•TS Jan./Feb. 1980 Published monthly by the Metropolitan Golf Course Superintendents Association February 26 MGCSA MEETING Date: Place: Host Supt.: Lunch: Directions: Thursday, January 24th Rye Golf Club Rye, New York Dick Gonyea 12:00 Luncheon Meeting NOTE: Call Dick Gonyea at 914-835-3204 for meal count. From North—take 95 to Playland, Rye Exit first right access to Old Post Rd. turn right to Boston Post Rd.; Vi mile to Golf Club on left. South—Rt. 95, exit 12A to Rt. 1. South 2 miles to Golf Club. Also, Route 287; get off Exit 11 to Route 1, right turn to Mamaroneck, Golf Club 2 miles on left. Please volunteer your club! ! January 22 January 24 January 25 January 30 February 17-22 COMING EVENTS CAGCS Turfgrass Seminar, Holiday Inn of Hartford, Ct. MGCSA Business Meeting, Rye Golf Club USGA Green Section Conference, Ritz-Carlson, Chicago Annual Turf & Landscape Conference, Tappan Zee Inn, Tarrytown GCSAA Conference & Show, St. Louis, Mo. February 26-29 March 4-6 March 18 June 12-15 June 26-29 m Vol X, No. 1 4th Annual Shemin Nurseries Trade Show Civic Center, Old Greenwich Penn State Turfgrass Conference, Hershey, Pa. Univ. of Massachusetts Turf Conference, Springfield Civic Center USGA Green Section Regional Meeting, Westchester Country Club U.S. Open, Baltusrol Golf Club, Springfield, N. J. First U.S. Senior Open Championship, Winged Foot Golf Club MGCSA NEWS At the MGCSA Annual Meeting held at the Rye Golf Club on November 20th, the following officers and directors were elected: Officers: President: Robert Alonzi Vice-President: Michael Maffei Secretary: Paul Caswell Treasurer: Sherwood Moore Directors: Dennis Flynn: Two year term Pat Lucas: Two year term Mark Millett: Two year term Past President: Ted Horton President Alonzi has appointed Dick Allen to fill the re­ maining vacancy on the Board of Directors. December 14th was the date and Brae Burn Country Club was the place for the MGCSA Christmas Party. Chairman Bill Caputi saw that it was an enjoyable evening for all. Our thanks to Bill, A1 Caravella and everyone at Brae Burn C.C. Bob Alonzi suffered a broken ankle in a mishap at the club. He’s home, resting comfortably now. Happy healing!!! Metro Milorganite has donated a gift of $1,000 to the New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences through the N.Y.S. Turfgrass Association. Of this money, $375 has been credited to Dr. Martin Petrovic’s turf research program, $375 has been credited to Dr. Richard Smiley’s turf disease re­ search, and $250 has been credited to Dr. Haruo Tashiro’s in­ sect research program. This is lieu of Christmas Gifts. At the MGCSA Board of Directors meeting held at the Fairview Country Club on December 7th, the following ap- POSITION OPEN Golf Course Superintendent EDITORIAL STAFF Pat Lucas, Co-Editor Office 203-637-3210 Home 203-637-3939 Office 914-967-6000 Home 914-937-3613 Ted Horton, Co-Editor OFFICERS President ................................. Robert Alonzi, Fairview Country Club North Hills Country Club North L.I.E., Manhasset, LI, N.Y. Contact: Mr. Arthur Russell, Manager—516-627-9100 Benefits: Blue Cross/Blue Shield (Major Medical), house Salary: negotiable upon experience GCSAA & local dues paid WANTED TO BUY Used Rototiller either PTO or self propelled Call Bob Alonzi—914-531-8910 Office 203-531-8910; Home 914-531-1930 Vice-President.............Michael Maffei, Back of Beyond Golf Course Office 914-279-7179; Home 914-279-7895 Secretary ................................. Paul Caswell, Greenwich Country Club Office 203-869-1000; Home 203-661-8949 Treasurer........................... Sherwood Moore, Winged Foot Golf Club Office 914-698-2827; Home 203-322-0004 Reprint permission is hereby authorized providing credit is given to Tee to Green . . . unless author states otherwise. Publication deadline for Tee to Green is 21 days before the regular meeting. plications were acted upon: Voted A Member Dave Enos Burning Tree Club Voted A Member Sabato Auterino Blind Brook Club Voted B Member Winged Foot G.C. David Dwinell Stephen Kotowicz Pro Lawn Products Voted C Member Dennis DeSanctis The Terre Company Voted C Member Welcome to the MGCSA! Terry Mulligan has been selected our voting delegate to the GCSAA Conference in St. Louis. Dave Marmelstein is the al­ ternate delegate. This winter is seeing some position changes