M e e tin g N o tic e Date: Location: Host: Telephone: Lunch: Program: Directions: Thursday, March 25 Fenway Golf Club, Old Mamaroneck Rd., Scarsdale, N.Y. 10583 Allan Tretera 914-472-1467 12 noon, Luncheon with Business Meeting Speaker to be announced From Hutchinson Parkway going North: off at Mamaroneck Road, take a right, go to first traffic light, turn right again, go through one traffic light, club on left. Going South on Hutch: get off at Mamaroneck Road, and then follow above. Jim McNally, Wayne Remo, Jim Remo, and John Schoellner won Net First place with a score of 425. In the Championship Blue Flight, Bob Osterman took Fifth place with a net score of 150, Dennis Flynn took seventh place with a 152 net, and Jim McNally in Ninth place with a net 155. In the Championship Red Flight, Scott Niven took First place with a gross score of 162. First place net winner in the Championship Red Flight was Wayne Remo with a 143. Steve Cadewelli took Third place with a net 146 and Larry Pakkala had Eighth place with a net 152. C o m ing Events March 16-19 March 25 TUES., April 13 WED., May 19 June 3 June 23 July 6 August August 25 Nov. 9-11 Dec. 6-9 USGA Rules Workshop, Newark, N.J. MGCSA Business Meeting, Fenway G.C. Joint Meeting with CAGCS, Shorehaven Golf Club MGCSA Superintendent/Green Chair­ man Meeting, Woodway Country Club. Field limited to 108 players for golf. MGCSA Invitational Tournament, Mount Kisco Country Club Mass. Turfgrass Field Day, South Deerfield MGCSA Meeting, Siwanoy C.C. MGCSA Family Picnic Univ. of RI Field Day, Kingston NYS Turfgrass Conference-Trade Show, Rochester NJ Turfgrass Assoc. Expo., Cherry Hill New Orleans, February 1 at GCSAA International Turf Grass Con­ ference—Sherwood Moore with MGCSA Past President Bob Alonzi, Chairman of the Committee which nominated Sherwood for the Distinguished Service Award. G CSAA News R esults fro m O r la n d o . . . Local talent fared well in GCSAA’s Championship Tour­ nament held January 28 and 29 at Walt Disney World’s tough Palm Course. In chapter competition, the New Jersey team consisting of James A. Wyllie, CGCS, superintendent of Bayview Golf Club, Brampton, Ontario, was elected the 46th President of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America during the Association’s annual membership meeting in New Orleans, February 3rd. W a n te d T o Buy JB #* EDITORIAL STAFF Pat Lucas, Co-Editor.............................. Office 203-637-3210 Home 203-637-3939 Ted Horton, Co-Editor...........................Qffice 914-967-6000 Home 914-937-3613 OFFICERS President..................... Michael Maffei, Back O’Beyond, Inc. Office 914-279-7179; Home 914-278-9436 Vice-President..........Charles Martineau, Whippoorwill Club Office 914-273-3755; Home 914-273-9112 Secretary......... Peter Rappoccio, Silver Spring Country Club Office 203-438-6720; Home 203-866-4276 Treasurer Sherwood Moore, Winged Foot Golf Club Office 914-698-2827; Home 914-234-9469 4 New or used Buckner #17 quick-coupler valves. Contact Pat Lucas, Innis Arden Golf Club 1 203-637-3210 Used 1" and 1!4 " Quick Coupler Valves and Keys, preferably Buckner. Contact: Todd Polidor, Heritage Hills of Westchester 914-276-2000 Reprint permission is hereby authorized providing credit is given to Tee to Green . . . unless author states otherwise. Publication deadline for Tee to Green is 21 days before the regular meeting. Wyllie, who formerly served as 1981 GCSAA Vice Presi­ dent, was one of four officers elected and two appointed to the Association’s Executive Committee. Officers elected were Vice President Robert W. Osterman, CGCS, superintendent of The Connecticut Golf Club, Easton, Conn., and Directors Paul Boizelle, CGCS, superintendent of The Onwentsia Club, Lake Forest, 111., and John P. Hayden, CGCS, super­ intendent of San Jose Country Club, Jacksonville, Fla. Boizelle, who was appointed to the Board in 1980, was re­ elected to a two-year term. Hayden will serve a three-year term. In his first act as President, Wyllie appointed Osterman’s opponent, James W. Timmerman, CGCS, superintendent of Orchard Lake (Mich.) Country Club, to the 1982 post of Secretary-Treasurer, and Richard V. Slivinski, CGCS, super­ intendent of golf courses for the City of Phoenix, Ariz., to complete the final year of Osterman’s unexpired term as a Director. Wyllie said Slivinski’s appointment was intended to establish a closer correlation between the geographical balance within the membership and the Executive Committee. “ 1 also feel this will ensure representation of the public golf course superintendents within the Association,” Wyllie said. Beck Big Roll System Consistant Quality Winding Brook Turf Farm 240 Griswold Road Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 203-529-6869 1-800-243-0232 WELFARE: Please contact Bob Alonzi, 203-531-8910 (of­ fice), or 203-531-1930 (home) regarding any