Vol. V I, No. 9 Published monthly by the Metropolitan Golf Course Superintendents Association MEETING NOTICE: January 13,1977 Place: The Out Post Inn, Boston Post Road Port Chester, N.Y. Luncheon: 12:30 p.m. General Membership Business Meeting. All members, let’s all try to make it—to start the ff New Year off and support our New Officers and Directors Panel Discussion to be announced COMING EVENTS: January 4-6 Garden Living Industries Conference, Concord Hotel, Kamiesha, N.Y. January 13 MGCSA Business Meeting and Luncheon January 10-11 Mid-Atlantic Conference—Baltimore Hilton Inn January 28 USGA Green Section Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia February 5-6 GCSAA Seminars and Certification. Portland, Oregon February 7-11 GCSAA International Turfgrass Conference and Show March University of Mass Turf Conference Nov.-Dec. 1976 Class A, B and C members. To new dues structure is as follows, A—$50, B—$25, and C—$75. A motion to make two changes in the by-laws was presented as followed: The Membership voted on all Honorary members for the coming year. Dr. Richard Smiley was added to the present list to replace Dr. John Kaufmann. The following committees gave reports: President, Research and Scholarship, Program, Tee to Green, Treasurer, and Christmas Party. President Garry Crothers thanked the board of officers for their fine support. He stressed the need for membership growth and development. 1st Vice President, Robert DePencier will be presented a special plaque at the Christmas dinner for all his devoted time and effort over the years to the MGCSA. At the first board meeting on December 1, President Edward C. Horton appointed the following committee chairmen: Membership — Mike Maffei Program — Paul Caswell, Dick Gonyea Home and Garden Show — Jim Kaczenski Golf and Invitational — A1 Tretera and Jim Kaczenski MGCSAA Annual Meeting: The annual meeting of the MGCSA was held on November 23, 1976. 40 Class A members were in attendance plus an additional 25 Class B & C members. The results of the election were as follows: Edward C. Horton — President Charles Martineau — 1st Vice President Richard Gonyea — 2nd Vice President Robert Alonzi — Treasurer Michael Maffei — Secretary Board of Directors: Paul Caswell Terry Mulligan Alton Moore Eugene Grady Those remaining on the board are: Allan Tretera, Jim Kaczenski, Ray Twombly and Garry Crothers. It was motioned and passed that we give $300.00 to Rutgers University, Cook College, bent grass research program. This was presented at the N.J. Turfgrass Association Expo. After a discussion a motion was passed on the dues of all New Officers & Directors of the MGCSA: back row, I. to r., Past President Garry Crothers, Directors Terry Mulligan and Eugene Grady, 2nd Vice President Dick Gonyea, Secretary Mike Maffei, Directors Allan Tretera, Ray Twombly and Paul Caswell, Treasurer Robert Alonzi. Front row, President Edward (Ted) Horton and 1st Vice President Charles Martineau. Editorial Staff Garry Crothers Ted Horton Co-Editor Co-Editor OFFICERS President: First Vice President: Second Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Edward C. Horton, Winged Foot Golf Club Office 914-698-2827, Home 914-937-3613 Charles Martineau, Whippoorwill C.C. Office 914-273-3755, Home 914-428-3826 Richard Gonyea, Rye Golf Club Office 914-835-3203, Home 914-835-3204 Michael Maffei, Back of Beyond Golf Course Office 914-279-7179, Home 914-279-7895 Robert Alonzi, Burning Tree C.C. Office 203-869-5779, Home 914-937-1527 Not copyrighted. I f there is good here, we want to share it with all chapters - unless author states otherwise. Public Relations — Chuck Martineau Tee to Green — Garry Crothers and Ted Horton Welfare — Eugene Grady Christmas Party & Picnic — Terry Mulligan Scholarship and Research — Garry Crothers, Chuck Martineau, Sherwood Moore, Dr. Andrew Virtuoso, Roger King By-Laws — Ray Twombly Field Day—(name changed to Equipment Show Committee)— Jim Kaczenski. His duty will be to coordinate equipment demonstrations at monthly meetings within the following guidelines: 1. No demonstrations at Invitational or Championship 2. Demonstrations to be at discretion of Host. Alton Moore had to resign his board position. In his place, Victor Cedrone was appointed to fill the term of office. The following members were approved for membership: John Coly—Class C—CB Dolge Company Alex Praslick—Class B—Siwanoy C.C. Peter DeRolo—Class B—Old Oaks C.C. GSCAA: Delegates to the GCSAAA Conference in Portland are: Voting Delegate, Ron Boydston; Advisory Committee Delegate, Mike Maffei. Tee to Green We are now lining up our advertisers for the coming 1977 year. We plan to issue the Tee to Green 10 times. The issues will be Jan.