TurfComms v. 14,1.8 ^^»ipm Aug. 17, 2003 PURPOSE: To pass on what we learn willingly and happily to others in the profession so as to improve turf conditions around the country. TO RETIRE: Dr. Douglas T. Hawes announces his retirement from turf consulting as of the end of this year. He is giving up his consulting to more fully enjoy retirement. Doug's Grandparents introduced him to the profession of golf and golf course maintenance 63 and 52 years ago respectively. His grandmother started teaching him golf and then his grandfather hired him on the family golf course when he was in high school. The early introduction to golf, without the attributes, meant that he never played better than to a 12 handicap but, he still enjoys the game, although now playing to a somewhat higher handicap. After he came back from two years in the Army his high school counselor pointed him to the 2-year program at the Stockbridge School of Agric., Univ. of Mass. Here he graduated at the top of his class; then stayed at the University to obtain a B.S. in Agronomy. From there he went on to Cornell for an M.S. in Horticulture. During these years he worked at Winged Foot Golf Club in Mamaroneck, NY and two other Northeast golf courses beside the Paskamansett Links he grew up on. His next move was to the Institute of Applied Agriculture, Univ. of Maryland. Here he served as the Turf Management instructor and advisor for 11 and V2 years. During that time he obtained his Ph.D. in Agronomy, Associate Professorship and tenure. Then it was on to six years as a USGA agronomist and Director of the Mid-Continent Region of the Green Section. He was fired from that position by Bengeyfield in 1984 for refusing to move to New Jersey. TURFCOMMS is published at unpredictable intervals by the editor and publisher Douglas T. Hawes, Ph.D. 3517 Deep Valley Trail Assistant Editor, Cynthia Maddox Piano, Texas 75023 e-mail: dhawes@dallas.net (972) 867-0176 web site http://www. geocities, com/turfcomms/index.html He then became an independent turf consultant and horticulture teacher servicing clients all over the U.S. Dr. Hawes will continue publication of TurfComms for at least one more year. TurfComms Mr. Justin D. Weeaks and Michael A. Maurer Landscape Horticulture Department Texas Tech University Lubbock, Texas Dear Mr. Weeaks and Maurer: May 13, 2003 Never got an answer from this letter but it has some thoughts for all I read your article Subsurface Irrigation Offers an Efficient Alternative in TURFGRASS TRENDS/GOLFDOM, May, 2003 with interest. I can remember hearing of this first from a researcher in Delaware, I believe his name was Dr. Mitchell, who was working on products from Dupont back in the 1960s or early 70s. I have a few questions I hope you will have time to answer. First, you suggest, "When using well water or municipal water that is high in soluble salts, a screen or disc filter should be used." Do we now have on the market filters that will remove soluble salts? How is subsurface irrigation going to be efficient if within five years 95% of emitters are blocked? Are you saying one must have trifluralin impregnated emitters, or inject something to kill roots? And, if so, will not this restrict root growth? In your Conclusion you note that "there was an accumulation of salinity during the growing season but values returned to pre-study status." When? I assume what you are saying is that the build up of salts was flushed out with winter rains? What if these hadn't come? If turf growers are going to be intelligently convinced to put in a subsurface irrigation system they must in addition to short term efficiency be convinced that the system will last a long time and continue to perform close to optimum. I have yet to see any long term results. Do you have access to such data? Yours for Better Turf, Douglas T. Hawes, Ph.D. BERMUDAGRASS, FALL FERTILIZATION: This is something we have all been trained not to do but, as I've mentioned before, it may be possible done carefully. Our main reason for not doing it is fear of increased winter kill. Also winter annual weeds may become more vigorous. Dr. Schmidt, Feb. 2003 Golf Course Maintenance points out the benefits and correct application of nitrogen in the fall along with high iron use. I encourage you to consider them both if you are not already doing so. WETTING AGENTS: I seldom get any strong feelings that one wetting agent is better than another of the leading brands. However, in a recent conversation with a Mid-West superintendent who has been at his course for over 20 years and always had summer localized