s. c. Utrur last Unjing. JUctfc EDITORIALS— The C« Mh (ivsrt RASTLANSING^MICHIOAM^PBlJRSD,JAY, OCTOBER 7. 19:57 Today'* Co-eds Frolic Will Frosh, Sophs Hannah Says MSC Present Will Campus Kit ii>a Visit At Fall Groups Stage Skits Carnival;ToWageWar D«y I B ni i From Roaster n Will Bar Profs rm Ad No member of the faculty-*wil be welcome of Sigma Epsilon. Men at the first meet in Just for MSC Budget Is Uncertain Varsity Show on National Hook-up United Suites army Flying , Rod llrenngn Will Phty at change, the boys are going t l|i|ir Athenian* Kruliire l'u|i|M-t Will Kxree.l |.u»t I'oal-Rarbemr Panee June H Travis. March held, Cali- the icy stares of the profs Wnia. dropped in for an over. with hia uncle and Shim in due of Mine She Will Steer Op|. 13. hand out the marks Sigma Epsil«. wh A ear". Murk. MSC Men U it having Special RzhiIIi*. (iarnivaJ Course a closed "bull session T| L.., pr,«icient and Mrs. Roliert R Monday afternoon Lieu- and want U> urge all frchman sophomores la refrain from h> propose additions and "ons lo tflr business To Meeting T,au<. who is the son of }S. Hostl'MM'S organized rushea and save all tin. course The resulfs t3l«.OI7 fl-.l in it. budget t. . President Shan Shan - brother, flew from . . hireder- >\ ill Sliith Prob¬ iur fighting spirit for the Miami and New York City, II « t *«> A# ClOAVIIH resolutions which Hannah announced yesterday lem* at B.i-- Iziikt* Picks Committee am, when- lie will go to Spokane, Muckrell, sophomore pre ed, without any returning to March I iiincltive. Ihrltedra Plnv* chairman of the annual fresh? a member of the man-sophomore Th«Tmembers of this junior Ijirur.l College* ill I nilcil for I til nee Tonight ill army air oorp nouneed yesterday. The senior honorary should certi J After his conference with P >iiitc. t.n AWUt iiction at ! litm Annex. will be held at 7 30 p hgve plenty of complaints and Irkfc ober 13. in Demonstration hall. Stations to get off their cl Program. full for Field day 4 j alter two or three ;or less enforced silence the j Last year the damage done to lecntivc committee requests THREATENS IMtOGK\\| center of ;. t- and Robert Nick Phillips. Haslwv J t year class at the Dur u the iei at 209 Btirchum pi gram, the Vaisity club will h activities j un- El N|»w INI HI \s| |) • to inter play ball to- as Sta'e J jnounce the winner of field day. * tot«l of 43 a s . ( H.ta xNU DOI GHNI TS ,or " on WKAR I. I. Hi. Aubochon, Phillips, | The food committee has com- ' s',|n.in flu pleted arrangements for serving in4t , sUd 1,1 ™ .1 \ Hannah, colli if teammates at j ;the cro Party lo A|Hk a Hanb.v and F.u high aciiool, Gary.i i sunriuu gallons of poetry reading f»35 Ha si us played j Monte (,'arlo Far ii It \ Member, *tur* I INI W. Swiiil Neu.oil Vi illi hat r HI R\NI» CI * Physics (iroup I IliM SIihIa I hilt Plans Display Names I if lcgale I omiIiihii mi trlisl MII.Mt HANBV n la.mic Inlierilaiice* t opic in Drake at Princeton l" human Mr Drake has tt*.i j.i .;t speech classes ir ( D Maui * '« and Philadelphia IzOacH ThoniiK Nation"* No. I Human Dviiamo • ■ - • means of the stroboscope. <.ur,d waves, fundamentals, and HolLn.li r i. Champion Keeps In Trim Training "Nine Old Men" -i.ff tones He will also show 8»»nu« I,.f < ,h laor.n r w to take the picture of a r.ipully moving body at any parti- 4'its U Iii Good Lowell A demonstration with liquid air dubbed N< "'.or ,.nm* b, Financial Shape a. ,i be given by Dr J C Clark dynamo. I A" "lib .Mi The ItM meeting will be closed by S. *»■" -buh M now lux.-. 1.1 H Dwight. who will duiot a tal- \eeepl.Strullimorc I'lul candle through a pine plank his famous h,« lli-l.l i- Krilu.'.'il. Nine Old Men. form with his r Ml ft-lrrx Kx|M-rimml« Rwrivn Srl-burk < urprnlry of Kedrii* - tple of house- h. -h.