VOL... TURF COMMS a^rsi 1 S»Q"7* PURPOSE: To pass on what we learn willingly and happily to others in the profession so as to improve turf conditions around the country. BOOK REVIEW OF: LANDSCAPE PLANT PRODUCTION, ESTABLISHMENT, AND MAINTENANCE BY CARL EH WHITCOMB. Ph D. from Lacebark Publications, Rt— 5, Box 174, Stillwater, 74074, this 1986, 680 page book has much information of use those of us that take care of trees as well as turf. The cost $29.50. You will find it written in an easy to read style, printed in a large easy to read type- No colored pictures Avai1able OK to is and but plenty of informative black and white photos« At past Oklahoma Turf Conferences I have enjoyed Dr. Whitcomb's many talks on trees« An earlier book of his, "Know It 8< Grow It", is a worthwhile addition to your 1ibrary if you work with trees in the southern U.S. This review will attempt to be educational, while keeping itself to the four-divided into Transplanting Plants. The page length of this t h r ee secti on s s and Establi shment, book is reviewed chapters have been skipped to save issue of Turfcomms. The book is A« Plant Production, B. and CH Maintenance of Landscape chapter by chapter. Numerous space. Introductions Tree Physiology and the Urban Landscape. "The assumption is often made that a tree is quite large and should be able to tolerate a great deal- Not so!" And he goes on to explain in detail why not. Helping to explain why it is so and publisher» Douglas T. Havres, Ph D Certified Professional Agronomist Specializing in Golf Course Maintenance Consulting 2408 Roundrock Trail Piano, Texas 75075 (214) 867Š0176 Subscription cost is *10. Send checks to Doug Hawes at the above address. difficult on a new golf course to keep alive the trees that someone decided should be saved. Those trees probably could have been saved if the person in charge had read and followed the guide lines given in this book. Section A, Ch. 1, Methods of Plant Production- The advantages and disadvantages of the following production methods are discusseds bare root, bal1ed-in-bur1ap, container, the unique container, and the fabric field-grow container« His summary includes the statement, "There is no one "best" system«" There may not be but, there are some good reasons for knowing the advantages and disadvantages of the above systems if you are responsible for the survival and production of useful landscape plants purchased from nurseries. Ch« 8, Tree-Intercrop Relationships in the Field« This chapter gives data showing the advantage of clovers over clean cultivation for tree nurseries« Both are much better than grass which is very competitive. Ch. 9, Spacing and Pruning. Emphasis on the value of lower limbs to develop strong trunks. Strong trunks reduce the need for staking in windy open areas« Ch. 11, Weed Control« He emphasises that "herbicides should not be the principle emphasis of a weed control program. " However, they are the principle emphasis of this chapter. Some very good information on current herbicides« Of interest to me was some material on Roundup. He mentions two cases where Roundup sprayed at the 4 quart per acre rate under young nursery trees appears to have been root absorbed and killed or damaged the trees the year fol 1 owi ng sprayj. ng. Section B, Ch. 1, Transplanting and Establishment. Most of you will find this chapter of particular interest.« We have all been told to dig the hole much bigger than the ball of the tree we are planting. Dr. Whitcomb tells you to dig it as wide as you want but, DO NOT DIG IT DEEPER. Also, "Trees dug with a tree spade should not be planted into a tree spade-dug hole." Plus many more pointers on how to succeed at tree planting« Ch. 3, Root Prunings Pros and Cons« The main point made is that if you must root prune before moving a tree do so at the correct time« Also be sure to dig out at least 4 to 6 inches further when digging the tree out. Ch. 4, Spring vs Fall Planting. It is stressed that fall is the best time to plant container grown plants while spring is the best time for bare rooted plants. Also given are the whys and helpful techni ques. Ch. 6, Soil Amendments. In general he writes they are a waste of time including the new "superabsorbents"« You can obtain much bet.ter r ESU 11s f ram the organi c mater i a 1 you rni GhT wI sh TO use To amencl the soi 1 by using that organic ma11er for a mu1eh around the base? of the newly transplanted plant« Ch - B, Wat er Re 1 at i on sh i p s of Con t a i n er -Gr own P1 an t s « For t h ose of you that 1 i ke to put grave 1 in the bo11om of your pots thi s chap t e r e x p 1 a i n s why y o u s h o u 1 d n ' tŁ F o r t h o s e o f y o u t h a t completely understand the soil physics of why and how the USGA s p e c: i f i c a t i o n s f o r p u 11 i n g g r e e n c o n s t r u c t i o n w o r k a n d c: a n a p p 1 y t h a t k n o w 1 e d g e t o c o n t a .i. n e r s y o u d o n o t n e e d t o r e a d t h i s chapter— C h « 9 if