Published by the Metropolitan Golf Course Superintendents Association President's Message Special Feature Thanks for the Memories Bob Alonzi Voted 1991 Recipient o f the Prestigious Sherwood A. Moore Award t doesn’t seem all that long ago that I came to the New York Metropolitan area—although it has been more than 10 years now —or that MetGCSA member Mel Lucas called and asked me to join what I later found out was one of the finest associa­ tion chapters in the nation. It’s also hard to believe that it’s been nine years since I first sat on the Board of Direc­ tors . . . or that my term as MetGCSA president is coming to a close. I suppose time really does fly when you’re having fun. But it’s been more than just fun working with—and being surrounded by—some of the most talented profes­ sionals in the turf management industry. It’s been an experience I ’ll never forget. I’ve seen our chapter grow in professionalism through the ’80s and into the ’90s—a decade I hope will be as fulfilling and rewarding for my successors as the past one has been for me. The future is as bright as we want to make it. Our biggest hurdle, as I see it, will be the government regulatory bodies and the environmental groups opposing our own good intentions. We, along with the GCSAA and USGA, have to show the EPA and various environmental groups that we’re as interested in—and serious about— preserving the land as they are . . . and that, as professional turf managers, we can provide the world with golf courses that are as (continued on pa#c 2) his is one of those once-upon-atime yarns. You know the script: Loyalty, dedication, and hard work pay off. The good guy makes good. The subject? Robert Ubaldo “Bob” Alonzi o f the Winged Foot Golf Club in Mamaroneck, NY, named recipient of the coveted Sherwood A. Moore Award, tantamount to selection as “Super of the Year” by the MetGCSA. The announcement was made by Scott Niven of The Stanwich Club, chairman of the MetGCSA’s Awards Committee, who hailed Bob as “the consummate superintendent, the em­ bodiment of all that the treasured superintendent stands for.” I T The Early Years Alonzi, born an hour south of Rome, Italy, 48 years ago, arrived in America as a frightened, eager, hopeful 12-yearold, heading for the unknown “land of opportunity.” Bob recalls, with vivid detail, every hour of that six-day jour- ney across the Atlantic aboard the Italian liner Leonardo DaVinci. “It was scary but still exciting,” he recalls. “We had been thoroughly prepared for the trip by our parents. They literally paved the way as only devoted parents can.” This soft-spoken, (continued on page 4) Also in This Issue (2 ) Larry Pakkala Hosts Superintendent/ Green Chairman Tourney ( j ) Announcing the First Annual Class B Outing. . . and Other Upcoming Events ( J ) Accepting Board Nominations ( j ) Scarsdale Meeting Golf Results. . . plus a Look at the Teams Representing the MetGCSA in the Met Area Team Championship (J ) Field Day Notes. . . Member News President's Message (cont. 1) Board of Directors environmentally safe as anywhere on earth. I leave you with this thought as I step down as MetGCSA president. And at the same time, I ’d like to thank the board members I ’ve served with—for having tutored me through the earlier years and supported me through the later ones. I ’d also like to thank my present administration for their support and hard work. You’ve made my two-year term as president seem like a labor of love rather than a regretful commitment. I look forward to serving the asso­ ciation two more years . . . as past president. LARRY PAKKALA, CGCS President President LAWRENCE PAKKALA, CGCS Woodway Country Club Vice President TIMOTHY O'NEILL, CGCS Country Club of Darien Secretary JOHN