{ VOLUME 72 NUMBER 151 tats Naws FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1978 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING MICHIGAN 48824 J Rhodesian planes blast post By MICHAEL HOLMAN Associated Press Writer LUSAKA, Zambia (AP) - Rhodesian warplanes struck 90 miles into Zambia Mozambique base raided The raids while all foul Rhodesia's interim governmo Bishop Abel Muzorewa. the Rev. Xdaban of Thursday to pound a black guerrilla base ingi Sithole and Chief Jeremiah Chirau within earshot of the capital. Guerrilla leader Joshua Nkomo said "we in Wednesday's action were in Washington. They are scheduled to have lost quite a few people." A day earlier Salisbury troops raided called t Patriotic Front, and have bee i Zambian forces." Miks I hat would include the guerrilla! Asked if the raids wmild iffe.'t il.e trying t topple the Salisbury mo said the camp was being built bv guerrilla camps in Mozambique. There was | ; a Iks. no word whether that raid was still in for six i the United Nations and Red Cross as a Nkomo said: How do you talk with these progress and no comment from Mozambi¬ Their efforts increased after an interim future home for ZAPl' children. Tens of '■riminals wh-. Um- napalm" I' h-»u- the que. biracial government was formed March 3. Nkomo, head of the Zambia based Zim¬ Zambia issued a statement saying a Rhodesia to neighboring countries. West babwe African People's Union said, "They ZAPl' "refugee camp" was attacked, and ern diplomatic sources say there are four is attacking Mozambique and Zambia and have destroyed almost every structure." He that the Rhodesians were "repulsed by ZAPl' camps and two refugee camps within talking about an all party conference." suggested the bombs might have been American-made, although the United States supports the United Nations' total embargo against Rhodesia. Casualties were not revealed, but the road was lined with jeeps, trucks and cars Settlement of peace talk taking dead and wounded to the capital of Lusaka 12 miles away. Nkomo said the planes dropped napalm, but Lusaka hospital sources said there was no evidence of napalm injuries. One medical source age were source said more than 300 men of military treated at one hospital. The estimated the death toll at "dozens." problems 'doubtful'-Dayan WASHINGTON (AP) — Israeli Foreip the advice of the delegates. has reported steady progress since the talks In Salisbury, the Rhodesian capital, the Minister Moshe Dayan and President Carter The administration said Wednesday that began. military command said its forces had struck continued their public disagreement about Carter had not been in touch with either Meanwhile, informed sources said Israel Nkomo's main headquarters and that the the progress being made in the Mideast Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin or is talking to the administration about a new Egyptian President Anwar Sadat since the aid program to finance its withdrawal from attackers were returning to their bases. peace talks Thursday. A Rhodesian military spokesperson said Dayan, speaking to Carter at lunch in conference began. the Sinai that could cost billions of dollars. the Zambian government was warned in Blair House in front of reporters, said the However, it appeared from Dayan's Egypt also is "talking about big numbers" advance and told the target was Nkomo's negotiations have encountered problems comments that further discussions involving in seeking American assistance for an and chances of the two delegations settling Carter. Begin and Sadat might be neces¬ economic development program, the headquarters. Nkomo said the base was a camp for the them are "very doubtful." sary. sick, the young and refugees. Carter, returning to the White House It was the second time this week that a Strickstein "The bombs were very powerful and they after his luncheon with the two delegations, Dayan made a public statement which don't make those bombs in Salisbury." told reporters the talks were not stalled, and contradicted the optimism voiced by the Flames and Spartan spirit lept into the air Thursday night, kicking off Nkomo said. "I wonder whether Rhodesian "we don't have any particular problem." conference's official spokesperson, George withdrawal from the Sin:- homecoming weekend as the Spartans prepare to play Indiana Univer¬ Sherman of the State Department. Sherman Prime Minister Ian Smith doesn't get them The disagreement was a reprise of what captured from Egypt in 1907. sity on Saturday. from where he has gone shoppng," an happened Tuesday, the first time Carter apparent reference to Smith's visit to the met with the two delegations since the talks United States. began. At that time also Dayan was MILLIKEN SIGNS BILL Black smoke rose over the Chikumbi pessimistic and Carter optimistic. Camp and ruins of buildings were evident Dayan told Carter Thursday the "key to Youth group, Iranians from the camp's sealed gates. Tremors from the bombs shook Lusaka and destroyed changes of the attitudes or the position of the delegations just is not here. So you have the Lobby reform OK'd several shanties. full information from all of us. But whether Reporters were barred from the camp by you can obtain a change of position through LANSING iCPU Gov. William G. scuffle at conference delegations here is very doubtful. It's - armed guerrillas but said most of the the Milliken Wednesday signed into law the casualties evacuated were men of military not Camp David, with the heads of state here." state's first major reform of lobbying rules age wearing green fatigues. mained intact in the many legislative since the 1940s, but he called the measure the league's newspaper, began to speak at Reports from the site said the 45-minute Dayan implied that the two sides had By JOANNELANE attack was by six jets and about five reached an impasse that could not be broken weak and decried the closed-door meetings battles on the bill, sponsored bv Sen. Garv State News Staff Writer 7:30 p.m. D Clio. s watered down. A scuffle between members of the Spartacus members standing at the helicopters, but there was no indication that without the other violating the during which it Milliken asked the Legislature conference room door asked everyone Rhodesian ground troops were involved. negotiating instructions it was given at the Spartacus Youth League and MSU Iranian The attack came the day after Rhodesia outset of the talks. At Camp David, the itringent lobbying regulat students Wednesday night caused minor entering to submit to a body and baggage sible, although he said th search saying, "It's for your own protec¬ announced a raid into Mozambique to its heads of state had more flexibility about damage to the second floor hallway of the International Center. tion." east, the base for Robert Mugabe's guerril deciding what positions to take. Before the las. Carter's response was brief. He said he A forum, sponsored by the Spartacus speech began, a Spartacus Youth League presenting the topic "Iran in spokesperson explained to the audience of Mugabe and Nkomo lead a loose alliance recognized the difficulties and would seek Turmoil," was disrupted a few minutes after mostly Iranian students that Lewis would the featured speaker, Sam Lewis, editor of speak for 45 minutes and then would open the floor to questions. When Lewis expressed his views on the strategies the Iranian working class should Even if drinking age is raised to 21, Sami Esmail use to overthrow the Shah, several Iranian students protested that Lewis's opinions were based on false information. minors may still be allowed into bars Spartacus bodyguards, wearing gloves departs from and holding their forearms upright in front of their bodies, quickly surrounded the By MICHAEL WINTER State News Staff Writer Some managers said special non-alcoholic nights or sections of the bar might be set The Legislature must pass tow laws raising the drinking age to 21 if "D" passes, speaker when the Iranians criticized Lewis' said Terry Benson, of the State Administra¬ If the Michigan drinking age is raised to aside for under-21 patrons if "D" passes. the lobbying reform meas Israel today comments. Lewis further angered the Iranians by 21 after the Nov. 7 election, 18-to 20 year olds still will be able to visit their favorite Others said those under 21 might not be allowed to enter after a certain hour. tive must Rules Committee. Lawmakers also repeal legislation passed last May in •elimination of a loophole which a suggesting that their technique of trying to multi-client lobbyists to allocate foo( overthrow the Shah would only contribute watering hole — if bar owners let them. Hand-stamping — a practice used in Ohio raising the drinking age to 19,Dec. 3. Sami Esmail will be deported today from more to the low status of women in Iran. Though no state laws prohibit minors from entering bars, owners have the legal to separate 21 year-old drinkers from those under 21 — would "cause too much Benson said the Michigan liquor and avoid "the reporting thresholds; a Tel Aviv airport, said his brother Basim. Several Iranian students, disagreeing penal codes will have to be amended when •a requirement that food and be\ with Lewis's viewpoint that such techniques right to exclude whom they want, Liquor confusion and result in too many minors the drinking age is raised. He will arrive at New York's Kennedy expenditure totals be disclosed; and Airport at 4:05 p.m. would make the situation worse, shouted, Control Commission officials say. receiving alcohol," said. Eric Craymer. Proposal D, the ballot question calling for manager of the Rainbow Ranch, 2843 E. Passage of "D" uld Esmail will be greeted at the airport by "This is a lie." his mother and Basim. He will have the hike, would raise the legal drinking age Grand River Ave. confusion" between Dec. 3, when the no Spartacus members demanded again that the forum be carried out in a "democratic" to 21 if approved. The age hike would take In most Ohio bars, where 18-to 20-year- legislation would take effect, and Dec. 22, money or baggage, Basim said. Esmail will be flown out of Israel on the manner and that the Iranian students must effect Dec. 22. olds may only drink beer containing 3.2 when D would be enacted, Benson added. Israeli airline and will be under guard. He is remain quiet or leave. Several East Lansing bar managers said percent alcohol, patrons are stamped differ not considered free until he is turned over Spartacus bodyguards then began to they would prohibit anyone under 21 from ™l|y and must display the stamp buying or ordering alcohol. "High" beer to his relatives in the United States. physically remove the Iranian students from entering after the effective date if "D" the room as they chanted, "Down with the contains 4 to 6 percent alcohol. Basim Esmail said depending on Sami's passes. Most said enforcing the new law Shah, Down with the CIA." Because of a greater enforcement prob¬ physical condition, he will either arrive at would be "a nightmare" if 18-to 20-year-olds The Iranian students remained outside lem in student-populated towns, the liquor Capital City Airport Sunday on a 1:33 p.m. are allowed to enter bars with those or 5:35 p.m. flight. (continued on page 10) commission will be putting more investiga¬ patrons 21 or over. ' tors "back on the street" if "D" passes, said Walter Keck, chief of the commission s inside enforcement division. If liquor license holders are caught selling What's the deal with those I n By ANNE MARIE BIONDO or serving alcohol to a minor, they can be janitors? Turn to page 3. and KIM GAZELLA fined or have their license temporarily or State News Staff Writers permanently revoked. Raising the drinking age to 21 became an emotional and statistical argument Thursday Licensees can be fined up to $300 for each weather night as oponents and proponents gave the issue all they had. liquor code violation and have their licenses The "town hall" meeting was the second in a series of three political events sponsored suspended from seven to 30 days, Keck Today will be great for cutting a class or by the MSU School of Journalism. two and taking off for a long weekend. said. Kim Stuck, a 21-year-old reformed alcoholic, and proponent of the proposal, said she Despite the likelihood of 18-to 20-year Sunny and breezy today and tomorrow with Emotions, started drinking when she was 13 because of "peer pressure." "Everybody wants to be accepted," she said. olds being barred from East Lansing bars if "D" passes, under-21 bartenders or wait¬ a high in the mid to upper 60s today and a high of 70 tomorrow. She said the drinking age should be raised to 21 because the 18-year-olds are not resses' jobs won't be put on the rocks. responsible enough to decide whether they should drink. Countless lives are also lost due statistics to alcohol-related accidents, she said. Any employee under 21 could still serve alcohol to customers if the drinking age is Stuck told the audience of a friend who was in an accident because of alcohol and is now raised, Keck said. "a vegetable," and a friend who drank a pint of whiskey on a dare and "never woke up." But the new law would still prohibit dominate "We're dealing with lives, not just our rights, Stuck said. "We all deserve a chance at living." employees who are minors from consuming or buying alcohol, which would include Admitting he opposes Proposal D from "strictly an economical" point of view, Dooley's signing purchase orders from liquor distrib¬ manager Gary Foltz said he'll lose about 50 percent of business if the proposition becomes 62V debate law. "There will also be "substantial economic impact on those who work for us," he said. utors. Keck said this woult many bars that employ £ About 95 percent of his employees are MSU students and many of those will be laid off, he One state official sa: said. passes, legislation mus "If our business is curtailed, we'll have to cut back." comply with the P" Foltz said Proposal D only restricts the sale and use of alcohol "There's going to have to be a good deal by those under 21 - leaving the bar doors open to the now 18-. 19- and 20-year-olds. of administrative and legislative action soon (continued on page 101 hfter the election to deal with the problem," said Michael Hodge, of the Attorney General's office. 2 Michigon State News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 20, 1978 MEASURE TO FUND RESOURCES BILL MORE Carter OKs new 'projects' bill WASHINGTON (AP) - The energy and water re¬ that otherwise would have ex¬ The measure also incorpor- appropriations action next President Carter has signed a sources compromise eliminated pired for lack of House and ates the Amateur Sports Act, year, however, $27 billion measure containing six water projects to which the Senate agreement on normal which authorizes one-time $10.2 billion for the compromise president objected. Appropria¬ budget legislation. grants of $16 million to the U.S. The sports act also is aimed energy and water resources tions for 11 other projects in An exception is the Compre¬ Olympic Committee for the at reducing the longtime bick'- program agreed upon in the the original bill were down¬ hensive Employment and 1980 Olympics. Actual payment ering among amateur sports waning hours of Congress after graded from actual construc¬ Training Act program for pub¬ of that money awaits separate organizations. Pope delays picking top aides he had vetoed an earlier bill. tion money to planning funds. lic service jobs, whose funding The measure also provides Still retained in full is $6.1 level was actually cut by the stopgap funding for a variety of billion for energy research and so-called continuing resolution. II VATICAN CITY (AP) on - Pope John Paul Thursday deferred picking his top aides, indicating a possible shake-up in time in recent chief papal transitions that the department heads have not been renamed to office. other federal operations, in eluding public service jobs, public broadcasting. VISTA, development. The ter on measure, signed by Car¬ Wednesday, allows con¬ The program, administered by the Labor Department, offers up to 625,000 public service Lung cancer up and a number of drug abuse and tinued funding at last year's jobs in fiscal 1979, a reduction the Vatican's central administration, the However, on the pill, abortion, females health projects. levels for several programs of 100,000 from last year's level. Curia. priestly celibacy and other controversial A Vatican spokesperson said there probably would be no word on the ap¬ ethical issues, the new pontiff is on record as supporting the positions of the among Roman Catholic Church. WASHINGTON (AP) - various cancers and survival pointments this week. It was the first Namibia deal concluded Lung Cancer, by far the dead¬ liest of the three most cancers, common has increased dramati¬ rates years. from them in coming Scientists who have noted Trudeau's position unstable after setbacks PRETORIA. South Africa elections supervised by the Pretoria has controlled cally among women in this decade, according to a major the rising lung cancer rate in women have blamed it on (AP) — American-led Western United Nations. South-West Africa, also known new statistical increased cigarette smoking report published powers and South Africa struck South African Prime Minister as Namibia, for 60 years, the Thursday. among women since World War a deal Thursday on how to bring Pieter W. Botha raised a poten¬ last 12 in defiance of U.N. de¬ OTTAWA AP — Sharp setbacks in 13 of 15 parliamentary by-elections last The report, prepared by the II, whereas that habit had been the troubled territory of Nami¬ tially major side issue, saying mands that it grant the territo¬ National Cancer Institute, in¬ special elections this week have some Monday. But some rank-and-file Liberals largely restricted to men for* bia (South-West Africa) to in¬ his country will not withdraw its members of Canoda s ruling liberal Par¬ are calling openly for a new party leader ry independence. Last month dicates the increased rate of the previous two centuries. os Canada prepares for dependence. The South Afri troops from the mineral-rich South Africa rejected the latest lung cancer in the United The lung cancer rate among ty grumbling about the leadership of general parlia¬ cans, while going ahead with territory until the 12-year-old U.N. plan for a peaceful transi¬ States and rising death rates men, which is considerably Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau. If mentary elections sometime in the first their own elections there, will war with black nationalist guer¬ tion to independence and called from the disease are largely higher than among women, also the mood grows, the liberals could go six months of next year. rillas ends. reopen negotiations for later its own elections for Dec. 4-8. responsible for a growing num¬ has increased in recent years, into upcoming notional elections without Trudeau suffered another setback ber of cancer cases and deaths but not nearly so sharply. Trudeau as chief for the first time in 10 Wednesday in legislative elections in The Western five came here generally. Colon and rectal cancers, years. Saskatchewan. The New Democratic to persuade the South Africans The ongoing, five-year-old breast cancer and lung cancer Many in the party establishment soy Party won 44 of the 61 seats in the pro¬ vincial parliament and the Conserva¬ Paralyzed teen-ager not to go it alone and risk international condemnation and study is the first of its kind undertaken and is expected to are by far the most common malignancies in humans, oc- they continue to back the 59-year-old tives took 17. The liberals lost all 11 possible U.N. begin yielding more compre¬ curring nearly twice as often as tions. hensive and reliable data about any other form of the disease.. prime minister despite liberal losses in seats they had held. given $7.6 million SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A teen-ager, who was paralyzed after a dose of cancer fighting radiation destroyed her spinal cord, Murder suspect arrested has been awarded $7.6 million in damages. One authority said it could be the largest single payment malpractice award in the to death in the parking lot of a saloon in YPSILANTI. Mich. (AP) - A man sought by nation's history. Ypsilanti. Sometime before dawn, another man police in the shooting deaths of three persons "I never heard of one anywhere near that," said Frank Chappell, was arrested after a gunbattle at his parents' was shot and killed and two men were wounded science news editor for the American Medical Association in in a tool and die shop about a mile east of the bar. - home Thursday. His mother was found shot to Chicago. "As far as I know that's the largest." death in the house and his father's body was later State police said Hardesty knew all the "They're wonderful people and now I have a chance for my life," found in a freezer, police said. victims, and it appeared all had been shot with * said Laurie Necochea, now 18, of the jury which made the award Three persons, including the suspect, Billy .22-caliber pump action rifle. this week. Her attorney, James Bostwick, said most of the money Edward Hardesty, 21, were wounded and were One of the two men wounded at the shop gave' will go to pay medical bills. in critical condition at St. Joseph's Hospital in Hardesty's name and a description of his car to Robert Glynn, a San Francisco attorney who represented Mt. Ann Arbor. sheriffs deputies, the deputies said. States try to block gas price regulation Zion Hospital, said the case was built on "circumstantial evidence" Hardesty's mother was found shot to death Police cars soon arrived at the Hardesty home. and called the verdict "excessive. We certainly will appeal." Trooper David Koetsier said Hardesty stepped inside the dwelling, but it was not known Necochea, confined to a wheelchair, was paralyzed in 1972 while out on the porch with a .22 rifle and immediately who shot her. began undergoing six weeks of radiation therapy for a slow-growing and Washtenaw County prosecutor William Del- shooting. Police returned the fire. DALLAS (AP) — Three states that pro¬ the costs involved. usually treatable form of thyroid cancer. hey obtained warrants charging Hardesty with Hardesty. hit in the right shoulder, went back duce most of the nation's natural gas a- In addition to trying to block the regu¬ Medical witnesses testified during the trial, which began Aug. three counts of first-degree murder and two inside, and started firing again,the trooper said. lation of intrastate gas prices, the suit 22, that the paralysis was caused by a double dose of radiation assault with intent to commit murder. Officers finally rushed Hardesty at the door greed Thursday to sue to block sections counts of which destroyed the spinal cord half-way down her neck. and arrested him. of the national energy bill that would ex¬ will be aimed at a requirement that Early Thursday morning, two men were shot tend federal price regulation to gas pro¬ states establish a process to perform the duced and sold within a state. price regulation. covenant players ministry Attorneys General John Hill of Texas, "Our contention is that there is no Larry Derryberry of Oklahoma and constitutional authority for the federal mt, William Guste of Louisiana said they de¬ government to control the price of natu¬ cided to join forces in a suit against ral gas within a state,'' Hill said. the Department of Energy. The three "So much of our natural gas is sent to in music presents... states, which are estimated to produce the East Coast when we need it," Guste 85 percent of the nation's gas, will split said. "Our gas should remain intrastate gas." 