with honors may be in for honors an-' 3.6 for high honors. in U.P. to be for a surprise if they neglected to keep in touch with the gradually-changing grade point average standards. Beginning spring term. 1980, students will need a 3.4 to receive honors and 3.7 to receive high honors. In January 1976, Academic Council approved an adjustment to These requirements appear in the schedule book but many increase the grade point average used to award honor and high students do not read the information and do not know about the decided soon honor designations to MSU graduating seniors. The designations were established to recognize the top 20 higher standards, Dorothy Arata, assistant provost, said. The proportions of graduates receiving honors rose to a peak of percent of the graduating class. 52 percent for the graduating class of spring 1974. Academic ByTHKSTATU NEWS The first step of a three-year program was implemented for the council pointed out that from 1960 to 1965 students graduating and United Press International 1978 graduating class. with honors and high honors represented the top 20 percent of President Carter is expected to decide by Students who graduated last spring and summer terms as well their class. the end «f the year whether Michigan's as those graduating this fall and winter require a 3.2 GPA to New guidelines were implemented in an effort to return Upper Peninsula will be the site of the I .S. receive honors and 3.5 for high honors. recognition of the accomplishments to the top 20 percent of the class. Since the new standards have been imposed, the percentage of students graduating with honors and high honors fell from 47.4 The program is being phased in during a three-year period to be percent to 38.7 percent. fair to students. Arata explained. mental hazards said P The second step of the process will be put "The council felt it unfair into effect spring term to jump to the desired standards in a the East Lansing Abrahamic Community. and last until winter term. 1980. This year to two." she added. ^ step will require CPAs of 3.3 in the Upper Peninsula. The cables would he connect ed to existing cables in Wiscon The Na,vy has -aid it needs ELF i extremely low frequency because the elect romap ■ansmitters can't penetrate the ocean dept h more than 111! t<> di) feet. Missile submarines .require constant shore contiict and ri-k detection if they stay State News Ira Strickstein that close to the ocean surface, the Nayv Looking rather out of place among the insipid clothing of commoners, has said. two residents of Shaw's Terrace West dine in elegance. Note the pin¬ Recently released results of Navy testing stripes on right. Very in, said the fashion world. on the env ironmental effects of ELF show increased t growth rates in rh- -u- monkeys. said Euni ee Carlson, a biologist and spokesppr».on for People Opposed Terrace West dispels Sanguine >>« at'arer The $921,000 study was completed m November 1977 but the image 'of being animals' results we re just recently released, she -aid The st i exposed to ELF radiation gained weight at Two weeks ago. residents from Shaw The residents from Shaw Hall, calling Hall's Terrace West floor showed up at themselves "gentlemen," went all the Carlson saiid. Yakely Hail's .afetena way, displaying every bit of elegance "This firiding is particularly significant : in^ Viking one would expect from New York's because ol the long list of experiments an be done displaying a manner which was most before the government can justify putting impressive to those around them. Upon •he system in Michigan. exiting the second-rate bistro, they Great Lakes Life, the group whcih gracefully acknowledged a moderate ponsored a walk across the Upper Penin applause. Someone even threw a lima ula this summer to protest ELF. will meet bean. nti-ELF action. Mike Dennis. Terrace West resident assistant, said the idea started when the •onmental floor sent a letter of apologv to Yakely ut ELF. critics of the | ne back to the cafeteria Hall. lefficient and unnecessi dispell any doubts that a use the system adds Vakelv wo ten had regarding their Reity cited other reasons for dining at st strike" capability. couth. Yakely. And he "We don't get hamburgers like this." play he said, rapping the entre on the table. #i PLAIN TALK I SHERWOOD S-7225 STEREO •AM-FM RECEIVER .CERTIFIED A„ ...A,,* TO 40 WATTS PER CHANNEL ^ ^ OR PIONEER SX-7S0 STEREO *45 WATTS PER CHANNEL AM-FM CE|VER #L0ADS 0p EXTRAS TECHNICS SB6000 LINEAR PHASE SPEAKER SYSTEM • 12 IN LOW FREQUENCY EPICURE MODEL 14 SPEAKER FROMARMCOON DRIVER «1 % IN HIGH FREQ DOME RADIATOR YOUR 41 CHOICE YOUR ^ CHOICE 199 FINDING A JOB: PIONEER HPM SO BOOK SHELF SPEAKER *10 INCH WOOFER *3 WAY SYSTEM FOR WIDE RESPONSE WOOD CABINETS OR AMERICAN MONITOR 1 2 INCH 3 WAY SPEAKER »PUTS MANY LARGE SYSTEMS TO SHAME WITH IT'S ATTENTION TO DETAIL & CLARITY PI0NEIR SX10M STEREO RECEIVER #120 WATTS PER CHANNEL .LOW DISTORTION & AM-FM TUNER UH SHERWOOD S-75CP 70 WATT CERTIFIED PER CHANNEL .AM FM RECEIVER "DIGITAL DETECTOR How much when hiring you \.u. company's ~V\ear history. Armco has averaged protii on each dollar of sales. We pay out part of our YOUR CHOICt 5139 ='459 YOUR CHOICE PIONEER PL-540 DIRECT TECHNIC SL-235 BELT DRIVE earnings immediately in di\ ideiuts to Armco s H KMKH)share¬ SR-230 TOSHIBA SEMI BIC MO BELT DRIVE DRIVE SEMI AUTOMATIC AUTOMATIC CHANGER holders. So out ,>| each nickel, ue have AUTOMATIC BELT DRIVE s)n AUTOMATIC WITH MULTl TURNTABLE *QUARTZ LOCK OD TURNTABLE «L0W WOW & perhaps Ac left to TURNTABLE WITH BASE U" PLAY & PEAT FUNCTION SERVO CONTROL MOTOR Wn cntrrtm^w ere....... COVER & CARTRIDGE *WITH BASE & COVER •COMPLETE WITH BASE & > Ac at a time- is tough. At this rate, COVER »ther SlAMK.IKK) worth of products and ser- »ui»h money for a single new job. That's *149 why YOUR ire important. They make more jobs. Even YOUR >bs. The Government's nionev comes from CHOICE CHOICE t-all TIAC A 105 FRONT LOAD PIONEER CTF-SOO 2 MOTOR 3 AKIA GXC-7J50 3 HEAD > at business, ask him ^ TOSHIBA PC-34B0 DOUBLE HEAD CASSETTE DECK ■ring at his own job DOLBY CASSETTE DECK OR DOLBY CASSETTE DECK SYSTEM "LOW DISTORTION •FERRITE RECORDING HEAD *L E 0 PEAK LIGHTS »D0LBY •SENDUST HEAD Qft CRYSTAL FERRITE HEAD NOISE REDUCTION FOR TAPE Let us hear YOUR plain talk about Jobs! He'll send you a free booklet if you do ia me wave make serne to you'.' We'd like to what you think. Your personal experiences, ids to prove or disprove our point. Drop us a hue. We'd like your plain talk. For telling i if >ur tin itiehls. we IIsendyou more informa¬ tion on issues affecting jobs. Plus Armco's handbook. How to Gel a Job. It answers ut questions you II need to know. Use it •t yourself apart, above the crowd. Write Armco. Educational Relations Dept.U-1, •nerul Offices. Middletown. Ohio MH.l tire to include a stamped, self-addressed business-si e envelope. ARMCO V OPEN MOM THRU SAT. 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU 10-20-78 WESTLAND SHOPPING CENTER, CORNER W. SAGINAW AT WAVERLY