T h e R e s t r :i. c t e d P1 a n t i n g H o 1 e« T h o u g h t s o n t h e b e s t t e c h n i q u e s f o r m e d i a n s t r i p s, s i d e w a 1 k p 1 a n t i n g s a n d p a r k 1 n g 1 o t s — I n s u 1 a t i n g t h e s o i 1 - p a v e m e n t e d g e, a n d m u 1 c h i n g a r e t h e key suggesti ons» C h« 11 ,, T o p P r u n i n g a t P1 a n t i ri g. " T o p p r u n i n g t o a i d b r a n c h development and structure may be a valid consideration.11 T o p p r u n i ri g t o i m p r o v e t h e s u c c e s s o f p 1 a n t i n g i s ri o t a p r o v e ri formula« This applies to big trees as well as small ones« The most i mportant f act or i n tr arisp 1 ant sur vi val i s the " i nt er rial condi ti on of the p1 ant when i t i s dug«" C h« 13, C o m pet i t i o n Between W o o d y P1 a n t s a ri d 6 r o u n d C o v e r s - H e points out that research on this subject is very scarce and provides a limited list of trees and ground cover combinations that are compatible and those that are not. Ch« 14, Mulches« great benefi t. L o o s e ri a t u r a 1 o r g a n i c m u 1 c h e s For get the b1ack p1 ast i c « i ri rn o d e r a t i o n a r e o f Ch. 15, E s t a b 1 i s h i n g acid we11 d r ai ned winter hard i n ess« azaleas in raised A z a 1 e a s a ri d o t h e r S e n s i t i v e S p e e i e s - I ri t h e so i 1 s o f New Eri g 1 a ri d we wor r i ed mo s 11 y ab ou t H e r e i ri t h e g r e a t e r D a 11 a s a r e a r a i s :i. n g b ed s of p ur e p e a t i s t h e o ri 1 y way t o b e Ch Ch, successful — Whi tcomb expl ai ris why« 16, Transplanting with Tree Spades, i n f or mat :i. on on this w i d e 1 y ac c ep t ed t ec h n i que. Some i nteresti ng 18, Staking Landscape Trees« Avoid buying those skinny young trees that need staking« Stakes should only be needed in windy country« "A tree stem must be free to move or flex for proper devel opment» " Dr « Whi tcomb wr i tes, "the most benef i c:i al aspect of staking trees probably lies not in the support of the top of the tree, but rather in the protection the stakes provide against 1 awn mower b 1 i ght« " Ch N 19 n P1 an t s i ri Landsc ape Con t ai ner s« Agai n we need t o under st and the perched water concept used iri the USGA putting green« Also, that i risu 1 at i ori i s rieeded to protect the root systems agai nst both heat and cold« Section C, Ch. 1, Plant Stress and Landscape Problems,. An intro duct or y c h apter w ith emphasi s on t he problems cr eated by over wateri ng* Ch« 2, Protecting Existing Trees« "Unless effective protective measures are taken,, it is best to remove the trees to simplify construction." Young trees can adjust to many environmental conditions "if the adjustment occurs gradually as the tree i ncreases in size. " Large mature trees clo not act just we 11The majority of the tree roots are a few inches under the surface litter in a forest or old pasture site., Therefore any removal of the 1 i tter ,, addi ti on of soi 1 or changes in drainage drastical 1 y effect the environment of the tree and thus results in death. Tunnel don't trench if you want to save a nearby tree. Ch. 3, Cut, Fill and Other Grade Changes. If you must fill use sand., Th e fall is the best time to ap ply i t.,, Tr ee we lis are almost always a waste of time and money. The tree will be dead 5 to 10 years later if not sooner,. The more elaborate the tree well the more difficult to do something with that spot after the tree dies. Ch. 4, Landscape Soils and Soil Tests. The value of surface and internal drainage is stressed. He claims almost all trees and shrubs will grow at a pH in the upper 5 range. That some plants grow in high pH soils is a to 1 erance fact.or not a need for high pH. Soils in urban areas are often more alkaline than :i.n nearby virgin areas because of residues from construction and from the i rrigati on water. He quotes Ha1verson as havi ng "observed that a c i d r a in the pH 3 w a s r a i s e cl t o p H 7 a f t e r r u n n i n g a c r o s s a concrete driveway." Ch« 5, Perti 1 i ers in the Landscape— He fee 1 s the s 1 ow re 1 ease forms are j ust i f i ed i n I andscape si t uat; i ons as t hey pr ov:i. de a g r a d u a I r e 1 e a s e o f n u t r i e n t s a n d r e d u c e 1 a b o r c o s t s., Ch. 6H Fertilizing Landscape Trees. He stresses the need for soil tests and that f a11 is t he best season to f ert i1i ze« Ch. 7 , Solving the Iron Chlorosis Problem« Apply sulfur,; thus lowering the pH and thus making iron and other minor elements more available is his recommendation. Ch. 8, Light, Shade and Root Growth. Some comments of interest on the effects of security lighting. Beware of high-pressure sodium lamps. On the nursery end of the business he points out that even shade tolerant plants do not do well if the shade gets above 307., Aucub a bei ng t he one ex cept i on. Ch. 9, The Effects of Drought Stress. A little is good. Gives a good argument for light shallow watering during a dry period« END