'Moratorium' lifted on Soviet trip§ WASHINGTON (AP) ministration has — The Corter od- quietly lifted a mora¬ torium on most high-level visits to the ernment neur i with and accused slandering the of currency violations. a gov¬ U.S. entrepre¬ BELL'S Soviet Union, imposed to protest octions The administration never publicly PIZZA HOUSE by Moscow against dissidents and U.S. used the word "moratorium" to describe merchants and reporters, administration the policy, but hod said official visits to Famous for pizza, spaghetti, and BENEFIT CONCERT FOR CROP HUNGER WALK officials said Thursday. Moscow hot oven grinders. not involving security issues Sunday, October 22nd, 7:30 p.m. The officials, who asked not to be would be "deferred on a case-by-case identified, said the new policy reflects a basis." Officials said privately, however, FREE DELIVERY FROM BOTH LOCATIONS Peoples' Church, 200 W. Grand River changed Soviet attitude, which has that "moratorium" was an accurate de¬ 225M.A.C. Ave. 1135 E. Grand River Ave. helped improve the atmosphere be¬ scription. E. Lansing, Mich. E. Lansing, Mich. Sponsored by United Ministries in Higher Education/MSU tween the two countries since last sum¬ Officials said there are several trips Tel. 332-5027 Tel. 332 0858 mer when Moscow charged two Ameri- now in the works which would not have been made last; Plenty of Free Parking DON'T BITE INTO THIS APPLE. Bomber crashes in field; five killed MARCH AIR FORCE BASE. Colif. (AP) ported in stable condition at the base — A B-52 bomber crashed into a field hospital. shortly after taking off from this busy The morning crash occurred in light Strategic Air Command base Thursday, fog in a plowed field about 2'/j miles killing five of the six crew members, southeast of March AFB near the rural authorities said. The big eight-engine community of Sunnymead and about 65 craft was on a routine training flight and miles east of Los Angeles. carried no nuclear or conventional Used extensively in the Vietnam War, ^jaiuni weapons, said Copt. Carl Rossman, an the B-52 is the nation's primary bomber. Air Force spokesperson. It normally carries six to eight persons The injured crewmember apparently and can corry huge loads of nuclear or was able to run from the blazing conventional weapons up to 6,000 miles. wreckage, authorities said. He was re¬ This Areas Only Multi-Media Discotheque 2843 F Gd River E Lans 351-1201 Judge supports reporters, overrules libel Enjoy Yoir Wiekeid at the Raiibow Raich Weekend Clearance Sale CINCINNATI (UPI) - A federal op- Merritt's defense of the press accom¬ SUNDAY PITCHER peals court judge, backing a newspaper panied a decision in which he and two in a libel case, declared Thursday "the fellow judges unanimously overruled a SPECIAL law must allow some leeway for error" by news reporters because of the "im¬ jury's libel finding against a Michigan newspaper, the Owosso Argus-Press. MORGAN'S portant role" of the press. The statement by 6th U.S. Circuit The court said the jury was wrong in determining the paper libeled shopping NO COVER 121 S Washington, Lansing Meridian Mall, Olenitis mall developer Harlan E. Orr Court of Appeals Judge Gilbert S. Mer- ritt represented some refreshing judicial such words as by using "fraud" and "swindle" in FRIDAY C SATURDAY I'Ums,. .tdd sah's tax wlu-f appluaNt- plus »2 tin support for reporters, who have come reporting his 15-count indictment Special til 8:00 Aliwfcrr f nil- /inv/t-rs CmU - under fire in several courts recently. on charges of violating securities laws. ( Court supports lite marijuana laws seetnd front page LANSING (UPII - The Michigan Court "Nor does the fact that the Legislature of Appeals said Wednesday it will uphold has failed to control other substances, such the state's anti-marijuana laws as long as as tobacco, alcohol, or caffeine, require that Friday, October 20, 1978 scientific and medical evidence is divided on we find an equal protection violation," the whether the substance is harmful. appeals court said. While a consensus on that health question The court stressed, however, that its is lacking, laws imposing stiff penalties for ruling should not be taken as a warning to pot use are not arbitrary and unjust, the court concluded. the Legislature to keep the current pot law on the books. Walk-jog set "The day may come when we are able to join defendant in his conclusion that the state has no right to regulate marijuana," the appeals court said. "That day has not "To the contrary, we urge would continue to the Legislature to re-evaluate the marijuana 'problem,' " the court said. A measure liberalizing the laws for Thirty years of changes seen for hunger by Union maintenance worker yet come." possession of small amounts of marijuana The opinion was rendered in an Isabella passed the state senate this year but failed County case in which defendant Allen F. in the House. By I)A RI,km; DONLOE "Under the circumstances, the choice of State News Stall Writer Schmidt asked the Appeals Court to re evaluate in the light of new scientific whether marijuana will be subject to By KKBDCCA dickkn CROP, the Community Hunger Appeal of Al Johnson remembers when MSU's Church World Service, is sponsoring a evidence a previous decision in which it regulation is still one for the Legislature, alcohol policy was changed so visiting walk jog for hunger, Oct. 22. not the court," the appeals court said. upheld the pot law. Attorneys introduced evidence showing a In other opinions, the appeals court: ex-president Harry S. Truman could The walk is scheduled to begin at 2 p.m. have his daily bourbon. at Peoples Church, 200 W. Grand River split in scientific attitudes about the •ruled that extradition hearings in Michi¬ As head of the Union Building's Ave. Registration for the walk begins at dangers of marijuana. gan courts on fugitives sought by other maintenance staff. Johnson has seen 1:30 p.m. at Peoples Church. "Divided scientific opinion is not a firm states must be limited to two questions: much change in the 31 years he has CROP is committed to creating aware enough basis upon which to declare a whether the complaining state has filed worked for MSU. ness and raising funds to combat global statute unconstitutional," the appeals court charges, and whether the defendant is the "Students are getting back to the way hunger. said. person charged; and they were in the '50s," Johnson said. David Bower. CROP director, says he is "As long as a substantial body of •ruled that the„ Wayne County Road "You can talk to them now and they are expecting a large turnout this year. scientific literature continues to conclude Commission is not the legal employer of taxi more considerate." Bower said the goal for this year's that marijuana use is or may be harmful, we cab drivers who serve Detroit Metropolitan Johnson began as a Physical Plant campaign is 1.000 walkers. He also hopes to cannot say that the Legislature's choice to Airport and cannot require them to carry worker in 1947. After two years he was raise $30,000. rely on that evidence is arbitrary. disability insurance. Bower said because of a lack of publicity, transferred to the Union Building and in 1957 was promoted to his current last year's turnout of 200 participants only position where he supervises 18 work¬ raised $4,200. ers. including six students. The walk jog for hunger. Bower said, Johnson spoke approvingly about the represents food for those who are hungry students of 1978. and clothing for the needy. "Jobs and careers mean more to the Cristo Rey, which serves the community student today," he said. "Students work with daily and emergency feedings; Potter for their food and clothing — not just to Park Outreach, which serves as a communi¬ go out Saturday night and have a good ty center for the elderly and children, and the Capitol Area Lutheran Cluster Food Friday 13th hits with electric shock Johnson's eyes flashed old spoke of the campus as the 58-year- protests in the Bank, will each receive 8.3 percent of the money collected. An employee with the MSU Grounds Department found Friday the 13th quite unlucky. 1960s. Bower said the remaining money will go Friday he started working at the stadium, was transferred to the Public Safety Building "The worst time on campus was to self-help programs in hungry nations. He and was almost asked to go home to protect the campus. during the 1960s when the students also said 90 percent of the money raised While boring holes with a tractor augur near the stadium Friday morning, he struck an rioted and defaced the flag." Stole News Deb Ryan from the program usually comes from the electrical cable that controls street lights around the stadium. "Students cut up pieces of the flag Al Johnson, head of maintenance in the MSI) Union Building, remembers urban cities. There was not enough of an electrical current in the cable to injure him, but it was and sewed it to their clothing," Johnson when General Douglas McArthur and Harry S. Truman visited MSU. reportedly quite a shock. said. "That really hurt me because I was Some of the CROP funds are used for He was then transferred to the Public Safety Building to try his luck on its grounds. in the Navy and we fought for that agriculture cooperatives, food and housing Again he was using a tractor augur to bore post holes for a chain-link fence. flag." general was here for a dinner before have his daily bourbon. and victims of earthquakes. Unfortunately he drilled through a plastic gas line. The accident leaked gas into the "The funny thing about it," Johnson commencement exercises. Johnson ex John F. Kennedy, then a senator, "It's the process of human development." building and it had to be evacuated, campus police said. continued, "was that the students were plained. made a presidential campaign ston at Bower said. "People helping people rebuild Luckily, police said, the line was plastic so no sparks or explosion occurred when the striking against the University but they "His security men insisted on going in the Union Building's South Terrace, their lives, that is what it's all about." metal drill hit the pipe. would still come over to the Union to the elevator with him." Johnson said. Johnson said. John A. Hannah, former MSU president "We suggested they might give him the rest of the day off," a police official said. buy coffee and use the restrooms." "One of them accidently bumped the "I was really surprised because only and former head of the statewide fund 'The whole day was a shambles as far as I was concerned," his supervisor, John Zink Sr., Many regular events and meetings stop button between floors and they about 300 or 400 people showed up to said. were cancelled during the week-long were stuck. listen," he said. raising program, will give the kickoff trapped for about 15 Two years ago Walter Mondale drew speech for the 1978 Greater Lansing CROP protest, Johnson said, "but the Univer¬ "They were walk. Campus police investigate exposures sity did not tell us to do anything special to deal with the students. minutes while I and released ran them to the fourth floor with the main a packed house in the Union Ballroom. He was only a vice-presidential candi¬ Hannah will give a pep talk to the What kind of reaction does a strange man tapping on a window and waving bring? - "I think student trends run in cycles," controls." date. Johnson added. participants encouraging them to finish the walk. especially if he's not using his hands. Johnson said. "Women's hemlines were After MSU shifted its alcohol policy. The University gives long-term em¬ ! A woman from Campbell Hall, while studying in a basement lounge at 10:27 p.m. mid-calf in the '40s and '50s, the mini Harry S. Truman also visited campus ployees a watch for 25 years of service. Participants will follow a route up Monday, heard tapping on the ground level window in the southwest corner of the hall. was popular in the '60s and now it's back and the Union Building. Johnson Johnson received a ring with a Michigan Avenue to the Capitol and then When she investigated she saw a middle-aged man indecently exposing himself, waving. to below the knee." laughed. diamond and two emeralds for his 30th back down Michigan to Harrison Road, After the woman recovered from her laughter, she brought two friends back to see the Over the years of change, the Union Truman refused his first invitation to year last November. through the MSU campus using Wilson show. After an undetermined time the three women closed the drapes. Building has hosted a number of speak at commencement because the Something that may have been more Road, Farm Lane and Circle Drive, and The Department of Public Safety is investigating the incident. celebrities. University had a no-liquor policy. special to Johnson last year, however, finishing at Peoples Church. On the previous night a different indecent exposure occurred in Brody Complex. Johnson told about the day General Johnson said. was the graffiti that mysteriously The entire route is 10 miles, and check A man in his late 20s pulled alongside a woman walking near Butterfield Hall and asked Douglas MacArthur got caught in a Then MSU President John A. Hannah appeared on the rock that rests near points and rest stops have been set up along the victim for directions. When the woman came closer to the vehicle she noticed the man Union Building elevator between floors. eliminated the rule for a day or two, Beaumont Tower: "Congratulations Al the way. exposing himself. The World War II and Korean War Johnson said, so the ex-president could Johnson. 30 years in the Union!" Those wishing to participate in the walk : Sher can obtain sponsor sheets from any area e investigating. church. Carl Levin Mall cable presentation planned residents. school system $400,000, and Ingham County questioned A cable TV program on the Hudson mall has been prepared Dayton by East When asked about other the proposed area if the Dayton possible mall wasn't built, Hutchinson said uses for Hudson medium and Lansing Community College. $150,000. If the ballot tax proposals pass, expansion of the tax base would be even more density residential development was cited important, he said. in forum Lansing. The proposed shopping center, parking lot, and additional commercial development by the Planning Commission as the most likely alternative. Anderson doubted whether initial tax payments would hold up in succeeding would ultimately cover 83 of the 200 acres Residential development would result in years. And passage of the Tisch or Voucher owned by Dayton Hudson Properties in the only 15 percent less traffic, but about amendments or both would practically wipe By KIM GAZELLA State Newa Staff Writer northwest corner of the city. one-half the net tax revenue and one-tenth out any tax benefit, he said. the jobs, he said. The informational program will be cable "A Close Look: The Cedars Shopping ' Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Carl Anderson suggested the land be left cast on WELG-22 beginning Monday Levin said Thursday his contest with Sen. Center" looks at the approved site plan, the Robert Griffin is a "horse race" and they are ballot language and pro and con positions on undeveloped for a time to see how questions through Nov. 6. It will air both at 2 and 5:30 relating to energy, taxes and urban p.m. Monday through Friday and at 7:30 running "neck and neck." eight questions surrounding the proposed development turn out. Other options would p.m. Mondays and Thursdays. Levin fielded questions in a candidate's development at Lake Lansing Road and For residents without cable, the tape will forum in Lansing sponsored by Sigma Delta U.S. 127. be carefully developed and phased varieties of housing or a research-industrial park, he be shown in the meeting room of the East Chi, the Society of Professional Journalists. James Anderson, of Citizens for a Livable Levin spoke out in favor of colleges Community, presents the case against the said. Lansing Public Library Mondays, Wednes¬ divesting themselves of holdings in South proposed mall while Peter Hutchinson, of On tax implications, Hutchinson said by days and Fridays at 4:45 p.m. beginning Africa. Dayton Hudson Properties, argues the pro conservative estimates first year net tax Monday and ending Nov. 6; and Oct. 24 and benefits to the city would be $175,000, the Oct. 31 at 7 p.m. He said it's appropriate for universities to side. get involved in South African politics when Anderson said a full-scale regional mall is they are making decisions to invest because not needed. But, he said, perhaps special "they should figure out the implications." They should also be able to withdraw retail services provided by a Hudsons are. Hutchinson said a regional mall is needed Hannah named to force when they felt it was necessary, he said. because $60 million in retail sales is leaving Levin, a former Detroit City Council the area and being spent in cities such as By THE STATE NEWS state for the past 10 years, said his overall president, also said convicted elected Flint, Grand Rapids, Ann Arbor and and UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL impression is that the 38 year old merit officials such as Rep. Charles Diggs Jr. Detroit. should not take their seats in the next John A. Hannah, former president of system in Michigan has worked well. Regarding a traffic impact, Anderson MSU. has been named chairperson of a "Deliberations of the task force should, in Congress until their appeals have been said with the regional mall 30 to 38 special task force investigating the need for my view, be directed toward preserving heard. thousand cars daily would travel Lake changes in the state's civil service system. what is good in the merit system, and Diggs was convicted of accepting payroll Lansing Road making it virtually another kickbacks while he was in office. Grand River Avenue. Additional cut- working for change where change is Hannah recently resigned from his posi¬ Levin said appeals in these cases should required," Hannah said. through traffic in residential neighborhoods tion as director of the U.N. World Food "If the Michigan merit system in its total be expedited so courts would give elected would also result, he said. Council in Rome and returned to solicit officials highest priority and hear such Hutchinson said most of the additional funds as national chairperson of the MSU's governmental, economic and political con text carries within it the seeds of its own cases in about one month. traffic resulting from a regional mall would Capital Enrichment drive. destruction, that fact must be faced by the be on U.S. 127, with only 17 percent of the "The citizenry is up in arms about the State News Deborah J. Borin Also named to the task force was Ira task force. total mall traffic being East Lansing waste in government," he said. 'They aren't Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Carl Levin answered questions at a "If recommendations for basic change in Polley, assistant provost for admissions and going to tolerate these kinds of actions forum in Lansing sponsored by Sigma Delta Chi on Thursday. records. Polley served as state controller the constitutional status ot civil service people have been convicted of — nor should appropriate. I am confident the task they." Correction from 1960 to 1962 and state superintendent of public instruction from 1966 to 1969. appear force will find courage to make them, he until ways to dispose of the waste are the senator throughout the campaign. said- Levin called the gas Civil Service Commission Chairperson guzzler tax, which investigation will „ would penalize all 1980 cars that do not get developed. He also suggested using alterna Griffin missed 216 roll call votes last year, The ASMSU Student Board sent the Ruth Robertson said the job of the task He said he believes the tive such 15 miles per gallon of fuel, unfair. The tax is sources as solar, wind and wave the same year he said he would not run for proposal to reallocate $931.32 from the force is to "guide civil service into the next require several months. energy, hydrogen fusion and the use ol re-election this fall. board's contract service to the communica¬ decade and the next century. Hannah, who served as MSU president part of an energy package recently passed in Congress. e coal. He admitted Griffin's overall 22-year tion fund to the budget committee for "It includes men and women with direct for 28 years, also served as chairperson of further reviewing. The bill was not passed, experience in personnel work, inside and the U.S. commission on Civil Rights, He opposed the development of attendance of 86 percent is "OK" but "It's an inequitable tax," Levin said, as was reported in Thursday's State News. outside of government, and men and women assistant secretary of defense and other "because it's not based on family size or components of the neutron bomb, because stressed that his most recent record should he said the neutron bomb is going to "make be judged. Petitions for the vacant ASMSU positions who will be bringing a viewpoint that is not positions in foreign affairs and educaHon. income, but on the size of the Some on the Student Media Appropriations Board He resigned as president of Mbl in 1969 car. war more likely rather than less likely." directly related either to governmental families need bigger cars." "We aren't judging as to what he did in will be taken until 5 p.m. today. Petitioning activities or to personnel processes," she to become the director of the Agency for He spoke out in opposition to nuclear Levin talked about Griffin's voting re¬ 1959 or 1965, or even 1969." he said. "What will not begin today, as was previously said. International Development, and in 19 ta ne energy and said that it shouldn't be utilized cord, which he has used as a target against he did last year is important." reported. Hannah, who has worked outside the became director of the World Food Councd. ©[pOlfifeifi) 'LASH' LARROWE U-M's Canham apparently Whatever happened to puts profit over fairness Michigan State Spartan fans had more profitable. Cities in other the Olds connection? an unpleasant surprise when they states have bought U-M's rights, turned on their television sets similar to the "Notre Dame Re¬ I'm over in the corner at this toga party after the U-M game, tipping the keg on its to watch the replay of the MSU- play" system syndicated across side to get the last few drops out of it, a Michigan football trouncing. the country. Canham hoped his smart aleck comes over. The Channel 6 broadcast of the team would draw big money for "You sure look beat, Lash," he says. the school. Michigan cities fit into ?