O'KEEFE, CGCS Preakness Hills Country Club Spotlight Treasurer Larry Pakkala H osts Superintendent/ Green Chairman Tourney JOSEPH ALONZI, CGCS Fenway Golf Club Past President SCOTT NIVEN, CGCS The Stanwich Club f you’ve been a MetGCSA mem­ ber for any length of time, you’re no stranger to Larry Pakkala o r Woodway Country Club, site of the October 17 Superintendent/Green Chairman Tournament. Larry, who’s currently property manager of W ood­ way, has served on the Met Board of Directors for the past nine years—most recently as president—and has opened Woodway’s doors to numerous associa­ tion picnics and Invitationals. Larry came to Woodway nine years ago—a move he considers the best of his career. But then, none of Larry’s career moves have been too shabby. After completing a turf management degree at Pennsylvania State University, Larry accepted a position as assistant superintendent at the prestigious Merion Golf Club in Ardmore, PA— the sight of many a U.S. Open and, most recently, the U.S. Amateur. Three years later, he took his first superintendent’s job at the Mid Ocean Club, a spectacular seaside course in Tuckerstown, Bermuda. After he’d mastered the art o f growing warmseason grasses in a semi-tropical climate, Larry returned to the States and, in I March ’81, became superintendent at St. Andrews Golf Club in Hasting-onthe-Hudson, NY. From there, Larry moved to W ood­ way, where he’s been applying his talents since February 1983 to both the club’s golf course and beach club. Cel­ ebrating its 75th anniversary, Woodway is one of the few clubs in the area to boast two addresses—one in Darien, CT, where the golf course is located; the other on Stamford’s Shippan Point, which offers an idyllic setting for its newly renovated beach club. Among the major projects Larry’s undertaken in his tenure are converting the course’s irrigation mains; construct­ ing new tees and greens; and renovat­ ing bunkers, a project still in progress. Larry’s also had a significant hand in Woodway’s swimming and beach com­ plex renovations. A firm believer in budgeting time for a little R&R, Larry enjoys golf, jogging, and wining and dining. Larry and his wife, Carole, who is a teacher at the Developmental Learning Center in Fairfield, CT, live in Darien on club grounds with their two daugh­ ters, Christina, 15, and Lauren, 11. DANIEL BRETON Silver Spring Country Club JOHN CARLONE Middle Bay Country Club MATTHEW CEPLO Westchester Hills Golf Club ANTHONY GRASSO Metropolis Country Club BOB LIPPMAN Westchester Turf Supply EARL MILLETT Ridgeway Country Club TIMOTHY MOORE Knollwood Country Club JEFFREY SCOTT Apawamis Club Executive Secretary JAN RUSSO Tee to Green Staff Editors TIM MOORE 914- 592-7829 EARL MILLETT 914- 948-5606 Managing Editor PANDORA C. WOJICK Editorial Committee TONY BAVIELLO MATT CEPLO PAT LUCAS MARY MEDONIS MIKE MONGON DENNIS PETRUZZELLI Advertising Manager Info Alert MATT CEPLO 914- 948-5023 Photographer DOMINIC RICHICHI ;Bob Alonzi and Mike Maffei are accepting nominations for the board of directors. Anyone interested in nominating a member, please contact Bob at Winged Foot Golf Club, 914-698-2827, or Mike at Back O ’Beyond, 914-279-7179. (2 ) Tee to Green September/Qctober 1991 TEE TO GREEN is published eight times a year. Copyright © 1991 the Metropolitan Golf Course Superintendents Association. ADDRESS: P.0. Box 396, Mamamneck, NY 10543. Notable Notes Another Field Day Worth Remembering f you attended the September 17 MetGCSA Professional Turfgrass Field Day, you’re well aware o f its success. Over 400 turf and land­ scape professionals braved the steamy weather to view the event’s special clinics, equipment demos, and exhibi­ tor booths. There were nearly 70 exhibitors, including booths