hospitalizations, etc. of members of the MGCSA. Penncross Bentgrass Patronize our Advertisers SOD Handler Delivery P a ra q u a t— V in d ic a te d ! When the Congress repeals the so-called Percy Amend­ ments, as it appears it will do shortly, the United States will have remedied one of the most disgraceful episodes in its foreign policy history. Because of this legislation, which bans U.S. aid and cooperation in any foreign antidrug programs that use the herbicide paraquat, the United States has en­ couraged the largest drug harvests ever seen. For the past three years, under the effects of this law and related actions, the United States has given free rein to drug producers worldwide by denying Third World governments access to one of the most effective marijuana and opium poppy eradication technologies ever devised. Paraquat, or 1-1 dimethyl 4-4 dipyridinium dymethyl sul­ phate, was first registered as an herbicide in 1966. Although it is used throughout the U.S.A.—even after the enactment of the Percy Amendment—on a variety of crops, such as wheat and sugarcane, for weed eradication, it is ideally suited as a killer of poppies and pot. Paraquat’s primary advantage as a drug eradicator is that it is extremely fast-acting. Unlike the other commonly used herbicide 2,4-D, paraquate is activated by the ultraviolet rays of sunlight and takes its toll in a matter of hours by complete­ ly dehydrating the plant. Its rate of effectiveness is almost total. Aside from its effectiveness, paraquat is relatively inexpensive, easy to handle, and, despite the hysteria whipped up by environmentalists and the dope lobby, quite safe. Developed by Chevron Corporation, the water-soluble com­ pound is biodegradable. Paraquat becomes “tied” to the soil once it touches the ground, and cannot be re-absorbed. The Scare Story ' Under the Percy Amendment, the U.S. cannot participate , in eradication programs using “any herbicide” that “is likely to cause harm to the health of consumers” of the sprayed drug. It was up to Califano’s HEW to determine if pot contaminated with paraquat “could” possibly be detrimental. Califano farmed out “studies” to a variety of laboratories, La n d and concluded that paraquat “could” indeed be harmful. According to one of the technicians in these tests, the methods used were “highly questionable.” But according to a recent study of these tests issued by the NADC, the tests omitted the fact that paraquat is easily and rapidly expelled from the body. Research shows that paraquat in the system has a half-life of only 36 hours—i.e., the level of the herbicide in the body is not cumulative. In fact, using the same figures cited by Califano, a smoker would have to consume 7,500 marijuana cigarettes, with each “joint” containing 111 micrograms of paraquat, every 36 hours for 15 days to retain enough paraquat to exceed the maximum safety level. The NADC report proves that this is physically impossible. No Evidence As the technician told War on Drugs, “If you ask me if paraquate could hypothetically be harmful, I’d have to say yes. But if you ask me if paraquat causes less damage than the marijuana smoked along with it, I’d also have to say yes. But that’s not what Califano asked us. He only wanted to know if paraquat ‘could’ be harmful. Yet to this day there hasn’t been a single recorded case of paraquat poisoning.” Even Sen. Charles Percy, the author of the amendment, ad­ mitted in a joint committee session in congress on Aug. 10, 1978 that there was no proof of a health danger from para­ quat. “The problem is,” he said, “when is anything really proved? You don’t have to prove . . .in this case—paraquat— the loss of your lungs.” A Medical News World article entitled, “ ‘Facts’ on Para­ quat Menace in Pot Were Plucked Out of the Air” (Sept. 3, 1979), said the government’s conclusions were “done on the basis of zero clinical evidence.” Reprinted with permission from the monthly magazine WAR ON DRUGS, 304 West 58th St., N. Y., N. Y. 10019 ($24/yr.) Paraquat Approved for U.S. Marijuana Control The federal Drug Enforcement Administration has ap- R e c l a m a t i o n In c . L a k e R e s to r a tio n s “ Working Toward Aesthetics“ Engineering Consultation Provided Upon Request R ic h a rd B o rre lli, P re s id e n t 2 0 3 - 655-4222 145 O ld K in gs H ig h w a y South D arien, C o n n e c tic u t proved the domestic use of the controversial herbicide para­ quat for eradicating marijuana crops. Congress in the past has been so concerned about the possible health hazards of paraquat that as recently as last year it tried to restrict its use in other countries. DEA has asked for and received clearance from the En­ vironmental Protection Agency to use the substance domesti­ cally, said David Hoover, a DEA spokesman. —Credit: Greenwich Times 2/24/82 WHY NOT SAY WHAT YOU WANT? • “ Do you want to go skating tonight, or