• Channel 23 production — a weekly "Aren't you happy about the game?" event while the Channel 23 trans¬ his plan, too. '"Course I am," I replies. "It's just that mitter is being rebuilt — was not When WKAR officials decided I'm afraid our win over Michigan's a fluke, that it doesn't change the losing trend our shown. Excuses have been of¬ cable television was a feasible team's been on for so long. I'm real fered, but they all point to a solution to the "broadcast beam" concerned and upset about the outlook for demonstration of poor sportsman¬ problem, they sent their equip¬ football at State." ship. ment down to Ann Arbor to cover "I hear the search committee for the Arrangements to broadcast the the event. But Canham ordered president is about ready to send some the cameras out of the stadium names up to the trustees. You know game began months ago. In July, anything about that, Lash?" WEAR (Channel 231 telephoned confines. "The committee operates in secret," I U-M to arrange for transmission of WKAR officials tried to reas¬ snaps, shaking the keg. "I only know what I the game to avoid the hassles sure Canham they could confine read in the newspapers." the broadcast to the Lansing area "There's a rumor going around," he WKAR had encountered in Ann Don Canham because of the cable system, but smirks, "that you barged in on 'em last Arbor before. Months later Will technicalities. The lack of a week, demanded they interview you for the Perry. U-M's Sports Information instead of circumventing Can- ness job." Director, denied the request. ham's worries, it seems WKAR written contract does not mean "Why shouldn't I have?" I demands. "I actually circumvented Canham's WKAR couldn't, under any condi¬ Monday before the game. happen to know my name was put up. They MSU's Athletic Director Joe Kear plans. tions, broadcast the game. It just never called me for an interview, so I went meant the arrangements were not in there on my own." nev asked Michigan's athletic It is obvious Canham had no intention of allowing a replay to be on paper; WKAR could not claim "Way I heard it," he chortles, "you director, Don Canham, to arrange nominated yourself, Lash. Why would you for a replay broadcast. On Friday, shown to the MSU followers. He they had a legal right to the replay want the job, anyway?" the day before the game, Canham had expressed his "concerns," but — they could only rely on Can- "You know my dedication to MSU," I told Kearney WKAR could have refused to accept a guaranteed ham's generosity. says. "I'm always willing to put my research Just who does Canham think we aside to help in a crisis. The crisis right now the game if it guaranteed the solution. is the football team, and I know I can give broadcast would not go outside the When presented with the facts, are? Sure, it's his stadium and he 'em the help they need if I'm in the prexy's Lansing area. Canham figured it Canham again denied WKAR should control broadcast rights. chair." would be an impossibility for a cameras access to the press box. But once he was guaranteed his "I get it," he says. "When President This time his excuse was the lack broadcast rights would not be Harden was appointed last November, you regular Channel 6 broadcast. Canham wanted to keep the of a written contract. infringed upon, he still refused to predicted State would start winning. They let MSU fans see the game. It was did, too, didn't they, for the rest of the broadcast confined because he was Canham and his university see season?" afraid a Channel 6 broadcast would dollar signs whenever they think his stadium, but it was our game. "Right," I says. "Big Ed took over, in no reach Channel 20's beam. Channel of football. The television and Cheap shots accompany any big time jocks were cruising around campus in 20 is a Detroit station with a radio rights, as already men¬ rivalry. Politicians joust with one Toronados and 88s." another over their loyalties, var¬ "How'd they get 'em, Lash?" he asks. contract to broadcast U-M's foot¬ tioned, are viewed as potentially "Have you forgotten where Big Ed was ball games. Channel 20 officials profitable enterprises for the non¬ sity members paint sidewalks and before he came to State as our new prexy?" said they didn't mind if a Lansing profit public institution. Also in landmarks, siblings attending the I asks. area station broadcast the game, the works is a price increase for two schools trade insults. But it's "Wasn't he president of Northern?" he but for some reason Channel 20's football tickets to guarantee that all good, clean fun. Don Canham asks doubtfully. took his "He bailed out of there in the '60s," I tells unselfish decision didn't satisfy each game is a million-dollar seller. cheap shots a bit too him. "He'd had it with the hassles on the Canham. He has grown so used to the seriously, though. His team looked bad on the field, but compared to campus, decided he'd make a little coin for Canham has recently been jug¬ business aspects of football that himself. He was pushing gas guzzlers on a his tactics, the U-M Wolverines gling radio and television royalty the only excuses Canham can fall 48 month payment plan at Story Olds when came out smelling like Roses. figures in an attempt to make them back on are profit-motivated busi- we picked him up, doin' OK, too." "I remember now," he says. "After he took over, a jock put out that extra effort, the prexy handed him the keys to a says, "you'll see plenty of Datsuns out in enough. You've seen the way I get around Susan B. Anthony finally Toronado or an 88. It worked in 77, Lash. Why isn't it working this year?" "Simple," I says. "Big Ed may look to you front. They're Story's second line." "You mean to say, Lash, that last year one of the boys had a good Saturday the campus, right? Schwinn folks found out about me, asked me to do some consulting for them. They promised they'll give me as like your typical big business fat cat, but he afternoon, he got a Toronado or an 88, this many 10-speed jobs as I need to turn the happens to have a conscience, too." year he gets a Datsun B210?" team around." given deserved acclaim "I don't get the connection," he says. "For awhile there he wasn't able to sleep at night," I explains. "His shrink told him it "You got it, Clyde," I says. "And that's why the team's morale has been shot. Can you picture a 280-pound tackle tryin' to "You when really think the jocks'll go for bikes they turned their noses up at the president's Datsuns?" he chortles. of the first and foremost abolition¬ was the guilt he carried because he was squeeze himself in behind the wheel of one "They will after Darryl and I give 'em our One hundred years after the little pep talk," I says. "We'll explain putting all those gas guzzlers on the road. of those little babies? And once he gets to 'em birth of Susan Brownwell An¬ ists, long before William Lloyd Shrink told him the only way he could live himself in, there's no room left in there for that when they tool around on those bikes, Garrison rose to prominence. they'll not only be helping solve the energy thony, 38 states decided that it with himself would be to stop handing out his bimbo." was finally time to give women the When she first began drawing Toronados and 88s, reward the jocks with "I suppose you told the search committee crisis, they'll stay in shape the year around. attention to the atrocity of slav¬ gas-efficient compacts." you have a plan to put MSU in the Rose "If that doesn't sell 'em on the bikes, I'll right to vote. The year was 1920 — "How could he do that?" he wonders. Bowl?" he sneers. do what Big Ed used to do to make a hard less than 60 years ago. Anthony ery, abolitionism was still con¬ sale at Story: I'll throw in back seats for sidered something for weepy-eyed "Every Olds I've ever seen is a gas guzzler." "Of course," I answers. "I told 'em Big Ed missed seeing that glorious day by "You boogie on down to Story, sonny," I was on the right track, but he didn't go far their chicks for free, no charge." women to harp about after domes¬ 14 years — she died in 1906. But her spirit did not die. In the tic duties had been completed. After the 14th Amendment years between her death and the Holdship 'dead became law, Anthony changed her time the 19th Amendment to the focus — if black male ex-slaves Constitution was ratified, this could vote, then so should women. on' disco diatribe country saw an unprecedented In 1868, she became one of the Holdship, you've done it again — dead on rise in feminist consciousness. The with one of the finest pieces the State co-founders of The Revolution, a — winds of social change swept the News has offered in a long time. Congratu¬ world during the early years of paper dedicated to the emancipa¬ Harden's stated goal of improving Affirma lations are certainly in order. I hope they tion of women. Black faculty tive Action at Michigan State University this century coming to a swirling appreciate you over there. vortex after the humiliating de¬ The 14th Amendment, much (which we applaud), the symbolism in¬ JeffPorteous bacle ofWorld Warl. heralded today as being justifica¬ questions intent herent in the be ignored. proposed appointment cannot 1426B Spartan Village tion for not passing the Equal Lee N.June Susan B. Anthony was born of The tragedy of Anthony's life is The Black Faculty and Administrators Letter that it has been virtually ignored. Rights Amendment, was tested by Association has grave concerns about what President of Black Faculty and Policy good Quaker stock in socially enlightened Massachusetts. She No encyclopedia devotes more Anthony. In the 1872 New York the proposed appointment of Lou A. Simon Administrators Association The Opinion Page welcomes all letters State and Congressional elections, to assistant to the president symbolizes. and viewpoints. Readers should follow a few began a typically feminine exis¬ than two or three paragraphs to It symbolizes a retrenchment of rules to insure that as many letters as pos¬ Anthony cast ballots in the general commitment • tence as a rural school marm in her life and no books or articles on election. She was promptly ar¬ to racial minorities. Duh ... of course! sible appear in print Letters should be 25 lines or less and may 1846. Suddenly, according to the her life were able to be found in the • It further removes racial minorities rested and indicted for illegal from the Why do they have to take it all away? be edited for State News style and concise¬ two paragraphs devoted to her life MSU Library. Of course, some one upper administrative structure of ness to fit as many letters as possible on in the Encyclopedia Americana, must have taken the time to record voting. the university. Why can't it be legal to enter a bar at the a page. Viewpoints may be no longer than 75 It is almost inconceivable, in this • It symbolizes a victory for majority agp of 18, to drink, dance all night and just lines and may also be edited. "her prudishness changed into her efforts — a thesis or two here at the expense of racial minorities. have a good time. But in order to buy full-fledged reforming zeal". And and there — but it is nearly day and age, to imagine someone women While we recognize and will fight for the alcohol in stores you must be 21. That will All letters and viewpoints should be being arrested for voting — but it legitimate grievances, needs, and concerns typed on 65-space lines and triple-spaced. that is it. Imagine the profound impossible to learn of the impact solve a lot of problems, but no one seems Letters and viewpoints must be signed and did happen, in America, and less of smart enough to suggest it. include local address, student faculty or influences that must have oc¬ she had on women and men during majority women, these must not be than 60 years ago. Some of our pursued at the expense of Blacks and other M. Sancho-Carlice staff standing—if any—and phone number. curred in Anthony's life to change the latter part of the 19th century. Honors College No letter or viewpoint unthout these items her into a figure of national Anthony cut her zealous teeth grandmothers can remember — nonwhites. Therefore, in spite of President will be consideredfor publication. but not with any sense of pride. prominence. prior to the Civil War. She was one The federal government has recently been reminded of its past sins by modern-day feminists. DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau Small attempts have been made at The £§8$? State News J atonement, but whether their 3$ cwVFevBtPws Wtyte THE WO WEEKS OF DAY- AND-NI6HTSUMMITRY TAmmmmar.MR. CAm.H£ADSamOtfKSTADW, motives are sincere or whether it w1 moiimsimaiAMA FINALLY CATCH UP WITH WHERE HE IS THE HONORED WEST JUST FOR THIRTEEN Friday. October 20. 1978 is merely an attempt to get irate i tmsvAcujsE.. AN EXHAUSTED PRESI- OF THE MANAGEMENT OF THE coffee, straight WASHINGTON REDSKINS WHY? Cm.StR.WU Editorials are the opinions of the State News Viewpoints, columns women off their backs, remains to FOOTBALL CUB. CAN m ME.' and letters are personal opinions. be seen. One example of this Editorial Department marginal atonement has been the i§ M in-chief James L Sm.th Photo Editor KothyKilbury ging Editor Anne Stuart Entertainment & Book Editor Dave DiMortino decision to remove the likeness of a in Editor KimShonohan Sporti Editor MikeKlocke French-made statue from the City Editor Nunzio Lupo Layout Editor Michelle Chambers Scoff Wierenga surface of silver dollars and Campus Editor freelance Editor Deborah Heywood Wire Editor Paula Monr Chief Copy Editor . Kenneth t Parker replace it with a true symbol of Staff Representative Joyl Hoenlem liberty — the visage of Susan B. Advertising Department Anthony. Advertising Manager Bob Shower Assistant Advertising Manager CinaSpamolo Somehow, we doubt Anthony would be terribly impressed. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 20, 1978 5 'Grant' PBB Traffic control a major project on football Saturdays gjiow (ic]Uye(| While the MSU Varsity Club stands which occurs about an hour and one-half By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL watch over Sparty, and Sparty guards before kick-off, a pre-game "pep" talk Concerns over the political effects in the campus in the early morning hours takes place at command headquarters in Michigan have prompted CBS to delay before a home game, a student set-up the Public Safety Building. showing a "Lou Grant" episode patterned crew, employed by the Department of Police commander Major Adam J. after the state's PBB disaster until after the Public Safety, prepares the campus for a Zutaut briefs officers on things to expect Nov. 7 election, the network's local affiliate barrage of automobiles descending upon from fans when MSU wins, possible says. the area. tie-ups, and special parking permits. WJBK TV said it asked CBS to resched¬ Traffic control begins for home games During the Notre Dame game on Oct. 7, ule the episode from its originally planned with the set-up crew placing signs at a wedding had been planned for 2 p.m. in airing date of Nov. 6. strategic locations at 1 a.m. They also the Alumni Chapel on Auditorium Road In the show, a county bureaucrat, who cover other signs with bags to keep and speical parking for the parties was could order the farms quarantined, refuses vehicles from parking on side streets and permitted. at first even though tests show there is PBB obstructing traffic during pre-game Incredibly, other athletic events were in the blood of a farm family with sick parking. scheduled that afternoon at Munn Ice cattle. The crew moves out in a truck loaded Arena. It presented a problem but DPS Similar bureaucratic delays in Michigan's with signs, barricades and cones that adjusted its schedule slightly to solve PBB catastrophe have been cited by critics will be dropped off around campus. the dilemma. of Gov. William G. Milliken's handling of The crew also keeps an eye out for Zutaut warned those at the morning the problem - an issue his election parked cars which might present prob¬ briefing to expect people entering the oppenent, Democrat William Fitzgerald, lems when the traffic arrives on campus. arena for an ice hockey game, and to be has been hitting hard in the campaign. DPS headquarters will be contacted and cordial. The governor's aides and WJBK spokes a tow truck dispatched to the location. Anything can happen before and after persons said Milliken's staff had not asked Numerous cars are usually removed to a game, and though DPS is prepared for to have the show date changed. clear areas near the stadium or in difficult situations, trouble sometimes Spokespersons at other CBS affiliates reserved parking lots. said they would not have moved the show Usually 20,000 cars and their pass¬ Saturday morning before the Notre without viewing it first. engers arrive at the campus to ulti¬ Dame game, DPS was notified that a State Democratic Chairperson Morley mately clog streets, fray emotions and State Police helicopter used to spot Winograd said he is not content with seek precious parking spaces near the traffic tie-ups was being overhauled and explanations given in news reports that the stadium. could not be used for the game. program was rescheduled at the request of But DPS is on top of the situation, "It did limit us a bit but Lansing (police affiliated stations. assigning game locations for officers and department helicopter) was in the air to "The political implications of this action students in advance of the football help us spot," Zutaut said. are obvious and require immediate public "The machine (traffic control proce¬ explanation," Winograd said in a telgram to Prior to the heaviest traffic flow, dure) still worked which is a credit to the discipline of the department," he said. herself. She was strongly reprimanded. system has loopholes, and sometimes Gene Jankowski, president of CBS televi- A helicopter, when available, is used to Other problems are unavoidable with thefts occur from vehicles. the parking procedure. In some in¬ Campus police are supplemented with help officers stationed at intersections, parking lots and on campus patrols to stances, people forget to bring their "rent-a-cops" from various police agen- know what to expect. Traffic be permit-to-park stickers. rerouted to different ramps can off the Lyons said a "no pass — no park" attitude must prevail. Among the responsibilities of the Mall debate interstate highways and available park¬ forces is frisking or requesting to look ing areas. Even MSU varsity football coach into handbags, blankets and suspicious Even with the air check, the system is Darryl Rogers would not be allowed to containers of fans who may be concealing only as good as its weakest link. More experienced officers are assigned at park near the stadium if he had no pass, he said. liquor. scheduled predetermined congested areas. "If you know someone from sight then Post game assignments have officers At Shaw Lane and Harrison Road, for there will be exceptions," he said. leaving game posts to direct traffic. A public forum on the proposed Dayton DPS officers receive three separate The plan works smoothly to send Hudson mall will be held at 12:15 p.m. example, officers who direct traffic that assignments. Some keep assignments vehicles efficiently out of tie-ups and Sunday in the Social Hall of Edgewood pours down from the interstate must be United Church, 469 N. Hagadorn Road. throughout the game, but generally snarls. experienced with handling traffic flow. They must know which cars can pass post- and pre-game assignments are The Lansing Regional Chamber of Opening presentations by Peter Hutchin¬ Commerce has mildly complained that son of Dayton Hudson Properties and James barricades. Permitted vehicles have given. If an officer is fortunate enough, Anderson of Citizens for a Livable Com¬ he or she will be in a position to watch the post-game traffic is moved out too special color-keyed stickers that allow them to enter reserved parking areas. some of the game. quickly. Mike Seward, executive vice- munity will be followed by questions from president for the chamber said it would the audience. The discussion will be Problems in the system often occur Duty comes first. While inside the moderated by Alan Suits, president of Suits with some of the 150 students employed stadium, officers keep the area secure be better for business if traffic could be rerouted to business districts. News Co. by DPS. At 8:20 a.m., Oct. 7, a and respond to various complaints at the i student missing from her assigned posi¬ stadium. Later Sunday, a panel of WVIC reporters U. tion at J lot, adjacent to Jension Fieldhouse, caused a vehicle leakage into a reserved parking lot. Officers are perched at each corner of the stadium to keep an eye on parking lots. Story am! photos will quiz Hutchinson and FM from 5 to 5:30 p.m. Anderson in a program to be carried live on both AM and Whether the regional mall should be built The woman later appeared from her If something catches the attention of car where she had been warming an officer a patrol car is called. But the by Russ Humphrey at Lake Lansing Road and U.S. 127 will be decided by East Lansing voters on Nov. 7. EARN OVER$650A MONTH RIGHT THROUGH YOUR SENIORYEAR. "Dear Bass, should a girl wear your shoes If you're a junior or a senior majoring in math, physics or engineering, the Navy has a program you should know about. when she's got a date with Mozart?" It's called the Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate- Collegiate Program (NUPOC-C for short) and if you qualify, you can earn as much as $650 a month right through your senior year. Then after 16 weeks of Officer Candidate School, you'll receive an additional year of advanced technical education. This would cost you thousands in a civilian school, but in the Navy, we pay you. And at the end of the year of training, you'll receive a $3,000 cash bonus. It isn't easy. There are fewer than 400 openings and only one of every six applicants will be selected. But if you make it, you'll have qualified for an elite engineering training program. With unequaled hands-on responsibility, a $24,000 salary in four years, and gilt-edged qualifications for jobs in private industry should you decide to leave the Navy later. (But we don't think you'll want to.) Ask your placement officer to set up an interview with a Navy representative when he visits the campus on Oct. 30, or contact your Navy representative at 313-226-7789 (collect). If you prefer, send your resume to the Navy Nuclear Officer Program, Code 312-B537,4015 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, Va. 22203, and a Navy representative will contact you directly. The NUPOC-Collegiate Program. It can do more than help you finish college: it can lead to an exciting career opportunity. NAVY OFFICER. ITS NOT JUST A JOB, ITS AN ADVENTURE. d colors G H Bass & Company. Wilton. ME 04294 Shoemakers to America for 102 years. Friday, October 20, 1978 £ Michigan Stole News, Eost Lonsing, Michigan Union photo exhibit explores art By DAVID COURTNEY strong motion against contrasting black Currently showing at the Union Gallery on backgrounds. Stuart's untitled piece, two images of campus is a photographic exhibit entitled "What did you take a picture of that for'.'" stairs t.lune 30. 