in our area. John Traynor resigned as Superintendent of Westchester Country Club to begin his own exterminating business. Ted Horton resigned as Superintendent of Winged Foot Golf Club to take over at Westchester Country Club. Sherwood Moore is resigning as superintendent of Woodway Country Club to go back to Winged Foot after some 12 year absence. Sherwood tells me that the position at Woodway is open and interested applicants should write to Mr. Albert Brown, President and Green Chairman at Woodway Country Club, Inc., 412 Hoyt St., Darien, Conn. 06820. Woodway has auto­ matic irrigation and housing is provided. News from Pinehurst has it that Bob DePencier has been promoted to Director of Horticulture & Turf Grass Manage­ ment while Vic Cedrone has been promoted to Golf Course Manager of Pinehurst, Inc. —Pat Lucas, Editor WELFARE: Please contact any member of the Welfare Com­ mittee regarding any hospitalizations, etc. of members of the MGCSA; Dennis Flynn (914) 636-8700; Pat Lucas (203) 6373210; Peter Rapoccio (203) 438-6720. JOB OPPORTUNTIES Fairview Country Club is looking for a Caddie Master and a Golf Cart Attendant For further details call: Manager Drew Campbell—203-531-6200 THANK YOU FROM TEE TO GREEN We’d like at this time to thank those who contributed articles, bits of news, etc. in 1979 and to encourage everyone to participate in our newsletter during 1980. Frank Paladino Dick Allen Dennis Petruzzelli Bob Alonzi Gus Powell Sabato Autorino Steve Puvogel Dave Dwinell Peter Rappoccio Kevin McClintock Denzil Rice Mark Millett Pat Vittum Louis Mytych John Wistrand Bob Lippman It’s Playable Rated First for: Q U A L IT Y ^ / D EN SITY ^ W EA R TO LE R A N C E SH ADE TO LE R A N C E "^U sed straight or mixed with other elite bluegrasses, your turf problems are all but sol­ ved. Highly disease and drought resistant and it can be mowed down to 1/2 inch...ideal from the tee to the green. , Available as Sodf Sod Blend Sod Plugs and Seed. TfJcwietU TURF NURSERY, INC. / R.R. 1 - Box 240-D (Lower & Gardnerville Roads) New Hampton, New York 10958 (914) 355-6162 CONNECTICUT PESTICIDE UPDATE Recently, Stephen W. Hitchcock, Director of the Hazardous Materials Management Unit of the Department of Enviromental Protection, advised me of some changes of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies. These regula­ tions were recently approved by the legislature and may affect some of our members. Specifically, these would be: Section 22a-66-3 Applications of Pesticides (new) Section 22a-66-5 Certification and licensing of Applicators (new) Section 22a-66-6 Permits (new) Section 22a-66-7 Aircraft Application (new) Complete copies of these regulations can be obtained by writing to the Department at the the State Office Building in Hartford, Ct. 06115. —Pat Lucas Something To Think About . . . WORK There is a time for all things, a time to work and a time to play, we shall work all the better for reasonable change, and one reward of work is to secure leisure. —John Lubbock CONNECTICUT ASSOCIATION OF GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS 1980 Turfgrass Seminar Tuesday, January 22,1980 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. $10.00 per person (lunch included) Holiday Inn of Hartford, 50 Morgan Street, Hartford, Ct. (junction of routes 84 and 91) Free Parking Available SPEAKERS/TOPICS Dr. Joseph Troll—University of Massachusetts “Research Projects and Findings at UMass” Dr. Richard Skogley—University of Rhode Island “Grass Varieties and Their Uses'" Dr. Richard Smiley—Cornell University “Effects o f Fungicides on Non-Target Soil Organisms” Dr. Stephen Hitchcock—State of Connecticut Pesticide Compliance Department “Pesticide and Regulations Update99 Dr. Ron Weseloh—Conn. Agricultural Experiment Station “Gypsy Moth Status in Connecticut ” Call Bruce Cadenelli—203-838-4960 or Peter Rappoccio—203-438-6720 by 1/18/80 for reservation SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS turf products corporation Route 6 - Stony Hill • Bethel, Connecticut 06801 • (203) 748-4445 1496 John Fitch Boulevard • South Windsor, Connecticut 06074 • (203) 289-3471 ra^uü ~£>eJoes R oger M orhardt T URF E q uipm ent M y e rs TORO. Y our T urf E quipment A nd I rrigation S upplier TURF VAC iB-fflB M ark L oper I rrig atio n D ivision TURFGRASS INDUSTRY PREPARES