would you prefer to go to the movies?” “ Whatever you want, dear.” * * * * • “ Shall we have a drink before lunch?” “ What do you think?” * * * * • “ Would you rather fill in for me on Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday afternoon, Hilda?” “ Whichever is better for you, Marie.” * * * * Conversations of this kind take place every day. In each case, one person asks another to express a preference. And, in each case, the desired answer is not forthcoming. The individ­ ual who is questioned simply refuses to commit himself or herself. People who give this kind of equivocal answer will usually tell you they were trying to be “ nice.” Since they don’t have a strong preference, they think it is appropriate to let the other person make the decision. But the people who receive such a reply often don’t see anything “ nice” about it. Some say that they feel it is a brushoff — the other person doesn’t care enough to think about the question. Others feel put down. They have asked someone to make a choice, only to have that person refuse. The decision, then, is thrown right back to them. Pertinent Answers/So it turns out that it would usually be I “ nicer” to be more responsive when you are asked such questions. If you have a preference, say so. You can do so directly, of course . . . “ I’d much rather go to the movies.” But you don’t necessarily have to be so positive about it. In­ stead, you can express your answer in a way that leaves room for the other person to share his or her feelings . . . “ Skat- j ing sounds like fun, but I am a little tired tonight. Maybe the movies would be a better choice.” The other person can then go along with your preference — or try to persuade you to go skating. You can use the same kind of approach when you don’t I really have any preference, but want to make sure the other I person feels free to state one. Sometimes, of course, you may know the answer your questioner wants, as in “ Shall we have a drink before lunch?” In that case, it’s really “ nice” to j supply the desired answer. The point is that people who ask you to state a preference I are usually asking for more than information. They are mak­ ing an effort to establish contact with you. Your response should reward that effort by showing that you welcome this attempt to reach out to you. In doing so, you demonstrate that you really value the person as well. Observation: Of course, human nature being what it is, ex­ pressing a definite preference won’t work every time. For example . . . “ Would you prefer filling in for me on Tuesday afternoon ; or Wednesday afternoon, Hilda?” “ Wednesday, Marie.” “ All right, but there will be a few problems. I’ll have to change one of my appointments — I thought sure you’d pick Tuesday — but I can probably manage it.” In this instance, “ Whichever is better for you, Marie” might have been the better answer, after all. Still, you haven’t lost anything by being honest — and you can always change your mind. —Research Institute Personal Report, January 29, 1981 Sterilized Top Dressing E G Y PT ?A R M ^ | WHTŒ MARSH, MO. 1 301-335-3700 GLENMORE LANDSCAPE SERVICE Tree Movers 141 Hemlock Hill Road New Canaan, Connecticut 06840 EGYPT FARMS EXCLUSIVE! am top dressing ingredients are thoroughly mixed and sterilized by indirect heat in our special pro* cess. The sand particles are actually coated with a mixture of top soil and peat humus for a completely homogenous mixture that will not separate during handling and spread­ ing. Egypt Farms top dressing is formulated especially for the transition zone to specifications recommended by the United States Golf Associ­ ation, Texas A&M , Penn State, North Carolina, and the University of Maryland. Many years of research and testing by these leading universities have produced a soil mixture for superior growth; to maintain the best bal­ ance of percolation; to resist compaction; for good aeration; and for the retention of usable water and nutrients in the growing medium. *Green and tee construction materials and mixes conforming to U.S.G.A. specs are also available. D IS T R IB U T E D BY: 203-966-1447 METRO-MILORGANITE, INC. (914) 769-7600 THE TERRE CO. (201) 843-6655 WAGNER SEED CO., INC. (516) 293-6312 TERSAN 1991 Daconil 2787 Put the proven performersl together for even better control of brown patch, dollar spot and other serious! {diseases. I T e r s a n ® 1991 fungicide and Daconil* 2787 are two of the m ost effective disease control p ro d u cts on the m arket. And now, these proven b road-spectrum fungicides are labeled for ta n k m ixing. Together, they give you even b e tte r control of m ajor tu rf d iseases th a n w ith e ith er product used alone. You get im proved control, yet w ithout th e problem of phytotoxicity com m on w ith som e tan k mixes. A T e r s a n 1991/D aconil 2787 tan k mix w ill give you c o n s is t