1078). also has an immediate Second City is first in comedy The photographs are the work of Kim appeal by its use of illusion that invites the viewer to figure out its puzzle while McKesson and Nancy Stuart, both artists from the Lansing area. juxtaposing its forceful elements. The whites in this picture seem to leap from their The desire has been to render abstract works that draw their aesthetic value from background ensuring its dynamism. Never¬ day Night Live was unleashed theless. there is rot enough meaning in any By JOHN NEILSON branch out, because experi¬ rather than who you are. territory staked out in the their formal arrangement. Though the pic¬ adventurous end of the comedy on the airwaves, "The entire ' one of the photographs to draw us into its State News Reviewer menting entails risk. It's so That is exactly what The hold together as single units of artistic recent tradition of American tures In comedy, as in any other much easier to become institu¬ Second City Touring Company spectrum for 19 years now. meaning ithere are no problems with the special fflrmula which would keep it alive and This influential group has given theatrical satire can be summed branch of show business, star¬ tionalized and play to your did for an appreciative audience forms in the pictures being disconnected or enduring. this country some if its best up in three words: The Second In all fairness it must be said of both of dom can be a very tempting audience's expectations. in Erickson Kiva Wednesday cluttered*, there is a real question as to the young comedians, including City." these photographers that their work is crutch. Once you've become a At the other end of the fame night. For over an hour and If that's the case, American value of their expression. one-half the all-but-anonymo-w Robert Klein, Fred Willard, Some pictures at best can be called clever exploratory. If they can grow in the household name and can get spectrum there are no such theatrical satire must be irrev¬ easy outs. Your material has to six-member troupe wowed the David Steinberg, Valerie Har¬ or initially appealing, but do not bear up understanding of the transcendent aspects of easy laughs by re-cycling erent, sarcastic, and almost human experience, their future artistic "trademark" gags and lines, the be top notch if you don't want crowd with a fast-paced stream per, Burns & Schreiber, and under long term scrutiny. The photographs, several key cast members of hysterically funny - because motivation to stretch out and to be walked-out on, and it has of skits and sketches that each entitled "Slide" by McKesson, are clever images are bound to take on greater NBC's Saturday Night Live. As The Second City's performance for their use of dynamic forms which imply experiment may all but disap¬ to be original if you want to be finally left us weak with certainly fit this description.' a New York Times reviewer pear. In fact, it's probably in remembered. Above all, you laughter. have to make it on what you do, said several years before Satur- They managed to sink their your best interest NOT to The Second City has had its teeth into almost every sacred cow in contemporary society, ranging from organized religion bloodbrothers to rock 'n roll and from est to Comedy and rock and roll: true the local TV news. But as often as not WE were their targets — our manners, morals, sexual Bv BILL HOLDSHIP seems to be following his trail. when rock was laugh so we don't cry. The Sex hangups, communication prob¬ College Humor National Lampoon's Animal becoming a great wasteland. Pistols' grand farce falls under lems, timidity, and so on. And State News Reviewer House is one of this year's Cheech & Chong were the first this category, as do the Dead their aim WAS true, but when "We u-ere taken tn by all that music; we put too much faith n biggest box office successes. to label themselves "hard rock Boys, Devo, and John Cale. The we howled it was from laughter it, we formed our life styles Woody Allen (whose Annie Hall comedy," appealing to a coun¬ king of black humor rock is rather than pain. around it." -JohnBelushi "I useta be disgusted Sow I says as much about the '70s as the music of Stones, and Dylan said about the Beatles. ter-cultural and drug conscious¬ ness. and George Carlin fol¬ lowed suit. It's interesting that Elvis Costello who, in fact, derived his name from both comedy and rock. Come/Bock The moved from seemingly tireless cast one great sketch to the '60s! is finally achieving the the comedy has reached its another with rapid precision, Perhaps the greatest simi¬ and they were so uniformly success he has always deserved peak with the rise of the new in this decade. NBC's Saturday wave rock movement. larity between the two expres¬ good that "highlights" loses its sions is the sense of community Night Live is the highest rated meaning in this context. My Naturally, the music and they create. "College humor" i pnr shov the personal favorites, however, comedy remain hand-in-hand. was also a phenomenon in the included: a superbly-choreo¬ edv that has House h;v. of the Nielson ratings. brand Animal House is a rock'n roll early '60s prior to rock's re¬ • new humor has even film "Louie Louie" and Otis graphed tribute to "The - birth and the "movement." much about the mood <>t this humor Denny's Chef," an ode to Para¬ Day's "Shout" is the only There seemed to be more decade as rock music expressed and po tedies like ABC's hilarious evidence needed as proff. Steve quat done to the tune of The excitement in this town over about the previous one. i "n-"thing's sacred" Soap Martin's "King Tut" la varia¬ Holy Modal Rounders' "Boobs- the forthcoming Steve Martin a-lot," a scathing satire on the Rock 'n roll was sacred in the tion on the old Coasters' hits concert and the recent Mull basi wonderful folks at the Post '60s beca which, incidentally, reveals concert than I've seen for any In a decade where "sacred" has become a Office, the adventures of an preached 'hat nothing that comedy-as-rock isn't a new local concert in years. Toga encyclopedia salesman in a forgotten word, comedy has taken on the an¬ phenomenon) was last sum¬ parties are rising all over the crazy world, and a pair of skits archistic, nihilistic spirit that the best rock mer's best single. Saturday country — AND Universal Pic¬ about a sex-therapy clinic and a has and continues to express. Night has introduced the Amer¬ tures will be sponsoring one at doctor's office run by an iron: ican public to rockers like Devo Dooley's on Halloween night. fisted nun. and Elvis Costello. and its no small accident that the Stones Comedy is offering a new which could the Ramones' If anything, I was expecting a use chose that show to prove how sense of common ground. Last "We're A Happy Family" as its Saturday, all activity ceased at second-string Saturday Night- outrageous they can still be. type show. What I saw, how¬ theme M.ng. a party I was attending when Thf r.ew" humor has always In addition, most of the best ever, was funnier than all but everyone sat down to watch •■xisted form rock music today is comedy. the best nights on that pro-, in some i.e. Saturday Night. What's really John Belushi, an alumnus of Second City and star of Lenny Bruce. Second City. The Ramones are superb come¬ neat is that people were doing gram. Where Saturday Night NBC's Saturday Night Live and Animal House, ex¬ often returns to tried-and-true M J 'P' T«G company that has space for you to grow and develop your professional expertise...TRW Defense and Space 15« HOT DOGS DOWNSTAIRS Systems Group. PITCHER JfrS RALLY If you would like TRW to know about you, come by and SPECIAL SMtX' 10i10P see us when we're on campus or send us your resume: AMPROPOSAL D' LIVE LIVE BAND 9^ A 'TO ON NOV. 7 TONIGHT: MalCOmb, —\ 25 DONATION DEFENSE AND SPACE SYSTEMS GROUP i Ruby and Hereafter' Friday. October 20, 1978 Michlgon Stole News, Eost lon»ing. Mlchigo Van's 'Wavelength' is all his own FOOL f 0 son's best music has always been full of meaning, especially on the emotional level, and the CAMPUS PIZZA Van "the Man" Morrison. depths of emotion touched by To me, number one. The best Astral Weeks and Veedon rock singer, bar none, the true Fleece aren't really in evidence star of the Band's Last Waltz on Wavelength. Morrison is and one of the few figures in writing in the same style as he rock worth caring about these did for Street Choir — joyful, thankful, and leaving lots of days. As creator of Astral Weeks alone, one of the few leeway for backing female vo¬ calists. All of which isn't exactly truly classic recordings of the '60s, Morrison could for all my cup of tea. intents have dropped dead soon after and his legendary status One of Wavelength's most would be justified. noticeable assets is keyboard player Peter Bardens, a former And with the exception of member of Camel and, even Veedon Fleece and a few cuts more importantly, part of the from - St. Dominic's Preview, original Them, with Morrison. Morrison's output from Moon- Them's punkish roots can't dance onward really hasn't really be heard here — actually stacked up since, at least on the a shame — but the link-up may emotional level. Morrison's prove to be important. With bestsellers - like Moondance Bardens is guitarist Bobby and Tupelo Honey — have Tench (of Hummingbird and Jeff Beck fame), but disappoint¬ always been a little shy of depth and a little much on "celebra¬ ingly there really isn't much tion." While Morrison has never hard rock to give either player released a bad album, it's any leeway. I'm glad the horns are for the most part gone; I just always seemed his periods of wish Morrison would touch back greatest happiness — his marri¬ on the jazz roots exposed on age, etc — have coincided with his most disappointing, most Astral Weeks and Veedon Fleece or else the blues/punk For tasty pizza with old fashion "hand spun" "domesticated" LPs. style that made his stuff with crust, you've got to try Campus Pizza. We use Them and the Bang label so His new album, Wavelength (Warner Bros. BSK 3212), un¬ superb. only the freshesf ingredients to give you a good fortunately seems to veer to¬ So what's to be said of quality pizza every time. Campus Pizza is the ward the latter category, but is Wavelength? It's no master¬ home of the original Whole Wheat Crust, which by no means as soppy or bland piece, certainly, but it's Van as Tupelo Honey or other is served everyday. Campus Pizza is extra Morrison, and that's saying a products of Morrison's post- marital bliss. Instead it's how loses its power with re¬ It Where You Find It." The nated by the horn arrangements lot. He's back on the road now, ordinary, for example have you ever tried a of Dr. John, the album at first for the first time in years, and spotty, spotty in the same way peated listening, not quite failings of "Take It" are ex¬ seemed forced and unauthentic, the Oct. 29 show scheduled in pizza with pineapple, sour crout, shrimp or Can¬ that Hard Note the Highway matching the intoxicating feel of tremely distressing; the tune is "Wild Night" or the desperation Wavelength's longest, its "fina¬ an impression that gradually Detroit (with no less than Dave adian bacon was; like Hard Note, Wave¬ Edmunds, Nick Lowe and Rock- of "Snow in San Anselmo. "All le," and ultimately a dreary, wore off only after several length is entirely listenable. of which is especially important weeks of intense listening. pile) may well prove to be the We also have a large variety of submarines to fit Some of it is downright out¬ of the year. Like I said anyones appetite like tuna, salami, vegetarian, concert — Morrison's opening cuts have Wavelength grabbed me imme¬ standing. I approached Wavelength diately — which isn't always a before, three of Wavelength's always pretty much set up the with no small amount of curious- good sign. After listening to it cuts easily match any of Morri¬ ham, roast beef, or Canadian bacon, they are The good songs - "Natalia,", moods of all of his albums. son's best material. For them, baked fresh in microwaves. "Wavelength," and "Hungry ity. Its predecessor, A Period of repeatedly, the LP began to lose an oven, no Transition, was initially a huge its initial appeal; only recently for the sake of Van Morrison, For Your Love" — are really Three of Wavelength's tracks disappointingly ineffectual, letdown for me, after taking has it started sounding fresh or and for the sake of good rock 'n On Monday we offer a free liter of coke with good, equal to the best of are roll, the album should be picked your Pizza and Tuesday is free item night. Cam¬ "Checkin* It Out," "Venice three years to follow-up the at all meaningful. Moondance or Street Choir. The U.S.A.," and the closing "Take superb Veedon Fleece. Domi- up immediately. At his best or opener, "Kingdom Hall," some¬ I guess meaning is the root of at his worst. Van Morrison will pus Pizza a/so offers a variety of soft drinks the problem here. Van Morri¬ always be Van Morrison. including Vernors So stop by 1040 East Grand River or call for free delivery. We are open Monday thru Saturday at Bob Dylan grants rare talk 11:00 and on Sunday at 2:00 pm Don't delay visit Campus Pizza today. with 17-year-old editor CAMPUS PIZZA HIBBING, Minn. (AP) - adviser, George Peterson, 1040 E. Grand River who had no trouble saying Pam Coyle, editor-in-chief of the Hibbing High Times, yes to the interview. Music was "a natural says Bob Dylan is a "little thing. There was nothing "I had to sit and wait for before my time," but she else I wanted to do," he told half an hour before he (Dy¬ was not about to turn down lan) called," said Coyle, 17. the editor-in-chief. an exclusive interview with "I had no idea what to "It is always a thrill to the publicity-shy singer. Dylan, folk hero to the generation that grew up in the 1960s, told his manager expect. That's why I was so nervous. I didn't know how he would react." come back to some place familiar," he said, of his upcoming St. Paul appear¬ ance. He said that his audi¬ SPONSORED IDT: The singer's call came Oct. he would allow only one ences now are younger but interview in Minnesota and 5, from a Baltimore hotel. that he doesn't see much RAMON'S neighboring states before Coyle questioned Dylan for about half an hour, and change in the way they react his Oct. 31 concert in St. to his music. RESTAURANT Paul, his first major concert found that "after the first October 22, 8:30 pm ANO in the area in about a dozen years. few minutes it was just like any other interview." to Coyle's taste in music runs the classical and popular, and she said she doesn't own Ford Auditorium Orchestra $9.50 8.50 4 |ist« Casual Elegance " ' \Cj\ LOUNGE Dylan talked about the ■ 718 E. GRAND RIVER-UNSING And the manager, David any of Dylan's albums. Zimmerman, who is Dylan's beginnings of his musical Balcony $9 50 ■ 8 50 - 7.50 The Finest in Mexican Cuisine career nearly 20 years ago — "I know a few of his Why not try us today! brother, naturally thought 2758 E. Grand River/337-1701 of Dylan's alma mater, Hib¬ on the stage of the Hibbing songs," she said, "but only bing High School. He got in High School auditorium, because they were done by touch with the High Times where he entertained for other people." HONG KONG RESTAURANT "EAT IN, OR TAKEOUT" 332-5333 489-2445 CENTRAL UNITED METHODIST Good Food Acroit from the Capitol and Drink "What do we give " Inside International Center Downtown Lansing Dr. Nail F. Binli Coffee. Snack or a Full Meal 118 E. Mich. Ave. Hours. 7:30-4 M-F 5:30-9 M-Th 372-4300 i Worship Services Football Sat. 10 1 9:45 ond 11:00 Nurssry Available 485-9477 GREAT IMPERIAL GARDEN FOOD UNIVERSITY 24 REFORMED Hours e Day CHURCH 349-2691 4930 S. Hagadern 2010 W. Gr. Rv. Okamos (across from Alters) 9:30 Study Groups 10:30 Coffee Hour Worship: 11:00 a.m. and 6 p.m. CAMPUS CALL 353-6400 For rides moot in front of PIZZA FOR INFO TO Bryan Hall, East Wilson SUNDAY, SiZO A 11:00 Hall or in the parking lot The dead stand up PUT YOUR AD behind Campbell Hall at 10:35 Sunday mornings, FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening 1040 E. Grand River Ave. HERE! or call 351-6810 Call 482-0754 for information Phone:337-1377 Tom Stork. Pastor Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor Gayle Barnes, Kenn Hecht, College Minister ■ISSmIBS Friday, October 20, 1970 g Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Stickers host Big Ten's By CHERYL FISH most of their defensive team, but they have looking at everything they do. Whether they use the middle, right or left side of the field, State News Sports Writer a lot of money for recruiting. They have Seven Big Ten teams will gather today some excellent freshman on scholarships," how they shoot a corner, who their best and Saturday on Old College Field to he continued. players are and the way they pass," he said. determine who is the leading field hockey This year Purdue has lost to Southern "It is a coach's duty to study every team." team in the division. Illinois, which the Spartans beat, 3-2, early Kajornsin also feels he is responsible to in the season. see that all the players take care of It is the perfect opportunity for those unfamiliar with the game to learn it, and for Minnesota has done well this season, themselves. "They listen to me, or else we enthusiasts to feast their eyes on a multitude sporting a 14-1-1 record. However, Kajorn¬ wouldn't be doing so well," he said. 'This is a of talent. sin knows little about them. "The Big Ten team game, if someone does wrong, there is teams are spread out so far it is hard to know a weak spot, and every spot must be Top-seeded MSU has a bye in the first round of the tournament, and needs only two about all of them," he said. strong," he stressed. victories to emerge as winners. Today's Some of the teams have played more Kajornsin emphasizes accomplishment in pairings begin at 9 a.m. with Minnesota games than the Spartans, due to an earlier start of school. 'That's why we have a camp both sport and study because it keeps the facing Indiana, Iowa against Wisconsin at women more disciplined. "I'm glad we have 10:15a.m. and Purdue vs. U-M at 11:30 a.m. after Labor Day, so we can get together as a such a good group - people who really like Losers of the first two games meet at 2 p.m.; team and keep in shape," Kajornsin each other and work together!" winners, at 3:15 p.m. MSU then takes on the remarked. "Everybody is healthy for this tournament," he added. The entire team agrees that they must Purdue-Michigan winner at 4:30 p.m. Consolation and championship finals will be MSU has the advantage of watching the take each game one at a time, step by step. other teams play since they are not 'That includes the Big Ten tournament. We played Saturday morning at 9:30 and 11 MSI"8 P«ul KUsinski (211 «ad *n unidentified SptrUn player chese nfter ■ loose puck during MSll's 6-3 ejhibi- a.m., respectively. scheduled to play until 4:30 p.m. "We will be are not thinking past that," Kajornsin said. tion gome loss to Michigsn. Amo Bessone's teun will open its sesson tonight against Ohio State. The Spartans are undefeated this season, with a 7-0-2 record. In Wednesday's game against Western, the Spartans dominated the game but could not score. Western had Arno's icers open season two in tonight there," Ohio State coach Jerry Welsh only one-shot-on-goal. The result was a scoreless tie. The two coaches decided against an overtime because of the field's condition. "We did not want to risk injuries By JERRY BRAEDE Darryl DiPace and Paul Klasinski. If Lakian said. or ruin the field for the Big Ten meet. The State News Sports Writer plays, we'll just stick a center between him and Welch. Welsh also feels he has the best overall rains had left the field in poor shape." coach The last time MSU opened its season defense since his four years of coaching the Sam Kajomsin said. against Ohio State was two years ago. But "We have to keep Welch ingrained in the the weekend contests ended up only being game. He's still our best skater and scorer." Buckeyes in holdovers Greg Kostenko, Rod Kajornsin was not disappointed that his McNair, Bob Zannella and Mark Collins. team did not win their last game before the warm-up games for the season as MSU blew Nevertheless, Bessone is sure on his "Injuries have killed us in the past, but I tournament. "Every coach would like to win, out the Buckeyes 8-1 and 8-4. starting line-up. Center Aaron Rucks, think we have the depth this year to offset but we will discuss our problems and correct But Ohio State and its conference, the rightwinger Gary Harpell and leftwinger Dave Gandini will make up the starting any injury problems that might arise," them for the next time," he said. Central Collegiate Hockey Association, forward line while Jeff Barr and Ted Welsh said. For a team that has scored as many as 14 (CCHA). has come a long way since then. They will try to prove this weekend at Huesing will start on defense. Mark Although Bessone feels his team has been goals in a single game, it was quite unusual Mazzoleni will start in goal Friday night and improving during pre season, he doesn't that the game remained scoreless. "Western Munn Ice Arena that they and the rest of believe the team is fully ready to start the is a good team, but so are we. Our problem their conference can compete with the more Doug Belland will handle the net duties was that they had too many people on the highly regarded Western Collegiate Hockey Saturday night. Association (WCHA). The Buckeyes have eight of their top "Because we start school late, we're at goal and our passes were to close to the "This is definitely not a warm-up game," scorers returning from last year led by Tom least two weeks behind all the other goalie," Kajornsin pointed out. He is not coach Amo Bessone said. "There will be a Scanlon, who had 45 points, and Paul Tilley, schools." Bessone said. "We just hope we worried that this will carry on into the who had 42 points. can hold our own for the start of the season tournament. lot at stake in this game becuase it's a battle But, like the Spartans, the strength of until we get Gottwald, Dan Sutton and Leo It does not matter to Kajornsin whether between the two conferences to judge Lynett back for winter term. We think we the stickers meet Purdue or U-M in their which is better." Ohio State's game is the goaltending with Ohio State, which will take on the Steve Jones and Mike Blake sharing the have been making progress, but it's still a first game. "We're ready for both of them," duties. matter of how far the other teams have he said. Both teams have lost a good deal of Spartans at 7:30 p.m. on Friday and "We should be in every game with those progressed." their players from last year. "Purdue lost Saturday night, has 20 lettermen returning from last year's 16-18-1 squad that finished third in the CCHA with a 9-11 mark. MSU harriers travel to EMU The Buckeyes held first place in the State News/Ira S CCHA until the midpoint of the season before slipping behind Bowling Green, Jackson have done consistently well for MSU. In addition, two In the turkey trot Wednesday, sponsored by the Womens' IM, Dave which went on to be regarded as the top The young MSU cross country harriers will travel to Ypsilanti to Bennet won the men's division with Jerry Goodrich taking the runner-up team in the Midwest. battle Eastern Michigan today at 4 p.m. other freshmen, Mark Mesler of Grand Blanc and Harold Rutila of "The CCHA is definitely improving," Trying to even up their record at 3-3, the Spartans will have Farmington, have been outstanding. spot. Bessone said. "They're fighting for equal their work cut out for them, as the Hurons have defeated them the "Schulist and White are capable of finishing in the top 15 of the Barbara Belt won the women's division with Laura Polpe taking the recognition with the WCHA." last three years. Big Ten conference meet this year," Gibbard said. "That would runner-up position. At the moment, Bessone is still trying to Both teams are young and rebuilding. MSU coach Jim Gibbard is qualify them for the NCAA District meet. Not bad for freshmen," Team honors went to Harried Harriers for the men's division and Ring- he continued. keep three lines set. The Spartans lost pleased with the way the Spartans have progressed. "I hope we Dang-Do's of the women's division. one third of their top line in Paul Gottwald run our best and continue to improve as we've been doing." he Eastern Michigan has a 3-1 record and is led by sophomores Don Gonyea won the Goosegg race with Paul Tongor taking second for the rest of the fall and possibly another said. Dave Ferguson and Roger Jones and Freshman Terry Doherty. place. one-third in freshman Craig Lakian for the The the harriers will run is flat, and up to this point, most "I think it'll be tough. With the meet on their home course, it will course be a close race," Gibbard said. "It will be 10,000 meters and that Turkeys were donated to charity in the winners' name. weekend. Gottwald was the third Spartan of the courses have been hilly. "That's an advantage for them," this year to be declared academically Gibbard said. will prepare us for the Big Ten meet. That's what we've been ineligible. Lakian bruised his shoulder this Freshmen Martin Schulist of Whitehall and Michael White of working for all season," he added. week during practice, and is doubtful for this weekend. "Russ Welch (the other third of the top line) is currently all alone," Bessone said. "We'll probably put him on the line with Start your Hiaicoalif Wnktnd off right at O ADC'S We have: BUR We carry all your party *'IIS needs and are conven- ILaUa iently located at 3)4 S. LIQUOR Clippert at Kalamazoo Ph. 332-4551 'Fine Dining — Casual Elegance' Is it sick SUNDAY BRUNCH AND DINNER Brunch 11 -3 Dinner 3-9 2758 E. Grand River / 337-1701 a pen Is it crazy to love marker pens that give you the smoothest, thinnest line n town and feel so right m your hand7 Is it mad to worship pens with clever Friday & Saturday little metal collars" to keep their plastic points Not if the pen is a Pilot marker pen Our Razor Point, at only 69c. gives the kind of extra-fme delicate line you'll flip from getting squishy7 Night ir And for those times you want a little less Stone ?, have a fling with our fine point 59c Fmelmer It has the will and fortitude to actually write through carbons So. don't settle for a casual relationship Get yourself a lasting one. or two. to have and to hold at your college book store Pilot Corp of America. 