- botany drparlmrnt. Prof Besides his nightly broadcasts, *' < uhngswiMwt Unually remodel been exr 1 the c ity had a - n department Ray Nelson's experiments with Lowell Thomas spends two nights * fptcd sub- m their heiite. B R cMh ball 69.994 34 'zl.gtit-M-sistant celery have re¬ h week from 10 p. rr. until dawn - d.:f, of the Union, and Tax o have also been ceived a severe set-back Seed for.-^recording for newsreeis. and is at *r'*r l-'ruon board Koranlj mem- larger th an in any prev,- , the new variety being developed 'his office every morning by 9 *ere Alwl ut ILnlwr Honir • n-jcntally cutting a new »u* yea June 3d, 1937. here has to be grown in California. o c lock, fhi top of .11 this he pub- »W*I> w lobby Tue»- the delinquent bixc> receivable Because of i lishea two book* a year, and has H the architect Th» Alpha Gamma Dolta Muth- rainy season there. ap- amounted l - $14,383 "I as com- | already turned out 50 volumes Plan to place an pared to $29,541 31 on June 30. tr -. . lub met at the home of Mrs : His lecture here 7:30 p st m. ^ R «a»t end of the 1934 V Gardner. 205 University veed has tjeen redu Saturday. October 9, in Demon- « \our.g, Thu ^ East I^arising has reduced its drive. Tuesday afternoon. 30 pounds. This 'stration hall, and one the follow- *i**i-r,reded ventilation m bonded debt by $$.(HK) This leaves Mrs Howard C. Rather gave a interfere with Prof. Nelson's < ! ing night at the Detroit Museum. | ml make t, mor* • balanc* of $121,000 80 ui b. paid very interesting talk on her recent periments until a new supply are the only two he will deliver ule. Gene Tunney, The door would by on W.400 •inki.u fund trip to Europe neat year. 1 this tell, although he has previous- Hegler. Heywood Broun, Secrrtar ■' !h* dMk. wher, Uw Mrs J A Bee be poured at the ■ ly been giving about three a week. f>f Treasury Morgenthau, Captain nt. t. T*™*i»l Ubl.t now tea Utile which was spread with The I lace cloth and decorated with jjvent The* two appearance# will pre- Frank llawks, C olonel Stoopnaglc. Mau li him from being present at and Composer Deems. Taylor. •••< mici flowers and candles of yellow and Vn*UI' j the moat impr>rtant game of his mention just part of the team, will Alan ' ' luc«l advtrtiim iansified ads cost little, pay l {"Nine Old Men's' baseball sched- meet Col Theodore Roosevelt, Jr "s hu.- . big. MiCHlGA* SikVIZ MEWS the activities sponsored by the various Behind gidtigan fifatc News groups. In The Rough S * The carnival is a part of the freshman the Tnimday. TVtr*tlny counselor system, under the supervision of the Associated Women Students' council. With Harvey Harrington — Ball Well, we think thel', jui, about ot it, regular meetlni et.«;so"t''| ■nun for this initial «et-to. We're day evenin*. in the tea romr. TO THK C TNICS Although the big sister system is com¬ WHk JACK PAKKBR Cynicism is rarely spontaneous And when it is. it heralds a mon to many campuses, the carnival, warped outlook on life that could hardly be classified as a healthy planned for women by women, is unique mental condition. "Behind the Eight Ball"— in that all organizations do cooperate in pre¬ Collegians, however, often confuse cynicism with intellectuality — sort of a funny column caption, 'Estiil, when they can talk out of the corner of their mouths, can conduct isn't it? Gives me a running 1937 Monbrt 193* senting a preview of their activities. Thirty-one co-eds at the Uni¬ start with two strikes orf me at a tirade against things that be: then they have elevated themselves versity of Nebraska were ex¬ B. A. FaunceCo.. In(. FUsocialptl CoUcftialo Press Increasing success has market! the his¬ to a higher intellectual plane, lifted themselves by their bootstraps, the off-set Each Thursday in posed to infantile paralysis Dotnbutor of tory of the carnival. Last fall a crowd of this