with representatives from the Cornell Cooperative Extention Service, USGA, New York State Turfgrass Association, and New York State Turf and Landscape Association. Numerous door prizes were awarded throughout the day. MetGCSA mem­ ber Mike Maffei, superintendent of Back O ’Beyond, was the lucky winner of the grand prize: a $500 travel certificate. Let’s hear a round of applause for Field Day Committee Chairman Bob Lippman of Westchester Turf Supply and his 13 hardworking committee I New Members members: Joe Alonzi of Fenway Golf Club, Dan Breton of Silver Spring Country Club, Tracey Holliday of Sterling Farms Golf Course, Byron Johnson of The Terre Company, Patty Knaggs of Westchester Country Club, Pat Lucas of Innis Arden Golf Club, Mike Maffei of Back O ’Beyond, Mike Births John Corsi, Class BL (B Life), retired from Winged Foot Golf Club, Mamaroneck, NY. John is the first Met mem­ ber to be named to this class. Bert Thomas to Bert and Christine Dickinson, June 20. Bert is superin­ tendent at Willow Ridge Country Club in Harrison, NY. Paul “Skip” Deubel, Class C, Tuckahoe Turf Farms, Inc., West Suffield, CT. William John to Mike and Mary M edonis, September 8. Mike is super­ intendent at Bonnie Briar Country Club in Larchmont, NY, and Mary is assistant superintendent at Westchester Country Club in Rye, NY. A nthony Girardi, Class D, Country Club of Darien, Darien, CT. Guy H o b b s,Class B, Pelham Country Club, Pelham Manor, NY. R obert Leslie,Class C, W A. Cleary Chemical, Somerset, NJ. Terrence M ulligan,Class B, Silver Spring Country Club, Ridgefield, CT. Way to Go Congrats to Mike M ongon,superin­ tendent at Areola Country Club in Paramus, NJ. At the New Jersey Dis­ trict 1 meeting at Walkill Country Club in Franklin, Mike hit a hole in one—a once-in-a-lifetime event that three other MetGCSA members— M att Ceplo, John O ’Keefe,and Ed Walsh —were there to witness it. M iner of Connecticut Golf Club, Tim O ’Neill of Country Club of Darien, Larry Pakkala of Woodway Country Club, Fred Scheyhing of Mount Kisco Country Club, Jeff Scott of Apawamis Club, and A1 Tretera of Turf Products Corp. And of course, a special thanks to Patty Knaggs and Westchester Country Club for their cooperation and support in making this event a success. Last, but not least, we’d like to thank the exhibitors whose participa­ tion and support made it another field day worth remembering. As we did last year, we’ve listed each exhibitor, along with their area of specialty and phone number, on a separate sheet. You’ll find it inserted in this issue of Tee to Green. Save it. Refer to it the next time you’re in search of a contractor or supplier. And show these people the same support they showed us during our field day. Heather Marie to Scott and Dana N iven,September 6. Scott is superin­ tendent at The Stanwich Club in Greenwich, CT. Speaking Engagements John Carlone,superintendent at Middlebay Country Club in Oceanside, NY, and M att Ceplo,superintendent at Westchester Hills Country Club in White Plains, NY, ran a workshop on sand trap construction and renovation at the NYSTA Golf Course Design/ Construction Golf Day. It was held August 13 at the State University College of Technology at Delhi, NY. Rent tools and equipment Save money by renting the right tool to do the job right. Save storage space, maintenance costs, and capital by renting instead of buying. sales service delivery demonstrations major credit cards accepted In White Plains call: 761*2962 In Brewster call: 279-2211 11 Washington Place, North White Plains NY 10603 Tee to Green September/October1991 Special Feature (coni. 1) Bob Alonzi Voted 1991 Recipient of the Prestigious Sherwood A. Moore Award sincere titan of the turf has devoted a quarter of a