30 Midland Ave Bridge Port Chester, New York 10573. One of Detroit's finest Rock 'N' Roll bands here for a special appearance! Show Bar Ik! 2868E.Grand Rv. Two blocks East of Hagadorn DISCOUNT TIM CO. DISCOUNT T1U CO. DISCOUNT TIM CO. DISCOUNT Mfchgon Stote News, Eost Loosing, Michigon Friday, October 20, 1978 9 ADAM TEICHER Women's harriers try for Big Ten title winner after By ADAM TEICHER Lisa Finally a State News Sports Writer "Winning the Big Ten championship is a improvement in that meet of our top on our we were team since then. Also, without Lil Warnes, Berry. Minnesota has the best chance of "beat¬ ing out either Michigan State or Wiscon¬ lot of depth," Zemper said. Spartans Kelly Spatz and Sue Latter one runners," the coach reasoned. have recovered from their bouts with the big thing in any sport. It means the league Sally Zook and Mary Beth Spencer are sin," according to Zemper, who adds that flu and will be running on Saturday. Each years of frustration title." So says Eric Zemper, the Spartan women's cross country coach. He takes his the top Badger runners. Zook won the Badger Spartan Invitational, also held in Illinois is also tough. But the meet is essentially between MSU missed last week's meet at Penn State because of sickness. MSU figures to be 100 team into the Big Ten title meet Saturday Madison, with a time of 17:48, eight seconds and Wisconsin. "They're a very good team, percent healthy for the first time of the at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. ahead of the second-place finisher, Spartan one of the best in the country. They have a season for the meet. I sure can't wait for basketball season to me and, I guess, other Spartan fans, but I Nine of the 10 teams in the league will h?gin. Every year at the beginning of was still proud of my team. It took the send teams to the league meet, with December, when the college season opens impeccable free-throw shooting of Ken- Michigan sending just one runner to up, I come out of hibernation. The Super Bowl, the World Series, the Ali title fights, tucky's Kyle Macy to beat the Spartans. Eyen thoUgj, j was a j,jt sad»afterwards, I Madison. "The number of teams running is MSU Bowling Club host tournament quite an improvement over the last few they're all fine; but u the beer commercial kngw there WQUjd ^ a next year and next years. We've had barely enough runners to says, you can take all these away, but don't year is almost upon stage a meet over the last few Big Ten The MSU bowling club has recently made its final cuts, and is averaged 188.1, Hank Beadle at 186, Kendall Scherman at 184, and take away my college basketball. meets," Zemper said. preparing for its season-opener Saturday at Union Lanes. Ron Cohen at 181, all of which adds up to a 927 team average. 1 can't wait for the first time I get to see MSU and the host Badgers are the two All schools in the Michigan Intercollegiate Bowling League will Steve Tunis at 178 is the sixth man substitute for the team. In all I'm a college basketball nut. Although I Jenison Fieldhouse explode following a top contenders for the league crown. be participating at the event, including Michigan, Central 38 students tried out. follow college football clpsely, attend all Kelser slam dunk. For the first time I get to Wisconsin faced the Spartans earlier in the Michigan, Eastern Michigan, Ferris State and Saginaw Valley. MSU home games and revelled in the see "Magic" lead the Spartan fast break for season in the Badger-Spartan Invitational Team captains will draw numbers as to determine which The season runs through the middle of spring term, with the Spartans' big win over Michigan as much as an easy bucket. For my first NCAA winter season being toughest due to eight weekends of away and beat them rather easily. But Zemper colleges will compete with each other during the day. anyone, I still feel that football was started championship. thinks the Spartans can turn things around The first series of games will begin at 10:30 a.m., while the contests. Additionally, the squad will participate in Regional and on college campuses as something to keep Big Ten tournaments. This is why I' n looking forward to this this time. afternoon roll offs will commence at 1:30. students awake until basketball starts. year more than e ver. In coming to MSU, I'm "We ran right through the early season Captain of the MSU bowlers this year is senior Tom Reaume, Last year the bowlers posted a 42-40 overall win-loss record, and gonna be a winnc r for the first time. I know race. We trained hard right through it. who finished the 32 game try-outs with a 188.7 average. The other placed fourth at the ACUI Region 7 tourney, consisting of schools I guess part of the reason that I believe lam. There has been a tremendous amount of four members comprising the squad are Don Loomis, who from Michigan and Ohio. this is that I was raised in the suburbs of I,os Angeles, perhaps the maddest basket¬ ball town in the country. But because I grew up near L.A.. I was also subject to an overwhelming amount of frustration due to the fact that I was a USC diehard. Oh, the disappointments I suffered watching USC's crosstown rival, UCLA, not Turnabout! Booters upset Spring Arbor only beat up the Trojans, but the rest of the country as well. By JERRYBRAUDE tone. the game when Spring Arbor's Ail- mark when Mike Price scored on a free more experience, we decided to start American Howard Taylor dribbled past kick. him ahead of the freshman," Baum said. State News Sports Writer The game was a crucial one for MSU, Last year, after USC flopped again and it Just when it looked like the season now 4-3-1, in trying to recover from last two defenders and fired a 20-yarder Baum was content with going into Baum also felt the veteran starters became apparent that I would become a halftime tied. But then Tom Coleman, was falling to pieces, MSU's soccer team weekend's cellar finish in the Big Ten past goalie Rob Grinter. played a crucial part in the game. Spartan next year, I adopted the MSU rose to the occasion and put it all classic. "I hate giving up a goal with only who was a questionable starter, put the "Haidler and Bowen were exception¬ cagers as my team. "We had a meeting before the game three-and-a-half minutes gone in the Spartans into the lead by beating two al. Price was great, and defenseman Obi together Wednesday, dumping a solid and decided to start proving to people game, but after that we played with defenders in going for a head shot and Nwabara played his best game at MSU. Some of my frierids came over to my Spring Arbor team, 4-1. "It was such a great feeling to put it that we're a better than .500 team," more intensity than usual." then driving it into the net. Tom Coleman showed that he was the house to watch MSU ("Michigan who?" they Coleman scored again with seven best together," coach Joe Baum said. Baum said. "We were so fired up. We After Taylor's goal it was all MSU. player on the field today. He's all said) play Kentucky in the finals of the also dedicated the to Scott The Spartans kept constant pressure on minutes gone in the second half with the something else." Mideast Regional. It was the first and only "Everybody played well, and we were game Spring Arbor and contained Taylor for assist coming from Kurt Easton. Baum saw the game as a re birth for time I would get to see the Spartans and I able to finish our plays." Campbell (who is out for the remainder of the season with torn ligaments). He te remainder of the contest. "At that point we were winning every the squad. was anxious to see Earvin Johnson, Except for a 9-0 laugher with Grand "It could be the turning point of the was the first player to get operated on "The defense down the middle of aspect of the game," Baum said. "We Gregory Kelser and the rest of the bunch Valley State. MSU's four goals were the were playing our best in a couple of season for us," Baum said. "It was a most they produced this year. for an MSU soccer injury in five years. John Haidler and Nick Bowen were able that I had heard so much about. critical game in getting the momentum He's a popular player, was our leading to contain Taylor," Baum said. "We years." "Being able to finish changed the And they didn't disappoint me. While my whole complexion of the game for us," scorer last year, and I think the were on them all day. Their plays just Seven minutes later, Kurt Major going. The win did more for our dedication gave us some extra incen¬ couldn't develop because we put so finished the day's scoring with Curt confidence then any other game this friends sat with eyes transfixed on the tube, Baum said. "The defense didn't have to not able to comprehend the fact that mighty worry about one mistake costing them tive." much pressure on them." Easton tallying his second assist. year. Now we believe we can score if we MSU tied the game at the 30-minute "Since Easton is a junior with a little just keep on concentrating." Kentucky was losing, I had on a grin a mile the game. It gave us a whole different The Spartans did fall behind early in wide as MSU took a halftime lead. The second half was not quite as enjoyable for WOMEN'S COUNSELING CENTER The Count tei, "Take my advice and donate blood, I did." FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Gynecological Care Experienced Counselors Birth Control Assistance —here to help you Pregnancy Terminations with your individual tlVE needs. Students, Faculty, Staff 247-248 Olin Health Canter 332-3554 349-1060 9 am-3 pm 927 E. Grand River Tuesday, October 24 Across from Bogue St 4737 Marsh Rd. Suite B entrance to campus. Behind Meijers Call Elaine Wall 355-0290 to make an appointment OWNED AND OPERATED BY WOMEN Walk-ins will be accepted for those unable to make appointments After the game... DELICIOUS DINNERS '/a lb! Sirloin Steak Dinner $2.89 Sauteed Sirloin Tips Dinner $2.79 6 oz.* Top Sirloin Steak Dinner $2.69 V2 lb! Chopped Beef Steak Dinner,... $2.39 % lb! T-Bone Steak Dinner $3.59 • All dinners Include baked potato, crisp garden salad, and oven fresh roll. '/« lb! Chopped Beef Steak Sandwich, (York steak fries Included) $1.09 m Delicious Desserts OPEN SEVEN and Beverages DAYS A WEEK OPIN SUNDAY -11 am-9pm MERIDIAN MALL Monday - Thursday -11 am-930 pm Friday A Saturday-TI am-Xlpm Michigan Sto Friday, October 20, 1*8 1 0 Michigon Stats News, Eost Loosing, Michigon increased. He said booklet called the Citing statistics released by Emotions, statistics a the secretary of state's office, "Michigan Traffic Accidents Facts" says that since 1972, Magnus said alcohol-related ac¬ cidents increased among young of Alcohol Problems and mem when the legal age dropped to (continued from page 1) people from 5 to 6 percent to Announcements for It's Whats "Cycle for staffed tonight MSU Community Co-op Nurs¬ ber of Coalition for 21. said his 18, alcohol related fatalities Sunday Cruisin': Lesbian Center "It doesn't prohibit those about 10 or 11 percent after the Happening must be received in the Cider" with MSU Outing Club at 1 and every Friday night from 8 to 11 ery School will hold a rumrrege than 21 from working group is mainly concerned that rose 132 percent. State News office, 343 Student sale from 10 a.m. to 4 &m. younger voters have a chance to decide For 18 to 21 -year-old drivers, drinking age was lowered. p.m. Sunday, Men's IM parking p.m. Call Woman's Center in or entering the bars," Foltz The rate of accidents totals Services Bldg., by noon at least lot. Contact Julie Fleig for infor Lansing for information. Saturday. Lots of children's clqh- the issue. he said, alcohol-related acci¬ two days before publication. No ing and much more. said. "So if that thing passes, about 10 to 11 percent up Bailey cited statistics which dents were up 41.9 percent, and announcements will be accepted I've got a hell of an enforcement through the age of 55, Magnus he said prove that the number for all drinking drivers the rate by phone. The MSU European Association problem." said reading from the state's Campus Scouts meeting at 7:30 meets 8 p.m. Sunday, second Paul Bailey, executive di of alcohol related accidents in¬ was up 6.8 percent, according Sunday, Union Sunporch. Instructional Developers: Nogi' report. The Catalysts, musical ministry p.m. floor study lounge West Owen luncheon today. Dr. Herman Shib- rector of the Michigan Council volving 18 to 22 year olds has to research. Meet 6:30 at Bell's on M A C. Graduate. of the Covenant Players, will ler discusses "An Innovative Ust Bailey said the "trickle down Blasting Baily's second argu¬ Avenue for pizza. effect." the use of alcohol by 11- ment — "the trickle-down ef¬ perform at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at of Technology in Education", 1961' Peoples Church, 200 W. Grand Phil Schmitter and Joanne Room, North Case Hall. to 14-year olds in junior high fect" — Magnus said raising the River Ave. Food and Nutrition Association Youths scuffle Chiaverini present a slide show on schools, is because of "ir legal age to 21 "just doesn't meeting 3 p.m. Tuesday, Room 9 Israel, entitled "Land of Many responsibility of the 18- to make sense." Anti-Rape Collective meeting at Human Ecology. Election of offi¬ Tensions" at 7 p.m. Sunday, Junior, Seniors! Academic in¬ 22-year-olds." "The state Board of Educa 4 p.m. Sunday. Women's Council cers to be held. Abrahamic Community 320 ternships available working with, Chris Magnus. 17 year-old tion and the state superinten Office. 320 Student Services Bldg. MAC. Office of Services to the Aging, (continued from page 1) coordinator of the Three dent of schools don't support Community Services Section. O'Clock Lobby, refuted Bailey's Freshmen, Sophomores! Come it," Magnus said. Gay Council meets from 6 to 8 Contact Dave Persell, College of he chanting as Lewis p.m. and see what the Army ROTC is all Episcopalians and Anglicans will room Iranian students were asked two main arguments with other p.m. Sunday, Union Tower Room. about at informal 'Open Smoker' gather for Eucharist 5 p.m. Sun¬ Urban Development. ■esumed his talk. statistics. Magnus made points with the to leave the building by DPS from 4 to 7 p.m. today, Brody day, Alumni Chapel. Dinner fol¬ The forum was again dis¬ The number of young people audience and his opposition, Pre-game pep rally will be (continued on page 18) officers and Spartacus mem¬ Multi-Purpose Room. lows. rupted when Lewis compared suggesting that schools add Saturday at noon, Landon Field bers decided to cancel the in accidents is misrepresented, the Iran the features marching band, cheer¬ The « will i be Magnus said. competent counselors to their leaders and refreshments. Parade Russian Revolution of 1917. "It's incorrect to say that staffs to help people with real Iranian students said the com rescheduled. 18-to 20-year olds are worse problems — not just advise on to homecoming game in stadium WEEKEND SPECIALS DPS Sgt. Larry Lyon s parison had nothing to do with than any age group," Magnus class changes. the current situation in Iran. injuries were reported. 10AN ARMATRADING—To The Limit FUNKADELIC—One Nation Under A Groove You have something to LOFTY LEVEL share with the people of the SHOP Kitchon Cupboard rural South and Appalachia OBYSSEY—Hollywood Party Tonight MARSHALL TUCKER BAHD-Greatest Hits Jo-il'l Gomel t Gift! — yourself. Find out how Nautilus THE 541 Flat Black ft Circular . you can help, as a Catholic All List 1" Groat lakasMt. Supply Brother, Sister, or Priest. Your request will be treated BUILDING! confidentially. I Paramount Nows Stato Discount J | I'd like information about where else... opportunities with the i STREET / Glenmary Missioners and lai ! LEVEL / the tree poster only poster. ■ I'd like a free copy of the WHERE 220 m.a.c. HOUSE mon-sat:9-9 1 \ SUB LEVEL rr Family of Man univ. mall. 332-3525 sun: 12-7 ja '541 E. Grand River j 77/ ildarly Instrument* Glenmary Missioners ul-Lj. V. VolocipodPoddlor Room Box 46404 Cincinnati, Ohio 45246 Name Valuable Coupon Worth $1.3£| | COmPUTER .State. LABORATORY *1.75 Sunday Night! On Tuesday. SEfTIINAR October 24 the - o Computer ', Pitcher & Pizza Special Mild I Laboratory will sponsor a seminar on the topic of Only $3.50 JIWi data bases—some basic concepts and possible methods ot organizing data Some features ot the Data Base Management System on the MSU 6500 will be demonstrated. The seminar will be held in Room 402 Computer Center at 3:00 p.m. All the Spaghetti You Can Eat only $2.25 BUY TWO DELICIOUS KRESCE ART CENTER Opens MR. TONY SUBMARINE SANDWICHES (reg) GALLERY Sunday Night ^ Everyday FOR ONLY >1.75 (and this coupon) SAVE >1.15 Upstairs in at 4 pm at the Show Ba Michigan State University Starjammer sponsors a 28GB E. Grand River .IZZA « SUSM AKINIS ONE-DAY SALE SIS W. Grand Rlv.r (lust west of Greyhound Station) of Dathskeller Beneath Coral Gables Plck Up or Dine In Only NOHUVHT 332-8611 Expire. 10/26/78 Original Contemporary Prints from the JO^IIII lllllllllllllll lllllllllllTffix INTERNATIONAL PRINT SOCIETY . Friday, October 20,1978 10-4 DEPOT 1203 South Washington Ave? MICHIUN RADIAL* OPEN SUNDAYS ^ 12 to 8 m ™ 15513 37.99 2K 165-13 31.99 1171 14 /—Conductor's Choice (ENTREES) 165-15 w j 39.99 T**CK TV Amtrak SpetUl Generous portion of 97.99 Sauce with two large'meatball •3.75 99.99 93.99 « J '130" IW^One Half Golden Fried Chicken Sirloin Sink '4.25 •3.25 205-15 99.99 215-15 71.99 !!! «\ mm- Sirloin with Mushroom Sauce *4.95 225 15 73.99 Roast sfcoin of Beef with AuJus or Mushroom Sauce... •5.50 ALL NEW TIRES TISCK Cutyjtaes New York Slnp Sirloin. Ser\ed with < Union Ringand_Canush '6.95 NOBLEMS tuck Grant Trail Westers two iim pom cmps cut from Young Loins served with Applesauce and Ganush *5.25 SMKIUIEIS SJjjJfrK|jjenderlttb£BeeUj^^ RAOUIS taws Jumbo Breaded Fantail Shrimp, WV.m.t. sauce and Garnish Alaskan King Crab Legs for Dinner •5.50 Ripples of elegant beauty surround breinMiWt* » TOACK Served with hot drawn butter and lemon wedges Seaburd Special •7.50 the smooth, hard stone. 11115 . Fresh Flounder Fillet stuffed •6.50 V,I.„L,. with Maryland Crabmeat Mivti' Dewi The Cent - A Gourmet's Delight "Dog & Butterfly." Wa alto hova Monitor Tender Breaded Deep Pried Clam Strips •4.25 Mudd»r> Dick Captk Clttlecir k Cnb A Slriora Stea and Alaskan King A new album by Heart. CraDlegs - Served with hoi drawn bulter and Garffc Bw^wkWi^jTry.lwpwCMaw WUi wo. ilac..Fva.ir™arrm to* sw On Portrait" Records and Tapes. ML MUM IUKM SVULUU '»« "Ountikcust service Management and Direction: Ken Kinnear, Albatross Management Inc. A A TIRE INC 4k 332 6545 B A FAMILY RISTAURANT Produced by Mike Flicker, Heart and Michael Fisher. rQUU&A ■ - BIRTHDA PARTIES. ANNIVERSARIES-ALL ACES IVf HONOR BIRTHDAY PVE RESERVATIONS CALL 371-3456 r »etr*le™rksolCBSInc.era78CBSIiK:. WHHCHOUSIRICORD* 9 1 Lansing's cwitom whool ond tiro *xp«rii WHh FORRESER Now Available at... Michigan Stole News, Eo»l Lansing. Michigan Friday, October JO, 1978 11 Seniors build Sources for genealogy research parade float almost limitless for the interested All seniors are invited to help Senior Trout said constructing a family can be approached in two ways. By JAMES KATES Class Council construct a float for home¬ "You can start with a forefather and work your way to the The only problem with climbing a "family tree" is that once you coming today between the Union and get started it's hard to stop. present or start with yourself and work your way back." she said. Human Ecology buildings. "For obvious reasons, most people choose the second method." MSU President Edgar L. Harden said he Mary Jane Trout, a research specialist for the State Library in Lansing, should know. Last spring, armed only with a postcard Still, Trout said, the task is not easy. She said if one were to would stop by today to "help btiild" the hack nine written in 1911, she flew to Scotland in hopes of finding generations (to about the time of the Mayfloi senior's big block "S", said Kerry Simons, landing), he or she would have over 1,000 progenitors. information about her ancestors. public relations coordinator for the council. Instead, she found a living*relative. She advised people just getting started to obtain a good The Board of Trustees and other MSU "how-to" book at the library. Sources for research, she said, are "The postcard had a picture of a street in the little town of administrators have also been invited. practically limitless. Tayport," she told a gathering of the Historical Society of Greater The Senior Class Council had the only Lansing Wednesday. "One of the houses on the postcard had a "The way to start is by categorizing any home records y iu may non-fraternity or sorority float in last year's mark over it. Amazingly, the street looked just the same." already have," Trout said. "Then you can go to public sources The homecoming parade, Simons said. "The postcard was signed 'M. Hardee,' " she said. "A man at the State Library can help people find cemetery, church, school and house told us the Hardees lived on the next street. I asked t he county records. We also have excellent secondary materia!." woman at that house if she knew of an M. Hardee. She took one But why do it in the first place? look at the postcard and said, 'Yes, that's my grandmother." The "There's always the prestige angle." Trout said. "So many Oriental art woman was my second cousin. "1 still get goosebumps every time I think about it." people have told me they had relatives come over on the Mayflower that I often wonder how that ship made it across the Trout, who serves the State Library's Michigan Unit by ocean with so many people on it." bringing people and resources together, said genealogy "helps exhibit and bring history to life." But she said most curiosity and a people in genealogy do it simply out of desire to find out about their ancestors. "I remember how bored I was taking Civil War history in "Kizzy Kunte said it in 'Roots': If you don't know who you are or school," she said. "But when I discovered the role my grandfather where you've been, how are you going to know where you're sale today played in the war, it suddenly became very exciting to me." going?' " An exhibition and sale of original Oriental grt will be on display today in the lobby of ASSEMBLY ABAM)0.