November 1984 Published monthly by the Metropolitan Golf Course Superintendents Association Coming Events Notice of Annual Meeting Fairview Country Club - Greenwich, CT Thursday, November 15, 1984 Nov. 7-9 Nov. 15 Please be advised that the Met GCS A Annual Meeting of the Membership will take place on Thursday, November 15th at the Fairview Country Club. Schedule for the Day 12:00Noon - Lunch at $15.00 1:00 p .m .- Annual Meeting Agenda for the Day 1. Call to Order 2. Reading of the Minutes 3. Communications 4. Report of Officers 5. Reports of Committees 6. Unfinished Business 7. New Business 8. Elections: a. ByLaws b . Dues Increase c. Officers/Directors 9. Adjournment • To help you prepare for the Annual Meeting and to be an informed voter, a copy of the propsed ByLaws (to be voted on in its entirety), a copy of the 1984-85 Budget (not to be voted upon) and President Chuck Martineau’s last Presidential Mes­ sage have been sent to the membership. You are encouraged to read each with care. • Your current Membership Directory contains a copy of the present ByLaws. All recommended changes to these ByLaws have been underlined in the proposed copy. • Should anyone have questions that he or she would like to have answered before the Annual Meeting, please call President Chuck Martineau (914-273-3755), Executive Director Jim McLoughlin (914-769-5295), or any Board member. If the per­ son you call does not have an answer available when you call - it will be researched and you will be called back. Scott E. Niven Secretary October 25, 1984 Vol. XIV, No. 9 Dec. 3-6 Dec. 8 Jan. 8-11 Feb. 5-13 June 6,1985 NYS Turfgrass Association Conference and Trade Show, Syracuse, NY Met GCS A Annual Meeting, Fairview C.C. N.J. Turfgrass Expo, Atlantic City Christmas Party, Fairview C.C. Eastern Regional Nurserymen’s Association Convention, Concord Hotel, Kiamesha Lake, NY (203-872-2095) GCS AA Conf. & Show, Washington, D.C. Met GCS A Invitational, Stanwich Club Report of the Nominating Committee The following are nominated to serve as Officers for 1984-85: President Peter R . Rappoccio/ Silver Spring CC Vice President Patrick A. Lucas, Jr./Innis Arden GC Secretary Scott E. Niven/Stanwich CC Treasurer Robert U. Alonzi/Winged Foot GC The following are nominated to serve as Directors: Stephen G. Cadenelli/CC of New Canaan (CT) William J. Gaydosh/Edgewood CC (NJ) Edward C. Horton/Westchester CC (W) Melvin B. Lucas, Jr./Piping Rock CC (LI) Harry H. Nichol/Buming Tree CC (CT) Timothy O’Neill/CC of Darien (CT) The above listed six (6) members have been nominated to fill four (4) vacancies on the Board of Directors. The three (3) high­ est vote-getters will be elected to two (2) year terms, the fourth highest vote-getter will be elected to a one (1) year term. Michael A. Maffei October 12, 1984 Chairman For Sale 1979 Toro Pro “84” . Good condition. $8,000. Contact Jim Medieros, Golf Club of Avon, (203) 673-3570. For Sale Cushman Spiker. Contact Pat Lucas, Innis Arden Golf Club, (203) 359-0133. E D IT O R IA L STAFF Pat Lucas, C o -E d ito r ..............................Office 203-359-0133 Home 203-637-3939 Ted Horton, C o -E d ito r...........................Office 914-967-6000 Home 914-937-3613 Dennis P. Petruzzelli, Staff Writer . . . Office 914-946-1074 Home 914-946-2552 Pat Vetere, Staff W r ite r ...........................Office 914-273-9300 914-234-6795 Canadian High Court Clears 2,4-D, 2,4, 5-T Editors’ Note: Our thanks to John Wistrand for forwarding this article to us. Recently, the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia cleared the way for the use of phenoxy heribides in that Canadian province. Justice D. Merlin Nunn, author of the decision, wrote, “I am satisfied that the overwhelming currently accepted view of re­ sponsible scientists is that there is little evidence that, for hu­ mans either 2,4-D or 2,4,5-T is mutagenic or carcinogenic and that TCDD is not an effective carcinogen, and further, that there are no-effect levels and safe levels for humans and wildlife for each of these substances.” The Supreme Court had heard scientists from both environ­ mental groups and industry present their case, and clearly he could see a difference between them: “There was a noticeable selection of studies by the plaintiffs which supported their view and a refusal to accept any criticism of them or contrary studies. I had the opposite impression of the scientific witnesses offered by the defendant (industry). I did not detect any partisanship. They related their work, their involvement with the substances, the results of their studies, and their considerations of other studies in a professional, scientific manner and I, therefore, found their opinions to be reliable and, indeed, I accepted them as such.” Credit: Abstracted from Crops and Soils Magazine, 1983 O FFICERS President .................Charles Martineau, Whippoorwill Club Office 914-273-3755; Home 914-273-9112 Vice-President . Peter Rappoccio, Silver Spring Country Club Office 203-438-6720; Home 203-431-3990 Secretary............................ Scott Niven, The Stanwich Club Office 203-869-1812; Home 203-629-2594 T re a su re r.................Robert Alonzi, Winged Foot Golf Club Office 914-698-2827; Home 203-531-1930 Executive Director . . . . James McLoughlin, 914-769-5295 Reprint permission is hereby authorized providing credit is given to Tee to Green . . . unless author states otherwise. Publication deadline for Tee to Green is 21 days before the regular meeting. A Thanksgiving Thought The Johnsons had two turkeys so They sent one down the street To Widow Brown who worked so hard Her fam ily’s bills to meet. LESCf.. . for all your golf course needs. Now Widow Brown had one small hen So, when the turkey came, She had her children take the hen To Miss Carr, old and lame. • Lescosan* • Sulfur-Coated Fertilizers • Chemicals Miss Carr, so glad to get the hen, Was stirring up a cake; “A half o f this,” she said, “to John, A blind man, near, I’ll take.” • Seed • Equipment • Accessories ‘ Betasan — A registered trademark of Stauffer Chemical Company. “My, how I like a bit of cake” . . . Old John was filled with joy . . . “I have two apples, one shall go To that poor Connor boy.” LESC^ Inc. (800) 321-5325 Now, if you want a happy time Thanksgiving Day, this year, Just do as all these people did . . . Pass on some o f your cheer. Nationwide 2 -------------------20005 Lake Road Rocky River, Ohio 44116 (800) 362-7413 In Ohio Old Tom Morris Winner Announced cise on our nation’s golf courses. Evidence of the sport’s grow­ ing popularity is seen from the increasing numbers who play it, from the rising sales of golf equipment, and from the media at­ tention given to its major events. Holding a fascination for players of all levels and every social background, golf has be­ come an important part of our national life. “Much of the credit for this goes to you whose dedication and concern for perfection have made our courses into beautiful and reliable playing areas. The imagination and energy you bring to your tasks assure our nation’s golf enthusiasts of the world’s finest courses.” Since leaving office, Ford has continued to bring interna­ tional attention to golf through his participation in charitable golfing events, as well as sponsoring his own charitable golf tournament, the Jerry Ford Invitational Golf Tournament. “President Ford was selected for this award because he exemplifies some of the same characteristics that Old Tom dem­ onstrated throughout his life. Ford’s love for the game of golf is known around the world. Mr. Ford, like Old Tom, is a gentle­ man first, a gentleman last,” said President Timmerman. Old Tom Morris, one of golf’s first greats, was a greenkeeper, golf professional, club and ball maker, golf course ar­ chitect and accomplished player who won four British Open Championships between 1861 and 1867. At the Royal and An­ cient, St. Andrews, Scotland, Old Tom acquired worldwide fame, boosting the popularity of golf throughout the British Isles and in many other parts of the world. Golfing great Arnold Palmer and entertainer Bob Hope are previous recipients of the Old Tom Morris Award. President Ford will accept the Old Tom Morris Award during GCSAA’s 56th International Golf Course Conference and Show in Washington, D.C., February 5-13, 1985. The presen­ tation will be made at GCSAA’s annual banquet the evening of February 12th at the Sheraton Washington Hotel. An interna­ tional golf audience and representatives of every major golf as­ sociation will be on hand for the banquet ceremonies. The ban­ quet attendance is expected to reach 2,000. County and western singer Tanya Tucker will be the evening’s featured entertain­ ment. Former President of the United States Gerald R. Ford will re­ ceive the Old Tom Morris Award from the Golf Course Superin­ tendents Association of America (GCSAA). Ford is the 1984 re­ cipient of this significant international award that is identified throughout the golfing world with the true heritage and tradi­ tional founding of the game. “The award is presented to an individual who, through a con­ tinuing, selfless commitment to the game of golf, has helped to further the welfare of the game with the same dedication and zeal demonstrated by Old Tom Morris,” said James W. Tim­ merman, CGCS, President of GCSAA. Ford brought international attention to this popular leisure time activity while serving as President of the United States. His golf outings have been portrayed both positively and frequently by the press. Ford is renowned as a man of integrity, and his as­ sociation with the game of golf only results in further enhancing golfs attributes of honor and sportsmanship in the eyes of the world. During his term in the White House, he clearly expressed his love for golf and his respect for the golf course superintendent. In a 1976 letter to GCSAA, President Ford explained, “Count­ less number of Americans derive pleasure, relaxation and exer­ andt SUPPiy, IOC CHEMICALS WHEN YOU’RE IN A TOUGH SPOT.. 6 6 ERNA A V E N U E P .O .BO X 9 SEED M ILFO R D C O N N E C T IC U T 0 6 4 6 0 T E L E P H O N E (2 0 3 ) 8 7 8 - 0 6 5 8 *