century to the field—and 15 solid years of service to the associa­ tion as a director, treasurer, vice presi­ dent, and president. His brother, Joe, superintendent at Fenway Golf Club in Scarsdale, NY, currently serves as MetGCSA treasurer. “I’m pleased, naturally, says Alonzi of the accolade. “I’m well aware of the fine men who have won the award before me (Sherwood Moore, Ted Horton, Bruno Vadala, Jim Fulwider), and that’s as close to a turf hall-of-fame as you can get in these parts. “Let’s face it,” he adds, “this is as good as it gets in this business. Where does one go after Winged Foot? And what’s left here to win after the Sher­ wood A. Moore Award?” Alonzi’s philosophy is a basic gut concept: “Hard work, dedication, de­ votion . . . that’s what it’s all about,” says the Greenwich resident. “When a Winged Foot member strolls by and winks, he’s basically saying, ‘Nice job, Bob. Keep up the good work.’ That’s the ultimate compliment,” he adds. “That’s what we all strive for. It’s called recognition. And oh, how we struggle to attain that goal.” This, then, is that magic moment for the curly-haired, soft-spoken Winged Footer, the epitome of modesty. For reputation, self-esteem, and respect soar to a higher plateau with this award. Bob has finally assumed the mantel of his predecessor, the incomparable Sher­ wood A. Moore, for whom the “SAM” award is named. There are no idols in the Alonzi re­ sume. But Bob is quick to salute long­ time friend Ted Jozwich as his “unsung hero.” For it was Jozwich who put him to work a quarter of a century ago in the field. He calls Jozwich a gentle, good person, who gained super star­ dom while associated with Fairview and Tamarack. Bob also voices high respect for friend Ted Horton, whom he refers to as a “sharing, caring individual.” Alonzi’s interest in turf management was piqued while working weekends under Jozwich at Tamarack. And from ( 4) Tee to Green September/October 1991 Monday through Sunday without jeopardizing the quality and health of the turf,” Bob adds. As for the garden spot called Winged Foot (Bob’s home away from home), Bob almost apologetically refers to it as “an icon,” whose worldly renown can literally tear at your heart and soul every working day. “You’re scrutinized constantly,” he says, “so you’re always striving for perfection, a demanding assignment.” Sometimes the anguish cancels out the overwhelming feeling of personal joy and the inner satisfaction that comes with the job. “On occasion,” says Bob, “when I walk the fairways alone, it’s comparable to strolling through the giant redwood forests and The Trials of a Turfman saying to yourself: ‘Wow, I’ve had a But don’t be misled. The long uphill small hand in this.’ That’s quite a struggle hasn’t all been a stroll along sensation.” velvet-greenlike paths of Kentucky blue, perennial rye, and creeping bent. There were obstacles—were there ever. A True Professional “In this business, one is compelled to In a profession that demands the com­ be part-time agronomist and part-time plete dedication of its disciples, Bob politician,” notes Bob. “Water restric­ Alonzi has weathered well. His evertions, pesticide fears, eager environmen­ expanding reputation has not altered his quiet personality one iota. He is talists, local laws—they force you to exactly the same good person today substantiate every single thing you do today. You can become overwhelmed that he was when he started out a quarter of a century ago. by the record keeping alone.” He is treasured at Winged Foot by Then there is the overemphasis on those in the know. His green chair­ that new gadget known as the Stimpman, Mark “Buddy” Stuart Jr., a six­ meter. “There is entirely too much time Winged Foot club champion (11emphasis placed on the speed of greens time with his late Dad), labels Bob “the today, thanks to that Stimpmeter,” Bob warns. “Golfers seem to think that the perfect superintendent: low key, gifted, talented, and a real pleasure to work higher the Stimpmeter reading, the better the greens. Unfortunately, they with. Bob’s taken the assignment to a fail to recognize the agronomic devasta­ higher degree. I’m thrilled to death to work with him. He calls the shots. I tion that results from attempting to achieve green readings of 11, 12, 13 on merely consult on occasion.” Winged Foot Professional Tom the Stimp on a day-to-day basis. Nieporte says: “Alonzi’s the perfect “The Stimpmeter,” he continues, “was developed specifically for the su­ man for the job. I’m constantly perintendent to measure green speed to amazed at how many people seek him out for advice and consultation every achieve a consistent roll on all greens. But unfortunately, its original purpose week of the year.” The effort apparently has reaped has been misapplied, mostly because the dividends; recognition is at hand. And media, especially TV, has placed re­ peated emphasis on the speed of greens elevating the image of the super has during major tournaments. been Bob’s primary focus all of his “It is almost out of the question to working life. expect U.S. Openlike playing conditions “We’ve come a long way, indeed, that point forward, it was two years with Uncle Sam’s army, a year of study at Rutgers University, three years as super­ intendent at Rye Golf Club, five years as superintendent and general manager at Burning Tree Country Club, and six years at Fairview Country Club before joining Winged Foot as cosuperinten­ dent with Sherwood for the 1984 U.S. Open Championship. But all throughout that period, it was the encouragement and gentle, loving influence of Bob’s wife, Kim, that pro­ vided the incentive vital to his success. “They were truly testing years, and without Kim, they would not have been possible,” he says gratefully. Upcoming Events from the day when we were looked upon as glorified farmer-greenkeepers,” he muses. “Now, we’re recognized as a valuable group of talented, gifted pro­ fessionals, making a giant contribution to the growth of the game. That makes me extremely happy,” he concludes. Bob and Kim and their children, Jennifer, Robert Jr., Dana, and Cassie, reside in Greenwich, CT. Bob will officially be honored by the association October 17 at the annual Superintendent/Green Chairman Tournament at Woodway Country Club in Darien, CT. All prior winners of the Sherwood A. Moore Award are expected to attend. GUIDO CRIBARI Guido Cribnr i is the retired executive sports editor for The Gannett-Suburban Newspapers. He has covered the game of golf in the districtfor almost half a century. Meeting Reminder Superintendent/Green Chairman Tournament Thursday, October 17 Woodway Country Club, Darien, CT Larry Pakkala will be the host superintendent. You can read his profile on page 2. The Sherwood A. Moore Award will be presented. Calling All Class B Members First Annual Class B Outing Monday, October 28 Milbrook Club, Greenwich, CT Here's an opportunity to meet your fellow Class B members. Watch for a mailing, or call Dan Breton at Silver Spring Country Club, 203-438-6720, for further information. Conference New York State Turfgrass Association Turf and Grounds Exposition Tuesday-Thursday, November 5-8 Rochester Riverside Convention Center Rochester, NY The Expo will feature not only the customary trade show, but also a day of special seminars and a host of informative speakers, including several fellow MetGCSA members. For further information, contact NYSTA at 800873-TURF or 518-783-1229. Seminar W inter Seminar Watch