\S \ELTRAL STASCE the International Center from 10 a.m. to 5 State News Scott Randle p.m. Members of the "Pink Peeps" wanted to cut down the seriousness that presented by Marson Ltd. of RHA will oppose The art, Baltimore, Md., is a collection of about 500 pieces of Oriental art from Japan, China, India, Tibet, Nepal and Thailand. some people take toward IM football, so they played in suits. Mike War- holac and Chas Ballard helped to win the game 39-12. Proposal D Charles Wiebe, a representative from Id relei first publication of RHA voted Wednesday to oppose Propo¬ pape > Marson, said the art works span two major Oct. 27. sal D. which would raise the state's legal Tenant aides trained areas. The first are old master works of the Dan Black, direct of ASMSt" Legisla drinking age to 21, by a vote of 14 to 11. 18th and 19th centuries. The second area tive Relations Cabinet, made a presenta- residence hit Carol Purdy. Campbell Hall represents Consists of a selection of Indian miniature tion outlining Michigan's three tax-cutting enrollment w tive. made the motion, stating she collected paintings and manuscripts. over 200 signatures from persons in her proposals on the November ballot. Black that the liv Tenants Resource Center is holding an "Volunteering to counsel at TRC is more requested that RHA oppose all three break down The first collection has works by Hiro- residence hall who were in opposition to the eight-hour fall training session this weekend than learning about tenant-landlord laws," shige, Hokusai, Kuniyoshi, Kunisada, Kuni proposal. proposals, citing higher tuition costs as ^ RHA for volunteer housing counselors. Nanasi said, "it's a rewarding personal their immediate effect on student rn. chika. RHA had originally taken a neutral •d that the residen Completion of training will qualify TRC experience." The second group of woodcuts, etchings, counselors to help people with housing A presentation on discrimination in position on the pioposal. instead simply- "Passage of any two of these proposals," urging dorm residents to get out and vote. he said, "would double tuition for the first of orange lithographs, serigraphs and mezzotints are problems such as evictions, security de¬ housing will be given by a member of the , Purdv also asked the assembly to by distinguished artists as Saito, Watanabe, posits, maintenance and leasing, Yvonne Michigan Committee on Law in Housing. year and probably triple it the next." Rising costs wet the Maki, Mori, Azechi and Watarai. Leslie Leow-Blosser, a paralegal from the appro e the selection of a new editor for the Nanasi, TRC director, said. The board also voted to allocate $20U in requested cutback, said YanAntwerp. who Great Lansing Legal Aide Office, will talk Rhapport. the RHA newspaper. "The Marson Training will be held Friday, 6 to 10 p.m. traveling expenses for persons attending added if consumption is not limited, the prints are in many mu¬ and Saturday. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Prospective about eligibility for legal aide in tenant- Josephine Scott, a junior majoring in the Great Lakes Association of College and residence halls might be forced to discontin¬ seums throughout the country," Wiebe landlord suits. City zoning codes will be journalism, was approved by the assembly volunteers are asked to pick up a packet of University Residence Halls convention. The ue offering orange juice on a daily basis. said. to become Rhapport editor. Purdy said the materials prior to training. discussed by a housing inspector. The art pieces are being sold and begin at Volunteers are requested to work for TRC TRC, 855 Grove St., aides tenants and $5. The exhibits are all matted and labeled at least one term, and sign up for at least two landlords who need information on their with pertinent information. hours of counseling per week. rights and responsibilities, Nanasi said. GREATEST HITS final day! ONLY *4.39 THE MARSHALL TUCKER BAND CATALOG SALE • Long Hard Ride • A New Life *4.69 } • The Marshall Tucker Band CUT OUT CERTIFICATE NOW! OFFER ENDS OCT 20. • Searchin For A Rainbow • Together & Forever EACH r —-II—1 [—11—1 —'-IfijMn~RTB!WATR f1Til HTI h'IftATE • Carolina Dreams □ SAVE $10 WITH THIS REBATE CERTIFICATE ON ANY GOLD 71RTQ1KVED □ • Where We All Belong—ONLY »6.99 □ □ 2. Limit One rebate per purchase Purchase' pays any sales i □ 3. Otter valid only on nngs ordered from 10-19 78 to 10/20/78 DISC SHOP Valid on any 10K gold ArlCarvad college STUOtNT 600KSTOM □ nng Choose from a wide wanely ot tradi¬ tional. conlemporary. or lashion rings, jr ArtCarved representative will give you a rebate request certificate This certificate must be mailed, along with prool many ot them customized to your own □ ot full payment to ArtCarved within 60 days alter you receive your ring Allow four weeks lot rebate processing 323 E. Grand River □ Ph. 351-5380 mSm onm I' 11 'I II llOSSSR EXPIRES OCTOBER 20,197»|| II ll II immdlllltC^ Friday, October 20, 1970 12 Michigon Stote News, East Lansing Michigan Neighborhood traffic problems surveyed by advisory committee "If this transportation committee does outgrown their intended capacity, city By ANNA BROWNE planners said. State News Staff Writer not come to grips with this problem, it will be total failure." Transportation Commis¬ The smaller cross-town routes and neigh Traffic on neighborhood streets and a sioner Pete Chiaravalli said. borhood collectors have become major street classifications were the major con Pinecrest area streets "are going to be an shortcuts to avoid congestion on Grand cerns of the Hast Lansing Transportation expressway in 10 years." he said. "We River Avenue and Saginaw Street, plan Advisory Committee Wednesday night. said. The transportation committee held meet really need to work on this problem." ners Street classification, or the categorizing The city has designed Act 51, a cross ings in East Lansing neighborhoods so between the original Comprehensive Plan of city streets by their design and traffic citizens could comment on any problems in classification and an updated version volume, was also a major concern of the street their area. compiled last year. Transportation is one aspect of the city s When the Comprehensive Plan was Comprehensive Plan, which is being re de The main objective of Act 51 is to obtain formed, the streets were labeled as either federal funds by classifying more veloped because it has become outdated. more A survey handed out at the neighborhood expressways, regional thoroughfares like streets as major arterials — which they Grand River Avenue and Saginaw Street, literally become, planners said. meetings asking citizens to identify prob have lem transportation areas was summarized major arterials like Abbott and Harrison Other citizen concerns included safety the roads, crosstown routes, neighborhood i fting. around schools, parking on residential traffic in residential ar collectors, and local streets. Streets labeled in this manner when the streets, bike path safety and public trans¬ a major concern particularly portation. Pinecrest area. plan was adopted in the mid '60s have Reception, security discussed State News Ira Strickstein By DEBBIE CREEMERS help matters any. He turned everyone off at a presentation last A reception for the Board of Trustees co-sponsored by the year by essentially saying 'sure, I'll advise you, but I want pay.' " "Sraokey" Stover, from MSU Grounds Maintenance, used 60 bails of straw to put the Horticulture fountain to COGS could support legal services in name only, get counsel for bed for winter. The straw is used to absorb moisture and help prevent cracks in the concrete. Council of Graduate Students and ASMSC will be held Thursday from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Big Ten Room of the Kellogg Center. graduate students with a contribution of $3,000 or work out a deal The entire MSU community has been invited to meet with where graduate students pay a straight fee for advice. President Edgar L. Harden, current board members, candidates Currently only undergraduates may use the service because for the board and administrators. Chuck Goeke, president of the they are taxed by ASMSU to pay for legal services at registration. Council of Graduate Students, told the council Wednesday. Jim Carr. department of physics representative, pointed out the MARY A. CARDSER SCHOLARSHIP At its bi weekly meeting. COGS also discussed night security on shortcomings of any arrangement. especially at the Student Services Building. "They can only give advice. They can't bring suit against the journalism prof campus, "The first and second floor p.m. but ASMSC. COGS, the offices in Student Services close at 5 Volunteer Action Corps and the University or other students. They also don't draw up divorce suits, wills or property titles," he said. "But they do refer students to good' lawyers, as they run lucrative private practices on the Award honors 6U9 State News offices on the third floor have run into late night side." security problems." COGS President Charles Goeke said. Miami, Fla. 33152, or Jean A proposal to limit access to the building after 6 p.m., with a Peter Brown, representing the College of Education, suggested A scholarship honoring Mary A. Gardner. , the money might be put to better use by publishing a legal services MSU professor of journalism, has been ■eated by several of Kt 1237 W. Jarvis #2. Chicago 111. student guard paid for by the four organizations, was rejected by handbook. A committee to investigate publication of a handbook i Communications. Gardner's friends and former students. COGS because it would not provide for protection around the identifying legal recourses and resources was formed. Inc. The scholarship will be available to beginning with a grant of $500 for fall 1979. building. Those interested in the scholarship Gardner is president oi the Association A University wide escort service, similar to one currently used Goeke also clarified COGS' role in loans to graduate students. journalism students "exemplifying the high "As of now. COGS does not offer loans." he said. "We only for Kducation in Journalism and is a 1978 at Albion College, was suggested. A committee to investigate the standards of journalism excellence and should contact Gloria Brown Anderson, WIO Headliner Award winner. feasibility of this service was formed. co sign Financial A'd Office loans for students. We will however, integrity iGardner) personifies and seeks to managing editor, The Miami News. P.O. The question of COGS joining ASMSU Legal Services was also discuss the possibility of COGS loans later." brought up. but quickly dismissed. Goeke also announced the Board of Trustees' Health Committee members will meet with interested students to discuss the $18 "The Council withdrew membership last year because grads weren't taking advantage of the legal assistance," Goeke said. He also complained that "the ASMSU lawyer Ken Smith didn't health fee. The Thursday at 3 p.m. meeting will be held in 443A Administration Bldg. men's and CAMPUS fl.Q.fl fl flfl BJj> women's homecoming 1978* fl a B fl C Q 8-ILtLP.LtLP.Q.Q.im.Q-P.B-B.Q.fl.llB.HB.B PIZZA HOMECOMING flVEH ftiNliion liaiixjlinjj Saturday, October 21: Haircuts §7.00 try a. . . The Lansing Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority invites you to a homecoming vegetarian sub event ■ a disco dance ■ at the Plaza (Olds) on October 21 from 9pm to 2 am. Tickets ore GARYs 33|-6S1 . (12", oven baked) Humeri May |fc.m..n*l $3.00 per person and will be sold at the Come out and disco the night away door. Campus Beauty Salon 549 E. Grand River across from Berkey Hall free 1040 E. Grand River delivery 337-1377 AN ASMS! I'll" h,HAMMINi.H' - EVENT Ki'NI»KI»I!VSTI UKN 5"BTB-5-flTflTB'BTflT0'5Tfl-yT BOYNE COUNTRY Representative A Soup you Can't Refuse SKI WEEKS Christmas ' Jt New Years UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SERVED HOT AND DELICIOUS Dec 22-27 De-.2t Jon. 1 per person per week TO BE ON CAMPUS SICILIAN *60 includes MONDAY, OCTOBER 30 Graduate study information - all fields of SUNDAY Letters, Arts & Sciences Special emphasis on Humanities Call 337 0089 (Lansing) or 313-355-3114 Contact Plocement Services SOUP "Why Did You RENT A Toke A Picture of THAT" Photography by: $A- WEEKEND Kim McKesson -49 SPECIAL Nancy M. Stuart UNION GALLERY (Fri. pm to Mon. am) Mon.-Closed. Tues & • Major Credit Card or L Wed. SThur. 11-8. Sot. & Sun.: 12-5 Deposit req. 21 or older Runs thru Oct. 8th. "7e ^ CURTIS FORD ":r SUPPORT THE SN (°*,iv«ry Available) No checks accepted 1 WINNING SPARTANS FOR ' :v . nc* /) Price at Buv anv Medium Piiia i the Regular . . Identical Pi/*a TREE . get the ■ Blood. HOMECOMING ■ if hove coupon e one coupon per | 1203 E.Grand River order U-J7I 2830 E. Grand River ■ H We need all GREEN & WHITE delivery east of 2 blks. west of Frandor ■ V I^Mi mm ■ m mmm'm Ji Harrison delivery west of Harrison H you can T-Shirts — Sweatshirts THE Jackets — Blankets Hats Mittens j|^N chfR spare. BRYAN LEE SHOW — Buy LARGE Monday, Oct. 23 We are open all day during the game and C/r&TP. *£. any Pi«» for tha ( Mason-Abbot Hall FRI & SAT OCT. 20821 11 am-4:45 pm until 5:30 pm ■V Call Lisa 355-2080 CAMPUS I Red Cross I7AITY I INDf Cf^OIJNE # one coupon + BOOKSTORE If us' hove 1203 Grand couponRiver E. order 2830per Grand• " -J7I River ■ delivery east of delivery west of 2 blks. west of Frandor is counting 224 Abbott Rd.E.Lansing (ACROSS FROM BERKEY HALL) 507 E. Grand River Harrison Harrison 5 at Campus Corners II 8 the Civic Center Box Office Erickson Kiva TONIGHT AND SAT. A LIBERTY BELL PRODUCTION S3 at MSUnion Ticket Office. Elderly SHOWTIMES: 7:15, 9:00 Corners II. showpiece: 102 B Wells □ Instruments, Campus $3.50 at the door. admission: $1.50 TONIGHT AND SAT. This is the uncut version. Oshkosh Not a single horrific frame has been deleted. This VCesk version has never been JEANS shown on television. (converse' Athletic Shoes Now comes Miller time c 1978 Miller Brewing Co. Milwaukee, Wis Friday, October 20, 1978 14 Michigan State News. East Lansing. Michigan Reserve TODAY. OPEN 7 pm* SHOWS 7:15-9:15* Sot-Sun at Nov. 35th 1:15-3:15-5:15-7:15-9:20 PM NOW! raasssa 'BL000BB0THERS Special offer at the freshest I restaurant in East Lansing: I o i ■ I \1 BjgB ■fj today open 7 p.m. - shows I 7:35-9:30 • Sot-Sun at 35-3:35 5:30-7:35-9:30 50'OffRny Purchase (o) I of 9.00 or More, f ] I Try an Olga.. .any of ten unique combinations I Olga's of meats, cheeses, tomato, sweet onion and Olga's own sauce, wrapped deliciously in cooked-to-order bread. Together with Fresh Fries, our own Frozen Olgurt and a menu full of tasty our V kitchen I items, we've got a tempting offer for you! We'll give you 50C off any purchase of $2.00 or I : when you present this coupon! I Lmore When you presentthis coupon! Acros from the Student Union Coupon good thru Sunday, Oct. 22,1978. Limit one coupon per custom* J THE HOUSE OF ; " - oigs&im/iJty-,r 'tomv dime 'tWBSHBHHtP! SiHSJUMME S'ftfrfllL'i MAJfftf) ':}1ViVj .' wzzvi''wJ''j A =CAR5TEREDs on the point across from Frendor SAT-SUN EARLY BIRDS 5-5:30 Si .50 For superior cor stereo systems see the professional technicians at the House of Car Stereo. We specialize in car stereos and carry such quality brands as: Craig Jil- Pioneer Ma|estic Sanyo Kriket Jensen Audiovox In-Dash AM/FM-MPX Stereo Radio installed yc sy With Cassette Tape We do Player professional installations, sales and *79" service. Come see us and check out our prices with a free estimate I 1542 W.Grand Rv Ph. 332 0999 Open: 9 to 9Mon.-Fri. * Sat. 9 to 6 Sun. 12 to S ▼ 6v I 349-2700 MERIOIAN MALL Sip into soiiiethiiHj \TJ/l piCTVip TJQlT PVT.. Com tort able... TJTt BULK.. MCJiijrumjfrBjy 4 3101E GRAND RIVER JUST NORTH OF FRANDOR Rent-a-Lane fTlon-Thurs 12:00-2:00am 1 Sundays 11:00-1:00 am Bowl as many games as So smooth. Easy to sip. Delicious! Comfort K-s unlike any other liquor. you want (up to six It tastes good just poured over ice. persons per lane) That's why it makes mixed drinks taste much better, too. Sip into something Comfort "able. Try it! $6.00 per lane I SEE For fTlore Information Southern call 337-9775 Comfort Michigan State News, East lonsing. Michiqon Friday, October 20, 1978,15 DUCKSOUP CINEMA PRESENTS: TONIOHT AND SATURDAY steve McQueen LAST2DAYS LE MANS" FROM INK DIRECTORS OF ANIMAL HOUSE "Steve McQueen A wonderfully funny lampoon of television takes you for a —Rolling Stone drive in the > country. The I Incredibly funny monic humor Village Voice country is France. m The year's funniest film, what Groove Tube The drive is at 200 MPH! Exci ting!" should have been —Denver Sun TONIOHT, S & 10 pm, 0-8 Holdon Hall FREE Residence Hall Students (ID Required) - $1.50 Off campus students, faculty & staff - THIHOLDIN I.ATI SNOW It's so funny it's a crime. Imagine a girl in a steel cage who turns into a tigress! An empty bass drum suspended in mid-air from which appear red, white and blue doves, flags from all fifty states, a live donkey and an elephant. All this and much more in a dazzling two-hour magic show starring Harry Blackstone, Jr., America's foremost magician. With sets by Jack Hart, costumes by Michael Travis, choreography by Michael Mann, lighting by Jules Fisher and music direction by Chuck IT'S THE MOST HILARIOUS Byrd and Hal Hidcy. SUSPENSE RIDE OF YOUR LIFE! £v* It II crack FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27 at 8:15 P.W r<#r, * you up. in the University Auditorium TONIOHT AND SATURDAY ihowtlmei: Frl. 1 Sat. SHOWTIMES „ mall theatre 7:30.9:30 107S. Kediie WEEKNIGHTS - 7:00 8 9:00 Midnight 104 B. Weill SAT. t SUN■1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00, ( 9:00 WED. MATINEE 1:00 ONtY • ADM. $1.50 Admission: '1.50 SHOWCASEJAZZ presents J Classic Films THURSDAY ART NOVEMBER 2 presents: the tall blond man SILVER STRERMb 7=30 & 10 PM MCDONEL KIVA IENSISMI3IJ: 01= GENE WILDER JILLCLAYBURGH RICHARD PRYOR with one black shoe , "SILVER STREAK" , ..... .. $5 at MSU Union Ticket Office, Wherehouse Records II, Flat, Black i- i PATRICK McGOOHAN . & Circular/$6 at the door. RIDAY: Conrad 8:00 & 10:15 118 Physics Astronomy 7:00 & 9:1 «L CI-IICAG' ATURDAY: 108 B Wells 7:30 8 9:45 SUNDAY: Conrad 7:30 & 9:45 CI.IIIT EIISTWOOD Get Off At The • • THE GAUNTLET FRIDAY: Wilson 8:00 8 10:00 SATURDAY: Conrod 8:00 8 10:00 Brody 7:00 8 9:00 SUNDAY: Wilson 7:30 8 9:30 rr: tnry of tw o women w hi ise friendship 1 suddenly became a matter of life and death. I iff \ MICHIGAN'S LARGEST DISCO directed by Donald Cammell and • Linear Theatre Sound System Nicholas Roeg • Illuminated Dance Floor & Wall • Your Favorite Spirits & Snacks PERFORMANCE is an Incisive probe into the closely related emotions of love and hate and their effects 8:00 p.m. till 2:30 a.m. Tuesday Through Sunday on human relations. Mick Jagger stars in the film and on the soundtrack. "A film sc devastating in tech Admission Cover • *2" — Friday 8 Saturday '3" nique and content that it should be seen and seen Dress Code Enforced. No Jeans Please again." NEWSDAY. Sat. 7:30/9:30,100 Engineering FRIDAY: 108 B Wells 7:3089:45 EAST OF HAGADORN ON 6RAN0 RIVER Sun. 8:00, Union Parlors(IA) only *1** J SATURDAY: Wilson 7:308 9:45 ****************** Friday, October 20, 1978 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ifmm 0oinutiomu?*ii7 TODAY Open 7:00 p.m. Feature at 7:10*9:25 @ tonight! Sot. ft Sun. at 5:15*7:309:40 1:00*3:10 Cathy Fink ®> SAUK Duck Donald OUTRAGEOUS humor, tight vocals and rain hot guitar from two of Canada's finest Kim old time country musicians! £p TheTen Pound Fiddle OH College Hall in the MSUnion Grill $ TONIGHT and SAT. A WEDOMG ' 7 REALLY SWELL DESIARNAZ JR. CAROL DURNETT GERALDINF CHAPUN HOWARD DUFF MOVIE! MIA FARROW VITtORIO GASSMAN LILLIAN GISH LAUREN HUTTON VIVECALINDFORS PA! McCORMICK DINA MERRILL NINA VAN PALLANDT TOMMY THOMPSON RODENT AlTMAN JOHN CONSIDINE PATNICIA NESNlCK' ALLAN NICHCLLS RODENT ALTMAN RODERT ALTMAN 6 JOHN CONSlDlNE A A LION 5 GATE FILMS PRODUCTION PORNO TONIGHT AND SAT. DOOLEYS FINAL 2 DAYS I won't hesitate to say that Take Off is one hell of a fine movie. It easily eclipses any other porn film I have ever viewed, and will probably set the standards by which future porn films will be Tom Scott judged. Take Off's position as great porn is unassailable.In fact, it has probably spoiled me, because now I won't be too ready to see run- of-the-mill porn for a while. On the other hand, I'm sort of glad. If all porn movies were as well done as Take Off, chances are I would SUNDAY OCTOBER 29 become thoroughly addicted. John Noilson THE LIVES OF 300 PEOPLE DEPEND Stoto Now* ON THIS IDIOT. "It's ONE HELL OF A HOT FILM! THE DIRTIEST, MOST EXCITING X- Tickets: $6.50 in advance CAN - HE • SAVE■THEM ? RATED VENTURE IN A LONG TIME. WHO KNOWS? TIME BECKLEY'HUSTLER MAGAZINE WHO CARES I "TREE OFF IS THE BEST SO FEE' iw FIND OUT TONIGHT! IN: IT'S MURDER! "TAKE OFF" is the kind of flick that could "H«o» Best «A Bruce Williamson, give pom a good name." PLAYBOY -KNAVE MAG. "An MONDAY OCTOBER 30 A BRAND NEW COMEDY I porno erotic Tickets; $7.50 in advance movie must "POWERFUL!.!" " in see." DOTH SHOWS - 0 and 10-30 PM HILARIOUS!!" town." -Erica Eaton II II MEDIOCRE!!! -Andrew Sams TICKETS AVAILABLE AT DOOLEY'S AND AT BOTH Village Voice RECORDLANDS (LANSING AND MERIDIAN MALLS) The young man that gave you The Happy Valley Kid, Now brings his newest comedy to the MSU screen!!! Starring Scott Spiegel in a Sam Raimi Film. TONIGHT! BRING A FRIEND Tonight and Saturday SHOWTIMES: 7:30,9-30,11:39 PORNO TONIGHT AND SATURDAY SHOWTIMES: 7:30, 9:30,11:15 SHOWPLACE: Room 111 Olds Hall SHOWPLACE: 104 B Wells ADMISSION: 51.50 ADMISSION: 2.50 Students 3.50 Non Students U Society of Creative Filmmahini Friday, Nov. 17 (Dunn Ice Arena in the most intimate appearance of their '78 tour BRUCE FRIDAY, OCT. 20 MSU AUDITORIUM 8PM TICKETS: $7 50 & $8 50 SPRINGSTEEN Plenty of seats still available reserve(j "The Boss is Back" Tickets at the door & TICKETS ON SRLE SOON An ASMSU Pop Entertoinment Production Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. October 20 1978 17 Aatomotive « Automotive «, FFWJKO/SPEAKING Employment ji Claulfisd Advertising MUSTANG HATCHBACK- VEGA, 1973, 1976 Monza PART TIME, days or even¬ THE PERFECT part time job. HOSPITALITY INN NOW Evenings. Top pay. Must be HIRING FULL AND PART 1976, excellent, low mileage, engine. 32,000 miles. Excel¬ ings, 5-10- days per month, Information 355-3354; night 351-0395. lent shape. $800. 725-9779. Filing and mail processing, neat, dependable, have own TIME ALL SHIFTS KIT 12-10-31 131 7-5-10-23 (3) Reply M R. H.A. P.O Box transportation. Cail between CHEN, UTILITY, PANTRY, PHONE 355 1255 347 Student Services Bldg. 4-6 pm. 655 3931 8 10 31 15) GRILL COOKS APPLY IN 30085, Lansing, Ml 48909, Planning a spring move? Sell 5-10-20 (5) PERSON. 3600 DUNCKEL your kitchen appliances VEGA, 1973. Runs good, BABYSITTER WANTED 6:30 ROAD. LANSING ASSES quickly. Call today to place good condition. $450 or best SABLE TO BUSSES. offer. 882 5579. 12-11-1 (3) NOW HIRING floormen, 0AV> 1 day • per line your Classified adl Thursday in my South lan 5-10 20(8) waitresses, cashier, morning 3 days KK per line sing home for 2 girls ages 1. MUSTANG II- 1975 Mach I, VEGA WAGON, 1974. maintenance, and cooks. Ap¬ 3. Live in possible 394-2272 NURSES AIDES-experience n»;»nnnm 4 days-75C per line Automatic. Very Dependable. ply in person at RAINBOW preferred, however will train DraiDinnra I days • 7(K per line V8, air, automatic, radials, 8 10-31 (61 custom wheels, AM/FM cas¬ 44,000 miles. $850 or best RANCH, 2843 E. Grand River. on the job. Openings on all 3 nmimmrn sette and more. $2600, flex¬ offer. 