column, we're going to gaze when a grade school teacher coeds that filled the gym annex thoroughly The ability to bandy words. t<> '-ast baleful aspersions against into our crystal (mike) and re¬ Gollefcide Difiesl enjoyed themselves in the informal atmo¬ youthful enthusiasm, are the stock in trade of the cynic. It is he view last week's programs, and who considers himself the ter- also try and give a hint of what's sphere, characterized by clowns, noise- ribte ge who devastates to come. In other words, radio's First Church of Christ, Scientist, Editor, the ten backs and heads that OLA GKt-ZER makers, and cider and doughnuts. But with an aptly-turned phrase, •.•lilted from such "set- reviewing stand. managing editor withal its carnival spirit, the event accom¬ who condones with Bing Crosby, popular master of Lansing, Michigan a patron¬ other schools ASSOCIATE EDITORS of ceremonies on the Kraft JEROME KRIEGER. HAY TURNER plishes a serious purpose in that women izing verbal pat-on-the-head. CORDIALLY INVITES YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS Why don't the campus cynics sho\frs. will return to the air TO ATTEND CO-ED EDITOR RKVEHI.Y SMITH new to the campus have a chance to get catch on to themselves'1 Yes toniglit at anew time, one hour SPORTS EDITOR GEORGE MASK1N started on a part of their college careers 10 o'clock. "Old A FREE LECTURE oh OfltSYMN S0ENCE they ' later, or which may mean the most to them. ORGANIXRD GAMER Arkansas Bob" Bums will con¬ For years the student govern¬ tinue to fill the hour with his BUSINESS MANAGER RORERT REFIOR ment organizations strove might¬ stories of Van Buren folks and WII.I.AHD WHITE ASS'T BUSINESS MANAGER The Music Hall has TOM RENNETT Itanisli Home Sickness ily to re-instill the old rah-rah their antics WII.I.IAM WALLACE PORTER, ('. 8. It. ADVERTISING MANAGER spirit into the freshmen. The always been a popular program, at New Trek City ASS'T ADVERTISING MANAC since its inception, and plans for HARRY WII-SON Well-known on most college campuses lack of this spirit was bewailed hand—"These frosh this fa If make us feel that it's CO-ED ADVERTISING MANAC 5EH ANN HARRIS It follows the on every is the fourth-week slump. provide the bodily aren't like were—they've go' going to he better than ever. KEITH CLEMENT we obviously desired tr CIRCULATION MANAGER activity of Freshman week, the excitement Try it tonight—WWJ at 10 p. m the EASTERN H1C.H SCHOOL ACDITORII M of rushing, and the concentration required the FACULTY ADVISER LLOYD H. GEIL opinion. And Another popular TI'ESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 12. AT 8:15 P. M for the initial adjustment to classes. It the is a»genera I let-down, often characterized series <>f "Varsity Shows being liv more acute home-sickness than any ex¬ sent through WJZ. New York The frosh battled'the sophv 4?OM»l"«RN *Vl Htft TO"" N ' perienced before. These all-coUegiate programs the sophs battled the froth. No¬ formerly heard Friday night at Perhaps in this ease being fore-warned The Class llmttim will lead to l»eing fore-armed. it may be comforting to the new At any rate, student body But are was the covered with level-headed observer looking ahead, and they glory see at II will he taking over their new spot tomorrow night at It we're not mistaken, the closest fl KURD'S The revival of the freshmnn.iiopho- who has decided that this campus has no local station carrying "Varsity Show is WXYZ. Detroit Try it mar.' annual class names this year »•>' the place for him to know that others have anyway—it's one air presents - Student council should add materially to felt the same way in the past and have the significance of the huryinu-of-thc- survived. u la hatchcl ceremony at the annual barbecue, However, there arc more concrete form