for details. Wednesday, January 8,1992 Westchester Country Club, Rye, NY In winter, our arborists are on the lookout for nude beeches. M aples and oaks, too. In fact, they’re looking at all trees because w inter is the best tim e to prune, thin, shape and repair them. Our trained arborists can see the tree’s structure better when r Hawthorne Brothers Tree Service. Incorporated Even In Winter 5 Center Street Bedford Hills, N ew York 10507 914-666-7035 • 203-531-1831 Tee to Green September/October1991 ( j ) Milorganite . America’s Foremost Naturally Organic Fertilizer Turf & Grounds Equipment JSW-Hydraulic Excavators o f M in d A EGYPT FARMS WHITE MARSH, MD Sterilized Top Dressing (301) 335-3700 1-800-899-SOIL (7645) EGYPT FARMS EXCLUSIVE! safest and easiest to use all-purpose fertilizer. It is easy to apply and does not burn because there are no salt prob­ lems as with chemical fertilizers. New Holland-Equipment FI AT ALLIS Construction Equipment W e s tc h e s te r Ford T ra c to r, Inc. Meadow Street Goldens Bridge, NY 10526 914-232-7746 Fertilize N atu re ’s Way with M ilorganite Rick Apgar Joe Stahl 3 6 5 Adam s St. Bedford Hills, N Y 9 1 4 -6 6 6 -3 1 7 1 ATLANTIC IRRIGATION SPECIALTIES INC. 620 Com m erce Street Thornw ood, NY 10594 1-800-878-TURF 203-348-4884 serve ail o f your g o lf irrig ation needs... F R E E D E L IV E R Y MOTOR 350 D * ALL HYDRAULIC FIVE GANG * KUBOTA 38 HP DIESEL *8 or 11 BLADE FULL FLOATING HEADS ‘ GRASS CATCHERS S T E V E N W IL L A N D IN C . ( RAIN BIRD GOLF (? ) Tee to Green September/October1991 Egypt Farms top dressing is formulated especially for your area to specifications recommended by leading universities and testing laboratories. • C om puterized blending of soil mix­ tures fo r a superior grow ing m edium . • Custom on-site soil blending and testing with a portable com puterized blender to meet your specifications. • Bunker Sands RANSOMES 70A Research Park Dr. Stam ford, CT 06906 All top dressing ingredients are thorough­ ly mixed and sterilized by indirect heat in our special process. The sand particles are actually coated with a mixture of top soil and peat humus for a completely homoge­ nous mixture that will not separate during handling and spreading. 201) 579-5656 »Mulch • Canadian Sphagnum Peat Distributed by: The Terre Co. (201) 473-3393 Metro-Milorganite, Inc. (914) 666-3171 All County Fairways, Inc. (516) 242-9720 SAVA TEE Our trained crews are careful on a golf course. We treat tees like greens and greens like gold. That is one reason five of this areas most prestigious clubs are already our clients. The other reasons? We prune judiciously using state-of-the-art techniques. We deep-root feed with our own organic blend. We cable and brace with future growth in mind. And, we will work with your crews to be most cost effective. If you want a tree company that consistently beats par, call us. SavaÄ^ i: COMPLETE TREE AND SHRUB CARE, NATURALLY 360 Adams Street, Bedford Hills, NY 10507 (914)666-8202 • (203)661-6755 Scorecard September Scarsdale Meeting Attracts 92 Golfers T he September 24 Scarsdale Golf Club meeting drew 92 golfers. Playing a blind-partner format, here’s a look at how they fared. (Yes, believe it or not, Mark Millett has, again, taken the prize for the longest drive. The USGA people are still puzzling over his driver and ball.) Blind Partners 1st L. Kennedy, Oak Lane CC S. Tretera, Old Oaks CC 2nd F. Buschini, Brae Burn CC T. O’Neill, CC of Darien 3rd J. Ratsbutzky, Guest H. Waterous, Scarsdale GC Closest to Pin A. Savone, Quaker Ridge GC V. Sharkey, Wykagyl CC 4th J. Carlone, Middle Bay CC T. Watroba, Quaker Ridge GC 5th D. Griffin, Down to Earth Lawn Mt. E. Rizzio, Turf Products Corp. (NJ) 6th B. Dunn, Guest J. Martin, Shackamaxon