EDITORIAL SAPSE We were made aware recently that Transformation has been approved as a subsidy-earning journal under the SAPSE funding system. The accreditation has been back-dated to 1989 (issue No 9). In view of the possible implications of this development, the editors believe that it would be ap- propriate to remind readers, and especially potential con- tributors, of the original purpose of the journal. Transformation was established in order to provide an outlet for discussion and debate that would contribute towards an appreciation of the forces that are shaping South African society, as well as to understand the potential for its transfor- mation. It was intended particularly to consider, both histori- cally and currently, the class nature of South African society; political, cultural and ideological domination in all its ramifications; the constitution of the state and its potential for reform; the process of capital accumulation and the economic consequences of crisis; and the political options available to the different classes. These considerations and concerns will continue to guide our editorial policy and decision-making. SUBSCRIPTION RATES We would also like to notify readers that new subscription rates will apply from next year (1991). For local individual subscribers rates will increase from R18 to R22 for four issues; foreign rates will go up by an equivalent amount in dollars or pounds. However, current subscribers can renew or extend their present subscriptions at the old rate, provided this is done before the end of this year (1990).