e n t p e rfo rm a n c e a g a in s t brow n p a tc h an d dollar sp o t—the two m ost troublesom e diseases on tu rf each sum m er. You’ll also get stro n g action on leaf spot a n d o th e r im p o rta n t diseases. It’s the kind of perform ance su p e rin te n d e n ts de­ pend on w hen a quality course c a n ’t be com prom ised. *Daeonil 2787 is a registered trademark of Diamond Shamrock Company. Tank m ixing b rin g s o th er advantages, too. W ith T e r s a n 1991 in your tank, you get system ic action for protection from w ithin the tu rf plant. Disease control is longer last­ ing an d is less affected by rainfall or fre­ q u e n t irrigation. Tank m ixing fungicides w ith different m odes of action also reduces c h an ces of benzim idazole resistance. You help in su re the long-term effectiveness of T ersan 1991 in y o u r d ise a se co n tro l program . T his year, plan on u sin g T e r s a n 1991 in com bination w ith Daconil 2787. It’s the ta n k mix tu rf diseases c a n ’t m atch. With any chemical, follow labeling instruction and warnings carefully. ► VA'V:- ¡LE r s A l\| ip ” (SPB) F acin g Up to an Expert foolish question or saying, “ I don’t understand.” Admit that • Charge your mental motors so you won't have to start out you don’t know and have the expert explain in terms that you cold. Before facing any expert, it pays to mull over the infor­ do understand. And keep asking questions until you are mation and/or advice you are seeking. Think about the satisfied that you have grasped the meaning of what has been questions you should ask . . “ Why is this particular change said. being proposed?” . . “ How will this move affect employ­ ees?” Certainly, taking the time to jot down queries like these •Take notes. When someone gives you new information or can clarify your thinking. Moreover, knowing just what you describes a process with which you are not familiar, simply want to ask can help you keep the discussion on track and trusting to memory is not a good idea. It’s better to jot down ease any feelings of awkwardness. a few key words, phrases, or even sentences to jog your Another good idea is to check the file for material that is memory. You can expand on the notes later while the discus­ similar in content to the matter that will be discussed — for sion is still fresh in your mind. example, a compensation report that was prepared last year Another useful memory jogger: asking the expert to put for another company. That way, you will be somewhat certain things in writing. You can peruse this at your leisure. familiar with some of the common terms and jargon — and Sometimes, too, an expert can refer you to written informa­ this familiarity can provide clues to what the expert is getting tion which covers the same ground succinctly. at. •Pave the way fo r a follow-up. What seems perfectly clear •Prime the pump. Most people — experts included — are during your discussion with the expert may not seem so later willing to share their knowledge and experience. But they do on. You may also find that, rather than trying to grasp every­ so more enthusiastically when they can see that there are per­ thing in one sitting, you would prefer to get back to this per­ sonal benefits involved. It’s important, therefore, to alert the son after you’ve had a chance to absorb what has been said. expert to the advantages of an on-the-spot discussion. For ex­ Hence, you may want to set the stage for future discussions— ample, “ Mr. Taylor is so sorry he can’t be here today, and he “ After I’ve had a chance to think this over, I may have more has asked me to get the basic information on the plans you’re questions.” Or, “ I’d like a chance to absorb all this before proposing. When he comes back, I’ll brief him — and this going on. Can we discuss this again — either in person or on should save time for both of you. Equally important, your the phone?” visit here won’t have been wasted.” Observation: There may be times when, like Sara Frazier,; There is no reason not to mention that you are not an ex­ you are asked to stand in for your boss — facing up to an ex­ pert in this particular field. In fact, it’s wise to do so . . . pert who can supply you with necessary information. In other “ I must admit that I don’t know much about this, but I’d like cases, you may be consulting an expert for your own reasons. to learn as much as I can.” Put on notice, the expert will be The important thing to remember is that you are there to; more inclined to expound — patiently and clearly — on his learn, and this is not a passive process. An interested attitude, or her specialty. direct questions, the willingness to admit that you don’t understand something — all these can help you add to your •Use your lack o f expertness to advantage. Absorbing spe­ knowledge and broaden your mental horizons. cialized information comes slowly