Wednesday. Oetolau HI. of comfort than the rather dilute one that ODD still the thuiH Men cd both classes should fret a lot misery loves company. The most effective COMING 1'F- i the Detroit < fun out difficult a task as one's lirst reaction would suggest. Mo>t STI'H llfcl'AKTMIAI- sonal animoMitc between the freshmen and campus organizations have already begun their year's program and all have made traclilion thai keen riviilrt should exisl. definite provisions for the inclusion of new Enthusiasm for the games should not be students. For the men, there are the Y. lacking, but Hud enthusiasm should not M. P. A., the Independent Men's league, in¬ tramural sport.-, and various departmental arm- ami ley- f">' 'lie participant-. (tubs. For coeds, the Coed carnival starts After the pep mcctiiiK Friday night a all women's activities off with a bang to¬ D1AI (N'T OI VOI R WAY night. Jh- k Benny s new fall show I 'pperclassmen might well consider the WWJ. Sunday. • p tn t oiipti' ..I sophomore* m the Red Cedar fourth-week slump, too Much can Ih» done Charley MacCarthy. hiig.u Fortunately. the frwhroen ware fairly imply through eontaits with the new stu sane a Pun t th«* whole alfan . even per dents to make them feel that they belong. milting them-che i« •" talked out id And it is certainly the part of even cam¬ "Th, Big Apple « ' dui king "in- .Htiplmmnrc who told them he pus citi/en t" share in this orientation. It h i,I ;i , (i|t| | . those they dpi duck the\ in neither likely nor advisable thai all new ■« id 11 t !• 't lit students w ill tind the time and inclination ( at. that the celnhrwnt • for extra curricula!* activities. The quiet- Jk ei, more reserved freshman will apple i l * ah' e-pc» mil an interest in hi-. affair ami the few minutes taken out for a coke oi a tuhMaJbtnit 'more . i hat. than a el hod . elf-a- FAIR WEATHER FRIEND So They Sav (Ih Associated Collegiate Press> ' It - a woman * world. A tin as man i which ha- been dotihled-erossed " A cynic' .J'i"t a- Ntatt turiKMi back Michigan la t Satin Mgh from Prof, li I Sat ket' «»t ecoiiomn doe.- t.hi- Uevci'Mtble (.untbined To|g(»ut and B. at the I niversiti oi Mississippi, that tit Saturday. October turn lutek the weather. • ut.t —ltd woman can -pend more than he h inch Apple Satire t ake, each tin Inn Bran Boll-, per diuen stu! I rewh Frozen Cherry I'te. each It" it giani i'M'ktllg TojR'OUl OIH» t»IM' aide, li' t miiamon Apple-, each am! >ou have a waterproof tiubardtm Kan Monday. October II I base that on obs H>e Bread, per kmf and college Imard i uller-. per dozen The I wits ( m art Two ( oats In Our important null) an tm»re often -waxed by ©motion Tuesday, (K'tobcr 1 than A "you're him' «• Ui \-ott>' Ihtte Nut Spier Cup t akr- per dozen *22m women to ingle college president- ami iirulcsMii" Macaroni and ( hee.-r, per pint lb V irginia t . liiUlersiecvc, dean of Barnard t i'liege Wednesday, Oetotn'r I'i Listen to HI KITS Football Review (IV tT I racked Wheat Bread, per I: aii in the mind ami in the (ruiiltum Ice Box Cookie-, per dozen . Max frolic*. The tail that it's apitug WJIM each Friday eveaing. 7 to 7:15 • « > ' mean a thing A man can be juat • otitic if the oil heater i.- turned to Thursday. October 14 The A.t 4w i tig beat or if the car heater is behaving Mukr Your Guts* «-\ idcn.,\ a, leatuc it s Octo- | ' Square t hrwriate or While lake, each — Moil it to properly." The fancies of poet Tennyson - •ci now Wc appoint V- Del- I V oeoattti! I ream Fie. each ' pari it ipate Booth1" an set up by young man can turn lightly tn love in any tell them A we; a I ■ men - campus orgaiiuati m m- well -eason. thmks Prof. M A. Tinker of the Robert T» lor. there s an Li nest Hemingway nodding «v.i rest- | I Friday October 15 . publications, in order thai • ten-sted ps.wholggy department