FOR ST. LOUIS SHOW The world’s largest display of turfgrass maintenance equip­ ment will be exhibited in the Cervantes Convention and Ex­ hibition Center, St. Louis, February 19-21, 1980. This trade show, sponsored by the Golf Course Superin­ tendents Association of America, will bring turf industry representatives from all parts of the world to St. Louis to display their equipment and supplies. The exhibition will feature millions of dollars worth of maintenance equipment and supplies for the entire turfgrass management industry. These exhibits, in conjunction with the GCSAA conference educational program, are designed to familiarize turfgrass specialists with new methods, products and equipment that can contribute to more efficient main­ tenance practices. Many manufacturers also introduce their new products to the industry at this show. Monday, February 18th is designated as Distributor’s Day, and dealers will have an opportunity to preview the show before it is opened to the public. The ribbon-cutting ceremony which officially opens the show is scheduled for 9 a.m. Tuesday. The exhibits are open Tuesday and Wednesday, February 19 and 20, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Thursday, February 21, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Daily show passes may be purchased for $10. This year the exhibits will occupy nearly 70,000 net square feet of space in the new Cervantes Convention and Exhibition Center in St. Louis. As a result of a recent downtown con­ struction and renovation effort, St. Louis has become one of the most attractive convention cities in the nation. The 51st International Turfgrass Conference and Show is expected to draw more than 6,500 visitors, including golf course superintendents, architects and builders; city park and recreation personnel, cemetery and lawn care industry pers­ onnel; school facility supervisors and turfgrass managers from all over the world. RECEIVED FROM ANN REILLY, EXECUTIVE SECRETARY OF NYS TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION: By now many of you have heard that the College of Agricul­ ture and Life Sciences at Cornell University is in the midst of a personnel shake-up, the ramifications of which are not entirely clear. At least one proposal has the potential to seriously weaken the turf program, that proposal being the diversion of 50% of Dr. Richard Smiley’s time away from the turf field. By implication, the significance of the turf industry in this state is such that it does not merit the full time of an individ­ ual of Dr. Smiley’s stature. If you disagree with this premise and feel that you are part of a broad and economically im­ portant industry, join the representative organization of the industry, the New York State Turfgrass Association. The alternative is to remain entirely regionalized with each local organization carrying out activities pertinent only to its locale and having no particular influence upon the decisions which will inevitably affect the industry as a whole. Sincerely, New York State Turfgrass Association Thomas Strain, President Sherwood Moore, Treasurer of the MGCSA presenting Research donation to Dr. Martin Petrovic of Cornell University at the N.Y.S. Turfrass Conference in Syracuse. MGCSA Officers for 1980: (l./r.) Bob Alonzi, President; Sherwood Moore, Treasurer; Mike Maffei, Vice-President; and Paul Caswell, Secretary. MGCSA Christmas Party: Linda Veltini and Mary Millett assisting Chairman Bill Caputi with door prizes. Chuck Martineau, Chairman of the Nominating Committee at the annual meeting as President Bob Alonzi looks on. MGCSA Directors for 1980: (l./r.) Peter Rappoccio, Dennis Flynn, Bob Alonzi, Pat Lucas, Mike Maffei, Ted Horton, Paul Caswell and Sherwood Moore. BEARD COLLECTION Pat Lucas, Editor 87 Tomac Avenue Old Greenwich, Conn. 06870 First Class MELVIN B LUCAS JR A PIPING ROCK CLUB LOCUST VALLEY NY 11560 Vertagreen A product for all reasons Vertagreen >Balan offers pre-emergence control of Poa Annua, crabgrass, goose grass, water grass and foxtail. I Uniform particles flow smoothly, spread evenly. Fertilizer For Professional Turf with Balan 17-0-8 >One-fourth the nitrogen is Urea-Formaldehyde. >Contains secondary and micro-nutrients. ® Agri-Chemicals Division of United States Steel P.O. B o x 1685 Atlanta, G e o r g i a 30301