-Feb., March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, Nov.-Dec. If you are interested in our Advertising rates and schedule, please contact the editor at Box 37, Rye, New York. Happy Holidays to you all and sincere Best Wishes in the New Year President Garry Crothers giving gavel to incoming President Edward C. Horton. SOME OF DR. RALPH ENGEL’S COMMENTS ON GREENS FERTILIZATION by Ted Horton Dr. Ralph Engel reviewed his preferences for nitrogen fertilization of greens at the recent New Jersey Turfgrass Exposition held at Cherry Hill, New Jersey. His opinion is always respected and certainly merits a brief summarization as food for thought. While preparing next year’s fertility program, consider the following comments made by Dr. Engel: 1. use the minimum amount of nitrogen that will do the job. 2. do not push the grass in early spring. Use a balanced fertilizer of N P K in late April or early May just at the beginning of seedhead formation. 3. from late May until the middle of August, use an organic fertilizer such as Milorganite, applying it one to four times per month as weather permits. 4. do not apply any nitrogen in late August if the growth and turf cover is good at this time. 5. if you favor dormant fertilization, do not use the slow release products. Applications of urea appear to better suppress encroachment of Poa annua. PALMER MAPLES, JR. SELECTED AS NEW GCSAA DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION Palmer Maples, Jr., Decatur, Georgia, will be the new Director of Education of GCSAA, Conrad Scheetz, GCSAA Executive Director, has announced. Maples will join the Headquarters staff in December, following his resignation as golf course superintendent of The Standard Club in Atlanta. In making the announcement, Scheetz said, “After an extensive investigation of candidates nationwide we are thoroughly satisfied that Palmer will enhance the Association’s ability to provide meaningful educational opportunities for its members and the profession. He brings to the position a sound academic background, valuable practical knowledge and experience in the field of golf course management and a thorough understanding of the Association’s structure and activities.” METROPOLITAN GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION RESEARCH FUND REPORT We would again like to thank all those clubs and individuals who gave to the Research Fund for the Hyperodes Weevil and Dung Beetle. We will again be asking for your support in 1977. You will shortly receive a complete report as to what the findings were in 1976. Each contributing club and contributor will receive a Financial statement also. We would like to apologize for leaving off the list two contributors in our September issue, Huntington Crescent Club in Long Island and Dr. Andrew Virtuoso. The following is the complete list of clubs and contributors. A total of 37 clubs and 40 individuals and commercial firms help make this a success. Clubs: Ridgeway Country Club Rockrimmon Country Club The Apawamis Club Piping Rock Club The Ardsley Country Club Blind Brook Club Rockland Country Club Bonnie Briar Country Club Round Hill Club Brae Burn Country Club St. Andrews Golf Club Scarsdale Golf Club Burning Tree Country Club Silver Springs Country Club Century Country Club Shore Haven Golf Club Country Club of Darien Sleepy Hollow Country Club Elmwood Country Club Sterling Farms Club Fenway Country Club Sunningdale Country Club Fresh Meadow Country Club Waccabuc Country Club Garden City Golf Club Wee Burn Country Club Huntington Crescent Club Innis Arden Country Club Westchester Country Club Whippoorwill Club Knollwood Country Club Winged Foot Golf Club Metropolis Country Club Old Oaks Country Club Wood way Country Club Quaker Ridge Country Club Wykagyl Country Club Individual Class A, B & C Members: Garry Crothers Robert DePencier Charles Martineau Robert Alonzi Allan Tretera Mike Maffei Richard Gonyea Sherwood Moore Edward Horton Terry Boles Dan Verrille Louis Verrille Angelo Gagliardo Joe Camberato Michael Dale Roger Harmonay Ted Jozwick Edward Consolati Robert Capstick Tony Savone Benjamin Zukosky A1 Moore Thomas A. Grywalski Michael Jacques Robert Phipps Thomas F. Grywalski Gene Grady Phil Santucci Roger King Richard Allen John Wistrand Tony Grasso Bill Somers John Corsi Paul Caswell Vic Cedrone Metro Milorganite Dr. Andrew Virtuoso Research Committee Sherwood Moore, Chairman, Woodway Garry Crothers, Apawamis Charles Martineau, Whippoorwill Mel Lucas, Jr., Garden City Dr. A.V. Virtuoso, Whippoorwill Roger J. King, Quaker Ridge JOB OPENINGS: Cherry Valley Golf Club 4th Street and Rockaway