394-0725.12-1 M_(3) 3 10-20 (7) STORE DETECTIVES junior shifts Apply at PROVINCIAL nrntinpnf*!!] line rote per insertion HOUSE SOUTH, 2100 Pro iimmnmm ible. 394-6516. 4-10-24 (5) VOLKSWAGEN DASHER, and senior C.J. majors pre COOKS-20-30 hours. No ex vincial Drive, oft Aure'ius station wagon, ferred. Full and part time. Call 1974. Low Road.9am-5pm Monday Fr. MUSTANG II 1974. FM/AM mileage, undercoated, AM/ perience necessary. Apply in 641 4562. 0-9 10-31 <4i Econolinei • 3 lines - '4.00 • 5 days. 80' per line over person to CONNOR'S WEST, day. 8 10-20 (81 stereo. 4 cylinder, 4 speed. FM radio. $2700. 321-3439. 3 lines. No adjustment in rate when cancelled. 8-10-26 (4) 3231 W. Saginaw, 1/2 mile UNIFORMED SECURITY of 42,000 miles. Excellent condi¬ THE KELLOGG CENTER Price of item(s) must be stated in od. Maximum east of Waverly. ficers-full or part time Cali tion. $1,625. 337-2707. *10-2315) 641 4562 0 9-10-31 131 CATERING DEPARTMENT sale price of MOO. 8-10-27 (5) VW SUPER Beetle, 1971. has job openings available for Peanuts Personal ads '• 3 lines • '2.25 • per insertion. Sun roof, automatic, many FULL OR part-time hostess, PART TIME cashier job at banquet servers. Cail 353- 75' per CUTLASS new parts. Runs well, body line over 3 lines (prepayment). OLDSMOBILE - and part-time short order East Lansing fair. $800 negotiable. cook positions available. Food CO-OP Rummage/Garage Sale ads • 4 lines • *2.50. wagon, 1972, blue, power $3 00 per hour. Math skills KIDS 3ACK in school? Sell 63' per line over 4 lines • per insertion. steering and brakes, air, good 337-2284. 12-11-1 (4) Evenings; Apply BACK¬ and friendly personality a AVON. Good earnings, flexi¬ 'Round Town ods ■ 4 lines • *2.50 • per insertion. shape. 332-0137. 4-10-23 14) STAGE RESTAURANT, Mer¬ ble hours that let yoj come VW BEETLE, '69. Automatic. must. Job will last at least idian Mall. 2-5 pm, Monday- 63' per line over 4 lines. Rebuilt. New tires & genera¬ until March 1, 1979. Apply at home when your kids do. For lost I Founds OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88, Friday. 8-10-26 (6) ods/Transportation ads • 3 lines • M .50 • tor, FM/AM. Asking $500. (f) COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES box 4244 Berkeley CA 94704 211 Evergreen by October 30 details 482-6893 1976. Power steering, power C 17 10-31 15) per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. Call 355-5980. 2-10-23 (4) 5-10-26 (8) brakes, tilt steering wheel, DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS collection work. 15 hour/ Deadlines cruise control, radials, $850. €04-8033 after 6 pm. VW BUG, 1970, 70,000 miles, good running condition, Auto Service / MMqdB M week. Flexible schedule, pri¬ office. Experience re¬ RELIABLE PERSON to stay TELEPHONE SOLICITA- with 2 boys while father is TION. part time evening work 12-11-6 15) vate Ads • 2 p.m. -1 class day before publication. $550. 351-0243 after 3 pm. MASON BODY Shop, 812 E. SUZUKI, 1976 - GT500. quired. Phone Mrs. Evans, working nightshift. Live in for local construction corn- situation possible. Refer- pany: ANDERSON BEERS Cancellation/Chonge - 1 p.m. • 1 doss day before OLDSMOBILE 1976, 96 Re¬ 8-10-3(M3! Kalamazoo, since 1940. Auto Good price/best offer. 339-3400. C-^0-20 (6>_ _ ences. 351-6131 before 2 p.m. CO. 372 6343 cr 489 7400 publication. gency. Four door hardtop. VS SCIROCCO 1975, excel¬ painting-collision service. 371-2368. 8-10-24(3) PART-TIME employment for 8-11-1(5) 7-10-20(6) Once ad is ordered it cannot be conceded or changed Black, (loaded). 641-6804. lent Tuff Kote, AM/FM 8 American-Foreign cars. 485- 0256. C-22-10-31 (5) MSU Students, automobile until after 1st insertion. Bath. 5-10-23 (3) track & cassette, new paint, Searching for a saxophone? WANTED SUBSTITUTE Find one fast in the Classified required. 339-9500. RESIDENT MANAGER and There is a M .00 charge for I ad change plus 50' per tires, TEACHERS for PORTLAND many extras. 332-3923. JUNK CARS wanted. Also section! C-22 10-31 13) additional change for maximum of 3 changes. OPEL GT, 1970. 1 owner. 12-10-31 (5) spouse to supervise and re PUBLIC SCHOOLS Call The Stole News will only be responsible for the 1st Needs some work. $700. selling used parts. Phone 321 - side with mentally retarded 1 647-4161 12 10-25'4! John - 353-2943 or 332- 3651. C-22-10-31 13) WAITRESSES & COOKS, clients in Mason. Excellent day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must be made within 10 days of expiration date. 6820. 12-10-27 (4) VW CAMP poptop, air, ice-box, Mobile, 1975, sink, Aviation X, Immediate Full Er Part-time. salary, room, board and WAITRESS HOSTESS AUTO REPAIR SERVICE. Apply between 2-4 pm. fringes. Contact Personel Of¬ - Bills ore due 7 days from ad expiration dote. If not PINTO-1975. Runabout. 3 332-0447 after 6 pm. MOON'S 231 M.A.C., East bartender cook Part-time, Brought to your car wherever LEARN TO fly, free. Line fice, COMMUNITY MENTAL door. Automatic. 4 cylinders. 12-10-31 13) Lansing, 351-2755. nights. No Sundays. Apply at paid by due date, o 50' lote service charge will you are, by Mr. "CAR- attendent needed to work in HEALTH BOARD, 407 W be due. Radials. Good conditior 8-10-26 (5) the DODGE HOUSE 415 E. TUNE.'' Free estimates. 332- exchange for flying time. Greenlawn, Lansing, 374- $1275 or best offer. 349-3821. VOLKSWAGEN, 1977, Sci- 7671.8-10-30 (5) 8000 ext. 273. EOE. Saginaw at Cedar. 676-4860 5-10-26 (5) rocco, 4 speed, many extras, PART-TIME SITTER. 2 & 4 12 10 25 (5) 8-10-24(5) like new, $5100, negotiable, 5-10-25-112) COMPLETE STOCK of re¬ year old boys. Prefer German PINTO RUNABOUT 1974, 882 1298 after 5 p.m. jj speaking 332-1115. - 4 speed, 33,000 miles, gas R-10-75 (5) built foreign car alternators, generators, and starters at Employment 8 10 24 (3) tank fixed. New spare & VOLKSWAGEN 1970 Beetle. CHEQUERED FLAG FOR¬ MATERIALS AVAILABLE AMBASSADOR, 1968. Clas- DATSUN B-210. Hatch, battery. Excellent condition. EIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 East JANITORIAL POSITIONS RETAIL SALES males, FOR HOMECOMING FLOATS - Runs well. $400. Phone 355- sic, runs good, good condi- 1977- 4 speed, radial tires, Best offer. P.T.O. Call 355- 3975 3-HMD (31 Kalamazoo Street. 487-5055. available, experience prefer¬ experienced preferred. FIRST tion. $250, 393-3610. Be* offer. 371-3631 even- 0024. 8-10-30 (5) One mile west of campus. red, part-time, evenings & DOWN, 127 E. Grand River 3-10-24 (3) ings. 4-10-20 (3) C-10-10-20 17) weekends. Apply in person, 8-10-24 (3) HASLETT LUMBER WANTED, CLEAN, used, im PINTO STATIONWAGON MERIDIAN MALL. Okemos. ARROW 1976 Hatchback, DODGE CORNET 1971. Good '78, Warranty, 4 speed, Call port and sub compact cars. ORDER PROCESSING clerk- COMPANY Call WILLIAMS VW, 8:10-2625) new tires, economical $1900. 694-9183. 4-10-24 (3) car, Mileage. $400.485-1279 days. 12-11-1113) 394-4615 after 6 pm. 6-10-20 (3) 484-1342. 0-14-10-31 <41 | IWwute |fae| RN-LPN permanent full-time position. Adding Machine experience 1486 Hoslett Rd. Hasletl, Mich. There's something for every¬ Acute care teaching hospital helpful. Excellent benefits. ASTRE~1975. HatchbackT 4 HONDA 1975, Like new. 100 speed, low mileage. 339-3624 FIREBIRD 400-1969. Cali¬ PINTO, 1975. Squire wagon. Automatic. Good condition. one in today's Classified Ads. Check them out for super miles. $450. 641-6750. has full and part-time staff positions available for experi¬ Call for appointment, 371-5550. AMERICAN EDU¬ MATERIALS CUT TO SIZE! after 6 p.m. 6-10-24 13) fornia car. All 94K 12-10-30 (3) power. Ml., most options. $395. 353- $1600, 394-5530. 2-10-23 13) buys. enced registered nurses and licensed practical nurses. We CATIONAL SERVICES. 8-10-26 (6) 339-0238 AUDI FOX, 1974. White with 5966. 3-10-20 (3) HONDA-4 cylinder, 11,000 PINTO 1974, 4 speed, 38,000 offer an excellent salary and red interior. Very nice car. miles. Beautifully chopped. miles, $1300. Excellent condi¬ benefit package. Please con¬ Best offer. 694-8511. Must sell, going back to FORD L.T.D. Brougham, tion. 353-3412, Jeff. tact Personnel Department, GOOD USED tires and snow 12-10-30 (3) school. Low mileage. Only 1973, loaded, excellent condi¬ 12-11-613) LANSING GENERAL HOS¬ tion. 332-4276. 8-10-30 (3) tires, 13-14-15 inch. Mounted PITAL OSTEOPATHIC, 2800 $2950. 655 4145 or 373 6997. free. Used wheels and hub HONDA 1978, 750. Four K. 12-11-2 (7) PONTIAC, 1972-Ventura. No Black with faring. Back rest Devonshire, Lansing, Ml rust, vinyl top, sport wheels. caps. PENNELL SALES, 1825 48909. 372-8220. FORD-1968 Galaxie. 80,000 E. Michigan, Lansing, Michi¬ and rack. Front row bar with $1400. 484-0595. 8-10-27 (3) 12-10-25 (14) CAPRI, 1973, excellent condi¬ miles. New brakes. $175. 349- gan 48912, 482-5818. pegs. Call Mike after 3 pm. tion, OK mileage. FLUM- 3066. 3-10-20 (3) PONTIAC FIREBIRD. 1977, C-22-10-31 (7) 332-6568. 4-10-20 (6) MERFELT STAIR CHEVRO¬ Red. Loaded with options. LET, 1191 E. Grand River. 393-8194 evenings. COME TO LEE MACGILLIV- SUZUKI, 1978 - GS 400. Williamston, 655-4343. FORD GRANADA, 1976. 2 RAY CHEVROLET and get Less than 200 miles. Kick Er 0-5-10-20 (6) door. Excellent condition. Air 5:10-20(3) the best price on a new or electric start. Loaded. $1900. conditioned. AM/FM, radials. RENAULT 17, Sports coupe, CAPRI, 1976-V6, 4 speed, 353-0953. 5-10-25 14) 1973. Excellent condition, used car. Call - Denny Nelson 339 8226. 1-10-20 (5) Cathy, 355-8960 after 7 12-11-6 (4) pm. A special chance to haunt AM-FM, radials, new ex¬ many extras. A driver car. haust. Very good condition. FIAT 131, 1976. 4 door, 5 337-0704 after 5 pm. that special someone in $1800. 485-0638. 6-10-26 (5) speed, AM/FM, 33,000 miles, X-5-10-23 14) excellent condition, $3200. TOYOTA CELICA1977. Radi¬ COMPUTERIZED BIORHYTHM CHARTS your life! 355-2766 after 5. CHEVY NOMAD Van 1978. 2 als. AM/FM stereo, de-fog- Have your biorhythm done by computer. Know 8-10-26 (4) heaters, auto, power, much ger, rust proofed. $4,000 or your "UP" and "DOWN" days and/or those o» A page more, call 321-6420. GRAN TORINO, 1974, power best offer. 675-7363 or 394- your friends, boss, prof., or whomever you of Special Halloween Peanuts 8-10-27 (3) 5705. 8-10-27 (5) Personal Pumpkins printed with YOUR steering and brakes. Air, choose. Just send the name, date of birth and lOOK HIRRIMAN CHEVROLET CAPRICE 1972, AM/FM, brocade seats, ma¬ TRIUMPH TR7,1976, Victory date on which the biorhythm is to stort, along VWVOIVO MAZDA-i MESSAGE will appear Tuesday, October air, AM/FM, power, runs jor engine overhaul and edition. Clean, loaded. 485- with a check or money order in the amount of *135 W. SAGINAW ' 31. To order your Halloween Peanuts well. $795 or best offer. brakes, 60,000 miles. 627- 9825 after 4 pm. 349-4381. 4-10 20 (4) 2910, evenings. 12-11-3 17) 12-10-26 (4) $6 for 6 months or $10 for 12 months to: 321-6900 Personal Pumpkin, just complete this form COMPUTER ONE ASSOCIATES, P.O. BOX 16243, MI Th til 9 (closed Sat. and mail or bring WITH PAYMENT to the GRAND TORINO 1973, $750, TRIUMPH IHG-1972, both CHEVY DELRAY, 1958. V-8 4 new tires (still on warranty). hard shell & soft top conver LANSING, Ml 48901. State News Classitied Dept. 347 Student automatic. Body good. $600. AM/FM radio, 627-5710. tible. Runs well, needs body Makes a great wall hanging! Services. 372-5337. 12-10-27 (3) 12-10-25 (4) work, $1250, Call 676-3898 NAME after 6 pm. 10-10-27 (5) _______ GREMLIN X, 1974, 3 speed, CHEVETTE-1978, 4 door, 48,000 miles, good condition, PEOPLE REACHER Don't store things you can't hatch. 4 cylinder automatic. $1390 or best offer, 332-7709 use. Sell them fast with a Sport handling, stripes, steel evenings. X-5-10-20 (4) hard-working Classified Adl belts, AM/FM. $3595. Phone 3558255. 663-8880. 6-10-20 (5) IMPALA 1976 air, AM-FM, DAY PHONE NO WANT AD - power windows, front seat, CHEVETTE, 1978. 4 door, 4 locks. Vinyl top, sport cloth ZIP STUDENT NO. speed. 9,000 miles. $3100. seats, cruise. Very good con¬ Call 627-9896. 12-11-1 (4) dition. 349-3122. 8-10-27 (5) line, including punctuation and ■AST Just complete form and in o LANSING mail with paument to: APARTMINT PRINT ADHERE. COMPLIX Slate News Classified Dept. fAake -the payment on the car Ji? Student Services Bldg. East Lansing, Mich. h88'23 Looking lor marrlod couplo. earn *100 Husband to do main tonce, wife - some Address . cleaning. a month City Will require 4-S hri./doy Hours will vary lor 2 or 3 hours a week of your spare time. Free Preferred Inrertinrr britc Aportmont + ALSO DEADLINE: donate plasma RESIDUT MANASEMENT POSmOH OPENING 2$ characters in e line, including punctuation and spoces between words. Monday, Oct. 23 You may save a life! SOON Print Ad here t's easy and relaxing. Be a twice-a-week regular Free Aportmont + 5 p.m. $10 cash each donation, plus bonuses. For further this ad worth $5 extra details coll CIRCLE RATE WANTED 4 lines-$3.30 New donors only. Phone for appointment. 321-63T3 nrainoniraorainHn between EjEnnrimcnmix] Mail or bring to: LANSING PLASMA CORP. omoEomnKOEO Stat# News Classified Dept. 3026 E. Michigan Ave. ancncnmrnmrn 347 Student Services Bldg. Lansing, Mich. 40012 between ararammrnrnm E. Lansing, Ml 48823 10:30 am not TjEjEiEnizj coram 332-8914 • i pi ) 4 Friday, October 20, 1978 18 Michigan State News. East Loosing. Michigan EnplOjmeit ji Employment fi Employment Hiises w For Sale | Per Sale ][^>| Peanuts Personal Service \ PART-TIME secretary, after¬ 2 BEDROOM, unfurnished HI Fl EQUIPMENT Demos & PENTAX ME SLR Camera, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! to FREE LESSON in complexion STENO CLERK, full time, care. MERLE-NORMAN noons. Salary negotiable. town house. 106 Bailey trade-ins, all with warranty. Canon TX, Mikkor slide pro¬ Monigue-M.S.U.'s own Play¬ accounts payable experience, COSMETIC STUDIO. 321- Must type 60 wpm, and pass Street. $275 per month plus Mcintosh '77 tuner. $500. jector, plus much more. boy Centerfold. 1-10-20 (3) miscellaneous duties, good 5543. typist, good references. written test. Apply in person, utilities. 11 month lease. Call Mcintosh 113 tuner pre-amp WILCOX TRADING POST, C-22-10-3U4| Have you spent your entire $ Phone Mr Clark, 351-0500, and Equal Opportunity Em¬ Friday afternoon. October 20, CAPITOL CONSULTANTS. INC., 1627 Lake Lansing 351 0359 4-10-2015) WOMAN HOUSEMATE $550. Bang & Olufsen 1900 turntable $229. Sony 755 reel to reel deck. $450. Dalhquist 509 E. Michigan. 485-4391. Open 9:30 am-6 pm. r n«mii ii7] MONTESSORI SCHOOL Is your child ready for school (continued from page MSU Women's 12) Varsity Club allotment for the term just in ployer 3-10 24(8) wanted, own bedroom, close but not old enough? MONTE¬ Road. Lansing. 3-10-20 (9) D Q speakers. $650. Scott 35 FRAMES OLD? Cracked? or VITAL TOUCH THERAPY in meeting at 7 p.m. Sunday, Varsity the past 6 weeks' to bus. $105. 485 7028. SSORI KINDERGARTEN has S Room on west side of stadium. watt receiver $105. Garrard Broken? Replacements at low Okemos. Body treatments for PART TIME person needed RN'S NEEDED full and part 8-10-20(3) turntable $39 MUCH MORE relaxation. $15. 372-8247. openings for 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 cost. OPTICAL DISCOUNT. Do you find yourself search¬ for shipping & receiving light year olds. Classes meet 12:30 time for Oncology and medi¬ NON SMOKER. female. 337 1767. HI-FI BUYS. 2617 E. Michigan, Lansing, 3-10-20J4) Minority Students in Engineer¬ ing for change In the pockets boxes. Must have own car. cal surgical units. Wages 0 5 10 74(11) -3:00 pm Monday-Friday. For ing sponsor educational seminar of last year's winter coat' Send name & phone number Large room 1 block off MSU. 372 7409. C 5-10-20 15) HELP PROFESSOR KEN additional information, call and benefits competitive with with representatives from Olds- to Box 201. Okemos. Ml. New carpet, twin and double BROKE? BOYER!!!!!! IF YOU HAVE 351 3655. 2-10-23 (9) area hospitals. Contact per¬ beds, couch, oak desk, RECORD SALE. We've mobile, Whirlpool, IBM and other 48864 3 10-24 (6) No need to be cause the HAD HIM IN CLASS, LIKE sonnel director, Provinical shelves, and more! Kitchen, moved to Frandor, but we are companies at 7 p.m. Monday, SANTA PHOTO Manager - Hospital, 1226 East Michigan Ave 485 3271. 3-10-20 <10) laundry privileges. space, no pets. $130'month Parking cash is in the bag or car! Sell for $$$ with the or coat continuing our record sale, i.e. $6.98 list price, now $3.99, ECON. 201, SEND A LONG LETTER OF APPRECIATION [Typing SOTiw ;ijg Eppley Center Teak Room. November 24 - December classifieds! Call Gail 355- ABOUT HIM, TO: as single,$150 as 2 person. $8.99 list price, now $5.99. Professor Challenger was a 24. Apply in person, MERID 8255. S-30-12-1 (7) D. HAMERMESH EXPERIENCED TYPIST, last IAN MALL OFFICE PART TIME, survey. Prefer Call 332 2598. MARSHALL MUSIC. Fran- Klingon in disguise! Attend the ROOM 1C MARSHALL' and accurate. Dissertations, Science Fiction Makeup Work¬ ably engineering students for ni 110.70 110) dor. C 5-10-20 (7) assignments SULTANTS. INC.. 1627 Lake room, pm at 351-4063. S 5-10 25(5) be. The SPORTS ILLUSTRA¬ Typing arranged. 332-5991. Bldg. If you attend classes at night, Vicki. 372 1697. 3-10-20 (6) 7Y} miles north of St. John's TED COURT CLUB in Oke¬ OR 2-10-23 (3) are just going to school TWO CASHIERS - 3 nights Lansing Road, Lansing. COMPLETE STEREO Com¬ on US 27 mos is hosting a pizza party 3 10-20 1121 FOUR BEDROOM duplex, from 8 pm - 1 am. It's pizza Special Education majors: Even¬ part time c do not attend at per week. Above average ponent System. All or part, CIDER ft DONUTS TYPIST TEN years secre¬ all. these assignments will 620 Lexington Avenue, East best offer. Call days, 373- and court time for only $5. - ing volunteer placement working pay Must be 18 or older. 1-517-224-3606 tarial experience. Laingsburg with adult mentally-impaired peo¬ RESIDENT MANAGER cou¬ provide the perfect oppor¬ Apply in person, THE WIL¬ Lansing. 339-8686. 7056, ask for Wayne; or You don't have to be a ple needed to manage apart Pick your own area. 65d/page. 651-6424. ple available. Inquire 26 Student tunity for vou to earn those LOW LOUNGE. 2006 W X 8-10-25 (31 evenings/weekends, 393- opples member, so if you'd like to try 2-10-20 (3) ment building in East Lan¬ Services Bldg. much needed dollars Sala- Willow. Lansing. 5-10-26 (6) 5827 2-10-20 (6) country gift shop racquetball, or challenge one sing. Must be able to perform 3 BEDROOMS, fireplace car¬ of our pros, bring your girl or EXPERIENCED, IBM typing, Volunteer openings left on the skills and or experience and 5H0NE SALES-tickets. general maintenance 351- peted, some furnishings. 10 SPEED English bike. $50 boy ' nd plan to come to 8135. 0-5-10-24 (6) Near $335 utilities Excellent condition. Call VISIT MID-MICHIGAN'S dissertations, (pica-Elite) St. Lawrence Psychiatric Unit and several positions require little Downtown Lansing offices, campus. SPO TS ILLUSTRATED 355 5980. E 5 10 26 13) larqest used bookshop CURI- FAYANN, 489-0358. one opening for recreational thera¬ tourly, evenings, hours flexi¬ 487-2166. Available now. Saturday night. Please call to C 22 10-31 (3) ble. transportation arranged. WAITRESS LUNCHES only X 12 10 24 (4) QUS BOOKSHOP, 307 E, reserve your place, 349-5500. py. Details 26 Student Services including Saturday. Perma¬ FOR SALE: Assembled Grand River, East Lansing, Check VOU H Call after 1:30 pm., 372-8459. 2-10-20 (17) nent full time position. Great 332-0112. C-22-10-31 (5) ANN BROWN typing, disser¬ 3-10-23(61 3 or 4 man. Very close. Heathkit H-11 Computer-12K pay and benefits. Apply in tations, resumes, term pa¬ Patient care, pediatrics, geria¬ Furnished. Good condition. memory-many extras- VITAL TOUCH THERAPY in person between 2:30-4:00pm. FOR THE best in stereo pers. 601 Abbott Road. North trics and post-operative volunteer MANPOWER INC TAXI DRIVERS, must have $350 plus utilities. Lease to 337 7840. 3-10 24 (4) Okemos. Body treatments for 601 N. CAPITOL JIM'S TIFFANY PLACE service, THE STEREO Entrance. 351-7221. positions available until Monday at excellent driving record. Full September. 332-1800 or 372- relaxation. $15. 372-8247. Downtown Lansing. SHOPPE! 555 E. Grand River. C-22-10-31 (4) Lansing General Hospital. Inquire 372 0880 and Part time. Apply at 1800. O 510-24 OLD UPRIGHT PIANO. 1902 5-10 24 18) <5)_ _ _ Kimball with exquisite hand C-22 10-31 (3) X 4-10-23 (3) 26 Student Services Bldg. VARSITY CAB. 332 3559. 5-10-70 (41 MODERN 7 bedrnom carved front panels. A real Attention small publishing PROMPT, EXPERIENCED, WANTED EXPERIENCED house. Furnished, carpeted, SEWING MACHINES-new. Women volunteers: Lead a FIND. $200 or best offer. Call companies. We may be inter¬ typing, evenings. 332-3492. bartenders, good references. clean. Near Campus. 393- Free machines from C-22-10-31 (3) small group of elementary stu¬ Bob, 484-4196 before 3 pm. arm ested in distributing your Apply in person, 7 pm at the 7368 0-15-10-31 (4) 8 10-31 13) $99.50. Guaranteed used ma¬ dents in an after-school activity. non-fiction books nationally ALLE'EY. 220 MAC. East chines from $39.50. All makes to bookstores. Send particu¬ COPYGRAPH Inquire 26 Student Services Bldg. ROOMATE, SINGLE girl to SERVICE, Lansing. 3-10-20 (5) PIONEER SX737 stereo re¬ repaired. EDWARDS DIS¬ lars to: complete dissertation and LAND'S END NIGHTCLUB share country house, 10 ceiver. 35 watts per TRIBUTING CO. 1115 N. Do you have the ability to teach minutes from campus. All channel. NORMAN BOOK DIS¬ resume service. Corner (formally the Dells) located at SECRETARIAL POSITION WORK STUDY Students Excellent condition. Must Washington, 489-6448. a skill? Share this skill by volun¬ TRIBUTING COMPANY M.A.C. and Grand River. 8:30 available sales office in Janitorial job at Center for utilities included, $150. Call teering in 26 Student Services 6336 West Lake Drive. Has- in sell. $175 or best offer. Call 02210-31(7) P.O. Box 201 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Monday-Fri¬ East Lansing. To an attrac¬ the Arts. 425 S. Grand. after 6 30 pm. 349-9311. lett Apply 10 am.-4 pm 332 5039 3-10 24 (6) Okemos, Mich. 48864. day. 10a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday. Bldg. tive, personable individual $3 hour 5 days per week 8-10-30 (6) LARGE RED vinyl arm chair Monday through Saturday, 8-10-30 (8) 337-1666. C-22-10-31 (7) 339 8194 5-10-25 181 with excellent typing and Flexible hours around your 24 ACRES, on rocker base. $40. Help children stabilize their lives NEAR LAINGSBURG. Colby rolling wooded, dictaphone skills. Experience schedule. If interested call excellent hunting on good 351 4946. 5-10-23 (3) through recreational activities. Lake Rd. Needed, 1 man for PROGRAMMER ANALYST with Mag card typewriters and insurance background 484-4403. 5-10-24 (7) country farmhouse. $75-100. river, 20 miles north of Battle INSTANT CASH! Were pay¬ Real Estate IIA i TYPING, Experienced, fast and reasonable. 371-4635. Volunteer for St. Vincent's, 26 Sudent Services Bldg. Creek. $760 acre, reasonable helpful. Receptionist and fil¬ STUDENT INTERESTED in 351-7497. O-17-10-31 (4) 371-4094 1-10 20 (5) • ing $1-$2 for albums in good C-21-10-31 (3) Modern growing 488-bed terms. ing skills also a must for this raw foods and sprouts, to aid shape. WAZOO RECORDS. MASON, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, Assist hearing impaired children Lansing Hospital has an in recreational activities at Michi¬ immediate opening for an diversified position. Call in food preparation in faculty FACULTY HOUSE from De¬ 223 Abbott, 337-0947. Cape Cod. $49,500, will con¬ TYPING-TERM papers, IBM. 351 5400 for interview. Applos - Cidor gan School for the Deaf. Inquire experienced programmer home. Send resume and cember 26 - July 1. COM¬ C-22-10-31 (4) sider 9 3/4 land contract. experienced, fast service, Call 8-10 26(13) qualifications to 347 Student PLETELY furnished. Fire¬ Built 1973. EACO Realty, 351-8923. OR-22-10-31 (3) 26 Student Services Bldg. analyst in an expanding data processing center. Services Building, Box D-4. place, family room, and 3-4 BLOSSOM ORCHARDS 100 USED VACUUM Clean¬ 676-5660 or 676-2743. Ideal candidate for this CLERKS-ADULT bookstore, 7-10-76(7) bedrooms. References. 