CC Longest Drive M. Millett, Old Oaks CC Results of Final Qualifying Round for the Met Area Team Championship Class B Qualifiers he final qualifying round for the 143 S. Tretera, Old Oaks CC Met Area Team Championship 147 F. Buschini, Brae Burn CC was held at the September 24 157 J. Cotone, Briar Hall CC Scarsdale Golf Club meeting. Here’s a look at the top contenders and Class C Qualifiers their scores: 145 A. Tretera, Turf Products Corp. 146 D. Cancelled,/.A. Jackson Corp. Championship Flight 146 C. Quazza, Haledon Nurseries 153 J. Fulwider, Century CC 147 J. Farrell, Lofts Seed 159 J. Carlone, Middle Bay CC 160 E. Millett, Ridgeway CC 160 M. Millett, Old Oaks CC The team that will be representing the MetGCSA in Met Area Team Champi­ First Flight (11-18) onship is: 146 J. Alonzi, Fenway GC 146 C. Martineau, Whippoorwill Club Gross Team Net Team 146 R. Schock, Wee Burn CC John Carlone 147 A. Savone, Quaker Ridge GC Joe Alonzi Jim Fulwider Chuck Martineau Earl Millett Second Flight (19 and Above) Tony Savone Mark Millett 143 D. Arel, Tamarack CC Rick Schock 144 F. Scheyhing, Mount Kisco CC The Met Area Team Championship will 147 L. Polidor, Heritage Hills of be held October 15 at Fenway Golf Westchester 150 R. Alonzi, Winged Foot GC Club in Scarsdale, NY. Congratulations to all the winners, and many thanks to Scarsdale Superintendent Herb Waterous, Manager Doug Rapp, and Pro Bill Smittle for their help in making the day’s tournaments a success. MATT CEPLO Westchester Hills Golf Club Protect your Golf Course Irrigation System with a guaranteed W interization performed by Irrigation Systems, Inc. specializing in Design &c Installation of Golf Course Watering Systems 203- 727-9227 PARTAC GOLF COURSE TOP-DRESSING A M E R IC A 'S P R E M IU M H E A T -T R E A T E D T O P -D R E S S IN G S PLUS CONSTRUCTION, CART PATH, SAND TRAP, AND DIVOT REPAIR MIXES TYW U T GEOTEXTILES & TURF COVERS TerraFtowr DRAINAGE SYSTEMS 1-800-247-2326 D IS T R IB U T E D I N W E S T C H E S T E R & F A IR F IE L D BY. J&B TRUCKING JAMES CARRIERE & SONS 914-937-5479 Tee to Green September/October1991 (j) PÄtBO NOIRE GfORY Patrons listed on this page are supporting our association. You are encouraged to support them. Abbey Lane Landscaping Corp. Brent J.C. Roubos RT 123, Box 27, South Salem, NY 10590 914-533-2382 Alpine Tree Care, Inc. Robert Mullane - Ken Clear 44 Slocum St., Norwalk, CT 06851 CT: 203-847-1855 NY: 914-948-0101 A1 Preston’s Garage Massey Ferguson, Sales 8t Service Shelton, CT 06484 203-924-1747 Argento’s And Sons Inc. Turf Equipment: Parts and Service Louis Argento: 914-949-1152 1 Prospect Ave., White Plains, NY 10607 Adantic Irrigation Ed Santalone 620 Commerce St., Thorn wood, NY 10594 800-878-TURF Blue Ridge Peat Farms Inc. Topdressing, Peat, Humus, & Potting Soil Gene Evans 717-443-9596 Bruedan Corp. JefFKinyoun Box 496, Greycourt Ave., Chester, NY 10918 914-469-2288 Dar Par Sales Golf Course & Tennis Supplies Outdoor Furniture Dominic A. Richichi 914-946-1743, FAX 914-946-0796 DeBuck Sod Farm For De-Best in Quality Turfgrass Sod Fine Turf-Type Tall Fescues, Kentucky Blue Blends 914-258-4131 D.J. Callahan Inc. Dennis Callahan, Golf Course Renovation P.O. Box 1435, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 518-584-7080/914-273-6568 EARTH WORKS, Deep Aerification Services Patrick Lucas, CGCS 81 Tomac Avenue, Old Greenwich, CT 06870 203-698-0030 Eastern Land Management Inc. Golf Course Restoration 8c Renovation 433 West Main St., Stamford, CT 06902 Bruce Moore: 203-324-3231 Egypt Farms, Inc. Green Topdressing, Sand, Construction Mixes White Marsh, MD 21162 800-899-SOIL Emerald Isle, Ltd. Bill Middleton 2153 Newport Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48103 313-662-2727 