at the I'niverMty i . Bills in DMfe.t wu» Italian Spaghetti, per pint mat discuss them with tin tuctulwr- of Minnesota. gu up h for them if they chi from that fairly serious part of m v 'If you have a Phi Beta kapivt key ami actually a Mwht0gn State >ob- station Saturday night natural or And by aupematur*; means Brus it Sugar luukie*. per fioien AV/RC7S < segment of an Ohio State the organizations will piv-»\i! ®ijf Jtiuti ^[aob » iiiiig. a iiukel. you can alwgy.s get a tup of cot- ^ijopj hearing .section located itself in Te " Miami L'tmerKtv'- practical Prok—v . puUr.i Ba.'to. , ^;zao a; v illustrate some ph.» ♦ of V atter wound.-. a »our keynote. -jeezr> like z pjMr w*tth her. Thursday. October 7, 1987 Fall Par Opera Singer Fill Week- Will Appear Junior Honorary f Here Monday Prof and Mrs. H. R. Hunt entcr- tained the members of the /oology Only a limited number of i department at an informal party will be available for mounted pn>S Blue Key. junior me. j*tinli*nlD ^ ill bf Ailmilled lo Com'ert Willi ary, dance will sponsor in the Union its F Diva's Appearance Here Is First mrhc F.ast Lansing Women's club ened its fall season clock luncheon and musical pro- with .< 1 last M Sunday in their home. and Mrs. Ira Crissman re- j os during the hours mentioned »ttempttm Coupon Bookn. ning Bob Siegrist wi turned Satiirday from Following Arrival From Knrope — i the afTair, which is rl J\jl«;ul.ch 1 *n,ram Monday in fasX at the Peoples craise to Central America. They . Oins, Cigna, French-Italian dra- students J, Bouquets •i^itcd Spanish Honduras and The night the ■""4 flowers and tapers centered the Guatemala • c soprano, whose first season same , They also spent some and Lambda Chis h! the Metropolitan Opera during a time in New Orleans where they ' BILL PORTER 1P36-'- pronounced "of his- house parties at their visited the historical French Mrs. Ira H. Whittemore. the new importance." will give the abodes, while Student 7 ing a dance at the gyrT yesident, greeted the members ORCHESTRA • recital of the college concert ; On Saturday night, NoI#mI id introduced the following of- a. f. * m. next Monday night at 8 . 10 in Peoples church. supply the music for Mrs. W H Barton, vice- Ndtuio was lavish in bestowing the Delta Chi. Hermit j indent. Mrs H. C. Barnett, c: • gifts on Mine Cigna, whose -tie talents first revealed them- gina cigna Gamma Rho. Beta Ka| Kappa Phi houses In # j asurer: Mrs R L. Shaw. record- M'ulpi i Lowell \ secretary; Mrs H. D Hoot m m. , . - in painting. She was sent ; ballroom the Thetas • ;ho Academy of Fine Arts in ! not have a single vocal lesson bc- guests will dance at cn s leadiiVpspnnriing secrets r y. Mrs. wiU . t • develop this gift At the jorp j marie my operatic debut. .rin|t i» V Boguc, historian, ■ time she studied piano at thi Don't forget that tc . . sajcj Madame Cigna, thus smiling- he talks «T ,rma Wh,t,cmore Soule sang ;s conseivatory, making such jy corroborating a rumor that the Union at ♦ o'clock the World t '"'lowing numbers, accom- >,client showing that she was , New York musical connoisseurs .rded a gold medal. found hard to believe. • ^ \*TorND8 CRITIC'S Unquestionably she was the most I did j important newcomer that faced \v> it is quite true that Conner Proceedi Woman is Named To Library Board v|r-. VlillMini. \|>|><>iiili-il •• by Ma LI rrimoi gina cy Present Aid Mahcr. Ca. • , : u» Commiltpi-M.-iiiImt. Barnhat: Minute- • Vr: O' : I 1 Meir ' meeting read and held Sep- approvod te hSd".. the Central School on Frida m i It from Mr October 8. 1937. ;i» 7:30 p. tn . ' L ' ... m A w• nominate the following city oil i»f r : carding watei service on F e ^t . r ., enue was received ,*1 City cleik. two ttldermci • i r> ..i -d n;, Mi Wright Hairv W Lott, Chrn. V 1 REED Frank Mitchell E L Grover. a new collar attached to " Capi-el St.