even to bright people. If a —Research Institute Personal Report, February 26, 1981 point is unclear, don’t be inhibited by the fear of asking a SUPPLIES CHEMICALS Iand£SUPPLy, IIÌC. WHEN YOU’RE IN A TOUGH SPOT., FERTILIZER SEED 66 ERNA AVENUE P. O . BOX 9 MILFORD. CONNECTICUT 06460 TELEPHONE (2 0 3 )8 7 8 -0 6 5 8 * EayaKHoadj/(Buckner’ I r r ig a t i o n Systems & Supplies BOB LIPPMAN WESTCHESTER TURF SUPPLY, INC. HOME (914) 248-5790 BUSINESS (914) 277-3755 Custom Pumping Systems E v alu ating Y o u r E m ployees Almost all of your employees, even the poor ones, think they are doing a good job. You may know better, but how do you communicate that to the ones who need to improve, much less tell them how to change for the better? One good way is through a regular systematic employee in­ terview program. This gives you a chance to privately discuss an employee’s performance, suggest areas for improvement, commend exceptional work and provide a rational basis for approving or refusing merit raises in salary. It doesn’t have to be a formal procedure. If you have a small staff with whom you work closely, it’s ridiculous to set up a formal, across-the-boss’s desk type of interview. A private informal chat over a cup of coffee in some out-of-theway corner of the building should be sufficient. However, it should be done on a regular schedule. This procedure gives you a chance to effectively reprimand an employee without embarrassing him in front of other employees. It serves as a formal warning that he must im­ prove. It also gives you, the supervisor, a solid foundation on which to base salary decisions, particuarly if you keep some sort of evaluation form signed by both parties. One other, less obvious, benefit is that it gives you a chance to know your employees better as people. Items which are officially none of your business but which have a great effect on an employee’s performance can be brought up casually and covered comfortably. A boss should be interested in his employees both as a supervisor and a concerned fellow human being. That means giving him a chance to talk and lis­ tening carefully to what he says. An employee evaluation form can be a valuable tool. Design a form rating an employee’s sense of responsibility, performance, dependability, attitude and competence, leav­ ing room at the bottom for comments and other considera­ tions. During the interview, go down the list, marking each category as it comes up. At the end, a copy signed by both parties should go into the employee’s personnel file, with RAE BATTERIES FRAM-W IX FILTERS TRC PRODUCTS ANTI-FREEZE another copy for his private records. After the interview, act on the results. If they were positive, give him recognition, a raise or time off. If not, you will want to work with him more closely or provide additional training. At the end of the interview process, take some additional time to evaluate yourself, using the same form. In su ran ce P ic tu re s — P ro tectin g Your In vestm en t Words are fine in their place, but if you’re trying to recover your losses from a fire or burglary, a clear set of photographs can be worth a lot more than a thousand words. It’s easier to convince an insurance adjuster if you can show him a photo­ graph of the object, its location and its condition. This applies to your employer’s possessions as well as your own. It only takes a few minutes to photograph the equip­ ment in your maintenance facility, but those few minutes could save him a lot of money. Here are some tips for com­ piling a good photographic insurance record. Don't be cheap. Sure, film is expensive, but when you balance the cost of additional roll of film against the loss of a valued possession, the choice is clear. Take plenty of color pictures from as many different angles as possible. Make sure your photographs are sharp and clear. Take the big picture. When you photograph the contents of a room, start with the wide-angle shot of the whole room. Then move in close for detailed shots of each object you want to record. Show critical information. After you take a picture of a „ piece of equipment, take a closeup showing its model number and condition. Store them away from your home or office. You’ll look pretty silly if your pictures burn up with the objects you’re trying to protect. A safe-deposit box is best, but a fire-proof safe is better than nothing. P A R T A C G OLF CO URSE TO P-D R ESSIN G KLENZER PRODUCTS W ETTING AGENT PARTS CLEANERS TRW PRODUCTS LUBRICATING EQUIPMENT Control Thatch And Improve Playing Surface With Partac Top-Dressing . . . Heat Treated, U n ifo rm Particles, W ater Stable Aggregates, w ith Balanced O rga n ic C o n te nt and W ater R etention. A lso Available, H igh Sand M ix T op -D ressing , Tee M ix T op -D ressing , and C o n s tru c tio n M ixes fo r Tees and Greens. DISTRIBUTED BY: JAMES MAXWELL/MAXWELL