Road Garden City, L.1.11530 Send resume: Mr. Gordon Baker 18 holes private club automatic irrigation salary open Philadelphia Cricket Club Philadelphia, Penn. private club 18 holes (9 holes at a different location) grounds crew—12 full time and 9 part time annual maintenance budget $250,000 prefer college degree in agronomy Send resume: James V. Hazlett, Jr. Philadelphia Cricket Club 425 West Willow Grove Ave. Philadelphia, Pa. 19118 Please refer to the G.C.S. A. A. Code of Ethics before making application for these positions. CORNELL TO EVALUATE THE TURFGRASS INDUSTRY OF NEW YORK STATE by Ted Horton At the New York Turgrass Association—Cornell Conference in Albany, New York, Carl Gortzig from Cornell University reported that the University was planning to survey the Turfgrass Industry of New York State. Results be formulated by computer analysis of Land Use Inventories available from the U.R.T.S. Satellites. The information is expected to be comprehensive and will hopefully, provide a firm basis to help improve the outlook toward Turfgrass Research and Development at Cornell University. A first at the Invitational this year, a woman player on a team! Left to right: Superintendent Dick Allen, Mrs. Leo Stern, Lee Steiner, Golf Professional Dale Steaton. TWIN SURVEYS TO HIGHLIGHT 1977 PRESIDENTS COUNCIL EFFORT The MGA Presidents Council will use the coming year to restructure it program effort. Several significant changes and innovations are contemplated at this time. The first of these will be the initiation of two annual surveys in the areas of golf course maintenance and general club operations. The two surveys will be distributed this coming January to all MGA Member Clubs. Tabulated results from the questionnaires will be made available to participating clubs on or near March 1st and will be discussed and analyzed at the first seminar of the year, scheduled for May 11th at the Sleepy Hollow Country Club. The next important step will be for the Council to formalize the screening and preparation process used to prepare seminars for presentation to Member Club representatives. Basically, the Committee is attempting to move from a nine week lead-time format to one that will cover six to eight months. Also, it will be required that all future seminar presentations be submitted to the Council in writing for approval. The first program which will realize the benefits of this extra attention will be the 1977 Fall Seminar, to be held at the Rye Town Hilton Inn. This seminar will feature six separate conferences, each dealing with one aspect of club operations. Further details regarding all Presidents Council programs will be distributed to our Member Clubs throughout the year. GCSAA’S 48th TURF CONFERENCE READIED FOR PORTLAND The Golf Course Superintendents Association of America will sponsor its 48th International Turfgrass Conference and Show February 6-11 in Portland, Oregon. With over 150 companies filling exhibit space of 100,800 square feet in the $8-million Portland Memorial Coliseum and Exhibit Hall, a record-breaking attendance of over 5,000 persons is expected. “Turfgrass Management: A Synergistic Approach” is the theme of the conference, and its education program will focus on the interdependence and interrelationship among the many parts of golf course management. A total of 70 speakers from universities, industry, government and the ranks of the Association itself will present the most up-to-date information in the world of turfgrass management. Heywood Hale Broun, famed sports writer and CBS television sports essayist and commentator, will be the keynote speaker of the conference. He will speak on “The Role of Big Games in Society.” Prior to the official opening of the conference, the Association will once again hold Certification and Recertifica­ tion examinations and a series of seminars on landscaping, management, pesticides and turfgrass nutrition. Other features of the week-long event are the association’s annual meeting and election, tours of Portland-area golf courses, tours of the Oregon grass seed industry, a ladies’ program and social events during the week. Also, the 1977 GCSAA Golf Tournament will be February 3 and 4 at three courses on the Monterey Peninsula in California, including the prestigious Spyglass Hill layout. For further information, contact GCSAA Headquarters, 1617 St. Andrews Drive, Lawrence, Kansas 66044, (913) 841-2240. Credit: News Letter, November 1976 IS YOUR FERTILIZER WORKING? Michigan; A Patch o f Green GCSA Newsletter Are your fertilizers working? Maybe you should read the following: Nitrogen transformations in soil as affected by the fungicides benomyl, dyrenet