-'..« K.. t Unaitig Elect: Corp ic W Co 54" 1 ' U.S.,/. ,1 to the nn utt.-aKi', t'.ti -nl t t . i i iid 1 vn; ' ...:i j'l've .tic \1 " ' :ntc ' '' WMI X1' " .111(1 H ' Mi K 1,1 ' ' a li»hn- |,< W c-Mf: well-rounded (ORAL GABLES con I our distinguishes . , \ ibis am.irl Id iin introduce >uii collar—designed lo "embrace" the cravat a- shown 4 ill r i m 1 ian 1 uioii worn with i pin We feature the ItKKII u» plain Oil IS-14. in "Sporlowtt Stripes" ol l^sl l a using ' " • '■ ' ' pl..t t»e eolored oxfuid clothes and smart distinct stripes. accepted CLASSIFIED • a »wnnky "First Now I'lay ing Fornix Nch (.roiipx Kdilion Neckwear ><2 in DICK SNYDER K Millll \l«M- III i ..".ku .^Mvam.Vi M.ii Made by Hand style.' AMI HIS KAMI M:. higan 'supnly ^ 77 Illll lC-l sltoiwii. sv It—" Itrrroaini |.uMl..ll... SMALLS b> "Heau Hrumiwell" « • an • Roeheker C'ati t'n f>' in I he durable pet - EVELYN till.I. '••I l>ing 'Barathea.' \ Cat rt Bem- Fa.-t I-an.Mru! State Bank 2ir.mi0 \nd htm youTI like Barker-Fowler Ele. C » l« «1 It I'to- In l.ln.k Well the color fuL ofiKinal KIR Mil K UA! host N I A X p-i t' eriis. Nothing Doubledw> Bro, M 44 HAIKU r E L Dean I. fLun« 1 75 smarter really! d lutlleiicut) _C . . . Harold Ha on 8 >« | SMALLS BROWNEU Barber Shop Ma Dan * Linn 2U3H8 --r- -u-: II s M«%hlii(toii tir 213 M. A C. A>». Mi' h Bell Telephone ('«» i » 70 MtilMl Aludr I'hone 5-260.1 : ' A^l Mahrr Michigan Co. t! 40 fjttitlily nnrl slvlf you'll never Plet/. k Son t 30 h;t \ i• l,o tt|)ologi/.e for.. reRHrrl- Young Broa Hardwaie 59 40 Supported by Aid Maher and lesi. ol coiniiHriNoii lit itiiv price! ' TKKADWKLL'S ind KriMiritn; ..rued Yea- hart and Mat.ei Aid lard. Barn- ? Rlli I'uli.hro I. live*. Elf. By Aid Card Resolved, ti.at the «iiy engineer r\( (/itt&z Y'*a> Aidi-rmen Caul, Bainl < t and Manet NNimrI Hlaiikrts H By Aid Card Hrfcoived, that the city vngipcr be Mfid hereby u» directed to p ■ - \ \ \ USE TALON tuiiumiio pair a plan, ptoflle and oelli: -tie Fell Pillows 'it to»l l>>i Uir t urbing and nia k- to|.ping and other neteaxai . ap- j pui teiMitie* on Sycamore Lane,, Banners S that Division street m Bailey street, j .ind rcpoit the wirn- to this coun- : .1 1t..VM) 'lip n Vpective fund- fo. cit Pennants • Trcagurei ct . %UU> 37 Carried. Yea* Aldrrmen Card. Barnhart ] Un Minje over two fitinoiis Rosiouuiti and Maher. Mag ' IIM anil Frit Novelties Marjorie Suoa/ -0 00 Council adjoutued Ih*I* l.jitteiJ for their comfort* HARRY W LOTT Frrd W Shaw 2A.Q0 j 11>11 lit .itiij Br' Water and LiOt i^gii' bcd Jo City Clark j iliiiCi'-liij|Uiii(j i|ti*1 Y .yo Ad ■ . i hp I«-JO Insist oa Gettiag the Bon! in bsnc-c Mumic. Be nure the Orchestra ' L»mc 1 Alger Lo *7 W Yea Hire ia .Member of the State College Book Store AuMiri Weslart. Kuao a Machinery Co Li 'j6 J Barker-Tow kf lUectru. Co 77 M Geiaid Briar Jante» Brian 2.00 2 00 AMttKAN FEDERATION ol MUSICIANS Ul WiMMWr LANDING boftaio Meter Co L00.24 SOCIAL CHAIRMEN. UN 2-7046 ot 3-2944 lor a Lilt of A. F. ol M. BAND.-. Capttoi City Blue 3.43 MiCHiOAfc Si'ATK NBWS Oetoko- 7, i»37 Bach man Names 37 islon of, — In The With Rough Harvey Harrington — ■ke Manhattan Trip jojan 41V State Harriers Open Season TO 1 L. lloitii-roiniim 1. Frimodig liny today Team Ready Li"<* StalwiCX; Cyniclhm is rarely spontaneous And when it is, it heralds a warped outlook on life that could hardly Ik? c lassified as a healthy College Run an¬ nounced the annual Homecom¬ ing Day football game will l>» For Battle mental condition. Collegians, however, often confuse cynicism with intellectuality j () linose II * • Tomorrow in All The Spartan varsity crmw-coun* Mansfield up from the freshman when they can talk out of the corner of their mouths, eon conduct staged here November Ul with try squad fares its first test of team of last year. * I CarnoRie Tech taking « n th« I n (v o t h a ni a tirade against things that be; then they have elevated themselves to a higher intellectual plane, lifted themselves by their bootstraps. dnt Next tiie season scheduled in the all-college run for tomorrow The first varsity meet is sched¬ after¬ uled for Saturday, October itj, noon at 5:15 o'clock. against Butler on the college The ability to handy words. i<> «.