Fleet Pump 8c Service Group Donald Tiedemann 100 Calvert St., Harrison, NY 10512 914-835-3801 Glenmore Landscape Service Glenn S. Moore RR 3, Box 199, Hackgreen Rd. Pound Ridge, NY, 914-764-4348 (D Tee to Green September/October1991 Grass Roots T urf Products Inc. Bert Jones: 201-686-8709 Ken Kubik: 201-361-5943 P.O. Box 336, Mt. Freedom, NJ 07970 Growth Products, Ltd. Manufacturers of Liquid Fertilizers, Micronutrients Clare Rein berger White Plains, NY, 914-428-1316 Hawthorne Bros. Tree Service Inc. John R. Hawthorne 8c Charlie Siemers 5 Center St., Bedford Hills, NY 10507 914-666-7035/203-531-1831 Irrigation Systems Incorporated Installation, Service, 8c GC System Design P.O. Box 66, Windsor, CT 06095 203-727-9227 James Barrett Associates, Inc. Golf Course Irrigation Design 8c Consulting Jim Barrett 201-744-8237 James Carrière 8c Sons, Inc. Bill Carrière 7 Cottage St., Port Chester, NY 10573 914-937-2136 Landscape Supply Company Wholesale Landscape Supplies James DeLibero 201-948-7170 LESCO, Inc. 800-321-5325 Seed, Fertilizer, Control Products, Equipment Greg Moran: 914-838-1650 Lofts Seed Inc. John Morrissey P.O. Box 146, Chimney Rock Rd. Bound Brook, NJ 08805, 201-356-8700 Magovern Co. Peter M. Moran 8c Joe Schnieder Windsor Locks, CT 800-243-7718 Metro Milorganite Inc. Rick Apgar 8c Joe Stahl 365 Adams St., Bedford Hills, NY 10507 914-666-3171 M ontco/S urf- Side/Zap ! Surfactants-Defoame rs Box 404, Amber, PA 19002 Robert Oeschle: 215-836-4992/215-628-3144 Nor-Am Chemical Company David J. Sylvester Area Sales Representative 203-828-8905 Partac Golf Course Top-Dressing Kelsey Park, Great Meadows, NJ 07838 Jim Kelsey: 800-247-2326 Bill 8c Joe Carrière: 914-937-2136 P.I.E. Supply Co. Paul Roche 8c Pete Otte P.O. Box 3049, Milford, CT 06460 203-878-0658 Proform High Performance T urf Products Turf Seeds, Fertilizer, Control Products NE, NY, LI: Jeff Kircher, 516-753-6506 NJ 8c South: Dave Jackson, 800-435-5296 Pro-Lawn Products, Inc. Stephen M. Kotowicz 30 Nashville Rd., Bethel, CT 06801 203-792-3032 SAV-A-TREE Complete Tree 8c Shrub Care, Naturally Westchester: 914-666-8202 NJ: 201-891-5379 CT: 203-661-6755 Shemin Nurseries Inc. Horticultural-Irrigation Supplies Jim Hespe: 203-531-7352 1081 King St., Greenwich, CT Stephen Kay, Golf Course Architect 495 New Rochelle Rd., Office 2B Bronxville, NY 10708 Office: 914-699-4437 Home: 914-738-3399 Steven Willand, Inc. Dave Marmelstein P.O. Box 9, RT 206, Augusta, NJ 07822 201-579-5656 Tee And Green Sod Inc. Bluegrass, Bentgrass, 8c Blue/Fescue Sods P.O. Box 418, Exeter, RI 02822 David Wallace: 401-789-8177 The Scotts Company Area Technical Representatives NY: Frank Marra, 516-286-7712 CT: A1 Arison, 203-336-9890 The Terre Company of NJ, Inc. Byron Johnson Jr. 206 Delawanna Ave., Clifton, NJ 07014 Office: 201-473-3393 Home: 203-748-5069 Tony Bettino 8c Sons Paving, Cart Paths, Parking Lots, Excavation, and Drainage Projects Tony Bettino: 914-949-3362 Tuckahoe T urf Farms, Inc. Growers of Kentucky Blue Grass/Fescue Turf, Penncross Bentgrass available at 1/ 4 MHeight Skip Deubel, Sales Rep., 800-243-7582 Turf Products Corp. George Gorton, Irrigation/Al Tretera, Equipment 157 Moody Rd., P.O. Box 2576 Enfield, CT 06082, 800-243-4355 T urf Products Corporation Turfgrass Supplies Ernie Rizzio - Buddy Rizzio 201-263-1234 Valley View Greenhouse Frank Amodio RR 2, Box 27, RT 123, So. Salem, NY 10590 914-533-2504/914-533-2526 W.A. Cleary’s Chemical Co. Robert Leslie: 201-933-6696 1049 Somerset St., Somerset, NJ 08873 800-524-1662 Westchester T urf Supply, Inc. Serving the Fine Turf Profession P.O. Box 198, Lincolndale, NY 10540 Bob Lippman: 914-248-7476 Wilfred MacDonald, Inc. Dennis DeSanctis/Jim Pelrine 340 Main Ave., Clifton, NJ 07014 201-471-0244