TURF, INC. 516-265-3580 ON LO NG ISLA N D TH E REICHERT C O M PA N Y 203-637-2958 M A IL P.O. BOX 273 RIVERSIDE, CT. 06878 JAMES CARRIERE & SONS/J&B TRUCKING 914-937-5479 W E STC HESTER, R O C K LA N D , PUTNAM , DUTC H ES S & FAIR FIE LD C O U N T IE S C lu b R e strictio n s T h e Im p o rta n c e of S eed C o u n t A dignified English solicitor-widower with considerable income had long dreamed of playing Sandringham, one of Great Britain’s most exclusive golf courses. One day he made up his mind to chance it when he was traveling in the area. Entering the clubhouse, he asked at the desk if he might play the course. The club secretary inquired, “ Member?” “ No, sir.” “ Guest of a member?” “ No, sir.” “ Sorry.” As he turned to leave the lawyer spotted a slightly familiar figure seated in the lounge, reading the London Times. It was Lord Parham. He approached and bowing low, said, “ I beg your pardon, your Lordship, but my name is Higginbotham of the London solicitors Higginbotham, Willingby and Barclay. I should like to crave your Lordships’s indulgence. Might I play this beau­ tiful course as your guest?” His Lordship gave Higginbotham a long look, put down his paper and asked, “ Church?” “ Church of England, sir, as was my late wife.” “ Education?” “ Eton, sir, and Oxford.” “ Sport?” “ Rugby, sir, a spot of tennis and No. 4 on the crew that beat Cambridge.” “ Service?” “ Brigadier, sir, Coldstream Guards, Victoria Cross and Knight of the Garter.” “ Campaigns?” “ Dunkirk, El Alamein and Normandy, sir.” “ Languages?” “ Private tutor in French, fluent German and a bit of Greek.” His Lordship considered briefly, then nodded to the club secretary and said, “ Nine holes.” It is extremely important to remember that seed varieties listed on a package are listed by weight and not by seed count. While it only takes 226,800 Perennial ryegrass seeds to make a pound, Merion bluegrass takes 2,000,000 seeds to make a pound. For example, if you had a 50% blend of each in your mix­ ture you would have more bluegrass than ryegrass because of the seed count. Shemin Nurseries, Inc. Purity % 50% Merion Bluegrass 50% Perennial Ryegrass Total Seeds Per Pound Seeds Per Pound in Mixture x 2,000,000 = x 226,800 = 1,000,000 113,400 Add all seeds up of each variety to find total number of seeds per pound in the mixture. 1,113,400 Divide the seeds per pound of each variety by the total number of seeds per pound in the mixture. This determines seed count percentages. 1,000,000 Merion Bluegrass divide 1,113,400 = 89.8% 113,400 Perennial Ryegrass divide 1,113,400 = 10.2% From this example, it can be seen that the percentage by weight does not give a true meaning of what you are really buying. The mixture was listed as being 50% of each seed variety, but in reality it is 89.8% Merion Bluegrass and only 10.2% of Perennial Ryegrass. Listed are seed numbers for a few popular bluegrasses: Cultivar Seeds per Lb. A-34 Baron Bonnieblue Delta Glade Majestic Merion Parade Park Touchdown Victa 1,500,000 1,300,000 1,100,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 2,000,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,300,000 1,000,000 GREENHOUSE • NURSERIES Horticultural Distributors D is trib u to rs o f • EVERGREENS • TREE STAKES • FLOWERING TREES • R A ILR O A D TIES •S H A D E TREES • MULCHES •G R O U N D COVERS • CO NTAINER M A TE R IA L • FENCING • F IR & PINE BARK • TU R F CHEMICALS •H O L L Y T O N E • GRAVELS •S P R A Y IN G • GRASS SEED EQUIPMENT • ARBORIST SUPPLIES • ’A-D-S-DRAINAGE SYSTEMS W eather TRUE TEMPER TOOLS TURF M A INTENANCE SUPPLIES HO M ELITE CONST. EQUIPMENT mafic. Lawn Sprinkler Systems Safe-T-Lawn Lawn Sprinkler Systems SHEMIN NURSERIES, INC. 1081 KING STREET, BOX 64, GLENVILLE STATION GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT 06830 The best in turf supplies— LESCO 100% Sulfur-Coated Fertilizers, golf course accessories, chemicals including LESCOSAN * a highly effective pre-emergence crabgrass and poa annua control ★ Lescosan (Betasan — Registered TM of Stauffer Chemical Co.) (800) 321-5325 Nationwide (800) 362-7413 In Ohio L akeshore E q u ip m e n t & S u pply Co. “ (203)531 7352 (914)937 4644 Available from: Homeof LESCO Products” 300 South Abbe, Elyria, OH 44035 N o tes fro m S c o tts S e m in a r Editor’s Note: Our thanks to Rachel Therrien o f Westchester Country Club fo r forwarding us her notes from the Scotts Seminar held December 15, 1981 in Mount Kisco. What is the role of the Golf Course Superintendent? Basically, according to the opinion expressed by the seminar spokesman, the turf superintendent is mainly in­ terested in providing fine playing conditions and turf color. I. Nitrogen, Potassium, and Phosphorous sources affect plant growth. A. Role o f Nitrogen in Plant Growth. 