dry spot problems I was amazed to hear him sing the praises of Cascade. He had heard and read a lot of encouraging reports and tried it this Spring. He put on 8 oz/M in April and another 8 in May. I was talking to him in early August and he claimed to have had only a few localized dry spots this summer. He was sold on Cascade. NTGCSA Educational Meeting: Aug. 11, 2003 The speakers were Dr. Dennis Shepherd, Syngenta, Dr. Rosh Gaussoin, Ext. Turf Specialist - Univ. of Nebraska, and Dr. Phillip Colbaugh, Assoc Prof. Of Plant Pathology - TX A&M, Dallas. A lot of this was basics and review. I will include some of that and other items I feel of interest. Dr. Gaussoin noted that you first had to know whether the weeds you wanted to control were perennial or annual and that species identification was seldom needed. He said that there were two reasons you needed to water in preemerges: l.to move the herbicide into the soil and 2. to speed up the germination of the weed seeds. Preemerge herbicides residual is relatively short so it is best to stimulate the weeds to germinate as soon as you put down the preemerge herbicide. He pointed out that the residual life of the preemerge will be longest if the weather is cool and dry; while shortest if warm and moist. Sulfonylureas (SUs) were discovered in 1975, commercialized in 1982, >30 a.i. on the market with at least seven either on or about to get a label for the turf market. As a group they typically have very low application rates (0.03 to 1.4 oz/A). They often have the ability to control weeds that had previously been very difficult to control. All SUs are safe on bermudagrass, and do some damage on zoysia. Most are very hard on Poa annua and annual ryegrass. TranXit, Revolver and Monument have similar activity. Monument is not yet released. Velocity is a bispyribac-sodium and has the same mode of action as the SUs but a little different chemistry. The rate is 5 to 60 grams a.i./A. It is an excellent control for Poa annua. It can remove Poa from bentgrass greens. Timing and rates have yet to be fully developed. It is very injurious to Ky. Blue and fine fescue, but safe on perennial ryegrass. They are working on one SU that appears to remove tall fescue from Ky. Blue, and one that removes quackgrass from Ky. Blue. Dr. Shepherd next discussed PGRs. Primo was noted as reducing mowing enough to pay for itself in the gasoline saved. Also payability improved as the ball sits up. He noted you get more stolons but they are shorter in length. He noted some sensitivity in L-93 and Southshore creeping bentgrasses. With use on bentgrass you will note more consistent green speed through the day. He noted that low rates on greens and fairways weekly, or every other week gives a healthier plant at same height of cut. With Primo, there also is some water conservation. In the shade it can help maintain quality longer for new sod. He claimed improved root mass with Primo use. He said do not apply gibberilic acid after an over application of Primo. Instead, mow immediately, raise the height of cut, water, and lightly fertilize for best recovery. Primo, he said, had no affect on seed germination when applied before seeding. Tifsport bermudagrass is more sensitive to Primo than Tifway (419). The new label will have a rate adjustment. Dr. Gaussoin then talked on the effect of pesticides on microbial populations of the soil which is very minor. He did tell us that sand mixes on greens developed a more stable biomass than cultivated agricultural soils. That, in greens over 23 years, you get a shift in microbes to those favored by anaerobic conditions. That, the microbial population can be quite unstable for the first 18 to 24 months in a new sand mixture. That, amendments do not appear to affect microbiology. That, after the first six months the microbes are mostly associated with the organic matter from the plant you are growing(Ed. - roots and decomposing clippings). When trying to inoculate the soil with beneficial organism most are very sensitive to UV-light, and are unstable at high temperatures. When applied to soil there are 6000 resident microbes to the one you introduced and thus approximately 0.02% of the microbes in the soil will be the introduced beneficial. He felt that the product Emerald Isle increases microbial levels in sandy mixes during the first three months; results in faster establishment; and you will have less pythium from a spring establishment when using it. Also there will be a reduced need for N & P to get the same quality. One last talk will be in the next issue. -END-