• t baleful aspersions against Injitrrtl Slimililrr Mii> I'rr- youthful enthusiasm, are the stock m 'rade of the cynic. It is he ■ '„."l ei«*«r. Rrturn Coach I-aurerv P Brown reports course. Unless something unfor. . who ronsiders himself the ter¬ i.oi-ti|t of lOnnl I Jill- the largest turnout in the college's seen happens the Spartans should VMil \l IMi'lmlil Krom "' history. Fifteen varsity men are enjoy as good a season, if not bet. rible scourge who devastates the broken backs and heads that i>in|c Teuni. l'lii\inu Snliinlii». with uti aptly-turned phrase, have resulted from such "set- expected to compete, along with tor. than last year's. who undone* Willi :i patron- " 30 other State harriers The larg¬ With the addition of Prey and i in „ih,., vhnnl, [HIV ANIHMON est turnout previous to this year Pager, and Mansfield to the varsity lata* vnrhiil pal-on-th,-h«0 , „„ jn 1||)y w,y „rtviK,nl. was in 1935 when ranks, the da lor s should pro v.- Why don't the campus cynics j fur||ier encouraging of up on plays and pi catrli ..n to thnrnwlvn.? Ye., tough to beat. The only member B,„ „ W(M „ "•"or, rrt., at East Is, lost through graduation was Cap¬ why don't they'' school this week as t ORGAMIKKI) (iANKN r Par. will defend the title tain Nelson Gardner. rivalry to the underclass- prepare f«.r then gar which includes For years the student govern¬ i a field Although the I. C. 4-A. meet has been the disorganized lit Central at Flint. S« ment orgnnir.ations strove might¬ members of last year's I. C. carded for the middle of Noven - which has had the "fun" ily to re-instill the old rah-rah championship team, bcr. the harriers are pointing f, ■ vi gone by Pushing the spirit into the freshmen. The defeat- I-ed by Captain Ken Waite, the that meet. It will be remember. < ine ball and pulling the mpuses lack of this spirit was bewailed that State has carried away Nor tier! Mikn.i vu-h. vrlrriii,,^^ the on every hand— "These frosh fed for national recognition honors for the last four years :c i r has fall Besides Waite. Green. the Spartans need only to win t Prayed a power *Uerm,nt • «, Sparks, Butler. Grantham, team title once more to seen And finally ci Hills from last year's team. possession of i i the old pepper Fi*HIs 0|MM oo definitely it buttled the soph? I A'ague Pla\ I YI I II4M at tied the frosh. No it defeat Every SUCTION: N with glor> ml AI I MAV START I fi tla* todav " Said ddle Pitmen gained the qusr- Suart# a leu minutes later In fknals af the Stale amateur Slegel "Whose pat did you . Campus Coal llatt Jarrartl. another links hit tiled HK wav la (hi- quar K nig hi frosh tackle, linal* t»f the Junior Itistriet. a All t ltv In Detroit In 1411 -lilted jind slit kM idle l.tldle %bdn. yearling guard Heholastieallv state'* var- > team en loved a 1.4.1 aver- ■ last year The freshmen M At Kit II \\ I IHlKs I.OOIl >1 \ I CO \l II < \|.| > ElllME 1*1.\II4 | . 1*1 \ I M/ED II \l I'll \f K. \ SWEI.I * RESTEER MAN llhi >S. "III.- Il.lt Mt Reserves I'lay HERRINGBONE DRAPE • l.rrv'» • Uro«\ (NI • T.i Ion 7. *30 hi fhe most fashionable circles this new model holds full sway . . Study the illustration above Note the witie sloping masculine shoulders, the subtle folds in the cheat, the natural draping ripples ut the sleeve head and the closely fitted waist That*' style fella * with a Capital "S". HkOSITCIIEkwBROS