1. it is part of the chlorophyll molecule 2. necessary element in the photosynthetic process 3. promotes vegetative growth 4. effects the competitiveness of turf. B. How much Nitrogen does one use? 1. Depends on turf species 2. Existing or desired soil characteristics 3. Level of effort and its intensity directed toward maintenance of the desired turf i.e. sandy soils will probably require more N2. Too little N2might encourage more dollarspot activity. C. Nitrogen Fertilization: the following factors should be considered when selecting a particular product and fertilizer ratio: 1. the growth rate of the species 2. solubility of the fertilizer (release characteristics of fertilizer indirectly affects all other factors involved in balanced turf nutrition) 3. Greening response of the turf species D. The growth rate o f a turf species is a key factor in fertilizer selection and ultimately an important ingredient o f turf management. Therefore, in selecting fertilizer: 1. There is a tendency now to select controlled release products 2. Human and mechanical labor plus efficiency in the product in achieving the desired response from the plant must be considered. E. Fertilizer, nitrogen sources: 1. Ammonium sulfate: quick-release nitrogen, good growth response & color for about 4-5 weeks, definite decline in performance by the eighth week. 2. Urea formaldehyde: (Ureaform), 66% intermediate to long term release material. Color response peaks in the 12th week from the initial application. 3. IBDU: contains little quick release N2. 90% of the material is intermediate to long-term release. It peaks during weeks 6-12 from the initial application. 4. Methylene: 62% of this material is N2. Provides initial and short-term response to color and growth throughout 15 week application. * One can come into problems with physically mixing N2source materials (fertilizers). We’ll Plan« LARGER TREES fo r LESS! Now . . . increase the look and value of your properties (and speed sales!) by planting large, mature trees. And we can plant up to a 12” T.D. tree for less than you think with our Big John Tree Transplanter! Just give us a call today for a free estimate. You’ll get the most tree for your money from us! Hawthorne Bros. Tree Service, Inc. P.O . BO X 368, B E D F O R D H IL L S , N E W Y O R K 10537 9 1 4 - 6 6 6 — 7035 F. Characteristics involved in fertilizer selection: 1. Spoon-feeding vs. Controlled release. 2. Solubility of N2sources determines release rate 3. Greening response is big factor with fertilizer 4. Clipping and mowing frequency 5. Salt Index and burn potential ♦Percent of N2does not tell safety of material rather it tells you the source of the Nitrogen. (IBDU performed well during the summer months.) • White Trap Sand • Top-Dressing Sand • Colorful Cart Path Stone • Landscape Stone & Boulders • Variety of Pavers & Edging G eo. S chofield C o. Inc. P.O. Box 110 Bound Brook, N.J. 08805 (201) 356-0858 Keep this card handy. It could save you time and money. II. Phosphorus influence to plant growth A. Involved in the photosynthetic process B. Necessary to build healthy tissue C. Insures a healthy root system, development of new seedlings D. Physiological functions: 1. ATP 2. New Cell production E. Phosphorus fertilization: 1. Solubility 2. Slightly acid soil pH desired 3. Supplemental feeding at seeding time F. Phosphorus Source: (Monoammonium phosphate is best 11-48-0) MAR 1. Ammonium stimulates the uptake of phosphorous 2. MAP is completely water soluble (and therefore available) compared to other sources III. Role of Potassium in Plant Growth A. Aids in the development of chlorophyll re*' D fi'* o6* 3° < ,V ^ 6£ > c C°io3 ,n°' TeW V<° B. Increases drought tolerances, wear tolerance, winter hardiness C. Helps plant draw H20 and nutrients from soil reserves D. Aids in plant recovery from disease attack ♦During droughts, potassium increases the osmotic force within the plant cell. Thus, stomatal openings are affected. Potassium is located in high levels within the guard cells of stomata. Low levels of potassium will not allow a plant to easily uptake water and remain resistant to disease and other types of stress, a. Thin cell walls b. Accumulation of N2and carbohydrates within the cells food for disease c. Less vigorous plant E. Sufficient Potassium present in the plant 1. Thicker cell walls 2. Increased turgor pressure 3. Higher cellulose content 4. Can withstand more stress Glenmore Landscape Service Irrigation Installers 141 Hemlock Hill Road, New Canaan, Ct. 06840 (203) 966-1447 Potassium Sulfate vs. Potassium Chloride Salt Index Water Solubility (% K20) Affect on Phosphorus uptake Additional Nutrients P o ta s s iu m S u lfa te P o ta s s iu m C h lo r id e 4 6 .1 1 1 6 .3 5 .4 1 6 .1 4 70% sulfur — chloride ♦Potassium sulfate provides better efficiency: 1. Reduced leaching 2. Low salt index 3. Provides sulfur Mechanicals I. Lely Spreader A. Most spreader rates can be found on the panel of a fertilizer