and maneb. A.R. Mazur and T.D. Huges, University of Illinois, Department of Horticulture. Agronomy Journal Vol. 67 (6) pp. 755-758. In this study the objective was to determine the effect of benomyl (Tersan 1991), dyrene and maneb (Dithane M-22 and Tersan LSR) upon the conversion of nitrogen in the soil from NH4+ (ammonium) to N03- (nitrate). Nitrate is the form of nitrogen thought to be most readily utilized by the grass plant. Most slow release fertilizers initially release the nitrogen as NH4+, and it must be converted by Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter bacteria to the utilizable N03- form. Therefore, primary interest was in the effect of the fungicides upon nitrification (conversion of NH4+ to N03-). High rates similar to those that might be found over a seasons application of benomyl, dyrene and maneb produced varying effects upon the rate of conversion of NH4+ to N02(nitrate) and N03-. Benomyl applications had relatively little effect upon the rate of nitrification, and 4 weeks after application absolutely no effect was evident. Dyrene inhibited nitrification more than benomyl. Ammonium (NH4+) conversion was significantly reduced by all rates of application of dyrene. At the high rate of dyrene application it took 8 weeks to convert the applied NH4 to (N02-+ No3-). Whereas with benomyl and plots receiving no fungicide the comparable rate allowed complete conversion of NH4+ in 2 weeks. Maneb produced the greatest effect upon nitrification causing conversion of the applied NH4+ to N03- to not be complete 16 weeks after fungicide application. Maneb completely blocked nitrification. From a practical standpoint these data might explain intermittent chlorosis noted after heavy applications o f maneb to turf. These fungicides may create chlorosis by effectively blocking nitrification and decreasing the supply of N03available to the plant. This slight chlorosis is acceptable from a practical standpoint because the fungicides provide very effective disease control. Much fine research is being conducted on turfgrass throughout the United States in an attempt to increase our general understand of how cultural, climatic, edaphic and geographic factors influence the turfgrass plant. Continuous support of turfgrass research is essential to achieving increased understanding of the complex workings of nature. USS Vertagreen 17-0-8 with B alan ... We’ll help you weed and feed! Vertagreen Fertilizer For Professional Turf with Balan 17-0-8 Your local USS Vertagreen distributor has a proven fertilizer for professional turf that performs two jobs at once. USS Vertagreen 17-0-8 with Balan gives your fair­ ways a healthy shot of quick­ acting nitrogen —and the supply continues because 25% of the nitrogen is derived from ureaformaldehyde. It also controls Poa Annua, crabgrass, goose grass, water grass and foxtail — thanks to Balan, the highly effec- tive pre-emergence herbicide. This versatile and economical product contains sulfate of potash for lush, green color and is rounded out with vital secondary and micro-nutrients including chelated iron. USS Vertagreen with Balan is another reason we say, “ see the best, for the best” —and that’s your local Vertagreen distributor. He can help you weed and feed. Agri-Chemicals Best Products! / Best People! Division of United States Steel P.O. Box 1685, Atlanta, Ga. 30301 trademark r. t V P S.POSTAGE sClWrVs---------- 9 = 13 PB M.G.C.S.A. Box 37 Rye, New York 10580 First Class M E L V I N B LUCAS JR GARDEN C I T Y GOLF CLUB 3 I 5 STEWART AVE GARDEN C I T Y NY 11510 Emanuel S k e m m GREENHOUSE Horticulturist NURSERIES One Stop Wholesale Center FRAM FILTERS T RC PRODUCTS Distributors of • • • • • • • • • EVERGREENS • TREE STAKES FLOWERING TREES • RAILROAD TIES • MULCHES SHADETREES GROUND COVERS • CONTAINER MATERIAL PRAIRIE FILM • TURF CHEMICALS FLAGSTONE • GRAVELS FENCING • GRASS SEED FIR a PINE BARK • HOLLYTONE A D-S-DRAINAGE SYSTEMS W eather HAHN TURF EQUIPMENT HESSTON TURF EQUIPMENT HOMELITE CONST. EQUIPMENT matic. Lawn Sprinkler Systems Saf-T-Lawn Lawn Sprinkler Systems EMANUEL SHEMIN - HORTICULTURIST MARVEL PRODUCTS LUBRICATING EQUIPMENT THE REICHERT COMPANY 1081 KING STREET, BOX 64, GLENVILLE STATION GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT06830 (203)531 7352 (914) 937-4644 □ Chipco Spot Kleen □ Chipco M icrogreen Liquid □ Chipco Turf H erbicide “D ’ □ Chipco Spreader Activator Chipco® Thiram 75 □ Chipco® Crab Kieen Chipco® Turf H erbicide M CPP □ Chipco® Buctril® □ Chipco® Turf Kleen □ □ PHONE (203) 661-1816 RES (203)637-2958 MAIL P.O. BOX 59 COS COB, CT. 06807 CHIPCO protects your turf from the world’s toughest critic... The golfer |