TRANS TRANSFORMATION is a South African journal serving as a forum for analysis and debate about th1s 0016 a s ^ nd the surrounding region. TRANSFORMATION will consider the class nature of South African society; political cultural and ideological domination and struggle in all its ramifications; the constitution of the state and its potential for reform; the process of capital accumulation and the economic consequences of crisis; and the political options available to the different classes in the region. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (4 ISSUES) Southern United Kingdom North America Africa (Sterling) (US dollars) Airmail Surface Airmail Surface Individuals RIO.00 14.00 10.00 $20.00 $14.00 Institutions R20.00 28.00 24.00 $40.00 $34.00 Single issues R 3.50 4.50 3.50 $ 6.50 $ 5.00 Third World subscriptions on request. Contributions and subscriptions to be sent to: TRANSFORMATION, c/o Economic History, University of Natal, King George V Ave, Durban 4001 Subscription to TRANSFORMATION: rate from number Name: Address: TWO BOOKS Resistance atvJ Culture Qabula, Hlaishwayo and Malange are familiar names in Natal'i worker movement. They are increasingly becom- ing familiar names nationwide as their reputation as "Worker izimbongi" is spreading with every major issue in the country. By now thousands of people have witness- ed their powerful oral poetry at mass-meetings and at worker and community gatherings. They are pan and parcel of an exciting and militant cultural movement which is daily becoming central to the lives of working people in South Africa: indeed, a "Black Mamba Rising" in dignity. This book gather's together Qabula's, Hlatshwayo's and Malange's poetry from the beginnings of 1984 to the launch of COSATU in November 1985, it captures the oral peotry from the time Qabula started wandering through worker gatherings with his "Praise Poem to Fosatu" to the time when he and HIauhwayo orated their joint composition, Tcan of a Cnlor. In between these two major compositions, the poems here, sometimes in short and harsh lines, sometimes in complei Nguni symbolism, capture the power, the commitment and the pride of the progressive labour movement. Price - R6. This book looks at the history of Indian workers from 1860 to the present. It tries to show hew the actions of the bosses and the laws of the goverrnent have created and reinforced divisions between Indian and African workers. There were tines when the workers were able to unite together, but more often Indian and African Markers were Involved In separate struggles. In the days of early Industry Indian workers were •dlltant and orjauilsed. The bosses then used African workers against Indian workers.Today, in the 1980's, it Is the African workers who have cote together in strong unions and a militant federation, GOSATU. Host Indian workers are not involved in these unions. These experiences are looked a t , and where possible this is done through the words of workers and oropnlsers who try to understand the divisions and the way forward to unity. P r i c e R4.50 Worker R e s i s t a n c e and Culture P u b l i c a t i o n s , Department of S o c i o l o g y , U n i v e r s i t y o f N a t a l , King George V Avenue, Durban. 4 0 0 1 . P l e a s e send Name Address MULTICOPY Durban