bag. When one uses the Lely, most setting references for this tool are presented with a number and Roman numeral, Le. 5 III. The Roman numeral has nothing to do with the rate but rather the pattern adjustment for the distribution of the material. II. Rotary Spreaders A. Factors affecting distribution: 1. Spreader 2. Terrain 3. Wind 4. Person applying the material 5. Material B. Distribution problems with the rotary Spreaders w/physical blends: 1. Poor pattern distribution *2. Non-uniform distribution of component 3. Possible striping if high rated are used on under­ nourished turf. Poa Annua — Manage or Eliminate? Characteristics o f the turf: • Produces prolific amounts of seed • Can survive various mowing heights 7 Cottage Street Port Chester, N Y 10573 • • • • (9 1 4)937 -54 79 (914) 939-2766 M IF TRAP SAND PARTAC TOPDRESSING SCREENED TOP SOIL SCREENED CLAY FOR TENNIS COURTS & BASEBALL DIAMONDS • SAND FOR BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION •TRAP ROCK • GRAVEL wetting agent SPREADABLE GRANULAR #37 BLEND [80] A h ig h ly effective w etter & spreader on surfaces, the re fo re re q u irin g m ore c o n ­ tro l in the m anner and fre q u e n ­ cy of a p p lica tio n . BLEND [30] BLEND [37] M ild , c u ltu ra lly c o m p a tib le s u rf­ actants. Our choice for improv­ ing the best or worst green or tee. M ost e ffe ctive in m at and thatch. These blends p ro m o te th a tc h d e c o m p o s it io n , a id spring greenup o f bents, roo t in itia tio n , c o lo r and denseness of turfgrass. O ve rw in te r w ith surfactants to im p ro ve snowm old and d e sicca tio n problem s. S U R F -S ID E [SA] N o n io n ic spray adjuvant. DEFOAMER Controls Foam MONTCO PRODUCTS CORPORATION BOX 404 AMBLER, PA 19002 Pat Lucas, Editor 81 Tomac Avenue Old Greenwich, CT 06870 First Class -- 00215-P HR- RICHARD E m ShRIALS DEPT^gJ NQE^y MICHIGAN STATE~~JNIV LIB EAST LANSING MI 48823 • Summer annual in the north, cannot survive winter • Creeping type, perennial in warm & humid, arid & semi-arid climates—winter annual i.e. Berry Hills C.C., West Virginia, 99% Poa •Can be undesirable because of yellow-green color, seed production, low tolerance to heat, cold, and drought stress •Seedproduction occurs at all mowing heights, throughout the growing season, nitrogen tends to slow down production FASTER SPRING GREEN-UP SPR IN G Green-Up Ratings* Beltsville, MD - April 5,1976 RAMI 8.7 Vantage Me rio n Ke nb lue Park B runsw ick W in d s o r Touchdown A delphi A -3 4 B on nieb lue Sydsport F y lk ing Baron Cheri Glade Nugget Ratingl ■9 8.3 8.0 7.7 7.3 7.3 7.0 6 .7 6.3 6.0 5.7 5.3 5.0 4 .3 4 .0 3.7 1.0 Best T e st e s t a b l i s h e d fall 1972, m o w e d at 2.5 ” . not i r r ig a te d and r e c e iv in g 2 to 3 lbs. N/M/yr. m LO FTS KENTUCKY BLUEG RASS When tested for spring green-up at Beltsville, Maryland, RAM I proved superior to many other com­ mercially available bluegrass varieties: Other trials* have shown RAM I retains its rich color through summer stresses and long into late fall. RAM I . . . a vigorous bluegrass that will give you rich color . . . and more of it. 'Data available on request from Lofts Pedigreed Seed. Lofts Seed Inc. Bound Brook, NJ 08805 • (201) 356-8700 sir •Seedgermination occurs mostly under cool, moist conditions, throughout the growing season, low soil pH inhibits seed germination. Phosphorus level is reduced. • Root growth of Poa adapts to soil conditions • Spring green-up is slow but tends to green-up earlier where there are voids in the desirable turf. •Tolerates compacted soil, favors high soil moisture, needs adequate drainage, low salt tolerance, and does not do well in withstanding long periods of casual water conditions. •Conditions favoring Poa are reduced competition desirable turf, mechanical damage to turf, crabgrass cycles with Poa, light frequent irrigations, low mowing, high levels of phosphorus. •Poa control can be done by increasing mowing heights where possible, mowing with baskets to pick up seed heads, better water management, improved aerification levels, control pests of desirable turf. • Chemical control of Poa can be done with Preemergent herbicide—applied in late summer/early spring. Post-emergent herbicides are a problem to desirable turf due to its toxicity. Pests Black Ataenius: Doing most of its damage in the Ohio area, especially Cincinnati. The damage looks like heat or drought stress in summer. The first generation emerges in late summer —July and August. Adults become active in early spring, blooming of Horsechestnuts or Black Locusts coincide. Rose of Sharon blooms coincide with the presence of the second generation in August. Curative control: 1. Control larvae—feeds on roots 2. Enthoprop—5 lb. A.I./Acre (Best) 3. Water into the rootzone Preventitive control 1. Control adults in spring 2. Diazinon at 6 lb. A.I./Acre 3. Lightly water after application