332- 2 miles N. of Leslie ers, 1 year warranty, $7.88 12-10-31 (5) Tired of being broke?r Get Tonight at Tolkien Fellowship, VELVET FINGERS. 489-2278. 3101. 12-10-26(6) Hull Rd. and up. DENNIS DISTRI¬ we will play the War of the Rings challenging, salaried position on fast cash by selling things 25-10-31 (31 BUTING COMPANY, 316 N. FOR SALE by owner - Walk Card Game, 8:30 p.m. Union will have 3 years experience (Old U.S. 127) you no longer use with a in systems analysis. COBOL programming and implemen¬ NURSES -RN. LPN, GPN. ll¥1 HOUSEMATE WANTED for attractively furnished home in HOURS: 9am-6pm CLOSED MONDAYS Cedar. 482-2677. r-??-10-31J5) to campus and Wardcliff Elementary from this three fast-action Classified Ad. Call 355-8255. Tower Room. Join the growing field of the West Saginaw Waverly PHONE: 1 -589-8251 bedroom ranch. New roof, The Zen Druids' First Memorial tation of applications in the GRETCHEN II hiking boots. UNIVERSITY VILLAGE, ) Gift Pockages Human Sacrifice takes place at 6 medical field Experience in geriatric nursing. Charge area. 2 bedrooms available, $40. Size 7",, women's. Call new paint, inside and out. EXPERT TYPING. Term pa¬ nurse positions. 11 pm-7 am. bedroom, unfurnished. $195 Shipped UPS New carpet, full storms and tonight, Union Tower Room. Burroughs data communica¬ fireplace, stereo, color TV. Excellent benefits. Individual month. near campus. 332-8136. E-5-10-24 (3) pers, letters, RESUMES. tions would be desirable. Call before noon. 321 3800 central air. A fireplace, gar¬ Near Gables. 337-0205. Bring victims. orientation or refresher avail¬ 394-2404 after 5. 5-10-23 (3) In meeting hospital goals 5-10-24(8) SOFA, 86 inches long, like den, patio, and huge lot on a MARANTZ 1060 stereo am¬ C-22-10-31 (3) for a total information system able. Outstanding team new, only 3 years old, must quiet street makes this more MSU Simulations Society ONE FEMALE needed for EAST LANSING, 1 and 2 plifier, 30 watts/channel. Ex¬ from 12 to 8 p.m. Saturday, the Data Processing Depart¬ awaiting your leadership. sell, $235, 482-5161. cellent condition, $125. Call than just another house. UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS meets Contact Mrs. Siddall at PRO¬ furnished apartment next to bedrooms. Includes central 334 Union? Modern armor minia¬ ment is developing on-line 5 10-20 (4) Drive by 2788 Roseland (off campus. 332-4432. air. car ports, dishwasher, 371-5467 after 5 pm. COMPLETE DISSERTATION applications such as Person¬ VINCIAL HOUSE SOUTH, Hagadorn north of Grand tures and boardgames will be OR 9-10-31 (3) 8-10-27(51 AND RESUME SERVICE - 882 2458, Monday-Friday, drapes. From $220. Some HAYNES-SILVER flute. Ex¬ River). 351-1316, Suzanne, featured. nel. Admitting. Registration, typesetting, IBM typing, off¬ 9am- 5pm. 8-10-20 (12) pets considered. 332-3900 cellent condition. WILCOX days, 351 -8889 evenings. Utilizing Burroughs. Hard¬ SUBLEASE - CAPITOL Vil¬ ADVENT 201 A cassette set printing and binding. For and Software. days. 332-7461 evenings. TRADING POST. 509 E. B-2-10-20 (14) Do you have a general interest ware DENTAL CHAIRSIDE assis¬ la near campus. 1 bedroom, 0-15-10-31 (7) deck. Unopened, full war¬ estimate stop in at 2843 E. Michigan. 485 4391. in women's areas and research? The hospital offers an out¬ unfurnished, $220/month. Grand River or phone 332- tant with experience for or- C 5-10-25 (4) ranty. New $400; now $265. M.S.U. NEAR. Perfect family Volunteer placements available in standing fringe benefit 332 5273 3 10-23 (3) 351-3595. 3-10-20 (3) 8414. C-22-10-31 (8) package that includes 3 weeks vacation and tuition thordontic office. Liberal ben¬ efits. Days call 482-9695, evenings, 321-1763. BIRCHFIELD APART¬ Roses 10 DISCOUNT, NEW, desks, chairs, files. BUSI¬ used, WOMEN'S 5 speed bike. home on quiet street in rural setting. Two story with pri¬ vate back yard. Act now and LOW RATES-Term papers, 26 Student Services Bldg. Tuition vouchers (Constitutional refund after 1 year employ¬ MENTS. Sharp 1 bedroom resumes. Fast, expert 12-10-23 (5) PRIVATE ROOMS in modern NESS EQUIPMENT CO.. 215 Great condition. $70. 489- move in for the holidays. typing Revision Proposal H) will be ment. The hospital offers for rent. 394-6943 after 5 pm. house, near campus. Fur¬ 7647, keep calling. E-5-10-24 Jay and evening. Call "G" E. Kalamazoo, 485-5500. Upper 50's. Barbara Hoopin- discussed by Kay Boucher, di¬ paid holidays, health insur¬ MAN OVER 18 to work 2 or 3 12-11-3 13) nished, carpeted, kitchen. Typir 321-4771. 8-10-26 (4) ance pension and income O 2 10 23 (4) garner 699-2428, Brokers rector of Council Against Paro- nights a week in Party Store. 393-7368 O 15 10-31 (4) Inc. 351 1880. 7-10-27 (9) chiaid, at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, protection mensurate Salary is com¬ with experience. Apply in person only at 1920 N.Larch. Lansing, 9 a.m.-2 SUBLEASE CEDAR Apartments 1 block from Greens EAST LANSING, nice house, DO YOU WANT TO SLEEP WITH THE BEST TONIGHT? r (i«iiMII ifvi hstrictiM Unitatian-Universalist Church, 855 Grove St. Apply in confidence to: campus. 1 bedroom, fur¬ ROSS P. ALANDER a m References. 12-10-31 (6) nice people, will negotiate all See the finest in quality FREE KITTENS. Double Recreation (fi nished, $210,'month. details, leave message for 337-8101. 4-10-20 (4) waterbeds at the SLEEP Rush Prism, the little sisters of ASSISTANT PERSONNEL RN or LPN for skilled nursing John, 332-7334 5-10-20 (4) pawed, various colors, RIDING INSTRUCTION - DIRECTOR SHOP, downtown Lansing, 351-3646 after 3:30. HAYRIDE. NEWLY acquired Triangle Fraternity Tuesday facility, excellent wages and East Lansing. English hunt- E.W. SPARROW HOSPITAL FEMALE NEEDED for own ROOMS IN 4 bedroom fur¬ across from Knapps. E 5-10-20 (3) equipment. Additional rides through Thursday, 242 N. Harrison benefits. ILPN's start $4.90/ 484-9300. OR-2-10-23 (7) seat, indoor facilities, Beginn¬ Rd. Call for information. 1215 E. MICHIGAN AVE. room in two bedroom apart¬ nished house. Lansing. available. CRAZY C RIDING hour.) Call Jane Phillips at ment. Non-smoker, 394-6234. ing through advanced. Con¬ LANSING. MICH. 48909 $7250 plus. 332 5622 BLACK PERSIAN - Regis¬ STABLES. 676-3710. Jean CARN 332-5061 8-10-25 (5) 57" STEEL DESK. $100; Coat tact - A non-discriminatory. Affir¬ 5-10 26 (3) tered, 2 year old male. Leav¬ 5-10-20 (4) 332-3876 B 1-10-20 (3) racks, $18; glass & chrome STABLES. 3372794 or HARVARD IMVERSITY mative action employer. NEAT APPEARING for table. $70 351-7391. ing state. Must sell. $100. 371-3926. Qf -1-10-20 5-10-25 (45) men 1 Female 2 ROOMS. 1 for resident 394-2497. E 5-10 26 14) HIMALAYAN TREKKING: (7) KENNEDY FELLOWSHIPS, 1979# machine helpers and counter F 610-76 (41 Join other curious, hearty work. Also waitresses. Flex¬ wanted for manager (about $65,month), Groduote follow awards for TELEPHONE SOLICITORS- other for $145'month. Real USED TYPEWRITERS HORSE BOARDING - Oke- souls for culture and natural Wntri ible hours. Part time. Ask for FURNISHED APHRTKKT Royal Elite, $15, Smith-Coro- - environment study at Harvard's John F. Ken¬ part-time, 5 pm-9 pm. Salary Mr. Bertrand. Apply 10 am-5 close to campus. 351-3820; mos. Indoor arena. Box stalls, explorations. plus bonus. East LAWN next to campus leave message and phone na office. $25, others. Dan $80. 394-2094, 349-2172. Journeys, Box 7545, Ann nedy School of Government ore pm. daily. MARVELLANES QUIET MATURE student available in the areas of: MEMORY GARDENS. 349- number. 12-11-6 (5) Eck, 351 8660. XE-5-10-25 (4) 12-11-6 (3) Arbor, 48107. 1-313 995-4658 9180 8-10-30(51 AND LOUNGE. 2120 E. M-78, 332-4432 5-10-23 (6) looking for an apartment/ East Lansing. 48823 room in house in East Lan- 5-10-25 (8) FREE ROOM and board for SOFA BED, $45, 61i feet, ALASKAN MALAMUTE FEMALE ROOMMATE want¬ COME TO the orchard. Bring STORE DETECTIVES-junior puppy, purebred, female, ex¬ sing/Okemos area, 349-2052. ed. Own bedroom. Washer female student in private folds flat, Herculon, excel¬ a lunch. Enjoy picking your 5-10-20 (4) and senior C.J. majors pre¬ cellent disposition, markings, SECRETARY BOOKKEEP¬ and dryer. $80 month plus home in exchange for baby¬ lent, 332-6663. 15-10-24 (3) ferred. Full and part time. Call a $100. Call 641-6451 after 5. own RED and GOLDEN DE¬ Fellows will be chosen from ER. Immediate opening with utilities. 393-9856. 8-10-26 14) sitting with one child. Begin LICIOUS APPLES-a bushel, a 641-4562. 9-10-31 (4) C-5-10-26 (51 When you're gearing up for among successful applicants to East Lansing firm. Good now or winter term. Write Al TUNER SONY ST3950SD. FEMALE ROOMMATE need¬ peck or a truck load. GOLD¬ those ski weekends, don't the Master in Public Policy Pro¬ typing skills and ability to use Excellent sensitivity. Must EN KNOB ORCHARD. 4389 UNIFORMED SECURITY of¬ ed for 2 bedroom, Smith, 2300 Montego Drive, FREE KITTEN. 6 months. All forget to check the sports gram. adding machine necessary. 2 bath E. Pratt Road. 651-5430. ficers-full or part time. Call Good pay and benefits. Call Lansing, 48912. 8-10-27 (8) sell, $200. 485-6603 after 6 shots. Gray Calico, long hair. equipment in the Classified A representative from Harvard's apartment. Contact Judy at 641-4562. 9-10-31 l3> Mr Robinson. 351-1310. pm. 3-10-20 (4) Call 351-0881 after 5 pm. 12-10-26 (10) sectior.. 355-0180, or evenings at Kennedy School will be on cam¬ OR-7-10-27 (7) 349-53218.10-26 <4, 2 ROOMS in 3 bedroom pus on Monday. October 23, to SECRETARY. BOOKKEEP house. $66/month. Frandor OVER 2500 cheap albums 5^5-10-24(3) HORSE DRAWN hayride. FEMALE ROOMMATE-own discuss the Public Policy pro¬ ER SALES 55 PLUS WPM GRADUATE FEMALE needs area. 485-5758. 8-10-27 (3) 251 and up-all types-hits to AKC BOUVIER-Black female, Call for an appointment after PROGRAMMER - IMME¬ h#»rirnom frae arrn«Lc to liv- gram. Please check with Place¬ TYPING REQUIRED Flexi¬ ble. responsible person need¬ DIATE opening. in COBOL. Fully trained female to share Rivers Edge Apartment. Smoker. Fur¬ SINGLE FURNISHED, kit¬ the obscure. FLAT,BLACK, & CIRCULAR, 541 E. Grand spayed 1 year. Good watch¬ dog. $135. Call 371-5242 after 4 pm. 676-5928. 4 ,0-24 ,3, 'SZSSX"J£ house on bus route, to East ment details. Services Office for further College graduate chen. Parking, very close, ed for active office. Salary with at least an Associates nished. Two bedroom. No River above Paramount. 10pm. 6-10-20 (4) Good benefits. Re¬ deposit. $120/month. Avail¬ utilites included. $90-$120. Open 11 a.m.-6 p.m., 6 I Colo IffVl Ca" 372 0990 late open. degree in D P. Excellent ben¬ able immediately. 332-0785. Lease to September. 332- days-351-0838. 1 Rummage sale " V1 evening or 882-6649, for Holly spond to Occupant, P.O. Box efits. Apply with resume and UNUSUAL KITTENS - 6 2-10-23 (7) 3 10-20(6) 1800 or 372-1800. C-22-10-31 17) 17066, Lansing, Michigan, college transcript to MICHI¬ weeks, free to a good home. 48901 5-10-23 110) GAN MILLERS MUTUAL 0-5-10-24 (5) Call 332-2210 after 6 pm. NOTICE NIW EXCEPTIONAL 1 bedroom. NEW USED and vintage STARTING OCTOBER 24th, WANTED-USED micro- INSURANCE COMPANY, E-5-10-25 (3) GAME ROOM personnel. 2425 E. Grand River, Lansing. Sub-lease December 9th. In GARAGE, $25 per montl.: guitars, banjos, mandolins, MSU salvage yard will be scope. Call 489-1774 between DIMINSIONS Young ladies preferred. Good Ml. 8-10-30(10) East Lansing, 332-4277. Outdoor space, $15. Near etc. Dulcimers and kits, re¬ FREE KITTENS 3 males, 1 open to the public Tuesdays 9am-5pm. Monday-Friday, pay-($180/week and up)- 8 10 27 Dooley's. Sue. 332 3398. corders, strings, accessories, - female. All white, 6 weeks and Fridays, 7:30-11:30 am. 5-10-26 (3) in COMPUTUS® 1-10-20 (4) 5-10-23 (6) benefits and pleasant work¬ DELIVERY HELP wanted, books, thousands of hard-to- old, litter trained. 332-5528. HOUSECLEANER- 8 hrs/ NEED TO SUBLET 1 BED¬ find albums (all at very low ing positions. Excellent posi¬ must have own car, apply at ROOM APARTMENT Unfur¬ E-5-10-24 (3) MOVING - EVERYTHING week. Time flexible, $3/hour. tions for student, full and LITTLE CAESAR'S today af¬ prices). Private and group part-time. Apply in person only CINEMA X. 1000 Jolly ter 4 pm. 5-10-25 (4) nished. 6928.3-10-20 $205/month. 394- (3)_ _ _ I For Sale Jf^] lessons on guitar, banjo, mandolin, al! styles. Gift cer¬ I MeWU diiis fH must go Saturday. 902 Gains- borough. East Lansing. 1-10-20 (4) Okemos-349-0711, 5 p.m. 8-10-31 (3) after S41 Building (517)337-2850 Road O 22 10-31 (9) INTERNATIONAL FEMALE PROFESSIONAL to tificates. Expert repairs - free TWO STUDENT tickets for 541 E.Cr Rlvar HOUSE OLYMPUS OM 1, Black body estimates. ELDERLY IN¬ OF PANCAKES now hiring share new home, South Lan¬ and/or vivitar series macro-20 FLAIR, 1963-2 bedrooms, FOUR FAMILY Garage Sale. Indiana. 332-8822 before 8:30 STRUMENTS. 541 E. Grand E. Laming. Ml 45823 MODELS $10/hour. Apply for third shift. Busboys $3.00/ sing, $200/month. 394-6555 om lens. Must sell. Call Eric- stove Et refrigerator, new October 19, 20, 21. 9 am.-6 am or after 10 pm. VELVET FINGERS Call 489- hour, waitresses and cooks, evenings. 12-10-27 (4) River, 332-4331. 374-4223 8:30am 3pm or C-22-10-31 (13) carpeting, skirting, partially pm. 1325 N. Fairview. Cloth- S-2-10-20 (3) 2278. 25-10-31 (31 negotiable. 2800 East Grand 641-4053 nights. furnished. $2,600. Can be ing. Household Items. River, East Lansing. 2 BEDROOM upstairs apart¬ EARN $8 per day hours work. for three Eat lunch for 8 10 27 (71 ment, central Lansing, only minutes to campus via 496. S-5-10-23 (5) TRAVEL TRAILER - 26' seen 1-5p.m„ Saturday and carriage, self contained. Very Sunday, Mobile Home Man¬ *""°141 Round Town [fl WHITE MONKEY burn-out good condition. Can be seen or, lot E17. 484-6431. free. ROAST Apply BEEF. at ARBY'S 270 West PERRY PUBLIC SCHOOLS $175 + electricity. Call 485- are in need of certified substi¬ 6958, 7-10 pm. 12-10-26 (5) bongs-only $2 (collector's edition). The only full line of at 6426 Rosedale, Lansing, or call 393-0518 after 5 pm. 3-10-20 17) |StrticiLCP CASTING the "Odd Couple." October 23, 24 at Grand River (next to the bus tute classroom teachers. EAST LANSING, 1 bedroom head supplies in town. Whip¬ 3-10-2* (5) BLUEGRASS EXTENSION 2300 E. Michigan, 7:30 pm. 6 Please station). 3-10-20 '6) contact the PERRY SCHOOL business office at 625 3104. 3 10 20 (7) modestly priced. Some pets considered. Phone days, 351- pets, pipes, papers, clips, waterbeds, tapestries, and all your high supplies. 117 N. SKI BOOTS 11 shell, - Nordica. Size $75. Good shape. G5T«H] SERVICE parties. plays weddings, 353-9695 372-3727 or 339 1119. days; men, 2 women. 484-9115. 3-10-23 (4) COCKTAIL WAITRESSES. 3172. 0-15-10-31 (4) Harrison Road (across from 337-0297 5 10-25 (8) LOST - SNOW Lion green C-22-10-31 (4) LANSING CIVIC PLAYERS Now hiring. Part- and full- WAITRESS PART-TIME 4 BEDROOM, partially fur¬ Sir Pizza). 11-9 pm. hooded jacket. Keys in lower present "Fantasticks," Octo- time. No experience neces¬ weekends Must have neat 4-10-20 (9) USED MEN'S Shirts, extra right pocket. Lost in East SAVE MONEY. SAVE ENER- bet 20.21.27,^. Tickets 44.50 nished, Lansing home. $375 sary. App1/ in person. HUD¬ appearance. Apply in person plus utilities. References large, very, very cheap! Up to Lansing. If found, call 372- GY. Winterize doors, win- 'or. «.50 for Sen,or DLE SOUTH, 820 W. Miller after 6 pm. COREY'S 487 9461 or 482 7050. NEW WATERBED supplies, $5 a shirt 355-3887. 8789. 5-10-25 (4) dows, and minor repairs. To, Tax Citizens and students. Reser- LOUNGE. 15011 South Ce¬ E-5-10-20 (4) vatjons ^ 434.9^5 or 5-10-24 (6) Mattresses from $36; Heaters dar, Lansing. 8 10-27 (6) 8-10-25J52 from $50. Call John evenings, LOST-1 blue wallet. Identifi¬ exempt. Free estimates. Call 434.9191. BL-1-10-20 (7) NEAR PENNSYLVANIA and cation: G.H. Call 394-6743. 487-3204. 12-11-2 (5) 332-6703. 8-10-26 (4) GIBSON SG custom pick WAITRESSES WANTED. ONE MAN'S tash is another Kalamazoo, 3 bedroom house 2-10-20 (3) Rake in the extra money you ups, good condition. Also Now hiring. Part- and full- No place to store your bicy- can make by selling no¬ man's treasure. So turn Carpeting, garage, and large GIBSON, FLYING-guitar, Guild Starfire, hollow body time. No experience neces¬ your tash into cash with a yard. Prefer adults. $225/ 1966. New Rolan, jazz chorus with Gibson humbuckings, FOUND SAMOYED. Okemos de? Sell it for extra cash with longer-needed items with a sary. Apply in person. HUD¬ CLASSIFIED AD. Call Peggy month. 351-7497. area. Call after 6 pm. 349- a low cost Classified Ad. Call low-cost, fast-acting Classi- amp. Call 337-2672. excellent shape. Call 485- fied ad. Phone 355-8255. DLE SOUTH. 820 W. Miller. at 355 8255. S 33 12-1 (5) 0-17-10-31 (6) 4728. X-3-10-20 (3) 355-8255. 8-10-30 (3) 6958 7 10 pm. 12-10-26 (7) 5-10-24 (6) I Michigan Slate News tost Lansing. Michigan HAGAR the Horrible MALL A OATIS (dlDofly tSvlhiifMDfte SPONSORED BY: TONIGHT! by Dik Browne T8tickets , pm MSUstillAudi torium available. (i)WJIM-TV(CBS) (IQ)WIIX-TV(NBC) (ll)WilM-TV(Cobl») ()2)WJ»T-TV(ABC) (23)WKAR.TV(P8S) TELL THAT FPENlcH BARTENDER Nous hard to translate I WE WANT DRINKS PESIRONS VIM (12) Donny it Marie 11:00 ON THE HOliSE ! SUP LA Friday (12) General Hospital (23) Washington Week In MAISON 9:00 (23) Crockett's Victory Review (6-10-12) News (6-12) Phil Donahue Garden (23) Dick Cavett 8:30 11:30 (10) Marcus Welby.M.D. 3:30 (23) Wall Street Week (6) New Avengers (23) Sesame Street (6) MASH 9:00 10:00 (23) Villa Alegre (10) Johnny Carson (6) Incredible Hulk (12) Movie (6) All In The Family 4:00 (10) Rockford Files (10) Card Sharks (6) New Mickey Mouse Club (23) Soundstage (11) MSU Hockey—MSU vs. 12:40 (12) Dinah! (10) Munsters Ohio State (23) Mister Rogers (12) Star Trek (6) Movie (12) Movie 10:30 (23) Sesame Street (23) Congressional Outlook 1:00 (6) Price Is Right (10) Jeopardy! 4:30 9:30 (10) Midnight Special PEANUTS SPONSORED BY: Featuring My Nails per¬ manent, natural looking (6) My Three Sons (23) Visions 1:40 (23) Electric Company (lO)Gilligan's Island 10:00 (12) Movie by Schulz fingernails. Coll for appt. 11:00 5:00 or info. 337-8290. (6) World War II: G.I. Diary 2:30 (10) High Rollers (6) Gunsmoke (10) Eddie Capra Mysteries (10) News (12) Happy Days (10) Bob Newhart 10:30 3:30 (23) Villa Alegre I (12) Gong Show (6) Carol Burnett & Friends I SAVE :T 11:30 (12) News SOMEHOW I HAVE THE WRE AFTER LINUS'S (23) Mister Rogers TO THAT (6) Love Of Life 5:30 FEELIN6 VOURE TRVIN6 TO BlANkET, ARENlWOV7 (10) Wheel Of Fortune (10) Mary Tyler Moore MSU SHADOWS GET SOMETHING FROM ME U)Ell,I DON'T HAVE IT! klTIV NEXT POOR (12) Family Feud (23) Lilias, Yoga and You (11) WELM News by Gordon Carleton with this comic! Pete s! Albert at MAC (12) News SPONSORED BY: " under Moon's 11:55 (23) Electric Company (6) CBS News 6:00 12:00 (6-12) News (10) America Alive! (6-10) News (11) Talking Sports fSlHC-Z oofc *W£ /O£iO SUITE.-MATE'S, SHoiXON'T we. Sn/fe THS.M SOMS.TWIU&J \ (23) Dick Cavett ' (23) Adams Chronicles SOITfc-^T P*V" ? } Today'i tpwial 12:20 6:30 (6) CBS News Lin) f V£S — loi'u. 6IU£ THtM (6) Almanac 12:30 (10) NBC News FRANK & ERNEST SPONSORED BY: (6) Search For Tomorrow (11) Potsi (12) Ryan's Hopef (12) ABC News by Bob Thaves 1:00 (23) Over Easy (6) Young and the Restless 7:00 (10) Hollywood Squares (6) Six Million Dollar Man eupCpE ON PivE (12) All My Children (10) Joker s Wild 1:30 (11) Financing Government DOLUAR5 A DAY 71 (6) As The World Turns Services (10) Days Of Our Lives (12) Brady Bunch X CAN'T Bv6N (23) Infinity Factory (23) Off The Record 2:00 5TAY HOME FOR (12) One Life To Live 7:30 (23) Tele-Revista (10) Please Stand By that! 2:30 (12) Mary Tyler Moore (6) Guiding Light (23) MacNeil/Lehrer Report (10) Doctors Inputs 10-10 (23) Over Easy 8:00 3:00 (6) Wonder Woman (10) Another World (10) Project U.F.O. THE DROPOUTS SPONSORED BY: CAMPUS low gas prices PIZZA by Post TRAVELS WITH FARLEY SPONSORED BY: Plus by Phil Frank 7 and dou&le 7h&r) -worked CHIEF.' THE ■\/r INfiATON? TEUTHEM PEOPLE WANT ANSWERS 1 To cur ftCWV OKi RICH togging tine. x wcw5ers Fo% FROM YCUONfhglR Foots... ^ . r— ihleep rangers in! the eAgle rancher* m we iNFLAT/oV PPcBt£H// —V $amwest are 06ueved northeast are shooting to be shooting down pcwjn maraupin& sheep, , EAGLES, WHICH THEY watcw? ( / who else \ v the rdrinjav of the / lotsa luck? i uses a ] v punctilio set. s i campf/re ) \snuffer? / SAM and SILO- SPONSORED BY: LIBERTY BELL PRESENTS: FRI. NOV. 10th by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker CROSSWORD STEVE MARTIN PUZZLE Lansing Civic Center i'm Hanging A lot of it that conversation went ACROSS 26 French rivet ( tickets at CCII downhill in a Hurry SPONSORED BY: Civic Center Box Office in there 0 hanging 1. Unfavorable 27 Cross decision 28 Rapture OUT 5 Ret flax, hemp 30 Jest with there 8 Copy 31 Turmeric 11. Fairytale 32 Ship-shaped character ornament 12. legislator 34 Negotiating 14 Toothed wheel 38 Becoming 15. More curious insolvent 16. Ancient Greek 40 Laugh city in Sicily 41 Slighted D0W« 4 Deserved 18. Act of adding 42 Hebrides island 5 Recompense 19 Japanese porgy 20 Indite 43 Turn right 44 Cypnnoidtish 1 Faithful friends 2 Curved molding 6 Responsibility 7 To Scottish .if iSHoRANCfi 22 Concedes 45 Herb W 3 Spoken ■6 I? |iA"l I 8 Obtained from belladonna 9 Elizabeth \s BUSS, i-p BEETLE BAILEY SPONSORED BY: tom scon BRAIPTBRJtiorI ~ I Barrett J Browning live At Dooley i by Mort Walker Sunday. October 29 I 10 Falter OFF THAN i AM n Ji.r- ■ ■ zo W1 2117 French p,le marshal looks like x we sot rid here comes think we can the new get the old P — — —I 22. Place ol refuge our petition j of that tough guv back? I 23 Money worked/ / calisthenics instructor . ~T ~"l 24 Sedative ^ instructor I 25 Diatribes 26 Earache _■■■■■ 29 Great amount » » w 33 Girl s nickname , 34 Scott 35 Power 36 Baseball leam 37 Biting insect 31 Iheleasl bit 39 Swiss canloei «1976 Univenol Press Syndicate Friday, October 20, 1978 20 Michigan Stote News, East Lonsing, Michigan THE MARIE Soccer CURIE Made masterpiece ^Evening LONG SEARCH Germany Symphony 4 SUNDAY, 8 P.M. SUNDAY, 10P.M. SUNDAY, 6 P.M. o r SUNDAY, 11:30 A.M. CHANNEL23 CHANNEL23 CHANNEL23 CHANNEL23 CHANNEL23 WKAR-TV IS BACK ON THE AIR YA1 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY TELEVISION Black Perspective MBKAROGCflS1 THC -OnTVNews-v NCIGHDOflHOOD CtCCTOIC COMPANY *• OFF -"J ©L? SUNDAY. 4 P.M. and 11 P.M. CHANNEL 23 THE RECORD FRIDAY. 7 P.M. CHANNEL 23 WEEKDAYS, 9 A.M. and 4 P.M. CHANNEL23 m WEEKDAYS,10 A.M.and 5 P.M. CHANNEL23 WEEKDAYS, 10:30 A.M. 5:30 P.M. CHANNEL23 WEEKENDS. 8 A.M. SATURDAY, 9 A.M. We Interrupt Great ©Wills) sMrtfli JThisWeeSS JtiliaChild s^Drflit "e s* Company^ Ana Performances iiri. f WEEKDAYS, 2 P.M. and 6:30 P.M. MONDAY. 7 P.M. TUESDAY, 8 P.M. TUESDAY, 8:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY, 9 P.M. CHANNEL23 CHANNEL 23 CHANNEL 23 CHANNEL 23 CHANNEL 23 ONCC UPON IF I AM Nova Crockett's ncinssK ELECTED Victory—>■ FARM DIGEST SUNDAY 7:30 P.M. SATURDAY, 7:30 P.M. SATURDAY, 6 P.M. MONDAY, 10 P.M. THURSDAY, 8 P.M. CHANNEL 23 CHANNEL 23 CHANNEL 23 CHANNEL 23 CHANNEL23 The tele- O HIGH SCHOOL COMMUNITY MUSIC FROM Dick CavettShow MICHIGAN STATE TUESDAY and SATURDAY, 7 P.M. PREMIERES THURSDAY, 7 P.M. SUNDAY, 7 P.M. WEEKDAYS, 6 P.M. and 11 P.M. WEDNESDAY, 7 P.M. CHANNEL 23 CHANNEL23 CHANNEL23 CHANNEL 23 CHANNEL 23